Re: [Felvtalk] Off topic, of interest to many: Webcast: Fixing the Feline Housing Crisis (how sheltertsd canb make cats sick!!!)

2012-10-15 Thread Kathryn Hargreaves
They make these available afterwards as videos:

On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 3:57 PM,  wrote:

> Will they ahve something in print for those of us who cannot go to this?
>  Would like to take to local no kill shelter.  they ahve a problem with
> housing.  I know they ar short on funds, but constructive critismnever
> hurts.
>  Natalie > wrote: > If anyone is interested, let me know, and I will
> send the entire page, how to register, with info privately; it’s too large
> to send to this group! > > > > My new email address is:> > 
> > > > > > > Fixing the Feline Housing Crisis: How Shelter Housing Can
> Make Cats Sick – And What You Can Do About It > > It's a feline housing
> revolution – and it’s helping stop shelter cat upper respiratory infections
> in their tracks! > > > Image removed by sender. large_box_bottom.gif > > >
> Image removed by sender. spacer.gif > > > Cats are extremely sensitive to
> noise, crowding, and stress – three things that are in abundant supply in
> many animal shelters. These adverse conditions often lead to illness in
> sheltered cats, particularly the most common of all feline shelter
> diseases, upper respiratory infection (URI). > The good news is that with a
> “feline wellness renovation project” – decreasing crowding and reducing
> stress – you can drastically cut the incidence of feline URI in your
> shelter's cat population. > Maddie's InstituteSM is pleased to announce the
> second in a two-part series on feline URI in shelters: Fixing the Feline
> Housing Crisis: How Shelter Housing Can Make Cats Sick - And What You Can
> Do About It. Join us for this free webcast on Thursday, October 25, at 9 PM
> Eastern, presented by Dr. Sandra Newbury of the Koret Shelter Medicine
> Program at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. > > Attendees will
> learn: > > * How to understand the natural behavior of cats > * How to set
> up shelter housing to reduce stress > * The importance of giving cats a
> place to hide when stressed or fearful > * The impact of housing cats near
> dogs > * How improvements in noise levels, light cycles, and enrichment can
> benefit cats > * Temperature, air quality and ventilation requirements for
> URI prevention > * How to understand exposure risks > * How to set up
> separation and isolation for sick cats > > Individuals attending the live
> webcast will be entered in a door prize drawing for one of ten copies of
> Maddie's® Animal Shelter Infection Control Manual! > Fixing the Feline
> Housing Crisis: How Shelter Housing Can Make Cats Sick - And What You Can
> Do About It, is part of an ongoing series of educational programs from
> Maddie's Institute, a program of Maddie's Fund®, the nation's leading
> funder of shelter medicine education. Maddie's Institute brings cutting
> edge shelter medicine information from universities and animal welfare
> leaders to shelter veterinarians, managers and staff as well as private
> practice veterinarians, rescue groups and community members to increase the
> lifesaving of homeless dogs and cats community-wide. > > _ > >
> Presenter: Sandra Newbury, DVM > > > > > > >
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list


Go Get a Life---Go Get a Shelter Animal!

If you can't adopt, then foster "bottle baby" shelter animal, to save their
life.  Contact your local pound for information.

If you can't bottle feed, foster an older animal, to save their life, and
to free up cage space.

Ask your local animal pound to start saving over 90% of their intake by
implementing the No Kill Equation:

Here's the current growing list of true No Kill communities:

Legislate better animal pound conditions:

More fun reading:

More fun watching: especially

Local feral cat crisis?   See Alley Cat Allies' for how to respond:
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Nitnoy and felv

2012-10-15 Thread terrie
BTW...would like to add this nasty tumor grew so fast within one month before Taz passed. So we were pressed for time and had to do whatever it would take.
TAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS/SIAMESE & COLLIE RESCUESultan, WA. 98294Terrie Mohr-Forker national rescue
Dedicated to the welfare of animals.
 Copyright © 1999-2012 All rights reserved.

 Original Message Subject: [Felvtalk] Nitnoy and felvFrom: Date: Mon, October 15, 2012 3:07 pmTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgMy Nitnoy crossed over today at 12:45. She had been with me since 2008, survived a raccoon biting of her tail and being FELV +. There was nothing to idicate whaat was going on. During the holidays, she was not doing well so took her to ER. They did x-rays and complete bloodwork. I had told them she was FELV+ but they did not seem upset that she was just 1 point low on red and white cells. After the holiday, I took her to my vet as she was not improving, had not passed urine or stool. First thing he did was look at her anal glands. They were impacted and infected. He cleaned them out and gave her Covina and we brought home Orbax to be given once daily. Everything was much better, she was back to her self. Then Friday, she began hiding, not eating or drinking so took her to vet on Saturday. ONE THING SHE DID THAT STRUCK ME ODD - SHE TRIED TO EAT THE FIRBARK THAT MY ORCHIDS ARE PLANTED IN. Sat when we got to vet, my dr was not there, but his wife (also a vet) was. She said her lymph glands were slightly enlarged and gums very pale. We did another blood panel. Her white cells were .98 and her red blood cells were 3.2. Kidney and liver functions were normal as were creatine and bun. We thought about going to ER for transfusion, but she would have to stay over the weekend in a cage and we decided the stress would outweigh any good it might do plus her body might just kill the new blood and we would be right back where we started plus stress. Again, gave Covina shot and started again on Orbax. I wanted to try a tonic that has worked wonders on cancers, etc. Vet said ok but keep a record of what I did in case it worked. She actually seemed to improve. I was feeding with an eye dropper aruond 50 ml every hour (i can ad mixed with 3 cans hot water so she could swallow and also to egt fluids into her. She got around 50ml of tonic also. She took a turn for the worse this am at 3:30, but then seemed to get better. She was breathing easier, heart was strong and she responded to my voice and touch. By 12:45, she had gone completely the opposite direction. I was holding her aganst me as she seemed to like the body warmth when she gasped 3 or 4 times and the light in her eyes went out. I knew she was going and I told her it was all right. She held on with her claws, gave a sigh and that was all.___Felvtalk mailing listFelvtalk@felineleukemia.org

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Nitnoy and felv

2012-10-15 Thread terrie
Oh my heart is aching for your loss of precious Nitnoy! 
Have to admit I had tears in my eyes when I read this. 
I've been on this group/list for many years as I'm a old timer. Seen many come and go but there are some stories of a kitty's life that grips my heart..and this is one of them!

You sound like me there was no limit on costs. I spent thousands of dollars to try to help and make my late Taz comfortable.
You had the comfort of your furbaby pass in your arms at home! She knew you loved her and bless you for giving her the chance at life even though it was short. 
I know you are hurting and it is never easy to lose a precious life that is close to our heart. There is never enough words to express my thoughts but let it be known you are in my prayers.
I didn't have the choice as Taz just had surgery made it through the worst part with a tumor removal.
(pretty extensive procedure to remove a tumor above his eye that was attached to his skull) 
but wouldn't wake up. 
So I had to let him go 6 hours after surgery  :( 
Still to this day it still hurts but I'm in control of my loss of him. I lost him January 2002
I almost left animal rescue because he was my life and in my heart. My late husband said to take the negative and turn it into positive. At first I was like what the hell...but then it started to fall in place for me after one year. 
So today my rescue is ran solely on his legacy. Taz had a great impact on my life and many rescue kitties. 
He gave a new meaning if this makes sense. I've been in animal rescue for 35 years.
His story is told at the website below.

TAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS/SIAMESE & COLLIE RESCUESultan, WA. 98294Terrie Mohr-Forker national rescue
Dedicated to the welfare of animals.
 Copyright © 1999-2012 All rights reserved.

 Original Message Subject: [Felvtalk] Nitnoy and felvFrom: Date: Mon, October 15, 2012 3:07 pmTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgMy Nitnoy crossed over today at 12:45. She had been with me since 2008, survived a raccoon biting of her tail and being FELV +. There was nothing to idicate whaat was going on. During the holidays, she was not doing well so took her to ER. They did x-rays and complete bloodwork. I had told them she was FELV+ but they did not seem upset that she was just 1 point low on red and white cells. After the holiday, I took her to my vet as she was not improving, had not passed urine or stool. First thing he did was look at her anal glands. They were impacted and infected. He cleaned them out and gave her Covina and we brought home Orbax to be given once daily. Everything was much better, she was back to her self. Then Friday, she began hiding, not eating or drinking so took her to vet on Saturday. ONE THING SHE DID THAT STRUCK ME ODD - SHE TRIED TO EAT THE FIRBARK THAT MY ORCHIDS ARE PLANTED IN. Sat when we got to vet, my dr was not there, but his wife (also a vet) was. She said her lymph glands were slightly enlarged and gums very pale. We did another blood panel. Her white cells were .98 and her red blood cells were 3.2. Kidney and liver functions were normal as were creatine and bun. We thought about going to ER for transfusion, but she would have to stay over the weekend in a cage and we decided the stress would outweigh any good it might do plus her body might just kill the new blood and we would be right back where we started plus stress. Again, gave Covina shot and started again on Orbax. I wanted to try a tonic that has worked wonders on cancers, etc. Vet said ok but keep a record of what I did in case it worked. She actually seemed to improve. I was feeding with an eye dropper aruond 50 ml every hour (i can ad mixed with 3 cans hot water so she could swallow and also to egt fluids into her. She got around 50ml of tonic also. She took a turn for the worse this am at 3:30, but then seemed to get better. She was breathing easier, heart was strong and she responded to my voice and touch. By 12:45, she had gone completely the opposite direction. I was holding her aganst me as she seemed to like the body warmth when she gasped 3 or 4 times and the light in her eyes went out. I knew she was going and I told her it was all right. She held on with her claws, gave a sigh and that was all.___Felvtalk mailing listFelvtalk@felineleukemia.org

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] No signs and then they are gone.

