Re: (no subject)

2006-06-25 Thread catatonya
If the blockage is severe they typically remove the cat's penis and turn him into a 'her'.  It's not really that uncommon.  It may be that a blockage was so severe it couldn't be helped... but I've never heard of it.  Though I have heard of the sex change!     tTad Burnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Right... I paid for it 30+ years ago and that is when I learned the economy of paying a little more for good food...Tad[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  The surgery can get expensive though, and some vets may not know how to do it, BUT I would think they could have
 referred her to someone that could have helped, if money wasn't a factor.  Phaewryn     PLEASE Adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!!      DONATE: We could really use a power saw (for construction), a digital camera (for pictures) and HOMES for CATS!   No virus found in this outgoing message.  Checked by AVG Free Edition.  Version: 7.1.394 / Virus Database: 268.9.1/369 - Release Date: 6/19/2006

Re: Testing saliva for FeLV (was 'interesting')

2006-06-25 Thread catatonya
I have heard of this before, but it was not as accurate.  I guess they are working to make it more accurate?  Either way, it's always been known to be in the saliva, but it dies so quickly that that is not how it is typically transmitted.  It's more typically transmitted sexually like felv,  through bad fighting like is involved in non neutered cats, and through birth to a positive mother.  My positives have always groomed my negatives.     twendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Did anyone read the post that Elizabeth sent ontesting saliva instead of blood for FeLV? It's belowin case you deleted it. I think it's veryinteresting. Not only can they possibly test withouttaking blood, but if FeLV is hanging out in the salivathen it IS possible to pass it along via
 grooming (ie.heavy What do you guys think aboutthis new research?:)Wendy--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:> An abstract from March 2006. Sure would make life> easier if we could test > without drawing blood> > > _J Clin Microbiol._ (_javascript_:AL_get(this,> 'jour', 'J Clin > Microbiol.');) 2006 Mar;44(3):916-22. _Related > Articles,_ >(> > _Links_ (_javascript_:PopUpMenu2_Set(Menu16517876);) > > >("">> > Detection of feline leukemia virus RNA in saliva> from naturally infected > cats and correlation of PCR results with
 those of> current diagnostic methods.> > _Gomes-Keller MA_ >("Gomes-Keller+MA"[Author])> , _Gonczi E_ >(> d_Abstract&term="Gonczi+E"[Author]) , _Tandon R_ >("Tandon+R"[> Author]) , _Riondato F_ >("Riondato+F"[Author])> , > _Hofmann-Lehmann R_ >("Hofmann-Lehmann+R"[Author])> , _Meli ML_
 >(> t&term="Meli+ML"[Author]) , _Lutz H_ >("Lutz+H"[Author])> .> > Clinical Laboratory, Vetsuisse Faculty, University> of Zurich, > Winterthurerstrasse 260, 8057, Zurich, Switzerland. > [EMAIL PROTECTED]> > A novel diagnostic test for feline leukemia virus> (FeLV) RNA in saliva from > naturally infected cats is described in this study.> We evaluated different > diagnostic tests and compared them with the widely > used enzyme-linked > immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of p27> in the diagnosis of FeLV. Blood > samples from 445 cats were tested for the presence> of provirus by real-time > PCR and
 plasma and saliva specimens from those cats> were tested for the > presence of viral RNA by real-time reverse> transcription (RT)-PCR and for the > presence of p27 by ELISA. In comparison to> conventional ELISA, the diagnostic > sensitivity and specificity of the detection of> salivary FeLV RNA by real-time > RT-PCR were found to be 98.1 and 99.2%,> respectively. Detection of viral RNA in > saliva had a positive predictive value of 94.6% and> a negative predictive > value of 99.7%. The kappa value was 0.96,> demonstrating an almost perfect > agreement between both tests. Furthermore, we> confirmed previous results showing > that a number of cats which tested negative for the> presence of p27 in plasma > were in fact positive for the presence of DNA> provirus in blood specimens > (5.4%). However, 96.4% of these latently infected>
 cats did not shed viral RNA in > saliva; therefore, we assume that these cats are of> relatively low clinical > importance at the time of testing. This study shows> considerable diagnostic > value of the detection of saliva FeLV RNA in> naturally infected cats. This new > diagnostic method has advantages over the> conventional ELISA, such as less > invasive sample collection and no requirement for> trained personnel.> > > _Entrez PubMed_ >(> > __Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Need more prayers for my little babies..

2006-06-25 Thread catatonya
CC was around 6 months when she had immunoregulin.     t[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  I wonder if immuno-regulin can be used with kittens?  Michelle

Re: Safety first? - On my soapbox again

2006-06-25 Thread catatonya
I'm with Nina.  Plus it just doesn't happen. I have brought in new negatives and new positives.  NO ONE has ever 'caught' felv from my positives.  One was a feral that had only had her 1st vaccine and I just brought her on in without waiting for the 2nd.  She's negative.     Unless you're dealing with unvaccinated cats/kittens. it's just not going to happen.  If I had the choice to live all alone or be killed or live in a 'sanctuary' I'd choose to risk the thunderstorm too.  I truly think the odds of a positive transferring the virus to a vaccinated cat would be about the same as being struck  by lightening.     NOT vaccinating would be more like holding the metal pole.  If they're vaccinated there is simply just not a risk.  I've been on this list over 10 years.  It doesn't happen.  Even positive cats have only a third of a chance of getting sick. 
 About a third of cats are naturally immune.  About a third might carry the virus and never get sick.  And the last third gets sick.   Add the vaccine to help that last third and even if it's not 100% effective you are looking at excellent odds.     What does happen is that people test their cats one time and get false negatives.  Then they don't find out they have a positive cat until it gets sick or they bring in a cat that tests positive and then retest everyone and find out they had a false negative to begin with but think the disease was transmitted.  I don't believe it was.  The virus can be in the bone marrow for years and then show up.  Unless a cat came from an older truly negative mother, and was never exposed to ANY other cats there's a chance it might turn up positive at some point. Any cat you already have could be harboring the virus if it was a stray, if it came from a shelter
 or rescue, from a breeder, etc  even if it tested negative at one time.  I truly believe you are 99.9% safe if the cats are vaccinated.     And yes, I think vets need to get their acts together and quit passing out information that is flat out wrong.  They know there's next to no chance of a vaccinated cat getting felv, BUT they have to cover their asses.     It's just like what's going on now with vaccinations.  They KNOW those vaccinations are not necessary every year, but they are fighting it every step of the way to scare people into getting them every year.  Why?  Money.     My internal specialist told me he had his household mixed at least 10 years ago.  He said the 'right thing to do' would be to tell me to find a new place for my positive but that he had a positive himself.  felv and fiv.  And he said no one had
 transferred either to his negative cats.     tonyaNina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  If the only place you could be with your loved ones and not feel like a prisoner, was to stand in thunder storms, (even with a pole in your arms), I wonder how much more ready to risk it someone might be.  I don't know how well this analogy works, but when you're talking about a pos being segregated away from family fur members and confined to one room "for each other's safety", there are other things to consider besides the "safest" course of action.  There is some debate about just how social cats are, how necessary to their well being it is to interact with each other.  I just know from personal experience that it is important to my guys.  I don't know how I would have reacted if I'd had some warning about
 the status of my felv kids.  They had already been mixed, and even though it did give me pause, there was really no decision to be made.  I can only tell you how grateful I am that I didn't separate them from the rest of the household.  Maybe I'm fortunate to not have had anyone else contract the disease, the majority of this list has had the same experience, but there are some that have not.  I guess part of my decision making process always includes the aspect of what I consider quality of life.  I've never been a proponent of quantity over quality.  Cats need to interact in as "free" and stimulating an environment as possible.  Of course it's important to keep them safe, but I wonder what their answer would be if we posed the question to them directly.  We could always pole incarcerated humans and ask them if they'd rather take their chances standing free in a thunder storm.  Maybe my view on this has to do with watching,
 loving and learning from my feral colonies.  Perhaps it's just a rationalization to help me cope with not being able to fully protect the "wild" cats that I love, but I am convinced that they would not be living as full or as happy a life if they were forced to live in captivity.   So, as it's too late to not make this a long-winded response, I'll try to at least cut it short...  Should the experts update their websites?  You bet they should.  Part of the problem is that the updating we are looking for is mostly from anequdotal evidence and the experts don't put a great deal of credence in what guardians like us have discov

