[oauth] Re: A method for obtaining a consumer secret for an URL-based consumer identity

2009-01-13 Thread John Kristian

I imagine a service provider might want to revoke a consumer secret.
You might specify how the service provider can signal that it has done
so, to enable the consumer to automatically get a fresh consumer
secret.  You might extend http://oauth.pbwiki.com/ProblemReporting for
the purpose.

You might recommend that consumers limit the useful lifetime of a
confirmation token.  It seems like a good idea to invalidate a token
after a single use and/or a fairly short time interval.

When validating a confirmation token, it seems like a good idea to use
HTTPS and to require that the consumer (HTTPS server) present a
certificate issued by a trusted authority and matching the HTTPS
server's host name.  (Browsers often require this.)

An entirely different protocol occurs to me.  When requesting a
consumer secret, the consumer could sign the request with its
certificate.  That is, the request contains a certificate, issued by a
trusted authority, that matches the consumer key (that is the
consumer's root URL).  And the request is signed with the private key
associated with that certificate.  The service provider validates the
certificate and uses the certificate's public key to validate the
signature.  If all is valid, it returns the desired consumer secret.
The consumer would not send a confirmation token, and the service
provider would not validate a confirmation token.

Perhaps this won't work for OpenMicroBlogging.  Perhaps it's a bad
idea in general. :-)
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[oauth] Re: OAuth - signature_invalid problem

2009-01-25 Thread John Kristian

No, OAuth Core doesn't permit the consumer's secret to be used as the
signature, when the signature method is HMAC-SHA1.

A similar example that works is 
.  It uses other scripts from http://oauth.googlecode.com/svn/code/javascript/
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[oauth] Re: OAuth - signature_invalid problem

2009-01-28 Thread John Kristian

Sorry to hear it doesn't work.  What happened when you tried it?

I've seen it work in Internet Explorer 7 on Windows.  But it won't
work if you simply load 
, because the browser won't permit sending requests to other servers
(for security reasons).  To make it work, copy the page into a file
and browse to the file.

Does anyone know how to make it work in Firefox 3?

There's a warning about security restrictions in

On Jan 28, 5:50 am, Razak pcm...@gmail.com wrote:
 It's not working in IE browser.
 Do you have any code which works for both Mozilla Firefox  IE?

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[oauth] Java OAuthClient.access

2009-01-30 Thread John Kristian

I propose to extend the Java oauth-core library to better support
accessing protected resources, as follows.  Please let me know if this
is a bad idea, or there's a better way.

In brief, I propose to add a method to OAuthClient:

/** Send a request and return the response. */
public OAuthResponseMessage access (OAuthMessage request,
ParameterStyle style) throws IOException;

Unlike the existing 'invoke' method, it won't try to decide whether
the response indicates success; it will merely return the response.  A
typical caller would evaluate the response, something like this:

OAuthClient client = ...;
OAuthAccessor accessor = ...;
OAuthMessage request = new ...;
request.addRequiredParameters (accessor);
OAuthResponseMessage response = client.access (request,
switch(response.getHttpResponse().getStatusCode()) {
  case 200: ...
  case 400: ...

I'm a little worried about feature creep: this is a step toward a
general purpose HTTP client library.  But it's a tolerably small step,
I hope.  I don't want to try to reproduce all the features of the
Apache HTTP client libraries.
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[oauth] Re: Problem accessing OAuthAccessToken

2009-01-31 Thread John Kristian

What service provider are you trying to use?  The Google Data APIs?

Check the URL.  Google's access token URL is 
, according to http://code.google.com/apis/gdata/auth.html#OAuth

In the access token request, the oauth_signature must be computed
using the request token secret; that is the oauth_token_secret the
service provider sent with the request token.

On Jan 31, 2:44 am, Razak pcm...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am sending the request for AccessToken same as the one for
 RequestToken except two changes.

  Changes, I made are
  1. oauth_token included in header parameters 
  2. scope parameter removed.

 But still Iam not getting the response for AccessToken. Can you
 please help me in resolving the  problem?

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[oauth] Re: should the oauth_signature paramater be the same for both RequestToken AccessToken

2009-01-31 Thread John Kristian

No; each request is signed separately, with a different token secret
and parameters.  The same signature method may be used, but the
signatures will be different because they're computed from different
inputs.  At least, the nonce and/or timestamp must be different.

On Jan 31, 2:03 am, Razak pcm...@gmail.com wrote:
 Can you please let me know whether the oauth_signature be
 the same for both RequestToken  AccessToken requests?
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[oauth] Re: what is Signature base string in OAuth.?

2009-02-05 Thread John Kristian

See http://oauth.net/core/1.0/#anchor14 :

The Signature Base String is a consistent reproducible concatenation
of the request elements into a single string. The string is used as an
input in hashing or signing algorithms.

Software that implements OAuth usually has algorithms that compute
oauth_signature, which construct the signature base string as a
function of the request message.

On Feb 4, 6:37 am, Razak pcm...@gmail.com wrote:
 What is Signature base string?. Where can I use that along with the
 request?. I do not understand the use of that string. Even in the
 documentation also, it is not mentioned the use of the base string.
 Where can I apply that?. I am using HMAC-SHA1 method in Google API.

 I could only know that it would be used only in signing request  not
 for generating tokens. Is that correct?.

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[oauth] Re: Java Library and java-twitter

2009-04-15 Thread John Kristian

To minimize dependencies, I recommend removing Java packages that you
don't need.  You can eliminate several dependencies this way, such as
the Java Servlet API and both Apache HTTP client libraries.

I'm thinking of moving parts of oauth-core into new modules; for
example a module for consumers (clients) and another for service
providers (servers).  Would that be helpful?  Are there other parts
that you'd like to be in separate modules?

On Apr 15, 7:45 am, Zhihong zhih...@gmail.com wrote:
 The OAuth lib itself builds fine but sometimes we embed OAuth library
 in other JARs. The build error occurs in a JMeter plugin for OAuth. We
 build the plugin with OAuth code so only one JAR is delivered. For use-
 cases like this, it's very important to keep the dependencies to a

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[oauth] Re: authorized access by url alone?

2009-04-15 Thread John Kristian

If you want to use standard OAuth libraries, use a full set of
credentials: consumer key and consumer secret, token and token
secret.  It's more than you need, but some libraries require it all.

If you need help using a specific library, this is a pretty good place
to ask.

