[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-23 Thread emilymaenot
So Buck, stop posting unkindly.  I find all of these posts of yours on 
unkindness, unkind.  Maybe start with eliminating the word "unkind" from all of 
your posts.  Just a friendly suggestion.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Dear Friends; As a group we must put an end to unkind posts here. 
 Certainly we had been hooligan-ed again and again. In the very open nature of 
our forum community here hooliganism can transit through, now though as a group 
we certainly need to have much more consciousness against it and swift 
moderation in reaction. Against hooliganism here and any such hooliganists we 
clearly must better straighten and tighten things up with FFL alongside the 
Yahoo groups guidelines and be square with our own guidelines against 
unkindness as hooliganism to protect the very existence of our FFL group here. 
Or, without congruence of guideline we run the very real risk of running up 
against the Yahoo Groups guidelines themselves. 

 Actually Turq's is a fair summary of a longer history.


 I feel Rick as owner here in conjunction with Yahoo Groups unkindness 

 has good grounds to act swiftly and summarily on this.
 Rick would not even need to explain himself doing it.
 Most all understand that FFL was derailed and taken over by unkindness.
 Rick, get this over with and save the FFL group
 before Yahoo groups management closes it.
 The grounds are certainly clear for this,  


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 “They could take us all down in unkindness.” 

 RW writes:  It looks like the group needs a purging, again. 

 In moderating the unkindness here on FFL, frankly I would urge Rick as the 
owner and supreme leader here to be much quicker to suspend the ad hominem as 
abuse and the unkindness it is when it occurs here. For instance, I should urge 
Rick as moral compass here to start with the instigators of the mean-girl-ing 
that has been going on here. It is unbearably unkind as it has gone on in form 
and could certainly terminate our whole group as it runs up against the 
Yahoo-groups guidelines. As its own form of hooliganism this is now the time to 
save FFL and put an end to the culture of the bad-girl-ing ad hominem that has 
charged in on FFL. Rick, as your friend and support in this I urge you to use a 
strong hand on those unkind trying to post on FFL. Be firm with this 
hooliganism on FFL, -Buck 
 As a Group we must put an end to unkind postings and posters on FFL. 

 Dear Fairfield Life and guest Yahoo-Groups Moderators;

 Yahoo! guideline says: “Don't be unkind. Exploitative or degrading comments 
are not welcome in Groups. Also not welcome are belligerence, insults, slurs, 
profanity or ranting.” 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Rick, Keep a close watch out on the mean-girls club too. They could take us 
all down in unkindness.

  wrote: I don’t have time to keep a close watch out on anything on 
FFL, but if someone gets too outrageous and someone brings it to my attention, 
I usually say to wait and see if they simmer down, and if they don’t, I do 
something about it. 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote: 
 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] On 
Behalf OfBuck@...
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 11:55 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: A story of 

 Yes, to protect the very existence of our FFL community group we should close 
the membership at least of 'indifferent_netizen'/ or whoever that is here, 
before Yahoo catches up with us as a group for tolerating these kinds of unkind 
posts. There is a very real and present danger to the whole FFL group letting 
this writer and some of these other people write their hateful unkind abusive 
speech here.  It is time. 
 Already done.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Thanks Rick. You did the right thing to protect us all.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 “Yahoo Groups, in its sole discretion, may terminate or remove any content, 
Group or your Yahoo ID immediately and without notice if (a) Yahoo believes 
that you have acted inconsistently with the spirit or the letter of the Yahoo 
Terms of Service or the Yahoo Groups Guidelines, or (b) Yahoo believes you have 
violated or tried to violate the rights of others. Please help us keep Yahoo 
Groups an enjoyable and positive experience. If you see a Group or content that 
violates our rules, please let us know.”  
Yes. This here is about the survival of our FFL list. 

Dear FFL, now more clearly than even before it is getting to be time to avert 
the danger of ultimate termination to our FFL group co

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Right Place, Right Time

2013-11-23 Thread emilymaenot
Seraphita, I totally *LOVE* this!  I'm going to start with this approach 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Re "I also thought it interesting that Maharishi said that when you have a 
bunch of tasks to do, do the easy ones first to build up momentum. Then do the 
difficult ones.":

 The exact opposite of my approach. When I have a series of tasks to get out 
the way I always do the ones I dislike most first so that I'm always advancing 
towards the tasks I find easiest - even enjoyable. That's better psychology  - 
at least it suits my temperament. 

 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 John, I also thought it interesting that Maharishi said that when you're 
taking a test or have a bunch of tasks to do, do the easy ones first to build 
up momentum. Then do the difficult ones.

 On Saturday, November 23, 2013 5:29 PM, "jr_esq@..."  wrote:

 MMY stated to take the path of least resistance.  That is the more likely the 
correct alternative.  Jyotish can help in that regard.

 But some people have a problem with that.  IMO, they end up fighting for a 
lost cause.  FWIW.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 This got me to thinking too, about being in the right place at the right 
 time. I wonder how much being in the right place at the right time is a 
 matter of personal choice or just plain old karma.
 As I get older I've begun to think back about the choices I made in the 
 past, and why I made those choices. Only a few times can I remember 
 actually deciding what to do - there's always some force involved that 
 is often unseen or accounted for.
 Most of the time being where I was was not something I had much control 
 over - it was mostly a matter of necessity and/or survival. Most of us 
 don't get to make real choices - we think we do, but mainly we make 
 choices because of finances that seem to dictate where we go, how we 
 live, and what we do.
 But, if you look back and examine things and events real closely, you 
 may find that things and events happen for a reason, sometimes for 
 reasons we don't understand at the time. Everything is connected and 
 every action we take comes from a cause - there's not much free will 
 when you really think about it.
 If we've all lived lives in the past, you'll realize that there's 
 nothing much we can do now to change what came before - all we can do 
 now is try to make things better for ourselves in the future. For some, 
 being in the right place at the right times is just a matter of fate, 
 but I think most of what happens to us is the result of what we did in 
 the past, which we often don't even understand. If we could go back and 
 make another different decision, who knows what would happen?
 Karma is a bitch! Remember the future.
 On 11/23/2013 8:39 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
 > Bein' in the right place at the right time... 





RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Message from Ravi

2013-11-23 Thread emilymaenot
I am s hungry for jello.  It's the only thing that comes to mind, every 
time I see the word JELLOS.  I'm going to surrender to the urge to make 
something deliciously jello.   

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 You sound really JELLOS, Richard.


[FairfieldLife] RE: Where People Live

2013-11-23 Thread emilymaenot
Richard, I like this particular post of yours rolling out your thought process. 
 I've been developing my criteria for moving as well, in the next 5 years or 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:



 Someday soon we are going to be selling everything and packing up what's left 
to move to a place that's right for us. There are good reasons to move and good 
reason to stay where we are. Each area has its pros and cons. Every place you 
live is a compromise and there is no perfect place 

 For example some place have good weather all year like Laguna Beach, 
California, and some places have weather that sucks, like Cut Bank, Montana. 
For others, weather is perhaps not as big of a deal. 

 Most people like what they already know and the older people get the more they 
have resistance to change. For me, moving isn't a big deal, since I spent 
eighteen years a military brat, living in over ten U.S. states, England and 

 After college I lived in California for thirteen years, both north and south, 
and then moved to Austin, Texas for twelve years. Recently Rita and I visited 
her hometown, Detroit, and visited her sister for a few weeks. 

 And, I've driven through most of the U.S. at one time or another. I love 
northern California and the Escondido area around San Diego - lots of business 
opportunities;good schools; avocados.. These are the many reasons people like 
to live near the ocean or the mountains. 

 But, there are some negatives also, like in California where the state is 
struggling, which means the cities are now struggling. The bureaucracy is 
increasing out there. Some people are getting tired of dealing high property 
taxes - Prop 13 sets property tax on homes at 1% - and sales taxes are going up 
all the time. If you buy a $1M home you'll pay $10,000 just in taxes to live in 
San Diego County!

 Is there some place that would be an almost ideal place to live?

 If you take out a map of the U.S. you can easily cross off several locations. 
The first thing we did was cut out places where homes are very expensive, like 
Seattle, Washington or San Francisco, California or Portland, Oregon. We want 
someplace that is cheap where you can park a lot of cars and play loud music. 

 So, you can cross off places where it's too hot or too dry or too wet - bad 
weather. And, we want to avoid tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding, earthquakes, 
blizzards and deserts. That rules out most of the middle of the country, 
California, Texas, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Montana and most of the Gulf of 
Mexico states, and the far north both east and west.

 Some people don't like living in flat lands - they prefer mountains with trees 
and scenery. We want a place that has rivers, lakes, and less traffic. So, 
after ruling out those places (there are still some rural places in California, 
Oregon, and Washington, but they're not ideal for one reason or another).

 Years ago Stephen Gaskin and his family opted to move from San Francisco to 
Tennessee to be on The Farm. So, I started to consider places like Nashville 
and Memphis where Rita could still continue playing in her band and I could 
park my cars and work out of my home office on the internet. 

 In a recent survey of great places to retire Chattanooga was at the top of the 
list. Go figure.

 I've been reading about how Chattanooga is experiencing a resurgence of 
vitality in the city: very low rates for electricity due to good management by 
the Tennessee Valley Authority. And very fast network connections too. You can 
buy a nice house in Chattanooga for $150,000 or rent a house for around $1000 a 
month; car registration is $28; $2 a year to register your boat; you can 
establish a corporation for $150. So, living costs would be a lot cheaper in 
Chattanooga than some other places.  

 What is there to do there? 

 We don't want to be out in the sticks with no culture or entertainment. We 
want to live near a town or city where there are lakes and river for rafting 
and caves to explore, and trails for mountain biking. And, there are historical 
sites too; Washington D.C. is just a days drive away. 

 So, in a quick review of the positives of living in Chattanooga: there is 
cheap housing; cheap energy; cheap water; cheap land; low taxes; and low 
bureaucracy. There are green lands, mountains, rivers and lakes and fire flies 
out in nature. And industry - Amazon is out there and Ikea, Home Depot, and a 
Whole Foods Market in town. The weather is not bad, does not get too hot and 
does not get extremely cold either. Tornadoes are rare. 

 But, what about rednecks? Heck, I'm used to that, being one myself, but some 
places, even though they're located in the south, defy stereotypes, just like 
Austin, Texas, the home of live music. We might miss that, but there's 
Nashville and Memphis for music entertainment.


RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] An Effective Online Pedegogy

2013-11-23 Thread emilymaenot
Oh...yeshere is how it goes...the attack, then the reality rewrite, the 
defence of the rewrite, the attack on those who would call for honesty or 
question the attacker or the subsequent reality rewrite, then the victim shows 
up, and now the innocence gamewhat a sweet little girl Share is, so cute, 
so wholesome, so flirty in a childlike way. Richard is just overwhelmed by all 
this and is under the Share spelldon't feel bad Richard, Steve fell under 
it as well.  Enjoyit's endless...I can't wait to do this again with her.  
The cycle will repeat. This isn't the first time, after all.  Share, I get to 
be next, remember.  Next time you feel like you need to go after someone, I 
want it to be me and I promise not to get mean.  You may, I won't.  That's my 
promise to you. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Hey, Richard I just wanted to say thank you for all the great posts this 
evening about knowledge. Mom and I were out shopping today, including Whole 
Foods! I'm pretty zonked right now. We're also watching a TV show about a cute 
litter of puppies called Too Cute. Evidently Saturday night leaves a lot to be 
desired TV-wise!

My last job at MUM was as the Distance Education Coordinator for the Computer 
Science Dept. We sent out videotapes, that's how long ago that was!

 Why don't you and Richard take your posts to each other offline where the two 
of you can marvel at how inane they all are. Remember, save the bandwidth, or 
whatever it is Ricky continually goes on about.


 On Saturday, November 23, 2013 7:08 PM, Richard Williams  
   So, I'm sitting here in my home office, and even though it's Saturday night, 
these students still need help posting their essays to the class and taking 
their online exams - and the emails just keep on coming and the phone is 
ringing off the hook. But, at least I'm working from home now and not in that 
tall building on campus anymore.  


 One teacher I know told me he 'didn't work on weekends' and I told him that if 
he wanted to teach an online course, it's the weekends when the students need 
the most help doing their homework! So, I got the job. Go figure.

 My Mission Statement: 
 We are aware that learning is a complex, inter-related series of system 
processes. Instruction requires the employment of cognitive psychology in the 
design and structure of online teaching to enhance the goal at hand: faster, 
easier, and to retain and assimilate knowledge. 
 In short, what is needed is an effective pedagogy. When your course or 
presentation is made interesting and interactive with multimedia, your audience 
will stay longer, return more often, and retain more knowledge. 
 The primary tool to attain this goal are the new internet media course tools 
with technical support in an on-line or off-line setting. The incorporation of 
multimedia and the internet in computer based training and distance learning 
has made the dream of teachers, trainers, and/or learners come true.
Richard J. Williams, A.A.S., B.S.
 Specialist, Blackboard Learning 9.1 


 'Online Courses Attract Degree Holders, Survey Finds'
 New York Times:





RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] An Effective Online Pedegogy

2013-11-23 Thread awoelflebater

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Hey, Richard I just wanted to say thank you for all the great posts this 
evening about knowledge. Mom and I were out shopping today, including Whole 
Foods! I'm pretty zonked right now. We're also watching a TV show about a cute 
litter of puppies called Too Cute. Evidently Saturday night leaves a lot to be 
desired TV-wise!

My last job at MUM was as the Distance Education Coordinator for the Computer 
Science Dept. We sent out videotapes, that's how long ago that was!

 Why don't you and Richard take your posts to each other offline where the two 
of you can marvel at how inane they all are. Remember, save the bandwidth, or 
whatever it is Ricky continually goes on about.


 On Saturday, November 23, 2013 7:08 PM, Richard Williams  
   So, I'm sitting here in my home office, and even though it's Saturday night, 
these students still need help posting their essays to the class and taking 
their online exams - and the emails just keep on coming and the phone is 
ringing off the hook. But, at least I'm working from home now and not in that 
tall building on campus anymore.  


 One teacher I know told me he 'didn't work on weekends' and I told him that if 
he wanted to teach an online course, it's the weekends when the students need 
the most help doing their homework! So, I got the job. Go figure.

 My Mission Statement: 
 We are aware that learning is a complex, inter-related series of system 
processes. Instruction requires the employment of cognitive psychology in the 
design and structure of online teaching to enhance the goal at hand: faster, 
easier, and to retain and assimilate knowledge. 
 In short, what is needed is an effective pedagogy. When your course or 
presentation is made interesting and interactive with multimedia, your audience 
will stay longer, return more often, and retain more knowledge. 
 The primary tool to attain this goal are the new internet media course tools 
with technical support in an on-line or off-line setting. The incorporation of 
multimedia and the internet in computer based training and distance learning 
has made the dream of teachers, trainers, and/or learners come true.
Richard J. Williams, A.A.S., B.S.
 Specialist, Blackboard Learning 9.1 


 'Online Courses Attract Degree Holders, Survey Finds'
 New York Times:





RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Message from Ravi

2013-11-23 Thread awoelflebater

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 You sound really JELLOS, Ann.
 This is a very good example of how someone posting on the internet can just 
let fly with any old slur they can think up and hit the send button, with 
almost zero accountability. On most moderated forums this kind of offensive 
comment would be cause for almost instant banishment, if not by the moderator, 
a shunning by the other participants. This reply of yours is totally uncalled 
for - there's just no excuse for rudeness, bad manners or poor netiquette, 
least of all slander toward someone you don't even know. 
 It's just a disgrace to read this kind of ugly hatefulness on a spiritual 
forum. I can't figure it out. This post of yours has all the earmarks of 
someone who has absolutely nothing better to do than post hateful comments to 
strangers - no fun, no useful information, no spiritual comment, no 
understanding - just pure hatred. I could be wrong about this post of yours 
since it's really difficult sometimes to tell what someone's true feelings are, 
but it sure looks to me like to me you're prejudiced against some groups of 
people based on their birth circumstances. 
 Please correct me if I'm wrong, but you haven't given me any reason to think 
otherwise, based on your numerous comments about where I was born. Go figure.
 Would someone, anyone, please help me understand this kind of behavior? 

 Maybe you could explain all of it Dickwad. Here is an example of your posting 
style made to Judy today. Now tell me who is full of hate, Dick. Richard the 
Benevolent spews across the page:

 It sounds about right to me, and in my opinion you are JELLOS when other 
people post to your buddies. 

And, I can't think of any other reason for you to try and be a communicator 
here - how long has it been since you posted anything interesting to read? Your 
attitude these days is hateful and pathetic and I'm not the only one to notice 
it. You've got almost zero support here anymore - maybe it's time for you to go 
back to Usenet where you came from. I can't think of anything else you could 
say that would make any of us want to be your friend on Facebook, that's fer 
sure! I'd sure not want to meet up with you at a yoga camp! 

Of all the informants I've read in the past ten years on the internet, I can 
say without the least hesitation, YOU SUCK the most!
 On 11/22/2013 8:44 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 This has got to be the most screwed up forum on Yahoo!
 A guy gets his real name posted to the group, so he curses the first guy; then 
the guy gets booted for cursing; and then the moderator posts the real name and 
the private email of the cursing guy; and then the guy that got cursed posts 
the private email of the guy that cursed him, while the moderators are 
sleeping. Go figure.
 It always seems to take you to clarify things for us dolts here, Richard. We 
just wouldn't be able to follow this ourselves without your step by step 
regurgitation and then subsequent skewing of the "facts". What would we do 
without you? Oh, I know, enjoy this place more. Now go scam some more people 
out of money via the internet while cruising FFL all day. What a life you lead.
 On 11/21/2013 10:43 PM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:emptybill@... wrote:
 This is why you all should morn Ravi's dismissal from FFL and celebrate his 
unique style of blessing everyone with his personal attention. 
 Remember Bill - I don't associate with trailer trash like you. I have nothing 
but contempt, disgust and hostility for dishonest, unintelligent like you. You 
couldn't withstand the heat of my confrontation.
 Don't flatter yourself - you and your family, your whole bigoted, 
unintelligent, insensitive trailer trash generations are beneath my status, my 
dignity, my intelligence, the sensitivity, beauty and awesomeness of my 
personal consciousness.
 And don't be so desperate. Emily's a personal friend of mine and she knows me 
very well, and she's laughing behind your back - Don't embarrass and humiliate 
 Have some dignity, hope you find your conscience.
 It is my compassion and kindness I have entertained a person like you for this 
 May the Universe have mercy on your pitiful, dishonest soul.
 So what is this, a current private email Ravi just sent you?
 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:
 This is in response to emptybill's accusations that I have harassed her wife.
 This is nothing but a vicious, malicious lie. I have stretched the limits to 
confront, shock and humiliate emptybill but to suggest I ever contacted his 
wife is hi

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-23 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Dear Friends; As a group we must put an end to unkind posts here. 
 Certainly we had been hooligan-ed again and again. In the very open nature of 
our forum community here hooliganism can transit through, now though as a group 
we certainly need to have much more consciousness against it and swift 
moderation in reaction. Against hooliganism here and any such hooliganists we 
clearly must better straighten and tighten things up with FFL alongside the 
Yahoo groups guidelines and be square with our own guidelines against 
unkindness as hooliganism to protect the very existence of our FFL group here. 
Or, without congruence of guideline we run the very real risk of running up 
against the Yahoo Groups guidelines themselves. 

 Actually Turq's is a fair summary of a longer history.


 I feel Rick as owner here in conjunction with Yahoo Groups unkindness 

 has good grounds to act swiftly and summarily on this.
 Rick would not even need to explain himself doing it.
 Most all understand that FFL was derailed and taken over by unkindness.
 Rick, get this over with and save the FFL group
 before Yahoo groups management closes it.
 The grounds are certainly clear for this,  


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 “They could take us all down in unkindness.” 

 RW writes:  It looks like the group needs a purging, again. 

