[Elecraft] RE: IC-7800

2004-06-28 Thread DYARNES
Hi All,
The IC-7800 is a beautiful radio--no question.  I saw one at Dayton  this 
year, and it will charm your socks off!  I saw the new Yaesu there  also, but 
touchee--they had it in a glass case!  It's beautiful too, but  costs even 
To me, there are (at least) two words that apply here--afford and  
justify.  In other words, can you afford an IC-7800, and if you can,  can 
justify it?  Some of us can do one or the other, a few can do  both, but many 
us can do neither.  So we just marvel at it I  guess.  Personally, I really 
am at a loss to see how this radio can be 10  or 11 thousand dollars better 
than what we are already using.  I sure hope,  when the reviews on these radios 
come out, they focus on that aspect.  
But we are a nation of conspicuous consumption.  And that isn't all  bad!  
I'm as guilty as most in buying things I don't need.  I won't  tell you what my 
XYL calls me!!  And don't get me wrong, if you can afford  an IC-7800, and get 
a bunch of utils (a word from my college economic class  which means a 
measurement of utility) from owning one, go for it!  But I  really look 
to the debate around the campfire about how much better a  radio like this can 
In addition to my K2, which I love dearly, I also have a fairly new  
FT-1000MP Mark V.  I'm not even sure I can justify that radio, but I do get  a 
amount of utils out of it.  It has buttons I haven't even used  yet!  The big 
deal, I guess, is that it runs 200 watts, so I don't need an  amp when I want 
to just QRO it.  But it sure doesn't hear as well as my  K2.  My K2 really 
needs to be upgraded--it's an early model, and I haven't  even put DSP in it 
 But even in its present state, it runs like a  swiss watch.  I work DX like 
crazy with it, even with my puny little R7  vertical--the best I can do with 
CCR's around here--it isn't even  legal.  If I can't work them on the K2, I 
can switch to the  FT-1000.  If that doesn't do it, well tomorrow is another 
Nope, even a gadget freak like me is going to be hard pressed to spend that  
much money!  But I hope some of you get past the guilt barrier and buy  one. 
 I'm really looking forward to hearing how glad you are that you did  it--and 
Dave W7AQK
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] Wild QRP at Midnight

2004-07-11 Thread DYARNES
Like Paul, I found 20 meters last night to be absolutely fabulous.   
Actually, it's been very good at night off and on for the last several  weeks.  
my K2 at 5 watts, and just an R7 vertical, I worked one  European after 
another, usually on the first call and with no repeats.  If  you haven't been 
checking 20 meters after the sun goes down lately, you are  really missing it.  
course, contests always bring DX out of the  woodwork, but they way things have 
been lately I think you could almost work DX  with a wet piece of string!  
Check it out!
Dave W7AQK
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] Re: recommended switching supply

2004-09-26 Thread DYARNES
Like others, I have been using the Alinco 330 switching supply for a couple  
of years now, and no detectible RF interference.
Dave W7AQK
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] wireless headfones?

2005-01-03 Thread DYARNES
Fred and All,
I do it all the time!  I use an RCA wireless headphone system that  cost 
about $50 on sale.  Works great.  I can go through most of the  house and still 
hear fine. It can get spotty in places.   Be  careful though.  Not all of these 
systems work that well.  Some time  back I had a system that only worked 
across the room, but not from other  rooms.  The system I have now is RCA model 
WHP150.  I have a second  RCA system (WHP140) which I use in the bedroom for 
watching TV without  disturbing my wife if she wants to sleep.  By connecting 
one of the  audio output jacks on the back of the TV set, I can mute the TV 
sound without  affecting the output to the headphone system.  Both systems seem 
to work  equally well.  In fact, by slightly changing the frequency setting on 
the  headphone I can hear the other system.  These are 900 mhz systems.   
Guess what--you can also use a 2 meter HT with wideband receive to monitor if  
Dave W7AQK
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] Roger Daltry

2005-03-06 Thread DYARNES
In a message dated 3/6/2005 10:07:15 AM US Mountain Standard Time,  

I was  
stopped in my tracks momentarily when I was told I sounded like Roger  
Daltry!  Is this good?  Apparently it was meant as a compliment  and I 
therefore took it as one.

Well, its very positive as far as my daughters are concerned!  Roger  Daltry 
is one of the lead members of The Who, a mega rock group from the  70's.  He 
was (is) quite a heart throb with the ladies!  Perhaps you  are more familiar 
with the other leading personality from that group, Pete  Townsend.  Anyway, 
I'm sure it was meant to be very complimentary.   Now, if he had said you 
sounded like Tiny Tim, or Clarence (Frogman) Henry, I  would have been 
Dave W7AQK
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] T1 Arrives--Good News and Bad NewsQ

2005-03-24 Thread DYARNES
First the good news!  My T1 arrived today!
Now the bad news!  I have a new Bullmastiff puppy--3 months old--his  name is 
Linus, but I may rename him T1--I had the bags out of the box to  inventory 
parts--got a phone call--puppy (he's 30 lbs. already), stretches up to  table 
and grabs bag of parts--takes them out on the patio--proceeds to chew the  bag 
to bits!  Parts all over the patio!  I recovered most of the parts  (I think), 
but now an inventory is crucial!  I wonder what the calorie  count is for 
radio parts!  Any bets on whether I found ALL the  parts
Dave W7AQK
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] Linus (The T1 Eating Maching) Update

2005-03-25 Thread DYARNES
Hi All,
Seems like I'm giving folks a good laugh, and I don't blame you.   
Unbelievable, isn't it?  Anyway, the parts inventory fortunately yielded  good 
The only part that seems to be missing is the stereo jack,  which I assume will 
show up later  I even found all the little LED  spacers!  When I caught 
Linus in the act, he was chewing on the foam  padding with the processor on 
it, but doesn't look like he did anything to the  processor 
itself---hopefully!!!  If he wasn't so darn cute and innocent  looking I'd 
be mad.  Maybe I 
should add his picture to my QSL card  equipment list!
Thanks for all the suggestions!  
Dave W7AQK
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] The Linus Special

2005-03-27 Thread DYARNES
Hi All,
Notwithstanding my dog Linus's efforts to the contrary (trying to eat my  
parts), the T1 is up and running.  Still running tests though, but it tunes  
fine.  My firmware is v 1.07--looks like there has been an update since the  
manual was prepared.  The only construction question I have is why we are  
instructed to wait until the board is full of parts before we do the parts on  
bottom side of the board.  Seems like it would have been easier to  mount these 
first, still solder them from the bottom side, but then clip the  leads flush 
on the top side.  But I'm sure there's a good reason for  doing it otherwise. 
 The T1 is going to be a very handy piece of gear.  Thanks to  Wayne and Eric 
for another winner.
Happy Easter to all who celebrate the day.
Dave W7AQK 
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] The Linus Special

2005-03-27 Thread DYARNES
In a message dated 3/27/2005 1:53:27 PM US Mountain Standard Time,  

My  prototype T1 has v 1.07. I think that was the last revision  before
shipments begun. What in the operating manual makes you suspect  something

Only that the owner's manual refers to V 1.06 when discussing the Info  
Report on page 7.  I assumed that perhaps they would use the latest  firmware 
version in the instructions, but that may be a stretch!  Anyway,  no big 
speculation on my part.
Very nice job on the manual Ron.  It certainly contained lots of very  
appropriate warnings where errors could commonly occur.  It was also  obvious 
someone very carefully documented potential problems in the  building process, 
like not soldering certain leads before an adjoining lead was  also ready to 
be soldered.  I particularly liked the thrice stated get the  right LED lead 
in the right hole warning!  You must have had me in mind  when you  did that!  
Anyway, it's a very thorough and well thought out  construction guide indeed. 
 Thanks for making it a heck of a lot easier for  us klutzes!
Dave W7AQK
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] Case For The New T1

2005-03-29 Thread DYARNES
Hi All,
One of the first things I did after building the T1 was to look for  
something in which to store it.  Amazingly, I had something already that  seems 
work very well.  It's a case originally intended for one of my  earlier Pocket 
PC's. My wife keeps that unit on her bedstand now, so it  isn't being used.  
This case (I am pretty sure it was after-market, and not included  
originally) is for the Compaq 3800 series, which are a bit larger than most of  
the ones 
now being sold.  Anyway, the T1 fits inside very nicely.   This case gives 
the T1 a nice protective cover for transporting, although you  will probably 
want to remove the battery first since those little buttons are  easy to push 
when closely covered.  I don't remember what I paid for it,  but it was 
only around $10 or so.  Cases intended for that  size of Pocket PC are 
probably a slow moving item now, and may well be  discounted.  I'll keep my 
eyes open 
when I'm out and about, but thought I  would mention the nice fit in case 
anyone else was wondering what to look  for.
Dave W7AQK
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] (OT) Threat to 30 meters

2005-04-04 Thread DYARNES
In a message dated 4/4/2005 8:19:17 PM US Mountain Standard Time,  

If you  use 30 meters for CW there may be an unpleasent surprize on the  

I've posted information about it at www.zerobeat.net

If  you operate CW at low poer levels, you really should read the  material.

Could you be a little more specific please?  
Dave W7AQK
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] T1 Mod

2005-04-05 Thread DYARNES
I got one of the first T1's that went out the door at Elecraft, but that  
meant I also had to do the mod that was deemed necessary so early on.  As  it 
turned out, the hardest part was getting the glued together toroids unstuck  
my fingers!  I know, smooth move dummy!  It only took a minute or  two 
I have found the Radio Shack solder sucker tool to be a handy  
device--probably not considered the best unsoldering method by master builders, 
 but it 
seems to work well for me.  You squeeze the air out of the bulb,  apply the 
heated tip to the joint, let go of the bulb as soon as solder starts  to flow, 
whoosh!  It generally opens the connection nicely.  Just  remember to blow 
out the solder that has been collected in the air  line before trying the next 
Anyway, I made the changes, put the thing back together, and pushed the  
button--still lights up like an outhouse in a fog!  Hooked it up to my Argo  V 
(which has no tuner like my K2 does), tapped the buttons again, and the  
sound of relays chattering came forth.  It's working FB.  
I haven't put the T1 to any real torture tests, like pieces of wet string  or 
anything, but so far it seems to work great on just about every antenna I  
have around here.  I've tried it on portable antennas, like the PAC-12,  
paying too much attention to dimension precision, and it zeros right in  on 1 
to 1.  Works great with my NorCal 40 and Sierra too.  I think  this is going 
to be an extremely handy piece of gear.  Anybody with an  Argo, an 817, or any 
of the single band kit transceivers we've been  building over the last 
several years, should invest in one of these.  It  makes things so simple!  I 
wouldn't opt for it in lieu of, say the internal  tuner in the KX1 (that rig is 
fabulous!), but it's perfect for any tunerless QRP  rig.
So, I'm ready for the next mod!
Dave W7AQK
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] Bad fist

2005-04-06 Thread DYARNES
In a message dated 4/6/2005 12:57:46 PM US Mountain Standard Time,  

Then I  found my current CW mentor (I am not sure if he wants to get 
mentioned  here But Thank you SB!!)  He worked with me, and is still 
working  with me.  Got me faster and faster.  He weaned me from Farnsworth  
at about 15 wpm.  He modified the style so the words were at full  speed 
with larger spaces between.  Then he went faster.   Eventually I never 
noticed when the extra spacing went away.  Some  place in there I got 
confidence enough (foolish me!) to start the Elecraft  CW Net.  I thought 
since the SSB net was getting started maybe we  should use these fine rigs 
for what they are best at doing: CW.  So  fools (me) rushed in where most 
angels would be scared silly.  Too  dumb to know any better I got a CW net 
going.  Wayne still thinks I  am a bit nuts but then he may be right ;)

Hi All,
Well, I think you had a good mentor!  The critical thing I think you  learned 
was about spacing, which in my view is the ultimate sin of most poor CW  ops! 
 I can deal with most CW, so long as there is some recognizable  spacing 
between characters.  But when I run across these folks who simply  run their 
and dahs together from one letter to the next, I'm outta  here!  Some ops 
insist on having a swing to their sending, and though I  don't care for it 
much, I can usually copy that stuff O.K. too.   Personally, I like to make sure 
there is just a slight bit of extra spacing  between words as well.  You would 
be amazed at how much easier it is to  copy when words are readily 
identifiable by their spacing.  When I run  across someone else who uses that 
it is a dream to copy.  Of  course, the characters of each letter in a word 
need proper spacing too, but  there is something very positive about word 
separation--especially if you are  copying in your head.  At 20 wpm or less it 
that critical, but when  you get going at 25 or 30 wpm, you really appreciate 
The best advice I can give any op, particularly new ops, is to tape your  own 
sending and try copying it back.  I would suggest taping the W1AW code  
practice sessions, tape your own sending of the same text, and compare.   The 
best advice I can give is to drop all that rock and roll stuff and  just try 
sending well formed characters and words.  You probably won't get  many 
compliments about your fist unless you do.  And last, but not least,  don't 
faster than you are really capable of doing with proper spacing and  character 
formation.  You can bet the op at the other end won't be having  much fun if 
you violate that rule.
Dave W7AQK
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] Re:Antenna analyzers

2005-04-16 Thread DYARNES
In a message dated 4/16/2005 5:20:48 AM US Mountain Standard Time,  

 are  both junk...

It's really unfortunate that with the ham marketplace so  small, that folks 
feel the need to slam the few suppliers we  have.

I don't think you should be so hard on folks, even if they do get carried  
away perhaps.  Obviously there is some frustration there, and they need to  
vent.  All too often we get products that have maddening quirks, and  generally 
they could have been avoided with just a little more thought,  engineering, 
and/or better components.  So, just weed out the excesses in  their comments, 
and look for whatever might be valid.  If you find nothing  helpful, just chalk 
it up to someone having a bad day and forget it.  More  often than not, well 
reasoned responses will temper their frustration and maybe  even help them see 
the error in their ways.
I have a MFJ 259, and I like it.  As far as I know, the MFJ-269 is  just a 
259 with UHF added.  I think these antenna analyzers are just about  the best 
products MFJ has ever made.  But there's lots not to like as  well.  It's too 
big for one thing.  I think it eats batteries too, but  someone seemed to think 
it didn't.  But, without question, this gadget does  a lot of things, and does 
them pretty well.  But I've given up changing  batteries in it, since it's so 
hard to get at the batteries.  I just use an  outboard 12V pack instead.  I 
have a very small 12V pack that I can just  slip on my belt, and use that to 
power it.  Besides, leaving out all those  heavy batteries inside the 259 makes 
it a lot easier to handle.  Speaking  of handles, this thing ought to have 
one.  But I keep hoping MFJ will  update this thing to a smaller and less power 
hungry version.  Maybe  someday.
I also have an RF-1.  I like it too.  Now this thing is nice and  small, and 
very easy to handle.  It's not easy to tune however.  A  little jiggle of the 
knob, and you are several hundred khz away from your  desired frequency.  But 
I guess that's the price you pay for something so  compact.  I don't like the 
on/off switch either.  It's too easy to  trip if you pack this in a case or 
something, and then your battery goes south  on you.  So you need to disconnect 
the battery when not in use--probably a  good practice anyway.  The RF-1 goes 
with me usually when I go  portable.  It tells me just about everything I need 
to know when I set up  my antenna.  When not in use, you can just stick it in 
your pocket.  
All in all, I would vote for the RF-1.  It's portability is really its  
strong suit as far as I am concerned.  Now, the MFJ 259 displays a lot of  info 
one time, and that is a very helpful thing--you can see frequency, SWR,  and 
impedence all at one time.  But 9 times out of 10 I'm just trying to  get my 
antenna tuned to a particular frequency, and the RF-1 tells me that just  about 
as well as any of the other units would.  A couple of switch flips,  and you 
see the other info too.  AND...(drum roll)--it's  cheaper!  It sure 
beats the Kuranishi and the Palstar in that  category.  An MFJ-269 is 100 bucks 
more than the MFJ-259, but you get UHF  coverage.  But even the MFJ-259 is more 
expensive than the RF-1, so let  your pocket book be your guide.
Dave W7AQK
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] KW Amp Prices

2005-04-25 Thread DYARNES
In a message dated 4/25/2005 9:15:57 PM US Mountain Standard Time,  

The  least expensive of the lot is the new Tokyo Hypower
HL2KFX at around $2600  plus $330 shipping.  Its a bare
bones KW amp at 54 lbs with its built  in switching power supply.
If you add a KW autotuner to the combination,  the price starts
to get up near the $4000 range.  Very few in the  hobby can afford it.
So there is a very limited prospect for sales unless  the price could
be kept below 3K.   Here is the web link for a  very interesting amp.

Although I can afford it, they will play H E double toothpick selling me  
one at anything close to that price--probably at any price.  Amps are, in  my 
view, the most overpriced pieces of gear in the hamshack.  If you spend  one 
tenth of that amount sprucing up your antenna system you will get more  
 The worst thing that ever happened to ham radio was when they  allowed 
amplifiers that run more power than the local commercial radio  station.  The 
allows, I think, a maximum of 400 watts---or is that  Australia?  Anyway, 
that's plenty!  From that level, the most you can  improve your signal is about 
S unit--unless you cheat!  Anything more  than a couple hundred watts just 
creates QRM--it becomes brute force  rather than technique!  Obviously I'm 
spitting in the wind, but I just  don't see the fun of running that much power. 
In truth, I'm just a tad  disappointed that a company, which has such strong 
roots in lower power  equipment and innovation, finds it necessary to jump into 
the QRO market.   I realize that everyone has to make a living somehow, but 
the incredible talent  in that company could seemingly be much better utilized 
in a thousand other ways  than amps.  I can only conclude that the markup must 
be phenominal!
Dave W7AQK
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] Favorite K2 Remote Program?

2005-04-28 Thread DYARNES
In a message dated 4/28/2005 3:05:48 AM US Mountain Standard Time,  

My own  program K2Net provides a remote K2 front panel that can be used 
across the  Internet. However it is not, and is never likely to, do all the 
things TRX  Manager can, especially as I have somewhat lost interest in 
writing  software for radio hams following the abuse I received trying to 
stick up  for commercial software developers (see the blog on my website if 
you're  interested.)

Please don't consider differing opinions to equate to abuse.  You  write 
great software, run an excellent website, and generally are a great  
to the hobby.  But, unfortunately, not everything strong  contributors like 
you say or do will be viewed as gospel.  Nobody is  right all the time.  I 
read, and enjoyed, the discussion on your  website.  Nothing I saw there seemed 
like abuse, only honest debate  (maybe I missed some comments that were a 
bit too critical).  It's really a  complex issue, and bound to have conflicting 
Dave W7AQK
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] Re: Fuel for the Morse interface fire

2005-05-17 Thread DYARNES
Something occurred to me about this race.  The text message folks  got to 
punch their message in, which was then printed out on the receiving end  
right on the receiver's phone.  I'm not sure if they were also trying to  
transcribe by hand.  Seems to me the CW guys could have shown that  capability 
well, and to the audience, with a code reader. That could have  been hooked up 
a big screen viewable by the audience.  Might have  been a bit risky though, 
since code readers don't always show exactly what has  been sent, or may 
group some letters funny, if the sender isn't just about  perfect.  But, they 
could also quickly demonstrate an ability to send that  message at an even 
rate.  Oh well, the way it was done was certainly  effective, and at least we 
are all getting a big bang out of it.  I know I  did!  
Dave W7AQK
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] T1 ATU CUSTOMER NOTICE: Removing protective film from the label

2005-06-01 Thread DYARNES
In a message dated 6/1/2005 11:05:49 AM US Mountain Standard Time,  


The label supplied with the kit version of the T1  has the protective 
film in place. You must removed it as described  below.

