Missing web archives, intermittent (2 questions)

2008-06-06 Thread David K. Kim
Hello All, 

I am evaluating Yojimbo and am near the end of the trial period.  There is a
vexing problem that crops up intermittently.  I would appreciate any

(1) Sometimes, when I "archive in Yojimbo" with a Camino hotlink, or import
something as a WebArchive, it will not show up, either in the preview pane
or by selecting "[open in new window]".  Instead I get a blank screen.

I have noticed that this sometimes occurs the first time, and I think also
intermittently.  Note this seems different from the problem where Yojimbo's
download process hits a gateway ad page or login screen (not sure how to fix
that, either, see below).

(2) Any insights into how to work around those times when Yojimbo does get
hung up on an ad page or login gateway screen?  I would think Yojimbo uses a
common framework (from Cocoa) for web download.  Does this mean the problem
can be worked around by logging onto those sites with Safari first, or by
browsing with Safari?

Thanks in advance for any help.  My trial is running out soon and I'm trying
to sort out whether to use Yojimbo or EagleFiler.


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Re: Missing drop dock, hot keys

2008-06-04 Thread David G. Simmons

Hash: SHA1

On Jun 4, 2008, at 11:07 PM, Jim Correia wrote:

On Jun 3, 2008, at 7:28 AM, Lofty Becker wrote:

One of my copies of Yojimbo has stopped displaying the dock, and  
the hot keys don’t work.

Going to Preferences I see the dock is supposed to display. The hot  
keys are blank, and can’t be restored by clicking “restore defaults”

I have a vague memory of reading that this means a florfed file  
somewhere. Any hints?

How do you launch Yojimbo?

If you launch it as a startup item, please quit and relaunch and  
this should clear up the problem. If not, please contact <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> so we can help.

Yes, I often have to quit and relaunch, as this happens to me on a  
fairly regular basis (like, every time I reboot which is, thankfully,  
very rare).

(The login issue is a relatively rare condition; I have a bug logged  
to work around the OS issue that triggers it.)

I hope it gets fixed, as it sort of defeats the purpose of a startup  
item if you have to quit it and restart it. :-)



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- --
David G. Simmons
"You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in  
common. They don't alter their views to fit the facts. They alter the  
facts to fit the views, which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be  
one of the facts that needs altering."

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Re: .mac not Syncing issues

2008-05-21 Thread David G. Simmons

Hash: SHA1

On May 21, 2008, at 10:46 AM, Phil Emery wrote:


The new items I've added over the weekend in my Yojimbo at home are  
not showing up on my work machine.

I've reset the sync info (Yojimbo only) but still the new items are  
not showing up.

I can't seem to find anything on the Barebones support section about  

any ideas what's gone wrong?

Running 10.4.11


I posted a similar problem last week, to no response. I'm running  
10.5.2 though. Oddly, after repeated resets/re-syncs, etc. it  
mysteriously fixed itself and began syncing again.

- --
David G. Simmons
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Odd sync problem

2008-05-15 Thread David G. Simmons

Hash: SHA1

I am having something odd with sync going on ... a specific Yojimbo  
item (a pdf) is not showing up on one machine, een though it is on the  
other. I even tried a 'reset sync items' and replaced the Yojimbo data  
on machine 2 with the data from machine 1, and still the offending pdf  
does not show up.

Is there some weird thing about pdfs not syncing??

- --
David G. Simmons
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Re: Tag Collections not treated the same as 'regular' Collections (was: The Real Issue With Nested Folders and Multiple Databases.)

2008-05-05 Thread david
Bill - good question  and the answer becomes more complex as our  
ability to search on tags becomes more complex. A tag collection with  
one tag item or a multiple search involving AND it would be pretty  
easy to alert the user to the definition and offer to append the  
collection tags, change the dropped items to have those tags, or  
cancel. But if the tag collection involves an OR search all bets are  


On May 5, 2008, at 11:45 AM, Bill Rowe wrote:

On 5/5/08 at 7:23 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paulo Diniz) wrote:

I think that it would be natural to expect either that if you drag
an item into a tag collection, it would be automatically tagged as
to fit in that collection.

What would happen if the tag collection had several tags associated  
with it? Would you assign all of the available tags to an item  
dragged to that collection? This certainly wouldn't be what I would  
want in general. And if you don't have all of the tags assigned to  
the dragged item, how would you have Yojimbo decide which tags to  
assign to the item?

I believe there are good reasons for not having tags automatically  

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Re: The Real Issue With Nested Folders and Multiple Databases.

2008-05-03 Thread david
I do have to respectfully disagree with the idea of a *correct*  

I’m not saying it doesn’t exist or can’t be part of a larger
organizational system. I just think this method can easily (and often
does) break down when a second user is introduced to the system.