 In moderating the unkindness here on FFL, frankly I would urge Rick as the 
owner and supreme leader here to be much quicker to suspend the ad hominem as 
abuse and the unkindness it is when it occurs here. For instance, I should urge 
Rick as moral compass here to start with the instigators of the mean-girl-ing 
that has been going on here. It is unbearably unkind as it has gone on in form 
and could certainly terminate our whole group as it runs up against the 
Yahoo-groups guidelines. As its own form of hooliganism this is now the time to 
save FFL and put an end to the culture of the bad-girl-ing ad hominem that has 
charged in on FFL. Rick, as your friend and support in this I urge you to use a 
strong hand on those unkind trying to post on FFL. Be firm with this 
hooliganism on FFL, -Buck 
 As a Group we must put an end to unkind postings and posters on FFL. 

 Dear Fairfield Life and guest Yahoo-Groups Moderators;

 Yahoo! guideline says: “Don't be unkind. Exploitative or degrading comments 
are not welcome in Groups. Also not welcome are belligerence, insults, slurs, 
profanity or ranting.” 

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Rick, Keep a close watch out on the mean-girls club too. They could take us 
all down in unkindness.

  wrote: I don’t have time to keep a close watch out on anything on 
FFL, but if someone gets too outrageous and someone brings it to my attention, 
I usually say to wait and see if they simmer down, and if they don’t, I do 
something about it. 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote: 
 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com] On 
Behalf OfBuck@...
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 11:55 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: A story of 

 Yes, to protect the very existence of our FFL community group we should close 
the membership at least of 'indifferent_netizen'/ or whoever that is here, 
before Yahoo catches up with us as a group for tolerating these kinds of unkind 
posts. There is a very real and present danger to the whole FFL group letting 
this writer and some of these other people write their hateful unkind abusive 
speech here.  It is time. 
 Already done.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Thanks Rick. You did the right thing to protect us all.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 “Yahoo Groups, in its sole discretion, may terminate or remove any content, 
Group or your Yahoo ID immediately and without notice if (a) Yahoo believes 
that you have acted inconsistently with the spirit or the letter of the Yahoo 
Terms of Service or the Yahoo Groups Guidelines, or (b) Yahoo believes you have 
violated or tried to violate the rights of others. Please help us keep Yahoo 
Groups an enjoyable and positive experience. If you see a Group or content that 
violates our rules, please let us know.”  
Yes. This here is about the survival of our FFL list. 

Dear FFL, now more clearly than even before it is getting to be time to avert 
the danger of ultimate termination to our FFL group community before it becomes 
too late. Shutting the Fairfieldlife forum down has been tried by subversion 
like this before. We must act to protect ourselves. I call upon the moderation 
of this community to close the membership of this hooligan 

[FairfieldLife] RE: TM Nazis, Again??

2013-11-23 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Overseers. Well yes, and what is the problem(?). It's about pay for 
performance. If you are being paid to meditate and 'hop' then all the more 
certainly your employers should get some disciplined work (meditation) from 
you. It is called performance contract. This criteria calls for overseers for 
meditating is for the few folks who are still funded to be regularly attending 
the dome meditating and doing the long TM-sidhis yogic flying prescribed for on 
the Howard Settle grant program. Of the total number of people in the larger 
group meditation only a few remain now on the money grant. They got standards 
to keep up if they are getting money for it. Other meditators who were dropped 
from the grant program when it collapsed before for lack of money may well 
think these others are selling their souls to have to 'hop' just for money. 
Other people who before were there for having great and powerful meditation in 
the Domes may see it has become otherwise for some, a form of performance art 
for money, as another corruption of money. People see it differently. 
 I think it is wonderful that people are generally a little more disciplined 
sitting up in meditation now and attending to the technique and adding to the 
group meditation field effect. It's a lot more awake in the Domes than some 
times ago when people would generally come in just laying down to sleep and 
miss the incredible opportunity of the field effect to meditate in the Domes. 
The lack of discipline was profound in those days.  What a drag that was.  It 
is a lot better now. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 I received some communication from someone I know who is in the Domes and this 
person told me some interesting things that I had not heard before.
 I have changed some of the wording to keep this person's identity 
confidential, but in essence she said that the TMO or I guess more accurately 
the powers that be at MUM, are paying 2 full time monitors to regulate activity 
in the Lady's Dome - to wit, they go about taking names of people who are 
sleeping during program. Subsequently these folks are called in for a talking 
to for lying down during any part of program except rest AND people are being 
taken to task for "not getting high enough off the foam."
 Anyone else know of this and is it happening in the Men's Dome?

[FairfieldLife] RE: Re: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-23 Thread doctordumbass
fair enough - I don't care on way or another. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
doctordumbass@... wrote:
 > What a cowardly, and clueless, response from you, Barry. You have done
 as much as anybody to sow discord here, and bring up topics,
 incessantly, that are on your agenda, whether, or not, they are of any
 interest to others. You are really the last person here who should be
 writing this holier than thou screed - it doesn't make you sound mature,
 thoughtful, reflective, or insightful, at all.
 Who on earth could CARE about being perceived by others as any of those
 things? :-)

[FairfieldLife] RE: Right Place, Right Time

2013-11-23 Thread s3raphita
Re "I also thought it interesting that Maharishi said that when you have a 
bunch of tasks to do, do the easy ones first to build up momentum. Then do the 
difficult ones.":

 The exact opposite of my approach. When I have a series of tasks to get out 
the way I always do the ones I dislike most first so that I'm always advancing 
towards the tasks I find easiest - even enjoyable. That's better psychology  - 
at least it suits my temperament. 

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 John, I also thought it interesting that Maharishi said that when you're 
taking a test or have a bunch of tasks to do, do the easy ones first to build 
up momentum. Then do the difficult ones.

 On Saturday, November 23, 2013 5:29 PM, "jr_esq@..."  wrote:

 MMY stated to take the path of least resistance.  That is the more likely the 
correct alternative.  Jyotish can help in that regard.

 But some people have a problem with that.  IMO, they end up fighting for a 
lost cause.  FWIW.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 This got me to thinking too, about being in the right place at the right 
 time. I wonder how much being in the right place at the right time is a 
 matter of personal choice or just plain old karma.
 As I get older I've begun to think back about the choices I made in the 
 past, and why I made those choices. Only a few times can I remember 
 actually deciding what to do - there's always some force involved that 
 is often unseen or accounted for.
 Most of the time being where I was was not something I had much control 
 over - it was mostly a matter of necessity and/or survival. Most of us 
 don't get to make real choices - we think we do, but mainly we make 
 choices because of finances that seem to dictate where we go, how we 
 live, and what we do.
 But, if you look back and examine things and events real closely, you 
 may find that things and events happen for a reason, sometimes for 
 reasons we don't understand at the time. Everything is connected and 
 every action we take comes from a cause - there's not much free will 
 when you really think about it.
 If we've all lived lives in the past, you'll realize that there's 
 nothing much we can do now to change what came before - all we can do 
 now is try to make things better for ourselves in the future. For some, 
 being in the right place at the right times is just a matter of fate, 
 but I think most of what happens to us is the result of what we did in 
 the past, which we often don't even understand. If we could go back and 
 make another different decision, who knows what would happen?
 Karma is a bitch! Remember the future.
 On 11/23/2013 8:39 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
 > Bein' in the right place at the right time... 





Re: [FairfieldLife] An Effective Online Pedegogy

2013-11-23 Thread Share Long
Hey, Richard I just wanted to say thank you for all the great posts this 
evening about knowledge. Mom and I were out shopping today, including Whole 
Foods! I'm pretty zonked right now. We're also watching a TV show about a cute 
litter of puppies called Too Cute. Evidently Saturday night leaves a lot to be 
desired TV-wise!

My last job at MUM was as the Distance Education Coordinator for the Computer 
Science Dept. We sent out videotapes, that's how long ago that was!

On Saturday, November 23, 2013 7:08 PM, Richard Williams  
So, I'm sitting here in my home office, and even though it's Saturday 
night, these students still need help posting their essays to the class 
and taking their online exams - and the emails just keep on coming and the 
phone is ringing off the hook. But, at least I'm working from home now and not 
in that tall building on 
campus anymore. 

One teacher I know told me he 'didn't work on weekends' and I 
told him that if he wanted to teach an online course, it's the weekends 
when the students need the most help doing their homework! So, I got the job. 
Go figure.

My Mission Statement: 

We are aware that learning is a complex, inter-related series of system 
processes. Instruction requires the employment of cognitive psychology 
in the design and structure of online teaching to enhance the goal at 
hand: faster, easier, and to retain and assimilate knowledge. 

In short, what is needed is an effective pedagogy. When your course or 
presentation is made interesting and interactive with multimedia, your 
audience will stay longer, return more often, and retain more knowledge. 

The primary tool to attain this goal are the new internet media course 
tools with technical support in an on-line or off-line setting. The 
incorporation of multimedia and the internet in computer based training 
and distance learning has made the dream of teachers, trainers, and/or 
learners come true.

Richard J. Williams, A.A.S., B.S.
Specialist, Blackboard Learning 9.1 

'Online Courses Attract Degree Holders, Survey Finds'
New York Times:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Right Place, Right Time

2013-11-23 Thread Richard J. Williams
Karma, or the results of our actions, can go both ways - good or bad, 
depending on your outlook. Sometimes bad things turn into good things. 
Remember the saying about someone's death that they are going to a 
'better' place?

Everyone knows that MMY was a born optimist, and those who have been 
around him have caught on to this feeling of optimistic outlook, noting 
with subtle humor that the best of all possible worlds is the world that 
we are living in right now, that is, we think this world is as good a 
place to "Be" as any other relative existence, since to be otherwise 
would entail not being at all, keeping in mind that life without 
absolute knowledge is like living in abject ignorance of the real all 
the time!

The story of 'Candide' by Voltaire is a satire depicting in caricature 
the irony of those who profess unbounded optimism for all circumstances, 
regardless of the obvious suffering of normal mankind. This attitude is 
supported by the theory of natural order, which states that there is a 
reaction to every action, and that nature involves a law of causation, 
which is good, because then man is already determined - there's no need 
for worry - we all get the best we can possibly get. You're going to get 
only as much enlightenment as you're going to get!

According to Maynard Mack, the German Philosopher Gottfried Leibniz 
provides Voltaire with a specific target in "Candide"; that being 
Voltaire's version of optimism "reduced for satiric purposes to a facile 
formula" (Mack 519):

"He proved admirably that there cannot possibly be an effect without a 
cause and that in the best of all possible worlds the Baron's castle was 
the best of all castles and his wife the best of all Baronesses." 
(Candide 522)

Thus according to Voltaire, everything is for the best in this best of 
all possible worlds. However, everyone knows that we live in a world 
full of suffering. In fact, one of the marks of humanity consists of the 
recognition of suffering, called 'dukkha' in Sanskrit, the first link in 
the Buddha's Chain of Dependent Origination.

The central theme for Voltaire is the dichotomy between optimism and 
pessimism, two subjects that interested greatly the philosophers and 
writers of Voltaire's time. The central question being that, if this is 
the best of all possible worlds, then why do people suffer?

Gottfried Leibniz was Immanuel Kant's teacher, and it was he, Leibnitz, 
who first coined the term 'the best of all possible worlds." (Bahm 76). 
If, as Mack proposes, Voltaire's Candide is an exaggerated satire on 
Leibnitz, it would be interesting to note what, exactly, Gottfried 
Leibnitz himself said about this world. Go figure.

According to my Professor, A. J. Bahm, whoever believes that life is 
worth while because it contains more good than evil is an optimist. 
Optimists vary in outlook from those who, like Leibnitz, believe that 
God created this best of all possible worlds, to those who feel that 
life has a preponderance of good over evil in life or in the world. 
Pessimists think that evil predominates over good. An extreme pessimist 
should of course commit suicide, unless he feels that such an act would 
bring him more suffering. However, most people are born optimists, and 
believe that somehow everything will turn out for the best, in the end.

It is obvious that what really got to Voltaire was not the philosophy of 
optimism but hypocrisy itself:

"He asked alms of several grave personages who all told him him e that 
if he continued to beg, he would be shut up in a house of correction and 
set to hard labor" (Candide 525).

The meaning of the Sanskrit word dhukka, or suffering, means much more 
than just physical suffering. It would be interesting to speculate just 
how much Leibnitz and Voltaire knew about the pessimistic philosophies 
of ancient India, and how these two opposing views on life were 
reconciled in the Buddha's Middle Way. By way of a juxtaposition to 
"Candide" and its satire on optimism, we might consider that to do 
nothing, that is, pessimism, would be the other extreme, opposed to 
positive work in the world.

According to Bahm, a 'Middle Wayer' would say that, though there are 
both good and evil in the world, and though the outcome may be 
uncertain, still it is possible to improve our lot if we try in 
appropriate ways by being pragmatic. William James said concerning 
pragmatism: "Every such ideal realized will be one moment in the world's 
salvation." (Bahm 286)

A Middle Wayer is a 'meliorist', who believes that the fate of each 
person's values is partly under his own control and that he or she has 
the power to increase such values, which makes the effort largely 

Works Cited:

Bahm, A. J. (1972). "Introduction to Philosophy". Bombay: South Asia Pub.

Mack, Maynard. "Francois-Marie Arouet de Voltaire." World Masterpeices. 
New York: Norton 2000. 518-520.

Voltaire. "Candide." In "World Masterpieces" Ed. Maynard 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Message from Ravi

2013-11-23 Thread Richard J. Williams
So, what is it, exactly, that makes sense to you about this incident 
between Ravi and Bill?

It sure doesn't make any sense to me - that's why I've been trying to 
put it into my own words to figure it out. It just sounds to me like 
somebody is telling some fibs. There's nothing wrong with living in a 
trailer - I lived in one for a year when I was going to school back in 
1963 - now I've got a big house to live in, so what? But, it is a very 
serious accusation to accuse someone of stalking someone's wife. Go figure.

On 11/23/2013 6:53 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:

that makes sense to me, thanks.

On Sat, 11/23/13, j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com 

Subject: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Message from Ravi
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, November 23, 2013, 2:54 AM

 Generally, I don't post stuff for
people. But, in this case, I did so
out of fairness. It didn't seem right to let a possibly
false accusation
stand, with the accused unable to respond. I told Ravi that
I would
post this one response, and that's it.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,


Sorta seems to
defeat the purpose of banning someone if others post their
material for them.

On Fri, 11/22/13, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com


Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Message from Ravi

To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com

Date: Friday, November 22, 2013, 4:43 AM

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,


This is why you all should morn

Ravi's dismissal from FFL and celebrate his unique

of blessing everyone with his personal attention.


Bill - I don't associate with trailer trash like you.

have nothing

but contempt, disgust and hostility for dishonest,

unintelligent like

you. You couldn't withstand the heat of my


Don't flatter yourself - you and your family, your


unintelligent, insensitive trailer trash generations are

beneath my

status, my dignity, my intelligence, the sensitivity,


awesomeness of my personal consciousness.


don't be so desperate. Emily's a personal friend

mine and she knows

me very well, and she's laughing behind your back -

Don't embarrass and

humiliate yourself.

Have some

dignity, hope you find your conscience.

It is my compassion and kindness I have entertained a

like you for this long.

May the Universe have mercy on your pitiful,

dishonest soul.

So what is this, a current

private email Ravi just sent you?




This is in response to emptybill's accusations that I

have harassed her wife.


is nothing but a vicious, malicious lie. I have stretched

the limits to

confront, shock and humiliate emptybill but to suggest I

ever contacted

his wife is hilarious. Emptybill had accidentally emailed

me last year

and we have had private conversations, I have all emails

with me and

they were all cordial and I even wished him luck after he

talked about

his marriage after a 10 year live-in relationship. I'm

really shocked at

emptybill's dishonesty and I have warned him and the

moderators to

disallow these kinds of malicious lies.


[FairfieldLife] An Effective Online Pedegogy

2013-11-23 Thread Richard Williams
So, I'm sitting here in my home office, and even though it's Saturday
night, these students still need help posting their essays to the class and
taking their online exams - and the emails just keep on coming and the
phone is ringing off the hook. But, at least I'm working from home now and
not in that tall building on campus anymore.

[image: Inline image 1]

One teacher I know told me he 'didn't work on weekends' and I told him that
if he wanted to teach an online course, it's the weekends when the students
need the most help doing their homework! So, I got the job. Go figure.

My Mission Statement:

We are aware that learning is a complex, inter-related series of system
processes. Instruction requires the employment of cognitive psychology in
the design and structure of online teaching to enhance the goal at hand:
faster, easier, and to retain and assimilate knowledge.

In short, what is needed is an effective pedagogy. When your course or
presentation is made interesting and interactive with multimedia, your
audience will stay longer, return more often, and retain more knowledge.

The primary tool to attain this goal are the new internet media course
tools with technical support in an on-line or off-line setting. The
incorporation of multimedia and the internet in computer based training and
distance learning has made the dream of teachers, trainers, and/or learners
come true.

Richard J. Williams, A.A.S., B.S.
Specialist, Blackboard Learning 9.1

'Online Courses Attract Degree Holders, Survey Finds'
New York Times:


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Message from Ravi

2013-11-23 Thread Richard J. Williams

You sound really JELLOS, Ann.

This is a very good example of how someone posting on the internet can 
just let fly with any old slur they can think up and hit the send 
button, with almost zero accountability. On most moderated forums this 
kind of offensive comment would be cause for almost instant banishment, 
if not by the moderator, a shunning by the other participants. This 
reply of yours is totally uncalled for - there's just no excuse for 
rudeness, bad manners or poor netiquette, least of all slander toward 
someone you don't even know.

It's just a disgrace to read this kind of ugly hatefulness on a 
spiritual forum. I can't figure it out. This post of yours has all the 
earmarks of someone who has absolutely nothing better to do than post 
hateful comments to strangers - no fun, no useful information, no 
spiritual comment, no understanding - just pure hatred. I could be wrong 
about this post of yours since it's really difficult sometimes to tell 
what someone's true feelings are, but it sure looks to me like to me 
you're prejudiced against some groups of people based on their birth 

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but you haven't given me any reason to 
think otherwise, based on your numerous comments about where I was born. 
Go figure.

Would someone, anyone, please help me understand this kind of behavior?

On 11/22/2013 8:44 AM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

This has got to be the most screwed up forum on Yahoo!

A guy gets his real name posted to the group, so he curses the first 
guy; then the guy gets booted for cursing; and then the moderator 
posts the real name and the private email of the cursing guy; and then 
the guy that got cursed posts the private email of the guy that cursed 
him, while the moderators are sleeping. Go figure.

It always seems to take you to clarify things for us dolts here, 
Richard. We just wouldn't be able to follow this ourselves without 
your step by step regurgitation and then subsequent skewing of the 
"facts". What would we do without you? Oh, I know, enjoy this place 
more. Now go scam some more people out of money via the internet while 
cruising FFL all day. What a life you lead.

On 11/21/2013 10:43 PM, awoelflebater@...

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 

This is why you all should morn Ravi's dismissal from FFL and 
celebrate his unique style of blessing everyone with his personal 

Remember Bill - I don't associate with trailer trash like you. I have 
nothing but contempt, disgust and hostility for dishonest, 
unintelligent like you. You couldn't withstand the heat of my 

Don't flatter yourself - you and your family, your whole bigoted, 
unintelligent, insensitive trailer trash generations are beneath my 
status, my dignity, my intelligence, the sensitivity, beauty and 
awesomeness of my personal consciousness.

And don't be so desperate. Emily's a personal friend of mine and she 
knows me very well, and she's laughing behind your back - Don't 
embarrass and humiliate yourself.

Have some dignity, hope you find your conscience.

It is my compassion and kindness I have entertained a person like you 
for this long.

May the Universe have mercy on your pitiful, dishonest soul.

So what is this, a current private email Ravi just sent you?

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com

This is in response to emptybill's accusations that I have
harassed her wife.

This is nothing but a vicious, malicious lie. I have stretched
the limits to confront, shock and humiliate emptybill but to
suggest I ever contacted his wife is hilarious. Emptybill had
accidentally emailed me last year and we have had private
conversations, I have all emails with me and they were all
cordial and I even wished him luck after he talked about his
marriage after a 10 year live-in relationship. I'm really shocked
at emptybill's dishonesty and I have warned him and the
moderators to disallow these kinds of malicious lies.


