Re: Incremental backup solution. was: What logs etc do I need tocheckfrequently?

2003-12-29 Thread C. Ulrich
On Mon, 2003-12-29 at 04:35, Joachim Dagerot wrote:
> This solution sounds nice, I can even imagine setting up an additional
> machine (on the same location though) to have a somewhat galvanic
> isolation between the disks. Only fire, earthquake and a neutronbomb
> would affect such a backup solution.
> However, I could use a push in the right direction when it comes to
> how to configure and what software to use for achieving the
> incremental backup tasks.
> Could you hint me in how your system is doing this in a more detailed
> way?
> Cheers,
> Joachim

I'd be glad to. First, it's actually a Linux system, though there's
nothing particularly Linux-specific about it except the device names and
the method of spinning down the backup disk after the job. 

The cornerstone of the solution is the rdiff-backup program
( or in ports at
/sysutils/rdiff-backup). rdiff-backup is a python script that mirrors
one directory to another. It can do incremental backups and it can do
them either locally or remotely. It's really a slick piece of software
and I'm continually surprised that it doesn't get more publicity.

First, there's the (trivial) script /usr/local/sbin/
This is run by a daily cron job to backup directories on the disk that
contain Important Data. Mine is very specific to my system. It is *not*
pretty and I plan to overhaul it sometime soon to include error handling
and an external config file.

# script to automatically back up the important stuff on /nfs/share
budirs="code emu images media music school software text webpage"
mount /backup
for dir in $budirs
  $prog $src/$dir $dst/$dir
umount /backup
# put backup drive in sleep mode since we won't be needing
#   it again for the next 24 hours or so
hdparm -qY /dev/hdd

A note about the last line: it appears that FreeBSD can only spin-down
SCSI disks on command. (See camcontrol(8).) The best way to power down
IDE disks seems to be just setting a suspend timeout in the power
management section of your BIOS. Once the disk is unmounted, FreeBSD
won't touch it thereafter and the system should put it in suspend mode

The crontab entry looks like this:

# backup selected dirs in /nfs/share @ 0730 daily
30 07 * * * sh /usr/local/sbin/

That's really about it. Like I said before, moving the backup disk to a
separate machine would be trivial. If there are any questions, I'd be
glad to answer them.

Charles Ulrich

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Re: What logs etc do I need tocheckfrequently?

2003-12-28 Thread C. Ulrich
On Sun, 2003-12-28 at 16:30, Massimiliano Stucchi wrote:
> So why not use a cheap IDE RAID controller and do RAID1 ? I think it
> would be much safer, and reduce the amount of time needed to restore the
> system once a hard drive fails. We use RAID1 with a spare drive on our
> web and email servers here, and there's no downtime each time a drive
> fails, having put all the drives on hot-swap bays on a promise fasttrack
> controller.
> Greetings

You could, and it would definitely give you an increase in the
availability of the machine as you mention. One disk goes down, simply
mount the good one and press on. What it doesn't give you, however, is a
proper backup solution. Backups protect not only against disk failures
but also mitigate the following:

* Accidental or hasty deletions

* Security compromise

* Catastrophic overall system failure (such as a power surge that takes
out everything connected to the motherboard). This, of course, depends
on the backups being isolated from the system, which mine currently are

RAID will not help you in any of these situations. My incremental backup
solution allows me to retrieve an exact copy of the contents of the file
server as it looked at any point in time, from when the very first
backup was made (about two years ago) to the present. This has saved me
more times than I care to remember.

Charles Ulrich

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Re: What logs etc do I need tocheckfrequently?

2003-12-28 Thread C. Ulrich
On Sun, 2003-12-28 at 10:27, Robert Huff wrote:
>   There are systems that will put 160 GB (uncompressed) on a
> single tape ... they'll just run you $3000-3500.
>   If, on the other hand, you think of it as a yearly full dump
> (split over multiple tapes) plus monthly incrementals then a DLT
> 8000 ($1000 ??) at 40 GB (uncompressed) will do just fine.
>   Robert Huff

I'd like to throw in my (home) solution here.

I have had a dedicated file server on my home network for years. It
serves out files to clients on the network via SMB and HTTP. This
machine stores all of my permanent (and not so permanent) data and has
two large identical disks. Only the first is used. The other is used
strictly to back up the information on the first. A cron job runs a
script at 7AM every morning which powers up the backup disk, mounts it,
performs an incremental backup and then powers down the backup disk
again until the next morning.

The moral: Buy double the amount of disk space that you think you'll
need or settle for half of what you can afford. Then force yourself to
use one half only to back up the other half. Disk-to-disk backup is
probably the best way to go for the home user. It's cheap and it's easy,
but it won't break the bank. Reliability is probably significantly less
than a $3k tape solution, but careful monitoring of the system and quick
response to potential problems can mitigate this to a large degree.

Pretty soon I plan to move the backup disk to a separate machine on the
network that gets powered up each day by some kind of external timer.
The machine will power up, contact the file server, do an incremental
backup, then shut itself off. This would put me just one step short of a
complete daily off-site backup, all with hardware that is considered by
most to be obsolete.

Charles Ulrich

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Re: Why userland , basesystem and Kernel are together?!

2003-12-11 Thread C. Ulrich
On Thu, 2003-12-11 at 14:08, Jerry McAllister wrote:
> > 
> > I don't wish to get into a shouting match, but I don't think I
> > completely agree with some of the things you say here.
> > 
> OK.  Well, just toddle on over to the advocacy list where this
> can more appropriately be hashed out.
> jerry


Actually, I didn't intend to post it to the list, I meant to send it
privately. After I had hit the Send button and realized what I had done,
I sent a follow up message apologizing for the off-topic nature of the
previous message. For whatever reason, *that* message didn't make it to
the list...

Charles Ulrich

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Re: Why userland , basesystem and Kernel are together?!

2003-12-11 Thread C. Ulrich
I don't wish to get into a shouting match, but I don't think I
completely agree with some of the things you say here.

On Wed, 2003-12-10 at 11:39, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
> You are comparing apples and oranges. Linux is a kernel, not an
> operating system. "Distributions" is a specially ill-choosen word in
> the Linux world. 

I don't see why. I think "distribution" is a perfectly fine term for
what it describes. My comments below explain why.

> There are several operating systems, Debian, RedHat,
> Mandrake, which only have in common to use the Linux kernel. 

This is incorrect. All relevant Linux distributions are not only based
on the same kernel, but almost almost all of the same userland software
as well. (Specifically, GNU software, much of which is a core part of
FreeBSD as well.) The main areas where they differ are the configuration
details (what files are where, how to configure services such as init
scripts and networking, etc) and package management. There are of course
other differences, but these two are the biggies.

> Forget
> the word "distributions" which seems to imply that an operating
> system is defined by its kernel.

Again, there's nothing wrong with the word "distributions." What you're
really saying is that you just don't like how the Linux community places
so much emphasis on the kernel instead of the entire operating system as
a whole. Linux-based operating systems first came together in the early
90's by taking various pieces of software and fitting them all into a
system that worked. FreeBSD (unless I misunderstand) has always been a
cohesive whole. While there are advantages to this in the sense that the
left hand always knows what the right hand is up to, there are plenty of
applications (for example, embedded ones) that benefit from a more
disconnected and flexible framework.

> And there are several operating systems based on a BSD kernel, too:
> FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, there is even now a Debian/BSD which uses a
> NetBSD kernel instead of Linux.

Except that these are forks of the entire operating system, not just the
kernel. (Correct me if I'm wrong.)

Like you said, the comparison between Linux and BSD is an
apples-and-oranges issue. Similar in some ways, different in others, and
both have differing abilities even if many of those abilities overlap.

Charles Ulrich

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Re: Question about ports...

2003-12-11 Thread C. Ulrich
On Wed, 2003-12-10 at 12:04, Payne wrote:
> Hi,
> I am want to install postnuke but when-ever I go to do make under 
> /usr/port/www/postnuke, it wants to install mod_php4 again, I don't want 
> to have to reinstall ports everytime I add something new.
> Thanks,
> Payne

Does postnuke require a newer or different version of mod_php4 than you
have currently installed? Unless your mod_php4 installation is in some
way customized, there should be little harm in letting ports do whatever
it wants to do.

