Re: OT: why do people use python when it is slow?

2015-10-15 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 15 October 2015 at 02:20:42 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
On Wednesday, 14 October 2015 at 22:11:56 UTC, data pulverizer 
On Tuesday, 13 October 2015 at 23:26:14 UTC, Laeeth Isharc 
Andrei suggested posting more widely.

I believe it is easier and more effective to start on the 
research side. D will need: [snip]

Great list, but tons of work!

A journey of a thousand miles ...

I tried to start creating a data table type object by 
investigating variantArray: but hit the snag that D is a static programming language and may not allow the kind of behaviour you need for creating the same kind of behaviour you need in data table - like objects.

I envisage such an object as being composed of arrays of vectors 
where each vector represents a column in a table as in R - easier 
for model matrix creation. Some people believe that you should 
work with arrays of tuple rows - which may be more big data 
friendly. I am not overly wedded to either approach.

Anyway it seems I have hit an inherent limitation in the 
language. Correct me if I am wrong. The data frame needs to have 
dynamic behaviour bind rows and columns and return parts of 
itself as a data table etc and since D is a static language we 
cannot do this.

Re: OT: why do people use python when it is slow?

2015-10-14 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 October 2015 at 23:26:14 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
Andrei suggested posting more widely.

I am coming at D by way of R, C++, Python etc. so I speak as a 
statistician who is interested in data science applications.

It's about programmer time. You have to weight the time it takes 
you to do the task in each programming language, if you are doing 
statistical analysis now, R and Python come out streaks ahead.

The scope roughly speaking is Research -> Deployment. R and 
Python sit on the research side, and Python/JVM technologies sit 
on the deployment side (broadly speaking). The question is where 
does D sit? What should D's data science strategy be?

To sit on the deployment side, D needs to grow it's big 
data/noSQL infrastructure for a start, then hook into a whole 
ecosystem of analytic tools in an easy and straightforward 
manner. This will take a lot of work!

I believe it is easier and more effective to start on the 
research side. D will need:

1. A data table structure like R's data.frame or data.table. This 
is a dynamic data structure that represents a table that can have 
lots of operations applied to it. It is the data structure that 
separates R from most programming languages. It is what pandas 
tries to emulate. This includes text file and database i/o from 
mySQL and ODBC for a start.

2. Formula class : the ability to talk about statistical models 
using formulas e.g. y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 etc and then use these 
formulas to generate model matrices for input into statistical 

3. Solid interface to a big data database, that allows a D data 
table <-> database easily

4. Functional programming: especially around data table and array 
structures. R's apply(), lapply(), tapply(), plyr and now 
data.table(,, by = list()) provides powerful tools for data 

5. A factor data type:for categorical variables. This is easy to 
implement! This ties into the creation of model matrices.

6. Nullable types makes talking about missing data more 
straightforward and gives you the opportunity to code them into a 
set value in your analysis. D is streaks ahead of Python here, 
but this is built into R at a basic level.

If D can get points 1, 2, 3 many people would be all over D 
because it is a fantastic programming language and is wicked fast.

Re: OT: why do people use python when it is slow?

2015-10-15 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 15 October 2015 at 07:57:51 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
On Thu, 2015-10-15 at 06:48 +, data pulverizer via 
Digitalmars-d- learn wrote:
Just because D doesn't have this now doesn't mean it cannot. C 
doesn't have such capability but R and Python do even though R 
and CPython are just C codes.

I think the way R does this is that its dynamic runtime 
environment is used bind together native C basic type arrays. I 
wander if we could simulate dynamic behaviour by leveraging D's 
short compilation time to dynamically write/update data table 
source file(s) containing the structure of new/modified data 

Pandas data structures rely on the NumPy n-dimensional array 
implementation, it is not beyond the bounds of possibility that 
that data structure could be realized as a D module.

Julia's DArray object is an interested take on this:

I believe that parallelism on arrays and data tables are 
different challenges. Data tables are easier since we can 
parallelise by row, thus the preference of having row-based 

The core issue is to have a seriously efficient n-dimensional 
array that is amenable to data parallelism and is extensible. 
As far as I am aware currently (I will investigate more) the 
NumPy array is a good native code array, but has some issues 
with data parallelism and Pandas has to do quite a lot of work 
to get the extensibility. I wonder how the R data.table works.

R's data table is not currently parallelised

I have this nagging feeling that like NumPy, data.table seems a 
lot better than it could be. From small experiments D is (and 
also Chapel is even more) hugely faster than Python/NumPy at 
things Python people think NumPy is brilliant for. Expectations 
of Python programmers are set by the scale of Python 
performance, so NumPy seems brilliant. Compared to the scale 
set by D and Chapel, NumPy is very disappointing. I bet the 
same is true of R (I have never really used R).

Thanks for notifying me about Chapel - something else interesting 
to investigate. When it comes to speed R is very strange. Basic 
math (e.g. *, +, /) operation on an R array can be fast but 
for-looping will kill speed by hundreds of times - most things 
are slow in R unless they are directly baked into its base 
operations. You can write code in C and C++ can call it very 
easily in R though using its Rcpp interface.

This is therefore an opportunity for D to step in. However it 
is a journey of a thousand miles to get something production 
worthy. Python/NumPy/Pandas have had a very large number of 
programmer hours expended on them.  Doing this poorly as a D 
modules is likely worse than not doing it at all.

I think D has a lot to offer the world of data science.

Re: OT: why do people use python when it is slow?

2015-10-18 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 15 October 2015 at 21:16:18 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
On Wednesday, 14 October 2015 at 22:11:56 UTC, data pulverizer 
On Tuesday, 13 October 2015 at 23:26:14 UTC, Laeeth Isharc 
Andrei suggested posting more widely.

I am coming at D by way of R, C++, Python etc. so I speak as a 
statistician who is interested in data science applications.

Welcome...  Looks like we have similar interests.

That's good to know

To sit on the deployment side, D needs to grow it's big 
data/noSQL infrastructure for a start, then hook into a whole 
ecosystem of analytic tools in an easy and straightforward 
manner. This will take a lot of work!

Indeed.  The dlangscience project managed by John Colvin is 
very interesting.  It is not a pure stats project, but there 
will be many shared areas of need.  He has some v interesting 
ideas, and being able to mix Python and D in a Jupyter notebook 
is rather nice (you can do this already).

Thanks for bringing my attention to this, this looks interesting.

Sounds interesting.  Take a look at Colvin's dlang science 
draft white paper, and see what you would add.  It's a chance 
to shape things whilst they are still fluid.

Good suggestion.

3. Solid interface to a big data database, that allows a D 
data table <-> database easily

Which ones do you have in mind for stats?  The different 
choices seem to serve quite different needs.  And when you say 
big data, how big do you typically mean ?

What I mean is to start by tapping into current big data 
technologies. HDFS and Cassandra have C APIs which we can wrap 
for D.

4. Functional programming: especially around data table and 
array structures. R's apply(), lapply(), tapply(), plyr and 
now data.table(,, by = list()) provides powerful tools for 
data manipulation.

Any thoughts on what the design should look like?

Yes, I think this is easy to implement but still important. The 
real devil is my point #1 the dynamic data table object.

To an extent there is a balance between wanting to explore data 
iteratively (when you don't know where you will end up), and 
wanting to build a robust process for production.  I have been 
wondering myself about using LuaJIT to strap together D 
building blocks for the exploration (and calling it based on a 
custom console built around Adam Ruppe's terminal).

Sounds interesting

6. Nullable types makes talking about missing data more 
straightforward and gives you the opportunity to code them 
into a set value in your analysis. D is streaks ahead of 
Python here, but this is built into R at a basic level.

So matrices with nullable types within?  Is nan enough for you 
?  If not then could be quite expensive if back end is C.

I am not suggesting that we pass nullable matrices to C 
algorithms, yes nan is how this is done in practice but you 
wouldn't have nans in your matrix at the point of modeling - 
they'll just propagate and trash your answer. Nullable types are 
useful in data acquisition and exploration - the more practical 
side of data handling. I was quite shocked to see them in D, when 
they are essentially absent from "high level" programming 
languages like Python. Real data is messy and having nullable 
types is useful in processing, storing and summarizing raw data. 
I put in as #6 because I think it is possible to do practical 
statistics working around them by using notional hacks. Nullables 
are something that C#, and R have and Python's pandas has 
struggled with. The great news is that they are available in D so 
we can use them.

If D can get points 1, 2, 3 many people would be all over D 
because it is a fantastic programming language and is wicked 
What do you like best about it ?  And in your own domain, what 
have the biggest payoffs been in practice?

I am playing with D at the moment. To become useful to me the 
data table structure is a must. I previously said points 1, 2, 
and 3 would get data scientists sucked into D. But the data table 
structure is the seed. A dynamic structure like that in D would 
catalyze the rest. Everything else is either wrappers, routine 
and maybe a lot of work but straightforward to implement. The 
data table structure for me is the real enigma.

The way that R's data types are structured around SEXPs is the 
key to all of this. I am currently reading through R's internal 
documentation to get my head around this.

dynamic get from variantArray() data table

2015-10-13 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn


I am trying to use variantArray() as a data table object to hold 
columns each of which is an array of a specific type. I need to 
be able to get values from data table but I am having problems ...

import std.stdio; // i/o
import std.variant; // type variations

void main(){
  // Columns of the table
  string[] names = ["walter", "paul", "jeff", "andrie"];
  int[] age = [55, 62, 27, 52];
  string[] language = ["D", "Haskell", "Julia", "D"];
  Variant[] dt = variantArray(names, age, language);

  foreach(col; dt){
foreach(el; col){
  // here I try a kind of dynamic cast operator
  auto x = el.get!(type(el)); // gives error

data_table.d(37): Error: cannot infer type for el
data_table.d(38): Error: undefined identifier 'el'



Re: dynamic get from variantArray() data table

2015-10-13 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
Thanks for the suggestion Alex, however I need the dynamic 
behaviour properties of variantArray(), writing a struct each 
time would be undesirable.

Perhaps I could boil down the question to something like, is 
there a way of writing

auto x = dt[0][0];
auto y = x.get!(x.type - or whatever); // to get the actual value 
of x rather than .VariantN! ... type

For some kind of auto cast back to basic type.

On Tuesday, 13 October 2015 at 15:51:40 UTC, Alex Parrill wrote:
On Tuesday, 13 October 2015 at 15:17:15 UTC, data pulverizer 


I am trying to use variantArray() as a data table object to 
hold columns each of which is an array of a specific type. I 
need to be able to get values from data table but I am having 
problems ...

import std.stdio; // i/o
import std.variant; // type variations

void main(){
  // Columns of the table
  string[] names = ["walter", "paul", "jeff", "andrie"];
  int[] age = [55, 62, 27, 52];
  string[] language = ["D", "Haskell", "Julia", "D"];
  Variant[] dt = variantArray(names, age, language);

  foreach(col; dt){
foreach(el; col){
  // here I try a kind of dynamic cast operator
  auto x = el.get!(type(el)); // gives error

data_table.d(37): Error: cannot infer type for el
data_table.d(38): Error: undefined identifier 'el'



You're trying to iterate over a `Variant`, which isn't 

You don't want to use a variant here anyway; you should use a 
struct or tuple for each entry in the table.

import std.typecons;

alias Entry = Tuple!(string, int, string);

void main() {
auto table = [Entry("walter", 55, "D"), Entry("paul", 62, 
"Haskell"), ... ]; // complete array

foreach(entry; table) {

Re: Repeated struct definitions for graph data structures and in/out naming conflict in C library

2016-01-03 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

Thanks library now compiles.