[FairfieldLife] TM Nazis, Again??

2013-11-23 Thread Michael Jackson

I received some communication from someone I know who is in the Domes and this 
person told me some interesting things that I had not heard before.

I have changed some of the wording to keep this person's identity confidential, 
but in essence she said that the TMO or I guess more accurately the powers that 
be at MUM, are paying 2 full time monitors to regulate activity in the Lady's 
Dome - to wit, they go about taking names of people who are sleeping during 
program. Subsequently these folks are called in for a talking to for lying down 
during any part of program except rest AND people are being taken to task for 
"not getting high enough off the foam."

Anyone else know of this and is it happening in the Men's Dome?

RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] Right Place, Right Time

2013-11-23 Thread jr_esq

 I agree with your strategy.  That's how jyotish works.  You'll realize that 
the world is magical if you know the right path.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 John, I also thought it interesting that Maharishi said that when you're 
taking a test or have a bunch of tasks to do, do the easy ones first to build 
up momentum. Then do the difficult ones.

 On Saturday, November 23, 2013 5:29 PM, "jr_esq@..."  wrote:

 MMY stated to take the path of least resistance.  That is the more likely the 
correct alternative.  Jyotish can help in that regard.

 But some people have a problem with that.  IMO, they end up fighting for a 
lost cause.  FWIW.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 This got me to thinking too, about being in the right place at the right 
 time. I wonder how much being in the right place at the right time is a 
 matter of personal choice or just plain old karma.
 As I get older I've begun to think back about the choices I made in the 
 past, and why I made those choices. Only a few times can I remember 
 actually deciding what to do - there's always some force involved that 
 is often unseen or accounted for.
 Most of the time being where I was was not something I had much control 
 over - it was mostly a matter of necessity and/or survival. Most of us 
 don't get to make real choices - we think we do, but mainly we make 
 choices because of finances that seem to dictate where we go, how we 
 live, and what we do.
 But, if you look back and examine things and events real closely, you 
 may find that things and events happen for a reason, sometimes for 
 reasons we don't understand at the time. Everything is connected and 
 every action we take comes from a cause - there's not much free will 
 when you really think about it.
 If we've all lived lives in the past, you'll realize that there's 
 nothing much we can do now to change what came before - all we can do 
 now is try to make things better for ourselves in the future. For some, 
 being in the right place at the right times is just a matter of fate, 
 but I think most of what happens to us is the result of what we did in 
 the past, which we often don't even understand. If we could go back and 
 make another different decision, who knows what would happen?
 Karma is a bitch! Remember the future.
 On 11/23/2013 8:39 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
 > Bein' in the right place at the right time... 




RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Message from Ravi

2013-11-23 Thread Michael Jackson
that makes sense to me, thanks.

On Sat, 11/23/13, j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com  

 Subject: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Message from Ravi
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Saturday, November 23, 2013, 2:54 AM
    Generally, I don't post stuff for
 people. But, in this case, I did so 
 out of fairness. It didn't seem right to let a possibly
 false accusation
  stand, with the accused unable to respond. I told Ravi that
 I would 
 post this one response, and that's it.  
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 Sorta seems to
 defeat the purpose of banning someone if others post their
 material for them.
  On Fri, 11/22/13, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Message from Ravi
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Date: Friday, November 22, 2013, 4:43 AM



  ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  This is why you all should morn
  Ravi's dismissal from FFL and celebrate his unique
  of blessing everyone with his personal attention. 
   Bill - I don't associate with trailer trash like you.
  have nothing 
  but contempt, disgust and hostility for dishonest,
  unintelligent like 
  you.  You couldn't withstand the heat of my
  Don't flatter yourself - you and your family, your
  unintelligent, insensitive trailer trash generations are
  beneath my 
  status, my dignity, my intelligence, the sensitivity,
  awesomeness of my personal consciousness.
   don't be so desperate. Emily's a personal friend
  mine and she knows 
  me very well, and she's laughing behind your back -
  Don't embarrass and 
  humiliate yourself.
  Have some
  dignity, hope you find your conscience.
  It is my compassion and kindness I have entertained a
  like you for this long.
  May the Universe have mercy on your pitiful,
  dishonest soul.
  So what is this, a current
  private email Ravi just sent you?
  This is in response to emptybill's accusations that I
  have harassed her wife.
   is nothing but a vicious, malicious lie. I have stretched
  the limits to
   confront, shock and humiliate emptybill but to suggest I
  ever contacted
   his wife is hilarious. Emptybill had accidentally emailed
  me last year 
  and we have had private conversations, I have all emails
  with me and 
  they were all cordial and I even wished him luck after he
  talked about 
  his marriage after a 10 year live-in relationship. I'm
  really shocked at
   emptybill's dishonesty and I have warned him and the
  moderators to 
  disallow these kinds of malicious lies.

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Sun 24-Nov-13 00:15:06 UTC

2013-11-23 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 11/23/13 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 11/30/13 00:00:00
79 messages as of (UTC) 11/24/13 00:07:58

 20 Richard J. Williams 
 11 authfriend
 10 Share Long 
  6 emilymaenot
  5 awoelflebater
  4 dhamiltony2k5
  4 TurquoiseB 
  3 jr_esq
  3 j_alexander_stanley
  2 wgm4u 
  2 sharelong60
  2 Richard Williams 
  2 Michael Jackson 
  1 s3raphita
  1 emptybill
  1 doctordumbass
  1 cardemaister
  1 Bhairitu 
Posters: 18
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] Right Place, Right Time

2013-11-23 Thread Share Long
John, I also thought it interesting that Maharishi said that when you're taking 
a test or have a bunch of tasks to do, do the easy ones first to build up 
momentum. Then do the difficult ones.

On Saturday, November 23, 2013 5:29 PM, "jr_...@yahoo.com"  

MMY stated to take the path of least resistance.  That is the more likely the 
correct alternative.  Jyotish can help in that regard.

But some people have a problem with that.  IMO, they end up fighting for a lost 
cause.  FWIW.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

This got me to thinking too, about being in the right place at the right 
time. I wonder how much being in the right place at the right time is a 
matter of personal choice or just plain old karma.

As I get older I've begun to think back about the choices I made in the 
past, and why I made those choices. Only a few times can I remember 
actually deciding what to do - there's always some force involved that 
is often unseen or accounted for.

Most of the time being where I was was not something I had much control 
over - it was mostly a matter of necessity and/or survival. Most of us 
don't get to make real choices - we think we do, but mainly we make 
choices because of finances that seem to dictate where we go, how we 
live, and what we do.

But, if you look back and examine things and events real closely, you 
may find that  things and events happen for a reason, sometimes for 
reasons we don't understand at the time. Everything is connected and 
every action we take comes from a cause - there's not much free will 
when you really think about it.

If we've all lived lives in the past, you'll realize that there's 
nothing much we can do now to change what came before - all we can do 
now is try to make things better for ourselves in the future. For some, 
being in the right place at the right times is just a matter of fate, 
but I think most of what happens to us is the result of what we did in 
the past, which we often don't even understand. If we could go back and 
make another different decision, who knows what would happen?

Karma is a bitch! Remember the future.

On 11/23/2013 8:39 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
>> Bein' in the right place at the right time... 

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] Right Place, Right Time

2013-11-23 Thread jr_esq

 MMY stated to take the path of least resistance.  That is the more likely the 
correct alternative.  Jyotish can help in that regard.

 But some people have a problem with that.  IMO, they end up fighting for a 
lost cause.  FWIW.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 This got me to thinking too, about being in the right place at the right 
 time. I wonder how much being in the right place at the right time is a 
 matter of personal choice or just plain old karma.
 As I get older I've begun to think back about the choices I made in the 
 past, and why I made those choices. Only a few times can I remember 
 actually deciding what to do - there's always some force involved that 
 is often unseen or accounted for.
 Most of the time being where I was was not something I had much control 
 over - it was mostly a matter of necessity and/or survival. Most of us 
 don't get to make real choices - we think we do, but mainly we make 
 choices because of finances that seem to dictate where we go, how we 
 live, and what we do.
 But, if you look back and examine things and events real closely, you 
 may find that things and events happen for a reason, sometimes for 
 reasons we don't understand at the time. Everything is connected and 
 every action we take comes from a cause - there's not much free will 
 when you really think about it.
 If we've all lived lives in the past, you'll realize that there's 
 nothing much we can do now to change what came before - all we can do 
 now is try to make things better for ourselves in the future. For some, 
 being in the right place at the right times is just a matter of fate, 
 but I think most of what happens to us is the result of what we did in 
 the past, which we often don't even understand. If we could go back and 
 make another different decision, who knows what would happen?
 Karma is a bitch! Remember the future.
 On 11/23/2013 8:39 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
 > Bein' in the right place at the right time... 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Right Place, Right Time

2013-11-23 Thread Richard J. Williams
This got me to thinking too, about being in the right place at the right 
time. I wonder how much being in the right place at the right time is a 
matter of personal choice or just plain old karma.

As I get older I've begun to think back about the choices I made in the 
past, and why I made those choices. Only a few times can I remember 
actually deciding what to do - there's always some force involved that 
is often unseen or accounted for.

Most of the time being where I was was not something I had much control 
over - it was mostly a matter of necessity and/or survival. Most of us 
don't get to make real choices - we think we do, but mainly we make 
choices because of finances that seem to dictate where we go, how we 
live, and what we do.

But, if you look back and examine things and events real closely, you 
may find that  things and events happen for a reason, sometimes for 
reasons we don't understand at the time. Everything is connected and 
every action we take comes from a cause - there's not much free will 
when you really think about it.

If we've all lived lives in the past, you'll realize that there's 
nothing much we can do now to change what came before - all we can do 
now is try to make things better for ourselves in the future. For some, 
being in the right place at the right times is just a matter of fate, 
but I think most of what happens to us is the result of what we did in 
the past, which we often don't even understand. If we could go back and 
make another different decision, who knows what would happen?

Karma is a bitch! Remember the future.

On 11/23/2013 8:39 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> Bein' in the right place at the right time...

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-23 Thread Richard J. Williams

Well, I guess that just about says it all, doesn't it?

On 11/23/2013 4:45 PM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

*Your so-called opinion is, of course, laughably off-base. (If anyone 
takes Richard seriously enough to want to know why I say that, just 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

So, why?

Why exactly, are you so mean to people? You sound like you're under a 
lot of stress lately. Maybe you've got a heavy workload and deadlines 
to meet - I don't know. But, I don't think I've ever met anyone on the 
internet as cantankerous as you are. I've been following your 
conversations for over ten years and you just seem to be getting more 
and more obnoxious the older you get. You used to be at least 
informative, but lately you seem to be on a real mean streak. Why 
don't you just lay it all out so we can understand what you're getting 
at? You've gone way past personal and into a dark area where I don't 
think I want to go. But, I'm all ears if you want to tell me what's up 
with you. Otherwise, it will just remain a mystery I guess. I think 
many of us here are beginning to think you're really getting upset 
about this posting hobby. Is there anything I can do to make amends. 
I'm sorry if I ever posted anything that offends you. I don't know you 
or Barry or Ann from Adam, but if this goes on much longer I'm going 
to have to complain to Rick or Alex. This is getting very close to 
being just plain abusive behavior on your part.

Are you JELLOS, or what?

On 11/23/2013 4:13 PM, authfriend@...  wrote:

*Your so-called opinion is, of course, laughably off-base. (If anyone 
takes Richard seriously enough to want to know why I say that, just 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 

> It sounds about right to me, and in my opinion you are JELLOS when 
other people post to your buddies.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Where People Live

2013-11-23 Thread Richard J. Williams
/"You are a success the moment you begin moving toward a goal." - Vince 

/On 11/23/2013 4:19 PM, Share Long wrote:
Richard, I once drove from FF to Knoxville taking a highway through 
gorgeous, old mountain range. Tennessee is beautiful. Some friends of 
mine who lived and worked in California realized that financially they 
could not retire there. They literally visited lots of places popular 
on lists of places to retire. It came down to Tennessee and one other 
place. But they are a non church attending lesbian couple and decided 
that Ft. Collins, CO suited them better from the lifestyle point of 
view. They are very happy there, hiking and shopping at Trader Joes, 
with hub airport an hour away and reasonable weather most of the year. 
I think Chattanooga would be perfect for you and Rita. And one of my 
grannys was born there (-:

On Saturday, November 23, 2013 2:18 PM, Richard Williams 

Inline image 1

Someday soon we are going to be selling everything and packing up 
what's left to move to a place that's right for us. There are good 
reasons to move and good reason to stay where we are. Each area has 
its pros and cons. Every place you live is a compromise and there is 
no perfect place

For example some place have good weather all year like Laguna Beach, 
California, and some places have weather that sucks, like Cut Bank, 
Montana. For others, weather is perhaps not as big of a deal.

Most people like what they already know and the older people get the 
more they have resistance to change. For me, moving isn't a big deal, 
since I spent eighteen years a military brat, living in over ten U.S. 
states, England and Japan.

After college I lived in California for thirteen years, both north and 
south, and then moved to Austin, Texas for twelve years. Recently Rita 
and I visited her hometown, Detroit, and visited her sister for a few 

And, I've driven through most of the U.S. at one time or another. I 
love northern California and the Escondido area around San Diego - 
lots of business opportunities;good schools; avocados.. These are the 
many reasons people like to live near the ocean or the mountains.

But, there are some negatives also, like in California where the state 
is struggling, which means the cities are now struggling. The 
bureaucracy is increasing out there. Some people are getting tired of 
dealing high property taxes - Prop 13 sets property tax on homes at 1% 
- and sales taxes are going up all the time. If you buy a $1M home 
you'll pay $10,000 just in taxes to live in San Diego County!

Is there some place that would be an almost ideal place to live?

If you take out a map of the U.S. you can easily cross off several 
locations. The first thing we did was cut out places where homes are 
very expensive, like Seattle, Washington or San Francisco, California 
or Portland, Oregon. We want someplace that is cheap where you can 
park a lot of cars and play loud music.

So, you can cross off places where it's too hot or too dry or too wet 
- bad weather. And, we want to avoid tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding, 
earthquakes, blizzards and deserts. That rules out most of the middle 
of the country, California, Texas, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Montana 
and most of the Gulf of Mexico states, and the far north both east and 

Some people don't like living in flat lands - they prefer mountains 
with trees and scenery. We want a place that has rivers, lakes, and 
less traffic. So, after ruling out those places (there are still some 
rural places in California, Oregon, and Washington, but they're not 
ideal for one reason or another).

Years ago Stephen Gaskin and his family opted to move from San 
Francisco to Tennessee to be on The Farm. So, I started to consider 
places like Nashville and Memphis where Rita could still continue 
playing in her band and I could park my cars and work out of my home 
office on the internet.

In a recent survey of great places to retire Chattanooga was at the 
top of the list. Go figure.

I've been reading about how Chattanooga is experiencing a resurgence 
of vitality in the city: very low rates for electricity due to good 
management by the Tennessee Valley Authority. And very fast network 
connections too. You can buy a nice house in Chattanooga for $150,000 
or rent a house for around $1000 a month; car registration is $28; $2 
a year to register your boat; you can establish a corporation for 
$150. So, living costs would be a lot cheaper in Chattanooga than some 
other places.

What is there to do there?

We don't want to be out in the sticks with no culture or 
entertainment. We want to live near a town or city where there are 
lakes and river for rafting and caves to explore, and trails for 
mountain biking. And, there are historical sites too; Washington D.C. 
is just a days drive away.

So, in a quick review of the positives of living in Ch

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Re: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-23 Thread Richard J. Williams
The problem is, that it's just to easy to post messages on the internet, 
without in any way being responsible for what we say. When people post 
anonymously, for whatever reason, they don't have to be accountable for 
their own words. I'm as guilty probably as the next guy for being hard 
to get along with, but I take full responsibility for what I say, good, 
bad or mean, by signing my name to every post I make these days.

You've probably got your reasons for keeping your identity secret, but 
for those of us that don't have anything to hide, honesty is the best 
way to communicate. You don't seem to be a bad guy from what I've read 
and in person, Barry and Judy might be nice people too. But, I'm with 
Buck on this - it's gotten way out of hand lately. In fact, I'm getting 
embarrassed to be a part of this group anymore. I came here for some 
spiritual help a long time ago, but it's just not working out like I 
thought it would. Something good is getting lost in the conversation I 

You know, as time passes, people and friends tend to get spread out all 
over the world and we and our relatives are scattered far and wide. 
Families sometimes grow up not even knowing each other, and brothers, 
sisters, moms and dads are separated by state lines and time zones. When 
this happens, it's important that we all make an effort to stay in touch 
and affirm what it is that makes our friendship so special.

Well, I haven't forgotten the time we TMers spent together. And, if I 
know any of you people, I have certainly missed your companionship and 
being able to get together more often. I know, though, that we have a 
special bond, which will endure any distance and time, no matter how great.

Anyway, if you ever get out to my place, we will have plenty of time to 
Be. There will also be plenty of time to just sit on the porch and watch 
the moon climb over the mountain.  Thanks for any spiritual help you've 
been able to give me. I appreciate it, really. Some people just feel 
better when they have someone to talk to, but lately I've been feeling 
pretty depressed reading some of the comments posted here. Go figure.

On 11/23/2013 8:55 AM, doctordumb...@rocketmail.com wrote:

What a cowardly, and clueless, response from you, Barry. You have done 
as much as anybody to sow discord here, and bring up topics, 
incessantly, that are on your agenda, whether, or not, they are of any 
interest to others.  You are really the last person here who should be 
writing this holier than thou screed - it doesn't make you sound 
mature, thoughtful, reflective, or insightful, at all.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long wrote:

> September 9, 2012, Richard, that's when Judy started her
mission, whatever it is.

Do not flatter yourself, Share. Judy's "mission," whatever it is, 
started with her second post to FFL, back on May 18, 2005. That's when 
she admitted to having stalked one of her old "enemies" from 
alt.meditation.transcendental to FFL, taking some quotes from one of 
his posts here, and reposting them back on a.m.t. to further her 
vendetta against him there.

She then commenced the same vendetta here on FFL, one that has not let 
up in any way in the years since. Along the way she did exactly the 
same thing with other posters she didn't like -- Curtis, Vaj, Sally 
Sunshine, Ruth, and many others. You might not recognize some of the 
names, because they grew so tired of 1) her unceasing harassment and 
2) the fact that she had lowered this forum to such a low level of 
constant bickering and argumentation that they found nothing worth 
sticking around for.

That probably was the goal of her "mission" in the first place, to 
drive away anyone who didn't bow to her pose as "the authority" in all 
things, She Who Must Not Be Contradicted, And Who Must Be Obeyed In 
All Things.  :-)

You're small potatoes, Share. She only focuses on you these days 
because you're one of the *only* people left on the forum who haven't 
caught on to her act, and as a result just ignore her as the 
vindictive, know-nothing ego-beast she is.

Her whole pursuit of you is *not* (as you'd like to believe) because 
you're "special." It's because you're SUCH A SUCKER. She knows that in 
you she's found someone with an ego as fragile and as sensitive as 
hers, and so whenever she or one of her minions attacks you or pokes 
fun at you, you'll feel that you "have to" reply.