Within the context of Yojimbo this argument has no meaning. Yojimbo  
isn't a shared program so we are free to put things - or tag them -  
however we choose - unless you are suggesting that two people are  
sharing a single account. And that is a recipe for all kinds of  

But let me go further. I really fail to see how tags are any better in  
the context of your argument. Whether I am tagging or filing in  
folders, if someone new is added to the mix they have to learn the  
system. Both Yojimbo and the Finder fail miserably when it comes to  
tags in this respect - neither provide a convenient way to see a  
master list of tags AND the files associated with them. (At least  
Yojimbo gives me a master list in Preferences but then I have to close  
Preferences and search on a couple tags.)  When I open a folder I can  
see a group of files that are (at least in my case) named  
descriptively and color coded. But since the Finder and Yojimbo don't  
make it easy to both browse tags AND the files associated with them, I  
don't think tags are superior to folders. Give Yojimbo an interface  
similar to Leap which DOES provide a list of tags and immediate  
feedback on the files with that tag and your argument takes on greater  
force. But not now.

As far as I can see, Tags have two major advantages over folders (1) I  
can give one file a multitude of tags whereas I can (conveniently)put  
a file in only one folder and (2) a tagged file is virtually  
hierarchical whereas a file inside a nested folder is physically  
hierarchical. The advantage is that I can quickly and easily change  
the tagged files hierarchy by changing my search criteria but a file  
in nested folders has to be physically moved.

These advantages are nothing to be sneezed at but I'd also argue that  
one of the reasons that folders and nested folders have worked for so  
long isn't just a matter of habit but also because human beings are  
spacial thinkers. Folders provide a spacial context - tags don't.

Thankfully Yojimbo provides an easy means to export data. My solution  
at present is quite workable, though I wish I didn't have this added  
step. I collect and tag in Yojimbo. When I'm ready to start arranging  
my collection - because I am a spacial thinker - I export the data by  
tagged collections and import it into DevonThink Pro. And here's an  
irony for you - having imported the data into DTP - I don't use nested  
folders - I simply import the data into folders just as they were  
exported by tags. Since DevonThink Professional lets me have multiple  
databases, I can use un-nested folders. The biggest reason I find a  
need for nested folders in Yojimbo is because everything is all  
jumbled together in one huge library. 

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Re: The Real Issue With Nested Folders and Multiple Databases.

2008-05-02 Thread david
Perhaps there's a context within which the paragraph below explains  
how tags are superior to folders but it eludes me. I'm not arguing  
that tags don't have value and aren't at times more valuable than  
folders, but this paragraph doesn't explain it to me.

Folders don’t address how a group of individuals identify with a piece
of information. You may remember the photo by the name of the
‘Pizzeria’. Your wife may remember it by ‘Times Square’. Your kids  

type a search for ‘extra cheese’. Do none of those make sense to you?
They don’t have to. They only need to be meaningful to the person
searching for the information at that point in time. Anyone and  

at home and at work can identify information any way they want without
stepping on someone else’s toes or creating numerous folders and
versions of the same file. This is why I find it a little strange
whenever someone posts a need to limit the tags they use. Why?

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Re: Happy with Yojimbo the way it is!

2008-05-01 Thread david
It's partly inertia - using what you know. The Finder has nested  
folders, we all understand nested folders. We understand how to use  
nested folders to solve a problem...ergo we ask for nested folders to  
solve similar problems in Yojimbo.

Frankly, until I started using tags in the Finder I didn't see tags as  
a solution to a problem - I saw them as solutions in search of a  
problem. Further, until Leopard I - and frankly until Leopard and  
HoudahSpot - I didn't start using tags. So seeing tags as a solution  
to my Yojimbo tasks took a while.

But to go even one step further, Folders are more "in your face" and  
tags are more retiring and shy. (What the heck does he mean by that?)  
In the old Finder days I'd get or create a file and have to decide  
where to put it. Okay, so it is a work file - I already have  a folder  
called work. That's easy. Hey, I have five folders inside Work and the  
file fits best inside Requisitions. Problem solved.

New style I have to remember that I have tags called Work and  
Requisitions. Thankfully Yojimbo does autocompletion in the Tags  
Inspector which works well - if I remember that the tag was called  
Work as opposed to North Campus Office. Since Tags aren't in my face  
the way a nested folder is when I open the file selector, I have to  
think a little more, plan a little better, and sometimes go looking.  
It irritates me no end when I discover that I have half a dozen  
documents with one tab and a couple more with a different tab that  
means the same thing.

Even now I'm not convinced that tabs are the logical replacement for  
nested folders. A useful tool, yes - but a replacement? I'm not  
convinced yet. But since this is the only complaint I have about  
Yojimbo I stick with it. However I have also let the developers know  
in no uncertain terms that when/if a program comes along that fits as  
well as Yojimbo and offers nested folders, I may well be outa here.


