Re: [osdcmy] Re: Penyataan akbar bersama Malaysia Social Media Foundation - Persatuan Sistem Bebas dan Sumber Terbuka Malaysia

2012-08-11 Terurut Topik red1

Antara lain, dalam hubungan saya dengan tokoh2 politik berkenaan
nama tidak disiarkan tetapi dalam perbualan saya akan sebutkan
tidak dapat fokus kepada perkara lain dari yang mereka tengah pening
faham2 je lah dan banyak lagi kisah, hanya sesuai untuk cerita
kat kedai mamak.
Walau macamanapun asal mereka dah bayar tempat perjumpaan hari itu
dengan makan minum sekali. Jarang dapat macam itu.

Mohon maaf kerana saya gagal teruskan agenda tersebut.

Wallahu Aklam.
waslaam Ramadhan wa Eidil Fitri Mubarak

On 8/12/12 3:23 AM, Mohamad Imran Ishak wrote:
Ada perkembangan terbaru berkenaanPersatuan Sistem Bebas
dan Sumber Terbuka Malaysia?
Pada Jumaat, 13 April 2012 8:46:54 pg UTC+8, red1 menulis:
Penyataan akbar bersama
Malaysia Social Media Foundation (MSMF) -
Persatuan Sistem Bebas dan Sumber Terbuka Malaysia (PSBSTM)

Bertempat di Bilik Bunga Kenanga, Hotel
Seri Pacific, Kuala Lumpur pada April
2012, satu mesyuarat telah menetapkan beberapa resolusi untuk
pertimbangan sewajar oleh Kementerian Sains Teknologi dan Innovasi
(MOSTI), Kerajaan Malaysia.

MSMF telah menganjurkan satu mesyuarat penubuhan NGO baru, Persatuan
Sistem Bebas dan Sumber Terbuka Malaysia (PSBSTM) yang dalam proses
pendaftaran dengan Pendaftar Pertubuhan. 

Mesyuarat telah menjalankan satu debat mengenai Akta BCPM di mana 12
ahli menolak sama sekali, 11 ahli ingin ia dirombak dan tiada ahli yang
menyokong Akta tersebut dalam bentuk sedia ada.

MSMF dan PSBSTM bersama menggesa kerajaan menimbang semula Akta
tersebut yang bakal dikemukakan di Parlimen supaya diberi kajian yang
lebih mendalam dengan mengambil kira pihak-pihak yang menjadi sasaran
Akta berkenaan iaitu golongan pelajar ICT, golongan pekerja ICT dan
golongan usahawan ICT. 

Kami merasakan bahawa Akta yang dicadang itu menumbulkan pelbagai
persoalan dikalangan kita pengamal ICT negara terutamanya yang
mendokong perisian bebas dan sumber terbuka. 

Walaupun Akta tersebut mempunyai niat yang baik iaitu mempertingkatkan
mutu nilai perlaksanaan projek ICT di negara ini kepada tahap mutu
dunia, kami merasakan cara dan kaedah yang terkandung dalam Akta
tersebut adalah tidak jelas, mungkin berat sebelah kepada pandangan
satu pihak sahaja dan masih kabur.

Beberapa butiran dalam Akta tersebut menimbulkan soalan berikut:

1. Apakah rang undang-undang ini bersamaan dengan apa yang diketahui
umum sebagai 'Professional
Technologists Bill'?

2. Apakah perisian bebas dan
sumber terbuka serta produk atau projek berkaitan dengannya tertakluk
dan bagaimana ianya tertakluk dalam Akta tersebut?

3. Apakah pengamal perisian
bebas dan sumber terbuka terlibat sama dan bagaimana mereka akan
didaftarkan sepertimana yang dianjurkan dalam Akta berkenaan?

4. Bagaimana tentang projek perisian
dan sumber terbuka luar negara? Apakah cara lesen bebas, anggota
pembangun perisian dan kerja mereka jatuh di bawah kawalan Akta?

5. Bolehkah dipastikan yang Akta ini dikemukakan tanpa dikawal oleh
mana-mana satu pihak sahaja?

6. Bolehkah dipastikan yang proses pendaftaran para pakar ICT dan
pensijilan atau piawaian setaraf dengan peringkat dan cita-rasa dunia
dengan cara telus dan tidak berat sebelah?

Kami juga ingin menggesa MOSTI supaya menimbangkan peranan MNCC sebagai
badan pilhan kami untuk menjalankan urusan proses pendaftraan dan
piawaian tersebut. Kami akan mengadakan perbincangan seterusnya dengan
MNCC secara teknikal bagi mencapai maksud tersebut. Kami berharap MOSTI
akan mengadakan lebih banyak perbincangan secara teknikal dengan kami
bagi mencari satu jalan penyelesaian yang manasabah dan menyakinkan.

Sekian terima kasih,
Yang Berkhidmat
Redhuan D. Oon
(Presiden MSMF)
bagi pihak mesyuarat

salinan kepada Zam (s/u kerja) dan Dato' Radzi Abdul Latif (pengerusi

  Press Statement
  April 11, 2012
  Bilik Bunga Kenanga, Hotel Seri Pacific,
Kuala Lumpur
  An NGO formation meeting conducted today 11th
April, 2012, at Bilik Bunga Kenanga, Hotel Seri Pacific, Kuala Lumpur,
by Malaysia Social Media Foundation (MSMF) and Persatuan Sistem Bebas
dan Sumber Terbuka Malaysia (PSBSTM)(registration pending), hereby held a debate
over the proposed Computing Professional Bill (CPB) where 12 members
voted against the Bill, 11 voted for a review, while none voted in
support of the Bill.
  MSMF and PSBSTM jointly urge the government
to reconsider the proposed tabling of the Bill until a more thorough
study is conducted with the stakeholders that the Bill affects.
  We feel that the proposed Bill raise a lot of
questions and concerns among us ICT practitioners  Technologist
particularly from the Free and Open Source Software sector.
  Even though the proposed Bill has among its
intention of raising the quality of ICT projects implementation, we
feel that the way the Bill proposed to resolve that is vague

[osdcmy] Fwd: Re: Kertas Pembentangan Sesi Open Day 30/7/2012 Kajian Semula National Strategic ICT Roadmaps dan Technology Roadmaps.

2012-07-30 Terurut Topik red1


 Original Message 


  Re: Kertas Pembentangan Sesi Open Day 30/7/2012 Kajian Semula
National Strategic ICT Roadmaps dan Technology Roadmaps.

  Tue, 31 Jul 2012 08:16:42 +0800


  Mohd Hafezzudeen Bin. Che Hassan

  CC:,,,, Izzatul Shima Binti Md Thahir,,,,,, Lim Li Tian, Suhaimi Bin Hamzah,, Tan Chuan Ou,
Rusilawati Binti Othman, Gan Kim Sai


Thank you for the document. This is so efficient. Kudos to the
secretariat and consultant team handling this.

DISCLAMIER. I am an angry and foolish person. :) I wish to give my 2
cents to this fine effort and i already given one cent yesterday and i
shall pay the second cent now. I apologise if i sound patronising but i
humbly beg for leniency in reading this. My disclaimer is that you can
always stop here. It is called 'freedom of choice' from where we come
from. But if you read till the end, i will reward the reader with a
poetic apology.

Yesterday i asked the question if you have heard of me where i
mentioned three main-stream media pieces such as 'Putting
Malaysia on the open source map, New Straits Times,
2007' and The Star Intech cover story on 9th June 2009. (please see the
Star Intech image here
to bitch but i was attempting a simple straight-to-the-point pitch
as i possibly can. With no one raising their hands is resting my case.

As a celebrated founding leader of an Open Source project fork by many
parties outside Malaysia (please see
put me past bragging point and i wanted to make the academic
contribution to my own country about how Innovation is lacking in our
nation's DNA. Hopefully from what i say in my own right may carry some
lesson either to myself or to the country. Or both.

I am encouraged by the presentation workshop as many of those who spoke
touched on such 'Innovation DNA' to be identified and nurtured as part
of the National Strategic ICT Roadmap. There was reference from one
representative about 'Behavioral Economics' and "What is new?' or 'How
do we beat the megatrends by striking our own 'blue ocean strategy' so
to speak which points to the need that such a Strategic Roadmap must
address in order to not miss the forest for the trees.

I am no expert as to the many professors and consultants in each own
respective endeavour in the room. I hope for consideration as an expert
in my field as reported in our local press. I read alot and practiced
alot my last 30 years in my field. I am not just a  high school
dropout, software engineer that is self taught but reborn a few times
through many mistakes such as 3 dotcom crashes (as Siti Nurhaliza's
first webmaster, Singapore's WebTV and Malaysia's (an oil
B2B based on OracleExchange) and ever jealous of foreign dominance over
our local software industry. These thoughts and the particular thought
that others are raking in billions with almost no effort in small-man
teams such as Youtube, Google, Twitter and Facebook where they only
created a dotcom and a template suite and the whole world gave them the
billons worth of content, while we are always part of the mindless
consumers that are sinking in the world's rankings and ratings.
Yesterday's slide by the consultants which is a downward slide (good
pun) was too much for any Malaysian in the room to bear.

I read alot on even what Dr. Mahathir read such as Keniche Ohmae's
Borderless World and every book from Alvin Toffler and someone truly
brilliant called Dr. Lester Thurow. I directly incorporated some of the
naked ideas about 'going against the grain' with 'building value brand
equity' and Al Ries and Jack Trout's 'Positioning of the Mind' as part
of a strategy to reinvent myself into a global icon on the assumption
that if someone can give a stupid idea in California and make billions,
why not me who is as foolish. 

Thus nearly a decade ago, I laid out a strategy to explore from lessons
learnt past, of what is missing in some of the online stuff i found and
filled the gap which eventually worked albeit singlehandedly (thanks to
our nation's infrastructure in the form of a lone copper phone Streamyx
line that links the community to my farm home in Kuang here 9 years

Re: [osdcmy] Fwd: Re: Kertas Pembentangan Sesi Open Day 30/7/2012 Kajian Semula National Strategic ICT Roadmaps dan Technology Roadmaps.

2012-07-30 Terurut Topik red1
I was told it is under  something like OSA. So bro... I don't mind going 
to jail if they can assure me they got Unify in there. I can become a 
famous FOSS jail-bird hehe.
Ah.. what the heck.. i am not born to be afraid...  i will email you 

On 7/31/12 9:50 AM, Redzuan Affandi wrote:

Tuan Red1,

Is it possible to share the document for knowledge's sake ?


Redzuan Affandi®

”...the ability or inability of societies to master technology, and 
particularly technologies that are strategically decisive in each 
historical period, largely shapes their destiny…”

Manuel Castells, The Rise of the Network Society (1996)

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2012-07-30 Terurut Topik red1


 Original Message 



  Tue, 31 Jul 2012 09:53:30 +0800





I think we should brainstorm more often together (while blasting away
on four pistons) as i do not think our pitch yesterday sinks in or far.
It is better we make a proper presentation as a powerful think tank
collectively, to the right office such as KSU and then PM, and collect
momentos of 'skull tatoos' along the way.
I like to share what a friend working somewhere up in KLCC Towers who
wrote to me a moment ago:

Nor Bahgia B M Nordin:
creative futuristic or game changing breakthrough
spearheaded by government servants will fail due to their multiple KPI
mentality, and other restrictions.
‘no-choice’  ‘do-or-die’ situation, which drives them to do the
impossible. It’s a intense single minded focus. 

and the rest never wasted their time with the government
types. They just went ahead and did what they were supposed to do
tell you this. The road-maps will just collect dust again."

On 7/31/12 9:35 AM, Abu Mansur wrote:
Will need to you to run thru my presso. I didn't do any
thesis on this... ;-)
  2012/7/30 Slaya Chronicles - Geeko Acolyte
I assist?

2012/7/30 Abu Mansur

  Gang FYI... :-) 



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Re: [osdcmy] Fwd: Re: Kertas Pembentangan Sesi Open Day 30/7/2012 Kajian Semula National Strategic ICT Roadmaps dan Technology Roadmaps.

2012-07-30 Terurut Topik red1

At least i put you as my alibi and you go in instead of me. I got a
world tour to finish off SAP then i can bail you out 10 years from now.
Tapi masyur lah kita dua-dua pun sama nama malaikat syurga yer?

On 7/31/12 10:02 AM, Redzuan Affandi wrote:
:-) Thanks. Am ever willing to join you in the physical
jail as long as they cannot jail my mind. 
Redzuan Affandi®
”...the ability or inability of societies to master technology, and
particularly technologies that are strategically decisive in each
historical period, largely shapes their destiny…”
Manuel Castells, The Rise of the Network Society (1996)
  On 31 July 2012 09:57, red1
was told it is under  something like OSA. So bro... I don't mind going
to jail if they can assure me they got Unify in there. I can become a
famous FOSS jail-bird hehe.
Ah.. what the heck.. i am not born to be afraid...  i will email you

On 7/31/12 9:50 AM, Redzuan Affandi wrote:

Tuan Red1,
Is it possible to share the document for knowledge's sake ?
Redzuan Affandi®
”...the ability or inability of societies to master technology, and
particularly technologies that are strategically decisive in each
historical period, largely shapes their destiny…”
Manuel Castells, The Rise of the Network Society (1996)



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2012-07-30 Terurut Topik red1

Ok boss.. though i am just a messenger who always get shot. 
Terima kasih atas nasihat ini. Saya diam-diamlah sekarang.

On 7/31/12 10:41 AM, Abu Mansur wrote:
Brother Red1, timing is everything. We will not achieve
anything in random rants you know.
Don't spray all your bullets at random (also we need to get invited
again and again so we have more info). I am discussing with Hassan
about some possible agendas using the OSCC that we will discuss in the
group here. Just wanted to get some structure otherwise the con/skype
call will be messy. In Sales we have a saying (you are selling
something), sales is a process, when it is not a process, then it is a
problem. We need to map an action plan with doable milestones. Hope SIG
members can take up components of the tasks ahead so it doesn't end up
on one person, sort of like a gotong royong thing...
Some of my agenda that I have discussed with some of you:-
The Open Development Model in Government Procurement for software ie
projects evolve with OSS license and development process from the very
beginning. When actual tender comes out, marks will be given to based
on Vendors participation for initial phase. Winning vendor becomes
major project sponsor. Recruitment by vendor for developers is also
easier as you can see who are the main developers contributing to the
project. Less possibilities of lemons (Eg Kastam GST like last time)
The other one is software development on top of SELINUX for government
software (I am presenting to govt CIO this coming 10th) to move to more
serious stuff in OSS. If we can tie in with activity one of the above
and incorporate academic faculty members and students in the
development we can kill two, nay even three birds with one stone. The
government can really be a catalyst for our software industry by
providing a fertile ground for some serious software development
through these projects.
More thoughts later (everyone else feel free to rant here) as I am
rushing to send my first draft to MAMPU...
  On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 9:53 AM, Redhuan

I think we should brainstorm more often together (while blasting away
on four pistons) as i do not think our pitch yesterday sinks in or far.
It is better we make a proper presentation as a powerful think tank
collectively, to the right office such as KSU and then PM, and collect
momentos of 'skull tatoos' along the way.
I like to share what a friend working somewhere up in KLCC Towers who
wrote to me a moment ago:

Nor Bahgia B M Nordin:
creative futuristic or game changing breakthrough
spearheaded by government servants will fail due to their multiple KPI
mentality, and other restrictions.
‘no-choice’  ‘do-or-die’ situation, which drives them to do the
impossible. It’s a intense single minded focus. 

and the rest never wasted their time with the government
types. They just went ahead and did what they were supposed to do
tell you this. The road-maps will just collect dust again."


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Re: [osdcmy] MNCC AGM This Coming Thursday

2012-06-27 Terurut Topik red1

Luckily at 6pm. See u all tomorrow then!

On 6/27/12 4:02 PM, Sufian Ahmad wrote:

i am not mistaken, u can also register esp if you have broad
experienced in IT
"Shall be a person who holds a recognized Information and
Communications Technology (ICT)- related academic degree or
professional qualification acceptable to the Council and who has been
employed in the Information and Communications Technology Industry at
an Executive Level as in the following:
(a) Basic Degree: at least 3 years experience;
(b) Master Degree: at least 2 years experience; and
(c) Doctorate Degree: at least 1 year experience,
or a person who do not hold a
recognized academic degree or professional qualification as above but
has been employed in the Information and Communications Technology
Industry at an executive level for not less than seven years in
activities considered by the Council to be relevant to the objects of
the Gabungan.
  "Umarzuki Mochlis"
  Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 3:37:28 PM
  Subject: Re: [osdcmy] MNCC AGM This Coming Thursday
ughhh...i'm not qualified to be a member since i just a professional
certifications holder
2012/6/27 Hafidz Nasruddin
 Email address to , tertinggal kot

 On Jun 27, 2012 10:18 AM, "Raja Iskandar Shah"

 ??? kenapa saya tak dapat pun ?

 On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 10:15 AM, Hafidz Nasruddin

 Saya dapat email notis mesyuarat pada 19 Jun

 On Jun 27, 2012 10:09 AM, "Raja Iskandar Shah"

 When is this earlier ? As of 20 may 2012 I am already
a member, and I
 have not received any notices either through email or
post mail.

 Kostem yang tak seberapa pun can get notices out 14
days before our
 general meeting and board meetings.

 Sorry for ranting to the messenger. But these are
 administrative things.


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Re: [osdcmy] Share your story and become famous

2012-06-15 Terurut Topik red1
Alrite! Jumpa nanti kat Kuang ya boss? Haha.. lajunyaaa... kadang-kadang 
tertimbul perkara lucu dalam hati saya. Semasa projek saya pada Disember 
2006 mencecah no1 dalam SourceForge, aku punya tulis dan tulis kepada 
semua pihak dan kontek sehingga editor kawan baik saya kat Utusan 
Malaysia satu kueh pun tak de masa layan.

