Re: arachne-digest V1 #2140

2003-06-30 Thread Thomas Mueller
I filled in the gaps in the Arachne list resulting from misdoings at
Bluegrass Net.  One message in arachne-digest V1 #2140 contained a virus that
caused the message, sent from [EMAIL PROTECTED] to go to the quarantine area
at Bluegrass Net rather than to me directly.  I was then able to have the
message delivered as is, knowing that the virus wasn't going to do anything to
me in non-Win32.  It looks like the virus might have faked
[EMAIL PROTECTED] From-address, message was sent to an AOL address but
bounced by the AOL server after detecting the virus, back to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], meaning it was then sent to everybody on that list.
Michael or whoever is in charge, you need to disable [EMAIL PROTECTED]
so people on that list won't all get the viruses, Chinese spams, Nigeria spams
and other junk that might be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I copy an excerpt of that message including enough to indicate what the AOL
server did, and the headers of the offending message; I truncate the virus:

   - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -

   - Transcript of session follows -
... while talking to
 554 TRANSACTION FAILED - Unrepairable Virus Detected. Your mail has not been sent.
554 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Service unavailable

- --LAC03956.1054828765/
Content-Type: message/delivery-status

Reporting-MTA: dns;
Arrival-Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 11:59:06 -0400 (EDT)

Final-Recipient: RFC822; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Action: failed
Status: 5.0.0
Remote-MTA: DNS;
Diagnostic-Code: SMTP; 554 TRANSACTION FAILED - Unrepairable Virus Detected. Your mail 
has not been sent.
Last-Attempt-Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 11:59:25 -0400 (EDT)

- --LAC03956.1054828765/
Content-Type: message/rfc822

Received: from  JOHNNY ( []) by (v94.27) with ESMTP id MAILRELAYINZA47-2ff3edf68c629; Thu, 05 Jun 
2003 11:59:03 2000
Subject: Re: Your application
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 11:59:09 --0400
Importance: Normal
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;

This is a multipart message in MIME format

- --CSmtpMsgPart123X456_000_004CD650
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Please see the attached file.
- --CSmtpMsgPart123X456_000_004CD650
Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment;

(snip 1049 lines of base64 code)


2003-06-22 Thread Thomas Mueller
from Glenn McCorkle:

 No messages will get through to me and none can be sent by me
 if they contain a dollar sign ($) in the subject.

 Those several messages with suject: M$lookout did
 not get through to my inbox.

 There is *no* user configurability.

 I am STUCK.

 Untill I change ISPs ;-)

You can look for a free email account, you might try if
you're willing to face instructions in German.  I have an account
faucetno33 at (don't want to make it too easy for spammers).  There
are also other free email services, including some that have been discussed on
this list.

Re: rach now on tap!

2003-06-13 Thread Thomas Mueller
 v1.71;UE01 is the 'latest release'

 And v1.73;GPL will be available to the public
 just as soon as Michael releases it.

 (or gives the 'OK' for me to release it)


I am a week behind om my email, so hopefully v1.73;GPL will have been released
by now.  But since Michael has already released Arachne under GPL, and is no
longer involved with Arachne, why do you (Glenn) need his permission?  If you
really think you need his permission to release v1.73;GPL, remember that
silence gives consent, and you need not wait more than a very few days.
Otherwise, waiting to hear anything from Michael could be like waiting for
heaven to freeze over, for hell to freeze over, or for Michael to fix the
unsubscribe function.

Now what happens next time this list goes down, which event surely is overdue?

-- Tom


2003-06-06 Thread Thomas Mueller

You say you use Spamassassin.  One emailing list I'm on uses Spamassassin, and
one of the messages came through marked as ***SPAM*** in the subject line, but
the offending message was included in a text attachment.  I couldn't see
anything indicative of spam in that message, it looks like Spamassassin just
went bananas on that one.

On the question of pornography, such spams don't usually contain that word.  
The word pornography is more likely to occur in a discussion of such spams.

from Ron Clarke:

   I don't know if anyone else is getting them, but I have been receiving
 a lot of spam that comes as HTM only (so I dont open it with Arachne, of
 course), but that html is constructed with garbage letters surrounded by
 hide tags  ! - - xyxyxyx - -  to break up the words that might
 trigger spam filters. 

I get these too, and since I see the messages in straight text mode, these hide
tags stick out like the proverbial sore thumb, as if to scream I'm spam!, and
I know to mark the message for deletion.  I may get things like
Enl!-some-junk-herearge your pe!- more junk herenis ...

Excerpt from Glenn McCorkle [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I can tell you one thing about the spam filters here at CisNet.


 No messages will get through to me and none can be sent by me
 if they contain a dollar sign ($) in the subject.

 Those several messages with suject: M$lookout did
 not get through to my inbox.

Glenn, do you have any choice, is there any user configurability of the spam
filters, or are you just stuck?

Re: At newsgroups with Arachne .. NOT !

2003-06-06 Thread Thomas Mueller
To Alejandro Lieber:

Where do you now find UKA_PPP on the Internet for download?  I already have it,
but the download site no longer seems to have it.

To Christof Lange:

On your inability to access some news servers, I find that the mail and news
functions in UKA_PPP sometimes don't find a host by name but will find the host
by IP address.  I don't know if the fault lies with the mail and news programs
or with TCPPORT.EXE, am inclined to think it's TCPPORT.EXE.  You can get IP
address for a host, using the domain name, using TRACERT.EXE, which is included
with WATT-32, possibly a ping might work too.

Re: Why are they trying to kill off only the little people?

2003-04-03 Thread Thomas Mueller
from Sam Heywood:

 I am still getting some spams about the illegal cable TV descambler.
 According to my understanding of the law, it is legal for someone
 to sell you some technical plans on how to make an illegal cable TV
 descrambler but it is illegal for you to make one and/or to possess one.
 The same applies for destructive devices and other illegal weapons.  You
 may legally publish and sell the plans on how to build them but it is
 illegal to make them and/or possess them.  In any case it illegal to spam

That cable TV descrambler ad claims it's legal, but naturally I have grave
doubts.  I don't know about the legality of publicizing technical plans for
destructive devices and other illegal weapons, but there would be the likelihood
of a visit by the FBI.

 It is illegal to send unsolicited bulk email.  Period.  Also it is illegal
 to promote a chain letter scam through the US Postal Service.  All chain
 letters are frauds and scams by legal definition.

Regarding that chain-letter pyramid scheme with the five reports for $25, the
message says it's legal, that they're selling something of value, namely the
five reports.  But it's still, to all intents and purposes, a chain-letter
pyramid scheme.

 I consider the porn scams and the viagra spams and the virile member
 enlargement spams and the breast enlargement spams as highly insulting
 because the spammer is making the preposterous assumption that his target
 audience suffers from a sicko psychological complex about about some kind
 of imagined sexual inadequacy.  The few and unusual people who actually
 do suffer from such imaginary hangups and problems need help from
 professional counselors.  There is no way a common low-life spammer can
 help them.

I do find those penis-enlargement spams funny in that people are expected to
really believe the message.  Funnier yet is that spam promoting a product
supposed to increase not only your penis length and thickness but also the
number of squirts you get when having sex.  People are expected to take that

Re: Why are they trying to kill off only the little people?

2003-03-23 Thread Thomas Mueller
 And I think your assumptions about pornography are also mistaken.
 I hardly ever get spam promoting porn sites. Mostly it's just
 Nigerian generals and drug offers. I used to get the free cable
 tv device offer all the time, but that seems to have disappeared.

 Once you get on a certain kind of spam list as being possibly
 interested in certain kinds of offers then you will get lots of
 mail that's very much the same kind of thing. It's somewhat
 targeted that way.

 Sam Ewalt

I remember that cable TV descrambler spam from newsgroups some time ago, message
said it was legal, but I haven't seen any spams recently on that subject.

I used to get a lot of spams promoting a chain-letter pyramid scheme, where the
recipient is supposed to send $5 to each of 5 snail-mail addresses to order 5
reports on how to send bulk email legally and how to make big money on the
Internet.  Now that type of spam is infrequent.  Maybe they ran out of suckers?
I get a lot of Korean spams, where in most cases, I don't know what they're
selling, but some of those appear to be sexy.  I get some Chinese spams that I
can't read, and some of those come through [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Nigeria
spam has been increasing in frequency, and some of those also come through
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: not only generals, but oil businessmen too.  I get a
fair amount of porno spams, even some supposedly involving mothers and sons,
fathers and daughters, brothers and sisters, etc.

What's really annoying is getting the same spam multiple times, especially when
it's a big spam, like that 148 KB get-rich-quick spam with a .doc attachment,
presumably MS-Word.  I didn't even bother to decode the base64.

Steve Ackman, you mentioned as a source of spam.  From the spam
I get, I don't remember that domain.  Not to say I never received anything from
that domain, but it is certainly not a substantial source of the spam that comes
my way.

Re: RESENT: Shopping...

2003-03-20 Thread Thomas Mueller
from Samuel W. Heywood [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Nope, no drivers needed.  The problem with the modem was that it
 did not come with jumpers and I could not get it to take a standard
 com port and irq.  This one would take only irq 5!  Most DOS
 communications programs insist on having modems taking standard com
 ports and irqs.

Anybody ever hear of a PCI modem with jumpers?  I think a PCI modem gets its
IRQ and base address from the BIOS, PCI bus is different from ISA.  I jumpered
the Diamond SupraExpress 56i ISA modem for COM4 (base 0x2e8), IRQ 5 because
that was what the previous no-longer-working-well modem used.  I think most DOS
communications programs could be made to work with the nonstandard COM4 IRQ 5,
but some didn't.  Apparently many programmers of DOS communications programs
make assumptions about the hardware that are now antiquated.

(on Net-Tamer)
 You could edit the setup file with a hex editor.  I don't know if you
 could get the file to work for you, but you can in fact edit it.

If I were serious about wanting to run Net-Tamer, I could possibly email
David Colston.  But it looks like Net-Tamer is falling into desuetude.  Has
there been any recent update?

Re: An Alternative Email Service for DOS, Arachne, Lynx

2003-03-20 Thread Thomas Mueller
from [EMAIL PROTECTED], quoting without ''

Wizard57MdaGlenn Gilbreath
Jr.da[EMAIL PROTECTED]/index.htmda--DOS
Interent, Close Windows, Keep the Internet Open!--dadaHi List!daJust wanted
to share with Sam Heywood and others that mightdabe interested, I have found
a couple of alternative emaildaservices, FREE ONES!!, that work well with
Arachne, Lynx 386daor even NetMail DOS (for POP3...can't get NetMail DOS to
senddamy SMTP authorization)daThe two I'm currently useing most and XMS.MS!daI really like the XMS service...they also
have a forum typedabulletin board chat thingamajig...hehe, for lack of
betterdadescription!  Anyway, these fine services don't have opendarelays,
and you do need some way to authenticate your SMTP,dafor sending from
Insight, POPMail PC, etc.  Please, if youdaappreciate good service, for
free, and especially those thatdacontinue to support alternatives to MS
Win9X only, check onedaor both of these services out.daHave a good one,
anddaC U L8R!daWiz  {;-)
(end of quote)

What happened?  This was near the end of my last email download, so I didn't
see any of the responses yet.  How did all those da get there?  Remove those
da, and the message becomes readable.

Re: Suggestion

2003-03-10 Thread Thomas Mueller
To Binky [EMAIL PROTECTED] regarding ISP mail server ASCII 255 bug:

I think that y-umlaut is ASCII 255, assuming charset ISO-8859-1.  This is
really a bug in your ISP's mail server, truncating a file after the occurrence
of an ASCII 255 on a line by itself.  You should complain and tell them about
the bug so they can correct it.  I have fallen behind on my email and news,
trying to catch up.

Re: RESENT: Shopping...

