[CTRL] To fully appreciate Robert W. Ray's Filegate findings (fwd)

2000-07-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 00:51:52 -0500


A Publication of the Patrick Henry Center
July 30, 2000


To fully appreciate Robert W. Ray's Filegate findings, and to
understand why the accusers are really the guilty parties in
Filegate, the following word substitutions can be most helpful:

Instead of Corrupt Clinton Administration, substitute "Mafia

Instead of President and First Lady, substitute "Mafia Gang
Leaders." Instead of Clinton White House political employees,
substitute "Mafia Gang Members."

Instead of FBI Files, substitute "Cash."  To determine the total
amount of stolen "cash," assign a value of $100 to every item of
important information contained in an average FBI background
investigation.  Each FBI file contains an average of 100
important items, and there were 900 confidential FBI files
discovered hidden in the wrong hands during the Filegate probe:
900100X100 = $9,000,000.

Instead of FBI, substitute "Federal Reserve Bank," or "bank,"
thus FBI officials become "bank officials."

Are we ready?  Here we go!

Washington, DC: Independent Counsel Robert W. Ray says there
was no evidence to show that Mafia gang members illegally schemed
to obtain or misuse 9 million dollars missing from the Federal
Reserve Bank and discovered hidden in the Mafia's hideout,
according to a report released yesterday.

The report, completed in March and made public by a federal
appeals court panel, said the independent counsel's office had
concluded its "Cashgate"  probe and that no prosecution was

Mr. Ray is quoted as saying, "There is no substantial and
credible evidence that any Mafia gang leaders were involved in
stealing or spending the millions in cash discovered hidden away
in their Mafia headquarters."

The recently released report also said that there was no evidence
that the Mafia gang's High Consigliere lied to authorities when
he claimed that he didn't know how the Mafia "soldiers" who had
wrongly obtained the 9 million dollars had held such powerful
positions at Mafia Headquarters.

The Mafia soldiers occupied highly sensitive slots usually
reserved for trusted members.  Most amazing of all, the High
Consigliere didn't know who "made" the gang members.  This is
most mysterious, since the Mafia is usually noted for its extreme
internal security and its unusual membership requirements.

It's a well-known fact that only the most loyal and trusted can
get top slots in the Mafia, unless they're good on their knees -
[note to typist - make that "feet"]

In fact, the Mafia leaders - a ruthless husband and wife team -
normally interview each new gang member, but in this case both
claim they have never even heard of these highly placed
"soldiers," the name used for the members who produce income for
the gang.

Because the Mafia soldiers were in such powerful positions, the
Federal Reserve Bank officials meekly complied with the Mafia
soldier's demands especially when the first cash demands
contained the signature of the High Consigliere himself!

Bank officials have testified that they thought the Mafia was
simply asking for their own cash back.

The cash was first sent in small envelopes, but when demands
increased, cash had to be sent over in cardboard boxes. Over the
course of several months, bank officials sent over more than 9
million dollars of somebody else's money to Mafia gang

Worse, bank officers claim they didn't even know the cash was
missing, and they failed to check the Mafia's account balance to
see if such large sums were actually available for withdrawal.

Documents obtained by IC Ray show that the Chairman of the
Federal Reserve Bank was very friendly with one of the Mafia
soldiers responsible for obtaining the cash.  The bank chairman's
family was given personal tours of the Mafia hideout by the
mystery soldiers, and warm notes were exchanged between them,
each using the others first names.

Mafia gang members have testified that they knew they were
obtaining cash that did not belong to them, but they continued
demanding more and more cash anyway, and never told the bank
officials of their wrongful and easy access to somebody else's
money.  Of course they did not return the cash; they hid the
cash, then they denied having it.

In fact, the Mafia soldiers eventually obtained so much cash,
they had to move it to another, larger location because they were
running out of room!  The 9 million dollars in cash lay hidden
for years in a dark, locked room until authorities received
information of its existence from witnesses.

However, those same witnesses are now deemed "not credible"
according to Mr.  Ray's report, even though the cash was finally
discovered located in the Mafia's basement.

The mysterious Mafia soldiers have testified that it was just a
big mistake.  Previously they had testified under oath that 

[CTRL] TECH: Force fields?

2000-07-31 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: "James Ganong" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: TECH: Force fields?
Date: Friday, July 28, 2000 10:33 AM

[Non-member submission]

Space-borne protective energy systems, like the deflector shields on the
fictional starship U.S.S. Voyager, are on the drawing board of
real-world scientists.
These "cold plasmas" -- analogs to the sophisticated defensive grids
envisioned by Star Trek's creators -- are ambient-temperature, ionized
gases related to those found deep within the sun's core.
Such plasmas are capable of shielding satellites and other spacecraft;
or making them invisible to radars; or both. Nor will they fry
electronics or melt metal.
On Earth, cold plasmas should permit rapid, room-temperature
sterilization of food, medical equipment and contaminated civilian and
military gear. Low-temperature plasmas could one day also make possible
an entire new generation of miniature lasers and ultra-low-energy
fluorescent light tubes.
While scientists have known of low-temperature plasmas since at least
the end of the 19th century, only within the past several years have
techniques emerged to make cold plasma generation practical.
Vaulting to the first ranks of cold-plasma research in the last three
years has been soft-spoken, unassuming Tunisian native Mounir Laroussi,
an electrical and computer engineer at Old Dominion University in
Norfolk, Va. Research groups at Stanford, Princeton, Ohio State,
Wisconsin and New York Polytechnic also are conducting their own
plasma-research programs.
Laroussi has literally put plasma on the table: devising an apparatus
that creates a mini-plasma inside a plexiglass cube by passing an
electric current through helium gas via specially calibrated electrodes.
Laroussi's process, specified in pending patent applications, is
scalable; cold-plasma containers of virtually any size are feasible. No
vacuum pumps are required, since the plasma is generated at normal
atmospheric pressure.
"Mounir is on the forefront. He's one of the pioneers," said Igor
Alexeff, president of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineer's Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society and professor emeritus of
electrical engineering at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville.
"He's pushing very hard to develop a variety of practical plasmas. His
work is pretty impressive."
Invulnerable and invisible
The U.S. Air Force allocates some $10 million a year for research geared
toward satellite protection. Of that amount, $2 million is dedicated to
low-temperature plasma studies.
Robert Barker, program manager for plasma physics in the Air Force's
Office of Scientific Research in Arlington, Va. is so taken with
Laroussi's approach that he thus far has funneled $250,000 into
Laroussi's research since his arrival at Old Dominion from the
University of Tennessee a little over a year ago. The Air Force has
supported Laroussi's work since 1996.
Barker is drawn not just by Laroussi's plasma-creating prowess, but his
ability to make low-temperature plasma inexpensively, in bulk and
without the need for hulking equipment.
"What's intriguing about Mounir's work is the large volumes of plasma
he's been able to generate," Barker said. "He's making very good
progress in keeping costs and weight low. His approach gives the best
power figures for practical, large-volume generation of cold plasma we
have to date."
Power-hungry plasmas
Poke a finger inside Laroussi's tabletop plasma-generating apparatus and
all you'll get from the bluish, pilot-light-like ionized gas is a slight
tingle. But the harmless sensation is misleading, since it doesn't give
a complete picture of plasma's power. Depending on how a plasma is
"tuned," or how it is made more dense by increasing its frequency, it
could ward off microwave bursts and discharges from ground-based,
energized sources of potential damage and disruption.
Swirling in and around one another, a plasma's charged particles
interact constantly, giving rise to localized attractions or repulsions.
External energy splashing against the plasma --- say, from a potentially
disabling, concentrated burst of microwaves, or perhaps even from
certain varieties of particle-beam weapons fired from military bases on
Earth --- could be caught up within the plasma's complex electromagnetic
fields and dissipated completely or deflected into space.
Hotter plasmas, while dense, don't appear immediately practical as a
defensive shield because of destructive temperatures and high power
requirements. In theory, cold plasmas can be made more dense, but like
their hotter kin will demand more power. Energy availability and weight
--- the larger the required wattage, the heavier the equipment --- would
remain thorny issues.
"In theory, a plasma could deflect a particle beam or laser attack,"
Laroussi says. "It depends on what you're shooting at it and how high
you can tune the plasma 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Swastika in Heraldry

2000-07-31 Thread Aleisha Saba

The swastia in Heraldry made me wonder, for Hitler at first was to
attempt to restore the Hohenzollerns to the throne - more monarchs in

Know this line, when someone was to die - a lady in white appeared like
Children of the Mist in Scotland, ghosts came to warn of death in

Hitler headed for the desert and sent in the biggest Fox of all, Mason
Field Marshall Rommel - Hitler as I recall was in on experiments whereby
soy bean oil would be used like gasoline - but Swatstika we were told
symbolized ancient Egyptian Sun Symbol which equates to gold?

So English love to put Lions and Unicorns and other beautiful symbols,
on their crests - so why such an ugly symbol as the swatstika?

Maybe this symbol had hidden meaning yet to be deciphered?   Its sheer
simplicitylike a pyramid laid flat, it is an Iron Cross?  Or is

Here is item that might be of interest to some.I prefer the Lions
and Unicorns - but sign of a Monarch in waiting - fascism in disguise?

This symbol somehoiw fits Henry Kissinger's family symbol?Old Code
Name Bor KGB Agent?

Who really agitated these two great wars between England and Germany -
sinking ships, like Titanic and war around the corner?

Is there a third faction here always stirring things up to make good old
fashioned buck in munitions, planes, bombs, missiles..chemical
warfare, biological warfare.Death For Sale?

Alpha and Omega Men?

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy


[CTRL] Roswell UFO Bombshell by Jim Keith (fwd)

2000-07-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER



Roswell UFO Bombshell

by Jim Keith

[Jim Keith was famous as a conspiracy theorist. This article was
submitted to FATE as one of the last things he wrote before dying
in a freak accident at this year’s Burning Man Festival.]

My source on the following story has asked me to be very vague in
my description of him. He describes himself as “a longtime
researcher/instructor of engineering at a school in New Mexico.”
I know specific details of his professional work, as well as the
names of his own sources for the following information, but he
has asked me not to mention them because of potential problems
involving security clearances. Speaking with me recently, he told
me about his knowledge of what actually took place in Roswell,
New Mexico, in July 1947-an event which has been alleged by many
researchers to have been the crash of an alien spacecraft. His
information is gleaned from conversations with others in the
engineering field and in the military who were living in or near
Roswell at the time. I realize that without identifying my
source, the following information is rendered suspect; with that
in mind it may still open up new areas of research that will
crack the Roswell case. Here is the gist of what he told me:

World War II was over, and America had a secret to conceal.
Although the government said there were 500 atomic bombs in the
military’s arsenal, that was a lie. There were none that were
considered reliable. Due to a number of factors-corrosion of
parts kept in storage, batteries that didn’t work, faulty
initiators, and other reasons-there were no usable nuclear bombs
in American military stockpiles. After the end of the war, the
operational team in charge of the nuclear arsenal had also been
dispersed, many of them going to other jobs, and some leaving the
military altogether. In short, there was no real nuclear
deterrent against the Soviet threat, and members of the American
government and military who realized this were terrified that the
Soviets would find out.

The American brass sought to remedy the situation. As part of
this fix, testing of nuclear delivery systems was moved during
1945 and 1946 from Wendover, Utah, to the 509th U.S. Army Air
Force Bomb Group unit in Roswell, New Mexico. At the time,
Roswell was the center of much secret testing, including the top
secret balloon program Project Mogul, and “non-critical” testing
at the Trinity blast site. One job that was given to the 509th
was the operational testing of nuclear bombs, including
fine-tuning the ability to hit targets accurately.

Another secret: According to my source, military bombers were
notoriously unreliable in hitting targets, sometimes missing
their mark by as much as half a mile. It was given to the 509th
to improve that record, and to make it possible to deliver bombs,
particularly nuclear bombs, with greater accuracy. “Live” as well
as “dummy” bombs were flown in from Sandia to Roswell, where they
were tested and used in target drops.

It was in this environment that the most famous of all UFO
stories was born. According to my source, the true story behind
the alleged UFO crash was that there was an accident involving a
B-29 flying from the Army Air Force Base in Sandia (Albuquerque)
to Roswell. From the statements of men in the military who were
there at the time, my source states that either an atomic bomb or
what is termed a “bomb shape,” or “test shape,” the shell of a
nuke lacking explosives and atomic capability, and sometimes
filled with concrete to add weight, was accidentally or
purposefully jettisoned above Corona, New Mexico, directly on the
flight path between Sandia and Roswell. Along with the bomb,
metal foil used for radar jamming, termed “chaff,” may have also
been dropped.

The accidental dropping of a nuclear weapon would surely have
been cause enough for a cover-up. If this information had leaked
to the public, there might have been an extremely negative

As an aside, my source mentioned that either an armed atomic bomb
or “test shape,” flattened by impact with the ground, could have
looked like a squashed disk.

For more of Jim Keith's "Bombshell," get yourself a copy of the
January 2000 FATE!!

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy 


2000-07-31 Thread Aleisha Saba

Remember when Jimmy Carter said he took problem of neutron bomb home to

Amy was 9 years old but at least she did not call the police "pigs"
while in the White House.

Like Albert Einstein and Marilyn Monroe trying to cozy up to "Big
Albert" and you wonder why somebody ordered her executed?

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-07-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 08:42:40 -0400

 I suspect they will now lean on Stanford to give her an
 honorary Ph.D. in international relations rather than the
 plebeian degree in history she is headed for after switching
 majors last fall when she decided that biochemistry was a bit
 too much.

Chelsea is part of the OCF.  During the Monica story, she flew to
the White House (btw, who pays for these flights?) where she held
hands with both parents and walked slowly to the helicopters.
Acc to Jesse Jackson, Chelsea called him to come to the White
House and pray with her and her parents. Funny that the only
preacher she could find was one with a CNN contract, who was
evidently not bound by any privlege and was free to discuss the
prayer session with many news agencies.  After arriving at
Martha's Vineyard, she skillfully worked the receiving lines like
the pro she is.

Since the press has given chelsea a pass, we've never been able
to discover what the little darling has been doing.  We have seen
a few clues.  We were told that she is taking time from school to
help with her mother's campaign. If she is sitting in on high
level meetings, does that mean she is taking notes for her
mother?  Why else would she really be there?  She's the conduit
with no paper trail.

Btw, many people think I'm crazy for suggesting that Foster used
his family in much the same way.  Foster was not a naive politico
over his head in WDC. His family was very political.  His father
was a player.  His sister was married to a Congressman, another
sister was married to a man involved in a AR SL investigation,
which involved HRC and Foster's son worked for Senator Bumpers.
Acc to the staff the son called often to ask how the father was
and to inquire if Nussbaum could "sneak him" into the White House
for lectures.  Since the son worked on a Bumper's committee that
had oversight on the SBA hearing involving Hale and Whitewater
problems, I've always suspected that the son was a conduit too.

The Foster children were kept from the USPP, not because of their
fragile state but because they had so much info.  Laura was an
intern.  The son worked for Bumpers, who btw, had a nephew who
worked in Fletcher Jackson's USA AR office where the search
warrant was requested for the FBI to gather documents from David
Hale's Capital Management Services.  On the warrant were
documents related to Susan McDougal's Master Marketing.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Jackson to mediate fastfood case

2000-07-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

[Mr Jackson's intervention is the latest chapter in a
long-running dispute, which started from promising beginnings in
1996 as part of President Bill Clinton's "empowerment zone"
programme - under which companies were offered incentives to
create jobs in poorer areas.]

Jackson to mediate fastfood case

By Lucy Killgren in London and Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson in New York

Published: July 30 2000 20:08GMT
Updated: July 31 2000 01:28GMT

The Reverend Jesse Jackson, the civil rights campaigner, has been
drafted in to broker a deal between Burger King in the US, and
LaVan Hawkins, a high profile African-American businessman who is
suing the company for $1.8bn.

Mr Jackson last week met representatives of Burger King and Mr
Hawkins in Chicago to try to reach an agreement between the two
after Mr Hawkins filed a suit against the company in April.

The suit alleges racial discrimination by Burger King, the
fast-food subsidiary of Diageo, the UK-based drinks and food
group. It accuses the company of reneging on a promise to help Mr
Hawkins open 225 restaurants in inner-city areas.

Mr Hawkins has hired Willie Gary, the trial attorney who is also
representing African-American plaintiffs in a discrimination
lawsuit against Coca-Cola.

In a statement in May, Mr Gary described Mr Hawkins as "the Bill
Gates of the fast food service industry", and accused Burger King
of reneging on its commitments after the company had benefited
from Mr Hawkins' "creativity and genius".

Mr Hawkins also alleges that Burger King used "horrifying racial
epithets" and that some of its actions were partly racially

Burger King denies it agreed to open 225 restaurants with Mr
Hawkins, although at the time the deal was announced, the company
said it could develop as many as 125. It added that it
"vehemently denies" any allegations of racism.

Mr Jackson's intervention is the latest chapter in a long-running
dispute, which started from promising beginnings in 1996 as part
of President Bill Clinton's "empowerment zone" programme - under
which companies were offered incentives to create jobs in poorer

At a White House press conference Robert C. Lowes, the then
Burger King chairman and chief executive, and Mr Hawkins
announced that Mr Hawkins' company UrbanCityFoods would develop
125 restaurants in empowerment zones and enterprise communities.

Burger King, currently scheduled for a partial initial public
offering in the next year, is countersuing Mr Hawkins for
trademark infringement. It accuses him of owing the company
millions of dollars in back rent, royalties and advertising.

Despite the acrimony, it is thought that both parties are looking
for a settlement.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] U.S. Launders Aid To Russia (fwd)

2000-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 11:35:34 -0400 (EDT)
From: Washington Weekly [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: U.S. Launders Aid To Russia

 Rep. Traficant, House of Representatives, July 24, 2000

Madam Speaker, the CEO of the Bank of New York  has  admitted  to
laundering  $7 billion; and bingo, surprise, surprise, $5 billion
of it is expected to be Russian dollars that they  got  from  the
International Monetary Fund.

Now,  if  that  is  not  enough  to  barf  up  your  vodka,   the
investigators  say, in addition to that, Russian politicians have
secretly stolen $15 billion, diverted them to bank  accounts  all
over the world, and most of the money came from Uncle Sam.

Unbelievable, Uncle Sam giving billions to  Russia  to  dismantle
their  nukes.  They do not dismantle their nukes. They sell their
nukes to Iran and China. China then aims them at us. Russia comes
back,  asks  us  for  more  money,  the  White  House  gives more

Beam me up. I say it is time to stop the cash cow for Russia.

Madam Speaker, I yield back all the cash the Russian  politicians
have been stealing from the American taxpayers.

  Published in the Jul. 31, 2000 issue of The Washington Weekly
  Copyright 2000 The Washington Weekly.
Now Free Access to All Stories at  http://www.federal.com

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Motorola; Inner-city computer geek headhunting (duck...)

2000-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Dave Hartley

Here's a story from tomorrow's Crain's Chicago Business:

= Motorola dials up city sites
Motorola Inc., the electronics giant that left Chicago three decades ago
and has kept moving toward the exurban fringe, is scouting for office
space downtown to lure young city dwellers who won't commute to the
suburbs. In what would be a major boost for the city's high-tech image,
Motorola is seeking about 40,000 square feet in the Loop or on the Near
West Side for a "creative talent facility" to help it design and market
wireless Internet products, cell phones and other products.


ZNet Commentary / July 31 /

By Jim Hightower


What's a spook to do? The cold war is over, the Ruskies are now our
buddies, the Butchers of Beijing have become our business partners . . .
so where's a spy to go to get a job?

Try Motorola, it might be hiring. The Wall Street Journal reports that
Motorola Inc. has a substantial spy shop, with "units sprinkled in almost
all of their outposts around the world." Indeed, it seems that just about
every major U.S. corporation now employs spooks to go into the global cold
and spy on their competitors, on foreign governments, and . . . well, who
knows who else they're spying on? Actually, the term "spying" is too
dclass for the pin-striped corporate crowd. "Competitive intelligence" is
the preferred designation, or, as one corporate snoop calls his espionage
activities: "specialized management consulting."

This is not some rogue basement operation either-it goes right to the top
of the company. The Journal notes that Motorola's clandestine network,
created and headed by a former CIA operative, is central to executive
suite decisions, with the spooks sitting in on most corporate strategy
sessions. "The concept was to mirror the interaction between the CIA and
the White House," says the agent who set up Motorola's shop.

There are enough of these corporate 007s that they've even established
their own trade association, with nearly seven thousand members. The
corporate spies use all sorts of sophisticated, new software to do their
espionage, but there's plenty of old-fashioned spy-stuff, too-from paying
informants to rummaging through a competitors trash. Even the CIA winces
at some of the practices of the private-sector spooks-as one agent put it:
"In corporate America, the definition of what's ethical is what's legal."
This is Jim Hightower saying . . . And they've always got corporate
lawyers to help them define legal as whatever needs to be done.


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[CTRL] Fwd: New DEA Regulations Prohibiting Industrial Hemp

2000-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Representative Cynthia Thielen, Assistant Republican Floor Leader of the
Hawaii House of Representatives, wrote:

 I recently returned from Washington, DC where I met with Congress
 members and government officials about industrial hemp.  I learned
 that the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will be publishing its
 new rules shortly in the Federal Register.  This email is a warning to
 you in the industrial hemp industry, and I ask you to forward it to
 others who may be affected by these DEA regulations.

 1.  DEA INTERPRETIVE RULE.  First, the DEA will be interpreting the
 Controlled Substances Act and its own regulations as declaring any
 products that contain any amounts of THC to be a Schedule  1
 Controlled Substance, even though such products are made from portions
 of the cannabis   plant that are excluded from the definition of
 marijuana.  However, the DEA also will publish in the Fed. Register a
 Proposed Rule and Interim Rule, the latter of which will create
 exemptions to its Interpretive Rule.  Otherwise, as DEA notes, its
 Interpretive Rule standing alone would declare as "controlled
 substances" a wide variety of cannabis derived products historically
 allowed by the federal government.  For example, hemp based paper,
 hemp clothing, hemp rope, and bird seed containing hemp all would be
 considered a Schedule 1 controlled substance under the DEA
 Interpretive Rule if they contained  any
 trace   amounts of naturally occurring THC.

 2.  PROPOSED RULE.   DEA's Proposed Rule will revise the wording of
 its own regulations so that THC refers to both naturally occurring THC
 and synthetic THC, making both Schedule 1 marijuana under the
 Controlled Substances Act.

 3.  INTERIM RULE.  DEA's Interim Rule will exempt portions of the
 cannabis [industrial hemp] plant from control to the extent such
 products are not used or intended for use for human consumption.  DEA
 concedes that hemp paper, clothing and rope "legitimately used" cannot
 result in THC entering the human body.  Hemp animal feed (including
 birdseed) is included in this category.  [I credit Kenex for winning
 the "birdseed war" and letting trade resume for this product.]

 4.  Personal care hemp products are in question.  Since hemp based
 shampoos, lotions, etc. come into contact with the human skin, DEA
 evidently searched for evidence that THC could be absorbed into the
 skin.  However, lacking such evidence at this point, those hemp
 products are not yet outlawed.  However, if comments on the new rules
 claim that THC is absorbed into the human body from personal care
 products, then I believe DEA will take steps to outlaw them.  This is
 evidenced by DEA's action in considering hemp lip balm as a Schedule 1
 Controlled Substance in its rules, and therefore hemp lip conditioner
 will be prohibited in the USA.  Body Shop, please take note!!

 These proposed rules have been reviewed and evidently approved by the
 US Justice Department, DEA and Office of National Drug Control Policy
 (ONDCP).  A July 10, 2000 letter from Barry McCaffrey (ONDCP) to
 Congresswoman Patsy T. Mink shows where the federal government is
 coming from, and I quote in part from Mc Caffrey's letter:
 "Many allege that hemp products are only those that are made from
 the portions of the  Cannabis sativa L plant that are excepted from
 the definition of 'marijuana' in the Controlled Substances Act (CSA).
 However, industrial hemp products have historically referred to rope,
 canvas, machine oil, paper, cloth, and oil used in paint and varnish.
 Such products were thought not to contain tetrahydrocannabinols (THC),
 the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, and were made from various
 fibrous plants, including plants such as Cannabis sativa, banana and
 jute.  The United States also has a long history of importing sterile
 Cannabis sativa L seeds (commonly referred to as hemp seeds) for use
 as bird and animal feed.  Recently, however, Cannabis sativa L seeds
 and oil, pressed from those seeds, have been imported for human
 consumption in various forms of hemp products.  These later offerings
 include topical solutions, as well as products specifically designed
 for ingestion.  Such applications for human consumption are
 confounding [McCaffrey's word] our Federal drug control testing
 programs, if they contain THC, and are of significant concern."

 Once these DEA proposed rules are published in the Federal Register,
 you will have 30 days to comment on them.  I urge those of you who
 will be impacted by the proposed ban on hemp products made for human
 consumption to immediately contact your US Congress members.  Ask them
 to immediately contact Janet Reno, US Attorney and Mr. Donnie
 Marshall, DEA Administrator to object to these proposed rules which
 will make hemp consumables a Schedule 1 substance.