On Apr 14, 10:32 pm, pkeane pjke...@gmail.com wrote:
 Assuming I (i.e., the web app)
 can get the access token, is it possible to construct a URL that can
 be placed in an i...@src in the rendered html to allow the browser to
 access a restricted image?

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[oauth] Re: OAuth for installed apps

2009-04-16 Thread John Kristian

To support invalidating credentials (e.g. in case of theft), a service
provider should enable a user to identify them.  A user faced with a
list of unintelligible keys can't decide which one to invalidate.
They need to be labeled 'Picasa on my laptop' or 'Picasa at the
office' or something meaningful to the user.

On Apr 12, 10:57 pm, John Kristian jmkrist...@gmail.com wrote:
 The service provider would enable a user to revoke her access tokens,
 e.g. in case they're stolen.

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[oauth] Re: POST and PUT with OAuth

2009-04-25 Thread John Kristian

As a rule, a server shouldn't look for OAuth parameters in the body of
a request whose content-type isn't application/x-www-form-urlencoded
(as specified by http://oauth.net/core/1.0/#consumer_req_param).  In
the OpenSocial example, the client could send an XML content-type,
such as text/xml or application/xml.

On Apr 24, 6:02 pm, Scott Seely sse...@myspace-inc.com wrote:
 The OAuth spec is silent on how to handle section 5.2 when an HTTP PUT
 |POST might be used to send in OAuth parameters AND resource content.
 For example, an OpenSocial endpoint uses OAuth for authentication and
 may post an XML encoded version of a Person. In this case, does a
 compatible OAuth endpoint have to accept OAuth parameters in the POST
 body or can it choose to only look for parameters in the HTTP
 Authorization header and on the query string?

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[oauth] Re: OAuth Core 1.0 Rev A, Draft 2

2009-05-06 Thread John Kristian

I agree, the consumer should be informed whether the service provider
is 1.0 or 1.0a, before it redirects the user for authorization.  In
addition to the reasons noted above, it enables a consumer to protect
the user from the security hole in 1.0, by refusing to work with a 1.0
service provider.
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[oauth] Re: Including the signature base string in signature_invalid errors

2009-05-28 Thread John Kristian

That sounds like a fine idea, to me.  I'd prefer that the server send
the information without being asked.

We might as well follow established practice, if it works well.  What
does the Python library do, exactly?  Are there popular service
providers that do something similar?  What do they do, exactly?

By the way, what service providers have implemented the problem
reporting extension? http://wiki.oauth.net/ProblemReporting

On May 27, 12:59 am, Manish Pandit pandit.man...@gmail.com wrote:
 Do you folks think it is a good idea to include the base string/
 normalized request parameters, etc. in the signature check failure
 error message?
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[oauth] Re: Fix maven dependencies

2009-06-12 Thread John Kristian

I'll do that.  Thanks for pointing it out.

On Jun 11, 7:52 am, bowa bruno.w...@gmail.com wrote:
 Can someone with svn commit rights to the google code project change
 this and put a new build on the maven repo please ?


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[oauth] Re: problem with maven2

2009-06-12 Thread John Kristian

I corrected this, in version 20090531.  I'm sorry I caused you
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[oauth] Re: Simplify OAuthCredentials

2009-06-12 Thread John Kristian

Done, in -r1052 of the Java library 
Thanks for the suggestion.

On Jun 8, 12:01 pm, Paul Austin paul.d.aus...@gmail.com wrote:
 Could a new constuctor be added which just accepted a consumerKey and
 consumerSecret and automatically created the accessor. This would be
 useful for the 2-legged case.

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[oauth] Re: problem with maven2

2009-06-13 Thread John Kristian

Source code: http://code.google.com/p/oauth/source/browse/#svn/code/java/core
Maven repository: http://oauth.googlecode.com/svn/code/maven
For example, oauth.jar: 

On Jun 12, 10:11 pm, Mandakini kumari pkumar...@gmail.com wrote:
 Where to get version 20090531 . Please give me link url link for it.

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[oauth] Re: Java library changes

2009-06-18 Thread John Kristian

There are automated tests, mostly in a separate module

I hope to add improvements, but nothing major soon.

I'm not familiar with the Objective-C or PHP implementations.

On Jun 18, 5:28 am, Monis monisiq...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi John,

 It's good to see the new modularized implementation and consideration
 for different HTTP methods.
 I looked into this implementation about an year ago and comparing it
 with the current version, things have changed considerably, in
 positive direction.
 However, the only concern is the changing implementation for the java
 SP and consumer. Do you plan to make further changes to the current
 code? if yes, then how can I determine the major release, so as to
 update my project on major changes only. And can I be sure that the
 code confirms to the protocol i.e. test cases coverage percentage?

 Also, are the current consumer implementations for Objective-c, PHP
 workable with the updated Provider for Java?

 Monis Iqbal

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[oauth] Re: OAuth JS API results in signature_invalid at random

2009-06-20 Thread John Kristian

Yes, your request for an access token should be signed with the
request token secret; that is the oauth_token_secret that you received
with your request token.  Also, requests for access to APIs should be
signed with the access token secret, that is the oauth_token_secret
that you received with your access token.  I'm surprised that the
service provider accepts requests that are signed without the token

Here's a simpler way to construct the URL for requesting an access
token, or access to an API. It yields the same result, letting
oauth.js handle more of the details.

  var accessor = {
  consumerKey: '...',
  consumerSecret: '...',
  token: '...',
  tokenSecret: '...'};
  var message = {
  method: GET,
  action: http://...;,
  parameters: [
  ['oauth_signature_method', 'HMAC-SHA1'],
  ['xoauth_requestor_id', guid],
  ['format', 'json']]};
  OAuth.completeRequest(message, accessor);
  var signedURL = OAuth.addToURL(message.action, message.parameters);

On Jun 17, 10:49 pm, Matt Raible mrai...@gmail.com wrote:
 ... Looking
 at both Paul Donnelly's and yours, neither contains the tokenSecret
 in the accessor that's used to sign the access_token request, as well
 as any API requests. Am I correct in assuming that the tokenSecret
 (the auth_token_secret value returned after getting the initial
 token) is needed for these two calls?

 To be clear, I can reliably get a token and authorize it. After that,
 it seems like getting an access_token works 50% of the time and
 calling the api (with auth_token as a param in the URL) works 30% of
 the time.