Re: Everybody's talent

2006-06-25 Thread Gina
I would definately like to have a copy when it is ready.  Let me know :)     Gina  gwork <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I decided to record it onto CD first as my stepson has the equipment, so we finally did that yesterday.  Have to go back and re-record a few screw-ups, though!!  It ended up being 85 min. long, and I did it all in one sitting!  So after we touch-up, I would like to see about adding some background music and I have to learn how to make CD covers and inserts.  Happy to send you, or anyone else on the list, one for free when it's done, if you would like.  I'm going to add a PayPal on the site so that it will be available that way,
 and then I'm going to try some of my step-brother's ideas!!  Then I may still put it in book form if there seems to be any demand for it.  Thanks for asking and thanks for posting a link!     Kris Original Message -   From: Gina   To:   Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2006 2:19 PM 
 Subject: Re: Everybody's talentI put a link to both your websites on my cats' site.  Kris, I have just started reading your Blog.  I am up to May 09.  Are you in the process of publishing your book?  How is that going?     Ginagwork <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I just got to look at Bailey's website - I think it is so nice that you do a site for him, and I'm glad to know others are using the 'net this way, as I am, to tell their stories and save other pets from early fates. And you're right - they're cute from any angle!! :) If you don't mind, I am going to put a link on my site for Spaz to yours. I will also send her story and a few pics to your site when I get some
 more time. Thanks for the offer!! I would like to change Spaz's all around so that I can have other people's stories as well, among other things. It was the first and only website I've ever done, so there's a lot to learn!Kris Original Message - From: "Belinda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2006 9:30 AMSubject: Re: Everybody's talent> Hubby works his behind off so I can be home with the furkids all day > and do free websites for animal rescues. Mostly customizing their > petfinder sites, I also do a website for one of my yahoo talk groups. A > few of my animal rescue clients have their own domains and I design and > maintain their websites also. I have a few paying clients and own and run > a small web hosting company. I don't really make any money but I break > even on the
 hosting company so that's all that matters.>> I work with about 30 rescue groups, thank goodness they don't all update > on a regular basis or I'd be in big trouble, as it is I'm so far behind > now with the website updating that it's really hard to keep up and it's > going to take me awhile to get caught up if I ever do. Looking for a > hobby??!!>> I'm working on a new site that is dedicated to Bailey my sweet positive > that I lost in May. I haven't really had time lately to do much with it. > If anyone would like to contribute an article or some good links for info, > please send them, Or if you'd like to send your positives story/stories > and photos I would really love it (there's a form right on the site where > you can submit your story and photos)!!>>>>> Well back to work
 ...>>> -- >> Belinda> happiness is being owned by cats ...>> Be-Mi-Kitties>>> Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens>>> FeLV Candlelight Service>>> [affordable hosting & web design]>>> >> BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]>>>>   No heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are there to welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery        Tiggertales ~ a site about our beloved felines    Do you Yahoo!?Get on board. You're invited to try the new Yahoo! Mail Beta.No heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are there to welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery        Tiggertales ~ a site about our beloved felines       
		Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls.  Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

Re: (no subject)

2006-06-25 Thread Kerry MacKenzie

According to my vet--who I trust and respect--there has been a 
significant increase in diabetes and overweight in cats over the past few 
years. This is apparently attributed to the high carb content of dry food. 

When I got my first cat 10 years ago I recall being 
advised to switch to dry food, even tho my cats were happy with their 
wet food. I dutifully changed to dry.
Now the thinking is totally changed, and wet is 
better, not least because of its high water content that helps prevent 
Wish I'd never switched to dry. I give mine both, because they 
lost weight when I cut down on dry and increased the wet. They wdn't eat the 
Even now, I open no bigger than a 5oz can twice a day, between 
5 cats. More often than not, much of it remains uneaten. They're quite addicted 
to the dry.
Very frustrating (and wasteful)!
- Original Message - 

  Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2006 3:54 PM
  Subject: (no subject)
  I just recorded my Spaz story 
  yesterday, and it has reminded me of a few things.  I was wondering how 
  common diabetes is in cats, and if any of you have experiences with it?  
  I do not have any, but I would like to try to learn something ahead of time 
  just in case.  Hopefully, I will get the overweight ones to lose some 
  weight with the new diet.  I know a fair amount about human diabetes, 
  since my husband is diabetic, but that could be different.
  Also, since the last go-around with 
  anemia, when I would try to open the windows/doors, always Spaz would begin 
  sneezing, etc., as if having allergies.  So I thought it 
  better to stop this so as not to stress her immune system.  Now, 
  with the knowledge of these supplements, that may change, but I was wondering 
  if anyone else has had anything like this happen?

Local Cat Rescue in Need after Fire

2006-06-25 Thread ETrent

I hope I'm not breaking a rule by posting this...If any of you can 
donate to help these people get on their feet after the fire - I know 
they would appreciate even small donations so much.  "Friends of 
Ferals" does a lot to help the cats and our community.

Dear Friends, You may have heard on the news that Petsmart, JonesValley 
in Huntsville had a fire Monday night, June 19.  The AdoptionCenter 
there was supported by Friends of Ferals, and we had cats therehoping for 
adoption.  Let me assure you quickly, our cats are OK, but wedo need 
your help.
The fire department was quick to respond but it was a smoky fire 
andsadly many of Petsmart's birds and small animals perished.  The 
managersand employees are devastated and they appreciate your prayers, 
andsupport once the store reopens.
Luckily FoF was in changeout mode and only eight cats were there, 
veryunusual as we often have up to twenty.  They are OK, possible 
slightsmoke inhalation only and stressed of course so extra love is 
beinggiven.  We had an Ionic Breeze air purifier tower in the small 
room andwe feel it helped save the cats.
Now we are in the big job of trying to clean and recover many of 
oursmoke covered things and try to get back to adoption as soon as the 
storereopens, as we have many sweet babies seeking their forever 
Petsmart is being very very good and will replace many of the 
damagedsupplies, as even our file cabinet is trashed.  We are concerned 
that ourtowels and rugs and cat beds, even though washed, will keep the 
plasticsmoke residue and could still be toxic to the cats in that small 
If you would be so kind to see if you any good condition towels to 
donateto us, that would be very welcome.  We have specific rug needs 
for thecages that are a bit difficult to explain so would appreciate 
anymonetary donations to rebuy those and other damaged supplies.  
Anydonations beyond our Adoption Center restocking needs would be 
gratefullyused to spay or neuter other homeless cats.
And if you have it in your hearts to add another family member, our 
veryspecial friendly and thankful kitties are listed here:  
(Listed blessed kittiesthat were there in the fire: KoVu, BobBoy and Rosie. 
Not shown yet arePumpkin, Sir Maxx, Prince, Gloria, and Charlie)
Please contact me, Linda Terry Hickam for any other questions.  Thank 
youso much for your kindness.  We would be happy to arrange pickup or 
maildonations to:
Friends of FeralsPO Box 4506Huntsville, AL 35773256 

Re: How is Shakiti today?

2006-06-25 Thread jenmeyer
Not sure how long you've been ordering from this
may be old news to ya... ;)  But if you sign up for emails to be sent to
you, they often contain coupons for up to 22% off your order!  I usually
wait to get a 20% or 22% off coupon as it usually just about covers
shipping depending on how you play around with the weight!  But like I
said, you probably already knew that as I think the 20% come around
about once a month!  :)

"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan

"The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long..." --Blade Runner

- Original Message -
Date: Sunday, June 25, 2006 7:33 pm
Subject: Re: How is Shakiti today? (plus MK update and questions -
sorry   wrote a book)

> Thank you, Wendy, for the insurance info.  It sounds like it might  
> help a 
> good deal.  Do they cover regular check-ups at all?   I'll  go 
> online and see 
> what I can find out.  I thought I might also talk to my  vet and 
> see if they 
> have any information.
> I ordered some EVO from PetFoodDirect.  You can get 24 5.5oz cans 
> for  $25.99 
> or 12/13.2 oz cons for $ they always give you at least 
> a 5%  
> discount.  You still have to pay for shipping though but in my 
> case, it's  cheaper 
> than driving to some town where I might be able to find it.
> I've kept MK inside some over the weekend trying to discourage her 
> from  
> tormenting the bunnies.  Thank goodness she hasn't felt the need to 
> bring gifts 
> the past day or so.  She's definitely on bug patrol  though - I 
> would hate to 
> be one.
> elizabeth
> In a message dated 6/25/2006 6:53:45 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> Hey  Elizabeth,
> I am so happy and relieved to hear that Shakiti is
> doing  so wonderfully!!!  You're such a great cat mom
> to take care of all  your furbabies like you do.  
> I have Veterinary Pet  Insurance.  It's ok.  I pay
> about $90 a year for each kitty I  have insured.  When
> Cricket was initially diagnosed with FeLV in 2003,  I
> submitted $208 in fees, and they reimbursed me $117. 
> There is a $50  deductible per claim though.  Then two
> years later, when he developed  the anemia,  I
> submitted two different claims, one for $245 and  one
> for $102, and they paid $108 and $47 respectively.  So
> it  certainly isn't an investment, but it does help if
> you have a sick  kitty.  Every bit helps.  I've paid on
> two other of my kitties  for almost ten years now, and
> haven't had to make but a few claims, but  what it has
> done in the past is give me peace of mind that if I  am
> looking at an expensive treatment, I don't have to
> make a choice  between life or death.  Some other
> examples of benefits are:   They pay up to $800 towards
> chemo treatments (174$ per treatment).   They pay up to
> $110 towards a transfusion, which is between 3 and  4
> hundred dollars on average.  If a kitty develops
> hyperthyroidism  and you want to do the radioiodine
> treatment on her, which is between 1 to  1.5k$, they
> reimburse $528.  You have to pay everything up  front
> and then submit for reimbursement.  I am actually
> considering  dropping coverage on the two I still have
> covered, but am not sure  yet.  I like having the peace
> of mind.  Once I am financially  secure in the next
> couple of years, I will drop it for sure because  I
> should be able to cover whatever comes along.  I don't
> remember  if they ask about pre-existing conditions.  I
> don't think it's like a  human, where you have to get a
> physical first, but I've been with them so  long, I
> don't really remember.  I think you just sign them up.
> I  know what you mean about writing off pet treatments
> on your taxes.   That thought comes into my mind every
> time I get back into the car after  visiting the vet!!!
> I feed my babies Innova Evo wet and dry.   Only 3 out
> of 4 of my kitties like it.  I think it's great.   I
> believe we pay about 28$ for a case of it.  
> Here's to  Shakiti and Mama Kitty kicking butt and
> taking names (in the health  department of course, not
> the bunny dept.)   ;)
> :)
> Wendy
> __
> Do  You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection  around 