Done!  Didn't even know it was there.
Dave W7AQK
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] K2 prices

2005-09-07 Thread DYARNES
In a message dated 9/6/2005 2:04:35 PM US Mountain Standard Time,  

How many  of you have bought a spare k2 and inventoried it than put it
back in the  box and have it on a shelve waiting for the price to go up
like heath kits  have done?
see ya

David  Schornak

Hmmm!  Hedging the market for K2's!  Wonder if the boys at  Merrill Lynch 
have focused on this ploy yet???
Dave W7AQK
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 ALS 600

2009-11-24 Thread Dyarnes
You can hook up the ALC if you want, but don't need to.  Just connect the 
amp to the keying line on the K3, and the antenna, and you are good to go. 
It only takes about 40 watts of drive from the K3 to get 400 plus out of the 

Dave W7AQK

- Original Message - 
From: Bob Wehking rwehk...@cinci.rr.com
To: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 8:50 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] K3  ALS 600

I have a K3, S/N 225  an ALS 600, S/N 12911 that I would like to
 interface. Do I need to connect the ALC to the amp. Anything else needed
 to get the two to play together?


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Re: [Elecraft] Yamaha CM500 Headset is a WINNER (and a BARGAIN)

2009-11-24 Thread Dyarnes
I checked on the internet, and was pointed to the Sam Ash link.  The link 
said free shipping, but when I got to the Sam Ash website, it wanted to 
charge about 10 bucks shipping, which put their price about the same as what 
Amazon sells it for.

I have another suggestion some might want to try.  My biggest concern with 
most of these headsets is finding one that has really good earphones--they 
vary a lot.  If you find one you really like, and don't think the microphone 
is good enough, you might try just replacing the cartridge with one from 
Radio Shack.  I've made several electret microphones, all of which got very 
good reports as to audio, using the Radio Shack cartridge.  There was 
unanimous agreement that they sounded better than the Heil Pro Set I have.

You could even modify a regular set of headphones you have, just attaching a 
boom mike to it.  I don't think it would be very hard to do.  I have a 
couple of pairs of inexpensive (but comfortable) Labtec headphones I really 
like, and I've been contemplating converting them to a combo headset.  The 
headphones were only about $10, and a Radio Shack electret cartridge is only 
about $3.  At least it would be an interesting project.

Dave W7AQK

- Original Message - 
From: Gary W. Marklund g...@marklund.com
To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Yamaha CM500 Headset is a WINNER (and a BARGAIN)

 Most prices I found on the Internet were in the $59 range. BH Photovideo 
 NYC lists it at $38.95 but they are currently out of stock.

 I'll try my local Sam Ash.


 Sun City, AZ  U.S.A.
 Life Member ARRL - FISTS #14460 - NAQCC # 3709
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Re: [Elecraft] Special offer

2009-11-25 Thread Dyarnes
Hi All,

It's a really good deal, particularly when you see that ARRL is selling them 
for $20 more, and that is supposedly $10 off the regular price.  I already 
ordered (and received) one from Bill Kelsey (Kanga US).  It cost a bit more, 
but the shipping was less, so around the same price--and I got the hardbound 
version at that price.

As soon as I saw the Elecraft offer, I passed in on to a friend (who will 
soon be a K3 owner).  He had seen my copy, and wanted one.  I was a little 
disappointed when he told me what the postage was, but maybe Bill Kelsey ate 
the processing part.

Anyway, it's a really good buy, and the 2010 Handbook is loaded with good 
stuff.  I don't know what's going on with all the deals this year from 
ARRL on this new version, but clearly this is the year to buy a new edition 
if you haven't updated recently.  Even Dayton prices on new editions haven't 
been this good!  Don't forget that you also get a CD with the entire book 
contained therein, so you can also have the whole thing at your fingertips 
when you travel, etc.

Dave W7AQK

- Original Message - 
From: r miles greenacres...@charter.net
To: elecraft elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 9:27 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] Special offer

 Just ordered a handbook. Couldn't beat the price! Make great presents. Got 
 one last yr for my son in law when he passed his extra. Not sure if I'll 
 keep this one or make it a gift.

 k9il K3 #2626

 Tnx Elecraft
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 in the CQWW contest

2009-11-30 Thread Dyarnes
That's an excellent point Jim!  I don't think most folks realize how close 
you can get to another station with a K3 and not even know they are there! 
I used to have big problems with a fellow who lives about a quarter of a 
mile from me--not his fault, but he was just LOUD!  Now, I don't even know 
he is on the band unless I stumble right on top of him!  Let me just say 
that narrow roofing filters in the K3 are for real!  It's a whole different 
world than with previous transceivers--even the Orion!

Dave W7AQK

- Original Message - 
From: Jim Brown j...@audiosystemsgroup.com
To: Elecraft Reflector elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2009 2:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3 in the CQWW contest

 On Mon, 30 Nov 2009 12:37:46 -0500, DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL wrote:

What a great radio

 Yes. Several times I got complaints from guys who came on my new run
 frequency to complain when I landed too close to theirfrequency on
 40M. Thanks to my K3, I didn't even know they were there, and
 couldn't hear them with my IF opened up to 400 Hz. Can't blame it on
 my TX -- on CW, I can run 500 Hz away from my close-in neighbors who
 also use K3s.


 Jim K9YC

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Re: [Elecraft] Using K3's Pre-amp

2009-01-12 Thread dyarnes
Hi Adam,

As Wayne pointed out, and as I suspected, I was kind of beating a dead horse 
due to the noise level I have.  I have done something similar to what you 
did--turning off various circuits in the house to see if much of the noise 
disappeared.  It didn't seem to make much difference here, but I need to 
check this out more effectively.

I suspect some of my problem could be due to using a vertical antenna, which 
tends to pick up noise more easily than a horizontal antenna might.  I hope 
to try some comparative testing using some sort of dipole to see if things 

Power lines are always a suspect!  I have some too that aren't all that far 
away.  Our neighborhood had underground utilities, but I live near the 
periphery, and there are poles that run along the edge of the development. 
I'll be doing some RF sniffing around there!

Your noise level does seem quite high, so I feel certain you will find some 
culprits if you can do some additional checking around your location.  You 
might want to give your local power company a call as well, if you suspect 
any of your noise is coming from those poles.

Dave W7AQK

- Original Message - 
From: Adam Koczarski ka7...@ka7ark.com
To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 8:47 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Using K3's Pre-amp

 -Original Message-
 From: elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net [mailto:elecraft-
 boun...@mailman.qth.net] On Behalf Of wayne burdick
 Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 8:53 PM
 To: Dave Yarnes
 Cc: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
 Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Using K3's Pre-amp

 The noise floor is your entire problem  :)  It's a fact that the preamp
 improves the MDS of the K3 by at least several dB. But if  your noise
 floor is S4, it will do not good at all, because all lower signals are
 already masked by the noise.

 I just ran a noise experiment at my QTH yesterday. My typical noise is 
 S6.5 s7.5 on 80m, 40m  20m respectively. With every circuit in the house
 off, except the one the radio is on, and with only the power supply and 
 radio on that one circuit the noise is s4.0 S4.75 s5.0. I turned on 
 one at a time and recorded to S level jump for each. The 'home 
 center' seems to be the biggest contributor so I'll start there. Now I 
 need to figure out how the switch off the neighborhood transformers and
 silence my neighbors! :)

 I have some fairly large power lines across the street. Are they usually
 strong contributors to noise?

 You can see the resulting data here:

 Adam - ka7ark

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Re: [Elecraft] ELECRAFT KEY FOR SALE SAVE $ 100.00!!!

2009-02-02 Thread dyarnes

I am so sorry to hear about you hand problem.  I'm sure this has been a 
terrible thing to deal with.  

I don't know your full situation, but may I be so bold as to suggest that 
perhaps you try learning to send with your other hand?  I've often thought 
about doing that myself, but never followed through--at least not yet.  I'm a 
leftie, and in a right handed world there are often things that just don't work 
very well using your left hand.  For example, in my work I had a need to run an 
adding machine, and those don't lend themselves to a left handed user.  So, I 
learned, and fairly quickly, to do it with my right hand.  

I suspect, in your situation, you will be forced to learn some things with your 
other hand, and using a paddle might be a good therapy to develop coordination 
in that opposite hand.  If you are being forced to use your left hand now (I'm 
assuming you were right-handed), I can assure you that sending with the left 
hand--even without changing the paddle configuration--is very doable.  It would 
certainly seem frustrating at first, but I bet you could do it, and very 
succesfully. There might even be very significant side benefits in helping you 
deal with other tasks.   

I hope this doesn't sound insensitive to your situation.  I only mean to make 
this suggestion with the best of intentions.  

Dave W7AQK

  - Original Message - 
  From: james scott 
  To: AK3 
  Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2009 8:08 PM
  Subject: [Elecraft] ELECRAFT KEY FOR SALE SAVE $ 100.00!!!

  Due to problems with a partial hand amputation, I must sell my keys.  I am 
now forced to use a keyboard.  I have Elecraft Hex Key # E 0355 for sale.  I am 
including a first class, heavy duty cord and plug.  NONE is supplied when sold 
new.  Condition is excellent with original box.  Price is $ 135.00 and I'll pay 
the shipping in the USA . Outside US, additional funds required. Payment via 
U.S. Postal Money order or Paypal is preferred.  Save close to $ 100.00 over 
  Contact w...@hotmail.com for details.

  WK3N NEVER SLEEPS ! Quote from Martti Lane, OH2BH. ( Proof available for 

  Windows Live™: E-mail. Chat. Share. Get more ways to connect. See how it 


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Re: [Elecraft] DXpedition computer for K3

2009-02-06 Thread dyarnes
Dave and All,

I have an Acer Aspire One (I'm using it now), and it works fine with the K3.  I 
can download K3 updates, etc. with no problem.  Mine has a 120 GB hard drive, 1 
MB RAM, and uses Windows XP.  I'm really enjoying the computer.

By the way, I got an email from buy.com the other day that they were selling 
the larger version (160 GB hard drive) for $329--that's a good price, and less 
than I paid for mine.  I think it has the larger battery also.

Dave W7AQK

  - Original Message - 
  From: dbellw...@aol.com 
  To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net 
  Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 1:16 PM
  Subject: [Elecraft] DXpedition computer for K3

  Does anyone use an ACER Netbook Aspire One with a K3?  I need something 
really light for my one-man DXpeditions.

  Thanks in advance, Dave, W6AQ

  Great Deals on Dell Laptops. Starting at $499.


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Re: [Elecraft] KX1 SOS

2009-02-18 Thread dyarnes
Ron and All,

This story made the rounds last fall right after it happened.  Probably wasn't 
picked up on this reflector, although that surprises me.  However, this is a 
much more detailed version of the event than what I saw previously.  Anyway, 
this guy must be made of stout stuff to have done all he did with a broken 

Dave W7AQK

  - Original Message - 
  From: Ron D'Eau Claire 
  To: Elecraft e-mail list 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 8:17 PM
  Subject: [Elecraft] KX1 SOS

  Even though this happened in my back yard, so to speak (the individual 
involved lives about 50 miles from me), I was made aware of it by Wayne. 


  I don't recall its appearing here so here's a promote for how a KX1  came 
through in a real emergency:





  Ron AC7AC 


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Re: [Elecraft] K1 ANTENNA

2009-03-01 Thread dyarnes
Chuck and All,

The Par End Feds work fine with a K-1, but you need to get one end up in the 
air as much as possible.  You might be better off with one of the portable 
vertical systems at the beach.

Dave W7AQK

- Original Message - 
From: Chuck Pridgen cprid...@embarqmail.com
To: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Sent: Sunday, March 01, 2009 9:49 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] K1 ANTENNA




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Re: [Elecraft] Where is it in the MANUAL???

2009-03-08 Thread dyarnes
Jim, Steve, and All,

Well, Steve is being a little hard on Jim, but the point is that most 
questions are answerable in the manual---somewhere!  The problem is that the 
contents page at the front isn't all that helpful with regard to many 
specific questions.  A lot of things you want to find out more about aren't 
going to be specifically identified there.  The manual really needs a good 
index.  Maybe one day that will happen.  In the meantime, one of the best 
ways to track down stuff is to use the online version of the manual, and 
do a search.  Choosing the right key word is always tricky, but that seems 
to be a good option.

Speaking of the manual!  I just received my 2nd RX.  Included in the packet 
is an installation guide, which had several sheets of errata.  In this case, 
2 full pages are completely replaced.  Since the manuals are all spiral 
bound, it isn't that easy to insert updates.  However, it can be done if you 
have a little patience, and carefully unbind the manual, then re-insert the 
binding after inserting the updates.  Problem is, the update pages are not 
pre-punched.  I sure wish Elecraft would do that (most of us don't have the 
little gadget that punches holes for spiral binding), especially when there 
are complete pages that need to be replaced.  Alternatively, I would just as 
soon Elecraft not bind their manuals at all!  It's not too difficult (or 
costly) for us to buy our own 3 hole punch (or whatever system you want to 
use), and then updating would be considerably easier.  Yes, I know we can 
make our own copies and do that, but printer ink cartridges are very 
expensive, and mass duplication is fairly inexpensive on a per copy basis.

Spiral binding is a very inexpensive process comparatively, but it wasn't 
meant for documents requiring frequent updates.  It was designed for 
reports, etc. that are in final form.  Just about every updatable manual 
system you find in business employs some sort of ring binding system to 
facilitate easy updating.  It also makes it much easier to insert your own 
notes, etc.  Also, once a manual has been punched for spiral binding, it 
can't be repunched for ring binding very effectively because the old 
punching process weakens the new holes.

Lastly, a ring binder system would enable you to put all your accessory 
manuals in a tabbed section  with the main manual, and in a single binder.

I know I'm spitting into the wind, but I hope Elecraft will re-evaluate 
their manual process in the future.  We are fortunate to have a radio that 
keeps evolving.  I think the manual system for it should be improved to 
better support it.

Dave W7AQK

- Original Message - 
From: S Sacco nn4x.st...@gmail.com
To: JIM DAVIS nn...@astound.net
Cc: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Sent: Saturday, March 07, 2009 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Where is it in the MANUAL???

 Whatever you do:

 1) Do NOT look at the K3 Owner's Manual
 2) ESPECIALLY, do NOT look at the Contents
 3) Really, do NOT look under the Configuration section in Contents
 4) If it's the last thing you do, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES look at 
 Miscellaneous Setup line, which would indicate Page 47.
 5) If, my some horrible mistake, you actually go to page 47, DO NOT READ 
 section where it says:

 Time and Date
 CONFIG:TIME sets the 24-hour real-time-clock
 (RTC). Tap 1 / 2 / 3 to adjust HH/MM/SS using
 VFO A. This URL shows UTC as well as all U.S.
 time zones: tycho.usno.navy.mil/cgi-bin/timer.pl
 CONFIG:DATE MD selects US (MM.DD.YY). or
 EU (DD.MM.YY) date format using VFO A.
 CONFIG:DATE is used to set the date. Tap 1 / 2 /
 3 to adjust MM/DD/YY or DD/MM/YY.

 In my older version of the manual, it was found on page 44.


 Steve  NN4X -- in UPPERCASE, 'cause I'm proud of my callsign.
 Saint Cloud, Florida

 On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 7:11 PM, JIM DAVIS nn...@astound.net wrote:

 I'd like to SET the internal clock of the K3 to be somewhere near 
 but where is that


 Even Elecraft needs to EXPLAIN more in the manuals because not ALL OF US

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Re: [Elecraft] 43' Vertical and the K2 tuner

2009-03-15 Thread dyarnes
Paul and All,

This is very interesting!  Thanks for bringing that article by VK1OD to our

I think I agree with you about trap losses.  I have used a Cushcraft R7, and
now an R8, for years with surprisingly good results.  What appealed to me
about both of these models is that they emulate a 1/2 wave antenna, thus
making radials more or less unnecessary.  These antennas only cover 40 and
up however.

What now intrigues me about the 43 ft. antenna is connected to some comments
made to me by Jim Duffey, KK6MC (Dr. Megacycle) when he visited here some
time ago.  I think most of you are familiar with Jim, and respect (as I do)
his technical expertise.  Anyway, Jim suggested that I might be even better
off with a 22 ft. vertical on my roof, with as many radials as I could
reasonably lay out. He said I should also use a remote tuner and balanced
feedline.  Jim felt it would perform adequately on 40 meters, and better as
you go up.  I believe he said the magic about 22 feet was to try and keep
the radiation angle from getting too high on the higher bands.

So, now I'm wondering if a 43 ft. antenna would bring 80 meters, and
apparently 160 meters, into play under more or less the same concept that
Jim was espousing.  He didn't really mention that the 22 ft. version might
get you on 80, so maybe not, but the mathematical relationship sure has me
wondering.  Probably I'm extrapolating his comments incorrectly.

I think Jim does monitor this reflector, so maybe he will jump in and make
some comments.  I will probably pass that article to him though, and see if
I can prod him for some insight.

By the way, I'm guessing that if you could roof mount, or otherwise elevate
the 43 foot version, you might not have to worry quite so much about having
so many radials.

Anyway, this motivates me to do a little digging!

Dave W7AQK

- Original Message - 
From: Paul Christensen w...@arrl.net
To: Steve Ellington n...@carolina.rr.com; Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2009 7:07 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] 43' Vertical and the K2 tuner

 The 43' vertical is recent fad and it makes no sense at all. Virtually
 any trapped multiband vertical should easily outperform it.


 I thought the same until I read this:


 According to the author, the so-called magic of the 43-foot length is
 radiation resistance remains quite high across the HF spectrum and thus,
 system losses are minimized.  Compared to a 33-foot vertical, system
 are much lower across the spectrum.

 But to your point, a trapped multi-band vertical can offer similar
 performance.  Personally, I think the negativity associated with trap loss
 in multi-band antennas is grossly overblown.  Other systematic losses mask
 what little loss exists in most trapped antenna designs.

 Anyway, not sure how valid all this data really is, but the data presented
 is interesting

 Paul, W9AC

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Re: [Elecraft] 43' Vertical and the K2 tuner

2009-03-15 Thread dyarnes
Mike and All,

I'm not all that surprised that W5OV was able to get a match using his K3, 
although I'm not sure exactly how severe the mismatch is.  It has to be 
pretty far off though.

Using my K3, with its built-in ATU, I am able to get a 1:1 match on 80 
meters using my R8 vertical, which isn't supposed to go lower than 40 
meters.  I can also get a match that is better than 2:1 on 160.  Obviously 
though, the efficiency of this antenna on those bands is pretty lousy.  I 
really don't operate on 160, except I did work VP6DX on both SSB and CW with 
this arrangement.  Their beverages did all the work though I'm sure.

Nevertheless, the K3's ATU is very good!  I haven't tried the same test with 
my K2 and it's built-in ATU, but that tuner is very good also.  I just don't 
know if it's quite as good as the K3's.

The ATU in my Orion II will also match the R8 on 80 meters, but just about 
every other rig I own, or have owned, with a built in ATU, would not come 
close to doing this.  I have a Kenwood TS-480 and a Yaesu FT-1000 Mark V, 
neither of which could do that.  The Mark V won't even allow me to cover all 
of 40 meters, but the K3 does it with ease.

Having said all of this, I'd be very cautious about big excursions with the 
K3 or K2 built-in ATU's.  I'd sure turn the power down a lot before even 
trying.  Clearly though, not all built-in ATU's are equal!

Dave W7AQK

- Original Message - 
From: W0MU Mike Fatchett w...@w0mu.com
To: 'James Apple' wb1...@gmail.com; Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2009 9:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] 43' Vertical and the K2 tuner

 We just had a heated exchange about these antennas on another reflector.

 Keep in mind that it is a compromise antenna.  43 feet is really not 
 to any band that I know of.  You still need a good radial system etc.

From what I have read the tuner at the base would be much more efficient 
 use a good quality coax.

 I would be curious to see how a BigIR or even a Hy-tower compared to the 
 ft verticals.

