Re: Font question (newbie)

2000-05-14 Thread Carol Spears

Per Pettersson wrote:

I tried every eh, group of instructions I could find. It was this
"How-To" that finally did the job.

I would add to these instructions, under INSTALLING NEW FONTS:  3. 
Don't add a gizillion fonts right away.

My question:  Is there any way to create fonts?


  ___  _ 
 / __|__ _ _ _ ___| |  
| (__/ _` | '_/ _ \ |  
 \___\__,_|_| \___/_|

Re: List rules (Re: Negligencias medicas)

2000-05-14 Thread Carol Spears

I would like to not get auto responses when you answer a list question. 
That would take the thoughtfulness of the list subscribers though,
wouldn't it?

Nick Lamb wrote:
 Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero wrote:
  Cos it is. I though that only suscribed guys could post. If anybody can
  post, it should be fixed now. I think that is most of readers would like.
 I like the idea of semi-moderated (non subscribers are moderated) lists
 but I don't have time to volunteer, so if no-one else likes that idea
 or XCF can't provide it, put me down for "subscribers only" too.


  ___  _ 
 / __|__ _ _ _ ___| |  We only acknowledge small faults in order  
| (__/ _` | '_/ _ \ |  to make it appear that we are free from 
 \___\__,_|_| \___/_|  great ones.   -- La Rouchefoucauld


2000-07-19 Thread Carol Spears

I am playing with my newly compiled Gimp 1.1.24.  I can't get Emboss as
an option.

Screenshots at Gimp-Savvy show Emboss working on RGB images. This isn't
what happened for me.

Can you help?

Hue-Saturatrion Trouble

2000-08-28 Thread Carol Spears

I was running gimp 1.0.4 (linux 2.0) and everything worked very nicely.

I upgraded to gimp 1.1.24 (still on linux 2.0), I had many problems. 
One of the big problems, for my purposes, was the ImageColorsHue
Saturation window.  Light and dark "worked", but changes to hue and
saturation were not noticed by the gimp, either in preview or for real.  

I blamed this problem on installing Image Magick and upgrading some of
the graphics libraries.

Now I am running gimp 1.1.25 (this time I have linux 2.2 and fairly
up-to-date libraries (tiff, ungif, jpeg, etc.) and I still am not able
to adjust hue or saturation.

I remember someone else having this same problem. Was there a

Running two versions of Gimp

2000-08-28 Thread Carol Spears

I seem to remember someone giving instructions on how to have and use
two versions of Gimp.  I would like to use a 1.1 version for all of the
new and great things, but I would like to run a 1.0 version for all of
those great old and un-updated plugins (while I patiently wait for busy
developers to upgrade).

Can I get those instructions again?

2 computers, 3 gimps, no hue-saturation

2000-09-04 Thread Carol Spears

Running two versions of gimp on one computer is easy.  Thanks for the

I ran gimp 1.0.4 on the old computer for a long time and it ran
beautifully.  When I upgraded to 1.1.24, I lost control of the hue and
saturation through ImageColorsHue-Saturation.

I got a different computer, I installed 1.1.25 on it and the hue
saturation sliders have no effect on the layer color with this guy

I wrote a letter to this list and searched the archives for the thread
of mail I remembered this trouble being discussed. I wasn't able to
locate it in the archives (I did find gtkxmhtml, though.  IMO this
shouldn't be so difficult to find, in case someone who is not so good
with computers wishes to install the gimp.  It would be this kind of
user who would be most interested in "Help"), so I opted to just start
over and to be more careful this time.

I ran "make uninstall" on Gimp 1.1.25.  I installed 1.0.4 and then
changed the binaries in /usr/local/bin/ from gimp and gimptool to gimpl
(for gimp `lite') and gimptool to gimpltool. Then I installed Gimp
1.1.25. Both of these installations were successful (I am one who has to
disable nls in order to do this).

