RE: [Flightgear-devel] Lighting

2002-07-22 Thread Norman Vine

Curtis L. Olson writes:

The problem only seems to happen when the 3d model is in the view.  To
me, that would point to a problem with the model, or a problem with
plib's handling of the model.  For instance if the 3d model tickles
some material or lighting feature that plib doesn't normally handle or
doesn't handle at all.  But, I would be (maybe very) surprised to find
such a bug in plib that no one else has discovered previously.

It might be informative to dump out or use gdb to look at the the actual
OpenGL state values being used
i.e the ambient, emissive, specular ect
in the pre and post callbacks for the 3d model

If one of these is being 'tromped on' then funny things are bound to happen


Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Website updates

2002-07-22 Thread Norman Vine

David Megginson writes:

Erik Hofman writes:

  It might be usefull to rearrange the website, to let the Table of
  Contents show up first on the page. It would be a good idea to add the
  News and Project Overview sections to the table of contents then.

I'd suggest that starting with screenshots is a better idea -- we
don't want to waste a lot of screenspace or bandwidth, but we do want
to give a first-time visitor an idea of why it's worth spending more
than 3 seconds looking at FlightGear.  The pictures show the current
state of the project much more efficiently than text could.

FWIW IMHO pictures do not belong on the main page at all  !!!

I am in complete agreement with Eric's suggestion that 'index.html' should
be just
our Logo, Table of Contents, Search Form, Counter and Credits.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Lighting

2002-07-22 Thread Norman Vine

Norman Vine writes:

Curtis L. Olson writes:

The problem only seems to happen when the 3d model is in the view.  To
me, that would point to a problem with the model, or a problem with
plib's handling of the model.  For instance if the 3d model tickles
some material or lighting feature that plib doesn't normally handle or
doesn't handle at all.  But, I would be (maybe very) surprised to find
such a bug in plib that no one else has discovered previously.

It might be informative to dump out or use gdb to look at the
the actual
OpenGL state values being used
i.e the ambient, emissive, specular ect
in the pre and post callbacks for the 3d model

If one of these is being 'tromped on' then funny things are
bound to happen !

Not really sure what all it means and / or how they get there but ...
There are some 'interesting values in the file this generates

FGAircraftModel::init ()
  _aircraft = new FGModelPlacement;
  string path = fgGetString(/sim/model/path, Models/Geometry/;
  try {
  } catch (const sg_exception ex) {
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, Failed to load aircraft from   path);
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, (Falling back to;
#if 0
  FILE *fp;
  fp = fopen(model.ascii, wt);

ssgVtxTable: Name=NoName
  Userdata = 0x0
  Num Parents=1
  ssgSimpleState: Name=NoName
Userdata = 0x0
Translucent  = True
ExternalProp = 0
Don't Care   = CULLFACE
TexHandle= 3
TexFilename  =
Shade Model  = 7425
Shininess= 2.00
AlphaClamp   = -0.326197
Ambient  : (-0.455241,-0.326197,0.526312,-0.455241)
Diffuse  : (-0.326197,-0.468420,-0.832415,-0.326197)
Specular : (0.00,0.00,0.00,1.00)
Emission : (0.00,0.00,0.00,1.00)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Re: lighting

2002-07-22 Thread Norman Vine

Curtis L. Olson writes:

Ok, that was definitely helpful.  If you go to src/Model/model.cxx,
line #248 and comment out the Load panels section of code, the C172
becomes shaded again and the objects no longer glow at night.

Good one !

Looks like we need something like


Not sure if I got them all


Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Website updates

2002-07-22 Thread Norman Vine

Norman Vine wrote:

  FWIW IMHO pictures do not belong on the main page at all  !!!

Instead IMHO we should present a 'well organized' entry point
that is viewable on one page so as to impress our visitors with our

FWIW - One of my favorite sites is

Which I believes demonstrates well that a 'minimalist' front page can
be quite successful as it is the 'content served' and 'navigational ease' 
that is most important to a projects popularity and usefulness. 



Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] [PATCH] tdfx fog

2002-07-23 Thread Norman Vine

Melchior FRANZ writes:

Here's why my tdfx v3 doesn't show fog any more[1]: it's the
glPolygonOffset() in the 3D-panel code. And I remembered that
Andy had commented on this problem a while back in the already
mentioned thread ...


Index: panel.cxx
RCS file: /var/cvs/FlightGear-0.7/FlightGear/src/Cockpit/panel.cxx,v
retrieving revision 1.75
diff -u -3 -p -r1.75 panel.cxx
--- panel.cxx   22 Jul 2002 19:09:42 -  1.75
+++ panel.cxx   23 Jul 2002 18:59:07 -
@@ -423,6 +423,7 @@ FGPanel::draw()

   // restore some original state
+  glPolygonOffset(0, 0);

Does this slightly different code work for you

  // In 3D mode, it's possible that we are being drawn exactly on top
  // of an existing polygon.  Use an offset to prevent z-fighting.  In
  // 2D mode, this is a no-op.


  glPopAttrib() ;

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Re: [PATCH] tdfx fog

2002-07-24 Thread Norman Vine

Curtis L. Olson writes:

Up until recently glPolygonOffset() was an vendor extension to the
official spec, perhaps that's why it's not included in  glPush/PopAttrib()?

Hmm...  Looking at the NEW 1.4 OpenGL spec it appears as if
glPolygonOffset() has been included in the spec since v1.1  1992 ? 

and whether the current offset is applied or not depends on the the
following flags


which I believe should be settable with pushAttrib()

 following URL all one line

Oh well -- what we have works as is :-))



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Clouds progress : screenshot

2002-09-17 Thread Norman Vine

David Megginson writes:

 Curtis L. Olson writes:
   I don't know a lot about the 3d clouds, but I was under the impression
   that you could define different cloud shapes and complexities.  We are
   just running with the cloud layout from Mark's demo.
 Understood.  The demo is meant to look stunning, of course, but as
 with terrain and 3D models, we will have to compromise a lot to make
 things work in a flight simulator: I expect that the final clouds will
 be a lot coarser, but still nice.

As I said when Mark first released this demo
This is enough to make 'diehard' Linux types install Windows

We are just trying to get to it run as well inside of FGFS 

there-are-many-kinds-of-compromises though'ly yr's


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Clouds progress : screenshot

2002-09-17 Thread Norman Vine

John Wojnaroski writes:

Curtis L. Olson writes:

  David Megginson writes:
   I'm wondering if we can make everything a bit simpler -- smaller
   textures, fewer particles, etc.  We'd still get 3D clouds, but they
   wouldn't hit the GPUs as hard.
  I don't know a lot about the 3d clouds, but I was under the impression
  that you could define different cloud shapes and complexities.  We are
  just running with the cloud layout from Mark's demo.
 There is an editor program Mark wrote for adding and editing clouds.

source and Win32 exe @

This is Win32 specific and there is no Makefile but it is a REAL simple
application and is really is just an textmode interface to the 'portable'
SkyArchive class

The SkyArchive probably wants to be modified to use XML properties
instead of its binary files - at first glance this seems as if it would
be quite easy todo :-)

 I suppose running the HUD, panel, clouds, random-objects, models, etc, etc
 will slow everyone down, but lets not design for the LCD and assume
 everything has to be on. Rather the user should have the option. dumbing
 down the clouds  penalizes those who chose to not enable other graphical
 features in FlightGear. Let's first get it running, see if we can improve
 Mark's design, and go from there.

I agree and FWIW except for the occasional sputter, similar to paging in
it seems to have about the same 'hit' then having either the Panel or a



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Another automake victim

2002-09-17 Thread Norman Vine

The Bergrens writes:

 Sounds like you need the perl module called strict to be installed.
 Or maybe your perl installation is hosed.
 You can get perl modules from, I think.

There was a bug in Cygwin Perl that 'can' be triggered by automake
when running on a project on a 'text' mounted drive.

The cure is to do all of your work on a 'binary' mount

Since I discovered the problem I have never tried automake
on a text mount so I am not 100% that this bug still exists
BUT if you are working on a 'text' mount 



 - Original Message -
 From: William Earnest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Devel Flightgear [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 10:38 PM
 Subject: [Flightgear-devel] Another automake victim

  Hello all,
  Came back from vacation to find the new release and lots of discussion.
  Read everything (I think), and managed to get CVS caught up, including
  the new SimGear path. Updated plib without problem, then went to SimGear
  to continue. At the step, got the following pile of errors,
  which has me rather puzzled. Supposedly have automake 1.5 installed, as
  well as autoconf 2.52. Any suggestions?
  [wde@hulk SG]$ ./
  Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/share/automake
  /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503
  /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005
  .) at /usr/share/automake/Automake/ line 29.
  BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
  /usr/share/automake/Automake/ line 29.
  BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/bin/automake line 39.
  ./ test: -lt: unary operator expected
  Host info: Linux i686
  Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/share/automake
  /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503
  /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005
  .) at /usr/share/automake/Automake/ line 29.
  BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
  /usr/share/automake/Automake/ line 29.
  BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/bin/automake line 39.
automake:  ()
  Running aclocal
  Running autoheader
  /usr/bin/m4: No such file or directory
  ERROR: autoheader didn't create simgear/!
   Bill Earnest  wde3@ptd-dot-net  Linux Powered   Allentown, PA, USA
  Computers, like air conditioners, work poorly with Windows open.
  Flightgear-devel mailing list

 Flightgear-devel mailing list

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Clouds progress : screenshot

2002-09-18 Thread Norman Vine

Michael Basler writes:
  maybe on windows all is OK and problem is related to linux?
 Don't worry, on windows (cygwin), SimGear does not even compile - yet,
 despite all the patches ;-) - I think Norman is working on that, though.

Things were going rather well for me on Windows then I decided to 
try merging the latest stuff from CVS and I suddenly had problems
I didn't see before.   Spent way to much time trying to decipher what
is happening and need to get some real work done so I tarred up my files 

tar -czvf clouds.tgz \
FlightGear/src/Main/main.cxx \
FlightGear/src/Main/fg_init.cxx \
SimGear/ \
SimGear/simgear/sky/clouds3d/*.cpp \
SimGear/simgear/sky/clouds3d/*.h* \

and put the tarball at

so others could play too.

