[Finale] Page heading question

2009-11-10 Thread Carl Dershem
I have a question about how to format page headings.  I'm currently 
using FinWin2K4.

How do I get the page headings on pages 2 and after to read [Title 
Instrument]?  Right now it reads [title] as formatted on the document.

I can change simple text easily enough, but ... how to format that text 
to vary from part to part?  Is a puzzlement!


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] recent Finale versus recent Sibelius

2009-10-27 Thread Carl Dershem

David McKay wrote:

My wife and I are using Finale 2004b. One issue I have is that when I
ask it to print 2 copies on my Samsung laser printer SCX 4521f, it
prints 4 or 6 copies each time. Printer doesn't misbehave with other

Don't know if anyone has an answer for that one.

I Use FinWin2004b, and my printer (a HP) gives me no problems I don't 
cause myself.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Loading Libraries

2009-10-26 Thread Carl Dershem

dhbailey wrote:

Chuck Israels wrote:
Of course, Shakespeare.  (The  Louis Armstrong of the English 
language! :)

Oh, yeah . . .

And if you have to ask what that means, you'll never know.  :)

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Loading Libraries

2009-10-25 Thread Carl Dershem

Chuck Israels wrote:
Is there a way to load more than one library at a time?  Document 
Options, Expressions, Articulations etc., in one fell swoop?  (Wonder 
where that expressions comes from.)


I dunno about libraries, but "Fell Swoop" comes from The bard.  More 
specifically, from The Scottish Play.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] O.T. Copyright issues on Choral Wikipedia / cpdl.org

2009-10-25 Thread Carl Dershem

Kim Patrick Clow wrote:

Good day:

My editor Brian Clark recently discovered that one of his editions
just appeared on cpdl.org. He's having a hard time though getting any
action because the website seems to be running on automatic (meaning
people can upload files without any moderator approving them or
checking for copyright violation). Basically it appears that a person
lifted the first page sample on my editor's website, re-entered that
into a notation program, and then proceded to post it on cpdl.org.
THEN they ask for anyone for a complete copy of the sheet music!

Brian also blogged about this @ http://bc16661.wordpress.com/ and his
email contact is bc16661 @ gmail. com

Thanks for any help.
Kim Patrick Clow

Any idea who is hosting that site?  A friend of mine (a novelist) found 
some of his works posted on-line, and he (and his publishers) went to 
the site's host and got it shut down.

Of course, they are now chasing the site's owners through multiple 
hosts, but if you make the site harder to find, it suts down on the 
pirate's business.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Maintenance Update downloading

2009-10-21 Thread Carl Dershem

Allen Fisher wrote:
This is a bad example. Apple controls all the pieces here, MM cannot 
force Tobias to spend time updating the full version of TGTools.

Force?  No.  Entice?  Probably.


On Oct 21, 2009, at 8:48 PM, Eric Dannewitz wrote:

Again, this points to MakeMusic. One of their most important plugin 
developers (or the best one IMHO) doesn't have his plugins ready for 
the release of program? That would be like Apple shipping a new iPod 
and having iTunes not work fully with it.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Blessed be the ties that bind ... and, why don't some?

2009-10-17 Thread Carl Dershem

Dean M. Estabrook wrote:
Well,   what you said worked until the part where I try to make the 
cursor tie all possible notes in the chords. Then, nothing seemed to 
occur at all. Hmmm 

Are you sure?  Sometimes you have to be zoomed in pretty close to tell. 
 And some notes might have something about them that makes them unfriendly.


In my experience, the keyboard shortcut to create a tie between two 
pitches is a toggle: pressing it once and it creates the tie; pressing 
it twice removes it. If the cursor is on a pitch in the chord, when 
you press the key the first time it creates a tie between the notes on 
that pitch, and pressing it a second time creates the tie between the 
other notes in the chord, and removes the tie between the notes on the 
pitch on which the cursor is located. If one wishes to create ties 
between all possible notes in two (existing) chords, one needs to make 
sure that the cursor is not on any of the pitches represented in 
either chord.

Finale mailing list

Canto ergo sum
I'd rather be composing than decomposing

Dean M. Estabrook

Finale mailing list

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] TAN: storing old projects

2009-10-14 Thread Carl Dershem

shirling & neueweise wrote:


or manilla envelopes is easy, don't know if they come in a format that 
would help you though.you could probably make your own folders out of 
thick card stock, you can buy them in large sheets, like 23x36 inches or 
something.  a bit of string to holf them shut and you're set.

I'm tired of using an old laundry basket to store completed projects 
written on large pieces of manuscript paper (12x18). Anybody using a 
better method?I would love to store them upright so they're more 
easily accessible, but I doubt that Staples has anything in stock that 
I would need.

I have a bookcase I keep my music in.  The shelves are adjustable to 
allow for varying heights, and each piece is in a manila envelope.  So 
far, I have 3 1/2 shelves full, and will need a new bookcase soon, but 
it works pretty well for me.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] The Finale nail in the coffin

2009-10-05 Thread Carl Dershem

John Howell wrote:

At 5:46 PM -0700 10/2/09, Carl Dershem wrote:

Read "The Gripping Hand" by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle.

Science fiction with aliens who have 3 hands (one to hold things 
steady, 2 for fine manipulation).  Not their best work, but appropriate.

And no, they never mentioned if these aliens play piano or drums.  :)

Or are familiar with Tevya's monologues in "Fiddler"!

I once played in the pit for a production of Fiddler - an outdoor 
production directly under the flight path.  The planes going over are a 
tradition, and the theatre has a warning system, with lights hidden in 
the footlights and on the conductor's podium.  When a plane gets close, 
the warning light goes to yellow, and when very close to red, and 
everyone freezes on stage, and the music stops (except during dance 

During one night's performance, the actor playing Tevye changed his line 
to "And when I get angry, even PLANES don't dare to fly!"

Brought the house down.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] pfffffffff... selecting systems in layout tool (2010)

2009-10-04 Thread Carl Dershem

Mark D Lew wrote:

I've seen some crazy dynamic markings, but "pf" is a new one to me!

I've run across it in performance, but it's kind of messy!


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] you can't be serious... (tobias?!?!?!)

2009-10-04 Thread Carl Dershem

shirling & neueweise wrote:


new version of TGTools works as expected... 
fuu-cryinoutloud.  man, i just finished most of the work 
i needed it for ARGH!!!

Murphy watches out for us all.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] The Finale nail in the coffin

2009-10-02 Thread Carl Dershem

dhbailey wrote:

David W. Fenton wrote:

On 2 Oct 2009 at 14:22, dhbailey wrote:

Secondly, ...

And later:

Secondly, ...

Is that like "the other left" or are you one of those three-handed 
folks, one the one hand, on the other hand, on the other hand...




Read "The Gripping Hand" by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle.

Science fiction with aliens who have 3 hands (one to hold things steady, 
2 for fine manipulation).  Not their best work, but appropriate.

And no, they never mentioned if these aliens play piano or drums.  :)

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Interesting behavior

2009-09-30 Thread Carl Dershem

Klaus Smedegaard Bjerre wrote:

And advanced musicians also will understand that a Db and a C# is the same 
during instructions. The number of sharps and flats shall always be kept as low 
as possible.


I always teach my private students that, for example, Gb should be 
played/thought as "one natural" instead of "six flats."  It's much easier.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Interesting behavior

2009-09-30 Thread Carl Dershem

Darcy James Argue wrote:

Should have been "Bb and *Eb* instruments," obviously.


- Darcy

Well, except for the Bari player, who is always a little off anyway.  ;>

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Interesting behavior

2009-09-30 Thread Carl Dershem

Darcy James Argue wrote:
"Simplify Key" is designed to avoid unwieldy, nonstandard keys (like, 
ahem, Cb major, which IMO you *really* ought to reconsider) on 
transposing instruments. In the vast majority of cases, this is what you 
want. If a piece is in F# major, the clarinets should be written in Ab 
-- not G#!


- Darcy

Not my choice - the piece in question goes through numerous keys, which 
the composer chose*.  I guess this is what you get for letting Canadians 
write jazz.  ;>


*Bb, to G, to Cb, to Ab, to G, to Ab, to C.

At least the drum part is readable.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Interesting behavior

2009-09-30 Thread Carl Dershem

Christopher Smith wrote:

Well, a few things come to mind.

First of all, is this an old file being opened in a newer version of 
Finale? We know opening older versions is SUPPOSED to be transparent, 
but in real life... I have stopped using templates made in old versions 
of Finale because they gave me so much trouble, and never the same 
problem twice, it seemed.

Nope - using a master template, built when I upgraded to 2k4, with the 
Setup Wizard - a big band chart.

Could independent key sigs be enabled on the guit and bass staves? Never 
mind if YOU did it, just check. Sometimes these things check themselves. 
There is an option somewhere to wrap keys; could that be checked? maybe 
ONLY on those staves?