(Ports, I've found, works best when it gets its own way. :P)

Charles Ulrich

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Re: group file limits

2003-12-10 Thread C. Ulrich
On Tue, 2003-12-09 at 17:45, jonathan wrote:
> Hi, I'm running a freebsd 4.8 data server on an intranet.
> There is many group (10 and more will come) and a lot of members (10-12 by group) 
> into them... So i'm having big trouble with the fact that 'pw' doesn't read further 
> than 1024 characters into the '/etc/group' file. 
> Is there a way to bypass that limit?
> Or a better way of managing many groups on freebsd?
> I really need to solve this... any help will be a miracle!

You might want to take a look at using ACLs (Access Control Lists)
instead of groups to manage your users. Unfortunately, ACLs appear to be
new to FreeBSD 5.x, so if this is for a production environment, you may
have to kludge your way around until 5.x is in STABLE. Unless, of
course, you're willing to run a 5.x release in a production environment,
which is usually quite doable and problem-free, but never deliberately

Charles Ulrich

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Re: Apache

2003-12-10 Thread C. Ulrich
[Forgot to CC the list.]

On Tue, 2003-12-09 at 16:51, Payne wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks, yes FreeBSD rocks!!! I know this is the right place to ask, so 
> if you have the apache group list that would be nice, but what do I have 
> to do to get my users account to work? Are they place for example
> /home/user_x/public_html
> On any web browser I get the following error.
> Forbidden
> You don't have permission to access /~user_x/ on this server.
> On my linux server this is already turn on so I am little lost.
> Payne

See the suggestions offered in the other replies, but also remember that
the user's ~/public_html directory has to be readable by the user
running the apache process (typically 'www'). Many people on a
multi-user machine do "chmod 700 ~" to keep others from snooping around
in their home directory, but this also keeps apache from being able to
read the web pages in ~/public_html.

Charles Ulrich

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Re: Questions about updating...

2003-12-05 Thread C. Ulrich
On Fri, 2003-12-05 at 11:52, rotten rottie wrote:
> I know this is probably a touchy subject but..
> "... the ports tree isn't versioned, it's the equivalent of current"
> Wouldnt it be logical to have current/stable versions of the ports tree ?
> Then when you install a base system from cd it could install a stable pkg 
> version, then once the system is installed you could use a port-supfile for 
> "stable" and update all of the pkg versions that are installed instead of 
> cvs'ing /usr/src and recompiling the system ? Save the /usr/src for the core 
> os, and allow things like bind, ssh, ssl to be updated with portupgrade 
> instead of a make world or having to make the apps manually.
> I am sorry if I stepped on any toes .. I dont mean to stir up any trouble .. 
> Just an outside observer trying to get started with freebsd.

I don't know if I fully understand your question, but if I'm right, it
consists of two parts, the first:

> Wouldnt it be logical to have current/stable versions of the ports
> tree ?

This has been discussed before, but the ports people maintain (and I
agree with them) that it wouldn't be feasible for a couple of reasons.

First, ports is already huge. They only reason they stay up to date is
because of a massive effort for a large number of volunteers. Creating a
second ports tree would double (or more) the amount of work for the
people running the ports tree itself and individual ports maintainers. I
have no proof to back this up, but I would guess that there are more
FreeBSD volunteers maintaining ports than any other part of the
operating system.

Second, ports exists primarily as an easy means to install software on
FreeBSD that the FreeBSD team has neither the inclination nor time to
properly maintain. Ports are by definition considered third-party
software. The idea is that the developers of the individual software
packages in ports are responsible for keeping their projects up-to-date
and bug-free. Creating a separate branch of ports goes against that
idea, to a degree. Additionally, much of the software in ports are
either considered "stable" or "development" or both or can't be easily
classified as one of the two. Once again, it's up to the developers of
the software in ports to decide what's considered stable or
in-development. The ports system currently acknowledges this situation
by maintaining two different ports of the same software (when
applicable), with the development port having a "-devel" tacked on to
the end of the port name. For example, "mozilla" and "mozilla-devel".

As for the second part, I guess I don't understand completely what
you're asking. :) Are you looking for a way to automatically upgrade
binary packages that come with FreeBSD, but are not themselves developed
or maintained by the FreeBSD team such as XFree86? The way you describe
it is how I thought it was already done. For example, if you installed
OpenSSH from the release CD and wanted to upgrade it, you just do a
pkg_delete and then go into your (updated) ports and 'make install' a
new one. (Or would just portupgrade work?) I'm still a relative newbie
to FreeBSD in some respects, so anyone feel free to clarify this and
educate me at the same time.

Charles Ulrich

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Re: bsd 5.1 video install

2003-12-01 Thread C. Ulrich

On Sat, 2003-11-29 at 01:20, Dr. Clark Mankin wrote:
> I'm very happy to have moved my entire network to BSD 5.1.  The
> installation was a breeze.
> I have only one comment and that is this:
> in 1999 when I installed first Red Hat 5.0 and then 5.2, I was
> required to select my video card from a list and to find a set of
> specifications that matched my monitor unless its name was on the list.
> By the time I changed to Mandrake 6.5 a short while later, that issue
> had been resolved and until this installation I had never again been
> asked any questions of any kind about hardware devices.
> It seems to me that this is your weakest point.  I have almost zero use
> for KDE.  I wanted it mainly to burn CDs using their tools.  I'm a
> command line person, so it's not any inconvenience on a day to day
> basis, but until I can either buy a new monitor so I have the necessary
> data to answer your inquiries, or until I make a lucky guess, I will not
> be able to configure an X server and that is truly unfortunate in the
> year 2003.
> Happy Thanksgiving one and all and a Merry Christmas is just around the corner.

Please wrap your messages at 72 chars.

Well, it's important to realize that currently, FreeBSD is designed to
be mostly a server operating system. Although there are efforts to
increase its viability on the desktop, it's not going to be the next Mac
OS X anytime soon. That's not to say you *can't* use it as a desktop
system... I do, but I also realize that there are going to be some
hurdles and limitations along the way.

Thus, FreeBSD has very little in the way of automatic hardware
detection. Regarding your monitor, all you really have to do is find the
manual for it and tell X what the horizontal and vertical sync ranges
are. You could probably even find this information on the web. (I think
X now has a way to automatically query the monitor for the sync ranges,
anybody want to clue me in on this?)

Comparing FreeBSD to your previous Red Hat and Mandrake experiences is a
whole apples and oranges issue unto itself. The Red Hat and Mandrake
Linux distributions are great for some things, FreeBSD is great for
others. Your job is to figure out what you want your operating system to
do and then pick whichever one does it the best.

Charles Ulrich

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Re: general updating and staying current questions...

2003-12-01 Thread C. Ulrich
On Sun, 2003-11-30 at 23:35, paul van den bergen wrote:
> This is likely alredy answered elsewhere... but...
> what methods are there for keeping up to date with BSD-STABLE?
> OK, I get using cvsup for ports, how about for the source tree? same deal?

See the FreeBSD Handbook:

Section 21 should answer any questions that you might have.

Charles Ulrich

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Re: Remove ^M characters from xhtml file

2003-12-01 Thread C. Ulrich
On Sun, 2003-11-30 at 21:18, Alex de Kruijff wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 30, 2003 at 09:16:02PM -0600, Bryan Cassidy wrote:
> > I've downloaded a couple of .xhtml files and they have ^M characters
> > all through it. I tried the col -b < name > newname command on these
> > files but when I do that it erases the whole document. Any ideas?
> There's a port called dos2unix of unix2dos that you could let loos on
> it.

In ports:

- converters/dosunix
- converters/fconv
- converters/ktextdecode
- converters/unix2dos

Charles Ulrich

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Re: Laptop starts back up on its own

2003-11-29 Thread C. Ulrich
On Fri, 2003-11-28 at 21:43, Trey Sizemore wrote:
> First time I've seen this happen...I've installed FreeBSD:
> FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE #0: Thu 
> Jun  5 02:55:42 GMT 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> :/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386
> on my laptop.  When I shut the PC down at night, I wake to find it back 
> on again a little later.  Today I shut it down, left the house, came 
> back and it was on again.
> I shut down by entering 'shutdown -h (or -p) now' at the command line 
> and then depressing the power button after it says OK to power down or 
> 'press any key to restart'.  It does power down completely and then a 
> little later (not sure how long it takes), it's back on again.
> Looking for some things to check to get to the root (no pun intended) of 
> this.
> Thanks-

I have an older Compaq Deskpro that does the same thing. I first thought
that maybe rogue or spurious packets on the network were causing
Wake-on-LAN to activate, but 1) it's turned off in the BIOS 2) I don't
think the card actually supports it 3) the machine turned on once with
the network cable unplugged.

