RE: [Repeater-Builder] Running a Mastr II Repeater QRP

2010-08-30 Thread Kevin King
I have a 40watt base PA ready to go if you would like to run that.





[] On Behalf Of Jeff DePolo
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 5:53 PM
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Running a Mastr II Repeater QRP



> I don't know the current frequency, but suspect it's in the 
> 460/465 MHz range. Will it move down into the 440s without a 
> lot of grief?


> Also, I don't need anywhere near 100 watts, and need to avoid 
> abusing the good nature and power bill of my landlord. (Also 
> hope to have battery backup.) Can the 100-watt UHF PA be 
> jumpered from an intermediate stage to the filter, bypassing 
> the final? I seem to recall these would run at something in 
> the 10-25-watt range with such a mod.

The driver is 40 watts, just bypass the final board.

But if you're really trying to safe your landlord's electric bill, the ferro
power supply is really what you should be eliminating. That's a real beast
of a vampire.

> Or, is this just gross overkill for a local repeater, and the 
> Mitrek-based idea more appropriate?

I'd go with the M2, hands down.

--- Jeff WN3A

RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Adding capacitors to lower electric bill

2010-08-21 Thread Kevin King
My Elmer, W6NTK (SK) his son worked for PG&E. I was 12 years old then but I
noticed at his power panel he had a bank of capacitors wired into his panel.
He explained to me he had these on to eliminate the big surge when the well
pump or any big loads came on. He asked if I remember seeing these
capacitors along the power lines. He explained that the power system was a
transmission system and that to keep the system in tune they had to add
capacitance along the long runs to balance the system. And that he was doing
the same on his panel. I asked so does this lower your bill and he said not
really but it can reduce spikes in the draw. He then tried to explain some
math and being 12 that started sounding like school work and he lost me.


Thank you for brining this up I have not thought about my Elmer in a long
time. I wish I had paid more attention to some of the things he taught.


Hopefully the group can turn mu 12 year old memory into some theory this old
dog can chew on.


Maybe I can use this info to reduce power usage at the repeater. :-)





[] On Behalf Of ae6zm
Sent: Saturday, August 21, 2010 12:18 AM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Adding capacitors to lower electric bill



When in comes to matters of science, there will always be some who step
forward with anecdotal 'evidence' that they have experienced something that
contradicts accepted scientific knowledge. Using caps to reduce your power
bill is one of those myths. Your power meter is a true watt meter, and is
very carefully designed and tested to measure, react to and record only true
watts, and not react to reactive power. (pun!!) Yes, installing corrective
capacitors can reduce your power bill, but not because it changes your meter
reading; it doesn't. For industrial users, a poor PF results in penalty
charges from the utility, and improving the PF by adding capacitive VAs ( or
KVAs) can reduce the penalties, thereby reducing your bill.
This is not really a repeater topic, but power bills are a real part of
repeater use, so it is useful to understand the real 'science'.

ARRL Technical Specialist
Lincoln, CA

--- In
 , "Bon & Hal" 
> Bill: 
> Check this out. Is It possible that the device might actually reduce
electrical usage?
> Hal
> - Original Message - 
> From: Paul Plack 
> To:
> Sent: Friday, August 20, 2010 9:27 PM
> Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Adding capacitors to lower electric bill
> One company supplying power factor correction capacitors promotes their
use on inductive loads only, where it might be a legitimate claim:
> 73,
> Paul, AE4KR

RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Dissasembly of msr 2000 continuous duty amp. How?

2010-08-03 Thread Kevin King
Hmmm my comments were lost.


Oh well I just commented you kill me Skipp.



[] On Behalf Of Kevin King
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 2:54 PM
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Dissasembly of msr 2000 continuous duty
amp. How?





I use the mass of an old martial-aid size soldering iron, which 
are often passed over by uninformed souls shopping at Ham Flea 


RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Dissasembly of msr 2000 continuous duty amp. How?

2010-08-03 Thread Kevin King


I use the mass of an old martial-aid size soldering iron, which 
are often passed over by uninformed souls shopping at Ham Flea 



Skipp, you kill me!


They used those in sheet metal shops and doing rain gutters. Got one and it
is amazing on touch and ping off it comes!. The solder iron anyway..



RE: [Repeater-Builder] Repeater transmit levels at the receiver?

2010-07-30 Thread Kevin King
I think they use that spec trace on the opening of the tv show Fraser



[] On Behalf Of Kevin Custer
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2010 4:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Repeater transmit levels at the receiver?



Steve wrote:
> Hi Kev
> would it be feasable to use a sig gen cranked right up ?

Depends on how clean the signal generator is. I'd think it doesn't have 
enough smoke (output capability) to really be beneficial

Many generators have a strong carrier (here we go again) adjacent from 
the desired carrier by few, several, many kHz/MHz. Also, depending on 
make/model, it may not be as clean (spurious emissions) as a tuned 
circuit (read MICOR exciter).

I wonder how many of the -53 naysayers have or have used a Cushman 
CE-3? LOL! The folks that have looked at the output of one of these on 
a spectrum analyzer will get it.


RE: [Repeater-Builder] MTR 2000 Help

2010-07-27 Thread Kevin King
Mouse corrosion? 



[] On Behalf Of w5rdw
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 5:58 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] MTR 2000 Help



I have a MTR 2000 for the 900 MHz band (hacked to the ham band). It has
never been used as a repeater since I acquired it a few years ago, but was
scheduled to be on my 927.1125 repeater freq. one of these days. I turned it
ON after it had been OFF for a better part of a year (out in the garage but
dry). It came on, but instead of the green LED staying lit after it warmed
up, the 4 LEDs blinked for sometime and then the red LED (far left) stays
lit. The manual says that means a major malfunction. Before I dig into the
repeater, does anyone have an idea what has happened? I had just
successfully reprogrammed it to a new freq. pair, but this situation has
cropped up.

Roger W5RDW
Murphy, Texas

RE: [Repeater-Builder] Henry Amplifier

2010-06-20 Thread Kevin King
Everything you need for Henry amps. 


They also have a nice support link.





[] On Behalf Of Larry Watkinson
Sent: Sunday, June 20, 2010 9:24 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Henry Amplifier



Good Day All:
I have two Henry Amps that I am trying to learn what drive they need to
operate them on. I am new to repeater ownership and even newer to using a
VHF / UHF amp respectively. Can someone assist me with figuring out how much
transmitter power each will need to drive them. Can you also tell me if I
can use less watts without having to do a bunch of modifications.
Model Number

Model Number

Larry KC7CKO
Olympia, WA

RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Advice on 40 year old radio tower

2010-06-03 Thread Kevin King
If you can use it as is, by that I mean if you are going to use the antennas
and feed line that is there then go for it. Run it till it falls down. Do
not climb it, do not add to it. Just clear the guys and base of the tower of
the over growth. Never work at this site alone. Have a safety person
watching the tower at all times while workers are under it. He needs an air
horn/whistle or some signal to sound the alarm to get to the safety area.
Make sure you have safety routes and zones while you work under it.



I am not a tower engineer, but I believe you will have a hard time
certifying that type of tower. And I doubt you would be able to insure it. I
certainly would not use it for anything commercial.

But for a HAM yak box run it till it drops.






[] On Behalf Of dgrapach
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2010 11:28 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Advice on 40 year old radio tower



The pictures are here of the tower.

--- In
 , "dgrapach" 
> Very true,this tower had it's guy wires in the woods under the trees, the
site was abandon for years. 
> Where and how do I find an engineer to inspect it. I am in Indiana county
pa. Is it feasible to change guy wires, do they recomemd it?
> --- In
 , "Richard W. Solomon" 
> >
> > Tower location is an important piece of the equation. Big difference 
> > between the East Coast and the Sonoran Desert !!
> > 
> > 73, Dick, W1KSZ
> > 
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > >From: dgrapach 
> > >Sent: Jun 2, 2010 9:27 PM
> > >To:
> > >Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Advice on 40 year old radio tower
> > >
> > >I need advice on using an old radio tower. It looks like to be the size
of a 45G, the cross bars are bolted on instead of welded. The 
> > >
> > >tower looks as if it is ok, light surface rust, bolts look ok on the 
> > >outside, of course can't see inside. Heavy rust and pitting on several
guy wires, 
> > >
> > >guys are in amoung the trees, the location needs cleared, tower height
150 feet. Any one have experance on this type of tower? How much rust 
> > >
> > >is aceptable on a gut wire? How do you decide on the safety on an old
tower like this? What is the differance between guy wire and cable 
> > >
> > >used as a guy wire? So many questions... Thanks for any help.
> > >
> > >Denny
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >Yahoo! Groups Links
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >

RE: [Repeater-Builder] ID old Regency PA board.

2010-04-14 Thread Kevin King
 Hello Doug,

I will look I have a bunch of old regency and Wilson books.  
Keep in mind the regency/Wilson land mobile radios were the lowest cost
commercial gear. It was ok at best.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of n3dab
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 9:12 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] ID old Regency PA board.

Just discovered that this additional board may have been lifted from a
Regency ACH100 or AASCH100 PA, if anyone has the documentation on one of
those PA's.

Doug  N3DAB

Yahoo! Groups Links

RE: [Repeater-Builder] On the topic of RCA radios

2010-01-31 Thread Kevin King
That looks to be an UHF 2 channel Standard 25 watt mobile.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of k1stx
Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2010 6:06 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] On the topic of RCA radios

I have a radio that was donated to our group, and have not been able to
identify the radio, to acquire information on it.  Any help would be

Info and pictures at the following link:

Thank You,


Yahoo! Groups Links

RE: [Repeater-Builder] Micor repeater audio

2009-11-14 Thread Kevin King
First if it is all stock. I would go through the cards and replace the
electrolytic caps in the audio path. Or just shot gun all the caps. As old
as they are it would be good.

I do this when I rebuild any micor or mastr repeater. I have a couple of
stock micors up and have them sounding fine.

Others may have some suggestions to add.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of mzfb2001
Sent: Saturday, November 14, 2009 12:51 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Micor repeater audio

I was looking in the files section and may have missed it, but I am looking
to improve the transmit audio quality on my UHF transmiter. I've noticed
that the audio is lacking in lows its not tinny but its not what I would
call normal audio from a Micor. The audio levels and on frequency
adjustments have made and to seem to be on the money. This is an unmodified
repeater station using stock cards and no controller. The receiver is stock
and the frequency has been changed to the 440mhz band. The audio coming out
of the receiver has fine audio quality.
Just looking for your thoughts or ideas.
Thanks for your input

Yahoo! Groups Links

RE: [Repeater-Builder] Pager Interference to 2-meter & VHF Public Service Band

2009-10-28 Thread Kevin King
I would look at the exciter freq on the uhf paging transmitter. 

It would help with some info on the paging transmitters. Model and such.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2009 1:29 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Pager Interference to 2-meter & VHF Public
Service Band

A couple of weeks ago, our repeater system started to experience
interference from a paging system.  The repeater is on 146.850 (-600 KHz),
with the antenna system about 120 feet up a water tower.  The repeater
itself is an Advanced Communications System KRP-5000 running 35 watts
through a set of 4 WACOM cans.  The feedline is 7/8" hardline feeding a
DB-224.  All jumpers are RG-214 MILSPEC with MILSPEC connectors.  This
system has been in service for years and has never given us any problems,
and we are the only ones at the site.

To be clear, the interference we are experiencing is clearly audible on the
repeater input.  I have the capability to monitor via telephone and have
heard it on the receiver, and I've also traveled to the site and heard the
interference on my mobile radio hooked to the repeater antenna.  The
interference is also audible on the input in various locations around town.
Also, the interference can be heard on the input regardless of whether or
not the repeater transmitter is on.  It also continued to be present during
several days of continuous heavy rain.  

The interference typically shows up at least once a day, although some days
(rarely) it does not show up at all and other days it will show up several
times.  Lately, it's been making an appearance around 10 a.m. and hangs
around for an hour or two.  As it begins to disappear, it sounds as though
it is moving off frequency.  

This interference has also been heard on at least two other repeaters in the
area.  One is about 22 air-miles from the 146.85 machine and is on 145.110
(-600 KHz).  It has also been heard on or near the output frequency of that
machine, and one evening I tracked it from about 145.120 to 145.190 as it
swept through each transmission.  The other repeater it has been heard on is
147.300 (+600 KHz).  I also have reports from a neighboring county a
ham/deputy sheriff there has been hearing it on VHF public safety
frequencies.  As you can see, it's all over the place.

I've been working with the owner of a local paging company and we can
clearly tell that the data we're hearing is coming from 152.480 and 462.775.
He has two sites (about 20 miles apart) that simulcasts on both frequencies
and when those transmitters are active it's easy to tell that the data is
the same.  He also tells me that he can key each transmitter separately and
the data from each transmitter will be heard on our repeater.  We also
believe that there are other systems on nearby frequencies that are being
heard on our repeater, specifically 462.850 and 462.925.

I've run IMD numbers on everything I can think of, but can't come up with a
common thread.  For it to be moving all through the 2-meter band and for it
to be mixing with several different frequencies, it seems to me that it's
got to be very ugly and unstable.  What am I missing here?


Yahoo! Groups Links

RE: [Repeater-Builder] ARRL Approves Study Committee to Research & Develop Plan for Narrowband Channel Spacing

2009-10-02 Thread Kevin King
I agree we do not need to make more "pairs" everywhere. But let's face it.
We build from the left over's from the commercial world. Ok some of you buy
all new latest, etc. At some point most of the gear is going to be narrow. 

Do any of the older operators remember moving to "narrow" band before? 

Let's set the politics aside and see what this change can add? Obviously we
have a transition period. Can we have a dual input machine with wide and
narrow IF's? Maybe a wide PL and narrow PL?  Does narrow banding offer us
anything in improvements? Will it help us in noisy RF sites? 

Can we teach or make kits for users to modify their rigs?

Not looking for a flame war, just stimulating some positive discussion. :)


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Chuck Kelsey
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 9:32 AM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] ARRL Approves Study Committee to Research &
Develop Plan for Narrowband Channel Spacing

I agree, that's the political side of the problem. I don't see that there is

a true NEED for more pairs in amateur service. There IS a need in the 
commercial/public safety world.


- Original Message - 
From: "Cort Buffington" 
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 9:23 AM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] ARRL Approves Study Committee to Research & 
Develop Plan for Narrowband Channel Spacing

To wrap this around to repeaters Where I live, which is admittedly
not, say, California... there isn't a real spectrum problem on any of
the FM repeater bands (if I may use such a term). There is a slight
problem in some areas with the so-called "paper repeaters", but that's
not a reason to narrow-band. It might be a reason to actually give
coordination to those who really will keep a repeater up and
operational, but not to narrow-band.

Is there a reason to do this other than creating more channels? And
how many places desperately need the channels -- as in, even if the
repeater pairs are all full, are the repeaters being used?

Just a thought...

Yahoo! Groups Links

RE: [Repeater-Builder] Aerotron VHF rpt.

2009-09-19 Thread Kevin King
I used to work on that stuff. All the rigs would go anywhere well almost.
Get the manuals even the mobile manuals as the repeater was much like the
mastr II in that all the boards in rptr were the same as the mobile. Get
some xtals and tune it up. Any section that does not tune well ot tops out
on the coil look at the schematic for the * next to the caps that are
frequency dependant and try a new cap a few PF off from there.

My manuals are in storage but next time I get to them I will see what I


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of terry_wx3m
Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2009 9:46 AM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Aerotron VHF rpt.

I know there is an Aerotron group, but it hasn't had any activity for a long
time. I thought I might get an answer here.

I have a mint Aerotron VHF Repeater made of a 60BR1 Receiver and a 60BT100
Transmitter.  Has anyone ever seen one of these successfully moved to a
lower ham pair such as 145.450/144.850?

I'd also consider buying spare manuals if anyone has them.

Terry  WX3M

Yahoo! Groups Links

RE: [Repeater-Builder] Tools

2009-09-11 Thread Kevin King
Back when cars had distributors, most tool outlets had nice sets of
"distributor wrenches" A set of these make short work on small hex style
connectors. Also for knurled connectors Snap-On has or did have a very small
set of Channel locks for use on things like distributors. 


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Ray Brown
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 11:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Tools

  Speaking of tools, how about the specialized wrenches that can take the
SMA connector
nut loose on, oh, say, Yaesu VX 5 or FT-50's?


Yahoo! Groups Links

RE: [Repeater-Builder] Need a TLD-2601A PA

2009-08-20 Thread Kevin King
Instead of a magnifying glass, use freeze mist and a heat gun to find the
intermittent. Another method to locate the problem; when it has failed you
can push on the leads of the devices with an insulated tool and when you
push on the lead that is intermittent it will pop back on. As was pointed
out in another post the bond at the gold to tin on the device leads has
oxidized very common PA problem. 


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Tom Clarke
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 10:26 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Need a TLD-2601A PA

Our club's MSR-2000 repeater recently "ate" it's PA, a TLD-2601A.  
Actually it went intermittent on us and several folks have gone over it 
with the magnifying glass and reflowed most of the major solder joints 
to no avail.

