[e-users] Gadget to display currently-connected network

2014-10-01 Thread Peter Flynn
I've been using prepackaged e17 under Xubuntu for a year or so, having
previously only briefly used it a long time ago. I'll eventually get
around to compiling it, but for now it's performing excellently.

One thing I can't seem to find anywhere is a network status gadget for
the shelf. I use a laptop most of the time, so I tend to use a lot of
different wireless networks.

Most of the time, I get connected to the wireless network I want, but
sometimes where there are several, it connects to one I don't or can't
use. It would be really useful to see what the name of the current
connection is, without having to launch the Network or Network
Connections applications.

Is there such a gadget? I originally thought Connman might be such a
thing, but there isn't any Connman gadget listed in
Shelf>Contents>Available (but this may just be my ignorance).


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Re: [e-users] Gadget to display currently-connected network

2014-10-02 Thread Peter Flynn
On 10/02/2014 10:47 AM, Massimo Maiurana wrote:
> It should be in the system category and be named "Connection manager"
> (Conn-Man means just that: CONNection MANager).

The problem is that it's not there. Nothing to click on.

> Yes, connamn is a daemon so you need a frontend to interact with it.
> That frontend can be the e17 gadget, 

That's the bit I cannot find.

> or the separate package
> connman-ui-gtk (which goes in the system tray when launched), or even
> the very basic command line tool connmanctl that should be included in
> the connman package, so already installed.

OK, but I'd like to find the gadget, because that apparently has the
functionality I was looking for.

>> This is the core problem: click on WHAT? connman is daemon and a  
>> command-line program, not a GUI app. This is the bit I'm missing.
> Click on the gadget, after you've loaded it and added it in a shelf. 

But I can't find the gadget. It's absent.


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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] Gadget to display currently-connected network

2014-10-02 Thread Peter Flynn
On 10/02/2014 08:22 PM, Massimo Maiurana wrote:
> Peter Flynn ha scritto il 02/10/2014 alle 21:05:
>> On 10/02/2014 10:47 AM, Massimo Maiurana wrote:
>>> It should be in the system category and be named "Connection manager"
>>> (Conn-Man means just that: CONNection MANager).
>> The problem is that it's not there. Nothing to click on.
> If it's not there chances are it was explicitly disabled by the packager
> at compile time. 

Entirely possible, but what an omission!

> All modules are installed in
> $PREFIX/lib/enlightenment/modules, if you haven't any connman dir in
> there you simply haven't that module.

OK, that solves it. No connman in /usr/lib/enlightenment/modules

> In that case you have only two chances:

Is it not possible simply to download whatever ought to go in there? I
thought the idea of modules was that they could be added and removed...

> - compile E form source

That's on the list to do anyway, at some time in the future. All I
wanted to do was try it out to see if it did what I wanted.

> - stick to network-manager, that should display its icon in system tray
> (another module to load :) )

Unfortunately, nm was auto-removed when I installed connman, so that
laptop is now offline and no way to connect it back. I was going to get
the .debs and copy them over on a USB stick and ask apt to install them
but it seems it has kindly kept a copy in the archives, so I'm back online.

But I finally found where connman ought to be. Damn, but that was
well-hidden! It's in Shelf>Contents>Advanced in the Loaded Gadgets tab
but it is turned off, and there is (of course) no way to turn it on.

This appears to have been reported four years ago as Debian bug 593366
as a wishlist item to have it turned on by default. In true Debian
fashion, it appears to have been entirely ignored.

This is a pity, but perhaps in view of Simon and Andreas' comments it's
just as well...I need to connect to several dozen wireless networks with
widely varying configurations and protocols.

On 10/02/2014 11:43 AM, Simon wrote:
> Its on my extremely long todo list to modify the connman module to 
> support network manager as its far more available then connman and
> more stable. My rewrite will probably only work with e19 /e20 and
> later though although it probably wouldn't be to hard to update it
> for e17

Once my current workload settles (from Jan) I'd be happy to allocate
some time to this if I can, although for my own small need, all I want
is a gadget that displays the currently-connected network name (and
maybe IP address) in its icon in the Shelf.

Thank you all for your help.


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Re: [e-users] Gadget to display currently-connected network

2014-10-03 Thread Peter Flynn
On 10/03/2014 03:37 AM, Dave wrote:
>  In the year 2014, of the month of October, on the 2nd day, Peter Flynn wrote:
>> Is it not possible simply to download whatever ought to go in there? I
>> thought the idea of modules was that they could be added and removed...
> Yes, I believe that's possible.  As long as whoever compiled the package in
> the first place also compiled the conman module.  Ideally, a package
> maintainer would put "optional" modules into separate packages, which you
> could install as needed.  I don't think that was done for your package,
> though.

Right. Ah well.

> It's also possible for you to compile e17 yourself, 

That's a task for the future, for sure.

> The deb files are probably cached in /var/cache/apt/archives/ .  Remove
> conman, go into the apt archive directory, and manually reinstall the network
> manager.

Yep, found them OK, thanks.

> You're entirely at the mercy of the package maintainer.  If they don't use
> conman, then they probably aren't motivated to include functionality for it.
> Alas, package maintainers are human.

Indeed. I am one, in a completely different field.

It appears that omitting the connman module from the Ubuntu e17 package
was because everything else in Ubuntu uses nm, which by all accounts is
more complete, so they didn't want people breaking that model.

Thanks for the help.


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[e-users] Updating from e17 to e19 under Xubuntu 14.04

2014-11-04 Thread Peter Flynn
I'm using the Ubuntu-distributed e17 under Xubuntu 14.04 and I'm
interested in updating to e19.

I notice from
that this should be fairly simple, but a couple of questions first:

1. Should I log out of e17 and get into an Xubuntu session before doing
   this? (the page only addresses the case of non-e17 users)

2. Should I uninstall e17 first anyway? Or will e19 pick up or import
   my e17 settings?

3. Given the problems with econnman/connman we discussed here earlier,
   is it worth adding this (to get the indicator of the current
   connection name that I was looking for), or is it still regarded as
   experimental? I do require it to be able to connect to eduroam (the
   academic federated-authentication network) as I do a lot of work in

Who edits the page quoted above? There are a few typos that I could send


enlightenment-users mailing list

[e-users] e17 fails to notice USB stick

2014-11-06 Thread Peter Flynn
Why does e17 fail to notice when I insert a USB stick?
Is there something I can enable to make it pop up a USB icon?

(I don't mean automount it, just notice that it's been inserted
and give me something to click on to mount and dismount it).


enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] e17 fails to notice USB stick

2014-11-06 Thread Peter Flynn
On 11/06/2014 10:19 PM, Massimo Maiurana wrote:
> Peter Flynn ha scritto il 06/11/2014 alle 22:18:
>> Why does e17 fail to notice when I insert a USB stick?
>> Is there something I can enable to make it pop up a USB icon?
> In order for this to work you have to enable both "Icons On Desktop" and
> "Show device icons on desktop" in the filemanager configuration.

Both are already enabled by default.

Does filemanager have to be running before I insert the USB device?
I've never used it (as far as I know).


enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] e17 fails to notice USB stick

2014-11-07 Thread Peter Flynn
On 11/06/2014 11:31 PM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> it is running by default - it's part of e. not a separate app to run.
> e gets signas/events from various places. these days it's
> udev/udisks/eeze. if you compiled e without this support ... then
> that will be why. if you don't have this stuff working in your distro
> - that will be why.

I have no idea, I'm using the e17 which came in the Xubuntu repo.


enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] Updating from e17 to e19 under Xubuntu 14.04

2014-11-07 Thread Peter Flynn
On 11/07/2014 11:59 AM, Alex-P. Natsios wrote:
>> 1. Should I log out of e17 and get into an Xubuntu session before doing
>>this? (the page only addresses the case of non-e17 users)
> Shouldn't really matter but feel free to do it if you feel safer that way.

I did anyway.

>> 2. Should I uninstall e17 first anyway? Or will e19 pick up or import
>>my e17 settings?
> No, the config changed a couple times from then, e19 will not accept
> your current settings and most likely trash them.
> Either back them up in case you want to return to e17 (for whatever
> reasons) or forget them :)

It failed spectacularly. Adding the repos and doing an update is fine.
But trying to install bodhi-desktop (aka e19) as they suggest results in:

>> Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
>> requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
>> distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
>> or been moved out of Incoming.
>> The following information may help to resolve the situation:
>> The following packages have unmet dependencies.
>>  bodhi-desktop : Depends: e19 but it is not going to be installed or
>>   enlightenment
>>  Depends: bodhi-profile-e19 or
>>   bodhi-profile-e17 but it is not installable
>>  Depends: packagekit but it is not going to be installed
>> E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages

Attempting to install the regular e19 package alone (from the bodhi
repo, and using -s so as not to damage things) I get this:

>> The following extra packages will be installed:
>>   efl elementary libbulletcollision2.81 libbulletdynamics2.81
>>   libbulletsoftbody2.81 liblinearmath2.81 libluajit-5.1-2 
>> libluajit-5.1-common
>> The following packages will be REMOVED
>>   e17 e17-dbg e17-dev
>> The following NEW packages will be installed
>>   e19 efl elementary libbulletcollision2.81 libbulletdynamics2.81
>>   libbulletsoftbody2.81 liblinearmath2.81 libluajit-5.1-2 
>> libluajit-5.1-common
>> 0 to upgrade, 9 to newly install, 3 to remove and 44 not to upgrade.
>> Remv e17-dev [0.17.3-3]
>> Remv e17-dbg [0.17.3-3]
>> Remv e17 [0.17.3-3]

Trying it for real on a sacrificial machine failed to install efl, and
the rest of the stuff scrolled up in my window and off the top too fast
to catch it.

So using bodhi-desktop to get e19 on Xubuntu Trusty does NOT work, alas.

> No idea i don't use econnman, better wait for someone that does.

Thank you.

>> Who edits the page quoted above? There are a few typos that I could send
>> along.
> Idem ditto.

Under separate cover.


enlightenment-users mailing list

[e-users] Changing cursor size

2014-11-18 Thread Peter Flynn
How do I change the size of the arrow cursor in e17?

In Settings > All > Preferences there are TWO options:
"Mouse & Touchpad" and "Mouse and Touchpad". The first takes you to the
Xubuntu config, which is useless; the second is the Enlightenment
settings, where you can change the cursor size and theme, but it has no
effect whatsoever: the cursor stays exactly the same size.

Is there a way to edit a config file somewhere to force the change?

In testing this, half my shelf icons have now disappeared. Something in
the size setting is conflicting with the icon settings.

Does anyone know if e19 fixes any of these?


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Re: [e-users] Changing cursor size

2014-11-23 Thread Peter Flynn
On 11/18/2014 09:25 PM, Peter Flynn wrote:
> How do I change the size of the arrow cursor in e17?

Has anyone any suggestions here? I cannot get the change to a larger 
size to work.


> In Settings > All > Preferences there are TWO options:
> "Mouse & Touchpad" and "Mouse and Touchpad". The first takes you to the
> Xubuntu config, which is useless; the second is the Enlightenment
> settings, where you can change the cursor size and theme, but it has no
> effect whatsoever: the cursor stays exactly the same size.
> Is there a way to edit a config file somewhere to force the change?
> In testing this, half my shelf icons have now disappeared. Something in
> the size setting is conflicting with the icon settings.
> Does anyone know if e19 fixes any of these?
> ///Peter

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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] Changing cursor size

2014-11-24 Thread Peter Flynn
On 11/24/2014 02:43 AM, Christopher Barry wrote:
> I *think* this may be a theme function, and you may need to hack the
> theme you're using. (but don't hold me to that...). Just thought I
> should answer, since no one else is.

Thanks very much...from an accessibility point of view this would be
deeply suboptimal, as those with poorer sight will be unable to adjust
the cursor size, which is critical.

Perhaps the cursor size should be freed from this restriction.


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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] Changing cursor size

2014-11-25 Thread Peter Flynn
On 11/24/2014 11:11 PM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Nov 2014 19:42:48 +0000 Peter Flynn  said:
>> On 11/24/2014 02:43 AM, Christopher Barry wrote:
>>> I *think* this may be a theme function, and you may need to hack the
>>> theme you're using. (but don't hold me to that...). Just thought I
>>> should answer, since no one else is.
>> Thanks very much...from an accessibility point of view this would be
>> deeply suboptimal, as those with poorer sight will be unable to adjust
>> the cursor size, which is critical.
>> Perhaps the cursor size should be freed from this restriction.
> did you look at input -> mouse ... there is size there.

That's where it fails (ie has zero effect).

> but when he said
> it's up to the theme - it's up to the theme to mark mouse as scalable - if its
> marked as scaleable in the edj file then it scales along with the scale factor
> in e. (or should). it just needs to be flagged as scaleable.

IMHO that is the error: scaling it in proportion to the global scale 
factor isn't the answer. I don't want to use a large scale factor, I 
just need a bigger cursor to go with the scale factor I'm using.

I think the designer may have overlooked the fact that the visibility of 
the cursor on a laptop screen is poor when the mouse is small, because 
accelerated movement is not updated to the cursor during fast motion, so 
it effectively disappears from the screen.


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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] Changing cursor size

2014-11-26 Thread Peter Flynn
On 11/26/2014 12:12 AM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Wed, 26 Nov 2014 00:02:02 +0000 Peter Flynn  said:
>> On 11/24/2014 11:11 PM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
>>> did you look at input -> mouse ... there is size there.
>> That's where it fails (ie has zero effect).
> works here. e's cursor changes size.

The problem must be with my laptop screen driver or something
non-e-related, in that case. No matter what I change, the mouse pointer
and cursor remain the same...except when the pointer moves into the
grab-zone at the edge of windows: then it momentarily changes to the
size I asked for. Everywhere else, it's the default size for the theme.

> that's the point of the scale factor. you need everything 2x as big. scale
> factor is 2. cursor gets 2x the size too (if marked to scale).

But that's my point. Let's say that 2x is the ideal size for my kind of
work: windows that fit, menus etc that I can work with. All except the
cursor/pointer, which is way too small for me to see properly. I don't
want to use 3x or 4x: I just want to be able to enlarge the pointer size
independently of the theme scale.

>> I think the designer may have overlooked the fact that the visibility of 
>> the cursor on a laptop screen is poor when the mouse is small, because 
>> accelerated movement is not updated to the cursor during fast motion, so 
>> it effectively disappears from the screen.
> ? the cursor moves every single screen refresh. it doesnt go pause or drop
> movement when it accelerates (acceleration is actually just multiplying the
> delta x and y values by some number when they exceed some threshold).

That may be so, but when I want to find the cursor on the screen (having
perhaps not used it for a while, eg write writing or editing in Emacs,
where I tend to use keystrokes), I wiggle the mouse in the hope that my
eyes will spot some movement. But it takes a while before I can see
anything moving, the cursor/arrow is so small.