 The rules apparently will be published in August.  

[CTRL] SNET: WHAT A GOOD IDEA !!! Let's Do It In AMERIKA....... (fwd)

2000-07-31 Thread William Bacon

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
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China sentences top lawmaker to death for graft

BEIJING, July 31 (Reuters) - China sentenced a former top parliamentary
official to death on Monday for taking bribes of almost $5 million in what is
seen as a clear, but not necessarily convincing, message it is getting tough
on government graft.

Cheng Kejie, former Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National
People's Congress (NPC), China's parliament, was sentenced by a Beijing court
at a public hearing on Monday, the official Xinhua news agency said

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Fwd: what the other side reads

2000-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan


The political hotline (Charles Mannatt among
other criminals has said it is a must-read) costs
thousands of dollars to subscribe to. Apparently
they are offering free access for these convention
weeks. The Hotline has a search engine with all
its past articles too. A good window of opportunity
to dig up info on insiders by insiders on some
of our favorite targets in politics, lobbying
and political consulting. Gratis til August 18th.

Use this URL and then click the "hotline" link.



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Re: [CTRL] Cereal maker chokes on CD Bible giveaway  (fwd)

2000-07-31 Thread Ben Stone

The bible here was part of a package of stuff on the CDs, it wasn't just a NIV bible 
in every box of whatever. Also, I doubt many Christians are going to stop buying them 
becasue they get a free CD in their cereal box. BTW, assuming Christians already have 
one, who buys these darn wastes of paper? Not Government schools presumably, I'm sure 
they mostly end up getting pulped making it some sort of scam. Any thoughts?

--- Move to a better address ---
   + today freemail +

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] The establishment's news file on Skull Bones - 11 in 12 years

2000-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A
EVERSE+11+F+1+0+Skull+AND+Bones"Search Results/A
 The Atlantic Monthly reports that Bush "had trouble
thinking up his nickname for Skull and Bones, the Yale secret
society to which he belonged in the 1960s, so he ended up as
'Temporary,' the moniker fellow Bonesmen still call him." Bush's
father was nicknamed "Magog," which "is traditionally assigned
to the incoming Bonesman deemed to have had the most sexual
experience" (Grove, "Reliable Source," Washington Post, 4/18)
2 of 11 results Previous Story  | Next Story  | Back to Results List


 Chicago Tribune's Warren/Armour report that a new movie may
give the public an insight into a particular presidential
candidate's youthful indiscretions. "As if George W. Bush wasn't
getting enough trouble from John McCain, here comes a movie
called 'The Skulls,' which demonizes a secret society at Yale
University." The movie paints a dark and nasty picture of the
elite club that both George W. Bush and Pres. Bush belonged to
as undergraduates at Yale. "George the Younger already is trying
to cast off suggestions that he's just another blue blood
advancing through life on his father's name and his family's
connections.  So it can't help that Universal Studios soon plans
to release a film in which a Skull and Bones-like club comes off
as a corrupt, murdering cabal"  (2/29).
 AE's "Biography" featured a George W. Bush "Biography" last
night.  Excerpts follow.
 AE's Harry Smith, on Bush's Yale days:  "Like his father,
he joined the secret Skull and Bones Society, and Delta Kappa
Epsilon fraternity, where he became the president.  The
fraternity had a reputation.  In Bush's senior year, it was fined
for its hazing practices, including branding the fraternity's
name on the backs of pledges. ... Besides partying, George was
also engaged to be married, briefly, in his junior year."


   W.S. JOURNAL's Paul Gigot:  "Don't believe the spin" that
  Bush is "reluctant" to go to Rio.  "The truth is, he can't wait
  to go.  Which is the problem.  Rio is just the sort of jaunt"
  Bush loves.  "It's more fun even than Kennebunkport.  His
  telephone chums, perhaps 100 world leaders, will all be there.
  He'd once again be chief poobah of Global Skull  Bones."  GOPers
  also "fret" if Bush doesn't go, Clinton will.  "They should buy
  him the ticket.
Buchanan, on ABC's "Brinkley":  "George needs
  Ronald Reagan to win in [NH] ... the ex-presidents' club is as
  exclusive a club as Skull and Bones ... Reagan could do nothing
  else when requested but endorse George Bush ... Both [Nixon and
  Reagan] are going to endorse George Bush -- they've got to. ...
  But ... I'll bet if you asked Ronald Reagan privately what he
  thought of George Bush's tax hikes [and] spending [and] cave-in
  on the quota bill -- privately he would give you what he thought,
  and I think he might agree with Pat Buchanan" (2/9).


   Appearing on NBC's "Meet the Press," Buchanan called Bush's
  trip to Japan "a fiasco.  I think the president did not even
  realize the lowered expectations of his own staff.  But it was
  good in this sense.  Mr. Bush has been talking about this global
  new world order as though it's Skull and Bones International, and
  he got a reality check in Tokyo."  On health care:  "I said I
  would start to address it this week in specifics up at the AARP
  convention."  Admitting he did not have a health plan now, he
  added, "We don't want what the British have where they wait six
  months for major surgery, and sometimes it never quite arrives in
  time.  We don't want what the Canadians have."  On a balanced
  budget:  "No, not in the first year.  You've got a $400B deficit
   ... You're going to have to cut tax rates some of which
  initially is going to result in a temporary increase in ..."


   He was in Nashville 9/19 -- the second day of his tour "to
  gauge his chances for a presidential candidacy" -- and will soon
  visit FL, CA, LA, AL ,and IL (Richard Locker, Memphis COMMERCIAL
  APPEAL).  McCurdy, who is being led around by "moderate
  Democratic congressmen who he said asked him to make the race,"
  was escorted by Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN) and "struck themes ranging
  from populist to centrist to conservative."  He "said 

[CTRL] OEN 7/31/00

2000-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin

Spy vs. Spy

Ex-CIA Spy Offers Cuban Travel

Another dot.com.

THE forbidden fruit always tastes the best—or so Philip Agee, a former CIA
whistleblower, is hoping. He has set up a joint-venture dot.com company with
Fidel Castro’s government to encourage Americans to defy their government by
holidaying on the forbidden island. Now that the United States House of
Representatives has voted to ease the travel ban to Cuba (see article), the
prospect of their actually making the trip seems less implausible.

Mr Agee’s website, called Cubalinda.com and designed for the American market,
offers travellers an “unforgettable adventure”. The thrill, he assured
potential clients ahead of this week’s Havana carnival, would be provided by
the exotic dancers and festival floats, rather than the firm hand of an
immigration official on the shoulder when visitors returned to the United
States after breaking the travel ban against the island.

Mr Agee has been a thorn in the Americans’ side ever since he left the CIA at
the end of the 1960s to write books denouncing the United States for dirty
wars across Latin America. Now he wants to further a rebellion against the
American embargo. “I would like to see people ignore the law,” he says.
“That’s what happened in the 1920s with prohibition; all our grandfathers
were making bath-tub gin.”

As it stands, American law bans the spending of any money in Cuba, rather
than visits outright. Exceptions are made for academics, students, musicians
and others who can get special permits. Some institutions, like Harvard
University, have general licences allowing any member to visit Cuba. “You
could join a photo club in Maine on-line, which has a general licence,”
explains Mr Agee, “and then legally come to take pictures of the carnival.”
The Cubans say that more than 160,000 American citizens visited the island
last year, many of them legally.

Judging by the response to his website so far, there is plenty of potential
interest. Mr Agee says that he got more than 600,000 clicks during its first
three months. Not all the messages were friendly however, particularly those
from exiles in Miami.

Now that the Americans have begun to hint at an easing of the sanctions that
have been in place for the past 38 years, it may be that adventurous American
sorts will feel readier to take the risk right away. Cubalinda insists that
even now there is no real risk for American visitors. “To our knowledge,
no-one has ever been prosecuted for simply visiting Cuba,” it declares. “It
is simply a law designed to intimidate, but it is not enforced.”

As for Mr Agee himself, he makes no apologies for advocating a breaking of
the travel ban. “I stayed away from the United States for 17 years on legal
advice,” he says. “If I find I can’t go back now, it will not bother me in
the least.”

The Economist, July 29-Aug 4, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] MI6: Inside the Covert World of Her Majesty's Secret Intelligence Service

2000-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF=""MI6: Inside the
Covert World of Her Majesty's S…/A
29 July 2000
Source: MI6: Inside the Covert World of Her Majesty's Secret Intelligence
Service, Stephen Dorril, The Free Press, New York, 2000, pp. 783-800. Thanks
to the author and publisher.
Note: Codeword, cipher and communications systems disguised by the author on
legal advice are shown as printed (i.e., "B***"). Cryptome invites
information for publication here on the true form of these codewords as well
as information about the systems. Send to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Agent D/813317 Richard Tomlinson joined MI6 in 1991. Born in New Zealand, he
read aeronautical engineering at Cambridge and was a Kennedy memorial scholar
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Fluent in French, German and
Spanish, Tomlinson was approached at university where he gained a first. A
lecturer had asked him if he wanted to do 'something stimulating' in the
foreign service. Despite modern recruiting methods, the trusted old-boy
network is still a favoured option at Oxbridge, and a number of other key
universities, such as Durham and Exeter, still have a contact group of
lecturers on the lookout for 'firsts' as suitable recruits.

Historian Andrew Roberts has written about his own experience of being
approached in 1987 to join the 'FCO Co-ordinating Staff', as MI6 is known:
the 'chat with a Cambridge contact', tea at the John Nash-designed Carlton
House which overlooks St James's Park, 'a discreet lunch a fortnight later
and then a delightfully absurd mini-exam, in which one of the questions was
"Put the following in order of social precedence: earl, duke, viscount,
baron, marquis" '. At Century House, Roberts recognised 'several of the young
Miss Moneypennys from the secretarial schools' parties at university'. The
questions continued in a farcical vein: 'If I had been a communist, a fascist
or a homosexual . . . Where do Britain's best long-term interests lie?
Washington, Brussels or Moscow?' During the medical examination, he was told
that 'with Oxford it's the drugs thing, with Cambridge it's the boys'.
Attitudes have changed, and by 1997 MI6 was prepared to post a 'gay couple' -
'counsellor' and chief of station Christopher Hurran and his long-time
Venezuelan lover - to the British embassy in Czechoslovakia. A few years
earlier, the Service had recruited a member of CND. Finally, Roberts went
through the process of positive vetting (known since 1990 as EPV). It is
generally conducted by a semi-retired officer with a false name, who
interviews referees and other contacts, and undertakes checks on

Suitable candidates are put through the fast-stream Civil Service Selection
Board. Roberts, however, decided not to join, and Tomlinson did so only after
spending a number of years travelling and working in the City, during which
time he had also signed up for the SAS territorial regiment. Over the last
decade the Service has recruited a number of personnel from the special
forces, though their gung-ho philosophy seems at odds with the image that M16
has projected of the modern spy. Tomlinson eventually joined MI6 for
old-fashioned 'patriotic reasons' and sat the standard Foreign Of fice entry
examination before being accepted on to the intelligence service training

New recruits are introduced to the traditional 'tradecraft' of the world of
spying and gain a broad range of knowledge from recruiting and running agents
to developing agents of influence and organising and servicing 'dead letter'
drops. Because of the smaller numbers, MI6 officers indulge in less
specialisation than their American counterparts, though the techniques are
essentially little different from those used at the beginning of the century.
The infamous Dreyfus affair began when a cleaning woman, Marie Bastian,
working in the German embassy but employed by the French secret service,
handed over to her French controller the contents of the wastepaper baskets
she emptied. MI6 recruiters still look out for 'the
life-and-soul-of-the-party types who could persuade the Turkish ambassador's
secretary to go through her boss's wastepaper basket'. These days, however,
the spy is armed with a hand-held digital scanner which can hold the filched
material in its memory and can also be used in emergencies to transmit the
stolen secrets by burst transmissions via a satellite.

Such gadgets are developed for the Directorate of Special Support responsible
for providing technical assistance to operations - staffed by MoD locksmiths,
video and audio technicians and scientists in sections devoted to chemicals
and electronics, forensic services, electronic support measures, electronic
surveillance and explosive systems. While the gadgets 

[CTRL] Get Your Music Mojo Working

2000-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A
HREF="http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,37892,00.html"Get Your
Music Mojo Working/A

Get Your Music Mojo Working
by Declan McCullagh
5:45 p.m. Jul. 29, 2000 PDT

LAS VEGAS -- A new file-sharing system could best rivals like Napster and
Gnutella through more anonymous and efficient transfers.

The service has an innovative feature that rewards users for uploading and
distributing files: payment in a form of digital currency called "Mojo."

"It's a cross between Napster and eBay," says Jim McCoy, the 30-year-old CEO
of Autonomous Zone Industries, which created the open-source MojoNation

McCoy's goal is nothing if not ambitious: to create the first file-sharing
economy of agents, servers, and search engines in which senders and receivers
can agree on prices for each transaction and use micropayments to get paid.

The prospect of millions of users spending Mojo tokens on pirated movies and
songs is sure to draw the wrath of the entertainment industry, which has sued
to shut down Napster and erase a DVD-descrambling program from the Web.

Another probable early use is pornography copied from other sites, and
companies such as Penthouse's publisher also have shown they're willing to tak
e legal action.

Autonomous Zone says that since it -- unlike Napster -- does not keep a
master index of files, its employees are simply unable to remove references
to illegal files stored on MojoNation servers. "We are a bigger threat
because we can survive most attacks," McCoy says.

But the startup claims it wants to work with Hollywood through a
voluntary-payment-for-downloads feature that the firm's programmers have
dubbed "PayLars," a reference to Metallica drummer and Napster foe Lars

"When the president of Sony comes to us, we'll say Gnutella's never going to
do anything for you," says the Autonomous Zone programmer who goes by the
name Zooko Journeyman. "Fight them or die -- or join us and prosper."

In an attempt to spread MojoNation quickly through the hacker underground,
Autonomous Zone plans to release the beta version at the DefCon convention
this weekend in Las Vegas. Versions will be available on sourceforge.net for
Windows and Linux machines.

MojoNation's current stage of development is somewhere between a working
prototype and a polished final product. It works, but a friendly interface is
still being shaped, and as of Friday, company programmers were still
unearthing some remaining bugs.

At least when its development is complete, MojoNation should combine the ease
of use and search capabilities of Napster and Gnutella with the kind of
distributed server network that FreeNet uses. Files that are uploaded to a
Freenet server remain online after a user disconnects, but Freenet does not
support searching or micropayments.

But will MojoNation be compelling enough to make other users switch? "It
doesn't seem to buy anything over Gnutella," says Jon Lasser, author of Think
Unix. "It's not clear to me who is served by this system."

The libertarian-leaning cypherpunks -- only about seven so far -- who work at
Autonomous Zone are pinning their hopes on creating an emergent network of
electronic buyers, sellers, and service providers, all exchanging tokens that
might represent as little as one-thousandth of a cent.

Another addition: A limited form of reputation-tracking, so you can determine
which service providers are the most reliable. The first time you log on, you
generate a public and private key pair that the system uses to identify you.

"It is an ant colony of sorts -- tons of agents, each with its own
specialized goal," says McCoy, a former Yahoo engineer who founded Autonomous
Zone last summer and is providing the seed capital.

By pinning even an infinestimal value on all transactions, the company plans
to discourage piggish folks who download more than they contribute in return.

To earn Mojo tokens, users can sell their extra bandwidth or disk space and
act as servers, or create their own service that others want to pay for. A
successful system would also likely include money exchangers who buy and sell
Mojo tokens in exchange for dollars.

Before a MojoNation user uploads a file, the client software splits it into
eight pieces using an algorithm akin to that used in RAID hard disk arrays:
Only four pieces are necessary to reconstruct the entire file, and the sender
can try to use the network to cloak his or her identity.

Copyright © 2000 Wired Digital Inc., a Lycos Network site. All rights

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor 

[CTRL] Skull and Bones

2000-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:631265"Skull and Bones/A
Subject: Skull and Bones
Date: Sun, Jul 30, 2000 2:59 PM
Message-id: 8m28ga$6hj$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Motto - While looking at a Skull and Bones
As You Are I Once Was
As I am You Soon Shall Be

The hidden meaning of this is to make the most of your life.

Freebies for getting membership in Skull and Bones;
A grandfather clock - To indicate the all to rapid passage of
 $15,000 cash, to give the member a start in life.
An unusual 'In' with other members.

Less severe than most fraternity initiations, it involves
wrestling nude in a pool of mud with other candidates for
membership. No coffin, no ritual, no binding oaths, except to regard
other members of Skull and Bones as brothers (and more recently,
regard the female members as sisters.)
98% of the membership of Skull and Bones are practicing
Those who are anti religious or anti social are not admitted to
the fraternity.
Sound boring?
It is.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Germany, Marshall Law, and the Alien Race!

2000-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

As, always, Caveat Lector—most definately.
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:631231"Germany, Marshall
Law, and the Alien Race!/A
Subject: Germany, Marshall Law, and the Alien Race!
Date: Sun, Jul 30, 2000 11:02 AM
Message-id: 8m1qj5$brn$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

In the late 1930's Germany declared marshall
law and attempted to regain control of the country.

Why? Who From? Who? or What? was taking control of
the country?

Germany discovered that an alien race was replacing the German
people. The alien race was telepathic, collective, mind controlling,
could alter their appearance at will___and hated the human race.

In other words__the German people were doomed!
Hitler's biggest mistake was not officially recording
in history the presence of the alien race in Germany and
the systematic extermination of the German people by the
alien race!

60 years later the United States if facing the same problem.
The CESS-Alien Agency___Cultural Elite SS___controls all
the cities, the monetary system, and the jobs.

They have moved to the burbs and are systematically taking
humans out of society___and replacing them with look-alikes
that have very few human characteristics. These units are
impersonating human beings. Their only purpose is to
continue throwing out humans. The technology they
possess is far advanced and they have millions of ways
of "taking humans down unfairly"___from causing AIDS-like
illnesses, sickle cell, MS, to Cancers and brain tumors.

Big Brother is here in the United States and he hates humans
and human behavior. In fact Big Brother is Master Brother and
using humans as slaves on their plantation called the United

How did this happen? All the media in the United States is
controlled by the alien race___including the internet!
The founding fathers warned the nation about maintaining a
free press! The presses and the media were all bought on
time___then the manufacturing industry was charged huge advertising
fees in order to pay for the loans and spread the alien hives.

Hollywood and tv have tried through-out the years to produce
targeting entertainment that revealed the existence of the hostile
alien race and their agendaThe most famous is the movie
"Independence Day"!

This brings Americans to the question concerning our system of
government, the existence of the alien masters, and the
2000 presidential election.

Forget-about-it! There is only one part! The alien party!
We should forget about the election, declare marshal law,
take back the presses and media and start informing the humans
about the alien race and their agenda.

This might be the only way to save the United States,
Representative Democracy, Competative Capitalism,
and humanity!

Thank you,

Wayne Manzo,
Publisher, Plaintiff

513-766-2003-1110(voice, fax-prefer)

A HREF="http://madona.tripod.com"http://madona.tripod.com/A

I need publicty because my life and websites are being censored.
Please repost to a real news server!

Also, I need sponsors because I'm being taken down unfairly!

Thank you again an may the human finally get the message!

Sent via Deja.com A HREF="http://www.deja.com/"http://www.deja.com//A
Before you buy.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Drug Lords !!!

2000-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:631131"Drug Lords !!!/A
Subject: Drug Lords !!!
Date: Sun, Jul 30, 2000 4:34 PM

   The Drug Lords now rule America !!!
"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide



Sons of Liberty Militia
Tim Stine
312 S. Wyomissing Ave.
Shillington, Pa. 19607

We-Must-Resist-The-Global-Takeover-of-the-USA !!!

The_American_Revolution_Continues !!!

A HREF="http://community-1.webtv.net/We_The_People_/SonsofLibertyMilitia/"ht


A HREF="http://community-2.webtv.net/We_The_People_/WarningDanger0/"http://c
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] It's Time 4 Censorship

2000-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:631138"It's Time 4
Subject: It's Time 4 Censorship
Date: Sun, Jul 30, 2000 1:19 AM
Message-id: tyRg5.89413$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

July 29, 2000
4:20 p.m.

A letter to my close friends who have cheered me on as
I and my family of friends
have struggled to release our first book;
'A Time 4 Hemp: Seeds of Truth.'

I have been overly amazed at the strength of censorship that I have been
forced to deal with while living in the 'Bible Belt' of America.
It was our intention to launch our Web site and begin selling the book on
August 15, 2000.
But, in our attempt to secure a merchant credit card account, we were met
with people--who wishing to suppress our message--drug their feet in getting
the necessary paper work completed.  And we missed our launch date.

One example of this:

We were instructed to fax important information from our bank to the credit
card company.  One of the CEO's of the company--on 7 different
occasions--gave to our bank and us THE WRONG FAX NUMBER.  The president of
the bank had to call the president of the credit card company to straighten
the mess out. In the meantime--we missed our launch date of the 15th,
because we couldn't accept payment for orders.
Well, now I am completely blown away by the new form of censorship that has
come against this book our company, LeafsAlot.
In our attempt to find a printer, we've had 3 printing companies insist on
reviewing the books before agreeing to print ANY MATERIAL ON DRUGS! (Since
when did HEMP become a DRUG?) They said they were AFRAID of being harassed
by the police and Federal Agents of this country.
The printer we HAD lined up backed out on us Friday at the last minute!
We were all set to sign the contract and ink the check
when the owner of the company made it clear
that he would not support the printing or our 'propaganda'
since he was a proud contributor to the DARE program and the Partnership for
a Drug Free America organization.

Once we find someone who:

1.) is willing to take our money to print our books--
2.) is not AFRAID to exercise their Rights as an American citizen--
3.) is willing to do business as a business owner should (and not censor the
material that a customer is paying to have printed)
4.) is brave enough to work with this company

…we will start printing the books and open
ALL THE DOORS to our web site.

the struggle we are up against.
Who knows, it might help us to quickly find a printer!
We are very determined to overcome this last hurdle.
I'm an old trooper in the war on drugs. This type of harassment only serves
to make me--and my family of friends--more determined to succeed.

If you have any suggestion that can help us succeed, please forward them to
A HREF="http://www.Time4Hemp"http://www.Time4Hemp/A. ASAP!

I'd like to thank you again for the remarkable way you have stood behind us.
Keep us in your thoughts.

All the best to you,
Subject: Re: It's Time 4 Censorship
From: "hooresi®" A HREF="mailto:im4fr@*remove*hotmail.com"im4fr@*remove*hotm
Date: Sun, Jul 30, 2000 4:28 AM
Message-id: 39841040$0$17006@reader3

 1.) is willing to take our money to print our books--

Do you have to print it in the states anyway?
Can`t you find another printer in another country to print it for you?
then ship it to the states, or send it from that other country to the
to the customers.

 2.) is not AFRAID to exercise their Rights as an American citizen--

Or as a non american citizen, or are you afraid that customs in your country
confiscate the books?

 3.) is willing to do business as a business owner should (and not censor
 material that a customer is paying to have printed)

again, why in the states?

 4.) is brave enough to work with this company

Hemp is also used by me in central heating systems to garantee

 .we will start printing the books and open
 ALL THE DOORS to our web site.

or you could sell the book over the net, I mean as a computerfile.

 the struggle we are up against.
 Who knows, it might help us to quickly find a printer!
 We are very determined to overcome this last hurdle.
 I'm an old trooper in the war on drugs.

war on drugs? Like caffeine , nicotine etc etc. :o)

This type of harassment only serves
 to make me--and my family of friends--more determined to succeed.

 If you have any suggestion that can help us succeed, please forward them
 A HREF="http://www.Time4Hemp"http://www.Time4Hemp/A. ASAP!

 I'd like to thank you again for the remarkable way you have stood behind
 Keep us in your thoughts.

 All the best to you,

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End


Re: [CTRL] Pro-Choice Van Runs Over Pro-Lifer (fwd)

2000-07-31 Thread Ben Stone

Well, maybe the person in the van took exception to the stickers they were sticking on 
his van, and taught them a lesson they won't soon forget? If you were in your van and 
someone started putting swastikas (or stars of David, or Confederate flags or whatever 
you find offensive) all over it, tell me you wouldn't at least give them a scare. I 
sure as hell would.

--- Move to a better address ---
   + today freemail +

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] *Bonus March* FDR or Herbert Hoover?

2000-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:630779"Re: *Bonus March*
FDR or Herbert Hoover?/A
Subject: Re: *Bonus March* FDR or Herbert Hoover?
Date: Fri, Jul 28, 2000 6:07 PM
Message-id: 8ltao5$ekn$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (JackH35785) wrote:
  Which one ordered in MacArthur and the troops?

 It was Hoover. 

 And. . . . a young Army Captain with the name Eisenhower also
  The remnents of the Bonus Marchers (Congress had appropriated money
to send the marchers home, but about 2000 out of the peak 17,000
refused to leave their tent city) were forced out by cavalry under
Douglas MacArthur on 28 July 1932.  That makes it Hoover.

Sent via Deja.com A HREF="http://www.deja.com/"http://www.deja.com//A
Before you buy.