On Sunday, 3 January 2016 at 13:45:13 UTC, anonymous wrote:

On 03.01.2016 14:30, data pulverizer wrote:

I am trying to access functionality in the glpk C library using
extern(C). It has graph structs in its header file that are 
specified in

an odd recurring manner that I cannot reproduce in D:

I don't see what's odd about this. What exactly are your 
struggling with?

typedef struct glp_graph glp_graph;
typedef struct glp_vertex glp_vertex;
typedef struct glp_arc glp_arc;

You can just drop these.

struct glp_graph
   glp_vertex **v; /* glp_vertex *v[1+nv_max];

Drop the semicolon after the struct declaration, and move the 
asterisks one place to the left (purely style):

struct glp_graph
glp_vertex** v;

struct glp_vertex
   glp_arc *in;
   glp_arc *out;

As above, and rename in/out to something else, e.g. in_ and 

struct glp_vertex
glp_arc* in_;
glp_arc* out_;

struct glp_arc
   glp_vertex *tail;
   glp_vertex *head;
   glp_arc *t_prev;
   glp_arc *t_next;
   glp_arc *h_prev;
   glp_arc *h_next;

Nothing new here.

you may also spot that the in, and out keywords are used as 
members in
the struct, which gives an error in D. These structs are 
required for
functions in the library so need to be included in the D 
interface file.

Just rename them to something else. In D code that uses the 
struct, you use the new names. C code doesn't need to be 
changed, as the name doesn't matter when compiled.

Repeated struct definitions for graph data structures and in/out naming conflict in C library

2016-01-03 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

Dear D Gurus,

I am trying to access functionality in the glpk C library using 
extern(C). It has graph structs in its header file that are 
specified in an odd recurring manner that I cannot reproduce in D:

typedef struct glp_graph glp_graph;
typedef struct glp_vertex glp_vertex;
typedef struct glp_arc glp_arc;

struct glp_graph
  glp_vertex **v; /* glp_vertex *v[1+nv_max];

struct glp_vertex
  glp_arc *in;
  glp_arc *out;

struct glp_arc
  glp_vertex *tail;
  glp_vertex *head;
  glp_arc *t_prev;
  glp_arc *t_next;
  glp_arc *h_prev;
  glp_arc *h_next;

you may also spot that the in, and out keywords are used as 
members in the struct, which gives an error in D. These structs 
are required for functions in the library so need to be included 
in the D interface file.

How do I reproduce these structs in in D?


noob in c macro preprocessor hell converting gsl library header files

2016-01-06 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have been converting C numeric libraries and depositing them 
here: So far I have glpk and 
nlopt converted on a like for like c function basics. I am now 
stuck on the gsl library, primarily because of the preprocessor c 
code which I am very new to. The following few are particularly 
baffling to me:

#define INLINE_FUN extern inline // used in gsl_pow_int.h: 
INLINE_FUN double gsl_pow_2(const double x) { return x*x;   }

Could I just ignore the INLINE_FUN and use alias for function 
pointer declaration? For example ...

alias gsl_pow_2 = double gsl_pow_2(const(double) x);

#define INLINE_DECL // used in interpolation/gsl_interp.h: 
INLINE_DECL size_t gsl_interp_bsearch(const double x_array[], 
double x, size_t index_lo, size_t index_hi);

I would guess the same as for INLINE_FUN?

#define GSL_VAR extern // used in rng/gsl_rng.h:GSL_VAR const 
gsl_rng_type *gsl_rng_borosh13;

perhaps GSL_VAR can be ignored and I could use:

gsl_rng_borosh13 const(gsl_rng_type)*;

I have been using these kind of fixes and have not been able to 
get the rng module to recognise the ported functions, meaning 
that something has been lost in translation.

I am currently getting the following error:

$ gsl_rng_print_state

rng_example.o: In function `_Dmain':
rng_example.d:(.text._Dmain+0x13): undefined reference to 

collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

I can't seem to call any of the functions but the types are 

Thanks in advance

Re: noob in c macro preprocessor hell converting gsl library header files

2016-01-06 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 6 January 2016 at 13:59:44 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
#define INLINE_FUN extern inline // used in gsl_pow_int.h: 
INLINE_FUN double gsl_pow_2(const double x) { return x*x;   }

Could I just ignore the INLINE_FUN and use alias for function 
pointer declaration? For example ...

alias gsl_pow_2 = double gsl_pow_2(const(double) x);

Yes, you should be able to ignore INLINE_FUN

double gsl_pow_2(const double x);

is the correct declaration.

#define GSL_VAR extern // used in rng/gsl_rng.h:GSL_VAR const 
gsl_rng_type *gsl_rng_borosh13;

perhaps GSL_VAR can be ignored and I could use:

gsl_rng_borosh13 const(gsl_rng_type)*;

It should be

extern gsl_rng_type* gsl_rng_borosh13;

I see. Thanks.

I think you might have some confusion between function 

T myFunction(Q myArg);

function pointer type declarations:

alias MyFunctionPointerType = T function(Q myArg);

and function pointer declarations:

MyFunctionPointerType myFunctionPointer;

Sorry in my haste to describe what I was doing I wrote down a 
function pointer instead of a function - my original code was a 
function. Your suggestion of looking at the library is a good call. I'll 
probably end up sending a pull request to that library after 
using it as a basic outline of how to deal with these 

Re: ndslice: convert a sliced object to T[]

2016-06-15 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 14:14:23 UTC, Seb wrote:

On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 13:13:05 UTC, data pulverizer

And where can I find more cool tricks like that?

Browse the source code and the unittests. Phobos is an amazing 
resource :)

Very true!
That's great many thanks!

Re: ndslice: convert a sliced object to T[]

2016-06-14 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 02:50:30 UTC, Seb wrote:
On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 02:43:37 UTC, data pulverizer 

How do I unravel a sliced item T[].sliced(...) to an array T[]?

For instance:

import std.experimental.ndslice;
auto slice = new int[12].sliced(3, 4);
int[] x = ??;


A slice is just a _view_ on your memory, the easiest way is to 
save a reference to your array like this:

int[] arr = new int[12];
auto slice = arr.sliced(3, 4);
slice[1, 1] = 42;
arr // [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 42, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

For a general case, you should give `byElement` a try:

in that case:

import std.array : array;
int[] x = slice.byElement.array;

thanks, now I can go to bed!

ndslice: convert a sliced object to T[]

2016-06-14 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

How do I unravel a sliced item T[].sliced(...) to an array T[]?

For instance:

import std.experimental.ndslice;
auto slice = new int[12].sliced(3, 4);
int[] x = ??;


Re: ndslice: convert a sliced object to T[]

2016-06-15 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 08:53:22 UTC, Andrea Fontana wrote:
On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 08:25:35 UTC, data pulverizer 

I guess foreach would not copy the elements? for example:

foreach(el; slice.byElement)
x ~= el;

But it feels wrong to be doing work pulling elements that 
already exists by using foreach. I feel as if I am missing 
something obvious but can't get it.

The question is: why you need to put them inside an array? If 
you can, leave them in the lazy range and work on it.

I need this to work with external libraries that only deal with 
one dimensional arrays.

Re: ndslice: convert a sliced object to T[]

2016-06-15 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 07:45:12 UTC, Andrea Fontana wrote:
On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 07:24:23 UTC, data pulverizer 

On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 03:17:39 UTC, Seb wrote:
On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 03:11:23 UTC, data pulverizer 

in that case:

import std.array : array;
int[] x = slice.byElement.array;

Are you sure you want to create a _copy_ of your data? In 
most cases you don't need that ;-)

thanks, now I can go to bed!

You are welcome. Sleep tight!

Thanks, I did.

I definitely don't want to create a copy! I thought .byElement 
would provide a range which I assume is a reference am I 
forcing it to copy by using .array?

Yes. You're forcing it to read all elements and copy them in a 
new array.

I guess foreach would not copy the elements? for example:

foreach(el; slice.byElement)
x ~= el;

But it feels wrong to be doing work pulling elements that already 
exists by using foreach. I feel as if I am missing something 
obvious but can't get it.

Re: ndslice: convert a sliced object to T[]

2016-06-15 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 03:17:39 UTC, Seb wrote:
On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 03:11:23 UTC, data pulverizer 

in that case:

import std.array : array;
int[] x = slice.byElement.array;

Are you sure you want to create a _copy_ of your data? In most 
cases you don't need that ;-)

thanks, now I can go to bed!

You are welcome. Sleep tight!

Thanks, I did.

I definitely don't want to create a copy! I thought .byElement 
would provide a range which I assume is a reference am I forcing 
it to copy by using .array?

Re: ndslice: convert a sliced object to T[]

2016-06-15 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 09:32:21 UTC, Andrea Fontana wrote:

Then I think the slice.byElement.array is the right solution.

The problem with that is that it slows down the code. I compared 
matrix multiplication between R and D's cblas adaptor and ndslice.

n = 4000
Matrices: A, B
Sizes: both n by n
Engine: both call openblas

R Elapsed Time: 2.709 s
D's cblas and ndslice: 3.593 s

The R code:

n = 4000; A = matrix(runif(n*n), nr = n); B = matrix(runif(n*n), 
nr = n)

system.time(C <- A%*%B)

The D code:

import std.stdio : writeln;
import std.experimental.ndslice;
import std.random : Random, uniform;
import std.conv : to;
import std.array : array;
import cblas;
import std.datetime : StopWatch;

T[] runif(T)(ulong len, T min, T max){
T[] arr = new T[len];
Random gen;
for(ulong i = 0; i < len; ++i)
arr[i] = uniform(min, max, gen);
return arr;

// Random matrix
auto rmat(T)(ulong nrow, ulong ncol, T min, T max){
return runif(nrow*ncol, min, max).sliced(nrow, ncol);

auto matrix_mult(T)(Slice!(2, T*) a, Slice!(2, T*) b){
int M = to!int(a.shape[0]);
int K = to!int(a.shape[1]);
int N = to!int(b.shape[1]);
int n_el = to!int(a.elementsCount);
T[] A = a.byElement.array;
T[] B = b.byElement.array;
T[] C = new T[M*N];
	gemm(Order.ColMajor, Transpose.NoTrans, Transpose.NoTrans, M, N, 
K, 1., A.ptr, K, B.ptr, N, 0, C.ptr, N);

return C.sliced(M, N);

void main()
int n = 4000;
auto A = rmat(n, n, 0., 1.);
auto B = rmat(n, n, 0., 1. );
StopWatch sw;
auto C = matrix_mult(A, B);
writeln("Time taken: \n\t", sw.peek().msecs, " [ms]");

In my system monitor I can see the copy phase in the D process as 
as single core process. There should be a way to do go from 
ndslice to T[] without copying. Using a foreach loop is even 

Re: ndslice: convert a sliced object to T[]

2016-06-15 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

Oh, I didn't see that runif now returns a tuple.

Re: ndslice: convert a sliced object to T[]

2016-06-15 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 15 June 2016 at 12:10:32 UTC, Seb wrote:
As said you can avoid the copy (see below). I also profiled it 
a bit and it was interesting to see that 50% of the runtime are 
spent on generating the random matrix. On my machine now both 
scripts take 1.5s when compiled with

I didn't benchmark the RNG but I did notice it took a lot of time 
to generate the matrix but for now I am focused on the BLAS side 
of things.