This should build on Windows and Unix, 
I didn't add the necessary Mac changes 
but I think Jonathan has that covered 

Back up your original files !!



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Clouds progress : screenshot

2002-09-18 Thread Norman Vine

Curtis L. Olson writes:

 Jim, Norman,

 I'm getting the following compile error:

 fg_init.cxx: In function `void fgInitView()':
 fg_init.cxx:667: no matching function for call to `FGViewer::get_LOCAL ()'

oops ... forgot one :-)
   I was doing a little sanity checking 

// $FG_SRC / Main / viewer.hxx
virtual const sgVec4 *get_LOCAL() { if ( _dirty ) { recalc(); } return

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Removed simgear/interpreter/

2002-09-18 Thread Norman Vine

David Megginson
 Curtis L. Olson writes:
   The MSVC work spaces are generated automatically whenever I run make
   dist.  I have taken care of this.
 Thanks for handling that.  If the files are autogenerated, we might
 want to yank them out of CVS.

Most MSVC users probably don't have Perl installed so in this
case I think we should make an exception


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] 3d cloud rendering problems

2002-09-18 Thread Norman Vine

Curtis L. Olson
 Norman Vine writes:
  I think you are on to something !
  That would explain the lightening of the clouds 
  with each pass.  BUT this only started after I
  updated my code the other day !. Also I never
  had the 'text' texture
 Right now I'm wondering if it is related to the use of

The curious thing is that the 'coloring bug' and the the texture 
'jitter'  just appeared recently and I can't see what changed
to cause it.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Another automake victim

2002-09-18 Thread Norman Vine

Curtis L. Olson writes:
 I don't think anyone has sent me a copy of extgl.h to add to the cvs

It is in this tarball


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] CVS build problem, was Another automake vi ctim

2002-09-19 Thread Norman Vine

Boslough, Mark B writes:

 I just tried that and unfortunately I get exactly the same problem.

OK I know what the problem is

 I am going to try again from scratch.  

Try changing  SimGear\simgear\sky\clouds3d\Makefile
 around line 99 to read like this


 I do have a question.  How
 do I keep the two CVS branches separated?  When I do a make install
 for simgear on the stable branch, does that not overwrite the simgear
 for the devel branch?  I'm just wondering what is the best way to keep
 the branches totally isolated from one another.  Sorry if this has
 been answered elsewhere (as I am sure it has).

The trick is to install the packages into different Sandboxes
The easiest way for me is to use the --prefix=$PATH option
when configuring a package



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] CVS question...

2002-09-19 Thread Norman Vine

Curtis L. Olson writes: 
 We might need to learn more about how the imposters are rendered.  I
 don't think this is an issue of drawing the imposter once it is
 generated, but in generating the imposter in the first place.

The Impostors are generated with regular OpenGL calls just
like everything else and then read out of the back buffer into
a texture which then serves as an 'impostor' for the real OpenGL
object.  eg you are substituting a glQuad for the entire set of 
calls that were made to draw the object initially.  hence the
name 'impostor'.  

You can see the impostors getting created after you find and follow
the directions in this line in SkyCloud.cpp
// Uncomment this swap buffers to visualize cloud illumination computation.

Whatching these things get created gives you a GOOD ideaof how much
work the 'impostor' is saving you


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Modeling wing twist animation

2002-09-20 Thread Norman Vine

David Megginson writes:

 Wolfram Kuss writes:
   PLIB is AFAIK able to do that with a technique called tweening. There
   is even an example of it, where a ball is tweened to a star and vice
 I'm not sure how that would work with the loaders, though -- do we
 have to guarantee that they vertices are in exactly the same order?

it tweens between points with the same index in the tween arrays
so I guess the answer is yes depending on what you want todo

have you looked at the examples ssg tween_test program


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Still can't build devel CVS

2002-09-20 Thread Norman Vine

Jon S Berndt writes:
 Just to be sure:

can you see the clouds ??


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Still can't build devel CVS

2002-09-20 Thread Norman Vine

- Original Message - 
From: Boslough, Mark B [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 5:40 PM
Subject: RE: [Flightgear-devel] Still can't build devel CVS

 That is correct.


Part of the problem is I can not connect to CVS
so I am not really sure of what the state of the files are
but if you bear with us we will get this compiling

so just to be sure we know what is happening 
please do a 

cvs up -Pd for both SimGear and FlightGear

then in SimGear do a 

% make uninstall
% make distclean
% ./
% ./configure
% make 21 | tee make.log
% make install

cd to FlightGear 
% make 21 | tee make.log

If you still are having linking problems

cd to SimGear
% make clean
% CFLAGS=$CFLAGS -DWIN32 ./configure
% make 21 | tee -a make.log
% make install

cd to FlightGear 
% make 21 | tee -a make.log



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Anybody seeing this ?

2002-09-20 Thread Norman Vine

Frederic Bouvier writes:
 Any idea ?

Yep,  This is a known problem 
Don't do that or disable the propellor node in the model
when you are in a 3D cockpit of a plane with a propellor


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] jigdo (Jigsaw Download) - a download manager for CD images

2002-09-21 Thread Norman Vine

Does anyone have any experience with this ?
It looks as if it could be quit useful

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Compiler/OS Version Question

2002-09-22 Thread Norman Vine

Curtis L. Olson writes:

 Jonathan Polley writes:
  I have a few questions brought about by some recent experiences, but
  what they boil down to is Are we going to reestablish the minimun
  system requirements for FlightGear. 
  First, due to deficiencies in the compiler, it is becoming more and
  more difficult to build FlightGear under MSVC 6.0.  
 Does MS have something newer people can migrate to that works better?

I hear VERY good things about STLPort and MSVC6
I also hear that MSVC 7 fixed most of the 'non standard'


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Still can't build devel CVS

2002-09-22 Thread Norman Vine

Curtis L. Olson writes:
 Usually my common mistaek is to statr reversing letter piars when I
 get really tired or overly pumpde up on caffiene, and I remember
 taking about 4 tires to type that in before I got it right.
 Srory about that.

Good one :-)

  this is currently $(EXTRA_SOURCES)
  and needs to be changed to $(EXTGL_SOURCE) as above
  so that estgl.o is acually included in the library 

Happens to the best of us :-)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Help: Current Ground Elevation

2002-09-23 Thread Norman Vine

David Megginson writes:
 I've tried the request in two places:

 1. When the *.stg file is first parsed and the OBJECT_SHARED directive
is found.
 2. When the deferred model is actually loaded.
 Both gave no intersection.

BUT does the Terrain Graph contain the tile you are
trying to determine the AGL from  ??

This is a prerequisite and AFAICT currently this is not gauranteed to 
be the case until AFTER the 'load function' leaves the select switch
for the OBJECT_SHARED case !!!

chicken-and-egg'ly yr's


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Help: Current Ground Elevation

2002-09-23 Thread Norman Vine

Curtis L. Olson

 Norman Vine writes:
  BUT does the Terrain Graph contain the tile you are
  trying to determine the AGL from  ??
  This is a prerequisite and AFAICT currently this is not gauranteed to
  be the case until AFTER the 'load function' leaves the select switch
  for the OBJECT_SHARED case !!!

 What we need is the ability to specify the branch of a scene graph to
 intersect with which in theory isn't too hard, but as I recall a lot
 of the transforms are wired in at a pretty low level and a branch
 won't necessarily be positioned correctly in the flightgear world if
 we don't have the transforms above it.

AFAIK The only thing hardwired in is the scenery_center
and this is only in the high level fgCurrentElev() calls

The hitlist stuff is pure SSG code and should work in
any SSG Graph ,

// ==
void FGHitList::Intersect( ssgBranch *scene, sgdVec3 orig, sgdVec3 dir ) {
sgdMat4 m;
sgdMakeIdentMat4 ( m ) ;
IntersectBranch( scene, m, orig, dir );

// ==
void FGHitList::Intersect( ssgBranch *scene, sgdMat4 m, sgdVec3 orig,
sgdVec3 dir )
IntersectBranch( scene, m, orig, dir );

and since distance from a point to a surface is invariant
withrespect to orientation either of these routines should
work as is providing you can determine the 'dir' vector
   straight down .
This is a little complicated in that we are on an ellipse but ...

   following untested - this is a WAG only - and is not
completely thought out at all 
I  guess one could use something like this for the
derivation of 'dir'

// given a point in dir_cosine form
// return WGS84 tangent plane normal
// use CAREFULLY if you don't fully understand the magic
Normal_WGS84(sgdVec3 point, sgdVec3 normal)
 normal[0] = point[0] * (1/40680631590769.0);
 normal[1] = point[1] * (1/40680631590769.0);
 normal[2] = point[2] * (1/40408299984087.0);


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Help: Current Ground Elevation

2002-09-23 Thread Norman Vine

David Megginson writes:

 Norman Vine writes:
   BUT does the Terrain Graph contain the tile you are
   trying to determine the AGL from  ??
 It should, because the OBJECT_STATIC directive occurs only in *.stg
 files, which are parsed when the tile containing the object is
   This is a prerequisite and AFAICT currently this is not gauranteed to 
   be the case until AFTER the 'load function' leaves the select switch
   for the OBJECT_SHARED case !!!
 I tried loading all of the required info into the deferred-model
 structure and doing the intersection later in the program when the
 model made its way to the front of the queue for loading; still no

Well if the tile is REALLY loaded then ..  my guess is that your 
parameters are based on the wrong 'scenery_center'
try setting up a 'phony teleportation' to where the scenery_center
and absolute_position are in the same tile as the point that you are
requesting the elevation for.

I am still not convinced that your tile is actually loaded though
and don't really know the 'best' way to check for that given the
'lazy' loader.



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Help: Current Ground Elevation

2002-09-23 Thread Norman Vine

Jim Wilson writes:

 David Megginson [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

  Norman Vine writes:
BUT does the Terrain Graph contain the tile you are
trying to determine the AGL from  ??
  It should, because the OBJECT_STATIC directive occurs only in *.stg
  files, which are parsed when the tile containing the object is

 Are you testing the loaded flag for the tile entry you are testing
 IIRC that is the last thing done by the loader.  Take a look at the end of
 mainloop (approx line 1155 in main.cxx) to see how I'm getting an AGL for
 FDM's location when it is not in the current view.  It uses the high level
 tilemgr methods, but if you follow the values you should be able to see
 you are missing.

