[PHP] Re: eregi_replace problem

2001-09-21 Thread Derek Truong

Hmm... It works for me?

$welcome_html = "hihih [i]hihih[ei] gogogog[c]fdsfdsf[ec]";
$welcome_html = eregi_replace("\[i]","",$welcome_html);
$welcome_html = eregi_replace("\[ei]","",$welcome_html);
$welcome_html = eregi_replace("\[c]","",$welcome_html);
$welcome_html = eregi_replace("\[ec]","",$welcome_html);
echo $welcome_html;

Derek Truong
IntenseHost.com LLChttp://www.intensehost.com

"Daniel Goldin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> The following does what it's meant to do: replace [i} and [ei} with the
> eqivalenets.
> $welcome_html = eregi_replace("\[i]","",$welcome_html);
> $welcome_html = eregi_replace("\[ei]","",$welcome_html);
> Why does the following NOT work?
> $welcome_html = eregi_replace("\[c]","",$welcome_html);
> $welcome_html = eregi_replace("\[ec]","",$welcome_html);
> Any help gratefully appreciated.
> Daniel Goldin   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Creative Director   323.225.1926
>  BlueLamp Productions

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RE: [PHP] Quickie

2001-09-21 Thread Peter


I am trying to redirect the user to another page after user authentication
and using sessions.

I was wondering how do you redirect to another page and then at the same
use pass the session ID over to that other page.



On Fri, 21 Sep 2001, [iso-8859-1] Stig-Ørjan Smelror wrote:

> > If nothing is beeing sent to output on the page then use header() else
> > you need to use javascript.
> > 
> > 
> > Niklas
> > 
> if headers are sent.
> Use header( "Location: file.php" ), as noted earlier, if no headers are sent.

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[PHP] Re: how to access to session variable without

2001-09-21 Thread Jacques

"Richard Lynch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

> What is SID in graph.php?  Cuz it should work...

This is the main problem.
Can find out why it's not working.

SID is the session ID

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Re: [PHP] Can someone explain this????

2001-09-21 Thread Chris Hobbs

Dallas K. wrote:

>  try this when u get a sec. 

You want to see something really weird? Try using 'MORON' instead of 
'NYC'. It doesn't actually mean anything, but at least you'll have a 
signature you can start using if you're going to keep posting this tripe...

My $0.02.

___  ____    _
Chris Hobbs   / \ \/ / |  | |/ ___\|  __ \
Head Geek| (___  \ \  / /| |  | | (___ | |  | |
WebMaster \___ \  \ \/ / | |  | |\___ \| |  | |
PostMaster) |  \  /  | |__| |) | |__| |
   \/\/\/ \/|_/

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[PHP] How to find the browser type in HTML or PERL??

2001-09-21 Thread Balaji Ankem

Anybody know how to code in HTML or perl to find the browser

   do this
else if 
do this

Thanks and regards

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[PHP] Re: How to download files to the server

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch


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- Original Message -
From: Sagar N Chand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 12:55 PM
Subject: How to download files to the server

hi everyone,

I'm sorry that i'm not there on the list for a few days. Actually i'm
working for  a project in which i want to download some files to
the server(remote) if the user inputs the url of the file name.
hope u got me.

i want to make my server to do the downloads for me so that i can
later on download them to my idiot box.

hope i'll get some help


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[PHP] Re: PHP 4.0.6/Apache 1.3.20/MySql 3.24.xx install

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

I believe 'compress' is in 'zlib' which you'll need to install first, and
then use --with-zlib as you configure.

(Actually, once you install it PHP will probably automagically find it...
Better to just be sure, though.)

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- Original Message -
From: Bill Brennick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 4:41 PM
Subject: PHP 4.0.6/Apache 1.3.20/MySql 3.24.xx install

> (I'm sorry if this is not getting posted in the correct
> place, but I'm not sure who/where to turn to...)
> I'm attempting to upgrade my SuSE Linux 7.2 (2.4.x) server
> to the new version of PHP 4.0.6, Apache 1.3.20, and the newest MySql...
> (From PHP 4.0.4pl1/Apache 1.3.19)
> Here are the (updated) instructions I've gotten from
> the PHP site:
> (The actual error I'm getting is further down this email)
> 1.  gunzip apache_1.3.x.tar.gz
> 2.  tar xvf apache_1.3.x.tar
> 3.  gunzip php-x.x.x.tar.gz
> 4.  tar xvf php-x.x.x.tar
> 5.  cd apache_1.3.x
> 6.  ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/httpd
> 7.  cd ../php-x.x.x
> 8.  ./configure --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql
> --with-apache=../apache_1.3.20 --enable-track-vars
> 9.  make
> 10. make install
> 11. cd ../apache_1.3.20
> 12. ./configure --activate-module=src/modules/php4/libphp4.a
> *13. make
> (All the commands above execute with no problem...
> and the error I get, when getting to this stage,
> the errors are after this instruction list.)
> 14. make install
> 15. cd ../php-x.x.x
> 16. cp php.ini-dist /usr/local/lib/php.ini
> 17. Edit your httpd.conf or srm.conf file and add:
>AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
> 18. Use your normal procedure for restarting the Apache server. (You must
>  stop and restart the server, not just cause the server to reload by
>  use a HUP or USR1 signal.)
> =
> The error I get when attempting to install these apps:
> gcc  -DLINUX=22 -I/root/php-4.0.6 -I/root/php-4.0.6/main
> -I/root/php-4.0.6/main -I/root/php-4.0.6/Zend -I/root/php-4.0.6/Zend
> -I/root/php-4.0.6/TSRM -I/root/php-4.0.6/TSRM -I/root/php-4.0.6 -DUSE_EXPA
> -I./lib/expat-lite -DNO_DL_NEEDED `./apaci`\
>-o httpd buildmark.o modules.o modules/standard/libstandard.a
> modules/php4/libphp4.a main/libmain.a ./os/unix/libos.a
> ap/libap.a  lib/expat-lite/libexpat.a  -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/mysql/lib
> -rdynamic -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -Lmodules/php4 -L../modules/php4
> -L../../modules/php4 -lmodphp4   -ldl -lmysqlclient -lcrypt -lresolv -lm
> -ldl -lnsl  -lresolv   -lm -lcrypt
> /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.a(my_compress.o): In function
> `my_uncompress':
> my_compress.o(.text+0x9a): undefined reference to `uncompress'
> /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.a(my_compress.o): In function
> `my_compress_alloc':
> my_compress.o(.text+0x12a): undefined reference to `compress'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make[2]: *** [target_static] Error 1
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/apache_1.3.20/src'
> make[1]: *** [build-std] Error 2
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/apache_1.3.20'
> make: *** [build] Error 2
> Any ideas/help/assistance would be greatly appreciated...
> Thank you...
> - Bill

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Re: [PHP] PHP Boot Camp [Announcement]

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

Yes, I absolutely suck as a Graphic Designer.

There will not be any pretty charts, graphics, or nifty layouts in the
course.  We're talking raw, bare-bones, text-edited HTML.  No Dream-Weaver,
no FrontPage, no Homesite, etc.  Even the Flash and PDF stuff will be rude,
crude, and very austere (at best).

The point is to get something cool/dynamic so that a designer can do their
magic to make it pretty.  Or, rather, to teach Graphic Designers enough PHP
to embody *both* sides of their brain and put all us geeks out of work :-)

You are, however, correct, that I should have hired somebody to make the
sites prettier.  I wish I had the time/budget for that, but I don't at the
moment.  (I do kinda like the logo, which, of course, I out-sourced.)  Oh,
and the Universe of the l-i-e site changes each time you re-load :-)

If you want to learn graphic design and layout, for sure, don't come.  If
you want to learn how to do PHP and you're in a hurry, it's probably worth
your time/money.

OTOH, if you have months to learn, start reading http://php.net, all the
code archives, the 100+/day messages to this list like I have for the last 4
years, maybe a couple of the books I Tech-edited, pay a few thousand bucks
to attend the various PHP Conferences I've been to, and you'll be set...

I think it's worth $800 to have all that smushed into two days, but if I'm
wrong, I reckon we'll see this endeavor fold.  If I'm right, expect the
low-budget site-design to improve rather quickly. :-)

Perhaps a more representative sample of my sites with decent (albeit still
*very* low-budget) design would be:

http://nogenre.com (Technically, I did the design, but sometimes less is

These also have rather extensive admin back-end sites since the cafe owner
(first URL) and 200+ members (second URL) and the musicians (4th/5th) do all
the data-entry and routine updates of content like menus and calendars for
those sites.  I'm a firm believer in self-serve dynamic web-sites for
low-budget clients who can't afford a huge re-work every year or two like
Corporate America.

I mostly work for starving musicians who literally have to scrape for the
$20/month hosting fees, and focus on content, not presentation.  It's the
music that matters to them.  (I don't work with the Britney Spears' of the
industry -- Not interested.)

I'm actually targetting Graphic Designers who want to learn programming
concepts and techniques, not the other way around. :-)  Still, it seemed
relevant to post here.  Sorry I offended your sensibilities.

PS  Your blasphemy was only that I've been around for four or five years,
and some people actually like me for some reason [shrug] :-) :-) :-)  I'm
certainly not offended.  You have to work way harder than that to offend me.

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- Original Message -
From: Nowayman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 5:45 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP Boot Camp [Announcement]

> OOOH, touched a nerve...
> I'm sorry to have blasphemed.
> I was just making an observation that the sites he produced were
> pretty lame. I was just suggesting that even if he was such a hot-shot
> PHP guru, he'd want to have some sort of "niceness" about the sites
> he produces.
> I am, honestly, just beginning with PHP but have rpogrammed in other
> languages for several years. But that doesn't make me a bad web site
> designer. I am helping to design an E-Commerce instruction class and
> intend on making PHP one of the main topics. IT will be similar to the
> BootCamp but over a number of weeks .vs 2-days.
> I guess I should have included a few hunderd :) so you folks wouldn't have
> taken it so seriously.
> > Listen jackass, Richard is a PHP Programmer, not a Web Designer.
> > time you feel like flaming back, do me a favor, shove both feet in your
> > mouth first.
> >

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[PHP] Re: Internal use of Mysql Connections

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

If you need multiple connections, you should store them in variables and
keep track of them.

The "last connection" is a convenience for single-connection users.

Opening a MySQL connection is quite slow, so you really don't want to do it
more than you have to.

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- Original Message -
From: Bob Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 10:48 AM
Subject: Internal use of Mysql Connections

Just curious why mysql wouldnt restore the last known internal connection
id. In the code below, I open a connection (without storing the connection
id), use it, then open,use,close a different connection, this time using a
connection id, but when I close it, the original internal connection id is
history, the last query fails. It would make sense to me that php would
restore the last known connection handle (if there is one) after I call
I know I could call mysql_connect again after the mysql_close call and that
would restore it.
Any ideas? Thanks, Bob

mysql_connect("hostname", "user", "pass");

$res = mysql_db_query("mlm","select count(*) from mlm_clients");

echo mysql_num_rows($res)."";

$conn = mysql_connect("hostname", "user", "pass");

$res = mysql_db_query("rollcall","select count(*) from rollcall_students");

echo mysql_num_rows($res)."";


FAILS --> $res = mysql_db_query("mlm","select count(*) from mlm_clients");

echo mysql_num_rows($res)."";

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[PHP] Re: Php Codes needed

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

header("Location: $HTTP_REFERER);
I guess...
But you may need to pass along whatever data you want to keep, or use
sessions so there's only a SESSION_ID to pass along.

