[PAYCO] Re: Congress Invitation

2009-09-04 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Izwe Lethu!

Majoni it is very said that we have lost the focus of our revolution to an 
extent that we have created enemies in us. I just need to give a simple example 
that is evident to everyone. No matter how much ANC is divided they always know 
that the interest of the organisation comes first in terms of aquiring as many 
South Africans votes as they can.This votes gives ANC power to continue 
governing this country. This is done in the interest of the organisation 
despide the differences they have. Unfortunately with us is that whenever 
somebody is angry with certain developments in the PAC he/she always resort to 
destroying this movement. We are spending all our effort in trying to destroy 
each other while Empirealism is working itself to dry what is left of Afrika's 
resources. We know that some of us are under pay roll of ANC to destroy PAC 
which stand to be the alternative to the ANC capitalist governance. I pay my 
alligiance to the PAC which was formed by
 SOBUKWE who was succeeded by MOTHOPENG not forgeting (LEBALLO and SIBEKO), 
MAKWETU, MOGOBA, PHEKO and which is now being led by LETLAPA. I respect the 
leadearship of the PAC and will always SERVE, SUFFER and SACRIFICE for PAC. 

Those who want to live this great organisation of Sobukwe should do so without 
intefering with this movement for we do not intertain those who have already 


From: Hulisani Mmbara 
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 1:15:38 PM
Subject: FW: [PAYCO] Congress Invitation


From: tumelo.segakw...@inl.co.za
To: mja...@pac.org.za; mphash...@webmail.co.za; mphahle...@gmail.com; 
CC: payco@googlegroups.com; mmbar...@hotmail.com; skwat...@webmail.co.za; 
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 09:37:49 +0200
Subject: RE: [PAYCO] Congress Invitation

Dear Andiswa,
Hope this mail finds you well.
Through you , I need to address the Parco boys directly and with all due 
respect request that you block their communication to the PAC, which they do 
not respect.
Kevin and Linda I said it before and I will say it again, My president is not 
your President so I do not expect you to send any letters to his office, in 
case you are not aware we have only 1 seat in parliament thanks to you and your 
weak organization cos had it  not been  for PAYCO we would have obtain more 
seat than one. So stop sending him your rubbish. If your organization is going 
to a congress then tell that to people who care,but, hey I know why you send it 
to us, you are prodigal sons who want to come back home and the only way to 
come home is by you dropping your acts and joining the PACYL as members.
You guys are agents of our struggle's enemy and it pains me to see such active 
young men like yourselves confused in a way you are, you say one thing and do 
another. As the national spokesperson for PACYL until the congress why don't 
you engage me and other coordinator like Pitso and Derrick. 
And as for the issue of assault I suggest that you be very civil about your 
approach to politics, cos clearly you think we are scared and afraid of you but 
we are not. Linda I need you to disciple Thapelo in Pretoria tell him PAC is 
not a Boxing ring if he wants to talk he must use the facility we called mouth 
and not fist.

From: Andiswa Mjali [mailto:mja...@pac.org.za] 
Sent: 18 August 2009 03:04 PM
To: Tumelo Segakweng; mphash...@webmail.co.za
Subject: FW: [PAYCO] Congress Invitation


From: Andiswa Mjali [mailto:a_mj...@yahoo.co.uk] 
Sent: 18 August 2009 01:43 PM
To: skwat...@webmail.co.za; mphahle...@gmail.com
Cc: maiv...@pac.org.za; victor.serakal...@dcs.gov.za; gwej...@gmail.com; 
mja...@pac.org.za; mnyhon...@yahoo.com
Subject: Fw: [PAYCO] Congress Invitation


- Forwarded Message 
From: "kwamendeb...@webmail.co.za" 
To: payco@googlegroups.com; mmbar...@hotmail.com
Sent: Tuesday, 18 August, 2009 10:22:23
Subject: [PAYCO] Congress Invitation

Revolutionary Greetings!!!

Kindly receive the signed Congress Invitation. Pleace circulate it far and
wide as possible.

Yours in socialist revolution.

Kwame Ndebele
PAYCO Secretary General

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Re: FW: [PAYCO] Congress Invitation

2009-09-09 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Land First All Shall Follow!!!

Majoni I dont think any court in the world will ever built PAC, I therefore 
think non will ever destroy PAC. Therefore comrades we remain drivers of our 
own destiny as the PAC. Before Alice congress there was PAC and that PAC was 
ruled under the decree which was in line with the constitution. What happens 
now is that we have the Bloumfontein High Court which recognised the Alice 
congress. Now we have the Cape High Court which seeks to nulify the Alice 
congress. Where do we feuture as the PAC members. Are we to rely on court 
decitions for the PAC. I think comrade to be fair it is under the current 
leadership that we can correct our situation. It is this current leadership 
(after all considerations) that is able to call us on a special congress to fix 
our problems. It is a sorry situation now that some of us who still claim to be 
PAC do not recognise this ability we have to built this organisation. If we do 
not recognise the current PAC leadership then
 which one do we have that can facilitate the ability to built PAC. Can we 
expect the court to call the congress for PAC? Comrades you are right saying 
that we did not join individuals when joining this movement. Also Prof Sobukwe 
tought us not to Hero worship any person for we cannot gaurantee an individual. 
Stop swearing at the current leadership. I agree with one comrade that the 
language we are using, swearing on the current leadership is a taboo to PAC. 
Now what agenda are we serving by continuasly using a taboo language when 
addressing other comrades. Again comrade if we do not recognise the current 
leadership why are we having so much interest in it. Lets stop lying to ourself 
comrade, we recognise this leadership and under this leadership we are able to 
correct our shortcomings in the PAC. I dont have to refere you to our 
diciplinary code. You should know it by now.

Forward to Afrika indipendence. Today South Africa tommorow the Democratic 
Socialist Azania.
Izwe Lethu!!

From: Yandisa Ngcuka 
To: payco@googlegroups.com
Cc: skwat...@webmail.co.za; mphahle...@gmail.com; maiv...@pac.org.za; 
victor.serakal...@dcs.gov.za; gwej...@gmail.com; mja...@pac.org.za; 
mnyhon...@yahoo.com; tumelo.segakw...@inl.co.za
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 2:41:55 PM
Subject: Re: FW: [PAYCO] Congress Invitation

Son of Afrika, 
This is realpolitik at its best, and I don’t think it should worry you that 
much as history will absolve these efforts by PAYCO.   History will certainly 
judge the current so called Leadership very harshly. 

There are two immediate dynamics that we need to critically scrutinize:  

1). We have a very weak organization:  Inter alia, there’s no leadership, no 
vision, almost non-existent structures, no programs, no legitimate policies, no 
political education and workshops, illegitimate constitution.   Therefore, it 
is my view that if we continue focusing on personalities (especially the 
president) as opposed to building our own structures, then these problems that 
we’re currently facing will always resurface.    Yes, building structures 
without any leadership might prove to be ineffective, however, It’s quite 
evident now that the “president” and his “NEC” are hell-bent to destroy the 
movement due to their narrow interests.   Their time will end, but the PAC will 
remain.  Our main priority comrades should be the PAC, not it’s compradorist 
leadership.   We did not join the individuals, we joined the organization and I 
think all of us – proponents and opponents and the leadership change need to 
grasp this

2). There is an issue of a Cape High Court Order against the PAC.   Amongst 
other things, the order states that:  “..the Constitution which was allegedly 
adopted by the First Respondent (PAC) at its meeting of 4 -6 July 2008 is set 
aside and declared to be null and void.”  
The “president” issued a memorandum on August 13th 2009 when it was evident to 
him that most structure are aware of this court order.  The Court Order is 
dated, 23 April 2009 and remained binding when the President lost the leave to 
appeal.   Why did the “president" take so long to inform the structures about 
this?  The Kwa Langa (ward 52) Branch of the Cape Metro region has requested 
the leadership to clarify the political and legal implications of the Court 
Order, with no avail - yet, the “president” is based in Cape Town.   
The above is a further indictment that the uninformed membership and the 
organizational disunity serve the so called leadership quite well as they 
continue looting the organizational resources while we insult each other.

Izwe Lethu!!


On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 1:15 PM, Hulisani Mmbara  wrote:


From: tumelo.segakw...@inl.co.za
>To: mja...@pac.org.za; mphash...@webmail.co.za; mphahle...@gmail.com; 
>CC: payco@googlegroups.com; mmbar...@hotmail.com; skwat...@webmail.co.za; 


2009-09-11 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Izwe Lethu!

Please comrades I would like to echo my humble plea to all Pan Africanist out 
there. I think we made our points regarding our views and opinions on PAC and 
the current PAC leadership. This is not time to settle the score. I think COPE 
is there for those who want to settle scores. What is left is then What? 
Where?How? and When? are we laying the first brick in rebuilding this 
organisation and at what platform? Time is running out we need to declare our 
loyality to this organisation or we must find our own. No one said that a road 
to liberation is a smooth one. We are fighting a protacted warfare with untold 
posibilities of which one is what we are experiencing now. We either solve our 
problems as the PAC or we ship out. This is a final clarion call comrades. The 
first stage is to renew our membership to PAC, secondly is to establish PAC 
branches and structures and finally is to engage constructively in those 
structures to change this current sitution
 in the PAC. This can be done only if we follow our path correctively, knowing 
that the PAC exist and is there for all of us.
Azania Shall Prevail so said the African Profecy
Izwe Lethu
072 673 8015

From: Snow Mokgalabone 
To: payco@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:31:21 AM

Very nice parental guidance. My father used to say “old people can mislead and 
always refer to history by running away from reality”. He further said, my 
child “English idioms sometimes are baseless and have no meaning to us 
Africans” My Grandmother added by saying “ whenever you write please check the 
relevancy of the content and apply your mind because you might be funny to the 
young ones”
From:payco@googlegroups.com [mailto:pa...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of 
Ntandazo Gcingca
Sent: 10 September 2009 10:22 AM
To: payco@googlegroups.com
Dear Hulisani Mmbara
The recently elected APLAMVA structure it’s legitimate and is not running 
parallel with any structure, unless you can start to mention one. Please tell 
me as grounded as you claim.  Can the real Pan Africanist express the way you 
do? You are not posses and governed by the 8 pillars of Pan Africanism, worse 
the PAC basic document, disciplinary code, manifesto and the speeches of 
President Robert Sobukwe. 
I understand where you come from and where you are going. Surprise, surprise 
“The ground is fertile and conducive for Pan Africanist to bounce back”.  I 
don’t want you to change. Change is a PAIN, only few in this world envoys’ 
pain. Most people are for comfort zone. Those days had come and gone.
When we look back, where we come from, at the time there ware no PAC structures 
in place. The establishment of AZANYU and PASO was the turning point of the PAC 
situation. I fully agree “What is bound to appear is bound to disappear”. We 
call it negation of negation.  One day I will tell you why President Zephaniah 
Mothopeng said “The situation in SOUTH AFRICA is interesting”   The 
establishment of Azanian Socialistic state is the highest achievement that the 
MEN of today can achieve. “The road is fully ofcheese as well as cheats” and 
“fully of trip as well as traps”. The topic in the basic document is engraved 
“The final triumph – We will win.
You only continuously wins battles when you are discipline and very sensitive 
towards your MEN, even your enemy sometimes. WE ARE MADE FOR THIS. Our 
collective memories and action will only make a difference when we sing and 
move together.
Let all honour “APLA DAY” as a symbol of maturity.  My father used to say to me 
“My boy you must come to life, you must come to the world. That mentally 
unfortunately was drummed in my ears as long as I live. I believe that he world 
only embrace the ones are in need off. 
The duty of the PAC It’s a challenge of a life time.
I remained humble.
Ntandazo “Didi” Gcingca
073 707 1158

From:Tumelo Segakweng 
To: "payco@googlegroups.com" 
Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2009 6:56:11 PM
I need to meet, however is the leader of PAYco, Africanist can not act as 
enemies in the same camp so lets meet and iron issues so that it can be 
understood if we part ways now or we mend what is broken but let all have 
patience when approaching such issues, Kwame I particularly need to seat with 
and kavin.
Please call me on my reliable phone 0764848481.
I remain 
Tumelo Segakweng

From:payco@googlegroups.com [pa...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Hulisani 
Mmbara [mmbar...@hotmail.com]
Sent: 02 September 2009 12:00 AM

My Dear Comrades 
This call for 'APLAMVA parade' is being made by the illegitimate and illegal 
parallel str

[PAYCO] Pan Africanists Material

2009-09-20 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Revolutionary Greetings!!

Comrades I would like to appeal to all comrades who have Africanist material 
books in a soft copy to make it available to all of us taking advantage of this 
chart medium. Dispide being veteran's of this movement, by nature of being in 
this oganisation for so long we need to be reminded of PAC politics. If we 
really want to built this wonderful organisation of Sobukwe we need to put our 
politics in perspetive. We can only built a good structure if we speak the same 
language. Once we are able to do this 
sellouts,anachist,collaboraters,opportunists and all other sinister forces 
operating as PAC caders will be exposed and the real Party caders will remain 
to built this party to be a force to be reckoned.

We have the Whole Continent and History On Our Side We Will Win

Yours in the cause of africanist Revolution
Izwe Lethu!!

Sending your posting to payco@googlegroups.com

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2009-10-08 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Izwe Lethu!!

Majoni I think it is high time that we accept that there's  always been 
problems in the organisation. At this juncture realy we should be able to deal 
with them. Maybe the following might help in triggering a clear sober political 
retrospection. When Payco was formed it was not accepted with the resoan that 
our struggle is being betrayed even more by the then president Mr Mlamli 
Makwetu. Some comrades even wanted his head. It is a blind lie to say Azanyu 
formed Payco. It was the convention that was held which proposed the name 
change as there was a faction which uses the name Azanyu (The Revolutionary 
Watchdogs). This did not go well with most of the comrades who were neither 
Watchdogs. Ultimatetly Payco was accepted after a lot of debates and 
mudslinging. Now the same is happening and what do we do? It is a fact that 
Alice congress took a resolution to change Payco to Pacyl. It is a fact that 
this Alice congress according to the courts of this country
 seems to have been nullified . Here comrade we are talking about NEO 
COLONIALIST oriented courts of law which of cause will never serve the 
interests of the PAC nor has authority over the decisions of the PAC.  
If we are to built this organisation we should take into consideration the 
above and other factors not listed above. That is we should accept that the two 
factions exist. PACYL exist by the resolution of Alice congress and PAYCO exist 
by the resolution of the courts of this country. PAC Congress is the highest 
decision making body. This suggest if there was any agreement it remains 
binding to all (Payco,Pawo,Pasma and all other PAC structures).
Comrades should tell us if ever the Alice congress was eligitimate and when was 
it eligitimate? Before the congress or after the congress, before the courts 
decisions or after the courts decisions? I think this will help clear some of 
us comrades who are blinded by the dust that the two fuctions are causing.
Lastly comrades errispective of whatever Payco should accept and respect the 
fact that Pacyl exist and the same with Pacyl should accept that Payco exist. 
The two formations should try to find common grounds to agree and a common 
solution to be formulated. 

Viva and long live to the United PAC youth wing.

From: Lucky Khoza 
To: Payco@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thursday, October 8, 2009 2:57:52 PM

My dear comrade Khuliso,I find it disheartening to hear this kind of
iresponsible utterances from a comrade of your nature and
calibre.First and for most

-- Forwarded message --
From: Lucky Khoza 
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2009 14:57:05 +0200
To: magigw...@gmail.com

My dear comrade Khuliso, I find it disheartening to hear such kind of
irresponsible utterances from a comrade of your nature and calibre.
First and for most will you be able to tell when was PAYCO disbanded i.e
(day/date, time, venue), obviously no you cannot. PAYCO as a structure
must be thoroughly consulted for such an action to take place, you do
not wake today and feel excite and just try to disband a structure. It's
the thinking and the actions like yours that put the PAC where it is
today. Forming parallel structures will never see the light off the day.
What you are saying remain a fairytale for you and your cohorts in your
own dreamland.

Do you really know that the process which led to the so called pacyl was
flawed and there for declared illegal by the courts? You are continually
acting in contempt of the courts by propagating such a structure. Common
sense tells that you are not in par with the latest developments in the
movement and in the country at large. With due respect Son of the soil I
never doubted your political orientation even for a single second, but
surprisingly you proved me wrong. What you are doing amount to a dog
barking at a moving car. Base on what you said noble son, I tend to
believe that you are not well informed.

PAYCO will exists as long as progressive force exists.


Lucky Khoza

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2009-10-10 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Sons and Daughters of Afrika!!

I must be honest with you. we are really acting and behaving like the 
charterist youth who until today remain political blinded by 
political developments in our era. There has never been such political 
mudslinging in the PAC. This is caused by comrades who thinks they know better 
and understand PAC or Pan Africanism more than others. I agree 101% with 
comrade Jack Masoga. I don't think is proper to call a PAC gathering a circus 
and at the same time claim to be PAC. If we are serious about building this 
organisation we must first learn to respect others and their dessending views. 
Let us stop calling each others names. I wonder how many Julias Malema's we 
are having in this organisation. We should address issues by putting down 
facts. We must try to show each other the correct path maybe we will find the 
correct way. We should refrain from fosting others to our particular views by 
swearing at each other. In that way we will be using nuckle
 dusters against each other instead of political facts. We should rally each 
other and not create enemies out of our difference. Our difference should serve 
as self critisism so that at the end we emerge more purer. Lastly I 
congratulate those comrades who are holding the Pan Africanist Flag higher. 
Continue comrades for Afrika will remember you. 


Our blood our sweat and our toil will free Afrika!!

No force can dilute our militancy not even a hiroshima bomb can dilute our 
Viva Poqo

From: Jack masoga 
To: payco@googlegroups.com
Cc: PAYCO Azania 
Sent: Friday, October 9, 2009 9:22:29 PM
& Westonaria

Revolutionary Greetings Majoni

I always read about WHO is WHO on this platform, people think that they are 
better than others. I was invited to PAYCO Congress to be held at Nothern Cape 
which started tonight. 

However I want to challenge the Youth in the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania 
to wake up and implement IOTA by contesting the two Wards which are up for 

I took stock of work that was done by PAYCO around Khutsong and nearby areas 
which is West Rand. I hope Comrade Nonceba Mbilini, Bafana Mthimkhulu, Lazim 
Mokoena will ensure that PAC under their Leadership in the West Rand will win 
those Wards so that we speak in the position of Power.