RE: 2 littermates - one pos/one neg

2006-06-25 Thread JENI RECA

This might be a late mention to the email, but I just thought I would just say something.  Coming from working in a shelter that has put down pos feluks I would seperate them, because it would give the kitten that is negative more of a chance to be adopted out.  A lot of people out there do not want two kittens/cats let alone one positive.  Of course I sound like a mean person to say this, but if you do find someone to take the both of them that would be great.  I have heard of kits that happen to be one pos and one neg and stay that way.  My second feluk was part of a pair he was the positive and his sister was negative.  They were kept together for 3 weeks after coming to the shelter to see if he would test negative, but he never did (they were four months old).  At home I had a positive already and decided to take the positive home and found 
someone to take the negative girl home.  It has been four months and he is still positive and she was tested about a week ago and still negative.  It is a double edge sword really or a catch 22-don't seperate them and maybe he will turn negative. Don't seperate them and he could still be positive and the other one negative and stay that way, or she could become positive.  Or seperate them and put the neg up for adoption when it is ready and see if the other one turns negative.  I don't know there are so many variables that is it hard to say.  Since having two postives at home I wouldn't take in a negative, but that is how I am. I wish you luck and hope I didn't cause more confuse or problems.
Hillman Waller and Nookie the feral
From:  "Hideyo Yamamoto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To:  felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgTo:  Subject:  RE: 2 littermates - one pos/one negDate:  Wed, 14 Jun 2006 14:13:19 -0600I agree with everyone --- I try not to let the test result completelydetermine how their life is going to be if it may not make sense to do..they are gifted to this world as litter mates for a reason...and thatmeans they should be raised together..-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED][mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of NinaSent: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 1:56 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: 2 littermates - one pos/one negJanine,I agree with 
Belinda and Rachel.  I would keep them together, for boththeir sakes.  Poor little lambs have been through so much already.  Haveyou been reading the posts lately?  We just had a kitten on the listapparently turn out to be a false pos.  I know it's less likely in yourcase, given that other members of the colony are testing pos too, butyour little boy is only 7 weeks and may very well be testing pos becauseof his mother's antibodies still.  Whatever you decide, I know that youhave their best interest at heart.  Still, I'm praying that they can bekept together and adopted out to someone that cares as much as we do fortheir quality of life.Thanks for all you do,Ninajanine paton wrote:>Hi all,>>Two brothers, 7 weeks today tested one 
positive, one>negative for leukemia.  The mom is feral, and has not>been tested yet, but her sister tested positive.  The>mom had been trapped by someone trying to do the right>thing, but the kittens were born beforre she could get>her to the vet.  All have been living together crated>in this person's home.>>As an organization, we had a pair of littermates>testing the same as these 2, and we let them stay>together.  The positive cat died at around 3 yrs, the>negative cat is still negative (and has recently been>adopted!) so it's not entirely new to me but what's>the best thing to do?  Try to adopt them out as a>pair?  Separate them now?  Or it doesn't matter at>this point, even if the negative kitten is so 
young?>>The test was Elysa and we are re-running both.>>Thanks!>>Janine>>>

Re: How is Shakiti today? (plus MK update and questions - sorry wrote a book)

2006-06-25 Thread ETrent

Thank you, Wendy, for the insurance info.  It sounds like it might 
help a good deal.  Do they cover regular check-ups at all?   I'll 
go online and see what I can find out.  I thought I might also talk to my 
vet and see if they have any information.
I ordered some EVO from PetFoodDirect.  You can get 24 5.5oz cans for 
$25.99 or 12/13.2 oz cons for $ they always give you at least a 5% 
discount.  You still have to pay for shipping though but in my case, it's 
cheaper than driving to some town where I might be able to find it.
I've kept MK inside some over the weekend trying to discourage her from 
tormenting the bunnies.  Thank goodness she hasn't felt the need to 
bring gifts the past day or so.  She's definitely on bug patrol 
though - I would hate to be one.
In a message dated 6/25/2006 6:53:45 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  Elizabeth,I am so happy and relieved to hear that Shakiti isdoing 
  so wonderfully!!!  You're such a great cat momto take care of all 
  your furbabies like you do.  I have Veterinary Pet 
  Insurance.  It's ok.  I payabout $90 a year for each kitty I 
  have insured.  WhenCricket was initially diagnosed with FeLV in 2003, 
  Isubmitted $208 in fees, and they reimbursed me $117. There is a $50 
  deductible per claim though.  Then twoyears later, when he developed 
  the anemia,  Isubmitted two different claims, one for $245 and 
  onefor $102, and they paid $108 and $47 respectively.  Soit 
  certainly isn't an investment, but it does help ifyou have a sick 
  kitty.  Every bit helps.  I've paid ontwo other of my kitties 
  for almost ten years now, andhaven't had to make but a few claims, but 
  what it hasdone in the past is give me peace of mind that if I 
  amlooking at an expensive treatment, I don't have tomake a choice 
  between life or death.  Some otherexamples of benefits are:  
  They pay up to $800 towardschemo treatments (174$ per treatment).  
  They pay up to$110 towards a transfusion, which is between 3 and 
  4hundred dollars on average.  If a kitty developshyperthyroidism 
  and you want to do the radioiodinetreatment on her, which is between 1 to 
  1.5k$, theyreimburse $528.  You have to pay everything up 
  frontand then submit for reimbursement.  I am actuallyconsidering 
  dropping coverage on the two I still havecovered, but am not sure 
  yet.  I like having the peaceof mind.  Once I am financially 
  secure in the nextcouple of years, I will drop it for sure because 
  Ishould be able to cover whatever comes along.  I don'tremember 
  if they ask about pre-existing conditions.  Idon't think it's like a 
  human, where you have to get aphysical first, but I've been with them so 
  long, Idon't really remember.  I think you just sign them up.I 
  know what you mean about writing off pet treatmentson your taxes.  
  That thought comes into my mind everytime I get back into the car after 
  visiting the vet!!!I feed my babies Innova Evo wet and dry.  
  Only 3 outof 4 of my kitties like it.  I think it's great.  
  Ibelieve we pay about 28$ for a case of it.  Here's to 
  Shakiti and Mama Kitty kicking butt andtaking names (in the health 
  department of course, notthe bunny dept.)  
  You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection 


Re: How is Shakiti today? (plus MK update and questions - sorrywrote a book)

2006-06-25 Thread ETrent

Lot to be said for no stinky poo!  :0)  I haven't tried the Nutro 
but I'll pick some up and see what the verdict is.  Lately I've been 
ordering my cat food from .Pet 
Food Supplies Dog Cat Bird ...   They seem to 
have a lot of choices there for brands I can't find locally.  I just have 
it delivered on a monthly basis.  Thanks for your help!
In a message dated 6/25/2006 5:02:32 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 

  Awesome news about Shakiti!  And MK too!  EXCELLENT!
  Canned food -- I like to feed Nutro canned, but if your gang won't eat 
  it, stick with what they like.  I'd agree that the better quality food is 
  best (Nutro, Precise, Eagle Pack), but they need to eat, and if they refuse 
  the "better" stuff, stick with what you've got.  Wet food is best 
  My gang likes Nutro, but I've been feeding the Petsmart brand hairball 
  light formula.  No more vomit, no more hairballs, and best of all -- NO 
  But keep in mind I am FeLV free at the moment, so I am not as cautious 
  about the food with them as I would be with a FeLV positive.  I fed Eagle 
  Pack exclusively when I had FeLV positives in the house.  Good stuff, but 
  not easily available.  Only one store within 25 miles of me carries it 
  (and it's out of the way for me to get to).
  From the clowder in New Jersey,
  =^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, Dori 
  and 6 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec & Salome' 
  Cool Catholic Stuff!  Click Here -->
  Furkid Photos! 
  Personal Page: 
  check me out on MySpace at
- Original Message - 

Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2006 1:54 
Subject: Re: How is Shakiti today? 
(plus MK update and questions - sorrywrote a book)