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- Original Message -
From: Wee Chua <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.db,php.general
To: PHP (E-mail) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Php3 (E-mail)
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Php-Db (E-mail) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Php-Db-Help
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 2:39 PM
Subject: Php Codes needed

> Hi all,
> I know how to forward a page with PHP, but what if the page I want to
> forward is the previous page or last page. In javascript, the code is like
> javascript:historygo(-1). The reason why I want to go back to previous
> is because I don't want to lose any information on previous page. Can
> help? Thank you.
> Calvin Chua

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[PHP] Re: using system() as a different user

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

You either need to use that sudo or suid thingie, or set up a PHP "CGI"
(using a different extension and mime-type) wrapped in suExec

I don't know anything more than that -- Just providing the road-signs to the
right paths.

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- Original Message -
From: Adam Plocher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 3:34 PM
Subject: using system() as a different user

> I'm trying to use the system() function to execute a shell command, but
> shell command that needs to be executed, needs to be executed as a
> user (not the default 'nobody' user).  Can somebody show me what I need to
> do, to accomplish this.
> Thanks
> -Adam

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[PHP] Re: database on CD

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

I did this once by dumping everything into JavaScript arrays.

I used PHP to generate the HTML/JavaScript files that were tested on Jaz
cartridges in non-PHP computers, and then we burned CDs from that.

This then only requires that you get the JavaScript right (which is not too
tricky for just iterating through arrays), and that the user be willing to
turn on JavaScript in the first place.

Very low-tech, and very easy install, since they need nothing but a browser.

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- Original Message -
From: Tim Olsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 1:18 PM
Subject: database on CD

> Ok, Is this possible and how?
> I would like to put a mysql database on CD (or something like it). I then
> want to grab info from the database (maybe using a java applet) and use it
> to make xml, etc. I dont want to have to install anything on the computer
> that the CD is running on.
> Anyone seen something like this?
> Ideas?
> Thanks.
> -Tim
> _
> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp

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[PHP] Re: Newbie needs help with file uploads

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

Can you upload the same files with regular FTP clients?...

If you are having network problems, PHP can't do anything about it...

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- Original Message -
From: Paul Morin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 7:38 PM
Subject: Newbie needs help with file uploads

> I am having difficulty with supporting file uploads from remote domains.
> currently am able to upload files if I am on my local area network to the
> apache server but when I try from another network, the brower times out
> comes back with a cannot find server.  I suspect either my apache/php
> configuration is wrong ( I looked at the php_safe directives in the
> file but could not see a problem there) or I have a problem with my
> firewall.  I have port 80 open and can submit forms and the like but
> seem to upload files.  I am currently using apache 1.3.20 and php 4.0.6.
> Help anyone...

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[PHP] Re: htaccess

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

Read php.ini
Search for "engine"

I think you can only turn it "off", not "on", in .htaccess as your ISP
wouldn't want you to be able to turn it on if they turned it off in the
first place...

Actually, the whole engine directive may be httpd.conf only, not .htaccess

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- Original Message -
From: Php List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 3:22 PM
Subject: htaccess

> Hi,
> I heard it was possible to turn off/on php execution in a directory using
> the .htaccess file.
> Can some one tell me how to do that?
> Thanks.

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[PHP] Re: how to password protect files

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

So put them in the restricted directory.

Or, put them not in the web-tree AT ALL, and grab one of the umpteen
download scripts in code archives linked from http://php.net/links.php

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- Original Message -
From: Sagar N Chand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 1:26 PM
Subject: how to password protect files

i want to restrict the access of some files to a single user only whose
names and pwds
are stored in mysql table and i'm authenticating them through my website. So
i'm looking for is that the files should not be downloaded when their urls
are typed in
the browsers.


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[PHP] Re: Merging Arrays

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

You left out http://php.net/sort if you want if alphabetical, but other than
that, it looks like you're done...

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- Original Message -
From: Jordan Elver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
To: PHP General Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 3:32 PM
Subject: Merging Arrays

> Hi,
> I've got to different files of words. One on each line.
> What would be the best way to combine both into one file alphabetically?
> I thought about:
> $file1 = file('file1.txt');
> $file2 = file('file2.txt');
> $both = array_merge($file1, $file2);
> print_r($both);
> Any advice?
> Cheers,
> Jord
> --
> Jordan Elver
> Web Developer
> The InternetOne UK Ltd

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[PHP] Re: ODBC connect w/ connectstr instead of DSN

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

I think it's not, last I heard...

But I don't use ODBC a lot, so don't rely on me if somebody else says

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- Original Message -
From: Emile Bosch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 8:03 AM
Subject: ODBC connect w/ connectstr instead of DSN

> Is it possible to connect with odbc_connect with an connectstring instead
> an DSN?
> Warm regards,
> Emile Bosch

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[PHP] Re: PHP + NT + Weird line break??

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

Is there a new-line at the end of the include-ed file?

 / \
/   \
Unless this is an unterminated line, you'll get messed up.

Various editors will automatically add a new line for you.

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- Original Message -
From: Joseph Koenig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
To: php forum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 2:41 PM
Subject: PHP + NT + Weird line break??

> On NT, I have recently run into this problem. However, this is only as
> of today. When using include(); at the top of a page:
>  include();
> ?>
> HTML...
> There is a line break before my page most of the time, but not always.
> Removing the include file and copy-pasting it's contents into the top of
> the HTML file gets rid of the space. However, I really need to be able
> to use includes without it breaking things. Has anyone run into such a
> problem? I tried deleting my included file and recreating it, just in
> case it was corrupt, or something odd like that. That didn't help at
> all. Has anyone ever seen such a strange thing happen? PHP 4.0.6 is
> installed on this server with IIS 4.0. Any ideas would be much
> appreciated. Thanks,
> Joe

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[PHP] Re: exclamation points appearing from nowhere in the mail() function...

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

Does this happen only with PHP mail?

Try running 'mail' or 'pine' or something and sending an email from the same

What does your sendmail_path setting look like in php.ini?

Un*x, Windoze, ?

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- Original Message -
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 12:52 PM
Subject: exclamation points appearing from nowhere in the mail() function...

> hey,
> could anyone help me with the mail function? in my script, its sintax is
> right... when i use the mail() function it works normaly... but when
> somebody receives the email sent by the mail(), some exclamation points
> appear from nowhere and the strangest thing is that the excamation points
> appear in diferent places everytime...
> could anyone tell me if there is some kind of bug in this mail()
> thanx

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[PHP] Re: PHP 4.0.6 + Oracle9i + CPDF lib - large file problem (segmentation fault)

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

Wild Hypothesis:

If all else fails, it may be possible to create a bunch of one-page PDF
files, and then concatenate them with some external weapon...

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- Original Message -
From: Marcin Floryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 9:44 AM
Subject: PHP 4.0.6 + Oracle9i + CPDF lib - large file problem (segmentation

> Hello!
> I have a problem with my php script. I am creating a report in PDF based
> data in the Oracle9i database. To access Oracle I use OCI and to create
> files I use ClibPDF 2.02.
> The problem is with the ammount of data - there are currently some 2000
> records and are expected to be some 12000. This means that the output
> has now 100 pages and may have much more (up to, say, 500).
> With that ammount of data I naturally create the PDF as a file (not in
> memory). As a result the file seems to be created properly but the output
> from PHP script (which is simply the link to the created file) does not
> appear. The browser displays an error message and in my httpd error_log I
> get:
> [Wed Sep 19 14:12:25 2001] [notice] child pid 14090 exit signal
> fault (11)
> Have any Ideas? What is the sorce of the problem. It doesn't appear if I
> limit the number of selected records.
> I have already done the following:
> * Set cpdf global limits to satisfy my needs:
> * Open pdf document as a file
>$PDF = cpdf_open(1,$file);
> * Finalize each page (what cost me not having the total number of pages
> printed on each page)
>   cpdf_finalize_page ($GLOBALS[PDF], $pages-1);
> Any thing more I could do? Unfortunatelly there is no PHP error shown or
> logged.
> Best regards.
> Marcin Floryan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[PHP] Re: Sending email through "mail" function to a bad address

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

If it's a local email address that's bad, check the return value of
http://php.net/mail itself.

If it's a non-local address, Errors-to: and Reply-to: or whatever should
work, depending on how well the email servers involved have implemented
those specs.  Show the source for how you did Reply-to:  If it's a Win box,
you need \r\n for a newline, not just \n.  (\r\n is email spec, Un*x boxes
support \n alone, Windows software often doesn't)

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- Original Message -
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 6:45 AM
Subject: Sending email through "mail" function to a bad address

> Hi!
> When I send email through "mail" function to a bad address, I don't get an
> error message back, as I used to when using perl and sendmail. I've triyed
> using "Return-Path" and "Errors-To" headers with no results.

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[PHP] Re: sistema de votação (language: portugues)

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

Try to ignore the 777/755 parts, and see what happens.

777 for is *DANGEROUS* anyway!

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- Original Message -
From: Daniel andré janzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
To: Php-General <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 9:36 AM
Subject: sistema de votação (language: portugues)

> Prezados colegas,
> Estou tentando instalar um sistema de votação, mas ele pede que as duas
> instruções abaixo sejam executadas. Onde devo inserir esses códigos no DOS
> 1. Upload all php files in ASCII-mode to your server.
>Give write permissions to the webserver on the configuration files.
>polldata 777 (drwxrwxrwx) (directory)
>config.inc.php   777 (-rwxrwxrwx)
> 2. Set the permissions for all other *.php files to mode 755 (-rwxr-xr-x).

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[PHP] Re: Select distinct error!

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

I'm guessing the table is messed up...

Back up your database, and try running those ISAM check utilities that MySQL
provides to verify database integrity.

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- Original Message -
From: Sophokles Zafeiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 9:28 AM
Subject: Select distinct error!

> Hi,
> I' m trying to execute a "select distinct" command on a table and I get
> following error:
> ERROR 1022: Can't write, duplicate key in table 'pmall'
> My table is about 2,7 MBytes.
> Does anybody knows what's wrong?
> I use MySQL 3.23.40 on a Solaris 7 (intel) machine.
> Sofoklis

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[PHP] Re: OpenSSL and PHP

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

I think you want "cURL" ...

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- Original Message -
From: Nael Mohammad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 1:05 PM
Subject: OpenSSL and PHP

> How can I call on openssl scripts written server to be called for in php?
> The idea is to generate certs with open ssl and php!

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[PHP] Re: how to access to session variable without

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

What is SID in graph.php?  Cuz it should work...

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- Original Message -
From: Jacques <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 8:35 PM
Subject: how to access to session variable without  I'm using php4 with session
> I have a session variable
> $TABLE[1]=100;
> $TABLE[2]=150;
> $TABLE[3]=200;
> My problem is I have a mysql database where I pull out  data and put them
> into the the session variable
> With these data, I want to generate a graph.
> if I access to a different page (or link) through 
> I can see the content of $TABLE. No problem then.
> whereas if I use , I cannot have $TABLE
> content. it's empty.
> Does someone know a way a have the content within the page.
> Basically, I don't want to send the values of my data in the url such as
> I will appreciate any help.
> Thanks a lot,
> Jacques

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[PHP] Re: Sort Question

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

Where is your sort call?...


should do the trick...

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- Original Message -
From: Jeff Oien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 4:06 PM
Subject: Sort Question

> Could someone tell me how to sort this? Each $variable1 is a 3,4 or 5
> letter string that I would like sorted alphabetically. I assumed "sort"
> do it but apparently it isn't the right type of array. Thanks.
> $variable1 = split("\n", $variable);
> Jeff Oien

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[PHP] Re: php extensions

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

I think you need to create a .so file, not .o and .la...