On May 1, 2008, at 3:16 PM, Scott J. Lopez wrote:

for the people asking for nested folders, how could tags not help you
instead? instead off

[Some things]
[Sub-Some things]

you could set up tags:


Then just search on those tags? Even better, you could (creating a
mess) have something in two "sub folders" at the same time using this
method, eliminating duplicates.

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Yojimbo doesn't give us
nested folders, but you can work around that with creative thinking.

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Re: Happy with Yojimbo the way it is!

2008-04-30 Thread David G. Simmons

Hash: SHA1

Well, if anyone wants to switch to SOHO notes, Ill sell you my family  
pack license. Or exchange it for your family pack license for Yojimbo.  
I have severe buyers-remorse and wish I had bought Yojimbo instead of  


On Apr 30, 2008, at 9:57 AM, Ron Kubsch wrote:

I totally agree. It needs to have sub-folders!

Greetings, Ron

Am 30.04.2008 um 09:42 schrieb Claude:

Hi !
Yojimbo is OK but, for me, it lacks one very useful feature : you  
cannot have sub-folders. And I have now a too long list on my  
collection pane, so long that I think of working with another  
application (unfortunately).


Le 30 avr. 08 à 02:54, Keith Ledbetter a écrit :

On Apr 29, 2008, at 1:41 PM, Scott J. Lopez wrote:

I see a lot of messages out there requsting Yojimbo did a lot of
things it doesn't and I just want to tell the developers I'm quite
happy with Yojimbo the way it is.

I think Yojimbo is a fine little application, too.  It's just a  
shame that because it lacks one feature (nested collections) I had  
to delete it from my hard drive.   I keep monitoring online, and I  
keep hoping that one day that needed feature will be added.   
People with as much data as I have can't live without nested  


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- --
David G. Simmons
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Re: blogging support

2008-04-17 Thread David G. Simmons

Hash: SHA1

On Apr 17, 2008, at 9:34 AM, Jim McCarty wrote:

Robert DeLaurentis wrote:

On Apr 16, 2008, at 7:39 PM, David G. Simmons wrote:

So what I'm hoping for is that ... well, a miracle?

Sounds like Macjournal

or Journler


I have investigated all of those, with mixed results. Journler is  
dropping blog support. Plus their blog support is basically to export  
to ecto, and then re-edit in ecto. I hate doing the same thing over  
and over again. :-)

MacJournal is *only* for journaling, and I want to use SOHO Notes or  
Yojimbo for all the other features as well.

I know, I have come to realize that what I want is not out there, and  
I will ahve to use multiple tools, but I don't have to be happy about  
it. :-)

- --
David G. Simmons
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Re: blogging support

2008-04-16 Thread David G. Simmons

Hash: SHA1

On Apr 16, 2008, at 10:48 PM, Rich Siegel wrote:

On 4/16/08 at 10:39 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David G. Simmons) wrote:

Good point. I should be more clear. I have been, for a while,  trying
to find *one* tool where I could take notes, collect things, and then
*poof* ship them off to my blog without a lot of contortions.

We don't currently have any plans for anything like that. Maybe  
MarsEdit? <http://www.red-sweater.com/marsedit/>.

I already use ecto, which is a fine blogging client, but I was really  
hoping for a single app ...

- --
David G. Simmons
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Re: blogging support

2008-04-16 Thread David G. Simmons

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On Apr 16, 2008, at 10:21 PM, Charlie Garrison wrote:

Good afternoon,

On 16/4/08 at 9:51 PM -0400, David G. Simmons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Does anyone know whether or not Yojimbo will have built-in blogging  
support soon? And if so, what kind?

Anyone who knows won't be able to say. In might be more beneficial  
for you to explain what sort of support you're looking for. Just  
saying 'built-in blogging support' is very ambiguous. I use blosxom  
for blogging, and Yojimbo already has support for that (since it  
handles plain text quite nicely).

Good point. I should be more clear. I have been, for a while,  trying  
to find *one* tool where I could take notes, collect things, and then  
*poof* ship them off to my blog without a lot of contortions.  While  
SOHO Notes has integration with the Atom API,  my blog server  
currently does not (though it is promised).   It uses the MetaWeblog  

So what I'm hoping for is that ... well, a miracle?

- --
David G. Simmons
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blogging support

2008-04-16 Thread David G. Simmons

Hash: SHA1

Does anyone know whether or not Yojimbo will have built-in blogging  
support soon? And if so, what kind?

- --
David G. Simmons
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Re: Changing collection icons (was Re: Enhancements)

2008-04-15 Thread David G. Simmons

Hash: SHA1

On Apr 15, 2008, at 1:10 PM, Jim DeVona wrote:
On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 12:49 PM, Jim Correia  

The icons for folder and tag collections can be customized. (In  
much the

same way that you can in the Finder.)

