Re: who want to learn hebrew?

2014-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector

Re: who want to learn hebrew?

I heard from some people on youtube that several polyglots would listen to a book in another language and follow along in a language they already knew to learn the new language, but I think this was with a bookthey knew well, and I never found a video made by someone who actually did this. They had just heard of others doing it. I dont know any of these books very well, and because Hebrew has a structure very different from English, I dont know if I would be able to make this technique work very well.URL:

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Re: Why do so many people use Sendspace and what is so great about it?

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Why do so many people use Sendspace and what is so great about it?

You dont have to use the wizard to download from sunspace, I do this all the time. also the blindmice website zips their series by season so I have downloaded a whole season at one time twice now. I dont like that the free pages keep switching the links or where they are, and opening 2 or 3 windows to show you random adds that I cant read anyways, but if their competition is worse, I dont even want to try. I have never paid for it, but their price seems reasonable considering how much space someone like blindmice takes, and that the movie site itself is free.URL:

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Re: who want to learn hebrew?

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector

Re: who want to learn hebrew?

I heard that most of the new testament is in greek, but my pastor said that some partslike Revelation, and written in what he called bad greek. Bad as in the person who wrote it was still learning, and didnt have the best understanding of the grammar. I think the book of revelation could have been written after the fall of the 2nd temple. I dont know about differences between the bible in Hebrew and Russian, because I also do not know either of these languages. Recently the church I went to while I was still at school had lots of people read the same passage in different languages for pentacaust. I tried to read the section in guaraní, and failed miserably. lol I did notice something when my teacher helped me go through it though, there were parts that were specificly stated in one version, that were implied in all 5 English versions that I had access to. There are also words that dont fully translate, but have similar meaning, for instance my teacher translated the guaraní word for peace be with you (he transcribed this as one word) as something like may your gut sit well with you lolURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Why do so many people use Sendspace and what is so great about it?

2014-06-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Why do so many people use Sendspace and what is so great about it?

I dont know about senspace views since Ive never used the wizards. I just go on the link that is on the blind mice page. I havent downloaded anything for awhile so they might have changed it. Also I think some of the earliest uploaded tv shows were uploaded by episode and not by season so you have to download each file individually, and thats if they are all there.URL:

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Re: got a new android phone

2014-07-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: got a new android phone

Your 5 something gb instead of 8 is probably from phone software or just the kind of rounding thing that seems to happen with any kind of memory. There never is as much as they say there is, someone told me one of the reasons behind this but I forgot it.I have never used this speaker phone app, I did use one called up sound down that allows you to turn on the speaker by either moving the phone away from your face, placing it flat on a table or shaking it. Lockpick game for the blind is one game, the audio archery game also works. I did try the space traders game, and virtual knights or something like that. I forgot its name, but the second game was almost fully accessible for single players, I dont know about when you join a guild though. All of the space traders game works except for the map, but unless you need to go in to some place in deep space, you should be good. I use to use an app called zedge for ringtones, but this was before you could just
  use your own music. Dropbox still has some things that are more accessible on android than ios it seems. If you havent already, look on the eyesfree google group, or something like it, thats where most of my apps came from.


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Re: people's favorite bible web sites

2014-08-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: people's favorite bible web sites

I have 2 braille bibles, or almost 2. I got one from the blind school because they said that since it was a state school they couldnt take a bible that someone donated for their library. (I hope someone has changed this rule buy now) I wish they had allowed religious books in their library though, because for me listening, is not the same as reading when I want to repeatedly go back and read something while Im studying. sometimes I want to understand something that seems unclear to me, especially when I venture out and read texts from other religions, as getting braille versions is sometimes difficult, my listening experience can be quite ridiculous. lol Im glad to know the difference between youversion and biblegateway on ios since Ive never tried to lookfor bible apps on my new phone yet. I have tried a few daily verse apps when I had my droid but these werent the whole bible. I remember them being hard to find and some werent accessible, but 
 this was back when 4.0 was the latest os for droids, Im sure they are much easier to find now.


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Re: who want to learn hebrew?

2014-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector

Re: who want to learn hebrew?

Hi I dont know very much Hebrew right now, are these books all in Hebrew or do they have some phrases in other languages as well.URL:

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Re: need help with my new phone

2015-01-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: need help with my new phone

If you are typing a password, you might need to use headphones, or at least that is what you needed to do in the past.


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Re: what is this? and where can I find it?

2015-01-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what is this? and where can I find it?

It is how the guy described it. He was working in Israel, so maybe it is just something sold there and no where else.


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what is this? and where can I find it?

2015-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


what is this? and where can I find it?

Yesterday I saw a presentation from someone at a church, and he was talking about how advanced technology is in the country where he was. apparently his son had given him a thing that looked kind of like a flashdrive, but was a full security computer. He said that you plugged this in to your computer, and the computer treated it like a port so that everything coming in to the computer went through this. It ran something like 15 security checks on whatever came in to prevent viruses and stuff, but since it was a separate computer, it used almost no memory or processing power. I tried looking for this out of curiosity, but dont know what its called, or if anything like this is sold in the United states.


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Re: Learn Spanish

2015-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Learn Spanish

Kigoku, you studied Swahili? What resources did you use, I am auditing a class from my university, but would like to find more resources if I can.


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chrome os

2015-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


chrome os

does anyone have experience using the chrome os with a screen reader? I would assume you used the built in one, but if another screen reader works, I would be glad to know about it.


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Re: Goodreads: Social Network for Readers

2015-10-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Goodreads: Social Network for Readers

I got an acount there because my roomate kept telling me I would like it. I haven't looked too much in to the groups and stuff, but I do find it helpful for keeping track of books, and sometimes it's interesting to see what my friends read. It's also interesting to find that I have read books that arn't listed there. I suppose I could register them, because the book i am thinking of can be bought on amazon, but I haven't got around to it. It will be nice to look at my books to read shelf during break though, then I can download them, or ask my family members to find one of them when they go to the library if i want an audio version.


