RE: OT: Vi in a browser...

2007-06-04 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Just getting to email now, so this is essentially a consolidated reply
to all who answered...

Speaking of which, is there any quicker way to visually select the
entire file, analogous to ^A in other systems?

To copy the entire file to the system clipboard, you can do:
Rpelace y with d if you want to cut instead of copy.
Replace + with * if you want to use middle-click to paste (on X11.)

That's about the shortest I could come up with, :%d+, to do what I
want, but still not quite what I was looking for.  I was kindasorta
expecting a normal-mode solution, like 'gg*V' or something, to avoid
even toggling the shift key all that much (think baud vs bps).

The only thing I really use it for is to cp from LookOut's email to
'vim', then back again.  So I ^A the entire reply, dump it into a new
'vim' window, edit it to insert a new quotelevel, etc., then want to
^A it to get it back into LO.  But it's repetitive/frequent enough to
make me want to shorten the command further.

Ain't hung up on visual mode or anything (hi Tim!), it's just that
when I don't want headers at the top, I can start from the bottom ('G'),
make my way to the top in visual ('1G'), then down my way past the
headers to *not* grab them when putting it all back.  Or v/v if I want
to skip the signature.  Etc.

The 'vim' instance used to do the editing is going to disappear
immediately after, so I'm not concerned about cut vs copy, etc.
Everything goes into the clipboard, then dumped back into LO's reply
window, so a plain ':%d' won't work.

In a similar vein, I was never much on visual vs *real* 'vi' commands,
but it does come in handy to delete subroutines, etc.  Eg, for the

sub sub1(){

sub sub2(){

all you need to do it find the initial sub, then V$%jj to grab the
whole thing, and delete it, copy it, cut it, etc.  Go into visual,
end-of-line (for the leading '{'), '%' (for the matching '}'), down a
coupla lines to grab trailing whitespace, then bam!, it's gone.  And
it's a visual confirmation to make sure you don't go nuts and delete
more than you intended.

Point being that for some operations, visual mode is a lot more

RE: OT: Vi in a browser...

2007-06-01 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Personally, I don't agree with you. When editing short text
items on web pages, I feel that the overhead of copying/pasting
back and forth from vim is too much. I am currently using the

Speaking of which, is there any quicker way to visually select the
entire file, analogous to ^A in other systems?  I have to essentially do


to stick everything into the scratchpad/clipboard/whatever to dump it
back into the item from whence it originally came, and that's just a
pain.  Well, not so much a pain as an annoying itch I can't quite reach.

I was thinking something along the lines of


but that obviously won't work.  :)

RE: Why bottom-posting is prefered on Vim Mainling List?

2007-05-29 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
An explaination why top-post is easier to read:
When I am viewing an e-mail, the reply is the main part of the message
I usually quite aware of what the original post is. So I should be able
see the reply when I open the message.

And if the message is edited down correctly, it likely will be.

If the message is bottom post, I will have to scroll down and down to
where the author really start to say something. If the reply starts on
1000 while the messages ends on line 2000 it will be quite difficult to
know line 1000 is the start of reply and I should read from that line.

Uhhh, 1000 lines of quoted-text needs some *serious* editing.  I try to
only include directly-relevant sections of text;  if someone needs to
see all 1000 previous messages to follow the thread, he's welcome to go
and get those messages.

Top quoting is okay for things that don't require any brainpower, like

Okay, sounds good.

I was in the mood for pizza, if you wouldn't mind.

Yeah, I was a little hungry.  Where do you want to go?

Anyone up for lunch?

and that's it.

Look at all the reply/text/reply/text/reply/text sections in just *this*
email.  Were you asking a technical question of multiple parts, it would
be easy to follow each little subthread in the email.  With
top-posting, I'm *NOT* going to constantly scroll down then back up to
make sure I addressed each and every issue.

(Not intended to sound snarky or addressed to you specifically, but to
The Reader in general...)  Quite simply, if it's too much of a bother
for you to properly format email, then it's too much of a bother for
*me* to answer completely.  It's that simple.  Worse, you don't know
which bundled-together paragraph in the top-posted reply belongs to
which section in the quoted text below, and that's *if* I choose to
address more than one issue in my reply.  If I see that it would require
replies to multiple sections of quoted text, I'm more likely than not to
get frustrated with how much extra work would be required to plan my
reply to make it clear for you to read (lacking any locational context
as to what part of the reply belongs with which section in the quoted
text), and simply not reply at all.

While for the top-post, I know the first line is the start of reply and
can read the reply without any difficulty. In an active forum, threads
grown long quickly, with top-post, we focus on what the message saids
waste no time.

And if 90% of the entire message is quoted text that's never even looked
at, why include it at all?  Again, that's the laziness of peoples'
refusal to properly edit their replies.

Write top-post or bottom-post makes no difference for me, the problem
that I found bottom-post is harder to read since I will have to skim
original messages before I could read the actual reply.

Again, it's a lack of editing (ie, laziness) that creates this
problem, *NOT* bottom-quoting in general.

Well, since no one could convice another, I'll stick to the community

That'd work...

RE: Why bottom-posting is prefered on Vim Mainling List?

2007-05-29 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
 Write top-post or bottom-post makes no difference for me, the

Since you yourself are too lazy to fix your own quoted text, may i 

Uhhh, that's not *my* doing, as the text gets resplit/rewrapped
somewhere else along the line.  About the only thing I *could* do is
manually split it shorter than the default (whatever that is).

Want me to show you an actual screencap of my reply as it went out from

RE: Why bottom-posting is prefered on Vim Mainling List?

2007-05-29 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Uhhh, that's not my doing, as the text gets resplit/rewrapped
somewhere else along the line.  About the only thing I could do is
manually split it shorter than the default (whatever that is)

Reformatting the quoted blocks (gq} or visual+gq as you like best)
while you're formatting your email works quite well.

Uhh, I *do*.  gqap, actually (iirr).  (Learned that trick here, in
fact.)  That's what I mean by manually, vs letting the mailer itself

Thing is, if I don't know what's the default max-width of v.o's
messages, being over by just 1 char will still do the
long/short/long/short/... rewraps.

Point being that it's not on this end where the rewrap gets done, but
somewhere on the '' side, either translating incoming email to
whatever margins, etc., it prefers, else reformatting it somewhat when
sending it back out to the list.

I've had private/offline correspondence with quite many people on this
list, have seen my own replies echoed back, and have yet to see this
wrapping issue apply to any off-list items.

Given that I'm stuck with LookOut here, I have to cp (^A^X from LO) to
'vim' (shift-ins), then

:g/^ /s//
gqap(per paragraph, iirr)

then cp it back to LO's draft before sending.

Crude, but more or less effective.

RE: repeating up/down/delete commands

2007-05-23 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
often well beyond those of the present line.  I had been used
to this deleting up to 999 characters, but only up to the end
of the present line.  It appears that the set compatible 

Ummm, 'D' doesn't work?

RE: weird defaults in Feisty

2007-05-22 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
I just updated to feisty on a samba server machine and a lot of the
vim defaults went crazy.  For example:  Pressing the Up or Down keys
in insert mode add new lines with just A or B on them, respectively.

Sounds like it stopped recognising arrow keys' ANSI sequences (esc[A
and esc[B).  Wouldda thought the esc would break out of insert
mode, but...

That I can live with, but check this out, if I have the following
fREW is a silly guy
and my cursor is on the s, and I press cw, it changes to
fREW is a sill$ guy
and it works just like I had pressed cw and it replaces up the the $
or if I press escape it only has the new text I put in, but it's just
so weird!  Does anyone know where these new changes in Feisty come

Uhh, sounds like what it's supposta do, no?  ??

Is there a problem with actually changing the text, or just what's
displayed?  Dunno the setting offhand, but a slow-redraw will mark to
the end of the text to be replaced, eg, if you were to change to the end
of the line, you'd still see the whole line, but with a '$' where the
last character would be, vs erasing all the text and just leaving the
insert-cursor in its place.  I find the latter disquieting, and would
rather *see* what I'm replacing, but never really paid too much
attention to which settings do what.  I'm complacent that way...  :D

RE: Vim Wiki - Tip Page Formatting Deadline

2007-05-17 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Is there any equivalent to javascript's document.lastModified?
Can create a serial number based on the date of submission, then
rearrange by fields to a sortable ID, eg 2007. for a tip
created yesterday at 23:53.
Don't need dots, or hyphens, or anything, as 2007051523353 would be
fine, too.  The odds of having 2 tips be submitted in the same minute
would be remote.

I don't think so. A minute is sixty seconds, and sooner or later we'll
two different users submitting tips less than sixty (or even thirty)
away from each other. Even adding the seconds to the ID doesn't clear
problem, it lowers the probability but doesn't make it zero. With
Vimmers adding tips, sooner or later there'll be a clash.

Okay, so can probably have something like

if exist N

to make sure that when naming(?) a tip, there's no name-collision.
Gotta be *somewhere* to put in the smarts to avoid name-collisions, no?

Or if each tip is a file, then a name-collision would be attempting to
overwrite an existing file, and a cookie or something could make sure
that doesn't happen, ie, only write the actual tip you're working on.

Like I said, I have no idea about the mechanisms in use to create wikis
or edit entries, etc., so I'm just flinging ideas at the wall to see
what sticks, if anything.  Someone more versed in wikiing might put 2+2
together and say, Hey, we might not be able to do *that*, but along
those lines, we might be able to do *this*..., and viola! (or cello, or
some other stringed instrument...)

RE: Vim Wiki - Tip Page Formatting Deadline

2007-05-17 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
In fact: Almost nothing was discussed longer then 3 days and
if there was no *stiff* opposition then one of the Authors
went ahead and just did it. And lots of stuff was never
discussed: Somebody just did it and the other fell in line -
plainly because it was a good idea.

Hey, that's what *I* said...  :D

RE: Vim Wiki - Tip Page Formatting Deadline

2007-05-16 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Thinking about how a wiki works shows that keeping tip numbers
is doomed. First, there is no auto-increment id, and as you
point out, there is no reasonable way to automate fixes.