There are some sample screen shots at http://conf.php.net in Rasmus' more
recent talks

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- Original Message -
From: CristóVãO Dalla Costa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 12:06 AM
Subject: php extensions

> I'm trying to create an extension to PHP to provide an access interface to
> the proprietary database server my company uses. However, I cannot seem to
> suceed even at the simplest module, the one provided by ext_skel. I run
> buildconf, configure and compile the module, however dl() won't load the
> resulting .o, libmodule.la saying the file format is invalid. If I
> link the object file to a shared library, dl() will tell me the library is
> invalid.
> So I'm stuck. If someone could help me that would be gratly appreciated.
> using FreeBSD 4.3 and the (patched) PHP sources from the ports tree.
> Thanks.
> Cristovao Dalla Costa

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Re: [PHP] how to limit the files returned

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

Search DB2 docs for the term "cursor"
I'm betting that's how DB2 does it.
Not quite as easy to work with as LIMIT, but it'll work great.

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- Original Message -
From: Josep Raurell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 5:09 AM
Subject: [PHP] how to limit the files returned

> Hi.
> I want use in IBM DB2 the SELECT . LIMIT, as I can do in mySQL.
> How 

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[PHP] Re: Running virtualhosts under different users

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

suExec will only work with PHP running as CGI, not a Module.

You *CAN* have PHP in Apache "twice" with different extensions (.php and
.phpcgi) and corresponding mime-type (application/x-httpd-php and
application/x-httpd-phpcgi) and then the one site will have to use .phpcgi
for its files, or you could even do a ForceType or somesuch in httpd.conf to
make that site always use PHP CGI...  Probably better to change the
extension of the specific single *page* that needs suExec, for performance

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- Original Message -
From: Adam Plocher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 11:19 AM
Subject: Running virtualhosts under different users

> I realize this is more of an apache question, not a php question, but I
> thought you guys of all people, would be able to help me...
> I have an apache server setup, hosting a number of sites.  I need one site
> to be ran under a different user so it can execute shell commands via
> system() under that user.  Does anybody know how I can do this?  I
> the suexec module for apache, and either it doesn't work the way I need it
> to, or I just misconfigured it.
> I'm baffled, any information would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
> -Adam

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[PHP] Re: Select distinct error!

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

Whoops.  Hit send too soon.

It could just be that your table is too darn big for select distinct on the
hardware you have...

What's your disk space like on MySQL's "data" drive?

df -h

You'll need to figure out which partition holds MySQL's data directory, and
see how much free space is there.

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- Original Message -
From: Sophokles Zafeiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 9:28 AM
Subject: Select distinct error!

> Hi,
> I' m trying to execute a "select distinct" command on a table and I get
> following error:
> ERROR 1022: Can't write, duplicate key in table 'pmall'
> My table is about 2,7 MBytes.
> Does anybody knows what's wrong?
> I use MySQL 3.23.40 on a Solaris 7 (intel) machine.
> Sofoklis

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[PHP] Re: Sessions and include()...

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

I believe:

include() gets parsed and executed on the server that is doing the
include-ing, not the remote server...

If that file has session_xxx() in it, you'll have started a session and
whatnot on the local server.

The remote server doesn't even have to have PHP on it at all, and its
configuration is irrelevant, other than allowing you to read some file that
happens to have PHP source code in it...  Which, by the way, is a very
scarey concept unless you have complete security control over the remote

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- Original Message -
From: Matthew Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 11:48 AM
Subject: Sessions and include()...

> What happens if you use include() to include a file from another server,
> and that file sets a session? Does the session get set for the domain of
> the wrapper page, or does it get set for the domain of the included
> page?
> --
> Matthew Walker
> Ecommerce Project Manager
> Mountain Top Herbs
> ---
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[PHP] Re: Track_errors function posibile a BUG or require an upadate

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

I'm guessing that maybe you are printing out $php_errormsg when there was no

Or are you forgetting to use global $php_errormsg inside your function?...

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- Original Message -
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 11:08 AM
Subject: Track_errors function posibile a BUG or require an upadate

> I have a serious problem with function track_errors in PHP4.0.6
> Every time i want to use variable php_errormsg to catch the error, i
> receive
> this message:
> Warning: Undefined variable: php_errormsg in
> /usr/local/apache/htdocs/teste/c10/ex19.php on line 85
> Query failed: error was ''
> I want to mention that:
> - no one errors in compilation process for PHP 4.0.6 and APACHE 1.3.20
> - in my php.ini file, the track_error function is turned ON
> - My web server is compiled using DSO and is configured correct(to support
> PHP4
> in httpd.conf and so on...).
> -i use REDHAT 6.2 updated with vanilla kernel 2.4.9 (with reiserfs
> installed and
> all problems regardind upgrade to a new major version of kernel, solved).
> -the script used to test function track_errors is absolutely correct. I
> said this,
> because i have the SECOND SYSTEM which is configured with the same options
> for
> Apache web server 1.3.20 AND PHP4.0.6, and this script WORKS ==>> so in
> this case
> for my first system is exclus a problem regarding compilation AND ANY
> configuration
> options!!!
> -in rest, everything works fine.
> THE SECOND RUN UNDER REDHAT 7.1 (with native filesystem ext2fs)
> In conclusion, can anybody tell me what library is needed to be upgraded
> my first
> system (wih REDHAT6.2) to enable track_error function and php_errormsg ?
> I want to mention that the same problem was with gd-library. In
> process everithing was fine, but all features of this libraryy in PHP
> didn`t
> work till gd-library was updated with a (minimal) correct version.
> I tryed to find an explanation for my problem reading PHP documentation,
> but nowhere i can find a minimal information.
> A prompt reply would be appreciated.
> Alex

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[PHP] Re: Problem with ImageMagick and PHP on Windows

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

You don't have newlines in $cmd, do you???  Don't do that.

You may also need to http://php.net/setenv to set up PATH so that
identify.exe can find whatever filter/DLL/plug-in thingie it needs to find
to do EPS files, identify.exe uses that kind of "plug-in" architecture.

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- Original Message -
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 9:14 AM
Subject: Problem with ImageMagick and PHP on Windows

> Hi,
> I need to retrieve image properties from an EPS graphic.  therefore I
> ImageMagick on Windows.
> This command works very well on the commandline:
> C:\>C:\imagemagick\identify.exe -ping -format "%m %f %b %w %h %x %y"
> tgljfix/upload/pusunybkvv.eps
> However, when executed through PHP (from inside an object):
> ...
> $cmdline = $this->_imagemagick_identify .
>   sprintf($this->_imagemagick_identify_flags, $this->_imgfile);
> /* commandline is now:
>   "C:\imagemagick\identify.exe
> -ping
> -format \"%m %f %b %w %h %x %y\"
> */
> $res = `$cmdline`;
> ...
> It doesn't generate any output, but appends the following error message to
> Apache error log:
> [Fri Sep 21 15:13:30 2001] [error] [client xxx.xx.x.xx] identify:
> delegate failed [No such file or directory].
> [Fri Sep 21 15:13:30 2001] [error] [client xxx.xx.x.xx] identify: Missing
> image file name.
> How can I make this work through PHP on Windows?  Thanks for your help.
CC to
> my email appreciated, as I am on the digest list.
> Thanks,
> Jakob.
> Jakob - icq #69728667

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[PHP] Re: Getting the value from a not posted form edit Vield.

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

You simply CANNOT get an INPUT to go through an  tag.

If you want to keep the INPUT, you either need to use a SUBMIT or an INPUT

*OR* you can simply incorporate aFindOnInput into your  tag, if it's not
something the user can edit:

echo "Search

I'm assuming mainFrame is actually defined somewhere... It's not in the
source you posted.

Actually, using JavaScript, you *might* be able to use onClick in the 
tag, and snag the data out of the INPUT, and pass that on...  But relying on
JavaScript to do that will lose some users.

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- Original Message -
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 7:08 AM
Subject: Getting the value from a not posted form edit Vield.

Hi All,

Has some one a solution for a non posted field to get the entered
information out in to the session variables.
My code:

1e The script "adv_search_dis.php4" is to build the input field.


 // Find the diseases via Link
 echo "Search";

2e The script "0DiseaseFind.php4" is to get the variable $aFindOnInput from
the "adv_search_dis.php4" script in to the session variable and start a new
script to build the result found in to the database.

 echo "";
 echo "";

Any help?

Yours Hans.

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[PHP] Re: Please please please help!

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

Here's a rule of thumb:

A) You can just append to the end of the file, or
B) You should be using a database, not a file

It's really that simple.

As soon as you start asking about writing things into the middle of a file,
or at the end of a line rather than the end of the file, you are on the
wrong path.

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- Original Message -
From: Kyle Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2001 2:11 AM
Subject: Please please please help!

In php is there any way to write to the end of a line in a text document so
i can set out email addresses as a list on 1 line and the ";" can be on the
second... is this possible or has anyone a better way of doing this? any and
all help would be appreciated (please send or cc messages to my address
because im now going to watch a film... forgot what its called something
about taking peoples brains out durning the night and replacing them with

Thank you!

Home of the burning lego man!

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[PHP] Re: event cache management (no, not code cache) -- W32/Nimda filter

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

You are going to spend a *LOT* of time re-doing the work that went into SQL
db that you have eliminated...  Re-consider.

Still, there are some things you can do:

Under LINUX, so long as your data is less than 4K (?),
fopen(...,'a')/fwrite()/fclose() is atomic.  So if you are just dumping out
IP+timestamp and even some minimal data, you are set.

You can safely just code it like a newbie, and it will work, even though it
should blow up in your face by all rights :-)

Repeat:  The preceding was true *only* under LINUX.

If you are *not* using LINUX, your other option is, in fact, to flock() the
file.  You open it for reading, flock() the handle, fopen() it for writing
(now that you "own" it), fwrite() as fast as you can, and unlock it and
fclose() it.


You should also use http://php.net/register_shutdown_function to be sure you
never leave a file flock'ed if PHP pukes or something.

Perhaps even a cron job to release any flocks older than XXX time somehow...

Even *with* LINUX, at some point, you are going to want to shrink the file
so it doesn't grow to monster proportions, but you only want to throw away
the really old entries...  Alas, this will be quite a chore with the flocks
going on, and everything will come to a screeching halt while you archive or
delete the old data...

You see, there's just all sorts of nasty things you need to worry about if
you go this route, and you really were better off with SQL where it's all
taken care of...  Re-consider again. :-)

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- Original Message -
From: Sean Straw / Pse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 8:01 AM
Subject: event cache management (no, not code cache) -- W32/Nimda filter

> I'm working on something to deal with the W32/Nimda worm traffic, and in
> order for this to work, I need a cache management function - basically, as
> an event occurs, I check to see if the source IP is in the cache file
> already - if not, it gets added along with the current timestamp and
> actions are taken.  If it is in the cache, the original timestamp plus the
> expiration value is compared against the current timestamp - if it isn't
> expired, we just quit processing, whereas if the sum is less than the
> current time, then the entry is expired, and I'd update the cache
> to reflect the current event, while going and performing the actions (as
> it wasn't there at all).
> One aspect of this is dealing with sending emailed notifications to
> (ir)responsible parties for the hosts in question (rDNS -> MX, and IP
> delegations are both used).  This is a processing impact which we'd simply
> not want to incurr for every Nimda hit - thus the need to keep track of
> which hosts we've dealt with in the previous 'n' hours and just drop them
> if we've seen them since.
> I don't want to use an SQL DB, primarily because I'd like to make the
> script as self sufficient as possible
> I haven't figured out how to efficiently deal with reading and writing a
> file which may be getting tweaked by a concurrent session - should the PHP
> script immediatley open and flock the cache file and keep it locked until
> it has completed operations, even though it may not need to write to the
> file (i.e. the entire decision making process should be within the
> of an flock()?)  Are there any efficiency tricks for loading a
> 2-dimensional array from a file (source IP + timestamp)?  Is there some
> I can make a daemon with PHP (manage the cache in one process while
> answering queries from other processes)?
> I'm also looking to construct a script which may be executed under a cron
> job, which will add new hosts to the system firewall (either on the local
> host, or quite possibly, at the WAN interface, thereby protecting all the
> hosts on the LAN).  If anyone has already tackled such a thing, I'd
> appreciate hearing about it.
> Also, does anyone have a whois implementation in PHP (the idea being to
> avoid exec'ing another process on the system if at all possible).
> ---
>   Please DO NOT carbon me on list replies.  I'll get my copy from the
>   Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering
>   Post Box 2395 / San Rafael, CA  94912-2395

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[PHP] Re: Compiling problems with PHP4.0.6+apache1.3.20+mysql3.23.39

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

'uncompress' is in zlib, I think, so you need to install that.


