Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Patrick Leary
M, CBB - Jay Fuller 
<<>> wrote:

It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the country do not 
necessarily share your views.
Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did know what 
they were doing.
For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is becoming more 
and more difficult ;)

- Original Message -----
From: Chuck McCown<>
Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
Subject: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

This has been fun reading.

I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite and post some pretty
well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost any issue.  This is all the
social media I need.

I did want to make a comment about the Illinois FOID card.

I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in about 1993 in Quincy Illinois.
Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I  learned that a co-worker had
suffered some kind of stress attack and was in the hospital.  That afternoon
they were out of beds in some of the areas so that took him to the 5th
floor.  That is the psych floor.

Then, it turned out, anyone that gets admitted to a psych ward in Illinois
gets reported to the FOID people.
They revoke the FOID card.

This guy was a big time hunter.  It just about killed him.
He got some pretty good press and got some political help.  Hot his card
back in about 6 weeks.

So, if you want to keep your FOID stay out of psych wards!

Philip J. Rankin
Wireless Telecommunications Services
PO Box 24
Pittsburg, KS  66762

Philip J. Rankin
Wireless Telecommunications Services
PO Box 24
Pittsburg, KS  66762

Philip J. Rankin
Wireless Telecommunications Services
PO Box 24
Pittsburg, KS  66762

Philip J. Rankin
Wireless Telecommunications Services
PO Box 24
Pittsburg, KS  66762

Philip J. Rankin
Wireless Telecommunications Services
PO Box 24
Pittsburg, KS  66762

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This footnote confirms that this email message has been scanned by
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Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Rory Conaway
Reagan was a liberal early on in life but he definitely wasn't a liberal by the 
time he ran for the Presidency and neither were his policies.


From: Af [] On Behalf Of Patrick Leary
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 8:22 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

Your vision of Reagan is of a cartoon character, devoid of reality, factually 
ignorant, and it vastly insults his memory. Were Reagan president today, you'd 
be calling him a "libtard." You are clearly under 40 years old.

Patrick Leary
On Oct 11, 2015 5:47 PM, Philip Rankin 
<<>> wrote:
Nixon was conservative, but  with him  trying to cover up his crooked tail, we 
never saw much of anything from him.  He was truly ineffective.  Ford  and 
Bush??  Hahaha.  Not conservative  RINO.  Reagan, a different story. He wasn't 
perfect, but in his heart he held conservatism high.  There is only one way to 
preside and that is to work  with the other side some.  That's when he had to 
give up his far right position some  Nixon is the only conservative that had 
any bearing on this country in the last 50 years.  I should say conservative 

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Josh Luthman 
<<>> wrote:
Nixon Ford Reagan Bush...

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Philip Rankin 
<<>> wrote:
Yes, one.

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Josh Luthman 
<<>> wrote:

You know we've had conservative politicians and presidents in the last 50 years 

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373
On Oct 11, 2015 3:52 PM, "Philip Rankin" 
<<>> wrote:
Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that logic???  
How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this country in the 
past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, actually it's so far beyond 
rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the debt, the credit 
ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the stupidity of laws that 
cover laws that should not have ever been written in the first place.  Or, the 
stupid recent healthcare law that the majority of the population don't want 
because we were lied to about it.  And then the RINOs bailing out their 
favorite companies after they got their kickbacks?  And this isn't even the tip 
of the iceberg. It's all liberal stupidity.  Notice I didn't say Democrat or 
Republican?  It's libtards! These folk have no concern for their country or 
their fellow man.  All they want is to line their pockets and control people!  
Call me rude if you like!  I haven't even cracked the door on the rudeness 
these people have done to all of us including many generations to follow us!  
And,  while were at it, how about all of those babies that will never have an 
opportunity to join us?  What a sickening shame!  No, Travesty!

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Philip Rankin 
<<>> wrote:
Haven't made my point yet Lewis.  But, saw enough of those that were not in 
agreement with you in the thread to know that they don't believe in "Certain 
Inalienable Rights" with government here only to preserve those rights, not 
impose someone else's stupidity on me.  And, that the libs want someone else to 
take care of them all of the time.  To me, that's retarded and just plain dumb. 
 Now that I look at those that have their crazy position and compare that 
position to their past posts on here, I now understand some of their past posts 

I am not about to let someone shoot me during a convenience store holdup.  I 
will die with my 45 in hand before I let the bad guy take me or anyone else 
easily.  Now, to shoot someone as he is driving away with my dvd player as more 
libtardiness suggested  How dumb! To take a life because someone is a 
thief???  That's just another liberal ploy adage to try to make others believe 
that we shouldn't have those inalienable rights.  Life is precious, things, not 
so much!  But my life is more precious to me than to let someone else try to 
protect me from halfway across the county (The Police)!

So, to make my point about your comment "People assume you are out of salient 
points to make."  No, I'm just trying to use a concise word that describes all 
the stupidity that today's liberals have stooped to.  and libtard pretty much 
does that!

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Lewis Bergman 
<<>> wrote:

Come on 

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Ken Hohhof
Everyone wants to elect a President based on ideology (or likeability), 
ignoring that the primary job is to run the executive branch.  Eisenhower was 
probably the last POTUS who came to the job with credentials for effectively 
running a giant organization.  Not saying someone can’t grow to fill the job, 
look at Reagan and JFK.  But seriously, Ben Carson?

I see the same mistake in the current contest to see what poor schmuck gets to 
be Speaker of the House.  They want to make it about ideology, and yes it’s 
about getting the ideology of the majority caucus into legislation, but the 
Speaker should be a get-stuff-done type, not an ideologue.  People still 
remember Sam Rayburn and Tip O’Neill.  Hey, they could bring Newt Gingrich or 
Denny Hastert out of retirement.  Looks like Hastert will avoid jail time, and 
he could probably use the money after paying all that hush money.

From: Patrick Leary 
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

Your vision of Reagan is of a cartoon character, devoid of reality, factually 
ignorant, and it vastly insults his memory. Were Reagan president today, you'd 
be calling him a "libtard." You are clearly under 40 years old.

Patrick Leary
On Oct 11, 2015 5:47 PM, Philip Rankin <> wrote:

Nixon was conservative, but  with him  trying to cover up his crooked tail, we 
never saw much of anything from him.  He was truly ineffective.  Ford  and 
Bush??  Hahaha.  Not conservative  RINO.  Reagan, a different story. He wasn't 
perfect, but in his heart he held conservatism high.  There is only one way to 
preside and that is to work  with the other side some.  That's when he had to 
give up his far right position some  Nixon is the only conservative that had 
any bearing on this country in the last 50 years.  I should say conservative 

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Josh Luthman <> 

  Nixon Ford Reagan Bush...

  Josh Luthman
  Office: 937-552-2340
  Direct: 937-552-2343
  1100 Wayne St
  Suite 1337
  Troy, OH 45373

  On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Philip Rankin <> wrote:

Yes, one. 

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Josh Luthman <> 

  You know we've had conservative politicians and presidents in the last 50 
years right?

  Josh Luthman
  Office: 937-552-2340
  Direct: 937-552-2343
  1100 Wayne St
  Suite 1337
  Troy, OH 45373

  On Oct 11, 2015 3:52 PM, "Philip Rankin" <> wrote:

Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that 
logic???  How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this 
country in the past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, actually 
it's so far beyond rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the 
debt, the credit ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the 
stupidity of laws that cover laws that should not have ever been written in the 
first place.  Or, the stupid recent healthcare law that the majority of the 
population don't want because we were lied to about it.  And then the RINOs 
bailing out their favorite companies after they got their kickbacks?  And this 
isn't even the tip of the iceberg. It's all liberal stupidity.  Notice I didn't 
say Democrat or Republican?  It's libtards! These folk have no concern for 
their country or their fellow man.  All they want is to line their pockets and 
control people!  Call me rude if you like!  I haven't even cracked the door on 
the rudeness these people have done to all of us including many generations to 
follow us!  And,  while were at it, how about all of those babies that will 
never have an opportunity to join us?  What a sickening shame!  No, Travesty!

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Philip Rankin <> 

  Haven't made my point yet Lewis.  But, saw enough of those that were 
not in agreement with you in the thread to know that they don't believe in 
"Certain Inalienable Rights" with government here only to preserve those 
rights, not impose someone else's stupidity on me.  And, that the libs want 
someone else to take care of them all of the time.  To me, that's retarded and 
just plain dumb.  Now that I look at those that have their crazy position and 
compare that position to their past posts on here, I now understand some of 
their past posts here!   

  I am not about to let someone shoot me during a convenience store 
holdup.  I will die with my 45 in hand before I let the bad guy take me or 
anyone else easily.  Now, to shoot someone as he is driving away with my dvd 
player as more libtardiness suggested  How dumb! To take a life because 
someone is a thief???  That's just another liberal ploy adage to try to make 
others believe that we shouldn't

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Adam Moffett

It could always be worse.

On 10/12/2015 12:16 PM, Rory Conaway wrote:

He can’t be influenced by other peoples money.  Not a bad thing.  
Again, could he be worse than what we have?


*From:*Af [] *On Behalf Of *Mathew Howard
*Sent:* Monday, October 12, 2015 9:13 AM
*To:* af
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

So... you're saying we should elect Trump? He does run a large 
organization, afterall :P

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 10:54 AM, Ken Hohhof < 
<>> wrote:

Everyone wants to elect a President based on ideology (or 
likeability), ignoring that the primary job is to run the executive 
branch.  Eisenhower was probably the last POTUS who came to the job 
with credentials for effectively running a giant organization.  Not 
saying someone can’t grow to fill the job, look at Reagan and JFK.  
But seriously, Ben Carson?

I see the same mistake in the current contest to see what poor schmuck 
gets to be Speaker of the House.  They want to make it about ideology, 
and yes it’s about getting the ideology of the majority caucus into 
legislation, but the Speaker should be a get-stuff-done type, not an 
ideologue.  People still remember Sam Rayburn and Tip O’Neill.  Hey, 
they could bring Newt Gingrich or Denny Hastert out of retirement. 
Looks like Hastert will avoid jail time, and he could probably use the 
money after paying all that hush money.

*From:*Patrick Leary <>

*Sent:*Monday, October 12, 2015 10:22 AM

*To:* <>

*Subject:*Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

Your vision of Reagan is of a cartoon character, devoid of reality, 
factually ignorant, and it vastly insults his memory. Were Reagan 
president today, you'd be calling him a "libtard." You are clearly 
under 40 years old.

Patrick Leary


On Oct 11, 2015 5:47 PM, Philip Rankin < 
<>> wrote:

Nixon was conservative, but  with him  trying to cover up his crooked 
tail, we never saw much of anything from him.  He was truly 
ineffective.  Ford  and Bush?? Hahaha.  Not conservative  RINO. 
Reagan, a different story. He wasn't perfect, but in his heart he held 
conservatism high.  There is only one way to preside and that is to 
work  with the other side some.  That's when he had to give up his far 
right position some Nixon is the only conservative that had any 
bearing on this country in the last 50 years.  I should say 
conservative bearing!

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Josh Luthman 
< <>> wrote:

Nixon Ford Reagan Bush...

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340 
Direct: 937-552-2343 
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Philip Rankin < 
<>> wrote:

Yes, one.

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Josh Luthman 
< <>> wrote:

You know we've had conservative politicians and presidents in the last 
50 years right?

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340 
Direct: 937-552-2343 
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Oct 11, 2015 3:52 PM, "Philip Rankin" < 
<>> wrote:

Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that 
logic???  How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to 
this country in the past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You 
know, actually it's so far beyond rude, that we can't measure it 
anymore. Start with the debt, the credit ratings of the country, the 
backdoor payoff deals, the stupidity of laws that cover laws that 
should not have ever been written in the first place.  Or, the stupid 
recent healthcare law that the majority of the population don't want 
because we were lied to about it.  And then the RINOs bailing out 
their favorite companies after they got their kickbacks? And this 
isn't even the tip of the iceberg. It's all liberal stupidity. Notice 
I didn't say Democrat or Republican? It's libtards! These folk have no 
concern for their country or their fellow man. All they want is to 
line their pockets and control people!  Call me rude if you like!  I 
haven't even cracked the door on the rudeness these people have done 
to all of us including many generations to follow us! And,  while were 
at it, how about all of those babies that will never have an 
opportunity to join us?  What a sickening shame!  No, Travesty!

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Philip Rankin < 
<>> wrote:

Haven't made my point yet Lewis. But, saw enough of those that were 
not in agreement with you in the thread to know that they don't 
believe in "Certain Inalienable Rights" with government here only to 

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Mathew Howard
Sure, Ben Carson is obviously smart and seems like a really nice guy, but I
haven't seen anything from him that makes me think he'd be good at running
a country. Just because we have/have had inept presidents doesn't mean we
should settle for another one that doesn't know what he's doing.

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 11:12 AM, Rory Conaway <>

> Ben Carson has run hospital departments and is clearly the smartest man in
> pretty much any room he is in.  Saying he can’t run a country after our
> community organizer demonstrated his level of ineptness (he let the
> Secretary of State sell State Department influence to the tune of at least
> $2B dollars for God’s sake and a personal income of at least $230M dollars
> while in cahoots with her husband, $100M of which is still missing
> according to the Wall Street Journal), is pretty off the mark.  My dog
> could have done a better job and we wouldn’t have wasted all that money
> playing golf.
> Rory
> *From:* Af [] *On Behalf Of *Ken Hohhof
> *Sent:* Monday, October 12, 2015 8:55 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
> Everyone wants to elect a President based on ideology (or likeability),
> ignoring that the primary job is to run the executive branch.  Eisenhower
> was probably the last POTUS who came to the job with credentials for
> effectively running a giant organization.  Not saying someone can’t grow to
> fill the job, look at Reagan and JFK.  But seriously, Ben Carson?
> I see the same mistake in the current contest to see what poor schmuck
> gets to be Speaker of the House.  They want to make it about ideology, and
> yes it’s about getting the ideology of the majority caucus into
> legislation, but the Speaker should be a get-stuff-done type, not an
> ideologue.  People still remember Sam Rayburn and Tip O’Neill.  Hey, they
> could bring Newt Gingrich or Denny Hastert out of retirement.  Looks like
> Hastert will avoid jail time, and he could probably use the money after
> paying all that hush money.
> *From:* Patrick Leary <>
> *Sent:* Monday, October 12, 2015 10:22 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
> Your vision of Reagan is of a cartoon character, devoid of reality,
> factually ignorant, and it vastly insults his memory. Were Reagan president
> today, you'd be calling him a "libtard." You are clearly under 40 years old.
> Patrick Leary
> Telrad
> On Oct 11, 2015 5:47 PM, Philip Rankin <> wrote:
> Nixon was conservative, but  with him  trying to cover up his crooked
> tail, we never saw much of anything from him.  He was truly ineffective.
> Ford  and Bush??  Hahaha.  Not conservative  RINO.  Reagan, a different
> story. He wasn't perfect, but in his heart he held conservatism high.
> There is only one way to preside and that is to work  with the other side
> some.  That's when he had to give up his far right position some  Nixon is
> the only conservative that had any bearing on this country in the last 50
> years.  I should say conservative bearing!
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Josh Luthman <>
> wrote:
> Nixon Ford Reagan Bush...
> Josh Luthman
> Office: 937-552-2340
> Direct: 937-552-2343
> 1100 Wayne St
> Suite 1337
> Troy, OH 45373
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Philip Rankin <>
> wrote:
> Yes, one.
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Josh Luthman <>
> wrote:
> You know we've had conservative politicians and presidents in the last 50
> years right?
> Josh Luthman
> Office: 937-552-2340
> Direct: 937-552-2343
> 1100 Wayne St
> Suite 1337
> Troy, OH 45373
> On Oct 11, 2015 3:52 PM, "Philip Rankin" <> wrote:
> Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that
> logic???  How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this
> country in the past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, actually
> it's so far beyond rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the
> debt, the credit ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the
> stupidity of laws that cover laws that should not have ever been written in
> the first place.  Or, the stupid recent healthcare law that the majority of
> the population don't want because we were lied to about it.  And then the
> RINOs bailing out their favorite companies after they

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Bill Prince
My opinion of both McCarthy and Ryan went up a couple notches when the 
first declined to run, and the second said he doesn't want the job.

The pure notion of 40 (or so individuals) dictating who leads "the 
majority" is ludicrous beyond description. Makes for great theater though.


On 10/12/2015 8:54 AM, Ken Hohhof wrote:
I see the same mistake in the current contest to see what poor schmuck 
gets to be Speaker of the House.  They want to make it about ideology, 
and yes it’s about getting the ideology of the majority caucus into 
legislation, but the Speaker should be a get-stuff-done type, not an 
ideologue.  People still remember Sam Rayburn and Tip O’Neill.  Hey, 
they could bring Newt Gingrich or Denny Hastert out of retirement.  
Looks like Hastert will avoid jail time, and he could probably use the 
money after paying all that hush money.

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Rory Conaway
Bernie Sanders ☺  You are right.


From: Af [] On Behalf Of Adam Moffett
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 9:18 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

It could always be worse.

On 10/12/2015 12:16 PM, Rory Conaway wrote:
He can’t be influenced by other peoples money.  Not a bad thing.  Again, could 
he be worse than what we have?


From: Af [] On Behalf Of Mathew Howard
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 9:13 AM
To: af
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

So... you're saying we should elect Trump? He does run a large organization, 
afterall :P

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 10:54 AM, Ken Hohhof 
<<>> wrote:
Everyone wants to elect a President based on ideology (or likeability), 
ignoring that the primary job is to run the executive branch.  Eisenhower was 
probably the last POTUS who came to the job with credentials for effectively 
running a giant organization.  Not saying someone can’t grow to fill the job, 
look at Reagan and JFK.  But seriously, Ben Carson?

I see the same mistake in the current contest to see what poor schmuck gets to 
be Speaker of the House.  They want to make it about ideology, and yes it’s 
about getting the ideology of the majority caucus into legislation, but the 
Speaker should be a get-stuff-done type, not an ideologue.  People still 
remember Sam Rayburn and Tip O’Neill.  Hey, they could bring Newt Gingrich or 
Denny Hastert out of retirement.  Looks like Hastert will avoid jail time, and 
he could probably use the money after paying all that hush money.

From: Patrick Leary<>
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

Your vision of Reagan is of a cartoon character, devoid of reality, factually 
ignorant, and it vastly insults his memory. Were Reagan president today, you'd 
be calling him a "libtard." You are clearly under 40 years old.

Patrick Leary
On Oct 11, 2015 5:47 PM, Philip Rankin 
<<>> wrote:
Nixon was conservative, but  with him  trying to cover up his crooked tail, we 
never saw much of anything from him.  He was truly ineffective.  Ford  and 
Bush??  Hahaha.  Not conservative  RINO.  Reagan, a different story. He wasn't 
perfect, but in his heart he held conservatism high.  There is only one way to 
preside and that is to work  with the other side some.  That's when he had to 
give up his far right position some  Nixon is the only conservative that had 
any bearing on this country in the last 50 years.  I should say conservative 

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Josh Luthman 
<<>> wrote:
Nixon Ford Reagan Bush...

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Philip Rankin 
<<>> wrote:
Yes, one.

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Josh Luthman 
<<>> wrote:

You know we've had conservative politicians and presidents in the last 50 years 

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373
On Oct 11, 2015 3:52 PM, "Philip Rankin" 
<<>> wrote:
Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that logic???  
How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this country in the 
past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, actually it's so far beyond 
rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the debt, the credit 
ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the stupidity of laws that 
cover laws that should not have ever been written in the first place.  Or, the 
stupid recent healthcare law that the majority of the population don't want 
because we were lied to about it.  And then the RINOs bailing out their 
favorite companies after they got their kickbacks?  And this isn't even the tip 
of the iceberg. It's all liberal stupidity.  Notice I didn't say Democrat or 
Republican?  It's libtards! These folk have no concern for their country or 
their fellow man.  All they want is to line their pockets and control people!  
Call me rude if you like!  I haven't even cracked the door on the rudeness 
these people have done to all of us including many generations to follow us!  
And,  while were at it, how about all of those babies that will never have an 
opportunity to join us?  What a sickening shame!  No, Travesty!

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Philip Rankin 
<<>> wrote:
Haven't made my point yet Lewis.  But, saw enough of those that were not i

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Patrick Leary
After his presidency Reagan sent letters to Republican politicians urging them 
to support the assault rifle ban, which helped its passage in the early Clinton 

As president, Reagan famously enabled amnesty for millions of undocumented 

As president, Reagan raised taxes (after he had cut them), and if course 
routinely supported raising the debt limit
Most forgotten was that Reagan was an optimist and a fast friend of Dem House 
Speaker Tip O'Neill, with whom he worked in numerous compromises.

What Reagan was not was a vicious ideologue or zealot who refused to even 
engage the opposition. Today's "Republicans" can't even be seen shaking the 
President's hand for fear the nihilists will primary them.

Patrick Leary

Patrick Leary
On Oct 12, 2015 11:23 AM, Rory Conaway <> wrote:
Reagan was a liberal early on in life but he definitely wasn’t a liberal by the 
time he ran for the Presidency and neither were his policies.


From: Af [] On Behalf Of Patrick Leary
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 8:22 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

Your vision of Reagan is of a cartoon character, devoid of reality, factually 
ignorant, and it vastly insults his memory. Were Reagan president today, you'd 
be calling him a "libtard." You are clearly under 40 years old.

Patrick Leary
On Oct 11, 2015 5:47 PM, Philip Rankin 
<<>> wrote:
Nixon was conservative, but  with him  trying to cover up his crooked tail, we 
never saw much of anything from him.  He was truly ineffective.  Ford  and 
Bush??  Hahaha.  Not conservative  RINO.  Reagan, a different story. He wasn't 
perfect, but in his heart he held conservatism high.  There is only one way to 
preside and that is to work  with the other side some.  That's when he had to 
give up his far right position some  Nixon is the only conservative that had 
any bearing on this country in the last 50 years.  I should say conservative 

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Josh Luthman 
<<>> wrote:
Nixon Ford Reagan Bush...

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Philip Rankin 
<<>> wrote:
Yes, one.

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Josh Luthman 
<<>> wrote:

You know we've had conservative politicians and presidents in the last 50 years 

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373
On Oct 11, 2015 3:52 PM, "Philip Rankin" 
<<>> wrote:
Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that logic???  
How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this country in the 
past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, actually it's so far beyond 
rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the debt, the credit 
ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the stupidity of laws that 
cover laws that should not have ever been written in the first place.  Or, the 
stupid recent healthcare law that the majority of the population don't want 
because we were lied to about it.  And then the RINOs bailing out their 
favorite companies after they got their kickbacks?  And this isn't even the tip 
of the iceberg. It's all liberal stupidity.  Notice I didn't say Democrat or 
Republican?  It's libtards! These folk have no concern for their country or 
their fellow man.  All they want is to line their pockets and control people!  
Call me rude if you like!  I haven't even cracked the door on the rudeness 
these people have done to all of us including many generations to follow us!  
And,  while were at it, how about all of those babies that will never have an 
opportunity to join us?  What a sickening shame!  No, Travesty!

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Philip Rankin 
<<>> wrote:
Haven't made my point yet Lewis.  But, saw enough of those that were not in 
agreement with you in the thread to know that they don't believe in "Certain 
Inalienable Rights" with government here only to preserve those rights, not 
impose someone else's stupidity on me.  And, that the libs want someone else to 
take care of them all of the time.  To me, that's retarded and just plain dumb. 
 Now that I look at those that have their crazy position and compare that 
position to their past posts on here, I now understand some of their past posts 

I am not about to let someone shoot me during a convenience store holdup.  I 
will die with my 45 in hand before I let the bad guy take me or anyone 

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Rory Conaway
Ben Carson has run hospital departments and is clearly the smartest man in 
pretty much any room he is in.  Saying he can’t run a country after our 
community organizer demonstrated his level of ineptness (he let the Secretary 
of State sell State Department influence to the tune of at least $2B dollars 
for God’s sake and a personal income of at least $230M dollars while in cahoots 
with her husband, $100M of which is still missing according to the Wall Street 
Journal), is pretty off the mark.  My dog could have done a better job and we 
wouldn’t have wasted all that money playing golf.


From: Af [] On Behalf Of Ken Hohhof
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 8:55 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

Everyone wants to elect a President based on ideology (or likeability), 
ignoring that the primary job is to run the executive branch.  Eisenhower was 
probably the last POTUS who came to the job with credentials for effectively 
running a giant organization.  Not saying someone can’t grow to fill the job, 
look at Reagan and JFK.  But seriously, Ben Carson?