Is there any equivalent to javascript's document.lastModified?

Can create a serial number based on the date of submission, then
rearrange by fields to a sortable ID, eg 2007. for a tip
created yesterday at 23:53.

Don't need dots, or hyphens, or anything, as 2007051523353 would be
fine, too.  The odds of having 2 tips be submitted in the same minute
would be remote.

RE: Identify this Vim font for me, please

2007-05-16 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
This isn't very related to Vim, but I found this font on Vim's
wikipedia webpage:
Can anyone identify this font for me? It looks very good for

Eww.  That dates back to the crappy default IBM font cooked into the
BIOS for CGA monitors (typically at FFA6E in memory... *scary* I still
remember that).

I used to rip out that crappy font and put my own in, and recook my
video boards' EPROMs with my new fonts, just so I'd never ever *ever*
*EVER* have to see that ugly disgusting font even when the machine's
first booting up.

Yecch. shudder

That being said, it's probably listed as something with system in the
font name.  I imagine you're not using a normal peecee, else that should
be listed as one of the options for monospaced fonts.  Sparc box?
Anyhoo, it's listed as fixedsys here, 'though that might vary.

A bunch of other people posted their favorite monospaced fonts a while
ago, and some were really crisp and easy-to-look-at.  I'd seriously
suggest one of those over fixedsys.  I go blind trying to figure out '0'
from '8', etc., when I gotta work in a fake-DOS window and that's all it
has available.

RE: regex help

2007-05-16 Thread Gene Kwiecinski

works, but I'd have to run it 12 times if there are twelve blanks  
after the filled in line.

Hm?  Not sure why you escaped the '{'.  Apparently didn't need to after
the \s.

I suppose global picks all the lines, then operates on them.

Ideally, yeh.  Wondered if the op for lines 3-4 would fill in the chars,
then the op would also work on lines 4-5, or if it'd still think the 1st
chars be blank and skip to lines 5-6 as matching the pattern.

That's a start - thanks!

No worries.

RE: regex help

2007-05-16 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
works, but I'd have to run it 12 times if there are twelve blanks
after the filled in line.

Hm?  Not sure why you escaped the '{'.  Apparently didn't need to  
the \s.

You are right - it was a typo - I actually need to escape both of them

^ ^

Ah, lookit that...  '[' is normally magic unless you escape it to
literal text, and '{' is normally literal text unless you escape it to
magic.  Eerie, don't think I had occasion to put that to the test

Hah, learn something new every day...

Been using {#} notation in lex/js/perl so long, don't think I had
occasion to actually use them in 'vim', else I would've run into that
problem before.

RE: vim 7.1 and cr/lf interpretation

2007-05-15 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
fileformats=dos,unix, so both formats are available, yet the
detection and switching does not seem to work.

Are you sure _every_ line ends in ^M?

Positive. Every single line shows an ^M at the end. set fileformat
gives unix after loading. Setting fileformat to dos doesn't change
the files interpretation in vim. Somehow I think I miss something.

Uhhh, don't think it *should* automagically delete the ^Ms.  I'm always
running into that, and in addition to an almost reflexive alt-EIFD to go
dos-mode, I *still* always have to ':s/^V^M' to get rid of 'em, and I'm
using version 6.4, not even 7.x, so it's definitely been around for a

RE: vim 7.1 and cr/lf interpretation

2007-05-15 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Uhhh, don't think it *should* automagically delete the ^Ms.  I'm always
running into that, and in addition to an almost reflexive alt-EIFD to
dos-mode, I *still* always have to ':s/^V^M' to get rid of 'em, and I'm
 wak, wak, wak

I sit corrected, so before anyone yells at me :D I should point out that
most if not all times I encounter that is when pigging webpages, so it's
likely a bastardised version of dos/unix snippets of text, headers,
inline css, js code, etc., all thrown together by the server and vomited
up into my browser.  So there's likely to be at least 1 line w/o a '^M',
hence my having to manually kill 'em off.

RE: Project specific settings

2007-05-14 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
I always uses spaces to indent my code, but a current project requires
me to use tabs. How could I make this setting only be in effect for
one project, assuming that the project will always be a in a specific

How many files to edit in that particular directory/project?

If you don't want to make something a global setting in your '.vimrc' or
manually ':set noet' each time you fire it up, you can add something to
the beginning/end of each file in question, like (this example's for
perl; do whatever's a comment in whatever you're using, whether /*C*/,
//javascript, !--html--, etc.)


to automagically set whatever options you want when firing up an edit
session on that file.  In this case, it's the equivalent of :set noet
to not expandtabs to spaces.

Then, you can go nuts with other options, like ts=4, sw=4, etc. if
you want tabstops/shiftwidths every 4 chars instead of 8, etc.

RE: VimWiki - again - but with a brand new option

2007-05-09 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
We do have a Wikia site available if we want it
(  I agree with you; it has a lot
of nice features, and may give us a bit more flexibility than the
wikibooks option.  I think we should revisit this topic once we're
to start the real conversion.

No offense intended to any of the involved parties, but I just want to
point out that I've seen great ideas suffer death by committee.
Someone becomes a cheerleader trying to get a lot of others involved,
nothing happens, then the idea just languishes and eventually dies.

What I found myself doing in the past was to just *do* something, then
unveil it to the others involved.  One place where I worked, my 2
biggest contributions which had *the* highest impact on the company in
general, I had to quite literally wait for him to be out sick one day so
I could disregard what he was telling me (ie, refusing to give me
permission to work on what he even acknowledged was a good idea, saying,
Yeah, it's a good idea, but there are more important things I have for
you to do...), just so I could get started on the proof-of-concept
version of what I was proposing, then thankfully he was out sick for
*another* day so I could polish it somewhat and put some finishing
touches on it.  Once I already *did* it, the idea took hold, and other
departments also started to use it.

Now, I have zero idea just how much work is involved in making a wiki,
but if it's enough for one person to do... hey, have at it.  Otherwise,
if you end up waiting for a consensus as to which wiki software to use,
which site to use, /ad nauseam/, it's likely not going to get done.

At least that's been my experience, which is why I, to quote the old
saw, find it easier to ask forgiveness than permission.

RE: VimWiki - again - but with a brand new option

2007-05-09 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Yeah, it's a good idea, but there are more important things I have
you to do...),

Wow, you had one of those guys too? We just barely got rid of ours a
weeks ago. He moved on to greater opportunities. Bright guy, but to
follow his lead, you'd just never get to do anything!

Thankfully, I'm long out of there, so I don't have to put up with much
of that.

But yeah, his famous explanation is that I was down there holding
hand just slightly off the desk busy doing things that to me seemed
important, but he was up here holding hand significantly higher,
presumably because he was more in-tune with the Master Plan(tm) of what
the company needed to get done.

The only difference was that doing things His Way(tm), I was still
taking care of the minutiae that I was *already* doing, only having to
wait for his permission to do so.

Just like the infamous Dilbert car2n where Pointy-Haired Boss gives him
an assignment, he goes ticka-ticka-ticka on his keyboard while PHB is
prattling on about something, then says Done!, that's pretty much what
I was doing there.  Going Through Channels(tm), my friend there would
write up the fix-request, give it to her boss, who'd sit on it a few
days, then forward it to my grandboss, who'd then give it to my boss,
who'd then give it to me... typically a week or more after it was first
written-up.  And usually, I got the heads-up and just did the fix
directly, actually implementing the fix, testing it, etc., well before
I'd even see the paperwork.  That was the more efficient way of *not*
Going Through Channels(tm).

And of course, when GTCing, some things would be held up in paperwork so
long, that by the time I'd see it, it would have to be done, like *that*
*day*.  Feh.

Anyhoo, sorry for the tirade, but back to the wiki, sometimes the only
way to get one done at all is to just do it yourself, screw anyone
else's opinions beforehand, then unveil it at the end.  Use it, or
not, your choice...

If it ends up with too much spam, or is an ugly format, or the site
itself is unreliable, okay, *then* let the critics have at it and try to
do one better. Difference is, *you've* got one, and *they* don't, so by
default you had that much more to show for it.

Just my 2c...

RE: filename completion

2007-05-07 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Let's say I want to see which files end with t. When I do
  :e *ttab
vim shows not only files anding with t but all files
containing t, as if I did :e *t*Tab.
How can I limit the filename completion only to files ending with t ?

Hmm, would think it's by design, but I tried

:e *t$tab

and that didn't work, so dunno.

Imagine it's by design, because you *want* to be able to just hit

:e abtab

and *not* have to specify

:e ab*tab

right?  Ie, same like 4DOS, various'n'sundry Eunuchs shells, etc., all
seem to do.

The leading '*' should wildcard any leading chars 'til it finds the
literal pattern to match, but yeah, there should be a way to force it
match the last char of the filename, eg, by forcing a '$' as I tried,


2007-04-30 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Never saw *this* before...

There's one file (.htm) that I edit, and every time I write it to-disk,
it'll say [converted], much the way you'd see on reading a file the
status message that lists any non-native format or other quirks of the
file, eg, [unix], [noeol], etc.  (At least that's what I recall;
the file's at home and don't have access to it here.)

Uhhh, converted from/to *what*??

I explicitly set the file format to dos (running on w98), then write
it out with changes, etc., and quit, but every time I fire up even a new
session of 'vim' and read it again to edit it, I get the same
[converted] text on writing it back out.  So it seems to be writing it
back to the same converted way it was before, enough that it always
lists that text on writing the file even in a new editing session.

I did ':help converted^D' but came up with nothing that seemed relevant.

Any ideas?

RE: [converted]?

2007-04-30 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
There's one file (.htm) that I edit, and every time I write it
it'll say [converted], much the way you'd see on reading a file the
status message that lists any non-native format or other quirks of the
file, eg, [unix], [noeol], etc.  (At least that's what I recall;
the file's at home and don't have access to it here.)
Uhhh, converted from/to *what*??

It's an encoding issue:

I suspected something along those lines, but there was no meta ...
tag listing any weirdo charset (utf8, unicode, windows1252, whatever),
no non-ascii chars (that I could see), etc.