Subject: Re: *Bonus March* FDR or Herbert Hoover?
Date: Fri, Jul 28, 2000 6:48 PM
Message-id: 8ltd4s$g4h$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Eisenhower was a major at the time.  Patton was a brigadier
MacArthur was a four star general, and would retire in a few years
to his palatial home in the Philippines.
Subject: Re: *Bonus March* FDR or Herbert Hoover?
Date: Sat, Jul 29, 2000 8:52 PM

Subject: Re: *Bonus March* FDR or Herbert Hoover?
Date: 7/28/00 9:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Message-id: 8ltao5$ekn$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The remnents of the Bonus Marchers (Congress had appropriated money
to send the marchers home, but about 2000 out of the peak 17,000
refused to leave their tent city) were forced out by cavalry under
Douglas MacArthur on 28 July 1932.  That makes it Hoover.

Not quite. Congress never budgeted nor approriated the money. They authorized
program to give out the money, at some future date. The marchers were so poor
they went to Washington in the hope that they could convince the government to
give them the money immediately. When no money was forthcoming they had
else to go. Hoover had no choice, he had opposed the program since there was
money for it, then had to take resposibility for congress's ineptness by
sending in the troops to diperse the crowd.

Frankly if I were hoover I would have personally bought some kerosine and
matches, given it to the marchers along with the local residential addresses
every member of congress who voted for the program. They could then have gone
to each member's house and said, "Fulfill your promise or lose your house."
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Fwd: THE SCOOP: GOP Convention Day 2

2000-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

The Scoop - http://www.bobharris.com/

THE SCOOP for July 31, 2000

GOP Convention Notes #2
© 2000 Bob Harris

* * = italics

GOP Convention notes from Sunday:

The convention, naturally enough, is *not* being held at the Pennsylvania
Convention Center, which is downtown and would be readily available to
protesters.  The GOP is south of town, in Philly's shiny new hockey rink,
the First Union Arena.

The Convention Center, instead, is home to PoliticalFest, a Spam-like
simulacrum where visitors can witness symbols of the democratic process
that have nothing to do with actual democracy itself.  These are actually
on display, my hand to God:

o A scary-looking two-foot tall tiki mask of George Bush
o A Bill Blass gown worn by Barbara Bush while dining with the President
of Yemen
o A jacket owned by Gerald Ford's mother
o A menu from Harry Truman's inauguration
o One of Herbert Hoover's fishing reels

If that's not enough, nearby is the Memorabilia Marketplace, a shopping
mall selling oodles of replicas of similar crap, plus a bazillion official
George W. Bush T-shirts, hats, lapel pins, and plush elephants.

Much of this will be available for free to the rich people back at actual
convention.  People without credentials, of course have to pay.


The side of the First Union Arena has been sold as ad space to a company
that is not First Union.

Apparently *everything* is for sale here.


Outside of the sports complex (Veterans Stadium, home to the Eagles, the
Phillies, and the Army/Navy football game is nearby), the neighborhood
quickly becomes one W. himself wouldn't dream of walking around alone.
Thanks to an attempted rape, NBC has actually relocated all of the female
employees out of the nearby Stadium Holiday Inn.

Thanks to the arena's location, a massive police presence, and other
logistics, protesters are nowhere to be seen.  Not one.  All the protests
today were closer to downtown.

About 750 people listened to Ralph Nader over near City Hall this morning.
Perhaps twice that many showed up for the Unity 2000 rally.  This was all
in other parts of town, safely away from the prying eyes of the assembled


There are 15,000 reporters here, warehoused mostly in four giant inflated
temporary pavilions the size of aircraft hangers and lined up adjacent to
the arena itself.  The pavilions are a self-contained world, complete with
offices, restaurants, bathrooms, and even golf cart transportation.  Many
reporters will do all of their work within this bubble.

There's often nothing interesting going on.  Nothing.  So thousands of
news stories are about to be written about the lack of anything to write

Here's how bad it is: I've personally already been interviewed by the AP
and the Houston Chronicle, and they didn't even know who I was.  Reporters
are literally walking up to other reporters, starting conversations, and
then taking notes.

I called a friend of mine who was at a protest where pairs of shoes,
representing victims of gun violence, were put on display.  Not one
reporter got anywhere near him.

I ducked my head into the booth of a *major* weekly news magazine and
asked if anyone knew how to get to the Unity 2000 march, exactly.  No one


I can't help but think that the amount of energy that went into
constructing this temporary city might better have gone into rebuilding
the surrounding neighborhood of Philadelphia itself.


Reporters arrive at the convention via the GOP Express, a series of
private shuttle buses and vans given special priority through traffic.
The bus I rode in on was allowed to pass a police road block at the
freeway exit, then went through a courteous search prior to admission to
the convention grounds.

As the Secret Service agent eyed my bag as if it were a bomb, I noticed
the GOP slogan in forty-foot letters on the side of the arena: Renewing
America's Purpose, Together.

Nothing makes you want to Renew America more than feeling like you're in a
third world country.


Finally inside, I got my first peek at our broadcast booth along Radio Row.

Michael Medved will be in front of me and to the right.  Just like in real

Oliver North will be far to my right, and facing the other way entirely.
Also just like in real life.


In Pavilion 3, a group of reporters were staring at ABC's morning
interview show in rapt attention.  They were all watching George
Stephanopolous... with the volume down.

I have no idea what this means.  I don't even want to think about it.

Tom Brokaw put in a brief appearance at the MSNBC booth, about 100 feet
from ours.  He seemed to listen vaguely to a producer and mostly stared
into space.

A small crowd gathered to watch him do this.

[CTRL] CIA-Drug Symposium Video Tapes AND Audio Tapes CDs

2000-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A
ER CIA-Drugs Symposium/A

For now, to order
CIA-Drug Symposium Video Tapes
AND Audio Tapes  CDs
Full CIA-Drug Symposium: all 8 speakers
on one 8-hour EP VHS$20
Full CIA-Drug Symposium: all 8 speakers
on one 8-hour EP SVHS   $30
CIA-Drug Symposium: individual speakers
on one tape SP VHS tape each$10
Full CIA-Drug Symposium: all 8 speakers
on audio casette$20
Full CIA-Drug Symposium: all 8 speakers
on audio CD (8 CDs) $40
Full CIA-Drug Symposium: all 8 speakers
in MP3 format on a CDROM$10
OFFICIAL CIA-Drug Symposium T-shirt
See the shirt...$12send a check or money order to

Kris Millegan
PO Box 519
Noti, Oregon 97461

You can also place an order by calling
541 935-6276 Contact us for information on Retailer Discounts
STANDARD RATE (allow 3-10 days for delivery)$3.00   Canada  $5.00
PRIORITY (allow 2-5 days for delivery)  $4.50   Central/South America
Europe  $12.50
ALL COUNTRIES (outside U.S.)Asia and Africa $16.00
SURFACE (allow 4-16 week for delivery)  $4.00   Pacific Rim $17.50

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] The Pioneers: George W. Bush's $100,000 Club

2000-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.tpj.org/pioneers/"The Pioneers: George W.
Bush's $100,000 Club/A
The Pioneers:
George W. Bush's $100,000 Club

“This has been a totally grassroots, broad-based
individual effort across America.” –Donald Evans
George W. Bush's fundraising centers around his network of Pioneers, each of
whom has raised at least $100,000.  As of July 15, the Bush campaign has
released the names of 212 Pioneers*.  TPJ has identified, researched and
profiled each of these individuals, whom Bush relies upon as his leading
conduits of political cash.
Read the press release
Key Findings

Pioneers Give Big Money to Federal Candidates
Pioneers by Industry
Pioneers Hail from 34 States
Top 25 Donors to Bush's Gubernatorial Races
Top 25 Donors to Federal Democrats
Soft Money from Pioneers' Corporations

Pioneer Profiles
Individual profiles of each of the 212 Pioneers

View the Pioneer Profiles:  Alphabetically
by State
by Industry
by Contribution Amount
by Other Classifications
Download the entire set of 212 profiles
as an Adobe Arcobat file for printing. (under construction)

Bush Releases Names of 14 New Pioneers

Last updated: July 28, 2000.  Please email any questions, comments, or broken
TPJ home
Texans for Public Justice  ** 609 W. 18th Street, Suite E, ** Austin, TX 78701

For Release:
Friday, July 28, 2000   Contact: Craig McDonald, Andrew Wheat
512-472-9770Bush’s Pioneer Fundraising
Network Detailed in New Report
Group Analyzes  Profiles 212 Pioneers
CEO’s, Lobbyists  Welfare Recipients Lead List

Austin, Texas: A new study analyzing the 212 Pioneer fundraisers that have
delivered at least 24% of Bush’s $90 million war chest concludes that their
ranks are dominated by corporate executives and special interest lobbyists.
The Pioneers group includes a host of polluters, corporate welfare recipients
and trade group leaders who seek special favors for their particular
industries. The report by Texans for Public Justice is the first in-depth
look at each of the Pioneers. The report classifies and analyzes the Pioneers
made public by Bush as of July 15, by their business and ideological
interests, tracks the total money each spends on politics, and provides
individual profiles of each of the 212.  (Earlier this week the Bush campaign
released a list of 14 additional Pioneers, bringing the total to 226.)

“Thanks to this small group of business tycoons  lobbyists, Bush has raised
more money than any other political candidate in history, twice as much as
any presidential candidate before him,” said Texans for Public Justice
Director Craig L. McDonald.  “If you can judge a candidate by his big donors,
a Bush presidency will bring more corporate welfare, more pollution, less
consumer regulation and more business lobbyists to the White House.”

Among the findings of The Bush Pioneer report:

*   133 Pioneers are business executives, George Bush appointed 16 Pioneers
to state government posts, 14 have spent the night at the Governor’s mansion
in Austin, 13 represent polluter interests, 35 have benefited from
corporate-welfare, 26 have been involved in one or more campaign
finance-related scandals, and 20 Pioneers have kept the revolving door
between government and industry spinning.

*   The 212 identified Pioneers have raised a minimum of $21.2 million in
hard money for Bush’s presidential effort.  These 212 individuals also
contributed $2.3 million to Bush’s gubernatorial campaigns, $7.1 million in
hard money to federal candidates and PACs and $4.1 million in soft money
contributions to federal political party committees since the ’96 election

*   The top 5 individual money movers among the Pioneers (total federal money
since the ’96 election cycle plus money to Bush’s gubernatorial campaigns)
are: A.G. Spanos , $877,450; Sam Fox, $831,733; Kenneth Lay, $574,550; Tom
Loeffler, $495,424; and, Louis A. Beecherl, Jr., $446,350.

*   Among the 212 Pioneers, the top overall contributors to Bush’s
gubernatorial campaigns are:  Charles J. Wyly, Jr., $210,273; Dennis R.
Berman, $175,000; Louis A. Beecherl, Jr., $154,000; Tom Loeffler, $141,000;
and, Richard Heath, $124,449.

*   Eighty-four companies controlled by or employing these 212 individuals
contributed an additional $21 million in soft money contributions to
political party committees since the ’96 election cycle, $15.5 million to the
Republicans, $5.5 million to the Democrats.

*   Like their companies, 73 of the individual Pioneers also support
candidates of both parties.  These 73 Pioneers gave Democrats a total of
$390,000 in hard and soft money since the ’96 election cycle.  The biggest
Pioneer givers to Democrats are: Robert Day, Jr., $45,420; Kenneth Lay,
$39,000; Randall D. Hubbard, 

Re: [CTRL] Cereal maker chokes on CD Bible giveaway (fwd)

2000-07-31 Thread Yardbird

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 12:39:01 -0400
From: Eric Eldred [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Don A. Elbourne Jr." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Bookpeople [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Cereal maker chokes on CD Bible giveaway

 Cereal maker chokes on CD Bible giveaway

  "An executive from Disney Interactive, who licensed
  the "Millionaire" software for the CDROMs, told
  Swann and other partners that the Bible was too
  controversial. Disney demanded it be taken off the
  "Millionaire" CDROMs."

The Millionnaire CDROM was scheduled to be released without
the Bible.  The decision by General Mills to stop releasing
any more CDROMs at all was a surprise to the developers of
the product.

  "Putting Zondervan's Protestant version of the Bible --
  the New International Version -- in cereal boxes is
  offensive, said Rabbi James Rudin, the interreligious
  consultant for the American Jewish Committee in New

  ""I eat General Mills products myself, and I don't think
  it's right for any American to pick up a box of cereal in
  the morning and feel excluded," said Rudin. "This is one
  particular version of the Bible they're offering -- and
  America is multi-religious, multi-ethnic. When
  Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Taoists and millions of
  other Americans pick up this box of cereal and look at
  this Bible -- they are excluded.""

Why not issue all sorts of books in cereal boxes, so
nobody feels excluded?  Would that not be better than
no books at all?

When Americans eat "Quaker" brand oatmeal and think it is
an affirmation of multicultural capitalism without any
reference to religion one has to wonder about what has
happened to our world.  But I'll leave the field to the
folks from Pennsylvania to comment on this now :-)
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: BRITLAND NEWSBYTE july 2000 by a hennessey

2000-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

BRITLAND NEWSBYTE july 2000   by andrew hennessey

As we have seen from documents such as OPERATION BLUE BEAM and the New
Order of Barbarians - the antipopulation measures of the NWO are globally
active - whilst the scandal of the deliberate attempt to destroy both
family values and gender identity continues to make progress. The
state meanwhile prepares to take on responsibility for Cloning/Birthing of
new life, whilst wrenching future generations of kids away from their
parents using the Healthy Start Programme renamed under various guises

Tony Blairs sickly smile evaporated when he had the displeasure of
announcing that his proGAY Law had been thrown out of the House of Lords
for the Second Time and vowed to continue presenting it - whilst saying
that WE feel that current legislation is unfair - who's WE Blair ??
certainly not 90% of the population that you were elected to represent.
The proGAY legislation was forced through in Scotland against an
overwhelming tide of public opinion - TV channels bombard us with porn,
and insane groups under the guise of 'politically correct' discriminate
against the majority interest.

TV is full of cross dressing and gay programmes and warehouses are
disgorging tonnes of gay schoolbooks whilst 'Christian Archbishops' write
of morality without God.

Having said that - the Catholic Church despite its known failings may well
be the last bastion of public spirituality in the UK - for though marriage
is being destroyed as a viable institution, it is definite blockade
against satanism - eg. the sex and aliens and bloody new age book by
barbara hand clow condemns catholic christianity as sexually repressive
and her book the plaedian agenda to me sounded satanic - and is this a
coincidence but her name is a satanic anagram  BAAL WHO BRAND ARC
where barbara may well be the Hand on the Brand - it translates as
worshippers of satan who create sexual slavery.
Satanists obviously feel a bit daunted by christianity

In the UK, under the guise of protecting us from hooligans - new
legislation makes it possible to have your passport confiscated and to
have an electronic tagging order imposed.

In this background of 'new legislation' comes the new community schools
initiative where it is planned to re-educate parents of whom it is thought
are unable to educate their kids with the 'right values'
Its obvious that the buffoons of new labour never thought this lot up by
themselves - as man of the people and deputy PM Prescott [the equivalent
of Gore]
continues to spend vast amounts of the punters money on feathering his
nest and generally looking stupid on TV.

Further restrictions on travel are being imposed using high fuel prices
and the introduction of road tolls and other spurious taxes - whilst the
insane spin surrounding the national health service is quite clearly a
deliberate lie and bribe - it is more probable that these hospitals will
become centres of euthanasia for the aged and unfit - notplaces to be if
you want to stay alive - even the doctors are encouraging patients to lie
about their conditions to progress through the mincing machine.

Recent Cabinet Leaks show that Blair has discovered that you can fool some
of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time
- his memos show that he knows that he has been 'rumbled' and his new
labour 'BRAND' like a bad tin of Heinz Beanz has been 'contaminated'

Edinburgh being the Capital of SCotland - attracts a lot of american
tourists - usually with loadsa money :) - and it happened that I was in a
tartan shop - and some tasteless guy was buying a horrible looking tartan
shawl for his poor wife - so I helpfully suggested the [obviously]
beautiful stuart tartan - they said  gee ... is there a Clinton Tartan

Good luck in the elections guys - we all know that the 'OPinion POLLS'
are fictional - how else could Bush possibly make progress -
he's being hailed by the BBC as an all american hero.

I think that there is genuine cause for optimism that in Deathstar UK
Darth Blair may well be getting a going over by the Evil Reptoid Emperor
'REDOUBLE YOUR EFFORTS Mr BLAIR'  ordinary decent people are standing
up and saying NO and these people are NOT STUPID - thats the BIG MISTAKE
that these insane politicians make - they can't be certain of victory
anymore - they are starting to doubt, think twice ... and jostle for the

best wishes

andrew hennessey

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[CTRL] [BRC-ANN] Emergency Appeal on Behalf of Black People

2000-07-31 Thread DIG alfred webre

I Emergency Coalition Against Police Brutality*

 Press Release

 For Immediate Release

 29 July 2000


 Contact: Anthony Monteiro [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Emergency Coalition Against Police Brutality*

 Philadelphia, PA -- In 1951 William L Patterson and Paul
 Robeson petitioned the UN charging the US government with
 the high crime of genocide against Black Americans. In 1964
 Malcolm X spoke before the Organization of African Unity
 again charging the US government with violating the human
 rights of African Americans. In recent years various Black
 organizations and individuals have appeared before UN
 committees and agencies and have appealed to foreign
 governments to intercede on our behalf.

 We have called on the international media to alert world
 public opinion, international organizations, governments
 and non-governmental organizations, to the growing peril
 that the African American people face. In two days 45,000
 delegates and active supporters of the Republican Party will
 converge on this city to nominate their Presidential and
 Vice Presidential candidates and to adopt a platform. While
 they celebrate, tens of thousands of African Americans
 will be under police lock down and occupation of their
 communities. This reality manifests the two nations,
 separate and unequal, nature of race relations in the
 United States. This situation, in its essentials, is
 identical to apartheid colonialism of the South African

 An accurate understanding of the nature of Black oppression
 is critical to mobilizing international support to prevent
 what we believe could eventuate in a great human catastrophe;
 genocide. Since the passage of the Comprehensive Civil
 Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965
 the situation for the majority of African Americans has
 worsened. Socio-economic and housing data show that African
 Americans are more unequal than in the 1960's. A Black
 middle class has emerged with greater opportunity, income
 and wealth; albeit, no where near the level of the white
 middle class. Eighty percent of our people are, however,
 more segregated (the majority of the working class and poor
 in deteriorating ghettoes), more unemployed and under-
 employed, more criminalized, undereducated and homeless than
 40 years ago. The situation resembles the period of legal
 segregation known as Jim Crow, which was constructed after
 the Civil War. Rather than a rural, peasant, population,
 today we are overwhelming urban and working class.

 The legal gains of the 1960's have been trumped by the
 structural violence brought on by the rapaciousness of
 neo-liberal economic policies, imperialist globalization
 and the anti-African American policies championed by the
 Republican and Democratic Parties. A stunning reflection
 of this is rising infant mortality and a lowering life
 expectancy for African Americans. One study indicates that
 Black men living in Harlem have a lower life expectancy than
 men living in Bangladesh. When this is combined with the
 spread of HIV/AIDS, cancers of every type, heart disease and
 hypertension the outcomes are horrifying. Moreover, in spite
 of the catastrophic health emergency in the Black community,
 we have less access to health care than any group in the
 nation. From a socio-economic, health and demographic
 standpoint the conditions of Africans in America resemble
 those of many nations of the developing world.

 Of alarming and overriding significance at this moment
 is the political and legal status of Africans in America.
 African Americans are being deprived of their citizenship
 rights. As such, we are becoming a stateless people. In
 1857, in the landmark Dred Scott Decision, Chief Justice
 Roger Taney declared, " a black man has no rights a white
 man need respect". We are returning to that legal doctrine.

 Approximately 3.5 million adult African Americans are
 without the elementary right to vote due to imprisonment,
 being on parole, probation or some other way under the
 control of the criminal justice system. In several states,
 including Pennsylvania, former prisoners who have completed
 their sentences are denied the right to vote for up to five
 years. Jury pools, which are drawn from voter lists, as a
 result, eliminate large numbers of Africans in America. Tens
 of thousands of Black people are, therefore, denied the
 right to a jury of their peers. Prosecutors and judges, at
 the same time, conspire to eliminate eligible Blacks from
 juries. These practices violate the equal protection clause
 of the Fourteenth Amendment and the voting rights provisions
 of the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

 Yet, this is but the tip of the iceberg. Systematic and
 violent police attacks upon and murders of Black people is
 predicated upon the devaluation of Black life and the idea
 that we are merely second or third class citizens; a status

[CTRL] [surfingtheapocalypse] Mind Boggling Research

2000-07-31 Thread DIG alfred webre

 Hello Radar Reality Gang !

 Today I have received information from Kim Weber ( Thank you, KIM!!!)
concerning research a mother had done due to her child's illness.  This is a
GREAT example of how one person CAN make a difference!

 Due to the clues in Candace's expose on human biological experimentation at
the prison in Huntsville, Texas I did a little research myself.  What I have
found is shocking...

 This Is Mind Boggling. A Study In
 Human Parvovirus, Mycoplasma, AIDS, HIV and More!

 Get ready for a ride...   Debra

 Kim... Let me say again... Great work... Thank you for sending this in!

 A Search For Truth... no matter how unlikely.

 Your prophecies are self-fulfilling. Think positive thoughts, or be doomed
to a day of substandard results. A pure heart may be expensive, but it brings
even greater returns.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] News: Article: Ken Richey series - Edinburghnews.com

2000-07-31 Thread DIG alfred webre

From:   "Karen and Kenny" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:First Day in  series of Articles about Kenny Richey Case
Date sent:  Mon, 31 Jul 2000 17:04:54 +0100

First part of a week long series of interviews on Kenny's case.


  VICTIM: Cynthia Collins was just two when she died in the fire Kenny
Richey is said to have started

  In the heat of a deadly night

  Kenny Richey insists he's innocent of the murder of Cynthia Collins. So
what really did happen that summer night?


  "IT felt like my skin was melting . . . my lungs felt like they were
boiling . . ." Kenny Richey's deep voice trails off as he
  recalls his desperate, unsuccessful attempt to rescue two-year-old
Cynthia Collins from her blazing apartment.

  As the flames licked around him, he knew he was putting his life in
danger - what he didn't realise was the real threat would come six months
later - when three judges
  sentenced him to die in Ohio's electric chair.

  Now languishing on Death Row after his conviction for starting the
fire, he vividly recalls the night in June 1986 which began with a drunken
party and ended in tragedy.

  Kenny was on his way out to his father's car when, he says, he saw
lights and heard sirens. He realised his friend Hope Collins' apartment was
on fire - and remembered that her daughter, Cynthia, was alone inside. "I
noticed a woman with four kids running, and I looked and saw light from a
fire, and smoke," the 35-year-old says, his Edinburgh accent still
surprisingly strong.
  "It looked like it was coming from a second-storey apartment, so I took
off running and discovered it was Hope's apartment that was on fire.

  "I tried to get in. There was somebody already up there, a neighbour, I
cannae mind his name. He grabbed a hold of me - said I was crazy. He said
'you go in there and you'll just die' - I said 'there's a kid in there,
there's a kid in there'.

  "I ran in, broke away from his grip, and I got to the entrance to the
hallway, and that was just about as far as I could get.

  "It felt like my skin was melting, and my lungs . . . my lungs just
felt like they were boiling . . . There was a big sheet of fire.
  "There was a lot of heat coming off the sofa, and flames, and it was
like a barrier. I couldnae go any further."

  He pauses before adding,
  bitterly: "Many's the time I wish I'd just said 'f**k it' and just run
straight through. Three times I tried, and didn't manage it."
  Kenny, who has so far had 13
  execution dates, maintains his
  innocence. There are two things nobody disputes about that night: one
is that an innocent child died, and the other is that the Scot, then aged 21,
tried to save her.
  Across the fields bordering the small rural town of Columbus Grove,
Ohio, volunteer fireman Keith Hartoon could see the glow of the fire as he
got up to answer the emergency call from the Old Farm Village apartments.

  By the time he reached the scene, he recalls, flames were shooting out
of the building ten or 15 feet into the air - but Kenny was still struggling
to get in.
  "He was just yelling that the kid was in the back bedroom," he says.
"He was being restrained by a couple of other firemen at the time - they had
to physically remove him."

  There was no way anyone could have made it through the blaze to save
Cynthia. "I took one hit of that smoke and it was bad stuff - with that
smoke, you took one hit and you knew you couldn't take another," he says.

  "Nobody could have made it through that smoke that night. Everything
was burning."

  Once the blaze was under control, Keith says,
  Cynthia was found lying face down next to her bed. She had died from
  inhalation, a few days before her third birthday.

  Still visibly upset by the memory, Keith adds: "The little girl's death
really bugged me quite heavily,
  because my daughters were one and three at the time.

  "If you have seen a dead body, it doesn't make you feel very good at
all. I refused to go back into the scene."

  The events leading up to the tragedy that sealed Cynthia's - and
Kenny's - fate started early in the afternoon with a drunken party on the
landing between 21-year-old Hope Collins' apartment, A-13, and that of
neighbour Peggy Price.