I see the same mistake in the current contest to see what poor schmuck gets to 
be Speaker of the House.  They want to make it about ideology, and yes it’s 
about getting the ideology of the majority caucus into legislation, but the 
Speaker should be a get-stuff-done type, not an ideologue.  People still 
remember Sam Rayburn and Tip O’Neill.  Hey, they could bring Newt Gingrich or 
Denny Hastert out of retirement.  Looks like Hastert will avoid jail time, and 
he could probably use the money after paying all that hush money.

From: Patrick Leary<>
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

Your vision of Reagan is of a cartoon character, devoid of reality, factually 
ignorant, and it vastly insults his memory. Were Reagan president today, you'd 
be calling him a "libtard." You are clearly under 40 years old.

Patrick Leary
On Oct 11, 2015 5:47 PM, Philip Rankin 
<<>> wrote:
Nixon was conservative, but  with him  trying to cover up his crooked tail, we 
never saw much of anything from him.  He was truly ineffective.  Ford  and 
Bush??  Hahaha.  Not conservative  RINO.  Reagan, a different story. He wasn't 
perfect, but in his heart he held conservatism high.  There is only one way to 
preside and that is to work  with the other side some.  That's when he had to 
give up his far right position some  Nixon is the only conservative that had 
any bearing on this country in the last 50 years.  I should say conservative 

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Josh Luthman 
<<>> wrote:
Nixon Ford Reagan Bush...

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Philip Rankin 
<<>> wrote:
Yes, one.

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Josh Luthman 
<<>> wrote:

You know we've had conservative politicians and presidents in the last 50 years 

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373
On Oct 11, 2015 3:52 PM, "Philip Rankin" 
<<>> wrote:
Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that logic???  
How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this country in the 
past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, actually it's so far beyond 
rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the debt, the credit 
ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the stupidity of laws that 
cover laws that should not have ever been written in the first place.  Or, the 
stupid recent healthcare law that the majority of the population don't want 
because we were lied to about it.  And then the RINOs bailing out their 
favorite companies after they got their kickbacks?  And this isn't even the tip 
of the iceberg. It's all liberal stupidity.  Notice I didn't say Democrat or 
Republican?  It's libtards! These folk have no concern for their country or 
their fellow man.  All they want is to line their pockets and control people!  
Call me rude if you like!  I haven't even cracked the door on the rudeness 
these people have done to all of us including many generations to follow us!  
And,  while were at it, how about all of those babies that will never have an 
opportunity to join us?  What a sickening shame!  No, Travesty!

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Philip Rankin 
<<>> wrote:
Haven't made my point yet Lewis.  But

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Rory Conaway
Moral foundation is a funny thing.  It's probably the one thing the most people 
won't compromise on.


-Original Message-
From: Af [] On Behalf Of Bill Prince
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

My opinion of both McCarthy and Ryan went up a couple notches when the first 
declined to run, and the second said he doesn't want the job.

The pure notion of 40 (or so individuals) dictating who leads "the majority" is 
ludicrous beyond description. Makes for great theater though.


On 10/12/2015 8:54 AM, Ken Hohhof wrote:
> I see the same mistake in the current contest to see what poor schmuck 
> gets to be Speaker of the House.  They want to make it about ideology, 
> and yes it’s about getting the ideology of the majority caucus into 
> legislation, but the Speaker should be a get-stuff-done type, not an 
> ideologue.  People still remember Sam Rayburn and Tip O’Neill.  Hey, 
> they could bring Newt Gingrich or Denny Hastert out of retirement.  
> Looks like Hastert will avoid jail time, and he could probably use the 
> money after paying all that hush money.

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Mathew Howard
So... you're saying we should elect Trump? He does run a large
organization, afterall :P

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 10:54 AM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:

> Everyone wants to elect a President based on ideology (or likeability),
> ignoring that the primary job is to run the executive branch.  Eisenhower
> was probably the last POTUS who came to the job with credentials for
> effectively running a giant organization.  Not saying someone can’t grow to
> fill the job, look at Reagan and JFK.  But seriously, Ben Carson?
> I see the same mistake in the current contest to see what poor schmuck
> gets to be Speaker of the House.  They want to make it about ideology, and
> yes it’s about getting the ideology of the majority caucus into
> legislation, but the Speaker should be a get-stuff-done type, not an
> ideologue.  People still remember Sam Rayburn and Tip O’Neill.  Hey, they
> could bring Newt Gingrich or Denny Hastert out of retirement.  Looks like
> Hastert will avoid jail time, and he could probably use the money after
> paying all that hush money.
> *From:* Patrick Leary <>
> *Sent:* Monday, October 12, 2015 10:22 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
> Your vision of Reagan is of a cartoon character, devoid of reality,
> factually ignorant, and it vastly insults his memory. Were Reagan president
> today, you'd be calling him a "libtard." You are clearly under 40 years old.
> Patrick Leary
> Telrad
> On Oct 11, 2015 5:47 PM, Philip Rankin <> wrote:
> Nixon was conservative, but  with him  trying to cover up his crooked
> tail, we never saw much of anything from him.  He was truly ineffective.
> Ford  and Bush??  Hahaha.  Not conservative  RINO.  Reagan, a different
> story. He wasn't perfect, but in his heart he held conservatism high.
> There is only one way to preside and that is to work  with the other side
> some.  That's when he had to give up his far right position some  Nixon is
> the only conservative that had any bearing on this country in the last 50
> years.  I should say conservative bearing!
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Josh Luthman <
> > wrote:
>> Nixon Ford Reagan Bush...
>> Josh Luthman
>> Office: 937-552-2340
>> Direct: 937-552-2343
>> 1100 Wayne St
>> Suite 1337
>> Troy, OH 45373
>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Philip Rankin <>
>> wrote:
>>> Yes, one.
>>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Josh Luthman <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> You know we've had conservative politicians and presidents in the last
>>>> 50 years right?
>>>> Josh Luthman
>>>> Office: 937-552-2340
>>>> Direct: 937-552-2343
>>>> 1100 Wayne St
>>>> Suite 1337
>>>> Troy, OH 45373
>>>> On Oct 11, 2015 3:52 PM, "Philip Rankin" <> wrote:
>>>>> Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that
>>>>> logic???  How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this
>>>>> country in the past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, 
>>>>> actually
>>>>> it's so far beyond rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the
>>>>> debt, the credit ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the
>>>>> stupidity of laws that cover laws that should not have ever been written 
>>>>> in
>>>>> the first place.  Or, the stupid recent healthcare law that the majority 
>>>>> of
>>>>> the population don't want because we were lied to about it.  And then the
>>>>> RINOs bailing out their favorite companies after they got their kickbacks?
>>>>> And this isn't even the tip of the iceberg. It's all liberal stupidity.
>>>>> Notice I didn't say Democrat or Republican?  It's libtards! These folk 
>>>>> have
>>>>> no concern for their country or their fellow man.  All they want is to 
>>>>> line
>>>>> their pockets and control people!  Call me rude if you like!  I haven't
>>>>> even cracked the door on the rudeness these people have done to all of us
>>>>> including many generations to follow us!  And,  while were at it, how 
>>>>> about
>>>>> all of those babies that will never have an opportunity to join us?  What 

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Rory Conaway
He can’t be influenced by other peoples money.  Not a bad thing.  Again, could 
he be worse than what we have?


From: Af [] On Behalf Of Mathew Howard
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 9:13 AM
To: af
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

So... you're saying we should elect Trump? He does run a large organization, 
afterall :P

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 10:54 AM, Ken Hohhof 
<<>> wrote:
Everyone wants to elect a President based on ideology (or likeability), 
ignoring that the primary job is to run the executive branch.  Eisenhower was 
probably the last POTUS who came to the job with credentials for effectively 
running a giant organization.  Not saying someone can’t grow to fill the job, 
look at Reagan and JFK.  But seriously, Ben Carson?

I see the same mistake in the current contest to see what poor schmuck gets to 
be Speaker of the House.  They want to make it about ideology, and yes it’s 
about getting the ideology of the majority caucus into legislation, but the 
Speaker should be a get-stuff-done type, not an ideologue.  People still 
remember Sam Rayburn and Tip O’Neill.  Hey, they could bring Newt Gingrich or 
Denny Hastert out of retirement.  Looks like Hastert will avoid jail time, and 
he could probably use the money after paying all that hush money.

From: Patrick Leary<>
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

Your vision of Reagan is of a cartoon character, devoid of reality, factually 
ignorant, and it vastly insults his memory. Were Reagan president today, you'd 
be calling him a "libtard." You are clearly under 40 years old.

Patrick Leary
On Oct 11, 2015 5:47 PM, Philip Rankin 
<<>> wrote:
Nixon was conservative, but  with him  trying to cover up his crooked tail, we 
never saw much of anything from him.  He was truly ineffective.  Ford  and 
Bush??  Hahaha.  Not conservative  RINO.  Reagan, a different story. He wasn't 
perfect, but in his heart he held conservatism high.  There is only one way to 
preside and that is to work  with the other side some.  That's when he had to 
give up his far right position some  Nixon is the only conservative that had 
any bearing on this country in the last 50 years.  I should say conservative 

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Josh Luthman 
<<>> wrote:
Nixon Ford Reagan Bush...

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Philip Rankin 
<<>> wrote:
Yes, one.

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Josh Luthman 
<<>> wrote:

You know we've had conservative politicians and presidents in the last 50 years 

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373
On Oct 11, 2015 3:52 PM, "Philip Rankin" 
<<>> wrote:
Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that logic???  
How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this country in the 
past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, actually it's so far beyond 
rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the debt, the credit 
ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the stupidity of laws that 
cover laws that should not have ever been written in the first place.  Or, the 
stupid recent healthcare law that the majority of the population don't want 
because we were lied to about it.  And then the RINOs bailing out their 
favorite companies after they got their kickbacks?  And this isn't even the tip 
of the iceberg. It's all liberal stupidity.  Notice I didn't say Democrat or 
Republican?  It's libtards! These folk have no concern for their country or 
their fellow man.  All they want is to line their pockets and control people!  
Call me rude if you like!  I haven't even cracked the door on the rudeness 
these people have done to all of us including many generations to follow us!  
And,  while were at it, how about all of those babies that will never have an 
opportunity to join us?  What a sickening shame!  No, Travesty!

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Philip Rankin 
<<>> wrote:
Haven't made my point yet Lewis.  But, saw enough of those that were not in 
agreement with you in the thread to know that they don't believe in "Certain 
Inalienable Rights" with government here only to preserve those rights, not 
impose someone else's stupidity on me.  And, that the libs want someone else to 
take care o

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Mathew Howard
I'm not entirely sure that would be worse... at least he's honest about
what he is :P

But yes, no matter how bad anything is, it can always be worse.

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 11:19 AM, Rory Conaway <>

> Bernie Sanders J  You are right.
> Rory
> *From:* Af [] *On Behalf Of *Adam Moffett
> *Sent:* Monday, October 12, 2015 9:18 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
> It could always be worse.
> On 10/12/2015 12:16 PM, Rory Conaway wrote:
> He can’t be influenced by other peoples money.  Not a bad thing.  Again,
> could he be worse than what we have?
> Rory
> *From:* Af [ <>] *On
> Behalf Of *Mathew Howard
> *Sent:* Monday, October 12, 2015 9:13 AM
> *To:* af
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
> So... you're saying we should elect Trump? He does run a large
> organization, afterall :P
> On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 10:54 AM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:
> Everyone wants to elect a President based on ideology (or likeability),
> ignoring that the primary job is to run the executive branch.  Eisenhower
> was probably the last POTUS who came to the job with credentials for
> effectively running a giant organization.  Not saying someone can’t grow to
> fill the job, look at Reagan and JFK.  But seriously, Ben Carson?
> I see the same mistake in the current contest to see what poor schmuck
> gets to be Speaker of the House.  They want to make it about ideology, and
> yes it’s about getting the ideology of the majority caucus into
> legislation, but the Speaker should be a get-stuff-done type, not an
> ideologue.  People still remember Sam Rayburn and Tip O’Neill.  Hey, they
> could bring Newt Gingrich or Denny Hastert out of retirement.  Looks like
> Hastert will avoid jail time, and he could probably use the money after
> paying all that hush money.
> *From:* Patrick Leary <>
> *Sent:* Monday, October 12, 2015 10:22 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
> Your vision of Reagan is of a cartoon character, devoid of reality,
> factually ignorant, and it vastly insults his memory. Were Reagan president
> today, you'd be calling him a "libtard." You are clearly under 40 years old.
> Patrick Leary
> Telrad
> On Oct 11, 2015 5:47 PM, Philip Rankin <> wrote:
> Nixon was conservative, but  with him  trying to cover up his crooked
> tail, we never saw much of anything from him.  He was truly ineffective.
> Ford  and Bush??  Hahaha.  Not conservative  RINO.  Reagan, a different
> story. He wasn't perfect, but in his heart he held conservatism high.
> There is only one way to preside and that is to work  with the other side
> some.  That's when he had to give up his far right position some  Nixon is
> the only conservative that had any bearing on this country in the last 50
> years.  I should say conservative bearing!
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Josh Luthman <>
> wrote:
> Nixon Ford Reagan Bush...
> Josh Luthman
> Office: 937-552-2340
> Direct: 937-552-2343
> 1100 Wayne St
> Suite 1337
> Troy, OH 45373
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Philip Rankin <>
> wrote:
> Yes, one.
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Josh Luthman <>
> wrote:
> You know we've had conservative politicians and presidents in the last 50
> years right?
> Josh Luthman
> Office: 937-552-2340
> Direct: 937-552-2343
> 1100 Wayne St
> Suite 1337
> Troy, OH 45373
> On Oct 11, 2015 3:52 PM, "Philip Rankin" <> wrote:
> Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that
> logic???  How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this
> country in the past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, actually
> it's so far beyond rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the
> debt, the credit ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the
> stupidity of laws that cover laws that should not have ever been written in
> the first place.  Or, the stupid recent healthcare law that the majority of
> the population don't want because we were lied to about it.  And then the
> RINOs bailing out their favorite companies after they got their kickbacks?
> And this isn't even the tip of th

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Chuck McCown
Your thought patterns change when you are carrying a weapon.  You may be less 
reticent to avoid a dicey situation.  You may not even be aware that your 
behavior has changed.  

From: Josh Luthman 
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 7:55 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

It's concealed... Shouldn't be relevant.

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Oct 12, 2015 8:52 AM, "Jeff Broadwick - Lists" <> wrote:

  I go out of my way to avoid any potential conflict when I'm carrying.

  Jeff Broadwick 
  ConVergence Technologies, Inc.
  312-205-2519 Office
  574-220-7826 Cell

  On Oct 11, 2015, at 4:37 PM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:

I worry about a generation of kids raised on the Internet I encounter out 
in the real world who don’t seem to know a different set of rules apply.  I’m 
surprised more don’t get punched in the nose.  Their real nose, not an 
anonymous, virtual nose.

Speaking of which, this video of Buzz Aldrin never gets old:

That’s probably what my father, who fought in WWII and helped liberate some 
of the death camps, would do today if he were still alive and met one of those 
Holocaust deniers.

I also remember I think it was Mike Royko reporting that after a hockey 
game at Chicago Stadium, a fan had punched Gordie Howe in the fist with his 
face.  Google couldn’t find that for me, closest I could find was:

And to be clear, I’m not threatening to punch anybody in the nose, that’s 
not my point.  I’m saying civility may be a thing of the past online, but it’s 
still a good idea IRL.

Those of you in areas where people routinely carry firearms, does that 
cause people to think twice before insulting other people?  Or is it like the 
gangs in Chicago and they shoot instead of punching noses?  The movie Tombstone 
was on TV yesterday, nice image of uncivil society.

Well, at least our weapon of choice when disrespected isn’t a bomb like 
some parts of the world.

From: Mathew Howard 
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2015 4:05 PM
To: af 
    Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

Well, he did say "mostly polite", not completely polite...

And no, you probably shouldn't expect civility anywhere online, or not 
online, for that matter... unless you enjoy being disappointed :P

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 1:41 PM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:

  So Chucks says “folks are smart and mostly polite” and then you have to 
ruin it.

  I don’t understand why it takes so little provocation these days to use 
the **tard word.  In this case, just because you disagree with some folks.  As 
I’ve turned 65 recently, I’ve noticed people using that language with senior 
citizens because they (we?) don’t move fast enough or something.  Not to 
mention it’s insulting to people with mental retardation, to use that very 
outdated term.

  Should I not expect civility online anywhere?

  From: Philip Rankin 
  Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2015 1:09 PM
      To: af 
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

  Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!

  On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller 
<> wrote:

It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the country 
do not necessarily share your views.
Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did know 
what they were doing.
For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is 
becoming more and more difficult ;)

  - Original Message - 
  From: Chuck McCown 
  Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
  Subject: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

  This has been fun reading.

  I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite and post some 
  well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost any issue.  This is 
all the 
  social media I need.

  I did want to make a comment about the Illinois FOID card.

  I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in about 1993 in Quincy 
  Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I  learned that a 
co-worker had 
  suffered some kind of stress attack and was in the hospital.  That 
  they were out of beds in some of the areas so that took him to the 
  floor.  That is the psych floor.

  Then, it turned out, anyone that gets admitted to a psych ward in 
  gets reported to the FOID people.
  They revoke the FOID card.

  This guy was a big time hunter.  It just about killed him.
  He got some pretty good press

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Josh Luthman
It's concealed... Shouldn't be relevant.

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373
On Oct 12, 2015 8:52 AM, "Jeff Broadwick - Lists" <> wrote:

> I go out of my way to avoid any potential conflict when I'm carrying.
> Jeff Broadwick
> ConVergence Technologies, Inc.
> 312-205-2519 Office
> 574-220-7826 Cell
> On Oct 11, 2015, at 4:37 PM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:
> I worry about a generation of kids raised on the Internet I encounter out
> in the real world who don’t seem to know a different set of rules apply.
> I’m surprised more don’t get punched in the nose.  Their real nose, not an
> anonymous, virtual nose.
> Speaking of which, this video of Buzz Aldrin never gets old:
> That’s probably what my father, who fought in WWII and helped liberate
> some of the death camps, would do today if he were still alive and met one
> of those Holocaust deniers.
> I also remember I think it was Mike Royko reporting that after a hockey
> game at Chicago Stadium, a fan had punched Gordie Howe in the fist with his
> face.  Google couldn’t find that for me, closest I could find was:
> And to be clear, I’m not threatening to punch anybody in the nose, that’s
> not my point.  I’m saying civility may be a thing of the past online, but
> it’s still a good idea IRL.
> Those of you in areas where people routinely carry firearms, does that
> cause people to think twice before insulting other people?  Or is it like
> the gangs in Chicago and they shoot instead of punching noses?  The movie
> Tombstone was on TV yesterday, nice image of uncivil society.
> Well, at least our weapon of choice when disrespected isn’t a bomb like
> some parts of the world.
> *From:* Mathew Howard <>
> *Sent:* Sunday, October 11, 2015 4:05 PM
> *To:* af <>
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
> Well, he did say "mostly polite", not completely polite...
> And no, you probably shouldn't expect civility anywhere online, or not
> online, for that matter... unless you enjoy being disappointed :P
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 1:41 PM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:
>> So Chucks says “folks are smart and mostly polite” and then you have to
>> ruin it.
>> I don’t understand why it takes so little provocation these days to use
>> the **tard word.  In this case, just because you disagree with some folks.
>> As I’ve turned 65 recently, I’ve noticed people using that language with
>> senior citizens because they (we?) don’t move fast enough or something.
>> Not to mention it’s insulting to people with mental retardation, to use
>> that very outdated term.
>> Should I not expect civility online anywhere?
>> *From:* Philip Rankin <>
>> *Sent:* Sunday, October 11, 2015 1:09 PM
>> *To:* af <>
>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
>> Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!
>> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller <
>>> wrote:
>>> It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the country do
>>> not necessarily share your views.
>>> Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did know
>>> what they were doing.
>>> For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is
>>> becoming more and more difficult ;)
>>> - Original Message -
>>> *From:* Chuck McCown <>
>>> *To:*
>>> *Sent:* Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
>>> *Subject:* [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
>>> This has been fun reading.
>>> I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite and post some
>>> pretty
>>> well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost any issue.  This is all
>>> the
>>> social media I need.
>>> I did want to make a comment about the Illinois FOID card.
>>> I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in about 1993 in Quincy Illinois.
>>> Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I  learned that a co-worker
>>> had
>>> suffered some kind of stress attack and was in the hospital.  That
>>> afternoon
>>> they were out of beds in some of the areas so that took him to the 5th
>>> floor.  That is the psych floor.
>>> Then, it turned out, anyone that gets admitted to a psych ward in
>>> Illinois
>>> gets reported to the FOID people.
>>> They revoke the FOID card.
>>> This guy was a big time hunter.  It just about killed him.
>>> He got some pretty good press and got some political help.  Hot his card
>>> back in about 6 weeks.
>>> So, if you want to keep your FOID stay out of psych wards!
>> --
>> Philip J. Rankin
>> Wireless Telecommunications Services
>> PO Box 24
>> Pittsburg, KS  66762

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Jeff Broadwick - Lists
The potential aggregator doesn't know that.  I don't want them to find out.

Jeff Broadwick
ConVergence Technologies, Inc.
312-205-2519 Office
574-220-7826 Cell

> On Oct 12, 2015, at 8:55 AM, Josh Luthman <> wrote:
> It's concealed... Shouldn't be relevant.
> Josh Luthman
> Office: 937-552-2340
> Direct: 937-552-2343
> 1100 Wayne St
> Suite 1337
> Troy, OH 45373
>> On Oct 12, 2015 8:52 AM, "Jeff Broadwick - Lists" <> wrote:
>> I go out of my way to avoid any potential conflict when I'm carrying.
>> Jeff Broadwick
>> ConVergence Technologies, Inc.
>> 312-205-2519 Office
>> 574-220-7826 Cell
>>> On Oct 11, 2015, at 4:37 PM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:
>>> I worry about a generation of kids raised on the Internet I encounter out 
>>> in the real world who don’t seem to know a different set of rules apply.  
>>> I’m surprised more don’t get punched in the nose.  Their real nose, not an 
>>> anonymous, virtual nose.
>>> Speaking of which, this video of Buzz Aldrin never gets old:
>>> That’s probably what my father, who fought in WWII and helped liberate some 
>>> of the death camps, would do today if he were still alive and met one of 
>>> those Holocaust deniers.
>>> I also remember I think it was Mike Royko reporting that after a hockey  
>>> game at Chicago Stadium, a fan had punched Gordie Howe in the fist with his 
>>> face.  Google couldn’t find that for me, closest I could find was:
>>> And to be clear, I’m not threatening to punch anybody in the nose, that’s 
>>> not my point.  I’m saying civility may be a thing of the past online, but 
>>> it’s still a good idea IRL.
>>> Those of you in areas where people routinely carry firearms, does that 
>>> cause people to think twice before insulting other people?  Or is it like 
>>> the gangs in Chicago and they shoot instead of punching noses?  The movie 
>>> Tombstone was on TV yesterday, nice image of uncivil society.
>>> Well, at least our weapon of choice when disrespected isn’t a bomb like 
>>> some parts of the world.
>>> From: Mathew Howard
>>> Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2015 4:05 PM
>>> To: af
>>> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
>>> Well, he did say "mostly polite", not completely polite...
>>> And no, you probably shouldn't expect civility anywhere online, or not 
>>> online, for that matter... unless you enjoy being disappointed :P
>>>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 1:41 PM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:
>>>> So Chucks says “folks are smart and mostly polite” and then you have to 
>>>> ruin it.
>>>> I don’t understand why it takes so little provocation these days to use
>>>> the **tard word.  In this case, just because you disagree with some folks. 
>>>>  As I’ve turned 65 recently, I’ve noticed people using that language with 
>>>> senior citizens because they (we?) don’t move fast enough or something.  
>>>> Not to mention it’s insulting to people with mental retardation, to use 
>>>> that very outdated term.
>>>> Should I not expect civility online anywhere?
>>>> From: Philip Rankin
>>>> Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2015 1:09 PM
>>>> To: af
>>>> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
>>>> Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!
>>>>> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller 
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the country do 
>>>>> not necessarily share your views.
>>>>> Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did know 
>>>>> what they were doing.
>>>>> For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is 
>>>>> becoming more and more difficult ;)
>>>>> - Original Message -
>>>>> From: Chuck McC

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Josh Luthman
Maybe.  I rarely encounter anything with others I don't know.  It's almost
always me asking them to stop screaming at their phone right outside my
room, then trying to smart mouth back, and ending with my sober response to
shut the hell up.  People avoid fights in my experience.

