Re: Prevent Lyx to add with pkg subfig line \@ifundefined{showcaptionsetup}{}{%

2011-02-23 Thread Julien Rioux

On 23/02/2011 7:15 AM, Matthieu Stigler wrote:


Asking again for some help on how to prevent Lyx to add automatically
\usepackage{subgif} when using subfig. Richard kindly gave advices (see
below), which did not work unfortunately. Any help will be much

Thanks a lot!


- Don't insert floats within floats the LyX way, instead use TeX code 
(ERT) to do the same thing. Add the necessary TeX preamble code to your 
document as necessary.

- Write a LyX module with a custom inset subfloat which handles the 
TeX code for you. Use your custom inset within your floats.


Re: BibTeX and Natbib

2011-02-23 Thread Julien Rioux

On 23/02/2011 6:30 PM, Eduardo de Oliveira Horta wrote:

So it seems all that was needed to do was to select the plainnat.bst
as the bibliography style. Now it`s working fine.

I have another question, though: is it possible to configure the style
in the references section when I added it the way I mentioned in my
previous mail (that is, insert  List/TOC  BibTeX bibliography...)?

I guess this configuration is controlled by some bst or sty file, but
have no clue as to which, neither as how to edit them...

The various styles (.bst files) are documented in many places. One such 
place is here:

See if you can find a style that matches your need.

Alternatively you can create your own style by answering questions using 
a command-line tool (custom-bib, bib-it)

If you are adventurous you can learn bibtex's stack language syntax and 
modify an existing style to your liking or write your own.

Good luck,

Any help would be welcome.

Thanks, and best regards,



Re: REVTeX4 Again

2011-03-10 Thread Julien Rioux

On 10/03/2011 11:05 AM, Bruce Pourciau wrote:

I'm still having problems converting an Article class document (with
footnotes and citations) to a REVTeX4
(\documentclass[12pt,aps,prb,preprint]{revtex4}) document, where there
are no footnotes, but citations and comments appear together in
endnotes. I selected REVTeX4 and put the options 12pt,aps,prb,preprint
into the Custom field.

But even trying to convert the simplest test document in the Article
class, I can't see how to get page numbers into a citation (using the
text after puts the page numbers into the body text, rather than the
endnote entry).

Yes, the behavior you mention is intended; text after is meant to 
appear in the text. If you want a page range to appear in your 
bibliography you would enter that info in your .bib file as in:

  author = {Dirac, P. A. M.},
  title = {The Quantum Theory of the Electron},
  journal = {Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A},
  year = {1928},
  volume = {117},
  pages = {610--624},
  number = {778}

Also, if I cite the same article a second time, with page numbers this
time, I need the citation to appear as endnote 2, like this:

1 cited article
2 See Ref. 1, pp.2--4

(normally you would always have page numbers for an article, but maybe 
you mean a book)

One way to do this would be just to have an endnote with the text See 
Ref. [cite ref 1], pp.2--4 in it.

Otherwise, you could use Bibtex to do it for you. Assume you had a book, 
and you refer to different chapters of the book. The usual approach is 
to have multiple @INBOOK entries in your .bib file with cross-references 
to a @BOOK entry:

  booktitle = {Optical Orientation},
  year = {1984},
  editor = {F. Meier and B.~P. Zakharchenya}

  author = {M.~I. D'yakonov and V.~I. Perel'},
  year = {1984},
  chapter = {2},
  pages = {15--71},
  crossref = {Meier1984}

  author = {G.~E. Pikus and A.~N. Titkov},
  year = {1984},
  chapter = {3},
  pages = {73--131},
  crossref = {Meier1984}


Notice the crossref field. It allows Bibtex to fetch additional 
bibliographic information from the parent, the actual book. If you 
reference a number (2, or more) of different chapters from the same 
book, Bibtex will automatically insert the book as entry 1. in your list 
of references and will have entries like

1. The book.
2. In Ref. 1, pp. 15--71.
3. In Ref. 1, pp. 73--131.

Of course you can also refer to the book directly, too.

To see the format I'm striving for, one could go to

and download the pdf of the short Dirac article. (no need for the
two-column at this point)

I'd really like to do the conversion from within LyX, because there will
be further editing which will be hard for me to manage if I have to make
those edits directly on the LaTeX file.

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.



Re: REVTeX4 Again

2011-03-10 Thread Julien Rioux

On 10/03/2011 5:58 PM, Bruce Pourciau wrote:

Thank you, Julien. That's very helpful. But iyour description makes it
seem like there's no way to make these formatting changes from within
LyX, starting from a document already formatted in the Article class. Is
that right?

If I were starting in LyX with a document in the class
[12pt,aps,prb,preprint]{revtex4}, could one make that document follow
the formatting you have described above, from within LyX?


I am not sure I understand. How do you enter your citations in your 
document? Bibtex requires some extra care, but when you do a view  
PDF, LyX will perform the necessary extra steps for you. So yes you can 
do these changes within LyX and with any document class.

I wasn't very clear in that I didn't mention how LyX uses Bibtex:
At the end of your document, you would insert a BibTex database inset 
(using the insert menu in Lyx). You need a .bib file, which is a 
database of bibliographic data in the specific bibtex format. Then, 
throughout your text you insert citations using the insert menu.


Re: REVTeX4 Again

2011-03-11 Thread Julien Rioux

On 11/03/2011 9:33 AM, Bruce Pourciau wrote:

Yes, my article class document has an inserted BibTeX bibliography that
pulls bib items from a .bib file. But in this particular REVTeX style,
all the citations, bibliographic information, as well as comments that
would ordinarily go in footnotes, appear together as endnotes. For
example, the paper cites Newton's Principia many times, the first time
citing just the book, but subsequently each time citing a different page
or page range. In this journal's REVTeX style, these would appear as
endnotes in this form:

1 I Newton, [full bibliographic info here]
2 Some other book or article perhaps
3 Reference 1, pp. 123--130
4 Reference 1, p. 17

Would I have to alter the .bib file in some way to get this citation form?

Also, footnotes (which appear in the endnotes) give me trouble when the
footnote contains a citation.


Ahh, yes I see. So then I would do it exactly as I explained earlier in 
the thread: with many entries in your .bib using the crossref field.

I was confused a bit because it sounded like you managed to do what you 
wanted with the regular article document class but could not do it 
anymore with the revtex document class. If that is the case then it 
might have something to do with revtex loading the natbib package 
automatically. You can select the natbib package in Documents  Settings 

Besides that, we're talking about a bibtex functionality, so it will be 
affected by your bibliography file (.bib) and the bibtex style file 
(.bst). The American physical society distributes their own .bst files 
together with revtex, but I expect using either these or the standard 
.bst styles would work equally with the approach I described.

Good luck,

Re: layouts

2011-03-11 Thread Julien Rioux

On 11/03/2011 9:50 AM, Patrick Dupre wrote:


In: /usr/share/lyx/layouts
I have:
elsarticle.layout etc...

but after reconfiguration of lyx I get:
+checking for document class egs [egs]... no
+checking for document class elsarticle [elsarticle]... no

Why ?


The .layout file is necessary but not sufficient. You also need the 
latex document class to be installed: egs.cls, etc.

You latex package manager's manual or the document class' manual should 
describe how to install these. Or just tell us what you're using and a 
fellow user could describe how to do it.


Re: Newspaper Package

2011-03-16 Thread Julien Rioux

On 16/03/2011 8:43 AM, Dean Chandler wrote:

I use Lyx 1.6.5 under Ubuntu Linux version 10.04.

Has anyone used the Newspaper Package with Lyx?
I believe I have all the required packages, because everything works
very well with the Texworks and Texmaker Latex programs.
However, after importing the example tex file into Lyx, I received three
errors making the dvi output. These are listed below.

I don't know enough about the innards of Lyx to know if it is even
possible to use the Newspaper Package. I would appreciate any advice.


Hi there,

The bad news is: LyX does not support arbitrarily all latex packages out 
there. Obviously it does not have out of the box support for yours.

There is some hope though: You can customize LyX in many ways, including 
the support of new packages through modules. See the LyX customization 
manual that you find in the help menu. More on this below...


All your errors relate to the same: window is not a latex environment 
that LyX knows about. You will need to instruct LyX how to handle this 
by use of a module. It looks as though the latex should have the form

\begin{window}[some instruction]

and I can't remember if LyX supports such syntax. Right now you see 
{[} instead of just [ in the source because LyX is trying to be too 
clever. As a workaround you might want to put [ and ] in ERT (Insert 
 TeX code). This will prevent LyX from adding the surrounding braces.


Re: Problem with sidecaptions in multi-lingual documents LyX 2

2011-03-17 Thread Julien Rioux

On 17/03/2011 6:41 PM, Pavel Sanda wrote:

P??vel Nicklasson wrote:

I have encountered a problem when trying to convert some files. In
documents with several languages with the sidecaptions module activated do
not work in LyX 2RC1. It is a regression from LyX 1.6 there the documents

i guess that sidecaptions module is not converted to lyx 2 format or something
like this (we do not provide this module officially iirc).


I'm not sure why but LyX 2 adds a bunch of lines to the preamble that 
look like this one:

\addto\captionsbritish{\renewcommand{\SCfigurename}{Figure (side caption)}}

In short, it's trying to redefine the macro \SCfigurename, but this 
macro isn't defined in the first place. I fixed it by defining it in the 
module, with the line


Please give it a try.


Re: Master / Child---What exactly is inherited?

2011-03-18 Thread Julien Rioux

On 18/03/2011 5:11 AM, Guenter Milde wrote:

Also, I use a branch (active in the child docs but not the master) for
bibliography and index as well as inclusion of a math-macros file in the
child docs.

That's very clever. Thanks for sharing.


Re: lilypond in lyx children documents

2011-03-21 Thread Julien Rioux

On 20/03/2011 9:32 AM, Sylvain Le Groux wrote:


I managed to use lilypond in single lyx
  documents in LyX 2.0.0beta4 and 2.0 r1.
Now, when I use those files containing
lilypond code as children in a master document
(lilypond module is selected in the master
document settings), I get the following error:

LaTeX Error: Environment lilypond undefined.
Undefined control sequence.
LaTeX Error: \begin{document} ended by \end{lilypond}.
LaTeX Error: Environment lilypond undefined.
Undefined control sequence.

I tried using \begin{lilypond} and \end{lilypond}
as ERT in the master document
and got the folowwing error message:

An error occurred while running:
lilypond-book --safe --pdf --latex
-program=pdflatex --lily-output-dir=ly-pdf

Any idea what I should do to be
able to use lilypond in children lyx documents ?

Thank you,

I can confirm that this does not work at all. It seems that LyX skips 
the preprocessing step for included files (it also fails for children 
using the sweave module, for example). I am not sure if this was working 
and is now broken. Perhaps it never worked before and nobody had that 
use case until now. But it should get fixed. Thanks for the report.


Re: LyX on xubuntu 10.10

2011-03-23 Thread Julien Rioux

On 23/03/2011 5:55 AM, Hellmut Weber wrote:

Hi list,
I'm using LyX 1.6.7 on xubuntu  10.10 and I'm as satisfied as for the
roughly ten years I'm using LyX now.

Actually I have a little problem:

I like to have the path to the document at the end of my documents.
So I've created a little python script giving me the end (because my
file system tree is quite deep) of the path, accordingly I have defined
an alias pdflatex=pdflatex -shell-escape to permit the use of this
script from within the latex source of my document.

This doesn't work for lyx. I suppose lyx calls pdflatex using its
absolute path. To find the place where this default is set I've been
looking in ~/.lyx/preferences,  /usr/share/lyx, ~/.config/Lyx, ~/.gconf,
~/.gconfig with no result.

So, can somebody gice me a hint where the default paths for the
converter calls are hidden?

Your interpretation sounds correct. You can change the converter line in 
Tools  Settings  File Handling  Converters (look for LaTeX - PDF 


I would suggest to use \jobname in ERT if possible instead of calling a 
python script for this.

Similarly, I would like to use '.' as the default path for saving new
lyx documents. Changing the corresponding setting in the menu

toolssettingspathshome (retranslated from my german version of

lyx) I can change that location but the change is not remembered when I
open lyx the next time.

Any ideas on this?

hmm, not sure. this might be a bug.


Happy LyXing


Re: Only 2 options for output?

2011-03-24 Thread Julien Rioux

On 23/03/2011 1:48 PM, Brian P. Rabbit wrote:


When I open LyX 2.00 rc1 (on a Mac 10.5),
I only see two options for output RTF and LyXHTML.
What happened to PDF, PS, and DVI?


