Re: [Gimp-web] Updating some tutorials

2013-05-16 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 6:40 PM, Pat David wrote:
> I'm in the process of walking through the buglist for gimp-web, and was
> thinking about updating some tutorials to be a little clearer, and a bit
> more modern in some places (as well as fixing some errors/outdated stuff).
> I have no problem creating patches for the site, but am unsure of how to
> include new images in the patches as well.
> Should I upload the patch and attach all the new images to the bugs as I
> update them?
> Does the same hold true for creating new content?  Just create a new bug
> with the patch and images attached to the ticket?

Hi Pat,

Sorry, I saw your previous mail, but didn't have the time to respond
immediately, and then got sidetracked.

When you run 'git format patch origin master', Git creates a git
formatted patch that includes all the new files, whether they are text
or binaries (afaik, it uuencodes binaries).

I'd be more than happy to have your tutorials on

Alexandre Prokoudine
gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] [Gimp-docs] Proposed gimp tutorial

2013-06-20 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 10:29 PM, Stephen Kiel wrote:
> Gimp Doc Guys,
> One of the listed methods to contribute to the Gimp project, listed on the
> website, is to write a tutorial.  I tried sending in a tutorial for basic
> scripting (it was probably too long) about a year and a half ago.  I did not
> hear back, but since the scripting tutorial did make some improvements I
> hope that it did have some positive contribution.

Eeek, I completely missed that. Do you think you could reupload it?
The link isn't working anymore. Or does the new series supercede it?

> I did have another area where I thought that a few tutorials might be of
> interest and helpful to others, and that is in the area of Automation.  This
> is an area that is nearer to my interests anyway (closer to my career
> interests).  I think Gimp is unique in its capability as a platform for
> automating the image editing process.  I am talking about Automating the
> process of custom edits not just using an "I feel lucky" button on a photo
> manager.
> I think there is room in the area of automation for a couple of tutorials, I
> wrote up an example for one (importing a directory of images / jpg -> xcf).
> I think other tutorials could cover reading & writing parasites, parasites
> as flow control variables, how to build & execute a recipe / process / flow.
> I touched on these possibilities in the included file "Introduction".
> Anyway, here is my dilemma. I would be happy to write a draft for tutorials
> on some or all of these topics, or better yet, co-author them with a
> member(s) of the gimp-doc team.  I have no where to publish a tutorial, and
> it seems pointless to write something that no one will read.
> Take a look at the attached documents and scripts. Let me know if this idea
> is something that sounds interesting. The *.odt format files are open office
> writer format.

I think it's useful. Automating could be a dedicated section.

We can host that on There's another person currently
interested in contributing tutorials, so it looks like we are getting
a team for ourselves :)

Alexandre Prokoudine
gimp-web-list mailing list

[Gimp-web] changes in the mailing list etiquette

2013-08-13 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine

We've just introduced a short code of conduct for all of our mailing
lists instead of the long netiquette guidelines we used to have.

Please read it at

The changes take effect immediately.

Alexandre Prokoudine, on behalf of the GIMP team
gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Adding Sharefest as an alternative download method

2013-08-29 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 7:02 PM, Hadar Weiss wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm Hadar Weiss, author of Sharefest. Sharefest is an open source project
> for P2P filesharing. Web-based Bittorrent if you wish. We want to deliver
> open source software for free and feature GIMP in our site to let people
> download it. To make it more efficient and fast to download, it will be
> helpful if you include link to Sharefest from
> Here's our download page for the windows installer
> (which can also be embedded in an Iframe
> if you wish).

What goes below is just my personal opinion.

While I'm thankful to people who host downloads (and that's including
you), I think it's a bad practice to add links to arbitrary websites.
If everyone starts asking us to add links to their websites just
because they host downloads, we'll have to invent policies, then make
these policies more and more complex, and that is going to open a
whole new can of worms.

Imagine a security breach on one of them, and we recommended it?
Or coming up with decisions who deserves a link and who doesn't?

Again, that's only my personal opinion.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Permission to use gimp logo on our website

2013-11-05 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 10:18 PM, rahul naik wrote:
> Dear All,
> The website wouldn't have been possible with out the help of
> Gimp 2.8 running on linux mint 15. I sincerely thank each and everybody's
> contribution to it.  Since the above mentioned website is also an open
> source initiative, we would like to give a special mention on our website
> acknowledging the same and it would appear under the title "special
> mentions" on the advertisements page. I kindly request some one to send me
> the mail id to be addressed to, so that we can seek permission to use gimp
> logo on our website with a link to the main gimp website.

You don't need any of that in this case. Just use the logo wisely :)

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] The downloads page could use a bit more hinting about what to click on

2013-12-31 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 12:46 AM, Scott Ritchie wrote:
> Here is an email I got from my mother:
> --
> Scott – I was looking online at drawing techniques when I found that
> someone recommended GIMP.  GIMP is  which is supposed to be an open
> source image editing software that is a free alternative to Adobe
> Photoshop and other commercial applications – generally used by Linux
> users.  Have you heard of it?  When I went to the website it directed
> me to another website where I had do some programing  after I
> downloaded it.  Mom
> wikiHow – install GIMP

Scott, I'm not sure what it has to do with at all. We don't
maintain wikihow.

> first website

This one is an older website. People shouldn't end up there at all these days.

> second website

This is the recommend location for downloading, and for Windows users
we don't show MD5 or stuff. The download link is quite obvious.

It _could_ be a button indeed. Something to work on in due time.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Simplifying the home page introductions

2014-02-15 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 6:16 PM, Quentin Pradet wrote:
> Hello,
> The main page has two introductory texts ('GIMP is ...' and 'This is ...').
> I believe only one text is enough, for two main reasons: 1/ it's confusing
> and 2/ Happy talk must
> die.
> I'd be happy to submit a patch.
> What do you think?

Submit a patch :)

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Become official Mirror

2014-07-18 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine

Glad to hear that :) Please provide exact URLs so we could add them.
Also, where is your server located geographically?


On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 10:16 PM, GIMPER  wrote:
> Hi all,
> We ( would like to become an official mirror of We
> checked out some other mirrors, and they don't seem to be all update, which
> is why we would like to have access directly to via rsync.
> Also it would be great if we could get some "official love" and be linked
> here:
> We would be very glad to hear from you.
> Regards,
> Gunter Grodotzki
> ___
> gimp-web-list mailing list
gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] We Want to Feature Gimp

2014-08-19 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 4:44 PM, Rebecca Roxy Maas wrote:
> Greetings to the Gimp Team,
> I am the Community Manager for 
> i.materialise,
>  consumer branch of the largest 3D printing company in Europe.
> I am also a longterm Gimp user. I often recommend it to our customers.
> I'd like to write a tutorial about Gimp for our blog.
> Topic: How to draw a texture on Gimp, place it onto a 3D design, and print it 
> out in full color.
> To get this tutorial topic approved, I need to work with one of your team 
> members for accuracy, etc.
> Who do I talk to?

Hi Rebecca,

Glad to you here you are up to featuring GIMP in your tutorial. The
kind of person you need greatly depends on the kind of input you need.

For general checking anyone around here could be helpful. However, if
you need someone with a lot of experience with 3D modeling/printing, I
could try to introduce you to a few people who have hands-on
experience with GIMP as well.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Website linux binary download information

2014-10-03 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine

Providing the exact text you want there would be a good start.

Also, it  would help if  you could clarify whether "Mandriva" info
should stay, and OpenMandriva should be added, or whether
"OpenMandriva" should  replace Mandriva. Frankly, I stopped following
the events of that sort long  ago.



On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 1:02 PM, João Azevedo Patrício
> Hi,
> I'm writing on behalf of OpenMandriva Association and we would like to know
> what is necessary to update/add information on gimp website on how to
> install/get gimp binary on openmandriva.
> thanks in advance.
> --
> João Azevedo Patrício
> Tel.: +31 91 400 53 63
> Portugal
> @
> "Take 2 seconds to think before you act"
> ___
> gimp-web-list mailing list
gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Website overhaul

2014-12-07 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Sat, Dec 6, 2014 at 7:15 PM, Roberto Schiavone wrote:
> Hello guys,
> I'm new! I've a couple of questions:
> 1) is there anybody here? Seems like this mailing list is almost dead;

Yeah, only lurching zombies here :)

> 2) what about a website redesign? I've made a basic new interface and I've
> attached a couple of screenshots,

Please upload to or smth like that and share links. The
mailing list strips too large attachments.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Fwd: Website overhaul

2014-12-08 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 3:12 PM, Roberto Schiavone wrote:
> I'm sorry, I didn't know about attachments. Here are the screenshots:

I'm quite to prepared to be called ungrateful even if I do appreciate
any work put into this. But what I'd really like to see is someone
going through the whole routine: list of requirements, functional
spec, CMS/CMF estimation, wireframing, design, coding, delivery etc.