And use --with-zlib in your ./configure

./configure may just magically find it after you install it...

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- Original Message -
From: Stefano Baronio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
To: Php-General <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 8:25 AM
Subject: Compiling problems with PHP4.0.6+apache1.3.20+mysql3.23.39

> These are the ./configure commands:
> apache
> ./configure --prefix=/opt/apache --enable-module=most --enab
> le-shared=max
> php
> ./configure --with-apache=/opt/apache_1.3.20 --enable-discar
> d-path --enab
> le-safe-mode --with-mysql=/opt/mysql --enable-sockets --with
> -vpopmail=/home/vpopmail
> The error appears when I recompile apache:
> ...
> -L../../modules/php4 -lmodphp4  -lpam  -ldl -lvpopmail -lmys
> qlclient -lcrypt -lresolv -lm -ldl -lns
> l  -lresolv   -lm -lcrypt
> /opt/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.a(my_compress.o): In function
> `my_uncompress':
> my_compress.o(.text+0x9a): undefined reference to
> `uncompress'
> /opt/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.a(my_compress.o): In function
> `my_compress_alloc':
> my_compress.o(.text+0x12a): undefined reference to
> `compress'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make[2]: *** [target_static] Error 1
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/opt/apache_1.3.20/src'
> make[1]: *** [build-std] Error 2
> And also if I do not specify the mysql path..
> Does someone can help me ?
> Thanks
> Stefano
> ___
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[PHP] Re: truncate?

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

I think you can do fopen(...,'w+')/fseek()/fclose() in some combination that
would do that...

Might need to fwrite(...,EOF) or something...

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- Original Message -
From: Urb Lejeune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 6:39 AM
Subject: truncate?

> Looking through the documentation and several book I
> can not find a PHP file function that mimics Perl's
> truncate(FH,offset);
> This is very handy to remove the contents of an existing file.
> Am I overlooking something?
> Urb

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[PHP] Re: Legal advice

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

If the licensing is an issue, you should be able to automate the exporting
of data from Access/Excel, and suck it into MySQL, and then web-host MySQL

You'd have to read your Access license with a lawyer, not here, to be sure
what's kosher...

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- Original Message -
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 6:48 AM
Subject: Legal advice

> Hi,
> We are working with PHP & MYSQL, and we would like to publish some
> information that we have with MS ACCESS and MS EXCEL, and altough I know
> that  it is posible to connect an access database using ODBC from PHP,
> however I don't know if it is legal to do this without having to pay
> licenses to Microsoft for accessing its database through the web.
> On the other hand and if it will be too expensive to use access with ODBC,
> would to know if there is an easy way to insert the information in EXCEL /
> ACCESS to a MYSQL database.
> Thanks

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[PHP] Re: About old msg on attachements using PHP mail function

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

I believe you will need to stuff the body into the mime-headers like another
attachment and have the body be empty...  Even that *may* not work...

Another option is to bypass the mail() function entirely and just fsockopen
to port 25 and fread/fwrite the right stuff to talk to SMTP.  It ain't
rocket science -- I've even managed to do it for regular mail in higher
volume than mail() can handle.

Disclaimer:  I'd find it easier to snag somebody else's attachment class,
and I hate classes in PHP...  You could just look at their source and see
how they do it.

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- Original Message -
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 7:12 PM
Subject: About old msg on attachements using PHP mail function

> Hello, regarding old email from [EMAIL PROTECTED] about mail
> attachements
> From: py" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  21/05/01 08:25
> Subject: Re: [PHP] sending attachements with mail
> To: "Tolga \"thorr\" Orhon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Here is a nice class that handles e-mail attachment.
> Works fine for me.
> function write_mimeheaders($filename, $mime_filename) {
>  if ($mime_filename) $filename = $mime_filename;
>  $out = "MIME-version: 1.0\n";
>  $out = $out . "Content-type: multipart/mixed; ";
>  $out = $out . "boundary=\"$this->mime_boundary\"\n";
>  $out = $out . "Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT\n";
>  $out = $out . "X-attachments: $filename;\n\n";
>  return $out;
> }
> function write_smtpheaders($addr_from) {
>  $out = "From: $addr_from\n";
>  $out = $out . "Reply-To: $addr_from\n";
>  $out = $out . "X-Mailer: PHP3\n";
>  $out = $out . "X-Sender: $addr_from\n";
>  return $out;
> }
> ...
> I am trying to attach single text file to mail, then don't want to
> implement new class for this task.
> I imagine to send MIME messages, it would be enough build appropriate
> headers, in same way PY wrote these functions above, then send these
> headers into PHP mail function.
> PHP mail function has parameters ($TO,$SUBJECT,$BODY,$HEADERS) , then I
> built MIME headers into $HEADERS parameter. Message arrives ok to me,
> headers are right placed into message headers, but no attachements
> appears for me (and no body also!)
> My doubt is: when sending MIME parts, should $BODY be empty (and actual
> body sent like MIME part), or rather should I mount all my headers into
> $BODY and let $HEADERS empty?
> What I made is:
> $mime = 'From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]\n';
> $mime = $mime . 'MIME-version: 1.0\n';
> $mime = $mime . 'Content-type: multipart/mixed\n';
> $mime = $mime . 'Boundary="1234567890"\n';
> $mime = $mime . '--1234567890';
> $mime = $mime . 'Content-type: text/plain; name="myfile.txt";';
> $mime = $mime . 'this is my text file to be attached, blha blha
> blha...';
> mail([EMAIL PROTECTED],"mysubject","mybody",$mime)
> mail arrives ok, but no body and no attachement into.
> Thanks in advance.
> Miguel

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[PHP] Re: Server API - what is the difference please?

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

The CGI (.exe) version will not scale up well for a busy server.
Each time a page is requested, PHP.EXE is fired up, does its thing, and
In the ISAPI model, PHP is a DLL that gets glomned on to IIS, and is just
always there.

Alas, many of the third-party DLLs are not yet thread-safe, so you can't
safely *USE* ISAPI without extensive testing to be sure all the DLLs you
need will work in ISAPI mode. (They're fine in CGI mode since a separate
PHP.EXE runs for each script.)

If your site is "fast enough" leave it alone -- If not, switch to ISAPI and
test like crazy.

Oh.  There are, like, four or five things you can't do with CGI:

http://php.net/virtual (http://php.net/exec and brethern will often suffice,
but they don't work on all Windoze either...)

HTTP Authentication in PHP (You can use, err, whatever IIS does for that)

Some esoteric function nobody needs anyway.

Some fourth thing that's fairly common, not real critical, and I can't

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- Original Message -
From: Pete Hawkes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 2:20 PM
Subject: Server API - what is the difference please?

> Hello,
> Sorry to bother you, I have just installed PHP4 because I am just starting
> to learn the language.
> I ran the .exe file from a Flash book CD ROM, version 4.0.4pl1. What is
> difference between the CGI and the ISAPI installation?
> I am running Windows 98SE with PWS, does the fact that my installation is
> CGI Server API effect any thing at all?
> So far everything seems to be OK including connecting to MySQL. If I have
> done something wrong please let me know.
> Many thanks
> Pete

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[PHP] Re: Expect Like Function

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

Closest I can think of is:

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- Original Message -
From: Ninety-Nine Ways To Die <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 9:02 AM
Subject: Expect Like Function

> Are there any expect like functions to PHP? If not are they in
development? Something to say, log into a server via telnet, ftp, ssh, etc..
do something like cat a bunch of files, perform some actions, clean and
remove files.. etc.. then logout...
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[PHP] Re: 500 Internal Server Error

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

500 just means PHP or PWS puked.

Check whatever log files PWS has, and any log file for PHP you may have
specified in your php.ini

Also, try running php from an MS-DOS prompt to take PWS out of the picture,
and surf to a non-PHP page to see if that works.  Narrow down where the
problem must be.

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- Original Message -
From: Deryck Henson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general,php.install
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2001 8:13 PM
Subject: 500 Internal Server Error

> I am trying to run PHP 4 on Windows with PWS.  Nothing is working!  I did
> exactly like the manual said and even tried another program(third party)
> do it for me.  Nothing helps!  If you have any idea of what can help me,
> please tell me!
> - Deryck H
> - http://www.comp-u-exchange.com

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[PHP] Re: newbie include question

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

You really only want to use the whole URL if you plan on having it get it
from a remote server...  And that's pretty dangerous unless you totally
control that remote server.

I think you'll need to convince xyz.inc and/or Apache to not output those

I *THINK* maybe something like:


will over-ride the default header, and since it's got no value, might not be
passed out...  Strictly a guess on my part.

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- Original Message -
From: Peter Wilk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 11:56 PM
Subject: newbie include question

> I am very new to PHP and I've come across a little problem.  When I'm
> an include (), such as:
> http://www.petewilk.com/temp/xyz.inc";; ?>
> I get the following text in the resulting HTML file.
> "Last-Modified: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 04:46:25 GMT ETag: "6464fa-15-3ba974a1"
> Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Length: 21 Connection: close Content-Type:
> text/plain "
> However if I change the include() line to look like this
> I don't get the "Last-Modified .." text.  Anyone know why this is
> happening?  Is there a way I can use the whole URL rather than the
> path?
> -Peter Wilk

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[PHP] Re: Security with include() function

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

I think it is not parsed on the remote server, but is on the local server,
but they can't get the source from include().

That said, either way, if they can include() it, then can fopen/fread it, so
it really doesn't mattter

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- Original Message -
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 1:16 PM
Subject: Security with include() function

> Hi,
> I was wandering if someone includes php-file with passwords, private
> paths etc. on a different server like this:
> include ("http://someserver/file.php";);
> Will this same person be able to echo all the variables in that file.php
> script? Or is it in each and every time processed via php.exe before
> delivered?
> Thanks!

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[PHP] Re: Is CRON'd PHP script already running?

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

NOTE:  The file-locking and other solutions presented so far have a fatal
flaw:  If something pukes, the lock will be left behind and your PHP will
never run again until you manually remove it.  If you can get this working,
that won't be an issue.

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- Original Message -
From: Simon Kimber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 12:13 PM
Subject: Is CRON'd PHP script already running?

> Hi All,
> I have a PHP script that i want to run every few minutes (via cron) but I
> only want it to run if it isn't already running.
> Is there something in cron itself to solve this or is there a way within
> to detect that another instance of the current script is running and if so
> exit the new instance before it does anything...
> eg. I could have a function to use like so:
> if (already_running($SCRIPT_NAME)) {
> exit();
> }
> Thanks in advance!
> Simon

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[PHP] Re: Image Edit Uploading Problem.

