Re: [SOGo] Addressbook access via LDAP?

2020-01-11 Thread Ian McMichael
On 18/11/2016 9:03 am, Ian McMichael wrote:
>> I was wondering if it would be possible to access the addressbooks via
>> LDAP to hook up a few DECT VOIP phones to the addresses I maintain via
>> CardDAV?
> I needed to do this with Cisco/Linksys VoIP phones and could not find
> any solution built into SOGo.  Being stuck in a corner I cobbled
> together a small LDAP server, which I called SOGodap, that connects to
> the SOGo MySQL database and searches the address book tables (only
> supports the old multiple tables per user model).  It then listens as
> a very limited LDAP server for queries from the phones.  I've been
> running it as a Linux daemon on customer servers for over a year now
> without issue.
> The code is basic and in Google Go language.  It lacks any form of
> security and all over the wire stuff is done in plain text, so only
> suitable for LAN use at best!  My intention was to open-source the
> code via Github but I am afraid I haven't yet and the documentation is
> non-existent.  Due to an office move next week I am unlikely to have
> any time to tidy it up for a little while. 

Just over three years have passed and I have finally got round to open
sourcing SOGodap, my LDAP server for SOGo address books.  For anyone
interested the code and documentation is at:

Please feel free to make suggestions and/or offer pull requests, all of
which I will review and respond to.  I am about to start adapting the
code to cope with the new combined (9 table) database format and to
support a few more vCard attributes in the LDAP responses.


Re: [SOGo] Mail -> Add to Address Book with TB68 and Connector 68.0.0/1

2020-01-06 Thread Ian McMichael

On 06/01/2020 4:32 pm, Slávek Banko ( wrote:

I assume that this is the same as described in bug 4916:

Correct and apologies.  That indeed confirms it!


Ian McMichael

• E-Mail:
• Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


[SOGo] Mail -> Add to Address Book with TB68 and Connector 68.0.0/1

2020-01-06 Thread Ian McMichael
I believe I have found a bug in either Thunderbird 68.* or the SOGo 
Connector 68.* related to adding new address book contacts. To reproduce 
this (which I have done so far on a variety Windows and Linux clients), 
do the following:

1. Open an e-mail from someone not currently in your address book.
2. Right-click the From field and select Add to Address Book.
3. Nothing happens!  (Previously a New Contact form, pre-populated,
   appeared as a dialog.)
4. Examine your address book and at the top (assuming sort by Name
   ascending) a completely blank entry appears.

Could someone else confirm this behaviour and I'll log a bug?  I just 
want to rule out that it is something site specific (or stupid!) I have 
done in configuring the Connector.



Ian McMichael

• E-Mail:
• Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


Re: [SOGo] Gmail app on Android devices no longer works with ActiveSync

2019-11-11 Thread Ian McMichael

On 11/11/2019 12:56 pm, Patrik Chadima ( wrote:

Is anyone experiencing the same issues?

Yes, absolutely!  Started yesterday afternoon for me following a GMail 

The popular belief is that it is related to this device admin deprecation:

I have had to switch several users to Cal/CardDAV to immediately 
overcome the issue.  Sadly I'm still running SOGo 3 with multi-table 
database.  My intention is to upgrade to SOGo 4 as soon as possible.

I see 4.1.1 release notes listed "fixed EAS provisioning support for 
Outlook/iOS".  Does this provisioning fix possibly also apply to Android 
and push a profile suitable for the new Google rules? Would be useful to 
know from anyone running the latest release...


Ian McMichael

• E-Mail:
• Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


Re: [SOGo] Thunderbird 60 -> 68 Upgrade

2019-11-04 Thread Ian McMichael
On 28/10/2019 4:09 pm, Christian Mack ( 

Your observations are correct.
All Thunderbird Add-Ons are either compatible with Thunderbird 60 or 68
there is no way to be compatible with both.
Thanks Christian, that confirms what I thought and discovered during 

According to the developer documents at it is 
possible to host both TB 60 and 68 versions of extensions at and when upgraded TB68 will find the new 
version.  However this would need Inverse to upload the SOGo Connector, 
which is going to be difficult as it has to be updated manually for each 

Out of interest, how are you going to handle the upgrade?  Will you 
manually visit every SOGo client and upgrade machines for them or have I 
missed some obvious way of automating this?


Ian McMichael

• E-Mail:
• Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


[SOGo] Thunderbird 60 -> 68 Upgrade

2019-10-25 Thread Ian McMichael
With the release of TB 68.2.0 it is anticipated that the upgrade switch 
will soon be flipped and users on the Release channel using 60.9.0 will 
automatically receive it.  Following today's announcement of SOGo 4.1.0 
and SOGo Connector extension 68.0.0 I thought I would spend the day 
testing upgrade scenarios.

The summary is that I have yet to achieve a workable upgrade solution 
but would like to share what I have tried in the hope that others can 
benefit from it and that many minds can find the answer...?

Test platform: Windows 10 32-bit and Ubuntu 18.04LTS 64-bit (no 
differences experienced)

All tests began with TB 60.9.0 using SOGo Connector 60.0.2 and 
Integrator 60.0.2 configured for our site and able to successfully pull 
extension updates from an Apache web server via updates.php over a 
secure connection with a Let's Encrypt certificate.

My first test was to customise the new all-in-one SOGo connector 68.0.0 
for our site and update install.rdf to include support for TB 60:


I then pushed this via update.php to the TB 60.9.0 installation, where 
it was accepted and loaded.  However testing found than new calendar and 
contact entries were not pushed to the SOGo server and the extension did 
not appear to function.  I have no idea if this is the intended 
behaviour and whether any backwards compatibility is expected?

My thinking was that if this worked the old SOGo Integrator 60.0.2 would 
be disabled during the TB 68.2.0 upgrade and the new SOGo Connector 
68.0.0 would take over its functionality.  This proved to be true as 
when I manually forced the TB 60 -> 68 upgrade everything started 
working again.

I then approached the problem from the other direction and wondered if I 
could get the SOGo Integrator 60.0.2 working on TB 68 for long enough to 
hit updates.php on our server and pull the new SOGo Connector 68.0.0 
from it.  To make the SOGo Integrator 60.0.2 compatible I needed to add 
a manifest.json file to its root (and bump the version in install.rdf so 
that I could "upgrade" existing TB 60 installations):

  "manifest_version": 2,
  "applications": {
    "gecko": {
  "id": "",
  "strict_min_version": "68.0"
  "name": "Inverse SOGo Integrator",
  "description": "A SOGo integration plugin for Thunderbird and Lightning",
  "version": "",
  "legacy": {
    "type": "xul"

The extension updated fine in TB 60.9.0 and I then proceeded to upgrade 
to TB 68.2.0.  Sadly, although the SOGo Integrator is left enabled and 
appears to be compatible, it made no attempt to contact our web server 
and post to updates.php to grab the new SOGo Connector 68.0.0.

I have spent a couple of hours reading about making legacy extension 
compatible with TB 68 and it appears this is probably not the route to 
take.  Does anyone have any other ideas of how to prepare for this 
upgrade?  How will Inverse achieve it?  I really want to avoid having to 
physically visit lots of machines to install a new extension.  Sadly 
adding extensions (and cleaning up the old, redundant SOGo Integrator) 
is not something I can expect non-technical end-users to realistically 


Ian McMichael

• E-Mail:
• Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


Re: [SOGo] ldap vs sql

2019-10-22 Thread Ian McMichael
On 22/10/2019 3:52 pm, Robert A Wooldridge ( 
If you are authenticating via LDAP, is a database necessary at all? 

Yes, for contacts and calendars.


Ian McMichael

• E-Mail:
• Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


Re: [SOGo] Thunderbird 68

2019-08-29 Thread Ian McMichael

On 29/07/2019 6:34 pm, Ludovic Marcotte ( wrote:
It'll likely require a fair amount of work. We'll know for sure when 
we do that assessment - this week or the next one. 

How did this go?  I see Thunderbird 68 has released today and so we are 
likely to start seeing users upgrading:


Ian McMichael

• E-Mail:
• Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


Re: [SOGo] Ubuntu 18, TB 60+, SOGo integrator/connector: Anyone?

2018-10-22 Thread Ian McMichael

On 22/10/2018 3:02 pm, Patrick Ben Koetter ( wrote:
Has anyone managed to get SOGo integrator and connector on a vanilla 
Ubuntu 18 LTS?

Yes, working like a dream here on 18.04 LTS desktop.

I even managed to keep it working during the Thunderbird 52 to 60 
upgrade by modifying the sogo-integrator-60.0.0.xpi to include 52.* in 
its manifest and installing it prior to the upgrade, as suggested 
previously on this list.


Re: [SOGo] About Thunderbird addon

2018-03-07 Thread Ian McMichael

On 06/03/18 00:40, Stefan Klatt ( wrote:
A addon configuration menu and a external configuration file would be 
nice to use the integrator without modifiing the xpi.

This would certainly add a lot of flexibility to the way the SOGo 
front-end components are deployed.

The other angle to consider is security.  I am amazed that Mozilla still 
allow an XPI to be modified after it is published by the developer.  In 
most cases these days a signature would be required at release and 
anything updating it subsequently would render it untrusted.  Let's face 
it the ideal behaviour of something nefarious is to edit the code of a 
plug-in!  Surely this is something that must code to Thunderbird and 
then the SOGo Integrator would be unusable anyway?


Re: [SOGo] Disable Redirect, Absence

2018-01-25 Thread Ian McMichael

Hi Patrick,

On 25/01/18 14:44, openroot GmbH | Patrick Geschke 
( wrote:

Hey all! Is there some way to disable the absence and redirect function
in the Web-Frontend?

Yes, have a look at the following in sogo.conf:

SOGoVacationEnabled = NO;
    SOGoForwardEnabled = NO;

They work on several installations for me.


Ian McMichael

• E-Mail:
• Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


Re: [SOGo] Addressbook access via LDAP?