Some export options get hidden now. You can check if they are hidden or 
simply missing entirely by having a look in Tools  Settings  File 
Handling  Formats


Re: Weird behavior after Lyx 2.0 RC1 installation

2011-03-24 Thread Julien Rioux

On 24/03/2011 4:01 AM, Julio Rojas wrote:

So, no clue here? Please, any advice will be better than none at all.
Julio Rojas

On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 3:38 PM, Julio  wrote:

I could backtrace the error to the use of \href in the definition of
\email in moderncv.cls. Nonetheless, hyperref seems to be loaded

Julio Rojas

On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 2:16 PM, Julio  wrote:

Dear all, I have recently installed Lyx 2.0 RC1 for Windows using the
not-blundle installer. After that, I can see that Miktex is behaving
weirdly, as if it was not properly installed. Package manager tells me
a lot of packages I frequently use are not installed. Lyx compilation
(with both 1.6.9 and 2.0) works in some cases for packages reported as
not installed and doesn't work for packages reported as installed. I
have tried to compile a big document (my thesis) and it gave me plenty
of errors. I deleted the packages found in
~User/AppData/Roaming/MiKTeX/2.8/tex/latex, rebuild MikTeX index and
it compiled perfectly. Now, I'm trying to compile my CV (which
compiled perfectly before 2.0 RC1) and the following error appears:

! Undefined control sequence.
\hyper@linkurl ...tionraw}\relax \Hy@colorlink
  \@urlcolor #1\close@pdflin...
l.54 \begin{document}

The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.

! Undefined control sequence.
\close@pdflink -\Hy@endcolorlink
  \Hy@VerboseLinkStop \pdfendlink
l.54 \begin{document}

The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.

I have installed url, breakurl and hyperref (reported as not
installed by package manager), which seems to be culprits (even if
there are no hyperlinks in my CV), to no avail.

Has anybody a clue about what is happening here? Regards.
Julio Rojas

It seems like a broken miktex installation. Can you try with plain 
latex? or just LyX 1.6 if it's still on your machine?

Sorry, I can't be of much help.


Re: LyX Promotion

2011-03-24 Thread Julien Rioux

On 24/03/2011 2:09 PM, Steve Litt wrote:

On Thursday 24 March 2011 07:01:19 Rainer M Krug wrote:

On 24/03/11 11:29, Guenter Milde wrote:

On 2011-03-23, Steve Litt wrote:

This is a wonderful idea. Now if we can only go the other direction...

I think we should have semantic import/export filters in addition to
visual ones for all relevant document formats.

I absolutely agree - this would make life so much easier: you can write
in LyX, export sematically to doc / odt and do the formating in word /
openoffice / libreoffice if the editor / conference only provides a
specific word template.

Definitely a priority.

I'm not quite sure what you guys mean by semantic import/export, but if you
mean exporting the text marked up with (empty) styles and the (empty) style
definitions so all I have to do with the MSWord file is fill in the styles,
then I'm on it like a squirrel on a tree. Let me tell you why.

The (insert your own curse phrase here) fools controlling the various eBook
formats have made it almost necessary to use MSWord as the input to the eBook
conversion process. Saaayyy what??? So let me get this straight. I write
my book in a good software like LyX, and then have to rewrite it in (insert
your favorite phrase meaning incompetent here) MSWord in order to put it on
a Kindle? Really?

You know, if we're really considering this, there should be an option to
convert what we call Part, Chapter, Section, Subsection... to MSWord's
Header1, Header2, Header3, Header4 etc. And of course we need to do it
configurably because not everyone uses parts and not everyone uses chapters.
I'm attaching part of my VimOutliner to LyX converter so you can see how I
implemented a similar level to level mapping in that software.



Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package

I love awk. Great tool. That's quite the script you got there. :)


Re: lilypond in lyx children documents

2011-03-24 Thread Julien Rioux

On 20/03/2011 9:32 AM, Sylvain Le Groux wrote:

Any idea what I should do to be
able to use lilypond in children lyx documents ?

This will be fixed in the next release candidate: you can Include 
child lyx documents and use the lilypond module with them.


Re: LyX on xubuntu 10.10

2011-03-25 Thread Julien Rioux

On 25/03/2011 9:56 AM, Hellmut Weber wrote:

Am 23.03.2011 13:52, schrieb Julien Rioux:

On 23/03/2011 5:55 AM, Hellmut Weber wrote:

Hi list,
I'm using LyX 1.6.7 on xubuntu  10.10 and I'm as satisfied as for the
roughly ten years I'm using LyX now.

Actually I have a little problem:

I like to have the path to the document at the end of my documents.
So I've created a little python script giving me the end (because my
file system tree is quite deep) of the path, accordingly I have defined
an alias pdflatex=pdflatex -shell-escape to permit the use of this
script from within the latex source of my document.

This doesn't work for lyx. I suppose lyx calls pdflatex using its
absolute path. To find the place where this default is set I've been
looking in ~/.lyx/preferences,  /usr/share/lyx, ~/.config/Lyx, ~/.gconf,
~/.gconfig with no result.

So, can somebody gice me a hint where the default paths for the
converter calls are hidden?

Your interpretation sounds correct. You can change the converter line in
Tools  Settings  File Handling  Converters (look for LaTeX -  PDF


I would suggest to use \jobname in ERT if possible instead of calling a
python script for this.

Similarly, I would like to use '.' as the default path for saving new
lyx documents. Changing the corresponding setting in the menu

toolssettingspathshome (retranslated from my german version of

lyx) I can change that location but the change is not remembered when I
open lyx the next time.

Any ideas on this?

hmm, not sure. this might be a bug.

Hi Julien,
thanks for your response.

I do use \jobname already but is gives only the last part, i.e. the
'naked' filename.

What I want to show too is the path to the lyx source file, ideally the
real one (and not the one of the temporary directory where lyx does all
of its work).

My python script is only a workaround because it shows me the actual
working directory where pdflatex is running. So for the final version of
my documents I must export to latex and pdflatex the document by hand to
get the correct dir name.
I'm willing to do so but I haven't found a possibility to activate the
-shell-escape option from inside lyx. And witout the original pdflatex
activated by lyx returns an error.

Any idea about that?



I see. Does it not work when you put -shell-escape in the converter? You 
find the converters from the menu Tools  Preferences  File Handling  
Converters. The dialog works in a funny way. You need to click on the 
Converter Definition LaTeX (pdflatex) - PDF (pdflatex), change the 
Converter line (add -shell-escape), click Modify, then click Save.


Re: LyX: Saves edited version of document as a new version (new file) ?

2011-03-25 Thread Julien Rioux

On 25/03/2011 4:02 PM, BOB Merhebi wrote:

I believe this is a possible solution; all I need is being able to
revise the document for the latest if not all the editing that occurred,
particularly in the case that the undo feature is no more applicable
like when lyx is closed.

Use change tracking. It will change your life :)
Document  Change Tracking


Re: LyX: Saves edited version of document as a new version (new file) ?

2011-03-25 Thread Julien Rioux

On 25/03/2011 5:06 PM, BOB Merhebi wrote:

that's what i just did :D will see how that goes; but from your
experience, does the tracking stay there even when i quite the document
  reopen it ?

Yes that's right, it keeps track of changes until someone accepts 
them. Also between sessions. And you get different colors for different 
authors, which is great when you pass the file around. It's built in.


Re: Russian Language support

2011-03-27 Thread Julien Rioux

On 27/03/2011 5:38 PM, Petrov Denis wrote:

Dear support,

I faced a problem. For Ubuntu I had a problem with Russian language.
But after installing texlive-lang-cyrillic the problem of converting
LyX - document to PDF - file was solved.

But I use also Windows XP SP3 (French edition) and I can not set the
text to be justified (look at the files Test_WINDOWS and Test_Ubuntu),
but the settings for both documents are the same. Could you tell me
what should I install for Windows or what preamble must be for correct
export to PDF?

Best regards,
Denis Petrov


Your Test_WINDOWS file shows no hyphenation. Could you make sure that 
you have babel support enabled in LyX? Without it, LaTeX only knows how 
to hyphenate according to english rules.

Tools  Preferences  Language Settings
Outils  Préférences  Paramètres de Langues


Re: Chapter* is making me crazy again

2011-03-27 Thread Julien Rioux

On 27/03/2011 7:52 PM, Steve Litt wrote:

Hi all,

Yet another problem with Chapter*. I have some appendices at the end of the
book which I put as Chapter* instead of Chapter so they wouldn't be identified
as Chapter 58: Appendex A on the page header or in the table of contents. It
didn't work out too well.

The page headers for Appendex A shows the header for the last chapter made
with Chapter instead of Chapter*. In other words, the Appendix's page header
shows something like  Chapter 57: Lastchaptertitle.

I'm using a document class derived from class Book, and it's waaay too
late to change to Memoir or Koma or any of those, and I don't like them

I've attached a 2 chapter sample that clearly shows the problem on its PDF
output's last page.

Another problem is my super-duper date-showing header reverts to the one last
shown in a legitimate chapter.

I spoze there are two ways I can handle this. I could make the appendices
chapters and include ERT like this just before they start:

\renewcommand{\thechapter}{ }\renewcommand{\chaptername}{ }

I'd need to do something similar with the date variable used in the date
header, which isn't that hard.

Or I could find some way to make Chapter* influence \thechapter and
\chaptername and the like.

Any ideas?



Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package

For the header problem you could put \markboth{}{} in ERT after the 
start of the appendix. That will clear the headers entirely.


Re: directed graphs and benchmarks in lyx

2011-03-28 Thread Julien Rioux

On 28/03/2011 10:40 PM, Eisa Ayed wrote:

hello ,

i'm looking for an easy and powerful tool to draw directed and undirected 
graphs and also benchmarks in lyx

any suggestions ?



you can insert a .dot file into LyX as graphics.


Re: Using siunitx with LyX

2011-03-30 Thread Julien Rioux

On 30/03/2011 8:02 AM, Andrew Steele wrote:

It seems to work if you press ctrl-L or type a backslash before typing
the second set of curly braces.

Thanks for nudging me in the right direction!

On 30 March 2011 12:56, Liviu  wrote:

On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 1:51 PM, Andrew Steele  wrote:

Yes, that does work, but it seems to be impossible to start an ERT box
within math mode, and this rather defeats the object of the visual
equation editor!

Is there a better workaround? :)

Hmm, here in both cases I get the same result (see attached). I assume
that you include the dollar signs in math mode, something that you
shouldn't do. To make sure that the math representation conforms to
your LaTeX code expectations, try View  Source.


It should work in 1.6, too, doesn't it?

A neat approach is to define a fake math macro: Insert  Math  Macro, 
then put a % in a TeX Code right in front of it, on the same line.

Define your SI math macro to take two arguments and LyX will know what 
to do with it each time you type \SI in math mode.


Re: Poll for the default icon theme in LyX 2.0

2011-03-30 Thread Julien Rioux

On 30/03/2011 9:26 AM, Pavel Sanda wrote:

- oxygen


Re: Koma script error

2011-04-01 Thread Julien Rioux

On 01/04/2011 3:20 PM, Y.Wu wrote:

Hi, Stephen,

I am modifying this template
When I remove the blue phase WYSIWYM, there will be an error.
So I have to keep at least one instance of this phase somewhere in my
document to avoid this.

Thanks a lot.


I don't know if it's a good idea to use this document as a starting 
point. It is full of LaTeX code in the preamble which I wouldn't want to 
touch. You might be better off by just starting a new document.

But to solve your first error, remove this:

\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{blue}}{{\versal{#2}}}{}% Versalien
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{cyan}}{{\versalomat{#2}}}{}%   Weitere
%\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{magenta}\or\equal{#1}{blue}}{}{#2}% fallthrough

From the preamble of that file. You find the preamble from the menu 
Document  Settings...  LaTeX preamble

Good luck,

Re: Editing Process

2011-04-02 Thread Julien Rioux

On 02/04/2011 9:55 AM, Bruce Pourciau wrote:

A journal has the tex file I exported from my lyx file. Their editing
process goes like this: they mark places in that tex file where they
want revisions, attach it to an email to me, I make the revisions in
that marked up tex file and send it back to them.

Now I'm comfortable working with LyX, but not at all comfortable working
with a tex file directly. I'm worried that I'll make errors in the
editing process and that it will take me much longer to make revisions,
if I have to work with the tex file directly. I know I can import the
tex file they send me -- a revision of the original tex file generated
by my lyx file -- but if I do this, make the changes they want in lyx,
and then export a tex file, can I be sure that this would result in the
same tex file that would have resulted from working directly on the tex
file they sent me?

A second question: this journal does accept Word file submissions, but
they much prefer tex files (naturally). I imagine that the editing
process is different for Word submissions, probably more like what I
would prefer: they tell me what they want changed, I make the changes in
LyX, and then send them a new tex file exported from my revised lyx
file, even if that exported tex file is different (due to the
import/export process, not just the revisions) from the tex file that
would have resulted from working on the tex file directly. In this
process, my lyx document is always the final say on the state of the ms
at any time, at least until I send them the final tex file at the end of
the process. I'm tempted to write back to the editors and say that I
want my manuscript to enjoy the editing process of a Word submission. Do
you think that's justified?