Yes, this is demonstrates nicely the method I outlined in my last post

try setting up a 'phony teleportation' to where the scenery_center
and absolute_position are in the same tile as the point that you are
requesting the elevation for.



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] 3D-clouds and HUD markers

2002-09-24 Thread Norman Vine

Martin Spott

  So to reiterate what Curt
  This isn't quite ready for general consumption
  but some of us are working on it
 Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt anyone. 

No problem,  just wanted to make sure everyone realizes this
is still in development :-)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Fw: [vtp] Elevationdata of the Alps?

2002-09-24 Thread Norman Vine

A source for non-US 30 meter DEM's

I believe that for those areas already processed and on line
these are still free.

We would have to build a new DEM reader to handle these
but that should not be too dificult in that they are in a
'well known' format


- Original Message -
From: Roger James [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 7:06 AM
Subject: Re: [vtp] Elevationdata of the Alps?

 You can view the current coverage at

 If it is not on this then you have to order it yourself. Expect a 9 month
 lead time for relative DEMs but only a few days if you can provide GCPs
 request an absolute DEM. To generate the GCPs you will need the L1A
 this will now cost you but not a lot.


 - Original Message -
 From: Peter Guth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 5:06 AM
 Subject: Re: [vtp] Elevationdata of the Alps?

I am looking for 10-30m elevation data of the Alps.
  You could also try the ASTER DEM from NASA/USGS:
  They have data worldwide, but not complete.  You also have to deal with
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Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] defaults

2002-09-24 Thread Norman Vine

Curtis L. Olson wwrites:

 David Megginson writes:
  Curtis L. Olson writes:
The preferences.xml file specifies the c172 as the default.  It
appears that even if you request a different aircraft as the default,
the c172 config files get loaded first anyway, then the alternate
config file is loaded with the correct aircraft.  This means that if
the c172 specifies any defaults such as aileron trim that isn't
specified in the desired aircraft config, it will inherit the c172
settings (i.e. they won't get overwritten, unless done so
Is this what we want the behavior to be?

 Ok, good to know.

I'm guessing it got this way for a reason, but I'm not sure we want
things to act this way.
  It's almost certainly an initialization-order problem.  We want the
  aircraft settings to take precedence over preferences.xml and the
  command-line options to take precedence over the aircraft settings.
  Feel free to fix it, if you can think of a way to.

 I haven't actually looked into it beyond observing that an addition to
 the c172-set.xml file shows up no matter what aircraft I choose.  So,
 I haven't dug into the code at all to see what is actually going on.

Hmm... maybe this would help
untested - but it 'looks' like this will fix 'this' problem,
don't thin it will cause any new ones

// Read in configuration (file and command line)
bool fgInitConfig ( int argc, char **argv ) {

// First, set some sane default values

// Read global preferences from $FG_ROOT/preferences.xml
SGPath props_path(globals-get_fg_root());
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, Reading global preferences);
readProperties(props_path.str(), globals-get_props());
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, Finished Reading global preferences);

// Attempt to locate and parse the various config files in order
// from least precidence to greatest precidence

// Check for $fg_root/system.fgfsrc
SGPath config( globals-get_fg_root() );
config.append( system.fgfsrc );

#if defined( unix ) || defined( __CYGWIN__ )
char name[256];
// Check for $fg_root/system.fgfsrc.hostname
gethostname( name, 256 );
config.concat( . );
config.concat( name );

// Check for ~/.fgfsrc
char* envp = ::getenv( HOME );
if ( envp != NULL ) {
 config.set( envp );
 config.append( .fgfsrc );

#if defined( unix ) || defined( __CYGWIN__ )
// Check for ~/.fgfsrc.hostname
gethostname( name, 256 );
config.concat( . );
config.concat( name );

// Parse remaining command line options
// These will override anything specified in a config file
fgParseArgs(argc, argv);

// Read the default aircraft config file.
string aircraft = fgGetString(/sim/aircraft, );
if (aircraft.size()  0) {
SGPath aircraft_path(globals-get_fg_root());
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, Reading default aircraft:   aircraft
 from   aircraft_path.str());
try {
readProperties(aircraft_path.str(), globals-get_props());
} catch (const sg_exception e) {
string message = Error reading default aircraft: ;
message += e.getFormattedMessage();
} else {
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_ALERT, No default aircraft specified);

return true;

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ASTER DEMs

2002-09-26 Thread Norman Vine

Roman Grigoriev writes:

 I downloaded ASTER DEM and play with it
 Nice resolution (30m) but there are so many holes to use it
 So fightgear/terragear gurus maybe you tell me is there in dem library
 tools to approximate aster dem data with gtopo30 data to eliminate holes?

It is currently commented out but see src / lib / dem interpolate()
It may still work and in any case shouldn't need much to fix
there is also an Interpolate in the Lib/Array class  also commented out 

 Another question: now we have tile size = 1/8 degree. but when you deal
 this high resolution data you have to load smaler tiles to have good frame
 where should I search terragear/flightgear code to have tile size 1/16 or
 1/32 degree.

The US scenery is made with 30 meter DEM's so things should work OK
the least squares fit process removes many points and is 'tunable' if need


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: [Flightgear-users] Re: Windows binary (fwd)

2002-09-26 Thread Norman Vine

Jim Brennan jjb writes:

 Can anyone provide this for me?

Note this does not have LaRCSim or UIUC support as there
is a namespace clash with the beta MingW gcc compiler I
am using.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: [Flightgear-users] Re: Windows binary (fwd)

2002-09-26 Thread Norman Vine

Michael Selig writes:

 At 9/26/02, Norman Vine wrote:
 Jim Brennan jjb writes:
   Can anyone provide this for me?
 Note this does not have LaRCSim or UIUC support as there
 is a namespace clash with the beta MingW gcc compiler I
 am using.

 I recall reading some prior email from you on the namespace problem.  In
 that email you seemed to suggest that this was a fairly general problem
 not specific to your compiler.  Is there something that we can do here at
 UIUC to resolve this compile issue?

YES - it is a bit of work, but I think that it should be done at somepoint

The problem is all the #defines in ls_generic cause namespace clashes.

M$oft is half to blame here in that they assume you are in a Windows
enviroment and insist on bringing in almost the entire header tree
when you might only need one structure.

I believe the proper thing todo is eventually move LaRCSim into a
C++ class and use namespaces.  This however is a fair amount of

BTW this all stems from the libstdc++ that ships with the gcc-3.X compilers
which enables the WIN32 threading model.  Currently this is still a beta
release and trying to find a good solution to this namespace pollution is
one of the things keeping gcc3.X beta for WIN32, so this problem may
disappear on the MingW32 compiler but having all tose defines exposed
is just 'begging for trouble'.  I think we have just been lucky that we got
away with them as long as we have.

 Also, does the Windows binary from support the
 LaRCsim/UIUC stuff?

Yes, I am sad to say :-(

I will work on correcting this by reverting to the older 2.95 compiler
when I get a chance  should be within the week   as I have discovered
that I still need it for some other projects too.



Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Flightdeck-UI Project Homepage.

2002-09-26 Thread Norman Vine


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Static port and altimeter

2002-09-27 Thread Norman Vine

Curtis L. Olson writes:
 Yes, if you use an int and track time in increments of 1 / 1,000,000
 then you get about 30 minutes before you hit an anomaly.  This bug
 caused problem in the past such as radio station searches to only
 happen every other 30 minute period, or panel text to stop updating.
 You have to be very careful to think through the amount of possible
 time accumulation when doing the math.  This is a subtle bug because
 when you are developing code, you rarely test for more than a few
 seconds at a time.  That said, I haven't looked closely to see if any
 of these problems are in the latest code ... but it's something to
 keep in mind when dealing with time sensitive code.

Yep there is a problem if you try to run a FGFS session on a 
Windows box much over 49 days :-)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Static port and altimeter

2002-09-27 Thread Norman Vine

Curtis L. Olson

 Norman Vine writes:
  Yep there is a problem if you try to run a FGFS session on a 
  Windows box much over 49 days :-)
 I wouldn't know anything about that, and far be it from me to
 blatantly bash windows, but if you manage to have your windows box run
 that long, I'd definitely recommond that you also consider buying
 lottery tickets, ask your boss for a big promotion, and try googling
 for britany spear's home number; that kind of luck just doesn't come
 around every day. :-)

Hmm... I can''t rememeber crashing this box in a long time
and if it wasn't for needing to reboot in order to access the CVS ...   

Oh right I don't need to do that anymore  :-)

So remind me to send you one of these in a cople of months :-)

510 src
$ cat /proc/uptime
263847.38 237946.24

511 src
$ uname



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Updating to new CVS trunk repository

2002-09-27 Thread Norman Vine

Curtis L. Olson
 I actually have a rcs/sccs book sitting on my shelf (good thing I
 proofread my messages ... I originally wrote sitting on myself which
 is close, but doesn't quite convey the same thing.)  I bought it
 because it advertised a cvs section, but the cvs info turned out to be
 only a beginner level intro and nothing that useful for me.

The best things are sometimes free


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] external model positioning

2002-09-27 Thread Norman Vine

Curtis L. Olson writes:

 I am working on interfacing an external flight model to FlightGear via
 the network.  This particular code reports an altitude of zero/0.0f
 when the wheels are resting at sea level.
 The c172 3d model is drawn so that it's center of gravity is at the
 reported altitude.  Also the pilot view point is also relative to this
 This means that on the ground, the out-the-window view point is just a
 few inches above the pavement.  And also the 3d model is sunk into the
 What do I need to do to get the pilot view point and the center of the
 3d model up to the correct altitude?

