[DX-CHAT] Re: [DX-NEWS] The good old days!

2013-04-18 Thread Zack Widup

I'm replying to this on DX-CHAT.

A lot of those excellent ops are no longer with us. For whatever else he
got involved in, Don Miller was one of the best CW ops ever and could sit
there and churn out QSO's as you describe. So could Danny Weil, the
Colvins, Ron ZL1AMO, Rudi DJ5CQ, G3SWH, Baldur DJ6SI, and many others. Many
of these are now Silent Keys and I haven't heard too much lately from some
of the others.

I have noticed some of the same things in pileups lately. There was a
discussion on another list about DXpeditions now using Skimmer to identify
stations in the pileups. I have nothing against using technology to augment
skill, but if technology replaces skill altogether, it will not be good.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 10:30 AM, ragnar otterstad  wrote:

> Food for thought !
> Is my memory failing me, or do I remember a time when DXpeditions used to
> have CW ops that could churn out QSOs at a rate of 150-180 an hour, hour
> after hour with virtually no drama and with a reasonable knowledge of
> propagation?
> With the odd exception, all l hear now is an operator that is like a
> rabbit caught in a car's headlights, hopelessly trawling across 15-20KHz of
> a boiling pileup for 30-40 seconds before managing to extract a two letter
> fragment of a call sign, throw it back at the pileup with 599 tacked on the
> end, fully expecting this to result in a QSO.
> Then throw in a few time saving "tricks" such as sending at 40wpm, with a
> speeded up RST, only sending his call every 15 minutes, sending "dit dit"
> where clearly a "TU DX1DX UP" is needed, abandoning QSOs halfway through,
> not confirming a queried call correction, insisting on working an area to
> which there is no propagation on the strength of working one superstation
> there, working by numbers etc etc. What a mess!
> The result?... a situation where only the Loud, Lucky and the
> continuous calling Lid prosper.
> It seems the quality of an operation is now judged by the speed the QSOs
> can be uploaded to LOTW, Clublog or the like, rather than the skill of the
> operator.
> Perhaps a small scale operation from a less needed entity, or a few hours
> using "Pileup runner" would give these guys an idea what to expect before
> launching themselves off to a rare one.
> I just can't imagine what pleasure they can derive from operating like
> this..a bit like me trying to conduct a symphony orchestra and
> expecting it to be alright on the night!
> 73 Steve G4EDG
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Re: [DX-CHAT] Postage

2013-01-29 Thread Zack Widup

Yes, as of Jan. 27.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 2:34 PM, Crownhaven wrote:

> Did the price of an envelope to a foreign country just go up to $1.10 by
> chance?
> Steve, N4JQQ
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2013-01-27 Thread Zack Widup

I worked them several times. I believe it was a club station.

73, Zack W9SZ

On 1/27/13, Crownhaven  wrote:
> I have a QSO in my log for this station on 27 Feb 1993, 10 meters. I
> just noticed I don't have S0 confirmed on this band.  I search for the
> callsign and can't find a trace of it.  Does anyone recall working this
> station?  I could have busted the call but it was on SSB
> 73,
> Steve, N4JQQ
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Re: [DX-CHAT] Since this really has nothing to do with DXing

2012-06-19 Thread Zack Widup

Yes, just like we microwavers also have our own way of doing things (which
is different again than both being described here). When you have a dish
with 0.5 degree beamwidth pointed at someone, you know who the other
station you hear is going to be, so callsigns are just a formality and

73, Zack W9SZ

On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 8:59 AM, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:

> Since many of our DX brethern are interested in county hunting as well, I
> disagree that this doesn't belong, even if it's not 100% on topic.
> And I don't see any bashing... simply an acknowledgement that the
> day-to-day County Hunters have their own way of doing things.
> 73, ron w3wn
> On 06/19/12, Duane, WV2B wrote:
> Since this really has nothing to do with DXing, and is turning into just a
> bunch of bashing, maybe we should agree it doesn't belong here and go on
> with our lives?
> "You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it
> will be too late."
> Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Re: [DX-CHAT] County Hunter's Net Procedures

2012-06-19 Thread Zack Widup

That's fine if that's the expected routine for county hunters. I've
never participated in county hunting. That procedure may or may not
have gotten you a QSO with ST0R or 7O6T.

73, Zack W9SZ

On 6/19/12, Duane, WV2B  wrote:
> Well, I remember when my good friend K2NJ {now an sk} was on CY9. I badly
> wanted to work him, but there was no way with the masses of DXers screaming
> their "last two" in phonetics non-stop without even waiting to see if Bill
> had called someone else. I didn't stand a chance with my puny signal. But,
> knowing Bill had operated for many years with the county hunters, and was
> used to not having to translate phonetics, I waited 2 seconds for the first
> wave of last two phonetics, then said my call- WV2B. Bill replied to the
> pileup- "Is that you Duane?" I said yes WV2B you're 59. The contact when in
> the log as one of my most memorable contacts. I would have never worked him
> if I had spent hours calling with the crowd using phonetics. The issue is
> not whether phonetics are right or wrong. They certainly are not wrong. But,
> if one wants to participate in an activity with standard operating
> procedures, or with a net control station, shouldn't they be willing to
> conform to the operating procedures used by all other stations
> participating, or as directed by the net control station? Apparently my
> suggestion has offended some people, which is not my intention. But there
> are 2 sides to every story, and I had hoped that by explaining the standard
> procedure the sport of county hunting would not just be left with a black
> eye in the eyes of the DX community. We could argue all day whether
> phonetics are a good idea or not, but that is not really the point. I also
> remember when operating on CY9 we were trying to get stations to use full
> callsigns. I located a loud US station calling in the slit window with his
> last 2. I repeated my instructions- full callsigns please. for an
> experiment, rather than tuning on, I decided to see how long it would take
> for the station to follow my instruction. I stated 6 times- full callsigns
> only please. The station called me 6 times with the last two. On the 7th
> time, he called with his full call, and got a 59 and the contact. I always
> wondered if he realized how long I had been listening to him giving his last
> two. So yes, we can be proud and believe we know the best way to operate,
> and do it regardless of standard procedures for the group, or instructions
> from a net control, or instructions from a DX station. Maybe we are right.
> Maybe it is best to always use phonetics no matter what any net control or
> DX station or operator says. But, maybe by cooperating, things will run
> smoothly and we'll get the contact, even if not in the perfect textbook
> manner we believe is right. Sorry if anyone is offended. That is not my
> purpose. There are 2 sides to every story. 73, Duane, WV2B  "You cannot do a
> kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it
>  will be too late."
> Ralph Waldo Emerson
> -- Original Message --
> From: Zack Widup 
> To: dx-chat 
> Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] County Hunter's Net Procedures
> Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2012 07:04:37 -0500
> In VHF weak-signal circles around here, most of the active ops within
> a few hundred miles know me. But if I just sign "W9SZ" people get me
> confused with W9FZ. In fact, it happened in the VHF contest a couple
> weeks ago. I was even using phonetics at the time and the other
> station said "Hi Bruce, I have my antenna pointed the wrong way."
> After a few more repeats of my phonetics, he said "Oh hi Zack, sorry."
> As far as I'm concerned, it's never wrong to use phonetics.
> 73, Zack W9SZ
> On 6/18/12, Joe Orsak  wrote:
>> Guess I won't be joining that group, where I come from if you rely on a
>> spot
>> and don't actually copy a stations callsign it is not a contact.
>> DX IS,
>> County hunting done that way AIN'T
>> Joe W4WN
>> On Jun 19, 2012, at 12:55 AM, "Duane, WV2B"  wrote:
>>> From the MARAC county hunting information page:
>>> "The County Hunter Net which you found on 14.336 or 7.188 operates
>>> during
>>> the daylight hours every day and sometimes into the evening. Most of the
>>> time the pace is fast and furious with mobiles making contacts at the
>>> rate
>>> of 8 to 10 per minute. You will also notice that we do not use phonetics
>>> in the call signs. The reason for this is obvious if you listen to the

Re: [DX-CHAT] County Hunter's Net Procedures

2012-06-19 Thread Zack Widup

In VHF weak-signal circles around here, most of the active ops within
a few hundred miles know me. But if I just sign "W9SZ" people get me
confused with W9FZ. In fact, it happened in the VHF contest a couple
weeks ago. I was even using phonetics at the time and the other
station said "Hi Bruce, I have my antenna pointed the wrong way."
After a few more repeats of my phonetics, he said "Oh hi Zack, sorry."

As far as I'm concerned, it's never wrong to use phonetics.

73, Zack W9SZ

On 6/18/12, Joe Orsak  wrote:
> Guess I won't be joining that group, where I come from if you rely on a spot
> and don't actually copy a stations callsign it is not a contact.
> DX IS,
> County hunting done that way AIN'T
> Joe W4WN
> On Jun 19, 2012, at 12:55 AM, "Duane, WV2B"  wrote:
>> From the MARAC county hunting information page:
>> "The County Hunter Net which you found on 14.336 or 7.188 operates during
>> the daylight hours every day and sometimes into the evening. Most of the
>> time the pace is fast and furious with mobiles making contacts at the rate
>> of 8 to 10 per minute. You will also notice that we do not use phonetics
>> in the call signs. The reason for this is obvious if you listen to the net
>> for a while. The use of phonetics slows down the cadence and rhythm of the
>> mobile operator. The mobile operators train their ears to hear call signs
>> and cannot take the time to translate what they are not used to hearing.
>> When you first start working the mobiles you will notice that your call
>> sign will be recognized immediately in just a few days."
>> The County Hunter's Net prides itself on being a cooperative effort,
>> rather than a competition. Experience has shown that many more contacts
>> can be made during a short mobile run by avoiding the use of phonetics.
>> This is a departure from the norms of DXing, but if one allows a few days
>> to grasp the way things work they will soon discover they work the same
>> mobiles over and over in hundreds of different counties, and the mobiles
>> work the same county hunters and will learn a new persons call after a few
>> mobile runs. We also have a spotting network where one can see the correct
>> callsign if they are not sure of the mobiles callsign.
>> While it may seem unusual to have procedures different from DXing, it
>> should not be unreasonable to expect to adjust one's operating to a new
>> activity, rather than expect an established net with hundreds of
>> participants to be expected to adjust to our ideas.
>> It is a great activity, and the only way possible for one to complete
>> working all the US Counties. Within days or maybe a week or two, a
>> newcomer will find he recognizes most of the calls, and knows most of the
>> participants by name. Lack of phonetics is not any impediment to enjoying
>> the net.
>> So, if you would like to try working all the US Counties in a cooperative
>> effort, then join the nets and see if you like it. You might find it
>> refreshing to work a station for a needed contact who knows you by name,
>> and maybe will meet you at a convention. Competition is fun, but some
>> activities just don't require it.
>> 73,
>> Duane, WV2B
>> USA-CA All Counties 773
>> 2nd Time all counties 286
>> "You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it
>>  will be too late."
>> Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Re: [DX-CHAT] Spotting Etiquette

2012-06-08 Thread Zack Widup

Actually, it was Jon Kimball KL2A. He even posted a spot for a 30m CW
operation of A5A saying it was a "Pirate, not us." Interesting to have
one of the DXpedition ops on the cluster!

73, Zack W9SZ

On 6/8/12, JIM Abercrombie <4...@prtcnet.com> wrote:
> KL7A in Bhutan WAS looking at the cluster. I saw several spots he
> self-posted as from KL7A  spotting A5A. What you said is not
> always the case. KL7A is listed on the A5A web page as one of the operators
> there.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Barry" 
> To: 
> Cc: 
> Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2012 8:01 PM
> Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Spotting Etiquette
> Bingo!
> Even better is a spot asking a DXped to QSY to another band/mode.  We
> all know they monitor the Cluster and respond immediately to such
> requests, NOT.
> Barry W2UP
> On 6/7/2012 10:35 AM, GERRY wrote:
>> Spotting etiquette has bugged me for a long time so I thought I'd vent.
>> I really don't understand why some folks want to tell us that they
>> can't hear the DX where they are. I thought the purpose of DX SPOTTING
>> was to tell us where (and by whom) the DX IS being heard. Imagine the
>> traffic if everyone who didn't hear the DX reported it.
>> I have my program set to tell me when the DX is being heard in NA and
>> it's darn annoying to get an alarm and highlight from someone in BC (I
>> use BC as an example not to offend other NA non-spotters) telling us
>> he also can't hear the DX.
>> FWiW
>> 73, Gerry VE6LB/VA6XDX
>> VE6 QSL Bureau Team
>> DXCC Field Checker
>> ve...@telus.net 
>> 403-251-0384
>> http://www.qsl.net/ve6lb
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Re: [DX-CHAT] Leaderboards - and everything else.

2012-06-06 Thread Zack Widup

Yes, I'm sure small pileups would develop occasionally to work some
station. But without DXCC, I doubt anyone would be risking their lives and
spending a fortune to go to places like Peter I or South Sandwich Islands.
And a QSO with someone in a European country would have equal weight with a
QSO with someone in Yemen.

I'm sure there would be people who wanted to work as many countries as they
could on all bands and modes. But I'm willing to bet the number would be
much smaller.

But that's not the way it is and I guess we just need to live with the
existing situation.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 10:35 AM, Don Berger  wrote:

>> Well, let me ask this question: What would the ham radio world be like
>> if there were no DXCC or similar awards?
> Arguably better in many ways. Among them, one could argue the ability to
> have prolonged and therefore interesting discussions with hams in other
> parts of the world would be enjoyable and equally as challenging as DX
> competition.
> The lack of a DXCC certificate in no way limits or precludes the challenge
> of working countries, band-countries, zones, counties, etc... The existence
> of certificates fills a need only among those who are compelled to
> demonstrate their accomplishment(s) to others who presumably couldn't care
> less. The accomplishment remains equal regardless.
> I won't enumerate problems like qrm, too-wide pileup spreads, a life
> outside ham radio, etc...
> Just my take but for every person who lives and breathes dx, there are
> many more who find enjoyment without external considerations.
> Don K1VSK

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Leaderboards - and everything else.

2012-06-06 Thread Zack Widup

Well, let me ask this question: What would the ham radio world be like
if there were no DXCC or similar awards? How much would a DX station
in some semi-rare place like Andorra get pileups when he was on the

I could see someone like JY1 having pileups whether or not there was a
DXCC, but there aren't that many celebrities in amateur radio. I
suspect if there were no DXCC, people would just work DX once in a
while for the novelty of it and there would be actual conversations
taking place, not just "599 TU." And no one else would care.

I myself am not trying to make HR on every band and every mode. Is
there anyone who does have HR on every band? Right now I'm just
interested in HR for the basic Mixed award.

DXing is only competitive in the case where a DXpedition is only going
to have a limited amount of time and is only going to make a certain
number of QSO's. If a station is only going to have propagation to an
area of the world for a couple hours on a certain band (say 20 meters
as was the case to the USA for the last VU7 operation) then if they
spend all their time working other areas of the world who want to fill
their band/modes during those couple hours, they are going to get
someone angry. Someone is going to get cheated. A DXpedition to a
Pacific island did just that a few years ago. They only worked JA's on
the low bands during the US sunrise. I think they got a lot of us
upset. I commend the A5A operation for only working NA stations during
the couple hours that they have peak propagation to here.

Some people who actually live in a certain country or who have lived
there for a couple years on an assignment usually work everyone who
wants a QSO. I think of A22MN as an example. I heard him calling CQ
with no takers after he'd been in Botswana for a year. That doesn't
look like competition to me. But Dave was on the air a lot. Monk
Apollo isn't on the air that much and is still in demand.

I guess you'd have to look at each station on an individual basis.
It's very rare that someone is going to make everyone happy.

73, Zack W9SZ

On 6/6/12, Ernie Walls  wrote:
> Question.
> Just what is wrong, exactly, with working a DXpedition by band/mode?
> What's the problem?
> Isn't that what we all want to do anyway, that is, work everyone on all
> bands and all modes? Isn't that why the DXpedition goes too far flung
> places
> at great expense for - to have as many QSOs as they can.
> Why do we have so many people 'setting the rules' for others.
> Seems to me if you work what you want then I will not say anything to you,
> and if I work what I want, then I don't expect you to say anything (to me,
> that is). Seems like it might work OK!
> Only one over-riding rule - we all do it with some dignity and fairness to
> all.
> I get sick of being told what to do by others - my government runs most of
> my life, my XYL most of the rest of it - guys, give me a break and let me
> live what is left by my own rules. Because I most certainly will not be
> taking any notice of any of you, anyway.
> Some years ago, our (then) Prime Minister said something like 'life wasn't
> meant to be easy'! He was right, you know.
> Good DXing to all. Fair and dignified, that is.
> Ernie
> Ernie H Walls VK3FM
> vk...@wallsy.com.au
> Mobile 0418 301 483
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Re: [DX-CHAT] Leaderboards - good or bad?

2012-06-06 Thread Zack Widup

Good points, Dave. If a DX station is calling CQ and not getting any
answers (that he can hear) I would have no problem with calling them.
Also, the on-line logs most likely DO reduce a lot of traffic from
people who aren't sure they have worked them until they find the QSO
in the log. For the current A5A DXpedition, Jon KL2A has noted there
have been several pirates active. I even heard one myself, on 30
meters a week ago. Jon even posted a spot on packet that it was a
pirate while the pirate was operating!