Shakiti is doing very well today.  He slept with me last night 
instead of under the bed.  He hasn't gotten sick - and last night when 
I called everybody for canned food, he came running with an appetite and he 
ate on his own.  I'm not sure he can handle dry food yet but I'm 
glad I don't need to finger feed him anymore.  He must be better 
because he is tormenting Tiffany again - that's very much back to normal. 
Shakiti took his medicine like a champ this morning.  I 
didn't give him the pill for the tummy ache because he may not need it now - 
but if he gets sick, I will.  He's doing his turn at neighborhood watch 
in the front window and watching cat TV (the bird feeders).
Mama Kitty is fantastic.  She's been out front stalking a beetle 
and pouncing on things I can't even see.  My neighbor came by (total 
cat person) and said she thinks that Mama Kitty looks better and feels 
better than she did before she ever got sick.  Her coat is nice and 
shiny and she's so alert that she's three steps ahead of everything 
going on in her world.  When you call her - she comes running with her 
tail straight up in the air.  A lot of her success is due to the fact 
that I learned here that there truly is hope for kitties with feline 
leukemia.  She sends everybody head butts.
Othello goes in to be tested (and vaccinated) for FeVL next Friday 
and I think then we'll only have Alexis and Phelix left to go 
(plus, I think I'm going to continue B12 shots for MK...will check to see if 
vet will let me do that myself).
Does anybody here do the pet insurance thing?  Will it cover 
Feline Leukemia if it's a pre-existing condition?  If so - who do you 
use and what do you think about it?  I've spent over $1260 in vet bills 
the past few months between getting treatments for Mama Kitty and 
tests/vaccines for everybody else (plus a couple of dentals) - and it 
will be about $450 in the next month or two to get everybody up to 
date.  I'm not sure that's any cheaper than the insurance would be for 
8 cats.  Too bad I can't write this all off on my taxes.
Also - would like to get your take on what is the best canned 
food.  I've been feeding fancy feast just because it is such a hit and 
because I can get Mama Kitty to eat it when she won't eat anything 
else.  I've tried the Chicken Soup light formula canned food for the 
kids and they aren't crazy about it.  They really don't care for 
Authority either.  Since these issues with Mama Kitty though - I've 
been a lot more concerned about diet and want to feed them the best I can 
find but it won't do me a bit of good if they won't eat it.  I'm not 
above getting sushi for them either 

Re: How is Shakiti today? (plus MK update and questions - sorry wrote a book)

2006-06-25 Thread ETrent

Thank you Lance and Ember.  We'll order some.
In a message dated 6/25/2006 3:55:09 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  news! Nice to hear that MK may be doing better than she ever  has. 
  You gotta pat yourself on the back for that one (and her, too).  Good 
  shiny coats reassure cat parents in ways that we like to be  
  reassured.Regarding your canned food question, Ember is addicted 
  to Innova EVO.  We had a bit of a digestive issue a few weeks back, 
  and I switched  her to California Natural (probably too quickly). She 
  would eat some  of it, sometimes. I got fairly worried about her, so 
  I put her back  on Innova EVO. She really attacks that stuff. It's 
  nice to see her  hop right on it when I place the dish in front of 
  her. We did try  Felidae a long time ago, but she just doesn't like 
  it as much as the IE.Ember's 2 


Re: How is Shakiti today? (plus MK update and questions - sorry wrote a book)

2006-06-25 Thread wendy
Hey Elizabeth,

I am so happy and relieved to hear that Shakiti is
doing so wonderfully!!!  You're such a great cat mom
to take care of all your furbabies like you do.  

I have Veterinary Pet Insurance.  It's ok.  I pay
about $90 a year for each kitty I have insured.  When
Cricket was initially diagnosed with FeLV in 2003, I
submitted $208 in fees, and they reimbursed me $117. 
There is a $50 deductible per claim though.  Then two
years later, when he developed the anemia,  I
submitted two different claims, one for $245 and one
for $102, and they paid $108 and $47 respectively.  So
it certainly isn't an investment, but it does help if
you have a sick kitty.  Every bit helps.  I've paid on
two other of my kitties for almost ten years now, and
haven't had to make but a few claims, but what it has
done in the past is give me peace of mind that if I am
looking at an expensive treatment, I don't have to
make a choice between life or death.  Some other
examples of benefits are:  They pay up to $800 towards
chemo treatments (174$ per treatment).  They pay up to
$110 towards a transfusion, which is between 3 and 4
hundred dollars on average.  If a kitty develops
hyperthyroidism and you want to do the radioiodine
treatment on her, which is between 1 to 1.5k$, they
reimburse $528.  You have to pay everything up front
and then submit for reimbursement.  I am actually
considering dropping coverage on the two I still have
covered, but am not sure yet.  I like having the peace
of mind.  Once I am financially secure in the next
couple of years, I will drop it for sure because I
should be able to cover whatever comes along.  I don't
remember if they ask about pre-existing conditions.  I
don't think it's like a human, where you have to get a
physical first, but I've been with them so long, I
don't really remember.  I think you just sign them up.
 I know what you mean about writing off pet treatments
on your taxes.  That thought comes into my mind every
time I get back into the car after visiting the vet!!!

I feed my babies Innova Evo wet and dry.  Only 3 out
of 4 of my kitties like it.  I think it's great.  I
believe we pay about 28$ for a case of it.  

Here's to Shakiti and Mama Kitty kicking butt and
taking names (in the health department of course, not
the bunny dept.)  ;)


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Re: Thanks for your caring about Miss Kitty

2006-06-25 Thread wendy

My grandma and dad's side of the family live in
Greensboro.  I go visit her once a year.  Beautiful


--- Tim Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I just wanted to let you all know how much it means
> to have such a caring
> group to share this FeLV experience with.  We've had
> cats for over 20 years
> and, to be quite honest, I never paid much attention
> when the vets always
> suggested vaccinating for FeLV because I had never
> had ANY experience with
> it.  Well...I feel like an expert now after the last
> 3 years with Miss Kitty
> and her family.  As I said in my previous e-mail, it
> has been HELL both
> emotionally and financially, but we just couldn't
> back away from the
> situation in summer 2003.  How do you kill a mother
> & 7 kittens??  You
> can't.
> Anyway, I am now pretty addicted to lurking on this
> talk list and will
> continue to monitor what's going on.  I really
> appreciate all the
> information I've gleaned from each of you and pray
> that someday there will
> be a cure for this awful disease.  Thanks to you all
> for being there to
> listen and care.  If I can ever help in any way
> including transport through
> central North Carolina or south central Virginia,
> please contact me via this
> list.
> Thanks from the bottom of my heart!
> Brenda Lyons

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Re: help!

2006-06-25 Thread Terri Brown

You're on the right course.  Stick with the vets who treated the 
abscess if you can.  There's obviously a lingering infection that needs to 
be addressed.  If you can't get her in to that vet, then I wouldn't wait 
for an appointment -- where are you located?  Maybe someone on the list can 
recommend a vet to you who is FeLV friendly.
Don't stress about her condition -- she will pick up on that.  Just 
love her and tell her you will do everything you can to make her feel 
When she is ready to leave, she will let you know.  But just love her 
and love her right now.  You can't waste energy worrying about something 
that might or might not be happening.  Concentrate on NOW.  Enjoy her 
Hope this helps.
=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, Dori and 
6 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec & Salome' 
Cool Catholic Stuff!  Click Here -->
Furkid Photos! 
Personal Page: 
check me out on MySpace at

  - Original Message - 
  From: l.j. crabtree 
  Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2006 2:45 PM
  Subject: help!
  she was disgnosed about 6 months ago i prescribed to your list and she seemed 
  to be doing we got much information to make living with he felv 9 yr. old Felv kitten is very ill...we had a 
  very stressful appointment and will never go back to that vet again, even 
  though he came highly recommended. he manhandled her and she never really 
  seemed the same after that.
  researched my options and also lurked here to get infor regarding minnie's 
  maintenance. .. she receives a wonderful fresh diet now and also a number of 
  suppliments y'all have been so sweet to recommend. she seemed to be 
  maintaining until about 2-3 weeks ago then i noticed she had not been 
  defecating for a few days... and a mass in her abdomen. it was last weekend 
  that i rushed her to our animal emergency clinic. i had a sneaking feeling 
  that she might be impacted.
  doctors seemed very capable and very caring. they found her to be slightly 
  dehydrated and a high fever... they stabilized her with IV meds, gave her 
  two enemas on saturday then took some radiograms... they did not see 
  anything that seemed like a tumor. the doc stuck a syringe into the area and 
  drew out fluid which showed she had a bad infection, probably an abcess.
  sedated her and sure neough there was an abcess. they placed two drains in her 
  abdomen, and i got to bring her home, with orders to give her claamox for a 
  week and return to have the tubes removed. she seemed to be doing better 
  until mid week when i noticed no bowel movement ( or at least i didn't see 
  where she had produced), and she wasn't as perky. took her back friday, they 
  removed the tubes. her appetite was good (gave her pumpkin which she readily 
  ate with her meal) over the weekend and the first part of the week. she has 
  not had a bowel movement but still is leaking some of the pus from her anus. i 
  am going to take her into another vet tomorrow, if i can sneak her in.
  ideas/obsevations? i am so afraid this is it

Re: How is Shakiti today? (plus MK update and questions - sorrywrote a book)

2006-06-25 Thread Terri Brown

Awesome news about Shakiti!  And MK too!  EXCELLENT!
Canned food -- I like to feed Nutro canned, but if your gang won't eat it, 
stick with what they like.  I'd agree that the better quality food is best 
(Nutro, Precise, Eagle Pack), but they need to eat, and if they refuse the 
"better" stuff, stick with what you've got.  Wet food is best 
My gang likes Nutro, but I've been feeding the Petsmart brand hairball 
light formula.  No more vomit, no more hairballs, and best of all -- NO 
But keep in mind I am FeLV free at the moment, so I am not as cautious 
about the food with them as I would be with a FeLV positive.  I fed Eagle 
Pack exclusively when I had FeLV positives in the house.  Good stuff, but 
not easily available.  Only one store within 25 miles of me carries it (and 
it's out of the way for me to get to).
From the clowder in New Jersey,
=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, Dori and 
6 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec & Salome' 
Cool Catholic Stuff!  Click Here -->
Furkid Photos! 
Personal Page: 
check me out on MySpace at

