On Mon, Oct 15, 2018 at 1:17 PM Philip Thrift <cloudver...@gmail.com> wrote:

*>As I have proposed, information processing alone will not lead to
> consciousness. Experience processing
> <https://codicalist.wordpress.com/2018/10/14/experience-processing/> must
> be the basis. *

An experience is not a simple thing so whatever produces it can't be simple
either. If it's complex then it must be made of parts. If even the parts
are complex then they must be made of sub-parts. If we continue doing this
then after a finite number of iterations we'll come to a part that can't
get any simpler because it can change in only one way, from a 1 to a 0 for
example. And we have arrived at information processing.

> *>So if one defines intelligence such that an entity can't be actually
> intelligent unless it is conscious, then all the AI work in the
> information-oriented paradigm today will never lead to actual intelligence.*

But computers have already lead to intelligence, unless you keep moving the
goalpost and define intelligence as whatever a computer can't do YET.

John K Clark

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