I remember some years ago DJ5CQ (now an SK) did quite a few Pacific
operations. There were no on-line logs back then. I worked him twice
on a couple bands as insurance contacts. When I got my cards, he had
included a card with a funny-looking creature sketched on it that said
I had worked them more than once on a band and not to do that again.

73, Zack W9SZ

On 6/6/12, DAVE WHITE  wrote:
> That's exactly what I do, Zack
> Unless there's some organisational cock-up (on my part - I don't use a
> computer log) then I'll work a DXpedition if possible once on each band and
> once on each mode.  I won't work them on a band/mode if I already have that
> one confirmed.  The thought process is specifically one of "if I work them
> on xxx and I don't need it then that's someone else who's not able to work
> them".
> The only time I'll make an exception is if the DXpedition is calling CQ and
> no-one is answering them
> I think that G7VJR raises a good point.  The presence of an online log stops
> the temptation for insurance QSOs so in that sense it's good.  The
> propagation tools are always useful if like me you work long hours and have
> to make use of small time slots for calling DX.  But in truth I think that
> ill-mannered selfish pigs will always be ill-mannered selfish pigs and
> certain big gun DX Hogs (I could name them in G-land but of course won't)
> will trample over others, calling and calling and trying to work a
> Dxpedition on every band/slot whether or not there's a leader board online.
> After all, they''ve been behaving like that for years anyway...
> cheers
> Dave G0OIL
>   - Original Message -
>   From: Zack Widup
>   To: dx-chat
>   Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 10:59 PM
>   Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Leaderboards - good or bad?
>   Someone has pointed out recently that for DXCC requirements, you could get
> by with 9 QSO's which would cover 160 through 10 meters. You only need one
> QSO each on CW, SSB and RTTY, so you could either fit them in amongst your 9
> QSO's, or make a total of 11 QSO's to satisfy DXCC requirements.
>   The Leaderboards seem to be the things that are inspiring people to make
> 27 QSO's with the DX. I'm sure some of these stations that are coming out on
> top of the leadeboards have worked some of these stations previously on some
> of those band/modes, so it becomes mostly a thing of greed and ego.
>   73, Zack W9SZ
>   On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 4:28 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV  wrote:
> On 6/5/2012 4:39 PM, Ryan Jairam wrote:
>   I don't really buy that argument. In the last days of a DXpedition,
>   they're usually begging.
> You obviously did not attempt to work 7O6T on RTTY.  The Europeans
> monopolized the few available RTTY band slots and even chased 7O6T
> off RTTY many times in the last days of the DXpedition.
> Quite simply, Leaderboards as currently structured encourage rampant
> DX Hoggery and have no place in radiosport.
> 73,
>  ... Joe, W4TV
> On 6/5/2012 4:39 PM, Ryan Jairam wrote:
>   I don't really buy that argument. In the last days of a DXpedition,
>   they're usually begging.
>   Those who couldn't make a QSO probably couldn't make a QSO on a
>   completely clear band anyway. There is only so much you can work with
>   a dipole and 100 watts.
>   And finally, DXing is competitive.You can be a good sport but you
>   don't have to put yourself at a disadvantage to make others feel
>   better.
>   Ryan, N2RJ
>   On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV
> wrote:
> I think KQ8M's first comment in response to G7VJR's editorial is
> on point.  Clublog's "Leaderboards" should be modified to stop
> counting at 11 "band slots."  11 (or 12 if the operation works
> six meters) allows a station to work the operation on each band
> plus pick up QSOs on CW, Digital, and voice.

Re: [DX-CHAT] Leaderboards - good or bad?

2012-06-05 Thread Zack Widup

Someone has pointed out recently that for DXCC requirements, you could get
by with 9 QSO's which would cover 160 through 10 meters. You only need one
QSO each on CW, SSB and RTTY, so you could either fit them in amongst your
9 QSO's, or make a total of 11 QSO's to satisfy DXCC requirements.

The Leaderboards seem to be the things that are inspiring people to make 27
QSO's with the DX. I'm sure some of these stations that are coming out on
top of the leadeboards have worked some of these stations previously on
some of those band/modes, so it becomes mostly a thing of greed and ego.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 4:28 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV  wrote:

> On 6/5/2012 4:39 PM, Ryan Jairam wrote:
>> I don't really buy that argument. In the last days of a DXpedition,
>> they're usually begging.
> You obviously did not attempt to work 7O6T on RTTY.  The Europeans
> monopolized the few available RTTY band slots and even chased 7O6T
> off RTTY many times in the last days of the DXpedition.
> Quite simply, Leaderboards as currently structured encourage rampant
> DX Hoggery and have no place in radiosport.
> 73,
>  ... Joe, W4TV
> On 6/5/2012 4:39 PM, Ryan Jairam wrote:
>> I don't really buy that argument. In the last days of a DXpedition,
>> they're usually begging.
>> Those who couldn't make a QSO probably couldn't make a QSO on a
>> completely clear band anyway. There is only so much you can work with
>> a dipole and 100 watts.
>> And finally, DXing is competitive.You can be a good sport but you
>> don't have to put yourself at a disadvantage to make others feel
>> better.
>> Ryan, N2RJ
>> On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV  wrote:
>>> I think KQ8M's first comment in response to G7VJR's editorial is
>>> on point.  Clublog's "Leaderboards" should be modified to stop
>>> counting at 11 "band slots."  11 (or 12 if the operation works
>>> six meters) allows a station to work the operation on each band
>>> plus pick up QSOs on CW, Digital, and voice.
>>> Quite frankly, in spite of falling prey to the seduction of high
>>> leaderboard numbers a time or two myself, anyone who shows up with
>>> more than 14 or 15 band slots is simply a DX HOG.  There is simply
>>> no excuse for such behavior.
>>> N1DG's presentation at Dayton clearly showed the DX HOGs do not
>>> provide increased support (contributions with QSL) relative to
>>> the number of band slots worked ... even the "more QSOs mean more
>>> revenue" argument falls flat.
>>> 73,
>>>  ... Joe, W4TV
>>> On 6/5/2012 2:54 PM, Paul M Dunphy wrote:

 G7VJR's point of view (ClubLog creator and T32C participant):


 73, Paul VE1DX

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Re: [DX-CHAT] A5A on RTTY?

2012-05-31 Thread Zack Widup

The RTTY mode is not listed in their "in the log" page or the
leaderboard. I would assume this means they are not doing any RTTY on
this operation.

73, Zack W9SZ

On 5/31/12, Dino Papas  wrote:
> Anyone seen any RTTY operation from A5A yet?
> Good Hunting!
> 73 - Dino KL0S
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2012-05-21 Thread Zack Widup

I didn't buy too much at Dayton. I ogled the new transceivers though.
They look like they will take at least several months to learn how to

I bought a few "mystery boxes" that are supposed to work in the
microwave range of frequencies. They were practically given away so I
will at least have some more junquebox parts.

I spent a lot of time in the FRC and SMC hospitality suites at the
Crowne Plaza. Also did the KCDXC CW Pileup Contest. I got 42 callsigns
correct. Not great but not too bad, either. It was fun.

In fact, the whole weekend was fun! Now I just need to catch up on sleep.

73, Zack W9SZ

On 5/21/12, kf...@optonline.net  wrote:
> I think we've beaten this dead horse enough to tenderize it nicely
> We've gone from coversation (CHAT) to getting a tad nosy out of jointy
> So let us say adeiu and farewell to the topic and move on
> Let's talk about all the nice things we bought at Dayton??  Let's talk about
> the clown who looked at a DSTAR HT I was selling for someone for $300 and
> offered me $50, then got testy when I told him NO and he agrued for 5
> minutes that I was unreasonable.
> Thanks for understanding
> Steve
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2012-05-20 Thread Zack Widup
First off, great presentation Don!

I thought it gave a great perspective of what these "icebreaker"
DXpeditions and others to exotic places cost. Someone has to pay for
them. The operators on some DXpeditions often bear a great deal of the
cost themselves. I know a few people who have gotten involved in a
DXpedition without knowing what it would cost them personally. They
put forth an amount of money that hurt them personally financially,
hoping they could get at least some of it back. Some didn't - they
have not been on a DXpedition since. Live and learn, I guess. And our
loss when a fine operator can't or won't go on another DXpedition.

I know some of the people who were on the VP8ORK DXpedition. Some of
the fees they had to pay were downright weird - and sounded exorbitant
to me. But what are you going to do? Refuse to pay a fee to get your
equipment out of storage? You would be in a bad position thousands of
miles from home, trying to meet an expedition timetable and unable to
speak the language of the country, trying to negotiate with those

If you want the DXpedition, if you want it there for you to work, it
seems only right to me that you voluntarily contribute what you can.
Not that it has to be $5 per QSO, but every little bit helps.

None of the DXpeditions I wished to have confirmed recently have
demanded any fees for QSL'ing. But I do voluntarily send them
something. I hope it helps just a little. If enough people do that, it
increases the chance that they will go on another DXpedition to a rare
place in a few years.

And I agree - if the DXpedition so chooses to send out confirmation to
contributors first, that is their choice and it doesn't mean that
non-contributors are not going to get their confirmation. If you had
to wait for 20 years for an entity to be put on the air, what's a
couple extra months waiting for the confirmation?

73, Zack W9SZ

On 5/20/12, Don Greenbaum  wrote:
> Who is demanding any fees for a QSL?
> Name one DXpedition that refuses to answer bureau cards?   Or a major
> DXPedition that doesn't post their logs to LOTW (most within 6 months).
> Most foundations require that in return for funding.
> Just because someone who donates $5 gets his card first does not translate
> into extortion for those who opt out of supporting dxpeditions and wait for
> the slow method.
> 73
> Don
> N1DG
> At 06:45 PM 5/20/2012, Don wrote:
>>Go or don't go. But demanding a fee for a qsl is still extortion in the
>> true sense of the term
>>Sent from my iPod
>>On May 20, 2012, at 6:31 PM, "Ron Notarius W3WN" 
>> wrote:
>>> Lou,
>>> Once again, context is important.
>>> Don's presentation was not talking about the casual DXpedition that might
>>> cost one or two people a few thousand.  Yes, this was mentioned, but it
>>> was not the main focus.
>>> And within THAT context only, if I can't afford to go on a vacation to
>>> the Caribbean that happens to include a radio op for $5K, I'm not going
>>> to go either.  If I do go, I'm not going to expect to recoup my vacation
>>> costs from those who worked me, either.
>>> But -- that's not what the main focus here is.
>>> You're not going to Heard Island, or Bouvet, or Navassa, or Baker &
>>> Howland, etc., for $5000 either.  Between logistics, licensing, boat
>>> chargers, food & fuel, you're talking in the neighborhood (today) of
>>> US$500,000.
>>> Don's plea, as I recall (and Don, please correct me if I'm wrong) was
>>> that the DX community as a whole, world-wide, find a way to continue to
>>> fund these trips.  Or they will stop, and the rarest of the rare will be
>>> off the air for decades to come.
>>> The cost-per-QSO breakdown simply gives you, or should give you, an
>>> appreciation for what was involved.  It was not meant (at least as I
>>> heard it) as a suggestion that this should be a mandatory minimum amount
>>> that you should include along with your QSL request.
>>> Don also had a comment that more should join their local DX associations,
>>> societies, foundations, etc., in order to strengthen those organizations,
>>> and permit THEM to continue to help fund future super-rare operations.
>>> Let's not let that get lost in the discussion either.
>>> The bottom line is that we as a community simply can't expect others to
>>> go to these places that we seek to contact purely for the thrill of a
>>> pileup.  Because when the costs to go far outstrip the means of the
>>> operating team, they won't be able to go whether they want the thrill or
>>> not.
>>> 73
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: kf...@njdxa.org [mailto:kf...@njdxa.org] On Behalf Of Mecseri
>>> Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2012 4:11 PM
>>> To: li...@w2irt.net
>>> Cc: dx-chat@njdxa.org
>>> -pjd is making a valid point, but.
>>> On the other side of the coin, how can you put a price on the thrill of
>>> being on the 

Re: [DX-CHAT] Hey, I finally found this opportunity

2012-02-13 Thread Zack Widup

Looks like Rag's account has been hacked.

73, Zack W9SZ

On 2/13/12, ragnar otterstad  wrote:
> Gain Your Freedom, Manage Your Own
> Businesshttp://whaouh.com/easywork.php?bjshowtopic=o5fx
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Re: [DX-CHAT] Republic of Wadiya - New Country?

2012-02-05 Thread Zack Widup

Well, Wadiya know?

(Following in the wake of "I'll have Nunavut" a few years back.)

73, Zack W9SZ

On 2/5/12, Gary K9GS  wrote:
> Could this be a new one?
> http://www.republicofwadiya.com/?gclid=CPPPxbvngq4CFS6FQAodpw413w
> In the upper right corner there is an English language button.
> It looks pretty easy to get to via Miami.
> --
> 73,
> Gary K9GS
> Check out K9NS on the web:  http://www.k9ns.com
> Greater Milwaukee DX Association: http://www.gmdxa.org
> Society of Midwest Contesters: http://www.w9smc.com
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2011-12-22 Thread Zack Widup

I have to comment on a couple of these:

On 12/22/11, Ron Notarius W3WN  wrote:
> Oh, heck Rag, that's easy.
> Some people don't have computers in their shack. or even their home.  May be
> hard to believe, but it's true (I know quite a few right here in my town).
> So Logbook of the World is not an option for them at all.
> Some people just don't like the ARRL.  "Why" is an entirely different matter
> for another time.  For this group, if the League had anything to do with it,
> it must be bad.

Are these people likely to be participating in DXCC? I know some
ARRL-haters who say they do not and will not participate in ARRL
awards programs.

> Some people don't want to be bothered with the security.  You will read or
> hear the argument that LotW is more secure than most banks, credit cards, or
> other financial institutions.  Which actually says a lot more about how
> insecure your money and credit might be, but you'll never convince them of
> that.

I've had credit card info hijacked at least once a year for the last 5
years or so (a different card each time). I don't know where the
security leaks are but they are obviously there. I just had it happen
with a Discover card last week. That one is a puzzler because I
haven't even used the card in two years. The only card on that account
that exists resides in my wallet which never leaves my sight. And it's
not one of those cards that can be read from a distance

I just got my credentials for LOTW; now I need to find the time to
organize my logs and upload them! I am also one of the people who
still likes paper cards. For some DXpeditions I'll probably want a
paper card AND LOTW confirmation.

73, Zack W9SZ

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Re: [DX-CHAT] What ever happened to FR5DX?

2011-12-04 Thread Zack Widup

That's a good question about Romeo. It's been several years since I
heard he was in jail for credit card fraud. If he's waited that long
for a trial, something is really wrong. But I haven't heard anything
about him since then so I don't know what the rest of the story was.

73, Zack W9SZ

On 12/4/11, DAVE WHITE  wrote:
> "At least one went to prison."
> Are you talking about Roman Stepanenko?  I think it was more a case of
> stolen credit card details and money laundering in that particular case (the
> usual Russian "business").
> Last I heard he was awaiting trial.
> What happened?
> Dave G0OIL
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jim Reisert AD1C" 
> To: "DX CHAT" 
> Sent: Saturday, December 03, 2011 11:45 PM
> Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] What ever happened to FR5DX?
>> p.s. I don't know of anyone who has become rich on dollars and IRCs.
>> At least one went to prison.  He doesn't have to worry about mortgage
>> payments and where his next meal is coming from.
>> --
>> Jim Reisert AD1C, , http://www.ad1c.us
>> ---
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Re: [DX-CHAT] 60 Meters

2011-11-21 Thread Zack Widup

I was told it would probably be in the Federal Register approximately 15
days after the original FCC announcement. So that puts it some time very
early in January that it would take effect.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 8:44 AM, Doug McDuff  wrote:

> **
> Again, unless I am mistaken, not so fast.
> The FCC publication was just a release.  The Report and Order have not yet
> been published in the Federal Register and that will be the trigger date
> for the effective date.  I just checked Friday's and today's edition and I
> did not find them.
> 73, Doug W4OX
> On 11/20/2011 10:07 PM, leewi...@aol.com wrote:
> 45-601 LULUKU ROAD
> KANEOHE, HAWAI'I 96744-1854
> 1-(808) 247-0587
> *
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Re: [DX-CHAT] 60 Meters

2011-11-21 Thread Zack Widup

Both my TS-440 and TS-850 allow opening up the transmit function to the
entire shortwave spectrum (1.8 - 30.0 MHz) by removing a diode. I did this
mod to enable 60 meters on both. Do ICOM radios have this feature?

73, Zack W9SZ

On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 8:09 AM, Ryan Jairam  wrote:

> Anyone knows if the radio mfgs will be pubilshing instructions/firmware to
> add the new channel or open up the radio tune the entire band?
> IIRC, Icom radios can only tune to the existing channels. Not sure about
> others.
> Ryan, N2RJ
> On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 8:14 AM, Crownhaven wrote:
>> If anyone is interested, 60 meters now allows 100 watts, SSB, CW, PSK-31
>> and Pactor III.  There is a new channel replacing one that already existed
>> that was carrying some kind of government data stream since the band's
>> inception.  This was effective Friday.
>> Allowing Pactor III on the band seems to affirm the commission's intent
>> that the band be used for emergency and disaster comms.
>> New channels are:
>> 5330.5 5332.0
>> 5346.5 5348.0
>> 5357.0 5358.5
>> 5371.5 5373.0
>> 5403.5 5405.0
>> Dial frequency in left column.
>> Steve, N4JQQ
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> --
> Ryan A. Jairam
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Re: Vedr: [DX-CHAT] ] ST0

2011-11-08 Thread Zack Widup
Yes but the hobby interacts heavily with businesses sometimes. DXpeditions
are expensive. I have heard that a full-blown DXpedition to Bouvet will
cost about a million US dollars. That's a lot of money for a hobby!