Please MaAfrika stop calling Africansits Sell- out, Agents of Imperilism, Yes 
Man of Whoever, Capitalist, instead concentrate on the 1st aim of the PAC which 
is "to rally and unite the African People under the banner of African 
Nationalism" How do your expect to rally and unite African people if you 
"Africanists call each other names" what a shame MaAfrika.

I remain Cal Zimbiri 
(012) 323 9905 (O)  

Sending your posting to payco@googlegroups.com

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2009-10-10 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Comrade Kwame

Mo Afrika I think it will be very much assisting that as Payco national you 
should offer a directive to indicate major bone of contention with regard to 
the Alice congress. This will assist us in making an informed decision on the 
current PAC leadership.This should be factual with full information to 
substantiate your facts.
First how can so many branches of PAC know about the congress and only the few 
did not know. Maybe on this one you should ask Comrades like Thapelo who were 
making sure that branches are informed of this congress and the proposed 
constitutional amendments.
Can you substantiate as to what you mean by the tradition of PAC with regard to 
the Alice congress.
Which branches where barred from attending the Alice congress? Can you please 
mention a few.
If I remember clearly we have always had problem with credentials in the 
organisation. Alice credentials were better than any other credentials PAC 
congeresses have ever had.
Do you think that so many people who attended the Alice congress where there to 
serve one person. Do you think that all the people who campaigned and voted 
this party under the leadership of Comrade Letlapa were coeced into doing so 
because they are politicaly naive to the party development.
I remember comrade I personally spoke to Comrade Mbara at Alice when they were 
denied entry to the congress with the reason that they did not meet the 
credential requirements. Maybe I am one of those hooligans who harrased Payco 
In simple comrades I find very much misinformation in your facts. I don't wish 
anybody to pursue others only to settle scores.

If we realy need to built this organisation we can only do so as PAC. We should 
renew our membership and pay subscription. We should belong to legitimate 
existing branches or we should create them. The current leadership is not for 
lifetime. If we are not happy with it we can as well propose that it withdraw. 
We can only do that in a well constituted PAC gathering (National Conference or 
Congress). I don't think we can do that through media. Mothopeng tought us that 
no press can destroy us and no press can build us. So lets not hope that by 
talking to the media we can build PAC.

Son of the soil there are so many comrades out there who are realy frastrated 
by the developments in this organisation. We can only help them by being true 
to them. In that way will be true to PAC and will be true to the True 
Africanist Revolution.

After the Payco congress I wish that PAYCO NEC can meet with PACYL NEC and iron 
out issues after which a proposal can be issued to the PAC with regard to the 
way forward. That will be a revolutionary UNITY Building initiative.

Forwrd to a united PAC youth wing. 
Long live the spirit of AZANYU!!

From: "kwamendeb...@webmail.co.za" 
To: payco@googlegroups.com
Sent: Friday, October 9, 2009 8:29:57 AM

> Son of the soil,
> Let's deal with facts not assuptions:
> Fact Number one:
> *Politically and in line with PAC tradition Alice Congress was
> illegitimate.
> *Credentials were questionable
> *Party brances opposed to the former president Letlapa Mphahlele were not
> informed about the Congress and those who went to Alice were barred and
> denied entry.
> *Component structures were not officially informed about the Congress as
> per tradition.
> *PAYCO leadership was harrassed by Letlapa's hooligans at Alice
> Fact number 2:
> *PAYCO is the only legitimate structure recognised by the party
> Constitution
> *AZANYU was renamed PAYCO after the resolution of the 1996
> Convention after thorough consultation with the leadership at that point
> in time and was affirmed in the Congress that elected Dr Mogoba as
> President.
> *PAYCO/AZANYU were created to organise youth for the party and to
> conscentise the youth about PAC and its vision and mission,not to serve
> individuals or to create confusion in the party.

Fact number 3:
*All resolutions taken in the Alice Conference are null and void except
the resignation of Mphahlele as were taken under the smuggled constitution
which has no force and effect in accordance with Cape High Court
*Mphahlele's resignation is valid because it was done under the reinstated
*Currently in accordance with the Cape High Court decision,PAC has no
leadership,hence the efforts to enforce the Cape High Court decision and
establishment of the Interim leadership.

Fact Number 4:
*The decisions of the High Court are binding to all
*Mphahlele has challenged the Thami group in the so called Neo Colonial
courts of law and got a decision favourable to him and there was no
labelling of those courts as Neo-Colonial institution,I really despise
selective amnesia.

Fact Number 5:
*We want unity in the party we are therefore ready to reconcile with all
comrades who have been used to pursue factionalism in the party.

Yours for

[PAYCO] Re: Revised response to Mr Moloto

2009-10-14 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Comrade Kwame

I think is unreasonable of you to say that somebody who joined PAC in 1959 is 
still a PAC member even if he/she does not pay subscription. Does this apply to 
Makwetu, Maxwell, Tefo and the rest of others who at one stage joined this 
party. The constitution and code of conduct tells us that for one to be a 
ligitimate member he/she has to pay his/her dues which of cause is a 
subscription fees. Paying of this subscription fees validate ones membership to 
the party. If you don't pay you are not a member period. I question your logic 
in that. With regard to membership cards I think a vast majority of PAC 
branches has the same problem, even in the times of President Makwetu,Mogoba 
and Motsoko Pheko's leadership. This is a PAC problem and not an idividual 
problem. I myself do not have a membership card but I am able to produce 
proof to whoever that I am a PAC member who is up to date with subscription 
fees. I also contribute monthly R200 to PAC and make
 other contribution to the branch and the region that I am from. I don't see 
where the point you are making is taking us.
Another example is that I regret having been part of the branches around my 
region who boycoted the 2004 election because of the problem we had with 
Maxwell and the PAC. This led us to losing the provincial seet in Limpopo and 
we are still struggling to get one. So comrade there is no excuse. Lastly I 
will say in simplicity as the great founder of this organisation said about 
those who were not part of the revolution that those who are not with us are 
against us. So don't find your self in that situation.


Please stop your act now and become with us the habingious of the new world 

For a united PAC Youth formation. Long live the spirit of AZANYU

From: "kwamendeb...@webmail.co.za" 
To: payco@googlegroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 3:53:59 PM
Subject: [PAYCO] Revised response to Mr Moloto

Revolutionary greetings,

Mr Moloto, I want to take this opportunity and address some of the
issues you made about PAYCO, party membership and party building.

* Base and Departure
First and foremost what is key and critical is to accept and identify with
the PAC vision,its ideology,policies,objectives,constitution and its
disciplinary code. As PAYCO members we identify and accept these
fundamental and founding principles of our revolutionary party. To us PAC
is the Alpha and Omega in fighting neo-colonialism,capitalism and other
forms of oppressive systems in Azania. PAC is the only party that can
truly bring about complete independence of our people and lead them to
economic,social and cultural emancipation,hence despite all the
differences we have with different people and inspite of the attacks and
insults we have endured in the party we remain steadfast and never shunned
this movement. We believe it is our historical duty to advance the
ideology,mission,and policies of the PAC. We are also duty bound to defend
glorious history of the movement and defend the legacy of our founding
fathers and sacrifices of
Poqo/APLA cdes with our dear lifes and dignity.

*members in good standing
I am certain that a majority of PAYCO members if not all are PAC members.
Every person who clain to be PAC is a matter of fact and reality that
he/she has joined PAC at one stage,therefore allows that member all the
rights to claim to be PAC. You join PAC or any political party once. The
payment of yearly subscriptions is an administrative and organisational
matter. A man who joined PAC in 1959 and the one who joined in 2008 are
PAC members whether they payed their subscription or not.

Let me remind you Mr Moloto,that PAC annual subscription fee is just R10.
You cannot believe the amount of money some of us we spend on monthly
basis on PAC activities. I come from Newcastle Region,KwaZulu Natal,Branch
21(ward21). I pay my subscriptions yearly and also contribute R100 monthly
finance branch activities.In 2007 My branch and 7 other branches in the
region submitted their Membership forms and deposited money on party
account to be issued party membership cards and never received even a
single membership card. Branches in my region resolved to withhold all the
subscription fees in the branches concerned until we receive our cards for
2007. In some instances we were forced to repay comrades from our pockets
as cards were not coming forth to avoid conflicts and mistrust to the
party. I was told that mine was not to be processed as I was guilty of
bringing the name of the party into disrepute,but why were my comrades
denied their cards as well for my "sins". Despite being regarded unfit to
be PAC members Mphahlele and company were ready to receive our debit
orders on monthly basis. We decided to cancel those monthly debit orders
of R100 a month after seein

[PAYCO] Re: Revised response to Mr Moloto

2009-10-15 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Greetings Son's and Daughters of The Soil

Well I must say I am impressed by the respond you gave to me. My only concern 
is that in the matters that affect PAC I don't think anyone can be nutral. My 
concern is that you keep labelling people and associate them with a 
particular individual who happens to be PAC president. I was taught that in the 
PAC we only have the president for an administration purposes. We are all the 
leaders of  revolution.We all joined this movement and not individual this does 
not apply to you only.For your information I joined this movement long ago when 
I didin't even know who is the president of this movement. I joined this 
movement through my little understanding of PAC politics. Having been presented 
with PAC politics in the times of Azanyu I immidiately identify with this 
organisation. Now what I am addressing is the issue of you labelling the 
comrades as lapping dogs of whoever. I have never in my PAC political life try 
to identify with a particular faction. I
 have always lived and accepted the leadership of the party even when things 
are not right in the movement. Until maybe the courts of this country disband 
the current leadership I will always abide by it.So for us to robustly address 
PAC problems we should stop labelling people. Two wrongs don't make it right. 
If you were labelled and called names you should not do the same with others. 
In that way you are not solving the problem but exesorbating it.We cannot 
comrade for whatever reason disassociate ourself with the leadership of this 
movement. You seem to understand the constitution and the code of this movement 
yet you are unable to apply it proparly. The constitution provides a platform 
for comrades to raise issues. Why can't we follow the constitution on this one. 
We all remain unhappy with certain developments in the party. What we cannot do 
is to run to the nearest media office and think we can address our issues 
through the media. I still
WE CAN AMMICABLY ADDRESS PAC ISSUES. Not at street coners and shebeens around 
the country. Can this strike a sense on you.

Izwe Lethu!!

From: "kwamendeb...@webmail.co.za" 
To: payco@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 11:35:28 AM
Subject: [PAYCO] Re: Revised response to Mr Moloto

Greetings, Sometimes I just cannot believe is the same PAC I joined that I am 
in,when I hear the levels of engagement,lack of reason and logic in the points 
of views advanced. I joined a PAC of intellectual towers,who engage on facts 
and logic,not mere speculation and excitement. You never cease to disappoint me 
with your poor understanding of PAC constitution, History,disciplinary 
code,tradition and general legal principles.Let me clear the issue again with 
you,and please reason logically with my points of view: 1. We all join PAC or 
any political party once and become members. A man who joined PAC in 1959 and 
the one who joined yesterday are all members of the PAC because they chose to 
join PAC not other parties. 2. Subscriptions are administrative and 
organisational. PAC survive mainly on subscription from its members hence we 
must pay our subscription yearly. The fact that you did not pay your 
subscription does not strip you your membership of the
 PAC,but it denies you certain rights and privileges,eg,you cannot elect 
leadership and you cannot be part of decision making at any level,but you can 
partake in party meetings, debates, workshops,campaigns,programmes and 
projects. Hence we talk of members in good standing and those who are not,the 
implication is that you remain a member but you have not met some of your 
constitutional obligations. 3. I thought it is common knowledge that when a 
member joins another party automatically forfeits his membership with the other 
party. Even if the person had just renewed his subscription with the party,he 
just cease to be a party member the day he chooses to join another party. I 
don't have to tell you whether Makwetu or Maxwell are PAC or not as this is 
clear as day light. I maintain my statement that a man who joined PAC in 1959 
and the one who joined in 2008 are both PAC members,as long as they remain 
loyal to PAC and are not members of other political
 parties. 4. I gave the tale of my branch to give a tangible reality of the 
situation in terms of the membership and state of branches are concerned. This 
is because we have been accused of being non members and that we are arm-chair 
revolutionaries. I know that many comrades have been insulted as non members 
and arm-chair revolutionaries by people who don't know what is happening on the 
ground. I would always salute any person who choose to be a PAC member instead 
of any vibrant and booming political party where there are material benefits 
and lucrative career opportunities,becuase it takes courage and extra ordinary 

[PAYCO] Re: Revised response to Mr Moloto

2009-10-15 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele

Comrade I think it will be realy unfair of me to ignore the point you are 
raising. I agree with you on a question of subscribed and non subscribed 
comrades. Yes we all remain PAC members. I think we are realy creating a 
culture of not engaging by denying other comrades participation in the affairs 
of the party just because they are not in good standing. Let me please withdraw 
my utterances with regard to the legitimacy of one being a member of the party. 
By only allowing delegades in our conferences we are in transgretion of the 
party constitution. I think all of us should be given an opportunity to 
participate fully in the matters of the party as the constitution says.Most of 
us missed this point. I think we should revisit it and correct it.
Thanks comrade for inlightening not only me but all who for some reason ignored 
this point.

Lets bring back the culture of PAC as we know.

From: "kwamendeb...@webmail.co.za" 
To: payco@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 11:35:28 AM
Subject: [PAYCO] Re: Revised response to Mr Moloto


Sometimes I just cannot believe is the same PAC I joined that I am in,when
I hear the levels of engagement,lack of reason and logic in the points of
views advanced. I joined a PAC of intellectual towers,who engage on facts
and logic,not mere speculation and excitement. You never cease to
disappoint me with your poor understanding of PAC constitution,
History,disciplinary code,tradition and general legal principles.Let me
clear the issue again with you,and please reason logically with my points
of view:

1. We all join PAC or any political party once and become members. A man
who joined PAC in 1959 and the one who joined yesterday are all members of
the PAC because they chose to join PAC not other parties.

2. Subscriptions are administrative and organisational. PAC survive mainly
on subscription from its members hence we must pay our subscription
yearly. The fact that you did not pay your subscription does not strip you
your membership of the PAC,but it denies you certain rights and
privileges,eg,you cannot elect leadership and you cannot be part of
decision making at any level,but you can partake in party meetings,
debates, workshops,campaigns,programmes and projects. Hence we talk of
members in good standing and those who are not,the implication is that you
remain a member but you have not met some of your constitutional

3. I thought it is common knowledge that when a member joins another party
automatically forfeits his membership with the other party. Even if the
person had just renewed his subscription with the party,he just cease to
be a party member the day he chooses to join another party. I don't have
to tell you whether Makwetu or Maxwell are PAC or not as this is clear as
day light. I maintain my
statement that a man who joined PAC in 1959 and the one who joined in 2008
are both PAC members,as long as they remain loyal to PAC and are not
members of other political parties.

4. I gave the tale of my branch to give a tangible reality of the
situation in terms of the membership and state of branches are concerned.
This is because we have been accused of being non members and that we are
arm-chair revolutionaries. I know that many comrades have been insulted as
non members and arm-chair revolutionaries by people who don't know what is
happening on the ground. I would always salute any person who choose to be
a PAC member instead of any vibrant and booming political party where
there are material benefits and lucrative career opportunities,becuase it
takes courage and extra ordinary determination. I know the insults and
embarrassments we endure in the communities we live in,but we remain
committed and proud members of PAC. Some of us we are forcing to be
members even if we are rejected by the party. I remember at one stage
Bishop Toboti mentioned my name and Mmbara as non members in Ukhozi
FM(widely listened radio station in KZN) when I arrived at work everybody
was mocking me and asking me why I am not joining their parties because
PAC does not want me,but I had to stomach that and march forward.

5. Your lame excuse that the problem of non issuing of membership cards is
a PAC thing really annoys me,because it says the PAC is a party of
failures and incompetent people who cannot process membership cards for
less than 100 000 members,but wants to run Home Affairs and process birth
certificates, ID's, travel Visas and passports for 46 million people,I
reject this with contempt. When we elected Mphahlele as part of his
mandate was to get the administrative and organisational sytems working
not to complicate the situation and claim that things have always been
like that. If the status quo remains it is enough evidence that Mphahlele
and company have failed.

6. On the question of contribution I wanted to refute a nonsense that we
are unable to pay R10 and want to embark on PAC issues,I 

[PAYCO] Re: Fwd: Mayihlome News

2009-10-27 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Izwe Lethu!

Comrade Tumelo your atterances have revived my hope that there are still 
comrades out there who can stop at nothing to revive the spirit of this 
organisation. Azanian grounds are very much fertile for the socialist 
revolution. If only we can redirect our energies to building this organisation 
and give our toiling masses hope that under the leadership of PAC and the 
banner of Pan Africanism our massess can breath the final sigh of releaf for 
the realisation of our revolution. Payco we share your frastration but cannot 
support your contineous disregard of the leadership of this organisation. I 
don't think a child can bear itself and care for itself until it become a grown 
person. A child needs a mother and a father support and guidence. Let PAC be 
our mother and father. Only through this relationship our revolution will be 
attained. Payco comrades need to know that they are not the only ones who sees 
wrongs in our movement. We all share this bitter
 feelings but that does not give us a permision to swear and disregard our 
leadership. Whatever you think you can attain on yourself will never be 
realised. You will only vanish in the dust bin of history like we did in the 
Revolutionary Watchdogs.

Long live PAC
Forward to a United Socialist Afrika

From: Tumelo Segakweng 
To: "payco@googlegroups.com" 
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 1:56:56 PM
Subject: [PAYCO] Re: Fwd: Mayihlome News

Sibusiso Xaba - I now address you.

Brother, I expect you to give a way forward to your boys and girls in Payco. 
You are all approaching this issue mildly and honestly I do not admire that 
slow motion I believe in action and I fully believe that comrade Sabelo Phama 
would support me. I am a revolutionary and many victory under my belt can prove 
me right.

For years now - you sing the same song and no results, what do you call that? 
Time wasted will never be regain. I know there are lawyers and doctors in Payco 
and right now your qualifications are not helping in fact they will never help 
at all.