 I was surprised to read that W5OV was able to match it with the K3 tuner. 
 think that speaks volumes for the tuner in the K3.  I will have to play 
 my tuner a bit more.  Most of my antennas have good swr except for the 40m
 beam in the extreme lower cw sections and the K3 tunes this fine but we 
 talking about 2 to 2.5 to 1 max, not 100:1

 A slip of the foot you may soon recover, but a slip of the tongue you may
 never get over. Ben Franklin
 -Original Message-
 From: elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net
 [mailto:elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net] On Behalf Of James Apple
 Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2009 7:27 AM
 To: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
 Subject: [Elecraft] 43' Vertical and the K2 tuner

 After the ice storm of 2009, I'm looking for an new antenna.  I've been
 considering the 43' verticals by DXE,HyGain and MFJ.  But I'm not sure if 
 K2 tuner will have the range needed.  The DXE site has a warning about
 internal tuners.  Anyone using a K2 and a 43' vertical ?
 how's it play ?

 Thanks in Advance

 - Jim (WB1DOG)
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Re: [Elecraft] K2 resetting itself

2009-03-23 Thread dyarnes
Chris and All,

I had a power on--power off problem some time back.  I think several others 
had a similar issue.  My problem was traced to the I/O board.  I believe 
this has been fixed, and later units don't have the problem.  Not sure what 
your number is though.

I suggest you contact Gary or Rene at Elecraft.  They are pretty sharp, and 
I bet they can get you fixed up quickly.

Dave W7AQK

- Original Message - 
From: Chris Kantarjiev c...@dimebank.com
To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 8:27 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] K2 resetting itself

I was happily monitoring 14.058 this afternoon when my K2 turned itself 
 I cycled the power button and it came on enough to say ELECrAFT and to
 hear a little audio, and then shut down. Then cycling the switch didn't
 do anything. Or would do a little.

 I figured it was causing F1 to reset. Put it on the bench and sure enough,
 it's drawing about 5.6A ... the manual is not terribly helpful about

 I opened it up and started removing boards. Can't really find anything.
 It would have been too easy if something in the battery charging circuitry
 had shorted ... With the switch ON, +12V shows 105 ohms to ground.
 That can't be good.

 I'm not really sure how to diagnose this. The PA transistors seem
 like a place to start: the emitters are grounded, when the switch
 is OFF, the collectors have about 100 ohms to ground (can that be
 right?) , the base about 134 ohms.

 Suggestions would be quite welcome.

 73 de chris K6DBG
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Re: [Elecraft] K2: The Dog Ate My Part

2009-03-24 Thread dyarnes

It's that pit mix that is your problem.  A purebred lab (or better yet, a 
bullmastiff like I have) would have whipped out a soldering iron and 
installed it for you!  Hi.

Dave W7AQK

- Original Message - 
From: Jon Perelstein jpere...@yahoo.com
To: elecraft reflector elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 4:10 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] K2: The Dog Ate My Part

How embarrassing is this?

As I was working on the KPA100 last night, the EL5146CN op-amp (a small 
8-pin IC) slipped out of my fingers and fell to the floor - right in front 
of the idiot lab/pit mix who promptly decided to taste it. She didn't 
swallow it (fortunately), but it's well chewed and I have to order a 
replacement from Elecraft.

Why me?


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Re: [Elecraft] [KX1]External Speaker ?

2009-03-28 Thread dyarnes
I would try a small amplified speaker, perhaps like the one radio shack 
sells or similar.  The audio output from the KX-1 is a little puny in my 
view.  I also often use a headphone amplifier, similar to the Boostaroo, 
to beef up the output.  The KX-1 works fair without that, but on weaker 
signals, it can get a little difficult to hear.

Dave W7AQK

- Original Message - 
From: Leigh L. Klotz, Jr WA5ZNU le...@wa5znu.org
To: a...@verizon.net
Cc: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2009 10:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] [KX1]External Speaker ?

 Try your local drugstore in the MP3 accessory section.
 You'll probably find an external speaker with a stereo plug on it, like
 this one:

 They're $5 or so and run on one AA.

 Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] Switching PS with the K3 - thoughts?

2009-05-25 Thread dyarnes
The Radio Shack 25 amp supply, which someone else mentioned and recommended 
is available on the website, but the local store nearby told me they will 
order it for you (at that sale price--$59), and no shipping cost.  Most 
Radio Shack stores have stopped stocking those power supplies locally.  I 
already had one, and the Samlex 1223 also, and both work pretty well.  By 
the way, I did pull the cover off both, and they are not the same--they just 
looked very similar.  Actually, the Radio Shack supply looks like it might 
be a tad more substantial.  Anyway, for under $60, it's possibly worth a 

Dave W7AQK

- Original Message - 
From: David Little dalit...@bellsouth.net
To: 'Fern' c...@cyberlink.bc.ca; 'Ed Steeble' estee...@sc.rr.com; 
'K3_Discussion_Group' elecraft@mailman.qth.net; 'k3-groups' 
Cc: 'Ed K3IXD' estee...@sc.rr.com
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2009 7:57 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Switching PS with the K3 - thoughts?

 Another one that may be worth looking into (other than the suggestions
 presented already) is the Alinco DM-330MV Switching supply.

 It is metered, adjustable voltage, remotely accessible, small, quiet,
 well laid out, and it has a feature similar to Yaesu's Clock Shift,
 whereby you can shift any noise it might make to another frequency; on
 the fly.

 However, I haven't found any noise from it yet, and the Radio Shack 25
 Amp (I believe is a Samlex model) has made some noise when used in my
 transportable setup : http://www.se-hams.com/html/emcomm1.html

 I am in the process of replacing all of my power supplies with this
 Alinco model.

 Take a Look:  http://www.alinco.com/Products/DM330MVE/


 -Original Message-
 From: elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net
 [mailto:elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net] On Behalf Of Fern
 Sent: Monday, May 25, 2009 10:33 AM
 To: Ed Steeble; K3_Discussion_Group; k3-groups
 Cc: Ed K3IXD
 Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Switching PS with the K3 - thoughts?

 Ed:   I would recommend a switching power supply from Samlex either
 their 23 amps unit or better yet their 35 amp metered power supply as
 they are very quiet.

 - Original Message - 
 From: Ed Steeble estee...@sc.rr.com
 To: K3_Discussion_Group elecraft@mailman.qth.net; k3-groups
 Cc: Ed K3IXD estee...@sc.rr.com
 Sent: Sunday, May 24, 2009 8:43 PM
 Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Switching PS with the K3 - thoughts?

 Anyone have experiences with the new MFJ-4235MV power supply? We have
 been following this discussion because we are always looking for a
 reliable, lighter weight power supplies for our two K3 that we use on
 our C6APR DXpeditions.

 BTW the K3s are excellent for DXpeditions, light weight, reliable, and
 hear/transmit well. We had tried four other rigs.

 73, Ed

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 Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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Re: [Elecraft] CW Filter FT817 ??

2005-10-01 Thread DYARNES
In a message dated 10/1/2005 3:32:39 AM US Mountain Standard Time,  

Wondering if anyone has a CW filter or perhaps the obf filter kit for  
the FT 817 to sell,  if not where to buy?

I'd also like to  know your opinion on how  the 817 performs on CW , I'm 
a K2   user normally, :-)
Filters are available either from Yaesu or from International Radio.   Most 
seem to prefer the Inrad version.  I like the narrower filter myself,  but you 
can get one that is 500 hz if you prefer.
As to the rig itself, It's a great radio for many reasons, but it's no  K2!  
It's small and portable, which can be very handy.  It has  wideband receive, 
which is another good feature, but degrades the ham band  performance 
accordingly.  It doesn't have a built in ATU, but I understand  some are 
putting an Elecraft T1 inside--the T1, by the way, is an  excellent accessory 
for the 817--external or otherwise.  And, Elecraft  makes a cable 
specifically for the 817/T1 combination that allows you to have an  autotune 
You also get VHF band operation with the 817, which makes it a very good  
all in one radio.  QSK is marginal however, but acceptable.  The 817  is 
strictly a 5 watt radio.  The K2 allows you to squeeze another S unit if  
necessary, since it will go up to about 15 watts.  Some even  think the 817 
is too small, in that the controls are hard for big fingers to  manipulate.  
Personally, I don't consider the 817 to be an alternative to the  K2.  The 
K2 is just so much more radio on the HF bands.  The RX is  superb.  I don't 
even have DSP built into mine yet, but still it performs  beautifully.  But my 
817 is my all in one radio when I need that  particular group of features.  
So, if you only want to spring for one  radio, and all in one is important, 
you probably would prefer the 817.   But for real HF performance in a 
reasonably small package, the K2 is THE one to  have.
Dave W7AQK
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Re: [Elecraft] Which logging software]

2005-10-03 Thread DYARNES
In a message dated 10/2/2005 7:08:21 PM US Mountain Standard Time,  

I've  been using N3FJP software for both general logging and 
contesting. I  originally got it because it was the only 
software I could find that  supported the Fists Sprint, and 
now I'm quite used to it. It has some  quirks, but what 
software doesn't?

I support the nomination of this software, although I don't find too many  
quirks of any consequence.  Scott, the author of this software, also puts  
a bunch of specialized software for different contests, etc.  He has  quite a 
nice library of stuff.  His logging software will track DXCC, WAS,  WAC, etc. 
 It can also be coupled with the FCC call database, so you get  info on your 
U.S. contacts as soon as you enter their call.  Once you pay  for the software 
(a very modest fee) you are done--no charges for upgrades. You  can try it 
free for a period, so nothing to lose.
Dave W7AQK
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] RE:K7C

2005-10-03 Thread DYARNES
In a message dated 10/2/2005 8:12:53 AM US Mountain Standard Time,  

I  have wasted many hours trying to work them. The pileups are horrendous.
The  lids are out in tremendous force. 

I agree with you.  I get mad as hell at ops who will continue to send  their 
callsign, even when the DX station has acknowledged a different  station.  And 
they will do it right on top of the station  acknowledged!  Or, when the DX 
station acknowledges part of a call, like  W5?, but some klutz W9 keeps 
sending his call!  But most of these  pile-ups are pure chaos.  I don't have 
hope that they will every be  run in an orderly and courteous manner.  There 
are just too many folks  out there who are at least completely oblivious to the 
process, if not so  arrogant they ignore common courtesy.  
I must say though, that I haven't been all that impressed with at least one  
or two of the K7C ops.  A couple of times on 40 meters I heard K7C working  
stations, and obviously listening up, but not saying so!  This really  
a mess!  Some stations kept calling on his sending frequency, then  others 
would chime in with up, but a minute later it was chaos again on the  sending 
frequency.  On top of that, there were stations calling K7C as much  as 10 khz 
up, and he was acknowledging them!  That chews up a bunch of  bandwidth.  It 
took me forever to figure out where he was listening.   Maybe the op at K7C 
was doing this on purpose to spread callers out, but I don't  agree with the 
process.  He should say up at least, and give the amount,  like up 1, or 
4.  Callers will naturally spread out around this  figure, usually between 
the sending frequency and the listening figure given,  but not all over the 
band!  Personally, I think up 4 is plenty of  bandwidth for any DX operation. 
If you can't pick stations out in that  range, you have a receiving problem--or 
an operator problem!   And I  think the DX stations should give his call at 
least every 3rd or 4th qso.   Some don't give it for really long periods of 
time, and that creates all kinds  of confusion on the sending frequency with 
inquiries about who the heck it is,  etc.
So, yes there are a bunch of lids out there.  But you can't call  some guy 
a lid if he doesn't have a reasonable amount of information to  ignore!  It's 
too bad these operations don't follow a more organized and  standardized 
procedure.  Probably never happen, but it sure would eliminate  as least some 
the confusion that seems to occur every time.
One last thought.  If somebody keeps calling on the sending  frequency when 
the DX station is actually listening up, it's o.k. to tell him  up, and 
if you know how many, tell him that too.  But don't call him a  lid, even if 
he is acting like one--most of these occurrances are  accidental (maybe he 
forgot to hit the split button--I've done that more  than once), but the real 
lid will only be encouraged to continue in  retribution.  After all, lids 
don't get that way by being responsive to  strong direction!
Dave W7AQK
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] Iambic Paddles -- Show-n-Tell

2005-10-08 Thread DYARNES
In a message dated 10/8/2005 1:03:32 PM US Mountain Standard Time,  


Looks like a first class set of paddles to me!  Wish I could wrap my  fingers 
around it and give it a test drive!
Dave W7AQK
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] settle a distpute with the KX1

2005-10-08 Thread DYARNES
In a message dated 10/8/2005 12:49:46 PM US Mountain Standard Time,  

On  Saturday 08 October 2005 19:07, mc wrote:
 Need some help in settling  dispute, please bring some cold beer on this 
 Using our  KX1 with a 2 watt output with a antenna with an advertised gain 
  2.6 db. Will a 2.6 db gain give us an output be an effectively 3.8 watts.  

2.6 dB = 0.26 B
10 ^ 0.26 = 1.82
1.82 * 2 = 3.64 W

Ian,  G4ICV, AB2GR, K2  #4962

Well, I'm too lazy to do the math, but 3 db is a double in power--the scale  
is logrithmic, so 2.6 db should be damn close to 3.64 watts--certainly close  
enough to not make a hoot of difference between that and what 3 db would  do.  
I'm probably not going to win anything here, but Brit beer is so good,  I 
just had to chime in
Dave W7AQK
Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] K3: Terminology

2012-04-12 Thread Dyarnes
Ron and All,

I dunno Ron!  40 is still a great CW band.  I just wish we could work out a 
peace treaty with the digital folks!

Another great CW hangout of old was the top 50 khz of 20 meters.  I used to 
work a lot of DX up there.

Dave W7AQK 

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[Elecraft] KX3 Power Supply

2012-04-14 Thread Dyarnes
Several posts were recently made regarding the small Radio Shack switcher 
power supply (RS 22-507).  Most comments seemed pretty favorable about it. 
Anyway, one of those came available in a local estate sale for one of my ham 
friends who recently passed away.  I decided to give it a try, and it does 
seem to work well.  I scanned all my commonly used ham bands for noise and 
found none.  It seems to be pretty clean to me.  I also hooked up my K1 to 
it, and it ran that rig just fine.  Next I'll have to try the K2, but I 
suspect it will work fine with that rig also.

I don't much care for the list price Radio Shack is asking, but if you find 
one of these at a decent discount I think it's a good buy.  I have another 
similar supply, a Jetstream, but it's a tad bit bigger.  This RS model will 
be somewhat handier to tote around.  It's really quite small.  The Jetstream 
does work equally well, though, and has voltage and current metering.  I 
can't remember exactly, but that one is rated quite a bit higher as to 
current draw--maybe even 8 or 10 amps or a bit more.  Still, it's just 
enough bigger to make the RS model seem more convenient for specific use 
with the KX3.  By the way, no detectable noise on the Jetstream either.  I 
think several of their models have been given favorable reviews.

  Dave W7AQK 

Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] New KX3 Owners

2012-05-01 Thread Dyarnes
Hi All,

I'm getting a really big kick out of all the excitement from those lucky 
enough to already have a KX3 in hand.  It's like a bunch of kids in a candy 
store!  Can't blame you!  I know how you feel, since all my other Elecraft 
rigs have pretty low serial numbers, except for back-up K2, which is a 
much later model.  Even though I'm fairly high up on the KX3 order time 
line, it looks like my KX3 is going to have a pretty high serial number. 
That's O.K. though, providing you early owners are diligent enough to report 
any early production glitches!  I'm not sure there will be that many, but be 
diligent nevertheless!

I'm kind of curious as to how many KX3 owners are also first time Elecraft 
owners.  Seems like, based on some of the conversation, it's a fairly high 
number.  I don't know exactly what to attribute that to, but I suspect more 
than a little of it is due to the success of the K3.  Seems like a lot of 
folks are viewing the KX3 as a poor man's K3, and perhaps rightfully so. 
The unique versatility of the KX3 has also drawn a lot of attention from 
those who previously thought rigs like the FT-817 and IC-703 best suited 
their preferences.  It isn't going to take them long to realize they got a 
whole bunch more than just a new and improved portable radio!  I honestly 
think this radio is going to mark the beginning of a whole new way of 
thinking about size versus capability.

There are already rumors about a KX3 look-alike from China.  Ten-Tec has a 
new QRP radio in the works, and a small amp as well.  I've even worked 
someone with a prototype.  Isn't it interesting how many manufacturers are 
following the lead from Elecraft!  Look what happened with the down 
conversion architecture.  Ten-Tec may have actually initiated it with the 
Orion, but Elecraft really went a lot further in trying to perfect it, and 
made it truly successful--mainly because they support their radios better!

I don't minimize the fact that some other manufacturers are rolling out some 
very nice products, but I know I'm having a bunch more fun just watching 
the Elecraft line progress.  This is where most of the real innovation seems 
to be occurring.  Stated differently, other manufacturers seem to be in a 
mode of mainly  upscaling their products--adding features to make their 
next model somewhat more attractive.  Elecraft, on the other hand, seems 
more innovative.  I think I know why that is, at least to some extent.  The 
designer/engineers and Yaecomwood sit around and think about how to add 
fins, or a bigger engine, like Chrysler--maybe throw in a new twist or two, 
like a bandscope, and more button versatility.  That's good!  However, 
Elecraft folks think about how can we make the radio perform better--even 
at the top of the scale!  That's what led to down conversion, incorporating 
powerful versatility and upgradeability through firmware enhancement, 
enhanced DSP capability, etc.  It's not about adding more buttons, but 
instead, adding more technology.  That may sound like an overstatement, but 
I defend it by pointing to the fact that other manufacturers are seemingly 
adopting the Elecraft approach in many instances--but after the fact!  The 
other big innovation is in SDR stuff, and the comparison is most intriguing.

The KX3 is a perfect example of this.  It's a total departure from where a 
lot of folks thought Elecraft was going.  There was all this talk about a 
K4!  Surprise!  Elecraft looks for niche's in the market, and then fills a 
perceived void with avengeance.  The KPA500 is another example of that. 
There are a plethora of 1 KW+ amps out there--and darned good ones--but few 
in the 500-700 watt range.  For many, that's more than enough extra oomph, 
and technically, it covers the best part of the cost/benefit curve.  Plus, 
it opened up new opportunities like offering the KAT500  as a matching 

I just think the whole thing is fascinating!  Clearly not everyone will 
agree, not even with my premise, but I think it has merit.

Dave W7AQK

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[Elecraft] Preliminary Estate Sale Info-K7SVV (SK)

2012-05-01 Thread Dyarnes
I've been asked by the widow of a ham friend, John McClain, K7SVV, to assist 
her in disposing of several Elecraft rigs.  The information I have at the 
moment is a bit sketchy, but I will be going over to determine more precise 
info on all these radios in the next couple of days.  In any event, I 
thought it might be appropriate to give advanced notice in case anyone 
wanted to get his/her oar in on the sale.

What is/will be available is the following:

A K1--something in the area of a 13XX serial number.  I don't know for sure 
if it is a 4 bander, but I think it is.

A K2--this has the ATU, SSB option, and 160 meter option.  It's a QRP 

A K3--this is an early serial number, 100 watt model, with ATU.  I need to 
confirm what filters are included.  I'm pretty sure there is no 2nd RX.

You can pretty much assume that all of these rigs are near immaculate. 
John was a retired IBM tech, and an excellent builder.  He was also 
fastidious about taking care of his equipment.  All of these items are 
lightly used, as John was somewhat distracted by other interests, and didn't 
really operate all that often.  In fact, I'd be surprised if any of these 
rigs have more than 50-100 hours of operation--maybe even less!  He loved 
putting them together, and owning them, but his airtime was pretty 

You don't need to contact me yet, unless you are particularly interested, 
but anyone seriously contemplating any of these radios might want to watch 
for my follow-up info.  I'm pretty certain these would all qualify as a very 
good find for anyone genuinely interested.

Dave W7AQK

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[Elecraft] K7SVV Estate Sale

2012-05-03 Thread Dyarnes
Hi All,

First rig to sell is a K2.  This is a relatively late model (serial # 5K+). 
It is the QRP version, and has the SSB option and 160 meter option.  I also 
have the ATU option, but it is not installed--it does come with the rig, 
however.  NOT a difficult add-on.