I don't think it's either APM or ACPI causing it either since I have
both disabled in FreeBSD and power management is turned off in the BIOS.
I also don't know at this point if it's a FreeBSD issue or not since I
only use the machine periodically for testing and haven't had any other
OS on it long enough to trigger the automatic power-on. My friend has a
few identical machines and also runs FreeBSD on them, but he leaves them
on all the time so he's never seen the problem.

Let me know if anything turns up!

Charles Ulrich

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Re: Downgrading from current to release or stable?

2003-11-21 Thread C. Ulrich
On Fri, 2003-11-21 at 07:14, Peter Risdon wrote:
> I just moved from 5.1-current to 5.1 release, and fixed a lot of 
> problems on a horribly unstable box by doing so. I believe downgrading 
> to stable is very awkward, but others will be better qualified to 
> discuss that than I am.

On a related note, I know that following CURRENT is a game of risk, but
are current branch releases (such as 5.1-RELEASE) intended to be a bit
more stable and usable than staying constantly up to date with CURRENT?

In other words, is there a pretty good chance that 5.2-RELEASE won't
break my (non-production) workstation too horribly when it comes out? Or
does it carry the same exact risks as following CURRENT?


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Re: Changing a company from 100% Windows to 100% FreeBSD.

2003-11-17 Thread C. Ulrich
On Mon, 2003-11-17 at 09:27, Lee Mx wrote:
> I am switching about 40 desktop's running different versions of
> windows over to freebsd.  One of the primary requirements is
> OpenOffice-1.1 and I've always run it locally on my laptop.
> I'm considering running it over the LAN which would mean that
> I suppose that I would NFS mount the binary and do the network
> install.  Could someone who has done this tell me if they
> recommend running it on the network or if it would be better to
> just install it on each of the 40 machines.  This company and
> every user, uses Office daily, especially excel.

I've never done this, but OpenOffice is such a large application that
this might not be such a swell idea. On my Athlon 750 with U2W SCSI,
OpenOffice 1.1 takes 20 seconds to load from the hard disk. I couldn't
guess how long it would take trying to pull it over the network, but I'm
sure it would be a lot longer. Also take into consideration the fact
that, unless your office is very well funded, you're probably don't have
the newest equipment. If this is the case, you could consider running
all the desktops as local thin clients. When a user logs in, they're
really just logging in remotely to an application server where all the
real work work is done.

- you only have to regularly maintain the application servers
- "outdated" hardware works just fine for the thin clients as everything
is run on the server
- users access their data and do their work from any machine (also
reduces "my machine" syndrome common in some workplaces)

- Allowing users to save things to floppy or CD could be slightly
problematic (ditto for playing video and sound)
- if all 40 desktops are in the same office/area, you'll probably have
to set up more than one application servers and work out a solution for
load-balancing and keeping them in sync
- if your users use large apps like OpenOffice, you might need pretty
hefty servers, especially in the memory department. However, it will
still be less memory than what would be required to run OpenOffice
locally on all 40 machines

The client/server approach may not end up being the best solution for
your specific situation, but at least it's something to think about.
I've always heard good things from those who've implemented similar
solutions in their organizations.

Charles Ulrich

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Re: Another Newbie Question: C or C++

2003-11-14 Thread C. Ulrich
On Mon, 2003-11-10 at 19:12, Scott W wrote:
> Books and references-
> C- Already mentioned, K&R 'The C Programming Language' is 'the bible.'  
> This is also generally a lousy book to start with if you aren't 
> programming already, but an invaluable reference.  Pick up another book, 
> wish I knew a good starter one, but it's been a while...can try Deitel 
> and Deitel or (nobody laugh, have used it for Intro before..) the 21 
> days SAMs series for a 'jump-start,' and THEN the Deitel/Deitel and K&R.

I have O'Reilly's Practical C Programming by Steve Oualline and think
it's pretty good for beginners. He glazes over a lot of stuff in the
beginning, but I think that ends up helping in the long run. (Kinda
like, "this is how it works" followed later by "okay, this is how it
*really* works.") Coupled with the K&R book (especially the standard
library reference appendix!), I'm now learning C at a phenomenal rate.

Charles Ulrich

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RE: Mount SMB share on bootup

2003-11-14 Thread C. Ulrich
On Mon, 2003-11-10 at 15:21, Chirhart, Brian wrote:
> >> point is password protected (on the XP side) so I am prompted for a
> >> password.  How can I automate that?  Or should I create the share without
> a
> >> password?  I am not too worried about internal security so the share
> could
> >> have no password and that would be fine.
> >Create a script called, chmod +x 755 and put that
> >script in a /usr/local/etc/rc.d.
> >Put the following lines in that script
> >#!/bin/sh
> >smbmount username=user password=pass and the rest of the parametars that
> you
> >are normaly using when mounting smb partition.
> >Mind that if your startup script for samba is your mounting script
> >must start with a letter after the letter s otherwise you would mounting a
> >samba share without smb daemon started.
> When I try the smbmount I get a "command not Found"
> I checked the man pages on mount and found mount_smbfs, but I can not find
> any options that would allow me to specify a username and password.
> I am not using Samba (at least I didn't load it... may be there by
> default???) - To map the drive I have a line in my /etc/fstab file that
> reads:
> # Device  #Mountpoint FSType  OPtion  
> //[EMAIL PROTECTED]/share /ftprootsmbfs   rw.nosuto   0   0
> Once the server boots, I type "mount /ftproot" and then it asks me for the
> password for User.  After the password is entered, /ftproot contains the
> contents of the share on my XP system.  It was one of the things that I fell
> in love with about BSD - the ability to "see" XP shares with no special
> "magic".
> So anyway - I think there are several different approaches to this.  Can I
> modify my fstab file so that "auto" would work by somehow specifing a
> password?  Or is there a password option that I am missing in the mount or
> mount_smbfs commands?  OR...  is there a reason I don't have the smbmount
> command?
> Thank you for all your help!

I saw that you got a couple responses to this, but they were just a bit
off from the "correct" way to do it. Edward came very close, so I'm just
going to expand upon what he said. First, If I recall correctly, the that goes in /usr/local/etc/rc.d was somehow accidentally left
out of the release. If you don't have it, you can get it here:

Click on the "Download" link for the newest version. It's probably
better to use this version instead of a home-made one so that you don't
run into problems down the road. (Don't forget to nuke the "sample"

Your /etc/fstab is fine, but you should move /etc/nsmb.conf to
/root/.nsmbrc. If you consult mount_smbfs(8), you'll see that this is
where mount_smbfs expects it to be. Plus, keeping it here affords you a
little bit better security. (Double-check that it's readable/writable by
root ONLY!)

Finally, you should obfuscate the password with "smbutil crypt". This is
NOT encryption, it will only protect the password from being discovered
by casual observation. You should still treat it as plaintext, even in
obfuscated form, as the "encryption" is almost as trivial to crack as

Good luck!

Charles Ulrich

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Re: fresh install for XFree86-4

2003-11-09 Thread C. Ulrich
On Fri, 2003-11-07 at 19:35, Sham Khalil wrote:
> i  wanted to install openoffice, but a peek into Makefile, it will need
> mozilla.  i do not need mozilla as i have mozilla-firebird. could i skip
> mozilla to install openoffice?

I'm installing openoffice right now. (Gee, I only started it 15 hours
ago and it's still building!)

You probably can't skip the install of mozilla without breaking
something. I don't think that the openoffice port will actually install
all of mozilla 1.0.2. (If it did, I think it would use one of the
mozillas in ports rather than downloading the source and building it
under openoffice's work directory.) Rather, I think it only uses part of
mozilla for building openoffce. What part, I do not know. But I'm almost
positive that after openoffice is (finally) built, you won't have a full
copy of mozilla on your system.

