Sick kitty manual

2006-08-02 Thread Gina WN
Wendy, can you send me the manual?     Thank you!     Gina     [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hi Marissa,My name is Wendy. I've been on this list since lastOctober and probably will never leave. The peoplehere got me through one of the hardest times in mylife when my baby Cricket was sick with anemia fromthe FeLV, and died after three weeks of trying to gethim to turn around. Everyone here is so knowledgeableand helpful, and I stick around now to try to help newpeople just like you.Your vet is right. Many cats throw the virus off, andsome just carry it around. And even if he does testpositive, there are absolutely things you can do toprolong his life.The
 two most important things to keep in mind withFeLV positives is a stress free environment and immuneboosting including food and supplements. A lot ofpeople use the Evo. I think what Maggie and Kerrysaid about mixing the old food with the new and thenslowly decreasing the old might work for your baby. It will take time. Mine are on the Evo, wet and dry,and it is great stuff. Probably the best on themarket, in my opinion. Some do the raw diet. Whatever you end up feeding him, make sure it has nograins in it. As far as supplements go, there areseveral routes you can go. Vitamin C is supposed tobe a great immune booster. Some people even claimthat it can turn positives to negatives. L-lysine(WITHOUT) propylene glycol is also good for immuneboosting, especially if he has feline herpes, whicheither can't be or isn't easy to be tested for (can'tremember). I say he might have it because sneezingand URI's are
 typical symptoms. Many cats haveherpes, so it's no big deal. The L-lysine helps agreat deal with keeping that in remission. It's kindof like cold sores for us. The lysine is greatbecause kitty won't be able to taste it. I just mixit in with the wet food. I leave out dry for mine,and feed wet in the morn and eve. I have a kitty withhyperthyroidism that gets chicken broth twice a day,which some kitties love, and cooked chicken at night. The chicken broth is just the byproduct of cooking thechicken in water. I always feed it to my sickkitties; not all eat it though.I have also compiled a sick kitty manual that has alot of good info. in it. It's good even if your kittyis not sick. I took months of posts and info. fromthis site along with personal research and combined itto make the manual. It's in glossary form andcross-referenced in a Word document. Let me know ifyou'd like it and I'll send it to you
 directly as thelist won't allow attachments.I always say people who are dog people have never beenloved by a cat. We'll see what you have to say in afew months about that. LOL. I love the name Slinky,btw.If you have ANY questions, just ask. We're here tohelp.:)WendyDallas, Tx__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around No heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are there to welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery        Tiggertales ~ a site about our beloved felines       
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Re: Naomi has become an angel...

2006-08-02 Thread Gina WN
Oh Hideyo, I am in tears.  I am so sorry that Naomi couldn't stay longer.  I am glad she passed in your arms experiencing your love for her.  What a gift she gave you, waiting for you, and so many more gifts her life brought to you.     Gina  Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Thank you very much for all your prayers for Naomi --- she peacefully has transited to a new life last night around 10:20 pm… she was in my arms when she crossed the bridge.  I knew her time was approaching and was praying that she will wait for me until I come home from work.. and she did.. I held her in my arms the entire night from the time I came home from work to until she crossed the bridge..she is such a strong soul… the whole time I was holding, she will look at in my eyes and stare at me.. and I kept telling her
 how much I love her,, and thank her for being a part of my life… and how much I will miss her and holding her in my arms.. and I also told her that there is nothing to worry about… we will be always together.. she will stay in my heart eternally.. and there is nothing that keep us apart anymore..she was walking around until the final day.. she is just amazing.. a couple of times, she stopped breathing.. and had to give her mouth to mouth to bring her back.. just because I was selfish and I wanted to extend our time together as much as possible.. and she did for me..     After Naomi has one little brother, Simba and one big sister, Dharma, and
 they are both protective of her.. Dharma has always groomed her from the very beginning of their time together.. and took care of her so well.. when Naomi has been sick, Dharma always has come licked her head to make her feel better.. on the other hand,, Simba always wanted to wrestle with Naomi.. and even when she was sick.. and naomi would let him, though I sometimes, had to tell Simba not to be so rough to play.. after Naomi passed last night.. Dharma has come and still groomed Naomi and tried to take care of her.. and Simba still tried to play with her… which made me cry.. but I am sure that Naomi will connect them on spiritual level so that they will also be together even after her transition…     Now, Naomi is free
 from a body which limited her to do many things..I love her soul and love her little body.. she is so beautiful.. I can’t express how much I am going to miss seeing her little body walking around, and to hold a beautiful body in my arms,, and watching her beautiful eyes… but I know that I won’t have to miss her soul because it is right besides me now no matter where I go… Naomi has taught me a lot of lessons.. she taught me not to be afraid of “pain” --- and how to deal with the pain  and it’s not everyone’s intension to be here for a long time… I have become a bit stronger because of Naomi…her vitality taught me to be as strong as she is..     Again, thank you for all your thoughts and prayers for Naomi
 ---  And please (I don’t know whom I should contact directly, but..) add my Naomi to the rainbow bridge.. thank you..     Hideyo and Naomi..No heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are there to welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery        Tiggertales ~ a site about our beloved felines       
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Re: Introduction and new cat question

2006-08-02 Thread Leslie
Maggie, when you suggest getting an older cat, I am on board with that, that is a good idea.  I know that kittens are more susceptible, but you always hope, don't you?  :)  So Trixie now has a littermate with her at the Humane Society, one that show that they have Manx in them, because she has just a little puff where there would normally be a tail.  I went and visited them today and they are so cute and active, go, go, go  the whole time.  That is something that I want for Satch because he is so rambunctious.  But now that there are two of these girls, I really hope that they can get adopted together.  Maybe I'll wait and see if they can find them a home together and if not, I'll rescue the one that wasn't chosen.

I like adopting adult cats anyway, because their personalities are more formed. 
And Kerry, that is fascinating what you suggest.  Negative cats can live with positive cats?  I'd love to hear more about this from anyone that has/is successfully done it.  I know that leukemia vaccinations exist, but I didn't think that they were that strong.  I'll ask my vet about both Interferon and Merial, I see her next Wednesday.  That's really fascinating.

Thank you so much for your input,

Re: Roferon ?

2006-08-02 Thread Belinda
  My Bailey was diagnosed FeLV+ at 5 months of age and I just lost him 
this May, he had just turned 11 years old.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: Naomi has become an angel...

2006-08-02 Thread Lernermichelle

I am so sorry Hideyo. I was hoping so hard that she would make it.

RE: Naomi has become an angel...

2006-08-02 Thread elizamaggie

I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds like she passed in her own time and her own way, which is a blessing for you both. 

Re: Slinky Update: Good News

2006-08-02 Thread ETrent

This is such good news!  Thank you for the update.  Please give 
Slinky a big kitty kiss from me and the kids.
In a message dated 8/2/2006 5:13:02 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, 

  Hi again all.  Just thought I'd let you know that all is well with 
  Slinky.  I went up to get his meds today and decided to take him with to 
  have them weigh him.  He's actually gained about 1/2 a pound, maybe a 
  little more since I was last there a week and a half ago.  And the nurse 
  looked at him and said he looked perfect.  :)  She also cleaned out 
  his ears (which were quite goopy since I've been giving him mitricide). 
   The doctor even came out and talked with me a bit (he didn't think the 
  chemicals used for the roaches would be a problem for him since they're not 
  for other cats...said they tend not to affect mammals much).  He also 
  gave him the first of the 2 Drontal tablets so I wouldn't have to try to get 
  him to take it.  So that was helpful!!!
  My baby did GREAT.  Didn't even make much noise in the car and 
  didn't flinch at all when they cleaned his ears and gave him the pill.  
  Such a good boy!!!
  I told both the nurse and the vet about this group so that if they have 
  others who have positive cats, they can pass on the info.  The nurse was 
  thrilled...and shocked to hear that some vets recommend immediate 
  euthanasia.  The doctor was already familiar with the site.  He said 
  that there's really nothing you can do to boost his immune system, but that 
  nothing I did would hurt him (not a great response, but ok).  But he kept 
  reiterating that he has every chance of having a normal life expectancy and 
  staying healthy...or of testing negative in a few months.  So that was 
  helpful!  I told him I was going to keep up with the natural food, 
  supplements, etc. so that at least I'd feel like I was doing something to help 
  Anyway...just thought I'd share.  Thanks for all your help with 
  trying to figure out his weight and "bonyness" issues.  I appreciate 


RE: Roferon ?

2006-08-02 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

As you mentioned already, it’s hard
to tell… I know there are many kitties who live for several years and
sometimes over 10 years… statistically, I read that 80% of kitties who
are tested positive on felk die within 3 years,, again, I don’t know
statistic significance of the information either… it’s sort of
like, it’s hard to tell,, a regular life span of cats who are tested
negative on felk, either.. they could get CRF, get cancer,,, all other diseases
that are not viral related could impact their life span..


I have two felk kitties and I am grateful
that they are so healthy…one has just became two years old.. and the
other one, I am not exactly sure how old.. but at least two probably… 


I think the best thing, is just take one
day at a time, and love them as much as you can every day…


Behalf Of Sheila Coyle
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006
5:17 PM
Subject: Roferon ?




I have
two kitties on “Roferon”…seven days on 1 ml. each day, seven
days off.  (Thank heavens, both Joey, age one year, and Lucky, age two
years, are doing very very well…)


A few
questions here…


might any one know about this particular medication?  


average, what age of life can be expected, or have you experienced with a kitty
who is FeLv positive?  I know that is a lot of “what
if’s”, and varies vastly from kitty to kitty, and symptoms, and
care, etc., etc., or is it possible to have a kitty live a regular life span,
and never actually die from FeLv, and just old age, or some thing even totally
un related to FeLv?  I know there are so so many variables and things to
take in account.  








Slinky Update: Good News

2006-08-02 Thread Marissa Johnson
Hi again all.  Just thought I'd let you know that all is well with Slinky.  I went up to get his meds today and decided to take him with to have them weigh him.  He's actually gained about 1/2 a pound, maybe a little more since I was last there a week and a half ago.  And the nurse looked at him and said he looked perfect.  :)  She also cleaned out his ears (which were quite goopy since I've been giving him mitricide).  The doctor even came out and talked with me a bit (he didn't think the chemicals used for the roaches would be a problem for him since they're not for other cats...said they tend not to affect mammals much).  He also gave him the first of the 2 Drontal tablets so I wouldn't have to try to get him to take it.  So that was helpful!!!     My baby did GREAT.  Didn't even make much noise in the car and didn't flinch at all when they cleaned his ears and gave him the pill. 
 Such a good boy!!!     I told both the nurse and the vet about this group so that if they have others who have positive cats, they can pass on the info.  The nurse was thrilled...and shocked to hear that some vets recommend immediate euthanasia.  The doctor was already familiar with the site.  He said that there's really nothing you can do to boost his immune system, but that nothing I did would hurt him (not a great response, but ok).  But he kept reiterating that he has every chance of having a normal life expectancy and staying healthy...or of testing negative in a few months.  So that was helpful!  I told him I was going to keep up with the natural food, supplements, etc. so that at least I'd feel like I was doing something to help him.       Anyway...just thought I'd share.  Thanks for all your help with trying to figure out his weight and "bonyness" issues.  I
 appreciate it!!!       MJ 
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Re: Naomi has become an angel...

2006-08-02 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I too am so sorry for your loss of the sweet baby. I mostly lurk here now 
but all of you are always in my thoughts and prayers
Karen in Texas

Re: Naomi has become an angel...

2006-08-02 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Hideyo so sorry that you didn't have more time with sweet Naomi,you are an awesome lady and a big hearted and loving person.Bless you for all that you do.Once again my Maizee has a new friend on the other side of the bridge.  SherryHideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Thank you very much for all your prayers for Naomi --- she peacefully has transited to a new life last night around 10:20 pm… she was in my arms when she crossed the bridge.  I knew her time was approaching and was praying that she will wait for me until I come home from work.. and she did.. I held her in my arms the entire night from the time I came home from work to until she crossed the bridge..she is such a strong soul… the whole time I was holding, she will look at in my eyes and stare at me.. and I kept telling her how much I love her,, and thank her for being a part of my life… and
 how much I will miss her and holding her in my arms.. and I also told her that there is nothing to worry about… we will be always together.. she will stay in my heart eternally.. and there is nothing that keep us apart anymore..she was walking around until the final day.. she is just amazing.. a couple of times, she stopped breathing.. and had to give her mouth to mouth to bring her back.. just because I was selfish and I wanted to extend our time together as much as possible.. and she did for me..     After Naomi has one little brother, Simba and one big sister, Dharma, and they are both protective of her.. Dharma has always groomed her from the
 very beginning of their time together.. and took care of her so well.. when Naomi has been sick, Dharma always has come licked her head to make her feel better.. on the other hand,, Simba always wanted to wrestle with Naomi.. and even when she was sick.. and naomi would let him, though I sometimes, had to tell Simba not to be so rough to play.. after Naomi passed last night.. Dharma has come and still groomed Naomi and tried to take care of her.. and Simba still tried to play with her… which made me cry.. but I am sure that Naomi will connect them on spiritual level so that they will also be together even after her transition…     Now, Naomi is free from a body which limited her to do many things..I love her soul and
 love her little body.. she is so beautiful.. I can’t express how much I am going to miss seeing her little body walking around, and to hold a beautiful body in my arms,, and watching her beautiful eyes… but I know that I won’t have to miss her soul because it is right besides me now no matter where I go… Naomi has taught me a lot of lessons.. she taught me not to be afraid of “pain” --- and how to deal with the pain  and it’s not everyone’s intension to be here for a long time… I have become a bit stronger because of Naomi…her vitality taught me to be as strong as she is..     Again, thank you for all your thoughts and prayers for Naomi ---  And please (I don’t know whom I should contact directly, but..) add my Naomi to the rainbow bridge.. thank you..     Hideyo and Naomi.. 
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Roferon ?

2006-08-02 Thread Sheila Coyle



I have
two kitties on “Roferon”…seven days on 1 ml. each day, seven
days off.  (Thank heavens, both Joey, age one year, and Lucky, age two
years, are doing very very well…)


A few
questions here…


might any one know about this particular medication?  


average, what age of life can be expected, or have you experienced with a kitty
who is FeLv positive?  I know that is a lot of “what if’s”,
and varies vastly from kitty to kitty, and symptoms, and care, etc., etc., or
is it possible to have a kitty live a regular life span, and never actually die
from FeLv, and just old age, or some thing even totally un related to
FeLv?  I know there are so so many variables and things to take in








Re: Newbie

2006-08-02 Thread Belinda

   Hi Laura & the rest of the newbies,

Welcome it sounds like you're all on the right track and doing 
wonderful.  No stress, good food, a good vet and giving supplements (if 
your furkid tolerates it) to boost their immune systems are the most 
important things.

I'm currently switching all of my guys to a better food, my first choice 
was eagle pack brand but it is very difficult if not impossible to get 
here.  I have to special order a case and if they don't like it I'm 
stuck with it.  So I decided to try Precise, Pinnacle, Solid Gold tuna 
blend and Avederm kitten as a sometime treat.   They seem to like most 
of the Precise and Pinnacle and love the Solid Gold, so it hasn't been 
too bad switching them.  The ingredients are pretty good, no garlic, 
rosemary or by products, and the first 3 or 4 ingredients is actually 
meat on most of them.

Fred gets his dental and 3 month bloodwork to check his hyper-t levels 
and to see how his CRF is doing, we go in at 11AM Saturday and I will 
wait for him and take him home when he is finished.  Good thoughts for 
my grouchy boy appreciated.