Apabila saya ajukan nama Jerman yang blond dan mata biru pada OSDC.CON 
pertama, lajunya datang terus tiket untuk dia datang bentang. Muka saya 
dengan kambing kebun terpapar kat The Star Intech, cover pulak tu. Lepas 
tu? bunyi kriket

Kini fenomina yang sama berlaku. Ajukan lagi satu jenis blond Jerman 
yang lagi lembut .. wa wa wa .. mati kriket

Peliknya maskot ini dahlah sanggup jadi maskot free, sanggup pulak tolak 
tawaran lebih besar di Jerman dan datang hidup macam orang Iban dalam 
hutan di sini. Itu cerita saya cuba takut-takutkan dia (untuk elak dia 
datang). Reverse brain drain pulak ni.

Kini kat Brazil tengah kerja keras mendapatkan Petrobras *Brazil punya 
Petronas* untuk sponsor roadshow seluruh Brazil. Tetapi takut saya 
dengan Brazil. Bukan keganasan di Rio. Tetapi yang lembut-lembut bro. 
Too fast, too furious :)

Teringat nasihat dari orang alim dan AlKitab - yang boleh mencabar iman 
seseorang bukanlah ancaman pemedih mata sebenarnya - tetapi ancaman tiga Ta.

Wlmcpn, terima kasihlah Sdr Tajul Azhar. I already briefed her about her 
pending mission here, to research more from Germany FOSS adoption at the 
high level as well at the small company model to share here. I will send 
you once i received her university letter i ask them to prepare for such 
official reasons.

On 6/16/12 9:21 AM, Tajul Azhar bin Mohd Tajul Ariffin wrote:

Thanks sifu.
As I mentioned before, I'm on behalf of IT personnel in government would like 
to invite you, with your beautiful maskot on our seminar, and insyaAllah, we 
will send you an email from our head of IT in government.
Love to hear your philosophy, eventhough I will not be the same as you, full of 
knowledge and skill, but I do hope we in the government can get the spirit and 
benefit from your experience.
Salam sayang dari Putrajaya ke Kuang. Haha
P/S : Petang ni saya balik Kuang selepas kelas
Sent from my BlackBerryŽ wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

-Original Message-
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 09:13:36
Subject: [osdcmy] Share your story and become famous

Whatever you do there must be a story. Particularly in FOSS work there
are lots of oops and aahhs. Writing about it online can be one way to
create contribution as someone someday will hit your same oohs and aahhs
and when they google for it, they read your story.  For me it has
brought me around the world to the most exotic spots and meet the most
beautiful people.
Today this morning i wrote another piece
I hope my advice here helps those of you out there who knows, might feel
FOSS work is limited or at a dead end.



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Re: [osdcmy] Share your story and become famous

2012-06-15 Terurut Topik red1

On 6/16/12 10:37 AM, Muhd Syazwan Md Khusaini wrote:
well, others would be not care about it at all, but not us here, 
especially me.

keep up your great effort, tuan! because of you, I wouldn't be in this 
industry today ;)
Correction: If it is NOT because of you, I wouldn't be in this industry 

Ke memang maksud u gitu? :
Anyway thanks for been one of my apprentice before. Soon i will give you 
that ijazah paling mahal dalam dunia. This time you are welcome to be 
the photographer again. Please make yourself available and bring along 
your backpack. Many scenes will be off-track. Sesiapa lain nak ikut kene 
mari dengan 4WD.


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Re: [osdcmy] Ingin Menjadi Pembangun Perisian Bebas diiktiraf Jerman?

2012-06-12 Terurut Topik red1
Can be arranged. Please write to me directly with a simple intro email 
from the intending Govt agency then I wll correspond with the party 
concerned from there.
Such conversations can be important to go over issues to sustain a 
global project that can safeguard our own national interests.

On 6/12/12 2:15 PM, Tajul Azhar wrote:
Bro Red1, possible ke ada slot untuk kakitangan ICT di dalam kerajaan 

Awek tu nak datang ke rasa?

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Re: [osdcmy] Re: Ingin Menjadi Pembangun Perisian Bebas diiktiraf Jerman?

2012-06-12 Terurut Topik red1
Cik Jerman itu pun pakar matematik kerana dia mengajar pelajar di 
Universiti subjek tu. Dia pun nak tunjuk koding padahal saya suruh jangan.
Macamana nak sifu anjurkan bergu dengan dia jika kalah nanti? Malu lah 
sifu. hehe..

Anyway i tahu asking for Double A1 is really tak lojik. Jika lu olang 
dah teror macam tu, takkan lah nak keje aprentis FOSS, betul tak? Mesti 
Petronas dah angkat hantar ntah mana dah. But then who knows, some of 
you got some kinda passion and wana kick big ass kerana ERP boleh ganti 
SAP yang Petronas tengah pakai tu - ratusan million USD lah tu. :)

On 6/12/12 2:30 PM, [HM] wrote:

Pelajar tempatan? Means utk student shj? Those who currently employed
tak boleh apply??

(tapi, still tak lepas merit Math  English tu)

On Jun 12, 2:13 pm, Muhd Syazwan Md Khusaini  wrote:



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Re: [osdcmy] Ingin Menjadi Pembangun Perisian Bebas diiktiraf Jerman?

2012-06-10 Terurut Topik red1

Nanti Cik Jerman itu ada kat sini selepas bulan puasa, bolehlah
organise satu temubual dengannya. Saya percaya dia minat juga dengar
bahasa Melayu dipertuturkan.
Semasa saya di Latin Amerika, hampir semua orang di sana tidak fasih
atau tidak langsung berbahasa Inggeris. Di Colombia dan Ecuador
berbahasa Sepanyol. Di Brazil mereka berbahasa Portugal. Hidup juga
saya sana saya hampir dua bulan.
Semasa di Paris, sama juga. Tapi saya tahu juga sikit-sikit bahasa
Perancis. Di Jerman saya belajar sikit-sikit sehingga Austria masih
mereka tahu Jerman. Sampai Czech mereka langsung tak tahu Jerman kerana
bahasa Czech lain bunyi semua. Tetapi hidup juga saya 3 hari sana.
Nanti juga saya rancang pergi ke Jepun. Sana lama mereka enggan jemput
saya kerana langsung tak tahu Inggeris. Apa rahsia saya? Senang je:
So you see, in FOSS we get power for freedom. So who or what can stop

On 6/10/12 9:23 PM, E A Faisal wrote:
Tawaran menarik. Orang-orang muda patut jangan lepaskan
  2012/6/10 Soire Meira
Bahas ingerris fail der... boleh try ka :P

Pada 8 Jun 2012 3:26 PTG, Muhd Syazwan Md

mampu jadi sysadmin je sekarang..hihi..good luck siapa yang mencuba
nasib! :D
  2012/6/8 red1

ANK: Ya, boleh. ada juga kat FB saya: /red1org
MII: Saya pun tak lepas piawaian dunia. Saya pakai kepala otak fikir
cara lain.

On 6/8/12 2:01 PM, Ahmed Noor Kader Mustajir Md Eusoff wrote:
mohon share di fb, boleh boss?
  2012/6/8 Mohamad Imran Ishak
ku tak mencapai piawai yg ditetapkan.

Pada 8 Jun 2012 12:56 PG, red1 menulis:

perisian bebas,
Projek komuniti ADempiere kini ada peluang bagi pelajar tempatan
menjejaki cara hidup bebas berdikari dengan kepakaran pelbagai ilmu
perisian bebas seperti Fitnesse, Java, Junit, OSGi, Ext JSP, PostgreSQL
dan HTML5 dengan melibatkan diri dalam satu projek yang berpengkalan di
negara Jerman. Seorang aprentis dari sana akan berada di Malaysia dari
bulan Ogos selama 6 bulan. Beliau adalah maskot projek - seperti
terpapar dalam laman
Beliau akan berkongsi tugas projek dengan 2 aprentis terpilih dari
Malaysia, dan bagi aprentis tempatan yang berjaya juga akan berpeluang
ke luar negara samada Eropah atau Latin Amerika bergantung pada
persediaan yang sering ujud dikalangan komuniti luas ADempiere.
Pendedahan projek dan aprentis dari Jerman akan memangkinkan daya
pencapaian dengan lebih laju dari biasa serta bergiat secara global.
Sesiapa yang berminat hendaklah mengemukakan maklumat diri yang
menyakinkan kami tentang kesungguhan dirinya. Tiada apa elaun akan
diberikan dalam tempoh 3 bulan pertama. Bonus projek akan ditawarkan
sekiranya berjaya menguasai tunjuk ajar yang diberi dan menghasilkan
keperluan projek.
Rekod bio-data anda juga akan dinaik-taraf dengan pengkitirafan oleh
syarikat dari Jerman serta beberapa negara luar yang lain nanti
mengikut penerimaan sumbangan perisian bebas masing-masing. Ini akan
juga membantu indeks negara memanjat tangga sebagai pembangun perisian
bebas yang asli dan bertaraf dunia.
Kelulusan minima: SPM - Inggeris dan Matematik Tambahan - A+ atau A1
Sila tujukan permohonan kepada emel saya di atas sebelum 15hb June,
Redhuan D. Oon
Pengasas Projek ADempiere




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Malaysia Open Source Conference 2012

Re: [osdcmy] Ingin Menjadi Pembangun Perisian Bebas diiktiraf Jerman?

2012-06-08 Terurut Topik red1

ANK: Ya, boleh. ada juga kat FB saya: /red1org
MII: Saya pun tak lepas piawaian dunia. Saya pakai kepala otak fikir
cara lain.

On 6/8/12 2:01 PM, Ahmed Noor Kader Mustajir Md Eusoff wrote:
mohon share di fb, boleh boss?
  2012/6/8 Mohamad Imran Ishak
hisab ku tak mencapai piawai yg ditetapkan.

Pada 8 Jun 2012 12:56 PG, red1 menulis:

warga perisian bebas,
Projek komuniti ADempiere kini ada peluang bagi pelajar tempatan
menjejaki cara hidup bebas berdikari dengan kepakaran pelbagai ilmu
perisian bebas seperti Fitnesse, Java, Junit, OSGi, Ext JSP, PostgreSQL
dan HTML5 dengan melibatkan diri dalam satu projek yang berpengkalan di
negara Jerman. Seorang aprentis dari sana akan berada di Malaysia dari
bulan Ogos selama 6 bulan. Beliau adalah maskot projek - seperti
terpapar dalam laman
Beliau akan berkongsi tugas projek dengan 2 aprentis terpilih dari
Malaysia, dan bagi aprentis tempatan yang berjaya juga akan berpeluang
ke luar negara samada Eropah atau Latin Amerika bergantung pada
persediaan yang sering ujud dikalangan komuniti luas ADempiere.
Pendedahan projek dan aprentis dari Jerman akan memangkinkan daya
pencapaian dengan lebih laju dari biasa serta bergiat secara global.
Sesiapa yang berminat hendaklah mengemukakan maklumat diri yang
menyakinkan kami tentang kesungguhan dirinya. Tiada apa elaun akan
diberikan dalam tempoh 3 bulan pertama. Bonus projek akan ditawarkan
sekiranya berjaya menguasai tunjuk ajar yang diberi dan menghasilkan
keperluan projek.
Rekod bio-data anda juga akan dinaik-taraf dengan pengkitirafan oleh
syarikat dari Jerman serta beberapa negara luar yang lain nanti
mengikut penerimaan sumbangan perisian bebas masing-masing. Ini akan
juga membantu indeks negara memanjat tangga sebagai pembangun perisian
bebas yang asli dan bertaraf dunia.
Kelulusan minima: SPM - Inggeris dan Matematik Tambahan - A+ atau A1
Sila tujukan permohonan kepada emel saya di atas sebelum 15hb June,
Redhuan D. Oon
Pengasas Projek ADempiere 


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Malaysia Open Source Conference 2012

[osdcmy] Ingin Menjadi Pembangun Perisian Bebas diiktiraf Jerman?

2012-06-07 Terurut Topik red1

Saudara/i warga perisian bebas,
Projek komuniti ADempiere kini ada peluang bagi pelajar tempatan 
menjejaki cara hidup bebas berdikari dengan kepakaran pelbagai ilmu 
perisian bebas seperti Fitnesse, Java, Junit, OSGi, Ext JSP, PostgreSQL 
dan HTML5 dengan melibatkan diri dalam satu projek yang berpengkalan di 
negara Jerman. Seorang aprentis dari sana akan berada di Malaysia dari 
bulan Ogos selama 6 bulan. Beliau adalah maskot projek - seperti 
terpapar dalam laman dan

Beliau akan berkongsi tugas projek dengan 2 aprentis terpilih dari 
Malaysia, dan bagi aprentis tempatan yang berjaya juga akan berpeluang 
ke luar negara samada Eropah atau Latin Amerika bergantung pada 
persediaan yang sering ujud dikalangan komuniti luas ADempiere. 
Pendedahan projek dan aprentis dari Jerman akan memangkinkan daya 
pencapaian dengan lebih laju dari biasa serta bergiat secara global.

Sesiapa yang berminat hendaklah mengemukakan maklumat diri yang 
menyakinkan kami tentang kesungguhan dirinya. Tiada apa elaun akan 
diberikan dalam tempoh 3 bulan pertama. Bonus projek akan ditawarkan 
sekiranya berjaya menguasai tunjuk ajar yang diberi dan menghasilkan 
keperluan projek.

Rekod bio-data anda juga akan dinaik-taraf dengan pengkitirafan oleh 
syarikat dari Jerman serta beberapa negara luar yang lain nanti mengikut 
penerimaan sumbangan perisian bebas masing-masing. Ini akan juga 
membantu indeks negara memanjat tangga sebagai pembangun perisian bebas 
yang asli dan bertaraf dunia.

Kelulusan minima: SPM - Inggeris dan Matematik Tambahan - A+ atau A1

Sila tujukan permohonan kepada emel saya di atas sebelum 15hb June, 2012.

Redhuan D. Oon
Pengasas Projek ADempiere

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Malaysia Open Source Conference 2012

Re: [osdcmy] Re: [KOSTEM] I am closing my Facebook account

2012-04-25 Terurut Topik red1
Maybe it is not FB fault but the user and you just need some simple 
rules? Thanks to FB's contacts got me a free trip to Austria and an 
apartment to stay in Paris.

On 4/21/12 7:13 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah wrote:

too chaotic and unorganised

huge waste of time

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Malaysia Open Source Conference 2012

[osdcmy] Penyataan akbar bersama Malaysia Social Media Foundation - Persatuan Sistem Bebas dan Sumber Terbuka Malaysia

2012-04-12 Terurut Topik red1

Penyataan akbar bersama  Malaysia Social Media Foundation (MSMF) -
Persatuan Sistem Bebas dan Sumber Terbuka Malaysia (PSBSTM)

Bertempat di Bilik Bunga Kenanga, Hotel
Seri Pacific, Kuala Lumpur pada April
11, 2012, satu mesyuarat telah menetapkan beberapa resolusi untuk
pertimbangan sewajar oleh Kementerian Sains Teknologi dan Innovasi
(MOSTI), Kerajaan Malaysia.

MSMF telah menganjurkan satu mesyuarat penubuhan NGO baru, Persatuan
Sistem Bebas dan Sumber Terbuka Malaysia (PSBSTM) yang dalam proses
pendaftaran dengan Pendaftar Pertubuhan. 

Mesyuarat telah menjalankan satu debat mengenai Akta BCPM di mana 12
ahli menolak sama sekali, 11 ahli ingin ia dirombak dan tiada ahli yang
menyokong Akta tersebut dalam bentuk sedia ada.

MSMF dan PSBSTM bersama menggesa kerajaan menimbang semula Akta
tersebut yang bakal dikemukakan di Parlimen supaya diberi kajian yang
lebih mendalam dengan mengambil kira pihak-pihak yang menjadi sasaran
Akta berkenaan iaitu golongan pelajar ICT, golongan pekerja ICT dan
golongan usahawan ICT. 

Kami merasakan bahawa Akta yang dicadang itu menumbulkan pelbagai
persoalan dikalangan kita pengamal ICT negara terutamanya yang
mendokong perisian bebas dan sumber terbuka. 

Walaupun Akta tersebut mempunyai niat yang baik iaitu mempertingkatkan
mutu nilai perlaksanaan projek ICT di negara ini kepada tahap mutu
dunia, kami merasakan cara dan kaedah yang terkandung dalam Akta
tersebut adalah tidak jelas, mungkin berat sebelah kepada pandangan
satu pihak sahaja dan masih kabur.

Beberapa butiran dalam Akta tersebut menimbulkan soalan berikut:

1. Apakah rang undang-undang ini bersamaan dengan apa yang diketahui
umum sebagai 'Professional
Technologists Bill'?

2. Apakah perisian bebas dan
sumber terbuka serta produk atau projek berkaitan dengannya tertakluk
dan bagaimana ianya tertakluk dalam Akta tersebut?

3. Apakah pengamal perisian
bebas dan sumber terbuka terlibat sama dan bagaimana mereka akan
didaftarkan sepertimana yang dianjurkan dalam Akta berkenaan?

4. Bagaimana tentang projek perisian
bebas dan sumber terbuka luar negara? Apakah cara lesen bebas, anggota
pembangun perisian dan kerja mereka jatuh di bawah kawalan Akta?

5. Bolehkah dipastikan yang Akta ini dikemukakan tanpa dikawal oleh
mana-mana satu pihak sahaja?

6. Bolehkah dipastikan yang proses pendaftaran para pakar ICT dan
pensijilan atau piawaian setaraf dengan peringkat dan cita-rasa dunia
dengan cara telus dan tidak berat sebelah?

Kami juga ingin menggesa MOSTI supaya menimbangkan peranan MNCC sebagai
badan pilhan kami untuk menjalankan urusan proses pendaftraan dan
piawaian tersebut. Kami akan mengadakan perbincangan seterusnya dengan
MNCC secara teknikal bagi mencapai maksud tersebut. Kami berharap MOSTI
akan mengadakan lebih banyak perbincangan secara teknikal dengan kami
bagi mencari satu jalan penyelesaian yang manasabah dan menyakinkan.

