Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OpenSXCE/SPARC: It was a mistake to keep the site online.

2014-09-23 Thread Laurent Blume

Obviously, you don't know Martin. I've refrained from intervening in 
those threads for what, more than one year now? Just because I also 
hoped it would stop. It hasn't.

I don't want THIS discussion to be stopped. I would have liked it stated 
that none will happen again.

But it is okay, I'm not willing to hide behind anybody, I'll kick the 
one person I can kick out of this list.


Le 2014/09/23 10:00 +0200, Dick Hoogendijk a écrit:

You do not need a list administrator tot stop this disvussion. All YOU have to 
do is shut up. Stop reacting. Don't try tot hide behind the back of someone 
else just tot kick somebody off this list. Because it is nog about stopping 
this conversation nut soms very narrow minded egos want to have their way. 

22 sep. 2014 schreef:

Le 2014/09/22 19:38 +0200, Nikola M. a écrit:

Only discriminating people for their political views (that they


beside talking on topic subjects) would be also unacceptable. (Beside


generally don't want other politics then software ones).

If someone discuss something about technology, then adds at the end


he's message something else in signature or something, it could not


considered whole message off topic.
It was practice in ancient Rome it is still merely normal.

I've yet to see anything about technology and not blatant politics or
insults in that thread.

No idea what they used as a Solaris distro in ancient Rome, but their
political discussions in arenas filled with hungry lions was lacking in

term of having a second debate.

So, is there somebody administering this list that will step up and say

this is stopping, now?

Thank you,


openindiana-discuss mailing list

-- Verzonden van mijn Android telefoon met K-@ Mail.
openindiana-discuss mailing list

openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OpenSXCE/SPARC: It was a mistake to keep the site online.

2014-09-22 Thread Laurent Blume

Le 2014/09/20 11:15 +0200, Nikola M. a écrit:

On 09/15/14 11:20 AM, Krzysztof Grzempa wrote:

Well, for me it is mistake to mix up technology with politics. I respects

only thing, we can't stop people doing that, we can only ask them to.

The off-topic traffic can and should most definitely be stopped on this 
list, and I'm joining those asking that it stops now.

There are other, many, free, perfectly valid outlets to express one's 
political views. If you want to use them, join them.


openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] OpenSXCE/SPARC: It was a mistake to keep the site online.

2014-09-22 Thread Laurent Blume

Le 2014/09/22 19:38 +0200, Nikola M. a écrit:

Only discriminating people for their political views (that they express,
beside talking on topic subjects) would be also unacceptable. (Beside we
generally don't want other politics then software ones).

If someone discuss something about technology, then adds at the end of
he's message something else in signature or something, it could not be
considered whole message off topic.
It was practice in ancient Rome it is still merely normal.

I've yet to see anything about technology and not blatant politics or 
insults in that thread.

No idea what they used as a Solaris distro in ancient Rome, but their 
political discussions in arenas filled with hungry lions was lacking in 
term of having a second debate.

So, is there somebody administering this list that will step up and say 
this is stopping, now?

Thank you,


openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] ZFS allowed characters (valid characters)

2014-09-15 Thread Laurent Blume

Le 2014/09/14 17:26 +0200, Jim Klimov a écrit:

while i don't have a precise answer, i think that the set of valid
characters in dataset names is different from those in the POSIX
filesystems - i.e. '@' and '%' are reserved dataset separators (real
and receiving-in-progress snapshots) while valid in filenames.

We were taught in school that only '\0' and '/' are invalid in posix
fs object names, being the end of string and directory separator
accordingly. I am not sure if this holds in the utf era as well,

For the filenames, that's the default behaviour, all except \0 and / . 
However, you can restrict it only to UTF8 valid sequences with the 
utf8only property. That can only be enabled at dataset creation time, 
I tend to enable it nowadays. See also the normalization property.

For dataset/pool names, only a subset of ASCII is supported.


openindiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] [developer] HBA recommended except LSI and ARECA

2014-05-05 Thread Laurent Blume

Le 2014/05/05 11:54 +0200, Fred Liu a écrit:

Just like what Bob mentioned, the current pmcs(7D) in illumos cannot work with 
series of HBAs. Even replaced with SAS drives, the effort is still in vain.

Anyway, it looks like there is a very clear gap between commodity and 
enterprise market.
I definitely understand it is because of different business model. LSI and 
enterprise-oriented. And so far I cannot find commodity-oriented(Marvell?) HBAs 
working in illumos.
The on-board AHCI SATA interfaces are friends for individual/home users.

What about the Silicon Image ones? I used to have an Si3124, once the 
original dirty bugs were fixed in S10, it's been working well enough for me.

I've switched to using an LSI SAS card with the same consumer SATA 
drives, saved enough money and has been working well for me (still on S10).


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] [developer] HBA recommended except LSI and ARECA

2014-05-05 Thread Laurent Blume

Le 2014/05/05 17:22 +0200, Fred Liu a écrit:

[Fred]: I also heard of this HBA. It has 4 ports as max and very limited
bus bandwidth

Well, hey, consumer! :-)

[Fred]: you have good luck! :-)


I did have issues, the usual failing disks and stuff, but there's been 
no datalose, and nothing unexpected, I've done firmware upgrades on 
cards and disks with relative ease, so I'm good.

As supported in the Solaris world for a prosumer use, I'd say the LSI 
SAS2 devices are amongst the best ROI those days. And seriously, if you 
plan to connect 8 drives there, the cost of one HBA card is not much 
compared to the disks, the enclosure, the cables...


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Recovering from power loss on USB ZFS pool?

2014-03-28 Thread Laurent Blume

Le 2014/03/28 09:35 +0100, Jonathan Adams a écrit:

The Current Ubuntu ZFS driver (in the repository) is one step behind the
hipster variant, I cannot currently mount my hipster partition when I've
booted Ubuntu on the same computer ...

Yes, they've been recommending to use HEAD lately, and keep promising a 
release Real Soon Now.

Indeed it does, superior is a strange way of putting it, but that is how it
appears to be ...

It's not a surprise. Solaris' USB support has always been a few years 
behind and generally poor, unreliable and slow. There are some other 
parts where it shines. But not that one.

It is good, but I have do have issues occasionally (tending towards
usually) where it compile the SPL after the ZFS, which causes the ZFS to
fail until I reinstall it after a reboot.

With the ZFS in the kernel, it does allow me to have a ZFS boot partition,
which I couldn't trust on an Ubuntu installation

I was not exactly talking about the ability to load/unload the module, 
but merely to be able to have the same zfs version with kernels ranging 
from 2.6 to 3.11.

