Re: [openstack-dev] [Ironic][Ceilometer] Proposed Change to Sensor meter naming in Ceilometer

2014-10-20 Thread Chris Dent

On Mon, 20 Oct 2014, Jim Mankovich wrote:

I'll  propose something via a spec to ceilometer for sensor naming which will
include the ability to support the new health sensor information.


Do you happen to know what some of the use cases are for the current
reporting of sensor information?

Sadly, not really. I'm hoping some observers of this thread will chime

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Ironic][Ceilometer] Proposed Change to Sensor meter naming in Ceilometer

2014-10-20 Thread Chris Dent

On Mon, 20 Oct 2014, Jim Mankovich wrote:

On 10/20/2014 6:53 AM, Chris Dent wrote:

On Fri, 17 Oct 2014, Jim Mankovich wrote:

See answers inline. I don't have any concrete answers as to how to deal
with some of questions you brought up, but I do have some more detail
that may be useful to further the discussion.

That seems like progress to me.

And thanks for keeping it going some more. I'm going to skip your
other (very useful) comments and go (almost) straight (below) to
one thing which goes to the root of the queries I've been making.

Most of the rest of what you said makes sense and we seem to be
mostly in agreement. I suppose the next step would be propose a

We have 2 use cases,
Get all the sensors within a given platform (based on ironic node id)
Get all the sensors of a given "type/name". independent of platform

These are not use cases, these are tasks. That's because these say
nothing about the thing you are actually trying to achieve. "Get all
the sensors with a given platform" is a task without a purpose.
You're not just going to stop there are you? If so why did you get
the information in the first place.

A use case could be:

* I want to get all the sensors of a given platform so I can .

Or even better something like:

* I want to .

And the way to do that would just so happen to be getting all the

I realize this is perhaps pedantic hair-splitting, but I think it
can be useful at least some of the time. I know that from my own
experience I am very rarely able to get the Ceilometer API to give
me the information that I actually want (e.g. "How many vcpus are
currently in action). This feels like the result of data availability
driving the query engine rather than vice versa.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Ironic][Ceilometer] Proposed Change to Sensor meter naming in Ceilometer

2014-10-20 Thread Chris Dent

On Fri, 17 Oct 2014, Jim Mankovich wrote:

See answers inline. I don't have any concrete answers as to how to deal
with some of questions you brought up, but I do have some more detail
that may be useful to further the discussion.

That seems like progress to me.

Personally, I would like to see the _(0x##) removed form the Sensor ID
string (by the ipmitool driver) before it returns sensors to the
Ironic conductor. I just don't see any value in this extra info. This
0x## addition only helps if a vendor used the exact same Sensor ID
string for multiple sensors of the same sensor type. i.e. Multiple
sensors of type "Temperature", each with the exact same Sensor ID
string of "CPU" instead of giving each Sensor ID string a unique name
like "CPU 1 ", " CPU 2",...

Is it worthwhile metadata to save, even if it isn't in the meter

In a heterogeneous platform environment, the Sensor ID string is
likely going to be different per vendor, so your question "If
temperate...on any system board...on any hardware, notify the
authorities" is going to be tough because each vendor may name their
"system board" differently. But, I bet that vendors use similar
strings, so worst case, your alarm creation could require 1 alarm
definition per vendor.

The alarm defintion I want to make is (as an operator not as a dev):
"My puter's too hot, hlp!"

Making that easy is the proper (to me) endpoint of a conversation
about how to name meters.

I see generic naming as somewhat problematic. If you lump all the
temperature sensors for a platform under hardware.temperature the
consumer will always need to query for a specific temperature sensor
that it is interested in, like "system board". The notion of having
different samples from multiple sensors under a single generic name
seems harder to deal with to me. If you have multiple temperature
samples under the same generic meter name, how do you figure out what
all the possible temperature samples actual exist?

I'm not suggestion all temperate sensors under one name
("hardware.temperature"), but all sensors which identify as the same
thing (e.g. "hardware.temperature.system_board") under the same name.

I'm not very informed about IMPI or hardware sensors, but I do have
some experiencing in using names and identifiers (don't we all!) and
I find that far too often we name things based on where they come
from rather than how we wish to address them after genesis.

Throughout ceilometer I think there are tons of opportunities to
improve the naming of meters and as a result improve the UI for
people who want to do things with the data.

So from my perspective, with regard to naming IPMI (and other hardware
sensor) related samples, I think we need to make a better list of the
use cases which the samples need to satisfy and use that to drive a
naming scheme.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer] Ceilometer-Alarm-Not Working

2014-10-20 Thread Chris Dent

On Mon, 20 Oct 2014, david jhon wrote:

2014-10-20 16:33:07.854 30437 TRACE ceilometer.alarm.service
CommunicationError: Error communicating with
[Errno 111]$
2014-10-20 16:33:07.854 30437 TRACE ceilometer.alarm.service

How do I fix it?

It looks like it may be that either your ceilometer-api service is
not running or is not bound to the correct network interface.

Since you've got a ceilometer-api.log is may be that the service is
unreachable because of some configuration setting (firewall, alarm
and api service on different networks, that sort of thing).

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Ironic][Ceilometer] Proposed Change to Sensor meter naming in Ceilometer

2014-10-17 Thread Chris Dent

On Thu, 16 Oct 2014, Jim Mankovich wrote:

What I would like to propose is dropping the ipmi string from the name 
altogether and appending the Sensor ID to the name  instead of to the 
Resource ID.   So, transforming the above to the new naming would result in 
the following:

| Name | Type  | Unit | Resource ID
| hardware.current.power_meter_(0x16)  | gauge | W| 
| hardware.temperature.system_board_(0x15) | gauge | C| 

[plus sensor_provider in resource_metadata]

If this makes sense for the kinds of queries that need to happen then
we may as well do it, but I'm not sure it is. When I was writing the
consumer code for the notifications the names of the meters was a big
open question that was hard to resolve because of insufficient data
and input on what people really need to do with the samples.

The scenario you've listed is getting all sensors on a given single

What about the scenario where you want to create an alarm that says
"If temperate gets over X on any system board on any of my hardware,
notify the authorities"? Will having the "_(0x##)" qualifier allow that
to work? I don't actually know, are those qualifiers standard in some
way or are they specific to different equipment? If they are different
having them in the meter name makes creating a useful alarm in a
heterogeneous a bit more of a struggle, doesn't it?

Perhaps (if they are not standard) this would work:

 | hardware.current.power_meter | gauge | W | 

with both sensor_provider and whatever that qualifier is called in the

Then the name remains sufficiently generic to allow aggregates across
multiple systems, while still having the necessary info to narrow to
different sensors of the same type.

I understand that this proposed change is not backward compatible with the 
existing naming, but I don't really see a good solution that would retain 
backward compatibility.

I think we should strive to worry less about such things, especially
when it's just names in data fields. Not always possible, or even a
good idea, but sometimes its a win.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] add cyclomatic complexity check to pep8 target

2014-10-17 Thread Chris Dent

On Fri, 17 Oct 2014, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:

IMHO this tool is of pretty dubious value. I mean that function is long
for sure, but it is by no means a serious problem in the Nova libvirt
codebase. The stuff it complains about in the libvirt/ file is
just incredibly stupid thing to highlight.

I find a lot of the OpenStack code very hard to read. If it is very
hard to read it is very hard to maintain, whether that means fix or

That said, the value I see in these kinds of tools is not
specifically in preventing complexity, but in providing entry points
for people who want to fix things. You don't know where to start
(because you haven't yet got the insight or experience): run
flake8 or pylint or some other tools, do what it tells you. In the
process you will:

* learn more about the code
* probably find bugs
* make an incremental improvement to something that needs it

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [kolla] on Dockerfile patterns

2014-10-17 Thread Chris Dent

On Thu, 16 Oct 2014, Lars Kellogg-Stedman wrote:

On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 12:44:50PM +1100, Angus Lees wrote:

You just need to find the pid of a process in the container (perhaps using
docker inspect to go from container name -> pid) and then:
 nsenter -t $pid -m -u -i -n -p -w

Note also that the 1.3 release of Docker ("any day now") will sport a


Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [kolla] on Dockerfile patterns

2014-10-14 Thread Chris Dent

On Tue, 14 Oct 2014, Jay Pipes wrote:

This means you now have to know the system administrative comments and setup 
for two operating systems ... or go find a Fedora20 image for mysql 

For sake of conversation and devil's advocacy let me ask, in
response to this paragraph, "why [do you] have to know [...]?"

If you've got a docker container that is running mysql, IME that's _all_
it should be doing and any (post-setup) management you are doing of it
should be happening by creating a new container and trashing the one
that is not right, not manipulating the existing container. The
operating system should be as close to invisible as you can get it.

Everything in the Dockerfile should be about getting the service to
a fully installe and configured state and it should close with the
one command or entrypoint it is going to run/use, in the mysql case
that's one of the various ways to get mysqld happening.

If the goal is to use Docker and to have automation I think it would
be better to automate the generation of suitably
layered/hierarchical Dockerfiles (using whatever tool of choice),
not having Dockerfiles which then use config tools to populate out
the image. If such config tools are necessary in the container it is
pretty much guaranteed that the container is being overburdened with
too many responsibilities.

[1] Is there an official MySQL docker image? I found 553 Dockerhub 
repositories for MySQL images...

Docker-library appears to be the place for official things.

By layered model, are you referring to the bottom layer being the Docker 
image and then upper layers being stuff managed by a configuration management 

I assume it's the layering afforded by union file systems: Makes
building images based on other images cheap and fast. The cheapness
and fastness is one of the reasons why expressive Dockerfiles[1] are
important: each line is a separate checkpointed image.

[1] That is, Dockerfiles which do the install and config work rather
than calling on other stuff to do the work.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [kolla] on Dockerfile patterns

2014-10-14 Thread Chris Dent

On Tue, 14 Oct 2014, Angus Lees wrote:

2. I think we should separate out "run the server" from "do once-off setup".

Yes! Otherwise it feels like the entire point of using containers
and dockerfiles is rather lost.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Treating notifications as a contract

2014-10-13 Thread Chris Dent

On Tue, 7 Oct 2014, Sandy Walsh wrote:

Haven't had any time to get anything written down (pressing deadlines
with StackTach.v3) but open to suggestions. Perhaps we should just add
something to the olso.messaging etherpad to find time at the summit to
talk about it?

