[dev] OT: What is the current modus of OOo and what is its outlook ?

2011-05-03 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

just very curious, short of clear statements on the OOo homepage
(looking in the News area): what is the current modus vivendi for
OpenOffice.org? Who is developing/releasing it, will it be developed

Is there a concrete Oracle plan clarifying the future
support/development/alignment with OOo (and perhaps LO)? Or is
everything in flux at this point in time? (If so when can one expect

And another related question: will there be an OOo-Con this year? (If so
where - I read something like Hamburg a couple of weeks/monts ago - and

Any links that at least explain/clarify parts of these questions at this
point in time?



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[dev] How to find out whether the installed OOo is 32- or 64-bit

2011-04-09 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

for an installation routine it is necessary to determine whether the
installed version of OOo is 32- or 64-bit, as this determines which
libraries and configuration should be installed.

Is there a way to find that out (currently on Linux, but once MacOSX
and/or Windows gain 64-bit versions then the request would be for all
platforms)? If so, what would be the correct means?


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[dev] MacOSX+OOo3.3: loading a library via Java' System.loadLibrary(...)

2011-04-08 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

currently debugging a scripting language added to OOo 3.3 via an
oxt-extension. The integration into OOo is done using the OOo beanshell
programs, but adapted to the scripting language.

The scripting language is ooRexx and there is a library that needs to be
loaded via Java (using System.loadLibrary(BSF4ooRexx), which on MacOSX
is named libBSF4ooRexx.dylib and located in /usr/lib and

Now the odd behaviour:

   1. If using Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - Edit and running
  the script off the edit-window, everything works fine. The
  BSF4ooRexx library is found and used to run the script via the
  ooRexx interpreter. After doing this once one can execute any
  ooRexx macro by merely having  it run, i.e. Too.ls - Macros -
  Run or Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - Run.

   2. If all instances of OOo have been shut down, and then the same
  ooRexx script gets executed via Tools - Macros - Run, then an
  exception is thrown indicating that the library was not found!
  After such an error, even using the steps described above, would
  not successfully allow to load the library!

  o Now closing all instances of OOo and then starting over as
described in step # 1 above, everything works again as
described above.

Going through the Java sourcecode that gets employed, the same steps are
undertaken to load the ooRexx scripting engine. I.e.
ScriptProviderForooRexx.java and
ScriptSourceModel.java; the sourcecode of these files could be seen
via the web using
(just click on the filename and then choose view).

It seems that success and unsuccess is not caused by the scripting
framework support, but seems to be linked to how OOo instantiates the
ooRexx scripting framework?

* Like, if the OOo dispatch interface is attempting to loading the
  scripting language it fails (and makes subsequent attempts to fail
  as well),
* whereas if using the scripting framework editor to load a script
  first thing and run it off the editor in the first OOo session,
  then everything works (also subsequent dispatches).

Does anyone have any ideas what might cause such a phenomenon?
Any ideas highly welcome!



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[dev] MacOSX+OOo3.3+Java: howto setup ?

2011-02-15 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

trying to figure out the setup needs for OOo 3.3 on MacOSX, if wishing
to use Java from the commandline to bootstrap and work with OOo 3.3.

Adding the paths to all of the OOo 3.3. jar-files to CLASSPATH does not
yield success, as openoffice is not found.

What is the correct/designed setup if one wishes to achieve that? Is
there a readme or wiki somewhere describing the necessary environment?


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[dev] MacOSX: ScirptingFramework's Edit ...

2011-02-15 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

in the meantime it has become possible to install an oxt-package that
adds ooRexx as a new macro language to OOo on the MacOSX.

The tested ooRexx scripts run correctly, it is possible to create new
macros (Tools - Macros - Organize Macros - ooRexx, then Run or
Create, which creates a new ooRexx macro from the template in the

However choosing Edit does not work, nothing happens. Edit should
invoke a JFrame editor which allows one to look over a macro, change it
and run it from the editor window. The same oxt-package works unchanged
with the Edit-functionality on Windows and Linux.

Any ideas what could be the reason? Where would I find any logs on
MacOSX relating to such a problem (where is OOo logging errors to on
that platform)?


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[dev] Ubuntu desktop 10.4.1 de: Cannot start OOo, because the UI language cannot be determined !

2010-09-06 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

not having found an appropriate e-mail list to report/ask about this
problem, but hoping that some soul kind can give hints/advice. Please
advise what mailing list would be the appropriate one for questions like

After a fresh install of a German Ubuntu-desktop 10.4.1 and starting any
OOo module a popup error comes along informing one that OOo cannot
determine the user-interface language and then aborts.

Running soffice from the command line gives
gives the following output on the commandline:

[Java framework] Error in function createSettingsDocument
javaldx failed!

Before installing the community edition of OOo I just was wondering what
the cause of such an unexpected behaviour could be (giving a bad
impression on the casual user who may want to look into OOo and learns,
that it does not work) and how to remedy it?



[dev] Instance of OOo running after unopkg ?

2010-08-23 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

for installing an extension (under Ubuntu in this particular case) in an
installation script the command-line tool unopkg is used. When
starting OOo thereafter a warning comes up that an instance of OOo would
be running, and if one would like to proceed.

Is this an expected behaviour?

Is there a command-line utility which one could use to make sure that
after unopkg OOo gets reliably shutdown? Or with other words: how could
one make sure in an un/installation script, that OOo has completely shut
down after unopkg, before proceeding ?


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[dev] OOo installation packages for Linux, a few (easy) questions

2010-08-16 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

not sure whether this is the correct e-mail list. If not please advise,
which one would be the appropriate one.

An observation, two questions ad the OOo installateion packages on
http://download.openoffice.org/index.html; when entered from a German,
32-bit Ubuntu system:

* the package (3.2.1) just has an update script, but not an
  install script which makes it very cumbersome to install the
  genuine OOo from all the individual packages in the DEB
  subdirectory (after having removed the Ubuntu version of OOo
  beforehand): where could one find/locate the appropriate install
* does the genuine OOo install into /opt on Fedora or SuSE as well?

Maybe a last question: which Linux distributions are known to be 100%
compatible in their Java interfaces to OOo with the genuine OOo ?



[dev] German extension-description text with umlauts referred to in description.xml, howto ?

2010-08-07 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
It seems that the extension-description element in a description.xml
file can refer to multiple files that each are authored in a different
language, e.g.:

src xlink:href=information/description_de.txt lang=de/
src xlink:href=information/description_en.txt lang=en/

However, testing the German description file shows the German umlauts
with the wrong glyphs in the extension manager, which may indicate that
the codepage used by OOo to display the text is not matching the
codepage the text got created with.

What codepage should a German extension description file be authored, in
order for the package manager to dipslay the German umlauts correctly?
(Alternatively, is there a place where one could explicitly determine
which codepage got used to create that text? If so, where and how could
that be done?)


Re: [dev] Question ad OOo update feature ...

2010-08-02 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Joachim,

thank you *very much* for the following link:

 You can find information about the update information here:

It really helped me set up the relevant update.xml file such that it
works (and it works great and as intended!).



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[dev] Announcement: IDL-XML-Converter - A Package for Transforming IDL into XML available ...

2010-07-29 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

today a student, Lukas Schreier, turned in his final version of a
seminar paper about IDL-XML-Converter - A Package for Transforming IDL
into XML. Here's the author's abstract:

Author's abstract:

The IDL-XML-Converter-Package is used to convert IDL to XML files.
Those XML files can then be used to write an appropriate

The package includes the following functions:

* Converting IDL-files into XML files,
* Converting XML files into an OpenOffice-Registry format,
* Converting OpenOffice-Registries into XML files,
* Merging two OpenOffice-Registries.

The content of the package consists of six Java programs, which are
published under the LGPLv3- license.

This program converts an existing OpenOffice.org IDL file into
an XML file. 
Writes an XML file which contains OpenOffice IDL-types into an
OpenOffice-Registry file. 
Extracts a given OpenOffice-Registry key into an XML file. 
Merges two specified OpenOffice-Registries into one. 

The paper (in PDF), which documents the registry and the Java-based
classes and the DTD that he developed for transforming IDL into XML,
registry into XML, XML into registry, and merging registries can be
fournd with its accompanying materials (source code, jars, examples)
here: http://wi.wu-wien.ac.at/rgf/diplomarbeiten/index.htm#sem_201007a.


[dev] Changed an extension from .jar to .oxt, now extension gets installed but cannot be used ?

2010-07-25 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

currently (for many years) I have been deploying a scripting extension
using a .jar file, named ScriptProviderForooRexx.jar (adding the
ooRexx language to OOo, such that ooRexx scripts can be dispatched via
OOo as well).

Now, this weekend I wanted to change the filetype to .oxt
(ScriptProviderForooRexx.oxt) and adding a description.xml file with
a few bells and whistles (icon, description, version number).  At first
everything seemed to be working o.k., the extension manager was able to
install and remove the extension, displaying all what description.xml

However, the scripting engine does not get registered, it seems,
although nothing else got changed (just added description.xml and two
aubdirectories, images and information, to contain files that are
referred to by description.xml). With other words, there is still a
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (unedited as of yet), containing a

Manifest-Version: 1.0
RegistrationClassName: com.sun.star.script.framework.provider.oorexx.S

It seems that the extension manager is either not handling this (or not
expecting an extension to the OOo scripting framework), at least not in
the way I had expected it to.

The description.xml file contains the following elements:

description (root element)

Is there something I must also denote in the description.xml file to
cause the extension to be identified and registered as an extension to
the OOo scripting framerwork, or am I missing something obvious ?

[P.S.: Just renaming the extension back to '.jar' makes everything work
again, but I loose the description.xml stuff, which is a little bit



[dev] Lifetime of Java objects representing UNO_ENUM values ?

2010-07-15 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

today I stumbled over the following interesting (read: time-consuming)
problem: while caching Java objects representing individual UNO_ENUM
values, all of a sudden om.sun.star.lang.DisposedException started to be
thrown. Here is one such received exception message:

... getCause(): [com.sun.star.lang.DisposedException:
is disposed]

Caching the Java class object and querying it for the field values in
the same use-case (and timing) conditions worked.

Question: is caching of Java objects representing individual UNO_ENUM
values really unsafe, i.e. the UNO side may garbage collect them?
(This seems to happen even if the Java class object representing the
UNO_ENUM gets cached!)


[dev] Windows' unopkg.exe does not differentiate between stderr and stdout, where does stdout go to when piping ?

2010-03-20 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

experimenting with OOo 3.2's unopkg.exe (under WindowsXP, SP3) it seems,
that the output from unopkg.exe is only directed at stdout, whereas
under Linux error messages (like given package not installed and the
like) are directed to stderr, and normal messages to stdout. Is this
intentional or a bug?

Furthermore, trying to pipe normal output to grep seems to not work,
i.e. something like:

   unopkg list --shared | grep CACHE

would not work on Windows, but would under Linux (i.e. display the lines
containing the string CACHE).
(Yes, I made sure that the string is output as a result of running
unopkg list --shared. The grep I am using on Windows is: GNU grep 2.5.3.)

Actually, the following does not work either under Windows:

  unopkg list --shared  test.txt

test.txt would be a 0-byte file.

Any ideas?


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[dev] Question ad creating and deploying components, implemented in (dispatchable) scritpting languages ...

2010-01-27 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

if this is not the right list, please advise. [This e-mail is directed
at d...@api.openoffice.org and dev@openoffice.org, and the Reply-To-field
set to d...@openoffice.org.]

After peeking around the documentation (mainly developer's guide)
currently one is able to create componenents in C++ and  Java (and also
in Python).

The question: how would one create and implement UNO components in
scripting languages that can be deployed via the OOo (Java-based)
scripting framework (e.g. JavaScript/Rhino, BeanShell, but also ooRexx
or other BSF-scripting languages)?

Some of the questions that may be needed to be addressed would be:

* How can one dynamically add IDL kind of type information to the
  registry, such that the new types become reflectable?
* How can one register a component dynamically ?
* How can one supply a service manager object to be used for
  instantiating instances?
* How can one take advantage of helper classes (XWeak, XComponent) ?