Kwame next time get to the point and stop somersaulting. I will not attend your 
congress and I believe there should not be one. So why do not you all come to 
khutsong on the day of your congress and we map out a way forwad.Law will tell 
you that what you are doing is wrong and you still doing it, You do not have a 
mother body how can say you go to congress but, hey ,Kwame you continue to do 
it. Clearly you guys do not have good plans to help PAC recover, well I have 
plans and if you do not stop what you are doing me and rightful thinking 
Azanians will act very soon, ask Bafana and Ncebi they know what I can do, and 
trust me we can do more and better thing than that.

I want to Speak to Matome, Sibusiso, Gen Fithla, Mr Ncukani, Kevin and Kwame.I 
have a plan I need you to tell me yours.

I remain humble in the struggle to revive PAC, and I am prepared to face the 
consequences even if it mean I should die.

If you feel the way I feel than lets act and stop talking.We talk too much and 
there should be action, resolutions and decisions must be taken.

who agrees with me on this one? I say PAC was not formed in the Court of law so 
no judge can help us, only ourselves.

To hell with the Motsoko Pheko ruling this is the guy hope contributed to our 
down fall. Those who want to sit and wait for Jesus please step out of our way.

In three months PAC must be in good shape, Now lets work.

Pasma is a strong component a think unstudent must leave student politics to 
student, Well done PASMA TUT, that what we need unity and fearlessness. Again 

Azania is ours,Izwelethu

-Original Message-
From: payco@googlegroups.com [mailto:pa...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of 
Sbusiso Xaba
Sent: 23 September 2009 05:06 PM
To: payco@googlegroups.com
Subject: [PAYCO] Fwd: Mayihlome News

For those who have not subscribed to the Mayihlome News

-- Forwarded message --
From: Mayihlome News 
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 13:05:03 +
Subject: Mayihlome News
To: sbusiso.x...@gmail.com

Mayihlome News


Posted: 21 Sep 2009 05:00 AM PDT

Human capital experts tell the world that the payment structure in a workplace 
is based on a logical formula consisting of complex variables namely the 
function complexity, skill scarcity, skill criticality, undesirability, risk, 
accountability and responsibility. It is rational expectation that the higher 
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It is also sensible to conclude that work experience and academic 
qualifications assist the recruiters to determine the best candidate for the 
position. This skill and credential matrix is forwarded in sophisticated 
microeconomic platforms as the foundation for the remuneration system.
The major

[PAYCO] Re: tumelo

2009-10-27 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Comrade Jabu

I think the reality here is that only PAC members are to vote out the president 
not the court of this country. I don't think in this matter the court has 
duristiction. If it has I advice people like you to see to it that the court 
decision is inforced, Otherwise Payco must just throw this devil reasoning and 
judgement away and like prodical sons ask for forgiveness from the PAC 

Izwe Lethu!! Every positive thinking takes us forward. Viva PAC

From: Jabu Makhanya 
To: payco@googlegroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 3:30:54 PM
Subject: [PAYCO] tumelo

To: PAYCO and PAC members

It is paramount to entertain every opinion without prejudice but I regret to 
advise that stooges in the likes of Tumelo no longer deserves to be regarded.  
He is a natural embecile. He will never learn anything new about the PAC. He is 
a dogmatic by nature. Anyone who refuses to to abide by the legal institutions 
of the country, is nothing else but a fool. We cannot continue repeating the 
same thing that Letlapa's leadership was nullified by the natural justice 
system of this country, and yet someone is still accusing others of undermining 
the so called Letlapa.  Letlapa's era is over as the PAC leader whether you 
like or not.

Sending your posting to payco@googlegroups.com

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[PAYCO] Re: FW: 3rd PAC National Convention 28-29 November 2009

2009-11-09 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Comrades in this piece of writing I would like to remind many of us about the 
gold olden days of our revolution  when many of us in this country were so much 
afraid to mention the word APLA, the name which was so much associated with 
PAC. Also the likes of Thabo Mbeki’s dared to mention the name PAC.
All the imperialists’ countries and their local servants were so much afraid 
that their ill neo colonialist and capitalist conceived plans for this country 
were on the verge of collapse because of the relentless armed struggle waged by 
APLA under the PAC.  That was when hope was installed in every traditional 
authority, townships and villages around occupied Azania that at last Azania 
shall be free and under an Africanistic Socialist order. 
That was the time when many of us were so mute that we were afraid of being 
victimised for being associated with the movement that is associated with APLA.
Today under this neo colonialist order we think that we are so much free that 
we have a right to do and say as we wish about the name PAC. Even mice around 
this country have got something to say about PAC. PAC name is so synonymous to 
the smelling takkies we daily wear that the name PAC is reduced to nothing and 
can be used by and claimed by any other person who so wishes to and go 
Here comrades I am referring to an individual or individuals who think for some 
reason they have a right to this movement that they can organise a convention 
without any mandate. The last convention that was organised in this fashion 
yielded the formation of PAM.  I don’t know what are the plans now for this 
Irrespective of being disgruntled by the current leadership there is a 
constitutional guidelines to be followed. Whether the 1959 or any other amended 
constitution there are guidelines to be followed. At least a portion of the 
existing membership or structures of the party (for argument sake say one third 
of the membership) should be thoroughly consulted before a decision of such 
nature can be agreed to. 
Where the current organiser of this convention does took a mandate to organise 
such a gathering? How many PAC branches, regions or provincial structures were 
consulted? Which constitutional mandate was applied in organising such 
gathering? When was the agreed time and date for this convention? I think Mo 
Afrika Ntonzima knows he is wrong in this matter. And him and the people he 
represent should do away with this convention at least until a proper channel 
is followed or there is an agreement for such gathering. Let’s not address our 
problems by instituting wrong moves. In this fashion our problems will be 
carried over and not resolved.
My last question is on the leadership of this movement as to how do they allow 
things like this to perpetually happen without taking drastic measures to 
discipline and or call to order people who continue to sow the seeds of 
divisions and frustrations in this movement? For how long will we continue like 
I think PAC has reached its zenith on the matter of factionalism and 
centralised corrective measures should be taken to radically address these 
persisting problems in the organisation. If the oath of allegiance protocol 
should be implemented let it be so. 
Let’s bury factionalism and build this organisation based on the programme of 
Izwe Lethu!!

From: Hulisani Mmbara 
Sent: Wednesday, November 4, 2009 8:56:35 AM
Subject: [PAYCO] FW: 3rd PAC National Convention 28-29 November 2009

> Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2009 19:31:22 +0200
> Subject: 3rd PAC National Convention 28-29 November 2009
> From: ntonzi...@mailbox.co.za
> To: tula...@legal-aid.co.za; david.mpan...@transnet.net; ed...@pasma.org.za; 
> emadzu...@yahoo.com; frazersm...@mighty.co.za; lineosm...@yahoo.com; 
> lpmas...@webmail.co.za; lwand...@pasma.org.za; mmbar...@hotmail.com; 
> mt...@ananzi.co.za; nkru...@lantic.net; nonce...@gmail.com; 
> sosokab...@yahoo.com; yand...@aaatravel.co.za; nf...@pgwc.gov.za
> Nkokheli zam kwane-Afrika ngokubanzi!
> On behalf of the Western Cape Leadership as the host of the 3rd PAC
> National Convention you are requested to mobilize all your party
> structures in your respective jurisdictions of political work and given a
> responsibility to circulate this communiqué to as many Africanist folds as
> possible for them to be party of this big PAC event. It is critical that
> you engage with your respective branches about what best the party can do
> to be realm of the Azanian political stage.
> In PAC, a Convention setting has a history of turning things in favour of
> the African masses and enlightens them about the state of their plight.
> This is what the PAC first National Convention managed to deliver most as
> it changed the nature and character of the then political engagement,
> hence the 21 March 1960 and the birth of armed struggle under a PAC
> visi

[PAYCO] Re: Fwd:

2009-11-17 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Izwe Lethu!

The struggle of the Jigsaw patern tells us there is nothing wrong with what is 
happening in the party. The problem is the level at which this is happening. 
Like a jigsaw our struggle is at a backward stroke and we cannot expect much 
cutting. What we are doing now is that we are clearing the decks. At the moment 
the Africanist Movement is conducting a retrospection. The movement is in a 
self battle to try and find itself and particularly its position in the whole 
Neo Colonialist settlement. In other words we are clearing the decks. The 
battle is on and the field of operation is Azania. Azania is slowly but surely 
approaching the last phase of revolution. People need to know that this stage 
yields frustration and dispair. All poor little oportunist amongst us will be 
exposed and only cadres who have and still continue to stand the test of time 
will remain. 
Those who are leaving are making our work simple.

Being angry at each other and swearing at each other will never change the 
situation. The truth is we have lost our path. Lets continue searching, at the 
end we will find the way. 

Lastly comrades simple solutions will never yield any progress.  

Izwe Lethu

From: Pasika Nontshiza 
To: "mayekisocommunicati...@gmail.com" 
Cc: "payco@googlegroups.com" 
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 9:15:13 PM
Subject: [PAYCO] Re: Fwd:

In search of a perfect solution for the masses of Azania,the road will be 
littered with a lot of contradictions. The confusion in the Africanist family 
is just but one example. The challenge is not to hurl insults at each 
other,trying to score cheap political points over nothing. How did you 
understand Chairman to mean when he exalted,'Let the thousand flowers 
blossom,let the thousand ideas contend'. Raise the level of debate not 
personalities. Izwe Lethu. Clarence Mayekiso wrote: > -- Forwarded 
message -- From: Clarence Mayekiso < mayekisocommunicati...@gmail.com > 
> Date: Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 1:40 AM Subject: Re: To: "Magajana, Sondisa" < 
maga...@vwsa.co.za > > Sorry i have been absent due to business commitments, 
the PAC will never recover no matter what trick they try most people are just 
opportunists, the so called Pan Africanist Convention will further expose all 
the opportunists, some amongst the ranks of PAM. > With apologies to
 Prof. Sobukwe 'No matter what they say their actions will betray them'. As for 
myself I am no longer a member of the PAC i will not celebrate the destruction 
of the PAC knowing the sacrifice Zeph Mothopeng, David Sibeko, John Pokela, 
Robert Sobukwe, Themba Ncapayi, Sabelo Phama and others did for the cause of 
PAN AFRICANISM. PAM is the future. May the soul of the PAC rest in peace!!! 
Long Live Pan Africanism!!! > From: Clarence Mayekiso > On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 
9:15 PM, Magajana, Sondisa < maga...@vwsa.co.za > wrote: > Warm greetings S.G > 
  > What is your take with regards to the PAC crisis in Cape Town and else 
where >   > Izwe lethu   > Volokswagen of South Africa (Pty) Ltd. (Reg No. 
1946/023458/07) > Chairman: Dr J Heizmann* Managing Director:  D Powels 
Directors: M Glendinning (Sales & Marketing), S Mund* (Finance), S Macozoma, PJ 
Smith (Human Resources),  N Maliza (Corporate and Government Affairs), T du 
PLessis (Production) > German* >
 DISCLAIMER :  Volkswagen of South Africa (Pty) Ltd   Any views expressed in 
this message are those of the individual sender. No liability shall attach 
whatsoever to VWSA from this communication except > where the sender is acting 
on specific authority of VWSA, such authority being public record and 
acknowledged by VWSA by nature of the employee's functions. This document may 
in no way be photocopied, printed, scanned or > electronically duplicated for 
any purposes other than that for which it was originally intended. If you are 
not the intended recipient of this communication, please discard this message 
and notify VWSA immediately at postmas...@vwsa.co.za >  VWSA's anonymous toll 
free ethics number is: 0800 11 53 54 > 

Sending your posting to payco@googlegroups.com

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Re: [PAYCO] Ideology

2009-12-11 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Thanks comrade for raising this thorny issue in our political mist.

I think comrade during the years we have recruited people from different 
political thoughts. We rallied this people on the principle of aquiring more 
support for the election purpose. We did not rally this people on the principle 
of African Nationalism and Pan Africanism Ideas which makes the core of our 
ideology. That is the first mistake we have made and we should live with it. 
Time dictates to us this development.
Secondly Mo-Afrika I think if people can go back and refere to our founding 
fathers speeches they will find answers to the issues you are raising. People 
need to know that Marxism addresses itself to the class struggle where the 
sociaty is divided in different classes. It does not address the Nationalist 
struggle or it does so on small scale. As Africans we are fighting a 
nationalist struggle. First we are oppresed as a Nation and not as a 
class(ofcouse there are classess within the same oppressed nation with the rise 
of a black elite class ochestrated by BEE).
As to whether we are Marxist or Socialist one need to refere to what African 
leaders have said: that we remain neutral in all but non that affect the 
destiny of Afrika. To us Marxism, Lenninsm are tools of analisis to where we 
derive a solution to African problems. We are neither Marxist nor Socialists. 
WE ARE PAN AFRICANISTS and we are guided by African Nationalism ideals. WE MUST 


>From Cape to Cairo Morroco to Malagasia not even a settle can claim one inch 
>of Afrika, IZWE LETHU!!!

From: "p...@mailbox.co.za" 
To: payco@googlegroups.com
Sent: Fri, December 11, 2009 11:23:29 AM
Subject: [PAYCO] Ideology

Greetings Sons and Daughters

Ma-Afrika there's a serious need to look at the IDEOLOGY with a clear
cautions and careful. I've try to highlight this to many sometime ago and
it is really a serious problem. Many are saying the are "Marxist",
"Socialist" we you ask clarity the contradict each other. Some they say
aren't Marxist but are Socialist and it become very difficult to continue
work with people who are sing different song in one church. The massage we
are sending outside is conflicting but all of us we are claiming to be
"Pan Africanist". Lte me ask what type of socialism are we are talking
about? It has different types.

Secondly, the Nationalist are also here, because nationalism is ideology
on its own. There having a right to do so cause of African Nationalism. As
well as Socialist because of African Socialist Democracy. Let me warn
before hand does who say it's one. Nkrumah African Socialism and Nyerere
African Socialism is not the same, so when we engage each other we must
put it in back of our minds.

Thirdly, some of the Socialist differ as some are Stalinist, Trosky, Aunt
Rosa, and so forth. I'm raising this after this engagement with M'Afrika
Mawande Jack on this forum many comrades they try to engage me outside it
and it became clear to me that we need to seat down and this iron out the
defferences. So that when we go out to the public we spaek the same
language, if not sing the same song in the same page and same hym book.

Please Ma-Afrika let discuss this openly and honest and stop say socialism
is one cause it not.If you say that you will be like Mavarara asking them
about "what is NDR ? their respond is you don't know National Democratic
Revolution chief/ mchana. instead of answering you the dodge the question
as they can't answer it.

Let's engage each other all of us who are in this forum. Irrespective of
where you came from nad which angle young or old, green or yellow, male or
female no one will kill or beat you.

Your servant in an Africanist cause'
Lubabalo Popo
PAYCO Political Commissar
078 604 6098
p...@mailbox.co.za/ elubab...@gmail.com

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Re: [PAYCO] new political spaces

2009-12-15 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
In transforming the PAC into an advanced organisation to
occupy the centre stage of political developments in our political epoch we are
confronted with arduous tasks and our experience is far from being adequate. SO
Conditions changes all the time, to adopt one’s thinking to
the new conditions, one must study. Even those who have a better grasp of Pan
Africanism and Socialist revolution and are comparatively firm in their African
Nationalist Struggle have to go on studying to absorb what is new and study new
We can learn what we did not know. We must not only be good
in destroying the old order, we must be good in creating the new one. We must
not forget the old but we must embrace the new. We must be able to see or
create an opportunity in the new.
Now there are two different attitudes towards learning from
others. One is a dogmatic attitude of transplanting everything, whether or not
is suited to our conditions, the other attitude is to use our heads and learn
those things that suit our conditions and absorb whatever experience is useful
to us. This is the attitude we should adopt.
Theories of Marx, Lenin and Mao should not be regarded as
dogma, but as a guide to action. Studying these theories should not be a matter
of learning terms and phrases but of learning them as the science of
We must see to it that all our cadres constantly bear in
mind that ours is a struggle for a Democratic Socialist Order. Whenever we
happen to be we must treasurer our manpower and material resources, and must
not take short view or indulge in wasteful petty issues as it might be the case
with us concerning the current PAC leadership. If we are not happy with the
leadership we must work tirelessly to usurp that leadership. We must bear in
mind that we are fighting a protracted warfare that must be maintained. 
In order to speed up this political restoration and
development of PAC into a vibrant party to be reckoned we must do our utmost,
in the cause of our struggle. We must destroy and abolition factionalism. We
must take resolute measures against anyone who is destroying our movement by
sewing and exacerbating the seeds of division.
A dangerous tendency has shown itself of late in the PAC
among many of our comrades, the unwillingness to share the gains and hardship
of the struggling masses. This culminated into a concern by oneself of his
personal fame and gains in the expense of the PAC. This
is very bad and it has demonstrated that it can destroy the party. Our party is
suffering because of our mistakes in dealing with concerns in the organisation.
If we are to maintain that we do not recognise the current
leadership which continues to be recognise by legal institutions of this
country, then we are doomed. At the present this is the only PAC leadership
that exist and every one of us who really needs to contribute in the political
development of this country should use the PAC under the current leadership as
the focal point. 
We can never make a meaningful contribution as Pan
Africanists under PAC if our house is in tatters. We should swallow our pride
and do away with our own selfish interests or revenge of whatever and help
resuscitate this movement. Only through radical involvement and robust debates
in a correct PAC platform will we make our contribution and mark in this
political era. As individuals we cannot do much but as PAC we can. By PAC I mean
PAC with NEC, PEC, REC, BEC’s and all the components structures. By PAC I do
not refer to a certain ‘Pac’ under a tree somewhere in South Africa.
If comrades we cannot be true to ourselves we are not able
to take our masses anywhere. I wish to make a challenge to every person that we
should derive the means to unite all the Pan Africanist Forces by April next. 
should stop talking of Unity if they cannot take an initiative. 
To those who continue to use a foul bourgeoisie charterist
language and disrespect other comrades I am saying to them you are synonymous
to the enemies of revolution. YOU ARE ANTI PAC.
Please all comrades with sensible mind and consciousness and
those who do not fear to be labelled and be regarded unpopular and those who
does not fear death by thousands cuts help me in fostering Unity in this
I will only consider and entertain contributions by comrades
who will never address PAC concern in a traditional vulgar bourgeoisie language.
Peace Amongst the Africans and War Against the Enemy

Forward to a United PAC 

From: Mawande Jack 
To: PAYCO Azania ; payco@googlegroups.com; 
ttxu...@yahoo.com; chargein...@gmail.com; gilingwe.maye...@mayecon.co.za; 
Cc: Tsietsi 
Sent: Tue, December 15, 2009 9:13:53 AM
Subject: [PAYCO] new political spaces


Some  disgruntled sections from the ANC-Alliance who had severed links with  
the ruling party are launching initiatives like the

Re: [PAYCO] Ideology

2009-12-16 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele

Please let me take this opportunity to further elaborate more on the question 
of Ideology. The truth is that we have comrades who regard themselves as 
Marxist within PAC. Unfortunately this comrades in their study of Marxism they 
somehow missed Marxism on the question of a National Struggle. If I may qoute 
Marxist cannot be envolved with theoritically upholding Internationalism that 
they dismiss their own Nation's concrete National Liberation Struggle. If that 
happens that would be a caricature of Marxism. Mao referes to those people as 
people who want to liquidate the National question.Nationalism means 
exclusivism and isolation. African Nationalism means and is for equality not 
superiority. As Africans we are the vivtims of Nationalism that preaches 
superiority and inferiority. The masses of Africa wants national equality, 
democratic rights for their nationality equal with all other nations.