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[oauth] Re: OAuth.net Java library release info

2009-06-23 Thread John Kristian

I recently committed a change to support the 1.0a spec, but it hasn't
been released.  I'll release it, if you like:

-r1057 | 2009-06-17 22:31:12 -0700 (Wed, 17 Jun 2009)
Added support for OAuth Core version 1.0a, specifically
new parameter names and a method OAuthClient.getRequestTokenResponse.

Sorry to say the library lacks good documentation.  The closest thing
to change history is the log in the Subversion repository, such as:

version 20090531:
Divided core into several Maven modules, to help minimize
The oauth-core module is now a hollow shell that depends on the other
core modules.

version 20090522:
Added support for more popular RSA key formats (thanks to Zhihong
Added a copy of the Base64 class, to avoid depending on commons-codec.
Added the OAuth repository (at http://googlecode) to oauth-parent's

version 20090408:
treat any 2xx status code as successful
added OAuthClient.httpParameters, to support changing the read timeout
added OAuthSchemeFactory, OAuthCredentials and PreemptiveAuthorizer
simplify constructing an OAuthMessage with a body

version 20090315:
added constants for problem reporting
Reject requests in which an OAuth protocol parameter appears more than

On Jun 23, 12:16 pm, rwallace rwallace1...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm considering an upgrade of my OAuth.net java dependency.  I'd like
 to know what has been done with it since the current version and if it
 supports the 1.0 Rev A spec, but I can't seem to find any release
 documentation saying what has changed from one version to another.  I
 saw that some of the other languages have mailing lists just for them
 but don't see one for the Java implementation.  Am I missing something

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[oauth] Re: OAuth.net Java library release info

2009-07-06 Thread John Kristian

I released version 20090617 with support for 1.0a.

On Jul 2, 9:57 am, Manish Pandit pandit.man...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Jun 23, 10:14 pm, John Kristian jmkrist...@gmail.com wrote:

  I recently committed a change to support the 1.0a spec, but it hasn't
  been released.  I'll release it, if you like:

 +1 for releasing it..

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[oauth] Re: Two questions

2009-07-08 Thread John Kristian

The source code is in
or you can get it from svn thus:
svn checkout -r917 http://oauth.googlecode.com/svn/code/java/core

On Jul 8, 3:47 am, Avi syndicatebk...@gmail.com wrote:
 2) Is there any documentation of the classes in oauth-
 core-20090315.jar? If not where can I find the individual classes with
 their javadocs?

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[oauth] Re: Java Desktop Sample

2009-07-16 Thread John Kristian

After you've authorized, DesktopClient.access expects Mediamatic to
redirect your browser to its embedded server; that is the Jetty server
to which the local variable access.server refers.  The URL is
something like http://localhost:5298/oauth/callback.  It sounds like
Mediamatic isn't doing that.

Has Mediamatic upgraded to OAuth 1.0a recently?

On Jul 14, 8:48 pm, monkeyvu phamanhvu101...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have run the sample application Mediamatic.java but it's hang at the
 following statement:


 That statement is in DesktopClient.java file. The snippet of the
 function is:

 if (accessor.accessToken == null) {
     getOAuthClient().getAccessToken(accessor, null, null);


 Actually, it opened a new browser with authorization URL, then I got
 the code from the site, enter that code into the running application ,
 close the browser but nothing happened. The application just kept
 running and looks like it's hang...
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[oauth] Re: How should the be notified if a request for authorization is denied?

2009-07-16 Thread John Kristian

I would pass a verifier, perhaps oauth_verifier=placeholder.  I
imagine a careless consumer might behave badly if the verifier is

On Jul 13, 4:48 pm, Richard Wallace rwall...@thewallacepack.net
 The OAuth spec section 6.2.3 states that If the User denies access,
 the Consumer MAY be notified that the Request Token has been revoked.
  At first I was thinking that I would just flag the request token as
 being denied on the service provider and then when the consumer tries
 to swap tokens specify that the oauth_problem is permission_denied.
 But when the service provider redirects the user to the consumer
 callback URI, should I still pass the verifier parameter or not

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[oauth] Re: File Upload

2009-07-16 Thread John Kristian

Try calling client.access, instead of client.invoke.  The invoke
method is intended for requesting OAuth tokens, not accessing
protected resources.

On Jul 9, 3:43 pm, Siahm siahm@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello I am trying to upload a file with OAuth and I can´t. I get error
 500 or 200, but I am looking for 201 response. I am using this code:

 params.put(param01, value01);

 aouthRequest = access.newRequestMessage(method, baseUrl,
 params.entrySet(), new FileInputStream(file));

 aouthRequest.getHeaders().add(new OAuth.Parameter(Content-Length,

 //Validation is ok at this point
 aouthRequest.validateMessage(access, new SimpleOAuthValidator());

 OAuthMessage rs = client.invoke(aouthRequest,

 I have checked the oauth_ parameters and they are right. I have also
 try to put content type headers and it fails.

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[oauth] Re: How to share (auth) our embedded SaaS content

2009-07-20 Thread John Kristian

OAuth would enable slave servers to send HTTP requests directly to
master servers, with assurance that a user authorized each request.
If you need this, OAuth is a reasonable choice; if you don't, it
probably isn't.

On Jul 18, 8:14 am, Douglas dugca...@gmail.com wrote:
 Please be gentle ;-) ... I've read the OAuth introduction and
 scenarios but I think our need is a little different ...however, I
 wanted to bounce this off the OAuth community as perhaps I have yet to
 see the true abstractions available in the implementation.

 Our use case: We offer SaaS services built and branded to look like
 what ever site we have partnered with ... thus our site is a 'slave'
 to a 'master' site where authentication takes place. The user
 experience hides the fact that the user is accessing our site.   When
 the user needs our services, we must depend on an authentication
 having taken place on the 'master' site.

 We would like to verify the request coming from the 'master' site
 without having to build unique, one-off 'is that really you and is
 this request good?' interactions with each master site that hosts our

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[oauth] Re: Getting started with OAuth...

2009-07-25 Thread John Kristian

You can generate javadoc like this:

svn checkout http://oauth.googlecode.com/svn/code/java/core
cd core
mvn javadoc:javadoc

You'll find the javadoc in target/site/apidocs/index.html.

There's a beginner's guide http://oauth.net/documentation/getting-started

Yes, tokens may be expired or revoked.  But OAuth Core doesn't
standardize the process.