PS.  I don't currently have any positives, my Bailey just passed on May 
6th, he was 11 years old and positive since 5 months of age.  I've been 
here for 7 or 8 years, heck maybe even longer, I can't remember now.  I 
just wanted to say with good care and love these special guys can live a 
normal life span.  Sometimes it isn't meant to be but sometimes it is, 
so never should a positive be euthanized simply for being positive!


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: Newbie

2006-08-02 Thread catatonya
Welcome to the list Laura.  It sounds like you've done pretty well on your own.  You'll get lots of info. from the list.  I'm glad you didn't listen to your vet.     tonyaLaura Luttrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hi all.  I am new to the group.  I have to start off by saying that it is awesome to find others out there like me.  I had a cat that we had to euthanzie about a year ago due to Felv.  We had her about 5 years, (she adopted us)  she had a "bout" 2 years earlier and the vet diagnosed her with flea allergy (sores) well turns out it was the disease.  I did manage to nurse her back to health, but the last episode was too much for her.  As it turns out my boy tested postive.   We chose to go ahead with the snip snip and treat him
 normal.  The vet seemed irritated that we chose this path, most of my friends first words were did you euthanize him :((  GRRR  We couldn't bring ourselves to putting him down, as he is healthy, follows hubby from room to room.  Basically thinks he's a dog.  I have 3 other cats psycho 14 hyper-T, Xena 8 flutd, Newbie 5 healthy.  I feel like I should open my home up to "special need kitties.  Pilling has become a regular thing around here.   Anyway, I am searching for a good diet that will work for all of them.  I am currently using the hill's diet, but I don't know who hates it worse me or the kids.  The more I read the more confused I get.  As far as the felv is there any supplements more important food, that I can give him to boost his immune system, giving him a better chance?  So far he's doesn't show "signs".  All my kids are indoor if they do go outside it is under strict supervision and
 a walking jacket.  I look forward to meeting everyone and getting some advice as well as hearing your stories.  Laura  Dogs have owners      Cats have servants      Do you Yahoo!?Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta.

RE: Newbie

2006-08-02 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

Laura--I just sent you some info off-list, as it's from a 
sound one great mom--welcome!
will get tons more feedback from the fabulous folks on this 
you for following your heart and instinct, Kerry

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of Laura LuttrellSent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 
2:23 PMTo: Felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: 
NewbieHi all.  I am new to the group.  I have to 
start off by saying that it is awesome to find others out there like me.  I 
had a cat that we had to euthanzie about a year ago due to Felv.  We had 
her about 5 years, (she adopted us)  she had a "bout" 2 years earlier and 
the vet diagnosed her with flea allergy (sores) well turns out it was the 
disease.  I did manage to nurse her back to health, but the last episode 
was too much for her.  As it turns out my boy tested postive.  
 We chose to go ahead with the snip snip and treat him normal.  The 
vet seemed irritated that we chose this path, most of my friends first words 
were did you euthanize him :((  GRRR  We couldn't bring ourselves to 
putting him down, as he is healthy, follows hubby from room to room.  
Basically thinks he's a dog.  I have 3 other cats psycho 14 hyper-T, Xena 8 
flutd, Newbie 5 healthy.  I feel like I should open my home up to "special 
need kitties.  Pilling has become a regular thing around 
here.   Anyway, I am searching for a good diet that will work for all 
of them.  I am currently using the hill's diet, but I don't know who hates 
it worse me or the kids.  The more I read the more confused I get.  As 
far as the felv is there any supplements more important food, that I can give 
him to boost his immune system, giving him a better chance?  So far he's 
doesn't show "signs".  All my kids are indoor if they do go outside it is 
under strict supervision and a walking jacket.  I look forward to 
meeting everyone and getting some advice as well as hearing your 
stories.  Laura  

Dogs have 

Cats have 

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Re: Newbie

2006-08-02 Thread Marissa Johnson
WELCOME, LAURA!!!  I've only been on the list about a week, or so, but you will find very quickly that this is the most incredible group of people in the world!!!  And when I joined (my new kitten, Slinky, tested positive for felv), I had the exact same questions!  I was SO confused!!!  I'm still figuring things out, but for now, I'm feeding him Innova Evo (dry and canned).  This was recommended to me by the owner of a natural foods store, and from the research I've done, it seems to be one of the best things out there.       I'm still figuring out supplements, etc.  But this group is SO knowledgeable, helpful, supportive, and awesome!!!  They'll help you out a ton!  I'm so glad you found us...and I'm sending prayers and positive thoughts for all your babies!!!  Good luck and don't hesitate to ask your questions - I've been asking like crazy and getting all kinds of great
 information!!!     MarissaLaura Luttrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hi all.  I am new to the group.  I have to start off by saying that it is awesome to find others out there like me.  I had a cat that we had to euthanzie about a year ago due to Felv.  We had her about 5 years, (she adopted us)  she had a "bout" 2 years earlier and the vet diagnosed her with flea allergy (sores) well turns out it was the disease.  I did manage to nurse her back to health, but the last episode was too much for her.  As it turns out my boy tested postive.   We chose to go ahead with the snip snip and treat him normal.  The vet seemed irritated that we chose this path, most of my friends first words were did you euthanize him :((  GRRR  We couldn't bring
 ourselves to putting him down, as he is healthy, follows hubby from room to room.  Basically thinks he's a dog.  I have 3 other cats psycho 14 hyper-T, Xena 8 flutd, Newbie 5 healthy.  I feel like I should open my home up to "special need kitties.  Pilling has become a regular thing around here.   Anyway, I am searching for a good diet that will work for all of them.  I am currently using the hill's diet, but I don't know who hates it worse me or the kids.  The more I read the more confused I get.  As far as the felv is there any supplements more important food, that I can give him to boost his immune system, giving him a better chance?  So far he's doesn't show "signs".  All my kids are indoor if they do go outside it is under strict supervision and a walking jacket.  I look forward to meeting everyone and getting some advice as well as hearing your stories.  Laura 
 Dogs have owners      Cats have servants      Do you Yahoo!?Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta. 
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2006-08-02 Thread Laura Luttrell
Hi all.  I am new to the group.  I have to start off by saying that it is awesome to find others out there like me.  I had a cat that we had to euthanzie about a year ago due to Felv.  We had her about 5 years, (she adopted us)  she had a "bout" 2 years earlier and the vet diagnosed her with flea allergy (sores) well turns out it was the disease.  I did manage to nurse her back to health, but the last episode was too much for her.  As it turns out my boy tested postive.   We chose to go ahead with the snip snip and treat him normal.  The vet seemed irritated that we chose this path, most of my friends first words were did you euthanize him :((  GRRR  We couldn't bring ourselves to putting him down, as he is healthy, follows hubby from room to room.  Basically thinks he's a dog.  I have 3 other cats psycho 14 hyper-T, Xena 8 flutd, Newbie 5 healthy.  I feel like I should open my home up to
 "special need kitties.  Pilling has become a regular thing around here.   Anyway, I am searching for a good diet that will work for all of them.  I am currently using the hill's diet, but I don't know who hates it worse me or the kids.  The more I read the more confused I get.  As far as the felv is there any supplements more important food, that I can give him to boost his immune system, giving him a better chance?  So far he's doesn't show "signs".  All my kids are indoor if they do go outside it is under strict supervision and a walking jacket.  I look forward to meeting everyone and getting some advice as well as hearing your stories.  Laura  

Dogs have owners    
Cats have servants     
		Do you Yahoo!? Everyone is raving about the  all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta.

Re: Naomi has become an angel...

2006-08-02 Thread wendy

I'm so sorry to hear about little Naomi.  Prayers
going out for you and that she crosses over


--- Hideyo Yamamoto

> Thank you very much for all your prayers for Naomi
> --- she peacefully
> has transited to a new life last night around 10:20
> pm... she was in my
> arms when she crossed the bridge.  I knew her time
> was approaching and
> was praying that she will wait for me until I come
> home from work.. and
> she did.. I held her in my arms the entire night
> from the time I came
> home from work to until she crossed the bridge..she
> is such a strong
> soul... the whole time I was holding, she will look
> at in my eyes and
> stare at me.. and I kept telling her how much I love
> her,, and thank her
> for being a part of my life... and how much I will
> miss her and holding
> her in my arms.. and I also told her that there is
> nothing to worry
> about... we will be always together.. she will stay
> in my heart
> eternally.. and there is nothing that keep us apart
> anymore..she was
> walking around until the final day.. she is just
> amazing.. a couple of
> times, she stopped breathing.. and had to give her
> mouth to mouth to
> bring her back.. just because I was selfish and I
> wanted to extend our
> time together as much as possible.. and she did for
> me..
> After Naomi has one little brother, Simba and one
> big sister, Dharma,
> and they are both protective of her.. Dharma has
> always groomed her from
> the very beginning of their time together.. and took
> care of her so
> well.. when Naomi has been sick, Dharma always has
> come licked her head
> to make her feel better.. on the other hand,, Simba
> always wanted to
> wrestle with Naomi.. and even when she was sick..
> and naomi would let
> him, though I sometimes, had to tell Simba not to be
> so rough to play..
> after Naomi passed last night.. Dharma has come and
> still groomed Naomi
> and tried to take care of her.. and Simba still
> tried to play with
> her... which made me cry.. but I am sure that Naomi
> will connect them on
> spiritual level so that they will also be together
> even after her
> transition...
> Now, Naomi is free from a body which limited her to
> do many things..I
> love her soul and love her little body.. she is so
> beautiful.. I can't
> express how much I am going to miss seeing her
> little body walking
> around, and to hold a beautiful body in my arms,,
> and watching her
> beautiful eyes... but I know that I won't have to
> miss her soul because
> it is right besides me now no matter where I go...
> Naomi has taught me a
> lot of lessons.. she taught me not to be afraid of
> "pain" --- and how to
> deal with the pain  and it's not everyone's
> intension to be here for a
> long time... I have become a bit stronger because of
> Naomi...her
> vitality taught me to be as strong as she is..
> Again, thank you for all your thoughts and prayers
> for Naomi ---
> And please (I don't know whom I should contact
> directly, but..) add my
> Naomi to the rainbow bridge.. thank you..
> Hideyo and Naomi..

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Re: Naomi has become an angel...

2006-08-02 Thread etrent

Hideyo, I am so very sorry.


-Original Message-
Sent: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 11:26 AM
Subject: RE: Naomi has become an angel...


I'm in 
tears for you and Naomi. You are both so brave. 

you for the beautiful description of your last evening with her. 

are such a truly wonderful mom. I'm glad it was you that Naomi chose to spend 
her too-short life with. She couldn't have made a better 

always in my thoughts for everything you do for the little souls, but you're 
particularly in my thoughts now. 

much love and big hugs to you, and special hugs to 
Simba and Dharma too, Kerry. 

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Hideyo Yamamoto
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 
11:14 AM
Subject: Naomi has 
become an angel...

Thank you very much for all your 
prayers for Naomi --- she peacefully has transited to a new life last night 
around 10:20 pm… she was in my arms when she crossed the bridge.  I knew 
her time was approaching and was praying that she will wait for me until I come 
home from work.. and she did.. I held her in my arms the entire night from the 
time I came home from work to until she crossed the bridge..she is such a strong 
soul… the whole time I was holding, she will look at in my eyes and stare at 
me.. and I kept telling her how much I love her,, and thank her for being a part 
of my life… and how much I will miss her and holding her in my arms.. and I also 
told her that there is nothing to worry about… we will be always together.. she 
will stay in my heart eternally.. and there is nothing that keep us apart 
anymore..she was walking around until the final day.. she is just amazing.. a 
couple of times, she stopped breathing.. and had to give her mouth to mouth to 
bring her back.. just because I was selfish and I wanted to extend our time 
together as much as possible.. and she did for me..


After Naomi has one little brother, 
Simba and one big sister, Dharma, and they are both protective of her.. Dharma 
has always groomed her from the very beginning of their time together.. and took 
care of her so well.. when Naomi has been sick, Dharma always has come licked 
her head to make her feel better.. on the other hand,, Simba always wanted to 
wrestle with Naomi.. and even when she was sick.. and naomi would let him, 
though I sometimes, had to tell Simba not to be so rough to play.. after Naomi 
passed last night.. Dharma has come and still groomed Naomi and tried to take 
care of her.. and Simba still tried to play with her… which made me cry.. but I 
am sure that Naomi will connect them on spiritual level so that they will also 
be together even after her transition…


Now, Naomi is free from a body which 
limited her to do many things..I love her soul and love her little body.. she is 
so beautiful.. I can’t express how much I am going to miss seeing her little 
body walking around, and to hold a beautiful body in my arms,, and watching her 
beautiful eyes… but I know that I won’t have to miss her soul because it is 
right besides me now no matter where I go… Naomi has taught me a lot of 
lessons.. she taught me not to be afraid of “pain” --- and how to deal with the 
pain  and it’s not everyone’s intension to be here for a long time… I have 
become a bit stronger because of Naomi…her vitality taught me to be as strong as 
she is..


Again, thank you for all your 
thoughts and prayers for Naomi ---

And please (I don’t know whom I 
should contact directly, but..) add my Naomi to the rainbow bridge.. thank 


Hideyo and 


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Re: Dogs in China

2006-08-02 Thread BONNIE J KALMBACH
I looked up the Chinese embassy on Google and sent them an email. I try
not to buy anything made in China, but almost everything is these days.


- Original Message -
From: cindy reasoner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, August 2, 2006 11:01 am
Subject: Dogs in China

> I saw on the news last night that China butchered
> 50,000.00 dogs.  They said it was because of deaths
> due to rabies.  Haven't they ever heard of
> vacinations?  I was just so mad when I read about this
> and all of their other animal abuses.  I read that
> some people were walking their dogs and the
> authorities stopped them and beat the dogs to death. 
> I can't believe how horrible people can be. It just
> really bothered me.
> Cindy
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

RE: Naomi has become an angel...

2006-08-02 Thread Helene Hand

That was a beautiful way for Naomi to leave this earthly 
world, in the arms of the person who loved her  unconditionally 
.you, prayers that your pain will become 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of kandbz_ 
momSent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 12:53 PMTo: 
felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Naomi has become an 

I'm sorry to hear about Naomi.  I will keep you in my thoughts and 
KarenHideyo Yamamoto 


  Thank you very much for all your 
  prayers for Naomi --- she peacefully has transited to a new life last night 
  around 10:20 pm… she was in my arms when she crossed the bridge.  I knew 
  her time was approaching and was praying that she will wait for me until I 
  come home from work.. and she did.. I held her in my arms the entire night 
  from the time I came home from work to until she crossed the bridge..she is 
  such a strong soul… the whole time I was holding, she will look at in my eyes 
  and stare at me.. and I kept telling her how much I love her,, and thank her 
  for being a part of my life… and how much I will miss her and holding her in 
  my arms.. and I also told her that there is nothing to worry about… we will be 
  always together.. she will stay in my heart eternally.. and there is nothing 
  that keep us apart anymore..she was walking around until the final day.. she 
  is just amazing.. a couple of times, she stopped breathing.. and had to give 
  her mouth to mouth to bring her back.. just because I was selfish and I wanted 
  to extend our time together as much as possible.. and she did for 
  After Naomi has one little 
  brother, Simba and one big sister, Dharma, and they are both protective of 
  her.. Dharma has always groomed her from the very beginning of their time 
  together.. and took care of her so well.. when Naomi has been sick, Dharma 
  always has come licked her head to make her feel better.. on the other hand,, 
  Simba always wanted to wrestle with Naomi.. and even when she was sick.. and 
  naomi would let him, though I sometimes, had to tell Simba not to be so rough 
  to play.. after Naomi passed last night.. Dharma has come and still groomed 
  Naomi and tried to take care of her.. and Simba still tried to play with her… 
  which made me cry.. but I am sure that Naomi will connect them on spiritual 
  level so that they will also be together even after her 
  Now, Naomi is free from a body 
  which limited her to do many things..I love her soul and love her little 
  body.. she is so beautiful.. I can’t express how much I am going to miss 
  seeing her little body walking around, and to hold a beautiful body in my 
  arms,, and watching her beautiful eyes… but I know that I won’t have to miss 
  her soul because it is right besides me now no matter where I go… Naomi has 
  taught me a lot of lessons.. she taught me not to be afraid of “pain” --- and 
  how to deal with the pain  and it’s not everyone’s intension to be here 
  for a long time… I have become a bit stronger because of Naomi…her vitality 
  taught me to be as strong as she is..
  Again, thank you for all your 
  thoughts and prayers for Naomi ---
  And please (I don’t know whom I 
  should contact directly, but..) add my Naomi to the rainbow bridge.. thank 
  Hideyo and 

Groups are talking. We´re listening. Check out the handy 
changes to Yahoo! Groups. 