Buorgeois Nationalism( ochestrated by ANC,SACP and BEE) isolates the oppresed 
masses from their mass allies and delivers them into the hands of the 
exploiters and reactionaries of their own nationality. The succesful National 
Liberation Movement unless is let by the working class, it will only defeat 
foreighn domination, it does not eliminate class exploitation.This is the case 
with ANC. We have seen liberation Movements defeat foreighn domination only to 
become Neo-Colonial states governed by a domestic buorgeousie who are 
absolutely in collaboration with the Ex-rulers(former colonialists).

Investment under Neo-Colonialism increases rather than decrease the gap between 
the rich and the poor. Neo-colonialism is the worst form of imerialism, those 
who practice it (neo-colonialism) means power without responsibility and for 
those who suffer from it means exploitation without redress.

Comrades who raise or partake in the debates of this issues need to consult. 
Unless you understand PAC and PAN AFRICANISM one will always find it difficult 
to understand and deal with this contradictions. Our words and actions should 
help to unite and not to devide PAC. They should be beneficial and not harmful 
to PAC unity and Africanist Socialist construction.Our words and actions should 
help to consolidate and not to undermine or weaken our democratic centralism. 
Our words and actions should help to strengthen and not to discard or weaken 
the leadership of the PAC.

The method of handling contradictions among PAC cadreship should be by the 
democratic method. The method of discussion, of critisism, of persuation and 
education and not by the method of coercion or repression.

Innevitably the enemies of PAC will give expression to their own ideologies. 
They will stubbonly express themselves on political and ideological question by 
every means. We should not use the method of repression and prevent them from 
expressing themselves, we should allow them to do so and at the same time argue 
with them and direct apropriete criticism to them. We must undoubtedly 
criticise wrong ideas of every description.

It certainly would not be right to refrain from criticism, we cannot look and 
say nothing as wrong ideas spread unchecked and allow them to monopolize the 
situation. Unfortunately we did so. Mistakes must be criticised and poisonous 
weeds fought wherever they crop up. Such criticism should not be dogmatic. What 
is needed is scientific analysis and convincing arguments. To criticise 
comrades short comings is necessary. in doing so we must truly take the stand 
of the Pan Africanists and speak out whole-heartedly with eagerness to protect 

Some comrades in the PAC have become arrogant and high-handed in their behavior 
towards other comrades. They always blame other comrades but never 
themselves.They always see their own achievement but never their own short 
comings. this comrades assert to the notion of "idipendence" usually wedded to 
the doctrine of "me first" and are generally wrong on the question of the 
relationship between the individual and the PAC. Though in words they profess 
respect for the PAC in practice they put themselves first and the PAC second.

This comrades are after fame and position and want to be in the limelight. When 
they are put in charge they assert their "indipendence" with this aim they draw 
some comrades in, push others out and they resort to boasting and touting among 
the comrades importing their valgur style of the bourgeois political parties 
like ANC into PAC. It is their dishonesty that causes their grief.

I believe we should do things honestly for without an honest attitude it is 
absolutely impossible to accomplish anything in this world.


Forward to a socialist revolution.tomorrow a United Monolithic Giant Socialist 
Izwe Lethu

Re: [PAYCO] ja...@avusa.co.za has shared something with you

2010-01-05 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
To All

I just want to congradulate comrade ja...@avusa.co.za for posting such a 
thoughtful material in our political mist and confusion as to what is needed to 
refocus our socialist struggle. I think many of us shy away to say the least 
about what is necessary for our revolution. Comrades we are posting so many 
materials in this network but we continue to fail to produce a program by which 
we will enable our revolution to take its couse. Unfotunately the political 
forces and powers that may be are denying us a chance to share and contribute 
our thoughts in the political shaping of our revolution. We no longer hold 
national conferences. Whenever we gather we discuss and are only interest and 
concern about leadership posts and who is leading our organisation. This 
creates a political vacuum in our organisation.

I will prefare comrades to be honest and voice out their thoughts as opposed to 
just posting a material for comrades to draw their own conclusion. If we 
continue like this we are only delaying our revolution. Please be open on your 
thoughts comrades. We cannot afford to delay our revolution any further.

By any means necessary forward to Africa Socialist Indipendence forward!!!

From: "ja...@avusa.co.za" 
To: payco@googlegroups.com; p...@mailbox.co.za
Sent: Mon, January 4, 2010 4:45:25 PM
Subject: [PAYCO] ja...@avusa.co.za has shared something with you

something to provoke our thoughts


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Re: [PAYCO] Re: Land Invasion at Metsweding Region

2010-01-13 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Izwe Lethu!!

To: payco@googlegroups.com
Sent: Wed, January 13, 2010 2:50:45 PM
Subject: Re: [PAYCO] Re: Land Invasion at Metsweding Region

>Kindly receive my heartfelt greetings Ma-afrika
>The community of metsweding has embark on land invasion programme in a 
>protest to redress the imbalances created by ruling party over fifteen years 
>without proper service delivery particularly the backlog of housing.On 
>saturday the 09/01/2010 morning(05h:30) the community of Ekangala and Refilwe 
>mobilise each other to share equitably what was stolen to them by 
>Aparteid government later ANC provincial governments Gauteng & Mpumalanga when 
>they  failed to resolve the issue of land transfer to municipalities during a 
>cross border dermacations. What sparked the revolutions is that Land is 
>not available to the community whenever they inquire about it but few church 
>leaders and business people continue to develop their respective 
>businesses without any concerned from municipality.
>When the police came to intervene, angry community members protested that they 
>want proper housing for their family members and they won`t relocate anywhere 
>untill their needs has been met.
>therefore Ma Afrika I`m appealing to you that we should join hands with the 
>community of metsweding in execution and sustainability of these programme. 
>Since it falls within the scope of our ideology we would need your  guidance 
>to drive it politically and safe guards the interest of the community. 
>Bear in mind that with or without us the masses will find the way and if 
>revolutionary leaders are not there opportunist would emerge and mislead our 
>revolutions. Its time to restore our pride as Pan Africanist and its only 
>through such relevant programme of actions
>Izwe Lethu
>076 363 
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2010-02-01 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele

Homosexuality is nonsense. We can live with those people but cannot legislate 
their nonsense. If all serial killers likes and enjoy killing I think to some 
that will be their democratic right. We can live with serial killers but cannot 
legislate their right of killing. So majoni stop this democratic nonsense and 
be realistic. We cannot condone homosexuality. Payco comrades who are ANC in 
their thinking must live PAC not later than yesterday. I share Mugabe's view on 
homosexuality "They are worse than dogs" 

Izwe Lethu!

From: Thembeka Majali 
To: payco@googlegroups.com
Sent: Sat, January 30, 2010 2:21:56 PM
Subject: Re: [PAYCO]

Do not impose your views on others and be selective in your definition of an 
african and those are your views not that of the PAC. Its heartening to hear 
such individuals rejecting other fellow africanists because of their sexual 
orientation weather you like it or not there are homesexuals inside the PAC and 
live with that reality. 
Furthermore to your utter rubish PAC signed that liberal rights based SA 
Constitution that you are referring to including your member of Parliament, is 
darking and dancing with that charterists constitution. Politically and 
Strategicallyso, you can amend the countries constitution once you take 
political and economic power but as long as you are a handful of members your 
views are just a dream if you are serious about the growth of your membership. 
Remember PAC's aim is to rally and Unite the africans. 
Many of you sometimes who are now homophobic were once homosexuals or have 
slept with other men but no one wants to interfere with anyones private life or 
sexual orientation. Its fallacious to think that homesexuality has western 
origins, its roots can also be traced in africa particularly among traditional 
healers perhaps you could do your own research about it. 
You are unfair to those african men and women who have given birth to those 
children whose sexual orientation is different from yours. Weather you like it 
or not they will remain as members of the PAC and wont be threatened by such 
There are many youthful issues that you should be responding to not boast about 
your immature intellectual disorientation. 

On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 1:44 PM, Thembeka Majali  

>On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 3:15 PM, khuliso emmanuel  wrote:
>I agree with Mo-Africa Pitso Mphasha. First President of PACYL   
>>Vhahashu Ma-afrika,  homosexuality and lesbianism should be rejected and 
>>condemned as they are regarded as totally unacceptable to cultural norms and 
>>values of African society," those who wants to be Africans, they should 
>>refrain from evil deeds. If PAYCO comrades want to align themselves with the 
>>constitution of these chaterists, they should do so. But PAC Youth League is 
>>saying "gay rights are immoral. It's right in the bible" and anybody who will 
>>be against the PAC Youth League voice will lebelled sellout.  
>>I remain noble son 
>>--- On Thu, 1/28/10, Thembeka Majali  wrote:
>>>From: Thembeka Majali 
>>Subject: Re: [PAYCO]
>>>To: payco@googlegroups.com
>>>Date: Thursday, January 28, 2010, 11:35 AM 
>>>Or maybe ask why did we have Azanian Peoples Revolutionary Party a breakaway 
>>>group from PAC in exile?
>>>On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 11:32 AM, Thembeka Majali 
>>> wrote:
>>>M'afrika what you are asking could be a similar question to why do we have 
>>>some faction calling themselves Youth League or Women's League. Is it about 
>>>branding or moving with fashion times? 
PAYCO I hope you could issue a statement to the Human Rights Commission, 
dismiss those charges against you and publicly distance yourselves from the 
League's confussion.  
Read todays SOWETAN. 

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 11:31 AM, Mothibe, Lucas  

Izwe lethu
>Maafrica I need clarity in the following:
Are we Comrades or Africanist ?
>>>Comrade is  the term that was used by soviets (Marxists and Leninists) when 
>>>greeting each other during those days.
>>>Are we socialist or communist ? 
>>>Are we  for a  National Democratic Revolution(NDR) or  African Nationalism? 
>>>If NDR ,what is the difference between us and SACP. 
>>>Lucas Mothibe 
>>>From:payco@googlegroups.com [mailto:pa...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of 
>>>Mawande Jack
>>>Sent: 19 January 2010 05:24 PM
>>>To: payco@googlegroups.com; PAYCO Azania
>>>Subject: [PAYCO] 
>>>Haiti-A Call For Global Action
>>>by Randall Robinson
>>>January 07, 2004
>>>Part I 
>>>January 1, 1804 – January 1, 2004:
>>>This day is sacred. 
>>>It is the 200th anniversary of the Haitian Revolution. 
>>>Fought by Haitians. 
>>>Won for us all. 
>>>Between 1791 and 1804, hundreds of thousands of Africans enslaved in Haiti 

[PAYCO] Sobukwe Memorial Lecture Speech

2010-03-03 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele

Mister program director, the honourable President of the Pan Africanist 
Congress of Azania (Mr. Letlapa Mphahlele), the former president of the PAC of 
Azania (Bishop Mmutlanyana Stanley Mogoba), senior members of the PAC of 
Azania, distinguished guests, members of the PAC of Azania, ladies and 
gentlemen, I greet you all. Izwelethu!! I-Africa

Mister program director, beloved sons and daughters of Africa, we are today 
gathered together on a great occasion: THE SOBUKWE MEMORIAL LECTURE. We are 
meeting at a time when the global economic downturn has had adverse effects on 
the economies of the countries of the world, African states included. Indeed we 
are meeting at a time when global warming is aggravating this unfavourable 
economic climate in the entire world, whilst, the results of Copenhagen indaba 
are not quite encouraging. During such trying times for Africa and the world as 
a whole, nothing could have been more appreciating than to hold this occasion, 
in honour of the man of the calibre of Robert Managliso Sobukwe; a world class 
political scientist, who was an asset for Africa and the world as a whole. In 
so far as Africa is concerned, he is one of the African leaders who prescribed 
the idea of Pan Africanism as a solution to the problems facing the African 
continent and the African
 people. To the world, he called upon the nations of the world to discover the 
shortest distance between man and man, as the honest way to ensure world peace. 
In his inaugural address at the official launching of the Pan Africanist 
Congress, he preached to the world to accept the idea of the existence of only 
one race: The human race.
He was eloquent on the fact that the PAC of Azania does not recognize any of 
the so called inescapable fundamental differences amongst members of the even 
the three main branches of the human race: the Caucasoids, Mongoloids and 
Afrinoids. He did not subscribe to the theory that there are inherent mental, 
emotional and psychological differences among members of the different branches 
of the human race. He contended the granting of the “rights” on the basis of 
the ethnological origin was actually the entrenching of sectional arrogance of 
the contempt for human worth and disregarded for human dignity. He maintained 
that these were mere efforts to perpetuate the monster of white domination, 
which comfortably tests on the three pillars of;
Merciless political oppression of the African people by the colonists and 
Ruthless economic exploitation of the African people by the colonialists and 
imperialist and
Inhuman social degradation of the African people by colonialist and imperialists

Unfortunately, his warning both to the African leaders and the world leaders 
fell on deaf ears. Consequently, in Africa, the land of plenty, we have endless 
tribal and sectional wars; and in the world arena we are stuck by the absence 
of the world peace.
Mister program director, one of the greatest political scientists the world has 
ever known and a protagonist of Pan Africanism once said, and I quote “Here is 
a tree rooted in African soil, nourished with waters from rivers of Africa. 
Come and sit with us under its shade and become with us, the leaves of the same 
branches and branches of the same tree.” I close the quote. These words are the 
brainchild of Prof Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe, the founding president of the Pan 
Africanist Congress of Azania. From this quotation, it is quite evident that, 
the tree is not alien tree but an indigenous one. In this tree we see life, 
harmony, dynamism and benefit.
As we continue drinking from this well of knowledge, Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe 
also said and I quote “The struggle in South Africa is part of the greater 
struggle throughout the continent for the restoration to the African people of 
the effective control of this land. The ultimate goal of our struggle 
therefore, is the formation of the United States of Africa” I close quote
Mister program director, beloved sons and daughters of Africa, as I proceed 
with the unfolding of this topic, it will be evident that the above two 
quotations neatly sum up the ideology of Pan Africanism.
Mister program director, we live in a world and during times of power and power 
politics. In a world such as this, there is absolutely no room and no 
meaningful or bright future for small splinter states. This is the world of the 
survival of the fittest. Our history serves as a testimony to this stubborn 
fact. One only has to refer to the past historical events, especially the 
petition of Africa, when mother Africa was ruthlessly sliced like a lemon by 
the merciless imperialists and colonialists. Those political vultures share 
their spoils. Countries which participated shamelessly in robbing the African 
people of their land in

Re: [PAYCO] a charade of betrayal

2010-03-09 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
I agree with you 101%. One Apla cadre onced told me just after the 1994 
election that we only give ANC twenty years and people will realise what kind 
of an enimal ANC is.I just hope and wish that as PAC we put our house in order 
or we just rest our difference now and focus more in educating our massess an 
explain all this development which are not new to us for we have been 
anticipating them since our break away from the charterists. Lets carry forward 
where the Status Campaign could not. Apla sticks to its guns no matter what we 
are ready.

Viva PAC 

From: Snow Mokgalabone 
To: payco@googlegroups.com
Sent: Tue, March 9, 2010 12:15:15 PM
Subject: Re: [PAYCO] a charade of betrayal

Well it has been a long time waiting to hear or read this kinds of comments 
from the same people who claim liberation. I can boldly say that, all this 
issues of corruption, mismanagement, malema's, vavi's and the alliance in 
particular are as a results of the negotiated package that gave birth to the 
rainbow nation. I am just emotionally touched that still today a liberation 
movement by the name of PAC cannot elaborate this matters to its own masses 
rather we have the same people who are angry about their own system to 
re-occupy the center stage the party was supposed to be. It is well known fact 
that our disgruntlement cannot be singled out from organisational crisis which 
might be a cooked anticipation like our democracy.

I am smelling a civil war within the ruling party and the alliance immediately 
after the FIFA world cup, and then it will be cascaded down to civil societies. 
My reasons are as follows:

* the continuing service delivery protests as a result of greed by 
Government officials
* infighting of economic resources by the ruling party echelons
* the upcoming NGC of ANC to vilify each other or remove certain 
individuals from offices of power and authority
* the increase in electricity price which will eventually leads to 
increase in basic food and other amenities
The civil war I am referring to, will be funded by the same comrades who are 
currently funded by other institutes to cause chaos, once chaos is caused, a 
new interim administration will be installed by the same people to continue 
serving their interests in a diverse format. Our people will be excited of a 
regime change but with no tangible economic changes at heart but with few 
economic indicators to make ourselves patient for another 20 years. While all 
this is taking place, HIV/AIDS will be rive, the government officials not 
serving the people anymore but chowing each other through polotiking as usual.

There is just a PAC that is needed to address all this things.look at what 
is taking place in other countries here in AFRIKA the same things I attempted 
to allude to.