Charles Ulrich

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Re: Don`t know what to do... :))

2003-11-09 Thread C. Ulrich
On Fri, 2003-11-07 at 12:09, Valerian Galeru wrote:
> I installed XFree86, then i run XFree86 -configure, then i run XFree86
>  -xf86config Everything is ok. 

What do you mean by "Everything is okay"?

> Than i cp
>  to /etc/X11/XF86Config (i tried to copy and to
>  /usr/X11R6/etc/X11/XF86Config but there is no directory X11). then,
>  when i run startx i get the next error: screen not found... I know i
>  can do everythiing with xf86cfg but i don`t understand why the first
>  way has problems (may be i have problems  : ). Thank You!

It looks like you're trying to have XFree86 generate a clean XF86Config
for you. If that's the case, copy it to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11. While
/etc/X11 exists on FreeBSD, it's not the preferred location. I don't
know if X will even look there for it.

In order to get any helpful advice, you'll have to provide more
information. Give us the entire contents of your XF86Config (and
triple-check that its the one that XFree86 is using!) as well as the
full output of your XFree86 log which you should find at

Good luck.

Charles Ulrich

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Re: Overheating attributed to Freebsd --sysctl variables notavailable--

2003-11-06 Thread C. Ulrich
On Mon, 2003-11-03 at 21:47, nw1 wrote:
> Mr. Ulrich, I understand your position, however, do you understand mine?  :-)

(Apologies that this reply is a few days late.)

Yes, I understand your position. But I still think you're going at this
from the wrong angle.

Hardware should never overheat unless it is defective or improperly
cooled. Period. Software (even the operating system) simply doesn't
enter into the equation. True, software can manipulate the hardware in
certain ways to make it run cooler or conserve energy during certain
periods, but you simply can't hold the software responsible for actual,
physical hardware failure.

I still say that the best solution is to figure out how to better cool
your system. Buy a bigger heatsink, add more fans to the case, cut holes
in the case to improve airflow, whatever. You could even buy different
hardware with the rationale that the stuff you have is defective by
design because it overheats under normal use and I wouldn't complain.
You can, of course, lobby the kernel maintainers to put those sysctl
variables back into FreeBSD, but chances are they took them out for a
good reason.

I'm not trying to mindlessly defend FreeBSD, either. Even if you were
running Windows 3.1 on the machines, I would still stand by my position.

Good luck.

Charles Ulrich

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Re: Overheating attributed to Freebsd --sysctl variables not available--

2003-11-03 Thread C. Ulrich
On Mon, 2003-11-03 at 17:38, nw1 wrote:
> The problem can be viewed @:
> Basically, the machine is overheating (I believe) because the cpu's aren't cycling 
> down.
> Previously I was able to cycle the processors down with the following sysctl 
> variables:
> machdep.apm_suspend_delay:
> machdep.apm_standby_delay:
> however, for some reason those variables currently, aren't any where to be found by 
> the
> up_and_running system.  Please use the hyperlink above for details.
> Thanks for reading.  All feedback is welcome.

Okay, this piqued my curiosity enough that I took a look at the message
in the URL above. 

Conclusion: FreeBSD doesn't even enter into it. The ONLY good solution
to this is to get better physical cooling of the CPUs (or the entire box
if you have to). Otherwise, you're still going to run into problems
whenever there's a full system load. Chances are, they're still running
way too hot even if they're not crashing the system. This will only
result in premature failure of the processors. Take it from the close
friend of an overclocker. :) If the machine is crashing (you only say
"overheating", which could mean either crashing or just getting
dangerously hot), then I would even go so far as to say that there's a
possibility that the stability of the processors is already decreasing,
leading to the more recent crashes.

Charles Ulrich

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Re: Evolution without gnome

2003-11-02 Thread C. Ulrich
On Sun, 2003-11-02 at 18:50, Harald Schmalzbauer wrote:
> (I love pine and kmail for GUI)

I used to use kmail quite a while back and loved it. I eventually quit
using it and went to Mozilla mail because I ran the GNOME desktop and
hated having to wait and wait for the ENTIRE KDE SUBSYSTEM to start up
just so I could launch one little app. Does KDE still operate this way?
I think Evolution is slick, but I'm beginning to tire of GNOME's
our-way-or-the-highway interface design philosophy.

Charles Ulrich

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Re: microcrap basic wiireless optical desktop *sighs*

2003-10-31 Thread C. Ulrich
On Thu, 2003-10-30 at 23:26, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> hey..
> i just invested my money in this product... and im beginning to wonder why
> i chose microsoft =P
> anywho... the keyboard works great, other than the fact that i gotta deal
> with the different layout of the keys =PP lol ill live... but the mouse..
> the mouse.. i think its a fbsd related prob cuz when i push the button on
> the wireless reciever , then the connect on the mouse, the lights stop
> blinking, showing its connected.. but no cursor moves on the screen...
> *shrusg* maybe i need a driver... or something.. maybe i need to get a
> refund.. lol.. well.. hope i can et an answer asap.. tyvm
> Sean

You don't mention whether you're trying to get it to work on the console
or in X. You'll need to specify which kind of mouse you had before and
what the Pointers section in your XF86Config says followed by what kind
of mouse the new one is. USB? PS/2? Chances are the mouse will indeed
work in FreeBSD, but you need to provide more info before anyone can
give you particularly helpful advice.

Good luck,
Charles Ulrich

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Re: Crash in gui

2003-10-27 Thread C. Ulrich
On Sat, 2003-10-25 at 05:25, jason dictos wrote:
> Hi All,
>Today my machine has locked up twice within the span of an hour, and both 
> times it locked up when I clicked on a link in Gaim. The lock is hard, and 
> there's no message in /var/log/messages that I can see, so my question is how 
> can I debug such a problem? Where even the caps lock button no longer 
> reponds?
> I'm using 5.1 + all security patches

It sounds like X is freezing and taking your console with it. You should
be able to log in remotely to shut down your system. Perhaps try
different versions of Gaim, X, and whatever your web browser is to see
if that makes the problem go away. You might also consider submitting a
bug report to the XFree86 project, but if you do be aware that they
probably have bug reporting procedures just like any other open source

Charles Ulrich

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Re: Can't get the faster of two modems to work with 4.8

2003-10-27 Thread C. Ulrich
On Sat, 2003-10-25 at 14:16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Is this an init string thing?

It could be. What init strings are you sending? (On both modems and both
operating systems) And have you checked the manuals to see what
those strings are doing and what the recommended init string should be?
It might also be worthwhile to google for other init strings that people
with your brands of modems are using successfully.

Charles Ulrich

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Re: Linux port.....

2003-10-27 Thread C. Ulrich
On Sat, 2003-10-25 at 00:43, andi payn wrote:
> 4. While running a similar set of services, FreeBSD may be using less
> background processing time. Or maybe not. I definitely see significantly
> lower CPU usage (idling under X, FreeBSD shows about 2-10% CPU, linux
> about 15-35%). However, this may just be an artifact of linux's
> notoriously bad reporting, or the fact that I'm using the O(1) kernel
> and preemptible kernel patches, or maybe something stupid some GNOME
> applet is doing because I configured it wrong under linux; who knows

Check with top to see which processes are using the CPU. For me, 9 times
out of 10, it's the X server itself taking up cycles for doing nothing.
It won't do it right after a fresh boot, but some program along the way
usually triggers the siphoning of the CPU usage.

Charles Ulrich

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2003-10-20 Thread C. Ulrich
On Mon, 2003-10-20 at 03:53, Andrew Kozak wrote:
> From: Andrew Kozak
> Date: Monday, 20 October 2003 05:42:11 PM
> To: FreeBSD Questions
> Subject: GTK
> Hi Everyone
> Hope someone can help me here, I've kinda stuffed up big time. Whilst trying
> to install etherape, I received a message that my gtk was too old, and that
> I should uninstall it and install the new one. Which I did. Immediately
> afterwards, I found that quite a few programs rely on this older version of
> gtk I have lost all web browsers other than knoqueror (missing dillo, what a
> nice efficient fast little browser that is). I am using FreeBSD 4.9RC on a
> Pentium 2 with 128Mb of RAM. I have downloaded the gtk version that used to
> run the broken programs (version 1.2.0) and tried to ./configure, which goes
> ahead, but complains about glib not being there, so I downloaded that, still
> complains that glib is not there. I did download version 1.2.0 and did the
> /configure but no good, still complains that this file is missing. 