  Their friend Kenny, then living with his American father at the
low-income apartment complex, was also there, as was Candy
  Barchet, who lived in a flat below.
  Like Hope and Peggy, Candy was a young single mother. She had moved in
two weeks earlier and started dating Kenny within a
  couple of days.

  The pair had a short-lived but
  intense sexual relationship, but after a week it was on the rocks after
Kenny walked in on Candy having sex 

Re: [CTRL] *Bonus March* FDR or Herbert Hoover?

2000-07-31 Thread Robert F. Tatman

Hoover honestly believed that each of the Bonus Marchers--and each victim of
the Great Depression--was responsible for picking himself up by his own
bootstraps.  He considered it immoral for government at any level to bail
out any individual.  What he did not realize, of course, was that the
Depression was being manipulated by the bankers to their own benefit in the
United States just as much as in Germany...or if he was aware of that
something was going on refused to recognize that it overrode his own Quaker
principles.  For all of his international experience and organizational
acumen, Hoover was remarkably naive about some aspects of the world he found
himself in.

- Original Message -
From: "Kris Millegan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2000 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] *Bonus March* FDR or Herbert Hoover?

   The remnents of the Bonus Marchers (Congress had appropriated money
 to send the marchers home, but about 2000 out of the peak 17,000
 refused to leave their tent city) were forced out by cavalry under
 Douglas MacArthur on 28 July 1932.  That makes it Hoover.

 Not quite. Congress never budgeted nor approriated the money. They
 program to give out the money, at some future date. The marchers were so
 they went to Washington in the hope that they could convince the
government to
 give them the money immediately. When no money was forthcoming they had
 else to go. Hoover had no choice, he had opposed the program since there
 money for it, then had to take resposibility for congress's ineptness by
 sending in the troops to diperse the crowd.

 Frankly if I were hoover I would have personally bought some kerosine and
 matches, given it to the marchers along with the local residential
 every member of congress who voted for the program. They could then have
 to each member's house and said, "Fulfill your promise or lose your

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fw: Buchanan Ousted: Hagelin Assumes Reform Party Leadership

2000-07-31 Thread Robert F. Tatman

- Original Message -
From: Amanda Musick
To: July 30 in Philly
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2000 8:54 PM
Subject: [July30] Buchanan Ousted: Hagelin Assumes Reform Party Leadership

July 30 in Philly - www.unity2000.com



John Hagelin and Russ Verney
Monday, July 31, 10 AM
Dallas Press Club, Dallas

In an emergency meeting of the Reform Party's National Executive
Committee in Dallas today, committee members voted unanimously,
7-0, to disqualify Pat Buchanan in his two-way race against
John Hagelin for the Party's presidential nomination.

The vote was a response to mounting evidence of "massive
election fraud" by the Buchanan campaign, which submitted
nearly 500,000 ballot requests on behalf of ineligible primary

"Pat Buchanan has committed political suicide. He was caught
perpetrating what may be the most massive election fraud in
U.S. political history," said quantum physicist John Hagelin,
who has been locked in a close primary race against Buchanan.
"Fortunately, democracy is alive and well in the Reform Party.
I congratulate the Executive Committee for standing up for
Reform Party principles, and against the strong-arm tactics
of Pat and Bay Buchanan."

A recent survey of 1,000 Independence/Reform Party voters in
New York found Hagelin with a commanding lead in the popular
plebiscite. According to Manhattan County Chair Cathy Stewart,
over 700 people had voted or intended to cast votes for Hagelin,
while only one person identified himself as a likely Buchanan

"Buchanan resorted to desperate measures when it became clear
that this was a popular vote he could not win. But this time,
Pat went too far," Hagelin said.

"Pat Buchanan tried to cheat the Reform Party members and wound
up cheating only himself," said Russ Verney, former Reform
Party national chair. "He had a wonderful opportunity to build
and lead a party of principle, integrity, and values. Instead,
he chose the low road of politics-as-usual."

Hagelin and Verney will discuss the future of the Reform Party
and the Hagelin presidential campaign at a news conference on
Monday, July 31, 10:00 a.m., at the Dallas Press Club.

For more information, please visit the Natural Law Party website
at:  http://www.natural-law.org

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fw: Will Buchanan prevail against the Perotistas?

2000-07-31 Thread Robert F. Tatman

- Original Message -
From: "Larry Petkov" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: snipped
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2000 10:16 PM
Subject: [July30] will Buchanan prevail against the Perotistas

July 30 in Philly - www.unity2000.com

  Published Saturday, July 29, 2000

Buchanan Removed From Ballot
By KELLIE B. GORMLY / Associated Press Writer

DALLAS (AP) -- Members of the Reform Party' s executive committee voted
Saturday to remove Pat Buchanan' s name from the party' s presidential
but Buchanan campaign officials called the action " bogus" and without any

" It means absolutely nothing, " declared Bay Buchanan, the candidate' s
sister and national co-chair of the Buchanan campaign. " There' s absolutely
no question that Pat' s still on the ballot."

Seven members of the executive committee voted unanimously to remove
s name from ballots to be mailed to party members, according to Jim Mangia,
the party' s secretary. He acknowledged the group' s decision could be
overturned by the party' s 164-member national committee when it meets Aug.

If not reversed, the committee' s decision would place Iowa physicist
JohnHagelin as the party' s presumed candidate for president.

But the Buchanan camp dismissed the executive committee vote entirely.

Bay Buchanan, calling the action " irrelevant, " said the 10-member
did not have any standing because it did not have a proper quorum. Two of
seven people who voted against Buchanan were removed from the committee some
time ago, she maintained.

Mangia could not be reached late Saturday to respond to the claims by
campaign officials.

Buchanan was " hijacking the party" and thus had eliminated himself as a
legitimate candidate, Mangia told colleagues at a meeting at an airport
where the members of the executive committee met.

" We are a party that was created on the principles of reform -- integrity
accountability, " Mangia said. " It' s astounding ... these kinds of dirty

Seven of the 10 members on the party' s executive committee attended the
meeting -- the majority of whom are supporters of party founder Ross Perot.
They discussed Buchanan for about two hours before voting.

Even before the vote, Buchanan spokesman Brian Doherty dismissed the effort
frivolous and called the allegations " false and outrageous."

" They' re just doing everything they can to obstruct us or impede Buchanan'
nomination, " Doherty said Saturday before the vote. " They can' t defeat us
legitimately, so they go about it trying to defeat us in other ways."

Under party rules, the 164-member national committee will review the
committee' s decision when it meets Aug. 8 in Long Beach, Calif. By a
two-thirds vote, members could reverse the executive committee' s decision.

" Anything the executive committee does today is a publicity stunt if
anything, " said Bob Belcher, the party' s Alabama state chairman and a
professed neutral.

Buchanan left the Republican Party last October to seek the Reform

Buchanan and Hagelin are competing for the party nod in the primary, which
a mail-in vote for party members and others who have asked for a ballot.
Hagelin and Perot loyalists accused the Buchanan camp earlier this week of
illegally padding the lists of ballot recipients with people from his
Republican donor lists.

At stake was control of the party apparatus and $12.6 million in federal
election funds that go to the party' s nominee.

Copyright 2000 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not
published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fw: Buchanan: The war continues

2000-07-31 Thread Robert F. Tatman

- Original Message -
From: "Larry Petkov" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: snipped
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2000 10:20 PM
Subject: [July30] The war continues

July 30 in Philly - www.unity2000.com

  Published Sunday, July 30, 2000

Buchanan: Party Move is Illegitimate
By WILL LESTER / Associated Press Writer

PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- A combative Pat Buchanan said Sunday a weekend attempt
throw him off the Reform Party presidential ballot was the work of a group
dissidents trying to " steal this nomination from us." The party' s chairman
said the move will not stand.

Members of the party' s executive committee announced Saturday night they
tossed Buchanan off the ballot by a 7-0 vote.

But party chairman Gerald Moan said Sunday the action was not legitimate
because two of those present were no longer committee members and without
the committee had no quorum.

" Pat Buchanan remains on the primary ballot and balloting will continue, "
said Moan. " The national committee ultimately will decide what to do (about
the ballot) when it meets August 8."

Buchanan said his opponents pulled off a hoax " and everybody went for the

" All they can hope to do is derail the nomination and put it in court, " he
added in an interview Sunday with The Associated Press.

Later, Buchanan told nearly 100 supporters at a fund-raiser in Sterling,
that " the reports of my political death are premature."

Nevertheless, both sides in the dispute made impassioned arguments that
rules are on their side.

" If fairness and objectivity are going to rule the day, Pat Buchanan will
the nominee of this party, " said Bay Buchanan, the candidate' s sister and
national co-chair of his campaign. " We have won it if they play by the

But Jim Mangia, party secretary and a Buchanan opponent, accused Buchanan of
trying a " hostile takeover of the party." He said the recall in the last
month of two members of the executive committee -- two that voted Saturday
night to dump Buchanan -- was itself illegitimate.

" All factions of the party are united against Buchanan. If you want to rope
bucking bronco and bring him down, it takes a few steps. We just took the
first step, " said Mangia.

The Reform Party' s national committee meets Aug. 8 in Long Beach, Calif.,
where both sides will argue their case. The next big power struggle is over
control of the credentials committee there, which could affect who gets to
participate in the national committee meeting.

The Reform Party' s convention is Aug. 10-13, also in Long Beach.

JohnHagelin, an Iowa physicist running against Buchanan for the Reform
nomination, said " Buchanan' s campaign is imploding and way behind in the
popular primary vote."

" The situation is that the Buchanan campaign is trying to throw a wrench
every one of the governing bodies of the Reform Party, " said Mangia. "
re trying to subvert the process to steal the nomination and make off with
$12.5 million."

Hagelin has demanded an audit of a list of 500, 000 Buchanan supporters to
if they are eligible to vote in the Reform Party' s nominating process,
as party members or signers of state ballot access petitions.

K.B. Forbes, a Buchanan spokesman, countered that the party' s nominating
committee Friday night defeated measures that would have disqualified
from the nomination.

The forces trying to derail the Buchanan nomination are the same people that
had vowed to stop Buchanan " in Texas and California where he won the
of delegates in each of those states, " said Forbes.

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[CTRL] Abortion, Pro and Con...

2000-07-31 Thread Robert F. Tatman

Two items from the July30 list.  I am posting these merely as an example of
how extremely complex issues such as abortion can be.  It's up to each
person, ISTM, to decide where the *real* "ultimate elitism" lies...or,
perhaps, whether it may not lie in *both* positions equally.

A very wise older woman once said something that stunned me.  I asked what
her view was on abortion, curious as to what her unique experience as both
an organic chemist and an electrical engineer had shown her.  Her answer:
"Life begins *at birth.*"

Think about it.

Sent: Monday, July 31, 2000 9:27 AM
Subject: [July30] Abortion "rights": The Ultimate In Elitism

July 30 in Philly - www.unity2000.com

of you claim to love freedom when you want to deny a human being the right
live? The following article underlines the fact that to be in favor of the
"right" to abortion is the ULTIMATE IN ELITISM.

From: News and Views | Opinion |
Wednesday, July 05, 2000
Time for the Abortion Pill?
No, it devalues human life

For more than a century, U.S. elitists known as eugenicists have advocated
disposing of undesirables - the poor, immigrants, the handicapped.
America's leading families - the Rockefellers, Harrimans, Carnegies and
Eastmans - funded the Cold Spring Harbor Eugenics Laboratory, Eugenics
Record Office and the American Eugenics Society. These groups promoted the
view of forebear Karl Pearson "that the state might well have to intervene
in reproductive matters at least in families of anti-social propagators of
unnecessary human beings."

One of contemporary feminism's greatest heroines, Margaret Sanger, said in
1921 that eugenics is "suggested by the most diverse minds as the most
adequate and thorough avenues to the solution of racial, political and
social problems." Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, openly admitted
"more children for the fit, less from the unfit, that is the chief issue of
birth control."

Today, eugenicists argue for a political agenda under the guise of
"liberal," "scientific" or "scholarly" interests. In the name of
"compassion" and "choice," they lobby legislators and judges to sanction
abortion, infanticide and geronticide.

The heirs of Sanger are now popping champagne corks because they expect Food
and Drug Administration approval of their latest potion to rid the world of
undesirables: RU-486, the abortion pill. Women's rights activist Peg Yorkin
donated $10 million to the Feminist Majority Foundation to make RU-486
available in the U.S. Alex Sanger, who now heads the so-called family
planning organization his grandmother founded, describes their efforts as
"one of the most important victories in this century."

These ideologues expect this pill to place the transmission of human life
into ethically neutral terrain. By chemically emptying the womb of growing
life, they hope to limit the abortion debate to biological propositions.
What they fail to grasp is that regardless of the technique that induces
abortion, the moral gravity of the action does not change. The human embryo
is not a biological by-product. Hence, even a government-approved abortion
pill cannot be viewed as equivalent to taking Ex-Lax.

At the Nuremberg trials, doctors who practiced Nazi eugenics were convicted
of crimes against humanity. The court rejected the Nazi doctors'
"scientific" dehumanization of Jews, Catholics, Slavs and Gypsies and
embraced instead the Judeo-Christian view of the human being as a person who
is precious and possesses intrinsic rights.

The prerequisite for all rights, the inalienable right to life, cannot
justly be taken by the state with regulated abortion drugs because the state
has no power to grant this right. The person's inalienable rights are
granted by God, the author of human nature. They are natural rights
precisely because, as Thomas Jefferson put it, they are "the gift of God."
From Jefferson to Martin Luther King, Americans have understood the laws of
nature and of nature's God as the great guardians of the soul of democracy,
which rests on the intrinsic value of the person. Therefore, whether an
abortion is induced by a pill or other means, it is still a grave and
immoral attack upon the inviolability of the human person, and as such
represents a threat to the dignity of all of us.

Marlin, former executive director of the Port Authority of New York and New
Jersey, is the author of "The Politician's Guide to Assisted Suicide,
Cloning and Other Current Controversies."


From: "Deb Lagutaris" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2000 11:13 AM
Subject: Re: [July30] Abortion "rights": The Ultimate In Elitism-NOT

 July 30 in Philly - 

[CTRL] Islamic Jihad Leader Warns U.S. Over Embassy

2000-07-31 Thread Oscar

On Mon, 31 Jul 2000 10:14:04 -0700 Claudia K White [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Activist Mailing List - http://get.to/activist

Islamic Jihad Leader Warns U.S. Over Embassy

Jul 31 2000 12:35PM ET

BEIRUT (Reuters) - The leader of the militant Islamic Jihad group told Washington 
Monday that moving the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem would be akin to declaring 
war on the Palestinians.

``The U.S. administration is fully responsible for the consequences of such an act of 
aggression and should expect a response from the Palestinian people at the proper time 
and place,'' said Islamic Jihad Secretary-General Ramadan Shallah, who is based in 

``We consider the threats made by Bill Clinton to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem 
as a statement of war against our people and our Muslim holy sites,'' he told Reuters 
and the Qatari Al-Jazeera television network from his office in Beirut.

President Clinton said Friday he would seriously consider moving the embassy in Israel 
from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, adding that a decision would be made by the end of the 

His comments brought a bloody warning from Lebanon's Islamist Hizbollah guerrilla 
organization which threatened to destroy the U.S. mission and kill its diplomats if it 
was moved to Jerusalem.

The status of Jerusalem, a city holy to Christians, Muslims and Jews alike, is one of 
the thorniest issues in Palestinian-Israeli peace negotiations.

Israel wants the city as its undivided capital while the Palestinians claim the 
eastern quarter, which was annexed by Israel in 1967, as the capital of a future state.

Disputes over Jerusalem were at the heart of the collapse of last week's 
Palestinian-Israel peace summit at Camp David.

The United States and Israel have blamed the meeting's failure on Palestinian 
President Yasser Arafat, who in turn said Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak had wanted 
him to give up the rights of his people in exchange for peace.

Shallah, whose group has killed scores of Israelis in suicide bomb attacks inside the 
Jewish state, said Clinton's comments on moving the embassy and the failure at Camp 
David were proof that jihad (holy war) and not negotiations were the way for 
Palestinians to regain their homeland.

``We consider the U.S. threats related to the embassy as a new call for the 
Palestinian Authority to stop gambling on negotiations and to start banking on its 
people and their ability,'' he said.

``Negotiations are a waste of time, they meddle with the future of our people. The 
only choice we should bank on is jihad and resistance such as that practiced by 

Islamist Hizbollah (Party of God), backed by Iran and Syria, led the war of attrition 
against Israel's 22-year-old occupation of south Lebanon, which ended on May 24. 
Islamic Jihad fighters took part in some Hizbollah operations against the occupation.

Copyright ) 2000 Reuters Limited.

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The end is in the means as the tree is in the seed.
- Mahatma Ghandi

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Re: [CTRL] Involuntary Outpatient Commitment

2000-07-31 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 07/30/2000 5:43:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 too bad no one mentioned the possibility of getting to the root of why he
wanted to kill them in the first place... 

Whatever the root of the problem, they are poor people and cannot afford the
shrink.  The community always says they will help, but they never do.  The
young man was distraught and horrified, and his parents were willing to let
him come home if he would take his medication.  I don't know whether the law
let him or shoved him into prison.  Maybe they don't have to take their
medication when they're in prison.   There used to be places where people
with uncertain temperament could go until they felt they could live in the
community, but they don't seem to be around any more.  Probably because they
were publicly funded, and that meant less money for corporate welfare.
Hitler didn't believe in keeping them at public expense either.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Missile Defense: The Hard Way ... another Clinton Scandal?

2000-07-31 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 07/30/2000 7:21:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 The recent failed anti-missile test should not be seen as a
 failure of the science of ballistic missile defense.  No, this
 failure should focus our attention on the Clinton
 Administration¹s lack of serious commitment to a national missile

Of course, how did I miss that point?  It's all Clinton's fault!   Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Dreading Republican Rule

2000-07-31 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 07/30/2000 7:22:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 So I'm wondering: is it too early to start hating the Republican
 administration and all the groupies it is going to bring to town,
 all the pork it will hand out, all the flim-flam artists it will
 employ to cover the sellouts and abuses of power? You know it’s
 going to happen. The presidency of George Bush Junior, however
 much of a relief from the Clinton administration, is going to be
 a repeat of his father’s with slightly different coloring. That
 is, one long dark night of politics will be replaced with

 The glory of American democracy is that it permits us to kick out
 the nasty tribe of parasitical despots that is currently ruling
 us. The tragedy is that it installs another group that will do
 essentially the same thing. Already you get the sense that GOP
 apologists, propagandists, and power brokers are gearing up for
 their turn at steering Leviathan. This is one reason the
 Republican Congress didn't cut government. Why shrink something
 you are going to inherit? 

I was wishing I could find some fault with this stuff somewhere, but I think
this guy has it pretty much figured out.  I think that when and if Shrub gets
into office, we'll look back with nostalgia to the Clinton years.  I have a
feeling that if the Republicans get the presidency and Congress, they'll only
need to issue "brown shirts" to the faithful, and the rest of us better get
our papers in order.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] NM: Lazio Catapults Ahead in Wake of Slur Charge Against Hill

2000-07-31 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 07/30/2000 7:50:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Long Island Congressman Rick Lazio has lept into the lead over
 Hillary Clinton in New York's Senate race, with nearly half of
 all New Yorkers surveyed saying they'll vote for him instead of
 the first lady in November, reports Sunday's New York Post.

 Mrs.  Clinton now trails Lazio 42 percent to 49.6 percent, among
 605 likely voters questioned Thursday and Friday by Zogby
 International. The surge in Lazio's support puts him in the lead
 for the first time since he announced his candidacy in May. 

I tell you, it's the dimples.  Who cares if he's not terribly intellectual or
even which party he represents.  It's the dimples.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Does it matter who wins the White House?

2000-07-31 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 07/30/2000 7:53:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 According to a recent survey, a whopping 75% of the
 American people believe the answer to the above question is
 no. The Portrait of America poll conducted July 23 reveals
 that most Americans believe it really doesn’t make much
 difference whether George W. Bush or Al Gore is elected
 president of the United States this November. They might be

Well, it does.  Shrub and the Bush family mafia will have the entire
framework of the environmental protection we still have left dismantled in
six months.  The oil companies will be in the Alaska Wildlife Reserve before
that.  It wasn't until I read Molly Ivins' "SHRUB," that I realized what a
wiley politician Shrub really is.  In a state with a weak gornernorship, he
managed to annihilate the entire environmental structure in a remarkably
short time.  I know Gore isn't what I want to be the keeper of the green, but
if we can't have Nader, Gore beats Shrub.  If only because he's not so
efficient in the matter.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] WP: An Award From Gore

2000-07-31 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 07/31/2000 1:30:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 In June 1996, Halliburton was named an EPA "Green Lights
 Corporate Partnerof the Year" for its efforts to1995, Halliburton
 received an"Environmental Champion" award for "outstanding
 performance" in the EPA's 33/50 program, which urged companies to
 reduce the release of certain toxic materials by 50 percent.  An
 EPA official said Halliburton alsoreceived a Hammer Award from
 Gore's "reinventing government" effort in 1996. 

That's four years ago.  What has Hilliburton and CEO Cheney done since then?
The protection of the environment is a need that goes on and on.  Prudy

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[CTRL] Fwd: Plutonium Culture

2000-07-31 Thread Oscar

On Mon, 31 Jul 2000 02:53:50 - Oscar Patterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Agent Smiley"
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brad Pierce)
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy,alt.save.the.earth,alt.individualism
Subject: A plutonium economy vs. a free democracy
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 92 02:08:20 GMT
Organization: UCLA, Computer Science Department
Lines: 269

[From "The Russian Threat, Its Myths and Realities" (c) 1983,
Gateway Books, London, by Jim Garrison and Pyrae Shivpuri, pp 231-

   The growing erosion of civil liberties in Western Europe and the
United States is closely linked with the nuclear energy-nuclear
weapons complex, which mandates a psyche all its own.  This complex
creates the necessity for secrecy on the one hand and greater
protection of investment on the other.  Not only are there high
financial and environmental risks but also potential ramifications
beyond national boundaries.  Because of the `plutonium culture'
generated by the nuclear complex, the age old dilemma of striking a
balance between state authority and the rights of the individual is
being forced to opt for increasing state control, and diminishing
individual freedom.  The plutonium culture allows for no other
   Each operating nuclear reactor produces between 400 to 600 pounds
of plutonium waste each year.  Less than one millionth of a gram, if
ingested, can cause cancer and/or genetic mutation.  Twenty pounds,
if properly fashioned, can be made into a nuclear bomb.  Because of
this, *the different aspects of the plutonium economy must be as
tightly guarded as nuclear weapons themselves*.  Nuclear weapons are
kept at military facilities generally away from population centres
and specifically under guard in a military system predicated upon
discipline, hierarchy and authoritarian leadership.  Similar
protection for the `atoms for peace' programme will have a
devastating impact upon the democratic freedoms and civil liberties
of the citizens.
   The potential problem with the plutonium economy and its relation
to human freedom has been succinctly expressed by a statement made by
Dr. Bernard Feld, Chairperson of the Atomic and High Energy Physics
Department of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology:

   Let me tell you about a nightmare I have.  The Mayor of
   Boston sends for me for an urgent consultation.  He has
   received a note from a terrorist group telling him that they
   have planted a nuclear bomb somewhere in central Boston.  The
   Mayor has confirmed that 20 pounds of plutonium is missing
   from Government stocks.  He shows me the crude diagram and a
   set of the terrorists outrageous demands.  I know--as one of
   those who participated in the assembly of the first atomic
   bomb--that the device would work.  Not efficiently, but
   nevertheless with devastating effect.  What should I do?
   Surrender to blackmail or risk destroying my home town?[9]

   The dangers are real, so real that government planners in every
country with nuclear programmes have undertaken steps to be prepared
for Dr. Feld's scenario.  In 1975, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(NRC) commissioned a specific study of the problem.  One of the
participants, Professor John Barton, Professor of Jurisprudence at
Stanford University Law School, prepared a paper entitled
`Intensified Nuclear Safeguards and Civil Liberties.'  The document
began by stating that:

   Increased public concern with nuclear terrorism, coupled with
   the possibility of greatly increased use of plutonium in
   civilian power reactors, are leading the US Nuclear
   Regulatory Commission (NRC) to consider various forms of
   intensified safeguards against theft or loss of nuclear
   materials and against *sabotage*.  The intensified safeguards
   could include expansion of personnel clearance programs, a
   nationwide guard force, *greater surveillance of dissenting
   political groups,* area searches in the event of a loss of
   materials, and creation of *new barriers of secrecy* around
   parts of the nuclear program.[10]

   It is important to be clear what the above statement implies.  The
governments supporting nuclear power are attempting to protect the
plutonium economy from two perceived enemies:  first, those who would
use the nuclear materials to terrorise the country through some type
of nuclear sabotage;  and second, those who seek to stop nuclear
power, meaning anti-nuclear `dissenting political groups'.  This
requires a nationwide guard force to be created specifically to deal
with any terrorism and the erection of new barriers of secrecy around
the nuclear programmes to keep public knowledge and participation at
a minimum.  Both sets of enemies would be subject to greater
surveillance through electronic listening devices such as phone taps.
   In Britain, for instance, it is accepted as a matter of course
that anyone working for the Atomic Energy Authority be `positively

[CTRL] Fwd: Civil Disobedience - Henry David Thoreau

2000-07-31 Thread Oscar

On Mon, 31 Jul 2000 02:55:21 - Oscar Patterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Agent Smiley"
Civil Disobedience
by Henry David Thoreau

I heartily accept the motto, "That government is best which governs
least"; and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and
systematically. Carried out, it finally amounts to this, which also I
believe--"That government is best which governs not at all"; and when
men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which
will have. Government is at best but an expedient; but most
are usually, and all governments are sometimes, inexpedient. The
objections which have been brought against a standing army, and they
many and weighty, and deserve to prevail, may also at last be brought
against a standing government. The standing army is only an arm of
standing government. The government itself, which is only the mode
the people have chosen to execute their will, is equally liable to be
abused and perverted before the people can act through it. Witness
present Mexican war, the work of comparatively a few individuals
the standing government as their tool; for in the outset, the people
would not have consented to this measure.

