Re: Wicket Release Plans for 1.5

2009-10-30 Thread Richard Allen
Is the Wicket Ajax Next Generation work going into 1.5?

Also, is there plans for an event bus, sort of like what you see in Jonathan
Locke's 26 wicket tricks source code? I've seen some really nice use of
event bus in GWT that I think Wicket could benefit from.


On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 4:43 AM, Dave B wrote:

  I'm still eager to make WicketTester a first class citizen.

 I'm keen on this too -- is there a 'voting' mechanism in the bug
 tracker for this sort of thing?


 On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 7:27 PM, Martijn Dashorst wrote:
  I'm still eager to make WicketTester a first class citizen.
  On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 7:01 PM, dtoffe wrote:
 Thanks for your answer,
  igor.vaynberg wrote:
  the focus of this release is to rewrite url and page handling. the
  focus is on flexibility and pluggability as well as simplification of
  use to the end user.
  the other major feature is the markupfragment implementation, which
  will allow users access to the markup the component is attached to,
  possibly, at a time earlier then render time.
  other then that there will probably be smaller features that will not
  go into 1.4.x because they require an api break.
  On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 10:38 AM, dtoffe wrote:
 Besides, it would be very interesting to know what changes and new
  features are planned.
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Re: How to organize pages layout in real world applications

2009-10-13 Thread Richard Allen
One way is to make your Client area a Wicket Panel and make your nav links
extend AjaxLink (or AjaxFallbackLink), then add the Client Panel to the
AjaxRequestTarget in your implemented AjaxLink.onClick(AjaxRequestTarget)
method. Note, the components you add to the AjaxRequestTarget must have

See this code for an example:

You could also add other Wicket components to the AjaxRequestTarget that you
want to see refreshed, such as the navigation. That depends on your design.


2009/10/13 Pedro Santos

 You can write the links on Nav Page with target for Client page, and no
 is needed

 2009/10/13 Zenberg Ding

  Hi all,
We'll plan to use wicket in our application for one enterprise's
  information management system.
the app's portal layout is someting like this:
| Header  |
|   | |
|   | |
|Nav|   Client|
|   | |
|   | |
|   | |
|   | |
|   | |
|   | |
|   | |
|  footer |
  When we use Wicket's layout way -- Orgnized everything into one page
  child, we found that it's reload everything ( header nav etc.)
  when click links in client area.
  Is there a nice way organize those pages in a ajax partial refresh way?
  For example ,
  Nav and client are all represent by a separated *independent* page, When
  click nav area, only refresh client area, (*Note* client area is
  by a client Page, not a panel).
  Zenberg ding,

 Pedro Henrique Oliveira dos Santos

Re: How to organize pages layout in real world applications

2009-10-13 Thread Richard Allen
Also, this explains the example:

2009/10/13 Richard Allen

 One way is to make your Client area a Wicket Panel and make your nav
 links extend AjaxLink (or AjaxFallbackLink), then add the Client Panel to
 the AjaxRequestTarget in your implemented
 AjaxLink.onClick(AjaxRequestTarget) method. Note, the components you add to
 the AjaxRequestTarget must have Component.setOutputMarkupId(true).

 See this code for an example:

 You could also add other Wicket components to the AjaxRequestTarget that
 you want to see refreshed, such as the navigation. That depends on your


 2009/10/13 Pedro Santos

 You can write the links on Nav Page with target for Client page, and no
 is needed

 2009/10/13 Zenberg Ding

  Hi all,
We'll plan to use wicket in our application for one enterprise's
  information management system.
the app's portal layout is someting like this:
| Header  |
|   | |
|   | |
|Nav|   Client|
|   | |
|   | |
|   | |
|   | |
|   | |
|   | |
|   | |
|  footer |
  When we use Wicket's layout way -- Orgnized everything into one page
  child, we found that it's reload everything ( header nav etc.)
  when click links in client area.
  Is there a nice way organize those pages in a ajax partial refresh way?
  For example ,
  Nav and client are all represent by a separated *independent* page, When
  click nav area, only refresh client area, (*Note* client area is
  by a client Page, not a panel).
  Zenberg ding,

 Pedro Henrique Oliveira dos Santos

Re: JDeveloper - Can I get a show of hands?

2009-07-02 Thread Richard Allen
Now that Oracle bought Sun I wonder if JDev and Netbeans will cross paths.

A great free, cross-platform SQL tool is SQuirreL (

On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 4:45 PM, Scott Swank wrote:

 I'm at best 50% DBA, by training.  You end up with multi-step
 operations that work very well as sql*plus scripts.  I also run
 analogous queries in TOAD, PL/SQL Dev or SQL Dev -- but no DBA worth
 hiring works in the click-and-drag world.  But then I suppose this has
 gotten off topic.

 On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 10:37 AM, James wrote:
  As a DBA, you use SQL Plus?  I would think most DBAs would either use the
  console thingy that comes with Oracle or Toad.  SQL Plus always seemed a
  limiting to me, but that's probably because of my limited knowledge of
  the commands, so I need the nice GUI stuff to guide me along. :)
  On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Scott Swank
  And if you're an Oracle DBA your main tool is called SQL Plus.
  On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 8:58 PM, James wrote:
   +1 to sqldeveloper (java or native).  For developers (not DBAs), it's
   nice tool and does what you need for the majority of the cases.
   On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 11:28 PM, Vasu Srinivasan
   JDeveloper is good to target a narrow Oracle infrastructure. We use
   Oracle soa suite, and there are no other IDEs / plugins which can
   that, it has good integration for ADF too. And thats pretty much it.
   Otherwise, it doesn't come half close to IDEA or Eclipse. The project
   structure it generates is pretty un-intuitive. Bad IDE is indirectly
   proportional to Productivity. Lack of good plugins is another major
   Our team has only a few licenses for TOAD, so I use sql developer
   windows native version, not the java version).. Pretty happy with it,
   it gets a bit slow at times. Last I used the java version was buggy
   On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 9:09 PM, Daniel Toffetti
Juan Carlos Garcia M. jcgarciam at writes:

 I always thought God used only in LISP :)

 Nicolas Melendez wrote:
  god used Eclipse 1.0 to develop universe.
  Software Developer - Buenos aires, Argentina.
No. Sadly, He didn't:
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Re: Putting HTML files in src/main/webapp

2009-05-05 Thread Richard Allen
To make Luther's point more explicit:

Wicket allows you to bundle everything a Wicket component needs (Java code,
HTML, CSS, images, etc.) into a single JAR and drop that JAR into the
WEB-INF/lib directory of any WAR, thereby making the JAR essentially
self-contained and reusable. The benefit this provides is the ability to
truly componentize (or modularize) your web application. You can break a
large project up into modules that become separate JAR Maven projects. Or
you can break out reusable components into separate JAR Maven projects that
get reused in different web applications.

You can't take advantage of that if you put the resources in the root of


On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 4:03 AM, Luther Baker wrote:

  Separates the code from the templates so the designers don't have to
  checkout the whole project, also keeps all the content in one directory.
  Even though they are dynamic template files for wicket there is a
  certain amount of static stuff that would be nice to be in one place.