 That's a low split, 100 watt, continuous duty PA.  If anyone has one 
available we are interested.

We are in the Baltimore Washington area and could pick up within a 
reasonable distance (whatever the heck that is!) rather than shipping 
the fairly heavy unit.

73 de Tom/W4OKW (K3HKI Rpt)

Yahoo! Groups Links

RE: [Repeater-Builder] Getting mice out of a repeater sight

2009-07-28 Thread Kevin King
Get pet snakes to live at the repeater!

At the site out west I had 6 meter stuff in, the owner spread poison bait
outside, but that was mostly to get ride of the ground squirrels that
burrowed around the footings. It did keep the mice away too.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jed Barton
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 4:19 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Getting mice out of a repeater sight

Hey guys,
I am sure many of you have been through this before.
The evil mice decided to waunder in to my repeater sight.  Up until now they
avoided my repeater, but when I went up there, I was less than pleased.
They didn't chew any wires thank god, but they walked across the top of the
icom rp4020, and left some presents if you know what I mean.
I need some input, what's the best way to clean it up, anything in
All the covers were on, so I don't think they got inside, but haven't pulled
the cover off yet.
Any ideas?


Yahoo! Groups Links

RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: ROIP - Cheap

2009-07-19 Thread Kevin King 

This document has a good set of examples of how to set this up.

You should be able to download the version of IOS you need. Or the friend
that gave them to you might have the ability to get it from Cisco.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of George Csahanin
Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2009 11:28 AM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Re: ROIP - Cheap

Has anybody ever found a "cookbook" setup for this. I have a pair of 2600's,
and the VIC-2E/Ms, and NM-1's, but it seems my IOS version is 12.3 and won't
do it, plus, IOS, while fairly intuitive, has so many crankhandles that I
get lost in the setup. 

It seems that while the hardware may be readily available ( a friend sent
three 2600's thta were being tossed out) the real issue will be IOS. About 8
years back a friend in DFW had this setup, but as a remote phone line
extention. Same basic stuff. And you cannot beat it for reliability.

But for site link I use DRIL which is a modified "simpleh323" deal. Run it
on CF card with a pair of Netier XL-2000 250 mhz computers. 

I'm also playing with app_rpt. The USB audio interface has issues. But for
non-critical (amateur radio) applications, its ok. Maybe overkill for a
link. Also trying limey-linux, have my first working build there. Not bad,
no moving parts.


--- In, "Kevin King"  wrote:
> Ok here are some prices for the Cisco solution.
> Cisco 2600XM router 50 to 200 bucks on eBay depends on what cards might be
> in router.
> VIC-2E/M 12 to 40 Bucks on eBay, NM-2V 33 bucks buy now on eBay.
> This is what you need on each site minimum. If you hooked up with a ham
> is a Cisco Jock, you should be able to do each site for less than 200
> -Kevin
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of wa5jxy
> Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 12:09 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Repeater-Builder] ROIP - Cheap
> OK, I have searched the ROIP posts, and I have to say all the posts I have
> viewed just miss the point of what I am looking for.
> Yes, there are MANY ROIP commercial product related posts.
> All 
> What I am looking for is a SIMPLE and CHEAP solution for ROIP for AMATEUR
> service.
> OK, I understand the commercial product line and the need for small
> solutions (). Raytheon NXU etc.
> What about the amateur service trying to break into the ROIP solution?
> I built a P25 repeater for amateur service just because the technology is
> there. It works and is cheaper than buying a complete P25 commercial
> repeater.
> Now I want to build a ROIP interface similar to IRLP and Echolink without
> central server owned by someone else.
> I have the dedicated fiber infrastructure (10GB backbone) in place I can
> utilize for ROIP.
> What I need is a schematic so I can build my own ROIP cards for PC or a
> cheap already built card available on ebay.
> There must be a Asterisk and cheap card solution out there.
> Anybody already done this?
> I have an Asterisk PBX server already built and working.
> Anybody set up Asterisk for ROIP and what card(s) did you use?
> I see then for $159 on ebay but I already have MANY parts and can build
> cheaper, but still need a schematic or pre-built card.
> If not, how about starting a discussion to do this?
> My goal is to link several repeaters via ROIP other than echolink or IRLP.
> Thanks!
> Neil WA5JXY
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Yahoo! Groups Links

RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: ROIP - Cheap

2009-07-18 Thread Kevin King

What transport are you using between the routers? Are you Ethernet to
another router or do you have a T1 wic in the 2600's?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of rahwayflynn
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 10:20 AM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Re: ROIP - Cheap

I have the setup that Kevin Describes under construction now.  Cisco has
apps notes on their website at:

total hardware cost was ~$475.00 for both routers and the cards.   The radio
traffic is in a seperate VLAN with high enough QOS to avoid issues.  


--- In, "Kevin King"  wrote:
> Ok here are some prices for the Cisco solution.
> Cisco 2600XM router 50 to 200 bucks on eBay depends on what cards might be
> in router.
> VIC-2E/M 12 to 40 Bucks on eBay, NM-2V 33 bucks buy now on eBay.
> This is what you need on each site minimum. If you hooked up with a ham
> is a Cisco Jock, you should be able to do each site for less than 200
> -Kevin

Yahoo! Groups Links

RE: [Repeater-Builder] ROIP - Cheap

2009-07-18 Thread Kevin King
Ok here are some prices for the Cisco solution.

Cisco 2600XM router 50 to 200 bucks on eBay depends on what cards might be
in router.

VIC-2E/M 12 to 40 Bucks on eBay, NM-2V 33 bucks buy now on eBay.

This is what you need on each site minimum. If you hooked up with a ham that
is a Cisco Jock, you should be able to do each site for less than 200 bucks.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of wa5jxy
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 12:09 AM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] ROIP - Cheap

OK, I have searched the ROIP posts, and I have to say all the posts I have
viewed just miss the point of what I am looking for.
Yes, there are MANY ROIP commercial product related posts.

What I am looking for is a SIMPLE and CHEAP solution for ROIP for AMATEUR
OK, I understand the commercial product line and the need for small business
solutions (). Raytheon NXU etc.

What about the amateur service trying to break into the ROIP solution?
I built a P25 repeater for amateur service just because the technology is
there. It works and is cheaper than buying a complete P25 commercial

Now I want to build a ROIP interface similar to IRLP and Echolink without a
central server owned by someone else.
I have the dedicated fiber infrastructure (10GB backbone) in place I can
utilize for ROIP.
What I need is a schematic so I can build my own ROIP cards for PC or a
cheap already built card available on ebay.
There must be a Asterisk and cheap card solution out there.
Anybody already done this?

I have an Asterisk PBX server already built and working.
Anybody set up Asterisk for ROIP and what card(s) did you use?
I see then for $159 on ebay but I already have MANY parts and can build them
cheaper, but still need a schematic or pre-built card.
If not, how about starting a discussion to do this?

My goal is to link several repeaters via ROIP other than echolink or IRLP.


Yahoo! Groups Links

RE: [Repeater-Builder] SEA ESP1000 220Mhz Repeater

2009-07-09 Thread Kevin King


As other posts have mentioned these are not FM repeaters. If you do a Google
search on them you will find some info on converting them to work on ham
freq. In fact the person that did the work on it, is or was at one time a
user of this list. Then there is the issue that they are ACSB, so you would
need matching radios to use it. Or convert it to FM. This is not a simple


So I do not want to say it is junk , but would be in class of yes it can be
done, just how much time and money do you want to spend to do it?


Good luck and please do let us know what your outcome is.





[] On Behalf Of Mike Mullarkey
Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2009 8:17 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] SEA ESP1000 220Mhz Repeater


Ok Guy's,


Got a new one here and looks to be a gem. Have an abundance of the SEA
ESP1000 220Mhz repeaters. The question has anyone heard of them and will
they program into the ham bands to utilize this nicely built repeater. 


They had Trident TNT controllers mated to them and the pin out looks pretty
straight forward. We just want to know how to program them and see if they
will play nice in the ham bands or are they a boat anchor.





Mike Mullarkey K7PFJ

6886 Sage Ave

Firestone, Co 80504

303-954-9695 Home

303-954-9693 Home Office & Fax

303-718-8052 Cellular

RE: [Repeater-Builder] Links using Motorola Tone Remote Wireline method over IP

2009-06-25 Thread Kevin King
Do a Google search for this document located on Cisco's web site.


What you are asking is called E&M signaling as applied to radio over IP.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 1:58 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Links using Motorola Tone Remote Wireline method
over IP

 Wondering if anyone has ever linked two Motorola repeaters together using
the Tone Remote Wireline methodology (2175 Guard Tone, specific function
tones, etc) over IP? Normally these links are run via dedicated microwave
links or T1 lines (i.e. on all the time). 

 I'm thinking perhaps of using VoIP or simply "media player" style audio
streams where when one machine is active it sends the command tones and
audio to the other one. IRLP or Echolink could be an external option, but
why not use the built-in native interface that has worked for many years
since the connection to the repeater is fairly simple. 

 This would be for region-to-region linking so voter timings, etc aren't
being considered.


Yahoo! Groups Links

RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Noise on UHF - (Mototrbo)

2009-06-19 Thread Kevin King
I heard a rumor that a motorbo device might be coming to use on older units
like the MTR2000. Can anyone confirm this?





[] On Behalf Of Brian Raker
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 6:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Noise on UHF - (Mototrbo)


This gives me pause about putting up my MTR2000 in San Diego.

-Brian Raker

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 7:44 AM, Mike Mullarkey  wrote:


When they are using digital they are 6.25 KHz up and down of the center
frequency. Here in Denver I did a test with 464.550 the worst possible freq
and when In digital mode absolutely NO interference. 





Mike Mullarkey K7PFJ

6886 Sage Ave

Firestone, Co 80504

303-954-9695 Home

303-954-9693 Home Office & Fax

303-718-8052 Cellular

[] On Behalf Of Paul Metzger
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 12:37 AM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Noise on UHF - (Mototrbo)


Just an FYI

Users of the N6DVA mixed mode Digital Mototrbo / Analog repeater 
have experienced something neat early on. When they're using the 
Analog side of the repeater and their audio is being torn up by 
radar, then switch over to the TRBO digital side, their audio is 
clear as can be. It was funny listening at how shocked they were when 
they shared this information with me. Both, the Analog and TRBO 
digital repeaters are at the same site, in the same cabinet, 
utilizing the same antenna, RX window filter, splitter, etc. The same 
with the TX side, they both are sharing the same antenna, duplexer, 
band pass cavity. It's a nice test bed for comparisons.

Just my 2 cents.

As a side note;
There are two more Amateur TRBO repeaters currently being configured 
for IP Site Connect here in Southern California. I was also informed 
yesterday, yet another one is in the works for a high level Mt. top 
site which sounds like it will cover Los Angeles / Riverside. 
Another buddy of mine gave me a heads up that a club he is affiliated 
with is interested in acquiring a TRBO repeater as well. It would be 
nice if just one time slot on each of these repeater were connected 
via IP Site Connect, and the roaming feature enabled in the 
portables / mobiles so you'd never have to change channels (to the 
nearest linked repeater) while driving. The radio would do it 
automatically for you.

Well Have Fun !

Paul Metzger


RE: [Repeater-Builder] Syntech 1 70-630B

2009-06-19 Thread Kevin King
I would try to sell them and buy a Micor or Mastr II repeater. But that is
only due to knowing it would be less work and I am basically lazy. :)

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sexy Man
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 9:57 AM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Syntech 1 70-630B

I have several of the 70-630B Midland radios,how would I convert them into a

Yahoo! Groups Links

RE: [Repeater-Builder] Noise on UHF

2009-06-18 Thread Kevin King
Do a search on the Cisco site for EF&I. This will do what you want over an
IP link.





[] On Behalf Of Jon Bivin - WB0VTM
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 1:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Noise on UHF


I can always tell when the AWACS are flying near our area Our C-band
digital satellite signals crap out every ten seconds or so...


My boss keeps telling me to fix the uplink transmitter I keep telling
him to buy the bandpass filter


Sorry for the off-topic...


I STILL am looking for a good-FREE software to link two sites via ROIP. I
have a local LAN with a microwave setup between sites about

2 miles apart. Receiver one end, transmitter the other. Need to send COR and
audio over ROIP to control TX on the other end. 

Seems like it aught to be simple...





- Original Message - 

From: Nate Duehr   


Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 11:41 AM

Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Noise on UHF


On Jun 18, 2009, at 8:09 AM, dmur...@verizon. 
net wrote:

> The buzz you are hearing on 440 is from airborn radar. I know on the 
> B52s that they turn on ECM (Electronic Counter Measures) when 
> leaving the coast and when returning.

ECM doesn't transmit unless it's attempting to jam incoming "bad 
things". Otherwise, ECM is a passive system, listening.

If you'd said they turn on active RADAR, the comment would have made 
sense, and I'd agree with that. Probably a defensive flying endeavour 
to help them "see and avoid" the insane amounts of traffic at the 
coast. Always a nice option for the PLT if you have active radar and 
can see other people trying to run into you, but they're talking to 
ATC also... just a secondary information source. More "electronic 
eyeballs" outside the cockpit...

Ironically, this indirectly means that UHF Amateur receivers 
apparently are an excellent way to know when certain military RADAR 
systems go active, and that in and of itself is a bit of an 
intelligence coup, if you think about it. Buy an HT if you're 
wondering if the big iron is up and active... :-)

Amateurs on the coasts near Naval bases regularly receive 
unintentional interference from Navy RADAR, inland it's usually 
aircraft (think about the ERP/power requirements to hear OFF-FREQUENCY 
UHF noise on your Amateur Repeater... whew... those boys have some 
power on board!) or fixed installations, and can be DF'ed (if a ground 
source) right to the antenna. Of course, not all of it is off- 
frequency... depending on the RADAR or Comm system.

A number of Colorado Amateurs DF'ed the EPLRS noise at Buckley AFB 
right up to the antenna (with appropriate permission to be on-base at 
the time) and later some careful "negotiation" with the system manager 
included pointing out that if he didn't notch out the Amateur repeater 
inputs (which the system CAN do, since it's so frequency agile), he 
was basically "giving away" the dates/times of active training 
missions to anyone with an Amateur UHF HT talking on a repeater in the 
area, along with just general begging... I hear that this is very 
location dependent, and probably also had to do quite a bit with the 
fact that one of the Amateurs talking to them was a RADAR/SIGINT 
expert from a past life... I think. He won't say. Hah... those of 
you who've done those jobs "get it" when I joke about that.

Anyway, haven't had any EPLRS noise now for many years here in the 
Denver area... I'm sure one can spin the dial and still hear it in 
other sections of the band during missions, but not on the repeater 
inputs... system manager here was SMART and "got it". Active 
transmitters means others know something useful about what you're up 

Nate Duehr, WY0X
n...@natetech.  com

http://facebook.  com/denverpilot
http://twitter.  com/denverpilot

RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Noise on UHF - (Mototrbo)

2009-06-18 Thread Kevin King
I am saving my pennies for a turbo. 


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Paul Metzger
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 2:37 AM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Noise on UHF - (Mototrbo)

Just an FYI

Users of the N6DVA mixed mode Digital Mototrbo / Analog  repeater  
have experienced something neat early on. When they're using the  
Analog side of the repeater and their audio is being torn up by  
radar, then switch over to the TRBO digital side, their audio is  
clear as can be. It was funny listening at how shocked they were when  
they shared this information with me. Both, the Analog and TRBO  
digital repeaters are at the same site, in the same cabinet,  
utilizing the same antenna, RX window filter, splitter, etc. The same  
with the TX side, they both are sharing the same antenna, duplexer,  
band pass cavity. It's a nice test bed for comparisons.

Just my 2 cents.

As a side note;
There are two more Amateur TRBO repeaters currently being configured  
for IP Site Connect here in Southern California. I was also informed  
yesterday, yet another one is in the works for a high level Mt. top  
site which sounds like it will cover Los Angeles / Riverside.   
Another buddy of mine gave me a heads up that a club he is affiliated  
with is interested in acquiring a TRBO repeater as well. It would be  
nice if just one time slot on each of these repeater were connected  
via IP Site Connect, and the roaming feature enabled in the  
portables / mobiles so you'd never have to change channels (to the  
nearest linked repeater) while driving. The radio would do it  
automatically for you.

Well Have Fun !

Paul Metzger

Yahoo! Groups Links

RE: [Repeater-Builder] Circuit diagram for interfacing 2 maxon pm150 repeaters together

2009-06-12 Thread Kevin King


Do you happen to have wire line control options on those?  I tried to do a
quick search for a manual online for them and got nothing. It should not be
any big issue at all to bridge the two repeaters together. Just need to see
what kind of control setup they are using.





[] On Behalf Of kerinvale
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2009 8:32 AM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Circuit diagram for interfacing 2 maxon pm150
repeaters together


Would anyone have a simple diagram for joining 2 separate  maxon sm4450
repeaters together in real time

I.e. Rx1 --+---tx1



So what is received from rx1 transmitts to tx1 and TX 2 and what is received
from rx2 goes over tx1 and tx2  

Thank You,

Ian Wells,

Kerinvale Comaudio,

361 Camboon Road.Biloela.4715

Phone 0749922574 or 0409159932  






RE: [Repeater-Builder] Understanding Intermod

2009-03-07 Thread Kevin King
Bob Ok so much for the software.  