I suspect the problem is that theme designers are younger than I am, and
have excellent eyesight :-) so they are unaware of the problem.


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Re: [e-users] Changing cursor size

2014-11-27 Thread Peter Flynn
On 11/26/2014 10:59 PM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> if everywhere else you mean over applications - they set their own cursors. e
> is not in charge of that. e's cursor is set on the root window and otherwise 
> on
> its own content (titlebar etc.). are you using the default theme or some other
> theme? it could be that your theme has changed just the standard normal e
> cursor but not the resize/move etc. cursors and thus the ones it didnt change
> work...

It's the default theme. This is beginning to make sense.

> then you have a disagreement with the theme designer who designed everything 
> to
> go together. let's take your argument further.
> scale 2x is fine for everything.. except checkboxes! i can't use them. let me
> scale those separately. but no. not just checkboxes. i find the close button
> too small - can i have just a separate scale for the close button? ... need i
> go on. 

No, but the cursor is omnipresent and should supersede all
application-specific widgets like checkboxes. I understand what you are
saying, but I think there should be a way to override whatever object
sets the cursor size. I also find it hard to imagine that an application
developer would specify the size of the cursor used within her
application: surely it should just inherit its size from the surrounding
environment, as it does in lesser interfaces than e :-)

> what you are saying is that unless we go and provide a special scaling
> control for every single element of the screen, just in case you don't like 
> the
> size of that one special thing... "it's broken". sorry - i don't buy your
> argument. this basically requires an insanely large set of special cased
> scaling values to apply and the need to mark everything with a special scale
> class. that's just nuts.

It certainly would be, but I am not arguing for that, just for the
primacy of the cursor to be inherited by applications, not set
indivually for each one. But that is obviously unattainable.

> no - they just have better eyesight. not everyone magically becomes blind as a
> bat when they get older. :) even then... you seem specifically immune to
> detecting motion. regardless of clarity of eyesight, we are mentally attuned 
> in
> our visual system to detecting motion - to hunt and to detect danger. even if
> it's small... it moves and thus is a warning.

It certainly is.

> to me it seems you need less of a large cursor and more of a "find my cursor"
> feature.

Which exists in many systems, including Ubuntu (which is what underlies
my e); pressing the Ctrl key alone used to flash the cursor location.
But that has now been removed for unfathomable reasons, which is why I
am seeking an alternative.


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Re: [e-users] Changing cursor size

2014-11-29 Thread Peter Flynn
On 11/27/2014 10:46 PM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> literally - many applications set their own cursor. when they set it they are
> entirely in charge. often it's the toolkit itself that sets it, but it
> literally is independent. e's own cursor has nothing to do with these
> app/toolkit set cursors. 

A pity it ended up that way, but it's the price we pay for the
independence of the applications. On a Mac, for example, if you set the
cursor size, it stays set across applications, even non-Apple ones.

>> Which exists in many systems, including Ubuntu (which is what underlies
>> my e); pressing the Ctrl key alone used to flash the cursor location.
>> But that has now been removed for unfathomable reasons, which is why I
>> am seeking an alternative.
> not removed. you are using e - it just isn't there to begin with.

I'm sorry, I expressed that clumsily. On a system running Xubuntu/xfce
(no e17) the Ctrl-key cursor-location flash has been removed. I wouldn't
expect it to be in e -- that would need to be written as a utility (and
it would be useful). In fact, according to private email from a reader
who has lost write access to this list, there is:
> a little utility called "unclutter" that removes the cursor after a
> customizable timeout.. e.g. 2 seconds. Now, an unintentional (?)
> benefit of this little gadget is that whenever I grab the mouse...
> the cursor becomes visible and it automatically catches my eye.

Which sounds like what I was looking for...thank you.


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Re: [e-users] menus "stalling" when trying to select them

2015-02-03 Thread Peter Flynn
On 02/03/2015 01:23 AM, Conrad Hill-Knight wrote:
> Hi,
> This is something that's been bothering me for a while, and i think i
> just have something misconfigured. When i left-click on the desktop to
> bring up the main enlightenment menu, sometimes (often, actually) it
> "stalls". [snip]

You Are Not Alone™ :-)

This is a very common occurrence in all Linux interfaces I have used. I
*believe* it's because the loading of entry names, icons, paths, etc is
done at the time your cursor hovers on the menu (aka "in real time",
"just-in-time", etc), and it take a lot of cycles to retrieve and
present the data. As distinct from systems (Windows? Mac?) where the
whole menu content is preloaded at login, and sits there in an array in
memory taking up space all the time --  but providing a faster response.
But this is just my deduction based on observation, so it's a hypotheses
for which I have no proof.

> So, what appears to happen, is that the menu display is temporarily
> frozen. 

Sometimes with all the flickering and bouncing and popping-up and
popping-down that goes on in modern decorated menus, the script gets out
of whack and loses control of where it's supposed to be; or there is a
bug or other problem like a memory leak.

I suspect this doesn't happen on really fast modern machines. I have no
idea what the devs use, but they are probably better equipped than my
old Dell Latitude D810. I have a bunch of even older D610s that I need
to resuscitate from the kerlutches of Windows by installing Lubuntu for
some graduate students, and it would be nice to give them a good
interface like e17...so I will test one of the machines this week and
see if it copes.


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Re: [e-users] menus "stalling" when trying to select them

2015-02-04 Thread Peter Flynn
On 02/04/2015 12:02 AM, David Seikel wrote:
> The FreeDesktop.Org (FDO) specifications for how to deal with menus
> of applications is hideously and overly complex crap.  Linux desktop 
> systems have to deal with that.  It's hard to cache as well, new 
> applications can be added at any time with no reboot needed.  The 
> Enlightenment implementation leaves a lot to be desired.

Thank you very much...I did suspect something like this, but without any
knowledge of the background I wasn't willing to point a finger :-)

> On the other hand, there appears to be some bugs with the
> Enlightenment menu system.  This sort of freeze / stall shouldn't
> happen outside of the "Applications" menu, coz only that menu relies
> on FDO crap.  In particular I often see problems with the "Settings"
> menu, sometimes it never shows, I have to put the menu away and try
> again.

I can see that the requirement to be able to add and remove from the
menu via the GUI at any time does place demands on the system. One key
problem is clearly timing: if you slide your cursor down a vertical
menu, not stopping or even pausing until you get to the item you want,
clearly there should be no action by the system except to highlight each
item as you pass over it. But what speed/rate does "not stopping or even
pausing" actually mean? The designer has to make some guess at that,
especially because different people will have different concepts of
"speed", and it also has to cater for people who are actually browsing,
and *want* each submenu to appear as they flick down the list. A
dynamically-loading system, which has to read and re-read a config file
every time, simply isn't going to hack it.

The cleverer and cleverer you make the interface, the more cycles and
memory it consumes. Ain't no way around that that I know...so I just put
up with it: I *like* e17 now that I've got used to it. It has fewer
stupidities than most of the other interfaces I have used :-)



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Re: [e-users] menus "stalling" when trying to select them

2015-02-04 Thread Peter Flynn
On 02/04/2015 12:40 AM, Conrad Hill-Knight wrote:
>> From: Peter Flynn 
>> This is a very common occurrence in all Linux interfaces I have used. I
>> *believe* it's because the loading of entry names, icons, paths, etc is
>> done at the time your cursor hovers on the menu (aka "in real time",
>> "just-in-time", etc), and it take a lot of cycles to retrieve and
>> present the data.
> But how long should that realistically take? The stall happens on each
> sub-menu in turn, so if this is what's happening, it can't be loading
> more than about 20 entries to display.

On the D810, where I am now, if I click on the desktop and hover on
Applications >> Accessories, it takes 2sec to load the list.

If I then slide down from Accessories to Other, (a) it halts on the way
because it is momentarily trying to load each menu it passes over, and
eventually clogs up at Office, so my cursor is over Other while it loads
and then discards Office, and finally moves onto loading Other. Total
time taken from the start to get the Other list up is 5sec.

> While not all that modern, my every-day use laptop has 8 cores

"What's a core, Mommy?" :-) I just have a single CPU on this machine,
and 2Gb memory, running Xubuntu 14.04 and e17. Apart from the odd
slowdown like this, it's fine.

> (fastest currently shows 3160 MHz) and some 8GB of memory. If that's
> not enough to handle something as simple as a user interface, there
> must be something wrong somewhere. That's why i was wondering: do i
> just have something horribly misconfigured?

>From what David had to say about the FDO specs, you're not doing
anything wrong. The system is.

Do the designers and others working on e have access to formal usability
testing which could provide hard measurements?


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Re: [e-users] menus "stalling" when trying to select them

2015-02-04 Thread Peter Flynn
On 02/04/2015 03:57 AM, Martinx - ジェームズ wrote:
> Hello!
> You're experiencing the follow issue:
> https://www.mail-archive.com/enlightenment-devel@lists.sourceforge.net/msg73996.html
> I posted at E-Devel mail list but, no one answered...   :(
> Video Bug Report:
> http://youtu.be/5LSSj3mmRxA - long
> http://youtu.be/af50m9UVszk - short

That's definitely a bug.


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look and join the conversation now. http://goparallel.sourceforge.net/
enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] e17/e18 package for ubuntu trusty?

2015-02-25 Thread Peter Flynn
On 02/25/2015 03:28 AM, Marc MERLIN wrote:
> I'm currently using this
> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+package/e17
> and I think it was either built wrong or is buggy.

When I discovered Enlightenment, I just installed e17 from the repos
with apt-get, and let it install whatever dependencies it needed.


Dive into the World of Parallel Programming The Go Parallel Website, sponsored
by Intel and developed in partnership with Slashdot Media, is your hub for all
things parallel software development, from weekly thought leadership blogs to
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conversation now. http://goparallel.sourceforge.net/
enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] [E-devel] 2015-02-08: b0rking Phabricator

2015-03-30 Thread Peter Flynn
On 30 March 2015 07:00:47 Simon Lees  wrote:
> On 02/26/2015 10:28 AM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> > On Wed, 25 Feb 2015 16:56:12 -0500 Yomi Ogunwumi  said:
> >
> >> One other thing I should have asked in my last message.
> >> Can phab.enlightenment.org be shorted to phab.e.org, if possible?
> > without owning e.org ... how could we do that?
> You could own e.org, apparently know one else does, there is a holding
> org waiting for a worthy applicant. see e.org for more details.

Except that that's an auction run by a cybersquatter supported by GoDaddy — 
you have to bid for it; and single-letter domains are likely to come at a 
very high price.


Dive into the World of Parallel Programming The Go Parallel Website, sponsored
by Intel and developed in partnership with Slashdot Media, is your hub for all
things parallel software development, from weekly thought leadership blogs to
news, videos, case studies, tutorials and more. Take a look and join the 
conversation now. http://goparallel.sourceforge.net/
enlightenment-users mailing list

[e-users] Sudden blank screen

2015-07-11 Thread Peter Flynn
I've been running e17 under Xubuntu 14.04 on my old Dell D810 laptop for
just under a year.

No serious problems until two days ago the screen suddenly went black.
Normally this is the screensaver, after 15 mins inactivity, but in this
case I was in the middle of typing. I could not find any keystroke to
re-awaken the screen. The system was apparently still active, as it was
downloading a file I had requested, so I waited until the disk ligh
stopped flashing, then held down the power button to force a shutdown.

When I restarted, the screen prompted me for Ubuntu in the normal way,
let me log in, and started Enlightenment...and then went black as
before. I forced power-off and left it.

The day before this happened, I had moved the mouse to wake up the
machine from the screensaver in the normal way, and got an unusual
pop-up message that I had woken the screensaver too quickly, and did I
want to change some settings (that it described in terms I did not
recognise). I clicked No and carried on working (so I don't have a
screenshot of the message, sorry).

Today I powered up the machine normally and worked perfectly OK for
about 2 hours. I went to get coffee and came back to find the screen
black and irretrievable again.

Before I start investigating hardware...does anyone recognise these
symptoms and have any advice? I checked the temperature sensor and fan
but they seem to be working correctly. The battery in all cases was well
charged, or the power was plugged in.

It may be nothing to do with E and the screensaver, but I'd like to
eliminate that before I start digging deeper.


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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] Sudden blank screen

2015-07-11 Thread Peter Flynn
On 07/11/2015 10:49 PM, Toan Pham wrote:

Thank you for these great suggestions...

> when that happens, ssh into the box, and send us the /var/log/Xorg.0.log
> file.


Fortunately, I'm in a location now where I have access to another
machine on the network, otherwise I'd be down to trying to do ssh with
my phone over a reverse Ethernet cable :-)

The laptop powered up with a black screen this time. Not good. I pressed
Enter, on the basis that it would be at the Grub prompt; then after some
disk-light flashing I typed by whole-disk encryption passphrase; then
another wait, then my regular password (as I'm the only user); and then
checked with the network monitor on another machine to get the IP
address the DNS server had granted. Yay :-)

> also try to run this and see if it comes back.

sudo su - for the remainder...

> chvt 1 && sleep 7 && chvt 7


> if not, try this:
> xrandr --output DP-1 --primary  ## you may have to run xrandr -q to find
> our available outputs (if not DP-1)

"Can't open display"

Well, reasonable enough if no display exists. I wonder has X lost track
of the screen.

But xrandr -q says the same thing...I don't know if xrandr can access
the display of another process like that.

> For the last few months, I had the same problem on my Dell 3014 Monitor.
> The firmware on the monitor crashes and causes the monitor to go blank.  I
> just got a new RMAed monitor from dell, and it hasn't done that since. 

I have an old 1024×768 monitor somewhere. I could plug that in and see
if I can get it to detect it and switch to it. Or pretend it's a
projector or something and see if the system is actually sending signals
to the screen at all.