2012-10-15 Thread Marcia
I'm so sorry about Nitnoy)-:

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 15, 2012, at 9:06 PM,  wrote:

> -Nitnoy was tortoise too.  She was like a brindle all over with 4 cream socks 
> and a cream streak to one side of her nose which gave her a clownish look.  
> Add to that that a raccoon bit off all but 3 -4" of her tail and she was real 
> short.  She was like a cute litle stuffed toy.  She was always in my face 
> when I was eating and always first in line at feeding time  so I gave her a 
> 2nd name "garbage can".  Going to miss her a lot.
> --- Christiane Biagi > wrote: > Well my Tucson turned 14 this year. I lost my 
> Romeo at age 9+ to lymphoma—it was also very fast…he was sick for a couple of 
> weeks. I know I sound like a broken record but FELV virus has been around 
> long before anybody even knew about it. Most cats don’t get tested—they 
> certainly didn’t years ago. If it were that lethal, there wouldn’t be any 
> cats left. I think there are probably a lot more cats out there not diagnosed 
> living the good life. > > > > From: Felvtalk 
> [] On Behalf Of CATHERINE DIDONNA > 
> Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 9:21 PM > To: > 
> Subject: [Felvtalk] No signs and then they are gone. > > > > That is one 
> reason the ASPCA does not adopt out cats with FELV,because it hits all at 
> once. FIV cats they adopt out,because they can live a long time.The lady that 
> had the cat for 91/2 yrs ,good for you. Some cats without FELV don't live 
> that long.Oh, It happened to me too,one day fine ,next day not feeling 
> well,next day or two gone. But, they died home when they were ready.Cathy 
> Fron the BRonx N Y > > > > > > From: Maureen Olvey > > To: 
>; > Sent: Monday, October 
> 15, 2012 8:33 PM > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Interferon > > > > Yeah, I 
> wondered if there had been any signs earlier but I just didn't notice them. 
> It was like one night she started breathing a little funny and the next day 
> it became worse so I took her to the vet and of course the stress of the trip 
> made things a lot worse so as soon as we got there the vets rushed her to the 
> back to see what was going on. By the time they did the x-ray and got back to 
> me she was getting weak. I went to the back where she was at to see her and 
> talk with the vet and she died while we were talking. I had no prep time at 
> all and it was awful. Here one day and gone the next. Her name was Two Face. 
> She was a torti with some white on her and half her face was orange and the 
> other half black. What a sweetheart. Wish I could have had her for a lot 
> longer. > > “I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results 
> that are profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts 
> upon unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to 
> me sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.” – Mark 
> Twain > > > Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 19:06:48 -0500 > > From: 
> > > To: > > Subject: Re: 
> [Felvtalk] Interferon > > CC: > > > > That is the way 
> it was with Nitnoy. We never really had the time to decide on treatment 
> before she was gone. I keep thinking there is something I missed and should 
> have seen. > > > > > >  "" > wrote: > Lisa, You were 
> lucky because 9 1/2 years is a long time for a FeLV cat, especially if he had 
> it as a kitten. Most cats that had FeLV as a kitten don't live past 3 years. 
> Many live less than a year. If you were giving him interferon then maybe that 
> was it. I have heard of some that lived about that long but not too often if 
> they got it as a kitten from their mom. One vet told me about one that lived 
> until it was 18. I kind of wonder if the vet was smoking dope cause that's 
> really odd. I had one that died at 2 years old that had a mediastinal tumor. 
> Like Prancer she was fine then one day her breathing became labored. Before 
> the vet and I could even discuss what to do she died. At the time I did not 
> know she had FeLV because she tested negative as a kitten. They didn't see 
> the tumor on X-ray because of all the fluid so we did a necropsy to see where 
> the fluid was coming from. Sure enough the vet found this large tumor and it 
> had actually punctured her heart and the fluid in her chest was all blood. 
> Then the vet got curious and did a combo test and found the FeLV. My guess is 
> that most likely the tumor would have eventually ruptured Prancer's heart too 
> so you probably did the best thing for Prancer. I didn't know they could 
> treat those kinds of tumors. In my cat's case it was too late when we found 
> it but I'm glad to know that in case something comes up in the future. 
> Maureen Sent from my HTC Inspire™ 4G on AT&T - Reply message - From: 
> "Terri Brown" > To: > Subject

Re: [Felvtalk] Nitnoy and felv

2012-10-15 Thread Sharyl
I was saddened to read that Nitnoy has crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  We love 
them, care for them and in the end let them go.  She is now happily romping in 
the green meadows chasing butterflies with all our Angels
You all are in my  thoughts and prayers


 From: "" 
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 6:07 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Nitnoy and felv
My Nitnoy crossed over today at 12:45.    She had been with me since 2008, 
survived a raccoon biting of her tail and being FELV +.  There was nothing to 
idicate whaat was going on.  During the holidays, she was not doing well so 
took her to ER.  They did x-rays and complete bloodwork.  I had told them she 
was FELV+ but they did not seem upset that she was just 1 point low on red and 
white cells.  After the holiday, I took her to my vet as she was not improving, 
had not passed urine or stool.  First thing he did was look at her anal 
glands.  They were impacted and infected.  He cleaned them out and gave her 
Covina and we brought home Orbax to be given once daily.  Everything was much 
better, she was back to her self.  Then Friday, she began hiding, not eating or 
drinking so took her to vet on Saturday.  ONE THING SHE DID THAT STRUCK ME ODD 
to vet, my dr was not
 there, but his wife (also a vet) was.  She said her lymph glands were slightly 
enlarged and gums very pale.  We did another blood panel.  Her white cells were 
.98 and her red blood cells were 3.2.  Kidney and liver functions were normal 
as were creatine and bun.  We thought about going to ER for transfusion, but 
she would have to stay over the weekend in a cage and we decided the stress 
would outweigh any good it might do plus her body might just kill the new blood 
and we would be right back where we started plus stress.  Again, gave Covina 
shot and started again on Orbax.  I wanted to try a tonic that has worked 
wonders on cancers, etc.  Vet said ok but keep a record of what I did in case 
it worked.  She actually seemed to improve.  I was feeding with an eye dropper 
aruond 50 ml every hour (i can ad mixed with 3 cans hot water so she could 
swallow and also to egt fluids into her.  She got around 50ml of tonic also.  
She took a turn for the
 worse this am at 3:30, but then seemed to get better.  She was breathing 
easier, heart was strong and she responded to my voice and touch.  By 12:45, 
she had gone completely the opposite direction.  I was holding her aganst me as 
she seemed to like the body warmth when she gasped 3 or 4 times and the light 
in her eyes went out.  I knew she was going and I told her it was all right.  
She held on with her claws, gave a sigh and that was all.

Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] No signs and then they are gone.

2012-10-15 Thread Maureen Olvey

Oh, I just realized that it was today that you lost Nitnoy.  I'm so so sorry.  
Believe me, I know it's tough.  A couple weeks ago I lost a 2 year old but it 
was to cardiomyopathy.  Another out of the blue thing.  I'm still not over 
losing him.  I still have a houseful of kitties left to comfort me but each one 
is so special that when they go it seems to hurt just as much as if they were 
your only pet.  The problem with pets is that they can't tell you something is 
wrong when it first starts so lots of times by the time we figure out that they 
are ill it's too late to help them.  I know you will miss your little "garbage 
can" and again I'm sorry you lost her.  It just really sucks.

“I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are 
profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts upon 
unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me 
sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.” – Mark Twain
 > Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 21:06:53 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] No signs and then they are gone.
> -Nitnoy was tortoise too.  She was like a brindle all over with 4 cream socks 
> and a cream streak to one side of her nose which gave her a clownish look.  
> Add to that that a raccoon bit off all but 3 -4" of her tail and she was real 
> short.  She was like a cute litle stuffed toy.  She was always in my face 
> when I was eating and always first in line at feeding time  so I gave her a 
> 2nd name "garbage can".  Going to miss her a lot.
> --- Christiane Biagi > wrote: > Well my Tucson turned 14 this year. I lost my 
> Romeo at age 9+ to lymphoma—it was also very fast…he was sick for a couple of 
> weeks. I know I sound like a broken record but FELV virus has been around 
> long before anybody even knew about it. Most cats don’t get tested—they 
> certainly didn’t years ago. If it were that lethal, there wouldn’t be any 
> cats left. I think there are probably a lot more cats out there not diagnosed 
> living the good life. > > > > From: Felvtalk 
> [] On Behalf Of CATHERINE DIDONNA > 
> Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 9:21 PM > To: > 
> Subject: [Felvtalk] No signs and then they are gone. > > > > That is one 
> reason the ASPCA does not adopt out cats with FELV,because it hits all at 
> once. FIV cats they adopt out,because they can live a long time.The lady that 
> had the cat for 91/2 yrs ,good for you. Some cats without FELV don't live 
> that long.Oh, It happened to me too,one day fine ,next day not feeling 
> well,next day or two gone. But, they died home when they were ready.Cathy 
> Fron the BRonx N Y > > > > > > From: Maureen Olvey > > To: 
>; > Sent: Monday, October 
> 15, 2012 8:33 PM > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Interferon > > > > Yeah, I 
> wondered if there had been any signs earlier but I just didn't notice them. 
> It was like one night she started breathing a little funny and the next day 
> it became worse so I took her to the vet and of course the stress of the trip 
> made things a lot worse so as soon as we got there the vets rushed her to the 
> back to see what was going on. By the time they did the x-ray and got back to 
> me she was getting weak. I went to the back where she was at to see her and 
> talk with the vet and she died while we were talking. I had no prep time at 
> all and it was awful. Here one day and gone the next. Her name was Two Face. 
> She was a torti with some white on her and half her face was orange and the 
> other half black. What a sweetheart. Wish I could have had her for a lot 
> longer. > > “I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results 
> that are profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts 
> upon unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to 
> me sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.” – Mark 
> Twain > > > Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 19:06:48 -0500 > > From: 
> > > To: > > Subject: Re: 
> [Felvtalk] Interferon > > CC: > > > > That is the way 
> it was with Nitnoy. We never really had the time to decide on treatment 
> before she was gone. I keep thinking there is something I missed and should 
> have seen. > > > > > >  "" > wrote: > Lisa, You were 
> lucky because 9 1/2 years is a long time for a FeLV cat, especially if he had 
> it as a kitten. Most cats that had FeLV as a kitten don't live past 3 years. 
> Many live less than a year. If you were giving him interferon then maybe that 
> was it. I have heard of some that lived about that long but not too often if 
> they got it as a kitten from their mom. One vet told me about one that lived 
> until it was 18. I kind of wonder if the vet was smo

Re: [Felvtalk] No signs and then they are gone.

