Re: LyX Promotion

2011-03-22 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 11:51 PM, Rob Oakes  wrote:
> While I have some ideas about why it may have happened, I think that Pavel 
> hit the nail on the head. When I talk to people about LyX, they seem to think 
> of it as a specialized academic writing tool. Basically, a program which 
> helps professors and students write a thesis or articles. (To be even more 
> narrow, it seems like many think it is for math and physics people to write a 
> thesis or article.) Which is to say, a specialized program with an incredibly 
> small user base and use.
> While that stereotype may be somewhat true (I don't think anyone would argue 
> that many of the developers and users are within academics), it significantly 
> understates LyX's appeal, especially if you consider the enhancements 
> available in the

To the extent that the stereotype is true, it may also be worth
considering what the reasons are for this, and if it is reasonable to
remove those reasons. Off-the-top of my head the following could be

1) Compile Errors. Normal users aren't used to dealing with compile
errors and shouldn't be expected to fix them. Even I don't like
dealing with compile errors all that much.
1a) Perhaps we could do some sort of bisect to determine where the
error is (either over the file itself or some fine-grained history).
1b) Perhaps we could improve the latex export so that compile errors
only occur if the user uses ERT. Particularly with beamer, this isn't
always the case.

2) Compatibility with Word. Typical users expect to be able to open
and save word documents.
2a) It is easy to bundle import/export filters so that the users don't
have to manually set up OOXML and ODF. This export wouldn't work as
well as e.g. OOXML <-> ODF though. One concern is that it may lead the
user to think this conversion is more supported than it really is.
2b) Normal users probably expect rich text paste as well. I usually
prefer plain text paste myself as I don't want adhoc formatting
showing up in my LyX file. We could have the option of either.

3) Not WYSIWYG.  Normal users clearly expect WYSIWYG. WYSIWYG and
WYSIWYM don't need to be mutually exclusive.  Ignoring the difficulty
in implementing for a while, having a WYSIWYG mode would be great.
After the content is complete, I go though a cycle of: Notice
something weird with the line-breaking in the PDF, muck around with
the LyX source hoping it fixed the problem; recompile PDF. This can
take a while and having a WYSIWYG mode could make this process a
factor of ten times faster.
3a) Psuedo-WYSIWYG. I find it helps to set the size of the LyX window
to be the same width as the PDF, so if I see a problem on the third
line of a paragraph in the PDF I can go straight to the third line of
the paragraph in the LyX window and fix it. Presumably LyX could
approximate the line-breaking algorithm of TeX and do a much better
job than I can by merely adjusting the width of the window. This would
be sufficient for me, but normal users may find another
not-quite-WYSIWYG mode more confusing than reassuring.
3b) LyX could bypass LaTeX. This is clearly what normal users are used
to. However this presumably wouldn't help in my use case where I am
submitting to a journal that provides a LaTeX style file.

So it seems to me that e.g. (1) should be fixed, and should be perhaps
be dealt with before we market LyX as being for normal users. Even (3)
could be fixed, and it would be good if it could, but it doesn't seem
worth the effort at the moment. (It certainly doesn't seem like
something that we should sit on our hands waiting for, and may in fact
dilute the WYSIWYM message).

John C. McCabe-Dansted

Warn if definition of mathematical term/symbol occurs after use?

2009-11-25 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
Hi, I would like to be able to automatically verify that mathematical
symbols and terms are not used before they are defined. One way of
doing this is to insert the math-macro in the same place in the symbol
is defined. However this has two weaknesses.
1) This means that I cannot disable the error. So I cannot quickly
draw up a draft proof without definitions of the symbols and print it.
(At the moment I have a file with all my math-macros so that if I want
to draft a proof I can just include that file).
2) This is only for symbols. It is not easy for terminology.

I already mark the place where new terms are defined so that they are
added to the index. I am thinking of writing a quick script that uses
this to determine whether the term is used before it is first defined.
Ideally, in electronic versions of the document clicking on the term
would take you back to the definition.

Are there any existing solutions to this problem?

John C. McCabe-Dansted

Re: how to see what LyX is thinking?

2009-08-24 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 6:23 PM, Helge Hafting wrote:
> I believe you can make a script that opens LyX with a terminal - but
> a minimized terminal. One that disappear as soon as LyX is closed.
> If you need the information, just restore the minimized terminal.

Another possibility, run lyx as
   lyx 2>&1 | tee -a /tmp/lyx-$USER.log
then if you need to see what lyx is thinking, run
   tail -f  /tmp/lyx-$USER.log
or if you need to know what lyx was thinking you can run something like
   gedit /tmp/lyx-$USER.log

This may be better if you don't want to clutter your panel with
windows you probably won't use (or if you may need to know what LyX
was thinking a while back).

The downside is that the log will grow and grow and won't be
automatically cleared until Ubuntu cleans out /tmp on a restart.
However, even a reconfigure only adds 15k to the log so it is unlikely
to grow very large.

John C. McCabe-Dansted

Re: A feature you really need

2009-08-23 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 11:30 PM, Steve Litt wrote:
> On Friday 21 August 2009 20:28:30 rgheck wrote:
>> Add this to trac, Steve. It's a good idea, and I'm sure someone will
>> implement it.
> :-)   What is a trac, and how do I add it?

To add it, login and the click "New Ticket" and follow the instructions.

John C. McCabe-Dansted

Re: unable to run lyx 1.6.2 and 1.6.3 due to undefined symbol: _Z13qFlagLocationPKc

2009-08-13 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 5:13 PM, John McCabe-Dansted wrote:
> you get other wise similar results, a
>  sudo apt-get install libqt4
> May help.

By which I mean
  sudo apt-get install libqt4-assistant libqt4-core libqt4-dbg
libqt4-dbus libqt4-designer libqt4-dev libqt4-gui libqt4-help
libqt4-network libqt4-opengl libqt4-opengl-dev libqt4-phonon
libqt4-qt3support libqt4-script libqt4-scripttools libqt4-sql
libqt4-sql-mysql libqt4-sql-sqlite libqt4-svg libqt4-test
libqt4-webkit libqt4-xml libqt4-xmlpatterns --reinstall

(all on one line)

Re: unable to run lyx 1.6.2 and 1.6.3 due to undefined symbol: _Z13qFlagLocationPKc

2009-08-13 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 4:17 AM, zweetsmoel wrote:
> only another error message...
> src/lyx: symbol lookup error: src/lyx: undefined symbol:
> _ZN8QPainter10drawPixmapERK7QPointFRK7QPixmap
> ok, this is definitely a qt error. even qtconfig won't launch, it
> gotta be qt related. but what exactly? i tried removing &
> re-installing all qt packages and many others; and i wasn't able to
> find duplicate qt libs, but i'm not really an expert in libs and devs.

OK, since we are both using Ubuntu 9.04 our ldd's should be pretty
much the same*. I have put my  my results from ldd below, what are

* I have installed qt4.5.2, which may change some of the 0x stuff. If
you get other wise similar results, a
  sudo apt-get install libqt4
May help.