One other user today mentioned a possible issue with another repeater.
147.300. All I had been looking at with the software were the transmitters
at his site.

Ok so I plug that into the mix of xmiters in the software and bingo.

A+B-C 146.70 + 146.70 - 147.30 = 146.100.

The repeater 146.70 does have a circulator.  

Again this intermod is not my best area. I had the repeater owner keep the
146.700 xmitter up them had him hit the 147.30 with an HT and yep we got a
burp of noise. But he heard at least 3 repeaters come up.

So if this mix is the one that is causing all the issues, now we just need
to find where the mix is occurring. Any ideas on where to look?

 As you can see in the full printout from the intermod tool. There are more
that one set of possible offenders.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, March 07, 2009 3:47 PM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Understanding Intermod

At 3/7/2009 08:59, you wrote:

>I did a analysis on a transmitter site using the TCS intermod tool to see 
>what mixes could be causing some issues at this site. I ran the 1-3 order 
>and 1 to 5 order.
>So I do not use these tools much and was wondering if any of my fellow 
>engineers on here have used this tool and have comments on the output. For 
>example this line from the output confuses me:
>A+B+C-D-E: 146.7 + 145.77000 + 145.09000 - 145.73000 - 145.73000 =
>It is a hit right on the input but how do you minus 145.73 twice? Is this 
>just an issue with the program I am using?

I should say 146.700 + 145.770 + 145.090 - 2 * 145.730 = 146.100

It's actually an A+B+C-2D mix.

Bob NO6B

Yahoo! Groups Links

RE: [Repeater-Builder] WTT- db4076w-a

2009-02-27 Thread Kevin King
And if Doug is to fare in the sticks for you, I am up the street and can
help you.

Hi Doug! :)


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 10:35 PM
Cc: wc4rav
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] WTT- db4076w-a

I'm in Jasper just North of you.  Call me at 770 893 2906 and let's talk
about your problem and the solution.  No charge for conversation or retune
if feasible.

View me on

 wc4rav  wrote: 

want to trade db4076w-a factory tuned for 462.600 for like quality set
that can be tuned for 443.450

Yahoo! Groups Links

RE: [Repeater-Builder] MSR2000

2009-02-24 Thread Kevin King

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Grant
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 10:54 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] MSR2000

I have been told I can interface two repeaters together using the line 
driver card. Anyone on here ever tried that??

Yahoo! Groups Links

RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Fujitsu Link Radio use

2009-02-19 Thread Kevin King
What I can not remember was if the program prom was band specific. I will go
look. I have a vhf and a couple of UHF rigs. I always just left the
programming proms in the radios I used. If they are in fact different then
yes the limits are in the programming prom. I had not thought of snooping
the data buss. You are right the channel info is held in the radio memory.
So that might be another way to address the info. Pun intended.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of ka9gpx
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 9:35 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Fujitsu Link Radio use

Hello all,
To address some of the replies...

--- In, "Kevin King"  wrote:
> The fajitsu radio is keypad programmable. The programming prom must be
> hacked to go out of band. I do not know of a source for a hacked
> prom.
> Perhaps it is time to revisit this. I dropped it long ago due to other
> equipment was available. You know the instant gratification thing. :)
> -Kevin

I tried to "look at" the code in the Program prom, but didn't have
anything "jump right out" at me regarding the Band Limits...didn't
think to look for "reverse order bytes" though, (kinda like the big M
does with their stuff)May give that another try soonI'm not sure
the "limits" are actually in the program prom vrs the Micro's
code...Haven't got any firm replies one way or another. Would make
sense it's in the Program Prom, but who knows???

Was going to take a look at "mapping out" the eeprom. Though that
might be an easy way to get 1-2Channels into the radio,however, It's
an old SERIAL based eeprom.(MN2802) Don't have access to anything that
might even read it...

Like John said,...If you do come up with ANY possibilities...Let me
know...I've received a bunch of requests(off line) from people looking
for the same answer...

> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of George Henry
> Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 12:33 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Fujitsu Link Radio use
> A common trick with some other manufacturers' software is to enter 
> out-of-band frequencies while holding down the SHIFT key...  for
> 147.330 would be entered as !$&.##) (not sure about the decimal
point - some
> programs insert it automatically, others don't use one).
> You might give that a try.  Still others require a hacked version of
> software, or that you use a hex editor on the data read from the
radio, then
> upload it back into the radio.
> Hopefully someone here is familiar with the Fujitsu software.
> George, KA3HSW / WQGJ413

Well George, thanks for the reply, but I not sure P.C.'s were all that
common when these radios were introduced...(Mid-late 70's I
think..)(only main frames)...The radio was programmed using a "Program
Eprom"..Dealer would replace the internal firmware with the "Program
Prom", Program all the data using the front control panel of the
radio, then re-insert original firmware prom, and Voila...done...No
P.C.,...No Rib,...No Software,...Kinda neat...Truly "Plug &
Play"...IMHO, These radio's were really ahead of their time, 25+ years
ago, with respect to the features they offered,ease of alignment,
operation, and most important, reliability,...Kinda like a
TIMEX,..."Takes a lick'n, but Keeps on Tick'n... I think thats why I'm
not the only one(based on the off-line requests I've recv'd)that would
like to use these O.O.B.

Al, I thought about the "Xtal-Change" approach, but like your friend
found out,...sorta not worth it..but thanks for the idea...

Thanks to all for the ideas...Maybe someone will still chime in with
some "good News"...Don't want to give-up just yet...


Yahoo! Groups Links

RE: [Repeater-Builder] Fujitsu Link Radio use

2009-02-19 Thread Kevin King
The fajitsu radio is keypad programmable. The programming prom must be
hacked to go out of band. I do not know of a source for a hacked programming

Perhaps it is time to revisit this. I dropped it long ago due to other
equipment was available. You know the instant gratification thing. :)


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of George Henry
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 12:33 AM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Fujitsu Link Radio use

A common trick with some other manufacturers' software is to enter 
out-of-band frequencies while holding down the SHIFT key...  for example, 
147.330 would be entered as !$&.##) (not sure about the decimal point - some

programs insert it automatically, others don't use one).

You might give that a try.  Still others require a hacked version of the 
software, or that you use a hex editor on the data read from the radio, then

upload it back into the radio.

Hopefully someone here is familiar with the Fujitsu software.

George, KA3HSW / WQGJ413

- Original Message - 
From: "ka9gpx" 
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 6:06 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Fujitsu Link Radio use

Hello all,

I'm trying to help a group set-up some old Fujitsu FTM40-3092 &
FTM15-3092 radios to use for link and control radios.

Wondering if anybody in the group might have any ideas on how to
program the radios for "Out-of-Band" operation (ie: Amateur range).
The radios will operate "RF-Wise" however the BIG problem is
programming. The Band Limits appear to be "Hard-Coded" into either the
Micro code, or the Programming Eprom used to program the radio.

I've already asked the question on other groups (Radio-Programming &
Fujitsu Radio) to no avail. Thought I would try hear as I know there
are a lot of Commercial people on this group that might have some
thoughts, hints, ideas, regarding these old, but great radios.

So, in a nut shell.ANY input would be greatly appreciated.

Yahoo! Groups Links

RE: [Repeater-Builder] Duplexer Cable Length / Recomendations

2009-02-15 Thread Kevin King
Woe to those that ask the "LMR 400" question!  :)


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Chuck Kelsey
Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2009 6:45 PM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Duplexer Cable Length / Recomendations

An archive search for "LMR-400" on this Yahoo group came up with over 290 
posts on the subject.


- Original Message - 
From: "Trevor Raty" 
Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2009 5:32 PM
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Duplexer Cable Length / Recomendations

>I have been digging through archives and the site for the last week and
> haven't found anything. Thank-you for the information.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Chuck Kelsey
> Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2009 2:09 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Duplexer Cable Length / Recomendations
> Take a look at the message archives. You'll see that this same question
> comes up VERY regularly, and gets answered VERY regularly.
> I'm not trying to be difficult, but a little looking before asking may 
> yield
> a wealth of other useful information to help you along the way.
> Also, look around on the Repeater Builder site. There's a huge amount of
> information there as well.
> But to directly answer your question, some of the favorites tend to be
> RG-400 and RG-214, but for 6-meters, some use 1/4" or 1/2" superflex 
> heliax.
> Chuck
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Trevor Raty" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2009 4:52 PM
> Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Duplexer Cable Length / Recomendations
>> Well what would be a good choice? Just saying its bad is really useless
>> information.
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus 
> signature
> database 3853 (20090214) __
> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus 
> signature
> database 3853 (20090214) __
> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.
> Yahoo! Groups Links

Yahoo! Groups Links

RE: [Repeater-Builder] wanted- macaroni fly back xfmr

2009-02-09 Thread Kevin King


Over on the yahoo Marconi group a thread on the fly back was hashed about.
It was told that some less in demand models of test gear use the same parts.
You might want to hop over there and see if the part can be crossed over.





[] On Behalf Of Ted Bleiman K9MDM -
MDM Radio
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2009 3:07 AM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] wanted- macaroni fly back xfmr


hi gang. mdm here. 

i have a macaroni 2955 with a smoked flyback xfmr. repair shop can't find
the part. someone must have a spare or a parts chassis somewhere. and help
appreciaed greatly. this is a pristine monitor and i'd really like to get it
fixed for my shop.


mdm ted


thawing out in Chicago..

Ted Bleiman K9MDM

MDM  Radio" If its in stock...we've got it!"
P O Box 31353
Chicago, IL 60631-0353 
773.631.5130  fax 773.775.8096  



 email - <<< DIRECT ALL EMAIL

RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Hamtronics Helical Resonator Preamp or Advanced Research Preamp

2009-02-06 Thread Kevin King
I bet you were right at a null directly under the antenna. 15 feet is just
sort of 2 wavelengths.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 11:52 PM
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Hamtronics Helical Resonator Preamp or
Advanced Research Preamp

At 2/5/2009 15:03, you wrote:
>With that short of a run I would be more concerned with the repeater being
>in the near field of the antenna.

I've read other similar comments.  Guess I've been lucky: the last 2 meter 
system I set up has the antenna barely 15 ft directly above the 
repeater.  No desense.  The antenna is almost directly above the repeater 
so that may help.

Bob NO6B

Yahoo! Groups Links

RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Hamtronics Helical Resonator Preamp or Advanced Research Preamp

2009-02-05 Thread Kevin King
With that short of a run I would be more concerned with the repeater being
in the near field of the antenna. 


>  I am blessed with my location and yes, noise can be high. I'll
>try without the preamp first and see where I'm at, and the use of the
>proper antenna will help. I've spent so much alreqady that a few more
>buckis for 7/8" won't make a difference and will err on the side of
>caution with intermod.

Again, 20 ft. of 7/8" for 2 meters is an unnecessary expense.  20 ft. of 
RG-214 has only 0.5 dB of loss @ 146 MHz - quite acceptable for a 
first-rate system, and it won't cost you that much even if you have to buy 
it @ retail $$.

Bob NO6B

Yahoo! Groups Links

RE: [Repeater-Builder] Rat Track Solvent?

2008-12-22 Thread Kevin King
I have had good results with wd40 and a toothbrush. If it is supper bad
those small wire brushes from harbor freight may be used.





[] On Behalf Of Scott
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 12:21 AM
Cc: Scott Overstreet
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Rat Track Solvent?


Hello All


I said OK to an invitation to fix a repeater that suddenly quit after years
of trouble free service. Found a critical wire chewed in two and several
more "almosts". The fixes were easy but a problem remains in the cleanup.


Rat trash and droppings (OK to read as a common four letter word) swept and
vacuumed out easily but the brown "tracking" residue remaining on the base
surfaces and trails is resistant to everything I have triedwater, dish
and laundry detergents straight and with water, 409, alcohol, "Goo-off" and
paint thinner. The crud releases from vinyl wire with a lot of scrubbing
using one of the detergents and water but nothing I have tried lifts the
crud at all from a painted, galvanized or plated metal surface.


What works?---any and all practical suggestions will be tried and their
performance reported.


Thanks much--


Scott, N6NXI


RE: [Repeater-Builder] Wanted: IFR-1500S Maintenance Manual

2008-02-20 Thread Kevin King

I have that manual in hard format... 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joe
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 8:14 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Wanted: IFR-1500S Maintenance Manual

Anyone have this in PDF that they would like to share?  I'd like to have it
before I tear into my 1500.

Thanks, Joe, K1ike

Yahoo! Groups Links

RE: [Repeater-Builder] Two Repeaters, One Antenna

2008-02-20 Thread Kevin King
What you want to do has been done before.
I believe the documents in the link below has information on this. I used to
have a big foldout document from moto on the 1500 duplexers and it showed a
configuration you describe. I hope the PDF documents on this like are the
same I am thinking of. 


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cort Buffington
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 2:39 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Two Repeaters, One Antenna


I've found a site for my most recent Ham repeater project. Nice farm tower
on a hill, clean of RF colo, etc. The farm repeater is a 
+ machine and I'm on 444.825. It is set up with nice hardline and a 16
bay folded dipole antenna (not sure the mfg., but he thinks it's DB).  
Anyway, assuming that thing has useable SWR on my TX frequency (I've had
that happen before, not holding my breath), does anyone have any ideas about
the viability of running both repeaters on the same antenna but connecting
the duplexer outputs together in to the common feedline? I've done no math,
and not a lot of thinking, but is this one of those times when I might run
odd multiples of 1/4 wave coax to a T at the hardline or something? Both
repeaters have BpBr duplexers and both have isolators on their outputs.


Cort Buffington
H: +1-785-838-3034
M: +1-785-865-7206

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Wount To Find Out About Buiding A New Repeter

2006-05-31 Thread Kevin King

are incorrect on item #1 it is 50 watts at the transmitter output.  
Everything else is valid.
EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Vincent 
  CarusoSent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 10:14 AMTo: 
  Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.comSubject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] 
  Wount To Find Out About Buiding A New RepeterProblem #1 
  is that on 462.675 / 467.675  GMRS you cannot go over 50 watts 
  ERP  with a proper antenna system you should be able to achieve 
  50Watts ERP with your current machine.Problem #2 is that you 
  cannot reverse the input /output on repeater pairs since it will wreak all 
  sorts of havoc with co-channel users and on GMRS there are probably lots 
  of them.If you are an emergency response entity that needs that type 
  of output power, why not get a coordinated pair on special emergency or in 
  the business band.National Emergency Assistance Radio Team 
  Headquters wrote:> Date :05-29-2006> Time :8:00 PM 
  CST>>From :Lige Turner > Repeter-Builder > I,m Am A 
  GMRS Radio Operater> And I Would Like More On How > To Build A 
  UHF-FM Land Mobile> Radio(LMR)Repeter That Will Put> Out 100 
  Watts ERP Output And Would> Work On The Input Frequency 462.675 
  Mhz> CTCSS Tones 141.3 Hz And Output Frequency> 467.675 Mhz With 
  A CTCSS Tone 141.3 Hz > And The Repeter Controle I Would 
  Reather> Not Have Any DTMF Tone Cods Becose Some> One Here In 
  Kansas City Missouri Has A> Tone Burst System And Has Try To Get 
  Into> My Low Power Repeter Whitch Is Only 25 Watts> ERP Low 
  Power Yes This Is For The Emergency> Frequency On GMRS Radio My Call 
  Sine KAF-2106> And I,M The Head Of A Not-For-Profit 
  Organization> National Emergency Assistance Radio Team,Inc.> I 
  Will Probley Buy The Parts One At A Time Becose> Of How Much The Cost 
  Of What I Need To Build> A Good Repeter It May Take A While To Get It 
  On> The Air And Shut This 25 Watt ERP Repeter Down> 
  > Lige 
  Turner KAF-2106 
  >   73 
  All> > > > > > > > 
  > > > > >  > Yahoo! Groups 
  Links> > <*> To visit your group on the web, go 
  > <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email 
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  > > > > >  



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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Quick GMRS repeater w/ Radius m10 and RICK

2006-05-27 Thread Kevin King

If you search for .00025 on the part 95 doc at the fcc site you will find
the info in black and white.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 3:09 PM
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Quick GMRS repeater w/ Radius m10
and RICK

  That's what I thought ... after someone stated all GMRS
 transmitters must be 0.00025% tolerance ...