>From your description, this machine sounds like its had some of its
parts (software parts, that is) upgraded over a period of time and now
you're running into problems with version compatibility. We call this
"dependency hell", though the phrase is usually used in a slightly
different context. I'm afraid I don't have any advice specific to your
problem, but I can give some general advice starting with: Consider
saving all of your important data (to include networking configuration,
custom scripts, and X configuration) and start from scratch with a new
install of 4.9RC.

> The error
> I get if I try and run one of the broken programs is /usr/libexec/
> 1: Shared Object "" not found If I do a locate, the
> machine tells me that is is located in libexec, right where it should be,
> however, when I log into that directory and look, It's not there - and I
> have been logging in as root to make sure that I get all privileges and can
> see hidden files.

The 'locate' utility uses a database, located in
/var/db/locate.database, to keep track of things. Theoretically, this
database is supposed to be updated weekly via a cron job, which can
result in a confusing scenario for those not familiar with how locate
works. If you do any work to the filesystem (installing a program,
deleting some files, etc) then the locate database will be out of date
until the the next time the cron job is run. This is the problem that
you're describing. Do an 'ls -l' on the database file and look at the
timestamp--that will tell you the exact time that the database was last
synched with the system.

I personally lothe the locate system because it's most useless when it's
most needed. I tinker on my system a lot, and if I've just installed
something and run into library dependency issues, I usually want to know
where my libraries are *now*, not last Saturday at 4:15AM. For this
reason, I usually disable the weekly database sync (to save wear and
tear on my disks) and resort to 'which', 'whereis', and 'find'. See the
manpages for each.


> Please don't bother if you are a 'boffin' who likes big words such as just
> hiblib the hoobiwhastis with alt 67 and configure the path to match the
> environment via port 28774. Don't get me wrong, I'm not unappreciative, but
> it goes over my head, and is a waste of time for all of us. I do not
> understand code or programming, I am just a workstation operator who is
> trying to learn this flexible powerful system. I hope to be able to discuss
> and understand terminology associated with code and programming when I get
> my head around the basics and have an  opportunity to learn more. I am a
> newbie and need laymen terms to understand.

I'm sure you're not unappreciative, but bear in mind that FreeBSD is a
complex, technical system and that technical language is usually
required to communicate any meaningful solution or idea. There might be
a few on this list who enjoy trying to flex their alleged superiority
over newbies by using throwing in advanced words and highly technical
concepts, but most of us are just here volunteering our valuable time to
help. Understanding, however, can never simply be given. That's a
journey that you have to take up yourself. If you're having trouble with
the technical jargon, you should strive to learn it by reading as many
docs and manpages as you can, especially since you indicate that your
intention is to learn. I can sympathize with your situation, though,
because I'm not much of a programmer either. This is a significant
disadvantage when it comes to learning FreeBSD as its surrounding
culture is deeply intertwined with programming and development, even
compared to other Unix clones and derivatives. But with persistance and
a LOT of reading, FreeBSD is far from impossible to learn.

Charles Ulrich

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: Mozilla weirdness

2003-10-18 Thread C. Ulrich
On Thu, 2003-10-16 at 15:14, David Gerard wrote:
> > anyone know why my Mozilla 1.4 has no spell check in mail?
> > am i missing something here?
> Yep - 1.4 doesn't come with the spell checker! It is included with
> 1.4.1 or 1.5, though.
> - d.

If you don't want to install a brand new version of mozilla, there's a
spellchecker extension available too. It's actually the same exact spell
checker that's in 1.5. See

Charles Ulrich

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Re: cross-compiling Linux apps on FreeBSD

2003-10-15 Thread C. Ulrich
On Tue, 2003-10-14 at 20:38, Kris Kennaway wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 14, 2003 at 08:04:24PM -0400, C. Ulrich wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I was wondering if there is any way (preferably an easy way) to build
> > Linux applications from source on FreeBSD with the intention of running
> > them in FreeBSD.
> It's not completely straightforward, but you can install the
> linux_devtools port, then chroot to /compat/linux and run /bin/bash,
> then compile things from there as normal.  You'll have to install
> whatever other packages are needed to compile your software.

Thanks! I will definitely look into that.

> > My conundrum is this: I want to be able to use a Java (and perhaps
> > Flash) plugin with Firebird on my FreeBSD workstation. From what I
> > understand, a native FreeBSD Java web browser plugin doesn't quite exist
> > and isn't likely to in the near future.
> That's incorrect..there are several.

Hrm. After doing some looking around on the mailing lists, I was under
the assumption that there weren't or that they were unusable. I'd
greatly appreciate it if you could point me to them. Thanks!

Charles Ulrich

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cross-compiling Linux apps on FreeBSD

2003-10-14 Thread C. Ulrich

I was wondering if there is any way (preferably an easy way) to build
Linux applications from source on FreeBSD with the intention of running
them in FreeBSD.

My conundrum is this: I want to be able to use a Java (and perhaps
Flash) plugin with Firebird on my FreeBSD workstation. From what I
understand, a native FreeBSD Java web browser plugin doesn't quite exist
and isn't likely to in the near future. There's a linux-mozillafirebird
port in the www ports tree that would let me use the Linux Blackdown
Java plugin, but that does not build with GTK2, and thus, cannot utilize
anti-aliased fonts.

So, I am left to roll my own. I'd like to be able to build Firebird in
FreeBSD, but I have a Linux installation that I can use if that's either
not possible or not so easy. I suspect that I'll have library issues to
deal with, but beyond that I don't really know. I skimmed through all
the documentation on, but anything dealing with Linux
emulation seems to only mention running Linux apps, not building them to
work with the Linux emulation layer.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Charles Ulrich

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Re: network adapter

2003-10-13 Thread C. Ulrich
On Mon, 2003-10-13 at 10:03, Martos wrote:
> Hello, All!
> I have  this network adapter:
> 3Com 3C460B (with usb interface).
> How can I configure it to work under FreeBSD 4.8. Please help. (now it 
> don't want to work).
> Best regards,
> Vlad Skuba

Hi Vlad,

First, have you read all of the applicable documentation on
and related man pages? Have you searched Google, mailing lists,
newsgroups, and the FreeBSD problem report database?

Second, you need to tell us a little bit more. The huge number of
possible problems means that even the best and brightest FreeBSD gurus
won't be able to help you out with "it don't want to work." The
following link points to an excellent article on how to ask the right
questions on this list, and likely many others:

Give us something more to work with and we'll be glad to help you.

Charles Ulrich

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Re: FreeBSD Internals e-book

2003-10-12 Thread C. Ulrich
On Sat, 2003-10-11 at 10:11, Todd Stephens wrote:
> To get a feel for what you are getting yourself in to  you could read 
> "The Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD Operating System".  One 
> chapter is availabe for reading online at:

Just out of curiosity, to what extent do the contents of this book
describe FreeBSD as we know it today? Is the basic system itself still
close enough to 4.4BSD to be a useful reference to FreeBSD?

Charles Ulrich

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Re: How to turn off the HDD? How to reduce the overall noise?

2003-10-06 Thread C. Ulrich
On Mon, 2003-10-06 at 14:49, Eric Dillenseger wrote:
> BTW, turning it off is almost useless, as there's often a little
> activity on most *real* OS so reducing noise is better (in fact it
> reduces the spinning speed during heavy operations).
> Just my 2cts.

There's also the case where you might want to shut down a drive which is
rarely used. Such as the case with a Slackware box of mine. One drive in
it is dedicated to backing up some important stuff on the others, so
it's only needed once a day. My init scripts have a line (using hdparm)
that completely shuts off the drive after everything's booted up. At the
appropriate time, the backup script runs from cron, and the mounting of
the disk tells the kernel to spin the drive back up. (Usually takes
about 10 seconds.) Once the backup procedure is complete, it runs hdparm
again to shut the disk off again.

I don't know that powering one drive down saves a ton of money in
electricity, or makes the box much quieter, but I figure it has to be
saving some wear and tear on a disk that gets accessed maybe a maximum
of 30 minutes a day. When I convert the machine to FreeBSD, (one of
those when-I-get-around-to-it projects) I'd like to be able to do the
same thing, so I'll look for the IBM utility and bug this list some more
if it doesn't work out or if I can't find it. :)

Charles Ulrich

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Re: FreeBSD Fax Server?

