Re: [Marxism] Black Panther: Afrofuturism Gets a Superb Film, Marvel Grows Up and I Don?t Know How to Review It

2018-02-22 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Genre films and film genre participate in the dialectic exchange/dialogue
where the apparatus of film making (as production) invites the audience (as
makers of meaning) to a genre's conventions at a specific historical
moment, wherein the audience can reject or accept in part or whole, the
message. Thus the ideological shapes that capital take in industrialized
societies can be demystified by comparing the formal aspects of the filmic
artifact to the context of conventions of both the film product and its
critique. This is a reduced account of how ideology work through mass media
(in this case, cinematic media) and why it is the richest vein of
ideological formation available. This alone gives mass marketed cinematic
media a top priority in leftist critique for the future, imo, as someone in
the field.

On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 12:50 PM, John Reimann via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> David Walters accuses Andy of "taking [Black Panther] far too seriously."
> If He further comments: "The 'social significance' of this I have to assume
> is irrelevant."  I have not seen that film nor do I intend to see it. In
> fact, I don't even know very much about its plot. But I do think we should
> take Hollywood movies seriously in the political sense.
> We should not see propaganda as being purely what comes from the
> communications officer of the Pentagon or the editors of the Wall St.
> Journal or the New York Times. No more than we should think that political
> views and cultural orientation are two totally separate things. I strongly
> believe that what comes out of Hollywood is one of the most powerful
> propaganda tools for capitalism that the US capitalist class has. Same for
> the songs that are on the radio. I well remember, for example, when rap
> music first hit the big time. One of the first big popular rap groups was
> Grand Master Flash, and I remember their hit "New York, New York". Back in
> those days, my neighborhood was known as "Funktown" after one of Oakland's
> more prominent drug gangs. I can still hear that rap of Grand Master Flash
> in my memory as it was played out on the streets outside my window over and
> over. And what a powerful condemnation of capitalism it was, even though it
> didn't propose a fight to oppose it.
> So, what happened? In a very short time that sort of rap was replaced on
> the radio by raps about a woman's "booty" or about getting rich.
> All of this has a massive effect on the consciousness - in some ways even
> more so than does the formal political propaganda. And that includes what
> comes out of Hollywood.
> John Reimann
> --
> "No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them."
> Assata Shakur
> Check out:https: also on Facebook
> _
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J.A. Masko
College of Communications
Penn State University
State College, Pa 16801

  "The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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Re: [Marxism] Black Panther: Afrofuturism Gets a Superb Film, Marvel Grows Up and I Don?t Know How to Review It

2018-02-22 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Well, my students come into my classes as "the masses" with some films are
mere entertainment and leave knowing that even mere entertainment has the
earmarks of whence it came. Myself, I don't fancy notions of high art, but
find any cultural development open to a radical critical critique and argue
that this types of critiques need to move from Cinema Journal to the
language of scholars outside the field. No reason we can't jettison jargon
and still argue that films and conventions, as common sense, do help build
ideological formations at some point in the process.

On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 1:35 PM, DW via Marxism  wrote:

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> John R., truly, I feel sad you that you can counter-culturally isolate
> yourself from what the masses of people see at the movies. "Propaganda"?
> Prove it. Tell the members of the Writers Guild they as saps for
> capitalism. Tell them that they are not artists but just US gov't social
> sycophants. What a fucked up POV. EVERYTHING under capitalism bears the
> stamp of class society. There are no exceptions. And so what? I went to see
> The Black Panther fully aware that this wasn't an artistic exercise with
> great social implications. I went to be entertained. We can argue about the
> merit of what is entertaining but I, nor my son, came out of this film with
> a renewed or new sense of social patriotism and God bless American
> capitalism. Not even a *little*. I doubt anyone was. We were all
> entertained, mission accomplished.
> Rap music *exists* because of capitalism, John. It  was dialectically
> created, as were Blues and Jazz as a reaction to oppression...or, more for
> rap, alienation. From the *beginning* it contained major elements of
> mysogony and anti-gay bigotry. This was true from the first tunes coming
> out of the Bronx neighborhood it originated it. As such, Rap contains and
> continues to contain all forms of contradictions. Such is culture under
> capitalism. Looking for pure anti-capitalist culture misses the entire
> point of literary and artistic criticism.
> I stand by what I said and reject all PC and Socialist Realist horse shit.
> David
> _
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J.A. Masko
College of Communications
Penn State University
State College, Pa 16801

  "The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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Re: [Marxism] Gun regulation?

2018-02-24 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Posted this on our RR FB page...

On Sat, Feb 24, 2018 at 12:31 PM, DW via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> Gawd...such one sided bullshit. Black rights were won without guns? Really?
> The fact that the SCLC leadership kept assault rifles in their headquarters
> was...irrelevant? That many Blacks were armed was "without guns". The fact
> is it is hard to prove a negative but I suspect many klan attacks did *not*
> happen because they knew Black people were *armed* often in violation of
> RACIST gun control laws. Ken you should no better than to peddle such crap.
> The Black Panthers *ended* police harassment in Oakland before the NRA
> supported Mulford Act was passed banning such practices (which resulted
> immediately in the OPD harassing young Black men again in the largely Black
> neighborhoods of Oakland). Armed Blacks confronted *regularly* the White
> Leagues and armed Whites throughout Reconstruction. By now, Ken, et al, you
> should of all read about the "Racist Roots of Gun Control". An excellent
> article. [
> 347324-the-racist-origin-of-gun-control-laws
> ]
> is not true that only the Mpls strikes were workers armed.
> Actually they were not armed then. It was afterwards they, and many other
> unions organized such guard groups. The fact is that as a push back against
> armed scabs and the cops, racist mobs, the oppressed *always* armed. How?
> They owned guns to begin with and if the gun control laws were not enacted
> (always against Blacks and the oppressed) they could go out an purchase
> them. The last mass arming of Blacks was in 1980 during the Chattanooga
> riots where armed, Black veterans mostly, formed an ad-hoc militia and
> pushed the white racist sheriffs out of the Black community. Also, all
> petty crime stopped cold during these 3 days. They could not of done this
> without being armed and at that time, with the latest in weapons including
> ARs.
> Second of all, Louis, the anti-gun brain dead liberals that many here are
> adapting too DO want your .30-30 banned. They want ALL guns banned. And
> they are quite open about this. They see every incremental gun control
> measure as a forward step in that direction. THEY have more faith in the
> State to handle weapons than civilians and want more cops, more FBI and ATF
> to take charge. That is "Marxism"? Gawwdd.
> It is not 1936 or 1980. While gun ownership has been fairly constant,
> including the AR-15 (which started as the "Black Rifle" craze during the
> Reagan administration), for almost 3 decades.'s only be the last
> few years that these massacres have taken place. Why is that? Columbine
> occured sans AR-15s (the used pistols and shotguns). The facts are that 97%
> of all the 36,000 () gun deaths are not made by military looking
> AR-type rifles. And that 61% of those 36,000 last year (JAMA) are not from
> violent attacks but from...suicides. The real deaths of children and young
> people come from hand guns. But that is not the emotional push button we
> see...EVER. It's only about these relatively few and particularly ugly
> school massacres.
> I accept that some things ought to be done. I do support raising the age to
> 21 for hand gun or rifle purchases. All firearms. I'm also for actual
> licensing with proof-of-proficiency in safety handling. Lastly I'm for
> better background checks and establishing a "cannot purchase list"
> administered by qualified mental health experts (school counselors,
> psychologists, therapists, etc) but with a right to challenge. This "could"
> reduce but not eliminate such massacres. Nor would banning AR type rifles
> or large capacity magazines. It might help some but with so many such
> firearms in circulation, few would turn them in and fewer still would
> register what they have. And why should they? THEY are not the criminals.
> Disturbed people commit these crimes. And that is where the problem will
> lie:  gun bans ... which is exactly the agenda of the anti-gun crowd.
> All those positions I outlined above are huge fucking concessions to the
> state. They give the government...the FBI and the ATF (the new found lovers
> of the Democrat

Re: [Marxism] The best TV criticism I've ever read: The Wire and the World (Jacobin)

2018-03-12 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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The initial review has prolly taken this in the wrong direction unless you
adhere to auteur theory. David Simon is not the the voice of the series so
using interviews as an insight is suspect from the beginning. If anything,
this should have more attention on genre and ideological structures
inherent in the film apparatus than the polite nods in that direction.
There is no reason to "dumb down" film analysis into film reviews, but this
comes close.

And whatever your personal opinion of David Simon or *The Wire,* it is part
of the dialogue on long form television that cannot be simply dismissed as
garbage. Cinematic media is rarely a straight thumbs up or down, it's
conversation (or invitation) to a cultural discussion about what
constitutes genre conventions.
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Re: [Marxism] ‘The Game Done Changed’: Reconsidering ‘The Wire’ Amidst the Baltimore Uprising | The Nation

2018-03-13 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Sorry, "David Simon" did not make the wire. Films are cooperative
activities and rarely, if ever in classical narrative productions, can be
said to be the product of one person.  Next, you mistake the map for the
territory, it's a film, a narrative construction that happens, in this
case, to shed light on inner city living to a largely white audience; I
love Dave Zirin, but if he wants a film that portrays a community where
"voices of people organizing *together* for change," then he should write
his own screenplay and work in the film business.

Now, I'm not saying don't critique, but critique the film/television show
for what it is, not what you think it should be. Of course, "there’s a lot
wrong with “The Wire,” but what do you expect from a narrative structure
that centers in on conflict and focuses on the protagonist ? Even if there
is no clearly defined antagonist, you are still trapped in the
interpersonal stories that in some ways, Neorealist Cinema was reacting too
in Mid 20th century Italy. To expect *The Wire *break away from the film
apparatus that defines both form and content is asking far too much of it.

On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 2:52 PM, MM via Marxism  wrote:

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> *
> > On Mar 12, 2018, at 10:25 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
>> wrote:
> >
> >
> reconsidering-wire-amidst-baltimore-uprising/  article/game-done-changed-reconsidering-wire-amidst-baltimore-uprising/>
> This is another outstanding piece from Dave Zirin, and yet more
> confirmation that he is indeed “our most important sportswriter.”
> It’s also a pretty powerful confirmation that there’s a lot wrong with
> “The Wire,” over and above all of the things that are wrong with David
> Simon.
> _
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J.A. Masko
College of Communications
Penn State University
State College, Pa 16801

  "The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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Re: [Marxism] Documents show ties between university, conservative donors

2018-04-30 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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[image: Breaking: New Report] 
[image: STOP Koch's Criminal Justice Agenda]

[image: New Collection: Koch's Oversteps of Academic Freedom, Governance,
and Integrity] 
[image: News of the Faculty Resistance]


[image: GMU Students Sue for Transparency]

[image: 2017 Book!] 

The corrosive influence of "dark money" has undermined the democratic
institutions of the United States, but not just in our political system.
Education, in particular higher education, serves as the engine of critical
inquiry and the foundation of our democracy. It is where citizens are
exposed to ideas, and in turn, is responsible for shaping public opinion,
political discourse, and political policy for decades to come.

The same wealthy donors and corporations that have been polluting our
political system for self-interested political change have turned their
eyes to universities for long term political and cultural change.

Nobody more exemplifies this breed of political philanthropist more than
Charles Koch, CEO of Koch Industries.

Recordings and documents from the Charles Koch Foundation and its network
of professors  shows how Koch's
academic programming is political rather than educational, "leveraging
science and universities " for political

Koch Industries  and
their network of wealthy donors use an "integrated strategy,
called the Structure of Social Change

uses targeted funding of universities, think tanks, and political groups
for the "implementation of policy change."
[image: Number of colleges/universities receiving Koch foundation funding
over time ]Number of colleges/universities receiving Koch foundation
funding over time

Koch's network, many of whom make up the Freedom Partners Chamber of
Commerce, have been using this integrated strategy for decades, and their
spending is accelerating. Read more
 about Koch's politically driven

*From the UnKoch my Campus website, whichhas been docmenting and finding
their influence now for 5 plus years.
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Re: [Marxism] Marxism and Cinema: Daniel Fairfax | Historical Materialism

2018-05-25 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Unfortunately this highlights the difference between a film scholar who is
Marxist and a Marxist film scholar (I won't talk about filmmakers as that
is related, but more complex) as a matter of method. Louis is neither of
these, but a film reviewer who is Marxist. As someone with far more
cultural capital than me (I only have a PhD in film studies and
communications, studying under the Marxist documentary film scholar Bill
Nichols), he does give me titles that I've never heard of which is great,
but his reviews are nearly worthless to scholars as he situates himself and
usually some tale from the SWP or some other past endeavor center stage and
skates past the film text. It seems to me, he comes from the Ebert school
of reviewing, that shows little if any knowledge or interest in film

On the other hand, both Daniel and Dennis are scholars who know the work
and they, unlike Louis, know apparatus theory and why there are no Marxist
films in the U.S. today in terms of a dual formal-social theory model.
Perhaps more should focus should have been on intellectual montage and I
think the last couple of segments of Daniel's paper should have included
Gramsci, who is very much, if not more important to Slavoj Zizek, Jacques
Rancière and Alain Badiou, than Althusser. Now, I have just presented on
the subject at the annual conference for the union of democratic relations
and can say from a scholarly point of view, this is what writing on the
subject is like. My ensuing paper will also explain what this method looks
like (cribbed from Jennifer Hammett and Noel Carrol), instead of jumping
past filmic elements to the act of interpretation.

Sorry, you can't just say your a Marxist and that your reviews are Marxist
because of that without using a dialectical method.

On Fri, May 25, 2018 at 8:15 AM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> Thanks for the comments and recommendations.
> In the meantime I see you had also posted this last month:
> 2801-marx-and-the-cinema-labour-on-screen
> On Fri, May 25, 2018 at 11:12 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
>> wrote:
> > #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
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> > #3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
> > *
> >
> > On 5/25/18 10:53 AM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:
> >
> >> Louis, what is your take on the author and on this article?
> >>
> >
> > I found it interesting as a survey but it doesn't cover the most recent
> > films being made in the USA.
> >
> > If I were to try to summarize the latest developments in American
> > narrative film from a Marxist standpoint, I'd focus on works like "The
> > Florida Project" and the entire body of work of Rick Alverson (
> >
> > he-american-malaise-the-films-of-rick-alverson/).
> >
> > We are in a period of hopelessness and fear, just like when the Cold War
> > began. This tends to be reflected in the kind of films made above. Most
> > young indie directors and screenwriters have little interest in social
> > malaise and tend to make small-scale mumblecore films that get shown at
> the
> > Sundance film festival. That's why it takes a lot of guts to make a film
> > like "The Florida Project" or Rick Alverson's "Entertainment". Both are
> now
> > available on Amazon video.
> >
> > _
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> >
> _
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J.A. Masko
College of Communications
Penn State University
State College, Pa 16801

  "The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.

Re: [Marxism] The Sierra Club Fights to Save...A Parking Garage?