 If you simply want to separate the file types, you can separate the *.html
 files into the src/main/resources directory. That separates the Java code
 from the HTML templates, it gives you a completely separate directory tree
 for the *.html files and it keeps all the html content in one directory. In
 addition, it is standard Maven practice to separate non-Java files into the
 src/main/resources directory. All standard Maven builds should work just

 Additionally, under Netbeans it seems to me to be rather daft that there
  is a folder is called Web Pages in the project view but all it
  contains is image/binary files and the WEB-INF directory.

 Just a little background, by definition, Wicket defines a non-traditional
 web application structure. It intentionally avoids the use of the web page
 directory structure you are likely used to. It turns out that to do what
 are asking, you are actually fighting both Wicket and Maven. Traditional
 HTML and JSP pages can be visited directly - but not so with Wicket html
 files. They are read in from the classpath and much more tightly bound to
 actual Java class.

 Trying to fit your Wicket app into a traditional structure can be done ...
 but it is not standard Wicket practice and you're going to end up with
 custom configuration that you'll have to manage.

  But the actual
  HTML files end up in the Source Packages or worse Other Sources
  folder. I understand the reasons for putting them in the source packages
  directories but it's not an ideal solution to my mind and my team.

 That is fair. If you're simply after your aforementioned points, try
 dropping the *.html files into src/main/resources.


Re: Putting HTML files in src/main/webapp

2009-05-04 Thread Richard Allen
If you are using packagingwar/packaging, then the maven-war-plugin will
automatically pick up the resources in src/main/webapp, which means you do
not have to configure that directory as a resource. Additionally, the
maven-resources-plugin automatically picks up resources in
src/main/resources, so you don't have to explicitly configure that either.
Try removing that configuration and see what happens.


On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 7:19 AM, Alan Garfield wrote:

 Hi all,

 Just a quick question, I'd like to move all the .html files so my
 directory layout will be :-

 |-- pom.xml
 \-- src
|-- main
||-- java
||\-- com
||\-- foo
||-- resources
|\-- webapp
||-- com
||\-- foo
||\-- bar.html
|\-- WEB-INF
\-- test

 I've setup my pom.xml like :-


 Which works, but I end up with duplicate html files and directories in
 the root of the war. I've not found an easy way to change this default.
 Anyone else have an idea?

 Many thanks!


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Re: ResourceReference question

2009-04-20 Thread Richard Allen
I believe you want to use ContextRelativeResource. See:

On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 6:43 AM, Eyal Golan wrote:

 I've been looking for an answer but couldn't find it.
 We have a page that adds an image:
 add(new Image(iconImage, new Model(imageResourceReference)));

 The problem is with the ResourceReference.
 I found only one option for the location of the image file. The location
 should be next to a class so I could do something like:
final ResourceReference resourceReference = new
 ResourceReference(EntityBrowserPage.class, img/myIcon.png);

 All of our images are located under 'images' folder, which is under webapp.
 Is it possible to get a ResourceReference from there.
 We don't want to duplicate our images.


 Eyal Golan


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Re: Extensible wicket application

2009-03-12 Thread Richard Allen
Here is a good intro to OSGi:
Here is one framework for running Wicket in OSGi:
Here is a project that integrates Guice, Wicket, Hibernate, and OSGi:


On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 5:07 AM, Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro wrote:

 Hi Daniel,
 Some comments inlined.

 On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 9:37 AM, Daniel Dominik Holúbek wrote:

  Firstly, thanks for you reply :)
  I have already read that document regarding wicket and OSGi, but I think
  is written for more experienced users at OSGi. As I wrote before, I even
  not know how to build a simple web OSGi project (what should I deploy,
  to install those bundles - I can't access any console..)

 In my experience getting used to do things the OSGi way is difficult at
 the beginning but latter on the effort will pay off... In fact it is
 relatively easy to set up a Wicket-OSGi project if you are using Eclipse
 development and you don't mind using equinox as your OSGi
 implementation. You could easily build a WEB console to manage plug-ins
 (bundles) on your application.

  I imagine this application like this: I visit some administration page,
  where can I upload a jar file containing the extension. The jar file then
  installs into running application and creates some records in database. I
  can then decide where in the page should this extension appear.
  The main problem is this. I think my application should have some OSGi
  container. I have already tried some bridge.war from some webpage (I
  don't remember now, which one was it), it is running correctly, but I
  do not know what to do now. Add some bundles? Where? How? :)
  Btw, I am running Sun Java System Application Server.

 Probably yo are reffering to [1] ? You will have to export your bundles
 the plug-ins section inside this war. This war is just a WEB application
 that starts an OSGi runtime (an equinox) and uses a Servlet to manage it
 to redirect requests to your application to the servlets you mount using
 HTTP service provided by the equinox runtime.

 If you need more help I could help you set up such a project (although
 currently I do not have much spare time;-)





Re: GSoC ideas for 09

2009-02-27 Thread Richard Allen
Here is some info:

I'll be happy to contribute my time also. The only catch is that I wouldn't
be considered a Wicket expert. I've only read Wicket in Action and I'm three
months into a professional application based on Wicket. However, I am a
seasoned Java and JEE developer. And I've co-authored two college text books
on the subject:


On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 2:13 AM, nino martinez wael wrote:

 I'll be happy to mentor, what does it require?. I do have a life besides
 Wicket/Wicketstuff as Martijn has :)

 regards Nino

 2009/2/26 Martijn Dashorst

  While I am perfectly capable of working on Wicket in my spare time
  without being rewarded, I find it way out of line to characterize the
  way I spend my own time as lame when such that doesn't fit the
  criteria of anyone. Being characterized as lame because we are engaged
  in other things, such as family, preparing Wicket presentations,
  building releases, fixing bugs, reading books, playing games, earning
  money, eating, sleeping, feeding our children, is utterly uncalled for
  (though sleeping might be considered lame).
  Christopher is very capable of writing English prose, so I take that
  at face value. It's not that someone with a poor knowledge of English
  wrote this.
  Armchair volunteerism is very easy to do: it doesn't cost any time,
  and you don't commit yourself to anything.
  If anyone wants to pursue GSoC, they're very welcome to call
  themselves Vice President of Wicket Stuff and enlist as Mentor etc. If
  any of the other core committers thinks a GSoC is ok, I'm fine with
  that too. However, given that we're struggling to get all the bugs
  fixed in 1.3.6 and 1.4, I find it hard to believe that anyone will
  have the time and energy to do the mentoring as well. I don't have
  that time and energy.
  On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 3:03 PM, Richard Allen wrote:
   The words of C. Bergstrom may have been poorly chosen, but he seems to
   the same goal of wanting Wicket to succeed and grow in popularity.
   harsh responses to users that, despite poor communication, are
   excited about your project does not help to grow your community or get
   others involved. This is not the first time I've been surprised by the
   harshness of responses from Wicket core committers. I hope these don't
   the effect of pushing developers away.
   On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 7:27 AM, Jeroen Steenbeeke wrote:
Once again it seems a lame excuse to say you're too busy or the
other things when this could both give the project good pr and
more people who contribute to the framework.
   I've found that the best way to convince people does not involve
   the person you're trying to convince. There is merit to your argument
   good PR and possible new contributors, but let's not forget that the
   working on Wicket do so in their spare time - and you know that there
  are a
   lot of things in life that require time. It is fully understandable
   what little time the developers have to spend on Wicket, they'd rather
   that time to improve the framework and fix bugs.
   Mentoring a SoC student takes a considerable amount of time and
   concentration, and while some students may blossom on their own, a lot
   them need guidance on a regular basis - this requires a massive
   of spare time that could otherwise have been used for improving
   mentor that is only half interested will not be an advantage to the
   and be bad PR rather than good - you need mentors that are willing,
   know the framework well and have loads of time - the last of which
   apply to a lot of Wicket Devs. Calling it lame doesn't change anything
   it, but it does agitate the developers, which doesn't exactly help
   - Jeroen
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Re: What IDE best fits with Wicket?

