On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 4:50 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

> ​> ​
> there will be only one 1-view from any of the two 3-1 p view

​Oh no​, now we have
the two 3-1 p view

> 3-JC is refers to the bodies which in this case are in the two cities.

​OK, or in non-peepee notation the objective actions of John Clark's body
or bodies.  ​

> ​> ​
> 3-1 refers to the subjecyive experience

​In non-peepee notation the subjective experience.  ​

>  >
> of frst person view

​That is redundant because the first person is the only type of subjective
experience ​there is.


> ​> ​
> ascribed to both bodies, which is different from the 1p view lived by the
> person attached to such bodies.

​I have no idea what that means and think your peepee notation really
sucks.. Ascribed by who? If it's the by a third person then the 3-1 view is
just the 3 view, and if it's the first person then the 3-1 view is just the
1 view.  ​

> ​> ​
> 1p are always single solitary

​t should be "1p is always solitary" but
​I think the idea and not just the grammar is wrong. I can't prove it but I
have a hunch that solipsism is untrue, so right now I think there are about
7.1 ​billion 1ps on planet earth and maybe more if animals are conscious
and many probably are.

> ​> ​
> In the math translation, eventually, we get a meta-definition of the
> 1p-you, more precise than "the one who remember .

​Regardless of how advanced the mathematics precision is not achieved if
the symbols used (like *the* 3-1you) don't mean anything.   ​

> ​>​
>  if you agree it bifurcates

​Of course I agree that the subjective experience​
​ when looking along the timeline in one direction, and it unites when
​looking along the opposite direction. And that is why personal identity
can only be defined by looking toward the past and not the future.

​> ​
> a simple reasoning (that we have done many times) shows that you are
> unable to predict the 1p outcomes of that bifurcation.

​Not true the outcome is perfectly predictable. The guy who intercepts a
photon from Moscow will ​turn into the guy who experiences Moscow and the
guy who intercepts a photon from
 will ​turn into the guy who experiences
​Washington. I honestly don't know what more needs to be predicted. ​

​>>  ​
>> ​I though you were the guy who kept saying that Everett's MWI was
>> deterministic.​
> ​> ​
> In the 3p view, but for the 1p (and here 1p-plural)
> ​ ​
> we have
> ​ [...]
​I REALLY don't understand your homemade peepee notation! You just said "
1p are always single solitary
​". ​

> ​> ​
> What your computational theory of mind fails to predict is the outcome of
> the result of pushing on the button from the first person perspective

​That is gibberish. In looking toward the future in a world with person
duplicating machines there is no such thing as *THE* the first person
perspective; such a term is only meaningful in looking toward the past
because things bifurcate going in one direction and converges going in
the opposite direction.

 John K Clark


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