[Gimp-user] double border script

2005-11-01 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine

I'm new to Script-Fu (but not to GIMP) and I'm trying to customize
Double Border script by Pavel Antokolsky and Frank Ufie

The very first thing I did is replacing old calls (beginning with
gimp-palette-*) to new calls (gimp-context-*) to make it work with
GIMP 2.3.x. I also changed some defaults to the ones I usually use.

Then I changed menu to /Filters/Decor so that the obsolete
Script-Fu menu isn't created again.

There are 2 issues left

1. When I try to execute the script, I see the following message:

Error during execution
 (script-fu-border-with-copyright 1 2 1 '(255 255 255) 5 '(0 0 0)
"\302\251 Alexandre Prokoudine, 2004" "Verdana Italic" 11 '(105 81 71)
ERROR: Procedural database execution failed:
(gimp-edit-clear 4)

2. When I try to undo changes that the script managed to introduce
before failing, GIMP freezes i.e. stops responding.

I understand that using unstable version isn't a really good idea in
common cases, but for me CMS is critical. Thus, any idea about what
should be fixed is highly appreciated. My version of the script is
attached to this letter.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,
;; Freely distributed
;; Version 1.0 by Pavel Antokolsky aka Zigmar ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
;; Version 1.1 Fufie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
;; - Improved error-checking and undo works
;; - Addded support for copyright-notice
;; - Moved script to S-Fu/Decor
;; Version 1.2 Fufie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
;; - Added blur-effect on copyright-notice
;;       as suggested by Eugene
;; Version 1.2.1 Alexandre Prokoudine ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
;; - changed API calls to 2.3.x ones
;; - changed position of plug-in's position in menu
;; - changed default font settings

(define (script-fu-border-with-copyright aimg adraw ib-width ib-colour ob-width ob-colour
	 text font-name font-size font-colour blur-text
	 work-on-copy flatten-image)

(let* ((type (car (gimp-drawable-type-with-alpha adraw)))
	   (img (if (= work-on-copy TRUE)
		(car (gimp-image-duplicate aimg))
	   (old-width (car (gimp-image-width img)))
	   (old-height (car (gimp-image-height img)))
	   (old-fg (car (gimp-context-get-foreground)))
	   (border-width (+ ib-width ob-width))
	   (new-width (+ old-width (* border-width 2)))
	   (new-height (+ old-height (* border-width 2)))
  ;; Start undo, make it simple.
  (gimp-image-undo-group-start img)

  ;;Add space for the border ("canvas resize")
  (gimp-image-resize img new-width new-height border-width border-width)

  ;; Create new layer for the border
  (set! border-layer (car (gimp-layer-new img 

  ;; Clear newly created layer
  (gimp-edit-clear border-layer)
  ;; Add it to image
  (gimp-image-add-layer img border-layer -1)

  ;; Outer border fill, if it is bigger than zero
  (cond ((> ob-width 0)
	 (gimp-rect-select img 
			   0 0 
			   new-width new-height 
			   0 0)
	 (gimp-rect-select img 
			   ob-width ob-width 
			   (- new-width (* ob-width 2)) (- new-height (* ob-width 2)) 
			   0 0) 
	 (gimp-context-set-foreground ob-colour)
	 (gimp-edit-fill border-layer 0) 
  ;; Inner border fill if width is > 0
  (cond ((> ib-width 0)
	 (gimp-rect-select img 
			   ob-width ob-width 
			   (- new-width (* ob-width 2)) (- new-height (* ob-width 2)) 
			   0 0) 
	 (gimp-rect-select img 
			   border-width border-width 
			   old-width old-height
			   0 0) 
	 (gimp-context-set-foreground ib-colour)
	 (gimp-edit-fill border-layer 0) 

  ;; add the text if the text has size
  ;; doing it very iteratively and unschemy
  (cond ((> (string-length text) 0)
	 (let ((text-size '())
		   (text-width '())
		   (text-height '())
		   (written-text '())
	   (gimp-context-set-foreground font-colour)
	   ;; get the extent of text when written out
	   (set! text-size (gimp-text-get-extents-fontname text font-size PIXELS font-name))
	   (set! text-width (car text-size))
	   (set! text-height (cadr text-size))

	   (set! written-text (gimp-text-fontname img
		  -1  ;; new layer
		  (- new-width text-width ob-width) ;; x-coord
		  (- new-height text-height) ;; y-coord
		  TRUE ;; anti-alias
		  PIXELS ;; size is in pixels

	   ;; if we&#x

Re: [Gimp-user] Non printable colors

2005-11-15 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 11/16/05, John R. Culleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> While the gamut of CMYK is smaller than the gamut of RGB I don't
> know how you can define it except by example.

In prepress world this is called "Mark colors out of gamut" and is
implemented e.g. in Scribus

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] brush size

2005-11-15 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 11/16/05, Panos Laganakos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to know if it's possible to be able to change the diameter/size
> of a brush with a slider like opacity/distance?

Sure, you want Brushes palette :)

There is a button to open brush editor in its left bottom corner

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] brush size

2005-11-15 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 11/16/05, Joao S. O. Bueno Calligaris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The file "resizebrush.scm"  (I hope it is open for non subscribers of
> the list).

It's not :(

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] automatical white balance

2005-11-16 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 11/16/05, Timo Steuerwald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> can anyone explain how the automatical white balance works? - I can not
> find anything about it in the documentation. It can be found at the menu
> in Layers->Colours->Auto->White Balance. I'm not sure if this are
> exactly the right words because I use the german version.
> How does this feature know which pixel should be white? - I expected
> something like the manual white balance in digital cameras: Pointing and
> selecting  an area which should be white, the rest of the picture will
> be changed accordingly.

Open Levels dialog (Layer- Colour-Levels), click on the right color
picker in its bottom that is in charge for white and then pick a color
that seems to be the whitest one. Changes will apply.

You can also "show" this color levels tool the "blackest" and the
"grayest" dots ;-)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Non printable colors

2005-11-16 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 11/17/05, cedric GEMY <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We can understand the question if we imagine that some user still use
> Photoshop. Alexandre is right to say that in in Free DTP Software
> process, Gimp don't need mark out of gamut colors.

If I told that, I probably wouldn't be right. But I am right anyway,
because I never said that :))

And, quite in contrary to your words, it would be helpful to see
colors out of gamut by softproofing.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] automatical white balance

2005-11-16 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 11/17/05, Timo Steuerwald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hey, that's a cool feature! Thanks a lot! I didn't know that up to now,
> but anyway: How does this automatical white balance work?