$ ldd `which lyx` =>  (0x7fff88ffe000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff580af5000) => /lib/ (0x7ff5808f1000) => /lib/ (0x7ff5806d9000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57fb26000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57f6ef000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57f3e2000) => /lib/ (0x7ff57f15d000) => /lib/ (0x7ff57ef45000) => /lib/ (0x7ff57ebd3000) => /lib/ (0x7ff57e9b7000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57e6b)
/lib64/ (0x7ff580db3000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57e497000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57e27) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57dfea000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57dda4000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57db9b000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57d98) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57d6bb000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57d4b1000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57d27f000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57d06d000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57ce68000) => /lib/ (0x7ff57cc6) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57ca44000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57c7de000) => /lib/ (0x7ff57c5ae000) => /lib/ (0x7ff57c3a9000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57c17f000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57bf7c000) => /usr/lib/ (0x7ff57bd77000)

John C. McCabe-Dansted

Re: How to embed a spreadsheet in LyX or LaTeX?

2009-08-12 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 11:36 PM, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> This could turn into a viewer issue (at least partially), depending on what
> Steve has in mind.  There are four "levels" of embedding I can think of:

Adding spreadsheet to Insert->File->External Material sounds like a
good start. Like how .fig is handled but with something like
PyODConverter instead of transfig.

Presumbaly PyODConverter can convert any xls file that OO supports.

John C. McCabe-Dansted

Re: LyX crash feedback

2009-07-27 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 10:29 PM, Vincent van Ravesteijn -
TNW wrote:
>>> While I have your attention, I am still at a loss why I can't get a
>>> response from the lyx ftp server.
>>I don't use windows, but installing the latest Qt from:
>>might help
> How ?

Oh, right. Anton was discussing a different bug to the OP. So it
probably wouldn't help.

Re: LyX crash feedback

2009-07-27 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 10:16 PM, Anton Driesse wrote:
> While I have your attention, I am still at a loss why I can't get a response
> from the lyx ftp server.

I don't use windows, but installing the latest Qt from:

might help

Re: Latest Lyx for Kubuntu 64 bits

2009-07-27 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 8:23 AM, E.Kaplan wrote:
> Can anyone tell me what is the latest Lyx version that is available for
> Kubuntu 64 bits?  It seems that the repositories only have 1.6.2, and the
> only 1.6.3 version I found was meant for Karmic (9.10) which is not out yet.

Well, the latest *supported* version is 1.6.2. But I am pretty sure
the *latest* version is:

Note that installing files from third party websites has the same
problems as windows, is generally discouraged:

However, it works here. It installs lyx to /usr/local rather than /usr
so you could still run your old lyx with
   Alt-F2 /usr/bin/lyx

Why do specifically want the latest version?

Re: LyX crash feedback

2009-07-26 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 11:26 PM, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> Steve Litt wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> In the last 6 months this list has featured at least 10 reports of LyX
>> 1.6.x terminating unexpectedly. I myself had instances of this in 1.6.2 and
>> 1.6.3, and was lucky enough to find a workaround in 1.6.3.
>> Turns out, the lyx file causing the crash in my 1.6.3 featured a huge
>> (bigger than 2mb) .eps file. When the file loaded, the picture on the screen
>> said "loading bookcover.eps", and then a couple seconds later crashed. This
>> was a reproducible error -- it happened every time in the same amount of
>> time.
>> Using Vim, I replaced bookcover.eps with bookcover.pdf, a much smaller
>> file, and the problem disappeared.
>> So here's my question for everyone reporting 1.6.x crashes: Did your files
>> include graphics? Did they include large graphics? Were any of the large
>> graphics .eps files? Was there anybody suffering a 1.6.x crash whose file
>> DID NOT have graphic files?
> I'm not sure that *all* crashes on Ubuntu are related to Qt and graphics.
>  I've had a couple of crashes lately working on a document whose only images
> are generated by xypic (so the images are external TeX files that are added
> to the doc by LyX input commands, with instant preview off).  The most
> recent one, at least, occurred when I cursored out of a math inset and then
> immediately changed my mind and tried to reenter it via the left arrow key.
>  (I might have deleted a character along the way; don't recall for sure.)  I
> suppose that could still be a Qt issue, since Qt handles the LyX GUI itself.
> Personally, I'm just going to live with it until the updated Qt version
> finds its way into some repository as a .deb package.  Fortunately, I deal
> with short documents, so restart/reload is not too painful.

Well they are in the Karmic repositories. Instructions on how to
upgrade qt4 (fairly) safely are at:

Scroll down past my instructions and follow Michael Gasper's clearer,
better instructions.

These instructions have worked for me and Michael without any files
being eaten. The main things to remember are to watch the upgrade to
make sure it it only upgrades qt4 related packages, and disable the
Karmic repository after you use it (so you don't accidentally upgrade
to Karmic next time you do updates).

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: how to install LyX in Linux?

2009-07-24 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 1:23 AM,  wrote:
> It was rather surprise for me that installing LyX in Linux seems to be
> much more complecated than in Windows. In fact, I have no experience in
> Linux...
> Why there is hard to find "install. exe" file for LyX at

In Linux it is traditional to install software via your package
manager rather than via dodgy third party websites (like :P).
This is in part to avoid viruses, and in part to avoid DLL hell (or
"so" hell as it would be more accurately described for Linux operating
systems). Personally I also find it more convenient, as I once set my
mirror to be my ISP (System->Administration->Software Sources in
Ubuntu), and then all the software I install comes from my FreeZone
(and not from my 4GB cap). This is especially handy since the LaTeX
install alone is quite big.

In Ubuntu Linux you go "Applications->Add/Remove", type in lyx, click
the check box besides lyx, and press Apply Changes.

Other operating systems built on top of Linux, such as Fedora Core,
have similar ways of adding software.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: Use " instead of the "fancy" ones in pdf

2009-07-06 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 8:44 PM, Rainer M Krug wrote:
> Hi
> I use beamer to create a handout and would like to have the normal "
> instead of the fancy ones. The reason is that they are in computer
> code and it should be possible to copy-paste them.

You can insert " as ERT (Ctrl-L "). However for computer code it is
common to import it verbatim
  Insert->File->Child Document->Include Type->Verbatim (or Program Listing)

(see also

This may look more appropriate for code, as well as solving the "
problem. Is this what you wanted?

Re: file recovery

2009-07-02 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 2:11 PM, humanengr wrote:
> Does anyone know what role the "#" are supposed to play?

These appear to be autosaves.

Also there is yet another type of file you can recover from. If you
have done a view DVI etc, there is also likely to be a .tex file
sitting somewhere in your tmp directory. You can then import that .tex
file back into LyX. This saved me from retyping a couple of paragraphs
of math once.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: Consecutive theorems

2009-07-02 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 11:55 PM, Luca
Brandolini wrote:
> I am trying to write two consecutive theorems in my paper. However Lyx
> always joints the two theorems into a single enviromes.
> The only way seems to insert a non-empty line in between.
> Is there a solution for this?

Yes. Put a non-empty line inbetween. Its what I do :)

I put a line inbetween and either put a empty ERT in, or put an empty
note (Alt I-N-N) in to produce a "non-empty" line

Another trick I use is to insert a "Branch". I have a branch called
"All" which I always leave enabled. Then, if I want to e.g. have a
enumerate environment within a proof, I insert a "Branch All" and put
the enumerate within the Branch. That said, for this purpose,
increasing the environment depth as suggested by Ignacio García seems
more convenient.

Re: how to enable a disabled command?