Save yourself from the tex - lyx - tex cycle, as it is known to be 
incomplete. So I see two ways forward (not counting the Word alternative)

1) Use your original LyX file. Always only modify the original LyX file, 
and use .tex at the last stage (export). For this method, you will first 
need to figure out what is different, between the .tex file you sent to 
the editors, and the .tex file you received from them. Identify those 
changes and make the same changes in your LyX file. Then identify the 
things they want you to change, and make the changes in your LyX file. 
When done, export to .tex and send the file.

2) Just go with editing the .tex file. At the editing stage, you will 
only be changing a few sentences here and there anyway. If you need to 
modify math formulas and are intimidated by this, fire up LyX with a new 
file, write down how the formula should look like, open the ViewSource 
panel, and copy/paste to your .tex file.

Good luck,

Re: LaTeX question w.r.t \input@path

2011-04-04 Thread Julien Rioux

On 04/04/2011 3:47 PM, Hellmut Weber wrote:

Hi list,
recently in another post I found the internal LaTeX macro


mentioned. Putting this (surrounded by \makeatletter and \makeatother)
in an ERT eventually gives me the correct path to my LyX document as
string in the document.

S many thanks to the poster of that other message (soem days ago) !

Here is now my question to the LaTeX gurus:
How can I define a LaTeX macro which gives me the END of the string
delivered by \input@path?
To give a concrete example: When I open document test-01.lyx with LyX in
the directory


and compile my document it shows the correct path



What I would like to derive from this string is
/.../Lyx-Tests/Inputpath/blam/ ;-)
See what I mean?

My LaTeX experience told me the need for \makeat...,
but this transformation I'm not able to do in LaTeX.

Any help appreciated



kludge solution, if you know how deep your paths are:

\def\removeprefixx/#1/#2/#3/#4/#5{Your path is /.../#5}



Re: LaTeX question w.r.t \input@path

2011-04-04 Thread Julien Rioux

On 04/04/2011 5:32 PM, Julien Rioux wrote:

On 04/04/2011 3:47 PM, Hellmut Weber wrote:

Hi list,
recently in another post I found the internal LaTeX macro


mentioned. Putting this (surrounded by \makeatletter and \makeatother)
in an ERT eventually gives me the correct path to my LyX document as
string in the document.

S many thanks to the poster of that other message (soem days
ago) !

Here is now my question to the LaTeX gurus:
How can I define a LaTeX macro which gives me the END of the string
delivered by \input@path?
To give a concrete example: When I open document test-01.lyx with LyX in
the directory


and compile my document it shows the correct path



What I would like to derive from this string is
/.../Lyx-Tests/Inputpath/blam/ ;-)
See what I mean?

My LaTeX experience told me the need for \makeat...,
but this transformation I'm not able to do in LaTeX.

Any help appreciated



kludge solution, if you know how deep your paths are:

\def\removeprefixx/#1/#2/#3/#4/#5{Your path is /.../#5}


(...will not work with windows-style paths.
If you need that remove the leading / after removeprefixx)


Re: LaTeX question w.r.t \input@path

2011-04-04 Thread Julien Rioux

On 04/04/2011 5:54 PM, Richard Heck wrote:

On 04/04/2011 05:32 PM, Julien Rioux wrote:

kludge solution, if you know how deep your paths are:

\def\removeprefixx/#1/#2/#3/#4/#5{Your path is /.../#5}

Can you explain the point of the \expandafter? I see this often, but
don't understand it.


\expandafter\foo\bar tells TeX to expand \bar before expanding \foo

in this case:

expand \input@path to /home/leo/leo/Tests/Lyx-Tests/Inputpath/blam

parse /home/leo/leo/Tests/Lyx-Tests/Inputpath/blam using /#1/#2/#3/#4/#5

Re: LaTeX question w.r.t \input@path

2011-04-05 Thread Julien Rioux

On 05/04/2011 7:21 PM, Hellmut Weber wrote:

Am 04.04.2011 23:32, schrieb Julien Rioux:

On 04/04/2011 3:47 PM, Hellmut Weber wrote:

Hi list,
recently in another post I found the internal LaTeX macro


mentioned. Putting this (surrounded by \makeatletter and \makeatother)
in an ERT eventually gives me the correct path to my LyX document as
string in the document.

S many thanks to the poster of that other message (soem days
ago) !

Here is now my question to the LaTeX gurus:
How can I define a LaTeX macro which gives me the END of the string
delivered by \input@path?
To give a concrete example: When I open document test-01.lyx with LyX in
the directory


and compile my document it shows the correct path



What I would like to derive from this string is
 /.../Lyx-Tests/Inputpath/blam/ ;-)
See what I mean?

My LaTeX experience told me the need for \makeat...,
but this transformation I'm not able to do in LaTeX.

Any help appreciated



kludge solution, if you know how deep your paths are:

\def\removeprefixx/#1/#2/#3/#4/#5{Your path is /.../#5}


Hi list,
I have to add one aspect to the functionality I'm looking for:
Since I'm used to use directory names which contain underscores ('_') my
python code should read:

leo@sylhepta ~ $ python
Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Sep 15 2010, 15:52:39)
[GCC 4.4.5] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.

def shorten_path(path, len):

...   return '/.../' + '/'.join(path.split(



TIA and Best regards



You might consider taking your question to a dedicated TeX channel. 
Splitting on / is doable, escaping _ too, but the real hard part about 
your request is this:


In tEx I do not know how to access the last N elements of a list when he 
list length is unknown, although accessing the first N is easy. If you 
know the list length then it's easy as well, but it looks not right for 
your case because the path could be any depth.


Re: Translations of Math environments in LyX output - last call for LyX 2.0

2011-04-08 Thread Julien Rioux

On 08/04/2011 8:33 AM, Pavel Sanda wrote:

Jean-Pierre Chrétien wrote:

Hello Pavel,

I don't unserstand what happened, a lot of strings which are not translated
in frenchb.ldf have disappeared.

do they really stopped working when you typeset the french document? i see those
strings in

\def\tablename{{\scshape Table}}%

Btw, there are some peculiarities that the mechanism is unable to manage,
like the \scshape required by french typography.

On the other side, I would have liked to correct the inconsistence in
French babel about the translation of table:

this should be reported to french babel maintainer, we shouldn't start
our own translation branch...

Actually, I think we should, eventually :)


Re: Accept suggestions in Lyx

2011-04-09 Thread Julien Rioux

On 09/04/2011 6:28 PM, monikioo wrote:

Hi Everyone

This may seem like a stupid question, but I cannot find the answer anywhere.
When I am in math mode and typing in a latex code, for example \rightarrow,
a grey text will show up, showing me the suggestion. Is there any way to
accept that suggestion and skip typing out the rest of the command? I know
that if I wait a second, a drop down list will pop up and I can press enter
to accept the suggestion.


View this message in context:
Sent from the LyX - Users mailing list archive at

Hit the TAB key for the completion.


Re: Translations of Math environments in LyX output - last call for LyX 2.0

2011-04-11 Thread Julien Rioux

On 11/04/2011 4:17 PM, Manveru wrote:

2011/4/7 Pavel

Pavel Sanda wrote:

Please go through all entries in the attached file for your language and
ensure that they are correctly translated. Make any needed update in the .po
files as usual. The lib/layouttranslations file will be regenerated
automatically from the .po files before the final 2.0.0 release.

note: we shrinked the list of lib/layouttranslations not to contain
strings which are translated by babel, the current version can be found here:


I would like to know, if the statement at the beginning of the file is
true, and if Polish language has its .po file the translations should
not be touched?

Hi Manveru,

The statement simply means that any change for Polish should be made in 
the polish .po file. The layouttranslations file will be updated by 
automatically regenerating it after such changes to .po files.

The same can be said for any other language which has a .po file.

Suggestions for these translations are still welcome, I think.


Re: Comma as decimal separator (feature request)

2011-04-12 Thread Julien Rioux

On 12/04/2011 10:19 PM, Diego Queiroz wrote:

The Align on decimal feature in tables are really very useful.
Therefore, in portuguese we use a comma as the decimal separator.

In future releases, should be a good idea to include in the document
configuration some place to determine these regional configurations.

I saw this setting somewhere, but I can't remember right now. It might 
be in the general preferences, not per document.

There are also, other things to hangle. E.g. I always include the icomma
package in the preamble when writing a document in portuguese. It would be
great if LyX handles this configuration automatically for me.

What does icomma do?

Diego Queiroz


Re: spellchecker for lyx 2.0 rc2

2011-04-16 Thread Julien Rioux

On 16/04/2011 4:52 PM, Jim Oldfield wrote:

One problem I have been  having ever since I started working with Lyx is that

unless I installed aspell  along with the Lyx installer or Alternative Lyx
Installer, I was never able to  get spell working. In other words, when I
install aspell and Lyx separately,  spell checker does not work whatever
tweaking I tried.

Probably you  haven't Tools  Reconfigure after installing aspell (or
any other spell  checker or latex class).

I am having both the same problems too:

1) No spelling engine or dictionary is installed with LyX

2) Even if I install Aspell and the English dictionary myself, it's not an
option in LyX preferences.

For (2) I reconfigured and then restarted LyX and even uninstalled/reinstallied
LyX, and the Aspell option still didn't appear in prefs.

You would need to make aspell visible to the configure script by putting 
the path to aspell.exe in your PATH environment variable or 
alternatively in the PATH in LyX preferences. Then reconfigure LyX, 
close and start LyX again. If it does not work after that then there is 
indeed a problem.

I think there is an even worse bug here:

3) When LyX could not spell check some (or all) text, it just claimed to have
completed the spell check successfully. It should instead report an error, so
the user at least knows that there could be spelling mistakes.

Agreed. It should report something. Either no spellchecking engine was 
found, or dictionaries were not found for the requested language. Then 
the user can act accordingly.



Re: Lyx open buffered copy

2011-04-18 Thread Julien Rioux

On 18/04/2011 10:57 AM, Rainer M Krug wrote:

But what if a figure file is changing? or a child document? That should
be included in the message box as well, otherwise this approach would be
a little dangerous, as it would not show all changes which can happen to
a lyx document.

Current versions of LyX already update the graphics (both in LyX's 
display and when you compile) when graphics are edited externally. 
Changes to (most, if not all) other files are also noticed. If that is 
not the case please report it as bug.


Re: Lyx open buffered copy

2011-04-18 Thread Julien Rioux

On 18/04/2011 11:25 AM, Christian Wilhelmsen wrote:

Where do you report the bug? I thought the feature just was non existing.

The specific feature you are requesting (notify that the LyX file has 
changed on disk) is not implemented yet, that's true. If you follow the 
thread, I was replying to a specific message (which I quoted) by Mr 
Rainer Krug about external files such as graphics files.

If you want to report bugs or feature request you can discuss them on 
this list and/or you can enter them on the bug tracker:

If you do enter a feature request on the bug tracker it is a good idea 
to include a link to the current mailing list discussion for continuity.


Re: Help adding new graphics format

2011-04-18 Thread Julien Rioux

On 18/04/2011 2:29 AM, Yang Zhang wrote:

I'm interested in adding a new graphics format (Xournal) to LyX that
can be displayed on-screen and rendered in PDF outputs.  Just to get
started, I've been trying to figure out how to add a dummy graphics
format.  The input is actually a .tex file (but named .foo), and I
tried adding a converter to PDF, but not luck.  Details follow.

In Tools  Preferences, I added a new format with:

Format: foo
Short Name: foo
Extension: foo
Editor: gedit
Viewer: gedit

I also added a new converter to PDF (ps2pdf) with:

pdflatex -outputdirectory /tmp/ /home/yang/blah/  cp /tmp/blah.pdf $$o

Note I'm ignoring $$i, just for the sake of getting *something* working.

At least for the export to pdf, it should be sufficient to use:
pdflatex $$i

For the display in the LyX buffer, you might have to define a converter 
to .png, but imagemagick will be attempted if you don't define a converter.

Now I tried inserting a simple hello world latex file named .foo into
my document as a graphic.  With lyx -dbg graphics, I see the following
output, and in the main window I get the error Error converting to
loadable format.  Any hints?  Thanks in advance.


Re: PNAS reference style?

2011-04-18 Thread Julien Rioux

On 18/04/2011 6:06 PM, Ehud Kaplan wrote:

How do I get the PNAS reference style (numeric, references numbered in
the order they appear in the text, compressed so 1,2,3,4 -- 1-4, etc?
I have tried various .bst styles but none worked correctly.


For the compressed list, use natbib and put sortcompress (minus the 
quotes) in the custom option class of your document settings.