2003-03-10 Thread Thomas Mueller
 I once bought a PCI modem that was advertised to be capable of working
 under DOS.  I could not get it to work under DOS, but it worked fine
 for me under Caldera OpenLinux and also under Window$ 98.

 Sam Heywood

I finally get to your message after falling behind in email and news.

I assume the modem didn't need any special drivers in Caldera OpenLinux?  Some
Winmodems work in Linux with a special driver.

DOS software tends to be behind the times in hardware support, making 
assumptions based on older interfaces such as ISA.  I find comtool can't see my
PCI modem at all, but chat0 or chat can, I hear the dialing.  EPPPD does not
work for the PCI modem as it did for the ISA modem.  LSPPP with CHAT0 dialing
works on the PCI modem and connects to the Internet.  Ralf Brown wrote a PCI
program to find hardware on the PCI bus, yet his RCBOM can't find my PCI modem.
CONEX 7.1, however, dating to 1995 (?), accesses the PCI modem, too bad I don't
have any BBSes to test on.

I can't even setup Net-Tamer for my PCI modem because the setup only allows 
three hex digits for the base memory address, and the configuration file is
in some nondocumented binary format, so I can't simply edit a text file.  My
PCI modem is on IRQ 11, base 0xd400.  I haven't even checked
to see if there were any updated in the last six months (?).  I just conclude
Net-Tamer is hopelessly backward and don't bother to follow it.

Re: Iraq vs. N Korea

2003-02-12 Thread Thomas Mueller
Excerpt from Bastiaan Edelman:

 A Japanese and a Chinese can write to each other and understand most of
 it... but talking to each other is useless.

I didn't realize Japanese and Chinese written languages were so close.  You
mean a Chinese could read a Japanese newspaper, and vice versa?  But Korean has
a different look to me, I think I might tell Chinese from Korean printed matter,
but no way could I distinguish handwritten Chinese from handwritten Korean.

If intonation is such a critical part of spoken Chinese, I'd be really lost in
that language.

What happened to arachne_ue list

2003-02-05 Thread Thomas Mueller
What happened to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list?  Does it still exist?
One message (the most recent) that I sent to that list bounced, and my latest
mail download included nothing from that list.

Re: Iraq vs. N Korea

2003-02-04 Thread Thomas Mueller
 In Australia we were a little peeved when the new state of East Timor
 adopted Portugese as its national language instead of English.
 Indonesian would have been a better choice as like Esperanto it is an
 excellent language and spoken by neighbouring countries, but we could
 sort of understand resentment after the years of occupation by
 the US backed Soeharto dictatorship.

 My sister has just given up on Japanese, in spite of working in Japan.
 Ridiculous language.


Is Japanese a more ridiculous language than Chinese or Korean?  I think these
three languages have a large complicated character set as opposed to an alphabet
such as Roman, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew or Arabic.

I imagine Chinese, Japanese or Korean must be monstrously difficult to learn for
somebody accustomed to an alphabetical language such as English.  I hate to
think what it must be like to read less-than-neat handwriting.  Sometimes I
can't even read handwriting in English!

Re: Quoting SPAM ...

2003-02-04 Thread Thomas Mueller
I never got to use procmail but will no doubt study the man page when I get set
up with Linux (Slackware 8.1).  Can procmail search on only the headers, or 
only the Return-Path: line?  I would like to put all the NetBSD mails in one
file or folder, coming from [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], and
[EMAIL PROTECTED], no advantage in separate files, could search Return-Path:
line for netbsd string.  For spam, I might choose a safe procedure of putting
spam candidates in a separate file but not /dev/null until I look through them
all.  Then I can save legit messages but delete the others en masse.  Maybe I
could search the headers, not case-sensitive, for a string
charset=euc-kr  and
charset=ks_c_5601-1987  (typing this from memory, sometimes there are quotes)

Spam phrases could occur in a message discussing the issue of spam; recurring
topics include improving one's breast or penis size, and Viagra, and then there
are the sexy young women on webcams or sexy web sites.

Breast enlargement can occur in young men normally, and in older men as a side
effect of some prescription drugs, quite apart from spam.

I never heard of ham referring to legit email, as opposed to spam.  In the
realm of meat, I think Spam is a form of ham?  So legit email could be called
non-cured pork, or is this too verbose?  Easier to just say legit email.  I
think of ham as referring to cured pork, but I think ham properly refers to the
leg of pork, cured or not?

Re: Thank John Zappe for FDSMTPOP 0.35

2003-02-04 Thread Thomas Mueller
Excerpt from Alejandro Lieber [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 With this small letter I want to say thanks to John Zappe for his 
 ver 0.35 of Yury Semenov's FDSMTPOP.

Where do you get FDSMTPOP, message showed no URL?

What kind of message headers does FDSMTPOP use on SMTP?  Regular headers or
glue headers?  On the POP3 part, how are downloaded messages named?  Just like

Re: Fw: arachne list cancelled

2003-01-23 Thread Thomas Mueller
I subscribed to the Yahoogroups Arachne list, so I think.  To: line on the
confirmation message was 77 characters long.  I didn't stay online long enough
to get the welcome message, that was the end of my session.  I didn't use the
web interface at all, so I didn't have to answer all those questions.

I used address instead of [EMAIL PROTECTED] so as to have some
fodder for testing with fetchmail when I set up with Linux.  Do I need to use SMTP or can I also use Bluegrass Net SMTP?  I noticed some messages to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] CC'ed to the Yahoogroups list.


Re: Fw: arachne list cancelled

2003-01-22 Thread Thomas Mueller
 I tried to subscribe to the Arachne list on Yahoo groups, but the 
 confirmation reply got bounced.  It seems that the To: line is too long.

 Why can't the owner of the Majordomo list just be transferred to a new owner?

 Roger Turk

Actually the To: line was not long enough, though it may have been too long for
Compuserve.  Maybe Compuserve truncates the To: line after a certain number of
characters.  Bug in Compuserve, and didn't you say Compuserve limited your
inbox to 100 messages?  I've exceeded 100 with Bluegrass Net many times, even
exceeded 200.

.  The attached message could not be delivered to the
.  following recipients:

.  To: INTERNET:com@yaho
.  INTERNET:confirm-s2-61ZRTdWbKGXA6vfLLwuJ8r0h5RI-73527

See, the server has no way of knowing that the shortened really is
supposed to be [EMAIL PROTECTED] .  I believe I've had To: lines even longer than
this on list subscription confirmations, and I was successful sending the
confirmation mini-message.

I believe Majordomo is a software rather than hardware item, thus the Arachne
list server would be in Michael's premises.


Re: Fw: arachne list cancelled

2003-01-18 Thread Thomas Mueller

 My vote is to keep this as a Majordomo list.  I don't
 understand why the unsubscribe problem can't be fixed.
 I have been on other Majordomo lists for years that
 were maintained by people a lot less knowlegeable than
 Michael, and there have never been any problems.  Why
 can't Michael (or a trusted volunteer) just manually
 delete the addresses of the people who have been
 trying to get off the list until the unsubscribe
 function can be fixed? I mean, how much time could
 that take?


As of my last email download, which was a little after 10:00 GMT January 17,
it has already taken months.

I remember the ugly sendmail config file,, a nightmare to read
through and see what was happening.  I never got into qmail.  Any other
possibilities, exim maybe?

Michael said he had no more time to continue work on Arachne, so maybe the list
should be switched to other hands?  When should I send a subscription request to


Re: Fw: Majordomo results

2003-01-17 Thread Thomas Mueller
from skywalker [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 If the unsubscribe function cannot be fixed in a reasonable amount of time,
 which is something that has now long past then it should be completely
 scrapped as a list, if it cannot be run in a reasonable manner it should not
 be run at all.

Remember when the list went down for about 40 days last summer (?), when
Michael was away?  It seems overdue for something like that to happen again.
I also remember shorter downtimes.

Re: actiontec modems

2003-01-17 Thread Thomas Mueller
from Vasily Zatsepin [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 somehow :) I've lost traces of Ralf Brown's PCI program. Can you help me
 with the link, please?

Latest link I find is in the PCICFG.TXT file, and maybe some other Arachne users
might also be interested:

UPDATES The newest version of the PCICFG.DAT file (as well as the
full distribution archive) is always available at

Re: Headers: From Ronald Bleckendorf

2003-01-15 Thread Thomas Mueller
On Sun, 12 Jan 2003 18:59:54 -0500, Roger Turk wrote:

 Has anyone else noticed that virtually all of the headers indicate that they
 are from Ronald Bleckendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED], even when the message
 is signed by Glenn, Bastiaan, and others?

: Somehow... Ronald resent every message right back to the list.

: -- 
: Glenn

I noticed the date, Thu, 13 Jan 2011, on those resent messages.  Did
IncrediMail live up to its name by sending messages that reached the
destination 8 years before they were sent?

X-Mailer: IncrediMail 2001 (1750670)
 (from the headers of one of those messages, which was sent
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 07:16:47 +1000 (E. Australia Standard Time)

Re: Stll no unsubscribe[Fwd: Majordomo results]

2003-01-15 Thread Thomas Mueller
 I haven't seen anything where you were not able to delete mail which contained
 a string in the headers ... so simply search for in the mail

 CU, Ricsi

Actually, it is not necessary to look all through the headers, just the
Return-Path or equivalent line is sufficient, something like


Re: Keeping track of the news [was Re: UT (extreme:): the US and

2003-01-15 Thread Thomas Mueller
Excerpt from Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

   Several years ago one of the suburbs of Atlanta was having 
 problems with crime, so they passed a very controversial law 
 that everyone must own a gun.  Crime dropped 83% within a 
 month of passage.

Was this city by any chance Kennesaw GA?  They had such a law as of 1985, it
must have been passed some time earlier.

Excerpt from L.D. Best [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I live in a free country; that country passed a law which made my 80
 year old mother a felon -- because she still had the semi-automatic 
 .22 cal rifle I used to hunt rabbits to feed us many years ago, and it
 was capable of holding more than 20 rounds of .22 shorts.

Hunting laws in many places would prohibit use of semi-automatic rifles.
Hunters need to read the game laws carefully.

What did that law say about people who owned such to-be-prohibited guns before
the law was passed or even conceived?  No grandfather clause?

to Sam Ewalt:  I noticed one line with weird characters in one of your messages
 in this thread and am curious how those weird characters got there.  Here is
 the excerpt, quoted without adding any line-prefix character:

America needs to grow up, learn more about the world and get
smarter about how to handle the responsibilities that our global
strength imposes on us.

 (end of quote, end of message)

Re: actiontec modems

2003-01-13 Thread Thomas Mueller
I have a USRobotics internal PCI hardware modem that works with DOS but not
with EPPPD, only with LSPPP.  IRQ is 11, base address is 0xd400, which I
determined by running a PCI program by Ralf Brown.  This same information also
shows in Linux in /proc/pci .  Sometimes an ISP or more distant server will
change things a little, and DOS software that previously worked no longer works.
Previously I let LSPPP dial, but when there was a portmaster change that I
could hear in the modem after dialing, LSPPP was no longer able to make the IP
connection, but then I let chat0.exe (from DOSPPPD package) dial, and LSPPP then
was successful in connecting.  Then it is also possible to be unable to connect
for some time due to bug or downtime at the ISP end.

I don't think DOS would be able to dial at all with a Winmodem, and I don't
think DOS or any other OS would be able to dial if either the IRQ and/or base
address were wrong.

I think my init string is ATF1S6=7 and dial string is ATDTW followed by
telephone number.  So it waits up to 7 seconds for a dial tone if dial tone is
not immediate.

Re: Stll no unsubscribe[Fwd: Majordomo results]

2003-01-09 Thread Thomas Mueller
I wonder why Michael can't manually unsubscribe list members who want to leave.
While the Arachne list is helpful for information on Arachne and some other
subjects, I don't think we want to hold people hostage who want out.