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

The trick you are missing is this:

You can use an if/else to build your *SQL* piece-meal as well:

$SQL = "update $table_name set ";
if ($userfile_th != 'none'){
$SQL .= " thumbnail='$userfile_th_name', ";
if ($userfile_full != 'none'){
$SQL .= " full_size='$userfile_full_name', ";
$SQL .= " title='$title', caption='$caption' WHERE ID=\"$ID\"";

Now, no matter which they uploaded, your SQL only updates the fields that
should change, and leaves the others alone.

You may also want to re-structure this so that you do the copy() *FIRST* and
only update if that succeeds, so you never have your db out-of-sync with
reality in the event of copy() failure, and use that new-fangled
uploaded_file_copy() function or whatever it is.

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- Original Message -
From: Michael O'Neal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
To: "Php-General@Lists. Php. Net" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 1:05 PM
Subject: Image Edit Uploading Problem.

> Hi,
> I'm creating a PHP/MySQL photo gallery app and I'm having problem with my
> "edit" page.  I want the user to be able to change any of the fields in
> record.  In this case there are two text fields, and two "file" fields
> they can browse to replace the images that are currently in the database.
> The "file" fields send a variable of "none" if the user doesn't change it.
> So, what I've done is created an if/else statement that says if these
> DON'T = "none", then do the SQL.  However, I didn't account for the user
> just updating ONE of the image fields.  Below is what I have so far:
> if (($userfile_th) && ($userfile_full) && ($userfile_th && $userfile_full
> "none")) {
> $db_name = "wonderland";
> $table_name = "photo";
> $connection = @mysql_connect("$db_loc","$db_user","$db_pass") or
> die("Couldn't Connect.");
> $db = @mysql_select_db($db_name, $connection) or die("Couldn't select
> database.");
> $sql ="UPDATE $table_name set
> userfile_full_name' WHERE ID=\"$ID\"";
> $result = @mysql_query($sql, $connection) or die("Couldn't execute
> copy($userfile_th,
> ;
> copy($userfile_full,
> ");
> include("edit_photo_upd_suc.html");
> }
> else {
> $db_name = "wonderland";
> $table_name = "photo";
> $connection = @mysql_connect("$db_loc","$db_user","$db_pass") or
> die("Couldn't Connect.");
> $db = @mysql_select_db($db_name, $connection) or die("Couldn't select
> database.");
> $sql ="UPDATE $table_name set title='$title',caption='$caption' WHERE
> ID=\"$ID\"";
> $result = @mysql_query($sql, $connection) or die("Couldn't execute
> include("edit_photo_upd_ok.php");
> }
> ?>
> So, my question is, do I need to do a separate if/else statement for every
> combination of what the user might want to change (Two text fields, and
> image, or both images and no text fields, or 1 text field and 1 image,
> etc..) or is there a catch-all that might be able to do this for me?
> I'm a pretty new PHP'er, so forgive me if this is an obvious question, or
> there is a better way to do this.
> Please respond directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as I am on the digest.
> TIA,
> mto
> --
> Michael O'Neal
> Web Producer/ Autocrosser
> ST 28 '89 Civic Si
> -
>  M   A   N   G   O
> B  O  U  L  D  E  R
> -
> http://www.thinkmango.com
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[PHP] Re: PHP Auth problem

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

If your code doesn't look like this:
you did it wrong.
Replace the == test with your imap_open, but don't go re-arranging the
if/else logic or the header() order.

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- Original Message -
From: Alex Sofronie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
To: PHP General Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2001 5:50 PM
Subject: PHP Auth problem

> Hi all
> I have a rather strange problem with php auth:
> i want to authenticate a user through php and validate it through
> imap_open function (to access his email).
> I send WWW-Authenticate header like this:
> header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic Realm=\"Private\"");
> After, i check for isset($PHP_AUTH_USER) and validate it through PHP.
> Can anyone tell me why, for a real user (it really exists), the
> authentication simply fails and asks me again for a username and password,
> without even leaving the authenticate intrinsic routine (the script just
> keeps telling me that the auth is failed, but WITHOUT running imap_open or
> any other part of the script).
> Why is that?
> If anyone has the time and the understanding, i can post the code
> fragment.
> Thanks
> -
>Alexandru SOFRONIE
> -
> IT Software Dept.
>   Omega-Tehnoton GROUP
>  +40-93-670773
> -

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[PHP] Re: ftp in PHP4

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

Does the PHP user (nobody) have read access to the local file you are trying
to upload?
Are you 100% sure you have the right things in the filenames?...  Print them
out right before the ftp_puts line.

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- Original Message -
From: Chesley A Windon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 3:51 PM
Subject: ftp in PHP4

> I need to have web based ftp capabilities for a site I am working on.  My
> development server is running RedHat 7.1 and php-4.0.4, and I did compile
> php with the --enable-ftp switch.
> After reading the docs at php.net, I found a "canned" script
> (http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.ftp.php) that I thought I would try so
> as to give me a better idea on what was involved.
> When running the script, I can connect to the ftp server, list the
> contents of the directory, and disconnect, but cannot upload anything.
> When I try, I get the following error:
> Warning: error opening /home/windon/somefile in
> /var/www/html/ftp.php on line 43
> line 43 reads:
> $upload = ftp_put($conn_id, "$destination_file", "$source_file",
> In $destination_file I have just the filename, while in $source_file I
> have the full path and the filename.
> Thanks,
> Chesley

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[PHP] Re: french date

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

What argument did you use for setlocale?

It seems to sometimes like different args on different OSes?...

Like, "fr" works for some, "fr_FR" works for others, I think...

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- Original Message -
From: Marc-Andre Vallee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 4:16 PM
Subject: french date

> Hi
> i want to print the date in french
> i use the function setlocale
> (http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.setlocale.php)
> and then i use the function strftime
> (http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php)
> but, on my slackware 8 distribution, compiled with php 4.0.6 & apache
> it doesn't works
> maybe, i need a slackware package
> witch one 
> thanks a lot
> --
> Marc-Andre Vallee

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[PHP] Re: magic_qoutes_gpc and cobolt linux causing problems

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

Add a third site without ChiliSoft and do .htaccess, and a fourth with
ChiliSoft and .htaccess and see which works/breaks...

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- Original Message -
From: Ari Nepon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
To: Php-General <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 6:15 PM
Subject: magic_qoutes_gpc and cobolt linux causing problems

> I am hosted on a Linux cobalt machine running Apache/1.3.12 Cobalt release
> 10312100 and PHP 4.0.3pl1. I have two virtual hosted accounts on this
> computer.
> The problem I am having is this:
> I added a .htaccess file to the root web folder of one site, the file
> contains one line: php_value magic_quotes_gpc 1
> Everything worked fine. I made another .htaccess file for the other site,
> and added it there, with the same line in it. Now, the second site causes
> server misconfiguration error for any page requests. The first site still
> works fine.
> The only difference I can see is that there is a folder that is linked to
> Chilisoft ASP on the second virtualhost site.
> Has anyone had a similar experience with either Chilisoft or Cobalt Linux
> and magic_quotes?
> Thanks,
> Ari

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[PHP] Re: Passing arrays to other php routines in popup window

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

Dunno why split is not working, but use explode instead.

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- Original Message -
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 9:34 PM
Subject: Passing arrays to other php routines in popup window

> I am using Apache with php version 4.0.4pl1.  I am trying to display data
> a popup window.  I want to pass there variables, one string and two normal
> arrays.
> Both the $name and $data variables contain valid data in the dispData
> routine, however the $data2 array is always blank.
> **
> $name = urlencode($name);
> $data = urlencode(serialize($data));
> $data2 = urlencode(serialize($data2));
> $return_value .= '';
> $return_value .= ' onClick=window.open("dispData.php?pass='.$title.'-'.$data.'-'.$data2.'")
> value="Graph">';
> $return_value .= '';
> **
> dispData.php
> list ($name, $data, $data2) = split ('[=-]', $pass);
> $name = urldecode($name);
> $data = unserialize(urldecode($data));
> $data2 = unserialize(urldecode($data2));
> Any ideas?
>   Thanks

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[PHP] Re: searching trought multiple tables

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

Either you are missing a constraint (one of the *AND* bits in a WHERE
clause) or you actually have duplicates in the join.  Can't tell which
without knowing more about the schema.

You could just use "select DISTINCT ..." and let MySQL get rid of the
duplicates.  That may be kinda slow on 5,000 rows though, depending on your
hardware/RAM and the phase of the moon.

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- Original Message -
From: Daniel Masur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 9:21 AM
Subject: searching trought multiple tables

> i have a mysql database with 100 entrys in 3 tables.
> i need to search trought them, but if i search for 'a' in all tables, i
> 5000 results...
> 70 results are the same.
> heres my code:
> $sql_find="
>  mieter.miet_name, mieter.cat_id, mieter.id,
> mieter.miet_beschreibung, cat.cat_name, events.name
>  mieter AS mieter,
>  categories AS cat,
>  events AS events
> mieter.miet_name LIKE '%$words%'";
> if($option1) $sql_find = $sql_find . " AND mieter.cat_id =
> $sql_find = $sql_find . " OR mieter.miet_beschreibung LIKE
> $sql_find = $sql_find . " or events.name LIKE '%$words%'";
> with $option1 enabled you can search trought subcategories. can anybody
> me?

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Re: [PHP] Code Speed & Optimization

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

They do not cache HTML results.

They cache the compiled binary of your script, and keep it in RAM, so that
the next page hit is simply a GOTO (JUMP) instruction, rather than having to
load your PHP script from disk (SLOW), parse it (slow), compile it (slow)
and *THEN* finally actually execute it.

Zend Cache gives a minimum 200% performance boost.
Others more like 20-50% performance boost.

The Optimizer will usually give a significant boost only with inexperienced
coders who are doing silly things. :-;

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- Original Message -
From: Tom Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
To: Andreas Gietl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Alex Ranaldi
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Code Speed & Optimization

> The question really for me is this...are they caches of results? in other
> words, slightly old information? Or can they still be used in the same way
> as a "raw" script and still be improved?
> - Original Message -
> From: "Andreas Gietl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Alex Ranaldi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
> Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 6:22 PM
> Subject: Re: [PHP] Code Speed & Optimization
> > On Monday 17 September 2001 18:32, Alex Ranaldi wrote:
> >
> > i just gonna quote Yasuo Ohgaki  who posted this morning:
> >
> > There are sevral cache modules. These are cache modules that I know.
> >   - Alternative PHP Cache (APC): http://apc.communityconnect.com/
> >   - AfterBuaner Cache (bwcache) : http://bwcache.bware.it/
> >   - PHP Accelerator : http://www.php-accelerator.co.uk/
> >   - Zend Cache : http://www.zend.com/zend/products.php#cache
> >
> > All of them gives 2 - 3 times perfomance improvment in general.
> >
> > > Hello Everyone,
> > >
> > > My PHP-based website is beginning to get a bit slow. I'm wondering if
> > > anyone knows of any specific code optimizations that can be done to
> > > improve the general performance. I'm not running Zend Optimizer right
> > > now but I have plans to install it soon, hopefully it'll help. If
> > > anyone has any suggestions or knows of anything that can help, please
> > > let me know.
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Alex
> >
> > --
> > PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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> >

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[PHP] Re: Help with escaping the # sign

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

It's a MySQL issue, probably.