Meanwhile, on the old computer, where I used to run gimp 1.0.4 with
working hue saturation control:  
I removed, by hand, gimp 1.1.24.  I reinstalled gimp 1.0.4. Guess what?
The hue and saturation is not working.

The last time I had it working, was with the gimp 1.0.4 that came with
my linux distribution TurboLinux Workstation 3.6. It is one of those
distributions that came without a gimptool.

I think that my problem is in the libraries?  The updated gtk is what is
different between the old 1.0.4 and the new one. 

Is there help?

Re: 2 computers, 3 gimps, no hue-saturation

2000-09-07 Thread Carol Spears

Alan Buxey wrote:
  STDERR on Virgil just showed me an eth0 problem.  Links to the other
  files are:
 thanks for doing links rather than posting the stuff here :-)
If I had used the ".txt", you wouldn't have had to download it to view
it (at least I had to).  Everytime, next time is better.
  1.  dmesg.treva (3 KB)
 looks pretty normal
I usually don't have to do too much to get things going.
  2.  stderr.treva (3 KB)
 you're trying to run tha card in 16bit, the driver doesnt support 16bit,
 make and define an 8bit mode.  on  Xfree4, run Xconfigurator, or
 xf86config, on  Xfree4, run  Xfree86 -configure
I will try this. My brother told me that working through the
configuration was similar to a monkey typing a novel.  
   3.  dmesg.virgil (3 KB)
 how are these machines networked? do you have a hub or switch? is
 autonegotiation switched on on it?
We have a hub.  My brother didn't understand "autonegotiation".  I can
rlogon from either computer and I can ftp quite easily between the two. 
Treva's modem isn't working yet.  It is kind of cool to see them working
together.  I chuckle when I am rlogon-ed on to one and then I ftp from
the other.

I'm afraid that I had the hue-saturation problem before I had the new
computer.  I had blamed it on installing ImageMagick and messing with
the image libraries.  But then I had the same problem on the new
computer after upgrading to gimp 1.1.25.  And here I am.

   ___   _  _____  __  
  / __\ /_\/__\  /___\/ /  
 / /   //_\\  / \// //  // /   
/ /___/  _  \/ _  \/ \_// /___ 
\/\_/ \_/\/ \_/\___/\/

Re: Low Quality Gifs

2000-10-06 Thread Carol Spears

Do all of the work on your image in the RGB format that the Gimp will
start you out with.  If you are in a situation where you must save your
image often, saving in the Gimps native format "xcf" saves the most
information and is the least hassle.  The very last step before the
"Save" should be the conversion from RGB to indexed.  

The Gimp makes lovely gifs.

What is ie?

COUTIER Eric wrote:
 The palette you've used to make your gif image is not good. To correct this,
 open your png file, choose "Image/Mode/Indexed" and then choose generate
 optimal palette. Then save it under gif format.

Re: Pdf, eps, ps? (Was: xcf -- eps)

2000-10-09 Thread Carol Spears

Searching Freshmeat on "pdf" gives alot of different pdf things.  There
is a pdflib with lots of documentation (if you can code). I got this
link from the front page of Freshmeat this weekend, the "Panda PDF
Generator".  I haven't compiled it yet, and there isn't much online
documentation.  But there you have it.
__  __
 __|  \/  |___   If the facts don't fit the theory,
/ _| |\/| (_-   change the facts.
\__|_|  |_/__/   -- Albert Einstein

Re: Widget display problems and a question...

2000-10-09 Thread Carol Spears

 Also, this may sound like another obvious problem, but how do you draw a hollow
 or fill circle/box?  It seems like you need two more buttons like the selection
 versions, except something that will draw a box.  I know how to draw a line, but
 there is no meta key combination for the pencil tool that will produce a box
 (besides manually drawing the four sides, which is rather annoying).

Select your circle or box using any of the selection options. 
"EditStroke" will use the current brush along the selections "ants". 
"EditFill" will fill everything within the selection with the
foreground color.