Re: Comments on the DMCA and te TPCA

2003-01-04 Thread Thomas Mueller
To Sam Heywood, Roger Turk and possibly others,

I'm surprised you didn't hear of DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) until
recently.  It's not all that new, was passed and signed under Bill Clinton's
presidency.  FBI arrested a Russian, Dmitri Sklaryov, and the government pressed
charges against him and Elcomsoft for violation of the DMCA after Dmitri
Sklaryov wrote a program to get around the copy protection on Adobe's e-books.
There was the issue of fair use.  Russia had no laws against what Dmitri
Sklaryov and Elcomsoft did.

On the TCPA, this proposed law, if passed, will make people hold on to their
computers and not buy any new TCPA-compliant equipment until they really have 
to.  More computer users will use already existing computing equipment, and it
will become more difficult to sell new computers, though if the TCPA passes,
there could be a run on new computers just prior to when the TCPA would become
effective.  Also, computing equipment would be manufactured to two standards:
USA and rest of the world.  I think most computing equipment is manufactured
not in the USA but in eastern Asia?

Re: arachne-digest V1 #2002

2003-01-04 Thread Thomas Mueller
 All you need is a mean to parse the query string, then pass it to the
 DBMS. If only there was a Perl or TCL for DOS...


 Cristian Burneci

There is!  Perl for DOS, but no TCL as far as I know.  Perl DOS port is compiled
with DJGPP.  More information on Perl and DJGPP at

Re: arachne-digest V1 #2002

2003-01-02 Thread Thomas Mueller
Excerpt from Glenn Gilbreath Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 OK, the final topic is MTA, mail transport agent...while it
 is true there are quite a number for DOS, I still vote for
 NetMail DOS 2.12 by Marc is faster and easier
 to setup than any other I've tried, which includes FDSMTPOP.

I find one serious flaw with NetMail DOS including 2.12 on downloading (POP3).
When an email message has one or more lines of 1024 characters, NetMail
downloads the message but then hangs, going into an infinite loop of adding
whitespace to the downloaded message, was up to about 3 MB when I hit Ctrl-C and
stopped it.  Then all messages remain on the POP3 server, including those
messages that downloaded successfully prior to the message with the line(s) of
1024 characters.  UKA_PPP breezes through with no problem.

I would get such long lines occasionally with newsletters,
occasionally with another newsletter I never subscribed to, and more recently
with some base64-encoded Korean spams.  With some of those base64-encoded 
Korean spams, the base64 code would go all the way on one line through
character 1024, then character 1025 would start the next line, etc.

I'm not sure what the RFCs say about line length in mail and news messages,
but a mail and/or news client needs to be able to take a little rough treatment,
should not crash just because a message deviates from standards.

Re: arachne-digest V1 #1997

2003-01-01 Thread Thomas Mueller
from Ray Andrews [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Speaking of the future of Arachne, and the growing difficulty we are having
 ignoring Java, this monstrous thought entered my head a while ago, and
 I can't make it go away, so I may as well tell ya:

 What about Arachne for Windows ?


 Yes, I know Brothers and Sisters, I *must* burn for it, but first let me
 make my case:

Java is not for Windows only, so Arachne with Java is possible for Linux or
possibly anything but DOS.  Besides, there are doubts as to the compatibility
of Windows Java with Java on other OSes, as Bill Gates tries to make Java work
only on Windows.  So what about Arachne for Linux, and perhaps the BSDs too,
with Java?  Then you won't have to burn.

Re: arachne-digest V1 #1993

2002-12-29 Thread Thomas Mueller
 GEOWORKS supported long filenames in DOS several years before Microsoft
 managed to get 95 launched. So Microsoft has no claim to the idea

 Sam Ewalt
 Croswell, Michigan, USA

Microsoft's own Windows NT came before 95, and featured support for long file
names with NTFS.  Before that, IBM-Microsoft OS/2 supported long file names
with HPFS.  Then there were various Unixes too.

Re: Why can't you simply do FTP instead of doing browser upload?

2002-12-29 Thread Thomas Mueller
Excerpt from Bastiaan Edelman, PA3FFZ [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Until a year ago they made FTP possible and FTP is much faster, no bload
 at all... and files are smaller. HTTP is a 7 bit system so files, eg
 images, must be encoded by the sender and decoded by the provider. Is
 MIME the en/decoder; 8 bit = 7 bit ??
 Like attachments becomming larger than the original files.

HTTP is only 7 bits?  I have downloaded a lot of .zip files, also other binary
types via http, and I didn't see any MIME-style encoding.

FTP07 is a standalone FTP program for DOS, dating to 1993 but still good,
however no support for resuming interrupted downloads or uploads.

Re: What's important for Arachne's future?

2002-12-29 Thread Thomas Mueller
 So here's a question for everyone: What new features are most
 important for Arachne's future development?

 Sam Ewalt
 Croswell, Michigan, USA

My first thoughts on this subject are Javascript and https.  Lynx now supports
https, and this includes the DOS port.  With Arachne being released to open
source, there should be no license restrictions on incorporating OpenSSL.

If Arachne is released to GPL, why would there be any license restrictions
regarding porting to gcc and DJGPP, and to an HTML library possibly using
Allegro graphics library?

Re: %k

2002-12-29 Thread Thomas Mueller
Excerpt from Glenn McCorkle [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I had to change the '$' to '%' in the subject because the SMTP program refuses '$' signs in the subject line. :(

 554 Filtered out by Filter 0 because Subject = Re: $k


That is a bug on the end.  Did you tell them about it?  What did they
say?  Does anybody else have trouble sending or receiving a message with '$' in
the subject line?

Re: What SPAM is THIS ?????

2002-12-22 Thread Thomas Mueller
 What SPAM is THIS ?  Did anybody else here get one?  Did anybody
 else get one requesting a reliable supplier of a similar product?
 I wonder in which dimension my most beloved enemies were travelling 
 when they signed me up for this kind of spam.

 Sam Heywood

I received this same spam, looking for a reliable supplier of a weird kind of
wrist watch.  I too receive spams featuring a reference to a fictitious
feedback form such as you cite:

Below is the result of your feedback form.  It was submitted by
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) on Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 00:48:56


I don't recall any feedback form with anything that looked like what's on the
last line above, but I get a lot of spams that refer to a feedback form or
opt-in list, just to make them look legit.  Maybe another spammer or seller of
lists of email addresses opted in for me?

I received this spam in the same mail download as your message but deleted it
before I saw your message.  I also received a Nigeria/419 spam in the same mail
download that I recognized just from the headers and salutation before even
seeing the message body but deleted that before seeing your messages, so it's
too late to forward to the address you gave in a later message,

I also get Nigeria-type spams from African countries other than Nigeria, and
occasionally even from a non-African country.  I also see such spams in
newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp, which is connected by a gateway to an emailing

Re: An HTML Viewer and Database Interface

2002-12-22 Thread Thomas Mueller
   I've been racking my brain trying to remember the name
 of a graphical DOS HTML viewer that I used just before 
 discovering Arachne, lo these many(?) years ago.


   If you find whatever the last version of that was, you 
 have a graphical HTML viewer with no communication 

   I don't know if this was the last version, but check it 
 out to see if it'll do what you want:

 Steve Ackman

I too remember Knots 2.0, think that was the last version.  WWW address no
longer worked, I presume the author's email address was no longer valid.  I
used Knots only a little.  Knots 2.0 was supposed to be shareware ($20?), but
if the author is no longer at the stated address, that makes it freeware?  But
I don't really think anybody cares much about Knots these days.

Re: Arachne list and Spam

2002-12-18 Thread Thomas Mueller
I got that same spam from [EMAIL PROTECTED] , and presume everybody
on the Arachne list got it too.  Now this arachne-list@... is a spam target.
OK, now let the spammers bombard [EMAIL PROTECTED] , or if that doesn't
work, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (note my intentional typos).

Is there any reason why arachne-list@... should not be disabled?
(rhetorical question)

Re: Unsubscribing from Arachne

2002-12-18 Thread Thomas Mueller
 OK, Matt or whomever,
 Look, I know it is frustrating, but hey...take a wild
 guess as to how many people YOU are inconveniencing
 with your pre-buscent've been told that
 Michael is out of his country at the moment and not
 able to manually fix majordomo, so why post all the
 attachments?  Do you accomplish anything?  Hope you
 feel better the way, the temporary thing to
 do would just be to change from getting individual
 emails to getting the twice daily digest version...
 I prefer this method anyway.  But, when my Arachne
 digest comes down the pipe with some binary crap
 attached, I take it personal when I find it to have
 been sent by an IDIOT such as yourself.  So, go away,
 be quiet, and send a message to change to digest mode,
 that way you only get 2 emails per 24 hours...
 send message to [EMAIL PROTECTED], in subject field,
 put subscribe arachne-digest
 that's all you need to do...please, refrain from your
 barbaric tendencies, YOU can be reported to the proper
 authorities for action up to and including loss of your
 Internet privileges.  
 Thank you in advance.
 Wiz  {;-)

 Glenn Gilbreath Jr.
 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/index.htm
 -- DOS Internet, Close Windows and Keep the Internet Open! --

I think your Rx of subscribing to the digest might have an adverse side effect,
like being then subscribed to both the digest and the individual messages and
unable to unsubscribe.  Then the Arachne list prisoner gets a double dose.

Remember earlier this year when the Arachne list was down for an extended time
because Michael was out of the country?  Now would be a time for the list to go
down again!


2002-12-18 Thread Thomas Mueller
 Dear list:
 All this discussion of Running Arachne in various environments prompts 
 us to comment once again that OS/2 DOSEMU runs Arachne perfectly. 

 DOSEMu for Monkeylinux was impressive, but as it rus on a DOS filesystem
 it is all a bit superfluous.

 What we were wondering is whether there are DOSEMU funtions for recent
 Windows like ME?

 Kali  James

I remember running Arachne in OS/2 DOSEMU, and it ran but was much slower than
under straight DOS.  Apparently the slow part was the modem download, which
seemed 40% to 50% as fast as under straight DOS.  I was able to get 800 * 600
screen resolution in OS/2 DOSEMU, which I hear the Windows NT line including
2000 and XP does not allow.  Slow modem download in OS/2 DOSEMU was also true
for Lynx386, though Lynx386, being text-mode, rendered web pages much faster
than Arachne.  I learned to avoid using OS/2 DOSEMU for any big downloads, in
most cases I used OS/2 Lynx.  I am inclined to think OS/2 Warp 3 and 4 had the
best DOS emulators.

DOSEMU for Linux is not really an emulator, since it requires an actual DOS.
DOSEMU for Linux seems comparable to booting a specific DOS version under OS/2,
which could be done from a specially prepared boot diskette in drive A with the
desired DOS version or from an image file of this diskette.

I think Windows ME has an actual DOS hidden underneath, though MS makes it
difficult to get to.  Windows ME is the last MS-Windows with an actual DOS
hidden underneath.

Re: base 64 encoded message from unknown source on East coast selling computers

2002-12-11 Thread Thomas Mueller
in response to Thomas Tabler:

That message looks like spam, I'd delete it without decoding the base64.  I too
receive spams, HTML or non-HTML, that are base64-encoded.  If it looks like
spam judging from the headers, I delete without decoding the base64.

Headers in the message you received show the message traveled through .cn
top-level domain, meaning they used an open relay to hide their tracks, which
in turn means they're not legit.

Re: Majordomo results

2002-12-07 Thread Thomas Mueller
Excerpt from Glenn McCorkle [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] serves the following lists:


Glenn, you mean [EMAIL PROTECTED] has all these lists, including many not
related to Arachne?  I wonder if the spirulina list relates to spirulina, the
blue-green alga(e) subject of various health claims.