She *lives* for her enemies replying to her attacks and/or rebutting 
them. *No matter what happens and what is said*, she considers each 
and every one of the ensuing exchanges a "victory." She claims to have 
"won" all of them. So the game IS really all about getting suckers to 
respond. In this sense, she is *exactly* like Richard. *His* goal is 
to try to poke and prod at people until they respond to him; then he's 

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-23 Thread authfriend
Your so-called opinion is, of course, laughably off-base. (If anyone takes 
Richard seriously enough to want to know why I say that, just ask.) 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 So, why? 
 Why exactly, are you so mean to people? You sound like you're under a lot of 
stress lately. Maybe you've got a heavy workload and deadlines to meet - I 
don't know. But, I don't think I've ever met anyone on the internet as 
cantankerous as you are. I've been following your conversations for over ten 
years and you just seem to be getting more and more obnoxious the older you 
get. You used to be at least informative, but lately you seem to be on a real 
mean streak. Why don't you just lay it all out so we can understand what you're 
getting at? You've gone way past personal and into a dark area where I don't 
think I want to go. But, I'm all ears if you want to tell me what's up with 
you. Otherwise, it will just remain a mystery I guess. I think many of us here 
are beginning to think you're really getting upset about this posting hobby. Is 
there anything I can do to make amends. I'm sorry if I ever posted anything 
that offends you. I don't know you or Barry or Ann from Adam, but if this goes 
on much longer I'm going to have to complain to Rick or Alex. This is getting 
very close to being just plain abusive behavior on your part. 
 Are you JELLOS, or what?  
 On 11/23/2013 4:13 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
   Your so-called opinion is, of course, laughably off-base. (If anyone takes 
Richard seriously enough to want to know why I say that, just ask.)
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 > It sounds about right to me, and in my opinion you are JELLOS when other 
 > people post to your buddies. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-23 Thread Richard J. Williams

So, why?

Why exactly, are you so mean to people? You sound like you're under a 
lot of stress lately. Maybe you've got a heavy workload and deadlines to 
meet - I don't know. But, I don't think I've ever met anyone on the 
internet as cantankerous as you are. I've been following your 
conversations for over ten years and you just seem to be getting more 
and more obnoxious the older you get. You used to be at least 
informative, but lately you seem to be on a real mean streak. Why don't 
you just lay it all out so we can understand what you're getting at? 
You've gone way past personal and into a dark area where I don't think I 
want to go. But, I'm all ears if you want to tell me what's up with you. 
Otherwise, it will just remain a mystery I guess. I think many of us 
here are beginning to think you're really getting upset about this 
posting hobby. Is there anything I can do to make amends. I'm sorry if I 
ever posted anything that offends you. I don't know you or Barry or Ann 
from Adam, but if this goes on much longer I'm going to have to complain 
to Rick or Alex. This is getting very close to being just plain abusive 
behavior on your part.

Are you JELLOS, or what?

On 11/23/2013 4:13 PM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

*Your so-called opinion is, of course, laughably off-base. (If anyone 
takes Richard seriously enough to want to know why I say that, just ask.)*

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

> It sounds about right to me, and in my opinion you are JELLOS when 
other people post to your buddies.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Where People Live

2013-11-23 Thread Share Long
Richard, I once drove from FF to Knoxville taking a highway through gorgeous, 
old mountain range. Tennessee is beautiful. Some friends of mine who lived and 
worked in California realized that financially they could not retire there. 
They literally visited lots of places popular on lists of places to retire. It 
came down to Tennessee and one other place. But they are a non church attending 
lesbian couple and decided that Ft. Collins, CO suited them better from the 
lifestyle point of view. They are very happy there, hiking and shopping at 
Trader Joes, with hub airport an hour away and reasonable weather most of the 
year. I think Chattanooga would be perfect for you and Rita. And one of my 
grannys was born there (-:   

On Saturday, November 23, 2013 2:18 PM, Richard Williams  

Someday soon we are going to be selling everything and packing up what's left 
to move to a place that's right for us. There are good reasons to move and good 
reason to stay where we are. Each area has its pros and cons. Every place you 
live is a compromise and there is no perfect place 

For example some place have good weather all year like Laguna Beach, 
California, and some places have weather that sucks, like Cut Bank, Montana. 
For others, weather is perhaps not as big of a deal. 

Most people like what they already know and the older people get the more they 
have resistance to change. For me, moving isn't a big deal, since I spent 
eighteen years a military brat, living in over ten U.S. states, England and 

After college I lived in California for thirteen years, both north and south, 
and then moved to Austin, Texas for twelve years. Recently Rita and I visited 
her hometown, Detroit, and visited her sister for a few weeks. 

And, I've driven through most of the U.S. at one time or another. I love 
northern California and the Escondido area around San Diego - lots of business 
opportunities;good schools; avocados.. These are the many reasons people like 
to live near the ocean or the mountains. 

But, there are some negatives also, like in California where the state is 
struggling, which means the cities are now struggling. The bureaucracy is 
increasing out there. Some people are getting tired of dealing high property 
taxes - Prop 13 sets property tax on homes at 1% - and sales taxes are going up 
all the time. If you buy a $1M home you'll pay $10,000 just in taxes to live in 
San Diego County!

Is there some place that would be an almost ideal place to live?

If you take out a map of the U.S. you can easily cross off several locations. 
The first thing we did was cut out places where homes are very expensive, like 
Seattle, Washington or San Francisco, California or Portland, Oregon. We want 
someplace that is cheap where you can park a lot of cars and play loud music. 

So, you can cross off places where it's too hot or too dry or too wet - bad 
weather. And, we want to avoid tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding, earthquakes, 
blizzards and deserts. That rules out most of the middle of the country, 
California, Texas, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Montana and most of the Gulf of 
Mexico states, and the far north both east and west.

Some people don't like living in flat lands - they prefer mountains with trees 
and scenery. We want a place that has rivers, lakes, and less traffic. So, 
after ruling out those places (there are still some rural places in California, 
Oregon, and Washington, but they're not ideal for one reason or another).

Years ago Stephen Gaskin and his family opted to move from San Francisco to 
Tennessee to be on The Farm. So, I started to consider places like Nashville 
and Memphis where Rita could still continue playing in her band and I could 
park my cars and work out of my home office on the internet. 

In a recent survey of great places to retire Chattanooga was at the top of the 
list. Go figure.

I've been reading about how Chattanooga is experiencing a resurgence of 
vitality in the city: very low rates for electricity due to good management by 
the Tennessee Valley Authority. And very fast network connections too. You can 
buy a nice house in Chattanooga for $150,000 or rent a house for around $1000 a 
month; car registration is $28; $2 a year to register your boat; you can 
establish a corporation for $150. So, living costs would be a lot cheaper in 
Chattanooga than some other places.  

What is there to do there? 

We don't want to be out in the sticks with no culture or entertainment. We want 
to live near a town or city where there are lakes and river for rafting and 
caves to explore, and trails for mountain biking. And, there are historical 
sites too; Washington D.C. is just a days drive away. 

So, in a quick review of the positives of living in Chattanooga: there is cheap 
housing; cheap energy; cheap water; cheap land; low taxes; and low bureaucracy. 
There are green lands, mountains, rivers and lakes and fire flies out in 
nature. And industry - Amazon 

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-23 Thread authfriend
Your so-called opinion is, of course, laughably off-base. (If anyone takes 
Richard seriously enough to want to know why I say that, just ask.)
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 > It sounds about right to me, and in my opinion you are JELLOS when other 
 > people post to your buddies. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: To Emptybill and an Amends to Ravi

2013-11-23 Thread Richard J. Williams

So, I guess that means Rick is a 'bad man' for booting him? Go figure.

On 11/23/2013 9:05 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

Without intruding into this kerfuffle--I'll take Emily's and Ravi's 
word for the truth of what went on--I want to align myself with this 
comment of Emily's:

> Ravi is an open, friendly, warm, perceptive, accepting, highly intelligent person with 
a quick wit and a
> generous spirit and I was glad to meet him.  He has integrity as a human being and 
works hard to support

> hisfamily.

I haven't had the pleasure of actually meeting Ravi, but I'd really 
like to and hope I get the chance someday. He's a good man.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-23 Thread Richard J. Williams
It sounds about right to me, and in my opinion you are JELLOS when other 
people post to your buddies.

And, I can't think of any other reason for you to try and be a 
communicator here - how long has it been since you posted anything 
interesting to read? Your attitude these days is hateful and pathetic 
and I'm not the only one to notice it. You've got almost zero support 
here anymore - maybe it's time for you to go back to Usenet where you 
came from. I can't think of anything else you could say that would make 
any of us want to be your friend on Facebook, that's fer sure! I'd sure 
not want to meet up with you at a yoga camp!

Of all the informants I've read in the past ten years on the internet, I 
can say without the least hesitation, YOU SUCK the most!

On 11/23/2013 8:47 AM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

*Uh, no, most definitely not true.*


*Richard lied:
> Sounds about right to me. Dudy gets JELLOS sometimes when other 
people post to her online buddies

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-23 Thread Richard J. Williams
The Zen master Hakuin was praised by his neighbors as one living a pure 

A beautiful Japanese girl whose parents owned a food store lived near 
him. Suddenly, without any warning, her parents discovered she had a 
child. This made her parents angry. She would not confess who the man 
was, but after much harassment at last named Hakuin.

In great anger the parent went to the master. "Is that so?" was all he 
would say.

After the child was born it was brought to Hakuin. By this time he had 
lost his reputation, which did not trouble him, but he took very good 
care of the child. He obtained milk from his neighbors and everything 
else he needed.A year later the girl-mother could stand it no longer. 
She told her parents the truth - the real father of the child was a 
young man who worked in the fish market.

The mother and father of the girl at once went to Hakuin to ask 
forgiveness, to apologize at length, and to get the child back.

Hakuin was willing. In yielding the child, all he said was: "Is that so?"

On 11/23/2013 5:54 AM, Share Long wrote:

turq, I'll quote an old holy man from an old story: is that so?

On Saturday, November 23, 2013 4:18 AM, TurquoiseB 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long wrote:
> September 9, 2012, Richard, that's when Judy started her mission, 
whatever it is.

Do not flatter yourself, Share. Judy's "mission," whatever it is, 
started with her second post to FFL, back on May 18, 2005. That's when 
she admitted to having stalked one of her old "enemies" from 
alt.meditation.transcendental to FFL, taking some quotes from one of 
his posts here, and reposting them back on a.m.t. to further her 
vendetta against him there.

She then commenced the same vendetta here on FFL, one that has not let 
up in any way in the years since. Along the way she did exactly the 
same thing with other posters she didn't like -- Curtis, Vaj, Sally 
Sunshine, Ruth, and many others. You might not recognize some of the 
names, because they grew so tired of 1) her unceasing harassment and 
2) the fact that she had lowered this forum to such a low level of 
constant bickering and argumentation that they found nothing worth 
sticking around for.

That probably was the goal of her "mission" in the first place, to 
drive away anyone who didn't bow to her pose as "the authority" in all 
things, She Who Must Not Be Contradicted, And Who Must Be Obeyed In 
All Things.  :-)

You're small potatoes, Share. She only focuses on you these days 
because you're one of the *only* people left on the forum who haven't 
caught on to her act, and as a result just ignore her as the 
vindictive, know-nothing ego-beast she is.

Her whole pursuit of you is *not* (as you'd like to believe) because 
you're "special." It's because you're SUCH A SUCKER. She knows that in 
you she's found someone with an ego as fragile and as sensitive as 
hers, and so whenever she or one of her minions attacks you or pokes 
fun at you, you'll feel that you "have to" reply.


She *lives* for her enemies replying to her attacks and/or rebutting 
them. *No matter what happens and what is said*, she considers each 
and every one of the ensuing exchanges a "victory." She claims to have 
"won" all of them. So the game IS really all about getting suckers to 
respond. In this sense, she is *exactly* like Richard. *His* goal is 
to try to poke and prod at people until they respond to him; then he's 
"proved himself" as a Class A Troll, and -- again, in *his* mind -- 
has "won." Judy is *exactly* the same.

The one thing that neither of them can cope with is someone figuring 
out this act and *not* responding. That drives them up the wall, and 
makes them feel as if they and what they say is of so little 
consequence that no one *needs* to pay attention to any of it, much 
less respond to it. In other words, it gives them a taste of reality.

You *feed* her insanity by "standing up for yourself," Share. And in a 
very real sense, YOU'RE JUST LIKE HER. Whenever the attacks on you die 
down, YOU find a way to restart them, so that you can say stuff and 
get people to respond to you, too.

And -- just like Judy -- you are oblivious to the fact that these 
ongoing bitch-fests have lowered the entire consciousness of FFL, and 
driven a lot of people away. They *didn't* leave because of Neo; they 
left because YOU AND JUDY lobbied to have the posting limits removed, 
so you could spam this forum with your pettiness as much as you wanted 

Removing Ravi a second time was IMO a good decision on Rick's part. 
His vindictive bipolarism have caused at least one person to leave 
this forum when he was readmitted; maybe that person will come back 
and participate now that he's gone, hopefully for good this time. But 
if Rick *really* wanted to "clean up the act" of Fairfield Life, what 
he could do is remove the two people who most contribute to dragging 
it down in

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-23 Thread Richard J. Williams

That's it - blame it all on Share. Go figure.

On 11/23/2013 4:18 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long wrote:
> September 9, 2012, Richard, that's when Judy started her mission, 
whatever it is.

Do not flatter yourself, Share. Judy's "mission," whatever it is, 
started with her second post to FFL, back on May 18, 2005. That's when 
she admitted to having stalked one of her old "enemies" from 
alt.meditation.transcendental to FFL, taking some quotes from one of 
his posts here, and reposting them back on a.m.t. to further her 
vendetta against him there.

She then commenced the same vendetta here on FFL, one that has not let 
up in any way in the years since. Along the way she did exactly the 
same thing with other posters she didn't like -- Curtis, Vaj, Sally 
Sunshine, Ruth, and many others. You might not recognize some of the 
names, because they grew so tired of 1) her unceasing harassment and 
2) the fact that she had lowered this forum to such a low level of 
constant bickering and argumentation that they found nothing worth 
sticking around for.

That probably was the goal of her "mission" in the first place, to 
drive away anyone who didn't bow to her pose as "the authority" in all 
things, She Who Must Not Be Contradicted, And Who Must Be Obeyed In 
All Things.  :-)

You're small potatoes, Share. She only focuses on you these days 
because you're one of the *only* people left on the forum who haven't 
caught on to her act, and as a result just ignore her as the 
vindictive, know-nothing ego-beast she is.

Her whole pursuit of you is *not* (as you'd like to believe) because 
you're "special." It's because you're SUCH A SUCKER. She knows that in 
you she's found someone with an ego as fragile and as sensitive as 
hers, and so whenever she or one of her minions attacks you or pokes 
fun at you, you'll feel that you "have to" reply.


She *lives* for her enemies replying to her attacks and/or rebutting 
them. *No matter what happens and what is said*, she considers each 
and every one of the ensuing exchanges a "victory." She claims to have 
"won" all of them. So the game IS really all about getting suckers to 
respond. In this sense, she is *exactly* like Richard. *His* goal is 
to try to poke and prod at people until they respond to him; then he's 
"proved himself" as a Class A Troll, and -- again, in *his* mind -- 
has "won." Judy is *exactly* the same.

The one thing that neither of them can cope with is someone figuring 
out this act and *not* responding. That drives them up the wall, and 
makes them feel as if they and what they say is of so little 
consequence that no one *needs* to pay attention to any of it, much 
less respond to it. In other words, it gives them a taste of reality.

You *feed* her insanity by "standing up for yourself," Share. And in a 
very real sense, YOU'RE JUST LIKE HER. Whenever the attacks on you die 
down, YOU find a way to restart them, so that you can say stuff and 
get people to respond to you, too.

And -- just like Judy -- you are oblivious to the fact that these 
ongoing bitch-fests have lowered the entire consciousness of FFL, and 
driven a lot of people away. They *didn't* leave because of Neo; they 
left because YOU AND JUDY lobbied to have the posting limits removed, 
so you could spam this forum with your pettiness as much as you wanted 

Removing Ravi a second time was IMO a good decision on Rick's part. 
His vindictive bipolarism have caused at least one person to leave 
this forum when he was readmitted; maybe that person will come back 
and participate now that he's gone, hopefully for good this time. But 
if Rick *really* wanted to "clean up the act" of Fairfield Life, what 
he could do is remove the two people who most contribute to dragging 
it down into the gutter of petty, endless, ego-bickering. A few weeks 
without either YOU *or* JUDY, and her minions would dry up and blow 
away, and perhaps the forum could return to discussing things of 
actual interest again.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Kids Post the Darndest Things!

2013-11-23 Thread Richard J. Williams
Is it alright with you, Ann, if I dialog with Share, for just one or two 
minutes without you butting in with some nasty message? You sound 
JELLOS. Go figure.

On 11/22/2013 11:46 PM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

Very cute, Richard. Here I am in the Detroit airport waiting for my 
flight to Baltimore. The Internet here is much faster than it was in 
Cedar Rapids, IA. Go figure (-:

Stroke, groan.

On Friday, November 22, 2013 1:05 PM, Richard J. Williams 

"In 1957, Eugene O'Neill won a Pullet Surprise."

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Al Gore debates Global Warming

2013-11-23 Thread Richard J. Williams
"The author concludes that, so far, the rise in disaster losses is 
mainly a function of more investments getting in harm’s way as 
communities in places vulnerable to natural hazards grow..."

Read more;

'Study Finds No Link Tying Disaster Losses to Human-Driven Warming'
By Andrew C. Rewvkin
New York Times, August 23, 2010

On 11/22/2013 11:36 PM, dhamiltony...@yahoo.com wrote:

Whose adorning, let it not be that outward adorning of

plaiting the hair, and of wearing gold, or of putting on of

[frivolous and ostentatious] apparel; But let it be the hidden man of 
the heart, in that

which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and

quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God [the Unified Field]

of great price.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

*Yes, all of this will have to change in a brave new world of climate 
change coming. *

*We will all need to sacrifice. Look, we need not just some 
incremental change in some efficiency but it is time for revolutionary 
lifestyle change based on large thinking and science. I feel we should 
immediately and institute quiet-time meditations in all schools 
everywhere. Start with the children as students. Then also in all 
public workplaces. -Buck*

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

I have a better idea: start by becoming a vegetarian if what
Richard says is to be believed (and I believe it). If one is going
to meditate perhaps we should do so in a house that does not
require heat or air conditioning. That would mean moving to a more
temperate climate. Do you eat meat Buck? Do you drive a car or
tractor? Do you heat your home? Do you consume anything not made
within 5 miles of where you live? Do you ever travel to faraway
places to see "saints"? I'd like to be able to say your simplistic
and elegant "solution" of meditating for two hours a day was going
to solve all this but, alas, I fear you may have missed the
proverbial mark.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

*Well, as a substantial resolution we should all be investing
in energy efficient sustainable group meditation meeting homes
for quiet-time meditations where people live, go to school, or
work. Pay people to do a full two hour meditation program
twice a day during the workday. We could achieve upwards of 50
percent reduction in emission of climate change greenhouse
gases. Somehow we have to get back to much simpler standards
of living for the benefit of all living beings. We need to
attack rampant materialism somewhere. It should start with
instituting quiet-time meditation for everyone. -Buck*

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

Maybe you forgot to mention all the animal flatulence out
back in your barn?

"Livestock also produces more than 100 other polluting
gases, including more than two-thirds of the world's
emissions of ammonia, one of the main causes of acid rain."


On 11/21/2013 8:51 AM, awoelflebater@...

Is that giant dome you attend every day heated or  does
it have air conditioning or fans? Is your giant tractor
fuelled by pig piss? Just askin'...

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com

*Yep, no question it is hotter and drier in Fairfield.
Folks will certainly repent the glutton of their
fossil-fueled air-conditioned days whence we get drought
years back to back and a real drought sets in for 60 or
90 days across the mid-crop growing stage from seedling
to pollination. You'll all repent then you sinners and
become believers in the obvious that carbon dioxide is
the element that regulates our atmospheric climate. About
the only thing you'll be able to do with famine then is
meditate your last skinny breath on earth. Git real. It
is all about lifestyle, materialism and the lack of
people spending enough time in meditation everyday. *

*-Buck in the Dome*

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com


Dare Rick watch it?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-23 Thread Richard J. Williams

Is it just me, or do any of you also think Judy has gone rabid lately?

This has got to be one of the nastiest messages I've read on any forum 
in a very long time. It almost defies description - is it informative, 
entertaining, or even interesting? I think not, and I also think maybe 
it's time for Ms Stein to take a break from posting to FFL; then, in 
maybe a year or two, when she can dialog like a lady or a friend. At 
present, she is neither.