For styles you really just have to experiment a bit or google for natbib 


Re: Help adding new graphics format

2011-04-18 Thread Julien Rioux

On 18/04/2011 8:41 PM, Yang Zhang wrote:

On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 1:23 PM, Julien Rioux  wrote:

On 18/04/2011 2:29 AM, Yang Zhang wrote:

I'm interested in adding a new graphics format (Xournal) to LyX that
can be displayed on-screen and rendered in PDF outputs.  Just to get
started, I've been trying to figure out how to add a dummy graphics
format.  The input is actually a .tex file (but named .foo), and I
tried adding a converter to PDF, but not luck.  Details follow.

In ToolsPreferences, I added a new format with:

Format: foo
Short Name: foo
Extension: foo
Editor: gedit
Viewer: gedit

I also added a new converter to PDF (ps2pdf) with:

pdflatex -outputdirectory /tmp/ /home/yang/blah/blah.foocp
/tmp/blah.pdf $$o

Note I'm ignoring $$i, just for the sake of getting *something* working.

At least for the export to pdf, it should be sufficient to use:
pdflatex $$i

For the display in the LyX buffer, you might have to define a converter to
.png, but imagemagick will be attempted if you don't define a converter.

Now I tried inserting a simple hello world latex file named .foo into
my document as a graphic.  With lyx -dbg graphics, I see the following
output, and in the main window I get the error Error converting to
loadable format.  Any hints?  Thanks in advance.


OK, some progress.

I tried exporting my document to a PDF, and it worked - the converter
I registered (foo to PDF) does kick in at that point (despite no
in-LyX display).

I then tried adding a dummy foo-to-PNG converter (I have a simple
out.png file sitting around):

cp .../out.png $$o

That worked - I now have in-LyX display.

This leads to some more questions.  I thought LyX would be able to
convert the .pdf to a format it can display.  At least, that's what I
understand to be happening with Graphviz Dot, which has just this
converter to PDF (ps2pdf):

dot -Tpdf $$i -o $$o

When I insert .dot files as Graphics they display in LyX just fine.
So why does that work for .dot but not .foo?  I verified that both and .dot formats have Vector graphics format checked.


Because imagemagick does handle .dot format, but not your .foo format. I 
half expected that conversion from foo to pdf to png would occur, but I 
guess that's not the case.


Re: PNAS reference style?

2011-04-19 Thread Julien Rioux

On 19/04/2011 4:14 AM, wrote:

Thanks, Julien. I had tried the sortcompress of natbib but it did not
work (I really need unsort, not sort, because references should be
numbered according to the order in which they appear in the manuscript).

However, I discovered that naturemag works fine if I put in the preamble:

\renewcommand{\citeleft}{(} %to get round parentheses


Having to use a style like naturemag /and/ a package like \cite is a bit
confusing, but life could get boring otherwise, couldn't it?


On 4/18/2011 6:21 PM, Julien Rioux wrote:

On 18/04/2011 6:06 PM, Ehud Kaplan wrote:

How do I get the PNAS reference style (numeric, references numbered in
the order they appear in the text, compressed so 1,2,3,4 -- 1-4, etc?
I have tried various .bst styles but none worked correctly.


For the compressed list, use natbib and put sortcompress (minus the
quotes) in the custom option class of your document settings.

For styles you really just have to experiment a bit or google for
natbib styles.

I'm glad you solved your problem. However just for clarification, the 
sort in sortcompress refers to something like 1,5,3,2 becoming 
1,2,3,5 within a single \cite command. The compress refer to 1,2,3,5 
becoming 1-3,5. The references still appear in the order they are cited. 
These keywords do not change that.


Re: Scaling Lilypond files in LyX

2011-04-20 Thread Julien Rioux

On 20/04/2011 4:24 AM, Richard Opheim wrote:

Hello LyX users.
What an excellent software LyX is, once it gets used to you.
However, when I try to insert a Lilypond file via Insert-File-External
Material, the Size and Rotation tab is grayed out. Furthermore, clicking
the LaTex and LyX options tab, the Scale on Screen box is grayed out as
That's too bad, because my music will not fit on the page if not scaled
Are these features not yet available or ...?

Richard Opheim

When you insert them as graphics (Insert  graphics) you should be able 
to scale them. Please let us know if this works for you.

By the way LyX 2.0 will include the possibility to enter the lilypond 
code directly and process the document through lilypond-book. It might 
be the case that you prefer external .ly files, in which case this 
doesn't help.


Re: iTeX as replacement for TeX? (was: 'Re: How?')

2011-04-20 Thread Julien Rioux

On 20/04/2011 10:31 AM, Liviu Andronic wrote:

Dear all

On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 12:27 PM, Jürgen Spitzmü  wrote:

In this context, make sure not to miss Knuth's pronuciation of
iTeX during his earthshaking announcement at TUG 2010:

I'm a bit surprised by this announcement. Does iTeX have any potential
to stick around? Will it compete with XeTeX and the ilk?



Unless you bother to watch the video you won't get it.
(jump to 13:30 for the pronunciation)


Re: Layout: OptionalArgs

2011-04-20 Thread Julien Rioux

On 20/04/2011 12:01 PM, Diego Queiroz wrote:

Yeah, I already realized that Short title is a terrible name (since it
only makes sense for captions, chapters, sections, and so on).
We need to change this in future releases...


So is OptionalArgs a boolean field?
I am asking this 'cuz the Customization documentation says OptionalArgs =
number of optional arguments, which means it is an integer field.
Is the documentation wrong or there is another behavior if I set
OptionalArgs = 2?

Diego Queiroz

It is then possible to insert two Short title insets. Right?


Re: export-import

2011-04-20 Thread Julien Rioux

On 20/04/2011 12:04 PM, Hal Kierstead wrote:

I use LyX to write math papers, so there are proposition, theorem, proof, etc. 
environments.  I would like to be able to export a tex file, let my colleague 
make minor modifications on it, and then import it.  Whenever I do this, even 
if the tex file is unmodified, I get the \begin{prop}, etc in ERT.  Is this 
just the way it is, or do I have some settings wrong?

I am using 1.6.9, but have also tried 2.0.0re3.



Nothing wrong on your part. The LyX-TeX-LyX cycle is not completely 
up-to-par and I would personally avoid any working environment which 
relies on it on a regular basis.


Re: export-import

2011-04-20 Thread Julien Rioux

On 20/04/2011 12:28 PM, Hal Kierstead wrote:

Thanks.  I see this as a important obstacle to wider acceptance of LyX.  Since 
it seems to be mainly these standard environments, maybe it should not be so 
hard to fix.  For instance could the exporter generate some comments that the 
importer uses to get things right?  For instance every \begin{prop} could be 
followed by a comment that would be used by the LyX importer.  I realize that 
it is a much bigger problem to translate a completely foreign tex file.


Absolutely. I think we can reimport the propositions without using 
comments (you can't rely on them) because we have information about 
propositions in the .layout files. There is some work being put in the 
tex2lyx conversion tool; support keeps on improving. I haven't tested 
your particular problem with the development version so I don't know if 
it will work there, but complete LyX-TeX-LyX cycle is on the roadmap.


Re: Using LaTeX math macros

2011-04-20 Thread Julien Rioux

On 20/04/2011 3:39 PM, Mathieu Dubois wrote:


I'm a new LyX user but I'm a bit experienced with LaTeX.

I have developed my own set of LaTeX math macros (mainly to have simple
and coherent notations). It's not a package but just a tex file that I
\input in my documents.

I have \input'ed my tex file in the preamble but I cannot use commands
with several arguments because LyX interprets the curly braces.

How can I use my macros?

The best way is probably to define them as LyX macros but I have no idea
of how to do that.

Thanks in advance,

The quick and dirty way to get in latex {arg} in math is to type \{ arg
(i.e., backslash, curly brace, space, a, r, g)

For ease of use in the long term you could define all such macros by 
Insert  Math  Macro. Create one such file math-macros.lyx and \input 
it once in your master document. (while defining macros in LyX, type \#1 
to get the latex #1)


Re: Master document

2011-04-20 Thread Julien Rioux

On 20/04/2011 4:00 PM, Mathieu Dubois wrote:

Hello (again),

I have another question.

I'm writing my PhD thesis (how many messages started like this one on
this list?). Of course I have planned to split the document into a
master document and child documents. I have set the master document
field of each child document.

However each chapter is rather long so I wanted to split chapters into
several files (one for each section). I have several questions.

First I have then to use input instead of include, right?

Second, what is the master document of the section file? Is it the main
document or the chapter one? Would it be better include every section
into the main document?

Third, I have configured my main document for using hyperef and saved as
default. But then when compiling the document LyX complains about option
clashes in hyperef. Do I have to use hyperef only for the master?

Thanks in advance,


1) \include starts the content on a new page, \input does not.

2) I would try to set the master of section.lyx to chapter.lyx, I think.

3) Not all options are inherited between master and childs, you mostly 
have to repeat the settings in both to avoid any problems. (you can do 
it once for one of the child, then copy paste the heading of the .lyx 
files in an standard text editor to save time.


Re: asking put the picture

2011-04-22 Thread Julien Rioux

On 22/04/2011 11:59 PM, Hady Ariwibowo Teguh wrote:

Thank you Stephen,
I have put the picture when i'm using Latex. and it works. But, when i do it in 
Lyx, it cannot works. I dont know how to repair it.I wanna put the picture 
between section 2.1 and 2.2. Here, i attach my document. Thanks you.

Ps. I'm sorry if my question is basic things

CFD Engineer

--- On Fri, 4/22/11, stephen's mailinglist  wrote:

From: stephen's mailinglist
Subject: Re: asking put the picture
To: Hady Ariwibowo
Date: Friday, April 22, 2011, 8:13 AM

On 22 April 2011 08:25, Hady Ariwibowo  wrote:

But, I have a problem about how to place the position of the
picture. I wanna put a picture between sections but when I debug I
find my picture is on the next page. What’s wrong with my code??

The default LaTeX/LyX behaviour for pictures is to 'float' them to the position 
that LaTeX has determined as optimum.  If you want to specify a position you 
will need to select the Float: Figure settings and change from default to 'here 

You may also need to check the figure size so that it is not too large for 
LaTeX's margins and headers and footers.


You access the float settings by clicking within your float first, then 
navigate to the menu Edit  Float Settings. There you would remove the 
checkmark for Use default placement and select Here definitively.


Re: lyx + bibtex: title in lowercase

2011-04-23 Thread Julien Rioux

On 23/04/2011 2:12 PM, Igor Kvasnicka wrote:

I have a strange problem and I don't know, if it is problem because of
Lyx or Bibtex

My bibtex entry looks like this:

title = {RFC 974: Mail routing and the domain system},
organization = {Network Working Group},
institution = {CSNET CIC BBN Laboratories Inc},
author = {Craig Partridge},
month = {January},
year = {1986},
url = {}

notice, that the title has got capital RFC in it...

and now, when I compile it with lyx, the result looks like:
[27] Craig Partridge. Rfc 974: Mail routing and the domain system,
January 1986.

notice, that there is Rfc instead of RFC

is there any way, how to configure lyx not to lowercase letters in
title? or any other solution?

thanks a lot


This is done by bibtex, and depends on the style you choose (.bst file). 
You can always prevent it using braces {} around uppercase text:

title = {{RFC} 974: Mail routing and the domain system},


Re: LyX 2.0.0 landing, short review from native speakers

2011-04-26 Thread Julien Rioux

On 26/04/2011 5:57 PM, Liviu Andronic wrote:

On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 11:53 PM, Pavel  wrote:

anyway letting this untranslated in english version is not
big deal. maybe the specific translation even don't exists
in many languages.

Can I assume that in the absence of an obvious translation, that the
translation for 'table' is the most appropriate?

If you look at for 
inspiration you will see that English and German uses the French 
Tableau but for example the Dutch page uses Tabel which I assume is 
straight translation of the English Table.


Re: Font size in footnotes and marginal notes.

2011-04-28 Thread Julien Rioux

On 26/04/2011 1:52 AM, Andrew Parsloe wrote:

This is a very minor matter, evident in the screen display but not the
pdf. The font size in a footnote or margin note after emphasizing,
bolding, or small-capping (nouning) reverts to normalsize rather than

Click the margin note button. Write ``First part.'' Then click the
emphasis button. Write ``Emphasis.'' Click it again to turn off
emphasis. Now write ``Second part.''. On my system, on screen, ``First
part.'' is footnotesized but ``Emphasis. Second part.'' is normalsized.
The note in the pdf however is all footnotesized, so the discrepancy in
the screen display has no practical consequences for a printout. This
doesn't necessarily show up in the first footnote or margin note but
does in the second or later ones. (It may be necessary to zoom to 150%
for this to be obvious.)

I've noted this in LyX 1.6.9 and LyX 2.0 rc2, both on Windows Vista.

Andrew Parsloe

Indeed. You may consider opening a bug for it and tagging it as 
``cosmetic'' and minor.