2016-11-18 Thread Ian McMichael

On 16/11/16 11:17, Peter Lohmann ( wrote:

I was wondering if it would be possible to access the addressbooks via
LDAP to hook up a few DECT VOIP phones to the addresses I maintain via

I needed to do this with Cisco/Linksys VoIP phones and could not find 
any solution built into SOGo.  Being stuck in a corner I cobbled 
together a small LDAP server, which I called SOGodap, that connects to 
the SOGo MySQL database and searches the address book tables (only 
supports the old multiple tables per user model).  It then listens as a 
very limited LDAP server for queries from the phones.  I've been running 
it as a Linux daemon on customer servers for over a year now without issue.

The code is basic and in Google Go language.  It lacks any form of 
security and all over the wire stuff is done in plain text, so only 
suitable for LAN use at best!  My intention was to open-source the code 
via Github but I am afraid I haven't yet and the documentation is 
non-existent.  Due to an office move next week I am unlikely to have any 
time to tidy it up for a little while.

What is your background?  Would compiling a Go project be something that 
you could consider?


Re: [SOGo] Orphaned database tables in mysql backend?

2016-10-19 Thread Ian McMichael

On 19/10/16 11:12, Peter Schmidt ( wrote:
Is there really no one, that can tell me how to deal with tables that 
remain in the database after users or their folders (calendars, 
address books) have been deleted? 

Try running:

sogo-tool remove 

I believe that should tidy them up.  Obviously take a backup of your 
SOGo database first if there is any chance that you will ever need the 
data relating to that user!


Re: [SOGo] ThunderBird with Sogo Connector Stop Syncing Address Book from Sogo

2016-08-28 Thread Ian McMichael

On 27/08/16 05:41, Alex Wijoyo ( wrote:
I have setup address book syncing on my Thunderbird for personal and 
users address book. It works fine initially but It's stopped working 
after I reinstall Thunderbird with profile destroyed. And the strange 
part is there is no error message at all after synchronizing just No 
changes notification showed. Is there anything I missed?

In my past experience when this has happened to me I have been accessing 
the DAV server over SSL/TLS.  I use StartCom as a Certificate Authority 
and the issue has been with their OSCP server being off-line and unable 
to verify the revocation status of my certificate.  In this case I see 
errors in the Apache log when Thunderbird tries to make its DAV calls.  
It is true that Thunderbird logs very little information and it is 
difficult to diagnose from the client end.

Hope this helps in your case too?

Re: [SOGo] confidential appointments

2016-06-23 Thread Ian McMichael

On 23/06/16 07:53, Ralf Cirksena ( wrote:

Is that still an issue in SOGo 3.1.2?

It is here.  We've been running v3 since its initial release and I have 
never experienced any different behaviour.  The appointments are 
correctly flagged as confidential (if you examine the XML sent to the 
client) but I believe this should be handled server-side (like it is 
with CalDAV) as I have yet to find a client that honours this!  It is 
also much safer if data never intended for a client device is kept 
centrally and never distributed to it...


Re: [SOGo] confidential appointments

2016-06-22 Thread Ian McMichael

On 22/06/16 12:51, Christian Mack ( wrote:

You did give them privileges to see those in your calendar.
Or the admin did so, and you didn't change that.

Alternatively, if any of your users are connected via ActiveSync there 
is a long-standing bug which reveals confidential information regardless 
of the settings:

Re: [SOGo] Samba4 SASLAuth, bypassed

2016-04-19 Thread Ian McMichael

On 18/04/16 09:37, Ian McMichael wrote:
I am carrying out testing later today ahead of Canonical's Samba 4.3.8 
release for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, which is scheduled for tomorrow.

Hope this helps someone out and I will report back once I have carried 
out testing here...

As promised, I am reporting back my findings with the Canonical Samba 
4.3.8 package now in the Ubuntu 14.04 LTS repository.

I created a key for the domain controller with the following:

openssl genrsa -out /var/lib/samba/private/tls/ 2048
chown root:root  /var/lib/samba/private/tls/
chmod 600 /var/lib/samba/private/tls/

Then I created a certificate request with the common name equal to the 
FQDN of the domain controller (in this example,

openssl req -new -key /var/lib/samba/private/tls/ 
-out /var/lib/samba/private/tls/

I then took the CSR over to and got them to 
issue a free certificate for the domain controller.  I placed the 
certificate plus the StartCom Class 1 Intermediate (to form a 
certificate chain) in /var/lib/samba/private/tls/

I then added the following lines to /etc/samba/smb.conf:

tls enabled  = yes
tls keyfile  = tls/
tls certfile = tls/
tls cafile   = /etc/ssl/certs/StartCom_Certification_Authority.pem
tls priority = SECURE128:-VERS-SSL3.0

Then restarted the Samba DC:

service samba-ad-dc restart

I then edited the line in /etc/sogo/sogo.conf to read:

hostname = ldap://!StartTLS;

It is important to use the FQDN in this line and not an IP address. 
Next, restart SOGo:

service sogo restart

On pretty much all my servers SOGo just worked after this procedure and 
could authenticate securely against the new Samba 4.3.8 Active 
Directory.  On an old server (upgraded from 10.04 LTS) I found the 
following line was missing from /etc/ldap/ldap.conf:

TLS_CACERT  /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

Adding this back and then restarting Samba seemed to fix everything.

Hope this helps someone else caught out by the sudden increase in LDAP 
security around Samba...


Re: [SOGo] Samba4 SASLAuth, bypassed

2016-04-18 Thread Ian McMichael

On 15/04/16 07:51, Heiner Markert ( wrote:

For me it is *not* working.
Besides using TLS, I need to set
ldap server require strong auth = no
in order to get ldap auth working in sogo.
All other options of this smb parameter result in "strong(er) 
authentication required"-errors in sogo.log.

Any hints how to solve this? 

I am carrying out testing later today ahead of Canonical's Samba 4.3.8 
release for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, which is scheduled for tomorrow.

How did you issue a certificate to your Samba server (self-signed, 
signed by a PKI, another option)?  Which options did you try in smb.conf?

I am planning to get my key certified by StartCom and use the following 
options in smb.conf:

tls enabled  = yes
tls keyfile  = tls/
tls certfile = tls/
tls cafile   = tls/StartCom_Class_1_DV_Server_CA.pem
tls priority = SECURE192:+SECURE128:-VERS-SSL3.0

Hope this helps someone out and I will report back once I have carried 
out testing here...


Re: [SOGo] Samba4 SASLAuth, bypassed

2016-04-13 Thread Ian McMichael

On 13/04/16 10:04, Patrick Rauter ( wrote:
at least I have found the settings for SAMBA4 to re enable simple bind 
and SOGo is working again.

ldap server require strong auth = no

But this is somehow contrarious to the security update to prevent 

So the question remains, is it possible to use SOGo with SASLAuth. 

I have been busy reading about the changes Canonical plan to make to 
SAMBA on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS from next Tuesday (19th April) to assess the 
impact for our customers.  My understanding from the release notes 
( of the version 
they are planning to upgrade to leads me to believe the LDAP 
authentication will continue to work if you use TLS.

From the SOGo manual, the syntax for this in sogo.conf is:

   hostname = ldap://!StartTLS;

(This assumes SAMBA is on the same box as SOGo but otherwise adjust the 
IP address/hostname.)

This should operate correctly with either "ldap server require strong 
auth = yes" (new default) or "ldap server require strong auth = 
allow_sasl_over_tls" in your smb.conf and provide the MITM protection.

I am not in a position to be able to test this today, so it would be 
great if you could and report back?


Re: [SOGo] How to apply the fix for the Bug 0003571 Apple mobile devices not displaying EAS multipart mail correctly

2016-04-05 Thread Ian McMichael

On 04/04/16 23:13, "cafesato" ( wrote:

I apologize for this question that could be so easy for some of you, but I
would like yo to help me how to apply the fixing for:  0003571

Generally, if you would like to test a fix before the release it is 
included in you need to run the nightly builds.  These should not be 
considered production ready (as they're pre-release) but have been of a 
very high standard historically.  You can find the instructions for 
updating your repositories to the nightlies at:


Hope this helps?

Re: [SOGo] Update from v2.3.8 to v3.0.1

2016-02-24 Thread Ian McMichael

On 24/02/16 11:43, Schrödel Robert wrote:

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

I simply updated my apt source line to:

deb trusty trusty

Then ran:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Everything happened "magically" after that.

Re: [SOGo] Update from v2.3.8 to v3.0.1

2016-02-24 Thread Ian McMichael

On 24/02/16 10:15, Schrödel Robert wrote:

what is the easies way to update SOGo?

For most distributions simply add the "-v3" suffix to the http source 
path, update your repository index and perform an update.

Which platform are you running on?

Re: [SOGo] Appointments appear in database but not in calendar

2016-02-03 Thread Ian McMichael

On 03/02/16 11:12, Patrick Rauter wrote:
When creating a new appointment, apparently nothing happens, 
especially the appointment doesn't show up in the calendar (reloading, 
refreshing and changing the view doesn't help).

If I take a look at the database (mysql) the appointments are there.

I have already tried it on a completely new machine with new database, 
but to no avail. 

There is already a bug open (3472 
) to look into this.  We are 
having the same problem with v3.0.0 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.


[SOGo] Ubuntu 14.04 LTS SOGo 2.3.7 to 3.0.0 Upgrade Report

2016-02-01 Thread Ian McMichael
This morning I have upgraded our production Ubuntu 14.04 server to SOGo 
3.0.0.  I thought I would share the experience and results in the hope 
that it help someone else?

To perform the upgrade I simply edited my old apt repository entry to read:

deb trusty trusty

After this I ran the following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

About two minutes later SOGo v3.0.0 was running.  Absolutely nothing 
else needed editing or updating in my configuration, which uses a Samba 
4 LDAP directory as its user source.

The web interface was tested in Chrome 48 and Firefox 44 running on an 
Ubuntu 14.04 (64-bit) desktop.  The interface all performed as expected 
with the following exceptions:

Incorrect e-mail displayed above the folder list: Bug 3473 

Move button missing in message list: Bug 3477 

I then tested via Chrome 47 on my Nexus 5 running Android 6.0.1. Wow!  
The old v2.x interface was unusable on a screen this size and required a 
number of work-arounds for the right-click, which never worked well on a 
touchscreen.  SOGo v3 is a joy to use on a small screen.  I can read 
everything and it is fluid, feeling about as close to a native Android 
app as you could hope.

