On 28 Feb 2015, at 19:33, Samiya Illias wrote:

On 28-Feb-2015, at 11:00 pm, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

On 27 Feb 2015, at 12:56, Samiya Illias wrote:

Why don't you just call it One with a capital O

Because I use "One" for Plotinus first Hypostase. I use God, for the general notion, used by most philosophers and comparative theologians.

God / Allah (The Deity) are terms used for a being worthy of worship (loving obedience).

That might be true for those who meet God, and strictly speaking it go without saying. But it might lead to catastrophes when said by anyone, because you can't really name God so as to be clear about what to obey to. Cerfeul, as the trick is ,for some tyrant, to make believe he is the intermediate. That happens very often.

Does the One/God of Comp mean as such?

I suspect so, but with that important proviso, above.

From what I've gathered from your explanations, it simply points to an origin, not the Creator of the origin(s). Is that correct?

I would say that it points on the permanent immutable perfection, say, at the origin and end of all origins and ends. It is out of time and space, and explains the reason of the perception of origin, time, space, etc

I think "God" is more a semantic reason than an "origin". It is not omnipotent. Its perfection makes it unable to cope with many things, including matter. There is a trade-of between knowledge and ability to change/move. God can oscillate between knowing all things, but then unable to change anything, or forgetting and then being able to change and move.

But it is a very complex subject, and I am extrapolating probably too much. You might read the book by Brian Hines "Return to the One" (subtitled "Plotinus' guide To God-Realization"). It is not a scholar, but it fits rather well with the machine's talk, but to verify this we need to climb that Mountain, and if I remember well we are still learning lacing the shoes ....

About this, can you tell me if you have a idea of what a set is? And what a subset is? How many subsets has the set {0, 1}?

I hope you indulge my math teaching vocation ... For the greeks, mathematics is the preliminary study of theology.





On 27-Feb-2015, at 4:23 pm, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

On 26 Feb 2015, at 21:52, meekerdb wrote:

On 2/26/2015 3:09 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
Fro the greek, the existence of God is a quasi-triviality, because God, by definition, is the reality that we search. Then the real question is what is the nature of God? A person? A physical thing? A mathematical thing? A first principle, etc.

The Greeks had many concepts of the basis of reality which were not assumed to be gods, i.e. persons. Anaximander called it "aperion". From Wikipedia:

"Greek philosophy entered a high level of abstraction, adopting apeiron as the origin of all things, because it is completely indefinite. This is a further transition from the previous existing mythical way of thought to the new rational way of thought which is the main characteristic of the archaic period (8th-6th century BC)."

So I reiterate my objection that using "God" is not only obfuscating your avowed meaning it is also wrong to say it's what the Greeks meant by the basis of reality.

Yes, it is a key moment in the greek theology, where at the beginning, God was considered as finite, and the infinite was confused with the indefinite, and almost an insult. Later they make the infinite (apeiron) into a possible attribute of the ONE, and reserve the indefinite ofr the notion of bad, or matter.

If you don't like the term "God" I will use "Allah". The main point about God is that it has no name, so *any* name is wrong. I did not use God, except in a reply which has lead us to that infinite useless vocabulary discussion. God is just the most common quasi-name (pointer).

I made clear what I meant, and the important point is the coming back to the scientific attitude in theology, which is typically concerned with soul, afterlife, (re)incarnation, origin of universe, transcendence, truth, non-nameable, etc. It is the ONE of Parmenides and Plotinus, and it is not distinguishable from arithmetical truth, in case we are machine.

BTW, sometimes ago, you suggested here to promote my work to Templeton. How is that going?



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