2017-04-27 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Crap article by someone who doesn't mind rampant gentrification by techie
hipsters with the attendant high priced restaurants or slagging Gus Hernandez
(who is of Mexican descent and who is not a homeowner, nor a car owner) as
a white racist. Andy Lynch doesn't live in this neighborhood, nor has he
done the work that Gus has done for years in keeping business from flouting
the zoning regulations, but hey the headline plays well! For Gustavo's

On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 8:35 AM, Richard Sprout via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> club-fights-to-savea-parking-garage
> Sent from my iPhone
> _
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J.A. Masko
College of Communications
Penn State University
State College, Pa 16801

  "The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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Re: [Marxism] Sierra Club saves parking garage

2017-04-28 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Local politics make strange bedfellows. Yes, I have no illusions about the
Sierra Club, but it is a political active force in SF that has some power.
Since our local supervisor, London Breed, is a sycophant to development, we
are forced to find allies where we can. Gus Hernandez , who made the
presentation about the garage, is well aware of this and as a Mexican
American who owns neither a car, nor a house can hardly be characterized as
a white property owner as the article asserted. Neither can his work
locally as an advocate for stable rental prices and protections be compared
with what happened in Albany or elsewhere.

In the area in question, the so-called NOPA area, where I have lived for
nearly 15 years, is overrun by rich white silicon valley techies in
neighborhoods long occupied by the African-American community. The
so-called low income housing provided by new lofts and apartments is a
joke. The fact is this area has some of the only concentrations of poor and
working people of color in this part of the city and that is worth keeping.

Surely you understand the continuing gentrification and the continuing
economic divide in SF caused by the influx of the newcomers who are pricing
everyone else out of the market? If the Sierra club gives us tools and
support to help arrest some of the more egregious flaunting of zoning laws,
then so be it. We have no allegiance or support for them other than this
particular matter.

On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 12:40 PM, John Reimann via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> A little tid bit about the Sierra Club for which they should never be
> forgiven:
> The Albany Bulb is a little spit of land going out into the San Francisco
> Bay in the city of Albany, just north of Berkeley. Living at the Albany
> Bulb for many years was a homeless community. Some lived there for as long
> as 20 years. It was really a very nice community. The people kept good care
> of it. It wasn't trashy. They were friendly with the many people who used
> to walk along there - many (including my wife and I) who walked their dogs.
> I always said that if I were homeless, that's where I'd like to live -
> beautiful view of the Bay, semi-country, no traffic noise.
> Then, about 5 years ago, the City of Albany decided to kick them all out. I
> think it was part of the general process of trying to encourage the
> gentrification of the whole East Bay. And, to their everlasting disgrace,
> the Sierra Club supported evicting them.
> What a disgusting group of people the Sierra Club is.
> John Reimann
> Oakland, CA
> --
> "No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them."
> Asata Shakur
> Check out:https: and //
> _
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J.A. Masko
College of Communications
Penn State University
State College, Pa 16801

  "The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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Re: [Marxism] Out of Sight, Out of Mind

2017-05-01 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Joseph's Osel's spot on critique has been around for 4 years a least, and I
have yet to see any white liberals, progressives, or radicals addressing
his arguments:

Greg Smith's article "Why Some Like Jim Crow So much" also gets to the
heart of the matter...

Neither support charter schools as far as I know.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Secret History of the 2017 NBA Finals - BLARB

2017-06-08 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Come visit the the outer mission, or The Excelsior district or how about
the tenderloin. Maybe think about all those people displaced from SF who
know live in Richmond and support the Warrior now and when they where lead
by Don Nelson. And thanks for erasing all the working people who service
the tech overlords here. Oh, and by the way, our working class here,
Lebron, the guy who left his hometown and went to Miami to do the built a
team of all-stars? Oh, and the guy Steve Kerr, the co

On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 6:02 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> This was an appealing team before their first championship — a team of
> smaller, skinnier, stranger players than normal. The supremely coordinated
> Steph Curry and Klay Thompson can shoot from anywhere on the court,
> excellent defenders and creative passers like Draymond Green and Andre
> Iguodala create space and take pressure off of their gifted offense. They
> are undersized, but tough and smart. Yet soon enough, the Warriors got too
> good. And then they got Kevin Durant and his transcendent offensive talent.
> It certainly began to seem unfair, especially when you consider how San
> Francisco, a city steeped in tradition and history and physical beauty, has
> become the gaping maw of tech-fueled liberalism (and maybe the augury of
> the alt-right), the #1 place to get a $25 pizza and sing Gavin DeGraw with
> your coworkers at karaoke before you return to an apartment that only a
> peon of these murky and vaguely malevolent operations could afford. At the
> same time, gentrification spilled more and more into Oakland, the team’s
> true home. Now with the Raiders departing, we can fit the entire Bay into a
> neat and well-managed singular cultural narrative, rather than acknowledge
> these complicated, diverse, vibrant, and often difficult histories. The
> transition from the underdog 2007 character-driven Warriors led by Baron
> Davis (and his absurdly vicious dunk over Andrei Kirilenko) to the stacked
> machine of 2017 runs parallel. We accepted this story and it became very
> easy to hate Golden State as we continued our drift toward the bad
> decisions of the near-left.
> Here, our hero emerges. Whereas with Golden State we saw the triumph of
> “team,” Ohio native LeBron James materialized as the sole savior of
> Cleveland’s pro sports championship desert. Conveniently enough for this
> secret history, Ohio is a state tortured by the decline of
> industrialization in the United States, the “Rust Belt,” as they say. When
> white middle-class workers are feeling as disenfranchised as ever,
> desperate for distraction, the hope of an NBA Championship provides a
> powerful opiate. This is the subconscious shaping of our current ideology:
> that we may indeed be able to return to an (inherently false) American
> greatness. That these jobs will come back. That Cleveland is not needing a
> real change, but a simple tweaking and the return of a familiar home-grown
> heroism. When Cleveland won last year, it was the false return of the
> Midwestern middle class and a harbinger of the confusing orange-hued
> nightmare we would soon find ourselves in.
> full:
> nba-finals/
> _
> Full posting guidelines at:
> Set your options at:
> ions/marxism/


J.A. Masko
College of Communications
Penn State University
State College, Pa 16801

  "The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Secret History of the 2017 NBA Finals - BLARB

2017-06-08 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Continued...the coach, who was mediocre at best and devised a plan to
topple the Lebron James superstar who was pampered from prep school? Come
on, get someone who knows sports to write, not this muppet.

On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 8:30 AM, Jeffrey Masko 

> Come visit the the outer mission, or The Excelsior district or how about
> the tenderloin. Maybe think about all those people displaced from SF who
> know live in Richmond and support the Warrior now and when they where lead
> by Don Nelson. And thanks for erasing all the working people who service
> the tech overlords here. Oh, and by the way, our working class here,
> Lebron, the guy who left his hometown and went to Miami to do the built a
> team of all-stars? Oh, and the guy Steve Kerr, the co
> On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 6:02 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
>> wrote:
>> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
>> #2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
>> #3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
>> *
>> This was an appealing team before their first championship — a team of
>> smaller, skinnier, stranger players than normal. The supremely coordinated
>> Steph Curry and Klay Thompson can shoot from anywhere on the court,
>> excellent defenders and creative passers like Draymond Green and Andre
>> Iguodala create space and take pressure off of their gifted offense. They
>> are undersized, but tough and smart. Yet soon enough, the Warriors got too
>> good. And then they got Kevin Durant and his transcendent offensive talent.
>> It certainly began to seem unfair, especially when you consider how San
>> Francisco, a city steeped in tradition and history and physical beauty, has
>> become the gaping maw of tech-fueled liberalism (and maybe the augury of
>> the alt-right), the #1 place to get a $25 pizza and sing Gavin DeGraw with
>> your coworkers at karaoke before you return to an apartment that only a
>> peon of these murky and vaguely malevolent operations could afford. At the
>> same time, gentrification spilled more and more into Oakland, the team’s
>> true home. Now with the Raiders departing, we can fit the entire Bay into a
>> neat and well-managed singular cultural narrative, rather than acknowledge
>> these complicated, diverse, vibrant, and often difficult histories. The
>> transition from the underdog 2007 character-driven Warriors led by Baron
>> Davis (and his absurdly vicious dunk over Andrei Kirilenko) to the stacked
>> machine of 2017 runs parallel. We accepted this story and it became very
>> easy to hate Golden State as we continued our drift toward the bad
>> decisions of the near-left.
>> Here, our hero emerges. Whereas with Golden State we saw the triumph of
>> “team,” Ohio native LeBron James materialized as the sole savior of
>> Cleveland’s pro sports championship desert. Conveniently enough for this
>> secret history, Ohio is a state tortured by the decline of
>> industrialization in the United States, the “Rust Belt,” as they say. When
>> white middle-class workers are feeling as disenfranchised as ever,
>> desperate for distraction, the hope of an NBA Championship provides a
>> powerful opiate. This is the subconscious shaping of our current ideology:
>> that we may indeed be able to return to an (inherently false) American
>> greatness. That these jobs will come back. That Cleveland is not needing a
>> real change, but a simple tweaking and the return of a familiar home-grown
>> heroism. When Cleveland won last year, it was the false return of the
>> Midwestern middle class and a harbinger of the confusing orange-hued
>> nightmare we would soon find ourselves in.
>> full:
>> ba-finals/
>> _
>> Full posting guidelines at:
>> Set your options at:
>> ions/marxism/
> --
> J.A. Masko
> College of Communications
> Penn State University
> State College, Pa 16801
>   "The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
> becoming disillusioned."
>Antonio Gramsci.


J.A. Masko
College of Communications
Penn State University
State College, Pa 16801

  "The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
Full post

Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Secret History of the 2017 NBA Finals - BLARB

2017-06-08 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Come to SF and visit the the Outer Mission, or The Excelsior district or
how about the Tenderloin? Maybe think about all those people displaced from
SF who now live in Richmond and support the Warriors now and when they
where led by Don Nelson, a dozen years ago. Sorry, yes SF is full of tech
dicks and it's obnoxious, but they are not the only ones here and we were
here first. And thanks for erasing all the working people, especially those
of color, who service the tech overlords here making those 25$ pizzas and
who clean up after them. And the underpaid au pairs from Mexico, and
Central and South America so you can go to the games.

Oh, and by the way, your working class hero, Lebron, the guy who left his
hometown and went to Miami to build a team of multi-million dollars
all-stars? For money and fame, he broke the hearts of Cleveland?  Oh, and
the guy Steve Kerr, the coach, who was a mediocre at best as a player and
devised a plan to topple Lebron James, the superstar who was pampered from
prep school with Hummers before he could drive?

"John Rossiter is a writer and retail employee living in Los Angeles." Come
on, get someone who knows sports to write, not this muppet.

Sorry my original post was garbled, but it was the first thing I read when
I awoke and sent me reeling before my first coffee. Never write before your
first cup.
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Re: [Marxism] UPS worker shoots 3 fellow workers & himself

2017-06-15 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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The hugely underrated book, Going Postal by Mark Ames, makes the connection
between guys like the UPS shooter (sorry don't know his name) and James
Hodgkinson explicit and undercuts any pat "deranged guy" or white male
privilege gone wrong scenario. While stronger unions cannot do anything but
help, as the case studies show, inept and bureaucratic unions can actually
hurt as the individual feels let down by the company and betrayed by the

Work and rage violence, like riots, are acts of rebellion, however
politically confused or inchoate or reactionary they may be. They are
rarely seen as politically motivated by the observers of the time as
hegemonic protest repertoires borne of the middle class, blind the
professional managerial elite of that class who can only imagine that it is
madness that behind such violence. Co-workers nearly always say otherwise
as the record shows; they often expect violence, but are also often
surprised by who "snaps".

Ames makes the connection to the literature during the period of Nat Turner
and John Brown, who both communed with God about what actions they should
take. We now brush aside those details and see them driven by the madness
of slavery. We are now brushing aside the fact that modern day rage
killings stem from a deep satisfaction with how society is organized, not
loss of privilege or some other cause rooted in the dysfunction of the
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Trinity College of Conn. Closes Over Threats After Conservative Website Targets Professor – The Ticker - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher Education

2017-06-22 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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And the other professor, Dana Cloud, walks the walk like few others. I
first met her when the National Communications Association held a
conference in non-union hotel here in SF. She and her comrades found
alternative panel sites for those of us who would not cross picket lines.
Because of her, I ended up interning for Unitehere! who was leading the
pickets. She's smart, tough, and doesn't back down. Please sign the
petition hyperlinked in the article to help protect her academic and
political freedom.
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Re: [Marxism] What happens when the federal government eliminates health coverage? Lessons from the past

2017-06-24 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Hi Robert,

I use BBC and sometimes th free washington post and my hometown's paper,
the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, but mosly use th list for stories I would miss
so thanks for posting so many items that are really important and that I
would miss. Frankly, I'd love to see a list where folks comment and a page
where people could contribute their stories. Daily Kaos? I don't know, but
I think if we had 4 or 5 people like you, we could have a really
informative cite, that excludes all the back and forth that is at times
informative, at others, thoroughly inane. Just wanted to say thanks for you
news posts!



On Sat, Jun 24, 2017 at 6:40 AM, Richard Sprout via Marxism <> wrote:

> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> #2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
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> *
> government-eliminates-health-coverage-lessons-from-the-
> past-79989?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Latest%20from%
> 20The%20Conversation%20for%20June%2023%202017%20-%
> 2076926066&utm_content=Latest%20from%20The%20Conversation%
> 20for%20June%2023%202017%20-%2076926066+CID_9d5a64ed9bc2c466c25f5335c06389
> e5&utm_source=campaign_monitor_us&utm_term=What%20happens%20when%20the%
> 20federal%20government%20eliminates%20health%20coverage%20Lessons%20from%
> 20the%20past
> Sent from my iPhone
> _
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> Set your options at:
> options/marxism/


J.A. Masko
College of Communications
Penn State University
State College, Pa 16801

  "The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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Re: [Marxism] What happens when the federal government eliminates health coverage? Lessons from the past

2017-06-24 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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That was meant just for Robert, but other than early morning typo's, I
stand by it. And thanks actually to Louis forth the work he puts into it; I
sometimes agree with parts of his writings, mostly not, but the real gold
is the items that get passed along in my opinion, not what I think of the

On Sat, Jun 24, 2017 at 7:42 AM, Jeffrey Masko 

> Hi Robert,
> I use BBC and sometimes th free washington post and my hometown's paper,
> the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, but mosly use th list for stories I would miss
> so thanks for posting so many items that are really important and that I
> would miss. Frankly, I'd love to see a list where folks comment and a page
> where people could contribute their stories. Daily Kaos? I don't know, but
> I think if we had 4 or 5 people like you, we could have a really
> informative cite, that excludes all the back and forth that is at times
> informative, at others, thoroughly inane. Just wanted to say thanks for you
> news posts!
> soli-
> jeffrey
> On Sat, Jun 24, 2017 at 6:40 AM, Richard Sprout via Marxism <
>> wrote:
>> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
>> #2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
>> #3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
>> *
>> ernment-eliminates-health-coverage-lessons-from-the-past-
>> 79989?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Latest%20from%20The%
>> 20Conversation%20for%20June%2023%202017%20-%2076926066&
>> utm_content=Latest%20from%20The%20Conversation%20for%
>> 20June%2023%202017%20-%2076926066+CID_9d5a64ed9bc2c466c25f53
>> 35c06389e5&utm_source=campaign_monitor_us&utm_term=
>> What%20happens%20when%20the%20federal%20government%20elimina
>> tes%20health%20coverage%20Lessons%20from%20the%20past
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> _
>> Full posting guidelines at:
>> Set your options at:
>> ions/marxism/
> --
> J.A. Masko
> College of Communications
> Penn State University
> State College, Pa 16801
>   "The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
> becoming disillusioned."
>Antonio Gramsci.