Admittedly, I should probably be the one to do the first half, I just
never found the time/motivation.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Fwd: Website overhaul

2014-12-08 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 3:29 PM, Dustin Hess wrote:
> Is that design built on a cms?

Dustin, I'm not sure if it matters at all.

For an existing website, a new design that works needs an analysis,
what users actually do, how they find information they need etc.
Without that you can easily get am awesome beautiful design that
simply won't work.

To the best of my knowledge, has no advanced web analytics
script installed, so whoever wants to do this seriously might need to
fix that first.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Fwd: Website overhaul

2014-12-08 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 4:13 PM, Michael Schumacher wrote:
> On 08.12.2014 13:39, Dustin Hess wrote:
>> No Google analytics or anything? Very odd.
> We have the non-user-tracking parts of Google Webmaster Tools in place,
> at least for
> Adding invasive tracking like e.g. Google Analytics feels unbecoming of
> a FLOSS project web site.

Even if it's a self-hosted open source system like Piwik?

> We should have access to the server logs, though.

For the outlined purpose it's of little to no use.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Proposal: gimp-web-revamp

2015-01-05 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 6:25 PM, Cristobal wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm Cristobal, a computer science student at Universidad de Santiago de
> Chile and I've been using GIMP for many years (mainly for web design). I
> would like to contribute to the GIMP project in this area and I've
> prepared a proposal aiming to revamp the current website, which I think
> needs a refresh. But my proposal doesn't only suggest a new HTML design,
> but an underlying application platform (git+gitolite+git
> submodules+static website generator) and content formatting (markdown).
> You can read the proposal in the following link. It should be about ~20
> min. of reading.

"At some point, it is supposed to be a contest for designing the
homepage, which means the gimp-web team is open to contributions from
the community (Prokoudine)."

I would really, really avoid design contests.

The rest of the proposal look very good to me :)

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Proposal: gimp-web-revamp

2015-01-05 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 6:50 PM, Pat David wrote:

> 1. Can we extrapolate (anec-data is fine here I would think), what the top
> three main purposes a person might land on the GIMP page for?

Since I do have Google Analytics on, here's the data for the
last 30 days, sorted by % of session exit pages, minus the main page:

1) GIMP downloads
2) GIMP help downloads
3) GIMP add-ons downloads

If you roll them into one, that would become

1) Downloads
2) Articles/Tutorials
3) News

The forum is the 4th one.

Of course, the two websites are structured differently, so there's
only so much extrapolation one could make.

> 2. The current site is already a static generated site mostly (entirely?
>  still not sure how the news articles are created).  I don't mind moving to
> other systems (I am building in a similar vein using
> node.js and metalsmith personally), but is it an option that makes the most
> sense?

Realistically speaking, there are mostly two people updating the
website: Michael Schumacher and me. As far as I can tell, both of us
are fine with static page generators. For me, it might even improve
collaboration on news, because right now I typically post stuff in
gists and share on IRC before publishing. Although I won't be around
forever, and this has to be considered as well.

We _might_ need to take into consideration opinions of people who want
to work on localized versions of the website. However, having been
there with, I'm not exactly optimistic about
sustainability of localized websites. But that's just my
reality-driven opinion, nothing more.

> 3. Should this discussion also include possible migration and management
> questions surrounding the registry?  It's a problem that will need to be
> addressed at some point, as the current infrastructure is a bit creaky.

The problem with the registry is that whoever maintains is, to the
best of my knowledge, never in direct contact with the core team. And
the core team never has time to take care of the registry.

If we don't have the manpower to provide QA and security check for
addons, we can't take the registry over. Again, just my opinion.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] local community

2015-01-23 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 3:06 PM, Ulaş Volkan ALKAN wrote:
> Hi;
> This is Ulas from istanbul, turkey.

Hello Ulas :)

> I personally use gimp for my photo editing software.
> I was looking for a gimp forum in my language.
> I have noticed that there are a few local communities on
> . No turkish community ?
> I want to create a turkish gimp community/forum.
> I have web development skills
> Please advice how to do this?

I'm not sure why you need an advice, when you already have web
development skills that probably more than half the people around here
don't possess :)

If there really are no Turkish communities of GIMP users, it would
seem sensible to register a domain name, buy hosting, install some
sort of a forum, then invite Turkish people in various international
GIMP user groups to join it.

gimp-web-list mailing list

[Gimp-web] New FAQ

2015-02-08 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine

I started rewriting our FAQ a while ago. Here's the very first draft:

It's missing some tips and tricks about stuff like drawing circles and
suchlike -- let me know what you think needs to go in or, if you wish,
fork the gist and add your stuff :)

Some restructuring might be in order, like adding headers such as
"General", "Nitpicking" etc. :) Again, please tell me about it or fork
the gist and link to your fork here.

P.S. The bit about GPL was copy-pasted form Blender's website. A
rewrite might be required.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] New FAQ

2015-02-14 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 7:44 AM, Alexandre Prokoudine
> Heya,
> I started rewriting our FAQ a while ago. Here's the very first draft:
> It's missing some tips and tricks about stuff like drawing circles and
> suchlike -- let me know what you think needs to go in or, if you wish,
> fork the gist and add your stuff :)

Aaaand... updated.

Still missing tips and tricks, but got more Q/A (being/not being
Photoshop killer, CMYK, etc.) and is now split into sections: general
questions, releases, features, troubleshooting, contributing.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] New FAQ

2015-02-14 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Sat, Feb 14, 2015 at 5:56 PM, Gez wrote:

> I found a little typo, near the end:
> "help is finish GIMP 2.10."
> I think you meant "help us".

Fixed, thanks! :)

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] New FAQ

2015-02-14 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Sat, Feb 14, 2015 at 10:14 PM, Akkana Peck wrote:

> I made a few edits for your consideration:
> You mentioned circular selections, so I added a "Tips" section that
> includes that and drawing straight lines. I also changed "hi-end"
> to "high-end" in several places.

Thanks! Merged your changes back.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Proposal: gimp-web-revamp

2015-03-10 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 4:24 PM, Cristobal wrote:
> On 06/01/15 20:13, Pat David wrote:
>> I'm available to help where needed as well.  Might want to keep things like
>> the product vision (
>> in mind as
>> well.
> Awesome, thanks! In the next few days I'll update the proposal
> considering Pelican (in Python) + Apache and I'll post it back to the
> list. I'll also consider the product vision to update the design.
>> On Tue Jan 06 2015 at 5:03:49 PM Samuel Ricks  wrote:
>>> I'm not a designer - but I do think the site could be really improved with
>>> some more content and information. I would be happy to help with
>>> Javascript, PHP, or anything else that needs doing.
>>> Samuel
> Thanks! For now, all I'm using is HTML+CSS and a little bit of JS (more
> specifically, jQuery). I'm also using dummy content on the design
> proposal but I'll try to update it following the product vision.

Hi Cristobal,

Any news? Do you need assistance with something?

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Gimp is unusable

2015-04-07 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
8 апр. 2015 г. 1:08 пользователь "me2you 1004" написал:
> I just finally got Gimp uninstalled, and wanted to write
> to tell you how mad I am at the h\ell you put me through
> for the past two days.

Hey me2you,

I'm sorry to hear you had bad experience with GIMP and its website.

Unfortunately your email lacked any vital information required to
understand how we could improve installers and/or the website. E.g.:

1. Your operating system and its version?
2. Particular keywords you expected to find at to navigate?


gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] 25 years of Photoshop > 20 years of TheGIMP ?

2015-05-27 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 4:49 PM, enkidu wrote:
> I noticed just today the Big Adobe Show commemorating photoshop.
> But hey, I've been using TheGimp since - what - 1999 ?
> and wikipedia tells me :
> "Development of GIMP began in 1995 as a semester-long project at the 
> University of California, Berkeley; the first public release of GIMP (0.54) 
> was made in January 1996"
> so, why not plan ahead for our own commemorative showoff ?

Something's already in works. We'll announce when we have more details.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] WGO domain parked?

2015-08-06 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
Same here.

6 авг. 2015 г. 15:10 пользователь "Pat David"  написал:

> The page resolves to a domain sales page. At least on my end.
> ___
> gimp-web-list mailing list
gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Feedback

2015-08-13 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 12:25 AM, Pat David wrote:
> So I am hot and heavy on the redesign stuff for WGO right now.