Many, many thanks for a great release.

Re: [SOGo] ANN: SOGo v3.0 released!

2016-01-28 Thread Ian McMichael

On 28/01/16 10:17, Johannes Zellner wrote:
Is there any schedule on when or if, there will be official Ubuntu 
releases for newer versions like 15.04 or 15.10?

My understanding is that only Long Term Support (LTS) versions on Ubuntu 
Server are supported.  Therefore, the next release will be after April 
with 16.04 LTS ships...


Re: [SOGo] ANN: SOGo v3.0 released!

2016-01-28 Thread Ian McMichael

On 28/01/16 03:33, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:
After about 1.5 year of development, Inverse is extremely happy to 
announce the immediate availability of SOGo v3.0! This release is 
considered ready for production use.

Many thanks for all your work and that of the rest of the team. This 
looks like a great, modern UI for the future of SOGo.  I like the new 
look too...


Re: [SOGo] ANN: SOGo v2.3.7

2016-01-27 Thread Ian McMichael

On 27/01/16 04:14, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:

It's now available in the repos.

Thanks for this quick update, the missing Junk folder icon is fixed now 
on our 2.3.7a systems.

Any more information available anywhere on the new junk SMTP 
integration?  Does it simply forward copies of the marked/unmarked 
messages to the addresses you specify (presumably for Bayesian filter 
training, if used)?

If the new SOGoMailJunkSettings parameter is unset, do the Junk buttons 
simply move a message between Inbox and the Junk folder with no other 
action?  I presume there is no adaptive junk control that Thunderbird 
implements and that messages marked in the web interface will have no 
impact on Thunderbird if a user access their mailbox with both?


Re: [SOGo] ANN: SOGo v2.3.7

2016-01-26 Thread Ian McMichael

On 26/01/16 11:39, Daniel Berteaud wrote:

It is in the manual. Look for SOGoMailJunkSettings

I did see this.  Although the description is clear of how the syntax 
works, I am not sure of the use-case and how that fits with the Junk 
functionality provided in Thunderbird.  Is it possible to turn it off 
whilst we investigate the impact for customers?

It is possible there is an icon missing?  When I log into webmail on 
2.3.7 my Junk folder appears but the icon image next to it 
(SOGo.woa/WebServerResources/tb-mail-junk-flat-17x17.png) seems to be 
missing.  Apache responds with a 404 when requesting this image. This 
was an upgrade from 2.3.6 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.


Re: [SOGo] ANN: SOGo v2.3.7

2016-01-25 Thread Ian McMichael

On 25/01/16 19:04, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:

*New features*

  * new junk/not junk capability with generic SMTP integration

Sounds interesting...  Where can we find out more?

Re: [SOGo] ANN: SOGo v3.0 beta 5

2015-12-19 Thread Ian McMichael

On 18/12/15 20:45, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:
Finally, the Inverse team would like to wish you all Happy Holidays - 
let the 2016 year be a great one for SOGo once again!

Many thanks for a fantastic year of SOGo development with more to look 
forward to in the New Year.  Hope you all have a very merry holiday!



Re: [SOGo] v2.3.3 Folders open/close state not respected after logout/login

2015-11-19 Thread Ian McMichael

On 19/11/15 13:52, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:
v2.3.3a has just been released with the fix. 

Many thanks.  All verified fixed on our servers now...

Re: [SOGo] v2.3.3 Folders open/close state not respected after logout/login

2015-11-16 Thread Ian McMichael

On 15/11/15 13:56, wrote:

Anyone else seeing this behaviour?

Yes, confirmed on three separate systems running v2.3.3 here too. No 
work-around found as yet...


Re: [SOGo] SOGo 2.3.3 issue: iOS 9 Activesync - Calendar sync only "Personal calendar"

2015-11-13 Thread Ian McMichael

On 13/11/15 08:32, wrote:
Does anybody of you have the same behaviour with Multiple Calendar and 

Yes!  See my two replies on the list to the 2.3.3 announcement last 
night.  The first notices your problem and the second provides the 


Re: [SOGo] ANN: SOGo v2.3.3

2015-11-12 Thread Ian McMichael

On 12/11/15 17:27, Ian McMichael wrote:

now possible to choose which folders to sync over EAS

Is this something we have to enable?  If so, how and where do we do it? 

Found it!

You now have to log into the web interface and check the properties of 
each calendar and address book you want to use via ActiveSync. As of 
v2.3.3 it appears to respect the "Synchronize" check box in the 
properties of each object.  By simply selecting the ones needed and 
telling Android to "Sync Now" everything has re-appeared.

Might be worth a mention in the release notes to save others from the 
same shock I just had!?


Re: [SOGo] ANN: SOGo v2.3.3

2015-11-12 Thread Ian McMichael

On 11/11/15 23:34, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:

now possible to choose which folders to sync over EAS

Is this something we have to enable?  If so, how and where do we do it?

I have removed the Exchange account from my Nexus 5 (running Android 
6.0), reset my account using "sogo-tool manage-eas resetdevice" and 
re-added it.

Although all my personal calendars and contacts do appear, the shared 
calendars and contacts do not using v2.3.3.  No permissions have changed 
and I did a simple upgrade from v2.3.2.  I still have full write access 
to the calendars and address books I am expecting to see and they appear 
fine via the web interface.

E-mail folders shared with me synchronise fine over ActiveSync but a 
"sogo-tool manage-eas listfolders" confirms the only contacts, calendars 
and to-dos are my personal ones.

Any guidance much appreciated, as always, and thanks in advance.

Re: [SOGo] EAS Shared Calendars

2015-11-09 Thread Ian McMichael

On 09/11/15 20:20, Pol Bettinger wrote:

Does someone have an idea what I missed?

At present you must have write access to calendars for them to be 
visible via ActiveSync.  I have no idea why as real Exchange ActiveSync 
does not require this, but it has been a limitation since it was 
introduced into SOGo.

This could be why you are not seeing them?

Re: [SOGo] Calendars locked

2015-09-09 Thread Ian McMichael

On 08/09/15 17:47, Adi Kriegisch wrote:

There is a bug in Lightning[0] for which a patch exists[1] and a nightly
build is available[2] (without localization and all that). The Mozilla
Lightning team will roll out an updated Lightning version real soon now or
in two weeks -- depending on whom you ask. (And I have no idea if this will
be v4.0.2.1 or v4.0.3).

Adi, many thanks for your thorough and most helpful reply.  I now 
understand that any outage of the CalDAV connection will cause the 
current Lightning plug-in to mark it as disabled.  I don't use US 
English, so will wait for the next official release before re-testing.

I use OCSP stapling on all my Apache servers and have for some time.  
All seems to be functioning correctly there but the StartCom StartSSL 
OCSP server is very unreliable of late.  If the server needs to verify 
the certificate (because the cached response has expired) and their 
server is unreachable it passes this information to the client.  
Thunderbird interprets this as an insecure connection and blocks access 
to the web server temporarily.  This then triggers the Lightning bug and 
calendars vanish.

Glad we got to the bottom of it.  Thank again for your enlightenment.

Re: [SOGo] Calendars locked

2015-09-08 Thread Ian McMichael

On 02/09/15 19:47, Ian McMichael wrote:
I'd be interested to know if others use StartCom SSL certificates or 
whether there is another force at play here too? 

My calendars locked again yesterday.  The trick of changing their 
readonly and disabled status via the configuration editor and then 
restarting Thunderbird once again fixed them.  This time I was able to 
copy the errors from the Thunderbird log (attached) and match them to 
Apache errors on my SOGo server caused by the StartCom OCSP server being 
off-line once more.

It looks like, in my case at least, this is the connection.  Anyone else 
able to verify this based on my last information and their Apache logs?

Hunting through Thunderbird I have now found in Preferences -> Advanced 
-> Certificates that there is a "Query OCSP responder servers to confirm 
the current validity of certificates" setting. It is enabled on my 
installation and I am going to disable it to see if it helps.  As OCSP 
stapling on my Apache (SOGo) server should do this verification, my 
belief is that having the client do it too is redundant.  Certainly 
Google have retired this feature from their Chrome browser, so they 
clearly don't see the value.

Any root cause reports from other users would be much appreciated to 
help prove my theory!

-- 07/09/15 11:07:34
Error: [calCachedCalendar] replay action failed: null, 
result=2147500037, op=[xpconnect wrapped calIOperation]
Source File: 
Line: 322

Timestamp: 07/09/15 11:07:34
Warning: There has been an error reading data for calendar: Personal Calendar. 
Error code: READ_FAILED. Description: 
Source File: 
Line: 960

Timestamp: 07/09/15 11:07:34
Warning: There has been an error reading data for calendar: Personal Calendar. 
It has been placed in read-only mode, since changes to this calendar will 
probably result in data-loss.  You may change this setting by choosing 'Edit 
Calendar'. Error code: DAV_REPORT_ERROR. Description: There has been an error 
reading data for calendar: It has 
been disabled until it is safe to use it.
Source File: 
Line: 960

Timestamp: 07/09/15 11:07:34
Warning: CalDAV: Error doing webdav sync: undefined
Source File: 
Line: 399

Timestamp: 07/09/15 11:07:34
Warning: CalDAV: No response status doing webdav sync for calendar Personal 
Source File: 
Line: 379

Timestamp: 07/09/15 10:37:34
Error: [calCachedCalendar] replay action failed: null, 
 result=2147500037, op=[xpconnect wrapped calIOperation]
Source File: 
Line: 322

Timestamp: 07/09/15 10:37:34
Warning: There has been an error reading data for calendar: UK Holidays. Error 
code: READ_FAILED. Description: 
Source File: 
Line: 960

Timestamp: 07/09/15 10:37:34
Warning: There has been an error reading data for calendar: UK Holidays. It has 
been placed in read-only mode, since changes to this calendar will probably 
result in data-loss.  You may change this setting by choosing 'Edit Calendar'. 
Error code: DAV_REPORT_ERROR. Description: There has been an error reading data 
for calendar:
 It has been disabled until it is safe to use it.
Source File: 
Line: 960

Timestamp: 07/09/15 10:37:34
Warning: CalDAV: Error doing webdav sync: undefined
Source File: 
Line: 399

Timestamp: 07/09/15 10:37:34
Warning: CalDAV: No response status doi

Re: [SOGo] Calendars locked

2015-09-02 Thread Ian McMichael

On 31/08/15 15:22, Bob Wooldridge wrote:
Any ideas what to do and what has caused this? 