J.A. Masko
College of Communications
Penn State University
State College, Pa 16801

  "The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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[Marxism] Looking for a list of Marxist film critics, past and present...

2017-08-15 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Any names would be appreciated...I'm working on a academic presentation and
need as many people as I can find. of course I've listed the folx at
Jumpcut (Chuck Kleinhans, David James and the authors of Hidden Foundations
and the sort, but looking for more, academics and trade print people? Any


J.A. Masko
College of Communications
Penn State University
State College, Pa 16801

  "The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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Re: [Marxism] Looking for a list of Marxist film critics

2017-08-17 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Thanks for the reply and I don't know all that much about Harry Alan
Potamkin but love the idea of someone who straddles the divide between a
film critic doing film criticism and a film reviewer who gives opinions
without acknowledging academic film theory.

In that vein, I think Robin Wood was quite insightful and so was Peter
Biskind, although I don't know if I'd term either Marxist. Doug Kellner and
Fred Jameson are a couple of the bigger names that I would include as
explicitly Marxist.

The whole of the psycho-analytic Marxism of the members of Screen in the
70's and 80's such as Jean-Luc Comolli, Jean Paul Narboni, Laura Mulvey,
and those who work(ed) with apparatus theory would be on my list. So would
those using suture theory, but that is more academic and not mass market.

More currently, Bill Nichols, Rick Berg, Steven Ross, Jane Gaines come to
mind as well as those associated with the Union for Democratic
Communications such as Steve Macek, Lee Artz, and Dana Cloud. Members of
the Society for Cinema and Media Studies class caucus are mostly Marxist or
at least Marxist sympathetic with Pat Keeton, Terri Ginsberg and all using
Marxist theories to guide their work. None of this are mass market, but
fairly accessible to those who are interested in film theory.

​I don't really know of any film reviewer who is using Marxist film
theories in the way Dave Zirin uses Marxist theories to critique sport.
Although there are those who ​
​may have sympathies or allegiance to Marxism​, actually using Marxist
theories from those above or from Marxist literature is rare, to say the
least. Henry Giroux is probably the closest I can think of right now...
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Trump’s Antifa Moment: Police Repression, Nonviolence, and Movement Building on the Left

2017-08-28 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Hi Mark,

I sent this to you alone, because I cannot deal with any mass of responses
right now and I respect your opinion and work as a scholar and I am asking
these questions sincerely.

I think we all get why antifa members who black bloc may not be utilzing
the best tactics for the moment and that the motivations behind many
members vandalizing property and fighting with the right is suspect and
counterproductive. Yes, I think many, if not most are really kind of acting
out in a juvenile manner and that talks more to the individuality mentioned
in the article. So I don't support the kind of actions we normally see in
demo's, although vandalizing property isn't a big issue for me.

But I wonder why any type of physical reaction from the left is disregarded
as ineffective in the U.S.? How can a so-called "muscular left" be built?
And if it cannot be built, how can a truly revolutionary moment arrive?
Finally, why is it that commentators can never envision a leftist group
engaging in militant and sometimes "violent" tactics in the U.S., but can
support it when it's not on U.S. soil?

I am not supporting any confrontations with the right or the State, but
certainly it's fair for citizens to protect themselves? Especially in rural
areas where radical leftists are being targeted by Neo-nazi's, KKK members
and others by physical attacks and doxing? Is armed revolutionary tactics
and strategies only available to those in the global south or in places far
from western industrial nations? If not, how do we begin with being labeled
useful idiots (as the antifa people are commonly called by those with far
more cultural capital).

I think the tactics of the IWW and other militant unions was successful in
part (so much that they needed to be routed by the government and big
business), so where do we look now to work outside of established protest
repertoire and party rituals? Some activists, especially working class
people not drawn into middle class socialist parties, are not going to
follow middle class leaders and pundits like Chris Hedges and never will.
What do we tell those not resigned to anti-violence and pacifist tactics? I
think of folks I know who have served time in prison and sons and daughters
of Black Panthers who are still involved in the struggle, not white middle
class kids radicalized at Cal Berkeley.

​I may post this when I have more time to respond to others, but I don't
want to post and "ghost" now. I have a lot of class prep and two article
deadlines to deal with this week. But I'm still not sure I want to get
anything going as the list is obviously very against antifa types and I
think generalize about them a bit too much, but I do agree that they are
usually pretty young, either in age or political sophistication. ​




J.A. Masko
College of Communications
Penn State University
State College, Pa 16801

  "The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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Re: [Marxism] will antifa punch these guys out?

2017-09-19 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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 In case folx don't know, there are significant numbers of vets supporting
so-called antifa, including American pit vipers, th 3%, and most
explicitly, redneck revolt.

Whether you agree with them or not they are on the scene now. And more vets
are joining everyday according to people that I talk to you in these

Many of these vets split off from The Oath Keepers just because they
disagreed with their mainstream or right-leaning politics. They are not
about to get involved the small types crafts that are being televised
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Re: [Marxism] will antifa punch these guys out?

2017-09-19 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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My point is that they are organizing and now showing up to act as security
for organizations that have asked them such as BLM.  but you're right of
course as military men they know to never take on a fight that is not
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Re: [Marxism] will antifa punch these guys out?

2017-09-19 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Nope, the work in the community to build support since they only other folx
are neo-nazi's and the Klan. They are pro-union, pr-choice, and pro-gun,
and antiracism. They believe in protecting themselves to the extent that
the law allows and protecting those who ask their assistance, such as jewish
groups asking for security during the high holy days. Build whatever straw
man the fits your theory, but don't ignore that is being done in
urban/rural communities where multiracial groups are rejecting protest
repertoires that have been proven failures.

Do some research and see what they do WITHOUT their firearms to support
poor communities of all colors before you jump the gun.

J.A. Masko
College of Communications
Penn State University
State College, Pa 16801

  "The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Milo’s “Free Speech Week” was a flop: Here’s how to beat the alt-right -

2017-09-29 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Yes, I know the problems with IGD, but I'm not hearing about this elsewhere
in the media. I have heard from other locals about incidents that are being
ignored for a number of reasons, mostly cops have some fucked solidarity
with White Power because a lot of local cops don't come from the bay area
and live far north of the city in Novato.

On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 10:59 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
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> *
> I don't care much for Amanda Marcotte but this is a good analysis.
> a-flop-heres-how-to-beat-the-alt-right/
> _
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J.A. Masko
College of Communications
Penn State University
State College, Pa 16801

  "The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: 'White Lives Matter' Rally Canceled After Meeting Heavy Resistance In Tennessee | HuffPost

2017-10-28 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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They missed the part about armed leftists, like Redneck Revolt, the John
Brown Gun Club, and The SRA, who showed up  for community defense and who
were also instrumental in keeping 3peaters and American Pit Vipers from
showing up to this and other rallies armed.
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Re: [Marxism] misusing "civility"

2015-05-08 Thread jeffrey masko via Marxism
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I was forced to resign as executive secretary of the graduate and
professional student association (GPSA) at my university for sending emails
to the graduate student body critical of the way the student leaders,
administrators, and Aetna life insurance handled the new Health Care
contract which cut benefits and raised costs to grad students. The duty to
send out a newsletter is outlined in the organizations' constitution is
that of secretary, yet the President of the GPSA and other officers
objected that my criticisms were uncivil and that the President had the
power to override any item I published and had the right to pre-approve my
newletters. When I objected that the language in the document did not
support that conclusion, I was then accused of being uncivil by continuing
to question that particular interpretation.

This attack of incivility will undoubtedly be used on graduate students who
have the audacity to organize or otherwise question administration policies
and not just faculty.

On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 3:27 PM, Jeffrey Masko 

> -- Forwarded message --
> From: George Snedeker via Marxism 
> Date: Fri, May 8, 2015 at 2:06 PM
> Subject: [Marxism] misusing "civility"
> To:
> Cc:
> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> #2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
> #3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
> *
> The May 4th issue of The Nation has a very good article by Joan Scott
> about how college administrations are misusing the concept of civility to
> control radical faculty. She gives several clear examples of this misuse of
> power. Some faculty members buy into this logic. Civility is being used to
> limit academic freedom including the denial of tenure. This article is a
> talk Scott gave at the AAUP meeting.Some of the cases are shocking to say
> the least!
> George
> _
> Full posting guidelines at:
> Set your options at:
> --
> J.A. Masko
> College of Communications
> Penn State University
> State College, Pa 16801
> “There are deeper strata of truth in cinema, and there is such a thing as
> poetic, ecstatic truth. It is mysterious and elusive, and can be reached
> only through fabrication and imagination and stylization.”
> -Werner Herzog, “LESSONS OF DARKNESS”
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Re: [Marxism] FIFA scandal

2015-05-30 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Blatter was already voted in for his fifth term as head of the FIFA
criminal syndicate. Too bad this didn't come a bit earlier. As some of you
may know FIFA officials have been arrested by U.S. authorities related to a
slew of corruption charges. From a BBC article on the matter:

"Re-elected Fifa president Sepp Blatter has sought to downplay the US
criminal proceedings launched against officials of world football's
governing body.

Seven officials and associates were arrested in Zurich earlier this week,
as Fifa gathered for its congress.

Mr Blatter, 79, described the issue as "infractions" involving a marketing
company operating in the Americas.

He is not named in the indictment
, and denies
having anything to do with an alleged $10m (£6.5m) bribe.

Asked by a reporter at a news conference whether he authorised the payment
allegedly relating to the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, he said: "Definitely,
that's not me." 

Russia and Qatar are certainly in the line of fire as countries hosting the
worlds biggest "mega-event," the world cup since suspicions over bribery
claim continue as major issues come along with both choices.

Russia has huge problems with racism
in football with supporters
regularly making racist chants toward African players; many of these
supporter clubs have ties to neo-nazi and ultra-nationalist politics.

Qatar, other than the obvious problem of playing football in a summer
tournament with temperatures over 100 degrees, has received attention for
the inhumane labor practices that border on indentured servitude. I quick
google search will come up with dozens of stories, like this on from the Wash

Blatter has been in the middle of every dirty piece of work FIFA has
managed since he took over, but he is not really the problem FIFA
as a governing body is as it sole reason is to raise immense profits from
the world biggest sport.

Football is a worth hundreds of billions of dollars of profit, so along
with Cricket, Rugby, American sports, and many other "national" sports, not
only is it a huge part of capitalist machine, it is very much the fabric of
our lives. Not until radicals learn to reconcile how sport plays into the
lives of the working class will we be successful in changing society.

Soccer VS The State: Tackling Football and Radical Politics by Gabriel
Kuhn, along with the academic work done on Hooliganism from Ian Taylor's
Marxist view to the Leicester school's Eliasian approach to the post-modern
"denial" of the hooligan are ways of thinking about sport that U.S. based
activists often dismiss as a subject not worthy of discussion. Other than
generalized condemnation of sport from some Frankfurt school that posits
everyone who enjoys watching or playing sports as a cultural dupe, or the
silence beget of the shame of the radical who watches or plays the "wrong"
sports, the left in the U.S. gives up vital ideological terrain by not
participating in making sport our own.

On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 9:55 AM, Ken Hiebert via Marxism <> wrote:

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> I am not in a position to judge this scandal.  I received an appeal from
> Avaaz to help oust Blatter.  I note that not only Putin, but Third World
> countries in general are reported to support Blatter.
> Can anyone add to our knowledge of this?
> ken h
> _
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J.A. Masko
College of Communications
Penn State University
State College, Pa 16801

“There are deeper strata of truth in cinema, and there is such a thing as
poetic, ecstatic truth. It is mysterious and elusive, and can be reached
only through fabrication and imagination and stylization.”

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Re: [Marxism] Why Big Business attacks FIFA with the help of the US Criminal Justice system (was: FIFA scandal)

2015-05-31 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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FIFA is not the answer, nor a naive bystander, but another player in
​ big business. I think the fear of more bribery scandals is behind a lot
of support rather than sharing of proceeds ​of world football mega-events.
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Re: [Marxism] Gone With the Wind

2020-06-30 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Just seeing this now, but this week I will be teaching Birth of a Nation
and like many other "hard films" it cannot and should not be ignored. It is
a moment in a classroom where not only the historical moment of production
can be discussed (the place of Woodrow Wilson, for instance and the rise of
Oscar Micheaux as a direct consequence of BOAN) and how the techniques of
editing and scene composition made the contents (overtly racist) digestible
to the audience and (in not a different way that Scorsese for instance can
make wise guys like Joe Pesci seem "like-able".

Many scenes work so that the viewer is aligned (through camera shots such
as a POVs) to feel the "unfairness" of reconstructions so that we feel
sympathy and thus allegiance with the South and southerners. This is why
the film is so important in terms of the development of formal elements and
so powerful as a piece of propaganda. Because it works and did work for the
audiences of that time and this one. Every semester I teach this, folks who
don't know the history of the film or reconstruction take the "side" of the
south in short clips precisely because of the filmic techniques.

This is the unearthing of ideology as a political unconscious in the words
of Fred Jamison. Every text has them and the work of film analysis as
opposed to "reviews" is to bring this to light, which is why Marxist film
crit is the strongest heuristic that we have, and why the methodology of
film analysis is the focus, not aesthetics. As my wife put it.."who ever
thought that was a *good* movie anyway?"
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Re: [Marxism] Loaded: A Disarming History of the 2nd Amendment by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz - Review - YouTube

2020-07-01 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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I concur with David, she not only commits the sin of omission but refuses
to consider formations like the Deacons for Defense in here analysis.
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Re: [Marxism] On that Birth of a Nation thread: Eugene V. Debs denounces it in no uncertain terms...

2020-07-03 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Plenty of folks nailed it, like Oscar Micheaux, yet when people bring up
DWG, they rarely look at how it brought black filmmakers into a greater
light as they sought representation on th screen.

On Thu, Jul 2, 2020, 3:34 PM DW via Marxism 

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> *
> For a person in 1916, Debs nails it.
> To be published in Volume 4 of our 6 Volume collection of Deb's writings.
> Volume 2 is now out.
> David Walters
> _
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Re: [Marxism] German Soccer Star Quits National Team, Citing Racism

2018-07-23 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Didnt help he had a terrible International Record is a footballer. Yaya
Toure has been outspoken about football racism and noticed when he played
well, things were fine, but when he was off, th slurs came out.

On Mon, Jul 23, 2018, 9:26 AM Dennis Brasky via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> “I am German when we win, but an immigrant when we lose.” So said
> third-generation German Mesut Özil, who has Turkish
> <
> >
> ancestry,
> in a three-page letter announcing his retirement from *Die Mannschaft*. The
> 29-year-old Arsenal midfielder said he faced “previously hidden racist
> tendencies” from fans, media and the German Football Association after he
> was photographed with Turkey’s authoritarian President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
> in May. Özil, who described being unfairly blamed for Germany’s early World
> Cup exit, says he’ll “no longer stand for being a scapegoat.”
> _
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Re: [Marxism] Blackkklansman: Spike Lee Delivers a Masterpiece

2018-08-17 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Sad that Spike Lee is seen as *the* important black filmmaker when so many
others are ignored, especially by him in his position at NYU. Brandon
Harris article on N+1 susses out why white audiences love Spike; he caters
to them as he caters to his students at Yale and other ivy league
institutions where he get to guest lecture.