Re: Majordomo results

2002-12-07 Thread Thomas Mueller
 Recently, a server for another listservice that I subscribe to went berserk.  
 Bounced messages were resent to the list and the messages that were bounced 
 were bounced once again and resent again and again.  The owner of the list 
 was in Berkeley, California, and the server was in Texas.  They finally had 
 to pull the plug on the server to get it to quit.

 Roger Turk
 Tucson, Arizona

I once landed on an emailing list as a result of participating in an online
petition, and the list went bananas with lots of bounces, and then people
responded quoting the entire message thread.  I received about 560 KB of junk in
about three days before that list was disabled. 

I received a bunch of messages addressed




Glenn McCorkle's test message


also showed


just as if the message were addressed directly to me.  I think

Re: unsubscribe error

2002-12-03 Thread Thomas Mueller
I see from your headers that you were using Microsoft Outlook Express.  Maybe
you sent the unsubscribe request with HTML attachment?  Outlook Express does
sneaky things like that, plus quoted-printable, without letting the user know.
You have to be sure to send the unsubscribe request as one-part plain-text
because Majordomo and other listservs don't recognize MIME embellishments.
I think Majordomo may have interpreted the subheaders of the first part of the
message as commands, which were unrecognizable.  The following is quoted from
your message to the list, verbatim:

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 7:50 PM
Subject: Majordomo results


  This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
  Command 'this' not recognized.
  Command '--=_nextpart_000_0014_01c29b04.ea7e10a0' not recognized.
  Content-Type: text/plain;
  Command 'content-type:' not recognized.
  Command 'charset=iso-8859-1' not recognized.
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
  Command 'content-transfer-encoding:' not recognized.
  unsubscribe arachne
  Sorry, an error has occurred while processing your request
  The caretaker of Majordomo ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) has been
  of the problem.


2002-12-02 Thread Thomas Mueller
 Also another word of warning:

 If you sign up for a shell account with them, the default configuration
 on their remote server for doing your email with PINE with is not right.  I had to change some things to make it
 work for me.   Also you will have to pay extra for newsgroup access with
 them; however, if you have an account with the free Berlin newserver at
 NEWS.CIS.CFN.DE, then you can set it up so as to be able to do your
 newsgroups with your shell account by using PINE, and you can do it for
 no extra charge.  Anyone here who might sign up for a shell account with who has problems with his PINE setup may contact me
 by private email for help.

 Sam Heywood

That free Berlin newsserver is (correcting the typo), and
information can be obtained by  You can request an
account, they send your user name and password by return email, there is no
charge.  No binary newsgroups.

Sam Heywood, I remember you occasionally posted a message to newsgroup
comp.os.msdos.mail-news, which now seems to have gone nearly dead.  There is
still the monthly posting of the GNKSA (Good Net-Keeping Seal of Approval), 
which now I delete without reading.

Does really have local dialup numbers throughout the USA and
Canada, for both shell and PPP access?  Does anybody have favorable experience
with newsgroup access on a shell account?  What about email access when one is
on one or more busy lists?

Re: OT Spam and Blocking Entire Domains/ISPs

2002-11-27 Thread Thomas Mueller
I am not sure just what Bluegrass Net does to stop spam, but the last I was told
is that they blocked mail coming from any server on a list of open relays.

I've had legitimate correspondents, both direct and through lists, with Hotmail
or Yahoo addresses, and I wouldn't want to bar those.  It is highly unusual
that I receive a spam from a legit Hotmail or Yahoo address, though I receive a
lot of spam from faked Hotmail and Yahoo addresses.  Anybody can call
themselves [EMAIL PROTECTED], and if Hotmail addresses are barred, they
can change that to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I see some Korean spammers
apparently using that logic to change to, though I
don't think Bluegrass Net has any filters against Korean spam domains.  Majority
of spams I receive are Korean, almost all in HTML, and I don't try to read them.
Usually the subject line contains a bunch of upper-ASCII characters that make no

I rarely get anything from .ru or .cn domain, though I get Chinese spams from
.tw domain.  I wouldn't want to block entire domains when many of the users are
legit, and wouldn't want to block an entire nationality.

DR-DOS is apparently not lame duck

2002-11-22 Thread Thomas Mueller
According to an article in heise online News

[] DR-DOS lebt
DeviceLogics, aktueller Eigentümer von DR-DOS, will im Frühjahr 2003 eine
neue Version des Betriebssystems herausbringen.

there may be a new release of DR-DOS in early 2003.

There was also a short message in newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp about an update
to DR-DOS in early 2003 pointing to more info at  and

This may not be directly on-topic for Arachne, but the future of DOS is quite

Re: ÄÖÜäöü

2002-11-19 Thread Thomas Mueller
from Glenn McCorkle using Arachne V1.71;UE01 :

Subject: Re: ÄÖÜäöü

from Richard Menedetter using Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.1) 
Gecko/20020826 :

To: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=C4=D6=DC=E4=F6=FC?= [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=C4=D6=DC=E4=F6=FC?=

from Richard Menedetter using SoupGate-Win32 v1.05 :

Subject: ÄÖÜäöü

I am reading this and preparing my response using elvis 2.1.4 DOS port, capable
of handling files too big for low DOS memory.  elvis, not being a real mail and
news reader, shows everything as is and adds no embellishments of its own.  I
like the natural 8bit way better than the encoded way.

I get a lot of Korean spams with a bunch of upper-ASCII characters in the 
subject line, though a few come encoded ?Q? or ?B?.  Since I can't read or speak
Korean, any way of rendering is unreadable to me.  I wonder what they're trying
to sell and why they use a language I can't read if they're trying to sell

Re: Arachne and DJGPP (was Re: Networking)

2002-11-17 Thread Thomas Mueller
Excerpt from Alejandro Lieber [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I really like to use minumun equipment when posible.
 With the 80286 I have Pegasus Mail, Minuet, POPMail, FTP, Bobcat, UseNet and 
 Telnet to a shell account with Conex where I run Lynx, at a speed more than 
 three times faster than IE in a 800Mhz Celeron.

Lynx is not running on your 80286!  Lynx is running on a much more powerful
remote computer that you are accessing via a shell account.

Re: mouse not functioning in DOS .

2002-11-11 Thread Thomas Mueller
 Hi Victor there so far in MY (former legendary Burma)

 Your are the third person from Myanmar I talk with :)

 I have used ctmouse sometimes replacing the with better results
 (try and error)

 in the ctmouse directory you should have installed it look for





 ARG home country of tango dance and Maradona football player :=)
(snip postscripts)

Are you sure you met three people from Myanmar, and not Malaysia, via the 
Internet?  I remember once going through a list of country domains, and
Malaysia was .my, while Myanmar was .mm.  I still haven't met anybody from .mm.

Re: added RAM yet DOS app still out of low mem (:

2002-11-07 Thread Thomas Mueller
I now have no trouble fitting Arachne in low memory with DR-DOS 7.03, but I 
think I have less drivers loaded in CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT.

With DR-DOS, as opposed to MS-DOS, EMM386.EXE is used for CPU = 386, without

to Andy: Where did you buy RAM to boost the old computer from 8 MB to 32 MB?
Most dealers sell only newer RAM types that wouldn't fit in old computers.

to Glenn McCorkle:

Is that LTNIDE.SYS a generic driver for IDE/ATAPI CD-ROM drives, as in


Where do you get a driver to use an ATAPI CD-ROM in DOS?

Re: It has nothing to do with TEXTAREA.TMP [was Re: your troubles

2002-09-27 Thread Thomas Mueller

from Michael Polak:

 It doesn't really make money, but it is steady income without need to 
 pretend that I am programming genius ;) (which I never was...)

I guess then that webhosting, even if it can't make you rich, will keep you
financially solvent better than Arachne could.

 Arachne and Net-Tamer has almost nothing in common. Arachne was trying 
 to take advantage of as many existing standards in DOS as possible, and 
 to port as many new standards, as possible. I failed to support various 
 resident TCP/IP stacks - but they have never become standards anyway...
 Nettamer was minimalistic application, never intended to be portable to 
 anything but the minimal DOS based PC

I haven't browsed recently, but Net-Tamer
is rather backward.  I couldn't even set it up because the setup program only
allowed three hex digits for nonstandard modem address, and then the data go to
a non-text binary file whose format is not documented.  My modem is at base
address 0xd400, IRQ 11.  Net-Tamer, being only for PPP connections, is rendered
obsolete and unusable by broadband, as well as some of the newer dialup modems.

 ;-) DOS Internet community can learn only from Linux community - and 
 learn to share as much as possible (as people who do DJGPP, Allegro, 
 etc. already do). It is not just Linux community - it is open source 
 community, and it includes many operating systems, including FreeDOS.

 The trouble of DOS is, that all programmers with enough skills to port 
 open source code to DOS will soon learn, that using directly Linux is 
 simply easier and more fun... :-) Semi-commercial shareware development 
 of DOS versions of multi-platform software may be some kind of solution 
 - this is my plan. But at least you should understand, that developing 
 anything on DOS platform is hell. The greatest games for 8-bit computers 
 (ZX Spectrum...) were also not developed on ZX Spectrum, etc. - they 
 were developed on emulators running on early PCs, because it was 
 superior development platform these days...

I follow newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp , devoted to DJGPP development system
for DOS.  A great effort to keep DOS software alive, but up against much more
powerful OSes including Linux and the BSDs.  I wonder if DJGPP is really worth
bothering with when Linux has so much more to offer.  Remember what
Richard Menedetter has been saying about the difficulties of programming for
DOS and the superior power of Linux.

Re: It has nothing to do with TEXTAREA.TMP [was Re: your troubles

2002-09-20 Thread Thomas Mueller

from Micheal Polak:

 Also note, that what I do for living now, is webhosting - Arachne is not abandoned, but I am also not
 really supporting it. It is currently undergoing transformation into 
 open source project, which is the best way to prevent it from being 
 abandonware. There are many excellent open source projects around, some 
 of them updated quite frequently, and it is also the way to go for Arachne.


Congratulations on both your more lucrative occupation (webhosting) and
decision to make Arachne into open-source project.  We certainly can't blame
you for favoring something that makes more money than Arachne.

I've been saying for some time that for Arachne to be viable, it needs the
efforts of the open-source community, and I might say that about Net-Tamer too.
David Colston of Net-Tamer, are you reading this?  Arachne could be developed
not only for DOS but for Linux and other open-source Unixes too.

DOS Internet community is not so strong that they can afford to be isolated and
compete against each other.  They need to be united.  There is plenty of 
stronger competition from Linux and Mac, not to mention MS-Windows.

Anybody know what's happening with Net-Tamer?  I haven't browsed the URL since
many months ago

Re: Testing A1.71

2002-09-17 Thread Thomas Mueller

F2 save.

Have you tried saving a file to any, repeat ANY, directory except the
 set path of arachne\download\ ?

All of my attempts have ended in the download directory and none in
 the targetted directory.


 Ron Clarke

I have no problem saving to another directory with F2 in Arachne, though this
is for 1.70r3.  I don't have any 1.71.  For instance, I might save a NetBSD
online man page as G:\NETBSD\DISKLBL.HTM , that would be the man page for
disklabel, but I can't call it DISKLABEL.HTML in DOS.  I have to substantially
modify Arachne's suggested name and path.

Re: Arachne and Linux

2002-09-01 Thread Thomas Mueller

Excerpt from Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Links is like lynx but with support for https, tables, and 
 frames.  If you like text browsing, you might prefer it.

Actually the newer versions of Lynx also support https.  I believe Lynx386
( is the only DOS browser with https support.