I don't know how exactly this engine ticks, but I can to to guess: it
searches for the lightest pixel in the image and makes GIMP believe
that it is white and then it shifts other colors appropriately. But
that's my guess. Probably gimp-help package contains information you
want to know.

Some info on Levels dialog ("Werte" im Deutschen, soweit ich das
verstehe) is here: http://docs.gimp.org/de/ch06s05s06.html

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] template for sawtooth border wanted

2005-11-26 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 11/26/05, Axel Wernicke wrote:

> easily  use to cut of the unwanted borders. To make clear that there
> is something cut of from the picture, the border should be look
> similar to a sawtooth - an irregular one - bit hard to describe, but
> I'm pretty sure you know what I mean.

Maybe scissors, not sawtooth?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] creating html with the Gimp

2005-11-26 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 11/26/05, Demetrius Jones wrote:
> This may be have been posted once with no subject.  But what I was wondering
> was whether or not it is possible to design a web page in the Gimp and then
> have the Gimp generate the html for the the web page like in Photoshop?

Investigate Py-Slice plug-in

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How to put an arrow mark using gimp

2005-11-29 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 11/29/05, Sunita wrote:

> While searching for it I came across Graphics Muse tool
> (http://www.graphics-muse.org/sw/gfxarrows.html) which provide plugin for
> drawing an arrow. I follow the instruction to install the plugin but could
> not do it.
> Pls help me.
> Your suggestion will be highly appreciated.

It is impossible to help you until you tell us what exactly goes wrong
by installation.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] pdf to xcf

2005-11-29 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 11/29/05, Helen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How can one convert a pdf file to an  xcf (gimp) file?

If I got ot right, GIMP 2.3.x can use poppler library to open PDF
files with preview for you to choose pages you want to convert.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Layers and paths dialog...

2005-11-29 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 11/30/05, Klerman wrote:
> Hi, again.
> I'm trying to follow the GIMP's manual, and when I try to open the
> Layers and Paths dialog (CTRL L), I don't see the paths tab, even when
> its shown in the manual and its supossed to be there. How can I access
> the paths dialog so I can edit paths ?. I'm using GIMP 2.2 for
> Windows.

There is no Layers and Paths dialog. There is a Layers dialog and a
Paths dialog. You can find the Paths dialog in both Toolbox's Dialogs
menu and Image's Dialogs menu.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] gimp in science

2009-11-27 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine

Is anybody using here GIMP in science or medicine? If yes, how? What
tools, plug-ins and scripts do you use?

Thanks in advance!

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] gimp in science

2009-11-27 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 11/28/09, Stefan Maerz wrote:
> I am a student of Comp. Engineering. However, I haven't yet used GIMP for
> science purposes. I Have used it to align images of titanium samples cut by
> abrasive waterjets.
> If it helps, you may want to look here: http://registry.gimp.org/

Oh, I do know about the registry :) I'm rather interested in use
cases, or showcases even :)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP 2.6.7 Design

2009-11-28 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 11/28/09, Jennifer Mohr wrote:

> 2] There's no main menu (File, Tools, Edit, etc, etc) at the top of the
> GIMP Tool page. I can't open files, start new files, open the layers or
> brush pages. I have to go to one of my already opened files to do this.
> Its really annoying!

Well, think about it from a different angle: before, when you closed
the last image, all you had were just two thin floating dockers, so
you had to drop a new image on just one of them and exactly in the
right place. And on systems where windows of these dockers were
utility windows, you would have a tough time looking for these
dockers, because, believe or not, these windows were not listed in the
windows pager. So now you have a whole window that solves exactly this
issue. Besides, this window is just a first step to upcoming optional
single-window mode.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] interesting red eye problem

2009-12-01 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 12/1/09, glibwort wrote:
> I have a photo with red eye, one of the eyes has some strands of hair over
> it.
> When I try to select this eye (I used a rectangle) for red eye removal, the
> red eye filter gets confused because of the hair and consequently removes
> the
> colour from the hair along with the colour from the red eye. Will I have to
> try and remove the red from the eye the hard way manually? :-) Hard to do as
> when I zoom in that much the strands of hair are difficult to pick out. Help
> please. thanks

Is there a particular reason you don't want to use a mask to hide the
hair from the filter? :)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Native Support for SVG

2009-12-08 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 12/8/09, David Gowers wrote:

> Why should GIMP support SVG export?

Because jumping from one (bitmap) application to another (vector) and
back is fairly normal? While I agree with you that Inkscape is a
superior authoring tool for vector graphics, there is no reason why
GIMP shouldn't have SVG export. Or PDF export.

@Programmer In Training (jeez, is that your real name? you know people
on the Internet might have problems referring to you? ;)) As a matter
of fact GEGL comes with an SVG loader and also supports a number of
SVG Filters. It also has quite a interesting and extensible API for
drawing paths. So in the future GIMP will at least load complex SVG
files correctly.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Native Support for SVG

2009-12-08 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 2:26 PM, Torsten Neuer wrote:

> The only way to "fully support SVG in Gimp" would be to implement SVG graphics
> internally, so SVG "export" could be just native SVG without raster image
> conversion. However, in this case, the Gimp image format would need to include
> special vector layers, the Gimp itself would require SVG editing tools, a
> method for combining raster and vector layers in a single image, etc. It would
> be a whole new program inside the already existing program...

Guess what :)


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Native Support for SVG

2009-12-08 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 12/9/09, David Gowers wrote:

> Not exactly. Paths have been available for a long time; however vector
> layers were implemented by Henk Boom a year or so ago

Three years ago. It was a GSoC2006 project.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Is there a virtual photo filter plugin for GIMP?

2009-12-11 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 12/11/09, Ken Warner wrote:
> I've looked in the registry.  Didn't find anything.
> What I'm looking for is a way to simulate an actual filter like a sky 1b or
> a red intensifier filter so I don't have to have the real filter on
> my camera.

Could probably "Colors > Filter Pack" be of help for you? :)


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Converting Adobe *.ase swatch files from Kuler to Gimp *.gpl swatch files

2009-12-21 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 12/22/09, Daniel wrote:
> Hi,
> There is also a standalone Windows program that does this conversion:

And on Linux (also usable on Windows when Python is installed) it is


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Separate+ 0.5.5

2009-12-22 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine

Many thanks for the update :)

One feature request I think many people who use separate+ will support
is saving existing paths as clipping paths in resulted TIFF -- a
feature already supported in GIMP's TIFF saver.