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media player suggestions

2015-10-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


media player suggestions

I have traditionally use winamp on my computer, but lately it seems to be playing one song and stopping. i thought since winamp has not been supported for some time, and it doesn't seem to be working correctly i should change players. which player do you use, and why? I am currently trying vlc and fubar. fubar always wants to convert files when I want to play them. Vlc seems to be working great so far, but there isn't any keystroke to change the media volume, also, I haven't figured out a way to switch from standard play to shuffle. Is there a way to do this?


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Re: chrome os

2015-10-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: chrome os

i was mostly asking because they are switching to chromebooks at my work, so i have to learn to use them, probably around next week.


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Re: Are there any soundscape softwares?

2015-10-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Are there any soundscape softwares? works if you jjust want to listen to all kinds of different soundscapes. I think you can even by them as a file once you have found a setting you like. Or you could just record them. They have an iphone app that is free with some sounds, but most you have to pay for. You could also just use safari to listen to them on the web for free. The sounds are sorted and tagged with different graphics for meditation or scary and such. There isn't as many random clips of real-world situations, but the generator allows you to change things, and many get to be pretty real sounding. also they are all made from real world clips, or some of them at least, but they are also all mixed together. You can't change the volume of each sound as easily on the website, or at least, I haven't found a screen reader accessible way to do it yet, but it's super easy with the app.


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Re: Goodreads: Social Network for Readers

2015-11-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Goodreads: Social Network for Readers

Has anyone ever tried to import a book? i read a book last year that goodreads didn't have, but I found it on amazon, so I think i can import it and not have to enter all the information.


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Re: media player suggestions

2015-11-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: media player suggestions

Thanks for the tips. I hadn't heard of this media player classic thing. Control up and down doesn't seem to change the volume for me in vlc, I don't know why. when i change the volume from the menus, that works, and the rest of the keystrokes work too.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: media player suggestions

2015-11-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: media player suggestions

o, why am I not surprised at it being a screen reader issue. Good thing i have nvda as a backup.


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Re: BrushTone v1.1 Paint Tool

2016-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BrushTone v1.1 Paint Tool

I tried selecting black, then hitting the select tool first, then the edit menu let me choose  select canvas. after this, my whole canvas was black. How many spaces are their supposed to be in the coordinates though? I pressed space along with one of the arrow keys, and it got stuck going and going to the right until i was at like 3000 or something like that. And it was black too! lol


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: BrushTone v1.2 Paint Tool

2016-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BrushTone v1.2 Paint Tool

I saw you updated the program, but the link wasn't working so I continued to work with the old version. It seems that while canvases used to be white by default, my infatuation with making things black has now made the default color for all canvases black.   Rather than trying to change this, i simply drew with the existing colors with the pencil tool, and succeeded at making lots of rainbow squares. I had started to make a red and black checkerboard, but then I wanted to hear the other colors. I managed to change colors to ones that were already named, but haven't ventured in to the unamed yet. I hadn't spent much time with the seeing with sound app when i had my old droid, so the slow scann actually gave me more information than the sonifyer, but I can say that it did work this time. I also showed it to a couple of my sighted roomates, and they said that they cou
 ld see the colors! I do have one question, can you draw on old canvases, or do I have to make all pictures in one sitting. It would be nice if I could keep working on a picture all semester instead of missing one or 2 complete nights of homework to do it. Also, another question, do you have to do undo, or is there a way to erase things?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: BrushTone v1.2 Paint Tool

2016-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BrushTone v1.2 Paint Tool

I saw you updated the program, but the link wasn't working so I continued to work with the old version. It seems that while canvases used to be white by default, my infatuation with making things black has now made the default color for all canvases black.   Rather than trying to change this, i simply drew with the existing colors with the pencil tool, and succeeded at making lots of rainbow squares. I had started to make a red and black checkerboard, but then I wanted to hear the other colors. I managed to change colors to ones that were already named, but haven't ventured in to the unamed yet. I hadn't spent much time with the seeing with sound app when i had my old droid, so the slow scann actually gave me more information than the sonifyer, but I can say that it did work this time. I also showed it to a couple of my sighted roomates, and they said that they could see the colors! I do have one question, can you draw on old canvases, or do I have to make all pictures in one sitting. It would be nice if I could keep working on a picture all semester instead of missing one or 2 complete nights of homework to do it. Also, another question, do you have to do undo, or is there a way to erase things?later edit. I tried to draw this inca symbol I felt while in Peru. however, the middle was supposed to be a small circle. the circle drawing tool seems to be rather contankerous and stops drawing. I ended up having lots of gold spots in random places, so I used the line tool instead. It seems you can only draw the line along one axis, so I went back over it. I guess I should've used a square. lol I also tried to save the picture, but the voice does not read what you are typing, or what letter the cursor is on in the box to enter the file name. Luckily it read it at the end, so I could quit and save it again without having to rename it in file explorer. If anyone is curious, here is the image I tried to draw. the symbol is in the bottom left, with one of it's corners around (1,5). … ymbol1.pngFor all the people who want a "musical" picture, try a line of gray, silver, white. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: BrushTone v1.2 Paint Tool

2016-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BrushTone v1.2 Paint Tool

I saw you updated the program, but the link wasn't working so I continued to work with the old version. It seems that while canvases used to be white by default, my infatuation with making things black has now made the default color for all canvases black.   Rather than trying to change this, i simply drew with the existing colors with the pencil tool, and succeeded at making lots of rainbow squares. I had started to make a red and black checkerboard, but then I wanted to hear the other colors. I managed to change colors to ones that were already named, but haven't ventured in to the unamed yet. I hadn't spent much time with the seeing with sound app when i had my old droid, so the slow scann actually gave me more information than the sonifyer, but I can say that it did work this time. I also showed it to a couple of my sighted roomates, and they said that they cou
 ld see the colors! I do have one question, can you draw on old canvases, or do I have to make all pictures in one sitting. It would be nice if I could keep working on a picture all semester instead of missing one or 2 complete nights of homework to do it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: BrushTone v1.1 Paint Tool

2016-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BrushTone v1.1 Paint Tool