RE: Naomi

2006-08-02 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Thank you, Beth.. it was blessing to me,
too –she usually closed her eyes when she rest.. but for the last night
that we were together, she really tried to keep her eyes open to look into my
eyes..and it  was very striking to me.


Behalf Of Gary Murphy
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006
10:51 AM
Subject: Re: Naomi


Hideyo, I am so sorry for your loss. 
My Ally stared into my eyes like that on her last night.  I 

think they are trying to tell us how much
they love us and want our company while crossing.

You were lucky to have each other, even for
such a brief time...








RE: Naomi has become an angel...

2006-08-02 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Thank you for sharing the long, kat - I love it..
She has such a peaceful way to sleep and I hope I will never never
forget how she looked..

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kat
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 11:30 AM
Subject: Re: Naomi has become an angel...

Oh Hideyo,

I'm so very sorry your time with little Naomi was so short.
Even tho I haven't posted much lately, I've been saying prayers
for both of you.  One of the songs I heard several years ago, sung
by Clint Black is call "Something that we do", and even tho it is
a love song to his wife, the second verse sooo applies to our bonds
with our furkids...

It's holding tight, lettin' go
It's flying high and laying low
Let your strongest feelings show
And your weakness, too
It's a little and a lot to ask
An endless and a welcome task
Love isn't something that we have
It's something that we do

Sleep soft, dear Naomi...

Kat (Mew Jersey)

On Wed, 2 Aug 2006, Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:
> Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 10:14:16 -0600
> From: Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: Naomi has become an angel...
> Thank you very much for all your prayers for Naomi --- she peacefully
> has transited to a new life last night around 10:20 pm... she was in
> arms when she crossed the bridge.  I knew her time was approaching and
> was praying that she will wait for me until I come home from work..
> she did.. I held her in my arms the entire night from the time I came
> home from work to until she crossed the bridge..she is such a strong
> soul... the whole time I was holding, she will look at in my eyes and
> stare at me.. and I kept telling her how much I love her,, and thank
> for being a part of my life... and how much I will miss her and
> her in my arms.. and I also told her that there is nothing to worry
> about... we will be always together.. she will stay in my heart
> eternally.. and there is nothing that keep us apart anymore..she was
> walking around until the final day.. she is just amazing.. a couple of
> times, she stopped breathing.. and had to give her mouth to mouth to
> bring her back.. just because I was selfish and I wanted to extend our
> time together as much as possible.. and she did for me..
> After Naomi has one little brother, Simba and one big sister, Dharma,
> and they are both protective of her.. Dharma has always groomed her
> the very beginning of their time together.. and took care of her so
> well.. when Naomi has been sick, Dharma always has come licked her
> to make her feel better.. on the other hand,, Simba always wanted to
> wrestle with Naomi.. and even when she was sick.. and naomi would let
> him, though I sometimes, had to tell Simba not to be so rough to
> after Naomi passed last night.. Dharma has come and still groomed
> and tried to take care of her.. and Simba still tried to play with
> her... which made me cry.. but I am sure that Naomi will connect them
> spiritual level so that they will also be together even after her
> transition...
> Now, Naomi is free from a body which limited her to do many things..I
> love her soul and love her little body.. she is so beautiful.. I can't
> express how much I am going to miss seeing her little body walking
> around, and to hold a beautiful body in my arms,, and watching her
> beautiful eyes... but I know that I won't have to miss her soul
> it is right besides me now no matter where I go... Naomi has taught me
> lot of lessons.. she taught me not to be afraid of "pain" --- and how
> deal with the pain  and it's not everyone's intension to be here for a
> long time... I have become a bit stronger because of Naomi...her
> vitality taught me to be as strong as she is..
> Again, thank you for all your thoughts and prayers for Naomi ---
> And please (I don't know whom I should contact directly, but..) add my
> Naomi to the rainbow bridge.. thank you..
> Hideyo and Naomi...

RE: Naomi has become an angel...

2006-08-02 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Thank you very much, Belinda. I appreciate it very much!  I think you
are the next life, Naomi and I will be together for a long
long time..

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Belinda
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: Naomi has become an angel...

   I'm so sorry little Naomi wasn't strong enough to stay a bit longer.

Her teaching was finished for this time but maybe she'll come back to 
you in a stronger body and stay much longer.  I have added her to the 
service, my prayers are with you.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: Question about throwing off the virus and my vet's opinion

2006-08-02 Thread TenHouseCats
i go for 120 days for a retest, just to make sure
On 8/2/06, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I agree.  I think most positives are caught later in life because they tested 'negative' at a young age and were never retested and had it all along.  I would retest in 90 days if I were you.  After that I would act according to those results.

TenHouseCats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

by that logic, ANY cat who tests negative could be "harboring" the virus because who knows if they might have tested positive at some point in their lives. 
i'm sorry that i don't have the time right now to do the research, but it's fairly well documented that 70% of healthy adult cats exposed to the virus will throw it off. maybe someone else on the list has the citations... 

On 8/2/06, Gina WN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote: 

Hi Everyone,
A week ago when I took Pippin to the vet, I asked my vet about the upcoming second FeLV test that Pippin is going to have in September.  I asked her if she agrees that cats can throw off the virus after having tested positive. She said she does not believe so, that she believes that cats who test negative after having tested positive are "harboring the virus" and that it can show up at any time in the future.  

We are going to keep Pippin regardless of her FeLV status.  I do wonder if this vet's belief system could affect the care my girl receives if she does develop symptoms. What kinds of questions should I ask on behalf of Pippin?  What should I look for in a vet treating a cat with FeLV? 

Thank you!
No heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are there to welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery
Tiggertales ~ a site about our beloved felines


Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls 
to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less. 

-- MaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 289856892-- MaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: 

Re: Question about throwing off the virus and my vet's opinion

2006-08-02 Thread catatonya
I agree.  I think most positives are caught later in life because they tested 'negative' at a young age and were never retested and had it all along.  I would retest in 90 days if I were you.  After that I would act according to those results.     tTenHouseCats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:by that logic, ANY cat who tests negative could be "harboring" the virus because who knows if they might have tested positive at some point in their lives.      i'm sorry that i don't have the time right now to do the research, but it's fairly well documented that 70% of healthy adult cats exposed to the virus will throw it off. maybe someone else on the list has the citations...         On 8/2/06,
 Gina WN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   Hi Everyone,     A week ago when I took Pippin to the vet, I asked my vet about the upcoming second FeLV test that Pippin is going to have in September.  I asked her if she agrees that cats can throw off the virus after having tested positive. She said she does not believe so, that she believes that cats who test negative after having tested positive are "harboring the virus" and that it can show up at any time in the future.       We are going to keep Pippin regardless of her FeLV status.  I do wonder if this vet's belief system could affect the care my girl receives if she does develop symptoms. What kinds of
 questions should I ask on behalf of Pippin?  What should I look for in a vet treating a cat with FeLV?      Thank you!  Gina  No heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are there to welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery        Tiggertales ~ a site about our beloved felines  Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.
 -- MaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 289856892

Re: Naomi has become an angel...

2006-08-02 Thread catatonya
Hideyo,     I'm sorry about baby Naomi.  I'm glad Jasmine talked to her with you and you feel more at peace about it.  I know you'll miss her, but she was here for a reason and is gone for a reason.     tonyaBelinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Hideyo,I'm so sorry little Naomi wasn't strong enough to stay a bit longer. Her teaching was finished for this time but maybe she'll come back to you in a stronger body and stay much longer. I have added her to the service, my prayers are with you.-- Belindahappiness is being owned by cats ...Be-Mi-Kittieshttp://bemikitties.comPost Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittenshttp://adopt.bemikitties.comFeLV Candlelight
 Service [affordable hosting & web design]http://HostDesign4U.comBMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: Naomi has become an angel...

2006-08-02 Thread Kat
Oh Hideyo,

I'm so very sorry your time with little Naomi was so short.
Even tho I haven't posted much lately, I've been saying prayers
for both of you.  One of the songs I heard several years ago, sung
by Clint Black is call "Something that we do", and even tho it is
a love song to his wife, the second verse sooo applies to our bonds
with our furkids...

It's holding tight, lettin' go
It's flying high and laying low
Let your strongest feelings show
And your weakness, too
It's a little and a lot to ask
An endless and a welcome task
Love isn't something that we have
It's something that we do

Sleep soft, dear Naomi...

Kat (Mew Jersey)

On Wed, 2 Aug 2006, Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:
> Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 10:14:16 -0600
> From: Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: Naomi has become an angel...
> Thank you very much for all your prayers for Naomi --- she peacefully
> has transited to a new life last night around 10:20 pm... she was in my
> arms when she crossed the bridge.  I knew her time was approaching and
> was praying that she will wait for me until I come home from work.. and
> she did.. I held her in my arms the entire night from the time I came
> home from work to until she crossed the bridge..she is such a strong
> soul... the whole time I was holding, she will look at in my eyes and
> stare at me.. and I kept telling her how much I love her,, and thank her
> for being a part of my life... and how much I will miss her and holding
> her in my arms.. and I also told her that there is nothing to worry
> about... we will be always together.. she will stay in my heart
> eternally.. and there is nothing that keep us apart anymore..she was
> walking around until the final day.. she is just amazing.. a couple of
> times, she stopped breathing.. and had to give her mouth to mouth to
> bring her back.. just because I was selfish and I wanted to extend our
> time together as much as possible.. and she did for me..
> After Naomi has one little brother, Simba and one big sister, Dharma,
> and they are both protective of her.. Dharma has always groomed her from
> the very beginning of their time together.. and took care of her so
> well.. when Naomi has been sick, Dharma always has come licked her head
> to make her feel better.. on the other hand,, Simba always wanted to
> wrestle with Naomi.. and even when she was sick.. and naomi would let
> him, though I sometimes, had to tell Simba not to be so rough to play..
> after Naomi passed last night.. Dharma has come and still groomed Naomi
> and tried to take care of her.. and Simba still tried to play with
> her... which made me cry.. but I am sure that Naomi will connect them on
> spiritual level so that they will also be together even after her
> transition...
> Now, Naomi is free from a body which limited her to do many things..I
> love her soul and love her little body.. she is so beautiful.. I can't
> express how much I am going to miss seeing her little body walking
> around, and to hold a beautiful body in my arms,, and watching her
> beautiful eyes... but I know that I won't have to miss her soul because
> it is right besides me now no matter where I go... Naomi has taught me a
> lot of lessons.. she taught me not to be afraid of "pain" --- and how to
> deal with the pain  and it's not everyone's intension to be here for a
> long time... I have become a bit stronger because of Naomi...her
> vitality taught me to be as strong as she is..
> Again, thank you for all your thoughts and prayers for Naomi ---
> And please (I don't know whom I should contact directly, but..) add my
> Naomi to the rainbow bridge.. thank you..
> Hideyo and Naomi...

Re: Naomi has become an angel...

2006-08-02 Thread Belinda

  I'm so sorry little Naomi wasn't strong enough to stay a bit longer.  
Her teaching was finished for this time but maybe she'll come back to 
you in a stronger body and stay much longer.  I have added her to the 
service, my prayers are with you.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: Naomi has become an angel...

2006-08-02 Thread cindy reasoner
I am so sorry.  I'm glad that you got to be with her
at the end.  My heart breaks for you.


--- Hideyo Yamamoto

> Thank you very much for all your prayers for Naomi
> --- she peacefully
> has transited to a new life last night around 10:20
> pm... she was in my
> arms when she crossed the bridge.  I knew her time
> was approaching and
> was praying that she will wait for me until I come
> home from work.. and
> she did.. I held her in my arms the entire night
> from the time I came
> home from work to until she crossed the bridge..she
> is such a strong
> soul... the whole time I was holding, she will look
> at in my eyes and
> stare at me.. and I kept telling her how much I love
> her,, and thank her
> for being a part of my life... and how much I will
> miss her and holding
> her in my arms.. and I also told her that there is
> nothing to worry
> about... we will be always together.. she will stay
> in my heart
> eternally.. and there is nothing that keep us apart
> anymore..she was
> walking around until the final day.. she is just
> amazing.. a couple of
> times, she stopped breathing.. and had to give her
> mouth to mouth to
> bring her back.. just because I was selfish and I
> wanted to extend our
> time together as much as possible.. and she did for
> me..
> After Naomi has one little brother, Simba and one
> big sister, Dharma,
> and they are both protective of her.. Dharma has
> always groomed her from
> the very beginning of their time together.. and took
> care of her so
> well.. when Naomi has been sick, Dharma always has
> come licked her head
> to make her feel better.. on the other hand,, Simba
> always wanted to
> wrestle with Naomi.. and even when she was sick..
> and naomi would let
> him, though I sometimes, had to tell Simba not to be
> so rough to play..
> after Naomi passed last night.. Dharma has come and
> still groomed Naomi
> and tried to take care of her.. and Simba still
> tried to play with
> her... which made me cry.. but I am sure that Naomi
> will connect them on
> spiritual level so that they will also be together
> even after her
> transition...
> Now, Naomi is free from a body which limited her to
> do many things..I
> love her soul and love her little body.. she is so
> beautiful.. I can't
> express how much I am going to miss seeing her
> little body walking
> around, and to hold a beautiful body in my arms,,
> and watching her
> beautiful eyes... but I know that I won't have to
> miss her soul because
> it is right besides me now no matter where I go...
> Naomi has taught me a
> lot of lessons.. she taught me not to be afraid of
> "pain" --- and how to
> deal with the pain  and it's not everyone's
> intension to be here for a
> long time... I have become a bit stronger because of
> Naomi...her
> vitality taught me to be as strong as she is..
> Again, thank you for all your thoughts and prayers
> for Naomi ---
> And please (I don't know whom I should contact
> directly, but..) add my
> Naomi to the rainbow bridge.. thank you..
> Hideyo and Naomi..

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Re: Naomi has become an angel...

