Re: [Vo]:Beiting paper at ICCF-21

2018-06-05 Thread Rich Murray
Glad and hopeful...

On Tue, Jun 5, 2018, 5:01 PM Jed Rothwell  wrote:

> This was marvelous:
> E. Beiting, “Investigation of the nickel-hydrogen anomalous heat effect,”
> Aerospace Report No. ATR-2017-01760, The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo
> CA, USA, May 15, 2017.
> In my opinion, this is one of the best reports in the history of cold
> fusion. Great calorimetry -- IRREFUTABLE results. I now fully believe the
> ZrO2NiPd material works. Kudos to Brian Ahern.
> The response to this from Richard Garwin was hilarious. I shall describe
> it later, when I get a chance.
> I can't wait to read the full report listed at the end of the abstract. I
> hope I can upload the full report to soon.
> - Jed

Re: [Vo]:My response to the demise of Coolescence

2017-11-02 Thread Rich Murray
Jed is convincing...

On Nov 2, 2017 12:40 PM, "Jed Rothwell"  wrote:

> I regret to announce that Coolescence has closed their doors. They never
> were able to replicate excess heat. I think they ran out of money, and
> perhaps they ran out of gumption. That would be understandable.
> Over at CMNS, Ed Storms posted a melancholy comment about this. We are not
> supposed to quote CMNS but in this case I will take the liberty of quoting
> a short portion:
>> The skeptics will say, "Obviously, the better and more carefully the
>> studies are done, the less likely the false claims would result."  How can
>> we respond to such a conclusion?
> Since I can quote myself as much as I like, here is what I wrote in
> response.
> . . . That is a good question. I think the answer is as follows --
> The most careful studies were done by people such as Mel Miles showed a
> positive effect.
> Coolescence tried to replicate Miles, but they failed. Miles says this is
> because they made mistakes in the replication. You can ask him for details.
> I conclude that they made mistakes in this replication, and in the other
> replications they attempted. I assume the original studies were positive
> and correct. Coolescence reported their results correctly, and these
> results were negative. The disconnect is in the experimental materials or
> procedures, not in the reporting.
> Here is why I reached this conclusion and why I think it is plausible.
> *Many Replications Fail Because This Experiment is Difficult*
> There were many failed replications in 1989, including many done by
> experienced scientists in well-equipped major laboratories. In most cases
> these failures occured because the scientists were not electrochemists;
> they did not consult with electrochemists, and they made elementary
> mistakes. I described an example on p. 10 and 11 here:
> There were some failed experiments conducted by experienced
> electrochemists. In a few cases it is likely these were false negatives.
> Here is a well-known example, by Lewis:
> This failure was not due to lack of skill or attention. Lewis did
> excellent work. His paper is good. It has many useful suggestions. His
> failure was in his analysis.
> Even people who succeeded from time to time in cold fusion often failed.
> Mel Miles worked for months before getting positive results. As I wrote
> here the other day, the research project at the University of Missouri has
> not worked well:
> Many techniques have been described in the literature that worked a few
> times spectacularly, but most of the time they do not work. They are
> irreproducible. The SuperWave technique once produced, "Excess Power of up
> to 34 watts; Average ~20 watts for 17 h." (
> bat/DardikIexcessheat.pdf) I have heard that despite strenuous efforts,
> it has never done that at U. Missouri.
> I do not think these earlier results could be an error. 20 W is a lot of
> heat. With no input power it seems unlikely to me anyone would confuse zero
> watts with 20 W.
> Richard Oriani told me that in his 50-year career in electrochemistry, the
> Fleischmann Pons experiment was the most difficult one he did.
> Experiments and technologies that fail drastically are not uncommon. As
> Beaudette pointed out, to clone the first sheep, biologists had to make
> hundreds of attempts before one finally worked. Billions of dollars have
> been invested in rocket technology. Every rocket launch costs millions of
> dollars. Rockets carry satellites worth millions more. Despite these high
> stakes, rockets often explode. The technology is not reliable.
> It makes no sense to say that cold may not exist because it is so
> difficult to replicate. No one would claim that rockets do not exist
> because they are unreliable.
> *You Need A PhD in Electrochemistry*
> As far as I know, everyone who replicated cold fusion had a PhD in
> electrochemistry, or they worked with people who did. I am not sure about
> Storms at Los Alamos, but Los Alamos is chock-full of experts in every
> subject. Coolescence may have had first-class instruments but they probably
> did not have the kind of expertise on tap that Storms did. I do not know
> whether anyone at Coolescence has a PhD in electrochemistry. I do not think
> so. That is my impression talking to Mel Miles. If professionals at a place
> like Kamiokande failed for lack of electrochemical expertise, it would not
> surprise me if the people at Coolescence also failed for this reason.
> I do not know much about electrochemistry but I have spent a lot of time
> editing papers about it and listening to people such as Mizuno, McKubre,
> Miles, Bockris and Fleischman talk about it. They know a terrific amount
> about the subject. Enough to write a textbook. Bockris *did* write an
> authoritative textboo

[Vo]:go far beyond anything that our history gives us the capability to conceive... Ben Goertzel at Future of MInd Symposium at The New School NYC: Rich Murray 2016.12.01

2016-12-01 Thread Rich Murray
go far beyond anything that our history gives us the capability to
conceive... Ben Goertzel at Future of MInd Symposium at The New School NYC:
Rich Murray 2016.12.01

ready for Finder's Course... ready for us in Explorer's Course...

One day, many ideas: Future of Mind 2016 illuminates NYC (Part 1)

December 1, 2016 by Stuart Mason Dambrot

( — The shape that human cognition may take over the coming next
half-century has become increasingly difficult to foresee.
Moreover, accelerating advances in science, mathematics, computing, and
culture –
including Artificial General Intelligence, Machine Consciousness, Synthetic
Creativity, Mind Uploading, Exocortical Cognition, and other ever-more
exotic ideas –
have dramatically transformed the very conception of what we refer to as

Following the Human Level AI Conference 2016, and sponsored by Humanity+
and The New School, the one-day Future of Mind Symposium 2016 held at The
New School in New York City –
moderated by Dr. Ben Goertzel (Humanity+) and Prof. Ed Keller (The New
School) –
delved into this brave new space through interactive dialogs between expert
panelists and audience members.

The conference began with introductory remarks from the moderators, during
which Goertzel said
"One thing I've gotten more and more respect for as I've done more things,
learned more things and explored more possibilities is how completely
ignorant we are about the real nature of mind and of reality…. I've become
more and more convinced that as we build intelligent engineered systems, as
we upgrade our brains with technology, as we become more and more networked
together on the planet between human beings, synthetic biological systems,
engineered computing and communication systems – as all this advances we're
going to understand that mind and intelligence and the self-organization of
matter go far beyond anything that our history gives us the capability to

In the first Morning Session panel, Cosmo Harrigan, Natasha Vita-More, Amy
Li, and (by videolink] Peter Watts discussed The Future of the Individual:
AGIs, Cyborgs, Uploads, and… in which they addressed the "epistemological
horizons of the individual and collective mind, and rethinking the ethics
and politics of mind beyond individual or gender."

Harrigan – a cross-disciplinary internet entrepreneur and researcher in
deep reinforcement learning – reviewed what he described as "a rich variety
of methods" that could lead to human-analogous Artificial General
Intelligence, including traditional symbolic systems based on logic and
reasoning; biologically-inspired systems; and those that start with a
mathematical formalism and work towards approximating a universal

Founder of Dance4Healing and a partner for Stanford Cancer Supportive Care
Program, Li is leading the trend of telehealth into physical rehabilitation
space. Rooted in neuroscience, Dance4Healing is a social platform
connecting dance teachers to patients, using artificial intelligence and
behavior design to recommend personalized music and dance, dance buddies
and patient groups based on real-time emotion and health data, alleviating
mental and physical pain, and improving quality of life – including a
profoundly beneficial effect on cancer, dementia and other serious health

Vita-More, Chair of Humanity+, Program Champion of Graduate Studies at the
University of Advancing Technology, and author in the areas of humanity's
future, emerging technologies, and radical life extension – and whose
breakthrough research demonstrated post-vitrification (that is, after
exiting a state in which living cells are cooled to cryogenic temperatures
without using ice) memory recovery in C. elegans – stressed the importance
of being involved in legislation because, she noted, it defines "the rules
that govern us and sets the stage for our future."

Watts, a biologist and award-winning science fiction author – whose novel
Blindsight has become a core text in diverse undergraduate courses ranging
from philosophy to neuropsych, and is said to have found its way into
neuroscience laboratories – presented an unsurprisingly iconoclastic
neuroscience-based view of on consciousness focused on the brain's
self-organizing, self-directed learning capabilities.
"The brain is really good at reconfiguring itself….It doesn't really matter
whether or not you crack the secret of consciousness, it doesn't matter if
you can precisely mimic the corpus callosum" – a 10 cm-long flat bundle of
nerve fibers that connects the brain's right and left hemispheres.
"To paraphrase Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park, our brains will find a way.
Give them an interface, and chances are they&#

[Vo]:The Long Peace 18 min video slide show on all war deaths since Fall of Rome -- after 70 million in WWII, lower and lower to now...: Rich Murray 2016.11.06

2016-11-06 Thread Rich Murray

The Long Peace 18 min video slide show on all war deaths since Fall of Rome
-- after 70 million in WWII, lower and lower to now...: Rich Murray

[Vo]:professors Leif Holmlid and Sveinn Olafsson cold fusion research since 2003 results in dozens of their competent reports in mainstream journals: Rich Murray 2016.06.10

2016-06-10 Thread Rich Murray
professors Leif Holmlid and Sveinn Olafsson cold fusion research since 2003
results in dozens of  their competent reports in mainstream journals: Rich
Murray 2016.06.10

Today I happened to look into cold fusion research, which I have kept tabs
on since March 1989, and found that, finally, some real tangible vigorous
scientific progress is happening since 2003 with a few competent physicists
from Iceland and Norway, in a small system that allows a high level of
control and repetition and a variety of readily provable and surprising
results, along with an adequate theory --

will probably mean unlimited free safe energy from small to huge systems
that are inherently safe, light-weight, low-cost, non-polluting --

so I am finding and joining some forums about it, with up to 1800 members,
with people I already know, and writing up a summary review for my own
pleasure and my blog...  1800 members

[ gives a translation of a newspaper story in Norway ]

2016  April  03  COLD FUSION

Real, Revolutionary, and Ready.

Says Leading Scandinavian Newspaper

Aftenposten, a mainstream newspaper in Norway is publishing on Cold Fusion.

Here is a ‘translation patched up with contextual English/Physics parlance’
of the April 2, 2016, Norwegian report that features an interview with
physicist Sindre Zeiner-Gundersen, who revealed details of an operating
experimental cold fusion device in Norway, generating 20 times more energy
than required to activate it !

According to Scandinavian physicists, ‘cold fusion’ happens due to the
formation of ultra-dense hydrogen/deuterium as described in the widely
acclaimed work and theoretical understanding by Professor Sveinn Olafsson
(Sindre’s Phd. supervisor in Iceland) and Norway’s Professor Leif Holmlid.

Finally a proven testable theory for cold fusion that occurs in microscopic
"stars" inside ordinary metals!

[ many photos and details in a very enthusiastic, lively, multi-faceted
article... ]


photos, excellent brief summary, lists many key papers... ]

 2016 April 04Holmlid and Olafsson  on Rydberg Fusion

long, detailed color slide show on research since 2011

[ slide show also available via:  ]


"cold fusion", muons, olafsson, homlid, rydberg fusion, rydberg matter,
slides, stanford

Professor Sveinn Olafsson of Iceland has shared this presentation of his
and Professor Leif Homlid’s work with Rydberg hydrogen and ‘cold fusion’

Get your Geek On if you like physics outside of the box…

Cold fusion now has a proven testable mainstream theory explaining why it
occurs and has occurred as originally announced in March 1989…

The skeptics, nare-do-wells, and dogmatics are revealed as fools or worse!

Welcome to the end of the fossil fuel age.

These slides are from a talk delivered at Stanford, spring 2016, walk
through the Rydberg fusion experiments and data.

This work offers both a demonstrably tested and proven theory for cold
fusion as well as detailed description of the work and how it relates to
other cold fusion studies going back to the March 1989 announcement of
Fleischmann and Pons in Utah.

One startling discovery in this work is the observation of the emission of
muons !

The key condition that enables this ‘cold fusion’ to occur is the
development of ultra-dense Rydberg hydrogen that forms on command within
microscopic domains inside of metals.

This ultra-dense hydrogen/deuterium is said to be at a density 1000 times
that found in the center of our Sun, perhaps attaining the density of a
neutron star, quark soup !

With the nuclei squashed so closely together, fusion readily takes place
and can be stimulated to become prolific by being simply illuminated with
an ordinary green laser.

This cold fusion occurs at a temperature that is very cold compared to that
of normal hot fusion and in a very unexpected neutron free form.

For those of us who were friends of the late great and much maligned Martin
Fleischmann, we can remember well his speaking all those years ago of
hydrogen density in his experiment far in excess of that of metallic
hydrogen and indeed of the role of ‘deep Dirac levels’ and Poynting vector
mysteries !

All, elements of a new age of science from outside the box.

Imagine how much better the world would be today if the mis- and
dis-information campaign against cold fusion had not been so successfully
waged for the past quarter of a century !

Vastly reduced fossil fuel emissions would have put climate change under
control and infinite low cost energy would have allowed trillions to be
spent on the b

[Vo]:Europe announces that all scientific papers should be free by 2020: Rich Murray 2016.05.30

2016-05-30 Thread Rich Murray
Europe announces that all scientific papers should be free by 2020: Rich
Murray 2016.05.30

Europe announces that all scientific papers should be free by 2020

YES !!

30 MAY 2016

This week was a revolutionary week in the sciences -- not because we
discovered a new fundamental particle or had a new breakthrough in quantum
computing -- but because some of the most prominent world leaders announced
an initiative which asserts that European scientific papers should be made
freely available to all by 2020.

This would legally only impact research supported by public and
public-private funds, which are a vast portion of the papers produced

however, the goal is to make all science freely available. ...

[Vo]:Fw: new message

2016-03-30 Thread Rich Murray

Open message <>

Rich Murray

Este email foi escaneado pelo Avast antivírus.

Re: [Vo]:Is Rossi sick?

2016-03-03 Thread Rich Murray
Experimenters may keep some small plants, animals, and bacteria cultures
adjacent to tests, and monitor them daily, including generations of
offspring, for biology and especially behavior... They might even respond
within seconds to transient events -- small dogs?

Also, many families have members who are natural psychics, who can readily
pick up all kinds of things, if people would only listen openly...

!! Rich Murray  505-819-7388 cell  Imperial Beach, CA

On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 9:57 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:

> Rossi is complaining about a 'failure to thrive' condition such as losing
> weight without reason. We might consider that a primary symptom of chronic
> radiation exposure is unexplained weight loss.
> Andrea Rossi
> March 3, 2016 at 9:07 PM
> Jed Orwell:
> I continue to lose weight and we do not understand why. I am going to make
> a lot of “scopies” you name one, I scope it, but I feel well and work my 12
> hours per day on my E-Cats; today another important loophole with the E-Cat
> X.
> Anyway: yes, I am ready to pass to my Team all the skills necessary to
> make without me, just in case. But I never in my life worked as well as I
> am doing during these days. Obviously, the faster we go, the better. Until
> the horse is good, better ride him.
> F9.
> Warm Regards,
> A.R.
> LENR could be producing a form of stealth radiation; radiation that
> damages structure and tissue but does not produce a reading on a radiation
> meter.
> John Fisher has detected 1.5 MeV alpha particles radiating from a central
> point of causation. Yet a gamma is not detected that should be there when
> that alpha particle hits the CR-39.
> It is well known in many LENR experiments that helium is detected without
> the generation of gamma radiation. This implies that alpha particles are
> produced without the generation of the gammas that usually accompany the
> alphas.
> How could this be possible, that alpha radiation can exist without the
> detection of gamma radiation? It could be that a general state of multi
> particle entanglement between the alpha particles and their center of
> causation... let us call that cause an exotic neutral particle (ENP)...
> transfers all gamma radiation through a quantum mechanical pathway to the
> ENP.
> However, the damage that the alpha particle produces through kinetic
> impact still occurs. Also, there is evidence that the ENP and float in the
> air. If this is in fact true, this particle can be taken into the body
> where it can catalyze nuclear reactions in tissue... and here too the gamma
> radiation is hidden.
> This possibility entered my mind when Mark LeClair claimed that he and his
> research partner were sickened and entered the hospital after a experiment
> with a cavitation based LENR system. Could LeClair have taken into his body
> a large number of these ENPs.
> It is important to understand how ENPs work if they exist to protect the
> thousands of replicators that will be getting into the science of LENR.
> Like Marie Curie, Rossi might have sacrificed his health to the unknown
> dangers that one must face in the LENR science.

[Vo]:Daniel Shaw expertly shares crucial aspects of traumatic abuse in cults -- he had a decade with Guru Mayi of SYDA: Rich Murray 2016.02.16

2016-02-16 Thread Rich Murray
Daniel Shaw expertly shares crucial aspects of traumatic abuse in cults --
he had a decade with Guru Mayi of SYDA: Rich Murray 2016.02.16

Traumatic Abuse in Cults: An Exploration of an Unfamiliar Social Problem

by Daniel Shaw, C.S.W

 (This essay uses SYDA (Siddha Yoga) as an example of an abusive cult)

Table of Contents
 * Introduction
 * What Is a Cult, and Why Do People Get Involved in Them?
 * Seduction
 * Thought Reform, or Mind Control
 * Social Work Values vs. Cult Values
 * Inner Emptiness and the Culture of Narcissism
 * The Question of Pre-Existing and Induced Pathology: Blaming the Victim
 * The Dominating Leader and the Submissive Follower
 * Traumas Suffered by Cult Members
 * Rape
 * Battering
 * Incest
 * Working With Cult Survivors
 * Conclusions
 * Table I: Resource Organizations
 * References 12:15 PM (8 hours ago)
to me  Tuesday 2016.02.16
You asked to receive this when you became a fan of Rob Kall

Rob Kall has posted a new Article titled:

Daniel Shaw: What is Narcissism, Victim Process, How it Develops, Cults,
Tea Party, Bush, Clinton

Contents of the Article:

This is the first half of the transcript from my interview with Daniel
Shaw, author of the book, Traumatic Narcissism: Relational Systems of
which I believe helps us to better understand two of the major topics I
cover -- top-down domination and the effects of psychopaths and related
pathological people on our culture and on individuals.

Member page for Rob Kall:

[ see also, for value of vegan diet,  ]

"As a matter of course, every soul citizen of Earth has a priority to
quickly find and positively share evidence for healthy and safe food,
drink, environment, and society."

within the fellowship of service,

Rich Murray,
MA Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology,
BS MIT 1964 history and physics,
1039 Emory Street, Imperial Beach, CA 91932
505-819-7388 cell
619-623-3468 home
rich.murray11 free Skype audio, video chat

[Vo]:Loch Kelly -- Panoramic Awareness Meditation 4:31 minute video: Rich Murray 2016.02.15

2016-02-15 Thread Rich Murray
Loch Kelly -- Panoramic Awareness Meditation 4:31 minute video: Rich Murray

Published on Feb 15, 2016

In this video, Loch guides us to shift out of a small, limited sense of
self and into panoramic awareness.
We discover our spacious awake mind and return our senses to their natural
More can be found here:
Film & Animation
Standard YouTube License

Loch Kelly, M.Div., LCSW is the author of, Shift into Freedom: The Science
and Practice of Open-Hearted Awareness. 2015

He is an educator, consultant, and recognized leader in the field of
nondual meditation and psychotherapy who was asked to teach Sutra Mahamudra
by Mingyur Rinpoche and nondual realization by Adyashanti.

The founder of the Open-Hearted Awareness Institute, he is an emerging
voice in modernizing meditation, social engagement, and collaborating with
neuroscientists at Yale, UPenn and NYU to study how awareness training can
enhance compassion and wellbeing.

For more, visit

Loch Kelly shares Shift Into  Freedom -- profound, practical -- Buddha at
the Gas Pump interview with Rick Archer 2 hours video 2015.08.31: Rich
Murray 2015.10.05 1:12 hour

2015.08.31  2:01:28 hours, with shift exercise at 58 minutes


Potent expansive meditations at 58 minutes and 1:14 hour...

Shift Into Freedom, mentor Loch Kelly --  potent guide for each to
immediately choose their own way into lively practical expanded awareness:
Rich Murray 2015.09.28

[ see also, for value of vegan diet,  ]

"As a matter of course, every soul citizen of Earth has a priority to
quickly find and positively share evidence for healthy and safe food,
drink, environment, and society."

within the fellowship of service,

Rich Murray,
MA Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology,
BS MIT 1964 history and physics,
1039 Emory Street, Imperial Beach, CA 91932
505-819-7388 cell
619-623-3468 home
rich.murray11 free Skype audio, video chat

[Vo]:How does it feel like to have an IQ of 140? 85 frank honest answers -- gives me hints for compassionately appreciating many people in my life...: Rich Murray 2016.02.13

2016-02-13 Thread Rich Murray
How does it feel like to have an IQ of 140? 85 frank honest answers --
gives me hints for compassionately appreciating many people in my life...:
Rich Murray 2016.02.13

Now the Net has evolved to the point where capable people can associate
many hours daily with unlimited face to face video access worldwide for
spontaneous real-time mutual collaborative creativity for the benefit and
pleasure of all, spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, aesthetically,
socially, practically, joyfully, peacefully, lovingly, supportively --
aided by increasing intelligent software -- so problems can be addressed
and opportunities explored, remarkably increasing the quality of life
everywhere, radical prosperity for all -- maximal mutual giving...

[ see also, for value of vegan diet,  ]

"As a matter of course, every soul citizen of Earth has a priority to
quickly find and positively share evidence for healthy and safe food,
drink, environment, and society."

within the fellowship of service,

Rich Murray,
MA Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology,
BS MIT 1964 history and physics,
1039 Emory Street, Imperial Beach, CA 91932
505-819-7388 cell
619-623-3468 home
rich.murray11 free Skype audio, video chat

Re: [Vo]:LIGO Gravity Waves... So what?

2016-02-12 Thread Rich Murray
maybe the best account and video of first LIGO gravity wave 2015.09.14: The
New Yorker: Rich Murray 2016.02.11

1:38:33 hour NSF event with many remarkable videos

free full text

[116] LIGO Open Science Center (LOSC),

details in Data release for event GW150914

[ about 1 minute video, time slowed down about 100X --
the two black holes spiral around each other, making 11 half-turns before
merging suddenly --
the black holes are invisible, so we see their twisted space-time showing
highly distorted swirling views of their far away galactic background --
this happened 1.3 billion years away ( 1.3 billion years ago ) --
our nearest neighbor galaxy Andromeda is about 2.2 million lightyears away
( 2.2 million years old from us ) --
our galaxy is about 0.1 million lightyears wide... ]

TODAY 10:30 AM
Gravitational Waves Exist: The Inside Story of How Scientists Finally Found

"Just over a billion years ago, many millions of galaxies from here, a pair
of black holes collided.
They had been circling each other for aeons, in a sort of mating dance,
gathering pace with each orbit, hurtling closer and closer.
By the time they were a few hundred miles apart, they were whipping around
at nearly the speed of light, releasing great shudders of gravitational
Space and time became distorted, like water at a rolling boil.
In the fraction of a second that it took for the black holes to finally
merge, they radiated a hundred times more energy than all the stars in the
universe combined. They formed a new black hole, sixty-two times as heavy
as our sun and almost as wide across as the state of Maine.
As it smoothed itself out, assuming the shape of a slightly flattened
sphere, a few last quivers of energy escaped.
Then space and time became silent again."

[ Another source says they reached a top speed of half the speed of light
as they merged... ]

"On  Sunday, September 13th, Effler spent the day at the Livingston site
with a colleague, finishing a battery of last-minute tests.
“We yelled, we vibrated things with shakers, we tapped on things, we
introduced magnetic radiation, we did all kinds of things,” she said. “And,
of course, everything was taking longer than it was supposed to.”
At four in the morning, with one test still left to do — a simulation of a
truck driver hitting his brakes nearby — they decided to pack it in.
They drove home, leaving the instrument to gather data in peace.
The signal arrived not long after, at 4:50 A.M. local time, passing through
the two detectors within seven milliseconds of each other.
[ In Louisiana and in Oregon, 1,865 miles apart ]
It was four days before the start of Advanced LIGO’s first official run."

"Since the September 14th detection, LIGO has continued to observe
candidate signals, although none are quite as dramatic as the first event.
“The reason we are making all this fuss is because of the big guy,” Weiss
said. “But we’re very happy that there are other, smaller ones, because it
says this is not some unique, crazy, cuckoo effect.”

"These sites are separated by 3,002 kilometers (1,865 miles).
Since gravitational waves are expected to travel at the speed of light,
this distance corresponds to a difference in gravitational wave arrival
times of up to ten milliseconds."

"After an equivalent of approximately 75 trips down the 4 km length to the
far mirrors and back again, the two separate beams leave the arms and
recombine at the beam splitter."

"Based on current models of astronomical events, and the predictions of the
general theory of relativity, gravitational waves that originate tens of
millions of light years from Earth are expected to distort the 4 kilometer
mirror spacing by about 10E−18 m, less than one-thousandth the charge
diameter of a proton. Equivalently, this is a relative change in distance
of approximately one part in 10E 21.
A typical event which might cause a detection event would be the late stage
inspiral and merger of two 10 solar mass black holes, not necessarily
located in the Milky Way galaxy, which is expected to result in a very
specific sequence of signals often summarized by the slogan chirp, burst,
quasi-normal mode ringing, exponential decay."

"One black hole was about 36 times the mass of the Sun, and the other was
about 29 solar masses.
As they spiraled inexorably into one another, they merged into a single,
more-massive gravitational si

[Vo]:maybe the best account and video of first LIGO gravity wave 2015.09.14: The New Yorker: Rich Murray 2016.02.11

2016-02-11 Thread Rich Murray
maybe the best account and video of first LIGO gravity wave 2015.09.14: The
New Yorker: Rich Murray 2016.02.11

[ about 1 minute video, time slowed down about 100X -- the two black holes
spiral around each other, making 11 half-turns before merging suddenly
the black holes are invisible, so we see their twisted space-time showing
highly distorted swirling views of their far away galactic background --
this happened
1.3 billion years away ( 1.3 billion years ago -- our nearest neighbor
galaxy Andromeda is about 2.2 million lightyears away ( 2.2 million years
old from us -- our galaxy is about 0.1 million lightyears wide... ]

TODAY 10:30 AM
Gravitational Waves Exist: The Inside Story of How Scientists Finally Found

"Just over a billion years ago, many millions of galaxies from here, a pair
of black holes collided.
They had been circling each other for aeons, in a sort of mating dance,
gathering pace with each orbit, hurtling closer and closer.
By the time they were a few hundred miles apart, they were whipping around
at nearly the speed of light, releasing great shudders of gravitational
Space and time became distorted, like water at a rolling boil.
In the fraction of a second that it took for the black holes to finally
merge, they radiated a hundred times more energy than all the stars in the
universe combined. They formed a new black hole, sixty-two times as heavy
as our sun and almost as wide across as the state of Maine.
As it smoothed itself out, assuming the shape of a slightly flattened
sphere, a few last quivers of energy escaped.
Then space and time became silent again."

[ Another source says they reached a top speed of half the speed of light
as they merged... ]

"On  Sunday, September 13th, Effler spent the day at the Livingston site
with a colleague, finishing a battery of last-minute tests.
“We yelled, we vibrated things with shakers, we tapped on things, we
introduced magnetic radiation, we did all kinds of things,” she said. “And,
of course, everything was taking longer than it was supposed to.”
At four in the morning, with one test still left to do — a simulation of a
truck driver hitting his brakes nearby — they decided to pack it in.
They drove home, leaving the instrument to gather data in peace.
The signal arrived not long after, at 4:50 A.M. local time, passing through
the two detectors within seven milliseconds of each other.
[ In Louisiana and in Oregon, 1,865 miles apart ]
It was four days before the start of Advanced LIGO’s first official run."

"Since the September 14th detection, LIGO has continued to observe
candidate signals, although none are quite as dramatic as the first event.
“The reason we are making all this fuss is because of the big guy,” Weiss
said. “But we’re very happy that there are other, smaller ones, because it
says this is not some unique, crazy, cuckoo effect.”

"These sites are separated by 3,002 kilometers (1,865 miles).
Since gravitational waves are expected to travel at the speed of light,
this distance corresponds to a difference in gravitational wave arrival
times of up to ten milliseconds."

"After an equivalent of approximately 75 trips down the 4 km length to the
far mirrors and back again, the two separate beams leave the arms and
recombine at the beam splitter."

"Based on current models of astronomical events, and the predictions of the
general theory of relativity, gravitational waves that originate tens of
millions of light years from Earth are expected to distort the 4 kilometer
mirror spacing by about 10E−18 m, less than one-thousandth the charge
diameter of a proton. Equivalently, this is a relative change in distance
of approximately one part in 10E 21.
A typical event which might cause a detection event would be the late stage
inspiral and merger of two 10 solar mass black holes, not necessarily
located in the Milky Way galaxy, which is expected to result in a very
specific sequence of signals often summarized by the slogan chirp, burst,
quasi-normal mode ringing, exponential decay."

"One black hole was about 36 times the mass of the Sun, and the other was
about 29 solar masses.
As they spiraled inexorably into one another, they merged into a single,
more-massive gravitational sink in space-time that weighed 62 solar masses,
the LIGO team estimates."
[ So, 3 solar masses was radiated away as invisible gravitational energy --
about 5 % conversion of mass into pure energy... ]

Re: [Vo]:How Current Loops and Solenoids Curve Space-time

2016-01-11 Thread Rich Murray

nice friendly happy bright confident open face

ah, what will be emerging by 2116... ??

!! Rich

On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 6:42 PM, Axil Axil  wrote:

> The Rodin coil is raped in a vortex. It produces a monopole magnetic field.
> On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 8:48 AM, Jack Cole  wrote:
>> Saw this posted to the Google+ LENR group.  Seems interesting and has at
>> least been accepted for publication in Physical Review D
>> .
>> The full paper is available on Arxiv
>> .
>> They do propose a method of producing gravity through electromagnetism
>> and detecting the effects.  There does not seem to be any new physics
>> proposed.  Although the effect would be minuscule and likely of no
>> practical value in the immediate future, they note:
>> "Such a detection of the space-time curvature generated by a magnetic
>> field in laboratory would constitute a major step in physics: the ability
>> to produce, detect, and ultimately control artificial gravitational fields.
>> And would this technology be developed, it could lead to amazing
>> applications like the controlled emission of gravitational waves with large
>> alternative electric currents. Gravity would then cease to be the last of
>> the four fundamental forces not under control by human beings."
>> Jack

[Vo]:Fw: new message

2016-01-05 Thread Rich Murray


Open message <>


Rich Murray

[Vo]:plain text, Mark and Priscilla Zuckerberg and daughter Max -- $45 billion to creatively bless everyone: Rich Murray 2015.12.04

2015-12-05 Thread Rich Murray
plain text, Mark and Priscilla Zuckerberg and daughter Max -- $45 billion
to creatively bless everyone: Rich Murray 2015.12.04

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative shared Mark Zuckerberg's note.

December 1 at 1:09 pm PST Tuesday 2015

Mark Zuckerberg

December 1 at 1:08 pm
Priscilla and I are so happy to welcome our daughter Max into this world!

For her birth, we wrote a letter to her about the world we hope she grows
up in.

It's a world where our generation can advance human potential and promote
equality -- by curing disease, personalizing learning, harnessing clean
energy, connecting people, building strong communities, reducing poverty,
providing equal rights and spreading understanding across nations.

We are committed to doing our small part to help create this world for all

We will give 99% of our Facebook shares -- currently about $45 billion --
during our lives to join many others in improving this world for the next

Thank you to everyone in this community for all your love and support
during the pregnancy.

You've given us hope that together we can build this world for Max and all

A letter to our daughter


Dear Max,

Your mother and I don't yet have the words to describe the hope you give us
for the future. Your new life is full of promise, and we hope you will be
happy and healthy so you can explore it fully. You've already given us a
reason to reflect on the world we hope you live in.

Like all parents, we want you to grow up in a world better than ours today.

While headlines often focus on what's wrong, in many ways the world is
getting better. Health is improving. Poverty is shrinking. Knowledge is
growing. People are connecting. Technological progress in every field means
your life should be dramatically better than ours today.

We will do our part to make this happen, not only because we love you, but
also because we have a moral responsibility to all children in the next

We believe all lives have equal value, and that includes the many more
people who will live in future generations than live today. Our society has
an obligation to invest now to improve the lives of all those coming into
this world, not just those already here.

But right now, we don't always collectively direct our resources at the
biggest opportunities and problems your generation will face.