This American government--what is it but a tradition, though a recent
one, endeavoring to transmit itself unimpaired to posterity, but each
instant losing some of its integrity? It has not the vitality and
of a single living man; for a single man can bend it to his will. It
a sort of wooden gun to the people themselves. But it is not the less
necessary for this; for the people must have some complicated
or other, and hear its din, to satisfy that idea of government which
they have. Governments show thus how successfully men can be imposed
upon, even impose on themselves, for their own advantage. It is
excellent, we must all allow. Yet this government never of itself
furthered any enterprise, but by the alacrity with which it got out
its way. It does not keep the country free. It does not settle the
It does not educate. The character inherent in the American people
done all that has been accomplished; and it would have done somewhat
more, if the government had not sometimes got in its way. For
is an expedient, by which men would fain succeed in letting one
alone; and, as has been said, when it is most expedient, the governed
are most let alone by it. Trade and commerce, if they were not made
india-rubber, would never manage to bounce over obstacles which
legislators are continually putting in their way; and if one were to
judge these men wholly by the effects of their actions and not partly
their intentions, they would deserve to be classed and punished with
those mischievious persons who put obstructions on the railroads.

But, to speak practically and as a citizen, unlike those who call
themselves no-government men, I ask for, not at one no government,
at once a better government. Let every man make known what kind of
government would command his respect, and that will be one step
obtaining it.

After all, the practical reason why, when the power is once in the
of the people, a majority are permitted, and for a long period
to rule is not because they are most likely to be in the right, nor
because this seems fairest to the minority, but because they are
physically the strongest. But a government in which the majority rule
all cases can not be based on justice, even as far as men understand
Can there not be a government in which the majorities do not
decide right and wrong, but conscience?--in which majorities decide
those questions to which the rule of expediency is applicable? Must
citizen ever for a moment, or in the least degree, resign his
to the legislator? WHy has every man a conscience then? I think that
should be men first, and subjects afterward. It is not desirable to
cultivate a respect for the law, so much as for the right. The only
obligation which I have a right to assume is to do at any time what I
think right. It is truly enough said that a corporation has no
conscience; but a corporation on conscientious men is a corporation
a conscience. Law never made men a whit more just; and, by means of
their respect for it, even the well-disposed are daily made the
on injustice. A common and natural result of an undue respect for the
law is, that you may see a file of soldiers, colonel, captain,
privates, powder-monkeys, and all, marching in admirable order over
and dale to the wars, against their wills, ay, against their common
sense and consciences, which makes it very steep marching indeed, and
produces a palpitation of the heart. They have no doubt that it is a
damnable business in which they are concerned; they are all peaceably
inclined. Now, what are they? Men at all? or small movable forts 

[CTRL] cryptome

2000-07-31 Thread Oscar

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Does it matter who wins the White House?

2000-07-31 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

Dear friends

Would you please send to me this article again.
-Original Message-
From: Prudence L. Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, July 31, 2000 9:30 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Does it matter who wins the White House?

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: 1818 Fund controlled by Brown Brothers Harriman

2000-07-31 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 07/30/2000 5:35:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 BBH stands for Brown Brothers Harriman.

Isn't BBH under Halliburton?  Prudy

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] 4 Netherlanders stopped for attempted murder of Milosevic

2000-07-31 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

Subject: 9112] 4 Dutchman arrested

RFY:  4 Netherlanders stopped for attempted murder of Milosevic

BELGRADE (AFP) - a group of four Netherlanders, accused of preparing the

removal and the assassination of Yugoslav president Slobodan

Milosevic, were recently arrested in Yugoslavia, announced on Monday in

Belgrade the federal Minister for Information Goran Matic.

" The Yugoslav security services  put  the hand on four members of a

special Dutchwoman unit, whose mission was to enter to Yugoslavia (...

and, according to their confessions, they were to try to kill

president Milosevic or to make other terrorist acts on our territory

", declared Mr. Matic during a press conference.

The minister did not specify when the Yugoslav forces had carried out

these arrests, stating only that they had been operated " before " the

conference of G8 in Okinawa (Japan), which was held from the 21 to July 23.

According to the minister, the arrests were carried out in Serbia, not

far from the border with Montenegro.

The video film of part of the interrogation of the four men was

presented to the journalists.

One of the men, dressed in military uniform and presenting himself as

 " Johanes Adrianus Cornelius Van Irshel ", declared on this

video, which one is unaware of the circumstance of turning:  " if we

would have met him (Milosevic), it would have been easy to seize him,

to put him in a box and to transfer him on the roof of a car

from the country ".

Questioned on what the commando planned to do if this plan would have

proven to be unrealizable, he answered  " Sando -. nickname of the one

of the other men -. had envisaged to remove him and kill the president,

to cut his head and to send it in the box back to home " (the


Another indicates that the plan of the commando was to kill " an

important personality ", without revealing his name, and to claim " a

large amount of money to the international Penal Court " based in

the Hague.

Mr. Matic showed the Western services the information to have

dispatched the four men on the Yugoslav ground, quoting the British

Service of action HOPPER which, has it says, " A involved well ".

The arrested people, in addition to Johanes Adrianus Cornelius Van

Jarsel, answer the names of Gotfrides Johanes, Antonius De Rij and

Tietje Samvordijan, according to the phonetic transcription of the

names given by Mr. Matic.

Secretary General
Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Art  historian

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Cereal maker chokes on CD Bible giveaway (fwd)

2000-07-31 Thread Mark McHugh

Yardbird wrote:

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 12:39:01 -0400
 From: Eric Eldred [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: "Don A. Elbourne Jr." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Bookpeople [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Cereal maker chokes on CD Bible giveaway

  Cereal maker chokes on CD Bible giveaway

   "An executive from Disney Interactive, who licensed
   the "Millionaire" software for the CDROMs, told
   Swann and other partners that the Bible was too
   controversial. Disney demanded it be taken off the
   "Millionaire" CDROMs."

 The Millionnaire CDROM was scheduled to be released without
 the Bible.  The decision by General Mills to stop releasing
 any more CDROMs at all was a surprise to the developers of
 the product.

   "Putting Zondervan's Protestant version of the Bible --
   the New International Version -- in cereal boxes is
   offensive, said Rabbi James Rudin, the interreligious
   consultant for the American Jewish Committee in New

   ""I eat General Mills products myself, and I don't think
   it's right for any American to pick up a box of cereal in
   the morning and feel excluded," said Rudin. "This is one
   particular version of the Bible they're offering -- and
   America is multi-religious, multi-ethnic. When
   Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Taoists and millions of
   other Americans pick up this box of cereal and look at
   this Bible -- they are excluded.""

 Why not issue all sorts of books in cereal boxes, so
 nobody feels excluded?  Would that not be better than
 no books at all?

Free books are cool, but why should people bitch at all?  It's as if some
people truly labor to be miserable.  Are Americans becoming that
hypersensitive or is that the whiners are becoming that much more vocal?

I'm annoyed with their annoyance.

 When Americans eat "Quaker" brand oatmeal and think it is
 an affirmation of multicultural capitalism without any
 reference to religion one has to wonder about what has
 happened to our world.  But I'll leave the field to the
 folks from Pennsylvania to comment on this now :-)

Some wouldn't think it were "an affirmation of multicultural capitalism
without any reference to religion".  To some, quite the opposite is their
reality--an affirmation powered by Christian cultists hypnotizing us
with the Smiling Man as we doze through breakfast. ;)

I'm not alert enough before sunrise to worry over non-essential intellectual
matters.  About the only time I would cogitate on the politics of my morning
would be if I were stoned.  I guess I'm just not that illuminated.

Mark McHugh

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Echelon Investigator Under Surveillance

2000-07-31 Thread Oscar

14 July 2000. Thanks to Frederico Duarte.


TALQUAL, Lisbon weekly newspaper
Friday, 14 July 2000
Translated from the original Portuguese article by the author, Frederico Duarte

Coelho under surveillance
The European Parliament has chosen the Portuguese European Parliament Member MP Carlos 
Coelho to lead the investigation on "Echelon,", the worldwide eavesdropping system. 
The Portuguese is going to be the man that, for a year, will be under the most 
stringent surveillance of the world of espionage
The Portuguese European Parliament Member, Carlos Coelho, of PSD (Partido Social 
Democrata, Social-Democrat Party, member of the Christian Democrat group in the 
European Parlament-EP), newly-appointed president of the investigation committee of 
the EP that, starting in September, will investigate the Echelon spy system, will be 
the most watched man in the world during the next year.

"My telephones, faxes and e-mails might already be under surveillance," he told a 
TalQual reporter this week with a shrug of shoulders that shows his perfect awareness 
of the situation.

Originally from Lisbon, where he was born 40 years ago, Carlos Coelho was president of 
the Young Social-Democrats and became the youngest MP in Europe at the age of 19 when 
he replaced the late MP Natália Correia in the Portuguese national parliament. His 
personality is marked by a very peculiar sense of humour that makes him, for instance, 
wear ties with rabbit images (in Portuguese Coelho = rabbit), which is enough to break 
with protocol rules in the most serious situations.

Carlos Coelho was also one of the youngest Portuguese government member when he was 
the under-secretary to the minister of Education Manuela Ferreira Leite. Now, his 
election for "first-vigilant" of Echelon is due to the fact that he¹s a member of the 
Committe on Citizen¹s Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs at the EP.

On the other hand, if our man in Strasbourg faces any difficulty penetrating the 
complex world of espionage, he can always hope for advice from his colleague and 
leader of the PSD MP¹s at the EP, Pacheco Pereira, the author of the introductory text 
of the Portuguese version of the most polemical espionage book since the end of the 
Cold War: The Mitrokhin Archive, which will be published next November in Portugal.

Industrial espionage

Carlos Coelho is going to co-ordinate a group of 36 MPs for a year, starting next 
September. "There's a system which is organized and controlled by the American secret 
services which has the capacity to intercept practically all forms of communication of 
voice and data at a planetary scale," Carlos Coelho said last March to the European 
Committee, in Brussels.

After the Berlin Wall fell and the end of Cold War between the United States and the 
former USSR, this powerful surveillance system known as Echelon "was directed not with 
purely military and defence intentions, but with commercial, industrial and 
tecnological goals," the Portuguese MP also said.

Several journalistic investigations about Echelon, the most recent made by Duncan 
Campbell, shows well how information gathered by the spy satellites from the USA 
ruined important business of European companies. In 1994, for instance, the system 
intercepted telephone calls between the French company Thomson-CSF and the Brasilian 
SIVAM to negotiate a surveillance system in the Amazon jungle. After those telephone 
interceptions, bribe allegations were raised that the French had tried to buy over a 
member of the Brasilian governmental board. In the end, the business went to the 
American company Raytheon, the same that is in charge of the maintenance and 
engineering services of the American Echelon base in Sugar Grove, Virginia, in the US.

A year later it was the turn of the aviation company Airbus, also French, to be the 
victim of the action of the US spies.

According to the Duncan Campbell report the American satellites got access to every 
fax and telephone call between Airbus, the government and members of the air force of 
Saudi Arabia. The agents found that the French were offering a bribe to a Saudi 
official. Thanks to this information, the Americans won the 6 billion dollar business 
that went to Boeing and McDonnell Douglas.


One additional problem for Carlos Coelho is that one of the partners of the Americans 
on this spy system is the United Kingdom, also a member of the European Union. "If 
France tells us that we can't have acess to certain information because they consider 
it to be a state secret, we are not going to insist on the request. As for UK, the 
case might be different...," explained Carlos Coelho this week to TalQual.

"In September, I will start co-ordinating the group, first asking the nations involved 
on Echelon  for the necessary co-operation. Only afterwards will I see 

[CTRL] FBI, DEA, Minneapolis Police Raid Activist House

2000-07-31 Thread Oscar

On Sun, 30 Jul 2000 00:01:17 -0500 (CDT) Lyn Gerry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Dear All,

I am sending this message in the hopes that stations will cover this
incident on their programs. I sure intend to.


 Original Message 
Subject: BAN: FBI, DEA, Minneapolis Police Raid Activist House
protestsSisters Camelot House
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 01:08:34 -0400

FBI, DEA, Minneapolis Police Raid Sisters Camelot House at
ISAG protests
(Mpls, MN)

Police and the FBI are waging an undeclared war.  It is a war
fought on behalf of powerful corporate interests, fought against
people who are organizing for positive social change.  After a
genuine peoples
 show of power last November in Seattle, movements for change
have been revitalized, alliances are strengthening, new strategies
are developing, and corporate interests are on the defensive.  The
FBI and police, however,  are on the offensive, attacking activists,
organizers, and the community infrastructure which supports them.
Over the past few days Minneapolis has witnessed an obscene
undermining of basic constitutional and human rights.  The
constitution was shat upon in the days leading up to the protests
against ISAG (International Society for Animal Genetics), as police
openly conspired to rob people of their first-amendment right to
freely assemble.  Pepperspray, rubber bullets and clubs were used
brutally against peaceful protesters (and journalists).  The FBI has
busied itself by ridiculously turning prankster "stink-bomb"
incidents into "terrorist acts" with "dangerous cyanide".  Although
they are providing zero evidence for these outlandish claims, the
uncritical corporate media has eaten every word, resulting in an
effective slander campaign--which has gone nation-wide-- painting
activists as terrorists.  Late last night (Monday) after the downtown
protests, the FBI, DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) and
Minneapolis Police raided the Sisters  Camelot house, using
terribly brutal force (as is described below in a detailed personal
account of the raid).  Sisters Camelot is a non-profit free food
distribution operation, and their house has been a known gathering
place for people who have been organizing to protest ISAG. These
outrageous "law-enforcement" actions have not happened in a
vacuum. Over the past several months there has been a steady,
rapid escalation in the campaign to marginalize activists and to
attack the community infrastructure which supports them.  We are
witnessing this in Minneapolis, we are hearing reports of this
across the county.  This is a peoples
 movement to take back meaningful decision-making power for our
communities.  We value everyone who is part of this movement.
We refuse to let anyone in this movement be marginalized.  We
value our community resources.  We will not just let the power elite
bulldoze our parks (Minnehaha), close down our cooperatives and
collectives (Hard Times Cafe), raid our houses (Sisters Camelot),
jail our friends and make our city into a police state.

Robert Czernick (aka Tumbleweed) was beaten very badly last
night in the raid, and is scheduled to be arraigned tomorrow at
1:30PM.  Please go to the Hennepin County Government Center to
support him.

Many defendents, arrested yesterday during (and fleeing from) the
protests, are scheduled for arraignment on August 11th, 9AM.

 Please support Sisters Camelot in whatever action they choose to

 Send legal fund donations to:
 Sisters Camelot / Legal Fund
 3118 Grand Ave. S.
 Minneapolis, MN 55408

 Info about the raid:

* A search warrant for the Sisters Camelot house was obtained on
July 21 and not used until Monday, July 25 after the protests
against ISAG.
* The warrant was intended to find evidence of drug trafficking.
* Items stolen from house include: three computer hard drives,
Cafe bus, ISAG patches, activist literature, floppy disks, files, etc.
Musical instruments and other personal items were broken.
* Three undercover police officers, who had taken pictures of
at  Sunday's march, were present at the raid.
*Eleven people were arrested, some of which were beaten to the
that they were unrecognizable.  There were many other violations of
constitutional and human rights.

 One personal account:

"A large gang of law enforcement busted through the front door of
the Sisters Camelot house screaming and telling people to "get on
your faces". Apparently, no one moved fast enough as the police
threw people down and kicked them.Robert Czernick was referred
to by the police by his nickname "Tumbleweed" and kicked
repeatedly in his face until he stopped moving.  When he didn't
answer the police, they shoved their knuckles into his throat and
continued kicking him.  When he requested first-aid he was
laughed at. Another person was beaten in the basement by about
ten police officers.  "After approximately fifteen minutes of
extremely high tension, they forced us to sit up, covered our heads

[CTRL] Fwd: Condolezza Rice Bio

2000-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

San Jose Mercury News
Posted at 1:10 a.m. PDT Sunday, July 30, 2000

Forging a course of her own

Condoleezza Rice, former Stanford provost, moves in GOP's inner circle
Mercury News Washington Bureau
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- Condoleezza Rice's résumé stretches into four
single-spaced pages, plenty of room to sketch a stunning career but offering
only a hint of perhaps her most significant accomplishment.
That she grew up black here when this city was the epicenter of the civil
rights movement in the early 1960s, emerging unscathed and inspired, is all
but lost amid an avalanche of achievements.
A college graduate at 19. A master's degree by 20, with a doctorate to
follow. A Stanford University professor, then its provost. The top Soviet
adviser to former President George Bush. Chief foreign-policy adviser to
Texas Gov. George W. Bush's presidential campaign. Service on a dozen
corporate and academic boards. A host of fellowships, awards and honorary
All at only 45 years old.
Should Bush win, Rice will probably add another bullet to her résumé:
national security adviser, one of the most important posts in the White
But to understand this woman who has become so popular and well-regarded in
Republican circles that she will give a prime-time address at the party's
convention Tuesday night, you need to pause near the top of the résumé.
Right where she typed ``Place of Birth: Birmingham, Alabama.''
Rice was profoundly affected by growing up here during the days when
segregation kept her from quenching her thirst at certain water fountains,
from riding the Ferris wheel at the local fairgrounds or from trying on an
Easter bonnet at some stores without first placing tissue paper over her
``There's a kind of security that comes from having grown up in a society
where race was everything so that you're not constructing a reality about
what it means to be black,'' Rice said one recent afternoon in her office at
Stanford's Hoover Institution. ``And it also means that it never occurred to
me that it was a problem if I wanted to study the Soviet Union instead of do
civil rights law. . . . Birmingham was so grounding that then you could do
almost anything.''
Unscathed, inspired:
Ambitions unfettered by limits of the South
As Jim Crow's walls came tumbling down, Birmingham was a dangerous place.
Protesters were met by snarling police dogs and thunderous blasts from fire
hoses. A bomb exploded so close to Rice's home that she could smell the
stench. And as an 8-year-old she was struck by the smallness of the caskets
carrying a young friend and three other girls who were killed in the
infamous 1963 bombing at the city's Sixteenth Street Baptist Church.
The impact is evident now in many ways.
It's there in the work ethic instilled by teachers who constantly told her
she had to strive twice as hard to stay even with white students and three
times as hard to get ahead. It's there in the confidence, fueled by her
parents, that she can do anything. And it's there in her views on race that
have helped her find a political home in a party that is largely white.
The Republican Party ``has not been very good'' on race, she said.
``I think some of it's been neglect, some of it is there are people who hold
attitudes and views that are not very good on race,'' Rice said. ``But I
also think that the Republican Party has a lot of people and has some
heritage to draw on that is actually quite good on race, and some solutions
that look to individual initiative, and to local solutions and to
entrepreneurship, that might be more effective at this point in our history
as a people than continued efforts to still march in the streets. You know,
it's not getting us anywhere.''
Strengthened by her childhood, Rice has marched in her own direction --
always with a deep-rooted desire to be the best. It's evident in the way she
has dived into her pastimes.
 Photo by: Len Vaughn-Lahman
Even in her pastimes, Rice excels. An accomplished pianist, she plays with a
chamber music group.
She's an accomplished pianist who has publicly performed intricate pieces
such as Brahms' F minor Piano Quintet and plays with a chamber music group.
She stays in shape by working with the Stanford Athletic Department's
strength and conditioning coach on the same intensive regimen followed by
the university's top athletes.
And her love and knowledge of football are so deep that she'd most likely be
on the short list of candidates to be the next commissioner of the National
Football League, said Carmen Policy, president of the Cleveland Browns and a
friend of Rice's from his days with the San Francisco 49ers.
Policy was amazed at Rice's grasp of the intricacies of football when they
watched games together on several occasions from his box at Candlestick
``She would decipher what was happening as a play was unfolding, and it got
to the point after a while she'd start predicting the play that would be
called,'' he said. 

[CTRL] Lasting Peace

2000-07-31 Thread Alamaine



What are the 'necessaries' for a lasting peace agreement?
By Charley Reese
Published in The Orlando Sentinel on July 30, 2000

Israel and President Clinton bear full responsibility for the failure of the
Middle East peace talks.
srael deserves blame because it refuses to obey international law. And Clinton
deserves blame because he acted as though he was a member of the Israeli
negotiating team.

Many people may be surprised to know that the Palestinians have international
law entirely on their side. Israel has no legal claim to East Jerusalem and the
West Bank whatsoever. Actually, Israel has no legal claim to West Jerusalem,
but the Palestinians have already conceded that along with 68 percent of their

The United Nations Security Council resolutions call on Israel to return the
lands it captured in the 1967 war, including East Jerusalem. The U.N. Security
Council, with the concurrence of President Jimmy Carter's administration,
declared Israel's annexation of East Jerusalem to be null and void.
Carter was successful at his Camp David summit because he had the intestinal
fortitude to pressure the Israelis to return all of the Egyptian territory they
had captured. Clinton was a failure because he tried to browbeat the
Palestinians into giving away even more of their own land.

To understand this stuff, it's essential to know the history. First, Jerusalem
has not been the capital of Israel for 3,000 years as many now proclaim. There
hasn't been an independent Jewish state in Palestine for anywhere close to that
long. The last independent Jewish entity in Palestine ended in 63 B.C. when the
Roman general Pompey conquered Jerusalem. And Jerusalem, by the way, was in
existence long before King David captured it in 1000 B.C. Nor did Jews
continuously rule the area up to the Roman conquest. They were conquered for
various periods by the larger powers in the area. The Encyclopedia Britannica
is a good source for a history of Jerusalem and Palestine.

From 63 B.C. to 1948 A.D., there was no independent Jewish state in Palestine.
The country and Jerusalem were under a succession of rulers -- Roman,
Byzantine, Arab, Turkish and British. And some of those rulers reigned for
several centuries.

In 1947, the U.N. General Assembly passed a resolution dividing Palestine into
Jewish and Arab areas. Jerusalem was set aside for international
administration. After Israelis did what they deny the Palestinians have a right
to do -- unilaterally proclaim themselves an independent state -- there was
war. The Israelis expanded the territory originally assigned to them, including
West Jerusalem, and at the same time created the first wave of Palestinian
refugees. A good account of this period can be found in Bitter Harvest, 4th
edition, by Sami Hadawi, a Palestinian scholar.

The formula for peace is simple. One, Israel must return the West Bank, Gaza
and East Jerusalem and recognize Palestinian sovereignty over those areas. Two,
it must acknowledge responsibility for the refugees and make some arrangement
for compensation or return. That's the Palestinian bottom line. That's what the
United Nations says must happen, and Israel continues to say no. Politicians
can try to disguise these basic facts, but nevertheless those are the
"necessaries" for a peace agreement that would have any chance of lasting.

Alas, the Palestinians have had history and international law on their side
while the Israelis have had a huge army and the American government on their
side. But what's right doesn't seem to matter because force still trumps words
on paper.

The talks failed because Clinton had the nerve to think that he could create a
legacy for his failed presidency by trampling on the Palestinians.
[Posted 07/29/2000 5:28 PM EST]

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Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: 1818 Fund controlled by Brown Brothers Harriman

2000-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

In a message dated 7/31/00 1:22:28 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 07/30/2000 5:35:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 BBH stands for Brown Brothers Harriman.

Isn't BBH under Halliburton?  Prudy

 No, Brown  Root is though.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2000-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

FONT COLOR="#99"Need a credit card?
Instant Approval and 0% intro APR with Aria!
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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Flight800: ABCNews on Witnesses


  Amazingly, ABC News just covered witnesses of the
  TWA Flight 800 crash in an atmosphere that did not
  criminalize the consideration of witness accuracy.
  Suddenly it's safe to second-guess the FBI/NTSB!?
  While covering the terrorist-missile theory, the
  Navy-missile theory wasn't to be mentioned once.
  ABCNews also notably failed to acknowledge the
  30 unidentified large surface vessels below
  Flight 800, most of which were either in or
  headed toward the reported-to-be activated
  naval-warning zone W-105. Well, maybe next
  year ABCNews will discover that too, until
  then there's always, Ian Goddard's Journal:



Could 100 Witnesses
Have Been Mistaken?