  Neil - WA6KLA

 Original Message 
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Quick GMRS repeater w/ Radius m10
and RICK
Date: Sat, 27 May 2006 13:44:10 -0400

>mobiles are .0005%
>Kevin King SCSA BSCIS
>EIEIO 2722
>Acworth Georgia
>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
>Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 10:50 AM
>Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Quick GMRS repeater w/ Radius m10
>and RICK
>  Does that 0.00025% apply to mobiles as well?
>  Neil
> Original Message 
>Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Quick GMRS repeater w/ Radius m10
>and RICK
>Date: Sat, 27 May 2006 09:11:43 -0400
>>The technical requirements for a transmitter useable for GMRS
>>1. FCC part 95 type acceptance.
>>2. Transmitter frequency stability of .00025%
>>To check if the equipment you want to use meets the technical
>>for use as a GMRS repeater transmitter. Use the FCC ID number on the
>>transmitter equipment and search at this link:
>>The information on how to setup the Rick and the radios can be found
>>on the
>>repeater builder web site, possibly the batwings site, And most
>>someone on this list that has set one up will respond with helpful
>>information. I have not used a Rick but have built and serviced may
>>repeaters. I wanted to make the original poster had the proper
>>regarding the equipment he wanted to use.
>>Kevin King SCSA BSCIS
>>GMRS KAG0378
>>EIEIO 2722
>>Acworth Georgia
>>-Original Message-
>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of sgreact47
>>Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 3:49 AM
>>Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Quick GMRS repeater w/ Radius m10
>>> > "N6YV"  wrote:
>>> > Greetings to the group. I want to construct a quick GMRS
>>> > repeater with two Radius m10 radios and a Rick unit
>>Sorry but the M10 transmitter is NOT type F. C. C. accepted or
>>certificated for use as a repeater in the GMRS.
>>Yahoo! Groups Links
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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Quick GMRS repeater w/ Radius m10 and RICK

2006-05-27 Thread Kevin King
mobiles are .0005%

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 10:50 AM
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Quick GMRS repeater w/ Radius m10
and RICK

  Does that 0.00025% apply to mobiles as well? 


 Original Message 
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Quick GMRS repeater w/ Radius m10
and RICK
Date: Sat, 27 May 2006 09:11:43 -0400

>The technical requirements for a transmitter useable for GMRS service
>1. FCC part 95 type acceptance.
>2. Transmitter frequency stability of .00025%
>To check if the equipment you want to use meets the technical
>for use as a GMRS repeater transmitter. Use the FCC ID number on the
>transmitter equipment and search at this link:
>The information on how to setup the Rick and the radios can be found
>on the
>repeater builder web site, possibly the batwings site, And most
>someone on this list that has set one up will respond with helpful
>information. I have not used a Rick but have built and serviced may
>repeaters. I wanted to make the original poster had the proper
>regarding the equipment he wanted to use.
>Kevin King SCSA BSCIS
>EIEIO 2722
>Acworth Georgia
>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of sgreact47
>Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 3:49 AM
>Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Quick GMRS repeater w/ Radius m10 and
>> > "N6YV"  wrote:
>> > Greetings to the group. I want to construct a quick GMRS
>> > repeater with two Radius m10 radios and a Rick unit
>Sorry but the M10 transmitter is NOT type F. C. C. accepted or
>certificated for use as a repeater in the GMRS.
>Yahoo! Groups Links
>Yahoo! Groups Links

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Quick GMRS repeater w/ Radius m10 and RICK

2006-05-27 Thread Kevin King

The technical requirements for a transmitter useable for GMRS service ARE:

1. FCC part 95 type acceptance.
2. Transmitter frequency stability of .00025%

To check if the equipment you want to use meets the technical specifications
for use as a GMRS repeater transmitter. Use the FCC ID number on the
transmitter equipment and search at this link:

The information on how to setup the Rick and the radios can be found on the
repeater builder web site, possibly the batwings site, And most assuredly
someone on this list that has set one up will respond with helpful
information. I have not used a Rick but have built and serviced may GMRS
repeaters. I wanted to make the original poster had the proper information
regarding the equipment he wanted to use.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of sgreact47
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 3:49 AM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Quick GMRS repeater w/ Radius m10 and

> > "N6YV"  wrote:
> > Greetings to the group. I want to construct a quick GMRS
> > repeater with two Radius m10 radios and a Rick unit

Sorry but the M10 transmitter is NOT type F. C. C. accepted or
certificated for use as a repeater in the GMRS.

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] 6 meter low band Duplexers

2006-04-29 Thread Kevin King
Yep many times. ran a set of coffee cans for 12 years. takes all of about 20
bucks at the hardware store. Well ok 20 bucks 12 years ago. @0 does not go
as far today.  And we actually found that tomato sauce cans worked better
than coffee. The tomato cans had some kind of coating on the inside.

You can search this list I have given the details more than once.
I would even be willing to build a set and have someone document and write
it up.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Mike Perryman
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 2:04 AM
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] 6 meter low band Duplexers

The question begs to be asked...  Have you actually built one?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Kevin King
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 11:39 PM
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] 6 meter low band Duplexers

why mess with coax duplexers? you can make very good duplexers with coffee
cans or best is aluminum irrigation pipe.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of steve
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] 6 meter low band Duplexers

Hi Tedd

very interesting. The cavities no doubt would cost a fortune
to ship to the UK.
Iam going to have a go at using Heliax, not keen on the idea
as they can be troublesome, go off tune with bending etc, but
Mike has encoraged me to have a go with the article on his
site, can but try as 1200 UK pounds for a commercial one
is a defo no no :-)


- Original Message -
From: "Tedd Doda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] 6 meter low band Duplexers

> On Fri, 28 Apr 2006 14:26:03 +0100, steve wrote:
> >I beleive that you can buy commercial ones for around
> >$2500, no doubt someone will tell you were
> This came over the RC210 list..
>   - Original Message -
>   From: "Mark Phillips" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 4:15 PM
>   Subject: [rc210] RC210 for sale
>   > Hi folks,
>   >
>   > Having now lost my repeater site and there being no interest in
>   > for another site KC2ENI/R has the following items for sale.
>   >
>   > RC210 with phone patch (not/never installed) and rack mount enclosure.
>   >
>   > 6mtr GE Mastr tranceiver modified as repeater with rocks for 52/53.81.
>   > PL board installed currently set to 136.5. Set to emit roughly 60W but
>   > will do 100W (I don't recommend that!)
>   >
>   > 5 cavity filters for above system. Standing at about 5 feet tall 3 are
>   > tune to 52.81 and the other 2 to 53.81. Probably local pickup due to
>   > size.
>   >
>   > Looking for offers IRO $850 plus shipping. Will split.
>   >
>   > Also, IRLP node currently attached to port 2 of above controller.
>   > Consists of;
>   >
>   > 4w 2ch 440MHz Moto Maxtrac with cables etc for RC210
>   >
>   > 25w 2ch 440MHz Moto Maxtrac with cables etc for V2 IRLP board
>   >
>   > V2 IRLP board
>   >
>   > Asking $300 plus shipping. Will split.
>   >
>   > Paypal or check (please allow time for clearing before items ships if
>   > paying by check). Shipping from NJ-07869
>   >
>   > Thanks de Mark
>   > G7LTT/KC2ENI
> Tedd Doda, VE3TJD
> Lazer Audio and Electronics
> Baden, Ontario, Canada
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> --
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.0.385 / Virus Database: 268.5.1/326 - Release Date: 27/04/06

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] 6 meter low band Duplexers

2006-04-28 Thread Kevin King
why mess with coax duplexers? you can make very good duplexers with coffee
cans or best is aluminum irrigation pipe.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of steve
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] 6 meter low band Duplexers

Hi Tedd

very interesting. The cavities no doubt would cost a fortune
to ship to the UK.
Iam going to have a go at using Heliax, not keen on the idea
as they can be troublesome, go off tune with bending etc, but
Mike has encoraged me to have a go with the article on his
site, can but try as 1200 UK pounds for a commercial one
is a defo no no :-)


- Original Message -
From: "Tedd Doda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 2:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] 6 meter low band Duplexers

> On Fri, 28 Apr 2006 14:26:03 +0100, steve wrote:
> >I beleive that you can buy commercial ones for around
> >$2500, no doubt someone will tell you were
> This came over the RC210 list..
>   - Original Message -
>   From: "Mark Phillips" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 4:15 PM
>   Subject: [rc210] RC210 for sale
>   > Hi folks,
>   >
>   > Having now lost my repeater site and there being no interest in
>   > for another site KC2ENI/R has the following items for sale.
>   >
>   > RC210 with phone patch (not/never installed) and rack mount enclosure.
>   >
>   > 6mtr GE Mastr tranceiver modified as repeater with rocks for 52/53.81.
>   > PL board installed currently set to 136.5. Set to emit roughly 60W but
>   > will do 100W (I don't recommend that!)
>   >
>   > 5 cavity filters for above system. Standing at about 5 feet tall 3 are
>   > tune to 52.81 and the other 2 to 53.81. Probably local pickup due to
>   > size.
>   >
>   > Looking for offers IRO $850 plus shipping. Will split.
>   >
>   > Also, IRLP node currently attached to port 2 of above controller.
>   > Consists of;
>   >
>   > 4w 2ch 440MHz Moto Maxtrac with cables etc for RC210
>   >
>   > 25w 2ch 440MHz Moto Maxtrac with cables etc for V2 IRLP board
>   >
>   > V2 IRLP board
>   >
>   > Asking $300 plus shipping. Will split.
>   >
>   > Paypal or check (please allow time for clearing before items ships if
>   > paying by check). Shipping from NJ-07869
>   >
>   > Thanks de Mark
>   > G7LTT/KC2ENI
> Tedd Doda, VE3TJD
> Lazer Audio and Electronics
> Baden, Ontario, Canada
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> --
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.0.385 / Virus Database: 268.5.1/326 - Release Date: 27/04/06

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] 6 meter low band Duplexers

2006-04-28 Thread Kevin King
Put a large dist on the bottom of the tuning rod. make sure the diameter is
such that you have no less than a 1/4 inch to the wall of the can. then put
them on the network analyzer and tune and trim the disk as needed.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Doug Bade
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 10:10 AM
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] 6 meter low band Duplexers

 These are actually 66-88 also but tuned to 72-76 and very
close spaced. They have 2 notch threaded rod stubs on each can. I was
amazed to see how close spaced they were on the freq's in them. I did
find some information on home plating but looks like the better part
of $500.00 for a kit to do it... and a bit of a learning curve..
Anyone here done any home silver plating either That insight
would be useful too! I am more interested in if it is necessary?


At 09:56 AM 4/28/2006, you wrote:
>I have a set of the same Wacom cans you referenced.  With the exception
>mine are the WP-612BpBr set (66-88MHz)...  Let me know how your project
>goes, as I was considering the same thing.
>  73
>Mike Perryman

>Speaking of 6 meter conversions, I have received (2 ) 4 can pass
>reject 300 khz duplexers for 72-76 mhz. My thoughts are to cut them
>in half and lengthen them about a foot..My question is how important
>would it be if the new addition section was copper but was not silver
>plated inside, as the wipe portion of the can is lower where the
>silver plating will still be...Will this disruption in surface
>conductivity be an issue? It looks like the silver plating add on
>could be done but will add significantly to the cost of the
>project...I was planning on adding copper sheet rolled to fit,
>riveted and silver soldered..and welding a splice into the tuning
>rod.. I think they are Celwave products and the tube is already made
>of what looks like rolled copper sheeting... ( about as thin as
>heating ductwork) fairly easy to dent... unfortunately.:-)
>Anyone "been there done that"  ???

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] OT-->

2006-04-27 Thread Kevin King
I have converted my house back to old rotary dial telephones!

My kids did not believe they were real!  they hold up great perfect home
protection device. And no *69 !  it has really helped control the teenager
phone issue.

How many you got! I'm thinking of stocking up!

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 8:51 AM
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] OT-->

  I have a couple of alternators off a pair of 1960's Dodge police
 cars ...

  How about an RCA repeater cabinet?

  How about an 18" x 18" x 18" box of used telephone and cat-5 wire?

  Anybody for some old rotary dial telephones?

  How about a 2 line rotary dial Key Telephone System (I think I
 can find it...)

  The 'list' grows from there ...


 Original Message 
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] OT--> "Parts Disease"
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 12:16:32 -0400

>I call it the "Parts Disease"...  and yes I have it as well!!
>Could I interest anyone in a 3-axis seismograph??  Wait a minute...
>I think
>that one got away already.. a minor "rumbly" last year sparked
>interest in
>that item.
>But I do recall seeing parts for a Trailways bus down there...
>A Commodore 64 computer maybe???  Cold-shrink for 1-5/8" heliax?
> 73
>Mike Perryman
>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of skipp025
>Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 12:03 PM
>Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Electronics and Radio types...
>Neil, you should seek professional help...  but so should
>I and many other people in this group.
>I'm trying to make it through "Junk Ender's"   It's a 12 step
>program for Radio and Electronics People who like to collect
>things... to excess
>So far, not so good. One good flea market is good for a
>"binge".  The Junk Enders folks (wife and/or family) never
>see the 'purge...' regardless of how small it may be.

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: radio shops without a vision

2006-04-03 Thread Kevin King

>True, but most of my business clients don't want to give people
>full cell phones, else they're on their phone much of the day
>talking drama, drugs or where the next party is...  I got one
>customer back from Nextel because his first bill for only one
>phone was $1600.  Seems it costs real money to call South America
>and talk to the family all day long (for a month).

Ouch!  I would never hand over a full open phone to any employee! Phone
accounts can be locked down to local only and even call groups.

>Cough, cough... Unless his link paths are really blocked,
>regular rf links would be a cost effective way to go (unless
>you have a microwave hop handy).

>It's my opinion that current VOIP Linking is still way to Jerky
>for the typical consumer to deal with. All the delay, switching,
>connect times and choppy audio can quickly frustrate the users.
>It's hard enough to get them to press the ptt button before
>they start talking.

Yea the on demand stuff sure. Let me clarify. VOIP audio links Full time
dedicated just like a control link loop on wire line. I would do some VOIP
to the DC/TONE remote on bases at each of his sites. Or do it the old way
and get some tie lines or dedicate a phone line. but now we are adding
recurring costs.

We use some VOIP switches at work from SONUS. Seems to do very well, you
would not know your were voip. But the IP path is dedicated backbone for
VOIP. :) many ds3's!


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RE: [Repeater-Builder] RE: Don't miss it

2006-04-03 Thread Kevin King
well it would in 3006! but it really only happened once in 4/5/6   not 1906
or 106 but the year 6 AD

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of hq54
Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] RE: Don't miss it

Nope, in 100 years it will be 2007, so it will be 2/3/4 07.

-Original Message-
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 12:18:52
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] RE: Don't miss it

Wouldn't it happen again in exactly 100 years?

>  Original Message 
> Subject: RE: Don't miss it
> Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2006 10:37:36 -0700
> >On Wednesday of this week, at two minutes and three seconds after
> >1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06.
> >
> >That won't ever happen again.
> >
> >You may now return to your (normal ?) life.
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RE: [Repeater-Builder] radio shops without a vision

2006-04-02 Thread Kevin King
All very good points Skipp. I have developed solutions like what they need
many times back in the 80's. Used to put those midland and uniden repeaters
up with phone interconnect all the time. Mostly in junk yards. That was
after the operators of the yard gave up on the cordless phone with the
antenna kits!

The suggestion to use a PTT service is only 9.95 to add to existing service.
I was assuming employees already having some sort of cell service.
If they do not then a system solutions is the way to go. The one 60 mile hop
the poster mentioned is what is going to need some engineering and brings
cost and most likely ongoing expense to the solution. The best RF based
solution so far sounds like the voice over IP linking. Unless he is in the
central valley of California, then just about any of the good mountain top
sites will cover him!  Cellular sales folks would jump on the opportunity to
do something with this. Those folks are more aggressive that the sales folks
for 2 way in the hay days.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of skipp025
Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2006 12:40 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] radio shops without a vision

>> Re: Need Plan info on handheld coverage in Business
>> Band for 60 miles or so

It would be sad to learn that a good radio shop
couldn't come up with the obvious answers to this
request, sell the equipment and provide a very cost
effective solution to the original coverage request.

Figure Cingular units cost min $29 per month just
to run the ptt feature.  20 units is an easy $580
a month just as a regular ongoing cost.  This type
system is where Land Mobile Radio (LMR) could provide
a much more cost effective solution at a much reduced
ongoing cost over Nextel and/or Cingular. Someone
with their well thought out planning hat on would
also make the system perform both in and around the
store locations just to impress and expand the system
to the local area.

> Cingular's push to talk feature might be a solution.

The problem with many of the older radio shops is the
lack of vision... in the old railroad days we called
this "sleeping at the switch".

I'd be over to the customer location the next day
asking to demo the equipment, showing system diagrams
and showing off the portables that would work through
the system... also showing how much the ongoing costs
would be for both systems over the next 3 years. Most
people can see that far ahead.  About 80% plus of the
old time radio shops never seemed to wake up or warm up
to the real world... many have gone poof.


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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Need Plan info on handheld coverage in Business Band for 60 miles or so

2006-04-02 Thread Kevin King

Cingular's push to talk feature might be a solution.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of n9lv
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 8:30 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Need Plan info on handheld coverage in
Business Band for 60 miles or so

We have four stores that is spread over nearly a 60 mile radius.   The 
first store is about 40 air miles from my store, and then from my 
store to the next store is about 17 air miles, and again from that 
store is 17 miles or so.  From store one to store 4, there is about 60 
air miles between them.  Locating the repeater here at my home about 
100', it will be on UHF.  Using mobile radios, they would all be able 
to reach the repeater, but I would like to enhance it somehow that the 
handhelds would be able to be used between the stores.  Any thoughts 
on a plan that would work for this.  I have to keep cost to minimum.  
We do have DSL at all 4 stores.  Thanks.