2009-06-29 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
2009/6/28 bsmile :
> I am familiar with shortcut command with scientific workplace, and thus
> incorporated those shortcut command into lyx. However, some of the shortcut
> command usable in scientific workplace, say ctrl+9 to input (), ctrl+/ to
> input fraction, ctrl+2 to input square root ... are disabled in lyx, anybody
> knows how to deal with this issue? Thanks!
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the LyX - Users mailing list archive at

According to:
There are SWP keybindings for lyx. I have not found them, although
there are for Scientific word at

Perhaps you could find the keybindings, or recreate them following the
instructions at:
and post them somewhere?

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: LyX crashes in Ubuntu 9.04

2009-06-11 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
2009/6/11 Michael Gasperl 

> Package: *
> Pin: release a=jaunty
> in-Priority: 700
> Package: *
> Pin: release a=karmic
> Pin-Priority: 600
> Package: libqt4*
> Pin: release a=karmic
> Pin-Priority: 800
> Package: qt4*
> Pin: release a=karmic
> Pin-Priority: 800
> [perhaps it would work without preferences?]

Well the conventional wisdom would be that without the preferences file,
apt-get would try to upgrade all your files to a completely different (and
Alpha quality) version of Ubuntu. If you let apt-get do this, this would
probably break your system horribly... However, in this case it would
probably be safe to do with without the preferences file for two reasons:
1) The Ubuntu GUI Upgrade Managers would allow you to uncheck the unwanted
upgrades anyway.
2) We are removing the karmic sources afterwards anyway, so it would be
unlikely that Ubuntu would install these unwanted updates later.

I chose this way, because the first described way with update/upgrade
> didn't work on my pc.

I must have made a mistake, since it should work on any 9.04 Ubuntu system.
Oh well, your way seems more user friendly anyway.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: LyX crashes in Ubuntu 9.04

2009-06-10 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
2009/6/11 Thomas Løcke 

> On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 6:25 AM, Michael Gasperl
> wrote:
> > Hi! I have the following Problem:
> > LyX 1.6.2 crashes regularily while i scroll down in a bigger document.
> > This only happens if showing graphics is enabled. How can I solve this
> > problem?
> > Thank you very much!
> This also happpened to me, on Slackware 12.1,
> I fixed it by updating my QT4 library from version 4.4.3 to version
> 4.5.1, and then recompile LyX against that.

  Heh, I upgraded my QT to QT4.5.1. Maybe thats  why I cannot reproduce.

  I upgraded this way. (NOTE: this is not supported. If  you use this, be
careful, and make backups)

  first I did

sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude upgrade

  to make sure I was up-to-date

  Then I added

deb karmic main restricted universe

  to /etc/apt/sources.list (you may want to replace the http:// bit with
your local mirror)

  added the following to /etc/apt/preferences

Package: *
Pin: release a=jaunty
in-Priority: 700

Package: *
Pin: release a=karmic
Pin-Priority: 600

Package: libqt4*
Pin: release a=karmic
Pin-Priority: 800

Package: qt4*
Pin: release a=karmic
Pin-Priority: 800

  then I did

sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude upgrade

   IMPORTANT: make sure there are no packages without qt4 in
   their name being upgraded. Otherwise you could hose your system.

   Then I removed the

deb karmic main restricted universe

   Line from /etc/apt/sources.list

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: LyX crashes in Ubuntu 9.04

2009-06-10 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
2009/6/11 Michael Gasperl 

> Hi! I have the following Problem:
> LyX 1.6.2 crashes regularily while i scroll down in a bigger document.
> This only happens if showing graphics is enabled. How can I solve this
> problem?
> Thank you very much!

I cannot reproduce the problem.

1) Are you using 32bit or 64bit Ubuntu?
2) Can you send a document that reproduces the problem?

It would also help if you could run LyX in a debugger.

Either install a later version of LyX from source (this may fix the problem
anyway) or install the Ubuntu ddebs. Compiling sounds tricky, but the
following commands should suffice in a terminal

sudo aptitude build-dep lyx
wget -c
tar -jxf lyx-1.6.3.tar.bz2
cd lyx-1.6.3
./configure && make
gdb src/lyx

Cause LyX to crash, and then type


To get the backtrace, and then cut-and-paste it here.

Feel free to discuss any problems here, or directly to me.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

UK and US editions of the same work.

2009-06-05 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
2009/5/13 Jürgen Spitzmüller :
> James C. Sutherland wrote:
>> However, I really don't want to have any notion of
>> the "language" my documents are written in.
> This will have the consequence that your text, even if monolingually
> English,
> * will not be hyphenated correctly
> * cannot be spellchecked

Well, babel at least isn't required for spell checking. However, in a
broad picture there are two ways babel can be used:

1) "Old way" User manually adds \foriegnlanguage tags to quoted text,
loan words, etc.
2) "New way" LyX stores language text is in, and outputs tags to
switch between lanuages.

With the (1), if the user puts \foriegnlanguage tags around all quote
etc., producing a UK edition from a US addition is trivial: Switch the
document type to UK, spellcheck (hopefully the author has avoided
ambiguous dates etc.), and 5 minutes later we have a version of the
document in UK English.

With (2) it is not so simple. The obvious way is to switch the
document type to UK English, but then LyX fights your decision by
adding \foriegnlanguage tags around everything. You can fix this by
selecting All and reseting the language. Then however, all the quotes
are now in UK English as well, even e.g. French quotes.

AFAICT, LyX has no way of distinguishing between (a) "This is text is
in UK English because this is a UK English document" and (b) "This
text is in UK English, because it is a quote, name etc.". This
distinction seems to be useful when preparing the same document in
different dialects.

We could add an additional language "Default" to allow us to
distinguish between (a) and (b), if we felt this was important.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: Upgrading to 1.6.2

2009-04-22 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 2:55 PM, Guenter Milde  wrote:
> On 2009-04-21, Ehud Kaplan wrote:
>>1.   In trying to upgrade from 1.6.1 under Kubuntu 8.10 64 bits I
>>   found only packages that could not be installed since it was "the
>>   wrong architecture".  Is there a place where I can find Lyx 1.6.2
>>   for 64 bits Linux?
> LyX 1.6.2 is available as *.deb package in Debian/testing for several 64-bit
> architectures. I don't know whether it works with Ubuntu, though.

Also there appears to be a LyX ppa for ubuntu, but it appears to be
out-of-date, and rather broken:

Are there any plans to have an up-to-date PPA for Ubuntu?
 (this would seem much cleaner than trying to manually build packages
for various versions of Ubuntu, and upload them to

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: how to stop TeX and LaTeX from being typeset with the special logo?

2009-04-19 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 10:23 AM, Richard Talley  wrote:
> LyX automagically typesets words like TeX and LaTeX using the special
> logo for those words.
> How do I turn this behavior off? There are a couple of places, such as

You can press Ctrl-L to enter ERT mode and type TeX into the ERT
inset. This will send "TeX" straight to LaTeX without LyX doing any
funny processing.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: LyX with 800 or 640x480 resolution.

2009-03-25 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 12:25 AM, rgheck  wrote:
> John McCabe-Dansted wrote:
>> I am using LyX on the Eeepc 701 which has a 800x480 resolution.
>> Unfortunately a number of LyX dialogs are a bit too large to fit on
>> the screen. I used "kcmshell font" to set the fontsize to 7 in
>> ~/.qt/qtrc. However LyX seems to have ignored this setting.
> You need to set that for qt4. I'd use qtconfig-qt4 to do that, but I don't
> know if it's available on your machine.