On Jul 24, 10:53 pm, mw_java michaelwilso...@gmail.com wrote:
 I looked at the following URLs and noticed that there was no JavaDocs
 included with these libraries:



 (1) What is the best way to get up to speed with the OAuth libraries?
 (2) Can an OAuth token be expired or revoked?
 (3) What's the best tutorial / online resource for learning OAuth?
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[oauth] Re: Want to make sure I have this right - oAuth 2 Legged

2009-07-25 Thread John Kristian


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[oauth] Re: Want to make sure I have this right - oAuth 2 Legged

2009-07-25 Thread John Kristian

The consumer key, consumer secret and nonce should be unguessable.  A
popular choice is bits from a cryptographically strong random number
generator, encoded as letters and numerals.  The nonce should not be a
predictable function of other data.

Don't add salt to the signature algorithm.  That won't conform to
OAuth.  (You might consider the consumer secret to be salt.)

On Jul 19, 5:51 pm, logix812 aventure...@gmail.com wrote:
 Now, the $signature could be generated a different way, so long as it
 was hashed under the provided oauth_signature_method.
 eg (adding a shared salt that both the consumer and the service
 provider know about):

 $signature = hash_hmac('sha1', $consumer_key.$shared_salt,

 Now, in both cases, when the Service Provider receives the request it
 can look at the signature, and perform it's own hash, under the same
 rules that the consumer generated their hash.  Assuming service
 providers hash is equal to the signature, the Service Provider knows
 the request is signed, and can continue.  This is the reason the
 consumer does not want to let anyone know what it's secret is.  The
 $consumer_secret is effectively the password.

 Do I have the right idea for oauth_signature/$signature?

 oauth_nonce / $nonce, aside from marking request, so they cannot be
 used again, this is another place where the request can effective be
 signed. so long as both the service provider know how it was created,
 so that it can validate it.  One possible way to create this value
 would then be:

 $nonce = hash('md5', $time.$consumer_secret.$consumer_key);

 Assuming the service provider knows the Consumer is using $time as
 part of the hash(which it will be receiving in oauth_timestamp), it
 should always generate a unique value.

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[oauth] Re: Getting started with OAuth...

2009-07-25 Thread John Kristian

The OAuth Core spec mandates that service providers enable users to
revoke access tokens.  And it mentions that a service provider should
send HTTP response code 401 when it receives an expired token.

However, it says nothing about how a user would ask to revoke a token,
why a service provider might revoke a token, when or why tokens might
expire, how a consumer can determine that a token has expired or been
revoked, or what a consumer should do in these situations.

On Jul 25, 3:36 pm, mw_java michaelwilso...@gmail.com wrote:
 Could you elaborate on what you meant by this?

 On Jul 25, 12:17 pm, John Kristian jmkrist...@gmail.com wrote:
  Yes, tokens may be expired or revoked.  But OAuth Core doesn't
  standardize the process.

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[oauth] Re: OAuth: Authenticating JAX-RS (Jersey) with an iPhone Client App?

2009-07-26 Thread John Kristian

I've read that an iPhone app can't retrieve Key Chain items that were
stored by other apps.
If true, the Key Chain would be a good place to store token secrets.

On Jul 26, 11:25 am, Monis monisiq...@gmail.com wrote:
 John mentioned an interesting use case for a crooked iPhone app to
 steal the consumer secret of a legible app on the same phone. I also
 think that the key chain in iPhone can be read by other apps on it
 but we can encrypt the secret to prevent such an attack.

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[oauth] Re: PHP Response Codes

2009-08-05 Thread John Kristian

http://wiki.oauth.net/ProblemReporting is applicable.
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[oauth] Re: Is there a specific group/mailing list for the OAuth Java library?

2009-08-06 Thread John Kristian

No. :-)

On Aug 6, 10:55 am, javacat henrik.mar...@rovicorp.com wrote:
 Hi folks. I joined the OAuth group and mailing list yesterday. It
 seems like this group is a general OAuth discussion forum, but I'm
 mainly interested in the Java library implementation. Is there a
 specific group or mailing list for just the Java library?
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[oauth] Re: OAuth server

2009-08-15 Thread John Kristian

There's an example service provider at
But it doesn't do what Shunde wants.

I don't find any code at http://code.google.com/p/oauth-java/

On Aug 15, 2:15 am, michael_h mic...@gmail.com wrote:



 On Aug 14, 1:42 pm, Shunde Zhang dickie.ch...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi Manish,

  Thanks for your information. Could you give me the link to the oauth
  server on google code?
  And is there a doc on how to install it with other identity providers?

  Thanks a lot,

  On Aug 14, 3:08 pm, Manish Pandit pandit.man...@gmail.com wrote:

   On Aug 11, 8:29 pm, Shunde Zhang dickie.ch...@gmail.com wrote:


I am interested in OAuth and want to set up my own oauth env. From the
website, all I found are oauth client libs. I would like to know
whether there are open source oauth servers, or apache modules. What I
want to set up is just like how google oauth works, I have an LDAP
server, and want to set up something on top of that to let users
authenticate against it with oauth protocol, then I set up another
service provider so that users can attach the token when accessing it,
and the service provider can validate the token with the oauth server.

Is there anything like this yet?


   There are sample oauth servers on code.google.com in PHP and Java (not
   sure about others). However these may need to be customized per your
   needs but act as a very good reference implementations. You can use
   any identity/auth server - OAuth does not rely on the authentication
   store, it delegates the authentication process to the identity
   provider. The end user will still login as if he were logging into the
   identity provider's site - OAuth is handed back the control after the
   auth is done at the identity provider. In other words, you'd need to
   have that login part on your site regardless of OAuth.

   Manish- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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[oauth] Re: Timing Attacks against OAuth implementations

2009-08-16 Thread John Kristian

The Java implementation
validates timestamp and nonce before signature.  I've just committed
changes to defend against a timing attack.  It accepts plaintext
signatures by default, but one can make it reject plaintext signatures
by calling OAuthSignatureMethod.unregisterMethod(PLAINTEXT).

On Aug 14, 1:38 pm, Pelle Braendgaard pel...@gmail.com wrote:
 From what I can see you would need only one variable for it to be
 feasible, that is the consumer secret on a request token request.
 However since the nonce and timestamp have to be changed I don't think
 it's feasible for any of the digest based attacks (nor the rsa one).

