Re: Bounty for auto table layout?

2007-07-21 Thread Patrick Paul
Andreas L Delmelle wrote:
 On Jul 20, 2007, at 14:08, Andrejus Chaliapinas wrote:


 Thought I'd chime in on this one as well...

 First off: I agree with the general sentiment that this is a very
 interesting initiative!

 That said, as a note of caution, I do wonder whether the motivation
 (with or without the bounty) is enough by itself to make it happen.
 I've recently also been looking in the direction of the patch in
 bugzilla 40271, but I'm under the impression that certain other things
 need to happen first before a decent auto-layout implementation
 becomes a feasible project... Not Patrick's fault, --he was
 motivated-- but maybe such an enterprise was too complex to take on as
 a one-man GSoC project. Even if it didn't immediately succeed, it did
 give us a better impression of other changes that could reduce the
 complexity drastically.
I am still motivated in participating in this feature. As you said there
are things that need to happen, or at least in my case things that need
to be understood before being able to do a decent auto-layout

I remember the main difficulty I had was to get information (i.e. the
width) up the tree in order to compute the proper width  of each column.
Moreover a mechanism would have to be devised to avoid performing some
operations twice (the first pass to determine the optimal width and the
second one to render the table).
 Some time ago I've tried to dig a little into those Layouts
 techniques, but
 quickly found that it's not the thing I could enhance myself easily
 it was some initial information provided by Jeremias and Simon and maybe
 others, but still not easy to understand without UML graphs of pieces
 so stayed mostly with work on various XSL/XML parts for my
 projects needs and left those FO things for real experts :).

 What helped me a lot in understanding certain parts of the overall
 processing were not necessarily words or graphs, but mainly random
 debug sessions. Stroll through the code, place a few breakpoints in
 the parts of the code that interest you, debug the process, have a
 look at the call stacks, step further to see which other methods are
 called afterwards to get a hang of how the objects and the logic fit
 together, and which methods are called at what point in the process...
 Not perfect, but very educational. :-)
I completely agree. I remember spending hours and hours just figuring
out which methods are called at lower levels of the layout engine and
how the information works its way back up the tree.




Re: ApacheCon US

2006-10-13 Thread Patrick Paul

Hi Jeremias and everyone,

I did the presentation on Apache FOP Thursday morning. All went well, I 
had about 20 people in a regular size room. People were interested in 
the presentation overall, but what they were most interested in is the 
entire tool chain from XML to PDF. When I showed them an example of some 
work I have done using Docbook XML and output it in customized XHTML and 
PDF there eyes widened. That really spiked their interest !

Little anecdote, I highly recommended Definitive XSL-FO and a person 
actually bought it online during the presentation. Wow !

I've seen Carsten Ziegeler from Cocoon, and met with Ferdinand Soethe 
from the Apache Forrest project.

I found ApacheCon to be very well organized in general. The weather here 
in Austin is great. I'll be heading back to Montreal this afternoon.

Regards to all,

Patrick Paul

Jeremias Maerki wrote:


how did the FOP talk go? Anyone else at ApacheCon right now?

Jeremias Maerki

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Re: Generating Javadoc FOP documentation

2006-10-10 Thread Patrick Paul

Hi Nicol:

ant -projecthelp

This will give you help about the commands.

So for javadoc do ant javadocs.



Nicol Bolas wrote:

How do you go about generating the Javadoc FOP documentation?

Re: Q: Line-layout - separating element-list creation / line-breaking

2006-08-23 Thread Patrick Paul

Andreas L Delmelle wrote:

Hi all,

Hello everyone ;-)

I've been doing some thinking myself about the separation between  
element-list creation and actual line-breaking, and went wandering  
through the related sources. Just checking here if my initial  
estimates are correct.

At first glance, a possible separation seems already prepared in some  
LineLM.createLineBreaks() is already a separate method, so could in  
theory be called independently from LineLM.collectInlineKnuthElements 
() --maybe depending on a boolean switch passed into  
LineLM.getNextKnuthElements() (as a first step?)

The only gotcha seems to be the TODO on lines 580-582 in  
LineLayoutManager, where the 'available IPD' is passed into  
Following the path of this variable, it is afterwards only used to  
create a lineFiller to use for the first/last lines in the paragraph,  
only in case of non-centered alignment. The min/opt/max values of the  
filler are used to calculate the width for the first/last penalties  
and/or glues added in Paragraph.startSequence() / .endSequence().
That's the only influence that 'available IPD' has on the created  
element list.

The only elements invalidated by a later IPD change seem to be those  
start- or end-of-paragraph elements, but they could be either  
replaced or adjusted by the breaker. Provided, of course, that they  
are made distinguishable from the other elements --either by marking  
them, or providing accessors for Paragraph.ignoreAtStart  and 
.ignoreAtEnd (?)

If I see it correctly, what we want to go towards is a two-phased  

1) getBaseKnuthElements()
   (or: collectKnuthElements())
   the lower level LM constructs its base element list completely,
   and passes it up to the ancestor LM for inspection and detection
   of content-width constraints (and other constraints, like forced
   breaks and keeps, widows/orphans)

2) processElementList(from, to, context, alignment)
   (would correspond to the current getNextKnuthElements(), if called
with 'from' equal to zero, and 'to' equal to list.size())
   the higher level LM issues repeated requests to the lower
   level LM to return element sublists from A to B, but now
   including the line-breaks, when given certain ipd- and alignment

Why not keep getNextKnuthElements() wich does the line breaking 
depending on a boolean switch ? Then depending on wether the element 
list already exists, the (modified) collectKnuthElements() method is called.

This is my perspective for the auto-table layout, since I am 
implementing a new LayoutManager method called 
determineMinMaxTextWidths() which returns an object containing the two 
values needed to calculate optimum column widths. These values will go 
up the hierarchy up to the TableLM where the optimal column widths will 
be determined. So no need to return the actual element lists, right ?

and it's step 2) that offers a possibility to restart the breaking  
from one arbitrary element up to another.

The start(from) and end(to) element for the sublists could be  
estimated, based on the content-width, line-height and the context's  

if minimum-line-height X allows L lines to be stacked in BP direction
= room for a maximum of (L * available-IPD) in unbroken content-width

If the actual last element that fits in the context turns out not to  
be the last element of the sublist, a pointer should be kept to the  
first element in the remainder of the processed list for which  
baseList.indexOf() does not return -1, in order to obtain the start  
element for the next call.