I added the following to ~/.config/Trolltech.conf
It worked but it was a bit harsh that I had to use a font size of 5. I
don't suppose anyone knows of a way to scale down the space *between*
items on the dialog? (which is where much of the space  goes).

font="Sans Serif,5,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0"

> FYI, I've got all our EeePCs---two 901s and a 1000---all running Fedora 10,
> which works very well with one of the lighter desktops, like XFCE or LXDE.
> And then you can do as you please.

I think the 900+ EeePCs have a resolution of 1024x600, which really helps.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

LyX with 800 or 640x480 resolution.

2009-03-25 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
I am using LyX on the Eeepc 701 which has a 800x480 resolution.
Unfortunately a number of LyX dialogs are a bit too large to fit on
the screen. I used "kcmshell font" to set the fontsize to 7 in
~/.qt/qtrc. However LyX seems to have ignored this setting.

LyX offers the ability to adjust the zoom/fonts, but this appears to
be only for the Document. Does anyone know of a way of scaling down
the dialogs?

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: Lyx cross platform compatability - is there a problem?

2008-08-19 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 5:31 PM, Graham Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 19 Aug 2008, at 09:16, José Matos wrote:
>> The error message suggests that the culprit is a different version
>> installed of Koma between your different systems.

> Thanks, this could well be the case,

I think bundling the KomaScript .sty file with the .lyx file may help
if this is the case.

> However, I realise I don't actually know how to find out the versions, or
> indeed even where the packages are installed on the different systems.  I
> will need to find out.

This should be listed in your log file. This can be viewed e.g. by the
menu item Document > LaTeX Log. However LyX does not allow searching
so you can't just do a find ".sty" to get this information unless you
dig around in /tmp/lyx_tmdir?? and open the .log file in a real
text editor/viewer.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: HELP: DVi view problem in IEEETrans!!

2008-08-04 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 12:20 PM, shahid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am using Lyx for writing a IEEE paper using IEEE template. But when I add
> more than two float figures, the DVI,PDF or PS outputs are not created.
> Also, no error message is given...can anyone help me? its urgent!

Document > View Latex Log may give you some errors.

It is also possible that floats are too large or have too little text
perhaps you could see if shrinking the floats or adding a few pages of
junk text so there are a few pages of text between each float (this
may not be what you want, but may give us an idea where the problem

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: 1.5.6 deb

2008-08-01 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 8:28 PM, Manveru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This was discussed some time ago that plenty security rules does not allow
> LyX team and other to publish such packages. There is a team in Ubuntu which
> should be responsible for preparing secure reviewed packages for
> Ubuntu/Debian users. Try to join them if you want contribute in pacakge
> preparation.

I am not sure what team you are talking about. Tomasz could manage a
PPA for lyx, see:
However this is only for Ubuntu.

I was thinking of building a deb of 1.5.7 upon release for debian
stable "etch" users, e.g. Eeepc users. Is there a way of doing this
such that I can share this deb with other LyX users?

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: Progress on the MS Word to LyX conversion (xml)

2008-07-27 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 4:43 PM, Manveru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To the discussion about data format preference:
> I am reading all your comments about XML, YAML and other suggested data
> formats. And this discussion reminds me something about XML what almost
> nobody is remeber about. How many LyX user are working in large team
> projects? How often they have to merge text files from different branches?
> Have you ever merge XML? I tried - it is horrible work.

I don't see why it would be harder if we "just replace \begin...\end
with <>...".

> I think LyX cannot exist with XML data format without build-in document
> merge functionality.

This would be nice in any case.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: LyX on Asus eeePC?

2008-07-01 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 8:22 PM, MonAmiPierrot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm going to try this solution, anyway in the debian repository I found same
> packages excepte they were related to the 1.5.5 version.
> 1. Is there a reason you specify an earlier version?

These packages are for a later version of debian, and may not work with the eppc

> 2. ...sorry, I'm a REAL 100% DUMMY. How to install these .deb packages?

sudo dpkg -i PackageName.deb

> 3. Why I need these unicode symbols? (of course I need them, I write in
> italian and use several other languages, I meant: I never installed
> something like that in lyx for windows...)

Because the new lyx2lyx expects them to be there, and will crash if
they do not exist.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: LyX on Asus eeePC?

2008-07-01 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 3:56 PM, G. Milde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 30.06.08, MonAmiPierrot wrote:
>> As you wrote, seems to work perfectly, Michel, but it installed Lyx version
>> 1.4.3 while I used to work on my thesis file with a (Windows) Lyx 1.5.5.
> b) just update the LyX2LyX converter:
>   Copy the files under LYXDIR/lyx2lyx/ from the 1.5.5 installation
>   to LYXDIR/lyx2lyx on the eee.  (Make a backup copy of the original
>   content of the target directory first!)
>   (LYXDIR is, where LyX stores its files, here on Debian it's
>   /usr/share/lyx.)
>   Now the "old" lyx will know about newer file versions.

I think you will also need /lyx-1.5.5/lib/unicodesymbols.

I have tarred all the files you need, and put them up at
(Since in general, it is best not to install software from people you
don't know, It might be better to just copy the files from a lyx-1.5.5
install somewhere else.)

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: LyX on Asus eeePC?

2008-06-29 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 10:35 PM, MonAmiPierrot
> I own a ASUS eeePC, and I wonder if anyone tried to install and use LyX on
> its Xandros OS.
> Any impression?

I don't remember the details, but I tried to install LyX from etch,
which didn't work. Then I tried to build lyx from source. That didn't
work either.

ASUS's  repositories are minimal, so if you want to use repositories,
you basically have to use etch. And there build environment seemed
quite broken to me.  I am planning on installing Ubuntu Hardy on mine,
so I can actually install software.

> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the LyX - Users mailing list archive at

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: Lyx crashes in Hardy Heron

2008-06-23 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 3:04 AM, elswood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have installed lyX 1.53 from the Ubuntu 8.4 repositories.  But it
> frequently crashes when accessing lyx document files on my computer.  Is
> this a bug that is fixed with lyX 1.55?  And how do I install it?  (It
> isn't in the repositories.)  If someone could let me know how to proceed
> I would be grateful.
> Thanks!

Upgrading to lyx 1.5.5 fixed the problem for me.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: New Error Messages After Upgrade to LyX/Mac 1.5.4

2008-06-23 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 11:59 PM, Bruce Pourciau
>> Not really, these messages can be caused by pretty much anything.
>> Try cutting text until it finally compiles. Then uncut text until you
>> find where the bit that is causing trouble. (It is quite often that
>> this is needed. Perhaps there should be an automated tool to do this?)
> But why would it compile in 1.3.4 and not in 1.5.4?

I think that in 1.3.4 "View -> PDF" didn't output any PDF specific
code where as 1.5.4 does. Does View->DVI/PS work?

Did you do the "full" upgrade and upgade LaTeX or just upgrade LyX?

It is also possible some other file has gone missing/been changed
since, and that this has nothing to do with lyx 1.3.4 vs 1.5.4.

> I can try rewriting all
> the places where an error pops up,

It is possible that all the errors have a single cause.

> but I'd prefer not to, if it can be
> avoided.
> Bruce

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: New Error Messages After Upgrade to LyX/Mac 1.5.4

2008-06-23 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 11:16 PM, Bruce Pourciau
> Missing $ inserted.
> Extra }, or forgotten $.
> LaTeX Error: Bad math environment delimiter.
> LaTeX Error: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item.
> Missing } inserted.
> Anybody know what's going on? (NB: I'm a LyX intermediate and a TeX novice.)