 I also just made a test request against agree2 attempting to set
 PLAINTEXT and it did not accept it, so I'm glad we handled that case
 back when we wrote the OAuth Ruby gem. You might want to check your
 oauth implementation for this if you're not using the standard ruby
 implementation. I have no idea how Python, Java, .net etc handle this.

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[oauth] Re: Unknown authorization header Error 401

2009-08-20 Thread John Kristian

The signature base string should begin:

Technically it's incorrect for the authorization header to contain a
gessionid parameter; the standard place to put it would be in the URL
query string.  But Google tolerates this, I imagine.

Here's a little tool for checking signature computation:

On Aug 18, 7:31 pm, Randy rglissm...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've been successful with GET and now trying to use POST. I've used
 the following base string for the signature: POST%3A%2F%2Fgsessionid

 Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?

 POST /calendar/feeds/default/private/full HTTP/1.1
 Accept: */*
 GData-Version: 2.0
 Content-Type: application/atom+xml
 Authorization: OAuth gsessionid=xpjA3uUinQTbCxbUtD3Thw,
 oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1, oauth_timestamp=1250648662,

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[oauth] Re: OAuth on mobile devices - API key per device instead of per application

2009-08-20 Thread John Kristian

A user should be responsible for his access token secret. If he
reveals it to an attacker, he should expect the attacker can
impersonate him, just as if he gave his authorized mobile device to
the attacker. An application can help prevent such a mistake, by
making it difficult for the user to find his token secret.

A user must trust the software that can use his secret. OAuth doesn't
help with this; you need some other system for establishing trust. If
malicious software can use an access token secret for signing, the
attacker who controls the software can impersonate the user. Or if
malicious software can reveal the secret to an attacker, the attacker
can run software elsewhere that impersonates the user's device.

On Aug 20, 9:00 am, Sunir su...@freshbooks.com wrote:
 It's insufficient to provide a key for each device, since the key can
 be cloned by an attacker and used on another device. e.g. if you gave
 Alice the consumer key AlicesPhone for her mobile, she could give her
 key to Bob and he can use it on his mobile and pretend to be Alice.

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[oauth] Re: OAuth on mobile devices - API key per device instead of per application

2009-08-20 Thread John Kristian

We're in uncharted territory here. At least I don't know of any
working systems like this. So take my ideas with healthy skepticism.

Yes, a service provider should be able to unauthorize a consumer
easily.  But if the consumer is composed of multiple applications
(sharing a token and secret), OAuth doesn't provide a way to
unauthorize the applications individually. (You might consider this a
reason not to have multiple applications work as one consumer.)

I tossed out a half-baked idea that some entity within the mobile
device might control access by applications individually. It would
need a way to identify unauthorized applications.

On Aug 20, 6:23 pm, Sunir Shah su...@freshbooks.com wrote:

 On 20-Aug-09, at 9:03 PM, John Kristian wrote:

  If an application turns out to be malicious, I don't know how you can
  unauthorize it without unauthorizing other applications on the same
  device. Does Android provide some way for one software module to
  identify another, before cooperating with it?

 OAuth makes it easy to disable every single access token owned by a  
 compromised consumer at once. You have the consumer key when you  
 authorize the access token. You should store the consumer association  
 with the access token. Then it's only one query to blow away all the  
 compromised consumer's access tokens.

  Is there some notion of
  a module being signed by the organization responsible for it? If so,
  you might create a module that mediates usage of the token and secret,
  and can refuse usage by blacklisted applications.

 If I understand your question correctly, signing an application is  
 irrelevant to the OAuth service provider, since you can fake any  
 signature over the wire. It's only possible for the device's operating  
 system to verify the signature because it has access to the  
 application binary.

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[oauth] Re: OAuth on mobile devices - API key per device instead of per application

2009-08-21 Thread John Kristian

Rather than assign a different consumer secret to each device, I
suggest each device get a unique access token secret using OAuth; that
is by asking the user to authenticate to each service provider and
authorize the device. (The token secret and consumer secret are
separate elements in OAuth.)

Yes, a determined user can find his own token secret. That's OK. The
problem is allowing someone else (an attacker) to use the secret. To
prevent that, applications should discourage the user from finding his
token secret, and hide the secret from other, possibly malicious
applications running on the same mobile device. The latter needs some
infrastructure, to prevent applications from seeing each other's data.

For a consumer copied to users' mobile devices (or desktops), a
conventional consumer secret isn't very useful because it isn't really
secret. Assume attackers will know it. You might as well publish it,
as Google did. Look elsewhere for assurance that consumer software is
trustworthy. I expect any healthy software market will have some way
to help users trust the software they use.

Yes, OAuth doesn't help fight piracy. (I mean the use of unauthorized
copies or imitations of licensed software.)

On Aug 20, 6:38 pm, Sunir Shah su...@freshbooks.com wrote:
 Sorry, the original proposal as I understood it was that every  
 application gets a consumer secret for each mobile device. Presumably  
 you could arrange this by cooking the binary every download with a  
 different consumer secret. This is impossible in mobile environments  
 with centralized distribution (iTunes, AppWorld). However, in those  
 environments, this isn't really a problem.

 My first reaction was that there is no way to avoid piracy, since if  
 Pirate Alice downloaded the app, she could post it on the Internet and  
 anyone (i.e. Bob) could use it. However, I realize now that isn't the  
 case, since you can monitor the use of the consumer secret, and if one  
 secret seems overly used, you can destroy it disabling all pirates.  
 Hello Windows Genuine Advantage.

 However, I would add in response to your suggestion, you should not  
 rely on the premise that it is hard for the user to find their token  
 secret since it is so easy to retrieve with common reverse engineering  

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[oauth] Redirecting a Consumer

2009-08-24 Thread John Kristian

Do OAuth service providers redirect consumers?  I mean send HTTP
status code 301, 302, 303 or 307 in response to a request for a token
or access to a protected resource.  If the first request wasn't a GET,
should the consumer fail, send a GET or repeat the original method
(e.g. POST)?  If a consumer follows the redirect, should it generate a
new timestamp, nonce and signature for the new request?