The easy root install issue, sadly, is more a political one than 
technical at this point.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Infinite updates...

2014-03-27 Thread Laurent Blume

Le 2014/03/27 10:20 +0100, John Doe a écrit:

If I do another pkg update, it will redo the whole thing again.
The server has been up for 326 days.
Is it because I am forced to reboot to activate all the new updates and

not just the kernel related ones?
Yes. It's how IPS/pkg was designed to work: by default, it does not 
update the current environment, it creates a new one, and update that 
one. So your updates won't be used until you reboot to the new environment.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Infinite updates...

2014-03-27 Thread Laurent Blume

Le 2014/03/27 11:47 +0100, John Doe a écrit:

Ah, thanks to both for the confirmation.
Coming from linux, I am used to just reboot for kernel updates.
And, since I cannot easily reboot, guess updates will have to wait...

Yup, welcome to Windows 95, err, IPS.

last question, when I see Boot Environment openindiana-10; does that mean
I have 10 full updated environments, each a few GBs, waiting somewhere?

Yes, and you can probably destroy most of them with beadm to reclaim 
some space. Usually it's sufficient to keep only a few.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Recovering from power loss on USB ZFS pool?

2014-03-27 Thread Laurent Blume

Le 2014/03/27 22:23 +0100, Jonathan Adams a écrit:

on a positive note, taking an unreliable old USB ZFS pool off of a
misbehaving Solaris 10 box and plugging into an Ubuntu with ZFS allowed the
USB drive to work flawlessly for a long time thereafter ... Ubuntu ZFS
seems a lot more stable and reliable than the Solaris/Illumos equivalent.
If you have future trouble (and you haven't upgraded your ZFS on Illumos to
the latest greatest hipster version) you should be able to get your data

The zfs code in illumos should be the same (or close) to the one ins ZFS 
for Linux, so they should be pretty compatible, and stay that way 
(unlike, of course, with the Solaris flavour).
So most of the improvement should come from the superior USB support in 

Another thing I do like much in ZoL is the ability to update it 
independantly from the kernel.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Firefox can't save files

2014-03-19 Thread Laurent Blume

Le 2014/03/19 11:51 +0100, Apostolos Syropoulos a écrit:

I have installed version 28.0 and now I cannot install
any addon and of course I cannot save files (I tried to save
an e-mail attachment and it failed). I am sure the problem is
this stupid SunStudio that they are using to compile firefox.
I will send a bug report.

Have you tried the Solaris 10 version?


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Firefox can't save files

2014-03-19 Thread Laurent Blume

Le 2014/03/19 15:19 +0100, Apostolos Syropoulos a écrit:

First, let me repeat that the binary works just fine under OpenSolaris 134.
Second I haven't tried this but I think it should not work.

I think you should, because the S10 version embeds plenty of the 
dependencies (so if it's an S11-OI library difference, more chance to 
avoid it) and is linked to an older set of system libraries (so if it is 
an S11-OI API difference, more chance to avoid it).

The fact that it works in b134 definitely points toward that kind of 
binary incompatibility.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Firefox can't save files

2014-03-19 Thread Laurent Blume

Le 2014/03/19 15:36 +0100, IMK a écrit:

Again, there's no binary incompatibility , with oi-151a9
firefox WORKS.
And I had missed he was complaining about it on S11 too. So it's just 
locally broken.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] How do I upgrade from 151a7 to 151a9 ?

2014-02-19 Thread Laurent Blume

Le 2014/02/19 16:09 +0100, Hans J. Albertsson a écrit:

This is basically my7 experience, too.

And noone seems to have any idea about why these Gnome problems ACTUALLY

GNOME has always been a little picky on upgrades, that's why there is a 
gnome-cleanup tool in Solaris, and I believe, in OI as well.

Ie, if the problem occurs on an existing account, but not on a newly 
created one, chances are it's something messed up in the ~/.gnome*/ 
directories. The easiest way to fix it is to remove them.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Firefox 27 Openindiana is available/HTML5 Score/script to update

2014-02-14 Thread Laurent Blume

Le 2014/02/14 09:41 +0100, Bob Friesenhahn a écrit:

On Thu, 13 Feb 2014, cpforum wrote:

New firefox 24.3.0esr and 27.0 are available on Mozilla.

How evident/obvious is the built in advertising feature in 27?


Is that supposed to be in 27 already? I've not noticed anything in the 
Windows version.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Avoiding the NTP amplification exploit

2014-02-13 Thread Laurent Blume

Le 2014/02/13 11:35 +0100, Bob Friesenhahn a écrit:

On Wed, 12 Feb 2014, Saso Kiselkov wrote:

Prudent advice, yes, but I can't think of any situation where an openly
accessible NTP service on an Internet-facing machine that isn't
*specifically* configured to be an NTP server isn't a case of bad admin
negligence. *All* Internet-facing machines should be running ipfilters
and only open up ports for the services they are designed to provide.

That is pretty harsh.

It's also pretty much true, and plenty of security standards require 
enforcement of that basic policy.

I had a FreeBSD system which was attacked by this
exploit a couple of months ago and it took down my Internet connection
(massive packet loss) until I figured out the cause.  That system still
receives millions of NTP packets per day (which are now tossed).

There is no warning in the NTP documentation about the software
automatically acting like a server and NTP is pretty much a peer-peer

Not really, no. Correct time is not a consensus. NTP definitely has a 
strict top-down hierarchy, not a flat P2P one. But it is indeed 
difficult to fully grasp it, and sadly, Solaris already has a long track 
record of not caring much to provide correct defaults.

so it is reasonable to leave that port open on the firewall
since some NTP clients might not be properly configured yet to use a
local NTP server.  Regardless, the protocol being exploited does not
seem to be normal NTP itself but an admin-related protocol.

All firewalls are now stateful, even for non connected protocols.  You 
don't need to allow *incoming* NTP traffic on UDP/123 to allow 
*outgoing* traffic. So that's not really a valid reason.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Expanding storage with JBOD

2014-01-03 Thread Laurent Blume

Le 2014/01/03 16:02 +0100, Roman Naumenko a écrit:

Power is 200W, I can live with that.

I'll be pedantic on this point, as I've researched it for my own little 
home NAS and checked with a power meter :-)
200W is the *max* power rating. The enclosure itself, with its couple of 
LEDs and fans, will use about nothing. The actual use depends on the 
disks, and for a modern 3.5 disk, is about ~10w (specs for my Seagates 
say around 13, IIRC). My 8-disk enclosure uses about 70-80w, depending 
on the level of use.
So buying a noisy HP or a silent IcyBox will just consume the same 
amount of electricity if they're fitted with the same disks inside.