Have you got a link for that?

Another topic that I think is at least somewhat related to the
standardizing/contractualizing notifications topic is deprecating
polling (to get metrics/samples).

In the ceilometer side of the telemetry universe, if samples can't
be gathered via notifications then somebody writes a polling plugin
or agent and sticks it in the ceilometer tree where it is run as
either an independent agent (c.f. the new ipmi-agent) or a plugin
under the compute-agent or a plugin under the central-agent.

This is problematic in a few ways (at least to me):

* Those plugins distract from the potential leanness of a core
  ceilometer system.

* The meters created by those plugins are produced for "ceilometer"
  rather than for "telemetry". Yes, of course you can re-publish the
  samples in all sorts of ways.

* The services aren't owning the form and publication of information
  about themselves.

There are solid arguments against each of these problems individually
but as a set I find them saying "services should make more
notifications" pretty loud and clear and obviously to make that work
we need tidy notifications with good clean semantics.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [qa] In-tree functional test vision

2014-10-07 Thread Chris Dent

On Mon, 25 Aug 2014, Joe Gordon wrote:

On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 3:29 AM, Chris Dent  wrote:

For constraints: Will tempest be available as a stable library? Is using
tempest (or other same library across all projects) a good or bad thing?
Seems there's some disagreement on both of these.

Yes, there is a separate thread on spinning out a tempest-lib (not sure on
what final name will be yet) that functional tests can use. Although I
think there is a lot  to be done before  needing the tempest-lib.

What's the status of tempest-lib? Looking at the repo it appears
that other things may be taking priority at the moment.

As I said in notifications thread: With summit approaching and kilo
open for business, now seems to be talking about what kinds of
structure we want to apply to in-tree functional testing.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Treating notifications as a contract

2014-10-07 Thread Chris Dent

On Wed, 3 Sep 2014, Sandy Walsh wrote:

Good goals. When Producer and Consumer know what to expect, things are
good ... "I know to find the Instance ID ". When the consumer
wants to deal with a notification as a generic object, things get tricky
("find the instance ID in the payload", "What is the image type?", "Is
this an error notification?")

Basically, how do we define the principle artifacts for each service and
grant the consumer easy/consistent access to them? (like the 7-W's above)

I'd really like to find a way to solve that problem.

Is that a good summary? What did I leave out or get wrong?

Great start! Let's keep it simple and do-able.

Has there been any further thinking on these topics? Summit is soon
and kilo specs are starting so I imagine more people than just me are
hoping to get rolling on plans.

If there is going to be a discussion at summit I hope people will be
good about keeping some artifacts for those of us watching from afar.

It seems to me that if the notifications ecosystem becomes
sufficiently robust and resilient we ought to be able to achieve
some interesting scale and distributed-ness opporunities throughout
OpenStack, not just in telemetry/metering/eventing (choose your term
of art).

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] What's a dependency (was Re: [all][tc] governance changes for "big tent"...) model

2014-10-04 Thread Chris Dent

On Fri, 3 Oct 2014, Devananda van der Veen wrote:

Nope. I am not making any value judgement whatsoever. I'm describing
dependencies for minimally satisfying the intended purpose of a given
project. For example, Nova's primary goal is not "emit telemetry", it
is "scalable, on demand, self service access to compute resources" [1]

So while I agree with the usefulness of being able to describe these
technical dependencies for minimal satisfaction and agree that it is a
useful tool for creating boundaries and compartments for testing, the
reason I started the subthread is because I think this form of statement

   I'm describing [...] for [...] of a given _project_.

is prejudicing a certain set of priorities and perspectives which over
the long term are damaging to the health of the larger ecosystem (the
big tent or whatever it is), especially in terms of satisfying people
other than us haute dev types.

It's pretty clear everyone's intentions are pretty much in the right and
similar place, but there's some friction over language and details. The
tribalism associated with "project" appears to contribute:

* to getting people off track a bit
* keeping us in technical solutions when what we need are both technical
  solutions and organizational/social solutions

Presumably (I wasn't there to see it) the program/project distinction
was an effort to overcome this, but it hasn't worked. Of course not,
you don't gain much if you have people in a room with name A and all
you do is put a new name on the room and don't change the people or
the room.

We need to do more this time around than change some names.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] What's a dependency (was Re: [all][tc] governance changes for "big tent"...) model

2014-10-03 Thread Chris Dent

On Fri, 3 Oct 2014, Joe Gordon wrote:

data is coming from here:
and the key is here:

Cool, thanks.

Many of those services expect[1] to be able to send notifications (or
be polled by) ceilometer[2]. We've got an ongoing thread about the need
to contractualize notifications. Are those contracts (or the desire
for them) a form of dependency? Should they be?

So in the case of notifications, I think that is a Ceilometer CAN-USE Nova
THROUGH notifications

Your statement here is part of the reason I asked. I think it is
possible to argue that the dependency has the opposite order: Nova might
like to use Ceilometer to keep metrics via notifications or perhaps:
Nova CAN-USE Ceilometer FOR telemetry THROUGH notifications and polling.

This is perhaps not the strict technological representation of the
dependency, but it represents the sort of pseudo-social
relationships between projects: Nova desires for Ceilometer (or at
least something doing telemetry) to exist.

Ceilometer itself is^wshould be agnostic about what sort of metrics are
coming its way. It should accept them, potentially transform them, store
them, and make them available for later use (including immediately). It
doesn't^wshouldn't really care if Nova exists or not.

There are probably lots of other relationships of this form between
other services, thus the question: Is a use-of-notifications
something worth tracking? I would say yes.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] What's a dependency (was Re: [all][tc] governance changes for "big tent"...) model

2014-10-03 Thread Chris Dent

On Fri, 3 Oct 2014, Joe Gordon wrote:

* services that nothing depends on
* services that don't depend on other services

Latest graph:

I'm hesitant to open this can but it's just lying there waiting,
wiggling like good bait, so:

How are you defining dependency in that picture?

For example:

Many of those services expect[1] to be able to send notifications (or
be polled by) ceilometer[2]. We've got an ongoing thread about the need
to contractualize notifications. Are those contracts (or the desire
for them) a form of dependency? Should they be?

[1] It's not that it is a strict requirement but lots of people involved
with the other projects contribute code to ceilometer or make
changes in their own[3] project specifically to send info to

[2] I'm not trying to defend ceilometer from slings here, just point out
a good example, since it has _no_ arrows.

[3] "their own", that's hateful, let's have less of that.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [all][tc] governance changes for "big tent" model

2014-10-03 Thread Chris Dent

On Fri, 3 Oct 2014, Sean Dague wrote:

OpenStack is enough parts that you can mix and match as much as you
want, but much like the 600 config options in Nova, we really can't
document every combination of things.

People seem to talk about this flexibility as if it were a good
thing. It's not. There's tyranny of choice all over OpenStack. Is
that good for real people or just large players and our corporate

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [all][tc] governance changes for "big tent" model

2014-10-03 Thread Chris Dent

On Fri, 3 Oct 2014, Anne Gentle wrote:

I'm reading and reading and reading and my thoughts keep returning to,
"we're optimizing only for dev." :)

Yes, +many.

In my reading it seems like we are trying to optimize the process for
developers which is exactly the opposite of what we want to be doing if
we want to address the perceived quality problems that we see. We should
be optimizing for the various user groups (which, I admit, have been
identified pretty well in some of the blog posts).

This would, of course, mean enhancing the docs (and other cross
project) process...

At the moment we're trying to create governance structures that
incrementally improve the existing model for how development is
being done.

I think we should consider more radical changes, changes which allow
us to work on what users want: an OpenStack that works.

To do that I think we need to figure out two things:

* how to fail faster
* how to stop thinking of ourselves as being on particular projects

I got hired to work on telemetry, but I've managed to do most of my
work in QA related things because what's the point of making new
stuff if you can't test it reliably? What I'd really like to say my
job is is "making OpenStack the best it possibly can be".

If we keep focusing on the various services as entangled but separate
and competing interests rather than on how to make OpenStack good, we're
missing the point and the boat.

Our job as developers is to make things easier (or at least
possible) for the people who use the stuff we build. Naturally we
want to make that as frictionless as possible, but not at the cost
of "the people's" ease.

There are many perverse incentives in OpenStack's culture which
encourage people to hoard. For example it is useful to keep code in
one's own team's repository because the BPs, reviews and bugs which
reflect on that repository reflect on the value of the team.

Who is that good for?

So much of the talk is about trying to figure out how to make the
gate more resilient. No! How about we listen to what the gate is
telling us: Our code is full of race conditions, a memory pig,
poorly defined contracts, and just downright tediously slow and
heavy. And _fix that_.

What I think we need to do to improve is enhance the granularity at
which someone can participate. Smaller repos, smaller teams, cleaner
boundaries between things. Disconnected (and rolling) release cycles.
Achieve fail fast by testing in (much) smaller lumps before code
ever reaches the global CI. You know: make better tests locally that
confirm good boundaries. Don't run integration tests until the unit,
pep8 and in-tree functional tests have passed. If there is a
failure: exit! FAIL! Don't run all the rest of the tests uselessly.

We need to not conflate the code and its structure with the
structure of our governance. We need to put responsibility for the
quality of the code on to the people who make it, not big infra.
We need to make it easier for people to participate in that quality
making. And most importantly we need to make sure the users are
driving what we do and we need to make it far easier for them to do
that driving.

Obviously there are many more issues than these, but I think some of
the above is being left out of the discussion, and this message
needs to stop.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=true in tox.ini

2014-09-12 Thread Chris Dent

On Fri, 12 Sep 2014, Doug Hellmann wrote:

We could use a git hook (see my earlier message in this thread) or we
could add a command to tox to remove them before starting the tests.
Neither of those solutions would affect the runtime behavior in a way
that makes our dev environments fundamentally different from a
devstack or production deployment.

For reference, I've always been in the habit of managing automated
tasks in code checkouts with a Makefile that has targets with
depencies: e.g 'make test' will always do the 'clean' target and
'clean' does something like find . -name "*.pyc" ...