Sekian terima kasih,
Yang Berkhidmat
Redhuan D. Oon
(Presiden MSMF)
bagi pihak mesyuarat

salinan kepada Zam (s/u kerja) dan Dato' Radzi Abdul Latif (pengerusi

  Press Statement
  April 11, 2012
  Bilik Bunga Kenanga, Hotel Seri Pacific,
Kuala Lumpur
  An NGO formation meeting conducted today 11th
April, 2012, at Bilik Bunga Kenanga, Hotel Seri Pacific, Kuala Lumpur,
by Malaysia Social Media Foundation (MSMF) and Persatuan Sistem Bebas
dan Sumber Terbuka Malaysia (PSBSTM) (registration pending), hereby held a debate
over the proposed Computing Professional Bill (CPB) where 12 members
voted against the Bill, 11 voted for a review, while none voted in
support of the Bill.
  MSMF and PSBSTM jointly urge the government
to reconsider the proposed tabling of the Bill until a more thorough
study is conducted with the stakeholders that the Bill affects.
  We feel that the proposed Bill raise a lot of
questions and concerns among us ICT practitioners  Technologist
particularly from the Free and Open Source Software sector.
  Even though the proposed Bill has among its
intention of raising the quality of ICT projects implementation, we
feel that the way the Bill proposed to resolve that is vague, possibly
prejudicial and certainly confusing.
  The clauses in the Bill raises questions such
  1. Is this Bill similar to the Professional
Technologists Bill?
  2. Will Free and Libre Open Source Software
(FLOSS) projects and products that our members are involved in be
  3. Will practitioners of FLOSS products be
  4. How will overseas FLOSS projects be
affected with regard to licensing and the project members and
developers responsible for the project?
  5. Ensure that any Bill that were passed will
not be monopolized by any 1 single party.
  6. Ensure that the process of Membership
 Certification would not only be in par with international
standard as well as being transparent and non prejudicial.
  We would like the government to hold more
discussions with the affected 

[osdcmy] Panggilan mesyurat tergempar

2012-04-06 Terurut Topik red1

This is to re-ping Haris Hashim (just another newbie activist) effort

Tuan/Puan Saudara/i semua.
Ini adalah panggilan mesyuarat tergempar bagi maksud urusan penubuhan
NGO kita iaitu yang masih tidak diluluskan pendaftarannya oleh
Pendaftar Pertubuhan. Setelah mendapat persetujuan dari protem chair
kita Sdr Harisfazilah maka kita perlu memperbaharui borang penajaan
berkaitan untuk dikemukakan dengan kadar segera sebelum PRU13 yang
dijangka September ini.

Kita sudah mendapat 15 kehadiran setakat ini di laman Facebook ini dan kita perlu kenalpasti
siapa lagi yang ingin hadir bertujuan untuk tempahan makanan dan bentuk
dewan mesyuarat di Hotel Sri Pan Pacific sebelah PWTC pada waktu
mesyuarat iaitu 3 - 6 ptg, 11hb April (Rabu) ini.

Rancangan ini ditaja oleh sebuah MALAYSIAN
CAPITAL FOUNDATION (Yayasan Modal Insan Malaysia) dimana saya
adalah Pengarah FOSS nya. Yayasan tersebut juga akan membantu kami
dalam proses kelulusan persatuan kita serta mendapat dana sokongan
aktiviti nanti. Segalanya harus menuruti satu proses yang dijangka
lebih pendek kerana kami akan berhubung terus dengan Perdana Menteri
(political master, gomen du jour).

Kita perlu keahlian yang beralamat tujuh buah nogori sekiranya ingin
menjadi NGO berperingkat negara. 

Tarikh tutup memberi persetujuan hadhir adalah esok hari Ahad jam 12
tengah hari kerana notis tempahan kekosongan venue dan hidangan perlu
masa yang secukupnya.

(Tuan Harisfazilah dan tuan Black - sila bawa segala borang dan
maklumat atau notebook anda untuk di tayangkan apa jua maklumat
berkaitan. Saya akan pohon ditempah bilik persidangan yang sesuai
dengan projektor LCD).

Sekian berkhidmat betul-betul untuk rakyat dan negara,
Redhuan D. Oon

On 4/7/12 12:05 AM, Haris Hashim wrote:
Salam  Good Day!
There is a poll in Facebook group with the objective of setting
up a meeting. The poll is still running and feedback from OSDC member
are very much appreciated!
However, at this point we have finalized tentatively as follows
Date  Time: Wednesday April 11, 2012 at 3.00 PM
Venue: Sri Pan Pacific (beside PWTC)
In order to gauge numbers of attendee. I would like to request those
who can physically come to above location at 3.00 PM ish. To visit the
poll and vote for "11th
April (wednesday) at 3pm". 
  Seat are limited and due date to express your interest is on
noon of Sunday 8th 2012. We are trying to be very accurate in planning
the number of seat and refreshment. So please vote if and only if
you can attend at the specified time as well as participate.
This event and effort to unite the community is sponsored by Malaysian
Human Capital Foundation. 
Personally, I would like to thank Redhuan D. Oon, the foundation as
well as 7 other person in the CC for this opportunity.
Best Regards,
Haris Hashim  Consultant  HT

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Malaysia Open Source Conference 2012

Re: [osdcmy] UK Gov gores open source

2012-02-05 Terurut Topik red1

Bit slow from here to access M'sian Must be due to heavy old
grafix used. Can anyone propose to the PM's Office for the needed
Greetings from So Paulo, Brazil.

On 2/5/12 11:33 AM, hadri hilmi wrote:
It looks very clean
  Oh my gov

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Re: [osdcmy] Synch between OpenBravo POS and ADempiere made Free and Open

2011-09-05 Terurut Topik red1

Hambo ada merakamkan urutan operasi memperalatkan asynchronous queue
messaging antara dua projek tersebut bagi bantu menyemboh dari
lekok pembelajaran yang agak tajam ini.

On 9/3/11 12:37 AM, Muhd Syazwan Md Khusaini wrote:
  On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 10:55 PM, red1



Aidil Fitri alMubarak~


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Re: [osdcmy] Fwd: [SFD-announce] SFD 2011 registration is LIVE!!!

2011-09-03 Terurut Topik red1

Since it starts from 9pm to 4pm, can i come at 12am?

I will come, unless i got employed :)

On 9/3/11 8:12 AM, sweemeng ng wrote:

  nice, if i get a leave, i will be there
  On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 10:52 PM,

I need to bring this up again so we do not miss the date.


Universiti Kuala Lumpur 


Wednesday, 21 Sept 2011 


From 9.00 PM to 4:30 PM 
Schedule(This is just Idea like last year): 

  09:00 - Checking in 
  09:30 - Welcoming + Lightning Talk 
  10.00 - Presentation by Eric Yeoh 
  11.00 - Slide 2 
  12.00 - Slide 3 
  01:00 - Lunch/social networking/gathering 
  02:00 - Let Party!!! 

Will be a Lucky Draw (SFD Tshirt Limited Edition) 


Registration form
PM : Fazli ? You OK ke nak lead banyak menda 20 21 tu.


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[osdcmy] Synch between OpenBravo POS and ADempiere made Free and Open

2011-09-02 Terurut Topik red1



Aidil Fitri alMubarak~

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[osdcmy] Using UISpec4J To Test Java GUI Panels

2011-08-12 Terurut Topik red1
Something to make Azrul drool, unless he beaten me to it which is always 
the case.

Jouir de la liberté, profiter de la vie


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Re: [osdcmy] What Programming Language you start with? The one you learn the logic and flow of programming

2011-07-31 Terurut Topik red1

Just back from Manila and among the students at Colleges and Unis there
they seem to be given:
1. Java for one year. But they ended up using Python and quite good at
2. SAP ERP - just functional theory.

Their heads of education told me that issue is time, not dreams. Yes,
they like to dream for the sky but there is only so much time not just
the students, but the lecturers themselves.

Of course i told them the same thing i been singing all this while. You
teach them foreign goods, they go foreign for good. Fight in your turf
(own IP), and kick out the foreigners (i mean the software not the rock

Salam Ramadhan from Kuang!

On 7/30/11 1:57 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah wrote:
basic, 1983 in singapore - i think it was on ms dos 1.0
  the assesment was to develop a flight reservation system
  On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 1:08 PM, Hasanuddin
Abu Bakar
mIRC fans out there. Have some scripts to test. written by me back in
2004. hehe

On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 1:02 PM,
Harisfazillah Jamel

  Hehe. Html don't have logic. You have to combine with
_javascript_ and csss to make something out of it.
  On 30 Jul 2011 12:55, "darXness darXness" wrote:

err...html boleh ke?hihii..

2nd,C.tak sempat nak blajar C++.hahaha

On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 12:31 PM, Ahmad Amran
 For me it's PHP 10 years ...



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Re: [osdcmy] We Need Brand Awareness

2011-05-14 Terurut Topik red1

The power of branding here, it is not just about the product or the
twit ...


  On Apr 30, 2011 8:37 PM, "Garfield WTF" wrote:
I am willing to work together with you in this, if there is no one
stopping me from doing so.


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MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] Google Prediction API

2011-05-13 Terurut Topik red1

On 5/13/11 6:12 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah wrote:
i wonder if we can dump the historical data of the iraq war, then try 
to predict the future outcome of the libya invasion ? that would be 
extremely strategic.

 i knew you are capable of asking such an outlandish question.

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MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] Google Prediction API

2011-05-13 Terurut Topik red1

Can it predict when the drained brains return to Malaysia?

On 5/13/11 6:52 PM, sweemeng ng wrote:

  Or you teach a powerful ai battlefield strategy to enslave mankind
  On May 13, 2011 6:12 PM, "Raja Iskandar
 i wonder if we can dump the historical data of the iraq war, then
try to
 predict the future outcome of the libya invasion ? that would be


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[osdcmy] Let us all hear from Linus

2011-05-10 Terurut Topik red1

Was passed to me by my mentor and i share Linus most recent remarks here:

btw, Microsoft is buying Skype today at USD7b. Go GooglePhone you guys. 
Or better still jump on the bandwagon and produce one app like that :)

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MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] Calling Python i mean Mac guru

2011-05-10 Terurut Topik red1

Ah! Azrul! Cava bien. Et al,
Je vous present
Au voir!

On 5/10/11 9:51 PM, Azrul MADISA wrote:

  Or u can virtualize the whole thing
  On May 9, 2011 4:49 PM, "red1"

On 5/9/11 9:27 PM, red1 wrote:

 This is probably up Boh's alley. I just upgraded my MacBook to
solved it. some tools.jar difference handling that is solved by
selecting the right OS.. in my case just click on Mac (!).

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MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] Python sprint

2011-05-10 Terurut Topik red1

Pls count me in for 21st. May i know the location of Inigo?

On 4/30/11 11:16 PM, sweemeng ng wrote:

  Today was chatting with the gang, a.k.a Kagesenshi and
cl chow. also kaeru
  We decided that, we going to have a sprint in Inigo Consulting,
date undecided, it is between May and July. I try to make it soon so
that it will not be stale.
  The goal of a sprint is, To setup aContinuous Integration(CI)
server setup for python development, using Jenkins or Buildbot.
  The idea is, everyone will test a setup of a Continuous
Integration server with a project of their own, with either Jenkins and
Buildbot. From it:
we share what we do on the project, what we test, whether we
use tools to help
how to setup with the CI server
what goes wrong, and how to fix this
what stuff we like on the tools
what extra plugin we installed.
in the end of it, we will document the process. and the result
on python malaysia site.
that include any surprises during the process
  Extra stuff to expect from this sprint.
Know way to use the python unittest/unittest2 module
Whether to use testing tools like nose, and how
What kind of test to or can be covered, and how to do it
What kind of plugin to use along site of Jenkins or Buildbot
Maybe some surprises
  What the requirement from the you guys that want to join
Have A open mind
Willingness to learn
Willingness to share
  If you don't know how to set one up, we will teach and you can
learn during the sprint.
  If you don't know what I talking about, more reason to join this
activity just to learn isn't it :p
  Date coming soon

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MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] Python sprint

2011-05-10 Terurut Topik red1

On 5/11/11 9:40 AM, sweemeng ng wrote:

Please come I wish to know how the java community do it too

My interest is that i have setup Fitnesse testing which works with our 
ADempiere  Java code and the next step is to port it onto Jenkins build 
server, but i guess that takes a few steps and hopefully i can pick up 
some vital starters from your session.
I trust the Python layer maybe some manager interface layer away from 
the food, i mean code.
Otherwise we already have JSR223 scripting oven for our column callout 
for any DB model within.

Will google for Inigo Subang Jaya location :)

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[osdcmy] Calling Python i mean Mac guru

2011-05-09 Terurut Topik red1
This is probably up Boh's alley. I just upgraded my MacBook to 10.5.8 
and the Java 1.6.0 seems to be not JDK. Jeezz.. i hate Steve Jobs, i 
mean i am now toasted as ADempiere and other stuff needs more JDK than 
SDK. Any1 knows the way back or out?

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MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] Calling Python i mean Mac guru

2011-05-09 Terurut Topik red1

On 5/9/11 9:27 PM, red1 wrote:
This is probably up Boh's alley. I just upgraded my MacBook to 10.5.8 
and the Java 1.6.0 seems to be not JDK. Jeezz.. i hate Steve Jobs, i 
mean i am now toasted as ADempiere and other stuff needs more JDK than 
SDK. Any1 knows the way back or out?

solved it. some tools.jar difference handling that is solved by 
selecting the right OS.. in my case just click on Mac (!).

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MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] RM 50m to Tricubes Bhd to develop 1 Malaysia SecureEmail Server

2011-05-07 Terurut Topik red1

Boh, thanks for the link, which i can see:
"Tricubes shares soar
on news it will be working with Microsoft"

Now that pops the spiritual question - Is that not what we all care
about? It is making money legally. With FOSS you cannot make that kind
of money. Give it up guys.

I mean look at the pathetic of us here, without dough, swimming among
sharks, just got our lifebelts yanked (MDec financial support) and the
heli did not show up (RM10m promise from MDec) and still lots of
borang-borang to fill up while kicking hard in the water (to get
tidbits from the so called RM10m). But the final laugh should come
while you get 'lucky' and called up by MOSTI to defend your proposal
with the question, "Can you idea beat Tricubes idea of working with MS
and become commercially viable?"

Side-note to Raja: "Is the above the kind of rant you wished for?"
Side-note to Rafe: "Just having fun on a Sunday morning cos i aint
going to church. :)"

On 5/8/11 12:47 AM, E A Faisal wrote:
Dear Mr Pemandu Director, sir, are you on crack or
  On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 2:26 PM, Boh Yap
I wrote this some time back, but it got stuck in my outbox, or
rather drafts... but the arguments are still valid.

BTW, in yesterdays TheStar, Idris Jala head of PEMANDU came out with a
full 2-page 'expalnation' for the 1Malaysia email...

more updates on triCubes


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MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] Pitch

2011-05-07 Terurut Topik red1
With due respect i don't see the point in name meaning in helping to get 
money (but i agree with Eric's earlier branding strategy). AFAIK money 
respects one and only one rule, How fast can we get our money back?, 
meaning viability of your business plan, meaning paperwork, paperwork, 
paperwork. After that, screaming, screaming, screaming - to defend your 
paper of course in front of a few goofballs who has no idea of anything 
before the dollar sign.

On 5/8/11 8:19 AM, Garfield WTF wrote:

I agree with changing the word club to committee.
In fact, this is the word I used when I told ppl about OSDC, and I 
almost forget the C, is actually club.

Anyway, changing the C to Committee can in fact build the public 
confidence on us.
For an example, the MOSC, sponsors will be more willing to channel a 
huge amount of money into the event if it is organized by a committee 
of IT professionals rather than channeling the money into a Club 
which giving them an impression that Club is something like a group 
of professionals hang around for leisure during free time only.

So it would strongly agree with the changes of the word C.


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Re: [osdcmy] RM 50m to Tricubes Bhd to develop 1 Malaysia SecureEmail Server

2011-04-22 Terurut Topik red1

Hmm.. quite some bitching going on and i hope it is not against the
gomen. :)

I hope i am wrong, but i pitched this idea 1o years ago while CTO in a
public listed concern, and i wonder if it floated to Tricubes. The idea
was since all citizens have a unique NRID number then a provider can
just tie up with the NR Dept to be the guaranteed email repository for
all NRIDs. All the citizens will have that NRID no as email username,
whether they want to or not, its their choice, but the gomen can send
them email in secured fashion as NR Dept has confirmed that such NRID
belogs to so and so and only a certain provider is certified to support
it. My idea was to make this very free and its sustained through the
poor taxpayers money thru rebates if they participate also in e-polling
and e-social contributions back to the country.

Well, i guess there is always commercial entities intending to make
money instead of making the country go up. Not surprised since we now
got 'open core' players among us.

On 4/22/11 12:25 PM, Maulvi Bakar wrote:
Income Tax e-filing, expandable functionality.
  Singapore's e-Citizen
Same concept. Different country. ?!? Windows Live?!?! 
  On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 12:19 PM, Mohd Kamal
Bin Mustafa wrote:
Apr 22, 2011 at 12:02 PM, Mohamad Imran

 GMail percuma je.

Do you want to receive your official and maybe sometime confidential
letter on your gmail account, unencrypted ? Me not and not through I'd rather have it in my mailbox, the one at the side of
my gate. It's not about being free but what's the money worth, in this
case RM50mil. Like ihsan said somewhere in this thread, if we really
want to do it paperless, take the eFiling style approach. Centralized
web apps, access through ssl. At least the data stay there, not
travelling over public network, Easy for everyone, no digital cert
fuss, more secure (hopefully). Combined it with single authentication
to all goverment's website.

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Re: [osdcmy] Review MOSC2011 First Draf

2011-04-17 Terurut Topik red1

Kenape tidak Bahasa?
"Zaman Perubahan"

On 4/17/11 8:26 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah wrote:
quick review
english grammar correction
  Innovating the
  Does not sound right... perhaps it should be Innovating Change ?

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Re: [osdcmy] Java Apprentice Wanted

2011-04-14 Terurut Topik red1

Actually i just wana spread the message that to get what you want in
life all you need is passion. No guru or Allah can help you (take away
the satisfaction from you achieving it on your own). FOSS gave me that.