Re: Self-contained lyx documents

2011-05-01 Thread Julien Rioux

On 01/05/2011 10:41 AM, Richard Heck wrote:

On 04/30/2011 04:55 PM, Guenter Milde wrote:

On 2011-04-27, Richard Heck wrote:

On 04/27/2011 09:33 AM, Jim Oldfield wrote:

Please, can't you encapsulate all of the hassle into lyx modules,  and
allow lyx modules that are in the same directory as the lyx file?  Or
better yet: inside the lyx file?

Yes, we have been  working on this. Hopefully, this will be
implemented in LyX  2.1.

And Enrico's solution to this is (will shortly be) available already in
2.0. You'll find it under FileExportLyX Archive. I'm not sure if it
includes used modules and layouts, though, since those do have to be
installed into the right place.

Niko was asking about two different things:
1. He had to install a LaTeX document class before he could use it
with LaTeX (which LyX uses).

As you say, this is not a LyX issue.

It is. Because of the use of a tempdir, files in the cwd are found by
LaTeX if compiling by hand but not if compiling from within LyX.

Why doesn't our setting \input@path take care of that?


I suspect \input@path doesn't help for the \documentclass{} line. 
Moreover at configure time the class would be marked unavailable when it 
is not found in the tex tree, even though it is in the current dir.


Re: Importing and RTF document into LyX

2011-05-01 Thread Julien Rioux

On 01/05/2011 11:03 PM, Eric Weir wrote:

On May 1, 2011, at 10:48 PM, Eric Weir wrote:

I looked in the scripts folder of the LyX package. It's not there. I ran it in terminal, 
and the result was: -bash: rtf2latex2e: command not found. Is it a LyX 
specific script? Or is it used in the wider LaTeX community?

My copy of LyX came in the MacTeX-Extras package. My installation of TeX also 
came from MacTeX, but it's the BasicTeX package, not the full TeX Live package.

After posting the above I Googled it and now have a copy. I see it has to be 
compiled. The instructions are explicit for those who know how to do it. They 
are vague to me.

Eric Weir
Decatur, GA  USA

Hi Eric,

I have no clue about mac or rtf2latex2e, but I hear there are projects 
such as fink and macports which make it easy to install applications 
like this one. Here are some relevant posts from the past:

Good luck,

Re: Maxima and LyX

2011-05-05 Thread Julien Rioux

On 29/04/2011 10:52 PM, Dana Chandler wrote:

Hello --

I am new to LyX and am wondering how to get LyX and maxima working together.
I have them both on my computer and when I try highlighting an equation in
LyX and going through the menus to select maxima, I just get a blank

Does anyone have any pointers to how to install it? I am on a Mac.

Thanks in advance,


You might need to put the path to the maxima executable in Tools  
Preferences  Paths  PATH prefix (add it there, using ; to separate it 
from the other paths)

Also I'm not sure that it works with symbolic expressions. What did you 
try? Did you try something really simple as in 2+2 - Maxima - 2+2=4 
(this worked for me using Octave as I don't have Maxima installed)


Re: Feature request: the missing element in the LyX office suite

2011-05-05 Thread Julien Rioux

On 05/05/2011 12:22 AM, Andrew Parsloe wrote:

On 5/05/2011 12:32 p.m., Charlie wrote:

If a vote is being taken on this feature request.

I would rather that it doesn't happen, so please put me down as a no.

Please don't do it.

There are plenty of spreadsheet programs and if you haven't completed
your work in the program you use, why would you place it into a LyX
document and edit it anyway? LyX is great as is.

Thank you,

I think I have confused people, perhaps because I used the phrase 'LyX
office suite' (but in quotes -- it was meant with a certain
tongue-in-cheek quality) and mentioned the word spreadsheet.

I meant something more on these lines: you have a table in LyX with a
few columns of figures; you want the totals of the columns, perhaps a
grand total. The numbers aren't at this point fixed. New data may arise
as you work on your document. Yes you could open a spreadsheet program
but it's just two or three columns and there's a certain overkill about

Alternatively, you can put \usepackage{spreadtab} in your preamble and,
as things are at present, open an ERT inset, write
\begin{spreadtab}{{tabular}{|c|c|c|}}, construct the table with the
figures, ampersands, newline markers \\, spreadtab's sum() command, and
finish with \end{spreadtab}. It's now there in your document easily
accessible for any adjusted figures to be entered. This is what I do
now. LyX doesn't do any calculating.

But it is easier to enter figures and text into a table in LyX proper
rather than ERT. My request was for a button on the table toolbar that
would change LyX's \begin{tablular}{|c|c|c|} into
\begin{spreadtab}{{tabular}{|c|c|c|}}, and \end{tabular} into
\end{spreadtab}, and a few 'tidying up' operations like replacing
\tabularnewline with \\. Again, no request that LyX acquire calculating
abilities. Rather, the ability to replace one environment, tabular, with
another, spreadtab. The calculational abilities are in spreadtab and, as
far as LyX is concerned, are a side-effect of the environment change.
LyX doesn't need to acquire spreadsheet capabilities. I have no wish to
see it heading down the road of OpenOffice.


Being able to customize the output of a tabular like this is in my 
opinion a valid request and more general than just this particular case 
(spreadtab, which I did not know). There are a number of latex 
environment which use tab alignment . All of them would benefit from 
the nice interface that LyX provides. I can think of tikz \matrix{}, or 
customizing a table using the booktabs package, for example.

The proper way to implement this is not obvious, but extending the 
layout syntax would be the most flexible, with the specifics about 
spreadtab in a spreadtab.module file.


Re: Maxima and LyX

2011-05-05 Thread Julien Rioux

On 05/05/2011 6:14 PM, Julien Rioux wrote:

On 29/04/2011 10:52 PM, Dana Chandler wrote:

Hello --

I am new to LyX and am wondering how to get LyX and maxima working
I have them both on my computer and when I try highlighting an
equation in
LyX and going through the menus to select maxima, I just get a blank

Does anyone have any pointers to how to install it? I am on a Mac.

Thanks in advance,


You might need to put the path to the maxima executable in Tools 
Preferences  Paths  PATH prefix (add it there, using ; to separate it
from the other paths)

Also I'm not sure that it works with symbolic expressions. What did you
try? Did you try something really simple as in 2+2 - Maxima - 2+2=4
(this worked for me using Octave as I don't have Maxima installed)

hmm actually entering $x-2x$ in LyX and using the Octave resulted in a 
LyX crash :(


lyx -dbg all
finding '[char = mathalpha]' in '[char x mathalpha][char - 
mathalpha][char 2 mathalpha][char x mathalpha]'
finding '[char = mathalpha]' in '[char x mathalpha][char - 
mathalpha][char 2 mathalpha][char x mathalpha]'
finding '[char = mathalpha]' in '[char x mathalpha][char - 
mathalpha][char 2 mathalpha][char x mathalpha]'
finding '[char = mathalpha]' in '[char x mathalpha][char - 
mathalpha][char 2 mathalpha][char x mathalpha]'
use whole cell: [char x mathalpha][char - mathalpha][char 2 
mathalpha][char x mathalpha]
pipe: ar: '[char x mathalpha][char - mathalpha][char 2 mathalpha][char x 

pipe: expr: 'x-2 x '
checking expr: 'x-2 x '
calling: octave -q 21
input: 'x-2 x '
output: 'parse error:

  syntax error

 x-2 x

skipping line: 'parse error:'
skipping line: ''
skipping line: '  syntax error'
skipping line: ''
skipping line: ' x-2 x '
caret line: ' ^'
found caret at pos: '9'
checking expr: 'x-2 x* '
calling: octave -q 21
input: 'x-2 x* '
output: 'parse error:

  syntax error

 x-2 x*

skipping line: 'parse error:'
skipping line: ''
skipping line: '  syntax error'
skipping line: ''
skipping line: ' x-2 x* '
caret line: '^'
found caret at pos: '8'
checking expr: 'x-2 *x* '
calling: octave -q 21
input: 'x-2 *x* '
output: 'parse error:

  syntax error

 x-2 *x*

skipping line: 'parse error:'
skipping line: ''
skipping line: '  syntax error'
skipping line: ''
skipping line: ' x-2 *x* '
caret line: '^'
found caret at pos: '12'
/usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/basic_string.h:745: typename 
_Alloc::rebind_CharT::other::reference std::basic_stringChar, Traits, 
Alloc::operator[](typename _Alloc::rebind_CharT::other::size_type) 
[with _CharT = char, _Traits = std::char_traitschar, _Alloc = 
std::allocatorchar]: Assertion '__pos  size()' failed.

Could not attach to process.  If your uid matches the uid of the target
process, check the setting of /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope, or try
again as the root user.  For more details, see /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf
ptrace: Operation not permitted.
/home/username/15177: No such file or directory.
No stack.

Re: latex2html equivalent of Windows HTML export?

2011-05-05 Thread Julien Rioux

On 05/05/2011 10:05 PM, Andrew wrote:

Hi there,

I use Lyx on both Linux and Windows, and I have tried all the HTML export
options, including Elyxer.

I like the Windows HTML export option the best, and I want to be able to produce
HTML on Linux the same as the Windows HTML export does.

I assume the Windows HTML export uses latex2html with a bunch of options.  If
so, does anybody know which options it uses?

Is the Windows export method listed somewhere?

I'm sure if I put a lot of time into customizing latex2html I'd get output
that's on part with Windows export, but the next couple weeks I'm tight on time.

The closest I've been able to come to producing Windows export results with
latex2html still has the following undesirable features:

(1) eqnarray images are not centered
(2) horizontal rules are not produced
(3) quotation marks look clunky like Tex quotes, not nice pretty ones.

Thanks very much in advance!



I'm not sure what you mean by windows HTML export but I wouldn't 
assume it's latex2html. You can look it up for yourself by firing up LyX 
and going to the menu Tools  Preferences  File Handling  Converters. 
On my windows box I see that the LaTeX to HTML converter is htlatex.

To get the same HTML output on Linux it might be as simple as installing 
htlatex (or whatever converter is set up on your windows box), running 
the script (Tools  Reconfigure), and restarting LyX.


Re: Math macros inside child documents

2011-05-09 Thread Julien Rioux

On 09/05/2011 10:22 AM, Diego Queiroz wrote:

I'm not sure if this is a bug report or a feature request. Probably the
second one.

In LyX it's ok to define a Math Macro in a Master document and use it in a
child one. It's also ok to use math macros that are defined in a child and
use it in other child document.

In both cases, I am able to view the Master document and it handles
everything perfectly.

But if I do so, I am unable to compile the child document alone.
AFAIK the reason is simple: the child document doesn't have the math macros
defined on its scope. And it doesn't really matter if the default master
document is set or not. It simple doesn't work (at least, I don't know how
to do without insert the math macros again, which in painful).

My suggestion is to allow the generation of the childs alone.
While working in the document, it's normal to compile only parts of the
document instead of compile the whole set, so this feature would be very

Diego Queiroz

This works like a charm for me on 1.6.9 right now. My setup is

 Frontmatter stuff
 Include: LyX-macros.lyx
 Table of Contents
 List of Tables
 List of Figures
 Include: Chapter-1.lyx
 Include: Chapter-2.lyx
 Start Appendix here
 Include: Appendix-1.lyx
 BibTeX Generated Bibliography

Each child doc has the default master document set to Thesis.lyx and I 
use a branch named child only, which is activated in child docs but 
deactivated in the master, to include BibTeX bib in the childs. Math 
macros are defined in LyX-macros.lyx and are available when compiling 
each child individually without hassle.

So, I do not experience your problem. However document settings and 
stuff that gets defined in the preamble need to be set in both master 
and child docs.


Re: Math macros inside child documents

2011-05-09 Thread Julien Rioux

On 09/05/2011 1:44 PM, Diego Queiroz wrote:

So, I do not experience your problem. However document settings and stuff
that gets defined in the preamble need to be set in both master and child

Actually, the answer is: yes, you do experience the very same problem.
Otherwise you won't need to go after a workaround, right? :-)

As I said before, I'm sure there are several ways to workaround this
limitation (I am not searching for one).
I just think we should focus on make LyX avoid these errors by itself.


Which workaround? You said math macros don't work within child docs, I 
say they work for me. No workaround necessary.

There must be something in your setup that we're missing at the moment 
and prevents math macros for working.

Maybe you mean that the math macros in your preamble don't work?


Re: Math macros inside child documents

2011-05-09 Thread Julien Rioux

On 09/05/2011 1:44 PM, Diego Queiroz wrote:

So, I do not experience your problem. However document settings and stuff
that gets defined in the preamble need to be set in both master and child

Actually, the answer is: yes, you do experience the very same problem.
Otherwise you won't need to go after a workaround, right? :-)

As I said before, I'm sure there are several ways to workaround this
limitation (I am not searching for one).
I just think we should focus on make LyX avoid these errors by itself.