My stumble into openstack to find tox being the one _visible_ source
of automation was quite a shock. Things like git hooks do not count
as visible, despite being useful.

The idea being that the systems we work with as developers need to
be both discoverable and introspectable. Or to be clear:

tox, in general, is vaguely magical, and it would be a shame to add
some more. Yes, the pyc thing screwing with your stuff is bad and
bit me hard a few times but once I knew what it was what I really
wanted was a quick (and centrally approved) way to do 'make clean'.

I guess tox -eclean or something would be the same but it feels
wrong somehow.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=true in tox.ini

2014-09-12 Thread Chris Dent

On Fri, 12 Sep 2014, Julien Danjou wrote:

I guess the problem is more likely that testrepository load the tests
From the source directory whereas maybe we could make it load them from
what's installed into the venv?

This rather ruins TDD doesn't it?

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Treating notifications as a contract

2014-09-10 Thread Chris Dent

On Wed, 10 Sep 2014, Jay Pipes wrote:

There would be an Oslo library that would store the codification of the 
resource classes and actions, along with the mapping of (resource_class, 
action, version) to the JSONSchema document describing the payload field.

This seems reasonable with two caveats:

* What Sandy says about making sure the _actual_ codification was in
  a language neutral format of some kind.
* That we don't limit my other concern (the macro one requoted
  below): Anybody should be able to rock up and dump _new_ notifications
  on the bus given suitable credentials and configuration with
  neither writing of local custom code nor centralized reviewing of global
  code. (I'd really like it to be possible to publish the notifications
  with _only_ credentials and no config and have a reasonable
  expectation of them being captured, but I understand that's not
  very robust and rather pipe dreamy.)

I think it ought to be possible to accomplish both by:

* Having the library you suggest but it reads schema from
   rather than embedding in code.
* Same library can read additional files which contain 'local'

Endpoints then know how to compose and decompose a vast swath of

A nice to have would be that the schema are inheritable.

  * At the macro level standardize a packaging or envelope of all
notifications so that they can be consumed by very similar code.
That is: constrain the notifications in some way so we can also
constrain the consumer code.

Or maybe we should just use RDF and produce a super upper ontology
and consume all the world's knowledge as events? That's been super
successful in other contexts...

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Zaqar] Comments on the concerns arose during the TC meeting

2014-09-10 Thread Chris Dent

On Tue, 9 Sep 2014, Samuel Merritt wrote:

On 9/9/14, 4:47 PM, Devananda van der Veen wrote:

The questions now before us are:
- should OpenStack include, in the integrated release, a
messaging-as-a-service component?

I certainly think so. I've worked on a few reasonable-scale web applications, 
and they all followed the same pattern: HTTP app servers serving requests 
quickly, background workers for long-running tasks, and some sort of durable 
message-broker/queue-server thing for conveying work from the first to the 

A quick straw poll of my nearby coworkers shows that every non-trivial web 
application that they've worked on in the last decade follows the same 

While not *every* application needs such a thing, web apps are quite common 
these days, and Zaqar satisfies one of their big requirements. Not only that, 
it does so in a way that requires much less babysitting than 
run-your-own-broker does.

I don't think there's any question about the value of a "durable
message-broke/queue-server thing" in the general case.

The question is whether OpenStack is in the business of satisfying
that case.

Which leads inevitably to the existential questions of What is
OpenStack in the business of? and How do we stay sane while being in
that business?

Every long thread over the last couple of months has trended towards
those questions. It's getting pretty tiresome. We'd all be a lot
more focused if we knew the answer.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Kilo Cycle Goals Exercise

2014-09-08 Thread Chris Dent

On Sun, 7 Sep 2014, Monty Taylor wrote:

1. Caring about end user experience at all
2. Less features, more win
3. Deleting things

Yes. I'll give away all of my list for any one of these.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Kilo Cycle Goals Exercise

2014-09-07 Thread Chris Dent

On Wed, 3 Sep 2014, Joe Gordon wrote:

Have anyone interested (especially TC members) come up with a list of what
they think the project wide Kilo cycle goals should be and post them on
this thread by end of day Wednesday, September 10th. After which time we
can begin discussing the results.

I think this is a good idea, but the timing (right at the end of j-3)
might be a problematic. I'll jump in, despite being a newb; perhaps
that perspective is useful. I'm sure these represent the biases of my
limited experience, so apply salt as required and please be aware that
I'm not entirely ignorant of the fact that there are diverse forces of
history that lead to the present.

Things I'd like to help address in Kilo:

* Notifications as a contract[1], better yet as events, with events
  taking primacy over projects.

  The main thrust of this topic has been the development of standards
  that allow endpoints to have some confidence that what is sent or
  received is the right thing.

  This is a good thing, but I think misses a larger issue with the
  notification environment.

  One of my first BPs was to make Ceilometer capable of hearing
  notifications from Ironic that contain metrics generated from IPMI
  readings. I was shocked to discover that _code_ was required to make
  this happen; my newbie naivety thought it ought to just be a
  configuration change: a dict on the wire transformed into a data

  I was further shocked to discover that the message bus was being
  modeled as RPC. I had assumed that at the scale OpenStack is
  expected to operate most activity on the bus would be modeled as
  events and swarms of semi-autonomous agents would process them.

  In both cases my surprise was driven by what I perceived to be a bad
  ordering of priority between project and events in the discussion of
  "making things happen". In this specific case the idea was presented
  as _Ironic_ needs to send some information to _Ceilometer_.

  Would it not be better to say: "there is hardware health information
  that happens and various things can process"? With that prioritization
  lots of different tools can produce and access the information.

* Testing is slow and insufficiently reliable.

  Despite everyone's valiant effort this is true, we see evidence all over
  this list of trouble at the level of integration testing and testing
  during the development processing.

  My own experience has been that the tests (that is the way they are
  written and run) are relatively okay at preventing regression but
  not great at enabling TDD nor at being a pathway to understanding
  the code. This is probably because I think OO unittests are wack so
  just haven't developed the skill to read them well, but still: Tests
  are hard and that makes it harder to make good code. We can and
  should make it better. Facile testing makes it a lot easier to do
  tech debt cleanup that everyone(?) says we need.

  I reckon the efforts to library-ize tempest and things like Monty's
  dox will be useful tools.

* Containers are a good idea, let's have more of them.

  There's a few different ways in which this matters:

  * "Skate to where the puck will be, not where it is" or "ZOMG VMs
are like so last decade".
  * dox, as above
  * Containerization of OpenStack services for easy deployment and
development. Perhaps `dock_it` instead of `screen_it` in devstack.

* Focus on user experience.

  This one is the most important. The size and number of projects that
  assemble to become OpenStack inevitably leads to difficulty seeing
  the big picture when focusing on the individual features within each

  OpenStack is big, hard to deploy and manage, and challenging to
  understand and use effectively.

  I _really_ like Sean Dague's idea (sorry, I've lost the ref) that
  OpenStack needs to be usable and useful to small universities that
  want to run relatively small clouds. I think this needs to be true
  _without_ the value-adds that our corporate benefactors package around
  the core to ease deployment and management.

Or to put all this another way: As we are evaluating what we want to do
and how we want to do it we need to think less about the projects and
technologies that are involved and more about the actions and results
that our efforts hope to allow and enable.


Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] how to provide tests environments for python things that require C extensions

2014-09-05 Thread Chris Dent

On Fri, 5 Sep 2014, Monty Taylor wrote:

The tl;dr is "it's like tox, except it uses docker instead of virtualenv" - 
which means we can express all of our requirements, not just pip ones.

Oh thank god[1].


jogo started a thread about "what matters for kilo" and I was going
to respond with (amongst other things) "get containers into the testing
scene". Seems you're way ahead of me. Docker's caching could be a
_huge_ win here.


across the project. Luckily, docker itself does an EXCELLENT job at handling 
caching and reuse - so I think we can have a set of containers that something 
in infra (waves hands) publishes to dockerhub, like:


I'm assuming these would get rebuilt regularly (every time global
requirements and friends are updated) on some sort of automated

Thoughts? Anybody wanna hack on it with me? I think it could wind up being a 
pretty useful tool for folks outside of OpenStack too if we get it right.

Given availability (currently an unknown) I'd like to help with this.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Averting the Nova crisis by splitting out virt drivers

2014-09-05 Thread Chris Dent

On Fri, 5 Sep 2014, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:

I venture to suggest that the reason we care so much about those kind
of things is precisely because of our policy of pulling them in the
tree. Having them in tree means their quality (or not) reflects directly
on the project as a whole. Separate them from Nova as a whole and give
them control of their own desinty and they can deal with the consequences
of their actions and people can judge the results for themselves.

Apart from any of the other issues present in this thread (and not
commenting on them in this message), I think this paragraph (above)
represents an unfortunately narrow view about how perceptions of the
quality of OpenStack work. People who are invested in using OpenStack in
some fashion and are not in the development priesthood see OpenStack.
They don't see individual teams making virt drivers.

It may be (I don't know) that having more granularity in projects will
allow different teams to engage at different rates and thus get stuff
done, but I do not think it will do much with regard to external
perceptions of quality. That's going to take a much different kind of
work and attention.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Zaqar] Comments on the concerns arose during the TC meeting

2014-09-04 Thread Chris Dent

On Thu, 4 Sep 2014, Flavio Percoco wrote:

Thanks for writing this up, interesting read.

5. Ceilometer's recommended storage driver is still MongoDB, although
Ceilometer has now support for sqlalchemy. (Please correct me if I'm wrong).

For sake of reference: Yes, MongoDB is currently the recommended
store and yes, sqlalchemy support is present. Until recently only
sqlalchemy support was tested in the gate. Two big changes being
developed in Juno related to storage:

* Improved read and write performance in the sqlalchemy setup.
* time series storage and Gnocchi:

I truly believe, with my OpenStack (not Zaqar's) hat on, that we can't
keep avoiding these technologies. NoSQL technologies have been around
for years and we should be prepared - including OpenStack operators - to
support these technologies. Not every tool is good for all tasks - one
of the reasons we removed the sqlalchemy driver in the first place -
therefore it's impossible to keep an homogeneous environment for all

+1. Ain't that the truth.