My 0,02€,


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Expanding storage with JBOD

2014-01-03 Thread Laurent Blume
On 03/01/2014 18:46, Roman Naumenko wrote:
 Ok, thanks for this clarification. 
 Its obvious that vendor provides max power consumption.
 Which box did you buy for you storage, MSAxx? (or is it just server with the 

A basic no-brand SAS enclosure from connected to an LSI 3801E
in a beige box. Nothing fancy, and it was a few years ago, so I don't
have much to add to the discussion beyond that power remark.
I'm happy with it, though. It's running Solaris 10 and I've been able to
do everything I needed with it, including flashing HBA and disk
firmwares. Failing disks were handled easily too.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Predictive disk failure or not?

2013-12-27 Thread Laurent Blume

Le 2013/12/27 13:45 +0100, CJ Keist a écrit:

Happy Holidays everyone!

Going through checking for any errors with my 81 2Tb disk drives and
found one possible bad disk:

Running iostat -En I found the following drive:

c3t50014EE0AD40337Fd0 Soft Errors: 0 Hard Errors: 39 Transport Errors: 15
Vendor: ATA  Product: WDC WD2002FAEX-0 Revision: 1D05 Serial No:
Size: 2000.40GB 2000398934016 bytes
Media Error: 31 Device Not Ready: 0 No Device: 8 Recoverable: 0
Illegal Request: 0 Predictive Failure Analysis: 0

Running zpool status on the disk pool that this drive is in shows no
errors. Question is what command line tool should I believe?  Should I
go ahead and manually fail this disk or trust in ZFS to fail it? Any

Smartmontools' smartctl will give you extensive information on what the 
disk thinks of its own health.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] CIFS approach to valid users etc.

2013-11-21 Thread Laurent Blume

Le 2013/11/21 16:17 +0100, Jim Klimov a écrit:

On 2013-11-21 12:08, Stefan Müller-Wilken wrote:

Regarding the documentation: I have scanned most of what's there by
now but I
actually don't find the ACL approach not too intuitive and definitely
not halfway
as simple as with the Samba notation valid users = stefan, jim.

Indeed, no. But also it is more flexible since at the filesystem level
you can change the (inherited or end-node) rights to something else
for some aprticular files or directories. Maybe, for writable shares
you can allow @everyone and then just enforce filesystem access to
browse/read/write as if those were local accesses i.e. over SSH shells?

It's two different things, though. In the Windows world, you have access 
permissions for the share, and then on the contents of that share, you 
have ACLs.
One is not a substitue for the other (particularly because users can 
mess with the ACL whereas they cannot with the share permissions).


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] removing a disk after a replace

2013-11-07 Thread Laurent Blume

On 07/11/13 06:29, John Ryan wrote:

Try zpool detach  nas c8t50014EE6561DDB4Cd0p0

«detach» only works on mirrors.
You cannot remove or detach a device from a raidz, only offline it or 
replace it. In my experience, sometimes the system needs some prodding 
to accept the change.

The use of p0 in those device names is odd. I'm not sure it would cause 
issues, but it's surely not the preferred way. It should be either full 
disk (d0) for data pools, or slice (d0s0) for rpools.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] removing a disk after a replace

2013-11-07 Thread Laurent Blume

On 07/11/13 10:21, Peter Tribble wrote:

No, detach is the appropriate option here. It's a little whacky,
but you're operating on the replacing vdev which is essentially a
mirror and you want to detach one component of it.

Really? And that works using nas as the pool name? Or do you tell it to 
use that replacing vdev? I've not seen that use so far. When replacing a 
disk that has been removed already, I don't see how that's a mirror, 
since the new disk must be reconstructed from the rest of the raidz, not 
from the removed disk. I find it confusing as hell, and redundant with 
the use of replace.

though, I see the device with /old appended, although that's with
c#t#d# notation.

The /old only makes sense when you're replacing a device with the same 
device name. Here with WWN, it's not needed.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] removing a disk after a replace

2013-11-07 Thread Laurent Blume

On 07/11/13 10:20, Clement BRIZARD wrote:

For the p0 it was done automatically, I didn't do anything.

Automatically? How did you create the pool? It's usually up to you to 
select the right device. p0 should not be used.

What do you think I should do, format one by one ?

Probably not worth it at this point.

I'd try some more
zpool replace nas c8t50014EE6561DDB4Cd0p0 c8t50014EE0AE2377B1d0

It is weird that it says it's replacing one with the other already, but 
the resilver has finished.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Fwd: zpool really slow

2013-10-30 Thread Laurent Blume

Here, there is little doubt left as to which one is going bad:

4.4 0.6  340.8 3.2  0.0  4.8  0.0  955.2 0  82 c8t50014EE6561DDB4Cd0


On 30/10/13 14:30, Nathan Fiedler wrote:

I've had a few drives go bad in the past few months, one after the other,
and the leading symptom was always that the system became incredibly slow.
Used 'format' to analyze the disks to find the bad one. Replacing and
resilvering brought everything back to normal. My guess is your drive is
slowly giving up the ghost.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Fwd: zpool really slow

2013-10-30 Thread Laurent Blume

On 30/10/13 15:29, Jim Klimov wrote:

In the posted output, c8t50014EE6561DDB4Cd0 consistently has large
service times and percent-busy, while its other values are on par
with those of other drives (KBs and IOs read/written).

My take on this is that the other values are actually the other drives 
aligning their performance on the slowest one.
So basically, in a given pool, kr/s, kw/s are always going to be the 
same, no matter what, and they'll be the speed of whatever drive is 
slowest in the pool. The asvc_t and %b, however, will designate the culprit.

See in FMA (i.e. fmdump) or plain dmesg (/var/adm/messages*)
if there are reports of it being broken or otherwise already
suspected by the system? Possibly, iostat -En would show a
non-zero counter as well?

iostat -Exn then smartctl, yup.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Solaris C++ feof(): are we doing things differently?

2013-10-27 Thread Laurent Blume

On 27/10/2013 19:07, Bryan N Iotti wrote:

What I find funny is that the 32 bit version compiles and runs
fine. As soon as I add the -m64 flag it exits. This does seem to
confirm it as the libtool bug Bob was mentioning.

I think I had similar issues several times: the definition of FILE in 
Solaris is completely different in 32 and 64 bit. The latter is opaque.
The Linux definition is similar to the Solaris 32 bit one, so the 
slightly abusive assumptions made with Linux code work with that one, 
basically accessing internal elements they shouldn't. But they really 
can't work when building 64 bit.

