Re: Oh my Goodness!/Susan-Percy

2007-08-24 Thread PEC2851
I absolutely LOVE Percy  [As a  "name"]  And you are so right w/ your 
comment about Percy having many other  names!!!
I know, with my own purr-sonal experiences, both at home & at shelter,  all 
babies have their own purr-sonal list of names we go by..And  
what's absolutely amazing, and awesome, they all seem to respond to "their name 
 at that specific moment". They are so ever smart &  perspective...
When people stop by house & inquire about their names, I, of course,  reel 
out the whole list for each one!!! Of course, never fails, I get "that  look" & 
tons of questions, mostly like "why" Fluffy or  Tom wouldn't suffice  
Guess you must be a genuine critter person  to understand, huh?  [ Or, A CRAZY 
LADY, which I've  also been called.. NEVER to my face though.  Go figure! 
Looks like you will have to put more dishes out..
I'm with you on that thought, 'as long as they're eating!'  Even my  ferals 
got Evo.No complaints there.
But, w/ my dear, ancient Puma, those Elegant Medleys from Fancy Feast, I  
really believe they certainly saved, at least, really helped my boy along.   
Along w. meat baby food, & "people tuna  And, I was able  to add 
so we all were happy.
I too, absolutely love those big-headed FIV  boys  And, I swear, w/ all 
my years in rescue, B-I-G  FIV+ boys  hold a special place in my heart  
They're such LOVE MUFFINS!!!   And, sadly. due to lack of adequate information 
available, too often  overlooked!!
Til the day I die, I will always believe "EDUCATION IS THE  KEY"
Need [many] more people out there at least "attempting" to  educate!!!
Prior to my MVA, I made a point to get out no less than 1X week to do what  I 
could handing out brochures, pamphlets, etc. at a local [major] pet  
shoppe, one who would not sell companion animals, but rather  encouraged  
adoptions from shelters (In fact,  several times a year, they engaged in 
incentive" programs. and, our  shelter benefited, VERY nicely I must add, 
from their employee incentive  programs...)
Oh, I've rambled again.
Much love to your [very fortunate] Percy and the rest of your  
babies...And, blessings for all the work you've done...I pray that you  
can continue 
for a VERY LONG time. [I'm just fortunate I  had been able to do so much 
prior to my MVA]
One must always remember that sometimes life isn't a bed  of roses. It 
can, and sadly does, throw some pretty mean curves along the  path
Never take any day for grantedOne NEVER knows what the future  holds
Words from a woman who knows only TOO well...

Patti & her gang


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Re: Suzie crossed the bridge/ Lucky Lady - Kelley

2007-06-28 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 6/28/07 3:53:45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Well, he  euthanized Lucky Lady at noon
I am so very, very sorry. (And, sincerely too.  I  know I don't always 
say/write things people want to hear/read...)
But, please know, you are in my thoughts & prayers.  With all the  
(Big Mouth) Patti & her gang


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Re: Suzie crossed the bridge

2007-06-28 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 6/28/07 2:49:04 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

When a  vet says a cat is positive for FIP he is wrong, he may be positive 
and with  high titers for the corona viruses that are suspected to cause FIP 
that  doesn't in most cases mean he has FIP.

(And, I strongly believe w/ all my heart, that my Puma  does not have 
FIP. ) Also, I believe he  does have high titers for corona.  He!!, 
rescued him  from a nasty [putting it mildly ] high kill shelter  And, the  
poor 'ole boy didn't even stand a chance!!!  He was  immediately put on "Death 
Row" - only because of  his seniority!  G.  I'm just so happy I 
had  "connections" with the rescue community! [Just wish I still could be 
able to  "save" more like my boy.  I have nightmares about all the poor babies 
that  face that horrific dilemma..]
The toxo diagnosis I do believe.  And, he recovered 101%.  But  when I 
"questioned" my vet on the FIP, well, let's just say, deep down, he  knew I was 
right about the only accurate diagnosis is  thru necropsy
Oh, and MC, I am with you...
So [too] much misinformation floating around And,  I too am at that 
point - Seems like people want to  believe all that garbage. 
(At a point, even me Having had an  FIP epidemic w/ my fosters! )
Much thanks & hugs,
Patti & her gang [INCLUDING PUMA  A "MIRACULOUS  RECOVERY" Wasn't aware 
that FIP could last this long - on a  very, very senior boy!!!  Now I can stop 
kicking myself in  a$$}

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Re: Suzie crossed the bridge

2007-06-28 Thread PEC2851
Dear Kelley,
I'm sitting here in tears, my heart is breaking for you -
And, I "tried" to respond to your other post (THREE  TIMES!!!) but we had a 
severe "heat-induced" storm, and  every time I was just about ready to send it, 
I was so very concerned about your losses and the whole FIP [and toxo]  
My dear, sweet, ancient Puma was diagnosed with  BOTH  And, thru BW 
And, I am "old school" & must agree w/ the other replys about FIP only  can 
be confirmed w/ a necropsy.
(And, trust me, I know only too well.  I won't get  into ALL details now 
[inappropriate], but I did lose two of my own [while  fostering MANY - and my 
were NEVER w/ the fosters]
And, my Oden, only 3, did pass due to FIP - confirmed thru necropsy.(After  
Magpie's [foster kitten] passing..)
And, yes, it was a [foster] kitten [just 3 months  old] who died first. [FIP 
- confirmed also thru  necropsy. Actually, the first necropsy. Shelter 
director  insisted.]
Glad, sort of, that she did.  But, that's when I had an FIP  epidemic in 
my house..
So, I had all fosters tested, BW only, but  NOT my own babies.  I figured, 
"What's the sense?   They were never exposed, in the same area, separate 
etc. to Magpie or  any of my other fosters."
Now, w/ Puma, I'm kicking myself in a$$!
Suggestion -  Is there any shelters close that would do a  necropsy?  Reason 
I ask is because our shelter always did  any kind of veterinary services, no 
questions asked.  And, w/ your history,  I really can't see a problem.
Again, I would attempt to reply to your other post, but, I'm  crying my yes 
out, and being "visually impaired", that's a real  problem.
Please know, you are in my prayers
Much love & hugs,
Patti & her gang

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Re: Now i've got something of a dilemma

2007-06-26 Thread PEC2851
Whew!  That is a dilemma!
But, as you already stated, that "if" you do take Mom & kits, they  
definitely will have a much better chance at life - having a  home, being 
They definitely won't have any of that at farm.
(UGH!!  FARMS & the "mentality" of some .. Living in the  heart of Pa., I 
know, sadly, only too well about the plight of those poor  babies)
Speaking from my own, first-hand [latest] experience, although Charity was  
"dumped" outside here w/ Timmy & Thomas, just wee babies - only a little  more 
than a week old @ time
She was really not trusting w/ people, not that I could or ever will blame  
her.  She "escaped" from box, leaving babies behind...  I bottle fed  the boys, 
and when I finally did re-trap her, well, she wouldn't have a thing to  do 
with her babies..
I did have her spayed, tested [negative both!], and  vaccinated prior to her 
"escape"...  And, as everyone who followed her  story on list here, she 
remained "feral" [w/ Black Bart] until this past  Feb.
Sadly, I did lose both of them...  But, Charity made such remarkable  changes 
- She finally knew love & gave me her absolute trust - A PURE  JOY
I was able to adopt Thomas out to a wonderful family, but Timmy has made it  
purr-fectly clear "THIS IS HIS FUR-EVER HOME!!!
Oh, chrimminy, I don't know exactly what I'm trying to say...
I "think", what I'm saying is, sometimes, when you least expect it,  miracles 
And, yes, being there for those poor souls, when they  desperately need help, 
well, yes, that IS a miracle
I know how you've only too recently lost your babies, and, I know, sadly  too 
well, that you really need time to grieve.
That said, the "timing" of Mama & babies is off, BUT.
Patti & her gang

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Re: Tomi has joined Kisa and Koda

2007-06-25 Thread PEC2851
Dear Cassandra,
Please know that I am sending my deepest sympathy to you & your  husband.
What a heart breaking time you have had...  Words can't even convey my  
feelings for your losses...
Much love,


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Re: Thank you for your kind words

2007-06-25 Thread PEC2851
I believe it was me who wrote you off-list..
No worry, I am not offended in the least,,
And,  I have not been on-line for awhile, so I did not see your  original 
post seeking reply.
Patti & her gang

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Re: Tomi is worse off than I thought

2007-06-17 Thread PEC2851
I am so very saddened with all you have "dealt" with your precious  
And, I apologize [sincerely] for not sending you my  condolences for your 
loss of Kisa.  But, please know.she was in my prayers,  along with all the 
babies, both w/ illness or passing...  It's just  very difficult for me to see 
to read all posts, and sit at  PC.Never-the-less, I try to either get on 
PC, or have my  room mate read me posts
And, please, don't blame yourself for spending most of your time/energy w/  
Kisa & perhaps neglecting your Tomi  I did the  same exact thing when I 
[suddenly] lost my Charity.. Blamed myself for  "missing" something 
in all truthfulness, my Puma has been my main  concern since his diagnosis, 
along w/ his age, 17+. And, I still look back  "wondering" if Charity was 
showing some [any] signs that I  over-looked...   I think, maybe, I'm finally 
to the  point that she wasn't showing symptoms, and she passed, just like 
Black Bart,  due to FIP.  Bart was her constant companion while she was still 
outdoor  feral And, when he got very ill, she came to me to her [our] 
boy.But Bart  was so ill.many symptoms, & when I did confine him, prior to 
him to  vet,well, he was eating, drinking - even loving!  But, just like 
Charity,  suddenly, he gave up on food, became listlessbut still showed 
to  me I'm just so relieved I was able to get him to vet in 2 days, and, 
when  the exam was done, a likely diagnosis given, the way he looked at me w/ 
those  big, beautiful eyes, I KNEW HE WAS THANKING ME, AND ASO LETTING ME 
KNOW. "TT'S  OK MOM TO ASSIST W/ MY PARTING..." So, sadly I did have him 
I'll never  forget his eyes, they "say" so much...  And Charity became such a  
love-muffin, but only w/ me.  She was doing so well, so when she went  
downhill so very fast, I just couldn't believe it!!!  And, of course, I  blamed 
myself because I needed some/any explanation I guess because  that feral 
stole my heat & I gained her trust...
And you're so right about the list members here - caring, compassionate  & so 
very knowlegable  They are always there for one another..
And as far as other humans, all I am going to say is I prefer my  babies, and 
ALL critters way more than people,,,  A lot has to do w/ al  I've seen them 
do in all my years of rescue...
Anyway, your husband sounds magnificent!!
So, again know, your Tomi is [still] in my prayers.  And I'm so very  sorry 
about Kisa's passing.
Patti & her gang

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Re: condolences

2007-06-14 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 6/13/07 8:30:35 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

For  Charity, Kisa, Jet and Nookie and to those who loved them
'rest in  peace'

All members, please know that I have had all these babies  [and guardians] in 
my thoughts & prayers.
And, my sincere apologies for not acknowledging their passing  & sending my 
sympathy to all. (It's on my L-O-N-G list of things I  want/need to do...)
Everyone was so compassionate about my Charity, and I haven't even been  able 
to give my heartfelt thanks individually.
I just wanted to take this time to also offer my sincere condolences to  
everyone that had their baby pass.(Too many, too soon..)
And, most importantly, give everyone my deepest, most  sincere "thanks" for 
responding about me losing my Charity. I was (still am) in  such a heartbroken 
state of mind, and all the responses helped me more than I  can say.
Once again, I must tell all on this list, you are  absolutely the most 
understanding, loving & compassionate people I've ever  "known" - Not to 
So, again, you are all in my thoughts, and thank you all for always being  
there. (Just wish I could be more active in participation,  etc.)
Patti & her gang

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Re: Charity (Crossed The Bridge)- Heartfelt Thanks & Update

2007-06-12 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 6/11/07 4:02:09 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

care of yourself and treat yourself to that slice  of
cheesecake or a hot bath or whatever brings a smile to
your  face.  Charity would like that.