2009-02-27 Thread Richard Allen
I think when/if Eclipse supports nested projects, that might help. appears to be working on it for version 4. See:

I have also ran into problems with m2eclipse, however I have kept it
installed for use with small projects and for the POM editor. We continue to
use eclipse:eclipse for our projects because they are large multi-project
builds. However, m2eclipse can be useful when you want to browse a smaller
project. I just checkout the project from the command line, then use File 
Import  General  Maven Projects and point it at the project's root
directory where the POM resides. That's faster than using eclipse:eclipse.
The POM editor is useful for viewing the dependency hierarchy.

On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 7:19 AM, nino martinez wael wrote:

 Replying inline

 2009/2/27 Emond Papegaaij

  Some of the benefits are:
   - You can edit the pom and the results are immediately visible (like
  editing java code).

 Okay I see some benefit from this...

   - Working with snapshots is much easier. You just checkout the project
  m2eclipse removes the jar dependency and adds a project dependency. This
  you from performing a deploy and eclipse:eclipse cycle on every update.

 This too are done if you are working a multimodule project with maven and
 use eclipse:eclipse

   - Eclipse projects are created automatically for multi-module projects.
  don't have to import them by hand.

 The same with mvn eclipse:eclipse if setup properly

   - You don't need a prompt to update.
 True, but I actually like to build once in a while from cmd line, because
 the fact that eclipse cant handle scopes.. So sometimes something goes
 wrong, but you only discover it on your ci server...

  On Friday 27 February 2009 11:49:21 nino martinez wael wrote:
   Sure, if you change project structure, you need to invoke mvn
   eclipse:eclipse one projects that are changed.. But it works... And
   it's not integrated in eclipse..
   I just dont see what the integrations bring, but It might just be
   too have been unlucky, when I tried m2eclipse...
   The subversion (subversive) integration though, that I see the benefits
   (and for me it works 95% of the time)...
   2009/2/27 Emond Papegaaij
Yes, mvn eclipse:eclipse works, but it's not really integrating maven
eclipse. I have to run it manually after changing the pom or the
structure and it often results in a complete rebuild of all projects.
On Friday 27 February 2009 10:08:58 nino martinez wael wrote:
 I just use mvn eclipse:eclipse , it works every time :)

 2009/2/27 Emond Papegaaij

  That is the plugin Martijn is talking about, and I am one of the
  co-workers he
  mentioned. I tried the m2eclipse plugin and used it for a day.
  (version was able to checkout the project
  svn and create eclipse projects for all modules, so far so good,
  button in the svn window didn't work. At that moment the trouble
  Somehow, after even the slightest code change, eclipse started to
  entire project over and over, taking ages. After some more
  of them might have been in the pom), some of my projects got
  corrupted and I had
  to clean everything, doing a complete rebuild. A few hours later,
  working on a Java file, about 30,000 errors suddenly appeared.
  Somehow, m2eclipse had reversed some of my module-to-module
  dependencies. I
  cleaning, updating, refreshing the project configuration, nothing
  I was
  unable to get the project to build again.
  My experience with m2eclipse is that it is slow and very
  last attempt was not the first attempt. I tried to use it several
  because running mvn eclipse:eclipse all the time is just a pain
  but every time I ran into some strange problem I could not solve.
  Emond Papegaaij
  On Thursday 26 February 2009 17:20:04 Brill Pappin wrote:
   I don't think we're talking about the same plugin then
   you seem to be calling it the same thing)...
   I'm referring to:
   It's the *only* one I've found that *actually works* properly,
   particularly for larger projects... although I run the dev
   so I'm not sure how well the released version is working at
   moment. Of course I could simply go back to the console and use

Re: GSoC ideas for 09

2009-02-26 Thread Richard Allen
I did some reading and found that a mentoring organization for the GSoC is
considered A group running an active free/open source software project.
That seems to imply a core committer would need to be involved. See:

The idea of Wicket participating in GSoC interests me. I work at Georgia
Tech Research Institute, which is a professional research arm of Georgia
Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech). We are located on the edge of the
Georgia Tech campus in Atlanta, Georgia. We have about 10 co-op students
from Georgia Tech working for us each semester. We use all open source
software. We have just started using Wicket, Spring, and Brix (CMS based on
Wicket and Jackrabbit) on a new project that I'm driving. I have two co-op
students helping me out right now. We have existing web applications that
use JEE, Struts, YUI, and Ext JS, which we deploy to Tomcat on Red Hat
Linux. We plan to migrate those existing applications to Wicket over the
next couple of years. Also, we are hiring:

Considering our position, I'm wondering if we could be involved in this
somehow. Especially if it benefited us, it might be an easy sell to get some
of our engineers/scientists involved.


On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 6:12 AM, Martijn Dashorst wrote:

 It seems like a lame proposition to coerce us to do your bidding just
 because you think it is a good idea. You're not the one to tell us
 how to spend our personal time, or whether the choices we make on how
 to spend our own time is lame or not.

 There's a Wicket Stuff project where anyone can commit, it is dead
 simple to setup a public github account, or create a google code
 project for any GSoC student and their mentor. There's no reason why
 *YOU* can't mentor a student on any project *YOU* think is a valid
 asset, and spend *YOUR* time on it.


 On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 12:00 PM, C. Bergström wrote:
  btw.. are any of the core devs interested or willing to mentor?  Once
  it seems a lame excuse to say you're too busy or the various other things
  when this could both give the project good pr and possibly add more
  who contribute to the framework.
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Re: GSoC ideas for 09

2009-02-26 Thread Richard Allen
The words of C. Bergstrom may have been poorly chosen, but he seems to have
the same goal of wanting Wicket to succeed and grow in popularity. Providing
harsh responses to users that, despite poor communication, are otherwise
excited about your project does not help to grow your community or get
others involved. This is not the first time I've been surprised by the
harshness of responses from Wicket core committers. I hope these don't have
the effect of pushing developers away.

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 7:27 AM, Jeroen Steenbeeke wrote:

  Once again it seems a lame excuse to say you're too busy or the various
  other things when this could both give the project good pr and possibly
  more people who contribute to the framework.

 I've found that the best way to convince people does not involve insulting
 the person you're trying to convince. There is merit to your argument of
 good PR and possible new contributors, but let's not forget that the people
 working on Wicket do so in their spare time - and you know that there are a
 lot of things in life that require time. It is fully understandable that
 what little time the developers have to spend on Wicket, they'd rather use
 that time to improve the framework and fix bugs.
 Mentoring a SoC student takes a considerable amount of time and
 concentration, and while some students may blossom on their own, a lot of
 them need guidance on a regular basis - this requires a massive investment
 of spare time that could otherwise have been used for improving Wicket. A
 mentor that is only half interested will not be an advantage to the
 and be bad PR rather than good - you need mentors that are willing, good,
 know the framework well and have loads of time - the last of which does not
 apply to a lot of Wicket Devs. Calling it lame doesn't change anything
 it, but it does agitate the developers, which doesn't exactly help your
 - Jeroen

Re: Yet another Wicket quick start application...