I checked the radio out today, and it works super FB.  Neat, clean, and 
assembled by a guy who was fastidious!  He was an IBM tech, so that might 
give you some comfort.  I looked hard, but found no issues.  Not surprising, 
though, since this guy loved to build stuff, but didn't use them much. 
Anyway, I think it's a good buy, and if I didn't already have two K2's, I'd 
buy it myself!

List for what he had in it is around $1100+.  I think a more than fair price 
for this rig is $675 plus shipping.

Let me know if you are interested.

Dave W7AQK

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Re: [Elecraft] K7SVV Estate Sale--K2

2012-05-03 Thread Dyarnes
Hi all,

The K2 I listed on behalf of the estate has been sold, pending receipt of 
funds.  Thanks for the interest and inquiry.  I will have more stuff soon.

Dave W7AQK 

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Re: [Elecraft] [KX3] Amazing opening on 20 meters right now

2012-05-04 Thread Dyarnes
U are right Wayne!  I’m haunting the CW portion, but Europe is very strong here 
too.  Hope you grab a bunch of them—know U are using that KX3!

Have a great weekend!

Dave W7AQK

From: Wayne Burdick 
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2012 9:52 PM
To: Elecraft Reflector 
Cc: k...@yahoogroups.com 
Subject: [KX3] Amazing opening on 20 meters right now

In northern California I'm hearing dozens of very strong EU stations 
on 20 meter SSB. Wow.


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[Elecraft] Estate of John McClain, K7SVV

2012-05-08 Thread Dyarnes
Hi All,

Here are two more Elecraft radios from the estate of John McClain, K7SVV.

First is a very nice 4 band K1.  This one is set up for 40, 30, 20, and 17
meters.  Also comes with the internal ATU,  backlight option, and the wide
range tilt stand.  I checked it out on the air, and everything works FB.

New this would be around $700, and asking $390 plus shipping.  I have one of
these myself, and it has been one of my favorite Field Day radios on many
occasions.  A very good design, and well built by John.

The other radio is a KX1.  This is also a 4 band version, and covers 80, 40,
30, and 20.  I worked several stations on it this morning, and it seems to
work well.  The RX seems even better than the one I have, but the TX puts
out a bit less than mine does--around 2.5 watts on this one.  I know John
built this, and then didn't do much with it.  There are some tricks and
tweaks to boost the power a bit, but apparently he didn't bother.  To be
honest with you, John wasn't that big on CW, but loved building these
radios.  Anyway, it's very clean, well built, and comes with the internal
ATU and the KXPD1 paddle.  That's just under $600 new, and will sell for
$325 plus shipping.  This is a great portable rig, particularly with the ATU
option built in.  It's nearly shirt pocket size, and even has some wide band
RX capability.  It's CW only, of course, but you can switch it on RX for
either LSB or USB.  Has a built in variable filter that goes from .5 to 2.0.
Very cool radio!

Contact me if interested.

Dave W7AQK 

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[Elecraft] VE7CC Cluster

2012-05-09 Thread Dyarnes
Anybody besides me having trouble pulling up the VE7CC  DX cluster this 

Dave W7AQK

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Re: [Elecraft] Estate of John McClain--K1 and KX1

2012-05-09 Thread Dyarnes
Hi All,

Thanks for the nice response.  Both rigs are sold pending receipt of funds. 
I've kept all inquiries in case something falls through.

Dave W7AQK 

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Re: [Elecraft] Portable Antennas (near end fed)

2012-05-11 Thread Dyarnes
David and All,

I have a Bravo 7K, and so far, I find it to be only a fair performer. 
This assessment is based only on limited testing against my Sigma 40XK 
vertical dipole, which is another N6BT design from his time as owner of 
Force12.  So far, I've only been able to run limited A/B tests on 40 meters, 
and the Bravo 7K is down about 1 S unit or more.  I had hoped it would be 
much better than that, particularly based on the positive commentary from 
N6BT himself, but I do need to try more variations of location and setup.  I 
just haven't had a chance to do much additional testing due to a number of 
other tasks and projects which are eating up my free time.

On the positive side, I am quite impressed with the portability of the Bravo 
7K.  It sets up quickly and easily, and is very easy to break down and 
transport.  It's quite possible I haven't found the right combination of 
settings and location for the Bravo 7K.  For example, it may be adversely 
affected by other nearby objects.  I'd also like to elevate it a bit more 
than what the basic system allows.  As supplied, the Bravo 7K is only about 
2 feet off the ground at the bottom.  My Sigma 40XK is 5 or 6 feet off the 

I will tell you that the Sigma 40XK has been a very good performer on 40 
meters.  At one time it was available for something similar in price to what 
the Bravo 7K sells for now, but the current owners of Force 12 have jacked 
up the price considerably.

Anyway, hopefully some day soon I can get back into the experimentation 
process with the Bravo 7K.  If I accomplish anything noteworthy, I will 
report it here.

Dave W7AQK

David, G3UNA said:

I wouldn't buy a loop.  IF you only have those 3 choices, I would go for
the Buddipole, but I'm sure there must be other choices out there, I
don't like spending a lot of money on antennas unless it offers
something really special.  Have you seen the Bravo?

See   http://n6bt.com/n6bt-Bravo-dayton-faq-1.htm

Not sure if it would fit inside your hotel bedroom.


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[Elecraft] K3 For Sale--Estate of K7SVV

2012-06-07 Thread Dyarnes
I've been helping K7SVV's widow dispose of much of his gear. We are now
offering for sale a K3 in absolutely excellent condition. It is an early 
number, but very, very lightly used--I mean, really lightly used! 
as a precaution, the K3 was sent to Elecraft for a thorough going over. All
mods and upgrades have been added, so it is like one coming off the assembly
line. It is in perfect shape! Elecraft states that it meets or exceeds all
factory specifications.

Here are the contents:

K3/100---100 Watt model
KAT3-Internal ATU
KBPF3General Coverage RX module
KXV3AIF Out and Xverter Interface
13 Khz Filter
6 Khz Filter
2.8 Khz Filter
1.0 Khz Filter
400 hz Filter

Note that all filters are 8 pole versions.

At retail, this unit would sell for just shy of $3600. The asking price is
$2800, which is about a 20% savings.

If interested, please contact me directly.

Dave W7AQK 

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Re: [Elecraft] ZN-SLR

2012-06-09 Thread Dyarnes
Hi All,

At Dayton a few weeks ago I got to test drive a number of Tony's paddles. 
I was walking around with my friend Jay, W5JAY, who knows Tony very well. 
We spent a fair amount of time chatting, and while Jay and Tony were 
discussing various things, I spent a good bit of time trying out various 
models.  I also dropped back by a few more times to give most of his paddles 
a 2nd and 3rd look.  Now, the last thing I need is another paddle, but I 
must admit I was sorely tempted.  I pretty much concluded that Tony's 
paddles are, for the money, about as good as you will find.  I, too, was 
very impressed with his vertical paddle in particular.

Some of you may know that I am something of a Begali paddle fan, and I own 
several different models--too many!  However, to me, they are still the best 
you can buy.  Two Begali paddles I own--the Sculpture and the Limited 
Edition Graciella--are my absolute favorites of all the paddles I have ever 
used.  Problem is, most Begali paddles are fairly expensive.  The 
workmanship undoubtedly justifies the price, but they are expensive 
nonetheless.  Begali had several new paddles on display at Dayton, and all 
were most impressive.  It's just all quality stuff!  One new paddle of his 
was most impressive because, not only did it have great feel, but it was one 
of his lesser priced models.  I think it was called the Expedition, and it 
was under $300.  It wasn't quite as glamorous as most of Piero's other 
paddles, but a very nice looking paddle to be sure.  I don't even see that 
model on his website yet, so it must really be that new.

Picking a good paddle is a very personal thing.  What feels great to one 
person may not feel that great to another.  Accordingly, I won't dwell on 
what I think is mandatory for a paddle to be really considered to be a good 
one.  I would suggest that anyone interested in buying a new paddle take a 
look at the series of articles in QST a while back authored by Bruce Prior, 
N7RR.  Bruce did a great job of describing, in detail, what the pros and 
cons are for a number of different makes.  In the end, his conclusions may 
not be the same as yours, but you will know a great deal about how he came 
to his conclusions.  However, nothing beats a personal test drive!

Dave W7AQK

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Re: [Elecraft] ZN-SLR

2012-06-09 Thread Dyarnes
Jim and All,

Bruce Prior, N7RR, wrote several QST articles about paddles he had tested. 
In March 2009, there is one on High End Dual Lever Paddles.  That one 
includes the Mercury, the Begali Sculpture, and a top end N3ZN paddle.  Then 
in May 2009, he followed up with an article on Portable Dual Lever 
Paddles.  Some great info there also.  The articles he wrote in 2 parts, in 
May and June of 2010, were on a variety of other popular dual lever paddles. 
I think the Bencher, Kent, Begali Simplex, and several others are covered 
there.  All in all, it is a fairly encyclopedic review of most of the 
paddles you see/hear about.  All of these articles are available in the ARRL 

Dave W7AQK

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[Elecraft] Where's The Propagation?

2012-06-28 Thread Dyarnes
Hi all,

Well, I feel like the proverbial guy who is all dressed up and nowhere to 
go!  My KX3 is up and running, and the bands suck!  I did make 3 or 4 nice 
QSO's, but they were cut short by erratic conditions.  Right now I don't 
hear much of anything.  Oh well, I can always spend time re-reading the 

Dave W7AQK

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[Elecraft] KX3: use at 500-KHz

2012-07-08 Thread Dyarnes
Hi All,

This issue seems to come up with just about every rig that offers general 
coverage.  I know it was a topic of discussion with the K3 when it first 
arrived.  It has always been my understanding that offering general coverage 
on a ham rig meant compromise somewhere.  Most of the earlier rigs that 
started offering general coverage tended to compromise on the ham band 
performance in order to accomplish the wide RX capability.  That's why many 
didn't even try to offer it.  I think Elecraft's approach has been to offer 
it, but without degrading the ham band performance, which means the wide 
band stuff may be a bit lacking, particularly at the low end.

I've only checked the BC band performance on my KX3 once or twice, and just 
to see if I heard much of anything!  Actually, I could hear things pretty 
well, but probably not like I would on a more specifically designed radio. 
I also suspect the antenna I was using wasn't a very good match.  Wayne's 
explanation seems to at least make good sense to me, and I'm sure the 
technical issues involved are real.  Heck--just about every radio I own 
drops off somewhere!  I just want the least adverse effect to occur on the 
ham bands.  Also, I wonder what the internal ATU does (or is capable of 
doing), if anything, when I tune down to the BC band.  From a strictly 
intuitive standpoint, I know that a lot of tuners tend to lose capability 
below 80 meters, so I wonder if the KX3 ATU can/does even function at the BC 
band.  My guess is that it doesn't!  You can't activate it down there, so I 
don't know what's happening.  Does that mean you really need an antenna that 
is reasonably resonant at that frequency?  I suspect there have been some 
tricks applied to generate some sort of performance that low, but I really 
don't expect much.  Seems like we may be chasing ghosts to expect too much.

Dave W7AQK

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[Elecraft] Remote Operation

2012-08-02 Thread Dyarnes
Hi all,

Last weekend I had the privilege of being invited as a guest to the 
Northwest FOC gathering in Seattle.  The invitation came from my friend 
Shin, JA1NUT, who was in attendance.  It was wonderful to meet this fine 
fellow after so many years of having chatted with him on 40 and 20 CW.  I 
also got to meet a number of other fine folks with whom I have been enjoying 
lots of good contacts on the air.  I will tell you that this group sure 
knows how to put on a superb event.  Lots of things to do, great food to 
eat, and, of course, a lot of very interesting conversation.  Even the 
spouses have a great time.

Anyway, at our hotel we had a hospitality room in which Steve, W7QC, had set 
up his K3.  We were on the top floor, and they had temporarily installed a 
multi-band vertical on the roof which performed very well.  If anyone had a 
QSO with K7FOC last weekend, that was us!

One of the more interesting highlights of the operating part was provided by 
Tof, DJ6ZM, who was also in attendance.  He has his station in Munich 
remoted, and we even had a contact between Tof, in one room, and K7FOC, in 
the adjoining room!  Tof uses the Remoterig system, and only has to bring 
one of the two pieces of the Remoterig system, plus the remote head from his 
TS-480--and a paddle, of course!  Tof's setup in Munich is rather elaborate, 
in that he can actually control several different operating positions, and 
several different antennas. all of which are very substantial.  However, the 
system doesn't need to be so elaborate in order to communicate effectively. 
Nonetheless, his is an awesome system.

This wasn't my first exposure to a remote setup, as Paul, W9AC, had also 
shown me his remote setup a couple of years back when we were all at FDIM in 
Dayton.  Paul uses the TS-480 also, but with a slightly different method of 
remote operation, which involves having twin K1EL keyers, one at each end. 
That system worked very well also.

In any event, I'm getting very keen on being able to set up some sort of 
remote system of my own.  As most of you know, Elecraft now has its own 
remote system using the K3/0 remote module.  I've not seen that one in 
operation, but I'm sure it works equally well.  So, you have several 
commercial options available currently.  If you are a K3 owner, the K3/0 may 
well be your preference since it gives you pretty much complete duplication 
of all the K3's capabilities from your remote location.  This is 
particularly attractive if your remote location is some place where you can 
establish a somewhat semi-permanent setup, like a summer home, etc.  As a 
portable, traveling unit it might be somewhat less attractive due to size, 
but perhaps not.  We tend to view the K3 as a reasonably portable unit, and 
the K3/0 is no bigger.  You still need something like the Remoterig devices, 
but it only adds a small additional amount to what you have to transport. 
Alternatively, however, you could use a rig like the TS-480, and only have 
to transport one side of the Remoterig setup plus the 480's remote head--a 
somewhat smaller, more convenient package for traveling.

I'm still sorting out in my mind all the requirements for operating in this 
fashion, but it is most intriguing.  It's also pretty impressive when you 
have something like W9AC's system, or DJ6Zm's system, as to what you can do 
and how effective it is.  I'm currently up here in Oregon for the rest of 
the summer, and something like this would be very useful.  I can set up a 
modest station here, but antennas are an issue.  I have an extremely limited 
space in which to erect anything.  I am getting close to deciding that 
remote operation may be my best option.  I can still use something like my 
KX3 for local operation, but a remote system tends to eliminate 
complexities with various locations I might find myself in as we travel.

Anyhow, just thought I would pass on my impressions from my recent 
observations.  It's just another way to have fun with ham radio.

Dave W7AQK

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Re: [Elecraft] FW: TEN-TEC announces new amplifier

2012-08-13 Thread Dyarnes
Hi All,

Actually, I think this thread is totally relevant to this reflector given 
the fact that it has the capability of mating nicely to the KX3!  It's not 
like we are discussing something that bears absolutely no relationship to an 
Elecraft product.

In any event, I would add a few comments about the new Ten-Tec amp.  I do 
agree it seems to be very aggressively priced--in the wrong direction--but 
that's Ten-Tec's call.  I can't honestly say whether or not it is justified, 
but apparently the folks in Sevierville think it is.

A good friend of mine, W5JAY, was a field tester on this amp, and he and I 
did some on the air testing with it while he had it.  I know Jay was 
reasonably impressed with the product, and he doesn't give positive 
impressions easily.  I was actually going to do some hands on testing of 
it after Jay was done, but I had to decline because of our pending trip up 
here to the northwest.  Besides, I don't think I could have added much to 
the process since Jay is very good at putting equipment through it's paces. 
Anyway, what I heard sounded very good, and what Jay was seeing first hand 
seemed to suggest that the amp was a good product.  I also saw it at Dayton, 
and it does, indeed, appear to have a lot of redeeming features.

I have every reason to assume that the upcoming Elecraft amp will very 
effectively compete with Ten-Tec's product.  I'm sure most of us hope it 
will compete effectively as to price as well.  I'd be hard pressed to 
justify Ten-Tec's pricing in my budget, but I also have a couple of options 
on hand already.  Heck!  I even still have my old Ten-Tec 405 linear, from 
my days of operating with the original Argonauts.  In any event, it will be 
up to Elecraft to make their product more desirable, and I wouldn't bet they 
won't do it.  I'm thinking, but I just can't bring any Elecraft product to 
mind that didn't have, when it was introduced, some really unique and 
intriguing features to it.

Anyway, while I know there is a very large amount of interest in an amp like 
this, given the incredible success of the KX3, I'd be very reluctant to jump 
on Ten-Tec's offering before I knew for sure just what the Elecraft is going 
to offer.  I think we've already been given a bunch of clues about close 
compatibility.  For just a small example, look at the instructions for the 
KX3 regarding antenna selection and tuner operation.  We've all heard it 
said that patience is a virtue, and this may be a very good opportunity to 
learn how true that is.

Dave W7AQK

N3KHK Said:

Hi all

Is this the TEN-TEC reflector?

Enough on this topic PLEASE, PLEASE.

Will someone create a new group just for this new amp?


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[Elecraft] Tucson Hamfest

2012-10-06 Thread Dyarnes
Hi All,

The Tucson area hams have made a concerted effort to upgrade our annual 
hamfest.  Today was the day.  This year they somehow encouraged several 
vendors, including Elecraft, to make an appearance, and I think it all went 
extremely well.  Maybe a bit light yet, but if they keep working at it, I 
think this could become a really great event.  Congrats to the local area 
hams who made it possible.

The venue this year was the Marana Regional Airport, which is adjacent to 
Tucson.  This was perfect for Eric Swartz, who many of you know has his own 
airplane.  Eric simply flew in, jumped in a rental car with his goodies, and 
came across the runways from the FBO where he parked his plane.  Probably 
there was a detour in there somewhere, but it was very handy nonetheless.

Texas Towers was there as well, as were several other, smaller vendors. 
This is just a start at upgrading our event, but with continued, and 
hopefully increased, support, we may have something really good going here.

The Elecraft display included remote operation from Eric's home station 
using the K3/0.  Very slick!  Eric even has software that allows him to 
control his KPA-500 at home, in addition to the K3, and it was just really 
fun to see.  Of course the KX3 was prominently displayed, as was the new 
KAT-500--Eric says that will start shipping very shortly!  Sure hope so, 
since I have one on order to complete my K-line.  I'm really excited about 
it.  I'm also pretty stoked about remote operation, since I have a perfect 
situation for taking advantage of it when we go to Oregon in the summer 

Eric was pretty busy, but we did have a chance to chat a bit more than we 
are able to at places like Dayton, which is a constant madhouse.  I've 
always been extremely impressed with Eric's management of Elecraft, along 
with Wayne of course, and our brief chat only reinforced my high opinion of 
how well things are going.  It's pretty obvious that these two guys are 
having a lot of fun, running a great company, and full of ideas.  When I 
casually mentioned that it might be hard to keep coming up with new toys, 
Eric's eyes just  lit up, and I knew there were lots of things to come. 
These guys really have their act together, and we should all feel pretty 
good about it.

I also got to visit with an old friend, Gary Surrency, who I haven't seen 
much of (even though he lives in Phoenix) since he went to work for 
Elecraft.  As you may know, Gary is a very big part of Elecraft's tech 
support team, and a crackerjack technician at that.  I think he mentioned 
that he had been with Elecraft for 13 years now!  That's amazing to think 
the company goes back that far, but my K2 serial number confirms that!!! 
Gary and I first met when we were forming the Arizona ScQRPion group.  He's 
an original charter member, as am I, but he's also been super busy ever 
since.  Anyway, I think a lot of Gary, and if he happens to be on the other 
end of a problem you are having, you are in great hands.

Anyway, it was a very enjoyable day, and hopefully one we will be able to 
repeat many times in the future here in Tucson.  57 years of this ham radio 
stuff and I'm still having a blast!