Lee’s celebrity, which grew exponentially while he shucked and jived with
Michael Jordan during his Mars Blackmon years, shielded him from such
indignities. For much of his career in the studio system, Lee received
final cut, giving him the authority to make his films as he wished. In an
America that seems to prefer a single black arbiter of negro feelings and
beliefs, his career and public persona have eclipsed everyone else’s. It
has also, somewhat dispiritingly, eclipsed his own filmmaking.

In many ways, this state of affairs seems to suit Lee just fine. He, too,
seems to prefer a single black arbiter. More than a few young filmmakers
Lee has mentored at NYU, black and white, have offered casual anecdotes of
his evasiveness and defensiveness when dealing with potential heirs. One
ex-student of Lee’s once bemoaned at a party how his professor would read
the scripts of students who were the sons of white billionaires but not of
those like him, who’d grown up on the streets of black Bed-Stuy (unless
they were gay and female, a baffling wrinkle). “A sucker move,” the student
said. Another, a documentary filmmaker, went so far as to say that his
mentor was happy to help cinematographers, actors, and documentarians who
were black, but male narrative directors were another story; he liked being
the only iconic American film director among black males and wished, in his
heart of hearts, to stay that way.

And this, “I want to say that it is a terrible thing to be a black artist
in this country,” (Bill) Gunn wrote in the *Times* in 1973, “for reasons
too private to expose to the arrogance of white criticism.”1
 How is it
possible that this still rings true? How likely is it that Charles Burnett,
Haile Gerima, Julie Dash, Wendell B. Harris Jr., Tina Mabry, Dee Rees,
Dennis Dortch, Billy Woodberry, Larry Clark (the black one), Leslie Harris,
Darnell Martin, Rashaad Ernesto Green, Michael Schultz, Kasi Lemmons, Barry
Jenkins, Shaka King, Damon Russell, or Moon Molson will get a directing job
on the kind of topical, studio-financed film that Lee, for more than a
decade, made seem commonplace?"

Btw, Julie Dash spoke a few years ago at a society for cinema and media
studies conference and said that she can get a meeting any time with any
studio and they would love her to make films for them, as long as she
doesn't do the kind of work that made Daughters of the Dust one fo the best
"black" films of all time. But she didn't start out making Nike film
commercials either.

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Re: [Marxism] ‘Sokal Squared’: Is Huge Publishing Hoax ‘Hilarious and Delightful’ or an Ugly Example of Dishonesty and Bad Faith? - The Chronicle of Higher Education

2018-10-08 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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A good read on "Others [who] said it had proved nothing beyond the bad
faith and dishonesty of its authors." The authors of the "hoax" complain
that they will most likely not find a position in academe because the left?
is so dominant in U.S. higher ed humanities and social sciences. I'm
guessing they will not have any trouble finding jobs by the right alt,
among others, who are eager to stop the infestation of our universities by
the ungodly study of continental philosophy that dares to question gender
issues with theories like social construction, pomo, post-structuralism,
and so on.

"But if you really take the time to read through Pluckrose, Lindsay, and
Boghossian’s 11,650-word essay, along with the bogus papers they produced,
you’ll find the project fails to match its headline presentation. The
hoaxers’ sting on academia is supposed to have exposed the “sophistry” and
“corruption” that exist across a broad array of research fields—those built
around the “goal of problematizing aspects of culture in minute detail in
order to attempt diagnoses of power imbalances and oppression rooted in
identity.” The authors call these “grievance studies” and say their
disregard for objective truth has yielded to a widespread “forgery of
knowledge.” Yet these grandiose conclusions overstate the project’s scope
and the extent of its success. They also serve as cover, in a way, for what
appears to be the authors’ lurking inspiration: not their problems with the
scholarship of grievance, but with that of gender."

On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 5:22 AM Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> Reactions to an elaborate academic-journal hoax, dubbed "Sokal Squared"
> by one observer, came fast and furious on Wednesday. Some scholars
> applauded the hoax for unmasking what they called academe’s leftist,
> victim-obsessed ideological slant and low publishing standards. Others
> said it had proved nothing beyond the bad faith and dishonesty of its
> authors.
> _
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J.A. Masko

"The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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Re: [Marxism] ‘Sokal Squared’: Is Huge Publishing Hoax ‘Hilarious and Delightful’ or an Ugly Example of Dishonesty and Bad Faith? - The Chronicle of Higher Education

2018-10-08 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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There's a "left" and "right" (if you want to use those terms) in
post-structuralism and identity politics in humanities and social sciences,
as well as between "soft" sciences and "hard" sciences, but this highlights
the growing divide between those divisions. Whereas it used to be more
in-family fighting, or the airing of dirty laundry, it is now becoming
fodder for the growing ideological divide we are witnessing. Now, the
alt-right have "academic" proof of their positions and so can can act on
their ambitions with some level of sophistication instead of vulgar racism,
sexism, homo and trans phobia.
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Re: [Marxism] ‘Sokal Squared’: Is Huge Publishing Hoax ‘Hilarious and Delightful’ or an Ugly Example of Dishonesty and Bad Faith? - The Chronicle of Higher Education

2018-10-08 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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I almost agree with you for once, but Marx is fine as long it's so-called
cultural Marxism; cross the line into revolutionary theory or Lenin, then
you run into real trouble with biting the hand that feeds you.
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Re: [Marxism] ‘Sokal Squared’: Is Huge Publishing Hoax ‘Hilarious and Delightful’ or an Ugly Example of Dishonesty and Bad Faith? - The Chronicle of Higher Education

2018-10-08 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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One thing I didn't note in any of the stories is how academic publishing
has exploded as scholars need to publish (without being paid for each
piece, but need to for tenure, et al) while the publishers make about 5k
per article. Again, most scholarly articles don't even get read let alone
cited. If you get over 5 or 10 citations for an academic article, you are
getting well above the average. The fact is that you can get nearly
anything published if you keep resubmitting again and again. Says more
about the political economy of academia than anything really.

On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 12:33 PM Jeffrey Masko 

> I almost agree with you for once, but Marx is fine as long it's so-called
> cultural Marxism; cross the line into revolutionary theory or Lenin, then
> you run into real trouble with biting the hand that feeds you.


J.A. Masko

"The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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Re: [Marxism] ‘Cultural Marxism’ might sound postmodern but it’s got a long, toxic history.

2018-11-17 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Of course Cultural Marxism, in the sense that the Alt-right contends, does
not exist is certain. However, Cultural Marxism in the sense that Cultural
Studies uses Marx certainly does, (without that pesky revolutionary stuff,
like Lenin) just as Critical Studies at one point meant more or less
scholarly work done around Marxist and Marxian studies. Dallas Symthe
advocated NOT using terms like Marxist in order to teach concepts that
might otherwise raise eyebrows among those on tenure committees and so
forth, more and more Marxism is being squeezed out of many departments to
be replaced by so-called "identity politics' that exclude larger Marxist
based structural critiques.

Perhaps Dr Moyn has not worked in Humanities or Social Science departments
and met scholars who identify themselves as Cultural Marxists as I have,
meaning that those scholars see the battle solely (in Western
Industrialized countries) as primarily ideological with no hope of actual
material actions taken by working classes. or are afraid to say otherwise.

Gramsci most assuredly thought the war of position and maneuver where part
of the same revolutionary struggle, so why Dr Moyn uses Gramsci here is
unclear to me as both "wars" complement each other. indeed, this is a time
when we need to see the battle on both ideological and material
battlefields, not shrink from the fight because of labels the Alt-right
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Re: [Marxism] The Incomparable Roberto Clemente

2018-11-20 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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 Born in the same hometown as Honus Wagner, I was honored to see Roberto
throw out a runner on a routine ball to right field that usually went for a
single; if you didn't hustle down that line, he would catch you. I saw it
at old forbes field and three rivers stadium. I liked the article, but it
doesn't begin to recount how local racist sportswriters would slag him left
and right for being too flashy, for not playing hurt, for telling the truth
about his injuries (they thought his explanations were excuses). We all
loved him though and every church in Pittsburgh that morning had sermons
reaffirming that sentiment; a rare moment in those years where racism when
momentarily put aside.


J.A. Masko

"The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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Re: [Marxism] New book on US fascism by Michael Roberto

2018-12-05 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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I too would appreciate a copy if someone can share offline.

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Re: [Marxism] There’s a Voice Missing in Alfonso Cuarón’s “Roma”

2018-12-28 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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I thought I'd give a link to Catherine Grant's excellent Film Studies For
Free website for those who are interested in a deeper look at it from film
scholars. I've felt mostly ambivalent toward Cuarón's body of work and
certainly not keen on *Children of Men* (nice long takes doesn't negate
shitty politics), even though he did this years back...

Naomi Klein: The Shock Doctrine: Naomi Klein, author of "No Logo", and
Alfonso Cuaron, director of "Children of Men", present a short film from
Klein's book "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism." (

*Roma *has garnered a lot of attention and FSFF is able to get a quick turn
around that traditional peer reviewed journals cannot. It also has top rate
video essays from top scholars such as Jason Mittell.


- *Special Dossier on Alfonso Cuarón's Roma* (2018) by nine world-leading
scholars on Latin American Cinema


   by Dolores Tierney

   by Paul Julian Smith

   by Pedro Ángel Palou

   by Deborah Shaw

   by Ignacio M. Sánchez Prado

   by Jeffrey Middents

   by Olivia Consentino

   by Belén Vidal

   by Robert Carlos Ortiz
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[Marxism] 1917-Prowar? by Adam Nayman

2020-02-03 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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 ‘1917’ and the Trouble With War Movies

“Every film about war ends up being pro-war,” Francois Truffaut once said.
Despite the visual achievements of this year’s Best Picture front-runner,
that sentiment may still hold true If you happen to get off on being
told, loudly, that a filmmaker is in total control for two hours, *1917 *may
be for you; if you value films that oblige you to think about what you’re
watching and why, I might suggest literally anything else in theaters,
including, I’m guessing, *Dolittle*."

Nice write up that omits the experience of the viewer, focuses on formal
elements to make its argument, and puts the film in the historical context
of film history. It speaks to the inability of formal elements to constrain
conventions and audience readings (often oppositional) ones for war films.
Smart and tidy.
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Re: [Marxism] Trotskyist Euphemisms

2020-03-04 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Interestingly enough, I've actively worked against this type of group think
and not only were folks who thought of themselves as the vanguard put off
by trying to rid a formation of groupthink,but those new to
activist/organizing seem to search for it, much like religious
enlightenment. Left fundamental works on the same principles based on
cognitive bias as right fundamentalism.
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Re: [Marxism] What some hospital workers are saying

2020-03-18 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Would that have been UPTE folks by chance?

On Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 2:51 PM John Reimann via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> I just got back from getting a chest x-ray (for something totally unrelated
> to the coronavirus). All the workers there are in the union. I got to
> asking several of them how things are going, what's up with the union, etc.
> They had not seen hide nor hair of any union rep. They didn't seem to think
> the x-ray office would be closed, but if it is, they have no idea if they
> will continue to be paid. They all commented on the $1000 they heard they
> will be getting, as if it is in the bag, and as if it will save their bacon
> if they are laid off. I got the impression that they're seeing this bundle
> of cash like an extra payday, period. I asked how far they think $1000 will
> go in paying the rent of house note, and they all were silent. I pointed
> out the billions that Trump is planning to give the big corporations, and
> they had nothing to say about that.
> In the end, I was talking with the x-ray tech about all this. His final
> words were, "well, they (the employers) sign our pay check." "Yeah, and we
> do the work," was my reply. He kind of chuckled and muttered "that's true",
> but it was clear he'd never looked at it like that before.
> In general, the union is the furthest thing from their mind, exactly
> because of the absence of the union for many years.
> John Reimann
> --
> *“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
> Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
> Check out:https: also on Facebook
> _
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J.A. Masko

"The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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Re: [Marxism] Italian Philosopher writes in Il Manifesto against the lock down and state of emergency policy

2020-03-19 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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From the comments below the article:

"I have deep respect for philosophers, and the ideas expressed here have
been known for a long time: how people in power use the fear to dominate
masses. However, as facts have demonstrated since this was published in feb
26, Mr Agamben couldn’t be more wrong in this case. Intellectuals sometimes
are taken away by their intelligence, to the point that they fail to see
reality in front of their noses. hope this gentleman will publish another
article soon acknowledging that what he calls a simple flu is killing (and
will kill many more) thousands of human beings around the world."

Well put.
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Re: [Marxism] "personal distancing plus social solidarity" Re: Fwd: [pen-l] If we want everyone to stay home during a coronavirus crisis, we need deep change to make that possible

2020-03-19 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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 "But your BS about "the Lockdown Left" chases a discussion that wasn't
taking place into a rhetorical swamp, intoxicates itself with the fumes of
own abstractions, and falls face first into the mud."

And as much as I respect *Homo Sacer, *even Agamben can't save the
"Lockdown the left" from the above.
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Re: [Marxism] "personal distancing plus social solidarity"

2020-03-20 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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I live in San Francisco, three blocks from Golden Gate park where the
“remain in place” and “personal distancing” are treated as by a significant
% of people as optional if the amount of people and their behavior on the
streets and in the park are indicative of certain populations of the city.
The great change in the tone of the city with the tech industry has been an
overriding preference for right leaning libertarian nonsense that breeds
individualism rather than solidarity.

Thus, the attitude of the folks who support legal cannabis but hate the
“filth” and “danger” of homeless people is to treat this like a “snow day”
and party on like the spring breakers in Florida.  They are not the only
ones as a wide variety of people work out in the park, meet up with other
parents and let their kids play together and run wild, without a word about
what 6’ might look like. To those of us who are immune compromised, this is
insanely selfish and ignorant and on par with anti-vaxxers.

This isn’t helped as more police cruisers are around, but don’t make any
effort to educate the public as was outlined- officers were to explain the
order before issuing tickets, neither is happening. Parks and Rec have not
closed children’s playgrounds or collective gym equipment in the park, so
dozens of folks, in my sight alone, use them continuously throughout the
day. I don't have any illusions about police officers as anything, but
watchdogs for the rich, but pointing out that they are clearing not up for
the job, or able to do it, helps to show the real functions of "policing".

Officers are not wearing gloves or masks, neither are workers in grocery
stores, so this enforces the feeling of safety that people are seeking. Of
course, it is the responsibility of corporations to make sure their workers
are informed and have the proper equipment, but when we don’t have enough
supplies for health care workers, do we expect them for other sectors soon?
By legitimizing behaviors that will not flatten the curve, the outlook
looks bleak if this continues as it has.