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2006 1:54 PM
  Subject: Re: How is Shakiti today? (plus 
  MK update and questions - sorrywrote a book)
  Shakiti is doing very well today.  He slept with me last night 
  instead of under the bed.  He hasn't gotten sick - and last night when I 
  called everybody for canned food, he came running with an appetite and he ate 
  on his own.  I'm not sure he can handle dry food yet but I'm glad I 
  don't need to finger feed him anymore.  He must be better because he is 
  tormenting Tiffany again - that's very much back to normal. 
  Shakiti took his medicine like a champ this morning.  I didn't 
  give him the pill for the tummy ache because he may not need it now - but if 
  he gets sick, I will.  He's doing his turn at neighborhood watch in the 
  front window and watching cat TV (the bird feeders).
  Mama Kitty is fantastic.  She's been out front stalking a beetle and 
  pouncing on things I can't even see.  My neighbor came by (total cat 
  person) and said she thinks that Mama Kitty looks better and feels better 
  than she did before she ever got sick.  Her coat is nice and shiny and 
  she's so alert that she's three steps ahead of everything going on in her 
  world.  When you call her - she comes running with her tail straight up 
  in the air.  A lot of her success is due to the fact that I learned here 
  that there truly is hope for kitties with feline leukemia.  She 
  sends everybody head butts.
  Othello goes in to be tested (and vaccinated) for FeVL next Friday 
  and I think then we'll only have Alexis and Phelix left to go (plus, 
  I think I'm going to continue B12 shots for MK...will check to see if vet will 
  let me do that myself).
  Does anybody here do the pet insurance thing?  Will it cover Feline 
  Leukemia if it's a pre-existing condition?  If so - who do you use and 
  what do you think about it?  I've spent over $1260 in vet bills the past 
  few months between getting treatments for Mama Kitty and tests/vaccines for 
  everybody else (plus a couple of dentals) - and it will be about $450 in 
  the next month or two to get everybody up to date.  I'm not sure that's 
  any cheaper than the insurance would be for 8 cats.  Too bad I can't 
  write this all off on my taxes.
  Also - would like to get your take on what is the best canned food.  
  I've been feeding fancy feast just because it is such a hit and because I can 
  get Mama Kitty to eat it when she won't eat anything else.  I've tried 
  the Chicken Soup light formula canned food for the kids and they aren't crazy 
  about it.  They really don't care for Authority either.  Since these 
  issues with Mama Kitty though - I've been a lot more concerned about diet and 
  want to feed them the best I can find but it won't do me a bit of good if they 
  won't eat it.  I'm not above getting sushi for them either LOL  Who 
  needs money, right?  It's not everything.
  grateful for every good day,
  In a message dated 6/24/2006 4:37:10 P.M. Central Daylight Time, ETrent 

He tried to take a few bites from the dried food buffet today but 
wasn't able to keep it down.  I'm still giving him something for upset 
tummy and he's doing a good job of letting mommy feed him the a/d.  He 
seems to be feeling good otherwise though and he's been a complete angel 
about taking his medicine.
In a message dated 6/24/2006 3:56:49 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 

Re: Miss Kitty has gone to Rainbow Bridge

2006-06-25 Thread wendy

I'm so sorry to hear about your beloved Miss Kitty. 
It was a comfort to me when reading your story that
she felt fine right up until she passed away.  What a
blessing.  So many kitties suffer for weeks until they
finally pass.  I hope that all the wonderful memories
and what you did to make her short life a happy one
will comfort you as you grieve for sweet Miss Kitty. 
Bless you for what you did for her and her babies.


--- Tim Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I have only been lurking on the list for the past
> year or so.  Some of you
> may remember me.  I lost Cher, Midnight, Lisa and
> Suzy to the leukemia in a
> 6 month period in 2004.  Today, we came home to find
> their mother, Miss
> Kitty dead.  She had been having some kidney issues
> related to the leukemia,
> but was responding to the medications.  Just last
> night, she had caught a
> small lizard.  She was OK this morning.  She ate her
> breakfast, she's been
> scratching on her scratching pad and acting  only a
> little less than she
> would normally.
> This whole ride with her and the kittens has been
> tough.  It's our first
> experience with FeLV and it's been HELL!  I still
> wouldn't have put her &
> the kittens to sleep when we rescued them in July
> 2003.  I just couldn't do
> it.  Our vet recommended the same fate for Miss
> Kitty when we took her there
> about a month ago when her kidney issues flaired.
> We gave her 3 years of life that she would not have
> had otherwise and I
> don't regret any of it.  She was a sweet, precious
> soul who didn't deserve
> the fate God handed her.
> May she rest softly with her babies at Rainbow
> Bridge.  Please add her to
> the Candlelight Service for Monday.
> Thanks for being there when I needed you all.
> Brenda Lyons

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Re: Thanks for your caring about Miss Kitty

2006-06-25 Thread Lance
I was very sad to read about Miss Kitty's passing. You helped her and  
her kids out, when many would not have done the same. I think there  
are people who are wont to give in to treating animals like  
appliances, and if the cat "doesn't work" then they take it back or  
get rid of it. Possibly a side effect of our consumerist society?  
Anyway, you put yourself through the emotional and financial hell to  
help innocents who needed and deserved that help. Thank you for  
caring FOR Miss Kitty.

Re: How is Shakiti today? (plus MK update and questions - sorry wrote a book)

2006-06-25 Thread Lance
Great news! Nice to hear that MK may be doing better than she ever  
has. You gotta pat yourself on the back for that one (and her, too).  
Good shiny coats reassure cat parents in ways that we like to be  

Regarding your canned food question, Ember is addicted to Innova EVO.  
We had a bit of a digestive issue a few weeks back, and I switched  
her to California Natural (probably too quickly). She would eat some  
of it, sometimes. I got fairly worried about her, so I put her back  
on Innova EVO. She really attacks that stuff. It's nice to see her  
hop right on it when I place the dish in front of her. We did try  
Felidae a long time ago, but she just doesn't like it as much as the IE.

Ember's 2 cents.


(no subject)

2006-06-25 Thread gwork

I just recorded my Spaz story 
yesterday, and it has reminded me of a few things.  I was wondering how 
common diabetes is in cats, and if any of you have experiences with it?  I 
do not have any, but I would like to try to learn something ahead of time just 
in case.  Hopefully, I will get the overweight ones to lose some weight 
with the new diet.  I know a fair amount about human diabetes, since my 
husband is diabetic, but that could be different.
Also, since the last go-around with 
anemia, when I would try to open the windows/doors, always Spaz would begin 
sneezing, etc., as if having allergies.  So I thought it 
better to stop this so as not to stress her immune system.  Now, with 
the knowledge of these supplements, that may change, but I was wondering if 
anyone else has had anything like this happen?

Thanks for your caring about Miss Kitty

2006-06-25 Thread Tim Lyons

I just wanted to let 
you all know how much it means to have such a caring group to share this FeLV 
experience with.  We've had cats for over 20 years and, to be quite honest, 
I never paid much attention when the vets always suggested vaccinating for FeLV 
because I had never had ANY experience with it.  Well...I feel like an 
expert now after the last 3 years with Miss Kitty and her family.  As I 
said in my previous e-mail, it has been HELL both emotionally and financially, 
but we just couldn't back away from the situation in summer 2003.  How do 
you kill a mother & 7 kittens??  You can't.
Anyway, I am now 
pretty addicted to lurking on this talk list and will continue to monitor what's 
going on.  I really appreciate all the information I've gleaned from each 
of you and pray that someday there will be a cure for this awful disease.  
Thanks to you all for being there to listen and care.  If I can ever help 
in any way including transport through central North Carolina or south 
central Virginia, please contact me via this list.
Thanks from the 
bottom of my heart!

Re: How is Shakiti today? (plus MK update and questions - sorrywrote a book)

2006-06-25 Thread gwork

It is so nice to get 
the "good news" messages!!

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2006 1:54 PM
  Subject: Re: How is Shakiti today? (plus 
  MK update and questions - sorrywrote a book)
  Shakiti is doing very well today.  He slept with me last night 
  instead of under the bed.  He hasn't gotten sick - and last night when I 
  called everybody for canned food, he came running with an appetite and he ate 
  on his own.  I'm not sure he can handle dry food yet but I'm glad I 
  don't need to finger feed him anymore.  He must be better because he is 
  tormenting Tiffany again - that's very much back to normal. 
  Shakiti took his medicine like a champ this morning.  I didn't 
  give him the pill for the tummy ache because he may not need it now - but if 
  he gets sick, I will.  He's doing his turn at neighborhood watch in the 
  front window and watching cat TV (the bird feeders).
  Mama Kitty is fantastic.  She's been out front stalking a beetle and 
  pouncing on things I can't even see.  My neighbor came by (total cat 
  person) and said she thinks that Mama Kitty looks better and feels better 
  than she did before she ever got sick.  Her coat is nice and shiny and 
  she's so alert that she's three steps ahead of everything going on in her 
  world.  When you call her - she comes running with her tail straight up 
  in the air.  A lot of her success is due to the fact that I learned here 
  that there truly is hope for kitties with feline leukemia.  She 
  sends everybody head butts.
  Othello goes in to be tested (and vaccinated) for FeVL next Friday 
  and I think then we'll only have Alexis and Phelix left to go (plus, 
  I think I'm going to continue B12 shots for MK...will check to see if vet will 
  let me do that myself).
  Does anybody here do the pet insurance thing?  Will it cover Feline 
  Leukemia if it's a pre-existing condition?  If so - who do you use and 
  what do you think about it?  I've spent over $1260 in vet bills the past 
  few months between getting treatments for Mama Kitty and tests/vaccines for 
  everybody else (plus a couple of dentals) - and it will be about $450 in 
  the next month or two to get everybody up to date.  I'm not sure that's 
  any cheaper than the insurance would be for 8 cats.  Too bad I can't 
  write this all off on my taxes.
  Also - would like to get your take on what is the best canned food.  
  I've been feeding fancy feast just because it is such a hit and because I can 
  get Mama Kitty to eat it when she won't eat anything else.  I've tried 
  the Chicken Soup light formula canned food for the kids and they aren't crazy 
  about it.  They really don't care for Authority either.  Since these 
  issues with Mama Kitty though - I've been a lot more concerned about diet and 
  want to feed them the best I can find but it won't do me a bit of good if they 
  won't eat it.  I'm not above getting sushi for them either LOL  Who 
  needs money, right?  It's not everything.
  grateful for every good day,
  In a message dated 6/24/2006 4:37:10 P.M. Central Daylight Time, ETrent 