Consider disease. Today we spend about 50 times more as a society treating
people who are sick than we invest in research so you won't get sick in the
first place.

Medicine has only been a real science for less than 100 years, and we've
already seen complete cures for some diseases and good progress for others.
As technology accelerates, we have a real shot at preventing, curing or
managing all or most of the rest in the next 100 years.

Today, most people die from five things -- heart disease, cancer, stroke,
neurodegenerative and infectious diseases -- and we can make faster
progress on these and other problems.

Once we recognize that your generation and your children's generation may
not have to suffer from disease, we collectively have a responsibility to
tilt our investments a bit more towards the future to make this reality.
Your mother and I want to do our part.

Curing disease will take time. Over short periods of five or ten years, it
may not seem like we're making much of a difference. But over the long
term, seeds planted now will grow, and one day, you or your children will
see what we can only imagine: a world without suffering from disease.

There are so many opportunities just like this. If society focuses more of
its energy on these great challenges, we will leave your generation a much
better world.

• • •

Our hopes for your generation focus on two ideas: advancing human potential
and promoting equality.
Advancing human potential is about pushing the boundaries on how great a
human life can be.
Can you learn and experience 100 times more than we do today?
Can our generation cure disease so you live much longer and healthier
Can we connect the world so you have access to every idea, person and
Can we harness more clean energy so you can invent things we can't conceive
of today while protecting the environment?
Can we cultivate entrepreneurship so you can build any business and solve
any challenge to grow peace and prosperity?
Promoting equality is about making sure everyone has access to these
opportunities -- regardless of the nation, families or circumstances they
are born into.
Our society must do this not only for justice or charity, but for the
greatness of human progress.
Today we are robbed of the potential so many have to offer. The only way to
achieve our full potential is to 

Re: [Vo]:clean low-cost USA energy in 35 years with only wind, water, and solar for all

2015-11-27 Thread Rich Murray
thanks, Adrian Ashfield -- now 73, with the education level of Scientific
American about most topics, I've keenly watched cold fusion since 1989 --
but Lucy always snatches the football away just as Charlie Brown almost
makes the decisive kick... I too, somewhat jaded, have some diffuse hopes,
as always, maybe a breakthrough in just a few more months...

!! Rich

On Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 11:29 AM, a.ashfield  wrote:

> Rich Murray,
> Global warming has been exaggerated. It has been warming about .5C per
> century since the Little Ice Age and satellite measurements show that
> global temperature has not risen for the last 18 years. It will rise
> briefly now as there is a strong El Nino. After that, no one knows, but as
> the sun is going to sleep, looking like another Maunder Minimum, some
> forecast it will get significantly colder. Of course CO2 causes warming but
> the debate is about how much. See Prof. Akasofu’s paper here:
> <>
> Note well Fig 2b.
> Even if the alarmists were right about CO2 it doesn't matter. The near
> future looks like it will be powered by LENR, aka cold fusion. Industrial
> Heat LLC has built a commercial 1 MW thermal LENR plant that has been
> running well at a customer's site for eight months. Part of a 350 day
> trial, the results of which are due Feb/Mar 2016.
> LENR provides very cheap, safe, pollution free energy, with no radiation
> and no waste products. Contrary to what you read in the press even
> Fleischmann and Pon's original 1989 experiment has been replicated. It
> required the Palladium to be more highly loaded with Deuterium than the
> early replicators did. Group-think conventional science and the DOE tried
> to commit infanticide of the field and should be held accountable. See
> <>
> for a basic introduction.

[Vo]:clean low-cost USA energy in 35 years with only wind, water, and solar for all uses, Mark Z. Jacobson PNAS 2015.11.18: Rich Murray 2015.11.26

2015-11-26 Thread Rich Murray
clean low-cost USA energy in 35 years with only wind, water, and solar for
all uses, Mark Z. Jacobson PNAS 2015.11.18: Rich Murray 2015.11.26

If all people unite on this, we prevent climate change catastrophe, and
vastly reduce heath harm and death from pollution and war.

"Solutions are obtained by prioritizing storage for heat (in soil and
water); cold (in ice and water); and electricity (in phase-change
materials, pumped hydro, hydropower, and hydrogen), and using demand

No natural gas, biofuels, nuclear power, or stationary batteries are needed.

The resulting 2050–2055 US electricity social cost for a full system is
much less than for fossil fuels.

These results hold for many conditions, suggesting that low-cost, reliable
100% WWS systems should work many places worldwide."

Low-cost solution to the grid reliability problem with 100% penetration of
intermittent wind, water, and solar for all purposes
Mark Z. Jacobson a,1, Mark A. Delucchi b, Mary A. Cameron a, and Bethany A.
Frew a

a Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA 94305;

b Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Berkeley,
CA 94720

Edited by Stephen Polasky, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN,
and approved November 2, 2015 (received for review May 26, 2015)

Mark Z. Jacobson
a Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA 94305;

Mark A. Delucchi
b Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Berkeley,
CA 94720

Mary A. Cameron
a Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA 94305;

Bethany A. Frew
a Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA 94305;

Authors & Info
Related Content


The large-scale conversion to 100% wind, water, and solar (WWS) power for
all purposes (electricity, transportation, heating/cooling, and industry)
is currently inhibited by a fear of grid instability and high cost due to
the variability and uncertainty of wind and solar.

This paper couples numerical simulation of time- and space-dependent
weather with simulation of time-dependent power demand, storage, and demand
response to provide low-cost solutions to the grid reliability problem with
100% penetration of WWS across all energy sectors in the continental United
States between 2050 and 2055.

Solutions are obtained without higher-cost stationary battery storage by
prioritizing storage of heat in soil and water; cold in water and ice; and
electricity in phase-change materials, pumped hydro, hydropower, and


This study addresses the greatest concern facing the large-scale
integration of wind, water, and solar (WWS) into a power grid:

the high cost of avoiding load loss caused by WWS variability and

It uses a new grid integration model and finds low-cost, no-load-loss,
nonunique solutions to this problem on electrification of all US energy
sectors (electricity, transportation, heating/cooling, and industry) while
accounting for wind and solar time series data from a 3D global weather
model that simulates extreme events and competition among wind turbines for
available kinetic energy.

Solutions are obtained by prioritizing storage for heat (in soil and
water); cold (in ice and water); and electricity (in phase-change
materials, pumped hydro, hydropower, and hydrogen), and using demand

No natural gas, biofuels, nuclear power, or stationary batteries are needed.

The resulting 2050–2055 US electricity social cost for a full system is
much less than for fossil fuels.

These results hold for many conditions, suggesting that low-cost, reliable
100% WWS systems should work many places worldwide.

energy security climate change grid stability renewable energy energy cost


1 To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email:
Author contributions:
M.Z.J. designed research;
M.Z.J. and M.A.D. performed research;
M.Z.J., M.A.D., M.A.C., and B.A.F. contributed analytic tools;
M.Z.J., M.A.D., and M.A.C. analyzed data;
and M.Z.J., M.A.D., M.A.C., and B.A.F. wrote the paper.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
Data available upon request (from M.Z.J.).

This article contains supporting information online at

142 mg methanol weekly is provided by 6.5 cans aspartame diet drink, about
1 can daily, the amount used by 161 moms, whose kids became autistic, over
twice the methanol taken by 550 moms who had no autistic kids.

dietary methanol and autism, Ralph G. Walton, Woodrow  C. Monte, in 

[Vo]:ponderomotive Miller forces yield practical fusion of D and Ni58 at 800 -- 2000 deg C with 300 W infrared input during startup, Rickard Lundin, Hans Lidgren, Sweden: Rich Murray 2015.10.15

2015-10-15 Thread Rich Murray
ponderomotive Miller forces yield practical fusion of D and Ni58 at 800 --
2000 deg C with 300 W infrared input during startup, Rickard Lundin, Hans
Lidgren, Sweden: Rich Murray 2015.10.15

"Fig. 9 same as Fig. 8, but now using Ni58 +2H as reactor fuel, and for
Grad-force 0.01 N.
Compared to the Ni58 +7Li reactor, the Ni58 +D reactor can be operated at
lower input power (in this case 300 W), yet providing a higher gain.
The gain at equilibrium is here ≈25.
The above simulation of a Ni58 +D gives an average annual energy
output/year of 69 MWh, consuming 0.7 g deuterium and 5.1 g Ni58."

Free full texts of key reports are available.

Teslaalset via
2:26 AM (14 hours ago)
to vortex-l discussion group
2:26 AM PDT 2015.10.15 Thursday
Published by Mats this morning:

Essentially no new physics but a little-known physical effect describing
matter’s interaction with electromagnetic fields — *ponderomotive Miller
forces* — would explain energy release and isotopic changes in LENR. This
is what Rickard Lundin and Hans Lidgren, two top level Swedish scientists,
claim, describing their theory in a paper called *Nuclear Spallation and
Neutron Capture Induced by Ponderomotive Wave Forcing* (full length paper
that will be presented on Friday, October 16, at the 11th International
Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals
<>, hosted by Airbus in Toulouse, France.


IRF Scientific report 305.pdf

Swedish scientists claim LENR explanation break-through
October 15, 2015
Uncategorized <>
E-Cat <>, energy
<>, LENR
<>, research
[image: Rickard Lundin, photo: Torbjörn Lövgren, IRF.]

Rickard Lundin, photo: Torbjörn Lövgren, IRF.

Essentially no new physics but a little-known physical effect describing
matter’s interaction with electromagnetic fields — *ponderomotive Miller
forces* — would explain energy release and isotopic changes in LENR. This
is what Rickard Lundin and Hans Lidgren, two top level Swedish scientists,
claim, describing their theory in a paper called *Nuclear Spallation and
Neutron Capture Induced by Ponderomotive Wave Forcing* (full length paper
here <>) that will
be presented on Friday, October 16, at the 11th International Workshop on
Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals <>,
hosted by Airbus in Toulouse, France.

*The basic idea is* that ponderomotive forces at resonance frequencies
shake out neutrons from elements such as deuterium and lithium, and that
these neutrons are then captured by e.g. nickel, resulting in energy
release by well-known physical laws.
[image: Hans Lidgren]

Hans Lidgren

Lundin and Lidgren have made a brief successful experiment and they have
verified the model through calculations against results from well-known
LENR experiments such as the Lugano report with Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat
Earlier 2015 they also filed a patent application describing the process.

“We did an experiment on our own but we stopped it. We realised that we
were sitting on a neutron source and that’s not something you should do in
your basement,” Rickard Lundin, Professor of Space Physics at Swedish
Institute of Space Physics <> and member of The Royal
Swedish Academy of Sciences (KVA)
<>*, told me.

The scientists are now preparing for a well-planned experiment with all
necessary safety measures, ideally with a transparent reactor body since
the effect according to the scientists releases a lot of light.

*Ponderomotive forces derive* from the electrical part of oscillating
electromagnetic fields, and act on all particles, bodies or plasmas. They
are all characterized by a transfer of electromagnetic energy and

Re: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC The enigmatic wisdom of Deepak Chopra

2015-10-14 Thread Rich Murray
This random one, I liked...,

 "Awareness grows through subtle joy."

and here's my koan haiku,

"An ancient mind.
Rich jumps in.

On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 4:27 PM, Orionworks - Steven Vincent Johnson <> wrote:

> Jed sez:
> > Some say artificial intelligence is not yet a thing. Maybe so,
> > but we now have artificial wisdom. Get your random fictional
> > Deepak Chapra quote here:
> >
> >
> Hah! Let me do one better. A little haiku ditty straight out of my own
> randomized wetware:
> *The long journey to find yourself is futile.*
> *One cannot find that which is never lost.*
> While many will consider such "wisdom" as nothing more than circuitous
> nonsensical gibberish, a few may still appreciate it.
> Regards,
> Steven Vincent Johnson

[Vo]:The History of the Internet, 1 minute video, Toni at WhoIsHostingThis: Rich Murray 2015.08.13

2015-08-13 Thread Rich Murray
The History of the Internet. 1 minute video, Toni at WhoIsHostingThis: Rich
Murray 2015.08.13
9:31 PM  PDT (1 hour ago) Thursday 2015.08.13

Hi Rich,

The reason for my email today is to share with you a video presentation
that we’ve put together which documents the history of the internet.
You can watch the video here --

[ Publishing 6791 user reviews of 335 web hosting companies since 2007

The Internet: Then & Now

In 1969, when the internet was nothing more than an intriguing military
communication network, few could have imagined the far reaching impact of
the then-budding technology.
You don't need me to tell you how deeply integrated the internet is in our
daily lives today.
It is a communication and information highway.
It is a way to distribute entertainment, and consumes more of our leisure
time than we may want to admit.
It gives voice to the marginalized and forgotten.
It is the incubator of innovation.

So how much has changed since the dawn of the internet age?
Just about everything.
We've pulled together a quick video that runs through some of the most
staggering statistics available to describe the meteoric growth of the
internet. Take a look: ]

I can see you’ve covered the topic of internet history in the past so I
think you might find this interesting and worth sharing with your visitors.

Would you consider including a link to it on this page? --

I’d welcome your thoughts on the piece and do let me know if you have any

If I have reached you in error, please accept my apologies, just let me
know and I’ll make sure I don’t email you again.

Thanking you in advance for your time and consideration.

Best regards, Toni 



Toni goes under the omniscient title of 'webmaster'.
That means she takes care of everything from modding the forum & hosting
reviews to writing content to beta testing to... you name it, Toni has done
it to help us out!

Based near Vancouver, Toni is a keen hiker, climber and outdoors explorer.
In other words, she's living the dream.
(PS. I just spent 20 minutes lost inside the wonders of her site -- check
it ).

Latest Additions & Ramblings: (also see -- our boredom relief
blog & forum)  ]

Rich Murray 
10:40 PM (15 minutes ago)

Hi Toni,

Well, I'm 73... so would love a transcript with charts...  I watched it
twice, but it's about ten times too fast for me to take in.

Also, who are you? Do you know me from 2008 to 2011 in Santa Fe FRIAM group
and Santa Fe Complex?

I did my 120-page senior thesis in 1964 for my BS in physics and history,
about the exponential change from 1948 to 1964, moving from vacuum tubes to
transistors to the first integrated circuits.

I figured the arms race would burn us all -- a close thing, but here we
are, sharing a remarkably positive probable stream of history.

The fundamental key factor is God, as awareness expansion has also gone
exponential, my actual focus since 1965.

Google "nonduality"...

Or phone or video Skype me, if you want to go through amazing changes
quickly and easily, no fees.

Today my partner Sondra and I shared over an hour of expanded awareness
play on Google Plus Hangouts, for free, with a man in Hawaii and a lady in
Cape Cod, from our little house in Imperial Beach, 10 miles south of San
Diego -- the best of our 20 years together, as this is now our daily

I daily check out the 20 articles from site about critical
innovations -- quantum computing with photons in integrated circuits made a
huge jump today, a device that can do hundreds of original explorations
into the subleties daily...

doubling speed every 2 years for decades more, Intel silicon photonics now
revolutionizing data centers, Michael Kassner: Rich Murray 2015.01.26

[ See also:

exponential information technology 1890-2014 10exp17 more MIPS per constant
2004 dollar in 124 years, Luke Muehlhauser, Machine Intelligence Research
Institute 2014.05.12: Rich Murray 2014.12.27

since 1890, increase by 10 times every 7.3 years --

since 1950 -- 2014 = 64 years, with about 10exp13  times more =
10,000,000,000,000 times more per device, from vacuum tubes to multicore
processors -- increase by 10 times every 5 years per constant 2004 dollar.

CSICON -- Murray's Law -- Eternal Exponential Expansion of Science: Rich
Murray 1997.04.05, 2001.06.22, 2011.01.03

[Vo]:entirely new collective nuclear reactions, instantaneous simultaneous fusion fission transformation, Leonid Urutskoev letter (first part): EGO OUT blog of Peter Gluck: Rich Murray 2015.07.07

2015-07-07 Thread Rich Murray
*entirely new collective nuclear reactions, instantaneous simultaneous
fusion fission transformation, Leonid Urutskoev letter (first part): EGO
OUT blog of Peter Gluck: Rich Murray 2015.07.07*


*[ minor editing by Rich Murray for better clarity in English ]*

*A layman about physics, I've followed cold fusion research since 1989, and
evolved as a pragmatic skeptic since December 1996 -- keenly aware of the
exponentiality of unpredictable evolution in all realms of single infinite
reality, I've been waiting for something simple, that is actually crazy
enough to be true, that pops up right under the noses of sober researchers
in major labs, and makes a new order of sense, confirmed by other competent
labs -- and in this case, not a hint of excess energy!  Since I turned 73
July 3, I like to regard this as a personal birthday present, fittingly
within inevitable temporal uncertainty...*


2015  DAILY NOTE [ via  discussion
group ]*

*Slowly -- slowly (not my style!), I have arrived to my Campaign for the
Otherness of LENR.  T**he first name of this great discovery was given
under the sign and the curse of Sameness -- it is also fusion, just it is
cold, it is also nuclear as nuclear reactions are.  First it was PdD than
later came NiH,  they must be the same! Sameness has hit again!  The
results are obvious, limited cognoscibility in the frame of Sameness,  with
snailly development despite so many efforts and so good people.*

*The reason -- actually LENR is different, and now we have to know how it
differs from our imaginary models.*

*It is a great opportunity for me to present you the work, experiments and
revolutionary ideas of a great scientist -- Leonid Urutskoev, who
generously tries to help us.  This letter is an amazing study in nuclear
otherness,  it opens broad possibilities and perspectives,  inclusive for

*A welcome message from the very far right site of the Medawar Zone, in
other words,  **experimental research of world class level and a mode of
thinking which has made this translation an intellectual delight for me.
My gratitude to Leonid Urutskoev!*

*Note. The papers cited were presented yesterday,  the last part of the
message will be published here tomorrow.*


*In this letter I want to tell you the history of observation of the
anomalous quantities of hydrogen.  Toward the end of the 90-ties we have
studied the multi-channel (we have used 8 channels) -- the high current
electrical explosions of titanium foils in water. *

*Completely by chance,  it was observed that in the titanium powder, formed
as result of the electrical explosions, shows a strong isotopic shift
compared with the initial metal. *

*The content of 48Ti was approx. 65% instead of the starting 73.8%.  The
contents of the other four Ti isotopes have remained at the natural
relative proportions. *
*The measurements were also made on some types of mass-spectrometers, and
the results have shown that the errors are around 1%,  admissible.  The
experiment was repeated many times (not less than 100),  however, by far
not in all cases have we observed a significant isotopic shift of
titanium.  The effect could be small (3%) or completely missing,  but we
have never observed the increase of the content of 48Ti in the mixture of
isotopes.  I have to tell that we never succeeded to record some, any kind
of significant increase of neutron or gamma radiation despite working in
the  Kurchatov Atomic Energy Institute,  where there is an abundance of
measuring instruments for gammas and neutrons.  I will not tell more about
this,  all details can be found in the paper No. 1*

*There were performed some 300 experiments using mass-spectrometry,  and we
have stated that the parent 48Ti nuclei are not converted to other isotopes
of Ti or elements neighboring it in the Mendeleev Table as it would have
been seen for the usual nuclear reactions,  and but it is decaying in a
complete spectrum of other chemical elements (from the lightest to Zn
(paper No. 1). *

*Such a process contradicts everything that we have learned in our courses
of nuclear physics.  So we have thought that this type of processes is
impossible. However, our colleagues from the  Institute of Nuclear
researches (Dubna)  have performed independent experiments on our set-up,
 and have obtained the same result. *

*They have analyzed the results of the measurements and have called our
attention to the fact that in the experiments,  there are obtained both
lighter (e.g. Al and Si) and heavier chemical 

[Vo]:Abd Lomax and daughter Lucy 13 will do road trip to visit cold fusion (LENR, AHE) researchers June 13 to July 28, starting Northampton MA: Rich Murray 2015.06.01

2015-06-01 Thread Rich Murray
Abd Lomax and daughter Lucy 13 will do road trip to visit cold fusion
(LENR, AHE) researchers June 13 to July 28, starting Northampton MA: Rich
Murray 2015.06.01

Abd is a multifaceted being, deeply flexible, earnest and creative.

I'm looking forward to treating him to Aroma Thai restaurant in Imperial
Beach, California, 10 miles S of San Diego -- may find friends who can
provide a sleep over space.

Pam Mosier-Boss has a nice large house in north San Diego, as he probably
already knows.

Travelling in a car or van?

happily, Rich Murray

10:56 am PDT Monday 2015.06.01

Would someone please put this on Vortex?

I am driving across the U.S. with my daughter (Lucy, 13), to visit
cold fusion (LENR, AHE) researchers. It would be fantastic to meet
others interested in cold fusion, and it is possible that I could
speak to groups, small or large.

We are also looking for places to stay. I have received funding,
through Infusion Institute (III), courtesy of the Anthropocene
Institute, that is enough to cover this trip, but the more I can keep
expenses down, the more is available for the purposes of III (which
is intended to facilitate basic cold fusion research).

III is *not* a research institution, its goal is to support researchers.

Likely departure date, from Northampton, MA, is June 13. Where we
expect to be (though not all locations have been confirmed) is:

Washington, DC
Austin, Texas
Lubbock, Texas
Cloudcroft, NM
Albuquerque, NM
Santa Fe, NM
Tucson, AZ
San Diego, CA
Los Angeles, CA
Carpinteria, CA
San Rafael, CA (and many places in the San Francisco Bay Area)
Davis, CA
Salt Lake City, UT
Boulder, CO
Colorato Springs, CO
Columbia, MO
Toronto, ON
and home by July 28.

We may visit MIT in Cambridge, MA, before or after this trip.

We may add a segment that goes north from California. The route may
be altered depending on what opportunities arise.

Please contact me at abd at if interested in meeting
or in supporting this travel in some way.

Posted by: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

"As a matter of course, every soul citizen of Earth has a priority to
quickly find and positively share evidence for healthy and safe food,
drink, environment, and society."

within the fellowship of service,

Rich Murray,
MA Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology,
BS MIT 1964 history and physics,
1039 Emory Street, Imperial Beach, CA 91932
505-819-7388 cell
619-623-3468 home
rich.murray11 free Skype audio, video chat

[Vo]:the story behind free pdfs of 34 cold fusion papers in Current Science 104(4) 574-7, 2015.02.25: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax: Rich Murray 2015.02.24

2015-02-24 Thread Rich Murray
the story behind free pdfs of 34 cold fusion papers in Current Science
104(4) 574-7, 2015.02.25: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax: Rich Murray 2015.02.24

Replicable cold fusion experiment: heat/helium ratio, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax,
Current Science 104(4) 574-7, 2015.02.25 free pdfs of 34 papers: Rich
Murray 2015.02.24

Abd ul-Rahman Lomax [newvortex] <>
4:59 PM (5 hours ago) Tuesday. 2015.02.24

to newvortex

The entire journal:

The special section alone, 34 papers:

And, of course, my paper: "Replicable cold fusion experiment:
heat/helium ratio"

All the papers in that section may be discussed on Wikversity:

Some general information about this.
Current Science is a multidisciplinary journal established in 1932,
published by the Current Science Association in collaboration with the
Indian Academy of Sciences.


Last year, the editors of the section solicited papers from
researchers in the field of LENR.
These papers went through two reviews, first by the special section editors
and then, if the editors decided to forward the paper, by a normal peer
assigned by Current Science.

The anonymous reviewer of my paper was familiar with physics and not with
cold fusion, and was skeptical at first.
Yes, I modified my paper extensively in response to his critique and it is,
no doubt,
better for it.
Apparently, he was convinced, he gave a glowing recommendation for

There are some very good papers in this collection, and others that are
brief reports on activity in various nations or organizations.

I specially recommend McKubre's paper,
"Cold fusion: comments on the state of scientific proof"

But there are *many* excellent papers.

One might notice that we are not being shy about using the term "cold
fusion."  Times change.

It's fusion, get over it.

("Fusion" is a result, not a mechanism. The mechanism is a mystery.)

Posted by: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax 

Re: [Vo]:Rossi's new 1MW plant

2015-02-18 Thread Rich Murray
Evidence that he's got substantial funding...

with curious cautious interest,  Rich

On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 7:11 PM, Jack Cole  wrote:

> MFMP through their Facebook page linked here:

[Vo]:Re: the entirety of the quantum condition exists within a subset of Newtonian mechanics... The Quantum Condition and an Elastic Limit, free full text, 2014 Frank Znidarsic PE: Rich Murray 2015.

2015-02-06 Thread Rich Murray
Since QM applies to all physical systems, the question arises: does your
simple approach apply to systems that do not have an atomic nucleus, such
as positronium, an electron and a positron in orbit around their common
center of mass?

with appreciation, Rich Murray

On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 1:25 PM, Frank Znidarsic  wrote:

> Thanks Rich.
>  I have read of Jones Bennie's comment where he speculates that
> transformer action lies at the heart of the cold fusion phenomena.  This is
> very close to my logic, however, I have come up with a velocity associated
> with the transformer action.  The product of the nm dimension and the
> terahertz stimulation is 1 million meters per second.  This is Jones'
> transformer described in more detail.   So what is the 1 million meters per
> second?  Its the velocity of sound in the nucleus.  Once we know this we
> can derive the entirety of the quantum condition without and cold fusion.
> My paper has no cold fusion in it.
>  Jones has also commented about a strong paramagnetic effect.  This idea
> is on track but too limited.  We must understand that magnetic fields are
> not a conserved property of the universe.  They come and go as needed.
> It's the magnetic component of the strong nuclear force (the spin orbit
> force) that's at work in cold fusion.  I believe that Jones has the right
> idea but the wrong force.
>  We have also discussed interpretations of quantum physics.  These are
> the Copenhagen and the pilot wave.  A new one emerges as a result of the
> transform action.  Transformers match the impedance of a system.  The
> interpretation to arrive out of Jones' transformer the impedance matching
> interpenetration of quantum physics.  One one photon emerges from a quantum
> transition.  That implies that the quantum transition occurs in a single
> step without bounce.  How do you match impedance of a line?  With a
> transformer, of course.
>  Frank Znidarsic
> -Original Message-
> From: Rich Murray 
> To: vortex-L ; Frank Znidarsic ;
> Rich Murray 
> Sent: Thu, Feb 5, 2015 10:51 pm
> Subject: the entirety of the quantum condition exists within a subset of
> Newtonian mechanics... The Quantum Condition and an Elastic Limit, free
> full text, 2014 Frank Znidarsic PE: Rich Murray 2015.02.05
>  the entirety of the quantum condition exists within a subset of
> Newtonian mechanics... The Quantum Condition and an Elastic Limit, free
> full text, 2014 Frank Znidarsic PE: Rich Murray 2015.02.05
>  "This author suggests that this extension analysis may demonstrate that
> the entirety of the quantum condition exists within a subset of Newtonian
> mechanics."
>  Open Chemistry Journal
> ISSN: 1874-8422 ― Volume 1, 2014
>  The Quantum Condition and an Elastic Limit
>  Frank Znidarsic P.E.
> Registered Professional Engineer, State of Pennsylvania
>  Abstract
>  Charles-Augustin de Coulomb introduced his equations over two centuries
> ago.
>  These equations quantified the force and the energy of interacting
> electrical charges.
>  The electrical permittivity of free space was factored into Coulomb’s
> equations.
>  A century later James Clear Maxwell showed that the velocity of light
> emerged as a consequence this permittivity.
>  These constructs were a crowning achievement of classical physics.
>  In spite of these accomplishments, the philosophy of classical Newtonian
> physics offered no causative explanation for the quantum condition.
>  Planck’s empirical constant was interjected, ad-hoc, into a description
> of atomic scale phenomena.
>  Coulomb’s equation was re-factored into the terms of an elastic constant
> and a wave number.
>  Like Coulomb’s formulation, the new formulation quantified the force and
> the energy produced by the interaction of electrical charges.
>  The Compton frequency of the electron, the energy levels of the atoms,
> the energy of the photon, the speed of the atomic electrons, and Planck’s
> constant, spontaneously emerged from the reformulation.
>  The emergence of these quantities, from a classical analysis, extended
> the realm of classical physics into a domain that was considered to be
> exclusively that of the quantum.
>  Keywords: Atomic radii, photoelectric effect, Planck’s constant, the
> quantum condition.
>  Article Information
> Identifiers and Pagination:
>  Year: 2014
> Volume: 1
> First Page: 21
> Last Page: 26
> Publisher Id:

[Vo]:the entirety of the quantum condition exists within a subset of Newtonian mechanics... The Quantum Condition and an Elastic Limit, free full text, 2014 Frank Znidarsic PE: Rich Murray 2015.02.0

2015-02-05 Thread Rich Murray
the entirety of the quantum condition exists within a subset of Newtonian
mechanics... The Quantum Condition and an Elastic Limit, free full text,
2014 Frank Znidarsic PE: Rich Murray 2015.02.05

"This author suggests that this extension analysis may demonstrate that the
entirety of the quantum condition exists within a subset of Newtonian

Open Chemistry Journal
ISSN: 1874-8422 ― Volume 1, 2014

The Quantum Condition and an Elastic Limit

Frank Znidarsic P.E.
Registered Professional Engineer, State of Pennsylvania


Charles-Augustin de Coulomb introduced his equations over two centuries

These equations quantified the force and the energy of interacting
electrical charges.

The electrical permittivity of free space was factored into Coulomb’s

A century later James Clear Maxwell showed that the velocity of light
emerged as a consequence this permittivity.

These constructs were a crowning achievement of classical physics.

In spite of these accomplishments, the philosophy of classical Newtonian
physics offered no causative explanation for the quantum condition.

Planck’s empirical constant was interjected, ad-hoc, into a description of
atomic scale phenomena.

Coulomb’s equation was re-factored into the terms of an elastic constant
and a wave number.

Like Coulomb’s formulation, the new formulation quantified the force and
the energy produced by the interaction of electrical charges.

The Compton frequency of the electron, the energy levels of the atoms, the
energy of the photon, the speed of the atomic electrons, and Planck’s
constant, spontaneously emerged from the reformulation.

The emergence of these quantities, from a classical analysis, extended the
realm of classical physics into a domain that was considered to be
exclusively that of the quantum.

Keywords: Atomic radii, photoelectric effect, Planck’s constant, the
quantum condition.

Article Information
Identifiers and Pagination:

Year: 2014
Volume: 1
First Page: 21
Last Page: 26
Publisher Id: CHEM-1-21
DOI: 10.2174/1874842201401010021
Article History:

Received Date: 26/06/2014
Revision Received Date: 28/07/2014
Acceptance Date: 02/09/2014
Electronic publication date: 28/11/2014
Collection year: 2014

© Frank Znidarsic P.E.; Licensee Bentham Open.

Open-Access License: This is an open access article licensed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted,
non-commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the work is properly cited.

* Address correspondence to this author at
481 Boyer St, Johnstown Pa 15906, USA;
Tel: 814 505 4638;


One school of thought holds that the universe is constructed of continuous

Newton’s laws of motion and Einstein’s theory of Special and General
Relativity operate upon this continuum.

Coulomb’s equation describes the continuous nature of the electrical field.

Maxwell employed Coulomb’s equation and described the wavelike properties
of light.

Another school of thought holds that the universe is constructed of
particle like things.

These things were quantified with Planck’s empirical constant.

Einstein used Planck’s constant and introduced the particle of light.

Niels Bohr showed that an atom’s electrons reside in discrete particle like
energy levels [1]

The philosophy of quantum mechanics precisely describes the lumpiness of
the quantum realm.

This philosophy could not explain why the quantum realm was lumpy.

Max Planck searched for a classical principle that would establish the
state of the quantum.

It has been over a century since Planck’s quest and no classical principle
was discovered.

The Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum physics was introduced in order to
offer some explanation [2-4].

This interpretation describes a probability based reality.

The everyday classical realm, of our experience, is only a subset of this
mysterious reality.

The classically wired human mind cannot intuitively grasp the condition of
the quantum reality.

This quandary has become the accepted norm.

Znidarsic refactored Coulomb’s equation into the terms of an elastic
constant Ke and a displacement Rc.

The elasticity of the electron, like that of a rubber band, is greatest as
it just begins to expand.

It diminishes, from that maximum, with displacement.

The Compton frequency, of the electron, emerges as this elasticity acts
upon the mass of the electron.

In general, the wave like properties of stuff emerge as a condition of this
elastic constant.

It was assumed that the electron has a classical limit to its elasticity.

An electron expels the field of another through a process of elastic

The displacement, of the elastic dis

[Vo]:After Physics, deep notions about physics, new book, David Z. Albert: KurzweilAI dot net: Rich Murray 2015.02.03

2015-02-03 Thread Rich Murray
After Physics, deep notions about physics, new book, David Z. Albert:
KurzweilAI dot net: Rich Murray 2015.02.03

After Physics, deep notions about physics, new book, David Z. Albert:
KurzweilAI dot net: Rich Murray 2015.02.03

After PhysicsFebruary 2, 2015
Author: David Z AlbertPublisher: Harvard University Press (1/5/2015)

Physics* presents ambitious new essays about some of the deepest questions
at the foundations of physics, by the physicist and philosopher David
Albert. The book’s title alludes to the close connections between physics
and metaphysics, much in evidence throughout these essays. It also alludes
to the work of imagining what it would be like for the project of physical
science—considered as an investigation into the fundamental laws of
nature—to be complete.