Not really, these messages can be caused by pretty much anything.

Try cutting text until it finally compiles. Then uncut text until you
find where the bit that is causing trouble. (It is quite often that
this is needed. Perhaps there should be an automated tool to do this?)

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: How to update LyX 1.5.3 to 1.5.5 or higher

2008-06-18 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 10:18 AM, Waluyo Adi Siswanto
> I have installed the packages you mentioned, except
> libaiksaurus-dev
> as I could not find it (from synaptic)

It is probably easier just to do
   apt-get build-dep lyx
on the terminal command line. This will get all packages Ubuntu needs
to build lyx-1.5.3, which will almost certainly be the same as
lyx-1.5.5. (and if not you can always get those individual packages
the way Bob suggested.)

> How can I get the 1.5.5 source and how to do the rest (./configure. ... make 
> install).
> Are those commands entered from terminal.


John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: Building a Lyx "live CD" for Windows

2008-06-17 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 6:18 AM, Renaud Lacour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to be able to run Lyx on Windows without installing neither
> it (especially without writing anything to the register) nor all the
> stuff that is required while unsually not provided on common Windows
> systems.
> So I am thinking of a CD or a USB mass storage medium which would
> provide a ready-to-use Lyx (with the required third party software).
> Does this exist?

I haven't tried it, but a google for "portable apps lyx" gave me:
The page is hard to read, but it appears that it changes the registry
and then changes it back afterwards.

The are also Linux Live CDs that you could boot which would presumably
have zero interest in the windows registry

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: '#' in index entries - possible?

2008-05-17 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 5:44 PM, Alexis Huxley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The stuff in the wiki tips regarding doing your own indexes has a problem
> though, and this would still be useful for me.

It appears that it is only the stuff in the multiple indexes section on the
wiki that is incorrect. Do you want to create multiple indexes?

 Simply creating a normal index via ERT can easily be done with:

also seems to work exactly as expected.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: '#' in index entries - possible?

2008-05-17 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
>  you can't use `macro parameter character #' in horizontal mode

I can reproduce this in LyX by adding Insert -> Index Entry "BTS#3".

This may be a bug in LyX. Is there any advantage to not parsing the input to


> At 
> I found some *TeX*-level advice to do backslash-prefixing. I could
> see this wasn't really going to work at LyX level

Why not?

>, but I tried it.

> The result was that the index is generates, the index entry is correct,
> but the actual text in the body of the document has a backslash in
> front of it. I.e.
>... see BTS\#287585 ...
>BTS#287585, 28

Works for me. Insert -> Index Entry "BTS\#287585" gives me the LaTeX code
\index{BTS\#287585}. No trailing backslash here.  The index entry itself
shouldn't generate any text, backslash or otherwise.

Perhaps you are selecting the text and relying on LyX to copy the text  into
the index entry? You can just click the index entry and enter whatever text
you want.

> (Actually it's on page 27, but ... one thing at a time.)

Sounds like LyX isn't rerunning LaTeX enough. Try creating the dvi or pdf or
whatever again.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: Need Urgent Help

2008-03-28 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 5:46 PM, Ankur Verma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  The problem which I am facing is solved when I remove the equations from
>  .lyx file.  Now, I can successfully  export the pdf from the  .lyx file,
>  without the equations.   But I cannot export a pdf or dvi, when I copy the
>  equations into the .lyx file.

I'd try exporting the lyx file to latex and looking at the latex file produced.

Which equations cause the problem? All of them?

Perhaps you could provide either the LyX file with the problem, the
Latex file generated and/or an example of an equation that is causing
you trouble.

You can navigate to the equation giving you trouble and "View->View
Source" and then cut and paste the LaTeX Source into your email.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: Why oh why did you drop xforms?

2008-02-18 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Feb 19, 2008 4:07 PM, Abdelrazak Younes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > on recommending Lyx to TEX newbies. If someone can cite a version of
> > Lyx that runs without tears on the latest stable version of Slack
> > (12) then I may give it a try again.


Being able to update lyx2lyx at the click of a button would be handy though.

> > There seems to be a virus infecting developers all over the net that
> > compels them to use the newest tools even though the newest tools are
> > not widely available.
> Please stop this non sense.
> > Qt 4 is the most notable of these attractive
> > nuisances. True, I can install a Kubuntu 4 partition and get KDE 4
> > which uses Qt4. But Koffice and a host of other things don't work
> > with KDE 4. Besides, I don't like Debian.
> Back in the days I was using Slackware, I used to compile everything. If
> you are not able to compile Qt and LyX, pay someone to do it for you and
> stop complaining about people developing those programs for *FREE*.

Better yet, write a program that lets people compile arbitrary
programs at the click of button. See ebuild, sinstall and gconfigure
for a starting point.

> > John Culleton TeX since 1995.
> Just stay with TeX and stop annoying us.

He can't. He's been infected with a virus ;)

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: Issues with LyX

2007-11-07 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On Nov 8, 2007 12:20 PM, Salim Namik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2. I create a lot of diagrams in MS Word and I to insert them in LyX, but 
> when I
> do, the quality of the figure is rubbish!! what is the best format for 
> diagrams
> made by MS Word?

I'd say postscript or PDF. You print to file using a printer such as
"Generic Postscript" to generate a postscript file from the diagrams.
You can then use Insert->Graphics to import the PS file. You will
probably have to use Clipping option in that dialog box to remove all
the added white space around the diagram.

Open Office can convert documents to PDF. You could also try opening
the diagrams in Open Office and exporting them to PDF.

Either way you "should" get the same quality you'd get if you printed
the diagram straight from word.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: export--> pdf

2007-08-29 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On 8/29/07, Hauser Helmut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John McCabe-Dansted wrote:
> > On 8/29/07, Hauser Helmut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> Hello everybody,
> >>
> >> I was wondering where the the export to pdf (latex) has gone in the

> Thanks for your fast response. That is exactly my problem. This does not
> show up anymore in the drop down menu. Here are possibilities which are
> offered to me:
> CKJ (1.4.x) (big5)
> CKJ (1.4.x) (eu-jp)
> CKJ (1.4.x) (eu-kr)
> latex (pdf)
> latex (plain)
> LyX 1.3.x
> LyX 1.4.x
> Plain Text
> Plain Text (ps2ascii)
> Custom

I'd try doing Tools  > Reconfigure.

If that doesn't work, see if latex and pdflatex are still installed
(e.g. try running latex or pdflatex from a terminal)

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: export--> pdf

2007-08-29 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On 8/29/07, Hauser Helmut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I was wondering where the the export to pdf (latex) has gone in the
> When I try it the "old" way File > Export > Custom  I get a lot of
> possibilties but if I choose one I just get the Cancel Button.
> Any suggestions?

What about
   File > Export > PDF (pdflatex)
   File > Export > PDF (ps2pdf)

> Thanks for your help and keep on working on this great piece of software,
> Helmut
> PS: I am using LyX 1.5.1 on a Linux System (Fedora).

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: On the fly spellcheck?

2007-08-13 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On 8/12/07, Fernando Roig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Instead of on-the-fly spellchecking, did anybody think about
> implmenting grammar checking (not necessarily on-the-fly)? I think
> that this could be a much interesting feature.