I am puzzled about how your code works:

I didn't know that you could substitute an array for its first 
element in D though I am aware that a pointer to an array's first 
element is equivalent to passing the array in C.

auto matrix_mult(T)(T[] A, T[] B, Slice!(2, T*) a, Slice!(2, 
T*) b){

gemm(Order.ColMajor, Transpose.NoTrans, Transpose.NoTrans, 
M, N, K, 1., A.ptr, K, B.ptr, N, 0, C.ptr, N);

return C.sliced(M, N);

I am especially puzzled about using the second element to stand 
in for the slice itself. How does that work? And where can I find 
more cool tricks like that?

void main()
auto C = matrix_mult(ta[0], tb[0], ta[1], tb[1]);
writeln("Time taken: \n\t", sw.peek().msecs, " [ms]");

Many thanks!

Re: Functions that return type

2016-01-17 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 17 January 2016 at 02:08:06 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 01/16/2016 11:50 PM, data pulverizer wrote:

I guess the constraints are that of a static language.

(This is not true.)

Could you please explain?

Re: Functions that return type

2016-01-16 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 16 January 2016 at 21:22:15 UTC, data pulverizer 
Is it possible to create a function that returns Type like 
typeof() does? Something such as:

Type returnInt(){
return int;

More to the point what is the Type of a type such as int?


p.s. I am aware I could do typeof(1) to return int, but I am 
looking for something more elegant and some understanding.

Functions that return type

2016-01-16 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
Is it possible to create a function that returns Type like 
typeof() does? Something such as:

Type returnInt(){
return int;

More to the point what is the Type of a type such as int?


Re: Functions that return type

2016-01-16 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 16 January 2016 at 21:59:22 UTC, data pulverizer 
On Saturday, 16 January 2016 at 21:22:15 UTC, data pulverizer 
Is it possible to create a function that returns Type like 
typeof() does? Something such as:

Type returnInt(){
return int;

More to the point what is the Type of a type such as int?


p.s. I am aware I could do typeof(1) to return int, but I am 
looking for something more elegant and some understanding.

Thanks for all the answers. I guess I have been writing a lot of 
julia where I take creating arrays and tuples of types for 
granted. In this case types are of type DataType. I am aware that 
you can create tuples of types in D, but then it cannot be easily 
manipulated e.g. (int, float)[0] = string or similar. You have to 
immediately alias it and there are a limited number of operations 
you can do with the resulting type. I guess the constraints are 
that of a static language.

Re: Speed of csvReader

2016-01-21 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 10:40:39 UTC, data pulverizer 
On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 10:20:12 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

Okay without registering not gonna get that data.

So usual things to think about, did you turn on release mode?
What about inlining?

Lastly how about disabling the GC?

import core.memory : GC;

dmd -release -inline code.d

That helped a lot, I disable GC and inlined as you suggested 
and the time is now:

Time (s): 8.754

However, with R's data.table package gives us:

system.time(x <- fread("Acquisition_2009Q2.txt", sep = "|", 
colClasses = rep("character", 22)))

   user  system elapsed
  0.852   0.021   0.872

I should probably have begun with this timing. Its not my 
intention to turn this into a speed-only competition, however 
the ingest of files and speed of calculation is very important 
to me.

I should probably add compiler version info:

~$ dmd --version
DMD64 D Compiler v2.069.2
Copyright (c) 1999-2015 by Digital Mars written by Walter Bright

Running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Re: Speed of csvReader

2016-01-21 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 11:08:18 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 01/21/2016 02:40 AM, data pulverizer wrote:

dmd -release -inline code.d

These two as well please:

  -O -boundscheck=off

the ingest of files and
speed of calculation is very important to me.

We should understand why D is slow in this case. :)


Thank you, adding those two flags brings down the time a little 
more ...

Time (s): 6.832

Speed of csvReader

2016-01-21 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have been reading large text files with D's csv file reader and 
have found it slow compared to R's read.table function which is 
not known to be particularly fast. Here I am reading Fannie Mae 
mortgage acquisition data which can be found here after registering:

D Code:

import std.algorithm;
import std.array;
import std.file;
import std.csv;
import std.stdio;
import std.typecons;
import std.datetime;

alias row_type = Tuple!(string, string, string, string, string, 
string, string, string,
string, string, string, string, string, 
string, string, string,
string, string, string, string, string, 

void main(){
  StopWatch sw;
  auto buffer = std.file.readText("Acquisition_2009Q2.txt");
  auto records = csvReader!row_type(buffer, '|').array;
  double time = sw.peek().msecs;
  writeln("Time (s): ", time/1000);

Time (s): 13.478

R Code:

system.time(x <- read.table("Acquisition_2009Q2.txt", sep = "|", 
colClasses = rep("character", 22)))

   user  system elapsed
  7.810   0.067   7.874

R takes about half as long to read the file. Both read the data 
in the "equivalent" type format. Am I doing something incorrect 

Re: Speed of csvReader

2016-01-21 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 10:20:12 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

Okay without registering not gonna get that data.

So usual things to think about, did you turn on release mode?
What about inlining?

Lastly how about disabling the GC?

import core.memory : GC;

dmd -release -inline code.d

That helped a lot, I disable GC and inlined as you suggested and 
the time is now:

Time (s): 8.754

However, with R's data.table package gives us:

system.time(x <- fread("Acquisition_2009Q2.txt", sep = "|", 
colClasses = rep("character", 22)))

   user  system elapsed
  0.852   0.021   0.872

I should probably have begun with this timing. Its not my 
intention to turn this into a speed-only competition, however the 
ingest of files and speed of calculation is very important to me.

Re: Speed of csvReader

2016-01-21 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 14:56:13 UTC, Saurabh Das wrote:

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 14:32:52 UTC, Saurabh Das wrote:
On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 13:42:11 UTC, Edwin van 
Leeuwen wrote:
On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 09:39:30 UTC, data pulverizer 

  StopWatch sw;
  auto buffer = std.file.readText("Acquisition_2009Q2.txt");
  auto records = csvReader!row_type(buffer, '|').array;

Is it csvReader or readText that is slow? i.e. could you move 
sw.start(); one line down (after the readText command) and 
see how long just the csvReader part takes?

Please try this:

auto records = 

Can you put up some sample data and share the number of 
records in the file as well.

Actually since you're aiming for speed, this might be better:

auto records = 
=> cast(dchar)a).csvReader!row_type('|').array


Please do verify that the end result is the same - I'm not 100% 
confident of the cast.


@Saurabh I have tried your latest suggestion and the time reduces 
fractionally to:

Time (s): 6.345

the previous suggestion actually increased the time

@Edwin van Leeuwen The csvReader is what takes the most time, the 
readText takes 0.229 s

Re: Speed of csvReader

2016-01-21 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 15:17:08 UTC, data pulverizer 

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 14:56:13 UTC, Saurabh Das wrote:
On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 14:32:52 UTC, Saurabh Das 
Actually since you're aiming for speed, this might be better:

auto records = 
File("Acquisition_2009Q2.txt").byChunk(1024*1024)!(a => cast(dchar)a).csvReader!row_type('|').array


Please do verify that the end result is the same - I'm not 
100% confident of the cast.


@Saurabh I have tried your latest suggestion and the time 
reduces fractionally to:

Time (s): 6.345

the previous suggestion actually increased the time

@Edwin van Leeuwen The csvReader is what takes the most time, 
the readText takes 0.229 s

p.s. @Saurabh the result looks fine from the cast.


Re: Speed of csvReader

2016-01-21 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 16:25:55 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 10:48:15 UTC, data pulverizer 

Running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

In that case, have you looked at

If this is a serious bottleneck you can solve it with two lines

evalRQ(`x <- fread("Acquisition_2009Q2.txt", sep = "|", 
colClasses = rep("character", 22))`);

auto x = RMatrix(evalR("x"));

and then you've got access to the data in D.

Thanks. That's certainly something to try.

Re: Speed of csvReader

2016-01-21 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 16:01:33 UTC, wobbles wrote:

Interesting that reading a file is so slow.

Your timings from R, is that including reading the file also?

Yes, its just insane isn't it?

Re: Speed of csvReader

2016-01-21 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 17:17:52 UTC, Saurabh Das wrote:
On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 17:10:39 UTC, data pulverizer 

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 16:01:33 UTC, wobbles wrote:

Interesting that reading a file is so slow.

Your timings from R, is that including reading the file also?

Yes, its just insane isn't it?

It is insane. Earlier in the thread we were tackling the wrong 
problem clearly. Hence the adage, "measure first" :-/.

As suggested by Edwin van Leeuwen, can you give us a timing of:
auto records = File("Acquisition_2009Q2.txt", 
"r")!(a => a.split("|").array).array;


Good news and bad new. I was going for something similar to what 
you have above and both slash the time alot:

Time (s): 1.024

But now the output is a little garbled. For some reason the 
splitter isn't splitting correctly - or we are not applying it 
properly. Line 0:

["11703051", "RETAIL", "BANK OF AMERICA, 
N.A.|4.875|207000|3", "0", "03/200", "|05", "2009|75", "75|1|26", 
"80", "|N", "|", "O ", "ASH", "OU", " REFINANCE|PUD|1|INVE", 
"TOR", "C", "|801||FRM", "\n\n", "863", "", "FRM"]

Re: Speed of csvReader

2016-01-21 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 18:31:17 UTC, data pulverizer 
Good news and bad new. I was going for something similar to 
what you have above and both slash the time alot:

Time (s): 1.024

But now the output is a little garbled. For some reason the 
splitter isn't splitting correctly - or we are not applying it 
properly. Line 0:

["11703051", "RETAIL", "BANK OF AMERICA, 
N.A.|4.875|207000|3", "0", "03/200", "|05", "2009|75", 
"75|1|26", "80", "|N", "|", "O ", "ASH", "OU", " 
REFINANCE|PUD|1|INVE", "TOR", "C", "|801||FRM", "\n\n", "863", 
"", "FRM"]

I should probably include the first few lines of the file:

ASSOCIATION|5|17|360|05/2009|07/2009|80|80|1|23|771|NO|CASH-OUT REFINANCE|PUD|1|PRINCIPAL|VA|224||FRM

It's interesting that the output first array is not the same as 
the input

Re: Speed of csvReader

2016-01-21 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 23:58:35 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 11:29:49PM +, data pulverizer via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 21:24:49 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
>On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 07:11:05PM +, Jesse Phillips via 
>This piqued my interest today, so I decided to take a shot at 
>writing a fast CSV parser.  First, I downloaded a sample 
>large CSV file from: [...]

Hi H. S. Teoh, I tried to compile your code (fastcsv.d) on my 
machine but I get ctr1.o errors for example:

.../crt1.o(.debug_info): relocation 0 has invalid symbol index 

are there flags that I should be compiling with or some other 
thing that I am missing?

Did you supply a main() function? If not, it won't run, because 
fastcsv.d is only a module.  If you want to run the benchmark, 
you'll have to compile both benchmark.d and fastcsv.d together.


Thanks, I got used to getting away with running the "script" file 
in the same folder as a single file module - it usually works but 
occasionally (like now) I have to compile both together as you 

Re: Speed of csvReader

2016-01-21 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 21:24:49 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 07:11:05PM +, Jesse Phillips via 
This piqued my interest today, so I decided to take a shot at 
writing a fast CSV parser.  First, I downloaded a sample large 
CSV file from: [...]