On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 10:49 AM, Mawande Jack  wrote:

> Mandela let us down, says Winnie  
>March 09 2010 at 07:32AM  Get IOL on your
>mobile at 
> m.iol.co.za 
>By Colin Fernandez
>Nelson Mandela has been 
>  accused by his former wife of betraying South Africa's black 
>  population.
>In a savage attack, Winnie Mandela said he had done 
>  nothing for the poor and should not have accepted the Nobel peace prize 
>  with the man who jailed him, FW de Klerk.
>The 73-year-old said her 
>  ex-husband had become a "corporate foundation" who was "wheeled out" 
> only 
>  to raise money for the ANC party he once led.
>She said Archbishop 
>  Desmond Tutu was a "cretin" and claimed the sacrifices of Steve Biko and 
>  others in the fight against apartheid were being overlooked.
>  comments were apparently made in an interview on Monday with Nadira 
>  Naipaul, the wife of novelist V S Naipaul.
>Mrs Mandela became notorious in 1991 when she was 
>  jailed for six years for the kidnap of Stompie Moeketsi - a sentence 
> later 
>  cut to a fine.
>Stompie, 14, had been murdered three years earlier 
>  by members of Mrs Mandela's bodyguard, the Mandela United Football 
>  Club.
>She also caused outrage by endorsing the punishment of 
>  apartheid collaborators with "necklacing" - putting burning tyres around 
>  their necks.
>On Monday she said: "This name Mandela is an albatross 
>  around the necks of my family.
>"You all must realise that Mandela 
>  was not the only man who suffered. There were many others, hundreds who 
>  languished in prison and died.
>"Mandela did go to prison and he 
>  went in there as a young revolutionary but look what came 
>  out.
>"Mandela let us down. He agreed to a bad deal for the blacks. 
>  Economically we are still on the outside. The economy is very much 
>  'white'.
>"I cannot forgive him for going to receive the Nobel with 
>  his jailer De Klerk. Hand in hand they went. Do you think De Kler

Re: [PAYCO] *sigh*

2010-03-29 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele

Forces if we are realistic it should be known by every PAC member that 
revolution does not come easy. This is because PAC is a revolutionary movement 
which strives for total liberation and not for constitunal rights as the ANC 
was. We are therefore confronted with a huge task of having to defeat all the 
emperialist countries that have something to benefit in this country. So all 
the capitalists and underdogs like the malemas will do much to bury and 
discredit the PAC. PAC alone remain a biggest thread to empirialism in this 
country. PAC therefore should visit time and again Maoist revolutionary 
teachings. At this moment let us embrace our demise and wait for the Azanian 
massess to be ready for revolution.We know that elections in this capitalist 
set up will never deliver us to our goal. Not in this era. So comrades we are 
fighting a protacted warfare. A revolution in our lifetime. So lets not wory 
about micky mouse politics and continue to teach our
 people true politics and mobilise them based on our aims and objectives of our 
revolutionary struggle.

We must not despair. Time will tell

Izwe lethu!!

From: Lucky Khoza 
To: payco@googlegroups.com
Sent: Mon, March 29, 2010 8:31:40 AM
Subject: Re: [PAYCO] *sigh*

As much as I agree with you that Careerism, factionalism, parliament
causes a lot of problems in the party,but I reject the idea off
closing shop. This statement can only be uttered by the enemies of the
PAC. As they did year in and year out, even those who claim to be the
party's leaders.

The party still has the capable leaders in all structures,but the PAC
has no leadership and cadre development strategy. Party members lack
ideological cohesion which affects its leadership hence we find
ourselves in this situation of careerism, factionalism, parliament and
etcs. Remember you are in a party without a national Programme of
action that would unite party structures and leaders to a common goal
and of cause that common goal is not anywhere near careerism or
parliament. Lastly we lack a national leader with a vision and
ideologically grounded who can marshall all party members towards a
common goal and those are the aims and objectives adopted on the
formation of the party. We are a party with a rich history and the
only party with viable policies for Africans in Africa.

In this time of our struggle we need all Africanist to come together
so that we can be able to defeat neo-colonialism, it's not time to
call it a day now. The PAC has got a lot to offer to the country, the
continent and the globe at large.

Courage MaAfrika

Izwe Lethu!!!

Lucky Khoza

On 3/28/10, Katlego Mphomane  wrote:
> I am of an opinion that the PAC fold its flag and put it in the
> museum. The PAC is good as dead, Ma'Afrika all of us are raping the
> memories of all MARTYRS that this org produced in its glory
> days.Careerism,factinalism,paliarment etc. has killed the PAC.
> --
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2010-03-30 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Mo Afrika Lesufi your atterances are the ones which perpertuate the demise of 
this movement. You must stop to refere to any of PAC comrades as lumpens or 
whatever. We are part of those comrades and we remain true to this movement. 
You are only pointing one finger to others forgeting the rest of your fingers 
are pointing at you. So we are all PAC comrades and we respect the decision of 
other comrades who still share the Sobukwe dream. Payco alone cannot rectify 
the problems within this movement. All of us are very much responsible in 
resusitating this organisation. Don't further cause disunity in this movement. 
We are tired of people like you who continues to further devide this movement. 
Be true to yourself and the rest of African massess and provide a harmonias 
solution to their demise. Don't boast about the legitimacy of Payco. Provide us 
with a working progamme that will unite this movement. We do not want Payco to 
end up like we did as Azanyu
 Revolutionary watchdogs. 

Comrades need to be very sensitive about the problems in this organisation. We 
all have a share in our movement demise. We therefore has a duty to perform in 
irradicating this demise.

Izwe Lethu!

From: Leaganoshi Lesufi 
To: payco@googlegroups.com; Cunningham Ngcukana 
; Yandisa Ngcuka 
; just...@lebea.co.za; sero...@hotmail.com; 
mophol...@yahoo.co.uk; Lulamile Ntonzima ; 
nkru...@lantic.net; thembeka.maj...@gmail.com; crosby.njwab...@webmail.co.za; 
Loyiso Mfuku ; Tulani Pike ; 
Sent: Tue, March 30, 2010 10:14:08 AM
Subject: RE: [PAYCO] RE:

M'Akrika Mduduzi & Fellow Africanists,
I share your sentiments we all long for normality within the PAC, nevertheless, 
the reality currently is that we are in the state of anarchy without a 
legitimate leadership. Things are in an unpleasant state such that when we go 
to conferences we do not even have time for PLENARY so as to generate consensus 
on leadership and other businesses of meetings of this nature.
Currently PAYCO boasts to be the only component structure of PAC that is 
unified along a POA in IOTA (Ideologize, Organize for Take-over) except for the 
lumpens who call themselves pac youth league. The formation of the league did 
not come about as a result of you differences, however, due to fcational 
interest of the Letlapa camp with unPAC constitution adopted at the Alice.
Hence, we call all Africanist to rally behind PAYCO to rescue PAC from the 
destructors and political thieves. We will be creating a platform members to ca 
be able to be members in good standing, perhaps in the form of a Judicially 
Administrated PAC Bank Account so that we can all renew our membership. We are 
expolring every avenue. We need everybody on board.
In the meantime you may want to suuport us financially as well, particularly 
for the maintainance of the PAYCO Website and PAYCO-Mayihlome News Services.
Attached please find our Bank Details. Please lets use name & surname as 
reference. As promised before on request we will make available Financial 
Reports on all the contributions we receive especially to those who continue to 
support the cause.
Izwe Lethu I Afrika, Lest We Forget!
Leaganoshi Lesufi
PAYCO Treasurer General
--- On Tue, 3/30/10, Mduduzi Sibeko  wrote:

>From: Mduduzi Sibeko 
>Subject: RE: [PAYCO] RE:
>To: payco@googlegroups.com, "Cunningham Ngcukana" 
>, "Yandisa Ngcuka" 
>, just...@lebea.co.za, sero...@hotmail.com, 
>mophol...@yahoo.co.uk, "Lulamile Ntonzima" , 
>nkru...@lantic.net, thembeka.maj...@gmail.com, crosby.njwab...@webmail.co.za, 
>"Loyiso Mfuku" , "Tulani Pike" 
>, sndam...@pac-cape.org.za
>Date: Tuesday, March 30, 2010, 10:14 AM
> >
>Looking at these sentiments it very sad to observe that the PAC will always 
>suffer from internal scuffles. When I was a young PASO  and AZANYU in the 
>early nineties I picked up a paper from the ground dropped deliberately or not 
>I m uncertain. But, it had this caption “ has Sobukwe dream turned into 
>rivalry or infighting ?”. my point is that after the demise of uncle Zeph no 
>leader in the PAC has enjoyed a plenary support within the file and rank 
>members of the organization. From Makwethu up to now, we are still suffering 
>from failing to elect leaders that we support or perhaps we support them and 
>withdraw our support latter. I am saying this as I have observed that there is 
>a lot of attacks taking place within the PAYCO itself. When will we elect 
>leaders that will enjoy a plenary support from the organization ?
>Mduduzi Sibeko
>011 724 9298 
>From:payco@googlegroups.com [mailto:pa...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of 
>Mahlangu, Congress
>Sent: Monday, March 29, 2010 4:34 PM
>To: Cunningham Ngcukana; Yandisa Ngcuka; just...@lebea.co.za; 
>sero...@hotmail.com; mophol...@yahoo.co.uk; Lulamile Ntonzima; 
>nkru...@lantic.net; thembeka.maj...@gmail.com; crosby.njwab...@webmail.co.za; 


2010-04-06 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele

I think it is clear now to everyone of us to conclude that we commited a 
biggest mistake by participating in the negotiations that we knew will never 
deliver a true freedom to our people. PAC leaders then under President Makwetu 
conspired to accept what the settler regime was offering and inturn they forced 
it down our throughts with a notion of a constituent assembly so that we accept 
this negotiations. Also the front line states under the leadership of President 
Mugabe made it sure that we as PAC accept this crump. This has now brought a 
nightmare to the party and will take a momentous task to deal with it. Like one 
comrade who said we have now became revolutionary lumpens. We are only using 
PAC basic documents to suit and push for our personal agendas. It might not be 
every one of us but we do. We should just take a bolt stand and re-adopt the 
1959 Manifesto and constitution. All other adoptions should follow from the 
1959 Manifesto. In that way we
 will be really talking about going back to basics.
Comrade I think you are raising thorny issues that will see PAC taking a 
revolutionary path that is. Unfortunately we continue to waste time by talking 
while things continue to fall apart. At this juncture PAC members and Pan 
Africanists in general should strive for a national gathering that will usher 
in the drawing of a programme of action. In that gathering we should disband 
all the current committees,be it PAC,Payco,PACYL,AWO,Pawo,Aplamva,Aplava,Paso 
and Palf. The program will then guide us as to what kind of leadership we 
should have and how is this leadership going to be elected. In this way we will 
deal with careerism within the party and will truelly see resurection of this 
organisation. Our politics are still relavant only our deeds are wrong.

This is the least I can say. I know comrades will come forwadely with a clear 
program which will provide us with a clear strategy to resurect this movement 
and not see us breeding and grooming other lumpens.

Please comrade Cunningham, Mawandi and others work towards creating a program 
that will save this movement. We can't wait any longer.

With this song "a si yenzi luthu ngomlomo"
Izwe Lethu


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2010-04-14 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Comrade Mduduzi

There was one comrade I knew who had a book on David Sibeko about his 
involvement in the UN. It was a green book with the face of David Sibeko. I 
happen to see this book arround 1990-1993. unfortunately the comrade passed 
away arround 2007/8 and was then a member of DA. His name was Makopo in 
Lebowakgomo Township Limpopo. His children are staying at Vosloorus. Comrades 
like Kingdom at Lebowakgomo/Mahwelereng should know the where abouts of this 
meterial as there was a huge collection of other PAC external mission materials 
at the hands of this comrade.

Izwe Lethu!

From: Mduduzi Sibeko 
To: Cunningham Ngcukana ; 
payco@googlegroups.com; k...@executivemail.co.za
Sent: Wed, April 14, 2010 4:26:12 PM
Subject: [PAYCO] 

Hi Cunningham:
By a chance I was watching a documentary on DSTV,  I can’t
remember which channel it was. But the discussion there at the UN Headquarters
centered around the Cuban Missile crisis of the early seventies. Acute 
between the US including its allies and the soviet including its empire or
rather satellite States. David Sibeko, appeared on the UN video clip and his 
which lasted about seven munities or more was very illuminating and refreshing.
This unsung hero of the Azanian struggle contribution has fallen in to
oblivion. Has anyone ever undertaken to take the spade and dig what lies
beneath the history of this gallant fighter ?
Mduduzi Sibeko
011 724 9298

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2010-05-03 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele

Comrade I remain puzzled by our inability to come up with a lasting solution to 
our party demise. We continuasly refer to the programme that will address our 
demise. Can't we draw that programme and paste it here for further discusion 
and perusal? It is so sad that a party which habours such great thinking tanks 
who understand the dynamics of a revolution can fail to address and come with 
implimentable solution to our demise. Majoni we are no longer wasting time 
infact we are driving all the remaining Pan Africanists remnants within the 
party to its early grave. I truely sympathise with the comrades who were forced 
by circumstances to leave this party and found themself in the hands of 
charterists bouegeousies. We have heard what you have to say. Can you provide 
us with a wayforward to address our demise. Inkulumo yeno is now deafening our 
ears. Azanians are waiting impatiantly for the lasting solution to their 
revolution that went apace. we can work
 within the community and do well but will always be identified with PAC a 
"FLAT TYRE". At this moment every PAC member should draft a silmple one or two 
page discusion document to outline the wayforward.

Izwe Labo!!( Macherter)!! Sorry Majoni!! Izwe Lethu!!

From: Mduduzi Sibeko 
To: Cunningham Ngcukana ; 
payco@googlegroups.com; Mawande Jack ; sero...@hotmail.com; 
Khaliphile Sizani ; Loyiso Mfuku ; 
Yandisa Ngcuka ; loymcit...@webmail.co.za; 
just...@lebea.co.za; kwamendeb...@webmail.co.za; Lulamile Ntonzima 
; Simphiwe Nofuma ; 
Sent: Mon, May 3, 2010 2:33:20 PM
Subject: [PAYCO] RE:

Hi Cunningham
I t I recall some years in one
of our congress your car tires were pricked,  Patric  Baleka was very
angry with that. Who was involved in that ? were you at odds with those that
did this ? Do you remember Baleka. What happened to him , I heard that he
Joined COPE.
From:Cunningham Ngcukana
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2010 12:20 PM
To: Mduduzi Sibeko; payco@googlegroups.com; Mawande Jack;
sero...@hotmail.com; Khaliphile Sizani; Loyiso Mfuku; Yandisa Ngcuka;
loymcit...@webmail.co.za; just...@lebea.co.za; kwamendeb...@webmail.co.za;
Lulamile Ntonzima; Simphiwe Nofuma; crosby.njwab...@webmail.co.za
Subject: RE: 
Hi Mduduzi
I was part of the
first meetings leading to the Convention and Thohoyandou.
The meetings were
held at SACWU with Sthembele Khala; Mudini Maivha; myself
and many comrades. We
debated the issue of leadership and Mogoba. I rasised
a critical concern
that without policies; strategies and tactics I has a problem of 
focussing on
individuals. I raised the issue of Mogoba as a person who was outside
the party mainstream
and not aware of dynamics. I raised the issue of Muendane’s history
in the party in
Robben Island and the external mission. The refrain was that Uncle Zeph
had asked everybody
to return back to the party. I raised the concern of Muendane’s
inability to submit
himself to leadership by any person and such a character as a danger.
Cde Jaki Seroke would
remember these numerous meetings. The other concern was
that the process was
driven by Gauteng based comrades without input from key bases
of the party like the
Western Cape and the former Transkei and I feared a backlash from
structures and cadres
whom I had worked with.
As a result I neither
attended the Convention nor Thohoyandou Conference as I did not
want to participate
in a flawed process that was looking for a Messiah.
Mogoba I subsequently
met with the leaders of the labour movement and underground
comrades. He promised
consultation and an advisory structure like a politburo and he
disappeared after
that. Muendane attempted a process of policy development with a 
chosen coterie of
people and wanted to jettison socialism from the PAC political and ideological
approach. Mogoba was
chased by lumpens in Cape Town who were a Makwethu faction and
Muendane effected
revenge to those he had a score to settle. 
Mogoba was a priest
not a political animal even Dandala was better. He roped in Mayende who
has no clue of
economics and who wrote paraffin called the land policy of the PAC a 
similar thing
Sipho Shabalala wrote
As an economic policy of PAC without any economic bearing or understanding.
The PAC was so far
removed from the grass roots structures and was run in a corporatist manner.
This allowed a revolt
that carried Pheko into the leadership by branches with populism without
Kind Regards
Cunningham Ngcukana
From:Mduduzi Sibeko
Sent: 03 May 2010 11:05
To: Cunningham Ngcukana; payco@googlegroups.com; Mawande Jack;
sero...@hotmail.com; Khaliphile Sizani; Loyiso Mfuku; Yandisa Ngcuka;
loymcit...@webmail.co.za; just...@lebea.co.za; kwamendeb...@webmail.co.za;
Lulamile Ntonzima; Simphiwe Nofuma; crosby.njwab...@webmail.co.za
Subject: RE: 
There was euphoria when Mokgoba
took the helm of the PAC. It was

Re: [PAYCO] Fwd: Raymond Nkrumah Kgagudi wrote on your Wall...

2010-05-04 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Mo Afrika Tladi

In the interest of UNITY WITHIN THE PAC the PAN AFRICANIST MOVEMENT in general 
I do not expect you to answer to this comrade in the maner you did. You sound 
very much an angry person. Unfortunately your anger is misdirected. You are the 
spokes person of PAYCO and in the name of PAC. I need to remind you that PAYCO 
is synonimus to PAC. So PAC comrades in whatever fuction within PAC will always 
find a way to contribute in whatever matter associated with PAC. Comrades will 
never remain mute in matters that concern and affect PAC. People who contribute 
here are not neccesarly PAYCO members, but they remain Pan Africanists in their 
chosen sphere. At the moment PAC is on a retrospective stance and whatever 
contribution by comrades will be more appreciated than your anger. Comrade we 
are seeking a way for unity of interest in the PAC and you instead chose to 
disunite the comrades. You are breaking one principle of Pan Africanism that is 
you don't need my lacture you should know this. All I am cautioning here is a 
thorny issue of disunity in our movement and cannot tolerate comrades who 
continue to sore and nurish the seed of disunity in this SOBUKWE SHIP.