I thought about it:

This tool works fairly well under Linux. It "should" also work under
windows if Cygwin is installed, but it appears not to. It "should"
work on MacOS X if Perl is installed, but I haven't tried that

I've thought of getting this tool into LyX. However, this would
involve rewriting it into C++. For me it is actually more convenient
as an external Perl script, because that way I can maintain it would
out having to recompile LyX, or even restart LyX.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: Exporting to PDF (dvipdfm or pdflatex) Comes Up Short!

2007-07-22 Thread John McCabe-Dansted

On 7/23/07, John E. Harbold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

When I export my thesis to a PDF file, I only get the first eleven 
pages.  I
need to get the whole file exported to PDF.  I've used both dvipdfm and pdflatex
and both come up short.  I'm using LyX 1.5.0rc2.  Does anybody have  any ideas?

Can you export to DVI? If so do you get the same problem?

The only thing I can think of is if that you could have an over sized
floating figure. This would probably affect DVI and postscript as well
as PDF.

Re: Freezing

2007-06-22 Thread John McCabe-Dansted

On 6/22/07, Paniez Paykari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am having problems with LyX. I am using it on two different systems
and they both have the same problem.

1) using on Windows XP ServicePack 2 the version is 1.4.4 and every
time I do 'accept all changes' or view 'dvi' LyX freezes. Although the
mouse cursor still moves. The only thing that can be done then is to
'force quit'

2) The exact same problem exists on a Linux machine too.

How can I fix them?

I have come across this bug too. I fix it by opening the file using
1.5.0, e.g. Release Candidate 1, see for the
latest version.)

I can then convert the file back to 1.4.x format from 1.5.0 if I wish.

Re: Beamer questions

2007-05-08 Thread John McCabe-Dansted

On 5/8/07, Myriam Abramson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

(1) Can we have a logo on the top instead of at the bottom as seems to
be the default with \logo?

A theme which does this is the uoregon theme:

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: Newbie question: export to tex

2007-03-28 Thread John McCabe-Dansted

On 28 Mar 2007 16:33:04 +0100, N.W. England <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am trying to export a lyx file to latex, and it seems impossible.


I have tried file->export->latex which results in the status bar displaying
"(buffer-output latex)" but no file being created and the contents not in
the clipboard.

Does file->export->pdflatex generate a tex file?

if I type "lyx -export latex " then it displays a lot of text
including that it has written ~/file.tex, but the file is not there.

I can do lyx -export text/dvi/pdf etc and it works fine. -export tex
results in a format not known error.

I presume I am doing something stupid as lyx will happily convert to a
latex file on the way to anything else, but it seems impossible to get it
to output the actual latex file.

A work around would be to find the tex file in the /tmp directory and
copy it from there.

(and I have tried searching the mail archives but couldn't find anyone else
with this problem)

This is the first time I have heard of this problem. You could try
doing a reconfigure and restarting lyx.

Also what version of LyX are you using, on which operating system, and
did you install from package or compile from source?

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: Lyx 1.5.0 (beta 1) "Failed to start LyX."

2007-03-24 Thread John McCabe-Dansted



I have a running 1.4.4. Lyx version on my WinXP Machine with an
up-to-date MikTex. Today I tried the beta 1 of the 1.5.0 version and
upon completed installation (seemingly without problems) I try to run
LyX 1.5 and get a little Dialog which says "Failed to start LyX." with
an "OK" Button and that's it! No Lyx 1.5.0. beta 1 working here.
Can anybody help me?
I have a Notebook with a Transmeta Crusoe processor. Might there be a

Anyone know if the 1.5.0 version was compiled for i686?

In theory Crusoe supports i686 but there have been some obsure
problems, and sometimes Crusoe is detected as i586.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: Ubuntu compile error

2007-03-21 Thread John McCabe-Dansted

On 3/22/07, Bob Lounsbury <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

configure:7277: gcc -o conftest -g -O2 -Wextra  >&5
/tmp/ccgRmGPA.o:(.eh_frame+0x11): undefined reference to

According to this page:
This error is caused by compiling with gcc instead of g++.

try typing "g++ -v" to see if it is available and what version it is.
If it is not available try installing it.

If it is installed, or this doesn't help, try typing
  CXX=g++ ./configure
and see if this works better than a straight configure.

Report any further problems or success.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: Format Freeze during betas?

2007-03-20 Thread John McCabe-Dansted

On 3/20/07, José Matos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  The motto for this part of the code is "if LyX wrote it LyX should read it".
If that does not happen it is a bug and should be fixed. This applies to any
development stage, not just for stable releases.

OK. Presumably I'll have to make sure that both my laptop and my
desktop are running the same snapshot or risk not being able to open
files on my laptop though.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Format Freeze during betas?

2007-03-19 Thread John McCabe-Dansted

Has the 1.5.x format has been frozen? (due to the beta release)

If so I might use 1.5.x a bit more.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: LyX 1.4.4 Permission denied: 'configure.log' (FIXED)

2007-02-22 Thread John McCabe-Dansted

On 2/22/07, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>>>> "John" == John McCabe-Dansted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

John> I compiled lyx 1.4.4 from source in Dapper. I got the error
John> below. This was fixed by moving ~/.lyx out of the way. I just
John> thought I'd mention it in case anyone else had the same problem.

John> LyX: reconfiguring user directory Traceback (most recent call
John> last): File "/usr/local/share/lyx/", line 759, in ?
John> log = open(logfile, 'w') IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:
John> 'configure.log'

Where did this 'permission denied' come from? Did you have an existing
file? With which access rights?

Apparently, the entire .lyx directory was owned by root. Presumably I
used a sudo at the wrong place and time.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: LyX is getting... very annoying.

2007-02-21 Thread John McCabe-Dansted

On 2/6/06, Helge Hafting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

* Apply textrm as much as possible, but not in places where it won't work.
   In this particular example we had 2^Q.  Both the "2" and the "Q" may be
   textrm, but textrm must be off where the exponent happen.  (This example
   may be created manually by creating the math, then change the 2 and the Q
   to textrm individually.  This is the "userfriendly" way, but maybe it
   stupid layout. The same look should be available with mathrm . . .

In LyX 1.4.4,  2^Q in an mbox now no longer breaks the LaTeX run,
however if we type "Cntl-M" "Cntl-M" "\phi" we get:
 1) Something that looks exactly like $\phi$ on the screen.
 2) Something ($\mbox{\phi}$) that produces obscure LaTeX errors as
discussed previously in this thread.

My suggestion is that we make it obvious that we are no longer in
plain math mode. In a mbox, typing "\" should result in
"textbackslash" on screen and "\" in the dvi/ps/pdf.

As it stands the user has 3+ ways of entering a "\" in an mbox, the
"\" key, the "Cntl-L" key and the GUI "TeX" button. If the user really
wants to enter a TeX command in an mbox, the user can still press
Cntl-L or TeX to get a TeX "\".

Likewise copying a "\phi" symbol into a mbox should result in  "\phi"
as ASCII text in the PDF, just as if we had pasted the "\phi" symbol
completely outside any math-mode environment.

For consistency, I would also suggest that we replace '^'s with
"\textasciicircum{}" in mboxes, just like we do in all other non-math

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

LyX 1.4.4 Permission denied: 'configure.log' (FIXED)

2007-02-17 Thread John McCabe-Dansted

I compiled lyx 1.4.4 from source in Dapper. I got the error below.
This was fixed by moving ~/.lyx out of the way. I just thought I'd
mention it in case anyone else had the same problem.