On 11/22/2013 10:44 PM, authfri...@yahoo.com wrote:

Share doubles down on her lie:

> RWC and I had our big upset on Sept 6 and then Dudy butted in on Sept 9. Before 
that we

> all got along.

No, we did not "all get along" before that.

> Dudy even warned me once when I was new and almost posted out.

You really just have to be amazed at her brazenness. No conscience. 
Yes, Quare, when you were new, before it was clear what a crappy human 
being you were, I did do you that favor. Complete non sequitur in this 
context, as you know.

On Friday, November 22, 2013 5:15 PM, "authfriend@..." 

Share lied:

> September 9, 2012, Richard, that's when Judy started her mission, 
whatever it is.

This is a deliberate falsehood. As Share very well knows (and as I've 
reminded her over the past few days), she had run afoul of me (and Ann 
and Emily) well before her big mess-up with Robin. Those occasions 
were marked by her standard tactics: obfuscation, disingenuity, and 
refusal to take responsibility for her behavior (as she does above).

[FairfieldLife] Where People Live

2013-11-23 Thread Richard Williams
[image: Inline image 1]

Someday soon we are going to be selling everything and packing up what's
left to move to a place that's right for us. There are good reasons to move
and good reason to stay where we are. Each area has its pros and cons.
Every place you live is a compromise and there is no perfect place

For example some place have good weather all year like Laguna Beach,
California, and some places have weather that sucks, like Cut Bank,
Montana. For others, weather is perhaps not as big of a deal.

Most people like what they already know and the older people get the more
they have resistance to change. For me, moving isn't a big deal, since I
spent eighteen years a military brat, living in over ten U.S. states,
England and Japan.

After college I lived in California for thirteen years, both north and
south, and then moved to Austin, Texas for twelve years. Recently Rita and
I visited her hometown, Detroit, and visited her sister for a few weeks.

And, I've driven through most of the U.S. at one time or another. I love
northern California and the Escondido area around San Diego - lots of
business opportunities;good schools; avocados.. These are the many reasons
people like to live near the ocean or the mountains.

But, there are some negatives also, like in California where the state is
struggling, which means the cities are now struggling. The bureaucracy is
increasing out there. Some people are getting tired of dealing high
property taxes - Prop 13 sets property tax on homes at 1% - and sales taxes
are going up all the time. If you buy a $1M home you'll pay $10,000 just in
taxes to live in San Diego County!

Is there some place that would be an almost ideal place to live?

If you take out a map of the U.S. you can easily cross off several
locations. The first thing we did was cut out places where homes are very
expensive, like Seattle, Washington or San Francisco, California or
Portland, Oregon. We want someplace that is cheap where you can park a lot
of cars and play loud music.

So, you can cross off places where it's too hot or too dry or too wet - bad
weather. And, we want to avoid tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding,
earthquakes, blizzards and deserts. That rules out most of the middle of
the country, California, Texas, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Montana and most
of the Gulf of Mexico states, and the far north both east and west.

Some people don't like living in flat lands - they prefer mountains with
trees and scenery. We want a place that has rivers, lakes, and less
traffic. So, after ruling out those places (there are still some rural
places in California, Oregon, and Washington, but they're not ideal for one
reason or another).

Years ago Stephen Gaskin and his family opted to move from San Francisco to
Tennessee to be on The Farm. So, I started to consider places like
Nashville and Memphis where Rita could still continue playing in her band
and I could park my cars and work out of my home office on the internet.

In a recent survey of great places to retire Chattanooga was at the top of
the list. Go figure.

I've been reading about how Chattanooga is experiencing a resurgence of
vitality in the city: very low rates for electricity due to good management
by the Tennessee Valley Authority. And very fast network connections too.
You can buy a nice house in Chattanooga for $150,000 or rent a house for
around $1000 a month; car registration is $28; $2 a year to register your
boat; you can establish a corporation for $150. So, living costs would be a
lot cheaper in Chattanooga than some other places.

What is there to do there?

We don't want to be out in the sticks with no culture or entertainment. We
want to live near a town or city where there are lakes and river for
rafting and caves to explore, and trails for mountain biking. And, there
are historical sites too; Washington D.C. is just a days drive away.

So, in a quick review of the positives of living in Chattanooga: there is
cheap housing; cheap energy; cheap water; cheap land; low taxes; and low
bureaucracy. There are green lands, mountains, rivers and lakes and fire
flies out in nature. And industry - Amazon is out there and Ikea, Home
Depot, and a Whole Foods Market in town. The weather is not bad, does not
get too hot and does not get extremely cold either. Tornadoes are rare.

But, what about rednecks? Heck, I'm used to that, being one myself, but
some places, even though they're located in the south, defy stereotypes,
just like Austin, Texas, the home of live music. We might miss that, but
there's Nashville and Memphis for music entertainment.





[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Church of England Paves Way for Women Bishops in 2014

2013-11-23 Thread authfriend
OK. I had the notion that your parallel tracks idea meant the two were more 
closely related in practice, one for men and one for women. I overinterpreted 
what you meant by "alongside."

 I've read my 10 free Telegraph articles for the month, BTW, so I can't read 
the obit until after Thanksgiving.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Re "The problem for the Catholic Church would be that the sacraments central 
to the religion and required for salvation couldn't be administered by 


 Why not though? If the argument is that the priest has to play the role of 
stand-in for Jesus you might just as well say the priest should always be from 
the Jewish race as that a priest couldn't be a woman. 
 Galatians 3:28: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor 
free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." 
Sounds inclusive to me.

 But I have no interest in changing the Church. My point was that groups like 
the Fellowship of Isis provided a complementary alternative. One weekend you 
could go to church; the next weekend go and join a celebration of Isis. 

 The high priestess of the Fellowship of Isis, Olivia Robertson, invited people 
of all faiths to attend her rituals. Ironically there was some controversy that 
her funeral last Wednesday began with a private ceremony in the temple, 
organised by the fellowship, followed by a public Church of Ireland service at 
St Fiacc’s in Clonegal. Some Christians were alarmed that a heretic's life 
should be celebrated in a church.

 Obit from The Telegraph gives fair overview of the eccentric lady's life.
 http://tinyurl.com/o9nkjy4 http://tinyurl.com/o9nkjy4


 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 The problem for the Catholic Church would be that the sacraments central to 
the religion and required for salvation couldn't be administered by 
priestesses. Whatever ceremonies and practices they might devise would be 
extraneous, extra-salvational, as it were.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Re "women cannot be priests":

 Can I propose an alternative approach? What's wrong with women being 
*priestesses*?! That was the honourable title they were given in the pagan 
world of antiquity.

 It strikes me that the Christian churches are so male-oriented that trying to 
include female priests and bishops is really to try and include women who 
happen to imitate more or less successfully their male colleagues. Is that 
really desirable or feasible in an institution that for millennia has been 
dominated by a male ethos? Isn't it asking women to essentially conform to male 

 But, on the other hand, do we really want to exclude women from having a 
central role in our religious life?

 Is their a solution to this dilemma? What about this: the Christian churches 
continue in having only male priests and bishops - and exclude women. That fits 
naturally with their historical story and avoids embarrassing admissions that 
they've been wrong for 2,000 years!

 But how about this: women develop their own religious ceremonies and practices 
outside the Christian dispensation but alongside the male bias of Christian 
churches and thus run in parallel - not as opponents but as adding a 
complementary aspect. I have in mind someone like Olivia Robertson, (who died 
last week!). She was an author, artist, co-founder and high priestess of the 
Fellowship of Isis, an international spiritual organisation devoted to 
promoting awareness of the feminine aspect of the divine. The Fellowship of 
Isis has thousands of members worldwide. Take  a peek here:


 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Religion will stand for nothing if its foundational principles are that gay 
people are not permitted to marry, or that women cannot be priests, or other 
small-minded obsessions with sex and gender.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Little sheep that have lost their way, is all! Pretty soon Religion will stand 
for nothing.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Actually, more and more religionists are supporting gay marriage, exactly 
because they believe that to be against it would be contrary to the moral and 
ethical foundations of their religion.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Most Religions have lost contact with their essential source of knowledge, 
that is, pure intelligence, or Being as Consciousness.  As such, they are like 
ships with a damaged rudder, better than nothing but not very effective.

 Slowly, as ethical humanism takes over decaying Religion, the ethical and 
moral foundations of Religions will all be knocked slowly away (note gay 
marriage) by the intellectual elite who happen to be atheists.

 Life, without a guide, will disintegrate until a revival of knowledge and 
experience and *Religious Science*

Re: [FairfieldLife] Right Place, Right Time

2013-11-23 Thread Bhairitu
I saw Dr. John twice in the 1990s. Once in San Fran at Boz Scagg's club 
and another time at a dinner club in Emeryville.  He puts on quite a fun 

On 11/23/2013 06:39 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

A friend on another forum, which centers on time we spent together in 
(gasp) high school, posted a couple of songs recently from his 
post-Morocco days in New Orleans and other parts of Louisiana. That 
got me to thinkin' about my favorite Louisiana musicians, and what I 
came up with as a "reply song" on the thread was Mac Rebennack's classic:


[FairfieldLife] RE: Church of England Paves Way for Women Bishops in 2014

2013-11-23 Thread s3raphita
Re "The problem for the Catholic Church would be that the sacraments central to 
the religion and required for salvation couldn't be administered by 


 Why not though? If the argument is that the priest has to play the role of 
stand-in for Jesus you might just as well say the priest should always be from 
the Jewish race as that a priest couldn't be a woman. 
 Galatians 3:28: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor 
free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." 
Sounds inclusive to me.

 But I have no interest in changing the Church. My point was that groups like 
the Fellowship of Isis provided a complementary alternative. One weekend you 
could go to church; the next weekend go and join a celebration of Isis. 

 The high priestess of the Fellowship of Isis, Olivia Robertson, invited people 
of all faiths to attend her rituals. Ironically there was some controversy that 
her funeral last Wednesday began with a private ceremony in the temple, 
organised by the fellowship, followed by a public Church of Ireland service at 
St Fiacc’s in Clonegal. Some Christians were alarmed that a heretic's life 
should be celebrated in a church.

 Obit from The Telegraph gives fair overview of the eccentric lady's life.
 http://tinyurl.com/o9nkjy4 http://tinyurl.com/o9nkjy4


---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 The problem for the Catholic Church would be that the sacraments central to 
the religion and required for salvation couldn't be administered by 
priestesses. Whatever ceremonies and practices they might devise would be 
extraneous, extra-salvational, as it were.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Re "women cannot be priests":

 Can I propose an alternative approach? What's wrong with women being 
*priestesses*?! That was the honourable title they were given in the pagan 
world of antiquity.

 It strikes me that the Christian churches are so male-oriented that trying to 
include female priests and bishops is really to try and include women who 
happen to imitate more or less successfully their male colleagues. Is that 
really desirable or feasible in an institution that for millennia has been 
dominated by a male ethos? Isn't it asking women to essentially conform to male 

 But, on the other hand, do we really want to exclude women from having a 
central role in our religious life?

 Is their a solution to this dilemma? What about this: the Christian churches 
continue in having only male priests and bishops - and exclude women. That fits 
naturally with their historical story and avoids embarrassing admissions that 
they've been wrong for 2,000 years!

 But how about this: women develop their own religious ceremonies and practices 
outside the Christian dispensation but alongside the male bias of Christian 
churches and thus run in parallel - not as opponents but as adding a 
complementary aspect. I have in mind someone like Olivia Robertson, (who died 
last week!). She was an author, artist, co-founder and high priestess of the 
Fellowship of Isis, an international spiritual organisation devoted to 
promoting awareness of the feminine aspect of the divine. The Fellowship of 
Isis has thousands of members worldwide. Take  a peek here:


 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Religion will stand for nothing if its foundational principles are that gay 
people are not permitted to marry, or that women cannot be priests, or other 
small-minded obsessions with sex and gender.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Little sheep that have lost their way, is all! Pretty soon Religion will stand 
for nothing.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Actually, more and more religionists are supporting gay marriage, exactly 
because they believe that to be against it would be contrary to the moral and 
ethical foundations of their religion.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Most Religions have lost contact with their essential source of knowledge, 
that is, pure intelligence, or Being as Consciousness.  As such, they are like 
ships with a damaged rudder, better than nothing but not very effective.

 Slowly, as ethical humanism takes over decaying Religion, the ethical and 
moral foundations of Religions will all be knocked slowly away (note gay 
marriage) by the intellectual elite who happen to be atheists.

 Life, without a guide, will disintegrate until a revival of knowledge and 
experience and *Religious Science*  replace moral relativism and ethical 

 True knowledge of the true principles of living can never be totally lost...

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:


 I believe the Catholic Church considers the role of women to be motherhood and 
not as patriarchs of the church.  The Church may change its stance depending on 

[FairfieldLife] thank you Marek the surfer

2013-11-23 Thread Share Long
I've found the perfect solution to scary plane rides. Humorous books! Think 
about it. If you're plummeting to the earth, wouldn't you rather be laughing 
than screaming in terror during your last seconds alive? 

Anyway, quite some time ago Marek recommended a book titled The Antidote: 
Happiness For People Who Can't Stand Positive Thinking by Oliver Burkeman. 
Loving the title I purchased that book and another of his: Help! This latter I 
read during my last trip east and laughed my head off. And The Antidote I began 
yesterday. Not quite as funny as Help! but funny enough and both books full of 
wonderful insights based on his own observations and also science and the 
observations and insights of others. For example, for The Antidote he 
interviewed the famous psychologist Dr. Ellis, once voted even more important 
than Freud!

Burkeman also talks about Seneca and Marcus Aurelius and Xeno and the original 
Stoics. He also devotes a whole chapter on Buddhism and being the sky cuz the 
weather just comes and goes. There's also a wonderful chapter, full of 
research, about the futility and even harm of setting goals. And a wonderfully 
light hearted chapter about his fascinating interview with Eckhart Tolle. 

Ok, my ride to my Mom's will be here soon. Maybe more later. Remember to be the 
sky cuz the weather will just come and go anyway (-:

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Re: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-23 Thread awoelflebater

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 What a cowardly, and clueless, response from you, Barry. You have done as much 
as anybody to sow discord here, and bring up topics, incessantly, that are on 
your agenda, whether, or not, they are of any interest to others.  You are 
really the last person here who should be writing this holier than thou screed 
- it doesn't make you sound mature, thoughtful, reflective, or insightful, at 


 Mean-spirited stuff never does. It is the "mean" that usually shows up the 
clearest, to the detriment of whatever else of worth might have been present.



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long wrote:
> September 9, 2012, Richard, that's when Judy started her mission, whatever it 
> is. 

 Do not flatter yourself, Share. Judy's "mission," whatever it is, started with 
her second post to FFL, back on May 18, 2005. That's when she admitted to 
having stalked one of her old "enemies" from alt.meditation.transcendental to 
FFL, taking some quotes from one of his posts here, and reposting them back on 
a.m.t. to further her vendetta against him there. 

She then commenced the same vendetta here on FFL, one that has not let up in 
any way in the years since. Along the way she did exactly the same thing with 
other posters she didn't like -- Curtis, Vaj, Sally Sunshine, Ruth, and many 
others. You might not recognize some of the names, because they grew so tired 
of 1) her unceasing harassment and 2) the fact that she had lowered this forum 
to such a low level of constant bickering and argumentation that they found 
nothing worth sticking around for. 

That probably was the goal of her "mission" in the first place, to drive away 
anyone who didn't bow to her pose as "the authority" in all things, She Who 
Must Not Be Contradicted, And Who Must Be Obeyed In All Things.  :-)

You're small potatoes, Share. She only focuses on you these days because you're 
one of the *only* people left on the forum who haven't caught on to her act, 
and as a result just ignore her as the vindictive, know-nothing ego-beast she 

Her whole pursuit of you is *not* (as you'd like to believe) because you're 
"special." It's because you're SUCH A SUCKER. She knows that in you she's found 
someone with an ego as fragile and as sensitive as hers, and so whenever she or 
one of her minions attacks you or pokes fun at you, you'll feel that you "have 
to" reply. 


She *lives* for her enemies replying to her attacks and/or rebutting them. *No 
matter what happens and what is said*, she considers each and every one of the 
ensuing exchanges a "victory." She claims to have "won" all of them. So the 
game IS really all about getting suckers to respond. In this sense, she is 
*exactly* like Richard. *His* goal is to try to poke and prod at people until 
they respond to him; then he's "proved himself" as a Class A Troll, and -- 
again, in *his* mind -- has "won." Judy is *exactly* the same. 

The one thing that neither of them can cope with is someone figuring out this 
act and *not* responding. That drives them up the wall, and makes them feel as 
if they and what they say is of so little consequence that no one *needs* to 
pay attention to any of it, much less respond to it. In other words, it gives 
them a taste of reality. 

You *feed* her insanity by "standing up for yourself," Share. And in a very 
real sense, YOU'RE JUST LIKE HER. Whenever the attacks on you die down, YOU 
find a way to restart them, so that you can say stuff and get people to respond 
to you, too. 

And -- just like Judy -- you are oblivious to the fact that these ongoing 
bitch-fests have lowered the entire consciousness of FFL, and driven a lot of 
people away. They *didn't* leave because of Neo; they left because YOU AND JUDY 
lobbied to have the posting limits removed, so you could spam this forum with 
your pettiness as much as you wanted to. 

Removing Ravi a second time was IMO a good decision on Rick's part. His 
vindictive bipolarism have caused at least one person to leave this forum when 
he was readmitted; maybe that person will come back and participate now that 
he's gone, hopefully for good this time. But if Rick *really* wanted to "clean 
up the act" of Fairfield Life, what he could do is remove the two people who 
most contribute to dragging it down into the gutter of petty, endless, 
ego-bickering. A few weeks without either YOU *or* JUDY, and her minions would 
dry up and blow away, and perhaps the forum could return to discussing things 
of actual interest again. 

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Re: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-23 Thread authfriend
It makes him sound like a willful and malicious hypocrite and liar if you 
compare what he wrote in this post with the facts he claims to be writing about.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 What a cowardly, and clueless, response from you, Barry. You have done as much 
as anybody to sow discord here, and bring up topics, incessantly, that are on 
your agenda, whether, or not, they are of any interest to others.  You are 
really the last person here who should be writing this holier than thou screed 
- it doesn't make you sound mature, thoughtful, reflective, or insightful, at 




 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long wrote:
> September 9, 2012, Richard, that's when Judy started her mission, whatever it 
> is. 

 Do not flatter yourself, Share. Judy's "mission," whatever it is, started with 
her second post to FFL, back on May 18, 2005. That's when she admitted to 
having stalked one of her old "enemies" from alt.meditation.transcendental to 
FFL, taking some quotes from one of his posts here, and reposting them back on 
a.m.t. to further her vendetta against him there. 

She then commenced the same vendetta here on FFL, one that has not let up in 
any way in the years since. Along the way she did exactly the same thing with 
other posters she didn't like -- Curtis, Vaj, Sally Sunshine, Ruth, and many 
others. You might not recognize some of the names, because they grew so tired 
of 1) her unceasing harassment and 2) the fact that she had lowered this forum 
to such a low level of constant bickering and argumentation that they found 
nothing worth sticking around for. 

That probably was the goal of her "mission" in the first place, to drive away 
anyone who didn't bow to her pose as "the authority" in all things, She Who 
Must Not Be Contradicted, And Who Must Be Obeyed In All Things.  :-)

You're small potatoes, Share. She only focuses on you these days because you're 
one of the *only* people left on the forum who haven't caught on to her act, 
and as a result just ignore her as the vindictive, know-nothing ego-beast she 

Her whole pursuit of you is *not* (as you'd like to believe) because you're 
"special." It's because you're SUCH A SUCKER. She knows that in you she's found 
someone with an ego as fragile and as sensitive as hers, and so whenever she or 
one of her minions attacks you or pokes fun at you, you'll feel that you "have 
to" reply. 