Dear Wendy & ALL the wonderful, compassionate,  supportive, et al list 
It's Tuesday now and I have not been online [too much "other" stuff-  
devastated mainly]
Just wanted to let you all know [again], this group is so, so  
wonderful.. I know I'll never leave...
I want to give thanks for all the "suggestions" on what to do w/ Charity's  
remains When all of a sudden you're faced w/ such a tragedy, your mind goes 
 blank..  And, since MVA my mind doesn't "function"
My room mate was absolutely a god-send  And, he didn't even "like"  my 
girl, thought I was crazy for taking her in...(Poor girl only liked me, she  
nasty w/ everyone else.)  Can't blame her though, not one bit. (Being  
"taped" in a cardboard box w/ her babies ) After that, was it any wonder 
despised humans???  I know, with all I've seen, I  definitely prefer critters 
over humans.
I couldn't get a cooler, but thank heavens we live in a real old  home.My 
room mate wrapped her {gently] very well and he put her remains down  in the 
basement..And, being such an old house, the basement has stone walls,  
also, a crawlspace - which is where he placed her.  And, it was  HOT, but the 
basement [always] remains cool
So, yesterday, Monday, I [we] took her to vet for cremation.  And,  when I 
get her remains back, she will be [back] w/ her [our] Bart again.
She was such a loving girl - when I "earned" her trust when she came to me  
to help Bart When she realized I DID help her [our] Bart, the change in her 
 behavior was unbelievable  And, gaining "trust" is so  wonderful  I 
can't even express just how I felt  (Bart  & Charity both put their trust 
in me  And, that  meant more than I can ever express).
I absolutely loved my Charity,  and  knowing that she loved me is..  
I'm just so heartbroken she passed at such a young age.  But, I can  take 
comfort knowing at the end, she finally knew she was much  loved
I really believe it was FIP.  Being together w/  Bart, well. 
And, I have the comfort remembering cuddling her & holding her right  before 
she passed I'll NEVER forget that!
And Wendy, as far as "taking care of myself", well, being a vegan,  
cheesecake is out. {I DO make tofu cheesecake, but I'm just not into baking, or 
cooking right now].  And yes, I did take a bath... but you know  what I 
that seemed to get almost all my "feelings" outWashed ALL my windows, 
curtains, put diff. curtains up in all my windows   But, you know what??? 
 It  really, really helped me "deal"
Go ahead, call me crazy.
Much love & thanks to EVERYONE
Patti & her gang

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Re: Charity (Crossed The Bridge)

2007-06-10 Thread PEC2851
Dear Sheila, 
Once again - thank you for your kind words.  I can't even begin to  
express just how much comfort this group has [always] given me. The whole 
reason  I 
continue to belong..Every member has always been so  compassionate... 
VERY supportive also...
I really pray that Charity will meet up w/ your Charlie  Brown & Oscar 
And all the others [way too many] that also  crossed.
I'm still mortified about the ordeal - Charity was young, healthy, [or so I  
thought] and had come  around to be one of the sweetest  [feral] fur babies 
I'd ever encountered... And, doing rescue, there were  [too] many, sadly.
I was always told I had a special "gift" working w/ feralsTurned around  
so well, many got adopted.
In fact, even though I loved my girl, our last  conversation [Yes, I DO talk 
to all my  babies...] was just about that  I told her that not all humans 
are  evil and "if" she could trust someone, again, she'd be a  marvelous 
addition to a family (NOT that I'd adopt her out, but the reality  w/ 
rescue is 
you can't keep them all...Just wish I could..) Her  baby, Timmy, IS 
still here & definitely  won't be going anywhere else!! He was adopted when 
I was [still] in  hospital, but made it purr-fectly clear he wasn't happy!!!  
Thank heavens  for adoption contracts  And, out of ALL my babies, Timmy 
gave me the  biggest, most loving "Welcome Home  Mom!!!". (One of my dogs, 
Lucy[fer] wouldn't even come near me!  Or "allow"  me to get near her  
Snarled, growled, kept her distance & probably  would have bit me, that is "if" 
knew how! She's a "problem child" &  I adopted her after MANY adoptions did 
not go well, and that's putting it  "mildly". We bonded immediately, when she 
was "returned' to shelter when her  first/original guardian died.[And, she 
had been adopted out while she was a  puppy, about 8 years old when "returned". 
D--b kids.Didn't want to do  anything for her!! Her age, grief - Is it 
any wonder why she became a  "problem child"?] At first she was "snippy, 
etc.", but I made a point to  gain her trust & let her know she was loved 
[again].  And, it  worked   I was completely devastated every time she was  
adopted[Should have been happy, but we had bonded...]  It's the  "bonding" 
that makes it so wonderful...I really believe I'm the  only human that can 
live w/ her)
Oh, boy have I gotten OT.
But, it is therapeutic..[And do I ever need therapy  now]
I just wanted to thank you & let you know that you are also in my daily  
prayers, along w/ the rest of the members of this fantastic list! [Being  
housebound, disabled, etc., my PC is my saving grace]
Hugs, thanks & much love [TO ALL!!!]

Patti & her gang [my life, my reason for  still existing...]


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Charity (Crossed The Bridge)

2007-06-09 Thread PEC2851
I don't know just "how" I can even write this, but my Charity DID  
cross.. I can only pray it was peaceful.. But, w/ her pitiful crying, I 
she was in pain.
And, someone [sorry, memory is shot] mentioned getting a cab But,  
since I moved, my [wonderful] vet is in Md., & I'm in a small town in Pa.  With 
NO cab service...
It all happened so [too] fast, I am in shock, besides myself.. Don't  
know "what" to do...
And, trust me, I DID try contacting many people...As far as "house  
calls", well, no one was available.   They all said "Wait 'til  
sure. I deep down inside, knew Monday  would be too late BUT, I DID 
pray for a miracle..  Didn't want to give up...
I can only be glad that she finally had a home & knew  she was very much 
loved..{Lot of solace that brings me now]
And, it's Saturday, HOT & I want to have her cremated & vet's not  in til 
Moday.And, I also don't have a trunk freezer for her remains..  Can't 
any worse...
And, being up w/ her the whole time, I'm just too devastated to even "try"  
to get some rest..
Thank you ALL for your prayers & suggestions.[This list has the BEST  people. 
so caring. understanding.The MAIN reason I never "left" after losing  my 
I did write Belinda for the CLS separately
Have to go.  With my "vision problems" & with all these tears, I  can't see 
at all now..
Much love, with tears,
Patti & her [remaining] gang

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PLEASE Pray for my Charity....

2007-06-09 Thread PEC2851
As most of you remember, Charity ["feral" mom dumped w/ babies] & I  have a 
long & controversial history.. [She got out of taped-up  box, so I had 
Timmy & Thomas as bottle babies. ]
I was able to trap her, but she "escaped" while I was cleaning her crate  
[post spaying thank heavens]. I decided not to re-trap her  since I had a 
area for ALL the strays/ferals here. And, also, she had me  in ER so many 
times... Clearly, she disliked humans, and after  being tossed out like 
I couldn't blame her. I believed she had been  somebody's cat once upon a 
time & when she had babies,  well, they DUMPED them  (Education IS the 
key.  Spay/Neuter all your babies)
So, I believed as long as she always had food & shelter [here], it  would be 
less stressful than trying to re-trap her.  And, she had her  constant 
companion, Black Bart
However, life can change so fast...
I had my MVA, my room mate was NOT tending my stray/feral area & when I  
finally got home from hosp., o my way to Dr. I saw Charity  running across the  
very heavily traveled, busy road I live on   So, despite all my "handicaps" 
I made a promise right then that I would tend to  my stray/feral area...  Even 
opened up the barn so they could get indoors  when weather turned bad..
So, I was very concerned about the cats I'd been tending to, but, I managed  
to "hobble" out to barn area to feed & water, put "fresh" bedding out, etc.  
(And barn is W-A-Y back in yard, never a problem before MVA, but after, well,  
it's very difficult for me to get there)  But, da_n it, I made a  promise 
to these "lost souls"..
I was thrilled when I saw Charity & Bart back in the  area.. Made me even 
more determined to get out there so they wouldn't wander  & get killed on the 
Which I did.   But, the snow and ice this winter really made it  even more 
difficult.. But, despite my problems, I kept barn open,  re-insulated 
etc. NOT EASY, but I somehow managed to get  it done.
After all, I made a promise
So, one snowy night early Feb.. while I was out walking my Rottie,  
[Lady]Bug, who's bigger than me no less, lo & behold, guess who stalks me  
Miss Charity  Now mind you, Bug is deaf, I'm almost  blind [great 
combination, huh?]...  I heard this pitiful plea, couldn't  see "who" it 
but Bug, who lives & loves all my furbabies, saw her  {Charity}, went totally 
ballistic  - strange cat in her territory... When I finally realized it was 
Charity, I was mortified to  say the leastJust imagine the thoughts 
running thru my head - me  falling, Bug getting off leash & Charity's 
demise...ABSOLUTELY  HORRIFIC, & that's putting it mildly..
Somehow I managed to get Bug back into house. But sweet Charity was on  a 
mission... She NEVER gave up, and actually came  & "waited" for me on 
back porch - something she never  did!  So, when I went back out, w/ a 
carrier no less, I  decided the time was right.. But, not having any 
strength on 
my right arm,  it was a disaster, to say the least.Neither of us would 
give up..And,  she "insisted" I hobble on the snow/ice out to barn! She 
was patient w/ me,  but a tad irritated.. She knew what she had to  do
So, we finally get out to barn, where I thanked the lord I had my recliner  
[Boy, did I ever need that!!!]
Lo & behold My Bart was there!  And obviously in VERY poor  shape!
And, this mean 'ole intact feral came right up to me, rubbing my legs!  I 
was shocked!  He had never approached me prior, always "ran off" when  he 
caught a mere glance, and now he was almost a love muffin.   Something was 
off. Big time
He looked very ill - skinny, bloated in abdomen, you name it, I
actually though e was another stray/feral -  until I saw his "   shrunken"
equipment...Then  I just knew it was our Bart. So, I set him up, made 
emergency  appt. & deep down inside, my heart was broken..
While waiting the 2 days for appt., , he ate very well, turned into a  
love-muffin, I kind of got my hopes up...BIG MISTAKE!!
At my vet, Dr. V. started to drain fluid, I finally asked him to  stop.
Also, Bart was pale white, all over almost NOT a good sign.
He was also "mostly" blind.. Among numerous "other" things
So, I made the dreaded decision.Very, very hard.  but   thought Bart 
would NOT have the [or any] quality of life. [And, he was an  "old" 
Ok, now to Charity.We DID have a vet. appt.soon after, but I had to  
cancel because three was NO way to get her in  carrierWane a compete  exam, 
including BW, but never got there.   And, she was doing so  well.  My primary 
concern was Puma, I must admit...
Now get this. Thurs. PM she wouldn't [hardly] touch her wet  food...  So 
I pulled a "Puma, Fancy Feast Elegant Medleys - NO  GO.!!!  

Re: AGP test, per susan little, DVM (winn feline foundation)

2007-06-05 Thread PEC2851
Ummm...  Really makes me wonder (more!!)
Right now, all I can say is that I am "ever so thankful" my Puma is holding  
his own..
FIP is such a nasty disease
Went thru an epidemic at home, years ago while fostering.. And, I did  
end up losing some of my purr-sonal babies
Saw so much at shelter
Now, since MVA, I am NOT fostering or adding to my clan...(Other than  
Charity, who still is separate.  And, Timmy, Adira, Autumn & Moonshade  are 
separate, living "the life" in my master bedroom & master bath...)   The rest 
the gang are all free roaming in rest of house
They all know love, have a fur-ever home, so at least that counts for  
No sense getting myself all worked up over what may or may not  be...
One day at a time
Patti & her gang

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Re: OT:NEW TEST - AGP - Reference Lab Available for FIP samples

2007-06-04 Thread PEC2851
Dear Terrie-
I intend to give that info. to my vet, who had diagnosed my ancient, sweet,  
'ole Puma with both toxo AND (dry) FIP...
I wasn't thrilled w/ results... Highly doubtful about the whole FIP  dx.
But, my Puma HAS recovered from the toxo, and showing NO signs of any other  
illness - other than "senility", but, hey, that comes w/ age & he is  
certainly entitled to that!!!  Poor boy had a rough time before I rescued  
him...  :(
But, now he's happy, loved to smithereens, ALWAYS has plenty to  eat, & has a 
fur-ever home!!!   But, he does have to  put up w/ me!!!
Thanks again,
Patti & her gang (Puma -numero uno)

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Re: stomatitis

2007-05-31 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 5/28/07 12:38:26 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

My cats  w/stomatitis have done well after having their teeth  pulled.

Especially w/ ot Fev/FIV ats..
I kmow it seems like a "drastic' measure,but I can only attest to the[  
improvements in their lives..,,,
No MURE pain,.abity eatt after sex[ENLUDING DRT!!]
Just wish [pray] MORE vets would research then ssve  even  "handful; of their
Just my 2 cents,,,
Gotta go... I;m off on [another] diatribe...

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Re: Charlie Brown and little Sister Oscar to CLS

2007-05-19 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 5/19/07 2:02:08 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Please  add Charlie to CLS list he passed Sunday
> night and today we had to pts  
> his little sister Oscar (she chose that name). She
> has been  small and 
> delicate all her life. She stopped eating Sunday  and
> was in a lot of pain from kidney 
> failure. I think she  really wanted to go with
> Charlie. They were both felv+. 
>  Charlie was 15 and Oscar was 12 years old. My heart
> is breaking, I  miss them 
> so much. It seems that in my house they leave in
>  two's. I know they are 
> together and know longer sick so I will try  to
> remember only the good days. Give your 
> babies extra love  tonight.  Sheila

Dear Sheila,
My deepest condolences go out to you...
I am so very sorry for your loss of both Charlie & Oscar (It  does seem 
that little Oscar did want to be w/ her brother...)
Please take comfort knowing you gave them so much love, and much  more...