It used to be 
--prop:/sim/model/z-offset=offset in meters

but I guess it's

now,   but I am  not sure if this info is actually available
At least I couldn't find it with the httpd interface
the closest thing I got was the path name to the model

tempting-to-say-data-should-actually-be-in-C'ly yr's


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Error compiling FG 0.80

2002-09-28 Thread Norman Vine

Sydney Weidman writes: 

 I was just trying to compile the latest release of FG, but I got a bunch 
 of errors. I notice the errors involve gcc 3.2 stdc++ headers, so maybe 
 I have used an unsupported version of gcc.
 Some compiler error messages follow.
 Thanks for this entertaining and interesting software.
 Making all in Airports
 make[2]: Entering directory 
 `/home/gnome2/working/FlightGear-0.8.0/src/Airports'g++  -g -O2 
 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -o gensimple  gensimple.o libAirports.a -lsgdebug 
 -lsgmisc -lsgxml -lmk4 -lz -lm
 libAirports.a(simple.o): In function 
 std::char_traitschar, std::allocatorchar  const)':
 /usr/include/c++/3.2/bits/basic_string.h:781: undefined reference to 
 `c4_Storage::c4_Storage[in-charge](char const*, int)'

This indicates that is not picking up the metakit library -lmk4

Is it installed

Is your installed version compiled with g++ 3.2
The C++ ABI changed with this release

Be sure to read



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Help: Current Ground Elevation

2002-09-30 Thread Norman Vine

David Megginson writes:

 Norman Vine writes:
   I am still not convinced that your tile is actually loaded though
   and don't really know the 'best' way to check for that given the
   'lazy' loader.
 I can think of two options:
 1. we can attach a separate deferred model queue to each deferred
tile, so that the queue is not run until the tile is actually
loaded; or
 2. we can add an option to force tile loading.
 Option #1 is probably more efficient, but option #2 could be useful
 for other types of requirements (such as determining the elevation of
 a distant ground station).

I take it you have determined that the tile is not actually loaded ??

Knowing this is important in that there may be a flaw in the hitlist
routines if they are in fact loaded !!


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Help: Current Ground Elevation

2002-09-30 Thread Norman Vine

David Megginson writes:

 I would like to make it possible to specify the elevation of static
 and shared objects AGL as well as ASL, but for that, I need to know
 the elevation ASL at a specific location (not the current view
 position).  I have taken a look at the fgCurrentElev() functions in
 hitlist.cxx and (I think) supplied the right parameters, but I'm
 getting no intersection.
 The problem location is tileentry.cxx -- search for OBJECT_STATIC to
 find the right chunk of code.  Somehow, there, I want to be able to
 determine what ground elevation is at the lon/lat supplied.

 this doesn't directly answer your question but 

Seems to me that all OBJECT_STATIC information can and should
be determined at scenery creatation time not during Flight Time.  

ie STATIC objects should be created with offline tools

This is probably easiest to do by just adding a variation of the 
magic-carpet mode to teleport to the positions listed in a file 
and to create a new file with the information requested

If you use a 'minimal' visibility this will be quite fast.
One could turn off all the actual rendering too but I think that
the visual feedback night prove useful

This could even be extended to where this new mode read a list
of scenery files to read which needed the 'elevations' plugged in
and rewrote these files in a batch operation


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] ASP PHOTO GALLERY

2002-10-01 Thread Norman Vine


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Documentation

2002-10-01 Thread Norman Vine

Jon Berndt writes:

  Jon S Berndt writes:
   Does anyone have any experience with moving from Doc++ to
   Doxygen? I'm thinking of making the move. Doxygen seems to
   be what I had hoped Doc++ would become, but seems to have
   stalled. It looks like many of the identifiers are the
  Doxygen started life as Doc++ so  just
  % doxygen -g
 see below before running this command
  % doxygen Doxyfile
  I take it you have used Doxygen? 

Nope :-)

I guessed that given it's lineage the standard invocation 
proceedure might 'just work'.

and it did !


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] STL and vectors

2002-10-03 Thread Norman Vine

Erik Hofman writes:
 David Megginson wrote:
  Erik Hofman writes:
Can someone explain me how to erase a member from an STL vector?
I've tried several things, but it looks like it isn't removed anyhow.
  You need to use erase(), passing in an iterator (yes, I know, I hate
  STL iterators too -- another idea that was just a little too clever).

 Is there an easy way to get an itterator from an indexed value (e.g.
 value[1]), or do i need do to everything with iterators then?

how about

vector v;


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: [Flightgear-users] Looking for property list - Q#4

2002-10-04 Thread Norman Vine

David Megginson

 Norman Vine writes:

   But there are many Fixed Lists of  properties for example
   PitotSystem::init ()
   _serviceable_node = fgGetNode(/systems/pitot[0]/serviceable,
   _pressure_node = fgGetNode(/environment/pressure-inhg, true);
   _density_node = fgGetNode(/environment/density-slugft3, true);
   _velocity_node = fgGetNode(/velocities/uBody-fps, true);
   _total_pressure_node =
   fgGetNode(/systems/pitot[0]/total-pressure-inhg, true);
   and I can't add to this list without creating another 'C' variable

 You will soon, however.  We need to be able to support multiple
 systems (like vacuum pumps), so once we have all of the initial
 versions running, you'll be able to specify what input and output
 properties each instantiation of a system (or instrument) uses.

Sure, but I am willing to bet that each of those systems will have
a 'hardwired' set of 'possible' nodes and that there will be a vector
of the system's instances so will still be a 'C' interface definition.

   We should have documentation as to what these HARD CODED terms are.
   Using the 'property browser' is a great way to inspect a running
   instance of FGFS but is a poor excuse for the 'Official
   Documentation' of the 'properties'

 I think that's a great idea, as long as we recognize that it will be
 perpetually a work in progress.

In what way is this any different then the 'C' code ??


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ASP PHOTO GALLERY

2002-10-06 Thread Norman Vine

Alex Perry writes:

  Norman Vine writes:

 Of course, for the non-free images which are dirt cheap on a per airport
 basis (given the scripting above), I note the absence of any licence
 comments on the site ... leading to the question of whether I could give
 my custom scenery patch to others afterwards.

You should definately check the license info before purchasing
but in general the 'purchaser' of a US product has full rights to
the product after purchase unless specifically stated otherwise.

FWIW - I was involved in a 'minor' investigation 10 years or so ago
concerning my distributing source for a program I had purchased
from NASA and it was 'deemed' that I was completely within my 'rights'
in that NASA had placed no 'restrictions' on redistribution

This is 'doubly' true for 'map' related data as it has ALWAYS been a
policy of the US that freely available map data is in the national
interest.  Note this is a MUCH different philosophy then other countries.
Recently due to cost issues the US has started to charge a 'distribution
for data gotten from government agencies but this does not change
the basic US philosophy about free map data being 'good' for the economy

Also note this does not apply to 'classified military map data' but only
that data which is 'officially distributed' either from non military sources
or is expressly designated as 'non-classified'

AFAIK it would take an act of congress to change this 'basic' philosophy
as it was an act of congress that established this policy 200+ years ago



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] VASI

2002-10-07 Thread Norman Vine

 Curtis L. Olson writes:
   What I'm looking for is somethingn to the effect that a VASI light bar
   is a row of n lights spaced x meters apart.  VASI light bars are
   spaced y meters apart along the length of the runway.
   And if I'm really lucky I'd get the difference in degrees in alignment
   between the two/three light bars.  I.e. bottom bar turns red at 3
   degrees, top bar turns red at 3.25 degrees (or something like that.)
 These should all be governed by federal standards, and those standards
 should be online somewhere.

maybe this would help

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] VASI

2002-10-07 Thread Norman Vine

Curtis L. Olson writes

 Norman Vine writes:
   Curtis L. Olson writes:
 What I'm looking for is somethingn to the effect that a VASI light
 is a row of n lights spaced x meters apart.  VASI light bars
 spaced y meters apart along the length of the runway.

 And if I'm really lucky I'd get the difference in degrees in
 between the two/three light bars.  I.e. bottom bar turns red at 3
 degrees, top bar turns red at 3.25 degrees (or something like
   These should all be governed by federal standards, and those standards
   should be online somewhere.
  maybe this would help

 That gives a good overview of how the VASI works from a pilot's
 perspective, but it still doesn't show exactly how the vasi bars are
 positioned relative the threshold, the runway edge and each other.
 And it doesn't show details of the bar itself.  I assume a VASI bar is
 a row of individual lights, but how many?  How far apart are the
 individual lights in the bar placed?

I am not sure that there is a 'regulation' that states this exactly
my reading of the above link indicates that things vary on an airport
by airport basis in that local conditions vary and it is the overall
'effect' of the lights and the 'pathway' they mark that is regulated

My reading of this australian document seems to confirm this

here is a link for aeronautical survey related documents
 these are the surveys that must be made in order to get FAA
   approval for an airport 

there are photographs of several different 'conforming types'
linked at the bottom of this page



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] environment mapping question

2002-10-09 Thread Norman Vine

Christian Mayer writes:

 Curtis L. Olson wrote:
  Here's a question I'll throw out to the list on my way to bed.
  I'm working on VASI/PAPI type lights tonight and am running into a
  problem.  I'm using environment mapping with the normal aligned along
  the desired approach path.  This almost works as expected except for
  one major problem.  The texture coordinate that is generated is
  ***highly*** dependent on the object's position on the screen.
  Thus, on approach, simply pitching up or down radically changes the
  color of the vasi light, even though the relative view position
  changes very little.

 Something to take cara about with environment mapping is the orientation
 of the normal vector. If you've got it wron (i.e. pointing away from you
 not towards you) you'll see the singularity - and thus quite possibly
 rapid changes.

I haven't played much with enviroment mapping yet but I was wondering
if there needed to be a transform on top of each light that in essence moved
the lookat vector to point directly at each light instead of being aligned
with the normal FGFS lookat vector.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ANN: AI traffic from Dave Luff

2002-10-10 Thread Norman Vine

David Megginson writes:
 That's a good point.  The other option would be to cut down the Hz for
 the AIs -- how low could we make it before the autopilot lost control
 -- 10Hz?  2Hz?

you can easily experiment for yourself by playing with the 
/sim/model-hz value

good luck !


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Flightgear scenery editor?