Questions Linger
Over TWA Flight
800 Disaster Four
Years Later

Joe Lychner is accompanied
by an expert as he views the
wreckage of TWA Flight 800 at
a hangar in Calverton, N.Y. in
this Nov. 19, 1997, file photo.
Lychner lost his wife and two
daughters in the crash. (Mark
Lennihan/AP Photo)

By David Ruppe

N E W Y O R K, July 17 -- Today is the
fourth anniversary of one of the most
mysterious, tragic and controversial air
crashes in U.S. history -- the explosion
of TWA Flight 800 off the coast of
Long Island, which killed 230
passengers and crew.

It is also roughly a month before the National
Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is scheduled
to announce the conclusions of its four-year
investigation into the cause of the crash.

The government's investigation of the TWA
800 crash, considered the largest and most
expensive in commercial air disaster history,
has been controversial from the start. In the
days following, nearly 100 of more than 700
eyewitnesses interviewed by the FBI described
seeing a streak of light move from the Earth
leading to an explosion, which seemed to
suggest a missile had struck the Boeing 747.

Initially, law enforcement officials also
strongly believed a criminal act -- either
a bomb or a missile -- was the likeliest
explanation for the catastrophic explosion,
which severed the plane's front end, including
the cockpit, from the rest of the fuselage.
But now, government officials from the FBI,
CIA and, privately, the NTSB, say they are
fairly convinced no such thing occurred. All
that investigators will say they know for
sure is that the plane's center fuel tank
blew up. To date, no single source of ignition
for that explosion has been identified,
although investigators say they have closed
in on several possibilities.

So why have government officials dismissed
the missile theory? How could so many
eyewitnesses be wrong? Largely because of the
absence of any physical evidence supporting
the theory and the unreliability of memory,
current and former officials say.

But ABCNEWS.com's examination of the main
arguments and evidence used by various
government agencies to dismiss the missile
theory reveals a degree of conjecture, along
with disagreements about key eyewitness accounts.

Compelling Eyewitness Accounts

The most compelling case for the missile theory
is made by the 755 FBI records of eyewitness
interviews, which were recorded on standardized
FBI "FD-302" forms typically used by the bureau
in court.

Recently posted on the Internet and given little
notice by the press, the FBI records seem to tell
a dramatic story of a missile striking the plane.

Ninety-six of the eyewitnesses -- from boats,
from the Long Island shore, and from a nearby
jet and helicopter -- described seeing a streak
of light or what appeared to be a flare moving
up from the Earth and eventually leading to an
explosion over the Atlantic, according to the
FBI reports.

One eyewitness, for instance, described "what
he thought was a shooting star traveling west
to east, coming form the south shore, over Fire
Island," an FBI agent wrote. The "object he
observed was more like a bottle-rocket with a
dull orange glow to it" and he "further stated
that the glow moved faster than an aircraft."

Yet another witness on Long Island's south
shore said she observed "what appeared to be
a 'contrail' which appeared to be coming from
an object 

Re: [CTRL] Cereal maker chokes on CD Bible giveaway (fwd)

2000-07-31 Thread Yardbird

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 15:19:16 -0500 (CDT)
From: "Michael S. Hart" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: "Don A. Elbourne Jr." [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Subject: Re: Cereal maker chokes on CD Bible giveaway

On Mon, 31 Jul 2000, Eric Eldred wrote:

  Cereal maker chokes on CD Bible giveaway

   "An executive from Disney Interactive, who licensed
   the "Millionaire" software for the CDROMs, told
   Swann and other partners that the Bible was too
   controversial. Disney demanded it be taken off the
   "Millionaire" CDROMs."

As Robin Williams says:

"Never *mess* with The Mouse!"

"Never *mess* with The Mouse!!"

"Never *mess* with The Mouse!!!"

 The Millionnaire CDROM was scheduled to be released without
 the Bible.  The decision by General Mills to stop releasing
 any more CDROMs at all was a surprise to the developers of
 the product.

OK. . .better tell us how to go find a copy in our grocery stores. . . .

   "Putting Zondervan's Protestant version of the Bible --
   the New International Version -- in cereal boxes is
   offensive, said Rabbi James Rudin, the interreligious
   consultant for the American Jewish Committee in New York.

   ""I eat General Mills products myself, and I don't think
   it's right for any American to pick up a box of cereal in
   the morning and feel excluded," said Rudin. "This is one
   particular version of the Bible they're offering -- and
   America is multi-religious, multi-ethnic. When
   Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Taoists and millions of
   other Americans pick up this box of cereal and look at
   this Bible -- they are excluded.""

Hey. . .everything the honorable Rabbi ever did "excluded" me,
as far as I can tell. . .what he really seems to be upset about
is that General Mills "included" so many people. . .didn't
"EXclude" enough people not to be worthy of harrassment.
We've been trying to The Torah and The Q'uran and every
other religious document on Project Gutenberg for years,
and have had so much "exclusion" that we haven't been
able to do it. . . .  But we will. . . .

 Why not issue all sorts of books in cereal boxes, so
 nobody feels excluded?  Would that not be better than
 no books at all?

Why not just put in ALL the Etexts out there. . . ?

One DVD should be able to hold nearly all of them
in .zip format. . . .

 When Americans eat "Quaker" brand oatmeal and think it is
 an affirmation of multicultural capitalism without any
 reference to religion one has to wonder about what has
 happened to our world.  But I'll leave the field to the
 folks from Pennsylvania to comment on this now :-)

Now virtually moving back from Lancaster County. . . .


Speaking for only for Michael
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Posting address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Mob Rules in Minneapolice

2000-07-31 Thread Oscar


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Feinstein has fragile lead over Campbell in California Senate race

2000-07-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Released: July 31, 2000

Feinstein has fragile lead over Campbell in California Senate
race Slips to under 50% in Horse Race

Zogby Poll indicates weakness in Feinstein support

Democrat Dianne Feinstein holds an 11-point lead over Republican
Tom Campbell in the California Senate race according to a new
Zogby International survey.  But the survey also showed
Feinstein’s lead is under 50%.

Pollster John Zogby: "This could be a close race.  Feinstein’s
support is soft and she is not reaching 50% among likely voters.
It appears that Campbell has room to grow."

In the survey of 601 likely voters in California conducted
between July 24-26, Feinstein led Campbell overall 48.0% - 37.3%.
In close analysis Feinstein led Campbell among Bay area voters
61.1%-29.7%, and among Los Angeles and San Diego area voters
45.9% - 35%.  The two were virtually tied throughout the rest of
the state (Feinstein 44.3% - Campbell 42.3%).

The survey has a margin of sampling error was +/- 4%.

However, when respondents were informed of both candidate
positions on specific issues such as drugs, education and health
care, subsequent support for Campbell increased dramatically.

In the survey, a majority of respondents support Campbell’s
positions over Feinstein’s on several key issues including
combating illegal drugs (Campbell 57.5% - Feinstein 32%),
addressing health care and HMO’s (Campbell 54.2%- Feinstein
32.2%) and uses for the federal surplus (Campbell 55.7% -
Feinstein 34.9%).

Campbell receives strong support from voters for being known as a
maverick Republican who votes his conscience instead of the
straight party line.  More than half (55.6%) said that image made
it more likely they would support Campbell.

Zogby International, an independent polling firm in Upstate New
York has distinguished itself for accuracy in the past decade.
It called the 1996 presidential race with pinpoint accuracy and
has come closer that any other polling outfit in the U.S.  in
several national, state and international races.  The polling
firm also came closer than any other polling outfit in
pinpointing the landslide victories by Republican George W.
Bush and Democrat Al Gore in the March 7, 2000 California
presidential primaries.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WND: Navy picks U.S. team over Russia

2000-07-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER



Navy picks U.S. team over Russia Orbital Sciences wins supersonic
target missile contract

By Charles Smith

The U.S. Navy has selected U.S. space and defense contractor
Orbital Sciences to supply a new Supersonic Sea-Skimming Target
missile, or SSST, passing over a Russian-built missile purchased
by Boeing.

Orbital's business development senior manager Michael J. Bender
credits the Navy victory, in part, to the company's management
strategy for an "all-American team."

"We teamed with Atlantic Research and Raytheon, creating an
all-American team to eliminate any geopolitical risk and avoid
dependency on foreign-based contractors," emphasized Bender in an
interview from Orbital's facility in Arizona.

Orbital Sciences beat a combined team of U.S. defense contractor
Boeing and Russian missile maker Zvezda, which had proposed an
extended-range version of the MA-31 target drone, a variant of
the Zvezda Kh-31 anti-radar missile. Boeing currently provides
the MA-31 to the U.S. Navy under a multi-year contract with the
Russian defense ministry.

Orbital Sciences is slated to receive $34 million to develop and
build six of the new target missiles for testing. The contract
could grow to $110 million with production and support options.

"We did not do a lot of marketing outside of the Navy procurement
channels," noted Bender, stressing that Orbital, Atlantic
Research and Raytheon engineers working on a low-risk,
high-performance SSST concept played a significant role in the
contract victory.

"This is very good news for Orbital and for the Navy," said
Bender. "We have been pursuing this contract for two years. We
followed the same design approach we use in our tactical
ballistic missile simulator, low-risk, low-cost designs to take
advantage of existing inventories and available technologies."

Bender added, "We plan to use retired standard missile boosters
to boost the target to ramjet take-over speed. The Atlantic
Research variable-flow ducted ramjet utilizes advanced solid fuel
technology. The SSST ramjet is a robust design based on a
straightforward four-inlet configuration. The [Atlantic Research]
ramjet engine and inlet design combination lowers both the risks
and costs associated with high-speed cruise missiles."

The new Orbital target missile is intended to simulate what is
seen as the number one threat to U.S. warships: the Russian-made
Raduga 3M82 Moskit supersonic cruise missile. Russia recently
supplied the Moskit missile on the first of two warships sold to
the Chinese navy. According to the U.S. Naval Institute, each
8,480-ton Russian navy project 956A Sovremenny destroyer built
for China is armed with eight Moskit supersonic sea-skimming

In July, the General Accounting Office issued a report titled
"Comprehensive Strategy Needed to Improve Ship Cruise Missile
Defense." The General Accounting Office concluded that U.S. Navy
warships are vulnerable against the new supersonic class of
cruise missiles.

"Although the Navy has made some progress in improving surface
ship self-defense capabilities, most ships continue to have only
limited capabilities against cruise-missile threats," states the
General Accounting Office report. "A Navy assessment of current
surface ship self-defense capabilities conducted in 1998
concluded that only the 12 Whidbey Island and Harpers Ferry-class
amphibious ships have or will be equipped with defensive systems
that can provide measurable improvement against near- and
mid-term cruise-missile threats.

"Current anti-ship cruise missiles are faster, stealthier, and
can fly at lower altitudes than the missiles that hit the U.S.S.
Stark in 1987, killing 37 sailors," states the report. "The next
generation of anti-ship cruise missiles -- most of which are now
expected to be fielded by 2007 -- will be equipped with advanced
target seekers and stealthy design. These features will make them
even more difficult to detect and defeat."

The General Accounting Office concluded that "none of the
improvements the Navy plans to make in the future would provide
any ship class a high level of self-defense capability against
far-term threats."

In 1999, WorldNetDaily reported that a Clinton administration
deal with Moscow had left the U.S. Navy without a means to
simulate the supersonic anti-ship missile threat. In September
1999, the SSST project ended eight years of study without a
selection, leaving the Navy without a means to test its
multi-billion dollar AEGIS missile air-defense system.

The move not to issue a contract in 1999 was considered a victory
for the Russian Zvezda-Strela State Scientific Industrial Center,
maker of the MA-31 supersonic target missile. An Aug. 31, 1999,
letter to Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., issued by Navy
Undersecretary H. Lee Buchanan, claimed that the Navy would only
purchase a "limited number" of the Russian-made systems.
According to official U.S. Navy 

Re: [CTRL] Cereal maker chokes on CD Bible giveaway (fwd)

2000-07-31 Thread Kelly

Mark McHugh wrote:

 Some wouldn't think it were "an affirmation of multicultural capitalism
 without any reference to religion".  To some, quite the opposite is their
 reality--an affirmation powered by Christian cultists hypnotizing us
 with the Smiling Man as we doze through breakfast. ;)

 I'm not alert enough before sunrise to worry over non-essential intellectual
 matters.  About the only time I would cogitate on the politics of my morning
 would be if I were stoned.  I guess I'm just not that illuminated.

What is it with cereal boxes?  They almost caused a war here in Canada,
and still might some day, when it was decreed that cereal boxes would be
bilingual.  French and English of course.  People sure didn't like
having French 'shoved down their throats' that way!  Not a little bit!
Cereal boxes should have written instructions in Zulu for all I care:
pour into bowl, add milk and tons of sugar then flush down toilet when
mother isn't looking and drink 10 cups of coffee and smoke a million
cigarettes and then pour a whiskey and you're ready for the day!  Or
afternoon nap at any rate.

Oh!  I love life!


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Beast of the Month - June 2000

2000-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

FONT COLOR="#99"0% Introductory APR!
Instant Approval!
Aria Visa - get yours today.
/FONTA HREF="http://click.egroups.com/1/7102/6/_/1406/_/965082536/"BClick 

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist


Beast of the Month - June 2000

Hilary Rosen, CEO, Recording Industry Association of American (RIAA)

"I yam an anti-Christ..."

John Lydon (aka Johnny Rotten) of The Sex Pistols, "Anarchy in the UK"

"Thanks for your support and for the doubters out there, Metallica will carry
on for the next 20 years, whether your along for the ride or not, that's your
problem, not ours."
Lars Ulrich, showing his appreciation to his fans.

In what may be one of the worst business decisions in the history of music,
the rock band Metallica has waged a self-destructive battle against its own
fans while fighting an ultimately unproductive war against Napster, the
company behind Internet file-sharing software which drastically eases MP3
file transfer. Whining that they are victims of horrible fans who
unappreciatively want to listen to their music, Lars Ulrich and his cohorts
claim that the listeners of their korporate rock are ruining their ability to
earn a living. During an online chat with rapidly dwindling fans, Lars urged
Congress to stop Napster "before this whole Internet thing runs amok."
Frankly, considering they haven't put out anything worthwhile over the last
eight years, they should be grateful that anyone still listens to their crap.

Still, though Lars and co. have proven themselves to be the washed up,
overrated dinosaur rockers that they are, focusing too much on Metallica
loses sight of the bigger picture, that Metallica Inc. is merely a pathetic
cog in a truly diabolical machine. That machine is the Recording Industry
Association of American (RIAA), a $14-billion monolith headed by Hilary
Rosen, The Konformist Beast of the Month.

The RIAA, a trade company representing Seagram's Universal Music, Bertelsmann
AG's BMG, Sony Music, Time Warner's Warner Music, and EMI, is a huge,
multi-billion dollar combine with vast political influence. The RIAA has been
on a sue-happy frenzy, going after both Napster and MP3.com for supposed
violations of their copyright laws, claiming that they are losing millions
(if not billions) of dollars. Never mind that in the past two years, mindless
pap spewed out by 'N Sync, The Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears have had
first week sales exceeding one million copies apiece. Indeed, there is pretty
strong evidence to suggest that Napster and MP3, like MTV and radio before
it, are actually a boon to the music industry in general, by giving music
free publicity and hype. That appears to be what is behind the huge sales of
Eminem's The Marshall Mathers LP, which was the top Napster download before
its smashing debut.

Almost lost in their complaints of being victimized by MP3 and Napster is a
truth that the recording industry doesn't want to let out about itself: that
its entire reason for existence is over exploiting both musicians and music
fans alike. It's actually cheaper to make a CD than it is to record a tape:
why are prices for CD so inflated then? As for the musicians themselves,
while a select few limousine rebels like Lars and his pals rake in big bucks,
they only get a fraction of their actual labor from all their recording
efforts. The RIAA oligopoly is a huge pyramid that sucks up the entertainment
dollars from those who have earned it: the artists themselves. No surprise,
then, that in The Covert War Against Rock, underground writer Alex
Constantine's just recently published opus for Feral House, one of the main
theme's of the book is the connection between those involved in the recording
industry and criminal syndicates.

For all their discussion of the predatory nature of Napster and MP3, the
recording industry can't hide one obvious fact: for the most part, they are a
huge deadweight enterprise, even more bloated than Metallica's ego has become
swollen over the years. That is what scares the RIAA about Napster and
MP3.com: that artists will decide they don't need the RIAA cartel to get
their music out there. Using the Internet, musicians could bypass the system
altogether, and use the hype to sell their albums or, perhaps even more
important, as promotion for concert tours, which have long been the real meal
ticket for rock stars.

Sadly, such MP3-fueled anarcho-utopian economic fantasies popular among the
digital libertarians seem a little far fetch: sure, artists can promote
themselves via the net, but nobody will know about the music if it isn't
promoted well. Word of mouth helps, but ultimately, money talks, which the
RIAA combine certainly has. While they traditionally 

[CTRL] Norma the Plumber (fwd)

2000-07-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 08:40:26 -0700

July 31, 2000


Norma the Plumber

WASHINGTON -- Democrat Norma Holloway Johnson, in my view the
most partisan and power-abusive judge on the federal bench, is
finally being forced to answer questions about her conduct.

To avert favoritism, the chief judge of the D.C.  District Court
is supposed to assign judges to cases randomly.  But when
assigning politically sensitive cases involving Webster Hubbell
and Charlie Trie, Judge Johnson veered "off the wheel" to direct
those cases to Clinton-appointed judges.

When this apparent subversion of the administration of justice
drew fire in the press and a formal complaint from Judicial
Watch, the Judicial Council of D.C.  listened to the chief
judge's protestations at any challenge to her integrity and too
hastily dismissed the complaint.

Then Representative Howard Coble, chairman of House Judiciary's
subcommittee on the courts, sent the Court of Appeals here
evidence of four more cases in which Chief Judge Johnson bypassed
the system to steer cases embarrassing to Democrats (including
that of Clinton-Gore fund-raiser Maria Hsia) to judges
notoriously soft on Clintonites.  The implicit message: if the
Judicial Branch didn't clean up its act internally, the
Legislative Branch would step up to its constitutional

This evidence was somewhat sternly passed down to Judge Johnson's
embarrassed see-no-evil colleagues.  They hastily convened a
five-judge panel to protect themselves from complicity in what
the House subcommittee chairman called an assignment procedure
that was "unusual, unorthodox and may be improper."

The Judicial Council hired an investigator.  He is Joe D.
Whitley, a lackadaisical former U.S.  attorney in Atlanta who
recused himself in the 80's Banca Lavoro scandal -- a suitably
Republican choice, but not the type to rock a boat in D.C.

However, when Whitley asked for the chief judge's records to
ascertain a pattern of partisanship in assignments, goes the
scuttlebutt, Johnson resisted until so ordered by the Judicial
Council.  Now genial Joe is duty-bound to take testimony from
Johnson's possibly intimidated law clerks about any discussions
with them about what to tell the investigator.

Logic suggests we now have one furious chief judge.  In the midst
of all this, and perhaps temperamentally related to it, the
vindictive Norma Holloway Johnson launches and pursues a leak
investigation even more bizarre and chilling than in the days of
the Nixon "plumbers."

The object of the beleaguered judge's rage is Charles Bakaly,
once Ken Starr's spokesman.  She went after him for supposedly
leaking grand jury information; when the Court of Appeals decided
that no grand jury secrecy was involved, the angry judge charged
him with lying about a non-crime.  (Nice irony there.) She wants
to brand him a criminal for swearing he did not pass on
"non-public" information in talking with a New York Times

The huge secret that so incenses our out-of-control jurist was
that the independent counsel was considering indicting President
Clinton.  Some secret: that possibility has been common knowledge
for years, and Starr's successor makes no bones about it in

I have not discussed the case with my colleague, but I am one of
the thousands of journalists who discuss non-public information
with all kinds of sources every day (sometimes calling it
scuttlebutt) for the public purpose of making it public.  I see
Johnson's vendetta as her intemperate way of getting even with
the House, the independent counsel and the press.

Consider: she makes an accusation of criminal contempt and asks
the Justice Department to prosecute her target in her court.
Reno Justice knows her charge is an egregious mixture of
petulance and arrogance, sure to be rejected by a jury, but does
not exercise its prosecutorial discretion to decline.  Why?
Because Reno political appointees owe Johnson plenty for steering
Clinton cases to Clinton-appointed judges, and Justice's career
lawyers are terrified of her wrath.

So Justice and the out-of-control judge, perhaps in collusion,
make the criminal charge petty enough to rate only six months in
the slammer, which takes away a defendant's right to trial by
jury.  Result: the accusation is made by Norma the Plumber, the
trial is conducted by Norma the Plumber, the verdict is rendered
by Norma the Plumber, and the sentence is meted out by Norma the

If that is justice in Washington D.C, something is rotten in the
state of the Judicial Branch.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them 

[CTRL] Arutz-7 News: Israel's New President: Monday, July 31, 2000

2000-07-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER






Israel's new President is Moshe Katzav of the Likud.  After
receiving 60 votes in the first round of today's Knesset vote -
one short of the 61 required - he received 63 votes in the second
round. Jubilation is the order of the day in the nationalist,
Sephardic, and other sectors of Israel.  Spontaneous celebrations
broke out in Jerusalem, Katzav's hometown of Kiryat Malachi, and

The first official act of President Moshe Katzav, upon being
informed of his election by Knesset Speaker Avraham Burg, was to
don a yarmulke and publicly recite aloud the Shehecheyanu
blessing.  He later visited the Western Wall, where he recited a
prayer of thanksgiving, verses from King Solomon's dedication
prayer for the Holy Temple, and Psalm 122:  "Seek the welfare of
Jerusalem, may those who love it prosper."  He said there that
the height of his excitement is not the announcement of his
victory, but his visit to the Wall.

In his acceptance speech, Katzav said that he would "surprise
favorably" even those who voted for Peres.  He said that his
victory is a call for a new, calmer style in the Presidency.
The support of Shas, plus the apparent "desertion" of several One
Israel MKs, gave Katzav the victory. Katzav was the first
Presidential candidate in Israeli history to be fielded by the
nationalist camp and win.

The Likud, which the new President represented as a Knesset
Member until today, rejoiced in Katzav's victory, and MKs of
Shas, United Torah Judaism, and others also took part in the
party's informal celebrations.  MK Avraham Ravitz (UTJ) said that
the vote proves that the nation wants a "more Jewish country."
The celebrants seemed to also feel that a victory was won over
the media, which almost unanimously predicted that Peres would
win.  Ze'ev Boim will become a Likud MK in place of Katzav, who
will be sworn in tomorrow.


Moshe Katzav was born in 1945 in Iran, from where he immigrated
to Israel at the age of 6.  Married with five children, he
graduated Hebrew University with a degree in economics and
history.  Katzav has been a Member of Knesset since 1977, and
served as Minister of Welfare and Labor, Transportation, and
Tourism.  His brother Lior serves as Mayor of Kiryat Malachi, a
position which the new President once held himself.


The Golan Residents Committee congratulated President Katzav on
his victory, and has invited him to conduct an official visit in
the Golan.  It will be recalled that the previous president, Ezer
Weizman, said that he would resign if the referendum to give up
the Golan Heights did not pass. The Yesha Council also expressed
satisfaction with Katzav's victory, and called upon him to
"dedicate himself urgently to the supreme mission of reviving the
national consensus on maintaining the integrity of Jerusalem."


The Knesset now turns its attention to a vote on three
no-confidence motions in the Prime Minister. The motions are
expected to garner a majority, but less than the 61 needed to
topple the government.  In his pre-vote speech to the Knesset,
Prime Minister Barak blamed opposition leader MK Ariel Sharon for
turning down his offer for a national unity government.  "Our
deliberations [in Camp David] have brought progress on the peace
track," Barak said, "and we will continue to work towards peace -
though not at any price."  Sharon, during his turn at the podium,
accused Barak of caving in to Arafat's demands, and said, "Only
when we give them Tel Aviv, will there be true peace."


Yet another hint has been dropped, this time by U.S. Secretary of
State Madeleine Albright, that a final-status Israeli-Palestinian
agreement is expected soon.  The negotiations will continue after
a period of "recovery," she told a Japanese television station
today.  A similar prediction was made today by a top
security-aide of Prime Minister Barak, Danny Yatom.  Hamas head
Ahmed Yassin said if another partial agreement is reached, it
will be "nothing more than a cease-fire."


This year's month of July has been hotter than average in an
extreme way - up to 4 degrees (over 7 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer
than usual for July. Temperatures in Jerusalem hit a record 41
degrees (106 degrees Fahrenheit) yesterday, and almost the same
levels are expected today.  Israeli Electric Company reported a
record demand yesterday - 7,850 megawatts.  Thousands of chickens
died yesterday in the Galilee as a result of the heat wave;
coop-owners complained that the water cutbacks prevent them from
cooling the chickens by sprinkling the roofs 

[CTRL] Hillary Clinton suffers from Tourette syndrome

2000-07-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

[For a great picture of Hillary in the throws of an attack of
Tourette's Syndrome, see the below URL.  --MS]



Hillary backtracks, says Paul Fray "misunderstood" her



Hillary Clinton suffers an attack of Tourette syndrome as she
speaks with reporters. Tourette Syndrome is a lifelong illness
that can go in and out of remission.