For me this has happened over the last day or so too.  I access my 
calendars over SSL using a StartCom certificate.  Their OCSP server was 
off-line for a while, which cause Apache to return an OCSP stapling 
error to Thunderbird.

In previous Lightning versions (below 4.x) this has happened briefly but 
the calendars recovered when the OCSP server came back on-line. However, 
this behaviour seems to have changed now to permanently disable them 
once the error is seen.  By following the instructions in this thread I 
have used Config Editor to re-enable them and all work fine once more.

The error:

AH01977: failed reading line from OCSP server

appeared in my Apache error log file for the client that was impacted 
shortly before the calendars vanished.  Having read about this, I have 
updated my /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ssl.conf to include:

SSLStaplingResponderTimeout 5
SSLStaplingReturnResponderErrors off

This is all on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS server, so other distros may vary. As 
far as I am aware StartCom have not had another outage, so I am not yet 
sure whether this will mitigate the next one.

I'd be interested to know if others use StartCom SSL certificates or 
whether there is another force at play here too?


Re: [SOGo] Reminders Don't Go Away

2015-06-24 Thread Ian McMichael

On 23/06/15 14:39, Bob Wooldridge wrote:
Isn't there anything you can do to fix this?  It always used to work 
in the older version of Thunderbird. 

Have a look at and then check 
your settings as described in the bug notes.  It solved all our 
problems, which made pop-up reminders incredibly annoying as you note...


Re: [SOGo] Re: Thunderbird/ownCloud/SOGo connector: cannot sync address book

2015-06-22 Thread Ian McMichael

On 22/06/15 11:21, Thomas Friedmann wrote:
- What's quite a show stopper is the fact that, SOGo connector seems 
to reuse the CalDAV credentials that are used by the Lightning add-on 
(v3.3.3). In Lightning, I have configured a shared CalDAV URL (i.e. 
not "myuser" as seen below, but "someotheruser"). Therefor SOGo 
connector does not sync "myuser"'s address book, but rather 
"someotheruser"'s contacts - although I used the URL mentioned below.

Can somebody please confirm these bugs? Are these already know bugs 
and if not, where can I file them? 

For your second issue, have a look at and see if it the same as you 
are experiencing?  In my experience it is the first IMAP account that 
the credentials come from but you may have run into a different issue.


Re: [SOGo] Added Event in TB does not display immediately

2015-05-13 Thread Ian McMichael

On 13/05/15 16:13, Charles Marcus wrote:
Ok, so this is a Connector bug only, not present if you are using 
Integrator that should be made very clear.

This is not my experience.  I use both the Connector and Integrator on 
all three of our systems that experienced the problem.  It is entirely a 
username matching error, which could perhaps be documented?

Read my whole message and you will see that it is actually related to 
the use of username/e-mail address on the SOGo back-end, the format of 
which must match the username specified in the Thunderbird IMAP (e-mail) 
account.  When they match, everything works. Otherwise, lots of 404 
errors are logged by the SOGo back-end in response to incorrect 
Cal/CardDAV URLs generated by the Connector. In this case Thunderbird 
gets confused and the incorrect Calendar behaviour occurs.

As I suggest, perhaps an enhancement request against the Connector could 
make it behave more consistently by looking up the correct URL format on 
the back-end?  When you configure an iPhone or Android device with 
CalDAV this is what appears to happen.  Why not extend this to the 
Thunderbird Connector?


Re: [SOGo] Added Event in TB does not display immediately

2015-05-13 Thread Ian McMichael

On 13/05/15 10:14, Marc Patermann wrote:
I created a bug two weeks ago, but it seems there was no further 
activity since. :(
I'm very unhappy, there has nothing happened at all in 1.5 month with 
this bug! :(

Is there any way to change this? 

Hi Marc,

Yes, there is a way to change this.  Tanmay ( 
spotted what is going on back on 2nd May.  I was away on holiday last 
week but have tested his solution and it works fine for us.

In summary, the SOGo Connector does not employ any "smart" logic or 
communicate with the SOGo backend on the server to help it calculate the 
Cal/CardDAV URLs.  Instead it simply uses the username from the first 
IMAP account configured in Thunderbird and injects it into the URL.  If 
you have your IMAP account in Thunderbird configured to use a simple 
username you get something like:

Whereas, if you log into your IMAP account using an email address 
( you get:

You next need to check which of these SOGo is configured to expect in 

  SOGoUserSources = (
  type = ldap;
  CNFieldName = displayName;
  UIDFieldName = mail;
  MailFieldNames = ( mail, otherMailbox );
  baseDN = "CN=Users,dc=example,dc=net";
  bindDN = "CN=auth-sogo,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=net";
  bindFields = (sAMAccountName, mail);
  bindPassword = "";
  canAuthenticate = YES;
  displayName = "Global Address Book";
  hostname = ldap://;
  filter = "mail = '*'";
  id = directory;
  isAddressBook = YES;

The key part here is the UIDFieldName.  If this is configured to expect 
a username, then log into IMAP with a username in Thunderbird.  If it is 
configured to expect an e-mail address, log into IMAP with an e-mail 
address in Thunderbird.

(An alternative way to check is to log into SOGo with a web browser, 
right-click Properties on your personal calendar.  On the Links to this 
Calendar tab you will see the CalDAV URL and be able to tell whether 
your system is configured for username or e-mail address.)

If your users aren't too worried about their local Thunderbird 
preferences, you can simply remove their profile and re-configure it 
using the correct style of username for your system.  Otherwise, the 
following procedure (a bit long winded) is working for me:

1. Start TB.
2. Go to Add-ons and disable both the SOGo Connector and SOGo
   Integrator extensions.
3. Restart TB.
4. Right-click your IMAP account in the tree-list on the left and
   select Settings.  Navigate to Server Settings below your account
   name and update the Username.
5. Move down to Outgoing Server (SMTP) at the bottom of the list and
   Edit your entry.  Update the Username field appropriately and click OK.
6. Close Account Settings by clicking OK.
7. Restart TB and log into your IMAP account when prompted (save
   password with Password Manager, if desired).
8. Click the Address Book toolbar button.  Delete all address books by
   right-clicking and selecting Delete.  Two will remain (local
   personal and collected addresses).
9. Open the Calendar and Unsubscribe from all calendars by
   right-clicking them.  (You may have to create a temporary new local
   calendar to allow the last one to be removed.)
10. Re-enable both the SOGO Connector and SOGO Integrator extensions.
11. Restart TB and log into your SOGo account when prompted (save
   password with Password Manager, if desired).

It is possible that after this procedure you will see two SOGo 
directories in Address Book after this has completed.  (In our case 
called Global Address Book from the displayName = "Global Address Book" 
line in sogo.conf.)  Work out which one is using the wrong URL by 
checking its Properties and delete it.  (Your personal address book 
title will probably vanish at this stage but do not panic!) Restart TB 
and everything will work normally.

I will update the bug with this information in a while.  I have been 
thinking lots about this as it has been causing me considerable pain on 
three customer sites.  While strictly not a bug (simply a Thunderbird 
mis-configuration) I think the connector should be smarter and ask the 
SOGo back-end for the URL of the resources. This way it would support 
changing the UIDFieldName style without the horrible local Thunderbird 
procedure above.  Does this sound like a sensible enhancement request?

P.S.  Although I have no connection with Inverse I suspect the team have 
been deep in OpenChange integration work for the last few weeks.  I'm 
sure they will catch up here and with the bug reports prior to the next 

Hope this all helps?


Re: [SOGo] SOGo Integrator does not refresh Calendars when Creating Events in thunderbird

2015-04-29 Thread Ian McMichael

On 29/04/15 12:50, Tanstaafl wrote:

This was reported in another thread recently (a few weeks ago?)...

I would also consider it a bug - but it works correctly for me. When I
add an event in TB, I see it immediately on my Calendar.

What platform/versions (OS, Thunderbird, SOGo, Integrator, etc)?

I am experiencing this issue on three different SOGo installations at 
the moment.  All are 2.2.17a using the Connector/Integrator 31.0.1 and 
Thunderbird 31.6.0.

The differences are that I have tried Windows, Mac and Linux as the 
platform for Thunderbird.  I have also tested Lightning 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 
in all combinations on all platforms.  I can find no conclusive errors 
in either the SOGo or Thunderbird logs (see my comments on other threads 
about it).

The problem exhibits itself in two ways.  New events in Thunderbird do 
not appear immediately in the chosen calendar (even though they are 
written to the SOGo database fine).  Existing events cannot be 
opened/edited (this includes dismissing reminder notifications, which is 
*really* annoying for users).

The workaround (for everything apart from reminders) is to right-click 
the calendar you want to edit (or have just added a new event to) and 
select "Reset Calendar Cache".  After a brief delay the new event will 
appear and/or you will be able to edit an existing entry.  Trying a 
second transaction requires this workaround to be used again or it also 

How can I collect any more information to help the developers fix this?  
Should I open a bug?  If so, how would you classify this as I am not 
even sure where the error exists at the moment?

Thanks in advance,


[SOGo] Password expiry with Samba4/AD

2015-04-29 Thread Ian McMichael
I have a 2.2.17a system using Samba 4's AD back-end for its 
authentication.  Over the past few days a number of user account 
passwords have expired.  Where these are also Windows users they are 
prompted to change their password at logon to their PC.  However, for 
web-only users, the SOGo logon just denies access now rather than 
prompting for a change.