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Re: Charlie Brown - Long

2007-05-13 Thread PEC2851
Dear Sheila,
Please know that both you & Charlie will be in my prayers.
I know you must be so heartbroken.  What a wonderful life you have  given 
Reading your story reminded me of my Mr. Chow - the first fur baby I had w/  
Felv.  This was YEARS ago, no testing, blah, blah, blah..
I "saved" him when we had the Three Mile Island incident here. His  owner 
decided to leave town & was going to put him in a  shelter.. That I 
couldn't take...  Long family history w/ Mr. Chow, her  ex-husband had mom, 
& I had Pee Wee, a sibling from another  litter.. I couldn't bear the 
thought of "what" would happen to him in a  shelter. (And I did have Casey 
spayed after the  last litter w/ Pee  Wee)
Mr. Chow was gorgeous, LH, red, & ever so sweet..
I had him for many wonderful years, he brought so much love & happiness  to 
Then one day he just "collapsed".No warning, no other problems...  I  was 
devastated & took him immediately to vet...
They did many tests.  He showed no signs of what his "problem"  was..
So, I decided to have that "thing" [can't remember the word,sorry], and he  
had lymphoma  [BIG TIME].due to Felv. which was "discovered" doing  
primary/initial BW. (After MANY years, things changed...)
Apparently he had lived w/ Felv for a long time...When they had put him  
"under" for the procedure, things looked REAL bad.  And he was in so much  
I reluctantly made the decision NOT to bring him back from  anesthesiaHis 
prognosis was so very bad.
Broke my heart, but I loved him so much, I didn't want him to have to  endure 
such a lousy life.
And, he DID live to be 14  Who knows how long he had  Felv?
My Mr. Chow was my first encounter w/ Felv.  And, bless him, that made  a 
major difference.  I NEEDED to know all/anything about this dreaded  
All this just proves "Felv is NOT a death sentence".   Only wish more vets, 
rescues, etc. would feel the same way  :(
Having been involved w/ shelter I know only too well that  many Felv cats can 
live a long life.
Just wanted to let you know you're both in my prayers
And, share my "story".. (Maybe already did, but this "memory/brain"  
thing, well, that says it all.)
Much love & hugs,

Patti & her gang

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Re: OT- Cheap source of Zithromax? - fleas

2007-05-13 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 5/12/07 3:01:37 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL 

All pesticides are toxic poisons,  something people tend to forget! That's 
why I do my best to avoid using them,  and I use a flea shampoo first, as it 
rinses off. Like I said, if it has  numerous warnings 

So true...
And, I always tended to avoid using them, bathing dogs, etc., but now,  since 
MVA it's not possible for me to get my dogs in tub (Especially, my  
Rottie.  But I can't even lift my "small" [approx. 45 lbs.] dog into  tub!!)
And, when I [finally] got home from hosp., I had a SEVERE flea epidemic!!!  
(Rainy spring...)
Needless to say, dogs had to go out, all my cats are indoor only,  but, well, 
fleas are monsters!!!
And, bathing some of my cats [now] is next to impossible.  Any  suggestions???
And, guess what?  Another rainy spring, fleas are  starting...
I guess I could hose down & bathe the K-9's prior to bringing  them in. 
But, they only go out for walks, not chained outside or  anything, but those 
dern fleas are quick
What to do, what to do..
A Confused Patti & her gang

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Re: OT- - fleas/ Leslie

2007-05-10 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 5/10/07 6:18:23 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

We did not lose our big  ole-sweetheart-polydactyl Alex... THANK  GOODNESS!!

We must have been typing at the same time
Patti & her gang (Puma, Numero Uno -just don't tell all the  others!  They 
all think they're #1)

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Re: OT- - fleas/ Leslie-PS: MAJOR ERROR

2007-05-10 Thread PEC2851
Sorrybrain's not working [yet/again].
I thought you had lost Alex.
Is he ok now?
I also know only too well about liver failure/damage in cats  My  dear, 
old, ancient Puma went into liver failure when I was having new flooring  put 
in my house.  The d_mn idiots didn't do something or  other & poor Puma walked 
in poison  I swear, Puma is my  miracle boy  With all he's been 
throughand to  think, I rescued him due his "seniority" - he was faced w/ 
PTS by 
shelter  ONLY because of his age ( I'm just so glad I was there  for him, 
just like he's always been here for me.And I pray  he'll be with me much 
longer.  He's my "rock".)
 Patti & her gang


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Re: OT- - fleas/ Leslie

2007-05-10 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 5/10/07 4:29:48 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

I'm very careful with Frontline... never had  trouble with Advantage though. 
Leslie  =^..^=

I guess we will never know just what cr*p they're using in their  
"supposedly" safe guards for flea prevention...
Leslie, I am so sorry for your loss of Alex... Words can't even express  
my thoughts.
I was very fortunate w/ Meisha.  I know, only too  well, that I did face 
losing her. And, that "thought" alone broke my  heart..
Patti & her gang

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Re: Vet of the Year (uplifting story)/Marissa

2007-05-10 Thread PEC2851
Dear Marissa,
I just wanted to tell you/let you know from my "own" (horrific)  
experience[s], NEVER give up or lose hope...
My dear, old, ancient Puma had fallen out a window [ground level, rotten"  
window locks" ] and was gone for what seemed like forever. I did all the  
same things [w/out a compassionate vet that is ] and was heartbroken. About 
to give up sadly BUT - one VERY rainy night, I heard this  pitiful 
cry... And guess what?  It was my Puma Now mind you, it was  a rainy 
many other rainy days/nights.. I can't "remember" just what  drew me out 
to porch that night, but, was I ever glad, whatever  the reason..  Poor 
old man [and he was old , I rescued him as senior -  he's ancient now], was 
soaked, hungry, you name it. I (we) were in  heaven  And, where I 
lived at time, well, he was faced w/ many  difficulties - predators 
Thank heavens [after a thorough vet  check], he was fine!!!  And, I got rid of 
that window!
And, after my MVA, NO ONE was tending to my ferals...  (Bart & Charity among 
"others").  When I [finally] got home,after a  very LONG hospitalization, 
there was NO sight of  them  I was devastated
But cats are so smart.  Smarter than most people I must add.
They came back!  I was ecstatic, to say the least.. Charity  had been 
fully vetted prior, not so Bart.  But I refused to give up on  him, 
probably the meanest, trap savvy feral I've ever encountered (Had  me in 
But that was ok)
Sadly, poor 'ole Bart had to be PTS, after Charity "led" me to him.. He  
was so very sick.. But, he actually turned into a love-muffin.  I  think 
he knew I was there to help him..
And Charity, well, she's now here (in house) with me.  Another  love-muffin 
[w/ me only}. And she had me in ER many times prior..
It's no wonder I really believe cats are so smart...
So, please, don't give up.  MIRACLES DO  HAPPEN
And, I also love my vet..  With Puma's diagnosis [(dry) FIP &  toxo], 
he's just doing so well.  Other than having  Kitty-Alzheimers  Guess it 
with age
Probably most other vets would have suggested PTS - not mine!!! ( He  also 
tends my ferals).
So, please, don't give up  And know you & Georgia will be  remain in my 
Patti & her gang  (Includes Puma & Charity)

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Re: Vet of the Year (uplifting story)

2007-05-10 Thread PEC2851
Just wanted to add - I only wish ALL (even just some) were like  that!
I just told Nina, off list, I fired all my (many) doctors!
Since it's highly unlikely I can get a Dr. like House, maybe I should ask  my 
vet to treat me.
Patti & her gang

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Re: OT- Cheap source of Zithromax? - fleas

2007-05-10 Thread PEC2851
I almost lost one of my cats using Advantage,,
She was 3 years old & went into a "semi-coma" Was hospitalized for  over 
3 weeks.
Still never found out "why".  Thought I would lose her.  I was  frantic, 
didn't know just what the problem was
Thank heavens she finally came around -after a really long time.
I will NEVER use it again!
Now use Frontline - NO problems  at all...
Still can't figure what the problem was. Either could  vet.
Just my personal experience
Patti & her flea free gang


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Re: Vet of the Year (uplifting story)

2007-05-09 Thread PEC2851
Dr. G. sounds awesome
I know that there are (a few) great vets out there, mine being one of them.  
( I have to "drive"[not anymore] over 1 1/2 hours to see him). And,  I've 
had (too) much contact w/ the "other" ones sadly
I was not aware of your Georgia going "astray". [These eyes, BLAH!!!   NOT 
working, almost impossible to (attempt) to read.  Just so glad I had  your post 
read to me...]  Any good news?  I will keep her (&you)  in my prayers..

Patti & her gang


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Re: Rabies wavier

2007-05-09 Thread PEC2851
Even here in Pa. ALL rabies vx.'s MUST be given by  vet
And, I know that only too well - working for vets, volunteering @  
And, being (prior MVA), I was (am) a licensed vet tech.
And, I also worked for vet in Maryland - same thing
Sure, I can give rabies vaccine, but it doesn't count. NOT  LEGAL
And, even here, you can no longer buy the rabies vaccine.
Just my two cents.
Patti & her gang

 PS - Anyone else wonder why the rabies vx. charge @ vets is SO  high?
Thank heavens for shelter/sanctuary clinics..  They only charge no  more 
than $5.00.

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Re: Rabies wavier

2007-05-08 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 5/8/07 6:26:39 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Titers  are also accepted.

Glad to see "other" states DO accept titers..
Patti & her [rabies titer] gang

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Re: Rabies wavier

2007-05-08 Thread PEC2851
Where I am [Pa} I have rabies titers drawn, documented, etc.
Since [most] of my kids are old, they do have sufficient rabies titers, and  
according to "whatever", they have [more than] enough to NOT have to 
repeatedly  be re-vaccinated.
And, their "documentation" works - solves the problem.  Is  accepted..
And, me, working forever in rescue [Rabies "whatever" is a  necessity], 
always has to 'GO BACK' for check ups.
And, guess what  My titer is SO high I'll probably never have to  be 
re-booted w/ vaccine...(The high titer will probably kill me..).
Just SO glad that the documentation of their rabies titer IS  accepted.
Any other states do this???  Just wondering
Patti & her gang

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Re: Eye ointments (was OT- Cheap source of Zithromax?)

2007-05-08 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 5/8/07 1:34:05 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

yeah,  drops are good for the nose addition, for sure! 

MC, again, you are a wealth of wisdom
And, I "remember" [SURPRISE, SURPRISE!!!] using the drops "nasally"  when I 
was active w/ shelter.
I was simply amazed at how good the results were...  When I was first  
"confronted" w/ the nasal drop idea, I thought. "Yeah, right"
Just so very glad to find out they actually work!
And, as far as the debate over BNP & terramycin, that's another  story
Some babies reacted  well to one or the other.why?
I've had many come around
Best results were using Terramycin
The liquid BNP worked miracles - Using it {only] for nasal  drops 
I [still].swear by Terramycin. Always  works wonders... JMO  
Just had to "chirp" in w/ my thoughts
Patti & her gang

PS - JUST REMEMBERD (yeah) - My little Magpie  2 DID end up losing her 
left eye..And, guess  what???  She was being treated w/ Terramycin  :(  
Maybe  she had a non-responsive "other" conditionShe had SO many 
problemsthat I  don't want to get into now.  Sorry.)   Rescued from a  
hoarder.[  Ughpeople!!!]

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Re: Rainbow bridge for Joey

2007-04-29 Thread PEC2851
Oh, my heart is breaking [again, sadly], for you and your loss of  Joey
I included Joey in my daily prayers
And, I know only too well what AIHA can  do..(Absolutely horrible, to say 
the least)
And, I went "through" this disease w/ a 130+ lb. Rottie.  Can't  even 
imagine (don't want to either...) just "how" poor Joey was  afflicted.
Joey was so very lucky to "own" you...
And, try to imagine that Joey, having crossed The Bridge, is happy  & 
healthy.  And, surrounded by [too] many fur babies we have all  lost.
I KNOW your heart is broken, but [try at least]to know that  Joey is now at 
peace.And, healthy once again.
I am so, so sorry.  And, I never seem to know just  what to  say.
Just know, I will include Joey & you in my prayers  -still
Have to go, I'm crying my eyes out(And, with almost NO vision, well,  
need I say more?)
You have my deepest condolences.

Patti & her gang


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Re: Lost a kitten/ Nina

2007-04-24 Thread PEC2851
You always say the right thing!!  I take inspiration whenever I read  your 
Your story about the little bird brought back a "bitter sweet" moment I  had, 
years ago, when I lost my Bear to AIHA...
I remember "watching" this little bird make her nest, & waited, w/  
anticipation for the eggs to hatch...
The afternoon I returned from vet, after having lost my baby, I sat,  
tearfully on my porch. Crying my eyes out, just "not understanding"  why/how I 
my Bear. It made no sense & I was  totally devastated!!
When, lo & behold. Just when I was at the utmost moment of despair  - the 
eggs hatched!!!
Words can't explain the joy I felt at that exact moment...  I just  remember 
thinking," One life ends, another one begins".
I was SO comforted at that moment.  And, thankfully, it's a memory  that 
hasn't been lost.
Whenever I lose a furbaby, I "try" to remember that moment, for  comfort.
It's never easy... But at least I have "that" memory to take comfort  
Patti & her gang

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Re: kitty not eating

2007-04-24 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 4/24/07 10:17:41 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

(I can't  remember what they are either). 

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one w/ a memory problem :)
And, Evo is GREAT!!!  Even my ferals loved it!!!
And, yes, I'm one of "the ones" that have resorted to feeding wet Fancy  
Feast & Friskies to my ancient Puma... And, he also was having [major]  health 
issues {toxo, dry FIP] & was really going downhill fast
But, thankfully, after  months, I can now happily say he is doing  quite 
well.  And, I figured with his age  & all he's gone thru  {put in a KILL 
when his guardian died & was slated for euthanasia  due to his age, around 11 
at that time, so I "rescued" him], my dear 'ole  man can have "whatever" he 
wants.( within
And tuna is also a great choice!! (Puma LOVES that too!)
And the disease you were referring to is "feline hepatic lipadosis", AKA,  
fatty liver disease. Far too common & sadly, I've seen WAY too many  
It's so very important to get the kitty to eat.  And, probably, see a  
vet.(Better safe than sorry)
Patti & her gang

(Special hugs from my Puma!!!)

