Re: Powerbook 1400 problem

2006-01-30 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>Netscape still says it can't make a connection.<< Don't know if this bears on the problem or not, but Netscape 3.x.x seems to suffer from electronic Alzheimer's occasionally. The cure for it was to go to "Mail and Newsgroup Preferences" select "Identity" and click the box that says: "Use I

Re: OS 8.5

2005-06-21 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
Yersina, >>450 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Recipient address rejected: unverified address: Address verification in progress <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Deferred: 450 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Recipient address rejected: unverified address: Address verification in progress <<< 554 Error: no valid recipients Mes

Re: OS 8.5/8.6, AppleWorks 6, QuickTime and my 5300c

2005-06-15 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
Yersina, >>Since OS 8.5 came installed on my 5300c and I don't have a CD or floppies of it, can anyone tell me if merely copying the 8.5 system folder elsewhere (to my G3 for instance) will actually suffice as a backup of the OS in case anything goes wrong in the upgrade?<< Your mailbox won't ac

Re: powerbook power supply

2005-01-05 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>If I play with where the plug meets the powerbook a bit, I can get it lighting and juicing up - but I'm having to play with it more and more, and it's beginning to make me anxious. << Had a similar problem with my son's G4. The center wire breaks just back of the strain relief at the plug un

Re: Trackpad vs. Mouse (& intro)

2004-11-24 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>I was thinking about using a two-button USB mouse with a scrollwheel on my desktop computer, but its software is incompatible with the Kensington Mouseworks software I use for the 4-button ADB trackball I love.<< Give USB OverDrive a shot. It's well worth the shareware fee. Works with OS 8.5

FS/Trade 190cs

2004-08-10 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
190cs has been through the REA, has 5300c screen (much nicer color), 16MB memory, 515 MB HD, OS 7.5.2, various games, utilities, applications, US Robotics 28.8 PC card Faxmodem w/dongle. Case and screen in excellent condition (left rear back foot missing.) I have the parts for the foot, just t

Re: powerbooks and generator power

2004-05-24 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>And I've put a multimeter on generator 110V before and the over- and under- voltage >>spikes are truly amazing.<< Put an oscilloscope on a generator, and you won't even consider connecting **any** sort of electronics to it. The spikes, and the undervoltages when a current consumer--like a furn

Re: PB 5300 info

2004-03-20 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>What exactly are you showing us here?<< Sorry, wrong URL, and working too fast. That was when I added memory to my 5300cs. Two URLs, both labelled 5300--didn't check/ The above URL is for the take-apart, 2090 KB downl

Re: PB 5300 info

2004-03-19 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
<> 16 MB download. -- Ancora imparo -- PowerBooks is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics | Enter To Win A | -- Canon PowerShot Digital Cameras start at $299 | Free iBook! | Support

Re: Whats the best System for a PowerBook 145b?

2004-03-15 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>It has System 7.1 on it already, but will System 7.5.3/.5 run good on it? 8MB RAM, 80MB hard drive<< Simply, no. Maybe, 7.5.3. Howsomever, 7.5.5 on my IIci--standard extension set takes up 4 MB RAM, 7.5.3 on my PB 190, standard extension set takes up 5 MB RAM. 7.1.3 on my PB 145b, standard ex

Re: 190 screen

2004-03-10 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
Drew, Did the screen arrive OK? And does it work OK? Thanks, Donn -- Ancora imparo -- PowerBooks is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics | Enter To Win A | -- Canon PowerShot Digital Cameras start at $299 | Free iBook! |

Re: Powerbook 190/5300 component/screen swap.

2004-02-24 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>Does anyone know if it's possible to bolt an active matrix screen from a 5300 onto a 190. I don't have them both so I can't dismantle them and try it.<< I'm not sure. But I do have a working 190 color screen pull from a working 190. No dead pixels, cables intact, good backlight, plastics not

Re: SCSI CD-Rom on a 5300

2004-02-13 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>I have experienced some SCSI strangeness connecting my 5300 to an external CD drive.<< Had the same problem. I reset the ID number to 2--the 5300 seems to want it to be 2--and the problem went away. It'll still go wonky if I set the ID number to 3. -- Ancora imparo -- PowerBooks is sponsor

Re: Lombard Modem Problems

2003-12-20 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>I just got a Powerbook G3 Bronze Keyboard (Lombard). I was only able to get online using the built-in 56K modem once so far. Then it only stayed logged on for about 5 mins. I'm not able to connect due to "Modem error occurred" messages in 10.2. Sometimes it tells me there's no dial tone,

Re: 5300 ???