2006-08-02 Thread kandbz_ mom
I'm sorry to hear about Naomi.  I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.     KarenHideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Thank you very much for all your prayers for Naomi --- she peacefully has transited to a new life last night around 10:20 pm… she was in my arms when she crossed the bridge.  I knew her time was approaching and was praying that she will wait for me until I come home from work.. and she did.. I held her in my arms the entire night from the time I came home from work to until she crossed the bridge..she is such a strong soul… the whole time I was holding, she will look at in my eyes and stare at me.. and I kept telling her how much I love her,, and thank her for being a part of my life… and how much I will miss her and holding her in my arms.. and I also told her that there is nothing to worry about… we will be
 always together.. she will stay in my heart eternally.. and there is nothing that keep us apart anymore..she was walking around until the final day.. she is just amazing.. a couple of times, she stopped breathing.. and had to give her mouth to mouth to bring her back.. just because I was selfish and I wanted to extend our time together as much as possible.. and she did for me..     After Naomi has one little brother, Simba and one big sister, Dharma, and they are both protective of her.. Dharma has always groomed her from the very beginning of their time together.. and took care of her so well.. when Naomi has been sick, Dharma always has come
 licked her head to make her feel better.. on the other hand,, Simba always wanted to wrestle with Naomi.. and even when she was sick.. and naomi would let him, though I sometimes, had to tell Simba not to be so rough to play.. after Naomi passed last night.. Dharma has come and still groomed Naomi and tried to take care of her.. and Simba still tried to play with her… which made me cry.. but I am sure that Naomi will connect them on spiritual level so that they will also be together even after her transition…     Now, Naomi is free from a body which limited her to do many things..I love her soul and love her little body.. she is so beautiful.. I can’t express how much I am going to miss seeing her little body walking
 around, and to hold a beautiful body in my arms,, and watching her beautiful eyes… but I know that I won’t have to miss her soul because it is right besides me now no matter where I go… Naomi has taught me a lot of lessons.. she taught me not to be afraid of “pain” --- and how to deal with the pain  and it’s not everyone’s intension to be here for a long time… I have become a bit stronger because of Naomi…her vitality taught me to be as strong as she is..     Again, thank you for all your thoughts and prayers for Naomi ---  And please (I don’t know whom I should contact directly, but..) add
 my Naomi to the rainbow bridge.. thank you..     Hideyo and Naomi.. 
		Groups are talking. We´re listening. Check out the handy changes to Yahoo! Groups. 

RE: conversation with my Naomi via my AC, jasmine..

2006-08-02 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Thank you for sharing, especially today, Hideyo. I'll be filing this.
hugs, Kerry

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hideyo
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 11:23 AM
Subject: FW: conversation with my Naomi via my AC, jasmine..

Hi, everyone, I meant to send this to the group yesterday.. this is an
email I wrote two days ago before Naomi has become an angel..

-Original Message-
From: Hideyo Yamamoto 
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 2:01 PM
To: 'Belinda'
Subject: RE: conversation with my Naomi via my AC, jasmine..

Yesterday, I had an opportunity to ask Jasmine (my AC) to talk to my
baby Naomi -- Though Naomi does not feel that well, she finds this
entire process of living very interesting.. she is not looking to be
cured as she does not feel that she has a control over the physical
problem she has, but she is also not rush into crossing right now
either... she is sort of hanging in there.. when she is sleeping, she
spends most of the time at another dimension already.. and that's why
she looks peaceful (and she does) --- Jasmine told me that she is a very
strong minded kitty which is very true.. she does not want to be
euthanized which I had no intension of doing to her.. but she does not
want me try too hard to keep her alive by medications either.. she just
wants to be "let it be" --- which I am doing.. when I am at home, I
stroke her back and tell her how much I love her..I am trying to make
her place as comfortable as she can be

Jasmine told me that I need to be comfortable with suffering.. the pain
I am feeling is much greater that what Naomi is going through.. Jasmine
was also surprised how much vitality she has considering the physical
weakness she is experiencing... which is very true.. she sleeps most of
the time,, but all of sudden she gets up and start walking which is just
amazing to me.. and my vet is also surprised how much energy she shows
to fight..

I think that a miracle of Naomi is happening already... she is showing
so much strength to the world, how strong she is spiritually regardless
of physical uncertainty that she is experiencing.

Jasmine also mentioned to me about Buddhism book, called comfortably by
uncertainty which is very intriguing to me as I get extremely
uncomfortable with things that are not sure..

Any, I appreciate all your prayers, and please continue to pray for
Naomi ---

Hideyo and Naomi..
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Re: Naomi has become an angel...

2006-08-02 Thread Marissa Johnson
Hideyo, I am so sorry to hear of your loss!  My heart is breaking for you!!!  But I'm glad to hear that you were able to be there holding her as she crossed the bridge.  Know that she is aware of your love and care for her and that you did all you could for her.       I'll be praying for peace and comfort and happy memories for you, Dharma and Simba.       Hugs,  MJHideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Thank you very much for all your prayers for Naomi --- she peacefully has transited to a new life last night around 10:20 pm… she was in my arms when she crossed the bridge.  I knew her time was approaching and was praying that she will wait for me until I come home from work.. and she did.. I held her in my arms the entire night from the time I came home from work to until she crossed the
 bridge..she is such a strong soul… the whole time I was holding, she will look at in my eyes and stare at me.. and I kept telling her how much I love her,, and thank her for being a part of my life… and how much I will miss her and holding her in my arms.. and I also told her that there is nothing to worry about… we will be always together.. she will stay in my heart eternally.. and there is nothing that keep us apart anymore..she was walking around until the final day.. she is just amazing.. a couple of times, she stopped breathing.. and had to give her mouth to mouth to bring her back.. just because I was selfish and I wanted to extend our time together as much as possible.. and she did for me..     After Naomi has one little brother, Simba and one big sister, Dharma, and they are both protective of her.. Dharma has always groomed her from the very beginning of their time together.. and took care of her so well.. when Naomi has been sick, Dharma always has come licked her head to make her feel better.. on the other hand,, Simba always wanted to wrestle with Naomi.. and even when she was sick.. and naomi would let him, though I sometimes, had to tell Simba not to be so rough to play.. after Naomi passed last night.. Dharma has come and still groomed Naomi and tried to take care of her.. and Simba still tried to play with her… which made me cry.. but I am sure that Naomi will connect them on spiritual level so that they will also be together even after her transition…     Now, Naomi is free from a body which limited her to do many things..I love her soul and love her little body.. she is so beautiful.. I can’t express how much I am going to miss seeing her little body walking around, and to hold a beautiful body in my arms,, and watching her beautiful eyes… but I know that I won’t have to miss her soul because it is right besides me now no matter where I go… Naomi has taught me a lot of lessons.. she taught me not to be afraid of “pain” --- and how to deal with the pain  and it’s not everyone’s intension to be here for a long time… I have become a bit stronger because of Naomi…her vitality taught me to be as strong as she is..     Again, thank you for all your thoughts and prayers for Naomi ---  And please (I don’t know whom I should contact directly, but..) add my Naomi to the rainbow bridge.. thank you..     Hideyo and Naomi.. 
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Re: Naomi

2006-08-02 Thread Gary Murphy

Hideyo, I am so sorry for your loss.  My Ally stared into my eyes like that on her last night.  I 
think they are trying to tell us how much they love us and want our company while crossing.
You were lucky to have each other, even for such a brief time...

RE: Question about throwing off the virus and my vet's opinion

2006-08-02 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

you are talking to your potential new vets, I guess the first Q would be "What 
do you recommend for a cat that tests FeLV pos?" If the word "euth..." starts 
to emerge from their mouth, run as fast as you can with kitty in the opposite 
they respond in a resigned fashion, giving you the impression caring for an FeLV 
cat is a waste of time, and only going to bring you heartbreak and pain, do 
need your vet to be genuinely interested in giving your little soul even *more* 
consideration than "normal" cats. Not less. And you want him or her to be up to 
date on FeLV info. Thanks to dedicated folks on this list, there is no better 
source of info on FeLV than here, so the vets you talk to (tho they may not know 
it) have a hard act to follow. You'll be able to tell a lot from their general 
attitudefollow your gut, IMHO. Good luck. You're wise to look around 

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of Gina WNSent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 1:58 
AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Question about 
throwing off the virus and my vet's opinion
Hi Everyone,
A week ago when I took Pippin to the vet, I asked my vet about the 
upcoming second FeLV test that Pippin is going to have in September.  I 
asked her if she agrees that cats can throw off the virus after having tested 
positive. She said she does not believe so, that she believes that cats who 
test negative after having tested positive are "harboring the virus" and that it 
can show up at any time in the future.  
We are going to keep Pippin regardless of her FeLV status.  I 
do wonder if this vet's belief system could affect the care 
my girl receives if she does develop symptoms. What kinds of questions 
should I ask on behalf of Pippin?  What should I look for in a vet treating 
a cat with FeLV?
Thank you!
No heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are there to 
welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery
Tiggertales ~ a site about our beloved 

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RE: Naomi has become an angel...

2006-08-02 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Thank you…thank for reading the
email (I know.. I have a hard time reading when you know it’s a sad
news..) –


I feel really fortunate that for that last
several kitties I lost.. they all passed on their own, but I was right there
when they passed.. and sometimes, that’s all I ask.. that they do not
suffer to much or too long when they are ready to go.. and let me be right
besides them… and I am grateful I have blessed with the wish..


Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006
10:43 AM
Subject: Re: Naomi has become an


Bless you Hideyo!

Your both in my
thoughts and prayers.

I didn't really want
to read the email but knew I had to since I have been following this since day

Naomi was a tough
gentle soul that was put here for a reason I'm sure. My heart aches for you in
this time of need. 

You did all you
could for her and she knows it. 

Her little body
couldn't handle the overload.

she is happy and free again of all illnesses at the bridge with my Taz/others
showing her the ropes. 

and chasing butterflies.


Please take care of
yourself...once again thank you for all your love and support you give kitties
in need.

Bless you!



In a message dated 8/2/2006 9:28:05 AM Pacific Daylight
Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Oh Hideyo. 

I'm in tears for you and Naomi. You are
both so brave. 

Thank you for the beautiful description of
your last evening with her. 

You are such a truly wonderful mom. I'm
glad it was you that Naomi chose to spend her too-short life with. She
couldn't have made a better choice.

You're always in my thoughts for
everything you do for the little souls, but you're particularly in my thoughts

much love and big hugs to you, and special
hugs to Simba and Dharma too, Kerry. 


Terrie Mohr-Forker
sites for available Siameses for adoption!

Adopt a Homeless Pet!


Re: Lucy update

2006-08-02 Thread catatonya
Great news![EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hi all,  Thank you for you good wishes and prayers. I'm pleased to report that Lucy came through the surgery with flying colors! They are monitoring her today for fever or any other signs but I can pick her up at 2. I'll bring her home and let Izzie take care of her (Izzie has been going nuts without her sister!). I'm working from home tomorrow so I can keep a close eye on her. If we can get through the next couple of days with no infections I think we will be in the clear!      Maggie

Re: Naomi has become an angel...

2006-08-02 Thread TatorBunz

Bless you Hideyo!
Your both in my thoughts and prayers.
I didn't really want to read the email but knew I had to since I have been following this since day one. 
Naomi was a tough gentle soul that was put here for a reason I'm sure. My heart aches for you in this time of need. 
You did all you could for her and she knows it. 
Her little body couldn't handle the overload.
Now she is happy and free again of all illnesses at the bridge with my Taz/others showing her the ropes. 
Playing and chasing butterflies.
Please take care of yourself...once again thank you for all your love and support you give kitties in need.
Bless you!
In a message dated 8/2/2006 9:28:05 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Oh Hideyo. 
I'm in tears for you and Naomi. You are both so brave. 
Thank you for the beautiful description of your last evening with her. 
You are such a truly wonderful mom. I'm glad it was you that Naomi chose to spend her too-short life with. She couldn't have made a better choice.
You're always in my thoughts for everything you do for the little souls, but you're particularly in my thoughts now. 
much love and big hugs to you, and special hugs to Simba and Dharma too, Kerry. 

 Terrie Mohr-ForkerTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE & COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverCheck sites for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! a Homeless Pet!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS

RE: Naomi has become an angel...

2006-08-02 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Title: Message

Thanks, Kerry,, I wish you could have met
her in person... I cannot find words well enough to describe how beautiful she
is.. she is so small,, and so soft…and so beautiful..


On Behalf Of MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006
10:27 AM
Subject: RE: Naomi has become an


Oh Hideyo. 

I'm in tears for you and Naomi. You are
both so brave. 

Thank you for the beautiful description of
your last evening with her. 

You are such a truly wonderful mom. I'm
glad it was you that Naomi chose to spend her too-short life with. She
couldn't have made a better choice.

You're always in my thoughts for
everything you do for the little souls, but you're particularly in my thoughts

much love and big hugs to you, and special
hugs to Simba and Dharma too, Kerry. 

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Hideyo Yamamoto
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006
11:14 AM
Subject: Naomi has become an

Thank you very much for all your prayers for Naomi --- she
peacefully has transited to a new life last night around 10:20 pm… she
was in my arms when she crossed the bridge.  I knew her time was
approaching and was praying that she will wait for me until I come home from
work.. and she did.. I held her in my arms the entire night from the time I
came home from work to until she crossed the bridge..she is such a strong
soul… the whole time I was holding, she will look at in my eyes and stare
at me.. and I kept telling her how much I love her,, and thank her for being a
part of my life… and how much I will miss her and holding her in my
arms.. and I also told her that there is nothing to worry about… we will
be always together.. she will stay in my heart eternally.. and there is nothing
that keep us apart anymore..she was walking around until the final day.. she is
just amazing.. a couple of times, she stopped breathing.. and had to give her
mouth to mouth to bring her back.. just because I was selfish and I wanted to
extend our time together as much as possible.. and she did for me..


After Naomi has one little brother, Simba and one big
sister, Dharma, and they are both protective of her.. Dharma has always groomed
her from the very beginning of their time together.. and took care of her so
well.. when Naomi has been sick, Dharma always has come licked her head to make
her feel better.. on the other hand,, Simba always wanted to wrestle with
Naomi.. and even when she was sick.. and naomi would let him, though I sometimes,
had to tell Simba not to be so rough to play.. after Naomi passed last night..
Dharma has come and still groomed Naomi and tried to take care of her.. and
Simba still tried to play with her… which made me cry.. but I am sure
that Naomi will connect them on spiritual level so that they will also be
together even after her transition…


Now, Naomi is free from a body which limited her to do many
things..I love her soul and love her little body.. she is so beautiful.. I
can’t express how much I am going to miss seeing her little body walking
around, and to hold a beautiful body in my arms,, and watching her beautiful
eyes… but I know that I won’t have to miss her soul because it is
right besides me now no matter where I go… Naomi has taught me a lot of lessons..
she taught me not to be afraid of “pain” --- and how to deal with
the pain  and it’s not everyone’s intension to be here for a
long time… I have become a bit stronger because of Naomi…her
vitality taught me to be as strong as she is..


Again, thank you for all your thoughts and prayers for Naomi

And please (I don’t know whom I should contact
directly, but..) add my Naomi to the rainbow bridge.. thank you..


Hideyo and Naomi..


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FW: conversation with my Naomi via my AC, jasmine..

2006-08-02 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Hi, everyone, I meant to send this to the group yesterday.. this is an
email I wrote two days ago before Naomi has become an angel..

-Original Message-
From: Hideyo Yamamoto 
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 2:01 PM
To: 'Belinda'
Subject: RE: conversation with my Naomi via my AC, jasmine..