On 12/16/09, Yoshinori Yamakawa  wrote:
> Hi,
> Separate+ 0.5.5 is released.
> http://sourceforge.jp/projects/separate-plus/downloads/42977/
> Exporting CMYK image as JPEG or Photoshop PSD is supported in this release.
> Complete list of changes and fixes from 0.5.4 are found at Separate+ web
> site:
> http://cue.yellowmagic.info/softwares/separate-plus/index.html
> --
> Yoshinori Yamakawa 
> ___
> Gimp-user mailing list
> Gimp-user@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
> https://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Alpha2 of Separate+ 0.5.6

2009-12-27 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 12/26/09, Yoshinori Yamakawa wrote:
> Clipping paths are supported(TIFF, JPEG and PSD).
> Source:
> http://sourceforge.jp/projects/separate-plus/releases/45080/
> Demonstration video:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BogZv7_8_0c

You are amazing! Why didn't we ask you for that before? :)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Changing Filter Parameters

2010-01-01 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 1/1/10, GoldStandard wrote:
> This is a simple newbie question,
> I use a filter, say a drop shadow for example. later I think the dropped
> shadow is too much or in the wrong position. how can I go back and edit the
> filtered layer without having to delete it and re-create it?

You don't really need to merge shadow layer with upper layer in the
first place. And while GIMP doesn't allow changing filters' options at
a later time, you definitely can delete layer with shadow and reapply
the filter (well, it's a script really) to the source layer.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Problems with GEGL.org?

2010-01-05 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 1/6/10, Programmer In Training wrote:
> Is anyone else having problems with the GEGL website?

This website is down for a number of weeks already.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Alpha2 of Separate+ 0.5.6

2010-01-08 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 12/26/09, Yoshinori Yamakawa wrote:
> Clipping paths are supported(TIFF, JPEG and PSD).
> Source:
> http://sourceforge.jp/projects/separate-plus/releases/45080/
> Demonstration video:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BogZv7_8_0c

Another idea that seems to be popular among users is GCR and UCR implementation.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] running gimp on win re. plug-ins

2010-01-12 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine

A user reports that all localized 3rd party plug-ins run in English
for her on Windows.

She has German locale set in the system (she lives in Germany), but
she modified environment variable for GIMP to run it in Russian. It
does make GIMP run in Russian, but, as stated above, all 3rd part
plug-ins like GAP and Liquid Rescale are in English for her.

Any advices?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP vs Photoshop

2010-01-12 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 1/12/10, Norman Silverstone wrote:
> The great thing about GIMP is that it is free so you can try it, at no
> cost to yourself, and see if it will do what you want it to do.

But so is Photoshop. 30 days trial :)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP vs Photoshop

2010-01-12 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 1/13/10, Programmer In Training wrote:

>> On 1/12/10, Norman Silverstone wrote:
>>> The great thing about GIMP is that it is free so you can try it, at no
>>> cost to yourself, and see if it will do what you want it to do.
>> But so is Photoshop. 30 days trial :)
> Photoshop is free to try, for 30 days. GIMP is free to try for the rest
> of your life.

Which part of "see if it will do what you want it to do" did you not read? :)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP vs Photoshop

2010-01-13 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 1/14/10, Marco Ciampa wrote:

>>   ** Just 8 bit/channel;
> yes, just like photoshop some years ago...wait a moment...this means that
> serious photo work started just some 5-10 years ago
> PS: jpeg photos are 8 bit only

This is totally unrelated. Open (almost) any photo in GIMP, edit it
with levels or curves and look at the resulted hair comb in histogram.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Color Management Woes

2010-01-16 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 1/16/10, Frank Gore wrote:

> Upon further research, I just noticed there are two major versions of
> the ICC specification, 2.x and 4.x. Does Gimp support both? Does it
> support the latest? (4.2)

Upon even further research you would find out that GIMP doesn't care
about that, because this is what GIMP uses LittleCMS library for :)
Which coincidentally supports both 2.x and 4.x. Not 4.2, perhaps, but
chances that anyone has v4.2 profiles around are floating around 0.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP vs Photoshop

2010-01-17 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 1/17/10, Ken Warner wrote:
> There are a few things that GIMP needs to be competitive with PS.

Just a few? :)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] GIMP vs Photoshop

2010-01-17 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 1/17/10, Norman Silverstone wrote:

>> > There are a few things that GIMP needs to be competitive with PS.
>> Just a few? :)
> Why is it necessary for GIMP to be competitive with PS?

You probably meant to say "competitive against PS", didn't you? :)
There is no reason why developers of free software should think in
terms of competition unless they work on a project full-time which
changes quite a lot. And yet there are many reasons why they at least
sometimes *could* think about it.

Many interesting free applications have grown from an interest in
something and further work is often largely based on motivation that
comes from user base, one way or another. A lot of projects died
simply because developers didn't receive feedback and decided the
project was useless. If you read Enselic's blog, you probably remember
that a positive review of 2.6 on Ars Technica quite motivated him to
work on 2.7 and beyond.

So a free software project is a two-way street. Hold on to that thought.

In terms of functionality GIMP has a unique position, shared
*probably* only with Artweaver. It isn't a simple editor like
Paint.net or Photofiltre, and yet it doesn't have many hi-end features
of Ps or PSP. This is actually the reason why so many users have
problems with GIMP: they expect that everything beyond Paint.Net and
the like is supposed to be on par with Ps. You don't have to like it,
btw :) It just exists.

So when it comes to GIMP users, what you are dealing with is in fact a
lot of people who see and acknowledge GIMP's potential to become a
kick-ass hi-end application, but they cannot use it for work right
now, because some important features are lacking or because the work
can be done, but in a much longer time. In some cases, like  since
recently in my country, people are forced to use GIMP, because
management tells them so, because companies cannot afford Ps licenses.

Being able to do work that's in front of you, the time it takes you to
accomplish it -- these are the things people are usually quite
emotional about. And this is where demand for competition comes from,
whether you like it or not.