RE: more about floods

2002-08-20 Thread Thomas Mueller

  I live here in what they call tornado alley. I and
 others have seen as many as 7 funnel clouds at onetime
 together. I have seen barns, houses, and machine sheds
 moved or strewn for miles. Last year we followed a large
 path of the remnants of several buildings for 13 miles
 before we became bored and came back! And what you
 describe sure seems like a tornado to me. 20some years
 ago I witnessed from 5 miles away, a town of 500 totally
 wiped off the map in minutes, nothing but basements left.
 Luckily no one was killed then, but many have died by them.
 Here we have what is called Early Warning, and since it
 came into effect, it has saved many lives. If you ARE
 experiencing tornados, your authorities would be wise not
 to ignore it, but learn to carry out emergency precautions!
 Schools, businesses, and most anything train people in what to
 look for and what to do when one hits. We have people at work
 called spotters who are trained to go out and look for them
 when the season and conditions are here. My first day in
 computer school one hit the school. Motels, restaurants
 schools, other businesses and whatnot have posted the
 procedures for where to go and what to do when they come.
 My first day of class yesterday, for this semester, we saw
 a movie for what to do. We see it every semester before
 anything else is done.
 Beware the calm yellow sky, if the day goes yellow seek
 shelter! They sound alot like a freight train and also
 dump alot of hail before they hit!


Where are you located?  Somewhere in the USA?  Texas, Oklahoma and Florida come
to mind as leading tornado states, Kansas too.

Nice to see the Arachne list is back!

Re: Base64 decoding problem

2002-07-03 Thread Thomas Mueller

In my last POP3 download, I received two apparently Klez-bearing messages
totaling 289 KB, both had Return-Path ending in .il, just like the one you
(Sam Heywood) received.

I notice something special in the pattern of these messages, a line
iframe src=cid:...
in the HTML part and a matching Content-ID in the attachment subheaders, such
as is used to show where to place a graphic image in a document.  Maybe this
method is used to direct a susceptible email client to execute the attachment
regardless of its name in the attachment subheaders?  In the example you gave:

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

iframe src=3Dcid:H937A1aH013z438O height=3D0 width=3D0

Content-Type: audio/x-midi;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-ID: H937A1aH013z438O


Re: version numbers (was Re: Dillo)

2002-07-03 Thread Thomas Mueller

 The new plan of action

 The Linux versions to be 2.x

 The Dos versions will stay in the 1.x range.
 Most likely stepping-up in increments of .01 per release.

 At 1 release sometime during each calendar year...
 We can continue on this path until 2030. ;-)


While this is happening, ipv6 will take over from the current ipv4, and then
possibly all DOS Internet software will fall off the edge of the earth, perhaps
Win3.1 Internet software too, since development on Win3.1 seems to have hit a
standstill.  Besides, DOS may fall too far behind the new hardware developments.

Re: Dillo

2002-06-30 Thread Thomas Mueller

Excerpt from Cristian Burneci [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 This may be off topic, but it seems that we experience an invasion of fast
 and small browsers these days. Less than two years ago the choices
 were very limited. There were only IE and Netscape. Opera was only at the
 begining. Arachne was there too, and like today, the only fully graphical
 browser available for DOS.  Also nothing much for Linux

Linux had Lynx, not as advanced as it is now, no ability to access inline
images.  For graphic browsers, Linux had Arena (rather flimsy), but there was
also Netscape, and more recently, Amaya.

You are not off topic.  Knowing what other browsers can do is quite relevant
for judging the merits of Arachne and future Arachne development.

Re: OT: BeOS info

2002-06-27 Thread Thomas Mueller

Excerpt from Day Brown:

 So, a modular system, that did the text in text mode, and the
 surfing in gui would make more sense. Arachne came pretty close,
 but my local isp did something, and dos wont logon any more.
 Even so, it wouldnt do usenet. Which is kinda curious for a tool
 for lower power systems. the alternative to usenet is crap like
 the Yahoo's or AOL, and a few scattered hosts like Arachne's.

 I rather like Usenet, it feels kinda like CSPAN, no glitz.

 As recall, Opera dont have usenet either. the only tool which
 I found that had private mail, usenet, surfing, and online credit
 card functionality was netscape. I guess OE does that too, but I
 dont do windoz.

Does the DOS Internet software not log on at all, or does it log on but leave
you without correct DNS, so you can't find anything by name?  I think
Sam Heywood suggested that possibility, in which case LSPPP might work.  But
little changes at the ISP's end can play havoc with DOS Internet software
regarding logging in.  I made LSPPP work with a different dialer, CHAT0.EXE
from DOSPPPD.  EPPPD wouldn't make IP connection with the new PCI hardware
modem, though CHAT.EXE or CHAT0.EXE dialed OK, and so did MINITERM.EXE which
comes with Arachne.  If you can log on but not find anything by name, try
something where you know the IP address.  It still seems that DOS will not be
able to keep up with advances in hardware and Internet protocols, and there is
much better future with Linux.

UKA_PPP 1.7x2 aka NOS-BOX 2.05 works for Usenet, but I think this is lame-duck
software, don't expect any more updates; also becoming more difficult to find
on the Internet.

Re: Is MSN.COM just a pseudo-ISP like AOL?

2002-06-24 Thread Thomas Mueller

I never tried to access MSN, and have never seen MSN in action, but I remember
an ad that said MSN required Windows 95 or 98.  That was before ME, and I think
it was also before Win2000.  But Windows NT was conspicuous by its absence and
seemed to indicate MS was not good for compatibility even with their own current
OSes.  I think, but am not entirely certain, MSN is an online service comparable
to AOL, Prodigy and CompuServe, rather than a straight ISP like or .

Here is a signature from newsgroup by somebody many of us have
seen on this mailing list, especially in the days of Freewwweb (this is not me,
but contains a link relevant to DOS-friendly Internet):

Glenn Gilbreath Jr.
Registered Pharmacist
http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/index.htm
-- DOS Internet, Close Windows and Keep the Internet Open! --

-- Tom Mueller

Re: Old dos archive

2002-06-23 Thread Thomas Mueller

On Thu, 20 Jun 2002 21:55:20 -0700, Destiny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Previous discussions inquired of locating old dos install files.  has dos/windows/os2/deskview of various flavors
 including dos 3.30.

Sam Heyood responded:

 I downloaded MSDOS, version 3.30 from that site.

 Two problems:

 The downloads are RAR files.  The only UNRAR utility for DOS
 that I could find is an expensive shareware program.  The
 shareware program works fine, but I wish I could find a freeware
 UNRAR utility for DOS.

 After I UNRARED the download, I found that the archive consisted
 of two IMZ files.  It is my understanding that you can't do
 anything with an IMZ file unless you have a program named WinImage,
 a Windows program.  I don't know if WinImage is freeware, shareware,
 or payware.  Maybe WinImage comes free with some versions of
 Windows.  I don't know.

RAR is shareware, but UNRAR, as far as I know, is free, if you just want to
extract RAR archives and not create them.  But ZIP would have made more sense,
since it is more widely known and used, and there is a freeware Infozip.

I don't know what IMZ is supposed to be, maybe a zipped image of some kind?
But the use of RAR and IMZ is ill-advised.  Since DOS 3.30 is so old, it would
have made more sense to make it extractable using software of the type that was
current around 1990, or newer software that is compatible.


2002-06-23 Thread Thomas Mueller

to Dean Coffey:

Now you have me curious about BeOS, its future and where and how to get it, and
will it boot with LILO.  I heard about Be Inc going out of business, being sold
to Palm who were not going to contiune developing BeOS.

What kind of web browsers are there for BeOS, and how do they compare with
Arachne?  I think there was a Bezilla?

Re: Arachne versions

2002-06-21 Thread Thomas Mueller

Only Arachne version I retain is 1.70r3.  I didn't see any advantage in 
retaining any earlier version.  As I best remember, there were short intervals
in some cases between successive 1.6x releases, so I could possibly have missed
something along the way. 

I don't think being a registered user binds you to a specific version.  Don't
the privileges of being a registered user carry forward to all later versions,
just the same as with Net-Tamer?

Re: bootable dos's? and Arachne-Digest #1860

2002-06-13 Thread Thomas Mueller

 As for the two sends, I believe one would be to a Netscape e-mail
 client like Mozilla, and the other just for dos apps.  Yeah, it's really
 the same mail, just two identities for two different e-mail clients.
 Of course I could be wrong, but does it make a whole lot of difference,
 since the inventor of Arachne, Mr. Michael Polak, does not manage the
 List anymore?  And if that offends you, I just won't send it to ns@


 Thomas Tabler

I am CCing to the Arachne list because of questions that others might be able to
answer.  Who does manage the Arachne list now, if not Michael Polak?

Is the Arachne list down?  I haven't received anything from the Arachne list for
somewhat over two days as of my last POP3 download.

Are you sure the ns in [EMAIL PROTECTED] is Netscape-related?  Does 
anybody know what the ns is for, since [EMAIL PROTECTED], without ns, goes
to the same destination?  I don't send a message to both [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
[EMAIL PROTECTED] simply because there is no point in posting the same
message twice to the list.

I was also wondering why anybody would want to run such an old DOS version as
PC- (or MS-)DOS 3.10.

Re: problem with obtaining earlier DOSes

2002-06-07 Thread Thomas Mueller

Excerpt from Sam Heywood:

 If you have a hard drive having a partition larger than 32 MB
 and you try to SYS it with a DOS version 3.30 or less you will
 have problems.  I don't know how serious the problems would be
 because I have never dared to try it.

I'm inclined to think you'd avoid problems because DOS version = 3.30 wouldn't
recognize a partition  32 MB, therefore any attempt to SYS it would yield just
an error message, wouldn't work at all.  But I have no such early versions of
DOS to experiment with.  But another hazard is that with MS-DOS through v4
required system files to be in a particular location on the disk to be
bootable.  Therefore SYS could damage existing files.

Re: Migration away from Arachne?

2002-06-07 Thread Thomas Mueller

On Tue, 04 Jun 2002 16:55:41 -0400, L.D. Best wrote:

 I won't be migrating anywhere soon.  The only way I feel SAFE in using
 an untrustworthy dangerous OS from M$ -- 98SE, w2k -- is the sure
 knowledge that using Arachne to get my mail protects me better than even
 the best virus protectors out there.  You see, Arachne won't run an
 attachment ... regardless of what that attachment is; the best virus
 protection around can't protect you from something new, so running
 dozerwarez means you have a better than 50% chance of getting clobbered,

% Hello L.D.:

% Your NSHO is 100% correct on this issue.  I have recently received
% several brand new viruses on the very day after they were first
% discovered.  I sure am glad I wasn't running dozerware when I opened
% the virulent messages.  I'm sure you and all the other list members
% are happy about that too.  If I were running dozerware my computer
% would have become an SMTP server for sending countless copies of the
% viruses to you and to everyone else.  I would have been completely
% clueless and oblivious to the fact that I was being very annoying to
% everyone out there.

% Sam Heywood

Any POP3 client, to be considered networthy, should not execute any
attachments automatically.  Viewing the raw data as in a text editor is a good
precaution when in doubt about what's in a message, you don't want Javascript
or VBScript capability.  I would guess that nobody has ever become infected
with a virus using Arachne for the POP3 download.

I got 8 Klez messages in one day from the same sender, totaling about 1.44 MB,
following three (?) earlier such messages, before he cleaned his system with
tools downloaded from Symantec.  Last download, there was no Klez, but I got 
one Snowhite message, after I thought that virus had faded out of circulation.

Re: problem with obtaining earlier DOSes

2002-06-04 Thread Thomas Mueller

 Am I wrong in my understanding of DOS that the files needed to create a boot 
 disk (MSDOS\PCDOS, IO.SYS/IBMIO.SYS, COMMAND.COM) are *always* files on the 
 DOS disk, but, except for COMMAND.COM, are hidden/system files?  Could you 
 not create a boot disk by copying these files (removing the hidden/system 
 attributes first) to the root directory of a particular logical drive on your 
 HD, going to that root directory, and doing a SYS a:?