Addslashes() should take care of it, I think...
If not, find out how MySQL escapes # and use http://php.net/str_replace

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- Original Message -
From: John Holcomb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 3:36 PM
Subject: Help with escaping the # sign

> I have a text input field in my form.  I need the user
> to be able to enter something like:  Hello, I need #
> help. After which they click on a submit button.   The
> succeeding page then takes this text and tries to
> display it and tries to store "Hello, I need # help"
> in a varchar field in a mysql table column.   The
> mysql database is truncating the # sign and the text
> succeeding the # sign.  Also, absolutly no text is
> being diplayed on the succeeding web page.  I've tried
>  using addslashes() and I was warned against using
> htmlentities().  Also, I'm not sure if I'm dealing
> with 2 issues: A mysql issue and a html issue. Or, am
> I dealing with one issue: A mysql issue or an HTML
> issue.
>   Thank you,
> John
> __
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[PHP] Re: prob with include file

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

Where does admin.php live?
Is it in /www/inc?

If not, either move it there, or change your include_path in php.ini to be:
include_path = "./:/www/inc"

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- Original Message -
From: Balaji Ankem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 3:35 AM
Subject: prob with include file

> Hi!
> same is working on windows but on Lynux giving the following
> problem..
> Warning: Failed opening 'admin.php' for inclusion
> in /www/imac/authentication.php on line 46
> --
> if ($row->user_type=='A')
>   {
>  file://close mysql connection
>  mysql_close($connection);
>  include('admin.php');
>   exit;
>   }
>   else if ($row->user_type=='S')
>   {
>  file://close mysql connection
>  mysql_close($connection);
>  include('super.php');
>  exit;
>   }
>   else if ($row->user_type=='O')
>   {
>  file://close mysql connection
>  mysql_close($connection);
>  include('ordinary.php');
>  exit;
>   }
> -
> And i tried this also include('./admin.php');
> --
> Thanks in advance
> Regards
> -Balaji

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[PHP] Re: Urgent

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

You will almost certainly need to find a php_freetype.dll which will provide
the API from PHP to Freetype's DLL...

But there may be DLLs that provide, say, way more than Freetype that will
give you Freetype as a side-effect.  GD, for example, lets you put Freetype
fonts in to Images, at least on Un*x.

Places to search:

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- Original Message -
From: Karthikeyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2001 9:07 AM
Subject: Urgent

Hi guys,

  I have installed php4.0.6 in my system, i am working on winNT environment
with Apache as my web server.  The php is working great, i have also enabled
gd library and i am able to run some of my image program, it is great.

  Now i need different fonts, for that i know i need freetype to be
installed in my system. I download freetype-2.0.4-bin.zip for windows and
when i extracted the zip, it created 3 folders


  i saw freetype.dll in bin folder and copied it into /php4/bin, but still i
am not able to get my program run.

  Waiting for your earliest reply,

  With Regards,


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[PHP] Re: Code Speed & Optimization

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

The *FIRST* thing you need to determine is *WHY* and *WHERE* your pages are
being slowed down.

90% of your problem is in 10% of your system.

It *MIGHT* be your database connections.

It *MIGHT* be your hard drive thrashing.

It *MIGHT* be your bandwidth isn't up to snuff.

It *MIGHT* be your RAM over-loaded.

Until you know what's the bottle-neck, you aren't optimizing -- You're
wasting time.

The time you spend figuring out what to fix will more than make up for the
time saved from installing stuff that won't help and will only confuse the

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- Original Message -
From: Alex Ranaldi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 11:32 AM
Subject: Code Speed & Optimization

> Hello Everyone,
> My PHP-based website is beginning to get a bit slow. I'm wondering if
> anyone knows of any specific code optimizations that can be done to
> improve the general performance. I'm not running Zend Optimizer right
> now but I have plans to install it soon, hopefully it'll help. If
> anyone has any suggestions or knows of anything that can help, please
> let me know.
> Thanks,
> Alex

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[PHP] Re: iPlanet & PHP

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

Do you have a auto_prepend which is doing require 'index.php' ?...
Check in php.ini

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- Original Message -
From: Jeb Scarbrough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 3:52 PM
Subject: iPlanet & PHP

> I have configured my PHP with the following
> --with-oci8=\XX
> --with-nsapi=\XX
> --with-gd=\\
> --with-ldap
> --enable-libgcc
> --enable-track-vars
> I have just loaded and installed RSA AceAgent on the server to provide us
> with token access. Before I loaded this software I was able to view all of
> my webpages. Now when I try to view the pages I get a login page (not the
> problem) after I log into the token server I get the following response
> from the server
> Warning: Failed opening '/index.php' for inclusion
> in Unknown on line 0
> what is the problem?
> Jeb Scarbrough

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[PHP] Re: Permutation in PHP

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

You should be able to find this in *ANY* computer science algorithm
textbook, or online in a few thousand sites...

If you find a C version, you can probably change all the variables to have $
in front, and you're finished.

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- Original Message -
From: Robert Mena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
To: php mailing list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2001 4:44 PM
Subject: Permutation in PHP

> Hi I am looking for an algorithm to generate the
> permutation of the elements of a vector, say .
> Does anybody know / have implemented such (in PHP or
> different languages).
> Best regards.
> __
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[PHP] Re: naming convention in php?

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

Whichever way your company wants to do it.
Consistency is all that matters, really.

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- Original Message -
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2001 8:28 AM
Subject: naming convention in php?

i want to know is there any naming convention followed in php as
in c/c++/java/etc.
i am puzzled how naming of variables are done in large scale
projects, where codes are written by one and debug by others.

best regards from saif
[php 406, apache 1312, winme]
[mysql 32321, personal oracle 8]

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[PHP] Re: configure with mysql

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch

Compile from source.

You could spend the rest of your life trying to find a right rpm that has
the currect sub-set of 107 compile-time switches to PHP's configure.

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- Original Message -
From: Jason Radley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 11:03 AM
Subject: configure with mysql

> I have installed redhat linux 7.1 with apache, php and mysql
> but when installed redhat it didn't add the configure --with-mysql it
> added --without-mysql is there any way to change this to configure
> --with-mysql.
> Thanks

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[PHP] Re: global variables as reference

2001-09-21 Thread Richard Lynch


I stopped reading after the manual said "You can't do that", but there's a
user-contributed note on a work-around that you may want to read.

Disclaimer:  I don't really grok & in PHP yet, so I just don't use it. :-p

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- Original Message -
From: Wolfram Kriesing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: php.general
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 10:12 AM
Subject: global variables as reference

> i am using a global variable (curClass),
> which is a reference to some class,
> inside another class i want to change
> the value of this global variable, to
> "point" or refer to another class.
> but that doesnt work.
> am i doing something wrong???
> here my code
> --
> class temp
> {
>   function temp()
>   {
> global $curClass;
> $curClass = &${$classNameY};
>   }
> }
> -
> $curClass = &${classNameX};
> $tempi = new temp();
> # at this point $curClass still points
> # to the class with the name "classNameX"
> # not to "classNameY" as i would suppose
> # if i used: $curClass = $classNameY;
> # inside the class temp
> # $curClass would have the expected value
> # but with the "&${}" around it doenst work
> thanks 4 your help
> Wolfram Kriesing
> ___
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[PHP] Site Search

2001-09-21 Thread vishal khialani

  I need to have a search on my site and was about to start working on it. 
Can anyone pls send their code if they have made one allready ?

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp

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[PHP] eregi_replace problem

2001-09-21 Thread Daniel Goldin

The following does what it's meant to do: replace [i} and [ei} with the html

$welcome_html = eregi_replace("\[i]","",$welcome_html);
$welcome_html = eregi_replace("\[ei]","",$welcome_html);

Why does the following NOT work?

$welcome_html = eregi_replace("\[c]","",$welcome_html);
$welcome_html = eregi_replace("\[ec]","",$welcome_html);

Any help gratefully appreciated.

Daniel Goldin   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Creative Director   323.225.1926

 BlueLamp Productions

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[PHP] Re: Sort Question (Again)

2001-09-21 Thread Gaylen Fraley

When you do $list = sort($list) you are assigning a boolean true/false to
the success/failure of the sort to $list (on the left hand side of the
equals sign).  What I think you really want is:

$list = file('list_main.txt');


PHP KISGB v1.2 Guestbook http://www.gaylenandmargie.com/publicscripts

"Jeff Oien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> This didn't get answered before. I'm trying to sort an array but it
> won't work.
> $list = file('list_main.txt');
> $list = sort($list);
> If I print $list it gives me 1 and print $list[0] is nothing. The
> looks something like this:
> etc.
> Jeff Oien

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[PHP] Sort Question (Again)

2001-09-21 Thread Jeff Oien

This didn't get answered before. I'm trying to sort an array but it
won't work.
$list = file('list_main.txt');
$list = sort($list);
If I print $list it gives me 1 and print $list[0] is nothing. The list_main.txt
looks something like this:

Jeff Oien

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Re: [PHP] calling javascript function from a form image

2001-09-21 Thread Christian Dechery


I understand Netscape is a real pain in the a**... but that should work... 
maybe it (Netscape)'s being picky about syntax... trye being 
perfectionist... like:

. Christian Dechery
. . Gaita-L Owner / Web Developer
. . http://www.webstyle.com.br
. . http://www.tanamesa.com.br

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Re: [PHP] Re: calling javascript function from a form image

2001-09-21 Thread Christian Dechery

At 09:29 21/9/2001 -0700, Chris Lee wrote:
>this isnt reallt a php question but I'll answer it anyhow because Ive been
>stuck with netscapes incompatabilities before. do this.

onSubmit is not an event for the input type image... it is for the 

it should look like 

this would be activated by clicking on a "input type=submit" and NOT a 
"input type=image"...

>if that doesnt work you'll have todo this.
>function set_category()
>   alert("category set");
>   document.formMoviesSearch.submit();
>or if you want the hand to show up over the image. change the  tag to
>   Chris Lee
>"Neil Freeman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a form which contains an:
> >  >
> > When the user clicks this image I want a javascript function to be
> > called. I have added an onclick event to this input line (see code
> > below) which works great in IE and all is well. Netscape doesn't
> > recognise this onclick event though for the image so how do you call a
> > javascript function here? Normally I'd wrap an  tags
> > but I don't think a form will like this.
> >
> > Has anyone a solution?
> >
> > Here is my code
> >
> > #
> > 
> > imagesubmit.htm
> >
> > 
> > function set_category() {
> >  alert("category set");
> > }
> > 
> > 
> >
> > 
> >
> >  >
> > if ($submit_form)  //if this equals true then the form has been
> > submitted
> > {
> >  echo "alert(\"form submitted\");";
> > }
> > else
> > {
> >  echo "alert(\"not submitted\");";
> > }
> >
> > ?>
> >
> > 
> >
> >  > onclick="set_category()">
> > 
> >
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> > #
> >
> > Neil
> >
> > 
> >  Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> >
> >
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. Christian Dechery
. . Gaita-L Owner / Web Developer
. . http://www.webstyle.com.br
. . http://www.tanamesa.com.br

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[PHP] how to access to session variable without

2001-09-21 Thread Jacques

I'm using php4 with session
I have a session variable

My problem is I have a mysql database where I pull out  data and put them
into the the session variable
With these data, I want to generate a graph.

if I access to a different page (or link) through 
I can see the content of $TABLE. No problem then.

whereas if I use , I cannot have $TABLE
content. it's empty.

Does someone know a way a have the content within the page.
Basically, I don't want to send the values of my data in the url such as

I will appreciate any help.

Thanks a lot,

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[PHP] Problem with GD version 1.8.4

2001-09-21 Thread Radek Krejča

I try compile gd-lib in version 1.8.4 on OpenBSD. This operation caused
error, but with version 1.8.3 was all OK.
Do you have some expirience with this problem? How to compile PHP 4.0.6 wiht

Bc. Radek Krejča
www: www.ceskedomeny.cz
tel: +42 0608 / 470 980

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Re: [PHP] nimda, etc.