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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: 6mtr duplexer

2006-03-17 Thread Kevin King
Any agriculture irrigation outfit will have 6 and 8 in aluminum pipe. They
work great! But so due tomato sauce cans!

Rain for rent is one place to look for pipe.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Paul Holm
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 9:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: 6mtr duplexer

For all the looking I've done, I've only ever found one place on the web
that had 4" or larger copper pipe available.  And it was something like
30.00/foot.  Has anyone found better sources for this type of pipe for
building cavities?

73  Paul

- Original Message -

> If you look around the ham radio web sites, there are many articles on
> making
> 6 m duplexersw out of copper or aluminum pipe.  Less expensive than having
> to biuy a factory-made one.
> 73,
> Dick

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] lightning arrestors

2006-03-02 Thread Kevin King
no problem!

I think you got pointed in the right direction. If you need detailed info on
grounding, the company I work for has an engineering team that just works
grounding for communication sites. And much of what they reference is the
same info you were pointed to. A few years back I shared some documents on
grounding. They maybe on the yahoo site. take a look there. If you can not
find it I will look around.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Stephen Rice
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 3:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] lightning arrestors

Kevin, I owe you an apology as I have been a little short lately! I think
not smoking the last 4 or 5 months got to me! You were correct to question
the budget Lightning remark and I should of been more explicit. I have been
looking on the web and have found so many arresters from 30-400 dollars and
figured that someone on a budget would be able to get something reasonably
good for a median price. I was not clear and did not have the expertise to
determine which would work without pouring out 400 dollars if 50 or 80 or
whatever would do as good of a job. I do realize I was short and I now have
2 or 3 brands to look at that I can compare knowing that others have had
success with them. Again Kevin I should not of been that sharp and I should
of accepted it in the way you intended. Steve N4YZA

- Original Message -
From: "Kevin King" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 12:36 PM
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] lightning arrestors

>I am sorry it was not meant as a snide remark. It was a truism or pearl of
> wisdom. I also knew that many folks would respond with information to get
> equipment. It was an attempt to help you not loose your valuable
> investment
> by shortcutting quality or budget for protection.
> My sincere apology for offending you.
> Kevin King SCSA BSCIS
> GMRS KAG0378
> EIEIO 2722
> Acworth Georgia
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Stephen Rice
> Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 10:45 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] lightning arrestors
> Thank you for the reply but it was not helpful in that it did not offer an
> answer to the question. I was asking for suggestions of equipment on a
> budget and not snide remarks. Steve
> - Original Message -
> From: "Kevin King" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 9:59 AM
> Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] lightning arrestors
>> Only rich people can afford low cost/budget lightning protection!
>> Kevin King SCSA BSCIS
>> GMRS KAG0378
>> EIEIO 2722
>> Acworth Georgia
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Stephen Rice
>> Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 9:51 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: [Repeater-Builder] lightning arrestors
>> Hi all, I had a question that I believe some of you can answer! I have
>> a repeater with an antenna only about 20 feet off the ground here in
>> Florida and am now looking for a budget lightning arrester. I have
>> seen so many different ads I figured I would go to the horses mouth
>> and ask you all if you have to do it on a budget what did you use? Did
>> you mount the arrestor outside with an appropriate ground or inside?
>> By the way the antenna is low because of the community regs. and it
>> does cover the community for GMRS emergency work at that height.
>> Thanks Steve N4YZA
>> Yahoo! Groups Links
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RE: [Repeater-Builder] lightning arrestors

2006-03-02 Thread Kevin King
I am sorry it was not meant as a snide remark. It was a truism or pearl of
wisdom. I also knew that many folks would respond with information to get
equipment. It was an attempt to help you not loose your valuable investment
by shortcutting quality or budget for protection.

My sincere apology for offending you.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Stephen Rice
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 10:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] lightning arrestors

Thank you for the reply but it was not helpful in that it did not offer an
answer to the question. I was asking for suggestions of equipment on a
budget and not snide remarks. Steve

- Original Message -
From: "Kevin King" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 9:59 AM
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] lightning arrestors

> Only rich people can afford low cost/budget lightning protection!
> Kevin King SCSA BSCIS
> GMRS KAG0378
> EIEIO 2722
> Acworth Georgia
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Stephen Rice
> Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 9:51 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Repeater-Builder] lightning arrestors
> Hi all, I had a question that I believe some of you can answer! I have
> a repeater with an antenna only about 20 feet off the ground here in
> Florida and am now looking for a budget lightning arrester. I have
> seen so many different ads I figured I would go to the horses mouth
> and ask you all if you have to do it on a budget what did you use? Did
> you mount the arrestor outside with an appropriate ground or inside?
> By the way the antenna is low because of the community regs. and it
> does cover the community for GMRS emergency work at that height.
> Thanks Steve N4YZA
> Yahoo! Groups Links
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RE: [Repeater-Builder] lightning arrestors

2006-03-02 Thread Kevin King
Only rich people can afford low cost/budget lightning protection!

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Stephen Rice
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 9:51 AM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] lightning arrestors

Hi all, I had a question that I believe some of you can answer! I have 
a repeater with an antenna only about 20 feet off the ground here in 
Florida and am now looking for a budget lightning arrester. I have 
seen so many different ads I figured I would go to the horses mouth 
and ask you all if you have to do it on a budget what did you use? Did 
you mount the arrestor outside with an appropriate ground or inside? 
By the way the antenna is low because of the community regs. and it 
does cover the community for GMRS emergency work at that height. 
Thanks Steve N4YZA

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: UHF Power

2006-02-12 Thread Kevin King
That has nothing to do with what is under the hood! :>

but now I have digressed beyond the horizon!

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

While we are digressing, I guess all them sleeping truckers are Wet 
Stacking too.

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Micor has me stumped

2006-01-30 Thread Kevin King
I I understand, you are trying to tie two stock Micor base/rt units
together? I think this configuration is discussed in the Micor base manual.
Let me see if I can find it.

This is what was common with a lowband base it was tied to a control link.
Oh I can see the drawing in my head. the pages show the little house
(dispatch) and the car with the radios on the mountain. It then talks about
the different configurations available. With this info you them can go make
sure all the jumpers on the back plane and control boards.

I will try to find the stuff and help. Hopefully one of the others on the
list, (that sleep with the docs!) will pop in and help out.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of let_cyber
Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2006 11:13 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Micor has me stumped

I have both a vhf and uhf Micor repeater that I'm interfacing.

I now know a whole lot more about Micor repeaters than I really wanted
to. The short version of the problem is as follows:

The COS signal from the audio/squelch board goes away when the TX is
enabled. If you transmit a continuous carrier on the input, The COS
comes up for a split second, keys the TX then goes away. After the
hangtime expires and the TX drops, the whole things starts again.

I have the exciter and RX into 50 ohm loads. If i put the A/S board
and squelch gate into the uhf unit, it works fine. I have checked and
double checked everything. It just doesnt make any sense. Any ideas
would be greatly appreciated.


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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Mountain Lion time!

2006-01-26 Thread Kevin King
They taste like stir fry!

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Michael Shaffer
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 11:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Mountain Lion time!

 I can't help but wonder what a mountain lion tastes

 The scariest things we see around here are Appalacian
Mountain men yelling Squeeelll!!  If you see them just
say Hi Scott and Kevin, and they won't bother

--- skipp025 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> After many years of Mountain Top Work, we caught our
> first full-on view of a Large (full size) Mountain
> Lion 
> last week.  She crossed the road right in front of
> us 
> with two giant leaps up the birm into the woods. 
> Very impressive...  after seeing about everything
> else, 
> we had never even seen a Mountain Lion.  
> The yes columb now has:  Pigs, real Wild Turkeys,
> Bobcats, 
> Deer, Elk, Skunks, Racoons, Badgers, 10 million
> mice, Owls, 
> Hawks, Buzzards, Meth Addicts, Pot Growers (with
> guns), 
> nutty hikers, lost plane crash sites and one
> beautiful 
> full size female mountain lion.  
> What's in your wallet?  
> cheers,
> skipp 
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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Repeater Funding

2006-01-08 Thread Kevin King

That would be one of the old long lines sites. Take a look for the site log
book should be at the main door on a stand on the wall. It is like a ships
log. neat to read.  What is the site name? They are listed on the web with
some of the history.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Neil McKie
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 8:08 AM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Repeater Funding

  A local former AT&T site quite near here, I can walk to in five
 minutes, is currently being scrapped out for recyclable metals.

  A couple of week ago, I got to talking to the crew manager (title?)
 asking if I look inside.  He said to bring my flashlight as the
 power to the building had been cut.  (the power meter was gone.)

  A quick walk through said all of the precious metals were long
 gone, heavy copper wire, large pieces of aluminum anything from
 the cornucopia horns, copper wave guide, brass fittings ... all
 of it gone already.

  I scrounged a pile of HP test equipment, Motorola MSF5000 and
 Syntor manuals, a few rolls of solid conductor wire, a couple of
 handfulls of coaxial adapters, some patch cords and other

  The crew is supposed to return tomorrow (gone for the holidays)
 and, hopefully, they'll let me back in for a couple of rack panels
 of 5 amp magnetic DC circuit breakers - I know of a local model
 railroad club who could use those on the HO layout.

  The 20" x 20" x 20" Edison cells are still there as is the three
 phase standby generator.

  Otherwise, the rooms are dark and the Farrinon (sp?) SS2000 and
 SS4000 microwave RF gear is still in place.  The scrapper guys
 don't know it they want those or not.  If not, I may add them to
 my pile of door stops.  (Ask Mike Morris, WA6ILQ, about that one.)

  The external of the building ... and the tower ... are currently
 being used as as a cellular site.  Being that close, I no longer
 have any dead spots on my cellular phone coverage when I am home.

  Neil - WA6KLA

Mike Morris wrote:
> At 03:51 AM 1/7/06, you wrote:
> >I'll add to my comment --
> >
> >Often times I hear of hams who end up with all kinds of free heliax
> >"scraps" from cellular tower installs. Not around here. every little
> >piece goes away with the install crew. Been there, done that.
> >
> >Chuck
> Local crews are told by their boss to pick up all the scrap and
> to leave a clean site.  Last time I saw a crew at a site I walked
> up and talked to the foreman. They were adding a new GPS
> antenna and associated cabling, so they had no heliax on
> that trip, but the foreman said that if the job had been feedline
> replacement or new install a case of Bud would be the "price"
> for any scrap.
> This was in Los Angeles, but he commented that a while
> they were pulling down "several runs" of 7/8 and replacing it
> with new and they just cut it up into easy-to-handle chunks
> with a sawzall and tossed it into the truck for recycling, but
> if a ham wanted it the "cost" for the extra effort for pulling it
> down in full lengths would have been a case or two.
> I've not been lucky enough to catch a crew before it was
> cut up (60 chunks of 7/8 each about 5' to 6' long aren't
> worth much except in scrap) but there's always next time.
> So keep an eye on the cell sites as you drive by, and if
> you see a truck there pull in and strike up a conversation.
> It might be a service man, or it might be the planner for
> a construction crew.
> If you see several trucks there make sure that you
> pull in.
> Mike WA6ILQ
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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Repeater Funding

2006-01-04 Thread Kevin King


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of goldvetter
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 12:24 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Repeater Funding

We have a repeater that needs to be gone through and replaced.  Our
club has very little funds to replace the equipment.  What if any kind
of funding is out there to help defray the costs of the new equipment?
Thanks in advance, Steve KCØTJH  73's

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Static Cling (was - polyphaser)

2006-01-02 Thread Kevin King
I want a picture of you in slippers scooting across the carpet with a static
buster in your mouth. :)

Talk about good marketing!

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Kevin Custer
Sent: Monday, January 02, 2006 8:47 AM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Static Cling (was - polyphaser)


>Hey, ya drag your feet on the carpet .. aren't you thus 'connected' ??
>Shockingly, no.  
Interesting that this would come up...   Last year, before installing a
whole house furnace humidifier, I got zapped every time I reached for a
light switch (screws are grounded).  Many times it would draw an arc of
1/4 inch or more.  Just for the heck of it, I did a test.  I put on my
shoes and drug my feet across the carpet and with a NE-2 neon bulb,
touched the screw on a convenient lamp switch.  Many times I would build
up enough static electricity that I could make the bulb burn for about a
second, and sometimes it would snap (arc across?).

I took one of the Static Busters and put the end that gets mounted in my
mouth.  I did the test again, and was very surprised that I couldn't
build up enough charge to make the bulb light.


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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Motorola Low band Base

2005-11-30 Thread Kevin King

I have used this same model. it will do just 
fine. I stuck a fan out of an old PC power supply on the heat sink and has been 
fine for years.
EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 11:53 
  PMTo: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.comSubject: 
  [Repeater-Builder] Motorola Low band Base
  Picked up a C71RTB3146D. Looks like a Micor base but PA has what looks 
  like Mocom70 heatsink. I am sure it is intermittent duty. Its on 45 
  Mhz. Any good for 6 meters?



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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Controller

2005-11-26 Thread Kevin King
I can help you with the construction of 6 meter duplexers. And NO not using
hardline! Real pass/notch cavities.
e-mail me direct [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I read all the e-mails you sent, I did not se an e-mail that quoted a price
to you other than the 40.00 per unit. Was your quote verbal? Not trying to
stir it up just want to see both sides.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Paul Finch
Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2005 8:04 AM
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Controller


Your correct but the price of the controller has not changed.  If they had
gone up on their product I would understand their position.  My problem
right now is Mr. Otterson called me a liar, I will not accept that at any

Guess I am lucky, the 500 foot tower is in my back yard (literally) and
maintaining them will not be a problem.  There are two split site repeaters
in the bunch and I go to that site all the time for a customer.  That is
unless I can find a good (big) duplexer for 10 and 6 meters.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Kevin King
Sent: Friday, November 25, 2005 10:45 PM
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Controller

In my line of work (cellular) I have never seen a quoted price that was good
for more than 30 days. Most of the quotes I receive are good for 10 to 15
days. then we take 6 months to pay :)

40 bucks- heck that is a tank of gas these days. Buy what you can and build
what you have parts for. the controllers will be the least of your problems
with the project you have on the table. Don't get me wrong 5 bucks times 6
controllers can make a good dent in your project budget. this is a
non-profit project? sounds like the scope of project needs some work. 6
repeaters is quite a bit of hardware to maintain. depending on what the
project is going to resolve I might be interested in supporting your

I have no interest in nhrc, but can say Mr. Otterson is a good person to
deal with. I am in the same town as he and can say he is a good citizen.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Controller

2005-11-25 Thread Kevin King
In my line of work (cellular) I have never seen a quoted price that was good
for more than 30 days. Most of the quotes I receive are good for 10 to 15
days. then we take 6 months to pay :)

40 bucks- heck that is a tank of gas these days. Buy what you can and build
what you have parts for. the controllers will be the least of your problems
with the project you have on the table. Don't get me wrong 5 bucks times 6
controllers can make a good dent in your project budget. this is a
non-profit project? sounds like the scope of project needs some work. 6
repeaters is quite a bit of hardware to maintain. depending on what the
project is going to resolve I might be interested in supporting your

I have no interest in nhrc, but can say Mr. Otterson is a good person to
deal with. I am in the same town as he and can say he is a good citizen.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Paul Finch
Sent: Friday, November 25, 2005 11:23 PM
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Controller

Mr. Otterson,

Would you like me to post the email I got from Richard???

You asked for it!  All I ever asked about was the NHRC-4 as you can see by
the emails, why would I think it was for anything else!  This is a copy of
all emails I have received to and from NHRC.  Somewhere in there I talked
directly to Richard to get the $35.00 per unit in quantities of ten or more.



You use a PIC processor, not rocket science.  When a representative of a
company quotes a price companies normally stand behind that price.  It took
the two months you spoke of to save up the money to purchase these
controllers at $35.00 each.

I will probably buy these controllers because they are the only ones I can
afford with the number of repeaters I am building, I don't have to like it



-Original Message-
From: Peter Gailunas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 6:49 AM
To: Paul Finch
Subject: Re: FW: NHRC-4

Hi Paul,

In the 2 mos since you chatted with Rich about this item we have released a
drastic improvement
to the product.   NHRC Version 3 is culmination of 2 years of product
development and testing.
We are unable to offer any discounts on the kit version of this
product.   We believe
that $ 40.00 is an extreme value for what this product can do.