> I'd like to ask for some feedback from everyone on a couple of points.
> 1. Is the product vision (
> still an accurate representation of the project to our core users?  To
> reiterate, the points were:
> A. High-end photo manipulation
> B. Creating original art.
> C. Production (graphical design elements)
> D. Programming algorithms

Well, I keep hearing complaints that tasks relevant to desktop
publishing (strictly in terms of GIMP being a better companion to e.g.
Scribus) are not specifically mentioned in the product vision. Other
than that, it still seems valid.

> 2. I have a list of old URL's that I have been slowly working through to
> port the old site over to the new infrastructure.  The problem is that much
> of the old site seems out of date, scattered, and possibly deprecated.  I
> plan on going through things and organizing it better (and hopefully
> presenting it better as well).  For now, if anyone can have a look at the
> list and provide some feedback about appropriateness (even just saying -
> don't waste your time on these, definitely re-write those, and maybe
> combine all of these...).

Personally, I'm unsure whether we really, really need the splash
screens gallery. is
something that needs to go to the News section, same as all news items
that are currently only accessible via admin interface. -- I guess there used to be
some controversy back then, otherwise someone wouldn't spend time
writing this, but I'm not sure if it's of value now.

bugzilla and submit-patch howtos should be somewhere in th Contribute
section of the new website or something. isn't required anymore, IMO. is full of dead links. I'd say,
clean up and make it part of a sitemap page. and other
programmatic pages are dead. might need a technical
review from someone like mitch or pippin.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Is the project still running?

2015-08-19 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 2:12 PM, John Roper wrote:
> Hi, I was wondering if the GIMP project is still running. I saw that the
> development page had not been updated since 2013 and that the website has
> also not been updated in a while. If I is not, I would love to take over
> the project and breath some life into it. My plans are to re-design the
> website as well as update it continuously and to guide the development to
> rival the release cycles of Blender. I hope that I will be able to help
> this great project get back up and running.

Is this some sort of a prank?

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Is the project still running?

2015-08-19 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 5:40 PM, John Roper wrote:
> No, this is not a prank. I just like gimp and want to help the project.
> check out my work at

In general, while contributions are more than just welcome, coming out
of blue and trying to claim leadership of the project is not exactly
the best way to make a good impression. Especially if one doesn't even
look at what's going on in source code repository or ask about current
development priorities. Personally, I would never work with/under such
a leader.

Now, as Dustin already mentioned, work on the new website is well
underway. If you are willing to help with that, personally I would be
very grateful to you. But pretty please talk to us before rushing to

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Is the project still running?

2015-08-19 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine

I'm deliberately replying on-list again in case you accidentally
removed gimp-web@, especially since you do want Pat to read your
emails :)

Development page has not been updated in a long time indeed, but it
doesn't really mean much. We maintain the wiki which currently has
information for new developers. We will have to think about porting
the Development section of the website to the new instance.

Patrick David is the primary person in charge of the new website, he
knows more than anyone else what kind of help he needs.


On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 5:51 PM, John Roper  wrote:
> I would love to help. I just looked at the development projects page and saw
> that it said that it hadn't been updated since 2013 and that there had not
> been any releases in a long time. I was just trying to get a feel of what
> the situation was with the project. What can I do to help with the website
> work?
> On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 10:47 AM, Alexandre Prokoudine
>  wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 5:40 PM, John Roper wrote:
>> > No, this is not a prank. I just like gimp and want to help the project.
>> > check out my work at
>> In general, while contributions are more than just welcome, coming out
>> of blue and trying to claim leadership of the project is not exactly
>> the best way to make a good impression. Especially if one doesn't even
>> look at what's going on in source code repository or ask about current
>> development priorities. Personally, I would never work with/under such
>> a leader.
>> Now, as Dustin already mentioned, work on the new website is well
>> underway. If you are willing to help with that, personally I would be
>> very grateful to you. But pretty please talk to us before rushing to
>> conclusions.
>> Alex
>> ___
>> gimp-web-list mailing list
> --
> John roper
> President and CEO of Starlight Graphics Studio
> Boston, MA USA
gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] [Gimp-developer] Status Update on Redesign

2015-09-11 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 4:01 AM, Andrew Pullins wrote:

>> >> + "Interviews" -- with people the is using GIMP as professional tool
>> >> (photographers, painters, illustrators, designers, schools, cases,
>> >> print-services, universities, etc.);
> This reminds me of the GIMP magazine. I think that the magazine although I
> don't think it is an official GIMP project should be showcased on the main
> website.

We announce new gimpmag issues on wgo. The only reason we don't do it
for every issue is because there is no news archive, so other
important stuff would get off the face of the Earth too easily. And
giving gimpmag a more prominent place on wgo was the idea all along :)

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] About an online school for GIMP

2015-10-14 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 11:12 PM, imeros wrote:

> My name is John Geropoulos and i am working on an online e-Learning system
> about image authoring.
> My choice for the software was: GIMP.
> It is all about an online school, which may be considered as a *GIMP School*
> as well.
> You can see information in this URL:
> Before publishing the school on the web,
> i would like some kind of "recognition" from the GIMP team.
> That is, a simple word to just say that this school is worth of something
> and someone can benefit.

Hello, John.

Given that the content is in Greek, I'm not sure how we could evaluate
it other than have a look at the list of lessons.

You don't need our permission to use the logo, although we do ask you
to use it wisely.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Which social media sites shall we support?

2015-11-18 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 10:09 AM, Andrew Toskin wrote:
> Let's move this topic to a separate topic.
> For the Share buttons at the bottom of blog posts, it's pretty easy to
> just add another link, and I think the limiting factor should be more
> about design -- a million little icons will make the page look
> cluttered. A solution to this which I like is to have a single Share
> button, which toggles the display of all the different social media
> icons.
> However, getting users to *subscribe* to our social media profiles
> means giving them content to follow -- and each extra social site makes
> reposting GIMP-related links more tedious. So we'll want to be
> strategic about which platforms we use:
> * We've talked before about Twitter and Google+.
> * Facebook is too big to ignore, I think.
> * Ello has the nicest visual design of any social media site I've seen,
> so I personally like it a lot. It's still fairly small and new, though.
> * Tumblr, Deviant Art, Instagram and maybe Pinterest have large
> communities of artists, so there are likely many GIMP users there.
> Flickr is maybe *too* focused on uploading original images to work for
> this sort of thing? But there is a somewhat active GIMP Users group
> already.

Andrew, personally I'm only prepared to support Twitter, Google+, and
Facebook. I don't (and shouldn't) mind if other people represent us
there, but I'd personally feel more comfortable if I knew those people
enough to trust them with this task.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] [Gimp-developer] SGO to WGO Transition

2015-11-20 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 5:27 PM, Pat David wrote:
> I'm afk for most of the day today, with sporadic phone connectivity.  I'll
> do my best to address any questions.  Anything more complex will have to
> wait until the evening here (-06:00UTC).
> The new site SGO ( is ready to be migrated whenever
> it's needed.  I have also put a simple file as a news post for the 20th
> anniversary.  It's a markdown file located in the source at:
> /content/news/2015-11-18
> If someone (looking at prokoudine) wanted to write an announcement, this is
> the file to do it.  If you don't have the build environment up, feel free
> to email me the .md file and I'll put it up this evening ahead of a
> switchover.

I'll only be able to have a go at it tomorrow morning (I'm in
+3:00UTC), and I'm still to complete release notes for 2.9.2.

> If there are any lingering things that need to be addressed (there are),
> I'll get to them after we push the new site.  I don't think there's
> anything that's a show-stopper at the moment.  If so, please let me know
> asap, and I'll try to get it patched up this evening.

Debug messages in the footer of every page?

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] WGO Front page copy, Features, and Screenshots

2015-11-28 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Sat, Nov 28, 2015 at 6:45 PM, Pat David wrote:

> 1. Features
> 2. HQ Photo Features
> 3. Art Creation Features
> 4. Graphic Design Features
> 5. Programming/Extensibility Features (Algos?)

I'd probably throw scientific imaging in the mix, although some
relevant features are only available as 3rd party plugins/scripts.

> The old screenshots page was ported over with the old site content:
> I have a few more to add thanks to Alex.  Does this page still look ok to
> everyone?   Are there other screenshots or views that we can (should) add?
> Please consider either listing them here, or even better, attaching them!

Actually, I'm struggling to understand why a dedicated screenshots
page should exist.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Which social media sites shall we support?