2001-09-21 Thread Gaylen Fraley

Are you sure about that?  I am trying his script and I just had an "attack"
and I watched the traffic through my firewall software.  It dropped off
immediately, i.e. showed no activity.  I was expecting to see somekind of a
persistant connection, but It doesn't seem to be there.  I tested it myself
and got the same results.  My browser just sat there spinning, but there was
no traffic in and out of my site.

PHP KISGB v1.2 Guestbook http://www.gaylenandmargie.com/publicscripts

"Sean Straw / Pse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> At 13:48 2001-09-21 -0700, Bill Rausch wrote:
> > sleep( 300 );
> >
> >I felt that if nothing else I could slow the worm down a little by
> >wasting its time before it races off to the next potential target.
> >Does what I'm doing make any sense or am I all confused?
> I do like the concept behind the sleep idea, but this is going to tie up
> acesses to *YOUR* server, which means you're literally setting yourself up
> for a DoS.  I doubt that was a design goal.
> I think setting up a script which hands off the vitising IP address to
> firewall and stealths the requests would be much better.  If I could get
> answer to a cache implementation question I posted here this morning, I'd
> be moving along to providing such a facility to those interested...
> FTR, the implementation I have in place right now is invoked via a
> rewriterule in apache, so I don't log 404 errors.
> ---
>   Please DO NOT carbon me on list replies.  I'll get my copy from the
>   Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering
>   Post Box 2395 / San Rafael, CA  94912-2395

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[PHP] GD Library help

2001-09-21 Thread Jay Paulson

Do all versions of the GD library for Linux that are version 1.6 and above
not support any GIF formats?  I have 1.8 and in the manual I thought that it
was only version 1.6 that didn't support GIF format.  However, when I run
ImageCreateFromGIF() or ImageGIF() I get an error saying that it's not
supported in PHP.  Also, I wanted to use the ImageCopyResampled but that's
only supported in GD 2.0.  Is there a GD 2.0 for Redhat 7.1?


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[PHP] Can someone explain this????

2001-09-21 Thread Dallas K.

 try this when u get a sec. 
>its weird... 
>In Microsoft Word, start with a blank page and type the letters NYC 
> >in all caps. Highlight the letters and change to the largest font size, 
> >72 points. 
> > 
> >Now change the font itself to Webdings .
> > 
> >that's not all. 
> > 
> >Now change the font again, to Wingdings. (use the first version of Wingdings) 

If you ask me that's just weird.

Re: [PHP] nimda, etc.

2001-09-21 Thread Sean Straw / PSE

At 13:48 2001-09-21 -0700, Bill Rausch wrote:
> sleep( 300 );
>I felt that if nothing else I could slow the worm down a little by
>wasting its time before it races off to the next potential target.
>Does what I'm doing make any sense or am I all confused?

I do like the concept behind the sleep idea, but this is going to tie up 
acesses to *YOUR* server, which means you're literally setting yourself up 
for a DoS.  I doubt that was a design goal.

I think setting up a script which hands off the vitising IP address to your 
firewall and stealths the requests would be much better.  If I could get an 
answer to a cache implementation question I posted here this morning, I'd 
be moving along to providing such a facility to those interested...

FTR, the implementation I have in place right now is invoked via a 
rewriterule in apache, so I don't log 404 errors.

  Please DO NOT carbon me on list replies.  I'll get my copy from the list.

  Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering
  Post Box 2395 / San Rafael, CA  94912-2395

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Re: [PHP] How to do that with PHP

2001-09-21 Thread Sean Straw / PSE

At 11:37 2001-09-21 -0700, Alawi Albaity wrote:
>I have a table ..
>this table have 20 record..
>I want to view this record in the 4 pages (5 record by

The following should get you going in the right direction.  As shown, this 
works on PHP3 as well as PHP4:

 $tablesize ) || ( $tablestart < 0 ) )
 // something is wrong - visitor probably screwing with their
 // URL.  You could display an error -- or just reset to page 1
 $pageindex = 1;
 $tablestart = 0;

 // some function to print your table from the defined startpoint 
to the
 // number of elements to print, checking for possible array 
 // within this range (i.e. if the array doesn't fall on an exact
 // pagesize boundary, there may not be a full table here).
 // yup, YOU get to do some of your own work - your question was how to
 // deal with putting the data on separate pages, not how to 
display it.
 displaymytable( $mytable, $tablestart, $pagesize )

 // emit "previous" and "next" links (or you might display a whole
 // range of direct page links).

 if ( $pageindex > 1 )
 print( 'Prev');

 if ( ( $tablestart + $pagesize ) < $tablesize )
 print( 'Next');

  Please DO NOT carbon me on list replies.  I'll get my copy from the list.

  Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering
  Post Box 2395 / San Rafael, CA  94912-2395

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Re: [PHP] configure errors: PHP with sablot on mac os x

2001-09-21 Thread Mark

>checking for Hyperwave support... no
>checking for ICAP support... no
>checking for iconv support... yes
>checking for iconv_open in -lc... no
>checking for IMAP support... no
>checking whether to include pspell support... no
>checking whether to include QDOM support... no
>checking for libedit readline replacement... no
>checking for readline support... no
>checking for recode support... no
>checking for Sablotron XSL support... yes
>checking libexpat dir for Sablotron 0.50... no
>checking for Sablotron in default path... found in /usr/local
>checking for SablotSetEncoding in -lsablot... yes
>checking for iconv_open in -lc... (cached) no

that (cached) at the end tells me you might need to rm config.cache

>configure: error: iconv not found

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[PHP] configure errors: PHP with sablot on mac os x

2001-09-21 Thread Karl Long

I'm configuring PHP on my mac os X box and have been working for days
reading all the lists and articles that have been written about this and I
have got through a lot of issues so far but now I'm at an impass.
I've compiled all the extentions that I need (expat, sablotron etc.) but now
in the home stretch I'm configuring PHP and I'm getting some errors related
to "iconv".
If I remove the --with-sablot flag the configure runs fine, I'm baffled,
thanks for any help,

so these are my config flags
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var
--mandir=/usr/share/man --with-sablot --with-mysql --with-apxs
--with-zlib-dir=/usr/local --disable-pear

and when it gets to configuring extentions:
checking for recode support... no
checking for Sablotron XSL support... yes
checking libexpat dir for Sablotron 0.50... no
checking for Sablotron in default path... found in /usr/local
checking for SablotSetEncoding in -lsablot... yes
checking for iconv_open in -lc... no
configure: error: iconv not found

So I found out what iconv was and downloaded it from :
went through the config, make, make install etc

so just for fun I thought I'd try --with-iconv=/usr/local:

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var
--mandir=/usr/share/man --with-sablot --with-mysql --with-apxs
--with-zlib-dir=/usr/local --disable-pear --with-iconv=/usr/local

checking for Hyperwave support... no
checking for ICAP support... no
checking for iconv support... yes
checking for iconv_open in -lc... no
checking for IMAP support... no

checking whether to include pspell support... no
checking whether to include QDOM support... no
checking for libedit readline replacement... no
checking for readline support... no
checking for recode support... no
checking for Sablotron XSL support... yes
checking libexpat dir for Sablotron 0.50... no
checking for Sablotron in default path... found in /usr/local
checking for SablotSetEncoding in -lsablot... yes
checking for iconv_open in -lc... (cached) no
configure: error: iconv not found

Re: [PHP] Finding a File

2001-09-21 Thread Mark

On Fri, 21 Sep 2001 14:46:04 -0700, Mark wrote:
>On Fri, 21 Sep 2001 16:48:13 -0500, Joseph Koenig wrote:
>>Well - I just spoke with the client and apparently only one
>>was going to create that problem so they're just going to rename
>>directory. I guess I should have tried that solution first.
>>there a way to read the string up to the point where the numbers
>>For example, pull "AS" out of "ASx" and "MAS" out of
>>looked through the string functions and didn't really see anything
>>promising. Something like is_letter() would be cool :) Thanks,

oops make that:

>>Joseph Koenig wrote:
>>> Hello everyone -- I'm just a little bit stumped on this. I've got
>>> files that are available for user download, however, the files
>>> different directories. The file names are based on the item
>>> is available. For example, item number "AS1000-01" is in
>>> and is named "AS1000-01.xxx" -- All files will have the same
>>> That's no problem. Where I'm confused is not all of the
>>>directories are
>>> 2 letter names. For example, file "BSEB10-010" is in the "BSE"
>>> directory. Some directories are 4 characters long -- all except
>>> BSEB**-*** files match their directory names until the file name
>>> contains a number (AS is in "AS", MAS is in "MAS", etc).
>>> this script to be as dynamic as possible. I don't want to set up
>>> of directory names or anything. Can I run through the string of
>>> numbers until I hit a numeric character, and then check that
>>> to see if it's a directory? If it doesn't match exactly is there
>>> to search for that file in directories that almost match? Any
>>>ideas? Thanks,
>>> Joe
>>> --
>>> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
>>> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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>>> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: php-list-
>Mark, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 09/21/2001

Mark, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 09/21/2001

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Re: [PHP] Finding a File

2001-09-21 Thread Mark

On Fri, 21 Sep 2001 16:48:13 -0500, Joseph Koenig wrote:
>Well - I just spoke with the client and apparently only one
>was going to create that problem so they're just going to rename the
>directory. I guess I should have tried that solution first. However,
>there a way to read the string up to the point where the numbers
>For example, pull "AS" out of "ASx" and "MAS" out of "MASx"?
>looked through the string functions and didn't really see anything
>promising. Something like is_letter() would be cool :) Thanks,


>Joseph Koenig wrote:
>> Hello everyone -- I'm just a little bit stumped on this. I've got
>> files that are available for user download, however, the files are
>> different directories. The file names are based on the item number
>> is available. For example, item number "AS1000-01" is in directory
>> and is named "AS1000-01.xxx" -- All files will have the same
>> That's no problem. Where I'm confused is not all of the
>>directories are
>> 2 letter names. For example, file "BSEB10-010" is in the "BSE"
>> directory. Some directories are 4 characters long -- all except
>> BSEB**-*** files match their directory names until the file name
>> contains a number (AS is in "AS", MAS is in "MAS", etc). I
>> this script to be as dynamic as possible. I don't want to set up
>> of directory names or anything. Can I run through the string of
>> numbers until I hit a numeric character, and then check that
>> to see if it's a directory? If it doesn't match exactly is there a
>> to search for that file in directories that almost match? Any
>>ideas? Thanks,
>> Joe
>> --
>> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: php-list-

Mark, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 09/21/2001

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Re: [PHP] Finding a File

2001-09-21 Thread Joseph Koenig

Well - I just spoke with the client and apparently only one directory
was going to create that problem so they're just going to rename the
directory. I guess I should have tried that solution first. However, is
there a way to read the string up to the point where the numbers start?
For example, pull "AS" out of "ASx" and "MAS" out of "MASx"? I
looked through the string functions and didn't really see anything to
promising. Something like is_letter() would be cool :) Thanks,


Joseph Koenig wrote:
> Hello everyone -- I'm just a little bit stumped on this. I've got some
> files that are available for user download, however, the files are in
> different directories. The file names are based on the item number which
> is available. For example, item number "AS1000-01" is in directory "AS"
> and is named "AS1000-01.xxx" -- All files will have the same extension.
> That's no problem. Where I'm confused is not all of the directories are
> 2 letter names. For example, file "BSEB10-010" is in the "BSE"
> directory. Some directories are 4 characters long -- all except the
> BSEB**-*** files match their directory names until the file name
> contains a number (AS is in "AS", MAS is in "MAS", etc). I need
> this script to be as dynamic as possible. I don't want to set up arrays
> of directory names or anything. Can I run through the string of item
> numbers until I hit a numeric character, and then check that substring
> to see if it's a directory? If it doesn't match exactly is there a way
> to search for that file in directories that almost match? Any ideas? Thanks,
> Joe
> --
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[PHP] Apache win question

2001-09-21 Thread Kevin

I know, this isn't an Apache list

Upgraded to Apache win 1.3.20 recently.