Are there any links/hints to postings, definitions, sketches of such a
functionality? Is there some experimental implementation available
somewhere (or is it even available already)?

Short of that, how is the Python support implemented? Is there a
documentation about the architecture and the UNO APIs it uses? What
are/were the problems there, are there any shortcomings?


Maybe to rephrase this question differently: I would like to come up
with a solution for OOo disptachable scripting languages, in which
script programmers have no need for the OOo SDK, if they wish to create
UNO components in their scripting language of choice. (The necessary
complexity involved in creating UNO components, should be reduced to an
absolute minimum, where this minimum should be to have no need for
installing the OOo SDK.)



Re: [dev] UNO API exception specifications

2009-03-11 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

Stephan Bergmann wrote:
 On 03/11/09 15:12, rony wrote:
 [Yes, I wholeheartedly agree, that the current situation is many
 times frustrating, especially for beginners in an area of OOo (even
 experts of one or two modules are beginners if turning to new
 modules). There is a lot of resources that is being wasted just to
 figure out what the original cause of an exception was, if possible
 at all.]

 *With figure out do you mean programatically (catching an exception
 and trying to handle it, but having problems distinguishing the
 different kinds of exceptions that got lumped together as runtime
 exceptions due to missing exception raising specifications at UNO
 methods)* o/r a programmer trying to understand a situation where an
 exception was thrown/?  In the latter case, I would not see how
 Frank's proposal (change published UNO interfaces incompatibly by
 changing their method's exception raising specifications) would help
*The former: it is just frustrating to have a program bomb and get a
message like exception occurred.  (Yielding the message: go, figure...)*

/The latter case you cite would eventually help too, if the new
exceptions carry meaningful/helpful information via the exception('s
type); this may do wonders helping the developer to quickly (or more
quickly) identify the nature/cause of problems and either fix it right
away or becoming able to jump-start the necessary research in a concrete
corner of the documentation or area of the code. /


P.S.: Sorry, used the openoffice-e-mail address which does not work
(posting held, moderator intervention needed).

[dev] Runtime issues, if OOo Basic invokes Java, which bootstraps its own connection to OOo ? (Hangs OOo hard, OOo Basic macro enclosed)

2009-02-12 Thread Rony G. Flatscher (Apache)
Hi there,

not being sure which e-mail list would be appropriate, I send it to
those two that may help the most, but setting the reply-to field to
d...@api.openoffice.org to avoid spamming multiple lists. If this is
not appropriate please advise.

Following use-case:

* OOo Basic subroutine using the dispatch interface to dispatch an
  ooRexx macro/script, supplying it arguments (an UNO object to be
  documented explicitly and for which a writer document will be
  created which will receive formatted text with underlying links to
  the OOo UNO documentation),
* the bridge to ooRexx (itself written in C++) is realized via Java
  as a bridge, using the OOo Java based scripting interface for
  communication; all communication between OOo and ooRexx is carried
  out via the Java bridge from the perspective of OOo.

The problem:

* The ooRexx script is invoked, but at the moment where on its side
  the Java com.sun.star.comp.helper.Bootstrap.bootstrap() is
  executed, in order to get an independent xContext, which then is
  used to create a  com.sun.star.frame.Desktop UNO object, which
  then is used to get the xComponentLoader to use its
  loadComponentFromUrl(...) to load an empty swriter document,
  then there OOo hangs hard (need a task manager to kill it).
* Doing the same with Java (i.e. invoking the very same ooRexx
  script/macro from a Java OOo app) works!

Can someone shed some light on interdependencies between OOo Basic and
invoked non-OOo-Basic code via Java that bootstraps independently to OOo
in order to get a xContext?



P.S.: Here's the OOo Basic code-snippet to invoke the ooRexx script via

-- cut here -

Sub TestDispatchCreateApiInfoWithRexx 
   Dim oDispHelper, oProvider as object
   Dim macroUrl as string
   dim args0(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
   args0(0).Value=oDispHelper ' some UNO object/IDL string
   r=oDispHelper.executeDispatch(oProvider, macroUrl, , 0, args0())
   msgbox r.Result, 0, result from dispatching createApiInfo.rex   
End Sub

-- cut here -

[dev] [Fwd: New BSF4Rexx released ...]

2008-09-19 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

FYI the announcement to the Rexx Language Association
(http://www.RexxLA.org) members, informing them of a new version of
BSF4Rexx, which includes updated support for OOo scripting and OOo
macros using the scripting language ooRexx

ooRexx itself is written in C++, the BSF4Rexx package enables ooRexx to
camouflage Java as ooRexx (bridging ooRexx and Java in both directions).
The ooRexx interaction with OOo uses the OOo Java bridge, hence the
packaging of the OOo support with BSF4Rexx.


 Original Message 
Subject:New BSF4Rexx released ...
Date:   Fri, 19 Sep 2008 18:25:16 +0200
From:   Rony G. Flatscher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: RexxLA Members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi there,

There is a new distribution of BSF4Rexx available from the official
site, since today: http://wi.wu-wien.ac.at/rgf/rexx/bsf4rexx/current/.

Please de-install your current BSF4Rexx before installing the new one
(by running the previously created uninstallOOo and uninstallBSF

To install: just download
unzip the archive to a directory of your choice and follow the readme
instructions for quickly installing BSF4Rexx.

Some notable changes compared to previous versions:

* If taking advantage of BSF.CLS each string value returned from
  the Java side will have either the string O or S
  prepended, which will get stripped automatically by all routines
  and classes of BSF.CLS.
  However, if you mix oo- and classic-Rexx style of interacting with
  Java (i.e. using the external Rexx function BSF() directly), then
  you need to get rid of the first three bytes that you receive from
  the Java side. The prepending is controlled by the  new BSF()
  subfunction named bsfPrefixReturnValue which takes either .true
  or .false (cf. reference card).
* the fully qualified path to the BSF4Rexx script is now supplied,
  if available, such that PARSE SOURCE can be used,
* if adding an event handler to a Java class and supplying a wrong
  event name, then the error message will list all event set and
  their events to help the programmer correct the mistake (can be
  quite tedious to figure that one out),
* when using BSF.CLS, then any error messages that have occurred on
  the Java side will be made available with the local environment
  symbol .BSF_ERROR_MESSAGE, no matter whether displaying those
  error messages are suppressed or not (cf. external BSF-function
  named BsfShowErrorMessage() on the reference card),
* added entries file.separator, line.separator, and
  path.separator to the .BSF4Rexx directory, values retrieved
  from Java's System class which makes sure that the values are
  supplied according to the platform BSF4Rexx is running on
* added new external Rexx function BsfDetach() to make the
  multithreading support for BSF4Rexx complete.

Some notable changes to the OpenOffice (OOo) support (supplied via
UNO.CLS) compared to previous versions:

* added public routine uno.getScriptMetaData(), which allows to
  retrieve the OpenOffice metadata script object, if a Rexx script
  got invoked as a macro by OOo, cf. reference card for its arguments,
* supplies script path, such that PARSE SOURCE can be used to
  retrieve the script's location,
* added convenience routine uno.createProperty(name[,value]) to
  ease creation of property value objects,
* template.rex: template code for new macros via the OOo UI now
  contains commented code to demonstrate how to address all kind of
  document types and how to react upon errors supplying the error
  messages in popups,
* gives additional and very detailed error information aimed at
  helping the programmer to quickly realize the error and possible
* added public convenience routines  methods
  uno.getInterfaceName(), uno.supportsService(name),
* added supporting code for interacting with property values through
  the XPropertySet interface: property names now do not have to
  match the case, property values do not have to be explicitly boxed.



Re: [dev] Howto get the actual interface type of an UNO service object (via Java) ?

2008-09-10 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Stephan,

 while poking around a little bit I was wondering, how one could get at
 the Type[...] information via Java that the Java proxy object reveals,
 if asking it to render to a string.

 E.g. in the following (interactive) session Java is used as the bridge
 for the scripting language ooRexx; first a Desktop service object is
 created and assigned to a variable a, then its
 com.sun.star.frame.XDesktop interface is assigned to variabel b and
 from it the com.sun.star.beans.XPropertySet interface is assigned to
 variable c. Sending the toString message to all three proxy objects
 displays them allowing to distinguish which interface type they

 In the example session below (please watch out for line-wraps) that
 interface type is the last comma separated token in the form of

 Now the question: how can one get at exactly that piece of information
 via Java at runtime?

 You can't, easily.  (Maybe you can via reflection).  As of DEV300m31,
 every Java proxy object must implement interface
 com.sun.star.lib.uno.Proxy (see
 jurt/com/sun/star/lib/uno/Proxy.java:1.4), and the two cases that do
 are defined in
 (for the remote URP bridge), storing the relevant data as private
 final Type type;, and in
 (for the in-process JNI bridge), storing the relevant data as
 protected Type m_type;.
Thank you very much for these interesting pointers!

Just another question: how about if I were to run the toString()
method against a service object proxy and parse the type information.
This way it's the proxy's toString()-method problem to figure out and
supply the interface type. (Performance in the context of the thought
for use-cases is not an issue at all, given those warped PCs people have
come to use today.)

 Besides, that a proxy handles only a single interface (plus parent
 interfaces) of a UNO object is, of course, an implementation detail
 that can always change.

Actually, what I am after is to determine at runtime whether the service
object in hand got a queryInterface for a specific interface carried out
already or not. Currently, it would be important to find out whether the
com.sun.star.beans.XPropertySet interface was queried already (i.e.
whether its methods would be available already, or whether one needs to
query that interface). However, this may be interesting in other
contexts, where a service object is returned and it may be interesting
to know which interfaces got queried for already.


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[dev] Howto get the actual interface type of an UNO service object (via Java) ?

2008-09-09 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

while poking around a little bit I was wondering, how one could get at
the Type[...] information via Java that the Java proxy object reveals,
if asking it to render to a string.

E.g. in the following (interactive) session Java is used as the bridge
for the scripting language ooRexx; first a Desktop service object is
created and assigned to a variable a, then its
com.sun.star.frame.XDesktop interface is assigned to variabel b and
from it the com.sun.star.beans.XPropertySet interface is assigned to
variable c. Sending the toString message to all three proxy objects
displays them allowing to distinguish which interface type they represent.

In the example session below (please watch out for line-wraps) that
interface type is the last comma separated token in the form of

Now the question: how can one get at exactly that piece of information
via Java at runtime?

REXX-ooRexx_3.2.0(MT) 6.02 16 Jun 2008
  rexxtry.rex lets you interactively try REXX statements.
Each string is executed when you hit Enter.
Enter 'call tell' for a description of the features.
  Go on - try a few...Enter 'exit' to end.
call uno.cls
  ... rexxtry.rex on WindowsNT
a=uno.createDesktop()  /* creates and returns a desktop service object */
  ... rexxtry.rex on WindowsNT
b=a~XDesktop   /* queries the com.sun.star.frame.XDestkop 
interface */
  ... rexxtry.rex on WindowsNT
c=b~XPropertySet   /* queries the com.sun.star.beans.XPropertySet 
interface */
  ... rexxtry.rex on WindowsNT
say a~toString /* ask the proxy for its string representation */

  ... rexxtry.rex on WindowsNT
say b~toString /* ask the proxy for its string representation */

  ... rexxtry.rex on WindowsNT
say c~toString /* ask the proxy for its string representation */

  ... rexxtry.rex on WindowsNT
say a~uno.getTypeName b~uno.getTypeName c~uno.getTypeName  /* get the IDL 
type name via reflection */
  ... rexxtry.rex on WindowsNT
say uno.areSame(a,b) uno.areSame(b,c) uno.areSame(a,c) /* test whether 
all three are the same object */
1 1 1
  ... rexxtry.rex on WindowsNT

TIA for any pointers/hints,


Re: [dev] Java 1.5 now minimal requirement ? (Re: [dev] RFC: java 1.5

2008-07-14 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

Stephan Bergmann wrote:

Kay Ramme - Sun Germany - Hamburg wrote:

Hi Rony,

I did start the discussions regarding Java version, OpenJDK, baseline 
etc. on [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sorry for not announcing it here. Reason for 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] is, that all stakeholders from the last agreement 
originally were on that alias.