Hi H. S. Teoh, I tried to compile your code (fastcsv.d) on my 
machine but I get ctr1.o errors for example:

.../crt1.o(.debug_info): relocation 0 has invalid symbol index 0

are there flags that I should be compiling with or some other 
thing that I am missing?

Re: Speed of csvReader

2016-01-21 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 20:46:15 UTC, Gerald Jansen wrote:
On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 09:39:30 UTC, data pulverizer 
I have been reading large text files with D's csv file reader 
and have found it slow compared to R's read.table function

This great blog post has an optimized FastReader for CSV files:

Thanks a lot Gerald, the blog and the discussions were very 
useful and revealing - for me it shows that you can use the D 
language to write fast code and then if you need it, to wring 
more performance and you can go as low level as you want all 
without leaving the D language or its tooling ecosystem.

Re: Speed of csvReader

2016-01-21 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 23:58:35 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
are there flags that I should be compiling with or some other 
thing that I am missing?

Did you supply a main() function? If not, it won't run, because 
fastcsv.d is only a module.  If you want to run the benchmark, 
you'll have to compile both benchmark.d and fastcsv.d together.


Great benchmarks! This is something else for me to learn from.

Re: Speed of csvReader

2016-01-22 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 22 January 2016 at 02:16:14 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 04:50:12PM -0800, H. S. Teoh via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

> >


Fixed some boundary condition crashes and reverted doubled 
quote handling in unquoted fields (since those are illegal 
according to RFC 4810).  Performance is back in the ~1200 msec 


Hi H. S. Teoh,  I have used you fastcsv on my file:

import std.file;
import fastcsv;
import std.stdio;
import std.datetime;

void main(){
  StopWatch sw;
  auto input = cast(string) read("Acquisition_2009Q2.txt");
  auto mydata = fastcsv.csvToArray!('|')(input);
  double time = sw.peek().msecs;
  writeln("Time (s): ", time/1000);

$ dmd file_read_5.d fastcsv.d
$ ./file_read_5
Time (s): 0.679

Fastest so far, very nice.

Re: Speed of csvReader

2016-01-22 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 22 January 2016 at 21:41:46 UTC, data pulverizer wrote:

On Friday, 22 January 2016 at 02:16:14 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:


Hi H. S. Teoh,  I have used you fastcsv on my file:

import std.file;
import fastcsv;
import std.stdio;
import std.datetime;

void main(){
  StopWatch sw;
  auto input = cast(string) read("Acquisition_2009Q2.txt");
  auto mydata = fastcsv.csvToArray!('|')(input);
  double time = sw.peek().msecs;
  writeln("Time (s): ", time/1000);

$ dmd file_read_5.d fastcsv.d
$ ./file_read_5
Time (s): 0.679

Fastest so far, very nice.

I guess the next step is allowing Tuple rows with mixed types.

Re: Speed of csvReader

2016-01-21 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 18:46:03 UTC, Justin Whear wrote:

On Thu, 21 Jan 2016 18:37:08 +, data pulverizer wrote:

It's interesting that the output first array is not the same 
as the input

byLine reuses a buffer (for speed) and the subsequent split 
operation just returns slices into that buffer.  So when byLine 
progresses to the next line the strings (slices) returned 
previously now point into a buffer with different contents.  
You should either use byLineCopy or .idup to create copies of 
the relevant strings.  If your use-case allows for streaming 
and doesn't require having all the data present at once, you 
could continue to use byLine and just be careful not to refer 
to previous rows.

Thanks. It now works with byLineCopy()

Time (s): 1.128

Re: Speed of csvReader

2016-01-21 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 19:08:38 UTC, data pulverizer 
On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 18:46:03 UTC, Justin Whear 

On Thu, 21 Jan 2016 18:37:08 +, data pulverizer wrote:

It's interesting that the output first array is not the same 
as the input

byLine reuses a buffer (for speed) and the subsequent split 
operation just returns slices into that buffer.  So when 
byLine progresses to the next line the strings (slices) 
returned previously now point into a buffer with different 
contents.  You should either use byLineCopy or .idup to create 
copies of the relevant strings.  If your use-case allows for 
streaming and doesn't require having all the data present at 
once, you could continue to use byLine and just be careful not 
to refer to previous rows.

Thanks. It now works with byLineCopy()

Time (s): 1.128

Currently the timing is similar to python pandas:

# Script (Python 2.7.6)
import pandas as pd
import time
col_types = {'col1': str, 'col2': str, 'col3': str, 'col4': str, 
'col5': str, 'col6': str, 'col7': str, 'col8': str, 'col9': str, 
'col10': str, 'col11': str, 'col12': str, 'col13': str, 'col14': 
str, 'col15': str, 'col16': str, 'col17': str, 'col18': str, 
'col19': str, 'col20': str, 'col21': str, 'col22': str}

begin = time.time()
x = pd.read_csv('Acquisition_2009Q2.txt', sep = '|', dtype = 

end = time.time()

print end - begin

$ python

Scala Spark-like RDD for D?

2016-02-15 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
Are there are any plans to create a scala spark-like RDD class 
for D 
This is a powerful model that has taken the data science world by 
storm; it would be useful to have something like this in the D 
world. Most of the algorithms in statistics/data science are 
iterative in nature which fits well with this kind of data model.

I read through the Kind Of Container thread which has some 
relationship with this issue 
($dmb$ It 
looks like Immutability would be the way to go for an RDD data 
structure. But I am not wedded to any model as long as we can 
have something that performs the same functionality as the RDD.

As an alternative are there plans for parallel/cluster computing 
frameworks for D?

Apologies if I am kicking a hornet's nest. It is not my intention.


Re: Scala Spark-like RDD for D?

2016-02-15 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 15 February 2016 at 11:09:10 UTC, data pulverizer 
Are there are any plans to create a scala spark-like RDD class 
for D 
( This is a powerful model that has taken the data science world by storm; it would be useful to have something like this in the D world. Most of the algorithms in statistics/data science are iterative in nature which fits well with this kind of data model.

I read through the Kind Of Container thread which has some 
relationship with this issue 
It looks like Immutability would be the way to go for an RDD 
data structure. But I am not wedded to any model as long as we 
can have something that performs the same functionality as the 

As an alternative are there plans for parallel/cluster 
computing frameworks for D?

Apologies if I am kicking a hornet's nest. It is not my 


Perhaps the question is too prescriptive. Another way is: Does D 
have a big data strategy? But I tried to anchor it to some 
currently functioning framework which is why I suggested RDD.

Re: Obtaining argument names in (variadic) functions

2016-03-19 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 16 March 2016 at 20:53:42 UTC, JR wrote:
On Wednesday, 16 March 2016 at 20:24:38 UTC, data pulverizer 

Hi D gurus,

is there a way to obtain parameter names within the function 
body? I am particularly interested in variadic functions. 
Something like:

void myfun(T...)(T x){
foreach(i, arg; x)
writeln(i, " : ", arg);

void main(){
myfun(a = 2, b = "two", c = 2.0);

// should print
a : 2
b : two
c : 2.0

Thanks in advance

Loving the mixins and tuples

You can do it precisely like that if the variables/symbols you 
pass as (template) arguments are properly declared first.

void printVars(Args...)()
if (Args.length > 0)
import std.stdio : writefln;

foreach (i, arg; Args) {
writefln("%s\t%s:\t%s", typeof(Args[i]).stringof, 
Args[i].stringof, arg);


void main() {
int abc = 3;
string def = "58";
float ghi = 3.14f;
double jkl = 3.14;


That's brilliant! Thanks JR

Re: Struct array assignment behaviour using example from Programming in D, chapter 78

2016-03-25 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 24 March 2016 at 18:46:14 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 03/24/2016 10:24 AM, data pulverizer wrote:
> I have been playing with the matrix example given at the end
of chapter
> 78 of Ali Çehreli's

For reference, it's "Multi-dimensional operator overloading 
example" here:

>having problems with overloading the opAssign operator.
> rows is a private int[][] in a Matrix struct.
> I have added the following ...
> Matrix opAssign(int[][] arr)
> {
>  this.rows = arr;
>  // rows = arr // does not work either ...
>  return this;
> }
> However this does not work (no error occurs, it just doesn't
> anything)

How are you testing it? The following worked for me:

1) Added that opAssign() to the struct. (Verified that it gets 

2) Tested with the following code:

auto m2 = Matrix();
auto rows = [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ], [ 5, 6 ] ];
m2 = rows;


(I've tested with a dynamically generated 'rows' as well.)


Thank you. Let me try to ask the question again. The problem I am 
experiencing is to do with opIndexAssign().

I added the following public operators:

Matrix opAssign(int[][] arr)
this.rows = arr;
return this;

Matrix opAssign(Matrix mat)
this.rows = mat.rows;
return this;

Matrix opIndexAssign(A...)(int[][] arr, A arguments)
if(A.length <= 2){
Matrix subMatrix = opIndex(arguments);
		assert(((arr.length == subMatrix.nrow()) & (arr[0].length == 

"Array dimension do not match matrix replacement.\n");
/*foreach(i, row; subMatrix.rows){
row[] = arr[i];
subMatrix = arr; // Does not work
return subMatrix;

Matrix opIndexAssign(A...)(Matrix mat, A arguments)
if(A.length <= 2){
Matrix subMatrix = opIndex(arguments);
		assert(((mat.nrow() == subMatrix.nrow()) & (mat.ncol() == 

"Array dimension do not match matrix replacement.\n");
/*foreach(i, row; subMatrix.rows){
row[] = mat.rows[i];
subMatrix = mat; // Does not work
return subMatrix;

void main(){
// Here we test opAssign [][]int
auto a = Matrix();
a = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]; // this works
// opIndexAssign int[][]
a[0..2, 0..2] = [[88, 88], [88, 88]]; // this does not work
auto b = Matrix();
// opAssign Matrix
b = a; // this works
	b = [[88, 88, 88, 88], [88, 88, 88, 88], [88, 88, 88, 88], [88, 
88, 88, 88]];

// opIndexAssign Matrix
b[0..3, 0..3] = a; // this does not work

If you uncomment the foreach lines, the opIndexAssign() work.

Re: Struct array assignment behaviour using example from Programming in D, chapter 78

2016-03-25 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 25 March 2016 at 08:53:20 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 03/25/2016 12:00 AM, data pulverizer wrote:
> On Thursday, 24 March 2016 at 18:46:14 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
>> On 03/24/2016 10:24 AM, data pulverizer wrote:
>> > I have been playing with the matrix example given at the
>> of chapter
>> > 78 of Ali Çehreli's
>> For reference, it's "Multi-dimensional operator overloading
>> here:
>> >having problems with overloading the opAssign operator.

> Thank you. Let me try to ask the question again. The problem
I am
> experiencing is to do with opIndexAssign().
> I added the following public operators:
>  Matrix opAssign(int[][] arr)
>  {
>  writeln(__FUNCTION__);
>  this.rows = arr;
>  return this;
>  }

The problem is due to the aliasing of 'rows' members of Matrix 
objects. subMatrix is supposed to be a reference into some 
elements of an existing Matrix. As soon as we do the above 
assignment, this Matrix (which may be a subMatrix in a specific 
context) breaks lose from its actual Matrix elements.

We need to implement the function above "in place":

Matrix opAssign(int[][] arr)

if (rows.length < arr.length) {
rows.length = arr.length;

foreach (i, row; arr) {
const newLength = row.length;

if (rows[i].length < newLength) {
rows[i].length = newLength;
rows[i][0..newLength] = row[];

return this;

(There must be an existing function that does that.)