Come to think of it, there were some latin quotes, so might be an errant
'aelig;' or something similar embedded in text only as a character
itself, not a named entity.  Something like that might sneak by me...

   :help read-messages
where you'll read the terse blurb:
 conversion from 'fileencoding' to 'encoding' done

Aha.  Didn't see that text anywhere when reading/writing the file, and I
was purposely looking for such a thing as a clue.

indicating that the file was encoded in one way ('fileencoding') 
but your vim is set to use 'encoding', so the file was converted 
from 'fileencoding' to 'encoding'.

Will have to look.

Personally, I *hate* when people do that, instead of using, say, a
portable entity; for non-ascii chars.

It would be nice to have a link so that
   :help converted
dropped you right there in the docs, but at least
   :helpgrep converted]
found it.

Kewl, tnx.  Will have a look-see...

RE: blank line at end of file

2007-04-24 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Some products will consider a file without a terminator on the final
line to have been truncated, and will report it as a potential problem
because from the product's point of view the input has terminated

Now ya know why I *always* put a blank line at the end of *everything*:
.htm files, .css files, .c files, .l files, plain text files, email,

There was at least one uu-/xxdecoder program that'd require an *extra*
blank line at the end of a source file, else it'd crap out with an
incomplete decoding.  So I'd just give it 3-4 extra.  :D

unexpectedly in the middle of a line. I used to have this problem at
work when people edited scripts with Notepad and then passed them to
Oracle's SQL*Plus, resulting in a complaint about truncated input on
every script.

Don't take this the wrong way, but that's just *too* funny...  :D

RE: wish: collaboration of N vim instances editing same file

2007-04-24 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Odd, I got this here, but not from the vimlist...

Couldn't the 'patch' command do this?  E.g., Vim#1 has made some
changes to
example.c (but not saved them), and Vim#2 makes some different changes
Shouldn't this be possible through the autocommands? I think you could
this as a plugin, Yakov.

Imagine it'd be possible with some script to throw together a 'vimdiff'
of sorts and implement what you want, but me personally, I'd rather not
ever use that.

Would best be a plugin as you suggest, than as a built-in feature.  I
have to reiterate that to me, such a thing just sounds too dangerous to
accidentally trash a file.  Much better to detect the .swp file and keep
things the way they are (eg, menu choice to ignore, reload, edit-anyway,

Just my 2c.

RE: wish: collaboration of N vim instances editing same file

2007-04-23 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
I can't think of any valid reason why one lonely user - me for
- would want to fire up several instances of vim to edit the same

It can be. For example, in LNX user can edit file in text console,
then switch to X11 and then start editor again to edit the same file,
forgetting that other instance of VIM already launched. I in this case
just do killall  vim(or killall -9 vim, depending on mood).

I'd be seriously uncomfortable with that as a feature.  Imagine
absentmindedly editing the same file 2x or more.  Make some changes in
one instance, make different changes in another instance, save/quit the
first, save/quit the second, trash all the edits made in the first


Nah, my vote's for keeping it the same.

RE: wish: collaboration of N vim instances editing same file

2007-04-23 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
I'd be seriously uncomfortable with that as a feature.  Imagine
absentmindedly editing the same file 2x or more.  Make some changes in
one instance, make different changes in another instance, save/quit
first, save/quit the second, trash all the edits made in the first

In the orininal post, I wrote about the feature where two+ instances
of vim show and merge changes made by other instances. With
such collaboration enabled, the 2nd instance would show and merge
changes made by 1st instance, and 1st instance would absorb, merge
and show changes made by 2nd instance. In this scenario, loss of
edits does not happen. So I don't underastand why you say you are
against it if it avoids exactly what you cited as unwanted ?

-- Ability of N instances of vim to absorb, merge and show changes
to the same file made by other running vim instances

Because I don't trust such mechanisms.  Especially if editing the same
block of text/code/etc., where subtle changes in a program can be

Eg, just yesterday, I wanted to split off some functionality to a
separate variable, so made another one called avg from the original
average.  What if the second instance just assumed that I wanted to
make similar changes to the original instance of average when I in
fact wanted/needed it to be the same.  There's no easy way to absorb
or merge changes automagically;  sometimes even the order of
implementation is rather significant.  Just ask anyone who uses
sccs/rcs/etc., about forked code, and some of the nightmares trying to
reconcile different disparate versions.

RE: Mapping M-CR doesn't work

2007-04-20 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
I'm using GVIM on WinXP SP2:
I'm trying to map ALT-ENTER. It doesn't work (I just get enter).

Uhhh, ain't alt-enter trapped by the OS, ie, to switch between
window/console modes?

RE: Troubles configuring vim (multi-questions)

2007-04-16 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
By default Vim (and vi) has always put the cursor on the end of a
character that occupies multiple spaces on the screen. I don't know
why this decision was taken, unless it was to make it easier to spot
the difference between lines indented with tabs and those indented
with spaces, but the cursor has to appear somewhere and it might as

That's what I imagine, and appreciate it.  Otherwise, do a '0' and ride
the 'j' key a the way down a file.  If the cursor doesn't budge, how
would you be able to tell if it was a space or multiple spaces there, or
a tab character?  You'd have to go down-right-left, down-right-left,
down-right-left, etc., just to see if the cursor advances to position 1
(space), or skips to position 7 (tab).

Personally, I'd rather exfoliate with a cheese-grater than have to do

RE: Troubles configuring vim (multi-questions)

2007-04-16 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Try ':help listchars'

Tnx.  Kinda figured there was some option to do that, but never bothered
to look up what it might be.  Complacency and all...

Good to know, but I still just like the cursor jiggling back'n'forth
between col0 and col7 when I ride the down/'j' key.  It's so much
easier...  :D

Actually, the whole 'listchars' thing gives me some ideas...

RE: problem with shifting block

2007-04-13 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
i am using visual mode and shift  to indent a block of code.
the problem i am having is that once i do this, the visual mode is
gone. So, i have to re-select everything and do it again. Is there a
command to repeat the last shift ?

Think I ran into this once/twice, and yeah, I vaguely recall losing the
visualness of the block.

No idea how to *keep* the block selected, but if you know how much you
want to shift it, you can always just do something like


to shove it over 5 shiftwidths.

RE: problem with shifting block

2007-04-13 Thread Gene Kwiecinski

Swt.  Lotta things I didn't know about, should come in handy, tnx!

Especially the } thing.  Man, can't tell you how many times I just
eyeball code and do things like


whups, make that


bah, too many...


Ah, better.

and so on.  :D

RE: problem with shifting block

2007-04-13 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
If you know you want to operate on teh same visual block and move it in
same direction.. you could just repeat the operation with .  Otherwise,
you can
reselect the visual are with gv to move it in the other direction

Yeh, the tips from you, Tim. and Alan, are all gonna come in handy.

I've just been so used to the normal way of marking blocks of text and
then doing stuff like


and doing the shift that way.  Haven't done much in visual mode, and
have only just recently gotten started with that.  Eg, when deleting
whole blocks of the same repetitive code (eg, consolidating multiple
tables into just one big-ass table, and just need to delete the
end-table from table N, and the begin-table for table N+1), I'll
visually select the text to be deleted, note the status line that says
something like 13 lines deleted, then find the next /tbody, do a
'13dd', then 'n.n.n.n.n.', etc., 'til I'm done.

Only really used visual mode for block deletes/copies/moves, so this
should come in handy.

RE: Silly Question

2007-04-11 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Vowels are a problem. Unless you have an escape in your name, a, i
and o are boring letters. I know someone named Veerle and her name
is actually quite destructive, overwriting an entire line with l.
What's the most interesting name anyone can find, and also the most

I think my friend :1,$d would win that particular contest...

RE: copy pasting HTML code into vim

2007-04-06 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Let's say I open up a webpage, select some text and paste it into vim.
all I see in vim is the text I see on the browser. While this is OK
most of
the times, sometimes I wish there is a way to paste the actual HTML
directly into the vim.

Selecting view source of the webpage and then copy pasting into vim
work. But it is very cumbersome and time consuming. So this is not an
option for me.

Wouldn't think so.  That's a function of the browser (what yanks the
text into the buffer to begin with), and not 'vim' (which only gets
what's handed to it).

Were you to put the yanked text to 'notepad', 'textpad', etc., it'd be
the same thing, just the plain unadorned text.

GIGO (garbage in, garbage out).

Fwiw, just use shortcuts to get to the source, whether
altvs/alt, ^S, ^U, whatever your particular browser needs to
get there.  Can quite often be done in literally just 1 keystroke, so
I'm not sure why you say this is not an option for me.  Finding the
section of the source you want to cp *might* be more difficult if there
be a lot of repetitive words/phrases and you have a hard time isolating
the section, but a simple find-text (^F, etc.) should do the job
fairly well.  No?

And don't forget, quite a lot of times what's displayed by the c/p text
is incomplete, as you'd likely need the stylesheet (.css file) to make
sense of different classes, etc.  That's why I usually just pig the
whole page and all associated files, and *then* worry about narrowing it
down to the text I need.

RE: copy pasting HTML code into vim

2007-04-06 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
In Firefox, you can select some part of the text, right-click on it and
one of the options is view selection source - like view source but
the relevant piece of it is already selected. That's a decent way of
replacing find-next in the source view.

Ooh, ooh, what he said...

I'm so in the habit of just pigging the entire page and looking at the
source offline later, that I never hit on this particular nicety.  Yep,
that works all a treat!  :D

As for how to feed that to 'vim', though...

RE: quick query about moving a selection

2007-04-04 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
i know with  i can move a selection to the right by one
indent, how can i move a selection just one space ?

Well, if you want to move by one indent, you can
   :set sw=1 ts=1 et
which will then make  and  indent by one space (not one 
tab) or, you can

I might've just forgotten to set sw=2, but I noticed that when I was
editing a file and didn't want nested tabs being tabbed over to pretty
much the right side of the screen, one little '' would tab it over 4
tabs (for ts=2) instead of just 1.  Thought that was odd.

