Hai a Shiu\saidh agus a h-uile duine,

An toiseach, tha mi 'n do\chas gu bheil a h-uile duine gu math; cha chuala mi guth
bho dhuine sam bith o chionn fha\da. Chan urrainn dhomh facal ag ra\dh; cha do
sgri\obh mise o chionn fha\da na's motha....... :  (

First, I hope everybody on the list is well; I haven't heard a word from anyone for a
long time. I can't say a word; I haven't written for a long time either.......

ednsue wrote:

> Fhuair mi leabhar eile, "Eadar Peann Is Paipear" ach chan 'eil ti\de gu
> leo/r agam an dra\sda airson a leughadh.
> I got another book, "...." but I don't have enough time just now to read it.

Chunaic mi an leabhar sin, ach cha do leugh mi riamh e. Chula mi gu robh e math. Bha
leabhar eile agam, "Everyday Gaelic" le Mo\rag Nic Illeathain, agus bha e so\nraichte
math 'nam bheachd.

I saw that book, but I never read it. I heard it was good. I had another book, "..."
by Morag MacLean, and it was exceptionally good, I thought.

> Bha mi ann an Chico le mo nighean 's mo oghachan o chionn ghoirid.
> I was in Chico with my daughter and my grand-children recently.

Bheirinn geall gu robh iad toilichte 'gad fhaicinn!I bet they were happy to see you!

> Bha e deagh spo\rs a bh' ann, ach bha i ro theth cuideachd.
> It was a lot of fun, but it was too hot also.

Tha sinn gu math fortanach an seo. Tha na laithean bla\th gu leo\ir gun a bhith teth,
agus na h-oidhchean fionnar airson cadal. Tha an t-si\de a' co\rdadh rium glan.

We're quite fortunate here. The days are warm without being hot, and the nights are
cool for sleeping. The weather agrees with me completely.

> A bheil thu a' teagasg 'san t-samhradh seo?
> Are you teaching this summer?

Tho\iseach mi air teagaisg leth-thi\de Di-Luain seo chaidh. Bithidh mi a' teagaisg
la\n-thi\de feadh an Lunasdail. Bithidh mi ag obair leis an luchd-obraiche 'nuair
nach bi mi a' teagaisg, agus is toigh leam an suidheachadh sin math gu leo\ir.

I started teaching half-time last Monday. I'll be teaching full time throughout
August. I'll be working with the labourers ( maintenance crew  -- haven't got a
Gaelic phrase/word for that! ) when I'm not teaching, and I like that situation well

Bithidh thu-fhe/in air saor-laithean a nis, nach bi? Shaoilinn gum biodh feum agad
orra. Tha aimsir na sgoile fa\da gu leo\ir!  De/ na h-i\rean a tha thu a' teagaisg
ann an sgoil?

You're on holidays now, aren't you? I would think you could use them. The school term
is long enough! What grades do you teach in school?

> Gabhaibh mo leisgeul airson mo mhearachdan.  Chan 'eil m' inntinn ro
> shoilleir fhathast, ach tha e nas fhea\rr.
> Excuse me for my mistakes.  My mind is not too clear yet, but it is better.

Tha mi gle/ thoilichte sin a leughadh. Bu dhoirbh an rathad a bh' agad, agus tha mi
am fi\or dho\chas gum bi esan a' fa\s na's fhasa agus thusa na's fhea\rr amoch a seo.

I'm very happy to read that. You've had a hard road, and I truly hope it will be
getting easier, and you better, from now on.

So\raidh leibh 'is beannachd leibh,

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