As such, before making each 'processElementList(from, to, ...)'  
request, the higher level LM gets a chance to update the layout- 
context if there is a change in available IPD --for instance due to a  
(deferred) side-float, or a change in page-master and/or reference- 

The breaker, on the other hand, could suspend or interrupt the  
process, for instance upon encountering a start-float, so that the  
next iteration starts with the float's element list (= finish current  
line, return control to the higher level LM, treat the float, if  
necessary update layout-context's ipd, and resume the breaking in the  
updated context)
If the float fits on the page, then this should offer a reasonable  
guarantee that it will end up starting on the line following the one  
that contains its anchor.

Am I making things too simple? Too complicated? :/



Re: Q: Line-layout - separating element-list creation / line-breaking

2006-08-23 Thread Patrick Paul

Andreas L Delmelle wrote:

On Aug 23, 2006, at 17:44, Patrick Paul wrote:

snip /

Why not keep getNextKnuthElements() wich does the line breaking  
depending on a boolean switch ? Then depending on wether the  element 
list already exists, the (modified) collectKnuthElements()  method is 

FTM, such a boolean switch would probably be the wisest move. Not  
changing too much at once.

This is my perspective for the auto-table layout, since I am  
implementing a new LayoutManager method called  
determineMinMaxTextWidths() which returns an object containing the  
two values needed to calculate optimum column widths. These values  
will go up the hierarchy up to the TableLM where the optimal column  
widths will be determined. So no need to return the actual element  
lists, right ?

Correct. To determine the minimum column-widths, you don't actually  
need the element lists themselves, only the width of widest piece of  
unbreakable content in the list.

As a nit, the suggested name determineMinMaxTextWidths() is maybe a  
bit misleading, since it is not merely text we're dealing with (could  
also be images... = determineMinMaxContentWidth()?)

You are right. Thanks for the suggestion. I would even say that 
determine is misleading since the min and max content widths are 
calculated when getNextKnuthElements is called. So it maybe it would be 
better to name it getMinMaxContentWidth() ? Maybe I shouldn't be 
calculating the min and max content widths while element creation is done ?




Re: Q: Line-layout - separating element-list creation / line-breaking

2006-08-23 Thread Patrick Paul

Andreas L Delmelle wrote:

On Aug 23, 2006, at 20:16, Patrick Paul wrote:

snip /
You are right. Thanks for the suggestion. I would even say that  
determine is misleading since the min and max content widths are  
calculated when getNextKnuthElements is called. So it maybe it  would 
be better to name it getMinMaxContentWidth() ?

That would be fine, if the method's return type reflects this.

It returns an object that I called MinMax. This object has to accessors: 
int getMin() and int getMax().

Maybe I shouldn't be calculating the min and max content widths  
while element creation is done ?

Not sure what you mean here: the elements need to be created to be  
able to determine how large your minimum-width is, so your min/max  
calculation needs to be performed in between the element creation and  
the start of the actual breaking...

Yes I agree. I am actually doing this WHILE the elements are being 
created. Maybe this in an incorect way of doing things ? I will soon be 
sending a little patch using this getMinMaxContentWidth() method. No 
more static variable, hehehe ! So you will see what I mean.



Thank you,


Re: Q: Line-layout - separating element-list creation / line-breaking

2006-08-23 Thread Patrick Paul

Simon Pepping wrote:

On Tue, Aug 22, 2006 at 11:35:12PM +0200, Andreas L Delmelle wrote:

Hi all,

I've been doing some thinking myself about the separation between  
element-list creation and actual line-breaking, and went wandering  
through the related sources. Just checking here if my initial  
estimates are correct.

Which problem are you trying to solve? Paragraph layout where the line
width changes in the paragraph?

I don't know exactly what Adreas has in mind be we actually need this 
for the auto-table layout.



Re: Q: Line-layout - separating element-list creation / line-breaking

2006-08-23 Thread Patrick Paul

Andreas L Delmelle wrote:

On Aug 23, 2006, at 21:16, Patrick Paul wrote:

Simon Pepping wrote:

On Tue, Aug 22, 2006 at 11:35:12PM +0200, Andreas L Delmelle wrote:

I've been doing some thinking myself about the separation  between  
element-list creation and actual line-breaking, and went  
wandering  through the related sources. Just checking here if my  
initial  estimates are correct.

Which problem are you trying to solve? Paragraph layout where the  line
width changes in the paragraph?

I don't know exactly what Adreas has in mind be we actually need  
this for the auto-table layout.

Simon's correct. I'll clarify a bit more. From what I could tell,  
Patrick's patch has added code at the right places, it only seems a  
bit awkward to me to import stuff related to table-layout into the  
LineLayoutManager (even if it is nothing more than a TableHelper).

I have since improved the patch to use a getMinMaxContentWidths() method 
that passes the values up the LMs. I will submit it soon. So the only 
thing remaning in the way for now is the fact that the element lists are 
created twice (since the line-breaking can be disabled using a switch).

(Note: this part was not wrong per se in the patch. It just seems  
there currently is no other way, precisely because list-creation and  
breaking are performed in the same method. The only place where it  
can be entered is somewhere between those two statements -- 
collectInlineKnuthElements() and createLineBreaks().)

A more correct approach --a matter of taste?-- would be for the  
TableContentLM to 'collect' the accumulated list of its descendant  
LMs, perform the min/max-width calculation, update the LayoutContext,  
and send it back down to the LineBreaker.

When you say 'collect' I suppose you mean that the TableContentLM whould 
have to keep all the LinkedLists of elements for the entire table. I 
haven't looked at this closely, but wouldn't that also imply some kind 
of mechanism on the TableCellLM and BlockLMs when going back down to the 
LineBreaker to perform the line-breaking?

If I understand all this correctly, it would imply holding the element 
lists for an entire table. Wouldn't that be expensive in terms of memory?

Maybe someone sees another approach that I'm overlooking?

The breaking algorithm needs to be given a LayoutContext with a  
certain available amount of ipd. Since the base element list does not  
depend on this amount --apart from the start- or end-of-paragraph  
elements-- this means it should be feasible to separate the former  
from the latter.

This is how I see it too.

In auto-table layout, we have to take into account the possibility  
that none of the column-widths are specified. Both minimum and  
maximum depend on the content.

I think that this is not only a possibility but a common situation. I 
find that I often want to let the formatter determine the optimal column 
(and table) widths depending on the content.