BTW there may be one in the works.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 8:08 PM, ragnar otterstad  wrote:

>  OK  For a moment I thought this was a hobby - not a business !  hi
> Not very commendable IMHO
> 73  rag
>   *Fra:* Barry 
> *Til:* la...@yahoo.no
> *Kopi:* DX-chat 
> *Sendt:* Onsdag, 9. november 2011 1.34
> *Emne:* Re: [DX-CHAT] ] ST0
> Surely you know the answer to that, Rag - €€
> Barry W2UP
> On 11/8/2011 5:19 PM, ragnar otterstad wrote:
> >
> > Wonder why not the whole log is uploaded. That would make life easier
> > for everybody:
> > 73 Rag LA5HE
> > "Ubi Morsum verba tacent"
> > *Fra:* "viet...@comcast.net" 
> > *Til:* DX-chat 
> > *Sendt:* Tirsdag, 8. november 2011 23.30
> > *Emne:* [DX-CHAT] ST0
> >
> >
> > No card yet and nothing on LOTW...how's the rest of the U.S.?
> > Nick W9UM
> >
> > War, Pestilence, Famine and DeathNo prisoners and shoot all
> survivors.
> >
> >
> > ---
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> --
> Barry Kutner, W2UPLakewood, CO
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[DX-CHAT] Clublog/Leaderboiard run AMOK??

2011-10-24 Thread Zack Widup

It is not only unethical and unsportsmanlike, it IS illegal. To use
someone else's callsign without their permission is illegal.

That's just as bad as people sending letters to the FCC under a
different name/call stating they want a different callsign, just so
they can get the callsign of the current holder. I think there are a
couple cases of that actually happening.

73, Zack W9SZ

On 10/24/11, Ron Notarius W3WN  wrote:
>  As I said to a DX newsletter editor when this news broke the other day:
> Un - flippin' - believable.
> And "flippin" isn't exactly the precise wording I had in mind, but this is a
> family reflector.
> There is a certain mentality running around our ranks these days of "win at
> any and all costs", combined with the pseudo-legalese of "if it's not
> expressly and specifically prohibited, it  is by default allowed."  This,
> sadly, is an extension of that line of thought.
> That induhviduals would stoop so low as to take unethical (IMHO) and
> unsportsmanlike (IMHO) steps like these, merely to put themselves at the
> alleged top of the heap?  Belittles them, and if we allow it, belittles us
> all.
> There is no excuse for this type of behavior, and if those who are doing it
> are caught, there should be sanctions.  But they won't be caught, and even
> if they were, somehow the sanctions never do hold up.
> 73
> On 10/23/11, Gary K9GS wrote:
> SB DX @ WW< KB8NW $OPDX.1033
> Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 1033
> The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
> DX Bulletin No. 1033
> BID: $OPDX.1033
> October 24, 2011
> Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
> Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)
> * LEADERBOARD SCORING AT T32C: Michael/G7VJR and Marios/5B4WN from the
> "Club Log" web page report the following:
> "During the T32C expedition, a large number of stations have succeeded
> in working the maximum number of slots possible, or share the same number
> of slots as a large number of other stations. Using the 'first past the
> post' scoring system, those who worked these slots first are ranked
> highest. Duplicates count negatively.
> This scoring system has been manipulated by a small number of stations
> operating illegally. They have determined that by using someone else's
> callsign and working T32C, they can create duplicates and force that
> callsign down the leaderboard.
> Ranking changes -- In response to this problem, the scoring system for
> the T32C is changing to a ranking that does not penalize duplicate QSOs.
> This removes the loophole that is being exploited. This change will be
> made live on 19th October, with the agreement of the T32C expedition
> team, to improve the fairness of the scoring."
> *
> I really thing this whole ClubLog/leaderboard thing has gotten out of hand.
> People are actually CHEATING to improve their scoresamazing.
> Thoughts??
> --
> 73,
> Gary K9GS
> Check out K9NS on the web: http://www.k9ns.com
> Greater Milwaukee DX Association: http://www.gmdxa.org
> Society of Midwest Contesters: http://www.w9smc.com
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Re: [DX-CHAT] Clublog/Leaderboiard run AMOK??

2011-10-24 Thread Zack Widup

These people need to get a life. A real life. Ham radio is only a part
of my life, a tiny part lately as work has been frantic. Even if I
didn't work, I am involved in so many other things ...

73, Zack W9SZ

On 10/23/11, Gary K9GS  wrote:
> SB DX @ WW<  KB8NW $OPDX.1033
> Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 1033
> The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
> DX Bulletin No. 1033
> BID: $OPDX.1033
> October 24, 2011
> Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
> Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)
>* LEADERBOARD SCORING AT T32C: Michael/G7VJR and Marios/5B4WN from the
> "Club Log" web page  report the following:
>"During the T32C expedition, a large number of stations have succeeded
> in working the maximum number of slots possible, or share the same number
> of slots as a large number of other stations. Using the 'first past the
> post' scoring system, those who worked these slots first are ranked
> highest. Duplicates count negatively.
>This scoring system has been manipulated by a small number of stations
> operating illegally. They have determined that by using someone else's
> callsign and working T32C, they can create duplicates and force that
> callsign down the leaderboard.
>Ranking changes -- In response to this problem, the scoring system for
> the T32C is changing to a ranking that does not penalize duplicate QSOs.
> This removes the loophole that is being exploited. This change will be
> made live on 19th October, with the agreement of the T32C expedition
> team, to improve the fairness of the scoring."
> *
> I really thing this whole ClubLog/leaderboard thing has gotten out of hand.
> People are actually CHEATING to improve their scoresamazing.
> Thoughts??
> --
> 73,
> Gary K9GS
> Check out K9NS on the web:  http://www.k9ns.com
> Greater Milwaukee DX Association: http://www.gmdxa.org
> Society of Midwest Contesters: http://www.w9smc.com

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Looking Back : VT1

2011-08-14 Thread Zack Widup

Back in the late 60's or early 70's I worked a stations signing 9K2S
on 40 CW one night. Another ham worked him and then the two of us got
into a chat on the air about whether it was a pirate or not.

I wanted a QSL but didn't know of a QSL route. I still don't know to
this day if he was a pirate or not. I've since worked and confirmed 9K
on just about every band but 160. Still, the mystery remains ...

73 Zack W9SZ

On 8/14/11, John Warren  wrote:
> By the way,  in answer to my question yesterday, VT1 was the first
> post-WWII prefix for Kuwait.
> The Brits initially administered Kuwait from India, so they assigned
> it a prefix out of the Indian block. Shortly thereafter, it was
> transferred to British military government, and got a prefix in the
> MP4 block which they used throughout the Persian Gulf, specifically
> MP4K.  (For example, MP4B = Bahrain, MP4Q = Qatar, etc, except that
> the troops moved around, so MP4 soon became a jumbled mess!).
> Finally, when Kuwait gained its independence, it became the 9K we know
> today.
> 73,  John,  NT5C.
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[DX-CHAT] Re: [DX-NEWS] DXpedition calling practices

2011-07-26 Thread Zack Widup
I believe 3Y0PI and a few others, by trying to follow the propagation paths,
would work USA in the order 1-2-3-4-8-9-0-5-7-6. Seemed pretty successful
for them.

There have been operations especially from the Pacific that completely
ignored propagation. They'd have paths to USA and JA at the same time on the
low bands. They would lose propagation to USA before they would lose JA.
But they would continue to work almost exclusively JA's during the time they
had prop to USA. They got a lot of people upset.

I have heard other DXpeditions go by continents - NA, SA, Asia, VK/ZL, parts
of EU, etc. They would not neglect the rest of Asia just to work JA's. These
ops seemed to make a whole lot more people happier.

But I doubt it is even possible to make everyone happy.

73, Zack W9SZ'

On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 3:42 PM, Dragan Davkovski wrote:

>  Right in the target Gary. W0 land is neither east nor west coast and
> almost all dxpeditions ignore this fact. They either work all USA or call
> for W6/W7 only. What about W0 only, hi?
> Nihiles Ante Unum! (Zeroes before Ones!)
> 73 Dragan KØAP, Z32XX
>  --
> *From:* Gary Wilburn 
> *To:* n...@bresnan.net; dx-n...@njdxa.org
> *Sent:* Tue, July 26, 2011 2:47:04 PM
> *Subject:* RE: [DX-NEWS] DXpedition calling practices
>  Great words of wisdom Wayne that I wish more Dx Pedition operators would
> follow.  By the numbers is great if your in 1 land – not so great for the
> guy in 0 (zero) land. Many times by the time the DX gets to zero land band
> conditions have changed. Sometimes you hear them begin with zero but not
> very often. Continents and parts of continents (west, east, central regions
> or coasts would make better QSO rates especially if timed with peaked
> propagation openings.  73, Gary W8VI
> --
> * *
> A DXpedition operator who says “JA Only” and complains about calls by
> others in Asia is an inexperienced DXpedition operator. Generally, “JA”
> means “Asia.” Further, working strictly by counties is simply not
> acceptable. Most of us who have tried it won’t ever do it again. Numbers
> don’t work, either. Working continents (with flexibility) is the most
> effective, if you HAVE to subdivide the pileup. There are a number of other
> equitable ways, as well.
> 73, Wayne, N7NG
> Jackson, Wyoming
>  --
> *From:* kf...@njdxa.org [mailto:kf...@njdxa.org] *On Behalf Of *BILL KIRK
> *Sent:* Tuesday, July 26, 2011 10:35 AM
> *To:* ra9ab-m...@mail.ru; dx-n...@njdxa.org
> *Subject:* Re: [DX-NEWS] DXpedition calling practices
> I agree with Michail. Seldom, if ever, does the DXpedition call for RA's,
> UA's, etc. Maybe the DXpeditions want to take notice.
> 73, Bill   NJ1X
>   --
> *From:* M.Vasiliev 
> *To:* dx-n...@njdxa.org
> *Sent:* Monday, July 25, 2011 11:53 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [DX-NEWS] DXpedition calling practices
> Hello Charles,
> Here, in UA9, from every DX-pedition we always can hear
> "onlly EU" and "only JA" and sometimes we even have no chance to work this
> DX in time of good propagation
> "UA9 -You are not EU!". "UA9 -You are not JA!"
> Something like this :(
> Tuesday, July 26, 2011, 9:28:48 AM, you wrote:
> CH> When a DXpedition chooses to call BY COUNTRY, such as "only
> CH> JA," it is no surprise that they never call "only HS,"  but by
> CH> calling "only EU" etc, little old me in Thailand gets left
> CH> out--like VU, SEAsia, and China as well as CENTRAL America.  There
> CH> are hams in these ignored areas of the world who do not like to
> CH> try to break the "JA only" announcement, but have no choice.  But
> CH> it is no fun to call, as I just did, for 4 hours (ST0R) while the
> CH> op ran "JA only" and twice made the mistake of sending "HS" and
> CH> then correcting himself--he heard me, hi hi.
> CH> Note, my K4VUD email has been hacked.  73, Charly HS0ZCW
> --
> Best regards,
> M.Vasiliev  - R9AB  -  ICQ 8636160  mailto:ra9ab-m...@mail.ru
> ---
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Re: [DX-CHAT] Sun's Spots Fading

2011-06-15 Thread Zack Widup

Tweak up those low band antennas!

73, Zack W9SZ

On 6/15/11, Bill Hawkins  wrote:
> I thought we just came out of that!
> Bill W5EC
> BREAKING - major AAS solar announcement: Sun's Fading Spots Signal Big Drop
> in Solar Activity
> The American Astronomical Society meeting in Los Cruces, NM has just made a
> major announcement on the state of the sun. Sunspots may be on the way out
> and an extended solar minimum may be on the horizon.
> From Space.com reporting from the conference:
> Some unusual solar readings, including fading sunspots and weakening
> magnetic activity near the poles, could be indications that our sun is
> preparing to be less active in the coming years.
> The results of three separate studies seem to show that even as the current
> sunspot cycle swells toward the solar maximum, the sun could be heading into
> a more-dormant period, with activity during the next 11-year sunspot cycle
> greatly reduced or even eliminated.
> Currently, the sun is in the midst of the period designated as Cycle 24 and
> is ramping up toward the cycle's period of maximum activity. However, the
> recent findings indicate that the activity in the next 11-year solar cycle,
> Cycle 25, could be greatly reduced. In fact, some scientists are questioning
> whether this drop in activity could lead to a second Maunder Minimum, which
> was a 70-year period from 1645 to 1715 when the sun showed virtually no
> sunspots.
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Re: [DX-CHAT] 12 meters

2011-03-07 Thread Zack Widup

Yes, 12m did sound great. I worked 4A4A on 17 and 30m last night. Good
signals on those bands, too.

I don't quite understand why the CY0 people have such huge pileups. I
didn't think they were that rare. I heard many familiar DXer calls
working one of them on 40 CW last night. Many of them I know have
Honor Roll and I find it hard to believe they haven't worked CY0 on
40.  Maybe they're just bored from lack of recent activity?

73, Zack W9SZ

On 3/7/11, Bill Hawkins  wrote:
> I don't know about the other bands, but 12 meters was outstanding this
> weekend.
> The signals were strong from all parts of the world.
> Kinda like '57!
> Bill W5EC
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Re: [DX-CHAT] Bouvet and Navassa

2011-03-01 Thread Zack Widup

I keep hoping a big-time DXpedition can make it to Bouvet some day. I
didn't work Chuck Brady and I didn't work the last operation there.
It's one of the six I still haven't worked.

73, Zack W9SZ

On 3/1/11, Ron Notarius W3WN  wrote:
> (Moving discussion to DX Chat)
> Cedric,
> When the US Fish & Wildlife Service decided to permit the Desecheo
> operation, the impression left was that groups would be permitted to land on
> & operate from both Desecheo and Navassa every few years.
> A lot of this going forward was dependent on how well the entire Desecheo
> operation went.  As far as I know, it went well.
> But we are dealing with government bureaucrats who have their own standards
> and their own way of doing things.  So all we can do is be patient and wait
> for F&WS to decide if & when to let the group go to Navassa.
> 73
> -Original Message-
> From: kf...@njdxa.org [mailto:kf...@njdxa.org] On Behalf Of Ryan Jairam
> Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2011 9:30 AM
> To: aishwarya1...@gmail.com
> Cc: dx-n...@njdxa.org
> Subject: Re: [DX-NEWS] Bouvet and Navassa
> Hi Cedric!
> Bouvet was actually on air in 2008 (3Y0E). The op was a brand new ham
> by the name of Petrus. He was a very weak signal on 20m phone but
> workable from here.  I haven't heard of anything else since then.
> Desecheo was a couple of years ago too but news about Navassa has been
> pretty much slim to none. My guess is that activating Navassa would be
> significantly more difficult than Desecheo. Here is the website of the
> group that did KP5 - http://www.kp1-5.com/news.html
> 73
> Ryan, N2RJ
> On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 8:43 AM, Aishwarya  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> There are the 2 last one I need for my DXCC.
>> Does anybody know if there is a DXpedition planned to these entities? I
>> remember that a few years ago a group was planning a trip to Bouvet but
>> posponed it due to work on the island by the norvegian authorities.
>> For KP1 (Navassa) I didn't hear anything. Maybe the group who activated
> KP5
>> is trying to put KP1 on the air :-)
>> 73, Cedric HB9HFN
>> http://www.hb9hfn.ch
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> --
> Ryan A. Jairam,
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[DX-CHAT] Re: [DX-NEWS] VK9C/G6AY interference (OT)

2011-02-23 Thread Zack Widup
I'm moving this discussion to DX-CHAT.

Even in the ARRL CW DX contest last weekend I heard a DX station
sending "N2D? N2D??" and a W5 kept calling. W5 isn't even close to N2D
in CW sound.

There is no excuse for it. I don't understand it, either, but then I
don't do it. Maybe you'd have to ask someone who does it, but no one
has come forth on this list or any other DX list I'm on to say "I do
it and the reason is ..." Therefore I can assume that (a) No one on
these DX lists does it; or (b) they know it's wrong but keep doing it
anyway; hence, they are unwilling to admit it.