Is this the expected behaviour?  I have tried with passwordPolicy = YES 
(it was originally set to NO) and this does not seem to make any 
difference.  The following is logged in sogo.log when a user with an 
expired password tries to connect:

Apr 29 10:56:37 sogod [860]: SOGoRootPage Login from '192.168.x.x' for 
user 'username' might not have worked - password policy: 65535 grace: 
-1  expire: -1  bound: 0

Users with unexpired passwords can log in fine with passwordPolicy set 
to either YES or NO.  SOGoPasswordChangeEnabled = YES is also set on the 
server and works fine when the password is still within its lifetime.

Any assistance much appreciated,


Re: [SOGo] Added Event in TB does not display immediately

2015-04-15 Thread Ian McMichael

On 15/04/15 15:40, Tanstaafl wrote:

But if the event is added directly via Thunderbird/Lightning, it should
automatically be displayed in Thunderbird/Lightning - Sync interval
shouldn't have anything to do with it.

I am seeing the same here on the 2.2.17a release with Thunderbird 31.6.0 
(64-bit Linux), Lightning 3.3.2 and SOGo 31.0.1 Connector/Integrator.  I 
get the following warning (may be unrelated) in the Thunderbird log:

[JavaScript Warning: "Use of getPrefSafe() is deprecated and will be 
removed with the next release. Use Preferences.get() instead.

1: [chrome://calendar/content/calUtils.js:465] getPrefSafe

3: [null:0] null

I thought the behaviour was as a result of renaming user accounts on my 
system from simply "username" to "username@domain" format. However, I am 
now starting to think something else has changed too...

Any other reports/suggested workarounds much appreciated.

Re: [SOGo] Web Calendars and Thunderbird Integrator/Connector

2015-03-24 Thread Ian McMichael

On 24/03/15 21:32, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:
Web calendars are not exposed by SOGo over DAV. 

That explains why they are missing then!  Must have been my confusion 
over past experience where I thought I had seen it happen...

I have renamed all our calendar users from simply "user" to 
"" to assist with supporting more than one domain name.  
Existing users with the Thunderbird Integrator/Connector have the old 
path of:

When I configure a new Thunderbird install with the same 
Integrator/Connector, they get:

Is there a way to automatically force this update for the old installs?  
I could clearly delete the Thunderbird user profile on each machine and 
re-create it but that is a lot of work!  I was hoping the Integrator may 
spot it in some way?

Thanks again,


[SOGo] Web Calendars and Thunderbird Integrator/Connector

2015-03-24 Thread Ian McMichael
If I log into the web interface in 2.2.17 and add a web calendar (say a 
Google public one, like this Formula 1 calendar:, 
it displays fine in the web interface.

When I next log into my account via Thunderbird with the Integrator and 
Connector installed, should it appear on my list of calendars? I could 
have sworn it used to, but today it doesn't!

If it is supposed to, should I be able to share it with another webmail 
and/or Thunderbird user like a "normal" SOGo calendar?  (I appreciate 
they don't travel of ActiveSync as I have previously asked this.)

How can I debug the lack of appearance in my case, if it is not the 
desired behaviour?



[SOGo] sogo-tool rename-user mess

2015-03-20 Thread Ian McMichael
I have recently changed the authentication of our SOGo instance 
(together with Dovecot and Postfix) to use e-mail addresses (in the form 
"") instead of account names (in the form "user").  
Sadly I made a mistake whilst doing this (which I have done before on 
other systems successfully).  I restarted the SOGo daemons and logged 
into a few accounts via webmail before running "sogo-tool rename-user" 

When I realised my mistake I shut everything down and immediately ran:

"sogo-tool rename-user user"

for each user on the system.

Sadly this was too late and I seem to have broken the settings for 
several users who now have duplicate entries for their calendar and 

"sogo-tool user-preferences get settings usera Contacts" gives:

Contacts: {"FolderShowAlarms": 
{"\/3E92-539F0080-1-5AAFDB80": 0, 
"userb:Contacts\/personal": 0, "\/personal": 
0}, "FolderDisplayNames": {"\/personal": 
"Userb Address Book (Userb )"}, "DragHandleVertical": 
"365", "SubscribedFolders": ["\/personal"]}

I have checked the folder_info table in MySQL and only one version of 
each address book/calendar actually exists and is correct with the new format in both the c_path and c_path2 columns.

Can anyone suggest an easy way for me to fix the mess I have made? I 
could unsubscribe from all the calendar/address books and stop sharing 
them.  This may help but wouldn't fix the personal ones. I'm afraid that 
if I try and edit them manually I will make a typo somewhere and cause a 
bigger mess!

All suggestions very gratefully received...


Re: [SOGo] ANN: SOGo v2.2.16

2015-02-13 Thread Ian McMichael

On 12/02/15 18:57, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:


  * now possible for SOGo to change the sambaNTPassword/sambaLMPassword

Thanks for this realease.  Is there anything special we need to know to 
use this feature?  Does this mean that the SOGo web interface can now 
change a user account password Samba 4 DC?


[SOGo] ActiveSync deleted messages always marked unread

2015-02-12 Thread Ian McMichael
I have been doing quite a bit of ActiveSync testing recently on Android 
devices and, together with the excellent new configuration documentation 
on ActiveSync settings, am getting quite close to having a really usable 

One thing I have noticed since ActiveSync was born to SOGo (and still 
occurs in 2.2.16) is that all messages I delete on my Android device end 
up being marked as unread in my Deleted/Trash/Wastebasket/Bin (pick your 
favourite folder name!). Even if they had been flagged as read for 
several days before I delete them, they still become "new" on an 
ActiveSync delete.

This is purely cosmetic, but it annoys me to see an unread count on my 
Deleted folder in Thunderbird.  Messages deleted via Thunderbird or the 
web interface do not exhibit this behaviour.  I'd like to log a bug but 
wanted to check first that it is not just me?  We use Dovecot 2.2.9 as 
our backend for mailbox storage, in case this is linked.

Anyone else noticed this?

Re: [SOGo] SOGo / ActiveSync Tuning

2015-02-07 Thread Ian McMichael

On 06/02/15 18:09, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:

EAS clients clients will keep HTTP connections open

Thanks Ludovic for listening to our lack of knowledge about ActiveSync 
and helping us all by sharing yours.  There's one minor typo at the 
beginning of paragraph five, which might be worth correcting before 
publication; "EAS clients clients will keep HTTP connections open".  I 
will put the suggestions into action on Monday and see how they go...

The main issue preventing me moving over to ActiveSync on a Nexus 5 
(stock Android 5 with GMail as the ActiveSync mail client) is the 
handling of plain text messages.  They are rendered in a variable pitch 
font with all the body text on a single line, which makes large messages 
(like daily LogWatch run against our servers) unreadable.  There is a 
bug (3055) open for this.  Any ideas if a fix might make it into 2.2.16 
as the bug has been very quiet so far?


Re: [SOGo] SOGo ActiveSync inefficient, large battery drain?

2015-01-14 Thread Ian McMichael

On 13/01/15 21:31, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:
If you set SOGoMaximumPingInterval and SOGoMaximumSyncInterval to 300 
(5 mins), one of your sogod process will be busy for a maximum of 5 
minutes. If you set SOGoInternalSyncInterval to 30, an internal check 
will happen for changes every 30 seconds within the 5 minutes.

I'm interested in these settings too, having flattened my Nexus 5 
battery in 2 hours the other day having switched from Cal/CardDAV to 
ActiveSync for Calendar, Contacts and E-Mail!

Can you give us any insights on how these settings also influence the 
client behaviour?

Thanks in advance,


Re: [SOGo] Activesync and plain text mails

2015-01-04 Thread Ian McMichael

On 03/01/15 14:59, Tommie Van Mechgelen wrote:
I have installed latest version of SOGo and everything looks great.  
Except when recieving plain/text mails through activesync on android.  
The mail is put on one unreadable line. HTML mails look fine.

Also when a mail is sent from android through activesync, the mail is 
sent as plain/text and there seems to be no setting on the android 
device to change this.

I am experiencing the same thing on Android 5.0.1.  It looks like a 
CR/LF line ending issue to me.

I do have another issue where the plain text body part of some messages 
is missing completely when sync'd via ActiveSync.  I'll try and hook out 
some examples and post them here when I get a moment...

It would be great if somehow plain text messages could be rendered in a 
fixed pitch font so that columns display properly too.  K9-Mail on 
Android allows this but it may well be a client side thing.   I guess it 
depends if there is any indication of content type in ActiveSync and how 
each client interprets it?


Re: [SOGo] Multiple Calendars with ActiveSync

2015-01-02 Thread Ian McMichael

On 02/01/15 09:26, Thomas Fuehrer wrote:

While syncing other users calendar folders the permissions are verified: you 
need to have permission to add/delete calendar objects.
Web-based calendars are currently not supported.

That might explain what I am seeing.  I only have access to view the 
calendar of one of the other users on the system and this is the one not 
being created on my mobile by ActiveSync.  Why do I need write access to 
see entries via ActiveSync?  I'm sure I have viewed a calendar via 
Exchange that I do not have write access to...

I guess the web-based calendars can be added via a Google account on an 
Android device.  Are there any plans to incorporate these into 
ActiveSync at a later date?


[SOGo] Multiple Calendars with ActiveSync

2015-01-01 Thread Ian McMichael
I have just upgraded to SOGo v2.2.13 and set the
SOGoMaximumSyncResponseSize = 512 parameter to my sogo.conf.  I am using
the native Android v5.0.1 ActiveSync client on a Nexus 5 phone.  For the
first time I have managed to succeed in getting all my contacts,
calendar events and messages to sync successfully.

When I log into my account in the SOGo web interface I can see and
access six calendars.  One is my personal calendar.  Two belong to other
users on the system and the remaining three are public, web-based ICS
files.  If I run a "sogo-tool manage-eas listfolders 
" command I can see that only two +vevent folders are listed. 
As a result only two calendars appear on my Android device.

I have tried viewing the properties of the calendars in webmail and
ticking the Synchronize box and adding a tag.  However, this has not
made any difference.  What else can I try?  Is there some way of
debugging the process that checks my access to the calendars to see what
might be causing them to fail to add ActiveSync folders?