Still, I would consider it an error if current OOo versions built for 
widespread distribution (e.g., Sun Hamburg built DEV300 m23) are built 
in a way that they do not work with at least Java 1.3.1 at runtime.
This could be achieved by compiling with the -source and -target 
switches in effect which allow for creating the class files such, that 
they can be loaded in earlier releases (like in Java 1.3).


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Re: [dev] Java 1.5 now minimal requirement ? (Re: [dev] RFC: java 1.5

2008-07-13 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

Hi Kay,
I did start the discussions regarding Java version, OpenJDK, baseline 
etc. on [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sorry for not announcing it here. Reason for 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] is, that all stakeholders from the last agreement originally 
were on that alias.

Thank you very much for this clarification!

Is [EMAIL PROTECTED] an OOo mailing list that one should subscribe to to learn 
as early as possible about Java related changes (configuration, class 
loader schemes,etc.)?


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Re: [dev] Java 1.5 now minimal requirement ? (Re: [dev] RFC: java 1.5

2008-07-13 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

Hi Kay,
I did start the discussions regarding Java version, OpenJDK, 
baseline etc. on [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sorry for not announcing it here. Reason 
for [EMAIL PROTECTED] is, that all stakeholders from the last agreement 
originally were on that alias.

Thank you very much for this clarification!

Is [EMAIL PROTECTED] an OOo mailing list that one should subscribe to to 
learn as early as possible about Java related changes (configuration, 
class loader schemes,etc.)?

exactly, full name is:

Hope that helps

Yes, thank you *very* much (could already subscribe to it)!



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[dev] FireFox 3.0 and OpenOffice-Add-on-Menu not compatible, how about a new version ?

2008-07-12 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

Hi there,

after upgrading to FireFox 3.0 the OpenOffice.org menu extension is Not 
compatible with Firefox 3.0 and therefore disabled.

Are there any plans to update this little (and from time to time very 
helpful) add-on?


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Re: [dev] FireFox 3.0 and OpenOffice-Add-on-Menu not compatible, how about a new version ?

2008-07-12 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

Hi Oliver,
after upgrading to FireFox 3.0 the OpenOffice.org menu extension is 
Not compatible with Firefox 3.0 and therefore disabled.

you can patch the extension's install.rdf:   

don't forget to delete the extensions.cache before you start again ...

Thank you *very* much for this valuable hint!

Now, just downloaded the xpi-module from 
https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/4102, unzipped it and 
found out that it had already the following entry:


which indicated that it got changed already to fit into FireFox 3.0.

However, FF was not able to find a newer version of the menu extension, 
when it automatically checked for one! Maybe one needs to change further 
version information in the rdf- and installation js-files as well?

Anyway, being a very happy camper...



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[dev] Java 1.5 now minimal requirement ? (Re: [dev] RFC: java 1.5

2008-07-11 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

Hi there,

just noticed that running DEV300/m23 with Java 1.4 does not work anymore:

- cut here -
Exception in thread main java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: 
com/sun/star/comp/helper/Bootstrap (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0)

   at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:539)

   at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(URLClassLoader.java:251)
   at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$100(URLClassLoader.java:55)
   at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:194)
   at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
   at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:187)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:289)
   at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:274)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:235)
   at org.apache.bsf.util.EngineUtils.loadClass(EngineUtils.java:385)

- cut here -

Going back to this list, the last comment on RFC for Java 1.5 was:

Mathias Bauer wrote:

Hi all,

Christoph Neumann wrote:


Kay Ramme - Sun Germany - Hamburg wrote:

Stephan Bergmann wrote:

Malte Timmermann wrote:

My point of view:

Most people agree that OOo mustn't loose (meta) data when Java is not
available, but plug ins for working with meta data can rely on Java.

Changing OOo's Java base line from 1.4 to 1.5 is fine for most people 

AFAIK the current Java baseline is 1.3.1.

That is correct, the (still) valid consensus regarding Java can be found 


respectively the background:


This document is aged four. Shouldn't we reconsider about this status?

I think what we need is a list of complete and 100% free Java
implementations on all relevant platforms and the Java version they are
compatible to. Do we have one? Or do we have a volunteer creating one?


Not having noticed a consensus to have Java 1.5 as the required version 
for OOo (yet), I just was wondering, whether m23 is mistakingly built 
with Java 1.5 or whether from now on Java 1.5 would be the minimal 
version for OOo.And if the latter, what about newer builds of OOo 2.*, 
would they mandate at least Java 1.5 as well?


Re: [dev] VCL UI Rework

2008-05-23 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

Hi Michael,

On Fri, 2008-05-16 at 10:12 +0200, Juergen Schmidt wrote:
whatever we will use in the future it will be important that we will 
have a GUI editor to make the design of new dialogs much more easier 
than today.

Yep; absolutely - it's in the spec. and we have a quarter-functioning
one already ;-)

Ideally a replacement for the basic dialog editor and make it more 
general for internal development as well as extension development 
(includes Basic as it does today).

Sure - ideally :-)

... cut ...

A big request: please allow using scripts from any of the OOo supported 
scripting languages.



Re: [dev] Opening SXW files with OOo2.x

2008-05-21 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

Hi Juergen,

it sounds strange and we should analyze the problems. Can you submit 
an issue (component writer, sw) with an example sxw document attached. 
As far as i know no such problems are known so far and it would be 
interesting to know what happens.
probably totally unrelated: yesterday I stumbled over a four page Word 
document that misses the content of the cells in the first column of a 
Word text table, when opened with  2.4. or 3.0beta (opens o.k. in Word 
2003 and with WordPad). Would it make sense to open an issue and supply 
the document as a testcase? If so, whom (acronym) should I try to assign 
such an issue?


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Re: [dev] RFC: java 1.5

2008-03-04 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

Hi there,

Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
Le 4 mars 08 à 15:23, Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany a 
écrit :

Hi Hubert,

I don't know if you have noticed, but they are been several request 
people to have OOo ported to embedded devices like Maemo and iPhone, 

which Java is likely to be an even bigger problem.

Come on. When we ever port OOo to one of those platforms, Java is one of
our smallest problem. For the concrete case, this means that any other
third-party library we could use will most probably also not run on
those platforms. So effectively, you say don't use third-party 

So without judging the concrete case, the argueing with possible future
ports to platforms without Java is simply not a valid point, IMO.

I am personnaly more interested by the aspect related to freedom (as 
in speech) on this question. Many of them have been sorted, but 
freedom is also freedom to leave and freedom not to rely on one 
specific platform, although java can of course be a compelling choice. 
So the question I have now can be summarized in one word: 'adherence' 
. Adherence to Java, maintenance, adherence to a VM, breadth of 
alternatives (not just for java), etc. I am putting myself in 
perspective of the ToolKit as well.

Any thoughts?
Well, as long as a discussion about Java and/or C/++/# is not a 
religious one, then one may observe that

   * Java has become ubiquitous, practically all PCs have it installed,
 i.e., it is usually available on any PC
 o one of the major reasons seems to be that WWW mandates Java
   because of numerous Java applets in the field
 o it has been available (and used) on mobiles for quite a few
   years now, just look at the Java games there (i.e. ME
   based), but also regular sized Javas available for Symbian
   based mobiles
   + Google's Android is an practically a purely Java based
 mobile operating system using Apache's opensource
 Java named Harmony (which in itself is at least at
 the Java 1.5 level and has already most of Java 1.6
 implemented), the first such mobiles are expected to
 hit the market by the end of this year
   * Java indeed fulfills the promise to run everywhere; I know from
 experience as I am a person who has added the ooRexx scripting
 language to OOo via the OOo Java-based scritping framework; ooRexx
 itself is written in C++, the scripting interface in Java (using
 JNI, the Java native interface that allows bridging C/++ with Java).
 The Java part of that support (which is a generic one, i.e. ooRexx
 can interface with any Java object, totally independent of OOo)
 has *never* in the past *eight* years of its existence changed.
 This means, that in the original support that was created for OS/2
 (yup!) and Windows, all the ooRexx examples employing Java objects
 (including GUI applications originally developed under OS/2!) run
 *unchanged* on Linux and MacOSX!
 FWIW, I cannot state the same for C/++ part of the JNI interface
 as every platform usually has its favored compilers yielding all
 sort of funny #ifdefs which have been growing over time.
   * Coming from an academic background there is another interesting
 aspect to Java: today, it is the most widely used programming
 language to create applications in the world, and by far the most
 widely taught computer language (employed even outside of
 specialized informatic studies) in the world. This means that it
 is quite probable (and can be witnessed following the OOo e-mail
 lists) that there are people joining OOo development with Java
 that otherwise would not stand a chance to help (short of having
 the necessary C/++ skills).

Taking all of this into account it seems to be a very attractive goal to 
create (or employ thired party) libraries in Java as that would truly 
help to cut down porting costs, as usually you won't have no porting 
costs with Java. E.g. look at the XML processing Java libraries that are 
also used in OOo.

As OOo already deploys Java in a number of areas in addition, I would in 
any case support the usage of Java for adding new functionality to OOo. 
Even, if that would mean that Java becomes a mandatory part for any OOo 
distribution. This just would reflect the reality of the environments 
under which OOo has been running already and on which Java has been 
deployed already independent of OOo!

Just my 2 cents...


Re: [dev] Multilanguage documents

2007-11-12 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

Christian Lohmaier wrote:
 Hi *,

 On Nov 11, 2007 3:54 AM, jonathon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Rony wrote:

 FWIW: MS Word has been having that ability for quite a few versions now.
 There one would use the Language tab on styles to define what language
 it is used for (on that dialog one is able to turn off grammar- and 
 How is that different from implementing language specific styles in OOo?

 Please don't confuse KAMI's feature-request with the stuff described
 in this excerpt.
Did not realize that!

 Of course you can already assign different languages to different parts of 
 your document
 and that language will be used for spell-checking, hyphenation and will 
 affect things like
 autocorrect/autoformat (replacement of typographic quotes for example)
Tsk, thank you for pointing that out. Being somewhat accustomed to MS
Word, I looked into the wrong area in OOo to find that (just found it to
be a drop-down field on the Character- resp. Font-dialog)!

 - if you choose the language none, no spell-checking, hyphenation is 
Well, that would be *quite* different from being able to assign a
specific language (important, to be able to identify/extract text in a
certain language) and determine that that should not be spell-checked,
hyphenized or Grammar checked.


Re: [dev] WARNING: Do Not Install IBM Lotus Symphony (Beta)

2007-09-28 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

Allen Pulsifer wrote:
 To all the OpenOffice users who might be interesting in trying out IBM Lotus
 Symphony (Beta):

DO NOT INSTALL IBM Lotus Symphony (Beta) !!!

 I tried it out.  It took over all of my OpenDoc file associations, without
 warning, and installed itself into a handful of other file associations.  IT

 Basically, it made a mess out of my registry.  Its taking me about an hour
 to fix it.

Well I tried it out on Windows too and I could install and de-install
it, using the Software option in the System folder. However, some
associations (I think ODT or ODS) did not get restored correctly.

Start-up times are abmysal in this beta drop, not sure whether IBM is
able to improve that.


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Re: [dev] commercial use of oo api (license issue)

2007-09-18 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Bartosz,

Bartosz Sokolowski wrote:
 And what do you think about that:
 Yes, you may use OpenOffice.org binaries (the usable application) for
 commercial use. You may freely distribute it to any user. Please go to
 our download page to find the latest releases.

 The only difference is that I'm using not only binaries, but I also
 needed to change OO source in few places. I also use those 5 jars that
 I mentioned. i took them from the OO directory (under Windows they
 usually are here: C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org
 2.2\program\classes), but can I be sure that there are released also
 under LGPL? I'm asking because some parts of OO have different Third
 Party Licenses.

 Thanks for your advices.
If you change anything in the OOo source code and distribute the result
(in binary form) then you are obliged to publish/distribute the sources
(with your changes) as well, such that others become able to perhaps
take advantage of your improvements/changes.