2002-10-10 Thread Norman Vine

David Megginson

 David Luff writes:

   I'm sure someone on this list has mentioned that they're developing an
   interactive scenery editor, but I can't find a link to it either on the
   Flightgear site or Google.  Could someone post a link if they know it
   please.  I'm basically looking for the easiest way to position a cursor
   over part of the scenery and have a read-out of lat/lon.

   fgfs --fdm=magic --disable-panel --enable-hud


Its nice to have reverse


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Flightgear scenery editor?

2002-10-10 Thread Norman Vine

Curtis L. Olson writes:

 David Megginson writes:
  David Luff writes:
I'm sure someone on this list has mentioned that they're developing
interactive scenery editor, but I can't find a link to it either on
Flightgear site or Google.  Could someone post a link if they know it
please.  I'm basically looking for the easiest way to position a
over part of the scenery and have a read-out of lat/lon.
fgfs --fdm=magic --disable-panel --enable-hud

 There was a time when if you paused the sim, it would dump the local
 lon, lat, elev to the console so you could copy/paste that into some
 other file you were working on, but I don't think that feature has
 survived the peer review process.

re-Invention-is-a-wonderful-thing-to-behold'ly yrs


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Init-order problem fixed for *-set.xml files

2002-10-10 Thread Norman Vine

Curtis L. Olson writes:

 David Megginson writes:
  I just checked in changed to fix the init-order problem for *-set.xml
  files.  My solution was blunt but effective.  I simply parse all of
  the system.fgfsrc, $HOME/.fgfsrc, and command-line options twice --
  once before loading the *-set.xml file, to make sure the correct
  aircraft is picked up, and once afterwards, to allow the command-line
  to override anything that was changed.
  The problem manifested itself when other aircraft (such as the 747)
  picked up the default aileron trim setting for the JSBSim 172.
  By the way, does anyone still use a system.fgfsrc, or can I remove
  that old code?
 I think preferences.xml and the aircraft-set.xml files pretty much
 cover any functionality that was intended to handle.

PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE the .fgfsrc option until 
such time has we have a 'options editor'


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Airspeed indicator and pitot system

2002-10-10 Thread Norman Vine

Alex Perry writes:

  David writes:
  I wonder if the casual users appreciate all the work we're doing to
  make the instruments less reliable.

 Don't you remember the massive amount of whingeing (a couple of years ago)
 when I stuck all the compass turning errors onto the DG instrument ?
 The simulated aluminium was just _raining_ out of the sky ...

I will still argue that the method used was and still is poor

There are those who want 'steam' and those who don't

Forcing BOGUS values into the ONLY autopilot wasa CRASS
thing for 'Johnny come lately's' to do.  IF you had built a NEW
autopilot and left the old one as is I would have been one of
the biggest proponents of 'steam', In stead you forced
me to take an adversarial position which I still hold

FWIW - I put a LOT of effort into getting the navigational parts
of FGFS working this included a lot of 'gentle nudging' and a lot
of code and I RESENT having been force to used COOKED variables
when I might not always always want to.

FYI there was a time when Curt and I were probably the only two
people that understood at least 90% of the code and we spent a LOT
of energy and time trying to teach and/or explain to others how it all
worked.  I certainly didn't do that expecting those whom we 'enlightned'
to change the code such that it was nigh onto impossible to use it
in ways that I wanted too.

To sum up I think that the work that has been done to make the
'instruments' act like a C172 is fantastic but it SHOULD be an option
and not 'the way'


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Airport Database Model

2002-10-10 Thread Norman Vine

Andy Ross

 Curtis L. Olson wrote:
  Just a couple thoughts to consider.  We are looking at 16-20,000
  airports so we couldn't stuff them all in a single directory.  Even
  splitting them into subdirectories by first letter probably isn't
 There are 17073 airports in the current database.  Splitting on first
 letter only, the largest is (no surprise) 'K', with 2161 airports.  On
 a lark, I created such a directory containing all the US airports.
 The creation process was relatively slow -- 20 seconds or so.  But
 once the files are there, access to them is very fast (a few tenths of
 a second).  This was true even after I was careful to flush the buffer
 cache by cat'ing a different disk to /dev/null, if the stuff is in the
 cache, of course, access is milliseconds at most.  If you think about
 it, 2000 is about the same number as the number of device files in
 /dev, and no is complaining about performance issues there.
 And remember, we can split on the first two bytes (K/S/KSFO.xml)
 without any more difficulty (one extra line of code) and the whole
 problem goes away.
  Also, consider that with zillions of tiny files, much space
  is wasted on the file system which hits people in the windows land the
  hardest it seems because they often have a very large minimum file
 This is a good point, actually.  Almost all the Linux filesystems use
 a 4k block as the minimum allocation unit*, and I presume NTFS is
 similar.  Still, though, 4k per airport is still a tiny fraction of
 the size of the scenery.  Remember that with a file per airport, there
 is no need to have the whole airport database in the base package.
 You can download the airports along with the scenery.
 The windows issue is, I think, true only on very old FAT32 variants.
 I'm pretty sure the block size limitation went away at the same time
 the 2G limit did, no?  Everything from Win98SE on should be fine, I
 believe.  Any windows users want to comment?  Certainly anyone running
 XP won't have this problem.

For the Index I reccomend making a single trie on the airport name
that stores the bucket of the actual airport data file which lives in the
same spot as it currently does.  Then In each 10x10 degree directory
I propose that we have a KD-tree spatial index of the positions of each
airport in that block.  This 2 tiered approach should give lighning fast 
lookups to both airport by name and what airports are near by.

The indexes should be binary and we should distribute the tools that 
rebuild them when they change which won't be that often nor take
very long.  The indexes chould be able to dump themselves as XML
files to facilitate rebuilding them and for easy inspection.

With such a scheme we should be able to access any airport and 
determine which airports are within some sane distance in much 
less then a few tenths of a second  order of manitude less at least 



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Airport Database Model

2002-10-10 Thread Norman Vine

Andy Ross writes:

 Norman wrote:
  [ ... indexing scheme involving spacial partitions and trees ... ]
  With such a scheme we should be able to access any airport and
  determine which airports are within some sane distance in much
  less then a few tenths of a second  order of manitude less at least

 My point was that a really simple one-file-per-airport scheme (you
 basically can't get any more maintainable than that) would work with
 adequate performance for typical usage.

My scheme also uses one file per airport PLUS two fairly advanced yet
relatively simple indexes for lightning quick seaches.

I hope you note that I used a trie which is just a binary implementation
of the individual file basd method that you proposed

And there is a performance issue here with searching radio frequencies
for stations within range hence the spatial index for each 10x10 degree

I believe that my proposal is a 'Dr Pangloss' type solution

 * Well, and that it involves a 3rd party C++ library that insists on
   installing itself as a shared library

% cd $metakit
% ../unix/configure --disable-shared
% make core
% make install

best-of-both-worlds'ly yr's


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Init-order problem fixed for *-set.xml files

2002-10-10 Thread Norman Vine

David Megginson

 Norman Vine writes:
I think preferences.xml and the aircraft-set.xml files pretty much
cover any functionality that was intended to handle.
   PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE the .fgfsrc option until 
   such time has we have a 'options editor'
 I have not suggested doing so; I'm suggesting only system.fgfsrc

Apoplogies,  I should have said system.fgfsrc also 
FYI - is the the equivalent thing as ~/.fgfsrc for Windows users



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Airspeed indicator and pitot system

2002-10-10 Thread Norman Vine

David Megginson writes:

 Norman Vine wrote:

   To sum up I think that the work that has been done to make the
   'instruments' act like a C172 is fantastic but it SHOULD be an option
   and not 'the way'
 It should be not just an option but the default option, at least when
 we're simulating a C172.  Still, the property tree does make it easy
 to do things different ways when you want to -- that was its

Yes thank you for finally making doable but it did take 
a lot of simulated aluminium just _raining_ out of the sky ...
and a lot of rewriting code that just plainly ignored the
the 'true' values that were there

but enough 



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Airspeed indicator and pitot system

2002-10-10 Thread Norman Vine

David Megginson

 Norman Vine writes:
   I will still argue that the method used was and still is poor
   There are those who want 'steam' and those who don't
 Sure, and we make both available through the property tree.  If you
 want to know the exact true heading, look at /orientation/heading-deg;
 if you want to know the indicated compass heading, look at
 /steam/whatever, soon
 /instrumentation/magnetic-compass/indicated-heading-deg.  No one took
 away information that you had before, and the HUD still displays the
 exact heading if you're interested.
 On the other hand, it's just silly to build a control panel that looks
 like a real one and not have it act that way -- why waste all the
 texture memory to simulate analog gauges when the HUD can do the job
   Forcing BOGUS values into the ONLY autopilot wasa CRASS
   thing for 'Johnny come lately's' to do.  IF you had built a NEW
   autopilot and left the old one as is I would have been one of
   the biggest proponents of 'steam', In stead you forced
   me to take an adversarial position which I still hold
 I have no objection to a new autopilot module if someone wants to
 build it; the current one is fine but it's showing its age a bit.
 That said, it shouldn't be hard to make it configurable to use
 different property sources for specialized applications like your
 (Norm's) GIS work.
   To sum up I think that the work that has been done to make the
   'instruments' act like a C172 is fantastic but it SHOULD be an option
   and not 'the way'
 It should be not just an option but the default option, at least when
 we're simulating a C172.  Still, the property tree does make it easy
 to do things different ways when you want to -- that was its
 All the best,
 David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Flightgear-devel mailing list

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FWIW

2002-10-14 Thread Norman Vine

Cameron Moore

 * [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Norman Vine) [2002.10.13 00:02]:
  but FWIW I just cheat
 Interesting stuff.  I can't help but point out that bridgekeeper is
 written in perl.  ;-)  

But of course !!

It has to  parse a Perl program :-))



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FSAA frustration continues (Nvidia forum post)

2002-10-15 Thread Norman Vine

Curtis L. Olson

 Geoff Reidy writes:
  The major problem I have with fgfs is that I seem to hit a race
  condition where all graphics and sound stop for extended periods of time
  (up to about 30 secs),

 This most likely relates to freeing tile memory (i.e. moving old tiles
 out of the cache and reclaiming their memory.)  This was never a fast
 process and could result in frame rate glitches.  When David added
 random ground cover objects, the problem got *really* bad because the
 scene graph structure of a tile got a lot larger.  David and I worked
 really hard to optimize that, and I further worked on a partial tile
 free-er so we could spread the load out over multiple frames.  This
 should have been all fixed by version 0.8.0 so that you should see
 very little frame rate impact when you cross a tile boundary.  What
 version of flightgear are you running?