That could be your problem here.

There are explanations in Solaris Internals:


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Daylight saving time - again

2013-10-27 Thread Laurent Blume

On 27/10/2013 17:13, Jean-Pierre André wrote:

On a computer which boots on OpenIndiana and Windows, I have to
obey the Windows requirement for the hardware clock to be set on
local time. I also want my files to be stamped internally with
the same UTC time, and shown with the same local time.

Up to yesterday we were at UTC+2 and everything was fine. Today
we are back at UTC+1, so the hardware clock has been set one
hour back by Windows.


How am I supposed to fix the clock without reinstalling ?

Have you checked that /etc/rtc_config contains that line:

If it's still -7200, it's not good.

It's an old Solaris-as-a-desktop issue that if it's not on at the DST 
change, it doesn't update that file properly. I usually do it manually 
then reboot.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] [oi-dev] Studio future in OI (Re: )

2013-10-13 Thread Laurent Blume
On 11/10/2013 18:14, Udo Grabowski (IMK) wrote:
 This should not happen, this would kill us completely, we
 have commercial applications compiled with Sun Studio, and
 a lot of software that can't even be compiled with gcc-fortran,

I can't help thinking, what will happen to you when *Solaris* Studio
stops working on *OpenIndiana*? Aren't you worried about that? I don't
exactly see Oracle striving to maintain compatibility, and without
source, it's bound to happen...

 we use Sun Studio Fortran since it's way ahead in optimization,
 syntax, and correctness, and a couple of open source precompiled
 binaries that cannot be compiled easily without major efforts.
 So this isn't just a problem of having firefox and thunderbird.
 libicu is used in a couple of other libraries and applications,
 so this will break the one or others production chain. I don't
 see us changing from Sun Studio to gcc any time in the foreseable
 future because there's no real usable alternative for us, and
 surely not for others. So breaking support for the compiler and
 Studio compiled software completely is not an option. And, from
 pure ecological considerations, having a monoculture is not
 a good setup anyway (especially in the case of gcc...), if so,
 we should all move to Linux...

The issue here is not monoculture, it's a choice of an ABI. As I pointed
out: you can use Studio and have the standard GCC ABI.
So do have a try at those compatibility options, and start assessing how
you can make the switch.
It has *already* happen in Solaris' past. So surely, what our
cave-dwelling ancestors could do with their limited stone tools can be
done more easily now that we have actual technology.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Studio future in OI (Re: [oi-dev] )

2013-10-11 Thread Laurent Blume

On 11/10/13 09:39, Nikola M. wrote:

Does this means that Sun Studio / Oracle studio will not be able to run
on Openindiana after this change?
So it is intentional breaking compatibiliy with Studio or including all
software compiled with Studio?

Are you willing to have distribution that does not have Firefox ported
for it?

That's not related. Firefox might use C++, but its needed dependencies 
are all C, IIRC. So it can be built with either compiler.


I would not like to loose ability to run Studio on Openindiana or studio
compiled programs.
Maybe it became second option now but hey, it seems very strange to lost
support for such a compiler even if it is closed source.

Studio itself has now introduced a G++ ABI compatibility switch. So 
having G++-built libs in /usr/lib should not be the issue it once was.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] [oi-dev] Studio future in OI (Re: )

2013-10-11 Thread Laurent Blume

On 11/10/13 11:47, Joerg Schilling wrote:

The problem is that this doea not help you with existing binaries and it would
be better if gcc would implement the stable studio interfaces instead it's own
variable interfaces.

Well, a switch is a switch. I've had to think about the issue in 
OpenCSW, so I think I'm reasonably aware of the issues involved. For 
something like OI which is still evolving and can provide a full switch 
in one «pkg update», it's a reasonable switch.

Also, it's not like Studio is perfect in that aspect,
Eg, you can use the defaut Cstd, which is old and crusty, or stlport4, 
or Apache stdcxx4, which are more standard-compliant - but binary 
incompatible (MySQL 5.6 defaults to stlport4 for the daemon).

Finally, since Oracle seems to be planning to add the G++ ABI into 
Studio 12.4 sparc, it appears to be on the verge of becoming the 
de-facto standard.
Reality check: having a vastly multiplatform standard is *good*, even if 
it was Not Invented Here. And the more people will invest in it, the 
less the GCC team will be inclined to change it (remember, it also 
annoys Red Hat, and everybody else who has to support a distro for more 
than a decade).


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] [oi-dev] Studio future in OI (Re: )

2013-10-11 Thread Laurent Blume

On 11/10/13 14:02, Joerg Schilling wrote:

I am not trying to discuss where it came from but whether it will be stable in
the future.

The last incompatible change was *11 years ago*, and it was a bug fix, 
it was not just because they like to break things.

GCC follows a standard backed by some major names, they don't pull 
things out of their hats:

Too bad that Sun was not there - but as it happens, some actually good 
standards were Not Invented By Sun and yet are useful.

So I believe it's time to please let go the old grudges and accept that 
yes, GCC can have a stable standard ABI.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Opinions on LSI RAID vs. ZFS

2013-10-10 Thread Laurent Blume

On 09/10/13 15:37, Edward Ned Harvey (openindiana) wrote:

In BIOS, I have the option to enable/disable SATA port 0, 1,2,3.  If
the port is enabled and nothing connected, it throws and error during
POST.  If something is connected, it's identified as a 1TB or
whatever drive, and presented to the OS as c1t1d1 or whatever.  Later
if I disconnect that drive while the OS is running, the OS still
thinks c1t1d1 exists, but if I try to access it, I'll get an IO
error.  If it were truly hot plug, then the OS should get a drive
disconnected signal, and c1t1d1 should not exist anymore.  As is the
case with a USB drive or firewire.

Solaris and descendants are not hot-swap OS's. If you want to replace a 
drive, you need to tell the system beforehand that you will remove a 
disk with cfgadm, and depending on your HBA/driver combination, tell it 
again after you put in a new disk with a combination of cfgadm/devfsadm.

Since you're not mentioning them, it sounds like you failed most 
probably because you did not follow the right step, not because it's not 
supported. You certainly cannot just pull out a disk and expect a 
replacement to work on a JBOD HBA.

Using the right commands, that worked for me for years on every 
SCSI/SATA/SAS controllers I've used, including cheap consumer ones.