You may find a few interesting bits here:

Also http://www.opensource.org/ is a good place for researching all
sort of OSS licenses (on the left column), [L]GPL's home would be at



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Re: [dev] PresentationClock

2007-09-10 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

Hector Socas Navarro wrote:
 Oops, sorry, I just read that attachments are not allowed in the list.
 Here's my message again without the attachment (a screenshot can be
 found in the same directory as the code):

 Hi folks,

 I've written a little program in C to use in combination with
 Impress that will help presenters keep track of time. Here's an
 excerpt from the README (I'm also attaching a screenshot with this
   I wrote this software to solve a little problem I've always had when
 making presentations with either OpenOffice Impress or MS PowerPoint,
 namely how to keep track of time. Sure, these programs have an option
 to automatically advance slides based on some previous rehersal timing
 but I find that completely useless. What I wanted to have is a way to
 time the whole presentation with a simple visual aid to tell me
 whether I'm on track, behind or ahead of schedule. This is exactly
 what PresentationClock does.

 Basically there are two modes of operation. In the record mode,
 PresentationClock will track the timing of your rehersal. Then during
 the actual presentation it will display a little clock showing if
 you're behind or ahead of schedule and by how much. I find this
 feature extremely useful in my work.

 The source code and an executable can be found in:
Very nice.

Also, there exist OOo snippets to produce guide-posts and various visual
indicators about the progress of a presentation which is adjustable on
the click of a mouse in case a presentation got changed (added/removed

 Original Message 
Subject:[api-dev] Announcing OpenOffice-Impress-Snippets in ooRexx ...
Date:   Wed, 15 Aug 2007 21:30:42 +0200
From:   rony [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Original Message 
Subject: Announcing OpenOffice-Impress-Snippets in Rexx ...
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2007 21:27:34 +0200
Organization: University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna, 
Newsgroups: comp.lang.rexx

 Original Message 
Subject:[RexxLA] Announcing ooImpress-Snippets in Rexx ...
Date:   Wed, 15 Aug 2007 21:23:21 +0200
From:   Rony G. Flatscher, VP [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi there,

since this week theOpen Office Snippets for the module impress 
(presentation module of
OpenOffice.org) are available via the official OOo Snippet page at

As the Rexx syntax is like pseudo-code the snippets (little nutshell programs 
that stress a
particular aspect of programming the module) can be easily understood. The 
interfacing is carried
out using OOo's Java interfaces (using BSF4Rexx), therefore these code examples 
would also be usable
directly for Java as well. The snippets possess links to the official OOo IDL 
documentation, which
allows to research the API environment of the snippet.

All of these snippets were created in the course of a seminar paper at the 
Wien (Austria, Europe) and the paper is therefore available (in English) in 
form of a PDF file:
All of the snippets are available as a single zip-archive from that site as 



P.S.: Further links:

* ooRexx (Open Object Rexx, FOSS): http://www.ooRexx.org
* BSF4Rexx (Java interface for Rexx, includes additional support for 
OpenOffice.org a.k.a. OOo):
  or a newer beta at:

--- end of message

The PDF-files give screenshots of the various guidepost and indicator types.



Re: [dev] OOo_2.3.0rc2_20070905 and Scripting Framework: were there any changes there ?

2007-09-10 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Jürgen,
 yes, the way how extensions are loaded has changed a little bit.
 Related to this change the search of dependent jar becomes more
 important. Extensions are now loaded with their own classloader and
 you have to specify dependent jars in the manifest file of your
 extension jar.
I see!

 I can assume that in your case your ext jar depends on some scripting
 framework jars and that they are not found automatically.
As I am using the OOo scripting framework itself there is the dependeny
to program/classes/ScriptFramework.jar, which is OOo's stock
scripting framework.

 Sounds like a problem and we have to think about it. I am only
 guessing but it seems that we need something special handling for this
 kind of scripting extensions.
Well, if the class loader honors all OOo supplied jars (i.e. all jars in
the classes subdirectory) as previously, then this would not be a problem.

How would I state OOo deployed jars in the manifest file (i.e. to point
to program/classes/ScriptFramework.jar wherever the program dir
resides on a filesystem?
(Sorry, if this is a rooky question, but I have not stumbled over that
yet, or my memory fades already... ;) )
 you should submit an issue for that problem.
Should I assign it to someone already?



P.S.: As a sidenote: it would be possible with the help of Apache's
upcoming BSF 3.0 (in beta at the moment) to employ javax.script
(introduced with Java 6) on earlier versions of Java (BSF 3.0 is
compiled for Java 4). This would have the benefit that the number of
usable scripting languages for OOo would be enhanced tremendeously.

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Re: [dev] OOo_2.3.0rc2_20070905 and Scripting Framework: were there any changes there ?

2007-09-10 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Jürgen,

 By the way you can add the scripting framework jar file manually to
 the classpath and can check if it works.
Just tried it: does not work.

Also tried using Rene Engelhards suggestion (UNO_JFW_CLASSPATH_URLS),
unfortunately to no avail.

Will file an issue.

Thanks again for your quick answers!


P.S.: Of course all OOo jars would be needed in addition that reside in
the classes directory.

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[dev] Filed as Issue # 81445 (Re: [dev] OOo_2.3.0rc2_20070905 and Scripting Framework: were there any changes there ?

2007-09-10 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Jürgen,

did submit the issue and set it to P1 (highest priority), as maybe other
third party Java based components/extensions may be affected by this too.
(Though P1 might have been to high.)

Here's the URL: http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=81445.



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Re: [dev] Filed as Issue # 81445 (Re: [dev] OOo_2.3.0rc2_20070905 and Scripting Framework: were there any changes there ?

2007-09-10 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

Juergen Schmidt wrote:
 Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
 Hi Jürgen,

 did submit the issue and set it to P1 (highest priority), as maybe other
 third party Java based components/extensions may be affected by this
 (Though P1 might have been to high.)

 Here's the URL:

 see also


 as references.
Thank you very much for these as well (at the moment the server name is
not resolvable, will try it later)!


P.S.: Gute Besserung for Stephan.

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[dev] How++ (Re: [dev] How about .. . (Re: [dev] Develop macro recording as it ought to be for all modules ASAP !? (Re: Vá: Re: [dev] Disabl ed Record macro menu in Impress and Draw

2007-08-29 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Matthias,

Mathias Bauer wrote:
 But then, wouldn't this also mean that this Dispatch API is excercised
 by all OOo modules then, including Draw/Impress, or is it the case that
 for using that API some of the module-dependent (C++ implemented) UI
 elements still need to be programmed accordingly?

 The Dispatch API is the same in all modules - but this is a generic API
 and the real action lies in the command names and paramters. All
 objects have the same interface to receive commands but they differ in
 the commands they support and - in case of Draw/Impress -  also in the
 degree of how good their implementation actually is. In Draw/Impress
 parameters are mostly not supported at all and they are essential for
 playing recorded macros. That's enough for calling the Dispatch API from
 the GUI (where usually no parameters are sent) but is a killer for
 playing macros using the API.

 Besides that: this is only the playing side, in Draw/Impress the
 recording side even looks worse (remember the rule set for recorder
 support I posted earlier).
Given all of your information, I very much tend to believe that.

 A reverse mapping should be establishable then as well in this case, even 
 if that is a 1:N
 mapping (i.e. a C++ function/method gets invoked from different UNO
 types), it would at least allow for narrowing down the UNO types, and it
 could be possible that from the context one could even narrow them down
 The reverse mapping that we can do is what the current macro recorder does: 
 all received dispatch() calls are recorded.
 Hmm, would it be conceivable then to come up with a static table of
 dispatchable user-actions with a sequence of UNO API invocations that
 would be needed to be excercised such that for recording purposes this
 list could be used in addition, recording the values of arguments and
 results and so on. Or with other words, for every dispatch have an
 independent, alternitve thread of creating UNO pseudo-code necessary to
 arrive at the same functionality, stating pre- (which UNO objects,
 methods, argument values) and post-conditions. Maybe even including
 branch statements, or with other words, small (commented) pseudo-code
 segments that could be used to map to a concrete language later on.
 Either being editable to correct or supply addtional code/information.

 You have described reimplement the glue code with other words. Yes, of
 course you can reimplement each and every dispatch call by using UNO API
 calls. You can do this in the glue code itself (thus replacing it) and
 record these calls or you can have a parallel implementation somewhere
 else as you described or Paolo Mantovani already did for some Calc
 dispatches. But it's a reimplementation in all cases! The difference
 only is that in your case the original code is not replaced but its
 effect on the document is achieved differently. This has an advantage
 (no regression risk as the original code is preserved) as well as a
 disadvantage (OOo's size will grow considerably). And it's time
 consuming in every case.
Yes, but one would have to start out *documenting* what should happen in
the UNO world to match a particular dispatch call in any case! Even if
you started out without the existing dispatch calls you'd still be
forced to document/define what should be done in UNO to map what is
sought for in the C++ implementation.

Or with other words: you can't get a new macro recording in place
without efforts! The question would be how to achieve this as quickly
and resource-saving as possible, if you are serious in creating and
supplying a full featured macro recording eventually (hopefully within
one, two years).

 Even if it is not perfect and may contain omissions or incomplete
 information it may generate UNO based code that needs a little bit of
 massaging, it would be so much more and a starting point that really
 may drive up productivity. (Obviously looking for a Pareto solution,
 i.e. 20% effort for covering 80% of the needed functionality, leaving
 the missing 20% to the UNO/OOo savvy programmers.) Power end-users would
 be able to create that skeleton then rather easily, needing UNO/OOo
 acquainted programmers to turn it to a running macro.

 Now we are at the point where we started: writing down the correct set
 of UNO API calls for each dispatch call will first force us to deliver
 the missing APIs and types and then will take years to implement the
 calls. We have thousands(!) of dispatch calls to implement. Some of them
 also depend on internal states. The command .uno:Delete e.g. must be
 implemented completely different depending on what is selected.
Not sure (again not knowing anything about the inner workings, hence
pure speculation) about this conclusion. How many dispatches are
generated via the GUI resp. via the current macro recorder, are these
*really* thousands of different dispatch calls that are *directly*
caused by this? 

Re: [dev] How about ... ( Re: [dev] Develop macro recording as it ought to be for all modules ASAP !? (Re: Vá: Re: [dev] Disabled Re cord macro menu in Impress and Draw

2007-08-28 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Matthias,

 So here the rule if everything is important nothing is important applies. 

 In result the project members must decide by themselves.
 Without any data backing up that 2 man years development time for
 improved automation support (plus QA etc.) will please more users than
 those who can become pleased by what we can do instead of this
 (improving usability, filters, performance etc.) I don't see it happen.
That is really the point: how to assess what is (really) important for
what purpose. Current users of OOo have a high interest in the latter,
i.e., constantly improving the current OOo, filling felt gaps here and
there; like Base now getting a great reporting facility (which is very
important, needless to say). Of course macro recording would improve the
usability for current OOo users as well, helping them automate their
tasks (business process steps). However, my main-focus would be about
unlocking MSO power end-users, who use macro recording (and then have
someone else alter the generated code to suite more their particular
needs, or quite a few times being able to edit the recorded code
themselves in little corners and edges), which would be an ongoing and
strategic goal.

 Of course there are many, interesting, worthwhile RFEs out there, which
 should (all) be implemented. However, that fact should not lead to the
 wrong conclusion that macro recording was not that important at all.
 Sorry, that wasn't the impression I wanted to create. This is true only
 in the meaning I wrote: if everything is important ... If we saw it as
 totally unimportant we wouldn't have tried it at all.
Yes, I thought so (really!), but at the moment it seems to be the case
that it is put on the back-burner, short of viable trails to achieve
full macro recording with the scarce resources at hand.

 Both are independent, important development routes. Macro recording in
 this context is of strategic importance. In the past OOo/SO developers
 have appreciated that and implemented it (even if it was done in a way
 that today does not appear to be appropriate).

 IMHO the Dispatch API approach is a good one in case we wanted to target
 only the automaters and in fact this was our intention. Perhaps we
 should have created binary macros only, without showing any source code.
 In fact that was my proposal but that wasn't well received at that time.
 That would have explained much better that we never wanted to provide
 that real macro recorder that we think we can't deliver in a
 reasonable amount of time.
Either one would be great, a binary solution, if well-thought out
upfront would allow to write later programs that should be able to
create source code from the binary representation in any of the
languages that support interaction with OOo (i.e. while crafting the
binary specs, also information should be recorded for the purpose to
allow transcriptions later).