Strictly speaking, apart from the  arbitrary default 'available ipd / 
# columns', you don't have a  correct ipd to give to the Breaker. If 
you do perform the breaking,  however, the element list will also 
contain elements that have been  added by the Breaker.

A way around this is to give an arbitrarly large default available ipd 
the first time you run through the algorithm. This reduces the extra 

Although I haven't done too much investigation on whether they  
influence the content-width calculation, this still means these  
elements are created for no reason at all.

IOW: this would be a wasted trip through the breaking algorithm.

Correct. This is what is happening for now. I run through the 
getNextKnuthElements twice: the first time to determine the minimum and 
maximum widths of the content, and the second to do the proper 

snip /

This may be possible, but it does not seem to be in the spirit of the
algorithm. The algorithm calculates the best layout up to the current
linebreak. You can always interrupt the calculation and resume later,
provided you keep the list of active nodes. If you want N lines, then
you do not determine in advance the end element. You proceed until you
have all active nodes that end line N, and then determine the best of
them. But it is even better to continue to the end of the paragraph,
taking the modified line width into account. That gives you the best
total-fit for the whole paragraph. In that total-fit, the layout for
the first N lines may be suboptimal, but then it is offset by a better
result for the remaining lines.

OK. This makes sense. I'm going to chew some more on this.

The other consideration, but that would be for a more distant future,  
is to be able to have three different threads:

- fo creation
- base layoutengine initialization
- actual breaking/layout

Those could run in concert, so the layoutengine initialization does  
not need to wait for the endPageSequence() event, but could

Re: Fwd: svn commit: r433291 ...

2006-08-21 Thread Patrick Paul

Andreas L Delmelle wrote:

Begin forwarded message:

snip /
Rework of default column-creation and setting column-widths from  the 
first row (fixes Bugzilla 35656)

For Patrick, only this tiny bit changes:

The following part is moved from TableLM to ColumnSetup. I see in the  
initial GSoC-patch that this is bypassed in case of auto-layout.  
Shouldn't be too much trouble adapting the patch to take this into  

-// either works out table of column widths or if  
proportional-column-width function
-// is used works out total factor, so that value of single  
unit can be computed.

-int sumCols = 0;
-float factors = 0;
-for (Iterator i = columns.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
-TableColumn column = (TableColumn);
-if (column != null) {
-Length width = column.getColumnWidth();
-sumCols += width.getValue(this);
-if (width instanceof TableColLength) {
-factors += ((TableColLength)  

-// sets TABLE_UNITS in case where one or more oldColumns  is 
defined using

-// proportional-column-width
-if (sumCols  getContentAreaIPD()) {
-if (tableUnits == 0.0) {
-this.tableUnits = (getContentAreaIPD() -  sumCols) / 

+/* initialize unit to determine computed values
+ * for proportional-column-width()
+ */
+if (tableUnit == 0.0) {
+this.tableUnit = columns.computeTableUnit(this);




In ColumnSetup­.getXOffset you use the width of the columns that are 
stored in the new ArrayList named colWidths that you created. The 
problem is that my algorigthm changes the widths of the columns but that 
isn't reflected in colWidths, so the returned offset isn't the right one.

Maybe I missed something, or should I be updating the colWidths 
ArrayList rather than widths of the columns directly ?

Thank you,


Re: [GSoC] Auto-table layout questions

2006-08-06 Thread Patrick Paul

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

BTW, Patrick, when I checked the ICLA status of you and Vincent I saw
that you still don't have an ICLA on file with the ASF. Please sign and send
(i.e. fax) one to the ASF secretary:


Jeremias Maerki

Hi Jeremias,

I've been offline most of the time this past week.

I have faxed my ICLA a few days ago, so I'm hoping it is on file with 
the ASF by now. Please let me know if its not.

Thank you,


Re: [GSoC] Auto-table layout questions

2006-07-28 Thread Patrick Paul

In turn I apologize for the delay in my response.

Thank you for the answers. I am working towards the splitting, 
following your precious advice.

I will fax my ICLA by next tuesday.

I will be offline for the week-end but will continue working on my 
laptop. I have to start sending you my code some time soon!

Thank you,

Patrick Paul

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Sorry for the delay. Too much going on right now.

On 19.07.2006 01:37:57 Patrick Paul wrote:

Just to make sure I understand things correctly, the element list 
construction needs to be seperated from the line breaking algorithm ONLY 
when using it for auto table layout ?

I'd state it differently: Element list contruction needs to be separated
from the line breaking algorithm in order so the auto table layout can
access the element lists before the line breaking can occur. ATM, yes,
it's only used for auto table layout.


I am asking this because the 
LineLayoutManager is not used exclusively by the TableLayoutManager, right ?



If this is correct, how do you recommend I do this split ? Should I 
create a new LineLayoutManager ? Or should I actually change the 
LineLayoutManger and reflect the change anywhere it is necessary in the 
code ?

No, don't create a new LineLayoutManager. The existing one needs to be
adjusted. getNextKnuthElements() in the context of the LineLayoutManager
means returning a block-level element list which cannot be provided at
the point where you need the inline-level element lists. So you may need
to come up with a mechanism that you can call on the block-level LMs
inside the table-cell so they descend down to the LineLayoutManagers and
issue the construction of the inline element lists. Ideally, the
LineLayoutManagers won't have to recreate the element lists when the
real getNextKnuthElements() call happens but they will automatically
create those element lists when they are not available, yet (i.e. in
cases outside a table).


BTW, Patrick, when I checked the ICLA status of you and Vincent I saw
that you still don't have an ICLA on file with the ASF. Please sign and send
(i.e. fax) one to the ASF secretary:



Patrick Paul

Jeremias Maerki wrote:


Here are my notes on AutoTableLayout I collected last year in case you
haven't seen them, yet. One of the more important parts will be to split
up the element list construction and the line breaking in
LineLayoutManager, because you can't do the line breaking as long as you
don't know the available IPD.


On 18.07.2006 21:30:39 Patrick Paul wrote:


Great this is exactly what I needed, just didn't know where to look 
(just as I received your message I had coded my own little routine).

Now I need a little pointer on how best to fly over table rows without 
touching them. I have some idea but I would prefer to check with the 

Thank you,


Andreas L Delmelle wrote:



On Jul 18, 2006, at 20:46, Patrick Paul wrote:

Hi Patrick,


I've been playing a little with the TableLayoutManager code.

If someone would be kind enough to point me in the right direction  
on how to determine the full length of each element list, it would  
help a great deal.