2009-02-20 Thread Richard Allen

On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 2:45 AM, nino martinez wael wrote:

 If your on it Richard, could you put in the wicket merchandise shop aswell?

 2009/2/19 Richard Allen

  I like the idea! Thank you for your contribution.
  I'm assuming the site doesn't crawl the Internet looking for Wicket
  If I'm correct, then people have to post there. Which means people have
  know about it, both to benefit from it and to contribute to it. I see no
  mention of it on or the Wicket wiki.
  On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 11:03 AM, francisco treacy wrote:
   hi richard,
   part of your concerns are addressed in wickethub. i launched it a few
   weeks ago but time is scarce to maintain it (anyway, it is open source
   so anyone can access the code / contribute).
   there are still issues and lots of things we want to do. i'm thinking
   over the domain model and this will likely change to making the whole
   idea more useful.
   hopefully this will only get better in the near future.
   On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 2:10 PM, Richard Allen wrote:
True. And I have no problem with that. I'll update the wiki with what
before the end of the week.
However, I believe the good management of projects is in large part
makes them a success.
On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 11:54 AM, Martijn Dashorst wrote:
Most pages you refer to (apart from those that are in the style) are WIKI pages. This means *you* can
them: this holds true for the Wicket WIKI and the Wicket Stuff WIKI.
If you want to contribute text to the main wicket site, you can
it to a JIRA issue. etc.
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Re: Yet another Wicket quick start application...

2009-02-19 Thread Richard Allen
True. And I have no problem with that. I'll update the wiki with what I know
before the end of the week.

However, I believe the good management of projects is in large part what
makes them a success.

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 11:54 AM, Martijn Dashorst wrote:

 Most pages you refer to (apart from those that are in the style) are WIKI pages. This means *you* can modify
 them: this holds true for the Wicket WIKI and the Wicket Stuff WIKI.

 If you want to contribute text to the main wicket site, you can attach
 it to a JIRA issue. etc.


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Re: Yet another Wicket quick start application...

2009-02-19 Thread Richard Allen
I like the idea! Thank you for your contribution.

I'm assuming the site doesn't crawl the Internet looking for Wicket things.
If I'm correct, then people have to post there. Which means people have to
know about it, both to benefit from it and to contribute to it. I see no
mention of it on or the Wicket wiki.

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 11:03 AM, francisco treacy wrote:

 hi richard,

 part of your concerns are addressed in wickethub. i launched it a few
 weeks ago but time is scarce to maintain it (anyway, it is open source
 so anyone can access the code / contribute).

 there are still issues and lots of things we want to do. i'm thinking
 over the domain model and this will likely change to making the whole
 idea more useful.

 hopefully this will only get better in the near future.



 On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 2:10 PM, Richard Allen wrote:
  True. And I have no problem with that. I'll update the wiki with what I
  before the end of the week.
  However, I believe the good management of projects is in large part what
  makes them a success.
  On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 11:54 AM, Martijn Dashorst wrote:
  Most pages you refer to (apart from those that are in the style) are WIKI pages. This means *you* can modify
  them: this holds true for the Wicket WIKI and the Wicket Stuff WIKI.
  If you want to contribute text to the main wicket site, you can attach
  it to a JIRA issue. etc.
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Re: Using Eclipse Wicket for Modular Webapps

2009-02-09 Thread Richard Allen
That is very interesting. We have divided our web applications into
modules, which are essentially mini WARs that are merged in the build
process to make the final deployed WAR. This allows us to share these
modules among various web applications, which helps with code reuse and
maintainability. However, the build process and development cycle is
cumbersome, and the modules are not as decoupled as I would like them to
be; meaning they can't be dropped-in as easy as an Eclipse plugin.

I've been looking for a solution, and thought that Wicket plus OSGi would be
the way to go. Unfortunately, solving that problem is not at the top of my
priorities right now. I wonder what, if anything useful, Spring dm Server ( brings to the table in
trying to make this work.

Thank you for your contribution!


On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 12:02 PM, Thomas Mäder

 Hi Folks,

 I've been experimenting with getting the Eclipse plugin engine up inside a
 wicket application. The idea is to build Wicket applications out of
 You can find an article about my experiences (+sample code) here:
 I'm grateful for any feedback, both concerning the Eclipse/OSGI and the
 Wicket part.

 enjoy the weekend


 Thomas Mäder
 Wicket  Eclipse Consulting

Re: Active Wicket ExtJS ?

2009-01-30 Thread Richard Allen

On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 10:43 AM, Hoover, William whoo...@nemours.orgwrote:

 Is there any active projects for Wicket and ExtJS out there? I know of
 the one that used to be at, but it looks like a dead
 project (no updates for over a year). There was also talk about adding
 it to wicketstuff around that same time period, but it doesn't seem like
 that materialized into anything.

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Re: Wicket/Eclipse/Maven/m2eclipse - HTML files not refreshing

2009-01-16 Thread Richard Allen
The only time I have seen something under the target folder added as a
source folder in Eclipse is if it specifically configured that way in the
build section of the pom.xml. This is sometimes done if you are generating
sources or resources using something like JAXB, e.g.,


On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 2:59 AM, noon wrote:

 No, I didn't mean the default output folder. For some reason, Maven added
 also the target/classes folder as a source folder. I noticed also that
 this was done only if I had a custom Maven plugin in the project (one of
 plugins), even if I used the quickstart Maven artifact. If I removed that
 plugin from the pom.xml, everything worked ok. As a workaround, I have to
 delete the target/classes folder from the source list... I'll solve this
 problem of ours later...

 Good if you got your project working... :)

 tauren wrote:
  Do you mean the Default output folder in Properties--Java Build
  Path--Source tab?  If so, what did you change it to?  I can't just
  delete it as Eclipse says that it is required.
  Anyway, it is of no consequence any more.  It seems that I got things
  working.  I decided to try to start with a basic wicket quickstart
  from maven archetype, enable Maven dependency management on it, and
  debugged it.  The quickstart worked just fine and I could edit html
  files and they would refresh without stopping the server.
  So I compared my project's pom with the quickstart one.  My project's
  pom was modeled after another project's pom.  There was a lot of extra
  stuff that I didn't need, so I removed it.  After making my pom very
  close to the quickstart pom, and then debugging, my project too would
  refresh html files. Yay!
  I may follow up on this later as I start to add additional plugins and
  settings that I removed back into my pom.  But at least I'll now be
  able to test things one at a time and isolate what caused the problem.
  So thanks everyone for the help!
  PS - Just in case anyone is trying to do this in the future, here are
  the steps I took to get the wicket quickstart working within eclipse
  with maven and m2eclipse:
  First make sure eclipse, maven, and m2eclipse are installed...
  Command line:
  cd workspace
  mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.wicket
  -DarchetypeVersion=1.4-rc1 -DgroupId=test -DartifactId=mytest
  cd mytest
  mvn eclipse:eclipse
  Select General-Existing projects into Workspace
  Select root directory workspace/mytest
  Right click onto mytest project
  Select Maven-Enable Dependency Management
  Right click onto src/test/java/test/
  Select Debug As - Java Application
  Web browser:
  In Eclipse, edit HomePage.html, save.
  Refresh browser, changes are there...
  On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 10:50 PM, noon wrote:
  I had to remove the target/classes folder from the java source paths
  Maven Eclipse plugin adds (project properties == java build path).
  this, the markup files refreshed as expected.
  Tauren Mills-2 wrote:
  Thanks Igor, but I already looked there and the only thing listed in
  filtered resources is *.launch.
  Any other ideas?
  On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 4:05 PM, Igor Vaynberg
  open the preferences window
  in the search box type filter
  this will show you java/compiler/building panel with
  FilteredREsources: textbox, remove *.html
  On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 4:03 PM, Tauren Mills
  Thanks.  But any clue how or where I do that?  I've been poking
  the preferences in eclipse and haven't found it.
  On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 3:51 PM, Martijn Dashorst wrote:
  iirc you have to turn off eclipse's filtering of html files (which
  turned off default because of javadoc html which usually doesn't
  to be packaged inside your war/jar)
  On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 12:31 AM, Tauren Mills
  Are there any wicket/eclipse/maven/m2eclipse users out there?  I'm
  trying to get my development environment working properly and need
  your help.
  Up until now, I've been developing WIcket applications in Eclipse
  have not been using maven.  As long as my web.xml is set to
  development rather than deployment mode, changes I made to HTML
  while debugging were immediately applied.
  Not anymore... I am now managing my projects with maven, having
  added a pom file to my project.  I'm using the m2eclipse plugin in
  Eclipse and enabled dependency management on my project.
  Unfortunately, now my HTML file changes aren't being recognized any
  longer even with development mode turned on. I have to 