Yesterday, I had an opportunity to ask Jasmine (my AC) to talk to my
baby Naomi -- Though Naomi does not feel that well, she finds this
entire process of living very interesting.. she is not looking to be
cured as she does not feel that she has a control over the physical
problem she has, but she is also not rush into crossing right now
either... she is sort of hanging in there.. when she is sleeping, she
spends most of the time at another dimension already.. and that's why
she looks peaceful (and she does) --- Jasmine told me that she is a very
strong minded kitty which is very true.. she does not want to be
euthanized which I had no intension of doing to her.. but she does not
want me try too hard to keep her alive by medications either.. she just
wants to be "let it be" --- which I am doing.. when I am at home, I
stroke her back and tell her how much I love her..I am trying to make
her place as comfortable as she can be

Jasmine told me that I need to be comfortable with suffering.. the pain
I am feeling is much greater that what Naomi is going through.. Jasmine
was also surprised how much vitality she has considering the physical
weakness she is experiencing... which is very true.. she sleeps most of
the time,, but all of sudden she gets up and start walking which is just
amazing to me.. and my vet is also surprised how much energy she shows
to fight..

I think that a miracle of Naomi is happening already... she is showing
so much strength to the world, how strong she is spiritually regardless
of physical uncertainty that she is experiencing.

Jasmine also mentioned to me about Buddhism book, called comfortably by
uncertainty which is very intriguing to me as I get extremely
uncomfortable with things that are not sure..

Any, I appreciate all your prayers, and please continue to pray for
Naomi ---

Hideyo and Naomi..

RE: Dogs in China

2006-08-02 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane
This is horrible.  I think the government of China has fostered a
society in which all life is cheap.  I'm appalled but not surprised.

Diane R.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of MacKenzie,
Kerry N.
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 11:31 AM
Subject: RE: Dogs in China

I don't buy anything made from China any more since i heard about the
horrible things they do to cats. Since just about everything here is, I
guess I save some money.
I feel so helpless hearing about these and other atrocities committed by
those psychos, that it helps me just a tiny bit to know I'm not
supporting their economy. Kerry

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of cindy reasoner
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 11:02 AM
Subject: Dogs in China

I saw on the news last night that China butchered
50,000.00 dogs.  They said it was because of deaths
due to rabies.  Haven't they ever heard of
vacinations?  I was just so mad when I read about this
and all of their other animal abuses.  I read that
some people were walking their dogs and the
authorities stopped them and beat the dogs to death. 
I can't believe how horrible people can be. It just
really bothered me.


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Re: Naomi has become an angel...

2006-08-02 Thread Barb Moermond
I'm so sorry Hideyo - GLOW for you and Dharma and Simba and sweet little Naomi...Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Thank you very much for all your prayers for Naomi --- she peacefully has transited to a new life last night around 10:20 pm… she was in my arms when she crossed the bridge.  I knew her time was approaching and was praying that she will wait for me until I come home from work.. and she did.. I held her in my arms the entire night from the time I came home from work to until she crossed the bridge..she is such a strong soul… the whole time I was holding, she will look at in my eyes and stare at me.. and I kept telling her how much I love her,, and thank her for being a part of my life… and how much I will miss her and holding her in my arms.. and I also told her that there is nothing to worry about… we will be always together.. she will stay in my heart eternally.. and
 there is nothing that keep us apart anymore..she was walking around until the final day.. she is just amazing.. a couple of times, she stopped breathing.. and had to give her mouth to mouth to bring her back.. just because I was selfish and I wanted to extend our time together as much as possible.. and she did for me..     After Naomi has one little brother, Simba and one big sister, Dharma, and they are both protective of her.. Dharma has always groomed her from the very beginning of their time together.. and took care of her so well.. when Naomi has been sick, Dharma always has come licked her head to make her feel better.. on the other hand,,
 Simba always wanted to wrestle with Naomi.. and even when she was sick.. and naomi would let him, though I sometimes, had to tell Simba not to be so rough to play.. after Naomi passed last night.. Dharma has come and still groomed Naomi and tried to take care of her.. and Simba still tried to play with her… which made me cry.. but I am sure that Naomi will connect them on spiritual level so that they will also be together even after her transition…     Now, Naomi is free from a body which limited her to do many things..I love her soul and love her little body.. she is so beautiful.. I can’t express how much I am going to miss seeing her little body walking around, and to hold a beautiful body in my arms,, and watching
 her beautiful eyes… but I know that I won’t have to miss her soul because it is right besides me now no matter where I go… Naomi has taught me a lot of lessons.. she taught me not to be afraid of “pain” --- and how to deal with the pain  and it’s not everyone’s intension to be here for a long time… I have become a bit stronger because of Naomi…her vitality taught me to be as strong as she is..     Again, thank you for all your thoughts and prayers for Naomi ---  And please (I don’t know whom I should contact directly, but..) add my Naomi to the rainbow bridge.. thank
 you..     Hideyo and Naomi..Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito"My cat the clown:  paying no mind to whom he should impress.  Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."- Anonymous 
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RE: Dogs in China

2006-08-02 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
I don't buy anything made from China any more since i heard about the
horrible things they do to cats. Since just about everything here is, I
guess I save some money.
I feel so helpless hearing about these and other atrocities committed by
those psychos, that it helps me just a tiny bit to know I'm not
supporting their economy. Kerry

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of cindy reasoner
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 11:02 AM
Subject: Dogs in China

I saw on the news last night that China butchered
50,000.00 dogs.  They said it was because of deaths
due to rabies.  Haven't they ever heard of
vacinations?  I was just so mad when I read about this
and all of their other animal abuses.  I read that
some people were walking their dogs and the
authorities stopped them and beat the dogs to death. 
I can't believe how horrible people can be. It just
really bothered me.


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RE: Naomi has become an angel...

2006-08-02 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

I'm in 
tears for you and Naomi. You are both so brave. 
you for the beautiful description of your last evening with her. 

are such a truly wonderful mom. I'm glad it was you that Naomi chose to spend 
her too-short life with. She couldn't have made a better 
always in my thoughts for everything you do for the little souls, but you're 
particularly in my thoughts now. 
much love and big hugs to you, and special hugs to 
Simba and Dharma too, Kerry. 

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of Hideyo YamamotoSent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 
11:14 AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Naomi has 
become an angel...

Thank you very much for all your 
prayers for Naomi --- she peacefully has transited to a new life last night 
around 10:20 pm… she was in my arms when she crossed the bridge.  I knew 
her time was approaching and was praying that she will wait for me until I come 
home from work.. and she did.. I held her in my arms the entire night from the 
time I came home from work to until she crossed the bridge..she is such a strong 
soul… the whole time I was holding, she will look at in my eyes and stare at 
me.. and I kept telling her how much I love her,, and thank her for being a part 
of my life… and how much I will miss her and holding her in my arms.. and I also 
told her that there is nothing to worry about… we will be always together.. she 
will stay in my heart eternally.. and there is nothing that keep us apart 
anymore..she was walking around until the final day.. she is just amazing.. a 
couple of times, she stopped breathing.. and had to give her mouth to mouth to 
bring her back.. just because I was selfish and I wanted to extend our time 
together as much as possible.. and she did for me..
After Naomi has one little brother, 
Simba and one big sister, Dharma, and they are both protective of her.. Dharma 
has always groomed her from the very beginning of their time together.. and took 
care of her so well.. when Naomi has been sick, Dharma always has come licked 
her head to make her feel better.. on the other hand,, Simba always wanted to 
wrestle with Naomi.. and even when she was sick.. and naomi would let him, 
though I sometimes, had to tell Simba not to be so rough to play.. after Naomi 
passed last night.. Dharma has come and still groomed Naomi and tried to take 
care of her.. and Simba still tried to play with her… which made me cry.. but I 
am sure that Naomi will connect them on spiritual level so that they will also 
be together even after her transition…
Now, Naomi is free from a body which 
limited her to do many things..I love her soul and love her little body.. she is 
so beautiful.. I can’t express how much I am going to miss seeing her little 
body walking around, and to hold a beautiful body in my arms,, and watching her 
beautiful eyes… but I know that I won’t have to miss her soul because it is 
right besides me now no matter where I go… Naomi has taught me a lot of 
lessons.. she taught me not to be afraid of “pain” --- and how to deal with the 
pain  and it’s not everyone’s intension to be here for a long time… I have 
become a bit stronger because of Naomi…her vitality taught me to be as strong as 
she is..
Again, thank you for all your 
thoughts and prayers for Naomi ---
And please (I don’t know whom I 
should contact directly, but..) add my Naomi to the rainbow bridge.. thank 
Hideyo and 
IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor
This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

RE: Naomi has become an angel...

2006-08-02 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane

Hideyo, I am so sorry that Naomi has passed.  I'm sure 
she will be watching over you from the Bridge.
Diane R.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hideyo 
YamamotoSent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 11:14 AMTo: 
felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Naomi has become an 

Thank you very much for all your 
prayers for Naomi --- she peacefully has transited to a new life last night 
around 10:20 pm… she was in my arms when she crossed the bridge.  I knew 
her time was approaching and was praying that she will wait for me until I come 
home from work.. and she did.. I held her in my arms the entire night from the 
time I came home from work to until she crossed the bridge..she is such a strong 
soul… the whole time I was holding, she will look at in my eyes and stare at 
me.. and I kept telling her how much I love her,, and thank her for being a part 
of my life… and how much I will miss her and holding her in my arms.. and I also 
told her that there is nothing to worry about… we will be always together.. she 
will stay in my heart eternally.. and there is nothing that keep us apart 
anymore..she was walking around until the final day.. she is just amazing.. a 
couple of times, she stopped breathing.. and had to give her mouth to mouth to 
bring her back.. just because I was selfish and I wanted to extend our time 
together as much as possible.. and she did for me..
After Naomi has one little brother, 
Simba and one big sister, Dharma, and they are both protective of her.. Dharma 
has always groomed her from the very beginning of their time together.. and took 
care of her so well.. when Naomi has been sick, Dharma always has come licked 
her head to make her feel better.. on the other hand,, Simba always wanted to 
wrestle with Naomi.. and even when she was sick.. and naomi would let him, 
though I sometimes, had to tell Simba not to be so rough to play.. after Naomi 
passed last night.. Dharma has come and still groomed Naomi and tried to take 
care of her.. and Simba still tried to play with her… which made me cry.. but I 
am sure that Naomi will connect them on spiritual level so that they will also 
be together even after her transition…
Now, Naomi is free from a body which 
limited her to do many things..I love her soul and love her little body.. she is 
so beautiful.. I can’t express how much I am going to miss seeing her little 
body walking around, and to hold a beautiful body in my arms,, and watching her 
beautiful eyes… but I know that I won’t have to miss her soul because it is 
right besides me now no matter where I go… Naomi has taught me a lot of 
lessons.. she taught me not to be afraid of “pain” --- and how to deal with the 
pain  and it’s not everyone’s intension to be here for a long time… I have 
become a bit stronger because of Naomi…her vitality taught me to be as strong as 
she is..
Again, thank you for all your 
thoughts and prayers for Naomi ---
And please (I don’t know whom I 
should contact directly, but..) add my Naomi to the rainbow bridge.. thank 
Hideyo and 

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provide in this email or any attachment concerning federal tax issues or submissions is not 
intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, to avoid federal tax penalties.

Re: Will Feral

2006-08-02 Thread Gary Murphy

Hi Helene,
    Thank you for the information, I would love to see what other meds worked
 for Sam, you can email me off list if it's not too much trouble.   
My vet called  with some good news today, our adult kitty, Blue, tested 
negative for everything (FCoV, FIv FeLV).  Yeeeaaa!!!  We are giving her
another week to let her one year boosters kick in and to make sure Will Feral
stays recovered, and then the kitten wrecking crew will be turned loose
so they can dismantle the rest of our house ( mission already accomplished
in the master bedroom!)  Woooh, should be fun!!!
Thanks again,

Message: 7
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 22:39:00 -0400
From: "Helene Hand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Will Feral
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
I think the main reason my Sam stayed in remission (FELV) for 6 years was
the interferon.30u/per cc vial- one cc per day 7 days off-7 days on-
orally-in other words, 15 cc per month. I would swear by it. Of course,
there were other daily medications, and weekly ones, but I think the
interferon was the mainstay of treatment. For anyone interested, I can send
them (privately if wanted) all of his was sort of a
miracle for both Sam and and prayers work miracles ,

RE: Introduction and new cat question

2006-08-02 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

Leslie, I just looked at your pic---you are 
right---Trixie is extremely cute---completely adorable! I have a Trixie too 
(usually called Trixie Pixie).
Re>>What I wonder is, if I 
lost Satch, would I adopt another FeLV+ cat? <Subject: RE: Introduction and new cat 
questionTo: Message-ID:       <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"Welcome 
Leslie! It's good to have you on board, although I'm sorry forthe reason 
you've had to find us.I think you just answered your own question. I 
think the capacity for heartbreak and pain that often accompanies 
acommitment to our little FeLV souls varies according to the 
individual(I say "often", by the way, because quite a few members have FeLV 
positives that are a ripe old age, and happily still going strong). 
 Ihave been humbled and amazed and inspired in turn by the 
sheerdedication of so many of the wonderful people on this list to 
thewelfare of cats in need. Many--most?--of them have suffered heartbreak 
over and over again but somehow gather the strength to keep going, to 
dowhatever they can for cats in need. I know I could not have got 
throughlosing so many---4 sweet positives, 2 of whom I lost one after 
another on the same awful day, and months later, a darling CRF cat, who I 
had"fostered-for-life" in the meantime--without the support of the group. 
Iknow that I'll lose more (unless I go first!); but I feel I'll get 
through it. Knowing I can perhaps do a little to help improve thequality 
of life of a cat that is totally dependent on me has so faroutweighed any 
inclination I may have had to protect myself from furthergrief. But, I have 
to add that for me, at any rate, it would have been much, much harder 
without the tremendous support of this group.We'll be here for you, 
too.My positives all enjoyed each other's company for the short time 
(18months - 2 years) that they had, and I know that having each other added 
to their quality of life. I have scores of photos of them playing 
andcuddling up together which make me smile now, even though they're 

Re: Naomi has become an angel...

GLOW to guide sweet naomi over the bridge, and to heal your heart, dear friend.
i'm so glad you got to be with her when it was her time to go, and that her whole family was able to be with her. i think that they are so much more able to understand and honor the cycles of life, and so much more accepting than we are. 

thank you, hideyo, for loving her so much.  
On 8/2/06, Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thank you very much for all your prayers for Naomi --- she peacefully has transited to a new life last night around 10:20 pm… she was in my arms when she crossed the bridge.  I knew her time was approaching and was praying that she will wait for me until I come home from work.. and she did.. I held her in my arms the entire night from the time I came home from work to until she crossed the bridge..she is such a strong soul… the whole time I was holding, she will look at in my eyes and stare at me.. and I kept telling her how much I love her,, and thank her for being a part of my life… and how much I will miss her and holding her in my arms.. and I also told her that there is nothing to worry about… we will be always together.. she will stay in my heart eternally.. and there is nothing that keep us apart anymore..she was walking around until the final day.. she is just amazing.. a couple of times, she stopped breathing.. and had to give her mouth to mouth to bring her back.. just because I was selfish and I wanted to extend our time together as much as possible.. and she did for me..