Here is how i enjoy teaching others and earn the bragging rights:

On 4/3/11 8:08 PM, Soire Meira wrote:
yang dok tgh ambik DIT pon blh ek.. nk apply jgk.. pkai
netbeans ke?
  2011/4/3 LyanaHamka
this applicable for students from IT background looking for internship
for 7 months period?



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Re: [osdcmy] Mintak pandangan Projek OSS

2011-04-09 Terurut Topik red1

Apa matlamat projek hang?

On 4/10/11 9:25 AM, darXness darXness wrote:


nak mnx idea skit.skrng nie tgh planning 1 projek@ikas.nak gune
OSS lam tmpt ak far planning ikut phase2,nie yg da dpt idea
skrng nie,
Problem status
Pilih oss yang nak pakai
perbandingan OSS/Windows.sbb nak
research (sebelum-semasa-selepas)
prepare kertas cadangan

2.Prepare Infrastructur(hardware etc) + Modul
WIM/Modul penggunaan Ubuntu + (ntuk lecturer)
Infrastructur (setting printer,server etc)

3.Training staff/lecturer
Install Ubuntu kat Lab (Ubuntu/O0o/setting)
Install OOo kat komp staff n lecturer

4.Update current WIM
Update/convert WIM yang akan digunakan dlm sesi pengajaran
Training utk studnt-diajar dlm sesi pengajaran

Kuatkuasa penguatkuasaan penggunaan
Pemantauan dan helpdesk

ade idea laen x?or nak tmbh2 ke.sbb nie projek OSS 1st kat sini.thanx =D


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Re: [osdcmy] Mintak pandangan Projek OSS

2011-04-09 Terurut Topik red1
Berapa lama pulak tempoh untuk mencapai matlamat tersebut? Mungkin lama 
waktu dan tenaga yang diperlukan. Sekiranya terhad sumber atau tempoh 
yang diberikan, saya cadangkan buat satu POC (proof of concept) yang 
membuat perbandingan antara FOSS dan Windows versions lalu buktikan yang 
mana lebih cekap, mudah dan murah. Lepas itu persembahkan hasil kajian 
serta data benchmarking tersendiri kepada persidangan dimana jua dalam 
dunia. Boleh dapat doctorate kot satu hari nanti. Tambah $$$ dan makin 
ramai pengikut saudara nanti. Pemangkin yang diperlukan hari ini dalam 
FOSS tempatan ialah menambahkan icon.

Just my dua sen.

On 4/10/11 9:58 AM, darXness darXness wrote:

luper lak...nak eliminate windows lam Institut nie.nak start gune OSS
sume.sng cite,xnak gune yg license2 berbayar dah.=D


Apa matlamat projek hang?

On 4/10/11 9:25 AM, darXness darXness wrote:

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Re: [osdcmy] Java Apprentice Wanted

2011-04-04 Terurut Topik red1

On 4/4/11 9:23 PM, Slaya Chronicles - Geeko Acolyte wrote:

  I jugak tahan maki...2 tahun kat OSCC.



@Eric, what for i take you? you are immune to any words of torment. i
beat what you got from where you come from.

@Cik Nor Arlina Amirah,
Tawaran untuk menjadi seorang aprentis pakar Java ERP dan 'Open
Source innovator' adalah serius dan yang berikut adalah syarat cadangan

0. Mencapai indeks '5 world class developer' yang cuba dilakukan oleh
sebuah institusi kerajaan tetapi pada hemat saya, akan gagal dan maka
memerlukan daya tersendiri tanpa bergantung kepada apa jua bantuan
pihak institusi.
1. Calon memilih sesuatu bidang yang menarik untuk dicimpungi sehingga
terlahir sebagai satu projeknya yang memberi hak cipta 'sumber terbuka'
kepada dirinya. Seterusnya diharapkan projek tersebut hidup dengan
komuniti yang tersendiri dan diiktiraf di peringkat dunia serta
menambahkan nilai modal minda kepada negara kita.

2. Calon boleh memilih salah satu ide projek berikut:
a. Mencantum apa jua aplikasi dengan ADempiere:
i. Asterisk
ii. GoogleMap
iii. Emel
iv. OpenOffice
v. Android

(Untuk pengetahuan, aplikasi tersebut sudah pun terbukti tercantum dan
tersiar umum. Namun calon dikehendaki menggunakan daya kreatifnya untuk
meneroka penambah-baikan atau penghasilan projek yang lebih unik, baru
dan sendiri memimpin di depan dari segi tangga dunia.

0. Daya potensi menguasai bahasa pengatur-caraan Java mesti sudah
terselar dalam diri seseorang calon yang berminat:
a. Mempunyai keputusan peperiksaan SPM untuk Matematik Tambahan
setinggi A1.
b. Mampu lulus peperiksaan IQ atas yang biasa  165.
Sila cuba dengan apa jua IQ Test atas talian untuk pasti.

1. Calon yang berminat hendaklah mampu menggunakan internet semata-mata
untuk mencari, memuat-turun dan menjayakan apa jua aplikasi sumber
terbuka secara tersendiri tanpa pimpinan secara fizikal. Sila rujuk
kitab mengenai budaya yang diperlukan :

1. Calon yang sedemikian boleh menerima tunjuk ajar lebih tinggi yang
bermutu secara langsung dari saya kebetulan sudah diiktiraf sebagai
'Guru' dan global founding leader sebuah projek atasan dalam
SourceForge. Ia boleh dilakukan secara berperingkat dalam bentuk
coaching'. Ini boleh dilakukan secara dalam kelas dan atas talian. Saya
lebih selesa calon berdikari tanpa penyelaian secara langsung. Namun
saya boleh memberi beberapa sesi penting secara bersemuka untuk
menerangkan beberapa konsep yang mendalam yang payah difahami secara
teori. Antaranya ialah:
i. Open Source mengalahkan perisian tertutup dari segi Hak Cipta
Intelektual (ini masih tidak difahami oleh kebanyakan institusi awam
yang berkenaan.)
ii. Kaedah membangun projek secara 'Social Networking' menerusi kaedah
2. Cara belajar terbaik untuk menguasai Java secara praktikal.

Saya akan memberikan lebih coaching teknik menguasai Java sekiranya
calon memang menunjukkan minat luar biasa menguasainya.

Initiatif ini saya dapat mengambil sekarang kerana:
1. Saya sudah mengumpul cukup ilmu kungfu mengenai projek berasaskan
Java selepas 8 tahun di dalamnya.
2. Saya sudah cukup bebas kerana berdikari sepenuhnya dengan pendapatan
atas talian tanpa perlu terikat dengan mana-mana pihak secara geografi
maupun politik.
3. Tugasan saya secara harian terkini memang berkait rapat dengan
pelbagai kegunaan bernilai komersil berkaitan ADempiere seperti:
a. QA dan Testing Engine
b. Manufacturing Module
c. Fixed Assets
d. Maintenance of Assets
e. Costing Engine
f. Component Model dari OSGi

Panduan lengkap berbentuk e-book juga akan diberikan kepada calon yang

PERINGATAN: Indeks kegagalan aprentis selama ini adalah 100%, iaitu
tiada seorang pun aprentis saya sejak 1997 yang berjaya. Namun mereka
masing-masing secara umum bertambah nilai dalam pasaran akibat proses
pengaprentisan saya:

1. Biodata mereka lebih global kerana apa jua projek yang mereka
terlibat pasti ada rujukan dari syarikat pengguna seluruh dunia.
2. Pendedahan teknikal adalah menyeluruh dan bersifat 'enterprise' dan
berkaitan sistem kewangan yang bernilai cukup tinggi dalam pasaran
3. Mereka mempelajari beberapa teknik shortcut dalam hidup tanpa
melalui kesilapan yang telah dilakukan dalam hidup saya dari segi
mengejar kerjaya yang sesuai.

Ini tidak bermakna seseorang aprentis mesti berjaya dari kacamata saya
yang ingin mereka itu mencapai objektif utama tersebut di atas. Tetapi
mereka dikira berjaya sekiranya mereka menambah gaji bulanan mereka
nanti secara mendadak. Matlamat gaji yang sepatutnya ialah dari RM2000
sebulan kepada RM5000 sebulan dalam setahun. Pendapatan saya sendiri
adalah bernilai RM15k sebulan.

Sekiranya masih yang rasa teringin mencuba silalah hantar satu karangan
lengkap secara bebas mengapa saya patut terima mereka untuk tawaran ini.

Sekian wasalam
Redhuan D. Oon

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Re: [osdcmy] Java Apprentice Wanted

2011-04-04 Terurut Topik red1

On 4/5/11 1:34 PM, Nor Arlina Amirah Ahmad Ghani wrote:

tunggu dah grad dan jadi Jedi Master + repeat balek Addmath yang dapat
C5 tu then baru I apply back. TQ =)

maaf.. web akses di Bangkok ni masalah.. tersekat saya sangka tak
terhantar lalu edit dan hantar semula.

@Nor, sebenarya saya pun dapat C5 dalam Add Maths. Maka masih boleh
mencuba ikut pesanan yang telah dieditkan tadi.

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MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] LPI Certified and other linux certified

2011-04-03 Terurut Topik red1

On 4/3/11 4:26 PM, Boh Yap wrote:



Commenting on yr hiring objectives, it is not the technical skills
that i look for. it is their pre-disposition to acquire and adapt
technical skills..
its not wrong, but don't you/we think it reflects sadly on our
training intituitions?

We SHOULD BE hiring for technical skills! If I'm a owner of a
data-centre, I want to be able to hire a cloud-computing expert
but alas, our Edu system can't produce any of them. So I hire some
person whom I think has a right aptitude and train them on the job!
Don't you/anybody think this is the wrong picture!!

Boh, it is ok in Malaysia because the man they hire to head MDec is not 
that technical either. Raja told me he is a salesman. And MOSTI big wigs 
are left to law abiding beaurocrats. I use to see their job specs with a 
smallprint in it: Follow any other orders that may be given by your 
superior from time to time in compliance with General Orders. There 
won't be room for creativity.

In Brunei someone told me that govt is not a good innovator. But it is a 
good regulator. Thus they should come out with taxation or exemption to 
generate creativity. For example, if you installed your own instead of 
paying propretary vendors, you get to claim tax exemption to the amount 
of money you saved.

Trust me. There will be a gold rush for membershp forms.


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MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] LPI Certified and other linux certified

2011-04-03 Terurut Topik red1
I concede my first point and i tarik balik tuduhan. I owe you one daun 
pisang at Raju's.
One the 2nd last point below, i think if we can show them the numbers, 
i.e. FOSS can generate 1% of GDP as i found out from some UN report 
(while squatting in OSCC with Raja some time ago), i think we can prove 
that innovation from FOSS far outweigh the short term benefit of 
proprietary tax.
A smarter nation is a more productive and innovative one, with perhaps 
some Nobel prize geniuses in the offing. Now that is worth a billion to 
the country if we got just one miserable candidate.

On 4/3/11 6:04 PM, Boh Yap wrote:

hi Red1,

On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 4:41 PM,  wrote:

Boh, it is ok in Malaysia because the man they hire to head MDec is not that
technical either. Raja told me he is a salesman. And MOSTI big wigs are left
to law abiding beaurocrats. I use to see their job specs with a smallprint
in it: Follow any other orders that may be given by your superior from time
to time in compliance with General Orders. There won't be room for


hiring the ppl with the 'right skills' for the job is not even
'innovation', its just basic competency! If hiring someone with tech
skills to fill some management position is considered innovation, I
really feel (bad) for Malaysia, we got a long way to go...


In Brunei someone told me that govt is not a good innovator. But it is a
good regulator. Thus they should come out with taxation or exemption to
generate creativity. For example, if you installed your own instead of
paying propretary vendors, you get to claim tax exemption to the amount of
money you saved.

Trust me. There will be a gold rush for membershp forms.


Ha, this will be good if it happens, but then there is a serious
conflict of interest. The vendors won't be able to make tons of
money from services, so the gov. cannot tax them as much, and they
have to give out money to the smart customers! - not gonna happen


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Re: [osdcmy] LPI Certified and other linux certified

2011-04-03 Terurut Topik red1

Since u are so serious, here are some pointers. You got to do your own
research into almost anything and everything related to computing in
FOSS way. Sifu can be irritated if you bother him with newbie questions
all the time. If Sifu keeps quiet, it means, "Pergi Google lah bro".
Again, if the sifu maki hamun is not a good sifu. I have maki hamun
enough. Its time to relax. Tadi baru balik dari meronda tengah-tengah
bandaraya Bangkok sampai 5 pagi. Macam-macam yang tidak dapat dicerita
di sini tetapi memberangsangkan minda. Java skills selepas ini pasti
melonjak naik ke paras global.

On 4/4/11 5:01 AM, riZer Enterprise wrote:
As a newcomer aka newbie; i will not get anywhere without
all your tunjuk ajar, preaches and makian (from mistake) from you all
masters, sifus and gurus. please teach me a thing or two. maaf i cannot
give you money for the lessons you tought. i just wanna sama-sama cari
makan together. dan mengurangkan beban yang korang kena tanggung. Berat
sama dipikul ringan sama dijinjing
"Ke Arah Merealisasikan Satu Sumber"
  2011/4/4 Boh Yap

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Re: [osdcmy] LPI Certified and other linux certified

2011-04-02 Terurut Topik red1
Last year, i did some HR development consulting for some local military 
equipment crew which was trained by a foreign superpower.

Their no.1 requirement:
Transfer of know how via log book kept by local counterpart, when 
learning from expartriate engineer.

Their No.1 issue:
Few hardly upkeep their log books. And hardly anyone to review of them.
My no.1 recommendation:
Institute examination standards and independent drill tests.

IMHO, log books is a very hi-effort, hi-initiative endeavour. It is 
highly relevant in high risk careers such as aircraft crew, but for on 
the ground desktop BigMac munchers, a well generated test regime such as 
done by SCJP (Java) and CCNA (Cisco) should suffice. In fact CCNA test 
questions are experienced based where without experience you would fail. 
Log books are also quite subjective requiring good counterpart reviewers 
to read what is written and provide a measurable benchmark to it. 
Professional exams are a quick way to say if you got the minimal skillsets.

On 4/2/11 1:09 AM, Boh Yap wrote:

hi all,

to widen this discussion

Personally, I'm against certification as the SOLE means of selection,
maybe its because  of our over emphasis of A's in exams, that produced
'qualified' but incompetent personnel. Also perhaps of the many MCSE's
out there, who are trained to click buttons... and setup servers with
security holes.

On the other hand, i can understand employers and HR departments
needs, at least in using certification as the 1st level filtering

However a knowledgeable interviewer will very quickly sort out how
much the interviewee knows about Linux or programming. Both of these
are practical skills, and experience counts, especially when they have
encountered problems, solved them ad learnt from it. Unfortunately,
for organizations that are going into FLOSS for the first time, may
not have the expertise to conduct interviews for FLOSS personal.

Perhaps we can borrow some techniques form another hands-on skilled
based profession, airline pilots. Pilots are required to keep a log
book, especially during their 'training' period, where they record the
no. hours flown, the routes that they flew and problems that they may
have encountered. Perhaps Linux sysadmins should do the same, keep a
log of the servers they setup, distro, disk partitions  file system
setup, software installed, backup systems used etc...   If Linux
professional were to do this, then its very easy for a prospective
employer  to asses his capabilities.

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MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] LPI Certified and other linux certified

2011-04-02 Terurut Topik red1
btw Boh, how did u know it involved an Exocet? You are on the watchlist 
now my friend :)
Ok back to the log book argument. Why not go back to our own best 
practice? Show me your code. No, not from your notebook. From 
SourceForge template or other repository and there we can examine 
trackers and their log entries to see if they follow the discipline or not.
I learnt alot while working on the ADempiere project using SourceForge. 
Stuff such as FR, Bug trackers, auto numbering; atomic mapping of each 
tracker to each bug fix and commit; describing how to replicate the bug, 
and which Bug tracker number refers to which commit revision.  Just an 
idea on how to be lazy fruitfully.

On 4/3/11 2:19 AM, Boh Yap wrote:

ah, good discussion, logbook vs exams, lets carry on...

These are 2 different paradigms,

 From the employee POV:


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Re: [osdcmy] LPI Certified and other linux certified

2011-04-02 Terurut Topik red1

Good info Raja.. hmm.. i once saw an advert from a Bangalore IT school
that teach JVM hacking - now that is real guru stuff which that
sub-continent are great for and its cheap. Indian tour anyone?
About carrying the sifu's bag is about increasing the apprentice shock
absorbing capabilties. Anyway now it has increased to back massage and
kopi making which my last apprentice herein Thailand really did that!
Soon i will upgrade to Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh lifestyle.

On 4/3/11 10:02 AM, Raja Iskandar Shah wrote:

  when interviewing fresh graduates i use these :

  academic - as a measure of discipline, those with 3.5 cgpa
grades tend to be more dateline and time concious

  project work - as a measure of independent research on the
topic (esp literature review)

  blogs, forums, etc - as a measure of communicating with peers

3 years' ambition - as a measure of dedication
  it is not the technical skills that i look for. it is their
pre-disposition to acquire and adapt technical skills
  red1, has some pretty weird criteria, like "carrying the sifu's
bag".. hahaha... i would love to have some of those too
  by the way, training for rhce in india is only rm600, compared
to rm3000 in malaysia. exam fees are the same. some of my friends from
india say it is cheaper to get certification than to get a car driving
license (small bits of info that dont get published). also in india,
there is still the culture of skilled apprenticeship, whereas kat
malaysia boleh land, economics graduate pun boleh jadi multi-million
ringgit ict project director (lepas tu project director sakit jantung
sebab the pmp certified project manager tak buat project management,
instead sibuk buat functional  giler)

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[osdcmy] Java Apprentice Wanted

2011-04-02 Terurut Topik red1
I have vacancy for a Malaysian based apprentice that has to carry the 
sifu's bag and be taught the latest in Java martial arts.
Requirements: Straight As in SPM / O Levels double maths and Science and 
English. Passion. Within 5 minutes i will tell you if you make the cut.
Areas that you will master from the sifu: Open Source apps such as 
Eclipse, ADempiere, Fitnesse, OSGi and heading for Java version 8.