One of these days I am going to just sit and make a list of all the
stations I hear doing this, and try to hunt down e-mail addresses for
them. Then I will send each an e-mail inquiring why they do it. The
responses should be very telling.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 10:58 AM, Glenn Wyant  wrote:
>> Paul.,
> I sat here listening the pileup , copc etc etc
> One thing that struck me was the amount of people
> who never stop calling.
> The VK9  answered a VE2 at one point , I listened up in the pileup and
> hundreds just started calling again.
> If fact they did this no matter who the VK9 responded to ...
> Did there code readers malfunction ? , perhaps they couldn't
> copy him ( why then call ?? )  ... these where not isolated
> incidents .. I listened to a strong N4 just call everytime the
> VK9 stood by... , this behaviour was not isolated to NA but
> Europe as well
> It makes me wonder if he didnt answer you , then why are these
> people calling ???
> I can think of no excuse for this ...
> Glenn VA3DX
> Paul VE1DX said :
> - I will not interfere with the DX station nor anyone calling and
>> will never tune up on the DX frequency or in the QSX slot.
>>    I think I'd even simplify it more to "I will never transmit on the DX's
>> frequency during a split operation.  Ever."
>>    VK9C/G6AY was on both 14.025 and 18.072 today.  On both bands there was
>> constant bedlam for at least a half an hour on their TX frequency.  All the
>> usual stuff.  UP UP UP, LID LID LID, IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT, plus 37 guys calling
>> them simplex, and of course the ubiquitous tuners.  They sent UP after every
>> QSO, and the DX Cluster spots indicated QSX UP.
>>    They were S1-S3 and workable, but you simply couldn't hear hardly a dit
>> most of the time because the S9+ guys were doing the above.  This is nothing
>> new, but it seems extremely bad today.  Did the VK9C/G6AY guy(s) do
>> something to infuriate the hordes?  The few times they had a 30-second
>> window of no QRM, they seemed to be good OPs.
>>    Don't transmit on their frequency.  So simple.  Yet so many do.  Sigh .
>> . .
>> 73, Paul VE1DX
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Re: [DX-CHAT] Great Story

2010-12-30 Thread Zack Widup

Great story Urb!

I recall shortly after I got seriously interested in DXing in 1993 I
went through my old logs and found QSO's with JX5CI and a station who
had operated portable from 3A. Both QSO's were in the early 80's, I
believe. I tracked down QSL routes and sent them, hoping I could still
get cards. I received QSL's for both of them, almost 13 years later.

I've since worked a few more people in both locations but those two
added to my DXCC totals at the time.

73 & HNY,
Zack W9SZ

On 12/30/10, Urb LeJeune  wrote:
> GM,
>   In the late 1960s I was one country off the top of the honor roll,
> Heard Island. I lost interest in DX and faded away. One Heard Island
> DXpedition came and gone. Then in 1983 VK0CW was activated. I
> put up a 20 meter dipole and worked them. I could now say I worked
> them all. However, I never sent for a card.
>   Fast forward to late 2009 and I got back on the air. I won't say
> I was away from DX for a long time but a DL was a new country. As I
> started working all time new countries I started to wonder if a card
> from VK0CW was at all possible. I posted a request for help on the
> NJDXA DX-CHAT reflector and received many replies. One of the
> replies suggest trying Dan, N2DT.
>   Yesterday an envelope from N2DT arrived with the coveted
> VK0CW QSL and a note. The enclosed note said:
> "About half the log papers were ruined about 10 years ago due to
> flooding in my basement. I also didn't recall having any more blank
> VK0 QSLs.
> But ... because of my affection for Elliot, W2DIE (NJDXA SK) , and
> the NJDXA I dug through the water-distended packages and found an
> entry for W2DEC. Then I tore apart my store room and came upon
> 3 blank QSLs.
> Enjoy
> Dan N2DT
>   Almost 28 years to the day after the QSO the VK0CW cards
> arrived.  I now have #1 DXCC circa 1967 :-)
>   Thanks again to all the people who replied to my request for help.
> Moral of the story, never give up on a QSL.
> 73 es DX
> Urb W2DEC
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Re: [DX-CHAT] [Buddipole] Buddipole J6 News Release #2

2010-11-06 Thread Zack Widup
Any upcoming operations to PJ2? For some reason in the mad rush a few
weeks ago I made at least one QSO with every other new island but PJ2.
The ones I heard were extremely weak here for some reason.

I haven't been able to determine if a PJ2 was active in CQWW SSB but
I'm hoping at least one will be in CQWW CW.

73, Zack W9SZ

On 11/6/10, Jack  wrote:
>>We are off again in December to much warmer climes!!
>>DX News Release #2:
>>The "Buddies in the Caribbean" DXpedition group
>>which specializes in 100 watt or less low power
>>radios and the Buddipole portable antenna
>>systems is back again to St Lucia (J6) on Dec 5
>>­ 13, 2010.  The north shore Villa location was
>>magnificent on our first visit in Feb 2010 and
>>we want to demonstrate with a new group of
>>operators,  "ultralite" dxpeditioning into
>>magnificent "vista" locations, operating a field
>>portable, battery-only radio with backpackable,
>>lightweight antennas and most of all "having
>>fun".  The entire DXpedition is limited to
>>equipment that can fit in your airline "suitcase".
>>The eight operators are:  Budd/W3FF, Guy/N7UN,
>>Wey/K8EAB, Bill/W7ZT, Todd/N4LA, Kent/K4MK,
>>Gary/NX8L, and Tom/W4OKW.  There will be 3 Villa
>>stations in operation at various times on
>>160-10m using CW, SSB, and RTTY.  During the
>>day, several teams will be battery-only, field
>>portable either from St Lucia beaches or scenic
>>mountain tops.  They group has received a unique
>>J6BP callsign for the ARRL 10m contest on Dec
>>11-12th.  QSL via LoTW, eQSL, or mail to the
>>operator's home callsign (SASE required).  For
>>more details, see the following web page:
> Jack Hartley
> DXCC Honor Roll
> "Celebrating 51 years in Ham Radio"
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Re: [DX-CHAT] Deleted DXCC entities

2010-09-26 Thread Zack Widup

Yes. I got into the DXCC program in 1992. At the time I had cards for
several deleted countries I'd worked and confirmed as much as 20 years
earlier. I submitted them in 1992 and was given overall credit for them back

I later also got credit for ST0 South Sudan, ZS9 Walvis Bay and ZS0 Penguin
Islands. And a couple others.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 12:41 PM, Larry Van Horn  wrote:

>  I have a dumb question and since I haven't used my daily allotment yet,
> guess I can fire away. ;-)))
> With the upcoming Neth Antilles breakup and those old countries to be
> deleted, after they have been deleted, can you still submit those deleted
> countries the the DXCC desk for credit to your account as deleted counties?
> Hope that makes sense.
> 73 de Larry
> Larry Van Horn, N5FPW
> Brasstown, NC USA
> MT Assistant/Review/Technical Editor
> Milcom/What's New/First Look Columnist
> Milcom Monitoring Post at
> http://mt-milcom.blogspot.com/
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Re: [DX-CHAT] What to do?

2010-08-30 Thread Zack Widup

There is a prediction in the latest issue of CQ Magazine that predicts the
SFI won't get above 140 for this cycle. That means very little or no F2
propagation on 6 meters this cycle. I tend to believe that. It agrees with a
prediction Carl K9LA made some months ago.

Oh well ...

73, Zack W9SZ

On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 8:50 AM, Dave White wrote:

> The bloke at NASA issuing all the warnings isn't called Dr Nostradamus by
> any chance?
> I'd put up lots of vhf antennas. 2 meters DXCC perhaps?
> I have my own diesel generator so they can do what they like to the grid
> :-)
> I think it's just a plot to distract us in 2012 so we forget what a bloody
> waste of money the London Olympics will be.
> Dave G0OIL
> -Original Message-
> From: "Bill Hawkins" 
> To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
> Sent: 30/08/2010 13:02
> Subject: [DX-CHAT] What to do?
> Should I take my antennas down or put more up?
> Bill W5EC
> Massive solar storm to hit Earth in 2012 with 'force of 100m bombs'
> Astronomers are predicting that a massive solar storm, much bigger in
> potential than the one that caused spectacular light shows on Earth earlier
> this month, is to strike our planet in 2012 with a force of 100 million
> hydrogen bombs.
> Several US media outlets have reported that NASA was warning the massive
> flare this month was just a precursor to a massive solar storm building that
> had the potential to wipe out the entire planet's power grid.
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[DX-CHAT] Sunspots

2010-06-16 Thread Zack Widup

Yes! Yes! Yes! Where are they? Get those Palos Verdes Sundancers going!

SFI is around 70 now I believe. Not a whole lot better than at sunspot

73, Zack W9SZ

On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 11:08 AM, Harris Ruben  wrote:

> You are entitled to your opinion.
> As for me, I need some of those coming SUNSPOTS!

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Sunspots?

2010-06-07 Thread Zack Widup
Predictions for this solar cycle are still for its being on the low side. It
appears it's not likely that the MUF will even get high enough for 6 meter

Oh well ... maybe I'll live till the next one.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 7:16 AM, Bill Hawkins  wrote:

>  As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps a Wary Eye on Space Weather
> *June 4, 2010:* Earth and space are about to come into contact in a way
> that's new to human history. To make preparations, authorities in Washington
> DC are holding a meeting: The Space Weather Enterprise Forum at the National
> Press Club on June 8th.
> Richard Fisher, head of NASA's Heliophysics Division, explains what it's
> all about:
> "The sun is waking up from a deep slumber, and in the next few years we
> expect to see much higher levels of solar activity. At the same time, our
> technological society has developed an unprecedented sensitivity to solar
> storms. The intersection of these two issues is what we're getting together
> to discuss."
> Read the story here---
> http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2010/04jun_swef/
> ---
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[DX-CHAT] Re: [DX-NEWS] Help with T8UZA from July 1981

2009-11-30 Thread Zack Widup

This is all very confusing about the date of T8 as the Palau prefix. I know
it wasn't farther back than 1993 because I have several Palau KC6 cards from
that time period and no T8 cards for Palau back then.

This page refers to January 1, 1994 as the starting date for acceptance of
T8 as the prefix for Palau:


At any rate, 1981 is long before any of these. I looked in my logs for any
T8 stations around 1981 and didn't find any. I also looked for likely
suspects for busted calls for T8UZA and didn't find any. So I'm no help
there. BTW was it a CW or phone QSO?

The Principality of Seborga must've only used the prefix for a short time in
1995. I have QSL's from several Seborga operations - the earliest used 1P as
the prefix and later ones used T00. I guess I never worked a T8 from

73, Zack W9SZ

On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 8:57 AM, GERRY  wrote:

> From the DXCC PX cross reference: KC6 (before 1998) = T8
> Gerry VE6LB
>   - Original Message -
> *From:* Phil W9IXX 
> *To:* jjreis...@gmail.com
> *Cc:* w9sz.z...@gmail.com ; dx-n...@njdxa.org
> *Sent:* Sunday, November 29, 2009 8:22 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [DX-NEWS] Help with T8UZA from July 1981
> Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:
> > On 11/28/2009 4:10 PM, Zack Widup wrote:
> >
> >> I didn't think Palau had the T8 prefix in 1981. I thought it was still
> >> KC6 back then, up to about 2002.
> >> 73, Zack W9SZ
> >
> > T8 was definitely used in 1997 (T88JA in March 1997 for instance), but
> > I don't know how much earlier.
> >
> > - Jim
> >
> Hi,
> Found this in the Bulletin:
>  >>>>>>>
> *The Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster
> DX Bulletin No. 275
> BID: $OPDX.275
> *October 21, 1996
> President of the Oklahoma DX Association has informed the DX/Contest
> community of the following statement: "In 1994, Belau (Palau) declared
> its independence from the USA. Consequently, the KC6 prefix needed to be
> replaced by a new unassigned prefix. The prefix T8 has been assigned to
> Belau. Oklahoma DX Association members N5OK and N5CG have now activated
> the T8 prefix for the first time as T88T.
>  >>>>>
> Hope this helps.
> 73  Phil  W9IXX
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Re: [DX-CHAT] msnbc.com: Family electrocuted putting up radio antenna

2009-10-13 Thread Zack Widup
I know it's a tragic loss, but why were they putting up a 50 foot antenna
(I'm assuming it was a mast) in the dark? It seems common sense dictates
against that. I would never put that sort of an antenna up in the dark. Or
even a dipole.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 2:37 PM, David Kozinn, K2DBK wrote:

> The man killed was KJ4KFF's son, and if you do a search on qrz.com you'll
> see that she lives on the road mentioned in the news reports. There are some
> additional details now up on the ARRL website:
> http://www.arrl.org/news/stories/2009/10/13/11135/?nc=1
> 73,
> David, K2DBK
> k2dbk.com
> k2dbk.blogspot.com
>   On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 1:53 PM, Z32ZM Mome  wrote:
>>  *I'm verry sorry to read about this tragedy. *
>> **
>> *OC Bob- W1YRC, TNX for the nice link who discovered FAMILY NAMES. *
>> **
>> *Comparing the link bellow & the address at QRZ.com  it was probably a
>> CB - Radio antena, NOT a HAM Radio antena!*
>> **
>> *Family who died: Melville Braham, 55,  his wife Anna, and their
>> 15-year-old son Anthony  *
>> **
>> *BTW: its NOT KJ4KFF as I read somewhere , the  KJ4KFF is  Barbara V
>> Tenn.*
>> *There is 194 HAM CALL's in Palm Bay FL-32907 - listed on qrz.com &  I
>> hope someone is here on DX-Chat & can confirm that this is NOT a HAM
>> Radio-Family.*
>> **
>> *Stay Tuned on SIX!!!
>> 73 , GL & DX !!!   de:  Mome Z32ZM , AH6ZM, 3D2ZM*
>> - Original Message -
>> *From:* Bob Beaudet 
>> *To:* wn3...@verizon.net ; dx-chat@njdxa.org
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 13, 2009 5:05 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: [DX-CHAT] msnbc.com: Family electrocuted putting up radio
>> antenna
>>  Details at
>> http://www.floridatoday.com/article/20091013/BREAKINGNEWS/310130004/1006/NEWS01/Three+in+family+electrocuted+in+Palm+Bay
>> +
>> 73, Bob W1YRC
>> - Original Message -
>> *From:* Ron Notarius W3WN 
>> *To:* dx-chat@njdxa.org
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 13, 2009 10:10 AM
>> *Subject:* Re: [DX-CHAT] msnbc.com: Family electrocuted putting up radio
>> antenna
>> The MS-NBC story online is short on details.
>> Anyone know who the family is?
>> Oct 13, 2009 08:06:21 AM, kf...@optonline.net wrote:
>> Family electrocuted putting up radio antenna
>> Police in Florida say a mother, father and 15-year-old son
>> died after being electrocuted while putting up a ham radio
>> antenna in their Palm Bay home.
>> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33288707/ns/us_news-life/from/ET
>> ---
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Re: [DX-CHAT] msnbc.com: Family electrocuted putting up radio antenna

2009-10-13 Thread Zack Widup

Yeah, no kidding. And considering the press' ability to get things wrong at
every turn, it might not even have been a "ham radio antenna."

73, Zack W9SZ

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 9:10 AM, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:

>  The MS-NBC story online is short on details.
> Anyone know who the family is?
> Oct 13, 2009 08:06:21 AM, kf...@optonline.net wrote:
> Family electrocuted putting up radio antenna
> Police in Florida say a mother, father and 15-year-old son
> died after being electrocuted while putting up a ham radio
> antenna in their Palm Bay home.
> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33288707/ns/us_news-life/from/ET
> ---
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Re: [DX-CHAT] DX Cluster

2009-09-24 Thread Zack Widup

Check this out John:


73, Zack W9SZ

On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 12:39 PM,  wrote:

> Is there a DX Cluster that I can access via the internet that allows me to
> make queries (eg. SH/DX FT5GA) and shows me an active cluster with DX Spots,
> etc. I need something that allows DX Cluster access/interaction while I am
> away from home using my laptop via wireless links.
> John Ownes  -   N7TK
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Re: [DX-CHAT] the sad story of South Sudan - a new country after 2011?

2009-08-16 Thread Zack Widup

Not to make light of the strife and trouble going on there, but I wonder if
a deleted country can be reinstated? I have ST0 South Sudan as a deleted

73, Zack W9SZ

On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 3:19 AM, DAVE WHITE wrote:

>   Clip from today's Sunday Telegraph
> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/sudan/6034690/South-Sudan-faces-new-war-over-oil.html
> It seems that some things never change.  I've frequently heard an argument
> that the worst thing that the old colonial powers did was to put Africans in
> charge of Africa.  It's not an opinion that I hold (actually I think it was
> just done badly), but examples that spring to mind are the chaos and
> bloodshed in Rwanda, Burundi, Nigeria/Biafra, Ghana, Sudan, Sierra Leone,
> Angola, Somalia, Eritrea, Zaire, Western Sahara, Central African Republic
> etc ... and of course the biggest basket case of the all: Zimbabwe, once the
> bread basket of Africa and now what?
> It does make me wonder whether the current outbreak of troubles in Southern
> Sudan is just tribal squabbling.  Conspiracy theorists (and those who know
> how China operates) may point the finger in their direction, particularly if
> there's oil and other mineral resuorce at stake.  As we know, the Chinese
> have no morals when it comes to dealing anyone who'll sell them what they
> need at a knock-down price
> I wonder if the referendum of independence for South Sudan will really go
> ahead?  One thing's for certain:  It'll be a brave bunch of guys who mount a
> DXpedition there!
> food for thought, eh?
> cheers
> Dave G0OIL
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Re: [DX-CHAT] Availabity of 7O1YGF QSL cards?