- Select the tag/folder collection
- Open the Inspector
- Click on the icon
- Paste a custom icon

I did not know that. Very cool!

For some versions of .icns files. For others, not so much ...



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- --
David G. Simmons
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Re: Enhancements

2008-04-15 Thread David G. Simmons

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On Apr 15, 2008, at 11:54 AM, Michael Klouda wrote:
I love Yojimbo and although I often want more from all my  
applications I find that Yojimbo does a tremendous amount for me  
easily and without the features that have been discussed here  
recently. However, as I use the tool more and more I find that there  
are a few items I would really love to have available. They are:

1) The ability to create a check box next to any list items so that  
if my notes include to do lists I can check them off. Currently I  
use a method where i italicize any work in progress in a list, bold  
any priority items and change the color to grey when they are  
completed. I use Yojimbo for my GTD application.


2) Hierarchical folder structure. I like getting organized and items  
in notes in collections in folders would be beneficial


3) iPhone version so that I can have my collection on my phone, make  
updates and sync back to my desktop version. This would be a killer  
app for me at this point.

Can I go +100? :-)

4) Ability to easily change folder/other icons.

- --
David G. Simmons
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Re: Attach a file?

2008-01-26 Thread david
The idea of the license file, unfortunately seems to be catching on.  
With each new application that adopts *only* the license file option,  
I've been writing a polite but firm letter to the developer indicating  
my displeasure at the inconvenience of the method - particularly if  
the developer doesn't use an automated (and immediate) method for  
resending the license file. I've also taken to looking at competing  
products, when they exist, and informing the developer that this is an  
unwanted feature that can push me toward the competing product.

Meanwhile, I do have three programs that utilize only this unfortunate  
method of serialization. I've created a folder where I keep these  
files and in Yojimbo, I create a serial number item as usual, and then  
remind myself that the serial is a file in the folder. Since I  
use .Mac I keep a copy of the serial files there too.

It isn't a satisfactory solution and if Yojimbo is to continue to be a  
viable serial keeper, perhaps a new feature is needed.


On Jan 26, 2008, at 10:26 AM, Jeff Berg wrote:

I guess this falls somewhere between a feature request and wondering  
if anyone can suggest a better workaround. I use Yojimbo to maintain  
my software serial number database (amongst other things.) This  
database has been around for some time and was migrated from  
Appleworks to Excel before finding it's current home in Yojimbo.   
The "problem" is that I have a couple of software products that use  
license files rather than serial numbers. I currently put a download  
URL (if relevant) and a note pointing to a file path on machine  
within the Yojimbo record but I'd really like to be able to attach a  
copy of the file itself. I realize this opens a bunch of doors and  
isn't in essence something that Yojimbo is intended for so a feature  
request is not likely to be fulfilled. And I will be amongst the  
first to rail on against "feature creep" in Yojimbo--much of its  
beauty in its simplicity. To that end, does anyone have a more  
elegant solution than the one I'm using?

Thank you.

Hit the road hard enough road gonna hit you back.
   -- Eileen Quinn, Hit The Road

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Re: Question re Palm/Treo sync

2007-12-13 Thread David Aronsohn

On Dec 12, 2007, at 9:25 AM, Mark Hessman wrote:

One other question: often I select what I want and bring up the  
Quick Input window without remembering to hit Copy.  The last thing  
in my clipboard shows up.  I hit escape, hit Copy to put the  
intended new item onto the clipboard, bring up the QUick Input panel  
again... and I get the same old clipboard item shown ("Your previous  
information has been preserved") plus the AutoFill button if I want  
to update the Quick Input window with what I've just copied.  This  
is a real inconvenience, especially because the window is all the  
way over on the right side of the screen.

Is there a way to either turn off that "Previous info has been  
preserved" option, or to dismiss the Quick Input window in a way  
that won't activate that option the next time?

Not really that I know of.. but you can either use apple + shift + a  
to fill with the current contents of the clipboard without having to  
worry about that troublesome mouse. It's the standard auto fill  
keyboard shortcut for some other programs as well.

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Re: Strange PDF import behavior with Yojimbo 1.5

2007-12-11 Thread David Aronsohn

It is a third party plugin downloaded from here, 
If you have never installed it than it should not be a worry at all.

On Dec 10, 2007, at 3:10 AM, Johan™Strandberg wrote:

This is pretty serious (I heavily rely on PDF's not being  
distorted). Where is PDF2RTFService located and who provides it?