I wanted to draw a picture that was gold and silver on a black background. I got the whole thing black, but then I could not change the color. Also, I don't know how to get the sonifyer to work, or to get the scann feature to give me anything different then it's original pitch. When I press q it does one click, then silence, no matter what image it's on, that is unless it's on loop scann, then it does repeated clicks. I am using an old machine that is currently running windows 10. i guess I will have to go back to my homework now.  lol


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Re: BrushTone v1.1 Paint Tool

2016-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BrushTone v1.1 Paint Tool

I tried this, but it seems to think the sample images are black as well. I could change the yellow color to gold, but once i had selected the canvas, and filled it with black, the number keys no longer told me the colors. I tried changing the tool, but I still couldn't get my colors. the sonifyer making click noises for my black canvas makes sense, but it doesn't change when i change the canvas.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: BrushTone v1.2 Paint Tool

2016-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: BrushTone v1.2 Paint Tool

No, the backspace does not read characters in the filename. I thought the circle or line stuff wouldn't work with my space being so small, but i figured i would try anyway. coloring over with black was what I usually did. so the default color for canvases is black. I thought I had messed it up. lol Is there a way you can make the pitch range greater for the beeps? I know there will always be colors that are hard to distinguish, but a greater difference might make this somewhat easier.


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Re: iDoser WHat you thing about it?

2016-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iDoser WHat you thing about it? has a few sound generators that work in a similar fashion for free. They might not have as broad a spectrum of sound, but if you're looking to try it, this looks like a good starting place.


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Re: A question about asian languages

2016-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A question about asian languages

at Assault_freak, I didn't know changing the system locale would change whether a screen reader would work. I'll have to try that, now that I paid a pile of money to make my nvda speak with vocalizer voices.  I wish I could speak at least some of any Chinese dialect, but I didn't think I would ever be coming to China to work until, this June, so my knowledge, though quickly growing is almost nonexistent. I hope to learn lots, but unfortunately for anyone I will try to practice with when I go back to the states, my Chinese will reek of the province where I work. lol


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A question about asian languages

2016-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A question about asian languages

I had the same thing happen with me when I wanted the Zhengdu screen reader to read the Chinese it is normally made to read. One of my Chinese students thought it might have something to do with my default system language being English instead of Chinese. This problem continues even if I have a chinese language pack installed. I thought this was a Zhengdu problem, but maybe it could be something deeper. As for changing characters in to a romanized alphabet such as pinyin for Chinese, I think my school where I work uses something for this when they create the class student lists with pinyin next to the characters for the names, but I am not sure, and I can't tell you what it is if they do. I only assume it is a computer because Chinese hansi cannot fully show the sounds of Tibetan, and whatever it did really messed up the names of 2 students. I would hope a person would have done a little more research, especially when the names of these people came out to something like 4 cha


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Re: Accessible VPN Softwares?

2016-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible VPN Softwares?

express vpn works reasonably well, but its a bit pricy. Also to change locations you need to use some sort of flat review, or just feel around a touch screen if you have a tablet. It is accessible on windows, but I am not sure about ios. Vpn master is pretty accessible, but ocasionally the adds fill up the screen when you want to turn it off so I have to close the app altogether. The free version is recently doing pretty well in China, but I can't garentee it will do well in the future. They have a vip paid service with better servers, but I don't know how much that costs, so I haven't tried it yet. Last I checked the uk server 1 seems to have  the most stable of connections. People say the free app called betternet works pretty well, but I can't get my phone with or without voiceover to get past the intro screens, so I think you need some vision to at least get that one started.Oh, and I forgot freegate which usually works if you want to really fid
 dle with it or don't mind using old internet explorer. This tends to be very slow though.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible VPN Softwares?

2016-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible VPN Softwares?

express vpn works reasonably well, but its a bit pricy. Also to change locations you need to use some sort of flat review, or just feel around a touch screen if you have a tablet. It is accessible on windows, but I am not sure about ios. Vpn master is pretty accessible, but ocasionally the adds fill up the screen when you want to turn it off so I have to close the app altogether. The free version is recently doing pretty well in China, but I can't garentee it will do well in the future. They have a vip paid service with better servers, but I don't know how much that costs, so I haven't tried it yet. Last I checked the uk server 1 seems to have  the most stable of connections. People say the free app called betternet works pretty well, but I can't get my phone with or without voiceover to get past the intro screens, so I think you need some vision to at least get that one started.


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Re: aviation (aircraft) freaks, gather here!

2016-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: aviation (aircraft) freaks, gather here!

I love traveling, so I have flown quite a bit. at least, for what I can afford through scholarships, school events, family separation aka parents shipping you to the other parent, and work. lol I have been in several different planes, but I think one of the most common is the 737. I did fly in one of the 787 planes, but I didn't notice too much of a difference, other than I can't tell whether the window is open or not, so people next to me could wake up with sun in their eyes. hehe Also the seats seemed to slide forward a bit so it felt like you were leaning back farther, even though it was probably the same. It was a long night flight so I was a sleep for most of it, or at least tried, but kept getting woken up every time there was some tiny turbulance because I think that airline is required to make some big anouncement. The in-flight entertainment stuff was esentially inaccessible as usual, and since my braille sense broke I will probably invest in some sort of mp3 player thing for the trip home. My first flight was a q-400 I think, and remember it vibrating and having a higher pitch sound than the jet planes. I have also been in a 757, 747, a340 or a350 (I can't remember which), and embrair 145. There might have been more, but I can't remember. When i was very young my dad worked on these giant Chinook helicopters, and i got to go inside one. I also got to go inside a couple of tanks I think, but I can't really remember too much about that either. I think they were really old with all kind of metal controls. The school for blind people I attended also got a trip to the local air museum for some of the students, and we got to feel up this super old biplane, including sticking our hands in the open 4 cylinder engine. They also took a lot of care to describe this huge world war I thing hanging on the ceiling that could only fly 48 mph and had to be pulled by horses when it was on the ground. Sometimes when I can't travel i listen to this plane noise simulator on the my noise website, because it has a preset that sounds like when I was coming from Brazil. If you're really in to particular engine sounds the designer of the site made the little interface accessible. Just turn off virtual mode or whatever your screen reader calls the thing that lets you use keyboard navigation and press any of  the numbers to change the 10 pitches and create the plane noise you want. I'm sure someone has already posted this here, but here is the link for the sound I am referring too. … erator.php


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Re: some questions for chinese blind people

2017-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some questions for chinese blind people

I currently use the code factory add on for vocalizer with nvda, and Li Li talks just fine. I could even pretend to read the Chinese names of students the other day by repeating it, and they at least got the idea of who's name I was trying to say. I'm pretty sure I have terrible pronunciation. I've tried to use zhengdu but mine doesn't read any Chinese characters for some reason. (someone else on this forum suggested I should change my computer location) If you use jaws you could try getting real speak to work, but I haven't tried that.