LyX: reconfiguring user directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/usr/local/share/lyx/", line 759, in ?
   log = open(logfile, 'w')
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'configure.log'

if I manually run "/usr/local/share/lyx/", configure
works, but does not fix ~/.lyx, so  manually running configure was not
enough to allow me to run lyx.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: Problems with Importing someone else's TeX file

2007-01-03 Thread John McCabe-Dansted


How does one approach the problem of importing TeX and finding that it will not 
"compile" into dvi ?

The first thing I would do would be to see if I can compile the file
by hand. If you run LaTeX on the original .tex file and get similar
problems. Try running
 latex maintexfile.tex
 pdflatex matintexfile.tex
 pdfelatex matintexfile.tex
and see which of the three commands give you errors.

There are also some generic ways of fixing LyX dvi compile problems:
* Deleting text until it compiles... this will at least give you an
idea what text is causing the problem.
* Exporting LyX to TeX and inspecting the file to see what looks wrong.

If you don't want to edit the file TeX file in LyX, just include it
into a larger document LyX, you could try removing the
\begin{document} (and all text above this), removing the
\end{document}. Then you can  use Insert->File->Child Document on that
TeX file. I don't think this will help you here though.

I have a document that was done in TeX/LaTeX by a person who is no longer 
working here.  I have no idea what kind of setup was used other that a log file 
that mentions pdfeTeX.

I google for pdfeTeX gave me:
It seems that you may have to use pdfetex instead of pdftex. I am not
exactly sure how to do this, but you should be able to fiddle with
Tools->Preferences->Converters/FileFormats to achieve this.

I start up LyX, import it and then try View->DVI and I get errors like

Missing $ inserted
Missing \endcsname inserted

Another trick is to google for "Missing \endcsname inserted", however
using pdfetex may be a better solution here.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: Persistent changes to the Spellchecker's dictionary

2006-12-08 Thread John McCabe-Dansted

On 12/8/06, Nicolás <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


What can I do to make the changes (i.e. addition of words) to the
spellchecker's dictionary persistent?
While I am using the spellchecker and I add a new word to the
dictionary, that word is recognized during the rest of the checking
process. However, if I close and open again the spellchecker, the word
that I added is no longer recognized (i.e. has not been saved into the

What version of LyX & operating system are you using?

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: Tool to find all occurrences of one word and add to index?

2006-12-06 Thread John McCabe-Dansted

On 12/6/06, Rainer M Krug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks a lot for your suggestion and the comprehensive explanation why
it would not be a good idea to do it.

If you decide you do want a comprehensive index, you might want to look at:

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: Citations "sticking out"

2006-12-05 Thread John McCabe-Dansted

On 12/6/06, Rainer M Krug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> I have the problem that some references are "sticking out" of the
>> paragraph to the right. (please see attached screenshot)
>> As this is obviously not nice, how can I avoid this?
> Are you using url.sty (or hyperref.sty) for the references?

Yes, I use hyperref and backref for the references.

I think using pdflatex ("View->PDF (pdflatex)") should fix this.

Alternatively, using breakurl might also fix this:

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: \url{http://.../\#6} broken in pdflatex?

2006-10-31 Thread John McCabe-Dansted

On 10/31/06, Richard Heck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> However under pdflatex the "\#" causes a pdf file to be generated that
> cannot be read by Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0 for Linux. (Although it can
> be read by xpdf, kpdf, gv and kghostview). Is there any portable way
> of referring to this url in LaTeX?
This has to be a bug in Acrobat. I'd find some poor soul using Windows
and see if the PDF can be read there. If you want to send it to me, I
can try it out on my wife's machine and at least answer that question.

Odd. The problem went away. There appears to be an intermittant fault
such that when acroread is launched directly from lyx that much of the
text disapears and errors about a font being missing (the font name
being random garbage). It seems that this fault was aggravated, not
caused by the "\#".  This fault occurs on my Fedora machine. I don't
think I've ever noticed it on ubuntu.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

\url{http://.../\#6} broken in pdflatex?

2006-10-30 Thread John McCabe-Dansted

Hi, I am trying to enter the url
into lyx. Using dvi or ps2pdf I can use the command
However under pdflatex the "\#" causes a pdf file to be generated that
cannot be read by Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0 for Linux. (Although it can
be read by xpdf, kpdf, gv and kghostview). Is there any portable way
of referring to this url in LaTeX?

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

how to type #1 for math-macro in 1.4.x?

2006-10-03 Thread John McCabe-Dansted

I recall that in 1.3.x you could type #1 in a math macro to represent
argument 1. In 1.4.x this seems to just give you the text string "#1".
How do we do this for 1.4.x?

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: [ANNOUNCE] LyX 1.4.3 is relelased

2006-09-21 Thread John McCabe-Dansted

On 9/22/06, Juergen Spitzmueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

John McCabe-Dansted wrote:
> Wierd. I get nothing but a config directory and a development
> directory. I can't find a configure script anywhere.

Yes it was a bug in KDE Konqueror (or its plugins). Normal unix works fine.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: [ANNOUNCE] LyX 1.4.3 is relelased

2006-09-21 Thread John McCabe-Dansted

Wierd. I get nothing but a config directory and a development
directory. I can't find a configure script anywhere.

Anyway, gotta rush off to a conference on the east coast.b

Re: Trying to get two figures horizontally across the page

2006-08-16 Thread John McCabe-Dansted

On 8/16/06, Paul L Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi there,
  I cannot seem to get two images side-by-side unless I revert to non-floating 
figures and without their respective
"Figure captions".

One option would be to have a single floating table that contained the
two Figures. You could label the two parts of the figures "Figure
2.1a" and "Figure 2.1b".

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: Is there a way to see the original Latex source file in LyX?

2006-08-11 Thread John McCabe-Dansted

On 8/11/06, Georg Baum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

1.5svn is the development version that will become 1.5.0 and is only
available via svn: Don't use it for real
work yet without extra precautions, since it probably has some undiscovered

Also, for as long as I can remember (e.g. since 1.2.x) it is possible
to go to Edit->Preferences, File formats, select LaTeX and then set
the Viewer to your favorite
text viewer (I use gedit under Linux, under windows notepad would
probably suffice). Then click modify and save.

This will result in a new menu option View->LaTeX appearing.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: A debate topic: What can LyX still learn from scientific workplace?

2006-05-23 Thread John McCabe-Dansted

On 5/24/06, Stephen Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

LyX developers already try to make the menus easier and
toolbars more available for _all_ users. I don't think Rich resents
making things easier, but the completely ignorant notion that making
Lyx menus more like Word menus would accomplish such a goal. ERTs

Who suggested that "making Lyx menus more like Word menus would
accomplish such a goal"? Rich seemed to be replying to the suggestion
that LyX include a GUI to create .sty and .layout files.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: how many lyx users?

2006-05-20 Thread John McCabe-Dansted

Well, as a rough guess I'd say there are about half as many LyX users
as NetBSD users:

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Using the theorem enviroment with Koma-script in 1.4.x

2006-05-17 Thread John McCabe-Dansted

When writting my thesis I found that I needed komascript to format a
Thesis correctly, but that LyX would only allow me to enter Theorems
in a AMS class. My solution to this was to have a Book(koma-script)
main document that included Book(AMS) LyX documents which contained
the theorems, lemmas etc.

However with 1.4.1 LyX now generates a prompt
 "LyX: Different textclasses
 Included file `afile.lyx'
 has textclass `amsbook'
 while parent file has textclass `scrbook'."
for each included file. As I have a dozen included files, just
clicking OK can take a while. Does anyone know of a way to suppress
these dialogs or otherwise allow theorems to be entered via the LyX
GUI into a komascript document?