2012-10-15 Thread dlgegg
-Nitnoy was tortoise too.  She was like a brindle all over with 4 cream socks 
and a cream streak to one side of her nose which gave her a clownish look.  Add 
to that that a raccoon bit off all but 3 -4" of her tail and she was real 
short.  She was like a cute litle stuffed toy.  She was always in my face when 
I was eating and always first in line at feeding time  so I gave her a 2nd name 
"garbage can".  Going to miss her a lot.

--- Christiane Biagi > wrote: > Well my Tucson turned 14 this year. I lost my 
Romeo at age 9+ to lymphoma—it was also very fast…he was sick for a couple of 
weeks. I know I sound like a broken record but FELV virus has been around long 
before anybody even knew about it. Most cats don’t get tested—they certainly 
didn’t years ago. If it were that lethal, there wouldn’t be any cats left. I 
think there are probably a lot more cats out there not diagnosed living the 
good life. > > > > From: Felvtalk [] 
On Behalf Of CATHERINE DIDONNA > Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 9:21 PM > To: > Subject: [Felvtalk] No signs and then they are 
gone. > > > > That is one reason the ASPCA does not adopt out cats with 
FELV,because it hits all at once. FIV cats they adopt out,because they can live 
a long time.The lady that had the cat for 91/2 yrs ,good for you. Some cats 
without FELV don't live that long.Oh, It happened to me too,one day fine ,next 
day not feeling well,next day or two gone. But, they died home when they were 
ready.Cathy Fron the BRonx N Y > > > > > > From: Maureen Olvey > > To:; > Sent: Monday, October 15, 
2012 8:33 PM > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Interferon > > > > Yeah, I wondered if 
there had been any signs earlier but I just didn't notice them. It was like one 
night she started breathing a little funny and the next day it became worse so 
I took her to the vet and of course the stress of the trip made things a lot 
worse so as soon as we got there the vets rushed her to the back to see what 
was going on. By the time they did the x-ray and got back to me she was getting 
weak. I went to the back where she was at to see her and talk with the vet and 
she died while we were talking. I had no prep time at all and it was awful. 
Here one day and gone the next. Her name was Two Face. She was a torti with 
some white on her and half her face was orange and the other half black. What a 
sweetheart. Wish I could have had her for a lot longer. > > “I am not 
interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are profitable to 
the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts upon unconsenting animals 
is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me sufficient justification 
of the enmity without looking further.” – Mark Twain > > > Date: Mon, 15 Oct 
2012 19:06:48 -0500 > > From: > > To: > > Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Interferon > > CC: > > > > That is the way it was with Nitnoy. We never 
really had the time to decide on treatment before she was gone. I keep thinking 
there is something I missed and should have seen. > > > > > >  
"" > wrote: > Lisa, You were lucky because 9 1/2 years is 
a long time for a FeLV cat, especially if he had it as a kitten. Most cats that 
had FeLV as a kitten don't live past 3 years. Many live less than a year. If 
you were giving him interferon then maybe that was it. I have heard of some 
that lived about that long but not too often if they got it as a kitten from 
their mom. One vet told me about one that lived until it was 18. I kind of 
wonder if the vet was smoking dope cause that's really odd. I had one that died 
at 2 years old that had a mediastinal tumor. Like Prancer she was fine then one 
day her breathing became labored. Before the vet and I could even discuss what 
to do she died. At the time I did not know she had FeLV because she tested 
negative as a kitten. They didn't see the tumor on X-ray because of all the 
fluid so we did a necropsy to see where the fluid was coming from. Sure enough 
the vet found this large tumor and it had actually punctured her heart and the 
fluid in her chest was all blood. Then the vet got curious and did a combo test 
and found the FeLV. My guess is that most likely the tumor would have 
eventually ruptured Prancer's heart too so you probably did the best thing for 
Prancer. I didn't know they could treat those kinds of tumors. In my cat's case 
it was too late when we found it but I'm glad to know that in case something 
comes up in the future. Maureen Sent from my HTC Inspire™ 4G on AT&T - 
Reply message - From: "Terri Brown" > To: > Subject: [Felvtalk] Interferon 
Date: Fri, Oct 12, 2012 3:23 pm I used interferon with Salome'. I started her 
on it when she was about 3 years old, and I gave it to her as often as I could 
get a hold of it. Salome' lived to be

Re: [Felvtalk] No signs and then they are gone.

2012-10-15 Thread Christiane Biagi
Well my Tucson turned 14 this year.  I lost my Romeo at age 9+ to lymphoma—it 
was also very fast…he was sick for a couple of weeks.  I know I sound like a 
broken record but FELV virus has been around long before anybody even knew 
about it.  Most cats don’t get tested—they certainly didn’t years ago.  If it 
were that lethal, there wouldn’t be any cats left.  I think there are probably 
a lot more cats out there not diagnosed living the good life.  


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 9:21 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] No signs and then they are gone.


That is one reason the ASPCA does not adopt out cats with FELV,because it hits 
all at once. FIV cats they adopt out,because they can live a long time.The lady 
that had the cat for 91/2 yrs ,good for you. Some cats without FELV don't live 
that long.Oh, It happened to me too,one day fine ,next day not feeling 
well,next day or two gone. But, they died home when they were ready.Cathy Fron 
the BRonx N Y


From: Maureen Olvey 
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 8:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Interferon


Yeah, I wondered if there had been any signs earlier but I just didn't notice 
them.  It was like one night she started breathing a little funny and the next 
day it became worse so I took her to the vet and of course the stress of the 
trip made things a lot worse so as soon as we got there the vets rushed her to 
the back to see what was going on.  By the time they did the x-ray and got back 
to me she was getting weak.  I went to the back where she was at to see her and 
talk with the vet and she died while we were talking.  I had no prep time at 
all and it was awful.  Here one day and gone the next.  Her name was Two Face.  
She was a torti with some white on her and half her face was orange and the 
other half black.  What a sweetheart.  Wish I could have had her for a lot 

“I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are 
profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts upon 
unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me 
sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.” – Mark Twain

> Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 19:06:48 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Interferon
> CC:
> That is the way it was with Nitnoy. We never really had the time to decide on 
> treatment before she was gone. I keep thinking there is something I missed 
> and should have seen.
>  "" > wrote: > Lisa, You were lucky because 9 1/2 
> years is a long time for a FeLV cat, especially if he had it as a kitten. 
> Most cats that had FeLV as a kitten don't live past 3 years. Many live less 
> than a year. If you were giving him interferon then maybe that was it. I have 
> heard of some that lived about that long but not too often if they got it as 
> a kitten from their mom. One vet told me about one that lived until it was 
> 18. I kind of wonder if the vet was smoking dope cause that's really odd. I 
> had one that died at 2 years old that had a mediastinal tumor. Like Prancer 
> she was fine then one day her breathing became labored. Before the vet and I 
> could even discuss what to do she died. At the time I did not know she had 
> FeLV because she tested negative as a kitten. They didn't see the tumor on 
> X-ray because of all the fluid so we did a necropsy to see where the fluid 
> was coming from. Sure enough the vet found this large tumor and it had 
> actually punctured her heart and the fluid in her chest was all blood. Then 
> the vet got curious and did a combo test and found the FeLV. My guess is that 
> most likely the tumor would have eventually ruptured Prancer's heart too so 
> you probably did the best thing for Prancer. I didn't know they could treat 
> those kinds of tumors. In my cat's case it was too late when we found it but 
> I'm glad to know that in case something comes up in the future. Maureen Sent 
> from my HTC Inspire™ 4G on AT&T - Reply message - From: "Terri Brown" 
> > To: > Subject: [Felvtalk] Interferon Date: Fri, Oct 12, 2012 3:23 pm I used 
> interferon with Salome'. I started her on it when she was about 3 years old, 
> and I gave it to her as often as I could get a hold of it. Salome' lived to 
> be 9 1/2 years old, and she died from liver failure. Hope that helps! T 
> =^..^= Terri, Guinevere, Travis, Dori, Kimiko and 8 furangels: Ruthie, 
> Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec, Salome, Sammi and Siggie the Tomato Vampire 
> =^..^= - Original Message - From: Lisa Conner To: 
> Sent: Friday, October 12, 2012 1:48 PM Subject: 
> [Felvtalk] Interferon Hi All, I think everyone was so hung up with this 
> politcal debate, no on

[Felvtalk] No signs and then they are gone.