 (Speculation, of course!) It looks to me that at one point in time it
 was common knowledge among the developers that the macro recording
 should be done to allow replaying it via the dispatch interface was not
 optimal and should be eventually replaced. 
 Not really, as I wrote, the original intention indeed was to create an
 automation tool, not a developing macros teacher.
Yes, the automation tool would be paramount. However, thinking about
allowing the recorded macro to be transcribed to a macro language later
should not be ruled out, as it would allow for many applications of it 
(as can be seen with power end-users in the MSO world). This
transcribing would probably be possible to members of the community,
whereas the macro recording funcitonality itself is something which
probably only the core developers would be able to master efficiently
and completely.


 I'm afraid that reading and understanding your thoughts will require
 some time. But a first glance showed me that you think about
 intercepting calls (urp). As this will require UNO calls that could be
 bridged I'm not sure if I made myself clear enough. So before I dig into
 your ideas deeper (and I will really try to) please answer these question:

 Do you agree that my explanation on the wiki page made clear that
 whatever we do we can't build upon UNO and UNO APIs as this would
 require a complete rewrite of our glue code that currently does not
 use any UNO runtime or UNO API calls? In a 3-tear-model that would be
 the middle or basic interface level (BIL) or however you want to call it.
Yes. (But again, I am not aware of the inner workings and architecture
put in place, and have no knowledge about what would be still
conceivable and what would not be conceivable at all.)

 So what we have is the level of pure C++ function calls. IMHO there is 
 nothing you can record and play, you always need an object model to work on 
 and that's UNO.
But there must be a mapping available which maps from UNO to C++ as
otherwise the C++ code 

Re: [dev] How about ... ( Re: [dev] Develop macro recording as it ought to be for all modules ASAP !? (Re: Vá: Re: [dev] Disabled Re cord macro menu in Impress and Draw

2007-08-28 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

Mathias Bauer wrote:
 Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
 But there must be a mapping available which maps from UNO to C++ as
 otherwise the C++ code would not be invocable via UNO? 
 Of course: this is the Dispatch API! The UI elements use die Dispatch
 API to call a method in a UNO object implementing
 com.sun.star.frame.XDispatch. This is the only UNO based call involved.
 The implementation of this object only uses pure C++ calls inside,
 nothing based on UNO APIs, neither in-process nor remote (urp).
But then, wouldn't this also mean that this Dispatch API is excercised
by all OOo modules then, including Draw/Impress, or is it the case that
for using that API some of the module-dependent (C++ implemented) UI
elements still need to be programmed accordingly?

 But we are talking about recording the other API that an experienced
 OOo API developer would use to perform the same task. And this API would
 be a completely different one.

 If I have some time I will try to put some code snippets into the wiki that 
 should demonstrate this.
Would be very interesting in any case, but your points seem to be
already very clear.

 A reverse mapping should be establishable then as well in this case, even if 
 that is a 1:N
 mapping (i.e. a C++ function/method gets invoked from different UNO
 types), it would at least allow for narrowing down the UNO types, and it
 could be possible that from the context one could even narrow them down

 The reverse mapping that we can do is what the current macro recorder does: 
 all received dispatch() calls are recorded.
Hmm, would it be conceivable then to come up with a static table of
dispatchable user-actions with a sequence of UNO API invocations that
would be needed to be excercised such that for recording purposes this
list could be used in addition, recording the values of arguments and
results and so on. Or with other words, for every dispatch have an
independent, alternitve thread of creating UNO pseudo-code necessary to
arrive at the same functionality, stating pre- (which UNO objects,
methods, argument values) and post-conditions. Maybe even including
branch statements, or with other words, small (commented) pseudo-code
segments that could be used to map to a concrete language later on.
Either being editable to correct or supply addtional code/information.

Even if it is not perfect and may contain omissions or incomplete
information it may generate UNO based code that needs a little bit of
massaging, it would be so much more and a starting point that really
may drive up productivity. (Obviously looking for a Pareto solution,
i.e. 20% effort for covering 80% of the needed functionality, leaving
the missing 20% to the UNO/OOo savvy programmers.) Power end-users would
be able to create that skeleton then rather easily, needing UNO/OOo
acquainted programmers to turn it to a running macro.

 Ceterum censeo, macro recording ...

 ... esse delendam? ;-)
... esse implementam !




[dev] How about ... (Re: [dev] Develop macro recording as it ought to be for all modules ASAP !? (Re: Vá: Re: [dev] Disabled Record macro menu in Impress and Draw

2007-08-27 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Matthias,

 Of course Draw/Impress has a macro facility but not a macro recorder
 and nobody wants to remove this facility.
 I see that this is what you meant - but please let's be accurate,
 rumours spread faster than you can imagine and next week you can read
 somewhere that we are going to dump Basic macros in Draw. ;-)
Yes, you are right! Of course Draw/Impress does have a macro facility,
but not a macro recorder!

From here on everything is a totally personal opinion and may be
erroneous due to lack of understanding/knowledge of some or all of the
underlying technologies/infrastructures.

begin opinion, feelings, not quotable as facts

 Just my 2 cents.
 I'm afraid that 2 cents won't be enough, but in case you could invest 20
 million cents we could think about implementing the dispatch macro
 recorder in Draw/Impress and fixing the existing one in Calc and Writer.
 I doubt that it would be possible with less effort. There are still much
 more areas in OOo where this investment is placed a lot better. This is
This is what I object to: that macro recording was not really that
important. In the contrary, macro recording is of utmost importance for
end-users who wish to automate their businsess processes i.e. record
re-curring actions and re-play them later, without any need of knowing
how to program! Without end-users no need for other technical
improvements, without such an important building-stone feature MSO
aficionados can quite easily keep OOo off the door.

 what too much effort for the expected benefit means. In the same time
 you can implement much more things that much more people need.
Of course there are many, interesting, worthwhile RFEs out there, which
should (all) be implemented. However, that fact should not lead to the
wrong conclusion that macro recording was not that important at all.
Both are independent, important development routes. Macro recording in
this context is of strategic importance. In the past OOo/SO developers
have appreciated that and implemented it (even if it was done in a way
that today does not appear to be appropriate).

(Speculation, of course!) It looks to me that at one point in time it
was common knowledge among the developers that the macro recording
should be done to allow replaying it via the dispatch interface was not
optimal and should be eventually replaced. Then Draw/Impress got
developed further and macro recording was left out, because the existing
technology was not optimal, but no alternative has been established. At
the end (today) it looks as if the snake has bitten its own tail, and
macro recording is in agony (downgraded to unimportant/not worthwhile in
the mindset of some/all developers).

 But this simple recorder still isn't the real recorder that developers
 and development newbies want, they want a tool that teaches them the
 real OOo API (not the Dispatch API), not a simple automation tool.

 I have written a wiki page


 that describes the situation. Please everybody interested in this read
 it, and read it completely before you reply. If something is unclear of
 if you think that something is wrong please let me know it.
Thank you *very* (seriously!) much for your efforts and explanations there!

 I hope that this will make clear where the problems are and why it would
 be such a huge effort to provide a real API macro recorder.
Hmm, please take the following just as an attempt (maybe a poor attempt)
to think the impossible:

* Tabula rasa: assume no macro recording were present at all, how to
  add that functionality as quickly and effortlessly as possible?
  o As we have macro recording in some modules and not in
others, why not attempt to start out in thinking from
nowhere (pretending it did not exist yet).
  o The following two ideas are just ideas, because I do not
really know the internals of UNO/OOo, I just have an
outsider's view, which many times is a bird-eyes view
(drawing concepts and assumptions from earlier
SOM/DSOM/CORBA). The general idea is that some means is
added that would indicate that some new recording mode is
active or inactive, a call level and an object to use to
record the invocation and returned value), and if set to
active recording it should take place.
+ idea urp: in the case that each UNO/OOo related
  request/invocation of a method/function needs to be
  dispatched via urp, possibly applying marshalling,
  then why not create the recording code there: it would
  be possible to learn which object's method with which
  arguments has to be dispatched, and also what return
  value, if any, would be returned
  # Of course, from your Wiki page it may be

[dev] Develop macro recording as it ought t o be for all modules ASAP !? (Re: Vá: Re: [dev] Disabled Record macro menu in Impress and Draw

2007-08-24 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

the threads relating to macro recording abilities of OOo are very
interesting. I have been somewhat puzzled about the conclusion that OOo
should *not* have a macro facility at all and that the existing ones
should be removed. The reason being that it would be too much effort
for the expected benefit (see below)!

Now this is puzzling for me for various reasons, especially in the
context of typical end-users using OOo. Without a macro facility they
have *no* chances whatsoever to be able to automate recurrent (business
process) tasks on their own. They either have the choice of repeating
(possibly cumbersome) over and over all the steps necessary to come up
with a recurrent document, or they need to find someone who would be
able to create a program for them to automate the recurrent functions
they need. And here the simple truth is: there is almost no-one around
who would have the *slightest* idea of how to automate/program OOo.
Looking further for professionals is difficult to find ones, and if you
find ones then you must be very, very lucky, if they have free resources
that they sell/rent for an affordable price. Or with other words: forget
it, rather repeat recurrent tasks by hand over and over again!

This scenario does not look like an attractive or future safe one to me.
Especially, if you compare this with Microsoft's Office (MSO) where it
is extremely easy for end-users to record macros, in practice this is a
no-brainer for them! As a result it is a) easy and b) cheap for MSO
customers! Also, recorded macros can be adjusted quite easily, if an
end-user has a coarse understanding of programming.

Not seriously planning for a macro-recorder facility is a *quite* a
*deadly* strategic error IMHO. MSO runs rings around OOo in a very
important application segment! And MSO will be able to do that
eternally, given any misisng plans to implement a macro recording
facility for all modules. Rather than tackling this incredible omission
immediately to fill this incredible hole, the undisputed conclusion
seems to be, well we can't do it now, so we don't do it, and best, we
ought to remove the existing macro recording as it was not done the way
it should have been done from the beginning.

Again, for an end-user perspective this is a glaring hole, making MSO
truly much more attractive for their own daily work. Hence OOo *must*
get macro-recording as it should be done for *all* modules as quickly
as possible, if OOo should win and take over the hearts of the OOo
users, especially the huge group of end-users sitting in all of these
departments that should be migrated from MSO to OOo!

Just my 2 cents.


P.S.: If designed and done right, then macro recording should be
feasible for interacting with/using any UNO service object in a language
neutral manner, such that the generable macros could be created for any
of the desired target languages of the users, OOo Basic, Python, Java,
BeanShell, ooRexx, and the like.

E.g., if I knew what the initial environment was (already there for
macros) and what interactions (API invocations with used arguments) took
place, then I would be able to (easily!) create from that an ooRexx
program that would be able to replay all those API invocations. I am
sure that Andrew would know and be able to do the same vor OOo Basic,
and everyone else acquainted with UNO and another scripting language
would be able to generate the appropriate code in their chosen scripting

Mathias Bauer wrote:
 Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

 Even better, will a new and improved macro recorder be implemented? I do 
 not remember seeing one in any road map, but I might have missed it.

 A new+improved macro recorder (I assume you mean a recorder that uses
 the real API and not the dispatach API) would be possible only by
 completely rewriting all glue code between the controls and the
 document core. This is very unlikely to happen.

 Why is that so? A recorder can record only API calls that are played.
 The only API calls that currently are played are the dispatch API
 calls. If you wanted other code to be recorded we would need to use
 (play) them in the code executed by e.g. the code that is executed
 when a menu or toolbar control is selected.

 And while we are at it:

 Kálmán Szalai wrote:
 Thank you for the information.
 Are you planning to reimplement this part and make it available under 

 There are no plans to implement that. If I had the choice I never would
 have done it for Writer and Calc also as the current macro recorder is
 not what people really want and the real thing is just too much effort
  for the expected benefit. The resources we invested for that can be
 used better for more important things.