Renumeration: USD0 per mth X 12 mths + 10% of revenue = +USD10k per annum.
Possible side reward if you still around the sifu: All expense 1 mth 
paid travel to Paris in next year FOSS happenings there. I will try to 
introduce you to Marc Fleury and i will teach u some survival French to 
avoid getting slapped by the ladies there.
Career path: Within 1 year can enter the global job market which 
advertised for such developer at 48k p.a. British pounds (that was 2 
years ago). With a letter from the sifu you ought to get home safely.
Caveat: Can be fired within 24 hrs for failing to make good coffee for 
the sifu.


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Re: [osdcmy] Java Apprentice Wanted

2011-04-02 Terurut Topik red1

Tahan maki - Please provide factual reference as how bad you been
makied before and what you did after that.
So far since 1998 i taken in tens of apprentices. Many moved on to
higher paying jobs as a result. None survived my killer maki. Some even
maki back.

On 4/3/11 12:04 PM, riZer Enterprise wrote:
:) i'm in for the trial
my kelebihan = (tahan maki)
kekurangan = (sengkek habis)
coming to kl 7 and 8 th April
expected salary 4310150 indonesian rupiah
  2011/4/3 red1
have vacancy for a Malaysian based apprentice that has to carry the
sifu's bag and be taught the latest in Java martial arts.
Requirements: Straight As in SPM / O Levels double maths and Science
and English. Passion. Within 5 minutes i will tell you if you make the
Areas that you will master from the sifu: Open Source apps such as
Eclipse, ADempiere, Fitnesse, OSGi and heading for Java version 8.

Renumeration: USD0 per mth X 12 mths + 10% of revenue = +USD10k per
Possible side reward if you still around the sifu: All expense 1 mth
paid travel to Paris in next year FOSS happenings there. I will try to
introduce you to Marc Fleury and i will teach u some survival French to
avoid getting slapped by the ladies there.
Career path: Within 1 year can enter the global job market which
advertised for such developer at 48k p.a. British pounds (that was 2
years ago). With a letter from the sifu you ought to get home safely.
Caveat: Can be fired within 24 hrs for failing to make good coffee for
the sifu.


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MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] Java Apprentice Wanted

2011-04-02 Terurut Topik red1

On 4/3/11 12:29 PM, riZer Enterprise wrote:
for me cacian and makian build my strength. so beware i
gain power with that. it's just make me fuller in person
2. kalau saya terasa hati baru saya akan beringat so kalau nak nasihat
saya (DO NOT) talk nice to me. Bagi saya sakit hati baru saya tak akan
lupa (orang kedah panggil = "lengai") sebab bengang yang terpendam
akibat kena maki. :)

My policy now is not to maki the murid. I let the customer maki the
murid for me. Then i maki the customer. So the murid tak buruk sangka.
I don't think anyone gain power from hurtful remarks. I am speaking
from 29 yrs experience working, kene maki, maki balik and kene maki
Ppl gain power from seeing what they themselves could achieve. If you
still malas, even Allah cannot help you.
The best srength i get is from getting almost no pay while preaching
and contributing free lunch code and tutorials. When 5 more mouths at
home is awaiting or their kungfu daddy to bring home food is where i
get my strength. I am willing to clean jamban and eat grass to prove
myself. So far i have never gone hungry. Allah always generous. He is
my greatest teacher. He holds the Qadha and Qadar. He always give me
from where i least expected. This is all i can teach my murid. It is
not in the Jawoh language. It is in the language of the qalbu.

  2011/4/3 red1
Tahan maki - Please provide
factual reference as how bad you been
makied before and what you did after that.
So far since 1998 i taken in tens of apprentices. Many moved on to
higher paying jobs as a result. None survived my killer maki. Some even
maki back.

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MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] Java Apprentice Wanted

2011-04-02 Terurut Topik red1

On 4/3/11 12:29 PM, riZer Enterprise wrote:
for me cacian and makian build my strength. so beware i gain power 
with that. it's just make me fuller in person

2. kalau saya terasa hati baru saya akan beringat so kalau nak nasihat 
saya (DO NOT) talk nice to me. Bagi saya sakit hati baru saya tak akan 
lupa (orang kedah panggil = lengai) sebab bengang yang terpendam 
akibat kena maki. :)

Sebenarnya, lebih baik tahan segan buat kesilapan is more useful than 
tahan kene maki. A very important character of a hacker is to make the 
most brilliant of mistakes rather been scared stiff and not willing to 
try and fail and learn something new.

Software bugs are mistakes that occur everyday. Open Source allows more 
eyeballs to make all bugs shallow. In it means alot of fume, flames and 
discord that FOSS person lives thru within a thiriving community. You 
will have an interesting life. If not, drop IT and take up culinary science.


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MOSC2011 and

Re: [osdcmy] Saya pun tak tahu kenapa

2011-03-20 Terurut Topik red1

Bahasa Melayu mungkin tidak sesuai sebagai bahasa pengantaraan untuk
alam ilmiah perkakasan. Tetapi ia amat sesuai sebagai bahasa sastera,
cukup cantik apabila dipakai untuk berpantun:

Makan garam lebih daripada nasi
Jangan sampai rosak semua gigi
Jika mahu hidup berdikari
Sumbanglah kod tersendiri

On 3/20/11 2:59 PM, Ghodmode wrote:
It's not really English.  These terms have
been created for new concepts based existing English words, but the
words don't retain their English meanings in this context.  Just like
names of people and places, the terms have an identity that is lost
when they're translated.  We should just use the new words and not
think about them as English words.
If you still want to create Malay words, then don't use the English
words at all, use the underlying concepts.  For example, instead of
"dwi klik", maybe it should be "dwi tekan" and allow it to evolve to
one word like "dwitekan".
Some suggestions :
"click" is a sound, not an action, but in the
context of "double-click" it's the action of pressing a button.  If you
really want to translate it exactly, you should use "tekan dua kali"
rather than "klik dua kali".
"Plug and Play" was originally a name for a
specification from Microsoft (ref:
).  Translating this would be like translating "Windows" to "Tingkap",
but no one would think that's a good idea.  It's used in a more general
way now, but it still shouldn't be translated.  "Plug" means to block
or close a hole; "tutup lubang".  "Play" means "main".  To say "Tutup
Lubang dan Main" is ridiculous.  If you want to, create a phrase from
the underlying concept... We connect the device and it works
immediately without any manual installation or configuration... My BM
isn't good enough to come up with one for this :)
A "mouse" isn't an animal.  This definitely
shouldn't be translated at all, but if you really want to, use the
concept of a pointing device.
We don't actually "burn" a CD or DVD.  I don't
even like this one in English.  Use "write" (tulis).
We could take this way too far... Translate "Microsoft" to
"Kecillembut"... or in reverse, I could call that place where many of
you live "Mud Estuary".  And while I'm thinking about it, why am I from
"Amerika Syarikat" ("America Company"?) instead of "Negeri Bersatu"
("States United")?

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Re: [osdcmy] Saya pun tak tahu kenapa

2011-03-20 Terurut Topik red1

US tu memang Syarikat.. nama je negara tetapi buat bisnis tak kira
minyak ke, senjata ke, trade agreement ke, software patent ke... nak je
cekik leher dunia lain...  ramai sangat NGO tentang sama AS setiap kali
ada WTO.

On 3/20/11 5:47 PM, Ghodmode wrote:
On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 3:17 PM, darXness darXness
Microsoft,United State,America,is proper no need to
That's the rule.  Proper nouns shouldn't be translated because they
represent something specific and that meaning can be lost in
translation, but that rule isn't often broken.  I guess it's just Dewan
Bahasa Suka Hati.  For example, "The United States of America" is
poorly translated as "Amerika Syarikat" and the meaning of the name is
almost completely lost.
This is exactly my point.  These words and phrases represent a specific
device or action in the context of IT.  They represent specific devices
or actions in a specific context.  If we translate them, we might lose
Are we going to translate the verb "google" also? ref:
I looked it up.  New words, or new word usages like these, are called
neologisms.  ref:


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Re: [osdcmy] What about closed core?

2011-03-20 Terurut Topik red1

It might just catches fire. I reckon modernist terms emerge when
opportunists try to redefine something as pure open code just to wear a
price tag and get them their next dinner plate. It happened to their
health care services, happened to desktop computing, happened to have 1
lawyer to every 265 Americans. Thats USA, land of the bill and fee.

On 3/20/11 4:07 PM, Ghodmode wrote:
On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 12:43 AM, Slaya Chronicles - Geeko
Core == sounds like FOSS, smells like FOSS, looks like FOSS but
it ain't FOSS.
"Open Core" is a real term and that all applies, but (I think) I made
up that term "Closed Core" and I don't even know if the concept is
It seems to me that "Open Core" implementations are basically a lie
told to consumers to lock them into proprietary software before they
realize it. Because of the lie, it's worse than regular proprietary
In the "Open Core" concept, if all of that proprietary stuff wrapped
around the FLOSS base went away, the core software would still be okay.
In this "Closed Core" concept I'm describing, if the proprietary core
of the applications goes away, none of the FLOSS applications built
around it would work any more.
It would be like we had all of the GNU utilities without a Linux kernel
to run them on. In fact, it really happened that way 30 years ago. GNU
was developed without the Linux kernel (ref:
So, what I'm wondering is whether or not "Closed Core" is a valid
concept and if we can apply that term to free Facebook apps, for
example. I suppose a similar concept could be applied to free Windows
software that requires proprietary libraries.
What do we, as a community, think about this? Should we discourage
this type of software development? If the closed core (i.e.: Facebook
or Windows) went away, would the apps go away, be rewritten to work on
another API, or would we write a new core implementing the missing APIs?
We're actually two groups in one... FLOSS enthusiasts and Software
Developers. As a developer I say "ooohh! Facebook API... cool!", but
as a FLOSS enthusiast I don't like Facebook's limitations or secrets.

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Re: [osdcmy] Saya pun tak tahu kenapa

2011-03-20 Terurut Topik red1

Its the syallables in Bahasa that are of higher quantity than many
other languages i know. For example Hotel in bahasa will be Rumah
Penginapan (6 syls). Arabic is Funduq (2), cina also 2, French 2.
Discussion (3) in bahasa is perbincangan (4), Arabic is Muzakarah (4),
Cina (2), French dialog (2).
Freedom (2), is Kebebasan (4), Arabic (3), Cina (2), French - Liberte
Nine (1), Sembilan (3), Tas'a (2), Qiu (1), Neuf (1).
Love (1), Kasih-sayang (4), Habba (2), Ai (1), Aime (oneee).

Rather challenging for a binary world -- try translating this in
one breath.

On 3/20/11 9:50 PM, zarul shahrin wrote:
Sure, you can use any language. But we are talking about
learning beyond the basic things. I would rather learn in English and
spend my time solving problems than busy doing cross references.
  Perhaps this explains why despite having many IT graduates, the
employment rates is still low. Even though there are many vacancies...
  On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 9:33 PM, Ghodmode
On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 4:13 PM, red1 wrote:

  Bahasa Melayu mungkin tidak
sesuai sebagai bahasa pengantaraan untuk
alam ilmiah perkakasan. Tetapi ia amat sesuai sebagai bahasa sastera,
cukup cantik apabila dipakai untuk berpantun:

Some people say that BM isn't suitable for science, technology, or
finance, but I disagree. Any language can handle new words and
describe new concepts. These IT words are only a problem because we
already knew them in English before we tried to use them in Malay.

If you could show a computer mouse to someone who has never seen one,
they would give it a name. Americans came up with the name "mouse"
because they thought it looked like a mouse. A Malaysian would
probably give it a completely different name.

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Re: [osdcmy] Saya pun tak tahu kenapa

2011-03-20 Terurut Topik red1

But when it comes to swearing bahasa has a chance:
WTF (3), Pundek (2), Kanenabu (4 - hokkien dialect, cantonese is too

On 3/20/11 10:44 PM, red1 wrote:

Its the syallables in Bahasa that are of higher quantity than many
other languages i know. For example Hotel in bahasa will be Rumah
Penginapan (6 syls). Arabic is Funduq (2), cina also 2, French 2.
Discussion (3) in bahasa is perbincangan (4), Arabic is Muzakarah (4),
Cina (2), French dialog (2).
Freedom (2), is Kebebasan (4), Arabic (3), Cina (2), French - Liberte
Nine (1), Sembilan (3), Tas'a (2), Qiu (1), Neuf (1).
Love (1), Kasih-sayang (4), Habba (2), Ai (1), Aime (oneee).
Rather challenging for a binary world -- try translating this in
one breath.

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Re: [osdcmy] Saya pun tak tahu kenapa

2011-03-18 Terurut Topik red1

On 3/17/11 10:51 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah wrote:
by the way, for ipad users, how do you do a right click ? is it tap 
and hold ?

Itu piawaian Epal Mad kot? Dua jari ketuk serentak - Its two fingers 
simultaneous tap.


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Re: [osdcmy] Saya pun tak tahu kenapa

2011-03-18 Terurut Topik red1

Semasa di Thailand, saya perhati kat kedai buku mereka, terdapat banyak
majalah terbaru dunia seperti GQ, Penthouse, Linux, Vogue, tetapi satu
helai Inggeris pun tak ada. Semua diterjemahkan bulat-bulat ke dalam
bahasa Siyeh. Yalah.. mereka tak pernah dijajah.

On 3/18/11 7:10 PM, zarul shahrin wrote:
Sama seperti di Jerman, Russia, Jepun, Korea dan China.
   But, do we have that many books?
  Oh wait... Do we have that many experts?
  Masa kat sekolah dulu, saya aktif juga dalam kelab catur (amatur
jer)...Rasa kelakar pulak kat Malaysia ni tidak ada seorang pun
Grandmaster sedangkan Singapura, Indonesia, Filipina, Vietnam, semua
dah ada. 
  Jadi kadang-kadang kita tak boleh membuat perbandingan terus. 
  2011/3/18 sallehy
berkesempatan ke Indonesia, mungkin boleh belajar sesuatu.
Buku rujukan Bahasa Inggeris sukar cari makan katanya.

Kedai buku bertingkat-tingkat penuh dengan bahasa mereka
sendiri :)

2011/3/18 zarul shahrin
saya lebih suka kalau  dulu belajar matematik dan sains dalam Bahasa
Inggeris. Bila belajar benda lebih tinggi, kebanyakkan bahan-bahan
rujukan yang bagus adalah di dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Bahan-bahan rujukan
dalam Bahasa Malaysia adalah terhad. 
  Disebabkan hal tersebut, ramai orang kita sibuk cuba
menterjemahkan apa yang mereka terlebih dahulu belajar dalam Bahasa
Malaysia kepada Bahasa Inggeris dan sebaliknya sedangkan orang-orang
lain yang sejak dari mula  belajar dalam Bahasa Inggeris sibuk
menguasai ilmu baru.
  2011/3/18 darXness darXness

sebab dah start dengan BI.cube imagine camniela.dlu2 kite
blajar math dalam BM.ok jerk.mmg senang jer rase.n then skrng nie math
da ajar lam BI.ade x sape2 yg leh jawab mcm care kite jawab dlu x?msti
da pelik da.dengan plus,surd,divide,tu baru skit.term2 len?
ngn science lagi.kalo suh kite jwb balik paper tu balik
lam BI pn da serabut.sbb,1st tep kite blajar lam BM.n camtu la
setrusnye.same gak mcm komp.kalo kite stat bljr lam BM,rasenyer
xmustahil kot...

2011/3/18 darXness darXness

  2011/3/18 zarul shahrin
tak dapat bayangkan belajar komputer dalam BM. Bagi lagi berserabut
kepala otak adalah.

  sebab dah start dengan BI.cube imagine camniela.dlu2
kite blajar math dalam BM.ok jerk.mmg senang jer rase.n then skrng nie
math da ajar lam BI.ade x sape2 yg leh jawab mcm care kite jawab dlu
x?msti da pelik da.dengan plus,surd,divide,tu baru skit.term2 len?
  ngn science lagi.kalo suh kite jwb balik paper tu balik
lam BI pn da serabut.sbb,1st tep kite blajar lam BM.n camtu la
setrusnye.same gak mcm komp.kalo kite stat bljr lam BM,rasenyer
xmustahil kot...




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Re: [osdcmy] Wassup With OSCC ?

2011-03-17 Terurut Topik red1

Hello Apek,
Pasal apa lu tarik wa sama Raja kasi ini lu gomen punya hal. Aiya, Wa 
mana mau cerita itu manyak tak boleh cakap. Wa ada baca itu, itu sta, 
sta-tis-tik wa sendiri pun susah. Dia punya line manyak manyak tapi ada 
manyak tada jumpa. Raja sama saya tarik itu line sini sana. Nyonya ada 
cakap sama wa. Wa ada cakap sama Nyonya, lepas itu wa cakap sayang sama 
semua orang. Was sudah dapat itu uang bikin kerja. Ada senang wa balik sana.

On 3/17/11 5:52 PM, Slaya Chronicles - Geeko Acolyte wrote:

I am aware of your association in Phase One.

OSCC wanted to do so much but at each turn we were blocked by
political interests and general apathy. MAMPU as we are know is a
schizophrenic animal, each jabatan seem to have its own mind and the
KP really don't care, so as long as dapat naik pangkat.

The statistics are available, but since I was involved with the
training portion only, I do not have it. Raja and Red1 were the two
chaps who helped us do up the BRR - Benefit Realisation Report; maybe
they have a copy of it.

The Govt is a control freak. Anything they do is hak kerajaan. We have
suggested to involve the community in building some of the stuff, but
then the ones in power only want the name and tried to use the
community as kuli percuma - case in point MyGOSSCON.

When we suggested to reach out to the Private Sector, the official
answer is always We only do Public Sector. WTF!? It shows those in
power don't know the first thing about FOSS. Even they argue that FOSS
is a haram word; we could only use OSS. Jeez!