Depends on what you mean by 'length': if you mean content-length,  
have a look at layoutmgr.ElementListUtils.calcContentLength().

If you mean number of elements --but you don't, do you? ;)




Jeremias Maerki


Jeremias Maerki


Re: [GSoC] Auto-table layout questions

2006-07-19 Thread Patrick Paul


I think I am trying to solve this the wrong way. I just realized there 
is a getKnuthElementsForRowIterator() method in the TableContentLM which 
in turn makes use of cellLM.getNextKnuthElements() ...


Patrick Paul wrote:

Thanks for the pointers.

The intended meaning of un-touched was to say that no line-breaking 
or other processing takes place on the elements, just returning the 
element list.

What is unclear to me is how I can get the element list for a specific 
table-cell. Here is what how I see things :

1. create a TableRowIterator for the table-body elements
2. do a prefetchAll()
3. Iterate over row = EffRow[] getNextRowGroup()
  3.1 Get the element list of each table-cell ? This is where I am 
unsure how I should get the element lists :

   row.getGridUnits().getPrimary().getElements() ?
  3.2 Once I have the element list of the cell I can easily get its 
full length.

As well, is there any reading I can do to get a deeper understanding 
of GridUnits ?

Thank you,

Patrick Paul

Andreas L Delmelle wrote:

On Jul 18, 2006, at 21:30, Patrick Paul wrote:

Now I need a little pointer on how best to fly over table rows  
without touching them. I have some idea but I would prefer to  
check with the experts.

Tricky indeed... the TableRowIterator constructs the very list it is  
supposed to iterate over
--I mean: it creates the elements from another list instead of 
simply  returning them un-touched.
prefetchAll() is unused ATM, exactly because you would touch all  
rows (if I catch your intended meaning of that word correctly?)

OTOH, that method seems to have been added with auto-layout in mind  
anyway, so give it a shot, but mind the large tables...

Seems like, instead of simply prefetchNext(), you could try refining  
it to:

1) prefetchNext() [= get the row *group*, minor yet important detail]
2) doing what you need [= calculate content-length?]
3) immediately dispose of it

Another option would be to use an altered version of prefetchNext()  




Re: [GSoC] Auto-table layout questions

2006-07-18 Thread Patrick Paul

Hello everyone,

I've been playing a little with the TableLayoutManager code.

If someone would be kind enough to point me in the right direction on 
how to determine the full length of each element list, it would help a 
great deal.

Thank you,


Patrick Paul wrote:

Hi all,

I will be posting some questions under this thread about the auto-table
layout I am working on.

My first question, really simple but confusing to me, is about what is
supposed to happen when table-layout=fixed and one of the columns has
column-width=auto ? Am I supposed to find out the optimal width 
juste for

that column ?

Thank you,


Re: [GSoC] Auto-table layout questions

2006-07-18 Thread Patrick Paul
Great this is exactly what I needed, just didn't know where to look 
(just as I received your message I had coded my own little routine).

Now I need a little pointer on how best to fly over table rows without 
touching them. I have some idea but I would prefer to check with the 

Thank you,


Andreas L Delmelle wrote:

On Jul 18, 2006, at 20:46, Patrick Paul wrote:

Hi Patrick,

I've been playing a little with the TableLayoutManager code.

If someone would be kind enough to point me in the right direction  
on how to determine the full length of each element list, it would  
help a great deal.

Depends on what you mean by 'length': if you mean content-length,  
have a look at layoutmgr.ElementListUtils.calcContentLength().

If you mean number of elements --but you don't, do you? ;)



Re: [GSoC] Auto-table layout questions

2006-07-18 Thread Patrick Paul
Thank you Jeremias, I have already read your notes and I intend to split 
the element list construction and the line breaking right after I've 
implemented a working basic auto-table layout. This will allow me to 
have a better understanding of how things work before tackling a more 
delicate task.

Thanks for the help,


Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Here are my notes on AutoTableLayout I collected last year in case you
haven't seen them, yet. One of the more important parts will be to split
up the element list construction and the line breaking in
LineLayoutManager, because you can't do the line breaking as long as you
don't know the available IPD.


On 18.07.2006 21:30:39 Patrick Paul wrote:

Great this is exactly what I needed, just didn't know where to look 
(just as I received your message I had coded my own little routine).

Now I need a little pointer on how best to fly over table rows without 
touching them. I have some idea but I would prefer to check with the 

Thank you,


Andreas L Delmelle wrote:


On Jul 18, 2006, at 20:46, Patrick Paul wrote:

Hi Patrick,


I've been playing a little with the TableLayoutManager code.

If someone would be kind enough to point me in the right direction  
on how to determine the full length of each element list, it would  
help a great deal.

Depends on what you mean by 'length': if you mean content-length,  
have a look at layoutmgr.ElementListUtils.calcContentLength().

If you mean number of elements --but you don't, do you? ;)



Jeremias Maerki

Re: [GSoC] Auto-table layout questions

2006-07-18 Thread Patrick Paul
Just to make sure I understand things correctly, the element list 
construction needs to be seperated from the line breaking algorithm ONLY 
when using it for auto table layout ? I am asking this because the 
LineLayoutManager is not used exclusively by the TableLayoutManager, right ?

If this is correct, how do you recommend I do this split ? Should I 
create a new LineLayoutManager ? Or should I actually change the 
LineLayoutManger and reflect the change anywhere it is necessary in the 
code ?

Patrick Paul

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Here are my notes on AutoTableLayout I collected last year in case you
haven't seen them, yet. One of the more important parts will be to split
up the element list construction and the line breaking in
LineLayoutManager, because you can't do the line breaking as long as you
don't know the available IPD.


On 18.07.2006 21:30:39 Patrick Paul wrote:

Great this is exactly what I needed, just didn't know where to look 
(just as I received your message I had coded my own little routine).

Now I need a little pointer on how best to fly over table rows without 
touching them. I have some idea but I would prefer to check with the 

Thank you,


Andreas L Delmelle wrote:


On Jul 18, 2006, at 20:46, Patrick Paul wrote:

Hi Patrick,


I've been playing a little with the TableLayoutManager code.

If someone would be kind enough to point me in the right direction  
on how to determine the full length of each element list, it would  
help a great deal.

Depends on what you mean by 'length': if you mean content-length,  
have a look at layoutmgr.ElementListUtils.calcContentLength().

If you mean number of elements --but you don't, do you? ;)




Jeremias Maerki


Re: [GSoC] Auto-table layout questions

2006-07-17 Thread Patrick Paul
 the user doesn't
specify the column-width property in which case the value is not auto
but proportional-column-width(1) (see FOPropertyMapping). If that's
correct and usable remains to be seen.