> As I understand it, it isn't users that GIMP wants, it is developers
> prepared to give freely of their time and expertise. If you need the
> advantages that PS has over GIMP then, by all means, buy and use PS but,
> if you want something that does what you want and is free, then use
> GIMP. If you can help to improve GIMP then good for you, if you can't
> then, as it is said, put up or shut up.

A, nice! :) I've been participating in free software projects all
these years only to have someone ordering me around to shut up and use
proprietary software :) Isn't that lovely? :)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Fwd: Re: GIMP vs Photoshop

2010-01-17 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 1/18/10, Ken Warner wrote:

> I gave feedback and was told to "...put up or shut up...".
> Which indicates a really dumb developer base that ...

... you imagined yourself, because the person who said that isn't GIMP

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Completely off every imaginable topic;)

2010-01-18 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 1/18/10, Patrick Horgan wrote:
> Have you ever noticed that people's progress in using, supporting,
> writing bug reports for, and sometimes even developing for, writing
> documentation for, or translating for open source software is paralleled
> by their progress from top-posting to bottom posting to interlinear
> posting, to intelligent elision with interlinear posting?  I see it on
> the gimp, and on other lists all the time.

Dude, I never ran any related research, but I 'm sure as hell that I
do all sorts of posting depending on situation. Does it make me Dr.
Jackill and Mr. Hyde? :) I'm also quite sure that I'm not alone in

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Fwd: Re: GIMP vs Photoshop

2010-01-19 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 1/20/10, Programmer In Training wrote:

>> itch I am scratching: I run Linux but hate to manage windows and/or
>> workspaces, and single-window mode will fix this for me.
> I absolutely /hate/ the single window mode.

You don't have to like single image node either. It'll be optional.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Fwd: Re: GIMP vs Photoshop

2010-01-20 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 5:42 PM, Programmer In Training wrote:

> 2.6.8 and as far as I can tell, there is no way to revert to old behavior.
> This is the behavior I'm currently having to deal with.
> http://www.joseph-a-nagy-jr.us/images/screen-caps/gimp.png (458KB, don't
> ask me how it's that large)

Running GIMP on Windows and hating single-window mode is bloody unique :)

You are talking about different things, as a matter of fact. There is
no way you can revert to GIMP 2.4 behaviour. There never will be.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Tutorial?

2010-01-21 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 4:25 PM, BGP wrote:
> Is there an online GIMP tutorial?
> I've seen some of the versions but they're out of date and refer to GIMP
> parts and menus that aren't in the version I have.

There are several hundreds of tutorials on GIMP. Would you mind
helping us to understand which one you were talking about? :)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Loading/indexing fonts everytime GIMP starts

2010-01-21 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 1/21/10, Wei-Tsun Sun wrote:
> How to access the font manager in gimp ?

A font manager is a separate application and not part of GIMP.

If you are interested in a free open source solution, try Fontmatrix
-- it has a build for Windows.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Loading/indexing fonts everytime GIMP starts

2010-01-22 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 1/22/10, Wei-Tsun Sun wrote:

>> A font manager is a separate application and not part of GIMP.
>> If you are interested in a free open source solution, try Fontmatrix
>> -- it has a build for Windows.
> Got that, disabling fonts seems too hacky. I am thinking if there is another
> way to solve that issue.

The only other way is not to use many fonts at all. There is
absolutely nothing hacky about disabling and reenabling fonts via font
managers. This is how most designers work.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Complaint

2010-01-22 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 1/22/10, BGP wrote:
> I'm sure you folks are all experts at GIMP but I've found it to be a
> very hard to learn how to use.  But how many hundreds of hours did it
> take you to learn how to use it?

Learning is something you never stop to do. If you stopped learning,
you are dead and the coffin with your body is about to be put six feet

> For example- the "tutorials" are mostly out of date

Did you read *all* tutorials on GIMP? Really? I'm sorry, but I don't
believe you.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Complaint

2010-01-22 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 1/22/10, BGP wrote:

>> Learning is something you never stop to do. If you stopped learning,
>> you are dead and the coffin with your body is about to be put six feet
>> underground.
> Never heard that one before.

Now you have :)

>>> For example- the "tutorials" are mostly out of date
>> Did you read *all* tutorials on GIMP? Really? I'm sorry, but I don't
>> believe you.
> I never said "all"- you did.

You were asked several times what tutorials out of hundreds that exist
you refer to, and you never replied. So when you say that tutorials
are mostly out of date, there is no way you can be sure of that unless
you've read *all* the tutorials. Basic logic.

> If you have an excellent tutorial for ver. 2.6.8 then please refer me to it.

What kind of tutorial? Drawing? Painting? Color correction?
Retouching? FX? Please understand that by refusing to provide details
you don't help us to help you.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Complaint

2010-01-22 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 1/22/10, Jay Smith wrote:

> While the responses to the original poster are surely technically
> correct, the original poster _does_ have a legitimate point.
> It might actually be easier for a person to learn Gimp if they have
> never used another image editing program.
> However, for people who grew up on Photoshop, it is a particular
> challenge to learn Gimp because one must learn substantially new
> techniques, methods, terminology, concepts, and workflows.
> And the OP is correct that there is some out-of-date documentation being
> presented as if it were current.  This is especially a problem because
> many aspects of the UI have changed in the last couple years.  And this
> problem is only going to be much _worse_ when the single-window
> possibility is available -- the docs will really be behind.
> The first step in increasing broad acceptance, support, and development
> of Gimp is to _accept_ its shortcomings and to honestly recognize the
> challenges that new users face.


It has been said by GIMP developers in public several times that
tutorials at gimp.org are out of date and need reworking. There is no
problem accepting the fact, see? There is a problem of people not
having spare time to work on that. It's really *that* simple. There's
no conspiracy.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Complaint

2010-01-22 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 1/22/10, Jay Smith wrote:

> While long-time users and the developers of Gimp may not feel like Gimp
> should be treated as a "product", the reality is that any new user
> looking at Gimp is going to make choices and decisions that are "product
> choice" decisions.  Denial of that fact is complete denial of reality.

And who denies it? :)

> It is my opinion that many in the open source / free software (OS/FS)
> arena have long ago forgotten that truism.  In my experience the OS/FS
> world pretty much tells new users that if they are not patient enough or
> smart enough to figure out the secrets of whatever software, they don't
> deserve to use it.

How does it relate to GIMP?

> I feel that is completely backward.  The OS/FS community should focus on
> (as much as software development) the education of new users and
> bringing them into the community.