Was a one-fer, so didn't look into it all that much.  Just reset ts=8,
''ed, and rereset ts=2.  Like I said, probably just forgot to set sw
to match ts.

Either way, that's just one of those little things to keep in mind in
case anyone screws around with non-8 tabs.

RE: quick query about moving a selection

2007-04-04 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
I might've just forgotten to set sw=2, but I noticed that when I was
editing a file and didn't want nested tabs being tabbed over to pretty
much the right side of the screen, one little '' would tab it over 4
tabs (for ts=2) instead of just 1.  Thought that was odd.

You must have had shiftwidth at its default of 8. The indent used by
 and  is affected only by the setting of shiftwidth and doesn't
depend on the tabstop in any way. (The TYPE of whitespace added by 
depends on the tabstop option, but the amount of indentation isn't
affected by it.)

Yeah, as above, probably just forgot to set ts/sw to be equal.

Most of the time I'll just stick a vim-line at the end of the file as an
override, only on an as-needed basis, like that specific file that had
way too many levels of nested tabs for its own good.  Usually just for
displaying purposes, so will shrink the tabstop and set line-numbering
to make it easier to find things.  Otherwise will just leave the default

RE: invoking yanked register into colon command

2007-04-02 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
after having read the user-manual. For example, I do often want to
replace a name in the text with another. What I used to do is
selecting it with mouse and type
Is there a way to do this with the mouse (and without retyping the
name) ?
What I want is maybe something like 'invoking a yanked register in my
colon command'

Me, I go to whatever I'm looking for, hit 'v', then use normal motion
commands (eg, 3e) to highlight the text in question, instead of using
the moose.

If a single word, '*' will automagically highlight and search for the
word under the cursor.

From there, once you highlighted the exact pattern you want, can just


as it remembers what you just looked for.  No need to reinsert it for
the 's' command.

RE: ok, new question on search

2007-04-02 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Need to keep the pattern in memory?  If not, /zzz will do it,
you don't have zzz anywhere else in your file, of course.

The search register can be overwritten by setting @/ to ''.  This then 
clears your search properly.
For my purposes, I have the following mapping in my vimrc:
nnoremap silent M-/ :set @/=''CR
so pressing alt-/ then clears my search.

Yeah, but all those shift- and alt- stretches on the kb make my
fingers hurt...  :D

RE: ok, new question on search

2007-04-02 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
cool enough, i guess i could map something to
:/impossible_to_find_text or something

Or, just zzz... or qwqw... or ;;;... etc.  shrug/

RE: OT: Apparently I work for Bram...

2007-03-21 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
When company is a mandatory field, sometimes I write in n/a
no company or the like. If the computer rejected that, I could
always try None Whatsoever, Pty., but usually it doesn't.
Computers are too matter-of-fact for anything like irony.

I usually just make up a company name, like Spacely Sprockets,
Strickland Propane, Credit Dauphin, etc.  shrug/

RE: Copying a Massive amount of text to the clipboard

2007-03-21 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
I have a 9MB XML files I am working with.


I would like to select a block of about 90,000 lines in a file and copy
to the clipboard so they can be pasted in another file.

Via 'vim', or another program/editor?

Is there anyway to say to vim:
Start selecting on line 3, and continue selecting to 90,000 ?

Me personally?  Would go to the first line to be selected and


then go to the last line to be selected and



:'m,'nw qwqwqw

to write it out to a junkfile 'qwqwqw' (pick an equally nonsensical
filename you'll remember to delete afterward).

Then go to the file to incorporate the new text, go to the line where
you want to read it in, and

:.r qwqwqw

and be done with it.  No monkeying around with the clipboard wondering
if the system will puke on something that big.

Natch, delete 'qwqwqw' unless you want to keep it around for another
insertion elsewhere.

RE: mark an anchor

2007-03-02 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
If I am in line 100, now I want to search a key which will lead me to 
wherever. I want to back to the place before the seach, can vim support

anchor for me to back?

If you just went to one other line, eg, line 150,


will get you back to line 100.  If you searched and got to line 150,
then hit 'n' and got to line 163, then another 'n' brought you to line
213, '' would then take you back to line 163.

If you want to literally mark line 100 as your anchor, which is what I
think you actually want, then


will mark that as mark 'm'.  I just use 'm' because it's the same key,
and 'n' as a secondary mark, but others might use marks 'a' and 'b'
(ma and mb commands). In that case


will bring you back to the beginning of line 100 no matter where you
are.  Haven't used this in a while (farther to reach the key :D ), but


should bring you back to the exact character on line 100 should you

RE: Console Text Display Problem

2007-03-01 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
It's somewhat hard to describe, but when typing the display appears to
back up or stop moving, the text color looks kind of inverted, and
characters sort of appear twice for a word or so. Backspacing and
retying the exact same thing corrects the problem, saving and
reopening the file also, it is purely a display problem, but highly
irritating as I can't detect typos or read coherently. It happens
quite frequently when typing, maybe once every couple lines.
This is just me typing I've got once.

Whoa... seriously weird.

Any chance there's something xtermish going on, like 'ttyslow' or

I don't recall the exact setting ancient 'vi' had, but there was one for
slow tty lines, that would wait for you to finish a line when editing
before doing a screen-update.  With a faster line, the display could be
updated for each character typed/inserted/deleted/etc., but for slower
lines, to eliminate horrendously slow redraws of the screen or even a
*line* (that inchworm effect when inserting text at the middle of a
line), there was a way to turn on a sort of lazy update of the screen,
eg, when you'd hit esc so that it knew you stopped inserting text.

Other'n that suggestion, I can't even guess...  :\

RE: VimTips - Google Wiki Usefulness

2007-02-27 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
The automated mail account would:
- Drop any message where subject does not start with vimtip.
- Forward vimtip messages to a Vim mailing list.
Ideally there would also be some logic to switch off if a burst
of messages occurs (abuse defence). I realise that an automatic
way of spamming a mailing list is dangerous ... any ideas?

I was thinking something along the lines of 'vim' itself as far as
wikiing changes, etc.

Ie, the user makes some changes and submits it to the automated mailing
list.  The page itself isn't changed until the submission is approved.
The equivalent of a 'vimdiff' between old and new would point out
typo-corrections, additions, deletions, etc., in a nice viewable way.

If the submission is approved, the changes are passed along to the
official wiki page, and if not, the change is discarded (sort of a

All the admin (one of many, I'd imagine) would have to do is look at the
diffs, see if the changes make sense (ie, no added-ads, etc.), then
approve it, eg, forwarding email to the wiki engine that'd make the
change (I'm assuming/presuming that can all be automated somehow).
Naturally, have a history as to be able to undo/rollback any changes if
a spambot *does* make its way through even a password-protected email

Very wikiish as far as anyone being able to make changes, minimal burden
on the admins by simply approving/rejecting edits (it, not requiring
them to actually enter said changes), in short, all the niceties of a
wiki but with some protection via manual intervention.

RE: trying to leave the GUI world and enter the world of VIM

2007-02-27 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Does vim have the concept of a project of files? I like the project
drawer to the left of the editing window which shows the files and
directory structure on my hard drive.

I have no idea, as I never used any such critter, but I'm sure it can be
done (or *has* been done;  just look for any scripts and/or ask here for

Eg, a little project I was doing yesterday was with a little 'lex'
script that I wanted to turn an input file to a particular form of
output file, and compare that with a manually-fixed output file.  So in
one window was my 'fooey.lex' file.  In another was a 'vimdiff' of
program output and manually-fixed files.  A 'go.bat' file did the
compile, pause (to see if any errors/warnings), and run.

I'm editing the file, do a


to run the batch file, then switch windows to see the diffs.  'vim'
autodetects any changes and prompts for a reload.  From there, how many
folds, etc., tells me how close I'm getting to the target.  :D  Once I
see *only* a fold-line of 373 lines of files, and nothing else, do I
know I got a 100% match.

Dunno if that qualifies as a project, but it works for me...

Are there good syntax highlighters for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C, Lisp?
I see there are indentation packages for C and Lisp, what about HTML,
CSS and JavaScript? If I have multiple files open with different
does vim know which file goes with which language by the filename
extension and use the appropriate indentation and highlighting?

Built-in support and highlighting for all those files and oodles more.
I've got issues with .js file support, as that seems hit-or-miss (mostly
miss), but I haven't been bothered enough by it to attempt any fix.
.html/.css is spot-on, from my experience with it.

Yeah, each file is autodetected, and can be overrode/overrided/whatever
manually if need be (eg, my .js output having a .out suffix)

Are there code completion bundles available for HTML, CSS and

Would be nice, but I haven't looked.

Sorry for all the question. Diving into vim is a bit bewildering as it
doesn't come as complete (as far as I know) as Textmate or other GUI
editors seem to.


I'm not sure what you mean by complete, but 'vim' is practically a
whole OS wrapped around a text-editor!

RE: Selecting a part of a line and then copy or cut it and then paste is somewhere.

2007-02-27 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Anyway, how can I map shift-arrow keys as is used in SELECT-MODE?
Or any other suggestion for a smarter way is also very welcome.

I just use visual mode.  Almost the same exact motions as arrowing
around, ie, hit the start where you want to begin highlighting, then
move 'til the end.

v   characterwise highlighting
V   linewise highlighting

Then once highlighted, you could yank to a clipboard, use as the
affected text of a 's', 'x', 'r' command, etc.

Eg, if I wanted to change yank to put in the above sentence, I could


and be done with it.  Try it.

Instead of 'e' to get to the end of the word, I could do 10e, '$', use
the arrows, whatever I wanted to encompass the text I wanted to affect,
then use whatever operators to effect those changes.  'x' or del to
delete, 's' to substitute, etc.

RE: entering copied text into command mode?

2007-02-22 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
as a command, so I'd just 'v' the pathname to highlight it,
control-insert it to yank it into the clipboard(?), then do
ie, use shift-insert to paste the path directly into the command.
is that any help, or were you referring to something different?