I'd like to develop a Java library to make it easy to handle
redirection, but I'm not sure what it should do.
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[oauth] Re: Redirecting a Consumer

2009-08-25 Thread John Kristian

requires a consumer to repeat the original request (e.g. POST). The
consumer must send either an S cookie or a gsessionid parameter from
the redirect response, in this and subsequent requests in a session.
I'm not sure what a 'session' is, but I guess requests on behalf of
different users require different sessions. Each request must be
correctly signed; so the second request must have a different
oauth_signature if it has an added gsessionid parameter. It doesn't
matter whether the second request has the same timestamp and nonce as
the first.

Do other service providers redirect their consumers?

On Aug 24, 10:18 am, Tim Fletcher t...@tfletcher.com wrote:
 The Google Calendar API does.
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[oauth] Re: invalid sinature problem

2009-08-26 Thread John Kristian

Here's a simpler way, which works for me.

import net.oauth.OAuth;
import net.oauth.OAuthAccessor;
import net.oauth.OAuthConsumer;
import net.oauth.OAuthProblemException;
import net.oauth.OAuthServiceProvider;
import net.oauth.client.OAuthClient;
import net.oauth.client.httpclient4.HttpClient4;
import net.oauth.http.HttpMessage;

public class YahooContacts {
  private static final String consumerKey = ...
  private static final String consumerSecret = ...
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
OAuthClient client = new OAuthClient(new HttpClient4());
OAuthAccessor accessor = new OAuthAccessor(
  new OAuthConsumer(
new OAuthServiceProvider(
final String callback = oob;
try {
  client.getRequestToken(accessor, null,
OAuth.newList(OAuth.OAUTH_CALLBACK, callback));
OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN, accessor.requestToken));
} catch (OAuthProblemException problem) {

The imports are available via Maven:


  nameOAuth Repository/name

On Aug 25, 6:04 am, stager0909 stager0...@gmail.com wrote:
 I want to use yahoo contact api. So I try oauth using HMAC-SHA1
 algorithm. But I fail to acquire request token.
 result message : Unable to respond to any of these challenges:
 {oauth=OAuth oauth_problem=signature_invalid}

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[oauth] Re: having trouble trying to get oauth js working on server side

2009-09-04 Thread John Kristian

Perhaps the timestamp is out of range because the server's clock is

Check the signature base string, compared to
If the base strings are the same but the signatures are different,
b64_hmac_sha1 is wrong.
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[oauth] Re: How to obtain access_token using OAuthClient.getAccessToken?

2009-09-09 Thread John Kristian

The oauth_verifier should be sent to the service provider when
requesting an access token, like this:

client.getAccessToken(oAuthAccessor, null,
 OAuth.newList(oauth_verifier, params.getString(oauth_verifier));

On Sep 7, 1:52 am, stager0909 stager0...@gmail.com wrote:
 I want to get yahoo contact. So I obtain request_token and user login.
 But I fail to get access token
 public void obtainAccessToken() throws IOException,
 net.oauth.OAuthException, URISyntaxException {
   try {
     client.getAccessToken(oAuthAccessor, null, null);

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[oauth] Re: Trouble with the javascript library and timestamps (possible fix)

2009-09-10 Thread John Kristian

Thank you, David!  A great idea, and a working implementation too.  I
committed a similar change to 
It uses the query string parameter name oauth_timestamp, instead of
servertime.  For example, in PHP:

script src=js/oauth.js?oauth_timestamp=?=time()?

Can you say more about how you're using this?  I'm pleasantly
surprised to hear it's useful, since browsers don't allow cross-site

By the way, Netflix no longer maintains this code (as far as I know).
I wrote it, and maintain it in my spare time, but I work at LinkedIn

On Sep 9, 10:50 am, David King da...@1daylater.com wrote:
 OK, I have created a simple fix that works in the manner I've
 -- How to use --

 script src=/js/oauth.js?servertime=1252518585

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[oauth] Re: Token Request - Authorization Challenge Missing

2009-09-11 Thread John Kristian

You can ask Signpost users via http://groups.google.com/group/signpost-users

On Sep 7, 7:41 am, Smelly Eddie ollit...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello, I am using the signpost twitter example but with Netflix's api.

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[oauth] Re: Signing PUT request

2009-09-15 Thread John Kristian

No, the signature base string doesn't contain parameters from the body
of a PUT request.

There is an extension to protect request bodies.

On Sep 15, 8:29 am, Hannes Tydén han...@soundcloud.com wrote:
 When I do a POST with content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
 the request body should be used to form part of the signature base
 string. Is this also the case for PUT requests?

 I can't find anything in the specification that says that PUT requests
 would be treated any differently, but I just want to make sure.

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[oauth] Re: Signing PUT request

2009-09-16 Thread John Kristian

You can implement body hashing on top of the Java library, but the
library doesn't implement it.

On Sep 16, 1:06 pm, Monis monisiq...@gmail.com wrote:
 Do we have the support for this extension in the oauth java library?

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[oauth] Re: new to oauth

2009-10-13 Thread John Kristian

OAuthAccessor.accessToken should be initialized to null, not  (to
indicate that the consumer has not yet obtained a valid access token).

The example oauth-provider validates requests like this:


It calls SimpleOAuthValidator.validateSignature, which calls
OAuthSignatureMethod.validate, which should call HMAC_SHA1.isValid.

On Oct 12, 11:31 pm, Anuradha Thota anuradha.th...@gmail.com wrote:
 Yes I have seen this example. I do not see signature verification
 process anywhere.According to http://oauth.net/core/1.0, the Service
 Provider verifies the request by generating a new request signature
 octet string, and comparing it to the signature provided by the
 Consumer. Could you plesae provide help on this?

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[oauth] Re: new to oauth

2009-10-21 Thread John Kristian

The latest core .jar is in 
HttpRequestMessage and OAuthServlet are in
SampleOAuthProvider is in the .war file in

These files are in a Maven repository; so you might find it convenient
to use Maven to download them and build your software. Source code for
each .jar or .war is in the same folder, in a *-sources.jar file.

On Oct 20, 10:16 pm, Anuradha Thota anuradha.th...@gmail.com wrote:
 The jar am currently using is oauth-20090617.jar . i need classes
 HttpRequestMessage.java,SampleOAuthProvider.java ,
 OAuthServlet.java ,The jar doesnt seem to include these classes.
 Which jar can i include to get the above classes also.
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[oauth] Re: (request access token) Should oauth_verifier be in the same place than other oauth_ parameters?