Checked just now, and independent sigs is not checked.  The option to 
wrap is greyed out.

Sometimes I hit the metatool for some behaviour or other, then discover 
that I was in the Staff Tool, so a weird Staff Style gets assigned 
instead of what I wanted (this often causes me to make everything a bass 
clarinet transposition instead of respacing!) Could this have happened?

Hrm... nope.  The only use I've made of the staff tool is assigning 
slash or rhythmic notation styles so far.

If all else fails, create a new file with all the correct staves in the 
current version of Finale and copy the file contents over. This often 
filters out the corruption, if the file is indeed corrupted.

This is a new file.  Hrrumph!  That's why it's making me crazy!

Hold on, I just thought of something. Of COURSE guit and bass staves are 
transposing instruments! In the Staff Attirbutes, click Transposition, 
and UNcheck Simplify Key! I'm 99% sure that's it.

Argh.  Yes, that was it.  Who put that in there, and why?  What a pain!




On Wed Sep 30, at WednesdaySep 30 1:40 PM, Carl Dershem wrote:

I'm working on a big band piece that has a section in 7 flats (C-Flat) 
in the middle.  Oddly enough, the guitar and bass parts are in 5 
sharps (B).


Does anyone have any idea why Finale might do that?  And if so, why 
the guitar and bass, but not the piano?  And not the trombones?

Very interesting.

Finale mailing list

Finale mailing list

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Interesting behavior

2009-09-30 Thread Carl Dershem
I'm working on a big band piece that has a section in 7 flats (C-Flat) 
in the middle.  Oddly enough, the guitar and bass parts are in 5 sharps (B).


Does anyone have any idea why Finale might do that?  And if so, why the 
guitar and bass, but not the piano?  And not the trombones?

Very interesting.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] smallest notebook for Finale?

2009-09-20 Thread Carl Dershem

Noel Stoutenburg wrote:

All in all, though, except for installation, it's really a matter of 
semantics. From the specs, provided one has an external DVD drive with 
USB interface so that one can actually load the software, it appears to 
me that Finale should run reasonably well on the smallest Windows 
Netbook, although the screen size might make it a bit of a challenge.

Simple solution - never use long notes.  :)

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] smallest notebook for Finale?

2009-09-20 Thread Carl Dershem

Ray Horton wrote:

That's a nice looking unit, Les!  I've made a note of that.


Mariposa Symphony Orchestra wrote:

Hey, Ray --
My wife surprised me with an ASUS Eee 904AH for Christmas last year: 

Yeah - pretty spiffy.  External CD-drive??

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Violin Ties

2009-09-19 Thread Carl Dershem


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Drum part and multimeasure problem

2009-09-13 Thread Carl Dershem

John Howell wrote:

At 1:43 PM -0700 9/13/09, Carl Dershem wrote:

And of the drummers I work with, none like the "play 8 bars" style of 
drum part.  They all consider it a way for lazy copyists and arrangers 
to get the point across.

Hmmm.  I did that for years when I was hand copying, and still prefer it 
when the chart is reasonably straightforward.  I'm perfectly capable of 
writing a complex drum part, but why bother when a decent drummer will 
play it better than I could write it?!!!  Not laziness, just 
practicality.  Of course you need to write an opening feel, either in 
words or notes.  And of course you have to write in any stops, starts, 
or important fills, but you certainly DON'T need a page black with notes 
in most cases.  (Too many books for Broadway shows ARE black with notes, 
crammed together and badly copied, and those are NOT an improvement nor 
do they guarantee better playing!)


It has its advantages, but the drummers I've worked with prefer:


in most cases.  You don't have to (or really want to) put in too much 
data, as that just gets in the way of the drummer doing what he knows 
best anyway, but:

| --- 8 BARS TIME --- |

is too minimal for a lot of drummers.

When I was playing (and studying) with Louie Bellson, we talked about it 
a little bit, and he liked to pencil in things - kicks, feel, etc., 
where he felt they'd work, but where the arranger had just left space 
for time.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Drum part and multimeasure problem

2009-09-13 Thread Carl Dershem

Christopher Smith wrote:

Hi Dan,

I concur as well with Darcy and Carl on the "Play 8" situation.

For that matter, there is no reason why a drum part has to fit on 2 
pages. You can either give him a page turn during a one or two bar rest 
(unless he is playing dance music, he almost certainly has one of those 
somewhere) or have him turn pages during a passage where he is only 
keeping time. Most drummers (even dance drummers) can manage a couple of 
bars of time minus one hand. Fills and hits are another matter of 
course, but just pay attention to where the page turn is. This allows 
(with one page turn) up to 4 pages of drum part.


One of the things that Finale makes easier, and that makes me a bit more 
popular among the bands I do parts for, is taking care to get line feeds 
and page turns right.  If you have to make page 1 short to fit a 
repeated section all onto page 2, the players will thank you for it 
(except for the trombone section, and we all know how they are).  :)

And if you have to go to 3 or more pages, get the page turns formatted 
properly, and it won't be nearly as much or a problem.  For those here 
who remember Bob Florence, we talked about that a bit (he wrote LONG 
charts), and it really affects playability a lot.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Drum part and multimeasure problem

2009-09-13 Thread Carl Dershem

Dan Tillberg wrote:


I have been explicitely asked by my drummer to try to keep the drum part
down to two pages, which is understandable and should be possible for
parts where there might be long periods of slash notation without any cues
or other tempo/rhythm markings.


I've been talking to the drummers I work with a lot in the past few 
months, as my personal library has grown quite a lot, and I've also 
taken over management of a local band, and some of the charts for that 
band are ... lousy.  Handwritten charts, or photocopies of handwritten 
charts, or really old charts on cheap paper, that sort of thing.

And of the drummers I work with, none like the "play 8 bars" style of 
drum part.  They all consider it a way for lazy copyists and arrangers 
to get the point across.

But they have no problem with my , for instance, putting 8 bars per 
system, or 12, or even 16, and numbering every 4th measure.  It's 
amazing how much you can fit on a page this way.  Using the "one bar 
repeat" style is also good, but it's somehow easier for them to see and 
feel the part that way than seeing blocks like you're describing.

It also gives them room to write in stuff that the arranger/copyist 
might not have considered.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Somewhat OT: How marked-up can/should rental parts be?

2009-08-23 Thread Carl Dershem

Blake Richardson wrote:

On 22 Aug 2009 at 12:19, David Fenton wrote:

What you get from New Yorkers is no nonsense, no chitchat, no false

As well as an amazing variety of profanity mixed in for good measure.

Everyone needs a hobby.  :)

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Technical question

2009-07-12 Thread Carl Dershem

Okay -

I'm doing a chart, and the composer/arranger has put a thing in that 
I've occasionally seen before, but never knew a name for, and I'm not 
sure how to best mark it.

On the and of 2, there's an eighth note, which falls off, and then rises 
again to hit with a hard attack on the 1 of the measure after the next.

so: /^..||^

How to join the tweo ^ markings with a jagged "glissando" type smear in 
a "U" shape, with no notes in the intervening spaces, and not make it a 
"V" shape?

Is a puzzlement.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Re: Comparing notation systems

2009-07-12 Thread Carl Dershem

Lawrence Yates wrote:
Ever since I joined this list there have been constant references to 
Finale's default output being substandard and needing "tweaks".

Would anyone be prepared to list all those necessary tweaks so that
those of us who are less experienced might have a chance of producing
output which will not be laughed at.

I know that one member of this list used to have such information on
a website, but that this has since been withdrawn.

(I appreciate that some aspects will be personal preference, but a
list of suggested parameters might be useful.)

A lot of the Finale work I do is copying in hand-written parts and then 
taking that to produce acceptable printed parts, all for jazz bands (Big 

One of the most important things I tweak is the line feeds.  When 
possible, I try to get one idea per line, which sometimes fits within 
the "4 measures per system" LA standard, and sometimes doesn't.

The next is page turns.

The next is getting repeated sections to stay on the same page, whenever 

If you can get these factors taken care of, and still not leave the 
lines too crowded or too sparse, the players will thank you for it.

I don't know if the program can do this - ideas are still beyond the 
scope of programs.

Other things, like getting the bar lines to align on rhythm parts (where 
4 measures/system makes good sense most of the time), also helps.  Why 
bar lines don't align to grid is a mystery, (though that might have 
changed since FinWin2k4), but trying to emulate the professional parts 
you've played (the good ones) can make a big difference.

Remember:  The trick is to reduce the probability of errors when 
reading.  Keep it simple, clear and obvious.

At least, that's what works for me.  Anybody else?

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Re: Comparing notation systems

2009-07-12 Thread Carl Dershem

Daniel Wolf wrote:
I just found this PDF from 2005 comparing six programs;  the Finale 
output is embarassingly bad, but — unfortunately — a typical example

of how badly Finale has represented its product:


It looks like they used untouched default settings for all of them.  It 
might be interesting to compare this with more polished output.  That is 
really where the money lies.