> As an example, while I have not looked for it, I am sure that there must
> at least be some book or maybe a website here or there that specifically
> addresses "How to smoothly migrate from using Photoshop to using Gimp --
> the benefits, challenges, and differences of using Gimp".  Such content
> should be right up front in the whole Gimp documentation, Gimp websites,
> etc., etc.

Not a book and not a website, but something I started a while ago in
Russian and haven't finished translating into English yet.


Basically it covers status of support for file formats (needs updating
a bit), table of tools and their keyboard shortcuts mapping, table of
functionality mapping

I'll see if I can finish it this week.

> could do a lot better at this.  And if somebody says "we don't care
> about getting more users", I would ask them "then, why make Gimp at all?"

And does anyone actually say that?

> As an aside, I really think that the documentation issue is going to
> become critical in the next couple of years.  As I understand it (and
> please correct me if I am wrong), anybody can contribute to the
> documentation effort, but it takes significant training and skills in
> the special process involved with maintaining documentation versioning,
> etc., etc., etc.  I don't begin to understand all of that and I DON'T
> WANT TO have to become an expert in all that stuff -- I just want to
> help improve the documentation.

I understand your feelings, but GIMP documentation is a single-source
effort that isn't well supported by current wiki engines.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Complaint

2010-01-22 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 1/22/10, Programmer In Training wrote:

> My favorite tool right now is the fractal explorer.

Don't forget to write a tutorial :-P

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp Documentation in the future... (from Re: Complaint)

2010-01-22 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 1/22/10, Jay Smith wrote:

> Alexandre's second point can be solved by a Wiki.  A Wiki would allow
> and encourage more people to become involved.
> However, I am ignorant of exactly what the input / output requirements
> of the "single-source effort" are exactly.  If possible, can somebody
> point me to a reference which describes how the documentation
> project/work itself is being done and what the inputs/outputs are and
> where they live?

IIRC wiki is offline now (that ism the potential documentation host
:-P), so I can't point you to the page.

We use DocBook/XML for storing original content in English and PO
files for storing translation. This is great for translating, because
you don't need to manually look for updated pages or watch them all
the time. You just see what messages in a PO file are marked as fuzzy
(changed) and edit them.

The workflow is:

Someone edits the original XML file. Translators run a command that
updates their translations (in PO files). Then they look at changes
(easy to do in any PO editor), apply changes and commit them to Git

As a side remark, I'm genuinely not impressed by wiki based
documentations. They are not exactly as manageable as I'd like them to
be. I'm judging by wiki.scribus.net for example.

FLOSS manuals is another example: we actually have a problem figuring
out who does what in the Inkscape manual, because despite of being
told to people silently edit something somewhere and never introduce
themselves or tell about their plans, so clashes are inevitable.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Loading/indexing fonts everytime GIMP starts

2010-01-22 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 1/22/10, Programmer In Training wrote:

> time I open it. Sure it takes longer to open GIMP by doing that, but I
> like having all my fonts available all the time.

Unique again :)

> The GIMP is the only program I'm aware of that allows you to specify an
> extra, alternative font directory.

Oh, Scribus does it as well, for ages.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Quick copy-pasting between Inkscape and GIMP

2010-01-28 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 3:18 PM, David Gowers wrote:

> You should also be able to open the SVG file directly rather than
> first exporting a PNG with that same 'Open as Layers' command.

Sure, but... SVG Filters? Masks? Clipping paths? :)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] problem with genius 8x6 tablet and gimp

2010-02-02 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 5:28 PM, Sven Neumann wrote:

> Grab the source code (of GTK+) and add support for your tablet to it.
> Then send a patch to the GTK+ developers. You can also try to ask the
> tablet vendor to add proper support for their tablet to GTK+.

Funnily enough the tablet is reported to work with GIMP just fine on Linux.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Advanced Rounded Rectangle

2010-03-17 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 3/17/10, Richard H. wrote:
> The dialog for the Advanced Rounded Rectangle has me confused.

Where did you find this function? I only see "Select > Rounded
Rectangle" menu items and it surely doesn't have hor/vert radius

> What data am I supposed to enter

Pixels would be most likely choice.

> and what is a horizontal or vertical radius ?

If your curiosity brought you a little further ;-), you'd play with
options and see that it is a distance of points, from which each
corner is rounded, from original corners. E.g. if you want a
rectangular that is almost like an ellipse, you define a large
horizontal radius and small vertical radius, so that rounding
stretches a lot horizontally and very little vertically.

See http://tavmjong.free.fr/INKSCAPE/MANUAL/html/Shapes-Rectangles.html
for examples.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] gimp-painter- docs in English

2010-03-31 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 4/1/10, Branko Vukelic wrote:
> Hi list,
> Does anyone know where I could find the English version of
> gimp-painter- patch's documentation?

Try http://docs.gimp/help/en/

> I'm trying to figure out what Flow does among other things,
> but a complete docs would also be very helpful.

That makes us figure out where you saw that "Flow" :) And we'll send
you to the URL above anyway :)

> Check out my portfolio: http://www.flickr.com/photos/16889...@n04/

Did you know you can set a human readable alias to this 16889...@n04
to make the url looks nice(r)? :)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] gimp-painter- docs in English

2010-03-31 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 4/1/10, Branko Vukelic wrote:

> Does anyone know where I could find the English version of
> gimp-painter- patch's documentation?

By the way, did you possibly mean GIMP Paint Studio, as in
http://code.google.com/p/gps-gimp-paint-studio/ ?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] PSD as CMYK: Web Coated (SWOP) V2

2010-04-09 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 4/10/10, Claus Cyrny wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to provide a business card as PSD/
> CMYK: Web Coated (SWOP) V2. How do I
> go about there in Gimp 2.6.7 (Ubuntu 9.10)?

Use most recent version of separate+ plug-in

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] HDR 48 bit JPEG

2010-06-14 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 6/15/10, Jon Trepte wrote:
> Hi,
> Will 48 bit JPEG (12 bits/chan) be supported in the near
> future?

The only way to ensure that is to do that :)

No, it's unlikely to have HD JPEG supported in GIMP with full bit
depth any time soon.

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Fwd: Re: GIMP vs Photoshop

2010-06-21 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 7:02 PM, John Culleton wrote:

> Can't let this one go by.

Surely you could. But you just didn't :)

> The usual response from the developers of Gimp is that there is
> little demand for CMYK.