2009-08-13 Thread Zack Widup

I had one CW QSO. My card went out in the mail to DJ3XD this morning.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 3:37 PM, Mike D'Alto  wrote:

> OK, so I had 5 QSOs with 7O1YGF which I never requested confirmation for.
>  After the 7O1A debacle and my cards being rejected by the DXCC Desk, I
> decided to take a "lets see what happens attitude".   I pretty much had
> given up hope that the 7O1YGF operation would ever be approved after a year
> or two of not hearing anything, and subsequently put it out of my mind.
>  Naturally, I am now very eager to get these contacts confirmed.  This would
> put me within one click of having worked and confirmed them all.  So does
> anyone know if the original ops have the logs and will answer direct QSL
> requests?  The sources I checked indicate DJ3XD as the route for CW
> contacts, and DK9KX for SSB & RTTY.  I've never used LOTW, from what I have
> read elsewhere, that may become a viable way to receive a confirmation.  I'd
> rather have the actual card.  Kicking myself for not having acted when the
> operation was still recent.  What would you do if you were me?
> vy 73/DX, Mike, K2CD
> ---
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[DX-CHAT] Re: [DX-NEWS] Re: [Dx-qsl] 7O1YGF Approved for DXCC Credit

2009-08-13 Thread Zack Widup
My understanding was that they had some documentation but it was thought
that their license or OK to operate was issued by a regional authority -
sort of like the state of Illinois issuing me a license instead of the FCC.

I'm just happy that it finaly got approved. I have one other confirmed QSO
with 7O from an operation that was not approved. I just sent for a card for
this one today.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 11:38 AM, Jack  wrote:

> IF memory serves, these guys NEVER submitted documentation in the first
> place
> Yemen is the last one I need and they are not in my log.
> I'm jealous, envious and happy for those of you that do have them in your
> log!
> At 12:26 PM 8/13/2009, you wrote:
> "After reviewing recently-received information regarding the 7O1YGF
> operation, and after additional dialogue with a leader of the
> DXpedition,
> the DXCC desk has approved this operation."
> Nine years later and this Yemen operation just now gets approval?
> What's going on here?
> Can any body report on what the 'recently-received information' was that
> changed Bill's position on the 7O1YGF operation?
> Doug
> I'll run the race and I will never be the same again.
> -Original Message-
> From: kf...@njdxa.org [ mailto:kf...@njdxa.org ] On
> Behalf Of Jim Reisert
> AD1C
> Sent: August 12, 2009 4:27 PM
> To: dx-n...@njdxa.org
> Cc: DX4WIN Reflector; YCCC; mhdxa; PPDXG Reflector; GMCC
> Subject: [DX-NEWS] 7O1YGF Approved for DXCC Credit
> The following news is from the ARRL DXCC Desk and is for real!
> Bernie, W3UR
> The following operation has been approved for DXCC:
> 7O1YGF ­ Yemen
> Operation from April 16, 2000 through April 26, 2000
> After reviewing recently-received information regarding the 7O1YGF
> operation, and after additional dialogue with a leader of the
> DXpedition,
> the DXCC desk has approved this operation.
> Considering the length of time that has passed since this operation, we
> ask
> that DXCC participants who would like to claim credit for 7O1YGF follow
> the
> options below:
> • Send the 7O1YGF card ONLY to DXCC with a SASE, or return postage if
> outside the US; DXCC will process the card and applicants will not be
> charged a submission fee. 7O1YGF cards included with other cards will be
> handled as part of a normal submission.
> • Bring the card to a DXCC Card Checker. The card checker will forward
> the
> confirmation to the DXCC desk for processing. Again, there will be no
> submission fee if this is a single-card submission. You must fill out an
> application form, however.
> In all other cases applicants can include their QSL card with their next
> submission, and it will be handled normally. We will work with the
> 7O1YGF
> team to use Logbook of the World if possible.
> Remember, the cutoff date for the 2009 DXCC Annual listing and Honor
> Roll
> list is December 31, 2009. We encourage applicants to handle this sooner
> rather than wait until the last minute.
> 73 es DX!
> Bill Moore NC1L
> Awards Branch Manager
> Jack Hartley
> DXCC Honor Roll
> *"Celebrating 50 years in Ham Radio"
> *
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Re: [DX-CHAT] Attention W4 area DX Clubs

2009-08-12 Thread Zack Widup

I think it would be great if a DX club got that call! Better than someone
who has no idea of its history.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 12:36 PM, Urb LeJeune  wrote:

> The call W4BPD is available. Gus, W4BPD, was one of the great all time
> DXpeditioners
> and DX operators. It would be a great call for a DX club.
> If you need help on trading in your club call to acquire W4BPD drop me a
> line. It's a very
> simple process. A club can also have 2 calls.
> Urb, W2DEC
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Re: [DX-CHAT] Mt Athos

2009-05-06 Thread Zack Widup
See you hopefully operating in P5, 7O or FR/G!

73, Zack W9SZ

On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 9:59 AM, David Yarnes  wrote:

> My wife was raised in the Greek Orthodox faith, and as an adult she has
> very few kind words to say about the church, primarily because she feels
> they are so incredibly sexist. Unless you know something about being
> orthodox, you can't imagine how many things they won't let women do.
>  Anyway, I showed her the article, and she offered some commentary I won't
> repeat.  Anyway, I don't think she would be all that happy if I were to go
> on a DXpedition there!  Hi. Otherwise, she's pretty cool about letting me go
> off on ham jaunts. See some of you hopefully in Dayton
> Dave W7AQK
> - Original Message - From: "David Rollitt" <
> da...@g3xyp.freeserve.co.uk>
> To: ; 
> Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 1:51 AM
> Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Mt Athos
> SV0WI had permission to mount a trip there in the early 70's, a year or so
> before Martti went there. I was invited to join with them but declined,
> they
> eventually went to Rhodes instead. Funny how we can make a wrong choice
> sometimes.
> 73 David G3XYP
> - Original Message - From: "G4GED Dave" <
> radiodave.g4...@tiscali.co.uk>
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 8:39 AM
> Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Mt Athos
>> Now all we need is permission for a DXpedition! ;-)
>> - Original Message - From: "ragnar otterstad" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 7:06 AM
>> Subject: [DX-CHAT] Mt Athos
>> http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/after-1000-years-women-can-see-treasures-of-mount-athos-1679730.html
>> Close - bu no cigar !
>> 73  Rag LA5HE
>> For a different vacation :
>> http://de.visittelemark.com/
>> or
>> http://www.telemarkskanalen.no/   were we are located on the "riverside".
>> _
>> Alt i ett. Få Yahoo! Mail med adressekartotek, kalender og
>> notisblokk. http://no.mail.yahoo.com
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[DX-CHAT] Descheo Island

2009-01-26 Thread Zack Widup
I have only one QSO with Desecheo right now - 15 meter SSB with the dynamic
duo who operated there a few years ago.

I want to get at least a CW and a digi QSO and maybe a couple other bands. I
hope they aren't going to assume everyone in North America has KP5 confirmed
on all band-modes already.  :-)

But it should be a lot easier from here than from EU. They're almost in my
back yard.
73, Zack W9SZ

On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 11:57 AM, ragnar otterstad  wrote:

> >
> > I can see right now what's going to happen when they
> > work Europe:
> >
> > When the operator says quite clearly for the fifth time
> > "Golf Nine Alpha Alpha Alpha five and nine", all
> > the Italians will keep shouting their last two for ten
> > minutes solid on the G9's frequency, overmodulating
> > their 3kW amplifiers and without pausing for
> > breath..even if they are in the log twelve times
> > already.
> Unfortunately, I think you are right.  Part of the problem is lack of
> proper understanding of English, which applies to all the latin countries,
> where films are dubbed. Up here, we have subtitles, so people get language
> lessons without even knowing it !!
> > >
> > These guys are all pretty good operators and you'll
> > have propagation akin to a telephone line on most bands
> > nearly 24 hours per day from where you live.  Don't
> > bother takin the time off work during the first week when
> > the big guns will slug it out toe to toe, but you'll
> > make it in the log easily enough during the second week.
> > If you wait till the band's closed to Italy,
> > anyway."Whiskey eight Tango Alpha Hotel five and
> >
> > If you're like me you concentrate on CW where there are
> > fewer muppets
> There are some rotten apples even on CW these days , I am sorry to say
> !This applies in particular to some Eastern -Europeans countries and Balkan.
> If they work split, which I am sure they will, things get easier when you
> have experienced operators at the DX-end.  F ex I rarely have to make more
> that 2-3 calls to get a qso when f ex DL3DXX, G3SXW and others like them
> are at the DX-end-  Even when the signals are marginal, which they often
> are up here in the North !
> 73  rag  LA5HE
> >
>  _
> Alt i ett. Få Yahoo! Mail med adressekartotek, kalender og
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Re: [DX-CHAT] Dissed by Infoworld?......and QRM.....

2008-12-30 Thread Zack Widup
Oh yeah.  In Latin, the phrase is "inter caecos regnat luscus."

73, Zack W9SZ

On 12/30/08, DAVE WHITE  wrote:
> Hi Zack
> Sadly I fear that you're correct in every respect.  In line with the old
> maxim "In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king" experience shows
> that people who are 99 percent ignorant but talk a good game market
> themselves as experts to those who are 100 percent ignorant.  And of course
> the latter believe them.  Not everyone in this world acts with honesty and
> integrity, let alone with knowledge.
> cheers
> Dave G0OIL
> --- On *Tue, 30/12/08, Zack Widup * wrote:
> From: Zack Widup 
> Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Dissed by Infoworld?..and QRM.
> To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
> Date: Tuesday, 30 December, 2008, 3:33 PM
> I still contend that IBM and others have no real RF engineers working for
> them. None of them seem to understand radio-frequency interference or
> near-channel effects on things such as noise floor.
> We studied all of that when I was in college in 1974 studying RF
> engineering. It's not new data, just neglected. And of course means extra
> cost to limit the RF noise.
> 73, Zack W9SZ
> On 12/30/08, DAVE WHITE  wrote:
>>  Hi all
>> On the QRM front, I've noticed a huge increase in RF noise from items like
>> Christmas lights this year.  Someone a couple of street away put some
>> twinkling LED lights in his garden, purchased from Tesco (a large
>> supermarket chain here in the UK).  These fill 160 and 80m with a rasping
>> noise over S9 and fill 20m with the same s9plus noise beaming in that
>> direction.  Clearly the wire to the lamps works like an antenna,
>> transmitting diode hash and rubbish from the switched mode supply.  Needless
>> to say, they're cheap Chinese trash from the Ping Pong Poo Electrics Company
>> (or whoever).
>> Electrical gear that is sold in the EU is supposed to be tested and CE
>> marked as compliant with standards, but enforcement of this is
>> non-existent.  Even big companies like BT (British Temecom) falsely and
>> fraudulently stamp "CE" on their home networking devices which are
>> staggeringly non-compliant with RFI standards.
>> Anyway, this next bit is hilarious.  I got this reply to my message
>> laughing at IBM, presumably from someone on the DX-CHAT group.
>> It's anonymous and comes from a non-existent email address.  I wonder if
>> this is the mindset of the spineless little people who cause deliberate and
>> anonymous QRM to dxpeditions:
>>  From:
>>  "tufts68...@mypacks.net" 
>> <http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/_ylt=AsPh9P5rGh.45Dt3zuGjyFLDAL4X/SIG=1u9lqkca4/**http%3A//address.mail.yahoo.com/yab%3Fv=YM%26A=m%26simp=1%26e=tufts68116%2540mypacks.net%26fn=tufts68116%2540mypacks.net%26.done=http%253A%252F%252Fuk.mc863.mail.yahoo.com%252Fmc%252FshowMessage%253Ffid%253DInbox%2526sort%253Ddate%2526order%253Ddown%2526startMid%253D0%2526.rand%253D992080083%2526da%253D0%2526midIndex%253D6%2526mid%253D1_499_AHS8ktkAAIt%25252BSVmHAQBPag4Eqs4%2526prevMid%253D1_200508_ABS8ktkAAEDWSVm4TwfeETK5iW0%2526nextMid%253D1_200174_AHK8ktkAAF2mSVm4QQ8A6H5zhuc%2526m%253D1_201993_AHG8ktkAAPc%25252FSVniow5uGlodvdM%252C1_201592_AG%25252B8ktkAAT2KSVnTtAQdulrVV38%252C1_201225_AHC8ktkAAAd6SVnHPA1aVWMMeso%252C1_200866_AHG8ktkAAEFySVm4XwCy1G%25252FP1rU%252C1_200508_ABS8ktkAAEDWSVm4TwfeETK5iW0%252C1_499_AHS8ktkAAIt%25252BSVmHAQBPag4Eqs4%252C1_200174_AHK8ktkAAF2mSVm4QQ8A6H5zhuc%252C1_199831_AHW8ktkAAAphSVm4MwxZIgndygY%252C1_199352_ABO8ktkAAM5xSVm4HwGnVCdHbKM%252C1_8%0A%0A33_AHS8ktkAAGtuSVlaZQF7nUIrZ%25252B0%252C1_1190_AHS8ktkAAGwUSVlaWwyRPBdfwH0%252C>
>> You arrogant bastard...
>> P.S.  I've worked in IT for 45 years, and fired dozens of arrogant
>> a- like you.
>> (bad language deleted by me)
>> I just love it when the reptiles come out from under their stones, don't
>> you?  Wouldn't you have thought he'd at least have the courage to put his
>> name?  Now you know who was probably sending a carrier and dits all day over
>> BS7H.
>> Happy New Year and Good DX to you all!
>> OILy
>> --- On *Mon, 29/12/08, DAVE WHITE * wrote:
>> From: DAVE WHITE 
>> Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Dissed by Infoworld?
>> To: dx-chat@njdxa.org, wn3...@verizon.net
>> Cc: w1...@arrl.org
>> Date: Monday, 29 December, 2008, 11:05 PM
>> Oh, so "notching" is a new development, eh?  Well it probably is if you're
>> a dullard w

Re: [DX-CHAT] propagation prediction programs: recommendations???

2008-12-30 Thread Zack Widup
W6ELProp is maybe not as good as VOAProp but it's decent, too. And it's
free. You just have to come up with the numbers yourself and enter them.

73, Zack W9SZ

On 12/30/08, DAVE WHITE  wrote:
> Hi all
> I realise that this is a bit off-topic, so please feel free to reply
> personally.
> Who uses a propagation prediction program?  Which one do you use?  Would
> you recommend it?
> In the past I've generally taken little notice of these, but decided to
> have a play around, so to speak.
> Along with the usual commercial offerings I found VOAProp (
> http://www.g4ilo.com/voaprop.html) which seems reasonably stable, uses
> currently available data and the ITS VOAcap software.  Above all, It's
> FREE.  Being a Yorkshireman who's half Scottish I like FREE stuff :-)
> Given the caveat that no propagation prediction is foolproof, this program
> seems to work well.  It demonstrated why XU7ACY is always reported at
> 599plus on 160m by Germans and Russians when I can hardly hear him during
> the evenings, and also suggested the best time for me.  OK, he was still
> only 449 with me and I had to call long either side of the pileup waiting
> for him to turn the dial but I did manage to work him at the recommended
> time - just before his sunrise.
> The "medium" power/gain signal strength figures seem pessimistic on low
> bands and optimistic on the higher bands.
> Has anyone in the group got any further recommendations or can anyone
> suggest further tweaks or hints with this subject?  The more I look into it,
> the more interesting it becomes.
> cheers
> Dave G0OIL
> ---
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Re: [DX-CHAT] Dissed by Infoworld?......and QRM.....

2008-12-30 Thread Zack Widup
I still contend that IBM and others have no real RF engineers working for
them. None of them seem to understand radio-frequency interference or
near-channel effects on things such as noise floor.

We studied all of that when I was in college in 1974 studying RF
engineering. It's not new data, just neglected. And of course means extra
cost to limit the RF noise.