She *lives* for her enemies replying to her attacks and/or rebutting them. *No 
matter what happens and what is said*, she considers each and every one of the 
ensuing exchanges a "victory." She claims to have "won" all of them. So the 
game IS really all about getting suckers to respond. In this sense, she is 
*exactly* like Richard. *His* goal is to try to poke and prod at people until 
they respond to him; then he's "proved himself" as a Class A Troll, and -- 
again, in *his* mind -- has "won." Judy is *exactly* the same. 

The one thing that neither of them can cope with is someone figuring out this 
act and *not* responding. That drives them up the wall, and makes them feel as 
if they and what they say is of so little consequence that no one *needs* to 
pay attention to any of it, much less respond to it. In other words, it gives 
them a taste of reality. 

You *feed* her insanity by "standing up for yourself," Share. And in a very 
real sense, YOU'RE JUST LIKE HER. Whenever the attacks on you die down, YOU 
find a way to restart them, so that you can say stuff and get people to respond 
to you, too. 

And -- just like Judy -- you are oblivious to the fact that these ongoing 
bitch-fests have lowered the entire consciousness of FFL, and driven a lot of 
people away. They *didn't* leave because of Neo; they left because YOU AND JUDY 
lobbied to have the posting limits removed, so you could spam this forum with 
your pettiness as much as you wanted to. 

Removing Ravi a second time was IMO a good decision on Rick's part. His 
vindictive bipolarism have caused at least one person to leave this forum when 
he was readmitted; maybe that person will come back and participate now that 
he's gone, hopefully for good this time. But if Rick *really* wanted to "clean 
up the act" of Fairfield Life, what he could do is remove the two people who 
most contribute to dragging it down into the gutter of petty, endless, 
ego-bickering. A few weeks without either YOU *or* JUDY, and her minions would 
dry up and blow away, and perhaps the forum could return to discussing things 
of actual interest again. 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Re: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-23 Thread awoelflebater

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
doctordumbass@... wrote:
 > What a cowardly, and clueless, response from you, Barry. You have done
 as much as anybody to sow discord here, and bring up topics,
 incessantly, that are on your agenda, whether, or not, they are of any
 interest to others. You are really the last person here who should be
 writing this holier than thou screed - it doesn't make you sound mature,
 thoughtful, reflective, or insightful, at all.
 Who on earth could CARE about being perceived by others as any of those
 things? :-)

 Ho, ho. Can someone be banned from FFL for pretending they don't care when 
they really, really do?

[FairfieldLife] RE: To Emptybill and an Amends to Ravi

2013-11-23 Thread authfriend
Without intruding into this kerfuffle--I'll take Emily's and Ravi's word for 
the truth of what went on--I want to align myself with this comment of Emily's: 
 > Ravi is an open, friendly, warm, perceptive, accepting, highly intelligent 
 > person with a quick wit and a 
 > generous spirit and I was glad to meet him.  He has integrity as a human 
 > being and works hard to support 
 > his family.

 I haven't had the pleasure of actually meeting Ravi, but I'd really like to 
and hope I get the chance someday. He's a good man.



[FairfieldLife] Re: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-23 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@...  wrote:
> What a cowardly, and clueless, response from you, Barry. You have done
as much as anybody to sow discord here, and bring up topics,
incessantly, that are on your agenda, whether, or not, they are of any
interest to others.  You are really the last person here who should be
writing this holier than thou screed - it doesn't make you sound mature,
thoughtful, reflective, or insightful, at all.

Who on earth could CARE about being perceived by others as any of those
things?  :-)

[FairfieldLife] RE: Re: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-23 Thread doctordumbass
What a cowardly, and clueless, response from you, Barry. You have done as much 
as anybody to sow discord here, and bring up topics, incessantly, that are on 
your agenda, whether, or not, they are of any interest to others.  You are 
really the last person here who should be writing this holier than thou screed 
- it doesn't make you sound mature, thoughtful, reflective, or insightful, at 




---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long wrote:
> September 9, 2012, Richard, that's when Judy started her mission, whatever it 
> is. 

 Do not flatter yourself, Share. Judy's "mission," whatever it is, started with 
her second post to FFL, back on May 18, 2005. That's when she admitted to 
having stalked one of her old "enemies" from alt.meditation.transcendental to 
FFL, taking some quotes from one of his posts here, and reposting them back on 
a.m.t. to further her vendetta against him there. 

She then commenced the same vendetta here on FFL, one that has not let up in 
any way in the years since. Along the way she did exactly the same thing with 
other posters she didn't like -- Curtis, Vaj, Sally Sunshine, Ruth, and many 
others. You might not recognize some of the names, because they grew so tired 
of 1) her unceasing harassment and 2) the fact that she had lowered this forum 
to such a low level of constant bickering and argumentation that they found 
nothing worth sticking around for. 

That probably was the goal of her "mission" in the first place, to drive away 
anyone who didn't bow to her pose as "the authority" in all things, She Who 
Must Not Be Contradicted, And Who Must Be Obeyed In All Things.  :-)

You're small potatoes, Share. She only focuses on you these days because you're 
one of the *only* people left on the forum who haven't caught on to her act, 
and as a result just ignore her as the vindictive, know-nothing ego-beast she 

Her whole pursuit of you is *not* (as you'd like to believe) because you're 
"special." It's because you're SUCH A SUCKER. She knows that in you she's found 
someone with an ego as fragile and as sensitive as hers, and so whenever she or 
one of her minions attacks you or pokes fun at you, you'll feel that you "have 
to" reply. 


She *lives* for her enemies replying to her attacks and/or rebutting them. *No 
matter what happens and what is said*, she considers each and every one of the 
ensuing exchanges a "victory." She claims to have "won" all of them. So the 
game IS really all about getting suckers to respond. In this sense, she is 
*exactly* like Richard. *His* goal is to try to poke and prod at people until 
they respond to him; then he's "proved himself" as a Class A Troll, and -- 
again, in *his* mind -- has "won." Judy is *exactly* the same. 

The one thing that neither of them can cope with is someone figuring out this 
act and *not* responding. That drives them up the wall, and makes them feel as 
if they and what they say is of so little consequence that no one *needs* to 
pay attention to any of it, much less respond to it. In other words, it gives 
them a taste of reality. 

You *feed* her insanity by "standing up for yourself," Share. And in a very 
real sense, YOU'RE JUST LIKE HER. Whenever the attacks on you die down, YOU 
find a way to restart them, so that you can say stuff and get people to respond 
to you, too. 

And -- just like Judy -- you are oblivious to the fact that these ongoing 
bitch-fests have lowered the entire consciousness of FFL, and driven a lot of 
people away. They *didn't* leave because of Neo; they left because YOU AND JUDY 
lobbied to have the posting limits removed, so you could spam this forum with 
your pettiness as much as you wanted to. 

Removing Ravi a second time was IMO a good decision on Rick's part. His 
vindictive bipolarism have caused at least one person to leave this forum when 
he was readmitted; maybe that person will come back and participate now that 
he's gone, hopefully for good this time. But if Rick *really* wanted to "clean 
up the act" of Fairfield Life, what he could do is remove the two people who 
most contribute to dragging it down into the gutter of petty, endless, 
ego-bickering. A few weeks without either YOU *or* JUDY, and her minions would 
dry up and blow away, and perhaps the forum could return to discussing things 
of actual interest again. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Right Place, Right Time

2013-11-23 Thread TurquoiseB
Hilarious. Surfing YouTube for more classic Dr. John clips, what did I
find in the "related videos" column but a number of talks by...wait for
it...Dr. John Hagelin. Talk about a Tantric juxtaposition of opposites. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "TurquoiseB"  wrote:
> A friend on another forum, which centers on time we spent together in
> (gasp) high school, posted a couple of songs recently from his
> post-Morocco days in New Orleans and other parts of Louisiana. That
> me to thinkin' about my favorite Louisiana musicians, and what I came
> with as a "reply song" on the thread was Mac Rebennack's classic:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HT4RainY-lY
> And *that* got me thinkin' about the contrary, "Bein' in the right
> at the right time." That's more fun, so because I'm in one of my
> favorite Right Places (Bad Habits, in Leiden) again, and because it
> seems like the Right Time, I'll rap about it a little.
> There are some on this forum -- some still doing TM, some not -- who
> on the TM bus back during the "Beatles wave." That was the Right
> and the Right Time. For a number of years, for those of us who were
> tired of the drugs and kinda burned out on all the easy sex and
> guiltlessness :-) climbing onto the TM bus was the right thing to do.
> And it gave us quite a ride. Many parts of the ride were fun, and gave
> us glimpses of what we were really riding *towards*. When the guilt
> crept back in and the ride became not quite as fun, some of us pushed
> the buzzer and got off the bus. But that doesn't mean that the whole
> thang was either the Wrong Place, or the Wrong Time. It was what it
> and I for one don't regret a minute of it.
> Since then, for me, there have been other Right Place, Right Time
> experiences. Climbing on the Rama bus. Climbing off again, when it was
> the Right Time to do so. I have no regrets about those places and
> either. Next came a period of living in Back Bay, Boston, and while
> was fun, something in me could tell that it was neither the Right
> nor the Right Time. So I took a long Road Trip, with no fixed
> in mind, just to search for the Next Right Place in which to have
> further adventures. I settled on Santa Fe, New Mexico, and that turned
> into six of the most Right Place, Right Time years of my life. No
> regrets.
> Then came Paris. And then came Sauve, in the south of France. Then
> Sitges, Spain. Not a *one* of them less than the Right Place, at the
> Right Time. I would be a *fool* to regret any of the time I spent in
> those places.
> Then came the Netherlands, and although the first town I lived in
> not have been the Right Place (it was boring with a capital "Blech!"),
> it was the Right Time, and gave me a chance to settle in to the weird
> Dutch way of life. It was also the springboard for moving to Leiden,
> that has turned into one of the best Right Place, Right Time moves of
> life.
> Then Paris reared its head, and I went for it, and that was pretty
> Place, Right Time, too. Until it wasn't any more. So I'm happy that
> going to be spending more time here in Leiden, because -- right now,
> me -- this is the Right Place. And I hope, when I return full-time in
> three weeks, to have a Right Fun Time here again.

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-23 Thread authfriend
Uh, no, most definitely not true.
 Richard lied:

 > Sounds about right to me. Dudy gets JELLOS sometimes when other people post 
 > to her online buddies


[FairfieldLife] RE: Re: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-23 Thread awoelflebater

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long wrote:
> September 9, 2012, Richard, that's when Judy started her mission, whatever it 
> is. 

 Do not flatter yourself, Share. Judy's "mission," whatever it is, started with 
her second post to FFL, back on May 18, 2005. That's when she admitted to 
having stalked one of her old "enemies" from alt.meditation.transcendental to 
FFL, taking some quotes from one of his posts here, and reposting them back on 
a.m.t. to further her vendetta against him there. 

She then commenced the same vendetta here on FFL, one that has not let up in 
any way in the years since. Along the way she did exactly the same thing with 
other posters she didn't like -- Curtis, Vaj, Sally Sunshine, Ruth, and many 
others. You might not recognize some of the names, because they grew so tired 
of 1) her unceasing harassment and 2) the fact that she had lowered this forum 
to such a low level of constant bickering and argumentation that they found 
nothing worth sticking around for. 

That probably was the goal of her "mission" in the first place, to drive away 
anyone who didn't bow to her pose as "the authority" in all things, She Who 
Must Not Be Contradicted, And Who Must Be Obeyed In All Things.  :-)

You're small potatoes, Share. She only focuses on you these days because you're 
one of the *only* people left on the forum who haven't caught on to her act, 
and as a result just ignore her as the vindictive, know-nothing ego-beast she 

Her whole pursuit of you is *not* (as you'd like to believe) because you're 
"special." It's because you're SUCH A SUCKER. She knows that in you she's found 
someone with an ego as fragile and as sensitive as hers, and so whenever she or 
one of her minions attacks you or pokes fun at you, you'll feel that you "have 
to" reply. 


She *lives* for her enemies replying to her attacks and/or rebutting them. *No 
matter what happens and what is said*, she considers each and every one of the 
ensuing exchanges a "victory." She claims to have "won" all of them. So the 
game IS really all about getting suckers to respond. In this sense, she is 
*exactly* like Richard. *His* goal is to try to poke and prod at people until 
they respond to him; then he's "proved himself" as a Class A Troll, and -- 
again, in *his* mind -- has "won." Judy is *exactly* the same. 

The one thing that neither of them can cope with is someone figuring out this 
act and *not* responding. That drives them up the wall, and makes them feel as 
if they and what they say is of so little consequence that no one *needs* to 
pay attention to any of it, much less respond to it. In other words, it gives 
them a taste of reality. 

You *feed* her insanity by "standing up for yourself," Share. And in a very 
real sense, YOU'RE JUST LIKE HER. Whenever the attacks on you die down, YOU 
find a way to restart them, so that you can say stuff and get people to respond 
to you, too. 

And -- just like Judy -- you are oblivious to the fact that these ongoing 
bitch-fests have lowered the entire consciousness of FFL, and driven a lot of 
people away. They *didn't* leave because of Neo; they left because YOU AND JUDY 
lobbied to have the posting limits removed, so you could spam this forum with 
your pettiness as much as you wanted to. 

Removing Ravi a second time was IMO a good decision on Rick's part. His 
vindictive bipolarism have caused at least one person to leave this forum when 
he was readmitted; maybe that person will come back and participate now that 
he's gone, hopefully for good this time. But if Rick *really* wanted to "clean 
up the act" of Fairfield Life, what he could do is remove the two people who 
most contribute to dragging it down into the gutter of petty, endless, 
ego-bickering. A few weeks without either YOU *or* JUDY, and her minions would 
dry up and blow away, and perhaps the forum could return to discussing things 
of actual interest again. 

 Hey Barry, I thought you'd given up trying to 'reason' with Share. She won't 
listen, she can't and if she could she can't help herself. 

RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-23 Thread authfriend
No, it's not a "fair summary." It's actually a compendium of lies, one of 
Barry's specialties. See my post to Share with links to documentation of 
several of the biggest lies in his post. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

  Actually Turq's is a fair summary of a longer history.
 I feel Rick as owner here in conjunction with Yahoo Groups unkindness 
 has good grounds to act swiftly and summarily on this.
 Rick would not even need to explain himself doing it.
 Most all understand that FFL was derailed and taken over by unkindness.
 Rick, get this over with and save the FFL group
 before Yahoo groups management closes it.
 The grounds are certainly clear for this,  

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 turq, I'll quote an old holy man from an old story: is that so?
 On Saturday, November 23, 2013 4:18 AM, TurquoiseB  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long wrote:
> September 9, 2012, Richard, that's when Judy started her mission, whatever it 
> is. 

Do not flatter yourself, Share. Judy's "mission," whatever it is, started with 
her second post to FFL, back on May 18, 2005. That's when she admitted to 
having stalked one of her old "enemies" from alt.meditation.transcendental to 
FFL, taking some quotes from one of his posts here, and reposting them back on 
a.m.t. to further her vendetta against him there. 

She then commenced the same vendetta here on FFL, one that has not let up in 
any way in the years since. Along the way she did exactly the same thing with 
other posters she didn't like -- Curtis, Vaj, Sally Sunshine, Ruth, and many 
others. You might not recognize some of the names, because they grew so tired 
of 1) her unceasing harassment and 2) the fact that she had lowered this forum 
to such a low level of constant bickering and argumentation that they found 
nothing worth sticking around for. 

That probably was the goal of her "mission" in the first place, to drive away 
anyone who didn't bow to her pose as "the authority" in all things, She Who 
Must Not Be Contradicted, And Who Must Be Obeyed In All Things.  :-)

You're small potatoes, Share. She only focuses on you these days because you're 
one of the *only* people left on the forum who haven't caught on to her act, 
and as a result just ignore her as the vindictive, know-nothing ego-beast she 

Her whole pursuit of you is *not* (as you'd like to believe) because you're 
"special." It's because you're SUCH A SUCKER. She knows that in you she's found 
someone with an ego as fragile and as sensitive as hers, and so whenever she or 
one of her minions attacks you or pokes fun at you, you'll feel that you "have 
to" reply. 


She *lives* for her enemies replying to her attacks and/or rebutting them. *No 
matter what happens and what is said*, she considers each and every one of the 
ensuing exchanges a "victory." She claims to have "won" all of them. So the 
game IS really all about getting suckers to respond. In this sense, she is 
*exactly* like Richard. *His* goal is to try to poke and prod at people until 
they respond to him; then he's "proved himself" as a Class A Troll, and -- 
again, in *his* mind -- has "won." Judy is *exactly* the same. 

The one thing that neither of them can cope with is someone figuring out this 
act and *not* responding. That drives them up the wall, and makes them feel as 
if they and what they say is of so little consequence that no one *needs* to 
pay attention to any of it, much less respond to it. In other words, it gives 
them a taste of reality. 

You *feed* her insanity by "standing up for yourself," Share. And in a very 
real sense, YOU'RE JUST LIKE HER. Whenever the attacks on you die down, YOU 
find a way to restart them, so that you can say stuff and get people to respond 
to you, too. 

And -- just like Judy -- you are oblivious to the fact that these ongoing 
bitch-fests have lowered the entire consciousness of FFL, and driven a lot of 
people away. They *didn't* leave because of Neo; they left because YOU AND JUDY 
lobbied to have the posting limits removed, so you could spam this forum with 
your pettiness as much as you wanted to. 

Removing Ravi a second time was IMO a good decision on Rick's part. His 
vindictive bipolarism have caused at least one person to leave this forum when 
he was readmitted; maybe that person will come back and participate now that 
he's gone, hopefully for good this time. But if Rick *really* wanted to "clean 
up the act" of Fairfield Life, what he could do is remove the two people who 
most contribute to dragging it down into the gutter of petty, endless, 
ego-bickering. A few weeks without either YOU *or* JUDY, and her minions would 
dry up and blow away, and perhaps the forum could return to discussing things 
of actual interest again. 




Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-23 Thread Richard J. Williams
Sounds about right to me. Dudy gets JELLOS sometimes when other people 
post to her online buddies and so she often butts in and can get really 
nasty and downright mean. I tried to warn you about going down the 
rabbit hole with her. Look what happened to Curtis and Barry. Go figure.

On 11/22/2013 8:56 PM, Share Long wrote:
RWC and I had our big upset on Sept 6 and then Dudy butted in on Sept 
9. Before that we all got along. Dudy even warned me once when I was 
new and almost posted out.

On Friday, November 22, 2013 5:15 PM, "authfri...@yahoo.com" 

Share lied:

> September 9, 2012, Richard, that's when Judy started her mission, 
whatever it is.

This is a deliberate falsehood. As Share very well knows (and as I've 
reminded her over the past few days), she had run afoul of me (and Ann 
and Emily) well before her big mess-up with Robin. Those occasions 
were marked by her standard tactics: obfuscation, disingenuity, and 
refusal to take responsibility for her behavior (as she does above).

[FairfieldLife] Right Place, Right Time

2013-11-23 Thread TurquoiseB
A friend on another forum, which centers on time we spent together in
(gasp) high school, posted a couple of songs recently from his
post-Morocco days in New Orleans and other parts of Louisiana. That got
me to thinkin' about my favorite Louisiana musicians, and what I came up
with as a "reply song" on the thread was Mac Rebennack's classic:


And *that* got me thinkin' about the contrary, "Bein' in the right place
at the right time." That's more fun, so because I'm in one of my
favorite Right Places (Bad Habits, in Leiden) again, and because it
seems like the Right Time, I'll rap about it a little.

There are some on this forum -- some still doing TM, some not -- who got
on the TM bus back during the "Beatles wave." That was the Right Place,
and the Right Time. For a number of years, for those of us who were
tired of the drugs and kinda burned out on all the easy sex and
guiltlessness :-) climbing onto the TM bus was the right thing to do.
And it gave us quite a ride. Many parts of the ride were fun, and gave
us glimpses of what we were really riding *towards*. When the guilt
crept back in and the ride became not quite as fun, some of us pushed
the buzzer and got off the bus. But that doesn't mean that the whole TM
thang was either the Wrong Place, or the Wrong Time. It was what it was,
and I for one don't regret a minute of it.