2015-11-29 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
29 нояб. 2015 г. 15:11 пользователь "Alex" написал:

> I am personnally on Diaspora (via and GNU Social (via
> I find it sad that we barely see libre/opensource software communicate
> on those platforms, which, contrarily to Facebook, Twitter, & Google+,
are truly
> opensource & libre projects.

I'll be blunt. It would be noble to maintain all-libre profile, but is it

1. When you look at the amount of GIMP users at libre platforms and their
amount at non-libre platforms, priorities line up all on their own. Here's

7 posts in November (so far)
6 posts in October
2 posts in September
4 posts in August
1 post in July
4 posts in June
4 posts in May
8 posts in April
3 posts in March
7 posts in February
3 posts in Janurary

Since Quitter is part of a federated network (right?), 49 posts with #gimp
hashtag is is all people posted on GIMP in GNU Social since January 1, 2015.
On Twitter, I wouldn't even be able to know where to begin counting posts
that mention GIMP -- there are just so many of them. We have over 60K
subscribers on Google+, over 1.5K fiollowers on Twitter (we barely
started), and 12 likes of the Facebook page since Friday night when we
launched it and haven't even told anyone about it.

Even though our communication to users has improved over the past few
years, there's still a popular notion that GIMP team doesn't update users
frequently enough, which in some ways is actually true. So it makes sense
to focus on a few channels that cover the majority of the user base and be
active there rather than support every platform out there and inevitably
lose focus.

2. Communication by its definition is supposed to be a mutual activity. And
on social networks it's important to provide _prompt_ feedback. As far as I
can tell, GNU Social has no Android apps, and the only app that Diaspora
has is unmaintained (since 2012) and badly rated. Which means that e.g. in
case of GNU Social you cannot reply someone promptly unless it's your job
to sit in front of a browser window all day and stare at it. In comparison,
yesterday a user asked a question on Facebook, and Pat and me replied
instantly within a few seconds from each other.

3. In addition to being prompt, replies should be informative and correct.
Which means the person who communicates with users on Diaspora or GNU
Social should be close enough to the team to provide correct information.
Which pretty much means being on IRC frequently enough. Here's a recent
case where someone jumped on IRC, tried to figure out smth about our plans,
failed to actually understand what developers told him, went back to a
forum and provided an answer that completely misrepresented team's plans:

4. Whoever replies from GIMP's account should also have thick skin and be
polite at all times, even if a user is trying to be hostile on purpose.
Personally, I'm a rather harsh guy, but I can handle myself. Can you?

So the question of supporting more channels (libre or otherwise) than we
already cover really boils down to this: do we have anyone who...

a) is present on these channels at all times to post news and provide

b) is present on #gimp at all times and has good enough English to
understand what he/she is being told by developers;

c) can handle himself/herself in a difficult situation involving trolls and
really unhappy users.
P.S. On a more personal note, says "We are a federation of
microbloggers who care about ethics and solidarity and want to quit the
centralised capitalist services." right on top of the front page, but
doesn't even give me a way to search for messages. I've grown up in USSR
and I'd like to move forward, thank you :)

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Which social media sites shall we support?

2015-11-29 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Sun, Nov 29, 2015 at 8:50 PM, Michael Schumacher wrote:
> On 29.11.2015 18:18, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
>> 2. Communication by its definition is supposed to be a mutual activity. And
>> on social networks it's important to provide _prompt_ feedback. As far as I
>> can tell, GNU Social has no Android apps,

Thank you :)

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Which social media sites shall we support?

2015-11-29 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
29 нояб. 2015 г. 23:08 пользователь "Michael Schumacher" написал:
> On 29.11.2015 18:18, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
> > and the only app that Diaspora has is unmaintained (since 2012) and
> > badly rated.
> In active development, and (few, but) good ratings:

Great :) Then someone skilled and informed needs to get cracking.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] "Free Software" vs. "Open Source"

2015-12-02 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 3:06 PM, Pat David wrote:
> Referring to this bug report:
> Should I change the lead description text to just "The Free Software Image
> Editor"?

Aren't "software" and "editor" mutually exclusive in this case?

Anyway, I don't see what's wrong with "The Free & Open Source Image
Editor". It uses the word "free", and the "open source" bit serves
nicely as an explanation what kind of free it is.

If purists have a problem with that, I dare say they might go ahead
and create a free gnu whatever image editor of their own. Godspeed
with that.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Social media: consolidation of comments

2016-01-20 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
Sven Claussner wrote:

> Now that we are also on Facebook and Twitter I find a bit
> inconvenient to check each single social media site for discussions and
> comments on posts from our eager public relations people.
> Would it be possible that they are consolidated in a single
> place?

How do you expect this to work?

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Social media: consolidation of comments

2016-01-22 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 3:20 PM, Sven Claussner wrote:

> Having to check and search many posts on FB, G+, Twitter,
> mailing lists and forums is a tedious work which easily
> gets neglected, especially when you as a coder just want
> to code your idea that seems so wonderful. Thus many
> chances are wasted.


People have different roles in this project. Programmers don't
habitually check social media for feedback, and schumaml, patdavid,
and me -- people who check social media and maintain accounts -- don't
write GIMP code.

> I thought about some possibilities:
> - Access Facebook, Twitter through their APIs.

Facebook doesn't have an API.

> - Forums: there are many GIMP forums around there in various languages
> and therefore I doubt setting up and maintaining yet another one would
> be a big benefit. But getting their latest news through RSS/Atom
> feeds could be a help.

I'll be blunt here. As someone who follows these forums I'm not sure
what kind of insights you expect, given how their use of GIMP differs
from what we design the software for (in 95% of cases or so).

> - Uservoice,

All these services are commercial for anything more than a casual
interest. They also require an employee with full-time occupation to
sit in front of the control panel and move feedback between feedback
platform and bugzilla. Moreover, they would change our relationship
into the customer-developer kind, while we are not actually getting
paid for working on GIMP.

Personally, as much as I want communication transparency,
user-friendliness, and professional-grade everything, I think we
should not forget that GIMP is a community project by volunteers. This
isn't a business.

> Flickr

You mean the GIMP users group?

> Instagram

Actionable feedback on Instagram? You must be joking :)

> Pinterest


> Disqus

How is it related?

> blogs

That could bring something useful.

> and professional press reviews could be other ways of getting feedback.

Professional press reviews? Could you elaborate please?

> - There is a social monitoring meta search on the web:

Which is pretty much useless.

> It would be a great help if all this feedback was in one place
> and we could search it by topic easily

Implementing this is _incredibly_ expensive in terms of both money and
human resources if you want it to be any useful any time soon.

See, I work for a company that provides a social media monitoring
service. Accumulating this kind of information means:

- you pay for a server (or several servers) -- a lot;
- you pay for the traffic -- a lot;
- you need clever linguistic algorithms to sift through the data and
categorize it;
- you need clever algorithms that will detect spam in social media
posts and remove those;
- you need to design a query language, with negative words etc., to
build sensible queries;
- you need someone who maintains all this;
- etc. etc. etc.

Would it be useful for the team? I guess so. Is it realistic? Probably not.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Mirror List update

2016-01-31 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Sun, Jan 31, 2016 at 3:56 AM, Dustin Hess wrote:
> Please remove my mirror from the list on:
> My mirror is
> I'll be unable to host a copy for the next few months.

Done, thanks for notifying.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] An introduction, and a simple patch

2016-06-07 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 9:53 PM, Adonay Felipe Nogueira wrote:

> Subject: [PATCH] Fixed confusing term, according to:

Not. Another. GNU. Link. Please.

"Free/Libre" makes "Open Source" redundant.

"Libre" is hard to understand to the uninitiated. Moreover, the text
below specifically links to both the definition of free software and
the gplv3+ distribution guide.

What is the actual issue, Adonay?

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] "completely different, much more secure solution"

2016-06-29 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Thu, Jun 30, 2016 at 2:41 AM, Scott VanRavenswaay wrote:

> I' not trying to be lazy, and in fact write because I am hopeful that
> perhaps I can help find a solution, however it doesn't seem productive to
> have to keep searching mail archives to try to find a concise summary for
> what has obviously been at least a year-long issue. Can someone direct me
> to a document or thread that explains the issues that need solving?

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] New here, I'd like to help

2016-07-27 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 8:45 PM, Christopher Watson wrote:
> Saw that the gimp plugin registry is down right now and I'd like to help.
> Anything that needs to be done with web design/development I'm available
> for. I'd like to help bring the Gimp project into this decade

I'm not sure what the latter statement is supposed to mean :)  But all
help is welcome. The problem in this particular case is that we don't
seem to have agreed on any implementation specifics.