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Re: looking for Recommendations for android phones

2017-03-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: looking for Recommendations for android phones

I used to have a galaxy s 2 a long time ago that had 4 of those virtual buttons like that in a row. I basically just avoided touching near the bottom of the phone unless I needed the buttons. If I was on one of the home screens, I could kind of guess where the different buttons were based on things in the "dock" area. Eventually though, I got really good at just guessing where they would be based on feeling the edges of the phone. The phone was in a big case though, so the area where the buttons were was shrunken quite a bit. If it is like the phones that came immediately after mine, you can just learn where the virtual buttons are based on the real one. They were kind of nice. Holding the search button down brought up the google voice search, and holding the options button (I think they took this one out after my phone) brought up samsungs voice search. Google's worked way better.


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Re: MidiText released, music creation by entering text commands

2017-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MidiText released, music creation by entering text commands

I have an error that says the procedure entry point in directory miditext.exe cannot be found. It gives the text it's looking for, but my computer won't let me select or copy it here. If i ever get it to work, i should try to make a song about downloading beta software on rural internet. lol


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Re: Talkback gets a new sound theme

2017-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Talkback gets a new sound theme

I kind of like sounds from the oldest, and one of the newer sound themes. It would be cool if they let you create and edit themes like you can do in windows. I wonder if it would be hard to integrate that.


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Re: Your ideal Braille display

2017-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your ideal Braille display

I have used school braille notes going back to one that was similar to the original. I think I remember the braille on the mpower and older feeling crisper and more sturdy than that on the apex, but the apex at that time was the earliest version of keysoft 9.0 and the software bugs way outdid any complaints I had about any braille problems. I have seen the bong display that aph use to redistribute on quota funds or something, so lots of people at the blind school I went to got one, but they didn't start getting them until after I graduated. I used an old braillesense onhand for years, and that thing can really take a beating. It still works 6 years later with minimal damage except for the sd card reader for some reason, but the display is surprisingly fine, especially considering all the dusty places i took it. It's successor the U2 mini on the other hand, had a lot to live up to, and it hasn't. I had to get it repaired once this first year, and the display already 
 has several dots glitching. Also, I have never been able to connect it to my phone with bluetooth, but the old one connected to both Iphone and my old android no problem. The fact that the successor to this uses a version of android that is 2 desserts behind (probably already too old for some apps) makes me reluctant to beg the state for one. I very much enjoy the ability to read documents on the display independent of my phone though. It saves battery on my phone, and I can take my display to class and know that I don't have to rely on 2 devices and 2 batteries just to read my notes. I would like a display that had more than 1 line, but then it wouldn't be so portable then would it. The only drawback of document reading displays like the braillesense are for strange nerdy people who want to learn multiple languages of braille, especially non-european languages. lol My dream display would have many braille language tables, and ability to save and edit text documents, and a
 udio documents as well. Then you could use it to read and listen to song lyrics. It would also have wireless connectivity and be extra durable, as in half a year in rural China shouldn't kill it.


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Re: Nvda and wireless networks on windows 10

2017-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Nvda and wireless networks on windows 10

Once you click on a network, the edit box and connect automatically stuff should show up in the same window. I don't think nvda announces the changes though, just press tab to find the options for a specific connection. When you are in the list of connections it should tell you which one is selected. I use a windows 10 computer with nvda and hardly ever switch to the now outdated version of jaws in it, and do just fine.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: internet speed for ios

2017-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: internet speed for ios

It seems to work grate! I found that pretending to be in Japan to read the endless stream of crap that is facebook makes my "good" connection of 20 mbs down and 14 mbs up go down to 4 mbs and 7 mbs respectively. Also, during the worst time of the end of dinner break it was down to 0.20 mbs down (a little faster than edge data) and 0.00 mbs up (too slow for the test) yuck! lol Still interesting to see just how slow my internet was when cerie couldn't work. Also, I want to test this when I am somewhere where my phone can again get 3 and 4g data, or somewhere in a larger city with faster internet. I have rarely seen much faster than 25 mbs for download speeds here. I want to try and play things like bk3 and eurofly, but that would take all night to download assuming they weren't using a google based server to host the game, which most people seem to use. This also assumes the internet doesn't cut out after an hour or so, which also happens a lot. 
 My students play a lot of Japanese games, maybe one of them has already downloaded one of the bk games. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

internet speed for ios

2017-05-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


internet speed for ios

Is there an app or some way to make ios tell you the speed of the wi-fi signal? If there isn't one for ios, a pc program will work too. The internet in the place where I live and work changes speed drastically depending on how many people are using it. Late at night or early in the morning, I can stream videos over the decreased speed of a vpn no problem, but around later evening, like right now, the wifi can make my phone's 2g data look fast. I can usually guess when the wifi will be slow by what time it is, but sometimes it's slow when I think it will be fast, and I wish I had a way to check this before trying to do something on the internet. If my American phone got 3 or 4g here, I would probably use way too much money on phone data. lol


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

sound mixer with nvda

2017-05-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


sound mixer with nvda

If I use jaws, I can change the volume of various applications from the system tray, but nvda only seems to let me access the main speaker or headphone volume. Is there a way to find the master volume for different applications with nvda? I use this as my main screen reader, and don't like when the volume of  certain things gets turned down and I have to switch back to jaws to see why certain things are so quiet. Mostly this just happens with winamp (yes I still use that) but sometimes I might want to turn certain things on the internet down, and I can't find or access the volume on the webpage or player. This use to be how I changed the volume of pandora without changing the volume of anything else.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Questions regarding Talkback and Google dictation

2018-01-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Questions regarding Talkback and Google dictation

I just got a used samsung s7 and it's keyboard has a button to the left of the spacebar for dictation. it says voice input now, but when I first got the phone it said settings, though taking my finger off it got unexpected dictation of everything I was saying. lol


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

some droid questions

2018-01-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


some droid questions

I recently got a Samsung galaxy s7 phone because I found that my iphone I got for work won't work with my family's phone carrier. I used android for over a year before, but that was nearly 4 years ago. I can't remember the music player I used at the time. What media players do people recommend, and while I'm here, what other apps or games are people using lately? I am specifically looking for an offline media app and a pdf reader, but any other random apps people like I'm willing to try.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: accessible torrent client?