On Dec 9, 2007 7:30 AM, Alan Rogers < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Dec 8, 2007 11:23 AM, John Stephens < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Posted 2007-12-07 09:17:19 by Alan Rogers:
> Same behavior here, also with 10.4.11. PDFs are coverted to text  

It seems that the problem for me was a Service called PDF2RTFService.
Apparently PDF2RTFService spotlights a bug in 1.5. PDF2RTFService is
useful for the thing that it does, but Yojimbo is more important to
me. I archived PDF2RTFService and removed it, restarted, and Yojimbo
completely recovered.

Same here after some  correspondence with Barebones support.

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Re: SyncTogether? or other LAN sync apps (other than .Mac)

2007-11-30 Thread David Morton
On Nov 26, 2007 12:14 PM, TjL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm looking at SyncTogether for LAN syncing of Yojimbo

I bought it the day it was launched - before there was a trial version
- and it has never worked.

Every attempt at sync ends with a crash. Sometimes it just quits,
other times I get this error message:
which doesn't really inspire confidence in the code.

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cross-linking yojimbo items to objects in other apps

2007-11-26 Thread David Duff
ideally, i'd like to be able to link from other objects in my toolset  
(omnifocus tasks, ical events, email messages, misc finder documents,  
address book contacts, etc.) bidirectionally to yojimbo, such that i  
could be looking at an item (like a yojimbo note) and could jump to  
for example a contact or vice versa.

one step toward this ideal is hinted at by the presence of the "copy  
item link" feature in the edit menu of yojimbo.

a current problem that i am trying to solve is to find some way of  
keeping track of a large body of "contract-centric" information -  
that is, lots of contacts, and for each contact, a set of semi- 
structured (date, text) notes which are linked to contacts which  
might comprise a history of interactions with an individual.   it  
would be nice if i could use yojimbo as the notes component in a  
suite of apps that i use to attack this problem.

using address book.app is a semi-requirement, since for various  
subsets of these contacts, i need to send email, create groups,  
communicate via IM, print envelopes, ...i also would like to keep  
the list of contacts sync'd with my pda.thus, using the central  
mac os store for contacts seems to make sense.

i believe that this cross-linkage should be possible because i have  
seen versions of it done in other applications.  for example,  
mailtags succeeds in cross-linking between email messages and ical  
events/tasks.   i'd like for yojimbo to be able to do something  
similar.   i'm not sure whether the linked objects should  
conceptually be considered part of the meta-data of the yojimbo item,  
i.e., along with dates, tags, comments, label, or part of the content  
of the yojimbo item, i.e. like a hyperlink or an image or other  
object that is embedded in the body.   perhaps the links should  
simply be hyperlinks and nothing more - including "special"  
hyperlinks akin to "x-yojimbo-item://32340234".   the links could be  
created at object creation time (i.e. by a script such as "create a  
new yojimbo note linked to this contact"), via drag/drop type  
operations, or perhaps via a contact selector mechanism to be added  
to yojimbo (analagous to the "address panel" function in mail.app.

what doesn't seem to work as it should:

i should be able to copy a link from yojimbo and paste it into one of  
my contact's "URL" fields, then i could navigate from the contact to  
a yojimbo item containing a note or multiple notes about a contact.   
when i try to open a yojimbo link in address book, it doesn't work.   
address book seems to mis-interpret the text i use for the link and  
it thinks it needs to prepend "http://"; to the front of it.this  
issue seems to have been discussed on the yojimbo-talk list  
previously, but afaik the discussion did not lead to a solution to  
the problem.

what's missing:

ability for yojimbo to link to other objects such as contacts.   the  
same would apply for linking to email messages, ical events, files in  
the filesystem, etc.

example: drag an address book contact into a yojimbo note and some  
kind of link (?) gets added to the note that you can click on to  
navigate back to the original item.

any thoughts or suggestions on tools or techniques?   any chance  
yojimbo would grow to support this task at some point or would this  
be considered completely out of scope?

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Re: Using Yojimbo with Spaces

2007-11-02 Thread David Nedrow

On Nov 1, 2007, at 1:01 PM, Gabriel Schwartz wrote:

I just wanted to pass on a hint that may be useful for those that  
use the Yojimbo drop dock, and would like it to appear in every  
Space.  I seem to have this working:

6) Restart Yojimbo, and the drop dock should be now be available  
from all your Spaces (it is for me, at least!)

Hmmm, this is close. The drop dock does appear on the other space, but  
now does no show on 1 when I switch back. Have you seen the same  


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Re: Time Machine?

2007-10-31 Thread david
My database is quite large. I've removed it from the TimeMachine  
backup list and it is one of a dozen or so files/folders that I use  
DejaVu to back up once a day. That is good enough for me given that  
for Yojimno each of my computers is also syncing every hour.


On Oct 31, 2007, at 8:25 AM, Kenneth Kirksey wrote:

You can change the Time Machine backup interval from 1 hour to  
whatever value you want by hacking the plist file. See the hint at:


For me, a backup every 12 or 24 hours will suffice.