Re: Font Question

2000-10-15 Thread Carol Spears

xfstt likes the true type fonts to be in /usr/share/fonts/truetype.
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11 fonts seems to be the best place for the type 1
guys.  I had to get xfstt going in root and then restarting my xsession
would get the truetype working, as I told it in my .xsession file. 
After the new xsession was going, a ps -ax would show two xfstt
entries.  It drove my brother crazy to see it, but it always worked

Your nose types just fine.  Perhaps you should let it take over with the
font installation!

Thomas Poe wrote:
 Hello, Group:  Enjoy your productive and helpful list, tremendously.  I am
 typing this message with my nose.  I have become so twisted about, turned
 sideways, upside down, and inside out by the URW, type1inst, Xfstt,
 TrueType, Postscript, XF86Config and everything else, all that's left is a
 mess.  Remarkably, when I start The Gimp, the original list of fonts remains
 unscathed, usable, and it's as if I was taking a nap.  So, - - - my question
 To check what the heck is going on, is there a recipe to follow that would
 let me locate the list and identify the directory it sits in, that pops up
 when I click on the T tool, and then click on the image screen?  Seems I
 could then follow the path backwards to the directory:
 /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/   .   Or, wherever that list is [can't match
 anything up, yet].  But then, I don't know what I'm looking for, either.  I
 really liked that little comment to the effect, "RedHat doesn't use the
 native Xserver".  Geeez.
 I'm running RH6.2, Linux box PIII 550, The Gimp.  Thanks, Tom
   Thomas Poe
   Additional Information:
   Version   2.1
   Last Name Poe
   First NameThomas
   Revision  20001015T215453Z

__  __
 __|  \/  |___   If the facts don't fit the theory,
/ _| |\/| (_-   change the facts.
\__|_|  |_/__/   -- Albert Einstein

More on patches:

2000-10-16 Thread Carol Spears

How many times can you patch a gimp?

Re: Gifs and transparency

2000-12-25 Thread Carol Spears

I think that you are trying to save an RGBed image as a gif.  Gimp will
not do that.

Work with the image in RGB.  When you are ready to save it, use
ImageModeIndexed.  That will give you some interesting
possiblilities.  Once the image is indexed, it will save as a gif.

If I am not reading your problem right, you will need to send more
details about the conditions that made you think that gif format doesn't
work on the Gimp.

The Gimp doesn't have a problem with gifs.  Gifs have problems.  

 I'm trying to make transparent gifs for my page, and it doesn't seem to
 support gif format at all. RGB mode is also out, and I heard that Gimp is
 having trouble with gifs or something? Anyways, if that is the problem
 and there's no way of making it support gifs, are there and other file
 formats that support transparency?

 _ _  _
/  /\ |_)/ \|true is not a function.
\_/--\| \\_/|_   -- JavaScript error message

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Window focus problem

2001-01-05 Thread Carol Spears

I am using 1.1.29.  When I open a menu into it's own window (by clicking
on the dashed line), it screws up my window manager (fvwm).  I have to
manually change the focus to the window that I want to work on.  This
eh, quality lasts after the gimp is gone.  I have to restart X to get it
back to "click-to-focus".

Is this a problem with how my window manager is configured?

 __ _ __  ___
/ _| '  \(_-  Why use Windows, since there is a door?  
\__|_|_|_/__/  -- Andre Fachat

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Re: session managment?

2001-01-13 Thread Carol Spears

I am pretty sure that the window manager can override the gimps windows.
When my gimp window problems irritate me enough, that's where I am going
to start, with the window manager.

Jan Theofel wrote:
 I heard that Gimp has it's own session managment, i.e. the windows are
 placed at the same positions I placed them bevore I closed the gimp.
 This doesn't work on my computer (SuSE 7.0 and Gimp 1.2). What must I do
 to get it right?
ETES - Espenhain  Theofel EDV-Systeme GbR
  Libanonstrasse 58 A * D-70184 Stuttgart
Phone +49 711 4895550 * Fax +49 711 4809761

Re: GIMP 1.2.0 and Perl

2001-01-20 Thread Carol Spears

I got this message when installing 1.1.24 and 1.1.29.  I think that it
means that you will not be able to Script-Fu's to Perls.  I haven't
missed this function yet.  Perhaps you won't either.