Running Apache 1.3.20, MySQL 2.23.38, Windowz 98

When running a variety of database driven applications, Apache craps out on
me.  MySQL and Windowz are not affected.  Anyone else run into this?  All
was fine until I upgraded Apache.  I am getting tired of restarting Apache
20 times a day.


Sorry for the of topic question


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Re: [PHP] nimda, etc.

2001-09-21 Thread Mark

On Fri, 21 Sep 2001 13:48:09 -0700, Bill Rausch wrote:
>My web sites, which generally have only a couple of real visitors a
>day to run a specific applications, have just been getting hammered
>by this stupid nimda and code red stuff. I'm running
>and have firewalls that filter everything except port 80 so I'm not
>worried about any local effects.
>What I've done as a public service is to run a "/missing.php" script
>that looks like:
>if( strpos( $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["REDIRECT_URL"], ".exe" ) > 0 )
>   sleep( 300 );
>if( strpos( $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["REDIRECT_URL"], "default.ida" ) > 0 )
>   sleep( 300 );
>header( "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found" );
>echo "404 File Not Found: ";
>I felt that if nothing else I could slow the worm down a little by
>wasting its time before it races off to the next potential target.
>Does what I'm doing make any sense or am I all confused?
> Bill Rausch, Software Development, Unix, Mac, Windows
> Numerical Applications, Inc.  509-943-0861   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i think its a good idea.
here's a related story you might like:
Mark, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 09/21/2001

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[PHP] Re: Include inside a function?

2001-09-21 Thread J Smith

Why don't you try it and find out?


Kyle Smith wrote:

> Is it possible to use include inside the mail function?
> eg
> mail(include("blah.txt")) ???
> -lk6-
> http://www.StupeedStudios.f2s.com
> Home of the burning lego man!
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RE: [PHP] writting into a text file

2001-09-21 Thread Daniel Alsen


I prefer to store that code in a separate document and include it in the
documents i want it.
Change $COUNT_FILE to whatever suits you. It's just a empty textfile from
the start. Don?t forget to chmod the textfile properly.

Then you just have to echo $count;

# Daniel Alsen| www.mindbash.com #
# [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | +46 704 86 14 92 #
# ICQ: 63006462   |  #

> I am having a problem that looks like this :
> 1.I'd like to have some clue on the traffic on my site, but my
> server doesn't support
> the mysql or smth like that. Anyway, I'd be happy with a text
> file, smth like a log
> file. Is it possible to write into a text file ?
> 2. Is it possible and is it a right way to do so : Making a
> counter based on the
> system I explained in the 1st question : writting a number into a
> text file, and on
> every hit, reading it and increasing by 1 ?

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Re: [PHP] Finding a File

2001-09-21 Thread Mark

On Fri, 21 Sep 2001 15:29:34 -0500, Joseph Koenig wrote:
>Hello everyone -- I'm just a little bit stumped on this. I've got
>files that are available for user download, however, the files are
>different directories. The file names are based on the item number
>is available. For example, item number "AS1000-01" is in directory
>and is named "AS1000-01.xxx" -- All files will have the same
>That's no problem. Where I'm confused is not all of the directories
>2 letter names. For example, file "BSEB10-010" is in the "BSE"
>directory. Some directories are 4 characters long -- all except the
>BSEB**-*** files match their directory names until the file name
>contains a number (AS is in "AS", MAS is in "MAS", etc). I
>this script to be as dynamic as possible. I don't want to set up
>of directory names or anything. Can I run through the string of item
>numbers until I hit a numeric character, and then check that
>to see if it's a directory? If it doesn't match exactly is there a
>to search for that file in directories that almost match? Any ideas?

how about:
$path=`find /$basedir -name $filename`;

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[PHP] writting into a text file

2001-09-21 Thread Nikola Weber

Hi !

I am having a problem that looks like this :
1.I'd like to have some clue on the traffic on my site, but my 
server doesn't support 
the mysql or smth like that. Anyway, I'd be happy with a text 
file, smth like a log 
file. Is it possible to write into a text file ? 
2. Is it possible and is it a right way to do so : Making a 
counter based on the 
system I explained in the 1st question : writting a number into 
a text file, and on 
every hit, reading it and increasing by 1 ?


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[PHP] writting into a text file

2001-09-21 Thread Nikola Weber

Hi !

I am having a problem that looks like this :
1.I'd like to have some clue on the traffic on my site, but my server doesn't support 
the mysql or smth like that. Anyway, I'd be happy with a text file, smth like a log 
file. Is it possible to write into a text file ? 
2. Is it possible and is it a right way to do so : Making a counter based on the 
system I explained in the 1st question : writting a number into a text file, and on 
every hit, reading it and increasing by 1 ?


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[PHP] writting into a text file

2001-09-21 Thread Nikola Weber

Hi !

I am having a problem that looks like this :
1.I'd like to have some clue on the traffic on my site, but my server doesn't support 
the mysql or smth like that. Anyway, I'd be happy with a text file, smth like a log 
file. Is it possible to write into a text file ? 
2. Is it possible and is it a right way to do so : Making a counter based on the 
system I explained in the 1st question : writting a number into a text file, and on 
every hit, reading it and increasing by 1 ?


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[PHP] Re: mysql error on win2k

2001-09-21 Thread Gary

It would help if you gave us some more information. If you look in your 
MySQL folder you will see a folder call include. In that folder there is 
file call mysqld_error.h, this a list of some of the errors you will 
encounter. This will help you track down the problems you are having, in 
the MySQl manual. 1016=can't open file.


Sagar N Chand wrote:

> hi,
> i have installed win2k and configured apache and php4.0.6 but
> mysql is giving error 1016 or so.
> why is this happening.
> /sagar

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[PHP] Sort Question

2001-09-21 Thread Jeff Oien

Could someone tell me how to sort this? Each $variable1 is a 3,4 or 5
letter string that I would like sorted alphabetically. I assumed "sort" would
do it but apparently it isn't the right type of array. Thanks.

$variable1 = split("\n", $variable);

Jeff Oien

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Re: [PHP] php website

2001-09-21 Thread Philip Olson

It's being worked on, go here :

Replacing www with your county code (uk,us,au...) usually works too.  For
example, the uk mirror is uk.php.net

Philip Olson

On Sat, 22 Sep 2001, Lukas wrote:

> Hello,
> hey is it just me or is the manual on the PHP website all mixed up at the
> moment ? When you click on the "Documentation" / "English" links it just
> takes you to a search page ! Similiarly for functions and so on.
> Lukas
> Sofnology Ltd
> -- 
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RE: [PHP] Any Free Web Hosts that still support the mail( ) function out there?

2001-09-21 Thread Salty Marine

Greetings to Felix and All:

I must agree that http://coolfreepages.com/ is a really good free hosting
service that supports PHP.  However, soon as you use mail( ), it generates
an error message:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mail() in ...


-Original Message-
From: Felix [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 4:58 PM
To: Salty Marine; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [PHP] Any Free Web Hosts that still support the mail( )
function out there?

Try coolfreepages.com

- Original Message -
From: "Salty Marine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 2:20 PM
Subject: [PHP] Any Free Web Hosts that still support the mail( ) function
out there?

> Greetings to You:
> Any Free Web Hosts that still support the mail( ) function out there?
> Regards,
> Salty
> _
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

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[PHP] nimda, etc.

2001-09-21 Thread Bill Rausch

My web sites, which generally have only a couple of real visitors a
day to run a specific applications, have just been getting hammered
by this stupid nimda and code red stuff. I'm running Linux/Apache/PHP
and have firewalls that filter everything except port 80 so I'm not
worried about any local effects.

What I've done as a public service is to run a "/missing.php" script
that looks like:

 0 )
  sleep( 300 );
if( strpos( $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["REDIRECT_URL"], "default.ida" ) > 0 )
  sleep( 300 );
header( "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found" );
echo "404 File Not Found: ";

I felt that if nothing else I could slow the worm down a little by
wasting its time before it races off to the next potential target.
Does what I'm doing make any sense or am I all confused?
  Bill Rausch, Software Development, Unix, Mac, Windows
  Numerical Applications, Inc.  509-943-0861   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[PHP] php website

2001-09-21 Thread Lukas


hey is it just me or is the manual on the PHP website all mixed up at the
moment ? When you click on the "Documentation" / "English" links it just
takes you to a search page ! Similiarly for functions and so on.

Sofnology Ltd

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[PHP] Finding a File

2001-09-21 Thread Joseph Koenig

Hello everyone -- I'm just a little bit stumped on this. I've got some
files that are available for user download, however, the files are in
different directories. The file names are based on the item number which
is available. For example, item number "AS1000-01" is in directory "AS"
and is named "AS1000-01.xxx" -- All files will have the same extension.
That's no problem. Where I'm confused is not all of the directories are
2 letter names. For example, file "BSEB10-010" is in the "BSE"
directory. Some directories are 4 characters long -- all except the
BSEB**-*** files match their directory names until the file name
contains a number (AS is in "AS", MAS is in "MAS", etc). I need
this script to be as dynamic as possible. I don't want to set up arrays
of directory names or anything. Can I run through the string of item
numbers until I hit a numeric character, and then check that substring
to see if it's a directory? If it doesn't match exactly is there a way
to search for that file in directories that almost match? Any ideas? Thanks,


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[PHP] RE: string conversion

2001-09-21 Thread saif

correct way is to get file name is :

$path_parts = pathinfo($dir.$file);
$fdir = $path_parts["dirname"]; // directory name
$fname = $path_parts["basename"];   // file name
$ftext = $path_parts["extension"];  // file extension

best regards from saif
[php 406, apache 1312, winme]
[mysql 32321, personal oracle 8]

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[PHP] htaccess

2001-09-21 Thread PHP List

I heard it was possible to turn off/on php execution in a directory using
the .htaccess file.
Can some one tell me how to do that?


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[PHP] Announcement: Smarty template engine 1.4.5 available

2001-09-21 Thread Monte Ohrt

Mostly bug fixes and minor improvements. Added compile id for separate
compiled versions of the same script. The directory format and filename
convention for the files in templates_c has changed, so you may want to
remove all of the existing ones before you upgrade.



Version 1.4.5
- update FAQ with index of questions at the top
- update overlib to 3.50, adjust addon code so that the overlib.js
  file isn't modified, and not using the mini one. (Monte)
- added many more options to html_select_date. (Alexander Skwar,
- added support for generating different compiled templates from the
  source template. (Hans-Peter Oeri, Andrei)
- modified Smarty to pass itself to insert functions as the second
  parameter. (Andrei)
- modified Smarty to pass itself to prefilter functions as the
  parameter. (Andrei)
- fixed syntax error when including a non-existant template with
  enabled. (Monte)
- fixed comments handling to allow commenting out template blocks.
- implemented named capture buffers, with results accessible via
  $smarty.capture.. (Andrei)
- added ability to index arrays directly by numbers. (Andrei)
- fixed bug with SMARTY_DIR not prepended to Config_File in

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Re: [PHP] Any Free Web Hosts that still support the mail( ) function out there?

2001-09-21 Thread Felix

Try coolfreepages.com

- Original Message -
From: "Salty Marine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 2:20 PM
Subject: [PHP] Any Free Web Hosts that still support the mail( ) function
out there?

> Greetings to You:
> Any Free Web Hosts that still support the mail( ) function out there?
> Regards,
> Salty
> _
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
> --
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