On 13.07.2006 18:20:46 Patrick Paul wrote:

Thank you for the advice.

I will sum this up on the wiki page.

So if I understand correctly we have to support certain values even if 
they are illegal ?


Jeremias Maerki wrote:


Right, but strictly speaking the value auto is illegal for
column-width. FOP currently defaults to proportional-column-width(1)
if no value is specified.

Another thing we should be careful about is the distinction between the
value set for table-layout and the effective algorithm to be used. If
you specify table-layout=fixed but without an ipd, the rules for
automatic table layout are activated.

On 12.07.2006 22:55:44 Andreas L Delmelle wrote:


On Jul 12, 2006, at 22:11, Patrick Paul wrote:

Hi Patrick,



My first question, really simple but confusing to me, is about what is
supposed to happen when table-layout=fixed and one of the columns  
column-width=auto ? Am I supposed to find out the optimal width  
juste for

that column ?


Yes, but with one big difference compared to table-layout=auto.
IIRC, CSS mentions this case explicitly: when table-layout=fixed  
and column-width=auto then the column-widths are ultimately the  
widths necessary for the cells in the first row. No need to look at  
the whole table, in any case...



Jeremias Maerki


Jeremias Maerki


Re: [GSoC] Auto-table layout questions

2006-07-13 Thread Patrick Paul

Thank you for the advice.

I will sum this up on the wiki page.

So if I understand correctly we have to support certain values even if 
they are illegal ?


Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Right, but strictly speaking the value auto is illegal for
column-width. FOP currently defaults to proportional-column-width(1)
if no value is specified.

Another thing we should be careful about is the distinction between the
value set for table-layout and the effective algorithm to be used. If
you specify table-layout=fixed but without an ipd, the rules for
automatic table layout are activated.

On 12.07.2006 22:55:44 Andreas L Delmelle wrote:

On Jul 12, 2006, at 22:11, Patrick Paul wrote:

Hi Patrick,


My first question, really simple but confusing to me, is about what is
supposed to happen when table-layout=fixed and one of the columns  
column-width=auto ? Am I supposed to find out the optimal width  
juste for

that column ?

Yes, but with one big difference compared to table-layout=auto.
IIRC, CSS mentions this case explicitly: when table-layout=fixed  
and column-width=auto then the column-widths are ultimately the  
widths necessary for the cells in the first row. No need to look at  
the whole table, in any case...



Jeremias Maerki

[GSoC] Auto-table layout questions

2006-07-12 Thread Patrick Paul

Hi all,

I will be posting some questions under this thread about the auto-table
layout I am working on.

My first question, really simple but confusing to me, is about what is
supposed to happen when table-layout=fixed and one of the columns has
column-width=auto ? Am I supposed to find out the optimal width juste for
that column ?

Thank you,


Re: Google Summer of Code

2006-05-24 Thread Patrick Paul

Hello everyone,

Great news for me today, I got accepted for the Google Summer of Code to 
work on the auto table layout.

Thank you very much Jeremias for taking the time to apply as a mentor 
and rank our projects.


Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Got it and rated it. All green! :-)

On 07.05.2006 22:24:26 Vincent Hennebert wrote:

Ok, this should have worked this time. Don't know what happened.


Jeremias Maerki a écrit :

Vincent, I'm afraid I don't see your application, either. You could
simply try again or contact the GSoC support.

On 07.05.2006 19:12:26 Vincent Hennebert wrote:


Hi Jeremias,

Normally my application should have been sent. However I don't see it on
my home page so I wonder if it has to be reviewed first or if the submit
has failed. The way the webapp works isn't clear to me yet. Do you see
my application?

Jeremias Maerki


Jeremias Maerki


Re: Google Summer of Code

2006-05-05 Thread Patrick Paul

This is great news :-)

I hope that our score(s) will stay high. Do you have your say in the 
score that the projects get ?

Have a nice week-end,


Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Hi Patrick,

green lights everywhere. I've already ranked it and applied for the
mentor position. It turns out that the Wiki in the ASF this time only
was about collecting ideas for projects (unlike last year). The real
project proposals are those on the Google site. At this moment, only 7
entries (including yours) have requests for the mentor position und
therefore have a score of =4.

Now we only need Vincent who should be back on Sunday. If he enters his
proposal then, everything should be fine. Vincent, ping me when you
entered it so I can go right to the ranking part.

On 05.05.2006 18:27:50 Patrick Paul wrote:

Hi Jeremias,

Any news from GSoC ? Were you able to see my application and rank it ? 
How are things going within the ASF ?


Re: Google Summer of Code

2006-05-03 Thread Patrick Paul

Hi Jeremias,

I have submitted an application. Indeed all this is unclear, I never 
realized mentors also had to signup. But I'm sure that with your 
reputation there won't be any problems ;-)

In my application I mainly copied the content of the Wiki page. Should 
you have any comments or suggestions to improve my proposal please don't 

I'm very excited about participating in the GSoC. I hope Apache Fop is 
considered an mportant enough project within the ASF because it seems 
that many other ASF projects are making proposals.

Thank you,


Jeremias Maerki wrote:

It looks like you two need to sign up for the GSoC directly on the
website and enter your application there based on the info on the ASF
Wiki. This needs to be completed until May 8. After that the
applications will be rated by the mentors. To me this was all a bit
confusing despite the extensive FAQs. Realized only today that I have to
sign up, too, as a mentor.

On 28.04.2006 17:24:43 Patrick Paul wrote:

Same here, I've added an entry for auto table layout, right after Vincents.


Vincent Hennebert wrote:


Ok, I've added an entry for floats implementation.

I'll be off-line from tomorrow until the 6th of may. Just hoping no
particular problem will occur during my absence. Anyway, if I don't
answer mails that's just normal.


Jeremias Maerki a écrit :


Yes, please add entries for the two projects. That Wiki page is the
first station. I'm not sure, yet, who exactly will transfer the
proposals to Google (can't remember from last year, either), but the
first step is to identify the projects inside the ASF. I'll need to read
through the whole mentoring info and stuff during the weekend. You can
list me as a mentor on both projects. If I can get help from another FOP
committer mentoring, all the better.

On 27.04.2006 16:22:44 Patrick Paul wrote:



Do you think we should have our two projects posted on the Apache 
Wiki ?