2012-10-15 Thread CATHERINE DIDONNA
That is one reason the ASPCA does not adopt out cats with FELV,because it hits 
all at once. FIV cats they adopt out,because they can live a long time.The lady 
that had the cat for 91/2 yrs ,good for you. Some cats without FELV don't live 
that long.Oh, It happened to me too,one day fine ,next day not feeling 
well,next day or two gone. But, they died home when they were ready.Cathy Fron 
the BRonx N Y

From: Maureen Olvey 
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 8:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Interferon

Yeah, I wondered if there had been any signs earlier but I just didn't notice 
them.  It was like one night she started breathing a little funny and the next 
day it became worse so I took her to the vet and of course the stress of the 
trip made things a lot worse so as soon as we got there the vets rushed her to 
the back to see what was going on.  By the time they did the x-ray and got back 
to me she was getting weak.  I went to the back where she was at to see her and 
talk with the vet and she died while we were talking.  I had no prep time at 
all and it was awful.  Here one day and gone the next.  Her name was Two Face.  
She was a torti with some white on her and half her face was orange and the 
other half black.  What a sweetheart.  Wish I could have had her for a lot 

“I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are 
profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts upon 
unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me 
sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.” – Mark Twain

> Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 19:06:48 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Interferon
> CC:
> That is the way it was with Nitnoy. We never really had the time to decide on 
> treatment before she was gone. I keep thinking there is something I missed 
> and should have seen.
>  "" > wrote: > Lisa, You were lucky because 9 1/2 
> years is a long time for a FeLV cat, especially if he had it as a kitten. 
> Most cats that had FeLV as a kitten don't live past 3 years. Many live less 
> than a year. If you were giving him interferon then maybe that was it. I have 
> heard of some that lived about that long but not too often if they got it as 
> a kitten from their mom. One vet told me about one that lived until it was 
> 18. I kind of wonder if the vet was smoking dope cause that's really odd. I 
> had one that died at 2 years old that had a mediastinal tumor. Like Prancer 
> she was fine then one day her breathing became labored. Before the vet and I 
> could even discuss what to do she died. At the time I did not know she had 
> FeLV because she tested negative as a kitten. They didn't see the tumor on 
> X-ray because of all the fluid so we did a necropsy to see where the fluid 
> was coming from. Sure enough the vet found this large
 tumor and it had actually punctured her heart and the fluid in her chest was 
all blood. Then the vet got curious and did a combo test and found the FeLV. My 
guess is that most likely the tumor would have eventually ruptured Prancer's 
heart too so you probably did the best thing for Prancer. I didn't know they 
could treat those kinds of tumors. In my cat's case it was too late when we 
found it but I'm glad to know that in case something comes up in the future. 
Maureen Sent from my HTC Inspire™ 4G on AT&T - Reply message - From: 
"Terri Brown" > To: > Subject: [Felvtalk] Interferon Date: Fri, Oct 12, 2012 
3:23 pm I used interferon with Salome'. I started her on it when she was about 
3 years old, and I gave it to her as often as I could get a hold of it. Salome' 
lived to be 9 1/2 years old, and she died from liver failure. Hope that helps! 
T =^..^= Terri, Guinevere, Travis, Dori, Kimiko and 8 furangels: Ruthie, 
Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec,
 Salome, Sammi and Siggie the Tomato Vampire =^..^= - Original Message 
- From: Lisa Conner To: Sent: Friday, October 
12, 2012 1:48 PM Subject: [Felvtalk] Interferon Hi All, I think everyone was so 
hung up with this politcal debate, no one saw my 2 questions on Interferon and 
the length of years a Felv + cat has lived. Ok- so, I joined when my 9 + year 
old boy, Prancer became very sick..literally overnight. He breathing was 
extremely labored and I rushed him to the Emergency Vet. They said he was 
critical , and didn’t think he was going to make it. May be best to put him to 
sleep since he was Felv+ and needed oxygen and and his gums were pale. That 
night they extracted 3 ½ cups of fluid from his lungs. Thank goodness, because 
that saved his life. In the morning we transferred him to our regular vet and 
our vet thought it was his heart. He was right. The ultrasound showed a huge 
mass tumor at the base of his heart.
 The vet wasn’t sure

Re: [Felvtalk] Nitnoy and felv

2012-10-15 Thread Beth
I'm so glad she had you to help her go. wrote:

>My Nitnoy crossed over today at 12:45.She had been with me since 2008, 
>survived a raccoon biting of her tail and being FELV +.  There was nothing to 
>idicate whaat was going on.  During the holidays, she was not doing well so 
>took her to ER.  They did x-rays and complete bloodwork.  I had told them she 
>was FELV+ but they did not seem upset that she was just 1 point low on red and 
>white cells.  After the holiday, I took her to my vet as she was not 
>improving, had not passed urine or stool.  First thing he did was look at her 
>anal glands.  They were impacted and infected.  He cleaned them out and gave 
>her Covina and we brought home Orbax to be given once daily.  Everything was 
>much better, she was back to her self.  Then Friday, she began hiding, not 
>eating or drinking so took her to vet on Saturday.  ONE THING SHE DID THAT 
>Sat when we got to vet, my dr was not there, but his wife (also a vet) was.  
>She said her lymph glands were slightly enlarged and gums very pale.  We did 
>another blood panel.  Her white cells were .98 and her red blood cells were 
>3.2.  Kidney and liver functions were normal as were creatine and bun.  We 
>thought about going to ER for transfusion, but she would have to stay over the 
>weekend in a cage and we decided the stress would outweigh any good it might 
>do plus her body might just kill the new blood and we would be right back 
>where we started plus stress.  Again, gave Covina shot and started again on 
>Orbax.  I wanted to try a tonic that has worked wonders on cancers, etc.  Vet 
>said ok but keep a record of what I did in case it worked.  She actually 
>seemed to improve.  I was feeding with an eye dropper aruond 50 ml every hour 
>(i can ad mixed with 3 cans hot water so she could swallow and also to egt 
>fluids into her.  She got around 50ml of tonic also.  She took a turn for the 
>worse this am at 3:30, but then seemed to get better.  She was breathing 
>easier, heart was strong and she responded to my voice and touch.  By 12:45, 
>she had gone completely the opposite direction.  I was holding her aganst me 
>as she seemed to like the body warmth when she gasped 3 or 4 times and the 
>light in her eyes went out.  I knew she was going and I told her it was all 
>right.  She held on with her claws, gave a sigh and that was all.
>Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Interferon

2012-10-15 Thread Maureen Olvey

Yeah, I wondered if there had been any signs earlier but I just didn't notice 
them.  It was like one night she started breathing a little funny and the next 
day it became worse so I took her to the vet and of course the stress of the 
trip made things a lot worse so as soon as we got there the vets rushed her to 
the back to see what was going on.  By the time they did the x-ray and got back 
to me she was getting weak.  I went to the back where she was at to see her and 
talk with the vet and she died while we were talking.  I had no prep time at 
all and it was awful.  Here one day and gone the next.  Her name was Two Face.  
She was a torti with some white on her and half her face was orange and the 
other half black.  What a sweetheart.  Wish I could have had her for a lot 

“I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are 
profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts upon 
unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me 
sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.” – Mark Twain

> Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 19:06:48 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Interferon
> CC:
> That is the way it was with Nitnoy.  We never really had the time to decide 
> on treatment before she was gone.  I keep thinking there is something I 
> missed and should have seen.
>  "" > wrote: > Lisa, You were lucky because 9 1/2 
> years is a long time for a FeLV cat, especially if he had it as a kitten. 
> Most cats that had FeLV as a kitten don't live past 3 years. Many live less 
> than a year. If you were giving him interferon then maybe that was it. I have 
> heard of some that lived about that long but not too often if they got it as 
> a kitten from their mom. One vet told me about one that lived until it was 
> 18. I kind of wonder if the vet was smoking dope cause that's really odd. I 
> had one that died at 2 years old that had a mediastinal tumor. Like Prancer 
> she was fine then one day her breathing became labored. Before the vet and I 
> could even discuss what to do she died. At the time I did not know she had 
> FeLV because she tested negative as a kitten. They didn't see the tumor on 
> X-ray because of all the fluid so we did a necropsy to see where the fluid 
> was coming from. Sure enough the vet found this large tumor and it had 
> actually punctured her heart and the fluid in her chest was all blood. Then 
> the vet got curious and did a combo test and found the FeLV. My guess is that 
> most likely the tumor would have eventually ruptured Prancer's heart too so 
> you probably did the best thing for Prancer. I didn't know they could treat 
> those kinds of tumors. In my cat's case it was too late when we found it but 
> I'm glad to know that in case something comes up in the future. Maureen Sent 
> from my HTC Inspire™ 4G on AT&T - Reply message - From: "Terri Brown" 
> > To: > Subject: [Felvtalk] Interferon Date: Fri, Oct 12, 2012 3:23 pm I used 
> interferon with Salome'. I started her on it when she was about 3 years old, 
> and I gave it to her as often as I could get a hold of it. Salome' lived to 
> be 9 1/2 years old, and she died from liver failure. Hope that helps! T 
> =^..^= Terri, Guinevere, Travis, Dori, Kimiko and 8 furangels: Ruthie, 
> Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec, Salome, Sammi and Siggie the Tomato Vampire 
> =^..^= - Original Message - From: Lisa Conner To: 
> Sent: Friday, October 12, 2012 1:48 PM Subject: 
> [Felvtalk] Interferon Hi All, I think everyone was so hung up with this 
> politcal debate, no one saw my 2 questions on Interferon and the length of 
> years a Felv + cat has lived. Ok- so, I joined when my 9 + year old boy, 
> Prancer became very sick..literally overnight. He breathing was extremely 
> labored and I rushed him to the Emergency Vet. They said he was critical , 
> and didn’t think he was going to make it. May be best to put him to sleep 
> since he was Felv+ and needed oxygen and and his gums were pale. That night 
> they extracted 3 ½ cups of fluid from his lungs. Thank goodness, because that 
> saved his life. In the morning we transferred him to our regular vet and our 
> vet thought it was his heart. He was right. The ultrasound showed a huge mass 
> tumor at the base of his heart. The vet wasn’t sure how much time Prancer 
> had, however, he said it might be a day or week, depending on how much fluid 
> built up in his lung area. Within 4 days, the fluid was back and I could not 
> have him suffer as I lost my Dad to the the suffering of congestive heart 
> failure (with build up of fluid in the lungs). So, my vet believes that 
> Interferon might have helped Prancer over the years, since in all his years 
> in practice, they have not seen a cat like Prancer, great health for 9 ½ 
> years, but be Fe

Re: [Felvtalk] Interferon

2012-10-15 Thread dlgegg
That is the way it was with Nitnoy.  We never really had the time to decide on 
treatment before she was gone.  I keep thinking there is something I missed and 
should have seen.