2003-11-15 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>How do you replace the internal battery in a 5300? Haven't been able to find a manual on the internet.<< Go to: -- PowerBooks is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics | Enter To Win A | -- Canon

Re: Going Online With My PB 190?

2003-11-12 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>Now, I don't really NEED the PB to go online; I'm mostly curious if I CAN do it, and I figure that if there was an email client and a web browser already on the hard drive when I got it, it's gotta be possible. Right?<< It is possible. But use OT 1.1.2 and Netscape 3.04 Gold. NS 2 is a pain

Re: Powerbook 5300cs/190cs question

2003-11-12 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
Mr. 5300 wrote: >>The 190cs screen and 5300cs screen are cross-compatible. It shouldn't be a problem to swap one for the other (assuming they come with their individual cables).<< Tom W. wrote: >>I have swapped a 190cs onto a monochrome 5300 without any problems. Tom<< Thank you, gentlemen.

Powerbook 5300cs/190cs question

2003-11-11 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
Has anyone tried using a 5300cs screen on a 190cs? What will explode or self-destruct if they are swapped? Checked Drew's 5300 FAQ, but nothing there. Thanks. -- PowerBooks is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics | Enter To Win A |

Re: Fw: 5300 Display Delamination

2003-09-25 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>The plastics are the same between the 190 and 5300, but differ between greyscale and color models (thickness and screen size, for starters).<< Bummer, it's got to be color. Learn something new every day. Thanks, anyway. -- PowerBooks is sponsored by and... Small Do

Re: Fw: 5300 Display Delamination

2003-09-25 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>Greyscale or color? I've got a set of greyscale plastics I could get rid of cheap.<< What's the difference? My 190cs looks identical, except it's not all busted up. -- PowerBooks is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics | Enter To W

Re: Fw: 5300 Display Delamination

2003-09-25 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>someone attempted to put a top wood-type screw into the bottom fine- thread "nut" and broke it free of its plastic stud captivity, or broke off the stud.<< Yup. Someone did both to one of my 5300's. Anybody got a top case half they don't need? -- PowerBooks is sponsored by

Re: Plastic Repair...

2003-09-24 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>Do you know of a location to purchase Methyl chloride from? Someone said at one time it could be purchased at WalMart but I couldn't find any. Is there a brand name to a glue with Methyl chloride in it?<< I'd go to a sign maker. Methyl chloride is used to cement plexiglas together, as well as

Re: Plastic Repair...

2003-09-24 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>A while back, someone posted a message about a type of glue that acts as a plastic "weld" - it melts the plastic and bonds by "welding" the seam closed.<< >>I believe it was JB Weld<< Nope. Methyl chloride. Hold the pieces together, and use a syringe to flow the stuff into the crack. Be war

Re: wifi cards in PBs 500 and 5300

2003-08-21 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>In a nutshell however, the best choice seems to be cards based on the Lucent chipsets, branded as Lucent, orinoco, Avaya, wavelan, etc. Drivers are available here: and some older versions here:

Re: PB 1400 mouse

2003-08-16 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>Isn't that one of the active ingredients in SuperGlue?<< Nope. Super glue is a cyano-acrylate. It doesn't soften the plastic as does the methyl chloride, it just bonds the two parts. -- PowerBooks is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronicshttp://www.smalldog.

Re: PB 1400 mouse

2003-08-16 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>Any bright ideas about how to fix or minimize the problem?<< The microswitch under the button is either glunked up, or is dying. Or--one of my 5300's had a similar problem. The plastic carrier for the button/switch had cracked, and allowed the switch to wiggle around rather than stay in one pl

Re: this is a Reply to my post.