 Roger Turk
 Tucson, Arizona

What is the purpose of the intermediate step of copying the hidden/system files
to the root directory of a logical drive?  You can do SYS a: from C: assuming
C: is your boot drive.  But you can only make a boot diskette for the same DOS
version you booted, not for any other DOS version.

Re: Laptop won't connect

2002-06-04 Thread Thomas Mueller

Thanks to both of you for the suggestions. I went off and located
 LSPPP 0.8 and even read the instructions that came with it! Running it
 on its own, I could get it to put all the essential information into
 IP-UP.BAT, including DNS numbers. However, I simply could not get
 Arachne to play ball with it. No fetching messages, no www pages - it
 wouldn't even hang up properly. Trying it on my fully Arachne-working
 office 486, it doesn't work there, where I know the original
 bog-standard Arachne set-up works.

I went back to the LSPPP site and found two other things: LSPPPCFG
 and also a patch for the CORE.EXE of Arachne V1.70r3. I followed all the
 instructions for both and tried connecting again. Same result. I spent a
 few hours messing about with this and it doesn't seem to be going
 anywhere for me.

I'm beginning to think that this laptop is about ripe for an
 installation of Linux

Thanks again for your input,


If you can connect with LSPPP, there has to be a way to make Arachne play ball,
but you have to tell Arachne through ARACHNE.CFG where everything is.  I create
a WATTCP.CFG and specify the path to that, but you might also be able to make it
work through environment variables.  Have you been able to run any other
Internet application while connected through LSPPP?

But you may be right about the laptop being ready for an installation of Linux.
You wouldn't have to tell each application where to find the connection data,
and there is a usepeerdns option that can be used with pppd.  DOS Internet
software seems to be gradually falling behind the newer protocols and server

NETDIAL and COMTOOL don't work on my newer modem, but CHAT0, from EPPPD package,

Re: Laptop won't connect

2002-05-31 Thread Thomas Mueller

On Wed, May 29, 2002 at 09:00:15AM +, Edenyard wrote:

I've just been given a Viglen Dossier 486 Laptop with PCMCIA modem
 and one of the first jobs (after removing doze) was to install Arachne
 1.7r3. I managed to get the modem driver to work and the modem is well
 and truly functional. Arachne will dial with it and I get the message
 CONNECT 28800, but it seems to fall over at the PPP stage.
The thing is, I have a feeling we've been here before on this list
 (years ago, it seems) but I can't remember what the answer was. How do I
 get any diagnostic info out of arachne to say what exactly is failing?
 What would stop it working on one 486 when it works perfectly on
 another, both with identical ISP?

Howard Eisenberger responded:

: I don't know anything about PCMCIA modems, but I have been playing
: around of late with a parallel port pocket modem (also software 
: driven) on an old 386 laptop, and am unable to load EPPPDD at all. 
: However, both etherppp and LSPPP (new version .80) work well and I 
: am running some smaller Internet apps.   
Oh yes - vital stats: 486DX, 20Mb RAM, 105+ (green) showing in
 Arachne. Using exactly the same ISP and ARACHNE.CFG settings as in my
 486 desktop machine, which has worked with Arachne well for simply ages.
 Using bog-standard Arachne 1.70r3 with EPPPD.

: Perhaps it is EPPPD that is the problem.

EPPPD has a bug, will not make IP connection with some modems, including my
USRobotics PCI hardware modem, even though the dialer, such as CHAT or
MINITERM, works.  Not having EPPPD source code, I can't figure why EPPPD fails
to recognize such modems.

Re: Access-4-Free (fwd)

2002-05-31 Thread Thomas Mueller

On Tue, 28 May 2002 08:47:35 -0400 (EDT) Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED]
wrote, and Sam Heywood responded:


  Maybe you didn't comprehend the implications of this the 
  first time I sent it? ... Apple PC's don't have dynamic DNS 
  capability.  They therefore MUST use static DNS servers.  
  The confirmation page gave you the preferred DNS servers 
  to use for static addresses when you signed up for the 
  service.  Why don't you just use them?

  I understood it the first time.  I tried that.  By using the
  static DNS numbers I was able to surf the net, but I was not able
  to receive or send email.  By using the dynamically assigned DNS
  numbers I can do anything I want on the internet.


  Sam Heywood

How would you be able to resolve WWW addresses but not mail server addresses?
That seems strange.  Maybe if you got the IP address of the mail server, you
would have been able to send or receive email?  Or was that address variable

There was discussion some time back on this list about using another ISP's

Re: Is Arachne list alive?

2002-05-27 Thread Thomas Mueller

I began getting Arachne list messages again May 24, just before that message
illustrating the Korean spam.  Arachne list activity seems rather light.

I guess I need to ask my ISP about what spam filters they now use, whether that
might have blocked [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Modem compatibility with LSppp and EPPPD

2002-05-27 Thread Thomas Mueller

 I have experience in using many different modems to get on line with
 various DOS internet applications.  So far I have found that any
 functional real modem, even very old 2400 bps. modems, will work with

 I have encountered several real modems that will work fine with EPPPD,
 but they will not work at all with LSppp.

 Has anyone discovered any particular characteristics or features present
 or lacking in real modems that are incompatible with LSppp?  One thing
 I have discovered about modems that are incompatible with Lsppp is that
 the incompatibility problem seems to be unrelated to the brand or the
 manufacturer, or the modem speed, or the date of manufacture.

 BTW, a common error message returned by LSppp when it fails to connect
 when using an incompatible modem is get a Hayes modem.  I have found
 that using a Hayes modem does not guarantee compatibility with LSppp.
 I have a genuine Hayes modem, being an external 9600 bps. modem, that
 works fine with EPPPD, but it won't work with LSppp.

 Sam Heywood

My experience with modems is limited, I've used only two with DOS for the
Internet, both are 56K.  First one is Diamond SupraExpress 56i internal ISA,
where I applied the optional jumpers for COM4 (base 0x2e8) IRQ 5 because the
modem it replaced used that port-IRQ combination.  Jumpers could be omitted if
the user wants Plug 'n Pray.  Second modem is USRobotics internal PCI modem,
OEM model 2976, a real modem.  EPPPD and LSPPP both worked with the Diamond
modem.  EPPPD does not work at all with the USRobotics modem.  I can hear
dialing with CHAT or Arachne's MINITERM, but EPPPD can't make the IP
connection.  At first LSPPP worked with the regular configuration, where
LSPPP dialed, but then a change in the Bluegrass Net portmaster rendered this
unworkable.  LSPPP still dialed but couldn't negotiate the IP connection.
This was also true in the older computer with the Diamond modem, though EPPPD
still worked there.  I made a new setup for LSPPP, taking CHAT0 from the
DOSPPPD and using that to dial before running LSPPP.  That worked.  I used
CHAT0 like Marc Ressl's Netdial, though Netdial does not work with the
USRobotics modem.

Sam Heywood, on those modems that don't work at all with LSPPP, maybe you
could use CHAT0 or possibly Netdial in place of LSPPP's dialer, and then see if
LSPPP will complete the IP connection.

Re: Arachne no longer works with Spamcop

2002-05-24 Thread Thomas Mueller


Have you been seeing messages from Arachne list?  I haven't.  Your message
headers first line was


meaning the copy you sent directly to me, off list.

When I asked if fetchmail had trouble with messages having one or more lines of
1024 characters, I was referring to downloading, not reading.  Popclient OS/2
port halted with a segfault on such a message, but that message and all
preceding messages were downloaded successfully, and all messages up to but not
including the one with 1024-character-wide lines were removed from the server.
NetMail for DOS downloads all preceding messages, then downloads the message
with 1024-character-wide lines and appends whitespace at the end in an infinite
loop.  I have to hit Ctrl-C to escape, and all messages remain on the server.
UKA_PPP 1.7x2 aka NOS-BOX 2.05 has no problems with these wide-lined messages.
Now some Korean spams come with the body base64-encoded and lines of 1024
characters except the last.

I don't think there is a DOS version of fetchmail, though there was an OS/2

Korean spams I get seem to be always HTML, sometimes base64-encoded or
quoted-printable, charset ks_c_5601-1987 or euc-kr.  HTML keywords are in
English, but the message itself, as well as the subject line, is likely to
consist largely of upper-ASCII characters.  Just so you see what I get, here is
an actual sample, not one of the longer ones (I wouldn't do that to you):

Received: from ([])
by (8.12.1/8.12.1) with SMTP id g4MEXwpA090973
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Wed, 22 May 2002 10:33:59 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Á¤º¸] °°Àº ¸ð½ÀÀ¸·Î »ìÁö ¾Ê´Â´Ù.
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ks_c_5601-1987
Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 23:33:59 +0900

title¹é¸¸ÀåÀÚ Å¬·´ÀÔ´Ï´Ù./title
meta name=generator content=Namo WebEditor v3.0
body bgcolor=white text=black link=blue vlink=purple alink=red
pspan style=FONT-SIZE: 10ptfont color=black±ÍÇÏÀÇ ¸ÞÀÏÁÖ¼Ò´Â À¥ ¼­ÇÎ
Áß ¾Ë°Ô µÈ °ÍÀ̸ç, E-Mail ÁÖ¼Ò ¿Ü¿¡, ´Ù¸¥ Á¤º¸´Â °®°í ÀÖÁö ¾Ê½À´Ï´Ù.br Á¤ÅëºÎ
±Ç°í»çÇ׿¡ ÀÇ°Å Á¦¸ñ¿¡ /font/spanspan style=FONT-SIZE: 10ptfont 
 style=FONT-SIZE: 10ptfont color=black Ç¥±âÇÑ ¸ÞÀÏÀÔ´Ï´Ù. ¿øÄ¡ ¾ÊÀ¸¸é
/font/spanspan style=FONT-SIZE: 9pta 
 style=FONT-SIZE: 8pt¸¦ ´­·¯ÁÖ¼¼¿ä/span
table border =1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=669 height=480 
tdtable border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=669
td height=80 colspan=2pimg 
 width=669 height=80 border=0/p/td
td width=197 height=250pimg 
 width=197 height=250 border=0 usemap=#Map/p/td
td width=472 height=250pimg 
 width=472 height=250 border=0/p/td
td height=150/td
td height=150p align=center

height=100 width=450
classid=clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-44455354PARAM NAME=_cx 
embed src= quality=high 
 type=application/x-shockwave-flash width=450 height=100
/tablemap name=Map
area shape=RECT coords=11,179,178,246 href   =;

Is Arachne list alive?

2002-05-24 Thread Thomas Mueller

Is the Arachne list still alive?  Has the list been down?  Last message I see
shows (excerpt from the headers)

Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 17:29:57 -0500
X-Mailer: Arachne V1.70;rev.3

Now is 24 May 2002, about 15:00 GMT as I type this, later when I send this.

Re: Arachne no longer works with Spamcop

2002-05-22 Thread Thomas Mueller

This is, in part, a test message to the Arachne list.  Has the list been down, 
or have I been dropped due to some bug?

I can't see the rationale behind the Korean spammers bombarding me and others.
What can they be trying to sell me if I can't read their language?

One type of spam is probably impossible to filter out, when subscribed to an
emailing list that accepts posts from nonsubscribers as well as subscribers,
such as the NetBSD lists.  Header fields usually give no clues that might
distinguish the spams from legit messages.

How do you tell fetchmail what file to download/append to?  Is it then possible
to read the same messages with more than one reader?  I had trouble setting up
fetchmail some time ago, like several years.  Does fetchmail have any trouble
with messages that have lines of 1024 characters wide?