 "" > wrote: > Lisa, You were lucky because 9 1/2 
years is a long time for a FeLV cat, especially if he had it as a kitten. Most 
cats that had FeLV as a kitten don't live past 3 years. Many live less than a 
year. If you were giving him interferon then maybe that was it. I have heard of 
some that lived about that long but not too often if they got it as a kitten 
from their mom. One vet told me about one that lived until it was 18. I kind of 
wonder if the vet was smoking dope cause that's really odd. I had one that died 
at 2 years old that had a mediastinal tumor. Like Prancer she was fine then one 
day her breathing became labored. Before the vet and I could even discuss what 
to do she died. At the time I did not know she had FeLV because she tested 
negative as a kitten. They didn't see the tumor on X-ray because of all the 
fluid so we did a necropsy to see where the fluid was coming from. Sure enough 
the vet found this large tumor and it had actually punctured her heart and the 
fluid in her chest was all blood. Then the vet got curious and did a combo test 
and found the FeLV. My guess is that most likely the tumor would have 
eventually ruptured Prancer's heart too so you probably did the best thing for 
Prancer. I didn't know they could treat those kinds of tumors. In my cat's case 
it was too late when we found it but I'm glad to know that in case something 
comes up in the future. Maureen Sent from my HTC Inspire™ 4G on AT&T - 
Reply message - From: "Terri Brown" > To: > Subject: [Felvtalk] Interferon 
Date: Fri, Oct 12, 2012 3:23 pm I used interferon with Salome'. I started her 
on it when she was about 3 years old, and I gave it to her as often as I could 
get a hold of it. Salome' lived to be 9 1/2 years old, and she died from liver 
failure. Hope that helps! T =^..^= Terri, Guinevere, Travis, Dori, Kimiko and 8 
furangels: Ruthie, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec, Salome, Sammi and Siggie 
the Tomato Vampire =^..^= - Original Message - From: Lisa Conner To: Sent: Friday, October 12, 2012 1:48 PM Subject: 
[Felvtalk] Interferon Hi All, I think everyone was so hung up with this 
politcal debate, no one saw my 2 questions on Interferon and the length of 
years a Felv + cat has lived. Ok- so, I joined when my 9 + year old boy, 
Prancer became very sick..literally overnight. He breathing was extremely 
labored and I rushed him to the Emergency Vet. They said he was critical , and 
didn’t think he was going to make it. May be best to put him to sleep since he 
was Felv+ and needed oxygen and and his gums were pale. That night they 
extracted 3 ½ cups of fluid from his lungs. Thank goodness, because that saved 
his life. In the morning we transferred him to our regular vet and our vet 
thought it was his heart. He was right. The ultrasound showed a huge mass tumor 
at the base of his heart. The vet wasn’t sure how much time Prancer had, 
however, he said it might be a day or week, depending on how much fluid built 
up in his lung area. Within 4 days, the fluid was back and I could not have him 
suffer as I lost my Dad to the the suffering of congestive heart failure (with 
build up of fluid in the lungs). So, my vet believes that Interferon might have 
helped Prancer over the years, since in all his years in practice, they have 
not seen a cat like Prancer, great health for 9 ½ years, but be Felv +. Has 
anyone in this group used Interferon with their cats and what is the typical 
avg span life for Felv+ cats? 
Thanks!___Felvtalk mailing 

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Off topic, of interest to many: Webcast: Fixing the Feline Housing Crisis (how sheltertsd canb make cats sick!!!)

2012-10-15 Thread dlgegg
Will they ahve something in print for those of us who cannot go to this?  Would 
like to take to local no kill shelter.  they ahve a problem with housing.  I 
know they ar short on funds, but constructive critismnever hurts.

 Natalie > wrote: > If anyone is interested, let me know, and I will send 
the entire page, how to register, with info privately; it’s too large to send 
to this group! > > > > My new email address is: > > > > > > 
> > Fixing the Feline Housing Crisis: How Shelter Housing Can Make Cats Sick – 
And What You Can Do About It > > It's a feline housing revolution – and it’s 
helping stop shelter cat upper respiratory infections in their tracks! > > > 
Image removed by sender. large_box_bottom.gif > > > Image removed by sender. 
spacer.gif > > > Cats are extremely sensitive to noise, crowding, and stress – 
three things that are in abundant supply in many animal shelters. These adverse 
conditions often lead to illness in sheltered cats, particularly the most 
common of all feline shelter diseases, upper respiratory infection (URI). > The 
good news is that with a “feline wellness renovation project” – decreasing 
crowding and reducing stress – you can drastically cut the incidence of feline 
URI in your shelter's cat population. > Maddie's InstituteSM is pleased to 
announce the second in a two-part series on feline URI in shelters: Fixing the 
Feline Housing Crisis: How Shelter Housing Can Make Cats Sick - And What You 
Can Do About It. Join us for this free webcast on Thursday, October 25, at 9 PM 
Eastern, presented by Dr. Sandra Newbury of the Koret Shelter Medicine Program 
at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. > > Attendees will learn: > > * 
How to understand the natural behavior of cats > * How to set up shelter 
housing to reduce stress > * The importance of giving cats a place to hide when 
stressed or fearful > * The impact of housing cats near dogs > * How 
improvements in noise levels, light cycles, and enrichment can benefit cats > * 
Temperature, air quality and ventilation requirements for URI prevention > * 
How to understand exposure risks > * How to set up separation and isolation for 
sick cats > > Individuals attending the live webcast will be entered in a door 
prize drawing for one of ten copies of Maddie's® Animal Shelter Infection 
Control Manual! > Fixing the Feline Housing Crisis: How Shelter Housing Can 
Make Cats Sick - And What You Can Do About It, is part of an ongoing series of 
educational programs from Maddie's Institute, a program of Maddie's Fund®, the 
nation's leading funder of shelter medicine education. Maddie's Institute 
brings cutting edge shelter medicine information from universities and animal 
welfare leaders to shelter veterinarians, managers and staff as well as private 
practice veterinarians, rescue groups and community members to increase the 
lifesaving of homeless dogs and cats community-wide. > > _ > > Presenter: 
Sandra Newbury, DVM > > > > > > >

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] OT - The crying bull

2012-10-15 Thread dlgegg
Had a problem viewing this in light of Nitnoy's problems.  Glad I watched to 
the end.  Proves there are soe decent people in this world of urs.

 Natalie  wrote: 
> The crying bull: 
> My new email address
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of 
> Kathryn Hargreaves
> Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2012 2:54 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] The Price of Cat Food
> It's even worse than that: 
>   And I've heard that at a local plant, the animals weren't even all dead.   
> The tough guy who told me that was crying, so I believe him.
> On Sat, Oct 13, 2012 at 8:02 AM, Lee Evans  wrote:
> Yum!  It's lunch time here.  So glad I'm a vegetarian and don't have to face 
> a plate of meat after that tidbit of information.  But yes, cats do eat the 
> whole animal and I won't get into the things that they have so generously 
> given me after they caught a bird or lizard but they don't eat cows or sheep 
> or pigs or intestines with the crap in them and that's what commercial 
> by-products are.  No one is going to empty and wash out intestines before 
> adding them to the heap.
> Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty 
> neighbors too!
>   _  
> From: Kathryn Hargreaves 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, October 12, 2012 4:36 PM
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] The Price of Cat Food
> They do eat by-products when they eat the whole prey, but they are getting 
> all the rest, too, which they don't get with just by-products (where the good 
> stuff has been taken out for human consumption).   By-products contain much 
> less nutrition and are often indigestible.  Note that cats also get some 
> minerals by eating the dirt that's on the animals.   Guess that's why some 
> feral feeders just put the food on the ground.  :-)
> That has always surprised me when people report that their cat doesn't eat 
> the organs, as those (exept for feces-filled intestines) are the most 
> nutritious things in the prey's body, and also (I've read that) the big cats 
> eat the organs first and bury the rest of the body for the next day.
> On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 12:22 PM,  wrote:
> While we are on the subject of raw diet, don't they eat some of those things 
> when they catch a mouse, rabbit or squirrel or bird?  The only things my guys 
> don't eat are the organs, especially intestines.  Other wise, they eat the 
> whole thing.
> -- 
> Go Get a Life---Go Get a Shelter Animal!
> If you can't adopt, then foster "bottle baby" shelter animal, to save their 
> life.  Contact your local pound for information. 
> If you can't bottle feed, foster an older animal, to save their life, and to 
> free up cage space.
> Ask your local animal pound to start saving over 90% of their intake by 
> implementing the No Kill Equation: 
> Here's the current growing list of true No Kill communities: 
> Legislate better animal pound conditions:
> More fun reading:
> More fun watching: especially 
> Local feral cat crisis?   See Alley Cat Allies' for how to respond: 