Re: [dev] Bug in determining Java type for UNO_LONG properties ?

2007-07-06 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Jürgen,
 Problem: using a property's' Type attribute (prop.Type) one works with
 a com.sun.star.uno.Type object (cf.
 http://api.openoffice.org/docs/java/ref/com/sun/star/uno/Type.html) it
 seems that for UNO_LONG types (prop.Type.getTypeClass() returns an
 UNO_LONG TypeClass object), whereas prop.Type.getTypeName returns the
 string name long instead of int.
 you get always the UNO type name and not the mapped name for a
 specific language binding.
Thank you very much for this clarification!

 The documentation of com.sun.star.uno.Type is not totally clear for
 me, therefore I would like to discuss this, before really going out and
 filing an issue (possibly wrongly).
 you can submit an issue for the docu if you want
Hmm, maybe this is not warranted (saving resources for other issues).


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[dev] Bug in determining Java type for UNO_LONG properties ?

2007-07-05 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

tried to find an entry on this in the issue tracker, but have not been

Hence, first asking whether this is a bug in the Java interface to UNO
or a misconception on my side.

Problem: using a property's' Type attribute (prop.Type) one works with
a com.sun.star.uno.Type object (cf.
http://api.openoffice.org/docs/java/ref/com/sun/star/uno/Type.html) it
seems that for UNO_LONG types (prop.Type.getTypeClass() returns an
UNO_LONG TypeClass object), whereas prop.Type.getTypeName returns the
string name long instead of int.

As a result, using this information to cast Java types to the
corresponding UNO type yields a type error as supplying java.lang.Long
objects for UNO_LONG properties is not possible, rather
java.lang.Integer objects need to be supplied for them.

The documentation of com.sun.star.uno.Type is not totally clear for
me, therefore I would like to discuss this, before really going out and
filing an issue (possibly wrongly).

Any comments/hints/insights?


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[dev] Seeking help/ideas on making com.sun.star.comp.helper.Bootstrap work on all (Linux) distributions ...

2007-03-06 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

it has been my understanding that the
com.sun.star.comp.helper.Bootstrap class and its bootstrap() method
are meant to allow bootstrapping OpenOffice in an easy manner/fashion on
any operating system.

As I have reported, on some Linux distributions that I have come to look
at, the bootstrapping using  com.sun.star.comp.helper.Bootstrap does
not work! In the e-mails discussions in this group the reason was seen
in a directory structure that would not structured the way that OOo (the
helper class?) would expect it to be and hence would not be able to find
the necessary pieces to get OOo started up. As being able to start OOo
easily from the commandline *is* very important for many reasons it
would be therefore very important to be sure that the helper class (OOo
itself?) can successfully work on all distributions and succesfully
start-up from any configuration. Especially, if these distributions do
re-package OOo in a standardized way it seems, which has become state of
the art on those distributions!


In the meantime I was able to get in contact with Rene Engelhard, who
has been packaging OOo for Debian according to the documented OOo rules,
but in the process has been able to follow the standardized Linux
installation rules. This is (with his permission) what he wrote:

And this directory structure *IS* intact. we have ooodir/program where
all libs are and we have oodir/program/classes (which indeed get
changed, though as it's a symlink to a sane location following the
standard. But the path is changed in the OOo configuration, too to not
look in classes/ but in /usr/share/java/openoffice).

I even bit into the bullet and added /usr/bin/soffice which apparently is
needed for making the bootstrap thing work..

So it seems to me that Rene tried hard to create an OOo distribution
which adheres to both, the OOo and the Debian standards.
However, it seems too, that using com.sun.star.comp.helper.Bootstrap's
bootstrap does not work, as it is not able to find soffice!


Being stuck right now, I would request some suggestions/help on how to
proceed from here in order to make sure that the helper class is truly
able to startup OOo on any OOo installation that adheres to the
installation rules (which seems to be the case with the Debian package).

It would be quite awkward, if the only resolution at hand would be to
advise people to rip off an OOo installation which adheres to its
platform standards, and install the single-tree'd version that can be
downloaded from OOo's home, as this would imply that in reality there
was no freedom to adapt the OOo installation tree according to the rules
of the host system.

Thankful for any ideas/hints/help!


[dev] An example program that should work on all platforms from the commandline ... (Re: [dev] Seeking help/ideas on making com.sun.star.comp.helper.Bootstrap work on all (Linux) distributions ...

2007-03-06 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

the following example program runs on many installations/platforms.

However, it *should* run flawlessly on *any* OOo installation:

 cut here (CreateTextDocument.java))

import com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue;
import com.sun.star.comp.helper.Bootstrap;
import com.sun.star.frame.XComponentLoader;
import com.sun.star.frame.XDesktop;
import com.sun.star.lang.XComponent;
import com.sun.star.lang.XMultiComponentFactory;
import com.sun.star.text.XText;
import com.sun.star.text.XTextDocument;
import com.sun.star.uno.UnoRuntime;
import com.sun.star.uno.XComponentContext;

class CreateTextDocument {
   public static void main (String args[]) {
  try {
 XComponentContext xContext=Bootstrap.bootstrap();  // bootstrap UNO
 XMultiComponentFactory xMCF=xContext.getServiceManager();
 if (xMCF != null) {
   XDesktop xDesktop=(XDesktop)
UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDesktop.class, oDesktop);

   XComponentLoader xComponentLoader=(XComponentLoader)
   UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponentLoader.class, xDesktop);

   String url=private:factory/swriter;// define a
text document
   PropertyValue noProps[]=new PropertyValue[0];// no properties
url, _blank, 0,

// Fortsetzung nächste Seite ...
// ... Fortsetzung von vorheriger Seite

   XTextDocument xTextDocument=(XTextDocument)

   XText xText=xTextDocument.getText();
   xText.setString(Hallo Chemnitz, hier spricht Java!);
  catch( Exception e) {
 cut here 

Setup the environment such that CLASSPATH points to the following OOo
jars (wherever they are installed on the target system): jurt.jar,
unoil.jar, ridl.jar, and juh.jar (sandbox.jar is not needed anymore,
starting with OOo v2.0).

Then compile the program with the Java compiler (javac
CreateTextDocument.java) and run the compiled class with java



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Re: [dev] A few brief questions ad extension packages (Re: [dev] Class-Path Entry in Manifest Package File and the Location of the Respective jars?

2007-02-12 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

sorry, was off for a week witohut access to e-mail, hence my late answer
(keeping the quotings so only this e-mail is needed).

Stephan Bergmann wrote:
 Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
 Hi Stephan,

 , in the case of the ooRexx scripting engine:

 * there is a platform dependent DLL/so which needs to be
   (at the moment I copy it into OOoHome/program), so the library
   is *not* an UNO-component, just a native library,
 * there are three text files (actually ooRexx programs) named
   BSF.CLS, UNO.CLS, UNO_XINTERFACES.REX which also need to be
   accessible by ooRexx scripts (and for that reason I have to copy
   them into OOoHome/program.
 Which code accesses those files (the shared lib and the Rexx programs)
 how, and why does it help to move them to the program directory?  (If
 it is clear how those files are accessed, there might be a way to
 access them directly within the extension.)
 Code which is invoked via the OOo scripting framework, here's what

 * An ooRexx macro is invoked via Tools-Macro
 * the Java support part for the scripting language uses BSF (Apache
   Java archive) to load the Rexx interpreter (via the DLL/so
   residing in OOHome/program) and supplies the script and makes the
   arguments available to it;

 I still do not understand how the DLL/so residing in OOHome/program
 (lets call it X) is loaded.  Is it supplying UNO services/singletons
 and is thus loaded via the UNO framework?  
Yes, the ooRexx script provider package for OOo adheres to UNO
(ScriptProviderForooRexx.jar) which invokes bsf.jar (an Apache.org jar
which invokes the DLL/so via JNI, which then invokes the ooRexx

 Is it loaded from some Java code Y via System.loadLibrary?  Is it
 loaded from some native code Z via dlopen?
If an ooRexx script is run by OOo, then the ooRexx script provider
package (ScriptProviderForooRexx.jar) is used to dispatch the macro
using bsf.jar which uses JNI to load the [lib]BSF4Rexx.{dll|so}which
then will load the ooRexx interpreter and supply the macro for
execution. Such ooRexx macros need access to UNO.CLS (which itself needs
access to BSF.CLS and UNO_XINTERFACES.REX) to make it really easy to
interface with OOo. Placing the DLL/so and the ooRexx files (plain
textfiles) into $OOO_HOME/program makes the ooRexx script provider run
successfully, i.e., these files will be found.

Therefore I have been under the impression, that OOo sets that directory
($OOO_HOME) to the PATH (and maybe LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Linux systems?)
environment variable, as otherwise these files could hardly be found.

 * the Rexx interpreter executes the script which itself calls
   UNO.CLS (specific UNO/OOO support, which itself uses
   UNO_XINTERFACES.REX), which calls BSF.CLS (bridge to Java); all
   these scripts are plain text files and are found in their location

 *Why* are they found in the program directory?  
Good question (but I am *very* happy that they are found!) !

 Does the Rexx interpreter (is that the library X above?) look next to
 itself for them?  (That is, if the Rexx interpreter were instead
 located in your extension, would those text files automatically be
 found in your extension, too?)
The Rexx interpreter is not placed in the script provider package, but
accessible globally (on Windows it is installed for all users, on Linux
it is installed in /opt and the executable is linked to /usr/bin the
librexx.so to /usr/lib). So the interpreter lives independently of OOo,
but every process can access it given the above environment setup.



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Re: [dev] Extension Manager [was: Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java]

2007-02-12 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,
 Hm, if the error message tells the truth, there is some problem
 accessing that log.txt file.  I assume you are on Linux; you could try

   strace -f ./unopkg gui
O.K. it is 1,8 MB large, so I would not like to attach it to this
e-mail. I can zip-it up and send it to you via direct e-mail, otherwise
please advise.

 and grep for log.txt on stderr to see if there are indeed any
 problems.  (If a non-gui ./unopkg list does not fail, similar data
 for strace -f ./unopkg list would also be interesting.)
Running ./unopkg list yields the same error it seems, whereas
./unopkg list --shared works. Again, if it helps to create anothe
strace for the failing version, please advise.


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Re: [dev] Extension Manager [was: Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java]

2007-02-12 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

 O.K. it is 1,8 MB large, so I would not like to attach it to this
 e-mail. I can zip-it up and send it to you via direct e-mail, otherwise
 please advise.

 Only of interest are lines containing log.txt.  Should be few enough
 to post inline.  (Also, does an ls -l on that log.txt file show any
Ad ls -l log.txt: just noticed that the owner and group is root! So
here is the entire listing:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/.openoffice.org2/user/uno_packages/cache$ ls -al
insgesamt 32
drwxr-xr-x 4 rony rony  4096 2007-02-12 13:18 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 rony rony  4096 2007-01-20 22:41 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   212 2007-02-04 12:46 log.txt
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root  4096 2007-02-03 22:51 registry
-rw-r--r-- 1 rony rony 1 2007-02-12 13:18 stamp
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  4096 2007-02-03 22:51 uno_packages
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12288 2007-02-04 12:46 uno_packages.db
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/.openoffice.org2/user/uno_packages/cache$ 

Not sure, how this came into being though. Did a normal install (using
alien to turn the rpm packages into deb ones and installing the deb

Changing owner and group to rony (recursively) solved the problem: all
variants of unopkg as well as Tools-Extension Manager work now!



Re: [dev] Extension Manager [was: Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java]

2007-02-12 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Roderick,

 http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=54163 as mentioned in
 the Debian section of 
 http://documentation.openoffice.org/setup_guide2/2.x/en/SETUP_GUIDE.pdf ?
thank you for the links, and indeed, it seems that this is the same bug
(even 18 months later). [Will look into the version of alien that I
have used as the docs indicate (so it seems) that the bug should have
been removed after v8.50.]



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Re: [dev] Little update (Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-05 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
 these were the required jar files suggested by netbeans: (i noticed
 you didnt mention  jut.jar in the comments of your code)

Thank you for this list, will look into it!