2018-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible torrent client?

The movie vault used to have several seasons of those. It's been a while since I've checked though.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: GPD WIN Turning Off When in Sleep Mode

2018-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: GPD WIN Turning Off When in Sleep Mode

Did you check the power settings? Maybe it is set to shut down after 5 minutes of inactivity instead of sleep. It's just a guess though. I was thinking of getting one of those because it's so small, and I like to travel, but I haven't gotten to see one yet.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What apps you use on android?

2018-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What apps you use on android?

I recently got back to using android, and found my old xiaalive shoutcast and other free internet radio directory app is still updated. I use tactile player free for the volume control thing, but I'll have to try your controller out. I use pulsar audio player now, but I want to find one that lets me play folders with subdirectories. When I tell this one to sort things by folders, it doesn't give me the stuff I have on my sd card. As for next radio, I wonder if anyone has made button labels for that. I use it, but when i tell it to play normal radio, it only goes to my right ear for some reason. I have talkback, but I sometimes think the default voice assistant has some extra features like turning off audio anywhere. I also use netflics on this phone. My phone came with so many silly apps pre-installed though. I don't think I can get rid of most of them.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

my new apple computer

2018-03-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


my new apple computer

I recently got a Macbook air to replace my broken pc computer, because my friend found the discontinued 11 inch version on sale cheaper than most pcs that were similar for size and specs. I can do just about everything I need to for work fine. I learned some basic commands several years ago, and thankfully things haven't changed much since, but I have a weird problem where voiceover randomly stops talking, and I have to restart it to get it to talk again. I notice this especially happens when I use the Chinese voice. Also are there any audio games that work on Macs? I plan to get some kind of bootcamp setup going at some point, but until then, all the games I played before are gone. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Commentary Screenreader: do we have vO equivalend for Android?

2018-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Commentary Screenreader: do we have vO equivalend for Android?

My Chinese students have told me about 2 country specific screen readers for android. One was called dian mi, and the other was Bao Mi. Which is this one, or is this a 3rd? I remember trying to sign up using the international version of qq over 2 years ago, and needing a Chinese person to do it because the international version didn't read part of the log-in screen. The international version had weird things that didn't read so well sometimes. The basic Chinese version seems to be the best of the 3 apps for qq messenger I've tried on ios so far. It can get a lot of spam though.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Tech: what you hate and what you can't live without

2019-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tech: what you hate and what you can't live without

Things I love: Iphone se (this will probably be the last iphone I ever own though as I like small phones and more importantly headphone jacks), my  gpd win 2, my old macbook air 11 In. Things I miss: emvy 3 (This was a feature phone that could work as an ipod had menus that talked and a number pad and full keyboard when flipped open) I miss physical keyboards on phones in general though, my old laptop with 2 headphone jacks, old nokia phone that I could play music for friends on the phone without other people hearing it, and I miss having my own blender to make smoothies, but I'm probably leaving my workplace soon so it's not worth buying another or bringing my old one. Things I hate, many new social media apps especially facebook messenger, online education things that i wish I could make the developers of which use with a screen reader before telling us they are accessible, and computers and things with hardly any ports on them.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Graphiti Braille Display Now Available?

2019-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Graphiti Braille Display Now Available?

orbits price has gone up yet again. This now makes me want to try the probably quieter Braille Me, or some sketchy 4 to $500 Chinese Braille display that my friend told me about.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sewing Machines: Your experience with them?

2019-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sewing Machines: Your experience with them?

In my high school I used a sewing machine to make a big pink fluffy pillow. The material was stretchy and fluffy, so we kept having to re-aline it. They have had embrordary machines that can sew the designs by themselves for years now. My mom's friend had 1 maybe over 10 years ago. I've noticed that the newer sewing machines that my mom uses have touch screens and different menus and such, so if I wanted to buy one of my own, I think I would want a more basic 1 so that I have better control of it for now.I remember using a small metal piece with a thin wire to thread the needle. I don't have one of those currently, so I have a fun time of hand-threading every time I need to mend something. Thankfully the needle  I got when we were making little notebooks in one of my graduate classes has a big eye on it that I can feel more easily. My thread is also very thick and probably very ugly looking too. lol


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: QQ app for windows

2019-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: QQ app for windows

There is an English version of qq called qq international. It was accessible on ios 2 years ago when i used it. I don't remember ever getting the international version for pc to work with nvda. The Chinese version doesn't work very well on the mac at all, and the one Chinese person I know who has a mac told me he never got it to work either. Wechat, which doesn't work on the pc, works on macs though. If you want to go around and try to label all the possibly changing unlabeled buttons, then maybe you could get the mac version to work. The standard qq app for pc in Chinese works fine usually, though I find I sometimes have to send things to myself twice. The more business oriented version called tim, is not accessible on pc at all, but works for messages on ios. I haven't gotten too much else in it to work yet though.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What is the strangest or scariest thing that has happened to you