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a terribly difficult lesson to learn.

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Re: Leopard trouble

2007-10-27 Thread david
Thanks Patrick, good to know it does work. I'll be keeping my desktop  
and notebook up and running most of today on the same table so I can  
test out a few things and hopefully get it working again.

On Oct 27, 2007, at 10:39 AM, Patrick Gilmour wrote:

Did a clean install. Turned on Mac syncing on the clean machine to  
"Every Hour" (same on older machines).
Waited. Nothing. Waited. Nothing. Then... it worked. 100% good. So  
maybe give it a little time if you're having syncing issues.


On Oct 27, 2007, at 9:30 AM, david wrote:

After cloning my MacBook I installed Leopard last night using the  
Archive & Install method. (A note of caution: when the installer  
says there is one minute leftit lies like a cheap rug!) I've  
had no problems except that Yojimbo syncing fails. Given the  
changes to Leopard's sync services, I'm guessing that's one of the  
areas BB will be working on.


On Oct 27, 2007, at 8:12 AM, Thomas Andersson wrote:

Anyone else experiencing trouble in Leopard? Here Y. is acting  
very strange. For example, I can't open preferences.

/Thomas Andersson

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Re: Leopard trouble

2007-10-27 Thread david
After cloning my MacBook I installed Leopard last night using the  
Archive & Install method. (A note of caution: when the installer says  
there is one minute leftit lies like a cheap rug!) I've had no  
problems except that Yojimbo syncing fails. Given the changes to  
Leopard's sync services, I'm guessing that's one of the areas BB will  
be working on.


On Oct 27, 2007, at 8:12 AM, Thomas Andersson wrote:

Anyone else experiencing trouble in Leopard? Here Y. is acting very  
strange. For example, I can't open preferences.

/Thomas Andersson

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Re: Leopard Compatibility

2007-09-28 Thread David Nedrow

On Sep 28, 2007, at 7:46 AM, Ross Winn wrote:

While I understand that General discussion about new releases is
limited by various agreements, however my question is about the
current version.

Has Yojimbo been extensively tested with the various Leopard builds,
and does BB anticipate the need for a maintenance release?

Since this doesn't give any NDA info related specifically to Leopard,  
I can say that I've been running Yojimbo without a problem for some  
time on my Leopard seeds. I imagine most of the well known Mac  
developers are part of the seed program.


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Re: iPhone sync

2007-07-11 Thread David Nedrow

On Jul 11, 2007, at 1:26 PM, Steve Drach wrote:

 This feature is high on my wishlist too--be sure to ping Apple  
with your request because until they open up third party  

Just out of curiosity, what iPhone application will be used to view  
the synced Yojimbo data?

I think that was the point Jeff was making. Unless and until Apple  
decides to allow actual app development for the iPhone, it's going to  
be near impossible for something like Yojimbo to be used with it  
(either fully or just data view) without some type of online web  

I suppose one way to do it would be to sync to .Mac (or another web  
server) and then have an Ajax frontend posted as well. Then you could  
use Safari to at least get a static view of most Yojimbo items.


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Copy as HTML

2007-06-23 Thread David Chartier
Right now I'm running both Yojimbo and Journler, primarily because I  
write most of my blog posts in Journler due to its handy Edit > Copy  
as HTML command. I can link up everything I need, copy as HTML and  
paste it into a code view in our CMS; easy breeze.

Does Yojimbo have a command like this? Is it a possibility for a  
future version?

David Chartier
My work:
professional blogger, The Unofficial Apple Weblog: http://www.tuaw.com
Assistant Lead Editor, Download Squad: http://DownloadSquad.com

My play:
1FPS: http://www.dcharti.com/blog/
Vox: http://dcharti.vox.com

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Drop Dock Question

2007-06-16 Thread David Kelley
Is it possible to have tag collections show up in the Drop Dock? I've  
looked in the Help and the Drop Dock preferences and haven't seen  
this issue covered.


David Kelley


2007-06-08 Thread David Nedrow

On Jun 8, 2007, at 16:16, Bobbie wrote:

Is there somewhere an app, applet, script or smart folder mechanism  
that will read in a PNG file, create a new PDF, place the PNG into  
the PDF, and write it out? Preferably able to do this in batch  
mode? I have a lot of data saved as PNG files, many residing in  
DEVONthink -- and more PNGs just waiting for me -- and it would be  
great to find a quick'n'easy way to get them into Yojimbo.

Well, one way would be to open the image file in Preview and then  
"Print->Save PDF to Yojimbo".