Hi Diego,

Thinking about this again, I'm guessing that one of the use x math 
package automatically option doesn't get triggered and is the cause of 
your child doc compilation failures. If that is the case then yes, LyX 
should detect that automatically, and yes, at the moment a workaround is 
needed: check use x math package in document settings.


Re: Math macros inside child documents

2011-05-09 Thread Julien Rioux

On 09/05/2011 2:23 PM, Diego Queiroz wrote:

Which workaround? You said math macros don't work within child docs, I say
they work for me. No workaround necessary.

Maybe I misunderstood you.
I was citing your workaround to include bibtex in the childs.

I use a branch named child only, which is activated in child docs but

deactivated in the master

Anyway, never mind. Sorry.

Thinking about this again, I'm guessing that one of the use x math package

automatically option doesn't get triggered and is the cause of your child
doc compilation failures. If that is the case then yes, LyX should detect
that automatically, and yes, at the moment a workaround is needed: check
use x math package in document settings.

I just tested and this is not enough.
I am not able to generate child files in LyX 2.0 at all.
If I include a simple macro in a document (the master), create another file
(the child), link them and use the macro in the child. The standalone child
don't compile, only the master document.

Are you able to do this in LyX 1.6?
If so, this is a bug report and not a feature request.

Can someone confirm this / create ticket?

I've attached two files: the child and the master document.
I can't compile the child document. Can you try?


Hi Diego,

Yes I am able to do what you describe in 1.6. In your example child doc, 
you did not set the master setting, did you? But anyway, I corrected it 
and still in 2.1.0svn the compilation of the child is broken:

Undefined control sequence \anymacro

A bug.


Re: how to separate pdf file?

2011-05-10 Thread Julien Rioux

On 10/05/2011 6:07 AM, Paul Smith wrote:

On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 4:20 AM, Hady Ariwibowo Teguh  wrote:

i wanna write thesis report in separate pdf file (ex. chap1.pdf, cover.pdf so 
on). but i dont know how to do it. Any body help me please.


Produce a single pdf file, and use pdftk to separate the pdf file by chapters.

Hope this helps you,


Just curious, will pdftk preserve links between chapters? This seems 
rather nontrivial.


Re: Subfigures: \subref support?

2011-05-10 Thread Julien Rioux

On 10/05/2011 2:06 PM, Diego Queiroz wrote:

On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 1:24 AM, Diego Queirozqueiroz.di...@gmail.comwrote:

LyX 2.0 supports \subref command without ERT? (I want to cross-reference a
subfigure inside the figure environment)
If so, how do I insert it?

Diego Queiroz

No answers? :-(
Currently I am using ERT and it solved my problem.

But can someone confirm if lyX really doesn't support this feature at all?

Diego Queiroz

Maybe because it's not really clear what does not work? I can put labels 
in the subfigures and reference them elsewhere and they appear as 1a, 
1b, etc.


Re: Anybody helps about img path

2011-05-10 Thread Julien Rioux
On 10/05/2011 8:11 AM, junzhouzhao wrote:
 When I updated my Lyx1.6 to Lyx2.0, there seems something wrong with 
 epstopdf $$i conventer, and that works well under Lyx1.6.


Could you please provide the actual error message you get, if any?

 I am using Windows XP. My picture is located in directioy 
 E:\works\relation\fig\dynamic.eps. But Lyx2.0 changes it to 
 Do anyone know the reasons please?

LyX 1.6 also does this, when moving and compiling files in the temporary

 Many thanks!


Re: Change margins to handle recto and verso pages in Memoir

2011-05-10 Thread Julien Rioux

On 10/05/2011 7:10 PM, george legge wrote:

I posted this message two days ago; but it has not appeared on the list,
though it is in the archive (with no responses);

So here it is again:

Hi to the most helpful users-list I know,

I am using memoir to print a book, with a wide margin for graphics.

As I don't need this wide empty margin when printing pagenotes,

I need to change margins for the page notes at the end of each chapter.

I can do this with the preamble code:






  Then in ERT in the text:





  Since some page notes run for two pages, I need to cope with recto and
verso pages, whereas the above values need to be set up for one or the

I have tried innermargin  outermargin or spinemargin  edgemargin with no

Do I need to use Boolean programing (ifrecto or ifverso) to handle this
switching of margins, or does memoir have a simpler way?

I would greatly appreciate advice on this one.
Cheers, George Legge


Your message did appear. Unfortunately no answers.

What about \evensidemargin and \oddsidemargin


Re: Anybody helps about img path

2011-05-10 Thread Julien Rioux

On 10/05/2011 9:23 PM, junzhouzhao wrote:

I found anothere way to solve this problem. Hopes it works for people have this

Here are some more infor. When converting EPS to PDF.

Platform: WinXP sp3, MicTex2.9 (I use XeTex)
this is the latex article.

This is a drill.

The lyx file and exam1.eps are all under c:/.

When using Lyx to write an article, contains a EPS figure, the pdf figure always
lose some information after converting by Lyx.

I think this has nothing to do with Lyx. It seems this is due to epstopdf.exe in
MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin. I tried this in cmd epstopdf.exe fig.eps, and it
generates a same pdf lose some information in the eps fig, e.g. lagend, or X Y
title is mising.

To solve this, I write a bat named epstopdf.bat and put it in folder MiKTeX
2.9\miktex\bin(epstopdf.exe is renamed). The bat contains the following

gswin32c -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -dEPSCrop -sDEVICE=pdfwrite
-sOutputFile=%~dpn1.pdf %~dpnx1

And the conventer for EPS to PDF is set to epstopdf $$i. It works fine under

When I updated my Lyx to 2.0. It is wrong this time.

It seems that Lyx2.0 will copy eps to a temporal folder and conventer it to pdf
in that folder, but epstopdf.bat doesn't know the whole path. (In fact Lyx1.6
did also but epstopdf.bat know the directory.) Lyx2.0 just pops up an error
cannot find that temporal file. here are the error info.

...\..\..\lyx-2.0.0\src\insets\InsetGraphics.cpp(754): insetgraphics::latex:
Filename = C://exam1.eps
...\..\..\lyx-2.0.0\src\insets\InsetGraphics.cpp(764):  Message = 
...\..\..\lyx-2.0.0\src\insets\InsetGraphics.cpp(779):  Opts = 
...\..\..\lyx-2.0.0\src\insets\InsetGraphics.cpp(786):  Before =
after =
...\..\..\lyx-2.0.0\src\support\FileName.cpp(941): Recognised Fileformat: eps
...\..\..\lyx-2.0.0\src\insets\InsetGraphics.cpp(461): Comparing C://exam1.eps
and C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Local
...\..\..\lyx-2.0.0\src\support\FileName.cpp(592): Checksumming C://exam1.eps
2910557309 lasted 0 ms.
...\..\..\lyx-2.0.0\src\support\FileName.cpp(941): Recognised Fileformat: eps
...\..\..\lyx-2.0.0\src\support\FileName.cpp(228): Copying C:/Documents and
...\..\..\lyx-2.0.0\src\support\FileName.cpp(941): Recognised Fileformat: eps
...\..\..\lyx-2.0.0\src\insets\InsetGraphics.cpp(109): findTargetFormat: PDF 
...\..\..\lyx-2.0.0\src\insets\InsetGraphics.cpp(676):   we have: from eps to 
...\..\..\lyx-2.0.0\src\insets\InsetGraphics.cpp(682):  the orig file is:
...\..\..\lyx-2.0.0\src\insets\InsetGraphics.cpp(731):  The original file is
A copy has been made and convert is to be called with:
file to convert = C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Local
 from eps to pdf
...\..\lyx-2.0.0\src\Converter.cpp(372): Converting from  eps to pdf
...\..\lyx-2.0.0\src\Converter.cpp(437): Calling epstopdf 0C___exam1.eps
...\..\..\lyx-2.0.0\src\support\Systemcall.cpp(217): Systemcall: 'epstopdf
0C___exam1.eps' did not start!
...\..\..\lyx-2.0.0\src\support\Systemcall.cpp(218): error The process failed to
start. Either the invoked program is missing, or you may have insufficient
permissions to invoke the program.
Error: Cannot convert file

In order to check whether bat doesn't know the whole path of the temporal eps
file. I write the bat to a python version just using os.system(...) instead
and log some information. (Because I don't know how to log in bat.) So that
python file is named to And I put it in LyX20\Resources\scripts.
The conventer is set to python -tt $$s/scripts/ $$i.

Well, I am strange that this time it works well.

But I am still confused why python works but bat doesn't work.

It's possible that there have been some changes in the 2.0 development 
that broke a call to a .bat script, I'll let someone more knowledgeable 


Re: Patch for the CJK InputMethod

2011-05-10 Thread Julien Rioux

On 09/05/2011 9:57 AM, Atsushi Shimmura wrote:

I use LyX 2.0.0 very useful.By the way, I have a patch for the CJK 
InputMethod.In a long Japanese(probably CJK) sentence, it would be color-coding 
the sentence.(spot and all) See the attached picture please.

It is made by Kameda,Iwami and me. Please manage this patch as you think fit.


This looks interesting. So it delimits the words in a long sentence, is 
that right? I am not sure I understand.

Also, I am curious: do you use platex? Is instant-preview of math insets 
working for you?


Re: Need help getting APA citing working

2011-05-10 Thread Julien Rioux

On 11/05/2011 1:07 AM, Mark Livingstone wrote:


I am commencing my B.InfoTech (Hons) and want to use Lyx for reports, thesis
etc. I have installed the new Lyx 2.0 on my Macbook Pro and am using up to
date Mactex live from the mirror) and am experimenting
using the article (KOMA-Script) document class. Into my document, I have
inserted a Bibtex generated Bibliography, selected Natbib Author-year, using
apacite and pointed it at my marklivingstone.bib file. I typed some text
and inserted some trial citations selecting (author, year) type citation as
appropriate for varying numbers of authors.

When I do an update, and view, I get a beautiful result, but the citations
use and instead of , and the volume numbers are not italicised.

Before bothering you guys, I went to the Wiki and found the APALyX page. I
downloaded the ApaExample.lyx which I note also uses apacite and which has
correctly done ampersand signs and volume number citation style. This tells
me I must have all the requisite class / style / etc files. Unfortunately, I
am very new to Latex / Lyx, and I don't know how to fix my citations. I
considered using the ApaExample.lyx but its stylistic elements are just too
far from my desired requirements. I don't want their style, just their
citation format ;-)

On the ApaLyX page, it says you will need an apa.layout file and says to get
it (and doesn't say where from!)

Thanks in advance,



First, apa.layout is nowadays shipped with the regular install of LyX.

Second, you might try to put the following line in the LaTeX preamble 
(Document  Settings  LaTeX preamble)


(not tested)


Re: Patch for the CJK InputMethod

2011-05-10 Thread Julien Rioux

On 11/05/2011 1:19 AM, Atsushi Shimmura wrote:


On Tue, 10 May 2011 22:59:58 -0400
Julien  wrote:

This looks interesting. So it delimits the words in a long sentence, is
that right? I am not sure I understand.

Yes. Almost IM system is from the first. When we input information,
the first input is a sentence usually. So we convert each phrase in a
Japanese(CJK) sentence. LyX too. But the underline specifications is
an incorrect action, because we correct erroneous parts...

Also, I am curious: do you use platex? Is instant-preview of math insets
working for you?

Yes I use.Is that attached file?Yes it work.

Sorry, I meant the display of math preview inside the LyX screen itself. 
LaTeX is used (in your case platex) to produce a small image file. Then 
it is displayed on the screen. This is activated in the menu: Tools  
Preferences  Display. It is called instant preview and has three 
settings On, Off, and No math. When set to On it should 
transform your math into an image as I described. From your screenshot 
it looks like it does not.


Re: Subfigures: \subref support?

2011-05-11 Thread Julien Rioux

On 10/05/2011 3:09 PM, Diego Queiroz wrote:

Thanks for the answers.

But I think I wasn't clear.
I want to use the \subref command not the \ref one (supported by default on
The difference between them is that \ref produces 1a while \subref
produces only a.

I need to cite subfigures in the caption of the main float.

Fig(a) --- Fig(b)
Figure 1: Here you see some figure (a) and another figure (b).

Got it?

But now I'm almost sure LyX really doesn't really support it.
If so, this is another good (and simple) improvement for LyX 2.1. :-)

Diego Queiroz

Unfortunately no it is not supported and moreover the macro \subref 
conflicts with the use of refstyle which was implemented in 2.0 (in this 
case \subref is a reference to a subsection and yields subsection 1.1).

So you will have to type a yourself or use TeX code.