Peter J Gailunas


At 11:12 PM 11/22/2005, you wrote:
>OK, it was Richard that told me about the discount on 10 units.  Here is
>Paul Finch
>-Original Message-
>From: Paul Finch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 9:07 PM
>To: Richard Cox
>Subject: RE: NHRC-4
>OK, I have to ask, what is the discount for 10 units, it may not be worth
>the difference.
>-Original Message-
>From: Richard Cox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 4:54 PM
>To: Paul Finch
>Cc: Peter Gailunas
>Subject: RE: NHRC-4
>The NHRC-4 complete manual, including the parts list is available for
>download here:
>This is the same manual that is included in printed form with the NHRC-4
>The NHRC-4 kits are in stock.  We offer quanitity discounts on orders
>than 10 units.
>Thanks for the inquiry.
>Richard Cox / N1LTL
>NHRC Repeater Controllers

>-Original Message-
>From: Paul Finch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 11:32 AM
>Subject: NHRC-4
>I am in need of 6 controllers to get some repeaters on the air.  I am
>looking at the most cost effective solution for obvious reasons.  I am
>thinking about your NHRC-4 in the kit form and have a couple of questions.
>Is there a printable parts list for the parts I need to order to complete
>these boards?  If so where can I find it?  Are these units in stock, what
>the delivery time on these units?  Is there a discount if I buy as many as
>six of these controllers?


At 11:44 AM 11/25/2005, you wrote:
>Like I said, I have never owned a NHRC product, I have used 5 MCC
>controllers in the past and have been very happy with them.  What drove the
>decision to try NHRC was the fact that I have 8 repeaters to build and
>price fit my very low budget.  I talked to a Rep from NHRC and h

RE: [Repeater-Builder] please any one can told me what is the usefull for the deviation in the repater ????

2005-11-19 Thread Kevin King
3.5 to 4 kc deviation would be best. If that is what you were asking.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of hussin reda
Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2005 2:41 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] please any one can told me what is the usefull
for the deviation in the repater 

Please any one can told me what is the usefull for the deviation
in the repater 


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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Micor Base To Repeater Conversion Problems..

2005-11-15 Thread Kevin King
Do a search for this document "C71RCB-2.DOC" it is for the conversion of a 6
meter base. but it does have good note for working with the control
functions of the station.

Try repeater-builder and google. If you can not locate it give me your email
and I will forward it to you.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of donlspivey
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 9:01 AM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Micor Base To Repeater Conversion Problems..

Although I haven't spent a huge amount of time on what should be a
simple conversion, I would like to get the opinion of a Micor guhru or

I'm converting a Micor base to repeater duty. It was originally a dual
receiver single transmitter intermittant duty machine on 149mhz (yup,
both receivers on  I'll deal with the limited heat sink on
xmit and shielding by greatly reduced power and fans if needed. It
will be carrier squelch for now, it does not have factory PL. I will
probably modify for a external controller but much later.

The receiver blew my mind. I haven't even tuned it by the book yet and
I can see it is super sensitive. I hope selectivity will be there too.

My problem is getting it to repeat. I made (I assume) all necessary
jumpter changes on the modules as well as cage and receiver
interconnect boards. I can go into xmit manually proving the ptt line
works. Otherwise, no repeat.  I did have one small problem that
actually may have helped see the whole picture.  I lost a diode
(shorted CR16) on the squelch gate card that send the machine into
continuous xmit. I killed the pa but left the exciter up to get a
better look at it. While held in xmit, I noticed that I could set the
squelch on the SG board like it should be and although not quite
right, the timeout timer was working. It actually backwards. It times
out with squelch closed but doesn't when open. Probably due to the
state of that ptt line.

Anyway.  Any ideas as to where to concentrate on to get a better idea
why I can't get it to repeat. Remember; I could set the squelch
threshhold on the SG module when that diode held transmit on.
Otherwise it does nothing. I know I'll slap myself when I find it, but
maybe one of you guys have already "been there and done that". Thanks
for your help...Don...N5MZQ

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Micor Base To Repeater Conversion Problems..

2005-11-15 Thread Kevin King
here is something to look at. it is something that gets overlooked.
> > From: "Neil McKie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > To: 
> > > Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 2:13 PM
> > > Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Upright 330w Micor
> > >
> > > >
> > > > Been there - done that ...
> > > >
> > > > The following is for the modification to repeater service:
> > > >
> > > > The assumption here you have the Unitized Chassis with the
> > > > receiver, exciter and control system boards in a single chassis.
> > > >
> > > > You need to remove the receiver interconnect circuit board ...
> > > > is the board that connects the receiver and audio squelch
> > > > boards to the mother board in the back.
> > > >
> > > > Then you remove CR957 from the interconnect board. I usually
> > > > disconnect one end of it in case I need it again sometime in the
> > > > future.
> > > >
> > > > Reinstall the Interconnect Board.
> > > >
> > > > Hope this helps,
> > > >
> > > > 73,
> > > >
> > > > Neil

Also give a list of what cards you have and what you have changed so far.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of donlspivey
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 9:01 AM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Micor Base To Repeater Conversion Problems..

Although I haven't spent a huge amount of time on what should be a
simple conversion, I would like to get the opinion of a Micor guhru or

I'm converting a Micor base to repeater duty. It was originally a dual
receiver single transmitter intermittant duty machine on 149mhz (yup,
both receivers on  I'll deal with the limited heat sink on
xmit and shielding by greatly reduced power and fans if needed. It
will be carrier squelch for now, it does not have factory PL. I will
probably modify for a external controller but much later. 

The receiver blew my mind. I haven't even tuned it by the book yet and
I can see it is super sensitive. I hope selectivity will be there too. 

My problem is getting it to repeat. I made (I assume) all necessary
jumpter changes on the modules as well as cage and receiver
interconnect boards. I can go into xmit manually proving the ptt line
works. Otherwise, no repeat.  I did have one small problem that
actually may have helped see the whole picture.  I lost a diode
(shorted CR16) on the squelch gate card that send the machine into
continuous xmit. I killed the pa but left the exciter up to get a
better look at it. While held in xmit, I noticed that I could set the
squelch on the SG board like it should be and although not quite
right, the timeout timer was working. It actually backwards. It times
out with squelch closed but doesn't when open. Probably due to the
state of that ptt line.

Anyway.  Any ideas as to where to concentrate on to get a better idea
why I can't get it to repeat. Remember; I could set the squelch
threshhold on the SG module when that diode held transmit on.
Otherwise it does nothing. I know I'll slap myself when I find it, but
maybe one of you guys have already "been there and done that". Thanks
for your help...Don...N5MZQ

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Illegal uhf repeater

2005-08-20 Thread Kevin King

Well, if the repeater is up and abandoned why not use it? And if the owner
does show up offer to help with the upkeep. That is if we are talking about
an amateur repeater.

One of two things will happen, You will find out it is not abandoned, In
which case maybe just support that repeater and it will get used, then you
will not need to build one. Or you will confirm it is abandoned. In ether
case sounds like you have a repeater that needs users and you do not need to
build another.

I did say need, want is a different animal and I tip my hat to anyone that
wants to experiment and build systems. I do it for fun myself. I build them
for others for the fun of building.

I think the best advice was from Eric, go back to your co-coordinator and
request another pair.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Eric Lemmon
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2005 7:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Illegal uhf repeater

It may be a bit premature to label the repeater as "illegal" if all you
have to go on is rumor.  I am assuming that we're talking about Amateur
Radio frequencies, not commercial.  Did your local frequency coordinator
assign you the frequency you want to use, not knowing that a repeater was
already on that frequency, or did you select a frequency without running it
by your coordinator first?  Looking at the situation another way, have you
reported the subject repeater to the coordinator, so that its status can be
investigated officially?  Is the subject repeater being used by anyone on a
regular basis?  Is it identifying in accordance with Part 97?

I strongly urge you to NOT "just DF the transmitter and take it down," as
you may quickly run afoul of the law.  It may be better to just pick a
different (and properly coordinated) frequency pair, and let the
coordinator handle the allegedly abandoned repeater.

73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY

nebraska_ham wrote:

> please help us and tell us how we should proceed. we are attempting to
> put a uhf repeater on the air and someone is using the frequency we
> intended to go on. the repeater has been abandoned as the repeater
> owner moved away several years ago. i am guessing that we just df the
> transmitter and take it down. attempts to find the repeater owner are
> useless as he left the state years ago. we heard that the owner who
> abandoned it is now on the west coast, there are a few rumors that he
> is in the military out of country. advice is appreciated here since the
> fcc is so useless.

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Slightly OT - Remember the TV Series 'Emergency'?

2005-08-09 Thread Kevin King

A friend (AF4PX) will say EIEIO when I start talking too technical.
Something I do too often. So when I hear him call this out I know I have
starting going out in left field. Jokingly I have put it on my tag line.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Buley, Kenneth L
(GE Consumer & Industrial)
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 7:06 AM
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Slightly OT - Remember the TV Series

EIEIO 2722 ???

Kenneth Buley
Bullitt County EMA Deputy Director CD-2
Bullitt/Spencer Counties Red Cross ECRV Driver/Operator BC-6
Bullitt County ARES/RACES Coordinator KY4DES 

"Dante once said that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those who
in a period of moral crisis maintain their neutrality."

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Kevin King
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 6:44 AM
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Slightly OT - Remember the TV Series

August 28 universal will release season 1 on DVD.

then you can "study" the 70's comm. systems of the LAFD. Just to keep it
repeater related.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Slightly OT - Remember the TV Series 'Emergency'?

2005-08-09 Thread Kevin King
August 28 universal will release season 1 on DVD.

then you can "study" the 70's comm. systems of the LAFD. Just to keep it
repeater related.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Rick & Charlotte
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2005 10:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Slightly OT - Remember the TV Series

WOW that bring back mem's of the good ol days .. loved that show

to bad I have not been able to catch it in reruns :( ..

would love the whole sound track if I remember right there was a lot
of 'sound' before the voice came out ..


On 8 Aug 2005 at 21:52, Chuck Kelsey wrote:

> It's still yesterday in our area. These tones are in use daily to
> dispatch fire and rescue.
> Chuck
>   - Original Message -
>   From: Mark A. Holman
>   To:
>   Sent: Monday, August 08, 2005 9:29 PM
>   Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Slightly OT - Remember the TV Series
>   'Emergency'?
>   I can still recall the tones like it was yesterday !  COOL ! 8-)
>   mch wrote:
> It was Station 51, not 50.
> Joe M.
> Neil McKie wrote:
>   Turn on your speakers ...
>   Neil McKie
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> Service.
> --

Rick Szajkowski VA3 RZS
Charlotte Darby VA3 CMR
Node Owners of IRLP Node 2120
147.300 + VA3 OME
224.420 -  VA3 OME
Part of The Omeme Amateur Radio Club
Peterborough Ont. Canada

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Air Variable Capacitors for DB4060

2005-08-08 Thread Kevin King

Look for the RCA carphone low band tube mobile. it has a couple in it. Or
look for some other tube mobile pa.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia


The caps are Johanson 5602 ( 1 - 30 pf air variables.  I
requested a quote from Arizona Components Company and one other place, but
expect the get the 'we don't sell in small quantity' response.  Google
hasn't been much help either.

-- de WM4B
Kathleen, GA

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Slightly OT - Remember the TV Series 'Emergency'?

2005-08-08 Thread Kevin King
here it is with the claxon

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Neil McKie
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2005 2:16 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Slightly OT - Remember the TV Series

  Turn on your speakers ...

  Neil McKie

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Description: audio/mp3

RE: [Repeater-Builder] Still after

2005-07-24 Thread Kevin King

I do not have any Pic's that I can locate. This was built before digital
cameras were affordable to the common man. We did take Polaroid's, but
whoever has them by now are well faded.
There is one fellow ( forget his name) on this list that took my description
and made a very nice set of cavities. He really went all out, he had
machining skills and equipment. He almost duplicated a DB products can when
he was complete. He used fancy finger stock and piston caps. Very nice job.
Maybe we will get him to chime in.

The example I followed to make the loop was the write up on converting the
db products pass cavity to a pass/notch. I have seen many articles on the
web on making the loops for the cans. A very good write up on this by Jeff
DePolo can be found at this link.  I
did not use his method of using coax stubs to make the notches. But this is
a good source of information and constructions techniques.

The project was done by myself and a hand full of other hams. We took a look
at a wacom duplexer and did the best we could with common parts to make
something like it. Each person in the group had certain skills or equipment
for making the parts. The first one we completed checked out on an IFR 800A
with 22db of notch with .6 or so db of insertion loss. (not bad, could be
better. Maybe using Jeff's notch setup would be better?) We compared this to
others that had made these duplexers. What we found was the construction of
the top plate was the most critical part of how well the cavity would work.
It was common to make the top with a paint can lid or sheet metal. Theses
all has poor notches and high insertion loss. The thick aluminum plate seems
to work the best. Also the plexi-glass stabilizer in the can prevents the
long tuning rod from moving around. Also we were the only folks to use the
stove pipe crimp to fit the cans. This made the cavity very strong. all
others just soldered the cans with a butt joint.
We used no drawings just looked at the wacom and other coffee can cavities
and went from there.
I was not the first to make a set of coffee can duplexers but think we took
them up a notch! (pun intended)
I think I might be the only repeater still running a set. Currently the
longest running set. The picture on the repeater site on my web page does
not show the duplexers well as they are back in the corner behind the
repeater racks and coupler array. I will see if I can get some better
pictures. It is ruff as I am on the east coast now and repeater is on the
west coast. I have not been to the site in 7 years.

The next set was done with irrigation pipe, Yet to be finished. Still
sitting here somewhere. I think I am using one tube to hold all my mobile
antennas! If you have someone that is good with a tig you can weld them up.
If not then just make the bottom just like the top.

This is how crafty we got. to make the top plate we did not have a lath to
make a clean round disk. We chucked up the square plate in a drill press at
low speed and made a cutter that was held in place with the  bench vice!
Touched it up on the sander and bingo!

It is not that critical when making LB cavities. You do not need invar or
copper plating or anything like that. It is just not that much difference at
these frequencies. Now vhf hi and up and you bet! It is very critical what
you use and how you build it. Shoot look at the heliax cavities out there!
You can not get much cruder than that in construction.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Neal Newman
Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2005 2:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Still after

 Hey Kevin
 You have  any Picsof this Or Diagrams On making the loops and Pass
Notch info  Caps  ect.
Ive Been looking for a while for 6 meter cans.. I have 1 5/8 hardline
was going to Build a Helix Duplexer.

  How long are the cavites?
why not just Use  Stovepipe and Cap both Ends?

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Still after

2005-07-23 Thread Kevin King
hmm good point!  I guess one shows his age by coffee being in a can! Ok so
go to a restaurant and see if they have the big cans that tomato sauce or
vegetables may come in. Is that still packed in a can?

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Kris Kirby
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 11:04 AM
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Still after

On Thu, 21 Jul 2005, Kevin King wrote:
> Try a set of coffee can duplexers. 20 bucks of plumbing hardware and
> bingo

Can you still buy coffee in cans? How do you weld those suckers together?

