Good stuff to chew on here.  I do think that Jeremy's style actually lends
itself to getting around the development lag time issues though, as he
creates continual excitement about his games by frequent updates, which
aren't always huge in and of themselves, but taken cumulatively change the
games quite a bit through their development cycle.  My long post earlier was
simply to encourage him (or others for that matter) to take that idea and
run with it in a larger field.  Yes, it still might take three years to come
up with the fully finished game, but we'd be playing something within a
month, and then something a bit more complex in another month.  Along the
way, we'd have direct and demonstrably effective input on things that work
well and that don't.

It's not possibly a viable method for a commercial game, since it relies on
mass penetration before a commercial product is ready, but I could envision
a kick-starter campaign or something like it to maintain interest and bring
in some fundage for continued development, purchase of new hardware or
software.  I would certainly contribute to Jeremy's server fund as and when
he outgrows his current configuration.

There's a new model of development in this market here, and I'd like to see
others take it and run with it, as well as encouraging Jeremy in his
continued efforts.

And dude, low-cost braille!?  If he can make that work, he'll get some fine
Scotch whiskey from me at a bare minimum.

        Chris Bartlett

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