As mentioned in the meeting on Tuesday, Zaqar is not reinventing message
brokers. Zaqar provides a service akin to SQS from AWS with an OpenStack
flavor on top. [0]

In my efforts to track this stuff I remain confused on the points in
these two questions:

What or where is the boundary between Zaqar and existing messaging
infrastructure? Not just in terms of technology but also use cases?
The answers above suggest its not super solid on the use case side,
notably: "In addition, several projects have expressed interest in
integrating with Zaqar in order to surface events..."

Instead of Zaqar doing what it does and instead of oslo.messaging
abstracting RPC, why isn't the end goal a multi-tenant, multi-protocol
event pool? Wouldn't that have the most flexibility in terms of
ecosystem and scalability?

In addition to the aforementioned concerns and comments, I also would
like to share an etherpad that contains some use cases that other
integrated projects have for Zaqar[0]. The list is not exhaustive and
it'll contain more information before the next meeting.


For these, what is Zaqar providing that oslo.messaging (and its
still extant antecedents) does not? I'm not asking to naysay Zaqar,
but to understand more clearly what's going on. My interest here comes
from a general interest in now events and notifications are handled
throughout OpenStack.


Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Treating notifications as a contract

2014-09-03 Thread Chris Dent

On Wed, 3 Sep 2014, Sandy Walsh wrote:

Is there anything slated for the Paris summit around this?

There are plans to make plans, but that's about all I know.

I just spent nearly a week parsing Nova notifications and the pain of
no schema has overtaken me.

/me passes the ibuprofen

We're chatting with IBM about CADF and getting down to specifics on
their applicability to notifications. Once I get StackTach.v3 into
production I'm keen to get started on revisiting the notification
format and olso.messaging support for notifications.

Perhaps a hangout for those keenly interested in doing something about this?

That seems like a good idea. I'd like to be a part of that.
Unfortunately I won't be at summit but would like to contribute what
I can before and after.

I took some notes on this a few weeks ago and extracted what seemed
to be the two main threads or ideas the were revealed by the
conversation that happened in this thread:

* At the micro level have versioned schema for notifications such that
  one end can declare "I am sending version X of notification" and the other end can effectively deal.

* At the macro level standardize a packaging or envelope of all
  notifications so that they can be consumed by very similar code.
  That is: constrain the notifications in some way so we can also
  constrain the consumer code.

These ideas serve two different purposes: One is to ensure that
existing notification use cases are satisfied with robustness and
provide a contract between two endpoints. The other is to allow a
fecund notification environment that allows and enables many

Is that a good summary? What did I leave out or get wrong?

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [qa] [ceilometer] [swift] tempests tests, grenade, old branches

2014-09-01 Thread Chris Dent

I've got a review in progress for adding a telemetry scenario test:

It can't pass the *-icehouse tests because ceilometer-api is not present
on the icehouse side of a havana->icehouse upgrade.

In the process of trying to figure out what's going on I discovered
so many confusing things that I'm no longer clear on:

* Whether this is a fixable problem?
* Whether it is worth fixing?
* How (or if) it is possible to disable the test in question for
  older branches?
* Maybe I should scrap the whole thing?[1]

The core problem is that older branches of grenade do not have an
upgrade-ceilometer, so though some ceilometer services do run in
Havana they are not restarted over the upgrade gap.

Presumably that could be fixed by backporting some stuff to the
relevant branch. I admit, though, that at times it can be rather
hard to tell which branch during a grenade run is providing the
configuration and environment variables. In part this is due to an
apparent difference in default local behavior and gate behavior.
Suppose I wanted to exactly what replicate on a local setup what
happens on a gate run, where do I go to figure that out?

That seems a bit fragile, though. Wouldn't it be better to upgrade
services based on what services are actually running, rather than
some lines in a shell script?

I looked into how this might be done and the mapping from
ENABLED_SERVICES to actually-running-processes to
some-generic-name-to-identify-an-upgrade is not at all
straightforward. I suspect this is a known problem that people would
like to fix, but I don't know where to look for more discussion on
the matter. Please help?

[1] And finally, the other grenade runs, those that are currently
passing are only passing because a very long loop is waiting up to
two minutes for notification messages (from the middleware) to show
up at the ceilometer collector. Is this because the instance is just
that overloaded and process contention is so high and it is just
going to take that long? Is so, is there much point having a test
which introduces this kind of potential legacy. A scenario test
appears to be exactly what's needed here, but at what cost?

What I'm after here is basically threefold:

* Pointers to written info on how I can resolve these issues, if it
* If it doesn't, some discussion here on options to reach some
* A cup of tea or other beverage of our choice and some sympathy
  and commiseration. A bit of "I too have suffered at the hands of
  grenade". Then we can all be friends.

From my side I can provide a promise to follow through on

improvements we discover.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] The future of the integrated release

2014-08-27 Thread Chris Dent

On Wed, 27 Aug 2014, Doug Hellmann wrote:

I have found it immensely helpful, for example, to have a written set
of the steps involved in creating a new library, from importing the
git repo all the way through to making it available to other projects.
Without those instructions, it would have been much harder to split up
the work. The team would have had to train each other by word of
mouth, and we would have had constant issues with inconsistent
approaches triggering different failures. The time we spent building
and verifying the instructions has paid off to the extent that we even
had one developer not on the core team handle a graduation for us.

+many more for the relatively simple act of just writing stuff down

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] The future of the integrated release

2014-08-27 Thread Chris Dent

On Wed, 27 Aug 2014, Doug Hellmann wrote:

For example, Matt helped me with an issue yesterday, and afterwards
I asked him to write up a few details about how he reached his
conclusion because he was moving fast enough that I wasn’t
actually learning anything from what he was saying to me on IRC.
Having an example with some logs and then even stream of
consciousness notes like “I noticed the out of memory error, and
then I found the first instance of that and looked at the oom-killer
report in syslog to see which process was killed and it was X which
might mean Y” would help.


I'd _love_ to be more capable at gate debugging.

That said, it does get easier just by doing it. The first many times
is like beating my head against the wall, especially the constant
sense of where am I and where do I need to go.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] [glance] python namespaces considered harmful to development, lets not introduce more of them

2014-08-27 Thread Chris Dent

On Wed, 27 Aug 2014, Sean Dague wrote:

Here is the problem when it comes to working with code from git, in
python, that uses namespaces, it's kind of a hack that violates the
principle of least surprise.

It's true this problem does happen...

So I'd like us to revisit using a namespace for glance, and honestly,
for other places in OpenStack, because these kinds of violations of the
principle of least surprise is something that I'd like us to be actively

...but on the otherhand using namespaces can be really handy. For
sake of example, the thing I used to work on (TiddlyWeb) using
namespace packages for plugins. The namespace is (surprise)

To get around the issues you're describing, especially during
development, we cooked up an ugly hack called the "mangler" that
establishes the namespace properly. You can see a sample in Tank,
which is a plugin for TiddlyWeb:

Yes, it's ooogly, but if you want namespaces (and under the right
circumstances they can be "one honking great idea"), it helps. May
be something to steal there.

[1] I do think, when using namespaces, that you must have a namespace
for the extensions different from whatever the thing being
extended is using.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] The future of the integrated release

2014-08-27 Thread Chris Dent

On Wed, 27 Aug 2014, Angus Salkeld wrote:

I believe developers working on OpenStack work for companies that
really want this to happen. The developers also want their projects to
be well regarded. Just the way the problem is using framed is a bit
like you did above and this is very daunting for any one person to
solve. If we can we quantify the problem, break the work into doable
items of work (bugs) and prioritized it will be solved a lot faster.


It's very easy when encountering organizational scaling issues to
start catastrophizing and then throwing all the extant problems under
the same umbrella. This thread (and the czar one) has grown to include
a huge number of problems. We could easily change the subject to just
"The Future".

I think two things need to happen:

* Be rational about the fact that at least in some areas we are trying
  to do too much with too little.

  Strategically that means we need:

  * to prioritize and decompose issues (of all sorts) better
  * get more resources (human and otherwise)

  That first is on us. The second I guess gets bumped up to the people
  with the money; one aspect of being rational is utilizing the fact
  that though OpenStack is open source, it is to a very large extent
  corporate open source. If the corps need to step up, we need to tell

* Do pretty much exactly what Angus says:

  10 identify bugs (not just in code)
  20 find groups who care about those bugs
  30 fix em

  We all know this, but I get the impression it can be hard to get
  traction. I think a lot of the slipping comes from too much emphasis
  on the different projects. It would be better to think "I work on
  OpenStack" rather than "I work on Ceilometer" (or whatever).

I'm not opposed to process and bureaucracy, it can be very important
part of the puzzle of getting lots of different groups to work
together. However an increase in both can be a bad smell indicating an
effort to hack around things that are perceived to be insurmountable
problems (e.g. getting more nodes for CI, having more documentors,
Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [qa] In-tree functional test vision

2014-08-25 Thread Chris Dent

On Mon, 25 Aug 2014, Joe Gordon wrote:

[Other stuff snipped, thanks for that, good to have some pointers.]

Why can't you run devstack locally? Maybe there are some changes we can
make so its easier to run devstack locally first.

I do run a local devstack, and throw in some tempest and grenade every
now and again too.

But in terms of automated local testing in the project tree there are
places it is difficult for clean unit tests to reach. Sure we can make
really hairy mocks, but that results in tests which a) make no sense
b) it is hard to have any confidence in.

Thus "in tree functional tests":

* to reach places unit tests won't go
* to not have the noise of all that mock and OO mess
* to have some faith in the end to end

The sorts of things that require provisioning of temporary datastores,
interception of wsgi apps, in process message queues...

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] The future of the integrated release

2014-08-21 Thread Chris Dent

On Thu, 21 Aug 2014, Sean Dague wrote:

By blessing one team what we're saying is all the good ideas pool for
tackling this hard problem can only come from that one team.

This is a big part of this conversation that really confuses me. Who is
that "one team"?

I don't think it is that team that is being blessed, it is that
project space. That project space ought, if possible, have a team
made up of anyone who is interested. Within that umbrella both
the competition and cooperation that everyone wants can happen.