Re: Arachne no longer works with Spamcop

2002-05-18 Thread Thomas Mueller


I received your message sent directly to me, but not through the Arachne list.
I didn't receive anything through the Arachne list in close proximity to your
message, figure Arachne list must be or have been down.  So I send CC to you so
you get the message even if the Arachne list is still down.

It is especially annoying to receive the same spam multiple times or to receive
huge spams.  In the past few days I received a spam promoting that chain-letter
pyramid scheme from a domain ending in .cz, three times, 135 KB each time.  Bulk
of the message was a quoted-printable MS-Word .rtf attachment.  Even if I felt
taken in by the prospects of making big money, I might not have been able to
decode the snail-mail addresses to send money to.

If your message with its headers had been a spam, I wouldn't really know who
would be appropriate to complain to.

Crossing international borders makes tracking down and prosecuting spammers
very difficult, no doubt.  Authorities could set up a sting for some of the
worst ones, like the Nigeria scam.  In recent times I get a lot of spam from
Korea, as evidenced by the charset, ks_c_1987-5601 or euc-kr, much more than
I get from Taiwan, and I don't seem to get any spam from China, though I get
spam originating in other places and using open relays, some of which are in

Do you use fetchmail, and if so, where do you have fetchmail direct mail to,
since I don't think you can set fetchmail to download directly to a file?

Re: Arachne no longer works with Spamcop

2002-05-16 Thread Thomas Mueller

 So far I don't think that reporting it has helped at all.  Maybe
 there is a way of reporting it that will do some good.  I sure would
 like to see some spammers get prosecuted and go to jail.  If they
 would only make an example of a few of them, then that should almost
 put a complete stop to the problem.

 Sam Heywood

I reported spams with Spamrecycle some time back but didn't notice any reduction
in the spams I received.  Sometimes I send a spam complaint when I feel
confident of knowing what server it came through.  I suppose spammers can even
set up their own SMTP servers on their own computer, then the spam never goes
through the ISP's mail servers.  I find it especially annoying to receive the
smae spam multiple times from the same spammer.  This happened on my last mail
download with a message of 135 KB coming twice, promoting a chain-letter pyramid
scheme with the text in a quoted-printable MS-Word .rtf attachment.  Even if I
wanted to go in for that get-rich-quick (?) scheme, I might not be able to dig
out the correct addresses to send money to.

Those spammers who send spams that promote something clearly fraudulent, such as
chain-letter pyramid schemes and the Nigeria scam, ought to be prosecuted. crashes Arachne

2002-05-14 Thread Thomas Mueller

I followed a link to, got a shaking Verifying images
as if it were in an infinite loop of verifying images, and it just stayed that
way.  Mouse couldn't move mouse pointer, Ctrl-Break did nothing, no key did
anything except Ctrl-Alt-Del, which rebooted.

I originally browsed, then followed the Homegrown link, and
then the aforementioned link, which was about allergies.  I think kaai is
Kentuckiana Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, and it looks like Arachne 1.70rel3
(I don't keep any earlier version) was allergic to this web page.

Re: About Today links don't work right in Arachne

2002-05-04 Thread Thomas Mueller

from Sam Ewalt:

 Javascript rears its ugly head again. That's the problem. Of course,
 Glenn can probably fix it so he can view these pages with Arachne--
 but a mortal like myself can only cough and sputter and fire up
 a Javascript enabled browser.

I figured Javascript was the culprit.  But I was able to view the links, not
including the javascripted parts, with DOS Lynx386.

Re: [2] Need volunteers with slow computers

2002-05-01 Thread Thomas Mueller

 Thanks for the feedback, and I wish there were more brave souls
 out there - but I certainly understand the reluctance to try a
 possibly dagerous experiment on a working box. g

  Clarence Verge.

I'd be reluctant to risk trashing hard disk data for an experiment involving a
version of DOS that was outdated 12 years ago, not able to access a partition
 32 MB.  I suppose one could go to the CMOS and deactivate the hard drive. 
I'd rather experiment with FreeDOS.

the only slow computer I have here is a Toshiba T1000.
 4.7MHz, no HD and 8086 chip. Drive 720kb. Drive C = EPROM with DOS
 I suppose this minimal config will not do??

 still using this thing, now and then. DOS 3.3 or 3.2 

What do you do with that Toshiba T1000?  Anything on the Internet?  Is it a

About Today links don't work right in Arachne

2002-05-01 Thread Thomas Mueller

I notice recently that links in the About Today newsletter, from, seem
not to work right in Arachne.  Article does not show at all, though a few images
show.  Last time I tried, the links worked in DOS Lynx386.  I got the same
result typing in the link URLs, so it's not the fault of the newsletter format.
Here are two links that didn't work right:

Belligerent Butt Bugs
Is there a species of deadly spiders lurking in the toilet, ready to
bite you from behind? Urban Legends Guide David Emery finds the truth.

Cough Up Your Money
Have a problem with pollen? Does cat hair slap your sinuses? You don't
need a box of tissues to blow your money. Allergies Guide Judy Tidwell
takes a long, hard look at the high cost of medication.

Any other Arachne users have better luck?

Virus Protect Master Boot Record?

2002-04-28 Thread Thomas Mueller

 For many years I happily used Pagett Peterson's Disksecure II to protect
 the Master Boot Record (MBR) of my disk from boot/stealth viruses. I am
 now considering updating my partition table to FAT-32 to save space, and
 eliminate the work of managing several different (logical) drive letters.

 I suspect Disksecure will only work on FAT-16, since it needs to find the
 beginning and end of the MBR. I would be happy to discover it also works
 for FAT-32. Anyone know?

 If not, is there some analogous software to protect the MBR that includes
 a partition table with FAT-32 partitions - one that stops/catches viruses
 before the OS is booted?

 Thanks in Advance,


I am not familiar with Disksecure, have no such MBR virus protector.  MBR itself
is only 512 bytes, or is it 2048?  As far as I know, the difference between
FAT-16 and FAT-32 is for finding files within the partition.  Basic MBR and
partition table structure would be the same.  This is an educated guess on my

Re: Why M$? [was Re: Against M$ {Re: Some of you might be interested

2002-04-12 Thread Thomas Mueller

Begin quote, and I don't want to modify anything as by  line prefix.  There are
some strange characters at the start that arouse my curiosity:

system for DOS stuff.  This MMX-233 system will remain pristine, and
Arachne will be used for all e-mail applications.  I've been assured by
some that there *are* safe e-mail programs out there for dozerware,
but I prefer Arachne -- it is well behaved.

As to Linux ... I really don't have time for the learning curve.  I can
no longer use Arachne for 90% of the stuff I do on the www; I'm forced
into dozer ware or Linux with some X-box of some sort AFAIK.  I can more
or less handle dozerware; I cannot handle Linux.  If I were to skip
Win98SE and go straight to Linux, there would be a too long period of my
not being able to do what I want/need to do on the web.  I am dependent
upon my computer ... I shop via computer, I get telephone numbers and
maps to businesses [I can't justify paying $1.99 for 00=Information], I
buy on eBay, and soon will be selling off collectibles and family
heirlooms so I can get work done on my pickup truck and set aside a
little bit of emergency money.  I cannot not have web access.

After I have the dozerware working well enough, I can then start looking
into PM  mulitple OS boot options.  When I get a handle on that, I then
can finally learn Linux.  Why on earth a 60yo dame who can't hold a job
feels the need to learn a new OS may be a valid question ... but I want
to learn it. G  For one thing, I want to set up a better network here
than the hub to cable modem, no proxy setup I'll have to begin with. 
And if Linux finally starts to get an edge on M$, I might actually be
able to make a few bucks if I've learned enough ... Hey, anything is
possible! G

(end of quote)

I noticed some strange characters including an ASCII 4 on the first line of the
message body.  It reminds me of one message I got when I was using Ultimail Lite
in OS/2 Warp 4.  I saw a face character (ASCII 1 or 2) when viewing that 
message, but only some of the time.

I am not the leading guru on safe e-mail programs for dozerware, but Pine and
Perl scripts come to mind.

What I've seen of Win32 is very limited and leads me to believe it's no easier
than Linux.  I'm a command-prompt junkie, which probably puts me in good
company on this list.  I think Slackware ( might be
one of the easiest to install and use, but there are several windozy
distributions that put you in a GUI.  There are newsgroups and emailing lists,
including this one, that can help with Linux.  You would need to configure
X Windows to run Netscape, Mozilla or other graphic web browser.  Good luck!

While you're in DOS, you might have use for Lynx386 
( which has https support but no Java or

Tom Mueller

Re: Who is at the very top?

2002-04-06 Thread Thomas Mueller

from Samuel W. Heywood [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I know that your reply was directed mainly to the other and mostly 
 original Sam; however, I have a question about the upcoming IPv6 
 (alias IPng), whatever that is.  This is the first mention I have 
 ever seen of such a beast.

 My question is this:

 If this new beast makes an appearance on the internet, will it be
 difficult for us to connect with many of the current versions of
 of DOS internet applications?

I'm surprised you never heard of IPv6.  You must be all-DOS and not up on news
regarding other OSes.  I remember inquiring whether DOS Internet applications
would run under IPv6 or if they would fall of the edge of the earth.  I think
that must have been in newsgroup  DOS is apparently falling
behind, and not only with regard to Internet applications.  Is anything new
happening for Win 3.1, or has that really come to a standstill?

Now I wonder when IPv6 will take effect, and will it be all of a sudden, or will
there be a transition period where servers have both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses,
sort of like new telephone area codes, where both the old and the new area code
work for a period of time?

It looks like the Arachne list is down or was down when this message was sent,
so I resend.

Re: Who is at the very top?

2002-04-04 Thread Thomas Mueller

from Samuel W. Heywood [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I know that your reply was directed mainly to the other and mostly 
 original Sam; however, I have a question about the upcoming IPv6 
 (alias IPng), whatever that is.  This is the first mention I have 
 ever seen of such a beast.

 My question is this:

 If this new beast makes an appearance on the internet, will it be
 difficult for us to connect with many of the current versions of
 of DOS internet applications?

I'm surprised you never heard of IPv6.  You must be all-DOS and not up on news
regarding other OSes.  I remember inquiring whether DOS Internet applications
would run under IPv6 or if they would fall of the edge of the earth.  I think
that must have been in newsgroup  DOS is apparently falling
behind, and not only with regard to Internet applications.  Is anything new
happening for Win 3.1, or has that really come to a standstill?

Now I wonder when IPv6 will take effect, and will it be all of a sudden, or will
there be a transition period where servers have both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses,
sort of like new telephone area codes, where both the old and the new area code
work for a period of time?

Re: Who is at the very top?

2002-04-04 Thread Thomas Mueller

from Samuel W. Heywood [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I know that your reply was directed mainly to the other and mostly 
 original Sam; however, I have a question about the upcoming IPv6 
 (alias IPng), whatever that is.  This is the first mention I have 
 ever seen of such a beast.

 My question is this:

 If this new beast makes an appearance on the internet, will it be
 difficult for us to connect with many of the current versions of
 of DOS internet applications?

I'm surprised you never heard of IPv6.  You must be all-DOS and not up on news
regarding other OSes.  I remember inquiring whether DOS Internet applications
would run under IPv6 or if they would fall of the edge of the earth.  I think
that must have been in newsgroup  DOS is apparently falling
behind, and not only with regard to Internet applications.  Is anything new
happening for Win 3.1, or has that really come to a standstill?

Now I wonder when IPv6 will take effect, and will it be all of a sudden, or will
there be a transition period where servers have both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses,
sort of like new telephone area codes, where both the old and the new area code
work for a period of time?

It looks like the Arachne list is down or was down when this message was sent,
so I resend.

Re: Myrealbox works with Basiclinux, but only for POP3/SMTP

2002-03-31 Thread Thomas Mueller

from Sam Ewalt:

 You're not getting my point, are you? I don't want to login first
  and then send. I don't want to make mail runs. I don't like
  doing email offline. I want to just write and send. That's all.
  It's simple.