What we have agreed on is that we want the new registry to be as
secure as possible. Beyond that opinions appear to differ, or so I
understand the situation.

Another thing is that we really, really want extensions to be easy to
install. As easy as Firefox/Chrome extensions. The problem is that
while all sorts of brushes and gradients, as well as Script-Fu scripts
and Python plugins are OS-agnostic, plugins written in C have to be
compiled, and they aren't always available in the binary form for all
architectures of all supported operating systems.

I'm guessing the server side with a web front-end for downloading
could be the first step towards that goal, as it would pretty much
substitute the now defunct registry.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] MD5 hash is actual SHA1

2016-07-28 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
It was fixed yesterday, thanks :)


On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 11:37 AM, Junk Mail
> Hi
> Your web site for the Mac os shows a MD5
> hash 76858.. When the value is actually a SHA1 hash
> Thanks
> ___
> gimp-web-list mailing list
gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] true or fake site....

2017-02-22 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 5:58 PM, Francisco Pereirinha wrote:
> I found and downloaded Gimp from this website 
>  with this link 
> Is this an alternative site or have i just downloaded and run some fake, 
> infected version of the real Gimp?

Not fake and not infected, but also not official and somewhat outdated.

Please download from

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Improving SEO for GIMP documentation

2017-06-11 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Sun, Jun 11, 2017 at 9:58 PM, Ian Campbell wrote:
> Pages like the following should have a URL structure that helps them get
> indexed and should include a meta description. I'd be happy to help with
> the site if it's a D7 site (it appears it is) - I'm CTO at
> so use D7 all the time.

Hi Ian,

The registry isn't exactly maintained, so it doesn't make any sense to
do any such thing right now. The long-term plan is to drop D7 and
develop a better solution. When it's time to do that, we'll see how
much we can do about both meta tags, schema microdata, and suchlike.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Alexandre Prokoudine attacks on GIMP critics around the Web

2018-11-15 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine via gimp-web-list
Hi Niccolo,

There is a certain thing I'm rather horrible at - trying to a have a
conversation with people who come with preconceptions about something they
are not qualified to make judgments of and unwilling to learn before
drawing conclusions.

When stumbling upon your message that by not setting dates to releases we
tell users to "f*** off" (which you later edited away), I should have kept
my mouth shut. Nor should I have replied to your continuos verbal abuse
containing expletives.

I am truly and genuinely sorry about that.


чт, 15 нояб. 2018 г., 14:48 Niccolo Brogi :

> Hello.
> Alexandre attacks GIMP critics around the internet implying that he's a
> developer of GIMP and represents GIMP, using language and doing things that
> are completely inappropriate for his (self-proclaimed?) role, which makes
> the whole GIMP team look like crap for no reason.
> A little bit of a backstory (which you can skip if in a hurry): I've had a
> couple of unpleasant exchanges with Alexandre. Our latest exchange is
> from the Reddit thread at
> While
> it started innocently enough, it quickly turned nasty. What triggered
> Alexandre was my opinion that scheduled releases are better than random
> ones, because people like IT administrators might have to upgrade hundreds
> of computers, and being able to plan for that is nice. I think he
> understood I claimed the GIMP development team could and should refactor
> GIMP to GTK3 and release in 6 months (which I never said). Regardless,
> instead of saying "ah, no GIMP is better with rolling release because, bla
> bla bla..." he started attacking me personally--basically saying that I had
> no right to say that because I'm not a GIMP developer (but neither is he
> more on that later). A missed opportunity to learn something: just because
> of his tone, the discussion deviated from that and got uncivil, which is
> what I observed always happens with him when he exchanges ideas with people
> that have unapproved opinions.
> I tend to be blunt and ignore political correctness. Add that to perhaps
> getting passionate or even emotional about stuff, and to be honest
> sometimes I do get harsh replies and have to rephrase things I didn't say
> nicely enough. However, exchanges with Alexandre are a totally different
> beast.
> Why? A while after posting the comments I talked about above I started
> getting PMs of "solidarity" from other users that Alexandre attacked around
> Reddit. For instance, I was given permission to include:
> >>> A day or two ago I dared criticize GIMP [...] and that alexlg guy came
> off the ropes so hard I was literally in tears over it. Just wanted to tell
> you how validating it was to see you jousting over the exact same ground
> with him just a few days earlier.
> Another message:
> >>> [...] He even went so far as to mention me by name in another thread
> entirely, basically calling me a whiny baby, once enough people had
> dogpiled that he was forced to slightly change his stance on something.
> Even if you win, you lose...
> Because he implies that he's a GIMP developer--by saying stuff like "oh,
> you don't develop GIMP, you can't say anything bad about it", or using "we"
> in connection with the GIMP dev team (with the word "dev" being important
> here)--he seems to get some sympathy from fellow users, because what kind
> of piece of shit attacks volunteers that create awesome free stuff for
> people (which I agree with). It really upset me when I found out that he's
> not at developer at all, but contributes in non-technical ways. This is bad
> not only because I can excuse his attitude from a developer but not from
> someone that writes articles on Facebook while pretending to be a developer
> to please his ego, but because he doesn't get banned from communities just
> because he implies that he's in the dev team.
> I think that if Alexandre's job is to "market" GIMP, not only he's doing a
> horrible job, but he's being detrimental to the project. It's easy to
> relate to people that agree with you, they're already passionate GIMP
> users! Those that have some kind of issues are the ones to really talk to,
> because you can explain things to them and since GIMP is an awesome project
> you can change their mind or make them more informed, and turn a critic
> into a passionate GIMP user (or even evangelist). In addition, pretending
> to be in the dev team is good for his ego, but really bad for the dev team,
> since it just gives the impression that GIMP devs are entitiled assholes.
> I'm aware that this email might not only fail to help stop Alexandre from
> attacking people, but also cause more attacks towards me since I would
> assume you sympathize with him, but so be it. Maybe (just maybe) you guys
> are not aware of what's going on and don't actually a

Re: [Gimp-web] Alexandre Prokoudine attacks on GIMP critics around the Web

2018-11-15 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine via gimp-web-list
On Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 3:46 PM Niccolo Brogi  wrote:

> OK. If you're bad at talking to people (since people come with
> misconceptions although you could easily change that), as someone who
> doesn't only speak for himself, you should just not talk to people.
> It's also not just me,  many people have the same problem with you. I
> guess it's you against the world.
> Let's see if the rest of the team is aware of your behavior, and --in case
> they have the courage to approve my message or at least reply--if they
> approve of it (BTW, why don't you CC them, if you are so sure your behavior
> is OK?).

I don't need to CC people who are already subscribed to the mailing lists
you posted to. This is how mailing lists essentially work: people get
emails sent to those list.

> I have thick skin (mind you, some people that have messeged me don't as
> much, and are still upset about your attacks and were in tears),

Oh yes, about that. The allegations. Since there have been only two other
problematic cases with users in the past week, I'm confident I can pinpoint
the relevant threads.

Exhibit A:

>>> A day or two ago I dared criticize GIMP [...] and that alexlg guy came
off the ropes so hard I was literally in tears over it. Just wanted to tell
you how validating it was to see you jousting over the exact same ground
with him just a few days earlier.

This is this very thread:

There was a quite justified complaint that text layers are hard to use in
GIMP, which I readily agreed with. Nevertheless, this user came to say that
lack of maturity of that feature is present because of GIMP team's "mindset
of "you don't need it" and "we don't like it"". The harshest thing I said
in response was point out evidence of the contrary, then saying "Facts...
Always such an inconvenient thing, isn't it? :)".

I'd love to see here the cause of alleged tears or coming hard off the

And Exhibit B:

>>> [...] He even went so far as to mention me by name in another thread
entirely, basically calling me a whiny baby, once enough people had
dogpiled that he was forced to slightly change his stance on something.
Even if you win, you lose...

This is this very thread:

Essentially, someone got steamed up because of having to spend shocking 3
minutes on "wading through a sea of jargon, buzzwords, mansplaining, and
patting yourselves on the back" which is how this person characterized the
official 2.10.8 announcement.

"mention me by name in another thread entirely" is actually about the very
same thread --
-- about the very same topic: providing a shorter list of changes between

And here is the "basically calling me a whiny baby" quote:

"I don't see any way in Gitlab to view all files at the time of tagging a
release, but I'm not sure if having to scroll through changes for the next
version first [in an updated NEWS file] would give anyone a heart attack,
save for our friend /u/Unchayned <> here."