After Naomi has one little brother, Simba and one big sister, Dharma, and they are both protective of her.. Dharma has always groomed her from the very beginning of their time together.. and took care of her so well.. when Naomi has been sick, Dharma always has come licked her head to make her feel better.. on the other hand,, Simba always wanted to wrestle with Naomi.. and even when she was sick.. and naomi would let him, though I sometimes, had to tell Simba not to be so rough to play.. after Naomi passed last night.. Dharma has come and still groomed Naomi and tried to take care of her.. and Simba still tried to play with her… which made me cry.. but I am sure that Naomi will connect them on spiritual level so that they will also be together even after her transition…

Now, Naomi is free from a body which limited her to do many things..I love her soul and love her little body.. she is so beautiful.. I can't express how much I am going to miss seeing her little body walking around, and to hold a beautiful body in my arms,, and watching her beautiful eyes… but I know that I won't have to miss her soul because it is right besides me now no matter where I go… Naomi has taught me a lot of lessons.. she taught me not to be afraid of "pain" --- and how to deal with the pain  and it's not everyone's intension to be here for a long time… I have become a bit stronger because of Naomi…her vitality taught me to be as strong as she is..

Again, thank you for all your thoughts and prayers for Naomi ---
And please (I don't know whom I should contact directly, but..) add my Naomi to the rainbow bridge.. thank you..
Hideyo and Naomi..-- MaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats

Re: Question about throwing off the virus and my vet's opinion

well, look at FIV--testing for FeLV has been much more common than for FIV. we constantly see people with 10 to 15-year-old cats who are tested as part of a regular workup, and "suddenly" are found to have FIV--they panic, and are too often told to euthanize based solely on that. um, folks? your positive older cat--the one you took in off the streets and neutered when he was a youngster, has had FIV all that time without any problem--he's no sicker now that you know than he was all the previous years. granted, FIV is NOT the same as FeLV, and i think we'd all be incredibly happy to have lots of 15-year-old FeLV positives wandering around, but one test result shouldn't make the difference between life and death.

and then there's the question of false positives--NO test is 100% accurate 100% of the time--with FIV, the snap test is notorious for giving false positives, which is why the western blot is considered the confirmatory test. 

another reason why we all need to make sure we list our vets at -- i'll take a vet who is willing to learn and work with their clients ANY DAY over one who won't, even if they aren't necessarily on the cutting edge of the research. 
On 8/2/06, kandbz_ mom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

That is a GOOD point!  The vet that we went to said it is "unusual" for a kitten to test positive for felv...but then I brought up the point that they don't even routinely test kittens...they don't test them unless you ask for it.  So, who knows how many kittens/cats actually have it and aren't tested because they have no symptoms. 


by that logic, ANY cat who tests negative could be "harboring" the virus because who knows if they might have tested positive at some point in their lives. 
i'm sorry that i don't have the time right now to do the research, but it's fairly well documented that 70% of healthy adult cats exposed to the virus will throw it off. maybe someone else on the list has the citations... 

On 8/2/06, Gina WN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote: 

Hi Everyone,
A week ago when I took Pippin to the vet, I asked my vet about the upcoming second FeLV test that Pippin is going to have in September.  I asked her if she agrees that cats can throw off the virus after having tested positive. She said she does not believe so, that she believes that cats who test negative after having tested positive are "harboring the virus" and that it can show up at any time in the future.  

We are going to keep Pippin regardless of her FeLV status.  I do wonder if this vet's belief system could affect the care my girl receives if she does develop symptoms. What kinds of questions should I ask on behalf of Pippin?  What should I look for in a vet treating a cat with FeLV? 

Thank you!
No heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are there to welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery
Tiggertales ~ a site about our beloved felines


Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls 
to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less. 

-- MaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: 

Groups are talking. We´re listening. Check out the 
handy changes to Yahoo! Groups. 
-- MaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 289856892

Naomi has become an angel...

Thank you very much for all your prayers for Naomi --- she
peacefully has transited to a new life last night around 10:20 pm… she
was in my arms when she crossed the bridge.  I knew her time was
approaching and was praying that she will wait for me until I come home from
work.. and she did.. I held her in my arms the entire night from the time I
came home from work to until she crossed the bridge..she is such a strong soul…
the whole time I was holding, she will look at in my eyes and stare at me.. and
I kept telling her how much I love her,, and thank her for being a part of my
life… and how much I will miss her and holding her in my arms.. and I also
told her that there is nothing to worry about… we will be always
together.. she will stay in my heart eternally.. and there is nothing that keep
us apart anymore..she was walking around until the final day.. she is just
amazing.. a couple of times, she stopped breathing.. and had to give her mouth
to mouth to bring her back.. just because I was selfish and I wanted to extend
our time together as much as possible.. and she did for me..


After Naomi has one little brother, Simba and one big sister,
Dharma, and they are both protective of her.. Dharma has always groomed her from
the very beginning of their time together.. and took care of her so well.. when
Naomi has been sick, Dharma always has come licked her head to make her feel
better.. on the other hand,, Simba always wanted to wrestle with Naomi.. and
even when she was sick.. and naomi would let him, though I sometimes, had to
tell Simba not to be so rough to play.. after Naomi passed last night.. Dharma
has come and still groomed Naomi and tried to take care of her.. and Simba
still tried to play with her… which made me cry.. but I am sure that Naomi
will connect them on spiritual level so that they will also be together even
after her transition…


Now, Naomi is free from a body which limited her to do many
things..I love her soul and love her little body.. she is so beautiful.. I can’t
express how much I am going to miss seeing her little body walking around, and
to hold a beautiful body in my arms,, and watching her beautiful eyes…
but I know that I won’t have to miss her soul because it is right besides
me now no matter where I go… Naomi has taught me a lot of lessons.. she
taught me not to be afraid of “pain” --- and how to deal with the
pain  and it’s not everyone’s intension to be here for a long
time… I have become a bit stronger because of Naomi…her vitality
taught me to be as strong as she is..


Again, thank you for all your thoughts and prayers for Naomi

And please (I don’t know whom I should contact
directly, but..) add my Naomi to the rainbow bridge.. thank you..


Hideyo and Naomi..

Re: Question about throwing off the virus and my vet's opinion

That is a GOOD point!  The vet that we went to said it is "unusual" for a kitten to test positive for felv...but then I brought up the point that they don't even routinely test kittens...they don't test them unless you ask for it.  So, who knows how many kittens/cats actually have it and aren't tested because they have no symptoms. TenHouseCats <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:by that logic, ANY cat who tests negative could be "harboring" the virus because who knows if they might have tested positive at some point in their lives.      i'm sorry that i don't have the time right now to do the research, but it's fairly well documented that 70% of healthy adult cats exposed to the virus will throw it off. maybe someone else on the list has the citations...     
    On 8/2/06, Gina WN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   Hi Everyone,     A week ago when I took Pippin to the vet, I asked my vet about the upcoming second FeLV test that Pippin is going to have in September.  I asked her if she agrees that cats can throw off the virus after having tested positive. She said she does not believe so, that she believes that cats who test negative after having tested positive are "harboring the virus" and that it can show up at any time in the future.       We are going to keep Pippin regardless of her FeLV status.  I do wonder if this vet's belief system could affect the care
 my girl receives if she does develop symptoms. What kinds of questions should I ask on behalf of Pippin?  What should I look for in a vet treating a cat with FeLV?      Thank you!  Gina  No heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are there to welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery        Tiggertales ~ a site about our beloved felines  Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and
 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less. -- MaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 289856892 
		Groups are talking. We´re listening. Check out the handy changes to Yahoo! Groups. 

Re: Insecticides/Exterminators

i wouldn't blame the cat's food too much, folks--roaches like so many things that that's just one attraction. they can live for ages on things like scraps of soap, and they REALLY REALLY like the glue that holds boxes together. i wasn't sure that i believed the latter, but when we were finally able to move from a place that was totally infested, despite monthly exterminator visits, we didn't take ANY of the stored boxes we had--went out and purchased the folding bank boxes, and used only those. we did not bring ONE roach with us to the new place--tho i have to admit that for 
the.first couple of months, we cringed every time we had to turn a light on at night! 
On 8/2/06, MacKenzie, Kerry N. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Marissa, you might be interested to read the discussion we had last year (June 2005) on roaches after a few "visitors" were seen in my building. Just go to "current archives" and type roaches into the search field. (Happy reading!)

While my cats certainly didn't *appear* to be harmed, I'm not convinced by any means that the roach chemicals don't do unseen harm to other living creatures. But I can't live with roaches,  I'll do just abt anything to evict them.

A year on, I'm convinced I'm still seeing baby ones; plus I definitely saw a *huge* one in my bedroom last month--the only live adult one I've seen. I had someone come to do a spray job recently, and leave those "Catchmaster" traps. (Word of warning: my foster kitty was nosing around the kitchen cupboad (under my supervision). Suddenly all hel* was let loose--I didn't realize the roach guy hadn't folded the traps into a box shapehe'd left them flat. So poor Kitty got stuck to the trap. Fortunately it wasn't too difficult to release her poor little paws from the glue. But, lesson learned.) 

Same guy is going to caulk everywhere for me. 
Originally, I thought my cats might chase 'em off.  Yeah, right! They either toy half-heartedly with bugs, or-more often, turn tail and run like he*l. They're more scared than I am! 

Good luck. Kerry

-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Marissa JohnsonSent:
 Wednesday, August 02, 2006 10:30 AMTo:
Subject: RE: Insecticides/Exterminators

Hi, Leah!  Thanks!!  I live in Rockville, MD!  We're not too far apart.  :)  I'm not sure what the exterminators are using.  I hadn't thought of the cat food being a roach attractor.  I've been careful to keep my food and crumbs, etc. cleaned up immediately and that seems to have eliminated the roaches.  But I hadn't thought of Slinky's food.  Oy!

I bought some Raid or something a long time ago and never used it.  Hopefully they won't become a problem (maybe if I continue to keep my food, etc. away, the cat food won't bring them out).  But if they are, I guess I'll have to come up with some ideas.  

Thanks...and good to know there's someone in my neighborhood (sort of) on here!!  

"Wolf, Leah R." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, Marissa,
What are you using to get rid of the roaches?
I live in an apartment in Hyattsville, MD and roaches are attracted to my two cats' dry food and water feeders in the kitchen.  I have used boric acid as well as the Raid roach baits and the apartment management
's exterminator contractor has applied some kind of gel product.  My boys seem not to have been affected at all by the gel applied by the exterminator along the baseboards and in the cupboards
 or by the boric acid.  I still have to kill 8 or 9 very small roaches every day and I am getting very tired of having the bugs.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Marissa JohnsonSent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 10:07 AMTo: 
felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Insecticides/Exterminators 

Hi again everyone!  I keep coming up with more questions...thanks for your patience!!!
I live in an apartment in a suburb of Washington, DC.  I woke up this morning and realized that the exterminator was supposed to come today (he comes the first Wed. of every month).  I couldn't get ahold of the office to find out if Slinky would be safe or not, so I left a note for them to call me before they did anything.

They did call and the exterminator says the chemicals they use aren't harmful to any animals (there are others in the complext with cats and they're fine).  They're treating for roaches.  I did have a roach problem shortly after I moved in, but I haven't had any problems for a while.  I told them Slinky had a suppressed immune system and they still said it would be fine.  But I asked them to skip my apartment at least for this month.

So...for future you think the insecticides they use really are okay for him?  If I end up developing a roach problem, should I let them go ahead and spray?  Or should I find a place for Slink to go for the day that day?  Could the roaches be harmful to him if they become a probl

Dogs in China

I saw on the news last night that China butchered
50,000.00 dogs.  They said it was because of deaths
due to rabies.  Haven't they ever heard of
vacinations?  I was just so mad when I read about this
and all of their other animal abuses.  I read that
some people were walking their dogs and the
authorities stopped them and beat the dogs to death. 
I can't believe how horrible people can be. It just
really bothered me.


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Re: Question about throwing off the virus and my vet's opinion

by that logic, ANY cat who tests negative could be "harboring" the virus because who knows if they might have tested positive at some point in their lives. 
i'm sorry that i don't have the time right now to do the research, but it's fairly well documented that 70% of healthy adult cats exposed to the virus will throw it off. maybe someone else on the list has the citations...

On 8/2/06, Gina WN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Everyone,
A week ago when I took Pippin to the vet, I asked my vet about the upcoming second FeLV test that Pippin is going to have in September.  I asked her if she agrees that cats can throw off the virus after having tested positive. She said she does not believe so, that she believes that cats who test negative after having tested positive are "harboring the virus" and that it can show up at any time in the future.  

We are going to keep Pippin regardless of her FeLV status.  I do wonder if this vet's belief system could affect the care my girl receives if she does develop symptoms. What kinds of questions should I ask on behalf of Pippin?  What should I look for in a vet treating a cat with FeLV?

Thank you!
No heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are there to welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery
Tiggertales ~ a site about our beloved felines


Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls
 to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less. 
-- MaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 289856892

RE: Introduction and new cat question


What a beauty she is!


--- Leslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Kerry,
> Thank you so much for your thoughts.  You are right,
> to have a support group
> would make a big difference.
> What I wonder is, if I lost Satch, would I adopt
> another FeLV+ cat?  I like
> taking in the hard-to-adopt animals, because it does
> feel so good, so I
> think that I might, but I'm not sure - a support
> system would be a big
> change in this.  My Humane Society is no kill, so I
> don't feel like I need
> to rescue this kitten, which is nice, they do an
> excellent job of finding
> homes for their animals.  But just take a look at
> her:
> What a cutie!  :)
> And how wonderful about the retest, Kerry!!!  Did
> you follow a course of
> treatment to obtain this result?  If you've already
> discussed publicly,
> please send me the archived conversation, I'd love
> to read it.
> As I've said privately in thanking those others
> who've responded, I'm really
> thrilled to have found this group!
> Leslie
> --
> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 16:25:10 -0500
> From: "MacKenzie, Kerry N."
> Subject: RE: Introduction and new cat question
> To: 
> Message-ID:
> >
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Welcome Leslie! It's good to have you on board,
> although I'm sorry for
> the reason you've had to find us.
> I think you just answered your own question.
> I think the capacity for heartbreak and pain that
> often accompanies a
> commitment to our little FeLV souls varies according
> to the individual
> (I say "often", by the way, because quite a few
> members have FeLV
> positives that are a ripe old age, and happily still
> going strong).  I
> have been humbled and amazed and inspired in turn by
> the sheer
> dedication of so many of the wonderful people on
> this list to the
> welfare of cats in need. Many--most?--of them have
> suffered heartbreak
> over and over again but somehow gather the strength
> to keep going, to do
> whatever they can for cats in need. I know I could
> not have got through
> losing so many---4 sweet positives, 2 of whom I lost
> one after another
> on the same awful day, and months later, a darling
> CRF cat, who I had
> "fostered-for-life" in the meantime--without the
> support of the group. I
> know that I'll lose more (unless I go first!); but I
> feel I'll get
> through it. Knowing I can perhaps do a little to
> help improve the
> quality of life of a cat that is totally dependent
> on me has so far
> outweighed any inclination I may have had to protect
> myself from further
> grief. But, I have to add that for me, at any rate,
> it would have been
> much, much harder without the tremendous support of
> this group.
> We'll be here for you, too.
> My positives all enjoyed each other's company for
> the short time (18
> months - 2 years) that they had, and I know that
> having each other added
> to their quality of life. I have scores of photos of
> them playing and
> cuddling up together which make me smile now, even
> though they're no
> longer physically with me.
> I'd say, go for it!
> And welcome again!
> Kerry PS On an even happier note, when I retested
> the 5th (and only
> remaining) kitten of the original colony of 6, he
> tested negative---he's
> thrown off the virus. Yes, that can happen too. I
> didn't really believe
> it until I saw it for myself.