2003-10-01 Thread C. Ulrich
On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 13:18, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Which model of US Robotics did you get?

The manual only identifies it as a 56k PCI hardware modem. I originally
picked it up because "hardware" seemed to be emphasized on the package
plus it said Linux was supported.

The modem identifies itself as:
US Robotics/3Com 56K FaxModem Model 5610

According to USR's web site, that probably means I have either a
USR5610A or USR5610B. Not sure what the difference is. I also don't
quite recall whether the modem was v.90 or v.92.

> I take it that it should work with FreeBSD Rel 5.1?

Heh, okay, well that's one OS that I haven't thrown at it. :P Right now,
it's in my Slackware 8.0 fileserver (due for an upgrade to FreeBSD Real
Soon Now) and the Linux kernel identifies it as a "serial controller." I
can't imagine why it wouldn't work with 5.1.

If you're considering buying one, I'd be happy to try it out on my
testbed machine (which has 5.1 installed at the moment) and let you know
how it goes.

Charles Ulrich

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Re: FreeBSD download

2003-10-01 Thread C. Ulrich
On Tue, 2003-09-30 at 15:58, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Dear Sir or Madam, 
> I'm interested in using FreeBSD as part of rearrengement of my professional skills. 
> I'm currently studing Linux but I'd like to feel a bit of a true UNIX system. 

Heh, better have your asbestos underwear on when you utter phrases like
"true UNIX system" around here. ;)

The differences between FreeBSD and many Linux distros aren't as great
as some people think. I would argue that FreeBSD is more sophisticated
behind the scenes (with ports, cvs, et al) but by and large most of your
Linux experience will carry over into FreeBSD.
> What shall be the 5.x release? What is the "new technology" you will include in it? 
> I might probably buy it (a combo promotion of 4 CD set + Handbook 2nd edition). 
> However I'd like to know a bit more about it first. 

If you're just starting out with FreeBSD, consider using 5.1. Yes, it is
considered -CURRENT ("new and possibly unstable") but most people don't
seem to have any showstopping problems with it. If you start learning
5.x now, then you'll be in a slightly better position for when 5.x is
considered stable. However, it's ultimately your choice.

Additionally, be aware that FreeBSD is extremely well documented, from
the man pages all the way up to the handbook and other external docs, so
you shouldn't really _need_ a book in the way that you would for a
calculus class, for example. But again, it's your choice. I'm not sure,
but I think that the FreeBSD Mall donates a certain amount to FreeBSD
development, so ponder that too. ( was down at the time
of writing, so I couldn't confirm.)

If you have any questions about anything at all regarding FreeBSD, this
list is the place to ask. Consider subscribing if you haven't yet.

Charles Ulrich

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Re: FreeBSD download [Known Spam URL in message-Probable Spam]

2003-10-01 Thread C. Ulrich
On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 00:35, Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. wrote:

> The second two files/ISO's you listed are
> the "Mini" distribution CD, and the MD5
> (cryptographic) checksum.  You'd use the
> MD5 checksum to determine that the
> files you download are complete and
> legitimate, more or less.  Take a look
> at documentation around the net on
> the subject of "checksums."

Is the second ISO just some kind of rescue disk? I spent a couple days
pulling that sucker down through a modem only find out that it doesn't
seem to have any extra software on it.


Charles Ulrich

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Re: FreeBSD Fax Server?

2003-10-01 Thread C. Ulrich
On Tue, 2003-09-30 at 21:15, Bill Campbell wrote:
> IMHO internal modems are to be avoided at all costs.

Generally, I used to concur with this, but a couple years ago I bought a
USR PCI internal _hardware_ modem and it's worked great with every OS I
threw at it. They're pretty much all I recommend anymore.

Charles Ulrich

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Re: ymessenger [Known Spam URL in message-Probable Spam]

2003-09-29 Thread C. Ulrich
On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 14:06, Michael Sharp wrote:
> who would like to go in with me on a full yahoo ban of their services. I
> am so damn tired of this freebsd camp writing services so that only M$
> users can enjoy them. The fucking JAVA is written
> specifically for M$, now we have a NEW updated client that MOTHERUCKING
> wont even install because they cuilt the hgod damn thing with dependants
> from 6 months ago.
> - fucking pissed

Dear Mr. Fucking Pissed (if that is your real name),

1) This is not the place for anti-Microsoft, anti-Java, or anti-Yahoo!

2) To my knowledge, the FreeBSD "camp" does not write services so that
only "M$" users can enjoy them. The FreeBSD "camp" writes services (in
the form of an Operating System) so that anyone can enjoy them. For
free. If a third-party wishes to use FreeBSD, it can, and for any
purpose that it sees fit. This is the ideal embodied in the BSD license.

3) If you are really pro-FreeBSD (and not merely anti-everything-else,
as your message implies), then you might consider joining the
freebsd-advocacy list. Be warned, however, that unless you tone down
your language and act with some semblence of intelligence, that you will
not get a warm welcome there either.

Have a swell day.

C. Ulrich

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Re: FreeBSD 4.8 v/s 5.1

2003-09-29 Thread C. Ulrich
On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 03:51, Bryan Cassidy wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I was just wondering what people on the list thought. I don't want to
> know any details on which is better or whatever just in general which is
> better for whatever reasons people use it.

Short answer: use 4.8 for anything remotely critical such as a firewall,
web server, etc, especially if it's going to talk to the outside world
and/or uptime is important. That's why they call it 4.8-STABLE. For
learning purposes or a personal system that you don't mind tinkering
with every now and again, you might as well go with 5.1. For what it's
worth, most releases that aren't necessarily -STABLE are plenty stable
enough for normal use. They just aren't officially supported by the
FreeBSD team if you run into a snag. See the handbook and/or FAQ for
more info.

C. Ulrich

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Re: problems writing to smbfs mount

2003-09-26 Thread C. Ulrich
On Fri, 2003-09-26 at 00:49, Erick Smith wrote: 
> I tried to do this a while back and ran into the same problems that you 
> mention.   
> I eventually gave up and wrote a shell script to mount the smb share.  I put 
> this in the /usr/home/etc/rc.d directory.
> It isn't fstab then, but accomplishes the same thing, plus it won't crash your 
> boot process if the smb share is unavailable when you boot.

That sounds like it might work, but I'm interested in doing it The Right
Way. :) This kind of error needs to be fixed instead of worked around.
There doesn't seem to be an existing PR for this, think I should send

P.S. The system appears to boot fine even if the smb share isn't
available. It just skips mounting it whilst burping up a few error

P.P.S. Thanks!

C. Ulrich

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preventing "watchdog timeout"

2003-09-26 Thread C. Ulrich

If I boot FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE with no cable attached to the NIC, I get a
slew of "dc0: watchdog timeout" errors. Sometimes, I want to boot and
run the system without being physically connected to the network. Is
there any way to get rid of the timeout errors short of disabling
networking all together?

C. Ulrich

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problems writing to smbfs mount

2003-09-25 Thread C. Ulrich

I finally got smbfs to mount a Samba share to a specific directory at
boot time (without prompting for the password) via /etc/fstab. However,
I still have a problem.  I can read all files and directories just fine.
My permissions are correct. But whenever I try to write to the share,
the write fails and an error is returned, "no such file or directory".
If I try to replace a file on the share that already exists I get
"permission denied". Windows XP has no problem reading, writing, or
otherwise accessing the share, which is why I'm posting it here instead
of to a Samba list. Nothing particularly helpful showed up in a google
or rambler search.

Perhaps a more detailed explanation is in order.

The remote server is Samba 3.0.0rc4. The local machine is FreeBSD
5.1-RELEASE. Samba is using the following smb.conf (which I realize
isn't very secure, it's just for testing at the moment):

netbios name = POWERFACE
workgroup = EILNET
security = share
log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.samba
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
encrypt passwords = yes
wins support = yes
path = /nfs/share
guest ok = yes
writeable = yes

I then added a user with smbpasswd named eil. Now on the FreeBSD
machine, I made sure to enable the correct options in the kernel config
file and rebuilt whatever needed rebuilding followed by a reboot. I
created the following /root/.nsmbrc so that FreeBSD could mount the
share at runtime without it prompting for a password.