>  Matrix opAssign(Matrix mat)
>  {
>  writeln(__FUNCTION__);
>  this.rows = mat.rows;

Same thing applies above: We need to assign to this.rows in 
place (which is easier by taking advantage of the previous 

this = mat.rows;

>  return this;
>  }

No changes needed for the other two functions but I would 
'return this' instead of 'return subMatrix' for them as well.


That's great! Thank you very much for the fix and extra 
suggestions, and for your patience putting up with my poorly 
formulated question! Looks like I need to go and read all the 
structs and operators chapters thoroughly!

Re: Struct array assignment behaviour using example from Programming in D, chapter 78

2016-03-24 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 24 March 2016 at 17:24:38 UTC, data pulverizer wrote:
I have been playing with the matrix example given at the end of 
chapter 78 of Ali Çehreli's fabulous book and am having 
problems with overloading the opAssign operator.

rows is a private int[][] in a Matrix struct.

I have added the following ...

Matrix opAssign(int[][] arr)
this.rows = arr;
// rows = arr // does not work either ...
return this;

However this does not work (no error occurs, it just doesn't do 
anything) but this does work ...

Matrix opAssign(int[][] arr)
foreach(i, row; rows){
row[] = arr[i];
return this;

The second is not efficient since it has to loop to assign the 
array. Is there a more efficient way of overwriting the array?

Sorry. Please disregard. I'll drive home and ask this question 

Struct array assignment behaviour using example from Programming in D, chapter 78

2016-03-24 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have been playing with the matrix example given at the end of 
chapter 78 of Ali Çehreli's fabulous book and am having problems 
with overloading the opAssign operator.

rows is a private int[][] in a Matrix struct.

I have added the following ...

Matrix opAssign(int[][] arr)
this.rows = arr;
// rows = arr // does not work either ...
return this;

However this does not work (no error occurs, it just doesn't do 
anything) but this does work ...

Matrix opAssign(int[][] arr)
foreach(i, row; rows){
row[] = arr[i];
return this;

The second is not efficient since it has to loop to assign the 
array. Is there a more efficient way of overwriting the array?

Template recursion error on table struct

2016-03-25 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
I am attempting to create a table struct with generic column 
types using templates. The subTable() member function subsets the 
table, however I am getting a template recursion error. I know 
where the problem is from, I don't know how to resolve it. I am 
modelling it after the matrix example in Ali Çehreli book:

import std.stdio;

template ColumnTable(T...){
struct ColumnTable{
typeof(T) data;
string[] names;
struct Range{
size_t begin;
size_t end;
// This function is the source of the issue
auto subTable(Range rowRange, Range columnRange)(){
auto new_data = data[columnRange.begin .. columnRange.end];
		auto output = ColumnTable!(new_data)(new_data); // This is the 
		string[] new_names = names[columnRange.begin .. 

return output;
this(T...)(T args){
data = args;
foreach(i, arg; T){
names ~= args[i].stringof;
void setNames(string[] names){
this.names = names;
void test(){
writeln(subTable!(Range(0, 2), Range(0, 2))());

void main(){
string[] names = ["tariq", "sharma", "peter", "rakel"];
double[] salary = [44.5, 32.2, 40.1, 28.1];
int[] age = [24, 20, 22, 25, 19];
writeln(ColumnTable!(names, salary, age)(names, salary, age));

Re: Template recursion error on table struct

2016-03-25 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
p.s. I realise that the ColumnTable call is a little ponderous 
but I tidy it up in a convenience wrapper function:

auto CreateDataTable(Args...)(){
string[] names;
foreach(i, arg; Args){
names ~= Args[i].stringof;
auto df = ColumnTable!(Args)(Args);
return df;

// auto myTable = CreateDataTable!(names, salary, age)();

Re: Random Access I/O

2016-03-25 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 26 March 2016 at 00:10:23 UTC, Chris Williams wrote:
I need to be able to perform random access I/O against a file, 
creating a new file if it doesn't exist, or opening as-is (no 
truncation) if it already exists.

None of the access modes for std.stdio.File seem to allow that. 
Any usage of the "w" mode causes my code to consider the file 
empty if it pre-exists (though, it doesn't always actually 
truncate the disk on file?)

If I was coding in C, I would use open() as it gives more 
options for access:

However, I don't see this exposed in phobos anywhere?

The Programming in D book chapter on Files will help. I think the 
"std.stdio.File struct" section on the same page has what you 
need. Also, take a look at

Re: Initializing global delegate variable - bug or on purpose?

2016-03-25 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 25 March 2016 at 20:54:28 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:

int delegate(int) dg = (i) => i * 2;

Error: non-constant nested delegate literal expression __lambda3

int delegate(int) dg;

static this() {
   dg = i => i * 2; // ok

Am I doing anything wrong?


Hmm, looks like your first delegate is a function type and the 
second is a function instance. So the first version written like 
this ...

import std.stdio;

alias dg = int delegate(int);

dg make_dg(){
return i => i*2;

void main(){
auto my_dg = make_dg();

will work.

Re: Initializing global delegate variable - bug or on purpose?

2016-03-25 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 25 March 2016 at 23:40:37 UTC, data pulverizer wrote:

On Friday, 25 March 2016 at 20:54:28 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:

int delegate(int) dg = (i) => i * 2;

Error: non-constant nested delegate literal expression 

int delegate(int) dg;

static this() {
   dg = i => i * 2; // ok

Am I doing anything wrong?


Hmm, looks like your first delegate is a function type and the 
second is a function instance. So the first version written 
like this ...

import std.stdio;

alias dg = int delegate(int);

dg make_dg(){
return i => i*2;

void main(){
auto my_dg = make_dg();

will work.

In fact for the second case I'd probably need to see a working 
struct/class prototype to make a firm comment on it.

Re: Template recursion error on table struct

2016-03-26 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 26 March 2016 at 06:28:42 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
WARNING: Do not try to compile this code. Your computer may be 
unresponsive for a while. :)

On 03/25/2016 02:54 PM, data pulverizer wrote:
> I am attempting to create a table struct with generic column
types using
> templates.

However, the template arguments are not types; rather, aliases.

> template ColumnTable(T...){
>  struct ColumnTable{
>  private:
>  typeof(T) data;
>  string[] names;
>  struct Range{
>  size_t begin;
>  size_t end;
>  }
>  // This function is the source of the issue
>  auto subTable(Range rowRange, Range columnRange)(){
>  auto new_data = data[columnRange.begin ..
>  auto output = ColumnTable!(new_data)(new_data); //
This is the
> problem

new_data is a local variable. So, this instantiation of 
ColumnTable is with that symbol.

> void main(){
>  string[] names = ["tariq", "sharma", "peter", "rakel"];
>  double[] salary = [44.5, 32.2, 40.1, 28.1];
>  int[] age = [24, 20, 22, 25, 19];
>  writeln(ColumnTable!(names, salary, age)(names, salary,
> }

Likewise, that instantiation of ColumnTable is with the symbols 
'names', 'salary', and 'age'. Is that what you want? Or do you 
want to instantiate with their types? Can you explain some more 
what you are trying to do.


I am trying to build a table similar to R's dataframe but with 
unbounded data types. I am hoping that D's flexible template 
programming methods will allow table-like class or struct to be 
constructed with "naked" types i.e. unwrapped with variant. The 
ColumnTable object consists of vector columns that are bound 
together in a tuple - the data member and accessed in a similar 
way to your matrix example. The table will have column names and 
should be accessible by:

table[0..4, "colname"]
table[0..4, ["colname_1", "colname_2", "colname_3"]]
table[0..$, 0..4]

and should be able to be subsetted and inserted into by another 

table_1[0..4, 3..4] = table_2
table_1[0..4, ["colname_1", "colname_2"]] = table_2

and columns could be added or overwritten

table[0..$, 0] = someVector

column bind two table together ...

auto new_table = ColumnTable(table_1, table_2)
auto new_table = ColumnTable(table_1, someVector)

row bind two table having the same column characteristics

auto new_table = rbind(table_1, table_2)

Then perhaps do something similar for row-based tables.

Re: Template recursion error on table struct

2016-03-26 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 26 March 2016 at 06:28:42 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
Likewise, that instantiation of ColumnTable is with the symbols 
'names', 'salary', and 'age'. Is that what you want? Or do you 
want to instantiate with their types? Can you explain some more 
what you are trying to do.


I guess am trying to instantiate the class using symbols that 
should pass a tuple right to the data member. Does that mean that 
I need to use a mixin template instead of a template?

Re: Template recursion error on table struct

2016-03-26 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 26 March 2016 at 09:47:10 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

Please ignore my earlier response. :)

On 03/25/2016 02:54 PM, data pulverizer wrote:

> template ColumnTable(T...){
>  auto output = ColumnTable!(new_data)(new_data); //
This is the
> problem

You want to slice the template arguments there. The following 
removes the infinite recursion:

auto output = ColumnTable!(T[columnRange.begin .. 


Thanks a lot! The subTable() method includes a loop to subset the 
rows which I forgot to include originally ...

auto subTable(Range rowRange, Range columnRange)(){
auto new_data = data[columnRange.begin .. columnRange.end];
foreach(i, col; new_data){
new_data[i] = col[rowRange.begin .. rowRange.end];
		auto output = ColumnTable!(T[columnRange.begin .. 
		string[] new_names = names[columnRange.begin .. 

return output;

Obtaining argument names in (variadic) functions

2016-03-19 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi D gurus,

is there a way to obtain parameter names within the function 
body? I am particularly interested in variadic functions. 
Something like:

void myfun(T...)(T x){
foreach(i, arg; x)
writeln(i, " : ", arg);

void main(){
myfun(a = 2, b = "two", c = 2.0);

// should print
a : 2
b : two
c : 2.0

Thanks in advance

Loving the mixins and tuples

Re: Obtaining argument names in (variadic) functions

2016-03-19 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 16 March 2016 at 21:05:43 UTC, JR wrote:

On Wednesday, 16 March 2016 at 20:43:09 UTC, jkpl wrote:

I try to anticipate the reason why you want this. [...]

I use something *kinda* sort of similar in my toy project to 
print all fields of a struct, for debugging purposes when stuff 
goes wrong. Getting the names of the member variables is 
crucial then.

That's a nice learning piece. I think "with" is cool, reminds me 
of a nice R feature.

Pointers vs functional or array semantics

2017-02-25 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have noticed that some numerical packages written in D use 
pointer semantics heavily (not referring to packages that link to 
C libraries). I am in the process of writing code for a numerical 
computing library and would like to know whether there times when 
addressing an array using pointers conveys performance benefits 
over using D's array or functional semantics?

Re: Pointers vs functional or array semantics

2017-02-25 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 25 February 2017 at 11:15:53 UTC, ketmar wrote:

data pulverizer wrote:

I have noticed that some numerical packages written in D use 
pointer semantics heavily (not referring to packages that link 
to C libraries). I am in the process of writing code for a 
numerical computing library and would like to know whether 
there times when addressing an array using pointers conveys 
performance benefits over using D's array or functional 

using `arr.ptr[n]` instead of `arr[n]` bypasses bounds 
checking. this may be diserable in tight loops (while disabling 
bounds checking globally is not).

but note that `foreach (int n; arr)` doesn't do bounds checking 
in loop too (afair), so you prolly better use `foreach` instead 
of pointers. this way your code will be fast, but still safe.

Thanks ketmar and thanks in advance to anyone else that comments.

