        yes I have been experimenting with rules just like you mention.
However, it flags any via or pad that touches, doesn't matter about drill
overlap. Our boards just highlight all over the place in the DRC layer
color. Not much good. If you were doing regular digital/analog boards
without via stitching, it may work but not for us. I even tried -7 or -8
mils just to find anything that definitely overlapped, but it seemed to take
the negative value as "0" and highlighted anything that touched.

Brad Velander.

Lead PCB Designer
Norsat International Inc.
#300 - 4401 Still Creek Drive,
Burnaby, B.C., Canada, V5C 6G9.
Tel   (604) 292-9089 (direct line)
Fax  (604) 292-9010

-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Saputelli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 5:24 PM
To: Protel EDA Forum
Subject: Re: [PEDA] Where does Protel check or flag double hits on

the DRR report flags them, but although useful it does stop reporting
after some small number
you have to keep running it whilst fixing to be sure they are all gone

it is at the bottom of the DRR and also shows the location
they do have to be exactly at the same point

here is another idea
(got from Mike Reagan who saw in protel KB somewhere)
we had a bunch of doubled pads and vias (a product of spectraa and
protel comps which had built in stringer pads)
this would of course make double drill hits

make a CLEARANCE design rule called perhaps DUPE
object kind A: check vias, thru hole pads

object kind B: check vias, thru hole pads
any net
clearance = 0

this works for flagging them too and will light them all up whereas as
mentioned the drill report gets tired and stops after a few

* as i remember you must disable the other rules
also this has the advantage of showing overlapping drill hits that are
not exactly at the same spot

Dennis Saputelli

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