Back at that time, I looked it up, and found as you said, hot plug is
supposedly incorporated into the SATA spec.  But it's poorly
implemented, rarely tested, and not to be relied upon, unless you
have another layer beneath it (such as truly hotplug capable HBA)
which will make up for the deficiencies of the SATA hotplug.
Basically, if your product was *intended* to be used for hotplug, and
it advertises itself as hotplug, then it's hotplug.  But if you're
just blindly assuming all motherboard internal built-in SATA adapters
support it ... you're taking your data into your own hands.

Those things *are* electrically hotplug. What you're missing is that it 
also depends on the driver and the OS having the ability to deal with 
that. It's rarely automagic on that side.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Opinions on LSI RAID vs. ZFS

2013-10-10 Thread Laurent Blume

On 10/10/13 10:01, Joshua M. Clulow wrote:

This is emphatically false.

It's good to see such enthusiasm.

However, all that crap has never, to my knowledge, been clearly 
documented, so blaming it on the users is not exactly fair. Trial and 
errors over years is what it took me, including dealing with such 
beauties as the Sun x2100 whose SATA controller was *not* supported by 
Solaris on release, then was, or the same mpt driver that would work 
differently with SCSI HBAs or SAS HBAs.

If you can point me now to a single document that explains how to do it 
in the correct way on SATA, mpt, mpt_sas, what have you, believe me, it 
will be truly appreciated.

Saying then that SATA controllers are a special case is a bit like 
saying that explosion engines for cars are a special case, isn't it?


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] need compiler for apcupsd

2013-10-04 Thread Laurent Blume
If it can help, there's a package that I use on S10 and has been tested
on S11:


On 03/10/2013 20:05, Geoff Nordli wrote:
 I need to compile apcupsd.  It seems like a pretty easy process using
 this guide.
 The part I am not sure about is getting the proper compiler setup.
 When I run the configure script:
 checking for true... /usr/gnu/bin/true
 checking for false... /usr/gnu/bin/false
 checking build system type... i386-pc-solaris2.11
 checking host system type... i386-pc-solaris2.11
 checking for g++... no
 checking for c++... no
 checking for gpp... no
 checking for aCC... no
 checking for CC... no
 checking for cxx... no
 checking for cc++... no
 checking for cl... no
 checking for FCC... no
 checking for KCC... no
 checking for RCC... no
 checking for xlC_r... no
 checking for xlC... no
 checking for C++ compiler default output file name... configure: error:
 C++ compiler cannot create executables
 OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Network issue

2013-09-10 Thread Laurent Blume


I'll have a shot, though it's been a while since I've dealt with NWAM 

On 09/09/13 22:22, wrote:


I have a strange issue with my network on OpenIndiana: I have network
access most of the time, and then suddenly loose it.
Usually, when I re-issue
pfexec svcadm restart svc:/network/physical:nwam
it is back on for some time.

It is not an ISP problem, because other hosts can access Internet during
that time without any problem.
My host is not particularly loaded at that time. It is responsive, but
just fails to get the net.

Do you have examples of the errors you get when failing to connect?
Can you «ping» and run snoop at the same time to see what's on 
the wire?

I am using oi_151a7 on a x86 64 bit PC.
My network card is: PCI Express LAN 10/100/1000 Fast Ethernet by Realtek
8111E (rge0)

When I restart the network, I see in dmesg:

Sep  9 22:10:22 cray3 /sbin/dhcpagent[105]: [ID 778557 daemon.warning]
configure_v4_lease: no IP broadcast specified for rge0, making best guess

= this is strange, because I use static IP address, no DHCP (?!)

The address may be static but attributed by DHCP nonetheless. If you're 
sure about the settings, you could disable NWAM and configure the 
address manually.

Sep  9 22:11:56 cray3 nwamd[4563]: [ID 605049 daemon.error] 1:
nwamd_set_unset_link_properties: dladm_set_linkprop failed: operation
not supported
Sep  9 22:11:57 cray3 nwamd[5697]: [ID 605049 daemon.error] 1:
nwamd_set_unset_link_properties: dladm_set_linkprop failed: operation
not supported

= I don't know why I have those.

Those are indeed a bit funny.
What do «dladm show-link» and «dladm show-linkprop» say?

At this point, the symptoms you describe are not detailed enough to know 
what's going on.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] CIFS and openindiana

2013-07-11 Thread Laurent Blume

On 10/07/13 15:04, James Carlson wrote:

I know that others here have said dreadful things about the CIFS server,
but I can't say I've understood the fuss.  :-/

My experience with it for a very simple set up has been less than 
stellar. But also, I was using it on S11, which has it still evolving, 
and a good part of the issues (not all) were from that evolution and the 
ever changing syntax.

But seriously, even if it worked perfectly, how useful is it to spend 
Illumos/OI resources on that? What does IPS do that Samba cannot? Is it 
worth continuing it without the access that Oracle has to MS 
documentation and their resources?
Why not join forces with Samba and focus on enhancing that experience 
rather than have a 3rd tool, less popular than Samba and less supported 
than Solaris CIFS?


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] CIFS and openindiana

2013-07-11 Thread Laurent Blume
On 2013-07-11 6:56 PM, James Carlson wrote:
 I've been using it for a while, first on OpenSolaris.

Yes, me too, on and off until S11.1, when I dumped it for good because
it annoyed me one time too many. I do know the thing :-)

 Simple: integration with ZFS.  That's the killer feature for me, because
 it makes the CIFS exports as easy to manage as my NFS exports.

Okay, fair enough, it is a good feature. But that answer makes me wonder.

Look at this:

# net rpc share list
Enter root's password:

# zfs list
lpool   460K   402G   136K  /lpool

# zfs create -o sharesmb=on lpool/test

# zfs list
lpool656K   402G   136K  /lpool
lpool/test   136K   402G   136K  /lpool/test

# net rpc share list
Enter root's password:

# uname -a
Linux wenjun 3.5.0-18-generic #29-Ubuntu SMP Thu Oct 25 07:26:14 UTC
2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

It's just something that can already be done equally well with Samba.
This community should keep an eye on the outside world, things are
moving there too.

Right now, I can't think of anything that the OI CIFS server can do,
that Samba cannot.
So we should not believe in past Sun/Oracle propaganda that only the
magic of a kernelized server could do those things, ot fall prey to the
NIH syndrom.

 I think that kind of pessimistic question could apply to anything in
 OpenIndiana.  Why bother with the kernel itself ... ?

Well, yes, it can apply to many things. And OI at this point is not able
to compete on all fronts. So insisting on holding them all together at
arms' length sounds dangerously unfeasible to me.

There are some which are more immediately of concerns than others,
choices should be made according to the features needed.
That project should learn to build on and integrate with other OSS
projects. All Linux distros have learnt to do that.
Is this Community becoming a closed one, where nothing good can be
accepted from outside, even when it would provide some welcome relief?