NEW YORK--One week after emphatically denying hurling an ethnic
slur at a campaign aide in 1974, Hillary Clinton has backtracked
from her complete denial and admitted cursing at the aide, but
maintains that he simply misunderstood her.

"In the heat of the moment, what I said to Paul Fray was, 'this
is your fault you **cking Jew Baptist', and instead of Baptist he
thought I said bastard," Mrs. Clinton explained.

Fray--who is a Baptist with some Jewish ancestry-- was the
campaign manager for Bill Clinton's failed 1974 congressional
run. He made the charge against Mrs. Clinton in the new book
State of a Union.

Mrs. Clinton--who is a Methodist with some Jewish
ancestry--apologized for her initial statement that the alleged
incident never happened saying, " I was really surprised that
Paul Fray could remember the incident and I wasn't prepared to
answer such a charge, so I just acted on instinct and misled the
people of New York."

Mrs. Clinton was forced to come clean with the real facts of the
incident because her husband's admission that she has a cursing
problem led to speculation that she wasn't telling the whole

After conceding that some incident took place, Mrs. Clinton went
on to blame her foul mouth on Tourette's Syndrome. Tourette's
Syndrome is an inherited, neurological disorder characterized by
repeated and involuntary body movements and uncontrollable vocal
sounds. In extreme cases like Mrs. Clinton's, the vocalizations
can include socially inappropriate words and phrases like
'f**king Jew Baptist', and 'short legged Irish prick'.

Mrs. Clinton maintains that these outbursts are neither
intentional nor purposeful and that she is a victim of a dreaded
disease. The First Lady takes the anti-psychotic drug ORAP to
control the disease.

Victims of Tourette Syndrome may also suffer from
obsessive-compulsive disorder, hyperactivity, antisocial
behavior, inappropriate sexual activity, aggressive behavior, and
delusions of grandeur.

When told of Mrs. Clinton's revelation, Rick Lazio responded,
"Well this will certainly go along way in explaining her entire

Hillary's Jew Bastard Talking Points Revealed

NEW YORK---BSNN.net has obtained an exclusive copy of the
internal memo from Hillary Clinton which provides suggestions as
to how to handle press inquiries regarding the First Lady's
alleged ethnic slur. The memo in its entirety follows:

TO: Jewish Bastard Advisory Group

FROM: Hillary Rodham Clinton RE: Rapid Response to charges of

I would appreciate if all of you could call every Jew reporter
you know. Call them as a concerned citizen. (It is important that
you hide the fact that you are calling because I told you to,
because Jews are a persnickety lot and will likely hold that fact
against you for the rest of your lives.) Most of their deadlines
are tomorrow, so if at all possible, take care of this tonight.
The most important thing is to let them know that you know me and
you know that I would never make these kinds of Anti-Semitic or
racist comments to somebody who was a real Jew. After all, this
guy is a Baptist. If he were a real Jew, i.e. the type of person
who never pays retail, I would have called him a **cking Jesus
freak or something. It is just not my style to attack someone's
ethnicity or religion to their face.  It is important to remind
these Jew reporters that I myself am of Jewish decent. My father
was Jewish. No wait it was my grandmother, or was it my
great-grandmother? Oh yeah, I remember, it was my
great-grandfather. Anyway, I am as much a Jew as anyone at the
New York Times, and that ought to count for something. We Jews
stick together you know.

2000 BSNN.net All Rights Reserved. Published in the July 21,
2000 issue of  BSNN. Reposting permitted with this message

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and 


2000-07-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

"The Canadian Drudge, Pierre Bourque.  If our Canadian posters
don't know about this lively page yet, they should click it.
It's majorly cool." - Lucianne.Com



Bourque has learned that US First Lady Hillary Clinton, hard on
the charge to become a Democratic Senator representing New York,
has scheduled a secret fundraising stop on Martha's Vineyard,

The chi-chi hush-hush to-do is expected to raise megabucks from
well-heeled holidayers marooned on this island off Cape Cod,
famous for its movie stars and business titans vacationing al
dente and incognito.

Of course, the hoi polloi and hoity toity conspirators from the
right are excluded from the schmoozer, which will take place in
the next few days.

Stunned Clinton press aide Karen Dunn categorically refused to
respond to a surprise query about the affair, which until now had
been kept well under wraps.

While there are rumours that Rolling Stone guitarist Keith
Richards is also on-island, it is not expected that he will pick
at a riff or two for Hillary's party.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NRA President A Lush!

2000-07-31 Thread William Shannon

Charlton Heston goes public about his battle with alcohol
By Jeannie Williams

PHILADELPHIA -- TV pundit John McLaughlin was shocked to hear at the
Republican convention that his friend Charlton Heston had spent three weeks
in a Utah rehab center in May. Heston revealed his previously unreported stay
to battle a drinking problem in an interview for this week's National

''It surprises me,'' McLaughlin said. ''I remember years ago having him at my
home for dinner with his wife and Ronald Reagan and his wife and saw no hint
of anything. I admire him for coming forward and being candid.''

A spokeswoman for the National Rifle Association president confirmed this
weekend that Heston gave the interview. She said he would have no further
comment. Heston isn't attending the GOP convention, but that's because of
film and travel commitments, another spokeswoman said.

Heston, 76, now known as much for his NRA commercials as for his biblical
film roles, told the tabloid, ''It was one of my best recent ideas. And now
I'm not drinking at all.'' He blamed his busy schedule: performing in the
play Love Letters with his wife, Lydia, in the spring, working on financing
for a movie, doing NRA work and campaigning for George W. Bush. He gave up
scotch years ago but drank a lot of white wine on planes and at dinners, he
told the Enquirer: ''I wasn't slurring my words, I wasn't falling over, but I
realized it had become an addiction for me. And in my profession, that's a
terrible flaw to fall into.'' He said many actors' careers have been damaged
or destroyed by drinking but that his problem never affected his work.

''I believe I did it in time,'' he said of his treatment. His wife and son
were ''strong convincers'' that he should do it, and he says he's proud that
he did.

NRA CEO Wayne La Pierre could not be reached for comment.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NYT: Norma the Plumber

2000-07-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

[Sorry, I forgot the below references to the article.  --MS]

Norma Holloway Johnson, from Lake Charles, LA near the TX border.


The New York Times
July 31, 2000


Norma the Plumber

WASHINGTON -- Democrat Norma Holloway Johnson, in my view the
most partisan and power-abusive judge on the federal bench, is
finally being forced to answer questions about her conduct.


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] BRITLAND NEWSBYTE, July 2000, by A. Hennessey (fwd)

2000-07-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 18:52:20 +0100
Subject: Fwd: BRITLAND NEWSBYTE july 2000 by a hennessey

hi mike,
can you post this to CTRL ??

BRITLAND NEWSBYTE july 2000   by andrew hennessey

As we have seen from documents such as OPERATION BLUE BEAM and
the New Order of Barbarians - the antipopulation measures of the
NWO are globally active - whilst the scandal of the deliberate
attempt to destroy both family values and gender identity
continues to make progress. The state meanwhile prepares to take
on responsibility for Cloning/Birthing of new life, whilst
wrenching future generations of kids away from their parents
using the Healthy Start Programme renamed under various guises

Tony Blairs sickly smile evaporated when he had the displeasure
of announcing that his proGAY Law had been thrown out of the
House of Lords for the Second Time and vowed to continue
presenting it - whilst saying that WE feel that current
legislation is unfair - who's WE Blair ?? certainly not 90% of
the population that you were elected to represent. The proGAY
legislation was forced through in Scotland against an
overwhelming tide of public opinion - TV channels bombard us with
porn, and insane groups under the guise of 'politically correct'
discriminate against the majority interest.

TV is full of cross dressing and gay programmes and warehouses
are disgorging tonnes of gay schoolbooks whilst 'Christian
Archbishops' write of morality without God.

Having said that - the Catholic Church despite its known failings
may well be the last bastion of public spirituality in the UK -
for though marriage is being destroyed as a viable institution,
it is definite blockade against satanism - eg. the sex and aliens
and bloody new age book by barbara hand clow condemns catholic
christianity as sexually repressive and her book the plaedian
agenda to me sounded satanic - and is this a coincidence but her
name is a satanic anagram BAAL WHO BRAND ARC where barbara may
well be the Hand on the Brand - it translates as worshippers of
satan who create sexual slavery. Satanists obviously feel a bit
daunted by christianity

In the UK, under the guise of protecting us from hooligans - new
legislation makes it possible to have your passport confiscated
and to have an electronic tagging order imposed.

In this background of 'new legislation' comes the new community
schools initiative where it is planned to re-educate parents of
whom it is thought are unable to educate their kids with the
'right values' Its obvious that the buffoons of new labour never
thought this lot up by themselves - as man of the people and
deputy PM Prescott [the equivalent of Gore] continues to spend
vast amounts of the punters money on feathering his nest and
generally looking stupid on TV.

Further restrictions on travel are being imposed using high fuel
prices and the introduction of road tolls and other spurious
taxes - whilst the insane spin surrounding the national health
service is quite clearly a deliberate lie and bribe - it is more
probable that these hospitals will become centres of euthanasia
for the aged and unfit - notplaces to be if you want to stay
alive - even the doctors are encouraging patients to lie about
their conditions to progress through the mincing machine.

Recent Cabinet Leaks show that Blair has discovered that you can
fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the
people all of the time - his memos show that he knows that he has
been 'rumbled' and his new labour 'BRAND' like a bad tin of Heinz
Beanz has been 'contaminated'

Edinburgh being the Capital of SCotland - attracts a lot of
american tourists - usually with loadsa money :) - and it
happened that I was in a tartan shop - and some tasteless guy was
buying a horrible looking tartan shawl for his poor wife - so I
helpfully suggested the [obviously] beautiful stuart tartan -
they said  gee ... is there a Clinton Tartan

Good luck in the elections guys - we all know that the 'OPinion
POLLS' are fictional - how else could Bush possibly make progress
- he's being hailed by the BBC as an all american hero.

I think that there is genuine cause for optimism that in
Deathstar UK Darth Blair may well be getting a going over by the
ordinary decent people are standing up and saying NO and these
people are NOT STUPID - thats the BIG MISTAKE that these insane
politicians make - they can't be certain of victory anymore -
they are starting to doubt, think twice ... and jostle for the

best wishes

andrew hennessey

- End forwarded message -

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [CTRL] NRA President A Lush!

2000-07-31 Thread Yardbird

Of course he's a lush - he's a conservative! If he had been a liberal he'd
have been on Rosie's talkshow and been celebrated as a touchy-feely role
model for the enlightened youth of the Neo-Stalinist brigade. I seem to
recall Hillary's blaming her hubbie's sexual peccadilloes on his dead
grandmother and/or mother and all the left-wingers oohing and aahing in
support of the Shady Lady and aforementioned hubbie/power-hungry-pervert.
At least Heston hasn't blamed a dead, and thereby incapable of defending
themselves, relative.
PS please don't shock me with the news that Heston ACTUALLY owns a

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Re: [CTRL] Abortion, Pro and Con...

2000-07-31 Thread Marilyn Wright

On 31 Jul 00, at 14:49, Robert F. Tatman wrote:

 The heirs of Sanger are now popping champagne corks because they
 expect Food and Drug Administration approval of their latest potion to
 rid the world of undesirables: RU-486, the abortion pill. Women's
 rights activist Peg Yorkin donated $10 million to the Feminist
 Majority Foundation to make RU-486 available in the U.S. Alex Sanger,
 who now heads the so-called family planning organization his
 grandmother founded, describes their efforts as "one of the most
 important victories in this century."

This pill was available to women in France over 40 years ago And
it is still controversial here? Give me a break.


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[CTRL] Iron Mountain Report

2000-07-31 Thread William Shannon

Iron Mountain Report:

Recently there have been some people of considerable clout and financial
status who have gone to great lengths to discredit the Iron Mountain
conspiracy. They have expended time and money in an attempt to convince
people that it was all just a hoax. Why would anyone fight against something
so hard if it were just a fake and a practical joke. They wouldn't. It would
require someone very gullible to believe that during the early sixties, one
of the most crucial and dangerous periods of the century, people in high
places would go to such extremes to pull a practical joke of such a
magnitude. No friends, the Iron Mountain conspiracy was real and it's purpose
and plans are still alive and well.

As a result of the Iron Mountain conspiracy, a book was published by Dial
Press in 1967, called "Report from Iron Mountain: The Possibility and
Desirability of Peace". It was not peace, but world domination and population
control to be enforced by the ever increasing global authority of the United
Nations that was the driving force behind the Iron Mountain "Big Plan".

The following is a summary of some of the events surrounding the Iron
Mountain plot:

In August of 1963, 15 people working for the elite power-brokers of the
Illuminati met in a nuclear fallout city, built deep inside of Iron Mountain
near Hudson New York. The Iron Mountain underground city was built through
the finances of Standard Oil of New Jersey, the bank manufacturers, Hanover
Trust, Shell Oil and other elitist corporations.

Their meetings continued for 3 years and ended in 1966. These men were the
think-tank-group who had the responsibility of designing a global plan of
action to control world events, depopulate the earth, completely control the
masses and to steer humanity into the inescapable net of a one world
government by the turn of this century.

John Kenneth Galbraith, a professor and member of JFK's "Brain Trust," Dean
Rusk, Secretary of State, Robert Strange McNamara, Secretary of Defense
(later to become president of the World Bank), E.L. Doctorow, Victor Navasky,
and McGeorge McBundy were among those among those most deeply involved in the
Iron Mountain conspiracy. The committee met monthly to formulate their
sinister yet brilliant plans for America and the world as we headed toward
the new millennium.

Within this elite group of people were a psychologist, a biochemist, an
international law specialist, a literary critic, a political historian, an
industrialist, a war expert, an anthropologist, an economic specialist, a
sociologist, a physicist an astronomer and a mathematician.

These "Illuminated" elitists believe in a world system led by men who
consider themselves to be of a god-like superior race of individuals endowed
through blood and royal heritage to be the benefactors of this planet and
it's people for their own personal pleasure and desires.

The Iron Mountain conspiracy also ran deep into the top levels of several
federal agencies, who were aware of and involved in concealing the operation.
Most notable were the FBI, CIA and the National Security Agency(NSA).

This covert operation was being conducted behind the back of President John
F. Kennedy. When John Kennedy became aware of this covert undertaking, he was
quoted as saying that he would "splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces". He
also swore to fire J. Edgar Hoover after his re-election. Of course, we all
know there was no re-election.

The Illuminati had always used war as a means of controlling the masses and
restructuring the economics of the world to their own desires. In fact, the
entire Cuban Missile Crisis was said to have been contrived by these
international elitist (Illuminati) to have America start a nuclear war with
Russia in 1962 during the Kennedy administration. The plans were to
annihilate the Soviet Union and establish a world government based in
America. Because of America's vastly superior nuclear capabilities at that
time, they had projected that the Soviet Union would suffer 100 million
casualties and the USA would lose about 10 million.

John F. Kennedy, despite his short-comings, was a man of extraordinary
courage, and he and his brother, Senator Robert Kennedy decided to defy the
Illuminati. JFK undermined these monstrous world war plans and was able to
negotiate behind the scenes with Nikita Kruschev and bring a peaceful end to
what nearly became a nuclear holocaust with Soviet Union. Kennedy had also
made plans to end the Vietnam War. This was also vehemently opposed by the

The Iron Mountain experiment resulted from a this failed attempt, and it
became clear to the Illuminati that they would have to change strategies to
deal with controlling the masses during an era of relative peace. The
Illuminati’s infuriation over this dramatic turn of events, created by JFK,
and the defiance of the Kennedy’s resulted in an American President and his
brother dying young! (Ted Kennedy will never have that problem)!

Re: [CTRL] Germany, Marshall Law, and the Alien Race!

2000-07-31 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld


It's spelled 'martial', not 'marshall'...

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[CTRL] The Rothschilds (1 of 2)

2000-07-31 Thread William Shannon

(Condesced from "Descent Into Slavery" by Des Griffin, Chapter Five)


For many years the words international banker, Rothschild, Money and Gold
have held a mystical type of fascination for many people around the world but
particularly in the United States.

Over the years in the United States, the international bankers have come in
for a great deal of criticism by a wide variety of individuals who have held
high offices of public trust - men whose opinions are worthy of note and
whose responsibilities placed them in positions where they knew what was
going on behind the scenes in politics and high finance.

President Andrew Jackson, the only one of our presidents whose administration
totally abolished the National Debt, condemned the international bankers as a
"den of vipers" which he was determined to "rout out" of the fabric of
American life. Jackson claimed that if only the American people understood
how these vipers operated on the American scene "there would be a revolution
before morning."

Congressman Louis T. McFadden who, for more than ten years, served as
chairman of the Banking and Currency Committee, stated that the international
bankers are a "dark crew of financial pirates who would cut a man's throat to
get a dollar out of his pocket... They prey upon the people of these United

John F. Hylan, then mayor of New York, said in 1911 that "the real menace of
our republic is the invisible government which, like a giant octopus, sprawls
its slimy length over our city, state and nation. At the head is a small
group of banking houses, generally referred to as 'international bankers.'"

Were these leading public figures correct in their assessment of the
situation, or were they the victims of some exotic form of paranoia?

Let's examine history analytically and unemotionally and uncover the facts.
The truth, as it unfolds, will prove to be eye-opening and educational to
those who are seeking to more clearly understand the mind-boggling events
that have been (and are) taking place on the national and international




Europe, towards the end of the eighteenth century or at the time of the
American Revolution, was very different from what we know in the same area
today. It was composed of a combination of large and small kingdoms, duchies
and states which were constantly engaged in squabbles among themselves. Most
people were reduced to the level of serfs - with no political rights. The
meager 'privileges' that were granted to them by their 'owners' could be
withdrawn at a moment's notice.

It was during this period of time that a young man appeared on the European
scene who was to have a tremendous impact on the future course of world
history; his name was Mayer Amschel Bauer. In later years his name, which he
had changed, became synonamous with wealth, power and influence. He was the
first of the Rothschilds - the first truly international banker!

Mayer Amschel Bauer was born in Frankfurt-On-The-Main in Germany in 1743. He
was the son of Moses Amschel Bauer, an itinerant money lender and goldsmith
who, tiring of his wanderings in Eastern Europe, decided to settle down in
the city where his first son was born. He opened a shop, or counting house,
on Judenstrasse (or Jew Street). Over the door leading into the shop he
placed a large Red Shield.

At a very early age Mayer Amschel Bauer showed that he possessed immense
intellectual ability, and his father spent much of his time teaching him
everything he could about the money lending business, and the lessons he had
learned from many sources. The older Bauer originally hoped to have his son
trained as a Rabbi but the father's untimely death put an end to such plans.

A few years after his father's death Mayer Amschel Bauer went to work as a
clerk in a bank owned by the Oppenheimers in Hannover. His superior ability
was quickly recognized and his advancement within the firm was swift. He was
awarded a junior partnership.

Shortly thereafter he returned to Frankurt where he was able to purchase the
business his father had established in 1750. The big Red Shield was still
displayed over the door. Recognizing the true significance of the Red Shield
(his father had adopted it as his emblem from the Red Flag which was the
emblem of the revolutionary minded Jews in Eastern Europe), Mayer Amschel
Bauer changed his name to Rothschild; in this way the House of Rothschild
came into being.

The base for a vast accmulation of wealth was laid during the 1760s when
Amschel Rothschild renewed his acquaintance with General von Estorff for whom
he ran errands while employed at the Oppenheimer Bank.

When Rothschild discovered that the general, who was now attached to 

[CTRL] The Rothschilds (2 of 2)

2000-07-31 Thread William Shannon

Owing to Napoleon's seizure of Holland in 1803, the leaders of the
anti-Napoleonic league chose Frankfort as a financial center where-from to
obtain the sinews of war. After the battle of Jena in 1806 the Landgrave of
Hesse-Cassel fled to Denmark, where he had already deposited much of his
wealth through the agency of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, leaving in the hands
of the latter specie and works of art of the value of 600,000 pounds.
According to legend, thse were hidden away in wine-casks, and, escaping the
search of Napoleon's soldiers when they entered Frankfort, were restored
intact in the same casks in 1814, when the elector returned to his electorate
(see Marbot, "Memoirs," 1891, i. 310-311). The facts are somewhat less
romantic, and more business-like. Rothschild, so far from being in danger,
was on such good terms with Napoleon's nominee, Prince Dalberg, that he had
been made in 1810 a member of the Electoral College of Darmstadt. The
elector's money had been sent to Nathan in London, who in 1808 utilized it to
purchase 800,000 pounds worth of gold from the East India Company, knowing
that it would be needed for Wellington's Peninsular campaign. He made no less
than fonr profits on this: (1) on the sale of Wellington's paper, (2) on the
sale of the gold to Wellington, (3) on its repurchase, and (4) on forwarding
it to Portugal. This was the beginning of the great fortunes of the house,




Following their crushing defeat at Waterloo, the French struggled to get back
on their feet financially. In 1817 they negotiated a substantial loan from
the prestigious French banking house of Ouvrard and from the well-known
bankers Baring Brothers of London. The Rothschilds had been left on the
outside looking in.

The following year the French government was in need of another loan. As the
bonds issued in 1817 with the help of Ouvrard and Baring Brothers were
increasing in value on the Paris market, and in other European financial
centers, it appeared certain that the French governmant would retain the
services of these two distinguished banking houses.

The Rothschild brothers tried most of the gimmicks in their vast repertoire
to influence the French government to give them the business. Their efforts
were in vain.

The French aristocrats, who prided themselves on their elegance and superior
breeding, viewed the Rothschilds as mere peasants, upstarts who needed to be
kept in their place. The fact that the Rothschilds had vast financial
resources, lived in the most luxurious homes and were attired in the most
elegant and expensive clothes obtainable cut no ice with the highly class
conscious French nobility. The Rothschilds were viewed as uncouth - lacking
in social graces. If we are to believe most historical accounts, their
appraisal of the first generation Rothschilds was probably valid.

One major piece of armament in the Rothschild arsenal the French had
overlooked or ignored - their unprecedented cunning in the use and
manipulation of money.

On November 5, 1818, something very unexpected occurred. After a year of
steady appreciation the value of the French government bonds began to fall.
With each passing day the decline in their value became more pronounced.
Within a short space of time other government securities began to suffer too.

The atmosphere in the court of Louis XVIII was tense. Grim faced aristocrats
pondered the fate of the country. They hoped for the best but feared the
worst! The only people around the French court who weren't deeply concerned
were James and Karl Rothschild. They smiled - but said nothing!

Slowly a sneaking suspicion began to take shape in the minds of some
onlookers. Could those Rothschild brothers be the cause of the nation's
economic woes? Could they have secretly manipulated the bond market and
engineered the panic?

They had! During October 1818, Rothschild agents, using their masters'
limitless reserves, had bought huge quantities of the French government bonds
issued through their rivals Ouvrard and Baring Brothers. This caused the
bonds to increase in value. Then, on November 5th, they began to dump the
bonds in huge quantities on the open market in the main commercial centers of
Europe, throwing the market into a panic.

Suddenly the scene in the Aix palace changed. The Rothschilds, who were
patiently biding their time and waiting quietly in an ante room, were ushered
into the presence of the king. They were now the center of attention. Their
clothes were now the height of fashion. "Their money [was] the darling of the
best borrowers." The Rothschilds had gained control of France...and control
is the name of the game!

Benjamin Disraeli, who was the prime minister of Britain, wrote a novel
titled Coningsby. The Jewish Encyclopedia, 

Re: [CTRL] Dreading Republican Rule

2000-07-31 Thread Marilyn Wright

On 31 Jul 00, at 15:13, Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

  The glory of American democracy is that it permits us to kick out the
  nasty tribe of parasitical despots that is currently ruling us. The
  tragedy is that it installs another group that will do essentially
  the same thing. Already you get the sense that GOP apologists,
  propagandists, and power brokers are gearing up for their turn at
  steering Leviathan. This is one reason the Republican Congress didn't
  cut government. Why shrink something you are going to inherit? 

 I was wishing I could find some fault with this stuff somewhere, but I
 think this guy has it pretty much figured out.  I think that when and
 if Shrub gets into office, we'll look back with nostalgia to the
 Clinton years.  I have a feeling that if the Republicans get the
 presidency and Congress, they'll only need to issue "brown shirts" to
 the faithful, and the rest of us better get our papers in order.

Prudy,  I think you've got it exactly right. Pretty scary.

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[CTRL] JW: Trulock sues Freeh and his agents over civil rights violations

2000-07-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

[Notra Trulock was interviewed on this past Saturday's JW radio
show. The interview is the 2nd hour followed briefly by Johnny
Chung. LISTEN ENCORE: Set slide bar in the middle.]