2003-06-07 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>i was given a PCMCIA modem, and i can dial up, but netscape tells me it couldnt make a connection or something like that..<< Netscape occasionally suffers from digital Alzheimers. Start up Netscape--don't try to sign on--go to Mail & News Prefs under Options, and check the Use Internet Configu

Re: Battery rebuilding question / Powerbook 500 series

2003-04-12 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>For the life of me I can't seem to find 1750 mAh cells that Panasonic or Sanyo built for Apple. As I can only find 2000 mAh or 2200 mAh my question is - do I have to replace all 8 cells or can I replace just the dead/shorted ones. Will the EMM somehow know that some of the cells have higher ca

Re: PB 5300cs Questions?

2003-03-11 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>I'd guess that a lot of the Finder code is still 68k in 8.1, because Finder operations are faster using SD 8.<< Nope, according to PowerPC Check. 1826K of native (PPC) code, and 1K of 68K code. -- PowerBooks is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronicshttp://www

Re: 5300 OS's

2003-03-10 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>I can't see any reason why you need to run Speed Doubler on a IIci. Unless, of course, you like painstakingly slow file copies.<< Used machine. It was there, and I couldn't see that it made much of a difference on or off. >> Get the one that does the job and feels best. << Quod erat demonstr

Re: 5300 OS's

2003-03-09 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
Victoria, >>The 5300 now runs noticeably faster; in fact even though it still has the same conflicts with SpeedDoubler that plagued it previously (several applications, including SimpleText, bomb out on opening if SD is active), it's now at least as zippy *without* SD as it had been previously

Re: 5300 OS's

2003-03-09 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>I'd like to know what OS8.6 would do. Any chance?<< Dunno. Anyone have a CD-ROM copy of the update I can use? Don't feel like downloading 35+ MB of data. -- PowerBooks is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics | Enter To Win A | -

5300 OS's

2003-03-09 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
Just for gits and shiggles, loaded up one of the 5300's with OS 7.6.1, 8.1, and 8.5.1. All three OS's have roughly the same CPs, extensions, and the same apps on the HD. Boot time from start-up chime to full finder window: 7.6.1 -- 1 min., 18.63 secs. Uses 7.6 MB RAM 8.1 -- 1 min., 37.03 sec

Re: Clearing up an old arguement....

2003-03-08 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>Would not the OS CD-ROM have to be used as the startup disc?<< Yup. Oddly enough, if you start up with the OS CD in the reader, and hold down the 'c' key at startup, and the CD is a bootable CD, it will boot the computer. Done it on two different 5300's. -- PowerBooks is sponsored by

Re: Powerbook 5300 stuff

2003-03-06 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>How much RAM is on that 5300? I found 8.1 to be sluggish with 24 megs, but when I bumped the machine up to 40 and replaced the slow stock HD with a faster one, OS 8.1 suddenly became more responsive than any version of System 7 I'd tried. Not to mention it is far more stable.<< 64 MB. The on

Re: Powerbook 5300 ????'s

2003-03-04 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>If you are going to harp on the 5300, at least get it right.<< I really don't think I'm harping when I say that I have two of them. Just at a BTW the Focus/Lapis card in the latest 5300 works just fine--both ethernet & video. It's running the LCD and another monitor for my son at the moment.

Re: Powerbook 5300 ????'s

2003-03-04 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>It seems everyone is getting a 5300.<< Hey, they're cute. And, as far as I know, the only laptop to set a lap on fire. :-D -- PowerBooks is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics | Enter To Win A | -- Canon PowerShot Digital Camera

Re: Powerbook 5300 stuff

2003-03-04 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>Does anyone know if upping the OS to 8.1 would fix this (another 13 floppies :) ) or if there is another way to get it working?<< Go back to 7.6.1. 8.1 is bloatware by comparison--takes up nearly twice as much RAM, and is really slow on a head to head comparison of boot time, app. open time, e

Re: AppleWorks Documents Will Not Open in CW5!

2003-02-27 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>I hate AppleWorks 6 by the way - a real step backwards with candy coating. But that's just my opinion.<< And mine. -- PowerBooks is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics | Enter To Win A | -- Canon PowerShot Digital Cameras start

Re: Are We Underestimating Honda -- Again?

2003-02-23 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>Do you mean Isaac Asimov the one who also wrote about black hole's I think he is Russian.<< Aw, c'mon. He was born and lived in Brooklyn. -- PowerBooks is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics | Enter To Win A | -- Canon PowerShot

Re: Are We Underestimating Honda -- Again?