Dave W7AQK

ts of things 

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[Elecraft] A Bummer! Well, Sort Of!

2012-10-31 Thread Dyarnes
Hi All,

Last Saturday I got a notice from Elecraft that my KAT500 was in the loop, 
and for me to confirm my order, which I did post haste.  Monday morning I 
got an auto shipping notice.  I thought, Boy, that's fast!  The tracking 
info said it would be here today.  Well, a package did arrive, from 
Elecraft, but it was the KXBC3, for my KX3, instead of the KAT500!  Shucks! 
Of course, I'm glad to have the KXBC3, but it isn't close to what I'm most 
anxious to have on the operating desk.  Sure wish Elecraft would put a bit 
more info in their shipping notices, like what it is that's coming!  I 
suppose that's too time consuming.

Anyway, guess I'll have a beer and get ready for the onslaught tonight! 
Halloween!  We tend to get lots of kids, which I don't mind.  The reason we 
get so many is that we live in a relatively enclosed neighborhood 
development, with just two ways in and out, whereas most of the other homes 
in the area surrounding us are scattered all over the desert.  So, lots of 
folks bring their kids here, from Lord only knows where, and let them do 
their thing!  A little unfair for us here in the neighborhood, perhaps, but 
hey!  It's for the kids!  I think I have about an hour and a half before the 
doorbell starts ringing off the wall!

Happy Halloween everyone!

Dave W7AQK

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Re: [Elecraft] KAT500 Owner's Manual?

2012-11-01 Thread Dyarnes

Heck, if you have something in draft form, that you are apparently willing 
to disseminate, why not just post it in the files section and mark it 
clearly as a preliminary draft???

Dave W7AQK

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[Elecraft] Remote Operating

2012-11-03 Thread Dyarnes
Hi All,

I've been tinkering with remote operation.  It's been on my wish list 
since I saw my first demo by Paul, W9AC, at FDIM a few years ago.  He was 
using his TS-480, which is a fairly easy rig to set up for remote operation. 
I say easy, but there is some complexity to it.  However, it is very 

Right now I'm using my TS-480, and I've acquired the Swedish RemoteRig 
system to accomplish the task.  This is a very nice system!  It makes the 
process somewhat less complex than what W9AC was using.  However, what I 
really have my eye on is the possibility of doing remote operation with my 
K3.  Obviously, the K3 is a far better radio than the TS-480, and to have 
something like that available on a remote basis would be very cool indeed.

Elecraft currently has the K3/0 unit available, and I got to see it in 
action when Eric came down for our Tucson Hamfest a month or so ago.  Eric 
was remote operating his K3 back in California, and it was very impressive 
indeed.  He really has a Cadillac system set up, and some great software 
which allows him to control just about everything in his shack--including 
his antennas and amplifier!  The RemoteRig accessory package is part of the 

Eventually I may opt for the K3/0, but what I'm really hoping for is that 
Wayne's inference that someday the KX3 might be a possibility to match 
remotely with a K3 at your base location.  I sure hope this comes to pass, 
since I also have a KX3.  The K3/0 is probably more capable, but it also has 
more bulk.  However, since the architecture of the KX3 is different from the 
K3, I suspect there will still be something else required to hang on the end 
of the KX3 to enable remote operation.  I further assume that the RemoteRig 
system (or something similar) will also be required.

Remote operating opens up a lot of doors.  For me, it's potentially very 
beneficial.  We travel in the summer a good bit, and I can remote back to my 
home station without having to drag along a lot more equipment and antenna 
options.  Motel stays can be a lot more enjoyable!!!  Then there is the 
plight of folks with deed restrictions.  What if you could set up something 
remotely somewhere, outside the restriction area, and have a reasonably 
competent station?  I'm sort of one of those too.  My antennas are 
definitely compromise due to deed restrictions.

I can tell you, just from what I've been able to do so far, that remote 
operation has improved to where just about all modes are possible with 
reasonable efficiency.  I'm primarily CW, and the keying issue is pretty 
effectively resolved with the RemoteRig system.  I can't do QSK, and there 
is a very, very slight delay, but it's nominal.  It's not the end all 
solution, but it's pretty darned good!  With my TS-480 I just have to carry 
the remote head, the small RemoteRig control side box (another box is 
connected at the other end with the radio itself), a computer, and a small 
power supply.  You only need the computer to connect you to a WiFi system. 
You do have to set up a virtual private network (VPN) connection on the 
computer, but once you do it once, you just activate it each time you begin 
operation.  No additional software is required, although you can use some if 
it suits you better.  It can get more complex at the base station end, 
depending on what controllability features you want, like turning things on 
and off, antenna control, etc.  The control head functions just as it would 
if you were directly connected to the rig itself.  As long as the WiFi is 
half way decent, you are in business!  A K3 based remote system would be 
pretty much the same arrangement except you substitute the K3/0 for the 
TS-480 remote head.

If this peaks anyone's interest, you might want to download the manual for 
the RemoteRig system.  It describes how to set up  a system for various 
rigs, including the K3.  Also, I'm sure others have considerably more 
advanced setups than I have, so there may be a lot of additional info 
available from this group, including corrections of anything I may have 
misstated here.  I'm still in the novice class on remote operation, but 
what I've been able to do so far is pretty fascinating.

Dave W7AQK

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Re: [Elecraft] Looking for QRP Balun

2012-11-05 Thread Dyarnes
Ed and All,

Here is a link to a bunch of variations on 4:1 baluns you can construct 


As for something commercial, the Elecraft BL-1 is a good option, and it can 
be constructed as either a 1:1 or 4:1--your choice.  The BL-2 is better yet, 
as it is switchable!

Dave W7AQK

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Re: [Elecraft] Small HF amp suggestions

2012-11-07 Thread Dyarnes
Hi All,

I have a RM Italy HLA150, but I haven't tried it yet with the KX3.  I've 
been using another amp, the THP HL50B, which works quite well.  Not QSK 
though.  It has good RF sensing, and gives me abut 60 watts or a bit more. 
It isn't auto band-switching either, but otherwise it has been an excellent 
performer for me with all sorts of different QRP rigs.

The HLA-150 I have works O.K., but it really needs to be hard wired to the 
rig, rather than trying to rely on RF sensing.  That's a problem for some of 
my QRP rigs because they don't have provision for keying an amp.  That's why 
I tend to use the HL50-B.  The biggest problem I've heard about, with regard 
to the HLA-150, is that if you run it much over 100 watts it tends to get 
dirty.  W8JI wrote a lengthy analysis of this amp, and seemed to think it 
was O.K. otherwise.  It is auto band-switching, which is nice.  So, I 
wouldn't be too concerned about that amp so long as you use it prudently. 
Some RM Italy products get a bad name, mainly because they don't have 
effective band filtering, but the HLA series does.

A friend of mine field tested one of the new Ten-Tec amps and liked it.  I 
think it's a little expensive, but it seems to have a lot of features.

I have no doubt that the yet-to-be-released Elecraft amp will be a very good 
option.  The delay in production tells me that Elecraft is probably trying 
to pack every feature they can into the package.  Obviously it will be very 
easy to mate with the KX3.  We don't know the price yet.  Hope it's not too 
much.  I have to wonder if Elecraft isn't re-working their offering after 
seeing what Ten-Tec was putting out.  There are a lot of features on the 
Ten-Tec amp that don't seem like they would be included in Elecraft's amp, 
based just on the preliminary picture of it.  But then again, maybe they are 
planning on a somewhat simpler, but effective product at a lower price?? 
From the picture, the Elecraft amp seems more comparable to the THP type 
amp.  There is such a vacuum of information, I don't know what to expect, 
except I'm sure it will be a very good product.

Other small amps you might consider include the HF Packer Amp, which has 
gone through a number of feature upgrades over time.  It doesn't put out as 
much power though.  Also, the old Ten-Tec 405 linear is a good choice if you 
can find one.  The biggest problem with those is that they are annoying due 
to relay chatter.  I bet that could be modified.  Those will easily put out 
50 watts or more.  I'm not sure it will cover the WARC bands.

So, lots of choices out there.  I'd probably wait to see just what Elecraft 
comes out with before I made a serious acquisition.  For now I'm happy with 
my HL50-B.  If I like what I see from Elecraft, I can probably cover a good 
portion of the cost by selling that one.  For that matter, I've probably got 
a few other things around here I could unload and maybe end up not being 
out-of-pocket much, if anything.

Dave W7AQK

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Re: [Elecraft] CW Decoding - Your Brain is best

2012-11-09 Thread Dyarnes
Hi All,

I'm not going to totally throw cold water on those trying to rely heavily on 
the CW decoding capability of the K3 (and KX3), but I think you will be 
mostly frustrated.  First of all, the decoding capability of these rigs is 
heavily dependent on several factors, including a pretty good signal and 
properly sent characters (including spacing).  Even if the characters are 
well formed, you can still think you are getting some gibberish if the 
spacing isn't correct--you have to focus on properly separating the 
characters, and some ops really make that a chore!

I do appreciate the capability these rigs have, and even use it once in a 
while--very seldom though.  One example is when I run across a handful of 
ops on 40 meters who like to gather nearly every day and play burn out!  A 
couple of these guys are going 40 wpm plus, and that is a bit too fast for 
me--I get a lot of it, but not all.  Fortunately, they tend to send pretty 
good code (I am suspicious that some of them may be using keyboards), so I 
can fill in what I miss from the code reading feature on my K3 and KX3. 
I'm not participating in the conversation, but use it for code practice.

Probably the biggest benefit of the code reader is when I am showing off the 
radio to someone who doesn't know code.  Not only can they see what I am 
hearing (at least most of it), they can see what I am sending as well.  The 
abbreviations we use on CW will throw them a bit, but they tend to get the 
gist of the conversation--I can explain the shorthand later.  This really 
is helpful!  An observer's eyes can glaze over pretty quickly when all they 
hear is a bunch of dits and dahs that have no meaning.  However, when they 
can see that real information is being passed back and forth, and they can 
interpret it, their attention span, and interest, is much greater.

I applaud Wayne and Lyle's efforts to try and make the code reading 
capability better, but I am somewhat pessimistic that they will be able to 
make substantial improvements.  I say that primarily because I think the 
deficiencies of the sender are apt to be too great, and too variant, to 
really overcome.  Too many ops out there just don't seem to be motivated to 
try and emulate machine quality code.  I don't know, from a technical 
standpoint, what adjustments Wayne and Lyle are trying to make, so I can't 
really say with any certainty how successful they will be.  Perhaps they can 
get the reader to accept variations in the 1 to 3 ratio more readily. 
That could help I suppose.  I think they inferred that was one objective. 
However, I don't know how you can ever overcome most of the spacing issues. 
That's my biggest problem in just trying to copy CW, and it seems to be 
where most code reading software tends to go sideways.  If someone is going 
to insist on running characters together, only the human brain can probably 
figure that out--eventually!  If you are dealing with weak signal problems 
I'm not sure what improvements can be made.

I like the code reading capability on these rigs--it's clever and sometimes 
beneficial.  However, I see very little promise of it becoming something an 
operator can rely on primarily.  Your best chance of doing so is if 
keyboards are being used.  However, if you do that, without being able to 
translate things yourself, it really does become just another digital 
mode, and not much different than using something like PSK31.

Dave W7AQK

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Re: [Elecraft] Small HF amp suggestions

2012-11-11 Thread Dyarnes
Hi All,

I just read the post by Bill Schmidt, K9HZ, who defended the RM Italy HLA 
series amps as not being as bad as many folks seem to think.  I had posted 
a similar response earlier, but thought I should add some substance to my 
defense (and perhaps to Bill's).

I think much of the confusion stems from the fact that RM Italy makes 
several different series amps.  Some were apparently only intended to be 
single band amps (CB perhaps?) and did not have very effective filtering. 
However, the HLA series amps are intended to cover multiple bands, and do 
have decent filtering.  I own an HLA-150 amp, and have found it to be a 
decent performer, although it does have lots of deficiencies.  As I said in 
my earlier post, Tom Rausch, W8JI, made some extensive tests of that same 
model amp, and though he found some serious issues, he defends the amp's 
adequacy when operated conservatively--that mainly being to not run it much 
above 90 to 100 watts output.  Hopefully most of you are familiar with W8JI, 
who has considerable credentials in the ham community regarding amplifiers 
(he designed many of the more popular amps being used today), and is very 
knowledgeable on other topics as well.  Anyway, here is a link to Tom's 
website wherein he discusses the pros and cons of the HLA-150.  You might 
want to take a peek at it.


I'm not suggesting that this amp is a great piece of gear, or the equivalent 
to new stuff coming out currently--just that it might be usable, and not 
nearly as inadequate as some would suggest.  I also think there are many 
other choices, including the upcoming Elecraft amp, which would undoubtedly 
be a better choice.  However, I got my HLA-150 pretty cheap (used), and I 
think they tend to be sold at fairly low prices on the used market, which 
might make them attractive--at least as an interim choice--while you wait 
for some of the newer ones to become available.

Just a few watts will drive an HLA-150 to 100 watts plus.  The amp is auto 
band switching, which is a very handy feature.  It is moderate in size and 
weight.  Supposedly it will work just by using RF sensing, but I have found 
that to be problematic.  On CW the amp seems to cut off the first dit or 
dah, so it really needs to be used with a keying line from the transceiver. 
Also, it's not really a QSK amp, and that is a big deficiency in my view. 
You can bet the Elecraft amp will have good QSK, and I think the new Ten-Tec 
418 amp does as well.  The HLA-150 doesn't purport to cover 6 meters either, 
and that is another issue which other alternatives will solve.  I doubt 60 
meters is covered by the HLA-150, but the Elecraft amp will cover 60 meters, 
as will the new Elecraft amp.

Personally, I'm a little reticent about the Ten-Tec 418 amp for various 
reasons.  I'm not so sure they didn't overcook it a bit.  First of all, it 
looks too big.  It's twice the size of my HLA-150 (and HL50-B), and weighs 
twice as much.  Is that necessary?  All I've seen of the new Elecraft amp is 
a picture, but it looks more reasonable--and practical.  The Ten-Tec 418 
incorporates, among other things, a big LCD display, and two fans--things I 
wouldn't have thought were necessary in a small amp, but maybe they are.  I 
still have an old Ten-Tec 405 linear, which will run 50 watts+, and is less 
than half the size and weight of the 418, no fans, but has power and SWR 
metering included.  It still works FB too, even after 30+ years!  Apparently 
the new Ten-Tec amp covers 60 meters, but initially I don't think it was 
going to.  By the way, the new Ten-Tec QRP rig doesn't cover 60 meters or 12 
meters, and I think their amp was originally going to skip these bands as 
well.  I'm genuinely confused by Ten-Tec's omission of these bands, but 
that's another issue.

So, if you are just looking for something reasonably affordable to boost 
your QRP rig a couple of S units, and not too concerned about bells and 
whistles, then the HLA-150 might be a good option--at least in the interim. 
I certainly wouldn't expect many of you to just take my word for it, but I 
think W8JI's discussion is more convincing.  Sooner or later though, most of 
us will probably yearn for the kinds of features and capabilities that the 
new Elecraft amp will undoubtedly offer.  For versatility I ultimately want 
a small amp that has good QSK, and when I want to use it with some of my 
simpler QRP rigs, I'd like to have good, effective RF sensing (hopefully 
that's a reasonable expectation).  I also want it to cover ALL of the bands 
through 6 meters.  If the new Elecraft amp does all of this, and at a 
reasonable price, I'll probably get one.  I can unload the HLA-150, and my 
THP HL50-B, and probably not be out of pocket much, if anything.  Well, I 
might have to look around for something else to unload as well, but 
hopefully it won't be a problem.  The new Ten-Tec amp is pretty expensive in 
my view.  8 bucks a watt seems 

[Elecraft] KAT500 Arriving Tomorrow

2012-11-11 Thread Dyarnes
Hi All,

According to UPS, my KAT500 should hit my doorstep sometime tomorrow. 
Problem is we are planning to leave tomorrow morning for a couple of weeks 
in Oregon!  Fortunately, if it comes after we leave, my daughter will be 
here to accept delivery.

It's almost amazing how deliveries from Elecraft come just as we are about 
to leave for somewhere.  I just barely got my KX3 before a previous trip. 
The K3 was a close call too.  It's not that we go somewhere all that often, 
but that's just the way it is.  Anyway, I'm sure looking forward to the 
package--even if it's a couple of weeks before I really get to check it out. 
I wouldn't be taking it on the trip anyway, so I guess it doesn't really 
matter that much.  This unit should really simplify my operating situation 
since I use at least one multi-band antenna that needs a little help to 
obtain an agreeable match for the KPA500.  From the reports I've seen so 
far, the unit seems to work exceptionally well.

By the way, mine is a factory built unit, and I ordered it at Dayton.  I 
can't remember for sure, but it may have been on Saturday at Dayton before I 
got my order placed.

At one point I had hoped to say that this might be my last acquisition for 
a good while, but now the K3/0 has me intrigued!  Then there's the 
possibility I'll get infatuated with the 100 watt amp for my KX3.  I'm not 
sure there is an end to this!  The only thing saving me is that I'm 
faithfully adhering to my policy that, when something comes in, something 
has to go out!  After 57 years of doing this stuff, I'm clearly over 
equipped.  In truth, a LOT more needs to go out than comes in, and I'm about 
to start dedicating myself to that proposition.  What makes that easier to 
do is the fact that a lot of the new stuff really replaces more than one 
item--at least in my inventory!  The KX3, for example, made a lot of things 
on my shelf obsolete--not just one or two items, but several.  Well, 
obsolete may not be the right word, but unnecessary is perhaps more 
adequate.  It's about time I got serious!  I need to start making a list, 
but I'm afraid my wife might see it, and then I'll never hear the end of it! 
She's really been a good soldier all these years, about all of this, but I 
know what would really make her happy.

Dave W7AQK

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Re: [Elecraft] Small HF amp suggestions

2012-11-11 Thread Dyarnes
Hi Again All,

I was just informed by private email that the Ten-Tec 418 amp will NOT do 
QSK!  That astounds me!  I just assumed it did I guess.  I'm no designer, 
but I didn't think QSK was all that hard to incorporate--especially in an 
amp that seems to be priced in the full feature price range.  I even added 
the QSK mod to an ALS-600 amp which Phil Salas, AD5X,  came up with.  It 
made a huge improvement in the amp, and wasn't all that hard to do.  Shame 
on me for having assumed too much on the Ten-Tec amp.  Heck, I even talked 
at length with a friend of mine, who was field testing that amp, and never 
even thought to ask about QSK.  We pretty much got sidetracked, I guess, 
talking about a lot of the other aspects of the amp.  Anyway, I went to the 
Ten-Tec website, looked at the spec's on the amp, and sure enough--not a 
word about QSK.  My bad!  Sorry if I mislead folks.  Hopefully I'm not wrong 
about the Elecraft amp being QSK.  That would really make me bite my tongue!

Dave W7AQK 

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Re: [Elecraft] Small HF Amp Suggestions

2012-11-11 Thread Dyarnes
Once more!

Man, this is like a tennis match!  O.K.  The word is in--and this time it's 
from Paul Clinton, Service Manager at Ten-Tec.  The 418 amp WILL do QSK! 
Whew!  Now I feel better!  Kind of strange, though, that they don't make 
that absolutely clear in their brochure.

Dave W7AQK

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[Elecraft] Updated Info on the New Argonaut VI

2012-11-12 Thread Dyarnes
Hi All,

This info (see link below) was just passed on to me via GQRP-L.


There are still a lot of missing details, but it's hard for me to see how 
this rig competes effectively with the KX3.