Before Saturday night I would say months since the last situation.

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373
On Oct 12, 2015 9:03 AM, "Chuck McCown" <> wrote:

> Your thought patterns change when you are carrying a weapon.  You may be
> less reticent to avoid a dicey situation.  You may not even be aware that
> your behavior has changed.
> *From:* Josh Luthman <>
> *Sent:* Monday, October 12, 2015 7:55 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
> It's concealed... Shouldn't be relevant.
> Josh Luthman
> Office: 937-552-2340
> Direct: 937-552-2343
> 1100 Wayne St
> Suite 1337
> Troy, OH 45373
> On Oct 12, 2015 8:52 AM, "Jeff Broadwick - Lists" <>
> wrote:
>> I go out of my way to avoid any potential conflict when I'm carrying.
>> Jeff Broadwick
>> ConVergence Technologies, Inc.
>> 312-205-2519 Office
>> 574-220-7826 Cell
>> On Oct 11, 2015, at 4:37 PM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:
>> I worry about a generation of kids raised on the Internet I encounter out
>> in the real world who don’t seem to know a different set of rules apply.
>> I’m surprised more don’t get punched in the nose.  Their real nose, not an
>> anonymous, virtual nose.
>> Speaking of which, this video of Buzz Aldrin never gets old:
>> That’s probably what my father, who fought in WWII and helped liberate
>> some of the death camps, would do today if he were still alive and met one
>> of those Holocaust deniers.
>> I also remember I think it was Mike Royko reporting that after a hockey
>> game at Chicago Stadium, a fan had punched Gordie Howe in the fist with his
>> face.  Google couldn’t find that for me, closest I could find was:
>> And to be clear, I’m not threatening to punch anybody in the nose, that’s
>> not my point.  I’m saying civility may be a thing of the past online, but
>> it’s still a good idea IRL.
>> Those of you in areas where people routinely carry firearms, does that
>> cause people to think twice before insulting other people?  Or is it like
>> the gangs in Chicago and they shoot instead of punching noses?  The movie
>> Tombstone was on TV yesterday, nice image of uncivil society.
>> Well, at least our weapon of choice when disrespected isn’t a bomb like
>> some parts of the world.
>> *From:* Mathew Howard <>
>> *Sent:* Sunday, October 11, 2015 4:05 PM
>> *To:* af <>
>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
>> Well, he did say "mostly polite", not completely polite...
>> And no, you probably shouldn't expect civility anywhere online, or not
>> online, for that matter... unless you enjoy being disappointed :P
>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 1:41 PM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:
>>> So Chucks says “folks are smart and mostly polite” and then you have to
>>> ruin it.
>>> I don’t understand why it takes so little provocation these days to use
>>> the **tard word.  In this case, just because you disagree with some folks.
>>> As I’ve turned 65 recently, I’ve noticed people using that language with
>>> senior citizens because they (we?) don’t move fast enough or something.
>>> Not to mention it’s insulting to people with mental retardation, to use
>>> that very outdated term.
>>> Should I not expect civility online anywhere?
>>> *From:* Philip Rankin <>
>>> *Sent:* Sunday, October 11, 2015 1:09 PM
>>> *To:* af <>
>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
>>> Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!
>>> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the country
>>>> do not necessarily

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Jeff Broadwick - Lists
I go out of my way to avoid any potential conflict when I'm carrying.

Jeff Broadwick
ConVergence Technologies, Inc.
312-205-2519 Office
574-220-7826 Cell

> On Oct 11, 2015, at 4:37 PM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:
> I worry about a generation of kids raised on the Internet I encounter out  in 
> the real world who don’t seem to know a different set of rules apply.  I’m 
> surprised more don’t get punched in the nose.  Their real nose, not an 
> anonymous, virtual nose.
> Speaking of which, this video of Buzz Aldrin never gets old:
> That’s probably what my father, who fought in WWII and helped liberate some 
> of the death camps, would do today if he were still alive and met one of 
> those Holocaust deniers.
> I also remember I think it was Mike Royko reporting that after a hockey game 
> at Chicago Stadium, a fan had punched Gordie Howe in the fist with his face.  
> Google couldn’t find that for me, closest I could find was:
> And to be clear, I’m not threatening to punch anybody in the nose, that’s not 
> my point.  I’m saying civility may be a thing of the past online, but it’s 
> still a good idea IRL.
> Those of you in areas where people routinely carry firearms, does that cause 
> people to think twice before insulting other people?  Or is it like the gangs 
> in Chicago and they shoot instead of punching noses?  The movie Tombstone was 
> on TV yesterday, nice image of uncivil society.
> Well, at least our weapon of choice when disrespected isn’t a bomb like some 
> parts of the world.
> From: Mathew Howard
> Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2015 4:05 PM
> To: af
> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
> Well, he did say "mostly polite", not completely polite...
> And no, you probably shouldn't expect civility anywhere online, or not 
> online, for that matter... unless you enjoy being disappointed :P
>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 1:41 PM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:
>> So Chucks says “folks are smart and mostly polite” and then you have to ruin 
>> it.
>> I don’t understand why it takes so little provocation these days to use the 
>> **tard word.  In this case, just because you disagree with some folks.  As 
>> I’ve turned 65 recently, I’ve noticed people using that language with senior 
>> citizens because they (we?) don’t move fast enough or something.  Not to 
>> mention it’s insulting to people with mental retardation, to use that very 
>> outdated term.
>> Should I not expect civility online anywhere?
>> From: Philip Rankin
>> Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2015 1:09 PM
>> To: af
>> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
>> Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!
>>> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the country do 
>>> not necessarily share your views.
>>> Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did know 
>>> what they were doing.
>>> For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is becoming 
>>> more and more difficult ;)
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: Chuck McCown
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
>>> Subject: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
>>> This has been fun reading.
>>> I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite and post some pretty 
>>> well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost any issue.  This is all the 
>>> social media I need.
>>> I did want to make a comment about the Illinois FOID card.
>>> I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in about 1993 in Quincy Illinois. 
>>> Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I  learned that a co-worker had 
>>> suffered some kind of stress attack and was in the hospital.  That 
>>> afternoon 
>>> they were out of beds in some of the areas so that took him to the 5th 
>>> floor.  That is the psych floor.
>>> Then, it turned out, anyone that gets admitted to a psych ward in Illinois 
>>> gets reported to the FOID people.
>>> They revoke the FOID card.
>>> This guy was a big time hunter.  It just about killed him.
>>> He got some pretty good press and got some political help.  Hot his card 
>>> back in about 6 weeks.
>>> So, if you want to keep your FOID stay out of psych wards!
>> -- 
>> Philip J. Rankin
>> Wireless Telecommunications Services
>> PO Box 24
>> Pittsburg, KS  66762

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Josh Luthman

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373
On Oct 12, 2015 8:58 AM, "Jeff Broadwick - Lists" <> wrote:

> The potential aggregator doesn't know that.  I don't want them to find out.
> Jeff Broadwick
> ConVergence Technologies, Inc.
> 312-205-2519 Office
> 574-220-7826 Cell
> On Oct 12, 2015, at 8:55 AM, Josh Luthman <>
> wrote:
> It's concealed... Shouldn't be relevant.
> Josh Luthman
> Office: 937-552-2340
> Direct: 937-552-2343
> 1100 Wayne St
> Suite 1337
> Troy, OH 45373
> On Oct 12, 2015 8:52 AM, "Jeff Broadwick - Lists" <>
> wrote:
>> I go out of my way to avoid any potential conflict when I'm carrying.
>> Jeff Broadwick
>> ConVergence Technologies, Inc.
>> 312-205-2519 Office
>> 574-220-7826 Cell
>> On Oct 11, 2015, at 4:37 PM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:
>> I worry about a generation of kids raised on the Internet I encounter out
>> in the real world who don’t seem to know a different set of rules apply.
>> I’m surprised more don’t get punched in the nose.  Their real nose, not an
>> anonymous, virtual nose.
>> Speaking of which, this video of Buzz Aldrin never gets old:
>> That’s probably what my father, who fought in WWII and helped liberate
>> some of the death camps, would do today if he were still alive and met one
>> of those Holocaust deniers.
>> I also remember I think it was Mike Royko reporting that after a hockey
>> game at Chicago Stadium, a fan had punched Gordie Howe in the fist with his
>> face.  Google couldn’t find that for me, closest I could find was:
>> And to be clear, I’m not threatening to punch anybody in the nose, that’s
>> not my point.  I’m saying civility may be a thing of the past online, but
>> it’s still a good idea IRL.
>> Those of you in areas where people routinely carry firearms, does that
>> cause people to think twice before insulting other people?  Or is it like
>> the gangs in Chicago and they shoot instead of punching noses?  The movie
>> Tombstone was on TV yesterday, nice image of uncivil society.
>> Well, at least our weapon of choice when disrespected isn’t a bomb like
>> some parts of the world.
>> *From:* Mathew Howard <>
>> *Sent:* Sunday, October 11, 2015 4:05 PM
>> *To:* af <>
>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
>> Well, he did say "mostly polite", not completely polite...
>> And no, you probably shouldn't expect civility anywhere online, or not
>> online, for that matter... unless you enjoy being disappointed :P
>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 1:41 PM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:
>>> So Chucks says “folks are smart and mostly polite” and then you have to
>>> ruin it.
>>> I don’t understand why it takes so little provocation these days to use
>>> the **tard word.  In this case, just because you disagree with some folks.
>>> As I’ve turned 65 recently, I’ve noticed people using that language with
>>> senior citizens because they (we?) don’t move fast enough or something.
>>> Not to mention it’s insulting to people with mental retardation, to use
>>> that very outdated term.
>>> Should I not expect civility online anywhere?
>>> *From:* Philip Rankin <>
>>> *Sent:* Sunday, October 11, 2015 1:09 PM
>>> *To:* af <>
>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
>>> Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!
>>> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the country
>>>> do not necessarily share your views.
>>>> Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did know
>>>> what they were doing.
>>>> For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is
>>>> becoming more and more difficult ;)
>>>> - Original Message -

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread That One Guy /sarcasm
I like arguments, heated ones are the best, but this topic has the
potential to derail what has always been a very good forum for this
industry. May I recommend it be closed before somebody gets their panties
in a bunch and this joint ends up like a dslreports forum?

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 11:50 AM, Patrick Leary <>

> ++ 1000
> Patrick Leary
> Patrick Leary
> Telrad
> On Oct 12, 2015 11:53 AM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:
> Everyone wants to elect a President based on ideology (or likeability),
> ignoring that the primary job is to run the executive branch.  Eisenhower
> was probably the last POTUS who came to the job with credentials for
> effectively running a giant organization.  Not saying someone can’t grow to
> fill the job, look at Reagan and JFK.  But seriously, Ben Carson?
> I see the same mistake in the current contest to see what poor schmuck
> gets to be Speaker of the House.  They want to make it about ideology, and
> yes it’s about getting the ideology of the majority caucus into
> legislation, but the Speaker should be a get-stuff-done type, not an
> ideologue.  People still remember Sam Rayburn and Tip O’Neill.  Hey, they
> could bring Newt Gingrich or Denny Hastert out of retirement.  Looks like
> Hastert will avoid jail time, and he could probably use the money after
> paying all that hush money.
> *From:* Patrick Leary <>
> *Sent:* Monday, October 12, 2015 10:22 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
> Your vision of Reagan is of a cartoon character, devoid of reality,
> factually ignorant, and it vastly insults his memory. Were Reagan president
> today, you'd be calling him a "libtard." You are clearly under 40 years old.
> Patrick Leary
> Telrad
> On Oct 11, 2015 5:47 PM, Philip Rankin <> wrote:
> Nixon was conservative, but  with him  trying to cover up his crooked
> tail, we never saw much of anything from him.  He was truly ineffective.
> Ford  and Bush??  Hahaha.  Not conservative  RINO.  Reagan, a different
> story. He wasn't perfect, but in his heart he held conservatism high.
> There is only one way to preside and that is to work  with the other side
> some.  That's when he had to give up his far right position some  Nixon is
> the only conservative that had any bearing on this country in the last 50
> years.  I should say conservative bearing!
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Josh Luthman <
> > wrote:
>> Nixon Ford Reagan Bush...
>> Josh Luthman
>> Office: 937-552-2340
>> Direct: 937-552-2343
>> 1100 Wayne St
>> Suite 1337
>> Troy, OH 45373
>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Philip Rankin <>
>> wrote:
>>> Yes, one.
>>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Josh Luthman <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> You know we've had conservative politicians and presidents in the last
>>>> 50 years right?
>>>> Josh Luthman
>>>> Office: 937-552-2340
>>>> Direct: 937-552-2343
>>>> 1100 Wayne St
>>>> Suite 1337
>>>> Troy, OH 45373
>>>> On Oct 11, 2015 3:52 PM, "Philip Rankin" <> wrote:
>>>>> Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that
>>>>> logic???  How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this
>>>>> country in the past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, 
>>>>> actually
>>>>> it's so far beyond rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the
>>>>> debt, the credit ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the
>>>>> stupidity of laws that cover laws that should not have ever been written 
>>>>> in
>>>>> the first place.  Or, the stupid recent healthcare law that the majority 
>>>>> of
>>>>> the population don't want because we were lied to about it.  And then the
>>>>> RINOs bailing out their favorite companies after they got their kickbacks?
>>>>> And this isn't even the tip of the iceberg. It's all liberal stupidity.
>>>>> Notice I didn't say Democrat or Republican?  It's libtards! These folk 
>>>>> have
>>>>> no concern for their country or their fellow man.  All they want is to 
>>>>> line
>>>>> their pockets and control people!  Call me rude

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Ken Hohhof
I don’t think Trump qualifies as running a big organization, in any sense 
comparable to running the Executive branch.  Fiorina at least ran a large 
corporation with many departments and business units.

Actually I think Bernie Sanders may be the smartest, most honest, and most 
independent guy in the race.  Just this small matter of being a self-described 

Ben Carson scares me with that droopy-eyed spaced-out thing he does.  Like he’s 
on something.  That doesn’t bother anyone?  I would even be scared to have him 
do brain surgery on me, even though by all accounts he is an excellent doctor.  
I don’t know why everyone says he is so smart - because he has a medical 
degree?  Fiorina seems much sharper to me, but I keep waiting for her to eat a 
rat like Diana the reptilian alien in “V”.  Granted she got fired at HP (Carly, 
not Diana), but compared to that guy Leo Apotheker she was a genius.  Not an 
Eisenhower though.

We really need the Tea Party to split off as their own party and stop co-opting 
the Republican party.  And for Socialists to run under their own party as well. 
 Then we can have a multi-party system like most of the rest of the world, 
where one of the centrist parties has to get one or more fringe parties to join 
their caucus to get a majority.  The current system where party primaries 
discard people like Bob Bennett and Eric Cantor as too centrist, that’s getting 

From: Rory Conaway 
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

He can’t be influenced by other peoples money.  Not a bad thing.  Again, could 
he be worse than what we have?




From: Af [] On Behalf Of Mathew Howard
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 9:13 AM
To: af
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc


So... you're saying we should elect Trump? He does run a large organization, 
afterall :P


On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 10:54 AM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:

Everyone wants to elect a President based on ideology (or likeability), 
ignoring that the primary job is to run the executive branch.  Eisenhower was 
probably the last POTUS who came to the job with credentials for effectively 
running a giant organization.  Not saying someone can’t grow to fill the job, 
look at Reagan and JFK.  But seriously, Ben Carson?


I see the same mistake in the current contest to see what poor schmuck gets to 
be Speaker of the House.  They want to make it about ideology, and yes it’s 
about getting the ideology of the majority caucus into legislation, but the 
Speaker should be a get-stuff-done type, not an ideologue.  People still 
remember Sam Rayburn and Tip O’Neill.  Hey, they could bring Newt Gingrich or 
Denny Hastert out of retirement.  Looks like Hastert will avoid jail time, and 
he could probably use the money after paying all that hush money.



From: Patrick Leary 

Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 10:22 AM


Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc


Your vision of Reagan is of a cartoon character, devoid of reality, factually 
ignorant, and it vastly insults his memory. Were Reagan president today, you'd 
be calling him a "libtard." You are clearly under 40 years old.


Patrick Leary


On Oct 11, 2015 5:47 PM, Philip Rankin <> wrote:

Nixon was conservative, but  with him  trying to cover up his crooked tail, we 
never saw much of anything from him.  He was truly ineffective.  Ford  and 
Bush??  Hahaha.  Not conservative  RINO.  Reagan, a different story. He wasn't 
perfect, but in his heart he held conservatism high.  There is only one way to 
preside and that is to work  with the other side some.  That's when he had to 
give up his far right position some  Nixon is the only conservative that had 
any bearing on this country in the last 50 years.  I should say conservative 


On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Josh Luthman <> 

Nixon Ford Reagan Bush...


Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373


On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Philip Rankin <> wrote:

Yes, one. 



On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Josh Luthman <> 

You know we've had conservative politicians and presidents in the last 50 years 

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Oct 11, 2015 3:52 PM, "Philip Rankin" <> wrote:

Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that logic???  
How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this country in the 
past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, actually it's so far beyond 
rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the debt, the credit 
ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the stupidity of laws

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Christopher Tyler

Christopher Tyler 
Total Highspeed Internet Services 

- Original Message -
From: "That One Guy /sarcasm" <>
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 12:01:01 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

I like arguments, heated ones are the best, but this topic has the
potential to derail what has always been a very good forum for this
industry. May I recommend it be closed before somebody gets their panties
in a bunch and this joint ends up like a dslreports forum?

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 11:50 AM, Patrick Leary <>

> ++ 1000
> Patrick Leary
> Patrick Leary
> Telrad
> On Oct 12, 2015 11:53 AM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:
> Everyone wants to elect a President based on ideology (or likeability),
> ignoring that the primary job is to run the executive branch.  Eisenhower
> was probably the last POTUS who came to the job with credentials for
> effectively running a giant organization.  Not saying someone can’t grow to
> fill the job, look at Reagan and JFK.  But seriously, Ben Carson?
> I see the same mistake in the current contest to see what poor schmuck
> gets to be Speaker of the House.  They want to make it about ideology, and
> yes it’s about getting the ideology of the majority caucus into
> legislation, but the Speaker should be a get-stuff-done type, not an
> ideologue.  People still remember Sam Rayburn and Tip O’Neill.  Hey, they
> could bring Newt Gingrich or Denny Hastert out of retirement.  Looks like
> Hastert will avoid jail time, and he could probably use the money after
> paying all that hush money.
> *From:* Patrick Leary <>
> *Sent:* Monday, October 12, 2015 10:22 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
> Your vision of Reagan is of a cartoon character, devoid of reality,
> factually ignorant, and it vastly insults his memory. Were Reagan president
> today, you'd be calling him a "libtard." You are clearly under 40 years old.
> Patrick Leary
> Telrad
> On Oct 11, 2015 5:47 PM, Philip Rankin <> wrote:
> Nixon was conservative, but  with him  trying to cover up his crooked
> tail, we never saw much of anything from him.  He was truly ineffective.
> Ford  and Bush??  Hahaha.  Not conservative  RINO.  Reagan, a different
> story. He wasn't perfect, but in his heart he held conservatism high.
> There is only one way to preside and that is to work  with the other side
> some.  That's when he had to give up his far right position some  Nixon is
> the only conservative that had any bearing on this country in the last 50
> years.  I should say conservative bearing!
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Josh Luthman <
> > wrote:
>> Nixon Ford Reagan Bush...
>> Josh Luthman
>> Office: 937-552-2340
>> Direct: 937-552-2343
>> 1100 Wayne St
>> Suite 1337
>> Troy, OH 45373
>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Philip Rankin <>
>> wrote:
>>> Yes, one.
>>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Josh Luthman <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> You know we've had conservative politicians and presidents in the last
>>>> 50 years right?
>>>> Josh Luthman
>>>> Office: 937-552-2340
>>>> Direct: 937-552-2343
>>>> 1100 Wayne St
>>>> Suite 1337
>>>> Troy, OH 45373
>>>> On Oct 11, 2015 3:52 PM, "Philip Rankin" <> wrote:
>>>>> Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that
>>>>> logic???  How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this
>>>>> country in the past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, 
>>>>> actually
>>>>> it's so far beyond rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the
>>>>> debt, the credit ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the
>>>>> stupidity of laws that cover laws that should not have ever been written 
>>>>> in
>>>>> the first place.  Or, the stupid recent healthcare law that the majority 
>>>>> of
>>>>> the population don't want because we were lied to about it.  And then the
>>>>> RINOs bailing out their favorite companies after they got their kickbacks?
>>>>> And this isn't even the tip of the iceberg. It's all liberal stupid

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Patrick Leary
++ 1000

Patrick Leary

Patrick Leary
On Oct 12, 2015 11:53 AM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:
Everyone wants to elect a President based on ideology (or likeability), 
ignoring that the primary job is to run the executive branch.  Eisenhower was 
probably the last POTUS who came to the job with credentials for effectively 
running a giant organization.  Not saying someone can’t grow to fill the job, 
look at Reagan and JFK.  But seriously, Ben Carson?

I see the same mistake in the current contest to see what poor schmuck gets to 
be Speaker of the House.  They want to make it about ideology, and yes it’s 
about getting the ideology of the majority caucus into legislation, but the 
Speaker should be a get-stuff-done type, not an ideologue.  People still 
remember Sam Rayburn and Tip O’Neill.  Hey, they could bring Newt Gingrich or 
Denny Hastert out of retirement.  Looks like Hastert will avoid jail time, and 
he could probably use the money after paying all that hush money.

From: Patrick Leary<>
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

Your vision of Reagan is of a cartoon character, devoid of reality, factually 
ignorant, and it vastly insults his memory. Were Reagan president today, you'd 
be calling him a "libtard." You are clearly under 40 years old.

Patrick Leary
On Oct 11, 2015 5:47 PM, Philip Rankin <> wrote:
Nixon was conservative, but  with him  trying to cover up his crooked tail, we 
never saw much of anything from him.  He was truly ineffective.  Ford  and 
Bush??  Hahaha.  Not conservative  RINO.  Reagan, a different story. He wasn't 
perfect, but in his heart he held conservatism high.  There is only one way to 
preside and that is to work  with the other side some.  That's when he had to 
give up his far right position some  Nixon is the only conservative that had 
any bearing on this country in the last 50 years.  I should say conservative 

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Josh Luthman 
<<>> wrote:
Nixon Ford Reagan Bush...

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Philip Rankin 
<<>> wrote:
Yes, one.

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Josh Luthman 
<<>> wrote:

You know we've had conservative politicians and presidents in the last 50 years 

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Oct 11, 2015 3:52 PM, "Philip Rankin" 
<<>> wrote:
Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that logic???  
How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this country in the 
past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, actually it's so far beyond 
rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the debt, the credit 
ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the stupidity of laws that 
cover laws that should not have ever been written in the first place.  Or, the 
stupid recent healthcare law that the majority of the population don't want 
because we were lied to about it.  And then the RINOs bailing out their 
favorite companies after they got their kickbacks?  And this isn't even the tip 
of the iceberg. It's all liberal stupidity.  Notice I didn't say Democrat or 
Republican?  It's libtards! These folk have no concern for their country or 
their fellow man.  All they want is to line their pockets and control people!  
Call me rude if you like!  I haven't even cracked the door on the rudeness 
these people have done to all of us including many generations to follow us!  
And,  while were at it, how about all of those babies that will never have an 
opportunity to join us?  What a sickening shame!  No, Travesty!