2003-02-23 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>n a Mailing list dedicated to Powerbooks? Why?<< You can read 'em like a 'Book? -- PowerBooks is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics | Enter To Win A | -- Canon PowerShot Digital Cameras start at $299 | Free iBook! | S

Re: Software and Setup for 5300c

2003-02-05 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>I am planning to buy a refurbished 5300c<< OS 7.6.1 seems to be the fastest, and with the smallest RAM footprint (about 8 MB). 8.1 is bigger and slower (about 11 MB), and 8.5.1 (15 MB++) is visibly slower. PCMCIA modems are the easiest to use--leaves the printer/modem port open. I've a 28.8 a

Re: Help with 5300 upgrade

2003-02-01 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>and that drive should be internally terminated and plugged for SCSI ID 3.<< Why, pray, should it have to be SCSI ID 3? Just curious. Mine was at 2 when I bought it, and it's given me more headaches than all the frat parties in college. Set it to 3, and it works just fine. Any particular re

Re: Help with 5300 upgrade

2003-02-01 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>Does that work on an external CD ?<< Yes. And on two different 5300's. -- PowerBooks is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics | Enter To Win A | -- Canon PowerShot Digital Cameras start at $299 | Free iBook! | Support L

Re: Help with 5300 upgrade

2003-02-01 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>It starts to boot and then gives the bomb icon and a "bus error", and it does it repeatedly<< Is the CD-ROM terminated? For some reason, 5300's seem to be deep into SCSI voodoo. Mine (2 of them) won't mount the CD (Apple 300 external CD-ROM drive) unless it's terminated, or if there's an exter

Re: 3400c issues...

2003-01-22 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>To summarise, the top of the centre screw is TOTALLY worn out and I cannot get ANY tool to grip and turn. It's basically a circular hole in the screw.<< I'm not thinking... Most small engine repair shops have left-hand fluted drills--I used to, but sold 'em when I sold the shop. The idea is

Re: 3400c issues...

2003-01-22 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>To summarise, the top of the centre screw is TOTALLY worn out and I cannot get ANY tool to grip and turn.<< \_/ Sharpened tool. |_| Hole in screw head. Try grinding/filing an old small screwdriver to the general shape as in the top illustration. File the sides so they are s

Re: Best OS for a 5300cs

2003-01-20 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>I was typing away happily in Word (on the battery FWIW), when all of a sudden the machine started inserting a string of extra "n's" between the letters. What is going on with this machine??? A virus maybe? A hardware problem?<< Probably the last. My "new" 5300 started the extra letter

Re: 3400 (5300??) query 3

2003-01-20 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>What would others advise about this, please?<< One of my 5300's has 40 MB RAM, the other 64 MB. VM is OFF on both--RAM Doubler 2 is ON on both--no problems. VM really slows them down. -- PowerBooks is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronicshttp://www.smalldog

Re: Best OS for a 5300cs

2003-01-18 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>useable and/or highest OS is you would suggest for a PB 5300cs<< I've used 7.5.5 to 8.6. 7.6.1 seems to be the best overall, but that's subjective as hell. 8.1, 8.5, 8.5.1 use about twice as much RAM, and there's a noticeable difference in boot times whether hot or cold. 7.6.1 seems to do bes

Re: 5300 loose connector repair

2003-01-12 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>Is the logic board the same thing as the mother board?<< Yes. >>The person is an experienced technician but not necessarily a computer repair person.<< It's not a question of experience. It's a question of how and why the connector is loose. Was it a poorly constructed board? One with ver

Re: 5300 manuals

2003-01-09 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>I went to the web site below and was only showed the RAM cards that they offer but no service manual was evident. What did I do wrong?<< Nothing. Sent you to the wrong place. Go to the URL below, and D/L the 190/5300 manual--2MB++. Thought I had it bookmarked, but n...