2019-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is the strangest or scariest thing that has happened to you

some strange things:Once I woke up to a guy singing to himself and taking pictures. It turns out that it was someone coming to evaluate the house so my parents could do a refinance or something.This other time I was staying at a friends house and remember vaguely feeling something sliding around on my face and jolting awake.  I guess my new friend had decided to feel my face when I was asleep. I couldn't get back to sleep the rest of the morning and it was like 4 or 5 in the morning so I had to wait a long time to really do anything even when her mom was awake because her mom didn't speak much English and I still don't speak any Korean. Last year I finally after 2 years got to visit a long-time friend. When I visited it turned out that part of the reason it took so long was that she didn't want me or any of the people in america to know about her new boyfriend now husband. She didn't want me to know who he was so she had me call him qt for the week and a half I stayed there. The guy's mom couldn't even call her son by his own name, or didn't want to for some reason. Seeing that she called him q dai, I wonder if she would have just rather called him the name she gave him in the first place. And so that's the story of the time I was forced to basically call someone else's husband cute. This all felt rather strange but more so really sad because visiting this person felt like visiting someone completely new. It felt like this person that I thought was a good friend was just faking it all along, and that she didn't really want me there.some scary things:  I was woken up at 5 by my roommates boyfriend yelling my name. When I went across the hall to her room, they started telling me that she was possessed by a demon. She was even suddenly going in to fits of shaking and changing her voice and everything. This went on for almost 2 hours and it happened again later the next day. Later that week I spent several days alone in the house with just her because everyone else had left for the summer. She had acted strange all the weekend before, and now that I think about it, being alone with her after this should have creeped me out more.This other time I had to go to Hong Kong for my visa and I was dropped off alone in the local airport with no one else and at that time I couldn't really speak any Chinese and this is an airport that doesn't get too many international tourists yet, so no one spoke any English. Someone from my work was supposed to arrive later, but she got stuck in traffic so I was pretty nervous there for a while.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Zhengdu screen reader

2019-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Zhengdu screen reader

If the screen reader starts, but then doesn't say anything, you might have downloaded the paid version. The default voice is something that I think they call skyvoice or something like that. It is made for Chinese, so hearing it read English is interesting. You can change it to a more american sounding English voice, but then it doesn't read Chinese characters. I wonder if they use 2 different tts engines or something because for the last 3 years I have tried to set one as the first voice and the other as the second, and it just says they won't match. I would think you can do this with the Chinese voices though. I am not sure if it reads steam content. It doesn't always do well in windows with changing text. It has trouble reading the status of windows updates, for instance. Nvda could do this. People say it uses very little resources though, so if it did read steam, it could be a good option for resource heavy games maybe. There is also a companion program that you can download called Zhi Duo Yin which lets you download music, check the weather, read Beijing approved news, and a few other things. I'm not sure if it works with the free version though as it always crashed last year when i had the free version.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Multifunctional program suites for the blind you know of

2020-07-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Multifunctional program suites for the blind you know of

The Chinese have zhi duo yin or zd cloud (though the developer never uses the English name that he told me)It is supposed to work with zhengdu, but I usually just use it with nvda to download music.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anybody use a tactile watch?

2021-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anybody use a tactile watch?

I have 2 braille watches. One is the expensive seiko one probably mentioned by post 6. I found it on amazon for about 40% off. It is mechanical, but uses a battery for the motor for the tactile hand movement which is i think different from the movement part that actually keeps time. The battery died in an old one i had when I was living in China, so I eventually got the vostok one that is mentioned in post 11. I found both on amazon. The cheaper one is completely mechanical and tics really loudly. It also needs to be wound every day or so I think. However, the thing feels like a tank, and would not surprise me if it lasted years if taken care of correctly. The expensive one is supposed to have twice as much water resistance and is probably more accurate, but useless when I live in an area where no one can afford and bother to maintain some fancy thing that isn't designed to impress your prospective wife's family. The spending behavior of people in rural China is very different from how i was raised in America. lol The mechanical backup will always work for me, and I will not have to worry about listening to phones or computers and people at work at the same time.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: would anyone be interested in an online quiz team?

2021-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: would anyone be interested in an online quiz team?

If you have a group chat, the first person to send a certain word or letter is the same as pressing the buzzer first. that is the best i can think of that minimizes differences in internet lag times. I saw it used on a tech conference call from India once. Trivia now has a new challenge of speed typing. lol I love trivia games, but would like more details about platform and who writes questions and such similar to post 3.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Zhengdu Screenreader offers a free 30-day demo!

2021-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Zhengdu Screenreader offers a free 30-day demo!

I met one of the developers of zhengdu. I offered to try and help translate, but I really do not know much Chinese, and the guy was not getting back to me very quickly with my many many questions because of my extreme lack of Chinese, so I gave up trying to translate the user manual. I hoped someone who knew more Chinese than me would be able to do a better job at it without having to ask for clarification every few paragraphs. I was pretty much just fixing the English from youdao translate because my Chinese is pretty much non existent outside of what I needed to use for work.  From what I understand, zhengdu runs quicker because it is very light and either more efficient, at the back end or has less code to deal with. On newer computers,, odds are, you won't notice much difference between zhengdu and nvda, apart from sometimes when zhengdu doesn't read stuff that nvda does, or when zhengdu is better optimized for reading certain popular Chinese apps, but the speed difference might be much more noticeable on slower or older computers. When I last used it, Zhengdu had support for only 2 languages I think. I got it to read Chinese finally in windows 10, but only if I used the Chinese voice the whole time. There is a better sounding English voice, but then i couldn't hear all the Chinese words. It does not work with firefox, because that browser isn't really used in China, but the developer said that the paid version should work with chrome, and hopefully the free one now does as internet explorer was discontinued. The paid version has an instant translate function that allows you to choose among different Chinese translation engines and possibly some other things. I wrote an article describing some of this for someone's company, but at that time there was only 1 free and 1 paid version, so it is probably very out of date now. They also sometimes have public virtual convention like things, but i was busy during the one i was invited to unfortunately. The conventions are also on YY, a Chinese streaming or conferencing platform I still have not attempted yet. If I had met the developer under slightly different circumstances, I might be able to tell you much more, but this is pretty much what i know now.i also have some questions: Do you still need the physical usb stick to start the paid versions? Will my old usb stick the developer gave me still work with newer versions of zhengdu? I had it instaled on my old computer, but shortly after the battery started exploding in that computer, i lost the zhengdu usb. I found it again more recently, but if I can't update it, then I should just try the free version on this computer.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I have a big problem with Twitter. Any alternatives?

2021-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I have a big problem with Twitter. Any alternatives?