There are facts, and then there are interpretations. I don't think our
interpretations will ever match, but I'd be happy to be proven wrong.


> and I don't care what you say and do if you take responsibility for your
> actions-- which you have to do since you not only speak for yourself only,
> but for other people as well.
> On Thu, Nov 15, 2018, 13:22 Alexandre Prokoudine <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Niccolo,
>> There is a certain thing I'm rather horrible at - trying to a have a
>> conversation with people who come with preconceptions about something they
>> are not qualified to make judgments of and unwilling to learn before
>> drawing conclusions.
>> When stumbling upon your message that by not setting dates to releases we
>> tell users to "f*** off" (which you later edited away), I should have kept
>> my mouth shut. Nor should I have replied to your continuos verbal abuse
>> containing expletives.
>> I am truly and genuinely sorry about that.
>> Alexandre
>> чт, 15 нояб. 2018 г., 14:48 Niccolo Brogi :
>>> Hello.
>>> TLDR:
>>> Alexandre attacks GIMP critics around the internet implying that he's a
>>> developer of GIMP and represents GIMP, using language and doing things that
>>> are completely inapprop

Re: [Gimp-web] Alexandre Prokoudine attacks on GIMP critics around the Web

2018-11-15 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine via gimp-web-list
On Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 4:48 PM Niccolo Brogi  wrote:

> Regarding CCing people, my thread hasn't been approved, so I don't know if
> people can read it.
> Regarding the rest, you don't have to present exhibits, we're not in
> court. I'm giving you feedback about your behavior as someone who
> represents the whole team (unless I got your pronuons wrong, you keep
> saying "we"--possibly to give authority to your arguments--and you
> misrepresent yourself as a developer of GIMP).

I have never claimed to be developer of GIMP, publicly or privately -- you
have zero proof of your claim. I actually correct people when they call me
a developer, and I have enough verifiable proof of that.

If you think that continuos piling of factually wrong statements will help
your cause, I suggest you rethink your stategy.

> Take this feedback however you want. So can the rest of the team, but
> considering you've been speaking on their behalf it's important that they
> know what you're doing and that people aren't happy. If your behavior is
> appropriate for someone who represents the team, good to know. If it's not,
> don't speak on behalf of everyone else and at that point you can be as much
> of an asshole as you want with both newbies and people who disagree with
> you.

I will have to point out that name-calling, which you once again went for,
is not welcome on our mailing lists as per code of conduct:

"Please make sure that you add value to the discussion, avoid repetitive
arguments, flamewars, trolling, and personal attacks."

Please consider rethinking your interaction here.

Good day to you.


> On Thu, Nov 15, 2018, 14:28 Alexandre Prokoudine <
>> wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 3:46 PM Niccolo Brogi  wrote:
>>> OK. If you're bad at talking to people (since people come with
>>> misconceptions although you could easily change that), as someone who
>>> doesn't only speak for himself, you should just not talk to people.
>>> It's also not just me,  many people have the same problem with you. I
>>> guess it's you against the world.
>>> Let's see if the rest of the team is aware of your behavior, and --in
>>> case they have the courage to approve my message or at least reply--if they
>>> approve of it (BTW, why don't you CC them, if you are so sure your behavior
>>> is OK?).
>> I don't need to CC people who are already subscribed to the mailing lists
>> you posted to. This is how mailing lists essentially work: people get
>> emails sent to those list.
>>> I have thick skin (mind you, some people that have messeged me don't as
>>> much, and are still upset about your attacks and were in tears),
>> Oh yes, about that. The allegations. Since there have been only two other
>> problematic cases with users in the past week, I'm confident I can pinpoint
>> the relevant threads.
>> Exhibit A:
>> >>> A day or two ago I dared criticize GIMP [...] and that alexlg guy
>> came off the ropes so hard I was literally in tears over it. Just wanted to
>> tell you how validating it was to see you jousting over the exact same
>> ground with him just a few days earlier.
>> This is this very thread:
>> There was a quite justified complaint that text layers are hard to use in
>> GIMP, which I readily agreed with. Nevertheless, this user came to say that
>> lack of maturity of that feature is present because of GIMP team's "mindset
>> of "you don't need it" and "we don't like it"". The harshest thing I said
>> in response was point out evidence of the contrary, then saying "Facts...
>> Always such an inconvenient thing, isn't it? :)".
>> I'd love to see here the cause of alleged tears or coming hard off the
>> ropes.
>> And Exhibit B:
>> >>> [...] He even went so far as to mention me by name in another thread
>> entirely, basically calling me a whiny baby, once enough people had
>> dogpiled that he was forced to slightly change his stance on something.
>> Even if you win, you lose...
>> This is this very thread:
>> Essentially, 

Re: [Gimp-web] [Gimp-developer] Alexandre Prokoudine attacks on GIMP critics around the Web

2018-11-15 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine via gimp-web-list
On Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 6:25 PM Niccolo Brogi  wrote:

> Nope.
> Everything started because I was called a "backseat viewer", and therefore
> not allowed to say that scheduled releases are good. After that I was
> replying to that attitude, and not about whether rolling releases are
> better (which I had an extremely open mind about).

I'm afraid you are conflating "criticism" with "purposedly being a true
pain in the neck".

If people are not happy with unsheduled releases, I would (naively?) expect
them to begin with stating that they think this is wrong and then, politely
or not so much, asking why that is the case and what is the reason for not
switching to rolling. You never really asked. You started the conversation
with a claim that we should pay attention to users (like we don't, contrary
to a mountain of evidence) and that we tell them to f*** off. What did you
expect to happen next?

(For the record, I personally would prefer the rolling model for GIMP, but
it is currently not quite realistic. Besides, so far, most people who spoke
up seem to be happy with the new release model where new things get ported
to the stable branch and then released every month or two.)

In almost a week of this ongoing "conversation" you still haven't asked why
we don't do rolling and scheduled releases. This is exactly how much
constructive your "criticism" is. And I'm still willing to explain why,

I'm only replying to this, because here you are again pretending that we
(or me personally) attack critics. We don't. All that happened here is that
I was sarcastic over yet another case of someone being unnecessarily nasty
to the point of insult.

I don't know how many times I have to repeat it: criticism is welcome and
studied, but insults, shouting, and use of expletives aren't. Please learn
the difference. We cannot have a constructive conversation until you do.


> The message you quoted is way after things started going bad.
> As for your comparison with Starbucks, I don't abuse Starbucks employees
> and neither I abuse GIMP's staff.
> I also don't care about harsh words, I'm not a little snowflake. I just
> want to know if GIMP is represented by Alexandre like he implies, and if
> the GIMP team is OK with attacking newbies and critics of GIMP saying
> they're backseat drivers that are not worth listening to and not worth
> explaining things.
> I'm not the only one who shares the view that in GIMP there is this
> attitude of "if you didn't make it, you're not allowed to talk bad about
> it".
> If that's the culture at GIMP, I'm not gonna cry. Just say it.
> On Thu, Nov 15, 2018, 16:00 C R  wrote:
gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] [Gimp-developer] Alexandre Prokoudine attacks on GIMP critics around the Web

2018-11-15 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine via gimp-web-list
On Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 7:35 PM Niccolo Brogi  wrote:

> Not so, I listened to what you said. Like I said many times, I change my
> mind like a flag in the middle of the storm, and you do have a positive
> attitude to not stop this natural process of mine.
> You ended your reply with "you were a dick",

1. He didn't end his reply with that. The word was in the middle of his

2. He said "it was a dick move", he didn't call you one.

If you continue this well established pattern of knowingly misrepresenting
what people tell you, I'm afraid we will have to force-end this


I said that I have 3 more. It's 4 or us so far, then.
gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Alexandre Prokoudine attacks on GIMP critics around the Web

2018-11-16 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine via gimp-web-list
пт, 16 нояб. 2018 г., 6:40 Trevor Rose

> 3 — the solution to the problem is to tighten up your communications
> channels, and to use some other technology rather than just an email group,
> and in which alternative system a person must be logged in, and each post,
> thread and comment/reply is not only better organised, but can be
> identified as per user ID, GROUP, and ROLE ... PLUS AND MOST IMPORTANTLY
> you can constrain each unit of communication by using mandatory fields and
> filters, in order to force clearer communication and remove some amount of
> abuse, while also being able to ban anyone who takes their passion beyond
> an accepted threshold/limit.

Hi Trevor,

I'm afraid I'm not a big believer in technical constraints as means to
manage a community. We have a history of making it difficult for people to
contribute to GIMP in any way. I would hesitate to make it even harder.