The same thing happens for me with both Cygwin gcc 2.95.2
and MingW gcc 3.2 both using Doug Lea's malloc routines which
I believe is what most Linux distributions use

CVS version of Cygwin

Implemeting the thread support seems to make this even worse
but this is a totally unscientific observation

This is bad enough so that any flight covering more then 1000km or
so is futile for me as once the condition starts it reoccurs quite


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] FSAA frustration continues (Nvidia forum post)

2002-10-15 Thread Norman Vine

Curtis L. Olson writes:

 Norman Vine writes:
  The same thing happens for me with both Cygwin gcc 2.95.2
  and MingW gcc 3.2 both using Doug Lea's malloc routines which
  I believe is what most Linux distributions use
 It might be worth verifying that my partial tile free-er routine is
 actually running.  If it's not running or is being bypassed some how,
 then the condition you are reporting is very understandable.  If it is
 being run, then it's not doing it's job correctly and should be looked
 into.  You can also tune how much of the tile is deleted per frame.

I have twiddled the amount freed each time before but I see the code
has changed a little since the last time I tried this.

FWIW - I ended up assuming that my poor little 256 meg machine
just wasn't big enough to run FGFS anymore under Windows as it 
appears to be memory related disk thrashing that is killing me.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Wright flyer

2002-10-16 Thread Norman Vine

Jim Wilson writes:

 David Megginson [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

  Curtis L. Olson writes:
Your Wright flyer model is really starting to look sharp!  Good
work. :-)
  It looks great -- this is the first time I've tried it.  With the
  mouse, at least, it's also quite easy to fly -- I had to work hard to
  make it overrotate.

 Thanks.  It's getting there.  I'm still trying to figure out from
 description how the elevator mecahnism works (for animation).  Might need
 go down to Owl's head again to take a another look at their replica.
 thinking about wing warping... (hints to the animation code guru :-))

look at the PLIB exposer demo for how the bones go together :^)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Boeing Unveils Bird of Prey Stealth Technology Demonstrator

2002-10-18 Thread Norman Vine

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] breakage

2002-10-19 Thread Norman Vine
Andy Ross writes:

 John Check wrote: 
  void (*glPointParameterfvEXT)(unsigned int, const GLfloat*)
  glPointParameterfvEXT(unsigned int, const GLfloat*)'
 OK, this one looks kinda wrong.  Our code is defining its own copy of
 the glPointParameter function pointers, when they've already been
 declared as regular functions in gl.h.  What's the purpose here?  All
 of the declared extensions are supposed to be defined in the ARB
 glext.h header, I believe.  User-level code shouldn't have to play
 this kind of game anymore.

This is true in the non-windows world, but since the distributed M$oft 
OpenGL is version 1.1 this is a major pain to do easily in a cross platform
way.  FWIW making this transparent is what the extgl package in the 
Clouds3D directory is trying to do.   Perhaps it is time to bring up
cross platform OpenGL extension handling on the PLIB list.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Airspeed indicator and pitot system

2002-10-20 Thread Norman Vine
Alex Perry

  Alex Perry writes:
   I am not aware of a GPS unit that is able to report heading rather
   track, but as far as I know, only cost is the driving factor there.

 I should have said aviation approved.  Any three-antenna DGPS install
 among other things, replace all the INS platform (ignoring availability).

AFAIK You don't need DGPS for heading

I understand that this kind of instrument might not be desirable in a
Flight Training Device  yet  but there is certainly no reason not to
model it in a general purpose flight simulator as it is the future and
I bet it or its equivalant is in the air already if for no other reason then
to gather data inorder to get 'aviation certification'.



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Airspeed indicator and pitot system

2002-10-20 Thread Norman Vine
Alex Perry writes:

   Any three-antenna DGPS install can,
   among other things, replace all the INS platform (ignoring

 Norman responded:
  AFAIK You don't need DGPS for heading

 I don't see how you'll manage heading reliably without going differential.
 The two links you pointed out, for example, were differential systems.

The more separation between the antennas the better

but a 'relative to each other' a multiple antenna system locked to the
same 'clock' for each satelite is its own differential system with respect
to the differance in the SAME signal recieved at the two locations.

Not this is only valid for the relative 'position difference vector' which
happens to the directional vector between the antenae
eg heading :-)

absolute measurements such as position and/or elevation are a
different story

in other words since all antennas are receiving the same error
the error is nullified in relative position calculations



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ***long*** pauses after flying a while

2002-10-24 Thread Norman Vine
David Megginson

 Norman Vine writes:

   IMHO we should take advantage of our existing bucketing by fans
   and put the LOD nodes at the 'leaf's branch' level instead of the
   triangle level.  Just doing this would save us LOTS of nodes and should
   speed things up a bit and not require YAN set of branches :-)

 It's not a bad idea, but a single leaf can cover a very large area;
 using the individual triangles cuts out at least some of the popping

If anything I would think that this would cause objects to be drawn
earlier hence decreasing the popping effects

Also even though we probably would be drawing more objects
I wouldn't expect much of a hit in that there would be lot fewer
culling operations


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ***long*** pauses after flying a while

2002-10-24 Thread Norman Vine
Curtis L. Olson writes:

 Norman Vine writes:
   How big is the hit if you simply delete a higher-level node and let
   plib delete all of the branches and leaves underneath automatically?
  My guess is that we would gain more by having the random objects
  connected to the leaf rather then to the individual triangles.

 Well a leaf by definition is the end of the line.  If there were more
 kids connected to a leaf, then it wouldn't be a leaf, it would be a
 branch.  Only leaves can contain geomotry, and only branches can have
 kids attached to them.

Sorry .. of course I meant the Leaf's branch :-)

 Ultimately, what we need to do is deepen the stucture.  Rather than
 having 1 parent with 4000 kids, we need a parent with say 50-100 sub
 branches, and each of those sub branches has 50-100 leaf nodes.  Each
 ground cover object needs to be placed an oriented so it needs an
 individual transform node above it.  Things like trees are also
 rotated to face the viewer so they need an additional cutout node
 (i.e. billboard) to do this.

 This is a lot of additional work, but one idea would be to divide up a
 tile into 8x8 or 10x10 smaller chunks.  Each chunk would have a branch
 node under the top level node (64-100 sub branches.)  Then each random
 object would get tossed into the appropriate sub branch based on it's
 location in the tile.  This would keep the kid list sizes from
 becoming insanely large and would also benefit things like view
 frustum culling.

This is basically what I was suggesting

Currently there is a LOD node for every material for every triangle :-(

IMHO we should take advantage of our existing bucketing by fans
and put the LOD nodes at the 'leaf's branch' level instead of the individual
triangle level.  Just doing this would save us LOTS of nodes and should
speed things up a bit and not require YAN set of branches :-)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ***long*** pauses after flying a while

2002-10-24 Thread Norman Vine
Curtis L. Olson writes:

 David Megginson writes:
  What I meant is that you use your scheduler a little higher up the
  scene tree.  The dynamic objects, for example, are under separate
  branches for each scenery triangle; just deleting the top-level
  triangle branch should be good enough, rather than recursing right to
  the bottom of the tree and picking off the individual leaf nodes.

 Unfortunately, plib doesn't work quite as you'd hope/expect.  If to
 remove all kids it does:

 void ssgBranch::removeAllKids (void)
   ssgEntity *k ;

   while ( ( k = getKid ( 0 ) ) != NULL )
 removeKid ( k ) ;

 This means that the code finds the pointer to the first kid and
 removes it individual (requiring a linear search for each element.)

here is some experimental code I have been playing with
which I think works and should help a biit

maybe others could test, and improve it etc.
before I submit it to PLIB

PLIB / src / ssg / ssgList.cxx

#define NHV_TEST
#ifdef NHV_TEST
void ssgList::removeAllEntities ()
while ( total  0 )
removeEntity ( (unsigned int) (total-1) ) ;

void ssgList::removeEntity ( unsigned int n )
memmove ( (entity_list[n]), (entity_list[n+1]), sizeof(ssgEntity
*) * (total-n) ) ;

if ( next = n )
next-- ;
void ssgList::removeAllEntities ()
  while ( total  0 )
removeEntity ( (unsigned int) 0 ) ;

void ssgList::removeEntity ( unsigned int n )
  memmove ( (entity_list[n]), (entity_list[n+1]), sizeof(ssgEntity *) *
(total-n-1) ) ;
  total-- ;

  if ( next = n )
next-- ;

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ***long*** pauses after flying a while

2002-10-24 Thread Norman Vine
Andy Ross writes:

 David Megginson wrote:
  How big is the hit if you simply delete a higher-level node and let
  plib delete all of the branches and leaves underneath automatically?
 Probably equivalent.  The overhead is usually in all the per-chunk
 bookeeping, not the function calls.
 We could try playing games with operator new, I suppose.  We know for
 a fact that all these objects will be deleted at the same time, so we
 can in theory do much better than a general purpose allocator.

FWIW - I started looking into this a while ago and was thinking of
having a specialized 'Pool allocator' that never really deleted
the random objects but placed them on a 'freelist' from which
they could be doled out.   I think that this would be a big gain
but probably not worth the energy until we have stabalized on
a 'better' chunked data structure



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Solution: setting the heading indicator from a GPS

2002-10-24 Thread Norman Vine
David Megginson writes:

 I little while ago, I made a posting asking how a pilot in the
 Canadian far north (where magnetic compass readings are not useful)
 could reset the heading indicator in flight using a single GPS
 The answer is actually fairly simple, if you don't mind a brief course
 excursion: turn the plane until the ground speed reading on the GPS
 receiver maximizes or minimizes, and then the GPS track will be almost
 identical to your heading since you'll have a pure headwind or
 To allow for lags in the GPS, 

Nit -- to allow for lags in the GPS computer's track computation
Most GPS's have a 'track' and a 'heading' feature.  Where the 
'heading' is usually determined from a piece of the 'track'  This is 
computed from the X most recent locations or after at least X distance 
has been traveled.  The 'X' values above are ususlly 'user tunable'
even in the cheapest of sets these days.