Re: Wicket/Eclipse/Maven/m2eclipse - HTML files not refreshing

2009-01-16 Thread Richard Allen
Using m2eclipse, you can also create a new Maven project using an archetype
from within Eclipse. Choose File  New  Maven Project  Next, and select
the archetype you want to use. See:


On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 2:47 AM, Tauren Mills wrote:


 Do you mean the Default output folder in Properties--Java Build
 Path--Source tab?  If so, what did you change it to?  I can't just
 delete it as Eclipse says that it is required.

 Anyway, it is of no consequence any more.  It seems that I got things
 working.  I decided to try to start with a basic wicket quickstart
 from maven archetype, enable Maven dependency management on it, and
 debugged it.  The quickstart worked just fine and I could edit html
 files and they would refresh without stopping the server.

 So I compared my project's pom with the quickstart one.  My project's
 pom was modeled after another project's pom.  There was a lot of extra
 stuff that I didn't need, so I removed it.  After making my pom very
 close to the quickstart pom, and then debugging, my project too would
 refresh html files. Yay!

 I may follow up on this later as I start to add additional plugins and
 settings that I removed back into my pom.  But at least I'll now be
 able to test things one at a time and isolate what caused the problem.

 So thanks everyone for the help!



 PS - Just in case anyone is trying to do this in the future, here are
 the steps I took to get the wicket quickstart working within eclipse
 with maven and m2eclipse:

 First make sure eclipse, maven, and m2eclipse are installed...

 Command line:
 cd workspace
 mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.wicket
 -DarchetypeVersion=1.4-rc1 -DgroupId=test -DartifactId=mytest
 cd mytest
 mvn eclipse:eclipse

 Select General-Existing projects into Workspace
 Select root directory workspace/mytest
 Right click onto mytest project
 Select Maven-Enable Dependency Management
 Right click onto src/test/java/test/
 Select Debug As - Java Application

 Web browser:

 In Eclipse, edit HomePage.html, save.
 Refresh browser, changes are there...

 On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 10:50 PM, noon wrote:
  I had to remove the target/classes folder from the java source paths
  Maven Eclipse plugin adds (project properties == java build path). After
  this, the markup files refreshed as expected.
  Tauren Mills-2 wrote:
  Thanks Igor, but I already looked there and the only thing listed in
  filtered resources is *.launch.
  Any other ideas?
  On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 4:05 PM, Igor Vaynberg
  open the preferences window
  in the search box type filter
  this will show you java/compiler/building panel with
  FilteredREsources: textbox, remove *.html
  On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 4:03 PM, Tauren Mills
  Thanks.  But any clue how or where I do that?  I've been poking around
  the preferences in eclipse and haven't found it.
  On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 3:51 PM, Martijn Dashorst wrote:
  iirc you have to turn off eclipse's filtering of html files (which is
  turned off default because of javadoc html which usually doesn't want
  to be packaged inside your war/jar)
  On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 12:31 AM, Tauren Mills
  Are there any wicket/eclipse/maven/m2eclipse users out there?  I'm
  trying to get my development environment working properly and need
  your help.
  Up until now, I've been developing WIcket applications in Eclipse
  have not been using maven.  As long as my web.xml is set to
  development rather than deployment mode, changes I made to HTML
  while debugging were immediately applied.
  Not anymore... I am now managing my projects with maven, having just
  added a pom file to my project.  I'm using the m2eclipse plugin in
  Eclipse and enabled dependency management on my project.
  Unfortunately, now my HTML file changes aren't being recognized any
  longer even with development mode turned on. I have to stop and
  the app to see the HTML changes.
  My project's maven properties show these goals to invoke on resource
  changes:  process-resources resources:testResources.
  My pom includes:

Re: JavaScript and Wicket

2009-01-16 Thread Richard Allen
Or more generally:


On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 4:29 AM, Sniffer wrote:

 Thanx, I think I understand you, but still I'm not sure how to contribute
 client custom JS script with WebPage class.
 Additional code (JS) is:

 function showUpdate(id) {
itemId = id;
var maskDiv = document.getElementById('maskDiv');
var asModalWindow = document.getElementById('asModalUpdate');
if (maskDiv) {
if ( == 'none' || == )
$(#maskDiv).fadeIn(fast, function() {
var theTop=(document.height/2)-(250/2);
var theLeft=(document.width/2)-(600/2); = theTop; = theLeft;
return true;

 asModalUpdate is :

 div id=asModalUpdate onclick=closeModal('asModalUpdate')
li wicket:id=updateFirst
Alle Arbeiten wurden erledigt
Moment kein Zeit hierfur
Warte auf info
In Bearbeitung
li onclick=updateManual()
Manuelles Update
li onclick=closeModal('asModalUpdate')

 When first li tag is clicked which has wicket:id='updateFirst', I need to
 get request to server with already defined itemId value in
 showUpdate(id) function.

 How that is possible to do with Wicket?!

 Best regards,
 Aleksandar Cajic
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Re: Things I miss in Wicket

2009-01-16 Thread Richard Allen

 What I don't like about Wicket is, that it is like writing normal Java
 applications - although rich clients applications are being replaced with
 web-based solutions and there is a fundamental difference between
 web-applications and normal java applications. If you have a java
 application as a product, it is normal to employ software developers that
 work on bug fixes and new features all the time - they constantly develop
 and it is expensiveeverything has to be done by a software developer.

Being more like a normal Java application (whatever that is :) is
precisely why some of us like Wicket.

 An ideal web-application is developed once and the Java code is never
 touched again for 3-5 years until there are a lot of new features
 necessary but in this time there could be several small changes or
 complete re-designs...and in that time this should be a pure matter of
 HTMLing without the need of touching the Java code. If a new input field is
 added or some new strings.or whateveror maybe a new Flash component
 etcthis should still work without changing the -war file that carries
 the Java code...only changes in the templates or the database should be

This sounds quite unrealistic to me for most applications. But I think a CMS
(such as Brix: comes close to what you
are asking for if I understand what you are trying to get at.