Albert argues that the difference between the past and the
future—traditionally regarded as a matter for metaphysical or conceptual or
linguistic or phenomenological analysis—can be understood as a mechanical
phenomenon of nature. In another essay he contends that all versions of
quantum mechanics that are compatible with the special theory of relativity
make it impossible, even in principle, to present the entirety of what can
be said about the world as a narrative sequence of “befores” and “afters.”
Any sensible and realistic way of solving the quantum-mechanical
measurement problem, Albert claims in yet another essay, is ultimately
going to force us to think of particles and fields, and even the very space
of the standard scientific conception of the world, as approximate and

*Kindle edition also available at this link

"As a matter of course, every soul citizen of Earth has a priority to
quickly find and positively share evidence for healthy and safe food,
drink, environment, and society."

within the fellowship of service,

Rich Murray,
MA Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology,
BS MIT 1964 history and physics,
1039 Emory Street, Imperial Beach, CA 91932
505-819-7388 cell
619-623-3468 home
rich.murray11 free Skype audio, video chat

Re: [Vo]:doubling speed every 2 years for decades more, Intel silicon photonics now revolutionizing data centers, Michael Kassner: Rich Murray 2015.01.26

2015-01-26 Thread Rich Murray
I suppose there will evolve a molecular scale device of about 1,000 atoms,
interacting by light speed signals, with local memory modules directly
adjacent in six directions -- what would be the cycle time for this?

Since 1660 the growth of all science has been exponential -- that's the
actual empirical evidence -- if the single hyperinfinity is, well,
infinite, then exponential growth of "science" goes forever, especially
accepting a fractal multi-universe reality... our universe bubble must be
somewhere in the "middle" of all this...

wihin the fellowship of service,  Rich

On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 5:24 PM, James Bowery  wrote:

> This is nonsense.
> In microcomputer architecture there is something known as the radius of
> control, which is bounded by the distance that can be traversed by a signal
> from a processing unit to memory and back.  That feedback time is, even in
> some hypothetical all-optical computer, limited by the speed of light.
> Light travels one foot per nanosecond or thereabouts.  So if you had
> wafer-scale optical computing you could support radius of control at a
> cycle time of about 1GHz.  This is a hard limit -- very hard.
> I've attacked this computation limit as directly as just about anyone with an
> analog mutex crossbar circuit that keeps main memory access on chip
> <>.
> This is critical because as soon as you go off chip you suffer orders of
> magnitude slowdown in your primary control cycle.
> Architectures that attempt to hide this problem with lots of processors
> accessing local stores in parallel are drunks looking for their keys under
> the lamp post.
> On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 6:22 PM, Rich Murray  wrote:
>> doubling speed every 2 years for decades more, Intel silicon photonics
>> now revolutionizing data centers, Michael Kassner: Rich Murray 2015.01.26
>> [ See also:
>> exponential information technology 1890-2014 10exp17 more MIPS per
>> constant 2004 dollar in 124 years, Luke Muehlhauser, Machine Intelligence
>> Research Institute 2014.05.12: Rich Murray 2014.12.27
>> since 1890, increase by 10 times every 7.3 years --
>> since 1950 -- 2014 = 64 years, with about 10exp13  times more =
>> 10,000,000,000,000 times more per device, from vacuum tubes to multicore
>> processors -- increase by 10 times every 5 years per constant 2004 dollar.
>> CSICON -- Murray's Law -- Eternal Exponential Expansion of Science: Rich
>> Murray 1997.04.05, 2001.06.22, 2011.01.03
>> Silicon photonics will revolutionize data centers in 2015
>> By Michael Kassner
>> <> January 23,
>> 2015, 11:23 AM PST
>>- Email Alert
>> <>
>>- RSS <>
>>- Comments
>> <>
>>- Save
>>- Facebook0
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>>- More
>> Data centers are morphing into computing singularities, albeit large
>> ones. Silicon photonics will hasten that process. The reason why begins
>> with Moore's Law.
>> [image: siliconphotonics012815.jpg]
>>  Image courtesy of Intel
>> Gordon Moore's prediction known as Moore's Law
>> <>
>>  --
>> "The number of transistors incorporated in a chip will approximately double
>> every 24 months." -- has been uncanny in its accuracy since he made it in
>> April 1965. That didn't stop pundits from saying Moore's Law
>> <

[Vo]:doubling speed every 2 years for decades more, Intel silicon photonics now revolutionizing data centers, Michael Kassner: Rich Murray 2015.01.26

2015-01-26 Thread Rich Murray
doubling speed every 2 years for decades more, Intel silicon photonics now
revolutionizing data centers, Michael Kassner: Rich Murray 2015.01.26

[ See also:

exponential information technology 1890-2014 10exp17 more MIPS per constant
2004 dollar in 124 years, Luke Muehlhauser, Machine Intelligence Research
Institute 2014.05.12: Rich Murray 2014.12.27

since 1890, increase by 10 times every 7.3 years --

since 1950 -- 2014 = 64 years, with about 10exp13  times more =
10,000,000,000,000 times more per device, from vacuum tubes to multicore
processors -- increase by 10 times every 5 years per constant 2004 dollar.

CSICON -- Murray's Law -- Eternal Exponential Expansion of Science: Rich
Murray 1997.04.05, 2001.06.22, 2011.01.03]

Silicon photonics will revolutionize data centers in 2015

By Michael Kassner
<> January
23, 2015, 11:23 AM PST

   - Email Alert
   - RSS <>

   - Comments
   - Save
   - Facebook0
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   - Linkedin0
   - More

Data centers are morphing into computing singularities, albeit large ones.
Silicon photonics will hasten that process. The reason why begins with
Moore's Law.

[image: siliconphotonics012815.jpg]
 Image courtesy of Intel

Gordon Moore's prediction known as Moore's Law
"The number of transistors incorporated in a chip will approximately double
every 24 months." -- has been uncanny in its accuracy since he made it in
April 1965. That didn't stop pundits from saying Moore's Law
<> had
a nice run, but like all good things, it was coming to an end. The pundits'
prediction was erroneous, thanks to Intel (the company Moore co-founded).
The reason is light, or more accurately photons.
The problem photons overcome

[image: gordonmooreintel.png]
Gordon Moore
 Image courtesy of Intel
Moore's Law requires scientists and engineers to continually figure out how
to pack larger quantities of transistors and support circuitry into chips.
It's a challenge, but not as difficult as figuring out what to do about the
by-products of shoving electricity through an ever-more dense population of
chips: heat buildup, current leakage, and crosstalk between adjacent wire

Multi-core technology
new life into Moore's Law, but only for a short time. Using copper wires to
transmit the digital information becomes the limiting factor. This MIT
Technology Review 2005 article
why copper wires were no longer good enough. "The problem is that
electrical pulses traveling through a copper wire encounter electrical
resistance, which degrades the information they carry," states author
Robert Service. "As a result, data bits traveling through copper must be
spaced far enough apart and move slowly enough that devices on the other
end of the wire can pick them up."

That challenge becomes evident when walking through a data center, because
most, if not all, copper-based Ethernet runs have been replaced with fiber
optics. Using *existing* fiber-optic technology will not help Moore's Law
-- that requires a new technology called the silicon laser
Fast forward to 2009

Intel's Photonics Technology Laboratory
2009 mastered the silicon laser. "We have done all the things that skeptics
said we could not," mentions Intel Fellow Mario Paniccia
this SPIE article <>. "We 

[Vo]:exponential information technology 1890-2014 10exp17 more MIPS per constant 2004 dollar in 124 years, Luke Muehlhauser, Machine Intelligence Research Institute 2014.05.12: Rich Murray 2014.12.2

2014-12-27 Thread Rich Murray
exponential information technology 1890-2014 10exp17 more MIPS per constant
2004 dollar in 124 years, Luke Muehlhauser, Machine Intelligence Research
Institute 2014.05.12: Rich Murray 2014.12.27

since 1890, increase by 10 times every 7.3 years --

since 1950 -- 2014 = 54 years, with about 10exp13  times more =
10,000,000,000,000 times more per device, from vacuum tubes to multicore
processors -- increase by 10 times every 4 years per constant 2004 dollar.

!! Rich


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Exponential and non-exponential trends in information technology

May 12, 2014  |  Luke Muehlhauser
<>  |  Analysis

*Co-authored with Lila Rieber.*

In *The Singularity is Near*
Ray Kurzweil writes that “every aspect of information and information
technology is growing at an exponential pace.”1
 In *Abundance
the authors list eight fields — including nanomaterials, robotics, and
medicine — as “exponentially growing fields.”2
 *The Second Machine Age*
that “technical progress” in general is “improving exponentially.”3

These authors are correct to emphasize that exponential trends in
technological development are surprisingly common (Nagy et al. 2013
and that these trends challenge the wisdom of our built-in heuristic
<>to ignore futures that
*sound* absurd. (To someone in the 1980s, the iPhone is absurd. To us, it
is an affordable consumer good.)

Unfortunately, these and other popular discussions of “exponential
technologies” are often very succinct and therefore ambiguous, resulting in
public and professional misunderstanding.4
(Luke) regularly encounter people who have read the books above and come
away with the impression that all information technologies show roughly
exponential trends all the time. But this isn’t true unless you have a
*very* broad concept of what counts as “roughly exponential.”

So, without speculating much about what Kurzweil & company intend to claim,
we’ll try to clear up some common misunderstandings about exponential
technologies by showing a few examples of exponential and
not-so-exponential trends in information technology. A more thorough survey
of trends in information technology must be left to other investigators.5

Computations per dollar: still exponential

It’s clear that Kurzweil himself does not *literally* mean that “every
aspect of information and information technology is growing at an
exponential pace,” for he has previously discussed examples of
non-exponential growth in some aspects of information technology. For
example, he’s well aware that the exponential trend in processor clock
speed broke down in 2004, as shown in Fuller & Millett (2011a)
[image: Fuller & Millett figure 1]

Because this is a logarithmic chart, a straight line represents an
exponential trend. Notice that clock speed stopped improving exponentially
in 2004, but transistors per chip has continued to increase exponentially
via the jump from single-core to multicore processors.

Elsewhere, Kurzweil tends to emphasize exponential trends in *price-performance
ratios* specifically, for example *computations per dollar*. This is
perfectly reasonable. Most of us don’t care about the fine details of
processor architecture — we just care about how much *stuff we can do* per
thus far, the exponential trend in computations per dollar has kept up.8

[Vo]:Andrea Rossi reactor, 32 day run in independent lab in Switzerland, very high excess heat, shifted Ni and Li isotopes, no nuclear radiations, huge mystery, Giuseppe Levi team 53 page report --

2014-10-10 Thread Rich Murray
Andrea Rossi reactor, 32 day run in independent lab in Switzerland, very
high excess heat, shifted Ni and Li isotopes, no nuclear radiations, huge
mystery, Giuseppe Levi team 53 page report -- flaws...:Rich Murray

free full text full report 53 pages, with color photos, tables, graphs,
pictures --
had 1 gram nickel and lithium powder fuel with LiAlH4 (providing hydrogen)
in a sealed 2X20 cm alumina tube

Observation of abundant heat production from a reactor device and of
isotopic changes in the fuel

Giuseppe Levi
Bologna University, Bologna, Italy
Evelyn Foschi
Bologna, Italy
Bo Höistad, Roland Pettersson and Lars Tegnér
Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Hanno Essén
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden


New results are presented from an extended experimental investigation of
anomalous heat production in a special type of reactor tube operating at
high temperatures.
The reactor, named E-Cat, is charged with a small amount of hydrogen-loaded
nickel powder plus some additives, mainly Lithium.
The reaction is primarily initiated by heat from resistor coils around the
reactor tube. Measurements of the radiated power from the reactor were
performed with high-resolution thermal imaging cameras.
The measurements of electrical power input were performed with a large
bandwidth three-phase power analyzer.
Data were collected during 32 days of running in March 2014.

The reactor operating point was set to about 1260 ºC in the first half of
the run, and at about 1400 °C in the second half.

The measured energy balance between input and output heat yielded a COP
factor of about 3.2 and 3.6 for the 1260 ºC and 1400 ºC runs, respectively.

The total net energy obtained during the 32 days run was about 1.5 MWh.
This amount of energy is far more than can be obtained from any known
chemical sources in the small reactor volume.

A sample of the fuel was carefully examined with respect to its isotopic
composition before the run and after the run, using several standard
methods: XPS, EDS, SIMS, ICP-MS and ICP-AES.
The isotope composition in Lithium and Nickel was found to agree with the
natural composition before the run, while after the run it was found to
have changed substantially.
Nuclear reactions are therefore indicated to be present in the run process,
which however is hard to reconcile with the fact that no radioactivity was
detected outside the reactor during the run.

1. Introduction

This paper presents the results from a new extended study carried out on
the “E-Cat” reactor, a device invented by Andrea Rossi. ...

9. Summary and concluding remarks

A 32-day test was performed on a reactor termed E-Cat, capable of producing
heat by exploiting an unknown reaction primed by heating and some
electro-magnetic stimulation.

In the past years, the same collaboration has performed similar
measurements on reactors operating in like manner, but differing both in
shape and construction materials from the one studied here.
Those tests have indicated an anomalous production of heat, which prompted
us to attempt a new, longer test.
The purpose of this longer measurement was to verify whether the production
of heat is reproducible in a new improved test set-up, and can go on for a
significant amount of time.
In order to assure that the reactor would operate for a prolonged length of
time, we chose to supply power to the E-Cat in such a way as to keep it
working in a stable and controlled manner.
For this reason, the performances obtained do not reflect the maximum
potential of the reactor, which was not an object of study here.

Our measurement, based on calculating the power emitted by the reactor
through radiation and convection, gave the following results:

the net production of the reactor after 32 days’ operation was (5825 ± 10%)

the density of thermal energy (if referred to an internal charge weighing 1
g) was (5.8 X 10E6 ± 10%) [MJ/kg],

while the density of power was equal to (2.1 X 10E6 ± 10%) [W/kg].

These values place the E-Cat beyond any other known conventional source of
energy. Even if one conservatively repeats the same calculations with
reference to the weight of the whole reactor rather than that of its
internal charge, one gets results confirming the non-conventional nature of
the form of energy generated by the E-Cat, namely (1.3 X 10E4 ± 10%)
[MJ/kg] for thermal energy density, and (4.7 X 10E3 ± 10%) [W/kg] for power

The quantity of heat emitted constantly by the reactor and the length of
time during which the reactor was operating rule out, beyond any reasonable
doubt, a chemical reaction as underlying its operation.
This is emphasized by the fact that we stand considerably more than two
order of magnitudes from the region of the Ragone plot occupied by
conventional energy sources.

The fuel

[Vo]:zoomable infrared color mosaic image of our entire galaxy, scanning all directions, 20,000 MPx data showing half the stars, viewable on Net: Rich Murray 2014.03.25

2014-03-25 Thread Rich Murray
zoomable infrared color mosaic image of our entire galaxy, scanning all
directions, 20,000 MPx data showing half the stars, viewable on Net: Rich
Murray 2014.03.25

A zoomable 360-degree view of our
March 25, 2014
 NASA's new zoomable, 360-degree mosaic,  presented Thursday at the TED
2014 Conference in Vancouver, allows for exploring the Milky Way
interactively. The panorama of our galaxy is constructed from more than 2
million infrared snapshots taken over the past 10 years by NASA's Spitzer
Space Telescope. The 20-gigapixel mosaic uses Microsoft's WorldWide
Telescope visualization platform. ...

download video

[Vo]:Fwd: [sethmessageboard] ten core beliefs that most scientists take for granted [1 Attachment]

2014-01-07 Thread Rich Murray
-- Forwarded message --
From: Mark M (Giese) 
Date: Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 6:02 PM
Subject: [sethmessageboard] ten core beliefs that most scientists take for
granted [1 attachment]
To: "" , "" ,,

 Ask Deepak 
 Video Blog
  [image: Rupert Sheldrake]
August 27 2013 Rupert Sheldrake  Ph.D Category:  Guest

   The Scientific Creed and the Credibility Crunch for Materialism
by *Rupert Sheldrake*, Ph.D; biologist and author of Science Set

The “scientific worldview” is immensely influential because the sciences
have been so successful. No one can fail to be awed by their achievements,
which touch all our lives through technologies and through modern medicine.
 Our intellectual world has been transformed through an immense expansion
of our knowledge, down into the most microscopic particles of matter and
out into the vastness of space, with hundreds of billions of galaxies in an
ever-expanding universe.

Yet in the second decade of the twenty-first century, when science and
technology seem to be at the peak of the power, when their influence has
spread all over the world and when their triumph seems indisputable,
unexpected problems are disrupting the sciences from within. Most
scientists take it for granted that these problems will eventually be
solved by more research along established lines, but some, including
myself, think that they are symptoms of a deeper malaise. Science is being
held back by centuries-old assumptions that have hardened into dogmas. The
sciences would be better off without them: freer, more interesting, and
more fun.

The biggest scientific delusion of all is that science already knows the
answers. The details still need working out, but the fundamental questions
are settled, in principle.
Contemporary science is based on the claim that all reality is material or
physical. There is no reality but material reality. Consciousness is a
by-product of the physical activity of the brain. Matter is unconscious.
Evolution is purposeless. God exists only as an idea in human minds, and
hence in human heads.

These beliefs are powerful not because most scientists think about them
critically, but because they don’t. The facts of science are real enough,
and so are the techniques that scientists use, and so are the technologies
based on them. But the belief system that governs conventional scientific
thinking is an act of faith, grounded in a nineteenth century ideology.

*The scientific creed *

Here are the ten core beliefs that most scientists take for granted.

1. Everything is essentially mechanical. Dogs, for example, are complex
mechanisms, rather than living organisms with goals of their own. Even
people are machines, “lumbering robots”, in Richard Dawkins’ vivid phrase,
with brains that are like genetically programmed computers.

2. All matter is unconscious. It has no inner life or subjectivity or point
of view. Even human consciousness is an illusion produced by the material
activities of brains.

3. The total amount of matter and energy is always the same (with the
exception of the Big Bang, when all the matter and energy of the universe
suddenly appeared).

4. The laws of nature are fixed. They are the same today as they were at
the beginning, and they will stay the same forever.

5. Nature is purposeless, and evolution has no goal or direction.

6. All biological inheritance is material, carried in the genetic material,
DNA, and in other material structures.

7. Minds are inside heads and are nothing but the activities of brains.
When you look at a tree, the image of the tree you are seeing is not “out
there”, where it seems to be, but inside your brain.

8. Memories are stored as material traces in brains and are wiped out at

9. Unexplained phenomena like telepathy are illusory.

10. Mechanistic medicine is the only kind that really works.

Together, these beliefs make up the philosophy or ideology of materialism,
whose central assumption is that everything is essentially material or
physical, even minds. This belief-system became dominant within science in
the late nineteenth century, and is now taken for granted. Many scientists
are unaware that materialism is an assumption; they simply think of it as
science, or the scientific view of reality, or the scientific worldview.
They are not actually taught about it, or given a chance to discuss it.
They absorb it by a kind of intellectual osmosis.

In everyday usage, materialism refers to a way of life devoted entirely to

Re: [Vo]:A new theory of electromagnetism is in the works.

2013-10-22 Thread Rich Murray

concise frank summary of deep questions in physics -- Xiao-Gang Wen

On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 7:23 PM, Rich Murray  wrote:

>  Theory of quantum orders and string-net condensation
> Back to Home page .
> A unification of light and electrons through string-net condensation in
> spin models (pdf)
> Michael A. Levin and Xiao-Gang Wen
> cond-mat/0407140
> String-net condensation provides a way to unify light and electrons.
> String-net condensation: A physical mechanism for topological phases (pdf)
> Michael Levin and Xiao-Gang Wen
> Phys. Rev. B71, 045110 (2005). cond-mat/0404617
> Pointed out that all the gauge theories and doubled Chern-Simons theories
> can be realized in lattice spin models through different string-net
> condensations.
> Found a mechanism to make the ends of condensed string to have Fermi,
> fractionali, or non-Abelian statistics
> Found the mathematical foundation of topological order and string-net
> condensation -- Tensor Category Theory.
> Used tensor category theory to classify all T and P symmetric topological
> orders.
> Quantum order from string-net condensations and origin of light and
> massless fermions (pdf)
> Xiao-Gang Wen
> Phys. Rev. D68, 024501 (2003). hep-th/0302201
> Quantum ordered states that produce and protect massless gauge bosons and
> massless fermions are string-net condensed states.
> Different string-net condensations are not characterized by symmetries,
> but by projective symmetry group (PSG). PSG describes the symmetry in the
> hopping Hamiltonian for the ends of condensed strings.
> PSG protects masslessness of Dirac fermions. PSG leads to an emerging
> chiral symmetry.
> Constructed an local boson model on cubic lattice that has emerging QED
> and QCD.
> Fermions, strings, and gauge fields in lattice spin models (pdf)
> Michael Levin and Xiao-Gang Wen
> Phys. Rev. B67, 245316 (2003). cond-mat/0302460
> Pointed out that fermions can emerge in local bosonic models as ends of
> open strings.
> The string picture for fermions works in any dimensions, which is more
> general than flux-binding picture in 2D.
> Pointed out that emerging fermions always carry gauge charges.
> Quantum Orders and Spin Liquids in Cs2CuCl4 (pdf)
> Yi Zhou and Xiao-Gang Wen
> cond-mat/0210662
> Classified the symmetric spin liquids on triangular lattice.
> Identified 63 Z2 spin liquids, 30 U(1) spin liquids and 2 SU(2) spin
> liquids.
> Suggested that the U1C0n1 spin liquid or one of its relatives may describe
> the spin liquid state in Cs2CuCl4
> Artificial light and quantum order in systems of screened dipoles (pdf)
> Xiao-Gang Wen
> Phys. Rev. B68, 115413 (2003). cond-mat/0210040
> Constructed realistic screened dipole systems in 2D and 3D that contain
> artificial photon as their low energy collective excitations.
> Find that a U(1) gauge theory is actually a dynamical theory of nets of
> closed strings.
> According to the string-net picture, a gapless gauge boson is a
> fluctuation of large closed strings and charge is the end of open strings.
> Quantum Orders in an exact soluble model (pdf)
> Xiao-Gang Wen
> Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 016803 (2003). quant-ph/0205004
> Constructed an exact soluble spin-1/2 model on square lattice
> The ground states of the model can have different quantum orders at
> different couplings.
> The model has topological degenerate ground states and non-chiral gapless
> edge excitations described by Majorana fermion.
> Gapless Fermions and Quantum Order (pdf)
> X.-G. Wen and A. Zee
> Phys. Rev. B66, 235110 (2002). cond-mat/0202166
> Showed that gapless fermions can originate from and be protected by
> certain quantum orders, even for pure bosonic systems which originally
> contain no fermions.
> Origin of Light (pdf)
> Origin of Gauge Bosons from Strong Quantum Correlations
> Xiao-Gang Wen
> Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 11602 (2002) hep-th/0109120
> Proposed that light is originated from certain quantum orders.
> Constructed a spin model (which can sit on your palm) that reproduces a
> complete 1+3D QED at low energies.
> At the editor's request, the published version got a new and longer title.
> Quantum Order: a Quantum Entanglement of Many Particles (pdf)
> (or a Quantum Waltz of Many)
> Xiao-Gang Wen
> Physics Letters A 300, 175 (2002). cond-mat/0110397
> A gentler introduction of quantum orders.
> Pointed out that
> Quantum Order = Pattern of quantum entanglement
> Gauge Bosons = Fluctuations of quantum entanglement.
> The paper was rejected by PRL (referee's comments) ;-(
> Quantum Orders and Symmetric Spin Liquids
> The origina

Re: [Vo]:A new theory of electromagnetism is in the works.

2013-10-22 Thread Rich Murray
 cannot be characterized by the
Landau's theory and the symmetry breaking principle. Symmetric spin liquids
can only be distinguished by their different quantum orders.)
At editor and referee's request, I have to remove the appendix (the main
calculations) from the published version. (;-/
The complete work can be found at cond-mat/0107071.

On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 7:07 PM, Rich Murray  wrote:

> New Scientist published an article about string-net theory and unification
> of light and electrons. The following is my modification of the article
> trying to make it more accurate.
> -- Xiao-Gang Wen
> The universe is a string-net liquid
> A mysterious green crystal may be challenging our most basic ideas about
> matter and even space-time itself
> Zeeya Merali
> (March 15, 2007)
> In 1998, just after he won a share of the Nobel prize for physics, Robert
> Laughlin of Stanford University in California was asked how his discovery
> of "particles" with fractional charge would affect the lives of ordinary
> people. "It probably won't," he said, "unless people are concerned about
> how the universe works."
> Well, people were. Xiao-Gang Wen at the Massachusetts Institute of
> Technology and Michael Levin at Harvard University ran with Laughlin's
> ideas and have come up with a theory for a new state of matter, and even a
> tantalizing picture of the nature of spacetime itself. Levin presented
> their work at the Topological Quantum Computing conference at the
> University of California, Los Angeles, early this month.
> The first hint that a new type of matter may exist came in 1982. "Twenty
> five years ago we thought we understood everything about phases and phase
> transitions of matter," says Wen. "Then along came an experiment that
> opened up a whole new world."
> "The positions of electrons in a FQH state appear random like in a liquid,
> but they dance around each other in a well organized manner and form a
> global dancing pattern."
> In the experiment, electrons moving in the interface between two
> semiconductors form a strange state, which allows a particle-like
> excitation (called a quasiparticle) that carries only 1/3 of electron
> charge. Such an excitation cannot be view as a motion of a single electron
> or any cluster with finite electrons. Thus this so-called fractional
> quantum Hall (FQH) state suggested that the quasiparticle excitation in a
> state can be very different from the underlying particle that form the
> state. The quasiparticle may even behave like a fraction of the underlying
> particle, even though the underlying particle can never break apart. It
> soon became clear that electrons under certain conditions can organize in a
> way such that a defect or a twist in the organization gives rise to a
> quasiparticle with fractional charge -- an explanation that earned
> Laughlin, Horst Störmer and Daniel Tsui the Nobel prize (New Scientist, 31
> January 1998, p 36).
> Wen suspected that the effect could be an example of a new type of matter.
> Different phases of matter are characterized by the way their atoms are
> organized. In a liquid, for instance, atoms are randomly distributed,
> whereas atoms in a solid are rigidly positioned in a lattice. FQH systems
> are different. "If you take a snapshot of the position of electrons in a
> FQH state they appear random and you think you have a liquid," says Wen.
> "But if you follow the motion of the electrons, you see that, unlike in a
> liquid, the electrons dance around each other in a well organized manner
> and form a global dancing pattern."
> It is as if the electrons are entangled. Today, physicists use the term to
> describe a property in quantum mechanics in which particles can be linked
> despite being separated by great distances. Wen speculated that FQH systems
> represented a state of matter in which long-range entanglement was a key
> intrinsic property, with particles tied to each other in a complicated
> manner across the entire material. Different entanglement patterns or
> dancing patterns, such as "waltz", "square dance", "contra dance", etc,
> give rise to different quantum Hall states. According to this point of
> view, a new pattern of entanglement will lead to a new state of matter.
> This led Wen and Levin to the idea that there may be a different way of
> thinking about states (or phases) of matter. In an attempt of construct
> states will all possible patterns of entanglement, they formulated a model
> in which particles form strings and such strings are free to move "like
> noodle

Re: [Vo]:A new theory of electromagnetism is in the works.

2013-10-22 Thread Rich Murray

New Scientist published an article about string-net theory and unification
of light and electrons. The following is my modification of the article
trying to make it more accurate.
-- Xiao-Gang Wen

The universe is a string-net liquid

A mysterious green crystal may be challenging our most basic ideas about
matter and even space-time itself

Zeeya Merali

(March 15, 2007)

In 1998, just after he won a share of the Nobel prize for physics, Robert
Laughlin of Stanford University in California was asked how his discovery
of "particles" with fractional charge would affect the lives of ordinary
people. "It probably won't," he said, "unless people are concerned about
how the universe works."

Well, people were. Xiao-Gang Wen at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology and Michael Levin at Harvard University ran with Laughlin's
ideas and have come up with a theory for a new state of matter, and even a
tantalizing picture of the nature of spacetime itself. Levin presented
their work at the Topological Quantum Computing conference at the
University of California, Los Angeles, early this month.

The first hint that a new type of matter may exist came in 1982. "Twenty
five years ago we thought we understood everything about phases and phase
transitions of matter," says Wen. "Then along came an experiment that
opened up a whole new world."

"The positions of electrons in a FQH state appear random like in a liquid,
but they dance around each other in a well organized manner and form a
global dancing pattern."

In the experiment, electrons moving in the interface between two
semiconductors form a strange state, which allows a particle-like
excitation (called a quasiparticle) that carries only 1/3 of electron
charge. Such an excitation cannot be view as a motion of a single electron
or any cluster with finite electrons. Thus this so-called fractional
quantum Hall (FQH) state suggested that the quasiparticle excitation in a
state can be very different from the underlying particle that form the
state. The quasiparticle may even behave like a fraction of the underlying
particle, even though the underlying particle can never break apart. It
soon became clear that electrons under certain conditions can organize in a
way such that a defect or a twist in the organization gives rise to a
quasiparticle with fractional charge -- an explanation that earned
Laughlin, Horst Störmer and Daniel Tsui the Nobel prize (New Scientist, 31
January 1998, p 36).

Wen suspected that the effect could be an example of a new type of matter.
Different phases of matter are characterized by the way their atoms are
organized. In a liquid, for instance, atoms are randomly distributed,
whereas atoms in a solid are rigidly positioned in a lattice. FQH systems
are different. "If you take a snapshot of the position of electrons in a
FQH state they appear random and you think you have a liquid," says Wen.
"But if you follow the motion of the electrons, you see that, unlike in a
liquid, the electrons dance around each other in a well organized manner
and form a global dancing pattern."

It is as if the electrons are entangled. Today, physicists use the term to
describe a property in quantum mechanics in which particles can be linked
despite being separated by great distances. Wen speculated that FQH systems
represented a state of matter in which long-range entanglement was a key
intrinsic property, with particles tied to each other in a complicated
manner across the entire material. Different entanglement patterns or
dancing patterns, such as "waltz", "square dance", "contra dance", etc,
give rise to different quantum Hall states. According to this point of
view, a new pattern of entanglement will lead to a new state of matter.

This led Wen and Levin to the idea that there may be a different way of
thinking about states (or phases) of matter. In an attempt of construct
states will all possible patterns of entanglement, they formulated a model
in which particles form strings and such strings are free to move "like
noodles in a soup" and weave together into "string-nets" that fill the
space. They found that liquid states of string-nets can realize a huge
class of different entanglement patterns which, in turn, correspond to a
huge class of new states of matter.

Light and matter unified

"What if electrons were not elementary, but were the ends of long strings
in a string-net liquid which becomes our space?"

A state or a phase correspond to an organization of particles. A
deformation in the organization represents a wave in the state. A new state
of matter will usually support new kind of waves. Wen and Levin found that,
in a state of string-net liquid, the motion of string-nets correspond to a
wave that behaved according to a very famous set of equations -- Maxwell's
equations! The equations describe the behavior of light -- a wave of
electric and magnetic field. "A hundred and fifty years after Maxwell wrote
them do

[Vo]:[meteorite-list] Platinum and other metals point to cosmic impact cause of Younger Dryas 13 kya: Robin Whittle: Rich Murray 2013.08.06

2013-08-06 Thread Rich Murray
[meteorite-list] Platinum and other metals point to cosmic impact cause of
Younger Dryas 13 kya: Robin Whittle: Rich Murray 2013.08.06

Robin Whittle 
8:17 PM PST Tuesday 2013.08.06

to Meteorite-list

Here is a write-up:

of an article:

Large Pt anomaly in the Greenland ice core points to a cataclysm at  the
onset of Younger Dryas

Michail I. Petaev a,   ,
Shichun Huang a,
Stein B. Jacobsen a
and  Alan Zindler a


One explanation of the abrupt cooling episode known as the Younger Dryas
(YD) is a cosmic impact or airburst at the YD boundary (YDB) that
triggered cooling and resulted in other calamities, including the
disappearance of the Clovis culture and the extinction of many large
mammal species.

We tested the YDB impact hypothesis by analyzing ice samples from the
Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) ice core across the
Bølling-Allerød/YD boundary for major and trace elements.

We found a large Pt anomaly at the YDB, not accompanied by a prominent Ir
with the Pt/Ir ratios at the Pt peak exceeding those in known terrestrial
and extraterrestrial materials.