Your suggestion boils down to making initial communication more complicated
while, indeed, more structured. It also seems to suggest some sort of
pre-moderation which puts a heavier burden on those of us involved with

So mailing lists are a tool that keeps communication open enough and takes
just about the right amount of time to keep our sanity at the cost of rare
outbursts like this one.

Having said all that, I would still appreciate examples of what you
consider superior communication channels.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] [Gimp-developer] Alexandre Prokoudine attacks on GIMP critics around the Web

2018-11-16 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine via gimp-web-list
On Fri, Nov 16, 2018 at 2:47 PM C R  wrote:

> Well clearly he was harassing you with his facts and sarcasm.
> You'll pull through though. I believe in you!
> I've got to go now though. Have fun with whatever this is.

I'm afraid I've been giving a bad example how to deal with abusive users.
Let's not repeat my mistakes.


gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] [Gimp-developer] Alexandre Prokoudine attacks on GIMP critics around the Web

2018-11-16 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine via gimp-web-list
пт, 16 нояб. 2018 г., 23:19 Simone Karin Lehmann

> …
> "We don't do "release dates" :) We release when it's ready.“
> Niccolo still answers, IMO, very politely

and explains why, in his opinion, he thinks planned release dates are
> better than solely saying "we don't do release dates“ and explains how a
> smiley at the end of this sentence sounds to him and finally admitting that
> he might be wrong, though.

The problem here is that you are reading a reply that he later edited to
look nicer, after I replied to him.

The original comment suggested that by refusing to set dates to releases we
tell users to f*** off (I'm redacting this here, he didn't). And there was
no admission that he could be wrong.

Look, Simone, there are not many active contributors to GIMP, but those who
are, me including, spend upwards of 20 hours a week on this project (maybe
even more for some). It's like having another job (or another family).

And since my job is pretty much about communication between users and
developers, I find his repeated suggestion that we don't care about users
incredibly offensive, which I told him about several times, and he never
had the dignity to apologize (which would resolve the conflict completely).
On the contrary, instead of apologizing, he did his best to discredit my
involvement, not to mention all the expletives.

It's your choice to protect an abusive person though.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] [Gimp-developer] Alexandre Prokoudine attacks on GIMP critics around the Web

2019-01-08 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine via gimp-web-list
On Tue, Jan 8, 2019 at 8:27 PM Ryan Stark wrote:
> I appreciate that the app is free open source and developers are working for 
> free but it seems they are cut off from most users.

What would you suggest to do that we don't already do?

> Virtually every feature has some kind of usability bad design

And you are welcome to report issues and propose specific changes.

> and Gimp is not as stable and reliable as it used to be

Yes, the side effect of releasing a huge amount of changes you've seen
in 2.10 is less stability.

> Most people are not going to bother going on mailing lists. There doesn't 
> seem to be any decent forum that everyone uses like there is for Blender as 
> in Blenderartists

There is It's decent and everyone (but you?) uses
it. I also regularly answer questions on Twitter, Reddit, Facebook
etc. Places that noone uses :)

> and there is no Gimp manual for the latest version.

Yes. It's being worked on by a single person. Would you be interested
to help Julien?

> Gimp appears to be a jack of all trades and master of none so there is no 
> passionate community.

That is quite the opposite of what I see. Darn, I have to stop some
users from being too passionate :)

> A sign of the problems is that on Linux we have Krita and Mypaint. If Gimp's 
> tools had been better for painting and manipulating things on the canvas we 
> would not have needed those apps.

Krita is almost 20 years old. You might want revisiting your argument.

MyPaint's development is, sadly, on the declining side. Personally, I
hope that Briend will merge all his changes from 2017-2018 and
stimulate a new, long overdue release.

I don't think we as a community need just GIMP. I love what Martin et
al. did with MyPaint, there absolutely is enough room for applications
like MyPaint and Krita streamlined for particular demographics or use

> Most people edit photos in a RAW editors now so these more comprehensive 2D 
> image editors should not be centred around just editing photos.

GIMP 2.10.x features MyPaint Brush tool, canvas rotating/flipping, and
other painting-specific things. Some features like layer group masks
are useful for a variety of use cases. Upcoming v2.10.10 is also
featuring smart colorization for painters and comic artists, as well
as a DDS plug-in for game designers.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] [Gimp-developer] Alexandre Prokoudine attacks on GIMP critics around the Web

2019-01-08 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine via gimp-web-list
On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 2:09 AM Ryan Stark wrote:

> Gimp should be usable as a painting program just like Photoshop is.

We can have a nice long argument about that, because I can show you
artwork made with GIMP, and you wouldn't be able to tell if it was
done with GIMP, Krita, Painter, or Photoshop :)

> So many of Gimp's features seem unfinished. For example, look at the guides. 
> There are horizontal and vertical guides similar to Inkscape in operation yet 
> no diagonal guides which would be an obvious addition.

It's on the roadmap. This is simply the question of having the manpower.

> Applying any dynamics to a brush causes Gimp to go at an absolute snail's 
> pace. Why?

What brush size?

> And why on earth are all those hideous brushes, patterns etc still included 
> in Gimp when there are other better and free ones available?

Some of the "hideous brushes" come from the GIMP Paint Studio project
which people used to love with a capital L :) The others (from G-P-S)
haven't been merged, because the only person who decided to spend time
on this hasn't yet finished what he started -- for reasons I'm not
aware of (probably just busy).

This is really simple. If you want something improved, there are
basically three options: wait till someone does it, hire someone to do
it, or do it yourself.

Every single person in this project (including me) got involved with
GIMP in their respective roles because we wanted something that GIMP
didn't have, and waiting wasn't an option.

If you are interested in updating the default assets like patterns
(with free-as-in-speech licensed content), you are welcome to do
exactly that. We'll insist on keeping the bell pepper though, for
hysterical raisins :)

> You can't go from from single window mode to multiple without your layout 
> being messed up.

I've just done exactly that to verify your statement, and nothing
broke. I'm on Ubuntu 18.10 and GNOME/Wayland, with GIMP from
up-to-date 'gimp-2-10' git branch (haven't seen anything like what you
described for as long as I can remember though). More details (with
screenshots) would be helpful, and possibly in the bug tracker.

> For example there is some kind of problem where certain actions with a mouse 
> or pen causes docked tabs to constantly break free without reason.

If this can be reproduced, it should be reported.

> The problem is that some people may be prepared for a few problems, report a 
> few bugs etc but then it just gets tedious and they move to another app. I 
> believe many will do this with Gimp.

Yes, but we can't fix bugs we aren't told about.

> What are the solutions to these problems? I don't really know but i think 
> once some bad design decisions are made with an app it is very hard to fix 
> things.

Undoing bad design decision was a major part of 2.10 development cycle
and continues to be in the master branch leading up to v3.0.

> The developers or at least some developer who has a vision on how to improve 
> things is the most crucial component. I think the problem with a lot of 
> software is that the developers do not use the software extensively or study 
> how other programs do things.

End-users tend to expect developers to do all sorts of things, from
writing user manuals to making builds for every single possible Linux
flavor out there. While developers tend to lack the time to do actual
programming, let alone all those nice things you are talking about.
This is why we treasure good, sensible bug reports and feature
requests explaining why something is wrong and what are the options of
improving on that.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] [Gimp-developer] Alexandre Prokoudine attacks on GIMP critics around the Web

2019-01-08 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine via gimp-web-list
On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 5:42 AM Ryan Stark via gimp-developer-list wrote:

You know, I started having my suspicions while reading your first
email where you complained that GIMP tries to do everything, then
proceeded complaining it is focused on photo editing rather than doing
other things (mutually exclusive statements).

> Mypaint is different from Gimp because obviously the brush engine is unique

It's not unique. Several applications now use MyPaint's brush engine,
including GIMP. And that isn't even the only "difference" between
MyPaint and GIMP. They are conceptually different applications. Surely
I don't need to tell you about things like the infinite canvas?

> but if Gimp was better Krita would not be needed in my opinion.

People have always scratched their itches. What's the shocking news?

> This is how audio programs gotdamaged on Linux. Several competing projects.

There is virtually zero competition among free/libre DAWs on Linux,
because there is just one functional DAW, which is Ardour.

Everything else with the sole exception for Qtractor does MIDI
sequencing and some score editing, with overly simplistic audio
editing, because everything else is stuck in the early 2000s when the
Linux crowd thought that separating MIDI from audio was the real deal,
and JACK would rule them all (it didn't).

Paul recognized the problem relatively early on, that's why MIDI
started being worked on around 2007.