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Re: Baffled by non-synchronizing synching

2007-06-05 Thread David Nedrow

On Jun 5, 2007, at 12:10, Ted Wood wrote:

A long shot, but are the date and timezone settings correct on both  

Heh, I hadn't specifically checked that but good idea. Yes, both  
machines are set to the same time/date/TZ and are both syncing from  
Apple's timeservers.


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Baffled by non-synchronizing synching

2007-06-05 Thread David Nedrow
I currently run Yojimbo 1.4.2(46) on two machines, an iBook G4 and a  
PowerMac G5. Both are OS X 10.4.9.

My primary "working" machine is the iBook, hence most of my items are  
created there. I currently have ~373 items in Yojimbo on the iBook.  
However, Yojimbo on the G5 only shows 299.

I've tried the suggestion re: sync issues in the Yojimbo FAQ(s), but  
to no avail. I've even unregistered both machines (from .Mac),  
deleted all of the Yojimbo user files (caches, db, etc.) and re- 
sync'd. Same issue. I only get 299 of the items that I have on the  
iBook. Interestingly enough, the newest item that shows up on the G5  
is from February 23, 2007, even though I add items frequently on the  
iBook. I have no idea what the significance of 23 Feb is in re: my  

This is really irksome. ;)

Anyone have any ideas as to what may be wrong/happening?


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Re: Folders/Tag-collections

2007-05-25 Thread david

You were obviously watching the wrong channel -

The scene: a man breezes into a hardware store carrying a hammer in  
one hand and a screw in the other. He walks up to the customer  
service desk with a perplexed look on his face:

Man: I sent my wife in yesterday with this odd hexigonal screw to get  
a screw driver so I could put together the ikea desk we bought. The  
clerk sold her this hammer.

Clerk: Well, it will work won't it?

He takes hammer and screw from the man and proceeds to hammer the  
screw into the service desk.

Clerk: See? It works perfectly!

Man: Uh, right.

The man turns around and walks out shaking his head sadly at the  
state of customer service in the store.

Man: I wonder it there's intelligent life on Mars. I fear there's  
none here on earth.

On May 25, 2007, at 10:15 AM, Kenneth Kirksey wrote:

Some of the comments in this thread have been along the lines of
"Well I can find what I'm looking for amongst my 200 Bajillion items
in moments - and, look Ma, no collections, ain't I grand". Well,
great for you, but there are other ways of reviewing data than
knowing what you want and extracting it with aplomb from a big messy
pile. There is a very good reason why this is useful and why
organising these collections better would be even more useful�  

The scene: A man storms angrily into a hardware store, carrying a  
hammer in one hand an a screw in the other. He stomps up to the  
customer service desk and proceeds to give the clerk a good tongue  

Man: This hammer you sold me isn't fully featured! It doesn't do  
what I want a hammer to do!

Clerk: (looking perplexed) What doesn't it do?

Man: It won't drive this (holds up philips head screw) into wood!  
Where do you get off selling me a hammer that doesn't do everything  
I want it to do!

Clerk: (looking even more perplexed). Sir, hammers are for driving  
nails, not screws. We've got nails if you'd like to use your  
hammer, or we can sell you a screwdriver to use with your screws.  
There are plenty of options, but you can't drive a screw with a  

Man: Dammit, I don't want nails or a screwdriver! I want to drive  
these screws with this hammer! What's wrong with you people! How do  
you even keep customers? If a customer wants a hammer that will  
drive screws, then dammit, you give them a hammer that will drive  
screws! I don't care what the hammer was designed to do, I want it  
to do what I WANT IT TO DO!

Clerk: (now afraid that he's talking to a bat-s**t crazy lunatic)  
Sir, the manager's office is right over that way...

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Bromidic though it may sound, some questions don't have answers,  
which is

a terribly difficult lesson to learn.

~~ Katharine Graham


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Disappearing drop dock

2007-05-05 Thread David Nedrow
Is anyone else having a problem in which the drop dock simply  

Quitting and restarting Yojimbo does not cause the dock to reappear.  
Strangely, sometimes it will be there.

Any ideas?


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Feature Request: Drag-n-Drop images

2007-04-08 Thread David Conrad
Not sure if this has been covered in past discussions, but I'd love  
to cast a vote for the ability to drag images from a Web browser  
directly into either the drop-dock or the Yojimbo application without  
having to create a note to contain it. That's not a currently  
supported feature, correct?

As a designer I'm constantly collecting ideas/inspiration in the form  
of images from the web. It's nice to have these stored "off-line"  
instead of a URL because I can arrange and sort things visually if  
need be. Currently I just have a big directory of files, but I'd love  
to have them in jimbo.


David Conrad

Design Commission

121 Prefontaine Pl. S.
Seattle, WA 98104

Office- 206.223.7709
Mobile- 206.349.5477


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Re: Forums = NO!