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RE: Insecticides/Exterminators

Title: Message

Marissa, you might be interested to read the discussion we had last year 
(June 2005) on roaches after a few "visitors" were seen in my building. Just go 
to "current archives" and type roaches into the search field. (Happy 
While my cats certainly didn't *appear* to be harmed, I'm not 
convinced by any means that the roach chemicals don't do unseen harm to other 
living creatures. But I can't live with roaches,  I'll do just abt anything 
to evict them.
A year 
on, I'm convinced I'm still seeing baby ones; plus I definitely saw a *huge* one 
in my bedroom last month--the only live adult one I've seen. I had someone come 
to do a spray job recently, and leave those "Catchmaster" traps. (Word of 
warning: my foster kitty was nosing around the kitchen cupboad (under my 
supervision). Suddenly all hel* was let loose--I didn't realize the roach guy 
hadn't folded the traps into a box shapehe'd left them flat. So poor Kitty 
got stuck to the trap. Fortunately it wasn't too difficult to release her poor 
little paws from the glue. But, lesson learned.) 
guy is going to caulk everywhere for me. 
Originally, I thought my cats might chase 'em off.  Yeah, right! 
They either toy half-heartedly with bugs, or-more often, turn tail and run 
like he*l. They're more scared than I am! 
luck. Kerry

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of Marissa JohnsonSent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 
10:30 AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: RE: 
Hi, Leah!  Thanks!!  I live in Rockville, MD!  We're not too 
far apart.  :)  I'm not sure what the exterminators are using.  I 
hadn't thought of the cat food being a roach attractor.  I've been careful 
to keep my food and crumbs, etc. cleaned up immediately and that seems to have 
eliminated the roaches.  But I hadn't thought of Slinky's food.  
I bought some Raid or something a long time ago and never used it.  
Hopefully they won't become a problem (maybe if I continue to keep my food, etc. 
away, the cat food won't bring them out).  But if they are, I guess I'll 
have to come up with some ideas.  
Thanks...and good to know there's someone in my neighborhood (sort of) on 
MJ"Wolf, Leah R." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Hi, Marissa,
  What are you using to get rid of the 
  I live in an apartment in Hyattsville, MD and 
  roaches are attracted to my two cats' dry food and water feeders in 
  the kitchen.  I have used boric acid as well as the Raid roach baits 
  and the apartment management's 
  exterminator contractor has 
  applied some kind of 
  gel product.  My boys 
  seem not to have been affected at all by the gel applied by the 
  exterminator along the baseboards and in the cupboards or by the boric acid.  I still have to kill 8 or 9 very small roaches 
  every day and I am getting very tired of having the 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marissa 
  JohnsonSent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 10:07 AMTo: 
  Hi again everyone!  I keep coming up with more questions...thanks 
  for your patience!!!
  I live in an apartment in a suburb of Washington, DC.  I woke up 
  this morning and realized that the exterminator was supposed to come today (he 
  comes the first Wed. of every month).  I couldn't get ahold of the office 
  to find out if Slinky would be safe or not, so I left a note for them to call 
  me before they did anything.
  They did call and the exterminator says the chemicals they use aren't 
  harmful to any animals (there are others in the complext with cats and they're 
  fine).  They're treating for roaches.  I did have a roach problem 
  shortly after I moved in, but I haven't had any problems for a while.  I 
  told them Slinky had a suppressed immune system and they still said it would 
  be fine.  But I asked them to skip my apartment at least for this 
  So...for future you think the insecticides they use really 
  are okay for him?  If I end up developing a roach problem, should I let 
  them go ahead and spray?  Or should I find a place for Slink to go for 
  the day that day?  Could the roaches be harmful to him if they become a 
  problem (I know they carry diseases, etc.)?
  Since they do this monthly, I want to know how to handle it in the 
  future.  I almost asked if I could bring Slink to my office today, but 
  wasn't sure how well that would be received.  Plus it might be stressful 
  for him!
  So what are your thoughts?  Any experience with this?  THANKS 
  SO MUCH!!!
  Groups are talking. We´re listening. Check out the handy 
  changes to Yahoo! Groups. 

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Yahoo! Mail Beta.
IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed ab

Re: Introduction and new cat question

Welcome! She is adorable, but I wonder if it might be a good idea for you to look for an older + cat. I'm pretty new at this but from what I understand a cat who has made it past the first 12 to 18 months as + has a better chance at living a longer life. If you found one who is closer to Satch's age maybe they would live out long healthy lives together - not to say that the kitten wouldn't, I just wonder if the odds might be a little more in your favor, and you would be adopting an older cat who may be less adoptable than the kitten. That being said, my kittens are 8 months old and thanks to the support and words of wisdom from this group, I have high hopes that they will live long and full lives. 
I look forward to hearing what you decide to do.

RE: Insecticides/Exterminators

When I lived in my apartment, every so often there would be an
infestation of roaches, though, interestingly, not originating in my
apartment (which was usually a pigsty) but in the bathroom of the little
old lady down the hall who kept her place so hot the original landlord
couldn't stand going in there.  I had 2 cats at the time, one of them
more or less contraband.  (The two cats I had gotten when I moved in,
with my original landlady's approval, were grandfathered in when the new
management changed the policy, but the two cats I had in 1982 were not
the same two cats as I had in 1994luckily management was too stupid
to notice, or else they really didn't care as long as the rent was paid
and I didn't sneak off in the middle of the night leaving an unplugged
fridge full of rotting food and a radiator painted purple and black
stripes.  I'm not making this up, someone did do just that.)  Anyway,
every six months or so we'd get notice one night that the exterminators
were coming TOMORROW, please take all your dishes out of all your
cabinets.  I was usually able to fend off the exterminators by putting a
note saying Pets, please don't spray, and luckily I only had the
occasional roach find its way in.  But long story short, I really
wouldn't trust exterminators to know, or be straight with you about,
whether what they're using would be safe for an immune-compromised
kitty.  Even if they're conscientious, it might not be something they've
come across before.

In a related story, we originally kept Patches in our enclosed porch
room, and his dry food attracted ants galore.  The floor in there is
basically the wood subfloor that was in decent shape so we scrubbed and
varnished it.  The ants can still get in through the floorboards, at
least until we have a chance to slather more polyurethane into the
cracks.  So we bought a $6 Ant Control System, and haven't seen an ant
since.  We didn't USE the Ant Control System, mind you, we just BOUGHT
it.  Hell, if we'd known, we could have bought a $2 Ant Trap.  The Ant
Control System is now on a shelf of the desk in the porch room, where I
trust it is serving as a warning to all ants who enter. ;-)  (But when
we do use those things -- they're little ant motel thingies -- we put
them under sofas where none of our kitties is skinny enough to go, just
in case.)

Diane R.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: Insecticides/Exterminators

Hey MJ, 

I don't know if the roaches themselves would be
harmful, but if you get them in your apartment, I'd
spray for sure.  They really gross me out.  I would
not leave Slinky in the apartment while the apartment
is being sprayed.  Not only might someone foreign to
him stress him out, but he could breathe in the fumes
or lick the stuff or get it on his paws, neither of
which would be good for his immune system.  Can you
have them spray next month and just take Slinky for a
ride or put him out on a balcony while you wait with
him for an hour or so?  I wouldn't recommend a
kennel/boarding; it's stressful for cats.  Bringing
Slink anywhere other than his own home will be
somewhat stressful for him, but less so if he's with
you.  I don't believe the insecticides are okay for
anyone, but once the vapors are gone so we're not
inhaling it, and it's dried so we aren't getting it on
our fingers/feet/paws, I'm not too concerned with it. 
I'll be interested in what others have to say on this


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Re: Introduction and new cat question

Hey Leslie,

Not a weird question at all.  I think if you can
handle the stress yourself if you lost any more and
you know Satchmo would love another friend, then
adopting would be right.  Only you can know if you can
keep giving of yourself.  I have about 9 negatives, so
adopting a positive right now is not in the cards, but
in the future I don't think I'd be opposed to it if I
had less negatives, no immune compromised (I have 2
right now), and no geriatrics (have 3).  What a
wonderful person you are to help these babies!!!

Dallas, TX

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Re: Insecticides/Exterminators

persians and himmies are extraordinarily sensitive to any insectides/pesticides, but i think that most other kitties can tolerate regular extermination processes fairly well. 
an old wives' remedy (love those old wives!) is to put whole bay leaves around all over--under the sink, behind appliances, etc. it doesn't kill them, but it encourages them to seek other housing options--there's something about the bay leaves putting out some chemical that binds to their antennae and gives them, essentially, a headache another one is to put out orange peels again, won't kill them, just makes your place less attractive than the place next door. (not a very nice thing to do to your neighbors, but) i know that in the one place i lived with a major roach problem, it did seem to keep the population down. and both of these are easily renewable...

On 8/2/06, Wolf, Leah R. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, Marissa,
What are you using to get rid of the roaches?
I live in an apartment in Hyattsville, MD and roaches are attracted to my two cats' dry food and water feeders in the kitchen.  I have used boric acid as well as the Raid roach baits and the apartment management
's exterminator contractor has applied some kind of gel product.  My boys seem not to have been affected at all by the gel applied by the exterminator along the baseboards and in the cupboards
 or by the boric acid.  I still have to kill 8 or 9 very small roaches every day and I am getting very tired of having the bugs.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Marissa JohnsonSent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 10:07 AMTo: 
felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Insecticides/Exterminators 

Hi again everyone!  I keep coming up with more questions...thanks for your patience!!!
I live in an apartment in a suburb of Washington, DC.  I woke up this morning and realized that the exterminator was supposed to come today (he comes the first Wed. of every month).  I couldn't get ahold of the office to find out if Slinky would be safe or not, so I left a note for them to call me before they did anything.

They did call and the exterminator says the chemicals they use aren't harmful to any animals (there are others in the complext with cats and they're fine).  They're treating for roaches.  I did have a roach problem shortly after I moved in, but I haven't had any problems for a while.  I told them Slinky had a suppressed immune system and they still said it would be fine.  But I asked them to skip my apartment at least for this month.

So...for future you think the insecticides they use really are okay for him?  If I end up developing a roach problem, should I let them go ahead and spray?  Or should I find a place for Slink to go for the day that day?  Could the roaches be harmful to him if they become a problem (I know they carry diseases, etc.)?

Since they do this monthly, I want to know how to handle it in the future.  I almost asked if I could bring Slink to my office today, but wasn't sure how well that would be received.  Plus it might be stressful for him!

So what are your thoughts?  Any experience with this?  THANKS SO MUCH!!!

Groups are talking. We´re listening. Check out the 
handy changes to Yahoo! Groups. 
-- MaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 289856892

Re: Question about throwing off the virus and my vet's opinion

I second Wendy's opinion. My vet told me flat out that she had little experience with + kitties, but, because it's a multi-vet office with lots of resources, she's decided to use this as a learning experience. So she's talking to the other vets, doing research on various treatments, and is excellent about talking with me (versus at me). I know some people would prefer a more knowledgable vet, but she is trying and she genuinely seems to care about Lucy and Izzie and that's really important to me. I can tell by talking with her about the spay surgery that she has already learned a lot about + kitties, I think the most important being that not to underestimate a kitty's strength and will to live!
-- Original message -- From: wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Hi Gina, > > I can't say this vet is not correct. No one knows the > real answer, therefore, we're all just guessing at > this point. However, like you said, I am concerned > that your vet might allow this opinion to affect > Pippin's level of care. I always follow my gut > instinct when I don't have the answers. If you like > this vet, then stay with her. But if you feel > uncomfortable with her, then there's nothing wrong > with picking up the phone and calling around to > different vets offices and asking the vets themselves > what their opinion is on treating FeLV positives. You > can get a good feel by speaking with a vet on the > phone and any vet that won't talk to you directly, I > 
wouldn't waste any more time wondering if they would > be a good vet. Compassion and gentle care is what I > look for in a vet, and also the willingness to try new > protocols if I ask. A vet that knows they don't know > everything and still willing to learn is a good vet. > > :) > Wendy > > --- Gina WN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: > > > Hi Everyone, > > > > A week ago when I took Pippin to the vet, I asked > > my vet about the upcoming second FeLV test that > > Pippin is going to have in September. I asked her > > if she agrees that cats can throw off the virus > > after having tested positive. She said she does not > > believe so, that she believes that cats who test > > negative after having tested positive are "harboring > > the virus" and that it can show up at any time in > > the future. >
 > > > We are going to keep Pippin regardless of her FeLV > > status. I do wonder if this vet's belief system > > could affect the care my girl receives if she does > > develop symptoms. What kinds of questions should I > > ask on behalf of Pippin? What should I look for in > > a vet treating a cat with FeLV? > > > > Thank you! > > Gina > > > > > > No heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are > > there to welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery > > > > > > Tiggertales ~ a site about our beloved felines > > > > > > > > > > - > > Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls > > to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less. > > > __ >
; Do You Yahoo!? > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around > > 

RE: Insecticides/Exterminators

I buy something called Bug Stop at Walmart in the
gardening section and it works great for ants, etc. 
If I spray, it's rare I see anything come back in that
spot, inside or outside.  Although I'm not sure it
will keep roaches away, since they've been around
since prehistoric times and have probably developed
immunity to EVERYTHING, including nuclear radiation. 
lol.  Don't have them here too often; it's probably
too hot and not humid enought in Dallas for them,
which is just fine by me.


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RE: Insecticides/Exterminators

Hi, Leah!  Thanks!!  I live in Rockville, MD!  We're not too far apart.  :)  I'm not sure what the exterminators are using.  I hadn't thought of the cat food being a roach attractor.  I've been careful to keep my food and crumbs, etc. cleaned up immediately and that seems to have eliminated the roaches.  But I hadn't thought of Slinky's food.  Oy!     I bought some Raid or something a long time ago and never used it.  Hopefully they won't become a problem (maybe if I continue to keep my food, etc. away, the cat food won't bring them out).  But if they are, I guess I'll have to come up with some ideas.       Thanks...and good to know there's someone in my neighborhood (sort of) on here!!       MJ"Wolf, Leah R." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi, Marissa,     What are you using to get rid of the roaches?     I live in an apartment in Hyattsville, MD and roaches are attracted to my two cats' dry food and water feeders in the kitchen.  I have used boric acid as well as the Raid roach baits and the
 apartment management's exterminator contractor has applied some kind of gel product.  My boys seem not to have been affected at all by the gel applied by the exterminator along the baseboards and in the cupboards or by the boric acid.  I still have to kill 8 or 9 very small roaches every day and I am getting very tired of having the bugs.        Leah  [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marissa JohnsonSent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 10:07 AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Insecticides/ExterminatorsHi again everyone!  I keep coming up with more questions...thanks for your patience!!!     I live in an apartment in a suburb of Washington, DC.  I woke up this morning and realized that the exterminator was supposed to come today (he comes the first Wed. of every month).  I couldn't get ahold of the office to find out if Slinky would be safe or not, so I left a note for them
 to call me before they did anything.     They did call and the exterminator says the chemicals they use aren't harmful to any animals (there are others in the complext with cats and they're fine).  They're treating for roaches.  I did have a roach problem shortly after I moved in, but I haven't had any problems for a while.  I told them Slinky had a suppressed immune system and they still said it would be fine.  But I asked them to skip my apartment at least for this month.     So...for future you think the insecticides they use really are okay for him?  If I end up developing a roach problem, should I let them go ahead and spray?  Or should I find a place for Slink to go for the day that day?  Could the roaches be harmful to him if they become a problem (I know they carry diseases, etc.)?     Since they do this monthly, I want to know how to
 handle it in the future.  I almost asked if I could bring Slink to my office today, but wasn't sure how well that would be received.  Plus it might be stressful for him!     So what are your thoughts?  Any experience with this?  THANKS SO MUCH!!!     MJ Groups are talking. We´re listening. Check out the handy changes to Yahoo! Groups.  
		Do you Yahoo!? Everyone is raving about the  all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta.