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Re: help wanted! (no, not the paying kind)

2007-04-24 Thread PEC2851
Oh, you don't have to thank me.
I would be ecstatic to be able to do anything at all [that I can now] to  
help poor babies
And, since my MVA, my (physical) "rescue" work has been put to an end.  I 
worry so much about the feral colonies I was feeding/trapping/vetting,  etc.
And, my "own" little colony I was feeding out at barn has  "disappeared". 
Makes me wonder just "why".
And, with Bart's death [most likely associated w/ the cr*p I was feeding -  
wet only, Special Kitty.  They ALWAYS got Innova dry], I am  heartbroken.  Just 
so very glad dear Charity is safe now in house w/  me.
So, don't worry about "time". I'm here ALL the time..:(

Patti & her gang

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Re: Lost a kitten

2007-04-24 Thread PEC2851
Oh, I am so very sorry
Lately, just TOO may losses...
Patti & her gang

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Re: help wanted! (no, not the paying kind)

2007-04-24 Thread PEC2851
I would be more than willing to help in any way I can
As most of you know, I have way [too] much time available...
And, I do belong to many Yahoo groups
So, if you could "walk me through" it, I would be more than willing to help  
these poor babies.
(Just pray my PC stays working)
Hoping to hear back,
Patti & her gang

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Re: kitty not eating

2007-04-24 Thread PEC2851
We always used Nutri-Cal, a hi-calorie gel & FelaVite, also a  gel...
Also, baby food [meat] can also help.
There also is a med. that can induce the eating, but, forgive me, memory's  
semi-gone when it comes to certain [impt.] things
Best wishes,
Patti & her gang

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Re: Survey on IFA's turning negative

2007-04-23 Thread PEC2851
I don't know how or if this will address your question but at the sanctuary  
I was involved w/ we always used Elisa first.
Then, If" we got positive results on Elisa, we always retested w/  IFA.
And, any cat "in question" was always kept in isolation no matter what the  
IFA results were.  And, then, we always re-tested, again, w/ IFA.
We always believed IFA to be the most accurate, and, yes,  costly..
If the 2nd IFA came back +, then we did home those babies in our Felv  
area[s].  If negative, baby was put up for adoption [w/ ALL vet history  given].
And no matter what the results were, I'm just happy those babies had a  "home 
for life".  Be it adoption or life at the farm...
Don't know if this helps any, but just wanted to share my "history" w/ IFA  
Patti & her gang

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2007-04-23 Thread PEC2851
She IS beautful,
Also, so happy to hear you posting something SO wonderful!!

Patti & her gang

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Re: Continuation.......Explanation

2007-04-23 Thread PEC2851
Sorry about my "rant"... Just had lots to write about
And, it's late(early), been a LONG day, so I'll "re-post" what NEVER did go  
through,  [Can't believe [the beginning of] this did..
Patti & her gang

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2007-04-22 Thread PEC2851
First off - AOL S*CKS, BIG TIME!
I've been trying to write since yesterday - it freezes, won't let me even  
type, got disconnected MUCHO times from Live Help. and finally, the "cure" to  
fix doesn't work - at all!!! And I've been trying for hours!!!  Not even  going 
to call them AGAIN.I don't even think they know just how to "fix" any  

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Re: [feline-hyperT] OT:Natural Balance-Melamine

2007-04-19 Thread PEC2851
No replys???
I'm going crazy and w ALL  OTHER major "PROBLEMS, I  certainly don't need  
any more.
I'm on the"brink" and that's putting it "mildly".
My babies are my life, the entire reason I'm still here NO DOUBT,  
And, when I "thought" I was giving them the best... Now I am just  not too 
sure.  And I "researched", lot of good that did, huh?
You just never know..
Just had to vent and ask [please, please, please], for someone - anyone, to  
This whole recall is driving all  of us nuts, I DO understand,
But w/ being a [multi] cat/dog "Mom", I am going over the edge.  And 
that's NOT a good thing. (Have enough  other problems, don't need anymore - 
for sure.)
My babies keep me going..And I need that desperately. (It's just about  a 
year & NO improvement.  Probably getting worseAnd, it seems all  my MANY 
Dr.s have given up.0h, I do try to "think positive - NOT  EASY!!!
Once again, I apologize for venting...

Patti & her gang (My life, my love muffins)

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Re: [feline-hyperT] OT:Natural Balance-Melamine

2007-04-19 Thread PEC2851
Well, WHEN will it ever end?
Just got an FDA recall on Natural Balance, and now they  are adding the 
"Vegetarian"[Dog] canned food
Makes me worried as I have a vegetarian dog who I feed the dry formula  
to (When will that be added? Sigh, Grrr...)
Thank heavens I hand cook, so none of my dogs get wet..
I always believed Natural Balance was premium Not  anymore..
Just venting.
Still have MANY unanswered questions.  (No one has replied to them...  Wonder 
Patti & her gang (Dogs included - ALL my babies are my life...)

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Re: OT: To shelter owners/volunteers-your opinion needed on site visit for Ma...

2007-04-13 Thread PEC2851
Were the people you visited interested in adopting another... Just  wondering.
I'm glad to see more rescues do house visits.  We always do.   More 
Another question - Did they provide veterinary references? And, were they  
And, were all their babies S/N'd, vaccinated, licensed?  That would be  a 
MAJOR factor
 to consider
And, does this rescue have an adoption contract?  Specifically,  mandating 
that if anything comes up, the animal is returned to  that shelter only.
Being in rescue & volunteering for a shelter so long, there are so many  
things to consider.
However, "if" the home was clean, ALL animals vetted & properly being  taken 
care of, it "might" be ok. IF you mandate the animal's return to you upon  ANY 
instanceand check vet references.
And, I would have to consider the neighborhood. There's just too many  
people out there that will complain about anything!! (Know that  only too 
Best of luck.. Please fill us in w/ results.
Patti & her gang


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Re: Ages please- OT- Ferals

2007-04-13 Thread PEC2851
I know all too well "what" those poor babies are feeling - being in  
"captivity".And I didn't mean to put them down using the term "nasty".   Sorry, 
mistake.  It's not their fault at all   But, bless them, being trapped & 
rescued & being at the shelter is a lot  better than what they were facing - 
We got so many calls from people "begging" for help because they were  facing 
"other" (kill) shelters coming out to trap them due to complaints from  
And, our shelter/sanctuary is not a bad place  All cats are placed  in 
large rooms/areas after initial isolation while doing all  tests/bloodwork.  
And, each area has an outside deck for them.  Plus,  lots of beds, little huts 
(to act as "hiding" places), etc.  And, they  always have plenty to eat.dry 
& wet. So, they will never face hunger  again. Or any illness - we have 
vets on property 3X a week (Now,  medicating them is "tricky", but it does 
get done.)
And, I always had (still do, I think[?]) a way in working w/ ferals.  
Fostered MANY & was able to bring them around. Can't even count how many  
"former" ferals were adopted.
And, now I have my Charity..."a former feral".  Ended up in ER  many 
times from her!!!  And, I was just trying to help..  Even  Bart (RIP), 
feral I ever encountered, trusted me, sadly, too late, when  Charity led me 
to him.  I really believe the whole reason Charity is a  love-muffin (with 
me only), is because she knew I had helped Bart, her  constant companion.
People are the problem, NOT the poor cats.  And, education IS the  key, 
but, sadly, too many people won't listen.  After all, "They're  only animals!". 
 Boy, does that p*ss me off!  Heard  that WAY too many times!
Just wanted to clarify & expand on my previous post
Patti & her gang

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Re: Ages please

2007-04-13 Thread PEC2851
My Ethan was diagnosed (SNAP) + when he was rescued as a baby. Needless  
to say, he would have been PTS immediately by rescuing. shelter, so I took 
him.  My original intention was to place him in shelter I was involved with,  
since we are No-Kill, and house both Felv & FIV babiesHowever, I  fell in 
love w/ him (it was mutual) & I gave him a home.  Also had  him tested 
& IFA.  Both positive Vet said he was most likely  born w/ it...
He was NEVER symptomatic, but at around 18 mos. he developed lymphoma &  it 
was crushing his heart, (Mine too..)
And sadly, since he was having so much trouble just to breathe, I did have  
him PTS. One of the saddest days of my life..
Now, at the shelter, we have MANY Felv+'s.  All ages too.Most come to us 
because of their diagnosis, and at all diff. ages.  And we  do everything 
possible to help them.
We have had many successes, like George, who is now approx. 15 & still  going 
strong.  And Snappy lived to about 10.
However, we have lost (too) many at a young age At least they knew  
they were loved
But dear , sweet Snappy was both Felv+ & FIV+, so he did have a  good 
life. (In fact, I believe ALL our Felv's & FIV's, and all other  residents 
have a 
good life)
The shelter does everything for these babies... That's why I  became so 
involved w/ Felv...  They are the sweetest creatures... Well, we  do have 
some"nasty" ferals...(Like our Mr.Big- a Maine Coon who is approx.  12) But I 
even they appreciate the care they are given
I don't know if this information addressed your question, but I just had to  
One thing I learned is "Feline Leukemia is NOT a death  sentence". Just wish 
everyone would agree to that Including vets &  shelters
Patti & her gang

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Re: more added to the list--including cat & dog treats

2007-04-12 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 4/11/07 8:36:54 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

We do the best we can do with what we know at the time.  And Bart really  
loves youhe may come back as a housecat now that he knows some people can  
love instead of hurt.

ALL you guys are SO wonderful, compassionate & understanding
It just seems I always tend to kick myself when-ever something comes up w/  
my babies(Like my Puma, being diagnosed w/ dry FIP - knowing when I had an  
FIP outbreak while fostering, and NOT getting my personal clan tested 
just  the fosters...I "blame" myself. )
As for Bart coming back as a housecat, I really believe that's possible,  
even probably very likely
I "swear" my Timmy came back after I lost my Felv+ Ethan, in a healthy  
body.Timmy is so much like Ethan, looks, loving, etc, He's my special  
And, my room mate always comments about how much more I spend on my fur  
babies when he does my shopping. The $$'s I spend are way more than I spend on  
myself, But, my babies ALWAYS come first
And, now since the MVA, well, money's tight but I refuse to cut back on  
their needs.  They are, and always have been my life.. That will never  

And Ginger goes to vet Friday, not tomorrow, (This "memory" thing). I can  
only pray for the best.But I am VERY worried, and will blame myself if  
"something" I'm responsible for I think we all do that.
Well, this insomniac is going to try to get some rest.
Again, much love & thanks to ALL of you...

Patti & her gang

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Re: more added to the list--including cat & dog treats

2007-04-11 Thread PEC2851
Well now I am in a "position" or whatever you call it w/ Sunshine  Mills
They make "Ol Roy" dog biscuits..And are ONLY recalling the 10 lb.  
And, I know, "Ol Roy is cr*p, but I buy the 5 lb. bags 'cause my veggie dog  
can only eat the "green" ones, and they always have an excess of them in  
bags And, trust me, I've tried almost all the "supposedly" good veg.  
brands. NONE of my dogs would eat them!!!
So, w/ the non-green cookies, I do give them to my other 3..
And, to me, (2) 5 lbs. = (1) 10 lb.  Right?
So whose to say they all don't come from the same batch?  Makes sense  to 
And, the CS person at Sunshine gave me a lame explanation. Made NO  sense 
at all.
And, now my Ginger has not been "right".  She goes to vet  tomorrow. 
(Fingers crossed, prayers needed)
I can't believe how "stupid" I've been  Me, ever so careful,  cooking for 
critters to "avoid" problems, and I bought "Ol Roy"!!!
Just needed to vent...
(Also "wondering" if poor Bart got so deathly ill so fast because  of his wet 
food - Special Kitty.  I know, lousy stuff too, but me being on  such a 
limited income, tons of bills, gave it to him 'cause he loved wet  food!!!  
And, I 
was feeding Innova Dry DUMB,DUMB,DUMB! )
It's at the point where I'm going to ALL home cooked foods, for cats &  dogs. 
 Don't trust ANYTHING!!!)
Patti & her gang

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Re: Some thoughts on Patti's post

2007-04-10 Thread PEC2851
Sorry.I'm in Pa. now.  But I am a former New Yorker. LOVE that  
state, will always consider it "home".
And, before my MVA, I made monthly visits there. Now, well, that seems  
to be out of the question, sadly.
{With all "this" going on, I seem to use "sadly" quite often).
And, NO, you're not crazy for giving a home to those fur-babies!  Only  wish 
there were more people like you.
Sounds like you have a few that are like some of mine  Charity,  the 
[once] "feral" only likes, trusts me.
She "acts" feral again whenever there is anyone else around. But with  
me, she's a regular "love-muffin" I really believe it's because when she 
 me to poor 'ole Bart, she knew I'd take care of him And, I did Poor 
boy,  if he had trusted me sooner maybe we could have saved him.At least 
now he's  at peace & no longer in such pain
And as far as the "personality disorders", I can relate to that all too  
well. Most of my babies are here just because of that.  I took them home  
I couldn't stand to think of what would happen to them, even @ the  "No-Kill" 
shelter They needed a Mom..and that's me.
Where are you moving to?  I have many family in NY..
Best of luck in your endeavors.
Think positive,  All will be well.  I just "know" it.

Patti & her gang

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Re: Many to add to prayers

2007-04-10 Thread PEC2851
Dear Sherry,
Boy, you certainly have been WAY too much.  My heart is breaking  for you 
[also in tears, AGAIN! A regular thing lately...].
And I know I've told you before, but I will pray for all your  fur-babies.
And, poor Laurel too
There's just too much sadness in this crazy world.