Re: Patch for the CJK InputMethod

2011-05-11 Thread Julien Rioux

On 11/05/2011 2:25 AM, Atsushi Shimmura wrote:

On Wed, 11 May 2011 01:40:24 -0400
Julien  wrote:

On Tue, 10 May 2011 22:59:58 -0400
Julien   wrote:

Sorry, I meant the display of math preview inside the LyX screen itself.
LaTeX is used (in your case platex) to produce a small image file. Then
it is displayed on the screen. This is activated in the menu: Tools
Preferences  Display. It is called instant preview and has three
settings On, Off, and No math. When set to On it should
transform your math into an image as I described. From your screenshot
it looks like it does not.

I see, is that?


Yep that's it.

Re: Subfigures: \subref support?

2011-05-11 Thread Julien Rioux

On 11/05/2011 3:16 AM, Diego Queiroz wrote:

Unfortunately no it is not supported and moreover the macro \subref
conflicts with the use of refstyle which was implemented in 2.0 (in this
case \subref is a reference to a subsection and yields subsection 1.1).

So you will have to type a yourself or use TeX code.

Are you sure? As stated before, I already solved the problem using ERT.
No conflicts a all.

Yes I'm sure.

- Have a label sub:mysection in a subsection.
- Insert a reference to it using Formatted reference format.
- Make sure refstyle is used instead of prettyref (this is changed in 
document settings Document class ; refstyle is the default for new docs)

So far all this works. LyX generates \subref{mysection}, which is the 
refstyle syntax for that.

Now if you also use a subfloat within a float you get a conflict. 
Because subfloat also defines a \subref macro. The conflict is silent... 
but you get [??] in output.

Avoid this combination and you're safe.


Re: Subfigures: \subref support?

2011-05-16 Thread Julien Rioux

On 11/05/2011 12:39 PM, Diego Queiroz wrote:

Here is the ticket for this problem.
Diego Queiroz

On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 10:35 AM, Diego Queirozqueiroz.di...@gmail.comwrote:

Yes I'm sure.

Yeah, you are right. But this is a LyX bug. It should use a not-so-obvious
name for the command to prevent a conflict like this.
However, the command \subref is defined by LyX only when you use the
Formatted reference. Since I don't use this type of cross-reference, there
is no problem with my ERT.

I'll create a ticket for this.

Diego Queiroz



Re: how to separate pdf file?

2011-05-16 Thread Julien Rioux

On 12/05/2011 11:04 AM, Diego Queiroz wrote:

Just curious, will pdftk preserve links between chapters? This seems
rather nontrivial.

Pdftk output is exactly like the original file, so it keeps all links.
All links in the generated file will work if they point to an existent position.
For example, if there is a link for the chapter 10, but the chapter 10
is not in the file, that link will not work (obvious?).

I guess I wasn't precise enough. The PDF format supports links across 
files. The OP looks for a tool which does the split and rewrites the 
metadata so that links happen across the different pdf files. 
Apparently, pdftk is not this tool. But pdftk is based on iText which is 
very powerful, so I can imagine someone could hack at it do get this 
behavior. As I said, it's rather nontrivial, but it's not obvious that 
it cannot be done.

Nevertheless, pdftk is a great tool as it is.


Re: SV: Is it possible to distribute long headings on two lines in the text but on only one in the TOC?

2011-05-16 Thread Julien Rioux

On 16/05/2011 5:30 AM, Påvel Nicklasson wrote:

Thank you, Liviu and Ingar!

I have tested the chapter* and addcontentsline solution, but it messes
up the automatic chapter and section numbering since I can't manage to
transfer the correct chapter/section number to the TOC for the headings
that need to be changed and the book is rather long (500 pages), and
manually number all headings is little too much work.

The Context menu  Insert short title solution seems to work very well
for my purposes. It is strange how easy solutions in LyX are when you
discover them!

Thank you both!
Best Regards

Den 2011-05-16 11:04:25 skrev Ingar Pareliussen


There are many ways to do this, but I suggest that you use chapter*
and format the linebreaks (CTRL+ENTER) where you want them and then i
ERT add just after chapter* add:
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{This a long text with the name of the


Short title is the solution for me too. By the way, you can use 
ctrl+enter to enter a linebreak in lyx (a \\ in latex).


Re: eps graphics fails when displaying in pdf mode if inserted by ERT \includegraphics

2011-05-16 Thread Julien Rioux

On 14/05/2011 2:47 AM, Gunnar wrote:

How can I make LyX work with ERT and pdf? (Yes, I need ERT)

I'm curious what is your use case which requires ERT for includegraphics 
? Since LyX supports inclusion of any graphics format and does the 
conversion for me, I dare not go back to plain latex, unless I need 
really high quality eps and pdf.


Re: running cygwin or unix script from within lyx

2011-05-16 Thread Julien Rioux

On 16/05/2011 5:39 PM, Richard Heck wrote:

On 05/16/2011 04:05 PM, Venable wrote:

What are some of the alternative ways to define a converter, and what
are the sort of details that would be useful to know in deciding?

Converters are defined under ToolsPreferencesFile HandingConverters.
See section 3.3 of the Customization manual for the details of the
syntax. Basically, any stupid script can act as a converter. It just
needs to take certain arguments, and you need to tell LyX what they are.
Lots of converters are already defined there, so you can also mimic them.


However, the converter is executed in a temporary folder, which is 
precisely what the user wanted to avoid (and the reason to write the 
script in the first place). I miss how you can get around this.


Re: running cygwin or unix script from within lyx

2011-05-16 Thread Julien Rioux

On 16/05/2011 6:11 PM, Richard Heck wrote:

On 05/16/2011 05:45 PM, Julien Rioux wrote:

On 16/05/2011 5:39 PM, Richard Heck wrote:

On 05/16/2011 04:05 PM, Venable wrote:

What are some of the alternative ways to define a converter, and what
are the sort of details that would be useful to know in deciding?

Converters are defined under ToolsPreferencesFile HandingConverters.
See section 3.3 of the Customization manual for the details of the
syntax. Basically, any stupid script can act as a converter. It just
needs to take certain arguments, and you need to tell LyX what they are.
Lots of converters are already defined there, so you can also mimic

However, the converter is executed in a temporary folder, which is
precisely what the user wanted to avoid (and the reason to write the
script in the first place). I miss how you can get around this.

Sorry, I must have missed that part.


I believe copiers could help here, but I do not understand them/never 
used them.


Re: Track Changes/Color in Output

2011-05-19 Thread Julien Rioux

On 19/05/2011 5:55 AM, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:


I wish to change the tracking colours. On screen I have changed the
first author change to brown which works very well but in the output
it remains in blue, which I don't like as I am using blue for the
hyperref links.

If I look at the LaTeC source its something like this here:


Where can I override this?

In the preamble of your document.

greetings, el


Re: about the shortcuts

2011-05-20 Thread Julien Rioux

On 20/05/2011 10:59 AM, Wei-Dong Lian wrote:

hi everyone,

In the insert cross-reference dialog, the listbox that lists all
the selectable items does not have a shortcut, the others components in the
dialog own a shortcut for example alt+t, o, a, e, b etc. Does anyone know
the shortcut for the listbox? I do not like using the mouse each time to
insert a cross reference. after a filter operation in that dialog, i would
like to switch back to the listbox to select the item i want to reference.
Any suggestion will be welcome.
thanks in advance,

Here it's alt+v.


how to use eps graphic for dvi, pdf graphic for pdf output?

2011-05-23 Thread Julien Rioux

Dear list,

I have two versions of a graphic, one is an eps the other a pdf. How can 
I instruct LyX to use the eps version when compiling to DVI and the pdf 
version when compiling to PDF (pdflatex)?

The usual trick in latex to omit file extension does not work here. LyX 
displays No file found!, DVI output shows a default 200px by 100px box 
instead of the graphic, and PDF (pdflatex) output issues an error 
message Cannot determine size of graphic

NB I know that LyX calls eps-pdf convertion tools.
NB I explicitly do not want that to happen.


Re: how to use eps graphic for dvi, pdf graphic for pdf output?

2011-05-23 Thread Julien Rioux

On 23/05/2011 11:34 AM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Julien Rioux wrote:

I have two versions of a graphic, one is an eps the other a pdf. How can
I instruct LyX to use the eps version when compiling to DVI and the pdf
version when compiling to PDF (pdflatex)?

The usual trick in latex to omit file extension does not work here. LyX
displays No file found!, DVI output shows a default 200px by 100px box
instead of the graphic, and PDF (pdflatex) output issues an error
message Cannot determine size of graphic

LyX outputs the graphic insets to LaTeX without extension, so it should work
if you just insert either of the two formats, while both are stored in the
same directory and with the same file name.


Hi Jürgen,

Thanks, however when I use the pdf version in LyX, with the file name 
mangling that happens in the temp dir, and LyX issuing a pdf-eps 
convertion, the resulting eps used in the DVI is not the one I provide.

Right now I use


in the preamble and


in ERT and this is a satisfactory workaround.


Re: page numbering question

2011-05-23 Thread Julien Rioux

On 23/05/2011 2:42 PM, Paul Rubin wrote:

Csikos Belabcsikos425at  writes:

Hello lyx users:

My question is not specific to lyx but as I use lyx as a latex frontend I
guess it is appropriate to ask it here.

I would like to make a specific page numbering style in the footer,
something like:

 page-number ---

A horizontal line in the footer which is interrupted by the page number
in the center. Is this possible in lyx/latex? How?

If you have the mboxfill package installed, you can change the page style to
fancy (Document  Settings...  Page Layout  Headings style) and add the
following to the preamble of your document:



Another solution also using fancy page headers in the document settings 
but plain tex otherwise. Put this in the preamble.


In the above:
- 0.6ex is the height of the line (looks kind of centered)
- 1em is the width of a line segment which gets repeated to fill space
- 0.4pt is the thickness of the line (this particular choice is a 
default value elsewhere in tex)

By the way, using fancy headers will add default headers, if you don't 
want them you get rid of them with



Re: Issues with lyx 2.0 beta 1 and lilypond

2011-05-23 Thread Julien Rioux

On 23/05/2011 6:31 PM, mitwh wrote:

Julien Riouxjriouxat  writes:

On 18/11/2010 11:51 AM, Julien Rioux wrote:

The command is correct (I am most certain), only the message is cut off
(yet another issue with the report of errors!).

My guess is something went wrong with lilypond-book. Unfortunately, the
report of errors from lilypond-book to the LyX interface is missing.

Thanks Marc, we should fix this. I opened these bug reports:

Feel free to add your comments there.

i have the message the module lilypond requires a package that is not available
in your LaTeX installation (mais en français).
I'm under Ubuntu.
how to fix this issue? The path is to lilypond-book.bin?
It is very urgent for me... i absolutely need to insert score in an article.
Lilypond version 2.12.3-7ubuntu1 and lyx 2.0.0rc3~1.



There are two ways to get your score into your article. The first is to 
have an external .ly file which you include as graphic in your document. 
This works fine if your score is shorter than a page.

The second is to use the new lilypond module, which will work with 
lilypond-book to produce your document. This also supports long scores. 
To use the lilypond module that comes with LyX, Lilypond 2.12 is not 
recent enough... we require 2.13 which is the development version. I 
think that there are no ubuntu packages for it, but you can download the 
source code and compile lilypond 2.13 following their instructions (if 
you are familiar with open source, it's really not too hard to do).

After installing lilypond 2.13, you will need to reconfigure LyX.

If you can't or won't install lilypond 2.13, I can tell you how to 
configure LyX to use 2.12, but I expect that we get problems doing so. I 
would highly recommend you try either the approach with the external .ly 
file or to get 2.13 to get the lilypond module working.


Re: Automatic Reference Naming is not working in Lyx2.0 with the thesis template

2011-05-23 Thread Julien Rioux

On 23/05/2011 5:22 PM, Ruida Yun wrote:

Hi all,

I'm writing my dissertation using Lyx2.0 with the built-in thesis template.

The preamble in thesis template define
\renewcommand{\figureautorefname}{Fig.\negthinspace} to change the
default Figure to Fig. while referencing the figure.  However, I found
out the it doesn't work for my me.  Please find the attached file to
see the problem.

  I've googled this problem for a while but couldn't find a solution.
Any suggestion would be more than welcome.

Thanks a lot!


This extract:
% increase link area for cross-references and autoname them

from your preamble is an old trick to change the normal reference 
format, which appear as reference in the cross-ref dialog of LyX, 
into named references. Named references are now supported by LyX so it 
is no longer necessary to use this trick. Simply use the Formatted 
reference format in the cross-ref dialog. We should probably remove 
this trick from places where it is used in LyX's docs and templates.

Named references are provided by one of these latex packages: either 
prettyref or refstyle. This is configurable in the Doucment class options.

Using prettyref you can write in your preamble:

If you are using hyperref and you want the Fig. part to be clickable 
also, instead use this:


I do not know at the moment how to customize refstyle, but it should be 
possible to do so in a similar way.


Re: Thesis margins 1.5 left and 1 elsewhere

2011-05-24 Thread Julien Rioux

On 24/05/2011 1:32 AM, Eisa Ayed wrote:

My school requires that I've 1.5 inch margin on the left side and 1 inch in all 
other margins.
I checked  Document-Settings-Page Margins.