Whereas the highly fractionated Pt/Ir ratio rules out mantle or chondritic
sources of the
Pt anomaly, it does not allow positive identification of the source.

Circumstantial evidence such as very high, superchondritic Pt/Al ratios
associated with the Pt anomaly and its timing, different from other major
events recorded on the GISP2 ice core such as well-understood sulfate
spikes caused by volcanic activity and the ammonium and nitrate spike due
to the biomass destruction, hints for an extraterrestrial source of Pt.

Such a source could have been a highly differentiated object like an
Ir-poor iron meteorite that is unlikely to result in an airburst or trigger
wide wildfires proposed by the YDB impact hypothesis.

 - Robin


Visit the Archives at
Meteorite-list mailing list

Platinum levels rose about 100 times...

Evidence for deposition of 10 million tonnes of impact spherules across
four continents 12,800 y ago, James H. Wittke et al, PNAS: Rich Murray

[Vo]:transmutations via 35 Kev electric arcs in H2 gas in 1951 by Ernest J. Sternglass, 1997 book: Lewis Larsen: Rich Murray 2013.07.28

2013-07-28 Thread Rich Murray
transmutations via 35 Kev electric arcs in H2 gas in 1951 by Ernest J.
Sternglass, 1997 book: Lewis Larsen: Rich Murray 2013.07.28

"...old brass X-Ray tube..."

[Vo]:Einstein and Bethe were involved in Lenr experiment !!!

David Ledin via
2:07 PM (6 hours ago)  2013.07.28

to vortex-l

Written by Lewis Larsen

Lewis Larsen
President and CEO
Lattice Energy LLC
Chicago, IL USA

November 25, 2011

Copyright 2011 Lattice Energy LLC All rights reserved Page 1

Subject: were LENRs observed in the early 1950s? Einstein and Bethe got
involved in this saga

Dear Readers:

You may really enjoy reading this amazing tale of a brilliant
LENR-related experimental discovery back in
1951 --- followed by its descent into total obscurity. Simply lost and
forgotten by mainstream physics.

In the history of science, it seems that experimental results that
don't somehow fit within some sort of
contemporary conceptual paradigm often tend to get ignored. Sadly, in
many cases such results are
never reported anywhere in peer-reviewed journals for posterity. In
that regard, this cover note is
combined with scanned page images from Chapter 6 in Dr. Ernest
Sternglass' little 1997 book, "Before
the Big Bang - the Origin of the Universe."

The excerpted page scans from the above book chapter are those in
which Dr. Sternglass describes
some enigmatic experiments that he conducted in the Cornell University
physics department back in the
early 1950s.It recounts his work with an old hydrogen-filled X-ray
tube, as well as a subsequent dialogue
with Albert Einstein in attempting to understand the (then) utterly
inexplicable experimental results.

Seven years ago, Sternglass, then in his late 80s, told me over the
telephone that (before he had
communicated with Einstein about his strange results) the legendary
Hans Bethe had looked over his
experimental data and was totally baffled too. Nobody at Cornell
understood what was happening in the
experimental setup that could possibly produce the observed fluxes of
neutrons (obviously, ultra low
momentum neutrons were not produced in his experiments --- they were
more akin to what happens in
high-current exploding wires as opposed to what happens in typical P&F
aqueous electrolytic cells). So, a
baffled Bethe called Einstein on the telephone and asked him to help
PhD candidate Sternglass evaluate
his unexpected experimental results. The attached chapter taken from
Sternglass' book relates that story.

What is truly mind boggling about this tale is that Einstein simply
looked at Sternglass' data and then
immediately realized that the observed neutron production must involve
some sort of many-body
collective effects with electrons (which we utilize with great
explanatory power in our theory of LENRs).
Can you believe it --- what a mind Einstein had  even at that late
stage in his life!  At that point (1951),
very few physicists really had any idea of what collective effects
were about. Well, Einstein surely did.

Unfortunately, Ernest's bizarre experimental discovery was simply not
pursued any further. In the end,
Sternglass didn't heed Einstein's (and Bethe's) strong advice to "be
stubborn" and publish the deeply
anomalous results. Sternglass' experiments were subsequently lost and
largely forgotten by other
physicists in the ensuing years, just like the work of chemists Wendt
and Irion at the University of Chicago
back in 1922 and other related transmutation work published in
refereed journals circa 1900 - 1927.

Einstein, the only contemporary scientist who had any real inkling of
what might be happening in
Sternglass' puzzling experiments, died just four years after his
interaction with Sternglass on the
unexplained neutron fluxes.

The only surviving document wherein these intriguing experimental
results were ever mentioned was
Sternglass' little book published many years later in 1997. In 2006, I
stumbled across a copy of it in the
$2.99 discount section at Border's bookstore and, curious, just for
kicks picked it up to read over the
weekend. After reading an amazing chapter (see scanned pages), I
immediately called my theoretical
collaborators and said, "You guys won't believe what I just found."
They were equally amazed.

We plan to specifically discuss and explain the 1951
Sternglass/Bethe/Einstein saga in an upcoming
paper; it appears that this experimental anomaly is just another
aspect of LENRs. Perhaps now, after
remaining in obscurity for 60 years, there can finally be some
conceptual closure on Sternglass' long-lost,
unpublished experimental results.

Full article [ original page images from the book ]

Jones Beene
5:55 PM (2 hours ago) 2013.07.28

to vortex-l

"A first seri

[Vo]:Anapole Dark Matter, Chiu Man Ho and Robert J. Scherrer, Vanderbilt University 2013.04.26: Rich Murray 2013.06.12

2013-06-12 Thread Rich Murray
Anapole Dark Matter, Chiu Man Ho and Robert J. Scherrer, Vanderbilt
University 2013.04.26: Rich Murray 2013.06.12

Funny how whole new fields of physics pop up like magic weeds -- Majorana
fermion anapoles may be the dark matter that is 20-25% of all energy-matter
in our bubble, while stars and photons and us are made of ordinary matter,
the last 13,680 million years.

They would only interact more and more with ordinary matter at higher and
higher velocities -- would this put a brake on vehicles reaching near the
speed of light?

Could some kind of ram jet operate to scoop them up and produce thrust?

How might they interact with black holes?

How long before first detection, the first telescope, the first controlled
beam, the first whachamacallit?

arXiv:1211.0503v3 [hep-ph] 26 Apr 2013

Anapole Dark Matter,
Chiu Man Ho and Robert J. Scherrer,
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN

We consider dark matter (DM) that interacts with ordinary matter
exclusively through an electromagnetic anapole, which is the only allowed
electromagnetic form factor for Majorana fermions.

We show that unlike DM particles with an electric or magnetic dipole
moment, anapole dark matter particles annihilate exclusively into fermions
via purely p-wave interactions, while tree-level annihilations into photons
are forbidden.

We calculate the anapole moment needed to produce a thermal relic abundance
in agreement with cosmological observations, and show that it is consistent
current XENON100 detection limits on the DM-nucleus cross-section for all
masses, while lying just below the detection threshold for a mass 30 - 40

Re: [Vo]:Why are pseudoskeptics so relentless in their mission to debunk?

2013-06-04 Thread Rich Murray
uh, what is Comic Sans ?

clueless in Imperial Beach, CA,  Rich

On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 8:53 PM, Eric Walker  wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 8:42 PM, Mark Gibbs  wrote:
> Might I suggest using a smaller point size and any typeface other than
>> Comic Sans (it's a typeface that give us type nerds bad dreams).
> I think Comic Sans is a perfect typeface for this list, since it scares
> away anyone who has no stomach for fringe science.
> Eric

Re: [Vo]:I confess

2013-06-04 Thread Rich Murray
Hi Roger B.,

Everything at the scale of atoms, fermions, bosons, quarks, and vibrating
strings (membranes) of energy are pure vacuums,  4-D space-time coordinate
systems that forever "boil", as pairs of oppositely "charged", otherwise
exactly equal events appear very briefly at all energies, and collapse back
together into pairs of vibrating 4-D space-time coorrdinate systems, called
massless photons, moving outward at exactly the speed of light --

like a flat swimming pool of perfectly frictionless liquid, every wave is
half above and half below the flat surface as it moves and interacts
forever with other such waves, so that meanwhile at every instant, the ups
and downs add up to... zero... same flatness -- this is why the entire
universe can expand outward from a single very tiny "vacuum fluctuation"
13,780 million years ago, and still add to to practically nothing...

Dirac invented this about 1928 for the electron-positron, before the
positron was found in cosmic ray photos in 1932 --

He had to do it in order to combine Maxwell's electromagnetism with
Einstein's general relativity with quantum mechanics -- that forced the
invention of anti-matter and the boiling paradigm for the vacuum.

By 1946, this got upgraded into relativistic quantum electro-dynamics,
which explained highly accurate values of the fine structure constant for
subtle deviations in the energy levels of hydrogen atoms, the Lamb shift.

So, in physics, there's no solid thing anywhere, ever -- it's all about
vibrating geometry in as many space dimensions as 10, whatever that means!

Rutherford proved that inside the gold atom was space as empty as the solar
system, with all the weight (energy) concentrated in a  nucleus, with
volume that was 1/10E12  =  0.000,000,000,001 tinier than the volume of the

What space and time really are, are hot questions in recent decades, with a
lot of profound progress in recent years -- i.e. what does quantum
mechanics really mean, anyway?

I'd say, the impending revolution in physics ( and philosophy! ) will be
far more strange than what has happened since 1898 -- that's perpetual
exponential evolution within an actual single fractal hyperinfinity...

within the community  of service,  Rich Murray

On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 7:36 PM, Roger B  wrote:

> Disappointing, Joe.  5% is just a little on the slow side, relativity
> speaking.   (:->)   I would not call 5% a data point.
> Roger
> > Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2013 19:24:42 -0700
> > From:
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [Vo]:I confess
> >
> > Actually, Rutherford's gold foil experiment used alpha particles,
> > generated by Radon radioactive decay.
> >
> >
> >
> > According to and
> > alpha particles
> > typically have an energy around 5 MeV which works out to be a velocity
> > of 5% that of light.
> >
> > - Joe
> >
> > On 6/4/2013 6:12 PM, leaking pen wrote:
> > > I do know that beta particles, used in the famous gold foil
> > experiments, are .75 c in vacuum, but often faster than c in other
> > materials.
> > >
> > >
> > > On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 5:26 PM, Roger B 
> wrote:
> > >
> > > I confess to being an ignoramus. I confess to having only a B.A.
> > in psychology, a B.A. in philosophy, and an A.S. in electronics
> > technology. I am, however, a philosophical savant.
> > >
> > > I have a question that I have asked several times but have never
> > gotten an answer. By what means do conventional physicist probe and
> > understand the innards of the atom? What is the minimum speed of the
> > particles that they shoot into the atom to see what is there? Do they
> > ever use some version of light to understand the innards of the atom?
> > >
> > > If, as I suppose, and I could be wrong, all of the particles
> > "shot" into the atom are traveling close to the speed of light, then
> > could not there be some unknown characteristic at this speed, perhaps as
> > yet unknown to us, that causes things inside the atom to behave
> > differently than from how they would behave if the probing particle were
> > going much slower. For example, what if the almost light speed particle
> > had a bow wave in front of it as it flew through the aether? If every
> > single particle that was used to probe the inside of the atom were
> > traveling at .99 the speed of light, then this "distortion" would be the
> > same in every experiment, and one aspect of this limited view inside the
> > atom we might call the "Coulomb Barrier".
> > >
> > > Is this all possible? Or am I off base?
> > >
> > >
> > > Roger Bird
> > > Colorado
> > >
> >

Re: [Vo]:Why are pseudoskeptics so relentless in their mission to debunk?

2013-06-04 Thread Rich Murray
Anyone sincerely think I'm a pseudoskeptic since December 1996 ?

I'm keenly alert to hear exactly what folks really think...

--  uh, I'm sure I'm not...

both terms are prejudiced: PseudoSkeptic, TrueBeliever... just justifies
closing down collaborative discussions by classifyinging the other siblings
as unqualified...

I suggest, Convinced Believer, Decided Skeptic -- thus hinting each side is
reason and evidence based, and reasonably free of confused entrepreneurial
or ego processes -- I suggest exercizing extreme reluctance about
diagnosing the shoes others may be walking in -- uh, I'm really totally

The scenario that Abd, Storms, and others offer is that many DPd
electrolysis runs correlate some bit of He with some excess heat --

when was last such run?

If 5 out of 50 fairly similar cells produce similar correlations within the
next 3 years, well, what are the statistics of that, and the statistics
combined with the existing claims?

This could be a question that can result in agreements among CBs and DSs
prior to the runs being done...

Well, meanwhile, we getting older, while all affairs evolve explosively
exponentailly -- more likely fleets of black swan events will eclipse the
feeble furor about cold fusion...

being that we are within single hyperinfinity...

I'm imagining a SF plot, yes, indeed there are UFOs, and they are zipping
straight away from us as they can possibly go !

within the community of service,  Rich Murray

On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 8:06 PM, Giovanni Santostasi

> Are UFO and LENR in the same category?
> Giovanni
> On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 9:24 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson <
>> wrote:
>> A question that hasn't been asked is WHY many pseudoskeptics seem to
>> pursue rabid vendettas against issues like UFOs, or CF & LENR, relentlessly
>> so. I suspect they do so because they have ironically misplaced the
>> specific audience they are actually trying to convince. Pseudoskeptics
>> think they are trying to convince a vast world "others" of the fact that
>> their conclusions & opinions are incorrect. This approach will invariably
>> fail because they refuse to admit the possibility that the person they are
>> really trying to convince is no one other than themselves. Unfortunately,
>> they are incapable of admitting this because they have invested too much of
>> their EGO in a house of cards that they must continue to support. It also
>> helps explains why their posting predilections are often obsessively
>> relentless. Constantly focusing all of their energy on trying to tear apart
>> the opinions of others will obviously never address their own unrealized
>> doubts. Therefore, the only option they feel they have left at their own
>> disposal is to try harder.
>> Such irony!
>> Regards,
>> Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Over 40 messages posted by Joshua Cude posted on June 4

2013-06-04 Thread Rich Murray
Hello folks,

I'm scanning just a little of the cold fusion discussion the last two weeks
-- I'm glad Joshua Cude is married and has to balance a life against his
brisk practice to pinpointing and summarizing evidence that cold fusion
claims are erroneous -- I believe him when he says, like me, he would love
to see effective replicable proof for any anomaly in cold fusion research
-- elusive now for 24 years, since 1989 -- I have experience with
psychokinesis many time via the ancient method of throwing 3 pennies 6
times to get amazing advice from the I Ching -- I understand the many
sensible skeptical critiques of this claim -- so I suspect cold fusion is
another case of appearances shifting within awareness due to faith and
desire -- we live and move and have our being within an inexplicable

within the fellowship of service,  Rich Murray

On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 9:28 AM, MarkI-ZeroPoint wrote:

> Vorl:
> You haven't a clue either...
> When it comes to LENR, there is overwhelming evidence, and most of the
> people on this forum who 'appear' as TBs, have read the literature, so to
> call them TBs is in error; they are basing their decision on having read
> the
> evidence themselves.  To someone who hasn't read it, or only skimmed it,
> I'm
> sure we look like TBs.  Like Dr. Rob Duncan said at the end of the
> 60-Minutes story on CF, "Read the publications, talk to the [CF]
> scientists,
> visit their labs... DON'T LET OTHERS DO YOUR THINKING FOR YOU."  Many here
> have... have you?
> When it comes to Rossi, I see plenty of rational criticism and concern as
> well in most regular contributors on this forum; I think we all have some
> level of concern and are not 100% convinced.  That is not the definition of
> a TB.  If Rossi was the lone claimant of excess heat and other anomalous
> observations, then perhaps TB would be appropriate.  But that is not that
> case.
> So we can either sit here and bad-mouth Rossi, and think of all manner of
> ways that it could be a scam (which serves no useful purpose other than
> self-gratification), OR, we can assume he's onto something, which due to
> much evidence outside of Rossi is reasonable, and try to help progress by
> discussing reasonable concerns and possible mechanisms. There are some
> experimentalists on the forum and perhaps it'll help their efforts; which
> is
> the more honorable use of our time?  It should be obvious...
> At least this forum has a level of respect for the individual and those who
> might be onto some discovery that could benefit all, and the planet.  Cude
> has no respect for the people on this forum, and probably in general... his
> arrogance is so blatant, even you should be able to see it.
> -Mark
> -Original Message-
> From: Vorl Bek []
> Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 6:23 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Over 40 messages posted by Joshua Cude posted on June 4
> On Tue, 4 Jun 2013 07:35:47 -0500
> "OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson" 
> wrote:
> > Mr. Beaty,
> >
> >
> >
> > When I opened up my mail box this morning I was flooded with over 40
> > posted messages from Joshua Cude. And it's only 7:10 AM in the
> > morning. I know of no one within the Vort Collective besides Cude that
> > has displayed this amount of excessive and obsessive posting behavior.
> > How many more Cude posts can we expect, today alone?
> Cude is one sane person in a nest of True Believers. He has every right to
> point out the nonsense the TBs are spouting.
> Others on this list post far more often than Cude, but you have nothing to
> say about them; it seems to me you just want to shut Cude up because you do
> not like what he says.

Re: [Vo]:The inanity of the hidden input power hypothesis

2013-05-25 Thread Rich Murray
Thanks, Duncan --

I'd certainly be excited, as would be Joshua Cude, if irrefutable evidence,
no faith in anyone needed, arises to launch a scientific explosion of work
on cold fusion.

My part-time contribution since December 1996 has been to give un-expert
detailed critiques of simple facets of cold fusion claims.  I am totally
willing to be convinced.  I'm playing the critical role, because then the
enthusiasts have to succeed at the public evidence game, which is much of
what drives overall scientific progress.

So, the apparent excess heat in this E-Cat HT is several times the apparent
electrical input, at up to 960 deg C in a device the size of a bowling pin.

So, one of the first candidates for a fake would be at least one well
hidden wire, which, if it uses ten time higher voltage, can have a very
small diameter conducting gold core -- or it could even be a tube of
elastic conducting plastic of much larger size, hidden within a larger
plastic water tube -- somewhere in the world by now, this stuff may exist
-- or, high voltage conducing wires that are hidden within the insulation
of what appears to be conventional power wires -- Jed, is this inane? -- no
way to dodge this ball...

Conducting Polymers and the Evolving Electronics ... - NEPP - NASA
The simplest of these polymers is polyacetelene. The mechanical flexibility
and tunable optical properties of some conducting polymers make them
attractive ...

So, this is proof that subtle, unexpected ways of providing extra electric
power may be developed by a highly motivated dare I say?... inventor.

So, if what Rossi is actually doing is hiding a thin high temperature
tungsten or conducting ceramic straight wire in the center of his device,
then the first step is to to find out whether he has or will allow this to
be publicly vetted with video records.

Joshua Cude raised the question of whether the many evenly spaced
horizontal lines on the outside of the glowing case were from the heater
resistor wires looking hotter, or were from the resistor wire shadows from
an even  brighter central source inside the cylinder of heater resistor
wires -- has this been ascertained?

within the community of service,  Rich

On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 8:55 PM, Duncan Cumming wrote:

> I myself am somewhat doubtful about the power measurements, and would like
> to consider the meter A / meter B issue.
> There is nothing at all mysterious about this. Meter A is a current clamp,
> incapable of detecting DC. Meter B is a current shunt or hall effect clamp,
> capable of detecting DC. The way to bamboozle meter A is a simple diode in
> series with the load, costing under a dollar. Hardly rocket science. There
> is, of course, a simple way to uncover such a fraud - just use an
> oscilloscope to measure the current waveform.
> It is much cheaper and easier to procure meter A than meter B, and also
> much easier to use. It is a pain to break the cables and insert current
> shunts, plus some power is wasted in the shunts. Also, you need a floating
> power supply and true differential amplifier to power the amplifiers after
> the shunts. All of this is possible, but a lot more difficult than a simple
> clamp ammeter. So Rossi would make a good guess that meter A (not DC
> capable) would be used for the test.
> Now for the argument that Rossi runs the risk that somebody will try a
> type B meter (DC capable), or, for that matter, a simple oscilloscope. He
> simply does not permit such things. He claims not to allow an oscilloscope
> because it would reveal a "proprietary waveform". By keeping tight control
> over the test conditions, he is able to ensure that his questionable power
> measurements are not exposed. By not allowing inspection of the heater
> controller, he keeps the diode (or asymmetrical firing of the Triacs) from
> public view. Rossi behaves as if a mundane heater control is super-secret
> technology - does nobody else find this strange?
> As to the hypothesis that only a fool would give money to an inventor
> without independent testing, I can only agree.
> Duncan
> On 5/24/2013 6:27 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
>> Several people have proposed that Rossi has secretly installed equipment
>> in the wall circuit to deliver more electricity than the power meter shows.
>> Common sense considerations show that this is so unlikely we can dismiss
>> it. People should do a reality check.
>> First, let us define the hypothesis, in general terms.
>> You say there is a method of arranging electricity with hidden DC or
>> something else that will fool a certain kind of power meter. Let us call it
>> meter Type A.
>> There must also be a meter of Type B that will detect this trick. You do
>> not assert that it impossible to detect this power with any instrument on
>> the market. That would be absurd. You are saying that Levi et al. brought
>> the wrong kind of meter.
>> Here ar

[Vo]:Re: can Ethan's hidden double power wires explain regular exponential temperature rises and falls every 6 minutes for 5 days in Rossi HT2: Ethan: Rich Murray 2013.05.23

2013-05-23 Thread Rich Murray
can Ethan's hidden double power wires explain almost linear temperature
rises and falls every 6 minutes for 5 days in Rossi HT2: Ethan: Rich Murray

comment #103  2013.05.23 Thursday noon PST

Ethan, I appreciate your spirited critique, especially the simple hidden
double wire scam -- which if power was actually supplied at high voltages,
could be very small in diameter.

I wonder if this can explain the remarkably constant temperature rises and
falls with almost linear curves shown for runs of up to 5 days?

within the fellowship of service,  Rich Murray
rmforall at

page 25 bottom:

Remarks on the test

An interesting aspect of the E-Cat HT2 is certainly its capacity to operate
in self-sustaining mode.

The values of temperature and production of energy which were obtained are
the result of averages not merely gained through data capture performed at
different times;
they are also relevant to the resistor coils’ ON/OFF cycle itself.

By plotting the average temperature vs time for a few minutes of test (Plot
3) one can clearly see how it varies between a maximum and a minimum value
with a fixed periodicity.

Plot 3. Average surface temperature trend of the E-Cat HT2 over several
minutes of operation.

Note the heating and cooling trends of the device, which appear to be
different from the exponential characteristics of generic resistor.

Looking at Plot 3, the first feature one notices is the appearance taken by
the curve in both the heating and cooling phases of the device.

If we compare these in detail with the standard curves of a generic
resistor (Plot 4 and Plot 5), we see that the former differ from the latter
in that they are not of the exponential type.

Plot 4. Comparing the typical heating curve of a generic resistor (left,
[Ref. 9]) to the one relevant to one of the E-Cat HT2’s ON states.

Finally, the complete ON/OFF cycle of the E-Cat HT2, as seen in Plot 3, may
be compared with the typical heating-cooling cycle of a resistor, as
displayed in Plot 6.

Plot 6. Heating and cooling cycle of a generic resistor [Ref. 9].
The trend is described by exponential type equations.

What appears obvious here is that the priming mechanism pertaining to some
sort of reaction inside the device speeds up the rise in temperature, and
keeps the temperatures higher during the cooling phase.

Another very interesting behavior is brought out by synchronically
comparing another two curves:
power produced over time by the E-Cat HT2, and power consumed during the
same time.

An example of this may be seen in Plot 7, which refers to about three hours
of test.
The resistor coils ON/OFF cycle is plotted in red, while the power-emission
trend of the device appears in blue.

Plot 8. Detail taken from Plot 7, reproducing the first two periods of the

The three time intervals in which each period may be divided are labeled by
Roman numerals.

Further food for thought may be found by analyzing the trend of the ratio
between energy produced and energy consumed by the E-Cat HT2, as referred
to the same time interval dealt with in Plot 7.

The blue curve in Plot 9 is the result of the analysis, and is reproduced
here together with the red curve of power consumption normalized to 1.

Basically, for every second taken into account, the corresponding value of
the blue curve is calculated as the ratio between the sum of the power per
second emitted in all the previous seconds, and the sum of the power per
second consumed in all the previous seconds.

Plot 9. The blue curve is the result of the ratio between energy produced
and consumed by the E-Cat HT2, with reference to the same time instants
dealt with in Plot 7.

The red curve represents the ON/OFF trend of the resistor coils normalized
to 1.

All the above trends are remarkable, and warrant further in-depth inquiry.

On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 12:45 PM, Rich Murray  wrote:

> can Ethan's hidden double power wires explain regular exponential
> temperature rises and falls every 6 minutes for 5 days in Rossi HT2: Ethan:
> Rich Murray 2013.05.23

Re: [Vo]:Levi hot-cat paper means squat

2013-05-23 Thread Rich Murray
Joshua Cude,

As always, I appreciate your incisive, decisive critique of the Rossi team
claims -- making the obvious, obvious...

I noticed just now, in my earlier post today, I was confused -- it is the
exponential rise and fall of temperature (power) that is a hallmark of
ordinary resistors being heated by a constant current being turned on and
off -- whereas the E-Cat curves rise and fall almost linearly, possibly
indicating a concurrent extra production of
anomalous power.

How much thermal inertia do the many resistor coils have, in terms of how
slowly they rise to peak temperature as the input voltage rises quickly,
and how slowly they cool when the input voltage is brought to zero?

The tiny 0.3 mass of Ni powder is very little, compared to the mass of the
stainless steel cylinder and ceramic cylinder that encloses it within the
cage of resistor coils -- so there would be significant thermal inertia --
a design feature that may help produce the almost linear rise and fall of
temperature (power).

I am keenly interested in this angle of the critical appreciation.

Your overall skepticism about all forms of cold fusion is infectious...

within the fellowship of service,  Rich

Re: [Vo]:Secret wiring hypothesis

2013-05-23 Thread Rich Murray
Jed Rothwell,

"You have to specify a method that is not only undetectable but that allows
far more electricity to be conducted than normal.
This is an ordinary wire.
 It has to conduct enough electricity to heat up a reactor so much that it
melts 3 mm steel and ceramic.
That seems highly improbable to me."

If the supplied heat cannot readily dissipate by radiation, convection, or
conduction, then a moderate fixed energy input can readily melt steel and
Note, ceramics are not good heat conductors.
Using high voltage DC power input allows high energy input with low
currents, and thus small wires, which can be well insulated by thin layers
of plastics and ceramics -- this is simple technology.
We have no data on how much steel and ceramic was melted, or the melting
temperature of the ceramic -- maybe only a small region at a key location
was melted -- the active Ni may have been as little as 0.3 grams.

The hidden wire scenarios, being technically feasible, must be specifically
refuted, if a breakthrough heat production anomaly must be proved.

I noticed just now, in my earlier post today, I was confused -- it is the
exponential rise and fall of temperature (power) that is a hallmark of
ordinary resistors being heated by a constant current being turned on and
off -- whereas the E-Cat curves rise and fall almost linearly, possibly
indicating a concurrent extra production of
anomalous power.

I am keenly interested in this angle of the critical appreciation.

within the fellowship of service,  Rich

On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 11:32 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

>  Alan Fletcher wrote:
> That was me -- and only a couple of things were plugged into the same socket 
> -- the meter and a camera. The laptops were further over on a separate plug.
>  The same socket in the wall, or the very same plug in that socket? I
> suppose one plug could be secretly wired and the all the others in the
> building not. Rossi would have to worry that they might come in to the lab,
> unplug it from where it is and plug it in somewhere else. I doubt they
> would do that.
>  And of course, since the whole building was wired for the power-input fake, 
> just that ONE socket for the controller would have been rigged, set up before 
> the test team arrived. (Certainly for the December test -- they said it was 
> already running.)
> Perhaps you meant to say the whole building was not wired, just that one
> plug in that one wall socket.
> People can go on playing these games of what if, maybe, suppose until the
> cows come home. For example, you might ask why did it worked normally after
> the second run, during the six hour calibration? Perhaps Rossi was present
> when the test ended, and secretly went and turned off the extra
> electricity. Suppose you hear from Essen that Rossi wasn't there when the
> test ended. Oh, well, in that case he had a secret camera and he saw the
> test was over so he turned off the electricity from a remote site.
> This sort of thing is a fantasy like one of these cheesy paperback
> thrillers for sale in the drugstore. To believe you have to up a scenario
> that becomes more and more improbable. You have to ignore many commonsense
> reasons why this is not possible. Such as:
> Rossi would have to know exactly what kind of power meter they were
> bringing so that he could devise a circuit to fool it. A circuit that would
> work with one power meter would not work with another. I suppose you could
> say that Levi is in cahoots with him. Even if Levi is, Rossi would have to
> hope the others do not bring a different kind of meter in the next round of
> tests.
> You have to specify a method that is not only undetectable but that allows
> far more electricity to be conducted than normal. This is an ordinary wire.
> It has to conduct enough electricity to heat up a reactor so much that it
> melts 3 mm steel and ceramic. That seems highly improbable to me. If Rossi
> is capable of doing things like that he is an extraordinary engineer and he
> can make a great deal of money improving the electric power transmission
> network.
> This hypothesis is baloney. It is only slightly less preposterous than the
> infrared laser hypothesis. People who call themselves skeptics would never
> believe a crackpot conspiracy theory that depended upon things like this
> thing true, such as tons of thermite packed into the World Trade Center
> buildings.
> - Jed

Re: [Vo]:My evaluation of the Rossi test

2013-05-23 Thread Rich Murray
I appreciate the commonsense engineering concepts about the endothermic
character of diffusion of nuclei within a lattice into the NAE.

within the fellowship of service,  Rich

On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 6:39 PM, Edmund Storms wrote:

> We know from direct measurements and studies at the boiling point that the
> Pd-D system has a positive temperature coefficient in this range. This
> behavior is characteristic of the effect because the rate must be
> determined by an endothermic reaction.   The Pd-D system will not be very
> active at very high temperatures because the concentration of D in Pd drops
> rapidly with increased temperature. This means the rate will start to drop
> as temperature is increased above a much lower temperature than is the case
> of Ni.
> Ed Storms
> On May 23, 2013, at 3:48 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
> Edmund Storms  wrote:
>> Regardless of which theory a person wishes to apply, this description
>> must be acknowledged because it is based on engineering principles, not on
>> a theory of LENR.
> I agree, but perhaps this description only applies to Ni-H, not Pd-D.
> Could that be the case?
> I have never heard of a Pd-D experiment at such high temperatures. Who
> knows how it might work. I would like to find out.
> - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Gary Wright on the Hot Cat paper

2013-05-23 Thread Rich Murray
Alan Fletcher and David Roberson,

What is a spice model?

Do I understand, are these models for faking the Rossi results?

Thanks, Rich

On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 7:03 PM, David Roberson  wrote:

> Alan,
> It will be interesting to see if your model agrees with mine.  I have had
> one working now for close to a year that demonstrates a COP of 6 when the
> device is at the threshold of instability.  A COP of 3 is much easier to
> control although both must operate within a region which is normally
> unstable without input power modulation.
> I drive my model with a pulse width modulated source just as Rossi's
> actual device.  I find that his statements about the operation of his ECAT
> make sense according to the behavior of my model.
> I am using a spice model.
> Dave
>  -Original Message-
> From: Alan Fletcher 
> To: vortex-l 
> Sent: Thu, May 23, 2013 6:47 pm
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Gary Wright on the Hot Cat paper
>  > From: "Rich Murray" 
> > Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 3:38:34 PM
> > thanks, Peter Gluck -- I notice Gary Wright does not refer to the
> > exponential shape of the curves of rise and fall of temperature in
> > each 6 minute cycle -- what do your think?
> I'm working on the Spice zero'th-order model.  I've got a nonlinear resistor
> model twitching (with a table lookup) --- I just have to plug in the right
> equation.  (And calibrate it).

Re: [Vo]:Gary Wright on the Hot Cat paper

2013-05-23 Thread Rich Murray
thanks, Peter Gluck -- I notice Gary Wright does not refer to the
exponential shape of the curves of rise and fall of  temperature in each 6
minute cycle -- what do your think?

within the fellowship of service,  Rich

can Ethan's hidden double power wires explain regular exponential
temperature rises and falls every 6 minutes for 5 days in Rossi HT2: Ethan:
Rich Murray 2013.05.23

comment #103  2013.05.23 Thursday noon PST

Ethan, I appreciate your spirited critique, especially the simple hidden
double wire scam -- which if power was actually supplied at high voltages,
could be very small in diameter.

I wonder if this can explain the remarkably constant temperature rises and
falls with exponential curves shown for runs of up to 5 days?

within the fellowship of service,  Rich Murray
rmforall at

page 25 bottom:

Remarks on the test

An interesting aspect of the E-Cat HT2 is certainly its capacity to operate
in self-sustaining mode.