Patti & her gang

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Re: CLS - Jacksonville FL shelter cats

2007-04-09 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 4/9/07 3:37:38 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Those without previous caretakers are very important animals  too.  Ferals 
and semi-ferals are the most wonderful friends if you can  open your heart to 

Amen to that
Charity is living proof to that comment, along w/ my other rescued  
And Charity "trusted" me enough to lead me to Bart when he was so  ill.  
Even Bart "accepted" me..(Even allowed me to kiss  him!)
Patti & her gang  {many "rescued" ferals ]


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Re: Chip in for Joey - Kelley

2007-04-08 Thread PEC2851
I just made a contribution for Joey & it worked well. Even got a  
Don't understand why you had a problem.[]

Patti & her gang

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Re: OT - Easter Kittens

2007-04-08 Thread PEC2851
What a nice Easter present  Hope Faith & babies are doing  well.  (Glad 
she moved them out of litter box!!!)
And, what an appropriate name for your girl!  People - Don't you just  love 
them? NOT
And, I named my sweet Charity, just that, Charity, because she was dumped  in 
a box w/ her newborns.
They all needed all the help they could get. And, people around here  
think I'm a crazy cat lady.  Probably because since I moved here I'm the  only 
one that takes care of the ferals/strays..(Guess "whoever" knew just  where 
to dump her!!!  Thank heavens)

Patti (AKA - "The Crazy Cat Lady") & her gang [which includes Charity  & 
Timmy, her baby who definitely loves me..Was adopted, but made it VERY  
to new person he wanted to be home - HERE]

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Re: Please say a prayer for the cats

2007-04-08 Thread PEC2851
I'm still mourning.. I can't think of anything [much] worse..
I have always worried about the shelter/sanctuary I've been involved  in.
It also is old, close to around 100 years old. Was an old farm at one time,  
and most of our cats are in the barn area.
And, yes, we have done restoring, updating, etc. - BUT It still is  a 
very old structure.  And, we have built "other" housing, but the majority  of 
our felines are in the old area(s). {We also use the old cottage..]   And 
we provide fur-ever homes for over 300 cats (Yes, against regulations,  
but when we have a "check", the person doing it is NOT showed all areas.  
Yes, we "fib", tell him that the upstairs is "personal".  And, they never  
debate,argue or insist on seeing it..)
My main concern has always been the people that are doing "community  
service". Sure, some may be ok, but we can not ask what their crime  was  
So, we 
really never know just who we're dealing with.
And,most of our dogs are kept in an area [very newly renovated], far  from 
cats.  But we do house our seniors & special need K-9's in  another area of 
And, we have 22 acres, so most run freely.  But due to the  neighborhood, we 
have to house the dogs inside at night!!!
And, again, what chutzpah!!!  The shelter was there WAY before they  put in 
the development, people were made "aware" of our presence, but  bought/built 
the homes anyway!!!  And now they complain!  (They've had  us in court more 
times than I care to remember!) No wonder I prefer critters  over humans!!!
I'm very relieved that they were able to save some.  I am still  praying that 
more cats will show up.
I only wish all involved the best of luck in their future  endeavors...
As sad as it was, thank you for posting about it.
Have to "hobble" off now - My dear, sweet [ancient] Puma is calling  me.  
Probably to eat, again  But, he is so special & at his  age, with all his 
problems, I feel he justly deserves anything he  wants. I do cater to him. 
(And, I think he knows it too!!!)
Please keep us updated if you get any more news..

Patti & her gang

poor rabbit that was sold & given as a "gift". Won't be a "happy" day for  
poor babies... )

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Re: Please say a prayer for the cats

2007-04-07 Thread PEC2851
I'm in tears [again] & it also breaks my heart.
Please know my prayers are 
right there too.  (Also praying for a miracle...)
Patti & her gang

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Re: Joey - Bloodwork still not good

2007-04-07 Thread PEC2851
Your Joey is in my prayers daily.
Patti & her gang

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Re: Class action suit - pet food recall

2007-04-07 Thread PEC2851
Thank you ever so much..
I did enroll.
Worried about my Ginger, K-9. I do feed my dogs [and cats] Nutro.  
Thought it was "supposed" to be top line.
Also, now I am very concerned about Bart, the feral who [suddenly] got very  
ill & I had him PTS & had him cremated. He did show signs of  wet FIP, 
very anemic, but I never had bloodwork done. I know, BAD  mistake[s]. And, 
I feed so many ferals, I did feed him Special Kitty  wet..Top of the line 
dry though..
This whole thing is driving me nuts!  Forever adding more & then  changing 
the story  Ugh...
Now I am cooking for most of them...(My cats do LOVE their wet  
thoughWhat's a Mom to do?)
I spend more money on them than myself And, after MVA, bills, bills,  
bills But, I put my babies needs first. The hell w/ all those  bills!!!
Just wanted to thank you for posting that info.  I guess we'll see  what 

Patti & her gang


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Re: A Candle for Sherry

2007-04-07 Thread PEC2851
That was just so, so precious...
I pray it will give Sherry some comfort w/ all she's been going thru.
Patti & her gang

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Re: feline glacoma

2007-04-06 Thread PEC2851
Well, in addition to all his other problems, we just found out my  ancient 
[17+] Puma now has glaucoma.I swear, he can barely see.  But,  he gets 
around very well [as long as I don't rearrange settings].  He even  has 
"seeing" his food.. I swear he has also lost his sense of  smell.
But he's a trooper.  I can't believe just how well he's doing despite  all 
his problems. 
So, if this baby has touched your heart, by all means, take her home.
Cats are so fantastic, they always seem to handle whatever problems  
And, me, having so many special needs fur babies will attest to  that fact. 
In a heartbeat.
Wishing you ALL the best...
Patti .& her gang

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Re: Vegetarian cat food - Attn: Melissa

2007-04-06 Thread PEC2851
Please don't feel "dumb" at all about it.
I also pondered the idea for my cats, but never went thru w/ it the whole  
Me, being a vegan, well, let's just say I came to a point where I couldn't  
fathom feeding my babies any meat
And, I do have a vegetarian dog - due to severe allergies. {Eating ANY meat  
in food almost killed her & she had very bad results.  MANY surgeries,  severe 
ear problems - she's deaf now, skin problems, etc]. I took her home from  
shelter 'cause there was NO way she'd survive there.. Let's just say  
vegetarian meals were NOT an option unless she was put in a crate.  And,  she 
used to roaming freely on the 22 acre farm.
And, she was adopted out as a puppy [she's now 14], and the people knew she  
had problems but never took her to a vet! (No wonder I prefer animals over  
people!)  They "returned" her when she was 8 because they "Didn't want her  to 
die!" Can you believe that
And now I do cook food, including meat [none for Middy] for  all my 
Just very glad I do w/ all this stuff gong on now...
I really believe that our babies do need at least some meat in their diets.  
(Unless they have allergies like my Middy).
It's crazy, me, the vegan, cooking meat. Oh well, my babies are my  
So, please don't feel bad about all this...
Just wanted to fill you in on my story.  No veg. cats, but a totally  veg. 
Patti & her gang, including my vegetarian dog 

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Re: Lucinda Please add her to the CLS

2007-04-04 Thread PEC2851
My heart is breaking for you - AGAIN!
I still remember your Maizee. 
I am devastated about Lucinda's passing- [Much too soon]
And, I did have her on my daily prayer list.
Just way TOO much going on here - illness, passing, etc.
I am in a real funk And I only wish there were other options to stop  all 
I too, am going thru a MAJOR meltdown.
The only "good" thing is we ARE doing our best to help, save all fur  
No wonder I prefer critters over people.  (So many people do create  these 
Gotta go, I'm crying my eyes out. (A very common thing sadly )
Please know you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers.
Patti & her gang

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Re: cat food recall-royal cannin

2007-03-26 Thread PEC2851
I have a hard time using the word "safe" right now too...
Cause yesterday, "somewhere", I did see a list that did include canine  
dry And, one of the items was/is a food I use for my veggie/allergic  
I did send a memo to them about it, but I'm sure they're inundated w/  
And, of course, I can't remember just "who" the mfg. was.  But, thank  
heavens for the "save" thing, I did save it (somewhere) on my PC..
Only good thing is lately I've been feeding her Natural  Balance...
But I am REALLY concerned about one of my other dogs - the Golden Retriever  
X, young & the only canine I have that isn't a "special need".
She's been "off" & I can't figure out why.  Her dry food is  (presumably) 
And, they don't eat canned.  I supplement w/ cooked food.
Wondering "if" it could be the dry or her cookies
All my other beasts are fine...
This whole thing really has me worried.  I really think they know more  than 
they are telling..(Surprise,surprise- NOT!!)
So, I've taken her off the dry - home cooked only now.  And, cookies  are out 
Guess if she's still acting poorly, it's off to the vet.
This has me totally baffled..
Thank heavens my cats & other dogs are fine.(Knock on  wood)
What's a Mom to do?
Wish us luck and say a prayer...
Patti & her gang

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Re: any other catfood suggestions

2007-03-26 Thread PEC2851
I can only "recall" from being @ shelter (where we ALWAYS fed top-notch  
food,)that from doing research, we discovered that the main preservative   DID 
have carcinogenic qualities..  And, believe me, we did LOTS of  
research.. Just can't remember just where we got info. that made owner  
using it.
And, you're right - thee are carcinogenics in just too many food  items.
I guess I could research now where we got the info. & exactly "what"  the 
preservative was, but, well, I have trouble now remembering simple  things
I DO remember that when all this transpired, I was fostering kittens, using  
Eukanuba Kitten & the owner freaked after reading & showing me the  info.  
Also, since I was in charge of ordering, I did do a lot more  
research.Totally "freaked" at the preservatives being used in high quality, 
 well known, 
commercial foods.It was at that point, we switched to mostly  only natural 
Now you got me "wanting" to go back in my files & dig out the  info.  Only 
problem, heck, I can't remember where all my files  are.
And, again your right... There are more deaths connected to so many "other"  
It's not black & white
Just wish I could recall where we got info. from.(Maybe one day I'll  get 
my memory back- Wishful thinking)
But, you did make a good point. I do understand exactly what you're saying,  
so no offense taken.
That's probably one of the best things about this group... We can all  
say/write our own opinions w/out being "afraid" of repercussions This group 
always been my support, and heaven knows, I need it now more than  ever.
Patti & her gang

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Re: any other catfood suggestions

2007-03-25 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 3/24/07 3:04:26 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Science  Diet CRAP?

It has been proven that Science Diet (&Eukanuba) use a preservative  known to 
be a carsinogenative..
Patti & her gang


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Re: Looking for a good canned food

2007-03-24 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 3/24/07 1:04:23 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

That is a very  good--and scary--point

Yes, I was also thinking [See? Sometimes my brain  DOES work!!!] the same 
thingabout Friskies & Fancy Feast.
Wonder if we'll ever know the truth...
Patti & her gang

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Re: pet-food contaminant found? -Rat Poison -just announced

2007-03-23 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 3/23/07 1:05:05 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

No  excuse for this, no matter what. Hope they get the pants sued off  them

Patti & her gang

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Re: Another Update: Today's Vet Visit

2007-03-21 Thread PEC2851
I am absolutely thrilled you were able to get Slink to a caring, concerning  
wonderful vet today!  Also thrilled she's going to do "research" on certain  
things - that just means SO much
I'm just sorry I didn't get you the info. on my wonderful vet.  (Today  was 
NOT a good day for me! Early ok, later it just went downhillNow look,  
almost 3:00 AM & I'm STILL up! Insomnia, gotta love it - NOT)
And, the rates seem very good too( Almost like my "Rescue  Rates"..)
This vet must be closer than Finksburg too, huh?  That's another  wonderful 
Just know that both of you will be in my thoughts and prayers
Please do keep us updated...
And, just in case you want/need another opinion,  here's my vets info:
Dr. David Vaughn
Finksburg Veterinary Center
2025 Suffolk Rd.
Finksburg, Md. 21048
Phone - (410) 833-3300 )  OR [might be fax, my eye  isn't cooperating] (410) 
And, if you do want/need to see him, tell him you  were referred by me & my 
rescue buddy, Diane Blosser. (And we will call so  you get "Rescue Rates" )
Again, I am very sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. But I am so  
pleased you were able to get Slink to a good (great) vet today.
And, it sounds like he is doing well. "Happy Dance" here too
Best wishes, lots of love...
Patti & her gang

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Re: Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia

2007-03-21 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 3/21/07 10:41:00 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Did your  vet say whether Epogen would
help Joey?

My Bear (RIP) was on epogen (among WAY other Rx's). At first it did  
boost his PCV but AHIA is a NASTY disease, and that's putting  it mildly.. 
Despite all his meds, nothing helped...  :(
Patti & her gang


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Re: Looking for a good canned food

2007-03-21 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 3/21/07 10:28:59 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

but  worth it
if you need your kitty to eat.

Yes, indeed
Looks like the Fancy Feast Elegant entrees is really getting our furbabies  
to eat..
Patti & her gang

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Re: Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia

2007-03-21 Thread PEC2851
OhPlease don't blame yourself for anything!!!
And, an elderly Owner Surrender, boy, I've had MORE than my share of  
them (One of which is my Puma, now ancient, but was approx. 12 when turned  
a kill shelter!  And, due to his "age", they were going to euthanize,  I 
should say gas him right away  The joys of  rescue)
Know that my prayers are w/ you & your boy.. I pray for only the  best
Patti & her gang

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Re: Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia

2007-03-21 Thread PEC2851
I've never had or dealt w/ [that I can remember now anyway.] a cat w/  
this disease...
But I DO remember when my first Rottie was diagnosed with it..
What had me concerned was his lethargy, not common for him.  Just  laying 
around, sleeping alot.
So, I took him to my vet.  Was devastated when I got  results!!!  Mind you, I 
WAS thinking positive, after all, he was my  baby.
It's a nasty disease.. (Very prevalent for his breed as I learned doing  
my research)
We tried everything as it progressed... PCV's every three days,  
transfusions, epoeitin [sp?], an oncologist, chemo (THREE diff. 
etc., etc.
Needless to say, and I'm sorry, but after TOO long, I finally had my boy  
He could no longer walk, even get up.  And, the chemo drugs made him  so 
sick. He couldn't even eat on his own, something he LOVED to do!!!   I 
up "hand-feeding" him.  He developed ulcerations in his mouth  because of all 
he had to take. It got to the point where I was  hand-feeding him a diet of 
cottage cheese (NOT a great diet for a big  boy..) In the end, my 
"former" big boy weighed only around 60 lbs. (And I do  remember my vet always 
getting on me about his weight)
It broke my heart, but I'm even more heartbroken about all I put him  
through.  I did it for me - I didn't want to lose him.  But, after all  I put 
thru, I did lose him.  We humans can be so selfish.
After losing Bear [in a HORRIBLE way- treatment was probably worse than the  
disease!], I made a promise to ALL my babies, I would never let them suffer.  
Found out, the hard way, that in loving the most important thing is  knowing 
when to let go..
Sorry this wasn't about Feline AIHA, but I just had to share what I know  
[sadly, only TOO well] about the disease.
Best wishes for your baby.
Patti & her gang (Which DOES include another Rottie!)