 Wicket does does not really allow this. Or assume you have a
 web-application you want to sell - and don't want the customer to know
 Javathey would be really restricted in the changes that are possible.
  Another advantage of Wicket is that it creates a session for every visitor
 - no matter whether it is a crawler/search engine that does not need a
 session or a logged in user

Again, a CMS.


Re: Wicket-spring-tomcat integration

2008-12-15 Thread Richard Allen
The url-pattern only supports using a wildcard at the end of the pattern
(e.g., /myapp/*) or as a extension mapping prefix (e.g., *.do). See
section SRV.11.2 of the servlet specification, which can be downloaded from

Therefore, I believe the closest you could do would be




If that doesn't suit your needs, you might need to extend WicketFilter with
a custom implementation.

On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 3:11 AM, Arie Fishler wrote:


 I am using wicket via tomcat integrated into spring using a filter with *


 The thing is that I want to map the wicket application to several url
 patterns (to know which environment the user is coming from)

 Is there a way to map the filter to several patterns? like the below which
 does not work...










Re: Javascript Wicket wrapper (like ExtGwt and SmartGWT) ?

2008-12-02 Thread Richard Allen
For integration between Ext JS and Wicket, check out:


On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 10:35 AM, Cédric Thiébault 

 Yes I was thinking about something like this but with more complete
 Javascript frameworks (but I don't know very well JQuery in fact).
 Ext-JS and SmartClient offer lots of nice widgets with a sharp design.

 Pure Wicket also offer built-in widgets but not as rich/sharp as these
 I know that adding a layer on top of Wicket will complexify stuff and it
 will be harder to debug but it seems to bring a new dimension to the user

 I will follow your project with JQuery :-)


 On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 10:39 AM, jWeekend [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I have just started looking at Wickext .
  Is this the sort of thing you're thinking about?
  For version 1.0 we hope to bind widget state back to Wicket as well.
  Regards - Cemal
  thiebal wrote:
   Why don't we have some nice Javascript frameworks on top of Wicket
   like what exists for wrapping GWT ?
   Is there a reason why people implements these wrappers for GWT and not
   for Wicket ?
   We should be able to do exactly the same thing with Wicket no?
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Re: OFF TOPIC - all-in-one wysiwyg website package?

2008-11-13 Thread Richard Allen
What about just starting with Google Sites: ?

It's free and easy. Good for a static website, which sounds like what you
are looking to produce.


On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 4:05 AM, Stefan Lindner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Take a look at Joomla 1.5 ( If you have a linux box with
 Apache/php/MySql the Joomla installation is just to unzip the distribution
 and run a litte menu driven install program. Administration is easy, plugins
 for nearly every purpose are available. 3 designs are part of the base
 package, more skins and designs can be installed by the administrator.

 Good luck!


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Jeremy Thomerson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gesendet: Donnerstag, 13. November 2008 03:49
 Betreff: OFF TOPIC - all-in-one wysiwyg website package?

 This is off-topic, but I figured there couldn't be a better pool of people
 to ask.  I have several friends and family members that want to set up
 websites for their businesses or hobbies.  Of course, then they'll want to
 customize them and make them look like this or like that.  And add a page,
 and edit a page, etc.  You've probably been in the same spot - you're the
 computer guy in the family - obviously I can't build them something
 (we're talking free).  And I don't want to maintain it for them forever,

 So - do you know of any good website packages out there?  I'm not even sure
 what the right name would be.  But it would need to have these

   - Total non-technical control over adding and editing pages / content
   - Control looks by using themes that can be downloaded or maybe editing
   - Possibly plugins for things like RSS feeds / contact pages / and/or
   e-commerce stores
   - Can be any language - I have a server to put it on, so I'm not adverse
   to PHP / Python / MySQL / etc...
   - Preferably I unzip a copy of it to a directory for them, give them
   access to the admin (maybe setup a MySQL DB for them), and I'm DONE!

 I've even thought of trying to build this out of BRIX, but I'm not sure
 that's the right answer, plus then there wouldn't be any plugins already

 Any tips?

 Jeremy Thomerson

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Re: OFF TOPIC - all-in-one wysiwyg website package?

2008-11-13 Thread Richard Allen
Brix ( But it's new and not as feature
rich as something like Joomla.

On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 9:26 AM, Johan Compagner [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 Where is the Wicket solution!

Re: Wicket with GWT

2008-11-13 Thread Richard Allen
If ExtJS essentially gives you what you want in the way of widgets, why not
look into integration of ExtJS and Wicket? In the near future, we will be
migrating our applications that use ExtJS to Wicket. There has already been
some work done in this area. See the following links.

ExtJS 2.2:
ExtJS 2.0:


On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 8:16 AM, Ladislav Thon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  At the same time, I want to embed certain GWT or GWT-Ext widgets in the
  Wicket pages because they are really cool and would take a considerable
  effort for any developer to implement them in javascript.

 Sounds like an idea I also had before: using GWT to create rich JavaScript
 components embeddable in any kind of HTML page (be it static, Wicket
 generated or whatever). Not really a Wicket question, but still.

 One can think of using GWT to produce highly optimized JavaScript which
 exports some API to plain JavaScript you write -- gwt-exporter might be useful to do this. Maybe
 is possible to create standard GWT application consisting only of your
 library and a few lines of code to actually export the API (which should
 prevent GWT compiler from optimizing your library out :-) ). Not tested
 that, though.

 Hope that helps.


Re: Wicket with GWT

2008-11-13 Thread Richard Allen
Also, can you share what you get from Wicket that you don't get from GWT?
That would be useful for those who venture on this list considering GWT
versus Wicket.


On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 9:53 AM, Richard Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 If ExtJS essentially gives you what you want in the way of widgets, why not
 look into integration of ExtJS and Wicket? In the near future, we will be
 migrating our applications that use ExtJS to Wicket. There has already been
 some work done in this area. See the following links.

 ExtJS 2.2:
 ExtJS 2.0:


 On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 8:16 AM, Ladislav Thon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  At the same time, I want to embed certain GWT or GWT-Ext widgets in the
  Wicket pages because they are really cool and would take a considerable
  effort for any developer to implement them in javascript.

 Sounds like an idea I also had before: using GWT to create rich JavaScript
 components embeddable in any kind of HTML page (be it static, Wicket
 generated or whatever). Not really a Wicket question, but still.

 One can think of using GWT to produce highly optimized JavaScript which
 exports some API to plain JavaScript you write -- gwt-exporter might be useful to do this. Maybe
 is possible to create standard GWT application consisting only of your
 library and a few lines of code to actually export the API (which should
 prevent GWT compiler from optimizing your library out :-) ). Not tested
 that, though.

 Hope that helps.


Re: Disabling 'back'/'next' web browser button usage in application

2008-10-29 Thread Richard Allen
I think a better solution is to make the browser's back/forward buttons have
the same effect as clicking on the 'Previous Question'/'Next Question'
buttons. If you put effort into making that work instead of putting your
effort into trying to disable the browser's back/forward buttons, then you
will have a better application in the end -- one that the user's will
appreciate more.

On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 6:12 AM, Martin Grigorov [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 Hi Tomasz,

 Recently I integrated a JavaScript library with Wicket that could help
 you with this particular application.