Should calendar colours sync via ActiveSync?  Both the calendars are
appearing in a teal colour on my Android device at the moment.  Luckily
I've found an app called "Set Calendar Colors" in the Play Store, which
allows me to force them to change.  It would be nice if there was a way
to set them automatically and keep them in sync if I change them in the
web interface...

Otherwise thanks for the 2.2.13 release, which makes ActiveSync much
more usable.  Oh, and a Happy New Year to all at Inverse...


Re: [SOGo] Activesync does not sync contacts

2014-10-11 Thread Ian McMichael

On 10/10/14 18:07, Heiner Markert wrote:

nobody else with this problem?

Is there someone who actually has working contact sync via ActiveSync  
with an android phone? Maybe he/she could help me out with 

Not that it's much help but I have exactly the same issue with contacts 
via ActiveSync on all the Android versions I've tried. Ludovic commented 
that my Android client, "sends a weird 'Supported' AS command listing 
the fields it supports" and suggested that maybe they were returning 
different fields to the ones it requested.

I'm afraid I have made no further progress on diagnosing the issue so 
far.  If someone has more spare time they could try the contact fields 
with one contact one-by-one until it breaks and then file a bug report?



Ian McMichael

• E-Mail:
• Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


Re: [SOGo] Pushing modified SOGo Integrator (same version) to users via updates.php

2014-07-23 Thread Ian McMichael

On 23/07/14 11:38, Charles Marcus wrote:
> What I was thinking was to manually bump the version to something like
> but was wondering if there is another/better way. 

This is what I do and it seems to work well.  I always append .001 to
the first release and increment it for any changes within that version.


Ian McMichael

• E-Mail:
• Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


[SOGo] Re: Address book searches for Asterisk look-up

2014-07-03 Thread Ian McMichael

On 23/06/14 15:49, Ian McMichael wrote:
> I'd like to be able to search a SOGo address book for a given number
> and return the name(s) associated with it.  This would enable our
> Asterisk VoIP PBX to look-up the number of incoming calls and display
> names from the company address book.
> We use MySQL for our database and I can see each address book has an
> "_quick" table associated with it, which contains the name and one
> (presumably preferred?) telephone number.  This would partially work
> but ideally I'd be able to search all telephone number fields.
> Is there a way to add additional search fields to the address books
> quick tables?  Alternatively, is there any sort of API (web-based,
> maybe?) that can be used to programmatically query the data?

Any hints or tips on this?  It seems a bit like re-inventing the wheel
to have to download all the vCard entries from the SOGo address book,
parse them and then do the matching to find a name from a telephone number.


Ian McMichael

. E-Mail:
. Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


[SOGo] Address book searches for Asterisk look-up

2014-06-23 Thread Ian McMichael
I'd like to be able to search a SOGo address book for a given number and
return the name(s) associated with it.  This would enable our Asterisk
VoIP PBX to look-up the number of incoming calls and display names from
the company address book.

We use MySQL for our database and I can see each address book has an
"_quick" table associated with it, which contains the name and one
(presumably preferred?) telephone number.  This would partially work but
ideally I'd be able to search all telephone number fields.

Is there a way to add additional search fields to the address books
quick tables?  Alternatively, is there any sort of API (web-based,
maybe?) that can be used to programmatically query the data?

Thanks for any suggestions...


Ian McMichael

. E-Mail:
. Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


Re: [SOGo] Dovecot shared mailbox dictionary via SOGo

2014-06-18 Thread Ian McMichael

On 17/06/14 23:24, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:
> Create a brand new ActiveSync profile on Android and only sync the
> address book. While doing so, sniff the traffic using tcpdump on port
> 2 from your SOGo server. Send the pcap over privately.

I'm working with Ludovic off-line on this one as requested...

> How wrong? What is the URL being generated? Show your SOGo Integrator
> customizations and your sogo.conf file.

I'm feeling rather silly now.  it turns out that the problem all along
was a mixture of errors in my Dovecot and AutoMX (used to auto-configure
Thunderbird, Outlook, etc. with mail account details) configurations. 
These were causing the original problem with the incorrect entries in
the shared dictionary.

I have reverted to using a simple username (sAMAccountName as it's
Active Directory) to identify my users uniquely in Dovecot.  My mistake
was returning mail as the attribute instead of sAMAccountName as the
"user" variable in my auth-ldap.conf.ext file (pass_attrs entry).  I've
also now switched the Dovecot auth_username_format parameter from %Lu to
%Ln.  These two changes have made shared folders work in SOGo and
Thunderbird without the need for a domain name in the shared dictionary

The inconsistency in the SOGo Integrator occurred when I was using
domain extensions.  On a fresh Thunderbird profile it was generating
URLs with the correct user@domain in them for calendars but "forgetting"
the @domain part of the URL for contacts.  Although confusing, it is
working as designed.  The calendar URLs must be queried from the SOGo
database in some way, whereas the contact ones are constructed locally
using the IMAP username.  We use AutoMX to look-up e-mail addresses in
our Active Directory and publish autoconfig/discovery information for
Thunderbird.  This was still returning just the plain username and hence
the account username for the IMAP account in Thunderbird did not contain
the @domain part.

As we have reverted to using simple usernames, our AutoMX configuration
(returning sAMAccountName for the IMAP username) is now correct and the
SOGo Integrator and everything else is happy.

Sorry for the noise about this but hope it helps someone else in the
future?  It's a complex business integrating all these products but is
great when it eventually works!


Ian McMichael

• E-Mail:
• Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


Re: [SOGo] Dovecot shared mailbox dictionary via SOGo

2014-06-17 Thread Ian McMichael
On 17 June 2014 17:59, Ludovic Marcotte  wrote:

> Look for .data files in /tmp. If you find any, send some privately.

No, sadly none present.  I suspect it's not actually an ActiveSync issue,
which I'm finding very stable and reliable on Android devices here using
the current nightlies.   As I said, it also impacts the Thunderbird
Integrator.  That generates the wrong URL for my personal address book when
installed on a fresh Thunderbird profile.  I suspect the ActiveSync code is
reading from the same incorrect configuration entry somewhere, I just can't
find it!  Can you help me with any shortcuts to how/where the URL for the
personal address book of each user is generated or stored?  Failing that
I'll start taking the source for the Integrator apart and see if I can work
it out...



Ian McMichael

• E-Mail:
• Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837

Re: [SOGo] Dovecot shared mailbox dictionary via SOGo

2014-06-17 Thread Ian McMichael
Looks like I spoke too soon when I said everything worked!  It certainly
does for mail folders and calendars.  However, the changes I made appear to
have broken address books...

Since changing UIDFieldName = mail and running the rename-user, everything
appeared to work fine in the SOGo web UI.  In fact, I have loaded a lot of
test data into calendars and address books today via the web and all seemed
fine.  I then switched over to Thunderbird, installed the Integrator and
Connector and calendars work fine.  However, in address books the URL is
missing the (domain) part of the username.  This causes
address books to fail to load any content.  If I manually update the
properties in Thunderbird to the URL shown in the SOGo web UI (via the
domain extension) then the content appears fine.  My question is, where is
the Connector plug-in getting this incorrect URL when the user first
connects using Thunderbird?  I've had a look around the sogo tables in
MySQL but can't see anything obviously wrong...

ActiveSync also works fine for mail and calendar but fails for address
book.  No errors are produced but nothing is every sync'd.  I suspect it
has the same issue as the Thunderbird Connector and if I could resolve that
issue everything would be great.  Any pointers much appreciated


Ian McMichael

• E-Mail:
• Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837

Re: [SOGo] Dovecot shared mailbox dictionary via SOGo

2014-06-16 Thread Ian McMichael
On 13/06/14 16:39, Alexander Pfeiffer wrote:
> I have never used the sogo-tool, sorry. But i am looking forward to
> your experiences with it on this topic.

OK, I now have shared folders (mostly) working between mailboxes.  In
the end I didn't go with Alex's suggestion of using
SOGoEnableDomainBasedUID as although I have multiple domains on my
system the idea is not to separate them.  Some users just prefer one
domain suffix to another as their primary.

My solution was to update UIDFieldName = mail in sogo.conf and restart
SOGo.  This caused the correct entries to be written to the Dovecot
shared mailbox dictionary.  After this both SOGo and Thunderbird were
able to see the shared mailboxes.  However, as expected, it broke each
user's Calendar, Address book, etc.  To fix these, I ran the following
for each user:

sogo-tool rename-user username

I'd taken a backup of the MySQL database before starting but it was not
needed.  Simply running this for each user and then logging them off and
back on showed their calendars, etc. again.  It's worth noting that for
people using Cal/CardDAV (and possibly other access methods) the URL to
access the resources is also changed by this command.

During testing, I discovered that I could not create folders below a
user's INBOX that had been shared with me, despite having the
appropriate permission in the ACL.  To fix this, I needed to add
mail_shared_explicit_inbox = yes to Dovecot's configuration and restart
Dovecot.  This then shows the INBOX folder below the shared user and
allows sub-folders to be created successfully.

The only part that doesn't work now is deleting shared sub-folders. 
Again, it's not a permission thing.  Dovecot gets confused in trying to
move the sub-folder to my personal Trash.  Because the entry is in a
shared index for the original folder and needs to be in my personal
index for the deleted version, it gets itself in a knot.  The
work-around appears to be to turn off the functionality of Trash and
delete mails/folders immediately.  I consider this too dangerous and so
will be avoiding the recommendation!  Here's a Dovecot mailing list
thread about the issue:

As far as I can tell this is not fixed in any way in any version of
Dovecot so far.  I'd be interested to hear from anyone that has it working?

Hope this all saves someone else some time...


Ian McMichael

. E-Mail:
. Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


Re: [SOGo] GUI Revamp

2014-06-14 Thread Ian McMichael
On 12/06/14 15:14, Francis Lachapelle wrote:
> If you are a UX expert, a UI designer or a JavaScript developer and you want 
> to contribute to the revamp of the Web front-end of SOGo, please contact us. 
> Share your ideas, sketches and inspirations on what would be the very best 
> open source groupware for you.

