All these things are part of the myths of modernity. The reality is quite
different. The idea that the medievals though that the earth was flat is
larguely a myth, as true as the fact that now a fair amount of the people
in the world believe that Man has not been in the Moon. Inquisition, for
example, and the burning of withches was a phenomenon of the early modern
age not from the middle age, where woman had quite more freedon,  The
popular ideas about the medieval era are based in prejudices that are part
of the essence of modernity, which has the need of the existence of a "dark
age" (the "Middle Age") and a Golden age (The ancient age) for its
existence. the mytical tree stages in history is part of this gnostic
elaboration invented by Joachim de Fiore. Since them all ideological
creations, including the modern division of history had three stages.

2013/1/24 meekerdb <>

>  On 1/24/2013 8:33 AM, Richard Ruquist wrote:
> This is exactly what happened to Islam in the 1300s.
> After the fundamentalists took over, rationality was dispensed with,
> and centuries of scientific progress were deemed sufficient for Islam
> for all time. And so it seems that Islam went from world leadership in
> science to where it is today.
> Fortunately the same did not happen to the Christians. But based on
> John's comments, I wonder why not.
> But it did happen.  The Greeks already knew the Earth was a sphere, how
> far away and how big the Sun was.  They had a speculative idea of
> biological evolution.  They had the concept of atoms and how all matter
> might be constructed from just a few basic components in different
> combinations.  Aristotle was an empiricist.  If it had not been for the
> early Church's emphasis on faith, dogma, and rationalism, science would be
> centuries more advanced.
> Brent
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