Is it better to go through that page, or will our proposals be 
forwarded directly to you anyway ?




Jeremias Maerki


Re: Google Summer of Code

2006-04-28 Thread Patrick Paul

Same here, I've added an entry for auto table layout, right after Vincents.


Vincent Hennebert wrote:

Ok, I've added an entry for floats implementation.

I'll be off-line from tomorrow until the 6th of may. Just hoping no
particular problem will occur during my absence. Anyway, if I don't
answer mails that's just normal.


Jeremias Maerki a écrit :

Yes, please add entries for the two projects. That Wiki page is the
first station. I'm not sure, yet, who exactly will transfer the
proposals to Google (can't remember from last year, either), but the
first step is to identify the projects inside the ASF. I'll need to read
through the whole mentoring info and stuff during the weekend. You can
list me as a mentor on both projects. If I can get help from another FOP
committer mentoring, all the better.

On 27.04.2006 16:22:44 Patrick Paul wrote:


Do you think we should have our two projects posted on the Apache 
Wiki ?

Is it better to go through that page, or will our proposals be 
forwarded directly to you anyway ?



Re: Google Summer of Code

2006-04-27 Thread Patrick Paul


Do you think we should have our two projects posted on the Apache Wiki ?

Is it better to go through that page, or will our proposals be forwarded 
directly to you anyway ?



Jeremias Maerki wrote:

I don't see why you couldn't also apply for a slot. Having floats would
be cool (but not simple). I'm not sure about your work on FOrayFont. I
think the projects have to be tied to one of the organizations listed by
Google. Only the client part in FOP would be part of that. So floats
would be the better option I guess.

I'm sure I can count on other FOP committers to help me with the
mentoring job if we take on two projects.

BTW, both of you should make sure you're eligible for participating in
the SoC. See the Students FAQ on the Google SoC site. Someone who
applied last year wasn't a student.


Jeremias Maerki

Re: Google Summer of Code

2006-04-24 Thread Patrick Paul

Thank you Jeremias for your amendements.


Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Thanks, Vincent and Patrick, for writing down your proposals.

Patrick's is pretty clear. I've only amended it a little. I hope it
won't be a problem that the task cannot be well estimated, yet.

Vincent, a comment on yours: For before-floats, you refer to best-fit
and first-fit approaches. I'm not sure if it's really relevant here. If
I'm not mistaken before-floats are pretty similar to footnotes which
means you can probably take a lot from there. I think that first-fit
only really helps when you get to side-floats.

I think that user-configuration for best/first-fit doesn't help much. I
rather think that FOP will have to find out itself whether it has to
abandon best-fit so it can handle more complex features, i.e. switching
to first-fit if it finds one of the following conditions:
- side-float in the flow
- page-masters with different available IPD in the flow
- tables with auto table layout (when individual column widths are
requested for each page)

Note that I'm not completely sure about the above. Maybe Luca Furini has
some helpful insight here.

On 24.04.2006 01:07:38 Vincent Hennebert wrote:



I'm thinking about setting up a page on the FOP-wiki where I would put 
up the goals for my proposal. That way I could give the link when 
submitting my application.

Nice idea, indeed. I've taken the liberty of implementing it and created
a new Wiki page for the SoC, linked from the DeveloperPages [1]. The
idea is to have a main page listing the various proposals, with a link
to each proposal's dedicated page. You'll just have to add yours.

I've put a first draft regarding float implementation. Any comment is
welcome, especially regarding scheduling (I've no idea of the time each
task may need - never done project estimations!), and typos. Thanks.



Jeremias Maerki


Re: Google Summer of Code

2006-04-23 Thread Patrick Paul

That's great thank you.

I added my own page. It's only a start for now. I took some presentation 
ideas from you, I hope you don't mind too much. I won't mind if you do 
the same in the future.



Vincent Hennebert wrote:


I'm thinking about setting up a page on the FOP-wiki where I would 
put up the goals for my proposal. That way I could give the link when 
submitting my application.

Nice idea, indeed. I've taken the liberty of implementing it and created
a new Wiki page for the SoC, linked from the DeveloperPages [1]. The
idea is to have a main page listing the various proposals, with a link
to each proposal's dedicated page. You'll just have to add yours.

I've put a first draft regarding float implementation. Any comment is
welcome, especially regarding scheduling (I've no idea of the time each
task may need - never done project estimations!), and typos. Thanks.



Re: Google Summer of Code

2006-04-19 Thread Patrick Paul

Hi Jeremias,

I am happy to know you have a good impression of me. I do have good Java 
skills, from personal experience as well as from 4 university courses 
that involved Java.

Implementing the auto table layout sounds like the kind of contribution 
I would really enjoy bringing to the FOP project. As I do not know the 
specifics yet, would you consider this to be a project of its own, or 
would other things have to be added to the proposal ?

Google will start taking proposals on may 1st so there is still time to 
prepare, but I think it is best to have a well thought-out application 
with a good timetable and realistic goals that fit into the bigger 
picture of FOP.

I look forward to work with you again.


Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Hi Patrick,

yes, I've seen that something's going on in that corner. After my
experience last year, I was a bit hesitant to take another stab, but
since we've already worked together, I'd be fine mentoring a little
project. There are a lot of things that could be approached:

The thing that would make the most people happy would be implementing
auto table layout. That's something that is not on any of my clients'
wishlists so it goes on my private task list on which I have other
higher priority items. :-o You'd be the hero implementing that!

I'm sure there are other things you could do. You've got good Java
skills, haven't you?

On 18.04.2006 20:53:30 Patrick Paul wrote:

Hello everyone,

As you may know Google is doing their Summer of Code program again this 

I would be interested in applying to do some work on FOP this summer.

Would you have suggestions about specific developments that would 
greatly help improve FOP ?

I'm looking forward to hear from you all. FOP is so great.

Thank you,


Jeremias Maerki


Re: Google Summer of Code

2006-04-19 Thread Patrick Paul
I did make sure I am eligible for the Google SoC, and I will gladly give 
you all the details you want or need if you request them.

As far as I know there are no restrictions to the number of slots a 
project can get, although this year it seams much more people are 
interested in the Google Summer of Code. Also, FOP is a project of the 
ASF which is just one of the many mentoring organizations...

Anyway, I sure hope we can both get accepted to work on FOP this summer.


Jeremias Maerki wrote:

I don't see why you couldn't also apply for a slot. Having floats would
be cool (but not simple). I'm not sure about your work on FOrayFont. I
think the projects have to be tied to one of the organizations listed by
Google. Only the client part in FOP would be part of that. So floats
would be the better option I guess.