I know I'd never turn over anything printed from default settings to anyone.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] (no subject)

2009-07-04 Thread Carl Dershem

Chuck Israels wrote:

On Jul 4, 2009, at 2:09 PM, shirling & neueweise wrote:

Look up "Staff Lists" in the manual.

actually i think he need to look up optimization... or the layout tool.

Hi jef,

Maybe so, but I thought he was simply talking about screen space while 
working in Finale, not the final look on the page.  I may have 
misinterpreted the question.


Definitely what it sounded like to me.

Can u hide staves from the display to save screen space

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] What's a "Mike Fisher"?

2009-06-28 Thread Carl Dershem

Blake Richardson wrote:

I'm transcribing John Williams' handwritten score to "Jurassic Park" and
I've come across something I've never seen before.

One of the cues (originally titled "Preparing to Meet the Monster" and
titled "Eye to Eye" on the soundtrack album) has four percussion lines.
Three are notated simply "Percussion" and the fourth is notated "Mike
Fisher". I assume that it's some kind of rarely used percussion instrument
named after the guy who invented it, like the mark tree, which was named
after its inventor, Mark Stevens.

I did a Google search on "Mike Fisher" and "musical instrument" and the only
thing I came up with that's even close is a guy named Mike Fisher who
specializes in electronic/synthesizer music, which doesn't exactly seem to
fit in this context.

The actual music written for "Mike Fisher" looks like something that would
be typical of a bongo drum line and the composer has notated "jungle feel"
beneath the staff, so I'm guessing it's some kind of drum but I'm at a loss
as what exactly it's supposed to be. (The recording isn't much help, either,
because there are a lot of different drums and other percussion playing at
that point and I can't tell one from the other.)

I suppose it doesn't really matter in terms of transcribing the score. I can
notate it just as it's written but my curiosity is bothering me.

So basically my question is, has anyone out there heard of a percussion
instrument called "Mike Fisher"?

Mike is a studio musician and percussionist.  His facebook page is at 
 , which 
means you can send him a message and ask precisely what he did on the 
soundtrack of that film.  He does a lot of movie work, and is one of 
those guys that is asked for by name, because his 'touch' is exactly 
what a composer wants.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Chord notation

2009-06-09 Thread Carl Dershem

John Spicknall wrote:

I know from [non-jazz] friends on this list there is perhaps info
about entering chord notation here that is conventional jazz
notation--the kind of notation one might find in an Aebersold
play-a-long booklet.  My use of Finale is generally limited to jazz
lead sheets, transcriptions, stuff for students, non-complex
compositions and arrangements.

 I'd like to be able to indicate major chords with a triangle, major
minor 7th chords with a a triangle atop a straight line,  a major 6/9
chord with the 6 and 9 in vertical alignment, a half-diminished 7th
chord indicated by a circle with slanted line through it, etc. I am
still back in the stone-age use version 2003 or so.


It's just a matter of patience.

Lots and lots of patience.

Click on the Chord tool.

On the pull-down menu, select Manual Input.

Right-Click on the handle of the Chord you want to change.  (In Windows 
- I'm not sure what the mac equivalent is).

Select "Edit Chord Definition".

In the Chord Definition dialog box, click on the "Edit" button at the 

This brings up the Chord Suffix Editor.

Enter each symbol you want to use for your Chord Definition in the box 
at the upper right, then adjust the positioning and font and all that 
jazz, then click on the NEXT button to go on.

When satisfied, click OK.

A triangle over a straight line is easy to mistake in the usually bad 
light on a bandstand.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Re: Fin2010 announced

2009-05-31 Thread Carl Dershem

Eric Dannewitz wrote:
Not necessarily..For example, when I am writing out something, I 
frequently go through and block out chords, then go back and do the 
duration. And speedy also lets me play or even keep sounding the chord 
before and lets me play/mess around with different voicings before 
putting them into the score.

And that's the model that works for you.

When transcribing tunes, I generally map the rhythm, and approximate 
pitch (up or down), and then go back and fine tune the pitches.

But when arranging I block the chords and then voice them according to 

And I'm sure others have other methods for doing what they do.

The advantage of a flexible program is that we can all use what works 
best for us without too many hiccups.

Finale is flexible enough to allow that, and that is why I continue to 
use it despite the fact that the company seems to have its head up 


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Fin2010 announced

2009-05-30 Thread Carl Dershem

mu...@rgsmithmusic.com wrote:

Having written a fair amount of music by hand in my earlier years and
performed more, I fail to understand why folks want a handwritten font. I
understand that some think that it contributes to a more stylistic reading
of some music, but that just doesn't make sense to me.

To me, it seems like photographers trying to digitally insert the
appearance of grain in grainless digital files so it will look like film.
We spent years trying to minimize grain from film and now that that's no
longer necessary, some folks want it back. I don't get it.

Not trying to start a fight, just making an observation.

Richard Smith

For me, at least (and for many of my clients), being able to look at a 
piece and immediately know it's a jazz piece is a good thing.  I could 
do all of my pieces in maestro, but the Jazz FOnt is generally preferred.

It's also a little bit easier to read in bad light.  Well, most parts are.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] hiding rests

2009-05-04 Thread Carl Dershem

Barbara Touburg wrote:

Lee Actor wrote:

Phil Daley wrote:

I have a score that I hid rests in a long time ago and I have forgotten
how to do it.

Can someone help me?

Oh, is it possible to move rests vertically?


Yes, it's possible to move rests vertically -- click and
drag them to where you want them to be.

Hide notes/rests with the "o" (letter o, not zero) and if
they're already hidden, hit the o key again to unhide them.

David H. Bailey

You can also hide/unhide notes and rests with the "H" key.  Seems more
intuitive to me than "O".

Hahaha, O associates with Onzichtbaar (invisible in Dutch).

And here I'd always thought it was for "obscure" which the instructions 
could be considered.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Brass mute playback in Finale 2007?

2009-04-18 Thread Carl Dershem

Dan Tillberg wrote:

OK, thanks. So I gathered.

But what about the automagic recognition of the word "straight"? Is that
documented? Is it configurable? Is it extendable?


Automatic?  Whaddya think this is, a computer or something?


Nope - it's just a setting you have to configure yourself.  If you set 
it once in your default template it will always work, but it has to be 
set up before it'll work.  Just set it under all of your mutes (they'll 
all sound a like, but...) and remember not to use those for your 
trombones and it'll be fine.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Brass mute playback in Finale 2007?

2009-04-18 Thread Carl Dershem

Dan Tillberg wrote:

I have tried to look in the user's manual but haven't found anything about
how Finale can be configured to play back brass muted. I notice that when
I enter the word "straight" as a text expression, Finale automatically
plays back with a muted trumpet (although it sounds to me more like harmon
than straight mute but that's another story...). So far, so good.

However, the same does not happen for cup, bucket or harmon, not even when
combining these words with "mute". How does this work? I understand this
has something to do with HP, for which I use the style type "Jazz" - I
note that when setting for example "None" then the automatic muting of
trumpets does not occur. So the recognition of the word "straight" seems
to be built-in to the "jazz" HP style. But when looking at the Human
Playback Dictionary in the manual this word is not mentioned at all. And,
as far as I can see, no idea on how to control this...

If this is well described in the manual I would be happy just for an idea
what to look for.


You have to modify the expression definition.

Alas, the only muted trumpet sound they have is a harmon mute.  There 
might be better in the Garritan libraries, but that's not available in 2K7.

To modify the expression definition properly, you go into the text 
Expression Designed (right-click on the expression, then choose 'edit 
expression definition), then click on the Playback tab and choose Patch 
from the type of expression and then choose Muted Trumpet from the patch 

Don't forget to reverse this when you enter the OPEN expression when you 
take the mute out.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Transitioning...

2009-02-28 Thread Carl Dershem

Allen Fisher wrote:

Hello List--

Since I have a bit of a different relationship with you all, I figured I 
should let you know that I am leaving MakeMusic. Before anyone panics, 
it has nothing to do with the health or the direction of the company, I 
was presented with an opportunity that I cannot pass on.

As a continuing Finale user, I will continue participating on the list, 
just know that I won't be down the hall from the developers anymore.

Best Regards,

Allen Fisher
Founder and Principal Developer
Fisher Art and Technology

Well, good luck with the art (which from your 'sig appears to be your 
direction) and have much fun and success!

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Is there life out there

2009-02-21 Thread Carl Dershem

Eric Dannewitz wrote:

But.butwhat about the T-Shirts??? The last thing I got
from MakeMusic to upgrade featured a sporty Finale
T-Shirtenough to entice anyone right?

Ah - but the ne pas ultra version will include a tailored polo shirt 
with your name above the Finale logo.