Much that I say, I am sure you have seen and gone through them; since
you were in Phase One. I am not saying that OSCC was a great success,
but to say it was an epic failure can be affront to us who put in
thousands of man hours to try to make it work.

I can understand that outside of the Public Sector, there was hardly a
noticeable ripple. It was sad - I really believed we were doing
something positive for FOSS in Malaysia. Alas like so many alumni of
Pahse Two will attest, we all ended up being tukang buat slide for
clueless politicians.


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Re: [osdcmy] Wassup With OSCC ?

2011-03-17 Terurut Topik red1

On 3/17/11 9:52 PM, darXness darXness wrote:

cite menarik nie..kene join gak sesi teh tarik pasni.:D

 Free as in Free cerita, not in Free teh tarik  .. :D
Anyway i very much wanted to attend the gathering organised by our 
protem bapak Haris Fahil, but i be away (hurrahh!) :(. I will ask Eric 
to fill me in (with more teh tarik).

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Re: [osdcmy] Wassup With OSCC ?

2011-03-17 Terurut Topik red1

I used to say: Work for yourself, not your company, and you be happier.
Everyone around you be more better off (including your company, if they
only know why).

On 3/17/11 10:56 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah wrote:
that nearly happened to me.
quit a 5 figure salary job last month cause was feeling stressed. did a
check and the doctor told me i have a mild coronary disease and am now
on ace 1 medication.
  On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 10:14 PM, zarul
think this is something normal in many other companies too (big or
small). So sometimes you just need to move on.

I had a manager who once told me this - "Don't die for the
company, company won't die for you". That was probably one of the best
advices anyone has ever gave me. I didn't follow his advice until
several companies later.


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Re: [osdcmy] Saya pun tak tahu kenapa

2011-03-17 Terurut Topik red1

Kenape roti bakar boleh? Tapi jika terjemah sebiji ke orang putih, akan
jadi 'Please can make me bread burn'. Laparlah alamatnya kat nogori
orang putih kan.

On 3/18/11 9:30 AM, saifuladli ismail wrote:
kita tak perlu guna perkataan bakar, kita guna perkataan
"salin" nota ke dalam CD. ok sikit bunyi nya. 
  2011/3/17 saiful
x pernah setuju dengan isitilah yang dianjurkan oleh dbp, still dalam
note aku untuk kuliah tetap aku campurkan antara BM dan BI, sesetangah
istilah boleh diterjemah dan sesetngahnya sangatlah 'jahil murakkab'
sangat untuk dikalihbahasakan. 

kau nak nota aku? boleh nanti aku "bakar" dan bagi kau satu
salinan - :) .. burn-in time (masa bakar mula) aduhai tolonglah...

2011/3/17 darXness darXness

gak nak ckap bab nie.
actually,kalo ade sape2 xtau lg,kami pengajar bhgn ICT nie ssh skit
kalo nak gune BI 100%.nak wat nota,nak wat AS,WS,IS,LP,KA,PA sume2 tu
xleh nak rojak sgt.kalo double click,kene tukr jadik klik 2 kali.cume
ade la skit2 term yg xdigalakkn translte sbb riso laen maksd.mcm firewall.maybe
kite akn ckp,da tau bljr komp,kene la power BI.itula yg ak slaloo ckp
kne fhm gak.mostly dorng nie dtg dari kptusan yg xbrape
baek.imagine,kalo kite pndg org msuk ILP n IKBN or mane2 pusat
kemahiran,kite da anggp mcm ntuk stdt2 yg agak lemah,apatah lgi ntuk
org2 yg xlayak pn nak msuk tmpt2 camtu.
  yg xboleh membace,menulis pn ade.kene train slow2.nak bleh
mmbace menulis plak,BI mmg hancus.nak solve mende2 camni,kene train
asing.bgi nota BM.n then selit2 BI.baru fhm.dlu2,aku slaloo kondem cik2
ak sal wat nota BM.last2 bile da alami sndiri,tgk level stdnt2 ak,baru
la ak fhm.ble ckp right click pn dorng da confuse.huhu
2011/3/17 zarul shahrin
 Bukankah itu dinamakan bahasa "rojak"?

 2011/3/17 saiful

 ada beberapa istilah tak perlu translate, tulis saja double
 dan jangan terlalu dungu membuat terjemahan secara terus.
Contoh yg femes
 digunakan adalah "memnggunakan batang cucuk dan main".

 2011/3/17 Muhammad Syafiq

 kelik dua kali.

 محمد شافق بن مذلي
 Muhammad Syafiq Bin Mazli
 67C2 1C07 FDEC 09ED DE58 
 1ED8 FF26 6105 142D CBE2

 2011/3/17 Raja Iskandar Shah


 apa perkataan untuk double-click ? dwi-klik ? keklik ?

 help... i am half-way in my tutorial for creating a
grails application !

 2011/3/17 zarul shahrin

 Saudara dan Saudari,
 Saya pun tak tahu kenapa.
 Bila saya membaca perbincangan berkaitan hal-hal
teknikal di dalam
 Bahasa Malaysia, saya rasa geli hati. Bukan perli
dan saya pun tak tahu
 kenapa saya rasa geli hati .Memang rasa kelakar
macam menonton gambar P.
 Ramlee. Mungkin saya ni dah tak betul agaknya.  ^O^

 Yang Ikhlas, 
 Zarul Shahrin




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Re: [osdcmy] What about closed core?

2011-03-16 Terurut Topik red1

Hi Ghodmode,
I wonder what you refer to is already meant so in GPLv3 as espoused by
His Highness RMS. If i remembered my readings correctly, RMS was wary
of the mischief doings of Steve Jobs in some apps probably ITunes where
it used GNU-linked (hope RMS smiles on me) code which was taken from
GPLv2 to sell apps, thus making money and locking in the users the
freedom to improve on the app. which u know will lead to free beer, and
of course free songs all over again.

Anyway, i am against copyrighting. Would you settle for copyleft?

On 3/16/11 3:32 PM, Ghodmode wrote:
I noticed a "Facebook Developers Garage"
event on the Since Facebook is definitely not free, but
applications developed for it potentially are free, is there such as a
thing as "closed core"?
I've only recently become familiar with the term "open core". I
haven't heard the term "closed core"... can I copyright it? ... I can't
wait to start suing people! :)
Where does this type of software development fit into our community?
Thank you.

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Re: [osdcmy] Wassup With OSCC ?

2011-03-16 Terurut Topik red1

That phrase has already been hijacked by the Cina apek:
Lu mau mati kah??!!!

On 3/17/11 12:14 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah wrote:

  what happened to the phrase 'berani mati' ?

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Re: [osdcmy] Malaysian OSS Developer

2011-03-15 Terurut Topik red1

How i wish Dr. Mahathir did cut them off at the bridge. Before he

On 3/15/11 12:28 PM, zarul shahrin wrote:
Of course they are better! They are there working on the
next big thing while we are here busy arguing which OS is better or why
people don't want to use OSS and of course - busy customizing Ubuntu so
we can have yet another distro based on Ubuntu. =P
  Best Regards,
  Zarul Shahrin
  On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 12:15 PM,
Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
harder without knowing what we want to achieve is like a mouse on the
running wheel.

We keep working harder and harder, but in the end, we still at the same

If we don't know how they compare us, how we are going to compete with

On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 12:04 PM, sweemeng

  I got a feeling not just in term of foss, but many
area in tech too. but then just a feeling.
  I also got a feeling on the amount of visible RD and
product resulted from them. Again just a feeling, I could be wrong.
  Look like we have to work harder don't we, and that is not
just a feeling
  On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 12:02 PM, rafe
Dude I didn't go down on details but as said Singapore
community do have d edge of getting it done rather than Malaysian. But
all you know it might be Malaysian who is in captivity by singaporien
:) but dude honestly this not d 1st time I hear about it. Maybe we have
not done enough.. and personally feel that somehow is my fault too.. 

  On Mar 15, 2011 11:53 AM, "Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan" wrote:
Please tell me using what criteria that they said Singapore is 10 times
better than Malaysia?
  On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 11:26 AM,
rafe azsnal wrote:

 Today now I'm in a meeting with the internal team where he stated
that the global player of OSS ...



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Re: [osdcmy] Malaysian OSS Developer

2011-03-15 Terurut Topik red1

Reaction: I hate you.
Now, please continue.

On 3/15/11 9:49 PM, Garfield WTF wrote:
I believe they mean by the attitude and mindset of Malaysia OSS 
developers and the community.

As we can see now, majority of our developers and community people are 
fighting each others. Not united at all. Always argue about the 
difference and advantages of those OSS projects that they are supporting.

From the most recent case, we can see that lots of distro supporters 
are arguing with each others about how good is the distro they are 
Even those Ubuntu derivatives distro supporters, are fighting with 
each others.
Hey, come on! You are all under the same family, what for wasting time 
and fight who is better?

What we actually need to do is to cooperate and make applications 
works on all distros that have common platform, such as making sure an 
apps, able works in all Debian and its derivatives, all Ubuntu and its 
derivatives as well as works in CentOS and its derivatives, Fedora and 
its derivatives, OpenSuse and its derivatives, FreeBSD and its 
derivatives etc.

We should now stop to fight about our difference and start work 
together for a common interest. Well, because of majority of the 
Malaysian like to fights about the difference, this also made Malaysia 
labeled as a racism country where all race are fighting about their 
differences. If we all want to move forward towards a better future, 
stop fighting about our differences. Work together for a common 
interest start from now on! Change our mindset!!!

Guess what? Because of a lot of people fighting about their 
derivatives distro, and argue with each others, this also made me 
decided to stop my DN-A (Debian Netbook-Angel) project. Because I 
don't want to see there is another Linux distro derivative appear and 
sparking more arguments.
We have a lot of Linux distro already anyway, no point fork out 
something which have not much difference to cause more controversy...

There is a lot more I wanted to say actually, but lets see how you 
guys react to what I have written above 1st...

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Re: [osdcmy] secret which have to be a secret

2011-03-15 Terurut Topik red1

IMHO if we are debating on govt policies, be they written or unwritten,
it is still ok, because we are not creating falsehood nor lies, based
on unfounded facts nor conjecture that implicate individuals who are
merely govt servants following such policies.

Now for govt servants, what about that? Once i met a senior govt
official (name and org withheld to protect from GO, OSA, ISA, and other
susahAs) who provided me inside info and urged me to raise an issue
(sorry Rafe but i guess you are popular) MDec which he failed within
his own division. I was curious, but he reiterated that as an NGO or
NGI (indiividual rakyat) we have every right to raise concern, but they
as govt servants cannot do so. And he cautioned that we have to raise
it 'officially' meaning thru proper channels such as this and
not thru surat layang, hate mail or anonymous blogs.

Still, we have to be fair, as even MDec falls under govt policy and
they have an agenda like any other to priotise towards a big national
level which has lots of outside forces at play. For us, we have to
continue articulating as a pressure group. And of course allow govt
agencies to play their roles as defined by the political masters that
the democracy has voted them into power.

But if we do not highlight issues, then the ruling govt can blame us
for keeping silent and thus not withing their grasp to formulate the
policies that we want.

That is why i support as a whole but that does not mean i do
not speak out what i feel to be of priority. I try to speak using nice
words, but sometimes my keyboard get stuck at the F key. :)

On 3/16/11 11:29 AM, Raja Iskandar Shah wrote:
so long as we can point a link to the source of the
information on a formal channel (eg a govt website) then we should be
if you look at the posts, the author will always try to provide a link
to the official source.
with regards to unflattering comments about the government or
organisation or persons or project this mailing list is publicly
searchable through google.

Berbuka Puasa mdec Dan Bersama Anak-anak
Yatim ...
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  18 Sep 2009 ... Majlis Berbuka Puasa mdec
Dan Bersama Anak-anak ...
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linuxmalaysia's Photostream
  9 posts-5 authors-Last post:24 Apr 2010
Majlis Berbuka Puasa MDeC Dan Bersama
Anak-anak Yatim 160909 by ...
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discussion results

  Java is big! What is mdec doing about it? -
Mailing List ...
  28 Feb 2011 ... It is time we reveal our
strength and not even consider mdec's existence. For what may
i ask? They aint gona give ua free lunch anyway ...
- Cached
 Aims To Unite Malaysia's Open Source
  22 Sep 2009 ... MDeC's
Rizatuddin Ramli (left) with's Vice President The aim
of is to unite local open source developers and their
- Cached
 aims to unite Malaysia's open source
  22 Sep 2009 ... The formation of the
initiative is also part of the MDeC's plan to move in the
direction of Malaysia's 10th Economic Plan in the ...
- Cached

for those who have signed the OSA, pls re-read the clauses
  On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 10:49 AM, Umarzuki
Bin Mochlis Moktar wrote:

I found that there are a lot of information related to our government
discussed openly on this mailing list. Is this okay?

Just my 2 cents.


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Re: [osdcmy] Re: FiMOS - For Malaysian, by Malaysian

2011-03-13 Terurut Topik red1

I (try to) teach my kids smart stuff such as 
1. What _not_ to do such as 'try to be a clerk filling in gaji
kakitangan gomen dalam spreadsheet.
2. Pareto principle - learn 20% that is worth 80%
3. Do what is important not urgent such as 'go play what u love which
is badminton and forget about exams'.

I believe those who landed in front of any interviewer is the ultimate
insult. I got thru my first humiliating interview in April 1982 and
never had any since then. The interview (Robert Teo, CEO of Dataprep M
Sdn Bhd that time) said to me,
"You are not to be treated special. I give you the lowest pay." Just
because my name is 'bumi' sounding. *Gr* still fuming with the
insult after all these years.

On 3/13/11 4:43 PM, zarul shahrin wrote:
Windows need no learning? That's kind of over-statement.
Knowledge comes from experience sometimes, just because you 11-years
old son could do well in Excel doesn't mean that he is already an
expert in Windows. There is more to windows than just "Excel". 
  There are infinity number of things that can be done easily on
Linux but not Windows and vice versa. But I take that your field is
limited to software like Excel.
  Also, computer is suppose to to help make our job easier and
faster not the other way around. If Windows is easier to learn and use,
then why do things the hard way? Why spend so much time and get into so
much trouble learning a hard-to-use tool when you can use the wasted
time to tackle new problems using a tool which is easy to learn?
  Best Regards,
  Zarul Shahrin
  On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 3:40 PM, red1

Raja, fictitous indeed. Windows needs no learning. Give me an example
function in excel that my 11 yr old son cannot show you.

On 3/13/11 11:34 AM, Raja Iskandar Shah wrote:


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Re: [osdcmy] Wassup With OSCC ?

2011-03-13 Terurut Topik red1

Don't shoot me, i am just the messenger that told you so. This is
called an unofficially written policy by the govt not to support Open
Source precisely because it cannot show the numbers they want. Gomen
want commercial numbers, not innovation numbers. 

But i guess we still need the prophets around for a long time to keep
hammering the sad truth.

Salam 1Sumber.

On 3/13/11 8:00 PM, Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan wrote:
saya sungguh tak faham
tender ni untuk OpenHIS ke, atau untuk running OSCC?
kenapa ada requirement untuk setup OSCC service dalam dokumen tender
kenapa ada requirement sebegini?
  The Tenderer is required to develop and implement according to
following scope of the Project which includes:
i. Establish and implement a Development Lab for Integrated OpenHIS
Project. Includes maintain of server(s), workstations, development
tools, database and training.
ii. Establish a Helpdesk and Technical Support for Integrated OpenHIS
Project and OSS implementation in Public Sector
iii. Establish a Training Centre for Integrated OpenHIS Project and OSS
implementation in Public Sector
iv. Implement Open Source Competency Centre (OSCC) services for OSS
implementation in Public Sector towards self reliance 
v. Maintain all existing system, hardware, software and network
infrastructure for this project as scheduled in LAMPIRAN G-5
patut la tender OpenHIS ni dikeluarkan oleh MAMPU, bukan MOH. sebab ini
adalah tender untuk running OSCC, tetapi diselindung disebalik tender
sangat menyedihkan. kononnya fasa 3 untuk self reliance agensi
kerajaan, tetapi untuk projek OpenHIS masih lagi perlu untuk tender
kepada syarikat swasta. mana kakitangan MOH?
dan lebih-lebih menyedihkan, dokumen tender dalam format PROPRIETARY
Well done MAMPU!!!

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[osdcmy] Is Open Source taken over by Salesmen?

2011-03-10 Terurut Topik red1
I thought real committers and uploaders rule in Open Source. At least 
what i read of Linus Torvalds, Eric Raymond and Richard Stallman.

It is a long rant, so i leave you a choice:

Salam 1Sumber

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[osdcmy] Open Core is Not Open Source - for example OpenBravo

2011-03-05 Terurut Topik red1
To warn the innocent and uninitiated there are FOSS wanabes and forks 
that pretend to be FOSS but are out there to abuse FOSS by scalping for 
short term profit. For example (at least i can say for my own project 
space of ERP rather than start flame with MYSQL, Alfresco, or SugarCRM) 
OpenBravo which is an open core fork in early 2006 of Compiere and 
Compiere itself also going open core which resulted in creation of the 
ADempiere project by me and my global counterparts in September of 2006.

Here is a link to learn more :

My own take about OpenBravo's further ethics in question has been 
written long time ago here :


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Re: [osdcmy] Re: Why our Unis turn out such poor quality IT grads. - long rant

2011-03-04 Terurut Topik red1
Yes, seeking to inspire or nutrure is the right phrase in our economy. 
Cos we are capable of almost nothing (quoting from Tun Dr. M dalam 
akhbar The Sun some years back). Kita asyik menjadi pengguna dan 
downloader, lebih asap dari minyak. Lebih-lebih lagi tiada percaya 
dengan kreativiti atau innovasi dari halaman sendiri. Amat menyanjung 
segala jenama yang datang dari luar, dari futbal sampai tin susu.