Unless I'm mistaken, these are OS-specific copy/paste commands, 
correct?  I don't have an 'insert' key on my keyboard, but I was
for something built into vim, where it has it's own copy/paste buffer 
that it can use in the command mode.

The clipboard is known in Vim as the + register.
Yank to the clipboard with +y
Paste (put) before the cursor with P -- after the cursor with p
Prefix it with + to use the system clipboard.

What he said...

I recall there's some confusion on some OSes between '+' and '*', so I
can't help out with that, but in general, yeah, the vimmy way to do it
would be to use registers.  I'm just so used to ^X/^C/^V with other
stuff that I adapted to using ^del/^ins/sh-ins to do similar ops in

Have fun!

RE: tips project

2007-02-21 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
2. Convert said content into a the wiki markup language that Google
likes to use.  We can do this a variety of ways.  I'm partial to
perl, and shell tools like sed and awk.

I know nothing about the tips format as they exist now, nor Goggle's
wiki markup language, but gimme a few docs pre- and post-converted
manually, and I can 'lex' myself silly to give youse *exactly* what you

I've converted a raw .xls file (*not* exported xml or anything) and
converted that to html pages, that's how powerful 'lex' is.

Let me know...

RE: Insert mode and arrow keys philosophy

2007-02-20 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
If you ask me, I advise you to feel free to use arrows in any mode.
Arrows not working in insert mode was the worst annoyance
of the original vi, as far as I remember.

*Really*?  I feel just the opposite, that allowing arrowing when still
in insert was more annoying than not, because you *could* successfully
arrow around to a different position on the screen, then start typing
wwwdw or something, and end up with dw in the text itself,
instead of popping over 3 words and deleting the errant word.

I keep forgetting to turn that off in the '.vimrc', so mentally have to
make a note to keep banging the esc key at regular intervals.  :D

RE: Insert mode and arrow keys philosophy

2007-02-20 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
I suspect that the main reason behind the hjkl (which is very
unnatural for me, the arrows have a much better design with the
T at least IMHO) was that the first keyboards used to develop/use vi
probably hadn't arrow keys, or they were very far at the right of the

Pretty much so.  Early dumbterminals (think ADM-3a and similar critters)
didn't have arrow keys, but they *did* go so far as to have little arrow
marks on the keycaps themselves, underneath the letters, on -- you
guessed it -- h/j/k/l.

The reason for that is similar to subdued numbers/characters on keycaps
on laptops and the like, where there's no separate numeric keypad, so
you hit numlock or Fn or whatever your laptop has, and those keys
send the char in the subdued text instead of the char they normally

Hit *control* instead, for ^H (backspace), ^J (linefeed), ^K (vertical
tab), and ^L (formfeed), and you get the cursor motions
left/down/up/right, respectively.

If you recall the old termcaps/terminfo entries for such critters, you'd
see usually the same values for cub1/kcub1, cud1/kcud1, cuu1/kcuu1, and
cuf1/kcuf1, as ^H/^J/^K/^L.

Only later with discrete arrow keys did you start getting ANSIish escape
sequences like \[[A/\[[B/\[[C/\[[D.

Gawd, I feel old...

RE: entering copied text into command mode?

2007-02-16 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
I often find myself copy/pasting via my GUI text that I might have on  
the screen, and then pasting it into the command to be performed - is  
there any way to cut/paste text into the command area when I have it  
highlighted with just the keyboard?

I'm not quite sure what you mean, but if it's what I think it is, sure.

If I want to, eg, globally delete paths from links to images and such in
html source, eg, to turn

img src=big_honking_pile_of_hooey_files/image.jpg

into just

img src=image.jpg

, then I'd want to execute


as a command, so I'd just 'v' the pathname to highlight it,
control-insert it to yank it into the clipboard(?), then do


ie, use shift-insert to paste the path directly into the command.

is that any help, or were you referring to something different?

RE: :wq vs ZZ

2007-02-13 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
I imagine there is a rationale for 'ZZ', but it's not readily

'z' is already used, and the shift and z keys are adjacent on
Murrrcan keyboards, so you can easily just quit out of the editor in
almost a single hand-action.

I understand the ergonomic value. Mentally it doesn't make as much
sense though.

Actually, to me, once I hit on the reason, it made *perfect* sense.  A
quick bang-bang way to quit a file, and even the placement of the keys
next to each other, and *order* of hitting the keys (a natural rolling
action from shift to z, as if rolling/tapping your fingers in
impatience (from pinky to index-finger, not the other way around)),
makes it a natural action.

That rolling action is the same reason why qw just feels natural and
is easy to do, but wq just feels backwards.

I was quite pleased at figuring out the reasoning.  :D

BTW, Murrrca---is that like this: ?

Dunno if specifically attributed to GWB, but in general, that's how
locals slur words.  Eg, Baltimore, Maryland is pretty much pronounced
by the locals as Ballmer, Merrlin, and around here, Long Island
similar to Lawn Guyland.

I won't even touch the Brits and the way Worcestershire is mangled
into Woostsher or whatever.

RE: :wq vs ZZ

2007-02-13 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
To boot, ZZ isn't Vim. I started using vi in 1983 and it was already
In fact, I have never used :wq

Yeah, it's about the same for me, roughly '82 or so.  Regular 'vi' on
Unix SVR4 on a DEC PDP-11/45.

Still got PC/VI, a port of *real* ATT 'vi' from probably Unix System V
that I still use on a regular basis on an old DOS box.  DOS even grexes

unknown option -i

when shelling out (ie, from 'sh -i' to get an interactive shell in

'vi' -- a *warrior's* editor...

RE: searching for a string that has many '/' characters

2007-02-09 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
I have a string that has lots of forward slashes. I need to search it
and delete it (e.g. unix path name).  I could use a backslash for
everything forward slash and find it in vim. Is there a way I need not
do that? For now, I use 'grep -n' to get the line number and then
it. I don't actually type the string, I just use cut-and-paste!


:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/with/lots/of/[EMAIL PROTECTED]@@replace/[EMAIL 

will do it.  Also '#' instead of '@', whatever spins yer wheels.  Either
of those always worked for me, so never experimented as to what other
chars (even alphabetic, numeric, etc.) will work or what's too magic.

RE: How do I replace text with a new line?

2007-02-09 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
  :s/^V^C/\r/ -- ctl-V ctl-C is shorter,
  else the \%x03 will work fine
should do what you want.

Thanks very much.  Yes that is what I needed.  And the text I'm 
playing with came from some serial data and has STX ETX wrapping the 
real data.  I was getting rid of the STX and trying to convert the 
ETX to end of line.

No worries.  Eg, if you wanted to do everything in one shot, could do
something like


to bracket the text in quotes, get rid of the ^B/^C, *and* add the
newline at the end.

If more'n one occurrences happen in a line, then you could probably
prefix it with \{-} for non-greedy (ie, minimal) matching, and trail
the command with a 'g' to do it multiply on each line if needed.

And since I'm on a windows machine, Yakov suggested ^Q instead of ^V. 

Only if you got 'mswin.vim', which I killed off in a hurry before I even
heard everyone's advice here to trash it.  :D

That's so you can use things like ^C/^X/^V (copy/cut/paste) and the ^V
would trash the literal prefix for a character.  As well as lobotomise
'vim' to do windowsy things, which is generally something you *don't*
want.  Kinda like putting a slushbox in a Ferrari...

Molon Labe...

Yeh, Come and *take* it

Love the story...

RE: Pasting into gvim from word: ' turns into ¿

2007-02-09 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
I asked this question before, but it wasn't really resolved. I often
have to paste from Word for Windows into vim/gvim (cygwin).

Some characters don't transfer properly. Most annoyingly is that a
single quote ( ' ) turns into this: ¿

Is there an easy way around this?

Iirr, M$W uses directional squotes/dquotes, so you're not in fact getting plain 
ol' char 27H, but something 80H.

Iirr, it folds down to ^R when 7-bitted (see that a lot in viing saved emails 
that people send with those weirdo characters), so that's 80H + 12H == 92H, no?

Might be an option on M$W to save-as-DOS-text or something, or turn *off* 
smart-quotes, or something along those lines.

I try to not use M$W except at gunpoint, so can't really tell you more than 
that as far as M$W options, etc., but that's what I strongly suspect is 

Helps any?

RE: Pasting into gvim from word: ' turns into ¿

2007-02-09 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Thanks for the feedback. Well, this is kind of over my head. I guess a better
question is why can't vi handle that character (or others)? Is this an encoding
thing? Both 'encoding' and 'fileencoding' are set to 'Latin1'. Could this be my
problem? I would figure that vi would internally convert encodings before

I think it actually *can*, only you need to tell it what charset/font to use.

Probably Unicode or something more encompassing would be better.

RE: How do I replace text with a new line?

2007-02-08 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
I've got a file with some control characters and I want to replace 
one of them with a new line.  I've tried:

In the search-for field, you can use '\n' to search for a newline and
span more than one line.

In the replace-with field, you need to use '\r' instead.  Something
about the way 'vi' variants store lines internally, that each string is
null-terminated and there doesn't exist an explicit newline char, so you
need to insert a return char (the '\r') in the replace-with field to
tell it to split the line.


:s/^V^C/\r/ -- ctl-V ctl-C is shorter,
else the \%x03 will work fine

should do what you want.

Same with ^B that you aked about earlier, no?

RE: How to maximize my vim window when I start it?

2007-02-07 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
off maximised, but it insisted on being a resizeable window.  Only
Tony's suggestion to try the 'simalt ~x' worked, but even so, I can
it starting out as a window, then jiggling a bit then filling out to

I didn't suggest it. What I suggested was
if has(gui_running)
   set guifont=something
   set lines=9 columns=9
(which worked for me on W98 and on XP, and still does on Linux with
kde) in 
the vimrc. Someone else suggested :simalt ~x which works provided
that, in 
your locale, the shortcut for Maximize in the Alt-Space menu is x.
In a 
French version of Windows it would be :simalt ~g for instance.

Okay, I just assumed you suggested it, being so chock full o' helpful
hints.  :D  Might've been Tim, then.

Either way, it worked, and I'm happy.