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

Re: English Language Grammar Checker Solution?

2006-05-11 Thread John McCabe-Dansted

On 5/12/06, Sadat Chowdhury <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

How do LYX users (and perhaps TeX/LaTeX users in general) deal with
English language grammar checkers?

I believe this is the only grammar checker that integrates itself into
the LyX GUI:

I would be interested to hear your experiences with it.If you have any
difficulty getting it to work, email me.

John C. McCabe-Dansted

Instant Preview doesn't work with "Input: lyxmacros.lyx"

2006-03-28 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
When using Instant Preview it works on small example files, however
when I use it on a file that has a "Input: lyxmacros.lyx" it doesn't
work, because it does not include the math-macros in lyxmacros.lyx
into the preview file.  (using 1.3.7)

John C. McCabe-Dansted
Master's Student

Re: Wiki question: What is spam? And, separate group for non-LyX stuff?

2006-03-23 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
> Hmm... even though the disk (<1 MB) and bandwith (normal web server)
> requirements would be very small, I can't really offer anything as it's
> not my server.

Have you had a look at existing Wiki farms?

John C. McCabe-Dansted
Master's Student

Re: controlling index format in LyX 1.4

2006-03-14 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
> Thanks, but I mean the index as produced by makeindex.

You can change the font used by makeindex in LyX simply by dragging
across the "Index" button that you inserted and change the font. This
will apply to the font change to every item in the index

For more sophisticated changes, I wrote a wrapper to beautify the
output makeindex, and integrated it into my personal version of

If you are interested, I can mail it to you

John C. McCabe-Dansted
Master's Student

Changes to updated subfiles not being included in main dvi.

2006-03-13 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
Currently, when I update a inputted LyX subfile, and go to the main
file and go "View DVI" (Or ps or pdf...), the changes in the subfile
are not included in the main DVI.

I think this problem only started recently, and it only occurs with
the document I am working on (e.g. I does not occur with small test
Documents which only input a single file)

Any ideas as to what is causing this, or how to fix it?

John C. McCabe-Dansted
Master's Student

Re: Thesis formatting problems, need help

2006-03-13 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On 3/14/06, Nate Mullins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1.  How do I reformat the table of contents?  Specifically, I a) need a
> double space inserted between the chapter title and section titles and b)
> need to enlarge the font from Default to Large.

I'm not sure, I think this is the default for Book(koma-script).
Generally Book (koma-script) is the best choice for Theses.

> 2.  I have some tables that won't fit the page horizontally unless I make
> the font really small (too small).  I need to enlarge the font, but would
> you suggest I a) orient the tables to Landscape and span them multiple
> pages or b) make the columns narrower?

How can you make the columns narrower without reducing the font size?

> 3.  Page bottom margins are set to 1" but on some pages, the text goes
> below 1" (to about 0.75").  I don't understand why--seems to be a bug.

I am not sure why this is happening, but...

By default, LaTeX puts the header and footer inside the margins. For
some reason LyX doesn't let you set the "head" or "foot" options in
the geometry package or the "includehead" and "includefoot" options. I
have manually added:


to my Layout->Document->preamble. This may help. (change the margins
to what you want ofcourse, i.e. replace some of the "2cm" with "1in").

> 4.  Widow/orphan control is not working consistently.

what is this?

> 5.  How do I get a figure/graphic to start a new page?  If a page break
> needs to be inserted, do I insert a "top" or "bottom" page break?

I am using 1.3.7, which doesn't give these options. I would say just
use which ever looks right when you output pdf.

> 6.  How do I get Lyx to triple space between figures and subsequent text
> (not the caption)?  Currently it is double spaced and I don't know how to
> change it.

I don't know, I just use the defaults.

> 7.  How do I eliminate the triple space between the end of one section
> (or subsection) and the next section heading?  Lyx seems to arbitrarily
> place triple spaces here and there and I don't want them.

This sounds like something that LaTeX does automatically because it
thinks it is in some sense correct.

You can manually remove a bit of space by starting a Evil Red Text
(i.e. press Cntl-L).

in this ERT, you can type

this will remove vertical space equal to twice the height of the "M" character.

> 8.  Currently there is a triple space between the References page
> heading and the first listed reference.  I need to change to double
> space but see no way to do this.

I use the default, which LaTeX thinks is correct. If it is a
requirement to remove this text... it would be nice if universities
gave sample .tex files demonstrating the approved formatting.

Perhaps other people will be able to help you more.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
Master's Student

How to convert letter to math symbol/font in 1.3+?

2006-02-20 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
I recall that in 1.2 we could convert a ordinary letter to math font
simply by selecting it and pressing cntl-M. In 1.3 it converts it into
math mode, but leaves it in the original font.

Is there an easy way to convert letters into math font in 1.3+?

John C. McCabe-Dansted
Master's Student
Pet project:

Re: Uppercase "F" not rendering on screen properly

2006-02-20 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
On 2/21/06, Rex Eastbourne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Within LyX, my uppercase F's look like black blobs. Does anyone know
> of the solution to this problem? I'm using LyX 1.3.6 on Ubuntu.
> Rex

I had this too. Try going into
Edit->Preferences->LookandFeel->ScreenFonts and change the Roman fonts
from aakar to something else  (I now use URW Bookman L, DejaVu Sans,
FreeMono respectively).

Perhaps someone should file a bug report?

John C. McCabe-Dansted
Master's Student

a4paper: Random Margins?

2006-02-19 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
Hi, I've been using a4wide, which seems to behave reasonably with a4
paper, but now I am trying to get border correction (so that the inner
margin is wider than the outer)

Thus I tried using the line


This gets the border correction to work, but the top and bottom
margins are wrong. Although I set a top & bottom margin of 2cm the
header is only 3mm from the top and the page number touches the lower
edge of the page.  I can correct this by adding another 2cm to the top
and bottom margin. However the page prints differently with different
printers --- on the HP-Laserjet4L it prints 1 or 2cm higher on the
page than with the university printers.

Has anyone got reliable (and preferrably correct) margins with border
correction on A4 paper?

John C. McCabe-Dansted
Master's Student,
Pet project:

How to set margins with Book(koma-script)?

2006-02-14 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
Hi, I seem to be unable to set the margins for my Thesis using koma-script.

First I ticked "Two-sided document" but it still thinks that my inner
side is always on the left. I think my university allows me to print
single sided, but I would feel more comfortable if I could change

Also when I use custom margins, the custom margins I set have no
effect. Using "very wide margins" does have an effect, (it stops bits
being printed off the bottom of the page).

Neither of these problems occur if I use Book(AMS).

Any Idea what it causing these problems?

John C. McCabe-Dansted
Master's Student

Style/Grammar Checker (v0.3d) for LyX availiable.

2006-01-24 Thread John McCabe-Dansted
I have put up a new version (v0.3d) of a Perl script that provides Grammar
Checking support within LyX's GUI. This version now formats the errors
to make them easier to read.

If you are interested in automatically checking your documents for
various errors, see:

If you have any troubles getting it to work, or have any other
comments, please email me.

It seems be quite simple to use under Linux and MacOSX. I haven't
tested it under Windows but it should "just work" if you are using
Cygwin. I'd be interested to know if it actually does works with

John C. McCabe-Dansted
Masters Student