The rest of the perl plugins work, however.  When you start it up the
first time, look to see if you have more than one option in "Guides". 
That's my quick and dirty way to see if the perl is working with the
gimp or not.

Gerald Brosseau wrote:
 I have Perl install and configured correctly.
 I can configure gimp-1.2.0 without perl but not with it.
 Not even with the switch "--enable-perl=/usr/bin/perl"
 Here is an extract of the configure output :
 invoking perl for configuration...
 checking for PDL support... yes
 checking for PDL include path...
 checking for PDL typemap...
 NOTICE: Parse::RecDescent not found, scm2perl, the Scheme-Perl
 translator, will not work. This is normally not a problem, since
 it is quite unimportant for most people.
 building embedded perl module... no
 writing Gimp/ ok
 Warning: prerequisite Parse::RecDescent failed to load: Can't locate
 Parse/ in @INC (@INC contains:
 /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0
 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl) at (eval 18) line 3, FH line 1.
 Writing Makefile for Gimp::Lib
 Writing Makefile for Gimp::Net
 Writing Makefile for Gimp::UI
 Writing Makefile for Gimp
 Any hints ???
 Grald Brosseau
 La Photo du Jour  --- site nord amricain  --- site europen

Re: red eye removal?

2001-01-22 Thread Carol Spears

Tom Cooper wrote:
 The suggestion for 'colormap rotation' was not available, (greyed-out on
 my installation of 1.126) and the suggestion to use the dodge/burn tool
 isn't clear enough about how to do this.  I looked in the reference
 manual, and cannot find information about dodge/burn.

When a filter is grayed out as an option it means that your file isn't
in the right format.  Check to see if you have an alpha channel or not
(ImageAlphaAdd Alpha if Add Alpha is gray, you have it).  

Try it with alpha (add alpha) and with out (LayersFlatten Image). 
Other filters need only one layer or will only work on the bottom
layer.  As you get to know the filters, you get to know what they want.

 I know using the Gimp to remove redeye from a photo is like using an 18
 wheeler to move a single 2x4 across the street, but I'd like to be able
 to do it.

The last time I took out red eye, I zoomed in to 400% and used the color
picker and did it pixil by pixil.  It was fine, but not great.  My
people looked alittle cross eyed, so be careful with the light spot.

gimp and glibc

2001-01-23 Thread Carol Spears

Hmm, I was installing a new operating system into a mounted /tmp file
when I lost my environment variable setting ...

I think that I installed a new glibc into my eh, real computer.  And I
really need the space back.

I just need to know, which c-library does the gimp need.  There are two
there, I just need to know before I remove one.

Eek!  I'm such a luser.  I just wanted a brand-spanking new operating
system for my brand-spanking new gimp.

Re: Plug-ins fail ./configure

2001-02-01 Thread Carol Spears

I have installed Gimp 1.2.1 .  I was able to install guash (I think that
it installed, actually, I haven't checked yet but it went through "make"
and "make install" properly, so I assume it is there.

I figured that ace needs 1.1 and I was going to poke around in the make
file to see what I could find.  The gimp wisely stores itself in 1.0 or
1.1 or 1.2 directories, which should be handy if you need to run a 1.0
for the net-fu stuff and 1.2 for all of the other reasons.  

I wonder if guash isn't included in the original tarball because of the

Jeff Trefftzs wrote:
 Using Gimp-1.2.0.
 I've been trying to upgrade my plug-ins library with
 and running into serious problems.  
 Any suggestions?  I must be missing something really obvious
 (like maybe the
 1.1 plugins won't work with 1.2?)  but for now it beats me what
 it is.
 --Jeff T

Gimp 1.0.4 wants gtk 1.2.0???