Home: http://www.judicialwatch.org/media/ontheair/

July 31, 2000
Contact: Richard Tomkins
(202) 646-5172


Heroic Whistleblower Harassed For Revealing FBI Incompetence And
Coverup In Chinagate

(Washington, D.C.) After weeks of harassment by Director Louis
Freeh and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, during which FBI
agents unlawfully entered the home and seized the computer of
Notra Trulock, the patriotic whistleblower of the Energy
Department who exposed the Los Alamos national security disaster
-- Trulock has been forced to strike back by filing a lawsuit for
civil rights violations. The complaint, filed in the U.S.
District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia this morning,
names Louis Freeh and other FBI officials and agents as
defendants. Regrettably, the suit proved necessary when Louis
Freeh failed to respond to Judicial Watch's offer to settle the
matter. Judicial Watch is legal counsel to Mr. Trulock.

Apparently, the FBI, and other agencies such as the CIA, Energy
Department, and the Clinton-Gore Administration as a whole,
wanted to silence Notra Trulock from telling the truth about
their incompetence and coverup of the most egregious breach of
national security in U.S. history at the Los Alamos nuclear lab.
Under the absolutely false pretext that Notra Trulock had
released national security information, FBI officials and agents
violated his civil rights. With the help of Judicial Watch, he
will now seek redress from the harm inflicted upon him. In
pursuing large damages and other relief, Mr. Trulock will be able
to take discovery, which will be most revealing. Joining Mr.
Trulock in this suit is his landlord, Linda Conrad, whose civil
rights were also violated.  A copy of the complaint can be found
at www.JudicialWatch.com.

"Judicial Watch will always be there for anyone who dares tell
the truth about government corruption," stated Judicial Watch
Chairman and General Counsel, Larry Klayman.

Judicial Watch is a public-interest law firm that fights
corruption in government.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] NR: Clinton Campaigned for Mandela's Jailer On Mandela

2000-07-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

7/31/00 7:30 p.m.

Clinton Campaigned for Mandela's Jailer On Mandela,
Cheney voted the same way as Clinton's pal.

By Stephen F.  Hayes
National Review

Apparently forgetting that he's not running for anything this
cycle, President Bill Clinton let loose Sunday with an angry
attack on someone who is:

Republican vice-presidential candidate Dick Cheney.  Clinton was
outraged (outraged!) about a much-discussed 1986 vote that Cheney
cast when he was the lone Representative from Wyoming

"Now, all the big publicity is about, in the last few days, an
amazing vote cast by their vice-presidential nominee when he was
in Congress against letting Nelson Mandela out of jail," the
president said.  "That takes your breath away."

If the Cheney vote took his breath away, Clinton might well be on
his knees, red-faced, clutching his throat and gasping for air
when he learns that 32 of his fellow Democrats voted with Cheney,
against the resolution.

And he might be thoroughly asphyxiated if he knew he spent all
day Monday campaigning for someone who had cast the exact same
vote: Florida Insurance Commissioner Bill Nelson.

Nelson for Senate campaign spokesman Dan McLaughlin said, "Bottom
line is that Nelson strongly supported two components of the
measure, and he considers Mandela one of the century's great
leaders.  He could not support the third [component], recognizing
ANC because it was dominated by the communist party.  This vote
should be looked at in context."

McLaughlin added, "I don't think the president would question
Nelson's record."

Clinton attended three fundraisers today for Nelson, a Democrat
vying for the seat of retiring Republican Senator Connie Mack.
Estimates before these events, benefiting the Nelson campaign and
the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, put their
collective value at $1.15 million.

Clinton's comments were somewhat more charitable than those he
aimed at Cheney 24 hours earlier.  "I want to say that I'm
honored to be here for Bill Nelson.  I've known Bill for, I don't
know, years and years and years, a long time.  And he and Grace
have been friends of Hillary and mine for years.  They and their
children came over to the White House and stayed with us.  And
we've had the opportunity over the years at various encounters to
get to know one another, and I think the world of both of them."

"I think we need more people like them in Washington, people who
are civil and decent and reasonable and caring, and not just in
election season, not just as a part of a marketing strategy, but
because they think it's the right thing to do

All of this comes only days after one "Democratic strategist"
told New York Times reporter David Rosenbaum that plans were
already underway to run radio ads highlighting the Cheney vote on
predominantly black radio stations throughout the country.  And
it comes only one month after Al Gore appeared on stage with
Nelson as part of the vice president's ill-fated "prosperity and
progress" tour, netting a cool $1 million for the Democratic

The Nelson and Cheney votes are far from the radical position
Democrats and the media have suggested.  On its face, a vote to
keep Nelson Mandela in jail is troubling, to say the least:
Who—as Cheney has asked repeatedly in interviews-would want to
keep Mandela imprisoned?  As always, context is crucial in
understanding congressional votes.  Republicans, then in the
minority, tried without success to attach conditions to Mandela's
release.  Specifically, they wanted language requiring Mandela to
renounce violence by his party, the African National Congress,
and assuring that the Communist elements of the party, which were
significant, be ousted from leadership.  In fact, so strong was
the Communist faction of the ANC that Democrats refused to
include the Republican language, arguing that that negotiation
with Communists was inevitable and necessary, given their power.
Democrats then put the resolution to a vote without the GOP
language, and it failed.

Nelson, who was unavailable for comment because he was at the
third of the three fundraisers with the president, may have been
concerned about the ANC's strong Marxist faction.  It was a
judgment that some 145 Republicans and 31 other Democrats —
including current congressmen Charlie Stenholm, Ike Skelton, and
William Lipinski — made at the time.

And, as Clinton said today, Nelson has good judgment.  "I know we
ought to have people in the Senate who have the values and the
judgment, and just the way of operating that Bill Nelson does."

Same true for vice president?

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A 

[CTRL] Fwd: Voodoo

2000-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan


Lobbyists can use 'mojo'

In the past, lobbyists have depended on expense account lunches, golf
junkets and political action committee (PAC) contributions to ply their
trade. Now, there's a new method of political persuasion - voodoo magic.
Yes, with one stick of a pin you, too, can influence policymakers. Pick your
person. Pick your committee. Then, just jab away.
Sound creepy? Maybe, but GalleryWatch, a new online news and
legislative information service, has distributed thousands of voodoo dolls,
which it calls "legislative influencers," as a promotional device.
Whether the dolls and pins and "Bayou blessed mojo powder" can initiate good
or bad magic remains to be determined. However, it's a good way to get your
name in the paper.

[CTRL] Fwd: Things Are Not What They Appear

2000-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

This is an E-mail that America Online would not allow to be sent for
several weeks.  I contacted Support and they could do nothing for me.
This E-Mail and reformatted versions of it are the only E-mails that will
not send.  I couldn't even send it to anyone else or to myself internally
within America Online.  All other E-mails both before and after worked

PS.  I just finished reading “The Dark Alliance” by Gary Webb, further
reinforcing the following viewpoints.

My apologies for this off topic posting:

For an excellent overview of the topic regarding the CIA  Drugs, which
includes a general synopsis on many of the same speakers that spoke at the
CIA, Drugs conference in Eugene, Oregon a few weeks ago read:
"Whiteout" by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair, The CIA, Drugs and
the Press.  First published in 1998, and 1999 in paperback by Verso, ISBN 1-

Realize that this is a good general synopsis of the topic at hand,  a great
starting point for further reading on the topic. Each chapter deals with a
particular aspect of the problem and provides a good bibliography for
further study.  The publisher calls the book a New Left Book.  As you are
aware, I am a Conservative Republican, so I disagree with some of the
opinions and theories expressed in this book.  Unlike the authors, I do
think that Communism is evil.

What does all this mean to me?  Well for one, this is a Bipartisan issue.
Democrats are in it and Republicans are in it.  For one, it means that all
those people who said that drugs can't be stopped and therefore should be
legalized, are wrong.  Because all of the expensive interdictions and big
drug busts we have seen so far weren't intended to stop the real main drug
suppliers, who were actually sanctioned by our government.
We must not make the same mistake that China was forced into over 100 years
ago, legalizing Opium and thus expanding the drug markets, causing the
number of opium addictions to soar, to the delight of the British
profiteers.  For me, people who are for drug legalization are CIA.

Furthermore, there is a fundamental issue involved here.  As a
Conservative, I believe that the fundamental role of Government and the
Military, is to protect the people of this nation.  Being a Conservative, I
feel that government is already involved in too many areas and should be
curbed.   Therefore, when the people are allowed to suffer and die because
illegal foreign commodities are brought into the country assisted and
sanctioned by our government, the government's fundamental role of
protecting it's people, has been undermined.  In fact it really makes you
wonder if OUR government is really in charge.

Well, I have lost many relatives on both sides of the family during the
1980s that were either involved with drugs and gangs or were residents and
bystanders that were killed.  My stepbrother died in recent years during
the time I have written on this Flight 800 listserver, he died of a Crack
overdose.  He started with the gateway drug Marijuana, and his high school
pushers introduced him to the harder, more profitable stuff.  We tried to
get him to stick with Addiction treatment, but Crack, extremely addictive
psychologically,  is really hard to kick.

That is just one reason why I am opposed to legalization, it's personal.

 Miraculously, I have never used nonprescription drugs in my life, other
than alcohol and coffee.  Yet I have been around illegal drug users for
much of my life, from college roommates to casual friends. To me illegal
drugs are optional; they are not required for life.  I look at those who
say they need them, or who try to legalize marijuana; in the same way that
I look at people who say they need a luxury boat, selfish.  It's a want not
a need. In addition I know that I was not born with enough mental capacity
to survive, and I knew that drug use would destroy what little I had.
Besides to buy illegal drugs, is to support the livelihood of those who
also sell drugs to children, I could not sleep with that thought at night.

I was in East Los Angeles back in the early 1980s and saw some of the
gangs.  Nightly ambulances came and picked up bodies in the streets.  I
remember then, there was talk about Nicaraguans selling drugs on the
streets over near Echo park. In those days the streets on Sunset Boulevard,
Hollywood  Vine, Santa Monica Blvd were filled with homeless runaway
teenagers, drawn to the glimmer and glamour of Hollywood.

 One night I was on Santa Monica Boulevard with some friends.  It was dark
and raining and we saw a Prostitute, she must have been just a teenager,
she was soaking wet, obviously wearing only a little black mini-dress, here
nose was red and she obviously had a cold with her shiny wet stringy hair
covering her shoulders under the shadows of the fluorescent and yellow
lights.  She was apparently shivering from more than just the rain.  Anyway
her pimp came up to her and 

[CTRL] Fwd: Ireland's Disappeared

2000-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Contents page 1
 Unanswered questions regarding missing persons in Ireland.
The Missing Persons Issue,Ireland. home page click on
contents page 2.click on
Latest news and links click on

There are certain questions, regarding missing persons, which should be
(1)Why has there been a dramatic increase in the numbers of persons going
missing since,eg;1990?
(2)Why have more people gone missing in the nineties in stark contrast with
previous decades?
(3)Why has the missing persons issue not been given a higher priority?
(4)Why have few, if any of the missing persons, not been found?
(5)Why has a list of the names and photos, of "all" of the missing, not been
made available to the Irish public?(in stark contrast to the RUC files for
the missing in Ulster)
NB. Since the web site www.missing.ws has been set up, innitially to trace
the whereabouts of Aengus Shanahan who went missing on Feb 11 2000, the
records of "some" of the missing people in Ireland have been made available
to the Irish people..Unfortunately the Garda lists only show records of
missing persons back to April 1998. (As inspected by myself on 28/5/2000).
One would have surely expected the Garda to have had "all" of the records,
of the missing , at hand and readily available.One hopes , with the
inauguration of this "new" site, ie, www.missing.ws,the names of all of the
missing in Ireland will be made available to the Irish nation!!!
Figure 3 above. This article, in the Kilkenny People Oct 1998, shows the
proposed monument to be erected in memory for all missing persons in
Ireland. NB. It clearly states in this article , at the time it was
published ,the number of missing persons was 90+ since 1990.
(Point)1"Why has there been a dramatic increase in the numbers of persons
going missing since , eg,1990?"

There have been many possible explanations put forward by many different
people for this phenomenon. The various explanations range from ; the
pressures of modern society, abductions by white slavers, serial killers,
organised crime, paedophile rings, and even Witches involved in human
sacrifices.! With the advent of World Wide Web communications in the 70,s
and 80,s, there also came the opportunities for criminals to ply their
rotten trades to many, many more people. This could be a possible
explanation why there has been a dramatic increase in missing people in
recent years!One has just to search the many Search Engines on the complete
WWWeb and you will see for yourselves some of the terrible things that one
can see.On the UK and USA search engines , there seems to be some
regulation.WWW search engines can be seen at
http://www.twics.com/~takakuwa/search/,or search the web for world wide web
search engines.
(Point)2Why have more people gone missing in the nineties in stark contrast
with previous decades?
The possible explanations put forward are very similar to those in
Point(1).There have been many stories and rumours about The End of the World
involving Doomsday Cults. One can ask, why has there been so many mass
suicides involving so-called "religious " sects in the recent past?One can
recall the Waco Massacres and David Koresh, the Jonestown Massacres, The
Solar Temple suicides in Montreal and in Switzerland, Heavens Gate Cult and
the recent "Christian" sect murders in Africa. The ordinary man in the
street does not understand these happenings and puts them down to crazed
people out of their minds on drugs.The fact that he does not understand
these things, does not mean that they are not happening or that the people
involved do not "believe" in what they are doing. It is also a fact that
many of the people in these exclusive "sects" , are wealthy and powerfull
people. The Solar Temple, The Peoples Temple, The Children of God Sect,The
Heavens Gate Sect, The Waco Sect, and even the Charles Manson group have
many things in common.Many , if not all were engaged in child abuse !They
killed in the name of God! They believe that the world is coming to an
end"soon"! Nostradamus predicted that the Antichrist would appear in1999 Aug
; so far as we know , he has not come! The appearance of the Antichrist , he
said , would herald the End of the World! In 1999 , the Israeli's were very
concerned about the dangers of "Doomsday Cults" flooding into the Holyland;
where, it is said ,the Antichrist would first appear! An internet news
article said that the Israelis were tipped off by the FBI.
Apart from the mass suicides involving "religious" cults , there have been
many totally unexplainable crazed murders in the last decade. Is it also a
coincidence , that in the years leading up to the Millennium, we have seen
many brutal and crazed murders? Examples include ;the Collumbine School
Murders , The Snowtown Killings in Australia, the Belgium Paedophile Murders
( Mark Dutroux), the Fred West Murders , the Nielsen murders.Also , add to
these the many random killings ,involving children killing 

Re: [CTRL] Cereal maker chokes on CD Bible giveaway (fwd)

2000-07-31 Thread Tenorlove

--- Mark McHugh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Some wouldn't think it were "an affirmation of multicultural
 without any reference to religion".  To some, quite the opposite is
 reality--an affirmation powered by Christian cultists hypnotizing us
 with the Smiling Man as we doze through breakfast. ;)

 I'm not alert enough before sunrise to worry over non-essential
 matters.  About the only time I would cogitate on the politics of my
 would be if I were stoned.  I guess I'm just not that illuminated.

The only thing I affirm with my cereal is "I'm hungry."

Do You Yahoo!?
Kick off your party with Yahoo! Invites.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Twenty-Two Questions Answered . . . by Author Alex Constantine

2000-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan


Alex Constantine, author, answers email interview questions posed by CTRL
editor Kris Millegan. His books, Virtual Government: CIA Mind Control
Operations in America; Florida/Hollywood Mob Connection, the CIA and O. J. ;
Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A and The Covert War Against Rock are
available at amazon.com and other places on-line or at your local bookstore.

 1. What got you interested in conspiracies?

 My interest in fascist conspiracies, to be specific, began about 12 years
ago. I was the proverbial academic nabob engaged in writing plays and short
stories, also book, film and television reviews for publications in southern
California. I frowned at any claims of political conspiracies. But back in
Ohio I had run an alternative newspaper in a blighted urban area, where I had
written hard news stories about police abuse, urban renewal and
gentrification, redlining by the insurance companies and such, and craved an
opportunity to cover a story with some substance as news. So I flew up to San
Francisco and covered the John Doe 60 trial. This was not exactly your
workaday murder case. It involved the kidnap and cannibalizing of a homeless
man by a couple of SF satanists. One of them had a swastika tattoo on his
face. The other, Cliff St. Joseph, was a waiter. Together, they had abducted
"John Doe 60," took him to St. Joseph's apartment, strapped him down, pumped
him full of narcotics and proceeded to carve on him all night long. They cut
a pentagram into his chest, ate one of his testicles, and tortured him with
knives until he bled to death. The body was left under a truck parked south
of Market. All of this, of course, was repulsive, led me to ponder how anyone
could sink so low as to commit this atrocity. I interviewed the lead witness;
a 20-year-old kid named Eddy, over the course of three days. Eddy informed me
that there were some 22 members of this satanic cult, including police
officers and some very wealthy people living across the Bay. One of the
cultists involved with St. Joseph worked for the Bechtel Corp. There were
ties to SDI and the Reagan White House. How could this be? What did these
killers have to do with Republican politicians? Moreover, Eddy told me that
he'd been whisked off the street one day by a CIA agent, and held for three
days of questioning. I returned to Los Angeles, shaped my trial notes into a
story. It appeared in the LA Weekly. But I was not done with this atrocity
and its attendant leads. CIA? Reagan? Star Wars? Mind Control? What the Hell
was going on? I was obsessed and had to have some answers. I began buying
newspapers from around the world, calling reporters and investigators,
searching for relevant information—and to my surprise it existed. My nagging
curiosity regarding satanism led me to mind control and fascism. I had quite
a catalogue of information assembled when I turned on the radio one evening
and heard Mae Brussell for the first time. She was then on Michael Aquino's
case, which dovetailed neatly with my own work. I phoned parents of children
involved in the Presidio child molestation case that I'd interviewed a few
weeks before, told them about Mae Brussell's program, and they phoned her.
Mae set up an interview with them and attended the parents' meetings. I had
arranged this as a way of establishing trust, but before I could lay the
groundwork toward a meeting with her, she was dead. This hit me very hard. I
drove to Monterey and explained my own work and interest in Mae Brussell to
Al Kunzer at KAZU. Kunzer produced the radio program that aired her work. He
put me on the air for four hours over a two-day period. The response was very
favorable. Kunzer asked me to make it a weekly conspiracy show, so I tried to
pick up where Mae had left off, as a way, I think, of keeping her alive. I
refused to let a voice so important be stilled by mere human mortality, and
still feel this way.

 2. Can you give us some of your background?

 I grew up in northwest Ohio. Went to college and graduate school there,
studied English literature, primarily. My father was ruined by the Mafia, so
perhaps I should have caught on early, but my interest was then in writing,
particularly the books of Faulkner, Fitzgerald, Roth, Mailer, and other
American writers. I was a high school student in the 1960s, and remained a
liberal, but generally steered clear of politics. The move to Los Angeles and
discovery of domestic fascism was formative. I haven't read a novel since,
and went ten years without seeing a single movie. My interest in political
conspiracies consumed every waking moment, and I did nothing but research in
this period. I still have little time for anything else, though I'm learning
how to relax and enjoy life a little. I have also been, for 12 years, a
victim of electronic harassment, and this only feeds my obsessions. Torture
has a way of inspiring resistance, and I will not give it up until the day I

 3. Where we you when Kennedy was shot?


2000-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

AUGUST 17, AT 5:30P.M.

Citizens Against Human Experimentation
Past/Present Government Experiment Victims

1  Past Radiation Victim of Experimentation

2  Electromagnetic Field Weapons Timeline  
Tim Donohue

3.. Unclassified/Commercial Directed Energy   Weapons Technology
Bill MacIntosh

4. Nonconsensual Human Experimentation
Cathy Maiolo
Mary Ann Stratton
Alex Hyde

5.. Conclusion/ Solutions/ Reasons forNonconsensual Human
Rod Orr.

The Govenment is trying to stop us from getting this information out to
the Nation as well as the World.

Read the Facts:

Read about the Victims:

Mary Ann Stratton

[CTRL] Former president Bush warns Clinton to lay off son

2000-07-31 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

[For the record, I truly believe Bush Sr. to be the most evil
human being EVER to be in the lime light, i.e., if the shear
number of innocent ppl that he is responsible for elimiminating
is the sole criteria of the definition of "evil" (and I
personally go this definition of evil).  I mean this dude dwarfs
Hitler, et al.  And, I believe a vote for his kid is a vote for
everything I hate!  AnyTHING would be better than that piece of
shit Son of a Bush, or one of their evil clan!  ANYONE!  --MS]

" ... If he continues that, I'm going to tell the nation what I
think about him as a human being and person."

- - -

Former president Bush warns Clinton to lay off son

Updated 10:05 PM ET July 31, 2000

PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - Former President George Bush on Monday
refused to be drawn into a mud-slinging contest, but warned that
he would drop a self-imposed ban on criticizing President Clinton
if he kept attacking his son, Republican presidential candidate
George W. Bush.

During a Democratic fund-raiser in Rhode Island last Friday,
Clinton called the Republican candidate essentially a spoiled
rich boy whose "daddy was president" and who is trying to blur
the differences between the two parties.

Clinton has attacked Bush in the past but his words on Friday
seemed to go beyond his usual rhetoric.

"Near as I can tell, the message of the Bush campaign is just
that, 'I mean how bad could I be? I've been governor of Texas, my
daddy was president. I own a baseball team. They like me down
there,"' Clinton said.

Asked about Clinton's attack, the elder Bush told MSNBC in an
interview taped on Monday that he believed the tone of the fall
presidential campaign was going to be "rough."

George Bush, who served as president from 1988 to 1992, has
abstained from making any comments about Clinton's performance as
president and especially the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

But on Monday he said he was "tempted to get off the reservation"
after Clinton's latest barb, adding, "I'm going to wait a month
... If he continues that, I'm going to tell the nation what I
think about him as a human being and person."

George and Barbara Bush, parents of the presumptive Republican
nominee, arrived at the Republican National Convention on Monday
to a rousing ovation.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Fwd: FC: GOP convention and Defcon: Reports from the field

2000-07-31 Thread Kris Millegan

I flew from Defcon in Las Vegas directly to Philadelphia, where I'm
covering the GOP convention. Right now I'm out at the convention site in
one of the four towering white tents designated for the press. I'd call
them circus tents, except they're sized to fit not elephants but jumbo
jets. They are, sadly, more interesting, at least in a
structural-engineering sense, than the convention itself, which so far is
more forgettable than a Ross Perot speech. Even the protests have been
largely placid, though there's some hope that'll change with "direct action
day" tomorrow.

Some protest sites:




GOPconvention.com Hits the Web
by Declan McCullagh

2:40 p.m. Jul. 31, 2000 PDT
PHILADELPHIA -- For the first time, the Internet is coming to
a presidential convention.

Dozens of online reporters have plugged in their laptops
alongside traditional media in tents the size of aircraft
hangers at the site of the Republican National Convention.

Informally dubbed "Internet Alley," the corner of one tent is
home to about 40 companies like voter.com,
freedomchannel.com, grassroots.com, and women.com --
none of which covered the 1996 presidential conventions.

Some, like msnbc.com and abcnews.com, have set up
complete broadcast sets. America Online, which sent a tiny
delegation in 1996, went even further and rented an imposing
skybox in the convention hall alongside CNN and NBC News.

In 1996, the online press included a handful of reporters with
laptops. In 1992, Net reporters were nonexistent.

This year, Voter.com teamed up with Excite.com -- the
companies sent a combined total of about 30 people -- to
handle interactive chats, kiosks in downtown Philadelphia,
and news coverage.



Defcon: The Hacker's Bacchanalia
by Declan McCullagh ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

7:45 a.m. Jul. 31, 2000 PDT
LAS VEGAS -- What do you get when you mix 6,000 hackers
and hacker-wannabees with booze, gambling and some of the
hottest temperatures in the history of Sin City?

Defcon, an annual gathering that holds the Alexis Park Hotel's
all-time record for the most alcohol consumed by one group
in a weekend.

Defcon has always been an event known as much for its
intensive technical content -- talks on "advanced buffer
overflow techniques" are de rigueur -- as its social
opportunities, but this year it seems to have become more
party than conference. Call it the new American geek

An example: Some 6,000 paid attendees showed up --
organizers ran out of badges at 5,000 -- but the hotel
reports the three conference rooms used for Defcon hold a
combined total of just 2,800 people.

The rest of the attendees seemed to be content occupying
their time with poolside lounging, private parties in hotel
rooms and, naturally, beer-tinged teenage high jinks.

Hotel staff patiently spent Saturday evening clearing smoke
bombs and bubble bath from the three swimming pools -- as
well as concrete that reportedly was poured in at least one


[CTRL] Antiwar.com Hacked

2000-07-31 Thread nessie

Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 16:38:38 -0500

From: "Antiwar.com" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: Antiwar-Daily: Antiwar.com Hacked

Dear Friends,

I regret to inform you that last night (Saturday night) someone unknown

hacked into the main server for Antiwar.com and wiped out all files.  The

good news is that we are back up with our main pages, and all other pages

should be restored by Monday morning.  This attack also affected

Emperors-Clothes.com and some other political site which share the same


Email has not yet been restored, but in an emergency you may write to

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Regular email should be restored by Sunday night.

We do not yet know who the guilty party is, but we hope to find out by

examination of the log files.  In any event, we are taking steps to up

security and to create some mirror sites to avoid this in the future.

After Monday morning, if you find any broken links on our site, please

email us and let us know asap.

Thank you for your patience and support.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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