You're quite right Sean, there is a lot of gravity that comes from
needing to support and slowly migrate the existing APIs. That takes
up quite a lot of resources. It doesn't mean, however, that other
resources can't work on substantial improvements in cooperation with
the rest of the project. Gnocchi and the entire "V3" concept in
ceilometer are a good example of this. Some folk are working on that
and some folk are working on maintaining and improving the old

Some participants in this thread seem to be saying "give some else a
chance". Surely nobody needs to be given the chance, they just need
to join the project and make some contributions? That is how this is
supposed to work isn't it?

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] indicating sample provenance

2014-08-21 Thread Chris Dent

On Thu, 21 Aug 2014, Nejc Saje wrote:

More riffing: we are moving away from per-sample specific data with Gnocchi. 
I don't think we should store this per-sample, since the user doesn't 
actually care about which agent the sample came from. The user cares about 
which *resource* it came from.

I'm thinking from a debugging and auditing standpoint it is useful
to know the hops an atom of data has taken on its way to its final
destination. Under normal circumstances that info isn't needed, but
under extraordinary circumstances it could be useful.

I could see this going into an agent's log. On each polling cycle, we could 
log which *resources* we are responsible (not samples).

If it goes in the agent's log how do you associate a particular
sample with that log? From the sample (or resource metadata or what
have you) you can know the time window of the resource. Now you need
to go looking around all the agents to find out which one was
satisfying that resource within that time window.

If there are two agents, no big deal, if there are 2000, problem.

And besides: Consider integration testing scenarios, making the data
a bit more meaningful will make it possible to do more flexible

I appreciate that searching through endless log files is a common
task in OpenStack but that doesn't make it the best way.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] indicating sample provenance

2014-08-20 Thread Chris Dent

On Wed, 20 Aug 2014, gordon chung wrote:

disclaimer: i'm just riffing and the following might be nonsense.

/me is a huge fan of riffing

i guess also to extend your question about agents leaving/joining. i'd
expect there is some volatility to the agents where an agent may or
may not exist at the point of debugging... just curious what the
benefit is of knowing who sent it if all the agents are just clones of
each other.

What I'm thinking of is situation where some chunk of samples is
arriving at the data store and is in some fashion outside the
expected norms when compared to others.

If, from looking at the samples, you can tell that they were all
published from the (used-to-be-)central-agent on host X then you can
go to host X and have a browse around there to see what might be up.

It's unlikely that the agent is going to be the cause of any
weirdness but if it _is_ then we'd like to be able to locate it. As
things currently stand there's no way, from the sample itself, to do

Thus, the "benefit of knowing who sent it" is that though the agents
themselves are clones, they are in regions and on hosts that are

Beyond all those potentially good reasons there's also just the
simple matter that it is good data hygiene to know where stuff came

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [ceilometer] indicating sample provenance

2014-08-20 Thread Chris Dent

One of the outcomes from Juno will be horizontal scalability in the
central agent and alarm evaluator via partitioning[1]. The compute
agent will get the same capability if you choose to use it, but it
doesn't make quite as much sense.

I haven't investigated the alarm evaluator side closely yet, but one
concern I have with the central agent partitioning is that, as far
as I can tell, it will result in stored samples that give no
indication of which (of potentially very many) central-agent it came

This strikes me as a debugging nightmare when something goes wrong
with the content of a sample that makes it all the way to storage.
We need some way, via the artifact itself, to narrow the scope of
our investigation.

a) Am I right that no indicator is there?

b) Assuming there should be one:

   * Where should it go? Presumably it needs to be an attribute of
 each sample because as agents leave and join the group, where
 samples are published from can change.

   * How should it be named? The never-ending problem.



Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [qa] Accessing environment information in javelin2

2014-08-18 Thread Chris Dent

On Mon, 18 Aug 2014, Chris Dent wrote:

The reason for doing this? I want to be able to confirm that some
sample data retrieved in a query against the ceilometer API has
samples that span the upgrade.

The associated change is here:

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [qa] Accessing environment information in javelin2

2014-08-18 Thread Chris Dent

To make some time oriented comparisons in javelin2 I'd like to be
able to access the timestamps on the data dumps in the $SAVE_DIR.

In my experiments I've done this by pushing SAVE_DIR and
BASE_RELEASE into the subshell that calls javelin2 -m create in

Is there:

* A better way to get those two chunks of info (that is, without
* Some other way to get a timestamp that is a time shortly before
  the services in the TARGET_RELEASE have started?

The reason for doing this? I want to be able to confirm that some
sample data retrieved in a query against the ceilometer API has
samples that span the upgrade.



Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] The future of the integrated release

2014-08-16 Thread Chris Dent

On Fri, 15 Aug 2014, Sandy Walsh wrote:

I recently suggested that the Ceilometer API (and integration tests)
be separated from the implementation (two repos) so others might plug
in a different implementation while maintaining compatibility, but
that wasn't well received.

Personally, I'd like to see that model extended for all OpenStack
projects. Keep compatible at the API level and welcome competing

I think this is a _very_ interesting idea, especially the way it fits
in with multiple themes that have bounced around the list lately, not
just this thread:

* Improving project-side testing; that is, pre-gate integration

* Providing a framework (at least conceptual) on which to inform the

* Solidifying both intra- and inter-project API contracts (both HTTP
  and notifications).

* Providing a solid basis on which to enable healthy competition between

* Helping to ensure that the various projects work to the goals of their
  public facing name rather than their internal name (e.g. Telemetry
  vs ceilometer).

Given the usual trouble with resource availability it seems best to
find tactics that can be applied to multiple strategic goals.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [QA] Picking a Name for the Tempest Library

2014-08-16 Thread Chris Dent

On Fri, 15 Aug 2014, Jay Pipes wrote:

I suggest that "tempest" should be the name of the import'able library, and 
that the integration tests themselves should be what is pulled out of the 
current Tempest repository, into their own repo called 
"openstack-integration-tests" or "os-integration-tests".

This idea is best, but if a new name is required, tempit is good because it
is a) short b) might subconsciously remind people that testing ought to
be fast(-ish).

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] The future of the integrated release

2014-08-08 Thread Chris Dent

On Fri, 8 Aug 2014, Nikola Đipanov wrote:

To me the runway approach seems like yet another set of arbitrary hoops
that we will put in place so that we don't have to tell people that we
don't have bandwidth/willingness to review and help their contribution in.

I pretty much agree with this. As things stand there are a lot of
hoops for casual contributors. For the people who make more regular
contributions these hoops are either taken as the norm and good safety
precautions or are an annoying tax that you just kind of have to
deal with.

Few of those hoops say clearly and explicitly that the project is
resource constrained. There are certainly lots of clues and cues
that is going on. It would be best to be as open and upfront as

Meanwhile, there are fairly perverse incentives in place that work
against strategic contribution, despite many people acknowledging
the need to be more strategic.

It's a tricky problem. If there really is a resource starvation
problem, it is best to be honest that this is a project that is
primarily funded by and staffed from organizational members. From
there is where strategic resources will have to come, in part
because of the incentives, in part because those organizational
members want a healthy framework on which to lay their tactical
changes and a context in which to say "lookee, we're a part of this
big deal thing".

But after all that it's important to keep in mind that shit's not
broken: Every few days I'll update all my various repos and think "wow
that's an awful lot of changed code".

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] ceilometer] [ft] Improving ceil.objectstore.swift_middleware

2014-08-08 Thread Chris Dent

On Fri, 8 Aug 2014, Osanai, Hisashi wrote:

Is there any way to proceed ahead the following topic?

There are three active reviews that are somewhat related to this topic:

Use a FakeRequest object to test middleware:

Publish samples on other threads:

Permit usage of notifications for metering

The third one provides a way to potentially overcome the existing
performance problems that the second one is trying to fix.

These may not be directly what you want, but are something worth
tracking as you explore and think.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [qa] In-tree functional test vision

2014-08-04 Thread Chris Dent

In the "Thoughts on the patch test failure rate and moving forward"
thread[1] there's discussion of moving some of the burden for
functional testing to the individual projects. This seems like a good
idea to me, but also seems like it could be a source of confusion so I
thought I'd start another thread to focus on the details of just this
topic, separate from the gate-oriented discussion in the other.

In a couple of messages[2] Sean mentions "the vision". Is there a wiki
page or spec or other kind of document where this nascent vision is
starting to form? Even if we can't quite get started just yet, it
would be good to have an opporunity to think about the constraints and
goals that we'll be working with.

Not just the goal of moving tests around, but what, for example, makes
a good functional test?

For constraints: Will tempest be available as a stable library? Is using
tempest (or other same library across all projects) a good or bad thing?
Seems there's some disagreement on both of these.

Personally I'm quite eager to to vastly increase the amount of testing
I can do on my own machine(s) before letting the gate touch my code.


Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] How to get testr to failfast

2014-07-31 Thread Chris Dent

On Thu, 31 Jul 2014, Dmitry Tantsur wrote:

It would be my 2nd wanted feature in our test system (after getting
reasonable error message (at least not binary) in case of import
errors :)

I managed to figure out a way to exit on first failure so added a
FAQ section to the Testr page on the wiki:

and included it in there. With luck other people will add stuff.

Now to see about speed.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] [swift] Improving ceilometer.objectstore.swift_middleware

2014-07-31 Thread Chris Dent

On Thu, 31 Jul 2014, Julien Danjou wrote:

I'm just thinking out loud and did not push that through, but I wonder
if we should not try to use the oslo.messaging notifier middleware for
that. It would be more standard (as it's the one usable on all HTTP
pipelines) and rely on notification and generates events, as anyway,
HTTP requests are events.
Then it'd be up to Ceilometer to handle those notifications like it does
for the rest of OpenStack.

I assume you mean this stuff:

If this is an option, and having swift "own this" is not, that's
certainly more in line with what I would prefer: a common-code based
solution with no swift dependencies.

That would get both of the issues from the aforementioned bugs:

* the presumed more performant use of notifications
* get rid of the swift dependencies

Will link to this thread from the bugs for visibility.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [all] How to get testr to failfast

2014-07-31 Thread Chris Dent

One of the things I like to be able to do when in the middle of making
changes is sometimes run all the tests to make sure I haven't accidentally
caused some unexpected damage in the neighborhood. If I have I don't
want the tests to all run, I'd like to exit on first failure. This
is a common feature in lots of testrunners but I can't seem to find
a way to make it happen when testr is integrated with setuptools.