If you think there is any competition, try recording multiple audio
inputs into MusE or Rosegarden using external control surfaces, with
VCA for track groups, do quick fades and crossfades, then tell me how
it worked for you.

> Ardour should have been the open source DAW but will never ever compete now 
> partly due to the arrogant style of development ethos.

What are you even talking about? :)))

> Open source audio is now completely dead because vastly superior commercial 
> apps moved onto Linux.
> There is absolutely no way now for an open source project to compete with
> running for example Reaper on Linux.

Open source audio is so dead that Paul's development efforts are fully
funded every month long before the month is over, and he gives the
spare funds to other contributors. Robin is paid by Harrison to work
on both Mixbus and Ardour. And original MIxbus team contribute to
Ardour on regular basis. That's how dead it is.

> Gimp tries to be Photoshop

It does not. I don't know where you are getting all these funny ideas from :)

> Saying that a bezier tool is somehow a step further than a simple tool to
> draw straight lines is the sort of crazy idea that is exactly the problem
> with Gimp. In Photoshop and other apps you click a key command and draw a
> single line or lots of lines anywhere without even seeing any tool on the
> canvas.

You mean the latest Photoshop CC still has no clue how to show people
what they are drawing on the canvas? And that's great why, exactly?

> It seems that in Gimp such a simple idea wasn't thought of. The
> shift command for drawing straight lines in Gimp doesn't achieve the same
> very simple task.

Yeah, better drawing tools are definitely in the plans. But If you
want us to show people blank canvas while they draw, then no, not
gonna happen.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] [Gimp-developer] Alexandre Prokoudine attacks on GIMP critics around the Web

2019-01-09 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine via gimp-web-list
ср, 9 янв. 2019 г., 7:24 Ryan Stark

> Ardour is poor and there were lots of DAWs being developed on Linux
> (probably still are but I don't look into it any more).

How many is "lots"? 10? 20? 30? :)))

Ardour (and one or two its dead forks), Ecasound, Protux/Traverso. That is
pretty much it.

Paul at Ardour is arrogant.

You keep making these unsubstantiated claims, but just like the original
topicstarter, you'll find it to be a hard sell on this list.

It doesn't matter if he is funded. That doesn't make Ardour a success in
> terms of how it works.

Since he is funded by the community, it means Ardour is a success for its
user base. And most of those people are on Windows, where they have a much
wider choice of applications to run.

If you install Reaper on Linux there is absolutely no comparison whatsoever
> and Reaper can be run free or a small licence charge. Ardour tried to be
> Protools. This is what not to do if you develop open source software. It
> has to have something unique about it.

I guess you didn't pay much attention then. Back when Ardour started,
unlimited tracks and buses, as well as anything-to-anything routing were
unheard of.

They can rightly claim that they have something better than what commercial
> software provides.

Pretty much every Reddit thread on GIMP has people who say GIMP is better
for them. They might have funny reasons to say so, but it's their opinion.
You seem to be pretending that these people don't exist. I suggest you
reconsider your existential statement.

If you look at what they are doing in the Mypaint brush engine. It is also
> unique. The new features in the brush engine can create results that are
> amazing and unlike any other program yet the basic concept is quite simple.

Every unique feature of MyPaint's brush engine stops being unique for just
MyPaint the moment it's out. Would you hazard a guess why? (Hint: see my
previous email)

However, the brush engine is painfully slow so what is the point.

You still haven't given us any details about that.

So there will never be a method to simply draw individual straight lines on
> the canvas without unnecessary tools appearing on the canvas?

I don't know how you arrive to these funny conclusions.

I'm afraid, unless you begin substantiating any of your claims, I will have
to bow out of this conversation. You are welcome to post your bug reports
to the tracker.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Website is marked as Malicious

2019-08-07 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine via gimp-web-list
On Wed, Aug 7, 2019 at 11:17 AM Shimon Shore via gimp-web-list wrote:
> Hello,
> I am interested in using Gimp in our organization. In order to get approval 
> from our cyber security unit they tested your website on Hybrid Analysis 
> which marks it as Malicious - 
> One of the main problems is that many of the files on your server failed 
> virus scans as seen below.
> Can you look into/fix the problem with infected files on your server?

Hello Shimon,

I'm looking at the generated report with one eyebrow up and a stupid
grin on my silly face because it tells me, among other things, that
several AV tools flagged SHA256 hash files as malicious :) Are your CS
guys aware of false positives?

How about testing the latest build for Windows?

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] download link

2020-03-21 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine via gimp-web-list
On Sat, Mar 21, 2020 at 5:10 PM j garcia fernandez   wrote:

> but if I go to "direct download here" link which is
> I can see a newer file:
> with SHA256 hash: 
> 3afe61d57dab032a087ddd45853bc52e967f706505a1aab953e7527586407b5b
> Is it safe to install this newer file?


> Why isn´t it pointed in the "Download GIMP 2.10.18 directly" link?

Maybe wasn't updated yet.

gimp-web-list mailing list

Re: [Gimp-web] Request: new secure and gpdr compliant public mirror

2020-12-11 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine via gimp-web-list
Hi Timo,

Thank you for the offer. However, I'm not sure what you mean by
'access to the master repo'. As far as I can recall, all it takes is
sending a merge request for content/downloads/mirrors2.json file in
the 'testing' branch of


On Sun, Nov 22, 2020 at 10:23 PM Timo Heinrich
> Hello colleagues,
> to give something back to the community, we would like to make a new public 
> mirror for GIMP with an bandwidth of 20Gbit/s available.
> This mirror provides secure access over TLSv1.3 and is GPDR compliant(ie. IP 
> anonymization, …).
> We therefore ask you to give us access to the master-repo, so we can get in 
> (r)sync and be included in the mirror list as „secure mirror“.
> Thank you in advance.
> A name and contact email address
>   *   Timo Heinrich
>   *
> The name, URL of the mirror and Sponsor(https/http/)
>   *   Sponsor: dogado GmbH (
>   *   Legacy supported: URL MIRROR(HTTP)
> country where the mirror is located
>   *   Germany (Leipzig)
> update frequency (once daily is recommended)
>   *   Every 2 hours
> preferred contact information for any mirror-related issues (we will keep all 
> contact information confidential)
>   *
> Best regards
> Timo
> --
> Schöne Grüße aus der Hansestadt Lübeck,
> Timo Heinrich
> Head of Performance Marketing
> -
> checkdomain GmbH, Große Burgstraße 27/29, 23552 Lübeck, Germany
> tel +49 (0)451 70 99 70, fax +49 (0)451 70 99 727,
> -
> Sie finden uns auch bei:
> Facebook:
> Twitter:
> -
> Geschäftsführer: Daniel Hagemeier, Marcel Chorengel
> Amtsgericht Lübeck, HRB 5100 HL
> ___
> gimp-web-list mailing list
gimp-web-list mailing list

[Gimp-web] Older news

2022-02-20 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine via gimp-web-list

Currently, our news feed starts on 2006-08-11 with a post on Open
Usability collaboration.

I can add older news (as far back as 1998) for history preservation
reasons (aka for hysterical raisins) . Any objections?

gimp-web-list mailing list

[Gimp-web] Retiring from the project

2022-10-11 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine via gimp-web-list

I'm retiring from the project. I have neither time, nor motivation to
give it enough attention anymore, so let's make way for somebody else.

Website. I have a nice huge mindmap of onboarding content for new
contributors. I made that plan in Sep 2021, unfortunately, I couldn't
execute on it, sorry. If anyone's interested, here it is:

Social media. Two more people have admin access to the Facebook
account, one of them has been running it for close to two years now, I
think, and is otherwise active in the project. Noone except me uses
the Twitter account, but I already re-registered it to social@ months
ago specifically to make sure my departure doesn't jeopardize the
operation. I'll give the current password over a safe communication
channel (and will strongly suggest changing it) to anyone willing to
take over. I can maintain the Twitter account for another 30 days.
Hopefully, someone will step up prior to that. I'll also do my best to
consult anyone having problems maintaining the social accounts after
the Twitter account has been taken over. Email or Telegram
(@prokoudine) is fine.

UI/docs translations. I will probably continue updating the UI
translation at least until v3.0 release, if I find the time. I have no
plans to update the translation of the user manual.

Dev access. My developer's access to git will have to be removed after
v3.0 release (or immediately, whichever you prefer). I cannot do
anything about it myself because GNOME's Gitlab setup is effed up
beyond acceptable: it won't restore my password, and I don't care
enough to jump through hoops they invented for whatever reason. So
you'll have to kick me out manually :)

Good luck!

gimp-web-list mailing list