Convert call to a string

2017-02-15 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'd like to convert a call to a string for debug printing 
purposes for example:

import std.stdio : writeln;
void someFunction(int x, string y){}
string myCall = debugPrint(someFunction(1, "hello"));
someFunction(1, "hello")

Does this functionality exists? If not how can I construct it? 
Please note that the call `someFunction(1, "hello")` should also 
be executed.

Thank you

Re: Convert call to a string

2017-02-15 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 15 February 2017 at 22:07:22 UTC, data pulverizer 

That's great, thanks both of you!

Re: Template-style polymorphism in table structure

2016-09-05 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 5 September 2016 at 06:45:07 UTC, data pulverizer 
On Sunday, 4 September 2016 at 14:49:30 UTC, Lodovico Giaretta 
Your getCol(i) could become getCol!T(i) and return an instance 
of GenericVector!T directly, after checking that the required 
column has in fact that type:

GenericVector!T getCol!T(size_t i)
if(typeid(cols[i]) == typeid(GenericVector!T))
return cast(GenericVector!T)cols[i];
// assert(0) or throw exception
I just realized that typeid only gives the class and not the 
actual type, so the object will still need to be cast as you 
mentioned above, however your above function will not infer T, 
so the user will have to provide it. I wonder if there is a way 
to dispatch the right type by a dynamic cast or I fear that 
ZombineDev may be correct and the types will have to be 
limited, which I definitely want to avoid!

Just found this on dynamic dispatching 
( but even if you took this approach, you'd still have to register all the types you would be using at the start of the script for all your methods. It's either that or explicitly limited type list as ZombineDev suggests.

Re: Templates problem

2016-09-08 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 8 September 2016 at 10:18:36 UTC, Russel Winder 
I am certainly hoping that Chapel will be the language to 
displace NumPy for serious computation in the Python-sphere. 
Given it's foundation in the PGAS model, it has all the 
parallelism needs, both cluster and local, built in. Given 
Chapel there is no need to look at C++, D, Rust, Cython, etc.

I can see where you are coming from, I have taken a look at 
Chapel and high performance computing is their top priority. I 
think they hope that it will be the next Fortran, but I think it 
is very much a domain specific language. They have clearly given 
plenty of thought to distributed computing, parallelization and 
concurrency that could yield some very nice performance 
advantages. However Python's advantage is that it is a dynamic 
language and can act as a front end to algorithms written in 
C/C++ for instance as Google has done with TensorFlow. In the 
future it could even act as a front end to Chapel since they now 
have a C API.

However, I feel as if computer programming languages are still in 
this static-dynamic partnership, e.g. Python with C/C++, R and 
Fortran/C/C++. It means language overhead always maintaining code 
in more than one language and always having to amend your 
interface every time you change something in one or the other. In 
essence, nothing fundamentally different is happening with 
current new languages. I hate to sound like a broken record, but 
what Sparrow proposes is a unification in such a way that all 
kinds of overheads go away. Making something like that work with 
the principles of Sparrow would be a revolution in computing.

Re: Template-style polymorphism in table structure

2016-09-04 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 4 September 2016 at 14:02:03 UTC, Lodovico Giaretta 

Your code is not very D style

... Well I guess I could have contracted the multiple 
constructors in GenericVector(T) and and DataFrame?

Re: Template-style polymorphism in table structure

2016-09-04 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 4 September 2016 at 14:49:30 UTC, Lodovico Giaretta 
On Sunday, 4 September 2016 at 14:24:12 UTC, data pulverizer 
On Sunday, 4 September 2016 at 14:20:24 UTC, data pulverizer 
@Lodovico Giaretta BTW what do you mean that my code is not 
very D style? Please expand on this ...

The constructors can be less. In fact, a typesafe variadic ctor 
also works for the single element case and for the array case. 
But you already recognized that.

Instead of reinventing the wheel for your GenericVector!T, you 
could use an `alias this` to directly inherit all operation on 
the underlying array, without having to reimplement them (like 
your append method).

Your getCol(i) could become getCol!T(i) and return an instance 
of GenericVector!T directly, after checking that the required 
column has in fact that type:

GenericVector!T getCol!T(size_t i)
if(typeid(cols[i]) == typeid(GenericVector!T))
return cast(GenericVector!T)cols[i];
// assert(0) or throw exception

Another solution: if you don't need to dynamically change the 
type of the columns you can have the addColumn function create 
a new type. I show you with Tuples because it's easier:

Tuple!(T,U) append(U, T...)(Tuple!T tup, U col)
return Tuple!(T,U)(tup.expand, col);

Tuple!int t1;
Tuple!(int, float) t2 = t1.append(2.0);
Tuple!(int, float, char) t3 = t2.append('c');

Thank you for the very useful suggestions, I shall take these 
forward. On the suggestion of creating Tuple-like tables, I 
already tried that but found as you said that once the table is 
created, adding/removing columns is essentially creating a 
different data type, which needs a new variable name each time.

I am building a table type I hope will be used for data 
manipulation for data science and statistics applications, so I 
require a data structure that can allow adding and removing 
columns of various types as well as a data structure that can 
cope with any type that hasn't been planned for, which is why I 
selected this polymorphic template approach. It is more flexible 
than other data structures I have seen in dynamic programming 
languages R's data frame and Python pandas. Even Scala's Spark 
dataframes rely on wrapping everything in Any and the user still 
has to write a special data structure for each new type. The only 
thing that is similar to this approach is Julia's DataFrame but 
Julia - though a very good programming language has limitations.

I feel as if I am constantly scratching the surface of what D can 
do, but I have recently managed to get more time on my hands and 
it looks as if that will continue into the future which will mean 
more focusing on D, improving my generic programming skills and 
hopefully creating some useful artifacts. Perhaps I need to read 
Andrei's Modern C++ Design book for a better way to think about 

Re: Template-style polymorphism in table structure

2016-09-04 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 4 September 2016 at 09:55:53 UTC, data pulverizer 
My main question is how to return GenericVector!(T) from the 
getCol() method in the Table class instead of BaseVector.

I think I just solved my own query, change the BaseVector 
interface to a class and override it in the GenericVector(T) 

class BaseVector{
BaseVector get(size_t){
return new BaseVector;

class GenericVector(T) : BaseVector{
T[] data;
alias data this;
override GenericVector get(size_t i){
return new GenericVector!(T)(data[i]);
this(T[] arr){ = arr;
this(T elem){ ~= elem;
void append(T[] arr){ ~= arr;

override string toString() const {
return format("%s", data);

class Table{
// ... as before

void main(){
auto index = new GenericVector!(int)([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
auto numbers = new GenericVector!(double)([1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 
4.4, 5.5]);
auto names = new GenericVector!(string)(["one", "two", 
"three", "four", "five"]);

Table df = new Table(index, numbers, names);
// now prints table.GenericVector!int.GenericVector

Re: Template-style polymorphism in table structure

2016-09-04 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 4 September 2016 at 14:20:24 UTC, data pulverizer 
On Sunday, 4 September 2016 at 14:07:54 UTC, data pulverizer 

@Lodovico Giaretta Thanks I just saw your update!

@Lodovico Giaretta BTW what do you mean that my code is not very 
D style? Please expand on this ...

Re: Template-style polymorphism in table structure

2016-09-04 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 4 September 2016 at 14:07:54 UTC, data pulverizer 

@Lodovico Giaretta Thanks I just saw your update!

Template-style polymorphism in table structure

2016-09-04 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
I am trying to build a data table object with unrestricted column 
types. The approach I am taking is to build a generic interface 
BaseVector class and then a subtype GenericVector(T) which 
inherits from the BaseVector. I then to build a Table class which 
contains columns that is a BaseVector array to represent the 
columns in the table.

My main question is how to return GenericVector!(T) from the 
getCol() method in the Table class instead of BaseVector.

Perhaps my Table implementation somehow needs to be linked to 
GenericVector(T) or maybe I have written BaseTable instead and I 
need to do something like a GenericTable(T...). However, my 
previous approach created a tuple type data object but once 
created, the type structure (column type configuration) could not 
be changed so no addition/removal of columns.

import std.stdio : writeln, write, writefln;
import std.format : format;

interface BaseVector{
BaseVector get(size_t);

class GenericVector(T) : BaseVector{
T[] data;
alias data this;
GenericVector get(size_t i){
return new GenericVector!(T)(data[i]);
this(T[] arr){ = arr;
this(T elem){ ~= elem;
void append(T[] arr){ ~= arr;

override string toString() const {
return format("%s", data);

class Table{
BaseVector[] data;
// How to return GenericVector!(T) here instead of BaseVector
BaseVector getCol(size_t i){
return data[i];
this(BaseVector[] x ...){
foreach(col; x) ~= col;
this(BaseVector[] x){ ~= x;
this(Table x, BaseVector[] y ...){ =;
foreach(col; y){ ~= col;
void append(BaseVector[] x ...){
foreach(col; x) ~= x;

void main(){
auto index = new GenericVector!(int)([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
auto numbers = new GenericVector!(double)([1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 
4.4, 5.5]);
auto names = new GenericVector!(string)(["one", "two", 
"three", "four", "five"]);

Table df = new Table(index, numbers, names);
// I'd like this to be GenericVector!(T)

Re: Template-style polymorphism in table structure

2016-09-05 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 4 September 2016 at 14:49:30 UTC, Lodovico Giaretta 
Your getCol(i) could become getCol!T(i) and return an instance 
of GenericVector!T directly, after checking that the required 
column has in fact that type:

GenericVector!T getCol!T(size_t i)
if(typeid(cols[i]) == typeid(GenericVector!T))
return cast(GenericVector!T)cols[i];
// assert(0) or throw exception
I just realized that typeid only gives the class and not the 
actual type, so the object will still need to be cast as you 
mentioned above, however your above function will not infer T, so 
the user will have to provide it. I wonder if there is a way to 
dispatch the right type by a dynamic cast or I fear that 
ZombineDev may be correct and the types will have to be limited, 
which I definitely want to avoid!

Re: Templates problem

2016-09-07 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 7 September 2016 at 20:57:15 UTC, bachmeier wrote:

What are you doing with Rcpp that you can't do with D?

That's a very good point, there's nothing that R + C++ can do 
that is out of D's reach. But, I wander if we can go further 

Re: Templates problem

2016-09-07 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 7 September 2016 at 20:37:50 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
On Wednesday, 7 September 2016 at 19:19:23 UTC, data pulverizer 
I don't see any reason why D can't implement pandas DataFrames 
without needing to change the language at all
It's just a lot of work.

The simplest I can think of is a struct containing a tuple that 
contains slices of equal length and an array of strings 
containing column names. You could have a specialization with a 
two-dimensional array (or ndslice).

p.s. it goes beyond just tables, ... having dynamic capability in 
a static compiled language really does take computing to a 
different place indeed.

Re: Templates problem

2016-09-07 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 7 September 2016 at 21:25:30 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
Consider a potential use case. You have an existing data frame 
and you want to add a column of data to it that has a different 
type than the existing frame. I imagine the function call would 
look something like:

auto newFrame = oldFrame.addCol(newData);

Yes, but from a usability point of view this would be very poor - 
forcing the user to create a new variable each time they modified 
a table. I am aware that databases do this but it is hidden away.

... I only wonder if you would lose performance if wanted 
something fully dynamic. A static approach is a good starting 

Yes you would, which is why I see the hyper-meta route as being 
the potential solution to this issue.