Any one know a way?

There's this:

But it is not clear how or where to effectively pass the right argument,
either from the command line or in tox.ini.

Even if you don't know a way, I'd like to hear from other people who
would like it to be possible. It's one of several testing habits I
have from previous worlds that I'm missing and doing a bit of
commiseration would be a nice load off.


Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [ceilometer] [swift] Improving ceilometer.objectstore.swift_middleware

2014-07-30 Thread Chris Dent

ceilometer/objectstore/[1] counts the size of web
request and reponse bodies through the swift proxy server and publishes
metrics of the size of the request and response and that a request
happened at all.

There are (at least) two bug reports associated with this bit of code:

* avoid requirement on tarball for unit tests

* significant performance degradation when ceilometer middleware for
  swift proxy uses

On the first bug the goal is to remove the dependency on swift from
ceilometer. This is halfway done but there are barriers[2] with
regard to the apparently unique way that swift does logging and the
fact that InputProxy and split_path live in swift rather than some
communal location. The barriers may be surmountable but if other
things in the same context are changing, it might not be necessary.

On the second bug, while the majority of the performance cost is in
the call to rpc_server.cast(), achieving maximum performance would
probably come from doing the counts and notifications _not_ in
middlewhere. The final application in the WSGI stack will know the
size of requests and responses without needing to sometime recalculate.
May as well use that.

These two situations overlap in a few ways that suggest we could make
some improvements. I'm after input from both the swift crew and the
ceilometer crew to see if we can reach something that is good for the
long term rather than short term fixes to these bugs.

Some options appear to be:

* Move the middleware to swift or move the functionality to swift.

  In the process make the functionality drop generic notifications for
  storage.objects.incoming.bytes and storage.objects.outgoing.bytes
  that anyone can consume, including ceilometer.

  This could potentially address both bugs.

* Move or copy swift.common.utils.{InputProxy,split_path} to somewhere
  in oslo, but keep the middleware in ceilometer.

  This would require somebody sharing the info on how to properly
  participate in swift's logging setup without incorporating swift.

  This would fix the first bug without saying anything about the

* Carry on importing the swift tarball or otherwise depending on

  Fixes neither bug, maintains status quo.

What are other options? Of those above which are best or most

Personally I'm a fan of the first option: move the functionality into
swift and take it out of middleware. This gets the maximum win for
performance and future flexibility (of consumers).



Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [PKG-Openstack-devel] Bug#755315: [Trove] Should we stop using wsgi-intercept, now that it imports from mechanize? this is really bad!

2014-07-30 Thread Chris Dent

On Tue, 29 Jul 2014, Chris Dent wrote:

Let me know whenever you have a new release, without mechanize as new
dependency, or with it being optional.

It will be soon (a day or so). is now at 0.8.0

All traces of mechanize removed. Have at. Enjoy. If there are issues
please post them in the github issues first before
the openstack-dev list...

Please note that the long term plan is likely to be that _all_ the
interceptors will be removed and will be packaged as their own
packages with the core package only providing the faked socket and
environ infrastructure for the interceptors to use.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [PKG-Openstack-devel] Bug#755315: [Trove] Should we stop using wsgi-intercept, now that it imports from mechanize? this is really bad!

2014-07-29 Thread Chris Dent

On Tue, 29 Jul 2014, Thomas Goirand wrote:

Sorry, I couldn't reply earlier.

No problem.

However, from *your* perspective, I wouldn't advise that you keep using
such a dangerous, badly maintained Python module. Saying that it's
optional may look like you think mechanize is ok and you are vouching
for it, when it really shouldn't be the case. Having clean, well
maintained dependencies, is IMO very important for a given python
module. It shows that you care no bad module gets in.

I've pointed a couple of the other wsgi-intercept contributors to this
thread to get their opinions on which way is the best way forward,
I'd prefer not to make the decision solo.

Let me know whenever you have a new release, without mechanize as new
dependency, or with it being optional.

It will be soon (a day or so).

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Trove] Should we stop using wsgi-intercept, now that it imports from mechanize? this is really bad!

2014-07-27 Thread Chris Dent

On Mon, 28 Jul 2014, Thomas Goirand wrote:

That's exactly the version which I've been looking at. The thing is,
when I run the unit test with that version, it just bombs on me because
mechanize isn't there.

How would you feel about it being optionally available and for the tests
for mechanize to only run for it if someone has aleady preinstalled
mechanize? That is the tests will skip if import mechanize is an

While I'm not in love with mechanize, if it is a tool that _some_
people use, then I don't want wsgi-intercept to not be useful to them.

Please let me know if you can release a new version of wsgi-intercept
cleaned from any trace of mechanize, or if you think this can't be done.

Let me know if the above idea can't work. Depending on your answer
I'll either release a version as described, or go ahead and flush it.
If you get back to me by tomorrow morning (UTC) I can probably get the new
version out tomorrow too.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [Trove] Should we stop using wsgi-intercept, now that it imports from mechanize? this is really bad!

2014-07-27 Thread Chris Dent

On Sun, 27 Jul 2014, Thomas Goirand wrote:

I don't think you get it. The question isn't to "fix Trove to be
ready for Py3.4", we're very far from that. The question is: how can I
maintain the python-wsgi-intercept package in Debian, when it now
depends on a very bad package in the newer version that I need to
upgrade to. And how can I continue to have it work in Debian Jessie for
the soon-to-come freeze deadline of the 5th of November. So I'm more
concerned by Icehouse right now, and not even remotely thinking about
the K release.

I maintain wsgi-intercept, and I'm happy to remove mechanize if that's
really necessary. I didn't want it in there but when someone asked for
it to be back in there was insufficient objection so back in it went.

If it is causing problem, then by all means say so.

In any case, mechanize shouldn't be _required_, it should just be
available if you ask for it. If you don't import
wsgi_intercept.mechanize_intercept mechanize will not be loaded, and if
you try to do so with Python 3 you'll get an AssertionError and the
world will crash around you.

Maybe you aren't looking at the most recent version (0.7.0)?

If there are issues please report them as bugs on github, they'll
get fixed:

If there's a better way to do the optional-ness of mechanize
(without changing everything else), then please suggest something.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] Treating notifications as a contract

2014-07-25 Thread Chris Dent

There's a review in progress for a generic event format for
PaaS-services which is a move with the right spirit: allow various
services to join the the notification party without needing special

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] overuse of 'except Exception'

2014-07-24 Thread Chris Dent

On Thu, 24 Jul 2014, Doug Hellmann wrote:

I don’t claim any special status except that I was there and am
trying to provide background on why things are as they are. :-)

I think that counts and I very much appreciate the responses.

Having a hard-fail error handler is useful in situations where
continuing operation would make the problem worse *and* the deployer
can fix the problem. Being unable to connect to a database might be an
example of this. However, we don’t want the ceilometer collector to
shutdown if it receives a notification it doesn’t understand because
discarding a malformed message isn’t going to make other ceilometer
operations any worse, and seeing such a message isn’t a situation
the deployer can fix. Catching KeyError, IndexError, AttributeError,
etc. for those cases would be useful if we were going to treat those
exception types differently somehow, but we don’t.

I guess what I'm asking is "shouldn't we treat them differently?" If
I've got a dict coming in over the bus and it is missing a key, big
deal, the bus is still working. I _do_ want to know about it but it
isn't a disaster so I can (and should) catch KeyError and log a
short message (without traceback) that is specially encoded to say
"how about that the notification payload was messed up".

Maybe such a thing is elsewhere in the stack, if so, great. In that
case the thing code I pointed out as a bit of a compromise is in
place, just not in the same place.

What I don't want is a thing logged as _exceptional_ when it isn't.

That said, it’s possible we could tighten up some of the error
handling outside of event processing loops, so as I said, if you have
a more specific proposal for places you think we can predict the
exception type reliably, we should talk about those directly instead
of the general case. You mention distinguishing between “the noise
and the nasty” — do you have some logs you can share?

Only vaguely at this point, based on my experiences in the past few days
trying to chase down failures in the gate. There's just so much logged,
a lot of which doesn't help, but at the same time a fair bit which looks
like it ought to be a traceback and handled more aggressively. That
experience drove me into the Ceilometer code in an effort to check the
hygiene there and see if there was something I could do in that small
environment (rather than the overwhelming context of the The Entire

I'll pay a bit closer attention to the specific relationship
between the ceilometer exceptions (on the loops) and the logs and
when I find something that particularly annoys me, I'll submit a
patch for review and we'll see how it goes.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [ceilometer] overuse of 'except Exception'

2014-07-24 Thread Chris Dent

On Wed, 23 Jul 2014, Doug Hellmann wrote:

That's bad enough, but much worse, this will catch all sorts of
exceptions, even ones that are completely unexpected and ought to
cause a more drastic (and thus immediately informative) failure
than 'something failed’.

In most cases, we chose to handle errors this way to keep the service
running even in the face of “bad” data, since we are trying to
collect an audit stream and we don’t want to miss good data if we
encounter bad data.

a) I acknowledge that you're actually one of the "elders" to whom I
   referred earlier so I hesitate to disagree with you here, so feel
   free to shoot me down, but...

b) "keep the service running" in the face of "bad" is exactly the
   sort or reason why I don't like this idiom. I think those
   exceptions which we can enumerate as causes of "bad" should be
   explicitly caught and explicitly logged and the rest of them
   should explicitly cause death exactly because we don't know
   what happened and the situation is _actually_ exceptional and we
   ought to know now, not later, that it happened, and not some
   number of minutes or hours or even days later when we notice that
   some process, though still running, hasn't done any real work.

   That kind of "keep it alive" rationale often leads to far more
   complex debugging situations than otherwise.

In other words there are two kinds of "bad": The bad that we know
and can expect (even though we don't want it) and the bad that we
don't know and shouldn't expect. These should be handled

A compromise position (if one is needed) would be something akin to,
but not exactly like:

except (TheVarious, ExceptionsIKnow) as exc:
LOG.warning('shame, no workie, but you know, it happens: %s', exc)
except Exception:

This makes it easier to distinguish between the noise and the nasty,
which I've found to be quite challenging thus far.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent
OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [ceilometer] overuse of 'except Exception'

2014-07-23 Thread Chris Dent

I was having a bit of a browse through the ceilometer code and
noticed there are a fair few instances (sixty-some) of
`except Exception` scattered about.

