On Monday, January 20, 2020 at 2:00:36 PM UTC-7, Brent wrote:
> On 1/20/2020 5:10 AM, Alan Grayson wrote:
> I explained it several times. There's a singularity implied if it had a 
> start AND was infinite. If it's infinite, it never had a beginning or 
> start. AG 
> Why isn't a singularity implied if it had a start and was *finite*?  That 
> was exactly the standard argument for a supernatural beginning...something 
> (finite) from nothing was a violation of nature and reason.  You seem to be 
> stuck in Aristotelian philosophy. 

It's not something from nothing. Nothing to do with Aristotle. It's 
something from the Multiverse! No singularity if finite in spatial extent 
because an infinity not implied by an eruption of something small from 
something arbitrarily large. Of course, I have no idea why the eruption 
occurs. AG 

Physicist tend to use mathematics to cover a domain up to the point it 
> produces an infinity or infinitesimal and then just look at that as the end 
> of applicability...not a point to start drawing inferences from what 
> "infinity" implies.

Maybe they need to go to China and study at a "re-education" camp? AG 

> Brent

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