Overall, the assumption in U.S. culture is that the unit of measurement and
the basis of moral obligation is the individual. Whether it originates from
a “left” or “right” position, the mistake is an error of starting with this
flawed premise. Whereas this can be more easily mystified in political or
economic relations, when dealing with a biological agent, the consequences
of social behaviors are not so easily shrugged off.
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Re: [Marxism] coronavirus: a grocery worker speaks

2020-03-20 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Friends of mine who work in construction on roadways are not able to work
from home and are appalled by the lack of concern for their health, not
only by their employers but the general public.  As I have mentioned
elsewhere, people acting like it's a "holiday" are making it worse for
folks who have to be out there by not remaining in place or observing
social distancing. One fellow told me he was getting a drink at a store and
had a young women come around a corner and sneeze directly into his chest
without covering her mouth, and not even a word of apology. He said this
kind sees people disregarding the health of others constantly, and that he
and he coworkers have no way to get away from it. And these folks don't
even have the luxury of a union...
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Re: [Marxism] COVID-19: A Cover for a Major Global Counterrevolutionary Offensive

2020-03-23 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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How many times do folks have to point out basic facts like the false
equivalency of the seasonal flu and C19? This seems like a conscious
decision to ignore the fact, so how many more times do we have to dispute
this type of misinformation?
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Re: [Marxism] How could WHO and World Bank exactly predict COVID-19?

2020-03-26 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Ok, I've taken the bait, but this will be the last time for me. The WHO and
World Bank were able to predict COVID-19, not exactly but pretty close,
because they've been studying corona viruses for years. Big Pharma and
related financial sectors are able to swoop in and make huge profits
because they are part of the medical industry and prepare future business
plans with the research about corona viruses in mind.

The medical industry at large is built on treatment, not prevention and
they keep focus R and D with this in mind, as this is where they money
is...not unlike in planned obsolescence in other sectors. It is indeed
shady, but save me the Alex Jones version of events. Tons of research goes
into earthquakes and should one hit say, San Francisco, it would be easy to
point to the research done beforehand as "evidence" of the shadiness that
would emerge from financial and political sectors benefiting from the
crisis, but that doesn't mean someone will trigger and earthquake to get
those benefits.
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Re: [Marxism] How Disinformation Works – P U L S E

2020-04-03 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Overall, a good distillation of how cognitive bias and media effects work.
Disinformation no doubt starts with cognitive bias that influence media
effects. So yes, so-called propaganda uses disinformation, but importantly
a lot of cognitive biases like the confirmation bias and third person
effect do not need any disinformation to work.  Cognitive bias and media
effects affect intelligent folks quite often (déformation professionnelle
is one on my favorites) and highlights the need for media literacy based on
critical thinking skills. This short article expands on that a bit and
helps explain some of the comments made here that ignore scientific
evidence in favor of ideological constructions.
"Intelligence is not the same as critical thinking—and the difference
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Re: [Marxism] ‘The Uprising,’ a Masterpiece of iPhone Cinema

2020-04-05 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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“I came to understand that I was making a film about these images, not
about the revolution,”

It is no coincidence that using a radical formal approach is so suited the
subject material, I can't help think of the work of Chris Marker ( *A Grin
Without a Cat*, 1977 - *Sans Soleil* , 1983 come to mind) and the mature
work of Godard (*Histoire*(s) du *cinéma*, 1998 - *Film Socialisme*,
2010 - *Goodbye
to Language*, 2014, in particular).  This is not to say that there is any
type of revolutionary formalism as relation of form and content remain
arbitrary. I look forward to seeing how this film negotiates that tension.
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[Marxism] SHELTER & SOLIDARITY Launching tomorrow (Thurs. 4/9 5pm EST) "Stay Safe, Stay Engaged, Stay Together"

2020-04-08 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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An attempt to use social media tools to organize in time of Covid 19

Launching Tomorrow!
Join activists, experts, and artists in conversation about the challenges
we are all facing today. Share ideas about building working-class power on
the front lines. Strategize together about how to put people over profits
during and after this crisis.
*Scroll down for individual show details*
Find real ways to support each other. Help us come through this crisis
safe, sane, and stronger than we were before. Together.

We will hear from artists, musicians, educators, poets, and other visitors
as we respond to the crisis with solace, clarity, and hope.

*Dates: Thursday evenings, 5:00 - 6:00 PM EST *

*Where to Watch or Participate *:

Join us via video chat or phone,

Watch shows via /videos

Real-time Audience Participation. Join the conversation!
*Help us online by: *

   - liking the Facebook page

   - subscribing to our (pre-launch) YouTube channel (we need 100
   subscribers to launch)

   - Inviting friends to talk with Johanna Fernandez and Kevin Rashid
   Johnson (on our first show)

How you can connect and what you can do: each episode ends

We welcome your ideas for topics & guests!

*Join SHELTER & SOLIDARITY for the first in our weekly hour-long on-line
conversations on confronting the COVID crisis:* EPISODE #1 "The Urgent
Public Health Crisis in Jails, Prisons, and ICE Detention Centers" Featured
Guests: Johanna Fernandez, author, radio host, and organizer

José Saldana, Director of the RAPP (Release Aging People in Prison)
campaign in NY.

Kevin Rashid Johnson, Minister of Defense, New Afrikan Black Panther Party,
currently incarcerated inside an Indiana state prison).

Frontline Report from inside Rikers Island Jail, facilitated by Mike Nugent
of It’s Up to Us to End Mass Incarceration

*RSVP & Invite friends here*

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[Marxism] Jordskott’ and ecological horror; ‘One Day at a Time’ revived BY DENNIS BROE

2020-04-10 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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‘Jordskott’ and ecological horror; ‘One Day at a Time’ revived BY DENNIS

[image: ‘Jordskott’ and ecological horror; ‘One Day at a Time’ revived]

*Rita Moreno, Marcel Ruiz and Isabella Gomez in ‘One Day at a Time’*

The Swedish series with the mysterious title *Jordskott *is an anomaly
wrapped in an enigma. Really, what it is, is a deeply rooted ecological
series posing as a horror/mystery thriller. The mystery thriller elements
include abducted children and several murders perpetrated by a ruthless
killer which occur around and in an ancient forest under siege. Eva
Thornblad is a Swedish cop from the metropolis of Stockholm who returns to
her town at the edge of one of the forests that cover over half of the
country in search of her lost daughter who disappeared in the forest years
before and who suddenly reappears.

The horror elements which emerge slowly and then become more prominent
include possible non-human creatures with strange and savage powers,
parasites that allow humans to become part of the forest, and a slithery
creature whom an old woman very in touch with nature is nourishing in her

From the beginning, there is also the crafty and heartless business cabal
that wants to cut down the forest, first by logging and then by dynamiting
whole stretches of the green woodland. This is the most verdant series on
television. Shots abound of brooks and streams running through lush
overgrowth. Landscape is a staple of Nordic series but here it is not just
used for its stunning beauty but is integrated into the thematic of a
series that is about that landscape under pressure and about to be

This action takes place in season one with season two returning Eva to the
city, but with the forest now a part of her. Both seasons are available on
the Horror Streaming Service Shudder and on Amazon Prime. There is a back
story, slowly revealed, about how her father had in the 1970s disrupted the
ecology by spraying large parts of the forest and killing its strange
woodland creatures. (This backstory summons up the over 1 billion animals

and 100 species endangered in the fires in Australia as a result of global
warming.) Unlike her father, it is Eva who then is initiated into the
secrets of the life-giving trees and, in order to save her life, becomes a
living breathing part of the forest herself.

A book of monsters which lurk in the forest further deepens the mythology,
relating it to Scandinavian folklore, itself sprung from a time when the
Swedes were more in touch with the life-giving capacity of their landscape.
This mystical book recalls the American NBC network series *Grimm*, which
each week explored a different beast from the Hans Christian Andersen
menagerie. However, the grounding of this series in the eco-politics of the
forest and the determination to continue to deepen the link between
mythology or primitive thought and life-giving forces that are being
destroyed under a greedy and predatory capitalism set this show apart and
make its strange denizens more than merely monsters of the week. It’s a
show that could profitably be redone in many countries and particularly
Brazil, where the Amazon is under constant attack in Bolsonaro’s
money-grubbing regime. Not to mention Pennsylvania’s destruction of its
rivers and ecosystem by its exploitation of the Marcellus Shale works as
its answer to the financial devastation of the 2008 mortgage crisis,
spurred on by Trump’s boosting of the unprofitable waste of fracking.

The final image of the much stronger first season is of one of the forest
creatures still in human form melting back into the grass and vegetation.
It’s a powerful image reminding us of our primeval origins and the
necessity to stay in touch with that more primitive, life-giving side of

*Netflix and Latina culture*

Critical darling, audience favorite and casualty of Netflix’s mysterious
and sometimes ruthless ratings system, *One Day at a Time*, about a
Hispanic single-mother family, has now found a second or actually third
life on the CBS cable station Pop TV.

The show is a revival of a Norman Lear series in the 1970s which focused on
a white middle-class single-mother family. The transposition here is to
make the family Cuban, consisting of the breadwinner and mother Lupe, her
feminist lesbian daughter Elena, their trying-to-be-“normal” teenage son
Alex, and Rita Moreno as the matriarch Lydia, whose fiery and sexually
explicit diatribes recall any of the characters from *The Go

Re: [Marxism] Are the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, and Clinton Foundation Supporting #ReopenAmerica Protests? | Washington Babylon

2020-04-27 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Another left conspiracy? Wouldn't know you lost me way earlier than usual
with your smug. condescending, and non-factual " hillbilly mass suicide"
nod to  J.D. Vance.
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Re: [Marxism] Are the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, and Clinton Foundation Supporting #ReopenAmerica Protests? | Washington Babylon

2020-04-27 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 9:28 AM Andrew Stewart 

It is spelled S-A-T-I-R-E

On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 12:34 PM Jeffrey Masko 

It's offensive, you don't use pejorative terms when talking about trans
folks and you shouldn't use them talking about rural folks. It's that
simple. Have you ever personally been called "hillbilly"?

On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 10:20 AM Andrew Stewart 

Oh please, these people are the most reactionary Trump voting loons,
completely shameless reactionaries. They were calling Obama a monkey when
that was in style. And as a queer person, I frankly loathe that equation of
their discomfort with whatever oppression people look like me deal with.
Lick my fucking taint.

On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 10:23  PM Jeffrey Masko 

So, I guess you never met a "hillbilly" trans person? It's clear when one
someone uses the phrase, "these people" they have not dealt with their own
racism. I will now reply to the list since you’ve chosen to stooped low to
personal insults.
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Re: [Marxism] Are the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, and Clinton Foundation Supporting #ReopenAmerica Protests? | Washington Babylon

2020-04-27 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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 From Unthinking Eurocentrism by Shohat and Stam,

"Racism is the stigmatizing of difference of individuals or groups In order
to justify unfair advantage or abuse of power, whether  that advantage or
abuse by economic, political, cultural, or psychological.-all groups can
entertain racist opinions, but not every group enjoys the power to practice
racism, that is to translate a racial attitude into social oppression, (22,

When wealthy whites had other poor whites sterilized, it was the regarded
them as genetically inferior and more closely "related" to black than
themselves. This is the type of racism you exhibited, not some "reverse
racism" which as shown in the above definition is about being able to enjoy
the structural advantages of racism in addition to racist attitudes.

By the way, I"m not sure I was clear, I don't support or promote the J.D.
Vance book, but mention it because that is the position you seem to cling
to as a way of removing yourself from "whiteness". Guess what? You are now
more "white" than ever, slinging hate and fear at illegitimate whiteness
won't work.

On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 11:08 AM Andrew Stewart 

> Dear Mr William F Buckley Jr
> There is no such thing as reverse racism, just whiny white people. Please
> stop trying to lecture a trans person about transphobia as if you are not a
> vulgar Marxist who is one step away from the Trotskyist neoconservative
> line of brain farting ideology. You know who else is a big promoter for the
> JD Vance book? Steve Bannon. Either you are woefully under informed about
> the national question in America or alternatively just a reactionary.
> Best regards,
> Andrew Stewart
> - - -
> Subscribe to the Washington Babylon newsletter via
> On Apr 27, 2020, at 1:59 PM, Jeffrey Masko  wrote:
> So, I guess you never met a "hillbilly" trans person? It's clear when one
> someone uses the phrase, "these people" they have not dealt with there own
> racism.
> On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 10:20 AM Andrew Stewart <
>> wrote:
>> Oh please, these people are the most reactionary Trump voting loons,
>> completely shameless reactionaries. They were calling Obama a monkey when
>> that was in style. And as a queer person, I frankly loathe that equation of
>> their discomfort with whatever oppression people look like me deal with.
>> Lick my fucking taint.
>> On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 12:34 PM Jeffrey Masko 
>> wrote:
>>> It's offensive, you don't use pejorative terms when talking about trans
>>> folks and you shouldn't use them talking about rural folks. It's that
>>> simple. Have you ever personally been called "hillbilly"?
>>> On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 9:28 AM Andrew Stewart <
>>>> wrote:
 It is spelled S-A-T-I-R-E

 Best regards,

 Andrew Stewart

 Message: 11
 Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2020 07:40:53 -0700
 From: Jeffrey Masko 
 To: Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition
 Subject: Re: [Marxism] Are the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral
 Commission, and Clinton Foundation Supporting #ReopenAmerica
 | Washington Babylon
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

 Another left conspiracy? Wouldn't know you lost me way earlier than
 with your smug. condescending, and non-factual " hillbilly mass suicide"
 nod to  J.D. Vance.

>>> --
>>> J.A. Masko
>>> "The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
>>> becoming disillusioned."
>>>Antonio Gramsci.
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Andrew Stewart
> --
> J.A. Masko
> "The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
> becoming disillusioned."
>Antonio Gramsci.


J.A. Masko

"The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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Re: [Marxism] Are the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, and Clinton Foundation Supporting #ReopenAmerica Protests? | Washington Babylon

2020-04-27 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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 Lol, I made under 9k last year as a online lecturer. So much for your
research skills.

On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 12:17 PM Andrew Stewart 

> Also, for the record, Masko is an elite academic while I live at the
> poverty line:
> --
> Best regards,
> Andrew Stewart
> This from the guy who once wrote:
> "POC is an invention of the radical left. I assure you, POCs do not exist
> in our poverty-stricken communities or our prison system. Any
> accountability is to working class communities, not the cottage industry of
> social justice warriors, whether they are white middle class (mostly) women
> like SURJ, or the Oakland Anti Police Terror Project (APTP). Working and
> poverty class folks (including me) have no interest in following
> middle-class folks, no matter what they're color is or anything else.
> Accountability, like civility, is just a civilizing process to use Elias'
> concept to corral the unruly."
> On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 2:54 PM Jeffrey Masko 
> wrote:
>>  From Unthinking Eurocentrism by Shohat and Stam,
>> "Racism is the stigmatizing of difference of individuals or groups In
>> order to justify unfair advantage or abuse of power, whether  that
>> advantage or abuse by economic, political, cultural, or psychological.-all
>> groups can entertain racist opinions, but not every group enjoys the power
>> to practice racism, that is to translate a racial attitude into social
>> oppression, (22, 23)."
>> When wealthy whites had other poor whites sterilized, it was the regarded
>> them as genetically inferior and more closely "related" to black than
>> themselves. This is the type of racism you exhibited, not some "reverse
>> racism" which as shown in the above definition is about being able to enjoy
>> the structural advantages of racism in addition to racist attitudes.
>> By the way, I"m not sure I was clear, I don't support or promote the J.D.
>> Vance book, but mention it because that is the position you seem to cling
>> to as a way of removing yourself from "whiteness". Guess what? You are now
>> more "white" than ever, slinging hate and fear at illegitimate whiteness
>> won't work.
>> On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 11:08 AM Andrew Stewart <
>>> wrote:
>>> Dear Mr William F Buckley Jr
>>> There is no such thing as reverse racism, just whiny white people.
>>> Please stop trying to lecture a trans person about transphobia as if you
>>> are not a vulgar Marxist who is one step away from the Trotskyist
>>> neoconservative line of brain farting ideology. You know who else is a big
>>> promoter for the JD Vance book? Steve Bannon. Either you are woefully under
>>> informed about the national question in America or alternatively just a
>>> reactionary.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Andrew Stewart
>>> - - -
>>> Subscribe to the Washington Babylon newsletter via
>>> On Apr 27, 2020, at 1:59 PM, Jeffrey Masko 
>>> wrote:
>>> So, I guess you never met a "hillbilly" trans person? It's clear when
>>> one someone uses the phrase, "these people" they have not dealt with there
>>> own racism.
>>> On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 10:20 AM Andrew Stewart <
>>>> wrote:
 Oh please, these people are the most reactionary Trump voting loons,
 completely shameless reactionaries. They were calling Obama a monkey when
 that was in style. And as a queer person, I frankly loathe that equation of
 their discomfort with whatever oppression people look like me deal with.
 Lick my fucking taint.