Re: Templates problem

2016-09-07 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 7 September 2016 at 20:29:51 UTC, deXtoRious wrote:
On Wednesday, 7 September 2016 at 19:19:23 UTC, data pulverizer 
The "One language to rule them all" motif of Julia has hit the 
rocks; one reason is because they now realize that their 
language is being held back because the compiler cannot infer 
certain types for example:

As an avid user of Julia, I'm going to have to disagree very 
strongly with this statement. The language is progressing very 
nicely and while it doesn't aim to be the best choice for every 
programming task imaginable...

Ahem (, I'm not saying that 
the Julia founders approved that title, we all know how the press 
can inflate things, but there was a certain rhetoric that Julia 
was creating something super-special that would change everything.

Re: Templates problem

2016-09-07 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 7 September 2016 at 21:07:20 UTC, data pulverizer 
Don't get me wrong, I still think Julia is a very cool 
language. My opinion is that we should have more languages.

Let me correct myself ... I think that hyper-meta-programming as 
in Sparrow could certainly revolutionize computing. I think that 
a big deal.

Re: Templates problem

2016-09-07 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 7 September 2016 at 20:37:50 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
On Wednesday, 7 September 2016 at 19:19:23 UTC, data pulverizer 

For some time I have been considering a problem to do with 
creating tables with unbounded types, one of the failed 
attempts is here:
I then exchanged emails with Lucian, Sparrows creator and he 
very quickly and simply outlined the solution to the problem. 
Thereafter I read his PhD thesis - one of the most informative 
texts in computer science I have read and very well written.

At the moment, there are lots of languages attempting to solve 
the dynamic-static loop, being able to have features inherent 
in dynamic programming languages, while keeping the safety and 
performance that comes with a static compiled programming 
language, and then doing so in a language that doesn't cause 
your brain to bleed. The "One language to rule them all" motif 
of Julia has hit the rocks; one reason is because they now 
realize that their language is being held back because the 
compiler cannot infer certain types for example:

I don't see any reason why D can't implement pandas DataFrames 
without needing to change the language at all
It's just a lot of work.

The simplest I can think of is a struct containing a tuple that 
contains slices of equal length and an array of strings 
containing column names. You could have a specialization with a 
two-dimensional array (or ndslice).

You're quite right that D doesn't need to change at all to 
implement something like pandas or dataframes in R, but I am 
thinking of how to got further. Very often in data science 
applications types will turn up that are required but are not 
currently configured for your table. The choice you have is to 
have to modify the code or as scala does give programmers the 
ability to write their own interface to the type so that the it 
can be stored in their DataFrame. The best solution is that the 
data table is able to cope with arbitrary number of types which 
can be done in Sparrow.

Re: Templates problem

2016-09-07 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 7 September 2016 at 21:01:59 UTC, deXtoRious wrote:
That's just typical press nonsense, and even they quote 
Bezanson saying how Julia isn't at all suited to a whole host 
of applications. Julia certainly has (justifiable, imho, though 
only time will tell) ...

Don't get me wrong, I still think Julia is a very cool language. 
My opinion is that we should have more languages.

Re: Templates problem

2016-09-07 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 7 September 2016 at 20:57:15 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
I too come from the R world and I have been playing the game 
of flitting between R and C++; using C++ (through RCpp) to 
speed up slow things in R for some time and I have been 
looking for a better solution.

What are you doing with Rcpp that you can't do with D?

Sorry I'll correct myself again! Because R is a dynamic 
programming language, you could do things that you could not do 
in D, however they would be very inefficient. 
hyper-meta-programming takes this barrier away.

Re: Templates problem

2016-09-09 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 9 September 2016 at 13:32:16 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:

Should we be giving up on D and switching to Sparrow?

Most certainly not! I don't think it has to be either D or 
Sparrow. There is a quote liked from one of Walter's 
presentation. Someone asked the question:

"What happens when the next great modelling idea comes along?"


"D will absorb it"

Link to the youtube vid (

Polyglots programmers tend to be better programmers. This is 
not opinion, there is experimental evidence for this in the 
psychology of programming literature.

I certainly think that training programmers on lots of different 
programming languages and paradigms will produce better 
programmers on average. I guess the analogy is in multi-lingual 
language training for children. However this does not affect my 
original point on the overhead caused by constantly switching 
languages in development and the host of benefits that would come 
from making Sparrow's programming model work.

Re: Templates problem

2016-09-07 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 7 September 2016 at 15:04:38 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
On Wednesday, 7 September 2016 at 11:37:44 UTC, Russel Winder 

I really don't see what's not working in this.

Trying to get new D users from Python users is the main 

I came to D from Python/R/Matlab. The biggest issue for me 
wasn't error messages so much as the lack of good libraries for 
a lot of things.

Nevertheless, the longer I've been using D, the more I agree 
that there could be some improvements in D's error messages. 
Andre had posted about the Sparrow language a while back$uef$
He liked their use of concepts. I think at a minimum it would 
enable better error messages.

I too come from the R world and I have been playing the game of 
flitting between R and C++; using C++ (through RCpp) to speed up 
slow things in R for some time and I have been looking for a 
better solution.

For some time I have been considering a problem to do with 
creating tables with unbounded types, one of the failed attempts 
is here:
I then exchanged emails with Lucian, Sparrows creator and he very 
quickly and simply outlined the solution to the problem. 
Thereafter I read his PhD thesis - one of the most informative 
texts in computer science I have read and very well written.

At the moment, there are lots of languages attempting to solve 
the dynamic-static loop, being able to have features inherent in 
dynamic programming languages, while keeping the safety and 
performance that comes with a static compiled programming 
language, and then doing so in a language that doesn't cause your 
brain to bleed. The "One language to rule them all" motif of 
Julia has hit the rocks; one reason is because they now realize 
that their language is being held back because the compiler 
cannot infer certain types for example:

A language that can create arbitrary complex programs is the kind 
of thing that changes the world. I don't think D should be left 
out and should take Sparrow very seriously indeed.

Cryptic C function pointer for conversion

2016-12-17 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have come across a function pointer in C that I am attempting 
to convert, and am not sure what the current interpretation is:

\\ The C Code:
void (*(*xDlSym)(sqlite3_vfs*,void*, const char *zSymbol))(void);

The best I can tell is that this is a function pointer that 
returns a function that returns void and the correct translation 
to D is:

alias void function(sqlite3_vfs*,void*, const char *zSymbol) ptr;
ptr* function() xDlSym;

I've never seen a construction like this before so my 
interpretation might be wrong!

Re: Cryptic C function pointer for conversion

2016-12-17 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 17 December 2016 at 14:06:07 UTC, ketmar wrote:
On Saturday, 17 December 2016 at 13:39:27 UTC, data pulverizer 

that is what it means, in D:

//void (*(*xDlSym)(sqlite3_vfs*,void*, const char 

struct sqlite3_vfs {}

extern(C) {
alias RetRes = void function ();
alias DeclType = RetRes function (sqlite3_vfs *a,void *b, const 
char *zSymbol);

DeclType xDlSym;

void zoo (void) {}
auto goo (sqlite3_vfs *a,void *b, const char *zSymbol) { return 


void main () {
  xDlSym = 

at least that is what i managed to decode, fed to C(++) 
compiler and translate to D.

p.s. I confirmed your interpretation on stackoverflow:

Re: Cryptic C function pointer for conversion

2016-12-17 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 17 December 2016 at 14:06:07 UTC, ketmar wrote:

that is what it means, in D:

//void (*(*xDlSym)(sqlite3_vfs*,void*, const char 

struct sqlite3_vfs {}

extern(C) {
alias RetRes = void function ();
alias DeclType = RetRes function (sqlite3_vfs *a,void *b, const 
char *zSymbol);


Thanks ketmar,

I guess that this means I got it the other way round the function 
pointer that is returned is the function that takes in and 
returns void.

at least that is what i managed to decode, fed to C(++) 
compiler and translate to D.

Does this mean that you can translate C code to D natively? I am 
currently only aware of the dstep package.

Re: Exporting template function instances to C

2017-03-23 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 23 March 2017 at 17:58:21 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 05:29:22PM +, data pulverizer via

Thanks. Is there a less ham-handed way of exporting them other 
than wrapping them in functions as I have?

Wrapping them in functions is probably the simplest way to call 
them from C.  You *could*, I suppose, use their mangled names 
directly, then you wouldn't need a wrapper, but that would be 
rather difficult to use on the C end.  On the D side, there's 
.mangleof that will tell you what mangled names to use, but if 
you're calling from C you don't have that luxury.


Thanks. Mangling sounds painful and scary, I think I'll stick to 
wrapping which sounds much less dangerous.

Undefined Reference calling D from C using static linking

2017-03-23 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

I am trying to call a D function from C. Here is the D code:

/* dcode.d */
extern (C) nothrow @nogc @system {
double multNum(double x, double y)
return x*y;

Then the C code:

/* ccode.c */

extern double multNum(double x, double y);

int main()
printf("output: %f", multNum(3.0, 4.0));
return 0;


Then I compile with:

ldc2 -c dcode.d
gcc -c ccode.c
gcc -o output ccode.o dcode.o

I get the error:

dcode.o: In function `ldc.register_dso':
dcode.d:(.text.ldc.register_dso+0x6e): undefined reference to 

collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Compiler versions:

$ ldc2 --version
LDC - the LLVM D compiler (1.1.0):
  based on DMD v2.071.2 and LLVM 3.9.1
  built with LDC - the LLVM D compiler (1.1.0)
  Default target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
  Host CPU: ivybridge -

  Registered Targets:
x86- 32-bit X86: Pentium-Pro and above
x86-64 - 64-bit X86: EM64T and AMD64


$ gcc --version
gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) 5.4.0 20160609
Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  
There is NO
warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A 


I would appreciate it if someone could point out my mistake. 
Thank you in advance

Re: Undefined Reference calling D from C using static linking

2017-03-23 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 23 March 2017 at 10:16:22 UTC, Nicholas Wilson wrote:

It has to do with module references to druntime stuff. You can 
either try adding a

pragma(LDC_no_module_info); //I think it is spelled correctly.

or you can use ldc to link and it will link druntime

gcc ccode.c -c
ldc2 dcode.d code.o

I don't know how well that will work.

Many thanks, I tried:

pragma(LDC_no_moduleinfo) //


which worked, your method of doing the final compilation using 
ldc2 (or dmd) also works :-)

Is there a dmd equivalent for `pragma(LDC_no_module_info);`? 
Attempting the final compilation `gcc -o output ccode.o dcode.o` 
after the second stage compilation `dmd -c dcode.d` gives an 

dcode.o: In function `_D5dcode7__arrayZ':
dcode.d:(.text._D5dcode7__arrayZ+0x23): undefined reference to 

dcode.o: In function `_D5dcode8__assertFiZv':
dcode.d:(.text._D5dcode8__assertFiZv+0x23): undefined reference 
to `_d_assert'

dcode.o: In function `_D5dcode15__unittest_failFiZv':
dcode.d:(.text._D5dcode15__unittest_failFiZv+0x23): undefined 
reference to `_d_unittest'
dcode.o:(.text.d_dso_init[.data.d_dso_rec]+0x22): undefined 
reference to `_d_dso_registry'

collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

dmd --version
DMD64 D Compiler v2.073.2
Copyright (c) 1999-2016 by Digital Mars written by Walter Bright

Re: Exporting template function instances to C

2017-03-24 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 24 March 2017 at 01:00:31 UTC, Nicholas Wilson wrote:
On Thursday, 23 March 2017 at 19:46:43 UTC, data pulverizer 

On Thursday, 23 March 2017 at 17:58:21 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 05:29:22PM +, data pulverizer via

Thanks. Is there a less ham-handed way of exporting them 
other than wrapping them in functions as I have?