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] The Price of Cat Food

2012-10-15 Thread Edna Taylor

We had one cat with hyperthyroidism and we did the one time iodine treatment, 
brought him home 4 days later and he has been great ever since.  We did not 
want to force pills down his gullet twice a day for the rest of his life.  Plus 
there was the cost factor, $1,000 a year for the rest of his life or one time 
$1,675 treatment.  We opted for the one time treatment.
 > Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 17:31:49 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] The Price of Cat Food
> I had 2 cats with hyper thyroid.  Shallie i took to Missou at Columbia and 
> had to leave her there for 3 weeks because she was radioactive.  Convinced 
> them to let me bring her home early after I agreed to keep her seperate for 
> the others and dispose of her litter safely.  She was on Tapazole, but it did 
> not do much good as she kept spitting them out when I was not looking.  I 
> kept finding little white pills all over.  Second was her brother 1 year 
> later.  I decided not to pursue treatment considering results with Shallie.  
> She lost much of her hair, never was able to ut on wieight and every time she 
> sneezed, it was blood.  Like the meds were a blood thinner.  She was 
> miserable and I did not want to ut tigger thru that.
>  Natalie  wrote: 
> > BTW – Re :HYPERTHYROIDISM – my vet told me that RadioCat has a 4-month, ½
> > price special for radioiodine treatments, starting Nov. 1 – performed at
> > area veterinary clinics on East Coast, check with them if it’s going on in
> > other areas.  I’ve had bad experiences with Tapazole/Methimazole….and this
> > would be a lot cheaper in the long run!  Have had 3 cats done, and 2 more
> > are getting it done by RadioCat ( ) at a super price.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > My new email address
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Lee
> > Evans
> > Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 2:58 AM
> > To: felvtalk
> > Subject: [Felvtalk] The Price of Cat Food
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Costco's Kirkland is excellent.  Unfortunately, it just went up in price a
> > dollar and fifty cents more to $18.99.  It was about $17.59 a couple of
> > weeks ago but it's still the best deal around for 25 pounds of good quality
> > cat food.  I began feeding it again to my inside rescues because they were
> > losing weight after we moved out of San Antonio to Comal County to get away
> > from the ACO's who were constantly giving me citations for too many cats.
> > Anyway, cats are not good with moving from a known to an unknown place.
> > Lots of stress, fur loss, weight loss, behavior problems.  I finally have it
> > under control thanks to a friend who has her own 501 c 3 and is quite well
> > known in the rescue community. I got several adoptions through her
> > organization which culled the herd nicely. A couple of my older cats passed
> > on from kidney failure, one from cancer (my oldest FIV+ cat who was about
> > 13) and one from heart disease and a tumor.  I think it was all due to the
> > stress of moving and being in a much smaller place. Anyway,  to straighten
> > out the fur and weight problem, I bought Kirkland because it has the highest
> > fat content of any of the dry foods.  Several months and several bags of
> > Kirkland later, one of my cats who was almost bald now has a really nice
> > coat (long fur girl, house feral) and the scabs on her skin are gone.  She
> > has put on at least a pound, if not two.  The other cats are gaining weight,
> > all except one.  He needs a thyroid profile when I get some money.  But he's
> > holding his own also.  Of course, my fat cats are getting fatter by the
> > minute.  But on the whole, I'm very happy with Kirkland.  I also use Paws
> > and Claws, which is the brand Tractor Supply feed store puts out. It's quite
> > a bargain although not as fatty as Kirkland but costs $20 for 36 pounds.  I
> > only use canned for the cat who has stomatitis.  Since Kirkland is smaller
> > pellets than other cat food, he is able to eat it without trouble.  I have a
> > membership at Costco through my animal rights organization.  There are three
> > of us who do cat rescue and we share the membership fee each year.  We are
> > tax exempt,  which helps also with the price.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty
> > neighbors too!
> > 
> >  
> > 
> >  
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty
> > neighbors too!
> > 
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Nitnoy and felv

2012-10-15 Thread Diane Rosenfeldt
I'm so sorry. Gentlest of Bridge vibes to Nitnoy, she deserves a good rest.
And so do you. Hugs.

Diane R.

-Original Message-
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 5:08 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Nitnoy and felv

My Nitnoy crossed over today at 12:45.She had been with me since 2008,
survived a raccoon biting of her tail and being FELV +.  There was nothing
to idicate whaat was going on.  During the holidays, she was not doing well
so took her to ER.  They did x-rays and complete bloodwork.  I had told them
she was FELV+ but they did not seem upset that she was just 1 point low on
red and white cells.  After the holiday, I took her to my vet as she was not
improving, had not passed urine or stool.  First thing he did was look at
her anal glands.  They were impacted and infected.  He cleaned them out and
gave her Covina and we brought home Orbax to be given once daily.
Everything was much better, she was back to her self.  Then Friday, she
began hiding, not eating or drinking so took her to vet on Saturday.  ONE
ORCHIDS ARE PLANTED IN.  Sat when we got to vet, my dr was not there, but
his wife (also a vet) was.  She said her lymph glands were slightly enlarged
and gums very pale.  We did another blood panel.  Her white cells were .98
and her red blood cells were 3.2.  Kidney and liver functions were normal as
were creatine and bun.  We thought about going to ER for transfusion, but
she would have to stay over the weekend in a cage and we decided the stress
would outweigh any good it might do plus her body might just kill the new
blood and we would be right back where we started plus stress.  Again, gave
Covina shot and started again on Orbax.  I wanted to try a tonic that has
worked wonders on cancers, etc.  Vet said ok but keep a record of what I did
in case it worked.  She actually seemed to improve.  I was feeding with an
eye dropper aruond 50 ml every hour (i can ad mixed with 3 cans hot water so
she could swallow and also to egt fluids into her.  She got around 50ml of
tonic also.  She took a turn for the worse this am at 3:30, but then seemed
to get better.  She was breathing easier, heart was strong and she responded
to my voice and touch.  By 12:45, she had gone completely the opposite
direction.  I was holding her aganst me as she seemed to like the body
warmth when she gasped 3 or 4 times and the light in her eyes went out.  I
knew she was going and I told her it was all right.  She held on with her
claws, gave a sigh and that was all.

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] The Price of Cat Food

2012-10-15 Thread dlgegg
I had 2 cats with hyper thyroid.  Shallie i took to Missou at Columbia and had 
to leave her there for 3 weeks because she was radioactive.  Convinced them to 
let me bring her home early after I agreed to keep her seperate for the others 
and dispose of her litter safely.  She was on Tapazole, but it did not do much 
good as she kept spitting them out when I was not looking.  I kept finding 
little white pills all over.  Second was her brother 1 year later.  I decided 
not to pursue treatment considering results with Shallie.  She lost much of her 
hair, never was able to ut on wieight and every time she sneezed, it was blood. 
 Like the meds were a blood thinner.  She was miserable and I did not want to 
ut tigger thru that.

 Natalie  wrote: 
> BTW – Re :HYPERTHYROIDISM – my vet told me that RadioCat has a 4-month, ½
> price special for radioiodine treatments, starting Nov. 1 – performed at
> area veterinary clinics on East Coast, check with them if it’s going on in
> other areas.  I’ve had bad experiences with Tapazole/Methimazole….and this
> would be a lot cheaper in the long run!  Have had 3 cats done, and 2 more
> are getting it done by RadioCat ( ) at a super price.
> My new email address
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Lee
> Evans
> Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 2:58 AM
> To: felvtalk
> Subject: [Felvtalk] The Price of Cat Food
> Costco's Kirkland is excellent.  Unfortunately, it just went up in price a
> dollar and fifty cents more to $18.99.  It was about $17.59 a couple of
> weeks ago but it's still the best deal around for 25 pounds of good quality
> cat food.  I began feeding it again to my inside rescues because they were
> losing weight after we moved out of San Antonio to Comal County to get away
> from the ACO's who were constantly giving me citations for too many cats.
> Anyway, cats are not good with moving from a known to an unknown place.
> Lots of stress, fur loss, weight loss, behavior problems.  I finally have it
> under control thanks to a friend who has her own 501 c 3 and is quite well
> known in the rescue community. I got several adoptions through her
> organization which culled the herd nicely. A couple of my older cats passed
> on from kidney failure, one from cancer (my oldest FIV+ cat who was about
> 13) and one from heart disease and a tumor.  I think it was all due to the
> stress of moving and being in a much smaller place. Anyway,  to straighten
> out the fur and weight problem, I bought Kirkland because it has the highest
> fat content of any of the dry foods.  Several months and several bags of
> Kirkland later, one of my cats who was almost bald now has a really nice
> coat (long fur girl, house feral) and the scabs on her skin are gone.  She
> has put on at least a pound, if not two.  The other cats are gaining weight,
> all except one.  He needs a thyroid profile when I get some money.  But he's
> holding his own also.  Of course, my fat cats are getting fatter by the
> minute.  But on the whole, I'm very happy with Kirkland.  I also use Paws
> and Claws, which is the brand Tractor Supply feed store puts out. It's quite
> a bargain although not as fatty as Kirkland but costs $20 for 36 pounds.  I
> only use canned for the cat who has stomatitis.  Since Kirkland is smaller
> pellets than other cat food, he is able to eat it without trouble.  I have a
> membership at Costco through my animal rights organization.  There are three
> of us who do cat rescue and we share the membership fee each year.  We are
> tax exempt,  which helps also with the price.
> Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty
> neighbors too!
> Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty
> neighbors too!

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Nitnoy and felv

2012-10-15 Thread Maryam Ulomi
I'm so sorry for your loss!

Sent from my iPhone.