He tried to take a few bites from the dried food buffet today but 
wasn't able to keep it down.  I'm still giving him something for upset 
tummy and he's doing a good job of letting mommy feed him the a/d.  He 
seems to be feeling good otherwise though and he's been a complete angel 
about taking his medicine.
In a message dated 6/24/2006 3:56:49 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  Elizabeth,How is Shakiti doing today?  Is he eating on his 
  You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam 
  protection around 


Re: Everybody's talent

2006-06-25 Thread gwork

I decided to record it onto CD first 
as my stepson has the equipment, so we finally did that yesterday.  Have to 
go back and re-record a few screw-ups, though!!  It ended up being 85 min. 
long, and I did it all in one sitting!  So after we touch-up, I would like 
to see about adding some background music and I have to learn how to make CD 
covers and inserts.  Happy to send you, or anyone else on the 
list, one for free when it's done, if you would like.  I'm going to 
add a PayPal on the site so that it will be available that way, and then I'm 
going to try some of my step-brother's ideas!!  Then I may still put it in 
book form if there seems to be any demand for it.  Thanks for asking and 
thanks for posting a link!

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2006 2:19 PM
  Subject: Re: Everybody's talent
  I put a link to both your websites on my cats' site.  Kris, I have 
  just started reading your Blog.  I am up to May 09.  Are you in the 
  process of publishing your book?  How is that going?
  Ginagwork <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
just got to look at Bailey's website - I think it is so nice that you do a 
site for him, and I'm glad to know others are using the 'net this way, 
as I am, to tell their stories and save other pets from early fates. And 
you're right - they're cute from any angle!! :) If you don't mind, I am 
going to put a link on my site for Spaz to yours. I will also send her 
story and a few pics to your site when I get some more time. Thanks for 
the offer!! I would like to change Spaz's all around so that I can have 
other people's stories as well, among other things. It was the first and 
only website I've ever done, so there's a lot to 
Original Message - From: "Belinda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2006 9:30 
AMSubject: Re: Everybody's talent> Hubby works his behind 
off so I can be home with the furkids all day > and do free websites 
for animal rescues. Mostly customizing their > petfinder sites, I 
also do a website for one of my yahoo talk groups. A > few of my 
animal rescue clients have their own domains and I design and > 
maintain their websites also. I have a few paying clients and own and run 
> a small web hosting company. I don't really make any money but I 
break > even on the hosting company so that's all that 
matters.>> I work with about 30 rescue groups, thank goodness 
they don't all update > on a regular basis or I'd be in big trouble, 
as it is I'm so far behind > now with the website updating that it's 
really hard to keep up and it's > going to take me awhile to get 
caught up if I ever do. Looking for a > hobby??!!>> I'm 
working on a new site that is dedicated to Bailey my sweet positive > 
that I lost in May. I haven't really had time lately to do much with it. 
> If anyone would like to contribute an article or some good links 
for info, > please send them, Or if you'd like to send your positives 
story/stories > and photos I would really love it (there's a form 
right on the site where > you can submit your story and 
photos)!!>>>>> Well back to work 
...>>> -- >> Belinda> happiness is 
being owned by cats ...>> Be-Mi-Kitties>>> Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP 
Cats/Kittens>>> FeLV 
Candlelight Service>>> [affordable hosting & web design]>>> >> BMK 
Designs [non-profit animals websites]>>>> 
  No heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are there to 
  welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery
  Tiggertales ~ a site about our beloved 
  Do you Yahoo!?Get on board. You're 
  invited to try the new Yahoo! Mail Beta.

Re: help!

2006-06-25 Thread Gloria Lane

I'm not sure if you mean 9 year old or 9 month old...

Anyhow, my heart goes out to you.  It's tough to try to get help and  
find that some vets are not always gentle and kind with your baby.   
I've had that happen, it's heart-wrenching, it's awful.

Re the vet - wondering why you don't call the last vet - who did the  
surgery, if he was ok.  Might be able to get some help with a phone  
call and not necessarily an office visit - maybe a different  
antibiotic or something.

Pus coming from her anus would make me think she's got infection in  
her bowel.  I'd guess she needs plenty of fluids - do you knwo how to  
administer sub-q fluids at home?  Might be a good thing to ask  
about.  She might need another enema, and I hate those things - tell  
them to be gentle.  With my consitpated older kitty, I used to use  
Lactulose, and and also some homeopathic remedies, as well as giving  
him a little mineral oil sometimes. I also liked Vitamin C for my  
constipated kitty.  But i don't know, with the pus... again you might  
call and ask the vet about what you can do at home.

Best of luck,


On Jun 25, 2006, at 1:45 PM, l.j. crabtree wrote:

when she was disgnosed about 6 months ago i prescribed to your list  
and she seemed to be doing we got much information to make living  
with he felv better.

my 9 yr. old Felv kitten is very ill...we had a very stressful  
appointment and will never go back to that vet again, even though  
he came highly recommended. he manhandled her and she never really  
seemed the same after that.

i researched my options and also lurked here to get infor regarding  
minnie's maintenance. .. she receives a wonderful fresh diet now  
and also a number of suppliments y'all have been so sweet to  
recommend. she seemed to be maintaining until about 2-3 weeks  
ago then i noticed she had not been defecating for a few  
days... and a mass in her abdomen. it was last weekend that i  
rushed her to our animal emergency clinic. i had a sneaking feeling  
that she might be impacted.

the doctors seemed very capable and very caring. they found her to  
be slightly dehydrated and a high fever... they stabilized her with  
IV meds, gave her two enemas on saturday then took some  
radiograms... they did not see anything that seemed like a tumor.  
the doc stuck a syringe into the area and drew out fluid which  
showed she had a bad infection, probably an abcess.
they sedated her and sure neough there was an abcess. they placed  
two drains in her abdomen, and i got to bring her home, with orders  
to give her claamox for a week and return to have the tubes  
removed. she seemed to be doing better until mid week when i  
noticed no bowel movement ( or at least i didn't see where she had  
produced), and she wasn't as perky. took her back friday, they  
removed the tubes. her appetite was good (gave her pumpkin which  
she readily ate with her meal) over the weekend and the first part  
of the week. she has not had a bowel movement but still is leaking  
some of the pus from her anus. i am going to take her into another  
vet tomorrow, if i can sneak her in.

any ideas/obsevations? i am so afraid this is it


2006-06-25 Thread l.j. crabtree

when she was disgnosed about 6 months ago i prescribed to your list and she seemed to be doing we got much information to make living with he felv 9 yr. old Felv kitten is very ill...we had a very stressful appointment and will never go back to that vet again, even though he came highly recommended. he manhandled her and she never really seemed the same after that.
i researched my options and also lurked here to get infor regarding minnie's maintenance. .. she receives a wonderful fresh diet now and also a number of suppliments y'all have been so sweet to recommend. she seemed to be maintaining until about 2-3 weeks ago then i noticed she had not been defecating for a few days... and a mass in her abdomen. it was last weekend that i rushed her to our animal emergency clinic. i had a sneaking feeling that she might be impacted.
the doctors seemed very capable and very caring. they found her to be slightly dehydrated and a high fever... they stabilized her with IV meds, gave her two enemas on saturday then took some radiograms... they did not see anything that seemed like a tumor. the doc stuck a syringe into the area and drew out fluid which showed she had a bad infection, probably an abcess.
they sedated her and sure neough there was an abcess. they placed two drains in her abdomen, and i got to bring her home, with orders to give her claamox for a week and return to have the tubes removed. she seemed to be doing better until mid week when i noticed no bowel movement ( or at least i didn't see where she had produced), and she wasn't as perky. took her back friday, they removed the tubes. her appetite was good (gave her pumpkin which she readily ate with her meal) over the weekend and the first part of the week. she has not had a bowel movement but still is leaking some of the pus from her anus. i am going to take her into another vet tomorrow, if i can sneak her in.
any ideas/obsevations? i am so afraid this is it