Wrapping them in functions is probably the simplest way to 
call them from C.  You *could*, I suppose, use their mangled 
names directly, then you wouldn't need a wrapper, but that 
would be rather difficult to use on the C end.  On the D 
side, there's .mangleof that will tell you what mangled names 
to use, but if you're calling from C you don't have that 


Thanks. Mangling sounds painful and scary, I think I'll stick 
to wrapping which sounds much less dangerous.

There's nothing scary or dangerous about it. It happens 
automatically to allow overloads and templates so that you get 
a unique symbol foreach version (unless you use extern(C), 
extern(C++) or pragma mangle). C++,Java and any other compiled 
language that has overloads does mangling. Heck, you can even 
do it in C with __attribute__((overloadable)) (at least with 
clang), it just transparently mangles (just as in D)the name as 
whatever C++ would mangle it as.

So instead of doing

T mult(T)(T x, T y)
return x*y;

doing something like

template mult(T)
extern(C++) T mult(T x, T y)
return x*y;

in D, and then in C (noting that you have to declare the name 
and signature anyway)

__attribute__((overloadable)) float mult(float,float);
__attribute__((overloadable)) double mult(double, double);

which I think is the least painful way of doing it. I seem to 
remember somewhere in phobos

template Instantiate(alias a)
   alias Instantiate = a;

to instantiate template, because you reference them from 
another symbol it somehow magically works. Used like

Instantiate!(mult!float); // at module scope

Thanks a lot ... I was half joking playing with the name 
"mangling" but I appreciate your explanations and suggestions.

Re: Exporting template function instances to C

2017-03-25 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 25 March 2017 at 06:17:15 UTC, Nicholas Wilson wrote:
On Saturday, 25 March 2017 at 02:21:33 UTC, data pulverizer 
Thanks a lot ... I was half joking playing with the name 
"mangling" but I appreciate your explanations and suggestions.

This is the internet, I can't tell if you're a newb or 
sarcastic, and given this is a learn forum I'm going to make a 
conservative estimate of the former ;) (possibly 'cause I was 
half asleep when answering)

I would however be interested to know if the 
extern(C++)/__attribute__((overloadable))/Instansiate combo 
actually worked.

I usually try to be as clear as possible, I just couldn't help 
slipping in a joke with a name like "mangling" I could not 
resits. I am definitely a noob to compilers, my day job is a data 
scientist/statistician, however I really like the D programming 
language and I am increasing my knowledge by blogging, writing D 
interfaces for C libraries and I am building a low performance 
BLAS alternative to GLAS 
( - its funny because its 
true! The article I am working on is connecting D to other 
languages. The draft for my article interfacing D to C and 
Fortran is here 
( I 
can't decide if name mangling deserves its own topic. Feel free 
to put in a suggestion/pull request to either.

Re: Exporting template function instances to C

2017-03-23 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 23 March 2017 at 16:38:02 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Thursday, 23 March 2017 at 16:28:18 UTC, data pulverizer 

alias mult!double dmult;
alias mult!float fmult;

Those are just aliases in the D compiler, they don't actually 
exist in the object file for C to use like regular functions.

Templates need to actually be *used* to be instantiated for 
export, and aliases make them easier to use, but don't actually 
use them yet.

Why is that?

Thanks. Is there a less ham-handed way of exporting them other 
than wrapping them in functions as I have?

Re: Undefined Reference calling D from C using static linking

2017-03-23 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 23 March 2017 at 11:32:25 UTC, Nicholas Wilson wrote:
On Thursday, 23 March 2017 at 10:49:37 UTC, data pulverizer 
On Thursday, 23 March 2017 at 10:16:22 UTC, Nicholas Wilson 

It has to do with module references to druntime stuff. You 
can either try adding a

pragma(LDC_no_module_info); //I think it is spelled correctly.

or you can use ldc to link and it will link druntime

gcc ccode.c -c
ldc2 dcode.d code.o

I don't know how well that will work.

Many thanks, I tried:

pragma(LDC_no_moduleinfo) //


which worked, your method of doing the final compilation using 
ldc2 (or dmd) also works :-)

Is there a dmd equivalent for `pragma(LDC_no_module_info);`? 
Attempting the final compilation `gcc -o output ccode.o 
dcode.o` after the second stage compilation `dmd -c dcode.d` 
gives an error:

dcode.o: In function `_D5dcode7__arrayZ':
dcode.d:(.text._D5dcode7__arrayZ+0x23): undefined reference to 

dcode.o: In function `_D5dcode8__assertFiZv':
dcode.d:(.text._D5dcode8__assertFiZv+0x23): undefined 
reference to `_d_assert'

dcode.o: In function `_D5dcode15__unittest_failFiZv':
dcode.d:(.text._D5dcode15__unittest_failFiZv+0x23): undefined 
reference to `_d_unittest'
dcode.o:(.text.d_dso_init[.data.d_dso_rec]+0x22): undefined 
reference to `_d_dso_registry'

collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

dmd --version
DMD64 D Compiler v2.073.2
Copyright (c) 1999-2016 by Digital Mars written by Walter 


Those functions are the bounds checking function, the non 
unittest assert function, the unittest function an module 
initialisation function respectively. dmd -boundscheck=off 
-release should get rid of the first two, you didn't compile 
with -unittest so I'm not sure why the thord one is there at 
all. For _d_dso_registry all i can suggest is see what -betterC 
gets you.

I just compiled `dmd -c dcode.d -betterC -boundscheck=off` 
(-betterC probably makes -boundscheck=off irrelevant but I threw 
it in as a prayer) I am still getting:

dcode.o:(.text.d_dso_init[.data.d_dso_rec]+0x22): undefined 
reference to `_d_dso_registry'

collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Exporting template function instances to C

2017-03-23 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have noticed that the following will not successfully export 
`dmult` and `fmult` to C:

extern (C) nothrow @nogc @system:
T mult(T)(T x, T y)
return x*y;
alias mult!double dmult;
alias mult!float fmult;

but this will

extern (C) nothrow @nogc @system:
T mult(T)(T x, T y)
return x*y;

double dmult(double x, double y)
return mult(x, y);

float fmult(float x, float y)
return mult(x, y);

Why is that?

Re: Template specialisation for range of types

2017-03-12 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 12 March 2017 at 20:15:43 UTC, Meta wrote:

import std.stdio : writeln;
import std.traits : ConstOf;

auto max(T)(T x, T y)
writeln("General template");
return x > y ? x : y;

auto max(T: const U, U)(T* x, T* y) <- Changed `ConstOf!U` 
to `const U`

writeln("Const template");
return *x > *y ? x : y;

void main(){
const double p = 2.4, q = 3;
writeln(max(, )); //Prints "Const template"

This is great Meta, thanks very much! I was trying to avoid using 
template constraints because the more cases you add, the more 
complicated the constraints get.

Re: Template specialisation for range of types

2017-03-12 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 12 March 2017 at 20:15:43 UTC, Meta wrote:
auto max(T: const U, U)(T* x, T* y) <- Changed `ConstOf!U` 
to `const U`

writeln("Const template");
return *x > *y ? x : y;
How detailed can I be about the template specialisation? From 
example in the book "C++ the complete guide" we can have:

/* pointer const reference */
inline T* const& max(T* const& a, T* const)
return a* < b* ? b : a;

/* const reference const pointer */
inline T const* const& max(T* const* const& a, T* const* const& b)

What would be the equivalent in D?

Re: Template specialisation for range of types

2017-03-12 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 12 March 2017 at 19:32:37 UTC, ketmar wrote:

data pulverizer wrote:

In this case would like to use the ConstOf specialisation 
instead of the default implementation for the inputs which are 

actually, second template is uninstantiable at all. you want to 
do type deconstruction at instantiation, and that doesn't work.

i.e. what your code wants to do (as it is written) is to have 
`T` in second template to be equal to `double`. you cannot 
deconstruct the type like that in template. what you *can* do, 
though, is this:

 auto max(T)(const(T)* x, const(T)* y)

this way it will select your second template.

If I change the implementation of the second template to your 
above declaration, I get the error:

max.max called with argument types (const(double)*, 
const(double)*) matches both:
max.d(34): max.max!(const(double)*).max(const(double)* x, 
const(double)* y)

max.d(42): max.max!double.max(const(double)* x, 
const(double)* y)

I need at least those two implementation for the different cases, 
a general "default", and for specified types and type 

Template specialisation for range of types

2017-03-12 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hello all,

I am attempting to write templates for differently qualified 
types using specialisations. Below is an example for const and 
non-const outlining my approach:

import std.stdio : writeln;
import std.traits : ConstOf;

auto max(T)(T x, T y)
writeln("General template");
return x > y ? x : y;

auto max(T: ConstOf!U, U)(T* x, T* y)
writeln("Const template");
return *x > *y ? x : y;

void main(){
const double p = 2.4, q = 3;
writeln(max(, ));

I get this output:

General template

In this case would like to use the ConstOf specialisation instead 
of the default implementation for the inputs which are const.

Thanks for you answers in advance

Re: Issue with template constraints in numeric types

2017-08-03 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 3 August 2017 at 12:31:00 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Thursday, 3 August 2017 at 12:24:02 UTC, data pulverizer 

import std.traits: isIntegral, isNumeric;

Are you familiar with isFloatingPoint?

if(is(T: double) && isNumeric!T)

Keep in mind that T:double here means "if T can implicitly 
convert to double". Since int can implicitly convert to double 
too, this case covers both families!

You might want to try == instead of : for a more exact match.

Thank you very much!

What about this case:

T test(T: double)(T x, T y)
return x*y;

auto test(T)(T x, T y)
return 5*test!double(x, y);

which also gives:

int test: 4
double test: 4

Launch and obtain thread output during compile time

2017-08-13 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi all,

Is it possible to launch/spawn a thread/fibre or some other 
appropriate item and obtain an immutable/enum or some appropriate 
output at compile-time? For instance return an immutable(string) 
from the external thread to be used as the input to a template 
parameter or a CTFE function. To be clear the thread carries out 
run-time processing e.g. reading a file.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Launch and obtain thread output during compile time

2017-08-13 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 13 August 2017 at 08:09:28 UTC, Petar Kirov 
[ZombineDev] wrote:
On Sunday, 13 August 2017 at 07:37:15 UTC, data pulverizer 

Hi all,

Is it possible to launch/spawn a thread/fibre or some other 
appropriate item and obtain an immutable/enum or some 
appropriate output at compile-time? For instance return an 
immutable(string) from the external thread to be used as the 
input to a template parameter or a CTFE function. To be clear 
the thread carries out run-time processing e.g. reading a file.

Thanks in advance.

No, CTFE is single-threaded and additionally it is required 
that functions executed at compile-time are "pure", i.e. they 
don't affect the global state of the system and don't use any 
non-portable facilities. Essentially, only pure computation is 

Though, specifically reading files is allowed at compile-time 
via the `string s = import("file.txt");` syntax, provided that 
the file `file.txt` is located in a directory, specified to the 
compiler by the `-J` flag. For more information see:

Thank you. Great explanation!

Specify dmd or ldc compiler and version in a json dub file?

2017-08-08 Thread data pulverizer via Digitalmars-d-learn


I would like to know how to specify dmd or ldc compiler and 
version in a json dub file.

Thanks in advance.

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