Hi Francis,

This is really great news.  I'm afraid (like many others who have
replied) I'm a techie and so can produce some (at times!) beautiful code
but leave pretty UIs to others!

My customers are keen to use SOGo on a touchscreen device.  Clearly the
screen resolution (and real-estate, if you like the American term?!)
vary between devices, so it would be good to keep that as flexible as
possible.  I have many requests to "skin" SOGo into corporate colours to
match other company sites, so a skin pack or customisable stylesheet
would be very helpful in this respect.  The ability to customise the
main logo (easily) and the favourite/bookmark icon would be great too.

So, although I'm probably not of much assistance, hopefully these
thoughts will help with design goals?

Thanks for all your excellent work to date.


Ian McMichael

. E-Mail:
. Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


Re: [SOGo] Dovecot shared mailbox dictionary via SOGo

2014-06-13 Thread Ian McMichael
On 13/06/14 15:58, Alexander Pfeiffer wrote:
> There should be no issue with calendars etc. when you are setting up a
> new server anyway as everything after changing this setting will work
> again as expected.
> SOGo will create new tables in the database with the new UID = mail so
> if you would revert the setting it would use the old tables from the
> UID = uid again.

Thanks very much Alex, I'll give that a go.  I've loaded test data into
calendar and contacts on my new system as I'm preparing to migrate a
bunch of customers, some of whom have an older server build based on
OpenLDAP rather than Samba AD.  So, if I wanted to keep this data as a
test is there a way?

I've just had a look at the sogo-tool rename function.  Does this do
what I need?  When I come to running it for real, is it safe or should I
take a backup of each user before running it?



Ian McMichael

. E-Mail:
. Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


[SOGo] Dovecot shared mailbox dictionary via SOGo

2014-06-13 Thread Ian McMichael
It's Friday afternoon and 13th!  My brain is starting to ache after
spending the morning trying to diagnose an issue with shared mailboxes
using SOGo 2.2.5 and Dovecot 2.2.9 on a new server build under Ubuntu
14.04 LTS.  So, I thought I would see if anyone on the list can assist me?

I've narrowed the problem down to the username being inserted by SOGo
into my shared dictionary file.  When I add an entry via the SOGo web UI
I get the following style of line written:


However, if I use the IMAP ACL extension for Thunderbird and do the same
thing it yields:


With the domain name specified in both entries everything works fine in
both Thunderbird and the SOGo web UI.

So, I guess my question is, where does SOGo get the username of the
person I'm sharing a mail folder with?  We're using a Samba 4 Active
Directory as the source for users and as far as I can tell everything
else is working fine.  By turning mail_debug on in Dovecot I can see
that the ACL plugin is indeed checking for the full e-mail address of
the user, rather than just their username.

My guess would be to change UIDFieldName in sogo.conf from it's current
value of sAMAccountName to mail?  However, my understanding is that
would break all calendars and addressbooks in the database as they then
wouldn't be associated with their owners.  Is there a way to fix this if
I need to do it?

Thanks in advance for any assistance...


Ian McMichael

. E-Mail:
. Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


Re: [SOGo] How to increase Email size limit?

2014-04-10 Thread Ian McMichael
On 10/04/14 14:27, Sogo Thailand wrote:
> How can I increase the incoming email size?

Assuming your SMTP server is Postfix, update the message_size_limit
parameter in and restart Postfix.


Ian McMichael

• E-Mail:
• Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


Re: [SOGo] ANN: SOGo v2.2.3

2014-04-04 Thread Ian McMichael
On 04/04/14 00:31, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:
> For those interested, we also offer since v2.2.3 packages for Ubuntu
> Trusty Tahr. 

Many thanks, a Friday treat - cheers! :-)


Ian McMichael

. E-Mail:
. Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


Re: [SOGo] Ubuntu 14.04 LTS/Debian Jessie packages

2014-03-13 Thread Ian McMichael
On 12/03/14 20:15, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:
> Yep, we'll create packages for it. Are you up for a beer on Friday? ;-)

Tomorrow's a good one as it is my birthday, so I might even be buying! ;-)


Ian McMichael

. E-Mail:
. Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


Re: [SOGo] Ubuntu 14.04 LTS/Debian Jessie packages

2014-03-03 Thread Ian McMichael
On 03/03/14 12:26, Christian Mack wrote:
> Up till now, packages always appeared after the stable release.

That's a shame.  Does that include the nightlies or are they generally
built earlier?  We're quite busy testing our 14.04 upgrades at the
moment and SOGo is one of the few missing pieces...


Ian McMichael

• E-Mail:
• Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


[SOGo] Ubuntu 14.04 LTS/Debian Jessie packages

2014-02-28 Thread Ian McMichael
With the beta of the forthcoming Ubuntu 14.04 LTS release now available
and features frozen ahead of release, we are beginning to test our
upgrades from 12.04 LTS.  At present there are only SOGo packages built
for 10.04 and 12.04 in the Inverse repositories.

Are 14.04/Trusty packages planned for?  Is there any indication when
they might become available for testing?
(I realise the answer will probably contain a Friday! ;-) )

Thanks in advance,


Ian McMichael

. E-Mail:
. Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


Re: [SOGo] Inverse samba4 debian packages

2014-02-27 Thread Ian McMichael
On 27/02/14 12:10, Sven Schwedas wrote:
> Emphasis on "backports":

They've also changed the package name back to samba from samba4, which
is why my search didn't find it.  Thanks.


Ian McMichael

• E-Mail:
• Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


Re: [SOGo] Inverse samba4 debian packages

2014-02-27 Thread Ian McMichael
On 27/02/14 08:57, Jeroen Dekkers wrote:
> Why rely on Sernet packages when there are official samba 4.1 packages
> in testing and wheezy-backports? :)

Are you sure?  I tried this search against the official Debian package

It returns only v4.0.0 beta2, which is over a year old now!


Ian McMichael

. E-Mail:
. Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


Re: [SOGo] SOGo webmail restyle by Zentyal

2014-02-25 Thread Ian McMichael
On 25/02/14 13:09, Julien Kerihuel wrote:
> We are very excited to announce that we will include a new OpenChange
> webmail user interface (UI) (based on SOGo webmail) in the Zentyal
> Server 3.4 [1] version that will be released on March 15th and is
> available for beta testing as of today.

Thanks Julien, this is another interesting development as we currently
bolt SOGo on top of the standard Dovecot/Postfix configuration in
Zentyal 3.3.

Which SOGo version is this work based on?  If it is 2.2.0, is there a
way of providing ActiveSync support in Zentyal 3.4 without installing

Looking forward to testing this in the next few days...


Ian McMichael

• E-Mail:
• Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


Re: [SOGo] ANN: SOGo v2.0.7

2013-07-23 Thread Ian McMichael
On 23/07/13 16:03, Francis Lachapelle wrote:
> We fixed the builds for Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04 LTS.

Thanks, all tested and installed on one of our production10.04 LTS machines.

I'll echo what the others have said.  A page on the web-site (or
somewhere in the release notes, if it's easier) documenting the planned
lifecycle for each supported platform would avoid nasty surprises like
the one I got this morning...


Ian McMichael

. E-Mail:
. Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


Re: [SOGo] ANN: SOGo v2.0.7

2013-07-23 Thread Ian McMichael
On 22/07/13 20:34, Francis Lachapelle wrote:
> With this new version of SOGo, we no longer build packages for Debian Lenny 
> (5.0) and Ubuntu Lucid (10.04 LTS).

This is a major problem for us.  We are in the process of migrating our
customers from Ubuntu 10.04 LTS to 12.04 LTS at the moment.  Due to the
Samba 4 irregularities in the Debian packages this is taking longer than

I responded to your earlier question about which versions you should
drop and had no idea that *current* Ubuntu LTS server versions would be
included.  How are we now to support our customers with SOGo security
fixes on an OS that is still supported by Canonical?


Ian McMichael

. E-Mail:
. Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


Re: [SOGo] Upgrade from 2.0.4b

2013-05-07 Thread Ian McMichael
On 07/05/13 15:44, Sogo Thailand wrote:
> I did an upgrade a min ago. Now, it is 2.0.5a. Which one is more
> stable one, 2.0.5 or 2.0.5a?
> Does an letter "a" means Alfa and letter "b" means Beta?

No, the "a" is the first revision to 2.0.5.  (Like the first hot-fix.) 
They are issued if problems are found in the original release that
require minor fixes.

In this case 2.0.5a is the latest stable release.  The next will
(likely) be 2.0.6 and may or may not have a, b, c fixes released to it
depending on release quality.

Hope this helps?


Ian McMichael

• E-Mail:


Re: [SOGo] survey question for our Ubuntu users

2012-10-25 Thread Ian McMichael
On 24/10/12 21:11, Wolfgang Sourdeau wrote:
> We are considering dropping support for Maverick and Natty, as they
> are no longer supported by Canonical anymore. Who among you would be
> affected if we stopped plublishing SOGo packages for those distributions?

As the others said, we only run production platforms on LTS releases. 
As long as there are packages for the Canonical supported LTS releases
then we're quite happy for you to skip the 3 intermediate ones...


Ian McMichael

. E-Mail:
. Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


Re: [SOGo] Automatic update from Thunderbird 3 to 10 ESR

2012-03-08 Thread Ian McMichael

On 08/03/12 10:26, André Schild wrote:

pref("", "esr");

via the integrator site.js not solve this problem ? 

I have certainly tried this with one of my customers and in Help -> 
About it shows the correct update channel after the Integrator is 
installed.  Only time will tell when Mozilla release their first ESR 

Hope this helps?


Ian McMichael

. E-Mail:
. Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


Re: [SOGo] Re: Password change using LDAP EXOP

2012-02-22 Thread Ian McMichael

On 10/02/12 12:31, Stephan Heck wrote:
We are using zentyal ( for ldap user-administration. 
It has modules for mail, mail-filter, samba, ... and its very easy to 
integrate sogo.

Thanks for sharing that.  It is a distribution/remix of Ubuntu I'd not 
come across before.  I'll bring an instance up in a VM at some stage and 
take a closer look as it looks interesting.

