It's so much easier to slap a label on someone then to ask them why they are 
doing what they are doing.  The problem is that they don't see that the life 
force that is in humans is also in every other living being.  To them, cats are 
rocks.  They can't see beyond their own bare hide to the spirit inside the 
furry hide of a cat, wolf, dog, cow, sheep and other animals.  Even non furry 
beings have a right to live.  They can't seem to get the message that there's 
nothing crazy about caring about or for other individuals on this planet.  Lack 
of awareness is the basis for all racism, ageism and misogyny.  It's 
unfortunate that the brain is fast becoming a vestigial organ.  More soap from 
my soapbox.  

 From: "" <>
Cc: Lee Evans <> 
Sent: Sunday, June 3, 2012 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Fwd:  Cat shelters
That sounds like Lincoln County, Mo.  Everyone thinks I am crazy for having 7 
cats and actually taking them to the vet when they are ill.  And I let them 
come into the house!  My nickname around here is Crazy Cat Lady.  

---- Lee Evans <> wrote: 
> The problem here is that I'm in Texas.  Killing is the State Sport. 
> Unfortunately, most of the Animal Control Officers don't even know the new 
> rules, which include acceptance of TNR as a way to control outside cats.  
> They are still terrorizing people who have a small batch of backyard cats who 
> are spayed/neutered and have their rabies shots. They are counting these cats 
> in the 8 cat limit when the new code states specifically that they are NOT 
> included in the cat limit rule.  They recently reduced the number of 
> cats/dogs allowed to 8 from 10.  This makes no sense except when you realize 
> that they will now charge for an "excess animal permit".  Then it makes sense 
> to reduce the legal limit so that a number of people are now over the limit 
> and have to purchase the permit.  Nasty little tricks.  People who have 
> received a citation in the past for having over the permissible limit of 
> cats/dogs are prohibited from purchasing the permit.  More
>  nonsense. 

From: Kathryn Hargreaves <>
Sent: Sunday, June 3, 2012 5:28 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Fwd:  Cat shelters

I trimmed this so maybe it will go through. . .

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kathryn Hargreaves <>
Date: Sun, Jun 3, 2012 at 2:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Cat shelters

One approach you can take with the bosses (usually the city councils) of the 
pounds is to point out that the current staff is most likely permanently 
mentally damaged by participating in the old methods---much the way soldiers 
are by combat---and that they either need intensive (life-long?) counseling to 
change their attitudes, or retirement.   This I gleaned from HSUS' (not a big 
proponent of No Kill) book on compassion fatigue in the animal care community: 

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