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Re: Looking for a good canned food

2007-03-21 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 3/21/07 11:08:41 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  


See?  You also helped me.  I also forgot about  Whiskas
Patti & her [soon to get their previous wet food!!] gang

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Re: Looking for a good canned food

2007-03-21 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 3/21/07 10:57:52 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

sheba  snack cans, they aren't the full meal cans 
but little snacking wet food,  expensive, but worth it when the cats love it 
so much.  Good  luck

 THANK YOU  Your post "stirred" a memory..  Yes,  Sheba was another 
food I forgot.
(It's amazing how much this list has helped me!  Thank you  ALL!)
Patti & her gang

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Re: Looking for a good canned food - OOPS!!!

2007-03-21 Thread PEC2851
Sorry, I just "read" about the episode w/ the Salmon & Ocean  
Whitefish...Guess I wasn't too much help.
But, since you want Cassie eating something other than "dry only", have you  
tried baby food [meat]?
Always works for me.  Especially when Puma was so sick & just  diagnosed, he 
was a mess. I really believe that's what got him back on  track.. 
(That, and me FINALLY being home!)
Again, Good Luck!
Patti & her gang

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Re: Looking for a good canned food

2007-03-21 Thread PEC2851
Well I "guess" it really depends on our fur babies.  And believe me, I  have 
a ungiue crew, and that's putting it mildly...
Some will eat just about anything, but I'll focus on my persnickety  
My Puma (ancient, ill & w/ kitty alzheimers [EXCEPT when it comes to  food] ) 
thrives on Fancy Feast, especially the "new" kind. ($$$'s, but he's  worth 
it..).  He also LOVES Friskies Tuna & Egg.  Only thing  is, I really have 
smush it for the old boy He likes his food really,  really wet.  He also 
loves Friskies "Mixed Grill".  And,  Ocean  Whitefish, Turkey & Giblets, 
And, except for a "few", my babies detest any sliced  varieties...(Except 
for the Friskies Turkey & Giblets - probably know  it's "good" for them...)
Have to "confess", they all hated the good stuff (canned, they ALL eat  
"good" dry.)..
Another thing, almost all of them dislike any beef flavor. Even the  
"non-persnickety" ones.
Hope you get some suggestions that Cassie will actually  love...
Sorry if I wasn't more helpful.  With this "memory thing", it's  
impossible to recall all.  Just remember Friskies 'cause it's what we  
exclusively fed 
at shelter..
Hugs & Best Wishes,
Patti & her (Friskies/Fancy Feast) gang

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Re: FeLV Supportive Vets in DC Area?/Attn: MJ

2007-03-21 Thread PEC2851
I am going to get all that info. for you... Please bare w/ me, I'm  
S-L-O-W. Wonder why  J/K - not
I "think" I can even get you another rescue referral.  Working on  that.
I will do my best.. Promise.  And, the sooner, the better,  right?  He is 
VERY busy, but he DOES take emergencies almost right  away.
One more GREAT thing - He NEVER opts for euthanasia  He does all  he's 
able.  LOVE that vet, really.
I'll get that info. to you ASAP...(Probably "off-list")
Please stay in touch!
Patti & her gang

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Re: FeLV Supportive Vets in DC Area?/Attn: MJ

2007-03-20 Thread PEC2851
I forgot [silly me!} to say that my vet also gives "Rescue  Rates"
If you want, I'll "vouch" for you
Hugs & Best Wishes,
Patti & her gang

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Re: FeLV Supportive Vets in DC Area?

2007-03-20 Thread PEC2851
I'm in south(western) central Pa.
The wonderful, compassionate, caring vet I use is in  Finksburg, Md.
A long drive (not anymore, can't drive, have to rely on my rescue  
buddies...Sigh, another story) from here, but is Finksburg, Md. an option? [ It 
closer than WV]
If you're interested, please let me know & I will get you his address  & 
phone #.
Looking forward to your reply
Patti & her gang

PS- Sorry, but PRIOR to my MVA, I did have some very wonderful vets in  
Catonsville, Md.  And, with this dern "memory problem", I don't  even know 
all my vet records are anymore:(

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Re: any other catfood suggestions

2007-03-16 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 3/15/07 9:01:03 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

(and  there are quite a few people who are very poor and yet share a 
tremendous  amount with their pets) 

That would definitely be me, especially since my MVA. ( I  was on SSDI PRIOR 
to MVA, NO insurance, & now faced w/ over $200,000 + [ever  growing] medical 
Having said that, my furbabies still come first
And, since coming home I've been faced with - 1) Cornelius's passing - very  
suddenly & unexpected   2) Puma's illness[es] - diagnosed with  both toxo 
&[dry] FIP  3) Black Bart, a feral who NEVER trusted me.  [And it was 
another feral, who led me to him ] And,  finally he put his trust in 
meJust sadly too late.   And dear Charity, is no longer an outside feral. 
fact, w/ me  she's a love muffin!  Downside, I am the only human she  
"trusts" In my home, in a large crate 'til I get her to vetThank  
heavens I had 
her spayed when I trapped her, but her constant, close contact w/  Bart does 
have me concerned.  Just another vet bill - which ALWAYS gets  paid!] Needless 
to say, it was too late for poor old Bart.[severely anemic,  old, thin 
but VERY bloated, lots of fluid, probably the most "classic" case of  [wet] FIP 
I've ever seen], and doing rescue almost my entire life, I have seen  too 
much. And still "intact". And 4) - my precious fish, won't  even get into 
- but I did lose my Fred...
However, I always made a point to get these babies to vet [$$$].  Even  w/ 
"Rescue Rates" it has been awfully expensive, be it exams, [including  BW & 
ongoing meds/treatments - Puma] or euthanasia (Bart) &  cremation -[Cornelius 
Bart] - no room in freezer, poor Fred's STILL  there!
And, yes, I do feed them expensive dry food..(Always did,  always 
That being said, I will confess, I DO feed Friskies wet.  And my dear,  
ancient Puma does get his Fancy Feast whenever he desires.  Which is at  least 
4+ X 
a day He's ancient & I feel he deserves whatever  he wants..
And, not to get completely OT, but I cook for my (4) dogs!  Yes,  they DO 
get dry, but living w/ a dog w/ food allergies is certainly a challenge,  to 
put it "mildly". Only upside is it's ok. [I'm a vegan & have a veg dog!!!  
Probably not too many people can attest to that!] Natural Balance & Only  
Pet have some GREAT food.  Dog & Cat.
Sorry I went OT & rambled, but being "housebound", I don't get out  much..
Hugs to all,
Patti & her gang

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Re: any other catfood suggestions

2007-03-15 Thread PEC2851
Don't ask me  My furbabies ALWAYS come first.  (Spend more on their 
"groceries" than for myself..)
I feed  them ALL Innova Evo. Even the stray/feral  colony
What can I say  My furbabies definitely deserve the best, even if  it's 
"pricey".  And they absolutely love it!  Gives  me great joy (And I 
really need that now)
At the shelter, we used Precise [I think].  A very good food, and  not 
too expensive either.(With over 300 cats to feed, money was an  option).
And, YES, Science Diet s*cks
And, I "think" I remember reading about not so good things about the  
"Chicken Soup" thing. Just can't remember where & the  details..
Don't even get me going on Diamond!
And, I have MANY [all] cats on Evo..  We  "survive"...
If I  could "remember". I'm sure I'd have more  options.SIGH..
Best of luck finding a great food.
Patti & her "gang"


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Re: Opinions appreciated

2007-03-10 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 3/9/07 10:10:28 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL 

They need some education severely.

Couldn't agree more...
Patti & her gang (Most rescued due to "special needs" or other  problems that 
owners couldn't/wouldn't even try to  deal with.  And, guess what???  They 
are all doing GREAT!!!   Their loss, my gain They are my world. The 
whole reason I am still  here after MVA, I honestly believe that...)

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Re: Opinions appreciated

2007-03-10 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 3/9/07 4:41:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

I  have found with my limited exposure to rescue groups and I would assume 
the  same with humane societies, the tend to be a bit strongly opinionated if 
not  even being accusing. I am sure it comes from what they see. 

YES  Anyone not exposed w/  working in rescue has NO idea what we see &  
try to "deal with".
Education is the key... And, our rescue group  tries to educate.  
But, so many people don't  even want to "listen"...  
No wonder I prefer creatures over people. No offense, but I've just seen  and 
dealt with WAY TOO MUCH
Animals are NOT disposable..
Sorry,I hope I haven't offended anyone. JMO.
Patti & her (non-disposable, special needs & rescued) gang

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Re: ovaban and other stuff....Nina

2007-03-10 Thread PEC2851
Dear Nina,
I've been thinking much about you also. (And now w/ my vision going so  
bad, unless I put you on speed-dial...well.  And, my  "mobility" is also going 
to he!!, so it's almost impossible for me to answer  phone. And, that 
portable phone my room mate got me, well, it has TOO many  "things" and I have 
great record of disconnecting incoming calls..  I  give up! Think positive 
- great idea, but hard to do when  you're steadily going [further] down- 
After reading your post, I remembered how the vet visit went w/ Bart...  
(I also have a great vet, compassionate but MILES awayHe does give me  
Rescue Rates - thank heaven)..  When I sadly had Bart PTS he asked me "what  
I want to do w/ his remains.I jokingly said I'd put him  in freezer w/ 
Fred, my [very LARGE] goldfishWe have  been in such a deep-freeze, snow, 
sleet...I don't think ground will thaw  'til June  So, I did have him 
cremated  That fee was larger  than I expected..But, as always, the 
come first.
I didn't now how Bart would react - strange place, strange  people..  And 
he was in so much pain..  But I did explain to him  "why" I was doing this, 
promised him he would be taken care of [NOT what I  wanted, but I've promised 
all my critters I'd never let them suffer]. He was so  amazing though.  He did 
growl, hiss - but only once. I just stroked him,  "explained" to him what was 
going on, and he even let me kiss him  I  really believe he knew I was 
doing the best [only] option.  When the vet  gave him the sedative prior to the 
euthanol, well, he looked at me w/ those big,  beautiful eyes - I think 
"telling" me, "It's ok Mom & thank you".
And, for Charity's appt., I do have a carrier that has the metal thing  on 
top that you can just open, and that will probably be much less "stressful" -  
for both her & me.
I'm just concerned about "how" we can draw blood.. She was negative  when 
I had her spayed, but she's been out the last 2 years,  And, Bart,  [NEVER 
tested], was old, "intact" & had all the textbook symptoms of  wet 
FIP(He was so full of fluids...)  Poor 'ole boy. A lousy  life.  Is it 
any wonder I 
prefer critters over people?  And believe  me, doing Rescue for so long, the 
things I saw, the  idiots I encounteredG..  I could  go on & 
on.  Especially since I just watched Animal Cops  (Heroes).  Ughh..
I'll let you all know how it goes w/ Charity.  I do talk to her every  day, 
try to "explain" what we're [trying] to accomplish. And, yes, she does  
trust me so hopefully it will be smooth sailing w/ excellent results
And, I do use Feliway & RR.  And w/ the Feliway, it's so wonderful  - 
stroking this former feral girl.  I actually thinks she actually enjoys  the 
touching...I still can't believe the turn-a-round..Makes me cry,  tears 
joy. SIMPLY AMAZING!  This girl had me in ER so many  times!
Oh, I am rambling again, sorry, but I have gotten so much love &  support 
from this group, And, it really helps me, emotionally.  I really  need that, 
especially now.
So, thank you Nina and everyone for all your support.  You'll never  know how 
much it means to me,
Oh, look at the time (Takes me forever to write).
The insomniac is going to attempt to get some rest.  Hopefully  anyway.
Much love, hugs & thanks,
Patti & her gang

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Re: Questions and concerns - nervous hair pulling cats

2007-03-09 Thread PEC2851
We must have been responding at same time.
But, I am SO glad you "reminded" me about the Chlor-Tabs.
Since Buster is very healthy, I just will have to start him on that!   And, 
he's another love-muffin - VERY pillable! (Unlike CharityDon't have the  
nerve to even try pilling her!!!)
Gonna go, give Buster some Chor. Wish me luck!!!
Patti & her gang

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Re: ovaban and other stuff....

2007-03-09 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 3/8/07 7:30:48 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

So no one here has  heard much about the use of ovaban for itching and 
calming them  down? 