2001-02-08 Thread Carol Spears

I am trying to get gimp 1.0.4 working from the /home/www partition on my
'puter.  I'm a long way away from Net-Fu but this is the approach I am

I have tried to cover all of the grittier details with the configure:

[root@Treva gimp-1.0.4]# LDFLAGS="-R/home/www"
[root@Treva gimp-1.0.4]# ./configure --enable-gimp-dir="~/.gimp-1.0"
--prefix=/home/www --mandir=/usr/man --with-gtk-prefix=/home/www

The README said that this version of Gimp would not work with gtk1.1.x. 
I assumed that this would be even more true for gtk1.2.x.  So I
installed gtk 1.0.6 right next to it in /home/www.

My configure error is this:

checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for gtk-config... /home/www/bin/gtk-config
checking for GTK - version = 1.2.0... 
*** An old version of GTK+ (1.0.6) was found.
*** You need a version of GTK+ newer than 1.2.0. The latest version of
*** GTK+ is always available from

Is it autoconf?  Can the old gimp use a new gtk?  Where do I go from

Maybe it would be quicker and easier for one of you smarties to port
Net-Fu to Gimp 1.2.x!

Re: How do calendar?

2001-02-08 Thread Carol Spears

Let me tell you the trouble I had with the gimp and calendars:

variable width fonts

I suggest that you generate it with something else, I used LaTeX and
then get it from that ps file, or whatever.  cal makes nice calendars
because it is limited to only fixed width fonts. 

Maybe someone knows how to get the fixed width fonts to the gimp, but
Typesetting like that isn't really what the gimp does.

Jonathan Gift wrote:
 With the cal 2001 command I can get the year's calendar displayed on a
 terminal or shot to a file. Q: How can I use that as background, as in
 Any ideas.
 Jonathan Gift

Re: perlotine

2001-02-12 Thread Carol Spears

Indira wrote:
 I use freebsd 4.2 as an operating system and I upgraded to gimp-1.2.1.
 I have used filter-web-perlotine to slice up my images before. But looks
 like perlotine is missing from Gimp1.2. Is this permanent?
 There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so...

The perl scripts only show up when configure is certain that you have
the PDL and it knows where it is.  I would run configure again and watch
it.  My 1.2.1 has it.  I'll bet that this is your problem.

Re: perlotine

2001-02-13 Thread Carol Spears

I just checked my source just to make sure -- I haven't had to install
the gimp-perl package since 1.1.29 (actually 1.1.24, but I was never
able to get it to work).  

All of the Gimp Perl stuff comes with the package now.  When I got the
PDL (I was installing in a brand new distribution installation) I got
the PDL and that ResDe---nt doey and all of my perl configuration and
make errors went away and I had a working perlotine and center guide,

I would like to know how to install all of this without the PDL as my
space is somewhat limited.

Jeff Sheffield wrote:
  Indira, -- wrote
  You have to make sure that you have all the Perl/PDL stuff set up.
 Indira is correct... however to elevate confusion... what she is
  talking about is gimp-perl. I.E. the perlotine script is
 a gimp-perl script.
 it uses
 use Gimp;
 use Gimp::Fu;
 use Gimp::Util;
 perl modules which you can get from here
 On Tue, Feb 13, 2001 at 02:32:25AM +0100, Guillermo S. Romero / Familia Romero wrote:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (2001-02-12 at 2016.25 -0500):
   The perl scripts only show up when configure is certain that you have
   the PDL and it knows where it is.  I would run configure again and watch
   it.  My 1.2.1 has it.  I'll bet that this is your problem.
  I do not have PDL, I have Perlotine. You can have Perl without some
  extensions, you just get less plugins.
 | There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home.   |
 | ( Ken Olson, President of DEC, World Future Society Convention, 1977 )|
 | Jeff Sheffield|
 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] AIM=JeffShef ICQ=4340529   |
 | Gocho Networks (day gig) |