Dave W7AQK

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[Elecraft] KAT500 Arrives

2012-11-12 Thread Dyarnes
Hi All,

KAT500 number 71 arrived by UPS today.  We were supposed to be on the road 
today, but my wife was been pretty sick last week, and needed an extra day 
to get ready for the trip.  Anyway, it works great!  I'm happy.  Actually, 
I'm very happy!  The main reason is that running higher power has always 
been something of a dichotomy for me.  I tend to need more power at times, 
mainly because my antennas are marginal--I don't hear better, but I can be 
heard a bit better.  On the other hand, high power has always been something 
of a pain, if not unnecessary, much of the time.  You have to be very 
careful running higher power--tune-up can't be done casually, house wiring 
has to be up to the task, everything is bigger and heavier, and accidents 
with high power tend to be much more destructive.  etc. etc.  RFI can be a 
much bigger issue too.  I'd much rather put the time, effort, and money into 
better antennas, but that just isn't practical at my location.  So, after a 
bunch of years (50+) at 100 watts or less, and much of that at 5 watts or 
less, I've succumbed to using up to 500 watts when conditions/circumstances 
seem to require it.  I have access, on occasion, to another station with 
even higher power capability, but I still go at it sans amplifier if 

Anyway, the KAT500 replaces my old Ten-Tec 229 manual tuner.  That's a 
really good tuner, but it's manual, and takes a good bit of manipulating to 
get a good match.  With the KAT500, once you get a few memories set, it's 
pretty much tap the paddle once, and you are set.  That's a luxury I've been 
looking forward to ever since I acquiesced to using higher power.  Perhaps 
I'm not getting a better match than I did with the old Ten-Tec, but it sure 
is a bunch faster and easier now.

As for my serial number (71), I might have wished that it was one number 
higher, since that would match my original K2's serial number.  However, 
this is sort of a birthday present to myself, and that's just a week away. 
Next week (11/20) I will be 71!  So, even though it was accidental, Elecraft 
actually gave me a very fitting serial number!  I guess I can find irony in 
almost anything!

So, we are sneaking up on having 100 or so of these things in hand.  I 
suspect the kits will start shipping shortly.  This is the first time I 
haven't opted for a kit from Elecraft, but I figured for just $50, what the 

Dave W7AQK

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Re: [Elecraft] Are you satisfied with your K3?

2012-12-05 Thread Dyarnes

Hi All,

Obviously most of the responders here are either K3 owners, or K3 potential 
owners, who have experienced the quality of this radio.  So, am I totally 
satisfied?  No!  Am I reasonably satisfied?  Absolutely!

The K3 is a wonderful radio, and something all of us who own one can be very 
proud of having.  However, it is not the perfect radio, nor will it ever 
be such.  But then, again, I never expected it to be the perfect radio!

I don't care how much money you spend, you will never own the perfect radio. 
No radio will ever have the complete (or even nearly complete) compliment of 
features and performance that we seek.  If that were possible, then most, or 
all, companies would go out of business!  More importantly, it just isn't 

I don't care how many features you put in the K3, or any other radio, 
someone will have an issue--or ten issues!  What Elecraft achieved with the 
K3 is a top quality radio at a greatly reduced cost.  That's extremely 

The K3 is NOT the perfect radio for everyone, but it is the perfect radio 
for most of us.  There are too many variables, and personal preferences, to 
satisfy the entire ham community.  Many of the shortcomings are well 
founded, but not necessarily reasonable, for all that many users.  I see all 
this Sturm und Drang about this feature or that feature, and I have to 
wonder whether or not it really matters!  Performance wise the K3 is near 
the absolute top end.  Ergonomically, it also is near the top.  Nonetheless, 
some folks are not happy, and never would be, with something specifically 
designed along the line of the K3.  To those folks I simply say go ahead 
and buy whatever better meets your wants and desires.  However, you won't 
achieve much, if any, improvement in performance.  If you can detect a 
significantly better performing radio, then your ear is much better than 

Elecraft has an incredible advantage over other manufacturers because they 
have a support team that is second to none.  If you have a problem, they 
will fix it--one way or another!!!  Other manufacturers will somewhat 
similarly fix your radio, but not necessarily to the extent of making it 
better than it was when you bought it.  Elecraft will fix it, and it all 
probability make it even better!

Some features are lacking in the K3, and some are very significant. 
However, just about everything that could be crammed into the K3 has been. 
If it isn't there now, it very well may be with software upgrades.  No other 
manufacturer is so dedicated to keeping their top line radio so forward 
capable.  Even though other manufacturers have adopted the firmware 
upgrade capability, nobody is doing more with that capability than 
Elecraft!  Pure fact!

If the K3 doesn't meet your expectations, sell it!  I seriously doubt you 
will replace it without spending a great deal more.  You won't gain much, if 
anything, in performance, but you might get something that fits you more 
appropriately.  If your problem with the K3 was a specific performance 
attribute, then possibly you will solve that, but somewhere there will be 
some compromise!

Right now I don't anticipate ever needing more than what the K3 provides me. 
That feeling may change, but I would bet large amounts of money that it will 
take a very serious up scaling cost wise to achieve that.  In the 
meantime, so many of the deficiencies in the K3 are being addressed by 
software upgrades, I can't imagine why I would become less convinced that I 
now have the right radio.  Who else is doing so much to achieve perfection 
than Elecraft?  They won't get there, but they keep trying

All you need to do, to truly see the value of a K3, is to compare features 
and cost.  If another manufacturer gets closer to your wants and needs, by 
all means go for it!  Somehow, though, I think you would be part of a very 
small minority.  The K3 was too well planned, and too well designed to be 
easily outdone.  Yes, something will come along that exceeds it, but not 
anytime soon.  When that happens, will it be enough better to justify my 
switching?  I doubt it.  Either the cost, or the marginal improvement will 
probably make that be unnecessary.  Unless I do something stupid, and blow 
up my K3, I'm probably set for a very long time!

Dave W7AQK

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Re: [Elecraft] OT: IDIOM PRESS

2012-12-05 Thread Dyarnes

Hi All,

What a lot of folks don't realize is that a great many of the amateur radio 
suppliers, and especially the QRP type suppliers, are one man operations! 
As such, they don't have a particularly organized and sophisticated ordering 
and shipping process.  Accordingly, if you are in a particular hurry, or 
need something quickly from one of these very small companies, you should 
talk to them personally and make sure you are going to receive your order in 
the timeframe you are expecting.  There are a thousand reasons why it might 
take longer than you expect to fill your order.  Most of these little 
companies are operating out of their garages, or similarly small space, and 
parts coming in versus things going out can be an issue.  I'm not making 
excuses for bad service, but so many of these operations are reliant on 
their receiving the necessary parts, which they really can't control.  They 
can't afford to maintain large inventories of parts, so a sudden rush of 
orders probably means a lag time that would normally be considered 

By all means, you should talk to the supplier personally and find out if 
there is going to be a delay of any significance.  Most of them will tell 
you whether or not they have everything you want in stock.  Some of these 
folks are doing this on the side, in addition to their regular job, so 
don't be surprised if it takes a little time to fill an order.  It may 
involve a good bit of personal effort to make sure what they send you is 
correct.  It's entirely different from being a full blown manufacturing 
operation where they have employees specifically responsible for making sure 
that everything needed is on the shelf and ready for shipment.

Some QRP suppliers, like Dave Benson and Steve Weber, are good examples of 
this.  Both of those guys usually geared up for a production run of X 
number of kits.  However, if more orders than that came in, they typically 
had a hiatus of time in order to re-stock the necessary parts.  The NorCal 
kits were the same way.  They could handle the number of orders they 
announced, but if interest exceeded that, well, it was probably going to be 
a wait of some time before they could handle the orders received.  I don't 
know that much about Idiom press (they have been around for a long time), 
but I suspect they are in the same category.  I'm not sure what they sell is 
sufficient to qualify for being a full blown manufacturing operation with a 
staff sufficiently large to make sure everything necessary is on the shelf 
and ready for shipment.

Bottom line, if you are in a big hurry, call them and talk to them 
personally to find out what delay might be in the offing!  I know, some of 
these operations promise more than they can handle, but most of them, I 
think, try to be reasonably forthright in their advertising.  In any event, 
if time is of the essence, I'd be verifying things them personally.

Most of these small operations are incredibly innovative in what they offer, 
so don't expect too much too soon!  Even Elecraft started out to be a 
somewhat laggard operation, but the quality of their offerings soon made it 
possible for them to rise to big company reliability.  Not every QRP 
supplier will achieve that level of success, so you have to be a little 
patient.  Usually that will be greatly rewarded, but it is a bit 
frustrating.  If you can't stand to wait a bit, then maybe you should be 
looking elsewhere.

I have no clue as to whether Idiom Press meets the criteria I describe 
above, but I'd be almost willing to bet that it does.  Over the years I've 
seen dozens of companies like this with the same lag time issue.  On top 
of that, much of the delay can be because various personal issues arose 
which complicated their ability to devote the necessary attention to this 
sideline business.  Hey!  That's just part of the mix!  I will tell you , 
though, that rarely have I been unhappy in the end.  It's just that the 
timeframe has been disappointing.  Your expectations are not unreasonable, 
but the basic fact of life is that you should verify the validity of your 
expectations when dealing with any small company.  There is just too much 
that can interfere with achieving a satisfactory result when you are 
patronizing small suppliers.  Too many things can go wrong for them to not 
hit a bump here or there.  Just think about it!

Dave W7AQK

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Re: [Elecraft] Selling my K2.

2012-12-13 Thread Dyarnes

Fred and All,

I think Fred's comment is a bit excessive.  It's a shame he had a bad 
experience, but the same thing could have happened if he had used almost any 
other venue for selling gear, like Eham, or QTH, or whatever.  You can't 
just blame Ebay for your own mistakes.  His comments about being more 
careful about just how you effect the transaction are more appropriate. 
Truth is, you can make a bad deal anywhere!

I don't use Ebay a lot, but I have made a few acquisitions through it. 
Fortunately, they all turned out O.K.  I guess I was just lucky.  Like Fred, 
I'm somewhat cautious about some things I see there, but that's mainly 
because it is so wide open.  Half the time you really don't know who you are 
really dealing with.  Usually, though, you do have the option to contact the 
seller first, so it doesn't have to be totally blind faith.

In any event, if you have any significant concerns, you should probably 
follow Fred's suggestion and get some sort of assurance that you have 
recourse.  You should probably do that with any 2nd hand acquisition, 
regardless of where you get it.  I think Ebay has some sort of problem 
resolution process, but I don't know how effective it is since I've never 
had to use it.  If it has any value at all, it may be better to buy there 
than on some other venues.  However, I think the first rule of any such 
transaction should be to have at least some idea as to who you are dealing 
with.  If it's some phantom, hiding behind some obtuse ID, you don't have 
much upon which to place your faith.  I also have another rule--When in 
doubt, pass!  If you can't get the assurances that make you reasonably 
comfortable, I'd let the deal go.  Except in rare instances, there is almost 
surely going to be another equally reasonable deal, if not better, coming 
down the pike.  Personally, I have to keep reminding myself of this last 
rule.  It's hard not to get somewhat excited (and possibly foolish) when you 
see a good deal come along.

Dave W7AQK

Fred Smith Said:

I make it a point of never buying any radios on eBay usually there is a
problem with them or they wouldn't be there. 

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Re: [Elecraft] OT- Radials for Vertical Antenna

2013-07-01 Thread Dyarnes

Hi Randy and All,

A lot of answers to your questions, but I think what you really need to do 
is read the extensive coverage of this topic by Rudy Severns, N6LF.  Go to 
this website:


There are at least two groups of QEX articles you probably would be most 
interested in reading.  One is his general series on ground system 
experimentation, and his later articles on elevated radials.  All these were 
published in QEX, and Rudy did a great deal of study and experimentation in 
preparation for writing them.  Few people understand this subject better, or 
at least the practicalities of such systems.

Early on Rudy commented that as few as 4 elevated radials could probably 
outperform an extensively laid ground radial system.  However, it turns out 
that this also required very rigid tuning procedures, and that probably 8 or 
more were really what would be necessary.  The bugaboo, apparently, is 
getting the current distribution right in the radials themselves--otherwise 
they can become counter productive, or I think that was his conclusion.

In any event, this is really good stuff, and well worth studying.  It may 
not answer all your questions, but you will undoubtedly learn a lot about 
radial systems in the process, and you can experiment on your own as you see 

Dave W7AQK

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Re: [Elecraft] O.T.: End of (another) era

2013-07-16 Thread Dyarnes

Hi All,

Ed may be right--it's hard to say.  It also depends on what the definition 
of disappear is, meaning I think there will always be some adventurous 
souls using CW regardless of where technology takes us.  By  rights, I would 
have thought AM would disappear, but it hasn't--not totally.  There is 
even a feeding frenzy out there for old AM gear.

But CW is a conundrum.  It takes skill!  That is what seems to be 
disappearing from ham radio!  Look at the decline in the ability of the 
average ham to build his/her own gear, let alone repair it!  Admittedly, the 
radios we buy these days don't lend themselves to DIY repair, mainly due to 
the advanced technology of things like SMD's, etc.  These days, if you have 
a problem, it usually means swapping out an entire board rather than 
replacing a single part.

But back to CW--This is the most basic (I think) form of RF communication. 
By that  I mean it is the simplest form to create.  You actually only need 
two wires you can touch together to send it, but a paddle or key obviously 
makes it much easier.  It's more efficient that just about any type of voice 
communication, so with just a few watts (or less) you can work the world! 
The digital modes you mention are also very efficient, but I find them 
ultimately boring!  The computer has made everything so mechanical!  JT65 is 
a really slick creation, but you end up just playing a numbers game for 
exchanges.  It's gratifying for a while, but there is not much conversation 
going back and forth.  At least modes like PSK31 are conversational, and 
maybe other modes, yet to be invented, will be that way too.  It's hard to 
say what we will see in the next 20 or 30 years.  Technology moves at 
lightening speed!

For that matter, RTTY would seem to be old hat as well, but it still seems 
to be hanging around in strength.  The computer gave RTTY a reprieve, 
since we no longer have to rely on units like the old Model 26's, or 
whatever those things were that we used years ago.  I can even operate RTTY 
and PSK31 with my KX3, all by itself, but using CW as the input method! 
Again, the simplest form of input (CW) to generate an advanced mode.

A while back some Japanese company was seriously contemplating using CW as 
an input method for texting on cellphones!  It would only require two or 
three keys!  Interesting concept, but I guess it didn't fly--at least not 
now.  I still think there is just possibly some merit to this however.  Kids 
can learn anything  They text!  It's the old f**ts that have problems.

The absence of a mandatory level of CW proficiency has clearly reduced the 
level of CW activity--except in contests!  Interestingly, though, now 
that CW is no longer mandatory, a lot of newer hams (and some old ones too) 
seem to be having some sort of epiphany about the virtues of CW, and are 
voluntarily taking it up.  Very interesting!!!

The bottom line is that technology is apt to change everything!  It might 
even substantially wipe away ham radio all together!  It certainly has 
distracted newcomers who now seem to be nearly totally focused on computers. 
I have some serious concerns about the survival of ham radio itself, but for 
now, I think the biggest threat is CC  R's!  Hi.

Dave W7AQK

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Re: [Elecraft] 43' Vertical - mine is 31ft

2013-09-04 Thread Dyarnes

Wim DeWilder posted:

I have a 31 foot vertical myself (S9 V31) and since I have the KPA500 I
use the 600 WATT  MFJ remote auto tuner.
With about 8 radials of 30 ft it works well on 40m - 10m.
The MFJ can't tune it on 80m but the internal K3 tuner does.
Feedline is 100ft of RG213



Is the MFJ tuner still in line when you tune with the K3 on 80 meters?

It seems to me that you are loading a 40 meter vertical on 80 meters, which 
means your feedpoint impedance is probably very high--maybe a few thousand 
ohms???  That's a pretty large order for most auto-tuners.

The K3 tuner is darn good, and just might give you a match of some sort, but 
that's a stretch for it as well.  10:1 is kind of the spec limit, and I 
think you may be exceeding that.  Still, I'm not sure what it might be 
tuning if you don't have the MFJ bypassed.

Also, that 100 feet of feedline, even though it's pretty good stuff, is 
probably giving you a lot of loss since you apparently don't have a good 
match at the base.  As I understand it, if you don't get pretty close to 50 
ohms at the base of the antenna, then your coax will just increase your 
losses considerably over and above what it would normally cause due to the 
length of the run.

I can tune my R8 vertical on 80 meters (and even 160 meters) just using 
the K3's ATU, and a run of about 50 feet of coax.  However, I am certain 
that my efficiency is crap!  I've only tried this a couple of times because 
it scares me to death to try it!

Dave W7AQK

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Re: [Elecraft] K2: maximizing RF output, upping audio output.

2013-09-26 Thread Dyarnes

Ron and All,

I think Ron's cautionary comments are right on!  I remember a number of 
years back when the Kenwood TS-50 first came out.  It didn't take long for 
the tinkerers to realize that the output transistors in that rig were very 
conservatively rated.  It was often stated that they could probably run as 
much as two or three times the rating for the rig (100 watts).  Sure enough, 
a bunch of folks started hopping up their TS-50's.  Problem is, most of 
them forgot all about whether or not the output filters could handle that 
much extra power.  Apparently they couldn't, because soon you started 
hearing a lot of sad stories.

Beefing up a K2 beyond it's design capability seems like pure foolishness to 
me--unless you want to basically redesign the whole rig!  Besides, most 12 
volt rigs have significant IMD issues when run much above the design limit. 
It doesn't take much either.  The K3 runs pretty well at 100 watts, but at 
110 watts (which is would do initially) it started getting dirty.  I think 
they subsequently capped it at 100 watts via firmware.

A few more watts just isn't worth it---usually!  If you want to boost your 
power, get an amp--even a small one.  Or build one--there are a bunch of 
good designs around for simple and inexpensive amps .  Why jeopardize a 
great rig like a K2 for a few more watts?

Dave W7AQK

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Re: [Elecraft] [K3] K3 frozen on power-up

2013-10-14 Thread Dyarnes

Good Morning All,

I can't explain the problem, and maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree. 
However, in recent years it has become pretty obvious to me that 
microprocessors are pretty finicky!  All the devices we use these days that 
have microprocessors seem to periodically get hung up due to even a small 
spike in voltage, or whatever.  More often than not, disconnecting 
everything, and probably doing a complete power down, seems to cure it. 
I've had to do that with routers, cell phones, satellite receivers, 
computers, etc., etc.  Every so often I have to do it with the K3 as well. 
So, anymore when something quits working correctly, the first thing I do is 
a complete power disconnect--even removing batteries is sometimes the 
answer.  Interconnecting cables may need to be unhooked as well because they 
also may have some small voltage passing through them.  Anyway, if something 
quits working, give this a try first.  It may save you from having to have a 
conversation with India!

Dave W7AQK

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[Elecraft] QRQ KPA500 amp

2014-01-07 Thread Dyarnes

Mike and All,

Not sure what was so humorous exactly, about Full QRQ break-in,  but my 
reaction would be more like are you kidding me? .  Full QRQ break-in 
says two things--Not only does it have QSK capability (the full break-in 
part of that phrase), but also at really high CW speeds (QRQ), which a lot 
of other amps, and rigs for that matter, cannot do.  That's another world as 
far as I'm concerned.

Actually, the K3 was, at one point, a bit lacking on the QRQ aspect as far 
as some of the really super high speed folks were concerned.  However, in 
just another instance of how Elecraft responds to customer requests, they 
resolved that issue to just about everyone's satisfaction as far as I know. 
I'm guessing that the KPA500 will very effectively coordinate with the 
increased capability of the K3.  A good friend of mine, who is an excellent 
CW op and one of the QRQ folks who encouraged Elecraft to improve this 
aspect of the K3, is now apparently fully satisfied with the results.  I'm 
not sure what the upper limit is now, but I think it is in the neighborhood 
of 70 to 80 wpm now--maybe faster.  I'm not slow, but this is way out of my 
realm of operation, and I didn't even know the issue existed.