I had to give a male cat ovaban for his urinating (outside of box,  
ANYWHERE!!!).  But, the poor boy was traumatized, owner was fleeing town  after 
we had 
the "Three Mile Island" incident here [Sorry, my memory stinks, but  I KNOW it 
was early '80's, at least I "think"].  She was just going to  "dump" him in a 
KILL-SHELTER!   And, at the time, I did have one  of his sisters, so, 
regardless of that fact, he came home - to me
He DID calm down, used box ALL the time, BUT.
That was my Mr. Chow - [my very first encounter w/ Felv.]..  And,  to 
make matters worse, when he got older and sickly, he was diagnosed w/  
cancer...  Upon necropsy [something I detest], his lymphosarcoma  was 
due to 
being Felv+. (Keep in mind, this was prior to Snap or Elisa  testing..)
I was devastated...   I still "wonder" about just  how they were able to 
diagnose Felv. ()
And, he lived w/ me & my furbabies MANY years, and all his friends  lived to 
a ripe [healthy] age.
On the subject of amytryptilline, we used that at the shelter on many  
stressed-out cats.  And, Blossom [See? I CAN remember some things!], used  to 
her fur terribly PRIOR!!!  Her nickname was "Bald   Blossom".  After giving her 
the meds, she was "Beautiful Blossom"!   And, as far as I know, which lately 
isn't too much, she is a healthy senior w/  lots of fur
What dosage were you RX'ed?   Improper dosage can lead to many  
And, don't ask me what we had our Blossom on. that memory is  gone
I know I am rambling & am even going to switch topic,  but.
For vitamins, yes, PetTinic is very good, but we also used  Fela-Vite[sp?].  
It's a flavored gel, I even "think" it's made by  the same mfg. as Laxatone.  
()  Just don't quote me on  that..
And, since I'm changing topic, I also want to say that I am seriously  
contemplating having my Buster put on amytryptilline..  He was  Cornelius's 
friend (the rest of my gang are "snooty", AND THAT'S PUTTING IT  MILDLY). I 
rescued Buster shortly after Cornelius, and when Corny passed, well,  I was 
really concerned about Buster.  And, he is also a Maine Coon, but now  he is a 
DSH!!!  And, he is perfectly healthy, according to my  vet. He's on a good 
[great] diet, no fleas, no allergies... What's  a Mom to do
And, I DO have to go back to vet, as soon as I figure out a way to get dear  
Charity into a carrier..
For those of you not familiar w/ my Charity, she's the feral I've been  
looking after [spayed, tested, vaccinated, plus food & shelter], who led me  to 
Black Bart, another REALLY, REALLY mean feral tom [in a BLIZZARD!!!]  when he 
so ill... They both put their trust in me that  night.. Sadly, for 
Bart it was too late.  :(
But, Charity "allowed" me to carry her back to house, and she's been inside  
ever since   In a large crate, but until I ever get her to vet, I  don't 
want to "expose" her to my other babies I even have Timmy, her  
baby.Who I had to bottle feed 'cause the j*rk that dumped them, put them in 
cardboard box  Of course, Mom got out, but I had her 2 teeny  babies 
other baby, Thomas, was adopted, but Timmy won't have any of  that [He did 
get adopted while I was in hosp., thank heavens for adoption  contracts!!!  He 
made it purr-fectly clear that this was his  home]
I'm rambling [again], back to CharityWe DID have a vet appt.,  
BUT..., upon "seeing" another human, she went ballistic (I  can't drive 
other handicaps after MVA), so when my rescue  buddy came to get us, there was 
NO way to get her in carrier!  I knowmy  fault, should have already had her 
in carrier.  But, she has to be at  least "semi" manageable for vet appt. 
 And, she does not like any person but me!!!  And, at least prior to MVA I 
could draw  blood.  Now...FORGET IT!!!  My room mate even asked why I  
brought the EVIL CAT in  (Her "house" is in my laundry  room and she freaks 
whenever he goes in there!!!)
So just how can I expect a vet & staff to handle her???  With me,  she's a 
mush She "allows" me to stroke her, even PURRS!!!  And,  sometimes when she 
pretends to scratch me, she doesn't even have her  claws out!!!  I just don't 
know what to do.. Living in a crate is MUCH  better than life outside in 
this weather here.
Suggestions, anyone
Debbie & everyone, sorry I rambled so much.  Can you tell I  don't get out 
Patti & her gang

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Re: Bart

2007-02-17 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 2/17/07 1:42:03 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

I'm so sorry you had to make the decision to let Bart go.  It sounds  like he 
did come to you for help though.  It's amazing, the tie we share  with cats, 
isn't it?  I'm glad he came to you and didn't die cold and  alone.  I hope 
Charity is doing well.

Deep inside I knew it was the right decision. I have  promised all my fur 
babies that I would never let them  suffer And, clearly Bart was.. My 
biggest regret is that  he didn't "trust" me sooner..I really believe 
that although he was so feral,  he did count on me & maybe even trusted me. 
But,  apparently he was old, lived on the streets & never trusted humans...Who 
can  blame him?  Not me..
His prognosis was, let's say, BAD  I couldn't bare the thought of  what 
he would have to go through.  And, me, now being "disabled", would  have to 
rely on my rescue buddies for transport.  And, w/ all he would have  needed,  I 
was frantic at the thought of NOT being able to get him to  vetjust more 
Thank heavens Charity finally came around, and I  believe with all my heart 
that night of blizzard, she came to me to help  Bart.  And, she was determined, 
no matter what (blizzard, Rottie, etc.)  that she wouldn't give up...  
She knew Bart needed  help - soon, and I know she knew that I was the only 
person she could  trust...
As I said before, it was at least a 3 hour ordeal..She didn't give up,  
neither did I.
I still find it absolutely amazing that this mean old VERY feral boy let me  
help him... I think he also "knew" he was ill.  And probably didn't  want 
to pass - alone, cold on the streets. After all his years, he finally found  
someone to trust - just a shame it took so long.
At the vets, well, what can I say?  His beautiful eyes seemed to be  saying 
"Thank you & it's ok".  I still cry when I remember that  day..  He 
"allowed" me to stroke him & kiss him, which I seemed to  do the entire time we 
there.  Unbelievable - this big, old  feral tom who I had trapped once [memory 
coming back?], lunged out of trap  & went right to my stomach area.  Ended up 
in ER (a regular thing when  trying to help my ferals/strays)  Still have 
"his marks"..  Now I only pray the scars never fade..
Charity is doing very well.. Safe & warm in house. Lots of bedding,  
plenty to eat & guess what?  She DOES use litter box! [Still say she  WAS 
someone's "pet" & they dumped her when she had her babies}
I (sadly) do have her in a large crate.. With her close association w/  
Bart, and all that's been going on with my bunch, well, I feel it's the best  
option right now.  She is NOT showing any symptoms of anything,  and while at 
vet, discussing my Puma, (originally diagnosed w/ [dry] FIP &  toxo), even my 
vet said that the FIP diagnosis could have been  an error... Corona virus 
shows up in many cats.. And, there is just too  many similarities w/ BW 
diagnosing toxo & FIP... Puma has finished all  meds, and is back to his 
old ancient self... YEAH!
Charity goes to vet next week.  Should be a "trip" as I am the only  human 
she trusts!!!  I do intend to have her tested, as I no longer have  any Felv 
kitties.  She was tested when spayed, was negative, but life  on the 
streets?  But even "if" she does come up +, so what???   It's not a death 
sentence, and I'm sure I can make accommodations right  hereHave a large, 
room we are not using.  It's not the Ritz, but  a heck of a lot better than 
on the streets.
And, yes, it is absolutely amazing the tie we share w/ cats. ( Just a  shame 
that there are TOO many people that can't relate)
We are an elite group.  And the people on this list are so  special..I 
joined when I rescued my Ethan [Felv+], who, sadly  passed  But, being at 
the shelter,no-kill, and having many experiences  w/ Felv kitties, I've never 
Now, I can no longer be at shelter, but, I just couldn't even think of  
Gosh, I really rambled, huh?  That's what happens when you're  
And, now, my [semi] good eye is giving out
Just wanted to say thank you for your kind words about my  Bart

Re: OT anethesia - Propofol - risks?

2007-02-17 Thread PEC2851
We used that pretty regularly at the one vet practice I worked  at..
As far as I can "remember" [not much lately, sigh], it was  probably the 
safest..(Compared to telazol, xylozine (sp?),  etc.)
I don't recall any problems, risks...
Hey, any anesthesia does have "possible" risks, especially  the 
I always "preferred" the gassing kind.  Maybe that's just  me.
Refresh my (lost) memory You're talking about the white, liquid  
injectable stuff, right?
What "procedure" is it going to be used for
And, if it is the injectable stuff, insist that fluids are  given at time of 
procedure, and, also, regular sub-q fluids after - to  flush it out of 
Keep us updated, please.
(And, sorry if I am not talking same stuff - the "memory" thing really  

Re: Hi and Question: Mouse Traps

2007-02-07 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 2/7/07 5:31:40 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Humane  mouse traps are nicer to the mice, too. I've used them with
great success.  

I have to agree on the "humane" traps... Have used them w/ much  
Only dilemma I had was just "where" to relocate my new found furry  friends!!!
Me, I can't stand the idea/concept of hurting any living  creature.
Patti & her clan - (Which DOES include the mice in this house!! My  felines 
wouldn't know what to do w/ a mouse!  Thank  heavens)


Re: OT - a lovely story

2007-02-07 Thread PEC2851
Thank you for posting that story.
It certainly did bring (more) tears to my eyes.
And, what Kerry wrote is so true.  It is very heartening to "know"  that 
there ARE people in this world who do have hearts..
Thanks again,

Patti & her clan

Re: more praying for Lucy and Michelle, please

2007-02-07 Thread PEC2851
Lucy has been in my prayers EVERY night...  
I have been so worried about Michelle now too..
I will also add Michelle to my prayers.
ALL she has been going thru w/ her Lucy, well, I can relate (sadly) all too  
Thank you for posting.
Have you been in contact w/ Michelle?  If so, please tell her that I am very 
concerned, and, both she & Lucy WILL be in  my prayers.

Patti & her clan


Re: Bart

2007-02-06 Thread PEC2851
Thank you all so very much for your thoughts, concerns and prayers for Bart  
and me.
After I sent that post about my feral friend, (around 3:00 AM, EST  ), I DID 
go out to barn & struggled (very hard ) to  get him in a large crate and into 
secluded area of house I hated having to  lift him, he was so painful, but 
I couldn't stand the thought of him being so  sick & inside the barn, no 
matter how well I "thought" I had insulated  it.. 
The sad news is, I did have Bart PTS.  I was with him when he crossed  the 
bridge, able to snuggle & kiss him.  How strange is  that???  He was 
certainly,well probably, the most feral cat I ever came  across in all my 
And, very, very savvy.  Never could trap  him over the past two years. (I even 
got info. from Nina on an alternative  method.)
I honestly "believe" that because I had earned their trust, Charity "led"  me 
to him in the blizzard She knew he needed help,  so she turned to me.  
Even when I had my Rottie (who does like cats, just  freaked over a "strange" 
one in her territory), out on leash.. The way  Ladybug re-acted scared the 
bejesus out of me, but Charity would not give  up..When I look back, I am 
so very thankful that none of us got hurt - (me -  falling, Bug [born deaf], 
getting off leash & Charity not  being challenged by my very large, very 
territorial, Rottie).  I  am also very thankful I was "allowed" to get both 
Charity & 
Bart into my  care.
At the vets this AM, Bart was so good.. Scared, of course, but he kept  
looking at me and I just "knew"
He had an abdomen so very full of fluid.  Unbelievable.  The vet  did pull 
out alot, but I finally asked him to stop.  Besides the fluid in  his belly, 
Bart's gums were almost white.NOT a good sign.  And, he had  quite a few 
abscessed teeth, and was already "missing" quite a few..
His "vision" was also questionable..
My poor boy was also in so much pain. He "wanted" to lay down, but just  
couldn't on that cold, stainless steel table.   Broke my  heart..
Had a conversation w/ vet about the "possibilities" of Bart  
recovering... He explained that although it was almost a textbook case of  
"wet FIP" 
(which would mean regular draining), he also was most assuredly  very anemic.  
Epogen, transfusions. Also, he  "explained" it "could be", lymphosarcoma, 
cardio-vascular, liver, kidneys - I'm  sure you all get the picture.  His 
prognosis was very poor, with NO  guarantees.
I just remembered the promise I have made to ALL my babies, so I made  the 
dreaded decision..
My dear vet gave him a tranquilizer prior to the euthanasia solution, and  
Bart just seemed to pass peacefully, as I stroked him & kissed his (big  "ole) 
Not a good day.. I HATE having to "play  God"..
And, you know, it hurts me just as much when it's a feral/stray..
Just absolutely heartbreaking.  No other words can explain  it...
Well, it's feeding time at Patti's Zoo, and the rest of my charges are  
counting on me.  Can't let them down.  I'm all they have,,,   And, they are 
As soon as I am done, I will e-mail Belinda to add Bart to next CLS.
I will also "try" to e-mail those of you who I have corresponded with off  
list.  Just, please forgive me if I don't get to it tonight
You are the most wonderful, supportive, loving group of folks out  
there.. I am very thankful to be a part of this group.  Really.

(A Very Sad) Patti & her clan


2007-02-06 Thread PEC2851
Just wanted to update (and ask for prayers) about Bart..
Have a vet appt. @ 9:00 AM, can't sleep. I'm too worried
Besides his bloating & being very skinny --- tonight when I picked  him 
up to put a "warmer" under his bed, he criedas if in pain. (Poor boy,  
probably IS )
Another thing. he is hardly eating at all..
I believe the night of the blizzard, Charity  wanted me to help her 
companion Why she wouldn't  allow me to scruff her in yard, and ended up 
making me 
follow her out to barn,  where, miraculously, Bart was there
It's like she knew he was sick & needed help, so she led me to  him.
I spent many hours in barn w/ him tonight, mainly to observe.  He  was 
curled up in his bed, and, every now & then, looking up to make sure  "Mom" was 
still there.
After his crying when I lifted him, I was afraid to hold him. Didn't want  to 
put him in any more pain.  And now I'm sure, he is in  pain, probably too 
much..  Poor boy. My heart is breaking because I  hate having to make 
"that decision".
However, I have promised ALL my babies that I will never let them  
suffer. I really believe that the meanest, feral cat I have ever  
encountered, does 
know & trust me, that's why he's done such a  turn-around.  He knows I will 
take care of him, regardless  of what he's suffering from  I can only take 
comfort that "if" I have  to euthanize him, at least he won't just suffer & die 
(alone) out on the  streets.
I am NOT looking forward to tomorrow, but, I know Bart  does need veterinary 
help..Only wish he would have "trusted" me  sooner.
Better go, and try to get some rest.
I'm going to be a real nut-case tomorrow for sure.
Please, say a prayer (or whatever your venue is) for my dear  Bart,,,
Ditto that for me.. I am so scared & heartbroken.
Will update after Bart's appt.