 It works for me.  I used to use Samba, but I had many problems with it,
 and I'm really not at all interested in developing anything for it.

Developing what? It's already here. You would be developing something
else :-)
I'm not sure when you last used Samba, but believe me, it's going
forward at a pace that OI cannot realistically match.

 The sole purpose to me is to support a couple of ugly legacy Windoze
 systems, and the less time I spend thinking about it, the better.

So if you don't really care about serving CIFS, it wouldn't really
matter to you that they'd come through Samba or anything else?

 I don't doubt that a Samba developer would feel quite differently.  Your
 opinion is valid, but it just doesn't apply to me.  :-/

I have no idea how they feel, but I'm sure it'd be better to have them
involved and aware of OI rather than not.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] CIFS and openindiana

2013-07-10 Thread Laurent Blume

On 10/07/13 13:57, Daniel Kjar wrote:

Hello everyone,

I am trying to get CIFS working to share a home drive to a windows 8
machine.  The pool already exists and I don't use auto_home.

I tried just zfs set sharesmb=on home and that made it discoverable but
when i try to log in I get authentication denied.

I looked at the instructions online and saw all kinds of stuff that I am
not sure if I really need to do. Most of the instructions I find are
either oracle telling me to make a pool from scratch or samba specific.
Do I need to do that or can I use the existing pool?

For a home use, with no AD integration needed, I'm convinced Samba is a 
much better choice.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Using OI and zfs from a windows machine

2013-07-03 Thread Laurent Blume

On 03/07/13 20:49, Robbie Crash wrote:

I always see this bandied about. Following the Oracle documentation on how
to join OI to a domain for the built in CIFS serving has worked for me,
flawlessly on 10 different OI installations.

Every time I hear about people with issues with it, they're always using
Samba. What benefit does using an additional module have over the built in
CIFS server? Is it just that people want to use smb.conf instead of
managing shares through zfs set sharesmb?

Samba in general is much better documented, and has other advantages 
like crossing FS boundaries, The main CIFS advantage is supposed to be 
its performance (which I've yet not compared).

The ACLs for ZFS shares give me
as granular permissions as I get on Windows, and there's no mucking about
with manual permissions changes on the OI side after they've been set
initially; changing the permissions from Windows works as it would on a
native Windows share.

I remember there was a lot of permission mucking needed when sharing 
with CIFS, and Samba also allows to handle ZFS permissions from the 
Windows clients. It's pretty much the same experience there.
Of course, Samba also allows to have snapshots show as shadow copies, 
and to set up a network recycle bin on shares, which can come in handy.

Also, I understand the CIFS server is designed to work with an AD. My 
poor experience with it might be because I always tried it as standalone.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Odd Samba/winbind issue

2013-06-29 Thread Laurent Blume
On 2013-06-26 4:05 PM, Jim Klimov wrote:
 ln -s ../usr/local/samba/lib/ /lib/
 ln -s /lib/
 ln -s /lib/
 (this would symlink the current-directory's .so.1 in /lib/ into other
 names that you think you need, and you only have one far-reaching
 symlink to manage in case of updates with changes into other paths).

I fully concur with using relative rather than absolute symlinks.
In that case, only one is needed:

ln -s ../usr/local/samba/lib/ /lib/

The two other ones are superfluous. As per the man, nsswitch will only
consider modules starting in nss_ and ending in .so.1.

I'm in the process of renaming them for OpenCSW's Samba too (to and to avoid colliding with


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] tar extract error

2013-06-29 Thread Laurent Blume
On 2013-06-29 12:53 PM, Brogyányi József wrote:
 Thanks for the quick answer.
 Just one question about usage. This before my screen nearly empty when
 used tar command.
 Ater the installation I can see a lot message. It looks like this:
  typeflag 'x' not recognized, converting to regular file
 Is it good or I have to use another switch letter?

By the sound of it, it's an archive file incompatible with Solaris tar.
Try gtar instead.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Odd Samba/winbind issue

2013-06-26 Thread Laurent Blume

On 25/06/13 18:15, James Relph wrote:

All the rest is good but that crle line - ugh.

Ignore that, I should have deleted it out.  I was using that while
trying to sort out the LDFLAGS bit, but it's not necessary.

Aha, good ;-)

One thing in terms of the LDFLAGS line actually that you might know
(I really don't compile stuff this complicated very often!) but I've
currently got:


In there.  The installation copies the contents of the
bin/shared/private folder in the installation directory to
/usr/local/samba/lib/private, so is that the correct method, or could
I have put -L/usr/local/samba/lib/private
-R/usr/local/samba/lib/private (ie. would the compiler have been
aware that that's where those libraries were destined for)?

To be honest, it looks a bit odd to me to have a private/ there, but 
I've not built Samba4 yet, so it's probably fine, and their way to show 
that some libs should not be linked against by others.
As for the linking: the -L bit is probably superfluous, but not hurtful. 
Most build scripts add automatically the needed relative path at link 
time, and often even relink when installing. The -R should be good as it is.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Odd Samba/winbind issue

2013-06-25 Thread Laurent Blume

On 25/06/13 02:08, Christopher Chan wrote:

Depends I guess. I have the same results but things work over here...but
then I did build a patched version of samba and I don't just run vanilla
samba like what csw built.

If you have interesting patches, they'd be welcome. I'll keep those for 
the bug 7588 already, they seem useful.

However, in that case, others are reporting success with the vanilla 
Samba build. I'm still inclined to think it's a configuration issue, not 
an OI-specific bug, since I don't see how that would happen.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Odd Samba/winbind issue

2013-06-25 Thread Laurent Blume

On 25/06/13 12:24, James Relph wrote:

crle -l 

All the rest is good but that crle line - ugh.

Playing with crle is more dangerous than it looks, and advising to use 
it without explaining exactly why it's needed and there's no other way 
- bad.

Here, why do you have /etc/lib? AFAIK, that directory is a remnant from 
the 80's, it should only contain symlinks to /lib.
As for /usr/local/samba/*: you built with -R, so they should not be 
needed either. GCC, well, maybe, if it cannot be avoided.

Really, avoid changing the default crle at all costs. In the long run, 
it creates system-wide dependencies that are really difficult to handle. 
I've been through that in the past :-/

netatalk auth sufficient/usr/local/samba/lib/security/

I'll nitpick on this one only because there's no $ISA :-)

More motivation to package Samba 4 in OpenCSW, at least!