--- Here comes /var/log/Xorg.0.log -
[   123.618]
X.Org X Server 1.15.1
Release Date: 2014-04-13
[   123.618] X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
[   123.618] Build Operating System: Linux 3.2.0-75-generic i686 Ubuntu
[   123.618] Current Operating System: Linux nimrod 3.13.0-55-generic
#94-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 18 00:28:41 UTC 2015 i686
[   123.618] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-3.13.0-55-generic
root=/dev/mapper/xubuntu--vg-root ro quiet splash vt.handoff=7
[   123.618] Build Date: 12 February 2015  02:49:46PM
[   123.618] xorg-server 2:1.15.1-0ubuntu2.7 (For technical support
please see http://www.ubuntu.com/support)
[   123.618] Current version of pixman: 0.30.2
[   123.618]Before reporting problems, check http://wiki.x.org
to make sure that you have the latest version.
[   123.618] Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default
(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
[   123.619] (==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Sat Jul 11
23:14:49 2015
[   123.637] (==) Using system config directory "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d"
[   123.638] (==) No Layout section.  Using the first Screen section.
[   123.638] (==) No screen section available. Using defaults.
[   123.638] (**) |-->Screen "Default Screen Section" (0)
[   123.638] (**) |   |-->Monitor ""
[   123.638] (==) No monitor specified for screen "Default Screen Section".
Using a default monitor configuration.
[   123.638] (==) Automatically adding devices
[   123.638] (==) Automatically enabling devices
[   123.638] (==) Automatically adding GPU devices
[   123.638] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic" does not
[   123.638]Entry deleted from font path.
[   123.638] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/" does not
[   123.638]Entry deleted from font path.
[   123.638] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi" does not exist.
[   123.638]Entry deleted from font path.
[   123.638] (==) FontPath set to:
[   123.638] (==) ModulePath set to
[   123.638] (II) The server relies on udev to provide the list of input
If no devices become available, reconfigure udev or disable 
[   123.638] (II) Loader magic: 0xb77f76c0
[   123.638] (II) Module ABI versions:
[   123.638]X.Org ANSI C Emulation: 0.4
[   123.638]X.Org Video Driver: 15.0
[   123.638]X.Org XInput driver : 20.0
[   123.638]X.Org Server Extension : 8.0
[   123.639] (II) xfree86: Adding drm device (/dev/dri/card0)
[   123.640] (--) PCI:*(0:1:0:0) 1002:3150:1028:2002 rev 0, Mem @
0xd000/134217728, 0xdfdf/65536, I/O @ 0xde00/256, BIOS @
[   123.640] Initializing built-in extension Generic Event Extension
[   123.640] Initializing built-in extension SHAPE
[   123.640] Initializing built-in extension MIT-SHM
[   123.640] Initializing built-in extension XInputExtension

Re: [e-users] Sudden blank screen

2015-07-11 Thread Peter Flynn
On 07/11/2015 10:49 PM, Toan Pham wrote:
> It is hard to say, you will need to send us the log file.

I also grabbed a copy of dmesg. See the lines from
> [2.133627] [drm] radeon kernel modesetting enabled.
> [2.249172] radeon :01:00.0: registered panic notifier

If it's the video driver then I need a new motherboard.


- Here comes dmesg -

[0.00] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset
[0.00] Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
[0.00] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct
[0.00] Linux version 3.13.0-55-generic (buildd@phianna) (gcc
version 4.8.2 (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) ) #94-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 18
00:28:41 UTC 2015 (Ubuntu 3.13.0-55.94-generic 3.13.11-ckt20)
[0.00] KERNEL supported cpus:
[0.00]   Intel GenuineIntel
[0.00]   AMD AuthenticAMD
[0.00]   NSC Geode by NSC
[0.00]   Cyrix CyrixInstead
[0.00]   Centaur CentaurHauls
[0.00]   Transmeta GenuineTMx86
[0.00]   Transmeta TransmetaCPU
[0.00]   UMC UMC UMC UMC
[0.00] Disabled fast string operations
[0.00] e820: BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x-0x0009efff] usable
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0009f000-0x0009]
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x0010-0x7ffd7fff] usable
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0x7ffd8000-0x7fff]
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0xe000-0xf0006fff]
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0xf0008000-0xf000bfff]
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0xfec0-0xfec0]
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0xfed2-0xfee0]
[0.00] BIOS-e820: [mem 0xffb0-0x]
[0.00] NX (Execute Disable) protection: active
[0.00] SMBIOS 2.3 present.
[0.00] DMI: Dell Inc. Latitude D810   /0J4020,
BIOS A05 03/20/2006
[0.00] e820: update [mem 0x-0x0fff] usable ==> reserved
[0.00] e820: remove [mem 0x000a-0x000f] usable
[0.00] e820: last_pfn = 0x7ffd8 max_arch_pfn = 0x100
[0.00] MTRR default type: uncachable
[0.00] MTRR fixed ranges enabled:
[0.00]   0-9 write-back
[0.00]   A-B uncachable
[0.00]   C-C write-protect
[0.00]   D-E uncachable
[0.00]   F-F write-protect
[0.00] MTRR variable ranges enabled:
[0.00]   0 base 0 mask F8000 write-back
[0.00]   1 base 0FEDA mask E write-through
[0.00]   2 disabled
[0.00]   3 disabled
[0.00]   4 disabled
[0.00]   5 disabled
[0.00]   6 disabled
[0.00]   7 disabled
[0.00] PAT not supported by CPU.
[0.00] Scanning 1 areas for low memory corruption
[0.00] initial memory mapped: [mem 0x-0x01ff]
[0.00] Base memory trampoline at [c009b000] 9b000 size 16384
[0.00] init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x-0x000f]
[0.00]  [mem 0x-0x000f] page 4k
[0.00] init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x3780-0x379f]
[0.00]  [mem 0x3780-0x379f] page 2M
[0.00] init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x3400-0x377f]
[0.00]  [mem 0x3400-0x377f] page 2M
[0.00] init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x0010-0x33ff]
[0.00]  [mem 0x0010-0x001f] page 4k
[0.00]  [mem 0x0020-0x33ff] page 2M
[0.00] init_memory_mapping: [mem 0x37a0-0x37bfdfff]
[0.00]  [mem 0x37a0-0x37bfdfff] page 4k
[0.00] BRK [0x01b9b000, 0x01b9bfff] PGTABLE
[0.00] RAMDISK: [mem 0x3495a000-0x364a4fff]
[0.00] ACPI: RSDP 000fc9b0 14 (v00 DELL  )
[0.00] ACPI: RSDT 7ffd8790 40 (v01 DELLD05 27D60314
ASL  0061)
[0.00] ACPI: FACP 7ffd9400 74 (v01 DELLD05 27D60314
ASL  0061)
[0.00] ACPI: DSDT 7ffda000 00355D (v01 INT430 SYSFexxx 1001
MSFT 010E)
[0.00] ACPI: FACS 7ffe8800 40
[0.00] ACPI: APIC 7ffd9c00 68 (v01 DELLD05 27D60314
ASL  0047)
[0.00] ACPI: ASF! 7ffd9800 5B (v16 DELLD05 27D60314
ASL  0061)
[0.00] ACPI: MCFG 7ffd9bc0 3E (v16 DELLD05 27D60314
ASL  0061)
[0.00] ACPI: SSDT 7ffd8be6 00023E (v01  PmRef  Cpu0Ist 3000
INTL 20030522)
[0.00] ACPI: SSDT 7ffd8a0e 0001D8 (v01  PmRef  Cpu0Cst 3001
INTL 20030522)
[0.00] ACPI: SSDT 7ffd8813 0001FB (v01  PmRefCpuPm 3000
INTL 20030522)
[0.00] ACPI: Local APIC address 0xfee0
[0.00] 1155MB HIGHMEM available.
[0.00] 891MB LOWMEM available.
[0.00]   mapped low ram: 0 - 37bfe000
[0.00]   low ram: 0 - 37bfe000
[0.00] BRK [0x01

Re: [e-users] Sudden blank screen

2015-07-12 Thread Peter Flynn
On 07/12/2015 03:57 AM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Sat, 11 Jul 2015 22:02:59 +0100 Peter Flynn  said:
>> I've been running e17 under Xubuntu 14.04 on my old Dell D810 laptop for
>> just under a year.
> so what did you CHANGE on your system that this suddenly happened. 

I haven't done any regular (apt-get) updates for a couple of weeks, so
there won't have been any systems changes.

> you are runing e17... that means you definitely havent updated e. 

Right. I am using only what comes from the Xubuntu 14.04 repos: no
additional packages. (I did try e19 on another machine a while back but
it wanted all kinds of additional packages that conflicted with the
system-installed software, and it switched from Network-Manager to
connman, which at the time was incapable of connecting to some networks).

> e17 just hasn't changed. we don't update/maintain it... so... 

Right. I wasn't considering that e17 itself was in any way involved...

> something else changed. 

...except possibly that I had accidentally disturbed some screensaver
setting by responding No to the confusing pop-up question about waking
the screensaver too fast.

> some system update started breaking x screensaver behavior? 

More likely a hardware problem, I think.

> logically speaking... it can't be a change in e as it didn't change.
> :)


> if no software changed (no system updates as well as no e).. then one can only
> conclude... that maybe your hw is now on the way out?

Yep. Having done a lot more digging it now looks like the next thing to
check is the backlight.

> but a sudden change in behavior doesn't simply happen on its own.

Yep. There's always a cause. But sometimes it isn't clear, and software
settings *do* sometimes change arbitrarily (rarely) because of bugs in
settings management that get triggered by unusual but reasonable

Unless anyone can come up with a reason for that weird error pop-up from
e about having "disabled the screensaver too fast" then I am assuming
it's a hardware fault.


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Re: [e-users] Sudden blank screen

2015-07-12 Thread Peter Flynn
On 07/12/2015 01:57 PM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> that is the presentation mode feature. basically if you wake up from 
> screensaver "too fast" it asks if you are doing a presentation and
> should go into presentation mode.

Thank you...that was what it said (I couldn't remember).

> this turns off screenblanking entirely while it is active. so it's
> the opposite of what you are talking about. :)

Excellent, thanks.

> sure. but in this case i see nothing that would suddenly cause your 
> screen to go off and never come back. the xservere controls this.
> you'd at least have a working mouse pointer - unless literally your
> backlight turned off or the gpu has decided to cease displaying
> anything. :)

My guess is now loose backlight or connection. Thank you all for your help.


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[e-users] Strange keyboard behaviour

2015-09-26 Thread Peter Flynn
I just installed a new machine with XUbuntu 14.04 and e17, which is what 
I am using on four other machines, all standard installs from the repos.

On all the machine, including the new one, I set the keyboard to English 
(UK), my locale to Ireland, and my character encoding to UTF-8 during 
installation. On the four other machines, this has given me the ability 
to use AltGr with a|e|i|o|u to get the acute-accent letters á|é|í|ó|ú, 
AltGr-Shf to get their upper-case versions, AltGr-7 to get the insular 
ampersand (Tironian Et: ⁊), AltGr with [{ and ]} and Shf to get the 
single and double curly quotes, ĀltGr-_ to get —, and lots of others 
that I use daily.

On the new machine, I get this behaviour correctly in an Xfce or Xubuntu 
session, but not in Enlightenment. In an e17 session, I get a completely 
different set of characters: for a|e|i|o|u I now get æ|e|→|ø|↓ and I 
can't find any way to tell e17 to behave the same way as it obviously 
does on the other four machines. I have gone through all the settings, 
and selected the obvious choices (language, region, locale, keyboard 
type, etc) but it doesn't make any difference.

Does anyone know what went wrong? Clearly I configured something 
differently by mistake, but I can't see what. Is there a setting 
somewhere that lets me choose what set of characters I get with AltGr?


enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] Strange keyboard behaviour

2015-09-27 Thread Peter Flynn
On 27/09/15 19:08, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Sat, 26 Sep 2015 14:47:14 +0100 Peter Flynn  said:
>> [...] Is there a setting
>> somewhere that lets me choose what set of characters I get with AltGr?
> setxkbmap
> is installed? (cmdline tool)

Yes it is, but unfortunately the man page does not provide any details 
of what values the arguments can take. This looks like too low a level 

I'm still curious to know why the defaults worked perfectly on four 
systems but not the fifth...


enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] Enlightenment Developers Day

2015-09-30 Thread Peter Flynn
On 30/09/15 23:25, Cedric BAIL wrote:
> Hello,
> Enlightenment Developers Day 2015 in Dublin is now around the corner.

I must have missed the announcement! When is it on?


enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] Strange keyboard behaviour

2015-10-03 Thread Peter Flynn
On 28/09/15 03:24, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Sun, 27 Sep 2015 21:23:58 +0100 Peter Flynn  said:
>> On 27/09/15 19:08, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
>>> On Sat, 26 Sep 2015 14:47:14 +0100 Peter Flynn  said:
>>>> [...] Is there a setting
>>>> somewhere that lets me choose what set of characters I get with AltGr?
>>> setxkbmap
>>> is installed? (cmdline tool)
>> Yes it is, but unfortunately the man page does not provide any details
>> of what values the arguments can take. This looks like too low a level
>> solution.
>> I'm still curious to know why the defaults worked perfectly on four
>> systems but not the fifth...
> that's just the command e executes to set the keymap. what you configure it to
> be is simply passed to that command to go implement.

Solved anyway. The "one thing" that appears to control this is the 
Keyboard widget available in the ibar. Adding that shows me three 
settings (us, gb, ie), and it was set to gb. Setting it to ie makes the 
"correct" set of characters available with AltGr.

The other myriad settings of keyboard and language and locale appear to 
have no noticeable effect on anything, but this one widget does the job.


enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] Enlightenment Developers Day

2015-10-03 Thread Peter Flynn
On 01/10/15 00:26, Cedric BAIL wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 3:36 PM, Peter Flynn  wrote:
>> On 30/09/15 23:25, Cedric BAIL wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Enlightenment Developers Day 2015 in Dublin is now around the corner.
>> I must have missed the announcement! When is it on?
> Sunday 4th October !

Too short notice alas. I should have been paying more attention...
Next year...


enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] Mount and Unmount USB drive

2015-10-07 Thread Peter Flynn
On 07/10/15 20:45, Roy Reese wrote:
> Is it that you do not want to mount those drives in the first place, or would 
> like to unmount them?

I can'd speak for David, but I'd just like an icon to appear on my 
desktop when I insert a USB device. One I can click on to mount, 
unmount, open fileman, or whatever. Right now, e17 out of the box 
doesn't recognise anything has happened.

> I know that in E19 (and I assume E17), you can set EFM to *not* mount
> drives automatically. See Settings > File Manager > Device and
> uncheck "Mount volumes on insertion".

In e17 it's Settings > All > Files > File Manager.

Setting it to mount volumes on insert does not work: when a USB stick is 
inserted, it is not mounted (at least, not in /media/). 
Perhaps e17 mounts it somewhere else.

Setting it to open file manager on insert also does nothing. File 
manager does not run when a USB stick is inserted.

However, when I UNclick open file manager on insert and then click 
Apply, a little spinner flashes up briefly in the bottom LH corner of 
the screen.

So e17 IS recognising something happening, it's just not doing anything 
meaningful about it, which is a pity; I have to fire up Dolphin to be 
certain that I can see stuff that gets plugged in.

I'm running e17 on Xubuntu 14.04.3 LTS

> What I have noticed in E19 is that I can unmount external devices,
> but not always eject them (pen drives yes; most external HDDs, no).

When I first saw Eject as an option for USB drives, I thought how nice 
it would be if the socket had a spring-loaded ejecter like a tape drive 
does :-)


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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] Mount and Unmount USB drive

2015-10-08 Thread Peter Flynn
On 08/10/15 04:18, Dale Snell wrote:
> On Wed, 7 Oct 2015 22:48:01 +0100, in message
> 56159311.7020...@silmaril.ie, Peter Flynn wrote:
>> Setting it to mount volumes on insert does not work: when a USB stick
>> is inserted, it is not mounted (at least, not in /media/).
>> Perhaps e17 mounts it somewhere else.
> I don't know where Debian or Ubuntu mount hot-pluggable drives,


> however, Fedora mounts them in /run/media//.