Re: Everybody's talent & Brenda's Party

2006-06-25 Thread catatonya
I love the site!  When I ever get around to decorating my house I will definitely be back to look again!  I love the cast iron (or whatever they're called) cats in the garden section!     I hope you all had a wonderful celebration for your mother.  I think of her often.     tonyaJanine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi,   I have a website my mother, Brenda Smith and I created.  We feature artists that do cat or dog art.  If you would like, email me some pictures and I will see if it fits on our site.  In the meantime you could look at the site and see if you would be interested    BTW, we will be celebrating Brenda K. Smith's life this Saturday at 6
 p.m. here in Herbster, Wi.  For all of you who knew and loved her, I knew you would like to know.  Maybe make a toast that evening, and think of her loving all of our beloved kitties that have gone to the bridge.    No need for all to respond, I will just know you will be thinking of her and us.  Love JanineOn Wed Jun 21 22:35 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent:If I decide to do this -- I'll call you to be my manager! :0)  Phelix, the alpha male of my house, was born with only one eye...and he is large and in charge.  I keep wanting to do some children's books about 'Phelix the one-eyed wonder kitty'...I suppose the underlying theme being that just
 because someone looks or seems different - they are still very neat and special with their own talents.  Another children's book might be the story of Redoute Robin...that I documented a few years ago:  The Story of Redoute Robin - page 1      ok - way too much about me...what do you guys do besides be incredible kitty parents?           In a message dated 6/21/2006 7:32:47 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:  Oh my dear, you have a calling.  I can see why you'd be reluctant to give up your daytime job if it pays the rent well, but I can't help feel that you should be working full time on your art!  I'm
 itching to help you promote it.  It might not ever be as lucrative, (then again, who knows?), but the benefits to you and the rest of our sometimes dreary world might just be worth it.  I think everyone should do their best to incorporate their passion into their livelihood, if they did, the world would be a kinder place.  Have you ever thought of framing them and offering them for sale?  You could display the originals and then sell prints.  Is your vet an upscale sort of place?  Maybe you could start by putting some in local restaurants and/or your vet's office.  You could sell them at charitable events/auctions...  Hmm...  let me think about this!Nina   If I could do anything I wanted to for a living - I would do cat portraits.  Sadly though - I live alone with 8 cats so I'm the only one paying the
 bills (plus, the kitties like to surf the web and use my credit cards when they aren't sneaking the car out to go joy riding).  I have to have a sense of stability and I am biding my time in a high pressure position that requires absolutely nothing artistic or creative and makes me wish I had a valium IV. 

Re: Everybody's talent

2006-06-25 Thread Gina
I put a link to both your websites on my cats' site.  Kris, I have just started reading your Blog.  I am up to May 09.  Are you in the process of publishing your book?  How is that going?     Ginagwork <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I just got to look at Bailey's website - I think it is so nice that you do a site for him, and I'm glad to know others are using the 'net this way, as I am, to tell their stories and save other pets from early fates. And you're right - they're cute from any angle!! :) If you don't mind, I am going to put a link on my site for Spaz to yours. I will also send her story and a few pics to your site when I get some more time. Thanks for the offer!! I would like to change Spaz's all around so that I can have other people's stories as well,
 among other things. It was the first and only website I've ever done, so there's a lot to learn!Kris Original Message - From: "Belinda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2006 9:30 AMSubject: Re: Everybody's talent> Hubby works his behind off so I can be home with the furkids all day > and do free websites for animal rescues. Mostly customizing their > petfinder sites, I also do a website for one of my yahoo talk groups. A > few of my animal rescue clients have their own domains and I design and > maintain their websites also. I have a few paying clients and own and run > a small web hosting company. I don't really make any money but I break > even on the hosting company so that's all that matters.>> I work with about 30 rescue groups, thank goodness they don't all update
 > on a regular basis or I'd be in big trouble, as it is I'm so far behind > now with the website updating that it's really hard to keep up and it's > going to take me awhile to get caught up if I ever do. Looking for a > hobby??!!>> I'm working on a new site that is dedicated to Bailey my sweet positive > that I lost in May. I haven't really had time lately to do much with it. > If anyone would like to contribute an article or some good links for info, > please send them, Or if you'd like to send your positives story/stories > and photos I would really love it (there's a form right on the site where > you can submit your story and photos)!!>>>>> Well back to work ...>>> -- >> Belinda> happiness is being owned by cats ...>> Be-Mi-Kitties>>> Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens>>> FeLV Candlelight Service>>> [affordable hosting & web design]>>> >> BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]>>>> No heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are there to welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery        Tiggertales ~ a site about our beloved felines       
		Do you Yahoo!? 
Get on board. You're invited to try the new Yahoo! Mail Beta.

Re: How is Shakiti today? (plus MK update and questions - sorry wrote a book)

2006-06-25 Thread ETrent

Shakiti is doing very well today.  He slept with me last night instead 
of under the bed.  He hasn't gotten sick - and last night when I called 
everybody for canned food, he came running with an appetite and he ate on his 
own.  I'm not sure he can handle dry food yet but I'm glad I don't 
need to finger feed him anymore.  He must be better because he is 
tormenting Tiffany again - that's very much back to normal. 
Shakiti took his medicine like a champ this morning.  I didn't 
give him the pill for the tummy ache because he may not need it now - but if he 
gets sick, I will.  He's doing his turn at neighborhood watch in the front 
window and watching cat TV (the bird feeders).
Mama Kitty is fantastic.  She's been out front stalking a beetle and 
pouncing on things I can't even see.  My neighbor came by (total cat 
person) and said she thinks that Mama Kitty looks better and feels better 
than she did before she ever got sick.  Her coat is nice and shiny and 
she's so alert that she's three steps ahead of everything going on in her 
world.  When you call her - she comes running with her tail straight up in 
the air.  A lot of her success is due to the fact that I learned here that 
there truly is hope for kitties with feline leukemia.  She sends 
everybody head butts.
Othello goes in to be tested (and vaccinated) for FeVL next Friday and 
I think then we'll only have Alexis and Phelix left to go (plus, I 
think I'm going to continue B12 shots for MK...will check to see if vet will let 
me do that myself).
Does anybody here do the pet insurance thing?  Will it cover Feline 
Leukemia if it's a pre-existing condition?  If so - who do you use and what 
do you think about it?  I've spent over $1260 in vet bills the past few 
months between getting treatments for Mama Kitty and tests/vaccines for 
everybody else (plus a couple of dentals) - and it will be about $450 in 
the next month or two to get everybody up to date.  I'm not sure that's any 
cheaper than the insurance would be for 8 cats.  Too bad I can't write this 
all off on my taxes.
Also - would like to get your take on what is the best canned food.  
I've been feeding fancy feast just because it is such a hit and because I can 
get Mama Kitty to eat it when she won't eat anything else.  I've tried the 
Chicken Soup light formula canned food for the kids and they aren't crazy about 
it.  They really don't care for Authority either.  Since these issues 
with Mama Kitty though - I've been a lot more concerned about diet and want to 
feed them the best I can find but it won't do me a bit of good if they won't eat 
it.  I'm not above getting sushi for them either LOL  Who needs money, 
right?  It's not everything.
grateful for every good day,
In a message dated 6/24/2006 4:37:10 P.M. Central Daylight Time, ETrent 

  He tried to take a few bites from the dried food buffet today but wasn't 
  able to keep it down.  I'm still giving him something for upset tummy and 
  he's doing a good job of letting mommy feed him the a/d.  He seems to be 
  feeling good otherwise though and he's been a complete angel about taking his 
  In a message dated 6/24/2006 3:56:49 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
Elizabeth,How is Shakiti doing today?  Is he eating on his 
You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection 


Re: Samantha's Prognosis

2006-06-25 Thread catatonya
Julie,     I'm so sorry about the diagnosis.  You will know the right thing to do regarding treatment.  Sometimes I go through expensive treatments and sometimes I don't.  It's really based on the cat.  Sometimes I feel like they want to fight and are not bothered by the treatments, and other times I feel like they are telling me they are tired of treatments and are ready to go.  You know her best.  It's hard to be the one to have to make these decisions, but as Mom it falls on you.  You WILL make the right decision.  Trust yourself, your intuition, and your love for Samantha to guide you.  tonyaSherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Julie I am so sorry about what you have to go through with your sweet Samantha.I spent well over 5,000 on my Maizee
 for her chemo treatments over a 6 monthe period.And she was healthy pretty much the whole time.I helped her until that terrible disease took her.It was to me worth the 6 extra months with that beautiful beast,but it is understandable if you just can't go that route.Just love her and make her comfortable and make sweet memories.Bless you and Samantha.  SherryJulia Hagstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hi, all :(Well, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that Samantha doesn't have FIV or FIP, just FelV. The bad news is that the tumor in her chest is definitely Mediastinal lymphoma, and it's in her lymph nodes, unfortunately. :( I can give her chemo and radiation and prolong her life for 3-4 months, or I can simply leave her be (they gave her Prednisone, short-term chemo, and
 something to keep her from having an allergic reaction to the chemo, today). She is better, and they drained some more fluid out of her, to test it for lymphoma cells, as my regular vet hadn't done that, yet; she wanted to see what I wanted to do, first. I now have to decide whether to spend almost $1700.00 and get her the radiation and chemo that will prolong her life for 3-4 months or just leave her be, and my inclination is to leave her be, and keep her home until she is suffering too much to do anything except let her go, with regular checkups from my regular vet, of course. I have meds to give her and they took her off the Lasix, as her body is producing more fluid than the Lasix can help her get rid of quickly, and all the other meds she was on except the antiobiotic, and they have me giving her one pill, once a day (don't remember what it is) and Children's Benadryl from the drugstore. Please pray for us, and
 any advice you care to offer is gratefully accepted. I need all the support and advice you care to give. Thanks for all your support.Julia Hagstrom  Ring'em or ping'em. Make PC-to-phone calls as low as 1¢/min with Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.