On Feb 21, 2009, at 12:28 AM, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

On 21.02.2009 Dean M. Estabrook wrote:

I never really attained that level of usage, but I do feel your
pain. But the rest of the world is still in absentia. Perhaps
there is a Fin User convention taking place, or maybe all of
the bugs have now been found out and positively altered. Hmmm

Oh, you must have missed it. There is now Finale-non-plus-ultra.
It's a free upgrade to all previous Finale versions. It fixes
every single bug, and has altered the interface in such a way
that everything is where it belongs. There simply are no more
questions, problems, quirks, tweaks. You can do whatever you
desire, and it is completely obvious how it is done.

The only downside of this development is that this list will die.
There simply is no reason for it to exist any longer.


PS: Next year's upgrade, free of course, will be

___ Finale mailing
list Finale@shsu.edu 

Canto ergo sum

Dean M. Estabrook http://deanestabrook.googlepages.com/home

___ Finale mailing list 
Finale@shsu.edu http://lists.shsu.edu/mailman/listinfo/finale

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] chord alterations

2009-02-16 Thread Carl Dershem

trumpe...@verizon.net wrote:

I'm using Finale 2007 with Windows XP Pro. When I "Type into Score"
from the chord menu C7(#5b9), it types C7(#5B9), a "B", not a flat
even after I hit the  spacebar,  AND  it  prints  that  way. The
fonts are set on Chord Symbol---Jazz  Text  22 Plain, Chord
Suffix--Jazz Text 14 Plain, Chord Alteration---Jazz 24 Plain.

If I try to create a suffix that would be 7(#5b9) in the chord suffix
editor box, it recognizes only "7" or only "(" and I don't see a
separate box for creating chord alterations or altered upper
extensions like "b9"or "#11"

It's somewhat complex, but really not difficult.

Enter the chord.  If it is not already in your chord library, it will 
ask "do you want to create?"

This also applies to editing present alterations.

In teh Chord Suffix Editor, you enter the ( or the flat or whatever in 
the "SYMBOL" box, and then you can set the font on each specific element 
using the PREVIOUS and NEXT buttons and the SET FONT button.

For example, you get the FLAT symbol by typing 'b' in SYMBOL, and then 
setting the font to JAZZ or MAESTRO on that specific symbol.

It will usually work.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Splash screen

2009-02-12 Thread Carl Dershem

Phil Daley wrote:

At 2/12/2009 05:28 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:

 >On 12 Feb 2009 at 17:12, dhbailey wrote:
 >> Blake Richardson wrote:
 >> >> Actually it was original at the Xerox PARC (Palo Alto
 >> >> Research Center) and Apple stole it from them and then
 >> >> Microsoft stole it from Apple
 >> >
 >> > No, Apple *licensed* it from Xerox. That's why Xerox never sued 
Apple. They
 >> > were paid for letting Apple use their design. Unlike what 
Microsoft did.

 >> I apologize -- I've been misinformed all these years.  Did
 >> Xerox sue Microsoft?  I had always heard it was Apple who
 >> sued Microsoft.
 >Xerox had no standing, because what MS copied without permission was
 >the Apple Lisa.

I thought Microsoft's defense was that Apple stole it from Xerox to 
begin with?

It was part of their excuse, but falls apart if you look at what 
actually happened.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Splash screen

2009-02-11 Thread Carl Dershem

dhbailey wrote:

John Howell wrote:

At 12:44 AM +0100 2/11/09, Barbara Touburg wrote:

dhbailey wrote:

At least that's what's happened with other programs I've used which 
allow the user to turn off the splash screen -- I just look at the 
desktop for longer before the program actually starts.

I usually look at my monitor! :)

(Don't like Window$ that much)

If I remember correctly, the "desktop" concept or analogy (which is 
clearly what David meant) was original with Apple, and was stolen by 
Microsoft, which unaccountably won the subsequent lawsuit.  So by the 
time Windoze came along that was all ancient history.


Actually it was original at the Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) 
and Apple stole it from them and then Microsoft stole it from Apple, 
which brings up the age-old morality question -- can someone steal from 
a thief?  :-)

Actually Apple had permission to use the ideas.  Jobs had spent time 
with the people tat Xerox PARC and worked out an agreement.  Gates then 
saw what Jobs was up to ant stole the concept.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Re: Playback 2nd time only

2009-01-25 Thread Carl Dershem

dhbailey wrote:

Brian Williams wrote:
I see the "Play Only on Pass" checkbox in the Playback tab of the 

designer, but I don't know what to set in the "Type" popup. I've tried
setting it to "None", changing the channel to an unused one on the pass I
don't want it to play, and setting the channel pressure and key 
velocity to

zero. Nothing works.

How can something so supposedly simple be so difficult?

Here's the process:
1) create an expression "2nd Time Only"
2) in the playback panel of the dialog check the Play on Pass and set it 
to 1 (this is contrary to what you would expect)

3) in the Type panel, select Key Velocity, and set value to 0
4) click OK to close the creation dialog, then assign that to the first 
note of the section you want to be heard only 2nd time
5) repeat the process, only create another expression called something 
like "Reset Volume" and set the text type to be Hidden (so it won't print)

6) in the playback panel, check Play on Pass and set it to 2
7) in the Type panel, select Key Velocity and set the value to match 
whatever the volume level should be as set by the most recent dynamic 
8) both of these expressions should be placed in the music at the same 
point, the first note of the repeated process.

I just ran through these steps in Finale2008 and they still work just 
like they've always worked.

Thanks!  It sounds unduly complex, but if it works should be useful.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT - Original instrumentation of ROAR OF THE GREASEPAINT

2009-01-24 Thread Carl Dershem

Christopher Smith wrote:

On Jan 24, 2009, at 6:38 PM, Howey, Henry wrote:

I was a member of The American Wind Symphony many years ago. One of 
the tunes we did was (I thought) the original instrumentation for 
Newly's Broadway show, but I am not sure. It was exciting as it was 
only winds and percussion. Can anyone confirm or refute this for me?

The original UK production, Aug 3, 1964, used the following orchestration:

Violin 1 & 2; Cello; Bass; Reed 1, 2 3, 4 & 5; Horn 1 & 2; Trumpet 1 & 
2; Trombone; Percussion; Guitar 1 & 2; Harp; Piano

As you see, it had strings and not a LOT of brass. What you had might 
have been a touring orchestration for someone (maybe Newly) doing a 
concert show, rather than a staged book musical.

(this is only a guess!)


Not super unusual for a pit orchestra.  The Harp, guitars, and last 2 
reeds are slightly different, but not a lot.

Finale mailing list


2009-01-24 Thread Carl Dershem

Eric wrote:

Hi all,

I thought I’d
let you know that three new commissioned works for big band (all done in Finale 
:) will be
premiered in the span of two weeks (that’s a first for me!) If you’d
like to hear any of the performances, here are the specifics:

Congratulations!  It sounds like you've got some great bands on tap.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Play back 2nd time only

2009-01-23 Thread Carl Dershem

Brian Williams wrote:

How do I set an expression or repeat text to make Finale *not* play a
passage on a specific staff the first pass but do play it on the 2nd pass of
a repeat? Does this require some convoluted work-around?

When you define the expression, under the PLAYBACK tab, there is a box 
for "play only on pass __" designed to do that.

Of course, it has never worked for me, but it is supposed to.  :)

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Question for the pros

2009-01-23 Thread Carl Dershem
I work with a youth band, and we are having a fairly big concert soon as 
a fund raiser.  One of the several Guest Artists that will be performing 
with us is a local celebrity of a sort, and performs regularly with 
small combos around town, and has written several tunes that he does 
with combos.

He asked the director of our group (the guy who does all of the booking) 
if we would be able to do one of his tunes, and the director said "sure" 
then the next day asked me if I could do an arrangement.

So I have 5 days to do a complete big band chart with only a sparse lead 

What would you charge to do such a thing?

(The fun part is that now we hear that Sammy might be at the concert, 
which really raises my personal tension levels.  Add in a lack of time 
to work (I play almost every night) and I'm going nuts here.)

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT trombones in Beethoven

2009-01-23 Thread Carl Dershem

Christopher Smith wrote:

On Jan 23, 2009, at 12:10 AM, Ray Horton wrote:

Regarding the falset notes, which you call "Privileged frequencies ... 
unstable ..." and imply that "A very high level of expertise" is 
needed for them:  I teach them to junior high students, so when they 
purchase a trombone with a valve they are already used to the range 
below the staff.   Yes, anyone can force any note on any brass 
instrument, pretty much, but these falset notes are more than that - 
they a specific partial on their own, which, particularly on small 
bore trombones. can center in quite well with practice, and are not in 
the least bit difficult.

Yes, I can concur. Even on my bass trombone, I can produce a tone from 
Eb to B WITHOUT the valve almost equal in quality to the tone I get WITH 
the valve. Certainly a Mozart fortissimo will make it, but not Wagner.