The values of temperature and production of energy which were obtained are
the result of averages not merely gained through data capture performed at
different times;
they are also relevant to the resistor coils’ ON/OFF cycle itself.

By plotting the average temperature vs time for a few minutes of test (Plot
3) one can clearly see how it varies between a maximum and a minimum value
with a fixed periodicity.

Plot 3. Average surface temperature trend of the E-Cat HT2 over several
minutes of operation.

Note the heating and cooling trends of the device, which appear to be
different from the exponential characteristics of generic resistor.

Looking at Plot 3, the first feature one notices is the appearance taken by
the curve in both the heating and cooling phases of the device.

If we compare these in detail with the standard curves of a generic
resistor (Plot 4 and Plot 5), we see that the former differ from the latter
in that they are not of the exponential type.

Plot 4. Comparing the typical heating curve of a generic resistor (left,
[Ref. 9]) to the one relevant to one of the E-Cat HT2’s ON states.

Finally, the complete ON/OFF cycle of the E-Cat HT2, as seen in Plot 3, may
be compared with the typical heating-cooling cycle of a resistor, as
displayed in Plot 6.

Plot 6. Heating and cooling cycle of a generic resistor [Ref. 9].

The trend is described by exponential type equations.

What appears obvious here is that the priming mechanism pertaining to some
sort of reaction inside the device speeds up the rise in temperature, and
keeps the temperatures higher during the cooling phase.

Another very interesting behavior is brought out by synchronically
comparing another two curves:
power produced over time by the E-Cat HT2, and power consumed during the
same time.

An example of this may be seen in Plot 7, which refers to about three hours
of test.

The resistor coils ON/OFF cycle is plotted in red, while the power-emission
trend of the device appears in blue.

Plot 8. Detail taken from Plot 7, reproducing the first two periods of the

The three time intervals in which each period may be divided are labeled by
Roman numerals.

Further food for thought may be found by analyzing the trend of the ratio
between energy produced and energy consumed by the E-Cat HT2, as referred
to the same time interval dealt with in Plot 7.

The blue curve in Plot 9 is the result of the analysis, and is reproduced
here together with the red curve of power consumption normalized to 1.

Basically, for every second taken into account, the corresponding value of
the blue curve is calculated as the ratio between the sum of the power per
second emitted in all the previous seconds, and the sum of the power per
second consumed in all the previous seconds.

Plot 9. The blue curve is the result of the ratio between energy produced
and consumed by the E-Cat HT2, with reference to the same time instants
dealt with in Plot 7.

The red curve represents the ON/OFF trend of the resistor coils normalized
to 1.

All the above trends are remarkable, and warrant further in-depth enquiry.

On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 6:11 AM, Peter Gluck  wrote:

Does not like it, at least it seems so at fast reading:

> Peter
> --
> Dr. Peter Gluck
> Cluj, Romania

[Vo]:can Ethan's hidden double power wires explain regular exponential temperature rises and falls every 6 minutes for 5 days in Rossi HT2: Ethan: Rich Murray 2013.05.23

2013-05-23 Thread Rich Murray
can Ethan's hidden double power wires explain regular exponential
temperature rises and falls every 6 minutes for 5 days in Rossi HT2: Ethan:
Rich Murray 2013.05.23

comment #103  2013.05.23 Thursday noon PST

Ethan, I appreciate your spirited critique, especially the simple hidden
double wire scam -- which if power was actually supplied at high voltages,
could be very small in diameter.

I wonder if this can explain the remarkably constant temperature rises and
falls with exponential curves shown for runs of up to 5 days?

within the fellowship of service,  Rich Murray
rmforall at

page 25 bottom:

Remarks on the test

An interesting aspect of the E-Cat HT2 is certainly its capacity to operate
in self-sustaining mode.

The values of temperature and production of energy which were obtained are
the result of averages not merely gained through data capture performed at
different times;
they are also relevant to the resistor coils’ ON/OFF cycle itself.

By plotting the average temperature vs time for a few minutes of test (Plot
3) one can clearly see how it varies between a maximum and a minimum value
with a fixed periodicity.

Plot 3. Average surface temperature trend of the E-Cat HT2 over several
minutes of operation.

Note the heating and cooling trends of the device, which appear to be
different from the exponential characteristics of generic resistor.

Looking at Plot 3, the first feature one notices is the appearance taken by
the curve in both the heating and cooling phases of the device.

If we compare these in detail with the standard curves of a generic
resistor (Plot 4 and Plot 5), we see that the former differ from the latter
in that they are not of the exponential type.

Plot 4. Comparing the typical heating curve of a generic resistor (left,
[Ref. 9]) to the one relevant to one of the E-Cat HT2’s ON states.

Finally, the complete ON/OFF cycle of the E-Cat HT2, as seen in Plot 3, may
be compared with the typical heating-cooling cycle of a resistor, as
displayed in Plot 6.

Plot 6. Heating and cooling cycle of a generic resistor [Ref. 9].

The trend is described by exponential type equations.

What appears obvious here is that the priming mechanism pertaining to some
sort of reaction inside the device speeds up the rise in temperature, and
keeps the temperatures higher during the cooling phase.

Another very interesting behavior is brought out by synchronically
comparing another two curves:
power produced over time by the E-Cat HT2, and power consumed during the
same time.

An example of this may be seen in Plot 7, which refers to about three hours
of test.

The resistor coils ON/OFF cycle is plotted in red, while the power-emission
trend of the device appears in blue.

Plot 8. Detail taken from Plot 7, reproducing the first two periods of the

The three time intervals in which each period may be divided are labeled by
Roman numerals.

Further food for thought may be found by analyzing the trend of the ratio
between energy produced and energy consumed by the E-Cat HT2, as referred
to the same time interval dealt with in Plot 7.

The blue curve in Plot 9 is the result of the analysis, and is reproduced
here together with the red curve of power consumption normalized to 1.

Basically, for every second taken into account, the corresponding value of
the blue curve is calculated as the ratio between the sum of the power per
second emitted in all the previous seconds, and the sum of the power per
second consumed in all the previous seconds.

Plot 9. The blue curve is the result of the ratio between energy produced
and consumed by the E-Cat HT2, with reference to the same time instants
dealt with in Plot 7.

The red curve represents the ON/OFF trend of the resistor coils normalized
to 1.

All the above trends are remarkable, and warrant further in-depth enquiry.

can Ethan's hidden double power wires explain regular exponential
temperature rises and falls every 6 minutes for 5 days in Rossi HT2: Ethan:
Rich Murray 2013.05.23

comment #103  2013.05.23 Thursday noon PST

Ethan, I appreciate your spirited critique, especially the simple hidden
double wire scam -- which if power was actually supplied at high voltages,
could be very small in diameter.

I wonder if this can explain the remarkably constant temperature rises and
falls with exponential curves shown for runs of up to 5 days?

within the fellowship of service,  Rich Murray
rmforall at


[Vo]:Rossi E-Cat HT shows excess heat from H gas + Ni powder making Cu over days, three cautious multiday runs: Rich Murray 2013.05.22

2013-05-22 Thread Rich Murray
Rossi E-Cat HT shows excess heat from H gas + Ni powder making Cu over
days, three cautious multiday runs: Rich Murray 2013.05.22

So far, three days of vigorous discussions on several Net forums have not
found any of the usual flaws...

Six months of study are planned for this summer.

For business reasons, no details are public about catalysts,  special
waveforms of input electric power for internal heating resistors, and
possible nuclear reactions are given, so theorists have little to work with.

If new unknown nuclear physics exists, capable in small devices of melting
steel in runaway thermal excursions, governments have a mandate to ensure
that the physics is immediately studied in a crash program to assess the
implications for national security and profound rapid human progress.

"Figs. 1-2. Two images from the test performed on Nov. 20th 2012.

Here, the activation of the charge (distributed laterally in the reactor)
is especially obvious.

The darker lines in the photograph are actually the shadows of the resistor
coils, which yield only a minimal part of the total thermal power.

The performance of this device was such that the reactor was destroyed,
melting the internal steel cylinder and the surrounding ceramic layers.

The long term trials analyzed in the present report were purposely
performed at a lower temperatures for safety reasons."

"Fig. 3 shows a thermal video frame from the IR camera: the temperature of
859 °C refers to Area 2 (delimited by the “cross hairs”), whereas the
average temperature recorded for the body of the device, relevant to the
rectangle indicated as Area 1, is 793 °C."
free 29-page text with color photos and graphs

Indication of anomalous heat energy production in a reactor device
containing hydrogen loaded nickel powder.
Giuseppe Levi
Bologna University, Bologna, Italy
Evelyn Foschi
Bologna, Italy
Torbjörn Hartman, Bo Höistad, Roland Pettersson and Lars Tegnér
Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Hanno Essén
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden


An experimental investigation of possible anomalous heat production in a
special type of reactor tube named E-Cat HT is carried out.

The reactor tube is charged with a small amount of hydrogen loaded nickel
powder plus some additives.

The reaction is primarily initiated by heat from resistor coils inside the
reactor tube.

Measurement of the produced heat was performed with high-resolution thermal
imaging cameras, recording data every second from the hot reactor tube.

The measurements of electrical power input were performed with a large
bandwidth three phase power analyzer.

Data were collected in two experimental runs lasting 96 and 116 hours,

An anomalous heat production was indicated in both experiments.

The 116-hour experiment also included a calibration of the experimental
set-up without the active charge present in the E-Cat HT.

In this case, no extra heat was generated beyond the expected heat from the
electric input.

Computed volumetric and gravimetric energy densities were found to be far
above those of any known chemical source.

Even by the most conservative assumptions as to the errors in the
measurements, the result is still one order of magnitude greater than
conventional energy sources.

Re: [Vo]:Why you should believe the Toyota Roulette data

2013-05-13 Thread Rich Murray
Zounds!  So, at first scan, the Toyota results are never presented in
precise details of procedures, materials, people, runs, results, control
runs, micro and nano level studies of changes in the Pd, throrough
measurements of impurity and isotopic shifts, radioactives, radiations, no
archived samples of the magical
Johnson Matthey Pd for future study -- just rambling, poorly referenced
fantastic yarns -- impossible to replicate -- in all these hundreds of
successful runs have not one scientist saved pristine and used samples of
JM Pd?  I visited Storm's house on a hilltop in Santa Fe in maybe 1996, and
saw dozens of pieces of shiny Pd fragments in his lab -- aren't the chaotic
conditions at Toyota fairly ideal for producing inadvetent or deliberately
faked false positives, a la Rossi and BlackLight Power?

Very reasonable, cautious, open-minded agnostics can not be expected to
accept this story as convincing.

"The Pd at Toyota was supplied by Johnson Matthey (JM). As shown in Miles
Table 10, JM material in the 1990s was FAR better than anyone else's. It
worked 100% of the time and it produced 10 to 100 times more power.
Nowadays the ENEA might have caught up. I wouldn't know about that. Anyway,
back then JM knew how to make this material and everyone else was guessing
and shooting in the dark. Tanaka Precious Metals was trying to figure it
out. If they had listened to Storms they might have done better. JM learned
how to make this material in 1930s, for their palladium filters. It happens
the two applications have similar requirements."

The JM Pd has existed for over 70 years?  Wouldn't someone in the world
have some?  Why not do a global search for it?

How about giving us the full text for the report with Miles Table 10 ,
along with Joshua Cude's comments about it... " It worked 100% of the time
and it produced 10 to 100 times more power. "  Huh?

Is this the paper -- doesn't have a "Table 10"

A search on "Table" found:

"My previous research on anomalous effects in deuterated materials (cold
fusion) at China Lake, California and sponsored by the Office of Naval
Research, produced excess power levels of 100–300 mW with a high of 520 mW.
The excess power density was typically 1–5 W/cm3 of palladium. Only 28 out
of 94 different experiments produced excess power (30% success), but the
success ratio was high for Pd–B alloys (88%) and Johnson-Matthey palladium
samples (61%) as shown in Table 10 of Ref. 1 (p. 42). The success ratio
however, was very low for many other palladium materials."

"1. M.H. Miles, B.F. Bush and K.B. Johnson, “Anomalous Effects In
Deuterated Systems”, NAWCWPNS TP 8302, 98 pp., Naval Air Warfare Center
Weapons Division, China Lake, CA. U.S.A., September 1996."
pp. 1-98 (September 1996).
See also Infinite Energy, Vol. 315 & No. 16 pp. 35-59 (1997).  ?

Can someone give a link to this 98 page report?  42 pages no photos

Dr. Melvin H. Miles
NEDO Guest Researcher
NHE Laboratory
3-5 Techno-Park 2-Chome Shimonopporo
Atsubetsu-ku, Sapporo-004, Japan
October 23, 1997 to March 31, 1998
Dr. Melvin H. Miles
Department of Chemistry
University of La Verne
1950 3rd Street
La Verne, California 91750
909-593-3511 Ext. 4646 - work
Work Fax: 909-392-27

Bewildered by the beach, in Imperial Beach, 10 miles south of San Diego,

within the fellowship of service,  Rich Murray

On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 4:41 AM, Joshua Cude  wrote:

> On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 5:15 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
>> The most important factor in a cold fusion experiment is the choice of
>> host metal; the Pd cathode in this case. As Miles showed in Table 10, if
>> the person doing the experiment is skilled, the success rate varies from
>> zero to 100% depending on the material.
> Really? You need skill to get a success rate from 0 to 100%? I should
> think it would take skill to get outside that range.
>> The Pd at Toyota was supplied by Johnson Matthey (JM). As shown in Miles
>> Table 10, JM material in the 1990s was FAR better than anyone else's. It
>> worked 100% of the time and it produced 10 to 100 times more power.
> Hmm. Not in my version. As I read it, he lists 17/28 as the success ratio
> for the JM cells. And the power ratio can be anything from zero to
> infinity, depending on which cells you pick. But the power density was as
> high as 15 W/cm3, and the highest from other Pd was 2.1, so about 7 times
> more comparing peak to peak.
>> Martin Fleischmann understood that. He knew that before he began the
>> experi

Re: [Vo]:MODERATOR: J. Cude, extensive Rule 2 violations

2013-05-12 Thread Rich Murray
As a pragmatic skeptic, I'm looking for a cold fusion anomaly of any kind
that has been described in exhaustive detail and which Believer's and
Agnostics have discussed throughly and have been unable to discount -- I
submit that the paper that Jed Rothwell cites in this thread is very sparse
on details -- are there any other reports that describe these 7 runs, of
which 2 seemed to give excess heat?

The claims about Toyota's successes are indeed extraordinary evidence:

" They achieved high reproducibility, routinely triggering boil offs in 64
cells at a time. The work culminated with cells that ran for weeks at
boiling temperature, at 40 to 100 W. See:  [ 9 pages ]

This project was terminated because of politics and disputes over money
between Toyota and other companies, not because the research itself
failed."  -- Jed Rothwell

"Roulette, T., J. Roulette, and S. Pons. Results of ICARUS 9 Experiments
Run at IMRA Europe.

in Sixth International Conference on Cold Fusion, Progress in New Hydrogen
Energy. 1996. Lake Toya, Hokkaido, Japan: New Energy
and Industrial Technology Development Organization, Tokyo Institute of
Technology, Tokyo, Japan.

T. Roulette, J, Roulette, and S. Pons
IMRA Europe, S.A., Centre Scientifique
Sophia Antipolis, 06560 Valbonne , FRANCE


We describe herein the construction, testing, calibration and use of a high
power dissipation calorimeter
suitable for the measurements of excess enthalpy generation in Pd / Pd
alloy cathodes during the electrolysis of heavy water electrolytes at
temperatures up to and including the boiling point of the electrolyte.

With the present design, power dissipation up to about 400W is possible.

Excess power levels of up to ~250% of the input power have been observed
with these calorimeters in some experiments. Extensions of the design to
include recombination catalysts on open and pressurized cells will be the
subject of a future report."

2 of 7 runs, months long, gave excess heat.
no details about how the Pd cathodes were prepared and changed.
no references are given.
how qualified are T. and J. Roulette?"

Did Joshua Cude ever comment on this report?

within the fellowship of service,  Rich Murray

On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 9:11 PM, James Bowery  wrote:

> There are a lot of opinions that can dramatically lower one's evolutionary
> fitness if expressed.  For example, when Moses came down with his tablets
> and was, shall we say, depressed by the reception -- he asked for the
> "opinion" of those around him and those who agreed with him were then
> ordered to kill everyone else.
> Civilization HO!!!
> On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 11:00 PM, William Beaty  wrote:
>> On Sat, 11 May 2013, Joshua Cude wrote:
>>> I'm not interested in an inaccessible (non-archived) list like vortex-b,
>>> so
>>> I'll just slink away. I may post a few responses to Rothwell's latest
>>> replies over on if they tolerate it.
>> Or, just stick with the greater world of weird-but-nonCF subjects, where
>> you see that the evidence is not yet decisive, and there's low chance of
>> triggering a Believer vs. Debunker debate.  This isn't a CF-only forum,
>> though it tends to function as one!  :)
>> I push the crackpot-friendly aspect as a long-time experiment in
>> "Provisional Acceptance" of crazy hypotheses.  Currently in science, at
>> least where weird topics are concerned, we instead operate with a
>> philosophy of Provisional Disbelief, where we allow the evidence convince
>> us to change our minds.  But since disbelief is itself a strong bias, what
>> happens if we test the opposite technique, and provisionally accept weird
>> topics in order to study them?Just try it, and everyone attacks you:
>> "You actually BELIEVE in that crap?!!  ANYONE WHO TAKES THAT STUFF
>> SERIOUSLY IS A CRACKPOT."  And of course the uncritical Believers want to
>> welcome you into the fold.
>> This above situation strongly suggests that certain topics have never
>> been given a chance in the past.  If each time someone tries to give them a
>> chance, and is stopped by colleages, then we may actually have no idea
>> whether those topics are truely Woo or not, since nobody is allowed to take
>> them seriously enough to properly "do the homework" before making an
>> informed decision.  If we have to take on the (perceived) crackpot mantle
>> in order to do proper homework, then that's exactly what's needed: declare
>> oneself to be a True Believer Raving Loonie, then have at it.  (

Re: [Vo]:MODERATOR: J. Cude, extensive Rule 2 violations

2013-05-12 Thread Rich Murray
"I think many people have expressed highly skeptical view of BLP, Rossi and
others here. I think most of this skepticism is justified!"  -- Jed Rothwell

So, here's two cases where Joshua Cude and Jed Rothwell concur about

The claims about Toyota's successes are indeed extraordinary evidence:

" They achieved high reproducibility, routinely triggering boil offs in 64
cells at a time. The work culminated with cells that ran for weeks at
boiling temperature, at 40 to 100 W. See:  [ 9 pages ]

This project was terminated because of politics and disputes over money
between Toyota and other companies, not because the research itself
failed."  -- Jed Rothwell

"Roulette, T., J. Roulette, and S. Pons. Results of ICARUS 9 Experiments
Run at IMRA Europe.

in Sixth International Conference on Cold Fusion, Progress in New Hydrogen
Energy. 1996. Lake Toya, Hokkaido, Japan: New Energy
and Industrial Technology Development Organization, Tokyo Institute of
Technology, Tokyo, Japan.

T. Roulette, J, Roulette, and S. Pons
IMRA Europe, S.A., Centre Scientifique
Sophia Antipolis, 06560 Valbonne , FRANCE


We describe herein the construction, testing, calibration and use of a high
power dissipation calorimeter
suitable for the measurements of excess enthalpy generation in Pd / Pd
alloy cathodes during the electrolysis of heavy water electrolytes at
temperatures up to and including the boiling point of the electrolyte.

With the present design, power dissipation up to about 400W is possible.

Excess power levels of up to ~250% of the input power have been observed
with these calorimeters in some experiments. Extensions of the design to
include recombination catalysts on open and pressurized cells will be the
subject of a future report."

2 of 7 runs, months long, gave excess heat.
no details about how the Pd cathodes were prepared and changed.
no references are given.
how qualified are T. and J. Roulette?

Joshua Cude, would you comment on this on newvortex?

within the fellowship of service,  Rich Murray

On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 8:47 AM, Jed Rothwell  wrote:

> Jones Beene  wrote:
> There is plenty of room to be skeptical that LENR will ever get to market.
>> Cude was correct on that point. I think that airing alternative viewpoints
>> on the subject of what it takes for commercialization can be quite
>> productive for the future of the field.
> Exactly right. Plus there are many technical claims that are questionable
> or not repeated yet. Host metal transmutation is not as well established
> as, say, tritium. Iwamura has done good work and Toyota replicated him, but
> it is still long way from the tritium results.
>> Many of us really resent the efforts of those who want to impugn many
>> years
>> of quality research at Universities, SRI, National Labs and so on - by top
>> researchers. Sure, there is some research which is substandard, but that
>> is
>> not the point. The existing level of good research almost certainly proves
>> than nuclear reactions can occur at low temperature.
> Yup, I resent that!
> To be in denial of that
>> evidence by skeptics is no more than intellectual dishonesty.
> Maybe it is with some people. But I think the debate is reasonably fair.
> Most supporters and skeptics who are wrong (wrong in my opinion) are making
> honest mistakes, or they are ignorant, or they interpret the data wrong.
> Cude strikes me as honest in his opinions. I think he sincerely believes
> that McKubre Fig. 1 has no significance, because most cells do not achieve
> the high loading shown there. That is a mistake, not dishonest. He does not
> understand the point of this graph.
> Perhaps he should make more of an effort to understand, but we can't fault
> people for misunderstanding.
>> This still does not prove that the World will ever benefit from this
>> technology, but that is a completely separate subject for showing that it
>> is
>> real on a laboratory scale.
> Yes, separate. Except that some results, such as that the final results
> from Toyota, do prove that commercial level power density, i/o ratios, and
> temperatures on a small scale are possible. Whether they can be sustained
> or scaled up is an open question.
> You would never get those temperatures or ratios from muon catalyzed
> fusion. Plasma fusion has never achieved "fully ignited" heat after death.
>> That LENR is a physical reality at some scale is a given - but even so,
>> that
>> situation is far removed from the ability to take the underlying principle
>> to market.

Re: [Vo]:MODERATOR: J. Cude, extensive Rule 2 violations

2013-05-12 Thread Rich Murray
 I second the summary observations by Vorl Bek:

"Cude's demeanor was consistently polite; the several people he
was up against were rather less polite in many instances, and one
of them was downright churlish.

None of them seemed to me to be as convincing as Cude was.

>From reading the exchanges here and on other forums, I have the
impression (my 'verdict') that the evidence for lenr is

anecdotal ('all the water boiled out of the bucket!';'there
was a terrific explosion!' - that sort of report), but that the
events can not be repeated;


laboratory curiosities: 3.001 watts out for 3 watts in; or larger
ratios, but can't be achieved regularly, and can not be scaled up;
in fact, according to Cude, claims have been scaled down over
the years."

within the fellowship of service,  Rich

On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 7:42 AM, Vorl Bek  wrote:

> On Sun, 12 May 2013 09:12:56 -0400
> Jed Rothwell  wrote:
> > If you think there is merit to a skeptical point of view, why don't you
> > write about it?
> I don't know very much about this business and I can not debate it,
> but I consider myself to be like a juror listening to the
> testimony of experts: I may not understand all of what they say,
> but I can get a pretty good idea of which one's testimony makes
> the most sense.
> Cude's demeanor was consistently polite; the several people he
> was up against were rather less polite in many instances, and one
> of them was downright churlish.
> None of them seemed to me to be as convincing as Cude was.
> From reading the exchanges here and on other forums, I have the
> impression (my 'verdict') that the evidence for lenr is
> either:
> anecdotal ('all the water boiled out of the bucket!';'there
> was a terrific explosion!' - that sort of report), but that the
> events can not be repeated;
> or
> laboratory curiosities: 3.001 watts out for 3 watts in; or larger
> ratios, but can't be achieved regularly, and can not be scaled up;
> in fact, according to Cude, claims have been scaled down over
> the years.
> Despite the cries here that nobody (I assume that means taxpayers)
> will give money to allow lenr enthusiasts to do the job they could
> do if they had more money, I find it hard to believe that if there
> was anything to the lenr effect, that some way of exploiting it
> would not have been found since P&F in 1989.
> In fact, the Japanese gave P&F a lab and x million dollars and a
> couple of years to repeat their original supposed lenr effect, and
> they could not do it.

Re: [Vo]:MODERATOR: J. Cude, extensive Rule 2 violations

2013-05-12 Thread Rich Murray
Believers without Skeptics are blandly blind.

Skeptics without Believers are blindly sterile.

The forever fecund spontaneous creativity of the "present" moment is not
bound in the least by any binding limits of spaces, times, causalities,
"separate" identities, perceptions, concepts, emotions, logics,

the son of science has no bed where he can lay his head...

the eternal jam session best includes all volunteer voices...

how boring to exclude the incisive imperfect Joshua Cude from our
children's playground...

let the idiot who has never drooled throw the first stone...

within the fellowship of service, Rich

On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 6:42 AM, Jed Rothwell  wrote:

> I wrote:
> but dessert - you need some meat and potatoes in the form of
>>> articulate skeptics.
>> If you think there is merit to a skeptical point of view, why don't you
>> write about it?
> I would not call Cude "articulate." As McKubre often says, I could do a
> better job as a cold fusion skeptic than any of the skeptics. I know of
> actual weaknesses in the experiments, whereas Cude makes up stuff,
> reiterates assertions that was proved wrong in 1990, and refuses to address
> substantive technical issues such as McKubre's Fig. 1. Where are the meat
> and potatoes?
> I do not think Cude is a credit to the hardcore skeptics. But then, I do
> not know anyone else who is. This is like expecting someone to be a
> credible spokesperson for the Flat Earth Society. Vorl Bek should take a
> crack at justifying this point of view if he thinks it has any merit.
> - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Hagelstein's editorial

2013-05-10 Thread Rich Murray
Has there even been a single P-F DPd electrolysis  cell running anywhere in
the world in 2013?

When was the last month and year that one was being  run?

When was the last month and year in which one showed any anomaly?

About how much did these runs cost?

How carefully were they described in public reports?

Are any laboratory components and original records available?

The attempts by many groups to replicate the SPAWAR codeposition results
with CR39 film recording of claimed particle tracks seem to have floundered
in confusion, a few years ago.

within the fellowship of service,  Rich Murray

On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 8:03 PM, Kevin O'Malley  wrote:

> On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 3:05 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
> To the Japanese in 1941, Americans seemed outlandish. To the skeptics who
> agree with Cude or Close, we are the ones disconnected from reality. We are
> illogical and even mentally ill thinking that we can "fuse hydrogen in a
> mason jar."  I do not think it does any good getting angry at such people.
> It is important that you understand their mindset.
> ***Okay, Jed.  What we need as a group is a minimum set of facts that we
> agree are incontrovertible.  I would think it is that Pons & Fleischmann
> were careful electrochemists, the preeminent of their day.  That the
> physicists who chose to debunk their findings were far from careful due to
> inexperience in electrochemistry and this led to their negative findings.
> That there have been 14,700 replications of the P-F anomolous heat effect.
> If not, then how many?  180, as per Storms and National Instruments?
> What are the base minimum set of facts that we all agree on?

Re: [Vo]:Hagelstein's editorial

2013-05-06 Thread Rich Murray
Well, thanks Joshua Cude -- maybe Lomax will provide a comparable review of
his heat-helium correlation claim -- together, the two contrasting reviews
might attract attention by experts -- historians of science will make
comparisons with similar conundrums, such as the actual identity of "dark
matter", many times more mass in total than baronic matter in our universe
bubble, and also of "dark energy", again many times more mass than known
energy, and of searches for "sterile neutrinos" and other exotic particles,
including Robert Foot's "mirror matter".

The putative existence of our own unique universe bubble, in which these
very little crooked black and white le t  t   er  marks appear in the
visual space of awareness, along with rapid memories and subtle
comprehensions, is the ultimate strange beastie, the prototypical "bump in
the dark"...

Google "nonduality"...

within the fellowship of service,  Rich Murray

On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 8:21 AM, Edmund Storms  wrote:

> On May 6, 2013, at 3:49 AM, Joshua Cude wrote:
> Murray wrote: Maybe you and Lomax have already long reached an impasse,
> talking right past each other?
> You are right. We have hashed this over several times, and ceased to make
> any progress a long time ago. After all, the discussion is about results
> mostly a decade or more old. It was hashed out here 2 years ago, and more
> recently in moletrap. But since you ask, I can cut and paste and augment a
> recent summary that expresses my view of the correlation situation.
> *Heat Helium correlation*
> A correlation between heat and helium is clearly an important and
> definitive experiment for cold fusion. To justify a claim of such a
> correlation, Lomax points to a Storms' 2010 review in Naturwissenschaften.
> Unfortunately, the experiments that Storms cites represent a real dog's
> breakfast of mostly unrefereed and marginal work, and the conclusions
> depend rather heavily on Storms' own data interpretation, which does not
> add confidence considering he takes Rossi's results seriously.
> This is an example of the approach that makes your comments irrelevant,
> Joshua. First of all, all data requires interpretation. Either a
> knowledgeable scientists does this and explains the reasons behind the
> interpretations, as I did in the quoted paper, or you do the job and
> distort what has been observed to fit your conclusions.  Unless you show
> what is wrong, your comment is just your opinion, which people are learning
> not to trust. As for taking Rossi seriously, I do not. I have explained
> what I accept and what I do not, and why.  I take him no more seriously
> than I take you.
> *Peer review*
> Peer-review is a rather modest requirement for credibility, but Lomax
> seems to think that a citation in a refereed review article confers upon
> the data the equivalent credibility of peer-review of the original work,
> but that's nonsense. The referees for a review paper cannot possibly be
> expected to critically review each of the papers cited. And a look at some
> of the cited papers makes it clear they did not.
> The most recent peer-reviewed results that Storms uses to get a quantified
> heat/helium correlation come from a set of experiments by Miles in the
> early 90s. These were very crude experiments, in which peaks were eyeballed
> as small, medium, and large, the small taken as equal to the detection
> limit (which seemed to change by orders of magnitude over the years). The
> correlation was all over the map, and barely within an order of magnitude
> of the expected DD fusion value.
> Again, you distort the data to fit your attitude. Miles published two sets
> of results. You quote only the first and least accurate.  The results were
> confirmed by Bush and later by McKubre.
> Miles results' were severely criticized by Jones in peer-reviewed
> literature.  There was considerable back and forth on the results, and in
> Storms view (of course) Miles successfully defended his claims, but the DOE
> panel in 2004 agreed 17 to 1 with Jones, that there was no conclusive
> evidence for nuclear effects. In any case, that kind of disagreement and
> large variation in such a critical experiment simply cries out for better
> experiments. So what else have we got?
> *The replications*
> Storms cites (and Lomax parrots) a dozen groups (including the Miles
> results) that have claimed a heat-helium correlation, but a look at his
> list paints a different picture.
> Storms admits that one group (Chien) does not measure heat, so they can't
> claim a correlation. Another group (Botta) also does not measure heat,
> although Storms claims they 

Re: [Vo]:Hagelstein's editorial

2013-05-04 Thread Rich Murray
Joshua Cude,

Seems you might end up being the last person standing...

May ask you to offer a few decisive critiques to refute Lomax's claim, much
repeated for a year or longer, that heat and helium are correlated in
standard cold fusion experiments, some years ago -- for instance, have
there been any attempts since then that fail to show this correlation?

Maybe you and Lomax have already long reached an impasse, talking right
past each other?

What would have to happen for you to be curious enough to join Lomax in
proposing new tests for this correlation?

within the fellowship of service, Rich Murray

On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 4:26 PM, Jed Rothwell  wrote:

> Edmund Storms  wrote:
>> Consequently, I for one will not continue the discussion.
> Me neither! I promise to shut up.
> - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Hagelstein's editorial

2013-05-03 Thread Rich Murray
Joshua Cude is right -- today, 24 years after 1989, is there any lab
anywhere that has a single running cold fusion genre experiment that
produces verifiable anomalies?  With global exponential evolution in all
fields concurrent with the Net...

I like that Widom and Larsen vividly discuss a huge spectrum of anomalies
-- any current running examples?