Ad your environment: it seems that you have the OOo SDK (and NetBeans)
at your disposal. The successful run from a packaged jar-file is
interesting: if possible, could you supply the jar as well your
environment settings in the command line window in which you are able to
run the app successfully?

See, I would like to learn what is needed for an out-of-the-box Ubuntu
OOo installation to be employed to run Java apps from the command line.
(Here SDK/NetBeans/Eclipse setups can come into ones way as it is then
not always clear which environment is in effect under which circumstances.)



P.S.: Will be a week off (practically without e-mail or WWW access), so
I may be able to come back only in a week or so.

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Re: [dev] Little update (Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-05 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
 these were the required jar files suggested by netbeans:  (i noticed
 you didnt mention  jut.jar in the comments of your code)

One last remark: it is likely that your pacakge works because of

But I would not want to be dependent on this jar-file as it mandates the
usage of OOo.

The solution should be genuine such that only the Java-UNO-interface is
necessary (mostly acquiring the OOo components, but since URE has been
existing, the solution should be standard), as is the case with the
genuine OOo installation from the OOo web site.

Or with other words: you should be able to execute the compiled Java
class from the commandline by issuing java helloworld. If you can make
this work with the Ubuntu OOo installation, then I would be very
thankful, if you could share the environment setting of that command
line window.



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Re: [dev] Little update (Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-05 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
 In fact... officebean.jar is not required for the helloworld appit
 was suggested by the netbeans wizard, but it will work without it
That is very interesting!

Could you please either send me the jar-file (or its included manifest
file) and the settings of CLASSPATH, PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH (from the
test machine)?



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Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-05 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Stephan,
 The Ubuntu layout you described in a previous mail (libs in
 /usr/lib/openoffice/program, jars in /usr/share/java/openoffice)
 cannot work (at least not without some modifications to the OOo code
 base). Not sure why Ubuntu decided to ship a broken OOo (maybe they
 are not even aware of it, maybe you can file them an issue).
Well, ashok seems to be able to deploy the Java program, if it is
embedded in a jar-file, it seems. So not sure yet, why it works there
and not here. Will have to look further into this.

 [However, the Extension manager on the tools menu does not work
 either in this version; it does from the commandline, though, ie.
 unopkg works there.]

 What is broken with the extension manager?
It does not come up (nor in the genuine OOo installation). I have Sun's
Java installed and activated. Will look into this once more to make sure
that my scripts did not alter the standard installation.



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Re: [dev] Little update (Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-05 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Jürgen,
 the problem is quite simple. The Ubuntu guys install OpenOffice or
 part of it in a way which is not supported in all cases. For example
 the Java UNO bootstrap mechanism depends on a specific layout
 (directory structure, Stephan has pointed out earlier).
 And yes i agree that they probably don't test it at all. For some
 distributions (we had this problem before with Debian as well) it is
 enough when OO.org started and the UI appears correctly. You should
 submit an issue to Ubuntu and communicate the problem there.
O.K., will have a week's time (off-line) to look into this further to be
sure that it is really them.

It seems however that ashok_ somehow is able to run the test program
from a jar (but am not sure why and how yet).



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[dev] Next .... (Re: [dev] Little update (Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-05 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

thanks to everyone, I was not aware of special needs to find OOo. Ashok
was kind enough to send me his jar file, and its content is:
Archive:  helloworld.jar
testing: META-INF/OK
testing: org/ OK
testing: org/openoffice/  OK
testing: org/openoffice/helloworld/   OK
testing: org/openoffice/helloworld/helloworld.class   OK
testing: com/ OK
testing: com/sun/ OK
testing: com/sun/star/OK
testing: com/sun/star/lib/OK
testing: com/sun/star/lib/loader/   OK
com/sun/star/lib/loader/InstallationFinder$StreamGobbler.class   OK
testing: com/sun/star/lib/loader/InstallationFinder.class   OK
testing: com/sun/star/lib/loader/Loader$CustomURLClassLoader.class   OK
testing: com/sun/star/lib/loader/Loader.class   OK
testing: com/sun/star/lib/loader/WinRegKey.class   OK
testing: com/sun/star/lib/loader/WinRegKeyException.class   OK
testing: win/ OK
testing: win/unowinreg.dllOK
No errors detected in compressed data of helloworld.jar.

This matches Jürgen's explanations.

However, *where* would one find the com.sun.star.lib.loader. package?
(Just did a grep over OOHome/program/classes, but none of those
deployed jar would contain a class by that name.)



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[dev] SDK-only Java libs? (Re: [dev] Next .... (Re: [dev] Little update (Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-05 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Jim,
 However, *where* would one find the com.sun.star.lib.loader. package?
 Look in the SDK/classes directory...

 Get the SDK at api.openoffice.org
Oh, I see. Was not aware of that at all.

But this would mean that one cannot reliably deploy Java applications
from the command line without that supporting library?

If so, why not supply it with the general installation of OOo (putting
that library into OOoXYZ/classes directory? It seems to me that that
would be the appropriate place, which everyone then could rely to find it.

Or with other words, distribute that jar as you distribute the juh.jar etc.


And being there, why not fold juh.jar, etc. into *one* jar only?



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Re: [dev] SDK-only Java libs? (Re: [dev] Next .... (Re: [dev] Little update (Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-05 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

just a stupid question: why doesn't the Bootstrap helper class use the
com.sun.star.lib.loader. knowing the important role of that library to
find the OO executable ?



 However, *where* would one find the com.sun.star.lib.loader. package?
 Look in the SDK/classes directory...

 Get the SDK at api.openoffice.org
 Oh, I see. Was not aware of that at all.

 But this would mean that one cannot reliably deploy Java applications
 from the command line without that supporting library?

 If so, why not supply it with the general installation of OOo (putting
 that library into OOoXYZ/classes directory? It seems to me that that
 would be the appropriate place, which everyone then could rely to find it.

 Or with other words, distribute that jar as you distribute the juh.jar etc.


 And being there, why not fold juh.jar, etc. into *one* jar only?




Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-04 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Caio Tiago,

thank you *very* much, your directions worked right out of the book! ;)

First I deinstalled the Ubuntu OOo, then followed your instructions and
was able to install the genuine OOo from the OOo homepage, getting the
standard installation tree on the /opt branch.

Could get the Java program to run from the command line, ie.
bootstrapping OOo worked!

[However, the Extension manager on the tools menu does not work either
in this version; it does from the commandline, though, ie. unopkg
works there.]

Again, thank you *very* much for your kind and exact help!


P.S.: Will take another look into the OOo installation as coming from
Ubuntu (also Suse, I found out).

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Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-04 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Jim,
 You should get the Software Development Kit from your distribution or
 from http://api.openoffice.org, there are examples in
This assumes, that the Java program I use would not work. However, it is
a simple test-program which has been working like a charm, and which I
have been using to make sure that the environment for Java is set up
correctly, such that I am assured that problems in developing apps do
not stem from a wrong environment.


Caio Tiago Oliveria hit the nail right on the top and I could
successfully get and install the genuine OOo from the OOo homepage
(kudos to him) !



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[dev] Little update (Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-04 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

just wanted to report that the genuine OOo 2.1 can be invoked via Java
from the command line, whereas the Ubuntu version cannot.

Did remove the genuine OOo 2.1 and re-installed the Ubuntu OOo 2.0.4
version (the latest they have). The Ubuntu version places the binaries
into /usr/lib/openoffice/program and the Java support to
/usr/share/java/openoffice. Setting CLASSPATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH+PATH
to their respective settings does throw a
com.sun.star.comp.helper.BootstrapException (bootstrap cannot find
office executable).

Could it be that they have no test case for running OOo from the
commandline using Java ? Could that really be the case?? Or is there
something that I might still oversee, which is important for the Ubuntu
version but not for the genuine OOo distribution?



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Re: [dev] Little update (Re: [dev] Seeking help on Ubuntu 6.10 OOo v. 2.0.4 for starting OOo via Java

2007-02-04 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

ashok _ wrote:
 I am running oOo 2.1 on ubuntu...

 I am running the standard jdk 1.5.08 installation... everything works
 fine for me.

 I noticed that i had to explicitly enable Java in oOo after the
 installation, by going to tools-options-java and expicitly selecting
 a JVM there
 maybe that is the step you are missing?
This seems to be necessary only, if Java is invoked from OpenOffice
itself (either via the scripting framework, or because of using a Java
UNO component, etc.).

If one is using Java from the outside of OOo then that version of Java
is used to drive OOo. One could set up different vesions of Java and use
them to interface with OOo (as a matter of fact I have Java 1.1, 1.2,
1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 on my machine, using 1.4 through 1.6 when running
against OOo).


So the question would be for me whether you are able to compile and run
the enclosed Java program from the *command* line (not NetBeans, Eclipse
etc.) under Ubuntu's OOo? If so, I would be *very* interested in your
environment settings!



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[dev] A few brief questions ad extension packages (Re: [dev] Class-Path Entry in Manifest Package File and the Location of the Respective jars?

2007-02-02 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Stephan,
 Feel free to come back here with any questions along your way,
Thank you very much for your kind offer!

Indeed, after studying your information there would be a couple of

* where would one find the full definition for manifest.xml and a
  list of valid mainfest:media-types; I looked in the developers
  guide and tried the search function of the Wiki, but have not been
  really able to locate it?
* also, where would one be able to find the full definition for the
  description.xml file?
  o ad version numbers: would something like or
210.20070202 be o.k. (according to the production rule it
should be possible) or would that pose any problems (the
date of the version is the trailing value, possibly
supplemented with the time of the day like 210.20070202162200)
* ad application/vnd.sun.star.uno-component;type=native:
  o This can be used to not only denote libraries, but also
executables and modules (or with other words: these files
will be put into a place that is accessible via the PATH
  o Is there a complete list somewhere of the operating system
dependent strings? The extension document mentions
Windows, Linux_x86, Solaris_SPARC. So what about PPC
versions of Linux or Intel versions of Solaris or PPC and/or
Intel versions of MacOSX?
* is there a possibility to copy a set of scripts (in any available
  scripting language) to the user and/or shared script repository?
  If possible, what would be the appropriate manifest:media-type
  o Of course this may pose a little problem when using the
update feature, as such scripts could have been edited in
the meantime by the users (but then one could resolve this
by moving the existing/edited extension scripts to an own
backup library)



Re: [dev] A few brief questions ad extension packages (Re: [dev] Class-Path Entry in Manifest Package File and the Location of the Respective jars?

2007-02-02 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Stephan,

thank you very much for your answers!

... cut ...

 * ad application/vnd.sun.star.uno-component;type=native:

 No, such files are not put on any path.  If those libraries are UNO
 libraries that support services/singletons, they will be found by the
 UNO framework via the information recorded at deployment time.  If
 those libraries are used by other libraries, those libraries must make
 sure to find them (e.g., via RPATH on ELF platforms).

Hmm, in the case of the ooRexx scripting engine:

* there is a platform dependent DLL/so which needs to be accessible
  (at the moment I copy it into OOoHome/program), so the library
  is *not* an UNO-component, just a native library,
* there are three text files (actually ooRexx programs) named
  BSF.CLS, UNO.CLS, UNO_XINTERFACES.REX which also need to be
  accessible by ooRexx scripts (and for that reason I have to copy
  them into OOoHome/program.

Is there a means with the extension package manager (via a
manifest:media-type) to cause these files to be either made accessible
via [D]PATH/LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH, or have a means available to tell
the package manager where to copy these files in the standard OOo
installation tree in a platform independent manner)?



[dev] Roundup extension packages for scripting engines ... (Re: [dev] A few brief questions ad extension packages (Re: [dev] Class-Path Entry in Manifest Package File and the Location of the Respectiv

2007-02-02 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Stephan,

after further experimentations a synopsis:

* In order to install a scripting package under OOo one needs to
  supply a jar-file according to the scripting framework specs
  o if all parts are Java then adding all needed classes to that
jar-file should be sufficient
* Fo a scripting language that is not implemented in Java in
  addition to the Java plug-in code one needs (example is ooRexx) to
  o native (non-UNO) libraries (on [D]PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH),
  o a JRE to bridge Java and the non-Java scripting language (on
  o native (non-UNO) binaries resp. text-files that are script
modules which need to be accessible as if they were placed
along the PATH.