(I don't do it, though, except as an exercise! It's possible and not too 
difficult, that's all. I would say the Beethoven 5th high C and high F 
are much riskier.)


It's always possible, but I do my best to avoid it.

Then again, you never know when you're going to get a call to play 2nd 
trombone in a big band, bring a small bore tenor, and discover there was 
a booking error and you're playing 4th(bass) bone.  It's a skill that 
must be learned.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: Chord identification

2009-01-18 Thread Carl Dershem

Ray Horton wrote:

Christopher Smith wrote:

On Jan 17, 2009, at 7:06 PM, Adam Golding wrote:

Incidentally, if you want an F#m triad with a D added, you would call 
it F#m(b6) in the most standard system. This is the second chord in 
the James Bond main theme, in case anyone thinks it is too far out to 
consider in popular music.

And that "Bond, James Bond" harmonic pattern goes back to Harold Arlen, 
if not earlier.

Harold was a spy?

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] laser printer

2009-01-08 Thread Carl Dershem

James Gilbert wrote:

I'll echo the recommendation on the Ricoh AP610N. For the price, it's
not bad. There are better printers out there. I've had it less than a
year, but it does quite fine. It prints 11x17 and similar metric
sizes. I never tried envelopes until now but it is doable via the
bypass tray and setting the paper size via the printer's menu. I do
prefer the way an inkjet printer handles envelopes better than the

James Gilbert www.jamesgilbertmusic.com

How about consumables?  Is the toner expensive?  How long will a 
cartridge last?  Does it have an "OFF" button?  (So many don't any more)

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Notation readability research? Now jazz font natural complaint

2008-10-21 Thread Carl Dershem

Darcy James Argue wrote:
You should *never* use just "M" or "m" for chord symbols, regardless of 
the font.

I know Christopher disagrees, but I prefer either the geometric symbols 
("?" and "-"), or "MA" and "mi".

I believe Christopher uses "Cmaj7" (which is okay, though I *greatly* 
prefer CMA7) and "Cm7" (which is fine so long as you're not also using 
CM7 in the same chart).

Chord symbols like "CM7" are, IMO, entirely unacceptable under any 


- Darcy

For clarity, I prefer Maj for Major and - for minor.  it's very 
difficult to confuse the two (except for that one guy, and we all know 
someone like him).

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Notation readability research?

2008-10-21 Thread Carl Dershem

Richard Smith wrote:

I have never understood the use of the "jazz" fonts. When I was a hand 
copyist, the goal was to look as much like printed music as possible. I 
do find most of the "jazz" fonts very readable and understand that there 
may be some psychological advantage for jazz musicians. I'm not sure it 
matters in commercial music.

Ah.  Something I can comment with some experience and intelligence on. 
The jazz font is darker, making it easier to read in poor lighting 
conditions.  I find it MUCH easier to see on a badly lit bandstand than 
the maestro font.

That said, it is by no means ideal, but for the price, better for me. 
There are other, better commercial fonts out there, but they are beyond 
my meagre means. :(

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Expression Tool question

2008-10-18 Thread Carl Dershem

Dean M. Estabrook wrote:
When I want to assign an expression, say, a rit. to all staves, I 
properly get handles on them all. Now, if I want to adjust one or two

of those expressions, is there any way  to move them one at a time
rather than when one is selected, all are selected and ergo, all are
adjusted simultaneously.  This happens to be a large Band Score, and,
naturally, some of the expressions are in the way of, say, a Picc.
part. There must be a way, but I've not found it yet.

Thanks in advance,


In "expression assignment" (I think) there's a check box for "individual 
positioning."  I rough out the placement, then go back, check individual 
positioning, then fine tune.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Avoiding long parts (e. g. for rhythm section)

2008-10-12 Thread Carl Dershem

Dan Tillberg wrote:

Hi folks,

When arranging for big band, there might be for instance three separate
long choruses which essentially repeats in piano and guitar since the rely
on the same chord pattern even though the horns have three totally
different designed choruses. In the score, pi/gui are repeated for easy
score reading, and it is of course easy to achieve this with copy/paste
tools. But the parts get of course very long, and especially in the piano
part where I have suggested voicings for both hands. For the horns this is
rarely a problem since multimeasure rests shorten the parts.

Anyone having any good advice on how to shorten e. g. a piano part with
these characteristics? I am not even sure how I want it to look...so first
I might need some advice what is typical and then what Finale can do in
this area. But essentially I guess I could use some method like giving
information to the pianist in letters G, H, I that chords and voicing
suggestions are as in C, D, E.

Now pianoplayers might not have a big problem with turning pages, however
drummers certainly do not like to have parts with more than 2 or max 3
pages - fully understandable. So also here I hope there is some standard
for how to say that B is latin 16 bars and no cues, C is latin 24 bars and
no cues etc.

I know that this is fairly general question. But I hope there is some
article or similar about this that someone can point out...?


This isn't something you can handle by using repeats and/or DS markings? 
 I often have pieces given to me to copy/engrave that have open solo 
sections with different background parts, and I generally handle them by 
just having repeats around them, and over the affected parts putting 
specific instructions.

As an example, I might have a section that repeats three times, and will 
put "3X" at the beginning of all the repeats, "BG 2d X" on the sax 
parts, and "BG 3d X" on the brass section parts, leaving the rhythm 
section only one repeat.  For the drums (where the kicks follow the 
backgrounds) I might put the 2d repeat on the top line and the 3d repeat 
on the bottom line, with appropriate notes in the drum part.

But if I have a section that repeats pretty much note-for-note, a DS 
might work.

That said, there are always Bob Florence and Rob McConnell parts, which 
can be up to 8 or 9 pages in the horns, and longer in the rhythm 
section.  Then you just suffer and cross your fingers, and write the 
parts so that page turns are as efficient and logical as possible.

Good luck!

Finale mailing list

[Finale] Latin percussion?

2008-09-30 Thread Carl Dershem
I recently got a few latin tunes to print parts for, and I;'m wondering 
what patches sound best for Timbales and Bongos.

Using WinFin 2K4.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] TAN: Scanning facsimiles

2008-09-09 Thread Carl Dershem

dc wrote:

Johannes Gebauer écrit:
I want to clean up some facsimile copies I have of old music prints. 
Ideally I'd like to scan them into Acrobat, then apply some filters, 
and edit them slightly with an eraser. Ideally everything should be 
done in the PDF format, to keep small file sizes and multi-page options.

Does anyone know of appropriate Mac softwar for this purpose? Has 
anyone got experience with this?

There are plug-ins for Acrobat that can do this (straighten a page, 
erase unwanted things, recenter, etc.). The problem is that they are 
rather expensive. All depends on how much use you get out of them. The 
hard way is to scan to Acrobat, then save as a graphic format you can 
edit, edit the pages that need editing, and then select them all and 
make a new PDF. I prefer to scan to Acrobat, even if I want to extract 
graphic files. It's the most convenient format for storing stuff.


I generally prefer to do it the other way 'round - scan to .TIF or .PCX, 
clean up, then 'print' to .PDF.  It removes a couple of steps, and is a 
touch easier.  Of course, doing that depends a lot on what graphics 
software you have.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Finale Documentation Review

2008-08-25 Thread Carl Dershem

Giz Bowe wrote:

At 11:14 AM 8/25/2008, you wrote:
I encourage any comments you have, but especially appreciate a 
description of your most negative experiences with the Finale help

 resources and perhaps any ideas regarding its improvement.

I don't like having to use Internet Explorer to access help. In fact,
I don't like to go online at all for help.


If it must be online, there should be a direct Index link from the 
Finale help menu


I liked the alphabetical guide/link in the index when it was actually
in the program.

Very useful, that.

I would LOVE a printed manual - for $100 an upgrade, that should be 

It should at least be available.

Finale mailing list

[Finale] [OT] tech help

2008-08-13 Thread Carl Dershem
My brother just bought a new PC with Windows Vista on it, and wonders 
how to transfer his Outlook address book and bookmarks to it.  Do any of 
 you with less obsolete technical skills than I have any hints?

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Garritan on AMD

2008-08-10 Thread Carl Dershem

Chris Bell wrote:

On Aug 10, 2008, at 9:57 PM, Darcy James Argue wrote:

In fact, I think anyone would be hard-pressed to complain about the 
instrument selection for JABB -- it is amazingly comprehensive. They 
actually have MORE instruments than they list on the product page:
 . . . . I really don't see how anyone could have serious issues with 
that selection of instruments.

I for one would love to have a kitchen sink sample as well.
/ Cb

Bass or treble?  With or without the "disposal" mute?

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Garritan on AMD

2008-08-09 Thread Carl Dershem

Darcy James Argue wrote:

Hi Craig,

You are right about the orchestral trombones. Perhaps some bigbands have 
3rd tbn. players with triggers, but here in NYC I rarely see that. 
Nobody wants to play a solo on an instrument with an attachment, and 
solos get passed around within the section fairly frequently.