I'm also very willing to be astonished...

within the fellowship of service,  Rich

On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 9:41 PM, James Bowery  wrote:

I don't know whether to thank you for providing emotional comfort for my
> working hypothesis that cold fusion's excess heat is a real effect, or
> whether to curse you for providing such a poor excuse for skepticism that
> it will lead guys like me to become lax in our genuine skepticism.
> Going off like this on a single editorial of a single guy -- actually a
> relatively inconsequential guy when all is said and done -- like Haglestein
> is pretty far from attacking the strongest argument of the opposing
> proposition.  Stuff like this reminds me of the bad effects of playing an
> inferior chess or tennis player.  I guess I'll stick with cursing you.
> On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 3:52 PM, Joshua Cude  wrote:

> The recent editorial in Infinite Energy by Hagelstein represents the
>> incoherent ramblings of a bitter man who is beginning to realize he has
>> wasted 25 years of his career, but is deathly afraid to admit it. He spends
>> a lot of time talking about consensus and experiment and evidence and
>> theory and destroyed careers and suppression but scarcely raises the issue
>> of the *quality* of the evidence. That's cold fusion's problem: the quality
>> of the evidence is abysmal -- not better than the evidence for bigfoot,
>> alien visits, dowsing, homeopathy and a dozen other pathological sciences.
>> And an extraordinary claim *does* require excellent evidence. By not
>> facing this issue, and simply ploughing ahead as if the evidence is as good
>> as the Wright brothers' Paris flight in 1908, he loses the confidence of
>> all but true believers that he is being completely honest and forthright.
>> *1. On consensus*
>> Hagelstein starts out with the science-by-consensus straw man, suggesting
>> that consensus "was used in connection with the question of the existence
>> of an excess heat effect in the Fleischmann-Pons experiment."
>> Please! No one with any familiarity with the history of science thinks
>> consensus defines truth (which I think is what he's suggesting scientists
>> believe). If it did, the ptolemaic solar system would still be taught in
>> school, and time would still be absolute. Individual qualified scientists
>> sufficiently motivated to inspect the evidence make judgements based on
>> that evidence, and, since the modern physics revolution, avoid absolute
>> certainty, their judgements representing varying degrees of certainty.
>> Of course, consensus judgements do form, and are considered by those
>> unqualified or unmotivated to examine the evidence to get some idea of the
>> validity of a phenomenon or theory. While consensus does not define truth,
>> a consensus of experts is the most likely approximation to the truth. And
>> the stronger the consensus, the more confidence it warrants. Sometimes the
>> consensus can be very strong, as in the current consensus that the solar
>> system is Copernican. I have not made the astronomical measurements to
>> prove that it is, although my observations are certainly consistent with
>> it, but my confidence in the description comes from the unanimous consensus
>> among those who have made or analyzed the necessary measurements. Likewise,
>> confidence in the shape of the earth is essentially absolute, and serious
>> humans dismiss members of the flat-earth society as deluded, or more likely
>> dishonest.
>> So, when it comes to allocating funding, hiring or promoting, or awarding
>> prizes or honors, there's really no option but to consult experts in the
>> respective field -- essentially to rely on the consensus. It's the worst
>> system except for all the others.
>> Hagelstein claims that cold fusion is an example of the Semmelweis
>> reflex, in which an idea is rejected because it falls outside the existing
>> consensus. That reflex is named after the rejection of Semmelweis's
>> (correct) hand-washing theory in 1847, which Hagelstein cites. Then he goes
>> on to mock a scientific system in which ideas outside the consensus are
>> rejected and the people who propose them are ostracized in a ridiculous
>> parody that bears no resemblance at all to the actual practice of science.
>> It's the usual way true believers rationalize the rejection of their
>> favorite fringe science. But it's truly surprising to see that Hagelstein
>> has no more awareness of the reality of science than the many cold fusion
>> groupies who populate the internet forums. Of course there is a certain
>> inertia in science, and that is

[Vo]:Thrusters powered by ionic wind as efficient alternative propulsion technology -- huge solar powered high altitude airships could spiral into orbit in a week, using their own H2 gas for reactio

2013-04-04 Thread Rich Murray
Thrusters powered by ionic wind as efficient alternative propulsion
technology -- huge solar powered high altitude airships could spiral into
orbit in a week, using their own H2 gas as reaction mass for myriad tiny
thrusters: Rich Murray 2013.04.04

Yevgen 13 hours ago comment

Efficiency of ionic wind apparatus have been explored and published years
ago, in 2002, and optimized designs have been analysed. Collection of these
publications can be found here:

Read more at:

Thrusters powered by ionic wind may be efficient alternative to
conventional atmospheric propulsion technologies

April 3, 2013 by Jennifer Chu

When a current passes between two electrodes — one thinner than the other —
it creates a wind in the air between. If enough voltage is applied, the
resulting wind can produce a thrust without the help of motors or fuel.

 This phenomenon, called electrohydrodynamic thrust — or, more
colloquially, "ionic wind" — was first identified in the 1960s. Since then,
ionic wind has largely been limited to science-fair projects and basement
experiments; hobbyists have posted hundreds of how-to videos on building
"ionocrafts" — lightweight vehicles made of balsa wood, aluminum foil and
wire— that lift off and hover with increased voltage. Despite this wealth
of hobbyist information, there have been few rigorous studies of ionic wind
as a viable propulsion system.

Some researchers have theorized that ionic thrusters, if used as jet
propulsion, would be extremely inefficient, requiring massive amounts of
electricity to produce enough thrust to propel a vehicle.

Now researchers at MIT have run their own experiments and found that ionic
thrusters may be a far more efficient source of propulsion than
conventional jet engines. In their experiments, they found that ionic wind
produces 110 newtons of thrust per kilowatt, compared with a jet engine's 2
newtons per kilowatt.

The team has published its results in the Proceedings of the Royal Society.

Steven Barrett, an assistant professor of aeronautics and astronautics at
MIT, envisions that ionic wind may be used as a propulsion system for
small, lightweight aircraft. In addition to their relatively high
efficiency, ionic thrusters are silent, and invisible in infrared, as they
give off no heat — ideal traits, he says, for a surveillance vehicle. "You
could imagine all sorts of military or security benefits to having a silent
propulsion system with no infrared signature," says Barrett, who
co-authored the paper with graduate student Kento Masuyama.

Shooting the gap

A basic ionic thruster consists of three parts: a very thin copper
electrode, called an emitter; a thicker tube of aluminum, known as a
collector; and the air gap in between.
A lightweight frame typically supports the wires, which connect to an
electrical power source.
As voltage is applied, the field gradient strips away electrons from nearby
air molecules. These newly ionized molecules are strongly repelled by the
corona wire, and strongly attracted to the collector.
As this cloud of ions moves toward the collector, it collides with
surrounding neutral air molecules, pushing them along and creating a wind,
or thrust.
To measure an ion thruster's efficiency, Barrett and Masuyama built a
similarly simple setup, and hung the contraption under a suspended digital
They applied tens of thousands of volts, creating enough current draw to
power an incandescent light bulb.
They altered the distance between the electrodes, and recorded the thrust
as the device lifted off the ground.
Barrett says that the device was most efficient at producing lower thrust —
a desirable, albeit counterintuitive, result. "It's kind of surprising, but
if you have a high-velocity jet, you leave in your wake a load of wasted
kinetic energy," Barrett explains. "So you want as low-velocity a jet as
you can, while still producing enough thrust."
He adds that an ionic wind is a good way to produce a low-velocity jet over
a large area.

Getting to liftoff

Barrett acknowledges that there is one big obstacle to ionic wind
propulsion: thrust density, or the amount of thrust produced per given
area. Ionic thrusters depend on the wind produced between electrodes; the
larger the space between electrodes, the stronger the thrust produced. That
means lifting a small aircraft and its electrical power supply would
require a very large air gap. Barrett envisions that electrodynamic
thrusters for aircraft — if they worked — would encompass the entire

Another drawback is the voltage needed to get a vehicle off the ground:
Small, lightweight balsa models require several kilovolts. Barrett
estimates a small craft, with onboard instrumentation and a 


2013-04-01 Thread Rich Murray
election = choice

vote for single fractal hyperinfinity

growth in awareness without limits

for best growth for all

asking for and accepting help

for all levels of dream

nothing but dream

within what is beyond dream


On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 7:38 PM, Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan <> wrote:

"More than iron, more than lead, more than gold I need. . .
> I need it more than I need lamb or lox n' bagels or lettuce or
> pecan pie(even pigs won't eat cucumber)
> I need it for my DREAMS. . . .~Racter~ . . . 'circumcised' ~^)

Re: [Vo]:RE: !CSETI!Key2Samahdi:GODthinks inTORSION-WAVES: Deep-Thought Lives!SENTIENT-COMPRESSED DATA WAVE/AexoTCW(HyperSpace-Tachyon(speed)CarrierWave/TESLA-Team

2013-04-01 Thread Rich Murray

the faster I scan your visionary ranting, the more sense it shares -- I
haven't run into anyone who frails about as well as you do, tossed like an
infant into the vast heaving Pacific ocean, as in "Life of Pi", the actual
freely effervescing multidimensional hyperinfinity whatchamacallit --
you'll like William Blake's pioneering expressions -- so this is what's
possible now in "2013" -- I play with, yeah, you and I are a pioneer Tesla
team, ready willing to connect inexplicably with others within wide ranging
hingeless minds -- our power as collaborators is enough to shock our daily
world on all levels -- operating to tune in the most beneficial available
probable worldlines of history (jes plain miracles, and lots of 'em, on all
levels -- no pain, payment, punishment, sacrifice needed) -- let's see what
our dream adventures offer up tonight -- I see our resonance has been
coming through in many unusual dreams the last week or so -- well, when I
forget and let my tea pot boil almost dry, I add a bit of water and drink
it anyways, cause I be curious... what's that infinity up to "now"! ?  best
way to find out is straight ahead -- yer buddy Rich

On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 8:09 PM, Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan <> wrote:

> ! ! !KEY 2 SAMAHDI:  Our minds THINK/PRAY/MEDITATE aka Generate TORSION
> WAVES! ! !
> Yea Dude; that's right; Torsion Waves. . . like. . . broadcast outa
> our BRAINS. . . cool! ~^)
> TORSION WAVES are the AexoDarkSpace Tachyon(speed) SUPER-M-BRANE CARRIER
> aka 'TCW.'

2013-03-31 Thread Rich Murray
Hi Jack,

your reality visions have a William Blake breadth and vividness -- I can
see the gist that all things are mutually enveloped and co-creative in
highly intimate multidimensional ways -- so photosynthesis has evolved to
be magically efficient with QM processes -- so also possible for cold
fusion -- while I have very little grasp of the mathematical and
geometrical details -- "on all scales" is what I hint at by saying all is
single fractal hyperinfinity --

within the fellowship of service,  Rich

On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 10:09 AM, Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan <> wrote:

> * * * COLD FUSION= Quantum TransTorsion Mobius-Loop/Casimir
> (functional)'Teleportation'* * *
> * * *The 'Quantum Mechanics of the AexoQuantum-Coherence/Entanglement
> On Topic* * *I thought that by now that the DISCOVERY CURVE had already
> 'got it' eg. the connection
> between Photosynthesis & Solar Voltaic effect via Quantum
> Coherence/Entanglement
> and the Spooky Action @ a Distance TORSION-WAVE SYNCHRONY-SYNTHESIS
> effect via
> TRANSDIMENSIONAL Torsion Wave-Carrier wave effect.
> !?!This just now coming into common knowledge @ Lawrence-Berkely!?!?
> Eee-gads; I really was born into the stone age. . . seriously spooky.
> Einstein's Solar Votaic Quantum
> Entanglement/Quantum Coherence discoveries were DEFINITIVE and
> 'SHOULD-HAVE' immediately
> produced the insights into Photosynthesis INSTANTLY that Lawrence-Berkeley
> UP ON!? !. . . . DUH!
> Main Topic* * *BIG CLUE:  @ ALL SCALES: Atomic, Solar-Planetary, Galactic,
> Cluster, SuperCluster, Aexocosmic
> the CENTER-POINT or ZPEnergy ingress Nexus of the VORTEX as Axial columnar
> organ of the
> TORUS 'is' the PRIME CASIMIR STRUCTURE. This is fundamental to all the
> LENR atomic-molecular
> phenomenon we are attempting to exploit LEGITIMATELY because we are ON THE
> Side Topic* * *DISCOUNT for the moment that we are IN THE
> subject to constant DRIVEL-GLUT BOMBARDMENT of the Vortex-l site WHENEVER
> someone
> REALLY STARTS TO GET CLOSE. . . . DUH. . . . saavy.
> Off Topic* * *DISCLAIMER HERE ON THE NWO-Indust-Mil Complex as ZIONism; as
> the Rothchild-Warburg etc.
> financed the Holocaust and now SUCKs-up to MANIPULATE current
> holocaust-survivors of  STATE-ISRAEL
> which is True-Zionism(simple survivorism) vs the NWO-Ind-Mil-Cmplx
> masquerade of psuedo-Zionism phoney
> support of State-Israel.  (Personally I prefer the MATRIX-MOVIE
> allegorical references to 'Zion' but everybody
> has a side-agenda these days(touchy-touchy) including 'moi.'~;)
> ENOUGH FOR POLITICS>>>except the DARK INDICATOR is that vortex-l being
> @ intervals of REAL INSIGHT which is the relatively BENIGN FORM of the
> Back On Topic* * * KEY:  APPLYING CASIMIR 'laws' to the ELECTRO-VALENT
> Whether looking at Photo-syn/Bio-Solar Voltaic OR Hydrogen fuel cell
> ION-MIGRATION effect:>>>MISSES that
> ion migration ACTUALLY is Spooky Action QUANTUM
> TELEPORTATION-communication via the CASIMER
> TORUS field being STACKED-DOUBLED(fiqure-eighted) and then LOOPING ITS
> BREACH Zero-Point(thru-(AexoTorsionSpace) BACK TO ITSELF in
> a TRANSDIMENSIONAL MOBIUS loop.  (This is also the DEFINITION of 'Spooky
> Action@ a Distance.'
> Boost-Jump is(induced) ADDED to the Whole-Quantum-equation OF the
> Atoms-Molecules WHICH IS our QUANTUM COLD FUSION Plus-Energy OUTPUT! ! !
> That's it folks.  That is the 'Quantum Mechanics of the
> AexoQuantum-Coherence/Entanglement Effect of SUCCESSFULL
> * * * THIS very function AT A SUSTAINED MANAGEABLE LEVEL using 'metals'
> etc. rather than Hydrogen-Helium BIG FUSION is precisely the very
> definition of SUSTAINABLE COLD FUSION. . .
> Standard
> AEXO-TORSION Spooky Action @ a Distance achieving THE Quantum-Plasma
> Boost(Induction-Stimulation) TransTorsion Mobius Loop effect.
> Foster Gamble's THRIVE 'insights' hold keys for using the
> MOBIUS LOOP to EASILY EXPLOIT(instigate-plot-control-tap) the COLD FUSION
> PROCESS. . .
> WHATEVER "Happy Aestrous-Day" folks and keep those pesky rabbits away from
> the Hen House!"~:^)


2013-03-29 Thread Rich Murray

I'm getting more interested in this event -- well, are there any
images of original documents that you can supply for me to look at ?
-- in June, 1986, I had a "magic save" one night on a train in Mexico,
when I went between the cars in the dark and turned to the right to
lean on the railing, which hadn't been put up in place, so innocently
fell forward toward the cactus at 40-50 mph -- my left hand shot out
and caught a handhold and I brought my right hand over to grip it, and
there I was on tiptoes, perfectly calm, before I stood myself
straight, thinking, "That was really close -- I just nearly died or
got terribly hurt -- I wouldn't try a catch like that for a million
dollars..."  The next morning in Oaxaca, I hand printed a 10 page
letter about it, which I still have -- over the years I slowly came to
appreciate that it was a miracle... no handhold on the right side...
I was going to a 10 day small workshop with Doris Crawford on the
Infinite Way of Joel Sol Goldsmith.

within the fellowship of service, Rich

On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 9:48 AM, Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan

> REGARDs THE 'POETIC' METAPHOR:  We 'all' are thus relative to common
> origins'
> THE FACTS;  My Dad(a WW-II) bomber pilot veteran was assigned to fly B-29s
> over MIG Ally KOREA the night of July 7th 1951 and his plane esp. engines
> were torn
> to shreds an the aircraft healed over into it's DEATH SPIRAL(beyond to point
> of no return) when a SILVER SHIMMERING ELIPSE 'locked' itself in place between
> front wing and aft aeleron a few feet from the left side fuselage and


2013-03-28 Thread Rich Murray

what is LGTB ?

each of us is uniquely all of single entire creative open fractal

the tiniest item has the full intimate co-creative collaboration of
the entire all, transcending all systems of times and spaces, so the
"now" is forever actively evolving, with no fixed past, present,
future for anything...

it's good to play with thoughts that open as widely as possible...

any form of good versus evil can readily be left behind...

only unity is here, always, and it's very nice to itself...

within the fellowship of service,  Rich

On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 9:42 PM, Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan

> THE DYING MATRIX:  BHO, NWO, Etc. yadda yadda adnauseum. . .
> William James as the Father of Psychology notably stated, "The
> first book on psychology there was to read, I first had to write~:^)
> And if William James collaborated with a statistical analysis of
> historical human behaviors relative to believe systems and then
> juxtaposed predictable 'trends' based on  SYNCHRONOS real
> occurances: BUT empirical stuff OUTSIDE THE SELF FULLFILLING
> PROPHESY predictability:  What would he have determined. . . ?
> If James would have been able to collaborate with Carl Jung and Campbell
> relative to SYMBOLIC ARCHETYPES in the developmental ('awareness?')
> of the Collective Consciousness that is man. . .  BUT NOT ignore the
> REAL EMPIRICAL PHENOMENON that indeed seems to jibe with
> Jungian/Campbellesque PREDICTIBILITY of Symbolic Currents
> of Homo-Sap's collective behaviors. . . WOULD THEY FINALLY
> ? Would this be a necessity to AVOID inevitable PARADOX or merely
> to EXPLAIN the PARADOX as NOT ultimately PARADOXICAL. .  and
> there fore 'real' and 'true' in real-time.  Oh but then to wrestle with
> transdimensional and transtemporal causality thrown into the mix. . .
> what a mind 'job!'
> In short the COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS is somewhat 'more'
> Thrown into the 'above' analytical construct; how do you think that
> ISLAM embraces the notion that BHO is/was a LGTB-Street Hustler
> as well as Arch Ruler of the NWO and Proclaimed to be a God?
> Nero was a LGTB-Street Hustler as well who was Arch Ruler
> of the Old World Order fascist Planet-State that is a 'model'
> for the NWO fascist Planet-State and Proclaimed to be a God. . . fancy that
> . . .
>> >


2013-03-28 Thread Rich Murray
Hi Jack,

You can see some of my views and doings in the first few posts at

I'm grateful to Mary Baker Eddy, highly influenced by Joel Sol
Goldsmith, studied "A Course In Miracles" half my life of 70 years,
got a huge lift from Jane Robert's "Seth" books, tantalized by
Tarthang Tulku, Rinpoche, in "Time Space and Knowledge", benefited
enormously from Ramana Maharshi, Poonjaji, Andrew Cohen, Gangagi, and
a swarm of recent teachers of "nonduality", enjoy Dzogchen (Dalai Lama
is a Dzogchen master) -- I don't consider myself a believer -- just
talking about the tools that have helped expand experience of
awareness (no where else) for me -- oh, my wife and I have studied all
of Eckhart Tolle's books, while I thought his collaboration with Oprah
on national TV was a huge step forward in the salvation of our daytime
world -- and, I respect Obama hugely, as a Lincoln level world
politician --

Here's MY world crusade hobby horse, since January 1999:

Prof. Ruud A. Woutersen can confirm with C13, in humans methanol is
made by ADH1 into formaldehyde inside cells in 20 specific tissues
(Kun Lu, 2012) -- WC Monte paradigm -- Prof. Rolaf van Leeuwen will
chair EFSA aspartame session Tuesday April 9: Rich Murray 2013.03.27

"It was concluded that the inhalation [by rats] of (13)C-FA at 10 ppm
for 6h did not result in an increase of the total FA concentration in

This confirms that inhaled formaldehyde does not enter the blood, or
is all bound to other larger molecules in the blood --

They could replicate Kun Lu et al, 2012:

confirms WC Monte paradigm: ingested methanol becomes toxic
formaldehyde-induced hydroxymethyl DNA adducts in all tissues in rats,
sensitive C13 test, Kun Lu, James A Swenberg, UNC Chapel Hill
2011.12.08 Toxicol Sci: Rich Murray 2013.01.11
[ much, much more... ]

within the fellowship of service,  Rich

On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 8:47 PM, Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan

> Don't let the CAPS fool you,  it's mere italic emphasis with me.
> I AM NOT PREACHING a 'church'
> if any kind but rather, EMPHASIZING EMPIRICAL DATA
> that leads to 'exotic' transdimensional/transtemporal
> evidenciary phenomenon that HAVE in history lead
> to much 'seeing  through a glass darkly' aka the propounding
> of the 'next' denomination religion old boy:
> ENTER Mary Baker Eddie and the 7th DAY ADVENTISTS.
> IF in her day I'd seen the movement; I MIGHT, have thought
> of them 'grasping' but with the benefit of the doubt of an ascribed
> nobility. . .  maybe.
> and more Talmudic/Pharisees; I don't need. . . . you're welcome to it.
> I stress again; HARD EMPIRICAL DATA. . . we can TOUCH this thing
> But this was the day of MEGALOMANIAC-MASS-MEETINGS and
> much charoltanism's antics. . . New Religions and Denominations
> such as Eddy's and others Road the wings of Madame Helena Petrova
> Blavatsky and her thrall Alice A. Baily who drove these American
> psuedo-prophets
> and who were whitewashed echos of A. Crowley, Manley P. Hall and Deitrich
> Eckhart,
> Adolph's mentor & NOT LEAST Henry Wallace disciple of (Meister
> Eckhart-Dietrich's mentor).
> and Wallace was FDR's guru mentor in NWO-UTOPIAN ILLUMINATION also known
> as UTOPIAN-FASCISM. . .  rather a plague of this stuff in Eddy's time. . .
> don't you think?
> This wave  of the Dark Age of Aquarius has now morphed into the BHO-King
> maker
> Deutschlander-Sodomite the Hitleresque-Hypnotic ECKHART TOLLE who
> has led Oprah by the Nose to synthesise with Farakhan and  create the NEW
> which has CROWNED BHO MESSIAH and BHO has notably FAILED to REFUTE that
> And these folks were NOT endulging in Hyperbole. . . .
> /
>> Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2013 20:17:39 -0700
>> .DARK VOICE Eckhart Tolle SAME VOICE as HITLER spooky
>> From:
>> To:;;
>> Jack, ole boy, you should do vehement stand up poetic rap You Tube videos
>> --
>> if you detest Mary Baker Eddy, you'll react strongly to "A Course In
>> Miracles"...
>> I hear fundamental, not fundamentalist, good in:
>> "...Tune In, Connect, SOAR. . . ALL LI


2013-03-28 Thread Rich Murray
Jack, ole boy, you should do vehement  stand up poetic rap You Tube videos --

if you detest Mary Baker Eddy, you'll react strongly to "A Course In

I hear fundamental, not fundamentalist, good in:

"...Tune In,  Connect, SOAR. . . ALL LIFE IS US. . . our Neighbors
are OUR TREASURE but FIRST the TREASURE of I AM WHO AM. . . . and we indeed ARE
OUR BROTHERS KEEPERS, sutainers, CO-EVOLVERS. . . Our BLOOD is our LOVE. . .
let it flow and transfuse our TRANDIMENSIONAL FUTURE through the STAR

shades of Walt Whitman...

roars of Allen Ginzberg...

how goes thy life as an apparent human personality, somewhere in the
USA, I guess ?

any negatives only appear in your day and night dream because you
imagine nonexistent separation within unity

so, ask for help direction guidance instruction forgiveness healing
transformation, blessing, grace --

unity has no ability to resist immediately responding --

peace is always herein, but our dreams can be chaotic...

yes, worth letting the ears that are here hear:

eg. contguous SENTIENCE-INTEGRATED SYSTEM that speaks
saying that I AM the ALL in ALL; the Alpha & the Omega;  the SOURCE &

That Being called the Tetragrammaton(note the ATON) aka YHWH. . . is
speaking. . .
What we used to call prayer; we now call REMOTE VIEWING, meditation yadda, yadda
but beings that lack the EVOLUTIONARY MANDATE to RECONNECT and form
SEQUENCE  simply fail to EVOLVE in SYMBIO-RESPONSE and thus become a
QUANTUM-LEAP WHOLE. . . Tune In,  Connect, SOAR. . . ALL LIFE IS US. .
. our Neighbors
are OUR TREASURE but FIRST the TREASURE of I AM WHO AM. . . . and we indeed ARE
OUR BROTHERS KEEPERS, sutainers, CO-EVOLVERS. . . Our BLOOD is our LOVE. . .
let it flow and transfuse our TRANDIMENSIONAL FUTURE through the STAR

Yes we are DAWNING into the NEXT RACE HomoNoviensis by the
WILL/Volititonal  HyperEmpathic
 Evolutional Determinism of the I AM/YHWH. . .

And this hardly to stifle our SCIENCE never. . . but to give us WINGS. . . . .

"Wings of Aeterna in Skys of Forever;  The URGENT NOW-ALWAYS
conquering 'Never.' "..."

I open to the fullness of your spontaneously creative power...

I let you all the way in

within the fellowship of service,  Rich

On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 7:35 PM, Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan

> .> Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2013 12:36:16 -0700
>> .DARK VOICE Eckhart Tolle SAME VOICE as HITLER spooky
>> From:
>> To:;;
>> On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 12:02 PM, Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan
>>  wrote:
>> > NEITHER Newton nor Einstein; for instance; would dismiss 'this' out of
>> > hand.
>> > SAYS: Look Deeper. . .
>> Hello Jack,
>> Mary Baker Eddy in 1866 had a similar exalted realization of unity:
>> Chapter 6 in "Science and Health":
>> Day 87 Science and Health, Chapter 6 Thursday 2013.03.28
>> "Whence came to me this heavenly conviction, — a conviction
>> antagonistic to the testimony of the physical senses? According to St.
>> Paul, it was “the gift of the grace of God given unto me by the
>> effectual working of His power.” It was the divine law of Life and
>> Love, unfolding to me the demonstrable fact that matter possesses
>> neither sensation nor life; that human experiences show the falsity of
>> all material things; and that immortal cravings, “the price of
>> learning love,” establish the truism that the only sufferer is mortal
>> mind, for the divine Mind cannot suffer.
>> Demonstrable evidence My conclusions were reached by allowing the
>> evidence of this revelation to multiply with mathematical certainty
>> and the lesser demonstration to prove the greater, as the product of
>> three multiplied by three, equalling nine, proves conclusively that
>> three times three duodecillions must be nine duodecillions, — not a
>> fraction more, not a unit less.
>> Light shining in darkness When apparently near the confines of
>> mortal existence, standing already within the shadow of the
>> death-valley, I learned these truths in divine Science: that all real
>> being is in God, the divine Mind, and that Life, Truth, and Love are
>> all-powerful and ever-present; that the opposite of Truth, — called
>> error, sin, sickness, disease, death, — is the false testimony of
>> false material sense, of mind in matter; that this false sense
>> evolves, in belief, a subjective state of mortal mind which this same
>> so-called mind names matter, thereby shutting out the true sense of
>> Spirit.
>> New lines of thought My discovery, that erring


2013-03-28 Thread Rich Murray


2013-03-28 Thread Rich Murray

Élie Joseph Cartan

1869 - 1951

Click the picture above
to see three larger pictures

Cartan worked on continuous groups, Lie algebras, differential
equations and geometry. His work achieves a synthesis between these
areas. He is one of the most important mathematicians of the first
half of the 20C.

>From 1899 to 1945, Elie Cartan, a son of a blacksmith, developed a set
of extraordinary mathematical ideas that have yet to be fully
exploited in the physical and technical sciences.
This WWW site is dedicated to certain applications of Cartan's methods
to problems of dissipative, radiative, irreversible systems.
Although emphasis herein has been placed on hydrodynamic,
thermodynamic, and electromagnetic applications, Cartan's techniques
can be used on micro and cosmological scales as well.
Cartan was the inventor of Spinors, spaces with Torsion , a champion
of Projective Geometries , and the developer of a system of calculus
called Exterior Differential Forms.

This remarkable calculus goes beyond the geometrical limitations of
Tensor Analysis with its restrictions to diffeomorphisms, for Cartan's
exterior calculus has Topological content in both its irreducible
(Pfaff dimension) representations, and in its harmonic components
(deRham period integrals).
Moreover, exterior differential forms are well behaved under
functional substitution and the pullbacks with respect to maps that
are not even homeomorphic.
Therefore differential forms can be used to study topological
evolution, where standard tensor methods on contravariant objects

The philosophy to be developed herein is that most visible physical
measurements are recognitions of Topological Defects and that
irreversibility and biological aging are expressions of Topological
Evolution .
For some more history, click here.

The book by M A Akivis and B Rosenfeld, Elie Cartan (1869-1951)
(Providence R.I., 1993),
and translated by V. Goldberg, is exceptional.

within the fellowship of service, Rich Murray


2013-03-28 Thread Rich Murray
On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 12:02 PM, Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan

> NEITHER Newton nor Einstein; for instance; would dismiss 'this' out of hand.
> SAYS:  Look Deeper. . .

Hello Jack,

Mary Baker Eddy in 1866 had a similar exalted realization of unity:

Chapter 6 in "Science and Health":

Day 87  Science and Health, Chapter 6  Thursday 2013.03.28

"Whence came to me this heavenly conviction, — a conviction
antagonistic to the testimony of the physical senses? According to St.
Paul, it was “the gift of the grace of God given unto me by the
effectual working of His power.”  It was the divine law of Life and
Love, unfolding to me the demonstrable fact that matter possesses
neither sensation nor life; that human experiences show the falsity of
all material things; and that immortal cravings, “the price of
learning love,” establish the truism that the only sufferer is mortal
mind, for the divine Mind cannot suffer.

Demonstrable evidence My conclusions were reached by allowing the
evidence of this revelation to multiply with mathematical certainty
and the lesser demonstration to prove the greater, as the product of
three multiplied by three, equalling nine, proves conclusively that
three times three duodecillions must be nine duodecillions, —  not a
fraction more, not a unit less.

Light shining in darknessWhen apparently near the confines of
mortal existence, standing already within the shadow of the
death-valley, I learned these truths in divine Science: that all real
being is in God, the divine Mind, and that Life, Truth, and Love are
all-powerful and ever-present; that the opposite of Truth, —  called
error, sin, sickness, disease, death, —  is the false testimony of
false material sense, of mind in matter; that this false sense
evolves, in belief, a subjective state of mortal mind which this same
so-called mind names matter, thereby shutting out the true sense of

New lines of thought My discovery, that erring, mortal, misnamed
mind produces all the organism and action of the mortal body, set my
thoughts to work in new channels, and led up to my demonstration of
the proposition that Mind is All and matter is naught as the leading
factor in Mind-science."

She and her students allowed many miracles of instantaneous healing,
which caused the movement to develop a global reach -- notably, an
excellent world newspaper -- their First Church in Boston has a
Maparium, a room size global hollow glass globe map of the world, with
a glass bridge inside for soul citizens to stand on and bless Earth
from within...

A similar modern transmission, public since 1975, is "A Course in
Miracles", available for free on the Net.

I hope you will limit posts to me to a single paragraph --  Imperial
Beach, south of San Diego,

within the fellowship of service,  Rich

Re: [Vo]:New W&L stuff

2013-02-26 Thread Rich Murray
Thanks, Chuck, for being carefully, open-mindedly curious about WL --
with a Scientific American level of understanding, I've been intrigued
for years that they seem able to tie so many diverse mysteries in
science to their beta-decay chains... so my hunch is, where's there's
a vertical chain of smoke puffs on the horizon, there's a signal, and
there's a fire with patterned processes -- also, if it exists, it
exists in variety and profusion, easily accessible to systems as
simple as high density polyethylene insulation over periods of months
in power cables...

