At 08:17 14.03.02 +0100, you wrote:
>It seems that not only spaces in footprints can cause trouble but in 
>filenames also.

There's also an issue with more than one dot in the filename. It's ok for 
windows, but not in the design manager. It works almost, but the cammanager 
does not work well. It creates a folder with the name of the pcb without 
the extension PCB. So far so good, but the design manager takes the part 
prior the first dot instead to cut the part after the last dot.
An example:
1046.1030.pcb results in a folder 1046 instead of 1046.1030

My numbering system looks like this: PPPP.IIII
PPPP: Project number
IIII: Item number

It's a small bug/issue, I can write the number without the dot, but it 
would be more clear.

Edi Im Hof

>  Yesterday I generated my cam-files from a pcb-file that I had saved with 
> "save as..." from the file menu. This by default changes the filename to 
> "copy of xyz.pcb". The Gerbers generated from this file seem to be 
> corrupted somehow. At least when imported into Camtastic it shows part of 
> the filename as string in the middle of rectangular pads. When changing 
> the pcb-filename to "xyz.pcb" and running the same cam generator on the 
> same data these strings within Camtastic have disappeared.
>I'm not quiet sure if its Protels or Camtastics problem. Does anybody of 
>you out there have more experience with this "feauture", especially does 
>anybody know if this impacts PCB production?
>MPL AG            
>Emanuel Zimmermann          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Manager R&D                 Phone: +41 (0)56 483 34 34
>Taefernstrasse 20           Fax:   +41 (0)56 493 30 20
>CH-5405 Daettwil

+  IH electronic                +  Phone:   ++41 52 320 90 00  +
+  Edi Im Hof                   +  Fax:     ++41 52 320 90 04  +
+  Doernlerstrasse 1, Sulz      +  URL:  +
+  CH-8544 Rickenbach-Attikon   +  E-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +
+  Switzerland                  +                              +

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