There is entry listed for left margin.
How can I possibly do that in Lyx version 1.6.8 ?


In single-sided documents, Inner is the same as Left.


Re: Issues with lyx 2.0 beta 1 and lilypond

2011-05-24 Thread Julien Rioux

On 24/05/2011 6:12 AM, romain carreau wrote:

it works fine 2.13.61 (with PDF output) but the preview  (Insert -  Preview) 
doesn't work.
Is it normal for  lyx 2.0rc3?
Thanks for your help and the great job.

I expect this to work, too. Did you try the example document distributed 
with LyX? Or do you have a simple example file which displays the 
problem for you?


Re: Issues with lyx 2.0 beta 1 and lilypond

2011-05-24 Thread Julien Rioux

On 24/05/2011 10:35 AM, romain wrote:

- Message d'origine -

On 24/05/2011 6:12 AM, romain carreau wrote:

it works fine 2.13.61 (with PDF output) but the preview   (Insert -
Preview) doesn't work. Is it normal for   lyx 2.0rc3?
Thanks for your help and the great job.

I expect this to work, too. Did you try the example document distributed
with LyX? Or do you have a simple example file which displays the
problem for you?


It doesn't work with your example document. But maybe i missed something...


Please try with the LyX 2.0.0 release. If you still have issues, open a 
bug report for it. We should look into it.


Re: elyxer trouble

2011-05-25 Thread Julien Rioux

On 25/05/2011 7:59 AM, Neal Becker wrote:

elyxer (1.2.1) embeds:

link rel=stylesheet href=; type=text/css

But that url seems to be dead.

Has elyxer moved?

Is there some way I can reference a local copy instead?  I thought just copying
lyx.css to the same directory would work, but it doesn't.

Changing this to
link rel=stylesheet href=./lyx.css type=text/css media=all

and putting the css file in the same directory as the html file should work.


Re: hyperlink

2011-05-25 Thread Julien Rioux

On 25/05/2011 10:42 AM, Patrick Dupre wrote:


Can I create an hyperlink to another lyx file ?


Currently LyX does not do that for you.

You can do this in latex following the instructions here:

You will need to use TeX code and provide the .aux files.


Re: \phantom is not calculated correctly for =

2011-05-25 Thread Julien Rioux

On 25/05/2011 8:05 PM, Patrick Li wrote:

Hello everyone,

I have found myself resorting to \phantom for some things, and am having
trouble getting it to calculate correctly for the = sign. Would anyone
please confirm this behaviour?

The following is a piece of Tex code that I copy and pasted from my Lyx


\vec{w}  =a+b\\


It should display

w = a+b


where the second a+b should line up perfectly with the first a+b. This
is not the case.

Thank you


TeX adds some space around = because it is one of the relational 
operators, but inside the \phantom{} it is not a relational operator 
since it does not have any operands on the left or rigth within the {}.

Why don't you put the = to the left of the alignment?

 \vec{w} =  a+b\\



Re: table truncated off page

2011-05-26 Thread Julien Rioux

On 26/05/2011 9:58 AM, Maas James Dr (MED) wrote:

I'm using Lyx 2.0.0rc3 on Ubuntu Linux.  When I create a table, and set the 
document orientation to landscape, it shows the table on the screen but it is 
truncated on the right side of the screen and I can not get to it to see or 
correct that part of the table.  It compiles to pdf correctly but is not 
visible on screen.  Is this a bug or an I doing something wrong?



Dr. Jim Maas
University of East Anglia

Yes it is a bug, and I remember seeing a report about it in the bug 
tracker. The LyX window does not have any horizontal scroll bar. You get 
to the right of your table by navigating with the keyboard.


Re: list of figures

2011-05-26 Thread Julien Rioux

On 26/05/2011 10:44 AM, Doc Doc wrote:


I use the University of new south wales layout for my document

when I create the PDF file, I have a little problem with the list of
figures. the first letter of the caption appears above the number of the
  figure. Is thèse any way to avoid that?

I tried to use

with tocloft.sty installed but when I insert it in the preamble of the 
document, it generates many errors

is there any way to solve this problem?

thank you

This is pretty obscure black magic but it works. Put this in your preamble


and adjust the length (2em) as necessary.



Re: end flyleaf

2011-05-29 Thread Julien Rioux

On 29/05/2011 4:35 PM, Richard Opheim wrote:

Neither two page breaks nor a pair of braces in a Tex code box produced a
blank page at the end of the document.

I wonder about the white graphic solution (which I saw mentioned in the
archives), though. Will the printing press think that white has to be
printed on white? I guess the graphic could be very small, even miniscule.

On Sun, May 29, 2011 at 6:28 AM, Richard  wrote:

On 05/28/2011 01:30 PM, Richard Opheim wrote:

Perhaps I should have said back flyleaf---the blank page(s) between
the last printed page and the end paper of a book.

I would have thought a couple applications of InsertFormattingNew Page
(or Page Break) would do this. If there's an issue with having content
on the page, just do: InsertTex Code, and put a pair of braces: {}.
These do not render.


You can use Insert  Formatting  Vertical space to put a protected 
vfill on the last page.

To remove page numbers put
in a TeX code box.


Re: how to use eps graphic for dvi, pdf graphic for pdf output?

2011-06-03 Thread Julien Rioux

On 03/06/2011 4:02 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Am 23.05.2011 17:30, schrieb Julien Rioux:

I have two versions of a graphic, one is an eps the other a pdf. How
can I instruct LyX to use the
eps version when compiling to DVI and the pdf version when compiling
to PDF (pdflatex)?

The usual trick in latex to omit file extension does not work here.
LyX displays No file found!,

Then you found a bug. This must work.
Take for example the CV class examples files that come with LyX. In the
modernCV file we use an image file named CV-image. You can see in LyX's
messages window that the PNG-version is used when a PDF is compiled (no
image conversion). For a DVI or Postscript output, the EPS-version of
the image is used.

If the problem persists, can you please provide a _small_ LyX file and
the image files to have a closer look?

regards Uwe

In the modernCV document you put the image file in the preamble, which 
to me is the same as using ERT. So you seem to suggest that there is no 
way to use the includegraphics GUI, which offers many advantages, to 
specify alternate versions of an image. Yo suggest instead that I should 
use ERT. That's fine and it will work, using either .eps or .pdf where 

The other option is using branches, as Jürgen suggested. That also works 
of course, and would be great if there was a notion of output-specific 
branches, which get automatically activated and deactivated according to 


Re: Implementing a new environment in a LyX .layout

2011-06-03 Thread Julien Rioux

On 03/06/2011 5:48 PM, Peter Flynn wrote:

On 03/06/11 13:25, Richard Heck wrote:

On 06/02/2011 07:35 PM, Peter Flynn wrote:

On 01/06/11 13:57, Richard Heck wrote:

How do I tell LyX that lists (for example; and much other stuff) is
permitted inside a Foo environment? Is there a setting or switch that
tells LyX to allow nested environments globally, or does it have to be
done on an environment by environment basis?

This is normal LyX behavior. If you want the list inside, then you need
to do EditIncrease List Depth on the list items. You can do this when
you insert the list, and the rest will be correct. Think of this as a
nesting system.

There isn't an Insert List Depth item in my Edit menu, or anywhere
else that I can see (2.0.0rc3 under Ubuntu 11.4). Is this a plugin or
something I am missing?

You'll only have it after you insert a list of some sort, i.e., when
it's available to be used.

Hmmm. That's what I did: insert a list. But there's nothing in the Edit
menu related to lists at that point. This is using a Beamer layout file:
does that disable some of this stuff?


I don't think Beamer disallows it. Try to put two environments (that are 
different from Standard environment) one after the other. Place your 
cursor in the second. You will have the action Increase List Depth 
available and using it will wrap the second environment by the first.

See attached example.


Description: application/lyx

Re: Getting RevTeX 4.1 layout to work

2011-06-04 Thread Julien Rioux

On 23/12/2010 4:58 AM, Eric Cavalcanti wrote:

Thanks Stephan. Perhaps I should clarify that the problem only occurs when I 
have the revtex4-1.layout file that I created from copying and pasting Julien's 
code into a text file in the layouts folder.


A kind soul followed up on this and offers the explanation that your 
browser does automatic line wrapping that are not part of the original 
file, and a copy-paste from that messes up with how LyX parses the file. 
This is a logical and very plausible explanation of the problem you have 

I have put the layout file available for download from

Could you please try to download this file? This should avoid any 
copy-paste problems. Meanwhile the layout file that I am using also 
evolved a bit.


 Original Message 
Subject: Revtex4-1 for Lyx 1.6.x
Date: Sat, 04 Jun 2011 10:40:36 +0200
From: Timothy Stoltzfus-Dueck

Hi Julien,

Thanks for putting together the revtex4-1 layout!

I had trouble using the version you posted for Lyx 1.6.x, similar to
that discussed in

It turns out that all it was was that my browser broke up the
\DeclareLatexClass line, moving the \DeclareLatexClass command to the
line following the # , which caused the LyX Reconfigure command to fail.
 Moving the # , \DeclareLatexClass..., and  (REVTEX 4.1)}  [3 separate
lines as my browser gave it to me] to the same line resulted in a
working LyX Reconfigure.

Sorry to send this mail to you.  I tried to reply to Eric Cavalcanti,
who posted the question, but I can't get to a working reply screen.
Your email address was the only one I found, so I thought you might be
able to forward or post this in case Eric is still having trouble.

Thanks again for your work on this.

Tim Stoltzfus-Dueck

Re: How to put temporary files to the lyx-file folder (for TrueCrypt compatibility)

2011-06-06 Thread Julien Rioux

On 06/06/2011 12:22 PM, Kotya Karapetyan wrote:

If you want all files on the encrypted volume, then set the path for the
temporary directory to somewhere on that volume.

I don't want this behaviour *always*. If I edit some other lyx-file,
not this secret one, then the TrueCrypt volume may even not be

Is there in LyX some parameter like the 'lyx-file location', so that
the temporary folder could be specified with this parameter?

Not so far as I know. This is a pretty unusual situation, and LyX is
definitely not set up to use different temporary directories for
different files in the same session.

I was not speaking of multiple temporary directories within one
section. But I think I see your point. My approach is from LaTeX — all
temp files are in the same directory as the main tex-file.

You might try setting up a second
user directory, and launching Lyx with:
lyx -userdir /home/you/.lyxcrypt/
when you need to do so.

I've tried what you suggest:
lyx -userdir /media/truecrypt1/tmp,
where  /media/truecrypt1/ is where the truecrypt volume is mounted. On
start up, LyX correctly ask me if a new directory /tmp needs to be
created, put there lots of files but the PDF file during the preview
is still built here: /tmp/lyx_tmpdir.M22932/ (the number always

The userdir is where preferences are saved. That's different from where 
temporary files are saved.

So basically, the temp folder is not put into a userdir. Can I control
the location of the temp folder during startup?

As far as I know, you cannot specify the location of the temp folder on 
the command line. However, Richard has broken it down into two different 
issues that allow you to do what you want.

Issue 1) How do I specify the temp folder?

Answer: You set it in the preferences, and make sure you click Save.

Issue 2) How can I have different sets of preferences and switch between 

Answer: You can have more than one user directory (where your 
preferences are saved). This basically allows you to have different 
profiles. You can specify which profile you want to use on the command line:

lyx -userdir ~/my_default_profile
lyx -userdir ~/my_secret_profile

When you don't specify a userdir, lyx uses ~/.lyx by default.


Re: Petite question

2011-06-11 Thread Julien Rioux

On 10/06/2011 10:59 PM, Robert Joseph wrote:

Avec LyX 2.0, comment écrire l'équation de Dirac (p barré - m)\psi = 0 ?

(cette notation signifie (\gamma_\mu p^\mu - m)\psi = 0)

With LyX 2.0, how to write the Dirac equation (barred p - m)\psi = 0 ?

(that notation means (\gamma_\mu p^\mu - m)\psi = 0)

Merci !
Thank you !


Try typing this in math mode:


The \not part gives you the barré, the \! is a negative thin space so 
that the bar appear centred on the p.


Re: Document class installation

2011-06-11 Thread Julien Rioux

On 11/06/2011 10:57 AM, Abhinandan wrote:


I am a new user of Lyx and an ardent fan. I want to write my MTech thesis
using Lyx. However, Lyx doesn't contain thesis document class by default. I
installed the class using MikTex package manager, created a thesis.layout
file(referred Lyx Wiki page) and reconfigured the Lyx. After reconfiguration
I can see the thesis class in the document class list but it is not getting
selected (Program does not respond in Windows 7). Please help me.

It's not clear what does not work exactly. Do you get any error message? 
Could you post your thesis.layout file on this list?


  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   >