Since then, for me, there have been other Right Place, Right Time
experiences. Climbing on the Rama bus. Climbing off again, when it was
the Right Time to do so. I have no regrets about those places and times,
either. Next came a period of living in Back Bay, Boston, and while that
was fun, something in me could tell that it was neither the Right Place,
nor the Right Time. So I took a long Road Trip, with no fixed direction
in mind, just to search for the Next Right Place in which to have
further adventures. I settled on Santa Fe, New Mexico, and that turned
into six of the most Right Place, Right Time years of my life. No

Then came Paris. And then came Sauve, in the south of France. Then came
Sitges, Spain. Not a *one* of them less than the Right Place, at the
Right Time. I would be a *fool* to regret any of the time I spent in
those places.

Then came the Netherlands, and although the first town I lived in might
not have been the Right Place (it was boring with a capital "Blech!"),
it was the Right Time, and gave me a chance to settle in to the weird
Dutch way of life. It was also the springboard for moving to Leiden, and
that has turned into one of the best Right Place, Right Time moves of my

Then Paris reared its head, and I went for it, and that was pretty Right
Place, Right Time, too. Until it wasn't any more. So I'm happy that I'm
going to be spending more time here in Leiden, because -- right now, for
me -- this is the Right Place. And I hope, when I return full-time in
three weeks, to have a Right Fun Time here again.

RE: RE: RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-23 Thread authfriend

 Yes, anyone who "remembers it differently" definitely needs to read those 
articles about false memories.

 Share continues to confabulate:

 > Judy, we remember it differently. Several articles about faulty memories 
 > have been posted recently. I think 
 > they apply also. 


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Share doubles down on her lie:

 > RWC and I had our big upset on Sept 6 and then Dudy butted in on Sept 9. 
 > Before that we 
 > all got along.

 No, we did not "all get along" before that.

 > Dudy even warned me once when I was new and almost posted out.
 You really just have to be amazed at her brazenness. No conscience. Yes, 
Quare, when you were new, before it was clear what a crappy human being you 
were, I did do you that favor. Complete non sequitur in this context, as you 



 On Friday, November 22, 2013 5:15 PM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
   Share lied:

 > September 9, 2012, Richard, that's when Judy started her mission, whatever 
 > it is.

 This is a deliberate falsehood. As Share very well knows (and as I've reminded 
her over the past few days), she had run afoul of me (and Ann and Emily) well 
before her big mess-up with Robin. Those occasions were marked by her standard 
tactics: obfuscation, disingenuity, and refusal to take responsibility for her 
behavior (as she does above).






RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-23 Thread authfriend
No, it's not so. Barry packed as many lies as he possibly could into this post. 
And I mean lies--deliberate misstatements of fact.

 It would take me longer than it's worth to rebut all of them; I'll just give 
one example. He writes:

 "That's when she admitted to having stalked one of her old "enemies" from 
alt.meditation.transcendental to FFL."


 I "admitted" no such thing, because--surprise!--it wasn't the case. In fact, 
Barry urged everyone on alt.m.t to come over to FFL, and several of us took him 
up on it.

 If anybody's interested in the extent of Barry's fabrications in this post, 
see the originals of the posts he lies about, here (from FFL--read from the 
bottom up):



 The reason I spoke up on FFL in the first place was that Barry and Vaj had 
both told lies about what went on on alt.m.t.

 And here (on alt.m.t, the paragraphs I copied from one of his FFL posts, plus 
a bunch of his alt.m.t posts, showing the contrast between his 
self-presentation there and his self-presentation here (i.e., to show what a 
hypocrite he was):



 Also, there is in his current post one whopping self-contradiction. Can you 
spot it? This usually happens when he writes one of his lie-crammed posts; 
there are too many lies for him to keep them all in mind and make sure they 
don't conflict with each other.

 Anyway, the rest of his post is no more honest than the lies I cited above.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 turq, I'll quote an old holy man from an old story: is that so?
 On Saturday, November 23, 2013 4:18 AM, TurquoiseB  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long wrote:
> September 9, 2012, Richard, that's when Judy started her mission, whatever it 
> is. 

Do not flatter yourself, Share. Judy's "mission," whatever it is, started with 
her second post to FFL, back on May 18, 2005. That's when she admitted to 
having stalked one of her old "enemies" from alt.meditation.transcendental to 
FFL, taking some quotes from one of his posts here, and reposting them back on 
a.m.t. to further her vendetta against him there. 

She then commenced the same vendetta here on FFL, one that has not let up in 
any way in the years since. Along the way she did exactly the same thing with 
other posters she didn't like -- Curtis, Vaj, Sally Sunshine, Ruth, and many 
others. You might not recognize some of the names, because they grew so tired 
of 1) her unceasing harassment and 2) the fact that she had lowered this forum 
to such a low level of constant bickering and argumentation that they found 
nothing worth sticking around for. 

That probably was the goal of her "mission" in the first place, to drive away 
anyone who didn't bow to her pose as "the authority" in all things, She Who 
Must Not Be Contradicted, And Who Must Be Obeyed In All Things.  :-)

You're small potatoes, Share. She only focuses on you these days because you're 
one of the *only* people left on the forum who haven't caught on to her act, 
and as a result just ignore her as the vindictive, know-nothing ego-beast she 

Her whole pursuit of you is *not* (as you'd like to believe) because you're 
"special." It's because you're SUCH A SUCKER. She knows that in you she's found 
someone with an ego as fragile and as sensitive as hers, and so whenever she or 
one of her minions attacks you or pokes fun at you, you'll feel that you "have 
to" reply. 


She *lives* for her enemies replying to her attacks and/or rebutting them. *No 
matter what happens and what is said*, she considers each and every one of the 
ensuing exchanges a "victory." She claims to have "won" all of them. So the 
game IS really all about getting suckers to respond. In this sense, she is 
*exactly* like Richard. *His* goal is to try to poke and prod at people until 
they respond to him; then he's "proved himself" as a Class A Troll, and -- 
again, in *his* mind -- has "won." Judy is *exactly* the same. 

The one thing that neither of them can cope with is someone figuring out this 
act and *not* responding. That drives them up the wall, and makes them feel as 
if they and what they say is of so little consequence that no one *needs* to 
pay attention to any of it, much less respond to it. In other words, it gives 
them a taste of reality. 

You *feed* her insanity by "standing up for yourself," Share. And in a very 
real sense, YOU'RE JUST LIKE HER. Whenever the attacks on you die down, YOU 
find a way to restart them, so that you can say stuff and get people to respond 
to you, too. 

And -- just like Judy -- y

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Message from Ravi

2013-11-23 Thread Richard J. Williams
Obviously one of the guys told some fibs. Ravi can always post to Usenet 
- I'd be interested in what he has to say about Yoga because emptybill 
was really nasty when I tried to talk to him and  I could get no useful 
information from him about Buddhism, Yoga, or anything else. Go figure.

Comments on the Shiva Sutra

On 11/22/2013 8:54 PM, j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Generally, I don't post stuff for people. But, in this case, I did so 
out of fairness. It didn't seem right to let a possibly false 
accusation stand, with the accused unable to respond. I told Ravi that 
I would post this one response, and that's it.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
, > wrote:

Sorta seems to defeat the purpose of banning someone if others post 
their material for them.

On Fri, 11/22/13, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com
 mailto:awoelfleba...@yahoo.com>> wrote:

Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Message from Ravi
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com

Date: Friday, November 22, 2013, 4:43 AM

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com

This is why you all should morn
Ravi's dismissal from FFL and celebrate his unique style
of blessing everyone with his personal attention.

Bill - I don't associate with trailer trash like you. I
have nothing
but contempt, disgust and hostility for dishonest,
unintelligent like
you. You couldn't withstand the heat of my

Don't flatter yourself - you and your family, your whole
unintelligent, insensitive trailer trash generations are
beneath my
status, my dignity, my intelligence, the sensitivity, beauty
awesomeness of my personal consciousness.

don't be so desperate. Emily's a personal friend of
mine and she knows
me very well, and she's laughing behind your back -
Don't embarrass and
humiliate yourself.

Have some
dignity, hope you find your conscience.

It is my compassion and kindness I have entertained a person
like you for this long.

May the Universe have mercy on your pitiful,
dishonest soul.
So what is this, a current
private email Ravi just sent you?

fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com ,

This is in response to emptybill's accusations that I
have harassed her wife.

is nothing but a vicious, malicious lie. I have stretched
the limits to
confront, shock and humiliate emptybill but to suggest I
ever contacted
his wife is hilarious. Emptybill had accidentally emailed
me last year
and we have had private conversations, I have all emails
with me and
they were all cordial and I even wished him luck after he
talked about
his marriage after a 10 year live-in relationship. I'm
really shocked at
emptybill's dishonesty and I have warned him and the
moderators to
disallow these kinds of malicious lies.


RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-23 Thread awoelflebater

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

  Actually Turq's is a fair summary of a longer history.
 I feel Rick as owner here in conjunction with Yahoo Groups unkindness 
 has good grounds to act swiftly and summarily on this.
 Rick would not even need to explain himself doing it.
 Most all understand that FFL was derailed and taken over by unkindness.
 Rick, get this over with and save the FFL group
 before Yahoo groups management closes it.
 The grounds are certainly clear for this,  

 Buck, as much as you might be an upstanding and model citizen in the faraway 
land of make believe that is FF Iowa people like yourself are a menace to what 
I like to believe as the free world. Your misguided, albeit sincere, beliefs as 
well as your idea of what constitutes reasonable dialogue between human beings 
is faulty at best and downright draconian at worst. Your world would be a world 
of dictatorial mandates aimed at creating model citizens engaging in a 
homogenous ritual of daily practices and form of dress and mode of living that 
goes against everything I live and breath for. 

 Your recent insistence that Ravi be banned from the forum is one such example 
of this closed minded and terrifying "ethical" stand and viewpoint that you 
hold so dear to your breast. The fact that it was implemented on this forum, 
that Ravi was de-listed as a member in good standing, is a farce. Your idea of 
what constitutes spirituality has so far missed the reality of things that I 
wonder what you really know about any of it. You are someone who gets the 
benefit of working in the soil, getting into the grit of what farm life and 
what being around animals can really do for one's soul and at the same time you 
have potential access to daily practices of meditation and are surrounded by 
others of like interests and yet you appear a man who has missed the proverbial 
boat - by a country mile.

 But the point of my letter is not to bring Buck up on the carpet, I don't 
believe you (Buck) are going to change in this lifetime. My point here is to 
bring forth my feelings on this matter of censorship of one human being named 
Ravi and to have focused, for just a moment, on the rather terrifying forces 
that could have caused this to happen thanks to the one, strident voice, who 
demanded it (Buck's).

 Of course, the censorship of Ravi's voice at FFL is preposterous and 
completely unfounded if one were to, for five minutes, take an overview of the 
average post and poster here. Everywhere you turn there are examples of the 
worst, and sometimes the best, of what human beings are capable of. There is 
virtually no one on this forum who has not lied, threatened the beliefs of 
others, pandered, manipulated, abused or otherwise exhibited the near infinite 
machinations humans can go through in a day. Currently there are those who I 
believe exhibit some of the more odious characteristics that a fellow member of 
the human race can embody and yet they are posting happily away to their 
heart's content - constantly. So it boggles my mind that one man, an outspoken 
and graphically explicit/strident man mind you, is singled out because Empty 
chooses to (allegedly) lie about Ravi's actions and Buck screams loud enough 
for censorship when Ravi, rightly so, strikes back at Empty and his accusations.

 Controlling the input at FFL like this is not what this place should be about. 
If that were the case there would be one man left standing and that would be 
the soft spoken and non confrontational contributor called John. As nice as he 
is, one man's voice a forum does not make. Perhaps my strongest argument to 
reinstate Ravi would be Emily's post yesterday. If Ravi and Empty had not 
engaged in the way they did we would not have had the opportunity to have 
witnessed this magnificent and revealing and human post of Emily's. That is 
what this place should be all about.

 I strongly encourage those who can make the decision to reinstate the 
potential for Ravi to continue to participate here. I doubt he will care one 
way or another but it is the principal, the fairness, the open mindedness which 
is vital here, not the outcome of whether Ravi would ever choose to use his 
voice here that is most important. LET PEOPLE SPEAK AND BE THEMSELVES; it is 
often the cause of the greatest and most meaningful spiritual/life revelations. 
Silence bred of censorship and fear is a silence reminiscent of the worst kind 
of death.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 turq, I'll quote an old holy man from an old story: is that so?
 On Saturday, November 23, 2013 4:18 AM, TurquoiseB  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long wrote:
> September 9, 2012, Richard, that's when Judy started her mission, whatever it 
> is. 

Do not flatter yourself, Share. Judy's "mission," whatever it is, started with 
her second post to FFL, back on May 18, 2005. That's when she admitted to 

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: OMG: madhusuudana's definition of dhaaraNaa??

2013-11-23 Thread Share Long
Thanks for this emptybill, it's so beautiful...
Vyasa uvacha 

On Saturday, November 23, 2013 8:04 AM, "emptyb...@yahoo.com" 
It's from Vyasa's commentary.
III.34 hrdaye citta-samvit
[From sanyama] on the heart [one gains] understanding (samvid) of
chitta [personal consciousness] 

Vyasa sez:
In this city of Brahman is the small lotus which is the palace; in
it is the vijñâna (consciousness). From sanyama on it, understanding of chitta. 

Shankara comments:
On the heart, understanding of the chitta. In this city of Brahman,the body, is 
the small little lotus,
the lump of flesh in the form of a lotus with its head turned down, which is
the palace, like a palace in that it is the many-channeled meeting-place of
the various nadi-s. In it is the consciousness (vijñâna) the chitta. From
sanyama it, on the lotus which is strung on the tube that hangs in the lake
of the breast, and which is the meeting-place of the life currents (prâna),
comes awareness of the mind the sattva

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

Madhu seems to take as an example a suutra (III 35'ish), that's not included at 
least in my
set. Here is  the original suutra (hRdaye cittasaMvit)  with a translation and 


The original suutra doesn't have a word for lotus (e.g. puNDariika).

Any ideas, why Maharishi "left it out"?

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
>I feel real sorry for
quitters who did not stick around long enough to really know better. 
-Buck in the Dome 
>Card, this is interesting. Maharishi employed this some more in some of the 
>advanced technique. I find it really works and amp-ed up the progress of the 
of spirituality in the whole subtle energy system. -Buck 
>mind's long-time-staying-in the lotus of heart, etc, is dhaaraNaa
>---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
>>>As most of us might well know, saMyama (sañyama) "consists" of dhaaraNaa,
>>>dhyaanam and samaadhi(H).
>>>This seems to be Madhusuudana's definition(?) of dhaaraNaa
>>>hRt-puNDariikaadau (hRt-puNDariika+aadau) manasash-cira-kaala-sthaapanaM
>>>My attempt at translation:
>>>mind's long-time-staying-in the lotus of heart, etc, is dhaaraNaa.
>>>mind's (manasaH) long (cira)-time(kaala) -staying-in (sthaapanam)
>>> the lotus (puNDariika) of heart (hRt), etc (aadau), [is] dhaaraNaa.
>>>At the moment, his definitions of dhyaanam and samaadhiH seem too
>>>tricky for this sucker...

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Message from Ravi

2013-11-23 Thread Richard J. Williams
All I can figure out is the Ravi guy got banned for cursing, but he 
never gave me any grief, and the other guy was really nasty to me and 
posted private email to the group. Maybe you can explain it better than 
I can. The cursing was strange behavior, but the posting of the private 
email was against the rules. Now Ravi is gone but the emptybill guy is 
still here. Go figure.

On 11/22/2013 8:40 PM, emilymae...@yahoo.com wrote:

Look Richard, every attempt you've made to interpret the situation or 
the aftermath has been completely in error.  Please stop trying.  I 
ain't "in the middle" of nothin'.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

Every one gets mixed up sometimes - no moderator is perfect.

So, Emily got tricked by emptybill, and now she's caught in the 
middle, between him and Ravi. And, then Buck got offended by the 
cursing, so Rick banned Ravi, but didn't say anything to the cursed 
guy. You watch your language or you might be the next to get the boot. 
You've already offended just about everyone on the list with your 
nasty comments about our gurus. You're just lucky Judy hasn't noticed 
how negative you are.

You just keep your pie hole shut about Amma, you hear?

On 11/22/2013 8:02 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:

Sorta seems to defeat the purpose of banning someone if others post 
their material for them.

On Fri, 11/22/13, awoelflebater@...  

Subject: [FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Message from Ravi
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Date: Friday, November 22, 2013, 4:43 AM

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 


This is why you all should morn
Ravi's dismissal from FFL and celebrate his unique style
of blessing everyone with his personal attention.

Bill - I don't associate with trailer trash like you. I
have nothing
but contempt, disgust and hostility for dishonest,
unintelligent like
you. You couldn't withstand the heat of my

Don't flatter yourself - you and your family, your whole
unintelligent, insensitive trailer trash generations are
beneath my
status, my dignity, my intelligence, the sensitivity, beauty
awesomeness of my personal consciousness.

don't be so desperate. Emily's a personal friend of
mine and she knows
me very well, and she's laughing behind your back -
Don't embarrass and
humiliate yourself.

Have some
dignity, hope you find your conscience.

It is my compassion and kindness I have entertained a person
like you for this long.

May the Universe have mercy on your pitiful,
dishonest soul.
So what is this, a current
private email Ravi just sent you?

fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com ,

This is in response to emptybill's accusations that I
have harassed her wife.

is nothing but a vicious, malicious lie. I have stretched
the limits to
confront, shock and humiliate emptybill but to suggest I
ever contacted
his wife is hilarious. Emptybill had accidentally emailed
me last year
and we have had private conversations, I have all emails
with me and
they were all cordial and I even wished him luck after he
talked about
his marriage after a 10 year live-in relationship. I'm
really shocked at
emptybill's dishonesty and I have warned him and the
moderators to
disallow these kinds of malicious lies.


[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: OMG: madhusuudana's definition of dhaaraNaa??

2013-11-23 Thread emptybill
 It's from Vyasa's commentary.
 III.34 hrdaye citta-samvit
 [From sanyama] on the heart [one gains] understanding (samvid) of chitta 
[personal consciousness] 


 Vyasa sez:
 In this city of Brahman is the small lotus which is the palace; in it is the 
vijñâna (consciousness). From sanyama on it, understanding of chitta. 


 Shankara comments:

 On the heart, understanding of the chitta. In this city of Brahman, the body, 
is the small little lotus, the lump of flesh in the form of a lotus with its 
head turned down, which is the palace, like a palace in that it is the 
many-channeled meeting-place of the various nadi-s. In it is the consciousness 
(vijñâna) the chitta. From sanyama it, on the lotus which is strung on the tube 
that hangs in the lake of the breast, and which is the meeting-place of the 
life currents (prâna), comes awareness of the mind the sattva 



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Madhu seems to take as an example a suutra (III 35'ish), that's not included 
at least in my
 set. Here is  the original suutra (hRdaye cittasaMvit)  with a translation and 



 The original suutra doesn't have a word for lotus (e.g. puNDariika).

 Any ideas, why Maharishi "left it out"?

 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 I feel real sorry for quitters who did not stick around long enough to really 
know better. -Buck in the Dome 

 Card, this is interesting. Maharishi employed this some more in some of the 
advanced technique. I find it really works and amp-ed up the progress of the 
embodiment of spirituality in the whole subtle energy system. -Buck 

 mind's long-time-staying-in the lotus of heart, etc, is dhaaraNaa


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 As most of us might well know, saMyama (sañyama) "consists" of dhaaraNaa, 
dhyaanam and samaadhi(H).