Semangat sedemikian tiada ujud lagi dalam sanubari kurikulum sekolah 
kita. Tiada lagi terlafaz atas lidah rasmi negara. Mana-mana, hanya 
piawaian dari luar yang disebut-sebut kerana amat dikagumi. Saya tidak 
hairan kisah P.Ramlee meninggal dunia dalam keadaan sakit hati dan 
terkejut (sumber: History Channel Astro) dan tidak juga hairan Dr. M 
menangis walaupun menjadi orang nombor satu negara. Banyak ucapan Tun 
saya terhafal, dan sekiranya saya ulangi di sini akan mengamuk lagi 
beberapa rakan di sini. Baik diam je daripada membongkarkan aib sendiri.

On 3/4/11 6:13 PM, riZer Enterprise wrote:

I believe Edu can do more than just nurture, it can guide and inspire
(and perhaps lead to developing passion ?), especially with passionate
people helping from outside the ivory tower.
- Tunjuk teks yang dipetik -

ini yang mahal ni
orang orang macam ni kena angkat naik dulu baru inspired people with 
similar pasionate dreams tu akan terhasil denagn banyaknya

from all unis from all over. pasai passionate ajer. inspired

outside menara gading punya orang like you , me and passionate people 
jadikan diorang role model dan diinsidekan mestilah accepted by uni 
orang orang passionate ni dgan anugerah dean pasal kerja passionate 
bukan about money yang diorang buat ni...faham tak?


tak faham tanya
soalan sure di ratedkan A punya.
brolinux sidekick red1'


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Re: [osdcmy] Why our Unis turn out such poor quality IT grads. - long rant

2011-03-03 Terurut Topik red1

On 3/3/11 8:54 AM, Boh Yap wrote:

hi all,

here's another rant, its directed at our Educational system, but done
in a less brutal way than the 'last' nuclear exchange between Red and
Rafe ;-) Sabar guys you both got your points, 

Have a read and pls comment...

Critique of MQA Computing Program Document
Hm.. Boh, you also losing your kungfu touch, above you commend both 
sides, not making known your own stand. Playing it safe by not playing 
to the gallery at all :)

Since you ask me to comment in your MQA analysis, so here goes.
1. Why analysed something that is more than 30 years old? The topics 
sounded familiar and quite inferior to what i learnt in IDPM, London 
(via Goon's Institute KL) in 1981! There i learnt Programming, Data 
Structures, Flowcharting, Intermediate Accounts, Communications and 
Systems Analysis all in 2 years. I got employed at end of 1st year by 
Dataprep in 1982.

2. About teaching ERP in colleges, if they just teach Accounting well, 
should be enough. Don't make the kids start cursing you in their facebooks.

3. About programming as a highly paid skill, as compared to Systems A  
Design, the later should be true as AD precedes form, but the concept 
those days is wrong today. What, if any design kids should know today is 
encapsulated in OO. That is the present, almost going past. Certainly 
not future.

Finally thanks Boh for your thesis, as you finally nailed this into the 
coffin. Malaysia's future is dead. It's knowhow menu is Vasco Da Gama's.

Wonder if MDec employs such grads and in what numbers. Rafe, any stats?

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Re: [osdcmy] Malaysia still under the IIPA Watch List

2011-03-03 Terurut Topik red1

Ni semua cina petaling street punya pasal. Selagi mereka ada, selagi
senantiasa ceplak semua. I call this Freedom.

On 3/3/11 5:42 PM, Muhd Syazwan Md Khusaini wrote:
Morning guys (it you were at GMT +1).
  Becauseof suffering cold weather here at Liege, Belgium..I've
borrowed my friend laptop and just surf the net, and all of sudden I
found this:-
  Moral of the story: promote to use Free, Libre  Open Source
Software (FLOSS) among your friends, family or probably your workplace
  Just share with you guys. Thanks to @nbliang for tweeting it.
Muhd Syazwan @ jipang_menjerit

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Re: [osdcmy] Malaysia still under the IIPA Watch List

2011-03-03 Terurut Topik red1

On 3/4/11 1:44 AM, Boh Yap wrote:


No big deal, on the one hand, the the major sponsors of this program
is the MPAA, the RIAA which represent the recording and movie
industries. These are the people who sue single mothers and kids for
downloading content! While they make fat profits by charging
exorbitant prices for their content, and pay artists a pittance! They
are nothing more than gangsters who cry foul, when their earnings are

And are they the same party also supporting Software Patents?

And these ppl oppose FOSS as well..

Red1, maybe you can get the SW pirates to make 1,000's of Adempiere
CDs and distribute them??
 No need to, just download them. You can see the stats here


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Re: [osdcmy] Malaysia still under the IIPA Watch List

2011-03-03 Terurut Topik red1

ok i got a question. What if Petaling Street put Linux on CDs? Is that
I remembered some time ago the Ministry made a fool of itself when it
issued a warning to arrest and persecute those who pirate Linux based
software. Now i am thinking they re not so foolish after all (there is

On 3/4/11 8:00 AM, sweemeng ng wrote:

  It is not pirating if it is not on cd or bit torrent
  On Mar 4, 2011 6:06 AM, "red1"
 On 3/4/11 1:44 AM, Boh Yap wrote:

 No big deal, on the one hand, the the major sponsors of this
 is the MPAA, the RIAA which represent the recording and movie
 industries. These are the people who sue single mothers and
kids for
 downloading content! While they make fat profits by charging
 exorbitant prices for their content, and pay artists a
pittance! They
 are nothing more than gangsters who cry foul, when their
earnings are

 And are they the same party also supporting Software Patents?

 And these ppl oppose FOSS as well..

 Red1, maybe you can get the SW pirates to make 1,000's of
 CDs and distribute them??
 No need to, just download them. You can see the stats here

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Re: [osdcmy] Malaysia still under the IIPA Watch List

2011-03-03 Terurut Topik red1

That was quite some years back, i am sure before OSCC's time. Someone
woke up abit by now. But still long way to go. FOSS is regarded as
risky, anarchy as in wikileaks and Tahrir Square. If Govt pun tak caya
sama orang kito... oh i forgot, show them the numbers first...

On 3/4/11 8:38 AM, Ahmed Noor Kader Mustajir Md Eusoff wrote:
they didn't aware with the term Open Source, someone
should wake them about it
  On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 8:30 AM, red1

ok i got a question. What if Petaling Street put Linux on CDs? Is that
I remembered some time ago the Ministry made a fool of itself when it
issued a warning to arrest and persecute those who pirate Linux based
software. Now i am thinking they re not so foolish after all (there is


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[osdcmy] M'sian Govt Show Them the Numbers

2011-03-03 Terurut Topik red1 - 
Malaysian Government has reached 97% OSS Adoption
and saves
Yep we got the numbers! Nape? Tak caya ke? Tak leh bawa bank kah? Kene
tunjuk cash jugak ka? Nama je bank. Tolong orang kaya saja...

sudahla... :)


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Re: [osdcmy] M'sian Govt Show Them the Numbers

2011-03-03 Terurut Topik red1

I want the community to think.

On 3/4/11 8:57 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel wrote:

SO ?

What next step you want community to do?

Can you get this number to politician and get the buy in?

Any plan that you can show to us?

Any schedule that we can follow?

Any contact that we can communicate?

On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 8:53 AM,  wrote: -

Malaysian Government has reached 97% OSS Adoption

and saves


Yep we got the numbers! Nape? Tak caya ke? Tak leh bawa bank kah? Kene
tunjuk cash jugak ka? Nama je bank. Tolong orang kaya saja...

sudahla... :)


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Re: [osdcmy] M'sian Govt Show Them the Numbers

2011-03-03 Terurut Topik red1

Sorry.. i made a typo below its RM188m (tertinggal pula figure M,

Azrul, Excuse Moi?
What u mean? Vous Lompate Marine?

On 3/4/11 9:03 AM, Azrul MADISA wrote:
Wow! I'm going to championproprietarysoftware la from
now on
  On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 8:53 AM, red1
Malaysian Government has reached 97% OSS Adoption
and saves
Yep we got the numbers! Nape? Tak caya ke? Tak leh bawa bank kah? Kene
tunjuk cash jugak ka? Nama je bank. Tolong orang kaya saja...

sudahla... :)


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Re: [osdcmy] M'sian Govt Show Them the Numbers

2011-03-03 Terurut Topik red1
I dont have another plan. I am on free-flow from day one. I code and 
upload to kick ass. And i dont mean small kuchi rat ass. As Riz quoted 
me in front of Dr. M, one day he wants SAP to die.
What i bitching here for the last 2 years is against hyprocrisy. And 
falsified numbers.

By the way, i always supported your plan. I like the MyOSCON yearly 
thingy alot. Even though there are weaknesses but they are all on the 
right track. It takes time. Just that i think it should be more 
mindblowing like the style of Law Abiding Citizen. But then, many of us 
(the rest of us :) ) are bit kuuchi rats. Kiasu.

My dream plan (which i am doing anyway daily in my farm) is to produce 
something that will make Steve Jobs tertiarap. Actually he is quite 
kurang sihat and i am sorry if he tertiarap kerana sebab2 tu plak. So 
better awe him before that.

My dream plan is to produce the Google Earth/Map - Sphinx voice 
recognition interface integrated to ERP (that owns the backend 
heavyhouse) and with my voice, i can activate transactions across the 
globe and see all the status color code in 3D ( i saw Green Hornet 
alredy.. Wariola bawa saya ke Berjaya Times Square hari tu). So ade 
orang mau sponsor itu ka? I dont think so. Only when _after_ you done 
kaw-kaw barulah semua sibuk-sibuk nak tumpang glamour pula.

On 3/4/11 9:04 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel wrote:

What do you propose? You are not answering me. For 2 years this list
exist we already discuss a lot.

Its not THINKING time. Its action time. Every one that write or
suggestion in this list already doing things.


What you are doing?

Can I have your schedule to sync with mine?

Can I have your plan to sync with mine?

On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 9:00 AM,  wrote:

I want the community to think.


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Re: [osdcmy] Malaysia still under the IIPA Watch List

2011-03-03 Terurut Topik red1

On 3/4/11 9:55 AM, Ghodmode wrote:
By the way... I've added Jalan Petaling to
my list of must visit places if I ever get to spend some time
in KL :D

Ah, another newbie on PS. Allow me to humbly advise you to be careful
and follow these basic rules:

1. Do not bargain unless you already got a fixed price to buy. The
chinese there are gangsters. I seen them trying to box a kuailoh after
he refused to pay the price he asked for prior.

2. Do not forget rule 1.


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Re: [osdcmy] M'sian Govt Show Them the Numbers

2011-03-03 Terurut Topik red1
Ok, then as Brother Haris bagi nasihat, we must mean action. If you are 
serious to be my khadam, i mean right hand man, show me your codes. 
Please, no juniors in my league. Kene macam itu side-kick Hornet, apa 
nama budak Bruce Lee tu?

On 3/4/11 10:07 AM, riZer Enterprise wrote:

everyday kita bangun hendaklah kita tanya what fos contribution that 
we will do today? What are we doing (FOSS point of view) for the 
comunity today?

Apakah yang akan kita sumbangkan kepada komuniti hari ini?

svai deutschmark

*memang nak tumpang glamour tuan red1 no better yet let me be your 
right hand man... kick ass {it's cool}

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Re: [osdcmy] M'sian Govt Show Them the Numbers

2011-03-03 Terurut Topik red1

aiya kod pun tada tau ka? ... tak berapa tau tak pe... itu passion
fruit mesti ada.

On 3/4/11 3:37 PM, riZer Enterprise wrote:
nama dia kedo (kay-dough) dia baik keta baapak dan buat
kopi tiap2 pagi dalam citer tu.
maaf saya tak faam apa tuan red1 maksudkan dgn "show me your codes"
saya takut kalau tuan nak tgk $$$ numbers tu yang takut skit tu sebab
tak berapa nak ada sangat :) ahakks..
  2011/3/4 red1
then as Brother Haris bagi nasihat, we must mean action. If you are
serious to be my khadam, i mean right hand man, show me your codes.
Please, no juniors in my league. Kene macam itu side-kick Hornet, apa
nama budak Bruce Lee tu?

On 3/4/11 10:07 AM, riZer Enterprise wrote:

everyday kita bangun hendaklah kita tanya what fos contribution that we
will do today? What are we doing (FOSS point of view) for the comunity
Apakah yang akan kita sumbangkan kepada komuniti hari ini?
svai deutschmark
*memang nak tumpang glamour tuan red1 no better yet let me be your
right hand man... kick ass {it's cool}



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2011-03-01 Terurut Topik red1
Ini serupa pergi bank minta loan. Bila disuruh tunjuk numbers, apa 
numbers? Jika kita ada numbers, buat apa pergi bank???
Kerana tada wang lah kita pegi bank buat pinjaman. Tetapi bank selalunya 
hanya bantu mereka yang sudah tidak perlu bantuan. Ini bukan rahsia, 
tetapi masih rahsia bagi mereka yang masih naif dan innosen.

Please la Haris, give something thats worth my intelligence.

On 3/1/11 6:15 PM, Harisfazillah Jamel wrote:


I don't read email for 24 hours this things will happen.

We should already know, MDeC could not or will nor focus on OSS only.
Even with MAMPU or any Agency, this will not happen, MDeC or any
agencies can do things that can spark or make public aware about OSS.
BUT all must depend on us as community 

OSS is all about community, and for that we are the one that need to
do all the things. We need to lobby or we need to keep on doing the
promotion and OSS day or any others activities.

Its like chicken and egg. We approach government but they needs
numbers. Dont talk aje please. We the one need to produce the numbers.

How many OSS days that we have done?
How many people know and support OSS?
How many companies that really into OSS?
What the economy impact to public?

The numbers and figure that MDeC produce should be use by us for
lobbying. Kita ni dah back stab them by asking and questioning where
the figure come from, sedangkan kita boleh ambil kesempatan untuk
lobbying policy maker not MDeC 

MDeC only do what they are instruct to do. KPI KRA dan organisation
goals. They have a lot of things. Not only OSS.

We are the one should panjat tangga go to Bangunan Perdana Putra and
lobbying for our needs. But we will be ask back? what figure to be

I believe we will refer back to MDeC figure and used it. .

My two cents and I need to log off again  More things need to be
plan for the coming MOSC2011.

On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 10:10 AM,  wrote:

Wondering why people think that am attacking azrul or java? Weird... I

is just that I see every blame was directed to MDeC... alright lah blame the
organization I eagerly want to see what would the after effect be. See if
they actually care..

All the people have fun..

Sent from my HTC

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Re: [osdcmy] Java is big! What is MDeC doing about it?

2011-02-28 Terurut Topik red1

What i learnt Swee Meng, is that govt has to get out our way, so that
we can thrive. The problem is that whenever we want to do some shouting
or kicking ass, they join from the other opposing side, with tons of
borangs and dasar to actually complicate matters. This is not my
theory. It is many socio-economists theories. Including our own Salleh
Majid once wrote about it in Utusan Melayu and have to cross blast with
Pemuda Umno with 'F' words in front of me.

You can see it happens here. Everytime we try to organise oursleves the
politikus wana hijack. It is time we reveal our strength and not even
consider MDec's existence. For what may i ask? They aint gona give u a
free lunch anyway unless you got collateral like any housing loan.
C'mon, be sober about this. No one except Karma is gonna help u.

Heh Azrul, can i send my resume again to Experian? This time dont put
bakul sampah yah? I now quite a master at some cool QA stuff as well as
subject matter. Google my name to believe :)

On 2/28/11 8:08 PM, sweemeng ng wrote:

  What I learn, sometime a community need to be more
independent. While help of organization like mdec may not be a bad
thing. Being independent means the community can do things the way they
want. Though it help to have big guns will make thing easier, but great
things happens when people each contribute it's own way. from user join
in meetup and share to company hosting meetup
  p.s I sound optimistic
  On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 7:33 PM, Azrul

If you have seen The Star today, Java developers are actually
getting a 'durian runtuh' and yet, what did MDeC do to encourage people
to go into Java? Read my rant here []



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Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen [Distro Workshop Again]

2011-02-28 Terurut Topik red1

ITU KIASU NAMANYA... (caps key stuck) :)

On 2/28/11 8:56 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah wrote:
aduh tajam sungguh ayat tuan hamba ;p
  On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 6:55 PM, wrote:
= You Never Win Anything

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2011-02-28 Terurut Topik red1

Quite selfish there, aint it? But do consider, if there are too few
Java devs out there, which is the case, it dampens the market and
substitute skills are sought in the egg and chick story. That is why
many go for PHp cos jobs abound for that. Why? Cos there are more PHp
people. :) (Will update my resume and try again bro. I need to sell my
freedom to the highest bidder)

On 3/1/11 9:55 AM, Azrul MADISA wrote:
Yeah, I also think that the F word is so uncalled for. My
blog is a bit provocative, sure, but I tried to be civil.
  My main thesis that MDeC did practically nothing to promote Java
despite Java being the king maker is based on my investigation. Not
happy? please attack my thesis, not my being.
  And as stated I'm not a failure, neither are the Java devs out
there. (The stats prove that). We're not blaming MDeC for this non
existing failure. We want MDeC to promote Java for the benefit of the
country as a whole. In fact, personally I would probably benefit more
if MDeC does not promote Java, less Java devs means my skills will be
more sought after and hence more salary. But, I rather provoke MDeC to
take action for the nation.
  Again, not happy, write a blog, no cursing pls.
  On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 8:55 AM, wrote:

Yes is no fun being me hence all the F words.. but ontop of the F words
I don't trow any names in my email nor trying to get sympathy. Nor to
provoke certain individual. Never was my attention.

Even with the small budget that we have we tried our best to make it
what it is where one of the outcomes is all of us being here at one
place where we bitch! And we share knowledge. How many awareness
programme that the community has successfully put in place and how many
new members has it attracted? And how many corporation and university
has started to belived that OSS is an alternative to choose from. And
the community has started in order to grow bigger and stronger. Ask
yourself this.. what have you contributed so far? I don't see this as a
failure I can't change what already in the past but what I can do is
the present and the future.