In any event, if the K3 had been a product of any other manufacturer, this 
deficiency would probably never had been resolved, except perhaps by a 
new improved model.  Additionally, the KPA500 probably would not have been 
designed as capably either by another manufacturer, or even by Elecraft, had 
it not been for their close attention to customer requests and requirements. 
I'm pretty sure that one of the objectives in the design of the KPA500 was 
NOT to inhibit the capabilities of the K3.

As I said, I'm not a QRQ type, but I do plod along at a decent clip using 
QSK.  It constantly amazes me how seamlessly the KPA500 follows along, and 
is whisper quiet!  No clicks, no clacks, just green bars!  Even if the fan 
comes on I have to strain to hear it.  I've never been much of an amp user 
either, until now, but I have used other amps now and then.  All of those 
other amps tended to drive me crazy with the racket they produce.  As long 
as I used headphones, I think I could operate the K-line in church and 
nobody would notice!

Dave W7AQK

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[Elecraft] KX3 Transverters

2011-12-30 Thread Dyarnes
Hi All,

I'm glad (for some of you) that a 2 meter transverter will eventually be 
available for the KX3.  In my view, however, only having 2 meters really 
doesn't accomplish that much.  Yes, 2 meters probably still is the most 
significant VHF/UHF band, but it seems to me that 440 has become nearly 
equal, and even more important in some areas.  I don't know how much you can 
cram into the KX3, but unless I could get both 2 meters and 440 combined, it 
would still mean I have to have an alternative for those bands--it's like 
getting half a loaf.  A dual band HT does that for me.  If I need an HT for 
440, I might as well use it for 2 meters as well, and skip the transverter. 
The trade-off, of course, is not being able to utilize all modes.

More and more, both here locally and as I travel around a bit, I find that 
440 has become quite preferential in many places.  I'm not that much into 
VHF/UHF anyway, so it's easy for me to be a bit blasé' about it. 
Nonetheless, it just seems to me that most folks who are serious about these 
bands, are probably serious about both of them (if not more), and thus are 
apt to have some sort of all mode multi-band VHF/UHF rig for that purpose. 
If you are primarily just an FM'er on those bands, as I tend to be, then 
maybe you will see my point.  I can certainly see some benefit of having 2 
meters built into the KX3, at hamfests, or operating mobile, etc., but I can 
do all I need to do with a simple dual bander, or tri-bander, many of which 
are available for less than the cost of a transverter.

The purpose of this post is not to be critical of the KX3 accessory 
plans--not at all!  However, I guess I hope it might be food for thought to 
the folks in Watsonville about seriously considering whether or not they can 
expand the KX3 beyond just 2 meters.  If they can, that's pretty amazing! 
Wayne hinted it might be something they may consider, but he was very 
cautious about the possibility.  I'm just expressing my view as to why it 
might make sense, if it's possible at all.

Dave W7AQK 

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Re: [Elecraft] KX3 vs FT817 (comparing apples+oranges)

2011-12-31 Thread Dyarnes
Hi All,

I read the comments by Doug, KR2Q, (and Wayne's response as well), and while 
I tend to agree with much of Doug's analysis, I have a serious question. 
Doug infers that the outstanding specs for the KX3 are superfluous when 
operating in the field.  I honestly don't understand his point.  I suspect 
I'm missing something or not connecting the dots right.

For one thing, when I go to the field, which tends to be fairly often, I 
usually have better antennas there than at home.  That doesn't say anything 
very good about my home setup, but I have antenna restrictions and I live in 
the desert.  Setting up a decent antenna in the field isn't necessarily that 
difficult, unless you are in a big hurry.  Trees or not, I can have a fairly 
decent dipole at 40 feet in about 5 minutes.  Alternatively, I can use 
something like an end fed half wave, or a vertical arrangement of some sort. 
If I have trees, so much the better.  I also have a Buddipole system, but I 
tend to use it as a Buddistick, which works very well.  In any event, 
whether I'm at home or out camping, I find plenty of reason to appreciate a 
better radio.

The late, but welcome, arrival of our current sunspot cycle has certainly 
enhanced activity on the bands.  Signals are often very LOUD, and not that 
far apart.  I agree that contests and pile-ups exacerbate things, but it 
seems to me that there isn't that much difference in conditions regardless 
of where I operate.

It is certainly understandable that folks would immediately ponder the 
trail friendly qualities of the KX3.  Anything small and light leads you 
to that as an option.  However, I don't think Elecraft approached this 
design with that as their main objective.  Rather I think they were trying 
to enhance versatility.  In other words, trying to make a small version of 
the K3, and as close to a K3 as they could get.  I'm remembering something 
from a number of years back, when the KX1 was fairly new.  I commented that 
I had even operated my KX1 while sitting in bed.  Wayne responded that he 
had done that too!  So, maybe what Wayne really was trying to do was come up 
with a way to take his K3 to the bedroom!  Hi.

Anyway, I don't think the challenge was just to make a smaller radio.  I 
think it was making a really good radio smaller.  To do the former only 
trumps a few alternative radios.  To do the latter trumps a bunch of other 
radios--at least in versatility.  That was, in my view, the real 
objective--versatility.  Maybe that's not exactly the word they had on the 
flip chart during the brain storming sessions about designing the KX3, but I 
tend to think it at least partially describes their objective.  For a long 
time I've wished I could be a fly on the wall when they discuss this 

Dave W7AQK

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[Elecraft] KPA500

2012-01-15 Thread Dyarnes
Jim and all,

At 5 watts input, I get something just north of 75 watts out of the 
KPA500.  At 7 watts input, I get 100 watts out from the KPA500.  That's not 
a precise measurement, but hopefully close enough.  That was on 40 meters, 
by the way.  In any event, without doing the math, that seems pretty close 
to the 15 DB gain figure I think they were shooting for.  I know that about 
28 watts input from the K3 just tickles the 500 watt output LED on the 
KPA500.  That's about where I run it when using the amp.

Looking ahead, at the KX3, 10 watts generates about 150 watts, and 12 watts 
gets nearly 175 watts.

Dave W7AQK

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 synthesizer problem

2012-02-10 Thread Dyarnes
NQ7R and all,

Tom, that does sound like a very odd problem.  I Don't remember seeing it 
discussed previously here.  However, your suggestion that Gary Surrency may 
be lacking in interest to solve it doesn't sound like Gary at all!  He has 
been around the Elecraft scene, almost from inception, and has always been 
very responsive, and he is very good at identifying problem resolutions!  My 
guess is that he may simply have run out of ideas without being able to get 
hands on.  Not every problem can be solved by email.  It also appears that 
the two of you have exchanged several emails, and that doesn't sound like 
someone who is not trying to be helpful.

I suppose if you have another K3 around, and could substitute one 
synthesizer board for another that way, you could probably determine whether 
or not Gary's suggestion is correct.  He's probably suggesting that to avoid 
your having to send the rig to Elecraft for service, but that really may be 
your best option due to the uncertainty.  Maybe you could just send them 
your synthesizer board and they could test it somehow.  That might be even 
easier, from a shipping standpoint.  However, maybe that's not a practical 
approach for whatever reason.

Anyway, I know rig problems are depressing, and I sympathize with your 
frustration.  There's a tendency to feel abused, since everyone else's rig 
seems to be working fine, but yours isn't!  Unfortunately, bad things can 
happen to good people!  However, I sincerely believe you are in better hands 
with Elecraft than you would be with just about any other manufacturer. 
When rig problems develop, and you can't fix them yourself, you have to 
bite the bullet somewhat.  You just have to work with them to determine 
the most expeditious way of resolving the problem.  By the way, if I had to 
guess, I'd bet Gary is probably close to right in his suggestion, but since 
he can't be positive, he obviously can't give you any guarantees.  Unless 
some other option comes to mind, I'd probably just send the rig in and be 
done with it.  Besides, there is usually the additional benefit of them 
possibly identifying other anomalies, which they could then deal with 
without necessitating another trip back and forth.  Kind of like getting a 
20,000 mile service on your car!

Dave W7AQK

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[Elecraft] Yuma Hamfest

2012-02-19 Thread Dyarnes
Hi All,

I just got home from the Yuma/ARRL SW Division Hamfest.  It was a nice 
gathering, but not huge--not as big as Pacificon, for example.  Friendly 
folks, though, and some pretty decent weather.  It was much better in Yuma 
than just east in Tucson, where I live.

I got to see several old friends, which always makes these gatherings worth 
doing.  I hadn't seen Ron, KU7Y, for several years.  He and I are old 
golfing buddies, as some of you QRP Quarterly readers may remember from 
our cover photo some years back--we did a little DX operating from a golf 
cart--on an otherwise very empty golf course, I might add, so we weren't 
holding anyone else up while we played with the radio!

My good friend Jim Duffy (Dr. Megacycle), KK6MC, made the trip from 
Albuquerque, which I thought was a valiant effort.  He enjoyed it a lot--his 
words--so it was worth the long drive.

Chuck Adams, K7QO also came over from Phoenix--I think to scope out the KX3, 
as a lot of us were doing.  I get the feeling that Chuck may opt for a K2 
first, but he's definitely sniffing around for something new.

Doug Hendricks brought his QRP Kits Road Show along, and he had a very nice 
booth set up.  I was a little worried as to how many QRP enthusiasts might 
show up, but Doug says he did pretty well selling his kits, so I guess it 
turned out O.K.  It's really kind of impressive to see how many kits Doug 
has in his line-up these days--including the Red Hot kit line from a few 
years back, which he recently acquired the rights to from Dave Fifield. 
That was a superb kit, and Doug was pretty astute to bring it back.  Doug 
also revived the DCXX mini QRP transceiver kits--these are single board, 
xtal controlled transceivers for various bands, and dirt cheap!  I built one 
for 40 meters, and it works great!  Chuck Carpenter added a nice little VXO 
mod for it, and it just so happens that my friend Tony Fishpool, G4WIF has 
recently been toying with a VXO circuit using ceramic resonators that might 
be available from GQRP.  Anyway, that's a great transceiver project, 
especially for new hams.

I have to add that I was fortunate to have a winning door prize ticket, and 
my prize was an Elecraft XG2, which I traded up for the new XG3, since I 
already have the XG2.  Not bad for $5 worth of tickets.  Apparently, though, 
I didn't win any of the grand prize stuff, which was really a lot of very 
nice items.  Guess I can't get too greedy!

I chatted briefly with Eric Swartz about the upcoming new items from 
Elecraft.  Of course, the KX3 is uppermost in most peoples minds, and 
apparently they are getting pretty close to production.  Nobody will say how 
many have been pre-ordered, but it is a bunch!  I was particularly 
interested in hearing any news on the KAT500, and Eric said that is 
progressing nicely as well.  It will be summer, probably, before that's 
ready to go.  Eric is pretty excited about the KAT500's capabilities, and I 
am too.  He says it will handle 500 watts without breaking a sweat, and 
mentioned that if your actual SWR is something around 3 to 1 or less, it 
will handle a lot more!  At the design power levels it will handle a much 
broader range of SWR's, as it is the same basic design as what you see in 
the K3's ATU, etc.  No commitment regarding price yet, but I think I read 
between the lines as to the probable range.  It's speculation, though, so I 
won't go further as to our conversation on that matter.

So, a nice weekend here in the desert.  Sorry more of you couldn't make it, 
but there are a lot of other great events coming up in the near future.

Dave W7AQK

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Re: [Elecraft] Yamaha CM500/PPT Headset

2012-02-19 Thread Dyarnes
This is not an elegant solution, but I do use my Yamaha CM500 most of the 
time.  I have it plugged into the back of the K3.  My MH2 microphone is 
still plugged into the front, and I just use the push to talk switch on 
the MH2, even when I'm using the CM500.  Of course, a simple switch could be 
created, but this took no effort and isn't all that bad an alternative.

Dave W7AQK

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Re: [Elecraft] Review of excellent portable antenna

2012-03-12 Thread Dyarnes
The Bravo 7K is, indeed, an interesting new design by Tom Schiller, N6BT.  I 
initially home brewed a version of it, which wasn't that hard to do using 
the information available online.  Subsequently, I was able to obtain the 
actual antenna itself, and I have been doing a lot of comparisons with it. 
What's really impressive about the antenna is that it is really something 
that qualifies as being portable, although it's not like an MP-1, or 
similar, as far as portability goes.  Nevertheless, it breaks down quickly, 
and into something that you could easily fit in a relatively small canvas or 
nylon bag.  It's also lightweight, but reasonably durable.

I also have a Sigma 40XK (Force12), which is another Tom Schiller design 
from when he owned that line.  Most of my comparison efforts so far have 
been between that antenna and the Bravo 7K.  I will tell you that I have 
been very happy with the Sigma's performance on 40 meters.  It's something 
of a compromise antenna, but still it does a very good job, and better than 
my R7 on that band.  The problem with the Sigma is that, although it is 
advertised as being multiband capable, changing bands is no easy task.  So, 
I tend to leave mine on 40 meters.  The Sigma 40XK could also be considered 
to be portable, as it breaks down nicely as well, but not as quickly and 

The Bravo 7K, on the other hand, is much easier to switch from one band to 
another.  The matching section is easier to access, and is designed for 
relatively quick band changing.  There is even a version of this antenna 
that allows you to do all this remotely, but it's considerably more 

Unfortunately, my comparison testing on 40 meters, so far, has demonstrated 
that the Bravo 7K is consistently about an S unit, or a bit more, below 
the performance of my Sigma.  That's not terrible, but it was disappointing, 
particularly due to my expectations based on the hype.  I do need to do more 
tests, however, since I may not have the antenna located quite properly, 
etc.  As Tom Schiller is quick to point out, if you've ever heard him make a 
presentation, it's very easy to have nearby objects interfere with antenna 
performance.  I think I am quoting him reasonably accurately when I say that 
anything within a quarter wavelength distance or so can be a culprit.

I also read Ward Silver's review of this antenna, in the March 2012 issue of 
QST, with great interest.  I believe Ward to be something of an antenna 
guru, so I tend to take his opinions seriously.  Sometimes, though, I 
can't help but wonder if QST isn't a bit loathe to be overly critical of 
some things they review.  It certainly seems that way at times.  In this 
review, for example, Ward makes no attempt to confirm the designers claim as 
to antenna efficiency.  I've seen other examples of antenna reviews by Ward 
where he goes into considerably more detail about analyzing performance. 
Nevertheless, Ward made a fairly strong statement in support of this 
antenna's merits at the end of his review.  If he's right, I should be able 
to get even better performance from mine with a little adjusting.

The portability of this antenna is not insignificant.  For me, this antenna 
could be an excellent solution to some of my varied operating needs for 
travel, camping, etc.  For example, we spend a good part of our summers on 
the Oregon coast, and I am anxious to take this thing right down on the 
beach (with my soon to be acquired KX3)!  It also could solve a lot of 
problems I have putting up an antenna when operating from my motorhome.

I think this antenna has certain advantages over something like a Buddipole. 
The disadvantage might be that you really can't (easily) use it as a 
horizontal antenna, but horizontal antennas at relatively low heights don't 
generally perform that well in my view.  As a vertical antenna I suspect the 
Bravo 7K is apt to be more efficient.  From a portability standpoint, I 
think they are at least equal.  By the way, I have a Buddipole as well.

Hopefully I'll get a chance to do some more comparison testing soon.  I've 
been ailing a bit of late, but better now, and so is the weather!  It's 
beautiful today in Tucson--not windy as it has been.

Dave W7AQK

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Re: [Elecraft] KAT500 vs KAT3 Matching Range

2012-03-29 Thread Dyarnes
As Eric recently explained to me, the KAT500 is based on the same design as 
the ATU for the K3--only bigger!  So, yes it should have much the same 
spec's, which means something like a 10:1 SWR capability.  Actually, Eric 
noted that, provided you a somewhat closer SWR variance, like 3:1 or better, 
the KAT500 will handle a good bit more than it's 500 watt specificed power 
rating.  How much more he didn't say exactly, but the KAT500 will very 
probably work just fine on some of those 800 watt amps that are out there, 
and just as well or better than various other ATU's.  Mating the KAT500 with 
the KPA500 is the primary objective, but they are intentionally aiming at 
other amps as well--within a reasonable power range.  If you think about it, 
that only makes sense not to limit yourself to just your own matching amp. 
I don't know how aggressive they will be about the actual spec's when those 
are formally released, but Eric specifically pointed out that they wanted 
this ATU to be fairly versatile.

Dave W7AQK

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[Elecraft] Cheap Pelican case

2012-03-29 Thread Dyarnes
Hi All,

Wow!  Everyone is going bonkers trying to get ready for their KX3!  Can't 
blame you--me too!  I may be wrong, but I don't remember this much 
excitement about a new product ever!

Pelican cases have always seems a bit bulky, and even unhandy to me.  I do 
have one for my KX1, but I'm not sure it isn't overkill.  Of course, those 
things would probably survive a plane crash!

I like the idea of a camera case.  They come in all sorts of sizes and 
shapes, and many are very effectively padded, etc.  They don't weigh much 
either.  Some of the very best out there are Lowepro models, but Case Logic 
makes some very nice ones as well.  A good camera case has to be well 
designed because not only the cameras are fragile, but the lenses can be 
particularly fragile.  It doesn't take much of a shock to get a 
multi-element lens out of whack!

I know there is a lot of serious planning going on, but I highly recommend 
that you consider all the accessory items you want to be able to fit into 
the same case.  It's the accessories that make picking the right case more 
difficult.  Some of the better, small camcorder cases are compartmentalized, 
which makes it nice to keep things from banging against each other.  You 
will have a nice handle/carrying strap, so that makes it even better.

Anyway, I gave up trying to identify just the right case until I have 
everything in hand, and can assemble all the extras I want to carry.  Then 
I'll decide which case really does the job for me.  I may already have 
something, but chance are I don't.  I suspect that soon after the first few 
start shipping, some folks will have live examples of what really seems to 

Dave W7AQK

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Re: [Elecraft] KAT500/KPA500 Positioning

2012-03-31 Thread Dyarnes
I think the KAT500 may be sturdy enough for the KPA500 to sit on top of it, 
but I am a bit nervous about interrupting the air flow around the amp.  I 
think, during my recent discussion with Eric, he suggested it be set on, or 
under, the K3.  Airflow is important there too, but not as critical perhaps. 
If you set it on top of the K3 you block the speaker, so I'm contemplating 
putting it under the K3.  The KAT500 has the same dimensions as either the 
K3 or the KPA500--it's just not as high.  I'd bet there will be a lot of 
variations on setup, and hopefully several of them will be satisfactory.

Dave W7AQK

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[Elecraft] Which ONE rig would I buy?

2012-04-05 Thread Dyarnes
Hi All,

This seems to come up a lot, and I always have to wonder how such a question 
can be effectively answered, at least convincingly.  The problem is that 
everyone has different wants and needs.  Also, just about every radio out 
there is significantly different in various ways, whether it's price, 
features, size, or whatever.

In my view, the only way someone can really pick the radio that's best for 
them is to make a serious list of what's really important to their wants and 
needs.  You also need to actually get your hands on whatever radio you are 
considering, because the ads don't tell you everything you need to know!  We 
often tend to focus on features, while forgetting things like ergonomics, or 
maybe just how we really want to use it.  In my case, for example, I wanted 
the best radio I could afford, but one that I could also use in a variety of 
situations.  I travel, therefore, I want to be able to take my radio with 
me.  In the past, this usually meant having two radios, but the K3 allows me 
to accomplish just about everything with just the one radio.

Personally, I think the K3 is the best radio out there--at least compared to 
most anything even remotely close to it's price.  I also think it has more 
features, and better ergonomics than just about any other radio in its 
class.  I've not owned or used any of the higher end Yaesu's or Icoms out 
there, but I've seen and touched them, and I know they are definitely one 
location radios.  I did have an Orion II, but it was huge, and I didn't 
like the ergonomics at all--not to mention that I believe it was somewhat 
inferior to the K3.  I also owned a Yaesu Mark V, but you don't move that 
radio around much either.  It's possible, even still, to make a Mark V 
perform exceptionally well, but it takes lots of extra filtering, etc.