2009-10-21 Thread John Kristian

1. Yes, a consumer may send some parameters in a header and others in
the body.

2. Yes, oauth_verifier is signed; that is, it's included in the
Signature Base String.

It sounds like the Ruby/Rails software needs work.

On Oct 21, 1:31 am, Florent florentvauce...@gmail.com wrote:
 1. Can the consumer send oauth parameters from various places
 (I understand oauth parameter as being part of the signature) ?
 2. Is the oauth_verifier parameter, sent to the provider when
 requesting an access token, a parameter part of the signature, or
 just a request parameter?

 My understanding is that oauth_verifier is a regular oauth parameter,
 so it's part of the signature, and that all signature should be
 included in a single place.

 He tells me that the library he uses (a .net lib) works well with
 Twitter and Google amongst others. But it won't work with the one
 I use (Ruby OAuth + Rails OAuth plugin).

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[oauth] Re: new to oauth

2009-10-22 Thread John Kristian

SimpleOAuthValidator checks nonces, but not very well.  See the
javadoc for details.  For a scalable service provider, you need a
database to store nonces that have been used recently.

On Oct 21, 11:51 pm, Anuradha Thota anuradha.th...@gmail.com wrote:
 i need to check the nonce value to see if the incoming
 request is a valid(unique) one or not.

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[oauth] Re: OAuth Server Libraries

2009-10-26 Thread John Kristian

There's a sample service provider source code in
It has javadoc, but no other documentation. It's a Servlet
application. It uses .jars whose source code is in
http://oauth.googlecode.com/svn/code/java/core/provider/ and
These are Maven modules; available from the repository

This code isn't changing fast. I don't know whether anyone has used it
to implement a real service provider.

On Oct 26, 7:17 am, Hans Granqvist h...@granqvist.com wrote:
 Check out http://oauth.net/code

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[oauth] Re: Question about Access Token

2009-11-02 Thread John Kristian

Authorization may depend on the user, as well as the consumer. For
example, suppose the service provider has data for each user, and each
user may access his own data but not other users' data. So, a consumer
acting on behalf of User X may access the data for X but not Y; a
consumer acting on behalf of user Y may access the data for Y but not
X. The service provider knows a request comes from X or Y because the
consumer sends the corresponding access token, either a token
associated with user X or a token associated with user Y.

On Nov 2, 6:31 am, Melvin Carvalho melvincarva...@gmail.com wrote:
 I guess my question is:  if the Service Provider already knows the
 Consumer is authorized to access a resource, why does it also need an
 Access Token?

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[oauth] Re: Problem Reporting Extension: Duplicate OAuth Parameters

2009-11-05 Thread John Kristian

Would the addition of a new value help the consumer to resolve
problems better? I think any new value should, as a rule. That is,
let's not add values that don't help the consumer resolve problems.

In this case, an alternative is to send
oauth_problem=parameter_rejected and oauth_parameters_rejected.

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[oauth] Re: Problem Reporting Extension: Duplicate OAuth Parameters

2009-11-06 Thread John Kristian

Could consumer software recognize oauth_problem=parameter_duplicated,
and react by sending another request without duplicate parameters,
without bothering the user? That would be good for the user, and thus
a good reason to add parameter_duplicated to the repertoire.  But I
wonder why the consumer wouldn't send a correct request (without
duplicates) to begin with.

Regarding encoding, an example response body would be


... but without the line break.  The '' that separates the absent
parameter names is percent-encoded to %26 (like any parameter value).
A consumer can parse this easily.

On Nov 6, 10:03 am, Paul Walker pjwal...@gmail.com wrote:
 Um, the consumer would resolve the problem by not sending duplicate  
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[oauth] Re: HTTPS + Plaintext Versus HTTP + HMAC-SHA1

2010-01-31 Thread John Kristian
SSL can provide data privacy (with encryption) and assure the user or
consumer of the service provider's identity (with certificate-based
server authentication).  OAuth doesn't do any of this.

A mix of HTTP and HTTPS can be used. For example, one could use HTTPS
for sending token secrets and sending the user's password to the
service provider, and use HTTP for access to protected resources. Of
course, the consumer and service provider must agree to these choices.
Some service providers support both, leaving the choice up to their

Bear in mind that Twitter doesn't need very strong security, since it
doesn't handle money or private information.

On Jan 30, 6:26 am, David King da...@1daylater.com wrote:
 Currently I'm using HMAC-SHA1 over HTTP and have been considering
 adding in SSL to my app, but am slightly confused as to what is more
 appropriate. Obviously I'll be losing a *lot* of speed with SSL, and
 from reading the specification I'm unclear whether it's actually

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[oauth] Re: 2-legged OAuth -- why it's great, what it's missing

2010-02-01 Thread John Kristian
In theory, a service provider could handle a change of consumer
credentials, and continue to accept access tokens that it issued to
that consumer previously. But that seems dangerous. If the consumer
credentials were revealed to an attacker, it seems likely that access
tokens and secrets were also revealed.

I assume we're talking about 
or something similar.

On Jan 30, 3:32 pm, John Joseph Bachir johnjosephbac...@gmail.com
 Second, here is what 2-legged OAuth is missing from the spirit of OAuth: In
 three-legged OAuth, the user can revoke the third-party's access to their
 resources at any time, if they stop trusting the third-party. In two-legged
 OAuth, if the service fears that they credentials have been compromised,
 they can change them, but -- if I'm not mistaken -- this results in all of
 the user tokens being invalidated as well, even though the compromised
 service creds wouldn't necessarily have results in access to the user creds
 or resources. In other words: users revoking their OAuth keys for a service
 does not have annoying side-effects, but a service changing its credentials

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[oauth] Re: Keep Getting an Unauthorized Exception

2010-02-13 Thread John Kristian
Don't add an oauth_token parameter to params.  OAuthClient.invoke will
do that for you.

It's not necessary to set accessor.tokenSecret, if you set the
accessToken and tokenSecret.  In this case, accessor.tokenSecret
should be the secret that the service provider sent with the access

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[oauth] Re: 400 Bad Request?

2010-02-25 Thread John Kristian
The oauth_timestamp has no time zone; it's implicitly Universal Time
(also known as GMT). But OAuth service providers usually require
consumers' clocks to be fairly accurate.

You could try implementing your client to adapt to the server's clock.
It could look at the Date in the HTTP response headers, or the
oauth_acceptable_timestamps in the response body.