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Philip Rankin 
<<>> wrote:
Haven't made my point yet Lewis.  But, saw enough of those that were not in 
agreement with you in the thread to know that they don't believe in "Certain 
Inalienable Rights" with government here only to preserve those rights, not 
impose someone else's stupidity on me.  And, that the libs want someone else to 
take care of them all of the time.  To me, that's retarded and just plain dumb. 
 Now that I look at those that have their crazy position and compare that 
position to their past posts on here, I now understand some of their past posts 

I am not about to let someone shoot me during a convenience store holdup.  I 
will die with my 45 in hand before I let the bad guy take me or anyone else

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread That One Guy /sarcasm
I just want everyone to note that I was the adult this time

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 12:29 PM, Mathew Howard <>

> Agreed, it's been a fun discussion, but it would be best to stop before we
> go too far and people start leaving the list. Perhaps we should have
> another list for some of these off topic discussions...
> And on that note, I'll shut up.
> On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 12:01 PM, That One Guy /sarcasm <
>> wrote:
>> I like arguments, heated ones are the best, but this topic has the
>> potential to derail what has always been a very good forum for this
>> industry. May I recommend it be closed before somebody gets their panties
>> in a bunch and this joint ends up like a dslreports forum?
>> On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 11:50 AM, Patrick Leary <
>> > wrote:
>>> ++ 1000
>>> Patrick Leary
>>> Patrick Leary
>>> Telrad
>>> On Oct 12, 2015 11:53 AM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:
>>> Everyone wants to elect a President based on ideology (or likeability),
>>> ignoring that the primary job is to run the executive branch.  Eisenhower
>>> was probably the last POTUS who came to the job with credentials for
>>> effectively running a giant organization.  Not saying someone can’t grow to
>>> fill the job, look at Reagan and JFK.  But seriously, Ben Carson?
>>> I see the same mistake in the current contest to see what poor schmuck
>>> gets to be Speaker of the House.  They want to make it about ideology, and
>>> yes it’s about getting the ideology of the majority caucus into
>>> legislation, but the Speaker should be a get-stuff-done type, not an
>>> ideologue.  People still remember Sam Rayburn and Tip O’Neill.  Hey, they
>>> could bring Newt Gingrich or Denny Hastert out of retirement.  Looks like
>>> Hastert will avoid jail time, and he could probably use the money after
>>> paying all that hush money.
>>> *From:* Patrick Leary <>
>>> *Sent:* Monday, October 12, 2015 10:22 AM
>>> *To:*
>>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
>>> Your vision of Reagan is of a cartoon character, devoid of reality,
>>> factually ignorant, and it vastly insults his memory. Were Reagan president
>>> today, you'd be calling him a "libtard." You are clearly under 40 years old.
>>> Patrick Leary
>>> Telrad
>>> On Oct 11, 2015 5:47 PM, Philip Rankin <> wrote:
>>> Nixon was conservative, but  with him  trying to cover up his crooked
>>> tail, we never saw much of anything from him.  He was truly ineffective.
>>> Ford  and Bush??  Hahaha.  Not conservative  RINO.  Reagan, a different
>>> story. He wasn't perfect, but in his heart he held conservatism high.
>>> There is only one way to preside and that is to work  with the other side
>>> some.  That's when he had to give up his far right position some  Nixon is
>>> the only conservative that had any bearing on this country in the last 50
>>> years.  I should say conservative bearing!
>>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Josh Luthman <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Nixon Ford Reagan Bush...
>>>> Josh Luthman
>>>> Office: 937-552-2340
>>>> Direct: 937-552-2343
>>>> 1100 Wayne St
>>>> Suite 1337
>>>> Troy, OH 45373
>>>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Philip Rankin <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Yes, one.
>>>>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Josh Luthman <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> You know we've had conservative politicians and presidents in the
>>>>>> last 50 years right?
>>>>>> Josh Luthman
>>>>>> Office: 937-552-2340
>>>>>> Direct: 937-552-2343
>>>>>> 1100 Wayne St
>>>>>> Suite 1337
>>>>>> Troy, OH 45373
>>>>>> On Oct 11, 2015 3:52 PM, "Philip Rankin" <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Since many of you are calling me rude, how abo

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Mathew Howard
Agreed, it's been a fun discussion, but it would be best to stop before we
go too far and people start leaving the list. Perhaps we should have
another list for some of these off topic discussions...

And on that note, I'll shut up.

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 12:01 PM, That One Guy /sarcasm <> wrote:

> I like arguments, heated ones are the best, but this topic has the
> potential to derail what has always been a very good forum for this
> industry. May I recommend it be closed before somebody gets their panties
> in a bunch and this joint ends up like a dslreports forum?
> On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 11:50 AM, Patrick Leary <>
> wrote:
>> ++ 1000
>> Patrick Leary
>> Patrick Leary
>> Telrad
>> On Oct 12, 2015 11:53 AM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:
>> Everyone wants to elect a President based on ideology (or likeability),
>> ignoring that the primary job is to run the executive branch.  Eisenhower
>> was probably the last POTUS who came to the job with credentials for
>> effectively running a giant organization.  Not saying someone can’t grow to
>> fill the job, look at Reagan and JFK.  But seriously, Ben Carson?
>> I see the same mistake in the current contest to see what poor schmuck
>> gets to be Speaker of the House.  They want to make it about ideology, and
>> yes it’s about getting the ideology of the majority caucus into
>> legislation, but the Speaker should be a get-stuff-done type, not an
>> ideologue.  People still remember Sam Rayburn and Tip O’Neill.  Hey, they
>> could bring Newt Gingrich or Denny Hastert out of retirement.  Looks like
>> Hastert will avoid jail time, and he could probably use the money after
>> paying all that hush money.
>> *From:* Patrick Leary <>
>> *Sent:* Monday, October 12, 2015 10:22 AM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
>> Your vision of Reagan is of a cartoon character, devoid of reality,
>> factually ignorant, and it vastly insults his memory. Were Reagan president
>> today, you'd be calling him a "libtard." You are clearly under 40 years old.
>> Patrick Leary
>> Telrad
>> On Oct 11, 2015 5:47 PM, Philip Rankin <> wrote:
>> Nixon was conservative, but  with him  trying to cover up his crooked
>> tail, we never saw much of anything from him.  He was truly ineffective.
>> Ford  and Bush??  Hahaha.  Not conservative  RINO.  Reagan, a different
>> story. He wasn't perfect, but in his heart he held conservatism high.
>> There is only one way to preside and that is to work  with the other side
>> some.  That's when he had to give up his far right position some  Nixon is
>> the only conservative that had any bearing on this country in the last 50
>> years.  I should say conservative bearing!
>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Josh Luthman <
>>> wrote:
>>> Nixon Ford Reagan Bush...
>>> Josh Luthman
>>> Office: 937-552-2340
>>> Direct: 937-552-2343
>>> 1100 Wayne St
>>> Suite 1337
>>> Troy, OH 45373
>>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Philip Rankin <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Yes, one.
>>>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Josh Luthman <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> You know we've had conservative politicians and presidents in the last
>>>>> 50 years right?
>>>>> Josh Luthman
>>>>> Office: 937-552-2340
>>>>> Direct: 937-552-2343
>>>>> 1100 Wayne St
>>>>> Suite 1337
>>>>> Troy, OH 45373
>>>>> On Oct 11, 2015 3:52 PM, "Philip Rankin" <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that
>>>>>> logic???  How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this
>>>>>> country in the past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, 
>>>>>> actually
>>>>>> it's so far beyond rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> debt, the credit ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the
>>>>>> stupidity of laws that cover laws that should n

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Ken Hohhof
Yeah, stop that, you’re scaring me.

From: That One Guy /sarcasm 
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 12:33 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

I just want everyone to note that I was the adult this time

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 12:29 PM, Mathew Howard <> wrote:

  Agreed, it's been a fun discussion, but it would be best to stop before we go 
too far and people start leaving the list. Perhaps we should have another list 
for some of these off topic discussions...

  And on that note, I'll shut up.

  On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 12:01 PM, That One Guy /sarcasm 
<> wrote:

I like arguments, heated ones are the best, but this topic has the 
potential to derail what has always been a very good forum for this industry. 
May I recommend it be closed before somebody gets their panties in a bunch and 
this joint ends up like a dslreports forum?

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 11:50 AM, Patrick Leary <> 

  ++ 1000

  Patrick Leary

  Patrick Leary
  On Oct 12, 2015 11:53 AM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:

  Everyone wants to elect a President based on ideology (or likeability), 
ignoring that the primary job is to run the executive branch.  Eisenhower was 
probably the last POTUS who came to the job with credentials for effectively 
running a giant organization.  Not saying someone can’t grow to fill the job, 
look at Reagan and JFK.  But seriously, Ben Carson?

  I see the same mistake in the current contest to see what poor schmuck 
gets to be Speaker of the House.  They want to make it about ideology, and yes 
it’s about getting the ideology of the majority caucus into legislation, but 
the Speaker should be a get-stuff-done type, not an ideologue.  People still 
remember Sam Rayburn and Tip O’Neill.  Hey, they could bring Newt Gingrich or 
Denny Hastert out of retirement.  Looks like Hastert will avoid jail time, and 
he could probably use the money after paying all that hush money.

  From: Patrick Leary 
  Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 10:22 AM
      Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

  Your vision of Reagan is of a cartoon character, devoid of reality, 
factually ignorant, and it vastly insults his memory. Were Reagan president 
today, you'd be calling him a "libtard." You are clearly under 40 years old.

  Patrick Leary
  On Oct 11, 2015 5:47 PM, Philip Rankin <> wrote:

  Nixon was conservative, but  with him  trying to cover up his crooked 
tail, we never saw much of anything from him.  He was truly ineffective.  Ford  
and Bush??  Hahaha.  Not conservative  RINO.  Reagan, a different story. He 
wasn't perfect, but in his heart he held conservatism high.  There is only one 
way to preside and that is to work  with the other side some.  That's when he 
had to give up his far right position some  Nixon is the only conservative that 
had any bearing on this country in the last 50 years.  I should say 
conservative bearing! 

  On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Josh Luthman 
<> wrote:

Nixon Ford Reagan Bush...

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Philip Rankin <> 

  Yes, one. 

  On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Josh Luthman 
<> wrote:

You know we've had conservative politicians and presidents in the 
last 50 years right?

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Oct 11, 2015 3:52 PM, "Philip Rankin" <> 

  Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse 
that logic???  How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this 
country in the past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, actually 
it's so far beyond rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the 
debt, the credit ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the 
stupidity of laws that cover laws that should not have ever been written in the 
first place.  Or, the stupid recent healthcare law that the majority of the 
population don't want because we were lied to about it.  And then the RINOs 
bailing out their favorite companies after they got their kickbacks?  And this 
isn't even the tip of the iceberg. It's all liberal stupidity.  Notice I didn't 
say Democrat or Republican?  It's libtards! These folk have no concern for 
their country or their fellow man.  All they want is to line their pockets and 
control people!  Call me rude if you like!  I haven't 

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Patrick Leary
...and drumroll...

During Reagan's presidency, 240 Americans were killed in the Lebanon Marine 
barrack's bombing. His response? Did he go to war? No, he pulled out of Lebanon.

Now imagine the apoplexy that would ensue if this had happened under Obama and 
he cut and ran...The "Freedom Caucus" would be fomenting Red State riots 
demanding Obama turn the region into glass.

It's truly annoying debating politics with people who have clearly fed 
themselves off pundit-prepared diet of myths and sound bites.

Patrick Leary

Patrick Leary
On Oct 12, 2015 12:48 PM, Patrick Leary <> wrote:
After his presidency Reagan sent letters to Republican politicians urging them 
to support the assault rifle ban, which helped its passage in the early Clinton 

As president, Reagan famously enabled amnesty for millions of undocumented 

As president, Reagan raised taxes (after he had cut them), and if course 
routinely supported raising the debt limit
Most forgotten was that Reagan was an optimist and a fast friend of Dem House 
Speaker Tip O'Neill, with whom he worked in numerous compromises.

What Reagan was not was a vicious ideologue or zealot who refused to even 
engage the opposition. Today's "Republicans" can't even be seen shaking the 
President's hand for fear the nihilists will primary them.

Patrick Leary

Patrick Leary
On Oct 12, 2015 11:23 AM, Rory Conaway <> wrote:
Reagan was a liberal early on in life but he definitely wasn’t a liberal by the 
time he ran for the Presidency and neither were his policies.


From: Af [] On Behalf Of Patrick Leary
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 8:22 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

Your vision of Reagan is of a cartoon character, devoid of reality, factually 
ignorant, and it vastly insults his memory. Were Reagan president today, you'd 
be calling him a "libtard." You are clearly under 40 years old.

Patrick Leary
On Oct 11, 2015 5:47 PM, Philip Rankin 
<<>> wrote:
Nixon was conservative, but  with him  trying to cover up his crooked tail, we 
never saw much of anything from him.  He was truly ineffective.  Ford  and 
Bush??  Hahaha.  Not conservative  RINO.  Reagan, a different story. He wasn't 
perfect, but in his heart he held conservatism high.  There is only one way to 
preside and that is to work  with the other side some.  That's when he had to 
give up his far right position some  Nixon is the only conservative that had 
any bearing on this country in the last 50 years.  I should say conservative 

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Josh Luthman 
<<>> wrote:
Nixon Ford Reagan Bush...

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Philip Rankin 
<<>> wrote:
Yes, one.

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Josh Luthman 
<<>> wrote:

You know we've had conservative politicians and presidents in the last 50 years 

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373
On Oct 11, 2015 3:52 PM, "Philip Rankin" 
<<>> wrote:
Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that logic???  
How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this country in the 
past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, actually it's so far beyond 
rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the debt, the credit 
ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the stupidity of laws that 
cover laws that should not have ever been written in the first place.  Or, the 
stupid recent healthcare law that the majority of the population don't want 
because we were lied to about it.  And then the RINOs bailing out their 
favorite companies after they got their kickbacks?  And this isn't even the tip 
of the iceberg. It's all liberal stupidity.  Notice I didn't say Democrat or 
Republican?  It's libtards! These folk have no concern for their country or 
their fellow man.  All they want is to line their pockets and control people!  
Call me rude if you like!  I haven't even cracked the door on the rudeness 
these people have done to all of us including many generations to follow us!  
And,  while were at it, how about all of those babies that will never have an 
opportunity to join us?  What a sickening shame!  No, Travesty!

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Philip Rankin 
<<>> wrote:
Haven't made my point yet Lewis.  But, saw enough of those that were not in 

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Adam Moffett

Nicely done.  You can have my grownup card, I don't want it anymore.

On 10/12/2015 1:33 PM, That One Guy /sarcasm wrote:

I just want everyone to note that I was the adult this time

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 12:29 PM, Mathew Howard < 
<>> wrote:

Agreed, it's been a fun discussion, but it would be best to stop
before we go too far and people start leaving the list. Perhaps we
should have another list for some of these off topic discussions...

And on that note, I'll shut up.

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 12:01 PM, That One Guy /sarcasm
< <>> wrote:

I like arguments, heated ones are the best, but this topic has
the potential to derail what has always been a very good forum
for this industry. May I recommend it be closed before
somebody gets their panties in a bunch and this joint ends up
like a dslreports forum?

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 11:50 AM, Patrick Leary
< <>>

++ 1000

Patrick Leary

Patrick Leary
On Oct 12, 2015 11:53 AM, Ken Hohhof <
<>> wrote:
Everyone wants to elect a President based on ideology (or
likeability), ignoring that the primary job is to run the
executive branch. Eisenhower was probably the last POTUS
who came to the job with credentials for effectively
running a giant organization.  Not saying someone can’t
grow to fill the job, look at Reagan and JFK.  But
seriously, Ben Carson?
I see the same mistake in the current contest to see what
poor schmuck gets to be Speaker of the House.  They want
to make it about ideology, and yes it’s about getting the
ideology of the majority caucus into legislation, but the
Speaker should be a get-stuff-done type, not an ideologue.
People still remember Sam Rayburn and Tip O’Neill. Hey,
they could bring Newt Gingrich or Denny Hastert out of
retirement.  Looks like Hastert will avoid jail time, and
he could probably use the money after paying all that hush
*From:* Patrick Leary <>
*Sent:* Monday, October 12, 2015 10:22 AM
*To:* <>
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
Your vision of Reagan is of a cartoon character, devoid of
reality, factually ignorant, and it vastly insults his
memory. Were Reagan president today, you'd be calling him
a "libtard." You are clearly under 40 years old.
Patrick Leary
On Oct 11, 2015 5:47 PM, Philip Rankin
< <>> wrote:
Nixon was conservative, but with him  trying to cover up
his crooked tail, we never saw much of anything from him. 
He was truly ineffective.  Ford and Bush??  Hahaha. Not

conservative RINO.  Reagan, a different story. He wasn't
perfect, but in his heart he held conservatism high. There
is only one way to preside and that is to work  with the
other side some. That's when he had to give up his far
right position some  Nixon is the only conservative that
had any bearing on this country in the last 50 years.  I
should say conservative bearing!
On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Josh Luthman
<>> wrote:

Nixon Ford Reagan Bush...

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340 
Direct: 937-552-2343 
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Philip Rankin
< <>>

Yes, one.
On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Josh Luthman
<>> wrote:

You know we've had conservative politicians
and presidents in the last 50 years right?

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340 
Direct: 937-552-2343 
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Chuck McCown
Don’t worry, it is till the sober part of the day...

From: Ken Hohhof 
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

Yeah, stop that, you’re scaring me.

From: That One Guy /sarcasm 
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 12:33 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

I just want everyone to note that I was the adult this time

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 12:29 PM, Mathew Howard <> wrote:

  Agreed, it's been a fun discussion, but it would be best to stop before we go 
too far and people start leaving the list. Perhaps we should have another list 
for some of these off topic discussions...

  And on that note, I'll shut up.

  On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 12:01 PM, That One Guy /sarcasm 
<> wrote:

I like arguments, heated ones are the best, but this topic has the 
potential to derail what has always been a very good forum for this industry. 
May I recommend it be closed before somebody gets their panties in a bunch and 
this joint ends up like a dslreports forum?

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 11:50 AM, Patrick Leary <> 

  ++ 1000

  Patrick Leary

  Patrick Leary
  On Oct 12, 2015 11:53 AM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:

  Everyone wants to elect a President based on ideology (or likeability), 
ignoring that the primary job is to run the executive branch.  Eisenhower was 
probably the last POTUS who came to the job with credentials for effectively 
running a giant organization.  Not saying someone can’t grow to fill the job, 
look at Reagan and JFK.  But seriously, Ben Carson?

  I see the same mistake in the current contest to see what poor schmuck 
gets to be Speaker of the House.  They want to make it about ideology, and yes 
it’s about getting the ideology of the majority caucus into legislation, but 
the Speaker should be a get-stuff-done type, not an ideologue.  People still 
remember Sam Rayburn and Tip O’Neill.  Hey, they could bring Newt Gingrich or 
Denny Hastert out of retirement.  Looks like Hastert will avoid jail time, and 
he could probably use the money after paying all that hush money.

  From: Patrick Leary 
  Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 10:22 AM
      Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

  Your vision of Reagan is of a cartoon character, devoid of reality, 
factually ignorant, and it vastly insults his memory. Were Reagan president 
today, you'd be calling him a "libtard." You are clearly under 40 years old.

  Patrick Leary
  On Oct 11, 2015 5:47 PM, Philip Rankin <> wrote:

  Nixon was conservative, but  with him  trying to cover up his crooked 
tail, we never saw much of anything from him.  He was truly ineffective.  Ford  
and Bush??  Hahaha.  Not conservative  RINO.  Reagan, a different story. He 
wasn't perfect, but in his heart he held conservatism high.  There is only one 
way to preside and that is to work  with the other side some.  That's when he 
had to give up his far right position some  Nixon is the only conservative that 
had any bearing on this country in the last 50 years.  I should say 
conservative bearing! 

  On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Josh Luthman 
<> wrote:

Nixon Ford Reagan Bush...

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Philip Rankin <> 

  Yes, one. 

  On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Josh Luthman 
<> wrote:

You know we've had conservative politicians and presidents in the 
last 50 years right?

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Oct 11, 2015 3:52 PM, "Philip Rankin" <> 

  Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse 
that logic???  How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this 
country in the past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, actually 
it's so far beyond rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the 
debt, the credit ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the 
stupidity of laws that cover laws that should not have ever been written in the 
first place.  Or, the stupid recent healthcare law that the majority of the 
population don't want because we were lied to about it.  And then the RINOs 
bailing out their favorite companies after they got their kickbacks?  And this 
isn't even the tip of the iceberg. It's all liberal stupidity.  Notice I didn't 
say Democrat or Republican?  It's libtard

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Patrick Leary
Happily, I must board the plane, sparing others and myself from more 
ill-considered contributions to this thread.

Patrick Leary
On Oct 12, 2015 1:00 PM, That One Guy /sarcasm <> 
I like arguments, heated ones are the best, but this topic has the potential to 
derail what has always been a very good forum for this industry. May I 
recommend it be closed before somebody gets their panties in a bunch and this 
joint ends up like a dslreports forum?

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 11:50 AM, Patrick Leary 
<<>> wrote:
++ 1000

Patrick Leary

Patrick Leary
On Oct 12, 2015 11:53 AM, Ken Hohhof <<>> 
Everyone wants to elect a President based on ideology (or likeability), 
ignoring that the primary job is to run the executive branch.  Eisenhower was 
probably the last POTUS who came to the job with credentials for effectively 
running a giant organization.  Not saying someone can’t grow to fill the job, 
look at Reagan and JFK.  But seriously, Ben Carson?

I see the same mistake in the current contest to see what poor schmuck gets to 
be Speaker of the House.  They want to make it about ideology, and yes it’s 
about getting the ideology of the majority caucus into legislation, but the 
Speaker should be a get-stuff-done type, not an ideologue.  People still 
remember Sam Rayburn and Tip O’Neill.  Hey, they could bring Newt Gingrich or 
Denny Hastert out of retirement.  Looks like Hastert will avoid jail time, and 
he could probably use the money after paying all that hush money.

From: Patrick Leary<>
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

Your vision of Reagan is of a cartoon character, devoid of reality, factually 
ignorant, and it vastly insults his memory. Were Reagan president today, you'd 
be calling him a "libtard." You are clearly under 40 years old.

Patrick Leary
On Oct 11, 2015 5:47 PM, Philip Rankin 
<<>> wrote:
Nixon was conservative, but  with him  trying to cover up his crooked tail, we 
never saw much of anything from him.  He was truly ineffective.  Ford  and 
Bush??  Hahaha.  Not conservative  RINO.  Reagan, a different story. He wasn't 
perfect, but in his heart he held conservatism high.  There is only one way to 
preside and that is to work  with the other side some.  That's when he had to 
give up his far right position some  Nixon is the only conservative that had 
any bearing on this country in the last 50 years.  I should say conservative 

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Josh Luthman 
<<>> wrote:
Nixon Ford Reagan Bush...

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Philip Rankin 
<<>> wrote:
Yes, one.

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Josh Luthman 
<<>> wrote:

You know we've had conservative politicians and presidents in the last 50 years 

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Oct 11, 2015 3:52 PM, "Philip Rankin" 
<<>> wrote:
Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that logic???  
How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this country in the 
past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, actually it's so far beyond 
rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the debt, the credit 
ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the stupidity of laws that 
cover laws that should not have ever been written in the first place.  Or, the 
stupid recent healthcare law that the majority of the population don't want 
because we were lied to about it.  And then the RINOs bailing out their 
favorite companies after they got their kickbacks?  And this isn't even the tip 
of the iceberg. It's all liberal stupidity.  Notice I didn't say Democrat or 
Republican?  It's libtards! These folk have no concern for their country or 
their fellow man.  All they want is to line their pockets and control people!  
Call me rude if you like!  I haven't even cracked the door on the rudeness 
these people have done to all of us including many generations to follow us!  
And,  while were at it, how about all of those babies that will never have an 
opportunity to join us?  What a sickening shame!  No, Travesty!