From: sello mafrika Tladi 
To: payco@googlegroups.com
Sent: Tue, May 4, 2010 2:38:47 PM
Subject: Re: [PAYCO] Fwd: Raymond Nkrumah Kgagudi wrote on your Wall...

Which capacities are you giving this advise to PAYCO both of you as PAC 
supporters or sympathisers.Last time we spoke to Raymond myself and PAYCO 
President he told us that he does not want to be associated with PAC youth wing 
Mabaso I hope you are not lost this PAYCO FORUM not  of that ghost you formed 
with Thami.I refuse to call it with the name of revolutionary movement that was 
formed to defend revolution in occupied Azania.
You used to be useful in the PAC but not today.
counter revolutionaries will never chat a revolutionary way forward

On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 2:14 PM, Chargein Mabaso  wrote:

I agree with Nrumah. As Pan Africanists we have correct political line and 
ideology. Problem: rhetoric and vulgarizaton of Pan Africanism. Our main rival, 
the ruling party, mastered what Pan Africaists are very weak at doing: 
understanding and practicing political hegemony and the notion of "From the 
masses, to the masses..."(mass line). You may call it Stalinism, but it works. 
That's what kept and still keeps the ANC and other political parties in power. 
That's , political influence and control of the thinking of the whole society 
at large(workers, peasants, business people, professionals, academcs, clerics 
and atheists, cerebrities, sports people, pensioners, women, youth,students, 
etc). These are all the people who will either take us to or remove us from 
power depending on who has won their hearts and minds, not our members. If not, 
South Africa will be under the minority rule of a group of terrorists who can 
sieze power only  through force of arms,
 not through international accepted democratic practices (popular votes). 
>Cunningham and other Pan Africanists in NACTU owes us an explanation for their 
>faiulre to do what is expected of them, just like Vavi and other trade union 
>leaders. MDC is  today  a serious threat in Zimbabwe with its pro-West ideas 
>because of unions under its apron strings.  What is different between NACTU 
>and other trade unions  in the whole world? 
>I still believe with the full support of influential unions and other 
>formations of the civil society we can rule this country from tommorrow 
>onward. I have not doubts. Let's just address address all our failures and 
>weaknesses. And then go t the voters. Door-to-door campaign is what we 
>inherited from Sobukwe and his cabinet. Arm-chair politics will continue 
>keeping Pan Africanists out of power in South Afica. 
>PAYCO group must be used only to refine our ideoogy; to iron out ideological 
>strggles, not for rhetorics and complaining about ANC outperforming us in the 
>election game. We must answer challenges facing the movement, such as : 
>   * Pan Africanism wthout Pan Africanists
>   * Africanist Socalist Democracy v.s New Democracy in SA 
>   * United States of Africa or Unified Socialist Africa
>   * United States of Africa  without  socalist States or socialists
>   * Pan Afrcanism: Capitalism or Socialism? 
>   * Private planned or State planned economy 
>   * Malema's nationalisation : Capitalist or Socalist route? Difference??
>   * Return of land: How??
>   * Transfer of economic power: How??
>   * etc
>On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 12:31 PM, sello mafrika Tladi  wrote:
>>-- Forwarded message --
>>From: Facebook 
Date: Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 12:18 PM
>>Subject: Raymond Nkrumah Kgagudi wrote on your Wall...

Re: [PAYCO] Fwd: Raymond Nkrumah Kgagudi wrote on your Wall...

2010-05-06 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Izwe Lethu!

I think Majoni with such honest debates as that of Mo Afrika Mmbara we might 
see the light at the end of the tunnel. At last hope will be emparted to the 
African people and will be releaved of their demise under the ANC goverment and 
will be convinced that PAC at last might deliver them from capitalist evil 
perpertuated by ANC goverment.It is true that our leadership were and continue 
to be sympathetic to the ruling party. I realy do not recall a time where PAC 
leadership has expressed their distaste of the neo-liberal and capitalist 
bougeousie goverment of ANC. Like I said earlier that some of us are even 
embrasing ANC leaders.
Let me say this in Biblical terms as Sobukwe has said'It is now that we have to 
choose for we will in simple terms say that those who are not with us are 
against us.

Izwe Lethu!!

From: Hulisani Mmbara 
Sent: Thu, May 6, 2010 11:21:08 AM
Subject: RE: [PAYCO] Fwd: Raymond Nkrumah Kgagudi wrote on your Wall...

  M'Afrika Charge-In
It is true that PAYCO supported Letlapa's Presidential campaign on the basis 
that as president, together with the leadership collective would tackle the 
ruling party and make the party more visible and present in the national 
political landscape. He agreed that he would adopt a combative approach towards 
the ruling ANC. We also expected him to play a significant role to undermine 
factionalism in the party through a revolutionary programme of action which 
would keep members of the party focused on mass struggles. We further expected 
him to support all componet structures to effectively fullfil their roles in 
the party. 
However this was not to be. We realised that he was not prepared at all to 
speak against the ANC. He became a perpetrator of factionalism par execellence. 
He refused and obstructed the NEC from coming up with any strategic document or 
a programme of action. He undermined component structures. It was against this 
background that we withdraw our principled support for him and called on him to 
step down because it was then clear to us that we have been duped to support 
another side of the coin of the same ANC programme that Godi was pushing. 
It has became apparent that all presidential candidates including Thami ka 
Plaatjie where carry the same ANC programme. All of them where competing to 
deliver the PAC to the ANC. Their conduct to date bears testimony to that. All 
of them are ANC lackeys. 
That Letlapa could not be reedemed became clear to us when the resolution of 
the policy conference held in Cape Town in December 2006 where frustrated and 
ultimately thrown out of the window. But we remained patient and some of us 
volunteered to work in the office for more than six months since beginning of 
2007 in order to strengthen the party. 
You will remember comrade Charge-In that before Letlapa invoke the decree it 
was none other that PAYCO represented by myself who opposed Letlapa's 
unilateral decision to remove you as secretary for finance on the basis of 
non-performance. I specifically told the NEC that nobody in the NEC, including 
Letlapa has been assessed, that there was no peformance model in place to do 
such assessment and that the President cannot remove elected officials 
willy-nilly according to his mood on any given day. Another major problem was 
that he did absolutely nothing to secure the relocation of the Secretary 
General, Ahmed Cassim, despite the fact that the NEC and the NWC resolved many 
time on this issue. 
In December 2007 PAYCO took a decision to withdraw its support for Letlapa 
because it was clear that he was carrying a counter revolutionary mandate. We 
made this decision publicly known in January 2008, after conveying the same 
message to Letlapa in person, during the same month and have been consistent 
ever since. As PAYCO president at the time, i lead this particular move from 
the front and in the process made myself enemies amongst slow learners in the 
party for allegedly dragging our dirty linen in public. However i am happy to 
say those who vehemently opposed us at the time also joined us later after, 
especially after the discredited Alice congress.
The biggest lesson we learned with the Letlapa experience is that we must never 
again allow inactive members of the party to lead the PAC again. We repeated 
the same problem that created Mogoba and Pheko, all of them fetched from the 
wilderness top come and lead the PAC. We must never repeat that mistake. No 
leader of the PAC is good enough to lead the PAC unless such leader takes an 
active role in the party otherwise you end up with elements who have the 
mandate to carryout enemy progammes infiltrating the leadership of the party.
I will express my views in some deatil to Raymond's comments and many similar 
comments around PAYCO media strategy some other time. All i can say for

Re: [PAYCO] Did you hear about the pseudo PAC unity meeting?

2010-05-10 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Comrade Mmbara

I think a party that does not have a fartherly figure will always find itself 
in a state of dispair as in the case of PAC. Mlambo remains a member of Apla 
High Command. He is a father to PAC. Your disrespect of him and his proposal is 
really questionable as to what really the agenda you are pushing. Do you really 
hate Letlapa so much that whatever initiative to help build PAC that includes 
Letlapa becomes counter revolutionary to you. If I may ask what revolution did 
you fight to can lecture revolutionaries like Mlambo and Latlapa about 
revolution. Comrade I need to emphasis that we will support whatever initiative 
to help build PAC. We cannot support initiative designed to further cause 
disunity in this movement. The convention you refered to remains a factional 
move to some of us and we couldin't support it. This is a clarion call by 
Mlambo to address the imparse in the Africanist movement and you want to 
redicule him, an Apla High Commander trying to
 rebuild the PAC. Comrade you must really re-think yourself and apologise to 
PAC members and Mlambo in particular. If you cannot support this initiative 
shut and save yourself.
Just watch it you do not be classified a counter revolutionary.


Every betrayer...every collaborater deserves a ...

From: Hulisani Mmbara 
Sent: Mon, May 10, 2010 7:27:20 PM
Subject: [PAYCO] Did you hear about the pseudo PAC unity meeting?

  A Discussion from the wall of PAYCO Facebook group page between April 15 and 
April 20, 2010 
Justice Mvakali 

April 15 at 6:36pm
Hulisani Mmbara 
Ø  What is the basis and kind of unity that Mlambo is calling for? Letlapa 
Mphahlele is a sell out and all his structures are carrying out a 
counter-revolutionary programme to destroy the PAC. Does Mlambo want us to 
unite with that programme? This call is in my view an infiltration by counter 
revolutionary forces in the party to neutralize and ultimately defeat the 
progressive agenda to rebuild and reposition the PAC. It is clear that Letlapa 
and company are out of order. Did Mlambo ever call them to order?
April 18 at 12:56pm
Hulisani Mmbara 
Ø  Why can't Mlambo focus on enjoying his pension and stop causing confusion in 
the PAC? Since when is Mlambo a leader enough to broker unity in the Party? He 
pretends to be for unity of the PAC but where was he all this time? Letlapa has 
been wrecking havoc since 2007. Where was Mlambo and what did he do? We will 
not allow people to use their seniority in the party to infiltrate external 
programmes into the party under the pretext of 'unity'. 
April 18 at 1:06pm 
Hulisani Mmbara 
Ø  What we need is a return to constitutionality and legitimate leadership not 
Mlambo's monkey business.
April 18 at 1:09pm 
Hulisani Mmbara 
Ø  We must not allow anyone to deflect our focus from core issues and 
challenges that confront us now. Unity will take care of itself through a 
programme of action of the PAC. We can't have academic debates about unity. 
Unity is always unity in action. Once there is order, leadership and a 
programme of action. That’s when we will see unity. Unity must be seen through 
collective action. We can't romanticize about unity. Unity must be unity of the 
same minds and action. Unity is found in action, not cheap sentiments!
April 18 at 1:21pm 
Vuyo Mo Ludidi 
Ø  M'Afrika Mmbara you seem to be against the call by Cde Mlambo. Can you 
substantiate your position as I’m convinced you are not against the idea of 
unity but rather the initiative, I suspect. Izwe Lethu!
April 19 at 4:01pm 
Justice Mvakali 
April 19 at 5:34pm 
Hulisani Mmbara 
Ø  Comrades I am not against unity in principle which means rallying around 

Re: [PAYCO] Convention of confusion

2010-05-19 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Mo Afrika Kwame

Maybe comrade I should remind you that Letlapa, Modini and Skwatcha I just the 
few leaders of PAC. We are the PAC. I don,t think we should put much blame on 
what is happening in the PAC on those few. The trueth is those few represent 
the majority of PAC members and that leaves you and other comrades or rather a 
handful so called conventionalist a faction in the PAC. By that fact you remain 
a faction. Please there are sensible comrades in the PAC who do not want to 
correct one wrong with a thousant wrongs. You know you are also wrong. What 
puzzles me is that in the whole issue you guys think that you are messiahs. You 
see no wrong in you. You potray yourself as if you are purer than any person in 
this movement. Comrade you are very few and cannot dictate to the majority 
members of this organisation your perceived wrong ideas. You are furthure 
destroying this organisation. Whenever a matter of unity arise you remain so 
mute. Instead you are critisizing
 without bringing any altanative. So between us and you who are destroying this 
I need to be true to yourself, either you are agents who are bount to destroy 
this organisation or you are fullfilling the agendas of those few comrades who 
want a piece of cake in a neo colonialist loot.
I think it is time that the inteligents members of this organisation should try 
and expose people who are agents of destruction in this movement, so that we 
separate agents from innocent disillusioned comrades. The few we remain the 
better. We cannot tolerate you to destroy a few at the expense of many. 
Letlapa, Modini and Skwatsha are only PAC leaders we are the PAC.

Down with your destructive motives. Down with wolves in the sheeps skin. 

From: "kwamendeb...@webmail.co.za" 
To: payco@googlegroups.com
Sent: Wed, May 19, 2010 1:28:42 PM
Subject: Re: [PAYCO] Convention of confusion

Comrade Tumelo,

I respond to your open letter directed to myself, Hulisani Mmbara, Thapelo
and the progressive forces that attended the Cape Town Convention. I
personally feel sorry for you as you are trying your level best to defend
the undefendable and to convince yourselve that PAC under Mphahlele has
made massive strides and has grown in size. Let me help you as a dear
comrade, wake up! wake up! its nothing but a bad dream, infact an

First and foremost let me declare to you that I come from Newcastle
region, Branch 25 (our branches are ward based) and we have 17 fully
fledged branches in a Municipality with 31 wards) and can safely tell you
that I have been involve in the establishment of all these branches. In
2007 my branch submitted its forms and deposited money for 50 members to
the National office and our money was chowed by Skhwatsha, Mudini and
Letlapa. I am truly a street fighter and just cannot be bullied by other
boys. Yes I was brought up by my grandmother and not ashamed nor do I feel
small. Rest assured son of the soil that I am not traumatised nor stressed
by my family background rather it has taught me to be resilient and always
fight for justice hence I joined the PAC not ANC or any other party as it
sought to create a just society founded on socialist principles.

You are correct I get emotional where PAC is concerned, particularly when
its destroyed from within. I expect any genuine PAC member to be emotional
when PAC that embodies the aspirations, interests and needs of our people
is crushed. Mind you people sacrificed their lives for PAC, some
sacrificed their youth for PAC, some went to Jail for PAC, some risked the
lives of their family members for PAC. PAC is anchored on the pain,
sacrifices and suffering of our people therefore it is highly impossible
not to be emotional where PAC is concerned, surely you would know that if
you were committed and passionate as some of us are about PAC, its history
and its achievements.

Let me pause for now would respond to other issues you raised when I get

Izwe lethu!!!


> Open letter to Mmbara,Linda,Thapelo Matseba and the entire hooligans
> emerged from the so called PAC National convention
> Ma afrika!, i’ve been so quiet and observant on some of your progressive
> debate but now allow me to address you one by one on facts not fiction.
> 1.Mmbara who are you in fact?, you claims to be representing task team of
> the PAC, is that not correct?, if you are, who tasked you to perform that
> duty?.Are you aware that your booze convention was meant for confused
> individuals who are not PAC members or leaders including you?, if you are
> contesting that fact why your coordinators didn’t invite the provincial
> leaderships of the PAC. What informs your convention?, stress or
> entertainment?.
> 2.Linda, from which branch of the PAC are you coming from?, why are you
> always insulting and labelling PAC leaders as  veranda boys?, what kind of
> a boy are you, street boy or traumatised boy raised by a single parent?, i

Re: [PAYCO] Indeed PAC needs Unity

2010-05-23 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Mo Afrika Kwame

Joni lets not make this issue of unity a shallow misdirected topic. Leadership 
of Letlapa is very much recognised in our constitutional institution . We 
cannot continue to disregard this fact. You can argue much on this issue, you 
can even give practical references to this issue but the trueth of the matter 
is that Letlapa's leadership is recognised not only by our neo liberal 
constitution, it is also recognised by the 40 000 plus people who voted PAC in 
the last election which remains questionable if you and your other comrades 
ever contributed or participated in that simple minority vote for PAC. So 
comrade you can shout at your loudest voice and only a handful of your faction 
will ever hear you. What remains to the majority of PAC comrades is that Payco 
is for the distruction of PAC based on their hate or rather a personal hate to 
Letlapa and others. This unity does not concern Letlapa and few others, it 
concern the majority of us who want to see a
 united PAC. Your excusses cannot be accepted. You are either for the unity of 
PAC or you are unti unity of PAC period. 

For Africanist Unity!! Viva PAC

From: Dzumbu Mmbara 
Sent: Fri, May 21, 2010 11:27:49 AM
Subject: [PAYCO] Indeed PAC needs Unity

1 Hour, 50 Minutes ago

Dear Africanists,

Allow me to express my self on the issue of Unity talks as propagated and 
envisaged by party stalwarts like Johnson Mlambo, Dr Stanley Mogoba, Joe 
Mkhwanazi and other party founding members. The idea of unity and cohesion in 
the PAC is paramount and supported by PAYCO and surely by all in the PAC. 

Having said the above, as PAYCO we believe any talk of unity must be founded on 
shared common goals and driven by common desires. We stand for unity of 
purpose, hence we've been calling for unity of purpose and the adoption of a 
National Programme of Action that would drive and direct our programmes, 
activities and goals as an organisation. We share the concerns raised by the 
comrades who are propagating for Unity Talks, but we disagree with the approach 
adopted completely. We believe any attempt to handle party unity cannot succeed 
as long as those who lead that process are not brutally honest with those they 
are trying to unite. For starters, we have not heard these leaders denouncing 
factionalism that is fueled by Mphahlele in the party, rejecting the creation 
of parallel structures, physical assaults to party members, non distribution of 
party membership cards, disbandment of structures that refuse to support an 
Agenda to destroy the party and total
 disregard of party constitution. We expect those who lead this process to 
speak out against these destructive tendencies as they have been unashamed to 
attack PAYCO for its non support of the Unity Talks.

PAYCO can also put on record that it has not been formally engaged on this 
matter , which is quite strage. You would normally expect that structures would 
be formally engaged individually on the objectives of the process and be given 
an opportunity to interrogate the entire process and to take into confidence 
its structures on the ground. This has not been the case with these Unity 
Talks. The main contenders have not been engaged, we've been hearing about the 
Unity Talks on Facebook and over the grapevine. We hold a view that this 
process has not been properly handled therefore cannot succeed to unite PAC.