I'm sure I can count on other FOP committers to help me with the
mentoring job if we take on two projects.

BTW, both of you should make sure you're eligible for participating in
the SoC. See the Students FAQ on the Google SoC site. Someone who
applied last year wasn't a student.

On 19.04.2006 21:17:10 Vincent Hennebert wrote:

Patrick, you were faster than me ;-)

I would also be interesting in applying to the Summer of Code. It would
at last give me the opportunity to work full-time on Fop. Is it
conceivable that I also apply, along with Patrick?

Although I'm a bit doubtful that my work on FOrayFont could be eligible
as a project for Fop, we may investigate.

Otherwise, one thing I'm dreaming of for long but that I'll never have
time to do is float implementation, both before-floats and side-floats.
I think there is a number of Docbook users using Fop for PDF output who
would benefit from that.

What's your opinion?


Patrick Paul a écrit :

Hello everyone,

As you may know Google is doing their Summer of Code program again this 

I would be interested in applying to do some work on FOP this summer.

Would you have suggestions about specific developments that would 
greatly help improve FOP ?

I'm looking forward to hear from you all. FOP is so great.

Thank you,


Jeremias Maerki

Re: Google Summer of Code

2006-04-19 Thread Patrick Paul


I think this is most reasonable. In any case I whish to contribute as 
mush as possible.

I'm thinking about setting up a page on the FOP-wiki where I would put 
up the goals for my proposal. That way I could give the link when 
submitting my application.

Also, I will be in Europe in June, so I'm seriously considering coming 
to Dublin for the ApacheCon Europe.


P.S. When I see all the people showing interest in the SoC, I'm starting 
to think I shouldn't get my hopes to high.

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

We can set it up so the basic auto table layout is the main goal and
then we add some optional additional goals. That should help making sure
we don't set the bar unrealistically high if we can't do a good estimate.

I'm glad to hear you want to contribute beyond the SoC boundaries. It's
good to get new blood into the project.

On 19.04.2006 18:38:35 Patrick Paul wrote:

Jeremias Maerki wrote:



I have the suspicion that the auto table layout won't fill you up. With
the new design, basic support for auto table layout shouldn't be a very
big deal. There are some details, however, that could make this a much
bigger fish:

I did suspect it would not be enough.


Determining ideal column widths based on the inline elment lists for the
whole table should be relatively easy. You would probably have that
within two or three weeks after a, say, four-week get-to-know-FOP-better
phase. It gets more difficult if the column widths are to be
redetermined for each page (if that's requested). FOP cannot currently
do that because it determines page breaks on a number of pages at the
same time (total fit algorithm instead of first fit (Knuth terminology)).
This would cause extensive changes to the whole layout engine but enable
other features that are currently not possible, for example changing
available IPD between pages.


Sounds interesting, and it would be a good challenge for me to tackle. 
The four-week get-to-know-FOP-better period you suggest sounds very 
reasonable to me.


Another thing that just crossed my mind would be a total refactoring of
the images package. I'm itching to do that for a long time now but
probably won't have time for it in the near furture. I've written down
some thoughts about that [1] and can elaborate if necessary.



Sounds good too. I'll have to trust you about what kind of workload this 
would all add up too. I'd like to be as realistic as possible since it 
is important to meet the initial objectives of the proposal. In any case 
I am motivated to actively contribute beyond the Google SoC.


Jeremias Maerki

Google Summer of Code

2006-04-18 Thread Patrick Paul

Hello everyone,

As you may know Google is doing their Summer of Code program again this 

I would be interested in applying to do some work on FOP this summer.

Would you have suggestions about specific developments that would 
greatly help improve FOP ?

I'm looking forward to hear from you all. FOP is so great.

Thank you,


Website refactoring

2005-10-18 Thread Patrick Paul


I will be fixing the BROKEN: No pipeline matched request: warnings in 
the next few days for the new refactored website.

If anyone has other requests or ideas for the new website I would be 
glad to hear about them.

Have a nice day everyone.

Patrick Paul

Re: FOP website, release preparations: refactoring necessary

2005-09-10 Thread Patrick Paul

I apologize for not responding sooner, but I've been very busy lately.

Anyways, I've finally found some time to get working on the website. I 
think I got everything right, now I just need to work on some broken links.

Also, I am wondering if the svn diff will show everything (I moved some 
files around, for example the ones listed below are now in a directory 
called 0.20.5). I hope this is not a big issue.


Patrick Paul

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Ok, so let's try to come up with a list. I see:

The whole Using FOP section
- compiling.xml
- configuration.xml
- running.xml
- embedding.xml
- servlets.xml
- anttask.xml

then most of Features:
- output.xml
- pdfencryption.xml
- graphics.xml
- fonts.xml
- hyphenation.xml
- extensions.xml

The only item left out is this last section was compliance.xml which
contains information for both versions. I'm not sure what to do with it.

On 29.08.2005 00:10:31 Patrick Paul wrote:

Now I have to determine what goes in the 2 newly created tabs. ;-)

Jeremias Maerki

Re: Let's write the release plan for the first preview release

2005-08-31 Thread Patrick Paul

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Like others I'm hesitant to call it 1.0 just yet. 0.9 sends the right
signal IMO. We're not quite where we want to be but we are soon and
people can start looking at the new package.

Jeremias Maerki

I agree, we have to be carefull to send the right message.

Patrick Paul

Re: FOP website, release preparations: refactoring necessary

2005-08-31 Thread Patrick Paul
Just an update to let you know I should have something ready to show you 
this week-end.

Patrick Paul

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Ok, so let's try to come up with a list. I see:

The whole Using FOP section
- compiling.xml
- configuration.xml
- running.xml
- embedding.xml
- servlets.xml
- anttask.xml

then most of Features:
- output.xml
- pdfencryption.xml
- graphics.xml
- fonts.xml
- hyphenation.xml
- extensions.xml

The only item left out is this last section was compliance.xml which
contains information for both versions. I'm not sure what to do with it.

On 29.08.2005 00:10:31 Patrick Paul wrote:

Now I have to determine what goes in the 2 newly created tabs. ;-)

Jeremias Maerki

Re: FOP website, release preparations: refactoring necessary

2005-08-27 Thread Patrick Paul
I was talking about their website (with the two tabs for the different 
versions) , not their product.


Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Uh, oh. Sorry, but I don't think we'll do that. We don't even have the
infrastructure for a Lenya installation and I wouldn't want to rewrite
our whole website just now. That would distract me too much at this
stage of development. Even the Lenya project uses Forrest for their
website. :-)

On 27.08.2005 04:31:55 Patrick Paul wrote:

Ok, so from what I understand you want to do, I think that what the 
Lenya project did looks good.

What do you think ?

Patrick Paul

Jeremias Maerki wrote:


While we're at it: In preparation for the first release we need to start
thinking about a refactoring of our website. Since FOP 0.20.5 will
probably stay the preferred productive version for some time and FOP
Trunk is substantially different, I'd like to propose doing a version
split like Forrest [1] have done. That would involve factoring out the
version-dependent docs into a separate tab (or something like that), so
we can have info for both versions side-by-side for the time being. I
think stuff like embedding info would become too complicated and
unreadable if we tried to put everything in the same place.

If anyone would like to take the lead here, I'd be grateful. Otherwise,
I will squeeze it in somewhere.


Jeremias Maerki


Jeremias Maerki


Re: FOP website, release preparations: refactoring necessary

2005-08-27 Thread Patrick Paul

Perfect, I will be working towards something like that.

Patrick Paul

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Sorry, I got the wrong impression. Since it's a CMS I thought you
suggested we use that. But you're right. The tab structure like Lenya
has it is exactly what we need. I think we'll end up with the following

- Home
- 0.20.5
- 1.0dev
- Development

(It's probably best to collapse Development and Design into one tab.
Too many tabs are not ideal. If anyone has better ideas, please bring'em

On 27.08.2005 15:57:02 Patrick Paul wrote:

I was talking about their website (with the two tabs for the different 
versions) , not their product.


Jeremias Maerki wrote:


Uh, oh. Sorry, but I don't think we'll do that. We don't even have the
infrastructure for a Lenya installation and I wouldn't want to rewrite
our whole website just now. That would distract me too much at this
stage of development. Even the Lenya project uses Forrest for their
website. :-)

On 27.08.2005 04:31:55 Patrick Paul wrote:


Ok, so from what I understand you want to do, I think that what the 
Lenya project did looks good.

What do you think ?

Patrick Paul

Jeremias Maerki wrote:



While we're at it: In preparation for the first release we need to start
thinking about a refactoring of our website. Since FOP 0.20.5 will
probably stay the preferred productive version for some time and FOP
Trunk is substantially different, I'd like to propose doing a version
split like Forrest [1] have done. That would involve factoring out the
version-dependent docs into a separate tab (or something like that), so
we can have info for both versions side-by-side for the time being. I
think stuff like embedding info would become too complicated and
unreadable if we tried to put everything in the same place.

If anyone would like to take the lead here, I'd be grateful. Otherwise,
I will squeeze it in somewhere.


Jeremias Maerki


Jeremias Maerki


Jeremias Maerki


Re: FOP website, release preparations: refactoring necessary

2005-08-26 Thread Patrick Paul
Ok, so from what I understand you want to do, I think that what the 
Lenya project did looks good.

What do you think ?

Patrick Paul

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

While we're at it: In preparation for the first release we need to start
thinking about a refactoring of our website. Since FOP 0.20.5 will
probably stay the preferred productive version for some time and FOP
Trunk is substantially different, I'd like to propose doing a version
split like Forrest [1] have done. That would involve factoring out the
version-dependent docs into a separate tab (or something like that), so
we can have info for both versions side-by-side for the time being. I
think stuff like embedding info would become too complicated and
unreadable if we tried to put everything in the same place.

If anyone would like to take the lead here, I'd be grateful. Otherwise,
I will squeeze it in somewhere.


Jeremias Maerki


Re: FOP website, release preparations: refactoring necessary

2005-08-26 Thread Patrick Paul
I have figured out how the documentation files work and how to edit 
them. I still have to figure out how to get the site to build on my 
local machine and then I will be in business.

What way you suggest I send the changes to you ?


Patrick Paul

Jeremias Maerki wrote:

Very cool! Thanks a lot! If you need any help, just yell.

On 23.08.2005 14:37:38 Patrick Paul wrote:

I would like to take care of that. I should have some free time in the 
next few weeks, so I will start doing a little bit everyday starting 


Jeremias Maerki wrote:


While we're at it: In preparation for the first release we need to start
thinking about a refactoring of our website. Since FOP 0.20.5 will
probably stay the preferred productive version for some time and FOP
Trunk is substantially different, I'd like to propose doing a version
split like Forrest [1] have done. That would involve factoring out the
version-dependent docs into a separate tab (or something like that), so
we can have info for both versions side-by-side for the time being. I
think stuff like embedding info would become too complicated and
unreadable if we tried to put everything in the same place.

If anyone would like to take the lead here, I'd be grateful. Otherwise,
I will squeeze it in somewhere.


Jeremias Maerki


Jeremias Maerki


Re: FOP website, release preparations: refactoring necessary

2005-08-23 Thread Patrick Paul
I would like to take care of that. I should have some free time in the 
next few weeks, so I will start doing a little bit everyday starting 


Jeremias Maerki wrote:

While we're at it: In preparation for the first release we need to start
thinking about a refactoring of our website. Since FOP 0.20.5 will
probably stay the preferred productive version for some time and FOP
Trunk is substantially different, I'd like to propose doing a version
split like Forrest [1] have done. That would involve factoring out the
version-dependent docs into a separate tab (or something like that), so
we can have info for both versions side-by-side for the time being. I
think stuff like embedding info would become too complicated and
unreadable if we tried to put everything in the same place.

If anyone would like to take the lead here, I'd be grateful. Otherwise,
I will squeeze it in somewhere.


Jeremias Maerki


Re: Code cleanup questions

2005-08-11 Thread Patrick Paul

J.Pietschmann wrote:

Hi devs,

in yet another attempt at getting back into FOP development I got
distracted again by question regarding cleanup and testcases.
- The README in /docs is outdated
- Much of the content in /docs seems to be obsolete too.

I intend to take car of the docs.



Patrick Paul

Extend compliance document

2005-08-09 Thread Patrick Paul


My name is Patrick Paul and I just joined the fop-dev mailing list.

As a first contribution to the project, I would like to extend the 
compliance document to show 1.0dev capabilities and allow comparison 
between 0.20.5 and 1.0dev.

Afterwards I  hope to extend the documentation in general.

For now, I have the following question: where do I get the information 
about the capabilities of FOP-1.0dev ?

Patrick Paul