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Philip Rankin 
<<>> wrote:
Haven't made my poi

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Jaime Solorza
I have two friend who are Conservative GOP lackeys who make allot of noise
about Reagan and yet I refute them with facts...not Fox TV idea of
factsverifiable historical facts.
What you stated about Reagan is correctI didn't agree with him on all
issues just like I don't agree with President Obama.   Nixon was one of our
smartest presidents especially in dealing with Chinese and on foreign
policy but also a dishonest leader and vindictive.  We were politically
aware in late 60s and 70 s.   Remember Vietnam War was ongoing, Johnson's
Great Society plans getting speed along
with civil rights changes.  I was there.these friends always knock
Clintons presidency but even when i told them he left a budget deficit by
changing Reagan era

Jaime Solorza
On Oct 12, 2015 10:48 AM, "Patrick Leary" <> wrote:

> After his presidency Reagan sent letters to Republican politicians urging
> them to support the assault rifle ban, which helped its passage in the
> early Clinton years.
> As president, Reagan famously enabled amnesty for millions of undocumented
> immigrants.
> As president, Reagan raised taxes (after he had cut them), and if course
> routinely supported raising the debt limit
> Most forgotten was that Reagan was an optimist and a fast friend of Dem
> House Speaker Tip O'Neill, with whom he worked in numerous compromises.
> What Reagan was not was a vicious ideologue or zealot who refused to even
> engage the opposition. Today's "Republicans" can't even be seen shaking the
> President's hand for fear the nihilists will primary them.
> Patrick Leary
> Patrick Leary
> Telrad
> On Oct 12, 2015 11:23 AM, Rory Conaway <> wrote:
> Reagan was a liberal early on in life but he definitely wasn’t a liberal
> by the time he ran for the Presidency and neither were his policies.
> Rory
> *From:* Af [] *On Behalf Of *Patrick Leary
> *Sent:* Monday, October 12, 2015 8:22 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
> Your vision of Reagan is of a cartoon character, devoid of reality,
> factually ignorant, and it vastly insults his memory. Were Reagan president
> today, you'd be calling him a "libtard." You are clearly under 40 years old.
> Patrick Leary
> Telrad
> On Oct 11, 2015 5:47 PM, Philip Rankin <> wrote:
> Nixon was conservative, but  with him  trying to cover up his crooked
> tail, we never saw much of anything from him.  He was truly ineffective.
> Ford  and Bush??  Hahaha.  Not conservative  RINO.  Reagan, a different
> story. He wasn't perfect, but in his heart he held conservatism high.
> There is only one way to preside and that is to work  with the other side
> some.  That's when he had to give up his far right position some  Nixon is
> the only conservative that had any bearing on this country in the last 50
> years.  I should say conservative bearing!
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Josh Luthman <>
> wrote:
> Nixon Ford Reagan Bush...
> Josh Luthman
> Office: 937-552-2340
> Direct: 937-552-2343
> 1100 Wayne St
> Suite 1337
> Troy, OH 45373
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Philip Rankin <>
> wrote:
> Yes, one.
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Josh Luthman <>
> wrote:
> You know we've had conservative politicians and presidents in the last 50
> years right?
> Josh Luthman
> Office: 937-552-2340
> Direct: 937-552-2343
> 1100 Wayne St
> Suite 1337
> Troy, OH 45373
> On Oct 11, 2015 3:52 PM, "Philip Rankin" <> wrote:
> Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that
> logic???  How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this
> country in the past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, actually
> it's so far beyond rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the
> debt, the credit ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the
> stupidity of laws that cover laws that should not have ever been written in
> the first place.  Or, the stupid recent healthcare law that the majority of
> the population don't want because we were lied to about it.  And then the
> RINOs bailing out their favorite companies after they got their kickbacks?
> And this isn't even the tip of the iceberg. It's all liberal stupidity.
> Notice I didn't say Democrat or Republican?  It's libtards! These folk have
> no concern for their country or their fellow m

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Jaime Solorza
I have two friend who are Conservative GOP lackeys who make allot of noise
about Reagan and yet I refute them with facts...not Fox TV idea of
factsverifiable historical facts.
What you stated about Reagan is correctI didn't agree with him on all
issues just like I don't agree with President Obama.   Nixon was one of our
smartest presidents especially in dealing with Chinese and on foreign
policy but also a dishonest leader and vindictive.  We were politically
aware in late 60s and 70 s.   Remember Vietnam War was ongoing, Johnson's
Great Society plans getting speed along
with civil rights changes.  I was there.these friends always knock
Clintons presidency but even when i told them he left a budget deficit by
changing Reagan era policies they sent it.   They don't accept historical
facts.   Don't get me started on Bush and Iraqits personal with
son will never be the same along with thousands other vets.  I don't give a
shit he came from Texashe and Chaney are idiots.And i won 100.00
bet Prick Perry would drop out of race.

Jaime Solorza
After his presidency Reagan sent letters to Republican politicians urging
them to support the assault rifle ban, which helped its passage in the
early Clinton years.

As president, Reagan famously enabled amnesty for millions of undocumented

As president, Reagan raised taxes (after he had cut them), and if course
routinely supported raising the debt limit
Most forgotten was that Reagan was an optimist and a fast friend of Dem
House Speaker Tip O'Neill, with whom he worked in numerous compromises.

What Reagan was not was a vicious ideologue or zealot who refused to even
engage the opposition. Today's "Republicans" can't even be seen shaking the
President's hand for fear the nihilists will primary them.

Patrick Leary

Patrick Leary
On Oct 12, 2015 11:23 AM, Rory Conaway <> wrote:

Reagan was a liberal early on in life but he definitely wasn’t a liberal by
the time he ran for the Presidency and neither were his policies.


*From:* Af [] *On Behalf Of *Patrick Leary
*Sent:* Monday, October 12, 2015 8:22 AM
*Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

Your vision of Reagan is of a cartoon character, devoid of reality,
factually ignorant, and it vastly insults his memory. Were Reagan president
today, you'd be calling him a "libtard." You are clearly under 40 years old.

Patrick Leary


On Oct 11, 2015 5:47 PM, Philip Rankin <> wrote:

Nixon was conservative, but  with him  trying to cover up his crooked tail,
we never saw much of anything from him.  He was truly ineffective.  Ford
 and Bush??  Hahaha.  Not conservative  RINO.  Reagan, a different story.
He wasn't perfect, but in his heart he held conservatism high.  There is
only one way to preside and that is to work  with the other side some.
That's when he had to give up his far right position some  Nixon is the
only conservative that had any bearing on this country in the last 50
years.  I should say conservative bearing!

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Josh Luthman <>

Nixon Ford Reagan Bush...

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Philip Rankin <>

Yes, one.

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Josh Luthman <>

You know we've had conservative politicians and presidents in the last 50
years right?

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Oct 11, 2015 3:52 PM, "Philip Rankin" <> wrote:

Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that
logic???  How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this
country in the past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, actually
it's so far beyond rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the
debt, the credit ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the
stupidity of laws that cover laws that should not have ever been written in
the first place.  Or, the stupid recent healthcare law that the majority of
the population don't want because we were lied to about it.  And then the
RINOs bailing out their favorite companies after they got their kickbacks?
And this isn't even the tip of the iceberg. It's all liberal stupidity.
Notice I didn't say Democrat or Republican?  It's libtards! These folk have
no concern for their country or their fellow man.  All they want is to line
their pockets and control people!  Call me rude if you like!  I haven't
even cracked the door on the rudeness these people have done to all of us
including many generations to follow us!  And,  while were at it, how about
all of those babies that will never have an opportu

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-12 Thread Bill Prince

That's actually the best idea I've heard all day.

The GOP has adopted the tea party as some sort of frat club within their 
party. I think they would be stronger without the Tea party holding them 
hostage all the time.


On 10/12/2015 10:00 AM, Ken Hohhof wrote:
We really need the Tea Party to split off as their own party and stop 
co-opting the Republican party.  And for Socialists to run under their 
own party as well.  Then we can have a multi-party system like most of 
the rest of the world, where one of the centrist parties has to get 
one or more fringe parties to join their caucus to get a majority.  
The current system where party primaries discard people like Bob 
Bennett and Eric Cantor as too centrist, that’s getting crazy.

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Philip Rankin
Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!

On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller <> wrote:

> It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the country do
> not necessarily share your views.
> Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did know
> what they were doing.
> For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is becoming
> more and more difficult ;)
> - Original Message -
> *From:* Chuck McCown <>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
> *Subject:* [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
> This has been fun reading.
> I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite and post some pretty
> well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost any issue.  This is all
> the
> social media I need.
> I did want to make a comment about the Illinois FOID card.
> I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in about 1993 in Quincy Illinois.
> Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I  learned that a co-worker
> had
> suffered some kind of stress attack and was in the hospital.  That
> afternoon
> they were out of beds in some of the areas so that took him to the 5th
> floor.  That is the psych floor.
> Then, it turned out, anyone that gets admitted to a psych ward in Illinois
> gets reported to the FOID people.
> They revoke the FOID card.
> This guy was a big time hunter.  It just about killed him.
> He got some pretty good press and got some political help.  Hot his card
> back in about 6 weeks.
> So, if you want to keep your FOID stay out of psych wards!

Philip J. Rankin
Wireless Telecommunications Services
PO Box 24
Pittsburg, KS  66762

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Ken Hohhof
So Chucks says “folks are smart and mostly polite” and then you have to ruin it.

I don’t understand why it takes so little provocation these days to use the 
**tard word.  In this case, just because you disagree with some folks.  As I’ve 
turned 65 recently, I’ve noticed people using that language with senior 
citizens because they (we?) don’t move fast enough or something.  Not to 
mention it’s insulting to people with mental retardation, to use that very 
outdated term.

Should I not expect civility online anywhere?

From: Philip Rankin 
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2015 1:09 PM
To: af 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!

On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller <> 

  It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the country do not 
necessarily share your views.
  Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did know what 
they were doing.
  For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is becoming 
more and more difficult ;)

- Original Message - 
From: Chuck McCown 
Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
Subject: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

This has been fun reading.

I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite and post some pretty 
well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost any issue.  This is all the 
social media I need.

I did want to make a comment about the Illinois FOID card.

I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in about 1993 in Quincy Illinois. 
Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I  learned that a co-worker had 
suffered some kind of stress attack and was in the hospital.  That 
they were out of beds in some of the areas so that took him to the 5th 
floor.  That is the psych floor.

Then, it turned out, anyone that gets admitted to a psych ward in Illinois 
gets reported to the FOID people.
They revoke the FOID card.

This guy was a big time hunter.  It just about killed him.
He got some pretty good press and got some political help.  Hot his card 
back in about 6 weeks.

So, if you want to keep your FOID stay out of psych wards!


Philip J. Rankin 
Wireless Telecommunications Services
PO Box 24
Pittsburg, KS  66762

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Lewis Bergman
Come on now. Be civil. You only hurt your own argument when you resort to
name calling. People assume you are out of salient points to make.

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015, 1:09 PM Philip Rankin <> wrote:

> Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!
> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller <
>> wrote:
>> It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the country do
>> not necessarily share your views.
>> Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did know
>> what they were doing.
>> For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is
>> becoming more and more difficult ;)
>> - Original Message -
>> *From:* Chuck McCown <>
>> *To:*
>> *Sent:* Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
>> *Subject:* [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
>> This has been fun reading.
>> I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite and post some pretty
>> well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost any issue.  This is all
>> the
>> social media I need.
>> I did want to make a comment about the Illinois FOID card.
>> I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in about 1993 in Quincy Illinois.
>> Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I  learned that a co-worker
>> had
>> suffered some kind of stress attack and was in the hospital.  That
>> afternoon
>> they were out of beds in some of the areas so that took him to the 5th
>> floor.  That is the psych floor.
>> Then, it turned out, anyone that gets admitted to a psych ward in
>> Illinois
>> gets reported to the FOID people.
>> They revoke the FOID card.
>> This guy was a big time hunter.  It just about killed him.
>> He got some pretty good press and got some political help.  Hot his card
>> back in about 6 weeks.
>> So, if you want to keep your FOID stay out of psych wards!
> --
> Philip J. Rankin
> Wireless Telecommunications Services
> PO Box 24
> Pittsburg, KS  66762

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Seth Mattinen

On 10/11/15 11:41 AM, Ken Hohhof wrote:

Should I not expect civility online anywhere?

There's a prevailing theory on that:

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Bill Prince
You lack perspective. There are hundreds of parables about how lack of 
perspective allows people to denigrate others that they do not agree with.

That, and it's rude too.


On 10/11/2015 11:09 AM, Philip Rankin wrote:

Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!

On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller 
< <>> wrote:

It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the
country do not necessarily share your views.
Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did
know what they were doing.
For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is
becoming more and more difficult ;)

- Original Message -
*From:* Chuck McCown <>
*To:* <>
*Sent:* Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
    *Subject:* [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

This has been fun reading.

I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite and post
some pretty
well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost any issue. 
This is all the

social media I need.

I did want to make a comment about the Illinois FOID card.

I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in about 1993 in Quincy
Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I learned that a
co-worker had
suffered some kind of stress attack and was in the hospital. 
That afternoon

they were out of beds in some of the areas so that took him to
the 5th
floor.  That is the psych floor.

Then, it turned out, anyone that gets admitted to a psych ward
in Illinois
gets reported to the FOID people.
They revoke the FOID card.

This guy was a big time hunter.  It just about killed him.
He got some pretty good press and got some political help. 
Hot his card

back in about 6 weeks.

So, if you want to keep your FOID stay out of psych wards!

Philip J. Rankin
Wireless Telecommunications Services
PO Box 24
Pittsburg, KS  66762

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Chuck McCown
You oldtard...

From: Ken Hohhof 
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2015 12:41 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

So Chucks says “folks are smart and mostly polite” and then you have to ruin it.

I don’t understand why it takes so little provocation these days to use the 
**tard word.  In this case, just because you disagree with some folks.  As I’ve 
turned 65 recently, I’ve noticed people using that language with senior 
citizens because they (we?) don’t move fast enough or something.  Not to 
mention it’s insulting to people with mental retardation, to use that very 
outdated term.

Should I not expect civility online anywhere?

From: Philip Rankin 
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2015 1:09 PM
To: af 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!

On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller <> 

  It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the country do not 
necessarily share your views.
  Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did know what 
they were doing.
  For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is becoming 
more and more difficult ;)

- Original Message - 
From: Chuck McCown 
Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
Subject: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

This has been fun reading.

I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite and post some pretty 
well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost any issue.  This is all the 
social media I need.

I did want to make a comment about the Illinois FOID card.

I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in about 1993 in Quincy Illinois. 
Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I  learned that a co-worker had 
suffered some kind of stress attack and was in the hospital.  That 
they were out of beds in some of the areas so that took him to the 5th 
floor.  That is the psych floor.

Then, it turned out, anyone that gets admitted to a psych ward in Illinois 
gets reported to the FOID people.
They revoke the FOID card.

This guy was a big time hunter.  It just about killed him.
He got some pretty good press and got some political help.  Hot his card 
back in about 6 weeks.

So, if you want to keep your FOID stay out of psych wards!


Philip J. Rankin 
Wireless Telecommunications Services
PO Box 24
Pittsburg, KS  66762

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Patrick Leary
Civility is a mark of honor, intelligence and good parenting. The mirror of 
that is equally true.


Patrick Leary
On Oct 11, 2015 2:40 PM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:
So Chucks says “folks are smart and mostly polite” and then you have to ruin it.

I don’t understand why it takes so little provocation these days to use the 
**tard word.  In this case, just because you disagree with some folks.  As I’ve 
turned 65 recently, I’ve noticed people using that language with senior 
citizens because they (we?) don’t move fast enough or something.  Not to 
mention it’s insulting to people with mental retardation, to use that very 
outdated term.

Should I not expect civility online anywhere?

From: Philip Rankin<>
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2015 1:09 PM
To: af<>
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!

On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller 
<<>> wrote:

It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the country do not 
necessarily share your views.
Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did know what 
they were doing.
For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is becoming more 
and more difficult ;)

- Original Message -
From: Chuck McCown<>
Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
Subject: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

This has been fun reading.

I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite and post some pretty
well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost any issue.  This is all the
social media I need.

I did want to make a comment about the Illinois FOID card.

I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in about 1993 in Quincy Illinois.
Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I  learned that a co-worker had
suffered some kind of stress attack and was in the hospital.  That afternoon
they were out of beds in some of the areas so that took him to the 5th
floor.  That is the psych floor.

Then, it turned out, anyone that gets admitted to a psych ward in Illinois
gets reported to the FOID people.
They revoke the FOID card.

This guy was a big time hunter.  It just about killed him.
He got some pretty good press and got some political help.  Hot his card
back in about 6 weeks.

So, if you want to keep your FOID stay out of psych wards!

Philip J. Rankin
Wireless Telecommunications Services
PO Box 24
Pittsburg, KS  66762

This footnote confirms that this email message has been scanned by
PineApp Mail-SeCure for the presence of malicious code, vandals & computer 

This footnote confirms that this email message has been scanned by
PineApp Mail-SeCure for the presence of malicious code, vandals & computer 

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Philip Rankin
My IQ is only high enough to know that if you spend $3 trillion dollars and
only take in 2, something has got to happen.  And that if you stick a knife
in a baby's neck or back, it's gonna die.   I don't really need a much
higher IQ than that to argue my point about liberalism!

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:56 PM, Jaime Solorza <>

> Oh yeah you far right wingers score high on IQ tests.
> Jaime Solorza
> On Oct 11, 2015 12:09 PM, "Philip Rankin" <> wrote:
>> Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!
>> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller <
>>> wrote:
>>> It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the country do
>>> not necessarily share your views.
>>> Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did know
>>> what they were doing.
>>> For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is
>>> becoming more and more difficult ;)
>>> ----- Original Message -
>>> *From:* Chuck McCown <>
>>> *To:*
>>> *Sent:* Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
>>> *Subject:* [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
>>> This has been fun reading.
>>> I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite and post some
>>> pretty
>>> well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost any issue.  This is all
>>> the
>>> social media I need.
>>> I did want to make a comment about the Illinois FOID card.
>>> I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in about 1993 in Quincy Illinois.
>>> Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I  learned that a co-worker
>>> had
>>> suffered some kind of stress attack and was in the hospital.  That
>>> afternoon
>>> they were out of beds in some of the areas so that took him to the 5th
>>> floor.  That is the psych floor.
>>> Then, it turned out, anyone that gets admitted to a psych ward in
>>> Illinois
>>> gets reported to the FOID people.
>>> They revoke the FOID card.
>>> This guy was a big time hunter.  It just about killed him.
>>> He got some pretty good press and got some political help.  Hot his card
>>> back in about 6 weeks.
>>> So, if you want to keep your FOID stay out of psych wards!
>> --
>> Philip J. Rankin
>> Wireless Telecommunications Services
>> PO Box 24
>> Pittsburg, KS  66762

Philip J. Rankin
Wireless Telecommunications Services
PO Box 24
Pittsburg, KS  66762

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Ken Hohhof
We come in peas:

From: Jaime Solorza 
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2015 5:15 PM
To: Animal Farm 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

  Salud.  Going to enjoy my beer and let you enjoy your day.since you are 
from Kansaslet me quote John...Lennon that isAll We Are Saying...Is 
Give Peace A Chance.  
Hip Solorza

On Oct 11, 2015 3:48 PM, "Philip Rankin" <> wrote:

  Nixon was conservative, but  with him  trying to cover up his crooked tail, 
we never saw much of anything from him.  He was truly ineffective.  Ford  and 
Bush??  Hahaha.  Not conservative  RINO.  Reagan, a different story. He wasn't 
perfect, but in his heart he held conservatism high.  There is only one way to 
preside and that is to work  with the other side some.  That's when he had to 
give up his far right position some  Nixon is the only conservative that had 
any bearing on this country in the last 50 years.  I should say conservative 

  On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Josh Luthman <> 

Nixon Ford Reagan Bush...

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Philip Rankin <> 

  Yes, one. 

  On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Josh Luthman 
<> wrote:

You know we've had conservative politicians and presidents in the last 
50 years right?

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Oct 11, 2015 3:52 PM, "Philip Rankin" <> wrote:

  Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that 
logic???  How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this 
country in the past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, actually 
it's so far beyond rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the 
debt, the credit ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the 
stupidity of laws that cover laws that should not have ever been written in the 
first place.  Or, the stupid recent healthcare law that the majority of the 
population don't want because we were lied to about it.  And then the RINOs 
bailing out their favorite companies after they got their kickbacks?  And this 
isn't even the tip of the iceberg. It's all liberal stupidity.  Notice I didn't 
say Democrat or Republican?  It's libtards! These folk have no concern for 
their country or their fellow man.  All they want is to line their pockets and 
control people!  Call me rude if you like!  I haven't even cracked the door on 
the rudeness these people have done to all of us including many generations to 
follow us!  And,  while were at it, how about all of those babies that will 
never have an opportunity to join us?  What a sickening shame!  No, Travesty!

  On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Philip Rankin 
<> wrote:

Haven't made my point yet Lewis.  But, saw enough of those that 
were not in agreement with you in the thread to know that they don't believe in 
"Certain Inalienable Rights" with government here only to preserve those 
rights, not impose someone else's stupidity on me.  And, that the libs want 
someone else to take care of them all of the time.  To me, that's retarded and 
just plain dumb.  Now that I look at those that have their crazy position and 
compare that position to their past posts on here, I now understand some of 
their past posts here!   

I am not about to let someone shoot me during a convenience store 
holdup.  I will die with my 45 in hand before I let the bad guy take me or 
anyone else easily.  Now, to shoot someone as he is driving away with my dvd 
player as more libtardiness suggested  How dumb! To take a life because 
someone is a thief???  That's just another liberal ploy adage to try to make 
others believe that we shouldn't have those inalienable rights.  Life is 
precious, things, not so much!  But my life is more precious to me than to let 
someone else try to protect me from halfway across the county (The Police)! 

So, to make my point about your comment "People assume you are out 
of salient points to make."  No, I'm just trying to use a concise word that 
describes all the stupidity that today's liberals have stooped to.  and libtard 
pretty much does that!

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Lewis Bergman 
<> wrote:

  Come on now. Be civil. You only hurt your own argument when you 
resort to name calling. People assume you are out of salient points to make.

  On Sun, Oct 11, 2015, 1:09 PM Philip Rankin 

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Ken Hohhof
Just don’t call me a unitard.

From: Chuck McCown 
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2015 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

You oldtard...

From: Ken Hohhof 
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2015 12:41 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

So Chucks says “folks are smart and mostly polite” and then you have to ruin it.

I don’t understand why it takes so little provocation these days to use the 
**tard word.  In this case, just because you disagree with some folks.  As I’ve 
turned 65 recently, I’ve noticed people using that language with senior 
citizens because they (we?) don’t move fast enough or something.  Not to 
mention it’s insulting to people with mental retardation, to use that very 
outdated term.

Should I not expect civility online anywhere?

From: Philip Rankin 
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2015 1:09 PM
To: af 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!

On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller <> 

  It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the country do not 
necessarily share your views.
  Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did know what 
they were doing.
  For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is becoming 
more and more difficult ;)

- Original Message - 
From: Chuck McCown 
Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
Subject: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

This has been fun reading.

I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite and post some pretty 
well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost any issue.  This is all the 
social media I need.

I did want to make a comment about the Illinois FOID card.

I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in about 1993 in Quincy Illinois. 
Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I  learned that a co-worker had 
suffered some kind of stress attack and was in the hospital.  That 
they were out of beds in some of the areas so that took him to the 5th 
floor.  That is the psych floor.

Then, it turned out, anyone that gets admitted to a psych ward in Illinois 
gets reported to the FOID people.
They revoke the FOID card.

This guy was a big time hunter.  It just about killed him.
He got some pretty good press and got some political help.  Hot his card 
back in about 6 weeks.

So, if you want to keep your FOID stay out of psych wards!


Philip J. Rankin 
Wireless Telecommunications Services
PO Box 24
Pittsburg, KS  66762

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Philip Rankin
Haven't made my point yet Lewis.  But, saw enough of those that were not in
agreement with you in the thread to know that they don't believe in
"Certain Inalienable Rights" with government here only to preserve those
rights, not impose someone else's stupidity on me.  And, that the libs want
someone else to take care of them all of the time.  To me, that's retarded
and just plain dumb.  Now that I look at those that have their crazy
position and compare that position to their past posts on here, I now
understand some of their past posts here!

I am not about to let someone shoot me during a convenience store holdup.
I will die with my 45 in hand before I let the bad guy take me or anyone
else easily.  Now, to shoot someone as he is driving away with my dvd
player as more libtardiness suggested  How dumb! To take a life because
someone is a thief???  That's just another liberal ploy adage to try to
make others believe that we shouldn't have those inalienable rights.  Life
is precious, things, not so much!  But my life is more precious to me than
to let someone else try to protect me from halfway across the county (The

So, to make my point about your comment "People assume you are out of
salient points to make."  No, I'm just trying to use a concise word that
describes all the stupidity that today's liberals have stooped to.  and
libtard pretty much does that!