Note that as someone who made a living relying on precise navigation 
for many years the GPS 'heading' determined in this way is to be 
trusted when autopilot is engaged ONLY after a considerable period
of time or distance was traversed and no course changes were made

Also note in my experience that this reading is NOT to be trusted
when not under autopilot control unless you have a GOOD visual
target at a distant range to help manitain a constant course.  

Also note that the heading from a GPS I was refering to previously
is an entirely different beast and will give an instantaneous accurate

YMMV but the prudent navigator .



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] ***long*** pauses after flying a while

2002-10-24 Thread Norman Vine
David Megginson writes:

 Curtis L. Olson writes:
   However there is still an issue to worry about.  The random ground
   cover code can create thousands of objects which means a branch node
   in our scene graph with thousands of kids.  plib is not exactly
   efficient at deleting kids and even if you know the index, it converts
   this to a  pointer and then later needs to do a linear search to find
   the index again.  I've submitted a patch to the plib list to help with
   this, but I've never had good luck getting any plib code to change.
 How big is the hit if you simply delete a higher-level node and let
 plib delete all of the branches and leaves underneath automatically?

My guess is that we would gain more by having the random objects
connected to the leaf rather then to the individual triangles.

This would mean that the culling would not be as fine grained but
the bookeeping overhead would be a LOT less.  Of course the actual
result of this change would vary depending on processor speed and
GFX card but as the GFX cards are always getting better I believe this 
would eventually always be a WIN as long as we stay with our 'tri-fan' 
vs a 'tri-strip' approach in that 'fans' are usually 'optimium' for culling


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Solution: setting the heading indicator froma GPS

2002-10-24 Thread Norman Vine
Tony Peden writes:
 Hmm, curious.  How can you get anything but ground track from a single
 receiver with a single antenna?

You can't,  but ...
your ground track is a 'heading' if ...
you keep a steady course.

This is not as hard as it sounds with a GPS because
most units allow you to program in a waypoint and 
then will give you a 'cross track error' updated at
every fix so you can adjust things.  

Yes this begs the question as to what about wind
and drift so I guess I should qualify that as to be
'course made good' instead of 'heading' but in
practical terms it is the 'course made good' that

apologies for the 'nautical' terminology and reference
but this is an excellent read and 'current' for a ship has 
the same effect as the wind on a 'plane' when considering

wish I knew of a book that covered using a GPS as well
as this does a sextant that I could point at



Flightgear-devel mailing list


2002-09-30 Thread Norman Vine

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] 13.49 Maneuvering and Control of Surface and Underwater Vehicles, Fall 2000, Co

2002-09-30 Thread Norman Vine

A lot of good stuff here much of it is directly applicable

The book though aimed at the marine enviroment should be a good read
for any control-simulation engineer


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Help: Current Ground Elevation

2002-09-30 Thread Norman Vine
David Megginson writes:

 Curtis L. Olson writes:

   I think Norman was talking about some sort of automated magic carpet


 That would be slow,

use minimal visibility and turn off any calls that actually render anything,
ssgCullAndDraw, pre(post)RenderSky ect,  and it should be 'quite fast'.

 but it would work at first.  The problem is that
 we'd have to rerun the whole thing whenever the base scenery changed.


Reruning the static scenery tools when the static scenery changes
almost seems like a logical thing todo 

 It will be a lot more flexible and simpler to allow placing objects on
 the ground automatically, once we work out some of the problems.

David - You still haven't answered my question about your problem
Is the points containing tile loaded when you are trying to get it's
elevation ??

If it isn't then you just need to load it before making your query to the
elevation routine and then it should just work using a similar method to
what Jim uses for Tower placement

If there is still a 'chicken / egg' problem then I guess you will need
yet another queue similar to the 'defered model queue' but I suspect
that just adding the dynamic objects into the DM queue might suffice

hard to tell with out actually seeing the code you are trying to use

But IMO this is static scenery and should be processed offline when
at all feasable as we already have a 'stutter' issue and FGFS itself
 with proper tuning as above  is IMO the logical 'filter'


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Starter problem: solved

2002-10-11 Thread Norman Vine
David Megginson writes:
 Instead, we should set the appropriate switches to 'on' in
 preferences.xml or c172-*-set.xml so that the user can override.  For
 the starter, a default to 'on' is clearly not what we want.

  *-*-set.xml so that the user can override.  

The Sim is more then a C172 simulator


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] starting the c310u3a-3d

2002-10-11 Thread Norman Vine
David Megginson writes:

 Please remember that FlightGear is not just a
 visualizer for batch-mode aero runs -- people use it to fly

NIT:  Please remember what it says on our Home Page

The FlightGear project is working to create a sophisticated flight
simulator framework for the development and pursuit of interesting flight
simulator ideas. We are developing a solid, basic sim that can be expanded
and improved upon by anyone interested in contributing. 

OOPS --  I see that this has changed too.

The goal of the FlightGear project is to create a sophisticated flight
simulator framework for use in research or academic environments, for the
development and pursuit of other interesting flight simulation ideas, and as
an end-user application. We are developing a sophisticated, open simulation
framework that can be expanded and improved upon by anyone interested in

Can't find the CVS log entry but it is relatively recent



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Airspeed indicator and pitot system

2002-10-11 Thread Norman Vine
David Megginson

 Norman Vine writes:
I don't think you really need a proper autopilot for using true
values, just something that works with the magic FDM and moves the
plane in a certain direction at a certain speed -- more of an
animation manager than an autopilot.
 Norm, Norm, Norm -- I'm very disappointed.  You're the one who has
 spent the most time drilling into everyone's head that GPS receiver
 readings are *not* the same as true values.

David David David

You rewrite history well

all the best


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Airport Database Model

2002-10-11 Thread Norman Vine
Simon Fowler writes:

 What about simply putting all the airport files in the scenery, and
 having a script that searched through the scenery directories for
 all the *-apt.xml files and built/updated a set of indexes from
 them? That keeps the files in the right place, and gives the indices
 needed to get fast lookups based on whatever criteria are needed.

Sounds good to me 

Now we just need to figure out what we want for indices

The way I see it we have two radically different needs
  1)  Search by name
  2)  Search by location

1) is easy and we could just use metakit or any other disk based 
 indexable file   I have suggested using a trie 

2) is a little more complicated but we allready have a good start
 if we leverage the Scenery directory structure
 I suggested using a quadtree for each 10x10 degree block
 but there are spherical indexing methods that might be better
 in that there is no cos(lat) shrink factor to account for when doing
 range lookups.  Here is a link to a good one
 note this package is near optimum for a show all points within
 X distance when on a sphere and should be great at keeping 
 an updated list of radio frequencies that were within range
 at 'altitude'.  This is not a trivial task



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Airport Database Model

2002-10-12 Thread Norman Vine
David Megginson writes:

 Norman Vine writes:

   2) is a little more complicated but we allready have a good start
if we leverage the Scenery directory structure


I suggested using a quadtree for each 10x10 degree block
but there are spherical indexing methods that might be better
in that there is no cos(lat) shrink factor to account for when
range lookups.

 Remember Knuth's (?) warnings about premature optimization,

FWIW IMHO We really should move the entire scennery DB into a
spherically oriented scheme.  It would be quite easy using the
spherical indexing method in the link that I posted and then we
wouldn't need any index other then the directory tree




Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Airport Database Model

2002-10-12 Thread Norman Vine
Andy Ross
 Right.  But this indexing of nearby objects can be done in memory
 (since the set of nearby objects is already available via the tile
 set). There's not need for anything fancy on disk.

FGFS should be able to answer simple flightplan questions
like I am leaving from KSFO flying to KLGA show me all airports
that are large enough to handle a 747 within 100 miles of my flightpath.  

Indexing makes this trivial



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Some little bugs report from an enthusiast new user...

2002-10-13 Thread Norman Vine

David Megginson

 Tommygio writes:

   1) The swtch --cloud-disable disables the default cloud layer,
   but not the puffy effect at the layer altitude.

 OK, I've just fixed that -- the changes will appear in CVS shortly.

   2) In the chase view with the default airplane, the cockpit's
   textures can be seen throught the wings.

 I think this problem started when the 3D clouds were added, but I'm
 not sure.

If we are refering to the 'opaqeness' when flying through a 'layer's
then this has been a long standing issue. That I kept meaning to look into



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Wright Flyer

2002-10-17 Thread Norman Vine
Jim Wilson writes:
 Hmmm... I did a google on spirit level wright flyer and nothing came up.
 Any idea what it looks like?

Probably like one  oops two  of these
one aligned with the wing and one aligned with the body


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Numeric Terminology

2002-10-25 Thread Norman Vine
David Megginson writes:

 Are there simple technical terms to distinguish the digits on the left
 side of the decimal point from those on the right?

whole part . decimal part

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] I've got a few minutes to spare

2002-10-26 Thread Norman Vine
Jon Berndt

 I've got a few minutes to spare this evening, so I'm going to try again to
 build the latest development flightgear.


 1) I plan on using the latest bleeding edge flightgear sources from
 development CVS. Which base package do I download?

 2) Does the base package from #1 (above) work with the latest simgear and

 3) Any issues with Cygwin and trying the above approach?

If you are using a VERY recent cygwin which BTW is VERY GOOD
make sure you do this first

% export CC=gcc-2
% export CXX=c++-2

so as to use gcc-2.95.2

There are some issues with the STL3.2 that is shipping with WIN32
I believe most easily solved by adding

#if (__GNUC__ == 3  __GNUC_MINOR__ = 2  __CYGWIN__)
#  include iostream

to the top of simgear/compiler.h


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Clickable cockpit

2002-10-26 Thread Norman Vine
Andy Ross writes:

 OK, I *finally* got a chance this weekend to sit down and crank on
 FlightGear code.  It's been a while.  Attached are three patches for
 review.  Complete files for Curt are available at:
 The first is just a port of an old 3D HUD patch to the new view code.
 This pans the HUD with the view, by pasting it onto a quad fixed in
 front of the viewer.  