73, Zack W9SZ

On 12/30/08, DAVE WHITE  wrote:
>  Hi all
> On the QRM front, I've noticed a huge increase in RF noise from items like
> Christmas lights this year.  Someone a couple of street away put some
> twinkling LED lights in his garden, purchased from Tesco (a large
> supermarket chain here in the UK).  These fill 160 and 80m with a rasping
> noise over S9 and fill 20m with the same s9plus noise beaming in that
> direction.  Clearly the wire to the lamps works like an antenna,
> transmitting diode hash and rubbish from the switched mode supply.  Needless
> to say, they're cheap Chinese trash from the Ping Pong Poo Electrics Company
> (or whoever).
> Electrical gear that is sold in the EU is supposed to be tested and CE
> marked as compliant with standards, but enforcement of this is
> non-existent.  Even big companies like BT (British Temecom) falsely and
> fraudulently stamp "CE" on their home networking devices which are
> staggeringly non-compliant with RFI standards.
> Anyway, this next bit is hilarious.  I got this reply to my message
> laughing at IBM, presumably from someone on the DX-CHAT group.
> It's anonymous and comes from a non-existent email address.  I wonder if
> this is the mindset of the spineless little people who cause deliberate and
> anonymous QRM to dxpeditions:
>  From:
>  "tufts68...@mypacks.net" 
> You arrogant bastard...
> P.S.  I've worked in IT for 45 years, and fired dozens of arrogant
> a- like you.
> (bad language deleted by me)
> I just love it when the reptiles come out from under their stones, don't
> you?  Wouldn't you have thought he'd at least have the courage to put his
> name?  Now you know who was probably sending a carrier and dits all day over
> BS7H.
> Happy New Year and Good DX to you all!
> OILy
> --- On *Mon, 29/12/08, DAVE WHITE * wrote:
> Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Dissed by Infoworld?
> To: dx-chat@njdxa.org, wn3...@verizon.net
> Cc: w1...@arrl.org
> Date: Monday, 29 December, 2008, 11:05 PM
> Oh, so "notching" is a new development, eh?  Well it probably is if you're
> a dullard who works for a bunch of buffoons like IBM!
> Maybe if Ray Blair talked the the ham radio operators (who amazingly still
> have clout) he'd find that we amazingly still have more knowledge and
> intelligence than monkeys in blue suits like him
> cheers
> Dave G0OIL
> (PS I work in IT.  It's always my pleasure to fire IBM consultants off
> site.  And EDS.  And Accenture. And Tata...)
> --- On *Mon, 29/12/08, Ron Notarius W3WN * wrote:
> From: Ron Notarius W3WN 
> Subject: [DX-CHAT] Dissed by Infoworld?
> To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
> Cc: w1...@arrl.org
> Date: Monday, 29 December, 2008, 7:59 PM
> Nice little article on Infoworld's site today, about the 10 most
> under-reported tech stories of 2008.
> Of interest to us is #6: BPL is Back from the Dead (see
> http://www.infoworld.com/article/08/12/29/53FE-tech-underreported-powerline_1.html)
> Of note in the article is this paragraph:
> "And another recent innovation, called notching, lets the chips switch
> frequencies when meeting interference. This upgrade should quiet the fears
> of ham radio operators (who amazingly enough have still have significant
> clout) and others that BPL will cause problems for various radio services,
> says Ray Blair, IBM's head of advanced networking. "
> "Who amazingly enough have still have significant clout" ???
> Never mind the bad English (don't they employ editors anymore? or proof
> readers?). I'm not 

Re: [DX-CHAT] QSL mamangers around the world in countries with reliable mail service willing to help

2008-11-15 Thread Zack Widup

You know I've always done this because opthers have told me to do it. 
However, it begs the question: Where do the letters go (by what route) if 
they DON'T say "Via France" on them?  What route do they take when they DO 
say that?

73, Zack W9SZ

On Sat, 15 Nov 2008, DAVE WHITE wrote:

Hi Barry,
Strangely I've had no problems with FR5DX eitheronce I learned to write 
REUNION ISLAND, FRANCE, or VIA FRANCE on the envelope.  Don't let it go 
direct.  Our Gallic friends have a good post office.

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[DX-CHAT] A5100A

2008-11-10 Thread Zack Widup
Has anyone in the USA on this group (well, let's even say North America) 
worked/heard A5100A yet? All the spots I've seen for them have been from 
Asia and EU and I haven't heard a peep from them.

73, Zack W9SZ

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2008-11-09 Thread Zack Widup

Yes, I got mine some time ago too.  Beautiful card! That's the reason I 
like paper cards.

73, Zck W9SZ

On Sun, 9 Nov 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My thanks to the many folks who responded to my question about VP6DX QSL 
status. It seem all have had them for a month or so, and I haven't seen any 
postings on the DX-QSL reflector about recent cards. I guess I will never get 
one since I can't even get a response to emails re this. Thanks again.

John Owens - N7TK

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Re: [DX-CHAT] DXCC Records

2008-10-24 Thread Zack Widup

Hi Urb,

Have fun!

Maybe ARRL will send them to you?  Send an e-mail to the DXCC Desk.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Fri, 24 Oct 2008, Urb LeJeune wrote:

I'm returning to active DXing and a couple of decades of inactivity. What is 

procedure for getting my official DXCC listings (Mixed and Phone) from where
I left off?

Urb, W2DEC

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Re: [DX-CHAT] E7

2008-08-11 Thread Zack Widup

Hi Boris,

I am assuming that if I have DXCC credit for Bosnian T9 callsigns, that I 
don't need to do it again for E7 callsigns? In other words, Bosnia has not 
changed DXCC status, it is just a prefix change?

I hope to work you soon!

73, Zack W9SZ

On Mon, 11 Aug 2008, Boris Knezovic E73TW wrote:

Jim Abercrombie wrote:

Is E7 a new and seperate country from YU now?

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E7 is new prefix for Bosnia and Herzegovina which replaced T9 we used since 
May 1993. Bosnia and Herzegovina is separate DXCC country since 15. Oct 1991.

73's Boris E73TW (ex. T93Y)

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Are CW ops getting older?

2008-07-01 Thread Zack Widup

On Tue, 1 Jul 2008, DAVE WHITE wrote:

Ain't nobody getting any younger, Dave!  At least if they are, he should patent 
his secret and sell it.

Well, I have this photo that I keep stashed away in the attic ...

Seriously, I find it's a little more difficult for me to stay awake all 
night like I used to during contests. Must have something to do with age 

 On a serious point, I felt that it was always the older members of the hobby 
who wished to preserve cw as an entry criterion for the HF bands - something 
which I always considered to be ridiculous (no, I'm NOT trying to re-open the 
code/no-code debate).

 Interestingly, I always said that there was no way I'd ever mess about operating cw, and 
only did the test to get my ticket.  The mode held no interest for me at all.  But then 
one day I bought an all-mode TNC at a hamfest - actually to send/receive RTTY - so I 
hooked it up to my computer and started to use it.  Incidentally it also worked for cw, 
so it rather "got me into" using the mode on the bands just out of interest.

 Strangely, I look at my log book these days and I'd say that cw is the mode 
that I use the most.  As you imply, it's probably an age thing.  I still send 
from the keyboard, though use Human Brain Mark #1 for decoding.  More grey 
hairs - of which I now have many - means more cw operating, perhaps?

 I shall practice sitting on my porch, barking at passers-by and waving my 
stick at passing traffic in between sending with a bug key.  Will I then be a 
fully-fledged, 100 percent cw op? ..


 Dave G0OIL

Once I learned CW as a Novice it got in my blood. It's still the mode I 
use 99% of the time. I have nothing against anyone else's decision not to 
use it and the dropping of the requirement on the test is just water 
under the bridge.  What REALLY saddens me is that out of about 15 ops on 
Field Day this year at our K9CU operation, I was the ONLY one who worked 
CW! So if you worked K9CU on FD on 20 or 40 CW, it was me.

73, Zack W9SZ

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[DX-CHAT] Silent Key-W8CNL

2008-06-26 Thread Zack Widup

Very sad news.

Zack W9SZ


I regret to report the passing of Ray McClure, W8CNL.

Ray was a well known DX'er, with #1 status.  He was the QSL manager for Bob
Furzer, 9K2ZZ (K4CY), the creator of  the LOGGER32 logging program.

His funeral home is accepting Guestbook comments:

'73 de Jim N2ZZ
ARRL Section Manager
South Carolina Section
Visit our website: www.arrl-sc.org

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Radio Procedure-on phone

2008-06-04 Thread Zack Widup

On Wed, 4 Jun 2008, Jim Abercrombie wrote:

By my last line I meant hams as far back as I can remember.
Also,  one of the other terms which crept in from CB is "what is your 
personal?". I even heard an Australian ham ask someone that question on 10 
meters SSB a couple of years ago.  Also we have had newbys come on a 
roundtable frequency trying to break in by saying QSK or CQ. I've heard both. 
Maybe the technician test should have one of the questions on the question 
pool as to the proper way to break into a QSO (another Q-signal term hi hi!). 
Also, in what book does it say the term "break", referring to a VHF repeater, 
mean "emergency"?  All of that is perfect nonsense.


Our local 440 MHz repeater is used frequently by the county ARES, which 
I'm a member of. We use "break tags" a lot during ARES activities:


The use of these has carried over to people who aren't ARES members, using 
the repeater in general. It's kind of refreshing!

73, Zack W9SZ

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Radio Procedure-on phone

2008-06-03 Thread Zack Widup

It appears to me that the use of "Over," "Standby," "Please," "Sorry," 
etc. fall right in line with the Incident Command System (ICS) and 
National Incident Managament System (NIMS) adopted by emergency 
comunications personnel in the USA. These systems urge the use of common, 
plain wording in message communication.

I have never used "QSL?" to replace "Over". I HAVE heard it done and it 
irks me too.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Tue, 3 Jun 2008, LA5HE Ragnar Otterstad wrote:

T his reminds me:

Why are new hams using QSL instead of OVER ?

The Q-code was made for telegraphy to save  time and avoid language
confusion. !

" RAG "  Ragnar Otterstad   LA5HE JW5HE OZ8RO

Located in Telemark - Home of skiing.

For more information about Telemark take a look at :


  From UK:
  Has anyone out there got a copy of Standard Radio Procedures ?

  The reason I ask is that the police (I work in a police control room) are
introducing what they call 'Airwave Speak' which is being adopted by police
forces nationally. The grandly titled 'National Police Improvement Agency'
has come up with a definitive list of words which are classed as good
procedure, i.e   'OVER'  'STAND BY'  'ACKNOWLDGE'   'NEGATIVE' etc.. the
usual stuff.
 However, they have binned for some unknown reason  'ROGER' and
replaced it with 'RECEIVED' and have also brought in 'PLEASE'  'SORRY' and
'THANK YOU'  amongst other changes!

 No, this is not april 1st. This is genuine.

 Although it will standardise terminology used by all police forces they
have omitted to consult the armed forces who also have access to 'Airwave'
and I believe have missed an opportunity to standardise Radio Procedures
amongst ALL emergency services with whom we are supposed to be able to work
if the proverbial you know what hit the fan.

 If I could get hold off or even print out from some internet site a
definitive copy of  CORRECT Radio Speak I intend to make my disapproval

 SORRY? THANK YOU?   ... give me strength!

 Mick Martin

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Re: [DX-CHAT] I wish to register a complaint!

2008-04-08 Thread Zack Widup

Heehee! I love it!

You left out the part about "staple on the mic of your choice."

72, Zack W9SZ

On Tue, 8 Apr 2008, Peter Dougherty wrote:

Yesterday afternoon a cluster-crab made an off-hand about 10 and 15 (or was 
it 17 & 15) being dead - to which I replied in a very pythonesque manner. 
Well tonight, after a few choice single-malts, the creative juices began to 
flow and pretty soon the following oozed out of my brain and onto eHam's 
DXing forum.

QRPer from down the hill enters an office containing a counter with an HF 
radio and microphone on it. A clerk is standing behind the counter.

QRPer: I wish to register a complaint!

Ofcom agent: Sorry, we're closed for lunch...

QRPer: Never mind that, ol' man, I wish to complain about 10 meters, wot I 
got permission to use not half a year ago fom this very boutique.

Ofcom agent: Oh, yes, 10 meters. What's, uhwhat's wrong with it?

QRPer: I'll tell you what's wrong with it OM, It's DEAD, that's what's wrong 
with it.

Ofcom agent: Oh no, it's resting.

QRPer: Look matey, I know a dead band when I hear one, and I'm listening to 
one right now.

Ofcom agent: No no, it's not dead, it's restin'. Remarkable band, ten 
metres...beautiful daylight coverage.

QRPer: The coverage don't enter into itit's stone dead.

Ofcom agent: no no no no, it's *resting*.

QRPer: ALLright then, if it's resting, I'll wake it up. CQ. CQ TEN. I'M 
METERS! (Ofcom agent quickly breaks out a bug and oscillator and sends some 
fast CW)

Ofcom agent: There, that was a signal

QRPer: Not it wasn't, that was you sending on a practice oscillator.

Ofcom agent: I NEVER

QRPer Yes you did!

Ofcom agent: I did naugh...

QRPer: (quickly tuning the transmitter) S CUE TEN SCUE TEN!!! QRZ TEN 

(Turns up the AF gain and spins the VFO to only the sound of static).

QRPer: Now that's what I call a dead band.

Ofcom agent: No, no.no it's STUNNED.


Ofcom agent: Yeah, you stunned it just when you were tuning up. 10 meters 
stuns easily.

QRPer: Umnow look, mate, don't play the slippery eel with me. That band 
is definitely deceased, and when I went QRV not six short months ago, my 
Elmer assured me that its total lack of activity was due to it bein' tired 
and shagged out following CQ World Wide.

Ofcom agent: Well, it's probably pining for sunspots.

QRPer: PININ' for SUNSPOTS??? What kind of talk is that and why did it fall 
flat the moment I put my tower up?

Ofcom agent: 10 meters prefers keeping quiet like that. Remarkable band, 
innit? Beautiful Daylight Coverage.

QRPer: Look tosh, I took the liberty of examining that band when the TI9 was 
on, and I discovered that the only reason there were any signals at all was 
because I was listening to other callers on ground wave.

Ofcom agent: Well of *course* you were hearing them ground wave. Look, if 
there'd been any propagation at all they'd have all come in long path, and 


Ofcom agent: Voom.

QRPer: Mate, this band wouldn't voom if the solar flux was four hundred 
thousand! It's bleedin' DEMISED!

Ofcom agent: No no, it's pining for sunsp

QRPer: It's not pining, it's passed on. It has ceased to be. It's a wasteland 
just like 6 with no aurora! It's flatter than me 80 meter dipole. If it 
hadn't been for ground wave I'd be hearing crickets. It's off the dial, it's 
run down the coax and joined the bloody Palos Verdes Sundancers. Vis-a-vis DX 
QSOs, this band's 'ad it's lot. All statements to the effect of this band's 
being workable are from now on inoperative. TEN METERS IS NOW QRT! (slams mic 
down on the desk)

Radio: CQ CQ CQ TEN VP8LP calling from the Falkland Islands, anybody, 
anywhere, CQ CQ CQ CQ CQ (fades out).

QRPer: (astonished)

Ofcom agent: Right! (evil grin on his face; pull back to reveal the Ofcom 
agent pull out a Wouff Hong and a Rettysnitch from behind the counter and 
chases the QRPer out of the office and down the street).


(may be shamelessly copied eslewhere and modified to be funnier at will, but 
please credit W2IRT)



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[DX-CHAT] Re: [DX-NEWS] Are all of Clippertons log online?

2008-03-17 Thread Zack Widup

(I'm moving this to DX-CHAT)

All of my Q's are there.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Mon, 17 Mar 2008, Shack wrote:

I've never had so many Q's not shown in an online log. I know that we all occasionally 
"think" we made a contact but don't but I'm missing two (30 and 40 meter CW) in 
the online log and am wondering if anyone else has experienced the same thing.

Ken, WS4V

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Directional CQs

2008-03-17 Thread Zack Widup
I think directional CQ's can be used very wisely but how they are used 
depends a lot on where the DX is and their knowledge of propagation.

I imagine almost any location will have areas where propagation only 
exists for a short time to those areas and other areas where they have 
propagation over a much longer time period.  For instance, DXpeditions to 
VU4, VU7, BS7 etc. only have a short time when they can work this part of 
the USA.  They probably can work JA's for half a day on the same band. It 
would make sense for them to call "USA only" during that hour or so and 
work JA's when they don't have limited openings to this and other areas.

DXpeditions to the mid-Pacific have propagation to EU on the low bands 
till the sun rises in EU. They have propagation to the USA during part of 
this time but they continue to have propagation for another 4-6 hours to 
the USA.  After the sun rises in USA they still have propagation to JA. 
It would make sense to work only EU till they lose propagation, then USA 
till they lose propagation, then work JA's for a while.

Some past DXpeditions didn't do this.

Clipperton Island is in an interesting location.  It appears it's in the 
same region that has Mountain time in the USA. The sun rises there before 
it does in California.  So on the low bands they would want to work both 
USA and JA's till their sun rises. So maybe non-directionsl CQ's are the 
best bet under those circumstances.

It definitely takes some planning and study of propagation charts to make 
most DXers happy.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Sun, 16 Mar 2008, Peter Dougherty wrote:

At 10:52 PM 3/16/2008, Charles Harpole wrote:
Many recent DXpeditions have, in my opinion, over-studied the data to serve 
"under served areas", have propagation charts, and be extra aware of their 
"important position" as the only (last?) hams to be at that locale.  One 
effect is the extensive use of DIRECTIONAL CQs... usually "only EU" or 
"only NA."

This is one of my biggest gripes in DXing (well, that and "by the numbers"). 
Human nature says that whenever  you exclude a group of people for whatever 
"good" reason you have, the excluded will generally take offense and 
resentment will start to form, regardless whether this is rational or not.

As such, there really is only one solution to this problem, and that's to 
open it up to everyone, everywhere for as long as possible (though I do think 
looking for the hardest parts of the world from where the DX is operating on 
the low bands, at the grey-line, is excellent operating practice). What this 
means, on the other hand, is the DX station needs to be skilled enough to 
handle the onslaught of callers from everywhere and have equipment and 
abilities to work the pileup down efficiently.

The other problem with directional calls is CW - It's very difficult on CW to 
convey a sense of where you want to hear from. It's easy to send USA or NA, 
but that leaves out Central and South America - would the DX want those too? 
Or does he really JUST want the US/Canada? Ditto for calling for JA, but 
leaving out the rest of Asia, VK and ZL, or EU but not Africa, the 
middle-East or western Asia, etc. It's easier on SSB and RTTY, but still, the 
longer it takes to say WHO/WHERE you're listening for, the bigger and more 
unruly the pileup will get.