Some folks say the K3 is too small.  I don't get it!  Someone once actually 
measured the knob differences and spacing between the K3 and at least one of 
the much larger radio, and found almost no justification for the complaint. 
The fact that it has a smaller front panel is more than offset by the fact 
that Elecraft astutely incorporated multiple feature controls with a single 
knob or button.  O.K.--no separate touchpad for selecting bands.  That's 
about the only thing I don't have on the K3 that I had on the Orion II, but 
you can do a work-around with the K3's memory features.  The display was 
bigger, but no more informative, and the bandscope was worthless! 
Otherwise, I found the Orion's ergonomics to be inferior, and required 
considerably more button pushing that the K3.  The Mark V was so menu 
intense, I never got comfortable with it.

I am impressed with a lot that the bigger Icoms and Yaesus now offer, but it 
comes at a much bigger price.  Some of the features they have are wonderful, 
but I seriously question claims that they perform better than the K3--at 
least overall.

I guess what I would recommend is that you use the K3 as a standard, and 
then compare the pros and cons with other radios.  You may well determine 
that some other radio has the features you truly prefer, but at least you 
are basing it off a radio with truly outstanding features, support, and 
adaptability.  If you do this, I think you will make a much more informed 
decision.  Also, don't be inappropriately mislead by the pro and con 
commentary you see/hear.  You need to evaluate these sources.  I have a 
short list of folks whose comments are, I believe, fair and informed.  Some 
folks are overly critical, and others are overly enthusiastic.  I'm no 
expert either, so the grain of salt process starts here!

I have one other suggestion, just based on my experiences.  I either own, or 
have owned, a lot of radios over my 57 years in the hobby.  The only real 
buyer's remorse I've had, other than from a radio that just didn't perform 
as advertised, was when I under-bought.  If you spend a little too much, 
you can usually live with that after a bit of a struggle with your budget. 
However, when you under-buy, there is almost an immediate sense of 
frustration, which often leads to making another purchase and taking a loss 
on your original one.  Sometimes, coughing up an extra couple of hundred 
dollars or so on the front end might save you a thousand dollars later on. 
I guess the old cliché' penny-wise and pound foolish fits here.  I offer 
this commentary because I know there are a few newer rigs out there that, 
although seemingly quite capable, and perhaps a few hundred dollars less 
than a K3, really may not be sufficiently cheaper in the long run 
considering what you lose in features.  But it's not just the K3 rivals I am 
thinking of--I could make the same argument as to all these Icom models that 
have come out, or the various models of the Yaesu 5000.  Much of this seems 
to me to be these companies trying to hit price points as their primary 
objective.  Also, don't be overly influenced by the base 

Re: [Elecraft] KPA500 vs THP HL-550FX

2013-02-17 Thread Dyarnes

Hi All,

A nice comparison of the KPA500 and the THP amp.  Pros and cons for either 
I'm sure.  However, the question of weight makes me curious.  As a KPA500 
owner I know that there isn't much inside the KPA500 that adds a lot of 
weight other than that nice, husky transformer.  Erroneously, perhaps, I've 
always thought that bigger was better when it came to transformers--more or 
less.  So, does this suggest the transformer in the THP might be less 
substantial?  Not necessarily inadequate, but less substantial??  Just 

Dave W7AQK

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[Elecraft] TX5K

2013-03-04 Thread Dyarnes

Hi All,

I suspect lots of folks are working the Clipperton gang so my working them 
too is not such a big deal.  However, I snagged them on, not only 40 and 30, 
but also 80 and 160 CW.  The antenna I was using is the unique thing--an R8 
vertical, which is only really supposed to go down to 40 meters!  I did use 
the KPA500 and KAT500, but only at about 200 watts on those bands.  I was 
afraid to try anything higher, but didn't need it!  However, the KAT500 gave 
me a nice match--1:1 on 80, and about 1.4:1 on 160.  I give all the credit 
to the KAT500 tuner, even though my ERP was probably pretty darn low--maybe 
even QRP off the antenna!  Great tuner!  Those folks on Clipperton probably 
have some pretty decent antennas too.  They were LOUD!

I'll probably get chided for trying 80 and 160 with my R8, but I think I 
kept the power low enough not to do any harm.  I did the same thing for the 
VP6DX DXpedition--even on SSB--worked them on 20 band slots.  Otherwise, I 
pretty much stay clear of those two bands.  It's fun, though, to see what 
you can get away with sometimes.  Anyway, I'd never be able to do that 
without a really FB tuner like the KAT500, even though I'm just matching 
50 ohms at the rig and not really tuning the antenna to anything remotely 
efficient.  When I worked the VP6DX DXpedition I was using a manual tuner 
(but a pretty good one--an old Ten-Tec), but it took several minutes to 
finally find an acceptable match.  With the KAT500 it was only a matter of a 
few seconds.

Kudos to the folks at Elecraft!

Dave W7AQK

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[Elecraft] TX5K

2013-03-09 Thread Dyarnes

Hi All,

Apparently they are starting to shut things down--a bit early it seems!  My 
DX cluster had a note that the 160/80 antennas are down now!  Nothing on 
their blog about that.  Supposedly they still have almost 2 days to go.  At 
this moment they only have 40 SSB  up and running!

I guess I've worked them everywhere I can.  I have them on all CW bands 
(except 6 meters, of course), and all SSB bands except 80 meters (and 6 
meters).  Also on 3 digi bands--30, 20, and 17.  19 band slots in all.  It 
has been fun snagging them, and the Elecraft stuff here all performed just 
great!  I'm particularly please with how much easier things are now that I 
have the KAT500.  With my antenna situation here it really makes a big 
difference.  Clipperton isn't so far away that it is a big deal to work 
them, except the competition is ferocious.  The folks who worked them 
running QRP have much bigger bragging rights.  Well done!

The real kick in the pants is working them on RTTY without a computer!  That 
feature in the K3 (and the KX3) is so cool!  This time around I just 
loaded a couple of memories with the ID info and the report info.  I've done 
it with direct paddle input in the past, but using the memories makes it a 
snap on DX stuff.  I wanted to try it with the KX3, but the competition was 
so heavy, and my antenna so inadequate, I had to go to the K3 with a bit 
more power.

Working them on 160 SSB, but not 80 SSB was something of a surprise.  I bet 
I'm in just the wrong spot propagation wise for 80 meters.  I could even 
hear some of the Europeans working them.  Guess I should have started trying 
a lot earlier!

The TX5K website is pretty slick!  You can see confirmation of your QSO 
within just a minute or two.  These DXpeditions get fancier all the time 
with this logging info.

Anyway, I had fun.  Hope a lot of other folks did too.

Dave W7AQK

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Re: [Elecraft] TX5K

2013-03-09 Thread Dyarnes
Yep, I worked them on 160 SSB on the 8th, which was apparently about the 
last day for that band.  I worked them on 160 CW a few days earlier.  Not 
sure why the antenna for 160 and 80 came down so early--maybe it blew 
down???  It seems like after they crossed the 100K QSO mark, their activity 
started to fall off.  Perhaps that was their goal, and after that they 
wanted to enjoy a little R  R?  Or, maybe the sand crabs got to them!  Hi.

Like you, I wasn't sure 160 SSB was on their agenda.  I don't think VP6DX 
brought up anything on 160 SSB, so maybe that's not considered to be a 
particularly productive band/mode combination.  In any event, the TX5K 
website had a neat feature that showed, at any point in time, just what 
bands and modes were active.  At this moment they are still only operating 
on 40 SSB.  It's odd to only see one position light on.  Usually there were 
at least 4 or 5, and as many as 7 or 8.

As I mentioned previously, my working them on 80 and 160 is still sort of 
amazing--to me anyway.  I say that because I've tried various goofy 
antennas on 160 before with almost no luck whatsoever.  An R8 vertical isn't 
supposed to work on 80, let alone 160.  I had tried it, mainly as a lark, on 
the VP6DX DXpedition.  Surprise!  Surprise!  They heard me!  You know my ERP 
had to be just one step up from a dummy load.  It's proof positive that just 
about anything will radiate something, and further provided whoever is at 
the other end has a decent antenna to hear you with!  The R8 actually shows 
a half-way decent SWR even without the tuner.  160 is more problematic, but 
the KAT500 (or just the K3 internal ATU when running barefoot) will bring it 
down to close to 1:1 on both bands.  That certainly substantiates some of 
the performance claims by Elecraft.  If you just don't get greedy, and run 
very much power, everything behaves nicely.

By the way, it was interesting to see them often on the same band with more 
than one mode.  Not all DXpeditions do that--at least not as much.  I think 
at least part of the credit for being able to do that is the Elecraft 

Dave, AA7EE posted a link to a very interesting historical summary of 
Clipperton Island on the QRP-L reflector.  I've added the link below for 
those who may be interested.  I found it fascinating!

The other historical thing I am reminded of is that, back around the time I 
first got my license, there was a DXpedition to Clipperton Island by the 
YASME group--mainly Lloyd Colvin (W6KG?).  It was all over the cover of CQ 
Magazine.  Maybe that was the first DXpedition to Clipperton???  Do I also 
remember that later there was some sort of flap about YASME?

Here's the link on Clipperton's history.


Dave W7AQK

-Original Message- 
From: Fred Smith

Sent: Saturday, March 09, 2013 3:13 AM
To: 'Dyarnes' ; elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] TX5K

Did you work them on 160m phone (they weren't going to work 160 phone
according to them) I missed them on that and 12m SSB. Most all the early
info shows them shutting down today, haven't looked at their web site.

Good job to you! I hope we can work them as well on their next big
DXpedition (deep breath) I think a lot of people need it. These guys did a
great job and I liked the log as well as any I have ever seen.

BTW I tried for 20 mins the other morning after I had worked them QRO on 80m
SSB (1st call lucky) with my KX3 I was never heard. The noise floor was
rather high but I thought with their superior equipment 8) that they might
hear me but no joy it was a poor band/mode choice, but I tried you never


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Re: [Elecraft] TX5K

2013-03-09 Thread Dyarnes

You’re right!  I had forgotten what bands/modes they were on.  I did work them 
on  both 160 SSB and CW.  I checked their website just now, which is still up 
and running with the QSO logs.  I worked them on 20 band slots—missed a couple 
of the digi bands they ran with only a few contacts.  

That was a very well run DXpedition!  One of the best in my memory.

Dave W7AQK

From: Milt -- N5IA 
Sent: Saturday, March 09, 2013 8:55 AM
To: Dyarnes ; Fred Smith ; elecraft@mailman.qth.net 
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] TX5K

-Original Message- 
From: Dyarnes 
Sent: Saturday, March 09, 2013 6:16 AM 
To: Fred Smith ; elecraft@mailman.qth.net 
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] TX5K 


I don't think VP6DX brought up anything on 160 SSB, 


I had tried it, mainly as a lark, on the VP6DX DXpedition.  Surprise!  
Surprise!  They heard me!  


Dave W7AQK


160 SSB was alive and well at VP6DX.

Please see 

I searched my log and you are not among the 1,163 contacts during the contest 

Sorry I missed you.  It was a tremendous opportunity and at the end of both 
nights once the terminator had crossed all of the USA except the Pacific Time 
Zone, there was essentially no competition for the W6-W7 crowd.  I worked folks 
who forced a Watt or two into a 40 Meter dipole at 25’ AGL.  The JA’s have no 
160 M SSB allocation and I had worked all the ZL, VK and other Pacific area 
stations.  Consequently there was a fair amount of open air time for the last 
hour or so before Ducie sunrise.  Again, too bad you didn’t get on.

There were approximately 200 Qs made on 160 SSB a couple of nights before the 

There were another 200 Qs made on 160 SSB during the 3 nights of operation 
after the contest.

VP6DX made a total of 6,671 Qs on 160 Meters of which 1,574 were with the SSB 

73 de Milt, N5IA

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[Elecraft] OT--RFI Issue

2013-03-18 Thread Dyarnes

Hi All,

I am in need of some informed counseling.  Hopefully I won't start a thread 
of war stories.

Some time back, my neighbor complained that I was getting into his TV 
system.  He has Dish Network, by the way, which is the same thing I have. 
Anyway, I immediately tried to be responsive, went to his house to hear the 
problem for myself, with the aide of another local op who operated my rig 
while I listened.  I was getting into his system all right, but it was an 
anomoly.  I don't have any problem with my own systems here.  Anyway, I 
tried a few toroidal filters, but it didn't seem to help.  Fortunately, I 
got some assistance from the local ARRL RFI committee, and it was determined 
that it was his sub-woofer leads that were the culprit, and I had not 
filtered that particular lead previously.  He has a serious rats nest 
wiring system running all through his house.  Anyway, A filter seemed to 
solve the issue.

Fast forward to the present--now I'm told he thinks I am getting into his 
phone system and his internet!  I can believe the phone thing--that's not 
uncommon, but also not necessarily indicative of a dirty signal.  On the 
other hand,  I've never heard of a problem with someone's internet 
connection.  We both use the same internet system also--Cox Cable internet, 
and I don't have any problem whatsoever here at my own house.  He is not far 
away, but obviously farther away than my own systems!

I suspect he may be a bit paranoid, and is assuming any problem is being 
caused by me.  However, I want to be proactive!  I do, however, want to try 
and be logical about the whole thing.  Intuitively, I assume that if I was 
transmitting a dirty signal, it would probably affect my phone system 
(also wireless like he has, but probably a different brand) and internet 
service.  Also, I have now added a low pass filter, but haven't checked to 
see if that made any difference, but I will.  For one thing, I'm going to 
try and talk to the guy on the phone to see If I can hear anything when I 
key up.  I've also been reviewing my connections.  In any event, I don't 
want to make the mistake of assuming that, just because I don't have a 
problem with my systems, it must be faulty equipment at his end--or 
something entirely unassociated with my operating.

So, any thoughts or ideas from the group?

Dave W7AQK

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Re: [Elecraft] OT--RFI Issue

2013-03-20 Thread Dyarnes

Hi All,

First, I hope this thread isn't viewed adversely by the moderator.  I think 
it's educational, at a minimum.  Of course, I have a vested interest in the 
topic right now, but sooner or later, just about every ham will probably 
face this issue--rightly or wrongly!

I loved the old Jimmy Hatlo cartoon that Missouri Guy posted!  Hatlo's 
cartoons were a mainstay years back, and I sure miss them.

I very much tend to agree with both Don Wilhelm's response and with Phil 
Kane's comments as well.  I tend to think it isn't too much wrong to try 
simple speaker line filters, which often do solve an issue, but as Phil 
points out, today's electronics are much different than what we had in the 
past, and it is easy to do exactly the wrong thing!  For example, I think 
the old stand by trick of using bypass caps, which used to work very often 
in old stuff, isn't a good idea with today's equipment.  Apparently 
transistorized  equipment, like audio amps, won't necessarily be happy with 
such a fix the way older tube type gear would.  I wouldn't try that!

In any event, I don't want to even attempt to go inside someone else's 
equipment.  I DO want to appear genuinely concerned and intent on trying to 
resolve the issue!

Often the problem, is convincing the affected party that it really is a 
defect in their equipment, or installation thereof, and not yours.  Of 
course, you need to be pretty darned sure that is the case!  That was my 
situation from the outset.  All my neighbor wanted to focus on was how much 
money he had spent on his system, equating money spent to a lessened 
responsibility.  It's very esoteric for most people when you start talking 
about bad ground connections on their end, and anomalies like speaker wire 
runs acting as rectifiers of RF.  They don't think they have done anything 
wrong, and they are almost right, except for the laws of physics.  In any 
event, they tend to view it as an infringement on their rights, and don't 
feel any concern that we also have the right to operate a properly 
functioning station.

I very much appreciate the responses on this issue.  Apparently internet 
issues are not that rare, but I was assuming (wrongly I guess) that the vast 
disparity between my operating frequency and that used by internet devices 
would make this less probable.  You learn something everyday!  When you 
think about it, though,  unwanted RF comes from all sorts of 
devices--florescent lights, dimmer switches, etc.  So there doesn't always 
seem to be a harmonic relationship.

Hopefully I will find a good answer to all of this.

Dave W7AQK

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[Elecraft] OT-RFI Interference--Update

2013-03-20 Thread Dyarnes

Hi All,

It seems appropriate to relate today's very interesting (to me, anyway) 
events regarding this matter.  All day I noticed a cable company truck 
running all around our neighborhood, checking this and that.  Late this 
afternoon, the truck went to a fairly large control box of some sort, that 
is located at the front of my house.  Then I saw my complaining neighbor 
pull up next to him in his car, get out, and engage in some conversation 
with the cable repairman.  I thought this would be a good opportunity to try 
and discuss the issue and my concerns about it as well.  Anyway, for some 
time I just listened as he related his problem to the repairman.  He was 
very frustrated because he was experiencing continual disconnects with his 
internet--it had been happening, not just today, but every day, and for some 
time.  Aha!  I haven't even been on the air for days!  Also, his phone 
problem turns out to be some VOIP service he is using--in other words, more 
internet issues, not necessarily his landline service.

I listened patiently as he described his problems to the repairman, and at 
an appropriate time, I pointed out that I had similar disconnect issues 
with my service, also with the cable company's internet service.  His phone 
issue is apparently something along the lines of him hearing everything 
well, but whoever he is talking to can't always hear him.  It would cut in 
and out--his part of the conversation would be clipped, and sounded similar 
to a how an improperly set VOX system would act.  In any event, I took the 
opportunity to make the point clearly that I had not even been on my radio 
for days!  I think my neighbor was getting the picture somewhat, but 
wasn't at all apologetic.

The repairman conveyed how he was noticing some strange carrier that would 
show up on his test equipment periodically.  I asked him if he had checked 
carefully for loose connections, and particularly ground connections.  His 
response was vague.  Then he, for whatever reason, volunteered that there 
was a particular device in this control box that often gives them problems. 
He took a screwdriver, fiddled with the connections, and the 'strange 
carrier seemed to go away!  The contacts looked burned (his description), 
and he attributed it to a voltage problem--something he apparently sees 
quite often.  In any event, he said he would immediately schedule it for 
replacement.  He didn't want to do it immediately because he would have to 
take everyone's internet down.  So it is something they apparently do at 

This may not be the end of the issue, but now my neighbor knows that his 
problem occurs whether or not I happen to be operating.  In other words, It 
probably ain't me!  He was, more than likely, drawing an illogical 

In any event, I took the opportunity to assure him of my concern, and that I 
hoped he would call me any time he noticed a problem so that I could confirm 
whether or not my operating was at all involved in the issue.  He agreed to 
do that, so maybe we are on a better path.

By the way, I'd love to send the Jimmy Hatlo cartoon that Missouri Guy 
posted, but now is probably not the best time to do that.  Some day, if we 
are (hopefully) having a cordial conversation, I might offer it.

I might also mention that I have had somewhat similar inconsistent problems 
with my internet.  It just shuts off--quite often, and I have to reset my 
router.  I've even tried three different routers, but all exhibit the same 
issue, and it is similar to what my neighbor describes as part of his 

Anyway, I'm not going to get overconfident that the problem is 
solved/identified, but I think I'll have a beer!

Again, my appreciation for all the comments and suggestions.

Dave W7AQK 

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[Elecraft] KX3 Amp

2013-03-25 Thread Dyarnes

Hi All,

To echo Jim Brown's cautionary statement about IMD with the RM Italy HLA 
series amps, there is some good info on Tom Rausch's (W8JI) website 
concerning the HLA-150.  That amp will run up to 150 watts or so, but 
according to some testing that Rausch did, if you go much over 100 watts, 
the IMD gets pretty marginal!  Presumably the HLA-300 have some similar 
optimal point below it's maximum capability.  Apparently this is not at all 
uncommon, particularly with 12 V. amps.  Even the K3 loses some of it's IMD 
quality if you go over 100 watts, which you can do somewhat.

Dave W7AQK 

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