Patti & Bart & the rest of the clan

Re: OT: Bart & Charty are now safe!!!! W/ me!!!

2007-02-05 Thread PEC2851
Thank you ALL for your replies  You are all SO caring&  wonderful!
As of today, my Charity is eating very well, using litter box, allowing me  
to stroke her, purring...
She really seems very content,
Now Bart, well, besides being so bloated, he is NOT eating (much).   When I 
went out to barn to feed, water & clean his crate, I noticed that  he's a 
pretty good "deciever" -   He has been "hiding" his food...  Under all his 
blankets, under his bed...  And, he's NOT eating much of  his dry food 
(EVO)...  No wonder he's so skinny, but  WHY?  He did have some very 
firm feces in his  litter box, so he must be eating a very small amount of  
I am really, really worried about him... The sooner I can get him to  vet 
& get "answers", well, I'll go from there.
Apparently, he is VERY old.  Just "how" old we'll never know for  sure.
But, he let me stroke him, seemed to enjoy it.   Kept coming back  for 
more..  Hard to believe that when I first "encountered" him, he was  
one of the meanest ferals I'd ever come across.
(And, I have a "history" of working w/ ferals, many success stories.   Maybe 
he's one more.  I just hope it's NOT because he's so sick)
And, since we're in this deep-freeze, I did my best to insulate the barn  
more... It can't be too bad  in barn, cause his water didn't  freeze 
solid So, I put some "thermal thingys" under his bowls to try to  prevent 
Another thing I noticed today, was that the dry food in their outside  
feeding station was all gone.. So I guess I have more strays/ferals relying 
me. Naturally, I did fill the bowl...With this weather, 5 (FIVE)  
degrees, the poor babies need the food
I'm just really worried about Bart.. Bloating, skinny, not  eating...
At least I know he's in a nice warm bed, and there is plenty of food (in  
case he decides to eat).
Need to get to vet ASAP   Even if I have to cancel one of my  MANY Dr. 
appts. I am at some health care place every day, except Wed. &  Fri.  And, 
I'm not making any progress, it's only natural (for me),  that a furbaby's 
needs take precedence...
I only wish I could save them all..
Again, thanks to ALL of you!   This has always  been such a supportive 

Patti & her ever-growing clan


OT: Bart & Charty are now safe!!!! W/ me!!!

2007-02-04 Thread PEC2851
I know this is OT, but I have written about Bart & Charity, my ferals  to the 
list.. And off list to Nina & Kerry..
The other night, we had a (short) blizzard here And, my room mate  
was off on an appt. & I had to walk my dogs after feeding. (NOT easy, I am  so 
afraid of slipping & falling & losing my K-9 babies).
Anyway, after feeding, when I was out with my Rottie, I heard these "sweet"  
cat sounds - turns out it was my dear Charity, she has come around so much, 
and  her "talking" sounded like she wanted my help.
Well, my Rottie is deaf, and I am almost blind I couldn't see her, and  
(Lady)Bug couldn't hear her, but when Bug SAW her, BAM -- thought for sure 
I  was going down.  And Charity has "no fear" of dogs, so she proceeded to  
approach me   And, Bug is STRONG, and even pulling her leash back,  well, 
all my "problems", it was tough..
I finally got Bug back into house and went back out, into the blizzard, to  
see if I could get Charity.. I was out for over THREE hours!  I was  
able to scruff her when in yard, but she freaked (NO claws!!! She has come a  
long way...).  But, having hardly any use of my right arm, I had to let her  
go..  So, "we" decided to go out to barn..
And, while there, guess who comes out? BART  I was  shocked!!  He had 
been in the blankets, etc. I have over crate, I guess  "trying" to keep 
warm..  But, I was there w/ food, and he came  out...
By this time, over 3 hours, I had to sit down in my recliner to rest..  
And, then, Charity, and Bart, come up, rub against my legs, so I figured the  
time was right!!!  I reached down, scruffed Charity, then found out, she  
"allowed" me to just hold her...  So, I had to make the long journey  back 
house, with her (peacefully) in my arms.. (I had closed the barn  door, and 
left the food in the well-insulated crate for Bart)  My main  fear was 
Charity freaking once we got in house 'cause my dogs, 4 BIG, are very  
loud..They love cats, but, can act weird when a new one comes in. Thank 
heavens, after I gave them a talking-to when entering, none of them barked, got 
or did anything   So, I got my Charity into a large crate and  there she 
remains... (She was tested - negative, but that was over a year  
agoAnd w/ my Puma, recently being diagnosed w/ FIP & toxo, well, I  didn't 
want to 
expose any of my babies Charity will be re-tested, and we'll  go from 
Back to Bart. When I got back to barn, he was in crate, so I closed the  
door  When I looked him over, well, now I am really  concerned..  He 
is so bloated  Thought maybe I got a diff.  pregnant female, but, he still 
has his equipment...  And, Bart, was  always SO feral, I could never get 
close to him.  Now, he allowed me to pet  him, seemed to like it.  But, while 
stroking him, I could feel his  backbone.And other bones. Made me 
wonder just what his problem is.  Also, his eyes are "clouded", like 
or glaucoma (?).  He also  looks OLD. Probably is, he's been around 
here since I've been here...2 1/2  years now...  So, I wormed him, and did not 
find anything in his  feces...And, as bloated as he was, I figured if it was 
worms they'd be as big as  a snake.  But, NOTHINGI even used my 
magnifying glass.
I worry now that maybe it's FIP. (A very recent topic on list  lately.)  
I called my rescue partner & she is going to get us a vet  appt.  But, before 
I neuter him, I am going to have him hospitalized 'til  we get all the blood 
test results back.. Depending on "what" the results  are, I will be faced 
w/ having to decide what to do.  I do have another  rescue buddy that has 
converted her barn into a shelter, w/ indiviual homes, I  just don't know..
So, Bart is still in crate in barn..  It's very well insulated,  and, 
when I was "able", I had insulated parts of barn, filling cracks,  etc.  I 
just worry 'cause we're in a deep-freeze.  He has a good  bed, lots of 
and the crate is also insulated, w/ thermal on the  outside...  But, it's 
so cold and he's so old.
He is eating, and I do venture out (slowly & carefully) to feed and  water 
him daily.  One thing I noticed, his water only had a partial skim on  top, not 
frozen thru.  So, I guess the barn is pretty well  insulated.
Just pray we can get to vet early this week...
I would have written sooner, but besides being over-whatever, my room mate  
was NOT too happy. But, I told him, da-m it, I survived the MVA 'cause I  
have work to do - and it IS my rescue work!!!  And, prior to getting  Charity & 
Bart, I was ready to call it a daySo depressed, I "questioned"  my reason 
for still being alive. Now, knowing Bart & Charity are safe,  that gave 
me a reason to go on
He at first told me, Charity could NOT be in house, blah-blah-blah, but it  
seems he has chang

Re: Bandit is NEGATIVE--Animal Planet

2007-02-02 Thread PEC2851
Thank you SO much Leah!!!  Now, if I can get these eyes to work, I'll  send 
that e-mail.  (Was going to do it earlier but the eyes gave out..  It's 
he!!! only having "one" eye... So I should have wrote "the  eye gave out 
Anyone notice I couldn't even spell  euthanize  And, that's not even a word 
 AOL's spell-check.. One more reason I detest AOL.)
And, the shelter I've been associated with for umpteen years, has TWO large  
areas for Felv's.  (And two for FIV's. One for the poor babies that  have 
I LOVED MC's response
Patti & her clan

Re: Bandit is NEGATIVE

2007-02-02 Thread PEC2851
Patti & her clan

PS - OT, but did anyone see Animal Planet (Animal Cops - Houston) last  
night?   I was FURIOUS   They found a  stray and repeatedly said that Felv 
ALWAYS  fatal and they euphemize any cat that tests positive!!!  G, 
they're  going to get an informative e-mail from me!  That's if I  
Just imagine how many people saw that & will euthanize those babies  Not 
to mention how many other shelters will do it because the Houston SPCA has  
that policy..

Re: Bandit: toxoplasmosis

2007-02-01 Thread PEC2851
In a message dated 2/1/07 2:01:52 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

   If he is doing so much better, I think it is likely that he  has toxo and 
not fip. It can be very hard to tell fip from toxo-- toxo can  cause pretty 
much all the symptoms and lab work of fip. but it can be cured  with 
clindamycin, and they are supposed to start feeling better within 3 days.  How 
much pred 
is he on?

My Puma is on 5 mg. pred. 2X daily (I sent you an individual e-mail on  
my Puma...did you get it?  I am NOT happy w/ AOL!!!  Another L-O-N-G  
story.I 've been on AOL foreverl...and it's  getting so much worse 
it's just me...)
Anyway, for an old boy. his "recovery" has been totally amazing..
When I got the diagnosis, the FIP really made me think, having dealt with  it 
before, sadlySo, I NEVER questioned it having lost 2 of my boys before  
(confirmed thru necropsies).
I just felt guilty 'cause I did not get my  "personal clan" tested at the 
And, Dusty & Oden NEVER showed symptoms, they just died, as if it was a  
heart attack.
Dusty was old, a rescued street cat from Baltimore, so we had NO  history
But Oden was just 2, and I had him since a bottle baby...Never sick, he  
just dropped dead, suddenly.  Freaked me out, BIG TIME!
So I "figured" the FIP was gotten from my fosters..
But, since Puma has been on clindo & pred. his "recovery" is  amazing!!
I pray it was only toxo.. But, at his age (ancient), I  thought "if" it 
was FIP too.well...
You have given me inspiration, which I really need now.  ( I just lost  Fred, 
my "cannibalistic" gold fish, so today has been a B-A-D day.  I  loved that 
fish, despite his "faults" - Wouldn't even  put him in outside pond, he really 
gave me such pleasure..)
Now I "wonder" that "if" I had put him in pond, well, maybe he'd  still be 
alive.. He ate all his aquarium buddies, maybe he was  lonely being solo in 
tank... (I have been "wondering" if Belinda can add him  to next CLS - 
I've seen dogs, but a fish? He was  special..)
Anyway, thanks so much for your inspiration, I really  needed that.
How is your sweet Lucy doing?  And, yes, she is in my  prayers every night.  
I also believe in the "power of prayer", just wish I  didn't have SO many 
people praying for me after MVA..
I am going to also send this to your personal e-mail, please,  please, 
please, let me know you've recv'd. it...
Patti (and her clan)


Re: Bandit: toxoplasmosis

2007-01-31 Thread PEC2851
Right now, I am (trying to) deal with my Puma's  diagnosis - FIP (dry) AND 
toxo.. The vet I use I  really like, and have much faith in him.  
went over the "specific"  test results, and, I kind of DO believe him...
When I got home from hosp., my Puma was just not  right...
He was eating & drinking MUCH... Also, sleeping a lot. (But, heck,  he IS 
17+ so the excessive sleeping I thought, went along with his advanced  
age)  He also had loose stools, very vocal, but not in a painful  tone, 
ear infections that NOTHING would  help...  I thought, due to his age, it 
was probably kidney or  thyroid. But, his kidney and thyroid tests came 
back  FINE...
When I got the results of tests done (a gazillion), and vet said it was  toxo 
and FIP, I was floored!
Years ago, I did have an FIP epidemic in my home while fostering, lost TWO  
of my babies (confirmed thru necropsies...), and I wonder just how long  FIP 
can go undetected...(???))
I didn't know much about toxo, and all my furbabies are indoor  only... 
So, I DO wonder just how my Puma got it. (???)  I  no longer foster for 
shelter, and all my new "rescues" are upstairs in the  master bedroom and 
 So, he was NOT exposed to any new cats..
Anyway, Puma was given clindo and prednisone,also daily sub-q  fluids, and I 
swear, he is doing so much better..Still has the "ear  problems" 
I just know that since he started on both meds, he's so much  better
(I only pray that when his time comes, he goes peacefully in his sleep. I  
have promised ALL my furbabies I will never let them suffer.. That's the  
least I can do for them, as they have done SOOO much for me.  I swear, they  
the reason I survived my MVA, because I "needed them". What can I  say?  
I prefer non-humans over humans)
All I know is it was the clindo & pred that did improve his  "symptoms".. 
In fact, I no longer have to give him daily sub-q fluids.
Wish I could help you out with more "specifics", but I can only relate to  my 
Puma's experience
Best wishes, good luck and
   for both you and Bandit

Re: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-25 Thread PEC2851
My prayers are w/ you and Lucy...


Re: FIP diagnosis?

2007-01-24 Thread PEC2851
Yes, very weird indeed. TOO weird.  I can not believe that they  could 
not get a sample.
I'd be looking for a new (and competent) vet for sure.
When I was at the shelter, even us "dumb" vet techs were able to get fluid  
samples from those cats suspected of having FIP...
The procedure is NOT rocket science..

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