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Still after

2005-07-23 Thread Kevin King

get a stove pipe crimping tool, and a stack of big coffee cans.cut the rim off 
one end and use the crimpier to prep the edge cut the bottom out of the next can 
and rim as above. stick the crimped edge into the bottom of the next can, check 
for fit. do this till you have a stack taller than 54".
four of them.  wire wheel the joint to prep it for soldering. Assemble the 
stack of cans, use three pop rivets around each seam to hold it till soldered. 
Then get your propane torch and plumbing solder, sweat the joints. Oh yes, in 
the third can from the bottom, mount a disk of plexi-glass with a 9/16th hole in 
the middle. This will steady the tuning rod later. 
make the top of the can use 3/8ths or 1/4 inch aluminum plate. Fit it flush with 
the top of the can. drill and tap or use self taping 8-32 screws to hold the top 
around the top.
that you have this complete let's get some plumbing done.  Get 2 each 8ft 
sections of 1/2 and 3/4 copper pipe. 4 1/2 copper pipe caps 4 4ft sections of 
5/16ths all thread rod with a bag of nuts to fit., 4 3/4 pipe to 3/4 treaded 
copper fitting. four 3/4 threaded pipe caps.
By now 
you should be getting a picture of this. cut the pipe in half so you have 4ft 
sections. take one end of the 3/4 pipe and cut small long triangles around the 
end. you with squeeze this to make it like fingers down to the 1/2 size pipe to 
slide through. take a 1/2 pipe cap and drill it to let the all thread through. 
take two nuts and secure the all thread to the cap. solder this to the end of 
the 1/2 pipe. now solder the threaded fitting to the top of the 3/4 pipe that 
you made the fingers on the opposite end. Feed the 1/2 pipe with all thread into 
the top of the 3/4 pipe. gently push it through the fingers you made. Test this 
for good even firm contact. I used so no ox here just before I did the finial 
tune.  Take your top plate and drill a hole to accept the threaded top of 
the pipe. Drill and tap the 3/4 pipe cape in the center top to take the all 
thread. put this on and secure to the top using spacers as needed to secure the 
top to the pipe securely. Get some nice knobs at a swap meet and you now have a 
basic cavity.
are many ways to make the pickups. I made my cans pass/notch and used a so239 
panel mount tuning caps out of the finals of a RCA car phone. and the loops were 
made from left over 1/2 pipe. I flattened it and sanded the sides to separate it 
into two flat peaces. We made the loops 2 3/4 inches long or 5 and 3/4 memory 
fades. try it and see what works it is cheep to try. We had to tack some silver 
mica caps across the tuning cap to get the notch where we needed 
I have 
a set of these on the 52.6 -500 repeater in Bakersfield California. it is a 100 
watt micor base running at 75 watts with a pre-amp. It has been in service for 
about 16 years.
is not meant to be complete instructions to build a duplexer. It is just meant 
to get you a usable platform to experiment with. with good construction skills 
and test equipment it is very easy to make 6 meter duplexers. You can take this 
basic setup and replace components and materials based on your skills and 
Lowband is a fun world to play in. Don't let folks tell you you can't do 
it or it wont work. IT will, it does and you can.
EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of 
  SteveSent: Friday, July 22, 2005 6:33 AMTo: 
  Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.comSubject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] 
  Still after
  Hi Kevin
  please tell me more. Diagrams etc
- Original Message ----- 
Kevin King 


Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 2:45 
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Still 

Try a set of coffee can duplexers. 20 bucks of plumbing hardware and 
EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of 
  SteveSent: Thursday, July 21, 2005 9:40 AMTo: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.comSubject: 
  [Repeater-Builder] Still after
  Iam still after a 6mtr heliax duplexer. Iam 
  in Liverpool UK
  So if any can or knows somebody who could 
  make one, please email me direct.
  I have been told that the heliax ones can be 
  but I cant afford 1200 UKP for a commercialy 
  made one.
  Steve  M1SWB

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Still after

2005-07-21 Thread Kevin King

Try a 
set of coffee can duplexers. 20 bucks of plumbing hardware and 
EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of 
  SteveSent: Thursday, July 21, 2005 9:40 AMTo: 
  Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.comSubject: [Repeater-Builder] Still 
  Iam still after a 6mtr heliax duplexer. Iam in 
  Liverpool UK
  So if any can or knows somebody who could make 
  one, please email me direct.
  I have been told that the heliax ones can be 
  but I cant afford 1200 UKP for a commercialy made 
  Steve  M1SWB



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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Manuals for Aerotron

2005-07-05 Thread Kevin King

I worked with UHF Aerotron repeaters, They were just the same as the
mobiles. All the same boards just in a base cabinet. What made it a repeater
was a Ferotronics tone board. and some big heat sinks!

I said all that to say you may only need a manual for a high power vhf
mobile. Then use your favorite method to control a repeater.
I will look I may still have some manuals.

The vintage of equipment I speak is around 1983.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Charles Rice
Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2005 12:30 AM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Manuals for Aerotron

I'm in need of manuals for a hi-band Aerotron
cabinet style base station, that I hope to make into
a repeater.
The Model numbers are:
1093   power supply
I've already tried the Aertron list.  Willing to buy,
beg, borrow, or pay copy costs.  Help please!
Charles Rice  kd4ss

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Help with Wacom WP-639 Duplexer

2005-06-04 Thread Kevin King

I just 
realized your direct e-mail or anyone's is no longer in the post. I would have 
sent this direct.
was  just going to comment on your clarification. Funny I read your first 
post and understood it as you clarified it. It was not until I read your 
clarification that I noticed the original post was less clear than the re-post. 

heck after rereading what I said I think I have Made no 
you for your continued attention to detail!
Now I 
will go get more coffee!
EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Kevin 
  CusterSent: Saturday, June 04, 2005 9:13 AMTo: 
  Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.comSubject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] 
  Help with Wacom WP-639 DuplexerKevin Custer wrote: 
  The notch 
spacing from the pass is determined by the length of the center conductor in 
the notch stubs. After re-reading this, this was not 
  stated as I had intended.The notch adjustment "range" is determined by 
  the length of center conductor rod, the exact notch spacing is determined by 
  the presence of how much dielectric exists in the tube (fine 
  adjustment).  The combination of the two sets the notch spacing from the 
  pass.Sorry for the possible confusion...Kevin 

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] SSC Decoder model number 224BY

2005-05-23 Thread Kevin King

I may have 
something in my old RCC setup notebook. I may have one of those things some ware 
also. I will dig around and see what I can find.
EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Thomas 
  OliverSent: Monday, May 23, 2005 9:01 AMTo: 
  repeater-builderCc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
  [Repeater-Builder] SSC Decoder model number 224BY
  This is a little off topic but is repeater related so here it goes.
  I bought some what I believe are two tone sequenchial decoders made by 
  Solid State Comunications Inc. out of Hayward California from the smasher in 
  Dayton last weekend. I have done a search for info on them but can not find 
  They are about the size of a pack of ciggeretts and have two push buttons 
  on the front and a led in the middle. Left button function is monitor reset / 
  mute and right is horn blow / off
  Does anyone know where I can get a manual or a copy for these?
  tom n8ies

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Audio limiting on incoming signals

2005-04-14 Thread Kevin King

Orban Optimod !  gota love it..

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia


  3. Get a CBS Volumax or Orban broadcast audio processor for your TX 
audio.  We use the latter for space shuttle audio over our repeater & it 
really improves intelligibility.

Bob NO6B


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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Micor Repeater is PART 95 Type Accepted

2005-03-04 Thread Kevin King

Please provide the name of the 
FCC engineer that told you this. And provide the document number they 
EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

  -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 5:03 
  PMTo: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.comSubject: Re: 
  [Repeater-Builder] Re: Micor Repeater is PART 95 Type 
  We just checked the FCC list and it is not there we call the 
  FCC and they do not know any thing about this. We where told today that 
  it is not true. "These older radio's are NOT FCC type certified for use today 
  on GMRS under part 95".

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Comm Spec TP-38

2005-02-24 Thread Kevin King

Reason I ask I have seen them act up when powered by the same power supply
as the repeater and it did not quite have the current for the job.

I would test it on the bench with an audio generator and O scope. I am
thinking you have something "ringing" in the audio/pl chain. Also drive
levels (audio could be problem)

TP-38's can be quite old. what is the age and history of the unit? when did
it work correctly last?

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
From: Brent [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 10:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Comm Spec TP-38

fully regulated 12vdc power supply !

- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin King" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 9:19 PM
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Comm Spec TP-38

> How are you powering the unit?
> Kevin King SCSA BSCIS
> GMRS KAG0378
> EIEIO 2722
> Acworth Georgia
> -Original Message-
> From: Brent [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 7:45 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Comm Spec TP-38
> Hello Skipp,
> I have all known tones turned on and active..(double checked that a few
> times)
> It will not decode them or show them at all
> it will show and decode all below 100.0  with no problem, and it does that
> like it should with no delay..
> but if i try the 100.0 it has to have that tone signal present for at
> 3 seconds before it will show or decode it..
> it is like a audio amp gone bad or some thing.. but i did swap them around
> and reset the x2122 in the unit and still no difference..
> I must be missing some type of failure somewhere..
> Brent
> - Original Message -
> From: "skipp025" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 12:48 PM
> Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Comm Spec TP-38
> >
> >
> > Does the tone panel even display frequencies above
> > 100Hz, just not decode them?  That's a software
> > problem or programing. Most other problems are
> > hardware related.  Just running a test sub tone in
> > from an external source will tell you mucho.
> >
> > skipp
> >
> > > "Brent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Question...
> > >
> > > Has anybody had a problem with the Communications Specialists  TP-38
> > Tone
> > > Panel not decoding PL tones about 100.0hz
> > > it decodes from below 100.0 just fine and 100.0  but 100.0 is little
> > slow
> > > decoding but above 100.0  it just does nothing..
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > > Brent
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
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> > > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> > > Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 266.2.0 - Release Date: 2/21/2005
> > >
> > > ---
> > > [This E-mail scanned for viruses at TNWEB LLC]
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ---
> > [This E-mail scanned for viruses at TNWEB LLC]
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > No virus found in this incoming message.
> > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> > Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 266.2.0 - Release Date: 2/21/2005
> >
> >
> --
> No virus found in this outgoing message.
> Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 266.2.0 - Release Date: 2/21/2005
> ---
> [This E-mail scanned for viruses at TNWEB LLC]
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> ---
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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Comm Spec TP-38

2005-02-24 Thread Kevin King

How are you powering the unit?

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
From: Brent [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 7:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Comm Spec TP-38

Hello Skipp,

I have all known tones turned on and active..(double checked that a few
It will not decode them or show them at all
it will show and decode all below 100.0  with no problem, and it does that
like it should with no delay..

but if i try the 100.0 it has to have that tone signal present for at least
3 seconds before it will show or decode it..

it is like a audio amp gone bad or some thing.. but i did swap them around
and reset the x2122 in the unit and still no difference..
I must be missing some type of failure somewhere..

- Original Message -
From: "skipp025" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 12:48 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Comm Spec TP-38

> Does the tone panel even display frequencies above
> 100Hz, just not decode them?  That's a software
> problem or programing. Most other problems are
> hardware related.  Just running a test sub tone in
> from an external source will tell you mucho.
> skipp
> > "Brent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Question...
> >
> > Has anybody had a problem with the Communications Specialists  TP-38
> Tone
> > Panel not decoding PL tones about 100.0hz
> > it decodes from below 100.0 just fine and 100.0  but 100.0 is little
> slow
> > decoding but above 100.0  it just does nothing..
> >
> > Thanks
> > Brent
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > No virus found in this outgoing message.
> > Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> > Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 266.2.0 - Release Date: 2/21/2005
> >
> > ---
> > [This E-mail scanned for viruses at TNWEB LLC]
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> ---
> [This E-mail scanned for viruses at TNWEB LLC]
> --
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 266.2.0 - Release Date: 2/21/2005

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 266.2.0 - Release Date: 2/21/2005

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: searching archives

2005-01-29 Thread Kevin King


what are you looking for? and what platform to run it on? I might take a
stab at it.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
From: Mike Morris WA6ILQ [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 2:49 AM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: searching archives

If anybody wants to write a sort-the-archives application I can
contribute everything from June of 2003.


At 08:27 PM 1/27/05, you wrote:

>Well that kinda defeats the purpose don't you think?  How can you
>expect people to find what they want rather than ask the same stuff
>over and over.  Who's going to waste time hitting next, next, dang,
>an ad, next, next, next, (repeat 150 more times)
>--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > There "Should" be... and it "used-ta"...
> > not any more, and probably never again.
> > Hey - it's Yahoo.
> >
> >
> > > kg4wmp wrote:
> > > Is there a way to do a search of this whole archive?
> > > When I enter...
> > > ...  There's got to be a better way.
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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: DB224 "Loop" Lengths for 145.110 Mhz?

2005-01-25 Thread Kevin King

There is a model folded dipole I saw for 30 megs that had tunable rods at
the top of the loops. It had a set screw an could be field adjusted. But
then this is lowband and it was more to save weight and make the antenna
tunable across more of the band.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
From: Chuck Kelsey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 6:46 AM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: DB224 "Loop" Lengths for 145.110

Mike's suggestion is the best method and the one I would choose. I would
suspect that this would be the method used by a ham that has no problem
drilling a hole in his car to mount a mobile antenna. On the other hand, I'd
be willing to bet that the "extend the element with a bolt" crowd is the
same group that uses a mag mount mobile antenna.

Just an observation. You may disagree.


- Original Message -
From: "Mike Morris WA6ILQ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 12:20 AM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Re: DB224 "Loop" Lengths for 145.110 Mhz?

> At 04:29 PM 1/23/05, you wrote:
>>I have seen the "screw in the ends" modification and am leaning in
>>that direction. But they need to be well sealed I am sure to prevent
>>corrosion and the associated noise that can be produced.
>>I understand that the element to the support contact needs to be
>>welded also to remove that intermittent connection and the
>>possibility of corrosion causing noise if used in repeater service.
> I've also seen a DB224 that was modified by a ham.  He cut
> the elements just inside the curve and spliced in tubing (that
> was picked so that the inside diameter just fit the outside
> diameter of the element) to stretch the element. Four elements
> times two upper and two lower cuts = 16 new joints. He used
> hacksaw cuts tubing and stainless steel hose clamps to verify
> the lengths. After the test was done the antenna was took back
> down and everything welded.
> The modified antenna was coupled with a new harness made for
> 2m and the combination outperformed anything else at that site.
> Mike WA6ILQ

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] WTB: GMRS Repeater

2005-01-13 Thread Kevin King

More are than are not.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
From: russ [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 12:34 AM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] WTB: GMRS Repeater

Hey Mathew,
Watch what you buy! It mite work on GMRS but is it type cert. by the FCC?
Many things are not.
The best deal I have seen is a package that includes the repeater, duplexer,
hard-line, power supply. Multi PL/DPL. Contact me direct and I will pass on
where to get the GMRS package at. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

- Original Message -
From: "w9mwq" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 10:37 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] WTB: GMRS Repeater

> I am in the market for an inexpensive GMRS repeater, prefer
> something self contained with duplexer, and under the $500.00 price
> range.  Email me with what you have, including make, model, power
> output, etcPictures if possible.  Thanks.
> Mathew
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[Repeater-Builder] RE: GE part 95

2004-12-28 Thread Kevin King

much digging and conversing with the current owner of the GE mastrII (M/A-com) 
Here is the part 95 type acceptance for the mastrII
search for the old GE numbers just put the AXA9MZ before the KT 
is a quote from M/A-com on what to search for to find the 
were very helpful with this info. And is excellent support for legacy 

Search for AXA9MZKT-114-K
This MASTR-II was 450-470 MHz 100 Watt and used the 
19A432679G2 PLL exciter
with Audio Processor 19C321542G2. This exciter 
required the large ICOMs,
The transmitter you have AXA9MZKT-114-C or D (There 
wasn't an "O")
probably had an older exciter and may have been 
before the FCC grants went
on line, therefore weren't part of the current 
I am sure the unit you have would have been approved 
for GMRS, but it is so
old I can't dig back that far. You have to watch your 
power as I remember
there was either a 20 or 60 watt limit, not the full 
power of 100 watts the
unit was capable of. We are talking about filings 
that would have happened
around 1975.
I hope 
this puts the Mastr II being ok for GMRS to bed. As you see the PLL 2ppm with tx 
id KT-114-K is ok for GMRS and a valid certification is on-line with the FCC. 

there is a gray area for the other older mastrII's. They are older than the 
current FCC data base so do not show a certification and the Manufacture can not 
find anything that old in his records at this time.
based on this I would revisit your fines the FCC hit you with and check your ID 
note. If you change out your exciter to the pll type you need to change your ID 
tag on the repeater so the FCC can properly ID the unit.
I think 
I will put a copy of the part 95 cert at my sites just to be 
EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

  -Original Message-From: russ 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, December 12, 2004 7:24 
  PMTo: Kevin KingSubject: Re: GE part 
  Hey Kevin and the group,
  They (GE's) are sure not on the list at all.
  I have a number to call and ask.
  I know that the FCC during part-17
  inspections have been getting GMRS
  operators of Micor's and Master two's
  and asking them to remove them from service.
  I was one of them. I had to replace
  my 3 GMRS repeaters with Kenwood
  TKR-850's that say it right on the tag.
  Part 22, 90, 95 and 90.205 I think the 
  last one is. I will keep you and the group
  posted on what I find you on the rest of
  the GE's. 
  Very best of 73,
  Russ, W3CH
- Original Message - 
Kevin King 

Sent: Sunday, December 12, 2004 2:07 
Subject: re: GE part 95

GE is no more so I doubt it to be listed. I did do a search for the TX 
fcc numbers for delta ranger mlv and mvs. the only tone that did not show 
part 95 was mastrII. Oh and it was rangr I saw not the delta. I will search 
on the later deltaSX to see. now mastrII base with 2c icoms does meet spec. 
MastrII did not get recertified for new part 95 do to the age and the fact 
GE was sold off.And new folks did not update any cert. of old 
EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] has anyone tried

2004-12-25 Thread Kevin King

Yep been there done that. Use fresh heat sink compound!

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
From: David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 24, 2004 2:35 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] has anyone tried

I was looking at a mobile micor pa and a compa station pa.
has anyone tried to take the 100w working pa out of a mobile and mount it on
the compa station heat sink?

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Source for custom made cables

2004-12-18 Thread Kevin King


just get the cables from a GE base. It will most likely have an so239 on it
and replace it. I would not worry about using the RCA plug. GE had them on
mastrII's for years. I will look to see if I can scrounge a spare cable.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
From: Mathew Quaife [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 18, 2004 7:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Source for custom made cables

I think the point was mistaken here.  I either have to change the connector
on the receiver so that the cable goes directly to the receiver without
using any connetors to change from one type of plug to another, or find a
special cable with an RCA on one end and a Type N Male on the other.  My
objective is to never visit the repeater site once this machine is done.
And if I have to, I don't want it to be becuase I used a cheap connector to
tie in the reciever. The receiver is the GE MASTR ER41.  I'd rather just
change the connector to a type N connector, but would have to widdle a
little on the internal copper casing to put it in place.  Question:  If I
install the type N connector, and there is a solder point behind the inside,
am I going to run into troubles.  I hate to cut into it to find that I'm
opening a can or worms for noise to get in?