Next I added the line for /etc/fstab:

//[EMAIL PROTECTED]/smbshare /home/eil/share smbfs  rw,noauto   0  

Finally, I took and copied it to
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ and rebooted. FreeBSD mounts the share in
the proper location automatically and I can read every file and
directory. But when I try to copy, move, or otherwise write a file to
the share I get:

[apex:~]$ cp .profile share/
cp: share/.profile: No such file or directory

And when I try to copy or otherwise write to a file that already exists
on the share, I get a different error:

[apex:~]$ cp share/code/tcl/dbtest.tcl temp/
[apex:~]$ cp temp/dbtest.tcl share/code/tcl/
cp: share/code/tcl/dbtest.tcl: Permission denied

Anybody have any enlightening advice?

C. Ulrich

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Re: Seeking advice for new server: 4.8-REL vs. 4.9-BETA

2003-09-25 Thread C. Ulrich
On Thu, 2003-09-25 at 14:11, Scott Schappell wrote:
> The way I understand it is there are three "branches"
> CURRENT - the cutting edge source, use at your own risk, etc (5.x). This 
> is a branch that is in development.
> STABLE - this is the development branch for a current dot release. For 
> example 4.9 right now is in the STABLE  branch and has gone through a 
> certain level of testing in CURRENT.  4.9 right now is PRERELEASE, but 
> it's still considered STABLE. Since it's still a dvelopment branch, it's 
> prone to bugs (but not as many as CURRENT) as used primarily for 
> contributors to the project or folks who want to stay as absolutely 
> current in their current RELENG version (4).
> RELEASE - this is a branch that is the most stable, it's only updated to 
> fix security or system issues.

>From what I can tell, this is mostly correct. Release engineering seems
to be a little tricky. If I read the docs right, it's better to keep in
mind that there are only two main development branches, -CURRENT and
-STABLE. -RELEASE is just a snapshot of either branch at appropriate
intervals (the docs say approximately every 4 months). The purpose of a
-RELEASE is to stabilize the code bases enough so that a release of the
branch can be made for bumping up the version number and sending it out
on a CD. As of this writing, the two latest -RELEASEs are 4.8-RELEASE
and 5.1-RELEASE for -STABLE and -CURRENT respectively.

HEAD is the active CVS development branch where all the brand-new code
goes and winds up as the next -CURRENT release. In this case,
5.2-RELEASE. You don't ever want to track HEAD unless you're developing,
insanely curious, or just insane.

This is how it's all laid out in my mind, yours may differ. :P (If it
does, let me know!) FreeBSD release engineering is quite complex but
when I try to wrap my head around it, it seems to make some sense from a
development point of view.

> If you're tagging *default tag release=. (that's a literal . not a 
> punctuation mark) then you're tracking CURRENT (5.x)
> If you're tagging *default tag release=RELENG_4 you're tracking 4.x STABLE
> If you're tagging *default tag release=RELENG_4_8 you're tracking 4.8 
> RELEASE (security branch) - this is what I'm following in my cvsupfile.
> Again, this is how I see it after reading the handbook, and I may be a 
> bit off the mark :).

I got my information (or inferred it) from the Release Engineering page:

I think the docs there might explain the release process a little better
than the handbook (but will obviously be more technical.)

C. Ulrich

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Re: mount an ftp or ssh filesystem

2003-09-25 Thread C. Ulrich
On Thu, 2003-09-25 at 04:34, Pascal Giannakakis wrote:
> Hello,
> i'd like to mount remote ftp and ssh dirs into my local dir-tree, however
> can't find info on that for FreeBSD. I can't find neither a port, nor something
> for the kernel (like LUFS in Lunix). Other network-FSs are not an option.
> BTW - If you wonder whats its use is: i would like to access the files i work
> on with different programming tools seamlessly.
> Is it possible at all in FreeBSD 5.1?

I don't know for sure whether it's possible or not, but mounting a
remote FTP directory onto a local mount point does not sound like a good

You said that other network filesystems are not an option, but then
neither FTP or SSH (assuming you meant FTP tunnelled through SSH) are
networking filesystems either. The two popular implemtations of network
filesystems are NFS (Unix) and SMB (Unix via Samba, Windows). You should
take a close look at those since you will get much better performance
and security with them than by grafting an FTP directory to your
filesystem. If you need this in order to do your job and don't have
administrator access to the remote machine(s), then petition your system
administrator to look into NFS or SMB.

C. Ulrich

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Re: FreeBSD,Linux and any other os besides Microsoft.

2003-09-23 Thread C. Ulrich
On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 22:52, Ajax Munroe wrote:
> I dont have a question but I would like to make a statement. 

Not to be overly pedantic, but the name of this list is
freebsd-questions, not freebsd-statements. 8)

C. Ulrich

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Re: [Fwd: Re: Sound Card - NOT]

2003-09-23 Thread C. Ulrich
On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 21:43, Andy K wrote:
> Hi All
> Thanks C Ulrich, Ill give that a try - I have checked where the speakers
> are plugged in, all is good, I even tried the others just in case - can
> you recommend a good mixer program from the ports collection ? 
> (Ports rawk)
> Andrew Kozak
> FreeBSD Rox My Sox !!

Just checked and it looks like there are a ton of mixers in ports.

cd /usr/ports/audio
make search key=mixer

Since I just got my sound working, I'm in the market for a mixer too, so
I just tried the small and easy aumix. I seem to remember that the sound
drivers in linux had a separate Mute setting for each channel, but this
doesn't seem to be the case with FreeBSD, since selecting mute just puts
all the sliders down to 0.

Oh well, it works! Now I just wish I could adjust the bass and treble
for my SoundBlaster Live...

C. Ulrich

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Re: Sound Card - NOT

2003-09-22 Thread C. Ulrich
On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 20:25, Andy K wrote:
> Hi Everyone 
> Seems that quite a few people are having sound probs ! 
> I am about to join in here - I also cannot get my sound card to
> operate.I have a P2 with a 20 gig Hdd and 128Mb RAM - the machine has
> onboard sound so I tried all the options - PNP BIOS, pcm, anything
> generic, and the sound pro config (as thats what the bios indicated it
> was) from the handbook, no good,(I did reconfig the kernel each time as
> well) so I disabled the onboard sound and installed a sound card - no
> idea of brand, it came from a dead computer but I knew it was working be
> fore the motherboard fell over. Main problem is my system recognises 2
> video cards (as it did before I disabled the onboard sound) and the new
> sound card is not recognised (as far  as I can see)
> Output of cat /dev/sndstat 
> FreeBSD Audio Driver (newpcm) 
> Installed Devices 
> pcm0:  at io 0x220 irq 5 drq 1:0 bufsz 4096 (1p/1r/0v
> channels duplex) 
> (isn't this saying that it is working ?)
> Output of uname -a 
> FreeBSD 4.8 STABLE #1 Tue Aug 26
> 10:10:39 EST 2003
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/DRAGON i386 
> Output of grep pcm /var/run/demsg.boot 
> pcm0:  on sbc0 
> (doesn't this also indicate sound is happening ?)
> I get no errors when I try to play an MP3 through xmms, problem is I get
> no sound either. The error message saying my sound card isn't configured
> when I start kde has gone away as well
> Output of pciconf -lv 
> vendor   = 'Silicon Integrated Systems (SiS)' 
> device   = 'SiS5597 Host to PCI bridge' 
> class= bridge 
> subclass = HOST-PCI 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1:0: class=0x060100 card=0x chip=0x00081039 rev=0x01
> hdr=0x00 
> vendor   = 'Silicon Integrated Systems (SiS)' 
> device   = 'SiS85C503/5513 PCI to ISA Bridge (LPC Bridge)' 
> class= bridge 
> subclass = PCI-ISA 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1:1:   class=0x01018a card=0x500d8a02 chip=0x55131039
> rev=0xd0 hdr=0x00 
> vendor   = 'Silicon Integrated Systems (SiS)' 
> device   = 'SiS5513 EIDE Controller (A,B step)' 
> class= mass storage 
> subclass = ATA 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:11:0:class=0x03 card=0x chip=0x88115333
> rev=0x00 hdr=0x00 
> vendor   = 'S3 Incorporated' 
> device   = '86C732 Trio32, 86C764 Trio64, 86C765 Trio64V+ Rev 01' 
> class= display 
> subclass = VGA 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:13:0:  class=0x02 card=0x chip=0x802910ec rev=0x00
> hdr=0x00 
> vendor   = 'Realtek Semiconductor' 
> device   = 'RTL8029 NE2000 compatible Ethernet' 
> class= network 
> subclass = ethernet 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:20:0:class=0x03 card=0x chip=0x02001039
> rev=0x65 hdr=0x00 
> vendor   = 'Silicon Integrated Systems (SiS)' 
> device   = 'SiS5597/98 Onboard Graphics Controller' 
> class= display 
> subclass = VGA 
> Which as you can see shows two video cards and no sound card. Heck, I
> dunno, I'm willing to try anything now. All help, helpful or not will be
> appreciated. 
> Regards to all 
> Andrew Kozak

The fact that your card shows up in /dev/sndstat and xmms doesn't
complain is a good sign.