2007-04-07 Thread David Chartier

On 4/5/07, Jan Pieter Kunst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I find that mailing lists + gmail = more or less like a lightweight
forum. You have search capabilitities and threads, and none of the
avatar nonsense.

The more I think about it, I agree with this sentiment. Email is like
a forum that comes to me, making it a lot easier to peruse what's
going on, participate only when I want/need to and *not* have to
bumble through another annoying website registration (on a sidenote:
it's too bad sites aren't adopting OpenID more quickly).

Melikes the Gmail, too.

David Chartier
My work:
professional blogger, The Unofficial Apple Weblog: http://www.tuaw.com
Assistant Lead Editor: Download Squad: http://DownloadSquad.com

My play:
1FPS: http://www.dcharti.com/blog/
Vox: http://dcharti.vox.com

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Re: Forums = NO!

2007-04-05 Thread David Chartier

Vanilla is a really lightweight and pleasant forum system to use that
was pretty much developed by people in your same bucket; they also
hate how bloated forums have become. Check out Vanilla here:


And the first place I ran into it being used, for a real world example:


Great software.

David Chartier
My work:
The Unofficial Apple Weblog: http://www.tuaw.com/
Download Squad: http://DownloadSquad.com

My play:
1FPS: http://www.dcharti.com/blog/
Vox: http://dcharti.vox.com

On 4/5/07, infrahile <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think forum thingies are completely sucky. And if anyone is on a
> slow line, they are almost unusable.

This I agree with almost completely, they tend to be over-featured
bloated monsters complete with an overbearing preponderance for large
avatar images and signatures. This needn't be the case though, these
thingies can be done in a pretty svelte manner.

> I want the info coming to me automatically like it does with email
> lists, I don't want to be forced to go off and find some www site
> somewhere, and then have to sign in, etc.


> I keep my own archives in Eudora and search from there.


> However, a handy search capability for the online archives is a
> good idea.

That's my main objection to the mailing list really - reviewing the
past discussions, this format is great for keeping up to date but I
feel that a stripped back forum with RSS feeds for updates would be
the best of both worlds.


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- dc

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Re: Syncing without .Mac and multiple databases

2007-03-25 Thread David Chartier
If you swap out a database using rooSwitch though, I worry about how  
any syncing engine - whether it's .Mac, SyncTogether or something  
else - is going to handle it. You could wind up blowing away the  
equivalent database on your other machine(s).

I don't remember what happened with our discussion about this  
previously, but this is another fundamental reason for a Yojimbo Pro  

- dc

On Mar 17, 2007, at 9:35 AM, TjL wrote:

I can't say when or if this will happen for Yojimbo but you can use  


which will allow you to easily switch between two sets of data for any
application very easily.  It costs $15 but has a 30 day trial to see
if it does what you want.



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Re: OS X10.4.9 - Syncing changes

2007-03-13 Thread David Morton

On 3/13/07, Patrick Gilmour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It's just out and has these tech notes on improved syncing...


Improves automatic iDisk syncing for customers whose .Mac username
contains a period (.).
Improves overall .Mac Sync performance.
Addresses an issue with automatic and periodic syncing as set in
the .Mac System Preferences panel.
Reduces .Mac Sync timeouts when syncing large data sets.
Prevents large amounts of Address Book data from being changed
without authorization.
Addresses an issue which could result in properly unregistering a
Addresses issues related to syncing a large number of changes to .Mac
Prevents third-party syncing applications from presenting an
extraneous initial sync alert.

found at: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=304821

For those having insurmountable issues it might be worth a go.

I have it on both machines already, and am about to re-enable the
syncing of YJ items via .mac

On a related note, I uninstalled SyncTogether 1.0.1 this evening after getting

"Unexpected error (NO ERROR CODE SUPPLIED). This is probably a bug."

which was just the last straw after a month of crashes.

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Re: Syncing issues

2007-03-05 Thread David Morton

On 3/5/07, Peter Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have received an offer from Mark/Space about SyncTogether. I might
be dumb, but the question not answered on their site is: do I have to
be online to sync two Macs or can I do it by connecting them via
firewire in target mode rather than on the web - and also has anyone
had experience with this program and does it work?

I bought it on the 5th of February, and - after some teething troubles
- it worked flawlessly for ten days, syncing my Yojimbo database
across my ethernet & WiFi LAN. Then it crashed, and has never worked

If I disable Yojimbo syncing it works perfectly every time, but with
Yojimbo sync enabled I get one "application SyncTogether has
unexpectedly quit" per sync attempt. MarkSpace support has made some
suggestions, but so far nothing has worked. Apparently there's a
version 1.0.1 due this week.

When it works it'll sync using Ethernet, WiFi and Firewire in
IP-over-FireWire mode, all without needing to be online.

I have no idea how you'd make it sync using FireWire target mode, and
I doubt it can work that way.

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