 On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 12:34 PM Jeffrey Masko 

> It's offensive, you don't use pejorative terms when talking about
> trans folks and you shouldn't use them talking about rural folks. It's 
> that
> simple. Have you ever personally been called "hillbilly"?
> On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 9:28 AM Andrew Stewart <
>> wrote:
>> It is spelled S-A-T-I-R-E
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Andrew Stewart
>> Message: 11
>> Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2020 07:40:53 -0700
>> From: Jeffrey Masko 
>> To: Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition
>> Subject: Re: [Marxism] Are the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral
>> Commission, and Clinton Foundation Supporting #ReopenAmerica
>> Protests?
>> | Washington Babylon
>> Message-ID:
>> <
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF

Re: [Marxism] Are the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, and Clinton Foundation Supporting #ReopenAmerica Protests? | Washington Babylon

2020-04-27 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Huh? Do you know what you are talking about? And thanks for the Baldwin, I
never read that before (see, not satire, but sarcasm there). Not sure you
shared it with the whole list, but how you go from me talking about your
generalizing and abstracting whiteness into a monolith and your use of
slurs, to mounting an attack on my  perceived hetero-normative position to
confusing my discussion of racism to one centers blackness and whiteness
reifying relationships that you purport to want to undermine is
illustrative of the inadequacy of your thought processes here. I will let
you have the last word unless you can actually respond with something that
has any depth. Hurling insults at straw men and ad hominem attacks will not

On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 12:24 PM Andrew Stewart 

> Doesn't change the fact you are one of those hot shot careerists who
> preens about an essentialist viewpoint derived from zero on-the-ground
> activism.
> On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 3:20 PM Jeffrey Masko 
> wrote:
>> Lol, I made under 9k last year as a online lecturer. So much for your
>> research skills.
> --
> Best regards,
> Andrew Stewart


J.A. Masko

"The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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Re: [Marxism] Tommaso | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2020-06-02 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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His King of New York is one of the most obvious and effective left-cycle
gangster films ever; when I teach it, students are still shocked and
amazed. Can't wait to see this one.
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Re: [Marxism] George Floyd had 'violent criminal history': Minneapolis union chief

2020-06-02 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Cops, especially white cops, are afraid of big black men and when they find
out on the scene that someone built like George Floyd has a rap sheet, they
shit themselves. Fear of a racist stereotype breeds violence and the badge
is the ok to act on it.
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Re: [Marxism] As Trump Threatens to Send Military Into Cities, Some GIs Refuse to Comply

2020-06-03 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Sometimes folks don't understand why there are armed left militias. A major
thrust of these organizations is to organize GI's and ex-military folks who
are against the present regime.

Militias of today do not think that they will ever be able to mount
guerrilla Warfare of any kind without the backing of at least some sections
of the military. The job of these groups are ideological and use expressive
tactics rather than simply military ones.

The bridge between regular troops who are sick of military lies and finding
ways to respond are folks that come from th same background, but have
chosen a different path.

This is why middle class folks are not important to us, they get no respect
in our communities and consistently tell us how to behave from positions of
safety without th experience we've had.

We will always look to our organic intellectuals who will resonate with our
daily lives rather than self appointed or institutional  experts.

On Wed, Jun 3, 2020, 9:06 AM Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> #2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
> #3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
> *
> _
> Full posting guidelines at:
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Re: [Marxism] a defense of antifa

2020-06-03 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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We cant rule out th post office and others were th result of boogoloo bois.

On Wed, Jun 3, 2020, 9:06 AM Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
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> #3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
> *
> On 6/3/20 10:42 AM, Ron Jacobs via Marxism wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> "The unfortunate (for some) truth is that sometimes, you gotta’ fight
> fascists if you want to fight fascsim. [sic]"
> The truth is concrete.
> At the outset of the Minneapolis protests, this meant arson. The Migizi
> American Indian community center burned to the ground. When I brought
> this to the attention of a riot fetishist on FB, he told me that the
> center was not targeted. It accidentally caught fire from an adjacent
> building. It took me a few minutes to discover that the targeted
> building was a post office.
> Torching a post office means that people anxiously awaiting an
> unemployment check or a medical report are shit out of luck. This
> "diversity of tactics" business goes back to the anti-WTO protests in
> Seattle in 1999. For the next decade, the black bloc showed up at every
> one of these protests to fight the cops in order to breach a WTO meeting
> behind a guarded perimeter. None of this had the slightest impact on the
> WTO.
> Black bloc tactics have now focused on fighting the fascists and the
> cops. Fascists might not get invitations to colleges nowadays but they
> certainly are bigger than ever. My impression is that they figured out
> rallies and marches don't work. I also believe that they are focused on
> building up their ranks in the police and army.
> As for the cops, burning post offices or looting an Aldo shoe boutique
> will never have any effect on killer cops. Here in NYC, stop and frisk
> has almost completely disappeared. It was not breaking Starbucks windows
> that had an impact. It was a peaceful, legal protest that helped to turn
> things around.
> ---
> NY Times, June 17, 2012
> Thousands March Silently to Protest Stop-and-Frisk Policies
> By John Leland and Colin Moynihan
> In a slow, somber procession, several thousand demonstrators conducted a
> silent march on Sunday down Fifth Avenue to protest the New York Police
> Department’s stop-and-frisk policies, which the organizers say single
> out minority groups and create an atmosphere of martial law for the
> city’s black and Latino residents.
> Two and a half hours after it began, the peaceful, disciplined march
> ended in mild disarray. As many marchers dispersed, police officers at
> 77th Street and Fifth Avenue began pushing a crowd that defied orders to
> leave the intersection, shoving some to the ground and forcing the
> protesters to a sidewalk, where they were corralled behind metal
> barricades. After protesters pushed back, the officers used an orange
> net to clear the sidewalk, and appeared to arrest at least three people.
> The presence of several elected officials at the march, including the
> Democratic mayoral hopefuls Bill de Blasio, the public advocate;
> Christine C. Quinn, the City Council speaker; Scott M. Stringer, the
> Manhattan borough president; and William C. Thompson, the former city
> comptroller, seemed to signal a solidifying opposition to the policy,
> which has long been opposed by civil rights groups.
> Wade Cummings, 46, a teacher, attended with his 19-year-old son, Tarik.
> Both said they had been stopped by police officers — once for the
> father, three times for the son.
> “I’m concerned about him being stopped and it escalating,” the father
> said. “I like to believe I taught him not to escalate this situation,
> but you never know how it’s going to go down.”
> Police officers stopped nearly 700,000 people last year, 87 percent of
> them black or Latino. Of those stopped, more than half were also frisked.
> The protest, which began at 3 p.m., followed recent remarks by Mayor
> Michael R. Bloomberg that he planned to scale back and amend the
> practice, amid escalating protests.
> “It’s clear that the mayor and police commissioner are hearing the
> message,” said Leslie Cagan, one of the march’s organizers. “They’re
> taking steps that might be small improvements, but what’s really needed
> is a stopping of stop-and-frisk. Many cities have had significant
> reductions of crime without it.”
> Mr. Blo

Re: [Marxism] Re antifa

2020-06-03 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Jeez, antifa is a subculture like punk-rock, actually it's a sub-sub
culture of punk rock. Ask someone if they belong to punk rock and they will
shake their head, even if they still go to Gilman street punk rock shows.
Can subcultures be reactionary and violent? Sure, look at outlaw bikers.
But to ask if they are revolutionary (whether they be bikers or antifa
kids) is like asking if a left jab is revolutionary as rioting is a
technique or move and not even a tactic.
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Re: [Marxism] Re antifa

2020-06-03 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Those within the antifa subculture have a wide range of premises, perhaps
more important to them is the idea of no-platforming. They tend to feel
those in power are "nazis" or at least white nationalist sympathizers and
that's why they fight; they aren't fighting to keep America being taken
over by the far right, they are fighting because they feel the U.S. is been
controlled by the far right for a long time now. Whether or not, they are
correct is another story.
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Re: [Marxism] Re antifa

2020-06-04 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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 "Antifa groups (with the sole exception of Antifa groups in Israel)
support Zionism outright or simply have shitty views on the topic
altogether. In my experience they have equally asinine views about
anti-black racism, believing it to be a problem with individuals rather
than a problem with the institutions that govern society, which they
confuse with hate groups."

I have no idea where you came up with this as these claims are 100%
incorrect and it astonishing to see smears like this on this list. I don't
know of any U.S. based groups that are Zionist and none that don't see
racism as systemic. I don't know whose blog you read, but anyone who
actually knows these folks or work with them know that is completely
insane. "Kids" from the antifa subculture may not be as educated as some of
you on this list and may not understand the consequences of their actions
beyond the short term, but misrepresentations of them either willfully or
through ignorance will not get them to listen to the "old guard," which is
what I suspect annoys most of the haters.
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Re: [Marxism] Re antifa

2020-06-04 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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" As is usual with people who have not chosen to identify themselves or
formulate a more coherent position among themselves, serious attempts at an
analysis are going to break down."

I's some evidence to the contrary in the forms of books by
Rob Carley:

2019 *Culture & Tactics: Gramsci, Race, and the Politics of Practice*, in
the series *Praxis: Theory in Action*. Albany, NY: State University of New
York Press.

2019 *Autonomy, Refusal, and The Black Bloc: Positioning Class Analysis in
Critical and Radical Theory*, in the series *Radical Subjects in
International Politics: Action and Activism*. London, UK: Rowman and
Littlefield International.

There are of course many other scholarly articles and books on the subject
in Rob's bibliography that can help folks on the subject
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Re: [Marxism] antifa

2020-06-05 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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You assume that baristas, hair stylists, carpenters aren't putting their
bodies on the line and normally a lot wouldn't be because they are at work.
This time, they are. In fact, I personally know of a barista (from
Starbucks) and a carpenter (won't say from where) who regularly go out in
the same affinity group. Without a doubt there are hair stylists in
SF/Oakland doing the same thing.

If you aren't active in these groups, you won't get a notice for you to
show up so if you don't know about them that doesn't mean they are not
happening and two, you aren't going to really know they're demographics as
they are not homogeneous. Folks I know personally do not sneer at peaceful
protests and work to separate their actions so the old tired out narrative
of peaceful protest hijacked is provable to be false, along with the idea
violence is used that somehow soils the other peaceful protest when the
fact is that those who often put their bodies on the line protecting POC
are vilified and lumped in with looters (god forbid anyone loot) and
property destruction/vandalism. And the assumption that all of these
"instigators" are white kids with universal privilege is simply not what I
see in the bay area.
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Re: [Marxism] antifa

2020-06-05 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Just for clarification when confronting police lines or when police lines
mobilize, it's not uncommon to put "white bodies" between the riot cops and
POC with the idea that they will get less of a beating. Sometimes it works
that way, other times not so much. In any case, the call is from POC
leaders of the action, whether it be blac blocking or just shielding folks
who are trying to hold a "symbolic space". Not saying I agree with all of
these techniques (they are not tactics), but that's what happens more times
than not in these "riots".
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Re: [Marxism] antifa

2020-06-06 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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What you describe is disgusting and should be called out at every
opportunity, but it sounds like Germany and Europe. The subculture here is
so dominated by far left politics that even a whiff of anit-Palestinian
sentiment is grounds for becoming persona non-gratia. Not on the west
coast, east coast, or appalachia where many comrades of mine are organizing
among the most hard core Trump folks. It sucks that what you've experience
rears its head in what is called an antifa space, but in the U.S., we are
lucky that is not tolerated.

Problematic for U.S. incarnations is thinly disguised masculinity that has
crowded out femme folks and in places where not many POC are involved,
there is of course levels of internalized racism that just don't disappear
because someone knows how to black bloc successfully. I would like to
stress that on the west coast, the demographic is increasingly more and
more POC that do not allow white folks to dictate their actions in spite of
what the MSM is reporting. Anticap activists and organizers have many
issues where, but antipathy for the Palestinian cause is one I've never had
to experience.
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Re: [Marxism] antifa

2020-06-06 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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If I misread, my apologies because there is no argument about Labor's
shameful position in all of this while at least some members (I know) are
supportive and some are going out into the streets.
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Re: [Marxism] On the NASCAR's Banning of the Confederate Flag and its Social Implications

2020-06-17 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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This  took me by surprise and I am interested how this will pan out as the
fabric of social life is much more centered on sport and entertainment than
on more formal institutions like police deps. Any meaningful change in
policing must be accompanied by a win in the war of position, so to speak.
Of course, there are virulent puritanical streaks in the U.S. left that
dismiss sports in a opium of the masses type Frankfurt school idea of
deluding the stupid working masses. As John pointed out, how the fan base
reacts at large will be interesting and can be compared with how antiracist
messaging has worked (and not worked) in world football. Also interesting
is how dedicated the English Premier league is to honoring George Floyd,
even having Black Lives Matter on the back of their kits.
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Re: [Marxism] On the NASCAR's Banning of the Confederate Flag and its Social Implications

2020-06-18 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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My father was a truck-driver and I traveled quite a bit with him and never
saw as many confederate flags in the south as I did when I did my phd work
at Penn State about 7 years ago. Coming from Pittsburgh, it's well known
that JUST BEFORE you cross the mason-dixon line, there are LOADS of
confederate flags to demarcate "where" the south *really* begins.
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Re: [Marxism] [UCE] Fwd: The Trouble in Nate Parker’s Southampton – Process

2016-10-07 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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And the trouble with Nate Parker...

Nate Parker’s ‘Birth of a Nation’ Exploits My Sister All Over Again
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Re: [Marxism] White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America

2016-10-10 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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I only leafed through the Isenberg book so far, but I don't think she fits
in much white working class anti-racism, which is understandable in that
isn't her focus. "Hillbilly Nationalists, Urban Race Rebels, and Black Power:
Community Organizing in Radical Times" by James Tracy is a book that is
often overlooked when talking about whiteness and resistance or lack of it.
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[Marxism] Teamsters Reform Movement Winning

2016-11-16 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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I just checked the website and the TDU is winning over Hoffa. They were
very Pro-Hillary, yet that has not seemed to affect the outcome. The
ballots for the west are not in yet, but the Southern district has booted
Hoffa and company.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Artists and advocates say deadly Oakland fire is product of housing crisis | US news | The Guardian

2016-12-05 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Some of this is true, but the blame here goes to the idiot/creep/lowlife
like Derek Ion who "managed" the space. Not having access to affordable
housing doesn't excuse negligence and dicks like Derek try to line their
pockets, however small the sums they skim. I've been in the bay area for 28
years and travel in the same circles as many of these folks and there are
always scumballs looking to take advantage of others in the name of "art."
The worst part is that other artists and collectives who do try to make
their spaces safe and don't act like fucked up new age gurus are going to
be the ones taking the brunt of this as it is characterized as a "rave" or
some other such nonsense. Many of these art collectives are part of the
gentrification process as early adopters and pave the way for others by
"transforming" so-called "bad" neighborhoods into "safe" ones, which of
course means white.