It would, wouldn't it :-)

> I don't know why they changed from /media to /run/media, but they
> did.

Gotta be different from Debian. Gotta, gotta, gotta. Sometimes they're 
right: RH's Apache puts your web site in /var/www/html where $deity 
intended it to be, not in some hole-in-the-corner place in /usr/local; 
after all, disks/drives/USBs/etc used all to be mounted in /mnt, which 
made sense (to me, at least).

As the database engineer said when he saw his first XML document, "I 
remember when all this used to be fields" :-)


enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] Mount and Unmount USB drive

2015-10-08 Thread Peter Flynn
On 08/10/15 12:59, Massimo Maiurana wrote:
> Peter Flynn ha scritto il 07/10/2015 alle 23:48:
>> So e17 IS recognising something happening, it's just not doing anything
>> meaningful about it, which is a pity; I have to fire up Dolphin to be
>> certain that I can see stuff that gets plugged in.
> If you enable desktop icons you will get the drive icon on the desktop,
> even if you choose to not mount it or not open EFM (which requires
> mounting) on it.

Unfortunately, desktop icons *were* enabled. Made no difference.

I just tested this to document it: I opened Settings > All > Files > 
File Manager, and show device icons on desktop was already checked (this 
is pre-set at installation). Unchecking it and clicking Apply does NOT 
remove the existing three pre-set icons (Root, Home, and Temp), but 
blinks them, and a little spinner flashes briefly at the bottom, saying 
"3 files". Rechecking the option and clicking Apply makes them blink 
again. But they do NOT disappear.

Mount volumes on insert was also pre-set to checked at installation. If 
I tail syslog and plug in a USB stick, it is correctly detected by the 
system, but no mount occurs (or if it does, it's in somewhere well hidden).

This seems to be why the option Open filemanager on mount fails; because 
the device is never mounted.


enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] e19 - Mount and Unmount USB drive

2015-10-13 Thread Peter Flynn
On 13/10/15 13:46, Markus Törnqvist wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 05:27:56AM -0700, pe...@silmaril.ie wrote:
>> The Ubuntu repos only have e17 anyway, so for end-users like me
>> there is no choice.
> Nice, didn't know it's packaged!

I don't think e18/19/20 are available as packages.

> Umm, I dunno, it builds just fine on Debian Stable.

Quite possibly, but not on Ubuntu 14.04. Haven't tried 15.04 yet, I'm
waiting for a sacrificial machine to become available.

> https://github.com/mjtorn/e17build is my builder script, it builds
> it under /opt/e19/.

For e17 only?

> There was e18 in between and e20 is in alpha, so I wouldn't go so far
> as saying that e19 isn't end-user-friendly. I think my glitches came
> from the fact I've been carrying my ~/.e/ around since e17 and
> automatic updates for the conf files didn't exist way back.

I'm probably being hypercritical; I did my PhD in interface usability,
so I tend to look at everything through a usability microscope.


enlightenment-users mailing list

[e-users] e17 - Mount and Unmount USB drive SOLVED (was: Re: e19 - Mount and Unmount USB drive

2015-10-13 Thread Peter Flynn
Solved for e17 anyway, thanks to Markus' diligence.

I ran up Synaptic and installed udisks (udisks2 and libudisks2-0 were 
already installed, and I think I added libudisks2-dev yesterday in the 
course of experimentation. But udisks wanted liblvm2app2.2 and 
libsgutils2-2 as dependencies so they got installed as well. Rebooted, 
and now the expected icon pops up when I insert a USB drive. Yay.

It's not possible to say without knowing the code, exactly which part of 
which package is responsible, as all three were installed together.

Can someone add a formal note to the docs that these three packages are 
essential to e17, otherwise no-one can insert a USB drive and use it? 
Maybe even make it a proper dependency, even at this late stage, as that 
might trigger the maintainers of the e17 deb to rebuild it for use.


enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] Strange keyboard behaviour

2015-10-26 Thread Peter Flynn
On 03/10/15 15:09, Peter Flynn wrote:
[...system failing to generate correct UTF-8 characters...]
> Solved anyway. The "one thing" that appears to control this is the
> Keyboard widget available in the ibar. Adding that shows me three
> settings (us, gb, ie), and it was set to gb. Setting it to ie makes the
> "correct" set of characters available with AltGr.

Correction, for the record.

At boot time, my default setting (en.IE) shows as an Irish flag in the 
ibar widget, but the correct* UTF-8 characters do NOT appear when typing.

However, clicking on the flag and selecting one of the other settings 
(en.US or en.GB) AND THEN clicking AGAIN and re-selecting the en.IE DOES 
complete the setting correctly.

Perhaps this may help the developers pinpoint the error.

* "Correct" here means AltGr with a|e|i|o|u produces á|é|í|ó|ú
   The default ("incorrect") was to produce æ|e|→|ø|↓

enlightenment-users mailing list

[e-users] USB camera being intercepted?

2015-11-19 Thread Peter Flynn
[My apologies if you are on the Xubuntu support list, where I posted 
this yesterday]

When I run Digikam and plug in my ancient Kodak EZ200 digital camera, I 
see this (using tail -f /var/log/syslog):

> Nov 17 14:50:34 ccepub196 kernel: [16923.417662] usb 7-2: usbfs: interface 0 
> claimed by usbfs while 'gvfs-gphoto2-vo' sets config #0
> Nov 17 14:50:34 ccepub196 org.gtk.Private.GPhoto2VolumeMonitor[1935]: 
> (process:2894): GVFS-GPhoto2-WARNING **: device (null) has no BUSNUM 
> property, ignoring

Digikam then recognises the camera, but cannot download images from it 
because it says "Cannot connect to camera".

Do I understand rightly from "interface 0 claimed by usbfs" that some 
other process has intercepted the act of the camera being plugged in, so 
that Digikam cannot access it? If so, how do I force Digikam to break 
that lock and claim the interface?

Is this in any way related to the problem I was having in October with 
regular USB disks not popping up a notification in e17? That was solved 
by installing udisks *as well as* udisks2.


enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] USB camera being intercepted?

2015-11-20 Thread Peter Flynn
On 20/11/15 03:08, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Nov 2015 22:07:14 +0000 Peter Flynn  said:
> i don't know - it's not e or efl. well unless you mount the camera -
> eg u get an icon and double-clock it to open it (then it would be
> asking the kernel to mount it).

Just wondered...I'm not knowledgeable enough about e's internals to know 
the extent to which it receives and handles signals like "Hey, someone 
inserted a USB device" from the underlying system.

In this case there is no icon; in fact no visible response at all.


enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] USB camera being intercepted?

2015-11-20 Thread Peter Flynn
On 20/11/15 23:33, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Nov 2015 20:44:23 +0000 Peter Flynn  said:
>> In this case there is no icon; in fact no visible response at all.
> then e has no idea. e will listen for removable device events and create an
> icon. by default it won't MOUNT it at all other than presenting an icon. 

Right. That's what it does with a regular USB stick.

> when
> you open the icon up to a filemanager window, THEN e mounts. it will unount
> when window is closed. there is an option to ask e to mount on insert rather
> than when opening the window, but imho this is far more dangerous and thus is
> an option. unless you changed this... e isn't touching the filesystem there.

No, I've seen the option but I agree with you.

> but the fact you have no icon tells me e doesn't see a removable device at 
> all.
> it has no clue.

Thanks, that confirms what I thought. The problem lies elsewhere.
liminated :-)


enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] E-20 cannot create Ibar Icon

2016-01-14 Thread Peter Flynn
On 14/01/16 21:10, Larry Wyble wrote:
> When I right click Ibar and then "new Icon" and go through the motions
> of creating a new icon, it never appears on the Ibar. When I click
> apply and then close it there's nothing. I'v tried it several times and
> nothing.

I always get error messages about not having write access to
/usr/share/icons and /usr/share/enlightenment/icons when I add an icon
to an Ibar application (several of them are defective as they have no

Of course, I never remember this bug, so the first time this happens on
a new install, I just chown myself those directories for a few minutes
while I fix the missing icons. And of course the first one I fix has to
be re-done, because the error message appears *after* e17 tried to write
the icon (and failed :-)

Something is wrong in the assumptions somewhere, as end-users would not
normally have write access to those directories, so it's invalid that
e17 would expect to be able to write into them.

Why are so many apps missing icons? Terminal is the most obvious...

This is under Ubuntu 15.04 and 15.10, but it does htis under 14* as well.


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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] E-20 cannot create Ibar Icon

2016-01-14 Thread Peter Flynn
On 14/01/16 22:09, Eric wrote:
> On 01/14/2016 02:29 PM, Peter Flynn wrote:
>> Why are so many apps missing icons? Terminal is the most obvious...
> I always wondered about this to but don't know what the answer is except 
> to make your own desktop files for the applications that do not have icons.

Usually no need: these are all common applications which come with icons
(used in other desktop interfaces like Gnome, KDE, etc), and the icons
are right there in /usr/share/icons.. or wherever, so you can locate
them. They just never get picked up by e17.


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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] E-20 cannot create Ibar Icon

2016-01-15 Thread Peter Flynn
On 01/15/2016 12:51 AM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Jan 2016 21:29:40 +0000 Peter Flynn  said:
> the problem is you are editing a SYSTEM SUPPLIED desktop file.

I am? I wasn't aware of that.

> e is expecting
> that to edit..l you edit one that belongs to you (that you created). 

I think this probably needs documenting. Did you mean that to add an
icon to an icon-less application in the IBar, I should first create some

> thus it is
> trying to mess with system paths not in $HOME. yes - it likely should 
> duplicate
> the desktop file into $HOME THEN edit. but it doesn't.

I don't know how the IBar works, so I don't know what it has to do with
desktop files. But yes, it sounds like you are right.

>> Why are so many apps missing icons? Terminal is the most obvious...
> you havent selected an icon theme? 

I'm not clear what relevance a theme has here. There is only one theme,
the default, it seems to be called "Dark".

The problem I describe occurs in a freshly-installed system (Ubuntu
14.4) immediately after installing e17 (and logging out and back in with
e). No configuration has taken place yet. There is no choice of themes
(that I am aware of).

> the one selected is invalid or not there?
> configure an icon theme.

I can't see where to do this: there is nothing about icon themes in
Settings > Settings Panel.

In any case, I'm not clear why should I configure a theme in order to
make an application in the IBar have an icon. The icons should be
present by default but many are missing.

1. right-click on an icon in the IBar
2. pick IBar
3. pick Contents

Look at the list of applications: many icons are missing. This is the
problem. If you add one of those applications to the IBar, it appears
with no icon.


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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] E-20 cannot create Ibar Icon

2016-01-17 Thread Peter Flynn
On 15/01/16 23:56, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Fri, 15 Jan 2016 22:22:14 +0000 Peter Flynn  said:
>> I think this probably needs documenting. Did you mean that to add an
>> icon to an icon-less application in the IBar, I should first create some
>> file?
> no - i was talking about the "cannot write to file in /usr/share/..." thing.

OK, I just didn't understand why an action triggered by an end-user
(replacing/adding an icon) would want to write to a system directory.

> it displays a LISt of desktop files. ll it is is a single file in a dir that
> lists desktop file names. e "finds them" in the search path for desktop files.
> wherever they happen to be.

That makes sense.

> no - ICON theme. not theme. settings -> look -> application theme -> icons

OK, found it. Not a place I would have thought to look :-)

> there is - as above. the problem is e has a default configured theme that you
> don't have installed 

It was set to GNOME.

> thus it's ending up not finding icons. select one and you'll be fine.

Yep, all done now. Very many thanks. The problem was I had expected e17
to start up with a theme that had icons in the right places. Plus
"application themes" doesn't align with (IMHO) user expectations: anyone
going to look to configure icons is going to expect a menu entry called
Icons much higher in the hierarchy.

> because of the XDG theme spec. if the configured theme does not exist - we
> can't use its configured fallbacks. an icon theme specifies what theme(s) to
> fall back on to next if it doesnt contain an icon for that. if the theme is 
> not
> there there is no data to read for a fallback.

Yep, makes sense, except that a default theme should then be a
dependency for e17, so that the presence of the icons-of-last-resort
should be guaranteed.

Thanks very much.

I wonder when a more recent e will become available for Ubuntu...anyone
know? Not a problem, e17 has been very stable so far.


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enlightenment-users mailing list

[e-users] Can't run any WM except e

2016-02-01 Thread Peter Flynn
Since upgrading my Xubuntu laptop from 14.10 to 15.04, I can no longer
log into an xfce or xubuntu window managers, only into e.

(So what? I hear you say :-)

If I try to start a different session, when I finish the password, the
login window disappears for a second and then reappears. No session.

When I log into e, the login window disappears for a much shorter time,
maybe 1/10 second, and then reappears, and the disappears as the e logo
comes up and the e session starts normally.

I can no longer run update-manager or software-center or
do-release-upgrade: at first they just segfaulted, but now the disk
light flickers and then the prompt returns with no error message
(do-release-upgrade does still segfault though, whereas before it spewed
out Python errors).

If I open a separate shell with Ctl-Alt-F1, I get the immediate message

> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
> run-parts: /etc/update-motd.d/90-updates-available exited with return code 139

And I have noticed that whenever I make an svn commit from the command
line, I get prompted in a pop-up window (!) for my realm password
*twice*. Previously the prompt was at the command line, and only once
ever, and it remembered it afterwards.

All of which makes me wonder if somehow I am running a shell inside a
shell or a WM inside a WM. Something is badly hosed and none of the
suggested remedies for update-manager segfaulting have had any effect.

But e is running happily...


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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] black screen after idle

2016-02-05 Thread Peter Flynn
On 02/05/2016 03:58 PM, Benoit Barthelet wrote:
> 1st of all let me tell you that I'm not sure it's an enlightenment issue :)
> that said, when logged in a session, after a while idle the screen goes
> black and i cant get back into the session : pressing keyboard, mouse won't
> let me in.
> if I ssh into I can see the session is active with loginctl -session-status

I had exactly this, but it was on a laptop, and turned out not to be
software at all, but a flaky inverter.


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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] "Ignore all window move requests" from some apps

2016-04-15 Thread Peter Flynn
On 04/15/2016 03:02 AM, Daniel Kasak wrote:
> I'm using a truly infuriating Java app, which constantly opens new
> windows for everything that you want to do. 

You wouldn't care to share the name of the app (in private email, if
necessary), would you? My colleagues in the usability lab in college are
always interested in unusual behaviour :-)


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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] terminology copy paste problem

2016-05-11 Thread Peter Flynn
On 05/11/2016 09:58 PM, dabicho wrote:
> Hello.
> I have a problem copying from terminology
> My terminal has utf8 environment but I am tailing (tail -f) a growing
> log file that has not utf8 encoding.