Maybe it's an east coast/west coast thing?  Most of the bands I play in, 
here in San Diego and up in L.A. have players who use triggers on 2nd 
and 3d chair.  I prefer having a trigger even on my 3B not so much for 
the low range as for the added flexibility it gives me (there are 
passages that flow better using the trigger, and it can make page turns 
simpler if you cal play with one hand).  A lot of the bands I work with 
have 1 Bach 26 or similar on 3rd, and a 3B or 36 on 2nd chair, with only 
the lead player playing a 'straight' horn, and I've found it gives the 
band a fatter sound.

But ... different strokes, eh?

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Garritan on AMD

2008-08-09 Thread Carl Dershem

Darcy James Argue wrote:

Hi Craig,

The range is realistic -- jazz tenor trombone players almost never have 
an F attachment. I am sure the players they sampled for the JABB 
trombones did not have an F attachment on their horn.

Hm.  About half of the ones I work with (and have worked with in the 
past 30 years) have.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] (OT) Ancient History (was Jazz Notation Standards)

2008-08-03 Thread Carl Dershem

Andrew Stiller wrote:

On Aug 2, 2008, at 3:45 PM, John Howell wrote:

 BS&T ... debuted in November '67, reformed in their best-known 
configuration with David Clayton-Thomas in '69, and have bumbled along 
to the present day like so many other bands, with constant changes in 
personnel and concept.

The 1976 _Encyclopedia of Rock_ is not kind. It says, in part, 
"Commercial success grew by leaps and bounds, as did charges of 
pretentiousness. By 1970, most of the group's original audience was 
gone, replaced by the sort of man who picks his mood music by scanning 
the _Playboy_ Jazz and Pop poll." It does, though, give them credit for 
being "one of the first rock bands with a full horn section," and 
therefore "one of the most influential groups ever."

One of the original thinks that Kooper did when he built the original 
BS&T was to have a rhythm section made up of rockers, with a horn 
section made up of jazz players.  That added significantly to the unique 
sound of the band.  But bands with horn sections were nothing new even 
then - it was just that *successful* bands with horn sections were rare. 
 BS&T, Chicago, and the Tower of Power all came from about the same 
time, all from different directions, and all from backgrounds with a 
rich heritage in horn bands.

Yah, BS&T got very commercial, but not as commercial as Chicago.  They 
also changed over the entire band several times, not usually for the 
better.  Just goes to show what happens when you lose sight of the 
original goals, IMO.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Jazz Notation Standards...what's correct?

2008-07-31 Thread Carl Dershem

John Howell wrote:

The two bands I'm thinking of were, of course, Blood, Sweat and Tears 
and the original Chicago Transit Authority.

Well, those bands are actually products of the late 60's, but I see 
where you're coming from.

That said, I look at doubles as obstructions to clarity.  Yeah, I read 
them when necessary, but because the vast majority of musicians I've 
worked with don't have a lot of practice with them (and some of those 
have been very good, but most have been jazz players), and because I've 
long kept to the ideal of "Keep it simple", I tend to re-spell double 
sharps and flats as their chromatic equivalent in the key in question.

Theoreticians can quibble all they want, but I'll stick with practical use.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] 2009 rumors - now survey

2008-05-29 Thread Carl Dershem

Ray Horton wrote:

Christopher Smith wrote:

Thanks, man!

I took the survey. Anything to save the cost of upgrading yet again.

One of the questions asked, "Where do you go for technical support?" 
One of the possible answers was "the user manual" (snicker), but 
notably missing was "The Finale Listserve." Don't they know where 
their power users are?

Exactly.  I tried to skip that question, since this list is pretty much 
the only place I get significant help, but the survey wouldn't let me.  
I ultimately selected "Friends" (I hope that includes everyone here, 
even David W.!).

I was going to post the link to the survey yesterday (when I received 
the invitation) for everyone here, but since the survey had crawled and 
crashed on me a couple of times I decided it best not to share.  Today 
was much better.

It also crashed on me when I took it, and it never finished.  I doubt 
it'd be worth the effort to try again, considering how little they seem 
to have put into making it work.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Bob Florence Tribute Memorial concert event

2008-05-24 Thread Carl Dershem

Kim Richmond wrote:

Dear Listers,
This is to let you know about the Memorial Tribute concert to 
celebrate the life of the late composer/pianist Bob Florence.

WHAT: Bob Florence Tribute Memorial concert
WHEN: Sunday, June 15 (Fathers' Day), 2008, 1 PM to 5 PM.
WHERE: CATALINAS Bar & Grill, 6725 WEST SUNSET BLVD, Hollywood, CA. 
telephone 323-466-2210
WHO: The Bob Florence Limited Edition big band, playing compositions and 
arrangements by Bob Florence; the Phil Norman Tentet playing music by 
Bob; a multi-media event about Bob's life by his daughter Melanie, and 
various speakers.

All are invited. Parking in the adjoining garage.

Thanks, Kim.  I have a gig that day, and can't be there, but please
carry my thoughts with you for Bob and his family and friends.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Fwd: Bob Florence

2008-05-15 Thread Carl Dershem

John Blane wrote:

Sorry to pass this on but I'm sure many of you would want to know.

Begin forwarded message:

Date: May 15, 2008 6:51:24 PM CDT
Subject: [Trombone-l] Bob Florence

I am very sad to report the passing of pianist, composer, arranger
and bandleader Bob Florence. He died this afternoon after a long
illness. He was a brilliant and dedicated musician who never stopped
searching for ways to express emotions through music.

Those who knew him and his music have lost a great friend.

Best wishes,

Alex Iles

Well. damn.  Bob was a nice man and a fine musician.  I'll miss him.

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] I'm back!

2008-04-28 Thread Carl Dershem

Andrew Stiller wrote:
This is to let everybody know I'm back on  the list.  I  had  a  
heart transplant on  11/14/07, and recovery has been  long  and  difficult.

Welcome back, and I hope you're feeling at least somewhat better, and 
continue to improve!

Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Percussion Diagrams

2008-02-25 Thread Carl Dershem

Adam Golding wrote:

I've never written music for solo percussionist before--do you guys do
percussion diagrams in Finale?  is there a resource i can look to for advice
on how to do this?

Step 1:  Talk to a good percussionist.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] what does a copyist do? now scordatura

2008-02-23 Thread Carl Dershem

John Howell wrote:

OK, to ask something seriously, did you have any trouble learning to 
adjust your slide positions when you had to pull your F slide to E?

To E??  I've played on horns that allowed you to switch it to G, but ... 
what possible benefit would you getb from tuning to E?


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] work time

2008-02-09 Thread Carl Dershem

Robert Florence wrote:

For jazz writers,

I have a 300 bar score for 5 trumpets, 5 trombones, 6 woodwinds and 
piano, bass, guitar and drums. Much of the piano is written out.
How long would it take you to complete this task? This is only for a 
score. I'll get into "part hell" later.


Bob Florence

About 15-20 hours, depending on the complexity of the parts.  If the 
saxes have a lot of 16th note runs or independence it could push it up a 
bit.  The more similarity between the parts in a section, the faster it 


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] New expressions

2008-02-03 Thread Carl Dershem

Christopher Smith wrote:

On Feb 3, 2008, at 12:23 AM, Carl Dershem wrote:

I've been working with a youth band for a coupe of years now, and have 
come up with a few expressions that, if they don't necessarily exist 
in print yet, probably should.

Of course, expressions are usually in Italian.  Perhaps some of you 
have others of your own you could add to the list:

1.  Sempre Prosciutto = play with too much expression.

2.  Con Brie = play it very cheesy.

3.  Schwarzando = play it funky.

I don't think I would use numbers 1 and 3 in my college with its large 
Italian and Caribbean student numbers, as they are certainly on the 
border of being racist and that would be pointed out to me in no 
uncertain terms. Besides, the Schwartzando is already known around here 
as being a favourite lick of local guitar god Gary Schwartz. However, I 
have used in the past:

How is "Ham it up" racist?


Finale mailing list

[Finale] New expressions

2008-02-02 Thread Carl Dershem
I've been working with a youth band for a coupe of years now, and have 
come up with a few expressions that, if they don't necessarily exist in 
print yet, probably should.

Of course, expressions are usually in Italian.  Perhaps some of you have 
others of your own you could add to the list:

1.  Sempre Prosciutto = play with too much expression.

2.  Con Brie = play it very cheesy.

3.  Schwarzando = play it funky.

Apologies to those who do not have English as their primary language, 
and might not get these awful puns.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Pen tablets

2008-01-31 Thread Carl Dershem

Pierre Bailleul wrote:

Hi all,
Do you think it's easy and practical to use a tablet pen with finale?
- Instead of a mouse?
- or with a mouse?
Thanks for your responses.  