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Odd Samba/winbind issue

2013-06-23 Thread Laurent Blume

On 2013-06-23 2:10 AM, James Relph wrote:

Just been looking into this a bit and I wondered if the was any
chance that this group issue could be causing problems (users are in
a lot of groups):

Does the current version of cswsamba have those patches?

No, at this point, it's using straight source, no modification needed.
I've checked that the patch has not been integrated in the latest 3.6.16
that I just built.

I tried
compiling a version from scratch, but it's a bit of a pain (getting
issues configuring --with-ads due to missing ldap_initialize - which
I can't quite solve).  Samba4 is a LOT easier to compile (I think it
includes a lot of it's own stuff) but the patches don't work against
that as yet.

I've built a test package, it's the same as the current OpenCSW one with 
the two patches from there applied:

The test packages is therey:

You should be able to just upgrade to them:
pkgutil -t -u

Tell me if that helps,


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Odd Samba/winbind issue

2013-06-23 Thread Laurent Blume

On 23/06/2013 22:23, James Relph wrote:

Hi Lauren,

Laurent with a 't', so it's male, just for the record ;-)

Thanks for that, the patches seem to work and I can use netatalk with
winbind still (with more groups now!),

Okay, good to know, I'll see if upstream will get the patches in or if I 
just should keep them myself.

but SMB is still a no go, I
just get:

check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [james] - [james]

It seems really odd, because if I do:

id james uid=16777216(james) gid=16777216(domain users)


getent passwd james

I'm just not sure why everything would be able to see the user via
winbind, except for Samba, nothing in the logs and when you try and
authenticate over samba it doesn't even seem to get as far as asking
the AD.  Yet if you use netatalk (via PAM and winbind) that's
checking and authenticating against AD fine.

Careful, IIRC, the No such user answer for Samba is an authentication 
issue, you can get that even when the user is indeed there, but with eg 
a bad password. While the pam results you get above are purely a user 
description. But if netatalk does authenticate, that could be good. Can 
you also get authenticated with, say, su - james? Have you tried 
connecting with smbclient to the server?

At this point, I'd advise you to try on the Samba list, they should be 
at least more helpful for diagnosing. I'll follow up there too.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Odd Samba/winbind issue

2013-06-21 Thread Laurent Blume

On 21/06/13 07:15, James Relph wrote:


Apologies for cross posting, but I'm not sure if this is an Oi issue
or a cswsamba issue.  I've installed cswsamba (3.6.15) and
cswsamba_winbind on an OI box (151a7).  I've got it bound to AD fine,
and winbind itself seems to be operating perfectly (I've actually got
netatalk happily authenticating AD users via winbind).  If I run
wbinfo -u or getent passwd, I get the expected information back.

I'm maintaining that package, I do want to keep it running on OI as 
well, so it's good to know it's working there.

Oddly though Samba itself isn't authenticating users.  If I try and
login (with a few variations of DOMAIN\username or username@DOMAIN)
it just kicks it back as an unknown user (see below).  The only thing
that I can think of is that the cswsamba is actually still calling
the previously installed (but turned off) winbind that I installed
with the original OI samba install.  With that not running though I
wouldn't have thought that would have happened (but if that could be
it - how do I make sure that cswsamba uses  cswsamba_winbind).

It might be a Samba configuration issue, but before trying on a 
Samba-specific list, we can surely dig here first :-)

Can you post the output of:

ldd -v /opt/csw/sbin/smbd /opt/csw/sbin/nmbd /opt/csw/sbin/winbindd

ps -edf | egrep 'smbd|nmbd|winbind'

Also, do you have any log on the AD side about the try, and how it looked?

I have symlinked the csw nss_winbind libraries into /lib, I just don't
know if there's anything else that could cause this.

While it s probably not hurting, I think that's not a good idea, and 
should not be needed in any case.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Odd Samba/winbind issue

2013-06-21 Thread Laurent Blume

On 21/06/13 14:50, James Relph wrote:

Both cswsamba and cswwinbind do seem to be working fine, they're just
not talking to each other!

Well, the lines you had shown appeared to show they were talking, just 
the answer was negative for some reason.


Look all good.

It didn't seem to even try the AD side, but I can check again.
Obviously just odd that it's working via other apps (ie. those using
PAM) but not Samba itself.

It might be Samba is asking for something in a wrong way.

Using PAM with winbind didn't work until I made those symlinks (and
they were recommended elsewhere)?

Do you remember where?
Have you tried the pam module from CSWwinbind or only the Solaris one?
It should be possible to configure them in /etc/pam.conf (I've not tried 
it yet myself).

And like Jonathan, I'd like to see the configuration.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Odd Samba/winbind issue

2013-06-21 Thread Laurent Blume

On 21/06/13 15:50, James Relph wrote:


Ah, for nss, yes. That one is not a lib per se, but a module, so it does 
make sense. I don't thin Jan got over to document it before I took the 
packaging away from him, so I'll see what can be done.

I'm using the cswwinbind module, so for instance for netatalk I've got:

netatalk auth requisite
netatalk auth required
netatalk auth required
netatalk auth sufficient/opt/csw/lib/security/
netatalk account requisite
netatalk account sufficient /opt/csw/lib/security/

I think might be a problem. Those are the 32 bit modules. I don't think 
you're running the system 32 bit, so apps requesting 64 bit pam will not 
be happy.
I think you should try with $ISA (implicit for the relative names), 
something like that:


Thanks again, output of testparm is below (sanitised a little):

I don't see anything trivially wrong, but it's been a while. My only 
concern is why are you using the tdb backend instead of something 
deterministic like rid? But it should not be an issue here. I hope you 
can get some details from the AD side.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Odd Samba/winbind issue

2013-06-21 Thread Laurent Blume
On 2013-06-21 5:53 PM, James Relph wrote:
 I initially dropped the 64-bit versions in and it freaked out big
 style (couldn't login initially).  The netatalk bit seems to be
 running fine with those as well.  Does samba even use PAM for talking
 with winbind or deal directly?

You need to have both, hence the $ISA, since 32 and 64 bits apps will
each need the proper binary.
And I realized I gave you a wrong path earlier for the ldd, forgotten I
had just introduced both 32/64 Samba binaries, I should have noticed it
was way too short:
/opt/csw/sbin/amd64 or /opt/csw/sbin/sparcv9 is where they are.