 This seems to be Madhusuudana's definition(?) of dhaaraNaa

 hRt-puNDariikaadau (hRt-puNDariika+aadau) manasash-cira-kaala-sthaapanaM

 My attempt at translation:

 mind's long-time-staying-in the lotus of heart, etc, is dhaaraNaa.

 mind's (manasaH) long (cira)-time(kaala) -staying-in (sthaapanam)
  the lotus (puNDariika) of heart (hRt), etc (aadau), [is] dhaaraNaa.




 At the moment, his definitions of dhyaanam and samaadhiH seem too
 tricky for this sucker...


RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-23 Thread dhamiltony2k5
 Actually Turq's is a fair summary of a longer history.
 I feel Rick as owner here in conjunction with Yahoo Groups unkindness 
 has good grounds to act swiftly and summarily on this.
 Rick would not even need to explain himself doing it.
 Most all understand that FFL was derailed and taken over by unkindness.
 Rick, get this over with and save the FFL group
 before Yahoo groups management closes it.
 The grounds are certainly clear for this,  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 turq, I'll quote an old holy man from an old story: is that so?
 On Saturday, November 23, 2013 4:18 AM, TurquoiseB  wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long wrote:
> September 9, 2012, Richard, that's when Judy started her mission, whatever it 
> is. 

Do not flatter yourself, Share. Judy's "mission," whatever it is, started with 
her second post to FFL, back on May 18, 2005. That's when she admitted to 
having stalked one of her old "enemies" from alt.meditation.transcendental to 
FFL, taking some quotes from one of his posts here, and reposting them back on 
a.m.t. to further her vendetta against him there. 

She then commenced the same vendetta here on FFL, one that has not let up in 
any way in the years since. Along the way she did exactly the same thing with 
other posters she didn't like -- Curtis, Vaj, Sally Sunshine, Ruth, and many 
others. You might not recognize some of the names, because they grew so tired 
of 1) her unceasing harassment and 2) the fact that she had lowered this forum 
to such a low level of constant bickering and argumentation that they found 
nothing worth sticking around for. 

That probably was the goal of her "mission" in the first place, to drive away 
anyone who didn't bow to her pose as "the authority" in all things, She Who 
Must Not Be Contradicted, And Who Must Be Obeyed In All Things.  :-)

You're small potatoes, Share. She only focuses on you these days because you're 
one of the *only* people left on the forum who haven't caught on to her act, 
and as a result just ignore her as the vindictive, know-nothing ego-beast she 

Her whole pursuit of you is *not* (as you'd like to believe) because you're 
"special." It's because you're SUCH A SUCKER. She knows that in you she's found 
someone with an ego as fragile and as sensitive as hers, and so whenever she or 
one of her minions attacks you or pokes fun at you, you'll feel that you "have 
to" reply. 


She *lives* for her enemies replying to her attacks and/or rebutting them. *No 
matter what happens and what is said*, she considers each and every one of the 
ensuing exchanges a "victory." She claims to have "won" all of them. So the 
game IS really all about getting suckers to respond. In this sense, she is 
*exactly* like Richard. *His* goal is to try to poke and prod at people until 
they respond to him; then he's "proved himself" as a Class A Troll, and -- 
again, in *his* mind -- has "won." Judy is *exactly* the same. 

The one thing that neither of them can cope with is someone figuring out this 
act and *not* responding. That drives them up the wall, and makes them feel as 
if they and what they say is of so little consequence that no one *needs* to 
pay attention to any of it, much less respond to it. In other words, it gives 
them a taste of reality. 

You *feed* her insanity by "standing up for yourself," Share. And in a very 
real sense, YOU'RE JUST LIKE HER. Whenever the attacks on you die down, YOU 
find a way to restart them, so that you can say stuff and get people to respond 
to you, too. 

And -- just like Judy -- you are oblivious to the fact that these ongoing 
bitch-fests have lowered the entire consciousness of FFL, and driven a lot of 
people away. They *didn't* leave because of Neo; they left because YOU AND JUDY 
lobbied to have the posting limits removed, so you could spam this forum with 
your pettiness as much as you wanted to. 

Removing Ravi a second time was IMO a good decision on Rick's part. His 
vindictive bipolarism have caused at least one person to leave this forum when 
he was readmitted; maybe that person will come back and participate now that 
he's gone, hopefully for good this time. But if Rick *really* wanted to "clean 
up the act" of Fairfield Life, what he could do is remove the two people who 
most contribute to dragging it down into the gutter of petty, endless, 
ego-bickering. A few weeks without either YOU *or* JUDY, and her minions would 
dry up and blow away, and perhaps the forum could return to discussing things 
of actual interest again. 




[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: OMG: madhusuudana's definition of dhaaraNaa??

2013-11-23 Thread dhamiltony2k5
 Yes, That is interesting. One time at Humbolt when Maharishi was lecturing 
Divindra came boiling out in to the crowd and chastised someone for reading the 
minds of others, “Don't do that, people's minds and their thoughts are their 
own!” . M was incredibly tight introducing and controlling message in 
meditation and spiritual revival. He was on a message the whole time and seldom 
distracted people with other stuff out of sequence. In the less than adept, 
dabbling as fascination in other people's energy system can be screwing-up for 
other people's energetic systems , like leaving smudge of finger prints. I bet 
M. just did not want to unleash a bunch of stupid people in a mass movement for 
meditation and spiritual revival doing stupid sideline things so rightfully did 
not point people in that direction. Then learning the formulation of doing 
sidhis though becomes an important step towards embodiment though, so it 
becomes a necessity to delve in to; hence the period of time with the 
TM-sidhis. But the lotus thing, M was getting to with people in the Ved and 
Physiology course format of revival. That will be the teaching of Nader Ram 
will get to in his time when he gets to come down off his throne and walk 
amongst the people.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Madhu seems to take as an example a suutra (III 35'ish), that's not included 
at least in my
 set. Here is  the original suutra (hRdaye cittasaMvit)  with a translation and 



 The original suutra doesn't have a word for lotus (e.g. puNDariika).

 Any ideas, why Maharishi "left it out"?

 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 I feel real sorry for quitters who did not stick around long enough to really 
know better. -Buck in the Dome 

 Card, this is interesting. Maharishi employed this some more in some of the 
advanced technique. I find it really works and amp-ed up the progress of the 
embodiment of spirituality in the whole subtle energy system. -Buck 

 mind's long-time-staying-in the lotus of heart, etc, is dhaaraNaa


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 As most of us might well know, saMyama (sañyama) "consists" of dhaaraNaa, 
dhyaanam and samaadhi(H).

 This seems to be Madhusuudana's definition(?) of dhaaraNaa

 hRt-puNDariikaadau (hRt-puNDariika+aadau) manasash-cira-kaala-sthaapanaM

 My attempt at translation:

 mind's long-time-staying-in the lotus of heart, etc, is dhaaraNaa.

 mind's (manasaH) long (cira)-time(kaala) -staying-in (sthaapanam)
  the lotus (puNDariika) of heart (hRt), etc (aadau), [is] dhaaraNaa.




 At the moment, his definitions of dhyaanam and samaadhiH seem too
 tricky for this sucker...


Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Church of England Paves Way for Women Bishops in 2014

2013-11-23 Thread Share Long
John, thank you so much for this article. It makes me like Mary more. The 
Catholic Church imo has distorted her history and image for their own purposes. 
Also, this makes much more sense to me, the idea of a Jesus being conceived 
during a holy moment between husband and wife.

On Friday, November 22, 2013 10:44 PM, "jr_...@yahoo.com"  

I haven't heard of this idea before.  But I don't see anything wrong with Mary 
being an Essene, although it can't be proved conclusively.  Here's an article 
that discusses this subject:


---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

Some time ago I read a fascinating book explaining that both Mary and her 
mother Ann were Essenes. I bet the Church, especially after St. Paul, didn't 
want THAT to be revealed! 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
>Re "Yes, the archetype being depicted may be the same.  But one is a true 
>character in history and the other is a myth.":
>Yes, but Isis was there first! And "myth" is a loaded word. The stories told 
>about Isis are intended to point to vital truths about our condition.
>Mary was a real human being and the mother of a famous rabbi - but all the 
>veneration in which she is held didn't exist in the Early Church. As the 
>Church's teaching sidelined the feminine it eventually became necessary to 
>project onto the "character in history" attributes that had been assigned to 
>mother goddesses across the ancient world.
>---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
>> S3,
>>Yes, the archetype being depicted may be the same.  But one is a true 
>>character in history and the other is a myth.  This is the reason why I made 
>>a post a few days ago about the world as a hologram.  IOW, a piece of our 
>>world whether real or imaginary/myth is a reflection of the absolute, not the 
>>---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
>>>Re " . . . the Blessed Virgin Mary . . . why bother with Isis":
>>>Because they are different expressions of the same Goddess archetype. A 
>>>Google brings up this comparison:
>>> * Isis was the most prominent female figure in ancient Egyptian 
>>> religion. Mary is the most important female figure in Christianity.
>>> * Isis had a son named Horus. Mary had a son named Jesus.
>>> * When Horus was born, his father, Osirus, was already dead, which is 
>>> very much like the birth of Jesus, fathered by the Holy Ghost.
>>> * Both Isis and Mary are depicted in art as being maternal and holding 
>>> their infant deities.
>>> * Isis protected Horus from an evil uncle, which was much like Mary 
>>> protecting Jesus from King Herod.
>>> * Both Isis and Mary have primary roles in their respective religious 
>>> movements as the eternal mother.
>>> * “Lady of Light” is a title given to both Mary and Isis. The infant 
>>> Horus was born as the god of light for Egypt, while Jesus is known as the 
>>> light of the world.
>>> * Isis has a solar disk of light over her head and Mary has a halo of 
>>> light above her head.
>>>---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:


The Catholic Church already has a special place for the Blessed Virgin 
Mary.  She is considered the Mother of God.  And she was assumed to Heaven 
body and soul.

So, why bother with Isis who was a pagan goddess of myth?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
>Re "women cannot be priests":
>Can I propose an alternative approach? What's wrong with women being 
>*priestesses*?! That was the honourable title they were given in the pagan 
>world of antiquity.
>It strikes me that the Christian churches are so male-oriented that trying 
>to include female priests and bishops is really to try and include women 
>who happen to imitate more or less successfully their male colleagues. Is 
>that really desirable or feasible in an institution that for millennia has 
>been dominated by a male ethos? Isn't it asking women to essentially 
>conform to male values?
>But, on the other hand, do we really want to exclude women from having a 
>central role in our religious life?
>Is their a solution to this dilemma? What about this: the Christian 
>churches continue in having only male priests and bishops - and exclude 
>women. That fits naturally with their historical story and avoids 
>embarrassing admissions that they've been wrong for 2,000 years!
>But how about this: women develop their own religious ceremonies and 
>practices outside the Christian dispensation but alongside the male bias 
>of Christian churches and thus run in parallel - not as opponents but as 
>adding a complementary aspect. I have in mind s

RE: RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-23 Thread sharelong60
Judy, we remember it differently. Several articles about faulty memories have 
been posted recently. I think they apply also. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Share doubles down on her lie:

 > RWC and I had our big upset on Sept 6 and then Dudy butted in on Sept 9. 
 > Before that we 
 > all got along.

 No, we did not "all get along" before that.

 > Dudy even warned me once when I was new and almost posted out.
 You really just have to be amazed at her brazenness. No conscience. Yes, 
Quare, when you were new, before it was clear what a crappy human being you 
were, I did do you that favor. Complete non sequitur in this context, as you 



 On Friday, November 22, 2013 5:15 PM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
   Share lied:

 > September 9, 2012, Richard, that's when Judy started her mission, whatever 
 > it is.

 This is a deliberate falsehood. As Share very well knows (and as I've reminded 
her over the past few days), she had run afoul of me (and Ann and Emily) well 
before her big mess-up with Robin. Those occasions were marked by her standard 
tactics: obfuscation, disingenuity, and refusal to take responsibility for her 
behavior (as she does above).






Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-23 Thread Share Long
turq, I'll quote an old holy man from an old story: is that so?

On Saturday, November 23, 2013 4:18 AM, TurquoiseB  wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> September 9, 2012, Richard, that's when Judy started her mission, whatever it 
> is. 

Do not flatter yourself, Share. Judy's "mission," whatever it is, started with 
her second post to FFL, back on May 18, 2005. That's when she admitted to 
having stalked one of her old "enemies" from alt.meditation.transcendental to 
FFL, taking some quotes from one of his posts here, and reposting them back on 
a.m.t. to further her vendetta against him there. 

She then commenced the same vendetta here on FFL, one that has not let up in 
any way in the years since. Along the way she did exactly the same thing with 
other posters she didn't like -- Curtis, Vaj, Sally Sunshine, Ruth, and many 
others. You might not recognize some of the names, because they grew so tired 
of 1) her unceasing harassment and 2) the fact that she had lowered this forum 
to such a low level of constant bickering and argumentation that they found 
nothing worth sticking around for. 

That probably was the goal of her "mission" in the first place, to drive away 
anyone who didn't bow to her pose as "the authority" in all things, She Who 
Must Not Be Contradicted, And Who Must Be Obeyed In All Things.  :-)

You're small potatoes, Share. She only focuses on you these days because you're 
one of the *only* people left on the forum who haven't caught on to her act, 
and as a result just ignore her as the vindictive, know-nothing ego-beast she 

Her whole pursuit of you is *not* (as you'd like to believe) because you're 
"special." It's because you're SUCH A SUCKER. She knows that in you she's found 
someone with an ego as fragile and as sensitive as hers, and so whenever she or 
one of her minions attacks you or pokes fun at you, you'll feel that you "have 
to" reply. 


She *lives* for her enemies replying to her attacks and/or rebutting them. *No 
matter what happens and what is said*, she considers each and every one of the 
ensuing exchanges a "victory." She claims to have "won" all of them. So the 
game IS really all about getting suckers to respond. In this sense, she is 
*exactly* like Richard. *His* goal is to try to poke and prod at people until 
they respond to him; then he's "proved himself" as a Class A Troll, and -- 
again, in *his* mind -- has "won." Judy is *exactly* the same. 

The one thing that neither of them can cope with is someone figuring out this 
act and *not* responding. That drives them up the wall, and makes them feel as 
if they and what they say is of so little consequence that no one *needs* to 
pay attention to any of it, much less respond to it. In other words, it gives 
them a taste of reality. 

You *feed* her insanity by "standing up for yourself," Share. And in a very 
real sense, YOU'RE JUST LIKE HER. Whenever the attacks on you die down, YOU 
find a way to restart them, so that you can say stuff and get people to respond 
to you, too. 

And -- just like Judy -- you are oblivious to the fact that these ongoing 
bitch-fests have lowered the entire consciousness of FFL, and driven a lot of 
people away. They *didn't* leave because of Neo; they left because YOU AND JUDY 
lobbied to have the posting limits removed, so you could spam this forum with 
your pettiness as much as you wanted to. 

Removing Ravi a second time was IMO a good decision on Rick's part. His 
vindictive bipolarism have caused at least one person to leave this forum when 
he was readmitted; maybe that person will come back and participate now that 
he's gone, hopefully for good this time. But if Rick *really* wanted to "clean 
up the act" of Fairfield Life, what he could do is remove the two people who 
most contribute to dragging it down into the gutter of petty, endless, 
ego-bickering. A few weeks without either YOU *or* JUDY, and her minions would 
dry up and blow away, and perhaps the forum could return to discussing things 
of actual interest again. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Vivid and Present Threat of Hooliganism on Fairfield Life.

2013-11-23 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> September 9, 2012, Richard, that's when Judy started her mission,
whatever it is.

Do not flatter yourself, Share. Judy's "mission," whatever it is,
started with her second post to FFL, back on May 18, 2005. That's when
she admitted to having stalked one of her old "enemies" from
alt.meditation.transcendental to FFL, taking some quotes from one of his
posts here, and reposting them back on a.m.t. to further her vendetta
against him there.

She then commenced the same vendetta here on FFL, one that has not let
up in any way in the years since. Along the way she did exactly the same
thing with other posters she didn't like -- Curtis, Vaj, Sally Sunshine,
Ruth, and many others. You might not recognize some of the names,
because they grew so tired of 1) her unceasing harassment and 2) the
fact that she had lowered this forum to such a low level of constant
bickering and argumentation that they found nothing worth sticking
around for.

That probably was the goal of her "mission" in the first place, to drive
away anyone who didn't bow to her pose as "the authority" in all things,
She Who Must Not Be Contradicted, And Who Must Be Obeyed In All Things. 

You're small potatoes, Share. She only focuses on you these days because
you're one of the *only* people left on the forum who haven't caught on
to her act, and as a result just ignore her as the vindictive,
know-nothing ego-beast she is.

Her whole pursuit of you is *not* (as you'd like to believe) because
you're "special." It's because you're SUCH A SUCKER. She knows that in
you she's found someone with an ego as fragile and as sensitive as hers,
and so whenever she or one of her minions attacks you or pokes fun at
you, you'll feel that you "have to" reply.


She *lives* for her enemies replying to her attacks and/or rebutting
them. *No matter what happens and what is said*, she considers each and
every one of the ensuing exchanges a "victory." She claims to have "won"
all of them. So the game IS really all about getting suckers to respond.
In this sense, she is *exactly* like Richard. *His* goal is to try to
poke and prod at people until they respond to him; then he's "proved
himself" as a Class A Troll, and -- again, in *his* mind -- has "won."
Judy is *exactly* the same.

The one thing that neither of them can cope with is someone figuring out
this act and *not* responding. That drives them up the wall, and makes
them feel as if they and what they say is of so little consequence that
no one *needs* to pay attention to any of it, much less respond to it.
In other words, it gives them a taste of reality.

You *feed* her insanity by "standing up for yourself," Share. And in a
very real sense, YOU'RE JUST LIKE HER. Whenever the attacks on you die
down, YOU find a way to restart them, so that you can say stuff and get
people to respond to you, too.

And -- just like Judy -- you are oblivious to the fact that these
ongoing bitch-fests have lowered the entire consciousness of FFL, and
driven a lot of people away. They *didn't* leave because of Neo; they
left because YOU AND JUDY lobbied to have the posting limits removed, so
you could spam this forum with your pettiness as much as you wanted to.

Removing Ravi a second time was IMO a good decision on Rick's part. His
vindictive bipolarism have caused at least one person to leave this
forum when he was readmitted; maybe that person will come back and
participate now that he's gone, hopefully for good this time. But if
Rick *really* wanted to "clean up the act" of Fairfield Life, what he
could do is remove the two people who most contribute to dragging it
down into the gutter of petty, endless, ego-bickering. A few weeks
without either YOU *or* JUDY, and her minions would dry up and blow
away, and perhaps the forum could return to discussing things of actual
interest again.

[FairfieldLife] RE: OMG: madhusuudana's definition of dhaaraNaa??

2013-11-23 Thread cardemaister
Madhu seems to take as an example a suutra (III 35'ish), that's not included at 
least in my
 set. Here is  the original suutra (hRdaye cittasaMvit)  with a translation and 



 The original suutra doesn't have a word for lotus (e.g. puNDariika).

 Any ideas, why Maharishi "left it out"?

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 I feel real sorry for quitters who did not stick around long enough to really 
know better. -Buck in the Dome 

 Card, this is interesting. Maharishi employed this some more in some of the 
advanced technique. I find it really works and amp-ed up the progress of the 
embodiment of spirituality in the whole subtle energy system. -Buck 

 mind's long-time-staying-in the lotus of heart, etc, is dhaaraNaa


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 As most of us might well know, saMyama (sañyama) "consists" of dhaaraNaa, 
dhyaanam and samaadhi(H).

 This seems to be Madhusuudana's definition(?) of dhaaraNaa

 hRt-puNDariikaadau (hRt-puNDariika+aadau) manasash-cira-kaala-sthaapanaM

 My attempt at translation:

 mind's long-time-staying-in the lotus of heart, etc, is dhaaraNaa.

 mind's (manasaH) long (cira)-time(kaala) -staying-in (sthaapanam)
  the lotus (puNDariika) of heart (hRt), etc (aadau), [is] dhaaraNaa.




 At the moment, his definitions of dhyaanam and samaadhiH seem too
 tricky for this sucker...