(Wacom intuos or another one?)

I have a Wacom tablet, but really don't find it any more convenient to 
use than my mouse, and it takes up more desktop space.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] A little help, please

2008-01-03 Thread Carl Dershem

Horace Brock wrote:

I'm working in Fin2k8 for Windows. How do I put in the scoop up to the
first note of "A String of Pearls" (as performed by the Glenn Miller
Orchestra, music by Jerry Gray)?

It's an articulation.  In the Jazz preset, #68 works well for me.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Saving Data

2007-12-26 Thread Carl Dershem

Dean M. Estabrook wrote:

How does the Flash Drive stack up as an option for backing up files?


I got a 4GB flash drive for christmas last year and backup all of my 
essential data on it.  So far there's been no degradation.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Dotted notes preferences?

2007-12-22 Thread Carl Dershem

Leigh Daniels wrote:

Just curious: do the dotted versions scan better than the tied
versions? I get requests from players to replace dots with ties.


Depends on what you're used to, and how much practice you have at
both/either.  I prefer dots myself, but some people don't see them often
enough to be comfortable with them.


On Sat, Dec 22, 2007, Lee Actor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Quarter-dotted eighth scans much better than dotted
quarter-sixteenth.  The second case is not quite so clear-cut, but
I still think half-dotted quarter is preferable (I assume these are
4/4 meter).


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Performance notes - text & notation excerpts

2007-12-22 Thread Carl Dershem

Chuck Israels wrote:

Collective wise ones:

What is the best way to create a page of performance notes that includes 
text instructions and small (one measure) musical excerpts?

Can a word processing document (formatted with musical inserts) be 
dropped into a Finale page in toto?  I have not had to do this before 
and am looking for advice.



Not claiming exceptional (or much) wisdom here, but the last time I had 
to do anything like this (a book for my students) I did a lot of Saving 
as PDF and Editing with Illustrator.  While I can imagine a few tricks 
to use within Finale (selective use and spacing of systems on the page 
in question, and lots of text), I'm not sure how ... efficient that 
would be.


Finale mailing list

[Finale] Coda mark query

2007-12-11 Thread Carl Dershem
I'm doing a piece where many of the parts (big band score) have 
multi-measure rests before and after the coda (go to) mark.  I'm using 
FinWin 2004 under WinXP.

The problem is:  I can either have multi-measure rests or the mark, not 
both.  If I select the measures in question (before and after, in 
separate groups), the measure the Coda mark is attached to will not be 
included unless I de-select "break multi-measure rests" when selecting 
the coda mark.  But if I do that, the mark itself becomes invisible.

I have, in most cases, 9 measures, the mark, and 3 measures.  But it 
comes out as 8 measures, 1 measure with the coda sign, and 3 measures.

ANy idea how to fix this?


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Premieres

2007-11-11 Thread Carl Dershem

dhbailey wrote:

Ray Horton wrote:

Here is a puff piece in the Louisville rag.  Don't believe everything 
you read:


 > Nice piece, Ray!  I don't believe everything I read in the newspapers,
but that article just confirms the impression I get from your various 
postings to the groups we both inhabit, and I think it's terrific that a 
newspaper would take that much interest in a local musician outside New 
York or Boston or Chicago.


Now get back to work!  ;-)

Yep.  An excellent article.  And from what I've heard through other 
sources, a well-deserved one.

I just find it interesting that you look like I'd pictured you in my 
head, and that *never* happens!  :)

Keep up the good work.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Guido OT

2007-11-10 Thread Carl Dershem

Leigh Daniels wrote:

Because it's the National Post, I'll bet the producer of the note is
well-known Canadian trumpeter Guido Basso.


On Fri, Nov 9, 2007, Margaret whitby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Twice in recent weeks one of the clues in The National Post  (Canada)  
crossword puzzle has been  --" Guido's highest note".  In my ignorance 
I assumed that he was an opera singer that I'd never heard of.  I'm 
sure that John Howell and some others must know the answer!  thanks, 
Margaret Whitby

Basso is better known as a flugelhorn player, and is a master.  But high 
notes?  Not really his thing.


Finale mailing list

[Finale] Notation programs

2007-11-05 Thread Carl Dershem
I was talking to a guy at a rehearsal tonight, and he was asking about 
*affordable* notation programs.

What would you recommend for a good, but not wealthy, musician who was 
not intending to be an arranger or engraver?


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Re: OT Bob Florence?

2007-10-29 Thread Carl Dershem

Eric Dannewitz wrote:

Oh wow. Give Bob our wishes for a speedy recovery.

Kim Richmond wrote:
Bob Florence is badly laid up with a back condition (4 operations, and 
now a cracked rib), and not reading e-mail at present. If you want his 
e-mail address, please contact me personally. He does appreciate phone 
calls, although he may not answer the phone. His number is: 805-373-9088

All the best,

Definitely do so.  Bob's a very nice gentleman (old definition of the 
term), and a hell of a musician.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] My posts

2007-10-13 Thread Carl Dershem

Dean M. Estabrook wrote:
My posts to Finale do not seem to be making it to the list anymore ... 
is anyone out there?


Not me.  I'm not anywhere any more.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] test

2007-10-09 Thread Carl Dershem

Ray Horton wrote:
Since I got my computer running again, I'm not getting much mail on the 
three lists with which I keep up.  Has mail here been particularly light?

Raymond Horton

Yeah, pretty much.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] temporarily unsubscribing

2007-09-11 Thread Carl Dershem

Andrew Stiller wrote:
Hi, My husband, Andrew Stiller, is in the Hospital of the University of 
Pennsylvania again with heart trouble.  So many hospitalizations this 
year that I can't quite remember, 3 or 4.  He  wants me to temporarily 
suspend his Finale E mail.  I thought I remembered his password, but it 
seems I do not.  Please temporarily suspend his participation in the 
list until he returns home.

We'll miss him.  Please send him our best wishes.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: Tempi of dance movements

2007-09-09 Thread Carl Dershem

dc wrote:

Barbara Touburg écrit:
Is there a place on the net where I can find the correct tempi for 
various dances? I'm working on a berceuse right now and I would like 
it to play back at the proper tempo.

Well, a berceuse isn't a dance but a lullaby...

There may be some overlap.  I've played in numerous dance bands where I 
came close to falling asleep.  ;>


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Turn-of-the-century Band Music

2007-08-26 Thread Carl Dershem

Guy Hayden wrote:

I have found that trumpeters who do not play cornet will insist that there
is no difference between the two instruments.  OTH, cornetists will insist
that a marked difference exists.  As both a band and orchestra conductor I
do recognize a difference in the sound.  Mind you, I grew up (mid-50s)
playing in bands with large contingents of both instruments.

The comment about Tschaikovsky's use reminds me that "Capriccio Italien"
calls for both cornets and trumpets.  For a guest conducting gig a while
back I asked for both instruments in Berlioz' orchestration of von Weber's
"Invitation to the Dance".  None of the regular trumpeters owned cornets so
auxiliary players were engaged for the parts, causing bit of grumping by the

I have heard that Clarke commented that he could not understand why anyone
would want to play cornet parts on the trumpet.  Maybe he knew something
about the different sound from the two? 

Guy Hayden 

As a trumpet player, I find the difference between the trumpet and 
cornet to be very pronounced, though some players do what they can to 
minimize the differences.  A lot can be done with mouthpiece selection 
to make the difference more or less pronounced, but ideally a cornet 
should have a warm, round sound, while a trumpet should have a bright, 
clear sound.  Also, as has been said before, trumpets project much 
better than cornets.

When I get a call for a gig that calls for cornet, I bring one, and when 
I play jazz in small intimate settings I prefer to play cornet, but the 
vast majority of calls are for trumpet.

And flugelhorn is a whole other can of worms.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] RIP Max Roach

2007-08-17 Thread Carl Dershem

Chuck Israels wrote:
I had the pleasure of knowing Max.  We met sometime around 1957 when his 
quintet with Clifford Brown played at the Teenage Jazz Club at 
Storyville in Boston (I was a teenager), then again at the Lenox School 
of Jazz in 1960.  I was with Max in Sandpoint, Idaho on the day he 
received a MacArthur grant.  We enjoyed a celebratory dinner that I 
remember for the pleasure he took in having received the honor and the 
sense of generosity he conveyed at the same time.

My appreciation of him and his music has grown as my experience grows.  
I had only a small relationship with Max, but the feeling of personal 
loss is great.


Though I'm an enormous fan of Clifford and all of his band, I am not old 
enough to have seen them play live. I envy you.  Never got to hear Max 
Roach or any of the others live, either.  :(


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] New monitor

2007-08-11 Thread Carl Dershem

Leigh Daniels wrote:

Just stick one under your coat when he's not looking; he'll never miss it! ;->

On Sat, Aug 11, 2007, Carl Dershem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What's worse, a friend of mine has *2* of them on his Mac Pro.