It's easier for the pileup and the operator to send "XX1XXX QRZ UP" than 
"XX1XXX QRZ EU AFRICA AND MIDDLE EAST ONLY" or whatever. Sure, the wall will 
become louder on and near your QSX, but just work the loudest ones. 
Eventually you'll either get tired and go for an 807, or you'll run out of 
59++ signals and you'll get to dig deeper to the ones who are "only" 59, then 
the 57s, then the 55s, etc...at least till you get spotted and get another 
round of 20-overs calling you again. If you have a rock-solid wall of noise 
with nothing leaping out at you, expand your QSX range to 5 or 7 kHz on SSB. 
Maybe even 10 if it's unusually bad. Work the edges, pick off the big guns. 
Eventually, you'll settle down to a single QSX with luck, pick 'em off with 
little effort. I sure can't speak for HS-land, but when I was on C6 I found 
that to be the easiest way to make Q's...take all callers. Though I DID take 
EU only for a couple of hours one night as I wanted to boost my country count 
a little.



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Re: [DX-CHAT] Re: Card Checkers

2008-03-16 Thread Zack Widup

I dunno.  It still goes into the queue at HQ and the QSO's have to be 
entered into their computer by someone. Probably not a lot of time 

73, Zack W9SZ

On Sun, 16 Mar 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

One would think that submitting your QSL's through a field checker
would give a faster turn-around. Can anyone verify this by personal
Dave Miller W1GDQ


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Re: [DX-CHAT] logs on laptops

2008-02-11 Thread Zack Widup

If there is internet access where the operator(s) is/are going, it would 
be ideal to have an ftp site somewhere that you could upload your logs to 
before leaving. That way, designated people with the password can get to 
the logs if need be.

We have an ftp site we use at work for similar use. It is set up so 
it is not accessible via anonymous ftp.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Mon, 11 Feb 2008, Charles Harpole wrote:

Now that it is common knowledge that US Customs Agents (and maybe other 
countries' agents) can and will search and even seize travelers' laptop 
computers at border crossings, it is even more important for 
DXpeditions, and others, to store their computer logs in several places 
and several media to avoid loss or delayed access.

When entering the US, let the white guy carry the computer.  73

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RE: [DX-CHAT] Ungrateful

2008-02-10 Thread Zack Widup

Pretty good summary, Ron.  A couple comments below ...

On Sun, 10 Feb 2008, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:

Actually Dan, I do want to go there.  But before I do that...

I can see that I didn't make myself clear enough.  That's no one's fault but
mine, as I was just jotting off a few quick thoughts while taking a break
from something else, and in the process, shortchanged myself.

Now, to get on my soapbox (long commentary follows!):

I should have been clearer that the lowering of licensing requirements is
ONE, but not the ONLY, reason that this nonsense goes on.  One of many.

Yes, some of these bozos have been doing this for 10, 15, 20, 30 years.  I
can still recall the day I sat at my college club station, on 20 SSB around
0430 Z, working a mini-pileup of people who wanted to work us (mainly west
coast) and getting jammed by some of these same lids.  That was in 1976. So
it's nothing new.

I can still remember the Saturday when a station from Mozambique popped up,
on schedule, back on the old 15 meter Snooky's Net [please, no lectures on
DX nets, I've long since learned my lesson] back in the days when they were
just getting back on the air and on very limited operating permission.  The
word had gotten out ahead of time, though, and as soon as the C9 gave his
call, total bedlam occurred.  By the time the dust had settled, it was about
a half hour later, the net for the day was destroyed, and the C9 was long
gone -- a half hour of blind calling & calling & calling and no listening.
That was back in the mid-1980's, as I recall -- I know I was still married
to the first wife at the time.

But it has gotten worse.  Much worse.

Now some of these guys have been licensed for a long time.  Some, however,
are new or returning DX'ers.  Some just don't care.  Some have adapted the
"me first and the heck with you" attitude -- I won't bore you with personal
examples of those.  And I agree -- they should have no excuse with that much
license time behind them.  But are they experienced?

Yes, and I have to wonder why too.  All the DXers I know who I knew as 
DXers 40 years ago operate the same way they did back then.  Most are 
superb ops who don't operate this way.

So I really don't think it's the guys who have been in the game for 
decades who are behaving this way unless they were jerks even way back 
when or have accidentally gotten themselves into the hands of 


Yes, many ops from the last 10-15-20 + years have come into Amateur Radio
from the CB ranks.  I know quite a few (I wasn't, never had any interest in
CB, I ran into the ARS first).  Contrary to some popular belief, I don't
think that background is a detriment, and most of the ex-CB'ers I know,
including quite a few operators in my club, well, if you didn't know, you
wouldn't know.

Still... I will maintain that a significant portion of poor operating -- I
won't say the vast majority, I won't say most, I won't even say more than
half, but a significant portion nonetheless -- comes from inexperienced
operators who have not been mentored or Elmered to any degree.  And I hasten
to add, this is not a code/no-code issue, as this predates the inital
no-code VHF Tech licenses in the US.  My observation of both local hams and
hams I've talked to on the air is that there has been a general trend in
that many (not most, not all, but many) have not had any significant contact
with their local hams or amateur radio club, outside perhaps of a hamfest
visit or two, until they've shown up with for their VE test.  Often
clutching the Gordon West or "Now You're Talking" or similar book, and
little else.

What's worse is that many of these guys (and gals for that matter) show
little interest, after passing their test, in joining up with a local club
or non-club group.  Many of them show up on the local repeater (once they've
figured out the PL tones, at least) and show no sense of etiquette.  I've
had newcommers break into an existing conversation to inquire about our
whereabouts, or where we were going, and so forth -- not only not paying
attention to the existing conversation, but in one case I was involved in,
for example, being so wrapped up in the "hey, listen to me!" syndrome, they
neglected to notice that the conversation was giving directions to a funeral
home for the viewing of a ham's XYL.  Sounds funny when you read it, but it
wasn't at the time.  Try and tell these folks anything, and they get rude,
and you get branded snotty.

On the air, many of this gang want it all -- now.  They hear the DX, they
want to work the DX.  They don't know how to work split, or how to listen,
or what "EU ONLY" or "Listening for 4's Only" etc. mean.  They don't care.
They just want it now.  They don't get it now, they get mad, and then things
get worse.

That many of these induhviduals have been licensed a long time doesn't mean
much.  Some of them are new upgrades, taking advantage of the more relaxed
licensing requirements.  Of course, as I said before,

Re: [DX-CHAT] DXpedition Expectations

2008-02-10 Thread Zack Widup

On Sun, 10 Feb 2008, Dan Zimmerman N3OX wrote:


I think you're on to something.

TI9 is apparently #87 in the DXCC most wanted for 2006.  I'd believe
that... there are other things I would rather knock down but there's
not a whole ton of activity.  It's good DX and lots of people need it.

OK, so ZK2 is #75.  I'd believe that, right?  It's occasionally active
too but harder from the U.S.A. and much harder from EU.

Where's ZK2AU when we need him? (Sorry I couldn't resist!)

73, Zack W9SZ

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Re: [DX-CHAT] DX-IS info

2008-01-30 Thread Zack Widup

First, log into Yahoogroups.  Then go directly to this:


You should be able to join from there.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Wed, 30 Jan 2008, Tom Provost wrote:

How does one subscribe to DX-IS? I looked in the Yahoo Groups search but, it 
wasn't listed. I know it's new but I can't find it. Anyone out there that can 

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[DX-CHAT] HAARP propagation monitors

2008-01-09 Thread Zack Widup

Do you all know that the HAARP project site monitors the NCDXF beacons (among 
other things)?




73, Zack W9SZ

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RE: [DX-CHAT] FJ Can of worms

2007-12-28 Thread Zack Widup

On Fri, 28 Dec 2007, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:

A very interesting document.

I noticed that one item appeared to be missing... when the first complaints
surfaced, one of the "charges" was that of possibly illegal entry to FJ via
a privately chartered boat, as I recall.  No mention of that in the letter.
As a certain fictional television character used to say, "Fascinating."

The charge over the alleged misuse of the club callsign for the DXpedition
is probably the most serious complaint.  But as meticulous as Martti usually
is on planning his jaunts, I find it hard to believe that this detail was
overlooked.  And, of course, nobody's perfect, so it may have been a true
oversight on his part.

I wondered about that myself.  As you said, "Fascinating!"

But... was a license issued, and if so, what call was on it?  If FJ/OH2AM
was on the license -- does that make the operation invalid?  I'm sure that's
one of the things the DXAC and DXCC desk will get to iron out, a task I
don't envy them.

I was under the impression that as a CEPT country, anyone from another 
CEPT country could just go there and operate.  I could just go and operate 
as FJ/W9SZ.  The main contention seems to be now about the callsign used 
after the "FJ/".

Having said that... I've got to tell you, gang, that this is one of a string
of disturbing precedents that we've seen over the last few years.  Sort of a
DX'ing version of NIMBY.  Recall all the complaints from the HP hams over
the H8A trip a few years back, for one (specifically over the actual call on
the license)?  And there have been others along the same lines, which many
of you know much more about than I ever will.

I can't blame some of the resident FJ hams from feeling that their triumph
got trumped, that their own plans to "inaugurate" the new entity in their
own way got pulled out from under them.  Under similar circumstances, I
might feel the same way.  But whatever happened (I ask rhetorically) to good

73, ron w3wn

So where are they?  Why aren't they doing a similar operation when they 
know how much in demand the entity still is?

73, Zack W9SZ

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Re: [DX-CHAT] FJ Can of worms

2007-12-28 Thread Zack Widup

I don't know.  Martti and Olli wanted to give DX'ers a "first QSO" with 
FJ, not let everyone fill in all the band/modes they could.  It wasn't an 
end-all DXpedition and I deferred to only one QSO with them, on 40 CW, in 
respect to everyone else who wanted a QSO.

FJ is a beautiful tourist island. It is not difficult to get to. Heck, 
when I was there, Henry Kissinger's yacht was moored in Gustavia. There 
will be lots of other operations from there.

I'm surprised the resident hams aren't going all-out to give everyone more 
band/modes with the island.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Fri, 28 Dec 2007, HK3CW wrote:

Yeah, There are fighting to be the "only" station and now they aren't even on 
the air...so why all the fuzz?

- Original Message - From: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2007 10:17 AM
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] FJ Can of worms

Well, if you happened to stay around long enough to work both
stations, this would be causing somewhat less angst.

Well ... more people might have worked the "second" station if
they had operated on other bands (15, 30, 160) or modes RTTY
instead of following FJ/OH2AM from band to band.

Anyone notice that the "second" station disappeared as soon as
FJ/OH2AM went QRT?  The whole thing stinks.


  ... Joe, W4TV

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2007-12-22 Thread Zack Widup

Keep the faith!  FJ is a beautiful tourist island and there will be many 
operations from there.  I'm sure you will be able to work it in contests, 
especially as the next sunspot cycle peaks.

Maybe if I get down there again I can do some operating. The Carl Gustav 
Hotel is a neat place.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Sun, 23 Dec 2007, G Nuth wrote:

You guys are lucky with the great sigs for FJ stations, not a peep in 
ZL. Doubt if we would be lucky in a pile-up even if we could hear them. 
Thems the breaks from down-under. 73 ZL3ACA

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Re: 'tis the season

2007-12-22 Thread Zack Widup

I echo the sentiments.  Merry Christmas or whatever your Winter Solstice 
tradition happens to be, and Happy New Year to all!

73, Zack W9SZ

On Sat, 22 Dec 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Season's Best to you and yours,

Dave and Sandy

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RE: [DX-CHAT] FJ/OH2AM signals

2007-12-22 Thread Zack Widup

On Sat, 22 Dec 2007, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:

Word is that they're using an FT-1000MP and an FT-2000MP.  They have an amp
(a "Fin Fet" which I've never heard of before).  And their antenna system is
all verticals.

Sounds like something custom made for Martti? You sure it's not "Finn 
FET"?  :-)

Superb signal, and Ollie and Martti are exactly what you'd expect them to be
(although their splits do tend to be a touch wide for my tastes, but what do
I know?)


The 40m CW splits haven't been too bad.  Last night they were transmitting 
on 7004 and the lowest I heard them work was 7006 (me), the highest was 
7015 with the average being between 7007 and 7013. I don't think 6 kHz is 
too much to demand for an operation of this magnitude.

I just thought of an interesting question.  We all have experienced the 
"DX cops" who chide people who QRM or transmit on the DX frequency.  I 
wonder if these DX cops are people who haven't worked them yet - in other 
words, does a particular DX cop disappear once he's worked them in the 
pileup? Food for thought on a drizzly, foggy day ...

73, Zack W9SZ

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Re: [DX-CHAT] FJ/OH2AM signals

2007-12-22 Thread Zack Widup

Don't know what equipment they're using but I think they have verticals on 
the beach.  I'll bet they're running a kW though.

Their signal has been superb here, too.  What really impresses me is that 
Olli just works EU right through the USA wall on CW.  Maybe he has very 
narrow filters. He will work a bunch of USA, then a bunch of EU, then a 
bunch of USA ... without saying "EU only".  Truly amazing!

He was going so fast last night that I guess he made everyone reasonably 
happy.  There was little or no jamming here.  Just the usual clueless 
people who called him on his frequency for a while, then gave up. When 
they left, so did the DX cops.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Sat, 22 Dec 2007, DAVE WHITE wrote:

Hi all,

 Does anyone know what Olli and Martti are running from FJ?

 They've been putting a truly magnificent signal into this part of the world, 
certainly a change from the half-a-watt-into-a-wet-string expeditions.  They're 
currently (10am) coming in at 20db over 9 on 40m cw and were a big S9 on 20m 
SSB last night.

 Excellent, efficient operation too!


 Dave G0OIL

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Could this be the ultimate award?

2007-12-19 Thread Zack Widup

Did you look at the link?  There is an award for visiting and taking a 
photograph from the intersection of every degree of latitude and longitude 
on land. Extending it to ham radio, I thought it would be neat to have a 
QSO from each.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Wed, 19 Dec 2007, Mike(W5UC) & Kathy(K5MWH) wrote:

What is this junk?

At 11:08 AM 12/19/2007, harris_ruben wrote:

see here

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Could this be the ultimate award?

2007-12-19 Thread Zack Widup

Wow, the ultimate Rover goal.  Make at least one QSO from each one!

73, Zack W9SZ

On Wed, 19 Dec 2007, harris_ruben wrote:

see here

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[DX-CHAT] Re: [DX-NEWS] Re:Bouvet

2007-12-16 Thread Zack Widup

I'm moving the conversation over to chat.

HOO-BOY!  He's in for a surprise.  I hope he doesn't get too discouraged 
and give up.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Sun, 16 Dec 2007, K2EWB wrote:

I have good news and sort of bad news.

The good news is that the group on the island will be there for quite some 

The bad news is that there is only one opr. He will operate only in his off 
hours. He is a brand new ham, never had a low band QSO, will be running 100 
watts, has a vertical multiband antenna from 40 through 10 meters.

Good luck to you in getting your last Entity.


Leon,  (K2EWB)

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Re: [DX-CHAT] 'tis the season

2007-12-15 Thread Zack Widup

It was a joke.  The lids are sending "UP" which is a Russian prefix. I 
don't think any harm or insult was meant.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Sat, 15 Dec 2007, Goran Arezina wrote:

Hello to ALL of you,

Why are you mixing all of that with RUSSIANS!
I could mix all wrong things, all around the WORLD, with the Americans!
But I am trying to keep  separated Americans vs. American politicians!
If i wouldn't do that way, I would hate America (US), all Americans, etc,

Regards to all,
Goran T98G (ex.4N4AE. future one E78G)
 - Original Message -
 From: Ron Notarius W3WN
 To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
 Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2007 6:47 AM
 Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] 'tis the season

 There were spots for E4/OM2DX on 80 and 40 earlier this evening.  I THOUGHT I 
heard them, barely, on 80, but of course, the Russian Frequency Cops -- the 
ones with the 2 letter call UP -- were jamming the frequency.

 We've got a week, hopefully.  Plenty of time.
   -Original Message-
   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Stuart 
Santelmann KC1F
   Sent: Friday, December 14, 2007 7:17 PM
   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; dx-chat@njdxa.org
   Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] 'tis the season

   Dad   Charles made us fight again like he does every year at this time 
  He'll get coal in his stocking !!

   Just to make this DX related, when are the E4s due on ?

 - Original Message -
 From: Dave G4GED
 To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2007 6:54 PM
 Subject: Fw: [DX-CHAT] 'tis the season

 And with that very offensive response, shared - I rest my case!

 - Original Message -
 From: Charles Harpole
 To: Dave G4GED
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2007 11:11 PM
 Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] 'tis the season

 Hey, "thanks" for showing that a Brit, too, can have arrogance and 
cultural insensitivity ...  73

 Charles Harpole

   To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; dx-chat@njdxa.org
   Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] 'tis the season
   Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2007 22:50:02 +


    Original Message -
 From: Charles Harpole
 To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2007 10:19 PM
 Subject: [DX-CHAT] 'tis the season

 To Western hams, mostly  Please remember it is most polite to offer a "seasons greetings" or 
"happy holidays" to those not of the Christian faiths (instead of "Merry Christmas" for example).  
Receivers of the mis-directed "merry christmases"--most will forgive the senders' misplaced earnestness but 
the implied arrogance and cultural insensitivity still remains to taint in a small way an otherwise happy season.
 Thanks for your understanding of individual differences.

 And, no "happy fourth of July" to a Brit, pse.   73,

 Charles Harpole

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Re: [DX-CHAT] 'tis the season

2007-12-14 Thread Zack Widup

And Happy Guy Fawkes Day!