> I'm not  entirely tongue in cheek  when I ask  whether you should be in
> charge of a repeater or installing one if you have  not got the expertise
> cut a bit of coax  and fit a plug or socket. And if  the spare 20 minutes
> to much for  some then that would explain the funny noises I often hear on
> two meters whilst traveling around.
> 73 de G4DAX (who is too old to allow political correctness to obscure the
> view!)
> - Original Message -
> From: "russ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 5:06 PM
> Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Source for custom made cables
> > > yes but some don't have the time or maybe not the skill to do it.  > >
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RE: [Repeater-Builder] MASTR II mobile conversion question

2004-12-12 Thread Kevin King

not true russ. Deltas are look it up.

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
From: russ [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2004 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] MASTR II mobile conversion question

No it would not! It is not type accepted under part-95 of the FCC rules for
GMRS. in fact no GE ever was.
73 Russ,
Ham, W3CH

- Original Message - 
From: "cdldoug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2004 1:00 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] MASTR II mobile conversion question

> Will a GE mastr II mobile comb# MX76CBU88A be good radio to convert
> to a repeater for 462Mhz (GMRS)? I am concerned about the 30khz
> channel spacing this radio has compared to 25khz on other mastr II's
> I have seen.
> Thanks
> Cecil
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RE: [Repeater-Builder] RE: Help: Programming the GE MLSU240 Radios

2004-11-14 Thread Kevin King


got a link to some info on this?

EIEIO 2722
Acworth Georgia

-Original Message-
From: mch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2004 11:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] RE: Help: Programming the GE MLSU240

There is also a PC program for the MLS-1s.

Joe M.

> The MLS240's use an eprom which is programmed with a self contained
> special "suitcase" programmer. The MLS241's are programmable through
> the mic connector with the level converter, a PC and software. I've
> tried programming the MLS240, (called a MLS1) by using a straight
> Epsom programmer but so far haven't had any luck. Try the GE group on
> Yahoo.
> Art - KC7GF
> ---
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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Repeater audio not passing

2004-09-18 Thread Kevin King

Replace the deviation control pot on the exciter. I have replaced many on
those vintage radios when in mobile service.

You could hit it with tuner cleaner also. :)


-Original Message-
From: georgiaskywarn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 12:06 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Repeater audio not passing

I have posted this before...thought I had it fixed ;-)

GE Mastr Exec II with built in RC100 controller.  Sometimes the
repeater audio just comes and goes.  This is ALL the audio, repeateed
audio and all the tail beeps.  However on it's will come
back.  Thought it was that main plug set on the thing oxidizing...but
after cutting the plug off and soldering directly to the pins...I
don't think that is the problem any more.  I have pushed and pulled
on the connections to the I don't think that is the

Again...the audio just comes and goes with no rhyme or reason :-(

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] GMRS

2004-08-02 Thread Kevin King

Re-read what I said.   "But do meet part 95 a specks"  I 
did not say they were certified!
that they do meet the standards for 95a.
All it 
would take if for Motorola to file for modification of the certification. But 
that will never happen.
that is all for this here.

  -Original Message-From: russ 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Monday, August 02, 2004 7:20 
  AMTo: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.comSubject: Re: 
  [Repeater-Builder] GMRS
  You mite want to review that. As of this writing they do not meet 95A. I 
  pulled a nice Micor out of service and replaced it because it was not. It 
  worked well for many years. I sold it to a Ham and they can use it on 
  73 Russ, W3CH
- Original Message - 
Kevin King 


Sent: Sunday, August 01, 2004 8:27 
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] 

What is funny is you should see  the stuff that is part 95a. 
Some of it is just as old as Micor and MastrII. And even more funny by I 
 think 2007 the Micor and mastrII will not meet part 90. But do meet 
part 95 a specks!

  -Original Message- From: russ 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, August 01, 2004 8:21 
  PMTo: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.comSubject: 
  Re: [Repeater-Builder] GMRS
  That is what I got out of it as well. Looks like there was a change 
  in the rules around I believe it said 1988 but I would have to reread 
  73 Russ, W3CH
- Original Message - 

Sent: Sunday, August 01, 2004 7:53 
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] 

"If it was approved for Part 95 Subpart A or GMRS, you could go 
ahead and use it in the GMRS. "  
William T. CrossPublic Safety and 
Critical Infrastructure DivisionWireless Telecommunications 
BureauFederal Communications Commission 

  -Original Message-From: russ 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, August 01, 2004 3:45 
  PMTo: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.comCc: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [Repeater-Builder] 
  Hello All,
  A week or two back we all where going back and forth on GMRS. 
  Well in the September 2004 Popular Communications page 36 starts a 
  wonderful story. Tittle "Can commercial-grade radio's be used for 
  The answer in a nut shell is NO. (part-95.129) No e-mails please 
  just read this will written article in Pop'Comm for all the answers. 
  Also read (63 FR 68975, Dec. 14 1998) It will make the answer very 
  clear as well.
  Sincerely,Russ Stafford, EE,PE.GROL, PG-GB-01751.HAM, 

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] GMRS

2004-08-02 Thread Kevin King

is funny is you should see  the stuff that is part 95a. Some of it is just 
as old as Micor and MastrII. And even more funny by I  think 2007 the Micor 
and mastrII will not meet part 90. But do meet part 95 a 

  -Original Message- From: russ 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, August 01, 2004 8:21 
  PMTo: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.comSubject: Re: 
  [Repeater-Builder] GMRS
  That is what I got out of it as well. Looks like there was a change in 
  the rules around I believe it said 1988 but I would have to reread it.
  73 Russ, W3CH
- Original Message - 
Kevin King 


Sent: Sunday, August 01, 2004 7:53 
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] 

"If it was approved for Part 95 Subpart A or GMRS, you could go ahead 
and use it in the GMRS. "  
William T. CrossPublic Safety and 
Critical Infrastructure DivisionWireless Telecommunications 
BureauFederal Communications Commission 

  -Original Message-From: russ 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, August 01, 2004 3:45 
  PMTo: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.comCc: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [Repeater-Builder] 
  Hello All,
  A week or two back we all where going back and forth on GMRS. Well in 
  the September 2004 Popular Communications page 36 starts a wonderful 
  story. Tittle "Can commercial-grade radio's be used for GMRS. 
  The answer in a nut shell is NO. (part-95.129) No e-mails please just 
  read this will written article in Pop'Comm for all the answers. Also read 
  (63 FR 68975, Dec. 14 1998) It will make the answer very clear as 
  Sincerely,Russ Stafford, EE,PE.GROL, PG-GB-01751.HAM, 

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] GMRS

2004-08-01 Thread Kevin King

"If it 
was approved for Part 95 Subpart A or GMRS, you could go ahead and use it in the 
GMRS. " 
William T. CrossPublic Safety and 
Critical Infrastructure DivisionWireless Telecommunications 
BureauFederal Communications Commission 

  -Original Message-From: russ 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, August 01, 2004 3:45 
  PMTo: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.comCc: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [Repeater-Builder] GMRS
  Hello All,
  A week or two back we all where going back and forth on GMRS. Well in the 
  September 2004 Popular Communications page 36 starts a wonderful story. Tittle 
  "Can commercial-grade radio's be used for GMRS. 
  The answer in a nut shell is NO. (part-95.129) No e-mails please just 
  read this will written article in Pop'Comm for all the answers. Also read (63 
  FR 68975, Dec. 14 1998) It will make the answer very clear as well.
  Sincerely,Russ Stafford, EE,PE.GROL, PG-GB-01751.HAM, 
  W3CH.GMRS, WPYK-254.

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Center Pins for Heliax

2004-07-11 Thread Kevin King
Yea I saw that after I posted the link. When we ordered from Andrews we
would get reattachment kits, and depending on the connector type the pin
would be in the kit.
But that was 6 years ago and Andrews was still Andrews :)

But at least the Tessco link had everything one would need to re use a


-Original Message-
From: Eric Lemmon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 11, 2004 11:39 AM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Center Pins for Heliax


I believe the Connector Reattachment Kit contains only O-rings.  Perhaps
what is needed is a "Pin-Pak" of five replacement center pins.  The pins
for 7/8 inch Heliax (LDF5-50) would be TESSCO number 422395, near the
bottom of the list.

73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY

Kevin King wrote:
> This is known as a Connector Reattachment Kit. Here is a link to what you
> seek.
> <>
> Kevin
> -Original Message-
> From: wa9ba [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, July 10, 2004 8:58 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Center Pins for Heliax
> We have several 7/8 Heliax connectors that we need center pins for.  Do
any of you know of a source for them? We don't want to buy whole new
> Bill WA9BA

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Center Pins for Heliax

2004-07-11 Thread Kevin King
This is known as a Connector Reattachment Kit. Here is a link to what you


-Original Message-
From: wa9ba [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 10, 2004 8:58 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Center Pins for Heliax

We have several 7/8 Heliax connecters that we need center pins for,
do any of you know of a source for them? We don't want to buy whole
new connectors!

Bill WA9BA

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Micor 4 Channel Help Needed

2004-06-12 Thread Kevin King
it sounds like you do not have all the assy's for the radio. you would need
a control group book and a connector tool to rearrange the cables. The best
bet is to get the rig over to someone close to you that has a working test
setup to check the rig. Or get a non scanning 4 channel cable and head from


-Original Message-
From: Mathew Quaife [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 12, 2004 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Micor 4 Channel Help Needed
or the

Let me ask this, I have two control boxes on here, the first is the scan
head, then there is the actual control head that has the volume control on
it.  The wires you mention are going to the scan head.  If I take Pin 4 to
the connector #11 on the scan head, the volume goes sky high.  Pin # 11 on
the scan box goes to pin 21 on the control cable.  Also, what is the brown
connector used for?  That is where the wire comes from pin # 4 is going to.


- Original Message -
From: "Neil McKie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 12, 2004 2:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Micor 4 Channel Help Needed

>   Thank you Mike,
>   Neil at 2:14am
> Mike WA6ILQ wrote:
> >
> > Rather than trace everything out, just pop the shell on the
> > control cable.
> >
> > Trace pin 1 and pin 4 up to the head.  Pin 1 is ground and is
> > hooked to the shield of one or more of the coax conductors in
> > the control cable and ends up on pin 21 of the head.  Pin 4 is
> > frequency 1 and ends up on pin 11 of the head.  It is supposed
> > to be grounded when the frequency switch is in the #1 position.
> > If you have the wrong head for the cable then the frequency
> > switch common might not be hooked to pin 1.  This is common
> > in situations where the installation had a channel scan head and
> > the used equipment vendor gives you a standard head. When
> > the channel scan board is added the control head frequency
> > switch common is rewired and connects through the channel
> > scan board and without the board in place the switch common
> > isn't grounded.
> >
> > So just ohm out the F1 wiring and make sure it's hooked up.
> > Then make sure that you have good elements in the F1 position.
> > Depending on the history of the radio you very easily could have
> > the wrong elements for where the radio is tuned.
> >
> > I once picked up a high-range (42-50mhz) low band Micor that
> > had been a Red Cross radio - tuned to 47mhz.  The radio had
> > mid-range (36-42mhz) elements in it on some fire dept frequency.
> > The vendor had grabbed a radio, a random head from a bin, a
> > random cable, a random speaker, a random microphone.  As
> > long as they plugged together he assumed they were compatible.
> > They weren't.
> > As it turned out, I had a cable that had been pinned for a head
> > configuration that had a 8 freq clamshell on the bottom with a
> > systems 90 box above it.  The box had a multiple PL encoder
> > board and a channel-scan board in it.  The radio came with a
> > 12freq clamshell, the fancy cable, a Mitrek speaker and a bad
> > microphone.
> >
> > It took a while with the Micor mobile book to figure things out.
> >
> > By the way,
> > P901 is the control connector - the front of the radio.
> > P902 is the connector between the center of the radio with
> > the exciter.
> > P903 is the connector between the center of the radio with
> > the audio-squelch board.
> > P904 is the connector between the center of the radio with
> > the receiver.
> >
> > Mike WA6ILQ
> >
> > At 11:38 PM 6/11/04 -0700, you wrote:
> >
> > >Ok, I think I'm getting the picture, it the P-902 the power connector
in the
> > >fron of the radio.  On one of them there is a wire that comes from the
> > >by the transmit xtals that goes to the front of the radio, and is
> > >to ground.
> > >
> > >Mathew
> > >
> > >- Original Message -
> > >From: "Neil McKie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >To: 
> > >Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 9:17 PM
> > >Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Micor 4 Channel Help Needed
> > >
> > >
> > > >
> > > >   Nope, nope, nope ...
> > > >
> > > >   Exciter: frequency 1 select wire from the Channel Element on the
> > > > circuit board goes to P-902, pin 15.
> > > >
> > > >   Receiver: frequency 1 select wire from the Channel Element on the
> > > > circuit board goes to P-904, pin 2.
> > > >
> > > >   Those specific pin numbers must be grounded for the receiver or
> > > >  exciter to operate properly.  The usual policy was to ground the
> > > >  frequency 1 select on the center board (Control Board) at the
> > > >  factory on all one frequency radios prior to shipment.
> > > >
> > > >   Neil
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Mathew Quaife wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > If I understand what you are asking, pin one of each board is
ground on
> > > > > here.  There is a ground wire on the power connector that is
> > >to
> > > > > ground.  Is this what you are ref

RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: [Tower-pro] Tech Tip of the Day

2004-06-04 Thread Kevin King
And before the internet it made the rounds of the office fax machines


-Original Message-
From: Richard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 9:49 AM
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: [Tower-pro] Tech Tip of the Day

This has been circulating on the internet for many years.

Richard, N7TGB

-Original Message-
From: Neil McKie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 6:39 AM
To: Repeater Builder
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Re: [Tower-pro] Tech Tip of the Day

  ... swipped from Tower-pro ... 

John Hettish wrote:
> Ripped off from another list and republished without attribution.  
> I'm a real outlaw.
> Make sure your IT guy finds out about this.  For you guys in the 
> field the IT guy is the one who is supposed to take care of the 
> computers at the office.  The most common phrase they utter is
> "it can't be done".
>  How to Replace Mouse Balls
> | Only IBM could do this...
> |
> | I don't know how they wrote this with a straight face. This was
> | a real memo sent out by a computer company (IBM) to its 
> | employees in all seriousness.
> |
> | Re:replacement of Mouse Balls.
> |
> | If a mouse fails to operate or should it perform erratically, it 
> | may need a ball replacement. Mouse balls are now available as
> | FRU (Field Replacement Units).
> |
> | Because of the delicate nature of this procedure, replacement of 
> | mouse balls should only be attempted by properly trained personnel.
> |
> | Before proceeding, determine the type of mouse balls by examining 
> | the underside of the mouse. Domestic balls will be larger and 
> | harder than foreign balls.
> |
> | Ball removal procedures differ depending upon the manufacturer of 
> | the mouse.
> |
> | Foreign balls can be removed using the pop off method.
> |
> | Domestic balls are removed by using the twist off method.
> |
> | Mouse balls are not usually static sensitive. However, excessive 
> | handling can result in sudden discharges.
> |
> | Upon completion of ball replacement, the mouse may be used 
> | immediately. It is recommended that each person have a pair of 
> | spare balls for maintaining optimum customer satisfaction.
> --
> John Hettish

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RE: [Repeater-Builder] Desense

2004-06-02 Thread Kevin King
pull a set of helicals out of a Micor mobile. a high split will do fine.

If you need to locate some contact me off the list.


-Original Message-
From: Eric Lemmon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2004 8:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Desense


It's a coincidence that I am adding a WX-1000 weather receiver/alarm
system to one of my 2m repeaters, and I found that the 2m signal was
clobbering the WX unit.  Even moving the WX receive antenna away from
and behind (it's directional) the 2m antenna didn't help.  The solution
was to connect a small Sinclair preselector in front of the WX
receiver.  These little gems are about five inches square, and have four
helical resonators.  I tuned it to the WX frequency, and eliminated the
2m interference.  Preselectors are not cheap, but DCI will make you a
nifty filter, similar to the ones for 2m, that passes just the NWS
frequencies.  It'll cost about $100, since it's a custom model.

73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY

Don wrote:
> I have a lot of Non Ham friends who use the Mur Freq 151.820  taking their
> HT To Little League Games Camping Etc , And I was going to set up a Legal
> Watt  Narrow/band FCC type accepted Radio , Whew had to get that out of
> way first.
> Then tie that into My 440 repeater that I rebroadcast the NWS  and Amber
> Alert Warnings . well the Testing I have done  The Two Watts . De sensed
> the Weather receiver so bad  It distorts the signal which is a strong one
> on a homemade outside ant at 20 Ft.  151.82 is also a homemade ant at 30
> Ft. opposite side of QTH.
> Can I use some kind of  Filter on the 162.425 Receiver to knock this down
> In case No one knows about the Lic Free Murs Band
>   We use it a lot in My area to
> bring Hams and Non Hams and  people Interested in Communications together
> lots of radios in wife cars  Etc.
> Thanks Don KA9QJG
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