And it does link against libpam:
   find; required by /opt/csw/sbin/amd64/smbd

 It doesn't look like it's asking the AD oddly (yet the PAM modules
 do), I need to run Wireshark on there and see what's actually

Also raising the Samba debug level and trying to find some nuggets of
information there.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] hipster repo - WAS::::Re: [UNSUBSCRIBE]

2013-06-10 Thread Laurent Blume
On 2013-06-10 7:46 PM, Tim Mooney wrote:
 I have ffmpeg (0.10) built from source on Solaris 10 10/08 using the
 Workshop compiler.  It actually was pretty straightforward.
 I haven't tried avidemux or vlc since ffmpeg has played most of what I've
 thrown at it, but I can try those out if there's interest.

For those who want to try them quickly, ffmpeg 1.2.1 (and Samba 3.6.15
for that matter) are both available on OpenCSW, both 32/64 bits.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] shell script mutex locking or process signaling

2013-05-31 Thread Laurent Blume

On 31/05/13 13:15, Edward Ned Harvey (openindiana) wrote:

I'm not sure what the default is for solaris / openindiana.  For the
problem at hand (SMF service) obviously, it doesn't matter what the
linux defaults are.   ;-)

Of course I assumed we were compliant with filesystem(4) here ;-)

For what is worth, I can't stand /tmp not being cleaned up on reboot. 
What's the point of having /tmp and /var/tmp if they both behave the 
same? So tmpfs it is on my RHEL boxes too.
But yes, I know the FHS has chosen to not be assertive on this, and 
distros have widely interpreted «it is recommended to clean it on boot» 
as a pass to keep it (and using instead funky workarounds to clean it up 
at varied times). So much for standardization. Anyway, out of this scope :-)


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] shell script mutex locking or process signaling

2013-05-30 Thread Laurent Blume

On 30/05/13 16:15, Edward Ned Harvey (openindiana) wrote:

I see there are a bunch of C constructs available ... mutex_init,
etc.  Surely there must be a wrapper application around this kind of
thing, right?

I spent some time looking for a lock in shell some time ago. The overall 
conclusion was that the only atomic operation in pure shell is mkdir.

I use /tmp or /var/run so it's at least deleted on reboot, and my 
scripts trap signals so when it ends (either correctly or after being 
interrupted), they do their best to remove it (that works well).
If they do find a lock they don't expect, they scream, since a manual 
intervention is needed.

So far, it works correctly.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] shell script mutex locking or process signaling

2013-05-30 Thread Laurent Blume

On 30/05/13 18:58, Edward Ned Harvey (openindiana) wrote:

It would be *really* nice to have a locking mechanism that exists
solely in ram, so it would go away and automatically release locks,
in the event of a system ungraceful reboot.

That's why I pointed out mine are in /tmp or /var/run - tmpfs, so it's 
guaranteed cleared on reboot, graceful or not :-)


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] samba with zfs acls and shadow copies

2013-05-23 Thread Laurent Blume

On 22/05/13 17:50, Martin Walter wrote:

please include a new samba version (e.g. 3.6.15) into oi151a8.
Best with support for zfs acls and shadow copies.
We need it urgently for our fileservers.

Thanks and best regards,

If it's urgent, maybe you can use the OpenCSW version? I've just taken 
over its maintenance, and I use it with shadow copies on Solaris 10, I 
think it should work on OI too.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] samba with zfs acls and shadow copies

2013-05-23 Thread Laurent Blume

On 23/05/13 12:08, Martin Walter wrote:

I will take a look. But I would really prefer to have an *actual*
Samba version with ZFS-specific features like ACLs and shadow copies
supported by OpenIndiana.

Not sure what you mean by «actual» there. Those bits are part of the 
regular Samba source, not OI specific (some might have been contributed 
by Sun back in the days).
As for OI support, well, I've never tried to buy any myself, but so far, 
it seems to have always been «why don't you use the CIFS server»? (don't 
worry, it's never worked well for me either, I use Samba on Solaris 11 
and OI when in need, it is good enough and well-documented).

Anyway, just a suggestion, see what's best for you :-)

Thanks in any case for pointing that 3.6.15 was out, I had missed it, 
and it seems I was hitting the guest bug it corrects.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] samba with zfs acls and shadow copies

2013-05-23 Thread Laurent Blume

On 23/05/13 14:05, Martin Walter wrote:

sorry, with actual I meant not 3.5.7 as is oi_151a7.

= 3.6.14 would be great!

Ah, right. 3.6.14 is the one in OpenCSW at the moment. I'll add 3.6.15 
soon, it seems to build fine at least. If you do try it on OI, please 
give me some feedback, either positive or negative, both are of interest 
to me. I'll try to fix it if it fails.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Recreate /dev/null

2013-04-25 Thread Laurent Blume

On 25/04/13 14:53, James Carlson wrote:

Unfortunately, that's where my knowledge of the system (based on my
years in PSARC) ends.  I don't know how to repair damage like you're
describing.  I just know that the people telling you to rm these fake
files or run mknod are misinformed.  That'll never work.

That particular /dev/null problem was actually discussed recently on 
IRC. Also, you can easily trigger kernel panics when tinkering with 
stuff there, that will only make things worse, and the system 
unbootable. Applies to S11.1 and Illumos-based distros.

From the feedback I got from people @oracle and @illumos, the bug has 
been known for years, but there is no practical solution other than 
going back to a known good BE. The new /dev is very mysterious, and its 
internals half-baked.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] usb audio

2012-10-17 Thread Laurent Blume

On 16/10/12 17:41, Andrey N. Oktyabrski wrote:

How you recreated that? ln -s? devfsadm does not create anything.

Just a manual ln -s /dev/sound/X /dev/audio.

I'd need to try on OI, it's been a while since I've had audio issues.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] usb audio

2012-10-16 Thread Laurent Blume

On 16/10/12 05:59, Andrey N. Oktyabrski wrote:

Good day.


$ prtconf -D
pci17aa,20aa, instance #2 (driver name: uhci)
device, instance #4 (driver name: usb_mid)
input, instance #4 (driver name: hid)
sound-control, instance #0 (driver name: usb_ac)

But I haven't any usable devices for it. Can I use this card, or current
drivers does not support it?

You are not getting any /dev/sound/xx devices when you plug it? One 
common problem in Solaris is that the /dev/audio symlinks are rarely 
updated in the way the user expects when audio devices are plugged in/out.


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

Re: [OpenIndiana-discuss] usb audio

2012-10-16 Thread Laurent Blume

On 16/10/12 12:14, Andrey N. Oktyabrski wrote:

How can I update that? devfsadm doesn't help, and I don't know other way.

I've never found a way other than manually removing the /dev/audio 
symlinks and recreating them to the right device. I had an USB webcam 
with a mike, every time it was plugged in, it became the default audio 
device. I recreated /dev/audio* as needed.


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