RE: How to maximize my vim window when I start it?

2007-02-06 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
1. How to setup my gvim to open to the maximal size when I start it?

How do you open gvim?  If you start by clicking the icon, you may
right click the icon and find an option regarding the size when
starting in property (I'm not using win XP now so I'm not sure about
the exact option).

I had a similar problem for a long time.  On this machine here, for some
reason, I got it to start out maximised right off (luck?), but
ironically, on my 98SE laptop, I can't do *anything* to get it to start
off maximised.  I tried the icon in the traybar-thingy, in the Start
menu, anyplace/everyplace I could find it, set the properties to start
off maximised, but it insisted on being a resizeable window.  Only
Tony's suggestion to try the 'simalt ~x' worked, but even so, I can see
it starting out as a window, then jiggling a bit then filling out to

Point being, the simalt thing worked for me.  Not quite as I wanted it
to (ie, to start out maximised, not resize after loading up), but it
still works.

RE: Mapping with Shift, Ctrl and Alt/Meta

2007-02-05 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Using Ctrl-V, I can see that Gvim doesn't see Alt-Ctrl or
Alt-Ctrl-Shift for normal keys, just for function keys,
insert/delete, home/end, page-up/down an the arrow keys.

This is NOT a Windows issue.  My email program (The Bat!),
for example, lets me make use of all of those combinations.
I believe it is a bug in the Gvim keyboard handling.

The tab key is a bit of an oddity.  Of the eight
possibilities, Ctrl-Tab and Alt-Ctrl-Tab don't work,
although Ctrl-Shift-Tab and Alt-Ctrl-Shift-Tab do work.
[Windows always takes over Alt-Tab and Alt-Shift-Tab.]

Actually, it *might* be a Windows issue.  If you do a typical
Control-Panel thing where you get a bunch of pages with the little
tabs on top, regular tab will run through all the fields/buttons/etc.
on that page, but ctl-tab will pop over to the next tab.

Eg, just picking one at random, Control Panel -- Folder Options,
cycling through the options in General is done with the tab key, but
getting to the View, File Types, etc., is done via ctl-tab.  (Just
tried it now, I speak the trvth. :) )

I try to never ever ever use the moose unless I'm practically forced at
gunpoint, well, at least if the program/app is sucky enough to not have
a keyboard way to do something, so this is kind of familiar to me.
Sooo, point was that it might very well he a grabbed key-combo, even if
nothing's immediately done with it.

RE: Regular Expression Question

2007-01-26 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
I hope you don't mind a non-vim solution, but I used to run into this
problem all the time when I wanted to match tabbing for debugging/status
messages that would come to the screen.  I just got so sick and tired of
hopping through the code to add a tab here, remove a tab there, etc.,
that I'd just bunch together all the string constants in one place, at
the top.  Eg:

const char
*msg_help[] = {
usage:  %s [-options] [infile [outfile]]\n,
\t\t-l\tlong (detailed) output\n,
(const char *)0

const char
dbg_rdferr[] = %s:  cannot open \%s\ for reading\n,
dbg_wrferr[] = %s:  cannot open \%s\ for writing\n,

and have everything even visually aligned in one place.  Would also let
me reuse the same strings as needed (eg, %d as an input to sscanf(),
%02X as a 2-digit output to fprintf(), etc.) without having to wonder
if I mistyped something that would only break when some rarely-used
piece of code would run.

Then, once all your strings are in a row, just look for


and every string with the necessary newline at the end should be
highlighted.  Any string that's *not* highlighted (ie, would be missing
the trailing newline) would, umm, would *not*, stand out.

Granted, that's not a vimmy solution to your problem, but it's a little
habit I got myself into, and for me at least, it made life a little

Any help?

RE: javascript indenting

2007-01-19 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Has anyone been able to get good javascript indenting going with vim
(7)? The out-of-the-box one always seems to mess up, even on something
as simple as autoindenting on function open brace.

Definitely, if you find out, let me know.  I can't even get decent
syntax highlighting going (v6.4, not 7.x;  doubt it makes a difference)
except for only the very first function, and the occasional in and
for which are in comments(!!).  Oh, and quoted text comes out fine.
Everything else is essentially monocolor.  shrug/

RE: grouping problem

2007-01-11 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
I'm want to group a text that has the following text pattern (values
number of lines vary across instances):
Used the following code but got a pattern recognition problem.:

What am I missing??

Newlines, no?  Try (line-split for clarity) this:

\(Year.*\) -- no '$' in your example?

Also be aware of *multiple* newlines, eg, between the year and

Just give a holler if that doesn't work.

RE: cindent weirdness

2006-12-08 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
I am having some problems with cindent. I was busy coding when suddenly

indenting stopped working. cindent is set (echo cindent - 1).

The odd thing is that it only stopped working on one buffer. How does 
that make sense? After I closed the buffer and reopened the file it 
worked again.

See any error messages pop up?

It may not be directly related to your problem, but when I'm editing a
huge .sgm/.htm file with lots and *lots* and *LOTS* of quotes (eg,
attributes for just about every tag), and I insert/delete a '' char,
it'll flash a very brief error message about stack overflow or
something, and go completely mental after that. Syntax
coloring/highlighting craps out, etc.

What I generally do is just try to yank text from elsewhere (eg, '
morerows=1') that's similar if not exact to what I want to insert, ie,
go visual, highlight the text in question from elsewhere, ctl-ins it to
yank it into the clipboard so that I can put it elsewhere over and
over again, then get to the spot and sh-ins it into place.  Yanks/puts
quote chars without a problem.

Should I accidentally dink with a quote char so that it *does* go mental
on me, I just write it out and edit again (ie, :w followed by :e!),
so that it still remembers where it was, isn't mental anymore, and I can
just pick up from where I left off.

Like I said, don't know if that helps any, but if you keep an eye out
for any error messages that flash on the screen when that happens
(there's a way to see the last message sent to the screen, but I don't
immediately recall how to do that), that may be a clue as to what's
happening and why you're losing indents.

RE: multiples search and replace in the same command?

2006-11-30 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Hi, i'm trying to replace all occurrences of characaters like é, è, ê
etc ... by their corresponding htmlentities. To do that, i use the
following command:

The problem with that command is that i have to do that for all
characters. I was wandering if there's a way to do it with only one

Honestly, the way I'd do it is to just throw it at 'sed' (simple but constant 
multiple substitutions), or write a little 'lex' script (more onvolved, with 
reformatting, rearranging, whatever else needs to be done to the doc), 
depending on how involved it is and how often I'd need to use it.  I've got DOS 
versions of both, which is what (still) I tend to use on Lose systems.

As for 'vim', it's probably best to write a function which you could map to a 
single key like one of the F-keys.  I'm still new at that, so couldn't tell you 
how to do that, but certainly someone here can tell you how to build the 
skeleton of the function;  you'd add salt and pepper to taste.

Then you'd just open up a doc, hit F9 or something, and it's magically done 
in one pass.

Don't have it here, but did write a few cheapo 'lex' scripts to turn 0xA0 to 
nbsp;, convert and match ldquo/rdquo/lsquo/rsquo chars, ellipses, most of 
the common things I encounter.  Gimme a yell today and I tomorrow can dig up 
and post the script here (if anyone else is interested) or via email directly.

RE: How to override $HOME on Windows NT/XP?

2006-11-22 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
I know this is a bizarre request.  I would like to prevent Vim from
going to my Home directory.  The reason is that my IT department has
mapped my home directory to a laggy network drive with a login script.

I can't override the Windows environment variables which set up the
home directory, because the login script overrides my settings.

I can set up the environment in a DOS box, but I like to be able to
invoke Vim by using the edit with vim context menu item.

I got the same damned thing here at work, where everything's locked up
tight and I can't touch it.  Policy, and all that...  :P

My own workaround for 'vim' and other critters is to just grab the usual
desktop shortcuts, set the properties to what I prefer, and dump 'em
into the Send to directory.  Will be one level down from the Edit
with Vim thingy, but at least it's a workaround.

Same thing for using Firefox 1.5/2.0, Opera, Netscape 4.8, 6.x, and up,
etc., instead of Exploder, so that I can pick which version for testing
webpages in different browsers, and so on.  If you can't override the
defaults, dump 'em there and edit the prefs to your heart's content.

RE: refreshed mockup

2006-11-07 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
I made a mockup of a refreshed version of, trying to maintain
as much of the original look as possible:
vim tangofied icon by toZth

Uhhh, light-gray text on a gray/white checkerboard background?  Ouch...

Just my 2c worth, maybe ditch the checkerboard background, as it makes
even clear dark text harder to see (and makes my head hurt).  Gray text
simply vanishes.

Other'n that, it looks nice.

RE: refreshed mockup

2006-11-07 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Uhhh, light-gray text on a gray/white checkerboard background?   
I musta missed something - no checkerboard here.  Looks nice!

Hang on a sec...

Just looked at it again from the above link, and yeah, it's a white
checkerboard pattern, 'though the gray matches the background of the
viewer (M$ Photo Editor? whatever comes out-of-the-box on LoseXP), so it
might be a transparency color/layer that just lets the background poke

If it's a .png, maybe it's something with the alpha channel being set,
like the transparency color of GIF89A (also usually bright-white,
fwiw)?  No idea, no time to look in more detail.

White on white wouldn't be discernable, but on a darker background
(even light gray, as I have here;  a blinding-white background fries my
retinas), it shows up a *lot*.  Washes out the light-gray text almost

If it were me, I'd just check the background graphic, if any, on the
actual site.  But that's just me...  ;)

RE: refreshed mockup

2006-11-07 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Just looked at it again from the above link, and yeah, it's a white
checkerboard pattern, 'though the gray matches the background of the
viewer (M$ Photo Editor? whatever comes out-of-the-box on LoseXP), so
might be a transparency color/layer that just lets the background poke

Why are you looking at it outside of a browser it's a URL

??  He posted a link to a *png* file, probably a snapshot pic of the

Wherever the problem lies, whether in the background pic, the .png file,
M$PE on this machine here, or elsewhere, all I'm doing is pointing out
that there's potentially a problem with viewability.  If it looks good
to y'all, great.   Might be something different here than there that's
giving me checkerboards.