 I don't like the protocol. I prefer to do things my own way. The
  other way is a bother to me and I don't like it.

POP3 before SMTP is a bother, but otherwise, how does their server know you're
not a big-time spammer?  Alternative is authenticated SMTP, which poses more
compatibility problems.

Re: Free web based email and POP3 service that still works with Arachne

2002-03-31 Thread Thomas Mueller

from Sam Ewalt:

 I gave up on the newsgroups several years ago. There seems to be a
  relevant mailing list for most subjects.

 Besides, posting to newsgroups is a sure fire way to increase your
  spam load.

How would that explain all the Korean spams I've been receiving?  I received 18
in 47 hours followed by 13 in 24 hours: so many I can remember
charset=ks_c_5601-1987, though there are some with euc-kr.  How do they expect
to sell me anything if I can't read the messages?  I see a lot of upper-ASCII
box characters, but even if rendered correctly, the messages would be just as
unintelligible, since I can't read Korean.

Re: An unbelievable thing happened

2002-03-30 Thread Thomas Mueller

from Clarence Verge:

 I'm getting too attached to Arachne. 
 I hardly use any other software these days, certainly not for web access
 or email. The next most important package I have is Sidekick, which I
 use as my text editor. Pretty primitive eh ?

How big a file can you access with Sidekick?  Can you access a file too big for
low DOS memory?  My last email download file, concatenated by me after deleting
Korean and other spams, exceeds 600 KB, and I am in the DOS port of elvis 2.1.4
as I type this: an improved vi clone.

For recovering partition table, I don't think I could live without Linux fdisk
or cfdisk.


2002-03-30 Thread Thomas Mueller

from Thomas Tabler [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

   This page shows the current status
 for  I am not sure if
 it is completely Arachne compatible.
 Nevertheless, a List member posted on
 it's status.  Thanks to Michael Polak
 and Arachne I am still on the Net!
 even with no floppy drive!  Thanks,

How do you manage with no floppy drive?  What happens if you mess something on
the hard drive so you can't boot?  Do you just keep your fingers crossed
something like that won't happen?

Re: Free web based email and POP3 service that still works with Arachne

2002-03-28 Thread Thomas Mueller

I don't think I can cross-post to the Nettamer list, since I'm not on that list;
can't even set up Nettamer on the new computer.  Input forms only allow three
hex digits for nonstandard COM port base address, so I couldn't enter d400 but
had to enter d40 in hope of correcting it afterward by editing a config file;
then I found that config file was in some screwy binary format.  I thought two
bytes were supposed to take four, not three, hex digits.  Then I saw Nettamer
was on the same old version more than a year as of my last browsing of , so I figured Nettamer was just falling into
desuetude, that getting an updated version was not to be.  Besides, I've heard
enough bad things about the Nettamer web browser to persuade me that I could 
safely forget about Nettamer.  No offense intended to any Nettamer user.

I see has come back under new management, though I haven't yet
browsed the new web site.  My test message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] went
through successfully, and my old user name and password still worked for POP3,
I had a bunch of About newsletters waiting, almost 600 KB.  I waited this long
to download those messages only because I assumed that account was dead.  Maybe
other users let their mail pile up too because they think the account is dead?
I haven't tested with Arachne, either news or mail interface.

Re: Free web based email and POP3 service V1 #1801

2002-03-27 Thread Thomas Mueller

When discontinued last Feb 28, I thought that was the end, and
that free email services with POP3 access were fading away.  I'll have to browse
their web site just to see if they're back in action, maybe I can also see if my
account survived [EMAIL PROTECTED].

heise online reported that Yahoo free POP3 access was to be discontinued but 
the German service would remain; nothing said about Canada.

Re: Free web based email and POP3 service that still works with Arachne

2002-03-26 Thread Thomas Mueller

On the subject of free web-based email with POP3 service, I saw in an article on
heise online ( that Yahoo was discontinuing free
POP3 access as of April 20, 2002, if I remember correctly.  Article is only a
few days old, so you still might find it on heise online, or you can go to and presumably get the details straight from the source
in English.  I think POP3 access would remain available for $29.95/year.
MailAndNews (, I don't know if this URL still works)
discontinued altogether at the end of last Feb 28 (EST), no chance to stay on
even if you're willing to pay.

If you have a tracert, and there is one in WATT-32 package, you can find if and are really the same, or if they're

Re: Kali's DOSnet

2002-03-21 Thread Thomas Mueller

 I think QEMM is on the wonderful FDISK page. I must have another look.

I think I need to CC this back to the Arachne list since somebody there might
have more ideas on QEMM.  Is that wonderful FDISK page  or maybe ?

I really can't figure what I'd do with QEMM even if I could get it.  I think
programs that develop cracks on being ported to DOS would show these same cracks
even with QEMM?  I have to see if elvis 2.1.4 and vim 6.0 behave better in Linux
than in DOS.

Re: Problems with Operamail

2002-03-19 Thread Thomas Mueller

I am not an Operamail user, never was, but will be curious to browse

Presumably Operamail works with Opera web browser?

If anybody wants to fill their own Operamail inbox and just let it sit for 149
days, they can browse and subscribe to a few free newsletters, or
ZDNet might also work.  That would provide a gradual flood.  Then blame the
filling of the inbox on Operamail for making their interface so nasty. service was discontinued at the end of last Feb 28, EST.  Web
interface became tricky, I tried to send one message to Sam Heywood, but it
turned out blank.  But POP3 access remained alive until the end.

An extra email account is useful for debugging purposes when you're testing new
software such as Linux fetchmail or emailSMTP.  Better to test on something you
can afford to mess up than risk losing a bunch of good mail.

Re: Kali's DOSnet

2002-03-19 Thread Thomas Mueller

18 Mar 2002, Kali McLaughlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 KM I just wasted a day in a foul mood trying to do just this but it all
 KM stopped working!
 KM It turned out to be an argument between EMM386.sys and cwsdpmi.exe
 KM who obviously had different ideas about memory management.

Ricsi responded:

 May I have a guess ??
 You use Dr-DOS ... right ??

 (try qemm, or emm386 nodpmi)

I don't know where to find qemm nowadays, don't really want it anyway.  I use
EMM386.EXE with FRAME=NONE.  But I found DPMI applications work even without
loading EMM386.EXE, as long as they find cwsdpmi.exe.  Since I use DR-DOS 7.03,
I don't use HIMEM.SYS.  There are a few programs that don't work at all if
EMM386.EXE is loaded.  DOSBOOT.COM (to boot NetBSD from within DOS) is one such

Re: Linuxii ? and SuSE (fwd)

2002-02-26 Thread Thomas Mueller

Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Mailer: NOS-BOX 2.05

Thomas Mueller wrote:
 What does BasicLinux use for POP3, SMTP and NNTP?

) Fetchmail, emailSMTP and google.

) Cheers,
) Steven

Is emailSMTP a specific program?  Sure I heard of email and SMTP, but I never
heard of emailSMTP as a specific SMTP client.  Is google efficient on a very
active newsgroup such as or alt.os.linux.slackware ?

What command did you use for running an X-Windows program such as Netscape with 
no window manager?  I may be in the position of trying that.

Re: Linuxii ? and SuSE (fwd)

2002-02-24 Thread Thomas Mueller

from Steven of NZ:

 What do you mean by typical Linux?  RedHat?  SuSE?  Mandrake?
 The base Slackware and Debian installs are less than 40mb.  
 How does that compare to BSD?

BSD base system, at least NetBSD and OpenBSD, and I think FreeBSD too, download
is about 90 MB in several .tgz files, which includes X Windows but not kernel
source.  This includes compilers and even some games and man pages.

I think the base Slackware and Debian installs don't include compilers or man
pages.  But I was thinking of a system with a lot of the goodies though not
necessarily everything.  I don't think a base Slackware install, A series only,
would be internettable, and the same would apply to Debian.  Base NetBSD system
is not really internettable, no ppp, no web browsers, though there is ftp which
can be used to install NetBSD under certain circumstances, maybe a cable

What does BasicLinux use for POP3, SMTP and NNTP?

Re: Linuxii ? and SuSE (fwd)

2002-02-20 Thread Thomas Mueller

from Neo Sze Wee [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 How does BSD compare to linux? Are they better for small memory system? Thank

Typical BSD install is much smaller than typical Linux install.  You stil need 
to install some packages to make it usable for the Internet and other things.

OpenBSD can install anywhere on a big hard disk but can't boot from above 8 GB
or 1024 virtual cylinders.  A small memory system usually doesn't have such a 
big hard drive.  FreeBSD is not user-friendly for the initial pre-configuration
before install, and at one point takes forever or nearly so to probe devices.  I
downloaded boot/root diskette images for FreeBSD 4.5 slightly before the full
release, and it was probing devices for 30 minutes or more before I gave up and
hit Reset, thinking it might just have been hung.  That was on a 1300 MHz 
Athlon which is normally very fast.  In contrast, Ralf Brown's PCI program for
DOS found all the PCI stuff and wrote to a file in about one second, so fast I
thought at first it just did nothing.

I got NetBSD installed but when I boot, I can't get past the first keystroke
after the Login: prompt.  I hit r, it responds with 6 more r's and
pckbc: command timeout, then 9 r's on the next line, followed by a Password:
prompt, but no longer responds to the keyboard, so I have to hit Reset.  It
remains to be seen if fixing the faulty fstab will fix it.

I managed to mount an msdos-formatted floppy and make a /netbsd directory on it,
and copied the fstab for editing in Linux, though the DOS port of elvis2.1_4,
which I am using to type this now, may also work: should write the file with
ASCII 10 newline, not ASCII 13,10.  By the way, when I 'type' or 'more ' a 
Unix text file in DR-DOS 7.03, with ASCII 10 newline as opposed to ASCII 13,10,
the file displays straight, no staircase effect such as I got with MS-DOS and

By the way, I've come to the conclusion that the DOS port of GNU Emacs is too
bloated for DOS, with the good features of other OSes not available in the DOS
port due to DOS limitations.  DOS port has no network/Internet functionality.
So I guess that leaves Arachne as the leading graphic Web browser for DOS; maybe
Net-Tamer is a distant second?  Apparently Caldera DR-Web Spyder is no longer in
the picture.

Re: New problem sending messages in V1.70r3

2002-02-19 Thread Thomas Mueller

 One RFC-related problem I have discovered with Arachne is the problem
 of having a line in an email message beginning with the word begin.
 Arachne will interpret the word begin as a keyword signalling the
 beginning of an inserted UUENCODED file.  This problem we have discussed
 on the list a very long time ago.  Don't start a line beginning with
 begin unless you want to send an inserted UUENCODED file.  Don't begin
 the beguine unless it's your kind of dance and you know all the right
 steps.  You will get tripped up by your fair lady and you will fall on
 your face.  Maybe some other email client programs have similar problem
 in this regard.

 Sam Heywood

I've noticed some newsgroup and email messages with a fake uuencode virus
attachment beginning with begin  (I forget the number) Pornpic.jpg.vbs
which I can't find right now, but it viewed correctly for me in Arachne 1.70r3.
Outlook Express users see this cyber version of a rubber snake as a cyber
version of a real snake.  Now I will experiment to see what happens in Arachne,
there will be a begin...If you don't see it, try viewing in a text editor, or
saving to a .txt file, then you can even view in Arachne.

begin  99 to-see-what-this-looks_like_in_Arachne
This ain't no virus, nobody need worry.
It can't infect even an Outlook Express user.
 of this experiment.
I typed this using elvis 2.1_4 DOS port, an enhanced clone of Unix-native vi
editor.  I will see what happens if I view this in Arachne 1.70r3.

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   >