On Mon, Dec 5, 2016 at 4:39 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

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> house-fire-ghost-ship-housing-crisis
> _
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J.A. Masko
College of Communications
Penn State University
State College, Pa 16801

  "The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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Re: [Marxism] Black bloc

2017-02-07 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Being in SF, attending protests, and having some contact with anarchists
and class action communists, I can say with certainty that a substantial
percentage of them are people of color, radial queers, working and poverty
class men and women, and not imported from Portland or anywhere else, but
Californian. Whatever it is, it is not exclusively young white middle class
hipsters from the suburbs, but a wide range of activists.

The protests *are* often bifurcated and I've seen those who support
peaceful protests often willing to work with police directly or indirectly
by pointing out those who vandalize; I've seen it multiple times and been
in meetings where this was discussed. The black bloc doesn't do itself any
good by ignoring what the peaceful protesters are asking (to not rampage)
and going ahead with their "propaganda of the deed" actions. Seems the
Whitefish protest was able to deal with having both tactics work together.
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Re: [Marxism] On the black bloc

2017-02-10 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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I agree in many ways with you Louis, but you miss some important points.
What you say may be true in the U.S. at this point in time. But Ultras from
football clubs from Egypt to Turkey to the Ukraine, are no strangers to
what are essentially black block tactics; they have been instrumental in
fighting security forces and keeping people protesting safe. When the left
understanding that the so-called lumpen and laborers are the fighters that
the police state most fears and until we actively recruits them, then the
black block in the U.S. will be composed of people as soft as puppy shit.
No revolutionary actions that forcefully confronts the state will ever be
taken with the PMC in the lead. Of course one can say the so-called lumpen
are counter-revolutionary or reactionary, but perhaps because people are
not organizing in those spaces, they might be surprised. I tutor people who
were incarcerated and the know the score and are waiting for their chance.
But one thing they will not be doing, is following middle class academics
and self-proclaimed activists. And I know the you have seen only white
people, but come to Oakland and see the diversity of those working in black

On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 9:09 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

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> A comment on my "Vanity of the Bonfires" article by Farans Kalosar:
> I am opposed to Black Blocs. It’s only a tactic, as its adherents repeat
> nauseam and it is now and always has been a self-defeating one.
> I witnessed a few hundred anarchist protesters, as far as one could tell
> (BTW) all white, marching down 13th Street in DC before the mini-riots
> about which such a convenient and exaggerated fuss was made in the media.
> They contingent I saw were followed by a massive police convoy comprising
> at least nine brand-new Ford Transit vans packed to the roof with police as
> well as a substantial contingent of police cars containing two or more
> policepersons. There were anywhere from eighty to a hundred armed and
> well-organized police just following the demonstration. The long procession
> of police vehicles took longer to pass than the demonstration itself.
> What did the demonstrators do? They marched into a police “kettle” in
> which a few more of their comrades were already contained, and then
> proceeded to break windows and set fires while completely surrounded. (It
> should be noted, by the way, that Black Bloc tactic has now fully
> legitimized the police “kettle” tactic which was formerly banned.)
> More than half of the protesters were arrested and subjected to felony
> charges, as were any journalists unlucky enough to find themselves swept up
> in the totally predictable police response.
> The DC police, while they love to cultivate a kind and gentle persona for
> public consumption, are notoriously absolutely ruthless in attacking not
> only spontaneous protest of all kinds but also for their violent
> suppression of anyone recording what they are up to inside their “kettles.”
> I have witnessed this on more than one occasion. In fact, while I was
> attempting to record the events I witnessed, a policemen in one of the
> following cars motioned to me to stop. I have no doubt that if he could
> have done so without breaking formation, he would have arrested me and
> another chap with a better camera who was also recording the procession–I
> hope with better results than I got.
> The actually illegal tactics used by the police in response to this
> provocation are now standard because of it, and represent only the
> beginning of the tactics that will soon be deployed against all protests
> and mass meetings, peaceful or otherwise.
> Now, you can talk all you want about the legitimacy and value of riots,
> but you have to understand that even if one could deliberately start a
> truly massive riot (I happen to think the real ones are always
> spontaneous), it is physically impossible and profoundly stupid to do
> attempt this when one is completely surrounded by an enemy possessing more
> than enough force to neutralize every single effectif involved in the
> action. Such a course has only symbolic value, and very little of that. A
> few adventurists may be recruited, but the mass of the people will not
> respond.
> If the massive and highly popular Women’s M

Re: [Marxism] On the black bloc

2017-02-10 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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I agree to most of what you say, but mass demonstration are rarely if ever
attacked in the U.S. because of the pre-approved protest repertoires used
by protesters and security forces alike. That necessitates direct actions
that violate those protocols. Not saying the way the black bloc is often
utilized is correct, but today's protests are totally commodified. The
black bloc may make incorrect decisions about direct action, but they
recognize this and are trying to resist protests that do nothing by
assuaging liberal feelings of doing something. And by the way, people's
park is now a sand volleyball court for Cal students ( nobody has called it
Berkeley for 20 years).
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Re: [Marxism] On the black bloc

2017-02-10 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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No, I studied under John McCarthy (if course we had our differences) but
thanks for assuming I don't know the subject.

On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 1:29 PM, Jeffrey Masko 

> No, I studied under John McCarthy (if course we had our differences) but
> thanks for assuming I don't know the subject.
> On Feb 10, 2017 12:21 PM, "Louis Proyect"  wrote:
>> On 2/10/17 2:51 PM, Jeffrey Masko wrote:
>>> The black bloc may make incorrect decisions about direct action, but
>>> they recognize this and are trying to resist protests that do nothing by
>>> assuaging liberal feelings of doing something.
>> It sounds to me like you don't understand the purpose of mass
>> demonstrations. I invite you to read John Berger:


J.A. Masko
College of Communications
Penn State University
State College, Pa 16801

  "The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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Re: [Marxism] Santino William Legan Identified as Gilroy Garlic Fest Shooter – Rolling Stone

2019-07-31 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Another white racist in a mass shooting? This one wanted “to kill white
twats from Silicon Valley” ...what is not a surprise is that another easy
narrative is trotted out reducing a mass shooting where someone who said
they are "really, really angry" as their motive to simple white racism.  No
other variables or complexity at play here. Not misogyny, not a feeling of
exclusion from Silicon Valley, or from his overachieving family. Nothing
but the fury of a 19-year-old, hardly a man today, acting out radical
rightwing fantasies. So, let’s quickly rule out the competing radical
literature found in his home to situate this more easily into an MSM
narrative, or any thing else that conflicts with this story.

Funny, when Willem Van Sorensen in a "Lone Wolf" attack on an ICE detention
center, the* Antifa* supporting left on the internet went wild calling him
a martyr and for thousands of WVS's to rise, yet not a peep denouncing him.
Not from any sector of the left called it what it was, another mental
health breakdown, but this time from the left. He was a sad, confused
individual who acted out in accordance to a political naïve ideological
strain in the U.S., which is so focused on the individual and what the
individual thinks and feels as the sole influence in behavior, that he
thought this a noble deed. This line of thought justifies work and actions
that actually may hurt radical anti-capitalist movements or working-class
folks and seemingly disregards possible consequences in the form of
retribution from State and Non-state actors on those not involved in

Yes, many aspects of groupism are at play in mass shootings and workplace
shootings, (often racism, but homophobia, xenophobia, and many more, but
few are motivated by one single grievance).  Instead of examining the
complexity that drives people to act alone in so-called revolutionary
suicides, we get “deep” insights to their dispositions as if the
dysfunction arose biologically, or made them more susceptible to extreme
ideologies; and then we get the red herring of firearms as the culprit, as
if disarming everyone but the police is the answer. Yet the desperation
that drives attacks that comes from structure of capitalism is ignored. The
inability of each of these examples  shows the failure of the left to
organize and properly help folks educate themselves to begin to work
collectively so that they build numbers that have the power to both take on
sections of capital and provide their members with the support, empathy and
understand needed to maintain mental health.

If we blame racism and gun access alone for Gilroy, the question becomes
why aren't there even more shootings? What will we say or do when more
so-called Leftist martyrs use tactics like propaganda of the deed, instead
of the hard work of organizing and training? Will we simply blame and
castigate them in the vein of Chris Hedges and the like, or will we take
the time to listen to those who are enthralled by the promise of liberation
through any means without understanding the consequences of those actions
so that a true discussion will arise?

None of this is going away soon and with the upcoming election, it will
intensify as more “mass shooters” will be less “confused and conflicted,”
more ideologically driven, but just as emotionally unfit for revolutionary
action as the examples above. Armed leftists groups cannot start or fight a
revolution any time soon (if ever!), but they can begin to build the
cultures that will be able to connect with the sections of working-class
military that are already joining armed left groups as this is key in any
future rebellion or any revolutionary moment. Part of building these
cultures is giving support to groups and individuals, so that those joining
groups understand that they are not alone and that the work is collective,
not solitary, and long-term and will not happen overnight.

jeffrey masko
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Re: [Marxism] Gilroy, El Paso, Dayton: Why and What Next?

2019-08-05 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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As I mentioned in my post about the ICE shooter and Gilroy, expect a lot
more of it since the lack of any organized left with the capacity to create
change fuels the individualist mentality of rage shooters. At least in the
minds of rage and workplace shooters, who lack collective consciousness,
this is an appropriate response to them.  And when you get the propaganda
of the deed folks chiming in, it's a clarion call to the unbalanced and a
clear avenue for mass repression. Guaranteed if this guy was at a racist
skinhead concert, the "antifa" crowd would be loving it.

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Re: [Marxism] Lyme Disease and Biowarfare -

2019-08-14 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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You must be kidding me. For someone who has/had Lyme's, this is great. Not,
not only I am routinely dismissed by Drs, now we have another bio
conspiracy to content with (Aids anyone?). About a million articles tracing
it back 60,000 years and the human desire to get out of the cities and into
the rural areas that are "safe"?
Just one such pub, you can spend all day reading them if you like
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Re: [Marxism] Quentin Tarantino, Eileen Jones, and the perils of film school theorizing | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2019-08-20 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Film journalism? Ah, yeah, right, lol. You should know what you are

On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 12:08 PM Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

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J.A. Masko

"The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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Re: [Marxism] Quentin Tarantino, Eileen Jones, and the perils of film school theorizing | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2019-08-21 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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 No, you are not stepping on my toes because Cinema and Media Studies is a
real thing taught in higher ed, "Film Journalism" - or movie reviewing, is
not. You do catch my attention though, like sand in the eyes, when you try
to present what you do on your blog as something that connects Marxist
theories - of film, media, or anything else - to film, media, or other
moments of cultural production. Not sure if you call yourself a Marxist
film reviewer, but it's more like a film reviewer that happens to be a

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Re: [Marxism] Quentin Tarantino, Eileen Jones, and the perils of film school theorizing | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2019-08-22 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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It's not, but using theory to inform interpretation to understand film and
study of film is. It needed not be filled with academic jargon, but it does
need to be in dialogue with those perspectives that lead us away from
Marxist theories - or others- that help us better understand about the
connection between politics and ideology as proposed by Gramsci (in my
case), or for someone like Ron Betting, how the political economy of Big
Media functions from a Marxist perspective. You know, basic stuff.
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Re: [Marxism] Quentin Tarantino, Eileen Jones, and the perils of film school theorizing | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2019-08-22 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Good and bad news here, the bad news is as an academic subject, we do use
jargon - such as "intellectual montage" instead of "Hollywood montage" -
comes from theory, so yes jargon can still be used to mystify positions
taken on interpretation. One the other hand, we are a long way away from
the 70s; film study in no longer a humanities based project, but more
fruitfully finds its home in communication studies, especially mass comm,
among others. One of my mentors, Bill Nichols had read ALL film criticism
while at UCLA in the early 70s; now one could not read all of the
literature coming out in any given quarter, so quite a bit more going on
now than in the 70s. To me this is not a question of using theory, but
which ones and to what extent and purpose.
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Re: [Marxism] ‘Joker’ Continues Warner Bros. and DC Comics Attack on Left | Washington Babylon

2019-10-07 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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The site is a shit site with shit writers who don't know their shit. Enough
scatology for the morning? I fucking hate superhero movies anyway...

On Mon, Oct 7, 2019 at 7:00 AM DW via Marxism 

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> Completely disagree with the analysis. He misses the whole point of the
> film which is really about mental illness and the Reaganeske cutting public
> services for the mentally ill. Is is about the decay and failure of the
> capitalist system and the alienation that ensues from this. It is about an
> anti-rich insurrectionary mood among the masses who *rebel* against the
> treatment of working people. It is not even aimed at the "rich" since
> unlike some other films of this genre, try to portray them as sympathetic
> victims of mob mentality. This film is *totally sypathedic* to the mob
> mentality and via the Black character Zazie Beetz who lives in the same
> building as a single mom is totally with the violence against the system.
> Silverstein's review is a weak and quite pathetic projection of someone on
> the left who clearly didn't see the same film I did.
> David Walters
> _
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J.A. Masko

"The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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Re: [Marxism] Superhero films are 'cynical exercise' to make profits for corporations – Ken Loach | Film | The Guardian

2019-10-22 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Whew, thankfully they didn't censure gangster movies as they are surely not
a commodity! I personally don't find superhero movies interesting, but
censure a genre? Sounds a lot like folks "horrified" at the violence of
Arthur Penn's* Bonnie and Clyde* (1967)

On Tue, Oct 22, 2019 at 5:59 AM Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> Director joins Martin Scorsese and Frances Ford Coppola in censuring
> industry, calling superhero movies commodities ‘like hamburgers’
> _
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J.A. Masko

"The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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Re: [Marxism] Martin Scorsese Avenges the Auteur | The New Yorker

2019-11-07 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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More silliness to me, the age of auteur theory is long gone...the* voice*
of the film comes from the screenplay, the technicians involved in
production, the director, and importantly, the editor in post. As Bill
Nichol's would have it, the voice of the film comes from an interplay of
all of these including the audience and their understanding of film
language and film genre convention. This is precisely why films are
ideological (as in the common assumptions) that order our lives; films are
so much more than the product of a single author and to limit them as such
takes away not only the unseen and often underpaid workers behind the
"genius" but it robs film of their value as sociological artifacts.

Directors lie to us, (Kubrick was famous for this), to themselves,
misunderstand their own art, are unaware of themes present in them, they
change their minds (sometimes many years after the fact). and so on. One
notion is that great art comes not from the intellect proper, but from the
subconscious. Kurosawa once remarked when asked about the meaning of a
particular film, if he could articulate it in words, he would be a poet,
but he is a filmmaker and so...