Only thing I can suggest in looking at the pic is to stick it on its own
wrapper page where the background is anything *other* than #FF, then
have a look-see.

RE: replace using variable

2006-10-17 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
p1. I am good/p
p2. You sucks!/p
p3. Take that, moron/p
I want to change those sentences into:
p id=11. I am good/p
p id=22. You sucks!/p
p id=33. Take that, moron/p

How do I do that using vim replace command?
All I can think  is this:
:%s/p\d/p id=\d\d/igc

Me personally?  I'd do something like

:s/\(p\)\([0-9]*\)\(. \)/p id=\2\2\3/p

Ie, first field is the p, second is the index, third is the '. '
(you want to preserve the format, and not get any false hits), and
replace with the new tag, and simply put back the 2nd/3rd fields.

RE: replace using variable

2006-10-17 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Hi, I have these words:
p1. I am good/p
p2. You sucks!/p
p3. Take that, moron/p

P.S. If you are feeling frustrated (Vim can do that to you), try
something more soothing, e.g.:
  p1. I am happy/p
  p2. You are beautiful!/p
  p3. Take that, as a token of my love/p

Heh, I thought his version was funny as all Hell.  :D

RE: Single-File Vim?

2006-09-26 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Is there a binary compiled for Windows which allows me to run Vim
without any of the runtime files?  Long story short, I want something
I can keep online or on a USB key and just copy to the desktop of any
computer I sit at.

I saw the entire thread so far, and while there are lots of possible
solutions, wouldn't it just be easier to get a U3 flash-thingy, that's
supposed to do exactly this?
I don't have a U3 flash-thingy nor have I ever used one (no need as
yet), but this is supposed to be what U3 is all about, ie, to let you
install whole apps on a flash-thingy and transport them all from
to machine wherever you go.

never had one in my pocket. But what I heard is bad: it leaves plenty
stuff in the registry and you need house cleaning when removing u3.

Aha, okay.  Lis, never used one, don't know the details, but threw it
out as a suggestion.  Doesn't sound too clean a solution, then.

On top of this, it's proprietary and not opensource. At least, with
sfx, it's clean by construction: when you close gvim, unless the
was killed uncleanly, the temporary extracted version will clean itself

Yeh, I love using .zip files for everything, too, right from the first
days of 'pkzip'.  Hell, got my first start in 'vi' on peecees with
PC/VI, an actual port of ATT 'vi' to DOS.  DOS would even grex about a
bogus '-i' option when shelling out, because it'd try to shell out with
'sh -i' (interactive).  Even used *real* termcaps/terminfo entries,
because I was running (from a DOS box!!) real honest-to-B'harni 'vi' on
a (Televideo) TV910 and TV910+ through the serial port.  Swt.

Aaaah, the good ol' days...

Anyhoo, yeah, I'd box up all my trusty'n'crusty utils within one or more
.zip files with whole directory trees.  Bring it to a new machine, unzip
to disk or even a RAMdrive, run a batch file to set up the environment
variables, and I'm ready to go.

I actually built many sfx this way when I looked into u3

Never looked at U3 in any detail, just heard in passing what it's about.
Sounds really nice in theory, which is why I suggested it as an option.

Hope you don't mind if I pass along your critique above (name/email
redacted, natch; I try to respect other peoples' privacy) to another
private list, as U3 was a topic about a month or so ago.  Someone liked
the idea of being able to put Firefox and other stuff on a flash-thingy
and be able to have all his settings, bookmarks, etc., all able to be
dragged from machine to machine.  Don't know if he went and got a U3
thingy yet, but if this is an issue, he and others should know.

RE: Single-File Vim?

2006-09-25 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Is there a binary compiled for Windows which allows me to run Vim
without any of the runtime files?  Long story short, I want something
I can keep online or on a USB key and just copy to the desktop of any
computer I sit at.

I saw the entire thread so far, and while there are lots of possible
solutions, wouldn't it just be easier to get a U3 flash-thingy, that's
supposed to do exactly this?

I don't have a U3 flash-thingy nor have I ever used one (no need as
yet), but this is supposed to be what U3 is all about, ie, to let you
install whole apps on a flash-thingy and transport them all from machine
to machine wherever you go.

RE: Copy/paste to another console

2006-08-31 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
I've a little problem, I do remote box A with console A using putty
(under MS) then using vim open file A, I do copy a line with yy in
file A, so I do remote to box B with console B using putty (under MS),
then open file B, the question how to do paste to file B in console B
without mouse (I do usually using mouse to block line then copy to
another file)

If you want to do what I think you want to do, you can copy to/from the
system clipboard or whatever it's called.  I do that to reply normally
from the braindead top-posting crap that's enforced on LookOut (as co.
policy; can be selected via menu options) to toss into 'vim', add
leading ''s, then 'gqap' to reflow/reformat the text, then move it back
to the reply window.  Worx like a charm..

Anyhoo, if ^c/^x/^v (copy/cut/paste, respectively) don't float yer boat
(and ^v will crash into a literal-character escape in 'vi' variants,
incl 'vim'), then ^ins will be the equivalent of copy, ^del the
equivalent of cut, and sh-ins the equivalent of paste.

Sooo, you can highlight your line visually with 'v' and then arrow
around to select however much of it you want, hit ^ins to copy it, then
on the remote machine, sh-ins it to put it into the file.

RE: reopen?

2006-08-28 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
assuming a file has been changed underneath vim, and I know about it,
how can I reopen that file replacing the current file's buffer

In most cases when you toggle back to that window, it'll be smart enough
to pop up a box and let you know that the file's been changed, and gives
you 3 options, reload from disk, and 2 others (never used those, so
didn't stick in my memory, as I only would reload), probably to ignore
the changes and keep what you got, else cancel.

Comes in handy when I'm vimming an error listing, delete lines as I fix
the listed errors, then when I rescan/recompile/whatever, the error file
gets rewritten out from under me.  No prob, just bap the cr key when
it pops up the box, and I'm back in bidniss to repeat for the next batch
of fixes.

Failing that, ':e' will attempt a reload, else ':e!' to force a reedit
from disk.

RE: regex replace with match

2006-08-22 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
I have a large fixed width database file that I would like to delimit  
with commas.  For example here are 2 lines of the file:
***note*** Since this is a fixed width data base file, I can import  
it into a database as is.  I am only doing this as a learning  

Just as a fwiw, when I had to do something like this and needed to check
my progress through the file to make sure nothing was missed (eg, lines
that would fail the pattern-match and be left untouched, fields that
didn't conform to certain expectations (eg, variable date-formats), I'd
take a more piecemeal approach, eg, the first pass might be

:g/\([0-9]*\)\( *\)\(.*\)/s//\1, ###\3/

to format the first field and stick a ### flag/bookmark in there.
Second pass would be something like

:g/\(.*\)\(###\)\([0-9]*\)\( *\)\(.*\)/s//\1, \3, ###\4/

and so on.

This way, if I were to encounter some lines that failed the pattern
match and weren't processed, I could simply undo the change and modify
the one-step pattern to suit.

Don't know if this helps at all, but if an all-or-nothing approach is
chancey, or just too long to type in one shot, I'd just throw it at a
quickie 'lex' script to process, or just 'sed' my way through it
(preferably as a script).  With those, you can just edit the regexp
that's being used and rerun it with minimal retyping should the pattern
fail.  Quick example how it *can* fail is back in your sample lines, the
lone 14 and 2 bracketted by whitespace.  Do you want to grab a
variable amount of whitespace and end up with 14 and 2 exactly, or
grab a fixed amount of whitespace and end up with 14 and  2 as
2-digit fields?  And if the latter, what if you don't realise there's
one line in the file where that field is 102, and the pattern fails to
match that line because it's expecting to eat 4 spaces, and there are
only 3 between the preceeding number and the 102?

Right tool for the job, and all...  ;)

RE: use '/' to find both upper and lower case instances

2006-08-18 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
I have a need to use '/' to find something in a file, but I wish it
to ignore case.

So say I'm looking for 'foo' then I want to find all instances for
'foo' and 'FOO'

Can try

:set ignorecase
:set ic

to do so.  Former will almost always work, latter works on some variants
of 'vi' but not all.

SORBS, etc.

2006-08-18 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Piqued my curiosity, asked around, got back this as a possible


I have *no* idea who Joey McNichols be, or why he needs a legal defense,
etc., but it seems as though the whole SORBS thing might be on the
up-and-up, if unpopular o those who got zinged by it.

Lis, I know nothing about SORBS, etc., until today when I saw this, so I
have no real opinion either way.  Just posted for whatever it may be

RE: SORBS, etc.

2006-08-18 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Piqued my curiosity, asked around, got back this as a possible


I have *no* idea who Joey McNichols be, or why he needs a legal
etc., but it seems as though the whole SORBS thing might be on the
up-and-up, if unpopular o those who got zinged by it.

No matter what, the ISP has to pay their way out of the blacklist.
It still seems to be a crappy way of running a spam blacklist to me.
mail hosting provider is a small company, and probably couldn't afford
to stay in business if they had to pay $50 for every piece of spam that
some of its less-virtuous customers chose to send.

Which is kind of the point.  If a provider doesn't impose at least
minimally-intrusive measures to prevent spamming (eg, maximum of N
emails sent per hour, progressively slowing to a crawl with increasing
volume, etc.), ie, things which wouldn't affect you or me no matter how
prolific we are in emailing, but which would cripple spammers (eg, do I
personally need to send 1000 emails in one shot?), then quite frankly,
if someone *does* abuse it, the provider can't cry foul that they're
blameless victims.

Believe me, I wouldn't shed a single tear if pissed-off vigilantes would
quite literally hunt down and kill the top 10 known spammers and set
their computers on fire, so I personally am willing to suffer not
being able to send 1000 or even 100 emails in one day (as long as
they're queued up and not lost, should I want to send announcements to
friends that I'm changing an email address, etc.).  If a provider
can't/won't put even minor inconveniences to dissuade spamming, then
they deserve to be SORBSed.