I had never even heard of the parlor founder saying he refused to remove content until I read this thread. I read somewhere else that they had markers on certain posts saying they had false information and such, and thought that should be good enough. You are given information sending you to the correct source, but allowed to see the original if people ask you about it. They probably did this because they wanted to offer their users something different from the other apps. I had never heard of people pressuring apple or google to remove the app. My main issue with the app ban is that normally people are allowed to run their apps as they please unless they go against the companies rules somehow. I never heard of anyone breaking rules that weren't related to explicit financial or national laws, and even then, they are given some sort of grace period, such as the famous epic games battle with apple that started earlier this year. From what it sounded like, parlor was given 1 or 2 days at most. This looks most similar to things I saw happening with apps getting banned in China. The government says get rid of it, and the platform removes it as quickly as possible in order to stay in business in the country. I never heard of apps being banned for being used by neffarius groups unless pressured to by governments such as the silk road website. I have heard of a politician being forced to resign because of a fake video on facebook in Indonesia, but the app is still allowed. I never heard people talking about removing the entire app when this happened, but i was living in China at the time, so maybe they did and i just didn't know about it. What's so special, or not special about parlor as compared to other apps? Also, many people say that apple and such are private businesses, and can do as they please, but these tend to be the same people who say that companies need to serve people and support things they disagree with because everyone should be treated equally. I think of all the suing over bakeries not wanting to bake cakes for gay weddings over religious objections and such. If you say you allow free speech, then why ban things? If you don't support hate speech, then what is that, and why did app developers not know of your sudden policy changes? If you support a free market, then why remove competitors? I have more of an issue with this on apple than google, because, if you want to download parlor at your own risk, on android you still can. They might have given twitter's competition a serious disadvantage, but they didn't remove them altogether like on apple. I think the thing that concerns me more about this is that their is no regulation about who and what gets banned. Why are some given more grace than others? In some place like China, when you create an app, you kind of know what will be off limits and what's ok, but not here. Several years ago this was ok, but suddenly now if someone uses your app for gathering and doing something terrible, it might be immediately banned like parlor, or it might be left alone to figure out it's problems like facebook. as a creator, how do you know what kind of treatment you will get? Unfortunately, the side of the political spectrum that chooses to use your app to organize their form of chaos and destruction seems to be the deciding factor. Hopefully the side that big tech companies agree with more chooses your app, otherwise, why make it in the first place. I think who has enough money also might have a role in this. People might not like how facebook and twitter treat them, but if all other competition is at a higher risk of being removed without the proper big money to pay off the correct people, then there is little incentive to create something new, and the big businesses like facebook and twitter can remain with a near monopoly of the social media space.[later edit] By paying the correct people I mean paying for entire teams of moderators and lawyers to defend yourself if something like this happens to your company.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I have a big problem with Twitter. Any alternatives?

2021-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I have a big problem with Twitter. Any alternatives?

I had never even heard of the parlor founder saying he refused to remove content until I read this thread. I read somewhere else that they had markers on certain posts saying they had false information and such, and thought that should be good enough. You are given information sending you to the correct source, but allowed to see the original if people ask you about it. They probably did this because they wanted to offer their users something different from the other apps. I had never heard of people pressuring apple or google to remove the app. My main issue with the app ban is that normally people are allowed to run their apps as they please unless they go against the companies rules somehow. I never heard of anyone breaking rules that weren't related to explicit financial or national laws, and even then, they are given some sort of grace period, such as the famous epic games battle with apple that started earlier this year. From what it sounded like, parlor was given 1 or 2 days at most. This looks most similar to things I saw happening with apps getting banned in China. The government says get rid of it, and the platform removes it as quickly as possible in order to stay in business in the country. I never heard of apps being banned for being used by neffarius groups unless pressured to by governments such as the silk road website. I have heard of a politician being forced to resign because of a fake video on facebook in Indonesia, but the app is still allowed. I never heard people talking about removing the entire app when this happened, but i was living in China at the time, so maybe they did and i just didn't know about it. What's so special, or not special about parlor as compared to other apps? Also, many people say that apple and such are private businesses, and can do as they please, but these tend to be the same people who say that companies need to serve people and support things they disagree with because everyone should be treated equally. I think of all the suing over bakeries not wanting to bake cakes for gay weddings over religious objections and such. If you say you allow free speech, then why ban things? If you don't support hate speech, then what is that, and why did app developers not know of your sudden policy changes? If you support a free market, then why remove competitors? I have more of an issue with this on apple than google, because, if you want to download parlor at your own risk, on android you still can. They might have given twitter's competition a serious disadvantage, but they didn't remove them altogether like on apple. I think the thing that concerns me more about this is that their is no regulation about who and what gets banned. Why are some given more grace than others? In some place like China, when you create an app, you kind of know what will be off limits and what's ok, but not here. Several years ago this was ok, but suddenly now if someone uses your app for gathering and doing something terrible, it might be immediately banned like parlor, or it might be left alone to figure out it's problems like facebook. as a creator, how do you know what kind of treatment you will get? Unfortunately, the side of the political spectrum that chooses to use your app to organize their form of chaos and destruction seems to be the deciding factor. Hopefully the side that big tech companies agree with more chooses your app, otherwise, why make it in the first place. I think who has enough money also might have a role in this. People might not like how facebook and twitter treat them, but if all other competition is at a higher risk of being removed without the proper big money to pay off the correct people, then there is little incentive to create something new, and the big businesses like facebook and twitter can remain with a near monopoly of the social media space.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: request for participation in a study

2021-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: request for participation in a study

I removed the (), and still it says the address was not found


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Telephone screenreader read camera focus

2020-12-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Telephone screenreader read camera focus

My redmi phone tries to do this during videos as well. Sometimes i will need to turn off talkback or my video will be constantly filled with announcements of "face" "1 face" or something like this. I can't get it to recognize anything else though.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: LION, NVDA continuous OCR reader. works for subtitles, video games...

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: LION, NVDA continuous OCR reader. works for subtitles, video games...