!!? within the fellowship of service,  Rich Murray 619-623-3468
Imperial Beach, CA 91932

On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 8:14 PM, Chuck Sites  wrote:

> Thank you Axil,
> After looking at that power point for a few hours now, it has me deeply
> intrigued.   I really never looked into W&L theory on LENR because it seemed
> pretty far fetched that nuclear-weak interactions could be driving the heat
> events. It's probably a bias I developed when discussing the PEP chain
> nuclear synthesis for the Ni-H experiments.  PEP (p+e+p -> D) just never
> seemed possible given the models of the nuclear shell.
> I've changed my mind.  I am beginning to understand WL theory and it has
> really taken me aback.  A (WL) neutron  forms in a P+(e cloud) -> n.  The
> neutron is ultra-low momentum so interacts strongly with any open nuclear
> shell slot.  From there, any number of processes could occur.   In my mind,
> it certainly suggest a method were Ni-H can realistically work.
> This theory might actually be testable with my Nickel-Borax experiment, or
> suggest a nano-metal-boron + H.  If a neutron hits a B10 the result is B10 +
> n -> Li7 + He4.  or B10 + n -> B11.   Then p+B11 -> 3 He4 + 8.7MeV if
> somehow n -> p + e + anti-neutrino such that n+B11 -> 3 He4 + e +
> anti-neutrino + 8.7MeV.
> Interesting enough,  is the observation that resistance drops in the
> electrolysis of Ni-H in borax.  This fits very well with WL theory on
> protonic superconductivity.   Since late 80's I've thought CF would have to
> show protonic superconductivity before fusion, simply because of the charge
> a proton/deuteron carries and  the quantum wave overlap thats needed prior
> to fusion.
> All and all, this is a very interesting read.   I'm becoming a real fan of
> the WL theory.
> Best Regards,
> Chuck
> On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 3:34 AM, Axil Axil  wrote:
>> Some interesting stuff. Maybe W&L are getting closer to the truth.
>> Enjoy...
>> Cheers:  Axil

[Vo]:Re: [nVo] Cold fusion, Joshua Cude

2013-02-05 Thread Rich Murray
You may see, real is hopping up and down, communicating with a few
self-selected somewhat more intrepid minds:

"Dream!  Nothing but dream!

causeless, inexplicable, event surges that are not predictable,
understandable, controllable, measurable, never replicated, yet of
apparent immense theoretical and "practical" significance (within the
crippling conventions of "your" consensus daily dream realm) ...

that's the evidence !

you're trying to impose outmoded modes of thought since 1989,
squabbling endlessly, trying to swim straight up in the air against
the full descending, chaotic crash of Niagara Falls...

imagine Einstein in 1905 focusing on trying to maintain and patch
together the unraveling fabric of classical mechanics...

so, follow his example, join the self-selecting networks of intrepid
pioneers who are choosing to theoretically and experientially
transcend recent centuries of primitive scientific thought about
space, time, causality, reality...

first: confess freely your own personal "subjective" experiences, like
"precognition", that mandate radical expansion of fundamental

second: when others tell you their unbelievable, unconfirmable
(always...), very strange personal "subjective" experiences, listen
very carefully, and then be alert to notice similar experiences
happening, generally rather quickly, in your own flow of "private",
"personal", "ideosyncratic", "subjective" personal experience...

third: start comparing notes...

fourth: practice relaxing your mind and attending carefully with open
curious attention to bizarre thoughts that will appear quickly in
surprising profusion...

(don't be scared, it's just dear old dad or granddad padding around in
his slippers, muttering to himself...)

fifth: start sharing these thoughts...

hint: nothing but Woo Woo... hyper exponential Niagara Falls...

reference: Time Space and Knowledge, 1969 Tarthang Tulku,  Rinpoche,
Nyingma Institute -- an explorer's field manual, not dogma...

coda: treat yerself to the best, buddy...

within the fellowship of mutual service,  Rich

Re: [Vo]:Observational Evidence for Two Cosmological Predictions Made by Bit-String Physics

2013-02-04 Thread Rich Murray
bit string physics unifies cosmology and all particles since 1962, H.
Pierre Noyes, SLAC 16p full text 2001.03.21 -- actual retrocausality
in quantum reality -- unity of physics, math, infinite awareness: Rich
Murray 2013.02.04

[  A. F. Parker Rhodes published first scheme in January 1962. ]
full text 16 pages  born 1923

[ major player in inventing hydrogen bombs.. ]

Around this time (1972-3), he heard a report from Ted Bastin on his
combinatorial hierarchy work and met with Bastin and his
collaborators: J. C. Amson, C. W. Kilmister, and A. F. Parker Rhodes.
The research conducted during this interaction resulted in the
development of and many papers on finite and discrete physics and
cosmology called bit-string physics.[6]
This work became Noyes’ focus for much of the rest of the century.
His contributions to the new field include:[2]

He showed that show that, thanks to a 1952 paper by Freeman Dyson, the
integer value of ћc/e2 = 137 given by the first three levels of the
combinatorial hierarchy could be given physical interpretation as the
maximum number of electron-positron pairs which could be discussed
within a radius of ћ/2me, using renormalized quantum electrodynamics.

Further, the rest energy of this system (137 x (2mec2)) ≈ mπ could
then suggest that the breakdown of quantum electrodynamics found by
Dyson might be due to the strong interactions mediated by pions.

The same argument extended to the fourth level suggested that the
closure of the scheme at the fourth level, characterized by 2^127,
could be understood as the formation of a black hole with the Planck
mass by that number of baryons of protonic mass concentrated within

Noyes, however, remained profoundly skeptical of these results until a
decade later when David McGoveran showed that the scheme not only
allowed one to derive the Sommerfeld-Dirac formula for the fine
structure spectrum of hydrogen and then to correct the 137
approximation by correctly calculating the next four significant
figures in the inverse fine-structure constant in agreement with

but also to correct the value for Newton's gravitational constant

and compute several other elementary particle coupling constants and
mass ratios.

Work with Michael Manthey led to a cosmological model which predicted
long ago that there was not enough matter to close the universe and
that the ratio of dark matter to baryonic matter is 12.7.

 A consistent scheme developed by Ed Jones (Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratories) also predicted a positive cosmological constant
of the magnitude that was only observed in 2011.[citation needed]

He compiled Selected Papers on Bit-String Physics to serve as an
introduction to this new field.[citation needed]

"From an analysis based on quantum entropy, it is proposed that
quantum measurement is a unitary three-interaction, with no collapse,
no fundamental randomness, and no barrier to backward influence."

Causality, randomness, and related papers
(More BI papers: Theoretical, Experimental)

Understanding Retrocausality - Can a Message Be Sent To the Past?,
Richard Shoup, 2011 [slides-PDF, paper-PDF]

We examine why exactly it is that a message cannot be sent into the
past and received there using quantum physics, yet certain anomalous
correlations can make it appear just that way.

To accomplish this, we must first explore more deeply the usual
concepts of superposition, entanglement, measurement, locality, and

>From these reinterpreted concepts, and through analyses of the usual
forward EPR experimental arrangement and a time-symmetrical backward
version, we can better understand the fundamental inadequacy of the
idea of "causality" (both forward and backward).

We also discuss possible explanations for apparent retrocausal
anomalies such as those of the recent experiments by psychologist
Daryl Bem.

Presented at Quantum Retrocausation: Theory and Experiment, University
of San Diego, June 2011.
To be published in AIP Conference Proceedings for 92nd Meeting of AAAS
Pacific Division,
D. P. Sheehan editor.

Physics without Causality-Theory and Evidence,
Richard Shoup, 2006 [slides-PDF, paper-PDF]

The principle of cause and effect is deeply rooted in human
experience, so much so that it is routinely and tacitly assumed
throughout science, even by scientists working in areas where time
symmetry is theoretically ingrained, as it is in both classical and
quantum physics.

Experiments are said to cause their results, not the other way around.

In this informal paper, we argue that this assumption should be
replaced with a more general notion of mutual influence --
bi-directional relations or constraints on joint values of two or more

>From an analysis based on quantum entropy, it is propose

[Vo]:"in the last decade. The world went from connected to hyperconnected", so Woodrow C. Monte methanol-formaldehyde paradigm, being true, is spreading and evolving exponentially: Thomas L. Friedma

2013-01-31 Thread Rich Murray
"in the last decade. The world went from connected to hyperconnected",
so Woodrow C. Monte methanol-formaldehyde paradigm, being true, is
spreading and evolving exponentially: Thomas L. Friedman: Dan Novak:
Rich Murray 2013.01.31

so this post illustrates and is this benign collaborative exponential

comrade Dan Novak,

thanks for resonating so well with what I wanted to alert family and
friends about -- maybe a new global economy has to always guarantee
free all basic needs, including all education and information
collaboration access, while inviting all kinds of people and their
networks to compete constructively at anything that serves themselves
and others -- the work-play-service itself is its own daily reward --
what I am doing re methanol-formaldehyde toxicity, being a good
example -- I just started posting free conscientious reviews 14 years
ago about aspartame research, anticipating exponential world change
via the Net -- attracting the probable history since fall 2007 where I
am collaborating closely with Woodrow C. Monte, whose breakthrough
methanol-formaldehyde paradigm expands the game from aspartame to all
methanol sources and dozens of major diseases, from Alzheimer's to
autism, which will generate trillions of dollars of benefit as the
paradigm expands and evolves exponentially -- suddenly, the evolving
biological measurement technology makes the scientific confirmation a
trivial, rapid one-expert action -- in this case the process of
applying the paradigm is remarkably simple, cheap, safe, effective for
treatment and prevention -- just avoid all methanol...

within the fellowship of service,  Rich

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 10:18 AM  PST, Dan Novak <  > wrote:
> -Original Message-
> From: URI General Discussion List
On Behalf Of Dan Novak
> Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 12:36 PM
> To:
> Subject: lotta Q's!
> Good Morning! -- DN
> January 29, 2013, The New York Times
> It’s P.Q. and C.Q. as Much as I.Q.
President Obama’s first term was absorbed by dealing with the Great
Recession. I hope that in his second term he’ll be able to devote more
attention to the Great Inflection.

Dealing with the Great Recession was largely about “Yes We Can” — about
government, about what we can and must do “together” to shore up the safety
nets and institutions that undergird our society and economy. Obama’s
Inaugural Address was a full-throated defense of that “public” side of the
unique public-private partnership that makes America great. But, if we’re to
sustain the kind of public institutions and safety nets that we’re used to,
it will require a lot more growth by the private side (not just more taxes),
a lot more entrepreneurship, a lot more start-ups and a lot more individual
risk-taking — things the president rarely speaks about. And it will all have
to happen in the context of the Great Inflection.

What do I mean by the Great Inflection? I mean something very big happened
in the last decade. The world went from connected to hyperconnected in a way
that is impacting every job, industry and school, but was largely disguised
by post-9/11 and the Great Recession. In 2004, I wrote a book, called “The
World Is Flat,” about how the world was getting digitally connected so more
people could compete, connect and collaborate from anywhere. When I wrote
that book, Facebook, Twitter, cloud computing, LinkedIn, 4G wireless,
ultra-high-speed bandwidth, big data, Skype, system-on-a-chip (SOC)
circuits, iPhones, iPods, iPads and cellphone apps didn’t exist, or were in
their infancy.

Today, not only do all these things exist, but, in combination, they’ve
taken us from connected to hyperconnected. Now, notes Craig Mundie, one of
Microsoft’s top technologists, not just elites, but virtually everyone
everywhere has, or will have soon, access to a hand-held computer/cellphone,
which can be activated by voice or touch, connected via the cloud to
infinite applications and storage, so they can work, invent, entertain,
collaborate and learn for less money than ever before. Alas, though, every
boss now also has cheaper, easier, faster access to more above-average
software, automation, robotics, cheap labor and cheap genius than ever
before. That means the old average is over. Everyone who wants a job now
must demonstrate how they can add value better than the new alternatives.

When the world gets this hyperconnected, adds Mundie, the speed with which
every job and industry changes also goes into hypermode. “In the old days,”
he said, “it was assumed that your educational foundation would last your
whole lifetime. That is no longer true.” Because of the way every industry —
from health care to manufacturing to education — is now being transformed by
cheap, f

[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Mainstream scientific research is looking into LENR and doesn’t know it yet.

2013-01-25 Thread Rich Murray

On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 10:47 PM, Finlay MacNab

> I was thinking the same thing while looking at this research.
> Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2013 00:29:26 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Vo]:Mainstream scientific research is looking into LENR and
> doesn’t know it yet.
> Proton Size Puzzle: Surprisingly Small Proton Radius Confirmed With Laser
> Spectroscopy of Exotic Hydrogen
> Accepted scientific research is looking into LENR and doesn’t know it yet.
> Muons behave a lot like electrons, except for their mass: muons are 200
> times heavier than electrons. The atomic orbit of the muon is therefore much
> closer to the proton than the electron's orbit in a regular hydrogen atom.
> Because the Muon obits closer to the proton, the proton feels more negative
> charge.
> The proton “charge radius” is reduced as a result indicating a reduction in
> the intensity of the positive charge of the proton (hydrogen nucleus).
> This may show that the strength of the negative charge felt by the proton
> diminishes the intensity of its positive charge; a kind of electrical charge
> screening.
> This experiment is similar to an experiment that Mills might run.
> Electron screening produced in Mills chemical concoctions may also reduce
> the power of the positive charge of the nucleus resulting in lowered orbits
> for electrons (aka hydrinos).
> Cheers:   Axil

[Vo]:cloud free night views of USA and of Earth via NASA satellite -- much change since I went to college in 1960...: Rich Murray 2012.12.05

2012-12-05 Thread Rich Murray
cloud free night views of USA and of Earth via NASA satellite -- much
change since I went to college in 1960...: Rich Murray 2012.12.05

Credit: NASA Earth Observatory/NOAA NGDC ( -- Scientists
unveiled today an unprecedented new look at our planet at night.
A global composite image, constructed using cloud-free night images
from a new NASA and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) satellite, shows the glow of natural and human-built phenomena
across the planet in greater detail than ever before.

This image of the continental United States at night is a composite
assembled from data acquired by the Suomi NPP satellite in April and
October 2012.
The image was made possible by the satellite's "day-night band" of the
Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), which detects light
in a range of wavelengths from green to near-infrared and uses
filtering techniques to observe dim signals such as city lights, gas
flares, auroras, wildfires and reflected moonlight.

Read more at:

[Vo]:Near-surface winds could provide more than 20 times today's global power demand: Rich Murray 2012.09.09

2012-09-09 Thread Rich Murray
Near-surface winds could provide more than 20 times today's global
power demand: Rich Murray 2012.09.09

Enough wind to power global energy demand, new research says
September 9, 2012
A Vestas wind turbine. Image credit: Vestas

There is enough energy available in winds to meet all of the world's demand.
Atmospheric turbines that convert steadier and faster high-altitude
winds into energy could generate even more power than ground- and
ocean-based units.
New research from Carnegie's Ken Caldeira examines the limits of the
amount of power that could be harvested from winds, as well as the
effects high-altitude wind power could have on the climate as a whole.
Their work is published September 9 by Nature Climate Change.

Led by Kate Marvel of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, who
began this research at Carnegie, the team used models to quantify the
amount of power that could be generated from both surface and
atmospheric winds.

Surface winds were defined as those that can be accessed by turbines
supported by towers on land or rising out of the sea.
High-altitude winds were defined as those that can be accessed by
technology merging turbines and kites.

The study looked only at the geophysical limitations of these
techniques, not technical or economic factors.

Turbines create drag, or resistance, which removes momentum from the
winds and tends to slow them.
As the number of wind turbines increase, the amount of energy that is
extracted increases.
But at some point, the winds would be slowed so much that adding more
turbines will not generate more electricity.
This study focused on finding the point at which energy extraction is highest.

Using models, the team was able to determine that more than 400
terrawatts of power could be extracted from surface winds and more
than 1,800 terrawatts could be generated by winds extracted throughout
the atmosphere.

Today, civilization uses about 18 TW of power.
Near-surface winds could provide more than 20 times today's global
power demand and wind turbines on kites could potentially capture 100
times the current global power demand.

At maximum levels of power extraction, there would be substantial
climate effects to wind harvesting.
But the study found that the climate effects of extracting wind energy
at the level of current global demand would be small, as long as the
turbines were spread out and not clustered in just a few regions.

At the level of global energy demand, wind turbines might affect
surface temperatures by about 0.1 degree Celsius and affect
precipitation by about 1%.
Overall, the environmental impacts would not be substantial.
"Looking at the big picture, it is more likely that economic,
technological or political factors will determine the growth of wind
power around the world, rather than geophysical limitations," Caldeira

Journal reference: Nature Climate Change
Provided by Carnegie Institution for Science

Read more at:

[Vo]:anomaly re Lithium 7 dearth in universe, not enough formed after Big Bang to fit current theories -- any relevance to Widom-Larsen theory of weak interaction beta decay chains? Rich Murray 2012

2012-09-09 Thread Rich Murray
anomaly re Lithium 7 dearth in universe, as not enough formed after
Big Bang to fit current theories -- any relevance to Widom-Larsen
theory of weak interaction beta decay chains? Rich Murray 2012.09.09

just asking...  Allan Widom and Lewis Larsen ?

Mystery over apparent dearth of lithium 7 in universe deepens
September 6, 2012 by Bob Yirka
Estimates of the lithium abundance in the SMC interstellar medium and
in other environments.
Credit: Nature, 489, 121–123. ( -- Researchers studying the
cosmos have been stumped by an observation first made by Monique and
François Spite of the Paris Observatory some thirty years ago;
they noted that in studying the halos of older stars, that there
should be more lithium 7 than there appeared to be in the universe.

Since that time many studies have been conducted in trying to explain
this apparent anomaly, but thus far no one has been able to come up
with a reasonable explanation.
And now, new research has deepened the mystery further by finding that
the amount of lithium 7 in the path between us and a very young star
aligns with would have been expected shortly after the Big Bang, but
doesn't take into account the creation of new amounts since that time.

In their paper published in the journal Nature, Christopher Howk and
colleagues suggest the discrepancy is troubling because it can't be
explained with normal astrophysics models.

What's really bothering all the scientists working on the lithium
problem is the fact that it's the only element that doesn't fit with
models of how things should have come to exist right after the Big
All known elements occur in amounts predicted, except for lithium 7;
there's just a third as much as theorists think there should be.

In trying to understand why, researchers have looked at old stars that
surround the Milky Way galaxy, low mass bosons called axions, and more
recently binary stars that are believed to harbor black holes.

Unfortunately, such studies have only made the problem worse by
suggesting that even more lithium 7 ought to be hanging around
somewhere than was predicted earlier.

In this new research the team looked at one single huge young star in
the Small Magellanic Cloud, or more precisely, at the spectrum
measured of gas and dust through which light must travel to get from
there to here, and found that the amount of lithium 7 is consistent
with theories that suggest how much of the element there should have
been shortly after the Big Bang, which is unsettling because
scientists know that more of it should have been created between then
and now.

Thus, these new results only add to the mystery of where all the rest
of it is, or worse, why it wasn't created in the first place as models

More information:
Observation of interstellar lithium in the low-metallicity Small
Magellanic Cloud, Nature, 489, 121–123 (06 September 2012)


The primordial abundances of light elements produced in the standard
theory of Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) depend only on the cosmic
ratio of baryons to photons, a quantity inferred from observations of
the microwave background.
The predicted primordial 7Li abundance is four times that measured in
the atmospheres of Galactic halo stars.
This discrepancy could be caused by modification of surface lithium
abundances during the stars' lifetimes or by physics beyond the
Standard Model that affects early nucleosynthesis.
The lithium abundance of low-metallicity gas provides an alternative
constraint on the primordial abundance and cosmic evolution of lithium
that is not susceptible to the in situ modifications that may affect
stellar atmospheres.
Here we report observations of interstellar 7Li in the low-metallicity
gas of the Small Magellanic Cloud, a nearby galaxy with a quarter the
Sun's metallicity.
The present-day 7Li abundance of the Small Magellanic Cloud is nearly
equal to the BBN predictions, severely constraining the amount of
possible subsequent enrichment of the gas by stellar and cosmic-ray
Our measurements can be reconciled with standard BBN with an extremely
fine-tuned depletion of stellar Li with metallicity.
They are also consistent with non-standard BBN.

Press release Journal reference: Nature © 2012

Read more at:

[Vo]:Chematica software and computer cluster studies database since 1760 of 7 million organic chemicals with 7 million reactions to automatically find valuable practical recipes: Rich Murray 2012.08

2012-08-27 Thread Rich Murray
Chematica software and computer cluster studies database since 1760 of
 7 million organic chemicals with 7 million reactions to automatically
find valuable practical recipes: Rich Murray 2012.08.27

With exponential speed, we'll see this automatization of innovative
research and engineering of practical, highly valuable chemical,
biological, mathematical and physical science and technology knowledge
on a global network level, like Wikipedia encyclopedia...

'Google on steroids': Scientists create chemical brain
August 22, 2012

Northwestern University scientists have connected 250 years of organic
chemical knowledge into one giant computer network -- a chemical
Google on steroids.

This "immortal chemist" will never retire and take away its knowledge
but instead will continue to learn, grow and share.

A decade in the making, the software optimizes syntheses of drug
molecules and other important compounds, combines long (and expensive)
syntheses of compounds into shorter and more economical routes and
identifies suspicious chemical recipes that could lead to chemical

"I realized that if we could link all the known chemical compounds and
reactions between them into one giant network, we could create not
only a new repository of chemical methods but an entirely new
knowledge platform where each chemical reaction ever performed and
each compound ever made would give rise to a collective 'chemical
brain,'" said Bartosz A. Grzybowski, who led the work. "The brain then
could be searched and analyzed with algorithms akin to those used in
Google or telecom networks."

Called Chematica, the network comprises some seven million chemicals
connected by a similar number of reactions. A family of algorithms
that searches and analyzes the network allows the chemist at his or
her computer to easily tap into this vast compendium of chemical
knowledge. And the system learns from experience, as more data and
algorithms are added to its knowledge base.

Details and demonstrations of the system are published in three
back-to-back papers in the Aug. 6 issue of the journal Angewandte
Chemie. Grzybowski is the senior author of all three papers.
He is the Kenneth Burgess Professor of Physical Chemistry and Chemical
Systems Engineering in the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences and
the McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science.

In the Angewandte paper titled "Parallel Optimization of Synthetic
Pathways Within the Network of Organic Chemistry," the researchers
have demonstrated algorithms that find optimal syntheses leading to
drug molecules and other industrially important chemicals. "The way we
coded our algorithms allows us to search within a fraction of a second
billions of chemical syntheses leading to a desired molecule,"
Grzybowski said. "This is very important since within even a few
synthetic steps from a desired target the number of possible syntheses
is astronomical and clearly beyond the search capabilities of any
human chemist."

Chematica can test and evaluate every possible synthesis that exists,
not only the few a particular chemist might have an interest in. In
this way, the algorithms find truly optimal ways of making desired
chemicals. The software already has been used in industrial settings,
Grzybowski said, to design more economical syntheses of companies'

Synthesis can be optimized with various constraints, such as avoiding
reactions involving environmentally dangerous compounds. Using the
Chematica software, such green chemistry optimizations are just one
click away.

Another important area of application is the shortening of synthetic
pathways into the so-called "one-pot" reactions. One of the holy
grails of organic chemistry has been to design methods in which all
the starting materials could be combined at the very beginning and
then the process would proceed in one pot -- much like cooking a stew
-- all the way to the final product.

The Northwestern researchers detail how this can be done in the
Angewandte paper titled "Rewiring Chemistry: Algorithmic Discovery and
Experimental Validation of One-Pot Reactions in the Network of Organic
Chemistry." The chemists have taught their network some 86,000
chemical rules that check -- again, in a fraction of a second --
whether a sequence of individual reactions can be combined into a
one-pot procedure.

Thirty predictions of one-pot syntheses were tested and fully
validated. Each synthesis proceeded as predicted and had excellent
yields. In one striking example, Grzybowski and his team synthesized
an anti-asthma drug using the one-pot method. The drug typically would
take four consecutive synthesis and purification steps. "Our
algorithms told us this sequence could be combined into just one step,
and we were naturally curious to che

Re: [Vo]:Some ICCF-17 papers posted on New Energy Times

2012-08-10 Thread Rich Murray
free full text report 6 pages

PA Mosier-Boss does not explicitly discuss previous claims of
anomalous results when a 6 KV  DC external field is applied to
external plates just outside codeposition cells for runs of about 3
weeks -- also having a about 6% AC component, frequency not given, via
a high voltage circuit from a TV.

The most recent citation listed is 2009...

Dr. Pamela A. Mosier-Boss is a visiting scientist at MIT. She has
conducted research in the area of low energy nuclear reactions (LENR)
for the past 23 years. In this research, she and her colleagues have
employed the co-deposition process that was pioneered by Dr. Stanislaw
Szpak. In the co-deposition process, palladium is electroplated onto a
metal substrate in the presence of evolving deuterium gas. The
resultant palladium nanoparticles load instantly with deuterium
achieving the high D/Pd loadings and high deuterium flux inside the
lattice to initiate LENR. Using the co-deposition process, Mosier-Boss
and her colleagues have reported on the production of excess heat,
tritium, transmutation, charged particles, and neutrons. These results
have been published in over 29 peer-reviewed journal articles.

In addition to her research in LENR, Mosier-Boss has conducted
research on high energy batteries for propulsion, drag reducing
polymers, anti-fouling polymers, and environmental sensor work at a
renowned Federal research center. She has investigated the use of
phage for bacterial detection and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy
for the detection of chemical contaminants such as perchlorate,
hexavalent chromium, and chlorinated solvents. She has also been
involved in the development of direct push sensors to map out
subsurface plumes of heavy metals and petroleum.

SPAWAR has yet to respond re simple error in claims of effects of
external high voltage dc fields inside a conducting electrolyte: Rich
Murray 2012.03.01

Synopsis of Refereed LENR Publications
P.A. Mosier-Boss, F.E. Gordon and S. Szpak
SPAWAR Systems Center-Pacific, San Diego, CA 92152
L.P.G. Forsley 1, J.W. Khim
JWK International, Annandale, VA 22003

"Subsequent papers examined elemental transmutation, effects of
external fields, and measurements of fast neutron energy and their

SPAWAR CR-39 single triple track gives neutron energy -- repeats
'external electric field' error in July EPJAP paper, PA Mosier-Boss et
al -- L Kowalski re lack of proof of nuclear reactions 2010.06.12:
Rich Murray 2010.07.21

Extraordinary Error -- no electric field exists inside a conducting
liquid in an insulated box with two external charged metal plates, re
work by SPAWAR on cold fusion since 2002 -- also hot spots from H and
O microbubbles: Rich Murray 2010.02.22

Rich Murray,
MA Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology,
BS MIT 1964 history and physics,
254-A Donax Avenue, Imperial Beach, CA 91932
Skype audio, video rich.murray11
new primary archive
group with 117 members, 1,641 posts in a public archive

Re: [Vo]:Some ICCF-17 papers posted on New Energy Times

2012-08-10 Thread Rich Murray
free full text report 6 pages

The most recent citation listed is 2009...

Dr. Pamela A. Mosier-Boss is a visiting scientist at MIT. She has
conducted research in the area of low energy nuclear reactions (LENR)
for the past 23 years. In this research, she and her colleagues have
employed the co-deposition process that was pioneered by Dr. Stanislaw
Szpak. In the co-deposition process, palladium is electroplated onto a
metal substrate in the presence of evolving deuterium gas. The
resultant palladium nanoparticles load instantly with deuterium
achieving the high D/Pd loadings and high deuterium flux inside the
lattice to initiate LENR. Using the co-deposition process, Mosier-Boss
and her colleagues have reported on the production of excess heat,
tritium, transmutation, charged particles, and neutrons. These results
have been published in over 29 peer-reviewed journal articles.

In addition to her research in LENR, Mosier-Boss has conducted
research on high energy batteries for propulsion, drag reducing
polymers, anti-fouling polymers, and environmental sensor work at a
renowned Federal research center. She has investigated the use of
phage for bacterial detection and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy
for the detection of chemical contaminants such as perchlorate,
hexavalent chromium, and chlorinated solvents. She has also been
involved in the development of direct push sensors to map out
subsurface plumes of heavy metals and petroleum.

Re: [Vo]:Cell resistance drop at initiation of XP burst in the Fleischmann-Pons Heat Effect

2012-07-11 Thread Rich Murray
maybe, the cathode becomes coated with many micro and nano bubbles,
raising its surface electrical resistance -- then micro and nano
explosions on the surface, which quickly becomes much more rugged with
tractal geometry, expose the metal directly to the electrolyte, with
reduced average electrical resistance -- check this with microphones
able to hear very brief, tiny micro and nano explosions --

can this be done with unusual electrolytes at a few degrees above
absolute zero? -- then the explosions might be more easily detectable
as sounds and light flashes -- can verify any subtle nucear reactions
-- strive to set up micro and nano scale experiments to allow
detection and precise measurement of individual events ...

[Vo]:Lattice Energy LL -- Larsen Webradio Interview with Sandy Andrew, July 11 2012 by Lewis Larsen [ interview April 17, 2010 ]: Rich Murray 2012.07.11

2012-07-11 Thread Rich Murray
Lattice Energy LL -- Larsen Webradio Interview with Sandy Andrew, July
11 2012 by Lewis Larsen [ interview April 17, 2010 ]: Rich Murray

Lively, in-depth audio interview suitable for a general audience;
Mr. Sandy Andrew had carefully researched the topics of LENRs and
"cold fusion" prior to the show --- asked a number of probing
questions that explored the scientific, economic, geopolitical, and
social implications of the W-L theory of LENRs.
[one-hour online recording]

Re: [Vo]:SPAWAR has yet to respond re simple error in claims of effects of external high voltage dc fields inside a conducting electrolyte: Rich Murray 2012.03.01 2012.07.02

2012-07-04 Thread Rich Murray
Well, there's a saying in Zen about swallowing the Niagara Falls in
one gulp -- perhaps a tsunami of verbal arguments by Lomax may float
visions that are plausibly contrary to the visions aired by Murray --
but the possiblities of micro and nano level storage and release of
chemical energy by bubbles on the Pd surface, increasingly rough,
complex and chaotic with time, need to be tested, not just
persuasively discussed.

Returning to, ahem, discussion...

I'm assuming that minute bubbles of O2 would adhere to the Pd by
normal molecular attraction, the Van der Waals quantum interaction of
outer electrons between O2 and Pd, just like bubbles in soda pop or a
glass of water, sticking to surfaces, perhaps forming a hemisphere,
while the ignition would occur very quickly, since rough Pd is a
catalyst -- now, many here can estimate the speed of burning roughly
by invoking the nonequilibrium velocity distribution at the burning
temperature in complex fast-moving nonlinear combustion next to or on
a surface within electrolyte -- too fast for heat dissipation via
conduction or convection --

A sphere stuck to a surface has radial symmetry, pointing at the
surface -- so my hunch was that a jet or bipolar jet might ensue --
heat transfer would be by radiation and then by kinetic impact of new
H2O molecules moving at many km/sec, the speed inside the fierce
burning in H2-O2 liquid rocket engines -- so one bubble would vaporize
at least it own volume of Pd surface, releasing the H stored at 1 to 1
loading ratio, which would make a momentary enriched environment for
the next O2 bubble -- need data for how crowded these bubbles can
actually get in the electrolyte next to the cathode, especially if
they are positively charged, and thus attracted to the cathode -- so
Murray's logic is, if the micro craters are via chemical energy, then
therefore a lot of the O2 micro bubbles are positively charged -- time
for a quick micro experiment...

only experiment can find the distribution of H2 and O2 micro and nano
scale bubbles, and survey complex, unpredictable corrosion effects --
recall that acoustic cavitation can erode ship propellers.

I suggest that experiments should be as tiny as possible, looking to
view the details of events real-time, one by one, as has been so
fruitful in nuclear physics since Rutherford looked at the
distribution of flashes on a fluorescent screen for hours from alpha
particle bombardment of a thin metal film in 1911, proving the
incrediby small size and huge density of the nucleus, as well as of
the alpha (helium nucleus) particle.

Methinks Storms, Rothwell, and Lomax proclaim too much re the
heat-helium correlation.

Especially, is there any device in the world today that is generating
unexplained excess heat?  publicly, reliably ?

If not now, how recently?

Time will tell, 23 years after 1989...

Re: [Vo]:SPAWAR has yet to respond re simple error in claims of effects of external high voltage dc fields inside a conducting electrolyte: Rich Murray 2012.03.01 2012.07.02

2012-07-03 Thread Rich Murray
MacNap:  It should be noted that in an electrolyte the current results
from a chemical reaction at the anode and cathode (in this case the
generation of hydrogen and oxygen) there are no free charge carriers
in the solution itself.  The cations and anions are bound together by
electrostatic attraction and exist inside cloud quasi organized
solvent molecules.  Electrolyte ions do organize on the surface of
electrodes to screen the electric field at low potentials (most of the
voltage drop in an electrochemistry experiment happens within the
first nanometer of the electrode surface).  At the high fields quoted
in the linked paper, I cannot imagine how the electrolyte could screen
the applied field.  It seems reasonable to me that an electric field
could exist inside the cell, since electrolytes do not have free
charges that can migrate to the surface of the dielectric.

Electrolytes do not conduct electrons, they accept electrons and
donate electrons.  There are no charges flowing through the solution,
just reactions at the electrode surface.

Murray: It only takes a very tiny percentage of charges, positive and
negative to separate from the electrolyte onto the two opposite
plastic cell walls to balance the 6 kv external electric field.

That's a factoid I recall from 1960 freshman chemistry at MIT.

Once micro and nano wide channels of breakdown within the 1 mm plastic
walls, with 6 kv external metal plates outside the cells, evolve to
actually cross the walls, then sporatic micro and nano electric
currents will start to do complex things in tiny places on the
surfaces and within the electrolyte within the cell -- the conducting
channels in the walls may shut themselves down by melting the plastic
on the micro and nano scale, invisible to the eye -- resulting in
sporatic bursts of events.

Re: [Vo]:SPAWAR has yet to respond re simple error in claims of effects of external high voltage dc fields inside a conducting electrolyte: Rich Murray 2012.03.01 2012.07.02

2012-07-03 Thread Rich Murray
I'm glad to see my post has ignited a local hot spot in Vortex-L...