While not as evil as a bare except, my Python elders always pointed
out that doing `except Exception` is a bit like using a sledgehammer
where something more akin to a gavel is what's wanted. The error
condition is obliterated but there's no judgement on what happened
and no apparent effort by the developer to effectively handle
discrete cases.

A common idiom appears as:

except Exception:
LOG.exception(_('something failed'))
# or continue

There's no information here about what failed or why.

That's bad enough, but much worse, this will catch all sorts of
exceptions, even ones that are completely unexpected and ought to
cause a more drastic (and thus immediately informative) failure
than 'something failed'.

So, my question: Is this something we who dig around in the ceilometer
code ought to care about and make an effort to clean up? If so, I'm
happy to get started.


Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] Treating notifications as a contract

2014-07-17 Thread Chris Dent

On Tue, 15 Jul 2014, Sandy Walsh wrote:

This looks like a particular schema for one event-type (let's say
"foo.sample").  It's hard to extrapolate this one schema to a generic
set of common metadata applicable to all events. Really the only common
stuff we can agree on is the stuff already there: tenant, user, server,
message_id, request_id, timestamp, event_type, etc.

This is pretty much what I'm trying to figure out. We can,
relatively agree on a small set of stuff (like what you mention).
Presumably there are three more sets:

* special keys that could be changed to something more generally
  meaningful if we tried hard enough

* special keys that really are special and must be saved as such

* special keys that nobody cares about and can be tossed

Everybody thinks their own stuff is special[1] but it is often the case
that it's not.

In your other message you linked to
which shows some very complicated payloads (but only gets through
the first six events).

Is there related data (even speculative) for how many of those keys
are actually used?

And just looking at the paste (and the problem) generally, does it make
sense for the accessors in the dictionaries (the keys) to be terms which
are specific to the producer? Obviously that will increase the
appearance of disjunction between different events. A different
representation might not be as problematic.

Or maybe I'm completely wrong, just thinking out loud.

This way, we can keep important notifications in a priority queue and
handle them accordingly (since they hold important data), but let the
samples get routed across less-reliable transports (like UDP) via the

Presumably a more robust, uh, contract, for notifications, will
allow them to be dispatched (and re-dispatched) more effectively.

Also, send the samples one-at-a-time and let them either a) drop on the
floor (udp) or b) let the aggregator roll them up into something smaller
(sliding window, etc). Making these large notifications contain a list
of samples means we had to store state somewhere on the server until
transmission time. Ideally something we wouldn't want to rely on.

I've wondered about this too. Is there history for why some of the
notifications which include samples are rolled up lists instead of
fired off one at a time. Seems like that will hurt parallelism

[1] There's vernacular here that I'd prefer to use but this is a
family mailing list.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] Treating notifications as a contract

2014-07-17 Thread Chris Dent

On Tue, 15 Jul 2014, Mark McLoughlin wrote:

So you're proposing that all payloads should contain something like:
[...] a class, type, id, value, unit and a space to put additional metadata.

That's the gist of it, but I'm only presenting that as a way to get
somebody else to point out what's wrong with it so we can get
closer to what's actually needed...

On the subject of "notifications as a contract", calling the additional
metadata field 'extra' suggests to me that there are no stability
promises being made about those fields. Was that intentional?

...and as you point out, if everything that doesn't fit in the
"known" fields goes in 'extra' then the goal of contractual
stability may be lost.

What I think that shows us is that what we probably want is three
levels of contract. Currently we have one:

* There is a thing called a notification and it has a small number
  of top-level fields include 'payload'

At the second level would be:

* There is a list of things _in_ the payload which are events and
  they have some known general struture that allows injestion (as
  data) by lots of consumers.

And the third level would be:

* Each event has an internal structure (below the general structure)
  which is based on its type. In the simplest cases (some meters for
  example) a third level could either not be necessary or at least
  very small[1]. This is the badly named "extras" above.

Basically: If people are willing to pay the price (in terms of changes)
for contractual stability may as well get some miles out of it.
Three layers of abstraction means there can be three distinct levels
in applications or tools, each of which are optimized to a different
level of the topology: transporting messages, persisting/publishing
messages, extracting meaning from messages.

That's kind of present already, but it is done in a way that
requires a lot of duplication of knowledge between producer and
consumer and within different parts of the consumer. Which makes
effective testing and scaling more complex that it ought to be.

I know from various IRC chatter that this is a perennial topic round
these parts, frequently foundering, but perhaps each time we get a
bit further, learn a bit more?

In any case, as Eoghan and I stated elsewhere in the thread I'm
going to try to drive this forward, but I'm not going to rush it as
there's no looming deadline.

[1] Part of the reason I drove us off into the so-called weeds
earlier in the thread is a sense  that a large number of
events/samples/notification-payloads are capable of being classed as
nearly the same thing (except for their name and units) and thus
would not warrant their own specific schema. These are "just" events
that should have a very similar structure. If that structure is well
known and well accepted we will likely find that many existing
events can be bent to fit that structure for the sake of less code
and more reuse. As part of this process I'll try to figure out if this
is true .

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [qa] Getting rolling with javelin2

2014-07-16 Thread Chris Dent

On Mon, 14 Jul 2014, Sean Dague wrote:

Javelin2 lives in tempest, currently the following additional fixes are
needed for it to pass the server & image creation in grenade -,n,z

Thanks for the pointers. That stuff looks good (and is now merged)
and I'm testing my changes against the new shiny.

Those were posted for review last Friday, need eyes on them. This is
still basically the minimum viable code there, and additional unit tests
should be added. Assistance there appreciated.

I have to admit I'm struggling to get my head around _how_ to unit
something that is itself a test. Is the idea to mock the clients?
I'm not sure how much value that will have (compared to just running
the thing).

There is a grenade patch that will consume that once landed - - local testing gets us to an
unrelated ceilometer bug. However landing the 2 tempest patches first
should be done.

If you'd like me to look into that ceilometer bug, please let me
know what it is.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] Treating notifications as a contract

2014-07-14 Thread Chris Dent

On Sat, 12 Jul 2014, Eoghan Glynn wrote:

So what we need to figure out is how exactly this common structure can be
accommodated without reverting back to what Sandy called the "wild west"
in another post.

I got the impression that "wild west" is what we've already got
(within the payload)?

For example you could write up a brief wiki walking through how an
existing widely-consumed notification might look under your vision,
say compute.instance.start.end. Then post a link back here as an RFC.

Or, possibly better, maybe submit up a strawman spec proposal to one
of the relevant *-specs repos and invite folks to review in the usual

Would oslo-specs (as in messaging) be the right place for that?

My thinking is the right thing to do is bounce around some questions
here (or perhaps in a new thread if this one has gone far enough off
track to have dropped people) and catch up on some loose ends.

For example: It appears that CADF was designed for this sort of thing and
was considered at some point in the past. It would be useful to know
more of that story if there are any pointers.

My initial reaction is that CADF has the stank of enterprisey all over
it rather than "less is more" and "worse is better" but that's a
completely uninformed and thus unfair opinion.

Another question (from elsewhere in the thread) is if it is worth, in
the Ironic notifications, to try and cook up something generic or to
just carry on with what's being used.

This feels like something that we should be thinking about with an eye
to the K* cycle - would you agree?


Thanks for helping to tease this all out and provide some direction on
where to go next.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [qa] Getting rolling with javelin2

2014-07-14 Thread Chris Dent

A recent thread about javelin2[1] ended with "the takeaway here is
that we should consider javelin2 still very much a WIP...we should be
hesitant to add new features and functionality to it."

One of the items on my todo list is to add some functionality (for
ceilometer[2]) to javelin2, therefore I'd like to help in whatever way to
make it more mature and useful and move it along. To that end I have
some questions:

* I understand that javelin2 is or will be run as part of Grenade.
  Where (what code) do I look to see that integration? If it hasn't
  happened yet, where will it happen?

  Will that integration be done as if javelin2 is part of a test suite
  or will a bit of shell code be wrapping it and checking exit codes?

* Will grenade provide its own resources.yaml or is the plan to use
  the one currently found in the tempest repo?

Basically I'd like to see this move along and I'm happy to do the leg
work to make it so, but I need a bit of guidance on where to push.


[2] The TC did some gap analysis and one of the areas that needs work
is in resource survivability.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] Treating notifications as a contract

2014-07-11 Thread Chris Dent
me and have confidence
they are doing it right.

Can you start fleshing out exactly what you mean by a standard not
necessarily predisposed to ceilometer, still sufficiently close to
eliminate the need for a mapping layer on the ceilometer side?

That's what I'm trying to do here in this discussion here on this list
because as far as I'm able to tell that's the one way to ensure that
the idea has some validity and I'm not missing important details. I
thought I was saying "how about this general idea, any merit? Help me
flesh it out?" but apparently it came across as something different.

That's a shame. If I were made of less stern stuff I might be put off
trying to share ideas and make improvements: the hoops I'm leaping through
are making me a feel bit "whoa, man, really I don't want to have to try
this hard just to discuss an idea".

And then please run this by the other stake-holders (e.g. StackTach)
for a sanity check to confirm that it would complicate their lives

I would have thought that was what I was already doing by posting in
this thread based on the title and the participants thus far, but
I'm assuming you mean something else?

I don't think so, it was supposed to be an example of the cost of there
not being an existing general standard. If there were such a standard I
wouldn't have had to write any code, only the Ironic folk would and I
would have had the free time to help them. Less code == good!

Yes less code is great as long as we don't sacrifice the flexibility
that we and other consumers need.

This ("flexibility") is a topic for a different conversation, I don't
want to throw us off this thread.

Similarly if there are individual schema for the various notification
types, every time someone wants to make a new notification they need
to get that schema validated and various agents and actors need to be
informed of its existence and then the new thing needs to be
integrated. That is limiting. If the contract can be managed at a higher
layer of abstraction more agents and actors can contribute.