On Feb 21, 7:38 am, Mark mar...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Vinod, I don't understand this though - the PC requesting the oauth
 service is just a regular user - I can't expect them to have their
 timezone set to be the same as the server? The server is using eastern
 standard time. There must be some way around this issue, otherwise all
 oauth services would require their client clocks to also be in EST?
 For example, I can make my timezone anything and it still works with
 twitter oauth services - so is the twitter service just ignoring this
 timestamp restriction?

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[oauth] Re: Why must we change temporary credentials for token credentials?

2010-03-06 Thread John Kristian
Some service providers put information into the access token, such as
the user identity, privileges granted etc.  This can help performance
and scalability.

On Mar 3, 11:42 pm, PK pengk...@gmail.com wrote:
 Can't the server just upgrade the temporary credentials to token
 credentials and retain the same key and secret?

 The client can then start doing authenticated calls right away after
 the recieving the callback from the server stating that the temporary
 credentials has been upgraded.

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[oauth] Re: Java OAuth Library and POST Requests Failing Validation

2010-03-06 Thread John Kristian
This might give you some helpful information:

OAuthResponseMessage response = ...
responseCode = response.getHttpResponse().getStatusCode();
if (responseCode != 200) {
  MapString, Object dump = response.getDump();

You can use 
to check the signature.

On Mar 5, 4:52 pm, thnguyen tsx...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm using John Kristian's Java OAuth library and am running into a
 problem with POST requests.  Signature validation is failing for POST
 requests containing querystring parameters.  The requests contains
 Content-Type: application/xml with an XML payload.

 When I remove the querystring parameter from the request the signature
 validation succeeds.  Does anyone have any insight on why signature
 validation fails when adding a querystring parameter?

 I've pasted my code to test the OAuth protected resource 

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[oauth] 2-legged OAuth spec

2010-03-26 Thread John Kristian
Where's the latest specification of two-legged OAuth?  The last one I
saw was 
But I wonder if there's a newer one.  At IETF, perhaps?

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[oauth] Re: 400/401 Questions

2010-03-26 Thread John Kristian
You might find it helpful to add some diagnostic information to the
response; for example http://oauth.pbworks.com/ProblemReporting

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[oauth] Re: New OAuth java library

2010-04-10 Thread John Kristian
The net.oauth library works with LinkedIn.  For example:

On Apr 6, 3:32 pm, Pablo Fernandez fernandezpabl...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've developed a new OAuth library for java that is ... the only
 one known to work out of the box with LinkedIn's implementation of

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[oauth] Re: Java API advice

2010-04-21 Thread John Kristian
The net.oauth library is the oldest.  It's been used in Shindig, by
LinkedIn and some other companies I'm aware of.  It works with several
HTTP clients: the Java standard HttpURLConnection, and Apache versions
3.x and 4.x.

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[oauth] Re: oauth_callback parameter not sent to getsatisfaction

2010-04-27 Thread John Kristian
You can set the oauth_callback parameter dynamically, like this:

OAuthServiceProvider provider = ... // not including oauth_callback
String callbackURL = ...
String authorizationURL =
  OAuth.OAUTH_CALLBACK, callbackURL);
// Next, direct the user's browser to the authorizationURL.

On Apr 24, 9:13 pm, vasya10 vasy...@gmail.com wrote:
 Unfortunately since my callback url is different at different entry
 points, Im unable to set the oauth_callback url in the authorization
 url dynamically since OAuthService must be static. Is there an
 alternative to this issue?

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[oauth] Re: Accepting patch for issue 156

2010-05-07 Thread John Kristian
Thank you for the patch.  I'll review it this weekend.

It's nice to hear you're getting some value from this software.

On May 5, 7:32 pm, Matt matt.la...@gmail.com wrote:
 I opened issue 156 a couple of weeks ago, including a patch to fix the
 problem.  There hasn't been activity on the bug, so I'm not sure if
 anybody has looked at it.

 Is there a procedure I should follow to get my issue and patch
 reviewed, and hopefully accepted into the mainline OAuth Java library?

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[oauth] Re: % character in OAuth request token

2010-07-15 Thread John Kristian
The OAuth spec doesn't require tokens to be URL-safe.  It's nice if
they are, but it's not required.

Tokens (and other parameters) from the service provider are percent
encoded.  See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5849#section-2.1 and
Request parameters must also be percent encoded.  See

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[oauth] Re: SimpleGeo requests returning 401 Unauthorized

2010-07-18 Thread John Kristian
Several implementations of OAuth in Python already exist.  It would
probably help to use one, or at least look at its source code.  For
examples see http://oauth.net/code/

I'm not familiar with Python, but it looks like the code above fails
to percent encode values in several places, and fails to include the
oauth_ parameters in the signature base string (when computing the
HMAC-SHA1 signature). I'm not sure whether the parameters are sorted
correctly.  A GET request should not have a Content-Type header, I
think.  application/x-www-form-urlencode is misspelled; it should be
urlencoded (with a 'd' at the end).

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[oauth] Re: Java Examples

2010-08-03 Thread John Kristian
I assume you used Maven to build a .war from

Perhaps you didn't deploy the .war to /OAuthProviderEKM.  To check,
direct your browser to http://localhost:8080/OAuthProviderEKM/
If the .war was deployed correctly, you'll see a page saying 'Check
out readme file for more information.'

Perhaps you didn't include query string parameters in the request.
AuthorizationServlet requires oauth_token and oauth_callback
parameters; for example
The oauth_token must have been returned from a recent request to

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[oauth] Re: Java library enhancement for OAuth 2.0 provider

2010-08-29 Thread John Kristian
Please don't make any changes that are incompatible with existing
applications of the net.oauth library.

Since OAuth 1 and OAuth 2 use conflicting terminology, I recommend
creating a new package net.oauth.v2.  For example, you can create the
class net.oauth.v2.OAuthClient, with minimal confusion with the
existing net.oauth.OAuthClient.

I haven't thought about it much, but I suspect it might be best to
create an entirely new API for OAuth 2.  I don't see much overlap with
OAuth 1.  What has been the experience of people who have implemented
OAuth 2?  Does a combined API make sense?

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[oauth] Re: What's in an access token?

2010-08-31 Thread John Kristian
It's vendor specific.

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[oauth] Re: Maven repo?

2010-12-06 Thread John Kristian
The only one I know is http://oauth.googlecode.com/svn/code/maven

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