 Take a look at the code and examples:

 The code is quite new and the example page is the only test for it, so
 it could have some bugs ...

 Try it and let me know whether it is in any help for you.


 On Wed, 2008-10-29 at 09:52 +0100, Tomasz Dziurko wrote:
  I have application which consists of questions to user provided in
  some order. Each question is reachable on the same address, let's say
  http://myApp/Question. Application engine knows which question to show
  from database record. Each question page has 'Previous Question' and
  'Next Question' buttons which increase/decrease questionNumber in
  database and redirects to http://myApp/Question (which loads question
  looking for its number in database).
  My problem is:
  How disable 'back' and 'next' button in web browser so user can go
  to previous/next question only by using 'Previous Question' / 'Next
  Question' button? Is there a way to remove whole page from session? So
  user when clicks back/next will see custom communicate your
  session expired or you clicked 'back' or 'next' button on your web
  browser while doing a test'. Or maybe I could achieve such
  functionality in other way?
  Thank you in advance for help

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Re: Wicket and Ext JS integration

2008-10-23 Thread Richard Allen
The licensing is a pain. We started using ExtJS when it was LGPL, then they
switched to GPL. By then we were already invested, so we bought a commercial
license -- kind of feel like we got suckered into that one. If I had a
chance to do it again I would just use YUI. We use ExtJS on top of YUI.
However, ExtJS is a good product, even though they made a poor licensing

The licensing problem is just a fact that we have to deal with now, so I'm
trying to find out what the easiest path is for integrating ExtJS 2.2 with
Wicket. If someone else has already done the effort or started the effort,
then that would help. The amount of work involved in integrating ExtJS 2.2
with Wicket is part of our new web framework evaluation criteria.

Richard Allen

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 2:05 PM, Nino Saturnino Martinez Vazquez Wael 

 I thought there were a licensing issue! Could'nt just remember if it were
 the guy doing the wicket contrib or ext js..

 Martijn Dashorst wrote:

 The GPL licensing of ExtJS is really a brain damage inflicting mess.
 Personally I would stay very far away from JS libraries that are GPL
 licensed (it is not clear how the viral aspect infects your server
 side code, possibly requiring you to ship your server side code to
 your users—you *are* distributing the GPL licensed code, which is
 linked to your product)


 -Wicket for love

 Nino Martinez Wael
 Java Specialist @ Jayway DK
 +45 2936 7684

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Re: Wicket and Ext JS integration

2008-10-23 Thread Richard Allen

Is this an open source effort? What version of ExtJS are you using?

If we were to choose to go with Wicket, we would be willing to contribute.

Richard Allen

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:20 AM, Paolo Di Tommaso 

 I'm working on a wicket-ext integration project.

 Until now I've done just really simple stuff, like simple TextField,
 DateField, TimeField, ComboBox, AutoComplete field and basic (static) grid

 Though my implementation is trivial I would say that is really promising
 I've not found any evident obstacle to a more complete integration.


 On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 1:53 PM, Richard Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  We currently use Ext JS 2.2 ( with Struts 1.x, and we
  considering migrating to Wicket. I have seen on the mail archive that
  people have integrated Wicket and Ext JS with mixed success. In
  I found the wicket-tools-extjs project,, which is
  0.1.0, published in February 2008.
  Is the wicket-tools-extjs project in active development or was that
  abandoned? Is there any other significant work undergoing to integrate
  Wicket and Ext JS?
  Richard Allen

Re: Wicket and Ext JS integration

2008-10-23 Thread Richard Allen

I think wicket-stuff ( would be the place
to put the code. I would recommend the license be the Apache License,
version 2.0. As I understand, that is OK with GPL, version 3 (, which is the
license used by ExtJS version 2.1 and up.


On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 9:29 AM, Paolo Di Tommaso [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Yes, I'm working for a no-profit organization and it could be an
 option to release it as an OSS.

 Do you have any suggestion where the project could be hosted?  Google code?
 and any idea about the licence?

 Thank you, Paolo

 On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 2:19 PM, Richard Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Is this an open source effort? What version of ExtJS are you using?
  If we were to choose to go with Wicket, we would be willing to
  Richard Allen
  On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:20 AM, Paolo Di Tommaso 
   I'm working on a wicket-ext integration project.
   Until now I've done just really simple stuff, like simple TextField,
   DateField, TimeField, ComboBox, AutoComplete field and basic (static)
   Though my implementation is trivial I would say that is really
   I've not found any evident obstacle to a more complete integration.
   On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 1:53 PM, Richard Allen 
We currently use Ext JS 2.2 ( with Struts 1.x, and
considering migrating to Wicket. I have seen on the mail archive that
people have integrated Wicket and Ext JS with mixed success. In
I found the wicket-tools-extjs project,, which is
0.1.0, published in February 2008.
Is the wicket-tools-extjs project in active development or was that
abandoned? Is there any other significant work undergoing to
Wicket and Ext JS?
Richard Allen

Wicket and Ext JS integration

2008-10-22 Thread Richard Allen
We currently use Ext JS 2.2 ( with Struts 1.x, and we are
considering migrating to Wicket. I have seen on the mail archive that some
people have integrated Wicket and Ext JS with mixed success. In particular,
I found the wicket-tools-extjs project,, which is version
0.1.0, published in February 2008.

Is the wicket-tools-extjs project in active development or was that project
abandoned? Is there any other significant work undergoing to integrate
Wicket and Ext JS?

Richard Allen

Re: Wicket community traction / Wicket Web 2.0 experience

2008-10-21 Thread Richard Allen
We have just started evaluating frameworks to migrate our Struts 1.x apps.
We are considering Wicket, GWT, and Spring MVC (I know, they are quite a bit
different). Having prototyped in Wicket and GWT, which do you think allows
you to write code that is easier to maintain?

There is a wiki page with sites using Wicket:

Also, the Wicket in Action forward by Jonathan Locke mentions that IBM,
TomTom, Nikon, VeriSign, Amazon, and SAS use Wicket.

Richard Allen

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 11:49 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Wicket users!

 At my company, we are currently evaluating technology choices for building
 web user interfaces. We narrowed our candidate list down to two remaining
 candidates: Wicket and GWT. We already did some prototyping with these
 two. Our main conclusions are
 - Wicket has the better architecture (by far).
 - GWT allows to create Web 2.0 style user interfaces with fewer effort.

 I like Wicket because of the first argument. In our team, there are some
 objections against Wicket because of the second point and because some
 developers in the team think, that Wicket has not enough community
 traction and that no serious Web 2.0 _application_ uses Wicket.

 Can you help me to invalidate these objections and to convince my team of
 - Which Wicket success stories do you know of?
 - Are there examples for serious Wicket applications?
 - How can I prove that there is community traction for Wicket?
 - Are there examples of a GWT style Wicket usage, that means lot of Web
 2.0 user interface features realized with Wicket?


Re: Wicket versus Spring MVC

2008-10-20 Thread Richard Allen

What advantage does Tapestry 5 provide you over Wicket for your front office

Richard Allen

On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 8:17 AM, Joel Halbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We're actually using two web frameworks in our application, depending on
 the type of page.