In the meantime, does SOGo password changing work for you with Zentyal?  
By this I mean, if you enable users to change their passwords via the 
SOGo web interface does their SAMBA password stay in sync?

I might be able to pick some code out of the Zentyal release and find 
out how they keep their LDAP passwords synchronised if it works for you.



Ian McMichael

• E-Mail:
• Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


[SOGo] Re: Password change using LDAP EXOP

2012-02-10 Thread Ian McMichael

On 10/11/11 19:37, Ian McMichael wrote:
Is there a way to get SOGo to issue an EXOP to change the password so 
that the overlay can be called in OpenLDAP? Are there any other hooks 
into the password change process I could use to execute something like 
smbldap-passwd to do the job instead?

Does anyone else synchronise SOGo and SAMBA passwords via their LDAP 
directory? If so, how have you achieved this?

I take it from the lack of responses I have received that it currently 
isn't possible to change passwords using LDAP EXOP in SOGo.  I'm 
surprised no-one else has a requirement for this and would be interested 
to know how others synchronise SAMBA passwords with SOGo accounts via LDAP?

I have a rare few spare hours in the coming weeks.  I've not developed 
in Objective C before but have written extensively in C++ and Java on a 
variety of platforms.  I am hoping I can write and submit a patch that 
will allow the password change mechanism to be set via a configuration 

Can anyone give me heads-up on where to start looking in the current 
source to make these changes?  It would be really appreciated and I will 
submit the results of my work back to the community.

Thanks in advance,


Ian McMichael

• E-Mail:
• Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


[SOGo] SOGo address book to LDAP field mapping

2011-11-13 Thread Ian McMichael
I've spent a few hours this afternoon trying to work out how the LDAP 
attributes map to the fields displayed in the properties of the SOGo 
shared address books.

Take, for example, the Web Page field in the Work section of the Address 
tab in the SOGo address book. If I fill this in the personal address 
book and export it, the LDIF uses the schema mozillaAbPersonObsolete 
with the attribute workurl. In my LDAP DIT I have the schema 
mozillaAbPersonAlpha defined with the attribute mozillaWorkUrl populated.

As the work URL was not displaying, I located and loaded the 
mozillaAbPersonObsolete schema and updated the attribute to workurl. 
However, this was also unsuccessful at displaying the value for the 
attribute in the SOGo contact properties page.

Is there a table anywhere that maps the SOGo address book fields to LDAP 
attributes? This would save me many hours of experimentation.

Thanks in advance,


Ian McMichael

• E-Mail:
• Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


Re: [SOGo] Problems with Lightning & Thunderbird 3

2011-11-13 Thread Ian McMichael

On 12/11/11 14:07, wrote:

After that I've installed the Inverse version of Lightning (1.0b2.106). With
this version it has been possible to add a Caldav calendar, it has been
possible to make appointments as well, but it has not been not possible to
change the Entries. When I open an appointment i.e. to change the time, nothing
happens when I click 'Save and Close'.

I've spent quite some time diagnosing exactly the same issue. 
Unfortunately for me (and only for one user account) everything started 
working in the middle of my diagnostics and didn't lead me to any useful 

I'm running MySQL as the database back-end to 1.3.9 on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 
(64 bit). I have not really found any hard errors to go on. I have 
tested the 106 release of the connector and integrator on Thunderbird 
3.1.15 and 3.1.16 on Windows and Linux (32 bit) with the issues 
appearing on all combinations. I also have Mac OS X users with 3.1.15 
complaining of the same symptoms.

Any further information much appreciated...

Ian McMichael

• E-Mail:
• Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


[SOGo] Password change using LDAP EXOP

2011-11-10 Thread Ian McMichael
I have recently completed a migration from Lotus Notes to SOGo, using 
OpenLDAP, Dovecot and MySQL as the backends. Notes was Windows based and 
I wanted to take the opportunity to migrate to SAMBA and integrate it to 
the LDAP DIT at the same time.

Now the migration is complete, I would like users to be able to change 
their passwords. I enabled SOGoPasswordChangeEnabled and tested a 
password change via preferences in the SOGo web interface. It would 
appear this does an LDAP MODIFY operation on the userPassword attribute.

To keep the SAMBA and Linux passwords in sync, I have found this great 
overlay for OpenLDAP:

However, it relies on the password being changed by an LDAP EXOP 
operation. PAM can do this for Linux and SAMBA can be configured to 
change both its password attributes and userPassword. So, now I am just 
stuck with the SOGo web interface breaking the synchronisation.

Is there a way to get SOGo to issue an EXOP to change the password so 
that the overlay can be called in OpenLDAP? Are there any other hooks 
into the password change process I could use to execute something like 
smbldap-passwd to do the job instead?

Does anyone else synchronise SOGo and SAMBA passwords via their LDAP 
directory? If so, how have you achieved this?

Thanks in advance,


Ian McMichael

• E-Mail:
• Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


Re: [SOGo] Assistance with delegated e-mail and calendars not appearing

2011-11-10 Thread Ian McMichael

On 09/11/11 11:50, Jim Hague wrote:

Dovecot does support ACLs and can be used successfully with SOGo to share

Two caveats:

1. You'll need Dovecot 2.0 to handle group ACLs properly. They are broken in

2. Mail storage (e.g. Maildir) permissions will have to be set to allow
Dovecot to access the shared folders.

After adding the private and shared namespaces to my Dovecot 
configuration (in addition to the ACL plugin configuration, which I had 
already completed) everything appears to work fine.  I'm running Dovecot 
1.2.9 but don't have any need for group ACLs in a reasonably small 
environment, so everything is good.

Thanks to everyone for their assistance.


Ian McMichael

• E-Mail:
• Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


Re: [SOGo] Assistance with delegated e-mail and calendars not appearing

2011-11-09 Thread Ian McMichael

On 09/11/11 10:05, Anthony Callegaro wrote:

On 09/11/11 09:51, Sven Schwedas wrote:

Yes, mail sharing is done by the mail server. If it doesn't support ACLs
(as far as I know Dovecot doesn't – cyrus does, though),

Seems like dovecot does support it : I haven't try to
configure it though.
Yes, my understanding is that it shouldn't be an issue as Dovecot has a 
plugin to support IMAP ACLs, which I have read all about ( and configured. I missed the shared 
namespace article and so suspect this is the issue.

I will read through the link you sent and ensure I have everything up 
and running as it suggests and then report back.



Ian McMichael

• E-Mail:
• Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


Re: [SOGo] Assistance with delegated e-mail and calendars not appearing

2011-11-09 Thread Ian McMichael

On 09/11/11 09:49, Julian Robbins wrote:

Hi Ian

Nice to see another UK user of SOGo ! ;-)

Firstly, sharing of email folders and sharing of calendars is 
completely different. I believe the sharing of mailboxes is done at 
the mail server end, ie in your dovecot config. (i do not use this so 
can't help too much here)

You should definitely be able to share calendars in the way you have 
described though. The permissions side of things can be confusing; 
have you read the FAQ to fully understand it ?

You can also setup further logging in sogo which might help, again 
this is in the FAQ and the manual

Hope this helps

Julian Robbins
Herefordshire UK

Hi Julian,

Yes, us UK users need to stick together so thanks very much for your 

I have a rather embarrassing admission to make after reading the FAQ and 
realising I'd not seen those settings anywhere.  I failed to realise 
that after adding someone to share a calendar you had to double-click 
their name in the list and grant them further permissions!  Oddly, 
having done that now everything works as it should with calendar 
delegation - oops, sorry! ;-)

Mail still doesn't work but as you say that is likely a Dovecot issue, 
which I will pursue with others on the list who run it.

Thanks again,


Ian McMichael

• E-Mail:
• Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


[SOGo] Assistance with delegated e-mail and calendars not appearing

2011-11-08 Thread Ian McMichael
I have a fairly new installation of SOGo using Dovecot, OpenLDAP and 
MySQL as the backends on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. It was installed on 1.3.8b 
and upgraded (without any issues) to 1.3.9 upon its release in the 
Debian repositories.

I want to enable certain users to view the e-mail of others and to 
create a shared calendar, owned by one user but able to be updated by 
many. Most of the users' access is via the SOGo web interface, so this 
is my first area of interest.

I have logged on as UserA and shared my e-mail with UserB. I have also 
created a new calendar for UserA and shared this with UserB. However 
when UserB logs in, despite receiving e-mails to say they now have 
things shared by UserA, nothing extra displays in their folder tree for 
e-mail or calendar list.

I have read the manual several times over the past couple of weeks and 
again this morning to see if there was any parameter I had overlooked 
that could just turn this functionality off. A week or two back I fixed 
an issue in the Dovecot configuration where the shared folder list could 
not be created due to a permission error. However, this should not 
impact calendars as I believe they are stored in MySQL.

The logs don't appear to give any clues. I would really appreciate it if 
someone could help me debug (and hopefully fix!) this?

Thanks in advance,


Ian McMichael

• E-Mail:
• Phone: +44-(0)7703-192837


[SOGo] Changing /SOGo suffix in URL

2011-10-11 Thread Ian McMichael


Firstly I'd like to say thanks for what looks like a very flexible 
product.  I have only discovered SOGo in the last week or so after 
battling with OBM for some months.  I have to say it looks far more 
professional and the mailing list is much more active.

I have an installation of v1.3.8b on Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS.  I have been 
working on an LDAP and e-mail infrastructure to support all the 
requirements and am almost complete.  I would now like to deploy a test 
instance and for the simplicity of the end-users replace the existing 
URL of:

with the new SOGo installation.  The Apache server is already serving 
other products via www and a couple of other (non-secure) name based 
virtual sites.

What is the best way to change the /SOGo suffix used to /webmail?  I 
presumably could just edit /etc/apache/conf.d/SOGo.conf and update some 
of the alias and proxy statements.  However, would this be undone by the 
next update?

I would also like to force the traffic over this URL to be secure.  
Should I add that to the SOGo.conf as well or is it better placed elsewhere?

Thanks in advance for your words of wisdom,


Ian McMichael