Do you know what the encoding is?
Try to find out with the file command, eg

file yourfilename.log

Then pipe the tail through iconv:

tail -f yourfilename.log | iconv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf-8

(or whatever). I haven't tried this but maybe it works.


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enlightenment-users mailing list

[e-users] E in Xubuntu 16.04

2016-07-11 Thread Peter Flynn
I've been using e17 under Xubuntu for several years, currently at 15.10, 
installed from the Xubuntu repos. I've got used to its quirks and the 
workarounds needed to overcome them.

I'm starting to move my machines to 16.04 and I notice from 
enlightenment.org that "[t]he available packages in the official Ubuntu 
repositories are outdated" and recommending E20.

I added the repos as described:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:niko2040/e19

but when I ran sudo apt-get update it ended with:

> W: The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/niko2040/e19/ubuntu xenial 
> Release' does not have a Release file.
> N: Data from such a repository can't be authenticated and is therefore 
> potentially dangerous to use.
> N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration 
> details.
> E: Failed to fetch 
> http://ppa.launchpad.net/niko2040/e19/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/binary-i386/Packages
>  404 Not Found
> E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones 
> used instead.

Is there a workaround for this or should I just install e17?


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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] E in Xubuntu 16.04

2016-07-13 Thread Peter Flynn
On 12/07/16 20:07, Peter Flynn wrote:
> I've never used the dailies, as E has become my production environment,
> but as this is a sacrificial machine I'll have a try.

OK, that installs, and I can even log into it, but practically every 
click in a window results in a SEGV. Even trying to logout does this.

Has E saved state somewhere that I can send to someone? For the moment 
I'm back in Xfce...


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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] E in Xubuntu 16.04

2016-07-13 Thread Peter Flynn
On 12/07/16 06:35, Philippe Jean Guillaumie wrote:
> On the same page...
> /E20/daily builds/// PPA for Ubuntu Xenial Xerus: sudo//add-apt-repository 
> ppa:enlightenment-git/ppa//sudoapt-get update //sudoapt-get 
> install//e20 terminology/

Of course I only just noticed the line at the top, which says "this PPA 
does not support Xenial". Duuh.

I've never used the dailies, as E has become my production environment, 
but as this is a sacrificial machine I'll have a try.

I've never tried building it myself: this is an old laptop, so I'll 
probably pass on that.

On 12/07/16 16:30, jls wrote:
 > Hi
 > May I ask you why --disable-packagekit and connman in your script?

I can understand disabling connman -- it never worked in any form I tried.


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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] E in Xubuntu 16.04

2016-07-13 Thread Peter Flynn
On 13/07/16 19:20, R. W. Reese wrote:
>> On 12/07/16 16:30, jls wrote:
>>   > Hi
>>   > May I ask you why --disable-packagekit and connman in your script?
>> I can understand disabling connman -- it never worked in any form I
>> tried.
>> ///Peter
> Curious because I have used ConnMan for about three years with E in
> Manjaro on two workhorses plus a test machine with no problems.

I should probably try it again. When I started with E some years ago, it 
was deprecated as it simply wasn't working, and everyone was using NM. 
But things change. There's a long thread about this somewhere.

> It has
> the advantage of being lighter and having the Econnman package in E
> which makes it quite nice to use. NetworkManager has added some nice
> features recently, but not enough to pull me away.

Provided it handles WPA2 properly (I think one of the problems before 
was that it didn't), that should be fine. Lighter is good, too.


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enlightenment-users mailing list

[e-users] Enlightenment on Ubuntu 16.04

2016-10-31 Thread Peter Flynn
I have been (and still am) running e18 without problems on Xubuntu 15.10
but I just upgraded a system to 16.04 and found that the only packaged
version in the repos was e17!

Does anyone know why this has gone backwards?

I know I should be using e20, but the PPA doesn't support 16.04 yet.


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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] Enlightenment on Ubuntu 16.04

2016-11-01 Thread Peter Flynn
On 11/01/2016 12:10 AM, Simon Lees wrote:
> On 11/01/2016 08:32 AM, Peter Flynn wrote:
>> I have been (and still am) running e18 without problems on Xubuntu 15.10
>> but I just upgraded a system to 16.04 and found that the only packaged
>> version in the repos was e17!
>> Does anyone know why this has gone backwards?
>> I know I should be using e20, but the PPA doesn't support 16.04 yet.
>> ///Peter
> Well were now at 21.3, Ubuntu doesn't have an active community
> maintainer, for enlightenment, 

Maybe when I retire (2018) I can look at that. Problem is, I'm a *user*
of Enlightenment: I have to have a fully-working system, not an
experimental one. Right now e18 has been fairly solid.

But the real puzzle is why Xenial went retrograde and used e17 instead
of e18. I posted the same message to the xubuntu list but no reply so far.

> if you really want to use enlightenment
> on ubuntu its probably best to build efl and it yourself, with some
> package merges the number of things you need to build now is quite small.

I've never had any luck building systems that big. Downloading a GNU
utility and typing ./configure;make;make install usually works, but with
larger applications there's always a dozen utterly unresolvable
conflicts because the devs are all on custom-built kernels and systems
and have used libraries that can't be installed on regular distros
because they conflict with the underlying system. Deeply frustrating.

I might dig out an old sacrificial system and install virgin Xenial
where I can go ahead and break things.


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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] Enlightenment on Ubuntu 16.04

2016-11-02 Thread Peter Flynn
On 11/02/2016 01:27 AM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Nov 2016 21:00:58 +0000 Peter Flynn  said:
>> [...]
>> I've never had any luck building systems that big. [...] Deeply frustrating.
> that's not us. i just installed efl+_e on raspbian (i did have to switch to
> testing as the jessie release was too old deps-wise for wayland, but for
> everything else it was fine without switching to testing). i just had to
> apt-get install dependencies and presto. it built and worked. the system 
> doesnt
> have a custom kernel or in fact custom ANYTHING except the builds of efl, e,
> terminology, rage etc. in /usr/local.

That is excellent to know.

> you shouldn't apply your general experience like above to us i think. we're
> really good at not needing anything bizarre or custom or special.

I *know* you're really good...I was letting prior experience cloud my
vision. I'm away this weekend but I'll give it a try later.

Thanks for the reassurance.


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enlightenment-users mailing list

[e-users] Screen brightness

2016-12-23 Thread Peter Flynn
I'm running e17 under Ubuntu 15.10 on a Dell Latitude D810.

The keyboard provides Fn up-arrow and Fn down-arrow to control screen
brightness, but they only provide one step, about a 5% change in
intensity up or down.

I have tried but failed to find anywhere in the e menus a setting or
widget to make the screen brighter or dimmer — they offer lots of other
settings like power control and dim-screen-after-n-seconds, but I am
somehow missing the fundamental ones to make the display brighter or dimmer.

Is this even possible through the e controls?


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Re: [e-users] Bluetooth gadget doesn't work

2016-12-23 Thread Peter Flynn
On 12/23/2016 05:51 PM, MHD wrote:
> Ok, but how to integrate blueberry or blueman bluetooth front-ends into 
> systray?
> In general how to integrate an app (skype, weather, new email animation, etc) 
> which is developed to work in systray?

/begin rant

In all these years I have never found any Linux system that works with
any BT device. Either the toolbar icon is absent, or inactive, or simply
doesn't respond to anything, claims there are no BT devices in range,
scans but fails to find them, claims it can't connect, and provides no
facilities to see what services are offered.

/end rant :-) BT is basically a dead duck on Linux, which is a pity.


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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] Screen brightness

2017-01-02 Thread Peter Flynn
On 23/12/16 23:07, Massimo Maiurana wrote:
> The "Backlight" module provides a control [...]

That's already there, and already set to 100%

The problem seems to be that the driver is faulty: if I reboot into
Windows 7 (it's a dual-boot install), then I can make the screen
brighter without trouble. But back into Ubuntu (xfce or Enlightenment),
it immediately goes back to its dimmer setting and will not increase.


> Peter Flynn ha scritto il 23/12/2016 alle 23:16:
>> I'm running e17 under Ubuntu 15.10 on a Dell Latitude D810.
>> The keyboard provides Fn up-arrow and Fn down-arrow to control screen
>> brightness, but they only provide one step, about a 5% change in
>> intensity up or down.
>> I have tried but failed to find anywhere in the e menus a setting or
>> widget to make the screen brighter or dimmer — they offer lots of other
>> settings like power control and dim-screen-after-n-seconds, but I am
>> somehow missing the fundamental ones to make the display brighter or dimmer.
>> Is this even possible through the e controls?
>> ///Peter
>> --
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>> ___
>> enlightenment-users mailing list
>> enlightenment-users@lists.sourceforge.net
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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] Enlightenment on Ubuntu 16.04

2017-01-04 Thread Peter Flynn
On 01/04/2017 02:00 PM, Mark Dickie wrote:
> Hi Peter
> At the bottom are what I use on debian testing should cover all
> available options including dependencies for e with wayland:
> However! some of the package names in Ubuntu are slightly different from
> those in Debian

I thought it might be something like that.

> so for example
> apt-cache search libpng dev
>  in debian shows:
> libpng-dev - PNG library - development (version 1.6)

I just tried it again on another machine which has been upgraded from
version to version of Ubuntu over years, and this time it appears
already to have libpng12-dev, presumably left over from an earlier version.

But it's still failing on libxp-dev which appears not to exist at all.

Does anyone know what it is supposed to do and what its Ubuntu
equivalent is?


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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] Enlightenment on Ubuntu 16.04

2017-01-05 Thread Peter Flynn
On 11/02/2016 10:01 PM, Peter Flynn wrote:
> I *know* you're really good...I was letting prior experience cloud my
> vision. I'm away this weekend but I'll give it a try later.

Hah. It worked. Interesting.

The page at https://www.enlightenment.org/distros/debian-start is they key.

1. Apparently libpng12-dev *does* get installed on some platforms still
when you install xubuntu-16.04, but NOT if you install 16.04_01.

2. libxp-dev is dead, and has been replaced by x11proto-print-dev, so
editing that into the list of packages works fine.

The rest of the script ran as writ, barring a few little bobbles where
the compiler warned about misdeclared variables, which is only to be
expected in large and complex systems. Nothing that looked serious.

Right at the end, I did another update/upgrade for an unrelated reason,
and it kicked up x11proto-print-dev saying it was unused and could be
removed with apt autoremove :-) So it's basically a catalyst, which I
think is largely what Carsten was alluding to.

So now I have a nicely running E on virgin stock Xubuntu 16.04. Thank
you all very much for your patience and skill.

NOW...I already have e17 from the Ubuntu repos running on all my other
16.04 systems. What's the best path to enligh^H^H^H^H^H^Hreplacement?

a. remove and purge enlightenment and build from scratch on each system

b. remove and purge enlightenment on each system, and try to work out
what files from my newly-working test system need to be copied across

c. go the whole hog and try to package it up for the distro (I don't
think I have the skill or the time to do this and support it).


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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] Enlightenment on Ubuntu 16.04

2017-01-06 Thread Peter Flynn
On 01/06/2017 01:03 AM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Thu, 5 Jan 2017 22:36:52 +0000 Peter Flynn  said:
>> 2. libxp-dev is dead, and has been replaced by x11proto-print-dev,
>> so editing that into the list of packages works fine.
> package names and such change over time for distros... this is why 
> it's a wiki so as people find that things changed a bit... they can
> alter it. :)

I wouldn't consider my knowledge enough to warrant altering even a wiki.

> to some extent people have to be self-starters in a little missing 
> thing like this they can easily track down the changes that happen in
> debian, ubuntu, arch etc. - kind of like a team effort. :)

Yep. Except that this change is probably only logged in a comment in a
commit somewhere, so not easily discoverable. It was only by chance that
I was trying to install another package with a dependency on libxp-dev
that I spotted in an error message that it also had a dependency on

It worked, but I don't have any evidence that what I did was right :-)

> actually it seems debian gcc's by default turn on more warnings than
> vanilla gcc (eg what arch uses).

That's the kind of expert knowledge we rely on people like yourself for.
I've only ever used the gcc that comes with Ubuntu or Fedora (and before
that, Sun's cc).

> i haven't sat down and looked into the debian warnings as they are on
> only my arm systems and so slower builds and i dont spend all day
> beating on them... :)

I spend my life ignoring W and only getting worried when it turns to an
E. Seems to work so far.

>> b. remove and purge enlightenment on each system, and try to work out
>> what files from my newly-working test system need to be copied across
> as long as all your system support the same packages and dependencies

All 16.04 ATM. 16.10 is next up.

> you should be able to easily just tar up /usr/local or whatever
> prefix you put e and efl in and untar on the other systems..

I didn't consciously put them anywhere: I just copied and pasted the
commands and the script provided. The binaries will have been put
wherever the default is, presumably /usr/local/bin because there's a
shedload of new stuff in there now from just after 9am this morning: 61
executables (eina_btlog eina_modinfo efl_debugd efl_debug eet eolian_gen
evas_cserve2_client evas_cserve2_usage evas_cserve2_debug
evas_cserve2_shm_debug eldbus-codegen eeze_mount eeze_umount
eeze_disk_ls eeze_scanner eeze_scanner_monitor ecore_evas_convert
eetpack embryo_cc efreetd edje_cc edje_decc edje_player edje_inspector
edje_external_inspector edje_codegen edje_pick edje_watch emotion_test
emotion_test-eo ethumb ethumbd ethumbd_client elementary_test
elementary_config elementary_codegen elm_prefs_cc elementary_quicklaunch
elementary_run eolian_cxx elua vieet eo_debug eina-bench-cmp edje_recc
diffeet enlightenment_imc enlightenment enlightenment_start
enlightenment_filemanager enlightenment_open enlightenment_askpass
emixer enlightenment_remote tyq typop tyls tycat tybg tyalpha terminology)

> you should indeed wipe the existing efl and e packages from the 
> systems to avoid conflicts (can be handled if you know what you are 
> doing without removing the pkgs... but i just suggest removal as it's
> simpler)

On the second system I removed the official e17 and e17-data packages
first, logged back into xfce and did the compile, and then everything
worked logging out and back into e. I hadn't done a purge, though, so
the new e came back with my existing shelf. Or maybe there are other
packages that were installed when I did my original apt-get install
enlightenment (which I believe is a container package).

Now to try some of the laptops...


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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] Enlightenment on Ubuntu 16.04

2017-01-08 Thread Peter Flynn
On 01/07/2017 03:42 AM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Fri, 6 Jan 2017 22:17:55 +0000 Peter Flynn  said:
>> I wouldn't consider my knowledge enough to warrant altering even a wiki.
> well i sure am not updating it ... 

I wasn't suggesting that, just excusing my own ignorance.

> well you could apt-cache search libxp, xp, xprint etc. and likely find it... 
> :)

I had forgotten about that, thank you.


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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] Enlightenment on Ubuntu 16.04

2017-01-08 Thread Peter Flynn
On 01/05/2017 10:36 PM, Peter Flynn wrote:
> On 11/02/2016 10:01 PM, Peter Flynn wrote:
>> I *know* you're really good...I was letting prior experience cloud my
>> vision. I'm away this weekend but I'll give it a try later.
> Hah. It worked. Interesting.
> The page at https://www.enlightenment.org/distros/debian-start is they key.

Hmm. It's worked 3× for me so far just fine, but now suddenly I get this
>   CCLD src/bin/enlightenment
>   CC   src/bin/src_bin_enlightenment_imc-e_config_data.o
>   CC   src/bin/src_bin_enlightenment_imc-e_imc_main.o
>   CC   src/bin/src_bin_enlightenment_imc-e_intl_data.o
>   CCLD src/bin/enlightenment_imc
> /usr/local/lib/libecore_file.so: undefined reference to `_efl_add_end'
> /usr/local/lib/libecore_file.so: undefined reference to `ecore_main_loop_get'
> /usr/local/lib/libecore_file.so: undefined reference to 
> `_efl_add_internal_start'
> /usr/local/lib/libecore_file.so: undefined reference to `efl_callbacks_cmp'
> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
> Makefile:9740: recipe for target 'src/bin/enlightenment_imc' failed
> make[2]: *** [src/bin/enlightenment_imc] Error 1
> make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/local/src/enlight/enlightenment'
> Makefile:17176: recipe for target 'all-recursive' failed
> make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/local/src/enlight/enlightenment'
> Makefile:5225: recipe for target 'all' failed
> make: *** [all] Error 2
> #

Same OS (Ubuntu 16.04), same script. Anyone any clues?


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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] Enlightenment on Ubuntu 16.04

2017-01-09 Thread Peter Flynn

On 01/09/2017 12:44 AM, Dave wrote:
>  In the year 2017, of the month of January, on the 8th day, Peter Flynn wrote:
>> Hmm. It's worked 3× for me so far just fine, but now suddenly I get this
>>>   CCLD src/bin/enlightenment
>>>   CC   src/bin/src_bin_enlightenment_imc-e_config_data.o
>>>   CC   src/bin/src_bin_enlightenment_imc-e_imc_main.o
>>>   CC   src/bin/src_bin_enlightenment_imc-e_intl_data.o
>>>   CCLD src/bin/enlightenment_imc
>>> /usr/local/lib/libecore_file.so: undefined reference to `_efl_add_end'
>>> /usr/local/lib/libecore_file.so: undefined reference to 
>>> `ecore_main_loop_get'
>>> /usr/local/lib/libecore_file.so: undefined reference to 
>>> `_efl_add_internal_start'
>>> /usr/local/lib/libecore_file.so: undefined reference to `efl_callbacks_cmp'
>>> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
>>> Makefile:9740: recipe for target 'src/bin/enlightenment_imc' failed
>>> make[2]: *** [src/bin/enlightenment_imc] Error 1
>>> make[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/local/src/enlight/enlightenment'
>>> Makefile:17176: recipe for target 'all-recursive' failed
>>> make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
>>> make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/local/src/enlight/enlightenment'
>>> Makefile:5225: recipe for target 'all' failed
>>> make: *** [all] Error 2
>>> #
>> Same OS (Ubuntu 16.04), same script. Anyone any clues?
> Let's see, what are the error messages? Undefined reference in an
> EFL library? I'm guessing you have some old EFL library files hanging
> around that are missing functions.

Shouldn't be...until now I have exclusively used the Ubuntu package
versions of e, but it was a few years ago, so before I started, I did

apt-get remove --purge e17 e17-data e18 e18-data e19 e19-data
enlightenment efl terminology

This spat back 'unknown' at me for everything except e17, so I tried

apt-get remove --purge e17 e17-data terminology

This removed e17, e17-data, e17-dbg, and e17-dev so I assume everything
has been deleted from the package install.

> Delete all your E libs, 

The problem is, I don't have any information about what they're called.

I just listed the files created under /usr/local by the successful build
on another machine, identified by their timestamp from when I ran the
job, and there seem to be just under 4,000 of them. There are 494 of
them with /lib/ in their path.

The failed install appears to have created virtually all of these
already, including /usr/local/lib/libecore_file.so, so I don't
understand what the claimed undefined references are references *to*.

> double check that you're clean, 


> and then reinstall EFL.

That should be the least of the problems.


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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] Enlightenment on Ubuntu 16.04

2017-01-09 Thread Peter Flynn
On 01/09/2017 12:44 AM, Dave wrote:
>  In the year 2017, of the month of January, on the 8th day, Peter Flynn wrote:
>>>   CCLD src/bin/enlightenment_imc
>>> /usr/local/lib/libecore_file.so: undefined reference to `_efl_add_end'
>>> /usr/local/lib/libecore_file.so: undefined reference to 
>>> `ecore_main_loop_get'
>>> /usr/local/lib/libecore_file.so: undefined reference to 
>>> `_efl_add_internal_start'
>>> /usr/local/lib/libecore_file.so: undefined reference to `efl_callbacks_cmp'
>>> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

> Let's see, what are the error messages?  Undefined reference in an EFL
> library? 

Wiped and restarted. Same error.

> I'm guessing you have some old EFL library files hanging around
> that are missing functions.

But /usr/local/lib/libecore_file.so isn't an old file: it's one of the
newly-created files installed when efl was compiled a few minutes before
it started compiling enlightenment itself.

It all compiled OK on another 32-bit machine running the same Xubuntu
16.04.01 three days ago, so I'm assuming there have been commits to the
git repo that have caused this to fail since. I'll wait a couple of
weeks and see if it gets fixed.


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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] Enlightenment on Ubuntu 16.04

2017-01-09 Thread Peter Flynn
On 01/09/2017 10:36 PM, Dave wrote:
> OK, I did a little more looking, and the functions referenced are to be
> found in the libecore.so library.  So, seems like your libecore_file.so
> can't find this library.

Thanks very much for digging into that.

There are copies of libecore.so and libecore_file.so (and other
libecore*) in /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/, all version 1.8.6 whereas EFL is
trying to create 1.18.99  There's also something called libecore1 which
seems to be EFL-specific.

So presumably at some point EFL's build is referencing the older
libecores, which either shouldn't be there, or should be disabled for
the duration. I am assuming that deleting them would be A Very Bad
Thing. How is EFL intended to build new versions and install them in
/usr/local/lib if /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ is stuffed full of the
existing system-installed ones?

> So, next step would be to check your /etc/ld.so.conf file (and possibly
> /etc/ld.so.conf.d/* files) to see if "/usr/local/lib" is listed as a system
> library location.

Yep, in /etc/ld.so.conf.d/libc.conf as normal.

> Another check would be to run the command "ldd 
> /usr/local/lib/libecore_file.so".
> That could provide a clue as to the issue.

Not a whole lot, unfortunately.

> $ ldd /usr/local/lib/libecore_file.so
>   linux-gate.so.1 =>  (0xb77ad000)
>   libeina.so.1 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libeina.so.1 (0xb7714000)
>   libeo.so.1 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libeo.so.1 (0xb7701000)
>   libecore.so.1 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libecore.so.1 (0xb76c9000)
>   libecore_con.so.1 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libecore_con.so.1 
> (0xb7696000)
>   libpthread.so.0 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 (0xb7679000)
>   libc.so.6 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0xb74c3000)
>   libm.so.6 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libm.so.6 (0xb746e000)
>   libdl.so.2 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libdl.so.2 (0xb7468000)
>   librt.so.1 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/librt.so.1 (0xb745f000)
>   libglib-2.0.so.0 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libglib-2.0.so.0 (0xb7336000)
>   libgnutls.so.30 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgnutls.so.30 (0xb71de000)
>   libeet.so.1 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libeet.so.1 (0xb71b9000)
>   libgcrypt.so.20 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgcrypt.so.20 (0xb7109000)
>   /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0x800f6000)
>   libpcre.so.3 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libpcre.so.3 (0xb7094000)
>   libz.so.1 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libz.so.1 (0xb7079000)
>   libp11-kit.so.0 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libp11-kit.so.0 (0xb7018000)
>   libidn.so.11 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libidn.so.11 (0xb6fe4000)
>   libtasn1.so.6 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libtasn1.so.6 (0xb6fce000)
>   libnettle.so.6 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libnettle.so.6 (0xb6f92000)
>   libhogweed.so.4 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libhogweed.so.4 (0xb6f5d000)
>   libgmp.so.10 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgmp.so.10 (0xb6ed1000)
>   libjpeg.so.8 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libjpeg.so.8 (0xb6e72000)
>   libgpg-error.so.0 => /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgpg-error.so.0 (0xb6e5b000)
>   libffi.so.6 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libffi.so.6 (0xb6e52000)


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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] Enlightenment on Ubuntu 16.04

2017-01-10 Thread Peter Flynn
On 01/09/2017 11:44 PM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Mon, 9 Jan 2017 23:14:30 +0000 Peter Flynn  said:
>> [...] How is EFL intended to build new versions and install them in
>> /usr/local/lib if /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ is stuffed full of the
>> existing system-installed ones?
> that would create issues. you CAN have multiple libs installed in
> differing locations but you have to be careful. very careful.

You seem to be treating my query as a suggestion :-) I wouldn't dream of
it. For those very reasons.

> so those libs in /usr obviously come from something else that efl's 
> build. e.g. packages. figure out which and remove them. look at al
> the libe*.so.1.* files in /usr/local and find similar ones elsewhere
> (likely versioned earlier) and find out what/who owns them... and nuke

Finding them was fairly easy...but I didn't know if it was safe to
nuke 'em or not, as I had no information about what they are or where
they came from, and I didn't really want to break the entire system.

For all I know, libraries starting libe* could belong to something else,
not Enlightenment...

On 01/10/2017 12:30 AM, Dave wrote:
> In the year 2017, of the month of January, on the 9th day, Peter Flynn wrote:
>> There are copies of libecore.so and libecore_file.so (and other 
>> libecore*) in /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/, all version 1.8.6 whereas
>> EFL is trying to create 1.18.99 There's also something called
>> libecore1 which seems to be EFL-specific.
> Yep, that'd be the problem. So it was what I initially suspected; 
> stale libraries. As Rasterdude says, you'll need to nuke 'em.

That was never in doubt; the problem was working out if it was safe to
get rid of them, and deciding *how* to get rid of them.

>>> $ ldd /usr/local/lib/libecore_file.so
> ...

>  Actually, it highlights exactly your problem.

To you :-) Not to me.

> The above links are stale. You'll need to clear these libraries out.
> They're almost certainly part of existing installed packages.

They appear to be part of e17, and perhaps e19, which apparently (in
their Ubuntu incarnations) install themselves from a large number of
discrete packages, and lack a monolithic driver. Working backwards, I
found an actual *package* called libecore-dev, and purging that orphaned
a whole bunch of other suspects, so I trashed them as well.

BUT that doesn't fix the problem. Having re-run ldconfig and then
rebooted, I tried another compile, only for it to come up with the same
error, so I am now recursively trying a build, finding yet more stuff to
delete, lather, rinse, repeat...

I *knew* something was wrong when I upgraded to 16.04 and found that
Ubuntu had gone retroverse on Enlightenment. Under 15.* you could
install e19, but under 16.* you can only install e17. The result seems
to be that all the e19 files and packages have been orphaned by the
installation of e17.

The answer for the moment is, if you are running Ubuntu, DO NOT use
update-manager to perform a system version upgrade. Instead, back up,
wipe, and install a fresh system.


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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] Enlightenment on Ubuntu 16.04

2017-01-11 Thread Peter Flynn
On 01/10/2017 10:00 PM, Ross Vandegrift wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 09:40:54PM +0000, Peter Flynn wrote:
>> delete, lather, rinse, repeat...
> Here's a trick to make this easier: sudo aptitude remove libeina1
> aptitude will suggest removing all of the packages which depend on eina.
> Since that eventually includes all EFL libs, this will remove all of the
> packaged libraries from your systems without touching the copies in
> /usr/local.  (If you have efl-doc installed, it'll leave that)

I did eventually light on a combination that did this, so finally all
the packages are gone.  My heartfelt thanks to all of you who
contributed to solving this problem.

For the record, people who have installed e17 from the Ubuntu repos and
who want to build a new e/efl/terminology need to do:

apt remove --purge e17 e17-data e17-dbg e17-dev

(Some of those may not have been installed.) This will mention that a
number of packages are now unused and can be deleted with autoremove.
Don't do this. It will also say that /usr/share/enlightenment was not
empty and wasn't removed. Unless you have added icons manually to that
directory, you can delete it manually first.

Then do as Ross suggests and remove --purge libeina1
This will remove the following:
  libecore-con1* libecore-evas1* libecore-fb1* libecore-file1*
  libecore-imf1* libecore-input1* libecore-ipc1* libecore-x1*
  libecore1* libedbus1* libedje-bin* libedje1* libeet1* libeeze1*
  libefreet-bin* libefreet1a* libeina1* libeio1* libembryo-bin*
  libevas-loaders* libevas1* libevas1-engines-x*
and suggest that libembryo1 can be autoremoved (it can).

You should now have a cleaned-up system to work from to install e
according to the instructions at
https://www.enlightenment.org/distros/debian-start (replacing libxp-dev
with x11proto-print-dev).

> AFAIK, there's never been e18 or e19 packages distributed with Ubuntu.
> You probably got them from an unofficial source.  Upgrading with
> unofficial sources is often a problem.  Ubuntu will disable the source
> before upgrade, but that doesn't remove the packages.

I certainly didn't install anything from an unofficial source, but
perhaps I misread what it said: I was certainly under the impression
that I was using e18 under 15.10. I know that I was so shocked at what
it said that I reported it to this list (first post in this thread on 31
Oct 2016 at 22.02).

> I've built a PPA with the new Debian experimental packages here:
>   https://launchpad.net/~ross-kallisti/+archive/ubuntu/efl+e/
> These have never been tested in Ubuntu, but are doing well for me on
> Debian stretch + experimental.  Binaries are only there for 16.04.

Wonderful, thank you.


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Re: [e-users] Change font color in terminology

2017-01-11 Thread Peter Flynn
On 01/11/2017 05:18 AM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Jan 2017 02:26:11 + (UTC) mk  said:
>> I would like to change the font color in terminology, but I can’t
>> figure out how to do it. Could anyone help? Thanks.
> right click -> settings -> colors

I'm using the mustang theme because my eyes don't resolve the faint
grayness of some of the others; but I want the bright cursor used in the
default and in solarized. Is the cursor separately configurable?


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Re: [e-users] Change font color in terminology

2017-01-11 Thread Peter Flynn
On 01/11/2017 09:32 PM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Jan 2017 21:25:42 +0000 Peter Flynn  said:
>> On 01/11/2017 05:18 AM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
>>> On Wed, 11 Jan 2017 02:26:11 + (UTC) mk  said:
>>>> I would like to change the font color in terminology, but I can’t
>>>> figure out how to do it. Could anyone help? Thanks.
>>> right click -> settings -> colors
>> I'm using the mustang theme because my eyes don't resolve the faint
>> grayness of some of the others; but I want the bright cursor used in the
>> default and in solarized. Is the cursor separately configurable?
> cursor is a theme element. it's not just a color value. you'll have to switch
> themes or make one of your own for a different cursor.

Aha. Thanks, I'll get to work.


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Re: [e-users] background rippling

2017-01-12 Thread Peter Flynn
On 01/12/2017 05:56 PM, Cedric BAIL wrote:
> Hi Christopher,
> On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 9:00 AM, christopher barry
>  wrote:
>> I just installed e on a new work box, and the background is doing this
>> wavy-like rippling thing that's making me dizzy. How can I make it stop?
> I am not to sure of what you are describing as there is no animation
> in the default background. Still I had in the past a very bad screen
> on one of my laptop that would kind of look flickering on the default
> background. I switched the background to a different image (The system
> Light background provided in default Enlightenment installation) and
> it fixed the problem.

On one machine (only) running my new e, the URL bar and bookmarks bar
(only) in chromium-browser now flicker *violently* from time to time.

In my general ignorance of video, I have put this down to the video card
and/or driver conflicting with something. Fortunately it doesn't happen
often enough to worry me.


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Re: [e-users] background rippling

2017-01-13 Thread Peter Flynn
On 01/12/2017 10:53 PM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Thu, 12 Jan 2017 20:33:45 +0000 Peter Flynn  said:
>> On one machine (only) running my new e, the URL bar and bookmarks bar
>> (only) in chromium-browser now flicker *violently* from time to time.
>> In my general ignorance of video, I have put this down to the video card
>> and/or driver conflicting with something. Fortunately it doesn't happen
>> often enough to worry me.
> not an nvidia driver perchance?

Maybe. New Dell something-or-other, standard office fodder.


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Re: [e-users] background rippling

2017-01-14 Thread Peter Flynn
On 01/14/2017 02:00 AM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Jan 2017 22:19:30 +0000 Peter Flynn  said:
>> On 01/12/2017 10:53 PM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
>>> On Thu, 12 Jan 2017 20:33:45 + Peter Flynn  said:
>> [...]
>>>> On one machine (only) running my new e, the URL bar and bookmarks bar
>>>> (only) in chromium-browser now flicker *violently* from time to time.
>>>> In my general ignorance of video, I have put this down to the video card
>>>> and/or driver conflicting with something. Fortunately it doesn't happen
>>>> often enough to worry me.
>>> not an nvidia driver perchance?
>> Maybe. New Dell something-or-other, standard office fodder.
> maybe? how do you not know what gpu you have or that is being used? 

Because I have never needed to ask or specify — my requirements are more
for cpu and memory than for graphics. I checked: it's a Dell XPS 8900.

> if it's nvidia and you're using nvidia drivers it's a whole buhahah 
> to get the proprietary drivers installed + working in addition to or 
> as a replacemenet of mesa... if tis a modern-ish nvidia gpu nouveau
> (mesa) won't even work...

I am aware that nvidia graphics drivers cause problems — I've seen
comments and complaints about them for years — but I have never
experienced problems, so maybe I have just managed to avoid them.

I looked up my specification, which says:

>> Video
>> Controller:
>> Integrated Intel HD Graphics 530
>> Discrete • NVIDIA GT 730
>> • NVIDIA GTX 745
>> • NVIDIA GTX 750 Ti
>> • NVIDIA GTX 960
>> • AMD Radeon R9 370
>> Memory:
>> Integrated Shared system memory
>> Discrete Up to 4 GB GDDR5

> this matters. so know. 

It certainly matters if you have problems.

> because nvidia drivers seem to have a bug with buffer age support.
> it's specific to their drivers. there's a work around to disable
> partial render but knowing your driver is important... :/

Right. But the problem I described [above] ONLY occurs when using the
new Enlightenment I compiled last week. It does not occur when using the
xfce or xubuntu display managers, and it did not occur when I was using
the repo-supplied e17 Ubuntu package. As I said, it's minimal.


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Re: [e-users] background rippling

2017-01-15 Thread Peter Flynn
In 01/14/2017 11:41 PM, Dave wrote:
> The more recent Enlightenment WMs are quite different to E17.  Specifically,
> compositing is now permanently on, which makes it more demanding on your
> video driver than XFCE (Xubuntu uses XFCE for a Window Manager).  Assuming
> you're using OpenGL for compositing.  You can always switch to software
> (in Settings->Look->Compositor) if you're having driver difficulties.

I can experiment, thanks.

On 01/15/2017 02:14 AM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> basically the nvidia driver does have a bug. if you go to:
> settings->look->compositor->advanced->rendering
> and at the bottom change swapping method from "auto" to "invalidate"
> does flickering go away?

Time to try...thanks.


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[e-users] Terminology and Unicode

2017-01-27 Thread Peter Flynn
I am using the Terminology I compiled from github a few weeks ago.
It doesn't appear to support Ctrl-Shift-U  Enter for typing Unicode
characters as other terminal emulators under Linux do. Is this correct,
or is there a different keystroke combination needed?


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Re: [e-users] Terminology and Unicode

2017-01-28 Thread Peter Flynn
On 01/28/2017 02:53 AM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Sat, 28 Jan 2017 00:21:37 +0000 Peter Flynn  said:
>> I am using the Terminology I compiled from github a few weeks ago.
>> It doesn't appear to support Ctrl-Shift-U  Enter for typing Unicode
>> characters as other terminal emulators under Linux do. Is this correct,
> nope. it doesn't. but if you have a multi/compose key set up... why not just
> use compose sequences and regular input methods? 

I do that all the time already. AltGr-e gets me é and so on. This is
standard, no need to set up anything, as it's selected when I install
Xubuntu, and I maintain a keyboard map for it at

But in my work I often need to access many other characters from the
Unicode repertoire, and Ctrl-Shift-U  Enter is a convenient way to
do this.

No matter; it works in many other Linux applications (even Thunderbird,
where I am typing now, so if I suddenly need the alchemical 'retort'
symbol 🝭 I can just type Ctrl-Shift-U 1f76d Enter and it appears. I can
always copy and paste to Terminology.

I don't know if this is an Ubuntu thing or if it works in other distros.
If it's a widespread systems facility, maybe it might be worth enabling
it in Terminology at some future point.


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[e-users] Menu inoperative after resume

2017-02-03 Thread Peter Flynn
Before I file this, does anyone know if it's been reported (I can't find
it, but I am notoriously bad at finding other people's bug reports
because they use different words to describe things :-)

When I click on the caret menu (LH end of shelf before thermometer) and
pick System > Suspend, the laptop correctly suspends.

After resuming with the power button, everything seems to work, except
that all items in that System menu are inoperative (Lock, Log out,
Suspend, Reboot, Power off); that is, clicking on them does nothing at
all (and the disk light does not even flicker).

I am using the Enlightenment I compiled from github a few
weeks ago on a Dell Latitude D810.

Right-click on background and all related menus seem to work normally;
other items in the shelf also working normally.

(Possibly unrelated) System > Hibernate is blacked out for some reason,
perhaps because E believes it has detected that this facility is not
available. Indeed the hardware function Fn + F1 (labelled in blue
Hibernate) does nothing, and Fn + Esc ["Standby"] is also inoperative.


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Re: [e-users] Menu inoperative after resume

2017-02-05 Thread Peter Flynn
On 02/05/2017 03:34 AM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Fri, 3 Feb 2017 23:08:53 +0000 Peter Flynn  said:
> e. ummm it sounds like e still thinks a current system action is
> underway and isn't complete yet. beyond adding lots of printfs to e_sys.c to
> find out the logic flow.. i don't know why this happens to you. it works
> perfectly for me.

Probably because I'm on a slow, cronky, ancient Dell laptop :-) If I
ever manage to buy a new laptop, the problem will probably go away.

> i guess does e_sys_action_do() get called when you select to
> suspend/logout/whatever after a suspend+resume? if so what does it do
> internally? is there a current action? follow the breadcrumbs down into
> _e_sys_action_do() and so on.

Possibly. I don't have the skills to follow that.

>> I am using the Enlightenment I compiled from github a few
>> weeks ago on a Dell Latitude D810.
> github? you know our official git repose are not on github.

Sorry, my bad memory. The build script got the code using git and
assumed it was from github. I wasn't paying attention, it was from

> that's probably because your os is systemd related and systemd reports that
> hibernation is not possible.

Ubuntu 32-bit 16.04.

All fixed, however, by installing uswsusp which provides commands s2ram
and s2disk which work just fine.


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Re: [e-users] Menu inoperative after resume

2017-02-06 Thread Peter Flynn
On 02/05/2017 11:56 PM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> i have no idea why. i don't think it's that though... something gets stuck.
> something stops future system actions. what requires throwing printfs in
> e_sys.c and printing out the logic flow and finding what piece of logic is
> failing.

That could probably be narrowed down, in that when I was running e17
under Ubuntu 14.04 (I think) it worked perfectly. How much of e_sys.c
has changed?

> well a bit of basic C  and printfs and then reading your logs would do it. 

I can do that; the hard bit is working out what module to look at, and
knowing how to find out what bit gets triggered when an events occurs,
like a hardware event (closing the lid) or a menu gets clicked.

>> All fixed, however, by installing uswsusp which provides commands s2ram
>> and s2disk which work just fine.
> there you go then. :)

Yep, happy bunny :-)


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Re: [e-users] xdg-bs

2017-03-27 Thread Peter Flynn
On 27/03/17 00:47, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Sun, 26 Mar 2017 16:55:45 -0400 Christopher Barry
>  said:
>> Okay, this is annoying...
>> claws-mail uses xdg-open to decide what app to use when opening files
>> (rather than 'alternatives', which is the standard Debian way to do
>> this), so clicking on a link in email always opens Chromium rather than
>> Firefox which is my system default browser. When I try to see/change it
>> in Enlightenment, I get the following.
>> $ xdg-settings get default-web-browser
>> xdg-settings: unknown desktop environment
>> Any ideas on how to change this setting to point to Firefox?
> settings -> apps -> default applications -> browser

I think it's Settings > All > Apps ...


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Re: [e-users] xdg-bs

2017-03-27 Thread Peter Flynn
On 27/03/17 00:47, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Sun, 26 Mar 2017 16:55:45 -0400 Christopher Barry
>  said:
>> Okay, this is annoying...
>> claws-mail uses xdg-open to decide what app to use when opening files
>> (rather than 'alternatives', which is the standard Debian way to do
>> this), so clicking on a link in email always opens Chromium rather than
>> Firefox which is my system default browser. When I try to see/change it
>> in Enlightenment, I get the following.
>> $ xdg-settings get default-web-browser
>> xdg-settings: unknown desktop environment
>> Any ideas on how to change this setting to point to Firefox?
> settings -> apps -> default applications -> browser

And does that *really* change xdg settings?

The *big* problem for me is that when I click on a mailto: link in
chromium-browser, it just opens another browser window, or sometimes
pops up a window saying it wants to run some unspecified program
recommended by xdg, which never does anything. If anyone knows how to
force chromium-browser to open Thunderbird, I'd be grateful.


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Re: [e-users] xdg-bs

2017-03-27 Thread Peter Flynn
On 03/27/2017 07:56 PM, Mick wrote:
> On Monday 27 Mar 2017 19:39:21 Peter Flynn wrote:
>> On 27/03/17 00:47, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
>>> On Sun, 26 Mar 2017 16:55:45 -0400 Christopher Barry
>>>  said:
>>>> Okay, this is annoying...
>>>> claws-mail uses xdg-open to decide what app to use when opening files
>>>> (rather than 'alternatives', which is the standard Debian way to do
>>>> this), so clicking on a link in email always opens Chromium rather than
>>>> Firefox which is my system default browser. When I try to see/change it
>>>> in Enlightenment, I get the following.
>>>> $ xdg-settings get default-web-browser
>>>> xdg-settings: unknown desktop environment
>>>> Any ideas on how to change this setting to point to Firefox?
>>> settings -> apps -> default applications -> browser
>> And does that *really* change xdg settings?
>> The *big* problem for me is that when I click on a mailto: link in
>> chromium-browser, it just opens another browser window, or sometimes
>> pops up a window saying it wants to run some unspecified program
>> recommended by xdg, which never does anything. If anyone knows how to
>> force chromium-browser to open Thunderbird, I'd be grateful.
>> ///Peter
> Have you tried setting something in Handlers to see if it takes?
> https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/114662?visit_id=0-636262376794060954-3121866498&p=ib_protocol_handler&rd=2

Unfortunately that's for requesting *web* services to respond to
protocol calls (eg make mailto: open Hotmail). It's set by default, but
it doesn't do anything that I can see for *programs* (eg Tbird).


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Re: [e-users] xdg-bs

2017-03-27 Thread Peter Flynn
On 03/27/2017 11:20 PM, Mick wrote:
> On Monday 27 Mar 2017 20:47:29 Peter Flynn wrote:
>> On 03/27/2017 07:56 PM, Mick wrote:
>>> On Monday 27 Mar 2017 19:39:21 Peter Flynn wrote:
>>>> On 27/03/17 00:47, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
>>>>> On Sun, 26 Mar 2017 16:55:45 -0400 Christopher Barry
>>>>>  said:
>>>>>> Okay, this is annoying...
>>>>>> claws-mail uses xdg-open to decide what app to use when opening files
>>>>>> (rather than 'alternatives', which is the standard Debian way to do
>>>>>> this), so clicking on a link in email always opens Chromium rather than
>>>>>> Firefox which is my system default browser. When I try to see/change it
>>>>>> in Enlightenment, I get the following.
>>>>>> $ xdg-settings get default-web-browser
>>>>>> xdg-settings: unknown desktop environment
>>>>>> Any ideas on how to change this setting to point to Firefox?
>>>>> settings -> apps -> default applications -> browser
>>>> And does that *really* change xdg settings?
>>>> The *big* problem for me is that when I click on a mailto: link in
>>>> chromium-browser, it just opens another browser window, or sometimes
>>>> pops up a window saying it wants to run some unspecified program
>>>> recommended by xdg, which never does anything. If anyone knows how to
>>>> force chromium-browser to open Thunderbird, I'd be grateful.
>>>> ///Peter
>>> Have you tried setting something in Handlers to see if it takes?
>>> https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/114662?visit_id=0-636262376794060
>>> 954-3121866498&p=ib_protocol_handler&rd=2
>> Unfortunately that's for requesting *web* services to respond to
>> protocol calls (eg make mailto: open Hotmail). It's set by default, but
>> it doesn't do anything that I can see for *programs* (eg Tbird).
>> ///Peter
> Yes, I noticed the same just now.  I cannot add anything to it ...
> I suspect Chromium/Chrome use xdg-open, so:
> 'xdg-mime query default message/rfc822'
> should show your default application for e.g. viewing messages.

Yes, it shows thunderbird.desktop -- but chromium-browser ignores this.


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Re: [e-users] xdg-bs

2017-03-27 Thread Peter Flynn
On 03/28/2017 12:49 AM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> your problem is a chromium problem... it's doing whatever it wants to and not
> using the xdg mechanisms in place.

Yes, that seems to be true. I don't know what they smoke over in
Google's codehole, but it's not doing them any good :-)


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Re: [e-users] Recommended applications...

2017-03-31 Thread Peter Flynn
On 31 March 2017 06:02:11 Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) 

> On Thu, 30 Mar 2017 11:12:56 +0200 Pierre Couderc  said:
>> For example : how to mount  automatically a USB memory ? What app does
>> that ?
> e already does this but it mounts WHEN you open up the device in the
> filemanager.

The real problems are:

1. Getting the system to recognise that.a USB stick has been plugged in. On 
all the systems I have installed e on, this does not happen, although if I 
log out and then log in with xfce, it then recognises when a USB stick is 
inserted. Something in e defeats this, but I'm not skilled enough in 
interrupt detection to know what or where to look.

2. Notifying the user. Even when the system recognises the insertion 
(evidence: tail -f syslog), I have never seen e pop up anything to say a 
USB stick has been inserted. I'm not sure where it would do notification, 
especially when the dock at the bottom is slid down. Is it supposed to 
raise it?

3. Not all file managers are created equal. I can't use e's file manager 
because black on dark grey is largely unreadable, and I haven't found any 
way to make it show the file system hierarchy in a left-hand panel like 
other FMs do. Thunar is excellent (despite apparently having some bug 
people complain about) and it recognises and mounts inserted media every 
time. Dolphin was wonderful until someone took away all its icons: it's now 
useless. Gnome's is OK but limited.

> it's dangerous to always auto-mount just because you plug some
> removable device in. it means they will forever be "dirty" when you unplug 
> them
> again even if you never used them.

That would always apply if you fail to unmount the device, regardless of 
whether it was auto-mounted or manually-mounted. But auto-mount is evil 
because the system cannot know what application I may want to use on each 


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[e-users] Deleting gadgets from the desktop

2017-06-11 Thread Peter Flynn
This is puzzling. I wanted a clock on my desktop, so I right-clicked on
the desktop, selected Desktop > Add Gadgets to Desktop and picked Analog
Clock. At that moment, the cursor lost focus (some random background
process stole all the cycles) and I took my finger off the mouse button
and tried again.

Now I have two overlapping clocks in the middle of my desktop. They can
only be moved with Alt-leftclick, and there is no option in any menu to
delete them. How do I get rid of them? Menu > Desktop > Change Gadgets
doesn't work, because it doesn't report Clock being in use.


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Re: [e-users] Deleting gadgets from the desktop

2017-06-11 Thread Peter Flynn
On 11/06/17 17:49, Mick wrote:
> On Sunday 11 Jun 2017 16:26:33 Peter Flynn wrote:
>> This is puzzling. I wanted a clock on my desktop, so I right-clicked on
>> the desktop, selected Desktop > Add Gadgets to Desktop and picked Analog
>> Clock. At that moment, the cursor lost focus (some random background
>> process stole all the cycles) and I took my finger off the mouse button
>> and tried again.
>> Now I have two overlapping clocks in the middle of my desktop. They can
>> only be moved with Alt-leftclick, and there is no option in any menu to
>> delete them. How do I get rid of them? Menu > Desktop > Change Gadgets
>> doesn't work, because it doesn't report Clock being in use.
>> ///Peter
> Did you try Right-Click on the Clock and then Remove?

There is no Remove.

If I right-click on the clockface, I get a dialog which says:

Show Seconds   Off
Date Display   None
Weekend Start  Saturday
Weekend EndSunday
Timezone   System
Background Foreground

(the last two are color selectors).


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Re: [e-users] Deleting gadgets from the desktop

2017-06-11 Thread Peter Flynn
On 11/06/17 18:50, Peter Flynn wrote:
> On 11/06/17 17:49, Mick wrote:
>> On Sunday 11 Jun 2017 16:26:33 Peter Flynn wrote:
>>> This is puzzling. I wanted a clock on my desktop, so I right-clicked on
>>> the desktop, selected Desktop > Add Gadgets to Desktop and picked Analog
>>> Clock. At that moment, the cursor lost focus (some random background
>>> process stole all the cycles) and I took my finger off the mouse button
>>> and tried again.
>>> Now I have two overlapping clocks in the middle of my desktop. They can
>>> only be moved with Alt-leftclick, and there is no option in any menu to
>>> delete them. How do I get rid of them? Menu > Desktop > Change Gadgets
>>> doesn't work, because it doesn't report Clock being in use.

I just went through every file and directory in ~/.e and there is no
mention anywhere of the analogue clock. But there are three on my
desktop. Does anyone know where their presence is configured?


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Re: [e-users] Deleting gadgets from the desktop

2017-06-11 Thread Peter Flynn
On 11/06/17 19:34, Mick wrote:
> What you are describing is not right, 

It doesn't look right, but it's what comes up.

This is a freshly-compiled (this afternoon) copy of e from

> these should be showing when you click 
> the Settings of the clock gadget.
> Have a look here for what the right-click button should show:
> http://imgur.com/a/r3WKN

This is what I get: the little black config dialog in the middle of the
screen is what appears when I right-click on any of the clock faces.


I had to use GIMP to make the screenshot because while the dialog box is
there, PrtScrn won't bring up the usual screenshotter.

> Have a look in .e:
> find .e -iname *.clock.*
> There's a few here under this path:
> .e/e/config/standard/module.clock.1.cfg

You can see these in the Emacs window in the screenshot.
Why would there be 10 of them and what task do they perform?


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Re: [e-users] [SOLVED] Deleting gadgets from the desktop

2017-06-11 Thread Peter Flynn
On 06/11/2017 11:27 PM, Mick wrote:
> I am not entirely sure.  I've noticed every time you restart e a new file is 
> incremented.  Perhaps they are config backups?
> You can delete (move) them, restart e and then you could find all these 
> multiple clocks are gone.

Tried that, but no.

Carsten has explained what they are (thank you) so that's one advance.

>> "i need a clock here - stat!" config is in the main e config file
>> (e.cfg)

But that's a binary file, which is not useful.

>> alt+right mouse? :)

*That*'s what was needed...thank you very much. All gone now.
Not a combination I would have tried, though :-)


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Re: [e-users] interaction question

2017-06-17 Thread Peter Flynn
On 06/17/2017 02:41 AM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> the assumption was "you
> wont clutter your desktop with dozens or 100's of icons so it wont be an 
> issue".

Like my colleague's?
Admittedly not a Linux user...


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[e-users] Mouse speed

2017-07-23 Thread Peter Flynn
Whereabouts in the e settings is mouse speed and acceleration? I can see
in Settings two entries, Mouse and Mouse Bindings.

Mouse lets you set the pointer size (although regrettably applications
ignore it, as noted before)

Mouse Bindings lets you change the actions for the clicks.

But I don't see anywhere to set the two most critical customisations:
speed and acceleration. What have I missed?


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Re: [e-users] Mouse speed

2017-07-23 Thread Peter Flynn
On 23/07/17 18:00, Massimo Maiurana wrote:
> Peter Flynn ha scritto il 23/07/2017 alle 17:37:
>> Whereabouts in the e settings is mouse speed and acceleration? I can see
>> in Settings two entries, Mouse and Mouse Bindings.
>> Mouse lets you set the pointer size (although regrettably applications
>> ignore it, as noted before)
> Mouse has two tabs. The first is "pointer" and do what you say, the
> other is "mouse" and there are hand configuration, acceleration and
> threshold.

OK, found it. The default colour scheme of dark blue on black makes it
virtually invisible. Many thanks.


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[e-users] Bringing up E21

2017-11-05 Thread Peter Flynn

On 23/10/17 22:51, Thierry B. wrote:


I succeeded to install E21 from any Ubuntu desktop flavor following
this page https://www.enlightenment.org/docs/distros/ubuntu-start.

I just built and installed this — apparently successfully and without 
error — on a Dell XPS 15 under Ubuntu 17.04.

But when I reboot, there is no Enlightenment entry in the choice of 
sessions. How do I add E so that it becomes a login option?


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Re: [e-users] Bringing up E21

2017-11-05 Thread Peter Flynn

On 05/11/17 21:00, eric wrote:
Did you copy the file '/usr/local/share/xsessions/enlightenment.desktop' 
to the /usr/share/xsessions directory?

Hah! Thanks...that's what I needed. The earlier version of the 
instructions had a script that must have done this automatically, so I 
missed knowing what it was and here to find it.


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Re: [e-users] cfg files

2017-11-18 Thread Peter Flynn
On 18/11/17 23:02, Conrad Knight wrote:
> Hi,
> How do i read/edit E's *.cfg files? 

E has always worked so well I've never needed even to think about this,
so I just went and had a look.

OMG they're binary files. Good grief. Is this for speed or some other
reason. I'm probably showing my age, but I would have picked a
human-readable format myself...


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Re: [e-users] cfg files

2017-11-19 Thread Peter Flynn
On 19/11/17 02:01, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Nov 2017 23:21:11 +0000 Peter Flynn  said:
>> E has always worked so well I've never needed even to think about this,
> That's how it's meant to be... :)

It's one of the major areas where E scores over the rest: reliability.
It very rarely fails or hangs or dies, and when it does, it's usually
for a good reason, and it doesn't damage things when you just restart.

Some things could certainly be better-worded, or better-placed,
especially config options in the menus, which are deeply misleading, but
this is an interface/usability/documentationproblem, not a code
execution problem.

>> OMG they're binary files. Good grief. Is this for speed or some other
>> reason?
> 1. Speed.

Always good.

> 2. Code re-use (we already have binary for our theme files etc.)
> 3. Ease of use from code (far less code).

Big benefit to the devs.

> 4. Reliability (The code re-used is tested and used a LOT).

I'd actually put this at #1 above speed.

> 5. Size (they are compressed)

I'm not sure that's really relevant these days, but I can see it would
have been an issue whe E started.

> Ask yourself the question - why do people use Mysql or
> Postgres or Oracle instead of just writing everything into big flat text 
> files?

I never do, fortunately. My work is all XML. System configs have no
place being in a relational database.

> Enlightenment is continually writing out config AND state to these
> files. 

Ah. *Now* we get to the real reason :-) This is good to know — one
of the biggest problems with lesser systems is that they don't remember
your setting changes because they don't rewrite the config file until
you log off or shut down.

> If you decompressed those config files, they'd be 3-5 times the size. 

Right, but as I said, with modern disk speeds and capacities this really
isn't much of an issue. Where it helps E shine is when you install it on
older, slower computers.

> That's 6.6 times more space.

If it's constantly rewriting, this certainly is an issue.

> As for speed. I wrote up a good comparison of eet vs libjson (and indirectly
> libjson vs libxml) on our phab news page a long time ago:

Yes, that's understandable.

> Using something like json (with libjson) would make reading 7 times slower.
> Writes 40% slower. On a cold read (fresh boot) 10 times slower. Using XML 
> would
> have been far worse.

Only if you pick a dodo parser like libxml :-)

> But where it matters to me is read times as that determines time for startup 
> of
> E etc. ... and thus determines what users perceive as responsiveness.

Good selling point.

> But ... speed is just one goal. We could do better I think and chop memory 
> usage
> down, but that's for a future library or feature of eet, But I have plans in
> the back of my head.

I'd concentrate on interface usability first. Having a fast startup is
wonderful. Having menus which baffle the user is not so great.

> But the REAL place eet shines is in ease of use for the programmer. 

This is impressive but — I'm sorry — of zero interest to me as a user.
I'm delighted it's so nice for the devs to work with, but it's not a
selling point except insofar as it contributes to stability and speed.

> It's unsurprisingly called:
> eet

Been playing with it. Fails if you try to execute it within the ~.e/e
folders (you must run it from ~/), but otherwise fine.

peter@noah:~/.e/e/config$ eet -d profile.1.cfg config
ERR<3228>:eet_main bin/eet/eet_main.c:233 do_eet_decode() cannot write
to standard output

> Run it for help. It can list content of an eet archive (eet -l filename).

All I wanted. Great utility.

> I made this choice. I wrote the code. I'm not actually crazy. I thought things
> through carefully after many years of experience.

Given the parameters, you made exactly the right choice.


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Re: [e-users] cfg files

2017-11-20 Thread Peter Flynn
On 19/11/17 23:35, Carsten Haitzler wrote:> We could be far better with 
reliability. We have too many dark corners and code
paths that just don't get tested widely enough. 

All software has that. I regularly break software because I find I need 
to use some arcane function that no-one remembers :-)

Suffice to say that if I see a bug ... I fix it. If I can reproduce it enough
to do so. Finding out how to reproduce often is the challenge.

Very. Also impossible when the behaviour is caused by things like random 
hardware glitches or the frequency with which other software running at 
the time decide to do something stupid that isn't apparent anywhere.

E doesn't write immediately. 

Nor do most systems, fortunately. Unless you're running VAX/VMS :-)

That's why E does shine there. Because thought went into working well when
things were more constrained.

A lot of thought went into making SGML work well, when things were very 
constrained, but not all of that made it into XML.

[...] one aspect of "don't use a text file" is that it makes it
HARD for users to mess them up. 

Users who *do* meddle with binary files probably get what they deserve :-)

Edit a cfg file and put a parse error in.

The reason end-users want to edit config files is usually in desperation 
because the graphical interface has either failed to store a setting, or 
fails to provide for a setting that exists and cannot be accessed. I 
suspect E is immune to this because it provides for so much.

(Except, it seems, touchpad configs. Something of a sore point here.)

well actually i kind of just touched the surface. every time we
create a window, a button, a checkbox, a list item in a list and even
scroll around [...], we're potentially opening and decoding an eet
encoded file and data structures.
I had come to this conclusion watching the disk light flicker. 
Unfortunate on older systems with very slow disks, as the interface 
freezes while the cache gets written or a new setting gets read, but 
once you get used to it, it's really not a problem.

can you be more specific with details and examples?

I'm collecting them :-) but I'll put it in another message.

[...] it just can't decode it because
it's not validly encoded data. instead use -x for the profile.cfg. 

OK, thanks.

just thought i'd explain everything behind it.

Thanks for taking the time to do it.


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[e-users] New applications -- menu/ibar entries

2017-11-25 Thread Peter Flynn
I have been using Hiri recently for my MS-Exchange email, a really nice 
interface (https://www.hiri.com/)

If I right-click on the executing application window title bar I can 
pick hiri » Add to IBar » default (as with any app)...but it doesn't add 
it, I assume because I installed the application direct from their 
.tar.gz file, so the system doesn't know I have it.

I'm now running Bodhi instead of Xubuntu, and snap appears to be 
available: should I use that instead (Hiri provide a snap) or is there a 
better way to inform the system of Hiri's presence?


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