Is it usual? Really? I have never heard any GIMP developer stating that.

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How is 16 bit GIMP doing?

2010-06-21 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 7:18 PM, Ken Warner wrote:
> Is it still being worked on?  If so, is there any word
> on availability?

"When it's ready" is the best you can get :)

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Biggest Frustration

2010-06-21 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 7:16 PM, Steve VanSlyck wrote:
> My biggest frustration with GIMP is the complete lack of a general object
> selection tool. Not having an "arrow" tool is counter intuitive to the
> way we've been taught since the Faraday saw the first semiconductor claw
> its way into visibility in 1833.

My biggest frustration is that _I_ haven't been studying bitmap
graphics tools since 1833, you lucky bugger! I envy, envy, envy you!

The only reason I don't commit suicide out of being jealous is because
I know difference between vector graphics and bitmap graphics and
therefore I can use Inkscape for dealing with objects and you can't
:-) Oh, wait -- you can. Just try it :-)

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How is 16 bit GIMP doing?

2010-06-21 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 6/21/10, Branko Vukelic wrote:

> Meanwhile, give separate+ a go.


Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Fwd: Re: GIMP vs Photoshop

2010-06-21 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 6/21/10, Branko Vukelic wrote:

> Do you have some valid reason why you cannot do a decent
> job with separate+ and need direct editing capabilities in CMYK
> mode?

In some cases you need direct access to curves. Besides, separate+ has
neither GCR nor UCR.

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How is 16 bit GIMP doing?

2010-06-21 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 6/22/10, Branko Vukelic wrote:

>>> Meanwhile, give separate+ a go.
>> Or CMYKTool
> Prokudine,

Vukelic? :)

> Veering a bit OT now, I've tried to use CMYKTool, and got an
> impression it was a bit redundant for separate+ users. Does it have
> anything to add (or do anything differently)?

Well, if you *have* used CMYKTool, you couldn't possibly fail to
notice the big thing called live soft proof or the small thing called
displaying per-channel ink density value for the point under mouse
pointer (right below the big thing) :-) Or how CMYKTool allows
creating CMYK files in a color-unmanaged way, which is also desirable
in some cases (implemented by a request, in fact).

I don't see how either of them make the other one redundant. Wise
people use both, depending on what they are trying to achieve.

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Fwd: Re: GIMP vs Photoshop

2010-06-21 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 6/22/10, Branko Vukelic wrote:

>> In some cases you need direct access to curves. Besides, separate+ has
>> neither GCR nor UCR.
> Um, good point. I keep forgetting that I mostly do content creation,
> rather than old-school image processing. Are there any tools that
> provide those features?

Krita provides access to CMYK curves, but that's about it. And the
only free libre tool that knows of UCR is Scribus. No free tool I know
of handles GCR except Argyll.

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Biggest Frustration

2010-06-21 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 6/22/10, R Kimber wrote:

>> Nobody is allowed to die until GIMP is finished!
> and it natively uses all those free 8bf plugins!

Speaking of which, if we manage to finally get Adobe to publish PSD
spec (they promised to do it soon), maybe we can get them to publish
plug-ins spec. Not that it will come bundled with a free developer to
do all the dirty job in PSPI, mind you :)

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Fwd: Re: GIMP vs Photoshop

2010-06-21 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 6/22/10, Branko Vukelic wrote:

>> Krita provides access to CMYK curves, but that's about it. And the
>> only free libre tool that knows of UCR is Scribus. No free tool I know
>> of handles GCR except Argyll.
> And I assume Argyll will do all of above?

Argyl is a color management module with a bunch of console apps :)

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Biggest Frustration

2010-06-21 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 6/22/10, yahvuu wrote:
> Hey Alexandre,
> hopefully this doesn't compromise your health, but an object picker has
> already been proposed (which is my fault) [1], and for good reason:
> If you take non-destructive editing serious, you inevitably end up with a
> finer granularity of adjustability than with the current scheme -- hence
> objects  [2]. This is not my fault, but GEGL's. Should also produce a little
> relief for those poor little abused layers ;-)

Well, it looks like slightly improved existing Move tool to me :)

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Biggest Frustration

2010-06-22 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 6/22/10, yahvuu  wrote:

> Actually, i was thinking of a pure object selection tool without any
> manipulation functionality. Just to choose the current paint context
> without obscuring it, and without having to resort to the layers dialog.

In the times of transformation tools to be merged and some selection
tools to be merged as well a tool for just selection sounds a bit
limiting, don't you think? :)

> Somewhat paradoxically, this would be my favourite tool for color
> adjustments.

For what color adjustments precisely?

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Biggest Frustration

2010-06-22 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 6/22/10, yahvuu wrote:

>> In the times of transformation tools to be merged and some selection
>> tools to be merged as well a tool for just selection sounds a bit
>> limiting, don't you think? :)
> not limiting, but liberating ;)
> An object picker nicely complements the unified transformation tool.
> Using the latter to select objects is like taking the sledgehammer to crack
> a nut:

Did anybody suggest that? :)

And again, why don't you just use the Move tool? It works exactly like
the picker and it does *not* move anything until you tell it to.

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Biggest Frustration

2010-06-22 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 6/22/10, yahvuu wrote:

>> And why does the Move tool not work for you then? It allows you to
>> select a layer simply by clicking into the image. Perhaps you missed the
>> "Set layer or path as active" option in the Preferences dialog?
> No, the problem with the move tool is that it requires attention to
> select a layer without accidentally moving it.

There is no such problem. Look at the tool's options palette. The
default mode is to select, not move.

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Biggest Frustration

2010-06-22 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 6/22/10, yahvuu wrote:

> thanks, but i refuse to select layers by their thumbnails in the layers
> dialog, when i can just click them right there in image!  .-)

That is, you refuse to work on images with layers completely
overlapping other layers? :)

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Biggest Frustration

2010-06-22 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 6/23/10, yahvuu wrote:

> as a sidenode, it's indeed an interesting question why completely
> overlapping layers get stacked. Probably quite some cases of 'layer abuse'
> can be found in such images.

Of for god's sake, blending modes weren't invented for nothing :)

> But let's get this thread closed gracefully :_)


Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Clipping Path

2010-06-22 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 6/23/10, Color E. I. wrote:
>I saw some mention (mailing list early 2001) of Gimp & the ability to set
>a clipping path.
>What is the current status on this?
>Has it been implemented or is it on the drawing board?