Lomax:  Um, very highly unlikely. The plastic walls are intact, or
electrolyte would leak out. They have high dielectric resistance. If
this is acrylic, it's about 1/16 inch thick. Current will be very,
very low. If there is leakage current, the current will create a
voltage drop. It will not create "sporadic local heat." Basically,
that field does nothing. If Rich wants to assert that it does
something, well, that kind of contradicts his thesis, eh?

Murray: that's a pretty thin film of plastic to put 6 kv on -- local
radioactivity and cosmic rays will leave subtle ionized paths across
the plastic, without making tunnels that could leak the electrolyte,
while then the high voltages would tend to penetrate these paths and
increase the local ionization, always finding and expanding paths
until routes evolve right across the film -- very thin, complex routes
with all kinds of weird chemistry and physics as the 6 kv potential is
brought to bear on micro and nano size structures within the walls --
still without creating routes wide enough for liquids to flow through
-- so the vision becomes available for a multitude of strange
processes, constantly evolving and varying as time marches on,
creating anomalies -- there need to be research on whether micro and
nano currents are indeed flowing along the surfaces and within the
conductors and electrolyte inside these small cells -- and whether
they are creating chaotic corrosion on the micro and nano scales,
releasing complex chemicals and gases into the electrolyte...

Look at Widom-Larsen descriptions of "water tree" breakdown in 40 kv
high voltage DC power cables with centimeters of high density
polyethylene insulation over weeks and months of exposure to the
voltage, reported by Japanese scientists to show anomalous elements...

By sporadic local heat I am talking about micro and and nano regions,
where a nanoamp of current backed by by 6 KV can exert huge transient
forces in a small place, enough to vaporize Pd...

Add to that, Pd fully loaded with H or D, and consider that the
reaction of 2 H with 1 O that hits the rough Pd surface will create
enough energy in the nano size molecule size region to separate a Pd
atom from the Pd lattice, i.e. vaporization... chemical energy thus is
easily able to provide the energy to vaporise 10 micron size craters
in Pd -- it would just take a 10 micron size bubble of O2 --

Bubbles this small do not float the way larger bubbles do -- being so
tiny, they experience Browning motion, random jitters from random
kinetic impacts from the hot electrolyte molecules, mostly H2O -- they
will, however, respond to electric potentials on all scales from cm to
micro cm -- so, what is the actual distribution of nano and micro
bubbles of H2 and O2 and other gases after a few days of this chaotic
electrochemical commotion, corroding all surfaces in contact with the
electrolyte --  perhaps with bits of dust falling in from lab air,
adding perhaps catalytic elements right up to uranium --

Such 10 micron bubbles would be so small that the chemical detonation
wave would be single pass, reaching the whole bubble so fast that the
bubble would not have time to pop off the local vaporizing Pd surface
(which releases the adsorbed H right in proximity with the combustion
shock wave of the O2 bubble), so that the entire explosion would be
like a shaped charge stuck to the Pd -- in fact the spherical or
hemispherical symmetry would tend to make a fierce, high density,
central jet aimed straight at the Pd surface, uh, maybe -- so, maybe,
no need to invoke nuclear nano explosions --

Murray's Law: nothing is as complex and devious as an apparently
simple electrolysis experiment...

[Vo]:SPAWAR has yet to respond re simple error in claims of effects of external high voltage dc fields inside a conducting electrolyte: Rich Murray 2012.03.01 2012.07.02

2012-07-02 Thread Rich Murray
SPAWAR has yet to respond re simple error in claims of effects of
external high voltage dc fields inside a conducting electrolyte: Rich
Murray 2012.03.01 2012.07.02 posted the following video today: 68 minutes April, 2012

Robert Duncan discusses experiments at Sidney Kimmel Institute for
Nuclear Renaissance

Robert V. Duncan shows a slide from SPAWAR Navy lab (Pamela
Mosier-Boss) that claims a 6 kv DC electric field from plates external
to a wet conducting electrolyte has effects within the electrolyte --
but the reality in simple electrostatics is the electric field exists
in the two plastic walls of the cell, between the liquid and the two
external plates, i.e., a simple double capacitor setup, with no field
in the conductor (electrolyte) that connects the two charged

There may be small leakage currents through the plastic walls that
short out the two capacitors, allowing unexpected currents to flow
through the electrolyte, applying high voltages to many tiny
locations, creating localized and evolving damage, thus generating
sporatic unexpected local heat and depositing elements from all parts
of the cell within these complex, scattered micro regions.

If micro and nano bubbles of H2 and O2 start forming and moving around
in the cell, their recombination on the increasingly corroded, complex
surfaces of the cathode can be shown to easily generate enough energy
to melt tiny volumes on the surface -- exactly the problem with nozzle
erosion in the engineering of H2-O2 liquid fuel rockets.

SPAWAR has yet to respond re simple error in claims of effects of
external high voltage dc fields inside a conducting electrolyte: Rich
Murray 2012.03.01

within mutual service,  Rich Murray
505-819-7388 Imperial Beach, CA 91932

[Vo]:free full 32 pages, Very high-temperature impact melt products as evidence for cosmic airbursts and impacts 12,900 years ago, TE Bunch et al, PNAS: Rich Murray 2012.06.19

2012-06-19 Thread Rich Murray
free full 32 pages, Very high-temperature impact melt products as
evidence for cosmic airbursts and impacts 12,900 years ago, TE Bunch
et al, PNAS: Rich Murray 2012.06.19  via Scribd (can expand pages)
10 page pdf  [ once saved, the pdf can be copied ]

This article contains supporting information online at
22 page pdf

Very high-temperature impact melt products as evidence for cosmic
airbursts and impacts 12,900 years ago

Ted E. Bunch a,1,
Robert E. Hermes b,
Andrew M.T. Moore c,
Douglas J. Kennett d,
James C. Weaver e,
James H. Wittke a,
Paul S. DeCarli f,
James L. Bischoff g,
Gordon C. Hillman h,
George A. Howard i,
David R. Kimbel j,
Gunther Kletetschka k,l,
Carl P. Lipo m,
Sachiko Sakai m,
Zsolt Revay n,
Allen West o,
Richard B. Firestone p,
and James P. Kennett q.

a Geology Program, School of Earth Science and Environmental Sustainability,
Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ 86011;

b Los Alamos National Laboratory (retired),
Los Alamos, NM 87545;

c College of Liberal Arts, Rochester Institute of Technology,
Rochester, NY 14623;

d Department of Anthropology, Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, PA 16802;

e Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering,
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138;

f SRI International, Menlo Park, CA 94025;

g US Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA 94025;

h Institute of Archaeology, University College London,
London, United Kingdom;

i Restoration Systems, LLC, Raleigh, NC 27604;

j Kimstar Research, Fayetteville, NC 28312;

k Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, and

l Institute of Geology,
Czech Academy of Science of the Czech Republic,
v.v.i., Prague, Czech Republic;

m Institute for Integrated Research in Materials, Environments, and
Society (IIRMES),
California State University, Long Beach, CA 90840;

Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II),
Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany;

o GeoScience Consulting, Dewey, AZ 86327;

p Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Berkeley, CA 94720; and

q Department of Earth Science and Marine Science Instititute,
University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106

Edited by* Steven M. Stanley, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI,
and approved April 30, 2012
(received for review March 19, 2012)

Figure S6. [ 8 color photos of 0.2 mm spherules, page 16/32 = 6/22 ]
Light photomicrographs of magnetic and glassy spherules from Melrose, PA.
Shapes include spherules, ovals, teardrops, and dumbbells.
Colors include clear, gray, red, brown, and black.
Note spherule B contains a large bubble.
Both dumbbells (D and H) indicate fusion of molten or semi-plastic spherules.
Note that dumbbell H consists of two dissimilar accretionary spherules,
one clear (Si-rich) and the other opaque (Fe-rich).

photo of typical air burst geoablation glaze on hard bedrock at top of
Mount Helix park, E San Diego: Rich Murray 2012.03.15

Rich Murray,
MA Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology,
BS MIT 1964 history and physics,
254-A Donax Avenue, Imperial Beach, CA 91932-1918
505-819-7388 cell
619-623-3468 home
rich.murray11 Skype audio, video

[Vo]:The transcension hypothesis: Sufficiently advanced civilizations invariably leave our universe, John M. Smart: Rich Murray 2012.06.18

2012-06-18 Thread Rich Murray
uh,  see A Course in Miracles (Jesus), Time, Space and Knowledge
(Tarthang Tulku, Rinpoche), The Nature of Personal Reality: A Seth
Book (Jane Roberts)...

Acta Astronautica
Volume 78, September -- October 2012, Pages 55-68
Searching for Life Signatures

The transcension hypothesis: Sufficiently advanced civilizations
invariably leave our universe, and implications for METI and SETI * **
John M. Smart a, b, c, d, , ,
a Acceleration Studies Foundation, 216 Mountain View Ave, Mountain
View, CA 94041, USA
b Evo Devo Universe Research Community, USA
c Emerging Technologies, University of Advancing Technology, Tempe, AZ, USA
d ECCO (Evol, Complexity & Cognition) Group, Center Leo Apostel, Free
U. of Brussels, Belgium
Received 12 March 2011. Revised 2 November 2011. Accepted 4 November
2011. Available online 16 December 2011., How to Cite or Link Using DOI
Permissions & Reprints
View full text
Purchase $31.50


The emerging science of evolutionary developmental (“evo devo”)
biology can aid us in thinking about our universe as both an
evolutionary system, where most processes are unpredictable and
creative, and a developmental system, where a special few processes
are predictable and constrained to produce far-future-specific
emergent order, just as we see in the common developmental processes
in two stars of an identical population type, or in two genetically
identical twins in biology.

The transcension hypothesis proposes that a universal process of
evolutionary development guides all sufficiently advanced
civilizations into what may be called "inner space," a computationally
optimal domain of increasingly dense, productive, miniaturized, and
efficient scales of space, time, energy, and matter, and eventually,
to a black-hole-like destination.

Transcension as a developmental destiny might also contribute to the
solution to the Fermi paradox, the question of why we have not seen
evidence of or received beacons from intelligent civilizations.

A few potential evolutionary, developmental, and information theoretic
reasons, mechanisms, and models for constrained transcension of
advanced intelligence are briefly considered.

In particular, we introduce arguments that black holes may be a
developmental destiny and standard attractor for all higher
intelligence, as they appear to some to be ideal computing, learning,
forward time travel, energy harvesting, civilization merger, natural
selection, and universe replication devices.

In the transcension hypothesis, simpler civilizations that succeed in
resisting transcension by staying in outer (normal) space would be
developmental failures, which are statistically very rare late in the
life cycle of any biological developing system.

If transcension is a developmental process, we may expect brief
broadcasts or subtle forms of galactic engineering to occur in small
portions of a few galaxies, the handiwork of young and immature
civilizations, but constrained transcension should be by far the norm
for all mature civilizations.

The transcension hypothesis has significant and testable implications
for our current and future METI and SETI agendas.

If all universal intelligence eventually transcends to black-hole-like
environments, after which some form of merger and selection occurs,
and if two-way messaging (a send–receive cycle) is severely limited by
the great distances between neighboring and rapidly transcending
civilizations, then sending one-way METI or probes prior to
transcension becomes the only real communication option.

But one-way messaging or probes may provably reduce the evolutionary
diversity in all civilizations receiving the message, as they would
then arrive at their local transcensions in a much more homogenous

If true, an ethical injunction against one-way messaging or probes
might emerge in the morality and sustainability systems of all
sufficiently advanced civilizations, an argument known as the Zoo
hypothesis in Fermi paradox literature, if all higher intelligences
are subject to an evolutionary attractor to maximize their local
diversity, and a developmental attractor to merge and advance
universal intelligence.

In any such environment, the evolutionary value of sending any
interstellar message or probe may simply not be worth the cost, if
transcension is an inevitable, accelerative, and testable
developmental process, one that eventually will be discovered and
quantitatively described by future physics.

Fortunately, transcension processes may be measurable today even
without good physical theory, and radio and optical SETI may each
provide empirical tests.

If transcension is a universal developmental constraint, then without
exception all early and low-power electromagnetic leakage signals
(radar, radio, television), and later, optical evidence of the
exoplanets and their atmospheres should reliably cease 

[Vo]:Re: [FRIAM] neutrons leaking to parallel mirror universe? Rich Murray2012.06.18

2012-06-18 Thread Rich Murray
What intrigues me is that very cold neutrons switching spontaneously
out of our realm in seconds via low intensity mirror realm magnetic
fields is a scheme that sounds similar to the Widom-Larson conjecture
in recent years:

strong electric currents creating momentary neutral associations
between protons and electrons, on the surfaces of solids, with zero
overall charge and very low speed, on surfaces where the
proton-electron association can act like a neutron, moving so close to
the atomic nucleus as to enable the strong force to grab the proton,
which emits a positron that combines with the electron, making an
escaping gamma and releasing nuclear energy -- leaving the nucleus
with an added unit of mass, enough in many nuclei like Cu to produce
short-lived radioactives that give off gammas and electrons one by one
via known decay chains, resulting in a stable element with higher
proton numbers...

search Google for Widom-Larson weak interaction transmutation decay chains...

eternal exponential expansion of science is an empirical law that,
given the actual single, fully and intimately unified, creative, fey
fractal hyperinfinity beyond-within all subjective and objective
realms, will forever display unpredictable phenomena on all scales --
just as observed since 1660...  heh, heh...
"Murray's Law"...

[Vo]:neutrons leaking to parallel mirror universe? Rich Murray 2012.06.18

2012-06-18 Thread Rich Murray
neutrons leaking to parallel mirror universe? Rich Murray 2012.06.18

Neutrons escaping to a parallel world? June 15, 2012

In a paper recently published in European Physical Journal C,
researchers hypothesised the existence of mirror particles to explain
the anomalous loss of neutrons observed experimentally.

The existence of such mirror matter had been suggested in various
scientific contexts some time ago, including the search for suitable
dark matter candidates.

Theoretical physicists Zurab Berezhiani and Fabrizio Nesti from the
University of l'Aquila, Italy, reanalysed the experimental data
obtained by the research group of Anatoly Serebrov at the Institut
Laue-Langevin, France.

It showed that the loss rate of very slow free neutrons appeared to
depend on the direction and strength of the magnetic field applied.

This anomaly could not be explained by known physics.

Berezhiani believes it could be interpreted in the light of a
hypothetical parallel world consisting of mirror particles.

Each neutron would have the ability to transition into its invisible
mirror twin, and back, oscillating from one world to the other.

The probability of such a transition happening was predicted to be
sensitive to the presence of magnetic fields, and could therefore be
detected experimentally.

This neutron-mirror-neutron oscillation could occur within a timescale
of a few seconds, according to the paper.

The possibility of such a fast disappearance of neutrons -- much
faster than the ten-minute long neutron decay -- albeit surprising,
could not be excluded by existing experimental and astrophysical

This interpretation is subject to the condition that the earth
possesses a mirror magnetic field on the order of 0.1 Gauss.

Such a field could be induced by mirror particles floating around in
the galaxy as dark matter.

Hypothetically, the earth could capture the mirror matter via some
feeble interactions between ordinary particles and those from parallel

More information: Z. Berezhiani, F. Nesti,
Magnetic anomaly in UCN trapping: signal for neutron oscillations to
parallel world?
(2012),  European Physical Journal C 72: 1974,
DOI 10.1140/epjc/s10052-012-1974-5

[Vo]:what's going on and on and on, from void to smudge to diamond...: Rich Murray 2012.06.06

2012-06-06 Thread Rich Murray
what's going on and on and on, from void to smudge to diamond...: Rich
Murray 2012.06.06

Eternal Exponential Expansion of  Science

Thank you Chrisw, for your reasonable consideration.

I often, as an informal hobby, note all the surprises about C, carbon,
the sequence of facts, definitions, paradigms, since I first watched
matches and kerosene lattern wicks turn into charcoal in our rented
farmhouse in the pines of Fannett, east Texas, NE of Galveston, from
July 1941-- summer, 1945: coal, pencil "lead", diamond, graphite,
carbohydrate plants and foods, carbon dioxide, smoke, oil, gasoline,
greese, Vaseline, hydrocarbons, the endless pantheon of organic
chemistry, benzine ring, DNA, RNA, proteins, exhalation, carbon
monoxide toxicity, alcohol in all its permutations as drink and drug,
rocket exhaust specific impulse, V-2 rocket, nuclear structure,
isotopes, C-14 dating, C-13 for biological studies, pure isotopes,
C-14 from hydrogen bomb tests causing worldwide cancers, high pressure
studies to ever higher densities for  every decade to find and use
carbon allotropes, odd and even nuclear parity in C nuclei isotopes, C
nuclei beams, methane microwave maser and then CO2 infrared lasers,
interstellar and intergalactic C, C deep in the core of Earth and
large planets, a carbon nuclear resonance vital to the carbon nuclear
energy cycle in the Sun, carbon via the Big Bang, carbon gases
essential to allow the first H and He clouds to cool down by infrared
radiation from their quantum molecular vibrations and rotations and so
allowing the first stars, solar systems, supernovae, and black holes
leading to at least one planet warm enough with the CO2 solar heat
retention process to have oceans and carbon polymers evolving into the
appearance in awareness in your and my awareness-being as these very
little black and white le t  t   er  marks quickly cognized as
subtle and complex meaning conveying patterns of subjectively
experienced ever evolving understandings including the possibility and
eventual personal experience of unexpected higher dimensional phases
of conscious awareness -- while in our daily dream, buckyballs of all
kinds, spheres, rods, ovoids, the last ten years carbon nanotubes
incredibly strong and light, longer and longer until we have the Space
Elevator, and now 2D graphene in all its permutations for physics, a
host of quantum effects, simulation of cosmological theories, ultra
capable molecular scale quantum computers with photons in carbon
nanotubes (not electrons in wires) or quantum spin devices in 3D
crystal volumes, superconducting at room temperature, extending
Moore's Law for many more decades, with all the exponential
ramifications for humans suddenly moving in mile scale high altitude
solar powered air ships, big as ocean liners, spiraling safely and
gently with electric ion drives to orbit within a week, then extending
the ellipse of the orbit to orbit the Moon, Mars, the entire volume
around the Sun, creating solar system size telescope arrays,
harvesting asteroids for water, metals, and, yes, carbon -- and this
is merely what one age 69 geek is capable of saying on 2012.06.06,
online since December 1995 -- note that cosmology now necessitates 10
space dimensions and 1 "time" dimension -- while basic concepts about
causality, space, time, energy, mass are being derived from more
primitive and fundamental comprehensions, like Smolin's Loop Quantum
Gravity and a variety of others, while now it's, ha-ha, possible that
the metauniverse is infinitely fractal in all possible patterns of
basic physics, "carbons", dimensions of spaces and times, life forms,
and modes of awareness-being,
which is here this very mo m  e   nt.. .  .   .. .

And, since January, 1999, I've been a layman volunteer information
activist on the Net, providing 1,650 long, detailed, civil,
conscientious reviews of aspartame toxicity, , which turns out to be the toxicity of
its 11% methanol (smallest organic carbon molecule), which is turned,
in humans only, into formaldehyde by the ADH1 enzyme right inside the
cells of many tissues, starting many diseases from Alzheimer's to
multiple sclerosis, later cancers, and birth defects spina bifida,
autism, and Asperger's.

within mutual service, Rich

[Vo]:Lewis Larsen, weak force LENR for Gold from Tungsten, 2012.05.19 slides 33-39 of 66, text only: Rich Murray 2012.05.24

2012-05-24 Thread Rich Murray
Lewis Larsen, weak force LENR for Gold from Tungsten, 2012.05.19
slides 33-39 of 66, text only: Rich Murray 2012.05.24

33. Commercializing a next-generation source of valuable stable elements
Lattice Energy LLC

Cirillo & Iorio also produced Gold from Tungsten ca. 2004

Modern Italian work is ~theoretically equivalent to Nagaoka’s Electric
discharge with 74W180-186 cathode in alkaline H2O instead of CnH2n+2 +

 Unaware of Nagaoka’s much earlier work, ca. 2003 - 2004 D. Cirillo
and E. Iorio in Italy inadvertently designed and constructed an LENR
experimental system involving electric discharges and Tungsten
electrodes that, from a WLT perspective, was ~theoretically equivalent
to Nagaoka’s 1920s experimental set-up;

they subsequently observed and reported transmutation products that
were consistent with Nagaoka's results reported in Nature and
operation of the 74W180-seed transmutation network that is described

 Cirillo & Iorio’s modern set-up utilized an “aqueous electrolyte
plasma glow-discharge cell”

 From an abstract broad-brush theoretical viewpoint, main differences
between their new experimental system and Nagaoka’s set-up of 80 years
earlier was that:

(1) in Cirillo & Iorio’s experiments the protons needed to produce
LENR neutrons came from hydrogen atoms in water (H2O) instead of in
transformer oil (CnH2n+2);

and (2) no Mercury (Hg) was initially present in their system, so
80Hg196 + n → 80Hg197 → 79Au197 electron-capture reaction can clearly
be excluded as potential source of surface Gold they observed with

 In a section following this one, we will speculatively discuss
intriguing experimental evidence that certain bacteria could be
involved with 74W180-seed network out in Nature

May 19, 2012 Copyright 2012, Lattice Energy LLC All Rights Reserved 33

34. Commercializing a next-generation source of valuable stable elements
Lattice Energy LLC

Cirillo & Iorio also produced Gold from Tungsten ca. 2004

Schematic overview of Cirillo & Iorio’s LENR experimental apparatus
[ Source of Graphic: Nature, 445, January 4, 2007 ]

Comment: this LENR experiment involves formation of a dense plasma in
a double-layer confined to the  surface of Tungsten (W) cathode (-) by
a  liquid electrolyte

Comment on their experimental data:

Unbeknownst to the experimenters, they may have had either Barium (Ba)
titanate and/or Dysprosium (Dy) as component(s) in the composition of
the dielectric ceramic sleeve that was partially covering the cathode
immersed in the electrolyte;

Ba and/or Dy are commonly present in such ceramics.

Under the stated experimental conditions, Ba and Dy could easily
'leach-out' from the _ + surface of the ceramic into the electrolyte,
creating yet another 'target' element that could migrate onto the
surface of their Tungsten (W) cathode.

Since none of the potential intermediate transmutation products such
as Nd (Neodymium), Sm (Samarium), and Gd (Gadolinium) were observed,

it is possible that there may have been LENR ULM neutron captures starting with

Dy → Er (Erbium) → Tm (Thulium) → Yb (Ytterbium),

LENR transmutation products that were also observed in these experiments

May 19, 2012 Copyright 2012, Lattice Energy LLC All Rights Reserved 34

35. Commercializing a next-generation source of valuable stable
elements Lattice Energy LLC

Cirillo & Iorio also produced Gold from Tungsten ca. 2004

Used SEM-EDX to detect intermediate products of 74W180-seed network

Paper (conference presentation - not peer- reviewed)
 D. Cirillo and V. Iorio,
“Transmutation of metal at  low energy in a confined plasma in water"
 pp. 492-504 in “Condensed Matter Nuclear Science
 – Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Cold Fusion,”
J-P. Biberian, ed.
 World Scientific (2006)
Free copy of paper available at:

 Quoting: “… electrodes are cylindrical rods with a: diameter of 2.45
mm, and a length of 17.5 cm … both are  made of pure Tungsten [W] …

cathode is partially covered with a ceramic sleeve, which allows …

control [of] the dimensions of … exposed cathode surface submerged in
… solution.”

 In their experiments, Rhenium (Re), Osmium (Os), and Gold (Au) were
observed post-experimentally as nuclear transmutation products on the
Tungsten (W) cathode surface;

other LENR transmutation products were also observed
(please see our Comment on previous Slide)

 According to WLT, operation of the 74W180-seed LENR transmutation
network could in theory produce a  nucleosynthetic pathway of

W → Re → Os → Ir → Pt → Au  ;

in fact, Re, Os, and Au were claimed to have been observed by Cirillo
& Iorio in these modern experiments

  Theoretically similar to Nagaoka’s experiments in 1920s:

 LENR transmutation products were observed, Gold (Au) in pa

[Vo]:66 remarkable dazzling detailed slides apply new Widom-Larsen paradigm for low energy nuclear reactions via weak force re anomalies in many fields, including geology, meteors, comets, impacts:

2012-05-22 Thread Rich Murray
66 remarkable dazzling detailed  slides apply new Widom-Larsen
paradigm for low energy nuclear reactions via weak force re anomalies
in many fields, including geology, meteors, comets, impacts: Rich
Murray 2012.05.22

What's interesting for me is that in 1995 and 1996, before I became a
pragmatic skeptic about cold fusion research, I spent a lot of time at
many science libraries, finding and zeroxing research from 1900 to
1940 about nuclear transmutations in electric sparks, electrically
exploded wires and a variety of chemical systems -- I had a hunch that
early research probably would have found possible anomalies without
having the power to clearly prove them -- but I didn't have the
technical skills to reach any strong conclusions, so last year gave
several boxes of the  papers to Michael H. Barron

[Vo]:credible expert concern re 460 tons spent uranium fuel rods in storage pool 3 and 4 floors high in weakened 7 floor roofless building at Fukushima #4: Rich Murray 2012.05.19

2012-05-19 Thread Rich Murray
credible expert concern re 460 tons spent uranium fuel rods in storage
pool 3 and 4 floors high in weakened 7 floor roofless building at
Fukushima #4: Rich Murray 2012.05.19

Hard to assess what is reasonable concern, given all the cross
currents of vested interest obfuscation vs alarmist exaggeration...

2 page letter May 16, 2012

May 4, 2012  Brad Jacobson

"Same Spent Fuel Pool Designs at Dozens of U.S. Nuclear Sites

So why isn't the NRC and the Obama administration doing more to shed
light on the extreme vulnerability of these irradiated fuel pools at
Fukushima Daiichi, which threaten not only Japan but the U.S. and the

Nuclear waste experts say it would expose the fact that the same
design flaw lies in wait -- and has been for decades -- at dozens of
U.S. nuclear facilities.
And that's not something the NRC, which is routinely accused of
promoting the nuclear industry rather than adequately regulating it,
nor the pro-nuclear Obama administration, want to broadcast to the
American public.

"The U.S. government right now is engaged in its own kabuki theatre to
protect the U.S. industry from the real costs of the lessons at
Fukushima," Gunter said.
"The NRC and its champions in the White House and on Capitol Hill are
looking to obfuscate the real threats and the necessary policy changes
to address the risk."

There are 31 G.E. Mark I and Mark II boiling water reactors (BRWs) in
the U.S., the type used at Fukushima.
All of these reactors, which comprise just under a third of all
nuclear reactors in the U.S., store their spent fuel in elevated pools
located outside the primary, or reinforced, containment that protects
the reactor core.
Thus, the outside structure, the building ostensibly protecting the
storage pools, is much weaker, in most cases about as sturdy, experts
describe in interviews with AlterNet, as a structure one would find
housing a car dealership or a Wal-Mart."

Brad Jacobson is a Brooklyn-based freelance journalist and
contributing reporter for AlterNet. His reporting has also appeared in
The Atlantic, Columbia Journalism Review, Billboard and other

April 7, 2012

"Mainchi reported on Monday:

The storage pool in the No. 4 reactor building has a total of 1,535
fuel rods, or 460 tons of nuclear fuel, in it.
The 7-story building itself has suffered great damage, with the
storage pool barely intact on the building’s third and fourth floors.
The roof has been blown away.
If the storage pool breaks and runs dry, the nuclear fuel inside will
overheat and explode, causing a massive amount of radioactive
substances to spread over a wide area. Both the U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC) and French nuclear energy company Areva
have warned about this risk."

[Vo]:bold claims, text, photos, diagrams -- Friday, March 23 Session 462 Advanced Concepts: LENR, Anti-Matter, and New Physics, at the Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space conference, report

2012-04-16 Thread Rich Murray
bold claims, text, photos, diagrams -- Friday, March 23 Session 462
Advanced Concepts: LENR, Anti-Matter, and New Physics, at the Nuclear
and Emerging Technologies for Space conference, report by Ruby Carat,
COLD FUSION NOW!: Rich Murray 2012.04.16


Session 462 Advanced Concepts: LENR, Anti-Matter, and New Physics

8:12 PM (16 minutes ago)

to wk
COLD FUSION NOW! has posted a new item,
Session 462
'Advanced Concepts: LENR, Anti-Matter, and New Physics'

April 17, 2012, Ruby Carat, 0 comment(s), Events, Science and Technology

On Friday, March 23 I attended Session 462
Advanced Concepts: LENR, Anti-Matter, and New Physics
of the Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space conference,
one day after speaking with George H. Miley who would be presenting
A Game-Changing Power Source for Spacecraft at the session.

Part 1 of event was an account of my talk with George H. Miley:

You may view the latest post at

You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new
updates are posted.
Best regards,

[Vo]:Physicists continue work to abolish time as fourth dimension of space, Amrit Sorli and Davide Fiscaletti, founders of the Space Life Institute in Slovenia, Physics Essays 2012.04.03: Rich Murra

2012-04-16 Thread Rich Murray
Physicists continue work to abolish time as fourth dimension of space,
 Amrit Sorli and Davide Fiscaletti, founders of the Space Life
Institute in Slovenia, Physics Essays 2012.04.03: Rich Murray

April 14, 2012 by Lisa Zyga

Light clocks A and B moving horizontally through space.
According to length contraction, clock A should tick faster than clock B.
In a new study, scientists argue that there is no length contraction,
and both clocks should tick at the same rate in accordance with
special relativity.
Image credit: Sorli and Fiscaletti.

( -- Philosophers have debated the nature of time long before
Einstein and modern physics.
But in the 106 years since Einstein, the prevailing view in physics
has been that time serves as the fourth dimension of space, an arena
represented mathematically as 4D Minkowski spacetime.
However, some scientists, including Amrit Sorli and Davide Fiscaletti,
founders of the Space Life Institute in Slovenia, argue that time
exists completely independent from space.
In a new study, Sorli and Fiscaletti have shown that two phenomena of
special relativity -- time dilation and length contraction -- can be
better described within the framework of a 3D space with time as the
quantity used to measure change (i.e., photon motion) in this space.

The scientists have published their article in a recent issue of Physics Essays.
The work builds on their previous articles, in which they have
investigated the definition of time as a “numerical order of material

The main concepts of special relativity -- that the speed of light is
the same in all inertial reference frames, and that there is no
absolute reference frame -- are traditionally formulated within the
framework of Minkowski spacetime.
In this framework, the three spatial dimensions are intuitively
visualized, while the time dimension is mathematically represented by
an imaginary coordinate, and cannot be visualized in a concrete way.
In their paper, Sorli and Fiscaletti argue that, while the concepts of
special relativity are sound, the introduction of 4D Minkowski
spacetime has created a century-long misunderstanding of time as the
fourth dimension of space that lacks any experimental support.
They argue that well-known time dilation experiments, such as those
demonstrating that clocks do in fact run slower in high-speed
airplanes than at rest, support special relativity and time dilation
but not necessarily Minkowski spacetime or length contraction.
According to the conventional view, clocks run slower at high speeds
due to the nature of Minkowski spacetime itself as a result of both
time dilation and length contraction. But Sorli and Fiscaletti argue
that the slow clocks can better be described by the relative velocity
between the two reference frames, which the clocks measure, not which
the clocks are a part of.
In this view, space and time are two separate entities.

“With clocks we measure the numerical order of motion in 3D space,”
Sorli told
“Time is 'separated' from space in a sense that time is not a fourth
dimension of space.
Instead, time as a numerical order of change exists in a 3D space.
Our model on space and time is founded on measurement and corresponds
better to physical reality.”

To illustrate the difference between the two views of time, Sorli and
Fiscaletti consider an experiment involving two light clocks.
Each clock's ticking mechanism consists of a photon being reflected
back and forth between two mirrors, so that a photon's path from one
mirror to the other represents one tick of the clock.
The clocks are arranged perpendicular to each other on a platform,
with clock A oriented horizontally and clock B vertically.
When the platform is moved horizontally at a high speed, then
according to the length contraction phenomenon in 4D spacetime, clock
A should shrink so that its photon has a shorter path to travel,
causing it to tick faster than clock B.
But Sorli and Fiscaletti argue that the length contraction of clock A
and subsequent difference in the ticking rates of clocks A and B do
not agree with special relativity, which postulates that the speed of
light is constant in all inertial reference frames.
They say that, keeping the photon speed the same for both clocks, both
clocks should tick at the same rate with no length contraction for
clock A.
They mathematically demonstrate how to resolve the problem in this way
by replacing Minkowski 4D spacetime with a 3D space involving Galilean
transformations for three spatial coordinates X, Y, and Z, and a
mathematical equation (Selleri's formalism) for the transformation of
the velocity of material change, which is completely independent of
the spatial coordinates.

Sorli explained that this idea that both photon clocks tick at the
same rate is not at odds with the experiments with flying clocks and
other tests that have mea

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