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Lewis Bergman <>

> Come on now. Be civil. You only hurt your own argument when you resort to
> name calling. People assume you are out of salient points to make.
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015, 1:09 PM Philip Rankin <> wrote:
>> Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!
>> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller <
>>> wrote:
>>> It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the country do
>>> not necessarily share your views.
>>> Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did know
>>> what they were doing.
>>> For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is
>>> becoming more and more difficult ;)
>>> ----- Original Message -
>>> *From:* Chuck McCown <>
>>> *To:*
>>> *Sent:* Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
>>> *Subject:* [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
>>> This has been fun reading.
>>> I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite and post some
>>> pretty
>>> well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost any issue.  This is all
>>> the
>>> social media I need.
>>> I did want to make a comment about the Illinois FOID card.
>>> I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in about 1993 in Quincy Illinois.
>>> Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I  learned that a co-worker
>>> had
>>> suffered some kind of stress attack and was in the hospital.  That
>>> afternoon
>>> they were out of beds in some of the areas so that took him to the 5th
>>> floor.  That is the psych floor.
>>> Then, it turned out, anyone that gets admitted to a psych ward in
>>> Illinois
>>> gets reported to the FOID people.
>>> They revoke the FOID card.
>>> This guy was a big time hunter.  It just about killed him.
>>> He got some pretty good press and got some political help.  Hot his card
>>> back in about 6 weeks.
>>> So, if you want to keep your FOID stay out of psych wards!
>> --
>> Philip J. Rankin
>> Wireless Telecommunications Services
>> PO Box 24
>> Pittsburg, KS  66762

Philip J. Rankin
Wireless Telecommunications Services
PO Box 24
Pittsburg, KS  66762

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Josh Luthman
You know we've had conservative politicians and presidents in the last 50
years right?

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373
On Oct 11, 2015 3:52 PM, "Philip Rankin" <> wrote:

> Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that
> logic???  How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this
> country in the past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, actually
> it's so far beyond rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the
> debt, the credit ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the
> stupidity of laws that cover laws that should not have ever been written in
> the first place.  Or, the stupid recent healthcare law that the majority of
> the population don't want because we were lied to about it.  And then the
> RINOs bailing out their favorite companies after they got their kickbacks?
> And this isn't even the tip of the iceberg. It's all liberal stupidity.
> Notice I didn't say Democrat or Republican?  It's libtards! These folk have
> no concern for their country or their fellow man.  All they want is to line
> their pockets and control people!  Call me rude if you like!  I haven't
> even cracked the door on the rudeness these people have done to all of us
> including many generations to follow us!  And,  while were at it, how about
> all of those babies that will never have an opportunity to join us?  What a
> sickening shame!  No, Travesty!
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Philip Rankin <>
> wrote:
>> Haven't made my point yet Lewis.  But, saw enough of those that were not
>> in agreement with you in the thread to know that they don't believe in
>> "Certain Inalienable Rights" with government here only to preserve those
>> rights, not impose someone else's stupidity on me.  And, that the libs want
>> someone else to take care of them all of the time.  To me, that's retarded
>> and just plain dumb.  Now that I look at those that have their crazy
>> position and compare that position to their past posts on here, I now
>> understand some of their past posts here!
>> I am not about to let someone shoot me during a convenience store
>> holdup.  I will die with my 45 in hand before I let the bad guy take me or
>> anyone else easily.  Now, to shoot someone as he is driving away with my
>> dvd player as more libtardiness suggested  How dumb! To take a life
>> because someone is a thief???  That's just another liberal ploy adage to
>> try to make others believe that we shouldn't have those inalienable
>> rights.  Life is precious, things, not so much!  But my life is more
>> precious to me than to let someone else try to protect me from halfway
>> across the county (The Police)!
>> So, to make my point about your comment "People assume you are out of
>> salient points to make."  No, I'm just trying to use a concise word that
>> describes all the stupidity that today's liberals have stooped to.  and
>> libtard pretty much does that!
>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Lewis Bergman <>
>> wrote:
>>> Come on now. Be civil. You only hurt your own argument when you resort
>>> to name calling. People assume you are out of salient points to make.
>>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015, 1:09 PM Philip Rankin <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!
>>>> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the country
>>>>> do not necessarily share your views.
>>>>> Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did
>>>>> know what they were doing.
>>>>> For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is
>>>>> becoming more and more difficult ;)
>>>>> - Original Message -
>>>>> *From:* Chuck McCown <>
>>>>> *To:*
>>>>> *Sent:* Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
>>>>> *Subject:* [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
>>>>> This has been fun reading.
>>>>> I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite and post some
>>>>> pretty
>>>>> well reasoned arguments on both sides of almo

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Mathew Howard
Well, he did say "mostly polite", not completely polite...

And no, you probably shouldn't expect civility anywhere online, or not
online, for that matter... unless you enjoy being disappointed :P

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 1:41 PM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:

> So Chucks says “folks are smart and mostly polite” and then you have to
> ruin it.
> I don’t understand why it takes so little provocation these days to use
> the **tard word.  In this case, just because you disagree with some folks.
> As I’ve turned 65 recently, I’ve noticed people using that language with
> senior citizens because they (we?) don’t move fast enough or something.
> Not to mention it’s insulting to people with mental retardation, to use
> that very outdated term.
> Should I not expect civility online anywhere?
> *From:* Philip Rankin <>
> *Sent:* Sunday, October 11, 2015 1:09 PM
> *To:* af <>
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
> Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!
> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller <
>> wrote:
>> It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the country do
>> not necessarily share your views.
>> Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did know
>> what they were doing.
>> For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is
>> becoming more and more difficult ;)
>> ----- Original Message -
>> *From:* Chuck McCown <>
>> *To:*
>> *Sent:* Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
>> *Subject:* [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
>> This has been fun reading.
>> I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite and post some pretty
>> well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost any issue.  This is all
>> the
>> social media I need.
>> I did want to make a comment about the Illinois FOID card.
>> I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in about 1993 in Quincy Illinois.
>> Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I  learned that a co-worker
>> had
>> suffered some kind of stress attack and was in the hospital.  That
>> afternoon
>> they were out of beds in some of the areas so that took him to the 5th
>> floor.  That is the psych floor.
>> Then, it turned out, anyone that gets admitted to a psych ward in
>> Illinois
>> gets reported to the FOID people.
>> They revoke the FOID card.
>> This guy was a big time hunter.  It just about killed him.
>> He got some pretty good press and got some political help.  Hot his card
>> back in about 6 weeks.
>> So, if you want to keep your FOID stay out of psych wards!
> --
> Philip J. Rankin
> Wireless Telecommunications Services
> PO Box 24
> Pittsburg, KS  66762

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Jaime Solorza
Hold that thought headed to but some Mexican beer in my Chevy truck at
Venezuelan owned store in west Texas

Jaime Solorza
On Oct 11, 2015 3:00 PM, "Philip Rankin" <> wrote:

> My IQ is only high enough to know that if you spend $3 trillion dollars
> and only take in 2, something has got to happen.  And that if you stick a
> knife in a baby's neck or back, it's gonna die.   I don't really need a
> much higher IQ than that to argue my point about liberalism!
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:56 PM, Jaime Solorza <>
> wrote:
>> Oh yeah you far right wingers score high on IQ tests.
>> Jaime Solorza
>> On Oct 11, 2015 12:09 PM, "Philip Rankin" <> wrote:
>>> Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!
>>> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the country
>>>> do not necessarily share your views.
>>>> Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did know
>>>> what they were doing.
>>>> For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is
>>>> becoming more and more difficult ;)
>>>> - Original Message -
>>>> *From:* Chuck McCown <>
>>>> *To:*
>>>> *Sent:* Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
>>>> *Subject:* [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
>>>> This has been fun reading.
>>>> I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite and post some
>>>> pretty
>>>> well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost any issue.  This is all
>>>> the
>>>> social media I need.
>>>> I did want to make a comment about the Illinois FOID card.
>>>> I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in about 1993 in Quincy
>>>> Illinois.
>>>> Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I  learned that a co-worker
>>>> had
>>>> suffered some kind of stress attack and was in the hospital.  That
>>>> afternoon
>>>> they were out of beds in some of the areas so that took him to the 5th
>>>> floor.  That is the psych floor.
>>>> Then, it turned out, anyone that gets admitted to a psych ward in
>>>> Illinois
>>>> gets reported to the FOID people.
>>>> They revoke the FOID card.
>>>> This guy was a big time hunter.  It just about killed him.
>>>> He got some pretty good press and got some political help.  Hot his
>>>> card
>>>> back in about 6 weeks.
>>>> So, if you want to keep your FOID stay out of psych wards!
>>> --
>>> Philip J. Rankin
>>> Wireless Telecommunications Services
>>> PO Box 24
>>> Pittsburg, KS  66762
> --
> Philip J. Rankin
> Wireless Telecommunications Services
> PO Box 24
> Pittsburg, KS  66762

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Josh Luthman
Nixon Ford Reagan Bush...

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 4:55 PM, Philip Rankin <>

> Yes, one.
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Josh Luthman <
> > wrote:
>> You know we've had conservative politicians and presidents in the last 50
>> years right?
>> Josh Luthman
>> Office: 937-552-2340
>> Direct: 937-552-2343
>> 1100 Wayne St
>> Suite 1337
>> Troy, OH 45373
>> On Oct 11, 2015 3:52 PM, "Philip Rankin" <> wrote:
>>> Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that
>>> logic???  How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this
>>> country in the past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, actually
>>> it's so far beyond rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the
>>> debt, the credit ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the
>>> stupidity of laws that cover laws that should not have ever been written in
>>> the first place.  Or, the stupid recent healthcare law that the majority of
>>> the population don't want because we were lied to about it.  And then the
>>> RINOs bailing out their favorite companies after they got their kickbacks?
>>> And this isn't even the tip of the iceberg. It's all liberal stupidity.
>>> Notice I didn't say Democrat or Republican?  It's libtards! These folk have
>>> no concern for their country or their fellow man.  All they want is to line
>>> their pockets and control people!  Call me rude if you like!  I haven't
>>> even cracked the door on the rudeness these people have done to all of us
>>> including many generations to follow us!  And,  while were at it, how about
>>> all of those babies that will never have an opportunity to join us?  What a
>>> sickening shame!  No, Travesty!
>>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Philip Rankin <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Haven't made my point yet Lewis.  But, saw enough of those that were
>>>> not in agreement with you in the thread to know that they don't believe in
>>>> "Certain Inalienable Rights" with government here only to preserve those
>>>> rights, not impose someone else's stupidity on me.  And, that the libs want
>>>> someone else to take care of them all of the time.  To me, that's retarded
>>>> and just plain dumb.  Now that I look at those that have their crazy
>>>> position and compare that position to their past posts on here, I now
>>>> understand some of their past posts here!
>>>> I am not about to let someone shoot me during a convenience store
>>>> holdup.  I will die with my 45 in hand before I let the bad guy take me or
>>>> anyone else easily.  Now, to shoot someone as he is driving away with my
>>>> dvd player as more libtardiness suggested  How dumb! To take a life
>>>> because someone is a thief???  That's just another liberal ploy adage to
>>>> try to make others believe that we shouldn't have those inalienable
>>>> rights.  Life is precious, things, not so much!  But my life is more
>>>> precious to me than to let someone else try to protect me from halfway
>>>> across the county (The Police)!
>>>> So, to make my point about your comment "People assume you are out of
>>>> salient points to make."  No, I'm just trying to use a concise word that
>>>> describes all the stupidity that today's liberals have stooped to.  and
>>>> libtard pretty much does that!
>>>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Lewis Bergman <
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> Come on now. Be civil. You only hurt your own argument when you resort
>>>>> to name calling. People assume you are out of salient points to make.
>>>>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015, 1:09 PM Philip Rankin <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!
>>>>>> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Bill Prince

   We have two ears and one tongue so that we would listen more and
   talk less.



On 10/11/2015 1:34 PM, Philip Rankin wrote:
Haven't made my point yet Lewis.  But, saw enough of those that were 
not in agreement with you in the thread to know that they don't 
believe in "Certain Inalienable Rights" with government here only to 
preserve those rights, not impose someone else's stupidity on me.  
And, that the libs want someone else to take care of them all of the 
time.  To me, that's retarded and just plain dumb.  Now that I look at 
those that have their crazy position and compare that position to 
their past posts on here, I now understand some of their past posts here!

I am not about to let someone shoot me during a convenience store 
holdup.  I will die with my 45 in hand before I let the bad guy take 
me or anyone else easily.  Now, to shoot someone as he is driving away 
with my dvd player as more libtardiness suggested  How dumb! To 
take a life because someone is a thief???  That's just another liberal 
ploy adage to try to make others believe that we shouldn't have those 
inalienable rights.  Life is precious, things, not so much!  But my 
life is more precious to me than to let someone else try to protect me 
from halfway across the county (The Police)!

So, to make my point about your comment "People assume you are out of 
salient points to make."  No, I'm just trying to use a concise word 
that describes all the stupidity that today's liberals have stooped 
to.  and libtard pretty much does that!

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Lewis Bergman 
< <>> wrote:

Come on now. Be civil. You only hurt your own argument when you
resort to name calling. People assume you are out of salient
points to make.

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015, 1:09 PM Philip Rankin <
<>> wrote:

Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!

On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller
< <>>

It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of
the country do not necessarily share your views.
Also a great reminder that the founders of this country
really did know what they were doing.
For things to happen in this country you have to
AGREE...which is becoming more and more difficult ;)

- Original Message -
*From:* Chuck McCown <>
*To:* <>
    *Sent:* Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
*Subject:* [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

This has been fun reading.

I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite
and post some pretty
well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost any
issue.  This is all the
social media I need.

I did want to make a comment about the Illinois FOID card.

I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in about 1993
in Quincy Illinois.
Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I  learned
that a co-worker had
suffered some kind of stress attack and was in the
hospital.  That afternoon
they were out of beds in some of the areas so that
took him to the 5th
floor.  That is the psych floor.

Then, it turned out, anyone that gets admitted to a
psych ward in Illinois
gets reported to the FOID people.
They revoke the FOID card.

This guy was a big time hunter.  It just about killed him.
He got some pretty good press and got some political
help.  Hot his card
back in about 6 weeks.

So, if you want to keep your FOID stay out of psych wards!

Philip J. Rankin

Wireless Telecommunications Services
PO Box 24
Pittsburg, KS  66762

Philip J. Rankin
Wireless Telecommunications Services
PO Box 24
Pittsburg, KS  66762

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Ken Hohhof
I worry about a generation of kids raised on the Internet I encounter out in 
the real world who don’t seem to know a different set of rules apply.  I’m 
surprised more don’t get punched in the nose.  Their real nose, not an 
anonymous, virtual nose.

Speaking of which, this video of Buzz Aldrin never gets old:

That’s probably what my father, who fought in WWII and helped liberate some of 
the death camps, would do today if he were still alive and met one of those 
Holocaust deniers.

I also remember I think it was Mike Royko reporting that after a hockey game at 
Chicago Stadium, a fan had punched Gordie Howe in the fist with his face.  
Google couldn’t find that for me, closest I could find was:

And to be clear, I’m not threatening to punch anybody in the nose, that’s not 
my point.  I’m saying civility may be a thing of the past online, but it’s 
still a good idea IRL.

Those of you in areas where people routinely carry firearms, does that cause 
people to think twice before insulting other people?  Or is it like the gangs 
in Chicago and they shoot instead of punching noses?  The movie Tombstone was 
on TV yesterday, nice image of uncivil society.

Well, at least our weapon of choice when disrespected isn’t a bomb like some 
parts of the world.

From: Mathew Howard 
Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2015 4:05 PM
To: af 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

Well, he did say "mostly polite", not completely polite...

And no, you probably shouldn't expect civility anywhere online, or not online, 
for that matter... unless you enjoy being disappointed :P

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 1:41 PM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:

  So Chucks says “folks are smart and mostly polite” and then you have to ruin 

  I don’t understand why it takes so little provocation these days to use the 
**tard word.  In this case, just because you disagree with some folks.  As I’ve 
turned 65 recently, I’ve noticed people using that language with senior 
citizens because they (we?) don’t move fast enough or something.  Not to 
mention it’s insulting to people with mental retardation, to use that very 
outdated term.

  Should I not expect civility online anywhere?

  From: Philip Rankin 
  Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2015 1:09 PM
  To: af 
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

  Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!

  On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller 
<> wrote:

It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the country do 
not necessarily share your views.
Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did know 
what they were doing.
For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is becoming 
more and more difficult ;)

  - Original Message - 
  From: Chuck McCown 
  Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
      Subject: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

  This has been fun reading.

  I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite and post some pretty 
  well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost any issue.  This is all 
  social media I need.

  I did want to make a comment about the Illinois FOID card.

  I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in about 1993 in Quincy Illinois. 
  Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I  learned that a co-worker 
  suffered some kind of stress attack and was in the hospital.  That 
  they were out of beds in some of the areas so that took him to the 5th 
  floor.  That is the psych floor.

  Then, it turned out, anyone that gets admitted to a psych ward in 
  gets reported to the FOID people.
  They revoke the FOID card.

  This guy was a big time hunter.  It just about killed him.
  He got some pretty good press and got some political help.  Hot his card 
  back in about 6 weeks.

  So, if you want to keep your FOID stay out of psych wards!


  Philip J. Rankin 
  Wireless Telecommunications Services
  PO Box 24
  Pittsburg, KS  66762

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread George Skorup
Yeah, so what. Texas is America, right? We fought a war and Mexico lost. 
A mix of cultures is great, we have everything here! Being proud of your 
heritage is also a good thing, but being arrogant about it not so much. 
(not directing that at you, Jaime)

We are a "Nation of Laws" as a lot of people like to say. Lets start by 
enforcing them. On immigration or guns or whatever.

On 10/11/2015 4:06 PM, Jaime Solorza wrote:

Hold that thought headed to but some Mexican beer in my Chevy 
truck at Venezuelan owned store in west Texas

Jaime Solorza

On Oct 11, 2015 3:00 PM, "Philip Rankin" < 
<>> wrote:

My IQ is only high enough to know that if you spend $3 trillion
dollars and only take in 2, something has got to happen.  And that
if you stick a knife in a baby's neck or back, it's gonna die.   I
don't really need a much higher IQ than that to argue my point
about liberalism!

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:56 PM, Jaime Solorza
< <>> wrote:

Oh yeah you far right wingers score high on IQ tests.

Jaime Solorza

On Oct 11, 2015 12:09 PM, "Philip Rankin"
< <>> wrote:

Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!

On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller
<>> wrote:

It is also a great reminder that people in other parts
of the country do not necessarily share your views.
Also a great reminder that the founders of this
country really did know what they were doing.
For things to happen in this country you have to
AGREE...which is becoming more and more difficult ;)

- Original Message -
*From:* Chuck McCown <>
*To:* <>
        *Sent:* Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
*Subject:* [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

This has been fun reading.

I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly
polite and post some pretty
well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost
any issue.  This is all the
social media I need.

I did want to make a comment about the Illinois
FOID card.

I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in about
1993 in Quincy Illinois.
Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I 
learned that a co-worker had

suffered some kind of stress attack and was in the
hospital. That afternoon
they were out of beds in some of the areas so that
took him to the 5th
floor.  That is the psych floor.

Then, it turned out, anyone that gets admitted to
a psych ward in Illinois
gets reported to the FOID people.
They revoke the FOID card.

This guy was a big time hunter. It just about
killed him.
He got some pretty good press and got some
political help.  Hot his card
back in about 6 weeks.

So, if you want to keep your FOID stay out of
psych wards!

Philip J. Rankin

Wireless Telecommunications Services
PO Box 24
Pittsburg, KS  66762

Philip J. Rankin

Wireless Telecommunications Services
PO Box 24
Pittsburg, KS  66762

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Philip Rankin
ed to.  and
>>>>> libtard pretty much does that!
>>>>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Lewis Bergman <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Come on now. Be civil. You only hurt your own argument when you
>>>>>> resort to name calling. People assume you are out of salient points to 
>>>>>> make.
>>>>>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015, 1:09 PM Philip Rankin <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!
>>>>>>> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the
>>>>>>>> country do not necessarily share your views.
>>>>>>>> Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did
>>>>>>>> know what they were doing.
>>>>>>>> For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is
>>>>>>>> becoming more and more difficult ;)
>>>>>>>> - Original Message -
>>>>>>>> *From:* Chuck McCown <>
>>>>>>>> *To:*
>>>>>>>> *Sent:* Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
>>>>>>>> *Subject:* [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
>>>>>>>> This has been fun reading.
>>>>>>>> I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite and post some
>>>>>>>> pretty
>>>>>>>> well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost any issue.  This is
>>>>>>>> all the
>>>>>>>> social media I need.
>>>>>>>> I did want to make a comment about the Illinois FOID card.
>>>>>>>> I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in about 1993 in Quincy
>>>>>>>> Illinois.
>>>>>>>> Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I  learned that a
>>>>>>>> co-worker had
>>>>>>>> suffered some kind of stress attack and was in the hospital.  That
>>>>>>>> afternoon
>>>>>>>> they were out of beds in some of the areas so that took him to the
>>>>>>>> 5th
>>>>>>>> floor.  That is the psych floor.
>>>>>>>> Then, it turned out, anyone that gets admitted to a psych ward in
>>>>>>>> Illinois
>>>>>>>> gets reported to the FOID people.
>>>>>>>> They revoke the FOID card.
>>>>>>>> This guy was a big time hunter.  It just about killed him.
>>>>>>>> He got some pretty good press and got some political help.  Hot his
>>>>>>>> card
>>>>>>>> back in about 6 weeks.
>>>>>>>> So, if you want to keep your FOID stay out of psych wards!
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Philip J. Rankin
>>>>>>> Wireless Telecommunications Services
>>>>>>> PO Box 24
>>>>>>> Pittsburg, KS  66762
>>>>> --
>>>>> Philip J. Rankin
>>>>> Wireless Telecommunications Services
>>>>> PO Box 24
>>>>> Pittsburg, KS  66762
>>>> --
>>>> Philip J. Rankin
>>>> Wireless Telecommunications Services
>>>> PO Box 24
>>>> Pittsburg, KS  66762
>> --
>> Philip J. Rankin
>> Wireless Telecommunications Services
>> PO Box 24
>> Pittsburg, KS  66762

Philip J. Rankin
Wireless Telecommunications Services
PO Box 24
Pittsburg, KS  66762

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Philip Rankin
Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that
logic???  How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this
country in the past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, actually
it's so far beyond rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the
debt, the credit ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the
stupidity of laws that cover laws that should not have ever been written in
the first place.  Or, the stupid recent healthcare law that the majority of
the population don't want because we were lied to about it.  And then the
RINOs bailing out their favorite companies after they got their kickbacks?
And this isn't even the tip of the iceberg. It's all liberal stupidity.
Notice I didn't say Democrat or Republican?  It's libtards! These folk have
no concern for their country or their fellow man.  All they want is to line
their pockets and control people!  Call me rude if you like!  I haven't
even cracked the door on the rudeness these people have done to all of us
including many generations to follow us!  And,  while were at it, how about
all of those babies that will never have an opportunity to join us?  What a
sickening shame!  No, Travesty!

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Philip Rankin <>

> Haven't made my point yet Lewis.  But, saw enough of those that were not
> in agreement with you in the thread to know that they don't believe in
> "Certain Inalienable Rights" with government here only to preserve those
> rights, not impose someone else's stupidity on me.  And, that the libs want
> someone else to take care of them all of the time.  To me, that's retarded
> and just plain dumb.  Now that I look at those that have their crazy
> position and compare that position to their past posts on here, I now
> understand some of their past posts here!
> I am not about to let someone shoot me during a convenience store holdup.
> I will die with my 45 in hand before I let the bad guy take me or anyone
> else easily.  Now, to shoot someone as he is driving away with my dvd
> player as more libtardiness suggested  How dumb! To take a life because
> someone is a thief???  That's just another liberal ploy adage to try to
> make others believe that we shouldn't have those inalienable rights.  Life
> is precious, things, not so much!  But my life is more precious to me than
> to let someone else try to protect me from halfway across the county (The
> Police)!
> So, to make my point about your comment "People assume you are out of
> salient points to make."  No, I'm just trying to use a concise word that
> describes all the stupidity that today's liberals have stooped to.  and
> libtard pretty much does that!
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Lewis Bergman <>
> wrote:
>> Come on now. Be civil. You only hurt your own argument when you resort to
>> name calling. People assume you are out of salient points to make.
>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015, 1:09 PM Philip Rankin <>
>> wrote:
>>> Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!
>>> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the country
>>>> do not necessarily share your views.
>>>> Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did know
>>>> what they were doing.
>>>> For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is
>>>> becoming more and more difficult ;)
>>>> - Original Message -
>>>> *From:* Chuck McCown <>
>>>> *To:*
>>>> *Sent:* Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
>>>> *Subject:* [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
>>>> This has been fun reading.
>>>> I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite and post some
>>>> pretty
>>>> well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost any issue.  This is all
>>>> the
>>>> social media I need.
>>>> I did want to make a comment about the Illinois FOID card.
>>>> I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in about 1993 in Quincy
>>>> Illinois.
>>>> Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I  learned that a co-worker
>>>> had
>>>> suffered some kind of stress attack and was in the hospital.  That
>>>> afternoon
>>>> they were out of beds in some of the areas so th

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Jaime Solorza
Oh yeah you far right wingers score high on IQ tests.