Install a mixer program and check that none of the channels are muted or
turned all the way down. Also check that your speakers are plugged into
the speaker jack rather than the mic jack (etc).


C. Ulrich

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Re: XFree86 configuration process

2003-09-22 Thread C. Ulrich
On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 06:28, Fredrik Carlén wrote:
> Hello! I would like one of two things (inclusive OR, down below!):
> - A pointer such as an URL to a resource where the details of the X server
> and configuration is explained in an understandable way,
> Or
> - An explanation as to how to use the xf86cfg tool so the end product is a
> usable graphic interface.
> I have installed FreeBSD now for about 5 years on different machines, and
> I find that later it has become increasingly difficult to configurate X.
> For me, it's more or less a trial-and-error process (if this doesn't work,
> then does *this*?, etc...) I admit that I don't understand X very well. I
> don't see why I would have to, either. 

Unfortunately, knowing how XFree86 works is still pretty much required
knowledge for anybody setting up a UNIXish machine. Rather than mess
with fussy GUI configuration apps (which have almost never worked for
me), I highly recommend learning the XF86Config so you can simply modify
it by hand. There are good references all around that explain in detail
the format of XF86Config that can be found for free on the net or bought
in dead-tree format. The good news is that the XF86Config file isn't
terribly difficult to understand once you've got the hang of it. Your
best bet is to take a generic XF86Config file that shipped with the OS
(or have a fancy GUI configuration tool create one) and then hack that
one by hand until everything works.

> Now, I "$ startx" and, fine, my fluxbox Window Mangler came up once. Then
>  it didn't want to start. *When* it started, I had 1600xSomething in
> screen resolution. *Not* what I wanted...I don't know, I am about to give
> up in favour maybe of something as pusillanimous as Red Hat :)
> /Fredrik Carlén, Stockholm, Sweden.

Sounds like you've got some additional issues with your system. However,
simply swithing to another OS isn't likely to solve all of your problems
since Red Hat and other mainstream Linux distros use XFree86 too. If you
go to another OS, do so because you want a different feature set than
FreeBSD provides (such as ease of setup) rather than because you can't
get XFree86 to work.

Whatever path you take, good luck!

C. Ulrich

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Re: XFree86 configuration process

2003-09-22 Thread C. Ulrich
On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 06:28, Fredrik Carlén wrote:
> Hello! I would like one of two things (inclusive OR, down below!):
> - A pointer such as an URL to a resource where the details of the X server
> and configuration is explained in an understandable way,
> Or
> - An explanation as to how to use the xf86cfg tool so the end product is a
> usable graphic interface.
> I have installed FreeBSD now for about 5 years on different machines, and
> I find that later it has become increasingly difficult to configurate X.
> For me, it's more or less a trial-and-error process (if this doesn't work,
> then does *this*?, etc...) I admit that I don't understand X very well. I
> don't see why I would have to, either. 

Unfortunately, knowing how XFree86 works is still pretty much required
knowledge for anybody setting up a UNIXish machine. Rather than mess
with fussy GUI configuration apps (which have almost never worked for
me), I highly recommend learning the XF86Config so you can simply modify
it by hand. There are good references all around that explain in detail
the format of XF86Config that can be found for free on the net or bought
in dead-tree format. The good news is that the XF86Config file isn't
terribly difficult to understand once you've got the hang of it. Your
best bet is to take a generic XF86Config file that shipped with the OS
(or have a fancy GUI configuration tool create one) and then hack that
one by hand until everything works.

> Now, I "$ startx" and, fine, my fluxbox Window Mangler came up once. Then
>  it didn't want to start. *When* it started, I had 1600xSomething in
> screen resolution. *Not* what I wanted...I don't know, I am about to give
> up in favour maybe of something as pusillanimous as Red Hat :)
> /Fredrik Carlén, Stockholm, Sweden.

Sounds like you've got some additional issues with your system. However,
simply swithing to another OS isn't likely to solve all of your problems
since Red Hat and other mainstream Linux distros use XFree86 too. If you
go to another OS, do so because you want a different feature set than
FreeBSD provides (such as ease of setup) rather than because you can't
get XFree86 to work.

Whatever path you take, good luck!

C. Ulrich

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Re: External modem suddenly not working (USR V.Everything)

2003-09-21 Thread C. Ulrich
On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 23:37, Travis Troyer wrote:
> I have a US Robotics V.Everything external modem connected to 
> my system running FreeBSD 5.1 stable.  I got my ppp.conf and 
> ppp.linkup files setup properly, and was able to dial-up to 
> my provider many times.  I was connected when I accidentally 
> knocked the power supply out of the wall socket, and lost my 
> connection.  I plugged it back in, turned it off and back on, 
> and tried to connect, without success.  So, I rebooted, with 
> no success.  I tried shutting down both the modem and the 
> system and cold-booting; still no go.  The modem connects 
> fine under Windows (dual-boot), but refuses to even dial in 
> FreeBSD. 
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Travis Troyer

See what happens when you try to interact with the modem manually with
an old-fashioned serial terminal program like kermit or minicom. You'll
have to figure out how to use the program first, but once you do, the
following commands might help troubleshoot the problem:

ATZ : Reset the modem
ATDTxxx : Dial phone number xxx
ATH0 : Hang up the modem

Look around on the net for an AT command reference for more information
on these.

Oh, and I assume this is a _serial_ external modem and not USB? If it's
USB there may be some further trickery involved.

C. Ulrich

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Re: Can't start X... Please help!!!

2003-09-21 Thread C. Ulrich
On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 21:13, Enoch Chan wrote: 
> You experts probably wonder why I am using FreeBSD 5.0 instead of 
> FreeBSD 5.1... That's because I am a newbie and I got a book that teaches me 
> how to use FreeBSD 5.0. I prefer sticking to it and learn most of the 
> stuff before I go on to a newer version.So if anyone knows what's going 
> on, please reply! Thanks!!! :D
> Have a nice day!!!
> Enoch

I don't have an answer to your question, but I'd like to point out that
there are very few visible differences between 5.0 and 5.1, and probably
most subsequent 5.x releases. Except in some very rare and odd
circumstances, you'll be just fine running the latest 5.x. Just steer
clear of the current (read: possibly unstable) branch until you're
knowledgeable enough to handle a few difficult problems now and then.

C. Ulrich

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Re: XMMS - didn't find esd? what this driver?

2003-09-21 Thread C. Ulrich
On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 13:02, Alex Zivenko wrote:
> Hi community!
> When I'm trying to play some mp3 files in my KDE with XMMS - it gives me an error
> Something like this: sound device not found or not configured.
> One "guru" in FreeBSD multimedia said, that I must have esd driver. What is this?
> PS When I play it in Kaboodle - all is fine, KDE works with sound. I configured the 
> kernel with option pcm (integrated audio)
> People help! I wanna music!
> __
> Alex Zivenko
> ICQ#: 298887381
>   Current ICQ status: 
> +  More ways to contact me 
> __

1) Launch XMMS
2) Type Ctrl+P
3) In the box that pops up, look for a frame titled "Output Plugin."
Select "OSS Driver 1.2.7" and click Ok.

Now you can music!

C. Ulrich

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