73, Zack W9SZ

On Fri, 14 Dec 2007, RUSSELL KELLAM JR wrote:

And to you also Dave from one of the "colonies" Russ W4UBC
 - Original Message -
 From: Dave G4GED
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; dx-chat@njdxa.org
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2007 5:50 PM
 Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] 'tis the season


  Original Message -
   From: Charles Harpole
   To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
   Sent: Friday, December 14, 2007 10:19 PM
   Subject: [DX-CHAT] 'tis the season

   To Western hams, mostly  Please remember it is most polite to offer a "seasons greetings" or 
"happy holidays" to those not of the Christian faiths (instead of "Merry Christmas" for example).  
Receivers of the mis-directed "merry christmases"--most will forgive the senders' misplaced earnestness but 
the implied arrogance and cultural insensitivity still remains to taint in a small way an otherwise happy season.
   Thanks for your understanding of individual differences.

   And, no "happy fourth of July" to a Brit, pse.   73,

   Charles Harpole

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Re: [DX-CHAT] unattended radio

2007-11-26 Thread Zack Widup

Beacons sure come in handy! I love the sound of 6 meter and 10 meter 
beacons filling the beacon subbands when the bands are open.

But you're right; the darned things never want to work me.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Tue, 27 Nov 2007, Charles Harpole wrote:

Unattended radio, except for brief experiments, is not ham radio.  Ham radio is 
personal.  If one wants a robot, get on the Internet or buy a telephone answering 
machine (or a blow up love doll).  73Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED] > 

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Re: [DX-CHAT] my last on Ten Tec woes

2007-10-29 Thread Zack Widup

Almost every manufacturer extant today only makes a limited number of 
ASIC's etc. for their equipment.  The question is how many?

I worked in the consumer electronics repair business for a while and found 
that even Sony, which is one of the best when it comes to making older 
parts available, eventually ran out of some things.

So I guess the question is how long did Ten-Tec estimate that their older 
rigs would be around and what would be the failure rate of the components, 
and how many did they think they needed to make extra when they had the 
parts made? Maybe they underestimated.  That's show business.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Mon, 29 Oct 2007, Charles Harpole wrote:

For orphans, look at T T web site for a list.  The fault, Dear Brutus, is 
also the mfgs. who just stop making a part with no regard to its users.

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Re: [DX-CHAT] VS9 & 7O Question for old timers

2007-10-16 Thread Zack Widup

It appears that QST is available on CD-ROM for most of these time periods. 
Maybe someone else has copies of the CD-ROM QST's for 50-59, 80-84, 95-99 
and 2000-04 which are currently listed as "sold out!" on the ARRL website? 
Perhaps they can be borrowed?

73, Zack W9SZ

On Tue, 16 Oct 2007, Urb LeJeune wrote:

I have had access to back issues of CQ, but not QST (from these dates), and 
have come up with the following info:

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Real DX

2007-10-04 Thread Zack Widup

Yes indeed!

Stephen King wrote a book called Danse Macabre in which he revealed his 
philosophy about writing horror stories.  He outlined the launching of 
Sputnik and the impact it had on him.  The method in which he found out 
about it was rather dramatic.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Thu, 4 Oct 2007, J Dyer wrote:

Fifty years ago this week, a fourteen year old shortwave listener tuned his
ancient Hallicrafters S40B to 20.005 Megacycles and was able to hear a weak,
scratchy beeb-beeb-bee from Sputnik I.

What is Dx? To a 14 year old kid that was REAL DX.

To those of you that have been around awhile...hasn't it been fun?


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Re: [DX-CHAT] cannot unsubscribe ?

2007-09-29 Thread Zack Widup

You know, we could reword that song (my apologies to the Eagles, WB6ACU 
in particular)

In a dark radio hamshack
CQ in my ears
Warm smell of the finals
Rising up through the gear

73, Zack W9SZ

On Sat, 29 Sep 2007, Garth wrote:

"You can check-out anytime you like...but you can never leave."  :)

 - Original Message -
 From: James Nipper
 To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
 Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2007 9:18 AM
 Subject: [DX-CHAT] cannot unsubscribe ?

 Can someone help me unsubscribe to this list.  I tried the two ways availble on the  NJDXA  
website.   The "automatic"  way renders a message   "server not found."

 I then tried the 2nd method, by sending an unsubscribe order via email to   
listserv.njdxa.org, and that email bounces, stating that  "no such user here."

 What gives ??hi   hi

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[DX-CHAT] Swan Island operation

2007-09-21 Thread Zack Widup

Darn it!  I was looking forward to working that one!  Maybe later ...

73, Zack W9SZ

 > > > 425 DX NEWS < < <

HR  - QRZ-DX reports that the 23-28 September operation from Swan  Island
 [425DXN  854]  has  been  cancelled  because  of  a  transportation
 problem. Javier, HR2J "is having difficulty in locating a  suitable
 boat to make the voyage".

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[DX-CHAT] Make Some Noise!

2007-09-12 Thread Zack Widup

On Thu, 13 Sep 2007, Charles Harpole wrote:

Get off the computer and get on the air, I say !!!
Charles Harpole, HS0ZCW

Best advice I've seen all day!

73, Zack W9SZ
Now QRT Internet
Now QRV 40 CW

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[DX-CHAT] RE: DX Most Wanted Survey

2007-09-12 Thread Zack Widup

[conversation moved to DX-CHAT]

It always amazes me what people do and don't have worked.  I worked FT8W 
many years ago.  I still need FR/G too.

It took me somewhere between 5 and 10 minutes to fill out the whole 
survey.  I only need 8 more, so beyond that I tried to estimate based on 
what band-modes I had them on.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Wed, 12 Sep 2007, Joe Stepansky wrote:

But isn't that the entire point?  If 100 people only filled out the top
4, and the result was the top 4-6 countries, then that's a pretty good
indication of where the DXpedition efforts/donations should go, isn't

It would also take far more than 90 seconds for me to fill in the
remaining 98 if I want to do it properly.  I'd start with what I need on
20, then 15, then 10, etc.  But I only really need 2 more to have them
all.  And I'm not sure that guessing about the other 98 would help make
the survey valid.

Anybody going to FR/G or FT8W anytime soon?

73, Joe KQ3F

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 12:33 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-NEWS] DX Most Wanted Survey

If 100 people only filled out the top 4 then what purpose would that
serve, except to possibly identify the top 4 -6 countries.

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RE: [DX-CHAT] 1b1ab

2007-09-06 Thread Zack Widup

On Thu, 6 Sep 2007, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:

So let's let the diplomats, bureaucrats, technocrats and sychophants battle
that one out in their own corridors.  OK?

73, ron w3wn

You left out hypnocrats!

73, Zack W9SZ

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2007-09-05 Thread Zack Widup

I have quite a few cards from various operations in TRNC over the years. 
Alas, it is not a country in DXCC eyes. I guess their government isn't 
officially recognized by anyone but Turkey.

Sort of like Seborga.  :-)

73, Zack W9SZ

On Thu, 6 Sep 2007, Charles Harpole wrote:

Hello DXers,
What is the possible DXCC status of Turkish Republic Of Northern Cyprus 
(TRNC)?   I worked 1B1AB and his web page on qrz.com in interesting.

I did not even know of a TRNC.  73

Charles Harpole

A place for moms to take a break! 

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Re: [DX-CHAT] new qrm strategy

2007-09-04 Thread Zack Widup

That might work provided he hears it and isn't sending dits through your 

I suppose you could listen for a bit and wait till he pauses.

I still think the "Rotten Radio" series should be revived in modern times. 

73, Zack W9SZ

On Tue, 4 Sep 2007, Charles Harpole wrote:

Tonight I hit on another strategy to deal with intentional QRMer who is 
sending a string of dits.

I asked my pile up to stand by and said, " To the op who is sending a string 
of dits, I know you are frustrated and very much want a contact;  thus, 
please call me on SSB now.  I am standing by for only you."

The freq. got very quiet and the dit-er went away after that who knows, 
it may work.

73 de HS0ZCW

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2007-08-28 Thread Zack Widup

Still waiting here for BS7H, N8S, VU7RG.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Tue, 28 Aug 2007, nick cominos wrote:

Has anyone received cards yet?
vy 73,
Nick W9UM

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2007-08-27 Thread Zack Widup

I wonder if the people making anti-ARRL statements have even bothered to 
talk to any of the ARRL officials? And if not, why not?  I met Joel W5ZN 
at the Dayton VHF banquet last year (2006). What a great guy! I've had 
numerous chats with Dave K1ZZ. I always seem to cross paths with my 
Division and State ARRL officials at most of the local hamfests.  These 
people are all dedicated hams from my observation, and not in the ARRL to 
make money. They have always come across as wanting to serve me as a 

I can't say I agree with everything the ARRL does, but I think they are 
doing what they can in a changing world of amateur radio. Let's face it, 
the average ham is far different today than he or she was back in 1970. I 
am probably much different in my own interests than the average ham of 

BTW I just renewed my ARRL membership.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Mon, 27 Aug 2007, Mike(W5UC) & Kathy(K5MWH) wrote:

At 07:52 AM 8/27/2007, you wrote:

Sadly, there is no such organization. That makes the ARRL no less of a
tax-exempt publishing house, trying to make money off the shhep that will 

them anywhere.

John - W2AGN

John, that is exactly correct, and that is the reason I phrased my question 
as I did.  If ARRL is not a friend of Amateur Radio, then:

1)  Why do they provide a Volunteer Counsel program?  I can tell you from 
personal experience that this program saved my fanny back around 1990 or 
1991, and it didn't cost me one red cent.  I had access to Chris Emlay, the 
League attorney any time I needed it, as well as a competent local attorney. 
We won the case.

2)  Why does ARRL pay an attorney to represent us ar FCC, and to fight such 
issues as BPL?  If they were simply a publishing company as you suggest, I 
doubt that they would waste time, money, and effort to work the BPL issue as 
intently as they do.

3)  Why does ARRL work as diligently as they do to represent us at World 
Radio Conferences?  They could just chug along with no effort in that 
direction, allowing those expenditures to go to the bottom line, and we would 
likely retain the frequency assignments that we currently have, and they 
could go on forever as a publishing company.

This list could go on  on, but I think you SHOULD get the picture.  If you 
don't, then there is no hope for you.  May I please suggest that you just sit 
back, relax, and appreciate the positive things that the League does for us, 
and cease wasting your time & emotion trying to tear them(us) down.  I'm not 
always happy with how they do things, but all in all, they do a great job 
compared to the organization that you support.

Mike, W5UC

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Fw: A reminder, just a reminder

2007-08-11 Thread Zack Widup

Part 97 is a LAW. I liken the Amateur's Code by Paul M. Segal as a Code of 
Honor. A Code of Honor cannot be enforced - it it up to each individual 
to decide if he is honest enough to follow it. It's a personal thing.

Even though a Code of Honor cannot be enforced, others form their opinions 
of one based on how one follows it.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Sat, 11 Aug 2007, Charles Gallo wrote:

On 8/11/2007 nick cominos wrote:

- Original Message -
From: "nick cominos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2007 9:22 PM
Subject: none

The Amateur's Code
by Paul M. Segal, W9EEA (1928)



The only code that really counts is Part 97 (in the USA)

73 de KG2V

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Re: [DX-CHAT] 7O

2007-08-11 Thread Zack Widup

I really don't know much about that country's government.  Are there 
different factions struggling for power, or claiming authority in 
different areas?

Is it possible some faction claims it can issue licenses, but in fact it 
isn't considered the real agency who issues licenses?

73, Zack W9SZ

On Sat, 11 Aug 2007, KR4DA wrote:

If you visit the Yemem tourist center just about anybody can go there. They 
have 5 star hotels etc..
But what I don't get is who is the official that the ARRL wants a receipt 
from of being there and counting as official.

They will tell you it doesn't count. Tell me what you need from who to count.
I have worked 7O1A and 7O1YGF I need 7O as a one of two left to be acceptable 
by ARRL.

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Re: [DX-CHAT] RE: 7O

2007-08-10 Thread Zack Widup

As an aside, I probably have a snowball's chance in a heat wave (like the 
one we've been having here) of working him UNLESS it turns out it doesn't 

So if I end up working him, I'm guessing it won't count. Murphy's Law or 
some such.

(This is all tongue-in-cheek.)

73, Zack W9SZ

On Fri, 10 Aug 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Thanks for the rapid reply. Too bad he didn't contact you, and you are unable 
to contact him. Hopefully he is aware of the posted DXCC rules and knows the 
acceditation requirements. I guess it is kind of a tossup as to whether it will 
ever count. My personal guess is that it won't be. Yemen is obviously a very 
difficult place to get an approved DXCC operation from. It seems easy enough to 
get some kind of permission to go there and operate given recent operations, 
but fitting the DXCC criteria is another story. WFWL in this case involves a  
large time committment and expense, but that will have to be my personal 
decision under the circumstances. Thanks again for your reply and information.

John Owens - N7TK

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Re: [DX-CHAT] my mistake on "why repeated QSL ?"

2007-07-31 Thread Zack Widup

Well if that ain't a safe place, I don't know what is ...

73, Zack W9SZ

On Tue, 31 Jul 2007, Don Greenbaum wrote:

I keep my QSL cards at Gringotts.:-)


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Re: [DX-CHAT] my mistake on "why repeated QSL ?"

2007-07-31 Thread Zack Widup

I just keep mine in those shoe-box sized storage boxes you can buy at 
Wal-Mart. Having one extra could be an idea if the USPS loses your package 
on the way to or from Newington, though. I hadn't thought of that.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Tue, 31 Jul 2007, Bob Beaudet wrote:

I was a QSL Manager in the 1960-1985 period for more than a dozen DX 
stations, including

a few that were quite rare at the time such as 6O, XV, XU, 1S.
One K1 person who I remember wanted at least two and preferably three QSLs 
for each of his

QSOs with especially rare DX.

He kept one in a locked display case, one in his DXCC album and one for 
submission through
the mail to and from ARRL's DXCC desk. It takes all kinds to make a world, I 

How many of us have a locked display case for our cards?

73, Bob W1YRC

- Original Message - From: "Charles Harpole" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 4:27 AM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] my mistake on "why repeated QSL ?"

I am so sorry I meant to ask Why would a ham want more than one QSL 
card for the same contact, IF THEY ALREADY HAVE ONE IN HAND FOR THAT 

So sorry, I was uncharacteristically unclear.  73

Charles Harpole

Don't get caught with egg on your face. Play Chicktionary! 

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Re: [DX-CHAT] why repeated QSL ?

2007-07-30 Thread Zack Widup

I worked a certain very active CIS-country station some years ago and 
sent for a card with a couple GS enclosed. After about 5 months I worked 
him again and asked about it.  He said he'd never received the card.

I sent another with a couple GS.  A month later I got an EASTER card from 
him stating he got my card without the GS in the envelope, and could I 
resend it with the GS? (What's with that???)

So off another card goes.  After sending him 6 cards, he finally sent me 

I never sent him another card after that.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Mon, 30 Jul 2007, Gerry wrote:

I had a similar experience with a UA QSO. We coordinated by email but I only 
got one card out of 3 that he mailed.


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Re: [DX-CHAT] why repeated QSL ?

2007-07-30 Thread Zack Widup

Probably when they didn't get a card the next day after sending the first, 
they sent another.  And when that didn't bring a card within a wek, they 
sent another.

Patience is a virtue that some people seem to be short on.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Tue, 31 Jul 2007, Charles Harpole wrote:

Is there some reason a ham would want more than one QSL card for the same 
contact ?

I am now on the THIRD mailing of VU4AN/VU3CHE cards to several still asking 
for card. Is it just the mail system or what?  73

Charles Harpole

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[DX-CHAT] Re: TNX query my grid number?

2007-07-27 Thread Zack Widup

Depends on the font.  On the one I'm using, the "zero" has squarish 
corners and the "oh" is more rounded.

Grid squares always go LLNNllnnllnn ... etc. (Letter Letter Number Number 
...) so you could count on the third and fourth characters to always be 
numbers. Sometimes in microwave work we use 12-character grid squares.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Fri, 27 Jul 2007, Charles Harpole wrote:

HS0ZCW is in OKzero3cs and many thanks to the many who helped me with that 

When oh when are all all all computers and other data sources gonna mark the 
zero VERY different from the O (oh) ??  0O0O0O0O see?


Charles Harpole

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Re: [DX-CHAT] query my grid number?

2007-07-27 Thread Zack Widup

Looks like it's OK03cs.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Fri, 27 Jul 2007, Charles Harpole wrote:

Can any one give me my grid designation for 13 degrees 46.434   by100 
degrees 11.346  ???

That is 34 KM directly west of central Bangkok, Thailand in Nakhon Pathom 
district and Nakhon Chaisri sub-district.

What is my grid?  I am having new qsl cards printed big thanks to those 
in the know  73

Charles Harpole, HS0ZCW


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Re: [DX-CHAT] PK 232

2007-07-09 Thread Zack Widup

Hi Anil,

I'm not quite sure what you're asking but I sometimes use mine to monitor 
various UTE transmissions outside the ham bands.  It has a feature that 
will analyze the signal and determine if it can decode it and what it is. 
It can decode an amazing variety of signals other than RTTY.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Mon, 9 Jul 2007, Anil wrote:

is there any other  use of  PK 232 for digi mode and other
mode ??
Anil  VU2TRI

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