 Our application basically consists of two types of page:

 * front of shop / front office pages (these are the ones clients see like
 search results, product listings - characterised by high load  page
 impressions, relatively simple page logic and fewer components per page)

 * back office pages (these are the behind the scenes pages used to manage
 the shop, are more complex, require more state and have more complex logic
 and backing functionality and complex page component interactions).

 We basically use Wicket for the back office pages and Tapestry5 for the
 front office pages.

 I find this a great fit, both frameworks are well written and easy so we
 get to take advantage of the best bits of both!


 Igor, I agree with Nino.

 What about posting something like that on :-)


 On Oct 17, 2008 2:41pm, Nino Saturnino Martinez Vazquez Wael 

 Good mail Igor.

 Did you place it on the wiki, or a blog somewhere? It's very sound

 arguments. Especially the part about statefull/stateless web applications.

 Igor Vaynberg wrote:

 here is really what it comes down to:

 springmvc/struts/etc are geared towards building stateless applications.

 building something statefull is hard in these frameworks because the


 of having to juggle state is on you and it is hard/impossible to get

 when doing manually.

 wicket is geared towrads building stateful applications. it takes care of

 the state juggling so you dont have to. it is, however, hard to build

 stateless applications in wicket because you have to take care to use

 stateless components - and even then you are back to having to juggle



 an important, but peripheral point, is that wicket takes full advantage

 OOP. frameworks like springmvc/struts are highly procedural, they give

 you a

 hierarchy and you usually just extend it one level deep. in wicket you


 to build custom class hierarchies so you can factor out all the common


 and pieces of your application. do your developers know how to do this

 properly? if you showed your developers the repeater hierarchy of

 repeatingview through datatable and asked them to choose a base class for

 their usecase would they complain that there are too many classes to


 from? this is quiet a common complaint on this list by people who come


 struts and friends :)

 so in the end you have to look at the kind of application you are

 and the type of developers you have, and pick the framework based on


 On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 12:28 PM, Richard Allen



 We have stateful, desktop-like Web applications based on Struts 1.x. We


 to migrate them to a modern Java Web framework so we are trying to choose

 what framework to use. The decision will be left up to myself and another

 colleague with buy-in from other key people.

 The other colleague wants to use Spring MVC, which she just received

 training on from SpringSource. I want to use a component-based framework

 like Wicket. I think Wicket looks great, so I have been telling her that

 think we should consider using it instead of Spring MVC. I think it is a

 better fit for the type of applications we produce.

 My colleague emailed the instructor from SpringSource and asked what he

 thought of us migrating to Wicket instead of Spring MVC. His response is

 below with my comments inlined. I would appreciate any convincing

 from Wicket experts.


 Richard Allen


 Some background on what I am forwarding along...

 During last week's Spring Rich Client class I took full advantage of the

 fact I had unlimited access to a SpringSource consultant/instructor.

 When he asked people why they were there, I brought up that we were

 transitioning from Struts 1.X to something else, and the likely

 candidates were Spring MVC and Wicket.

 Many of my questions to him over the course of the 4 days were focused

 on that particular topic.

 And when he offered up his email address for contacts after the

 class, I wrote it down and got back in touch with him this week (getting

 our money's worth out of the face time, I like to think!) with some

 well-deserved adulation for the course, some questions about the Spring

 3.0 release schedule and finally, a summary of the Spring MVC vs. Wicket

 decision we face, trying to synthesize what I took away from the class.


 Specifically, in my email, I asked the question that you, an

 experienced web developer, posed to me about

Wicket versus Spring MVC

2008-10-16 Thread Richard Allen

We have stateful, desktop-like Web applications based on Struts 1.x. We want
to migrate them to a modern Java Web framework so we are trying to choose
what framework to use. The decision will be left up to myself and another
colleague with buy-in from other key people.

The other colleague wants to use Spring MVC, which she just received
training on from SpringSource. I want to use a component-based framework
like Wicket. I think Wicket looks great, so I have been telling her that I
think we should consider using it instead of Spring MVC. I think it is a
better fit for the type of applications we produce.

My colleague emailed the instructor from SpringSource and asked what he
thought of us migrating to Wicket instead of Spring MVC. His response is
below with my comments inlined. I would appreciate any convincing comments
from Wicket experts.

Richard Allen


Some background on what I am forwarding along...

During last week's Spring Rich Client class I took full advantage of the
fact I had unlimited access to a SpringSource consultant/instructor.

When he asked people why they were there, I brought up that we were
transitioning from Struts 1.X to something else, and the likely
candidates were Spring MVC and Wicket.

Many of my questions to him over the course of the 4 days were focused
on that particular topic.

And when he offered up his email address for contacts after the
class, I wrote it down and got back in touch with him this week (getting
our money's worth out of the face time, I like to think!) with some
well-deserved adulation for the course, some questions about the Spring
3.0 release schedule and finally, a summary of the Spring MVC vs. Wicket
decision we face, trying to synthesize what I took away from the class.


Specifically, in my email, I asked the question that you, an
experienced web developer, posed to me about moving our Struts app to
another MVC oriented framework (Spring MVC) vs. moving to a component
framework (Wicket).  What I heard you say in so many words earlier this
week, was:

Why switch to something that is a little better than Struts 1, such
as Spring MVC,  instead of moving to something altogether better like

And that is indeed a good question that cuts to the heart of the matter
we must decide going forward.

We have a lot invested in MVC technology right now, and our developers
understand this approach. My instincts and experience on other
migrations say that a transition from Struts to Spring MVC will be an
easier migration than a movement to a different approach than Wicket.

 Wicket *is* an MVC framework, like Java Swing is an MVC framework. I would
argue that Wicket is *more* of an MVC framework in the classical sense than
Struts or Spring MVC. There is no doubt that Wicket absolutely does a better
job of separation of concerns (one of the key philosophies behind MVC) than
any JSP/Velocity/Freemarker based framework. If developers are comfortable
in Java and OO (ours should be), and if they have ever done any Java Swing
development (many of us have because we have Swing applications), then
Wicket will feel natural. It is an easy transition. I do not believe that
getting our developers up to speed on Wicket will be as difficult as you
think. I believe, as a whole, Wicket is less complicated than Struts or
Spring MVC. If you have ever tried it, you would know what I mean. You
should read this page:

And besides, Spring MVC is significantly different than Struts 1.x -- so
much so that I think the transition from Struts 1.x to Spring will be nearly
as tough. The only thing you gain is the overall framework concept:
action-based. Once the developers understand the component-based concept
(which is not hard to grasp -- think Java Swing), than you no longer get an
experience advantage by using Spring MVC.

But as you correctly pointed out, it's not just the ease of migration
that drives our choice of technologies (again I'm paraphrasing what I
heard you say)

If you end up with a product that is easier to maintain and grow in
the long haul, it's worth it to pay the upfront cost in the migration
process to get there.

Absolutely true - we need to focus on the long term, not the short term,
so that the redesigned framework that results will be as solid as
the framework you and the original team put together based on Struts 1
however many years ago that was.

But when I think about long term solutions, my sense is that Spring MVC
addresses the shortfalls in the Struts approach head on. Plus, the
overall integration of Spring MVC with other aspects of the Spring
Framework offers us still more options down the road.

 I do agree that Spring MVC addresses the shortfalls in the Struts approach.
However, Spring MVC does not address the short-falls in the action-based
approach for a stateful, dynamic, desktop-like Web *application*. I believe
that is one reason why Sun developed JSF.

I'm still