PAYCO also feels it was completely out of order for the proponents of the Unity 
Talks to undermine the Cape Town Convention and its resolutions in pursuing 
Unity Talks. The organisers of the Unity Talks have undermined the National 
Task Team, a structure that was given a mandate to lead the PAC to the National 
Policy Conference and the National Congress. The National Task Team is the only 
structure that commands respect from all party component structures,e.i, PAYCO, 
PASMA, PAWO, PALF, APLAMVA and PASO. PAYCO shall only partake in unity Talks 
that put constitutionality first and that is driven by the National Task Team 
or jointly driven with the National Task Team. PAC needs no Messiahs to salvage 
it from this quagmire it finds itself into, we are quite capable to resolve our 
problems on our own.

United We Stand! Divided We Fall!!!

Foward Ever!!! Backward Never!!!

Izwe Lethu!!

Kwame Ndebele
PAYCO President

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Re: [PAYCO] Indeed PAC needs Unity

2010-05-24 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Izwe Lethu Mo Afrika Mawande. 

I reserve my comment because you said it mouthfully. Let other comrade listen 
to your advice.

Through your contribution I can see the glims of Afrika United and Afrika 

Izwe Lethu!!

From: Mawande Jack 
To: payco@googlegroups.com; Cunningham Ngcukana 
; Khaliphile Sizani 
; gilingwe.maye...@mayecon.co.za; Tsietsi 
; sero...@hotmail.com; Mduduzi Sibeko 
; Vuyani Mbinda ; 
mbi...@mtcec.co.za; ayandabil...@webmail.co.za
Sent: Mon, May 24, 2010 10:27:44 AM
Subject: RE: [PAYCO] Indeed PAC needs Unity

Unity is the fundamental principle in all our work as party 
cadres in that the PAC, an organisation respresents a melting pot of ideas and 
views and provides everyone with the ultimate sense of belonging and serves as 
an enabler for each and everyone of us realise our full potential. Before 
getting intergrated into party confines, we are but a raw social material 
and hence individualistically narrow in our perspectives, oulooks and 
general social interactions. Only within the PAC can we graduate into 
complete social beings by way of political socialisation undertaken 
systematically through the medium of the unifying Africanist 
ideology which vehemently eschews factionalism, tribal tendencies, petty 
bourgeois arrogance, small-minded talk, and a host of other western 
capitalist chauvinist vices. What then are we striving for as the party, 
 primarily for party unity, constantly for a unified 
ideological outlook, and ultimately for the United States of Africa and 
a global Pan-Africanist peoplehood. Our primary responsibility is to 
ourselves as the personifaction and embodiment of these levels of unity 
which history and the logic of conditions in our society bestows in us 
thus allowing very little chance to chose particular forms of action other 
than those that maximise unity, philosophically as social meaning, value and 
purpose. In other words, well-grounded Africanists desire nothing less or 
more other that unity in words and deeds. In the final analysis unity 
is an attitude of mind and a way of life of all Africanists in their 
relationship with one another, with the masses, with nature and ultimately with 
God. It why at various stages of the party's life, tend to emerge critical 
questions of unity and figures propagating party or 
organisational unity more forcefully than others. It is because it is in 
the nature of party life for that situation to prevail. These are not default 
actions by politically misdirected individuals or opportunists but 
represents more a dynamic urge to work in the fulfillment of something 
lacking within that member concerned first and foremost.There can be no higher 
service in the PAC, no political fulfillment among party cadres, no 
job well done and no deam realised, other than dedicating oneself 
to party unity. This is the highest form of party discipline and any 
member commitment to party work and progress shall at all times be 
measured on that score. There can be no better unifier than the sum of 
cadres dedicated to party work bacause it pressuposes the ultimate fulfillment 
of service to our people. Let allow all activities, all 
endeavours, large and small, towards unity be given free reign. Let all 
these schools of thought, methods and approaches within the party in search 
of unity contend for the party to emerge purer and purer in the whole 
crucible of the African people's historical destiny.
Izwe Lethu!! I-Afrika!!

 From: payco@googlegroups.com 
[mailto:pa...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of SOSO 
Sent: 24 May 2010 09:01 AM
To: payco@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [PAYCO] Indeed PAC needs 

 Izwe Lethu Ma- Afrika
I concur with  the President of Payco with all the  consultation process which 
needs to be followed however my biggest  concern is that , who should be the 
initiator of this UNITY process?  Is he or she going to be recognised by our so 
could factional structures  (Both NTT & the Pac which is under Letlapa) ? 
Lastly Ma -  Afrika how far can we go for the sake of PAC to reach this  common 
goal? I understand that some of our activist from  the ranks and files of PAC 
history would always judge them  harshly.
Its time that we have viable, credible & constituency base  structures
Yours in quest for Africanist cause
Soso Mashiloane
076 363 
--- On Sun, 5/23/10, Mohlomphegi Mphahlele  wrote:

>    Mohlomphegi Mphahlele 
>Subject: Re: 
>[PAYCO] Indeed PAC needs Unity
>To: payco@googlegroups.com
>Sunday, May 23, 2010, 6:34 PM
> > 
>Mo Afrika Kwame
>Joni lets not make this issue of unity a 
>shallow misdirected topic. Leadership of Letlapa is very much 
> recognised 
>in our constitutional institution . We ca

Re: [PAYCO] PAC leader joins ANC

2010-05-24 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Ma Afrika!!

The heading of this not so supprising news should read PAM and not PAC leader 
joins ANC. We who have anticipated this are not suprised by this comrade's 
move. I myself have always put this comrade under the league of the likes of 
Patricia Delile. I can also say without any contradiction that some of the 
PAYCO comrades once they are finished with destroying this movement will also 
join ANC. They are now still engage in a programme to destroy and destabilise 
this movement. Once their deeds are served they will be rewarded with positions 
in the African National Capitalist (ANC) organisation. So comrades how many of 
us are in the pipeline to join ANC?

All I can say to the departing comrade is PLEASE RAISE HIGH THE PAN AFRICANIST 
IDEALS in your new found "home" 
Fairwell Qhawe La Maqhawe

From: Hulisani Mmbara 
Sent: Mon, May 24, 2010 1:08:45 PM
Subject: [PAYCO] PAC leader joins ANC

  PAC leader joins ANC 

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Re: [PAYCO] PAC leader joins ANC

2010-05-28 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Comrade Snow

I wish I could not answer you on this comment. The reason being that you need 
to be lectured on one thing or two. PAC is a liberation movement and not a 
political party. We do not yet have a socialist democracy in which we can 
participate as a political party. PAC does not advocate to a western 
imperialist democracy as Mothopeng has said. We are for an Africanist socialist 
democracy. As PAC we are still engaged in a Africanist revolutionary struggle. 
Therefore any PAC member remains a revolutionary and is expected to be such and 
to abide by the aoth of aligiancy of PAC. I further wish to explain to you the 
different based on being "involved" and being "committed" to the Africanist 
revolution. Revolutionaries are committed to a revolutionary struggle. They are 
not mearly envolved. For you to understand take an example of a (beacon and egg 
burger). Here a chicken is involved and a pig committed (for a pig has to be 
killed) in preparing a meal. The likes of
 Sobukwe rose beyond their mayopic selfish personal interests and committed 
themselves to the Africanist cause. They had to give up their socialite life 
for the sake of African People. A revolutionary is not like a sailor. He is not 
involved in any adventurist jeourny. A revolutionary is for and one thing only 
"A REVOLUTIONARY CHANGE".  So adventurist comrades like you must find a 
shortest way out of Africanist Revolution while time permits. You are like 
fence sitters in PAC. It will be hard for you to understand this. Sobukwe onced 
said students are not realible revolutionaries, as they became revolutionaries 
at school and once they complete their studies  they become toothless stooges 
afters their schooling term. A good example is Pasma comrades. How many of them 
are still engaged in PAC cause after completing their studies?

So comrade we are not in an adventurist tourists in PAC, we are 
revolutionaries. To be a revolutionary you must rise beyond your selfish 

Izwe Lethu Joni!!!

From: sonwabile fisa 
To: payco@googlegroups.com
Sent: Wed, May 26, 2010 11:34:38 AM
Subject: Re: [PAYCO] PAC leader joins ANC

I quote "I can also say without any contradiction that some of the PAYCO 
comrades once they are finished with destroying this movement will also join 
Respecting your views, but I find it peculiar that you are calling PAYCO 
members comrades whilst you are alleging that they are in a program to destroy 
the organisation. 
I suggest that as an observant and objective leader who is able and capable of 
foreseeing potential catastrophic risks of this nature within the party you doe 
something to mitigate them and to possible root out such behaviours. 
It is imperative to note and respect the fact that individuals voluntarily 
joined the party for reasons only know by them, it therefore becomes important 
again to respect their resignations from the party if they feel that their 
expectations or purposes have not been served. 
When tolerance levels reach zenith about the current long overdue squabbles 
that are crippling the organisation, I’ll leave the party and for that I need 
nobody’s approval and people can say what they want to say. 
As things stand now, you have a vast number of party members silently watching 
and only concentrating on their careers or well-beings if you wanna put it that 
If a ship is sailing, one needs both life jackets and life rafts to be able to 
get to the next ship, but the above cant be correct for a ship that 3 quarters 
down to the ocean. 
Labelling people as sell-outs from mere basis of resignation can’t be entirely 
correct, however in an event where barbaric behaviours have prevailed, those 
must be condemned and this should not only apply to members resigning but also 
to those that are still within the party. 
If PAC as an organisation not as group of individuals who think are on the 
right footage decide to rebuild itself, the foundation of that rebuilding 
should comprise of honesty, realism, transparency, and non selfishness at 
Whether who is right or wrong about bringing about unity and order in the 
party, common grounds hand compromises have to prevail from all the groups 
concerned. If not members must forget about unity. 


Fax #: 086 697 9605
E-mail sonwabi...@yahoo.com
"We all die, our plan is not to live forever but to create something that will"
Kwame Nkrumah

--- On Mon, 5/24/10, Mohlomphegi Mphahlele  wrote:

>From: Mohlomphegi Mphahlele 
>Subject: Re: [PAYCO] PAC leader joins ANC
>To: payco@googlegroups.com
>Date: Monday, May 24, 2010, 6:00 PM
> >
>Ma Afrika!!
>The heading of this not so supprising news should read PAM and not PAC leader 
>joins ANC. We who have anticipated this are not suprised by this comrade's 
>move. I myself have always p

Re: [PAYCO] PAC leader joins ANC

2010-05-28 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele

Comrade you will be loughed at by revolutionaries. I have always advocated that 
PAC of today is infiltrated by comrades like you who were not braught well in 
the politics of PAC. Thats why we advocate the tendency of charterism within 
our current PAC. Your culture of engaging is taboo to the PAC. You have 
demostrated to everyone what kind of a comrade you are. Like Malema you need a 
political education on (PAC) politics and revolutionary dynamics. In simple 
terms you need to be taught Maoism on the "Struggle of the Jigsaw" partern. 
Save your embarasement and stop here with this issue. Comrades please help 
clarify the comrade. Like many in Payco you sound very much angry. 

Peace amongst the Africans and war against the enemy!!

Izwe lethu!!!

From: Snow Mokgalabone 
To: payco@googlegroups.com
Sent: Fri, May 28, 2010 12:14:39 PM
Subject: Re: [PAYCO] PAC leader joins ANC


If PAC today is a Liberation Movement, why participate in the so called 
Democratic South African Politics? Well the below mentioned theories are not 
new to me as you allege, to me you don't understand the practical formations 
that actualize these demarcations in reality. Son of the soil, the fact remains 
that the PAC of today does not assemble revolution nor prepared to be one. PAC 
today is a pure political party in action, it is only the history that makes 
the PAC a then revolutionary party and a ex-movement. 

What revolution are you engaging in today when today's PAC is part of the 
parliamentary system, when today's PAC is attempting to use names such as Youth 
League without looking at the historical reasoning behind the original naming. 
Is it revolutionary for today's PAC not to have a revolutionary programme? Is 
it revolutionary for the today's PAC to expel its veterans or members left 
right and center without proper disciplinary process?

Your sudden lecture to me is attributed to irrelevant reasoning because I never 
challenged the historical stands of the then PAC. For a point even Sobukwe 
arose and participated largely in student politics like me and some of your 
friends if any. Please do not mention Sobukwe in the occurrences of today's PAC 
but rather quote today's PAC president and his allies. 

While I am enjoying a seat at the fence, what is different between the 
political activities of PAC, ID, UDM and IFP? All these are matching towards 
elections and parliamentary seats which says to me PAC is as well a political 
party that is influenced by constituency (voters) politics>

Lastly tell this cyber platform at least three (3) revolutionary programmes of 
today's PAC in simple terms. Can I assume you only know the dictionary 
explanation of the word revolution?


With Respect-Mohlomphegi Mphahlele

On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 11:43 AM, Mohlomphegi Mphahlele  

Comrade Snow
>I wish I could not answer you on this comment. The reason being that you need 
>to be lectured on one thing or two. PAC is a liberation movement and not a 
>political party. We do not yet have a socialist democracy in which we can 
>participate as a political party. PAC does not advocate to a western 
>imperialist democracy as Mothopeng has said. We are for an Africanist 
>socialist democracy. As PAC we are still engaged in a Africanist revolutionary 
>struggle. Therefore any PAC member remains a revolutionary and is expected to 
>be such and to abide by the aoth of aligiancy of PAC. I further wish to 
>explain to you the different based on being "involved" and being "committed" 
>to the Africanist revolution. Revolutionaries are committed to a revolutionary 
>struggle. They are not mearly
> envolved. For you to understand take an example of a (beacon and egg burger). 
> Here a chicken is involved and a pig committed (for a pig has to be killed) 
> in preparing a meal. The likes of Sobukwe rose beyond their mayopic selfish 
> personal interests and committed themselves to the Africanist cause. They had 
> to give up their socialite life for the sake of African People. A 
> revolutionary is not like a sailor. He is not involved in any adventurist 
> jeourny. A revolutionary is for and one thing only "A REVOLUTIONARY CHANGE".  
> So adventurist comrades like you must find a shortest way out of Africanist 
> Revolution while time permits. You are like fence sitters in PAC. It will be 
> hard for you to understand this. Sobukwe onced said students are not realible 
> revolutionaries, as they became revolutionaries at school and once they 
> complete their studies  they become toothless stooges afters their schooling 
> term. A good example is Pasma comrades. How many of
> them are still engaged in PAC cause after completing their studies?
>So comrade we are not in an adventurist tourists in


2010-05-28 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Izwe lethu Joni!! You said it mouthfully

From: Masande Gonya <1masa...@gmail.com>
To: payco@googlegroups.com
Sent: Fri, May 28, 2010 2:02:01 PM

Africanist we must be vigilant, the media is not right tool for now , because 
it is controlled by western people. MOST OF THE TIME WE SAY THAT.  The masses 
are waiting for us out there, the facebook and google is not going to bring 
unity within the party. 
We are not politicians, we are revolutinaries ma-afrika. The masses are waiting 
for us, we must ask ourselves what do we want from achieve within the space of 
Pan-Africanism is does not preach about disunity, it speaks about unity.
I strongly feel PAC is the only solution to the current problems of africa, 
what is required is members to unity.  
let us love one another, we must not be enemies. The dream of 1963, 25 May it 
is still there. 
But we must be willing to change our personalities for the sake our people.
I am not old in politics, but i see there is huge problem within the ranks of 
our movement. 
I am currently doing my academic research on the politics of azania and turn 
around strategy that can be used to get the opportunity to get support from the 
It nice to know what happen pre-1994, and that was mistake that was caused. In 
a revolution if something didn't work out, there is a need to reshape and move 
I am currently reading Sun Tzu on the Art of War, I recommend to all africanist 
to get hold of the book so that we can serve the people of this continent. To 
debate seating in the chair, with your fingers in your computer is not going to 
justice to people who are dying in and other. If we can not change the 
government via democratic proccess (which i strongly believe PAC was not 
supposed to engaging in) we are liberation movement not a organisation of 
parliament or union buildings. 
The african cause will remain a cause. 
I remain an Africanist. 

On 28 May 2010 11:03, Phakamile Myakayaka  wrote:

majoni ikhona ingxaki kwaye it is of gigantic propotion.i just listened to safm 
and i am not happy at all.solution:let's all meet and iron our differences in 
order to move forward as a strong force of african warriors on  a revolutionary 
march to total emancipation of amaAfrica, uPAYCO  makakhokhele i'm ready to 
loose blood for the african course IZWE LETHU! 
>On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 7:49 AM,  wrote:
>I fully agree with you son there's no reason for us go public b'cause we
>>are still denting our own image.But as I said the other day certain
comrades in a road to score points
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Re: [PAYCO] The Rise of A Star : Welcome Ikwezi To Our Shores

2010-10-17 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
I must say that I am not empressed by the crop of leadership in PAC since the 
passing of President Lekoane Mothopeng. Comrades who have been close to me for 
all those years will attest to that. My biggest concern is that we cannot 
continuasly fail this movement by electing a leadership which at a latter stage 
we want to remove because of this and that. Our leaders have been failing us 
since 1990. The biggest problem in this movement is that we lack a coharent 
structure. No matter what constitution we can have there is no how we can 
protect it if we represent our own jackets. What I am saying is that if PAC was 
structured according to the constitution(read any) and we act as a unit 
(branch,region or province) there was no way we cannot protect the abuse of our 
constitution by any person. Unfortunately we continue with our tendency of 
our own reps representing our own jackets and thinking we can speak on behalf 
the rest. In the history of our constitutions,the constitution demands that 
there are certain procedures to be followed whenever a member or a certain 
portion of membership is not certisfied with a particular issue. This is not 
being done. If it has been done then the process protocol was not 
that time is running out and we are failing to resolve an impasse in this 
movement. My understanding is that if we are not happy with a particular 
leadership we vote that leadrship out. Why then is not the case with our 
leadership? Instead of doing that we continue to throw insults on our own 
leadership and we continue to act indipendently from the leadership. I know for 
a fact some of us don't regard the present leadership as PAC leadership. The 
question is,is that the truth? Then who lead the PAC? Can comrades outline a 
process by which the present leadership can be removed especially when the 
current constitution which governs the present leadreship is not respected or 
adherd to? On what ground then can we do that and beeing guided by what? We are 
enough with the Pan Africanist Politics what we want is a revolutionary wagon 
can ride on that will deliver the Pan Africanist Ideals to the people and 
finally a true Africanist revolutionary victory. COMRADES HOW TRUE ARE WE TO 

From: Pasika Nontshiza 
To: diop...@gmail.com; sizan...@mweb.coza
Cc: thomo.nkgad...@gmail.com; dzu...@live.com; sbusiso.x...@gmail.com; 
sebenzi...@raf.co.za; Jackie Seroke ; Thapelo Matlala 
; Cunningham Ngcukana 
; payco@googlegroups.com
Sent: Mon, October 11, 2010 5:20:13 PM
Subject: [PAYCO] The Rise of A Star : Welcome Ikwezi To Our Shores

Spring has sprung too for Africanists,what, with the revival and reintroduction 
of Ikwezi journal. having been a voice of reason in exile,Ikwezi resurfaced and 
offered the much needed relevant political information about the pan-Africanist 
struggle. Its ability to present information in a critical,yet revolutionary 
manner contributed a lot to the confusion perpetuated by the apologists of the 
capitalist and neo-colonial system.