At the moment this is not possible. Also the OOo scripting framework
needs a MANIFEST.MF in a predefined form.

Finally, being able to package and deploy scripts in any scripting
language that can be used for OOo would be important as well.



Re: [dev] Class-Path Entry in Manifest Package File and the Location of the Respective jars?

2007-02-01 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Stephan,

thank you *very* much for your hints and pointers, which I need to
follow and study in full in order to be able to experiment with it!
(Will take some time, though.)

 If the three additional jars (bsf-v242-20070128.jar,
 bsf-rexx-engine.jar, oorexx-uno.jar) are only needed by
 ScriptProviderForooRexx.jar, create a ScriptProviderForooRexx.oxt
 extension (see
 instead that contains all four jars (and can also contain additional
 information like extension identifier, version, update information,
 see http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Extensions_packaging).

 That way, your functionality (a script provider for ooRexx) comes as a
 self-contained entity (that can be deployed in one step via unopkg or
 OOo's Tools - Extension Manager...), without the need to add
 additional jars to special places (OOo's program/classes, JVM's
 extension path).
That sounds exactly what I have been looking for (in addition I will
have to supply platform dependent DLLs/so platforms and supportive -
platform independent - scripts), could glimpse over it already a bit and
saw that link libraries can be bundled for different platforms.

Also it seems, that deploying the extension will become really easy for
the user, including updating the extension!

Again, thank you very much!



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Re: [dev] Class-Path Entry in Manifest Package File and the Location of the Respective jars?

2007-02-01 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Bonsoir Cedric,
 Stephan Bergmann a écrit :
 That way, your functionality (a script provider for ooRexx) comes as
 a self-contained entity (that can be deployed in one step via unopkg
 or OOo's Tools - Extension Manager...), without the need to add
 additional jars to special places (OOo's program/classes, JVM's
 extension path).

 This is already implemented in the Eclipse integration: the generated
 package will include the libraries contained in your project and added
 to the project classpath. Thus you don't have to know how to do it,
 simply use File  Export Menu ;)

 I'll be pleased to answer questions on that topic if needed.
Thank you very much for your kind offer! Will definitely look into this
Eclipse plugin (and congratulations for having it now in the Eclipse
Central Plugin repository)!

Though it will take some time, as I would like to study the needed setup
for extension packages by hand and experiment with it (in order to
really understand the framework and its ramifications). Once that is in
place, I really would like to get to learn and to know your Eclipse
plugin and what it can do to help free up development and maintenance time!



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Re: [dev] Ruby binding

2007-02-01 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Andrzej,
 Juergen Schmidt wrote:
 i would also go forward with JRuby first, based on top of the scripting
 framework and the Java UNO binding. One thing you have to do is to
 provide an appropriate script provider.
 That's already done - thanks to Mr. Rony Flatscher I only did some minor 
 to his script provider for ooRexx, and JRuby scripts are already being called 
 in OO. However there's of course some work left with JRuby-UNO integration, 
 because bare Ruby is not so convenient as it should be in OO. I'll be working 
 on it now.
*Great* news !

Looking forward to your first scripts once you finished your preliminary
JRuby-UNO integration!



P.S.: Once I get the ooRexx scripting language support packaged into an
extension package, I will send you the respective information, such that
you can do the same for JRuby, if you want. Still some studying (and
testing!) ahead, so it'll take some time. If it works the way as with
the other extension packages, this will be very attractive, as it allows
a very easy install for the user.

[dev] Class-Path Entry in Manifest Package File and the Location of the Respective jars?

2007-01-31 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

for finalizing a package for bridging ooRexx with OOo (UNO) I was able
to create a package that can be deployed successfully with

   unopkg add --shared ScriptProviderForooRexx.jar

The scripting language is registered and shows up in the Macro menu.

In order to ease installation and maintenance, I added the Class-Path:
entry to the manifest files, denoting the jars needed to run. These
jar-files were copied to OOoHome/program/classes (one DLL needed for
Java and ooRexx, as well as supporting ooRexx scripts to OOoHome/program.

This is the manifest file (and the package registers successfully):

Manifest-Version: 1.0
RegistrationClassName: com.sun.star.script.framework.provider.oorexx.S
Class-Path: bsf-v242-20070128.jar bsf-rexx-engine.jar oorexx-uno.jar
Created-By: ...
Built-By: ...
Name: org/oorexx/uno
Specification-Title: ooRexx to/from UNO Bridge
Specification-Version: 0.99
Specification-Vendor: ...
Implementation-Title: org.oorexx.uno-via-bsf4rexx
Implementation-Version: 0.99
Implementation-Vendor: ...

Maybe it is something simple/stupid I am overseeing.

Other than that I could create a mega-package adding the content of
the other jars into this Scripting framework one. Yet another solution
(which I have employed quite successfully) is to install the
infrastructure-jars (which may be usabel in other Java applications) as
a Java extension.

Thankful again for any hints...


Re: [dev] Class-Path Entry in Manifest Package File and the Location of the Respective jars?

2007-01-31 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi there,

just a small update to my little (still open!) question: copying the
jar-files listed on Class-Path to the same directory the OOo package
installer chose to install the jar file containing that Class-Path entry
will allow to find those jar files.

Now, if I knew upfront where the OOo package installer will put the jar,
I could copy the other jars to that directory. But looking at the
directory on Windows:


looks as if that name could not be foreseen (24.tmp_ looks like an
arbitrary name).

Now, how about the relative depth of that directory (on both, Windows
and Linux), would it be always on that level?
If so, then I could reformulate the Class-Path-entry to read:

Class-Path: ../../../../../program/classes/bsf-v242-20070128.jar ../..
 /../../../program/classes/bsf-rexx-engine.jar ../../../../../program/

Not looking nice, but serving its purpose (it works). But again: would
the depth of the cached package directory remain and be the same on Linux?

Or do you think that packaging everything into one jar-file would be best?



Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
 Hi there,

 for finalizing a package for bridging ooRexx with OOo (UNO) I was able
 to create a package that can be deployed successfully with

unopkg add --shared ScriptProviderForooRexx.jar

 The scripting language is registered and shows up in the Macro menu.

 In order to ease installation and maintenance, I added the Class-Path:
 entry to the manifest files, denoting the jars needed to run. These
 jar-files were copied to OOoHome/program/classes (one DLL needed for
 Java and ooRexx, as well as supporting ooRexx scripts to OOoHome/program.

 This is the manifest file (and the package registers successfully):

 Manifest-Version: 1.0
 RegistrationClassName: com.sun.star.script.framework.provider.oorexx.S
 Class-Path: bsf-v242-20070128.jar bsf-rexx-engine.jar oorexx-uno.jar
 Created-By: ...
 Built-By: ...
 Name: org/oorexx/uno
 Specification-Title: ooRexx to/from UNO Bridge
 Specification-Version: 0.99
 Specification-Vendor: ...
 Implementation-Title: org.oorexx.uno-via-bsf4rexx
 Implementation-Version: 0.99
 Implementation-Vendor: ...

 Maybe it is something simple/stupid I am overseeing.

 Other than that I could create a mega-package adding the content of
 the other jars into this Scripting framework one. Yet another solution
 (which I have employed quite successfully) is to install the
 infrastructure-jars (which may be usabel in other Java applications) as
 a Java extension.

 Thankful again for any hints...


Re: [dev] Ruby binding

2007-01-29 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Andrzej,

Stephan Bergmann wrote:
 Andrzej Zawadzki wrote:
 is there any kind of work going on with Ruby binding to UNO?
 None that I am aware of, at least.  Go ahead. :)
If jruby is an option for the interpreter you could make your life
rather easy by taking advantage of Apache BSF (cf.
http://jakarta.apache.org/bsf), which allows deploying scripting
languages via Java easily. As the OOo scripting framework is written in
Java you could use that and make jruby available for it. As I have been
successfully employing ooRexx via that infrastructure (and the gamma
version is humming along very nicely) I could point you to the
respective Java programs which you would have to adapt for it. Not a
terrible big job, as you could take over 98% 1:1.

  If not, were
 there any attempts on completing such a task? I'm a Ruby/C++
 programmer and I'd surely like such a binding done in OO. Since I'll
 have some free time in the next few months I'm wondering whether I
 could help in such a project.
Again, if JRuby is an option and you are interested in making it
available rather quickly, then drop me a note.



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Re: [dev] Integration of the OpenOffice.org page into the Firefox browser

2006-11-07 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Kay,
 I have created an extension for the Firefox browser. It adds a new
 main menu with a list of OpenOffice.org related URLs and it adds a 
 search context menu to the IssuesZilla and OO.o search engine.  It is
 an easy way to access the OpenOffice.org web page

 Please find more on the Wiki page, there you could download the
 extension :
Looks very interesting!

Just tried to install the downloaded xpi-file on Windows XP, but Firefox
reports a problem with the hash (assumes an error in downloading). Did
repeat the download and attempt to install to no avail.



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Re: [dev] Integration of the OpenOffice.org page into the Firefox browser

2006-11-07 Thread Rony G. Flatscher
Hi Jim,
 I have created an extension for the Firefox browser. It adds a new
 main menu with a list of OpenOffice.org related URLs and it adds a
 search context menu to the IssuesZilla and OO.o search engine.  It is
 an easy way to access the OpenOffice.org web page

 Please find more on the Wiki page, there you could download the
 extension :

 Looks very interesting!

 Just tried to install the downloaded xpi-file on Windows XP, but Firefox
 reports a problem with the hash (assumes an error in downloading). Did
 repeat the download and attempt to install to no avail.
 I just tried here on iMac (intel) and it worked fine,
thank you for this feedback/hint!

It made me think that something was wrong with my running instance of
Firefox. So I shut it down (but had to kill the process eventually) and
restarted it and tried to install the Firefox extension, which lo and
behold has worked for me now as well !



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Re: [dev] OpenOffice without Java

2006-06-08 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

Chris Harrington wrote

I have some questions regarding the use of Java in OOo.

1. Would there be any OOo performance gains by disabling Java in the build
AFAICT no. The Java interfaces seem to be created upon demand (the very 
first time with a noticeable delay, after that not noticable at all).

2. If java was disabled in the build what besides the Base application and
some Wizards would be affected?

Definitely, do not do that unless you *must* !
In todays world you truly would be *crippling* OpenOffice by such an action!

E.g. the scripting framework is written in Java, removing Java means 
that you cannot use scripting languages like JavaScript, BeanShell or 
ooRexx for OpenOffice anymore!

[Also, for some applications using Java the Java reflection is very 
important. So if there are OpenOffice distributions not offering that 
important feature, definitely a certain class of Java applications could 
not be deployed.]

3. In order to build OOo without Java are there any other flags that need to
be passed besides the --disable Java?

Sorry, have truly no idea...


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Re: [dev] Document-URL file:///

2006-03-30 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

Mathias Bauer wrote:

Andreas Höhmann wrote:



can OOo load/save documents from Urls like this:


Where can i find the valid protocols for document-urls?

OOo does not have built-in support for https. If you are using Gnome you
can use the Gnome-VFS instead. On Windows you can use the Web Folders of
the OS though this is a little bit awkward (IMHO).
Also, you might want to consider to try to use Java (practically every 
PC has a JRE installed), which would probably make it even more portable.


Re: [dev] Greek fonts on Linux OO.o

2006-03-15 Thread Rony G. Flatscher

Caolan McNamara wrote:

On Mon, 2006-03-13 at 00:35 +0200, Seeker wrote:

From a quick search i didn't find the issue. I refer to the problem with
greek fonts. When the user types something in Greek OO.o frequently takes
the characters from a font which doesn't have the suitable characters with
very very very ugly results.

You can see the problem here:


Note how different 1 and 2 are. The first misses characters and even the
ones which appear are very ugly.

The ugly fonts appear even in OO.o's GUI.

Does installing DejaVu fonts make any difference for you ?

There aren't a lot of good greek-coverage (as opposed to fonts which
include some greek characters for math-coverage purposes) But DejaVu
apparently has some good coverage there.


How about the Gentium font then at:


