RE: Re: Fermi's Paradox

2006-07-11 Thread Stathis Papaioannou

John Mikes writes:

> "My" mutation story is based on interactive responses to the ceaseless 
> changes of  "the rest of the world" producing variations in offsprings. Some 
> more compatible than others.
> The variations with more 'fitness'(?) will proliferate more abundantly so 
> they are the "successful" ones. Scientists consider most variations still as 
> "the same" species and in their intermittent snapshots realize "changes" as 
> mutation - towards a better adapted fitness for survival. The reverse way to 
> how it happened. But it looks like that. No creature realizes a 'better way 
> to survive' and has a wing or fin let grow out for that purpose.
> The variants of the species "select" themselves for a better proliferation in 
> the ever changing circumstances of the environment. The '[unsuccessful do not 
> even show up (e.g. the calf with 5 feet: it was eaten by the wolf before 
> copulating age).

That's the theory of evolution. Are you agreeing or disagreeing?

Stathis Papaioannou
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RE: A calculus of personal identity

2006-07-11 Thread Lee Corbin

Brent wrote

> I would say that what makes a statement like "we're the same person from 
> moment to moment" true is
> that it's an inference from, or a part of, a model of the world that is 
> "true" in the provisional
> sense of scientific theories, i.e. it subsumes and predicts many empirically 
> verified observations
> (e.g. if I wake you up in the middle of the night and ask you your name 
> you'll reply 'Stathis') and
> it has not made any falsified predictions.  So in this sense we could say 
> that our model of
> personhood is better than that of the day-people - not in the sense that we 
> can show theirs is
> false, but in the sense that ours has greater predictive power and scope.

Well---I should have quoted this before I wrote that last post. Yes,
accurate beliefs (as I would call them) enable one to, as you say,
"subsume and predict many empirically verified observations".

As for your last statement about "greater predictive power and scope",
I can't quite agree, because the day-persons that Stathis postulates
*could* make just as accurate statements as we do, only they'd have
to do so quite circumspectly, in a round-about way. They'd have to
evolve the same meanings we have, and simply avoid the use of certain
terms we already employ for the purpose, e.g., "persons".

If in your example, Stathis grew up in the culture he hypothesizes, 
then when you woke him in the middle of the night and asked him his
name, he may say that he has not picked one for the day yet. If you
asked him what his name was before he fell asleep, he may have to say
that names are not as such used in the way you are suggesting. But
if you watch his actions (instead of listening to his unusual words),
then you see that the organism goes to the dentist today so that
there is less pain to the "same" organism later that year.

We are free to use whatever vocabulary we want to describe the situation.
It's hardly a coincidence that every culture on Earth has evolved terms
suggesting the continuation of personal identity beyond a day.


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RE: A calculus of personal identity

2006-07-11 Thread Lee Corbin

Stathis writes

> There is an important difference between normative statements and descriptive 
> or empirical statements. Quoting from Wikipedia:
> "Descriptive (or constative) statements are falsifiable statements that 
> attempt to describe reality. Normative 
> statements, on the other hand, affirm how things should or ought to be, how 
> to value them, which things are good or bad, 
> which actions are right or wrong."

Yes; it's always good to keep that in mind. Catch me if I slip  ;-)

> Suppose some powerful being sets up an experiment whereby organisms who 
> believe they are the same individual day after 
> day are selectively culled, while those who believe that they are born anew 
> each morning and die when they fall asleep 
> each night, but still make provision for their successors just as we make 
> provision for our children, are left alone or 
> rewarded
> You would then have to grant the day-people that their belief is just as good 
> as ours, 
> the difference between us just being an accident of evolution. What's more, 
> to be consistent you would have to grant that 
> a duplicate is not a self, on the grounds that the great majority of people 
> do not believe this and our very language is 
> designed to deny that such a thing is possible (only the British monarch uses 
> "we" to mean what commoners refer to as "I"). 

Of course, actions speak louder than words. As you point out, people have
believed many seemingly strange things. I'm sure that some medieval
scholastics, or perhaps people in an insane asylum, have consistently
held many positions.  What determines sanity, as well as what one's
true beliefs are, is the way that one acts.

In your example, indeed people could go around saying that they were
not the same person from day to day. But (as you also point out) 
evolution might cull certain beliefs. Now what is important is that
someone *acts* as though they are the same from day to day. And in
fact, no matter how people's lips move, we would find that all but
the seriously deranged *act* as though what happened to "them" 
tomorrow mattered. 

So I can imagine people *saying* that they are not the same from 
day to day, but I cannot imagine successful human organisms acting
as thought they were not.

> Survival and continuity of identity consist solely in the fact that we 
> *believe* we survive from moment to moment.

Whereas I believe that how we act is what is important, and that our
language should simply reflect how we act. Since people do in fact
try to save their skins over days, in some sense this makes them at
least the same "vested interest".

In your scenario, language would evolve, although perhaps awkwardly,
to account for people's  behavior. For instance, contracts could no
longer be between persons (except ones whose terms expired within
the course of a single day), but instead would specify "vested 
interests" or something that meant the same thing as we ordinarily
mean by "person".

> You're right, of course [in that] The belief that we are the same
> person from moment to moment has a certain utility, otherwise it 
> would never have evolved. But do you think there is more to the idea
> than evolutionary expediency?

Offhand, I can't think of any reason except, as you say, evolutionary
expediency. As you also say, there can be no absolute truth to the 
matter. Nonetheless, as I said above, if we want our words to chase
our actual behavior, then there are the usual "persons".

Notice the great utility of it that even fits the usage I'm suggesting.
Young people strongly discount things that will happen to them when
"they" are much older. But you can see a certain reason to it; in the
sense I use, they may not later be the same person (of course it lies
on a continuum, as you know).

> Also, if a particular belief or behaviour has evolved, does that
> necessarily makes it true and/or good?

The belief---as all our beliefs---are either accurate (good maps) or
they are not. We could call our accurate beliefs "true"---isn't that
Tarski's or someone's Correspondence Theory of Truth?.

For sure, a belief is good, (or perhaps I should simply say better)
if either it advances survival or corresponds to the structure of
the world.


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Theory of Nothing available

2006-07-11 Thread Russell Standish

I'm pleased to announce that my book "Theory of Nothing" is now for
sale through Booksurge and If you go to the Booksurge
website (, for
Brits and for us Aussies) you should get
the PDF softcopy bundled with the hardcopy book, so you can
start reading straight away, or you can buy the softcopy only for a
reduced price. The prices are USD 16 for the hardcopy, and USD 7.50
for the softcopy.

In the book, I advance the thesis that many mysteries about reality can be
solved by connecting ideas from physics, mathematics, computer
science, biology and congitive science. The connections flow both ways
- the form of fundamental physics is constrained by our psyche, just
as our psyche must be constrained by the laws of physics. 

Many of the ideas presented in this book were developed over the years
in discussions on the Everything list. I make extensive references
into the Everything list archoives, as well as more traditional scientific and
philosophical literature. This book may be used as one man's synthesis
of the free flowing and erudite discussions of the Everything list.

Take a look at the book. I should have Amazon's "search inside"
feature wokring soon. In the meantime, I have posted a copy of the
first chapter, which contains a precis of the main argument, at

*PS: A number of people ask me about the attachment to my email, which
is of type "application/pgp-signature". Don't worry, it is not a
virus. It is an electronic signature, that may be used to verify this
email came from me if you have PGP or GPG installed. Otherwise, you
may safely ignore this attachment.

A/Prof Russell Standish  Phone 8308 3119 (mobile)
Mathematics0425 253119 (")
International prefix  +612, Interstate prefix 02

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Re: SV: Only Existence is necessary?

2006-07-11 Thread Jesse Mazer

>I would say ontology is about the most exhaustive possible
>list of objective truths, and any entity referred to in this exhaustive 
>of objectively true statements "exists" by definition. With something like 
>unicorn, once you have all true statements about peoples' *concepts* of
>unicorns, you won't have any additional statements about what unicorns are
>"really" like; but with mathematics I think there can be statements that
>would be true even if no human had thought about them, or if they had
>thought about them but concluded they were false due to some mental error.

By the way, I just came across this website which supports my notion that 
philosophers tend to define "ontology" in terms of the entities you'd need 
to refer to in an exhaustive list of objectively true statements:

"The most familiar theory of ontological commitment is that offered by Quine 
in his "On what there is" (1948). It may fairly be called the received view 
of ontological commitment. In effect, it is a combination of a criterion of 
ontological commitment and an account of that to which the criterion 

The criterion itself is quite simple. A sentence S is committed to the 
existence of an entity just in case either (i) there is a name for that 
entity in the sentence or (ii) the sentence contains, or implies, an 
existential generalization where that entity is needed to be the value of 
the bound variable. In other words, one is committed to an entity if one 
refers to it directly or implies that there is some individual which is that 

Quine’s account of that to which the criterion applies provides the theory 
some bite. On his account, a sentence is not, in fact, committed to an 
entity if there is some acceptable paraphrase of it which avoids commitment 
to it as per the criterion.

The appeal to paraphrase allows us to avoid the problem of Plato’s Beard, or 
the problem of nonexistent entities to which we nonetheless apparently 
refer. The names are to be eliminated in such a way that the remaining set 
of true claims contains none committed to any such entity after the manner 
of the theory. For example, the name ‘Pegasus’ is eliminated in favor of a 
verb ‘Pegasize,’ which is understood as the thing one does when one is 
Pegasus. We can then say that nothing Pegasizes."

[end quote]

Would there by any way to "paraphrase" statements about mathematical truths 
purely in terms of statements about physical entities? I don't see how, 
because again, there is always the possibility that all attempts to compute 
some mathematical truth (say, whether a given axiomatic system can produce a 
given proposition) using physical computers or brains could go wrong, but 
that wouldn't change the mind-independent mathematical truth itself.


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Re: SV: Only Existence is necessary?

2006-07-11 Thread Jesse Mazer

1Z wrote:

>Jesse Mazer wrote:
> > IZ wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >Jesse Mazer wrote:
> > > > IZ wrote:
> > > >
> > >
> > > > >And mathematical MWI *would* be in the same happy position *if*
> > > > >it could find a justification for MWI or classical measure.
> > > > >
> > > > >However, in the absence of a satifactory theory of measure,
> > > > >no-once can say that the posit of matter, of material existence
> > > > >is useless. To have material existence is to have non-zero measure,
> > > > >and vice-versa.
> > > >
> > > > Yes, but the point is that almost all of us on this list want to 
> > >a
> > > > "satisfactory theory of measure" to apply to "everything", so it's a
> > > > strawman to say that it's a prediction of "everything" hypotheses 
> > >Harry
> > > > Potter universes should be just as probable as any other.
> > >
> > >
> > >Wanting to find a measure theory doesn't mean you have
> > >found one, and if you havent found one, it isn't a straw man
> > >to say so.
> > >
> >
> > But it is a straw man to say "everything-theories makes the prediction 
> > Harry Potter universes should be just as likely as lawlike ones", 
>because in
> > fact they do *not* make that definite prediction. If you had just said
> > something like, "everything theories do not yet have any rigourous proof
> > that Harry Potter universes should be less likely than lawlike ones" I
> > wouldn't object.
>If they do not yet have any rigourous proof
>that Harry Potter universes should be less likely than lawlike ones
>then they do IN FACT make the prediction that
>Harry Potter universes should be just as likely as lawlike ones

If a theory can't predict the relative probabilities of X vs. Y, that is not 
in any way equivalent to the statement that it predicts X and Y are equally 
likely. One is an absence of any prediction, the other is a specific and 
definite prediction.

>Classical physicists din't WANT to make the
>implications that atoms are unstable and will
>implode; nonetheless, classical phsyics makes that

Yes, that is a definite prediction of classical mechanics, and therefore has 
nothing to do with examples of theories that cannot make definite 
predictions about certain questions in the first place. A more analogous 
case would be the fact that string theory cannot at present predict the 
value of the cosmological constant; would you therefore conclude that 
"string theory predicts all values of the cosmological constant are equally 

> > > > > > >UDA until you prove mathematical Platonism, and your
> > > > > > >argument for that -- AR as you call it --
> > > > > > >just repeats the same error: the epistemological
> > > > > > >claim that "the truth -alue of '17 is prime is 
> > > > > > >is confused with the ontological claim "the number of 17 exists
> > > > > > >separately
> > > > > > >from us in Plato's heaven".
> > > > >
> > > > > > But that is really all that philosophers mean by mathematical
> > >platonism,
> > > > > > that mathematical truths are timeless and mind-independent--
> > > > >
> > > > >nope.
> > > > >
> > > > >"Platonists about mathematical objects claim that the theorems of 
> > > > >mathematical theories - sentences like '3 is prime' (a theorem of
> > > > >arithmetic) and 'There are infinitely many transfinite cardinal
> > > > >numbers' (a theorem of set theory) - are literally true and that
> > > > >the only plausible view of such sentences is that they are ABOUT
> > > > >
> > > > >(emphasis added)
> > > >
> > > > What do the words "abstract object" mean to you? To me, if 
> > > > about numbers have a truth independent of human minds or beliefs, 
> > > > equivalent to saying they are true statements about abstract
> > >objects--how
> > > > could a statement be objectively true yet not be about anything?
> > >
> > >
> > >By having sense but no reference, for instance.
> > >
> > >
> >
> > The sense/reference distinction is about the possibility of our having
> > multiple mentally distinct terms which map to the same real-world
> > object...but what would "sense but no reference" mean?
>We can make "sense" of "unicorns have horns", despite
>the lack of reference.

In this case I would say the reference would be to a certain concept which 
humans have collectively defined; there is no way you could have a 
mind-independent truth about whether unicorns have horns that's separate 
from what people collectively believe about unicorns.

>Senses are logically
>interelated in a way that allows us to confirm
>the truth-values of *some* sentences
>without seaking theri references. Those
>kind of sentences are called apriopri, and it
>is almost universally held that mathematical sentences
>are apriori.

Holding that they are a priori is not the same as holding that they lack 
references; platonists would presumably agree they'r

Re: SV: Only Existence is necessary?

2006-07-11 Thread 1Z

Brent Meeker wrote:

> > For the same reason they are far more Christians than Buddhist. And
> > none of your materialist even try to define matter. They take it for
> > granted, following mainly Aristotle. Almost all materialist react by
> > knocking a table when they want me to realize matter exists.
> But that is consistent.  You assume arithmetic is real and so you seek an 
> arithmetical definition of
> matter.  A scientists assume the matter gives an operational definition, e.g. 
> as Vic Stenger does:
> matter is what kicks back when you kick it.  You cannot criticize people who 
> don't believe in
> Platonia for giving non-platonic definitions.


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Re: SV: Only Existence is necessary?

2006-07-11 Thread 1Z

Jesse Mazer wrote:
> IZ wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >Jesse Mazer wrote:
> > > IZ wrote:
> > >
> >
> > > >And mathematical MWI *would* be in the same happy position *if*
> > > >it could find a justification for MWI or classical measure.
> > > >
> > > >However, in the absence of a satifactory theory of measure,
> > > >no-once can say that the posit of matter, of material existence
> > > >is useless. To have material existence is to have non-zero measure,
> > > >and vice-versa.
> > >
> > > Yes, but the point is that almost all of us on this list want to *find*
> >a
> > > "satisfactory theory of measure" to apply to "everything", so it's a
> > > strawman to say that it's a prediction of "everything" hypotheses that
> >Harry
> > > Potter universes should be just as probable as any other.
> >
> >
> >Wanting to find a measure theory doesn't mean you have
> >found one, and if you havent found one, it isn't a straw man
> >to say so.
> >
> But it is a straw man to say "everything-theories makes the prediction that
> Harry Potter universes should be just as likely as lawlike ones", because in
> fact they do *not* make that definite prediction. If you had just said
> something like, "everything theories do not yet have any rigourous proof
> that Harry Potter universes should be less likely than lawlike ones" I
> wouldn't object.

If they do not yet have any rigourous proof
that Harry Potter universes should be less likely than lawlike ones
then they do IN FACT make the prediction that
Harry Potter universes should be just as likely as lawlike ones
even if they Everything theorists don't WNAT them
to make that prediciton. The implications of a premiss
are what they are, not what we want them to be.

Classical physicists din't WANT to make the
implications that atoms are unstable and will
implode; nonetheless, classical phsyics makes that

> > > > > >UDA until you prove mathematical Platonism, and your
> > > > > >argument for that -- AR as you call it --
> > > > > >just repeats the same error: the epistemological
> > > > > >claim that "the truth -alue of '17 is prime is mind-independent"
> > > > > >is confused with the ontological claim "the number of 17 exists
> > > > > >separately
> > > > > >from us in Plato's heaven".
> > > >
> > > > > But that is really all that philosophers mean by mathematical
> >platonism,
> > > > > that mathematical truths are timeless and mind-independent--
> > > >
> > > >nope.
> > > >
> > > >"Platonists about mathematical objects claim that the theorems of our
> > > >mathematical theories - sentences like '3 is prime' (a theorem of
> > > >arithmetic) and 'There are infinitely many transfinite cardinal
> > > >numbers' (a theorem of set theory) - are literally true and that
> > > >the only plausible view of such sentences is that they are ABOUT
> > > >
> > > >(emphasis added)
> > >
> > > What do the words "abstract object" mean to you? To me, if propositions
> > > about numbers have a truth independent of human minds or beliefs, that's
> > > equivalent to saying they are true statements about abstract
> >objects--how
> > > could a statement be objectively true yet not be about anything?
> >
> >
> >By having sense but no reference, for instance.
> >
> >
> The sense/reference distinction is about the possibility of our having
> multiple mentally distinct terms which map to the same real-world
> object...but what would "sense but no reference" mean?

We can make "sense" of "unicorns have horns", despite
the lack of reference. Senses are logically
interelated in a way that allows us to confirm
the truth-values of *some* sentences
without seaking theri references. Those
kind of sentences are called apriopri, and it
is almost universally held that mathematical sentences
are apriori.

> A term that is
> completely meaningless, like a round square?

A refernceless term only needs to be contingently
non-existent, like "present King of France". Logical
impossiblity is over-egging it.

> I don't see how there can be an
> objective, mind-independent truth about a term that doesn't refer to any
> coherent object or possibility.

I am not asking you to. There are coherent possibilities that
are not instantiated (or perphaps
I should say, pace many-worlders, not obviously instantiated).

Nonetheless, we can address many issues about these possibilites
without peaking into the universe next door. Many-world
metaphysics is not needed to explain how abstrract reasoning
is possible.

>  Can you think of any statements outside of
> math or logic that you would say have "sense but no reference" but also have
> a mind-independent truth value?

What difference does it make ? The topic is maths.

> >The case for mathematical Platonism needs to be made in the first
> >place; if numbers do not exist at all, the universe, as an existing
> >thing, cannot be a mathematical structure.
> Again, what does "exist" mean for you?

Capable o

Re: SV: Only Existence is necessary?

2006-07-11 Thread Brent Meeker

Bruno Marchal wrote:
> Le 11-juil.-06, à 16:24, 1Z a écrit :
>>>How could a substantial world be' a modest metaphysical posit?
>>By explaining a lot from on e premiss.
> I could agree that it eases the mind. Like God's notion. But it 
> explains nothing, like when "God" is used as an (empty) explanation.
> Today, physician relates numbers with numbers (like in F = ma, or E = 
> mc^2), but we still don't know if particles exist, in which sense, if 
> they are as big as the universe like expanding waves, etc.
> (You talk sometimes if physics was not confronted to conceptual 
> difficulties, which can be enlightened by MWI ideas, but, wait, there 
> is still many remaining questions OK?
>>>First nobody knows what such a "substance" can be defined without
>>>infinite regress.
>>"No one" ? But there are far more materialist
>>philosophers than idealist ones , nowadays.
> For the same reason they are far more Christians than Buddhist. And 
> none of your materialist even try to define matter. They take it for 
> granted, following mainly Aristotle. Almost all materialist react by 
> knocking a table when they want me to realize matter exists.

But that is consistent.  You assume arithmetic is real and so you seek an 
arithmetical definition of
matter.  A scientists assume the matter gives an operational definition, e.g. 
as Vic Stenger does: 
matter is what kicks back when you kick it.  You cannot criticize people who 
don't believe in 
Platonia for giving non-platonic definitions.

Brent Meeker

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Re: A calculus of personal identity

2006-07-11 Thread Brent Meeker

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
> [Working my way slowly up the list of many excellent posts from the past few 
> days, excuse me if
> someone else has already answered this...]
> Lee Corbin writes (quoting SP):
>>> If [a] species believed that 2+2=5, or that their kidneys were the organs 
>>> of respiration, 
>>> they would be wrong. But if they believe that they wake up a different 
>>> person every day, and
>>> live their lives based on this belief, they would *not* be wrong; they 
>>> could hold this belief
>>> quite consistently even if they knew all there was to know about their 
>>> biology.
>> I claim that there is an important sense in which they *would* be wrong, 
>> that is, nature
>> endowed us with a strong prejudice that we are the same creature from moment 
>> to moment for a
>> reason. A creature exhibits a great deal of fear if a threat arises not to 
>> "it" itself in the
>> sense of the creature this moment, but "it" in the extended sense. It acts 
>> consistently to
>> ensure that itself of a few moments hence does not come to harm, and we, of 
>> course, understand
>> quite well why nature did this.
>> Creatures who do not identify with themselves a few moments hence are 
>> "punished". They undergo
>> pain or discomfort that is linked by their intelligence to what the other 
>> creature (i.e. its
>> self of a few moments ago) actually did.  Again, in this way they become 
>> fearful of future 
>> pain, and, on the other hand, eager to ravish future gain.
> There is an important difference between normative statements and descriptive 
> or empirical
> statements. Quoting from Wikipedia:
> "Descriptive (or constative) statements are falsifiable statements that 
> attempt to describe
> reality. Normative statements, on the other hand, affirm how things should or 
> ought to be, how to
> value them, which things are good or bad, which actions are right or wrong."
> Suppose some powerful being sets up an experiment whereby organisms who 
> believe they are the same
> individual day after day are selectively culled, while those who believe that 
> they are born anew
> each morning and die when they fall asleep each night, but still make 
> provision for their
> successors just as we make provision for our children, are left alone or 
> rewarded. After several
> generations, everyone would believe that they only lived for a day, and their 
> culture, language
> and so on would reflect this belief. Philosophers would point out that the 
> day-person belief,
> though universally accepted and understood, is nevertheless contingent on the 
> particular
> environment in which the species evolved. That is, it is not a fact "out 
> there in the world",
> independent of culture and psychology, like the belief that "2+2=4" or that 
> "the most common
> isotope of the element with six protons found in our planet's crust has six 
> neutrons". Everyone
> capable of understanding the language would agree that these two statements 
> are true, or at least
> that they have a definite true or false answer. The question of the truth or 
> otherwise of the
> day-person  belief is not straightforward in the same way. In order to make, 
> "a person lives for
> a day, then dies, and another person is born the next day inheriting most of 
> his memories" a
> true-or-false statement, one would have to add, "according to the concept of 
> personhood and death
> that we have evolved to believe". If this latter clause is understood as 
> implicit, then your
> treatment of the idea of continuity of identity over time is valid. You would 
> then have to grant
> the day-people that their belief is just as good as ours, the difference 
> between us just being an
> accident of evolution. What's more, to be consistent you would have to grant 
> that a duplicate is
> not a self, on the grounds that the great majority of people do not believe 
> this and our very
> language is designed to deny that such a thing is possible (only the British 
> monarch uses "we" to
> mean what commoners refer to as "I").
>> Suppose on the other hand that this is incorrect. Suppose that identity does 
>> not extend in time
>> past one Planck constant (whatever that is). Then no object or person 
>> "survives". But then the
>> term "survival" is also lost.
> Survival and continuity of identity consist solely in the fact that we 
> *believe* we survive from
> moment to moment. There is no "objective fact" beyond this that can be 
> invoked to decide whether
> we do or do not survive in ambiguous cases. Superficially it may seem that 
> that this last
> statement is false, because we can, for example, do a DNA test, or specify 
> that there must be
> physical and/or mental continuity between two instantiations of the same 
> person. However, we can
> always come up with a counterexample that would fool any such test.
>> (Words don't have absolute meanings; only meanings that convey relative 
>> utility a

Re: SV: Only Existence is necessary?

2006-07-11 Thread Jesse Mazer

IZ wrote:

>Jesse Mazer wrote:
> > IZ wrote:
> >
> > >And mathematical MWI *would* be in the same happy position *if*
> > >it could find a justification for MWI or classical measure.
> > >
> > >However, in the absence of a satifactory theory of measure,
> > >no-once can say that the posit of matter, of material existence
> > >is useless. To have material existence is to have non-zero measure,
> > >and vice-versa.
> >
> > Yes, but the point is that almost all of us on this list want to *find* 
> > "satisfactory theory of measure" to apply to "everything", so it's a
> > strawman to say that it's a prediction of "everything" hypotheses that 
> > Potter universes should be just as probable as any other.
>Wanting to find a measure theory doesn't mean you have
>found one, and if you havent found one, it isn't a straw man
>to say so.

But it is a straw man to say "everything-theories makes the prediction that 
Harry Potter universes should be just as likely as lawlike ones", because in 
fact they do *not* make that definite prediction. If you had just said 
something like, "everything theories do not yet have any rigourous proof 
that Harry Potter universes should be less likely than lawlike ones" I 
wouldn't object.

> >  Some rough
> > proposals for such a theory of measure have been made in this list in 
> > past, like the "universal prior" (see
> > or
> > ), or my own 
> > that a theory of consciousness assigning relative and absolute 
> > to observer-moments might have only a single self-consistent solution 
> > or for more on this 
> >
> > >
> > > > >You are not going to get anywhere with the
> > > > >UDA until you prove mathematical Platonism, and your
> > > > >argument for that -- AR as you call it --
> > > > >just repeats the same error: the epistemological
> > > > >claim that "the truth -alue of '17 is prime is mind-independent"
> > > > >is confused with the ontological claim "the number of 17 exists
> > > > >separately
> > > > >from us in Plato's heaven".
> > >
> > > > But that is really all that philosophers mean by mathematical 
> > > > that mathematical truths are timeless and mind-independent--
> > >
> > >nope.
> > >
> > >"Platonists about mathematical objects claim that the theorems of our
> > >mathematical theories - sentences like '3 is prime' (a theorem of
> > >arithmetic) and 'There are infinitely many transfinite cardinal
> > >numbers' (a theorem of set theory) - are literally true and that
> > >the only plausible view of such sentences is that they are ABOUT
> > >
> > >(emphasis added)
> >
> > What do the words "abstract object" mean to you? To me, if propositions
> > about numbers have a truth independent of human minds or beliefs, that's
> > equivalent to saying they are true statements about abstract 
> > could a statement be objectively true yet not be about anything?
>By having sense but no reference, for instance.

The sense/reference distinction is about the possibility of our having 
multiple mentally distinct terms which map to the same real-world 
object...but what would "sense but no reference" mean? A term that is 
completely meaningless, like a round square? I don't see how there can be an 
objective, mind-independent truth about a term that doesn't refer to any 
coherent object or possibility. Can you think of any statements outside of 
math or logic that you would say have "sense but no reference" but also have 
a mind-independent truth value?

>The case for mathematical Platonism needs to be made in the first
>place; if numbers do not exist at all, the universe, as an existing
>thing, cannot be a mathematical structure.

Again, what does "exist" mean for you?

>However, the basic case for the
>objectivity of mathematics is the tendency of mathematicians to agree
>about the answers to mathematical problems; this can be explained by
>noting that mathematical logic is based on axioms and rules of
>inference, and different mathematicians following the same rules will
>tend to get the same answers , like different computers running the
>same problem.

"Tend to", although occasionally they can make mistakes. For the answer to 
be really objective, you need to refer to some sort of ideal mathematician 
or computer following certain rules, but that is just another form of 

> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > > this is itself
> > > > an ontological claim, not a purely epistemological one.
> > >
> > >Quite. Did you mean that the other way around ?
> >
> > No, I was responding to your comment:
> >
> > >You are not going to get anywhere with the
> > >UDA until you prove mathematical Platonism, and your
> > >

Re: SV: Only Existence is necessary?

2006-07-11 Thread 1Z

Quentin Anciaux wrote:
> Hi,
> Le Mardi 11 Juillet 2006 21:52, 1Z a écrit :
> > Bruno Marchal wrote:
> > > Le 11-juil.-06, à 16:24, 1Z a écrit :
> > > Now if you assume "primary matter", no doubt you need to reject comp,
> > > giving that what I show is that you cannot have both.
> >
> > Brains are material. Computers are material.
> I think you misunderstand something here (or I do). I think when bruno talk
> about matter (and always emphasis it with primary), it really means "primary
> reality"... That said, it means (taking as an example the movie the matrix),
> that when neo wake up after taking the red pill and is welcome by Morpheus
> saying "Welcome to the real world" is not true... There can't be a "real
> world" in this sense, a primary world where the other reality is emulated in
> a stuffy computer, a world which is at the beginning of the emulated chain...
> The computer who runs the matrix in the Morpheus real world (so outside the
> so called matrix) is as stuffy as the computer running the matrix inside the
> matrix.
> Regads,
> Quentin

I will take the stuff that seems solid to me as primary reality until

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Re: SV: Only Existence is necessary?

2006-07-11 Thread 1Z

Jesse Mazer wrote:
> IZ wrote:

> >And mathematical MWI *would* be in the same happy position *if*
> >it could find a justification for MWI or classical measure.
> >
> >However, in the absence of a satifactory theory of measure,
> >no-once can say that the posit of matter, of material existence
> >is useless. To have material existence is to have non-zero measure,
> >and vice-versa.
> Yes, but the point is that almost all of us on this list want to *find* a
> "satisfactory theory of measure" to apply to "everything", so it's a
> strawman to say that it's a prediction of "everything" hypotheses that Harry
> Potter universes should be just as probable as any other.

Wanting to find a measure theory doesn't mean you have
found one, and if you havent found one, it isn't a straw man
to say so.

>  Some rough
> proposals for such a theory of measure have been made in this list in the
> past, like the "universal prior" (see
> or
> ), or my own speculation
> that a theory of consciousness assigning relative and absolute probability
> to observer-moments might have only a single self-consistent solution (see
> or for more on this idea).
> >
> > > >You are not going to get anywhere with the
> > > >UDA until you prove mathematical Platonism, and your
> > > >argument for that -- AR as you call it --
> > > >just repeats the same error: the epistemological
> > > >claim that "the truth -alue of '17 is prime is mind-independent"
> > > >is confused with the ontological claim "the number of 17 exists
> > > >separately
> > > >from us in Plato's heaven".
> >
> > > But that is really all that philosophers mean by mathematical platonism,
> > > that mathematical truths are timeless and mind-independent--
> >
> >nope.
> >
> >"Platonists about mathematical objects claim that the theorems of our
> >mathematical theories - sentences like '3 is prime' (a theorem of
> >arithmetic) and 'There are infinitely many transfinite cardinal
> >numbers' (a theorem of set theory) - are literally true and that
> >the only plausible view of such sentences is that they are ABOUT
> >
> >(emphasis added)
> What do the words "abstract object" mean to you? To me, if propositions
> about numbers have a truth independent of human minds or beliefs, that's
> equivalent to saying they are true statements about abstract objects--how
> could a statement be objectively true yet not be about anything?

By having sense but no reference, for instance.

The case for mathematical Platonism needs to be made in the first
place; if numbers do not exist at all, the universe, as an existing
thing, cannot be a mathematical structure. (solipsists read: if numbers
are not real, I cannot be mathematical structure). The case for
mathematical Platonism is usually argued on the basis of the objective
nature of mathematical truth. Superficially, it seems persuasive that
objectivity requires objects. However, the basic case for the
objectivity of mathematics is the tendency of mathematicians to agree
about the answers to mathematical problems; this can be explained by
noting that mathematical logic is based on axioms and rules of
inference, and different mathematicians following the same rules will
tend to get the same answers , like different computers running the
same problem.

Your remark is quite telling though. Almost everybody on the list
is making that kind of asumotion with varying degrees of

> >
> >
> >
> > > this is itself
> > > an ontological claim, not a purely epistemological one.
> >
> >Quite. Did you mean that the other way around ?
> No, I was responding to your comment:
> >You are not going to get anywhere with the
> >UDA until you prove mathematical Platonism, and your
> >argument for that -- AR as you call it --
> >just repeats the same error: the epistemological
> >claim that "the truth -alue of '17 is prime is mind-independent"
> >is confused with the ontological claim "the number of 17 exists
> >separately
> >from us in Plato's heaven".
> Here you seem to be saying that "the truth value of '17 is prime' is
> mind-independent" is a purely "epistemological" claim.

It certainly *could* be, at least. Platonism is *not* the only
philosophy of mathematics!

>  What I'm saying is
> that it's necessarily ontological, as are any claims about the objective
> (mind-independent) truth-value of a given proposition.

So you are claiming that mathematical Platonism is not merely
true but *necessarily* true ? That is quite a claim!

> >
> > > Few would literally
> > > imagine some alternate dimension called "Plato's heaven" where platonic
> > > forms hang out, and which is somehow able to causally interact with our
> > > brains to produce our ideas about math

Re: Fermi's Paradox

2006-07-11 Thread John M

Stathis asked: (last lines)
"What more to it than that is there? 
Sure, the details are infinitely variable, but basically living things are 
around because they managed to stay around and propagate 
That would call for my 'opinion in my 
narrative' about mutation and natural selection, as one from a 
non-evolutionist.  To the 'infinitely variable' I asked a friend (teaches 
special math domain on a name-univ) if he could express mathematically (!) 
something with unrestricted variables and unidentified functional effects 
(referring to the wholeness) and hi replied with a smile: "That would be 
"My" mutation story is based on interactive responses to 
the ceaseless changes of  "the rest of the world" producing variations 
in offsprings. Some more compatible than others. 
The variations with more 'fitness'(?) will proliferate 
more abundantly so they are the "successful" ones. Scientists consider 
most variations still as "the same" species and in their intermittent 
snapshots realize "changes" as mutation - towards a better adapted fitness for 
survival. The reverse way to how it happened. But it looks like that. No 
creature realizes a 'better way to survive' and has a wing or fin let grow out 
for that purpose. 
The variants of the species "select" themselves for a 
better proliferation in the ever changing circumstances of the environment. The 
'[unsuccessful do not even show up (e.g. the calf with 5 feet: it was eaten by 
the wolf before copulating age).

  - Original Message - 
  Stathis Papaioannou 
  Sent: Sunday, July 09, 2006 10:35 
  Subject: Re: Fermi's Paradox
  John Mikes writes: > 
  > Destroying your species runs counter to evolution.> 
  > Stathis,> 
  'evolution' does not follow good manners and may not> 
  be chisled in stone, I for one identified it (in my> 
  narrative) as the entire history of the unioverse from> 
  its appearance till its demise (let me skip now the> 
  detailed definitions). Destroying one's own species> 
  may be beneficial to others in the biosphere...Yes, 
  you're right, evolution doesn't about or want anything. > 
  > I'll rephrase that: everything that happens in> 
  > nature is by definition in accordance with> 
  > evolution, but those species that destroy themselves> 
  > will die out, while those species that don't destroy> 
  > themselves will thrive. > > 
  Did the dinosaurs destroy 'themselves'? No way! they> 
  were destroyed by the temporary exclusion of sunlight> 
  after the planetesimal-impact's dustclouding. (At> 
  least according to a widely publicised story). They> 
  were well equipped for the circumstances on the planet> 
  that changed abruptly. No self-destruct, just> 
  Nobody is exempt from changes in the wholeness.Yes, 
  but we were talking about self-destruction as a subtype of 
  extinction. > 
  >Therefore, there will be> 
  > selection for the species that don't destroy> 
  > themselves, and eventually those species will come> 
  > to predominate. When you think about it, the theory> 
  > of evolution is essentially a tautology: those> 
  > species which succeed, succeed.> > 
  I like to think that there is more to that.What 
  more to it than that is there? Sure, the details are infinitely variable, but 
  basically living things are around because they managed to stay around and 
  propagate themselves.  Stathis Papaioannou
  Be one of the first to try Windows Live 

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Re: SV: Only Existence is necessary?

2006-07-11 Thread Quentin Anciaux


Le Mardi 11 Juillet 2006 21:52, 1Z a écrit :
> Bruno Marchal wrote:
> > Le 11-juil.-06, à 16:24, 1Z a écrit :
> > Now if you assume "primary matter", no doubt you need to reject comp,
> > giving that what I show is that you cannot have both.
> Brains are material. Computers are material.

I think you misunderstand something here (or I do). I think when bruno talk 
about matter (and always emphasis it with primary), it really means "primary 
reality"... That said, it means (taking as an example the movie the matrix), 
that when neo wake up after taking the red pill and is welcome by Morpheus 
saying "Welcome to the real world" is not true... There can't be a "real 
world" in this sense, a primary world where the other reality is emulated in 
a stuffy computer, a world which is at the beginning of the emulated chain... 
The computer who runs the matrix in the Morpheus real world (so outside the 
so called matrix) is as stuffy as the computer running the matrix inside the 


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Re: SV: Only Existence is necessary?

2006-07-11 Thread Jesse Mazer

IZ wrote:

>Jesse Mazer wrote:
> > 1Z wrote:
> > >
> > >The clue is our failure ot observe HP universes,
> > >as predicted by Platonic theories.
> > >
> > >It a theory predicts somethig which is not observed,
> > >it is falsified.
> >
> > But this is a bit of a strawman, because most on this list who subscribe 
> > the view that every possible world or observer-moment exists (which is 
> > idea that the 'everything' in 'everything-list' is supposed to stand 
> > would argue for some sort of probability measure on worlds/OMs which 
> > assign much higher probability to worlds with regular laws than to Harry
> > Potter universes.
>They *need* that idea, certainly. The success of mathematical MW
>depends very much on being able to find a natural, intrinsic
>justification for measure.
>Physical MW theories are very much on the same side of the fence
>as classical single-universe theories. In both cases, "measure" is
>to what is being measure. In physical MWI, measure is given by
>equation, which is not justified platonically; it is justified
>empirically. In single-world
>theories , measure is 1 or 0 -- the Law of the Excluded Middle holds.
> > Quantum theory predicts a nonzero probability of Harry
> > Potter type events too (a bunch of random atoms could tunnel into the 
> > of a living hippogriff, for example), but our failure to observe such 
> > in practice is not a falsification of the theory, since the theory 
> > they'd be ridiculously improbable and we should not expect to observe 
> > events on human timescales.
>And mathematical MWI *would* be in the same happy position *if*
>it could find a justification for MWI or classical measure.
>However, in the absence of a satifactory theory of measure,
>no-once can say that the posit of matter, of material existence
>is useless. To have material existence is to have non-zero measure,
>and vice-versa.

Yes, but the point is that almost all of us on this list want to *find* a 
"satisfactory theory of measure" to apply to "everything", so it's a 
strawman to say that it's a prediction of "everything" hypotheses that Harry 
Potter universes should be just as probable as any other. Some rough 
proposals for such a theory of measure have been made in this list in the 
past, like the "universal prior" (see or ), or my own speculation 
that a theory of consciousness assigning relative and absolute probability 
to observer-moments might have only a single self-consistent solution (see or for more on this idea).

> > >You are not going to get anywhere with the
> > >UDA until you prove mathematical Platonism, and your
> > >argument for that -- AR as you call it --
> > >just repeats the same error: the epistemological
> > >claim that "the truth -alue of '17 is prime is mind-independent"
> > >is confused with the ontological claim "the number of 17 exists
> > >separately
> > >from us in Plato's heaven".
> > But that is really all that philosophers mean by mathematical platonism,
> > that mathematical truths are timeless and mind-independent--
>"Platonists about mathematical objects claim that the theorems of our
>mathematical theories - sentences like '3 is prime' (a theorem of
>arithmetic) and 'There are infinitely many transfinite cardinal
>numbers' (a theorem of set theory) - are literally true and that
>the only plausible view of such sentences is that they are ABOUT
>(emphasis added)

What do the words "abstract object" mean to you? To me, if propositions 
about numbers have a truth independent of human minds or beliefs, that's 
equivalent to saying they are true statements about abstract objects--how 
could a statement be objectively true yet not be about anything?

> > this is itself
> > an ontological claim, not a purely epistemological one.
>Quite. Did you mean that the other way around ?

No, I was responding to your comment:

>You are not going to get anywhere with the
>UDA until you prove mathematical Platonism, and your
>argument for that -- AR as you call it --
>just repeats the same error: the epistemological
>claim that "the truth -alue of '17 is prime is mind-independent"
>is confused with the ontological claim "the number of 17 exists
>from us in Plato's heaven".

Here you seem to be saying that "the truth value of '17 is prime' is 
mind-independent" is a purely "epistemological" claim. What I'm saying is 
that it's necessarily ontological, as are any claims about the objective 
(mind-independent) truth-value of a given proposition.

> > Few would literally
> > imagine some alternate dimension called "Plato's heaven" where platonic
> > forms hang out, and which is somehow able to cau

Re: SV: Only Existence is necessary?

2006-07-11 Thread 1Z

Bruno Marchal wrote:
> Le 11-juil.-06, à 16:24, 1Z a écrit :
> >>
> >> How could a substantial world be' a modest metaphysical posit?
> >
> > By explaining a lot from on e premiss.
> I could agree that it eases the mind. Like God's notion. But it
> explains nothing, like when "God" is used as an (empty) explanation.

It "explains nothing" in the sense that it buys out of the
rationalist dream of explaining the universe on purely logical
principles. OTOH, it buys into the other style of explanation,
positing the existence of contingent entitites on the basis
of empirical evidence. Of course that style of evidence
fits the evidence much better, in that we don't experience every
logically possible universe simultaneously.

> Today, physician relates numbers with numbers (like in F = ma, or E =
> mc^2),

But only *certain* numbers. If we are in Platonia,
we should be seeing F=m^a , F=ma^3 and all the
other infinite possibilites.

>  but we still don't know if particles exist, in which sense, if
> they are as big as the universe like expanding waves, etc.

So ? Those question are all posed within the
framework that empricism-substance-contingency.

Being unable to answer those questions doesn't
enttile us to say that nothing exists or
everything exists.

> (You talk sometimes if physics was not confronted to conceptual
> difficulties, which can be enlightened by MWI ideas, but, wait, there
> is still many remaining questions OK?

Physical MWI are still on the empiricism-substance-contingency.
side of the fence, not the raitonalism-idealism-ncessity side.

> >> First nobody knows what such a "substance" can be defined without
> >> infinite regress.
> >
> > "No one" ? But there are far more materialist
> > philosophers than idealist ones , nowadays.
> For the same reason they are far more Christians than Buddhist. And
> none of your materialist even try to define matter.

"Materiality is the pre-condition fo anything being
able to interact with me casually"


> They take it for
> granted, following mainly Aristotle. Almost all materialist react by
> knocking a table when they want me to realize matter exists.

Why not ? It's *a* table not all possible tables.

> (btw, invoking the number of people believing something is not an
> argument).

I cant address your anti-materialism arguments directly since
you idn't state them, only alluding to them.

> All what I say, is that the notion of "primitive matter" is unclear.
> The only definition which we can find in Aristotle is contradict by QM
> and comp, independently.

I've just given you a definitiion.

> >> Second, those who have defined it, are always led to the admittance
> >> such a substance must be decomposable and get his property for the
> >> property of its subparts (Aristotle the first).
> >
> > Noy always. Things have moved on since Aristotle's day.
> Not about matter.

Of course, about matter. Matter is now "mostly empty space",
it is now "interchangeable with energy".

>  Except recently through the slow admittance of
> quantum (computation) which makes even engineers accepting (like
> Mellac) that the quantum formalism forces us to choose between:
> 1) a NON observed reality does not exist (like Bohr often said)
> 2) Parallel realities exist

there are many othe options, inlcuding

3) a non-observed reality exists, and prallel realities are curtailed
an objective, observer-independent  process of reduction (Penrose)

> >> But then, the
> >> ontological existence of such "substance" does not fit neither the
> >> experimental facts, nor the quantum theory (which describes those
> >> facts), nor the computationalist hypothesis (see my URL).
> >
> > The modern-version of substance is mass-energy, which
> > can be measured and does feature in theories.
> But the measurment gives numbers. *You* posit some (which btw?)
> interpretation.

Certain numbers, not every possible number.

> > if you are going to assume that
> > a) all computations already exist immaterially
> OK, but in the same sense that PI or sqrt(2) exists.

Which as far as I am concerned, is not at all.

> > b) matter must be distinguished by some comptutational
> > or mathematical property
> Where do I make that assumption.

I don't know. You didn't actually give an argument. so I am
just guessing.

> You forget the main assumption I do: my (generlaized) brain is turing
> emulable. (or more simply: "yes doctor").

As a material systesm, it can be emulated by antoher, suitable ,
material system...

> Church thesis and AR are assumed explicitly for making things clearer,
> and avoiding spurious debate in the course of the proof.

Insamuch as you claim that COMP is your only
assumption, CT and AR are *not* assumed explicitly.

> Now if you assume "primary matter", no doubt you need to reject comp,
> giving that what I show is that you cannot have both.

Brains are material. Computers are material.

> > The problem of the MBP is linking 1st person experie

Re: SV: Only Existence is necessary?

2006-07-11 Thread 1Z

Jesse Mazer wrote:
> 1Z wrote:
> >
> >The clue is our failure ot observe HP universes,
> >as predicted by Platonic theories.
> >
> >It a theory predicts somethig which is not observed,
> >it is falsified.
> But this is a bit of a strawman, because most on this list who subscribe to
> the view that every possible world or observer-moment exists (which is the
> idea that the 'everything' in 'everything-list' is supposed to stand for)
> would argue for some sort of probability measure on worlds/OMs which would
> assign much higher probability to worlds with regular laws than to Harry
> Potter universes.

They *need* that idea, certainly. The success of mathematical MW
depends very much on being able to find a natural, intrinsic
justification for measure.

Physical MW theories are very much on the same side of the fence
as classical single-universe theories. In both cases, "measure" is
to what is being measure. In physical MWI, measure is given by
equation, which is not justified platonically; it is justified
empirically. In single-world
theories , measure is 1 or 0 -- the Law of the Excluded Middle holds.

> Quantum theory predicts a nonzero probability of Harry
> Potter type events too (a bunch of random atoms could tunnel into the shape
> of a living hippogriff, for example), but our failure to observe such events
> in practice is not a falsification of the theory, since the theory predicts
> they'd be ridiculously improbable and we should not expect to observe such
> events on human timescales.

And mathematical MWI *would* be in the same happy position *if*
it could find a justification for MWI or classical measure.

However, in the absence of a satifactory theory of measure,
no-once can say that the posit of matter, of material existence
is useless. To have material existence is to have non-zero measure,
and vice-versa.

> >You are not going to get anywhere with the
> >UDA until you prove mathematical Platonism, and your
> >argument for that -- AR as you call it --
> >just repeats the same error: the epistemological
> >claim that "the truth -alue of '17 is prime is mind-independent"
> >is confused with the ontological claim "the number of 17 exists
> >separately
> >from us in Plato's heaven".

> But that is really all that philosophers mean by mathematical platonism,
> that mathematical truths are timeless and mind-independent--


"Platonists about mathematical objects claim that the theorems of our
mathematical theories - sentences like '3 is prime' (a theorem of
arithmetic) and 'There are infinitely many transfinite cardinal
numbers' (a theorem of set theory) - are literally true and that
the only plausible view of such sentences is that they are ABOUT

(emphasis added)

> this is itself
> an ontological claim, not a purely epistemological one.

Quite. Did you mean that the other way around ?

> Few would literally
> imagine some alternate dimension called "Plato's heaven" where platonic
> forms hang out, and which is somehow able to causally interact with our
> brains to produce our ideas about math.

Some do. In any case, if numbers don't exist at all -- even
platonically --
they they cannot even produce the mere appearance of a physical world,
as Bruno requires.

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Re: SV: Only Existence is necessary?

2006-07-11 Thread Tom Caylor

This discussion is very interesting to me.  Not addressing anyone in
particular, I only have time to make a quick comment, and hope that I
can get time for later:

In my reading about Plato, it seems that Plato didn't have the answers
either.  It might be helpful to remember that Plato not only had the
Forms, but also Matter.  I think he probably was also struggling with
the white rabbit and Harry Potter universe problem too (yes, way back
then!).  Matter was chaotic (anti-Form) and the problem was how to
stuff it all into Forms.  Mind/body problem.


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Re: SV: Only logic is necessary?

2006-07-11 Thread Bruno Marchal

In three different posts,  Brent Meeker wrote :

> I'm not sure that logic in the formal sense can be right or wrong; 
> it's a set of conventions about
> language and inference.  About the only standard I've seen by which a 
> logic or mathematical system
> could be called "wrong" is it if it is inconsistent, i.e. the axioms 
> and rules of inference allow
> everything to be a theorem.

I disagree. The main lesson provided by the works of of Tarski and 
Godel has shown us how far truth and consistency are different.
By the second incompleteness theorem: (with PA = Peano Arithmetic 

PA + "PA is consistent" is both consistent and correct
PA + "PA is not consistent" is consistent, but hardly correct!

I will come back on this. But if you recall that Consistent(p) = ~B~p, 
then remember that all the followings are not equivalent from the (1 
and 3) point of views of the machines: Bp, Bp & p, Bp & ~B~p, Bp & ~B~p 
& p.
(if you prefer: p is provable, p is provable *and* p is true, p is 
provable and p is consistent, p is provable and p is consistent and p 
is true.

> I don't understand "assumptions about logic and math"?  We don't need 
> to make assumptions about them
> because they are rules we made up to keep us from reaching 
> self-contradictions when making long
> complex inferences.

Logician are interested in correctness, and relative correctness. The 
whole of model (not modal!) theory concerns those matter.

> They are rules about propositions and inferences.  The propositions 
> may be
> about an observation like "a species that used this kind of reasoning 
> survived more frequently than
> those who used that kind."  I might need logic to make further 
> inferences, but I don't need
> assumptions about logic to understand it.

I agree if you talk of some minimal informal logic, like children seems 
to develop in their early years. (cf Piaget, for examples). Now 
concerning the many logics, it is different. There is  a continuum of 
logics ... each having apparently some domain of application. Fields 
like "Categorical Logic" provides tools for many logics.
Linear logic take into account resources. For example, the following is 
classically, intuitionisticaly and quantum logically valid:
If i have one dollar I can buy a box of cigarets
If I have one dollar I can buy a box of matches
Thus If I have one dollar I can buy a box of cigarets and I can buy a 
box of matches.
ALL logics, when studied mathematically, are studied in the frame of 
classical mathematics.
You will never find a treatise on Fuzzy logic with a theorem like "It 
is 0,743 true that a fuzzy set A can be represented by a function from 
A to the real line".
(ok a case could be made for intuitionist logic, due to the existence 
of an intuitionist conception of math).

> Remember Cooper is talking about reasoning, reaching decisions, and 
> taking actions - not just making
> truth preserving inferences from axioms.  Classical logic applies to 
> declarative, timeless sentences
> - a pretty narrow domain.

... called Platonia. Narrow?


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Re: SV: Only Existence is necessary?

2006-07-11 Thread Bruno Marchal

Le 11-juil.-06, à 16:24, 1Z a écrit :

>> How could a substantial world be' a modest metaphysical posit?
> By explaining a lot from on e premiss.

I could agree that it eases the mind. Like God's notion. But it 
explains nothing, like when "God" is used as an (empty) explanation.
Today, physician relates numbers with numbers (like in F = ma, or E = 
mc^2), but we still don't know if particles exist, in which sense, if 
they are as big as the universe like expanding waves, etc.
(You talk sometimes if physics was not confronted to conceptual 
difficulties, which can be enlightened by MWI ideas, but, wait, there 
is still many remaining questions OK?

>> First nobody knows what such a "substance" can be defined without
>> infinite regress.
> "No one" ? But there are far more materialist
> philosophers than idealist ones , nowadays.

For the same reason they are far more Christians than Buddhist. And 
none of your materialist even try to define matter. They take it for 
granted, following mainly Aristotle. Almost all materialist react by 
knocking a table when they want me to realize matter exists.
(btw, invoking the number of people believing something is not an 
All what I say, is that the notion of "primitive matter" is unclear. 
The only definition which we can find in Aristotle is contradict by QM 
and comp, independently.

>> Second, those who have defined it, are always led to the admittance
>> such a substance must be decomposable and get his property for the
>> property of its subparts (Aristotle the first).
> Noy always. Things have moved on since Aristotle's day.

Not about matter. Except recently through the slow admittance of 
quantum (computation) which makes even engineers accepting (like 
Mellac) that the quantum formalism forces us to choose between:
1) a NON observed reality does not exist (like Bohr often said)
2) Parallel realities exist

>> But then, the
>> ontological existence of such "substance" does not fit neither the
>> experimental facts, nor the quantum theory (which describes those
>> facts), nor the computationalist hypothesis (see my URL).
> The modern-version of substance is mass-energy, which
> can be measured and does feature in theories.

But the measurment gives numbers. *You* posit some (which btw?) 

>> If you want use the ontological existence of "matter" to solve the
>> Harry Potter enigma, I can prove to you in all details that the only
>> way to do that would consist in positing actual non computable
>> infinities in matter. Just ask, or read the already available info on
>> the list or in my url.
> if you are going to assume that
> a) all computations already exist immaterially

OK, but in the same sense that PI or sqrt(2) exists.

> b) matter must be distinguished by some comptutational
> or mathematical property

Where do I make that assumption.
You forget the main assumption I do: my (generlaized) brain is turing 
emulable. (or more simply: "yes doctor").
Church thesis and AR are assumed explicitly for making things clearer, 
and avoiding spurious debate in the course of the proof.

Now if you assume "primary matter", no doubt you need to reject comp, 
giving that what I show is that you cannot have both.

>> And then, having that heavy matter to play with, you will still have 
>> to
>> explain how do you link the first person experience to it (the
>> mind/body problem).
> The problem of the MBP is linking 1st person experience
> to mathematical descriptions.  Adding matter to Platonia certainly
> doesn't make things worse.

It does (with comp). cf UDA. (or just the movie graph, or Maudlin's 

>> That the "observed world" is smaller than platonia is trivial: our
>> observation are finite, and platonia is infinite.
>> Now, you, following (I agree) common sense infer the existence of an
>> ontological world, but I don't see any clues from which you can infer
>> it is smaller than platonia.
> The clue is our failure ot observe HP universes,
> as predicted by Platonic theories.

Platonic resetting of Everret's QM *does* explained why the Quantum HP 
universes are *very* difficulmt to observe. Hall Finney-like Universal 
distribution could explain the same thing for some of the thrid person 
white rabbits.
I show a path leading to a possible explanation of why the first person 
rabbits are non observable.
This has led to 5 mathematical conjectures. The first one has been 
solved since ... our last conversation ...

> You are not going to get anywhere with the
> UDA until you prove mathematical Platonism,

Why should I prove my assumptions?
Also, proving "mathematical platonism" or proving "physical 
materialism" is impossible (what would that means). You could ask me to 
prove Church thesis at this point. It is non sense, unless you give me 
some precise other assumption to build on.

> and your
> argument for that -- AR as you call it --
> just repeats the same error: the epistemolo

Re: SV: Only Existence is necessary?

2006-07-11 Thread Jesse Mazer

1Z wrote:
>The clue is our failure ot observe HP universes,
>as predicted by Platonic theories.
>It a theory predicts somethig which is not observed,
>it is falsified.

But this is a bit of a strawman, because most on this list who subscribe to 
the view that every possible world or observer-moment exists (which is the 
idea that the 'everything' in 'everything-list' is supposed to stand for) 
would argue for some sort of probability measure on worlds/OMs which would 
assign much higher probability to worlds with regular laws than to Harry 
Potter universes. Quantum theory predicts a nonzero probability of Harry 
Potter type events too (a bunch of random atoms could tunnel into the shape 
of a living hippogriff, for example), but our failure to observe such events 
in practice is not a falsification of the theory, since the theory predicts 
they'd be ridiculously improbable and we should not expect to observe such 
events on human timescales.

>You are not going to get anywhere with the
>UDA until you prove mathematical Platonism, and your
>argument for that -- AR as you call it --
>just repeats the same error: the epistemological
>claim that "the truth -alue of '17 is prime is mind-independent"
>is confused with the ontological claim "the number of 17 exists
>from us in Plato's heaven".

But that is really all that philosophers mean by mathematical platonism, 
that mathematical truths are timeless and mind-independent--this is itself 
an ontological claim, not a purely epistemological one. Few would literally 
imagine some alternate dimension called "Plato's heaven" where platonic 
forms hang out, and which is somehow able to causally interact with our 
brains to produce our ideas about math.


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Re: Diagonalization (solution-sequel)

2006-07-11 Thread Bruno Marchal

Le 10-juil.-06, à 21:55, Tom Caylor a écrit :

> Bruno Marchal wrote:
>> Hi Tom, hi George,
>> I recall the 4 diag problems, and the three solutions already 
>> provided.
>> Below, I give the solution of the fourth, and new exercises. Read this
>> with paper and pencil, or don't read it. If you understand, try to
>> explain to someone else (the best test).
> I went through the 4th one now.  I didn't explain it to someone else,
> but I drew diagrams and tried to construct a mathematical argument for
> some of the exercises, treating myself as a 3rd person. ;)  I'm not
> finished, and I don't know when I'll get time to really do the rest
> (Exercise 2).  But I can intuitively see the equivalences.  And...
> according to Exercise 2 and the Church Thesis, "intuitively" is enough!
>  ;)

(About the time take it easy, I can be very slow myself).

>> With Church thesis, Fortran is a Universal Language, and a fortran
>> "interpreter" is a Universal Machine, where Universal means it 
>> computes
>> (at least) all computable functions. Fortran programs are recursively
>> (computably, mechanically, effectively) enumerable, so
>> G = Fn(n) + 1
>> is programmable, notably in fortran. So there is fortran code for G 
>> and
>> it exists in the enumeration
>> of all fortran programs. So there is a number k such that G = Fk. So
>> G(k) = Fk(k) = Fk(k) + 1. So Fk(k) cannot be defined and it makes the
>> Universal Machine run for ever (crash). So, the notorious "other
>> beasts" are the *partial* recursive function. They are functions from
>> *subset* of N, called domain,  in N.
> OK.  I noticed that you can get the Universal Machine (UM) to run for
> ever even without the "+ 1".  If I think of the program for G as a big
> "case statement" with cases 1, 2, 3, to infinity, then the case for k
> will contain the code for, or better yet a call to (hence the name
> "recursive"?), Fk(k), but if we state by defining even G = Fn(n) (even
> without the "+ 1") then this is equivalent to calling G(k)...  But then
> when we call G(k) we end up back in the "k case" again, calling G(k)
> again,... forever.

I'm not sure. I'm afraid your argument could be machine or language 

> This will happen even if we add the "+ 1".
> Personally I like this argument (running forever) better than the 0 = 1
> argument that somehow concludes that the UM will crash.  A UM
> "crashing" to me brings up pictures of physical machines that recognize
> an unallowed operation, and then stop themselves.

Well, until now I identify crashing with "running forever". If a UM 
recognizes an unallowed operation and then stops, I would say bravo to 
the UM for not having crashed.

Note that the fourth diagonalization is really constructive: for any 
precise specification of any UNIVERSAL machine, you can write a program 
making that UM crashing (running forever).

>> Note that a total function is a particular case of partial function
>> where the domain subset is N itself. A partial function which is not
>> total will be called a proper partial function.
>> Two direct consequences:
>> 1) insolubility: there is no fortran program capable of distinguishing
>> a code of a total function from a code of a proper partial function.
>> Proof: indeed if such a program exists, we could, from a recursive
>> enumeration of (the code) of the Fi, filter out the code of the proper
>> partial function, and extract a recursive enumeration of the total
>> functions, contradicting each of the two preceding diagonalizations.
>> 2) incompleteness: first a definition: an axiomatizable theory (about
>> numbers, programs) is a generator of true propositions about numbers
>> and programs. A theory is said to be complete if it generate all true
>> propositions about numbers and programs. We have a theorem: there is 
>> no
>> complete theory. Indeed, if we did have a complete theory about
>> programs we could prove for each "i" if "Fi" is total or proper
>> partial, and we would be able to use this to build a fortran program
>> capable of distinguishing a code of a total function from a code of a
>> proper partial function; and thus contradicting "1)" just above.
> This makes sense.  You comment on the Existence thread about why
> Aristotle choose the substance "solution" could relate to this.  He did
> struggle with mysteries that come out of self-reference and
> incompleteness, and perhaps the primacy of substance was his solution.
> I've read that he discovered the similarity between deduction
> (propositions to propositions) and inference (true propositions to true
> propositions), and perhaps substance was his way of attempting to
> define truth.

Perhaps. It is not entirely obvious, because, notably, the greek use 
the term "substance" in a different sense than us (in this list). 
"Substance" in Aristotle (and the greeks, i.e. Plotinus) refers to 
"primitive". Many late pythagoreans would say that numbers are the 

Re: SV: Only Existence is necessary?

2006-07-11 Thread 1Z

Bruno Marchal wrote:
> Le 10-juil.-06, à 16:03, 1Z a écrit :
> > It is a modest metaphysical posit which can be used to explain
> > a variety of observed phenomena, ranging from Time and Change
> > to the observed absence of Harry Potter universes.
> How could a substantial world be' a modest metaphysical posit?

By explaining a lot from on e premiss.

> First nobody knows what such a "substance" can be defined without
> infinite regress.

"No one" ? But there are far more materialist
philosophers than idealist ones , nowadays.

> Second, those who have defined it, are always led to the admittance
> such a substance must be decomposable and get his property for the
> property of its subparts (Aristotle the first).

Noy always. Things have moved on since Aristotle's day.

> But then, the
> ontological existence of such "substance" does not fit neither the
> experimental facts, nor the quantum theory (which describes those
> facts), nor the computationalist hypothesis (see my URL).

The modern-version of substance is mass-energy, which
can be measured and does feature in theories.

> If you want use the ontological existence of "matter" to solve the
> Harry Potter enigma, I can prove to you in all details that the only
> way to do that would consist in positing actual non computable
> infinities in matter. Just ask, or read the already available info on
> the list or in my url.

if you are going to assume that
a) all computations already exist immaterially
b) matter must be distinguished by some comptutational
or mathematical property

you might be lead to that conculusion. But I don't assume

> And then, having that heavy matter to play with, you will still have to
> explain how do you link the first person experience to it (the
> mind/body problem).

The problem of the MBP is linking 1st person experience
to mathematical descriptions.  Adding matter to Platonia certainly
doesn't make things worse.

> > The question is not whether there is a world beyond even
> > logical possibility, but why the observed world is so much
> > smaller than the Platonias. Matter answers that easily.
> That the "observed world" is smaller than platonia is trivial: our
> observation are finite, and platonia is infinite.
> Now, you, following (I agree) common sense infer the existence of an
> ontological world, but I don't see any clues from which you can infer
> it is smaller than platonia.

The clue is our failure ot observe HP universes,
as predicted by Platonic theories.

It a theory predicts somethig which is not observed,
it is falsified.

> Actually many infinities appears at the
> bottom, and it is hard how to interpret them.

> > The list needs to be a lot more particualr about the
> > difference between ontology and epistemology, between
> > "to be" and "to know". Then they would not slide
> > from "X cannot be known without an observer" to "X cannot exist without
> > an observer".
> You make a good point, but I am not sure it is a genuine answer for
> John or me.
> I will not insist because it is an easy consequence of the UDA (and I
> recall you saying you don't want to study it because, if I remember
> well,  you are so sure the result is false that you don't need to read
> it, but then you miss the opportunity to either find a real error of
> reasoning in my deduction or to discover that the greek theologian were
> right, and naturalism (nature deification) is wrong).

You are not going to get anywhere with the
UDA until you prove mathematical Platonism, and your
argument for that -- AR as you call it --
just repeats the same error: the epistemological
claim that "the truth -alue of '17 is prime is mind-independent"
is confused with the ontological claim "the number of 17 exists
from us in Plato's heaven".

> 1Z to Lennart Nilsson
> > I am trying to get away from the idea that logic needs to
> > be propped up by some external authority. The validity
> > of logic comes about from the lack of any basis
> > to criticise it that doesn't presuppose it. That's
> > epistemology, not metaphysics.
> I agree for the part of logic use in elementary mathematical theories.
> Still there has been (and still exist) some critics on some formula.
> The most known case is the case of the third excluded principle (A v
> ~A). In my context such a critics is a confusion between first person
> and third person. Could say more when I get to the Arithmetical
> Hypostases ...

The criticism uses logic.

> 1Z to Brent
> > The claim I made was "Whatever else you
> > do, you'll be using logic. There is no
> > standpoint outside of logic. No, not
> > even evolutionary theory".
> I agree with you, as an arithmetical platonist.

My point was purely epistemological.

> Bruno

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Re: A calculus of personal identity

2006-07-11 Thread Stathis Papaioannou

[Working my way slowly up the list of many excellent posts from the past few 
days, excuse me if someone else has already answered this...]

Lee Corbin writes (quoting SP):

> > If [a] species believed that 2+2=5, or that their kidneys were the organs 
> > of respiration,
> > they would be wrong. But if they believe that they wake up a different 
> > person every day,
> > and live their lives based on this belief, they would *not* be wrong; they 
> > could hold
> > this belief quite consistently even if they knew all there was to know 
> > about their biology.
> I claim that there is an important sense in which they *would* be wrong,
> that is, nature endowed us with a strong prejudice that we are the same
> creature from moment to moment for a reason. A creature exhibits a great
> deal of fear if a threat arises not to "it" itself in the sense of the
> creature this moment, but "it" in the extended sense. It acts consistently
> to ensure that itself of a few moments hence does not come to harm, and we,
> of course, understand quite well why nature did this.
> Creatures who do not identify with themselves a few moments hence are
> "punished". They undergo pain or discomfort that is linked by their
> intelligence to what the other creature (i.e. its self of a few moments
> ago) actually did.  Again, in this way they become fearful of future
> pain, and, on the other hand, eager to ravish future gain.

There is an important difference between normative statements and descriptive 
or empirical statements. Quoting from Wikipedia:

"Descriptive (or constative) statements are falsifiable statements that attempt 
to describe reality. Normative statements, on the other hand, affirm how things 
should or ought to be, how to value them, which things are good or bad, which 
actions are right or wrong."

Suppose some powerful being sets up an experiment whereby organisms who believe 
they are the same individual day after day are selectively culled, while those 
who believe that they are born anew each morning and die when they fall asleep 
each night, but still make provision for their successors just as we make 
provision for our children, are left alone or rewarded. After several 
generations, everyone would believe that they only lived for a day, and their 
culture, language and so on would reflect this belief. Philosophers would point 
out that the day-person belief, though universally accepted and understood, is 
nevertheless contingent on the particular environment in which the species 
evolved. That is, it is not a fact "out there in the world", independent of 
culture and psychology, like the belief that "2+2=4" or that "the most common 
isotope of the element with six protons found in our planet's crust has six 
neutrons". Everyone capable of understanding the language would agree that 
these two statements are true, or at least that they have a definite true or 
false answer. The question of the truth or otherwise of the day-person  belief 
is not straightforward in the same way. In order to make, "a person lives for a 
day, then dies, and another person is born the next day inheriting most of his 
memories" a true-or-false statement, one would have to add, "according to the 
concept of personhood and death that we have evolved to believe". If this 
latter clause is understood as implicit, then your treatment of the idea of 
continuity of identity over time is valid. You would then have to grant the 
day-people that their belief is just as good as ours, the difference between us 
just being an accident of evolution. What's more, to be consistent you would 
have to grant that a duplicate is not a self, on the grounds that the great 
majority of people do not believe this and our very language is designed to 
deny that such a thing is possible (only the British monarch uses "we" to mean 
what commoners refer to as "I"). 

> Suppose on the other hand that this is incorrect. Suppose that identity
> does not extend in time past one Planck constant (whatever that is).
> Then no object or person "survives". But then the term "survival" is
> also lost.

Survival and continuity of identity consist solely in the fact that we 
*believe* we survive from moment to moment. There is no "objective fact" beyond 
this that can be invoked to decide whether we do or do not survive in ambiguous 
cases. Superficially it may seem that that this last statement is false, 
because we can, for example, do a DNA test, or specify that there must be 
physical and/or mental continuity between two instantiations of the same 
person. However, we can always come up with a counterexample that would fool 
any such test.
> (Words don't have absolute meanings; only meanings that convey relative
> utility and which correspond to actual structure in the world. An object
> and even a person *does* persist in time as is revealed by a close
> examination of structure. It simply isn't very different from moment
> to moment, and if it is, the

Re: A calculus of personal identity (ERRATA)

2006-07-11 Thread Bruno Marchal

Bruno Marchal a écrit  (to Jamie N Rose):

> Concerning your use of the word "proposition", I don't understand
> exactly what you mean by the words "exists" "accessible" "perfectly
> accessible",  The whole sentence is rather hard to follow.
> Godel used this:
>  From A -> B and A -> ~B, infer ~A.
> Godel did not really use the non intuitionist principle (but readily
> accepted by arithmetical platonist):
>  From A -> B and A -> ~B, infer ~A.
> Of course Godel was platonist (even set-platonist), but he did it to
> satisfy as much as possible the finititary requirement imposed by its
> goal to solve (negatively) Hilbert's problem.
> Of course with Church thesis, all this is made much simpler.

The formula in the second paragraph should be:

 From ~A -> B and ~A -> ~B, infer A.


(An intuitionist will accept only "From ~A -> B and ~A -> ~B, infer 


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Re: SV: Only Existence is necessary?

2006-07-11 Thread Bruno Marchal

Le 10-juil.-06, à 16:03, 1Z a écrit :

> It is a modest metaphysical posit which can be used to explain
> a variety of observed phenomena, ranging from Time and Change
> to the observed absence of Harry Potter universes.

How could a substantial world be' a modest metaphysical posit?
First nobody knows what such a "substance" can be defined without 
infinite regress.
Second, those who have defined it, are always led to the admittance 
such a substance must be decomposable and get his property for the 
property of its subparts (Aristotle the first). But then, the 
ontological existence of such "substance" does not fit neither the 
experimental facts, nor the quantum theory (which describes those 
facts), nor the computationalist hypothesis (see my URL).

If you want use the ontological existence of "matter" to solve the 
Harry Potter enigma, I can prove to you in all details that the only 
way to do that would consist in positing actual non computable 
infinities in matter. Just ask, or read the already available info on 
the list or in my url.

And then, having that heavy matter to play with, you will still have to 
explain how do you link the first person experience to it (the 
mind/body problem).

> The question is not whether there is a world beyond even
> logical possibility, but why the observed world is so much
> smaller than the Platonias. Matter answers that easily.

That the "observed world" is smaller than platonia is trivial: our 
observation are finite, and platonia is infinite.
Now, you, following (I agree) common sense infer the existence of an 
ontological world, but I don't see any clues from which you can infer 
it is smaller than platonia. Actually many infinities appears at the 
bottom, and it is hard how to interpret them.

1Z (to George Levy):
> Science may have moved close to making the observer
> central epistemically , but it has not room for the idea
> that observers are ontologically fundamental.
> Observers are people, homo sapiens, the product of millions
> of years of evolution. Scientifically speaking.

Human observers are people. With comp, *any* locally or partially 
irreversible machine is up for the job. Still, comp makes that large 
class of number/digital-machines basic for just (re)defining a coherent 
notion of physical reality, which remained to be tested with the facts 
(current test are going in the quantum direction).

1Z (to John M)
> The no-metaphysical-role for observers rule is one that
> maintains the consilience of science.

I agree that there is a lot of quantum-quackery, as there is 
godel-quackery. This makes progress in our fundament fields 
psychologically difficult to assess.
Unfortunately, many if not most scientist reaction to those quackeries 
are lacking rigor, and contend themselves to present some facts as 
"scientific" when they are not.
Let me give you an example. After Godel published its 1931 
incompleteness paper, the belgium logician Barzin publishes a detailed 
"refutation" of Godel's proof (like many). If I remember well it is 
Kleene, or Kreisel: I should verify, but the point is that big guy in 
logic will criticize, technically, Barzin's attempt to refute Godel. 
All scientist will believe that matter settled until 20 years later, 
Kleene himself (or Kreisel himself) find an error in his own critics. 
It was just false and Barzin's point appeared to be much subtle and 
harder to refute. For sure, Barzin *was* wrong, but many scientist took 
Kleene (or Kreisel) first reply like an authoritative truth ...

>> JM: The observer seems so fundamental in the views of this
>> list (and in wider circles of contemporaryh thinking)
>> that a more general identification may be in order.
> No, no,nooo!!!
> It is far too general already.

I don't think so. Read about the lobian machine ...

> The list needs to be a lot more particualr about the
> difference between ontology and epistemology, between
> "to be" and "to know". Then they would not slide
> from "X cannot be known without an observer" to "X cannot exist without
> an observer".

You make a good point, but I am not sure it is a genuine answer for 
John or me.
I will not insist because it is an easy consequence of the UDA (and I 
recall you saying you don't want to study it because, if I remember 
well,  you are so sure the result is false that you don't need to read 
it, but then you miss the opportunity to either find a real error of 
reasoning in my deduction or to discover that the greek theologian were 
right, and naturalism (nature deification) is wrong).

1Z to Lennart Nilsson
> I am trying to get away from the idea that logic needs to
> be propped up by some external authority. The validity
> of logic comes about from the lack of any basis
> to criticise it that doesn't presuppose it. That's
> epistemology, not metaphysics.

I agree for the part of logic use in elementary mathematical theories. 
Still ther

Re: A calculus of personal identity

2006-07-11 Thread Bruno Marchal

Le 09-juil.-06, à 17:20, James N Rose a écrit :

> Bruno, I reviewed the archive and found no reply.
> I will repeat it again, hoping for your thoughts:
> from July 2, 2006 (lightly amended and then addended)
> Bruno,
> I have found myself in this lifetime to be a staunch
> OP-ponent and challenger to Godel's incompleteness theorems.

Are they other math theorems you are opposed too?
To be frank, I could imagine that you believe having find an error. If 
that is the case let me know or try to publish it. I doubt it of 
course. Until now I have been able to find the error of all those who 
have pretended to me having finding such an error.
Sometimes people does not challenge Godel's proof, but some 
interpretation of it. That is a different matter, and obviously less 
Did you realize that I have, just last week, give an astonishingly 
simple proof, based on Church thesis,  of a stronger form of Godel's 
incompleteness? Did you try to follow it?

> In the way that they are structured - with the premises
> Godel preset: of initial boundaries for what he was
> about to design by 'proof' - his theorems -are- both
> sufficiently closed and constituently -accurate- in
> their conclusion and notions.

OK you are cautious. So you criticize an interpretation of Godel's 

> _But_ what I find disturbing about them is that they are
> RELIANT on a more formative -presumption-, which presumption
> enables an analyst to draw quite a -contrary result- to what
> Godel announced. A self-discontinuity _within_ his theorems,
> as it were.
> Clearly, this:
> He tacitly identifies any information resident -outside- any that
> current/known, as -eventually accessible, connectible, relatable-;
> even if it means restructuring known-information in regard to
> alternative/new criteria and standards definitions, descriptions,
> statements.   A presumption/definition of universal information
> compatibility - of all information - whether known or unknown.

You could say this about my proof, or about Emil Post's one, or about 
some simplified version of it. But it is 99% unfair to say Godel made 
those presumptions. You could argue like that a little bit by invoking 
its use of the omega-consistency notion, but then that case is closed 
after Rosser's amelioration of Godel's proof. The Godel-Rosser proof 
does not rely in any way on any semantical notion, not even AR.
Godel's proof is even constructive and completely acceptable, even for 
an intuitionist.

> It is through this process of "add then re-evaluate" that new
> paradigms are achieved.  But, it is dependent on the compatibility
> of the -whole- scope of all the information present at that moment of
> evaluation; and the eventual capacity to coordinate statements with
> all content addressable by statements.

That is a little vague for me.

> So, his thesis that at any given moment in time,

The only paper where Godel mentionned time is his general relativity 
paper about its rotating universes. Its goal was to convince Einstein 
that "time" could not be a serious primary concept of physics.

> not all information
> is present or gathered, and that this makes for limited statement
> making, where some evaluation statements in the data-set may instead
> be reliant on future/other yet-to-be-included information .. is a
> worthy logical notion.   A closed system may not completely evaluate
> itself -- some evaluations are indeterminant.

In that vague sense I could agree with you, but we are lingering on 
many ambiguities.
It is no more clear why you say you challenge Godel, at this stage.

> But, instead of focusing on the random evaluation moment, think
> about what that presumption of 'eventual includability' dictates:
> It heavily defines that we -can- (right now) state -something specific
> and projective- about the qualia and nature of knowledge and 
> information
> -- currently -beyond- the bounds of actual experience and encounter and
> access.

You jump from mathematical logic into the cognitive field. For this you 
need to say exactly how you do that.  What are your bridges? (I show 
comp makes such an endeavor possible, but I agree that in the 
literature such a step is most of the time made in an wrong way ... We 
need to be very careful here.

> It also asserts:   information 'unknown' is compatible with and
> eventually relatable with information 'known'.

Godel just says that: IF a proposition p is undecidable  in a theory T, 
then you can add p, or add ~p, as possible new axioms for T without 
making the new theory inconsistent.

> The first foundation of Godel's '"I can't decide about that" Theorems'
> is the contrary moot statement: 'I -can- decide about -everything- and
> here's why';  -- which is a contradiction of logic.

The negation of ~Bp is Bp  (not B~p).   (Bp abbreviating I can prove p).

>  That is:
> The "limited" set can make true-false statement about the -totality-
> of e

SV: SV: Only logic is necessary?

2006-07-11 Thread Lennart Nilsson

-Ursprungligt meddelande-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] För Brent Meeker
Skickat: den 10 juli 2006 23:04
Ämne: Re: SV: Only logic is necessary?

I'd say the decision to use classical logic is an 
assumption that you're applying it to sentences or propositions where it
will work (i.e. declarative, timeless sentences), not an assumption about
logic.  Same for geometry.  I use 
Euclidean geometry to calculate distances in my backyard, I use spherical
geometry to calculate 
air-miles to nearby airports, I use WGS84 to calculate distance between
naval vessels at sea.

Brent Meeker

Cooper says that all sentences have substans. The logic asumption is that
there are some that have not and are timless.


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