I got it to tell me the translation of a French video about a cat, but it also read random other things from the youtube page. I think you need to have nvda screen curtain off to make this work. Last time i tried it, the screen curtain was on, and I had no reading.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: zhengdu screen reader Youth version Update again

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: zhengdu screen reader Youth version Update again

I think the only services that use internet are the real-time translation, and the image describer that is kind of like their version of tap tap see. If you want better translation, you would want to use the always updated database, and algorithm of an online server. The tts might collect your information though, or at least that seems to be what people tell me about using sky voice at least on android. That is from the tts program and not necessarily zhengdu. I don't see any delay in key press times comparing zhengdu and nvda, but things might be very different in Chinese.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

friend possibly going to Turkey

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


friend possibly going to Turkey

Hey, I have a friend who is applying to study in Istanbul Turkey. He asked me if I knew anyone who lives there and could find someone who could tell him about what it's like for blind people there. I remember that at one point, this site had a number of active Turkish users. If anyone on here has anything to say to him, I am planning to send him the link to this page so he can read through what you have to say.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Braille: do you guys still use it in this digitalized world?

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Braille: do you guys still use it in this digitalized world?

I use Braille a lot when I am working. I always had my lesson plans in Braille so I could read them, instead of trying to listen to my computer and my students at the same time. Even when the Braille display the people gave me back in the United states was broken, I always tried to rewrite my plans i made on the computer in to my Braille notebook. It was also much quieter when entering people's test answers. Math is also much easier when you can see the layout in 2 dimensions on a piece of paper, and so are many forms of poetry. I would probably read poetry a lot more if I could see it on a normal page like a sighted person. Most Braille displays only have 1 line, so they don't really help with math or poetry in this aspect. I also much prefer to write new languages, or read books without audio versions that have a lot of foreign words in them in Braille, because the computer pronounces the words so badly, especially in made up languages, or the really small obscure languages I studied for my linguistics degree. This is especially important for languages with really long words and diacritics like Guaraní. This isn't even getting in to trying to read phonetic symbols with all their diacritics on the computer. That's so obnoctious. Also when studying religious materials, I like to slowly read and think about them while listening to silence or calm music, and loud synthetic speech really gets in the way of having a quiet meditative setting. I guess I really like the ability to use Braille. It works when all electronic devices die, which has happened to me on multiple occasions during work or class, and I can even draw pictures with it!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Needed for Class I will Take

2020-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Needed for Class I will Take

espeak has most of the symbols in it's dictionary, though some of them have different names than what is written in the jaws ipa table. ash is pronounced "a e" for instance.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Calling all rockbox nerds

2020-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Calling all rockbox nerds

I still have my old 40 gb braille+ That was probably one of the most durable assistive tech products I have ever used. I had a friend drop his off the second story of a building, and the metal cover came off of mine because I wore it on me all the time when walking to classes, and it rains a lot here. Both still worked. It was the bulkiest mp3 device I ever used and it went through it's battery really fast though.Later I had a samsung gs2 phone with an app called rocklock that turned your lock screen in to an mp3 player that you can control without needing the screen reader to talk. You could flick left or right to change songs, and drawing a circle had it fast forward or rewind, and flicking up told you the title. I wish that app still worked on today's droids, but i think you can't completely take over the lock screen like that anymore. It was so much fun showing all my fancy rich friends with iphones who had to feel around and listen to the different on-screen controls, while I could just control my phone as if it still had physical buttons. Apps that modify the volume buttons are the closest thing I can find nowadays for this. You could always get an lg phone as they are supposed to have dacs almost as good as some music players that are much better than most phones, then it will talk and play streaming services as well. I just use a cheep android I got in China for a media consumption device, as i never expect to spend enough money on headphones to notice the difference in dac quality.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Zhengdu Screenreader offers a free 30-day demo!

2021-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Zhengdu Screenreader offers a free 30-day demo!

Nuno wrote:Yes!The screenreader is in English. It has many powerful features not met in NVDA or JAWS, like labels, road signs, monitors, greater support for MS Office/AdobeAudition/Visual Studio, many features.You can try for free so why not? I am going to compile a whole list of features since I want to make this screenreader popular on the west!You enter the authorization code in the first box, password in second.@26: Which of the developers you met? MR Lanqiang or MR Yuhan? The former speaks good englishI met someone called Yang Yongqian his internet name is qt. If this is you, your English has improved!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Anybody use a tactile watch?

2021-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anybody use a tactile watch?

khomus wrote:Are all the Vostok's tactile? If you search for vostok watch you turn up a bunch of stuff, e.g. on Amazon, but I don't really see anything about them being tactile. But that could just be me missing something.Makes sense. They make other watches I think. I found the link to the one i ordered. … =1


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A concern over Facebook's new privacy policy for What'sApp Users.

2021-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A concern over Facebook's new privacy policy for What'sApp Users.

whats app has been owned by facebook for a while now, so I was only surprised that it took them this long. The founder supposedly resigned over privacy concerns anyway.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Phonology seminar, quick questions

2021-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Phonology seminar, quick questions

Hello. I attempted transcription nearly 10 years ago.  At this time, I had to download something called doulos sil font to make the computer display the  symbols correctly. I hear many of them are now incorperated in the ascii character database though. I also needed to download the ipa keyboard and enable it in the keyboard and language settings. this was in the control panel at that time. This keyboard appears as an added keyboard under the Icelandic language. I also downloaded a symbol set to make jaws read all the ipa symbols, though I have discovered that with some naming differences, espeak with nvda can read most of them as well.   I used this software stack to get through my bachelor's and master's in linguistics. My transcriptions were hideous I'm sure, but my teachers could at least see I tried, and I could usually read other people's transcriptions as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any phone collectors here?

2021-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any phone collectors here?

My brother collects all manner of apple products. My family does have some old phones from the mid 2000's  including my favorite emvy 3 I really miss phones with keyboards.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Phonology seminar, quick questions

2021-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Phonology seminar, quick questions

There is a Braille ipa, but I rarely used it. I mostly just used the jaws or nvda character dictionaries.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: e3GP conversion format

2021-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : arcadia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: e3GP conversion format

I think vlc can do this, but it's really complicated to get it to work. I have another much simpler program called wav to mp3 converter by Bill P, but I have no idea where you can download this as someone gave it to me years ago.


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