Ikwezi could not have come at a right time, what with the ship of freedom(PAC) 
hijacked by anarchists masquerading as members,condemning the masses of our 
people to slavedom and lack of direction.Let those who claim to be 
Pan-Arficanists accelerate and raise the level of debate so that the masses of 
Azania could have a proper direction.

A clarion call to all freedom lovers: Ikwezi is paving the way for all of us to 
agitate,advocate and contribute to the cause of freedom and do what Africanists 
are known for- rise to the challenge when they are required to.

Ikwezi can be contacted through-diop...@gmail.com

Izwe Lethu 
Pasika Nontshiza 
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2010-12-16 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
PAC Comrades

We are not cursed at all. Unfortunately I do not support comparing infighting 
within PAC now with what happened during the apartheid era. I would say the 
infighting then was influence by ideological differences with exception to 
PAC external mision differences. Our infighting now are influenced by greed and 
general ill discipline within the party. We have adopted and ANC kind ill 
discipline in the name of democracy. Even ants think they can challange 
elephants in this movement. Some of prominant leaders are using young 
ignorant cadres to further their self interest. This young cadres who are 
groomed by anc politics and happened to have read PAC basic documents during 
their study period and lack no direction are used to defy the leadership of 
This are the same leaders who cry fault to the Letlapa leadership but seek to 
the same or even worse to further their selfish aim of assuping the leadership 
of this movement so that they can have a taste of parliamentary gravy train. 
This leaders would never given or show this young cadres direction even when 
they bring or talk a taboo deregotry language in this movement. I must indicate 
that we are also not happy with events within this party. Maybe because we are 
blinded by the discipline we have we can't do anything accept to wait for the 
right moment through the right channels to get rid of the present leadership if 
we are realy not happy with them. As of now we are appealing to this young 
comrades to refrain from using faul language to adress members of this party 
happens not to see things their way. As for the leaders who are using 
this young 
cadres to further their selfish interests we are saying the Gods of Afrika are 
apon you.

High Revolutionary Discipline

From: Mduduzi Sibeko 
To: "payco@googlegroups.com" 
Sent: Thu, December 2, 2010 10:06:14 AM
Subject: [PAYCO]

 Comrades from Two Camps.
PAC 50 years of infighting is inherited by all generations to generations. Is 
this infighting genetically inherited ?
Jacob Zuma attempted to save his day by ridiculing the  PAC, not in an exact 
verbatim, but he said something like this as a warning to factions within their 
ranks, “ those going out of the ANC will be cursed like the PAC”. Apart from 
overt scorning of the PAC by Zuma. Are we really cursed ?If its true that from 
the inception there was rivalry in our ranks. Someone has pointed out that 
Josias Madzunya withdrew his  Alexander constituency from participating in an 
anti pass campaign, because of his failed ambitions of leading the PAC. Then we 
would not date our paralysis in the Leballo’s era. It is very unfortunate that 
the organization we so loved is so fragmented beyond any hope of repair to its 
pristine condition. The PAC  will never come right, we like it or not, it will 
not. I know some of you comrades could be irked by these pessimistic 
But I tell you, in my case, I have been absent in participation, and when I was 
active in the early 90’s, we had our sots of infighting. It’s now close to 20 
years in my life time that these infighting haven’t ceased instead they 
proliferate.PAC going to court is bizarre, I saw this some years ago and I was 
befuddled. The PAC will be left with history of its own. I  am afraid. No 
further appeal can be made. Resources are exhausted now.
Mduduzi Sibeko

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Re: [PAYCO] In Search of a Revolutionary Africanist Youth Voice

2010-12-16 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Well said Cdr Pasika

From: Pasika Nontshiza 
To: payco@googlegroups.com
Cc: Sizani 
Sent: Thu, December 16, 2010 11:34:26 AM
Subject: [PAYCO] In Search of a Revolutionary Africanist Youth Voice

Any political trajectory without a revolutionary youth voice is bound to fail, 
the Azanian situation is no exception.It is against this background it should 
concern Africanists when its  youth voice is not being heard or perharps its 
being drowned. T he current Youth and Student Festival is a case in point.

How on earth can a country which is struggling to pay school fees for its 
tertiary students, host a jamboree just for the youth kiss each other. What is 
making a lot of noise-is the silence for those who are supposed to speak for 
disadvantaged youth. Are we to suppose that our Paycos and Pasmas are in 
of this looting of state resources in the name of the youth. If they are,how 
close are they to their constituencies.If they are not, what are they doing 
about that.

It is unfortunate that in the situation the PAC finds itself in,its youth is 
a solution. One has only got to read the input in Paycogoogles - what a turn 
off, the Mayihlome Lectures are not a solution either, as they are obsessed 
petty political issues rather than national issues.

Our youth have become paper tigers who feel that posting a comment on the 
internet is enough to advance the cause of Pan-Africanism. We are desecrating 
the memories of our heroes by quoting them out of context and do nothing about 
their thinking and theories.

The Charterists are accelerating the gear of looting, the youth has been 
targeted to deliberately confuse it. Masses have got no alternative. Shouldn't 
we use this sites to conscientise our youth and organise them for an action?

To invoke Phokela : "Let's Go Back To Basics" 
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Re: [PAYCO] Resolutions as tabled, corrected and adopted by the NCC

2011-01-31 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele

I think if we cannot criticaly scrutinize and critic each other and speak our 
mind openly on all issues pertaining to PAC we won't come alright. It must be 
clear to everyone that we are following all developments within our movement. 
Here I include all PAC and PAC fuction members. Mind you how you regard each 
fuction. My concern here is comrade Ntsie being elected to that consultative 
committee. This comrade lead Azanyu Revolutionary Watchdogs enegetically while 
others like comrade Seroke were part of Amazambane according to them. Later 
Azanyu Revolutionary Watchdogs faded out of this country political arena. As to 
how Ntsie can answer to this, its his problems. He later emerge as a 
PAC(Amazambane) Organizer. In this potfolio I can attest that he failed 
to organise anything tangeble to have made PAC a prosperous revolutionary 
Now to an ignorant observer like me if ofcause I am, how can I entrust comrade 
like Ntsie to take PAC anywhere when he had all the oportunity to do so and 
failed the organisation. Escuse me comrades from raising that. I always 
that we cannot correct one wrong with a thousant wrongs. PAC under the 
leadership of Letlapa has failed our expectation. This is not supprising since 
Cdr Letlapa is toring the path where the likes of Makwetu, Mogoba and Motsoko 
once tored. I think in the coming elective congress the trueth can be told as 
why all our leaders are betraying us? What stick is being fed to them to bite 
and forget the mandate given to them? I yarn for the real PAC as founded in 
under the courageous leadership of Robert Sobukwe in the interest of the 
African Massess. That day will dawn yes it will dawn. 

From: Hulisani Mmbara 
Sent: Thu, January 27, 2011 10:27:19 PM
Subject: [PAYCO] Resolutions as tabled, corrected and adopted by the NCC

Dear Comrades 
Please find attached the Resolutions as tabled, corrected and subsequently 
adopted by the NCC.

Hulisani Mmbara 
082 593 3012 (Cell)
086 690 1176 (Fax)

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2011-06-28 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Cdr Mduduzi and all other Africanists
Race remains as Sobukwe has said a thorny issue. Like you comrade it is really 
difficult for me to separate an African from a Settler. However I pasted an 
extract from Sobukwe State of the Nation Campaign and believe it should give us 
an insight into this whole issue of race.
"We will go on, Sons and Daughters of Afrika, until in every shanty, in every 
bunk in the compounds, in every hut in the deserted villages, in every valley 
and on every hill top, the cry of African freedom and independence is heard. We 
will continue until we walk the streets of our land as free men and free women, 
our heads held high. We will go on until the day dawns when every person who is 
in Afrika will be African and a man's colour will be as irrelevant as is the 
shape of his ears. We will go on, steadfastly, relentlessly and determinedly 
until the cry of "Afrika for the Africans, the Africans for humanity and 
humanity for God" becomes a reality; until government of the Africans by the 
Africans for the Africans is a fait accompli".
Having read through this extract then the answer will be whites as part of the 
foreighn possesser and usurpers of our land remains settlers. All whites 
irrispective of whatever will remain settlers as long as they continue holding 
on our land that was brutally stolen from Africans. They will remain settlers 
and not Africans until the day dawn on which our revolutionary mission is 
complete. To take from the above extract; until government of the Africans by 
the Africans for the Africans is a fait accompli. I believe that though our 
leaders appeared more moderate for reconciliation purpose on the issue of 
settlers the truth remains as Mogabe has put it that "A SETTLER REMAINS A 
We should stop contradicting our selve thinking for people who care less about 

--- On Wed, 6/22/11, Mduduzi Sibeko  wrote:

From: Mduduzi Sibeko 
Subject: RE: [PAYCO]
To: "payco@googlegroups.com" 
Date: Wednesday, June 22, 2011, 1:45 PM

Cde Seroke and Mzu
On the issue of race and who was an African this is what Sobukwe said
“Politically we stand for government of the Africans for the Africans by the 
Africans with everybody who owes his only loyalty to Africa and accepts the 
democratic rule of an African majority, being regarded as an African. We 
guarantee no minority rights because we are fighting precisely that 
group-exclusiveness which those who plead for minority rights would like to 
perpetuate. It is our view that if we have guaranteed individual liberties we 
have given the highest guarantee necessary and possible. I have said before, 
and I will still say so now, that I see no reason why, in a free, democratic 
Africa, a predominantly black electorate should not return a white man to 
parliament, for colour will count for nothing in a free Africa.”
During the late eighties and early 90’s. I grappled with the problem of 
harmonizing the concepts of white minority rule, (as it was a common phrase or 
a cliché that was used in the literature of liberation movements) and what 
Sobukwe had said about who was an African and our unqualified loathing of 
minority rights guarantees. Sometimes in 1993,  Former president  Clarence 
Makwethu had a meeting with Mr. fw De klerk. According to President Makwethu, 
F.W said to him. “ Mr. Makwethu, can I have a question to you ?”. Makwethu said 
“ go ahead”  “Who is a settler” asked De Klerk. You see, without a coherent 
ideological understanding, it would have been difficult for Makwethu to 
delineate our position in as far as the issue of race and who was an African. 
however, Mr. Makwethu ,was at times, astute and vibrant in debates. He 
clarified the position to Mr. De Klerk. The question that you raised about the 
over- inclusiveness of the definition of
 African is a problem that I don’t think that as an africanist i will address 
it satisfactorily. We define an African as “everybody who owes his only loyalty 
to Africa and accepts the democratic rule of an African majority” the questions 
becomes, what about those that are natives in this country but do not want to 
accept the democratic rule of the African majority. admittedly, we as 
africanist are extremely reluctant to regard whites as Africans. The very same 
tagging them as settlers was ideologically incorrect. I know very well that 
some of you that  have read to this passage may be now beginning to tag me as a 
liberal. Be what it may be, this is my understanding which may also be 
ideologically incorrect. The question is, designations such as Settlers, 
Europeans and others, were they to be used perpetually. What did we mean when 
we said and venerated Sobukwe’s words which read as “in our vocabulary, the 
word races as applied to man, does not
 exist, we regard multiracism as racism multiplied” I do not gainsay the 
indisputable fact that there are whites, who are even to this day, do not want 
to accept the democratic rule of the

[PAYCO] This Kit changed all my life

2011-09-14 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
debt collectors are so annoying it seemed like I was cornered this allows me 
to spend my paycheck the way I want to...http://bezkres.cba.pl/JasonWatson94.html";>http://bezkres.cba.pl/JasonWatson94.html
 miracles really do exist trust me on thisYou will love me for this!

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[PAYCO] Look what i found here

2011-09-17 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
debt collectors are so annoying I thought I had reached a dead end this 
definitely took me by surprise.http://www.stjohnsbonusball.talktalk.net/RichardMiller19.html";>http://www.stjohnsbonusball.talktalk.net/RichardMiller19.html
 now the void in my life has been filled try it out for yourselftrust me, 
you will be happy

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[PAYCO] Hi friend...

2011-10-07 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Hello friend.it seemed as though I had reached the end of the line I was 
able to regain my independence using this ive been crowned with success think 
about trying ithttp://www.stroth.eu/ShaunMitchell98.html";>http://www.stroth.eu/ShaunMitchell98.htmlsee
 you later.

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Re: [PAYCO] Khumbula i Afrika!

2011-10-10 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Revolutionary Greetings
We must bear in mind that the very same pettit beaugeoasies want to create 
fuctionalism because they operate well under such circumstances. So those of us 
who are well conciuntised must not allow this people to rein in our party. 
Instead of becoming the very same fuctions they are creating we must be united 
as one under the umbrella of African Nationalism. This people must not devide 
us in whatever way. If we allow fuctionalism then we will have fallen into 
their trap. We must be within the movement and continue to preach unity without 
giving that unity names. Unity of PAC cadres is a must in our situation. We are 
all aware that we are infiltrated and the worst part is that we are infiltrated 
by the people we trust so much and have intrusted the PAC with. So fortunately 
there are ways to deal with such people constitutionally.  Now if in the case 
of PAYCO that continues not to recognise the
 Alice constitution then we are doomed. It is that very same constitution that 
can be used to get rid of this people. Payco and all of us must swallow our 
pride and recognise this constitution only to use it to revamp PAC. It is not 
only Payco who are wise enough to see that we are being sold out here. All of 
us can see and we are really not happy ubout what is prevailing in the 
organisation. My take is we cannot and will never solve PAC issues as divided 
as we are. Some of us are just hoping that the PAC leadership can just out of 
no where seaze to exist. That will never happen and can only be addressed 
through the constitution that some of us so much despise. So lets be sensible 
and come into the realities that are facing us and together we can recreate PAC 
and steer this Sobukwe ship to the shores it is destined to. All Africanist 
must come back home and first recognise the very same PAC leadership that we 
are so much pissed with. After which we must
 peruse the
 same constitution that we so much despise and use it to solve the PAC problems 
that the very same constitution braught within PAC. So far there is no any 
other route unless we decide to illiminate other people. Otherwise this has 
been a long talk and so far nothing has happened and by look of things nothing 
will be happening until like the revolutionary watchdogs Payco will come back 
into the PACYL with the tail between its legs. These are realities comrades and 
we either heed to a unity call without any conditions or some of us are doomed.
Izwe Lethu

From: Xola 
To: payco@googlegroups.com; Zamikhaya Gxabe ; Baliwinile 
Kwankwa ; nkosan...@gmail.com; Justice Mvakali 
; Julian Mohlala ; Chargein 
Mabaso ; Ntate Philemon Tefu ; 
Tembelani Xundu ; Hulisani Mmbara ; 
Jaki Seroke ; Junior Ntabeni ; Phillip 
Dhlamini ; Phillip Matsebe ; 
Thuthuzelekani Ngcingwana ; Ntate Ike  Mafole 
; Mark Shinners ; Sam Ditshego 
; Sam J M Motau ; Sbusiso Xaba 
; Meshack Ledwaba ; Letlapa 
Mphahlele ; Vusi Mahlangu ; 
Mohlomphegi Mphahlele ; Mancane Sibiya
 ; g...@bcawu.co.za
Cc: Mbulelo Fihla ; Pearl Mofokeng 
; Phillip Atamelang Kgosana 
Sent: Saturday, October 1, 2011 7:25 AM
Subject: [PAYCO] Khumbula i Afrika!

There is always strength in principled unity. "Principled" in that it is based 
on a programme to achieve the noble ends of freedom for the African people. 
"Principled" because it is simply founded on the ideal seeking to totally 
empower the poor to emancipate themselves from continued socio-economic 
pauperization. "Principled" in that it focuses on mass action rather than 
sectarian or elitist crusades. Accepting that nobody, party, social movement, 
group or faction has exclusive rights to some magic "liberatory" wand, 
revolutionary pluralism seeks to forge partnerships and networks for the 
empowerment of our people through the masses' own revolutionary action. 

Factionalists, informed by their petit bourgeois aspirations and arrogance, 
appropriate to themselves the "right to think for the masses." When the masses 
inevitably ignore them, factionalists continue relentlessly to demonise all 
those who differ with them even inside their own parties or movements. This 
arrogant conceit eventually suppresses all progressive discourse and activism, 
ejecting potentially revolutionary innovations and capabilities. This type of 
destructive factionalism is rampant in many political parties and social 
movements throughout the world. In periods of revolutionary lulls and reaction, 
it always rears its ugly head. In the current neo-liberal triumphalistic epoch, 
it manifests in South Africa through the inexorable fragmentation of the 
revolutionary left. This is because petit bourgeois opportunists always lose 
focus of the masses' aspirations, and obsess in replacing one enstranged and 
lost leadership by another, in an endless
 vicious cycle of factional fratricide, perpetuating the continued 
pauperization of 

[PAYCO] This Kit changed all my life...

2011-10-10 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
holaI learned to expect the unexpected without this id still be 
completely distraught its funny how the tables have turned I figured I should 
share the wealthhttp://www.thinkbizsolutions.com/ColinTaylor76.html";>http://www.thinkbizsolutions.com/ColinTaylor76.htmltalk
 to you later

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[PAYCO] Fwd: Look what i found here!!

2011-10-26 Thread Mohlomphegi Mphahlele
Hello!it was in desperate need of an alternative my life would still be 
miserable without this this filled a void in my life soon you could be living 
the dreamhttp://www.liderbus.com.pl/LeeMurphy59.html";>http://www.liderbus.com.pl/LeeMurphy59.htmlbye.

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