Jaime Solorza
On Oct 11, 2015 12:09 PM, "Philip Rankin" <> wrote:

> Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!
> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller <
>> wrote:
>> It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the country do
>> not necessarily share your views.
>> Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did know
>> what they were doing.
>> For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is
>> becoming more and more difficult ;)
>> - Original Message -
>> *From:* Chuck McCown <>
>> *To:*
>> *Sent:* Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
>> *Subject:* [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
>> This has been fun reading.
>> I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite and post some pretty
>> well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost any issue.  This is all
>> the
>> social media I need.
>> I did want to make a comment about the Illinois FOID card.
>> I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in about 1993 in Quincy Illinois.
>> Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I  learned that a co-worker
>> had
>> suffered some kind of stress attack and was in the hospital.  That
>> afternoon
>> they were out of beds in some of the areas so that took him to the 5th
>> floor.  That is the psych floor.
>> Then, it turned out, anyone that gets admitted to a psych ward in
>> Illinois
>> gets reported to the FOID people.
>> They revoke the FOID card.
>> This guy was a big time hunter.  It just about killed him.
>> He got some pretty good press and got some political help.  Hot his card
>> back in about 6 weeks.
>> So, if you want to keep your FOID stay out of psych wards!
> --
> Philip J. Rankin
> Wireless Telecommunications Services
> PO Box 24
> Pittsburg, KS  66762

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Jaime Solorza
I assumed we were all sentient listers oh wait I almost forgot I
shouldn't write at this level ...some will have to look up definition since
they are not part of the cognus scenti .ducking before I get shot..

Jaime Solorza
On Oct 11, 2015 2:26 PM, "Patrick Leary" <> wrote:

> Civility is a mark of honor, intelligence and good parenting. The mirror
> of that is equally true.
> Patrick
> Patrick Leary
> Telrad
> On Oct 11, 2015 2:40 PM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:
> So Chucks says “folks are smart and mostly polite” and then you have to
> ruin it.
> I don’t understand why it takes so little provocation these days to use
> the **tard word.  In this case, just because you disagree with some folks.
> As I’ve turned 65 recently, I’ve noticed people using that language with
> senior citizens because they (we?) don’t move fast enough or something.
> Not to mention it’s insulting to people with mental retardation, to use
> that very outdated term.
> Should I not expect civility online anywhere?
> *From:* Philip Rankin <>
> *Sent:* Sunday, October 11, 2015 1:09 PM
> *To:* af <>
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
> Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!
> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller <
>> wrote:
>> It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the country do
>> not necessarily share your views.
>> Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did know
>> what they were doing.
>> For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is
>> becoming more and more difficult ;)
>> - Original Message -
>> *From:* Chuck McCown <>
>> *To:*
>> *Sent:* Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
>> *Subject:* [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
>> This has been fun reading.
>> I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite and post some pretty
>> well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost any issue.  This is all
>> the
>> social media I need.
>> I did want to make a comment about the Illinois FOID card.
>> I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in about 1993 in Quincy Illinois.
>> Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I  learned that a co-worker
>> had
>> suffered some kind of stress attack and was in the hospital.  That
>> afternoon
>> they were out of beds in some of the areas so that took him to the 5th
>> floor.  That is the psych floor.
>> Then, it turned out, anyone that gets admitted to a psych ward in
>> Illinois
>> gets reported to the FOID people.
>> They revoke the FOID card.
>> This guy was a big time hunter.  It just about killed him.
>> He got some pretty good press and got some political help.  Hot his card
>> back in about 6 weeks.
>> So, if you want to keep your FOID stay out of psych wards!
> --
> Philip J. Rankin
> Wireless Telecommunications Services
> PO Box 24
> Pittsburg, KS  66762
> This footnote confirms that this email message has been scanned by
> PineApp Mail-SeCure for the presence of malicious code, vandals & computer
> viruses.
> This footnote confirms that this email message has been scanned by
> PineApp Mail-SeCure for the presence of malicious code, vandals & computer
> viruses.

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Jaime Solorza
No big if George.I have been called all kinds of things by racists but
only once to my face.   I walked away and he followed.  He got my
shoulder...he got to taste the pavement.   Doesn't matter that I was born
here like my folks and grandparents.  Doesn't matter that my grandpa was in
Army , dad a Marine, brother a Marine and son in Air Force...they served in
Africa Korea Vietnam and Iraq many in our country we are beaners,
spics and wetbacks.  Doesn't matter sister worked for CIA as forensic
analyst or brother is an EE and ME at Raytheon and travels worldwide to fix
problems...we are not true Americans. We learned early on that God bless us
with intelligence and as a side advantage we can all handle our selves hand
to hand plus know how to handle weapons (thanks dad!).  I did same with my
children ...not one...boy or girls has ever lost a fight..and they all know
how to use firearms thanks to my brother.   I choose Not to own a gun.  I
am enjoying my afternoon so not in mode to discuss 2nd Amendment.   Many of
you still think Thomas Jefferson came up with "We the People.." me
los paso por los huevosask Gino to translate...

Jaime Solorza
On Oct 11, 2015 3:41 PM, "George Skorup" <> wrote:

> Yeah, so what. Texas is America, right? We fought a war and Mexico lost. A
> mix of cultures is great, we have everything here! Being proud of your
> heritage is also a good thing, but being arrogant about it not so much.
> (not directing that at you, Jaime)
> We are a "Nation of Laws" as a lot of people like to say. Lets start by
> enforcing them. On immigration or guns or whatever.
> On 10/11/2015 4:06 PM, Jaime Solorza wrote:
> Hold that thought headed to but some Mexican beer in my Chevy truck at
> Venezuelan owned store in west Texas
> Jaime Solorza
> On Oct 11, 2015 3:00 PM, "Philip Rankin" <> wrote:
>> My IQ is only high enough to know that if you spend $3 trillion dollars
>> and only take in 2, something has got to happen.  And that if you stick a
>> knife in a baby's neck or back, it's gonna die.   I don't really need a
>> much higher IQ than that to argue my point about liberalism!
>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:56 PM, Jaime Solorza <
>> > wrote:
>>> Oh yeah you far right wingers score high on IQ tests.
>>> Jaime Solorza
>>> On Oct 11, 2015 12:09 PM, "Philip Rankin" <> wrote:
>>>> Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!
>>>> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the country
>>>>> do not necessarily share your views.
>>>>> Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did
>>>>> know what they were doing.
>>>>> For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is
>>>>> becoming more and more difficult ;)
>>>>> - Original Message -
>>>>> *From:* Chuck McCown <>
>>>>> *To:*
>>>>> *Sent:* Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
>>>>> *Subject:* [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
>>>>> This has been fun reading.
>>>>> I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite and post some
>>>>> pretty
>>>>> well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost any issue.  This is
>>>>> all the
>>>>> social media I need.
>>>>> I did want to make a comment about the Illinois FOID card.
>>>>> I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in about 1993 in Quincy
>>>>> Illinois.
>>>>> Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I  learned that a
>>>>> co-worker had
>>>>> suffered some kind of stress attack and was in the hospital.  That
>>>>> afternoon
>>>>> they were out of beds in some of the areas so that took him to the 5th
>>>>> floor.  That is the psych floor.
>>>>> Then, it turned out, anyone that gets admitted to a psych ward in
>>>>> Illinois
>>>>> gets reported to the FOID people.
>>>>> They revoke the FOID card.
>>>>> This guy was a big time hunter.  It just about killed him.
>>>>> He got some pretty good press and got some political help.  Hot his
>>>>> card
>>>>> back in about 6 weeks.
>>>>> So, if you want to keep your FOID stay out of psych wards!
>>>> --
>>>> Philip J. Rankin
>>>> Wireless Telecommunications Services
>>>> PO Box 24
>>>> Pittsburg, KS  66762
>> --
>> Philip J. Rankin
>> Wireless Telecommunications Services
>> PO Box 24
>> Pittsburg, KS  66762

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Jay Weekley

Google says it means "I pass me the eggs".

Jaime Solorza wrote:

No big if George.I have been called all kinds of things by racists 
but only once to my face.   I walked away and he followed.  He got my 
shoulder...he got to taste the pavement.   Doesn't matter that I was 
born here like my folks and grandparents.  Doesn't matter that my 
grandpa was in Army , dad a Marine, brother a Marine and son in Air 
Force...they served in Africa Korea Vietnam and Iraq many in our 
country we are beaners, spics and wetbacks.  Doesn't matter sister 
worked for CIA as forensic analyst or brother is an EE and ME at 
Raytheon and travels worldwide to fix problems...we are not true 
Americans. We learned early on that God bless us with intelligence and 
as a side advantage we can all handle our selves hand to hand plus 
know how to handle weapons (thanks dad!).  I did same with my children 
...not one...boy or girls has ever lost a fight..and they all know how 
to use firearms thanks to my brother.   I choose Not to own a gun.  I 
am enjoying my afternoon so not in mode to discuss 2nd Amendment. Many 
of you still think Thomas Jefferson came up with "We the 
People.." me los paso por los huevosask Gino to translate...

Jaime Solorza

On Oct 11, 2015 3:41 PM, "George Skorup" < 
<>> wrote:

Yeah, so what. Texas is America, right? We fought a war and Mexico
lost. A mix of cultures is great, we have everything here! Being
proud of your heritage is also a good thing, but being arrogant
about it not so much. (not directing that at you, Jaime)

We are a "Nation of Laws" as a lot of people like to say. Lets
start by enforcing them. On immigration or guns or whatever.

On 10/11/2015 4:06 PM, Jaime Solorza wrote:

Hold that thought headed to but some Mexican beer in my Chevy
truck at Venezuelan owned store in west Texas

Jaime Solorza

On Oct 11, 2015 3:00 PM, "Philip Rankin" <
<>> wrote:

My IQ is only high enough to know that if you spend $3
trillion dollars and only take in 2, something has got to
happen.  And that if you stick a knife in a baby's neck or
back, it's gonna die. I don't really need a much higher IQ
than that to argue my point about liberalism!

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:56 PM, Jaime Solorza
<>> wrote:

Oh yeah you far right wingers score high on IQ tests.

Jaime Solorza

On Oct 11, 2015 12:09 PM, "Philip Rankin"
< <>> wrote:

Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!

On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller
<>> wrote:

It is also a great reminder that people in other
parts of the country do not necessarily share
your views.
Also a great reminder that the founders of this
country really did know what they were doing.
For things to happen in this country you have to
AGREE...which is becoming more and more difficult ;)

- Original Message -
*From:* Chuck McCown <>
*To:* <>
*Sent:* Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
*Subject:* [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

This has been fun reading.

I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly
polite and post some pretty
well reasoned arguments on both sides of
almost any issue.  This is all the
social media I need.

I did want to make a comment about the
Illinois FOID card.

I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in
about 1993 in Quincy Illinois.
Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I
learned that a co-worker had
suffered some kind of stress attack and was
in the hospital.  That afternoon
they were out of beds in some of the areas so
that took him to the 5th
floor.  That is the psych floor.

Then, it turned out, anyone that gets
admitted to 

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Jaime Solorza
Have you read the latest in Memphis?   Senseless

Jaime Solorza
On Oct 11, 2015 5:49 PM, "Jay Weekley" <> wrote:

> Google says it means "I pass me the eggs".
> Jaime Solorza wrote:
>> No big if George.I have been called all kinds of things by racists
>> but only once to my face.   I walked away and he followed.  He got my
>> shoulder...he got to taste the pavement.   Doesn't matter that I was born
>> here like my folks and grandparents.  Doesn't matter that my grandpa was in
>> Army , dad a Marine, brother a Marine and son in Air Force...they served in
>> Africa Korea Vietnam and Iraq many in our country we are beaners,
>> spics and wetbacks.  Doesn't matter sister worked for CIA as forensic
>> analyst or brother is an EE and ME at Raytheon and travels worldwide to fix
>> problems...we are not true Americans. We learned early on that God bless us
>> with intelligence and as a side advantage we can all handle our selves hand
>> to hand plus know how to handle weapons (thanks dad!).  I did same with my
>> children ...not one...boy or girls has ever lost a fight..and they all know
>> how to use firearms thanks to my brother.   I choose Not to own a gun.  I
>> am enjoying my afternoon so not in mode to discuss 2nd Amendment. Many of
>> you still think Thomas Jefferson came up with "We the People.." me
>> los paso por los huevosask Gino to translate...
>> Jaime Solorza
>> On Oct 11, 2015 3:41 PM, "George Skorup" < >>> wrote:
>> Yeah, so what. Texas is America, right? We fought a war and Mexico
>> lost. A mix of cultures is great, we have everything here! Being
>> proud of your heritage is also a good thing, but being arrogant
>> about it not so much. (not directing that at you, Jaime)
>> We are a "Nation of Laws" as a lot of people like to say. Lets
>> start by enforcing them. On immigration or guns or whatever.
>> On 10/11/2015 4:06 PM, Jaime Solorza wrote:
>>> Hold that thought headed to but some Mexican beer in my Chevy
>>> truck at Venezuelan owned store in west Texas
>>> Jaime Solorza
>>> On Oct 11, 2015 3:00 PM, "Philip Rankin" <
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> My IQ is only high enough to know that if you spend $3
>>> trillion dollars and only take in 2, something has got to
>>> happen.  And that if you stick a knife in a baby's neck or
>>> back, it's gonna die. I don't really need a much higher IQ
>>> than that to argue my point about liberalism!
>>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:56 PM, Jaime Solorza
>>> <
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Oh yeah you far right wingers score high on IQ tests.
>>> Jaime Solorza
>>> On Oct 11, 2015 12:09 PM, "Philip Rankin"
>>> < <>>
>>> wrote:
>>> Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!
>>> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller
>>> <
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> It is also a great reminder that people in other
>>> parts of the country do not necessarily share
>>> your views.
>>> Also a great reminder that the founders of this
>>> country really did know what they were doing.
>>> For things to happen in this country you have to
>>> AGREE...which is becoming more and more difficult ;)
>>> - Original Message -
>>> *From:* Chuck McCown <>
>>> *To:* <>
>>> *Sent:* Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
>>> *Subject:* [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
>>> This

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread CBB - Jay Fuller

Amen to that...
  - Original Message - 
  From: Philip Rankin 
  To: af 
  Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2015 4:00 PM
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

  My IQ is only high enough to know that if you spend $3 trillion dollars and 
only take in 2, something has got to happen.  And that if you stick a knife in 
a baby's neck or back, it's gonna die.   I don't really need a much higher IQ 
than that to argue my point about liberalism!

  On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:56 PM, Jaime Solorza <> 

Oh yeah you far right wingers score high on IQ tests.   

Jaime Solorza

On Oct 11, 2015 12:09 PM, "Philip Rankin" <> wrote:

  Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!

  On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller 
<> wrote:

It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the country 
do not necessarily share your views.
Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did know 
what they were doing.
For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is 
becoming more and more difficult ;)

  - Original Message - 
  From: Chuck McCown 
  Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
      Subject: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

  This has been fun reading.

  I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite and post some 
  well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost any issue.  This is 
all the 
  social media I need.

  I did want to make a comment about the Illinois FOID card.

  I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in about 1993 in Quincy 
  Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I  learned that a 
co-worker had 
  suffered some kind of stress attack and was in the hospital.  That 
  they were out of beds in some of the areas so that took him to the 
  floor.  That is the psych floor.

  Then, it turned out, anyone that gets admitted to a psych ward in 
  gets reported to the FOID people.
  They revoke the FOID card.

  This guy was a big time hunter.  It just about killed him.
  He got some pretty good press and got some political help.  Hot his 
  back in about 6 weeks.

  So, if you want to keep your FOID stay out of psych wards!


  Philip J. Rankin
  Wireless Telecommunications Services
  PO Box 24
  Pittsburg, KS  66762


  Philip J. Rankin
  Wireless Telecommunications Services
  PO Box 24
  Pittsburg, KS  66762

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Gino Villarini
i pass it though my balls..

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 7:58 PM, Jaime Solorza <>

> Have you read the latest in Memphis?   Senseless
> Jaime Solorza
> On Oct 11, 2015 5:49 PM, "Jay Weekley" <> wrote:
>> Google says it means "I pass me the eggs".
>> Jaime Solorza wrote:
>>> No big if George.I have been called all kinds of things by racists
>>> but only once to my face.   I walked away and he followed.  He got my
>>> shoulder...he got to taste the pavement.   Doesn't matter that I was born
>>> here like my folks and grandparents.  Doesn't matter that my grandpa was in
>>> Army , dad a Marine, brother a Marine and son in Air Force...they served in
>>> Africa Korea Vietnam and Iraq many in our country we are beaners,
>>> spics and wetbacks.  Doesn't matter sister worked for CIA as forensic
>>> analyst or brother is an EE and ME at Raytheon and travels worldwide to fix
>>> problems...we are not true Americans. We learned early on that God bless us
>>> with intelligence and as a side advantage we can all handle our selves hand
>>> to hand plus know how to handle weapons (thanks dad!).  I did same with my
>>> children ...not one...boy or girls has ever lost a fight..and they all know
>>> how to use firearms thanks to my brother.   I choose Not to own a gun.  I
>>> am enjoying my afternoon so not in mode to discuss 2nd Amendment. Many of
>>> you still think Thomas Jefferson came up with "We the People.." me
>>> los paso por los huevosask Gino to translate...
>>> Jaime Solorza
>>> On Oct 11, 2015 3:41 PM, "George Skorup" < >>>> wrote:
>>> Yeah, so what. Texas is America, right? We fought a war and Mexico
>>> lost. A mix of cultures is great, we have everything here! Being
>>> proud of your heritage is also a good thing, but being arrogant
>>> about it not so much. (not directing that at you, Jaime)
>>> We are a "Nation of Laws" as a lot of people like to say. Lets
>>> start by enforcing them. On immigration or guns or whatever.
>>> On 10/11/2015 4:06 PM, Jaime Solorza wrote:
>>>> Hold that thought headed to but some Mexican beer in my Chevy
>>>> truck at Venezuelan owned store in west Texas
>>>> Jaime Solorza
>>>> On Oct 11, 2015 3:00 PM, "Philip Rankin" <
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>> My IQ is only high enough to know that if you spend $3
>>>> trillion dollars and only take in 2, something has got to
>>>> happen.  And that if you stick a knife in a baby's neck or
>>>> back, it's gonna die. I don't really need a much higher IQ
>>>> than that to argue my point about liberalism!
>>>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:56 PM, Jaime Solorza
>>>> <
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>> Oh yeah you far right wingers score high on IQ tests.
>>>> Jaime Solorza
>>>> On Oct 11, 2015 12:09 PM, "Philip Rankin"
>>>> < <>>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!
>>>> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller
>>>> <
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>> It is also a great reminder that people in other
>>>> parts of the country do not necessarily share
>>>> your views.
>>>> Also a great reminder that the founders of this
>>>> country really did know what they were doing.
>>>> For things to happen in this country you have to
>>>> AGREE...which is becoming more and more difficult ;)

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Jaime Solorza

Jaime Solorza
On Oct 11, 2015 6:06 PM, "Gino Villarini" <> wrote:

> i pass it though my balls..
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 7:58 PM, Jaime Solorza <>
> wrote:
>> Have you read the latest in Memphis?   Senseless
>> Jaime Solorza
>> On Oct 11, 2015 5:49 PM, "Jay Weekley" <> wrote:
>>> Google says it means "I pass me the eggs".
>>> Jaime Solorza wrote:
>>>> No big if George.I have been called all kinds of things by racists
>>>> but only once to my face.   I walked away and he followed.  He got my
>>>> shoulder...he got to taste the pavement.   Doesn't matter that I was born
>>>> here like my folks and grandparents.  Doesn't matter that my grandpa was in
>>>> Army , dad a Marine, brother a Marine and son in Air Force...they served in
>>>> Africa Korea Vietnam and Iraq many in our country we are beaners,
>>>> spics and wetbacks.  Doesn't matter sister worked for CIA as forensic
>>>> analyst or brother is an EE and ME at Raytheon and travels worldwide to fix
>>>> problems...we are not true Americans. We learned early on that God bless us
>>>> with intelligence and as a side advantage we can all handle our selves hand
>>>> to hand plus know how to handle weapons (thanks dad!).  I did same with my
>>>> children ...not one...boy or girls has ever lost a fight..and they all know
>>>> how to use firearms thanks to my brother.   I choose Not to own a gun.  I
>>>> am enjoying my afternoon so not in mode to discuss 2nd Amendment. Many of
>>>> you still think Thomas Jefferson came up with "We the People.." me
>>>> los paso por los huevosask Gino to translate...
>>>> Jaime Solorza
>>>> On Oct 11, 2015 3:41 PM, "George Skorup" < >>>>> wrote:
>>>> Yeah, so what. Texas is America, right? We fought a war and Mexico
>>>> lost. A mix of cultures is great, we have everything here! Being
>>>> proud of your heritage is also a good thing, but being arrogant
>>>> about it not so much. (not directing that at you, Jaime)
>>>> We are a "Nation of Laws" as a lot of people like to say. Lets
>>>> start by enforcing them. On immigration or guns or whatever.
>>>> On 10/11/2015 4:06 PM, Jaime Solorza wrote:
>>>>> Hold that thought headed to but some Mexican beer in my Chevy
>>>>> truck at Venezuelan owned store in west Texas
>>>>> Jaime Solorza
>>>>> On Oct 11, 2015 3:00 PM, "Philip Rankin" <
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> My IQ is only high enough to know that if you spend $3
>>>>> trillion dollars and only take in 2, something has got to
>>>>> happen.  And that if you stick a knife in a baby's neck or
>>>>> back, it's gonna die. I don't really need a much higher IQ
>>>>> than that to argue my point about liberalism!
>>>>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:56 PM, Jaime Solorza
>>>>> <
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> Oh yeah you far right wingers score high on IQ tests.
>>>>> Jaime Solorza
>>>>> On Oct 11, 2015 12:09 PM, "Philip Rankin"
>>>>> < <>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!
>>>>> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller
>>>>> <
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> It is also a great reminder that people in other
>>>>> parts of the country do not necessarily sha

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread CBB - Jay Fuller

You're absolutely right Ken!  I mean if its on the internet, it must be true, 
just like everything on those "news" shows is absolutely true as well!  I mean, 
really, how can you be sure of anything anymore?

I've been hanging out with my girlfriend, ie the conspiracy theorist, far too 
long... lol

  I worry about a generation of kids raised on the Internet I encounter out in 
the real world who don’t seem to know a different set of rules apply.  I’m 
surprised more don’t get punched in the nose.  Their real nose, not an 
anonymous, virtual nose.

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread CBB - Jay Fuller

Positive Points:

* requiring covering preexisting conditions is, without a doubt, a good thing, 
(if anything should have been regulated, this is probably good)

* Insurance until you're 26?  Maybe.  Probably as great thing when we didn't 
give kids jobs since there were no jobs, but when that improves (does it 
improve?) is that really a good thing?  For the most part it is positive.

I agree, everything else is bad, but those are good points.

That being said - I think Bernie Sanders is a little more socialist than the 
average democrat...

Start cutting the budget, get things in line, and you're a horrible person for 
eliminating jobs that we certainly need.
You're not a bad person until you take food off THAT guys table

my 2 cents.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Philip Rankin 
  To: af 
  Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2015 3:52 PM
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

  Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that 
logic???  How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this 
country in the past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, actually 
it's so far beyond rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the 
debt, the credit ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the 
stupidity of laws that cover laws that should not have ever been written in the 
first place.  Or, the stupid recent healthcare law that the majority of the 
population don't want because we were lied to about it.  And then the RINOs 
bailing out their favorite companies after they got their kickbacks?  And this 
isn't even the tip of the iceberg. It's all liberal stupidity.  Notice I didn't 
say Democrat or Republican?  It's libtards! These folk have no concern for 
their country or their fellow man.  All they want is to line their pockets and 
control people!  Call me rude if you like!  I haven't even cracked the door on 
the rudeness these people have done to all of us including many generations to 
follow us!  And,  while were at it, how about all of those babies that will 
never have an opportunity to join us?  What a sickening shame!  No, Travesty!