On Oct 15, 2012, at 18:07,  wrote:

> My Nitnoy crossed over today at 12:45.She had been with me since 2008, 
> survived a raccoon biting of her tail and being FELV +.  There was nothing to 
> idicate whaat was going on.  During the holidays, she was not doing well so 
> took her to ER.  They did x-rays and complete bloodwork.  I had told them she 
> was FELV+ but they did not seem upset that she was just 1 point low on red 
> and white cells.  After the holiday, I took her to my vet as she was not 
> improving, had not passed urine or stool.  First thing he did was look at her 
> anal glands.  They were impacted and infected.  He cleaned them out and gave 
> her Covina and we brought home Orbax to be given once daily.  Everything was 
> much better, she was back to her self.  Then Friday, she began hiding, not 
> eating or drinking so took her to vet on Saturday.  ONE THING SHE DID THAT 
> Sat when we got to vet, my dr was not there, but his wife (also a vet) was.  
> She said her lymph glands were slightly enlarged and gums very pale.  We did 
> another blood panel.  Her white cells were .98 and her red blood cells were 
> 3.2.  Kidney and liver functions were normal as were creatine and bun.  We 
> thought about going to ER for transfusion, but she would have to stay over 
> the weekend in a cage and we decided the stress would outweigh any good it 
> might do plus her body might just kill the new blood and we would be right 
> back where we started plus stress.  Again, gave Covina shot and started again 
> on Orbax.  I wanted to try a tonic that has worked wonders on cancers, etc.  
> Vet said ok but keep a record of what I did in case it worked.  She actually 
> seemed to improve.  I was feeding with an eye dropper aruond 50 ml every hour 
> (i can ad mixed with 3 cans hot water so she could swallow and also to egt 
> fluids into her.  She got around 50ml of tonic also.  She took a turn for the 
> worse this am at 3:30, but then seemed to get better.  She was breathing 
> easier, heart was strong and she responded to my voice and touch.  By 12:45, 
> she had gone completely the opposite direction.  I was holding her aganst me 
> as she seemed to like the body warmth when she gasped 3 or 4 times and the 
> light in her eyes went out.  I knew she was going and I told her it was all 
> right.  She held on with her claws, gave a sigh and that was all.
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] The Price of Cat Food

2012-10-15 Thread dlgegg

Every time you hear about a recall, it involves a company in Georgia that does 
foods for almost every brand of cat and dog food.  i got hung up in the one 
with the filler that caused kidney and liver damage.  My guys didn't get hurt, 
but I had to test to be sure they were safe and they were on Hill's Science 
Diet at the time.  You know the SAFE food.  That and the fact that everyoe 
seems to put corn, wheat and soy + other things in their food and I started 
looking for something better.  On Blud Bufalo now.  We expecially like DUCK.  
Now it is treats that the FDA can't figure out what is wrong with the treats so 
they have not issued a recall.  Pretty soon we will be forced to make our own 
if we want safe, quality food.

 Lee Evans  wrote: 
> That was Diamond brand cat food, from a manufacturer on the East Coast - I 
> think in Georgia.  Kirkland purple bag cat food made for Costco was not 
> involved.  The Diamond cat food that was involved had salmonella.

Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 

 From: Beth 
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 5:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] The Price of Cat Food
They also had q recall not to long ago. I don't remember what happened but I 
know somranimalsgot very sick, including a friend of mine's cats. But that can 
happen with any brand esp if they are buying ingredients from other suppliers.

Lee Evans  wrote:

>Costco's Kirkland is excellent.  Unfortunately, it just went up in price a 
>dollar and fifty cents more to $18.99.  It was about $17.59 a couple of 
>weeks ago but it's still the best deal around for 25 pounds of good 
>quality cat food.  I began feeding it again to my inside rescues because they 
>were losing weight after we moved out of San Antonio to Comal 
>County to get away from the ACO's who were constantly giving me 
>citations for too many cats.  Anyway, cats are not good with moving from a 
>known to an unknown place.  Lots of stress, fur loss, weight loss, 
>behavior problems.  I finally have it under control thanks to a friend 
>who has her own 501 c 3 and is quite well known in the rescue community. I got 
>several adoptions through her organization which culled the herd 
>nicely. A couple of my older cats passed on from kidney failure, one from 
>cancer (my oldest FIV+ cat who 
>was about 13) and one from heart disease and a tumor.  I think it was 
>all due to the stress of moving and being in a much smaller place. 
>Anyway,  to straighten out the fur and weight problem, I bought Kirkland 
>because it has the highest fat content of any of the dry foods.  
>Several months and several bags of Kirkland later, one of my cats who 
>was almost bald now has a really nice coat (long fur girl, house feral) 
>and the scabs on her skin are gone.  She has put on at least a pound, if not 
>two.  The other cats are gaining weight, all except one.  He needs a thyroid 
>profile when I get some money.  But he's holding his own also.  Of course, my 
>fat cats are getting fatter by the minute.  But on the 
>whole, I'm very happy with Kirkland.  I also use Paws and Claws, which 
>is the brand Tractor Supply feed store puts out. It's quite a bargain although 
>not as fatty as Kirkland but costs $20 for 36 pounds.  I only 
>use canned for the cat who has stomatitis.  Since Kirkland is smaller 
>pellets than other cat food, he is able to eat it without trouble.  I 
>have a membership at Costco through my animal rights organization.  
>There are three of us who do cat rescue and we share the membership fee 
>each year.  We are tax exempt,  which helps also with the price.
>Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty 
>neighbors too!
>Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty 
>neighbors too!
>Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Kirkland Cat Food & Some Info On Tax Exemptions

2012-10-15 Thread dlgegg
Not ding bats, just bull headed.  Don't tell me what to eat!

 Lee Evans  wrote: 
I don't think I ever saw the yellow bag that Susan Hoffman mentioned.  
They have a light blue bag of Reduced Calorie food (diet food) but I 
don't use that on skinny cats and the fat cats would probably eat the 
fatty food while the skinny ones would most likely head for the diet 
food.  Ding-bat cats.

You would probably need two memberships at Costco, one
 for cat food and cleaning products through a 501 c 3 tax exempt 
organization and your own private membership that you already have.  I pay 
about $18  year for
 my one third share of the membership.  I don't buy food there because 
I'm one person and can't afford to buy in quantity for myself.  But if 
you purchase cleaning products, paper towels, garbage bags, hand 
sanitizer, cat litter, flea treatment (they sell Frontline Plus and 
their own brand of flea treatment), anything you
 could list under caring for rescued cats, you can charge them under the
 non-profit heading. Costco also sells boxes of canned Friskies and 
canned Fancy Feast.  The price is comparable to PetsMart, maybe a penny 
or two less per can.  You have to buy a box of 24 for the Frikies.  I 
think it's 18 cans for the Fancy Feast.  Way out of my league at this 
time though.  I usually purchase 9 Lives canned cat food and all 
cleaning products at HEB- Plus supermarket.  We are listed with the 
company as tax exempt.  I fill out a short form each time I make a 
purchase and don't have to pay the 8% sales tax. I do a separate order 
on my personal food and purchases. In the past I have also bought the 
round sherpa cat beds and litter boxes at the supermarket with the tax 
exemption. It definitely adds up.

Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Nitnoy and felv

2012-10-15 Thread dlgegg
My Nitnoy crossed over today at 12:45.She had been with me since 2008, 
survived a raccoon biting of her tail and being FELV +.  There was nothing to 
idicate whaat was going on.  During the holidays, she was not doing well so 
took her to ER.  They did x-rays and complete bloodwork.  I had told them she 
was FELV+ but they did not seem upset that she was just 1 point low on red and 
white cells.  After the holiday, I took her to my vet as she was not improving, 
had not passed urine or stool.  First thing he did was look at her anal glands. 
 They were impacted and infected.  He cleaned them out and gave her Covina and 
we brought home Orbax to be given once daily.  Everything was much better, she 
was back to her self.  Then Friday, she began hiding, not eating or drinking so 
took her to vet on Saturday.  ONE THING SHE DID THAT STRUCK ME ODD - SHE TRIED 
dr was not there, but his wife (also a vet) was.  She said her lymph glands 
were slightly enlarged and gums very pale.  We did another blood panel.  Her 
white cells were .98 and her red blood cells were 3.2.  Kidney and liver 
functions were normal as were creatine and bun.  We thought about going to ER 
for transfusion, but she would have to stay over the weekend in a cage and we 
decided the stress would outweigh any good it might do plus her body might just 
kill the new blood and we would be right back where we started plus stress.  
Again, gave Covina shot and started again on Orbax.  I wanted to try a tonic 
that has worked wonders on cancers, etc.  Vet said ok but keep a record of what 
I did in case it worked.  She actually seemed to improve.  I was feeding with 
an eye dropper aruond 50 ml every hour (i can ad mixed with 3 cans hot water so 
she could swallow and also to egt fluids into her.  She got around 50ml of 
tonic also.  She took a turn for the worse this am at 3:30, but then seemed to 
get better.  She was breathing easier, heart was strong and she responded to my 
voice and touch.  By 12:45, she had gone completely the opposite direction.  I 
was holding her aganst me as she seemed to like the body warmth when she gasped 
3 or 4 times and the light in her eyes went out.  I knew she was going and I 
told her it was all right.  She held on with her claws, gave a sigh and that 
was all.

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Kirkland Cat Food & Some Info On Tax Exemptions

2012-10-15 Thread Susan Hoffman
Orange bag, not yellow.  The product name is "nature's domain" but I think it's 
a Kirkland product.
I should look into the tax exempt thing.  Would be good to get out from under 
sales tax.  That would actually help a lot.  If not for the cats I would not 
bother with Costco.  We buy our own people food at a Grocery Outlet store, or 
at farmers mrkets and sometimes a regular grocery if it's on sale.  Just don't 
have much use for giant quantities of people food with only two humans in the 

From: Lee Evans 
To: felvtalk ; "" 
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 11:45 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Kirkland Cat Food & Some Info On Tax Exemptions

I don't think I ever saw the yellow bag that Susan Hoffman mentioned.  They 
have a light blue bag of Reduced Calorie food (diet food) but I don't use that 
on skinny cats and the fat cats would probably eat the fatty food while the 
skinny ones would most likely head for the diet food.  Ding-bat cats.