Re: Insecticides/Exterminators

Hey MJ, 

I don't know if the roaches themselves would be
harmful, but if you get them in your apartment, I'd
spray for sure.  They really gross me out.  I would
not leave Slinky in the apartment while the apartment
is being sprayed.  Not only might someone foreign to
him stress him out, but he could breathe in the fumes
or lick the stuff or get it on his paws, neither of
which would be good for his immune system.  Can you
have them spray next month and just take Slinky for a
ride or put him out on a balcony while you wait with
him for an hour or so?  I wouldn't recommend a
kennel/boarding; it's stressful for cats.  Bringing
Slink anywhere other than his own home will be
somewhat stressful for him, but less so if he's with
you.  I don't believe the insecticides are okay for
anyone, but once the vapors are gone so we're not
inhaling it, and it's dried so we aren't getting it on
our fingers/feet/paws, I'm not too concerned with it. 
I'll be interested in what others have to say on this


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Re: Question about throwing off the virus and my vet's opinion

Hi Gina,

I can't say this vet is not correct.  No one knows the
real answer, therefore, we're all just guessing at
this point.  However, like you said, I am concerned
that your vet might allow this opinion to affect
Pippin's level of care.  I always follow my gut
instinct when I don't have the answers.  If you like
this vet, then stay with her.  But if you feel
uncomfortable with her, then there's nothing wrong
with picking up the phone and calling around to
different vets offices and asking the vets themselves
what their opinion is on treating FeLV positives.  You
can get a good feel by speaking with a vet on the
phone and any vet that won't talk to you directly, I
wouldn't waste any more time wondering if they would
be a good vet.  Compassion and gentle care is what I
look for in a vet, and also the willingness to try new
protocols if I ask.  A vet that knows they don't know
everything and still willing to learn is a good vet.


--- Gina WN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
>   A week ago when I took Pippin to the vet, I asked
> my vet about the upcoming second FeLV test that
> Pippin is going to have in September.  I asked her
> if she agrees that cats can throw off the virus
> after having tested positive. She said she does not
> believe so, that she believes that cats who test
> negative after having tested positive are "harboring
> the virus" and that it can show up at any time in
> the future.  
>   We are going to keep Pippin regardless of her FeLV
> status.  I do wonder if this vet's belief system
> could affect the care my girl receives if she does
> develop symptoms. What kinds of questions should I
> ask on behalf of Pippin?  What should I look for in
> a vet treating a cat with FeLV?
>   Thank you!
>   Gina
> No heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are
> there to welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery
>   Tiggertales ~ a site about our beloved felines 
> -
> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls
> to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

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Re: Lucy update

I send a bunch of kitty headbutts and hugs to Lucy!
 Terrie Mohr-ForkerTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE & COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverCheck sites for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! a Homeless Pet!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS

Re: Lucy update

That's good news!  Thanks for the update. 


*Save the earth.  It's the only planet with chocolate.*

-Original Message-
Sent: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 8:13 AM
Subject: Lucy update

Hi all,

Thank you for you good wishes and prayers. I'm pleased to report
that Lucy came through the surgery with flying colors! They are
monitoring her today for fever or any other signs but I can pick her up
at 2. I'll bring her home and let Izzie take care of her (Izzie has
been going nuts without her sister!). I'm working from home tomorrow so
I can keep a close eye on her. If we can get through the next couple of
days with no infections I think we will be in the clear! 




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Re: Question about throwing off the virus and my vet's opinion

Gina,     When Angel tested positive on July 17, I had asked the vet the same question and he said he wouldn't even bother giving Angel another test.  I was appalled. I am still looking for a "good" vet who will feel comfortable treating Angel. I will be watching to see what responses you get about what questions to ask when looking for a new vet, etc.      Good luck to you.     KarenGina WN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi Everyone,     A week ago when I took Pippin to the vet, I asked my vet about the upcoming second FeLV test that Pippin is going to have in September.  I asked her if she agrees that cats can throw off the virus after having tested positive. She said she does not believe so, that
 she believes that cats who test negative after having tested positive are "harboring the virus" and that it can show up at any time in the future.       We are going to keep Pippin regardless of her FeLV status.  I do wonder if this vet's belief system could affect the care my girl receives if she does develop symptoms. What kinds of questions should I ask on behalf of Pippin?  What should I look for in a vet treating a cat with FeLV?     Thank you!  Gina  No heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are there to welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery        Tiggertales ~ a site about our beloved felines    Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less. 
		Groups are talking. We´re listening. Check out the handy changes to Yahoo! Groups. 

Re: Lucy update

Congratulations on Lucy's success!!!  I know you are
so happy, and will be even happier to have her home
and sailing through the first few days after surgery.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi all,
> Thank you for you good wishes and prayers. I'm
> pleased to report that Lucy came through the surgery
> with flying colors! They are monitoring her today
> for fever or any other signs but I can pick her up
> at 2. I'll bring her home and let Izzie take care of
> her (Izzie has been going nuts without her sister!).
> I'm working from home tomorrow so I can keep a close
> eye on her. If we can get through the next couple of
> days with no infections I think we will be in the
> clear! 
> Maggie

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RE: Insecticides/Exterminators

Hi, Marissa,
What are you using to get rid of the 
I live in an apartment in Hyattsville, MD and roaches 
are attracted to my two cats' dry food and water feeders in the 
kitchen.  I have used boric acid as well as the Raid roach baits 
and the apartment management's exterminator 
contractor has applied some kind of 
gel product.  My boys seem 
not to have been affected at all by the gel applied by the 
exterminator along the baseboards and in the cupboards or by the boric acid.  I still have to kill 8 or 9 very small roaches 
every day and I am getting very tired of having the 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marissa 
JohnsonSent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 10:07 AMTo: 

Hi again everyone!  I keep coming up with more questions...thanks for 
your patience!!!
I live in an apartment in a suburb of Washington, DC.  I woke up this 
morning and realized that the exterminator was supposed to come today (he comes 
the first Wed. of every month).  I couldn't get ahold of the office to find 
out if Slinky would be safe or not, so I left a note for them to call me before 
they did anything.
They did call and the exterminator says the chemicals they use aren't 
harmful to any animals (there are others in the complext with cats and they're 
fine).  They're treating for roaches.  I did have a roach problem 
shortly after I moved in, but I haven't had any problems for a while.  I 
told them Slinky had a suppressed immune system and they still said it would be 
fine.  But I asked them to skip my apartment at least for this month.
So...for future you think the insecticides they use really 
are okay for him?  If I end up developing a roach problem, should I let 
them go ahead and spray?  Or should I find a place for Slink to go for the 
day that day?  Could the roaches be harmful to him if they become a problem 
(I know they carry diseases, etc.)?
Since they do this monthly, I want to know how to handle it in the 
future.  I almost asked if I could bring Slink to my office today, but 
wasn't sure how well that would be received.  Plus it might be stressful 
for him!
So what are your thoughts?  Any experience with this?  THANKS SO 

Groups are talking. We´re listening. Check out the handy 
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Hi again everyone!  I keep coming up with more questions...thanks for your patience!!!     I live in an apartment in a suburb of Washington, DC.  I woke up this morning and realized that the exterminator was supposed to come today (he comes the first Wed. of every month).  I couldn't get ahold of the office to find out if Slinky would be safe or not, so I left a note for them to call me before they did anything.     They did call and the exterminator says the chemicals they use aren't harmful to any animals (there are others in the complext with cats and they're fine).  They're treating for roaches.  I did have a roach problem shortly after I moved in, but I haven't had any problems for a while.  I told them Slinky had a suppressed immune system and they still said it would be fine.  But I asked them to skip my apartment at least for this month.    
 So...for future you think the insecticides they use really are okay for him?  If I end up developing a roach problem, should I let them go ahead and spray?  Or should I find a place for Slink to go for the day that day?  Could the roaches be harmful to him if they become a problem (I know they carry diseases, etc.)?     Since they do this monthly, I want to know how to handle it in the future.  I almost asked if I could bring Slink to my office today, but wasn't sure how well that would be received.  Plus it might be stressful for him!     So what are your thoughts?  Any experience with this?  THANKS SO MUCH!!!     MJ 
		Groups are talking. We´re listening. Check out the handy changes to Yahoo! Groups. 

Re: Slinky's weight

I got a cheap digital scale at Walmart that has ounces too. It doesn't register just the girls, but I put a file box on it and weight it alone and then put the girls on it to get their weights. It seems to work pretty well. I got my girls at 16 weeks and they weighed about 4 pounds, they hit 5 pounds at about 6 months, and now, at 8 months, are at about 7 pounds - just to give you an idea. That being said, I think my girls may naturally be on the small side (clearly they didn't get their metabolism from me! Lucky them! :) ).
As an aside, I asked my vet about fluctuating weight and she said that the real indicator was appearance, that is, can you see the ribs easily, if you can that's when there may be a problem. She said cats are like people, they may weigh more in the am than the pm. Of course for kittens it's a little different because they should be steadily gaining, but even then they may have a day where they weigh a few ounces less and then the next a few ounces more. 
Hope that helps.
-- Original message -- From: Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Thanks!  That helps.  I was just thinking that I should get a scale too.  I tried to weigh him on my scale last night, but it's a cheap analog and didn't work too well...according to it, he only weighs about 1 pound! lol.  I know that's not right.
The vet just called and said they've filled an order for Drontal for him that I can pick up tonight.  I'm going to bring him with and have them weigh him and tell me if they think he looks "bony."  
Thanks again everyone!!  Prayers and hugs for all your kitties.
MJGary Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, I am pretty new to the group as well, just wanted to tell you that my four kittens are
about the same age as yours, also looking a bit lanky at the moment, and they run from 
3.75 lbs to 4.5 lbs.  The small one is a girl who tests negative, the single FeLV+ is just 
over 4 lbs.  We have our radar up on the little one, but as long as she continues to gain 
my vet isn't too concerned.  They've outgrown my bird scale, I think we may invest in a 
cheap digital vet scale just to keep track between checkups...
Welcome to the group,

Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi again all. Some of you may have seen this in another post I sent, but I thought I should send it with a more appropriate subject.
Slinky is about 15 or 16 weeks old (we're guessing)...
...but he was about 4 pounds and they seemd to think that was fine.

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RE: Lucy update

Yay Lucy!!
Diane R.

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Re: Lucy update

Yay!!  That's a testament to love and prayers, too!!  Glad she's doing so well.  Keep us updated and give her a chin scratch from me!     MJ[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hi all,  Thank you for you good wishes and prayers. I'm pleased to report that Lucy came through the surgery with flying colors! They are monitoring her today for fever or any other signs but I can pick her up at 2. I'll bring her home and let Izzie take care of her (Izzie has been going nuts without her sister!). I'm working from home tomorrow so I can keep a close eye on her. If we can get through the next couple of days with no infections I think we will be in the clear!      Maggie 
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Re: Slinky's weight

Thanks!  That helps.  I was just thinking that I should get a scale too.  I tried to weigh him on my scale last night, but it's a cheap analog and didn't work too well...according to it, he only weighs about 1 pound! lol.  I know that's not right.     The vet just called and said they've filled an order for Drontal for him that I can pick up tonight.  I'm going to bring him with and have them weigh him and tell me if they think he looks "bony."       Thanks again everyone!!  Prayers and hugs for all your kitties.     MJGary Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi, I am pretty new to the group as well, just wanted to tell you that my four kittens
 are  about the same age as yours, also looking a bit lanky at the moment, and they run from   3.75 lbs to 4.5 lbs.  The small one is a girl who tests negative, the single FeLV+ is just   over 4 lbs.  We have our radar up on the little one, but as long as she continues to gain   my vet isn't too concerned.  They've outgrown my bird scale, I think we may invest in a   cheap digital vet scale just to keep track between checkups...     Welcome to the group,  Beth       [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:     Hi again all. Some of you may have seen this in another post I sent, but I thought I should send it
 with a more appropriate subject.      Slinky is about 15 or 16 weeks old (we're guessing)...     ...but he was about 4 pounds and they seemd to think that was fine.         
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RE: Lucy update

Title: Message

Yippee! Good for Lucy! Give her a big hug from me! 

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, August 
02, 2006 8:13 AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: 
Lucy update
Hi all,
Thank you for you good wishes and prayers. I'm pleased to report that Lucy 
came through the surgery with flying colors! They are monitoring her today for 
fever or any other signs but I can pick her up at 2. I'll bring her home and let 
Izzie take care of her (Izzie has been going nuts without her sister!). I'm 
working from home tomorrow so I can keep a close eye on her. If we can get 
through the next couple of days with no infections I think we will be in the 
IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor
This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

Lucy update

Hi all,
Thank you for you good wishes and prayers. I'm pleased to report that Lucy came through the surgery with flying colors! They are monitoring her today for fever or any other signs but I can pick her up at 2. I'll bring her home and let Izzie take care of her (Izzie has been going nuts without her sister!). I'm working from home tomorrow so I can keep a close eye on her. If we can get through the next couple of days with no infections I think we will be in the clear! 

Re: Question about throwing off the virus and my vet's opinion

Because learning from others in this group, I use daily interferon alpha with my FELV kitties, and believe it helps.   Other people use the more expensive Interferon Omega (and it's harder to get).You might ask her about interferon, and see what she knows and what she believes there... just a thought.GloriaOn Aug 2, 2006, at 1:57 AM, Gina WN wrote:Hi Everyone,     A week ago when I took Pippin to the vet, I asked my vet about the upcoming second FeLV test that Pippin is going to have in September.  I asked her if she agrees that cats can throw off the virus after having tested positive. She said she does not believe so, that she believes that cats who test negative after having tested positive are "harboring the virus" and that it can show up at any time in the future.       We are going to keep Pippin regardless of her FeLV status.  I do wonder if this vet's belief system could affect the care my girl receives if she does develop symptoms. What kinds of questions should I ask on behalf of Pippin?  What should I look for in a vet treating a cat with FeLV?     Thank you!  GinaNo heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are there to welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery        Tiggertales ~ a site about our beloved felines    		Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

Re: Question about throwing off the virus and my vet's opinion

My cat did throw off the virus and tested negative for many years on
both tests. I would look for a vet with the philosophy that a cat with
FELV can live many years with proper care.

Bonnie in WI

- Original Message -
Date: Wednesday, August 2, 2006 1:58 am
Subject: Question about throwing off the virus and my vet's opinion

> Hi Everyone,
>  A week ago when I took Pippin to the vet, I asked my vet about 
> the upcoming second FeLV test that Pippin is going to have in 
> September.  I asked her if she agrees that cats can throw off the 
> virus after having tested positive. She said she does not believe 
> so, that she believes that cats who test negative after having 
> tested positive are "harboring the virus" and that it can show up 
> at any time in the future.  
>  We are going to keep Pippin regardless of her FeLV status.  I do 
> wonder if this vet's belief system could affect the care my girl 
> receives if she does develop symptoms. What kinds of questions 
> should I ask on behalf of Pippin?  What should I look for in a vet 
> treating a cat with FeLV?
>  Thank you!
>  Gina
> No heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are there to 
> welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery
>  Tiggertales ~ a site about our beloved felines 
> -
> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 
> 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.