Not implemented, but it's mentioned among 2.8 goals.

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] 16-bit - why the long delay?

2010-07-05 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 2:23 PM, Claus Cyrny wrote:
> Hi all,
> after this has first been announced, I think, in 2002 (!),
> I wonder why 16-bit/channel has still not been implemented.

Because noone did it. Noone did it, because it's a lot of work. It's a
lot of work, because GIMP is huge and GEGL, the new engine, is

> Two years ago (or something like this) I read that 16-bit
> would be available in 2.6,

It wasn't going to. You were misinformed.

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How is 16 bit GIMP doing?

2010-07-12 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 5:02 PM, John Culleton wrote:

> Hey, I may not live that long :<). Krita has had CMYK for
> years. But of course Krita lacks the full feature set of Gimp.
> Maybe some of that Krita code could be lifted for Gimp, just
> as InDesign lifted important features from TeX.

The debate on what ID lifted and what it didn't will never stop, eh?

There seems to be a recently growing trend to solve GIMP's bottlenecks
by introducing external plug-ins that do some fancy stuff and run in
16bpc mode, e.g.:

You might like getting Mike to code quick patch-ups, no?

Of course, mating the goat and the wilber would be preferable.

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Making Source Code Available

2010-07-23 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 4:21 PM walton wrote:

> sure).  It appears that I must make available the source code. I have no
> problem with that, but there is no single zipped file of the many hundreds
> of files for GIMP. Each file must be downloaded then put into a directory .
> . . recreating the entire directory tree.

You have me at lost :)

What files? Are you talking about source code of GIMP? If so, what is
exactly the problem of uploading an archive of GIMP's source code or
even linking to it?

And by the way, why do you need to distribute source code? Did you apply
changes to it?

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Making Source Code Available

2010-07-23 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 5:44 PM, Branko Vukelic wrote:

> You need to. In fact, the sources are supposed to be available to the
> end user for 3 years after the user obtains the binary. And you must
> ensure they are available, which is taken to mean "You must put it
> somewhere where you can reasonably control the availability" or
> something along those lines.

Okay :) So what is the problem of uploading an archive? :)

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] PDF editing in Gimp

2010-07-29 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 7/29/10, Alek wrote:

> Text layers?  How to I create them?

Press T and click on the image created from a PDF page. Then you'll see :)

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] focus blur

2010-10-01 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 7:36 PM, Frank McCormick wrote:
> Hello all--
>    I have a jpg which I would like to blur the background (focus
> blur I guess) - But I would like the blur to be gradual - when I
> have done this in the past the line between blurred and unblurred is
> too sharp. I have tried the feather selection, but it doesn't seem to
> work very well.  Any suggestions ??

Guess what...

http://www.registry.gimp.org/node/8236 (older WIndows build)

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] gimp.tutorials.net

2010-10-04 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 10/4/10, gerard82 wrote:
> Hi,
> I clicked on the link for the gimp tutorials

Where exactly did you click it?

I don't see http://www.gimp.org/links/#tuts pointing to such a
website. What I do see is pointing to http://gimp-tutorials.net/ which
is exactly what you need.

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] gimp.tutorials.net

2010-10-05 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 10/5/10, gerard82  wrote:

>>> I clicked on the link for the gimp tutorials
>>Where exactly did you click it?
>>I don't see http://www.gimp.org/links/#tuts pointing to such a
>>website. What I do see is pointing to http://gimp-tutorials.net/ which
>>is exactly what you need.
>>Alexandre Prokoudine
> I tried copy/paste and this is the result:
> Sponsored listings for tutorials.net:

When I ask "where exactly you clicked it" I really mean it. Please
tell us which page at gimp.org links to this page. The team cannot be
held responsible for content at tutorials.net.

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Adding glyphs to font?

2010-11-16 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 11/17/10, sophie wrote:
> I am totally stumped! I am making an invitation and trying to ad glyphs to a
> font (burgues). Anyone have any clue how to do this?

http://fontforge.sourceforge.net or some other font editor.

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Questions About Creating Panoramas From Several Images

2010-11-29 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 11/30/10, Mark Phillips wrote:

> P.S. I have also tried Hugin, which I could not get to work,

What exactly didn't work?

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp-2.7 Color From Gradient

2010-12-14 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 8:02 PM, iceburg wrote:
> I've built Gimp-2.7 from git source on Linux (Debian) and also used the
> pre-compiled windows version and in either one, the color from gradient
> option only uses the current foreground color.

This is because now you have to check any box for Color in the new
painting dynamics palette.

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] looking for a new tool

2010-12-28 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 8:32 PM, elven decker wrote:
> Out of respect for a friend who suffered too many insults regarding a
> physical disability, I am switching to another image manipulation
> program with a more acceptable name.

Dear Elven,

The offence is self-inflicted.

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp 2.6 toolbox

2011-01-15 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 1/15/11, Pax294 wrote:

> After installing, the first
> thing I noticed was the lack of a menu bar on top of the tool bar and an
> intrusive new gimp image window with the missing menu bar on it. I've read
> plenty of posts about why this was done but I was wondering if there was a
> plugin available to return the menu bar to the tool bar

There is no such plug-in and there never will be one.

You are free to patch GIMP though:


Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] gimp 2.7.3

2011-01-24 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 1/24/11, Ed Redman wrote:
> I recently updated gimp to 2.7.3 on a ubuntu 10.10 x64 system.

Hi Ed,

The so called "2.7.3" in that PPA was last updated in July 2010. There
is little to no sense complaining about issues in the outdated
development code. Things have moved on long ago since then.

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] gimp 2.7.3

2011-01-24 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 1/24/11, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
> On 1/24/11, Ed Redman wrote:
>> I recently updated gimp to 2.7.3 on a ubuntu 10.10 x64 system.
> Hi Ed,
> The so called "2.7.3" in that PPA was last updated in July 2010. There
> is little to no sense complaining about issues in the outdated
> development code. Things have moved on long ago since then.

OK, it was pointed out that the error message in question is on the
contrary rather recent, so, Ed, would you mind telling URL of the PPA
that you used?

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Font control

2011-01-28 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 3:54 PM, Jeremy Nell wrote:
> I apologise for any ignorance, but it the new Gimp release going to
> include better font management?
> For example, if I type something and rotate it, Gimp automatically
> rasterises it.  It would be great if this didn't happen.