Re: FIV infected Kitten

2006-06-25 Thread catatonya
An fiv test is not accurate until a cat is around 6 months old.  I wouldn't worry about it until then.  Even then I wouldn't worry about it.  As stated fiv is rarely transmitted between neutered/spayed cats.. if ever!  I have NEVER heard of it being transmitted except through males (unneutered) fighting, and or mating.     Most fiv cats never even get sick from it.  They might have more gingivitis and need dentals, Mine had ear infections from time to time (but his ears were folded down, so we didn't know which one caused it.  He lived to a ripe old age right along with all my own cats and fosters that came and went.     tonya[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hello!>From what I've read about FIV, it's very rare for a mother to pass onthe
 virus directly to her kittens (unlike FeLV). I would definitelyhave her retested in a few months and wouldn't be surprised if sheturned up negative. But FIV is not like FeLV in that cats with FIVusually live long, asymptomatic lives. I also wouldn't worry aboutmixing your positive and negative...the virus can only be transmitted bya deep bite wound (typically seen with un-neutered, feral males whofight each other). I don't think you'll have any problem with thelittle one! ;)I don't know much about the vaccine only that subsequent FIV testing ona vaccinated cat can come up positive because of the vaccine. Eitherway, I think your older guy will be just fine...FeLV is considered morecontagious than FIV and I've mixed my FeLV guys with my non-FeLV guysand no one has ever turned up positive.Bless your heart for caring for the little one! What is her
 name?Jen"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will beunique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; Youbecome responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine deSaint-Exupéry"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will knoweach other. If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and whatyou do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief DanGeorge"The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long..." --Blade Runner- Original Message -From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Thursday, June 22, 2006 7:44 amSubject: FIV infected KittenTo:> I have been researching the net for information on FIV in kittens > and hope > to get more info here. My daughter came home two weeks ago with a
 > little freal > kitten appr. 5 weeks old. We already hav a 3 year old cat and had > not planned > on another cat, but ofcourse everybody in the family fell in love > with this > little thing. Yesterday we were told she tested positive for FIV, > which realy > upset everybody, but we have decided to keep her and deal with > things as > they come. Now I read that when a little kitten tests positive, > you need to keep > testing it until at least 6 month of age because it might be > mothers > anti-bodies, passed through mothers milk that might make the test > come back > positive. Is there anybody in this forum that indeed had that > happen, meaning that at > first the test came back positive but later negative? I know we > are grasping > at straws, but hope helps. We are also trying to decide whether to > keep the > two
 cats separate for ever or introduce them anyhow, I will talk > to the vet > to have the older one tested too now and if that comes back > negative, to have > him vacinated, but wonder whether that would be sufficient > protection. Any > advise??>

Re: Miss Kitty has gone to Rainbow Bridge

2006-06-25 Thread Lernermichelle

Brenda, I read so many of these posts, but reading yours I still could 
barely hold back tears. I can't believe what you have gone through. Bless you 
for giving them all life. I know it is very little consolation, but it is good 
that when she went she went fast, and did not suffer.  I hope that I go so 
quickly when I go, that I eat and feel well the morning of my death. I am so, so 
sorry though.

Re: Everybody's talent

2006-06-25 Thread gwork
I just got to look at Bailey's website - I think it is so nice that you do a 
site for him, and I'm glad to know others are using the 'net this way, as I 
am, to tell their stories and save other pets from early fates.  And you're 
right - they're cute from any angle!!  :)  If you don't mind, I am going to 
put a link on my site for Spaz to yours.  I will also send her story and a 
few pics to your site when I get some more time.  Thanks for the offer!!  I 
would like to change Spaz's all around so that I can have other people's 
stories as well, among other things.  It was the first and only website I've 
ever done, so there's a lot to learn!


- Original Message - 
From: "Belinda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2006 9:30 AM
Subject: Re: Everybody's talent

Hubby works his behind off so I can be home with the furkids all day 
and do free websites for animal rescues.  Mostly customizing their 
petfinder sites, I also do a website for one of my yahoo talk groups.  A 
few of my animal rescue clients have their own domains and I design and 
maintain their websites also.  I have a few paying clients and own and run 
a small web hosting company.  I don't really make any money but I break 
even on the hosting company so that's all that matters.

I work with about 30 rescue groups, thank goodness they don't all update 
on a regular basis or I'd be in big trouble, as it is I'm so far behind 
now with the website updating that it's really hard to keep up and it's 
going to take me awhile to get caught up if I ever do.  Looking for a 

I'm working on a new site that is dedicated to Bailey my sweet positive 
that I lost in May.  I haven't really had time lately to do much with it. 
If anyone would like to contribute an article or some good links for info, 
please send them,  Or if you'd like to send your positives story/stories 
and photos I would really love it (there's a form right on the site where 
you can submit your story and photos)!!

Well back to work ...


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: o/t advice needed

2006-06-25 Thread catatonya
My vet uses a dremel to cut the openings.  I've tried and I'm not too good with a dremel. lol.  But since we moved I haven't had any problems with spraying.   I guess because there's more room.   Sneaker still pees on the bed and sofa though.. ugh.  tMarylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Try the 18 quart Rubber maid box or a knock off. They are so high the cat can't overspray. you may need to cut out a small piece for a "doorway" but cut it high to help with the kicking out of litter. They work and, at $4 or so, are a lot cheaper than most litter boxes. The bottoms are not flat but I have no problem cleaning them with a metal scope.If you have men who will exclude any of God's creaturesfrom the shelter of compassion and
 pity, you will have men whowill deal likewise with their fellow man.St. Francis- Original Message - From: "Kerry MacKenzie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 11:38 PMSubject: Re: o/t advice needed> You're right--great value. I bought one of these for Tiger but it was no> good for him--he just went to the end and continued to pee over the side!> Now, for him, I use the highest regular litter box I can get, with lid> (never been able to find *long* one with lid).> - Original Message -> From: "Nina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> To: > Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 7:49 PM> Subject: Re: o/t advice needed Kerry,>> It sounds like space is an issue for your friend, but I've bought those>> big tubs they sell at Home Depot for mixing small
 batches of cement to>> use as litterboxes when aversion is a problem. They're really cheap and>> most cats like the added space they afford.>> Nina>> Marylyn wrote: > Please tell her the Rubbermaid or generic is a lot less expensive than>> > regular litter boxes. -- > No virus found in this incoming message.> Checked by AVG Free Edition.> Version: 7.1.394 / Virus Database: 268.9.2/370 - Release Date: 6/20/2006>> 

Miss Kitty

2006-06-25 Thread roxanne allard

Brenda- I am so sorry that Miss Kitty has gone ahead to join her babies. What a wonferful life and love you gave them while they were here.  Their love will surround you always until you meet again. I know what a sad time this is-please know you are in my heart and prayers for the same peace and strength you gave your babies. Take care.

Re: o/t advice needed

2006-06-25 Thread ETrent

What an incredible man your father is!  I really admire his courage 
and character. 
In a message dated 6/25/2006 12:05:53 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 

  Thanks so much Tonya!
  (tried to email you directly as sooo o/t but non 
  possibile--apologies to all)
  My dad is just extraordinary---he has been diagnosed as 
  having stage 4 cancer (terminal; no treatment) but he's carrying on with a 
  more or less normal life...a friend who called me while I was in Scotland to 
  ask how he was was as amazed by my reply as I was after I popped my head 
  out the door: "Well, right now, he's changing tractor tyres"! He's never once 
  complained (and in fact his standard reply when anyone asks how he is, is what 
  it's pretty well been all his life: "no complaints"!). But he's not in 
  denial--he knows exactly the score: he floored me (and I'm sure all of us 
  around the table) when he commented matter-of-factly last week "while I'm 
  still able to eat, I'd really like to taste a lobster".
  Needless to say my sisters are now all scrabbling to 
  organise a lobster feast.
  Thanks for the good Danny advice--I hadn't thought of 
  crate--will pass to B. 
  Plumbing pretty well resolved, tho found (in time) another 
  potentially ghastly leak today--fortunately there was already a container in 
  place. Teeth also fixed so I don't scare the horses any more. Well, maybe I 
  do, but not for that reason.
  Thanks again for your good wishes Tonya!
  hugs, Kerry
  - Original Message - 

Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2006 9:49 
Subject: Re: o/t advice needed

Gosh Kerry!  How is your father on top of everything else?  I 
think of you often.
As far as the cat spraying,  I would recommend she start over and 
crate the cat for a while so the 2 can get used to each other more 
gradually.  Then let it have a small room like a bathroom, etc. If 
it sprays it goes back into the crate.. etc Is the cat neutered?
Also I'd try the feliway dispensers.  And if none of that shows 
promise I'd try the kitty prozac ( I don't remember what it's called.)
Good luck with everything. Plumbing problems suck.  I had that 
blue poly that was recalled at my old house and had several major floods 
until I replumbed the entire house.


Re: Miss Kitty has gone to Rainbow Bridge

2006-06-25 Thread felv

My sympathy goes out to you for all your losses.
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.394 / Virus Database: 268.9.3/374 - Release Date: 6/23/2006