If SORBS would pocket their fines, that's one thing, but as they
explicitly don't want to be connected with any charities they approve of
in their list, that to me seems to be on the up-and-up.  Have Bram ask
SORBS to include among the list of approved charities those that assist
Ugandans and Ethernopians and whatnot.  Let some good come out of
spammers' eee-vil actions, and the providers who unwittingly abet them.

To use an analogy, if I leave a loaded gun or samurai sword or
something, out on my front lawn, and some idiot kid goes and hurts or
even kills someone with it, can I insist that I'm blameless in the
matter?  Or should I instead bear some of the blame for my recklessness?

The more I think about it, the more I gotta agree with SORBS, that if
some provider did something to trigger being blacklisted, they *should*
in fact have to pay.  Maybe next time they'd look a little more closely
at their clientele.  If you want a waiver to send more than N emails/day
(eg, for a mailing list), let the provider at least look into the
content and make sure you're not hawking V1AAgrA or fake R0L3X watches
or whatnot.

All that being said, did your provider (the Z-thing?) explain *why* it
may've gotten blacklisted in the first place?  I'd look into that first.

Another thing I wanted to point out is that my mail is *never* bounced
by any other mailing list or anyone else to which I ever send mail.

Kewl.  Hope you don't have any more problems with it.

RE: Search and Replace with a Regular Expression

2006-08-10 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
I agree with Chip and have a recommendation.  Since you have been  
using Vim, Perl will be much easier to learn.

When I first began studying programming Perl was over my head and  
seemed very difficult.

I found it incredibly easy to learn Perl.  I was faced with a large
data-reformatting program written in uncommented C that needed to be
adapted to a new input format.  I started to work on it but it soon
became clear that fixing the program would take a couple of weeks.
I had vague memories of a language named Perl that was good for that
sort of text processing, so at the weekend I went into London, bought
the Camel book, skimmed through it on the train home, went into work
on Monday and rewrote the entire application in Perl.  Not only did it
take me less than half the time to rewrite the code as it would have
taken to fix it, but the Perl version ran three times faster than the
original C.

And quite likely, a 'lex' script would be able to do the same in about
half as many lines, and taken half that time to do it.  :D

'lex' rules!

RE: Other European languages on a US keyboard

2006-07-24 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Rare enough .. but besides oeuf is also occurs in such very common
words as voeu [wish] and coeur [heart] and it really bothers me
I see them incorrectly spelled in web pages for instance.  I spot it
after that I tend to lose focus and not be able to take in what I'm
reading for a short while.

How're they misspelled?

Or, if none of the distributed keymaps is exactly what you want, you
write your own. It isn't hard. See :help :loadkeymap for the
and look at the contents of Bram's $VIMRUNTIME/keymap/accents.vim
and my 
$VIMRUNTIME/keymap/esperanto_utf8.vim for a couple of simple

Already started on this:  copied accents.vim to ~/.vim/keymap/ ..
renamed it to foreign.vim and added the Spanish inverted question /
exclamation marks - an for now I have mapped to !! and ??. 

Come to think of it, French would appear to have the most annoying
spelling system of the West European languages that I have some degree
of familiarity with.  Spanish, Italian, and German seem to use fewer
non-ASCII characters.  

In order to set up my foreign language keymap correctly I would really
need tables of all the characters that occur in these languages, decide
which ones are common enough to be worth adding to the keymap, and make
sure I build a scheme that's coherent before I get my fingers to
memorize it.  I'll scour the Wiki's later today.. see if I can find
anything useful.

If you wouldn't mind, definitely keep me in the loop on this one, as
I've got something of an interest.

Offhand, some contributions and questions:

beta-looking SS (German)
slashed 'l' (Polish)
slashed 'o' (Scandinavian or thereabouts, not sure if Dutch or other)
AElig/aelig/OElig/oelig (Latin, etc.)
ccedil/Ccedil (how done, ,C?)
ecedil(?) (also Polish, possibly other vowels, 'though don't recall

Oh, someone on the list is native Polish, so might ask him.  Was it

Dunno anyone Dutch who'd recall the slashed-'o'.

How to enter Aring (eg, Aring;ngstrom)?  oA??  Synonymous with aa
(eg, Haas == Haring;s?)

Oh, well...

RE: Visible Spaces

2006-07-21 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
 Would you be satisfied with changing the background color for
spaces?  Step 1:

Ah, that's an idea.  Just /  to search for spaces (assumes
highlighting's turned on), and they'll all be highlighted.  He wants to
turn off highlighting, just /qqq or something.

Else maybe tweak the font to change space to middot; or something.
Thing is, change the font to something else, and that goes away, and
he'd have to tweak the font for that as well.

Eg, if he's using Lucida console 10pt, make a copy of the font, rename
to something else (Lucidaspace or whatever), edit the font to change
the space char, then when you want visispaces, just font your way to
that.  Want invisispaces again, change back to the normal Lucida font.

RE: Other European languages on a US keyboard

2006-07-21 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Unfortunately I am only able to type the US keyboard, so remapping the
keyboard might be a better solution than entering digraphs in the long
run but will not be painless..  And since I do not do this on a regular
basis, I am unsure whether it's really worth going to all the trouble.

Would it be impractical to map, eg, ^e to whatever the code is for 'ê', ie, 
use prefix notation of [^'`~,], etc., as a prefix for [aeioucnAEIOUCN] as 
Wouldn't be *all* those combinations, but, eg, would only need ,C for 
Ccedil;, ~N for Ntilde; (and their lowercase counterparts, natch), but 
the rest would just be whatever accented chars you normally use, for grave, 
acute, circumflex, etc.

I'm not sure how a non-US keyboard does such things, so I can't suggest a more 
transparent way of doing it.

One other possibility would be the way my phone does multiple chars per key, 
eg, you'd hit '1' to get the generic '.', then '*' would cycle through 
different punctuation, and so on, 'til it'd get back to '.' again.  Maybe 
hitting alt-A would get you an 'a' and put you into a loop, then multiple hits 
of an F-key would cycle through the 3-4 other chars and then back.  Any other 
key would escape the loop.  Arrange them in the order you expect their 
occurrence, most commonly-used ones first.

Eg, if you arrange them in the order acute/grave/circumflex/ring, simply 
hitting M-a would get you aacute;.  Hit F2, and it gets you agrave;.  Hit 
F2 again, circumflex.  Again, ring.  Again, acute.  Lather, rinse, repeat.

*Implementing* this would for now be beyond my ken, or my barbie, but I'm sure 
someone might have some ideas how to best do it.  No?

RE: laststatus=2 anomaly (was: I sometimes have to double strike when using gvim7 over Hummingbird Exceed)

2006-06-06 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
After taking a couple of helpful hints from Eric, and doing a bunch of
experiments, I have isolated some odd behavior to 'laststatus'.

As a reminder, this issue only shows up when I compile vim7 using GTK-1;
it does not occur when I compile with Motif or GTK-2.  My system is a
Sun workstation running Solaris 8 and I use gcc 3.3.2 for compilation.

The problem is that when I compile vim7 using GTK-1, certain characters
need to be typed twice on the _search_ line.  Note that it only appears
as if the search line is affected.  Text entry and command entry don't
appear to be affected.

If I set laststatus to 0 or 1, the problem goes away.  If I set it to 2
again, the problem re-appears.

This doesn't always occur either; some files edit just fine.  So there
is some other dependency as well it seems--but I haven't discovered that
yet.  But, when it does occur, changing laststatus to 0 or 1 always
corrects the issue.

Here's a sample of what I get when I type each letter in the English
alphabet twice in a row (e.g.: aabbccddeeff...):

 this is the greek Beta character (in case it
 got lost in the transmission)

Notice how some characters only show up once, and the one greek

Aha!  That beta is actually a German SS, szlig; (sz ligature) iirr.

The 'X' is a math times (times; no?).

All the other (usually) vowels have similar compounding, eg, [aeiou] with 
accents of various types (try typing a' or a:, ferinstance), Polish l/ 
(slashed-ell, don't know the sgml entity offhand), Spanish n~ (en-tilde, 
ntilde;), and so on.

Try some funky combinations like l/, n~, etc., and see what pops up.

If this is the case, then I don't *think* it's an issue with 'vim', but 
something with the GTK1 compile, that maybe it includes as a bonus some 
cooked keystroke editing to be able to easily get weirdo characters right from 
the keyboard for functions like getc(), scanf(), etc.

We may be on to something now...  :D

RE: Jumping to Headline in h1Headline/h1

2006-05-26 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Consider this: I'm editing the HTML:


My cursor is denoted by (c). How can I most quickly jump to the start
of the Headline word?

Pressing w or e isn't any good, I still have to press at least three
times. Not nice, almost as bad as cursor keys.

Dunno how arbitrary your input is or is likely to be (eg, what about
h1Fooey/h1 or p class='head1'Headline/p, etc., so can't be
*that* specific.

Rolling forward 4 chars:


Skip to closing '' (and 'a'ppend instead of 'i'nsert):


Skip to fixed 'H'


Skip to 3rd word:



Lotta ways to do the same thing...

RE: Vim version 7.0g BETA has been released

2006-05-01 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
- Win32: Dropping a shortcut on the Vim icon edited the shortcut
  of the file it refers to (old problem).

Any way to actually edit the shortcut?  :D

Seriously, I was curious if anyone came across this issue on any 95/98
systems: Highlight the file and simply bang on the return key (if the
filetype gets associated with 'vim' instead of Exploder, etc.), and it
doesn't know spaces in filenames, so something like 'c:\my
documents\fooey.htm' will essentially crap out as 'vim' tries to edit


as 2 separate files.

Perfectly logical, when handed the path+name via a commandline w/o
encompassing quotes, but wonder if there be a workaround for this.  I
don't like using the moose if I can at all avoid it, so rclicking and
Edit with is a less-desirable option.

One more reason to never use spaces in file-/pathnames...  Well, except
for .mp3s and such.  Ain't gonna manually edit *those*...