Hi Charles,
It's not exactly like that. It is more to do with the fact that every program is a challenge to create, unique difficulties to over come, and requires careful planning and design. Games more so, because the fact they heavily depend on a number of specialized fields to create. A full fledged commercial video game requires skill in graphics design, artificial intelligence, audio design, music composition, applied physics, story writing, etc. In other words there are plenty of programming and non-programming related fields drawn into one single game. There is a huge satisfaction in seeing all those elements being drawn together, crafted, molded into a single work of art. That's really what it is. Game programming is basically high tech art. Most of all the challenge is what adicts me. Every time I write a program I find, rather discover, new ways of doing things. There are several ways to write a section of code. However, some is faster, cleaner, better designed, etc. Sometimes I might write a piece of code one way for years and suddenly the light comes on and I see a quicker, leaner, and meaner way to do the same code in half the steps involved. It just clicks, and suddenly I know a way to make a better mouse trap as they say.

Charles Rivard wrote:
Is it the feeling of writing some instructions for the computer to carry out from scratch and seeing the computer carry out your instructions as you had planned, and knowing the enjoyment and or usefulness others are going to get from running those instructions on their machines?
Shepherds are the best beasts.

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