As bad as it seem to be Malaysia is the only country who supported OSS
publicly and funded it community, community not companies where we have
went to hell and back making the justification, and we put our neck on
the line and our comfort zone to belived what you belived. And on top
if that we put our 5 figure salary on the line too, we don't need to do
this but we did it anyway because we belived! As simple as that.

And you on the star in tech, in what way that we leverage on the piece?
We don't carried it all over the places we don't even claims that the
news was ours, the mileage for that news is only for you and you alone
and only you benefits from it, how can you said that we used you where
all the arrangements was made you. We were never involve in it at all. 

Again people we lives in a country where paper and borang is necessary,
is it so bad just to fill a few form for us to see what you have
planned and how are you going to make it happened? We don't lend you
the money we giving away without interest regardless if it fail later
on due to whatever. Name me one organization outside the country that
are doing this? 

Am I so wrong that I pointed out the necessary? The rest and test is
totally up to you, hope you learn from it and benefits from it too.



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- Reply message -
From: "red1"
Date: Tue, Mar 1, 2011 5:38 am


Not that i want to defend Azrul here, hmm, come to
think of it, i am 
defending him here. Ok here goes Tahrir Square slogan 1.

Azrul is not a failure. He is a grad from France. He worked at Sun. He 
is a Java expert. He knows its architecture. I seen him work. Ok, that 
part a bit misguided. If i can see and _understand_ how he worked that

He is working for a private firm at the moment, not MDec, and thus is 
not answerable ethically to tax-payers money. He is paid 5 figures. He 
gets to have playstation at work. Ok that part is not jealousy. That 5 
figure is. His subject area is in BI. Ok just to throw some heavy words

that only Raja Iskandar can understand.

Now he told me once before, he offered MDec free, as in free lunch Java

coaching sessions for generasi muda to stop the brain drain and he
to do it based on Open Source so that they do not go work for gomen or 
someone ELSE. So they get a fighting chance.

But after some years, he was not appreciated, and i found him holed up 
in CyberJaya MMU incubator slot doing freelance stuff, thats before he 
gets the playstation job.

Now i think, that is what he feels. It is a failure of MDec to take up 

Re: [osdcmy] Learning from Tahrir Square

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik red1

Terima kasih kerana memberi keprihatinan yang mendalam walaupun saya
bukanlah mengunakan nickname female yang mampu menarik perhatian sptmn
yg lain. Kita semua tahu bahawa setiap amalan kita bergerak dari niat
(as our friend thinks sex is a good intention, but it is, as part of

Pada asasnya, sesebuah gerakan NGO meletakkan niat yang bersifat visi
atau visionary dan bukannya kebajikan atau welfare semata-mata. Ya,
memang ada welfare dalam gerak-kerja kita, dan saya terlibat secara
langsung apabila mengeluarkan rahsia-rahsia kod dan kaedah ERP kepada
dunia selama 7 tahun kebelakangan ini. Negara kita pun ada kebajikan -
Kementerian Kebajikan namanya. Tetapi cubalah mintak. Takkan dapat,
kerana syaratnya ketat. Lagipun bukanlah niat negara kita atau
mana-mana negara (hatta negara Komunis) mampu bersifat kebajikan tanpa
sesebuah visi yang membina ekonomi negara. Itu sebabnya negara komunis
amat gagal kerana tiada insentif besar yang diletakkan di depan mata
kita (selain seks bagi nafsu-nafsi kelas lebih bawah).

Bagi kita yang ingin memperjuangkan sesuatu bukan setakat periuk nasi
masing-masing, tetapi kebaikan untuk generasi akan, hendaklah melihat
kepada fungsi politik yang lebih wajar, iaitu kembali kepada apa
asasnya atau maksudnya sesebuah gerakan NGO. Kita mampu sebagai NGO dan
perlu sebagai dasar untuk berdepan dengan establishment kerana sifat
NGO adalah pressure group (selain cooperative grouping atau welfare
interest). Sedihnya ramai daripada kita terutamanya dalam kerajaan hari
ini tidak membaca social contract Voltaire dimana apabila rakyat sudah
membayar sejumlah cukai yang besar dari segala aktiviti ekonominya,
maka kerajaan mempunyai tanggungjawab mengembalikan jumlah tersebut
dengan setimpalnya.

Ramai yang menganggap seolah perjuangan kita adalah kebajikan
semata-mata dan seolah-olah kita perlu mengemis dengan ihsan kerajaan
untuk mendapat secebis perhatian atau peruntukkan.

No, that is blady nonsensical. Ini adalah hak mutlak kita, sebagai
rakyat, yang berlesen pengundi, ber IC biru, berumur akil baligh dan
Law Abiding Citizens untuk mendapat layanan yg sewajarnya.

Tetapi setakat ini kita tidak bergerak lebih daripada yang remeh-temeh
dan biasa. Kita perlu mengeluarkan satu memoranda keras kepada kerajaan
(do them a favour) supaya mengambil perhatian yang serius dan
mengotakan apa jua janji dari MDec misalnya.

I believe the PM is not even aware of us nor aware that MDec has failed
in its job. It is not MDec's role to tell its boss if it fails. It is
the job of the NGOs.

Get it? Sexists included. :)

Yours Sincerely,

On 2/27/11 4:59 PM, simpleLinux wrote:
good1... +1!
  for this I agreed.. ;p rather than using the name of the
government (that wuz done by **1**) we can arise and show the world
what FOSS *in general can do. let's get into the crowd and support the
OpenSourcecommunity Malaysia...we can form a big communities of of
the smallercommunities.we can contribute something instead of
justcriticizing like the world is ours.. so that we can share codes,
or at least share information.. theehee xD
  On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 10:04 AM,
Harisfazillah Jamel

The adhoc committee is here red1. Its all of us in this list. What we
are doing now in this list and discussion and meetup is the kick ass,
to the government.

But we are doing it in our way.

We need to show to GOV that OSS community is here. We need to have
workshops of OSS knowledge sharing across Malaysia, we need to have
IPTA and IPTS to have OSS day, we need to get big conference one a
year going at our own "tahrir square", we need contribution upstream
start from Pasukan Terjemahan, we need to push for certification in
OSS, so big-big companies can invest here and use our human resources.

We need to have a bigger crowd of OSS contributors and supporter in
Malaysia so we can have the political mileage. The biggest crowd in

To tell you the truth, we don't have that mileage yet. We need to
buildup our community first.

We need community leaders, OSS community teach us everyone can
contribute, so everyone can be a leaders. This leaders need to get
their community going and need to set their goal right.

We in (this list) will try to cater all the above but its all
depend from the support of all OSS community in Malaysia.

Their is NO unwritten policy of supporting proprietary software, its a
written policy to pick the right company and software that can cater
to agencies need. The most important are the support and kumpulan
pakar (expert).

And we in OSS industry, lack of its. I could not point to any local
OSS company that can have better support in OSS or have thats many
engineers, developers and management with OSS support.

And for menjadi pelobi. Yes we still can have that but we need to
prepare facts and figure. How big is the demand for OSS, how big is
our community and what impact c

Re: [osdcmy] Re: My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik red1

Since i started this thread and now i know that the accusation is 
baseless, i withdraw this accusation with sincere apology. Hope to meet 
up with your team to figure out 'perjuangan yang lebih besar' :)

On 2/27/11 8:18 PM, Dev wrote:

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera pada semua.

I'm thrill to this thread and issues address by my honorable members.
Thank you for bringing this up to us. We do appreciate all views and
criticism positively.But i can't hesitate to ask, do you guys have
evidence support such accusation saying that we're sapu duit gomen .
If so, would kindly please present (in flesh and blood) your
accusations regarding this issue. I'd love to see it.

I appreciate your views on our products, if you want to purchase from
us, do send me an email with your contact details and payment so that
i can personally send it to your doorstep. Holding grudge againts us
doesn't make any of the situation good. We are in the opensource
world, i'm asking you as a sign of good faith or brother-in-arms, to
let it go and let the majority user who uses my1os judge us.

Alas i may recall, maybe this is one of the reason as to why
opensource in Malaysia doesn't well grown to maturity, as the factor
of holding grudge againts and condemning each other comes into play.
For goodness sake, we are one of you and you are one of us. We, the
developer doesn't condemn each other, or do we? Or backstabbing
someone and be hypocrite about it, do we? Just to clear this up, who
is our real enemy? The real enemy is ourselves. Other than that, i
rest my case.

Above all, i would humbly ask for apology if there's any words coming
from my keyboard and my mind that doesn't suit well to the majority of
this mailing list as i would humbly remind myself that,

  Think before you open your mouth

all the time.

Have a nice weekend guys,

  Assalamualaikum, salam sejahtera pada semua.

On Feb 27, 2:22 pm,  wrote:

Bak kata SM Salim  Apa Nak Jadi, Apa dah Jadi hahahahaha..

Pandangan saya: Diorang ni guna kerajaan untuk mempromosikan produk mereka
dan berbangga dengan nya. Depa kutuk saya kata Sekurang2 nya kami adalah
sistem operasi PERTAMA yang mendapat pengiktirafan kerajaan melalui
replay di fb. dan mereka juga dapat mengaut keuntungan dengan alasan sistem
operasi ni takde virus la bro. masih menggunakan repo drpd Ubuntu ;p..
nak guna model perniagaan Red Hat..

mungkin boleh la diorang hire developer bijak (bijak?) diseluruh negara
untuk membantu diorang sikit2 melumpuhkan nama Ubuntu drpd distribusi tu
untuk menggantikannya dengan my1os utk mengaburi mata orang hahahaha..
senangnya nak mengaut keuntungan drpd open source, dah nama SUMBER TERBUKA
rembat je, modify sikit2 tambah compiz fusion utk menarik minat orang lain,
tambah key cain 30 sen dengan support 50 sen dan charge RM 100... hihihihi
xD jangan marah dengan kata2 pedas ini.. (kalau nasib baik tak kena quote)

On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 3:09 AM, riZer


geng putera

2011/2/27 Haris bin

Tradisi bisnes bumiputra Malaya?


On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 8:05 AM,  wrote:

I just got this sms from a friend who knows nothing about IT,
Apa tu MY1OS?.. Budak2 sapu dana kerajaan saja.

This is not my opinion. I got the sms to prove for such an opinion from


member of the public. I hate to be in controversy but what to do. We are
surrounded by it.

I replied to him this,
Gomen malas berfikir. Inovasi kene fikir dalam2. Kene cari inovator yg
cerdik, payah. Asyik yg kaki hentam belaka, kononnya terlalu high std.


sapu jela lagi senang. Lagipun, cepat dapat, cepat makan bersama-sama.


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[osdcmy] Learning from Tahrir Square

2011-02-25 Terurut Topik red1
Dear fellow inmates, i mean freedom fighters. Sorry for this but after 
watching lots of Al-Jazeerah, it finally hits me. We should no longer be 
afraid of voicing out our grievances against govt's depts inefficiencies 
and failures in promoting local talent or at least believing in locals 
as budding technopreneurs who can one day succeed, given real support 
instead of intimidation.

No, no i am not saying that we are living under a 30 year dictatorship. 
I am saying we are living in a P. Ramlee's era of been afraid to voice 
out and that is why P. Ramlee died a pauper, broken man, broken in by 
his own country.

What Tahrir's Square teaches us is that today's youth and mostly in are indeed hungry for change and self-sufficiency in using FOSS, 
but lacked the support the govt supposedly is there for, which sadly 
comes in bits and scraps, some big RM10m promise and then silence and 
denials as well as diversions and excuses. We are worse than Tahrir Square.

Such big events happening across the thousand year history of Sahara 
desert must bring something home to us. It must at least stir us to 
reach for more solidarity and courage to kick ass. I once again call for 
the formation of an adhoc committee (non-registered, to hell with ROS) 
for MOSS to put political pressure on the govt to change the unwritten 
policy of supporting proprietary software and paying lip service to FOSS 
all this while.


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Re: [osdcmy] Open Source Education Council (OEC) - First Meeting

2011-02-24 Terurut Topik red1
Good to meet. Just give the date though i be busy around some days 

My 2 cents about below linked. It is kinda apologetic. Reminds me of 
something said by one speaker in last week Php do i attended in Mimos.
Php is for getting Jobs... etc, we have to shift away from 'cari 
makan' to 'cari orang' er i mean 'cari ilmu'

FOSS is such a rich well of intellectual wealth. I myself learnt so much 
and able to stand on the shoulders of giants to play in my own farm lab 
like a free scientist. And in the end, 90% of my income now comes from 
PayPal account.

On 2/23/11 9:49 AM, Harisfazillah Jamel wrote:


OEC will have first meeting in March. Need volunteers for this and
committed council members on behalf of OSS community.

Eric, Ejat, Wariola, Fazli, Black, Red1, Raja and others community
leaders. we need to have teh tarik session. Friends of OSS in industry
is pushing us for this. So I believe we need to contribute back by
admin this.

Opinions needed.


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[osdcmy] My1OS sapu duit gomen

2011-02-24 Terurut Topik red1

I just got this sms from a friend who knows nothing about IT,
Apa tu MY1OS?.. Budak2 sapu dana kerajaan saja.

This is not my opinion. I got the sms to prove for such an opinion from 
a member of the public. I hate to be in controversy but what to do. We 
are surrounded by it.

I replied to him this,
Gomen malas berfikir. Inovasi kene fikir dalam2. Kene cari inovator yg 
cerdik, payah. Asyik yg kaki hentam belaka, kononnya terlalu high std. 
Maka sapu jela lagi senang. Lagipun, cepat dapat, cepat makan 
bersama-sama. :)

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Re: [osdcmy-public] Re: PHP Malaysia Meetup 2011 : Framework Shootout

2011-02-17 Terurut Topik red1

On 2/18/11 8:47 AM, Raja Iskandar Shah wrote:

i will be attending.

where Raja goes, i go too :)


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Re: [osdcmy-public] build your own Linux or choose form one of the hundreds out there.....

2011-02-15 Terurut Topik red1

Hi Comrade Boh! Long time no revolution i mean teh tarik. ;)
Yes, indeed it is all natural for us to be creative and having our very 
own name on it. There are 2 aspects here:
1. To be creative, you need to make mistakes, think out of the box and 
probably sounded bitchy.
2. To be with the FOSS, you need to stand on others shoulders and be 
realistic. Speaking of of what i am digging into the coming weeks, i be 
integrating MS Project lightly into the ERP system.

Call you for Raju's one of these days.

On 2/15/11 3:51 PM, Boh Yap wrote:


All this talk about building a Malaysian(?) distro has intrigued me
... so I did a quick search and LWN (Linux World Net) has this list of

some are categorized for specific purposes such for Edu, desktop and server.
There are some such as Linux From Scratch (LFS) which allow to build
your own Linux.

IMHO - building your own Linux is great, and a good learning
experience, but to put it out in the wild and encourage others to use
it, is a very different and great responsibility. It you look at the
above list, many of the distros are not updated regularly (many of
them show last update/release as 2009! - that's 2 years behind). As a
user, will I go for those distros? Probably not. A lot of them could
have started with good intentions or because their creators wanted to
'scratch an itch', but its takes a lot of effort and resources to
continue MAINTAINING a distro. and if your community of
--contributors-- don't reach a critical mass or it does not have some
form of final support, that distro will fail to be maintained and
is just like another vehicle abandoned at the roadside.

Rather I think efforts should be focussed on providing 'localisation'
(credos to the local Debian, Fedora?, Ubuntu? ...etc guys..) and
creating and packaging specialised apps (like a special package for
Malaysian primary schools) for  for the main distros.

This is just my 2 cents worth. I don't mean to discourage, just to make aware.
Like they say: Let a thousand blossoms bloom**

** this slogan is chosen with irony: its used by Mao's Cultural
Revolution in China, and had disastrous consequences!


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[osdcmy-public] Sharing FOSS experience

2011-02-07 Terurut Topik red1
I know Azrul who is quite a Java and FOSS advocate wrote about such 
stuff. Ok, stopping the intro here - I just wanted people to read mine :)
Just recanting my experience with the NSIS _MicroSoft_ installer. Next i 
be blogging about my success with Fitnesse testing framework


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Re: [osdcmy-public] Salam 1 Malaysia dan Salam Perpaduan. Mirroring Request

2011-01-23 Terurut Topik red1

 Mungkin orang terlupa kat teman kot? Hambo sangka diskspace tu murah.
tak baik.. buang-buang file2 orang.

On 1/23/11 10:16 PM, simpleLinux wrote:
@Imran - Mirror yg tidak lagi di Mirrorkan. diorang
agaknya dah buang file2 simpleLinux sebab tak mampu menampung
permintaan :(
  On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 9:48 PM, Mohamad
simpleLinux dah ada mirror Malaysia di UPM? 

2011/1/23 simpleLinux

  Assalamualaikum wbt



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Re: [osdcmy-public] My1OS Need Developer Programmer

2011-01-20 Terurut Topik red1


On 1/19/11 4:48 PM, Mohd Hidzuan wrote:


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Re: [osdcmy-public] My1OS Need Developer Programmer

2011-01-20 Terurut Topik red1

Boleh keje dari rumah? Itu tak yah claim parking dan kos transport. Kan
dah zaman internet, apasal lah manusia masih nak bersesak lagi buang
masa 2 jam hari hari?

On 1/21/11 11:43 AM, Muhammad Syafiq wrote:
OT? Claim Parking?
محمد شافق بن مذلي
Muhammad Syafiq Bin Mazli
67C2 1C07 FDEC 09ED DE58  
1ED8 FF26 6105 142D CBE2
  On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 9:59 AM, red1

On 1/19/11 4:48 PM, Mohd Hidzuan wrote:




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[osdcmy-public] Fitness Slim cukup merbahaya

2011-01-13 Terurut Topik red1
Yakni kepada perisian tertutup kerana kini Sumber Terbuka cukup mudah 
dan pantas diuji secara 'programmatically' tanpa 'user action' dan 
secara al alami tanpa kepakaran. Hanyeh pandai wiki je. Akan payah untuk 
sumber tertutup menyaingi kerana mereka tidak pasti teruji oleh pihak 
luar semasa 'software life cycle'.

Ana sudah membuktikannya di sini:


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