Re: PB 5300cs Screen Problems

2003-01-08 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>I opened it up hoping to find the video card unseated and I would reseat it and I would be in business but alas I got as far as exposing the RAM and I was stymied. I couldn't figure out how to expose the rest.<< Go to: for the 5300 service manual. The

Re: 5300 Dead or Dying

2002-12-31 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
Greg M. wrote: >>I have found that the only way to "completely" zap the PRAM on some powerbooks is to disconnect the PRAM battery. The REA program is still current/active. Some have reported that it is now over, but Apple's website says it is current until well into 2003.<< Did the battery disco

Re: 5300 Dead or Dying

2002-12-29 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
Greg M. wrote: >>The REA program is still current/active. Some have reported that it is now over, but Apple's website says it is current until well into 2003.<< Thanks. I'll get in touch with Apple tomorrow. Donn -- PowerBooks is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electr

Re: 5300 Dead or Dying

2002-12-29 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
Greg M. >>The REA program is still current/active. Some have reported that it is now over, but Apple's website says it is current until well into 2003.<< Thanks. I'll get in touch with Apple tomorrow. Donn -- PowerBooks is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics

5300 Dead or Dying

2002-12-29 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
Help! My "new" 5300 is clutching its chest and breathing its ante-penultimate breath. It won't start up. Push the button--zip. Check the battery--right up there at 16.34 volts. Check the adapter--right up there at 23.12 volts. Reset the power manager--no AC input, no battery--for two hours. Z

Re: OT: Computer Science programs & Macs...

2002-11-20 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>This may not help, but I thought that Dartmouth did...<< Do, or does, as the case might be. The college teaches both, these days. -- PowerBooks is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics | Enter To Win A | -- Canon PowerShot Digital

Re: Do I need a Screen Filter?

2002-10-02 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>I sit at my laptop for atleast 8 hours a day and a friend mentioned I was probably getting zapped by radiation. Do I actually need one?<< Nope. LCD's are radiation free. The voltages involved aren't high enough--as in 20++ kilovolts--to create any sort of rays. You likely pick up more radia

Re: delete

2002-09-27 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>can i delete a letter ahead of the cursor?<< I think he's looking for a forward-delete key. Ain't one. There are a couple of programs that set up special key combinations. Hidden Finder Features was one of them, IIRC. -- PowerBooks is sponsored by and... Small Do

Re: New BTI charger-user w/ questions...

2002-09-24 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>> When I finally got tired and got it out, the battery and the bottom of the BTI charger were HOT enough to fry a roast!! What does this tell me about the battery (nuttin' good I'll bet!)<< Probably a bad battery. The BTI chargers are weird. If you plug in the charger, and then plug in the b

Re: Was Best OS for 145 (what is sneakernet)

2002-09-24 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>> Is this the only way it can be done or are there other ways to do this snekernet?<< Yup. Barefoot, then it's barefootnet. It's just carrying the disc from one computer to the other. -- PowerBooks is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronicshttp://www.smalldo

Re: PB145 best OS?

2002-09-23 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>What is the best OS for this model?<< 7.1.3 >>Can I upgrade to 7.5.5 or even to 7.6.1?<< You can try, but I don't know why you'd want to. >>Anyone have any ideas for the best way to utilize this model?<< Word processing. Run a screen saver. -- PowerBooks is sponsored by

Re: 5300 service manual?

2002-08-26 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
Here's where I got mine... -- PowerBooks is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics | Enter To Win A | -- Canon PowerShot Digital Cameras

Re: Best System 7 version for PB 540c?

2002-05-06 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>The Platinum appearance is added by a single extension called the Appearance Extension. It was integrated into 8.5+, but it is still a standalone file in 8.1.<< Just as a BTW--installing the Appearance Extension may screw up your printer driver. Dunno why, but two of my IIci's acted the same

Re: Polarity

2002-04-20 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>Does anyone here know the polarity config or the power supply unit for the 5300?<< Center + Shell - 24 volts, 1.9 Amps. -- PowerBooks is sponsored by and... Small Dog Electronics | Enter To Win A | -- Canon PowerShot Digital Cameras

Re: Ethernet and PB3400

2002-03-27 Thread Donn Haven Lathrop
>>However, after installing Netscape (was running IE before) and restarting I couldn't browse the web any longer<< Had the same problem with my 5300 and a couple of IIci's as well after an OS re-install. Went to the options--Mail and News Prefs--and checked "Use Internet Config." Set up Intern