Rich text formatting -- yes
On-canvas editing -- yes
Rotated editable text -- no, at least not yet

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Release timeline

2011-02-17 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 2/17/11, Matt Hines wrote:
> Does anyone know if there's any kind of release timeline for Gimp.. like
> when 2.8 will come out or if 2.7 even will?

There is no schedule.

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Validation of GIMP Software

2011-02-17 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 2/17/11, Emily Carroll wrote:
> I am looking for documentation of the validation of the GIMP software. So
> some sort of document showing that GIMP does what it says it does. For
> example, proving that it correctly counts the number of pixels in the
> histogram function. Does this kind of documentation exist and if yes where
> can I find it? I was unable to find this on the GIMP website. Thanks!!

Hi Emily,

As part of upcoming v2.8 the team will provide so called regression
tests that do more or less what you want: they test every many
features of the application to find out whether these features do what
they are supposed to do.

Other than that I can't give you a better answer until you elaborate a
little what exactly you want this information for, so that I could
understand your requirements better.

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How to install gimp plugins, scripts?

2011-02-19 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 2/20/11, Leonard Evens wrote:

> 2.  I downloaded pandora-combine-0.9.3.scm and put it as instructed in
> my personal .gimp-2.6/scripts directory.   But I can't find it in gimp.

Help > Plug-in Browser

Start typing "Pandora" and you'll see where it is

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How do you find a specific script?

2011-02-22 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 2/22/11, Leonard Evens wrote:

> How does gimp decide which heading under Filter to use to place
> something?

Here is an excerpt from a typical .scm file:

(script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-split3"

The second line is where it tells GIMP where to put the menu item

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] How to install gimp plugins, scripts?

2011-02-24 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 4:08 AM, Leonard Evens wrote:

> 2.  I downloaded pandora-combine-0.9.3.scm and put it as instructed in
> my personal .gimp-2.6/scripts directory.   But I can't find it in gimp.
> I suppose I'm just being stupid, but I've used pandora before, so this
> is rather frustrating.

Installing and locating add-ons seems to be a recurring topic. So I
sat down and finished a guide to GIMP add-ons I started before.


It's probably not so useful for you, but some future beginner users
might put it to a good use

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] My annual inquiry.

2011-03-18 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 3/18/11, John Culleton wrote:

> Just isntalled 2.6.11. I note that some people have installed 2.7.2.
> Is there a summary somewhere of the new features available with 2.7.2?

GIMP 2.7.0 review: http://libregraphicsworld.org/articles.php?article_id=10
GIMP 2.7.1 review: http://libregraphicsworld.org/articles.php?article_id=21

Since then (2.7.1-upcoming 2.7.2):

- New Cage transform tool: http://libregraphicsworld.org/news.php?readmore=616
- New slider widget: http://libregraphicsworld.org/news.php?readmore=619
- OpenRaster support: http://libregraphicsworld.org/news.php?readmore=604
- JPEG2000 support
- Cairo based rendering on canvas:
- More text on canvas options

In short, everything is neater.

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp 2.8

2011-03-20 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 3/20/11, billn wrote:
> Have the developers given up on 2.8?

They say gimp.org has a news section :)

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] white balance in JPG files.

2011-03-28 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 7:08 PM, s.kortenweg wrote:

> I have some jpg files with a wrong white balance.
> Flash refused by taking the picture.
> How can i correct this in GIMP?

The usual ways is to use Levels (Color > Levels), take, black, grey or
white color pick and pick a color that is known to be black, grey or
white color respectively.

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] white balance in JPG files.

2011-03-29 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 3/29/11, s.kortenweg wrote:

> Thanks for your quick help.
> I imported both scripts. After trying the script colortemp was the good one.

Just in case, you can use colortemp interactively via experimental
GEGL tool ("Tools > GEGL operation" menu). This will draw preview
right on canvas. For a large image this can be too slow, so you can
temporarily resize, find the best setting, undo resizing and apply
same operation with preview disabled.

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Clipping Path!!

2011-03-30 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 3/30/11, Delcid wrote:
> //>I saw some mention (mailing list early 2001) of Gimp & the ability to set
>>a clipping path.
>>What is the current status on this?
>>Has it been implemented or is it on the drawing board?
>>Just curious.
>>Eric Pierce//
> Oh Eric, I do not know what's the actual function of clipping path in GIMP??

Its function is to mock everyone by going on being not implemented :)

However, every path in your GIMP document is saved as clipping path
when you export to TIFF.

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Use of lens distortion filter?

2011-04-03 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 4/4/11, Leonard Evens wrote:
> I asked about this once before without too much luck.  Let me try again.
> I need to correct distortion from my 18-200 mm lens for my Nikon D80.

If you shoot to Raw, my suggestion is to use UI to LensFun in UFRaw.
You just select lens, distance to object and you are done (unless you
want tweaking variables that are the same as in panotools).

Additionally you can use darktable which has UI to LensFun as well,
but can work on JPEG too. But then you have to use Linux :)

There are even more photographty tools on Linux that can make use of LensFun.

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Difficulty using lens distortion filter

2011-04-18 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On 4/19/11, Leonard Evens wrote:
> I keep posing questions about this but so far I haven't gotten a useful
> response.

You think reference to LensFun is not useful?

> P.S.   I understand that ahd I shot raw with my Nikon,  I might have
> been able to do the correction more easily using ufraw.   Also, it might
> be possible using hugin to correct the distortion.  But I would like to
> be able to do it with gimp if I can.


Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] ASK

2011-04-19 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 2:31 PM, billn wrote:

> What not ask Google and Ubuntu folks for a few full time programmers to work 
> on the GIMP?


> Google is so innovated they would probably be glad to help

I don't get your point.

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] ASK

2011-04-19 Thread Alexandre Prokoudine
On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 8:38 PM, billn wrote:

> My point is Google has a hired staff to put engineers on Gimp full time.
> The developers are good people buy do not have the resources to work on Gimp 
> full time.
> understand that. Google will get the  16-bit per channel and other features 
> up to snuff.
> Google will "not dictate" the direction of Gimp. They will only help with 
> what the developers want.
> Google already has full time engineers working on Ubuntu and Libreoffice and 
> tons of other
> open source projects.

That sounds a bit like wishful thinking :)

Alexandre Prokoudine
Gimp-user mailing list

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