You funny!  :D


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] New monitor

2007-08-11 Thread Carl Dershem

Leigh Daniels wrote:

What Carolyn said!

I'm also using an Apple 30" Cinema HD display (wide-screen) and it's
unbelievably great running at a resolution of 2560 x 1600 (!) on my quad
G5. A flat screen this size has been a 30-year dream for me! It's plenty
bright, too. I run it at about 60% brightness unless it's very sunny out
in the winter.

While I'd love to agree with you, a 30" cinema display (along with a Mac 
and a card to support it) would cost more than my car did.

What's worse, a friend of mine has *2* of them on his Mac Pro.  I think 
I'll go throw water balloons at him.  ;)


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] New monitor

2007-08-11 Thread Carl Dershem


It looks like my current monitor is coming to the end of its life, so
I have been considering what to get as a replacement.  LCD TFT
screens seem to be the only option now, but what opinions does the
group have on wide-screen versus 4:3 or similar square formats?  Does
Finale work correctly with wide-screen?  I thought I might see a lot
more bars when in scroll view, or two pages side by side in page
view, but some of the demos I have seen (generally web pages) have
square formats stretched to wide-screen, therefore they are
completely useless.  On the other hand a square shape is probably
better for the maximum number of staves visible. Also does anyone
have any other factors they think are worth considering when getting
a monitor for Finale?

I recently went from a 20" CRT (1600x1200) to a 20" widescreen LCD
(1680x1050), which I got for a very good price (the 22" at the same
resolution was $200 more), and it works very well for Finale (and other
programs).  The only glitch was getting new drivers for my video card, 
and that only took a few minutes.

I can now display an entire big band score at 75% magnification (very 
readable) with more measures than I could before, or 3 full up pages of 
text, or several program windows, and it uses less electricity than 
before, which is goo during the summer when I need power for the fans.

If your drivers are set up well, squares are squares, colors are bright, 
text is sharp, and you have more desk area.  I recommend it.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Goodbye Finale

2007-08-04 Thread Carl Dershem

Bruce Clausen wrote:
I've been pondering whether to get the Finale 08 or Sib5.  After seeing 
the remarks of the past few days I believe I will invest in the Sib and 
see how it goes.  I've always used Simple Entry, with mouse and computer 
keyboard, so the learning curve may not be as steep.  I, too, am tired 
of MM upgrading but not improving.  Wish me luck!

Bruce Clausen

Good luck to you.

I haven't upgraded since 2004, mostly because the program does what I 
need, but partly because all of the negative reviews here have dissuaded 
me from paying MM for stuff that doesn't work well.  I'll probably stick 
with what I have now, though, rather than trading to a new piece of 


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Prepositions

2007-07-22 Thread Carl Dershem

Dean M. Estabrook wrote:
Well, Buffalo is generally meant to imply running one by some one; 
putting one over on; confounding one ... etc.  Actually, my dictionary 

verb ( -loes, -loed) [ trans. ] (often be buffaloed) informal
overawe or intimidate (someone) : she didn't like being buffaloed.
• baffle (someone) : the problem has buffaloed the advertising staff.


So if one is successfully buffaloed, you could say one has 'been had'? 
(just to keep the thread).



On Jul 22, 2007, at 2:39 PM, keith helgesen wrote:

What about eleven times "had"? I remember this from high school- (Yes- 60
years ago!)

Two boys, John and James wrote an essay;
John, where James had had 'had', had had 'had had'. "Had had" had had the
teachers approval.

Bizarre language we use, eh?

BTW- I, not being from US and therefore not really familiar with the verb
'to buffalo' meaning (I think!) to thwart, found the buffalo sentence 


(World record for most prepositions at the end of a sentence, from a
child protesting an Australian bedtime story: "Mommy, what did you
bring that book that I didn't want to be read to out of about Down
Under up for?")

A preposition poem:

I lost a little preposition.
It fell somewhere beneath my chair.
I called aloud to it "perdition,"
Come on up out from down under there.

My daughter brought it to her 3rd grade class, and was asked, for
fun, to diagram the whole thing.

David Froom

Dean M. Estabrook


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Prepositions

2007-07-22 Thread Carl Dershem

Aaron Rabushka wrote:

Can we take the Buffalo gals instead?

Not sure.  But at least we can ask if they can come out tonight.

Robert Patterson wrote:

Here is another sentence (not with prepositions) that is completely
grammatically correct:

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

There is a wikipedia article with a sentence diagram here:

The short version of parsing it is:

[Those] (Buffalo buffalo) [that] (Buffalo buffalo buffalo) buffalo
(Buffalo buffalo).

I think you're just trying to buffalo us.  :)


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Prepositions

2007-07-22 Thread Carl Dershem

Robert Patterson wrote:

Here is another sentence (not with prepositions) that is completely
grammatically correct:

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

There is a wikipedia article with a sentence diagram here:

The short version of parsing it is:

[Those] (Buffalo buffalo) [that] (Buffalo buffalo buffalo) buffalo
(Buffalo buffalo).

I think you're just trying to buffalo us.  :)


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Piano - connect stems between staves?

2007-07-14 Thread Carl Dershem

I can get the notes in both staves, but I can't find anything on showing 
them with their stems connected between the staves.



Look up "Cross-staff beams"


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: missing image

2007-07-14 Thread Carl Dershem

Andrew Stiller wrote:

Use your graphics editor to resize the picture to, say, 1/8th its
present size (i.e., 1/2 your screen size). This is done through a
process of resampling that will not reduce the quality of the image.

No joy.  I reduced the image to 12% of original size (208 Kb), but it 
still won't show up in Claris HomePage.

Claris, eh?  Does that have format restrictions?


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] OT: 18th - now 19th century trombones

2007-07-06 Thread Carl Dershem

Christopher Smith wrote:

The other interesting standard rep composer is Dvorak - quick - 
without looking:  What kind of trombones did Dvorak write for?

Didn't he write quite a bit for valve trombone? Or some kind of weird 
hybrid piston-slide instrument?

Kind of funny, because his parts are eminently playable on regular 
slide tenor and bass trombones (the stuff I've played of his, anyway!)

Wait a minute, I got curious and looked it up. See here...


Interesting looking instrument!  I wonder what it'd play like.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] Semi-OT: Attachments are back in my posts

2007-07-01 Thread Carl Dershem

Williams, Jim wrote:

Now they're back...HEPPP!

Are you using Outlook?  It formats messages that way.


Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] way off topic

2007-06-20 Thread Carl Dershem

Christopher Smith wrote:

On Jun 20, 2007, at 8:59 PM, Carl Dershem wrote:

Christopher Smith wrote:

On 20.06.2007 Bob Florence wrote:
Do you all know the  term  "underscore" as used on a computer 

I do. However, a friend told me he always had trouble using this one.
It's shift dash_. I want to use this in my e mail address.
Heh, heh, I think I know why he wants to do this. He wants an email 
that is read like this "I underscore movies at warnerbrothers dot 
com" or something similar. I already thought of that one...  8-)


Hmmm... in that case, would 'underscore' be defined as 'writing sparse 
music for'?


Ah, I see you understand music set to image! Most neophytes write WAY 
too busy when they start out writing for film, TV, CD-ROM background 
music, jingles, ballet, etc. Part (a LARGE part!) of the experience is 
what is NOT in the music, and most composers are used to composing for 
nothing but sound.

(who overwrites everything anyway, music for image being no exception...)

Or, as a jazz player would say "the notes you don't play are as 
important as the ones you do."



Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] way off topic

2007-06-20 Thread Carl Dershem

Christopher Smith wrote:

On 20.06.2007 Bob Florence wrote:

Do you all know the  term  "underscore" as used on a computer keyboard.
I do. However, a friend told me he always had trouble using this one.
It's shift dash_. I want to use this in my e mail address.

Heh, heh, I think I know why he wants to do this. He wants an email that 
is read like this "I underscore movies at warnerbrothers dot com" or 
something similar. I already thought of that one...  8-)


Hmmm... in that case, would 'underscore' be defined as 'writing sparse 
music for'?



Finale mailing list

Re: [Finale] New Question

2007-06-20 Thread Carl Dershem

Rob Deemer wrote:
The request for new topics plus the fact that there's a Mythbusters 

going on got me thinking about confirming or busting a notation myth. I've
heard many composers state that composing/arranging on paper with pencil is
not only preferable but artistically "better" than composing directly 
into a

computer notation application.

What are your thoughts? Discuss.


Better for who?  When I arrange (I'm a terrible composer, and so never 
do that), I rough sketch the ideas out on paper, then go to Finale to 
flesh them out.  When writing stories or articles, I just go straight to 
the keyboard (unless I can't).  When doing art, I sketch on paper, then 
scan and finish in Painter (R).

But what works for me might not work for you.


Finale mailing list

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