  On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Philip Rankin <> wrote:

Haven't made my point yet Lewis.  But, saw enough of those that were not in 
agreement with you in the thread to know that they don't believe in "Certain 
Inalienable Rights" with government here only to preserve those rights, not 
impose someone else's stupidity on me.  And, that the libs want someone else to 
take care of them all of the time.  To me, that's retarded and just plain dumb. 
 Now that I look at those that have their crazy position and compare that 
position to their past posts on here, I now understand some of their past posts 

I am not about to let someone shoot me during a convenience store holdup.  
I will die with my 45 in hand before I let the bad guy take me or anyone else 
easily.  Now, to shoot someone as he is driving away with my dvd player as more 
libtardiness suggested  How dumb! To take a life because someone is a 
thief???  That's just another liberal ploy adage to try to make others believe 
that we shouldn't have those inalienable rights.  Life is precious, things, not 
so much!  But my life is more precious to me than to let someone else try to 
protect me from halfway across the county (The Police)!

So, to make my point about your comment "People assume you are out of 
salient points to make."  No, I'm just trying to use a concise word that 
describes all the stupidity that today's liberals have stooped to.  and libtard 
pretty much does that!

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Lewis Bergman <> 

  Come on now. Be civil. You only hurt your own argument when you resort to 
name calling. People assume you are out of salient points to make.

  On Sun, Oct 11, 2015, 1:09 PM Philip Rankin <> wrote:

Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!

On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller 
<> wrote:

  It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the country 
do not necessarily share your views.
  Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did 
know what they were doing.
  For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is 
becoming more and more difficult ;)

- Original Message - 
From: Chuck McCown 
Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
Subject: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

This has been fun reading.

I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite and post some 
well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost any issue.  This is 
all the 
social media I need.

I did want to

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Jeremy
Wait...I am a far left liberal in red state Utah, but I completely agree
with the Republicans and Constitutionalists when it comes to guns and gun
rights.  So am I still a Libtard or just a Utard??

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 6:12 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller <
> wrote:

> Positive Points:
> * requiring covering preexisting conditions is, without a doubt, a good
> thing, no?
> (if anything should have been regulated, this is probably good)
> * Insurance until you're 26?  Maybe.  Probably as great thing when we
> didn't give kids jobs since there were no jobs, but when that improves
> (does it improve?) is that really a good thing?  For the most part it is
> positive.
> I agree, everything else is bad, but those are good points.
> That being said - I think Bernie Sanders is a little more socialist than
> the average democrat...
> Start cutting the budget, get things in line, and you're a horrible person
> for eliminating jobs that we certainly need.
> You're not a bad person until you take food off THAT guys table
> my 2 cents.
> - Original Message -
> *From:* Philip Rankin <>
> *To:* af <>
> *Sent:* Sunday, October 11, 2015 3:52 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
> Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that
> logic???  How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this
> country in the past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, actually
> it's so far beyond rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the
> debt, the credit ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the
> stupidity of laws that cover laws that should not have ever been written in
> the first place.  Or, the stupid recent healthcare law that the majority of
> the population don't want because we were lied to about it.  And then the
> RINOs bailing out their favorite companies after they got their kickbacks?
> And this isn't even the tip of the iceberg. It's all liberal stupidity.
> Notice I didn't say Democrat or Republican?  It's libtards! These folk have
> no concern for their country or their fellow man.  All they want is to line
> their pockets and control people!  Call me rude if you like!  I haven't
> even cracked the door on the rudeness these people have done to all of us
> including many generations to follow us!  And,  while were at it, how about
> all of those babies that will never have an opportunity to join us?  What a
> sickening shame!  No, Travesty!
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Philip Rankin <>
> wrote:
>> Haven't made my point yet Lewis.  But, saw enough of those that were not
>> in agreement with you in the thread to know that they don't believe in
>> "Certain Inalienable Rights" with government here only to preserve those
>> rights, not impose someone else's stupidity on me.  And, that the libs want
>> someone else to take care of them all of the time.  To me, that's retarded
>> and just plain dumb.  Now that I look at those that have their crazy
>> position and compare that position to their past posts on here, I now
>> understand some of their past posts here!
>> I am not about to let someone shoot me during a convenience store
>> holdup.  I will die with my 45 in hand before I let the bad guy take me or
>> anyone else easily.  Now, to shoot someone as he is driving away with my
>> dvd player as more libtardiness suggested  How dumb! To take a life
>> because someone is a thief???  That's just another liberal ploy adage to
>> try to make others believe that we shouldn't have those inalienable
>> rights.  Life is precious, things, not so much!  But my life is more
>> precious to me than to let someone else try to protect me from halfway
>> across the county (The Police)!
>> So, to make my point about your comment "People assume you are out of
>> salient points to make."  No, I'm just trying to use a concise word that
>> describes all the stupidity that today's liberals have stooped to.  and
>> libtard pretty much does that!
>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Lewis Bergman <>
>> wrote:
>>> Come on now. Be civil. You only hurt your own argument when you resort
>>> to name calling. People assume you are out of salient points to make.
>>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015, 1:09 PM Philip Rankin <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!
>>>> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller <

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Josh Luthman
RIP this thread

Josh Luthman
Office: 937-552-2340
Direct: 937-552-2343
1100 Wayne St
Suite 1337
Troy, OH 45373
On Oct 11, 2015 7:41 PM, "Jeremy" <> wrote:

> Wait...I am a far left liberal in red state Utah, but I completely agree
> with the Republicans and Constitutionalists when it comes to guns and gun
> rights.  So am I still a Libtard or just a Utard??
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 6:12 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller <
>> wrote:
>> Positive Points:
>> * requiring covering preexisting conditions is, without a doubt, a good
>> thing, no?
>> (if anything should have been regulated, this is probably good)
>> * Insurance until you're 26?  Maybe.  Probably as great thing when we
>> didn't give kids jobs since there were no jobs, but when that improves
>> (does it improve?) is that really a good thing?  For the most part it is
>> positive.
>> I agree, everything else is bad, but those are good points.
>> That being said - I think Bernie Sanders is a little more socialist than
>> the average democrat...
>> Start cutting the budget, get things in line, and you're a horrible
>> person for eliminating jobs that we certainly need.
>> You're not a bad person until you take food off THAT guys table
>> my 2 cents.
>> - Original Message -
>> *From:* Philip Rankin <>
>> *To:* af <>
>> *Sent:* Sunday, October 11, 2015 3:52 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
>> Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that
>> logic???  How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this
>> country in the past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, actually
>> it's so far beyond rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the
>> debt, the credit ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the
>> stupidity of laws that cover laws that should not have ever been written in
>> the first place.  Or, the stupid recent healthcare law that the majority of
>> the population don't want because we were lied to about it.  And then the
>> RINOs bailing out their favorite companies after they got their kickbacks?
>> And this isn't even the tip of the iceberg. It's all liberal stupidity.
>> Notice I didn't say Democrat or Republican?  It's libtards! These folk have
>> no concern for their country or their fellow man.  All they want is to line
>> their pockets and control people!  Call me rude if you like!  I haven't
>> even cracked the door on the rudeness these people have done to all of us
>> including many generations to follow us!  And,  while were at it, how about
>> all of those babies that will never have an opportunity to join us?  What a
>> sickening shame!  No, Travesty!
>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Philip Rankin <>
>> wrote:
>>> Haven't made my point yet Lewis.  But, saw enough of those that were not
>>> in agreement with you in the thread to know that they don't believe in
>>> "Certain Inalienable Rights" with government here only to preserve those
>>> rights, not impose someone else's stupidity on me.  And, that the libs want
>>> someone else to take care of them all of the time.  To me, that's retarded
>>> and just plain dumb.  Now that I look at those that have their crazy
>>> position and compare that position to their past posts on here, I now
>>> understand some of their past posts here!
>>> I am not about to let someone shoot me during a convenience store
>>> holdup.  I will die with my 45 in hand before I let the bad guy take me or
>>> anyone else easily.  Now, to shoot someone as he is driving away with my
>>> dvd player as more libtardiness suggested  How dumb! To take a life
>>> because someone is a thief???  That's just another liberal ploy adage to
>>> try to make others believe that we shouldn't have those inalienable
>>> rights.  Life is precious, things, not so much!  But my life is more
>>> precious to me than to let someone else try to protect me from halfway
>>> across the county (The Police)!
>>> So, to make my point about your comment "People assume you are out of
>>> salient points to make."  No, I'm just trying to use a concise word that
>>> describes all the stupidity that today's liberals have stooped to.  and
>>> libtard pretty much does that!
>>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 1:40

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread CBB - Jay Fuller

i don't you use uber?

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jeremy 
  Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2015 7:41 PM
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

  Wait...I am a far left liberal in red state Utah, but I completely agree with 
the Republicans and Constitutionalists when it comes to guns and gun rights.  
So am I still a Libtard or just a Utard??

  On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 6:12 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller <> 

Positive Points:

* requiring covering preexisting conditions is, without a doubt, a good 
thing, no?
(if anything should have been regulated, this is probably good)

* Insurance until you're 26?  Maybe.  Probably as great thing when we 
didn't give kids jobs since there were no jobs, but when that improves (does it 
improve?) is that really a good thing?  For the most part it is positive.

I agree, everything else is bad, but those are good points.

That being said - I think Bernie Sanders is a little more socialist than 
the average democrat...

Start cutting the budget, get things in line, and you're a horrible person 
for eliminating jobs that we certainly need.
You're not a bad person until you take food off THAT guys table

my 2 cents.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Philip Rankin 
  To: af 
  Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2015 3:52 PM
  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

  Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that 
logic???  How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this 
country in the past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, actually 
it's so far beyond rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the 
debt, the credit ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the 
stupidity of laws that cover laws that should not have ever been written in the 
first place.  Or, the stupid recent healthcare law that the majority of the 
population don't want because we were lied to about it.  And then the RINOs 
bailing out their favorite companies after they got their kickbacks?  And this 
isn't even the tip of the iceberg. It's all liberal stupidity.  Notice I didn't 
say Democrat or Republican?  It's libtards! These folk have no concern for 
their country or their fellow man.  All they want is to line their pockets and 
control people!  Call me rude if you like!  I haven't even cracked the door on 
the rudeness these people have done to all of us including many generations to 
follow us!  And,  while were at it, how about all of those babies that will 
never have an opportunity to join us?  What a sickening shame!  No, Travesty!

  On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Philip Rankin <> 

Haven't made my point yet Lewis.  But, saw enough of those that were 
not in agreement with you in the thread to know that they don't believe in 
"Certain Inalienable Rights" with government here only to preserve those 
rights, not impose someone else's stupidity on me.  And, that the libs want 
someone else to take care of them all of the time.  To me, that's retarded and 
just plain dumb.  Now that I look at those that have their crazy position and 
compare that position to their past posts on here, I now understand some of 
their past posts here!   

I am not about to let someone shoot me during a convenience store 
holdup.  I will die with my 45 in hand before I let the bad guy take me or 
anyone else easily.  Now, to shoot someone as he is driving away with my dvd 
player as more libtardiness suggested  How dumb! To take a life because 
someone is a thief???  That's just another liberal ploy adage to try to make 
others believe that we shouldn't have those inalienable rights.  Life is 
precious, things, not so much!  But my life is more precious to me than to let 
someone else try to protect me from halfway across the county (The Police)! 

So, to make my point about your comment "People assume you are out of 
salient points to make."  No, I'm just trying to use a concise word that 
describes all the stupidity that today's liberals have stooped to.  and libtard 
pretty much does that!

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Lewis Bergman 
<> wrote:

  Come on now. Be civil. You only hurt your own argument when you 
resort to name calling. People assume you are out of salient points to make.

  On Sun, Oct 11, 2015, 1:09 PM Philip Rankin <> 

Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!

On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller 
<> wrote:

  It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the 
country do not necessarily share your views.
  Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really 
did know what they were doing.

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Jeremy
No, I drive jacked up gas guzzling pickup trucks.

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 7:14 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller <
> wrote:

> i don't you use uber?
> - Original Message -
> *From:* Jeremy <>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Sunday, October 11, 2015 7:41 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
> Wait...I am a far left liberal in red state Utah, but I completely agree
> with the Republicans and Constitutionalists when it comes to guns and gun
> rights.  So am I still a Libtard or just a Utard??
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 6:12 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller <
>> wrote:
>> Positive Points:
>> * requiring covering preexisting conditions is, without a doubt, a good
>> thing, no?
>> (if anything should have been regulated, this is probably good)
>> * Insurance until you're 26?  Maybe.  Probably as great thing when we
>> didn't give kids jobs since there were no jobs, but when that improves
>> (does it improve?) is that really a good thing?  For the most part it is
>> positive.
>> I agree, everything else is bad, but those are good points.
>> That being said - I think Bernie Sanders is a little more socialist than
>> the average democrat...
>> Start cutting the budget, get things in line, and you're a horrible
>> person for eliminating jobs that we certainly need.
>> You're not a bad person until you take food off THAT guys table
>> my 2 cents.
>> - Original Message -
>> *From:* Philip Rankin <>
>> *To:* af <>
>> *Sent:* Sunday, October 11, 2015 3:52 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
>> Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that
>> logic???  How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this
>> country in the past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, actually
>> it's so far beyond rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the
>> debt, the credit ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the
>> stupidity of laws that cover laws that should not have ever been written in
>> the first place.  Or, the stupid recent healthcare law that the majority of
>> the population don't want because we were lied to about it.  And then the
>> RINOs bailing out their favorite companies after they got their kickbacks?
>> And this isn't even the tip of the iceberg. It's all liberal stupidity.
>> Notice I didn't say Democrat or Republican?  It's libtards! These folk have
>> no concern for their country or their fellow man.  All they want is to line
>> their pockets and control people!  Call me rude if you like!  I haven't
>> even cracked the door on the rudeness these people have done to all of us
>> including many generations to follow us!  And,  while were at it, how about
>> all of those babies that will never have an opportunity to join us?  What a
>> sickening shame!  No, Travesty!
>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Philip Rankin <>
>> wrote:
>>> Haven't made my point yet Lewis.  But, saw enough of those that were not
>>> in agreement with you in the thread to know that they don't believe in
>>> "Certain Inalienable Rights" with government here only to preserve those
>>> rights, not impose someone else's stupidity on me.  And, that the libs want
>>> someone else to take care of them all of the time.  To me, that's retarded
>>> and just plain dumb.  Now that I look at those that have their crazy
>>> position and compare that position to their past posts on here, I now
>>> understand some of their past posts here!
>>> I am not about to let someone shoot me during a convenience store
>>> holdup.  I will die with my 45 in hand before I let the bad guy take me or
>>> anyone else easily.  Now, to shoot someone as he is driving away with my
>>> dvd player as more libtardiness suggested  How dumb! To take a life
>>> because someone is a thief???  That's just another liberal ploy adage to
>>> try to make others believe that we shouldn't have those inalienable
>>> rights.  Life is precious, things, not so much!  But my life is more
>>> precious to me than to let someone else try to protect me from halfway
>>> across the county (The Police)!
>>> So, to make my point about your comment "People assume you are out of
>>> salient points to make."  No, I'm just trying to use a co

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread That One Guy /sarcasm
not to take a particular side (guns rule)
but ive quite often noticed that those with no good argument hit brakes on
a single word that hurts their feelings to derail an argument. in the not
so distant past, prior to it being ok to pick ones own gender and schools
banning the board of education, the saying about sticks and stones was
second only to the golden rule. Neither of which exist in this century.

On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 7:12 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller <
> wrote:

> Positive Points:
> * requiring covering preexisting conditions is, without a doubt, a good
> thing, no?
> (if anything should have been regulated, this is probably good)
> * Insurance until you're 26?  Maybe.  Probably as great thing when we
> didn't give kids jobs since there were no jobs, but when that improves
> (does it improve?) is that really a good thing?  For the most part it is
> positive.
> I agree, everything else is bad, but those are good points.
> That being said - I think Bernie Sanders is a little more socialist than
> the average democrat...
> Start cutting the budget, get things in line, and you're a horrible person
> for eliminating jobs that we certainly need.
> You're not a bad person until you take food off THAT guys table
> my 2 cents.
> - Original Message -
> *From:* Philip Rankin <>
> *To:* af <>
> *Sent:* Sunday, October 11, 2015 3:52 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
> Since many of you are calling me rude, how about we just reverse that
> logic???  How about all of the damage the liberal logic has done to this
> country in the past say 50 years  Is that not rude?  You know, actually
> it's so far beyond rude, that we can't measure it anymore.  Start with the
> debt, the credit ratings of the country, the backdoor payoff deals, the
> stupidity of laws that cover laws that should not have ever been written in
> the first place.  Or, the stupid recent healthcare law that the majority of
> the population don't want because we were lied to about it.  And then the
> RINOs bailing out their favorite companies after they got their kickbacks?
> And this isn't even the tip of the iceberg. It's all liberal stupidity.
> Notice I didn't say Democrat or Republican?  It's libtards! These folk have
> no concern for their country or their fellow man.  All they want is to line
> their pockets and control people!  Call me rude if you like!  I haven't
> even cracked the door on the rudeness these people have done to all of us
> including many generations to follow us!  And,  while were at it, how about
> all of those babies that will never have an opportunity to join us?  What a
> sickening shame!  No, Travesty!
> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Philip Rankin <>
> wrote:
>> Haven't made my point yet Lewis.  But, saw enough of those that were not
>> in agreement with you in the thread to know that they don't believe in
>> "Certain Inalienable Rights" with government here only to preserve those
>> rights, not impose someone else's stupidity on me.  And, that the libs want
>> someone else to take care of them all of the time.  To me, that's retarded
>> and just plain dumb.  Now that I look at those that have their crazy
>> position and compare that position to their past posts on here, I now
>> understand some of their past posts here!
>> I am not about to let someone shoot me during a convenience store
>> holdup.  I will die with my 45 in hand before I let the bad guy take me or
>> anyone else easily.  Now, to shoot someone as he is driving away with my
>> dvd player as more libtardiness suggested  How dumb! To take a life
>> because someone is a thief???  That's just another liberal ploy adage to
>> try to make others believe that we shouldn't have those inalienable
>> rights.  Life is precious, things, not so much!  But my life is more
>> precious to me than to let someone else try to protect me from halfway
>> across the county (The Police)!
>> So, to make my point about your comment "People assume you are out of
>> salient points to make."  No, I'm just trying to use a concise word that
>> describes all the stupidity that today's liberals have stooped to.  and
>> libtard pretty much does that!
>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Lewis Bergman <>
>> wrote:
>>> Come on now. Be civil. You only hurt your own argument when you resort
>>> to name calling. People assume you are out of salient points to make.
>>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015, 1:09 PM Philip Rankin <wireless...@

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-11 Thread Sean Heskett
t posts here!
>>>>>> I am not about to let someone shoot me during a convenience store
>>>>>> holdup.  I will die with my 45 in hand before I let the bad guy take me 
>>>>>> or
>>>>>> anyone else easily.  Now, to shoot someone as he is driving away with my
>>>>>> dvd player as more libtardiness suggested  How dumb! To take a life
>>>>>> because someone is a thief???  That's just another liberal ploy adage to
>>>>>> try to make others believe that we shouldn't have those inalienable
>>>>>> rights.  Life is precious, things, not so much!  But my life is more
>>>>>> precious to me than to let someone else try to protect me from halfway
>>>>>> across the county (The Police)!
>>>>>> So, to make my point about your comment "People assume you are out
>>>>>> of salient points to make."  No, I'm just trying to use a concise word 
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> describes all the stupidity that today's liberals have stooped to.  and
>>>>>> libtard pretty much does that!
>>>>>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Lewis Bergman <
>>>>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Come on now. Be civil. You only hurt your own argument when you
>>>>>>> resort to name calling. People assume you are out of salient points to 
>>>>>>> make.
>>>>>>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2015, 1:09 PM Philip Rankin <
>>>>>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Especially with all thee libtard views out there today!
>>>>>>>> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 12:10 PM, CBB - Jay Fuller <
>>>>>>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the
>>>>>>>>> country do not necessarily share your views.
>>>>>>>>> Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did
>>>>>>>>> know what they were doing.
>>>>>>>>> For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is
>>>>>>>>> becoming more and more difficult ;)
>>>>>>>>> - Original Message -
>>>>>>>>> *From:* Chuck McCown
>>>>>>>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>
>>>>>>>>> *To:* <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>
>>>>>>>>> *Sent:* Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
>>>>>>>>> *Subject:* [AFMUG] OT Guns etc
>>>>>>>>> This has been fun reading.
>>>>>>>>> I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite and post some
>>>>>>>>> pretty
>>>>>>>>> well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost any issue.  This
>>>>>>>>> is all the
>>>>>>>>> social media I need.
>>>>>>>>> I did want to make a comment about the Illinois FOID card.
>>>>>>>>> I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in about 1993 in Quincy
>>>>>>>>> Illinois.
>>>>>>>>> Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I  learned that a
>>>>>>>>> co-worker had
>>>>>>>>> suffered some kind of stress attack and was in the hospital.  That
>>>>>>>>> afternoon
>>>>>>>>> they were out of beds in some of the areas so that took him to the
>>>>>>>>> 5th
>>>>>>>>> floor.  That is the psych floor.
>>>>>>>>> Then, it turned out, anyone that gets admitted to a psych ward in
>>>>>>>>> Illinois
>>>>>>>>> gets reported to the FOID people.
>>>>>>>>> They revoke the FOID card.
>>>>>>>>> This guy was a big time hunter.  It just about killed him.
>>>>>>>>> He got some pretty good press and got some political help.  Hot
>>>>>>>>> his card
>>>>>>>>> back in about 6 weeks.
>>>>>>>>> So, if you want to keep your FOID stay out of psych wards!
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Philip J. Rankin
>>>>>>>> Wireless Telecommunications Services
>>>>>>>> PO Box 24
>>>>>>>> Pittsburg, KS  66762
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Philip J. Rankin
>>>>>> Wireless Telecommunications Services
>>>>>> PO Box 24
>>>>>> Pittsburg, KS  66762
>>>>> --
>>>>> Philip J. Rankin
>>>>> Wireless Telecommunications Services
>>>>> PO Box 24
>>>>> Pittsburg, KS  66762
>>> --
>>> Philip J. Rankin
>>> Wireless Telecommunications Services
>>> PO Box 24
>>> Pittsburg, KS  66762
> --
> Philip J. Rankin
> Wireless Telecommunications Services
> PO Box 24
> Pittsburg, KS  66762

[AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-10 Thread Chuck McCown

This has been fun reading.

I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite and post some pretty 
well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost any issue.  This is all the 
social media I need.

I did want to make a comment about the Illinois FOID card.

I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in about 1993 in Quincy Illinois. 
Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I  learned that a co-worker had 
suffered some kind of stress attack and was in the hospital.  That afternoon 
they were out of beds in some of the areas so that took him to the 5th 
floor.  That is the psych floor.

Then, it turned out, anyone that gets admitted to a psych ward in Illinois 
gets reported to the FOID people.

They revoke the FOID card.

This guy was a big time hunter.  It just about killed him.
He got some pretty good press and got some political help.  Hot his card 
back in about 6 weeks.

So, if you want to keep your FOID stay out of psych wards!

Re: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

2015-10-10 Thread CBB - Jay Fuller

It is also a great reminder that people in other parts of the country do not 
necessarily share your views.
Also a great reminder that the founders of this country really did know what 
they were doing.
For things to happen in this country you have to AGREE...which is becoming more 
and more difficult ;)

  - Original Message - 
  From: Chuck McCown 
  Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2015 11:40 AM
  Subject: [AFMUG] OT Guns etc

  This has been fun reading.

  I love this list.  Folks are smart and mostly polite and post some pretty 
  well reasoned arguments on both sides of almost any issue.  This is all the 
  social media I need.

  I did want to make a comment about the Illinois FOID card.

  I was a hostage in a bank robbery back in about 1993 in Quincy Illinois. 
  Once it was over and I got out of the bank, I  learned that a co-worker had 
  suffered some kind of stress attack and was in the hospital.  That afternoon 
  they were out of beds in some of the areas so that took him to the 5th 
  floor.  That is the psych floor.

  Then, it turned out, anyone that gets admitted to a psych ward in Illinois 
  gets reported to the FOID people.
  They revoke the FOID card.

  This guy was a big time hunter.  It just about killed him.
  He got some pretty good press and got some political help.  Hot his card 
  back in about 6 weeks.

  So, if you want to keep your FOID stay out of psych wards!