On 15 Jan 2014, at 09:44, LizR wrote:

On 15 January 2014 21:34, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
On 14 Jan 2014, at 22:29, Terren Suydam wrote:
condescending dismissal in 3... 2... 1...

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 4:27 PM, LizR <lizj...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 15 January 2014 06:53, Edgar L. Owen <edgaro...@att.net> wrote:

See my response to Brent on consciousness of an hour ago. It answers this question...

Actually to answer your question properly you have to define 'person', what you mean by an 'AI' and what you mean by a 'simulation'. In the details of those definitions will be your answer... It's arbitrary and ill formed as asked....

Yeah, unlike waffle about "it's really real because it's real in the real actual world, really, because I say so" (insert eye- rolling emoticon here)

OK, let's say we simulate you in a virtual world. Or, to get a particular scenario, let's assume some aliens with advanced technology turned up last night and scanned your body, and created a computer model of it. We won't worry about subtleties like substitution levels and whether "you" are actually duplicated in the process. It's enough for the present discussion that the simulated Edgar feels it's you, believes it's you, thinks its you, and appears to have a body like yours which it can move around, just as you do, in a world just like the one you're living in (they have also modelled the Earth and its surroundings. Using nanotechnology they can do all this inside a relatively small space). The simulated Edgar will think just like you, assuming your thoughts are, in fact, the product of computation in your brain, and it has your memories, because the aliens were able to model the part of your brain that stores them.

So, sim-Edgar wakes up the next morning and believes himself to be earth-Edgar.

Would he know, or discover at some point, that he's a simulation in a virtual world, and if so, how?

And the answer is "yes, he would know that, but not immediately".

So it would not change the indeterminacy, as he will not immediately see that he is in a simulation, but, unless you intervene repeatedly on the simulation, or unless you manipulate directly his mind, he can see that he is in a simulation by comparing the comp physics ("in his head") and the physics in the simulation.

I'm not sure I understand. Suppose the simulation has the same physics as the (allegedly) real world? Or are you saying that isn't possible?

Yes, it is not possible. The simulation is the product of finite program. The "real physics" is brought by the 1p-indeterminacy applied to an infinity of programs, which are all the universal machines which makes a computation (or more than one) leading to your current state.

This astonish many people, because they feel that this contradict the dream argument. But the dream argument only shows that you cannot know that you are awake. It does not show that you cannot know that you are dreaming. Same with the simulation. To fail a machine on this needs an infinite work.

On the subject of interventions, if the Bible is to be believed (and I have it on good authority that it should :) then we are definitely living in a simulation, because there were a lot of interventions - or at least tweaks to the software! - a few thousand years ago.

IF the bible needs to be believed, which I (and you) are doubting, I hope. No need of the bible, though, QM, is, for a computationalist a strong evidence that we are in the "bottom" simulation, made by the TOE ontology. Everett, in particular confirms this and the first person plural nature of physics. That is why I dare to explain the consequence of comp: physicists have already found the most starling one (the MW).

The simulation is locally finite, and the comp-physics is necessarily infinite (it emerges from the 1p indeterminacy on the whole UD*), so, soon or later, he will bet that he is in a simulation (or that comp is wrong).

An interesting answer! I wonder what Brent will say.

Yes, and Terren.

How would one experience this - how would I know that I am in a finite simulation, if it happens to be large enough (maybe it simulates the Hubble sphere?)

In Simulacron III, by Daniel Galouye, the guy discovers that he is in a simulation due to some bug in it, and then by being unable to quit the "city" (as the simulation simulates only one city!).

But such discoveries are not done by only the first person experience (if that was the case, the dream argument, and step 6, would be invalid). It is discovered by some work, which basically consists in testing the comp-physics, which is not entirely simulable. For example: if you test the random nature of spin, and discover that it is a pseudo-random, you know that you are not in the comp reality, (assuming comp => QM exactly), but in a higher level simulation.


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