You would probably need two memberships at Costco, one for cat food and 
cleaning products through a 501 c 3 tax exempt organization and your own 
private membership that you already have.  I pay about $18  year for my one 
third share of the membership.  I don't buy food there because I'm one person 
and can't afford to buy in quantity for myself.  But if you purchase cleaning 
products, paper towels, garbage bags, hand sanitizer, cat litter, flea 
treatment (they sell Frontline Plus and their own brand of flea treatment), 
anything you could list under caring for rescued cats, you can charge them 
under the non-profit heading. Costco also sells boxes of canned Friskies and 
canned Fancy Feast.  The price is comparable to PetsMart, maybe a penny or two 
less per can.  You have to buy a box of 24 for the Frikies.  I think it's 18 
cans for the Fancy Feast.  Way out of my league at this time though.  I usually 
purchase 9 Lives canned cat food and all
 cleaning products at HEB- Plus supermarket.  We are listed with the company as 
tax exempt.  I fill out a short form each time I make a purchase and don't have 
to pay the 8% sales tax. I do a separate order on my personal food and 
purchases. In the past I have also bought the round sherpa cat beds and litter 
boxes at the supermarket with the tax exemption. It definitely adds up.

Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 

Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Kirkland Cat Food & Some Info On Tax Exemptions

2012-10-15 Thread Lee Evans

I don't think I ever saw the yellow bag that Susan Hoffman mentioned.  
They have a light blue bag of Reduced Calorie food (diet food) but I 
don't use that on skinny cats and the fat cats would probably eat the 
fatty food while the skinny ones would most likely head for the diet 
food.  Ding-bat cats.

You would probably need two memberships at Costco, one
 for cat food and cleaning products through a 501 c 3 tax exempt 
organization and your own private membership that you already have.  I pay 
about $18  year for
 my one third share of the membership.  I don't buy food there because 
I'm one person and can't afford to buy in quantity for myself.  But if 
you purchase cleaning products, paper towels, garbage bags, hand 
sanitizer, cat litter, flea treatment (they sell Frontline Plus and 
their own brand of flea treatment), anything you
 could list under caring for rescued cats, you can charge them under the
 non-profit heading. Costco also sells boxes of canned Friskies and 
canned Fancy Feast.  The price is comparable to PetsMart, maybe a penny 
or two less per can.  You have to buy a box of 24 for the Frikies.  I 
think it's 18 cans for the Fancy Feast.  Way out of my league at this 
time though.  I usually purchase 9 Lives canned cat food and all 
cleaning products at HEB- Plus supermarket.  We are listed with the 
company as tax exempt.  I fill out a short form each time I make a 
purchase and don't have to pay the 8% sales tax. I do a separate order 
on my personal food and purchases. In the past I have also bought the 
round sherpa cat beds and litter boxes at the supermarket with the tax 
exemption. It definitely adds up.

Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] The Price of Cat Food

2012-10-15 Thread Lee Evans
That was Diamond brand cat food, from a manufacturer on the East Coast - I 
think in Georgia.  Kirkland purple bag cat food made for Costco was not 
involved.  The Diamond cat food that was involved had salmonella.

Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 

 From: Beth 
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 5:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] The Price of Cat Food
They also had q recall not to long ago. I don't remember what happened but I 
know somranimalsgot very sick, including a friend of mine's cats. But that can 
happen with any brand esp if they are buying ingredients from other suppliers.

Lee Evans  wrote:

>Costco's Kirkland is excellent.  Unfortunately, it just went up in price a 
>dollar and fifty cents more to $18.99.  It was about $17.59 a couple of 
>weeks ago but it's still the best deal around for 25 pounds of good 
>quality cat food.  I began feeding it again to my inside rescues because they 
>were losing weight after we moved out of San Antonio to Comal 
>County to get away from the ACO's who were constantly giving me 
>citations for too many cats.  Anyway, cats are not good with moving from a 
>known to an unknown place.  Lots of stress, fur loss, weight loss, 
>behavior problems.  I finally have it under control thanks to a friend 
>who has her own 501 c 3 and is quite well known in the rescue community. I got 
>several adoptions through her organization which culled the herd 
>nicely. A couple of my older cats passed on from kidney failure, one from 
>cancer (my oldest FIV+ cat who 
>was about 13) and one from heart disease and a tumor.  I think it was 
>all due to the stress of moving and being in a much smaller place. 
>Anyway,  to straighten out the fur and weight problem, I bought Kirkland 
>because it has the highest fat content of any of the dry foods.  
>Several months and several bags of Kirkland later, one of my cats who 
>was almost bald now has a really nice coat (long fur girl, house feral) 
>and the scabs on her skin are gone.  She has put on at least a pound, if not 
>two.  The other cats are gaining weight, all except one.  He needs a thyroid 
>profile when I get some money.  But he's holding his own also.  Of course, my 
>fat cats are getting fatter by the minute.  But on the 
>whole, I'm very happy with Kirkland.  I also use Paws and Claws, which 
>is the brand Tractor Supply feed store puts out. It's quite a bargain although 
>not as fatty as Kirkland but costs $20 for 36 pounds.  I only 
>use canned for the cat who has stomatitis.  Since Kirkland is smaller 
>pellets than other cat food, he is able to eat it without trouble.  I 
>have a membership at Costco through my animal rights organization.  
>There are three of us who do cat rescue and we share the membership fee 
>each year.  We are tax exempt,  which helps also with the price.
>Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty 
>neighbors too!
>Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty 
>neighbors too!
>Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] The Price of Cat Food

2012-10-15 Thread Natalie
BTW – Re :HYPERTHYROIDISM – my vet told me that RadioCat has a 4-month, ½
price special for radioiodine treatments, starting Nov. 1 – performed at
area veterinary clinics on East Coast, check with them if it’s going on in
other areas.  I’ve had bad experiences with Tapazole/Methimazole….and this
would be a lot cheaper in the long run!  Have had 3 cats done, and 2 more
are getting it done by RadioCat ( ) at a super price.


My new email address


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Lee
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 2:58 AM
To: felvtalk
Subject: [Felvtalk] The Price of Cat Food


Costco's Kirkland is excellent.  Unfortunately, it just went up in price a
dollar and fifty cents more to $18.99.  It was about $17.59 a couple of
weeks ago but it's still the best deal around for 25 pounds of good quality
cat food.  I began feeding it again to my inside rescues because they were
losing weight after we moved out of San Antonio to Comal County to get away
from the ACO's who were constantly giving me citations for too many cats.
Anyway, cats are not good with moving from a known to an unknown place.
Lots of stress, fur loss, weight loss, behavior problems.  I finally have it
under control thanks to a friend who has her own 501 c 3 and is quite well
known in the rescue community. I got several adoptions through her
organization which culled the herd nicely. A couple of my older cats passed
on from kidney failure, one from cancer (my oldest FIV+ cat who was about
13) and one from heart disease and a tumor.  I think it was all due to the
stress of moving and being in a much smaller place. Anyway,  to straighten
out the fur and weight problem, I bought Kirkland because it has the highest
fat content of any of the dry foods.  Several months and several bags of
Kirkland later, one of my cats who was almost bald now has a really nice
coat (long fur girl, house feral) and the scabs on her skin are gone.  She
has put on at least a pound, if not two.  The other cats are gaining weight,
all except one.  He needs a thyroid profile when I get some money.  But he's
holding his own also.  Of course, my fat cats are getting fatter by the
minute.  But on the whole, I'm very happy with Kirkland.  I also use Paws
and Claws, which is the brand Tractor Supply feed store puts out. It's quite
a bargain although not as fatty as Kirkland but costs $20 for 36 pounds.  I
only use canned for the cat who has stomatitis.  Since Kirkland is smaller
pellets than other cat food, he is able to eat it without trouble.  I have a
membership at Costco through my animal rights organization.  There are three
of us who do cat rescue and we share the membership fee each year.  We are
tax exempt,  which helps also with the price.



Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty
neighbors too!




Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty
neighbors too!

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] The Price of Cat Food

2012-10-15 Thread Beth
They also had q recall not to long ago. I don't remember what happened but I 
know somranimalsgot very sick, including a friend of mine's cats. But that can 
happen with any brand esp if they are buying ingredients from other suppliers.

Lee Evans  wrote:

>Costco's Kirkland is excellent.  Unfortunately, it just went up in price a 
>dollar and fifty cents more to $18.99.  It was about $17.59 a couple of 
>weeks ago but it's still the best deal around for 25 pounds of good 
>quality cat food.  I began feeding it again to my inside rescues because they 
>were losing weight after we moved out of San Antonio to Comal 
>County to get away from the ACO's who were constantly giving me 
>citations for too many cats.  Anyway, cats are not good with moving from a 
>known to an unknown place.  Lots of stress, fur loss, weight loss, 
>behavior problems.  I finally have it under control thanks to a friend 
>who has her own 501 c 3 and is quite well known in the rescue community. I got 
>several adoptions through her organization which culled the herd 
>nicely. A couple of my older cats passed on from kidney failure, one from 
>cancer (my oldest FIV+ cat who 
>was about 13) and one from heart disease and a tumor.  I think it was 
>all due to the stress of moving and being in a much smaller place. 
>Anyway,  to straighten out the fur and weight problem, I bought Kirkland 
>because it has the highest fat content of any of the dry foods.  
>Several months and several bags of Kirkland later, one of my cats who 
>was almost bald now has a really nice coat (long fur girl, house feral) 
>and the scabs on her skin are gone.  She has put on at least a pound, if not 
>two.  The other cats are gaining weight, all except one.  He needs a thyroid 
>profile when I get some money.  But he's holding his own also.  Of course, my 
>fat cats are getting fatter by the minute.  But on the 
>whole, I'm very happy with Kirkland.  I also use Paws and Claws, which 
>is the brand Tractor Supply feed store puts out. It's quite a bargain although 
>not as fatty as Kirkland but costs $20 for 36 pounds.  I only 
>use canned for the cat who has stomatitis.  Since Kirkland is smaller 
>pellets than other cat food, he is able to eat it without trouble.  I 
>have a membership at Costco through my animal rights organization.  
>There are three of us who do cat rescue and we share the membership fee 
>each year.  We are tax exempt,  which helps also with the price.
>Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty 
>neighbors too!
>Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty 
>neighbors too!
>Felvtalk mailing list
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