I don't really know what a "higher layer of abstraction" actually means
when we talk about schema. More generic, less specific? Something else?

More generic and less specific. The scheme is for NotificationEvent,
not ComputeInstanceCreateStartNotificationEvent.

OK just being devil's advocate for a second, it sounds like a truism
to state we wouldn't need mapping logic if the mapping was done elsewhere.

Of course. The reason for doing that is because the publisher should
be the source of authority on what the mapping from
specific-thing-that-happened-here to NotificationEvent, not
Ceilometer. If it is Ceilometer then it means that StackTach must also
keep its own mapping. And so does every other consumer. The general
provision here is to get more DRY about information authority.

If you can figure out how to do that in a concrete way ... then great,
I'd be receptive, let's hear some proposals.

I've made a very limited one, how's it sound? Does it need an
implementation in order to warrant further discussion? Or would it
be better to toss it around a bit more? It makes no sense to me to
formalize something that has no potential legs.

Thanks for sticking through this.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] Treating notifications as a contract

2014-07-11 Thread Chris Dent

On Fri, 11 Jul 2014, Lucas Alvares Gomes wrote:

The data format that Ironic will send was part of the spec proposed
and could have been reviewed. I think there's still time to change it
tho, if you have a better format talk to Haomeng which is the guys
responsible for that work in Ironic and see if he can change it (We
can put up a following patch to fix the spec with the new format as
well) . But we need to do this ASAP because we want to get it landed
in Ironic soon.

It was only after doing the work that I realized how it might be an
example for the sake of this discussion. As the architecure of
Ceilometer currently exist there still needs to be some measure of
custom code, even if the notifications are as I described them.

However, if we want to take this opportunity to move some of the
smarts from Ceilomer into the Ironic code then the paste that I created
might be a guide to make it possible:

However on that however, if there's some chance that a large change could
happen, it might be better to wait, I don't know.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] Treating notifications as a contract

2014-07-11 Thread Chris Dent
;t have had to write any code, only the Ironic folk would and I
would have had the free time to help them. Less code == good!

Similarly if there are individual schema for the various notification
types, every time someone wants to make a new notification they need
to get that schema validated and various agents and actors need to be
informed of its existence and then the new thing needs to be
integrated. That is limiting. If the contract can be managed at a higher
layer of abstraction more agents and actors can contribute.

i.e. not that ceilometer requires some translation to be done, but
that this translation must be hand-craft in Python code as opposed
to being driven declaratively via some configured mapping rules?

I don't think there needs to be much, if any, mapping on the consumption
side of the notification process if there is a standard form in which
those notifications are emitted. In those cases where pipeline
transformation needs to be done ( multiple value gathering) the pipeline
can consume certain notifications and then emit more as the result of
the transformation.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] Treating notifications as a contract

2014-07-10 Thread Chris Dent
andard notification payload format would of course mean change,
but we know that flexible metering/auditing is very important for the
OpenStack universe. Your argument seems to be that having such a
standard, predisposed to ceilometer, would limit flexibility and lose
capability. I'm suggesting that it would (after the hump of admittedly
quite a lot of work) increase flexiblity and save resources for
focusing on other capabilities (actually using the gathered data to do
interesting things).

Currently Ceilometer is required to know far too much about the
notifications it receives and that knowledge is being represented is
code. That is a BadThing™. I'm sure there are plenty of reasons for
why it has turned out that way, but if there is an opportunity for

Not really, I don't think, TBH.

Take my example from above, the processing of Ironic notifications.
I think it is weird that I had to write code for that. Does it not
seem odd to you? If we had a standard format, we could have said,
in response to the initial proposal, "looks good but if you make the
data look like _this_ that would be totally wicked sweet!"

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] fastest way to run individual tests ?

2014-07-10 Thread Chris Dent

On Thu, 10 Jul 2014, Mike Bayer wrote:

I typically never use tox or testtools at the commandline until I'm
ready to commit and want to see what the jenkins builds will see.   I
start up the whole thing and then it's time to take a break while it
reinvents the whole world.

Me tool I've been squeezing py.test into my testing as well. It
allows me to do TDD off the test file of the thing that I'm creating
or changing and focus on just that without the incredibly long round
trip time for tox and friends.

I do some variation on:

   py.test -svx path/to/test/

with a pre-warmed virtualenv.

My next hope is to get rid of unittest and just do the plain asserts
that py.test makes so nice and lovely.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [all] Treating notifications as a contract

2014-07-10 Thread Chris Dent

On Thu, 10 Jul 2014, Julien Danjou wrote:

My initial plan was to leverage a library like voluptuous to do schema
based validation on the sender side. That would allow for receiver to
introspect schema and know the data structure to expect. I didn't think
deeply on how to handle versioning, but that should be doable too.

It's not clear to me in this discussion what it is that is being
versioned, contracted or standardized.

Is it each of the many different notifications that various services
produce now?

Is it the general concept of a notification which can be considered
a "sample" that something like Ceilometer or StackTack might like to

If it not the latter, why isn't it the latter? Here's some semi-random

Wouldn't the metering process be a lot easier if there was a
standardized package for a "sample" and anyone with the proper
credentials could drop a sample on the bus with the right exchange with
the right topic and anything (e.g. Ceilometer, StackTack, the
NewShinyMeteringShiz) that wants to consider itself a metering store can
consume it and hey presto.

If people are going to have to write a bunch of new tests and
related code to get notifications healthier why not make
notifications for metrics _healthy_ and available to any system
without needing to write a bunch of code on both sides of the bus.

Currently Ceilometer is required to know far too much about the
notifications it receives and that knowledge is being represented is
code. That is a BadThing™. I'm sure there are plenty of reasons for
why it has turned out that way, but if there is an opportunity for

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] [qa] issues adding functionality to javelin2

2014-07-01 Thread Chris Dent

On Tue, 1 Jul 2014, Matthew Treinish wrote:

In the mean-time you can easily re-enable the full tracebacks by setting both
verbose and debug logging in the tempest config file.

Is there a way to say, via config, "no, I really do want exceptions to
cause the code to exit and pooh on the console"?

Second thing: When run as above the path to image files is
insufficient for them to be loaded. I overcame this by hardcoding a
BASENAME (see my review in progress[1]). Note that because of the
swallowed exceptions you can run (in create or check) and not realize
that no image files were found. The code silently exits.

Why? Looking at the code if you use a full path for the image location in the
yaml file it should just call open() on it. I can see an issue if you're using
relative paths in the yaml, which I think is probably the problem.

Sure, but the resources.yaml file is presented as if it is canonical,
and in that canonical form it can't work. Presumably it should either
work or state that it can't work. Especially since it doesn't let you
know that it didn't work when it doesn't work (because of the
swallowed errors).

So I think the takeaway here is that we should consider javelin2 still very much
a WIP. It's only been a few weeks since it was initially merged and it's still
not stable enough so that we can gate on it. Until we are running it in some
fashion as part of normal gating then we should be hesitant to add new features
and functionality to it.

I'll press pause on the ceilometer stuff for a while. Thanks for the
quick response. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy. I guess
not, at least not because of this stuff.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [qa] issues adding functionality to javelin2

2014-07-01 Thread Chris Dent

I've been working to add ceilometer checks in javelin2. Doing so has
revealed some issues that appear to be a fairly big deal but I suppose
there's some chance I'm doing things completely wrong.

For reference my experiments are being done with a devstack with
ceilometer enabled, running javelin as:

python tempest/cmd/ -m check \
-r tempest/cmd/resources.yaml

replace "check" with "create" as required.

First thing I noticed: setting sys.excepthook in setup() in
tempest/openstack/common/ is causing exceptions to be swallowed
such that when making simple runs it is not obvious that things have
gone wrong. You can check $? and then look in templest.log but the
content of tempest.log is just the exception message, not its type nor
any traceback. If you wish to follow along at home comment out line 427
in tempest/openstack/common/

Second thing: When run as above the path to image files is
insufficient for them to be loaded. I overcame this by hardcoding a
BASENAME (see my review in progress[1]). Note that because of the
swallowed exceptions you can run (in create or check) and not realize
that no image files were found. The code silently exits.

Third thing: Much of the above could still work if there were a
different resources.yaml or the PWD was set specifically for test runs.
However, this patchset[2] adds support for checking creating and
attaching volumes. Assuming it is expected to use the the volumes API
under tempest/services some of the calls are being made with the wrong
number of arguments (client.volumes.{create_volume,atach_volume}). Again
these errors aren't obvious because the exceptions are swallowed.

I can provide fixes for all this stuff but I wanted to first confirm
that I'm not doing something incorrectly or missing something obvious.

Some questions:

* When javelin will be run officially as part of the tests, what is
  the PWD, such that we can create an accurate path to the image
* Is the exception swallowing intentional?
* When run in grenade will javelin have any knowledge of whether the
  current check run is happening before or after the upgrade stage?

Thanks for any help and input. I'm on IRC as cdent if you want to find me
there rather than respond here.


Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

[openstack-dev] [ceilometer] [qa] testing ceilometer in javelin2

2014-06-19 Thread Chris Dent

I've start a spec for using javelin2 with ceilometer to test
resource survival:

As far as I can tell from the current form of javelin2[1] is
explicit about a mapping between resources and clients to create and
check the existence of those resources.

This doesn't map perfectly to what we'd like to do with ceilometer
which is, in short, to make two time-bounded api queries before and
after the upgrade and confirm that the results are sane[2].

Seems like there are two ways this could be added to javelin2:

* Write a ceilo specific check_ceilomethod() on JavelinCheck.
* Write a generic web request handler of some kind such that
  resources.yaml could represent requests and expected responses.

The latter seems most flexible but is also presumably a PITA with
regard to auth and handling responses in a flexible fashion.

What's the recommended path to make this happen?


[2] Definition of "sane" to be determined.
Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Gate proposal - drop Postgresql configurations in the gate

2014-06-16 Thread Chris Dent

On Fri, 13 Jun 2014, Sean Dague wrote:

So if we can't evolve the system back towards health, we need to just
cut a bunch of stuff off until we can.

+1 This is kind of the crux of the biscuit. As things stand there's
so much noise that it's far too easy to think and act like it is
somebody else's problem.

Chris Dent

OpenStack-dev mailing list

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