Your scrollable HUD is GREAT but can you make this a 'preferences'
controled option so that we can keep the older HUD as there are 
many reasons for having a 'fixed' fullscreen HUD too.



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Clickable cockpit

2002-10-27 Thread Norman Vine
Andy Ross writes:

 Norman Vine wrote:
   Your scrollable HUD is GREAT but can you make this a 'preferences'
   controled option so that we can keep the older HUD as there are
   reasons for having a 'fixed' fullscreen HUD too.

  There is a need for a 3D view-dependent HUD that mimics
 the behavior of HUDs in real aircraft.  This patch is at least a
 hacked-up start in that direction.

I submit that your patch is an additional mode and should be presented
such rather then BREAKING existing behaviour as IMHO is all to often
happens when someone decides to get involved with a piece of the code.

Please don't take me wrong I think your 3D HUD is a valuable
but there are many reasons for a fixed 2D HUD.

If you find that some of the existing 2D HUD code works for your 3D HUD
great otherwise please write your own modules rather then breaking
the existing ones


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] screen shots lights

2002-10-27 Thread Norman Vine
David Megginson writes:

 Curtis L. Olson writes:
   We artifically raise the lights a bit to attempt to avoid zbuffer
   fighting.  The formula is based on the altitude above ground and the
   distance away ... however, it's rough and imperfect ...
 I'm still working on understanding the code.  First, you have
 point_list geod_light_nodes
 = calc_elevations( root, light_nodes.get_node_list(), 0.5 );
 That means that the base elevation for each light is already 0.5m
 above the runway.  Does FlightGear have ssg do further elevation
 adjustments at runtime?

void FGTileEntry::prep_ssg_node(

if ( gnd_lights_transform ) {
if ( general.get_glDepthBits()  16 ) {
sgScaleVec3( lift_vec, 10.0 + agl / 100.0 + dist / 1 );
} else {
sgScaleVec3( lift_vec, 10.0 + agl / 20.0 + dist / 5000 );
if ( rwy_lights_transform ) {
if ( general.get_glDepthBits()  16 ) {
sgScaleVec3( lift_vec, 0.0 + agl / 500.0 + dist / 1 );
} else {
sgScaleVec3( lift_vec, 1.0 + agl / 20.0 + dist / 5000 );

if ( lightmaps_transform ) {
if ( general.get_glDepthBits()  16 ) {
sgScaleVec3( lift_vec, 0.0 + agl1 / 2000.0 + dist1 / 1 );
} else {
sgScaleVec3( lift_vec, 0.0 + agl1 / 20.0 + dist1 / 5000 );



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Clickable cockpit

2002-10-27 Thread Norman Vine
'Johnny' wrote:
 Now, what broke?  

The 2D HUD

You still haven't answered what it is you want, 

The functionality of the 2D HUD

Seriously, name your requirement 

Seriously, The functionality of the existing 2D HUD

  and we can try to meet it.  

Thank you very much for the offer but since the requirement is 
nicely met by the existing code, there is nothing 'we' need to do

The 3D HUD code patch on the other hand needs to implement 
the vestigial if(1) {...} in the patch to make the HUD display
a 'properties' controlled option between the 2D and the 3D
versions or provide an alternative method of getting the existing
2D HUD displayed.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Clickable cockpit

2002-10-27 Thread Norman Vine
Andy Ross writes:

 Norman Vine wrote:
   Andy Ross wrote:
You still haven't answered what it is you want,
   The functionality of the 2D HUD
Seriously, name your requirement
   Seriously, The functionality of the existing 2D HUD
 Norman, this isn't constructive. 


The code used to draw the 3D HUD is by line count 99% 
the same as the 2D HUD yet you do nothing but berate the
2D HUD code

IMHO - This is not constructive and clouds the issue which is

You have stated that you have a hook in place that could be used 
to make a switch as to draw the 2D or the 3D HUD hased on a property
yet you apparently have no interest in using it,  in stead you continue 
to berate the 2D HUD code

Note my initial message to this thread 
Your scrollable HUD is GREAT but can you make this a 'preferences'
controled option so that we can keep the older HUD as there are 
many reasons for having a 'fixed' fullscreen HUD too.

This is constructive

And instead of saying Sure all you have done is berate me and
and the code base that you are almostly completely adopting.

Please tell us why you have objections to having a 2D and a 3D HUD
since obviously they are very similar and would not take much effort
to implement.

constructive'ly yr's


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Clickable cockpit

2002-10-27 Thread Norman Vine
David Megginson writes:

 Andy Ross writes:
   Norman, this isn't constructive.  Here are some things I'm quite
   certain you don't want:
   + A velocity vector that doesn't point where the aircraft is going

see the discussion about the horizon below as to part of the problem

   + HUD scaling that breaks with changes of aspect ratio

The scaling does NOT break with respect to aspect ratio
The display is designed to maintain 'local aspect ratio'

   + HUD scaling that breaks with changes of resolution

see preceeding comment

   + A horizon line that doesn't lie along the horizon

The horizon is in the middle of the screen 
which is where the 'neutral' horizon should be

Someone has added a downward component
to the default 'Look Direction' which causes this
This is deflection is I believe a property thus tunable

 Perhaps the best solution will be to fork between the actual HUD
 (which should be 3D) and a screen-oriented 2D overlay module that uses
 the same configuration code to display things like frame-rate,
 network-connection status, etc.  The beauty of configurability is that
 if Norm still wants to see the HUD ladder, etc. in 2D, it should be a
 simple matter to whip up an XML configuration file for it.

Yes the preexisting HUD code has been optimized to be just that a 
screen-oriented overlay module and IMHO we do not want to lose
this module

Fortunately there is no need to fork

Someone just has to add a property as indicated below

void fgUpdateHUD( void ) {
//if(1) {  // replace me with a property 
  if(fgGetBool(/sim/hud/use3d) {

* aside *
I submit that in general the 'proponent of a change' that will break 
'long established' fgfs behaviour should consider ways to augment 
rather then preclude the previous behaviour esp. in the case where 
the vast majoriity of the code of the new behaviour is still the original 
code such as this case. 

The 2d HUD code is MUCH quicker then the Panel code and has 
almost ZERO impact on framerate and IMHO should be kept intact as 
the mechanism of choice for displaying general overlay information  
either on the primary screen or on an external monitor.  It is very useful 
when using fgfs in 'magic mode' to inspect the scenery and I would 
expect it to be the HUD of choice for other things like FDM monitoring, 
flight reconstruction,  inspector consoles etc.

Note this in no way precludes using Andy's 3D HUD patch which BTW 
should also have ~zero impact on frame rate since all the real work is 
still being done by the underlying screen-oriented module which hasn't 



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] I've got a few minutes to spare

2002-10-27 Thread Norman Vine
Jon Berndt writes:

 The simgear CVS retrieval still hangs.

It is a known problem that using compression with the 
Cygwin cvs executable will cause an apparent hang

What actually happens is a failure to return after the operation
has finished, this is indistinguishable from a hang from the client

cvs compression is the -z option


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] I've got a few minutes to spare

2002-10-27 Thread Norman Vine
David Megginson writes:

 Here is the approach they were flying (I think):\011L$100.PDF

Here is a good mapping engine for the site


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] segfault

2002-10-28 Thread Norman Vine
Michael Selig writes:

 I am trying to compile and run the latest version of fgfs, but I have
 hit a problem.  When I run it I promptly get the error message
 Segmentation Fault
 There are no other messages.

   (gdb) run
   Starting program:
   [New Thread 1024 (LWP 21926)]
   Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
   [Switching to Thread 1024 (LWP 21926)]
   __strtol_internal (nptr=0x8833618 , endptr=0x85ccee0, base=139597448,
group=1065353216) at eval.c:36
   36  eval.c: No such file or directory.
in eval.c
   (gdb) bt
   #0  __strtol_internal (nptr=0x8833618 , endptr=0x85ccee0, base=139597448,
group=1065353216) at eval.c:36
   #1  0x0834b82a in SkyTextureState::SkyTextureState (this=0x8833618)
at SkyTextureState.cpp:47


Try protecting  the call to sgClouds3d-Resize() in main.cxx  

void fgReshape( int width, int height ) {
if ( fgGetBool(/sim/rendering/clouds3d) ) {
sgClouds3d-Resize( viewmgr-get_current_view()-get_h_fov(),
viewmgr-get_current_view()-get_v_fov() );

You will still need to run with the --disable-clouds3d option



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Clickable cockpit

2002-10-28 Thread Norman Vine
Andy Ross writes:

 Not quite.  The big change was making it resolution, FOV, and aspect
 ratio independent.  I figured that if it had to be changed anyway, I
 might as well invert it to mean what it says.  There is no way to keep
 the old scaling scheme and be view-independent at the same time,

If this is true then there is no way we can maintain a 2D overlay,
library which is what the existing HUD code is, with Andy's changes

So the question is Is someone going to write a 3D HUD package, 
or am I going to have to rewrite a 2D overlay engine again.

My guess is that whoever works on implementing a true 3D HUD
would be better off starting with a new OO design much like the Panel
code rather then kludging YAN hack onto the aged 2D hacks that
comprise the existing 2D HUD code which BTW is no where near
as bad as Andy's colorful language makes it out to be

other-wise-he-woudn't-be-using-it'ly yr's 


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] HUD

2002-10-28 Thread Norman Vine
Jon Berndt writes:

 Is the HUD configurable at all? I mean via a config file or something?
 Symbology is different in the various aircraft -particularly spacecraft.
 If one wanted to modify the HUD symbology is this possible to modify
 without code, like the panel instruments?

what in  docs / README.xmlhud don't you understand :-)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] OT: XML Question

2002-10-29 Thread Norman Vine
Jonathan Polley writes:
 My end goal is to use XML to define the configuration files for a 
 series of applications.  The first application may have the most 
 complicated configuration file.  I need the file to contain type and 
 instance declarations.  
 I *think* that XMl may be a solution to my problem, but I don't have 
 the experience that this group has.  In the 30 seconds, or so, of free 
 time that I have each day, I am reading through the O'Reilly book 
 Python and XML (it is easier for me to do new things like this under 

If you are comfortable with Python

You can define your objects in Python 
and then dump their XML representation :-),t=grx,p=rpc


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