To see the meaning of a film in auteur theory means (now, not in the
orginal French theory) to elevate the individual, very helpful to the U.S.
mentality of the individual at the expense of the community. It enshrines
the idea of "genius" artists who are special and different than the rabble.
When Rob Cohen talks about being in a Cubist period when he did xXx and
using muliple angles of motorcycle jumps that doubled action, rather than
using traditional continuity editing, we can see his intelligence and
education; he like Marty, are smart people, but that doesn't mean xXx is
worthy of watching or that Marty's argument is autuerist rather than
against the blockbuster formula of the 70s that reigns supreme.

On Thu, Nov 7, 2019 at 6:00 AM Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

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> What Scorsese is decrying is not the use of fantasy characters in
> movies. (A few days ago, he said that he even considered making “Joker,”
> though I wonder whether he was joking.) There’s a word in the first
> sentence of the piece that, clearly but subtly, propels the through line
> of his argument. He doesn’t complain about “superhero” movies; he says
> that, in Empire, he was speaking of “Marvel movies.” He repeats “Marvel”
> in the second paragraph, and then, in the third paragraph, specifies
> what he’s talking about: “franchise films.” Scorsese isn’t inveighing
> against fantasy but against a system of production that submerges
> directors’ authority in a network of dictates and decisions issued from
> the top down—a network in which the director is more of a functionary
> than a creator.
> _
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J.A. Masko

"The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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Re: [Marxism] 2020: The Incipient Bet -

2019-11-12 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Great link Louis, I give you stick where it's due, but often forget to
credit you with a lot of good postings, especially in science. I may be a
crank, but fair is fair
to acknowledge the positives.

On Fri, Nov 8, 2019 at 9:56 AM Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

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> Great piece by Kirkpatrick Sale.
> _
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J.A. Masko

"The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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Re: [Marxism] MAGA MMA Fighter Makes a Titanic Error by Taunting His Immigrant Opponent | The Nation

2019-12-18 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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1. It wasn't a dirty fight...accidental eye poke
2. Lots of folks have noted that regardless of his character, he stood in
two rounds with a non-displaced jaw fracture so say he fought without honor
is not the way the MMA community sees it. Usman seemed to take a kick near
the groin but allowed stoppage anyway, many thought he took advantage the
ref's lack of line of sight.
3. The UFC roster is full ofTrump supporters who keep it to themselves,
only Cody has opted to the play the "heel" as in pro wrestling as he
himself has said as he was about to be dropped from the UFC. That said,
whether or not this is totally a fabridcated stage character, or one that
has real ife echos is unknown for sure, but most of his former teammates
and friends look down how he doubled down with Trump to boost his image.
4. The Trumps are using him as much as he uses them in order to get the
legitmation only a sports star can give a president.
5.  I love Dave Zirin, but I don't think he is much of a MMA fan, and
prolly didn't watch the event which helps if you're covering sports.
6. The fight was very, very close going into the 2nd half of the last round
and was close to going either way, something I don't think you get from
Dave's account. The judges had it 3-1 Usman, 3-1 Covington, and 2-2...
7. Colby now has more fans than ever who don't care if it's an act.

On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 6:03 AM Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

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J.A. Masko

"The challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without
becoming disillusioned."

   Antonio Gramsci.
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Re: [Marxism] [SUSPICIOUS MESSAGE] Re: A Dying Town - The Chronicle of Higher Education

2020-01-07 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Yes, loads of work. Here is just a glance at some of the entries from my
google scholar library:

*Taking Out the Trash: Using Critical Autoethnography to Challenge
Representations of White Working-Class People in Popular Culture

TR *Rennels* - The Popular Culture Studies Journal, 2015 -

We live in the Taj Mahal of the trailer park. Mom feeds this lie to her new
friend, Laura, who
is visiting our home for the first time. I cringe and run to my room, my
sanctuary from
embarrassment and the strains of adolescence. Seventeen has not been easy.
As I slide the …

Cited by 3


6 versions


*“You Better Redneckognize”: White Working-Class People and Reality
Television *

TR *Rennels* - 2015 -

This project documents the complex and interwoven relationship between
representations and lived experiences of white working-class people—a task
inspired by the
author's experiences growing up in a white working-class family and
neighborhood and how …

Cited by 3


2 versions

*Illegitimate subjects?: abject whites, neoliberal modernisation, and
middle-class multiculturalism

C Haylett - Environment and planning D: society and space, 2001 -

… The specifically middle-*class*-based *whiteness* of the discourse, and
the *working*-*class*-based
*whiteness* of those cultures and subjectivities that are its target,
provide a starting point for
the analysis of welfare `modernisation' as a culturalist discourse …

*[HTML] Whiteness in the Backwoods: Critical Media Literacy, Reality TV and
Hick-Hop Music

WM Reynolds, B Porfilio, D Ligocki - 2018 - digitalcommons.georgiasouthern …

… done on *whiteness* over the last decades (Kincheloe & Steinberg, 2000;
Sleeter, 2016 & Matias,
2016). During the 2016 presidential election, white *rural* identity became
one of the cornerstones
of Donald Trump's campaign. Although the embrace of white *working* *class*
was for …

*Who's afraid of rural poverty? The story behind America's invisible poor

L Gurley - American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 2016 - Wiley Online

… Pruitt grew up in *working*‐*class* *rural* Newton County in the Ozarks
of northwest Arkansas.
Pruitt (2015) says that one important misconception about *rural* poverty
is that it is an exclusively
white problem … We tend to associate *rural* poverty with *whiteness* …

Cited by 12


5 versions

*[BOOK] Neoliberal Transformations of" White Masculinity" in Cinematic

JA *Masko* - 2017 -

This dissertation looks at three US film cycles from the last 40 years--the
Cowboy Trucker in
the 1970s, the Brom-com from 1990s-2010, and Alaska-based reality
television shows from
the late 2000s and into the present cable reality television era--to
connect them to neoliberal …

Related articles

Re: [Marxism] [SUSPICIOUS MESSAGE] Re: A Dying Town - The Chronicle of Higher Education

2020-01-07 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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 A lot of work is coming out of the experiences of working-class folks in
higher ed...again Tasha Rennels is prominent. This addresses the
stereotypes of working-class rural identities, rather than reifying them.

"From the Trailer Park to the Ivory Tower and Somewhere in Between: A
Critical Autoethnography of Class Performativity in Academe Tasha R.
Rennels Department of Communication University of South Florida

Many academics hail from working-class backgrounds but there often is
reluctance to reveal this information within the ivory tower—a space
notoriously associated with privilege. This essay continues the work of
unconventional scholars who yearn to debunk the common assumption that the
academy is a space of middle-class homogeneity. Instead of denying my
working-class identity, as I have done for the past decade, I embrace it. I
share how the stigma of being a working-class woman in a presumed
middle-class space is lived, felt, and managed via class performativity. My
hope is that the stories I write provide a space of resistance for those in
academe, specifically graduate students, who may not have the resources
live up to its middle-class expectations. The larger this space can become,
the greater potential there is for members of the academic community to
accept and make a way for those with limited means.
Keywords: critical autoethnography, class, passing, performance, academia"

On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 10:48 AM Jeffrey Masko 

> Yes, loads of work. Here is just a glance at some of the entries from my
> google scholar library:
> *Taking Out the Trash: Using Critical Autoethnography to Challenge
> Representations of White Working-Class People in Popular Culture
> *
> TR *Rennels* - The Popular Culture Studies Journal, 2015 -
> We live in the Taj Mahal of the trailer park. Mom feeds this lie to her
> new friend, Laura, who
> is visiting our home for the first time. I cringe and run to my room, my
> sanctuary from
> embarrassment and the strains of adolescence. Seventeen has not been easy.
> As I slide the …
> Cited by 3
>  Related
> articles
>  All
> 6 versions
> [PDF]
> *“You Better Redneckognize”: White Working-Class People and Reality
> Television *
> TR *Rennels* - 2015 -
> This project documents the complex and interwoven relationship between
> mediated
> representations and lived experiences of white working-class people—a task
> inspired by the
> author's experiences growing up in a white working-class family and
> neighborhood and how …
> Cited by 3
>  Related
> articles
>  All
> 2 versions
> *Illegitimate subjects?: abject whites, neoliberal modernisation, and
> middle-class multiculturalism
> *
> C Haylett - Environment and planning D: society and space, 2001 -
> … The specifically middle-*class*-based *whiteness* of the discourse, and
> the *working*-*class*-based
> *whiteness* of those cultures and subjectivities that are its target,
> provide a starting point for
> the analysis of welfare `modernisation' as a culturalist discourse …
> *[HTML] Whiteness in the Backwoods: Critical Media Literacy, Reality TV
> and Hick-Hop Music
> *
> WM Reynolds, B Porfilio, D Ligocki - 2018 -
> digitalcommons.georgiasouthern …
> … done on *whiteness* over the last decades (Kincheloe & Steinberg, 2000;
> Sleeter, 2016 & Matias,
> 2016). During 

Re: [Marxism] Documentaries about Marx and Marxism?

2014-11-16 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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I just saw this and thought I'd put my 2 cents in. Frankly, David Harvey
and/or Richard Wolff will bore the hell out of undergrads. I've had great
success with films like Injury to One (Wilkerson) and Isle of Flowers
which is on YouTube btw as ways to dealing with the subject without
alienating them right away. If you want something more direct, Marx
Unloaded is pretty good.



On Sun, Nov 9, 2014 at 7:18 PM, Glenn Kissack via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> Thanks to Ken, Michael and Paul for their very useful suggestions of
> documentary films.
> Glenn
> > I think there are a large number of graphic or cartoon presentations of
> Marxist ideas.  I have only seen a few and am not able to recommend one
> over another.
> >   ken h
> _
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J.A. Masko
College of Communications
Penn State University
State College, Pa 16801

“There are deeper strata of truth in cinema, and there is such a thing as
poetic, ecstatic truth. It is mysterious and elusive, and can be reached
only through fabrication and imagination and stylization.”

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Re: [Marxism] Documentaries about Marx and Marxism?

2014-11-16 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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I've used *The American Ruling Class* too as a performative documentary
mode and it's worked well. Especially when looking at higher education as
one of the ways we reproduce class structure in the U.S.

On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 4:12 PM, Louis Proyect  wrote:

> I should add that I am kicking around the idea of doing one myself. It
> would include a scene walking around Wall Street with Doug Henwood asking
> him to riff on the stock exchange building, answering questions about what
> a stock represents, etc. I think that lectures over Youtube are boring but
> they do serve a purpose. My inspiration would be a documentary that Doug
> already appeared in, one that is online:

J.A. Masko
College of Communications
Penn State University
State College, Pa 16801

“There are deeper strata of truth in cinema, and there is such a thing as
poetic, ecstatic truth. It is mysterious and elusive, and can be reached
only through fabrication and imagination and stylization.”

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[Marxism] Revised Black Panther Party Platform on 1972 Needed

2014-12-10 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Can someone forward me or give me a link to the revised Black Panther Party
Platform of 1972? I found one PDF online, but a line is cut off under point
9. I plan to read it at a READ OUT on Race and Resistance on Thursday. Many
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Re: [Marxism] Academically Adrift

2015-01-20 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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This is a long standing issue in Higher Ed and these numbers are nothing
new. First of all, these types of tests and standards weren't employed
decades ago so the fact remains that students may not be retaining
information because of the developmental stage they are at. The idea that
students of the past were so much better cannot be laid at the feet of
millennials being lazy or something of that nature. Think of the American
University as as English Rumspringa, time to get away from parents and
party and find out what the world is about.

And that's ok to a point. Facts don't stick, but experience does. As long
as they figure out the world is not like they imagined when they were in
high school or prep school, that's a pretty good start. That's why courses
that require critical thinking produce results; it's about a process, not
regurgitating information. Hell, they think they can google facts if they
need them (and are becoming more correct in that assessment).

Furthermore, in our society and economy, networking is much more important
to them and pointed out by companies as more important and that's what they
see as the skill that will get them ahead. Other skills? Pick them up on
the job when your frat bro or your sorority sister gets you that job in her
marketing firm; they'll tell you to forget what you've learned and "do it
there way anyway". Not many students are there to learn, they know they
need the paper so they shoot for a "C" average and a good time. With the
corporate university, there is no inducement to apply yourself to scholarly
pursuits. See *Ivory Tower*, they make a pretty good case there why the
system is going to hell.

Don't blame the students because my % stay the same, 10 are highly
involved, 15% couldn't care less and the rest just want to make it through
with as little as debt as possible without thinking about catastrophe's
they know are in their futures. Teaching film, I'm lucky I get about 40% of
those who are looking for a "C" to aim higher and to understand that there
is indeed a lot to learn that will change the way you think and see the

On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 8:22 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> finds_large_numbers_of_college_students_don_t_learn_much
> 'Academically Adrift'
> by Scott Jaschik, January 18, 2011
> If the purpose of a college education is for students to learn, academe is
> failing, according to Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College
> Campuses, [1] a book being released today by University of Chicago Press.
> The book cites data from student surveys and transcript analysis to show
> that many college students have minimal classwork expectations -- and then
> it tracks the academic gains (or stagnation) of 2,300 students of
> traditional college age enrolled at a range of four-year colleges and
> universities. The students took the Collegiate Learning Assessment [2]
> (which is designed to measure gains in critical thinking, analytic
> reasoning and other "higher level" skills taught at college) at various
> points before and during their college educations, and the results are not
> encouraging:
> 45 percent of students "did not demonstrate any significant improvement in
> learning" during the first two years of college.
> 36 percent of students "did not demonstrate any significant improvement in
> learning" over four years of college.
> Those students who do show improvements tend to show only modest
> improvements. Students improved on average only 0.18 standard deviations
> over the first two years of college and 0.47 over four years. What this
> means is that a student who entered college in the 50th percentile of
> students in his or her cohort would move up to the 68th percentile four
> years later -- but that's the 68th percentile of a new group of freshmen
> who haven't experienced any college learning.
> "How much are students actually learning in contemporary higher education?
> The answer for many undergraduates, we have concluded, is not much," write
> the authors, Richard Arum, professor of sociology and education at New York
> University, and Josipa Roksa, assistant professor of sociology at the
> University of Virginia. For many undergraduates, they write, "drifting
> throug

Re: [Marxism] Academically Adrift

2015-01-20 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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Funny, when I show it to undergrads they get upset that they are pictured
as party animals and think all dox should be more balanced. They often
don't understand rhetorical structures and are used to Ken Burns types of
dox. Plenty of problems in the film, especially the, "you don't really need
college" section. Yeah, if you are highly motivated on your own, maybe not.
but that's not the students I teach at a major research university.

On Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 9:07 AM, Louis Proyect  wrote:

> On 1/20/15 8:57 AM, Jeffrey Masko wrote:
>> See /Ivory Tower/, they make a pretty good case there why the system is
>> going to hell.
> Actually I posted the article after seeing the author interviewed in
> "Ivory Tower" that I saw last night. I will be reviewing it and a
> documentary on Aaron Swartz in a day or two.

J.A. Masko
College of Communications
Penn State University
State College, Pa 16801

“There are deeper strata of truth in cinema, and there is such a thing as
poetic, ecstatic truth. It is mysterious and elusive, and can be reached
only through fabrication and imagination and stylization.”

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